Stephani Hecht Lost Shifters 12 Ranger's Folly

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Exiled from his childhood pack and hated by his
family, Wolf shifter, Ranger vowed that he’d
always protect others from sharing his same
heartbreak. He fulfilled his promise, first by taking
in stray shifters and then later on becoming a
soldier for a feline coalition. So when he finds a
strange Eagle shifter stalking one of his friends,
it’s only natural that Ranger becomes protective.
Especially when said Eagle is in the company of
two Ravens—the most evil of all shifters.

Eagle shifter, Xavier lost everything dear to him

when tragedy struck his family years ago. Taken
in and raised in extreme seclusion by a family of
Ravens, he’s always felt as if a piece of himself
was missing. When he finds that his twin is alive
and living with feline shifters, Xavier can’t resist
his curiosity.

Fighting their mutual distrust, Xavier and

Ranger also find themselves becoming drawn to
each other. In a world that’s not always so black
and white, can they get beyond prejudices and the
taboo, or will their love be lost to hate?

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Ranger’s Folly

Copyright © 2011 Stephani Hecht

ISBN: 978-1-55487-ARC

Cover art by Martine JArdin

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Published by eXtasy Books

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Ranger’s Folly

Lost Shifter Twelve


Stephani Hecht

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To Joie: Because you’re amazing. Just the way

you are.

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Chapter One

he punk was out and in full stalker mode, yet

Ranger ducked behind a tree as he watched the

small figure sneaking up to the farmhouse. Going
by the build, the stranger was a male. It was also
painfully obvious he didn’t have any military
training or street sense. Instead of gliding from
hiding spot to hiding spot, he lumbered around
like a toddler let loose in a china shop. The
intruder even stumbled and tripped at one point,
doing a grunt-inducing face plant.

That only further intrigued Ranger because he

didn’t think this was just some normal human
who’d turned Peeping Tom. Ranger felt pretty
certain Sammy Stalker was a shifter. Ranger just
couldn’t figure out what breed he was, which
irritated the fuck out of him and made him one
cranky Wolf.

All Ranger did know for certain was the

stranger had taken an unhealthy interest in Riley,
who happened to frequently visit the farmhouse.


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Since Riley was a good friend, Ranger decided
that just wouldn’t do. He wasn’t going to sit idly
by and let this perv ogle Riley. No, Ranger would
find out who the jerk was and he’d eliminate the
threat before Riley could be harmed. After all
Riley had been through, he deserved to have a safe
and happy future.

Ranger tilted his face up slightly, hoping his

heightened Wolf shifter sense would pick up the
stalker’s scent. When all he detected were the trees
and the nearby horses, disappointment slapped

Damn, he was usually better than this.

Although, he may still be considered young and
one of the few Wolves in the feline coalition, he’d
yet to have his skills let him down. How some
punk who barely knew how to hide properly,
managed to conceal his scent perplexed and
annoyed the hell out of Ranger.

Hoping to, at the very least, get a better look at

the jerk, Ranger carefully moved in closer. He held
back a growl of frustration when he noted the red
baseball hat the man had pulled down. Not only
did it cover his hair, but most of his identifying

He cursed himself for not bringing along one of

the older members of the coalition. While Ranger
might match them in battle skills, they still were
better at certain shifter knowledge. Most of them

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could ID breed simply by looking at a shifter.
Ranger on the other hand always had to get a
good whiff.

Ranger tried to placate his curiosity by taking in

other information on the guy. Small by most
shifter standards, he was practically too thin.
Almost like he missed meals on a regular basis.
His clothes had seen better days, too. The tattered
jeans had tears in several places and his red,
button-up shirt looked faded and at least six years
out of date.

That still didn’t mean he couldn’t be a threat.

Ranger knew plenty of bad guys who were
fashion victims. Just because the man dressed like
he was still in the days of the Bush
Administration, didn’t mean a damn thing.

Off in the distance, Riley and his mate left the

farmhouse and made their way to a car. Ranger
tensed, wondering if the stranger would attack.
Instead, he did something that struck Ranger as
both strange and…sad?

The man let out a whimper as he curled his

fingers around the tree trunk he’d taken refuge
behind. His small body even appeared to sag a bit,
taking on the posture of someone who was

The stranger’s gaze seemed to be devouring

Riley as the Eagle kissed his mate, then climbed
into the car. When the vehicle drove away, the

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stalker let out a sad sigh, his shoulders slumping
in unmistakable disappointment.

Ranger wrapped his fingers around the butt of

his holstered gun and stepped out into the open.
“You could always just go up and introduce
yourself instead of sneaking around.”

The stalker let out a loud gasp as he spun

around, his back pressing against the bark of the

While Ranger could still only see the man’s

lower face, going by his gapped mouth, he hadn’t
been expecting company.

“I didn’t mean…I just got lost and didn’t realize

this was private property,” a soft, yet husky voice

Ranger moved forward a couple of steps. “You

lost your way three times?”

He knew that he should have reported the

incident to the head of the coalition sooner, but
Ranger had wanted to make sure the threat was
real. The last thing he wanted was to be labeled
the Wolf who cried…well, wolf. That would be the
very definition of irony.

He continued to prepare himself for an attack,

but the stranger just shrank tighter against the
tree. Emboldened, Ranger took the last few steps
that separated them. Once he got in close enough,
he reached out and flicked the bill of the hat up.

Startled green eyes blinked up at him as the

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kid’s face was finally revealed. And there was no
question about it—this punk was a kid in almost
every sense of the word. While he appeared to be
in his early twenties, his gaze held an innocent,
vulnerable quality to it.

Ranger leaned in, buried his nose in the crook

of the kid’s neck and breathed in deep. What he
found made his heart hammer in shock. He even
took another sniff, just to make sure his nose
hadn’t been fooling him.

“Well, fuck a duck. You’re an Eagle, just like


For some reason that seemed to piss the kid off.

He pulled back with a snarl. “I’m nothing like

The familiarity in which that name rolled off

the supposed stranger’s lips sparked Ranger’s
curiosity further. He reached up and tore the hat
all the way off, not too surprised when he found
blond hair underneath.

Studying the kid’s face, Ranger did a quick

inventory. While the eye coloring may be
different, there were other things that were
damningly similar to Riley—the slightly upturned
nose, the high cheekbones, full lips, even the thin
bone structure.

“You’re more than just an Eagle, you’re

Xavier,” Ranger declared with certainty.

They’d only learned recently that Riley’s twin

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brother Xavier had survived a tragedy that’d
killed off the rest of their family. They’d both been
young at that time and completely defenseless.
While Riley had been taken in and raised by a
human female, the whereabouts of Xavier had
remained a mystery.

Until now.
Xavier gave a jerky shake of his head. “I don’t

know what you’re talking about. I’m just a nobody
who happened to get lost in the woods and ended
up in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“Okay then, tell me what your name is,” Ranger

challenged, calling his bluff.

Xavier stiffened, his breath hitching slightly.

After a moment’s reflection, he answered in a
halting voice, “Bob?”

“You want to try that again? And this time, I

suggest you don’t end it with a question mark.”

“What’s wrong with Bob? It’s a perfectly

acceptable name.”

Ranger planted his hand on either side of

Xavier’s head, trapping the Eagle in. “I never said
there was anything wrong with that name, but we
both know that it’s not what you’re called.”

A moment of silence stretched between them

before Xavier slightly tilted his head to the side in
a thoughtful manner. “I don’t think I’ll tell you my
name. After all, you haven’t even bothered to
introduce yourself, so why should I bother with

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“My name is Ranger.”
For some reason that brought out a soft laugh

from Xavier.

“As in Yogi, the Ranger isn’t going to like that?”

Xavier asked, doing a dead-on impersonation of

“You seem awfully cheerful for somebody

who’s trapped.” Ranger leaned in until their noses
were inches apart and growled. “Now, tell me
your name.”

A shiver went through Xavier. At first Ranger

assumed it was fear since the kid reeked of it, then
Ranger detected another underlying scent—one
that set off all kinds of alarm bells.

Holy hell in a bucket, Xavier was getting off on

this. Come to think of it, the whole situation did
have an erotic tone to it. In fact, Ranger felt pretty
certain he’d watched a couple of porn movies that
started out the exact same way.

“If I tell you my name, will you let me go?”

Xavier ventured, taking in a hitching breath.

Xavier slowly ran his tongue over his bottom

lip in a nervous gesture and Ranger realized
something else—Xavier wasn’t the only one
getting a hard on from this conversation. Ranger’s
cock had come to attention and it wanted one
thing and one thing only—Xavier.

At the same time, Ranger became aware of

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many other things. Like the way Xavier’s mouth
looked as if it were just made for kissing. Or how
his smaller body seemed to be custom built for
fucking. And how his hair appeared to be begging
for a good tugging, preferably while in the throes
of passion.

“No, I can’t let you go,” Ranger said, as he gave

his body a silent easy now, this really isn’t the time.

The slightest bit of alarm crossed Xavier’s face

before he schooled his features into a cocky grin.
“Why not?”

“Because I know who you really are. You have

to come with me to the safety of the coalition
before you get into some real trouble.”

“You must have me mixed up with somebody

else. Like I said, I’m just a nobody.”

“Now, we both know that’s not true. You have

two choices. Either you can come in willingly, or I
can cuff you and drag your sweet ass there.”

Xavier let out a startled sound, his eyes

growing wide with alarm. He tried to run away,
only to draw up short when he nearly ran into
Ranger’s outstretched arm. Muttering a curse,
Xavier took in several deep breaths, as if he were
trying to get control over his fear.

“Please, you need to let me go. They’re

counting on me.”

Ranger frowned, wondering who in the hell

Xavier referred to. “Who’s counting on you?”

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Xavier opened his mouth to answer, but at the

last moment, brought his hand up. Ranger saw the
flash of black, but it was already too late. A sharp
pain hit his side right before a jolt of energy went
through his body.

Shit, the little punk had just used a stun gun on


While the hit didn’t affect Ranger as much as it

would have if he were human, it still brought him
to his knees. Xavier took that opportunity to make
a break for it. He jumped over Ranger and took off

It only took Ranger a few breaths, but it was

long enough for Xavier to get a good lead. That
didn’t mean Ranger couldn’t still take the brat
down. With a growl, he staggered to his feet.

It took him a few stumbling steps before he

managed to shake off the effects of the gun. Soon
enough he had his legs under him and ran at full
strength. Xavier looked over his shoulder, his eyes
growing wild with terror when he saw Ranger
closing in.

“Just let me go. We can pretend you never saw

me,” Xavier pleaded as he zagged around a tree.

“I can’t do that. You need to go in and see

Mitchell and explain why you’re sneaking around
his territory.”

“I don’t want to go anywhere with you.”
Xavier encountered a stump in the ground. He

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only hesitated a second before jumping over it, his
lithe body moving seamlessly. Ranger let out
another growl of frustration. The little punk ran
fast, which said a lot coming from a Wolf.

“Nobody will hurt you, I promise. We’ve been

looking for you ever since we figured you
survived the massacre,” Ranger tried to reason.

That earned him a one-fingered salute. Ranger

tried hard not to roll his eyes at Xavier’s juvenile
behavior as he continued to chase him.

“Come on, Riley is really worried about you,”

Ranger tried again.

Xavier snorted. “Yeah, I could tell by the way

he keeps sucking face with that Hawk. My brother
is just beside himself with grief for me.”

“You know, sarcasm is never a good trait.”
Ranger saw the glowing shimmer going over

Xavier’s body, but once again his observation
proved to be too late. Xavier quickly and easily
morphed into a large eagle. Without missing a
step, he took flight. Ranger cursed loudly and
lunged forward, his fingers coming up with
nothing but empty space. The front of his body hit
the ground hard, dirt kicking up into his mouth.

“Fuck,” Ranger yelled, the word somewhat

muffled because of all the debris in his yap.

Xavier gave a mocking screech as he circled the

air once and then took off.

Ranger sat up, another snarling curse escaping

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his lips. Even though he still thought it was
juvenile, Ranger lifted his own middle finger at
the retreating bird.

“Thank God, nobody else saw this or else I

would never live it down,” Ranger mumbled as he

Retracing his steps, he went back to the tree

where their exchange had taken place. Xavier’s hat
still lay on the ground. It was the only proof the
man had been there. Scooping it up, Ranger
brought it up to his nose. His brow furrowed as he
detected not only Xavier’s scent, but that of two
others. For the life of him, Ranger couldn’t figure
out what they were. He would almost say it was
Raven, if it weren’t for the fact it smelled clean
instead of the normal rotting, rancid smell that
usually accompanied that type of bird. He also
detected the smell of something vaguely

Ranger decided that it was time to let Mitchell

and the others know about what he’d found. He
had enough information now to know that he
wasn’t chasing a ghost. Not only that, but he owed
Xavier for both zapping him and making him look
like a green idiot who couldn’t take down one
untrained Eagle. Ranger vowed he’d find a way to
make the brat pay for both insults. Even if it cost
Ranger his very last breath.

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Chapter Two

avier landed in front of the door to their hotel
room and quickly shifted back to his human

form. Glancing down at his body, he’d never been
more glad that whenever he shifted his clothes
managed to make it through unscathed. How that
happened still remained a mystery to him, but
then so did most other things that had to do with
the shifter world.

He dug his key out of his front pocket, trying

hard to ignore the sounds and foul smells around
him. The efficiency hotel they’d been staying at
was in the worst area of Flint. Not only were there
several abandoned homes and businesses that’d
been left to rot, but the streets were covered in all
kinds of disgusting trash. Just the other day he’d
almost stepped on a used needle.

He opened the battered, filthy steel door and

quickly ducked inside. The room had the same
stale odors of mildew, cigarette smoke and cheap


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beer, but Xavier didn’t mind. They’d come to
represent safety, much like the blue glow coming
from the television.

It did little to illuminate the grungy brown

carpet and yellow walls of the small space they’d
come to call home. Two beds took up the center of
the room, a small kitchenette stood off to one side.
The sinks always backed up and there were
cockroaches in all the corners, but it was better
than the last hotel they’d stayed at. Besides, it’s
not like they could afford any better.

His adopted sister, Dulla, sat on the edge of one

of the beds, her face a few feet from the screen of
the television. As always, Yogi Bear played. Their
one luxury was a DVD player and a massive
collection of Yogi Bear cartoons. Still, if it made her
happy that’s all that mattered. Even though she
was three years older than he and Chance,
mentally she was much younger.

She didn’t acknowledge his presence, her dark

eyed gaze never once wavering from the show.
Xavier still knelt down beside her. Reaching up, he
tucked a piece of the black hair behind her ear.
The dim light made her normally pale complexion
look even more sallow, but she still looked
beautiful to him. As far as he was concerned, there
wasn’t a girl out there who could hold a candle to
his sister. He stayed there for nearly five minutes,
studying her, before she started and turned to look

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at him.

“Xavier, you’re home,” she exclaimed in her

raspy voice, the one that always reminded him of
smoke and whiskey.

“Of course, I am.” He reached out and gave her

a hug.

As she returned it, she sniffed loudly. “You

smell funny.”

Alarmed, Xavier pulled back. “What do you


“You stink like that guy who sold us the stun


Shit, shit, shit. The dealer had been a Wolf. That

could only mean she detected Ranger on him. He
still couldn’t let on how much her observation
shocked him. He gave her a gentle smile.

