Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Uzupełnij podane niżej tłumaczenia.

a) Dziewczyna miała szczęscie, jako że druga nerka funkcjonowała normalnie.
The girl was lucky as the other (1) ________ .

b) Fabuła jest nierealistyczna, co jest poważną wadą dla filmu kryminalnego.
(2) ________ unrealistic, which is a serious drawback (3) ________ .

c) Ich spotkania często odbywają się w opuszczonych budynkach dla zapewnienia tajności.
(4) ________ often held in (5) ________ buildings to (6) ________ secrecy.

d) Ojciec ma niezaprzeczalne prawo do spotykania się z dziećmi po rozwodzie.
The father has (7) ________ to see his children after a (8) ________ .

e) Pompa była w kiepskim stanie, ale bezpośrednia przyczyna awarii zostanie dopiero ustalona.
The pump was in poor condition,
but (9) ________ remains to be found.

f) Słowo to jest używane tylko w

potocznym a nigdy w dokumentach oficjalnych.
The word is only used in (10) ________ , never in formal documents.

g) Szklanka była

blisko krawędzi stołu.
The glass was (11) ________ of the table.

h) Lek może wywołać uczucie suchości w ustach.
The drug may cause (12) ________ mouth.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wyróżnione grupy wyrazów zastąp tylko jednym słowem, tak by nie zmienić treści całego zdania.

a) How much money can you take from your account above what you really have on it?
How much (13) ________ are you allowed?

b) You start with drawing a line which runs parallel to ground level.
You start with drawing a (14) ________ line.

c) Archaeologists have just unearthed parts that were preserved of an 11th century church.
Archaeologists have just unearthed the (15) ________ of an 11th century church.

d) Newton was not only a scientist studying matter and energy.
Newton was not only a (16) ________ .

e) The objective is to study the Sun and the planets surrounding it.
The objective is to study the (17) ________ system.

f) The lawyer’s wife was freed
but no money was paid to the kidnappers.
The lawyer’s wife was freed but no (18) ________ was paid.

g) The Council monitors the well-being of people that are held in prisons or psychiatric institutions.
The Council monitors the well-being of (19) ________ .

h) She bought a beautiful ring made of the substance of which an elephant’s tusks are made.
She bought a beautiful ring made of (20) ________ .

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wpisz brakujące wyrazy. Każda kreska zastępuje jedną literę. Nie wolno zmienić żadnej z liter już podanych.
PRZYKLAD: Is your f a m i l y name Adams?

a) The interview was with Joe Artwell, a _ _ r _ _ _ (21) ________ member of the board of directors, who resigned in 1998 in protest against the bank’s investment policy.
b) He was highly _ r _ _ _ _ _ (22) ________ for his role in bringing about a compromise solution.
c) The teachers only _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (23) ________ the twins by dress, which the kids sometimes used in their favour.
d) The _ _ r _ _ _ _ (24) ________ about the hurricane came early enough for the villagers to protect their houses.
e) The artist uses a _ _ r _ _ _ _ (25) ________ of techniques including oil painting, stenciling and wood engraving.
f) Laura, who’s 17, thought that the film was naive, but the __ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (26) ________ , and Dave especially, were delighted.
g) While violent crimes are on the rise, the number of prison cells remains constant, which results in a gross _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (27) ________ of prisons.
h) Grey smoke appeared as sulphuric _ _ i _ (28) ________ was poured over the salt.

Przekształć podane zdania:

29. Let\'s do a swap.
30. The cup would probably fetch more in Scotland.
31. She was bewildered but unharmed.
32. Thus, looting was prevented.
33. The pressure was positively agonizing.
34. Contrary to some lay opinions, it does burn.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Uzupełnij zdania wyrażające w inny sposób treść zdań wprowadzających.
PRZYKLAD: “Hurry up, Sue,” said Mother. Mother told Sue to hurry up.

a) It is only after the recent rent increase that we started thinking that maybe we should move to a suburb.
Until the recent (35) ________ never considered (36) ________ .

b)“It’s something of a puzzle, really,” said Doctor Adams. “The marshy soil should have preserved the coins in a much better condition.”
Doctor Adams was puzzled why (37) ________ poorly.

c) The officers practically forced the man to sign the document. But they didn’t bother to translate it for him.
The old man (38) ________ made (39) ________ didn’t understand.

d) Of course, grizzlies are far more aggressive than black bears, which, scientists agree, are more peaceful than the other species of bears on the American continent.
Black bears are said (40) ________ aggressive of (41) ________ .

e) It was sunny and the captain of the tanker must have seen the rock. Why did he fail to react?
(42) ________ there (43) ________ visibility in the area, (44) ________ collision.

f) The agreement ending the strike was signed too late to prevent delays, which on most international flights are reaching six hours.
(45) ________ earlier, there (46) ________ .

g) We will have to use one of several drugs which are known to be effective against the virus. But first, the presence of the virus must be confirmed.
As long as (47) ________ .

h) As regards money, my husband doesn’t expect anyone to help him. I think this is the best policy.
In financial matters, I think, we should only rely on (48) ________ .

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Uzupełnij tłumaczenia zdań na angielski, nie zmieniając niczego we fragmentach już przetłumaczonych. Tam, gdzie w nawiasie podano, jak przetłumaczyć jakieś słowo, nie podano, w jakiej formie ma ono wystąpić w tłumaczeniu.
a) Kampania była niezwykle kosztowna i obie strony zgadzają się teraz, że

wydane na plakaty można było użyć w lepszy sposób.
The campaign was extremely costly and both sides (49) ________ on posters (50) ________ better way.

b) Moje pierwsze lata małżeńskie były trudne, bo Ron nigdy nie wiedział, dokąd będzie musiał jechać jutro ani na jak długo.
My first years of marriage (51) ________ Ron never (52) ________ .

c) Oczywiście wyślemy podziękowania do tych, których zdjęcia zostały zamieszczone [PUBLISH] w letnim numerze magazynu.
Of course, we will send our thanks (53) ________ summer issue of the magazine.

d) W tym roku, dzięki dotacji z Ministerstwa, mogliśmy zaprosić więcej artystów, łącznie z kilkoma z zagranicy.
This year, due to the grant from the Ministry, (54) ________ more artists, including some from abroad.

e) Chłopiec szybko przyzwyczaił się do tego, że zadają mu wszelkiego rodzaju pytania o jego rejs.
The boy soon (55) ________ all kinds of questions about his voyage.

f) Na razie zbadaliśmy [EXAMINE] za mało przypadków, by mieć pewność co do przyczyny.
For the time being, (56) ________ cases to be sure about the cause.

g) Coś, co miało być rutynowym lotem, zmieniło się w przerażające przeżycie dla pasażerów i załogi.
(57) ________ routine flight turned (58) ________ a frightening experience for the passengers and crew.

h) Na każdego agenta pracującego za granicą powinno być co najmniej trzech oficerów w centrali.
For every agent (59) ________ three officers in the headquarters.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wpisz w odpowiedniej formie czasowniki w nawiasach. Jeśli trzeba, dodaj czasownik modalny, ale nie dopisuj zaimków ani rzeczowników.

a) At that time, it [be] (60) ________ quite a sensation [read] (61) ________ in the local paper that the Bears’ coach [decide] (62) ________ he [have] (63) ________ enough and [offer] (64) ________ his resignation.

b) I couldn’t help [smile] (65) ________ . It [strike] (66) ________ me as odd that, while not exactly anorectic, the girl [lean] (67) ________ towards extreme slimness but her cherished cat [overfeed] (68) ________ beyond all limits.

c) d) If the boy be [be] (69) ________ known [lie] (70) ________ before, the headmaster [be] (71) ________ much firmer. [consider] (72) ________ the incident as very serious [teach] (73) ________ him that dishonesty [pay + not] (74) ________ .

e) The map, [draw] (75) ________ on a single sheet of vellum, [show] (76) ________ the world from the perspective of Jerusalem.

f) g) It [believe] (77) ________ the operation [begin] (78) ________ to bring about the desired effect. Since it [start] (79) ________ the street price of heroin [rise] (80) ________ over 350 per cent. But it is too early to claim success as a similar operation in Italy in 1998, which initially [say] (81) ________ [be] (82) ________ a breakthrough, now [seem] (83) ________ [end] (84) ________ in failure.

h) We just wanted to know when the exhibits that [restore] (85) ________ at the moment [return] (86) ________ to the main hall. Believe me, no criticism [intend] (87) ________ .

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

88. In Croatia, you will not find as many first-class slopes as in Austria, but still you will find ___________ .

1) quite few
2) the few
3) quite a few
4) just few

89. This is how we start the procedure: first, ___________ his or her partner.

1) let every member of the team chooses
2) let every member of the team to choose
3) let’s every member of the team choose
4) let every member of the team choose

90. The true nature of 11 September still escapes recognition: never before _________ so close to evil impersonated.

1) we have come
2) did we come
3) we did come
4) would we come

91. His successes _____________ down in an effort to minimize a possible impact on the younger voters.

1) have often played
2) were often played
3) might have been playing
4) did occasionally play

92. It’s logical ______________ use objective tests to grade their students’ work are considered to be fairer.

1) that teachers that
2) that the teachers which
3) that such teachers who
4) for the teachers who

93. As editor-in-chief of The Star, Goldman became __________ that he could almost decide local elections.

1) such powerful man
2) such a powerful
3) so powerful
4) so powerful man
Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. We (….) the circulation of this rumour to him

1) own
2) admit
3) owe
4) aloud

2. - Where do you come (….)? I was born in Ireland

1) from
2) away
3) away from
4) up

3. The Sahara (….) covers a great territory in Africa.

1) Desire
2) Design
3) Desert
4) Deserve

4. There where different kinds of fruits on the table: plums, (….), apples and oranges.

1) pears
2) beans
3) beetroots
4) corn

5. A good friend is someone I can (….) for help.

1) call on
2) climb up
3) attach
4) speak about

6. A person who tells an untruth is a (….).

1) light
2) liar
3) lion
4) tie

7. It’s so hot outside. I am (....).

1) firstly
2) fiercely
3) thirdly
4) thirsty

8. I will go for a walk if the weather (….) fine.

1) will be
2) would be
3) is
4) has been

9. She has (…) to highly confidential information.

1) admission
2) access
3) contact
4) addition

10. A meal without salt has no (….) for me.

1) liking
2) apetite
3) taste
4) cuisine

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. Betty (chciałaby zwiedzić) the British Museum next week.

1) wants to visit
2) would like to visit
3) likes to visit
4) will visit

2. I (interesuję się) in modern drama.

1) am interesting
2) is interested
3) be interested
4) am interested

3. They (mają) a very comfortable house.

1) has
2) 's got
3) have
4) have had

4. George (był) to the United States many times.

1) was
2) were
3) have been
4) has been

5. Tom (chce być) an actor.

1) will be
2) would like to be
3) is going to be
4) wants to be

6. Jane (czyta) a lot of books.

1) read
2) is reading
3) reads
4) has read

7. We (zamierzamy kupić) a good microwave cooker.

1) want to buy
2) are going to buy
3) would like to buy
4) intends to buy

8. He says he (umie grać) golf very well.

1) may play
2) must play
3) can play
4) has to play

9. In Kew Gardens (jest) a lot of beautiful exotic plants.

1) there is
2) are
3) is
4) there are

10. Jack (woli) swimming to skiing.

1) likes
2) prefers
3) would like
4) prefer

11. I (nie chciałbym telefonować) Dr Smith tomorrow morning.

1) don't intend to phone
2) wouldn't phone
3) don't want to phone
4) wouldn't like to phone

12. They (nie interesują się) in classical music.

1) aren't interested
2) aren't interesting
3) weren't interesting
4) weren't interested

13. Pat (nie ma) many compact discs.

1) haven't
2) don't have
3) hasn't got
4) doesn't get

14. Mr and Mrs Mackin (nie byli) to Poland yet.

1) wasn't
2) weren't
3) hasn't been
4) haven't been

15. They (nie chcą mieszkać) in Glasgow.

1) wouldn't like to live
2) doesn't want to live
3) don't want to live
4) don't live

16. Grace (nie czyta) newspapers every day.

1) won't read
2) doesn't read
3) don't read
4) isn't reading

17. (Czy chciałbyś poznać) Professor Green?

1) Do you want to meet
2) Would you like to meet
3) Will you meet
4) Didn't you want to meet

18. (Czy Frank interesuje się) in applied linguistics?

1) Is Frank interested
2) Is Frank interesting
3) Was Frank interesting
4) Was Frank interested

19. (Nie ma) any message that might interest you, I'm afraid.

1) There aren't
2) There wasn't
3) There hasn't been
4) There isn't

20. (Czy Kate woli) the theatre or the cinema?

1) Does Kate prefer
2) Does Kate like
3) Would Kate prefer
4) Will Kate prefer

21. What (chcielibyście robić) next summer?

1) do you want to do
2) are you going to do
3) did you like to do
4) would you like to do

22. How many dictionaries (oni mają)?

1) do they have
2) they have
3) are they having
4) they've got

23. (Czy Tom był) to Italy yet?

1) Had Tom been
2) Whether Tom has been
3) Was Tom
4) Has Tom been

24. When (oni chcą czytać) The Godfather?

1) they want to read
2) will they read
3) do they want to read
4) would they read

25. Where (Tom mieszka)?

1) Tom lives
2) Tom has lived
3) did Tom live
4) does Tom live

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. Why (Mary nie może pójść) to the cinema tonight?

1) Mary may not go
2) Mary can't go
3) can't Mary go
4) won't Mary go

2. Is it true that Frank (nie zamierza pisać) a letter to Kate?

1) isn't going to write
2) don't intend to write
3) wouldn't like to write
4) doesn't want to write

3. How many theatres (jest) in Edinburgh?

1) is there
2) there are
3) are there
4) there is

4. What (dr Smith zajmuje się) at the university?

1) Dr Smith is concerned with
2) is Dr Smith concerned with
3) was Dr Smith concerned with
4) Dr Smith has been concerned with

5. (Porozmawiajmy) to Professor Black after his lecture.

1) We must talk
2) Let's talk
3) We talk
4) Shall we talk

6. I wonder (czy Lucy zna) Mrs Brown.

1) does Lucy know
2) if Lucy knows
3) if Lucy would know
4) if Lucy knew

7. Yesterday (było) a meeting at the club.

1) there was
2) there has been
3) there were
4) there have been

8. (Czy mógłbyś pomóc) Jane with her German?

1) May you help
2) Can you help
3) Will you help
4) Could you help

9. What (oni robią) at the moment?

1) they do
2) do they do
3) they are doing
4) are they doing

10. (Czy John będzie) at home this time tomorrow?

1) Would John like to be
2) Is John
3) Might John be
4) Will John be

11. Why (nie ma) any dictionaries in that library?

1) there isn't
2) there aren't
3) isn't there
4) aren't there

12. I (obawiam się) I can't play bridge with you tomorrow night.

1) be afraid
2) afraid
3) 'm afraid
4) 're afraid

13. He (nie lubi spacerować) in the rain.

1) wouldn't like to walk
2) won't walk
3) don't like walking
4) doesn't like walking

14. How often (pan Ford przyjeżdża) to Warsaw?

1) will Mr Ford come
2) has Mr Ford come
3) is Mr Ford coming
4) does Mr Ford come

15. What languages (ona mówi)?

1) is she speaking
2) does she speak
3) she is speaking
4) she speaks

16. Where (oni byli) last summer?

1) they've been
2) they were
3) were they
4) have they been

17. I wonder how many times (Dick oglądał) that film.

1) Dick has seen
2) Dick saw
3) has Dick seen
4) did Dick see

18. He (musi przetłumaczyć) an article from Polish into English.

1) have to translate
2) should translate
3) must translate
4) might translate

19. (Czy zechcesz zaprosić) Frank to your party?

1) Do you want to invite
2) Are you going to invite
3) Do you feel like inviting
4) Will you invite

20. Betty says she (nie lubi) Mr Green's wife.

1) isn't like
2) wouldn't like
3) don't like
4) doesn't like

21. I wonder if (byłeś) to a concert this month.

1) you were
2) were you
3) you've been
4) have you been

22. I'd like to know how often Mr Wilson (przyjeżdża) to London.

1) come
2) is coming
3) comes
4) has come

23. In my opinion, you (powinieneś pracować) more systematically.

1) must work
2) could work
3) have to work
4) should work

24. George (nie słucha) to the radio at the moment.

1) won't listen
2) doesn't listen
3) isn't listening
4) isn't going to listen

25. Why (nie przyszedłeś) to the club yesterday afternoon?

1) you didn't come
2) didn't you come
3) haven't you come
4) you haven't come

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. I wonder if (masz ochotę na) a cup of coffee.

1) you feel like
2) do you feel like
3) would you like
4) you like

2. As far as I remember, Miss Kelly (nie chciała pojechać) to Oxford last year.

1) wouldn't like to go
2) didn't go
3) hasn't wanted to go
4) didn't want to go

3. Which (wolisz): tea or coffee?

1) you'd like
2) do you prefer
3) you prefer
4) would you like

4. I don't know where (pan Short spędza) his weekends.

1) Mr Short spends
2) does Mr Short spend
3) Mr Short is spending
4) is Mr Short spending

5. As far I know, Jane (nie umie prowadzić) a car.

1) may not drive
2) might not drive
3) couldn't drive
4) can't drive

6. Could you tell me why (nie oglądasz) television regularly?

1) you don't watch
2) you aren't watching
3) don't you watch
4) aren't you watching

7. I wonder when (Jane ma zamiar odwiedzić) her parents.

1) Jane intends to visit
2) is Jane going to visit
3) does Jane intend to visit
4) Jane would like to visit

8. (Czy nie zechce pan zamknąć) the window? It's a bit chilly in here.

1) Won't you shut
2) Couldn't you shut
3) Aren't you going to shut
4) Don't you want to shut

9. Do you know how many books (jest) in the National Library?

1) is there
2) are there
3) there is
4) there are

10. When (byliście) abroad?

1) have you been
2) were you
3) you were
4) would you be

11. I wonder why (pan Black chciałby pracować) in Nigeria.

1) would Mr Black like to work
2) will Mr Black work
3) does Mr Black want to work
4) Mr Black would like to work

12. Professor Tucker (nie ma) much time.

1) don't have
2) haven't got
3) doesn't have
4) haven't

13. When (oni chcieliby przyjechać) to Poland?

1) do they want to come
2) they want to come
3) would they like to come
4) they would like to come

14. Why (Tom nie chce zdawać) an examination in mathematics?

1) wouldn't Tom like to take
2) doesn't Tom like taking
3) Tom doesn't want to take
4) doesn't Tom want to take

15. I wonder why (Fred nie lubi czytać) historical novels.

1) Fred doesn't like reading
2) doesn't Fred like reading
3) Fred wouldn't like to read
4) wouldn't Fred like to read

16. (Czy on nie potrafi grać) the piano?

