UP B1plus Tests Tapes

TEST 1 A/B - Listening

Radio Presenter: With us tonight is Lynn McDonlald, a representative from “Save the Beautiful Forests”. Hello, Lynn. Thanks for joining us.

Lynn: It's my pleasure.

Radio Presenter: Um…, let's start with the Amazon in the past. How big was the original Amazon rainforest?

Lynn: It was about 5.5 million square kilometres.

Radio Presenter: Wow! And how much of the Amazon rainforest has disappeared?

Lynn: Nearly a quarter. More than 20% of the rainforest has been cut down already.

Radio Presenter: That's awful! If the rainforest continues to be destroyed like this, when will it be gone?

Lynn: Well, the Amazon is losing 52,000 square kilometres of forest a year. This means that the Amazon rainforest will be gone by 2050.

Radio Presenter: That's unbelievable - but why are we cutting down the trees in the Amazon?

Lynn: Well, one reason is to make way for soya fields. Farmers make money from soya by selling it as food for animals and humans. And soya is also used to make ice cream, margarine, mayonnaise and lipstick. So, farmers can sell soya to countries who make these things.

Radio Presenter: I see. And how much of the earth's oxygen is produced by the Amazon?

Lynn: That would be about 20 per cent.

Radio Presenter: Apart from destroying the trees, why should people be worried about the Amazon rainforest becoming smaller?

Lynn: Well, for many, many reasons. One reason is the climate. Cutting down the trees in the Amazon and destroying the plants will change the world's climate because the trees help to keep it in balance. Another reason is that there are many new and unknown species that live there. This is important because these new species could help us make medicines or even help us find a cure for cancer.

Radio Presenter: Yes, that is very important. Um, can you tell me some interesting facts about the wildlife in the rainforest?

Lynn: Sure. One square kilometre of the rainforest contains up to 90,000 tons of plants. One in five of all the birds in the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon. Also, about 2.5 million insect species live there and new species are constantly being discovered there.

Radio Presenter: Thank you Lynn. Let's take a short break. When we return, … .

TEST 2 A/B - Listening

Travel agent (TA): Good afternoon. Atlantis Travel. How may I help you?

Customer (C): Hello. I want to travel to New York this weekend. From London.

TA: Certainly, sir. We have some good weekend offers. These include a hotel and visits to tourist attractions.

C: Thanks, but I just want a flight. No tours, or anything like that.

TA: Fine. When exactly would you like to travel? I'm afraid we're pretty booked up for November, but for the next few weeks we have quite a lot of seats available.

C: That's fine because I want to travel soon. This coming weekend, actually. I'd like a flight sometime on Friday afternoon. If there's nothing then, I suppose Friday morning might be okay. Friday evening would be too late.

TA: I'll just check. Have you a preference for airports, sir? For Friday afternoon, the best offer is a flight that leaves from London Gatwick. It's a really good price. There's quite a good offer too from London Luton.

C: Have you nothing from London Heathrow?

TA: Yes, there's an afternoon flight from Heathrow to New York JFK, but it's quite expensive.

C: I don't mind about the price. I'll take that one. What time does it leave?

TA: Three o'clock.

C: Perfect!

TA: And what about the return flight, sir?

C: Well, what have you got for Sunday evening or early Monday morning?

TA: I'll check that. Hmmm. Not a lot of availability there, I'm afraid. The most popular Sunday flight is the one at eight o'clock from JFK, but it's fully-booked. Otherwise … well, it'll have to be Monday morning at six o'clock, I'm afraid. Sorry. The Sunday six o'clock is full, too.

C: That's okay. I don't mind.

TA: That's fine. I'll book you onto those two flights, then?

C: Yes, please.

TA: Can I have your name, please, sir?

C: Mooney, Patrick Mooney.

TA: Thank you. Have you any special requests, Mr. Mooney? Extra baggage? A special seat?

C: Yes, I'd like to request a vegetarian meal, please.

TA: Fine. No problem. Now, the total cost …

TEST 3 A/B - Listening

If there's one film you mustn't miss this autumn, it's `Click'. This film is something the whole family can enjoy. `Click' is a hilarious new comedy drama directed by Frank Coraci. This film has a really excellent cast, and it's sure to be a hit. Just listen to who's in it! The film stars Adam Sandler as Michael Newman, Kate Beckinsale plays his wife Donna Newman and David Hasselhoff is brilliant as Michael's ungrateful boss, Anmer.

The story is about an architect, Michael Newman, who is struggling to cope with the demands of work and his young family. One day he is sent to buy a TV remote control. But his life changes when he meets an unusual character who gives him a special remote control which doesn't just control the TV, but his whole life! Michael is suddenly able to rewind, fast forward and pause his life whenever he likes.

`Click' is definitely worth a look this month - don't miss it! If I were you, I would be off to the cinema as soon as possible!

