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Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence

Learning Disorders (Academic Skills Disorders)

Reading Disorder (Developmental Reading Disorder)/Mathematics Disorder (Developmental Arithmetic Disorder)/Disorder of Written Expression (Developmental Expressive Writing Disorder)

Motor Skills Disorder

Developmental Coordination Disorder

Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Autistic Disorder/Rett's Disorder/Childhood Disintegrative Disorder/Asperger's Disorder/PDD Not Otherwise Specified

Disruptive Behavior and Attention-Deficit Disorders

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder/Oppositional Defiant Disorder/Conduct Disorder

Feeding and Eating Disorders of Infancy or Early Childhood

Pica/Rumination Disorder/Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood

Tic Disorders

Tourette's Disorder/Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder/Transient Tic Disorder

Communication Disorders

Expressive Language Disorder (Developmental Expressive Language Disorder)/Mixed Receptive/Expressive Language Disorder (Developmental Receptive Language Disorder)/Phonological Disorder (Developmental Articulation Disorder)/Stuttering

Elimination Disorders


Other Disorders of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence

Separation Anxiety Disorder/Selective Mutism (Elective Mutism)/Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood/Stereotypic Movement Disorder (Stereotypy/Habit Disorder)

Delirium, Dementia,Amnestic, and Other Cognitive Disorders


Delirium Due to a General Medical Condition/Substance-Induced Delirium/Delirium Due to Multiple Etiologies


Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type; With Early Onset: if onset at age 65 or below; With Late Onset: if onset after age 65/Vascular Dementia/Dementias Due to Other General Medical Conditions/Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia/Dementia Due to Multiple Etiologies

Amnestic Disorders

Amnestic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition/Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (refer to specific Substance for code)

Substance-Related Disorders

Alcohol Use Disorders

Amphetamine (or Related Substance) Use Disorders

Caffeine Use Disorders

Cannabis Use Disorders

Cocaine Use Disorders

Hallucinogen Use Disorders

Inhalant Use Disorders

Nicotine Use Disorders

Opioid Use Disorders

Phencyclidine (or Related Substance) Use Disorders

Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Substance Use Disorders

Polysubstance Use Disorder

Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders


Paranoid Type/Disorganized Type/Catatonic Type/Undifferentiated Type/Residual Type

Schizophreniform Disorder

Schizoaffective Disorder

Delusional Disorder

Brief Psychotic Disorder

Shared Psychotic Disorder (Folie à Deux)

Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

With Delusions/With Hallucinations/Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder

Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Mood Disorders

Depressive Disorders

Major Depressive Disorder/Dysthymic Disorder/Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Bipolar Disorders

Bipolar I Disorder/Bipolar II Disorder (Recurrent Major Depressive Episodes with Hypomania)/Bipolar Not Otherwise Specified/Cyclothymic Disorder

Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

Substance-Induced Mood Disorder

Mood Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Anxiety Disorders

Panic Disorder

Without Agoraphobia/With Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia without History of Panic Disorder

Specific Phobia (Simple Phobia)

Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Acute Stress Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Includes Overanxious Disorder of Childhood)

Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Somatoform Disorders

Somatization Disorder

Conversion Disorder


Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Pain Disorder

Somatoform Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder

Factitious Disorders

Factitious Disorder

Factitious Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Dissociative Disorders

Dissociative Amnesia

Dissociative Fugue

Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)

Depersonalization Disorder

Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

Sexual Dysfunctions

Sexual Desire Disorders: Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder; Sexual Aversion Disorder/Sexual Arousal Disorders: Female Sexual Arousal Disorder; Male Erectile Disorder/Orgasm Disorders: Female Orgasmic Disorder (Inhibited Female Orgasm); Male Orgasmic Disorder (Inhibited Male Orgasm); Premature Ejaculation/Sexual Pain Disorders: Dyspareunia; Vaginismus/Sexual Dysfunctions Due to a General Medical Condition/Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction


Exhibitionism/Fetishism/Frotteurism/Pedophilia/Sexual Masochism/Sexual Sadism/Voyeurism/Transvestic Fetishism

Gender Identity Disorders

Gender Identity Disorder: in Children/in Adolescents and Adults (Transsexualism)

Eating Disorders

Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Sleep Disorders

Primary Sleep Disorders

Dyssomnias: Primary Insomnia; Primary Hypersomnia; Narcolepsy; Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder; Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder (Sleep-Wake Schedule Disorder)/Parasomnias; Nightmare Disorder (Dream Anxiety Disorder); Sleep Terror Disorder; Sleepwalking Disorder/Sleep Disorders Related to Another Mental Disorder

Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder

Dyssomnia Not Otherwise Specified

Parasomnia Not Otherwise Specified

Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified

Intermittent Explosive Disorder



Pathological Gambling


Impulse-Control Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Adjustment Disorder

Adjustment Disorder

With Anxiety

With Depressed Mood

With Disturbance of Conduct

With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct

With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood


Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention

Pyschological Factors Affecting Medical Condition

Medication-Induced Movement Disorders

Relational Problems

Relational Problem Related to a Mental Disorder or General Medical Condition/Parent-Child Relational Problem/Partner Relational Problem/Sibling Relational Problem