1) Won't he play
2) Wasn't he able to play
3) Can't he afford to play
4) Can't he play

17. Excuse me, (czy mogę skorzystać z) the telephone?

1) shall I use
2) do I have to use
3) may I use
4) let me use

18. (Czy Mary nie powinna napisać) a letter to Dr Taylor?

1) Doesn't Mary have to write
2) Mustn't Mary write
3) Couldn't Mary write
4) Shouldn't Mary write

19. I (nie gram) bridge tonight.

1) 'm not going to play
2) 'm not playing
3) don't want to play
4) wouldn't like to play

20. (Czy nie lubicie) Miss Granger?

1) Wouldn't you like
2) Won't you like
3) Aren't you like
4) Don't you like

21. They (nie palą) cigarettes at all.

1) don't smoke
2) aren't smoking
3) never smoke
4) wouldn't smoke

22. We'd like to know at what time (zaczynasz) your work everyday.

1) are you starting
2) do you start
3) you are starting
4) you start

23. He (musi wysłać) a telegram to his wife this afternoon.

1) have to send
2) should send
3) must send
4) may send

24. Jim says he (czytał) The Use of English by Quirk about fifteen years ago.

1) read
2) has read
3) has been reading
4) were reading

25. They (nie chcieli oglądać) television last night.

1) wouldn't like to watch
2) didn't like watching
3) didn't want to watch
4) didn't intend to watch

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. How (podobał wam się) the concert?

1) do you like
2) did you like
3) were you like
4) would you like

2. I'm sure Linda (nie rozmawiała) to Mr Brewster three days ago.

1) didn't talk
2) don't talk
3) haven't talked
4) hasn't talked

3. George (może być) at home now.

1) must be
2) may be
3) will be
4) would be

4. Excuse me, (czy mógłbym umyć) my hands?

1) can I wash
2) could I wash
3) may I wash
4) must I wash

5. What (oni robią) every afternoon?

1) they do
2) are they doing
3) they are doing
4) do they do

6. Is it true that Mike (nie musi wstawać) at 5 o'clock any more?

1) don't have to get up
2) mustn't get up
3) doesn't have to get up
4) may not get up

7. I wonder if Kate (nie powinna pojechać) to London next week.

1) shouldn't go
2) mustn't go
3) didn't have to go
4) doesn't have to go

8. When (oni chcą kupić) a flat in Edinburgh?

1) are they going to buy
2) do they want to buy
3) would they like to buy
4) do they intend to buy

9. I (nie widziałem) Jane last Saturday.

1) didn't see
2) hadn't seen
3) haven't seen
4) wouldn't see

10. Roland (nie czytał) any newspapers this week.

1) didn't read
2) weren't reading
3) haven't read
4) hasn't read

11. They (nie mogą przyjść) to our party tonight.

1) may not come
2) couldn' t come
3) can't come
4) won' t come

12. I wonder how many articles (pan Grant opublikował) in 1998.

1) has Mr Grant published
2) Mr Grant published
3) did Mr Grant publish
4) Mr Grant has published

13. Do you know what kind of films (oni lubią)?

1) they like
2) would they like
3) do they like
4) they would like

14. In this book (nie ma) any monolingual exercises.

1) isn't
2) aren't
3) there isn't
4) there aren't

15. How many cigarettes (wypalasz) every day?

1) you smoke
2) are you smoking
3) you are smoking
4) do you smoke

16. Pat (wyjeżdża) for Paris next Friday.

1) will leave
2) is leaving
3) leave
4) is going to leave

17. (Czy nie byłeś) in Budapest three months ago?

1) You haven't been
2) Weren't you
3) You weren't
4) Haven't you been

18. Could you tell me what (Tom sądzi) of my new job?

1) does Tom think
2) is Tom thinking
3) Tom thinks
4) Tom is thinking

19. Why are you so sad? I'd like to know what (myślisz) about.

1) you are thinking
2) are you thinking
3) do you think
4) you think

20. I wonder if (podoba się jej) my brother.

1) does she like
2) is she like
3) she likes
4) she is like

21. I suppose Mr and Mrs Hood (będą) in Warsaw in a few weeks.

1) would like to be
2) intend to be
3) want to be
4) will be

22. They (powinni uczyć się) foreign languages.

1) must learn
2) should learn
3) would learn
4) have to learn

23. (Czy Betty nie słucha) to the radio at the moment?

1) Isn't Betty listening
2) Doesn't Betty listen
3) Isn't Betty going to listen
4) Won't Betty be listening

24. How often (on miewa) his meetings?

1) does he have
2) has he
3) he is having
4) has he got

25. (Czy oni jedzą) lunch now?

1) Do they have
2) Are they having
3) Have they
4) Have they Got

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. I'm sure that Mr Smith (nie ma) a house in Edinburgh.

1) don't have
2) haven't
3) hasn't got
4) haven't got

2. I think you (powinieneś skontaktować się) with Dr Kelly as soon as possible.

1) must get in touch
2) got in touch
3) have to get in touch
4) should get in touch

3. Why (nie pójść) for a walk this afternoon?

1) not go
2) shouldn't we go
3) not going
4) don't go

4. (Czy wolno mi otworzyć) the window?

1) Should I open
2) May I open
3) Shall I open
4) Could I open

5. How often (George chodzi) to the theatre?

1) George goes
2) does George go
3) George is going
4) is George going

6. I (wolałbym nie pisać) a letter to Professor Taylor.

1) 'd like not to write
2) wouldn't like to write
3) 'd rather not write
4) 'd better not write

7. (Czy masz ochotę na oglądanie) television tonight?

1) Will you be watching
2) Do you want to watch
3) Are you going to watch
4) Do you feel like watching

8. Kate (wyjeżdża) for Aberystwyth the day after tomorrow.

1) leave
2) shall leave
3) is leaving
4) is to leave

9. (Czy mam przyciszyć) the radio?

1) Shall I turn down
2) May I turn down
3) Let me turn down
4) Do I have to turn down

10. Do you think Sophie's Choice by William Styron (byłby) worth reading?

1) should he
2) will be
3) would be
4) ought to be

11. I suppose Jack (nie może sobie pozwolić na kupno) a car.

1) is not allowed to buy
2) may not buy
3) won't be able to buy
4) can't afford to buy

12. They really (muszą pracować) on their English more systematically.

1) have to work
2) has to work
3) should work
4) ought to work

13. That book (nie powinna być) too difficult for you.

1) mustn't be
2) won't be
3) needn't be
4) oughtn't to be

14. On Friday (jest) a lecture on contemporary British drama at the staff club.

1) there will be
2) is
3) there is
4) there is going to be

15. Jane is sorry, but she (nie może przyjść) to the party on Tuesday.

1) won't come
2) couldn't come
3) won't be able to come
4) can't come

16. (Czy mógłbyś pomóc) Betty with her English?

1) Are you able to help
2) Could you help
3) Will you be able to help
4) Can you help

17. (Niech Kate opowie) us about her adventures in Canada.

1) Let Kate tell
2) Let Kate say
3) Kate should tell
4) Kate must say

18. Last Friday Mr Brown said he (jest) very tired.

1) was
2) is
3) has been
4) would be

19. Mr and Mrs Brown (byli) to Los Angeles twice this year.

1) were
2) have been
3) has been
4) had been

20. I wonder what (sądzisz) of Mary Clark?

1) do you think
2) have you thought
3) are you thinking
4) you think

21. They (nie muszą brać udziału) in the conference on foreign language teaching.

1) mustn't take part
2) won't have to take part
3) needn't take part
4) may not take part

22. Jane (chyba musi być) in Scotland now.

1) has to be
2) must be
3) may be
4) should be

23. We (możemy mieć) the book George is looking for.

1) may have
2) must have
3) should have
4) ought to have

24. (Gdybym był na twoim miejscu), I'd start learning French.

1) If I would be you
2) If I was you
3) If I were you
4) If I be you

25. (Nie wolno mu palić) so many cigarettes.

1) He needn't smoke
2) He can't smoke
3) He mustn't smoke
4) He doesn't have to smoke

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. (Czy będziesz mógł przetłumaczyć) that paper of mine into English?

1) Are you able to translate
2) Can you translate
3) Will you be able to translate
4) Could you translate

2. Mr Blackstone (jest) in Warsaw since September.

1) is
2) have been
3) was
4) has been

3. George couldn't go to the concert last night, because he (musiał pisać) an essay.

1) must write
2) had to write
3) must have written
4) has had to write

4. I think Fred (zatelefonuje) you tomorrow afternoon.

1) would phone
2) will phone
3) shall phone
4) is going to phone

5. Mary (nie musi zdawać) an examination in French this semester.

1) doesn't have to take
2) mustn't take
3) won't have to take
4) won't take

6. They (byli) in Switzerland seven years ago.

1) have been
2) was
3) were
4) had been

7. Why (oni nie przyjechali) to Poland last summer?

1) they didn't come
2) didn't they come
3) they haven't come
4) weren't they coming

8. It's time (żebyśmy zjedli) lunch.

1) we had
2) we have
3) we will have
4) we should have

9. Jane said (że nie podoba się jej) the performance.

1) she didn't like
2) she wouldn't like
3) she doesn't like
4) she wasn't like

10. As far as I know, Mr Green (pisze) a new book.

1) was writing
2) writes
3) is writing
4) has written

11. In two hours Tom (będzie oglądał) television.

1) is going to watch
2) will be watching
3) would be watching
4) is watching

12. Who (ciebie widział) at the club last night?

1) did you see
2) have you seen
3) has seen you
4) saw you

13. I'd rather (żebyś nie robił) that exercise.

1) you didn't do
2) you don't do
3) you wasn't doing
4) you haven't done

14. Mrs Firth (czyta) The Godfather for a few days now.

1) reads
2) is reading
3) has read
4) has been reading

15. (Niewykluczone, że Jack pojedzie) to New York in a couple of months.

1) Jack is likely to go
2) Jack might go
3) Jack will be able to go
4) Jack may have gone

16. What (Kate robiła) from two to four yesterday afternoon?

1) was Kate doing
2) Kate did
3) has Kate been doing
4) Kate was doing

17. (Czy zechciałby pan włączyć) the radio, please.

1) Do you switch on
2) Will you switch on
3) Do you mind switching on
4) Would you switch on

18. My impression is that Jane (zna) Mr Marlowe for a long time.

1) know
2) knows
3) have known
4) has known

19. We knew Mr and Mrs Grant (nie mają zamiaru sprzedawać) their flat in St. John's Wood.

1) aren't going to sell
2) didn't want to sell
3) weren't going to sell
4) don't intend to sell

20. I was sure Mr Ford (jest) at home for at least three hours.

1) is
2) has been
3) was
4) had been

21. In my opinion, you (powinieneś był wysłać) a telegram to your boss yesterday morning.

1) should send
2) ought to send
3) should have sent
4) must have sent

22. I'd like (żeby oni się uczyli) foreign languages.

1) they studied
2) they'd study
3) them to study
4) them study

23. (Niemożliwe, żeby pan Taylor pracował) in the laboratory now.

1) Mr Taylor may not be working
2) Mr Taylor can't be working
3) Mr Taylor might not be working
4) Mr Taylor isn't likely to be working

24. I am sure Jim (uzyska) his M. A. degree by the end of this academic session.

1) will have taken
2) would take
3) is likely to take
4) would have taken

25. I'm afraid they (nie są w stanie zrozumieć) Mary.

1) are unable to understand
2) couldn't understand
3) may not understand
4) won't be able to under stand

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadającej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

P r z y k ł a d:
Betty (nie chce poślubić – marry) Tom.
Betty doesn't want to marry Tom.

(Czy George umie grać – play) bridge?
Can George play bridge?

UWAGA: System uznaje za poprawne tylko i wyłącznie formy skrócone (isn't, I'll, you're).

1. You (powinniście uczęszczać – attend) (1) ________ your English classes regularly.
2. I (nie byłem na – be) (2) ________ any interesting lectures lately.
3. That (chyba musi być – be) (3) ________ Mr Smith.
4. Jane (nie wolno palić – smoke) (4) ________ cigarettes.
5. They (nie potrzebują jeździć – go) (5) ________ to Newcastle every week.
6. John (jest w stanie skończyć – complete) (6) ________ his experiment by the end of next month.
7. I hope Miss Green (przyjedzie – come) (7) ________ to Warsaw in a few weeks.
8. That exercise (byłoby – be) (8) ________ too difficult for Kate.
9. The gentleman you (poznałeś – meet) (9) ________ at Betty's party is a very good chess player.
10. I suppose you (znasz – know) (10) ________ Professor Hurford for a long time.
11. Fred couldn't go to the pictures last night, because he (musiał pisać – write) (11) ________ a paper.
12. Tom will be very glad if Helen (zaprosi – invite) (12) ________ him to her party.
13. As usual, Linda (nie może się zdecydować – make up) (13) ________ her mind.
14. (Czy nie telefonowałeś – phone) (14) ________ Miss Kelly yesterday afternoon?
15. It's time (żebyśmy zrobili – do) (15) ________ something about the tool shed in the garden.
16. Who and when (powiedział – tell) (16) ________ you that?
17. They didn't know Margaret (jest – be) (17) ________ in London.
18. I (będę się widział z – see) (18) ________ Dr Taylor tomorrow afternoon.
19. It (pada – rain) (19) ________ since yesterday morning.
20. What (robiłeś – do) (20) ________ last Sunday?
21. At six o'clock Tom (czytał – read) (21) ________ a book.
22. Do you mind (żebym zamknął – shut) (22) ________ the window?
23. (Czy mógłby pan włączyć – switch on) (23) ________ the television?
24. They (powinni byli zaprosić – invite) (24) ________ Professor Anderson to the conference.
25. I want (żebyś kupił – buy) (25) ________ a good dictionary while in London.
Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. There is no doubt (co do tego) (1) ________ .
2. That must have been (ktoś inny) (2) ________ .
3. Last week Professor Ferguson gave a lecture on (wartość archeologii i jej funkcja we współczesnym świecie) (3) ________ .
4. Do you always admire (erudycję i elokwencję) (4) ________ ?
5. I've decided to go there (piechotą) (5) ________ .
6. I'm sorry, but I don't remember (nazwy hotelu) (6) ________ .
7. Linda doesn't want to be seen (w towarzystwie Freda) (7) ________ .
8. Tower blocks are said to be (pewnego rodzaju rozwiązaniem problemu przestrzeni) (8) ________ in big towns.
9. John regards New York (za bezduszne pustkowie z cegły i betonu) (9) ________ .
10. What do you think of Susan? Isn't she (całkiem beznadziejna) (10) ________ ?
11. Rembrandt and Rubens belong (do tego samego okresu) (11) ________ .
12. (Czytelnia) (12) ________ is on the ground floor.
13. (Właściwie) (13) ________ , I'd better take it easy today.
14. Miss Ford spent (więcej niż pół godziny) (14) ________ sitting in front of Leonardo da Vinci's painting "The Virgin on the Rocks".
15. (Jakiego rodzaju muzykę) (15) ________ do you like best?
16. Don't you think that Mr Jones is (staromodny) (16) ________ ?
17. You must take (pełną odpowiedzialność za swe czyny) (17) ________ .
18. In my opinion, Bill is (całkowicie nieodpowiedzialny) (18) ________ .
19. People are spiteful and always ready to make up (wszelkiego rodzaju głupie historyjki) (19) ________ .
20. Betty is looking for (dobrze płatnej pracy) (20) ________ .
21. Keith has prepared (małą niespodziankę) (21) ________ for Kate.
22. I wonder if you could put the vase (z powrotem na miejsce) (22) ________ .
23. Jane has invited her friends (na obiad) (23) ________ .
24. Dr Jones couldn't come to Andrew's party last Friday (z powodu wcześniej przyjętego zobowiązania) (24) ________ .
25. Warsaw's (komunikacja miejska) (25) ________ is quite good.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w
postaci odpowiadającej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. John (chyba musiał zapomnieć - forget) (1) ________ about Kate's birthday.
2. I think you (powinieneś był porozmawiać - talk) (2) ________ to Professor Swan about your project.
3. Mr Firth (niemożliwe, żeby wyjechał - leave) (3) ________ for Canada this week without letting us know about it.
4. Is it true that Kate (była w - be) (4) ________ Japan four times by the end of 1990?
5. (Lepiej, żebyś nie telefonował - phone) (5) ________ Dr Taylor this morning.
6. I (wolałbym zjeść - have) (6) ________ lunch at
home tomorrow.
7. She has nothing against (żebyśmy grali - play) (7) ________ bridge in the garden.
8. (Czy zechcesz wyjaśnić - explain) (8) ________ that problem to me now, please?
9. George asked Susan how long she (ma - have) (9) ________ her car.
10. Mary (udało się skończyć - complete) (10) ________ her experiment last month.
11. They said they (przebywają - stay) (11) ________ in Lancaster for nearly three weeks.
12. Tom (może nie będzie musiał pracować - work) (12) ________ overtime next year.
13. We (nie musieliśmy zatrzymywać się - stop) (13) ________ in Budapest on our way back home.
14. You (niepotrzebnie wydałeś - spend) (14) ________ so much money in London.
15. Jim wanted to know if Lucy (będzie mogła skontaktować się - get in touch) (15) ________ with Dr Smith the following morning.
16. Do you want (dać swój

do wyregulowania - regulate) (16) ________ tomorrow?
17. Fred would like to write a poem (aby zaimponować - impress) (17) ________ his friends.
18. You (powinieneś był powiedzieć - tell) (18) ________ your mother when you'd be back home.
19. We should be delighted if you (zechciałbyś odwiedzić - come and see) (19) ________ us next Saturday.
20. George said he (przyjechał - come) (20) ________ to Poland at the beginning of July.
21. I'm sure Jack (przeczyta - read) (21) ________ that book by the end of next week.
22. If Betty had asked me I (pożyczyłbym - lend) (22) ________ her the dictionary she needed so badly.
23. Harry (mógłby chcieć spędzić - spend) (23) ________ his next winter holidays in the Alps.
24. Professor Green knew that Miss Taylor (nie mogła wygłosić - give) (24) ________ a talk at the staff club.
25. George (miał zaprosić - invite) (25) ________ Dr Black to take part in our conference. Let's hope he hasn't forgotten.

aznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. (Zdaje się, że pan Smith był) very busy last month.