“I forgot to tell you. I ran into him on the bus.”
She tilted her head to the side, her dark eyes

narrowing. “Why would he be riding a city bus?
When Chance and I met him, he had a shiny, red

Damn, Dulla may be slow but she wasn’t

stupid. Xavier didn’t allow himself to react. “It
must have broken down.”

Dulla still didn’t look as if she bought it, but a

new episode of Yogi came on and saved him. Once
her attention was diverted, Xavier jumped to his
feet and ran over to his backpack. Opening it, he
shoved aside his only other set of clothing and

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took out a spray bottle.

About the size of a hairspray can, it’d cost most

of their savings. It’d been worth it though, because
it contained the only thing that’d keep them from
being captured by slavers. A mixture of various
chemicals, it masked Xavier’s scent.

Eagles were very rare, and as such they brought

in a ton on the slave market. Xavier knew without
a doubt that if he ever stepped outside without the
spray on, he’d be captured within moments. He
only hoped the spray also masked the reek of
Wolf, too.

Although, maybe reek wasn’t the right word. In

truth, Ranger smelled nice—really, really nice.
Xavier brought his arm up and took a deep whiff,
inhaling the woodsy, musky scent of the Wolf. He
could have breathed it in all night long.

Unfortunately for Xavier, he didn’t have all

night. Chance would be coming in any second
and, unlike Dulla, he couldn’t be distracted. With
a regretful sigh, Xavier covered himself with the

His lungs burned as he inhaled some of the

junk. Soon enough the same headache that always
followed a dosing would hit him. He only hoped
that it wouldn’t be so bad that it forced him to
bed. He hated it when that happened.

He put the bottle away moments before the

door opened again and his brother, Chance,

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walked in. Since he was Dulla’s biological sibling,
he took on the same characteristics as her. His
dark hair was cut short in the back, the front being
just long enough to flop into his large, dark eyes.
His skin also had a pale tone to it, although at the
present moment, a large, purple bruise marked
one side of his jaw.

“What in the hell happened?” Xavier

demanded as he rushed over. He reached out to
touch it.

Chance shrugged him off. “It’s no big deal. I got

it on the job.”

Xavier didn’t even want to know what said job

entailed. Since they’d been raised in deep
seclusion, none of them had the education or work
experience to land a real job. It wasn’t like Xavier
could go out and find work either. While the spray
hid his scent, it wouldn’t help if they ran into a
shifter who could identify breeds by sight. Dulla
was out of the question, too. She was prone to
panic attacks whenever she went out in public, so
she stayed in their room nearly all the time.

That left Chance and all he could find was work

with other Ravens. A shiver went down Xavier’s
spine as he recalled some of the stories his
adoptive brother had shared about those
creatures. While Dulla, Chance, and their parents
had been kind and loving, if a bit odd from time-
to-time, the other Ravens obviously weren’t the

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same way.

“I brought food,” Chance announced, holding

up a greasy bag of takeout.

Xavier grabbed it and went to the counter. He

dished it out, making sure that Dulla and Chance
got the bigger portions. He handed out the plates,
before taking his own food and settling down on a

Chance looked over with a frown. “Why didn’t

you take more food?”

Because it kills me to see you and Dulla wasting


Outwardly, Xavier gave a shrug. “I’m not that


That wasn’t a total lie. Lately his appetite had

been crap and what little he took down often came
back up.

Dulla glanced up from her show. “I worry

about you. Are you still getting the headaches?”

“Not too often,” he fibbed again. “Besides, I

wouldn’t be too concerned. It’s not like shifters
can get sick or anything. It’s probably just stress.”

Chance studied him carefully. “We could

always try to go back home.”

Xavier shook his head. “No way. The Hyenas

could show up again and I don’t want to lose you
guys, too. It was bad enough they killed Mom and

As always, the mere mention of their parents

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was enough to set Dulla off. She began to rock
back and forth as she let out soft whimpers, her
food completely forgotten. Feeling like an ass for
his slip up, Xavier scooted closer so he could put
an arm around his sister’s shoulders. The close
contact worked and after a few moments, she sank
into his side.

“We’re doing fine right where we are,” Xavier

replied firmly.

The last thing he wanted was to take her back

to that nightmare. He would put up with a
thousand headaches before he let that happen.

Are you sure that’s the only reason you don’t want

to leave? A nasty voice taunted in his head.

Xavier gave a slight shake of his head, as if he

could deny that kernel of truth to himself. Like he
could fool himself that he didn’t want to leave
now that he’d just found Riley.

After all, Riley didn’t seem to give a fig about

him. While Xavier had been fighting for his life
and barely getting enough to eat, Riley had been
safe, fed and happily mated to some Hawk.

Maybe it wasn’t logical for Xavier to feel such

animosity toward his twin. After all, it wasn’t
Riley’s fault that he’d always been the lucky one in
life. Xavier just couldn’t help himself.

The strange thing was that at the same time, he

felt a strong connection to Riley—one he was
powerless to resist. That had led to him almost

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being captured by Ranger.

“Fine, we’ll stay here,” Chance finally

conceded, although he continued to study Xavier
with a critical eye.

Xavier sighed with relief.
Chance asked, “So, what did you guys do


Heart racing, Xavier shot a worried glance

down at Dulla. “Ah, nothing. We just hung out

Anxiety flooded his body while he waited for

her to call him out on his lie, but she kept silent.
Xavier made a mental note to someday buy her a
whole new collection of Yogi DVDs as a reward for
not tattling.

Chance cocked a brow. “Oh, really? If you

stayed in, then why are your shoes covered in
fresh mud.”

Xavier froze as he scrambled for an explanation.

The only problem being, he never was good at
coming up with stuff on the fly. Besides, Chance
always knew whenever he lied.

“You went to spy on him again. Didn’t you?”

Chance challenged.

“Yes, I did.” Xavier lowered his head as guilt

flooded him.

He knew that his ventures not only put him at

danger, but it also risked exposing Dulla and
Chance. The feline coalition was strong in Flint,

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and if there was one thing the cats hated, it was
Ravens. They wouldn’t care that Chance and
Dulla were different either.

“I tried to stay away. I really did, it’s just…”

Xavier trailed off, too ashamed to go on because,
quite frankly, there really wasn’t any excuse good

Had it been anybody else, they would have

yelled or lashed out. Chance did neither. Instead,
he put a comforting hand on Xavier’s shoulder.
Locking gazes, Chance said, “I know it must be so
tempting, but you have to be careful. Not only
could they kill Dulla and I, but they may lash out
at you for associating with us.”

Xavier saw the flicker of hurt and self-disgust

that went through Chance’s eyes at those words. It
made a lump build up in the back of Xavier’s
throat, because he knew how much his brother
hated what he was.

“You’re nothing like the other Ravens. For one

thing, you don’t stink like they do.” Xavier gave a
soft laugh.

“Yeah, that’s because we never learned some of

their more disgusting habits. At least that’s what
Mom said.”

Even before Xavier came to live with them, his

adoptive family had stayed apart from the other
the Ravens. When the rest of their kind learned
about Dulla’s learning disability, they wanted to

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kill her, as it was always Raven custom to cull
away what they considered weak members.
Instead, their mother had taken her children and
husband, then ran away.

Xavier tightened his grip on Dulla as a wave of

fierce protectiveness went over him. Just the
thought of anyone wanting to hurt his sweet sister
because she didn’t fit their idea of perfect made
him angry. While Xavier may not be a violent
person, he knew without a doubt he’d kill if
necessary to keep her safe. For that reason alone,
Xavier decided to confess the whole truth.

“A Wolf caught me spying on Riley.”
Chance sucked in a breath. “Did he hurt you?”
“No, I used that stun gun you gave me and

managed to fly away. Not before he told me that
he knew who I was.”

“Did he use your name?”
Xavier nodded. “He also claimed that they’d

been looking for me. He said that they didn’t
mean me any harm.”

“I’m guessing he didn’t know that you were

with two Ravens.”

“He didn’t mention it.”
A heavy silence filled the room. Chance looked

down at the bed. “You know you could always—”

“Don’t even suggest it,” Xavier interrupted


“They would probably take you in because

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you’re Riley’s brother. Think about it, you could
finally be safe and have enough food.”

Anger and a bit of panic assaulted Xavier. “And

leave you and Dulla behind? No way! I could
never do that. We’re family and I love you guys.”

Chance gave a sad smile. “We feel the same

way, too. I’m just worried. You keep getting those
headaches and it looks like you’ve lost even more

“I told you, it’s just stress. I’m fine.”
“I just wish I could take better care of you


Tears built up in Xavier’s eyes, but he refused

to let them fall. Since Chance was taking on the
heavy load of supporting them all, the least Xavier
could do was be brave enough not to cry.

“You do take good care of us. You always have.

It was because of you that we were able to escape
that day the Hyenas came.”

“I wasn’t good enough to save Mom and Dad.”
“You can’t blame yourself for that. It would

have taken a psychic to know the attack was
coming. Mom and Dad were cut down before any
of us could stop it. Stop beating yourself up over
it. Dulla and I are damn lucky to have you.”

Dulla wrapped her slender arms around

Xavier’s waist. “And we’re lucky to have you,

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Chapter Three






headquarters, his temper so high it was a

wonder he didn’t have steam coming out of his
ears like some cartoon character. The area where
the little twerp had zapped him still stung, the
pain beating in time to his heart, almost as if
mocking him. The ball cap was still in his clenched
fist and he soothed his temper some by imagining
that it was Xavier’s skinny throat between his

Along the way to Mitchell’s office, he ran into

Shane. A Leopard shifter, who was a semi-
reformed sociopath, he happened to be the perfect
man to help Ranger out.

Ranger paused long enough to ask, “Hey, can

you come with me?”

Shane cocked a brow, but as usual revealed

nothing. While he looked young and almost
innocent with his big brown eyes and mop of


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brown hair, underneath lurked a coldblooded
killer. Ranger just hoped that since his good
friend, Trevor, was mated to Shane, the feline
would be inclined to help. He also banked on the
fact Shane owned the farmhouse Xavier had been
staking out as an aid in sparking the Leopard’s
cooperation. Call him crazy, but Ranger didn’t
think Shane liked the idea of a stranger hanging
out on his property.

“Where are you going?” Shane demanded, but

he began to walk with Ranger.

“I need to speak to Mitchell about something

that went down outside your place today.”

If that shocked or upset Shane, he didn’t show

it. He only gave a curt nod, his face as impassive
as ever. As they entered Mitchell’s cramped and
somewhat messy office, Ranger wasn’t overly
surprised to see most of the Jaguar brothers
present. He’d called ahead to tell Mitchell that
they had something important to discuss and the
Jaguar family always worked together. There were
even a few of the family’s closest friends present.
One noticeable exception was Riley, although his
Hawk mate, Colin, was there. Going by the scowl
on the dark-headed man’s face, he wasn’t too
happy either.

Ranger gave them a quick rundown of his

encounter with Xavier, even going so far as to tell
how he got away. Even though it stung to admit

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that some green kid with no training managed to
get the drop on him, Ranger didn’t want to let his
pride get in the way. It was more important that
Mitchell and the others get a full report so they
could get a feel for the situation. When Ranger fell
silent, Mitchell sat back in his chair and mulled
over the situation.

While Mitchell was about twenty years older

than Ranger, he didn’t look it. With a tall, trim
build, amber eyes and brown speckled hair, he
was actually damn good looking. Had it not been
for the fact that Mitchell was mated to Ranger’s
cousin, Ranger may have developed a heavy crush
on the guy.

Of course, that was before Ranger met Xavier.

Now he found himself wanting nothing other than
a certain blond-haired Eagle who had the bratty
tendency to zap unsuspecting individuals. That
showed Ranger had either lost all his common
sense or was now being ruled by his cock. He
couldn’t help it though, all he had to do was think
about how good it’d felt when he pressed himself
against Xavier’s thin body and Ranger became
stupid with lust.

“Are you certain that he’s Xavier?” Mitchell

finally asked.

“Yeah, he’s almost a dead ringer for Riley. Plus,

the kid acted like I bitch slapped him when I
called him Xavier. He tried to hide it, but it was

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obvious it scared the hell out of him that I knew
who he was.”

“If he was lurking about like you said, how

come we didn’t pick up his scent? We should have
smelled him all the way from the farmhouse,”
Colin demanded.

“I think he’s masking it somehow. I couldn’t

smell it until I was right on top of him.”

“Does that hat belong to him?” Shane nodded

at Ranger’s hand.

“Toss it to me.”
Once Ranger complied, Shane brought it up to

his nose and gave it a few experimental sniffs.
When he let out a low curse, Ranger knew it
couldn’t be good. Shane never reacted to anything,
so for him to show any emotion always spelled

“This Eagle is either very brave or very stupid.”
A jolt of dread hit Ranger. While he still wanted

to throttle Xavier, Ranger found himself strangely
protective of the brat. “Why would you say that?”

“He’s using Shadow.”
Ranger cocked his head to the side as he tried to

place where he’d heard that word before. “Isn’t
that something shifters can use to cover their

It would explain how Xavier had managed to

conceal himself from Ranger so well. It would also

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show that Xavier realized just how dangerous it
was to be an Eagle.

Ranger nodded. “Yeah, and it’s as illegal as


“With good reason,” Colin cut in. “If used too

much that stuff can be toxic.”

“It must be pretty bad to affect us. Usually

we’re immune to most poisons.” While Ranger
knew he probably sounded the idiot for stating the
obvious, he was having issues wrapping his mind
around the fact that a simple spray could take
down a shifter.

Shane continued to study the hat. “One of the

ingredients is Castor, more specifically the seeds,
which is used to make Ricin. While we can fight
the affects longer, eventually even we succumb if
we keep exposing ourselves to it.”

“Do you think Xavier is aware of that?”
“I’m guessing that neither he nor his little

friends know much of anything.”

Ranger jerked in surprise. “Friends?
“Yeah, going by the scents on this hat, I’d say

he’s been living with two Ravens. The smell is
pretty weak and not nearly as strong as most other
Ravens, but it’s there. If I wasn’t such a good
tracker, the Shadow would have hid it

“I thought that it smelled like Raven, too,”

Ranger said.

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“I’m impressed. Not too many would have

picked up on that,” Shane replied, tossing out a
rare bit of praise.

Shane breathed in again, his brow drawing

together. “That’s odd.”

“What now?”
“This scent really is very different from most


Ranger nodded. “Yeah, it’s clean instead of the

usual stank.”

“Maybe it’s another type of bird?” Colin


“No, I’m positive it’s Raven.” Shane paused for

a second before his trademark gotcha grin came
over his face. “Oh, this is almost too easy.”

Ranger exchanged confused glances with the

rest of the group.

Mitchell finally said, “Do you want to clue the

rest of us in?”

“I’ve been hearing through the grapevine about

a new Raven in the area.”

Colin shrugged. “So what? They come and go

all the time.”

“This one is different.”
Ranger found himself becoming more

frustrated with each passing second. He’d
forgotten how hard it was to get information from
Shane. The worst part was they couldn’t lose their

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tempers either or else they risked the Leopard
shutting down completely. Taking a few breaths,
he forced himself to calmly ask, “Different, how?”

