opowiadanie (idiom Every cloud has a silver lining) 2

The uncertain tomorrow

Have you ever had the worst thoughts about tomorrow? Were you in situation without way out? I know - you thought that this questions are stupid, because every human was in difficult situations, but I want tell you my story…

Everything was starting with tiny, imperceptible events. I forgot about homework, had dizziness and sometimes I couldn't have slept. Everybody was assuring me that this is normal for growing up teenagers. I believed them, because it was easier to understand. It have been until I fell into insomnia. I can't have functioned properly. One day I was so exhausted for this reason that almost I ran into the car on the way home from school. When my parents were being informed about it, immediately I came to the hospital.

Doctors did a lot of examinations of me. They finally announced `This must be Ebola'. If they were right, I should have died. But I didn't! Another specialists put next diagnosis… Public health care couldn't have helped me. I was transferred to the best hospital in our country. My treatment lasted for in total 6 months… I lost half a year of my life for visit hospitals. Ultimately it turned out that a single operation was enough to cure me completely.

After such a long period of the time, when each day was uncertainty - now I can enjoy my life. I overcame illness and other adversities. I think that it is true that `Every cloud has a silver lining'.


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