1) Mr Smith seemed to be
2) Mr Smith seemed to have been
3) Mr Smith seems to be
4) Mr Smith seems to have been

2. Jane (mogła nie widzieć) Hamlet while in London.

1) might not see
2) may not have seen
3) couldn't see
4) couldn't have seen

3. They are supposed (że mieszkają) in Edinburgh since 1987.

1) that they live
2) to live
3) to have lived
4) they have lived

4. Tom wants to come to Warsaw (po to, żeby napisać) a book on the Royal Castle and its reconstruction.

1) so as to be able to write
2) to write
3) so that he can write
4) so that he would write

5. (Zdaje się, że Betty tłumaczy) Professor Green's recent paper into Spanish.

1) Betty seems to translate
2) Betty seems to be translating
3) Betty seems to have been translated
4) Betty seems to have translated

6. (Niemożliwe, żeby dr Ford zgubił) his watch.

1) Dr Ford can't have lost
2) Dr Ford couldn't lose
3) Dr Ford might not have lost
4) Dr Ford may not have lost

7. Mrs Black is said (że interesowała się) in Elizabethan drama before she took up sociology as her subject.

1) she had been interested
2) to be interested
3) that she was interested
4) to have been interested

8. George is going to work overtime (żeby móc kupić) a house in Aberystwyth.

1) in order to buy
2) so that he can buy
3) to buy
4) so that he would buy

9. (Zdaje się, że znasz) Dr Brown very well.

1) You seem to know
2) You seem to have known
3) You seemed to know
4) You seemed to have known

10. Jack (nie mógł przyjść) to the club last night.

1) can't have come
2) may not have come
3) couldn't come
4) couldn't have come

11. They are believed (że grają) bridge twice a week during the last ten years.

1) they have been playing
2) to play
3) to have been playing
4) to be playing

12. Jim took on an extra job last year (aby jego żona mogła pojechać) to Greece on holiday.

1) able to go so that his wife will be
2) so that his wife can go
3) so that his wife could go
4) so that his wife would go

13. They are thought (że mają) a lot of friends in Scotland.

1) to have
2) to have had
3) they have
4) they have had

14. (Zdaje się, że pan Taylor pisze) a book since last year.

1) Mr Taylor seems to write
2) Mr Taylor seems to be writing
3) Mr Taylor seems to have been writing
4) Mr Taylor seems to have written

15. Miss Jenkins (nie mogła była obrazić) Mr Bennett.

1) couldn't have offended
2) can't have offended
3) might not have offended
4) may not have offended

16. Mary is said (że czytała) a book this time last Saturday.

1) to have read
2) to have been reading
3) she was reading
4) to be reading

17. They are believed (że mieli) a cottage somewhere in the south of Scotland before the Second World War.

1) they had
2) they had had
3) to have
4) to have had

18. Mr Wilson often takes his daughter to concerts at the Royal Festival Hall (aby się przyzwyczaiła) to good music.

1) so that she can get used
2) so that she will get used
3) so that she would get used
4) so that she got used

19. Two years ago, Mrs Gray sent her son to Egypt (po to, żeby mógł zobaczyć) the pyramids.

1) to see
2) in order to see
3) so that he can see
4) so that he could see

20. (Niewykluczone, że Helen nie zatelefonowała) Mr and Mrs Stone yesterday morning.

1) Helen might not phone
2) Helen can't have phoned
3) Helen couldn't have phoned
4) Helen might not have phoned

21. You (nie musisz zażywać) those tablets so often.

1) shouldn't take
2) mustn't take
3) needn't take
4) aren't allowed to take

22. (Czy nie mogłeś był pomyśleć) of anything more interesting?

1) Couldn't you have thought
2) Couldn't you think
3) Weren't you able to think
4) Mightn't you think

23. If you had understood the joke, you (zareagowałbyś) differently.

1) would react
2) would have reacted
3) will have reacted
4) should have reacted

24. If I were you I (nie poszedłbym) to the cinema with Kate last night.

1) wouldn't go
2) shouldn't go
3) wouldn't have gone
4) oughtn't to have gone

25. We (nie jesteśmy przyzwyczajeni do wstawania) at five o'clock.

1) usedn't to get up
2) aren't used to getting up
3) didn't use to get up
4) haven't got used to getting up

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadającej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. (Czy masz ochotę na - feel) (1) ________ a cup of tea?
2. As far as I remember Miss Rogers (nie chciała poślubić - marry) (2) ________ Mr Shorter six years ago.
3. I don't know where (Sally spędza - spend) (3) ________ her summer holidays.
4. (Czy umiesz grać - play) (4) ________ tennis?
5. Could you tell me why (oni nie chcą mieć - have) (5) ________ a car?
6. I wonder when (Betty ma zamiar zdawać - take) (6) ________ an examination in philosophy.
7. Do you know when (Tom and Linda byli - be) (7) ________ in Madrid?
8. I wonder why (dr Taylor nie chciał wygłosić - give) (8) ________ a paper at the conference in Swansea.
9. (Czy byliście - be) (9) ________ in Prague two weeks ago?
10. What (robisz - do) (10) ________ this afternoon?
11. They (nie mają - have) (11) ________ much time in the evenings.
12. (Czy on nie może zrozumieć - understand) (12) ________ Jane?
13. How long (Brenda chciałaby przebywać - stay) (13) ________ in Warsaw?
14. (Czy nie znasz - know) (14) ________ Mr Smith's address?
15. Why (Fred nie lubi czytać - read) (15) ________ newspapers?
16. (Czy Jack jest - be) (16) ________ good at mathematics?
17. Excuse me, (czy mogę skorzystać - use) (17) ________ your computer?
18. I (nie muszę telefonować - phone) (18) ________ Professor Brown tomorrow morning.
19. I think you (powinieneś wyjaśnić - explain) (19) ________ that problem to your students once again.
20. They (nie grywają - play) (20) ________ chess at the club any longer.
21. (Czy nie mógłbyś powiedzieć - tell) (21) ________ me why George is so nervous?
22. In my opinion, Jim (nie powinien marnować - waste) (22) ________ so much time.
23. (Czy oni muszą wziąć udział - take part) (23) ________ in the next conference on foreign language teaching?
24. We'd like to know at what time (wracasz - come back) (24) ________ home from your office on Thursdays.
25. I wonder if Jack (widział - see) (25) ________ Fiddler on the Roof while in New York.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominięcia istotnego żadnego elementu.

1. John says that Betty feels more confident (w jego obecności) (1) ________ .
2. Let's meet (u mnie) (2) ________ around five.
3. George keeps saying that watching television is (stratą czasu) (3) ________ .
4. (Żeby być całkiem szczerym) (4) ________ I don't feel like going to the cinema tonight.
5. Professor Hawkins is one of those rare people who do (właściwą rzecz we właściwym czasie) (5) ________ .
6. Dr Smith is due to arrive in Warsaw next week. (Tym razem) (6) ________ he is going to give two lectures at Warsaw University.
7. Betty is (pełna podziwu) (7) ________ for Harry's intelligence.
8. Tony has always been (bardzo oszczędny) (8) ________ .
9. Mike often goes (na urlop) (9) ________ in winter, because he likes skiing very much.
10. Bergman's films are concerned with philosophical and existential problems. (Z tego powodu) (10) ________ they are not always easy to understand.
11. Jack has (bardzo bujną wyobraźnię) (11) ________ .
12. What seems quite obvious is that Fred has (talent do muzyki) (12) ________ .
13. Miss Kelly says that living in a small town has its (dobre i złe strony) (13) ________ .
14. Peter is interested in (historią starożytną) (14) ________ .
15. Let's take an examination in English next week. - O.K., (im wcześniej, tym lepiej) (15) ________ .
16. Is Mr Green satisfied (ze swej pozycji społecznej) (16) ________ ?
17. Tom and Robert were (w szkole) (17) ________ together.
18. They have been abroad (od zeszłego miesiąca) (18) ________ .
19. I couldn't take a trip to the Lake District last Saturday, because I had to finish (pewną pilną pracę).
20. One has to earn (na życie) (19) ________ .
21. What's (najświeższe wiadomości) (20) ________ ?
22. Yesterday morning Mr Brown got stuck (w korku ulicznym) (21) ________ .
23. Jim was very busy yesterday. He was writing a paper (cały dzień) (22) ________ .
24. I hope you don't mind Tom getting engaged to Kate. - (Wprost przeciwnie) (23) ________ , I'm simply delighted.
25. John says there are (za mało teatrów) (24) ________ in Glasgow.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadającej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. Is it true that (Linda zamierza studiować - study) (1) ________ electronics?
2. How many books (jest - be) (2) ________ in the National Library?
3. I (nie wiem - know) (3) ________ if Mr and Mrs Kelly are at home now.
4. I'd like to know what (John robi - do) (4) ________ at the moment.
5. What (profesor Green zajmuje się - concern) (5) ________ with?
6. I wonder if (Frank nie zamierza sprzedać - sell) (6) ________ his car.
7. (Chodźmy - go) (7) ________ to the theatre on Friday night.
8. (Czy Tom będzie - be) (8) ________ in York next week?
9. When (jedziesz - go) (9) ________ to Rome?
10. What (oni robią - do) (10) ________ now?
11. Three days ago (było - be) (11) ________ an important meeting at the university club.
12. I (nie chciałbym widzieć się z - see) (12) ________ George this afternoon.
13. What languages (on mówi - speak) (13) ________ ?
14. I (nie lubię spacerować - walk) (14) ________ in the rain.
15. How often (Mr Ford chodzi - go) (15) ________ to Hyde Park?
16. Where (byliście - be) (16) ________ last summer?
17. I wonder how many films (obejrzałeś - see) (17) ________ in September.
18. He (musi przetłumaczyć - translate) (18) ________ a paper into French.
19. (Czy zechce pan otworzyć - open) (19) ________ the window?
20. I wonder if Kate (czytała - read) (20) ________ Lord Jim.
21. Betty says (że, nie podoba się jej - like) (21) ________ her sister's husband.
22. I wonder if (byłeś na - be) (22) ________ a concert this month.
23. I'd like to know how many cigarettes a day (wypalasz - smoke) (23) ________ .
24. Why (nie przyszedłeś - come) (24) ________ to Professor Black's lecture last Tuesday?
25. I think they (powinni poznać - meet) (25) ________ Dr Green.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. I'll let you know (jak tylko) (1) ________ John arrives in Warsaw.
2. I'm afraid, Jim is going to be very busy (za kilka godzin) (2) ________ .
3. Mrs Smith will come here this afternoon (chyba że) (3) ________ it rains.
4. All I need is (cisza i spokój (4) ________ ).
5. (Wczoraj o tej porze) (5) ________ we were watching television.
6. He is (jedynym człowiekiem) (6) ________ for that position.
7. James wasn't at the club last night. He must have been (gdzie indziej) (7) ________ .
8. (Zanim) (8) ________ you take the decision you must think the problem over.
9. Mr Smith has gone to Norway (służbowo) (9) ________ .
10. I have (jedną radę) (10) ________ for you.
11. They are (dobrzy z matematyki) (11) ________ .
12. (Zarówno Kate, jak i Susan) (12) ________ are teachers of English.
13. That hotel was built (wkrótce po wojnie) (13) ________ .
14. Jane goes to the theatre (co drugi tydzień) (14) ________ .
15. Betty says she would like to take a trip to Australia (kiedyś w przyszłości) (15) ________ .
16. If you aren't satisfied with your paper, try to write (lepszy) (16) ________ .
17. (Jednocześnie) (17) ________ I wish to thank you for your generous hospitality.
18. Betty has bought (miły prezent) (18) ________ for her husband.
19. The dictionary you're looking for is over there - (na dolnej półce) (19) ________ .
20. At present Mr Blake is (z krótką wizytą) (20) ________ to Spain.
21. I wonder if you know (ile) (21) ________ Linda earns.
22. Have a good time! - Thank you, (nawzajem) (22) ________ .
23. If you come to my party next Saturday you'll meet (kilkoro z moich przyjaciół) (23) ________ .
24. Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony is (przykładem muzyki opisowej) (24) ________ .
25. There is (przyjemne pole kempingowe) (25) ________ not far from the woods.

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. Don't be so (niewdzięczny).

1) unbearable
2) unreliable
3) ungrateful
4) unbelievable

2. Oxford is famous (ze swego uniwersytetu).

1) of its university
2) for its university
3) from its university
4) with its university

3. Dr Brown is going to talk about his (najnowszej) book.

1) last
2) latest
3) least
4) late

4. (To, co) I saw there was absolutely marvellous.

1) Which
2) That
3) What
4) Whatever

5. Professor Hudson's lecture made (silne wrażenie) on me.

1) a strong impression
2) a powerful expression
3) a hard experience
4) a serious engagement

6. (No cóż), it's time I was going back home.

1) Why
2) Well
3) Now
4) Actually

7. His work gives him the mental (zadowolenie) he needs.

1) satisfaction
2) pleasure
3) involvement
4) convenience

8. We haven't had (dużo) time since last year.

1) lots of
2) enough
3) much
4) many

9. Why is Jane (rozczarowana)?

1) dissatisfied
2) disappointed
3) depressed
4) helpless

10. David is extremely talented and ambitious. (Co więcej), he really works hard.

1) After all
2) Moreover
3) Above all
4) Beside

11. Betty's mother is very (zaborcza).

1) aggressive
2) imposing
3) possessive
4) exacting

12. George says that an interesting book is (lepsza) than many a television programme.

1) best
2) more attractive
3) better
4) butter

13. Some children don't like (mycia) their teeth.

1) clearing
2) cleaning
3) washing
4) washing up

14. Did they (bawili się) themselves at the party last Saturday?

1) please
2) play
3) joy
4) enjoy

15. I may have read that book (raz) or twice.

1) one's
2) ounce
3) once
4) ones

16. That bridge is made of (stali).

1) steel
2) steal
3) still
4) style

17. Would you mind passing me the salt? - (Proszę).

1) Please.
2) Yes, please.
3) Here you are.
4) You're here.

18. Kate doesn't seem to have (dużo) video cassettes.

1) a lot of
2) many
3) much
4) a few

19. This is (niezmiernie ciekawa książka).

1) the very interesting book
2) a very interesting book
3) the most interesting book
4) a most interesting book

20. Jack speaks good Polish, (chociaż) he hasn't been to Poland yet.

1) however
2) either
3) although
4) but

21. Has there been anything interesting on television (ostatnio)?

1) last time
2) at last
3) lately
4) lastly

22. Bill and Mary often go to the theatre, but (żadne z nich) has seen The Tempest yet.

1) neither of them
2) none of them
3) either of them
4) no one

23. Last month we were so busy that watching television was simply (wykluczone).

1) out of order
2) impossible
3) not very likely
4) out of the question

24. Being able to communicate in a foreign language is a real (korzyścią).

1) handicap
2) profit
3) advantage
4) adventure

25. (Film) Jane was telling us about the other day is very good, indeed.

1) Film
2) This film
3) A film
4) The film

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadającej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. Tom (mógł był zwiedzić - visit) (1) ________ Buckingham Palace in July, but he preferred to take a trip to Stratford - on - Avon.
2. Mr King said he (chyba musiał czytać - read) (2) ________ that book about ten years before.
3. Dr Gray and Mr Taylor (zdaje się, że nie brali udziału - take part) (3) ________ in the conference.
4. I (nie jestem przyzwyczajony do palenia - smoke) (4) ________ a cigarette before breakfast.
5. If I were you I (nie zapraszałbym - invite) (5) ________ John to the party.
6. Do you think you (będziesz musiał wstać - get up) (6) ________ at six tomorrow morning?
7. (Czy uczysz się - study) (7) ________ English tonight?
8. I'd like to know what (stało się - happen) (8) ________ here yesterday morning.
9. We (wolelibyśmy posłuchać - listen) (9) ________ to the radio now.
10. Why (nie pójść - go) (10) ________ to the National Gallery?
11. They (kiedyś spędzali - spend) (11) ________ their summer holidays in Majorca.
12. Bill (niepotrzebnie powiedział - tell) (12) ________ his wife about his troubles.
13. Janet (może widziała - see) (13) ________ Hair in Glasgow.
14. That bridge (należało zbudować - build) (14) ________ a long time ago.
15. I won't do it, unless Mary (zatelefonuje - phone) (15) ________ me.
16. By January 15th Jack (miną dwa lata od czasu, gdy poznał - know) (16) ________ Mary for two years.
17. I'll lend you that book as soon as I (przeczytam - read) (17) ________ it.
18. She knew that Fred (nie może przyjechać - come) (18) ________ to London.
19. If I'd had enough money, I (mógłbym był pojechać - go) (19) ________ to Greece last year.
20. If Kate had completed her experiment in June, she (nie musiałaby pracować - work) (20) ________ so hard last summer.
21. I (będę musiał kazać to zrobić - do) (21) ________ next week.
22. I suggest (żeby Jane przeczytała - read) (22) ________ Professor Gray's recent book.
23. Mr Brown told us he (nie będzie mógł napisać - write) (23) ________ a report the following day.
24. Betty (miała pomóc - help) (24) ________ her brother with his French yesterday afternoon but she had no time.
25. You (mogłeś mnie powiadomić - let me know) (25) ________ about the meeting. Why didn't you give me a ring on Monday night?

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. Let's hope (że jest kilka) good films on at London's cinemas.

1) they are some
2) that are a few
3) there are some
4) they are a few

2. Jane must water (kwiaty sąsiadów swej matki).

1) her neighbours' mother's flowers
2) her mother's neighbour's flowers
3) her neighbour's mother's flowers
4) her mother's neighbours' flowers

3. Have they seen (wystawę) Mr Taylor is talking about?

1) an exhibition
2) the exhibition
3) this exhibition
4) that exhibition

4. I had been looking for Fred and Gilbert for over an hour, but I found (żadnego) of them.

1) neither
2) either
3) none
4) no one

5. The weather wasn't (dość dobra) to go surfing.

1) so good
2) good enough
3) enough good
4) as good

6. In Mary's class students are very friendly: they often help (sobie nawzajem).

1) one another
2) themselves
3) another one
4) the other one

7. They should study harder (aby nie oblać) the examination.

1) they don't fail
2) in order to fail
3) not to fail
4) in order not fail

8. We have never met (tak miłych) people before.

1) so nice
2) those nice
3) as nice
4) such nice

9. I don't know many girls (podobnych do) Susan.

1) same
2) the same as
3) like
4) similar

10. Could you, please, turn this music off? It sounds (okropnie).

1) terribly
2) horrible
3) strange
4) awfully

11. World War II is known (z tego, że była) the most cruel in history.

1) to have been
2) to be
3) being
4) having been

12. (Większość) of us are fond of the theatre.

