durand word files Chapter 13 05753 13 ch13 p506 561 Caption


© Ellen B. Senisi / The Image Works


A child with ADHD is likely to behave inappropriately regardless of the setting.

Dan McCoy/Rainbow

Figure 13.1 More than half of all schoolchildren classified as disabled have learning disabilities; almost 30 years ago, the proportion was around 25%.


These functional MRI scans of composite data from six dyslexic adults and eight controls show a horizontal slice through the brain, with the face at the top. Imaging shows atypical brain activity associated with dyslexia. The scans were performed while subjects tracked a pattern of moving dots on a computer screen. A brain area (V5/MT) normally active during such motion tasks did not switch on in dyslexic subjects (right). Their brain activity was more similar to that of controls during a pattern recognition task (left).

Courtesy National Institute of Mental Health


Specially designed computer games may help children with learning disorders improve their language skills.

Larry Williams/Corbis


Researchers are exploring how people with autism view social interactions among other people. (From: “Defining and Quantifying the Social Phenotype in Autism,” by A. Klin, W. Jones, R. Schultz, F. Volkmar, and D. Cohen, 2002. American Journal of Psychiatry, 159, 895-908.)

A. Klin, W. Jones, R. Schultz, F. Volkmar, and D. Cohen.


Timothy plays violin and piano as well as baseball. Autistic disorder occurs in all cultures and races.

Courtesy Lee-Yun Chu


MRIs of two different brains: The person on the left has no neurological disorders and the person on the right has autism. Note (lower right) that the cerebellum is smaller in the person with autism.

Eric Courchesne, PhD, Autism and Brain Development

Research Laboratory, LaJolla, CA


The communication deficits typical of autism often lead to social isolation.

Myrleen Ferguson Cate/PhotoEdit


Actor Chris Burke, who has Down syndrome, played an angel with Down syndrome on the TV show Touched by an Angel.

A. Ramey/PhotoEdit


Mental retardation can be defined in terms of the level of support people need.

Will Hart/PhotoEdit


Although he cannot speak, this man is learning to communicate with an eye-gaze board, pointing to or simply looking at the image that conveys his message.

PhotoDisc/Getty Images


Amniocentesis can detect the presence of Down syndrome in a fetus. Guided by an ultrasound image, the doctor withdraws amniotic fluid for analysis.

Saturn Stills/SPL/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Figure 13.2 The increasing likelihood of Down syndrome with maternal age. (Based on data from Hook, 1982).

Figure 13.3 The actual distribution of IQ scores for individuals with cultural-familial retardation and organic retardation. Note that the cultural-familial group represents the normal expected lower end of the continuum but that the organic group is a separate and overlapping group. (Adapted from Understanding Mental Retardation, by E. Zigler and R. M. Hodapp. Copyright © 1986 by Cambridge University Press. Reprinted with permission.)


The Illinois Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children, about 1880. Today, great efforts are made to keep children with mental retardation in their homes and communities.

Beverly Farm Collections/University Archive/Lovejoy Library/SIU


Patients in care facilities are often comforted by having their personal belongings nearby.

Richard Pasley/Stock Boston


People with facial agnosia, a common symptom of dementia, are unable to recognize faces, even those of their closest friends and relatives.

Francisco Cruz/Superstock


The PET scan of a brain afflicted with Alzheimer's disease (left) shows significant tissue deterioration in comparison with a normal brain (right).

Tim Beddow/Science Source/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Tim Beddow/Science Source/Photo Researchers, Inc.


Michael J. Fox provides his time and celebrity status to efforts to cure Parkinson's disease, a degenerative disease that is severely affecting his life.

AP/Wide World Photos


Simple signs and labels can help people with memory loss.

© John Livzey

Durand 13-1


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