angielski wady i zalety w wielkim supermarkecie (8 str)

Advantages & Disadvantages in big supermarkets

The worlds first famous supermarket was opened in the USA in 1912 and the idea soon spread to Europe and other countries. The shopping scene in Poland has also changed over the past ten years. Empty shelves and long lines are things of the past. Today trade is alive and very busy.
Shopping has become a part of our everyday life, ofcourse some people love it and some do not. We have become witnesses of the growth of big stores and shopping centres.
All of them are beautifly decorated and are opened for the whole day and weekends.
This enormus place has plenty advantages and disadventeges. It is designed is such a way that the shoppers have to go a certain route from the entrance to the cash point near exit. The customer is guided past all the most popular production display and therby encouraged to buy items he would have forgotten to buy. You don`t have carry things but you just take a trolley.
It is a very convenient way of shopping beckause you can choose the product you want from a large range and you have the possiblity to get to know to new products. You are served in a very polite way and no one makes you hurry beckause other shoppers are waiting behind you. The variety of goods is to great that you are given time to decided what to choose. Supermarkets can be called "the all in one shop" beckause they offer products of every kind. There are departments specializing in: food for people and pets, clothes, tools, books and magazines, electronic equipment, souvenirs and many other. It is not only high - quality and wiole assortment which attracts people but also its lighting of high intensity and its clean and hygienic atmosphere with, as I mentioned before, the possiblity to do all your.
Shopping in one store.
Add to this an adjacent car park where you can wheel your trolley to your car, load your stuff in to your car boot and leave the bascet or trolley nearby to be collected by the store attendant. In this way shopping becomes a pleasure instead of a chore. Supermarkets are convenient beckause they are self - service and apart from goods we can find there a restaurant,a cafe, and a special place for kids to play while their mother are shopping.
There i also a possiblity to pay by cheque or a credit card and vouchers avcalable
If something goes wrong with your products, you simply show your recipt and you are given a new one or your money back.
Not to forget about sales and special offers such as "buy one get one free" or "two for the pirce of one" are always found there.
One the other hand shopping in supermarkets can be annoying beckause there is a big choice which can cause confusion.
People often buy unnecessary things beckause they seeing to have a good price and you buy things that tou did not plan to buy earlier. This is called impulse buing. Attractive packing and displays versuade people to buy things they do not actually need. For many of us the major disadvantage of shopping in supermarkets id that it is time consuming and it takes a while to getthere and back.
Big stores are also quite dangerous for all small shops owned by private people. And those shops may be the only source of living of then.
To conclude I would like to express my opinion which rather possitive. I think that supermarkets are great creatures and the more of them the better. It is a good way to spend your free time and relax shopping.


AIDS is a sickness that attacks the body?s natural defence system against disease. AIDS itself does not kill,
but because the body?s defence system is damaged, the patient has a reduced ability to fight off many other diseases including flu or the common cold.
It has been reported that about 10 million people worldwide may have been infected by the virus that causes AIDS. 350 thousand people are estimated to have the disease and that another million may get it within
the next five years. Africa and South America are the continents where AIDS is most rampant, although in the
USA alone, about 50000 people have already died of AIDS.
So far there is no cure for AIDS. We know that AIDS is caused by a virus which invades healthy cells, including
the white blood cells that are part of our defence system. The virus takes control of the healthy cell?s genetic material and forces the cells to make a copy of the virus. The cell then dies and the multipled virus moves on to
invade and kill other healthy cells.
The AIDS virus can be passed on sexually or by sharing needles used to inject drugs. It also can be passed in blood products or from a pregnant woman with AIDS to her baby.
Many stories about the spread of AIDS are definitely false. One cannot get it by working with someone who?s
got it, or by going to the same school, or by touching objects belonging to an infected person. Nobody caring for an AIDS patient has developed AIDS himself/herself so far. We should learn as much as it possible about AIDS
and, since there isn?t any cure for it at present, be as helpful and understanding as possible to those suffering from this terrible disease.


