Historia wykład 10 11 2011

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1332 Edward II divided Parliament:

  1. House of Commons

  2. House of Lords

English became official language of Parliament (earlier it was French).

1337 - Edward II declared he is a rightful heir to the French crown, which began 100 war.

CHIVALRY = a code of a perfect knight.

Perfect, brave, honourable knights - idea of chivalry which was connected to King Arthur and a Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur was Celtic ruler, he fought with Anglo-Saxons.

The perfect knight should:

  1. Fight for his good name

  2. Serve God

  3. Defend any lady in need

  4. Participate in wars (it could bring fame and glory to him)

Culmination of chivalry -> 1348 Order of the Garter. Motto: Shame on him who thinks it's evil. Order of the Garter is given on St. George's Day (a patron of England). Membership is limited to Sovereign, Prince of Wales and no more than 24 members of companions (towarzyszy). It also comprises (obejmuje) supernumerary (nadliczbowe) knights and ladies.

Edward III devoted himself to unification and strengthening the country. He had good advisers . Consultative monarchy (monarchia doradcza). One of his advisers was Goeffrey Chaucer - Controller of Customs (poet, author, philosopher). Edward III was surrounded by people like him.

1348 - Black Death 1/3 of population was dead. End of serfdom (pańszczyzna), because only few people left who could work on lands. They could ask for money for their work. Landlords let out their lands to farmers, they worked there even to life span (długość trwania życia). New class was founded - yeomen.

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RICHARD II (1377-99)

When Black Princie died, throne gone to the Richard II. Problem of social discontent (niezadowolenie). He was only a child, so his uncle - John of Gaunt ruled in fact.


Poll tax - for every person over 15, when it was increased for the 3rd time, poor people protested. The Peasant's Revolt 1331 leader: Wat Tyler.

Richard II decided to negotiate with Wat Tyler. He agreed to:

  1. Abolition (zniesienie) of serfdom

  2. Fixed low (sztywne prawo) rent for land

  3. General amnesty for all the rebels

Wat Tyler was killed. Richard II didn't keep promises. He said famous words: “Serfs you are, and serfs you should remain”.


1388 - the lords opposed the King. Richard II imprisoned John of Gaunt (he shouldn't do that, John helped him many times). Other nobles including Henry Bolingbroke (John's son) made full scale attack of the king's households. Richard II never forgot it and never forgave it. He went to Ireland to recruit private army.

When he was back some nobles were murdered and Henry was banished. People felt fear of the king's power.

In 1399 Henry travelled to Ireland, defeated and imprisoned the king, then king was secretly murdered. The rule that kings were neither to be killed nor deposed (zdymisjonowany) was broken twice.

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Plantagenet dynasty split into two houses:

  1. House of Lancaster

  1. House of York

Henry IV's claim to the throne was weak (there was another heir - Edmund). He was forced to relay on church and Parlament.


Lollards - followers of Oxford professor John Wycliff. He claimed that everyone should read the Bible in England, and he translated the Bible to English. Church didn't like it, because it was threat to its authority (if anyone could read the bible there would be too many interpretations). People would start think independently. Lollars attacked church for their greed and corruption, which was pretty common. Lollars were persecuted and Henry VI repressed them by taking an idea of punishing heretics by burning.

Joan of Arc - also claimed herecy.

Rebellions from nobles - XV century.

Northern Wales Rebels. Leader: Owain Glendower. He wanted to break connection with England. National War. Owain Glendower was claimed Welsh prince, after 1410 he lost almost all his support. Irish people realised that however hard they fought, they will never get it. A national identity was born (like with William Wallace).

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After his father, he got peaceful and united kingdom, so he could focus on different issues. He started Hundred Years War. 1415 Agincourt - he won, defeated French army 3 times, captured areas in Normandy.

Treaty of Troyes in 1420 - Henry V became heir to French throne and married French Princess Catherine of Valois. But he died, and French king also died. So Henry V's son -> Henry VI inherited two thrones (he was only a baby).

Joan of Arc (feeling of patriotism). French defeated English 1453. English lost everything.

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He was too delicate, intrested in culture and church.

Struck by mental disease. So they decided to give power to his cousin Richard - The Lord Protector. 1455 Henry VI felt better and dismissed Richard. Richard was an ambitious man so he became really angry.

THE WAR OF ROSES - civil war.

Nobility divided for those who supported:

Henry VI




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Richard wanted to get revenge. He died in battle. His son took over the defeated Henry at Mortimer's Cross 1461. Henry VI disposed, imprisoned.

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First Yorkist king. In 1470 defeated by Richard Neville - Earl of Warwick.

Henry VI was free and restored on the throne.

Edward IV returned in 1471, killed Warwick and Henry VI was murdered.

Edward IV was supported by many, because he promised better government and financial reforms.

Development of new industry: printing.

War of the Roses probably would have ended at that time if it's hadn't been for Edward IV's brother - Richard of Gloucester.

After his death, Edward left two sons. Uncle Richard decided to put them into Tower of London. He would never let older one (Edward V) be crowned.

Richard made parliament declare that Edward V wasn't illegitimate child. It could be proved because Edward IV married woman he really loved, but earlier he had been married to another woman. Parliament agreed with Richard, and then he became king.

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Children of Edward IV's were never seen again. It's believed that Richard III braised (udusił) them with pillow.

Richard did horrible thing. His distant relative - Henry Tudor decided to punish him (he was John of Gaunt's grandson, Lancastrian). He defeated Richard at Battle of Bosworth Fields 1485. It was end of the War of Roses and a boundary between medieval and modern times.


Fighting in War of Roses took place for 15 months out of the whole period of 25 years. Only nobles were involved in it. Their aim was to destroy opposing house. If a noble was captured in a battle they demanded a ransom (to get the money). They killed each other and most nobles disappeared. It was good for the next king…

HISTORIA - WYKŁAD - 10.11.2011


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