Powtorka materiału z gramatyki

Powtórka materiału z gramatyki z języka
1. Czasownik HAVE GOT
znaczenie ...........................................................
a) zdania twierdzące
- I…………a dog.

-You ………… beautiful eyes.

-She…………….a cat.

-He………………a new car.

-It………………a blanket.

-We…………….crazy ideas.

-You……………a nice pet.

-They…………….a big house.

- Mike…………….new jacket.

-Your parents…………...cool mobile phones.

-Monika's grandmother……………….a big garden.

-The twins………………………..the same clothes.

b) zdania przeczace
-I…………………….a cat.

-You…………………a new bicycle.

-She…………………..a new pair of jeans.

-He……………………a girlfriend.

-It………………………a blanket.

-We……………………..the same shoes.

-You…………………….a computer.


-Fred…………………..a new pair of socks.

-Monika and Tom…………………..homework.

c) pytania
-…………..you……….enough time to prepare for the

-…………...she………..a new doll?

-…………..we…………the same dresses?

-…………..Alex…………a boyfriend?

-……………Jacek and Paweł………..homework?

-…………….your mother…………a driving licence?

-……………your brothers…………bikes?


2. Stopniowanie przymiotników

big - ................................ - .........................................
good - ............................. - .........................................
strong - ........................... - .........................................
long - .............................. - .........................................
happy - ........................... - .........................................
pretty - ............................ - .........................................
interesting - ........................................................... -
beautiful - ........................................................... -

3. Czasownik CAN
znaczenie ...........................................................
. She/dance


d.We/surf the internet
1. Can you dance?


2. Can you swim?


3. Can you play computer games?


4. Can you sing?


5. Can you drive a car?


6. Can you ride a bike?


7. Can you play guitar?


8. Can you play piano?

4. Czasownik BE
znaczenie ...........................................................
I ...........................................................
YOU ...........................................................
SHE ...........................................................
HE ...........................................................
IT ...........................................................
WE ...........................................................
THEY ...........................................................

5. Present Continuous
Utworz pytania I przeczenia
I am playing on the computer at the moment

She is listening to a radio now


They are watching TV


We are eating our dinner now

She ......................... (not/painting) now.

They ......................... (jumping) near the table.

........... we ......................... (go) to our grandmother at the moment?

I ......................... (write) my exam at the moment.

You ......................... (not/ride) on my bike now.
......................she ................................(cook) now?
......................they ......................(play) football now?

Slowa charakterysteczne:
6. Present Simple
you go to church every day?

…………… she cook dinner twice a week?…………… they swim every weekend?

……………Tom often brush his teeth?

…………….you eat breakfast in the afternoon?

…………… they sometimes read?
…………he often sing songs?

…………… your brother play volleyball twice a year?………….your friends run a lot ?

I .......................... [play] volleyball twice per week.

They often .................................. [go] to the cinema.

My father always ...............[watch] TV after breakfast.

My sisters never ...................... [dance] at the parties.

We ...................................... [not/sing] in the church.

He ............................. [hate] hamburgers.

Tom and Julia .......... ................................[not/like] playing on the computer.

Train .................................. [leave] at ten o'clock.

Slowa charakterystyczne:


Uzupełnij za pomocą czasowników odpowiednio odmienionych.
Play, tidy, jump, cook, watch, walk, eat, play, have, dance

He………………… volleyball every day.

She………………… room every Saturday.                             

They often………….on PE.

I never……………… TV in the morning.

Children……………… in the park in the spring.

They sometimes……………… delicious meals.

Girls and boys usually………………. in the disco on Saturdays.

You…………………. a shower every evening.

We always……………… second breakfast at school.

He rarely………………… volleyball on Mondays.



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