Last holiday I?ve spent in Italy. It was the best summer time in all my life. I went to this beautiful country by car with all my family. I was living in a great hotel at the coastal. The weather was just glamorous: the sun was shining all the time, the sea was clean and the sand gold. There was a lot of people on the beach every day but it wasn?t a big surprise because there was really hot. Most of our time we have spent on the beach but of course not all the time. We were trying to visit as much interesting places as we only could. So we went to Neapol: old and very beautiful town. We had only two big problems during visiting italian towns: very hot wether and a lot of traffic jams. The wether wasn?t a problem as long as we had been visiting old churches and old castels because there was rather cold. We were in Rome too and in my opinion this is the most beautiful town on the world. Just glamorous!
During our trip we were eating an italian food. For example pizza or spaghetti. The best pizza I have ever ate was in small restaurant in Neapol which was placed next to the beach. It was pizza with a special cheese which is called: mozzarella. I like an italian language very much. Maybe I should start to lern it?

Advantages and Disadvantages of watching TV

From my point of view , television exemplifies unlimited source of various news and knowledge showing aspects of our lives .
As many people know , we can divide watching TV to situations when it is useful and helpful for us and unfortunately harmful . I will start from good points.I can only say , that I usually derive beficial information from this kind of mass media . Some programmes really deserve our attention . The good point of TV is constant expansion ot possibilites of watching TV . Within a space of year digital TV has appeared . It brought more interactive functions , so we are capable of interefering in action ( for instance , maybe in a future we will be able to move a camera in the movie ) , doesn?t it sound good ? Now you do not have to be a passive viewer ? at last . Of course , only in a specific dimension , now . It is clear that we have to pay for these extra options , but it should not be a hindrance.We ought not to forget that TV has an extraordinary level . For example : If you dream of journey around the world to see many countries with a lot of attractions , I suggest taking your remote control and press an appropriate button . After this you move into exotic beauty . You can watch animals and the greatest monuments , let?s see ( National Geographic Channel ? ) . It will take you wherever you want to go . But if you have enough money , throw away your TV-SET , and take a plane tovisit these places .
I do not want to write it ( As far as I am concerned TV is my ally ) , but I have to enumerate bad points of TV . It is really necessary , even though a few people worry about it . So what do we have here ... ?
To begin with , we should mention problems caused by unsuitable programmes especially for children ( also X-rated , huh , huh ) . I think that parents have to supervise children?s TV watching , because when they grow up , they are incredibly susceptible to everything wich surrounds them . As a result of that , they can get into addiction ( by the way , do you remember Robert Palmer?s song ? You are addicted to Love ? ? , I am sure it a good addiction ) . Instead of having eyes glued to the TV screen , they should play in the open air .
In my summary I would like to add , that nowadays TV is indispensable . I foresee that by the year 2010 will have been one way nearby ( Mobile Internet ? WAP or some stuff form UMTS ) to communicate with people , so it is awesome , isn?t it !?


Britney Spears is very famous pop-singer. She started her career in January 1998 with song "Baby one more time". In 1999 alone she was nominated for two Grammys (including the coveted Best New Artist), swept the 1999 MTV Europe Awards (where she nabbed Best Female, Best Pop, Best Breakthrough Artist and Best song), brought her explosive live show around the globe and appeared on every major televised award show both here and in Europe.Perhaps even more importantly than the accolades and the sales figures, Britney has become an icon to millions of fans worldwide and her infectious brand of pop/R&B has become the template for girl pop.
Now Britney is back ready to take it to the next level. Featuring tracks from Diane Warren, Rodney Jerkins, Mutt Lange, Max Martin and Britney herself, "Oops!? I Did It Again" is destined to be the album of the summer and is much more than just a follow-up. It?s a record that shows the progress from phenomenon to artist. A bit wiser and more confident and self-assured, "Oops!? I Did It Again" is Britney Spears as you?ve never heard her: sexy, sassy and solidly in control.


