Historia wykład 17 11 2011


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  1. Henry VII

  2. Henry VIII

  3. Edward VI

  4. Mary I

  5. Elisabeth I

Henry - Lancaster - Margaret Beaufort - his mother was John of Gaunt daughter.

War of Roses - Richard III believed to has murdered his nephews, Henry Tudor was outraged (oburzony) with that. He landed in England, defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth field.

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HENRY VII - started dynasty of the Tudors. His claim was shaky (wątpliwy, niepewny), so he married Elisabeth of York (daughter of Edward III, sister of 2 boys murdered in the Tower of London).

Emblem of Tudor dynasty:

  1. Outside: red rose

  2. Inside: white one

Henry VII followed matrimonial diplomacy. (Margaret + Scottish, Arthur + Spanish etc.). More alliances. He successfully dealt with Yorkist claimants to the throne.

Efficient finances, wealth (taxes, fines). He saved money and developed trade. He avoided military conflicts. Trade Agreement with Netherlands.

He managed to get the country out of economic crises. Peace and prosperity. He built a fleet of merchant ships and ordered modern weapons made from improved steel.

1487 - Court of the Star Chamber - punished nobles (it was very unusual at that time!). Henry VII encouraged use of heavy fines as punishment. He forbade anybody to had armed man.

New nobility from merchants and lesser gentry (szlachta).

Henry successes:

  1. Richmond Palace

  2. Chapel of Westminster Abbey

  3. He was half-Welsh, so he paid due honour (należny honor) Welsh heritage. He gave Welsh land, respected them, his eldest son was the prince of Wales.

  4. When he died he left a lot of money in the coffin.

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Eldest son of Henry VII - Arthur - died, so Henry VIII got the throne.

His court was centre of arts and humanist studies.

He joined Holy League against France (France conquered more lands in Italy - it destroyed balance of France-GB-Spain).

He wrote a tract against Luther's theses and got the title Fidei Defensor - F.D. (it's on every coin in GB). Title of tract: “Defence of the Seven Sacraments”.


His first brother married her, but he died. She couldn't give him a son. Cardinal Thomas Wolesey was to persuade the Poe to grant the divorce. Pope was controlled by Charles V (Catherine's nephew) - he refused. Henry VIII blamed Wolesey for that, and he was replaced by Thomas More (“Utopia”). Wolesey died of natural causes before being executed. He was the last priest to be minister of the king.

At some moment Thomas was afraid of Henry VIII and resigned.

1534 - Act of Supremacy - Thomas Cromwell (adviser) Henry VIII - Supreme Head of the Church of England. It broke the pope authority. Now Henry was free to marry Anne Boleyn (mother of Elisabeth I).

1532-1536 - England became politically a Protestant country. Catholicism was still popular, king was also still catholic - it was only a political change.

1536-40 - Henry VIII needed money and he decided about Dissolution of Monasteries (it was supervised by Thomas Cromwell). Treasure grew 3 times, and land was sold to gentry. Huge and privileged clerical society was swept away. This situation provoked risings -> Pilgrimage of Grace. Rebels supported traditional religion and wanted Thomas Cromwell to be removed. But it was not coordinated, and they were arrested and executed.


Henry VIII, unlike his father, didn't like the Welsh. He wanted to control Wales, and Welsh people to become English. English names adopted.

1536-1543 - Wales joined to England under the administration. English - only official language. They had a Welsh bible.

He wanted also IRELAND

Many monasteries, Catholic church - it was very important. Ireland tempted Catholic Europe as a place from which to attack the English. Spain and France could attack - pretext of bringing Catholicism.

Old Gaelic life destroyed.

Ulster - greater influence of English. Sold to Scottish and English merchants. Irish people had to leave their houses. Foundation War (religious war) in Ulster in 1970 between Catholics and protestants (IRA).


Won battle of Flodden 1513. James IV, Henry VIII's brother-in-law (Margaret married Hames IV) was killed in the battle. James V forced to gain authority. Henry hoped to marry his son Edward with a daughter of James V. Scots preferred to give the girl to France.

1547 - died, Catherine Parr - Mary, Elisabeth, Edward.

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He was only 6 - his advisers ruled. They were protestants. Some of them have bought the church land. If Catholicism would be brought back, they would have to give lands back.

Acts of Uniformity, Book of Common Prayer in in English. England became truly protestant country.

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MARY I - the elder one

There was attempt to put Lady Jane Grey (protestant) to English throne. Mary was Catherine of Aragon's daughter - brought up in Catholicism. She married Spanish king, she really loved him, and he was also catholic.

She dissolved any law passed by Edward VI.

Roman mass was restored and pope was recognised again.


  1. Married Philip of Spain - England drown into alliance with Spain (had to join Spain in war in which England lost Calais) - it was a political mistake

  2. Bloody Mary - executions of protestants, very cruel.

HISTORIA - WYKŁAD - 17.11.2011


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