1) Mostly
2) The majority
3) Most
4) Many more

13. Teenagers often talk very loudly, (co) makes their parents mad.

1) that
2) which
3) what
4) so it

14. In that guest-house there are no showers (ani) bath tubs.

1) neither
2) either
3) nor
4) or

15. Most African countries (zakazało) the killing of elephants.

1) have dismissed
2) have refused
3) have banned
4) have prevented

16. Mr Brown is a keen amateur (przyrodnikiem).

1) natural historian
2) naturist
3) naturalist
4) nature-lover

17. Kate (nacisnęła) the red button, but the machine did not stop.

1) pressed
2) pulled
3) hit
4) put

18. The attendance at the music festival (przeszła) all expectations.

1) overcame
2) overtook
3) excelled
4) surpassed

19. That actor played the lead in a (pamiętnej) production of King Lear.

1) memorable
2) memorised
3) recalled
4) reminded

20. Betty had to stand in a (kolejce) for hours to get the tickets for the concert.

1) train
2) rail
3) queue
4) tail

21. Many of the new weeklies have a pronounced right-wing (nastawienie).

1) balance
2) bias
3) bearing
4) profile

22. If you don't remember the number, you can look it up in the (książce telefonicznej).

1) telephone dictionary
2) telephone index
3) telephone register
4) telephone directory

23. The telephone rang several times before Charles decided to (podnieść) the receiver.

1) lift away
2) pick up
3) raise up
4) take up

24. The house is in good (stanie) though it needs to be repainted.

1) position
2) state
3) condition
4) standing

25. I wonder if you could (pomóc mi) with the washing up.

1) give me an aid
2) give me an assistance
3) give me a help
4) give me a hand

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

P r z y k ł a d:
(Żona pana Browna) avoids going to parties.
Mr Brown's wife avoids going to parties.

(Co) do you prefer: tea or coffee?
Which do you prefer: tea or coffee?

1. Tom has never been (w Aberdeen) (1) ________ .
2. Kate is in Switzerland (na urlopie) (2) ________ .
3. I'm sorry, but it's (za późno) (3) ________ .
4. (Ile razy na tydzień) (4) ________ does Betty go to the cinema?
5. Fred wouldn't like to be (ekonomistą) (5) ________ .
6. The lecture started (o godzinie dziesiątej) (6) ________ .
7. They usually spend their weekends (na wsi) (7) ________ .
8. Does Jane speak (po francusku) (8) ________ ?
9. I suppose Mr and Mrs Smith will be (w domu) (9) ________ tonight.
10. Charles Jones comes (z Walii) (10) ________ .
11. (Jak często) (11) ________ do you watch television?
12. (Gdzie) (12) ________ is Ann now?
13. The Marriot Hotel is (w centrum Warszawy) (13) ________ .
14. There are (dużo) (14) ________ theatres in London.
15. Kate will (prawdopodobnie) (15) ________ go to Paris in March.
16. Do you like westerns? - No, (nie bardzo) (16) ________ .
17. (Co) (17) ________ does Mike prefer: the theatre or the cinema?
18. I must see Lucy (dzisiaj po południu) (18) ________ .
19. What are you going to do (w niedzielę rano) (19) ________ ?
20. Mr Smith has to translate a paper (z angielskiego na niemiecki) (20) ________ .
21. Jane wants to go to a concert (dzisiaj wieczorem) (21) ________ .
22. What did you do (zeszłego lata) (22) ________ ?
23. Linda is leaving for New York (jutro po południu) (23) ________ .
24. They come here (codziennie) (24) ________ .
25. I'd like to go to Venice (na kilka dni) (25) ________ .

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. The feeling between them (osłabło) considerably.

1) died away
2) died down
3) died out
4) died off

2. The rebels will be forced to (poddać się).

1) give in
2) give on
3) give up
4) give away

3. The bomb (eksplodowała) in front of the club.

1) went up
2) went off
3) went out
4) went through

4. All the old houses in that district have been (zburzone).

1) pulled in
2) pulled out
3) pulled down
4) pulled up

5. We were (wytrąceni z równowagi) by Frank's rude behaviour.

1) put away
2) put up
3) put off
4) put out

6. They must (zabrać się do) writing their reports.

1) set off
2) set down
3) set about
4) set out

7. Mr Stone (przejął) the firm from his father.

1) took down
2) took up
3) took in
4) took over

8. They might have been (oszukani) by Mr Green.

1) taken away
2) taken in
3) taken out
4) taken off

9. She may be able to (załatwić ci) with a good job.

1) fix you down
2) fix you in
3) fix you out
4) fix you up

10. Don't try to (wymyślać) an excuse.

1) make up
2) make out
3) make off
4) make through

11. I'm sure they will never (zawiodą cię).

1) let you off
2) let you out
3) let you down
4) let you in

12. They were so stupid that it seemed impossible to (trafić) to them by mere language.

1) get in
2) get across
3) get out
4) get through

13. She can't help us, she is too (pochłonięta) with her own problems.

1) taken in
2) taken out
3) taken up
4) taken away

14. The meeting (przebiegło) well.

1) passed away
2) passed off
3) passed by
4) passed on

15. It started raining, so they (podążyli w stronę) the nearest shelter.

1) made up for
2) made out to
3) made out for
4) made for

16. They (uważają) him as a friend.

1) look at
2) look over
3) look on
4) look for

17. The problem has been (zbadany) by a special committee.

1) looked in
2) looked into
3) looked over
4) looked up to

18. The doctor is sure that Miss White (wyzdrowieje) soon.

1) will pull through
2) will pull away
3) will pull over
4) will pull out

19. We must (trzymać się) the letter of the law.

1) keep on at
2) keep in with
3) keep up with
4) keep to

20. I'd like them to (rzucić) smoking as soon as possible.

1) give in
2) give away
3) give up
4) give out

21. It is difficult to (wykonać) this amount of work in such a short time.

1) get through
2) get across
3) get over
4) get out

22. The text was too long so we (skróciliśmy go).

1) cut it off
2) cut it down
3) cut it out
4) cut it up

23. The Polish delegation (wystąpiła) with a very interesting proposal.

1) came forth
2) came in
3) came up
4) came over

24. Even the smallest act of oppression (domaga się) universal condemnation.

1) calls over
2) calls upon
3) calls forth
4) calls out for

25. He could not (przełamać) such a barrier of indifference.

1) break across
2) break through
3) break down
4) break up

Nominal and Adverbial Forms Transference Test 5

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. Who are the people (na tamtej fotografii) (1) ________ ?
2. Tomorrow there is a seminar (na temat pojęcia czasu) (2) ________ .
3. Hilda wants to go to the cinema tonight (zamiast) (3) ________ coming to the club.
4. I think Helen should read (więcej
książek) (4) ________ .
5. Have you been to the theatre (ostatnio) (5) ________ ?
6. Jack is tired, but he really works (ciężko) (6) ________ .
7. Linda wants me to lend her my cassette recorder (na jakieś dwa dni) (7) ________ .
8. Frank is a sociologist and would like to learn (jak najwięcej) (8) ________ about life in general.
9. You must keep going (aż do) (9) ________ the traffic lights.
10. Tell us (coś) (10) ________ about the play you saw last Saturday night.
11. Jim is very (oszczędny) (11) ________ .
12. (Gra w szachy) (12) ________ is our hobby.
13. I'm afraid Tom is (nieszczególnie) (13) ________ intelligent.
14. Mr Kelly is an excellent teacher. - Yes, I get (to samo wrażenie) (14) ________ .
15. (O ile) (15) ________ I remember Mr White retired five years ago.
16. Bergman has made a large number of films. (Wszystkie z nich) (16) ________ are very original.
17. Who is (twoim ulubionym reżyserem filmowym) (17) ________ ?
18. Mrożek's plays have been translated (na wiele
języków) (18) ________ .
19. George says he has (dobrą pamięć do twarzy) (19) ________ .
20. The lecture was (raczej nudny) (20) ________ .
21. Betty is said to have (talent do muzyki) (21) ________ .
22. I wonder what you think (o państwu Brown) (22) ________ .
23. Oxford Street is (najbardziej ruchliwą ulicą handlową) (23) ________ in London.
24. It's a shame not to be able to swim (w twoim wieku) (24) ________ .
25. Would you take (wiadomość) (25) ________ for Mr Green, please.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. Who are the people (na tamtej fotografii) (1) ________ ?
2. Tomorrow there is a seminar (na temat pojęcia czasu) (2) ________ .
3. Hilda wants to go to the cinema tonight (zamiast) (3) ________ coming to the club.
4. I think Helen should read (więcej książek) (4) ________ .
5. Have you been to the theatre (ostatnio) (5) ________ ?
6. Jack is tired, but he really works (ciężko) (6) ________ .
7. Linda wants me to lend her my cassette recorder (na jakieś dwa dni) (7) ________ .
8. Frank is a sociologist and would like to learn (jak najwięcej) (8) ________ about life in general.
9. You must keep going (aż do) (9) ________ the traffic lights.
10. Tell us (coś) (10) ________ about the play you saw last Saturday night.
11. Jim is very (oszczędny) (11) ________ .
12. (Gra w szachy) (12) ________ is our hobby.
13. I'm afraid Tom is (nieszczególnie) (13) ________ intelligent.
14. Mr Kelly is an excellent teacher. - Yes, I get (to samo wrażenie) (14) ________ .
15. (O ile) (15) ________ I remember Mr White retired five years ago.
16. Bergman has made a large number of films. (Wszystkie z nich) (16) ________ are very original.
17. Who is (twoim ulubionym reżyserem filmowym) (17) ________ ?
18. Mrożek's plays have been translated (na wiele języków) (18) ________ .
19. George says he has (dobrą pamięć do twarzy) (19) ________ .
20. The lecture was (raczej nudny) (20) ________ .
21. Betty is said to have (talent do muzyki) (21) ________ .
22. I wonder what you think (o państwu Brown) (22) ________ .
23. Oxford Street is (najbardziej ruchliwą ulicą handlową) (23) ________ in London.
24. It's a shame not to be able to swim (w twoim wieku) (24) ________ .
25. Would you take (wiadomość) (25) ________ for Mr Green, please.

Lexical Items Multiple-Choice Test 4

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. George was (nieobecny na) the meeting last week.

1) absent in
2) absent at
3) absent on
4) absent from

2. I'm afraid Miss Kelly is (uczulona na) tomatoes.

1) allergic at
2) allergic to
3) allergic on
4) allergic for

3. Why are you so (zły na) Frank?

1) angry to
2) angry with
3) angry at
4) angry on

4. We are (niespokojni o) Jane, she hasn't been here for over three months.

1) anxious at
2) anxious over
3) anxious about
4) anxious with

5. They do not seem to be (świadomy) the danger.

1) aware of
2) aware at
3) aware about
4) aware over

6. I'm sure Tom is (entuzjastycznie nastawiony do) his wife's plans.

1) enthusiastic of
2) enthusiastic with
3) enthusiastic about
4) enthusiastic for

7. Fred has always been (optymistycznie nastawiony do) our research projects.

1) optimistic to
2) optimistic about
3) optimistic for
4) optimistic towards

8. Miss White is (cierpliwa w stosunku do) her pupils.

1) patient with
2) patient to
3) patient about
4) patient for

9. That film was (popularny wśród) teenagers fifteen years ago.

1) popular at
2) popular among
3) popular with
4) popular between

10. Mr Smith is (sławny z) his patents.

1) renowned from
2) renowned for
3) renowned with
4) renowned about

11. Betty speaks Polish fluently, but is (słaba, jeśli chodzi o) grammar.

1) weak on
2) weak at
3) weak with
4) weak in

12. Such a reaction is (charakterystyczna dla) the young generation.

1) symptomatic with
2) symptomatic about
3) symptomatic for
4) symptomatic of

13. Mr Brown has never been (tolerancyjny w stosunku do) his student's bad performance.

1) tolerant with
2) tolerant of
3) tolerant to
4) tolerant at

14. I didn't phone Kate last night and (przykro jest mi z tego powodu) that.

1) I'm sorry for
2) I'm sorry at
3) I'm sorry on
4) I'm sorry about

15. Don't be (sceptyczny, jeśli chodzi o) his project.

1) sceptical about
2) sceptical at
3) sceptical with
4) sceptical over

16. He must have been (spóźniony na) his appointment.

1) late at
2) late for
3) late in
4) late on

17. As far as I know, Andrew is not (wielbicielem) jazz.

1) keen with
2) keen for
3) keen about
4) keen on

18. Mass media are not always (niezależne od) political parties.

1) independent from
2) independent on
3) independent of
4) independent with

19. Professor Hudson is too (wymagający w stosunku do) his students.

1) hard to
2) hard with
3) hard for
4) hard on

20. Mary is (biegła w) German and Spanish.

1) fluent in
2) fluent on
3) fluent at
4) fluent with

21. (Przeciętnie) they write three essays per month.

1) At average
2) On average
3) About average
4) In average

22. Frank should be (zawstydzony z powodu) his dissertation.

1) ashamed of
2) ashamed about
3) ashamed at
4) ashamed for

23. Fred has been (zaręczony z) Susan since last year.

1) engaged with
2) engaged in
3) engaged to
4) engaged for

24. (Wreszcie) Tom and Betty made up their minds to buy a new flat.

1) At least
2) In the least
3) In the last
4) At last

25. Bill is very (zadowolony z) his recent book.

1) glad with
2) glad about
3) glad at
4) glad over
Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadającej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

l. (Czy Mary życzy sobie zatrzymać się - stop) (1) ________ at Warwick on her way to Oxford?
2. I (szkoda, że nie jestem - be) (2) ________ at the seaside now.
3. Betty (żałuje, że nie zna - know) (3) ________ Professor Davies.
4. This time tomorrow we (będziemy oglądać - watch) (4) ________ television.
5. I advise you (żebyś zobaczył się z - see) (5) ________ Dr Smith as soon as possible.
6. I think you (powinieneś był zostawić - leave) (6) ________ your jacket at home.
7. You (lepiej, żebyś skontaktował się - get in touch) (7) ________ with Mr Black before the meeting.
8. If I were you I (rzuciłbym - give up) (8) ________ smoking a long time ago.
9. Tom won't play chess until he (napisze - write) (9) ________ his paper.
10. They (przedyskutowali - discuss) (10) ________ the problem a dozen times by the end of last week.
11. Whom (widziałeś - see) (11) ________ at the reception last night?
12. In my opinion, you (mogliście byli powiedzieć - tell) (12) ________ Jane about your plans at least two weeks ago.
13. She said she (nie mogła skończyć - complete) (13) ________ her experiment.
14. Jim thought his wife (niewykluczone, że chciała odwiedzić - visit) (14) ________ her parents while in Glasgow.
15. I hear Mr Wilson (ma przyjechać - come) (15) ________ to Poland sometime next year.
16. Did Fred tell you when (on ma zamiar wyprowadzić się - move out) (16) ________ of his old flat?
17. We knew Tom (nie chce wysłać - send) (17) ________ a picture postcard to Susan.
18. Did Mr Howatt say how long (on pisze - write) (18) ________ his book on the articles in English?
19. How many books, do you think, (Frank przeczytał - read) (19) ________ this year?
20. George would have gone to Australia last summer (gdyby zdał - pass) (20) ________ his final examinations.
21. Betty (chyba musiała słuchać - listen) (21) ________ to her cassettes when her husband was reading a book in the garden.
22. How long (przygotowujecie się - prepare) (22) ________ for your trip to India?
23. I (żałuję, że nie było Jane - be) (23) ________ in Warsaw last Sunday.
24. Jack (żałuje, że poszedł - go) (24) ________ to the concert last Friday night.
25. I wonder if you (mógłbyś pomóc - help) (25) ________ me with my French.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadającej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

l. (Czy Mary życzy sobie zatrzymać się - stop) (1) ________ at Warwick on her way to Oxford?
2. I (szkoda, że nie jestem - be) (2) ________ at the seaside now.
3. Betty (żałuje, że nie zna - know) (3) ________ Professor Davies.
4. This time tomorrow we (będziemy oglądać - watch) (4) ________ television.
5. I advise you (żebyś zobaczył się z - see) (5) ________ Dr Smith as soon as possible.
6. I think you (powinieneś był zostawić - leave) (6) ________ your jacket at home.
7. You (lepiej, żebyś skontaktował się - get in touch) (7) ________ with Mr Black before the meeting.
8. If I were you I (rzuciłbym - give up) (8) ________ smoking a long time ago.
9. Tom won't play chess until he (napisze - write) (9) ________ his paper.
10. They (przedyskutowali - discuss) (10) ________ the problem a dozen times by the end of last week.
11. Whom (widziałeś - see) (11) ________ at the reception last night?
12. In my opinion, you (mogliście byli powiedzieć - tell) (12) ________ Jane about your plans at least two weeks ago.
13. She said she (nie mogła skończyć - complete) (13) ________ her experiment.
14. Jim thought his wife (niewykluczone, że chciała odwiedzić - visit) (14) ________ her parents while in Glasgow.
15. I hear Mr Wilson (ma przyjechać - come) (15) ________ to Poland sometime next year.
16. Did Fred tell you when (on ma zamiar wyprowadzić się - move out) (16) ________ of his old flat?
17. We knew Tom (nie chce wysłać - send) (17) ________ a picture postcard to Susan.
18. Did Mr Howatt say how long (on pisze - write) (18) ________ his book on the articles in English?
19. How many books, do you think, (Frank przeczytał - read) (19) ________ this year?
20. George would have gone to Australia last summer (gdyby zdał - pass) (20) ________ his final examinations.
21. Betty (chyba musiała słuchać - listen) (21) ________ to her cassettes when her husband was reading a book in the garden.
22. How long (przygotowujecie się - prepare) (22) ________ for your trip to India?
23. I (żałuję, że nie było Jane - be) (23) ________ in Warsaw last Sunday.
24. Jack (żałuje, że poszedł - go) (24) ________ to the concert last Friday night.
25. I wonder if you (mógłbyś pomóc - help) (25) ________ me with my French.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. Did you enjoy (przyjęcie) (1) ________ last night?
2. (O której godzinie) (2) ________ is the concert?
3. Is (ta
książka) (3) ________ yours?
4. Travelling (samolotem) (4) ________ saves a lot of time.
5. Please, don't ask me (zbyt wiele pytań) (5) ________ . I'm tired.
6. George says there is (coś ciekawego) (6) ________ in his garden.
7. (Ci
studenci) (7) ________ are going to have an examination tomorrow.
8. (A propos) (8) ________ , are you busy tonight?
9. They don't have to work so hard. - (Z

nie) (9) ________ .
10. (Siostra Johna) (10) ________ would like to become an actress.
11. Janet has (nigdy) (11) ________ smoked cigarettes.
12. Tom wants to write his Ph. D. thesis (w tym roku) (12) ________ .
13. Do you like Miss Howatt? - (Nieszczególnie) (13) ________ .
14. Jim is going to buy a house (blisko Londynu) (14) ________ .
15. Excuse me, Kate. Are you (Angielką) (15) ________ ?
16. I wonder if Bill plays (w golfa) (16) ________ .
17. Are there (jakieś słowniki) (17) ________ in Mary's bookcase?
18. Who is your (ulubionym) (18) ________ film director?
19. John doesn't want to live in Leeds and Betty wouldn't like to go there (również) (19) ________ .
20. Do you get up at five (co rano) (20) ________ ?
21. I don't really know (jak) (21) ________ I could help you.
22. She can't play tennis now. She's far (zbyt zmęczona) (22) ________ .
23. He is going to read a book (od dziewiątej do dwunastej) (23) ________ .
24. There is a good restaurant (tu w pobliżu) (24) ________ .
25. (Państwo Mackinowie) (25) ________ may be in the garden now.