“Well for starters, this Raven supposedly

knows what a shower is. Plus, he doesn’t have the
stomach for any of the dirty jobs. Not that they
would take him out on something like that, since
the kid reportedly doesn’t have a lick of training.”

Mitchell crossed his arms over his chest. “How

is that possible? I thought Ravens drummed battle
skills into their kids’ heads from the moment they
could walk.”

“That’s true, unless, of course, the kid wasn’t

raised in normal Raven society. Just like felines
and Wolves have strays, so do Ravens.”

The room fell silent while they all digested that

information. Colin finally broke the quiet. “I have
one question for you, Shane. How is it you didn’t
know that Xavier was lurking on your property in
the first place? I would think that since you’re the
best assassin in the coalition, you’d be the first to
know that an intruder was on your property.”

“I knew about him from the very first time he

paid one of his little visits,” Shane informed them

Ranger sucked in a breath. “Then why didn’t

you do anything about it?”

“Because I assessed him and found him to be

no threat. If he had made any aggressive moves, I

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would have taken care of the problem myself.”

A shiver went down Ranger’s spine as he

recalled some of the ways Shane took care of
problems. “You could have approached him to see
if he needed help.”

Shane gave Ranger a probing look. “Did it ever

occur to you that maybe not everybody wants to
be saved?”

A burst of anger ripped through Ranger, but he

tampered it. Getting into a pissing match with
Shane wouldn’t help find Xavier.

“How long do you think we have until Xavier

gets sick from this Shadow?” Even as he asked
that question, Ranger recalled how thin and pale
Xavier seemed. He didn’t even want to
contemplate the ramifications of Xavier getting
really ill before they could get him help.

Shane sniffed the hat. “Going by how much is

on this hat, a couple days tops. By now, he’s
probably already suffering from nausea, muscle
tremors and headaches. Lucky for him though, I
now know how to find him.”

Hope flared in Ranger’s chest. “How?”
“I’ll start asking around about his little Raven

buddy. Once I get a lead on the bird, I’ll follow
him back to Xavier.”

Ranger glanced at Mitchell. “Do you think it

would be okay if I was part of the team that went
in to extricate Xavier?”

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Mitchell cocked a brow. “I thought your days of

taking in strays were over.”

It was way more than just a normal rescue for

him, but Ranger wasn’t ready to fess up to that
aloud. He could hardly admit it to himself. Like it
or not, something about Xavier had gotten under
Ranger’s skin and now it’d become one great big,
bratty itch that couldn’t be denied.

“I just think that it would be better since I’ve

already had contact with him,” Ranger reasoned,
not willing to admit to having feelings for the
Eagle. For a moment he thought Mitchell would
deny him.

In the end, the Jaguar nodded. “I’ll do you one

better. I’ll let you lead the mission and handpick
your team. I’ve been looking for a chance to test
you some and this will be the perfect

Ranger blinked a few times. He never expected

that kind of response. “Thank you, sir. I promise
not to let you down.”

Colin cleared his throat. “I have one request.”
“Go ahead,” Mitchell said.
“I don’t want Riley to know anything about

this. While he’s been doing great with his new
meds and hasn’t had any episodes lately, I don’t
want to stress him out unless it’s absolutory
necessary. Once we get this Eagle into custody
and discerned that he’s not a threat and is, in fact,

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Xavier, then I’ll fill Riley in on everything.”

“Fine, but he’s going to be pissed off when he

finds out you’re keeping secrets from him,”
Ranger warned.

“Better he gets mad than upset if Xavier ends

up being no better than the Ravens. Since he
seems so found of hanging out around the
bastards, there’s no telling how twisted Xavier
may be. Stinky or not, a Raven is a Raven and I’ve
never met a kind one in my life.”

Colin did have a point. In all of history, Ranger

didn’t think there’d ever been a Raven who wasn’t
a murdering bastard. It seemed to be the only
thing the birds excelled at.

“There’s one thing that confuses me,” Colin


Ranger grunted. “Just one?”
“Why are the two Ravens protecting Xavier?

They have to know that they could get a small
fortune for him on the slave market.”

“The only way we’ll figure that out is to ask

Xavier himself. Once we have him back here, then
we can interrogate him and find out what in the
hell is going on.” Mitchell ran a frustrated hand
through his hair. “Man, this couldn’t come at a
worse time. Cassie is set to marry Chris in just a
couple of weeks. The last thing I need is the
Ravens fucking things up.”

As always, a stab of pain went through Ranger

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at the mention of Chris’s name. Not only was the
older man his cousin, but he also led the largest
Tri-state area wolf pack. The same pack that’d run
Ranger out for being gay. Granted it’d been
mostly Ranger’s father’s doing and Chris claimed
not to have known about it until it was too late,
but Ranger still didn’t have cozy feelings as far as
his cousin went.

To make the already sucky relationship even

suckier, Cassie was Mitchell’s younger sister. Add
in that Mitchell’s mate, Dean, was Chris’s brother
and it got so that there were so many connections
between their family trees that it made for a
jumbled mess. Lucky duck that Ranger was, his
sorry ass happened to be stuck in the chaos, too.

Mitchell turned to his brother. “Jacyn, I need

you to give Dr. Featherstone a rundown about the
Eagle’s use of Shadow. That way he can have a
treatment ready when we bring Xavier in.”

“Do you think he’ll be able to figure out

something to make Xavier better?” Ranger asked,
his gut clenching in worry.

Jacyn gave a slight nod. “I’ll bring Owen in to

help. Together I’ve seen them do some pretty
amazing things.”

Mitchell looked at Ranger. “Okay, since you’re

team leader, what do you think the first move
should be in tracking Xavier down?”

It set Ranger back some to have Mitchell asking

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his advice for once. Scrambling, he came up with a
plan, “I think we should go with Shane’s idea and
use the Raven connection.”

Shane gave a small smile of consent. “If you

want, I can start calling some of my contacts to see
what they can tell me. If I can find the Raven, then
I’ll hang back and trail him when he goes to where
they’re hiding out at.”

“Okay, then once you find them, the team can

go in and extricate Xavier.”

“What should we do about the Ravens he’s

with?” Jacyn asked.

Now if that wasn’t the million-dollar question.

Usually, they just killed any Ravens who got in
their way and nobody gave it a second thought.
But if Xavier was close to this pair, then he may
never forgive them. Still, it wasn’t like they could
just open their arms and accept two known
enemies into their midst either.

Ranger felt conflicted, knowing this was the

first real test of his leadership skills. He mulled the
problem over a few moments before coming up
with what he hoped was the best solution. “Take
the Ravens into custody and bring them to our jail.
They may be able to tell us something about
where Xavier’s been all these years and how he
managed to avoid being taken by slavers long
before now.”

When approval flashed across Mitchell’s eyes,

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Ranger knew he’d done the right thing. “I think
that you should be the one in charge of the

Ranger blinked in surprise. “Because I’m the

team leader?”

“No, because this is what you’re best at. For

years now, you’ve been taking in strays and
making them feel safe. Just because they’re a
couple of Ravens, doesn’t mean that they won’t be
the same way. If anyone can make them trust us,
it’s you.”

Warmth pooled in Ranger’s stomach at the

words of praise. Growing up with such a
judgmental father, before finally being rejected by
his pack, Ranger wasn’t used to getting
compliments. He never knew how damn good it
could feel.

“Thank you, Mitchell. I promise not to let you

down,” Ranger replied gruffly.

“I know you won’t. I’ve never doubted you,


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Chapter Four

is head hurt so bad that if he’d had a gun
handy, Xavier would have gladly used it on

himself, just to end his misery. While that may
seem like a bit of a melodramatic solution, this
wasn’t ordinary pain. The agony sliced through
his head, making it hard to breathe as his stomach
rolled. A cold sweat covered his body, making
him feel gross in addition to crappy. He moaned
as he buried the side of his face deeper into the
rank pillow.

“Here, you need to drink something,” Chance


Xavier cracked his lids open to see his brother

holding up a cup of water. Just looking at it made
his stomach lurch in protest. He groaned as he
shook his head. The slight movement made the
pain rocket in skull. Letting out a whimper, he
quickly squeezed his eyes shut again.

“I don’t want anything, thanks,” Xavier forced


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himself to say.

His body began to tremble, which didn’t

surprise him since it’d been doing that on and off
all day. It did make the ache spread from his head
to the rest of his body as his overworked muscles
protested. While he didn’t want to worry Chance
any more, Xavier couldn’t hold in the long moan
of pain.

“Shit.” Chance set down the cup, then reached

down to put a hand to Xavier’s brow. “You feel all
cold and clammy.”

“Always the critic,” Xavier teased between

clenched teeth.

“We need to be serious here for a second. I’m

really worried about you.”

“I probably just caught a bug or something.”

Xavier dared to open his eyes again, letting out a
hiss of pain when even the weak light of the room
bit sharply into his head.

“That’s just it, shifters aren’t supposed to get

sick.” Chance hedged, “At least I don’t think so.”

“Can’t you ask one of your work buddies?”
Chance bit his bottom lip, a look of pure shame

crossing his face. “I haven’t been dealing with
them lately.”

Something in the way Chance said that set off

alarms in Xavier. “Well, then who have you been
working with? You’re still bringing home food
and money.”

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In fact, now that he thought about it, for the

past couple of days, Chance had been bringing
home a lot more of both items. Chance ducked his
head, but not before Xavier caught the pain
lingering there.

“Damn, Chance, what did you do?”
“What I had to in order to take care of you and

Dulla,” Chance rasped.

Dulla climbed on the bed and curled up next to

Xavier. Murmuring a tuneless song, she began to
run her fingers through his hair. “We need to take
him to the felines.”

Xavier started. “Why would we want to take

Chance to them?”

She gave a soft giggle. “Not him, silly. You.”
“You want to give me away?” Xavier

swallowed hard.

“No, I never want you to leave us, but the

felines will know how to make you better.”

Xavier shook his head, immediately regretting

the move when pain pinballed around his skull.
“We stay together. Just like we promised Mom
and Dad.”

Chance settled down on the end of the bed,

crossing his legs in front of him. “I hate to say this,
but I think going to the felines may be our only

All that Xavier could think about was the

horrible things they might do to Chance and

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Dulla. He recalled all the horror stories their
mother beat into his head, each one worse than the
last. He’d rather die than let any harm befall his
adopted siblings.

Leveling his gaze at Chance, Xavier said, “No,

I’m not letting anyone get their hands on Dulla.
Especially an enemy.”

He hoped his eyes spoke his additional fear. A

normal female wouldn’t stand a chance against a
room full of male soldiers. He didn’t even want to
think about how it would affect Dulla if she were
attacked in that manner.

Chance let out a soft curse before he nodded,

showing he got the message, but didn’t
particularly care for it. Xavier still held his gaze for
a moment, just to show that there would be no
changing his mind.

As far as he was concerned, it would be better

for him to die than to have to stand by and watch
Dulla get hurt or worse. Besides, this thing that
was going on inside him was probably just
temporary. Once it passed, he vowed to himself
that he would take Dulla and Chance, then get the
hell away from Flint.

It would kill him to have to leave Riley behind,

but it’s not like they were in contact anyway. For
all Xavier knew, his twin wouldn’t even want to
speak to him, so it was foolish to continue to risk
their safety for wishful thinking.

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* * * *

Ranger sat down at the cafeteria table and stared
down at his food without really seeing it. He
should be hungry, starved in fact since he hadn’t
eaten in two days, but he was so jacked up that he
just didn’t have an appetite.

They still hadn’t found Xavier and Shane’s dire

prediction about Shadow continued to nag at
Ranger. It was as if he had this giant time clock
looming behind him and it was quickly counting

He shoved the tray away from him and used

one hand to scrub his face. His eyes stung and felt
grainy because he hadn’t been getting much sleep
either. None of his team had. Shane continued to
comb the streets, while the others were doing their
best to help out.

Still for all that effort, they had nada in the way

of information. An image of Xavier popped into
Ranger’s head. That innocent, yet scared face,
those wide green eyes and his quirky comments.
Never before had Ranger felt like such a failure.
He may have saved so many others, but he was
powerless to help the one who needed him the

He didn’t know what it was about Xavier, but

never before had he felt this protective over a

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stray. It’d gotten so Ranger couldn’t close his eyes
without some visual of Xavier coming to him.
While some were G-rated, a good number were
erotic too. He wanted to hold, protect, scold and
fuck Xavier all at once.

“You look like shit,” Shane commented casually

as he took the seat opposite of Ranger.

Ranger nearly let out an audible sigh of relief

when he saw the Leopard. If Shane was there that
could only be because he had news. Ranger just
hoped it was the good kind.

“Did you find the Raven?”
Shane nodded.
“Did he lead you to Xavier?”
That garnered a second nod.
“Is Xavier still alive?”
Yet another nod.
Ranger let out a growl of frustration. “Are you

going to actually go into some detail? Or are you
going to keep nodding?”

“Sure, you just need to stop asking closed-

ended questions.”

“Has anyone ever told you how frustrating you

can be sometimes?”

“Yes, Trevor makes it a point to inform me of

that nearly every day.”

Ranger could see his Panther buddy doing that.

While Trevor could be a bit of a flirt and a jokester,
he was the only one who could point out all of

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Shane’s character flaws and live to talk about it.

“Trevor is right.” Ranger leaned forward. “So,

please tell me in detail what you discovered.”

“First off, I found out the name of the Raven

who’s been trolling around. It’s Chance and he’s
beyond green. He’s so bad that the other Ravens
have refused to hire or work with him. That’s why
it took me so long to track him down. He wasn’t in
any of the usual Raven pits.”

“So where did you eventually find him?”
“He’s working the streets, hustling himself to


Ranger cocked his head to the side. “Are you

sure about that? All the Ravens I’ve ever had the
misfortune to meet think humans are beneath
them so they sure as hell wouldn’t sell their bodies
to one.”

“Chance has and it’s a lot more than just one.”

Shane reached out and picked up Ranger’s
uneaten sandwich.

“I wonder why he’s doing it?”
Shane shot him a duh look. “Isn’t it obvious?

Chance is taking care of Xavier and the other

“That can’t be it. In case you forgot, Ravens

aren’t capable of empathy.”

“This one is. At least as far as Xavier is

concerned.” Shane took a big bite.

“I guess you have a point,” Ranger conceded.

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“Otherwise, Chance would have sold Xavier a
long time ago. With the price he’d get for an Eagle
shifter, he’d never have to hustle again.”

Shane swallowed his food. “So when do we go

and fetch the birds?”

“As soon as I can alert the rest of the team. How

far away is Xavier’s location?”

“Only fifteen minutes from here. He’s in one of

those dive hotels. It’s so bad that even hookers
and drug addicts stay away. If the Shadow doesn’t
finish him off, the crappy neighborhood will.”

Ranger stood. “Okay, let’s do this then.”

* * * *

Damn it all, whatever was making him feel like
shit wasn’t going away.

Xavier rolled to his side and clutched his aching

stomach. Pain sliced through every inch of him
and he bit his bottom lip in an effort to hold in the
cries of agony. Dulla and Chance slept in the next
bed and Xavier didn’t want to wake them since he
knew they’d just worry more about him.

Another wave of pain slammed into him.

Xavier bit even harder on his lip, his teeth slicing
into the skin and drawing blood. Just that small
tangy taste sent him over the edge and his
stomach lurched.