I think that I?ll compare Szczecin, because I live here and Malmo ? the second biggest city in Sweden. It?s my second home because I usually spend all my holidays, Christmas and every Eastern there. The Swedish don?t care about anything. For example they aren?t worried about what they the wear, how are they look, how they live. In Szczecin everybody thinks that neighbours look at us, that they talk about us all the time and that annoys me. In Malmo ? harbour city ? everything looks new and rich. Not like in Szczecin, I mean: a lot of holes in the streets, poor tenement-houses, drunkenness, etc. Everybody in Malmo lives and has fun in their lives. They really don?t care about anything,ofcourse within the bounds of reason. I think that if I knew Swedish better, I would live In Sweden. Thos city is nice, buoyant and full of life. I recommend this city and the whole country if you would like go on holiday somewhere and you don?t know where.


Your address

The date

The Company?s Address

Dear Ms/Sir,

Further to your advertisement in the (name of the company)/ In reply to your advertisement in (name of the company)/ With a reference to your advertisement for a (name of the occupation) I wish to apply for this job. I should be grateful if you would consider my application for this position/ I would like to apply for the position as a (name of the occupation). I have been working as a (name of the occupation) for more than (a number) years/months/ After leaving school where I gained my (name of the diploma) I entered a firm (name of the firm) for whom I have worked for (number) years/months/ After leaving school I took a course at the (name of the school/institution) of (kind of the course, f.e. a course of Commerce). From the copy of the Diploma which I enclose you will see that I have good qualifications in (f.e. shorthand and typing) and that I obtained a (name of the certificate). Throughout my degree course I have learnt to analyze and evaluate information and present reasoned solutions to problems. I feel these will be valuable skills for a career in the (name of the company). / I am experienced in all kinds of office work and have a good knowledge of (f.e. accountancy)/ I am (number) years old, am well qualified in (f.e. shorthand and typewriting). I have a fair knowledge of (what kind of knowledge?).
I enclose copies of three testimonials and hope you will give me the opportunity of an interview/ I trust that you will give my application favourable consideration/ I should be very grateful for a favourable consideration of my application.

Yours faithfully,

Your name


Nowadays every newspaper, radio or TV shower us with lots of news and warning connected with environment degradation. We hear a lot about greenhouse effect, deforestation, ozone hole etc. But what can each person do to make our environment better, cleaner, healthier...?
At first we can try to use less electricity. Most of people don't realise that by turning the light on they make the air and water more polluted. That's because the power plants, especially coal-fired one's, emit lots of harmful gases, like carbon dioxide, to the atmosphere.
Another useful thing, which would be good for our lungs, is to limit using cars. Instead of cars, which emit toxic fumes, we may use other means of transport like buses, trains, underground, which are much more healthy. If there is a situation someone has to use the car he can choose the smaller one.
One of the easiest ways to conserve the nature is to consume products in returnable packaging, like glass bottles. Using plastic bottles and metal cans leads to Earth's degradation.
One of the most important problem of present times are ozone holes. They appear in places where is the lack of ozone and this is caused by CFC's - substances which are added to many sprays, they are emitted by refrigerators etc. That's why we should buy 'ozone-friendly' products, which we can recognise by special label on the product.
Rain forests - maybe it's not our nearest vicinity, but problem of deforestation the greatest parts of the jungle in South America affects us in very specific way. As we all know rain forests are the lungs of the Earth, in process called photosynthesis they absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. If we people don't stop cutting down trees there is a big probability of global warming, and consequences of phenomenon may be destructive to our civilisation. What we can do is to use recycled paper and plant more trees. Remember that a real man should plant his own tree in his life!
It's very hard to encourage people to environment conservation. That's because the negligence will be noticeable in a few dozen or even hundreds of years. But we should be short sighted, think only about ourselves. For next generation's sake must put all our efforts to make our planet enable to live.

Euro - the official currency of the EU

On 1 January 1999, 00.00 a.m., the euro became the official currency of 11 Member States of the European Union with a fixed conversion rate against their national currencies. From now on, the value of the euro against the dollar and all other currencies, including those of the four Member States staying out of the euro zone, will fluctuate according to market conditions.