Lexical Items Multiple-Choice Test 5

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. (W żadnym wypadku) make an appointment with Mr Hendrix.

1) In no account
2) On no account
3) At no account
4) For no account

2. I can't say (z całą

) that the meeting will be held next Monday afternoon.

1) at certainty
2) with certainty
3) for certainty

3. I am going to pay for that (czekiem).

1) with cheque
2) in cheque
3) on cheque
4) by cheque

4. They do not seem to show any (troski o) their garden.

1) concern for
2) concern about
3) concern with
4) concern on

5. Mr Ferguson's project is still (rozpatrywany).

1) under consideration
2) over consideration
3) on consideration
4) in consideration

6. I don't think there is a big (popyt na) leather jackets now.

1) demand over
2) demand onto
3) demand on
4) demand for

7. John says he lives (obok) a famous painter.

1) next from
2) next to
3) next for
4) next with

8. Fred needs more (wprawy w) playing tennis.

1) exercise at
2) exercise with
3) exercise in
4) exercise on

9. Kate does not like going to work (piechotą).

1) by foot
2) on foot
3) in foot
4) with foot

10. That letter will have to be written (ręcznie).

1) on hand
2) with hand
3) in hand
4) by hand

11. His decision had (wpływ na) the functioning of that

1) an impact on
2) an impact over
3) an impact for
4) an impact into

12. There are still several thousand elephants (na wolności) in Africa.

1) in large
2) on large
3) for large
4) at large

13. (Chwilowo) Mr Black has no cash.

1) At the moment
2) In the moment
3) For the moment
4) Over the moment

14. Jack would like to have a country house (na północ od) London.

1) in the north of
2) to the north from
3) north from
4) north of

15. You shouldn't discuss such problems (telefonicznie).

1) on the phone
2) over the phone
3) by phone
4) through phone

16. They may get free copies of that album (na życzenie).

1) by request
2) on request
3) for request
4) at request

17. The parliament was (obradował) last week.

1) in session
2) on session
3) at session
4) under session

18. We are ready to work (w stresie).

1) in stress
2) on stress
3) under stress
4) with stress

19. Jim turned up (punktualnie) as usual.

1) at time
2) in time
3) for time
4) on time

20. She will be able to do some shopping (w drodze) back home.

1) in the way
2) on the way
3) at the way
4) by the way

21. Please, don't get (mi w drogę)!

1) on my way
2) at my way
3) in my way
4) into my way

22. They are likely to be (w

) for a few months.

1) on tour
2) in tour
3) over tour
4) at tour

23. Those workers (zastrajkowali) three days ago.

1) went in strike
2) went for strike
3) went at strike
4) went on strike

24. No cars were (w zasięgu wzroku).

1) at sight
2) in sight
3) on sight
4) for sight

25. (Właściwie) I know I have been promoted to a higher position.

1) On principle
2) At principle
3) For principle
4) In principle

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. I'd like to have (tamten) (1) ________ dictionary.
2. We want to go (do domu) (2) ________ after the English class.
3. Kate likes to do some reading (wieczorem) (3) ________ .
4. I wonder what they're doing (w tej chwili) (4) ________ .
5. How many times has Tom been (w teatrze) (5) ________ this year?
6. (Jak długo) (6) ________ would you like to stay in Italy?
7. By the way, do you happen to know (nowy adres pana Greena) (7) ________ ?
8. We met Mrs Kelly (dwa miesiące temu) (8) ________ .
9. There was (ważne zebranie) (9) ________ at the university last Tuesday.
10. I'm sure they don't have (dużo czasu) (10) ________ .
11. (O ile) (11) ________ I know, Dr Woodham is concerned with psychological aspects of foreign language learning.
12. I can only say I don't want to talk to him (wcale) (12) ________ .
13. Would you like some sherry? - Just (trochę) (13) ________ .
14. Has Betty written a letter to her brother (już) (14) ________ ?
15. Close (okno) (15) ________ , will you?
16. Is there a post office (blisko) (16) ________ the public library?
17. Aberystwyth is (bardzo daleko od) (17) ________ London.
18. I wonder (ile książek) (18) ________ Dr Wilson reads every year.
19. Can you give me a hand? - (Oczywiście) (19) ________ .
20. Is it true that Mr Grant is (nauczycielem angielskiego) (20) ________ ?
21. (Jakiej narodowości) (21) ________ is Mr Verma?
22. I'm afraid I can't tell you (nic) (22) ________ about Professor Green's lectures.
23. John has (już) (23) ________ seen that play three or four times.
24. I don't like Linda. - (Naprawdę) (24) ________ !
25. Could you explain that problem to me? - (Z przyjemnością) (25) ________ .
Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. (Obecnie) Professor Smith is concerned with the problem of message-orientated communication in foreign language teaching.

1) Actually
2) This time
3) At present
4) Up to now

2. (A propos), do you know Mike Andrews?

1) On the way
2) In this connection
3) Actually
4) Incidentally

3. (Właściwie) I must admit I find Dr Brown's lectures very 'thought-provoking'.

1) As a matter of fact
2) All the same
3) Indeed
4) Although

4. Betty keeps saying that she feels so (samotna).

1) single
2) alone
3) lovely
4) lonely

5. What Mrs Gray needs is (cisza i spokój).

1) quiet and order
2) silence and peace
3) quiet and silence
4) peace and quiet

6. Would you like to see Paris (nocą)?

1) at night
2) in the night
3) by night
4) overnight

7. Mr Grant arrived (na dworzec) at seven o'clock.

1) to the station
2) in the station
3) at the station
4) on the station

8. There's a gentleman (który) wants to talk to you.

1) which
2) whom
3) whose
4) who

9. (Nagle) the light went out.

1) At once
2) Immediately
3) Suddenly
4) Unexpectedly

10. George took Mary gently (pod rękę).

1) at the arm
2) round the arm
3) by the arm
4) on the arm

11. It's nice (z pana strony) to say so.

1) on your part
2) from you
3) with you
4) of you

12. Jim and Tony are very much (podobni).

1) like
2) likely
3) alike
4) similar

13. Henry was sorry (z powodu) his being late.

1) at
2) over
3) on
4) about

14. May I help you (w) your work?

1) in
2) with
3) at
4) over

15. That's very (prawdopodobne).

1) likely
2) probably
3) positive
4) possible

16. You may book accommodation (telefonicznie).

1) with the phone
2) by phone
3) on the phone
4) in the phone

17. Jane will (prawdopodobnie) come to London next week.

1) likely
2) probably
3) certainly
4) surely

18. Andrew will be staying at that hotel (od) Thursday on.

1) since
2) from
3) for
4) over

19. You may come (w dowolnym czasie) between six and eight p.m.

1) every time
2) any time
3) some time
4) each time

20. Jack wants to go to Rome (autokarem).

1) by coach
2) on the coach
3) by car
4) with a car

21. The theatre is not (daleko) from here.

1) a long way
2) a long way off
3) far
4) far away

22. (Tak czy inaczej) they will have to work harder if they want to earn more.

1) Nevertheless
2) Anyway
3) However
4) Although

23. In my opinion, Fred is an (nieodpowiedzialną) person.

1) irreversible
2) unintelligible
3) irresponsible
4) inevitable

24. Mr and Mrs J. White (uprzejmie proszą) the pleasure of the company of Mr G. Taylor at dinner at 8 p.m. on Thursday, 1st April.

1) ask
2) demand
3) require
4) request

25. Mrs Green felt rather tired and dozed off (na chwilę).

1) for a while
2) for some time
3) in a moment
4) in a minute

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. George is (wyższy od) (1) ________ Tom.
2. (Kiedy) (2) ________ does Mr Kelly want to go abroad?
3. She prefers swimming (od tenisa) (3) ________ .
4. John is going to study Russian (w przyszłym roku) (4) ________ .
5. Does Mr Brooks often work (w nocy) (5) ________ ?
6. I saw a very interesting film (w telewizji) (6) ________ last night.
7. Have you talked to Professor Brown (w tym tygodniu) (7) ________ ?
8. Would you like to come to the theatre (ze mną) (8) ________ ?
9. Fred is preparing for an examination (z hiszpańskiego) (9) ________ .
10. I like listening (radia) (10) ________ .
11. They (zwykle) (11) ________ have lunch at a restaurant.
12. Have you read Dr Black's recent book? - No, (jeszcze nie) (12) ________ .
13. Betty says she has (ból zęba) (13) ________ .
14. (Może) (14) ________ you'd like a glass of milk?
15. The gentleman over there - (kim) (15) ________ is he?
16. She is (właśnie) (16) ________ reading your paper.
17. I wonder (czy) (17) ________ Mr Taylor likes modern drama.
18. Some more orange juice? - (Chętnie) (18) ________ .
19. Could you pass me that book, please. - (Proszę) (19) ________ .
20. (Sztuka) (20) ________ Jane would like to see is on at Her Majesty's.
21. There isn't (dużo) (21) ________ butter in the fridge, I'm afraid.
22. Does Henry (zawsze) (22) ________ smoke a cigarette after breakfast?
23. I've been (na trzech koncertach) (23) ________ this month.
24. Are you hungry? - No, (wcale nie) (24) ________ .
25. Mary hasn't got (dużo) (25) ________ books.

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. (Szkoda, że nie znam) Professor Davies.

1) I wish I hadn't known
2) I wish I had known
3) I wish I knew
4) I wish I didn't know

2. Kate (żałuje, że pojechała) to Edmonton last summer.

1) wishes she didn't go
2) wishes she hadn't gone
3) wishes she went
4) wishes she had gone

3. (Nie życzę sobie, żebyś palił) cigarettes in this room.

1) I wish you didn't smoke
2) I wish you won't smoke
3) I wish you wouldn't smoke
4) I wish you don't smoke

4. We (będziemy musieli dać samochód do naprawy) next week.

1) 'll have to repair our car
2) 'll have to have our car repaired
3) 'll have repaired our car
4) 'll have had our car repaired

5. I think John (powinien był zostać) at home.

1) should stay
2) must have stayed
3) ought to stay
4) should have stayed

6. (Byłoby lepiej, żebym napisał) a letter to Mr and Mrs Wilson.

1) I'd rather write
2) I'd better write
3) I prefer writing
4) I ought to write

7. I advise you (żebyś nie zmieniał) your job so often.

1) don't change
2) not to change
3) not change
4) not to have changed

8. (Gdybym był na twoim miejscu), I would apply for a job with the British Council.

1) If I was you
2) If I would be you
3) If I were you
4) If I had been you

9. Mr Taylor won't leave for Scotland until he (nie skończy) his book.

1) doesn't finish
2) has finished
3) hasn't finished
4) will have finished

10. This time next Friday Mr Jones (będzie leciał) to Montreal.

1) is going to fly
2) will have been flying
3) will be flying
4) is flying

11. Jack wanted to know how long Professor Parkinson (wykłada) at Oxford University.

1) was lecturing
2) has been lecturing
3) had been lecturing
4) lectured

12. We knew they often (biorą udział) in international conferences.

1) take part
2) took part
3) had taken part
4) have taken part

13. Did Susan tell you when (zamierza odwiedzić) Mrs Kelvin?

1) was she going to visit
2) she is going to visit
3) she was going to visit
4) is she going to visit

14. Is it true that Professor Brown (ma zaproponować) Jim a job in Colchester?

1) has to offer
2) is to offer
3) has got to offer
4) will offer

15. She said she (nie mogła wysłać) you a telegram.

1) hadn't been able to send
2) hasn't managed to send
3) wasn't able to send
4) couldn't have sent

16. Tom supposed Jane (mogła zgubić) her umbrella on her way to the airport.

1) might have lost
2) may have lost
3) might lose
4) could lose

17. In my opinion, you (mogliście byli powiedzieć) Betty about your adventure.

1) could tell
2) may have told
3) might have told
4) might tell

18. Who (dałeś) those beautiful roses to last Thursday?

1) did give you
2) you gave
3) gave you
4) did you give

19. They (chyba musieli grać) chess for a few hours by the time Jack entered the room.

1) must have played
2) had had to play
3) must have been playing
4) had to be playing

20. Pat would have bought a house two years ago (gdyby miała) enough money.

1) if she had
2) if she had had
3) if she would have
4) if she would have had

21. How long (tłumaczysz) that book?

1) are you translating
2) have you translated
3) have you been translating
4) do you translate

22. How many papers do you think (panna White napisała) this year?

1) Miss White has written
2) has Miss White written
3) Miss White wrote
4) did Miss White write

23. (Czy mógłbyś wyświadczyć) me a favour?

1) Can you do
2) May you do
3) Would you do
4) Could you do

24. Betty (żałuje, że nie jest) in Paris now.

1) wishes she weren't
2) wishes she were
3) wishes she wasn't
4) wishes she has been

25. George (żałuje, że sprzedał) his flat in Finchley two years ago.

1) wishes he hadn't sold
2) wishes he had sold
3) wishes he didn't sell
4) wishes he sold
Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadaj?cej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pomini?cia ?adnego istotnego elementu.

1. How many cousins (Ted ma - have) (1) ________ in Scotland?
2. They don't know where (sp?dzi? - spend) (2) ________ the weekend.
3. I'd rather (?eby? nie otwiera? - open) (3) ________ the door.
4. (Czy mam odpowiedzie? - answer) (4) ________ your question right now?
5. Where (Betty pracuje - work) (5) ________ on Friday afternoons?
6. Bob (nie ogl?da - watch) (6) ________ television at the moment.
7. (Czy wolno nam wykona? - do) (7) ________ those exercises at home?
8. (Napiszmy - write) (8) ________ a letter to Mr and Mrs McArthur.
9. Susan (nie mog?a sobie pozwoli? - afford) (9) ________ to buy a car three years ago.
10. They (nie musz? wstawa? - get up) (10) ________ at five o'clock every morning.
11. If Kate wants to take an examination in German next month, she (nie powinna marnowa? - waste) (11) ________ so much time.
12. I'm sure (?e b?dzie ci si? podoba? - enjoy) (12) ________ the concert.
13. Ann (podziwia - admire) (13) ________ Mr Stone for his courage.
14. I'm sorry (?e ci? niepokoj? - bother) (14) ________ you, but could you pass me that book?
15. Mary isn't busy tomorrow. (Niech we?mie - take) (15) ________ the children to the cinema.
16. Mr Grant said he (ma - have) (16) ________ a lot of work to do.
17. We knew that George (przyjecha? - come) (17) ________ to Warsaw in 1984.
18. I wonder how many times (oni byli w - be) (18) ________ Poland.
19. I (chyba znam - know) (19) ________ Mrs Stone.
20. (Mo?e Betty nie interesuje si? - interest) (20) ________ in electronics.
21. (Gdybym by? - be) (21) ________ you, I'd take a trip to Japan.
22. (Czy b?dziecie mogli skontaktowa? si? - get in touch) (22) ________ with Dr Firth on Tuesday morning?
23. (Czy Kate mieszka?a - live) (23) ________ in Liverpool ten years ago?
24. I (nie mia?em - have) (24) ________ any meetings last month.
25. John (umia? p?ywa? - swim) (25) ________ when he was five years of age.

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. Tom and Betty (rozeszli się) six months ago.

1) broke off
2) broke up
3) broke away
4) broke down

2. The explosion (spowodowała) a lot of damage.

1) brought forward
2) brought in
3) brought about
4) brought up

3. They were (wychowani) by their grandparents.

1) brought out
2) brought round
3) brought for
4) brought up

4. Those students will have to (nadrobić zaległości) with their studies as soon as possible.

1) catch on
2) catch up
3) catch in
4) catch out

5. Tom said he (nabył) a new house.

1) had come up
2) had come down
3) had come by
4) had come through

6. It is difficult to say why those customs (zanikły).

1) have died out
2) have died away
3) have died off
4) have died up

7. Bill is lazy and often (opóźnia się) with his work.

1) falls behind
2) falls out
3) falls through
4) falls over

8. It will take him a few years to (pozbyć się) this bank loan.

1) work in
2) work out
3) work through
4) work off

9. See if you can (rozwiązać) this puzzle.

1) work over
2) work off
3) work out
4) work through

10. George is afraid that his offer may be (odrzucona).

1) turned off
2) turned on
3) turned up
4) turned down

11. Why was Jack (wyrzucony) of the classroom?

1) thrown out
2) thrown away
3) thrown down
4) thrown through

12. The plane is due to (wystartować) at 13.15.

1) take out
2) take off
3) take away
4) take up

13. He said he (wyruszy) in a quarter of an hour.

1) would set on
2) would set up
3) would set off
4) would set out

14. Betty wants to (odprowadzić nas) at the airport.

1) see us out
2) see us away
3) see us up
4) see us off

15. The criminal must have (uciec) from a police van.

1) run out
2) run away
3) run over
4) run down

16. He (wyciągnął) his hand to catch the ball.

1) put up
2) put on
3) put out
4) put off

17. Tom (spotkał) Mrs Butler while he was walking along Oxford Street.

1) ran across
2) ran into
3) ran after
4) ran for

18. The visit will have to be (odłożona) until next Friday.

1) put by
2) put out
3) put off
4) put away

19. Mary told us that her grandmother (umarła).

1) had passed off
2) had passed by
3) had passed out
4) had passed away

20. I'd like him to (zaczekać) a moment.

1) hang out
2) hang on
3) hang up
4) hang about

21. She wants her students to (dostarczyć) their essays tomorrow.

1) hand out
2) hand on
3) hand in
4) hand over

22. Peter always (ustępuje) his seat to elderly people on a bus.

1) gives up
2) gives out
3) gives off
4) gives away

23. They managed to (poradzić sobie) without a computer.

1) get around
2) get along
3) get across
4) get away

24. Fred is beginning to regret that he (podjął) the job.

1) took off
2) took on
3) took out
4) took over

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. I'd rather (żebyś pokazał) John your collection of posters.

