Napisz opowiadanie o tajemniczym morderstwie zatytułowane

Napisz opowiadanie o tajemniczym morderstwie zatytułowane `The Black Diamond'.

Four young friends were making their final preparations for a weekend hunting trip. They all remembered the stories their mothers used to tell them about spirits with black diamonds that lived in the mountains.

Their mothers would say that when men went into the mountains and started cutting down all the trees and polluting the rivers, the spirits became angry and left, taking their black diamonds with them. Some elderly people said that the spirits still roamed the mountains looking for people who mistreated the Earth. The younger people always laughed at the idea.

With their bags packed, the four companions set off letting their horses go at their own speed. The first day the hunting went well, even though it was very foggy and rainy. In the end, the young men had to stay at an abandoned cottage because of the rain.

It got dark very quickly, and it was very cold. One of the men went out to cut wood for a fire. As he was about to chop down a beautiful old tree, he thought he heard a voice. He stopped to listen and then laughed at himself. He asked the others to come help him bring the firewood into the cottage. They had their supper and lay down to sleep. In the morning the sun shone into the cottage. The men were gone. The only thing that remained was a solitary lump of coal - a black diamond - in the fireplace where the young men had burned the majestic old tree.


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