Although Euro notes and coins will not appear until 1 January 2002, the new currency can be used by consumers, retailers, companies of all kinds and public administrations from 1 January 1999 in the form of "written money" - that is, by means of cheques, travellers' cheques, bank transfers, credit cards and electronic purses.

The European Commission has had a key role in the formulation of policy regarding the creation and introduction of the euro. The introduction of a single currency has been a longstanding aim of the European Union. The Commission has undertaken, and continues to conduct, extensive consultations with all interested parties to ensure the euro changeover is executed as smoothly as possible.

The Most Frightening Event in My Life.

I lay in my bed, trying to fall asleep. I probably did, because some time later I opened my eyes. I did not know what had woken me up, but something did. At first, all I could hear were regular night noises, the wind in the trees and the leaves falling to the ground. But the leaves were not just falling; something seemed to be falling or stepping on them. Then I was completely awake. Someone or something was outside. The footsteps were soft and slow, but I could hear them crunching up the leaves. Moreover, I could hear breathing close to my window. The breath was loud and heavy; thus, I knew it that couldn't be a dog. After a while the breathing got softer and I heard the footsteps again. It was moving away from my house. I thought it was finished, but then I heard a scream. The scream was loud and terrible. Finally, I became courageous and went to my window. Then I looked across the grass. There was a half moon and many stars, which gave a lot of light. I walked there, but there was nothing. Whatever it was must have gone away. All in all, nothing happened, but that was the most frightening experience that I have ever had.

Step by Step Breaking a Bad Habit

Everybody has a bad habit, sometimes is small and doesn't change much in that person's life, but sometimes can be big, and in this case that person is supposed to work on that. I mean breaking a big habit. How?
First of all, we have to find at least one really important reason: why? Why should I break my bad habit?
For example smoking person should quit it for her own health, or person being always late for appointments should change this habit for her better and bigger chance in life. In addition, two persons are interested in becoming a director of a big company and they have several courses about that. One of these persons is constantly late for the courses. Which person has a better, bigger chance if we start from this point?
Next step is strong promise for ourselves:” I have to do it.”
We know promises can not be broken, even promises given ourselves. This is very short step, but really hard.
Third step to break a bad habit is following: we should find something that we can do instead of our own bad habit. We can find anything that we always would like to do, but we didn't because we were short of time, or any other reason. One example might be someone who watches too much television and is dreaming about learning how to swim, or how to play golf. Why instead of watching television doesn't this person take swim lessons? Or somebody who is drinking too much alcohol and dreaming about buying a boat, why instead of spending money for alcohol doesn't is he going to realize his dream?
And the last step, which can help us with our perseverance, is reward. We can promise ourselves prize if we are able to break our bad habit. This reward doesn't have to be expansive or big, that may be something that we always want to get or want to do.
I hope that four steps to change or break a bad habit can be helpful for many people.

An short interview with a star

- Welcome in „Who is our guest today ?”. In our show viewers guess, who is our guest. If you know the answer - call to us! Then welcome stranger.
- Welcome.
- What do you do and do you enjoy your job ?
- Well, I'm an actor. I like my job a lot, but there is one bad thing in being an actor. I haven't got time for my family. I'm very busy.
- Well, tell us about a typical day in your life ?
- When I don't make any film, I get up at six o'clock in the morning. I make my morning gymnastics, then I've a shower. After that I have a breakfast. I eat protein bars, and I drink energetic drinks. At 7:30 I'm in TV. Then I give interviews.
- Wow, I can't get up at six o'clock. What do you do then ?
- I go to the gym at 9;45 for one hour. I've 45 - minutes - break and a small snack. Then I go to beautician, because she's preparing me to the next interviews. When I'm ready I go to „press junket”. It's a part of promotion each film. It's very long, about 4 houers and all that time I must be smile.
- You are macho and you go to beautician and are smile 4 houers ? That can't be. O.K. What do you do then ?
- I go second time to the gym at 17:30. I'm there one hour. After that I've got a breake and I've time to call to my wife. I've very busy evening, because I go to banquets, coctails, buisness meetings. After midnight I make a short plane to next day and I go to bed before 1 a.m.
- I see your work isn't easy. In your films, how „Terminator 1&2”, „Conan”, „True lies” you are macho. Are you the same at your free time ?
- Absolutly not. I don't want, that people see in me only a guy who can good pull muscles. In my free time I love being with my wife, and I like cooking. So that, I've got a restaurant called - „Planet Hollywood”.
- You are very interesting person. When I listen you, I know, that I don't want be an actor.
Thank you for jojning us. O.K. Who know who was our guest today ?
Our phone number :
Just answer :
Is his name :

