8 Crime and punishment

<kara> <główne> <wzrost>


1.The reason for the rise of crime:

In my opinion we have a lot of reasons for the rise of crime. First of all: unemployment <bezrobocie> is one of the main problems. Some people may turn to crime as an easy way of making money. What is more advertisements <reklamy>, because some people end up stealing things they want to but they can't buy. Another reason may be TV programmes / mass media - too much violence on mass media makes young people more likely to act in a violent way in real life moreover criminals are shown in a way that makes them and their lifestyle look glamorous and desirable <pożądany>. Next thing may be social pressure <presja społ. > because once you begin a life of crime it can be very difficult to get out. One reason might be that: influenced <pod wpływem> by drugs people don't know what they do. Boredom it's another reason for the rise of crime, because young people have a lot of free time and they don't know what to do. Next thing may be that some people show their richness <bogactwa> and they boast <chwalić się> about their money, property <własność>.

2.How to prevent yourself from crime / danger?

In my opinion it is not easy to prevent yourself from crime or danger. Now, in the fast moving world, when the money governs, everyone must take care of themselves. It could be some ways, that we will be feel better, feel safely. For example: when we have a big, rich house or a house with a shiny new car we need to considered. We must live on a housing estate (area with a large number of houses built close together) which is covered by a local groups of people who keep an eye on each other's property. We also need leave a light and have a dog. Moreover we must have security locks fitted onto all the windows and doors of our house and also have a burglar alarm installed, what is more, security locks fitted. It's a good idea to take photos of our possessions and ask for crime prevention officer to visit your home and identify weak points in its security. We also must avoid going to / stay away from dangerous areas, especially at night in parks, empty <opuszczone> streets where we can be attacked by muggers, hooligans. Moreover, we need to avoid going by a crowded bus, tram where we can lose money or mobile phone by a thief or a pickpocket. We shouldn't show our richness and boast of money.

From my point of view, there isn't a perfect way to protect our things or to prevent ourselves from dangers of crime.

3.Criminals: thief - złodziej ; robber - ten co napada na banki ; burglar - włamywacz ; mugger - rabuś (uliczny)

murderer - morderca ; kidnapper - porywacz ; arsonist - podpalacz ; shoplifter - złodziej sklepowy

vandal ; hijacker - porywacz samolotu itp.


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