Homemade Natural Lip Gloss(1)

Homemade Natural Lip Gloss

Jan 17, 2014 | Posted by Kelly Lip and Mouth RecipesMakeupNatural Beauty12 comments



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Homemade Natural Lip gloss is always a fun thing to wear, and it’s so easy to make.  Plus, it tastes really good!  These recipes can be altered to preference.  If you like it thicker, add more beeswax; thinner, then add more sweet almond oil.

image: http://simplelifemom.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/january2-029-300x224.jpg

Homemade Natural Lip Gloss - Simple Life Mom Additions:

Honey and Sweet Almond Oil Lip Gloss

This makes an almost paste-like consistency.  If you’d like it thinner, only use 1/2 tsp wax.  Add 1/2 tsp beet root powder for pink color.



  1. Mix bees wax, honey, and sweet almond oil in small saucepan.

  2. Heat on low for a few minutes until wax melts.

  3. Cool the gel and add essential oils to preference.  I love peppermint, frankincense, ylang ylang, etc.

  4. Put into a clean container.

  5. Use a small brush or finger to apply.

image: http://simplelifemom.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/january2-030.jpg?w=300

homemade Natural Lip Gloss - SimpleLifeMom

Honey and Water Lip Gloss



  1. Mix water, honey, and arrowroot in small saucepan.

  2. Heat on low for a few minutes until mixture thickens.

  3. Cool gel completely, add essential oils to preference.

  4. Use a clean brush or finger to apply.


Aloe Vera Lip Gloss

This one is thinner than the Honey and Almond Oil, but I love it.  I sometimes use 2 Tbs aloe vera and 1 Tbs honey.



  1. Mix ingredients in a small clean jar.

  2. Use small brush or finger to apply.

image: http://simplelifemom.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/january2-033.jpg?w=300

Homemade Natural Lip Gloss - SimpleLifeMom Click here for: lip stick, lip balm, or other beauty recipes

Read more at http://simplelifemom.com/2014/01/17/homemade-natural-lip-gloss/#S3m8aXE9O7E1UDBc.99


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