1) you show
2) you would show
3) you showed
4) you should show

2. They (mają) a lot of work during the last few days.

1) have had
2) have been having
3) 've got
4) have

3. (Niewykluczone, że Betty przygotowuje się) for her examination in German.

1) Betty will be preparing
2) Betty might be preparing
3) Betty may not be preparing
4) Betty may prepare

4. I wonder how many books (George przeczytał) since the beginning of this year.

1) did George read
2) George had read
3) has George read
4) George has read

5. Linda doesn't seem to be interested in art. ? (Ani Tom).

1) Neither is Tom
2) Neither has Tom
3) Neither can Tom
4) Neither does Tom

6. They (oglądają) television since five o'clock.

1) watch
2) are watching
3) have watched
4) have been watching

7. Jim went to Her Majesty's last night. ? (Ja także).

1) So was I
2) So did I
3) So am I
4) So have I

8. Do you know what (oni robili) at a quarter past three?

1) they did
2) did they do
3) were they doing
4) they were doing

9. What do you think (Kate powinna powiedzieć) Mr Wallace?

1) Kate ought to say
2) Kate should tell
3) ought Kate to tell
4) Kate should say

10. I didn't know you wanted (żebym zaprosił) Professor Davies to your seminar.

1) that I should invite
2) that I invite
3) me to invite
4) me invite

11. You (nie powinieneś był grać) poker with Jack and Bob.

1) shouldn't play
2) shouldn't have played
3) ought not to play
4) needn't have played

12. Did you ask Betty how often (ona chodzi) to the theatre?

1) she went
2) she goes
3) did she go
4) does she go

13. I'm afraid Frank (nie napisze) his paper by next Wednesday.

1) doesn't write
2) wouldn't write
3) hasn't written
4) won't have written

14. Could you kindly tell me where (oni mogą być) at the moment?

1) can they be
2) they may be
3) could they be
4) may they be

15. I'm sorry, but I (nie mogłem napisać) an article last week.

1) may not have written
2) can't have written
3) couldn't write
4) were unable to write

16. (Czy zechcesz przetłumaczyć) Professor Green's recent book into Russian?

1) Would you translate
2) Do you want to translate
3) Will you translate
4) Would you like to translate

17. (Niemożliwe, żeby Jane miała zamiar emigrować) to Australia.

1) Jane may not be going to emigrate
2) Jane mustn't be going to emigrate
3) Jane can't be going to emigrate
4) Jane might not intend to emigrate

18. (Czy nie masz ochoty wypić) a cup of coffee?

1) Don't you want to have
2) Don't you feel like having
3) Won't you have
4) Do you mind having

19. (Właśnie, że on ma) a house in the country.

1) He has
2) He's got
3) He does have
4) He's having

20. (Czy ona nie chce zwiedzić) the Tate Gallery?

1) Doesn't she feel like visiting
2) Won't she visit
3) Wouldn't she like to visit
4) Doesn't she want to visit

21. I (wolałbym nie rozmawiać) to Mr Black tomorrow.

1) wouldn't like to talk
2) prefer not to talk
3) 'd rather not talk
4) wouldn't talk

22. Do you know how long (Fred uczy się) Spanish now?

1) Fred is learning
2) Fred has been learning
3) has Fred been learning
4) has Fred learned

23. George (chyba musi czytać) a lot of books.

1) may read
2) has to read
3) must read
4) might read

24. I (nie mam) any meetings since January.

1) don't have
2) haven't got
3) haven't had
4) haven't

25. I hear Mr Ford (nie jest w stanie chodzić).

1) may not walk
2) might not walk
3) was unable to walk
4) isn't able to walk

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadaj?cej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pomini?cia ?adnego istotnego elementu.

P r z y k ? a d:
Jane (nie chcia?aby mie? - have) a flat in London.
Jane wouldn't like to have (would not like to have) * a flat in London.

Why (Toma nie by?o - be) at home last night?
Why wasn't Tom at home last night?

1. Jane told me she (je?dzi - go) (1) ________ to Spain every other year.
2. (Opowiedziano mi - tell) (2) ________ a very good joke last week.
3. As far as I know, Dr Smith's recent book (zosta?a przet?umaczona - translate) (3) ________ into German and Swedish.
4. Did John know what his wife (kupi?a - buy) (4) ________ ?
5. Last month Tom said he (pisze - write) (5) ________ a historical novel.
6. Why did Kate ask you what you (masz zamiar robi? - do) (6) ________ the following afternoon?
7. (Czy b?dzie pan czyta? - read) (7) ________ the report tomorrow morning?
8. Jim was sure his parents (przyjad? - come) (8) ________ to London as soon as he had moved into his new house.
9. Frank said he (nie b?dzie móg? zdawa? - take) (9) ________ an examination in general linguistics the following week.
10. Did Mrs Kelly really say she (musi sprzeda? - sell) (10) ________ her cottage?
11. I knew he (jest - be) (11) ________ awfully busy during the past few days.
12. Mr Brown (nie jest w stanie skontaktowa? si? - get in touch) (12) ________ with his brother since May.
13. Susan (niewykluczone, ?e widzia?a - see) (13) ________ Gandhi during her stay in London.
14. David (mo?e zna - know) (14) ________ Professor Taylor.
15. I'm sure they (nie b?d? musieli pracowa? - work) (15) ________ so hard next year.
16. Tom and Dick couldn't play golf last Saturday, because they (musieli uczy? si? - study) (16) ________ French.
17. (Czy zechcesz zje?? - have) (17) ________ another sandwich?
18. George (chyba musia? zapomnie? - forget) (18) ________ about your birthday.
19. I (jestem przyzwyczajony do czytania - read) (19) ________ books till late at night.
20. They (kiedy? grywali - play) (20) ________ tennis three times a week.
21. Can you imagine Betty (jak ta?czy - dance) (21) ________ the tango with Professor Wilkins?
22. Mr and Mrs Burton don't want (?eby ich syn po?lubi? - marry) (22) ________ Miss Lithgow.
23. Mr Shorter said that he would invite Ann to come and see him as soon as he (wprowadzi si? - move) (23) ________ into the new house in Colchester.
24. Excuse me, (czy mam otworzy? - open) (24) ________ the window?
25. I suppose Fred and Kate would go to the theatre quite often (gdyby oni mieli - have) (25) ________ more time.

* Uwaga: mo?na zastosowa? form? ?ci?gni?t? lub pe?n?.

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. Mr Smith said he often (przyjeżdża) to Poland.

1) comes
2) came
3) is coming
4) was coming

2. Last Friday (zaproponowano mi) an interesting job in Rome.

1) I'd offered
2) I have offered
3) I've been offered
4) I was offered

3. Professor Greenwood's lecture (został odwołany), I'm afraid.

1) is cancelled
2) had been cancelled
3) has been cancelled
4) were cancelled

4. Did Frank know that Betty (postanowiła napisać) a novel?

1) decided to write
2) was decided to write
3) had decided to write
4) has decided to write

5. Mary told us she (pracuje) on her Ph.D. thesis.

1) was working
2) has been working
3) is working
4) worked

6. Did Kate say she (chce zwiedzić) the Tower of London?

1) wants to visit
2) wanted to visit
3) has wanted to visit
4) had wanted to visit

7. (Czy będziesz oglądał) television tonight?

1) Will you be watching
2) Are you watching
3) Would you like to watch
4) Would you be watching

8. They thought Mr and Mrs Jones (zawiadomią ich) about their wedding anniversary.

1) will let them know
2) would let them know
3) should let them know
4) would have let them know

9. We were very busy last week, because we (musieliśmy skończyć) our experiment.

1) must complete
2) must have completed
3) have had to complete
4) had to complete

10. As far as I know, Miss Taylor (nie będzie musiała wygłaszać) a paper at the conference in Cardiff.

1) didn't have to give
2) doesn't have to give
3) won't have to give
4) wouldn't have to give

11. (Może David mieszka) in Manchester.

1) David must live
2) May David live
3) David may live
4) Maybe David has lived

12. (Niewykluczone, że Tom widział) the Military Tattoo during his stay in Edinburgh last September.

1) Tom could see
2) Tom might see
3) Tom could have seen
4) Tom might have seen

13. George (jest) so busy lately that he hasn't been able to go to the theatre with us.

1) has been
2) was
3) is
4) had been

14. Betty said she (musiała sprzedać) her house in Dover.

1) must have sold
2) must sell
3) had to sell
4) had had to sell

15. We knew that Frank (nie będzie mógł skończyć) his dissertation the following week.

1) couldn't finish
2) wouldn't be able to finish
3) won't be able to finish
4) hadn't been able to finish

16. Kate said that if she (przyjedzie) to Warsaw she would visit the Royal Castle.

1) would come
2) came
3) comes
4) had come

17. Does Mrs Kelly want (żebyś studiowała) foreign languages at Heriot Watt University?

1) that you study
2) you to study
3) you study
4) that you should study

18. I can hardly imagine Jim (grającego) the piano at the Royal Festival Hall.

1) playing
2) be playing
3) to be playing
4) to play

19. As far as I remember, the Fords (kiedyś mieszkali) in Leeds.

1) lived
2) had lived
3) used to live
4) would have lived

20. Jack (nie jest przyzwyczajony do czytania) newspapers after breakfast.

1) isn't used to reading
2) usedn't to read
3) doesn't usually read
4) wouldn't read

21. They (chyba musieli pojechać) to Sweden the day before yesterday.

1) had to go
2) should have gone
3) had had to go
4) must have gone

22. (Czy zechcesz się napić) another cup of tea?

1) Do you want to have
2) Will you have
3) Would you mind having
4) Would you like to have

23. (Czy mam skontaktować się) with Mr White tomorrow afternoon?

1) Do I have to get in touch
2) Should I get in touch
3) Shall I get in touch
4) Will I get in touch

24. How long do you think (zajmuje ci napisanie) a test like this?

1) it takes you to write
2) does is take you to write
3) do you take to write
4) it does take you to write

25. Who (powiedział ci) about Mr Black's accident?

1) did you tell
2) did tell you
3) you told
4) told you

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominiêcia ¿adnego istotnego elementu.

1. Kate wants to have (stoliczek) (1) ________ like that.
2. You can get there (w mniej ni¿) (2) ________ five hours.
3. Let's go there (razem) (3) ________ .
4. Mr and Mrs Taylor may be (za granic±) (4) ________ now.
5. Jane is (bardzo podobna do matki) (5) ________ .
6. That concept seems (do¶æ oryginalne) (6) ________ .
7. Mary and Lucy went to Austria (jako turystki) (7) ________ .
8. Belgium is not a large country (w porównaniu z Francj±) (8) ________ .
9. There are (trochê) (9) ________ foreign students at Stirling University.
10. Glasgow is (na zachód od Edynburga) (10) ________ .
11. Would you turn the radio down, please. It's (trochê za g³o¶no) (11) ________ .
12. Edinburgh is (s³ynie ze swego zamku) (12) ________ .
13. I like listening (radia) (13) ________ .
14. (Ile razy na tydzieñ) (14) ________ does George play bridge?
15. Mr Brown lives (w du¿ym bloku mieszkalnym) (15) ________ .
16. Living in the centre of a big city has its (dobre i z³e strony) (16) ________ .
17. I suppose Professor Burns will come to Poland (na pocz±tku pa¼dziernika) (17) ________ .
18. Will you be seeing Dr Stone (dzisiaj po po³udniu) (18) ________ ?
19. The conference was held at Melrose (w po³owie czerwca) (19) ________ .
20. Excuse me, where's (najbli¿sza stacja metra) (20) ________ ?
21. We couldn't go for a walk last Sunday (z powodu deszczu) (21) ________ .
22. I think I'll have to go (do domu) (22) ________ as soon as the meeting is over.
23. George has two brothers. One is a teacher and (drugi) (23) ________ is an actor.
24. Last summer Fred would spend (wiêkszo¶æ czasu) (24) ________ in the woods reading books.
25. When did Kate (po raz ostatni) (25) ________ see Mrs Green?

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

l. Pat heard that Dr Green (wyk³ada - lecture) (1) ________ at Oxford University for over ten years.
2. I wonder what Jim (robi³ - do) (2) ________ at quarter past seven.
3. How often, do you think, (John telefonuje - phone) (3) ________ Mary?
4. Who (powiedzia³ wam - tell) (4) ________ about George's success?
5. I'll let you know more about Mike's adventures in Japan when I (zobaczê siê - see) (5) ________ you again.
6. They (przebywaj± - stay) (6) ________ in Warsaw since last Friday.
7. Betty (ma - have) (7) ________ a personal computer for over three months now.
8. What (John powiedzia³by - say) (8) ________ if he met Sally in Warsaw?
9. I hope (¿e uda ci siê naprawiæ - mend) (9) ________ your alarm clock.
10. Jane said she (chyba pozna³a - meet) (10) ________ Mr Thorn while in Dundee.
11. I spent more time in Wales than I (spodziewa³em siê - expect) (11) ________ .
12. Where would you spend your next summer holidays (gdyby¶ nie móg³ wyjechaæ - leave for) (12) ________ Canada?
13. If Jim had wanted to please his daughter he (da³by - give) (13) ________ her a video recorder.
14. Mrs Black said she (by³a w - be) (14) ________ Poland several times.
15. Dr Rogers wanted to know how long (Jane mieszka - live) (15) ________ in Edinburgh.
16. Professor Broughton no longer (bierze udzia³ - take part) (16) ________ in conferences organized by the Institute of Applied Mathematics.
17. (Czy uda³o ci siê powstrzymaæ - prevent) (17) ________ Miss Cooper from leaving the university?
18. (Czy masz co¶ przeciwko temu, ¿ebym skorzysta³ - use) (18) ________ your telephone?
19. They didn't know Jack (interesuje siê - be interested) (19) ________ in astronautics.
20. (Czy zechcia³by¶ zaprosiæ - invite) (20) ________ Mr Kelly to your party?
21. George is carrying out an experiment (po to, aby móc udowodniæ - prove) (21) ________ that his theoretical assumptions are right.
22. I (nie ¿yczê sobie, ¿eby¶ prowadzi³ - drive) (22) ________ your car so fast.
23. Last month Peter (sk³oni³ mnie do kupna - buy) (23) ________ a mobile phone.
24. Do you think Sally (bêdzie musia³a porozmawiaæ - talk) (24) ________ to Dr Billows about her dissertation?
25. I (¿a³ujê, ¿e nie po¿yczy³em - borrow) (25) ________ a bike from Fred last Saturday.

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. If you don't know what that word means, (sprawdź) in the dictionary.

1) see it off
2) look it up
3) make it up
4) put it down

2. Professor Hendon was most impressed by the overseas student whose English was (nieskazitelny).

1) infallible
2) spotless
3) irreproachable
4) impeccable

3. She never (marnuje) a chance of improving her German if she can help it.

1) avoids
2) loses
3) misses
4) wastes

4. In a multiple-choice test it is sometimes easier to (opuścić) the wrong answers before choosing the right one.

1) expel
2) exclude
3) eliminate
4) omit

5. Congratulations (z okazji) passing your final exam.

1) for
2) on
3) from
4) about

6. The students (rozmawiają) about their diploma dissertations.

1) are discussing
2) are telling
3) are talking
4) are saying

7. Always (podnieś) your hand if you want to ask a question in class.

1) raise
2) rise
3) arise
4) arouse

8. The study of (logiki) can be very interesting.

1) a logic
2) the logic
3) logic
4) logics

9. What are George's favourite (przedmioty) at school?

1) objects
2) subjects
3) topics
4) themes

10. You can only master a skill by (ćwiczenie) it.

1) practising
2) training
3) doing
4) exercising

11. Last Friday, Stephen studied for eight hours (bez przerwy).

1) at length
2) on end
3) in full
4) at once

12. Will you (przejrzeć) my paper, please, and let me know if I have made any mistakes.

1) see through
2) see to
3) look through
4) look up

13. (Poza) the regular written work, students are likely to be required to submit a long essay.

1) Beyond
2) Beside
3) In addition
4) Apart from

14. The lecture was so (nudny) that almost everyone fell asleep.

1) bored
2) dull
3) exhausted
4) tired

15. Some schools have very (surowe) rules of behaviour which must be obeyed.

1) strict
2) straight
3) strong
4) raw

16. (Nie ma sensu) in going to the cinema if you don't like films.

1) There is no reason
2) There is no aim
3) There is no purpose
4) There is no point

17. Jim won first (nagrodę) for good behaviour at school.

1) award
2) reward
3) prize
4) price

18. The high court judge will probably pass (wyrok) next Friday.

1) sentence
2) verdict
3) punishment
4) justice

19. The police must take (skuteczne) measures against crime.

1) affective
2) effective
3) efficient
4) enforced

20. These jeans may (skurczyć się) when washed in hot water.

1) decrease
2) lessen
3) reduce
4) shrink

21. You should buy a new jacket. This one is completely (znoszona).

1) run out
2) run down
3) worn out
4) worn down

22. Bill was (powalany) to serve in the armed forces three weeks ago.

1) called up
2) called out
3) called in
4) called for

23. Dogs in towns should be kept on a (smyczy).

1) string
2) rope
3) lead
4) cord

24. She couldn't (pokonać) her fear of flying.

1) defeat
2) win
3) succeed
4) overcome

25. The supermarket is on the (przedmieściach) of the city.

1) surroundings
2) outskirts
3) suburbs
4) neighbourhood

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

P r z y k ł a d:
(Kiedy) were you in London?
When were you in London?
I'd like to go (do domu).
I'd like to go home.