Xavier lunged to his feet, desperate to get the

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toilet. Their room already smelled bad enough
without him yakking up in the middle of it. He
only made it a few steps before he fell to the side.
He hit the dresser, his arm managing to catch the
lamp. It came down with a loud crash. Xavier
grunted in surprise and hurt as his hip slammed
into the corner of the furniture.

Chance leapt to his feet. “What’s going on?”
Putting a hand to his stomach, Xavier just

barely managed to get out, “Bathroom…please.”

His brother didn’t need to be told twice.

Moving quick, he put an arm around Xavier and
half-guided, half-dragged him to the toilet. Once
there, he gently helped Xavier to the ground.

As soon as his knees hit the tile, Xavier bent

over and emptied his stomach into the toilet. Since
he hadn’t eaten much in the past couple days,
nothing substantial came up. The resulting dry
heaves seemed to be twice as painful.

A cold sweat broke out over his body and his

chest grew tight. In between his gags, he tried to
suck in some breaths, but his lungs just didn’t
want to cooperate. It almost felt as if he was
underwater or somebody was holding a pillow to
his face.

“Shit, Xavier. Your lips are turning blue,”

Chance exclaimed, his voice trembling.

Xavier tried to give him some words of

reassurance, but all that came out were some

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funky sounding raspy noises. He clawed at his
chest in a desperate attempt to get some air inside
his impossibly tight lungs.

“Help,” he finally managed to gasp out, his

voice sounding like a cross between a frog and a
wet vac.

Dulla began to sob hysterically while Chance

yelled for help.

Xavier saw spots dancing before his eyes and

his hands began to tingle. Then that’s when all hell
broke loose.

* * * *

Ranger heard the screaming just as the team
approached the door to Xavier’s hotel room. His
heart froze in fear as he strained to hear who it
may be.

“If I were to guess, I would say it’s Chance and

some female,” Shane whispered from close to
Ranger’s right.

Ranger nodded to indicate he heard. Then

that’s when one scream broke through, the
message bone chillingly clear.

“Help! He’s dying.”
That’s all the motivation Ranger needed.

Raising one hand in the ready motion, he yelled to
his team, “Move in. Remember, I want them all
taken in alive.”

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Ranger took lead. Raising his foot, he kicked in

the door with one fast motion. Even though the
barrier was made of steel, it was cheap and easily
gave in to Ranger’s enhanced strength.

Very little light illuminated the interior of the

bottom-of-the-barrel hotel room. It didn’t matter
because they could have seen in the dark if they
had to. Ranger quickly swept his gaze over the
small space, his gut clenching when he finally
spotted Xavier.

The Eagle was on his knees in the bathroom.

His lips were tinted blue and there was a
panicked, almost feral look in his eyes as he let out
loud wet-sounding gasping noises.

Two Ravens stood between Ranger and Xavier.

Ranger tensed, waiting for one of them to attack,
but they both stayed in place. Chance kept darting
looks between the female Raven and Xavier,
almost as if he didn’t know which one to protect
first. The female just wrapped her arms around
her stomach and began to let out keening wails.

Ranger stopped, then held up a hand to signal

for his team to do the same. While they could have
rushed in and taken the Ravens down by force,
one look at the posture told Ranger that would do
more harm than good. The female looked a couple
steps from a complete breakdown while Chance
only seemed to want to guard Xavier and the girl.
Ranger felt for the guy, but at the same time, the

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sounds of Xavier’s labored breathing warned they
didn’t have much more time.

“Don’t hurt them, please,” Chance finally said,

his voice cracking in fear.

Several members of the team exchanged

surprised glances. Ranger shared their confusion.
The Ravens acted at complete odds to the way
their breed normally did. Shane had been right
when he said this pair was unique.

Ranger inched closer to Xavier and that finally

spurred Chance into motion. The Raven backed
up, putting his body between Xavier and Ranger.
At the same time, he motioned with a finger for
the female to come to him.

The female took a couple of steps before she

stopped and studied Ranger. “You were the one
Xavier talked to the other day. I know because I
smelled you on him.”

Ranger nodded, almost getting whiplash from

her complete behavior one-eighty. “Yes, I was. I’m
here to help him.”

She began to fiddle with a piece of her hair.

“He’s really sick. He’s been that way for a while
now, but it got worse a couple of days ago.”

“I know. We have a doctor waiting for him.”
“Why is he so sick? Mama said that shifters

can’t get stuff like people do.”

Ranger shifted his gaze over to Chance, only to

see the same question mirrored in the Raven’s

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“It’s the spray he’s been using. The one to cover

his scent,” Ranger explained.

“But the guy who sold it to us told me it was

safe,” Chance burst out.

“Look, we can talk about this later. Right now

we have to get Xavier help, fast.”

Chance darted one more look at Xavier and that

finally seemed to convince him. With a short nod,
he stepped out of the way.

Ranger rushed to Xavier. Dropping to his

knees, Ranger reached out and tilted the Eagle’s
face in his direction.




Ranger reached up and brushed his hair away

from his sweat-slicked face. “Shh…don’t worry
about that.”

Xavier sagged into him. Ranger wrapped an

arm around the younger man to keep him from
toppling to the ground. Alarm shot through
Ranger when he felt how thin and cold Xavier had
gotten in a mere couple of days.

“Don’t…let…them…hurt…her.” Xavier gazed

up at him with pleading eyes.

“No one will harm her. I give you my word of

honor on that,” Ranger declared loudly enough
for Chance to hear, too.


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“Okay, now just lay back and stop talking.”
Jacyn came in with an oxygen mask. “Hey,

Xavier. My name is Jacyn. Just lay back and let me
take care of you.”

Ranger pressed the mask to Xavier’s face, while

the medic quickly started an IV and connected his
patient to a portable monitor.

“We need to get him back to headquarters

immediately,” Jacyn said, his expression grim as
he studied the monitor.

Ranger scooped Xavier more fully into his arms

and stood. Carrying his precious cargo close to his
chest, Ranger rushed out to the waiting vehicles.
By the time they reached the expressway exit,
Xavier began to drift in and out of consciousness.
Jacyn worked frantically on the Eagle. Ranger
hovered close by, all the time praying that they
hadn’t been too late.

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Chapter Five

t took them twelve excruciatingly long minutes to
reach headquarters. Once there, they pulled up to

one of the back loading docks, instead of using the
front doors. Not only did Ranger want to honor
Colin’s wish to keep Xavier’s presence a secret, but
they didn’t want to announce the arrival of two

Ranger carried Xavier inside. While he could

have waited for a stretcher, he was loath to give
up the Eagle, plus it made things go a bit faster.
Once he stepped inside the building, Ranger was
pleased to find Doc Featherstone waiting for him.

A Native American, who was a bit older, the

Doc was his usually stoic, almost bored self. He
merely glanced down at Xavier before grunting,
“There’s a shower in the jail. I want both of you in
it right now.”

“A shower?” Ranger echoed.


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“Both of us?”
“Yeah, are you a wolf or a fuzzy parrot? Now

get your hairy ass in the shower. We have to wash
the chemical off the Eagle’s clothes and body and
since you’ve already been holding him, you’re
going with him.” The Doc gave a snarky grin. “I’ll
need you both to take off your clothes and bag
them. You’ve been touching him so much, it could
have rubbed off on you, so I’m considering you
both contaminated. Now hurry up, so I can start
treating this poor kid.”

Even if Ranger had wanted to continue to

argue, the choice was taken from him when two
medics came forward and not-so-gently led
Ranger to the large shower. He noted that all the
medical staff were wearing disposable yellow
gowns covering their scrubs. He almost thought it
was overkill until he looked back down at Xavier’s
way-too-pale face.

Off to the side, another group of medics

worked on Dulla and Chance, scrubbing them off,
too. The Ravens didn’t offer any words of protest.
They just stoically took it. Ranger did note that
Jacyn made sure only female staff worked on
Dulla and for that he was thankful.

Ranger allowed them to take his and Xavier’s

clothes, but drew the line at their underwear. Not
only did he not want to parade around with all his
goods hanging out, he didn’t want anyone

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checking Xavier out either.

Ranger knew that thinking wasn’t rational since

nobody would have any interest in somebody as
sick as Xavier, but he couldn’t help himself. Just
the thought of any other man looking at the
Eagle’s sweet body made Ranger want to lash out.

He held Xavier upright, chest to chest while the

medics moved around, scrubbing them both off.
Even though the oxygen mask was still strapped
into place, Xavier’s color hadn’t improved much.

Xavier’s eyes sluggishly fluttered open. When

they widened in panic, Ranger made gentle
shushing sounds. “It’s okay, they’re helping you.”

“What’s happening to me?” Xavier asked, his

voice muffled from the mask.

“It’s the spray you’ve been using. It’s been

poisoning you.”

“God, I’m so stupid.”
Ranger used one hand to smooth Xavier’s wet

hair away from his face. “No, you’re not. You just
didn’t know any better.”

Ranger allowed himself to feel a small measure

of hope that Xavier seemed to be having much less
trouble talking than when he’d been at the hotel.

“I just didn’t want my scent to put Dulla or

Chance in danger.”

“Are they your friends?”
Jealousy crashed into Ranger as he wondered if

Xavier and Chance were more than just friends.

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“They’re my brother and sister,” Xavier


“Ah, sweetie, I hate to tell you this, but you’re

an Eagle. There’s no way you can be related to

A couple of the hospital staff exchanged

amused looks at Ranger’s endearment. He chose
to ignore them.

Xavier on the other hand, didn’t seem to notice.

He gave a tiny laugh. “I was adopted by their
parents when I was really young.”

While Ranger still had a million questions, he

decided they could wait until later, especially
when Jacyn gave him a concern look. “We need to
get him into bed.”

The medics quickly finished cleaning them up.

Once they were finished, they took Xavier from
Ranger. As he watched the Eagle being carried
away, Ranger had the intense desire to reach out
and reclaim the man, almost as if nobody else had
the right to touch Xavier.

Shane came over and thrust a clean uniform in

his arms. Ranger was touched by the Leopard’s
thoughtfulness until he caught the annoyed look
on the man’s face. Ranger began to get dressed, all
the while wondering what was happening to

Ranger called in a report to Mitchell while

Shane escorted the Ravens from the room. It took

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Ranger around five minutes to get his leader up to
speed on the situation. He just hung up the phone
when Shane came back in.

“I put the Ravens into separate interrogation

rooms,” Shane said.

Ranger nodded, even if the last thing he wanted

to do was go chat with Chance or Dulla. “Fine, I’ll
start with the male.”

“That would probably be a good idea. The

female didn’t take it so well when we took her
away from her brother.”

“What did she do?”
Shane arched a brow. “She screamed, then

started to kick and bite.”

“How is she now?”
“She quieted down, but she’s still off.”
Off?” Ranger echoed a bit incredulously. That

said a lot coming from Shane since he was the
poster child for strange, odd, weird and wacky.

“Yeah, she’s completely shut down. Last I

checked, she was sitting in the corner and
humming to herself.”

“Is the psychologist who works with Riley still


“Yeah, I heard that he’s thinking about moving

in permanently.” A lazy smile crossed Shane’s
face. “Between you and me, I think he’s got it into
his over-educated head that he can shrink me.”

“Tell him that we like you the way you are.”

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“Ah thanks, Wolfie. That almost makes me like


Ranger decided to ignore the thinly veiled

insult. “Can you get him to come and check out
the female shifter? Just make sure he knows that
we’re not letting Riley know about all this yet.”

Shane nodded. “I’ll go get him now. I put the

male Raven in room two.”

Ranger thanked him before getting a new pair

of boots on and going to the room. A couple of
felines stood guard, one of them unlocking the
door for him. After taking a deep breath and
forcing his best authoritative face on, Ranger went

The room was just like most other interrogation

rooms with a large table and a few chairs taking
up the space. One wall was even covered with an
observation glass. Chance stood in front of it,
staring at his own reflection.

That gave Ranger a chance to study the Raven.

He had to admit Shane’s information proved to be
correct. Chance didn’t look like any other
members of his breed.

Most Ravens had thick, dark, greasy hair, black

soulless eyes and abnormally pale skin. They also
wore all black and tended to have a foul almost
rotting smell about them. The Raven in front of
him had almost none of those traits.

While Chance did have dark hair, pale skin and

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his eyes did have that same bottomless pit thing
going, the rest of him was at complete odds with
others of his kind. Chance wore his hair clean and
short, the front hanging over his brow. He wore a
pair of worn jeans and a faded, baseball style shirt.
Most of all, he didn’t smell bad at all. Instead, he
had a clean, crisp scent about him.

“Where is my sister?” Chance asked, their gazes

meeting in the mirrored glass.

“She’s safe. I meant what I said to Xavier.

Nobody will hurt her.” Ranger went to the table,
but didn’t take a seat yet.

“Dulla is probably terrified. Our mother always

warned her of what would happen if the felines
got a hold of her.”

“And what exactly were those warnings


“That the felines think Ravens are the lowest of

the low. How they love nothing more than to kill
and violate their enemies.

“Wow, that must have made for real cozy

dinner table conversation.”

Chance turned, but kept his back close to the

wall. “Our parents could be a bit paranoid at

“Were you raised with other Ravens?”
“No, my parents left as soon as they learned it

wasn’t safe for Dulla.”

“Why is that?”

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Chance cocked his head to the side, as if

considering his reply. “Do you know that many
refer to a group of Ravens as a murder or an

“I’ve heard that.”
“Funny how they can manage to get it so right

sometimes because that’s exactly the way most
Ravens are.” Chance came over and took a seat.
“Not only do they attack all the shifters around
them, but they kill each other for the slightest

“Did they want to murder Dulla because she

was different?”

A flicker of hurt passed over those dark eyes.

“Her birth name was Cassandra, but one of the
female elders changed it to Dulla when they first
realized my sister wasn’t as smart as the other

“Because she’s dull-witted,” Ranger surmised,

his heart going out to the female.

“Yeah, when we left the group, my mother tried

to change it back, but by then Dulla refused to
answer to anything else. That same woman elder
named me Chance because my parents were
taking a big chance having another child after
they’d already produced one defect.”

“God, what a bitch.” Ranger sank into the seat

opposite of the Raven.

“Sad as it sounds, she was actually one of the

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nice ones. The rest of the elders were a million
times worse. When Dulla got a bit older and they
realized the true extent to her disabilities, they
ordered my parents to kill her.”

“You mean they expected them to murder their

own daughter?” The mere thought of that was so
horrifying that Ranger felt two seconds away from

“What can I say? Ravens can be real dicks

sometimes. Lucky for us, our mom and dad
weren’t the same way. Instead of killing Dulla,
they took us and ran.”

“Where did you go?”
“Iron Mountain, Michigan. “
“I’ve never heard of that place.”
Chance smiled. “Not many people have. Which

is why our parents picked it. They raised us in
deep seclusion.”

“How deep?”
“Until just recently, we never had contact with

the outside world at all. We didn’t even attend
school or go with our parents into town for

“If that’s the case, then how did you end up

with Xavier?”