Problems Related to Abuse or Neglect

Physical Abuse of Child/Sexual Abuse of Child/Neglect of Child/Physical Abuse of Adult/Sexual Abuse of Adult

Additional Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention

Bereavement/Borderline Intellectual Functioning/Academic Problem/Occupational Problem/Childhood or Adolescent Antisocial Behavior/Adult Antisocial Behavior/Malingering Phase of Life Problem/Noncompliance with Treatment for a Mental Disorder/Identity Problem/Religious or Spiritual Problem/Acculturation Problem/Age-Associated Memory Decline


Personality Disorders

Paranoid Personality Disorder

Schizoid Personality Disorder

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder

Histrionic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Dependent Personality Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Mental Retardation

Mild Mental Retardation/Moderate Mental Retardation/Severe Mental Retardation/Profound Mental Retardation



The DSM-IV Task Force judged that these disorders do not currently have sufficient supporting data for inclusion in DSM-IV and therefore require further study. In fact, only a few of these proposed disorders will ultimately meet criteria, while others will be excluded from further consideration. Many of the more interesting disorders are discussed in one or more appropriate chapters.

Postconcussional Disorder

The key features of this disorder are specific cognitive impairments as well as excessive fatigue, disordered sleep, and headaches following a head trauma that resulted in a concussion. (See related material in Chapter 13.)

Mild Neurocognitive Disorder

The key feature of this disorder is an impairment in neurocognitive functioning that is the result of a general medical condition. (See Chapter 13.)

Caffeine Withdrawal

The key feature of this disorder is the experience of headaches, fatigue, anxiety, nausea, or vomiting after the abrupt cessation of caffeine consumption following prolonged daily use of the substance. (See related material in Chapter 10.)

Alternative Dimensional Descriptors for Schizophrenia

A three-factor dimensional model (psychotic, disorganized, and negative) has been suggested to describe current and lifetime symptomatology. The psychotic factor includes d elusions and hallucinations. The disorganized factor includes disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, and inappropriate affect. (See Chapter 12.)

Postpsychotic Depressive Disorder of Schizophrenia

The key feature of this disorder is a major depressive episode that occurs only during the residual phase of schizophrenia. (See related material in Chapter 6.)

Simple Deteriorative Disorder (Simple Schizophrenia)

The key feature of this disorder is the development of prominent negative symptoms (e.g., alogia, avolition) in the absence of positive symptoms (e.g., hallucinations, delusions) over the course of 1 year. (See related material in Chapter 12.)

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

The key features of this disorder are marked anxiety or depressed mood, affective lability, and decreased interest in activities. These symptoms regularly occur during the week preceding menses and are never present during the week following it. (See Chapter 3.)

Minor Depressive Disorder

The key feature of this disorder is one or more periods of depressive symptoms that have the same duration as a major depressive episode but fewer and less severe symptoms. (See related material in Chapter 6.)

Recurrent Brief Depressive Disorder

The key feature of this disorder is one or more periods of depressive symptoms. The symptoms are equal in number and degree of impairment to those seen in a major depressive episode, but they last for less than 2 weeks. (See related material in Chapter 6.)

Mixed Anxiety-Depressive Disorder

The key feature of this disorder is the presence of persistent or recurrent dysphoric mood as well as a number of symptoms of negative affect for at least 1 month. (See Chapter 6).

Factitious Disorder by Proxy

The essential feature is the deliberate production or feigning of physical or psychological signs or symptoms in another person who is under the individual's care. Typically the victim is a young child and the perpetrator is the child's mother. (See Chapter 5.)

Dissociative Trance Disorder

The key feature of this disorder is an involuntary state of trance that is not considered normal within the person's culture or religion and causes significant distress or impairment. (See Chapter 5.)

Binge-Eating Disorder

The key feature of this disorder is the repeated occurrence of binge eating. The person has impaired control over the binging and is distressed by it. Compensatory behaviors, such as those typical of bulimia nervosa, are absent. (See related material in Chapter 8.)

Depressive Personality Disorder

The key feature of this disorder is a pervasive pattern of depressive thoughts and behaviors that develops by early adulthood and occurs in a variety of contexts. The symp-toms are not better accounted for by dysthymia and do not occur only during major depressive episodes. (See related material in Chapters 6 and 11.)

Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder (Negativistic Personality Disorder)

The key feature of this disorder is a pattern of negativistic attitudes and the use of passive means to resist occupational and social demands. This pattern develops by early adulthood and occurs in a variety of contexts. (See Chapter 11.)

Medication-Induced Movement Disorders

This category of disorders was designed to assist in the management of medication and the assignment of psycho-logical diagnoses. The key features of these disorders are abnormal physical movements or characteristics such as tremors, muscle rigidity or spasms, pacing, fidgety behavior, or abnormal posture that are judged to be side effects of specific medications. The following diagnoses have been proposed for this category: Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia, Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia, Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia, Medication-Induced Postural Tremor, Medication-Induced Movement Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. (See related material in Chapter 13.)

Source: Adapted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Fourth Edition, Text Revision. Copyright © 2000 American Psychiatric Association.


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