wady i zalety chodzenia do szkoły

Children and young people often do not appreciate that they have the opportunity to go to school and learn.

One major advantage of going to school is that you can learn many interesting things, and you have the knowledge on various topics. What is more due to the prescribed hours of classes, you become punctual, this feature is very important for every human being. In addition to physical education lessons by holding physical condition. Also get to know new people and learning how to live in harmony with other people.

On the other hand classes at the school take too long and you have to get up early. Moreover, you can become a victim of bullying, because the school is a cluster of different people. You can live out your knowledge hurt when it is properly assessed.

All is all the school contributes to the development of every human being. Taking everything into accuount I think that in spite of various defects school and education is very much needed in my life.


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