“My mom’s sister died. While she couldn’t go

to the funeral, she did go visit her grave. It was on
her way back that she stumbled across Xavier’s
home.” Chance paused and gave Ranger a

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speculative look. “Do you know what happened

“Yes, but why don’t you go ahead and tell me


It was a test and they both knew it.
“Xavier’s mom was a bit titched in the head. So

much so that she grabbed a shotgun and finished
her whole family off. Even though Xavier and
Riley were only four, she tried to kill them, too.”

“But she didn’t succeed,” Ranger finished.
“No. Somehow both twins managed to survive.

Riley was almost immediately rescued by the
neighbor lady. Xavier wasn’t so lucky. When his
mother shot at him, she managed to hit him in the
chest. Whether he was too hurt or passed out
when the neighbor lady came, he wasn’t able to
cry for help. She didn’t know that he was still
alive, too.”

Horror clawed at Ranger as he thought about

how much pain Xavier must have been in. How
he’d been so young and alone. “How long was he
there until your mother found him?”

“She never was for sure, but she estimated it to

be around two days.” Chance shook his head. “I
still don’t know how he managed to live that long
with that wound.”

“And how was she lucky to find him?”
“She was flying overhead when she smelled the

blood. At first it scared her and she started to

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leave, but then she heard him whimpering. Say
what you will about Ravens and it’s probably all
true, but they do have a good sense of hearing.
Good thing for Xavier, too, because that’s what
saved his life that day.”

“So she went down, found him and took him

home with her?”

“Yes, she healed him and he’s been with us ever


“She never thought about finding his family?”
Chance shot him an incredulous glare. “Look, I

may not know much about other shifters, but even
I know that Eagle shifters are practically extinct.
My parents realized that the chances of finding
any of Xavier’s relatives were slim at best.”

“And besides, finders keepers. Right?” Ranger

shot back sarcastically.

“You don’t get it, do you?” Chance leaned

forward. “By then, the Ravens had bounties out on
both my parents’ heads. They couldn’t exactly go
running around asking if anyone lost an Eagle
shifter. Not only would that have led to my
family’s capture, but it would have led slavers
right to Xavier. Do you have any idea how much
they’d love to get their hands on an Eagle? Plus,
by that point, we’d all come to care for Xavier.
We’re the same age and before long, we began to
think of each other as brothers.”

“Did your parents treat him like a son?” For

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some reason that point meant a lot to Ranger.

“Yeah.” Chance gave a small laugh. “My mom

almost instantly fell in love with him. My dad did,
too, although he tried to hide it. He didn’t like to
come off like some softy, even though he really
was.” Chance said that with a tone of endearment
rather than scorn like any other Raven would.

“What happened to your parents?”
“Six months ago some Hyena shifters found out

about Xavier. They came to take him, so they
could sell him on the black market. When they
attacked, my dad…” Chance trailed off, took a
deep breath, then continued, “My dad told me to
take Xavier and Dulla and fly away.”

“Why didn’t your parents go with you?”
“My mother wasn’t able to shift anymore.”
Ranger waited for Chance to expound on that

one a bit, but the Raven didn’t. In the end, Ranger
let it slide since the Raven seemed to be so open
about everything else.

“So, your Dad stayed behind to protect her?”
Chance gave a sad smile. “In actuality, since it

was two against twenty-four, he stayed behind to
die with her.”

“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Really? I would think that as a Wolf, you’d just

be happy that there were two less Ravens in the

“You told me yourself that they weren’t like

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any other Ravens. Besides, they saved Xavier and
that means a lot to me.” Ranger wasn’t sure who
was more surprised at that last sentence.

Chance narrowed his eyes. “I thought you just

met Xavier the other night?”

“That’s right.”
“Then how do you expect me to believe that

you care about what happens to him? I know you
don’t plan on selling him or else you and your
feline buddies would have sold Riley a long time
ago. So what other reason could there be for him
to be so important to you?”

Ranger racked his brain, trying to find that

answer, but all he came up with was an image of
the way Xavier had stared up at him while they’d
been in shower. The way he’d clung to Ranger for
support. Mostly, Ranger thought about how much
he wanted to be back by the Eagle’s side.

“I don’t know. He just is,” Ranger finally

admitted. He cleared his throat and quickly
changed the subject. “So, after you flew away,
where did you go?”

“We knew we couldn’t go back home because

the Hyenas would be watching the place. I
decided that we needed to go someplace where I
could find work to support us. Flint came to mind
because of the high shifter population. I figured
that there had to be somebody that would be
willing to hire me, even if I have no education or

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job skills.”

Ranger decided not to let on that they knew the

desperate measures Chance resorted to in order to
support his surviving family. “Where did you get
the Shadow?”

“You mean the spray that masked Xavier’s


“Some Wolf shifter sold it to me. He thought it

was for me to use. I didn’t dare tell him it was for
my Eagle brother.”

“Did he warn you about what could happen if

it was used too much?”

Chance shook his head, his bottom lip

trembling some. “No, if I’d known it was hurting
Xavier, I would never have brought it home to
him. I swear.”

Going by the protective gestures he’d seen the

Raven display toward Xavier and Dulla, Ranger
was inclined to believe him.

“I have one more question for you. Why have

you been so forthcoming with me? Going by what
I’ve seen, you don’t trust us,” Ranger said.

Chance hesitated a few moments before saying,

“Because you’re helping Xavier. Plus, I saw the
way he looked at you when you promised that
Dulla would be okay. He trusts you.” Chance
fiddled with his fingers before asking a question
himself, “How is Xavier doing?”

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“They’re working on him now?”
“Do they think he’s going to be okay?”
“We have some of our best men on the job. If

anyone can counteract the poisoning, it’s Owen
and Doc.”

“Please, you guys have to save him. I just lost

Mom and Dad. I can’t lose my brother, too.”

“I’ve seen Doc work miracles before. Plus,

Xavier is a shifter, so he has that on his side.”

“Is my sister doing okay?”
Ranger decided to be honest with him. “No,

she’s shutting down. Now that I’ve talked to you
though, I can bring her in. We’re going to be
keeping you guys in the interrogation rooms
instead of the jail.”

“Are we a dirty secret?”
“Something like that.” Like the guy or not,

Ranger wasn’t about to go into detail about Riley’s
mental illness.

“Can you get a TV for Dulla?”
“Sure, is she addicted to reality television or

something?” Ranger teased gently.

“No, we were so far in the middle of nowhere

that we didn’t pick up normal channels or
anything, but my mom bought Dulla a whole
bunch of Yogi Bear DVDs. Dulla likes to watch
them all the time. It helps soothe her.”

“Sure, are there any DVD s that I can pick up

for you?”

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Chance shook his head. “I’ve never seen

anything else. My mom only brought home Yogi.”

“Why? Was she opposed to all other shows or


“Hey, what can I say? We’re Ravens. Just

because we don’t like to kill our own meals and
play around in the carcasses like the rest of our
breed, doesn’t mean we’re not weird from time-to-

Ranger laughed, before something in Chance’s

comment hit him. “Seriously, is that why other
Ravens smell so bad?”

“Yeah, that and because of some of the other

cultural practices. Mom only shared a few of them
with us, but they were just gross and wrong.”
Chance gave a shudder.

Ranger decided that maybe he was better off

not knowing what those activities might be. He
stood. “I’ll have them bring in Dulla right away.
I’ll make sure to get a TV and the DVD’s, too. I just
have one last request from you.”

“I want to know the name of the Wolf shifter

who sold you the spray.”

A low growl rumbled from Ranger’s chest.

“Because he almost killed Xavier. I’m going to
make sure he never sells that crap to another
unsuspecting shifter.”

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“Miles. I don’t know where he hangs out

though. He got kicked out of the last bar I was
working at and I don’t know which one he
switched to.”

“Don’t worry, I happen to know of an excellent


Ranger got up and walked from the room.

Before the door shut, he had his cell out. As soon
as Shane answered, Ranger ordered, “I just found
out that it was a Wolf named Miles who supplied
Shadow to Xavier. I want you to find the mangy
bastard and take care of him in the way you do

Strangely, Ranger didn’t feel a bit guilty about

ordering his first hit. His only regret was that he
couldn’t be the one to do the job. That Wolf had
dared hurt Xavier and as far as Ranger was
concerned, that was a killing offense.

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Chapter Six

s soon as he finished talking with Shane, Ranger
moved Dulla to Chance’s room and arranged for

a TV and a set of Yogi DVD’s to be brought in.
Once that was taken care of, Ranger rushed to
Xavier. They’d converted one of the interrogation
rooms into a makeshift ER. When Ranger came in
and found Xavier unconscious and hooked up to a
bunch of machines, his heart lurched.

“What happened? He was talking just fine in

the shower?”

Jacyn glanced up. “He took another turn for the

worse. His lungs filled up with fluid and his blood
pressure dropped. We had to intubate him and
add another IV.”

“How long has he been unconscious?” Ranger

reached and lightly caressed Xavier’s hair.

“Almost from the moment we brought him in


“Is he going to be okay?” Ranger shook at the


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thought of Xavier possibly dying.

“It’s going to be touch and go, but Doc thinks

he’ll pull through. There’s no known antidote to
Ricin, but Owen managed to throw something
together.” Jacyn let out a low whistle of
appreciation. “That guy is a frigging genius. We’re
damn lucky to have him working on our side.”

“When do you think he’ll wake up?”
“We’re not for sure yet. Doc has only seen one

other case.”

“I talked to Chance, the male Raven. According

to him the Wolf who sold him that crap didn’t
even warn them about what would happen if
Xavier used too much of it.”

Ranger gazed down at Xavier. While his lips

were no longer blue, his skin was nearly as pale as
Chance’s. Ranger trailed the back of one finger
along Xavier’s cheek, his own breath catching a bit
in his throat.

Damn, if they’d only gotten there sooner.

Maybe then Xavier wouldn’t have gotten so sick.

“Do you always get this close to your strays?”

Jacyn asked as he stared down at Ranger’s finger,
which continued to stroke Xavier’s face.

Ranger thought about lying, but knew Jacyn

would see right through him. Since he’d joined the
coalition, Ranger had lived with the Jaguar family
and Jacyn and he were pretty close.

“No, I’ve never felt like this about anybody. I

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don’t know what it is about Xavier, but he’s like a
sliver in my paw that won’t go away.”

“I thought so.”
Ranger let out a soft growl of frustration. “It’s

stupid. I’ve only talked to the brat a couple of
times so there’s no reason why I should feel
anything for him.”

“And yet you can’t get him off your mind.”

Jacyn gave him a sympathetic smile “Would it
help if I told you it was the same way with me and

“Not really?” Ranger gave a sigh of frustration.

“Look, we’re not like you guys. Xavier and I aren’t
going to be rushing out to sign up for a wedding
registry or anything. “

“Hmm…”Jacyn gave another pointed glance at

the way Ranger continued to caress Xavier. “If
that’s the case, then why don’t you go home and
get some sleep?”

“I’m not leaving until he wakes up,” Ranger

automatically protested. As soon as he realized
what he said, he pressed his lips together to hold
in an angry curse.

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that he doesn’t

mean that much to you,” Jacyn snarked before he
walked away.

Ranger debated chasing after him, but then

realized that he really didn’t want to leave
Xavier’s side. Instead, he pulled up a chair and sat

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by the bed, he even reached out and grabbed
Xavier’s hand.

“What in the hell are you doing to me?” Ranger

asked Xavier.

Of course, since Xavier was out of it, he didn’t

respond. Ranger used his free hand and stroked
Xavier’s hair, marveling at how soft it felt. “You
need to wake up. If for nothing else, because I still
owe you for zapping me.”

Xavier didn’t reply to that comment either.

* * * *

Xavier slowly blinked his eyes open. He tensed,
waiting for the all-too-familiar pain to shoot
through his head, but it didn’t come. Instead, he
felt sluggish and disorientated.

He slowly shifted his head to one side, trying to

place where he might be, but the white room
remained unfamiliar. It was full of medical
equipment, but other than that, he had no clue
where he was.

Still moving cautiously, he turned his head in

the other direction, his heart skipping a beat when
he spotted Ranger. The Wolf sat, just feet away,
slumped in a chair. He was sleeping and there
appeared to be a few days’ worth of stubble on his
handsome face.

“Ranger,” Xavier croaked, his voice rough from

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the pain in his throat.

Ranger jerked upright. “You’re awake.”
“Yeah, where am I?”
“At the feline coalition headquarters.”
Xavier nodded as memories from the other

night came crashing into him. “How long have I
been out of it?”

“A couple of days. How are you feeling?”
“My throat hurts.”
“Jacyn said that was to be expected because you

had a tube down there to help you breathe.”
Ranger grabbed a cup and held its straw up to
Xavier’s lips. “Here, see if this helps.”

Xavier sipped, the cool water bathing his

parched throat. While the pain didn’t leave
completely, it did help some. Xavier drank for a
few moments before he let the straw slip from his

“Thanks.” He sank back against the pillow.
“No, problem.”
“Where is Dulla and Chance?”
While Xavier worried about his siblings, some

part of him knew that Ranger kept his promise
and protected them.

“They’re in another interrogation room. Don’t

worry though. They’re together and we brought in
plenty of Yogi Bear for Dulla.”

“Thank you. All this is probably scaring her

and the show will help calm her down.”

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“I know, Chance told me.”
“Is that all Chance shared with you?”
“No, he told me about how you came to live

with them, what happened to your Raven parents
and when you came to Flint.”

That surprised Xavier. They’d been raised to

always keep everything in the family. If Chance
was sharing, he must really trust Ranger.

“Are we under arrest?” Xavier asked.
Ranger pressed his lips together. “I honestly

don’t know what you guys are. While you haven’t
done anything against the coalition, we can’t
exactly let any of you go either.”

“Why not? What if we promise to leave and

never come back to Flint?” Even as he asked that
question, Xavier’s heart screamed in protest. This
time it wasn’t just because of Riley either. Oddly
enough, Xavier sensed that he’d miss Ranger just
as much, if not more.

“That’s out of the question. It’s only going to be

a matter of time before the slavers get you. That’s
no place you want to be. I know that from
personal experience.”

“You were captured by slavers?” Xavier

couldn’t imagine anybody being able to contain
Ranger. The Wolf seemed so strong and capable.

“Before I joined the coalition, I lived with Riley

and a few other stray shifters. We stupidly drew
attention to ourselves and ended up as slaves.”

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“How long were you captive?”
“It was a year before the feline coalition rescued


Xavier thought on that a moment, his mind

continuing to fixate on one point. “I know Riley
has a mate now, but how close were you to my
brother before that?”

Ranger let a long breath. “While we were never

exclusive or anything, we played around a few

Jealously and a bit of disappointment hit

Xavier. “When you say play, you don’t mean
cards or checkers, do you?”

“No, I don’t.” Ranger leaned forward in the

chair. “But Riley and I were always just friends. It
was nothing serious.”

Xavier shrugged, trying his best to act like it

didn’t bother him. “You don’t have to explain
yourself to me.”

Before they could get any more into it, the

doctor came over. “It’s about time you woke up.”

Despite his grumpy attitude, Xavier could tell

the man was genuinely glad to see his patient

“I knew I shouldn’t have taken two sleeping

pills,” Xavier teased.

The corner of the doctor’s lips turned up into a

smile. “Instead, you nearly kill yourself with that
damn spray.”