Different views on crime and punishment

Crime has existed together with the mankind since the very beginning. Wherever man went, crime followed him. It appears that crime is caused by a factor that is present in the human nature. Therefore, I have a question: what if
crime is not undoubtedly wrong?

In order to answer this question first we must define what crime is. Generally speaking, it is a violation of law so as to gain personal benefit without taking into consideration other people, which nearly always means hurting them. Nevertheless, we can say that crime is a transgression against rules as well. And that is not necessarily a bad thing - if it had not been for it we would still be living in the dark and narrow-minded gloom of medieval ages. What Copernicus did was a crime too, wasn't it?

Disobeying the rules and breaking the law leads straight to chaos and anarchy, which are considered the biggest and most significant threats to peace and order. But what if chaos is the ultimate environment for human beings? What if our way of life and our order of things are the wrong ones? Living in chaos would mean no limits to the freedom of choice. We would be allowed to do everything we would want, as we would not be circumscribed by some stupid rules. Human mind would have unlimited power.

Some people, however, claim that crime is morally...justified. What they say is that we all have to take care of ourselves in this downtrodden and corrupted world, that if we are not ruthless and cruel others will finish us. This is actually the Law of the Jungle that regulates life in the nature, and the Nature is a perfect system, isn't it?

In my opinion, despite all the arguments that I have presented, I can say, that claiming crime to be a good thing is, with all the respect, the biggest bullshit one can possibly say. Comparing crime to the situation in the nature is an obvious nonsense, as we have the ability to choose between right and wrong, and the animals do not - they are just “programmed” to behave the way they behave: to fight for life without taking care of others. Saying that chaos which would prevail after the abolition of the law is the ultimate environment for human beings is hogwash too: if we were to choose - either live in a more or less peaceful society where we could do a lot of things provided that we did not break the law or to exist somewhere where we would be allowed to do everything we wanted but we would not be sure whether we would survive the next couple of minutes, what would we choose? I suppose that the second option is not valid at all...

Now that I have proved that crime is “rather” evil, we could try to think what we could do to stop it. Destroying crime permanently is of course impossible as we cannot destroy something that is inside of us, unless we try to modify the genetic code of Homo sapiens, which is not an alternative, I think. The first thing that comes to my mind is to deter people from committing crime by making the punishments as severe as possible: murder with malice aforethought should by punishable by a least 25 years of imprisonment - it is unacceptable that a murderer leaves prison after 15 years because of good behaviour. More strict laws would certainly reduce the number of offences but would unfortunately make the rest much more violent and brutal - the criminals would have nothing to lose and would do everything to evade prison - even if it meant slaying innocent people.

The other option is that we give the criminals the second chance by giving them lighter sentences and by teaching jobs they could do after their return to the society. Personally, I think that the prisoners should be taught jobs even if they are spending 10 years in the hardest prison in the country. So what differs the second project from the first apart from lighter sentences? Different attitude to prisoners. What should be done is that they should be taught not to commit crime - by showing them good examples of people who have finished with crime or just by talking to them. If we want the method to be effective, we should adjust the programme to each prisoner - but that would cost insane sums of money. Moreover, less than 10 per cent of criminals would change their minds on stealing, killing etc. This is because each person has a different level of probability of committing a crime due to different genetic conditions and different gene variations. In order to save money, we should carry out tests that would check genetic potential for committing a crime: those with high potential should be classified as “un-convertable” and those with low potential should be sent to psychologists who would try to make good citizens out of them.

