nef elem filetest 8b


1 Complete the sentences with do, don't, would, or wouldn't.

Example: `Would you like to do a parachute jump?' `No, I wouldn't. It's very dangerous.'

1 `Would you like to dance?' `No! I __________ like this song.'

2 __________ you like shopping for food?

3 I __________ like to go to Russia one day.

4 __________ you like cheese?

5 I __________ like to go to Brazil. I don't like flying.

6 `Would you like some breakfast?' `Yes, I __________.'


2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of an adjective or an adverb from the box.

beautiful careful hard healthy perfect safe slow

Example: She doesn't eat healthily. She has too much fast food.

1 They speak French __________. Their mother is from Paris.

2 It's snowing. Please drive __________.

3 Don't walk home. It isn't __________ here in the evening.

4 I can't understand you. Please speak __________.

5 That's a __________ jacket. Where did you buy it?

6 He worked __________ and passed the test.


3 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets.

Example: It's hotter (hot) in Italy than in Norway.

1 Your shirt is ________________ (expensive) than mine.

2 Winter is the ________________ (dangerous) time of the year for some animals.

3 Tim's the ________________ (bad) chess player I know.

4 I'm the ________________ (happy) person in the world!

5 She's the ________________ (good) student in the class.

6 This month's test is ________________ (hard) than last month's test.

7 I'm ________________ (young) than my brother.

8 I think the mountains are ________________ (beautiful) than the sea.


Grammar total



4 Match the words with the definitions.

altitude breathe cotton freezer hit nose roof

Example: it's colder than a fridge freezer

1 high place __________

2 your clothes are often made of this __________

3 what you do with a tennis ball __________

4 part of your face __________

5 you need oxygen to do this __________

6 you find it on your house __________


5 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

Example: Helen's very quiet. She never speaks!

noisy quiet careful

1 Thank you for the money. You're very ___________.

generous friendly open

2 Don't be __________! I hate arguing.

serious aggressive boring

3 She's very __________. She always dresses well.

friendly happy stylish

4 Julie's very __________. She doesn't make many mistakes.

exciting polite careful

5 Jeff is quite __________. He doesn't often laugh or make jokes.

popular difficult serious

6 She's very __________. She has a lot of money.

rich healthy expensive

7 Sonya likes meeting new people. She's very __________.

friendly aggressive good


6 Complete the weather words.

Example: It's raining. Have you got an umbrella?

1 It's h_________ in here. Can you open the window, please?

2 It's c__________ today. I'm going to wear my coat.

3 It's d__________ and hot. We need some rain.

4 It's s__________. Don't forget your hat and gloves.

5 I lost my hat because it was very w__________.

6 It's s__________ today. Do you want to go to the beach?

7 It's c__________. I think it's going to rain.


Vocabulary total



7 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: coffee

1 aggressive

2 crowded

3 carefully

4 dangerous

5 healthier


8 Match the words with the same sound.

cloudy high friendly meet popular worse

Example: white high

1 slept __________

2 tea __________

3 father __________

4 found __________

5 heard __________


Pronunciation total


Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total



1 Read the magazine article and tick () A, B, or C.

The best places to visit

There's no place on earth like Brazil. It has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, some of the busiest, most exciting cities, as well as the biggest area of unexplored rainforest on the planet. Most people live near the sea so there is a lot of empty space.

The country is, of course, enormous. In fact, Brazil is the fifth-largest country in the world. It covers half of South America and has borders with every South American country except Chile and Ecuador. It has 19 cities and more than 170 million people.

Brazil is a fascinating place to visit. The people are warm and friendly and they generally welcome tourists to their country. Traditionally, Brazilians give presents to their hosts when they visit people, so it's a good idea if you do the same! Typical gifts include flowers, sweets, and champagne.

When we think of Brazil, we think of football, music, dancing, and beaches. The most popular pastimes will not come as a surprise: playing football, listening to music, dancing, walking on the beach, or just talking.

Family life is very important and eating together is always special. The most important meal of the day is at about 1.00 p.m. The evening meal doesn't begin until about 9.00 or 10.00 p.m. And then the parties begin. A party can start at any time and for any reason, and go on until the early hours of the morning. Nobody worries about work the next day.

How do Brazilians stay awake with such a lifestyle? Well, Brazil also produces some of the best coffee in the world!

Example: Brazil is the biggest country in the world.

A True      B False    C Doesn't say     

1 170 million people live in Brazilian cities.

A True      B False      C Doesn't say     

2 All of Brazil's cities are on the coast.

A True      B False      C Doesn't say     

3 Not many people live in the rainforest.

A True      B False      C Doesn't say     

4 Brazil doesn't have a border with Ecuador and Chile.

A True      B False      C Doesn't say     

5 The cities are all very quiet.

A True      B False      C Doesn't say     

6 Brazil is a boring place for tourists.

A True      B False      C Doesn't say     

7 Brazilian people are usually friendly to tourists.

A True      B False      C Doesn't say     

8 Music is very popular.

A True      B False      C Doesn't say     

9 Lunch is an important meal.

A True      B False      C Doesn't say     

10 Parties always start at 10.00 p.m.

A True      B False      C Doesn't say     


2 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Why is there a lot of empty space in Brazil?


2 What do people often give as presents?


3 When do people eat lunch?


4 When do they eat in the evening?


5 What often happens after dinner?



Reading total



Read the information about a hotel.

Hotel Derby
Small hotel in the city centre.
Ten double rooms, all with private bathrooms. Five singles, three with private bathrooms.

Write an email to the hotel. (75-100 words) You want:

• a single room with a bathroom

• to arrive on 22 September and leave on 24 September

• information about tourist attractions that are near the hotel

• confirmation of your reservation

Writing total


Reading and Writing total



1 Listen to a psychologist talking about people and adventurous sports. Write the letter (A-E) to match the sport to the type of person who likes each sport.





bungee jumping     

A aggressive people

B healthy people

C famous people

D younger people

E people who like something exciting


2 Listen to five conversations. Tick () A, B, or C.

1 Which city would Ian like to live in?

A New York      B Cape Town      C London     

2 In Shane's opinion, which quality is true about Australians?

A They talk loudly.      B They don't work hard.     
C They play football beautifully.     

3 What type of payment can the restaurant accept?

A cash      B credit card      C American Express     

4 In Sally's opinion, which film isn't frightening?

A Faces of Death      B Day of the Dead      C The Dead Return     

5 Which quality does not describe Sue's boyfriend?

A generous      B serious      C friendly     


Listening total



1 Answer your partner's questions.

Now ask your partner these questions.

1 Would you like to travel to Mars?

2 Are you a quiet person?

3 Do you like reading books?

4 Do you speak quickly?

5 Would you like to live in Australia?

2 Your partner has information about the weather today in five cities. Make questions and ask your partner.

• What / weather / London?

• What / weather / Valencia?

• / Warsaw / hot / Valencia?

• Which / hot / city?

• Which / cold / city?

3 Now read this information and answer your partner's questions.

Prague 2°C
Moscow -6°C
Lisbon 12°C
La Paz 6°C
Bangkok 34°C

Speaking total


Listening and Speaking total


Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

8 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

8 Reading and Writing B

Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

8 Listening and Speaking B


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