1. A few days ago Jack saw his uncle's slides (z

do Meksyku) (1) ________ .
2. Tom and George are footballers and they play (w tej samej drużynie) (2) ________ .
3. Mr Smith is (błyskotliwym naukowcem) (3) ________ .
4. I'm sure that book is (twoja) (4) ________ .
5. Edna Marlow is a well-known actress,
but she seems to be (bardziej atrakcyjna niż utalentowana) (5) ________ .
6. I wonder if you could introduce me to Professor Mc Arthur. - (Nie ma sprawy) (6) ________ .
7. Betty and Kate are (bardzo do siebie podobne) (7) ________ .
8. They are (praktycznie nie do rozróżnienia) (8) ________ .
9. Tom Gray's recent novel is absolutely marvellous. - Sorry, but I'm (odmiennego zdania) (9) ________ .
10. Will you be going (do apteki) (10) ________ this afternoon?
11. The motion of fixed stars is (łatwy do zaobserwowania) (11) ________ .
12. What was (wynik wczorajszego meczu piłkarskiego) (12) ________ ?
13. (Moim zdaniem) (13) ________ , you should go and see your doctor first thing tomorrow morning.
14. (A propos) (14) ________ , how is George getting on with his research project?
15. There's no (wątpliwości co do tego) (15) ________ .
16. (Odtąd) (16) ________ the students will have to attend their language classes regularly.
17. Poor George! Betty says she wouldn't care to be seen (w jego towarzystwie) (17) ________ .
18. The bus terminal is (daleko stąd) (18) ________ .
19. There's (mały bar
szybkiej obsługi) (19) ________ round the corner.
20. Jane went to the Royal Festival Hall last night. (Dziwnym zbiegiem okoliczności) (20) ________ she met her boyfriend there.
21. (Jakiego rodzaju
książki) (21) ________ do you like best?
22. You must take (pełną odpowiedzialność za swoje czyny) (22) ________ .
23. Mr and Mrs Jones request the pleasure of the company of Mr and Mrs Barnett (na ślubie ich córki) (23) ________ Elisabeth to Mr Michael Davies.
24. Mr Smith is a librarian, but his contact with books is (raczej powierzchowny) (24) ________ .
25. Kate says she'd like to go (na uniwersytet) (25) ________ , but she hasn't yet made up her mind whether to take up mathematics or physics as her subject.
Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. Please, give my best regards to Mrs Firth if you (zobaczysz się z) her.

1) will see
2) see
3) have seen
4) saw

2. They (grali) bridge when I got there.

1) played
2) have played
3) were playing
4) have been playing

3. I wonder what (Jane robiła) from six to eight yesterday morning.

1) Jane did
2) Jane was doing
3) was Jane doing
4) did Jane do

4. I heard that Mr Hunter (tłumaczy) short stories by contemporary Polish writers into English for over ten years.

1) is translating
2) has been translating
3) was translating
4) had been translating

5. Helen would probably take a trip to Russia (gdyby miała) more money.

1) if she had had
2) if she had
3) if she would have
4) if she has had

6. What (zrobiłbyś) if you were offered a well-paid job somewhere in the country?

1) will you do
2) would you do
3) would you have done
4) would you like to do

7. I hope you (będziesz zadowolony z) your stay in the mountains.

1) enjoy
2) would enjoy
3) shall enjoy
4) will have enjoyed

8. John said that he (chyba widział) The Godfather on television.

1) had seen
2) will have seen
3) must have seen
4) should have seen

9. If you had asked me I (pożyczyłbym) you my typewriter last Tuesday.

1) would lend
2) should lend
3) will have lent
4) would have lent

10. What would you do if you (nie mógłbyś zatelefonować) Mr Trim tomorrow?

1) couldn't phone
2) might not phone
3) couldn't have phoned
4) may not have phoned

11. Jane spent more time in New York than she (spodziewała się).

1) would expect
2) used to expect
3) had expected
4) would have expected

12. I'm sure Susan (ma) her car since March.

1) has
2) has got
3) has been having
4) has had

13. They (uczą się) English since breakfast.

1) have studied
2) study
3) have been studying
4) are studying

14. Mr O'Connor no longer (pracuje) as a teacher of English.

1) work
2) works
3) has been working
4) has worked

15. (Czy udalo ci się złapać) a taxi last night?

1) Have you managed to get
2) Have you been able to get
3) Did you manage to get
4) Could you get

16. (Czy ma pan coś przeciwko temu, żebym skorzystał z) your computer?

1) Would you mind my using
2) Do you mind if I use
3) Would you mind if I used
4) Do you mind using

17. Miss Fry is studying French (po to, żeby móc nauczać) it as a foreign language.

1) to teach
2) in order to teach
3) so as to be able to teach
4) so as to teach

18. They didn't know Dr Brown (jest) in Poland.

1) is
2) has been
3) had been
4) was

19. (Czy zechciałbyś pomóc) Jane with her German?

1) Would you help
2) Could you help
3) Will you help
4) Do you mind helping

20. I heard Mr Smith (jest żonaty) for more than ten years.

1) had been married
2) was married
3) has been married
4) is married

21. George said he (był) to Los Angeles many times.

1) has been
2) was
3) had been
4) have been

22. (Czy zechcesz pożyczyć) me your dictionary?

1) Would you mind lending
2) Will you lend
3) Would you lend
4) Would you like to lend

23. Do you think you (będziesz musiał zdawać) an examination in English next year?

1) must take
2) will take
3) will have to take
4) would have to take

24. I made Jack (żeby kupił) a second-hand car.

1) to buy
2) buy
3) buying
4) that he should buy

25. (Czy pan Kelly życzy sobie zatrzymać się) at Melrose overnight?

1) Does Mr Kelly wish to stay
2) Does Mr Kelly want to stay
3) Is Mr Kelly going to stay
4) Would Mr Kelly like to stay

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadającej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. (Gdybym był tobą - be) (1) ________ I would stop worrying.
2. I'm sorry, but I (nie byłem w stanie skontaktować się - get in touch) (2) ________ with Mr Crawford before his arrival in Warsaw.
3. Would you mind (zamknąć - close) (3) ________ the window in your room?
4. I suppose Pat (nie musi przychodzić - come) (4) ________ here every morning.
5. Did John tell you when his wife (powróciła - return) (5) ________ from Japan?
6. When (zaproponowano ci - offer) (6) ________ a job in Argentina?
7. George said he (nie słyszał - hear) (7) ________ that joke yet.
8. I'll be able to have a game of chess with you as soon as I (przepiszę na maszynie - type out) (8) ________ my report.
9. Fortunately, I (nie muszę chodzić - go) (9) ________ to my office since September.
10. Betty (może pracowała - work) (10) ________ in the garden when you phoned her.
11. It (musiało być zrobione - do) (11) ________ three days ago.
12. I hear Jim (miał kupić - buy) (12) ________ a house in Cambridge.
13. Mr Brown says he (przeczyta - read) (13) ________ your book by next Friday.
14. Mr and Mrs Grant (niewykluczone, że planują - plan) (14) ________ a trip round the world.
15. I suggest (żebyś namalował - paint) (15) ________ a picture for Alice.
16. Kate said she (skończyła studia - graduate) (16) ________ in psychology from Edinburgh University in 1995.
17. (Mówią, że profesor Gladstone przeszedł na emeryturę - retire) (17) ________ only a few months ago.
18. They thought their children (będą grać - play) (18) ________ tennis from 3 to 5 p.m.
19. In my opinion, Dr Carver (będzie musiał być zaproszony - invite) (19) ________ to the symposium.
20. To the best of my knowledge Mr Jenkins (nie był w - be) (20) ________ China by the end of 1994.
21. I'd rather (żebyś zadzwonił - ring up) (21) ________ Kate after tea.
22. They (woleliby zobaczyć - see) (22) ________ Wajda's latest production of The Wedding by Wyspiański.
23. I think (że lepiej byłoby, gdybyś nie wysyłał - send) (23) ________ a telegram to Mrs Stone.
24. I wonder if you could tell me how long (John zna - know) (24) ________ Dr Leech.
25. Professor Thomson (mówią, że opublikował - publish) (25) ________ about a thousand articles and papers in many international journals since the beginning of his academic career.

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. Miss Green is (utalentowaną aktorką).

1) a talented actor
2) the talented actress
3) a talented actress
4) talented actor

2. (Ile razy) a month do you go to the theatre?

1) How many
2) How many times
3) How often
4) How much time

3. (Książka) I borrowed from you the other day is very interesting.

1) Book
2) This book
3) The book
4) A book

4. Some sherry? ? (Z chęcią).

1) Please, thank you.
2) Thank you.
3) Please.
4) Yes, please.

5. Let's meet (o godzinie siódmej).

1) about seven o'clock
2) in seven hours
3) at seven o'clock
4) about seven hours

6. John is going to be busy (w piątek).

1) at Friday
2) in Friday
3) for Friday
4) on Friday

7. They have their driving lessons three times (na tydzień).

1) a week
2) in week
3) the week
4) on the week

8. (Gdzie) does Jane live?

1) When
2) Where
3) Why
4) There

9. Could you lend me (swój słownik) for a few days?

1) a dictionary
2) the dictionary
3) your dictionary
4) that dictionary

10. (Jak często) do Mr and Mrs Smith come to Poland?

1) How many times
2) How often
3) How much
4) How many

11. There are usually (trochę) good films on at the cinemas in London.

1) some
2) few
3) plenty
4) a little

12. Could you help me with my English? ? Yes, (oczywiście).

1) probably
2) perhaps
3) of course
4) really

13. Mary had an important meeting (wczoraj po południu).

1) yesterday morning
2) tomorrow afternoon
3) this afternoon
4) yesterday afternoon

14. Must you take an examination (z fizyki) this month?

1) with physics
2) in physics
3) on physics
4) from physics

15. Jack (zwykle) has lunch at a restaurant.

1) always
2) usually
3) often
4) as usual

16. Do they (zawsze) work so hard?

1) ever
2) often
3) always
4) usually

17. Have you been (na koncercie) this month?

1) at the concert
2) to a concert
3) on the concert
4) in a concert

18. They want to go to Wales (na trzy dni).

1) for three days
2) in three days
3) to three days
4) within three days

19. May I ask you (kilka) questions?

1) few
2) a few
3) a little
4) a number of

20. (Może) you'd like some more tea?

1) Probably
2) Certainly
3) Really
4) Perhaps

21. Is it true that Mrs Smith is (nauczycielką angielskiego)?

1) the teacher of English
2) the English teacher
3) a teacher of English
4) English teachers

22. George is coming to Warsaw (za kilka tygodni).

1) for a few weeks
2) in a few weeks
3) for a number of weeks
4) after some weeks

23. Do you often listen (radia)?

1) the radio
2) to the radio
3) on the radio
4) with the radio

24. Are you tired? ? No, (wcale nie).

1) not at all
2) not all
3) not quite
4) at all

25. They would like to go (po zakupy) tomorrow morning.

1) on shopping
2) shopping
3) for shopping
4) after shopping

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Wstaw angielski odpowiednik podanego w nawiasie polskiego wyrazu lub zwrotu bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. I'm afraid Betty has (za mało czasu) (1) ________ for entertainment.
2. Mr and Mrs Taylor live in Edinburgh. They have a small semi-detached house (na jednym z przedmieść) (2) ________ .
3. The museum is (obok biblioteki) (3) ________ .
4. Fred goes to the theatre (raz lub dwa razy na miesiąc) (4) ________ .
5. I think you should get (więcej ruchu) (5) ________ .
6. The conference is to be held at Aberystwyth (w połowie września) (6) ________ .
7. Miss Fry arrived in Aberdeen (w końcu maja) (7) ________ .
8. Go along this street (aż do świateł ulicznych) (8) ________ and then turn left.
9. The conversation at the party was (przeważnie) (9) ________ about the weather and about tennis.
10. I like (długie spacery na wsi) (10) ________ .
11. Last Friday Miss Hopkins invited Tom (na przyjęcie urodzinowe) (11) ________ .
12. Professor Williams is (przyjacielem jednego z moich przyjaciół) (12) ________ .
13. Jane wants to meet Richard (na lotnisku) (13) ________ .
14. Do you know Miss Smith (osobiście) (14) ________ ?
15. Mr Green's wife is an actress. I think she is (mniej pociągająca niż utalentowana) (15) ________ .
16. Laurence Olivier's roles are (niezapomniane) (16) ________ .
17. Mr Green usually takes (dużo czasu) (17) ________ to reach a decision.
18. George and Henry are so much alike that they are (praktycznie nie do rozróżnienia) (18) ________ .
19. Tony seems to be rather phlegmatic, but in fact he lives (prawdziwie intensywnie) (19) ________ .
20. What's good about Kate's work is that she has (łatwy dostęp do książek) (20) ________ .
21. That formula isn't very difficult, but it represents (odmienny poziom analizy) (21) ________ .
22. Jane and Pat are (podobne w tym, że obie) (22) ________ like dancing and singing.
23. The word "planet" is (na pewno) (23) ________ of Greek origin.
24. The cell is (najmniejszą jednostką struktury materii) (24) ________ .
25. Mr Taylor is (zaprzyjaźniony z) (25) ________ the Prime Minister.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadającej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym, bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

P r z y k ł a d:
(Czy Betty była - be) Sweden?
Has Betty been to Sweden?

Why (nie zatelefonowałeś - phone) me last night?
Why didn't you phone (did you not phone) * me last night?

1. Jane (zdaje się, że interesuje się - be interested) (1) ________ in the theatre.
2. Mr Green (niemożliwe, żeby sprzedał - sell) (2) ________ his house in Brighton this month.
3. (Mówi się, że oni mieszkają - live) (3) ________ in Dover since 1982.
4. I (może nie wysłałem - send) (4) ________ a picture postcard to Jim from Athens.
5. Betty (zdaje się, że pisze - write) (5) ________ a new book.
6. George (niewykluczone, że nie wiedział - know) (6) ________ anything about Professor Gray's lecture.
7. Kate is studying foreign languages (żeby pracować - work) (7) ________ as an interpreter.
8. Tom works hard so that his children (żeby poszły - go) (8) ________ to university.
9. Miss Pattison (zdaje się, że ma - have) (9) ________ a lot of friends.
10. I (nie mógłbym był zrezygnować - give up) (10) ________ my job so easily.
11. They (zdaje się, że grają - play) (11) ________ bridge for over five hours now.
12. John (sądzi się, że chodzi - go) (12) ________ to the library every morning.
13. George works overtime (żeby móc kupić - buy) (13) ________ a Volvo.
14. I'm sorry, but I (nie mogłem przynieść - bring) (14) ________ you my dictionary last Tuesday.
15. They moved up to Edinburgh (po to, żeby ich córka uczyła się - study) (15) ________ music.
16. If Jane had passed her examination in Norwegian, (zaproponowanoby jej - be offered) (16) ________ a scholarship to study at Oslo University two years ago.
17. You (nie potrzebujesz zażywać - take) (17) ________ that medicine.
18. Betty (niewykluczone, że wysłała - send) (18) ________ a telegram to her mother.
19. (Uważa się, że on był - be) (19) ________ a very good teacher.
20. (Mówi się, że panna Smith pisze - write) (20) ________ a novel since last summer.
21. Kate decided to be a film-star (po to, aby jej znajomi mogli podziwiać - admire) (21) ________ her.
22. (Czy nie mogłeś był kupić - buy) (22) ________ your wife a nice bunch of roses?
23. Mr and Mrs Green took their children to Italy (żeby zobaczyły - see) (23) ________ Venice, Florence and Rome.
24. Fred (niewykluczone, że chciał zmienić - change) (24) ________ his address last year.
25. She said she (musiała przetłumaczyć - translate) (25) ________ a few papers from English into Russian.

* Uwaga: można zastosować formę ściągniętą lub pełną.

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. (Gdybym był na jego miejscu) I wouldn't have given up that job in Glasgow.

1) If I were him
2) If I had been him
3) If I would be him
4) If I would have been him

2. Kate will be allowed to watch television as soon as she (napisze) her essay.

1) writes
2) wrote
3) has written
4) had written

3. We didn't know that Mr O'Brian (przychodzi) to the zoo every day for nearly fifteen years.

1) had been coming
2) came
3) had come
4) has been coming

4. Mrs Kent (powiedziano) about her husband's success.

1) told
2) has told
3) had told
4) has been told

5. Do you know when (John sprzedał) his car?

1) John has sold
2) John sold
3) did John sell
4) has John sold

6. I'm sure they (nie muszą pracować) so hard.

1) mustn't work
2) won't have to work
3) needn't work
4) needn't have worked

7. Would you mind (powiedzieć) me how to get to Leicester Square?

1) to tell
2) to say
3) saying
4) telling

8. I'm sorry, but I (nie jestem w stanie skontaktować się) with Dr Ferguson since the beginning of April.

1) am not able to get in touch
2) haven't been able to get in touch
3) can't get in touch
4) couldn't get in touch

9. Betty is glad she (nie musi wstawać) at six a.m. since the beginning of September.

1) needn't have got up
2) hasn't had to get up
3) didn't have to get up
4) mustn't get up

10. Dr Smith (ma wygłosić) a lecture on recent developments in applied linguistics.

1) is to give
2) has to give
3) is said to give
4) is to be given

11. Jack says he (przetłumaczy) Kate's paper into Russian by the end of next week.

1) will have to translate
2) will have translated
3) will be translated
4) is going to translate

12. (Niewykluczone, że pan Field pracuje) in the garden now.

1) Mr Field might work
2) Mr Field may be working
3) Mr Field might be working
4) Mr Field may have been working

13. I suggest you (żebyś studiował) architecture.

1) study
2) would study to study
3) to study
4) studied

14. We (musimy kazać to zrobić) as soon as possible.

1) should have done it
2) have to do it
3) must have done it
4) have to have it done

15. John said he (był) in Hawaii in 1989.

1) had been
2) was
3) has been
4) were

16. By October (miną dwa lata od czasu, gdy Kate zaczęła się uczyć hiszpańskiego).

1) Kate will learn Spanish for two years
2) Kate will be learning Spanish for two years
3) Kate will have been learning Spanish for two years
4) Kate would have been learning Spanish for two years

17. (Może Betty czytała) a book when her husband came back home.

