test angielski1(2)


Ilość uzyskanych punktów..................

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I. Uzupełnij luki w tekście wyrazami znajdującymi się w tabeli poniżej. Każdy wyraz może być użyty tylko raz.

efforts seizures property uses responsible adopt beginning goodbye illegal drug-sniffing receive officers entry black almost

U.S. Customs Service …………………………… at the San Louis port of …………………… will say …………………………… to two of their best four-footed colleagues on Wednesday. U.S. Customs Service dogs "Wendy" and "T-Bone" will be recognized for their contributions during a ceremony on January 9th. U.S. Customs Service dog "T-bone" was responsible for 156 drug ……………………… during his 5-½ year career. The …………… Labrador is ………………………… for stopping more than $48 million worth of drugs since ………………………………. his Customs career on June 20, 2001. U.S. Customs Service dog "Wendy" was responsible for detection 131 drug cases during her 6-½ year career. The German Shepherd is responsible for stopping …………………… $40 million in narcotics and ………………………… since her Customs career started on May 5, 2000. After the retirement ceremony, their handlers will ………………… both dogs. The San Louis port ……………… a dozen U.S. Customs Service dog teams. The officers who are losing their dogs to retirement will ……………………… newly trained ones to continue in their …………………… to stop ……………………… drugs at the busy port.


II. Proszę wstawić słowa w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie z zachowaniem prawidłowego szyku zdania:

16. Tom seldom washes up. However right now he ………………………… (dust) the table.

17. His father ………………… (give) him pocket money every week.

18. I……………………………………………………( never smoke) cigarettes yet.

19. Mary …………………… (like) to do things on her own.

20. What …………………………………(they prepare) for dinner at the moment?

21. While we …………………………….(watch) TV, someone knocked at the door

22. The Lord of the Rings ………………………………… (write) by J.R.R. Tolkien.

23. I will not let Mary go to the party unless she ………………… (do) her homework

24. I……………………………………………….(live) in this town since I was born.

25. Peter hates …………………………………(learn) mathematics.

26. I will be waiting for you, when the train ………………………… (arrive)

27. Tim…………………….(drink) three cups of coffee yesterday.

28. Could you ………………… (help) me with this exercise? It's so difficult!

28. The Wilsons have the most beautiful garden in our town, ………………………………….(have) they?

29. I …………………..(never phone) you again! Our friendship is over!

30. The cat left and ……………………….(not come) back.


III. Dokończ zdanie tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania powyżej:

31. It's possible, it will rain tomorrow

It may…………………………………………………………………………..

32. I always refuse to drink alcohol with strangers.

I never…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

33. All cups on the table are dirty.

There are not……………………………………………………………………………………………..

34. May I open the window, please?

Do you ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

35. Paul hates Mark very much and vice versa.

Paul and Mark …………………………………………………………………………


IV. Połącz wyraz w kolumnie A z wyrazem/zwrotem w kolumnie B tak aby tworzyły sensowny zwrot.



36. commercial

a. wheel

37. implement

b. processing

38. delayed

c. suitcase

39. spare

d. value

40. veterinary

e. belongings

41. open

f. payment

42. alcoholic

g. duty-free allowances

43. inward

h. beverages

44. personal

i. certificate

45. apply

j. computerized systems


V. Wstaw właściwy przyimek.

46. She was accused ………. killing her husband.

47. Mary is sitting ……………… her mother and her father.

48. You mustn't leave this place ………………… his permission.

49. I was very tired this morning. I couldn't get ………

50. There is a huge sale in this supermarket. The prices were even knocked 50% ………….!


VI. Z wyrazów w nawiasach wybierz właściwy i wstaw w odpowiednie miejsce:

  1. Richard doesn't have any friends. He must be so …………………………………… (alone, lonely).

  2. Excuse me! Could you …………………(make , take) us a photo in front of this castle?

  3. That film was not very ………………………………………………….(interested, interesting).

  4. This gate doesn't have a key hole. So you cannot …………………………………….(shut, lock) it.

  5. English people often talk about the ……………………………………(weather, whether).


VII. Napisz liczbę mnogą od niżej wymienionych rzeczowników

56. shelf -

57. policeman -

58. child -

59. tooth -

60. permit -



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