The last and probably the most difficult solution is to prevent crime by showing the society that crime does not pay and is wrong. The programme should be launched everywhere, but especially in schools - if we manage to teach the children not to do it, we will at least reduce the number of offences against the law. Parents should also submit to the project by spending more time with their offspring, which in most cases would increase the children's morality. We should also launch a massive media campaign, which would mostly consist of commercials including subliminal messages that would tell the people: “Crime is not the answer. Crime is the question. NO is the answer”.

My favourite city

Many people have their favourite city. I also have my favourite one. It's called Aberystwyth. It's on the west coast of Wales. It isn't big. I was there two years ago. The city is small but very nice.
The bigger part of the town is very old and has got many historical buildings, for example the ruins of the castle or Local Folk Museum. The most interesting and attractive place in the whole town is definately "The Pier". It is a massive wooden construction going out towards the sea. That construction is a basement to a large builbing. Everyone can find something interesting for themselves there. There are an Indian Restaurant, a pub called "The Pier", a video lending-shop, a night-club, an ice-cream shop and the most important "The Amusement". "The Amusement" attracts both children and adutts. You can do realy everything there, for example: take part in a car race, play on different gambling machines and camputer games etc.
Aberystwyth has also an old harbour. There are always many boats and, of course, a small light hause there.
The town is situated on the hilly area. There are many fields around Aberystwyth and they are white with sheep. There aren't many forests hear in Aberystwyth. Aberystwyth
There are many shops in the town. Customers can buyeverything and it is always of good quality. For example I bought a dress in a one shop. I have been weraing it very often and washing it and it still looks like new.
It isn't an industrial city, so the air is very clean and if you want to keep fit you can go jogging on the promenade every day. But the best time for that is in the evening because then you can also admire the sunset and meet a lot of interesting people.
If you want to go somewhere for your holidays, go to Aberystwyth.

Schools in America are better than these in Poland, because students have much more freedom of choice.

In America students can choose any school, if they pass theirs exams. They stay at school from 9 o'clock am to 4 o'clock pm. During the time of school they make theirs home works, so they mustn't do that at home. They can choose some subjects which they are interested in and pass exams from them. During lessons students can ask questions and they are not being asked for teachers. In school students can wear any clothes, witch they want.
Good point of this kind of schools is that students do homework at school and do not have to carry so heavy books with them. They mustn't answer questions every lessons and they haven't any classes. They only pass theirs tests in the end of the year.
Bad point of this kind of school is that students sometimes can do not do anything during the whole year. If someone doesn't learn regularly, he wouldn't pass his tests. If students wear clothes not suit to school, it wouldn't make the school being treated serious.
I believe that having much more freedom in choosing subjects witch someone is interested in is better solution. It is better to write tests every year, than to be asked and write tests every week.

My Childhood Memories

When I was younger I was very cute child . I didin't have brothers and sisters so I played with my parents or grandparents . I lived in my own house and I loved that's place . I liked to watch cartoons . My best cartoon was with bears .
One day I watched TV and I saw very funny cartoon . The main character in this cartoon was a boy which had many crazy ideas . The boy must stay in his room because he had punishment from his parents . He didin't know what to do with his body . So he started to walk on the wall . When my parents watched the informations on TV I ran to the kitchen . I stood near the window and I started to ran and then I would to walk on the wall . I tried but it didin't work because I couldn't walk on the wall . I fall dawn and I started to cry . When my mom got to know what happened she started laughed from me .
Few days later my mom brought a beautiful doll for me . I loved this doll and I thought that she is my doughter . I would to be the best mom for my child . Always I slept with her and I was very nice for her . One day I would to wash my doll so I went to the kitchen and I put my doll in a sink . When my mother saw what I did she said : “ Get out of here , a sink is for dishes , not for wash dolls !! “ I was unhappy but I said to my doll : “ Don't worry , when my mom will go out I'll wash you in a sink “ . When my mom heard what I said she started to laughed from me .
Those are my best stories from childhood . When I told my friends those two stories they said that those stories are very funny . I couldn't remember those stories but my mom told me about my childhood and I laughed too.