1) Betty might be reading
2) Betty could be reading
3) Betty may have been reading
4) Betty must have been reading

18. George (napisał) his Ph.D. thesis by the end of last year.

1) had written
2) was written
3) has written
4) had been written

19. I think (że lepiej będzie, jeśli nie wyślę) a letter to Kate.

1) I shouldn't send
2) I'll be better if I don't send
3) I'd rather not send
4) I'd better not send

20. We'd rather (żebyście porozmawiali) to Dr Black about it.

1) you should talk
2) you would talk
3) you talk
4) you talked

21. I (wolałbym pójść) to the theatre tomorrow night.

1) 'd better go
2) 'd go
3) 'd rather go
4) 'd like to go

22. Mr Brown is said (że zbiera) old coins since 1995.

1) to be collecting
2) to have been collecting
3) to be collected
4) to collect

23. Could you tell us how long Miss Stirling (mieszka) in Dover?

1) lives
2) lived
3) has lived
4) had lived

24. I think they (będą musieli być poinformowani) about the situation.

1) must be informed
2) will have to be informed
3) will have been informed
4) must have been informed

25. John thought that his brother (będzie się uczył) mathematics in his room from nine to one.

1) would have been studying
2) was studying
3) would be studying
4) will be studying

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadaj?cej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pomini?cia ?adnego istotnego elementu.

Mr Smith (nie jest - be) a teacher.
Mr Smith isn't (is not)* a teacher.
(Czy chcia?by? pojecha? - go) to Oxford?
Would you like to go to Oxford?

* Uwaga: mo?na zastosowa? form? ?ci?gni?t? lub pe?n?.

1. Jane (chce by? - be) (1) ________ a film star.
2. They (nie byli w - be) (2) ________ Paris yet.
3. (Czy Harry zna - know) (3) ________ Mrs Kelly?
4. I wonder (czy lubisz - like) (4) ________ Mozart.
5. She (interesuje si? - interest) (5) ________ in modern drama.
6. We (chcieliby?my zwiedzi? - visit) (6) ________ the Edinburgh Castle.
7. In London (jest - be) (7) ________ a lot of cinemas.
8. Mr Smith (woli - prefer) (8) ________ jogging to tennis.
9. She says she (nie umie

? - play) (9) ________ bridge.
10. I (nie zamierzam kupowa? - buy) (10) ________ a house in the country.
11. They (nie chc? ogl?da? - watch) (11) ________ television tonight.
12. George (by? w - be) (12) ________ the Royal Festival Hall three times.
13. Pat (nie ma - have) (13) ________ a flat of her own.
14. I know you (nie interesujesz si? - interest) (14) ________ in psychology.
15. How many newspapers (Tom czyta - read) (15) ________ every day?
16. (Czy Kate chcia?aby mieszka? - live) (16) ________ in Paris?
17. Excuse me, (czy jest - be) (17) ________ a message for me?
18. Which (wolisz - prefer) (18) ________ : coca-cola or orange juice?
19. What (oni chcieliby robi? - do) (19) ________ on Saturday night?
20. How many compact discs (masz - have) (20) ________ ?
21. When (Mary by?a - be) (21) ________ in Italy?
22. Where (Fred chce pracowa? - work) (22) ________ ?
23. Why (nie mo?ecie pomóc - help) (23) ________ Betty with her English?
24. She (nie widzia?a - see) (24) ________ The Godfather yet.
25. (Czy mo?ecie przyj?? - come) (25) ________ to Miss Kent's party tomorrow evening?

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. Jack doesn't speak Spanish and his wife doesn't speak it (również).

1) too
2) also
3) either
4) neither

2. Fred spends (większość) of his time playing darts at the local pub.

1) much
2) more
3) many
4) most

3. I'm afraid I won't have finished my paper (do piątku).

1) to Friday
2) for Friday
3) by Friday
4) on Friday

4. Mary has already been to Oxford and (także) has Kate.

1) either
2) so
3) too
4) as well

5. When did you (ostatni raz) go to the theatre?

1) lately
2) recently
3) lastly
4) last

6. George is expecting a few visitors (jutro wieczorem).

1) tomorrow night
2) yesterday evening
3) tomorrow afternoon
4) yesterday afternoon

7. (Właściwie), I'm not concerned with town planning.

1) Adequately
2) Actually
3) Properly
4) Truly

8. You should complete your experiment (jak najszybciej).

1) as far as possible
2) as fast as possible
3) as soon as possible
4) as much as possible

9. (Czyj) car has been stolen?

1) Who is
2) Whose
3) Who's
4) Which

10. What do you think (o panu Brownie)?

1) of Mr Brown
2) on Mr Brown
3) for Mr Brown
4) as to Mr Brown

11. They've been studying mathematics (od) five hours.

1) since
2) of
3) from
4) for

12. I don't know (nikogo) of that name.

1) somebody
2) anyone
3) nobody
4) no one

13. I can drive, but I wouldn't call (siebie) a good driver.

1) me
2) mine
3) myself
4) oneself

14. You must take part in the conference, John. It's (konieczne).

1) advisable
2) necessary
3) certain
4) possible

15. (Którego) of your teachers do you like best?

1) Who
2) Whose
3) Whom
4) Which

16. You can get there in (mniej) than six hours.

1) little
2) more
3) less
4) fewer

17. York is famous (ze swej katedry).

1) from its cathedral
2) for its cathedral
3) of its cathedral
4) with its cathedral

18. It's (bezsensowne) to make such old-fashioned equipment.

1) useful
2) unnecessary
3) impossible
4) useless

19. Betty says her stay in Venice was (jak) a dream.

1) as
2) like
3) so
4) how

20. They went to India and Pakistan (jako) tourists.

1) as
2) like
3) so
4) how

21. I wonder if Mr and Mrs Green can be recognized (na tamtej fotografii).

1) on that picture
2) in that picture
3) at that picture
4) in this picture

22. George phoned Betty (wczoraj wieczorem).

1) yesterday afternoon
2) tonight
3) tomorrow evening
4) last night

23. There are (tak dużo) theatres in London that it is hardly possible to enumerate them all.

1) as many
2) so many
3) how many
4) so much

24. Is that tape (wystarczająco długa) for the job to be done?

1) enough long
2) quite long
3) long enough
4) pretty long

25. It's a quarter (po piątej).

1) after five
2) to five
3) past five
4) over five

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadającej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. Did you know what Charles (ma zamiar robić - do) (1) ________ after the meeting?
2. Mrs Black thought her daughter (słucha - listen) (2) ________ to the radio in the sitting room, but the girl wasn't at home.
3. A new hotel (będzie zbudowany - build) (3) ________ in High Street.
4. You (może zostaniesz poproszony o wygłoszenie - give) (4) ________ a paper at the conference in Cambridge.
5. She (mogła była powiedzieć - tell) (5) ________ her mother about the accident in Old London Road, but she didn't want to.
6. If Mary hadn't accepted Professor Black's offer, she (musiałaby szukać - look for) (6) ________ a job in London two years ago.
7. I'd rather (żebyś nie oglądał - watch) (7) ________ television tonight.
8. I suggest (zabrać - take) (8) ________ Alice to the theatre.
9. How many times (widziałeś się z - see) (9) ________ Jane last month?
10. Tom said Kate (musi napisać - write) (10) ________ a new book.
11. If you wanted to stay in York overnight, you (musiałbyś zatelefonować - phone) (11) ________ Mr and Mrs Carter.
12. We were sure that Fred (nie będzie mógł odpowiedzieć - answer) (12) ________ your question.
13. Miss Kelly said she (musiała wyprowadzić się - move out) (13) ________ of her parents' house.
14. How many times a week (John je - have) (14) ________ dinner at the restaurant?
15. Helen (może przyjedzie - come) (15) ________ to Warsaw on September 10th.
16. I (nie muszę tłumaczyć- translate) (16) ________ Dr Taylor's article into German.
17. Frank (musi pracować - work) (17) ________ nine hours a day since last month.
18. We (nie jesteśmy w stanie skontaktować się - get in touch) (18) ________ with the Browns for over three weeks now.
19. I (nie muszę wstawać - get up) (19) ________ at five o'clock since the middle of June.
20. I wonder if James (będzie leciał - fly) (20) ________ to New York on Friday night.
21. Tom and Lucy (grali - play) (21) ________ badminton in the garden for over five hours by nine p.m.
22. Susan (może nie będzie mogła pojechać na wycieczkę - take a trip) (22) ________ to Turkey next summer.
23. Mr Smith (wydawał się - be) (23) ________ very upset last Tuesday.
24. John (opublikował - publish) (24) ________ three books during the last five years.
25. I suggest (żeby Dick dał - give) (25) ________ Kate a box of chocolates.

Wypełnij luki właściwymi słowami.

Zastosuj podane w nawiasach angielskie bezokoliczniki w postaci odpowiadającej znaczeniem polskim formom czasownikowym bez pominięcia żadnego istotnego elementu.

1. Did you know what Charles (ma zamiar robić - do) (1) ________ after the meeting?
2. Mrs Black thought her daughter (słucha - listen) (2) ________ to the radio in the sitting room, but the girl wasn't at home.
3. A new

(będzie zbudowany - build) (3) ________ in High Street.
4. You (może zostaniesz poproszony o wygłoszenie - give) (4) ________ a paper at the conference in Cambridge.
5. She (mogła była powiedzieć - tell) (5) ________ her mother about the accident in Old London Road, but she didn't want to.
6. If Mary hadn't accepted Professor Black's offer, she (musiałaby szukać - look for) (6) ________ a job in London two years ago.
7. I'd rather (żebyś nie oglądał - watch) (7) ________ television tonight.
8. I suggest (zabrać - take) (8) ________ Alice to the theatre.
9. How many times (widziałeś się z - see) (9) ________ Jane last month?
10. Tom said Kate (musi napisać - write) (10) ________ a new book.
11. If you wanted to stay in York overnight, you (musiałbyś zatelefonować - phone) (11) ________ Mr and Mrs Carter.
12. We were sure that Fred (nie będzie mógł odpowiedzieć - answer) (12) ________ your question.
13. Miss Kelly said she (musiała wyprowadzić się - move out) (13) ________ of her parents' house.
14. How many times a week (John je - have) (14) ________ dinner at the restaurant?
15. Helen (może przyjedzie - come) (15) ________ to Warsaw on September 10th.
16. I (nie muszę tłumaczyć- translate) (16) ________ Dr Taylor's article into German.
17. Frank (musi pracować - work) (17) ________ nine hours a day since last month.
18. We (nie jesteśmy w stanie skontaktować się - get in touch) (18) ________ with the Browns for over three weeks now.
19. I (nie muszę wstawać - get up) (19) ________ at five o'clock since the middle of June.
20. I wonder if James (będzie leciał - fly) (20) ________ to New York on Friday night.
21. Tom and Lucy (grali - play) (21) ________ badminton in the garden for over five hours by nine p.m.
22. Susan (może nie będzie mogła pojechać na

- take a trip) (22) ________ to Turkey next summer.
23. Mr Smith (wydawał się - be) (23) ________ very upset last Tuesday.
24. John (opublikował - publish) (24) ________ three books during the last five years.
25. I suggest (żeby Dick dał - give) (25) ________ Kate a box of chocolates.

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. (Czy zechce pan zamknąć) the door?

1) Could you close
2) Would you close
3) Do you mind closing
4) Would you mind closing

2. They have nothing against (żebyś słuchał) to the radio in the sitting-room.

1) you to listen
2) listening
3) your listening
4) that you listen

3. We (wolelibyśmy przyjść) here next Saturday.

1) 'd better come
2) prefer to come
3) 'd come
4) 'd rather come

4. I think (że lepiej będzie, żebym nie mówił) George about your adventure.

1) I'd rather not tell
2) I'd better not tell
3) I shouldn't tell
4) I'd be better if I didn't tell

5. How many times (byłeś) to London by January 1994.

1) have you been
2) were you
3) would you have been
4) had you been

6. (Niemożliwe, żeby oni zaprosili) Tom to Scotland.

1) They can't have invited
2) They couldn't invite
3) They might not invite
4) They might not have invited

7. When do you think Betty (powinna była zatelefonować do) Mrs Abbs?

1) would have phoned
2) ought to phone
3) might have phoned
4) should have phoned

8. They (chyba musieli spóźnić się na) their train.

1) would have missed
2) might have missed
3) had to miss
4) must have missed

9. Jane (niepotrzebnie wysłała) a telegram to Professor Kent.

1) couldn't have sent
2) didn't need to send
3) didn't have to send
4) needn't have sent

10. As far as I know, Dr Taylor (nie musiał egzaminować) his pupils in Latin last week.

1) needn't have examined
2) shouldn't have examined
3) mustn't have examined
4) didn't have to examine

11. (Może Frank nie będzie musiał szukać) a new job when he completes his Ph.D.

1) Frank may not look for
2) Frank might not be looking for
3) Frank may not have to look for
4) Frank may not have had to look for

12. They said they (przygotowują się) for their trip to Argentina for over three weeks.

1) had prepared
2) were preparing
3) have been preparing
4) had been preparing

13. Mary asked Tom if he (będzie mógł odwiedzić) her the following week.

1) could come and see
2) would be able to come and see
3) can come and see
4) was able to come and see

14. Peter's son (wolno było oglądać) television till eleven o'clock last night.

1) could watch
2) was able to watch
3) might watch
4) may have watched

15. Miss Green wanted to know how long Henry (zna) Professor Hudson.

1) knows
2) knew
3) had known
4) has known

16. If you had asked Mary, she (mogłaby pożyczyć) you the dictionary you needed so badly.

1) could have lent
2) could lend
3) may have lent
4) might lend

17. By four o'clock (miną trzy godziny od czasu, gdy Fred zaczął pisać sprawozdanie).

1) Fred will write the report for three hours
2) Fred has been writing the report for three hours
3) Fred will have been writing the report for three hours
4) Fred will be writing the report for three hours

18. Mr Wilson said he (był) in Warsaw in 1989.

1) 'd be
2) was
3) used to be
4) has been

19. I should be very happy, if you (zechciałbyś wysłać) me a picture postcard from Italy.

1) will send
2) would send
3) sent
4) would have sent

20. In my opinion, Henry (powinien był zaprosić) Miss Wilkins to his party.

1) ought to invite
2) should have invited
3) should invite
4) must have invited

21. Jim wants to buy a yacht (aby zaimponować) Kate.

1) so as to be able to impress
2) so that he can impress
3) to impress
4) so that he would impress

22. Are you going (dać swój telewizor do naprawy) this week?

1) to repair your TV set
2) to have repaired your TV set
3) to have your TV set repaired
4) to have had your TV set repaired

23. You (mogłeś był skończyć) your book a few months ago.

1) may have finished
2) could finish
3) might finish
4) might have finished

24. Betty said that her sister (zaproponowano) a very wellpaid job in Newcastle.

1) offered
2) were offered
3) has been offered
4) had been offered

25. Let's have a game of chess, (dobrze)?

1) will we
2) should we
3) shall we
4) would we

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. (Czy zechce pan zamknąć) the door?

1) Could you close
2) Would you close
3) Do you mind closing
4) Would you mind closing

2. They have nothing against (żebyś słuchał) to the radio in the sitting-room.

1) you to listen
2) listening
3) your listening
4) that you listen

3. We (wolelibyśmy przyjść) here next Saturday.

1) 'd better come
2) prefer to come
3) 'd come
4) 'd rather come

4. I think (że lepiej będzie, żebym nie mówił) George about your adventure.

1) I'd rather not tell
2) I'd better not tell
3) I shouldn't tell
4) I'd be better if I didn't tell

5. How many times (byłeś) to London by January 1994.

1) have you been
2) were you
3) would you have been
4) had you been

6. (Niemożliwe, żeby oni zaprosili) Tom to Scotland.

1) They can't have invited
2) They couldn't invite
3) They might not invite
4) They might not have invited

7. When do you think Betty (powinna była zatelefonować do) Mrs Abbs?

1) would have phoned
2) ought to phone
3) might have phoned
4) should have phoned

8. They (chyba musieli spóźnić się na) their train.

1) would have missed
2) might have missed
3) had to miss
4) must have missed

9. Jane (niepotrzebnie wysłała) a telegram to Professor Kent.

1) couldn't have sent
2) didn't need to send
3) didn't have to send
4) needn't have sent

10. As far as I know, Dr Taylor (nie musiał egzaminować) his pupils in Latin last week.

1) needn't have examined
2) shouldn't have examined
3) mustn't have examined
4) didn't have to examine

11. (Może Frank nie będzie musiał szukać) a new job when he completes his Ph.D.

1) Frank may not look for
2) Frank might not be looking for
3) Frank may not have to look for
4) Frank may not have had to look for

12. They said they (przygotowują się) for their trip to Argentina for over three weeks.

1) had prepared
2) were preparing
3) have been preparing
4) had been preparing

13. Mary asked Tom if he (będzie mógł odwiedzić) her the following week.

1) could come and see
2) would be able to come and see
3) can come and see
4) was able to come and see

14. Peter's son (wolno było oglądać) television till eleven o'clock last night.

1) could watch
2) was able to watch
3) might watch
4) may have watched

15. Miss Green wanted to know how long Henry (zna) Professor Hudson.

1) knows
2) knew
3) had known
4) has known

16. If you had asked Mary, she (mogłaby pożyczyć) you the dictionary you needed so badly.

1) could have lent
2) could lend
3) may have lent
4) might lend

17. By four o'clock (miną trzy godziny od czasu, gdy Fred zaczął pisać sprawozdanie).

1) Fred will write the report for three hours
2) Fred has been writing the report for three hours
3) Fred will have been writing the report for three hours
4) Fred will be writing the report for three hours

18. Mr Wilson said he (był) in Warsaw in 1989.

1) 'd be
2) was
3) used to be
4) has been

19. I should be very happy, if you (zechciałbyś wysłać) me a picture postcard from Italy.

1) will send
2) would send
3) sent
4) would have sent

20. In my opinion, Henry (powinien był zaprosić) Miss Wilkins to his party.

1) ought to invite
2) should have invited
3) should invite
4) must have invited

21. Jim wants to buy a yacht (aby zaimponować) Kate.

1) so as to be able to impress
2) so that he can impress
3) to impress
4) so that he would impress

22. Are you going (dać swój telewizor do naprawy) this week?

1) to repair your TV set
2) to have repaired your TV set
3) to have your TV set repaired
4) to have had your TV set repaired

23. You (mogłeś był skończyć) your book a few months ago.

1) may have finished
2) could finish
3) might finish
4) might have finished

24. Betty said that her sister (zaproponowano) a very wellpaid job in Newcastle.

1) offered
2) were offered
3) has been offered
4) had been offered

25. Let's have a game of chess, (dobrze)?

1) will we
2) should we
3) shall we
4) would we


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