Dress up - put od good clothes
Get across - communicate
Calm down - relax
Write down - make a list
Look sth up - find informations about sth
Turn up - arrive
Settle down - make yourself comfortable
Look around - observe everything in a place
Take down - write notes
Make up - invent
Make out - prefertd (udawać)
Go on about - talk a lot of
Speak up - talk clearly
Come up with - think of
Present simple past simple |
Present perfect past perfect |
Present continuous Past continuous
Past simple past perfect |
Past perfect Past perfect |
Past continuous past perfect continuous
Going to Past continuous (?) |
Will form would form |
Conditional I Conditional II |
now then/that time
last the previous/the (sth) before [the year before]
ago before
today/tonight that day/that night
tomorrow the next day/the following day
yesterday the day before/the previous day
next the following
today that day
the day before yesterday two days before
here there
this that
these those
here there
will would
can could
may might
shall should
would would
could could
might might
should should