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“I was just trying to make life more interesting

for you. Without patients like me pulling dumbass
moves, you doctors wouldn’t have anything to

“Lucky me, there are plenty of dumbasses

around here, so I never have a dull moment.”

The doctor began to check Xavier’s vitals. When

he finished, he said, “You’re doing much better
than when you first came in here.”

“Really? Does that mean I can see my brother

and sister?”

“Give it one more day and then I’ll let you out

of bed. You can go visit them then.” Doc wrote a
few notes in a chart before leaving.

Xavier wanted to ask if they could bring

Chance and Dulla to him, but knew that it would
probably be best for Dulla not to be moved around
too much. Besides, if she saw Xavier lying in a
bed, she would worry too much. She’d had
enough of that over the past week without him
adding more to it.

“Does Riley know I’m here?” he finally dared to


If his twin knew about Xavier, but had refused

to come see him, it would be a hard blow. While
Xavier often said mean things about his birth
brother, secretly he longed to have him by his
side. Be it because they were twins or maybe it
was an Eagle bonding thing, whatever the reason,

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Xavier felt a near constant longing to know Riley

“No, we haven’t informed him yet.”
Xavier tugged nervously at his blanket. “I

wouldn’t try to hurt him or anything. I promise.”

Ranger reached out and stroked Xavier’s hair.

Shocked by the loving gesture, Xavier almost
forgot about his crushing disappointment. He
even caught himself turning into the touch, like a
kitten seeking more attention.

“I know you wouldn’t. His mate is just really

overprotective of him because Riley…” Ranger
trailed off as his gaze slid to the side.

“What about Riley?”
“He sometimes doesn’t handle certain

situations very well.”

Xavier’s chest grew tight as understanding

dawned on him. “Is he like my birth mother?”

Even years later, Xavier could still recall her

screaming fits, how she’d go into a rage and
destroy nearly all the furniture in the house. The
one time she’d used a red marker to write
passages of the Bible on the living room wall. The
letters had been terrifying because they’d been so
tiny and uniform.

“No, he’s nothing like your mother. While Riley

sometimes has…spells, he’s never violent toward

That still did little to soothe Xavier. He let out a

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small sound of distress. “Oh my God.”

Ranger leaned down and placed a soft kiss on

Xavier’s brow. Xavier held his breath as warmth
pooled in his stomach. That helped to ease some of
the panic coursing through him, especially when
Ranger reached out and linked their fingers

“Riley is doing much better now. Doc is

working with a shifter psychiatrist and they’re
treating Riley. He’s on meds for the rest of his life,
but he’s happier than I’ve ever seen.”

“Does he even know I’m in Flint?”
“Colin didn’t want to tell him for fear of getting

Riley’s hopes up.”

That little tidbit hurt way more than it should

have. Emotion clogged Xavier’s throat and he
turned away, not wanting to display his moment
of weakness. When a tear slipped down his cheek,
Xavier tried to discretely wipe it away on his
pillow. For some reason, he cared what Ranger
thought of him and Xavier wanted desperately to
come off as strong.

“Did you know I was exiled from my pack?”

Ranger asked.

“Why?” Xavier asked, still not turning back.
“Because I’m gay. Actually, it was just a few

members of my pack that ran me off. At the time,
Chris, our pack leader wasn’t the best Alpha and

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the members kind of did their own thing.”

“What about your parents? Didn’t they fight to

keep you?”

Ranger gave a bitter laugh. “Are you kidding?

My dad led the group who kicked me out.”

Xavier let out a gasp of shock as he turned his

head to look at Ranger. “That must have hurt.”

“It did. The worst part was having to leave

behind my mother and Leia.”

Once again Xavier felt the angry bite of

jealously. “Was Leia your girlfriend?”

Ranger tweaked Xavier’s nose. “No, there has

never been any girls for me. I’ve been out for quite
a while. Leia is my sister.”

Xavier tried not to feel too much satisfaction.

For all he knew, Ranger might have a boyfriend.
“I’m sorry you were separated from them.”

“I’m sorry you and Riley were apart, too.”
“I just wanted to see him. That’s all. I never

meant to cause this much trouble. Now Dulla and
Chance are captured and it’s all my fault.” Xavier
took in a shuddering breath.

“Taking you in was the best thing that ever

happened to you three. While Chance was trying
his best, either the other Ravens or slavers would
have eventually gotten you.”

“Do you think the felines will kill Dulla and

Chance?” Xavier finally voiced his biggest fear.

“No, once I gave my report to Mitchell, the

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coalition leader, he realized how unique this
situation is. Now the only question is what we’re
going to do with them. We can’t let them go for
fear of them being attacked and we don’t know
where in the hell to place them. The closest breed
we have here is Hawks and there’s really bad
blood between them and the Ravens. I think they
will have trouble accepting even a good pair like
Dulla and Chance.”

Xavier smiled. “Did you just call them good?
“Chance really impressed me.”
The urge to smile vanished. “Is that so?”
Ranger laughed. “You’re so cute when you’re


“Who said I’m jealous.”
“It’s written all over that cute face of yours.”
“Did you just compliment me?”
“Yeah, despite the fact you zapped me.”
A heat came over Xavier’s face. “I really am

sorry about that. I was just scared and wanted to
get away. This may come as a surprise to you, but
I don’t have the best fighting skills.”

A look of mock amazement came over Ranger’s

face. “No way! I would have never guessed.”

Xavier laughed. “It’s a good thing you don’t

have Jacyn’s job because your bedside manner

“I’ve never had any complaints before.” Ranger

bent down and lightly nuzzled Xavier’s neck.

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Shivers of pleasure danced down Xavier’s spine

as his cock began to swell. “I probably stink from
being sick.”

“You smell perfect.” Ranger inhaled deep, his

tongue darting out to give Xavier’s flesh a quick
lick. “I’m in heaven because I finally really get to
breathe in your scent without that damn spray
masking it.”

“I still can’t believe that we were too stupid to

figure out it was the spray that was making me
sick. If there was an idiot award, I’d be taking
home top prize.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve had a lot

to take in so it’s understandable that you’re going
to make a few mistakes along the way. I’m just
glad I was there to save you.”

Xavier shivered as Ranger gave him another

slow, sensual lick. “Yeah, but what if you’re not
there the next time.”

Ranger lifted his head up a few inches.

Cupping Xavier’s chin, he forced him to turn until
they locked gazes. Another shiver went through
Xavier at the intense expression in Ranger’s amber
eyes. It was almost as if he were stripping Xavier
bare and licking every inch of what he exposed.

“Don’t you get it, yet?” Ranger demanded.
Xavier’s mouth grew dry. He swallowed a few

times in a desperate attempt to work some
moisture up. “No, I don’t.”

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“I’m always going to be there. Now that I’ve

found you, I’m never letting you go. And not
because you’re Riley’s brother or because you’re
an Eagle who needs protection.”

“Then what is it?”
Xavier’s heart began to pound wildly.

Somehow he knew that the next words spoken
would forever change his life. Ranger shifted his
hand so he could brush the pad of his thumb
along Xavier’s bottom lip. Xavier couldn’t resist
darting his own tongue out, his cock jerking at the
salty taste of the man.

Still holding his gaze, Ranger said, “I’m never

letting you go, because you belong to me.”

“You’re crazy. How can you possibly know that

when we’ve only talked a few times?” Xavier
protested, even though deep down he knew the
intense feelings ran both ways.

“Fine, then if it’s not true, deny it. Tell me that

from the moment we met, you didn’t realize that
we were meant to be together. And not for a
casual hookup either. I want you as my mate and
I’m not going to accept anything less.”

Xavier opened his mouth to argue, but nothing

came out. While his brain screamed, This is crazy!
His heart bellowed, Who cares? You know that
Ranger is right.
Funny thing was, the heart always
seemed to be louder than the brain, especially
when it came to love.

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When Xavier continued with the silence,

Ranger gave a satisfied smile. Placing a soft kiss to
Xavier’s cheek, he whispered, “I’ll give you time
to get used to it, but make no mistake. You’re
mine and I’m never letting you go.”

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Chapter Seven

hile Ranger wanted to sleep by the bed again,
Xavier insisted that he go get some rest. Ranger

almost argued, but decided that he could probably
use a hot shower and a change of clothes.

Despite being bone tired, Ranger tossed and

turned most of the night, his mind constantly on
Xavier. Even though Doc and Jacyn assured him
the worst was over, Ranger worried that Xavier
would take a turn for the worse, like the last time
they were separated.

When it got to be five in the morning, Ranger

finally gave up and dressed. He made his way
down to the kitchen, only mildly surprised to find
Mitchell sitting at the table, eating a bowl of cereal.
Since Mitchell was the leader of the coalition, he
tended to keep weird hours.

“I’m surprised you left Xavier’s side,” Mitchell

said by way of greeting.

Ranger shrugged, not bothering to deny how


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the Eagle had become the focus of all his attention.
“Xavier wanted me to get some sleep.”

“Ah, so I’m guessing you were so worried

about him that you only managed to get in a few
hours of shuteye.”

“Try twenty minutes,” Ranger quipped, sliding

into a seat.

There was a carafe of coffee on the table,

Mitchell poured a mug for Ranger. “Have you
been thinking about where we should place Xavier
and the Ravens?”

Ranger nodded. At least his tossing and turning

hadn’t been for nothing because the perfect
solution had come to him a little after midnight.
“You know that small group of offices at the north
end of the building? The ones that are never

“I was wondering if you would allow me to

convert them into an apartment for Xavier and

If Mitchell was surprised that Ranger would be

moving in with Xavier, he didn’t show it. “Will the
Ravens be living with you, too?”

“Yeah, it’ll take a while, but I think the rest of

the coalition will get used to having a pair of
Ravens staying here. They may never fully accept
Chance or Dulla, but at least hopefully they will
learn that they’re not murderous, soulless bastards

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like all the other Ravens.”

“It’s not going to be easy for them. A lot of

families have been hurt by Ravens. Even though
Dulla and Chance are different, there are going to
be some that can’t look past what they are.”

Ranger grabbed an apple from the fruit basket

in the middle of the table. “What do you suggest?
That we turn them out just because they had the
misfortune to be born the wrong breed of bird?”

“No, we all know what will happen to those

kids if they go back out on the street. Even if
Xavier isn’t with them, they’re going to have huge
targets on their backs. Their too naïve and
vulnerable to survive in our vicious society. We
were lucky we managed to get to them before they
got killed.”

“Xavier almost did get killed,” Ranger pointed

out before he gave the apple a savage bite.

“I heard you sent Shane out to visit the guy

who supplied Xavier with Shadow.”

Ranger searched Mitchell’s face carefully for

any signs of disapproval. The only thing he found
was curiosity. “As far as I’m concerned, the Wolf
is getting off easy. He never warned Chance about
what could happen if he used that spray. Instead,
the asshole was more concerned with the money
he’d make from the sale. I wonder how many
other shifters he may have killed with his poison.”

“I agree with your decision. Shane does, too, or

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else he would have never agreed to take the hit.”

“Has Shane ever refused a job?” Ranger


“This will come as a surprise to you, but, yes,

he has. Shane has his own set of morals, however
odd they may be.”

Ranger felt bad for even asking the question.

Obviously, the Leopard must be a good guy,
otherwise Trevor would have never fallen in love
with him. Plus, they would have never found
Xavier had it not been for Shane’s tracking skills.

“I’m going to check and see how Xavier is

doing.” Ranger got up, apple still in hand.

He left the apartment and made his way

through the mostly deserted building. Which
really was a blessing since he didn’t want to run
into his buddies and have to explain where he was
going. He realized they wouldn’t be able to
contain the news of the new arrivals for much
longer. Hell, there may already be rumors
circulating around for all he knew. He just hoped
to at least buy one more day before everything
broke. That way he could convince Colin it was
safe to let Riley meet Xavier.

When he got to the hall leading to the

interrogation room, he paused long enough to
peek into the Ravens’ room. Chance was curled up
into a tight fetal position, apparently deep asleep.
Dulla sat on the edge of the bed, her face

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practically plastered to the television screen.

“Has she slept at all?” he asked the pair of

guards stationed outside.

One of them, a Tiger shook his head. “Not

really. She just takes small naps.”

Ranger looked closer, noting she had something

clutched to her chest. “What is she holding?”

A flush spread out over the young guard’s face.

“It’s a stuffed Boo-Boo bear. I hope you don’t mind,
but I bought it for her.”

Ranger studied the Tiger. With short, spiked

blond hair that had multi-colored streaks in it and
huge blue eyes, some would call him punkishly
cute. “I haven’t seen you around here much.
What’s your name?”

“Dominic. I just started serving at headquarters,

sir. I hope I didn’t mess up by giving Dulla a gift.
She just seemed really depressed so I thought it
would cheer her up. I wasn’t trying to come on to
her or anything. She just reminds me of my sister
and I felt bad for her.”

Ranger decided to have mercy on the poor kid.

“It’s okay. She seems to really like it.”

Dominic smiled. “She does. I know that Dulla

and Chance are Ravens, but I really like them.”

The other guard, a Lion shifter named Thomas

gave a derisive snort. “Don’t be such a green idiot.
All Ravens are the same. This pair is just dressed
up prettier and know what a shower is.”

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Ranger wanted to lash out at the soldier, but

held back. Thomas had a bitter history as far as
Ravens went, first they killed his parents and most
recently, they were responsible for his younger
brother losing his mind. Ranger could understand
how the guy could be angry.

“Do you want me to have Mitchell assign you

someplace else?” Ranger finally asked.

While it wasn’t an out and out dressing down,

he made sure his tone did carry a tone of
disapproval. He tensed, waiting to see how
Thomas would take it. While they technically did
carry the same rank, Thomas was much older and
more experienced. On the other hand, this was
Ranger’s team and he was in charge.

Thomas arched a brow, but otherwise didn’t

challenge Ranger’s authority. “No, I promise to be
a good kitty and not eat the birds.”

It wasn’t the best olive branch Ranger had been

offered, but he’d take it, given Thomas’s past. He
nodded at the guards before moving on to
Xavier’s room. As he unlocked the door, he made
a mental note that maybe it would be a good idea
to assign protectors for the Raven siblings. There
were bound to be others who shared Thomas’s
animosity and they may not exhibit the same
control as the Lion.

He dismissed Xavier’s guards before entering

the room and closing the door behind him. Ranger

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then paused to look at the Eagle. As always,
whenever he found himself in Xavier’s presence,
Ranger battled conflicting emotions.

Xavier sat up on the bed, his gaze riveted on a

television set, much like Dulla. Unlike his sister,
Xavier watched the Maury Povich show. The
Eagle’s full lips were parted in surprise as his
green-eyed gaze seemed to be devouring the
images that were flashing before him.

Ranger’s chest grew tight as he recalled

Xavier’s expression when Ranger had declared his
ownership. Ranger still didn’t know what
possessed him to make such a declaration. While
everything he’d said had been true, even he knew
that it was way too soon to be having such

Then Xavier turned and flashed such a sweet

smile that Ranger suddenly understood his
motivations. In fact, they became crystal fucking
clear. Xavier was so innocent, so funny, so
charming, so annoying, so bratty that nobody else
would ever come close to comparing as far as
Ranger was concerned.

Sure, Ranger wasn’t ready to drop to one knee

and declare his undying love. But he did know for
certain that Xavier belonged to him. He also knew
without a doubt, that with time, both he and
Xavier would grow to love each other.