Speech about discrimination.

Discrimination- practicce of treating one particular group in society, such as wemen or black people, in an unfair way. It's horrible, disgusting, phenomenon isn't it? We have got racial discrimination, sex discrimination, age and religin discrimination. But I think that everyone can be discriminated because of his weight, height, colour of hair. Everyone who is strange, who is different can be treat in this awful way. But sometimes we don't see that somebody is fantastic, clever and intelligent although he or she is black.
I find discrimination repulsive. People are cruel and they think that they are the best. They can't accept other humans because they are from different country, because they believe in different God. Always there is one word which says everything: different. We can't understand , we don't want to understand that different means O.K, good, beautiful too.
I think that we discriminate other people because we are scared of strangers. We don't want to know different people so we sit under big shade and we are only beetwen known human beings. So when we see that danger approaches we start to attac. We are unfair, impolite, cruel. Then everyone is for us worse. We don't want to talk with him or her. We inflict that person but after all I'm sure that we fell horrible and unhappy. Only people without heart fell good.
The person who is discriminated has got less little laws. She or he can't work in better position. The discriminated have got different restaurants, libraries and they can't behave natural. They are scared of people who treat them in this way. They are also sad and they smile rarely. Only with their families they fell good and they loosen up. They haven't got normal life.
I think that we shouldn't treat people so bad.And I think that everyone will understand
what discrimination is when she or he will suffer from discrimination. Then everyone will see how cruel and unfair it is

Domestic Violence

Home - the only place on Earth where you feel safe. Or, is it better to say, you should feel safe. Nowadays, a big grow in domestic violence can be observed. Are the people getting worse, or are the victims more willing to talk about it?
Domestic violence is the worst type of violence you can imagine, because the home is meant to be a place of peace and quiet. To realize, how serious this problem might be, we have to find the causes of this kind of violence. How can people, who once loved each other, become worst enemies? The most common answer to this question is: because of alcohol. Alcoholism is a major problem, especially in Poland and it leads to quarrels, which often result in violence. I'm talking here about a situation where, for example, a man beats his wife. But a horrible thing is that children often become innocent victims of domestic violence.
Solving this problem isn't easy. Victims don't want to talk about it because they are too scared, or they hope they can find a solution by themselves. It is common, that women still love their husbands, in spite of the fact that they are beaten by them. They are naive and hope silently for a miraculous change. And what they should do is inform the police. A good solution to prevent domestic violence would be making the law stricter. When someone is sent to prison for domestic violence, he comes out after a few years and wants to take revenge. The sentences are high only when something really bad happens, and then it is too late.
To sum up, it is very important to prevent domestic violence, because it may result in something that is even worse.

Life is much better today than in the past

I have not the slightest doubt that life has changed and it is completly different than in the past.
Life has become much easier but whether better?
Let's go back to the long-ago times - not necessarily to the antiquity but it would be enough about tens years. How did the life look then like?
First of all, people wasn't be able to travel in such degree as nowadays. They didn't know neither fast cars nor planes. They were travelling by first vehicles which were very slowly and uncomfortable. So their journeys were taking a long time.
Futhermore, they must have been working very hard without any instruments (or they were primitive).
Besides, the conditions of living were trying. What I mean is that, for instance, there weren't bathrooms in many houses (they are outside) and people couldn't afford different facilities.
Another thing is that there wasn't universal connection to the education. Very few people had prospects of going to the school. Although, not everybody finished it.
Taking everyting into account, life in the past was very hard and difficult.
On the other hand, I think it was little better than today. It was better in such meaning that it was safer and more carefree. I may be wrong but it is my opinion.
And now let's back again to the present.
We are surrounded by countless achievements of science and technology. There are so many inventions which make our lives easier - from household supplies through mediums of transportation.
But at the same time, we are liable to perils - there are so many accidents, crimes and hatred.
To sum up this all above, life is better today but not in every respect. With every day new inventions are devised due to simplify our commonplaceness. Unfortunately, we can change this sentence and say: with every day new inventions are devised due to make life more dangerous.


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