bierna mowa zależna


1.You must send this letter today.

2.Someone is watching my parents.

3.Nobody will read this article.

4.We won't deliver the sofa today.

5.The company employs 500 people.

6.Who composed 'Carmen'? *

7.You have to tell me the story again.

8.My father gave this watch to me on my 18th birthday.

9.The cleaning lady cleans the rooms everyday.

10.They aren't making these envelopes at present.

11.I will never forget this story.

12.They are watering some plants.

13.Have your sisters decorated the room?

14.I feed my dog twice a day.

15.I sent out the invitations 2 weeks ago.

16.The rivals have beaten my team once so far.

17.Dali painted this picture when he was 30.

18.We must save energy.

19.They make red wine from red grapes.

20.They will cancel the picnic if it rains.

Ćwiczenia - zdania z dwoma dopełnieniami w stronie biernej

Które z podanych zdań w stronie czynnej odpowiada zdaniom w stronie biernej?



1. Clair was given some flowers/ Some flowers were given to Clair

    a) He gave Clair some flowers.

    b) Clair gave him some flowers.


2.Many presents are given to children by Clair every Christmas/ Children are given many presents by Clair every Christmas

    a) Kate gives many presents to children every Christmas.

    b) Children give many presents to Kate.


3.A postcard will be sent to my mum/My mum will be sent a postcard

    a) I will send a postcard for my mum.

    b) I will send a postcard to my mum.


4.Ice-creams are being bought for all children/All children are being bought ice-creams

    a) We are buying ice-creams for all children.

    b)  Ic-creams are buying for all children.


5.This news can be read to you/You can be read this news

    a) You can read me the news.

    b) I can read this news to you.


6.Mark was being made a cake/ A cake was being made to Mark

    a) She was being made Mark a cake.

    b) She was making Mark a cake.


7. You have been saved a seat/A seat has been saved to you.

    a) I have saved you a seat.

    b) I have save you a seat.


8.The man was paid the money/The money was paid to the man

    a) Bob paid the money the man.

    b) Bob paid the man the money.


9.I am offered help every Saturday/A help is offered to me every Saturday

    a) They offered me help every Saturday.

    b) They offer me help every Saturday.


10.They must be given the book/ The book must be given the book

    a) You must give them the book.

    b) You must have given them the book.


  1. Sang said, "I have already written a letter to my family in Thailand.".

2. Roeun said, "I have got to pick up my children from school at three o'clock."

3. Cun said, "I am studying English at Long Beach City College."

4. Rosa said, "I should start studying Chinese."

5. Evangelina said, "I can speak, read and write Spanish, English, and Cambodian."

6. Carmen said, " I am planning to take a trip to Peru."

7. Gonzalo said, "I don't like Chinese food."

8. Monica Cheng said, "I may go to the Lakewood Mall after class."

9. Jose said, "I have lived in Long Beach for six years."

10. Chanty said, "I want to become a nurse."

11. Truc said, "I had a nice time at the party."

  1. She said, "I am reading."
    → She said

  2. They said, "We are busy."
    → They said

  3. He said, "I know a better restaurant."
    → He said

  4. She said, "I woke up early."
    → She said

  5. He said, "I will ring her."
    → He said

  6. They said, "We have just arrived."
    → They said

  7. He said, "I will clean the car."
    → He said

  8. She said, "I did not say that."
    → She said

  9. She said, "I don't know where my shoes are."
    → She said

  10. He said: "I won't tell anyone."
    → He said


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