“Why are you watching this junk?” Ranger

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asked as he came over and sat on the edge of the

Xavier’s eyes somehow managed to grow

larger. “Right after you left, they brought in the
set. I stayed up all night watching it.”

“You should have gotten some rest. You need

to heal.”

“It’s okay. I’m doing great. In fact, I can’t

remember the last time I felt this good. Whatever
it was that Doc gave me really did the trick.”

“You still shouldn’t push it.”
Xavier ignored him. “Ranger, there are so many

things to see. I never realized how big everything
is. Did you know that human males date twenty-
five women at once? It’s really important that he
gives the right one roses, too.”

Ranger bit the inside of his cheek to hold in his

laughter. “What else did you learn?”

“That some humans like to live on islands and

eat bugs. While others fill their homes up with
garbage.” Xavier gave him an earnest look. “One
woman had hundreds of pigs…in her house! Can
you imagine?”

“I can see that we’re going to have to limit how

much reality TV you watch,” Ranger quipped.

Xavier turned slightly so he could wrap his

arms around Ranger’s neck, a small frown playing
on the Eagle’s lips. “But if I don’t watch, then how
will I know who gets voted off the island next?

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Besides, it’s more than just those shows. I liked
watching the documentaries on the Travel Channel,
too. I never knew that there were so many
beautiful places out there.”

Ranger put his arms around Xavier’s waist,

relishing at how nice it felt to hold the man in his
embrace. “Like what?”

“I would love to see the Eiffel Tower or go to

London or Italy. Think of how cool it would be to
fly over the pyramids in Egypt,” Xavier’s voice
took on a wistful tone.

“Where else would you like to go?”
Xavier’s eyes got a faraway look in them. “I

want to go crab fishing in Alaska, to ride roller
coasters in Florida and to see the Hollywood Sign
in California. Oh, and the Grand Canyon!”

“I’ll take you to all those places and more,”

Ranger promised.

All of the joy left Xavier’s face to be replaced by

a frown. “We both know that can never happen.”

“Why not?”
“Because just like Riley, I’ll have to be careful

every time I go out into public. I’ll certainly never
be able to go to far off and fun places like London.
I have to either be in the middle of nowhere, like
when I lived with my parents, or hiding out here.
It’s the only place where I’ll ever be safe.”

Ranger wanted to deny that, but couldn’t.

Every time Xavier left the safety of headquarters,

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he’d be at risk of being captured. It wasn’t fair and
it sure as hell wasn’t right, but it was a fact that
they both had to deal with. Damn, if it didn’t
make Ranger pissed, too.

It wasn’t right that the rest of the world could

enjoy so many things while his mate had to be
denied even the simplest of pleasures. Yet at the
same time, Ranger knew that if anything were to
ever happen to Xavier, it would destroy him. Now
he could understand why Colin was so protective
of Riley.

“Someday I’ll figure out a way to take you to all

those places,” Ranger vowed.

He would, too. Even if he had to recruit a dozen

bodyguards. He’d do anything to give Xavier that
one bit of joy, to let his mate feel normal, if just for

Xavier’s mouth kicked up into a crooked grin.


Ranger found himself mesmerized by those lips

as he realized, not for the first time, that they’d yet
to share a real kiss. “You have to know by now
that I’d do anything for you.”

Xavier’s ran the tip of his tongue over his

mouth, unwittingly playing the tease. “Okay then,
where are you going to take me first?”

Ranger dipped his head down and briefly

brushed their lips together.

Even that brief taste set his body on fire.

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“How about we go someplace close, like Cedar


“What’s that?” Xavier tilted his head back in a

silent plea for another kiss.

Ranger complied, this time lingering long

enough to slide his tongue over the seam of
Xavier’s mouth.

“It’s an amusement park in Ohio. I have a

feeling you’re going to love the roller coasters

Xavier let out a low moan as his body swayed

into Ranger. “I can hardly wait.”

“Me either.”
Ranger slanted his mouth over Xavier’s lips and

really planted one on him. Xavier let out another
moan. His parted lips proved to be a temptation
not to be resisted and Ranger slid his tongue
inside. The sweet flavor of Xavier exploded over
Ranger’s taste buds, sending spirals of desire
through his body.

“Where will you take me next?” Xavier asked

when they came up for breath.

Ranger’s head was spinning so much, it took

him a second to collect his thoughts. “I’ll take you
to Myrtle Beach so you can see the ocean.”

“I’ve always wanted to walk down the shore

and let the waves lap around my ankles.”

This time it was Xavier who moved forward for

a kiss, one that Ranger eagerly returned. At the

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same time, he reached down and pushed the
blankets out of the way before twisting their
bodies around to lay down on the bed. He ended
up on top, Xavier’s smaller body underneath him.
Xavier wore a pair of black sweats and a thin
white t-shirt, allowing for Ranger to feel the heat
emanating from the man.

“More,” Xavier pleaded.
Since Ranger didn’t know if he meant another

location or kiss, he gave both. “Then I’ll take you
skiing in Colorado.”

Ranger plunged his hand into Xavier’s hair and

forced the man to tilt his head in the perfect
position. Only then did Ranger begin kissing him
again. Xavier let out a loud moan as he arched up
against Ranger’s body.

“I love snow.”
Ranger began to rain kisses down Xavier’s

throat. “After that we’ll go to Hawaii.”

“I saw that on TV last night. It looked so

beautiful.” Xavier let out soft whimpers of

He thrust up, his erection rubbing against

Ranger’s thigh. Xavier must have liked it because
he did it again, his mouth parting in the perfect
picture of passion. Ranger’s own cock screamed
for relief, but he pushed his own needs aside,
more intent on Xavier getting his pleasure.

“That’s it, babe, ride it out,” Ranger urged.

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Xavier began to grind against Ranger. At first,

his movements were clumsy and awkward, but
Xavier soon got the hang of things. Before long, he
established a fast, yet sensual pace.

“It feels so good,” Xavier declared, wonder

lacing his voice.

“Then don’t stop.”
Ranger buried his nose in the crook of the

Eagle’s neck, losing himself in Xavier’s scent. He
smelled like rain and trees, in other words, all
Xavier. It made Ranger’s Wolf howl in pleasure
while at the same time, bringing out his natural
Alpha instincts. While he wanted to pin his mate
down and claim him right then and there, Ranger
knew it wasn’t time, just yet.

That still didn’t stop him from saying, “Mine,

all mine.”

Xavier thrust up one last time before screaming

Ranger’s name. It was so loud that there was no
doubt Thomas and Dominic heard it from two
doors down. Ranger didn’t mind though. It would
only let them know that Xavier belonged to him.

After taking in one last shuddering breath,

Xavier slumped against the bed. “That was…just,

Ranger lifted his head and gazed down at his

mate. Xavier smiled, a look of utter satisfaction on
his face. Laughing, Ranger gave him a soft kiss.
“That’s just the beginning of what I have planned

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for you.”

“If that was just a preview, I can’t wait to see

the other stuff.”

Despite his teasing, a slight blush covered






understanding. “Do you want to go to the
bathroom and clean up?”

“Yeah, I think I’m going to need to change my

pants, too,” Xavier mumbled, the blush spreading.

Ranger got up. “Don’t be embarrassed. It

happens to all of us.”

Xavier sat, his gaze drifting to Ranger’s fly.

“Did you finish, too?”

As way of answer, Ranger grabbed Xavier’s

wrist, pressing the man’s hand to his still aching
cock, Ranger asked, “Does it feel like I came?”

“Oh,” Xavier’s eyes grew round. “I’m sorry. Do

you want me to take care of that? I’ve never given
a blowjob before, but Chance told me all about
them. I’m sure I could figure it out once I got

Just that almost innocent suggestion alone was

enough to push Ranger over the edge. Damn if
Xavier only knew the affect he had over Ranger.
He had the power to drive Ranger to his knees
with a simple smile.

Ranger leaned in and gave Xavier another brief

kiss. “You can take care of me later. Why don’t
you run to the bathroom and get cleaned up so I

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can take you to visit Dulla and Chance?”

Xavier beamed with excitement. “I really get to

see them?”

“Doc did say you could go today.”
“Thanks, Ranger. You’re the best. I’m so lucky

to have you.”

Xavier threw his arms around Ranger and gave

him a tight hug. As he returned the embrace, he
couldn’t help but think that he was really the
lucky one.

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Chapter Eight

avier rushed to the small attached bathroom
and cleaned up as best he could. While he really

would love to ask Ranger to take him to the
showers, Xavier was too anxious to see Chance
and Dulla.

He changed into another pair of sweats that the

felines had provided. They’d also given him a pair
of black sneakers, he put those on, too, before
going back out to Ranger.

As he looked at the Wolf, a wave of

embarrassment hit Xavier as he recalled the way
he’d lost control just moments before. All of a
sudden, feeling both awkward and shy, Xavier
paused at the doorway, unsure of how he should

Ranger saved him by crooking a finger at him.

“Come here.”

Happy to have some direction in his confusion,

Xavier rushed forward. Ranger opened his arms
and Xavier happily sank into his embrace. He


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even rested his cheek against the Wolf’s chest.

“I feel so safe when I’m with you,” Xavier

confessed. “But I’m confused, too.”

“About what?”
“Everything is just happening so fast. One

minute, I’m living in some dump with Dulla and
Chance and the next thing I know we’re shacking
up with a coalition.”

“I’m sure that’s a lot to take in.”
“It is, especially since we did everything we

could to avoid you guys.” When Xavier felt
Ranger tense, he added, “Of course, we’re not
scared of you guys anymore. At least I’m not. I
don’t think it’s going to be easy for Dulla and
Chance here, though. I keep overhearing the
guards talking and they really hate Ravens.”

“Yeah, Mitchell and I were just talking about


Now it was Xavier who tensed. “Did you guys

decide that it would be better to just send us

Ranger’s embrace grew so tight it made it

difficult to breathe. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“What about Dulla and Chance? We’re part of a

package deal,” Xavier warned.

“I would never dream of separating you. I

know how much it hurts to lose a sibling.”

Xavier nodded, recalling the lost look in

Ranger’s eyes when he’d talked about his own

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sister. “What are we going to do?”

“Mitchell is allowing me to make up an

apartment right here at headquarters. We’ll move
in as soon as possible.”

Xavier pulled back. “Did you just say we?”
“Yes, I’ll be moving in, too.”
“Whoa there, big guy. Let’s just back up a bit

here. Aren’t we moving a little fast? We just met
and you already have us cohabitating?”

Ranger let out a low growl. “I told you that you

belonged to me.”

“Which sounds really sexy when we’re making

out, but any other time, it makes me sound like a
cookie or the last piece of pizza. If I wanted to be
owned like some possession, I’d just let the slavers
take me and be done with it.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”
Outraged, Xavier took a couple of steps back to

put some distance between them. “I’m being
ridiculous? You’re the one who’s running around
growling and acting like the big, bad Alpha. Did it
ever occur to you that maybe you could ask me if I
wanted to live in sin with you? No, you just
assumed I’d jump when you snapped, just like all
your other strays.”

“What are you talking about?”
“I heard the guards talking about you, too.

How you love to take strays in so you can have a
convenient fuck buddy.” Xavier swallowed hard,

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hurt slicing through him.

Understanding dawned in Ranger’s eyes. “And

when I told you we were moving in, you just
assumed that it would be the same kind of

“You told me yourself that you and Riley used

to fuck.”

Ranger did the growly thing again as he walked

forward. Xavier retreated a few steps, letting out a
yelp of surprise when his back slammed into the
wall. Ranger planted his hands on either side of
Xavier’s head, mimicking the same position from
the night they met.

Leaning in so their faces were inches apart,

Ranger said, “It’s not the same thing. It’s not like
that between us.”

“Why should I believe that?’
“Have I ever given you any reason to doubt


Xavier felt a tinge of guilt when he heard the

hurt in Ranger’s voice.

“No, you’ve never lied to me. But I can’t help

but wonder why you chose me as a mate and not
one of them. I know I’m no catch. I can’t fight. I
can barely read. I’m so stupid that I almost killed
myself by accident. Plus, I don’t know anything
about this world.” Xavier felt his eyes watering
up, but held the tears back as he confessed his
biggest concern. “I’m just a pale version of Riley.

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Why would you want to settle for that, when
you’ve already had the real thing?”

Ranger used one hand to cup Xavier’s face.

“You are not a pale version of anybody. Don’t you
realize how brave, smart and loyal you are?”

Xavier shook his head. “If I’m so brave, then

why have I spent most of my life terrified of never
being good enough?”

“Why would you ever think that?”
“My own mother tried to kill me and then Riley

left me behind,” Xavier’s voice cracked.

Ranger peppered his face with soft kisses. “That

had nothing to do with you not being good
enough. Your mother was sick, babe. Nothing
could have changed what she did. As for Riley, he
was only four at that time.”

Xavier let out a broken sob. “I know it doesn’t

make sense. It’s stupid actually, since we were
both practically babies. I just can’t help myself.
I’ve always felt that Riley never wanted me and
that’s why he left with that woman, while I was
still lying there, hurt and bleeding. I even tried to
cry out his name, but he didn’t hear me. Once he
was gone, all I had to keep me company was my
mother’s dead body. Her eyes were open and I
was so scared she’d get up and start shooting me
again, but I couldn’t run away. So I had to lie there
in terror for two days until my Raven mother
showed up and finally rescued me.”

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“Oh, God. You remember everything that

happened back then?” Ranger gasped.

“Every second. I’ve never talked about it

because I don’t want to relive those memories. Not
even Chance or Dulla know the details. I don’t
even know why I’m telling you now.”

Ranger pressed a soft kiss to Xavier’s lips. “You

have never been a second choice, or a consolation
prize to me. I want you, nobody else can ever
begin to compare to you as far as I’m concerned.
Look, I know it doesn’t make sense. Believe me
when I say I’ve always been the most practical one
in my group. All I do know is that we belong

Xavier gave a slight shake of his head. “You’re

crazy. You know that, right?”

“I’ve been accused of that in the past.”
“I don’t get it, I’m a mess and you still want


“And I always will,” Ranger vowed before

going in for another kiss.

This time the kiss was long and deep. When

they broke apart, Xavier’s head was spinning from
desire. “I’m sorry I freaked out earlier. It’s just
going to take me some time to actually believe that
something this good is happening to me.”

“I can be as patient as you need me to be.”
Ranger gave him one last kiss before stepping

back. “Come on, I’ll take you to see Dulla and

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As they reached the door, Ranger asked, “Do

you know the names of the guards who were
talking about us?”

“Was it Dominic or Thomas?”
Xavier made a face. “Are you kidding? Thomas

and Dominic are both really nice to me. I don’t
think Dominic has a mean feather on his body.”

Ranger laughed. “Feather on his body?
“It was something my Raven mother used to

say all the time.”

Ranger unlocked the door. “I think I would

have liked her.”

“I know you would have. She was great.”
They went two doors down and, speak of the

devils, Thomas and Dominic were standing guard.
As they came closer, Dominic grinned. “Dulla is
going to be so geeked to see you.”

“How is she doing today?” Xavier asked as he

smiled back at the feline.

“Pretty good. I brought her the new Yogi Bear

movie. She liked it, even though it’s not really a
cartoon like the other shows.”

