Napisz opowiadanie zatytułowane

Napisz opowiadanie zatytułowane `Lost and Found'.

It was a cold December evening. I was sitting alone by the fire looking through my huge box of old photographs I found myself doing this more and more since my pet cat, Snowy, had disappeared.

The photographs brought back such warm memories of my life. There were torn pictures of me as a child with my parents and sisters. And then, years later, there I was in my wedding dress posing for the photographer outside our local church. Some of the best years of my life were here in this box.

I especially loved looking at the photos of David, my son. His first tooth, his first steps, they were all there in the pictures. In his graduation photographs, he looked young and handsome and I remember I had felt so proud of him.

When David left home six years ago, he brought Snowy to keep me company. We had been together all that time and now she was gone. As I was searching for her picture, tears filled my eyes. Where was she? Why had she run off, I asked myself. I suddenly felt old and very lonely. Just then the doorbell rang, and I quickly dried my tears.

Imagine my surprise when I saw my neighbour standing there holding Snowy. She was dirty and thin and her fur was covered in mud, but I was so pleased she was back! Now I could put my memories away in the box and start living again.


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