TEST 4 A/B - Listening

1 (accountant - woman)

I was very good at maths at school; it was something that I never had a problem with. I'm also the type of person who pays attention to detail and organisation. My office is usually quite busy, especially when I do people's taxes, but I don't mind. I guess it was only natural for me to do this line of work.

2 (detective - man)

I absolutely love solving mysteries! Even as a little boy I tried to find out how things work and why. But what I really love about my job is all the high-tech equipment I get to use! It can really be exciting sometimes, but I have to be careful, too. I would never want another job.

3 (social worker - woman)

I really care a lot about people. I'm also a very good listener and I enjoy helping others with their problems. I can't imagine myself working alone - I'd hate that! I have a very rewarding job. It's really satisfying to know that you can make a difference in someone's life.

4 (farmer - man)

I love my job because I get to be outside, close to nature. Some people say it's boring and tiring because I work with my hands a lot, but I disagree. I always get up very early and work long hours, but at least I'm my own boss. I know I'd go crazy if I had to sit in front of a computer all day!

5 (stockbroker - man)

I'm a risk-taker. As soon as I see an opportunity, I take it! It's not easy being successful, but I love being in charge all the time. And believe it or not, I enjoy the stress, too! I also like the fact that people trust me with their money, which is very important. What I like most about my job is the excitement of buying and selling stocks and shares. Of course I like making a lot of money, too.

TEST 5 A/B - Listening

Dietician: So, Mrs Scott, have you noticed a difference since you've stopped eating junk food?

Mrs Scott: Yes, it's amazing! I didn't expect to feel so much better. I actually can't believe it!

Dietician: I'm glad to hear that there is a difference. When you think of it, it makes sense, though, doesn't it? Can you explain how you feel?

Mrs Scott: Well, for one thing, I sleep much better at night, and I feel much more energetic in the morning.

Dietician: That's excellent. Anything else?

Mrs Scott: Yes, my skin is much clearer and I've lost weight. I'm pleased about my skin, but I don't want to lose much more weight. I'm thin enough already, and none of my clothes will fit me!

Dietician: In my experience, this just happens at the start. I don't think you'll lose much more weight.

Mrs Scott: That's good.

Dietician: And what about the fizzy drinks? Have you managed to cut down on them?

Mrs Scott: Well … not really.

Dietician: Hmmmm. I believe that fizzy drinks are really bad for you. They're as bad as junk food … maybe even worse.

Mrs Scott: Oh dear. I'll try.

Dietician: Has it been difficult to change your eating habits?

Mrs Scott: Yes … yes, it has.

Dietician: Why, exactly?

Mrs Scott: Well … it sounds stupid, I know, but I still don't feel that junk food is unhealthy. I suppose that's because I've been eating it for so many years!

Dietician: Yes, these kinds of habits are hard to break. I do understand, you know. I've seen a lot of people in your situation, and I know that having a completely different diet takes time. It doesn't happen overnight.

Mrs Scott: Yes. I'm sure you're right.

Dietician: Come and see me again in six weeks' time.

Mrs Scott: Yes, I will. Thank you. Goodbye.

Dietician: Goodbye.

Exit Test - Listening

1 What does Emma's new neighbour look like?

A: Hi Emma! What a great party!

B: Thanks very much. Have you met everyone?

A: No, not really. Who is that man over there?

B: Who… the one with short brown hair? That's my co-worker, Pete.

A: No, not him, the man by the window, with brown hair, glasses and a beard.

B: Oh! That's my new neighbour, John. Let me introduce you.

2 What does John want to study at university?

A: So, John, have you applied to university yet?

B: Not yet, how about you?

A: Yes, I've applied to study drama in London. I hope I pass my exams.

B: I'm a bit stuck actually, Steve. I would love to study English, but I get better grades in Maths. So I don't know what to do!

A: Oh dear! Perhaps you should wait for your results and then decide!

3 What present did Pat get from her parents?

A: How was your birthday, Pat?

B: It was fantastic, thanks. I got some lovely presents.

A: Did your mum and dad get you that games console you wanted?

B: No, they didn't, they gave me an MP3 player instead. I got a digital camera from my auntie as well!

A: Wow! Lucky you!

4 What does Penny's mum do for a living?

A: Hi, Penny. I heard your mum's got a new job.

B: Yes, she has. She decided she didn't want to be a nurse anymore. It was too stressful.

A: Where does she work now, then? In an office?

B: No, she's not a secretary. She went to college and trained to be a photographer. She wanted to do something that was more creative.

A: Good for her!

5 What was the weather like for the camping trip?

A: How was your camping trip last weekend, Eve?

B: Well, there was a little sun as we were travelling to the campsite.

A: That's great!

B: Wait a moment. As soon as we arrived, the sky went dark, but there was no wind. Then, as we were putting up the tent it started to rain.

A: Oh no!

B: I know, and it carried on raining for the whole weekend.

A: Oh dear. What a nightmare!


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