Ch05 15

Ch 05-15 Build a Model Solution


Chapter 5. Solution for Ch 05-15 Build a Model

a. Suppose you are considering two possible investment opportunities, a 12-year Treasury bond and a 7-year,

A-rated corporate bond. The current real risk-free rate is 4%. Inflation is expected to be 2% for the next two

years, 3% for the following four years, and 4% thereafter. The maturity risk premium is estimated by this

formula:MRP = 0.1% ( t-1) %. The liquidity premium for the corporate bond is estimated to be 0.7%. Finally,

you may determine the default risk premium, given the company’s bond rating, from the default risk premium

table in the text. What yield would you predict for each of these two investments?

Treasury Bond

Risk-free rate =



Expected inflation:
for the next 2 years =

Expected inflation:
for the next 4 years =

Expected inflation:
for the next 6 years =


Inflation premium:
=((G17*D17)+(G18*D18)+(G19*D19))/D20 =


Maturity risk premium =

=0.1*(C16-1)% =

12-year Treasury yield=

Risk free rate plus the premiums. 8.43%

7-year corporate bond

Rating : A

Risk-free rate =



Expected inflation:
for the next 2 years =

Expected inflation:
for the next 4 years =

Expected inflation:
for the next 1 years =
4% Default Risk from


text table:

Inflation premium:
=((G33*D33)+(G34*D34)+(G35*D35))/D36 =

2.86% Rating DRP

AAA 1.0%

Maturity risk premium:
=0.1*(C32-1)% =

0.60% AA 1.2%

Liquidity premium:

0.7% A 1.5%

Default risk premium:
=IF(B28=H38,I38,IF(B28=H39,I39,IF(ETC.) =

1.5% BBB 1.9%

(see screen to right for an alternative way to find the

BB+ 3.7%
The default premium could also be determined using the VLOOKUP function. To use

default risk premium.)

7 year Corporate yield=

Risk free rate plus the coporate premiums 9.66%

the data in the table as shown below:

Rating DRP

Yield Spread = Corporate - Treasury =


BB+ 3.7%

Default premium

BBB 1.9%

Liquidity premium

A 1.5%

Inflation premium

AA 1.2%

Maturity premium

AAA 1.0%


b. Given the following Treasury bond yield information from the May 27, 2000, Federal Reserve Statistical Release,

construct a graph of the yield curve as of that date.

With the data in ascending order, click the function wizard, fx, select "Lookup & Reference,"


then VLOOKUP, and then fill in the menu items as shown in the picture below:

Periods Years Yield

3 month 0.25 5.89%

Add VLOOKUP picture

6 month 0.50 6.40%

1 year 1.00 6.32%

2 year 2.00 6.86%

3 year 3.00 6.80%

5 year 5.00 6.71%

10 year 10.00 6.51%

20 year 20.00 6.64%

30 year 30.00 6.22%

Now we can use Excel's chart wizard to construct a yield curve.

c. Based on the information about the corporate bond that was given in Part a, calculate yields and then construct a

new graph that shows both the Treasury and the corporate bonds.

The real risk-free rate would be the same for the corporate and treasury bonds. Similarly, without information to the

contrary, we would assume that the maturity and inflation premiums would be the same for bonds with the same

maturities. However, the corporate bond would have a liquidity premium and a default premium. If we assume that

these premiums are constant across maturities, then we can use the LP and DRP premiums as determined above and

add them to the T-bond yields to find the corporate yields. This procedure was used in the table below.

Years Treasury A-Corporate Spread

0.25 5.89% 8.09% 2.20%
0.7% 1.5%

0.50 6.40% 8.60% 2.20%
0.7% 1.5%

1.00 6.32% 8.52% 2.20%
0.7% 1.5%

2.00 6.86% 9.06% 2.20%
0.7% 1.5%

3.00 6.80% 9.00% 2.20%
0.7% 1.5%

5.00 6.71% 8.91% 2.20%
0.7% 1.5%

10.00 6.51% 8.71% 2.20%
0.7% 1.5%

20.00 6.64% 8.84% 2.20%
0.7% 1.5%

30.00 6.22% 8.42% 2.20%
0.7% 1.5%

Now we can graph the data in the first 3 columns of the above table to get the Treasury and corporate (A-rated) yield


Note that if we constructed yield curves for corporate bonds with other ratings, the higher the rating, the lower the

curves would be. Note too that the DRP for different ratings can change over time as investors' (1) risk aversion and

(2) perceptions of risk change, and this can lead to different yield spreads and curve positions. Expectations for

inflation can also change, and this will lead to upward or downward shifts in all the yield curves.

d. Using the Treasury yield information above, calculate the following forward rates:

(1) The 1-year rate, one year from now.


(2) The 5-year rate, five years from now.


(3) The 10-year rate, ten years from now.


(4) The 10-year rate, twenty years from now.


Maturity Maturity Yield

in years

1 year 1 5.37%

2 year 2 5.47%

3 year 3 5.65%

5 year 5 5.64%

10 year 10 5.75%

20 year 20 6.13%

30 year 30 5.99%

(1) The 1-year rate, one year from now.

r2 = ( r1 + 1r1 ) / 2

5.47% = ( 5.37% + 1r1 ) / 2

5.57% = 1r1

(2) The 5-year rate, five years from now.

r10 = ( r5 + 5r5 ) / 2

5.75% = ( 5.64% + 5r5 ) / 2

5.86% = 5r5

(3) The 10-year rate, ten years from now.

r20 = ( r10 + 10r10 ) / 2

6.13% = ( 5.75% + 10r10 ) / 2

6.51% = 5r5

(4) The 10-year rate, twenty years from now.

r30 = ( 2 x r20 + 20r10 ) / 3

5.99% = ( 12.26% + 20r10 ) / 3

5.71% = 20r10


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