“You’re spoiling her.”
“Nah, I’m just trying to keep her entertained. I

know how boring it can be to sit around with
nothing to do.”

“Which is why he failed most of his classes in

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school,” Thomas drawled.

Dominic wrinkled his nose. “Why should I sit

around learning about battle tactics when I can be
out living them?”

Ranger gave him a light cuff on the side of the

head. “Spoken like a young cub.”

Dominic grumbled good-naturedly as he

stepped aside to let them in. Chance was sleeping
on one bed while Dulla was perched in her usual
position on the other. As soon as they walked in,
she turned, a bright smile on her face.

“Xavier! You’re okay!” she squealed as she

jumped up and ran over to him.

Xavier barely had time to brace himself in time

to catch her as she attacked him with a hard hug.
He returned the embrace, taking comfort in the
familiar sensation of being in her arms.

“I missed you,” he said.
“I missed you, too. So did Chance. He even told

me so.”

“Hey, look who decided to get their ass out of

bed,” Chance quipped as he sat up.

“Well, I couldn’t just lie around and let you

have all the fun,” Xavier teased back as he pulled
away from Dulla.

They began to laugh until the sound of angry

voices came from the hallway.

“Look, I’m sorry. I was only looking out for


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“I don’t care, Colin. You had no right keeping

this from me. Xavier’s my brother and I have
every right to know that he’s here!”

“I warned Colin that Riley would be pissed,”

Ranger muttered.

The argument continued.
“I’m sick as hell of you treating me like I’m

made of glass!”

“You’re my mate! Of course I’m going to be

protective of you.”

“That’s no excuse for lying.”
“I didn’t lie.”
“It’s lying by exclusion, you stupid Hawk!”
Xavier exchanged looks of confusion with

Chance. And yet everyone said Ravens were
strange. As far as Xavier was concerned, the
unseen arguers took the cake on weirdness.

The voice drew nearer as a couple entered the

room. One of the men had dark hair and eyes.
While he was taller than his counterpart, he did all
the cowering. Not that Xavier blamed him, the
blond doing most of the yelling seemed to have
one hell of a temper.

Then the blond turned to give Xavier all his

attention and some of the bits from the argument
locked into place, as Xavier got a good look at his

“Riley?” Xavier croaked.
Riley gasped, his bottom lip trembling with

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emotion. “Oh, God. It really is you.”

Before Xavier could confirm or deny, Riley ran

over and threw his arms around him. Xavier
grunted in surprise before his brain caught up and
he returned the hug. They stayed that way for a
few moments. While it should have felt awkward,
strangely it didn’t. Instead, it felt so comforting
and oddly familiar. Xavier felt moisture on his
neck and realized Riley was crying.

“It’s okay. I’m fine,” Xavier soothed.
“I didn’t know you were alive. I swear.”
“I know you didn’t.”
“If I had, I would have never left without you

that day. I would have made her take you, too. I
feel so damn guilty. Like I let you down.”

“Don’t, it’s not your fault. Besides, I had a real

good life.” For the first time ever, Xavier truly
realized that he really had a wonderful childhood.
While his Raven family may have been odd at
times, they’d always made sure he felt loved and
accepted. Plus, he wouldn’t trade Dulla or Chance
away for anything.

“I heard that you were raised by Ravens.”
“Yes, and it was a very nurturing home. I never

wanted for anything.” Xavier felt himself tearing

This time, instead of holding it back, he let them

fall unchecked. He even let out a couple of
muffled sobs. “I missed you so much, Rye.”

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It was a nickname he used way back before that

terrible day and he found it easily rolling off his
tongue again.

Riley squeezed him tighter. “I missed you, too. I

don’t ever want to be apart from you again.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
“We’ll take care of Chance and Dulla, too. It’s

the least I can do to repay them for watching out
for you.”

“Yeah, it was a fulltime job, too. Xavier has a

tendency to wander off when he’s not supposed
to,” Chance teased.

Colin cocked a brow. “How interesting. That

must run in their family because Riley does the
same thing.”

“It must be a twin mind-melding thing.”
Colin laughed. “Now isn’t that the truth. Next,

you’ll tell me that Xavier loves Ke$ha, too.”

Xavier pulled away as he wrinkled his nose in

confusion. “What’s a Ke$ha?”

Riley let out a gasp of horror. “Oh, Xavier. I

heard you were raised in seclusion, but I had no
idea it was that bad. We have so much to catch
you up on.”

Xavier smiled. “I have a feeling that you’re the

perfect shifter for the job.”

Xavier glanced up at Ranger. The Wolf was

smiling tenderly as he watched the emotional
reunion. Meeting his gaze, Xavier mouthed, Thank

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you. Thank you, for bringing me home.

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Chapter Nine

week later, Ranger dashed into the cafeteria to
pick up some breakfast for himself and Xavier.

While he could have gone back to the Jaguars’
apartment, Ranger knew that since Cassie was
cooking there, it would be safer to go with
whatever was coming from the headquarters’

He filled up a tray with fruit and some bagels,

then spotted Dominic walking in. As usual, while
off duty, he looked like a gay version of James Bond
because he was surrounded by a posse of beautiful
females. Each one of them were his best friend and
he never went anywhere without at least three of
them in tow.

A new face was in the group—Dulla. Ranger

blinked stupidly a few times, surprised to see the
Raven out of her room without one of her brothers
being by her side. What’s more, she seemed to be
enjoying herself. She was even laughing and


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actively engaging the rest of the group in

They all took a seat at their usual table and,

since it was close to the food line, Ranger got to
eavesdrop on their conversation.

“So, I was thinking we’d take Dulla to the mall

today and get her a new wardrobe,” Dominic
announced to the group.

All of them eagerly nodded in agreement. One

of the females asked, “What store should we go

Dominic studied Dulla for a few moments. “I’m

thinking maybe H&M. I really believe that place is
going to be so her.”

“Are we going to get my hair cut, too?” Dulla

asked as she pulled at the long strands.

“No way!” another female exclaimed, reaching

out to finger Dulla’s tresses. “It’s so beautiful this
way. I would kill to have your hair.”

Dominic nodded. “I agree, I think we should

just blow it out some to give it that messy, just-
out-of-bed look.”

“You better not let her brothers hear you say

that,” Ranger drawled.

They all jumped and shot him guilty looks.

Dominic nervously cleared his throat a few times
before stammering, “I…I…we…it was just a joke.”

Ranger reached out and ruffled his hair. “I

know, I was just giving you a hard time.”

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A relieved grin covered Dominic’s face.
Ranger pulled out his wallet and slid out his

credit card. Handing it to Dulla, he said, “Do your
worst. Just make sure to pick something up for
your brothers, too. They can’t keep wearing
Riley’s hand-me-downs forever.”

Now he got a bunch of happy grins as all the

girls looked at him like he was their new potential
sugar daddy.

Dulla let out a small giggle. “You guys can

forget it, he’s already taken.”

“I know.” A girl sighed. “But we can dream,

can’t we?”

“You better go. Now, before they decide to eat

you for breakfast instead of the Fruit Loops,”
Dominic teased.

Ranger chuckled as he took the kid’s advice. As

he walked through headquarters, Ranger couldn’t
help but feel pleased at the warm reception Dulla
was receiving from the coalition. He still wasn’t
sure how they’d react to Chance, since the male
had been mostly staying in his room, but maybe
there was hope that his transition would be
smooth, too.

When Ranger got to the room and found their

bed empty, he was only mildly disappointed.
Since they’d been sleeping together for the past
seven days, he knew that Xavier always took a
shower as soon as he woke up.

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As he sat the tray of food down on the dresser,

Ranger reflected over the past week. While the
time had been special since he got the pleasure of
holding Xavier in his arms as they slept, it was
also frustrating because that’s all they did—sleep.

Ranger wanted to fully claim Xavier as his

mate, but had been holding back. He wanted to
give Xavier time to get to know him and get
adjusted to his new life. In the meantime,
however, blue balls didn’t begin to describe how
Ranger felt most of the time. To be so close to the
sexy Eagle, but only get small tastes was sheer

Then he saw it, resting on one of the pillows—

the one Xavier used—a folded up piece of paper.
Opening it, Ranger smiled as he saw the words
scrawled there, Meet me in the shower.

Pausing only long enough to grab a small tube

of lube, Ranger obeyed. Since the secret of the
Ravens was out, there weren’t any guards around,
so the hallway and surrounding rooms leading to
the shower were completely empty.

As Ranger got closer, he could hear the sounds

of running water and Xavier’s soft singing. As he
entered the adjoining locker room, Ranger was
able to discern the lyrics. He almost cracked up
when he recognized it as a Britney song. It seemed
that Riley’s musical teachings were expanding to
other divas.

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Now that he was near, Xavier’s scent called to

Ranger, only this time there was also the
unmistakable smell of desire. Letting out a moan,
Ranger made his way into the large shower.

He paused at the entrance to drink in the image

of his mate. Xavier stood under one of the
showerheads situated by the far wall. The water
cascaded over his naked body, the droplets
seeming to caress every dip and ridge. In the past
week, Xavier put on some weight, in all the right
places, too. His ass now had the perfect swell to it
and his pecs were just the right size for biting.

Ranger must have made a noise because Xavier

turned to look at him. The instant their gazes met,
Xavier’s eyes grew turbulent with desire. He
stopped singing mid-word, his decadent lips
parted invitingly.

“You got my note?” Xavier breathed.
His hand trailed down to stroke his cock. It was

a damn nice cock, too. Long, but not overly thick,
it curled up toward his stomach. Keeping eye
contact with Ranger, Xavier gave it a few tentative

“Are you teasing me?” Ranger growled.
“God, I love it when you growl at me,” Xavier

declared before he let out a soft whimper.

That comment shredded the last bit of control

Ranger had. Growling again, he slowly walked
into the shower. The water instantly soaked into

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his jeans and shirt, making them stick to his skin,
but he scarcely noticed. All that mattered to him at
that moment was getting to his mate.

Xavier let out a throaty chuckle. “You’re getting

your clothes all wet.”

“Fuck my clothes.” Ranger reached out,

snagged Xavier around the waist and brought the
man in close.

“Okay, I was planning on fucking you, but if

you want me to get frisky with your 501s, I can do
that instead.”

Ranger didn’t even bother replying to that

comment, he just dipped his head down and
claimed Xavier’s bratty mouth in a hot, deep I’m-
gonna-screw-you kiss. Xavier instantly turned
compliant, his lips parting to let Ranger’s tongue
in. At the same time, he brought his hands up to
clutch Ranger’s shoulders.

When they broke apart, Xavier didn’t stop. He

simply transferred his attention to Ranger’s jaw
and throat, peppering his skin with kisses, licks
and soft bites. Desire coursed through Ranger’s
body, setting him on fire. He wanted to take over,
to pin Xavier to the tiles and fuck him into
submission. The need was so bad that Ranger
fisted his hands until his nails dug into his palms,
drawing blood. It took every bit of his self-control
and discipline to force himself to stand still and let
Xavier have control.

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When Xavier got to Ranger’s shirt, he began to

tug at it, letting out an impatient sound when the
wet fabric didn’t want to cooperate. Ranger
moved to help him and between the two of them,
they managed to get all of his clothes off.

Ranger made sure to grab the lube before he

tossed his pants to the side. Xavier stared at it, his
eyes flaring with passion as he nervously nibbled
on his bottom lip.

“Don’t worry, babe, you’re going to love it,”

Ranger promised as he dipped to kiss the worried
piece of flesh.

By the time he pulled back, all the trepidation

was gone from Xavier’s face. A look of pure awe
replaced it as Xavier studied Ranger’s body.
Running his hands over Ranger’s chest, Xavier
breathed, “Damn, I don’t know where to start.”

“You can do anything you want to me.”
A wicked gleam came over Xavier’s eyes as his

gaze dropped to Ranger’s cock. Licking his lips,
Xavier asked, “Anything?”

Ranger nodded wordlessly. Going by the way

Xavier was running his tongue over his mouth,
Ranger had a pretty good inkling what was going
through the brat’s mind. Then Xavier dropped to
his knees, confirming Ranger’s suspicions and

Wrapping one hand around Ranger’s dick,

Xavier parted his lips to take him in, only to pause

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at the last moment. Gazing up at Ranger, Xavier
said, “Just remember, I’ve never done this before.
So if I mess up, don’t laugh at me.”

Ranger ran his fingers through Xavier’s wet

hair. “I would never make fun of you like that.”

Xavier gave him a shy grin before darting his

tongue out for tentative taste. At the first flick of
wetness, Ranger let out a moan. That seemed to
give Xavier the confidence to grab another taste,
this time he even swirled his tongue over the tip of
Ranger’s cock.

Pulling back, Xavier let out a soft hum. “You

taste so good.”

Ranger didn’t think he could take much more,

he even opened his mouth to say as much. But
then Xavier parted his lips and sucked Ranger in
and all thoughts of protesting vanished.

Xavier began to clumsily bob his head up and

down, his body tense as he darted worried looks
up at Ranger. Then Xavier finally seemed to sink
into the passion and just let instinct take over. He
even closed his eyes, his water-spiked lashes
fanning his cheeks perfectly.

After a few moments of intense pleasure,

Ranger finally decided to take over. “Stand up.”

Xavier’s brow furrowed in confusion, but he

pulled back and then straightened up. “Was I
doing it wrong?”

Ranger brought him in for a kiss. “No, you

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were doing wonderful.”

“Then why did you make me stop?”
“Because now it’s my turn to taste you.”
Before Xavier could respond, Ranger spun him

around and pressed him against the tiles. “Arch
your back for me.”

Xavier complied, the movement making his ass

tilt up perfectly. Ranger ran the palm of his hand
down one cheek. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

Ranger dropped to his knees. Giving the twin

globes another caress, Ranger parted them so he
could get to Xavier’s hole.

Xavier looked over his shoulder, his eyes wide

with surprise. “You’re not going to…”

He never got to finish the sentence. Ranger

flicked his tongue out and traced a lazy path
around the rim. Xavier let out a gasp that seemed
equal parts shock and passion as he arched his
back even further.

“I knew you’d like this,” Ranger crooned before

he began to lick Xavier some more.

“I do. I like it, a lot.”
Ranger speared his tongue inside a few times

before slowly adding a finger. Xavier gasped as he
was stretched, but didn’t protest. By the time
Ranger added a second finger, Xavier even began
to rock back, soft moans slipping past his lips.

Ranger opened the lube and squirted some on

his hand before adding a third finger. Since this

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was Xavier’s first time, Ranger wanted him really
slicked and stretched.

“Oh, wow. That feels so good,” Xavier moaned

slowly as he tilted his head back. “I can’t wait
until it’s your cock inside me.”

Never one to deny his mate’s wishes, Ranger

pulled his fingers out and stood. After urging
Xavier to bend over a bit more, Ranger pressed the
tip of his cock to the man’s opening.

“Take a deep breath in and then slowly let it


Ever the trusting one, Xavier obeyed. At the

same time, Ranger carefully slid inside him.
Xavier let out a soft mewling sound, but didn’t
seem uncomfortable. In fact, his cock never looked
harder. Ranger still asked, “Are you doing okay?”

“Fan-fucking-tabulous,” Xavier said, using one

of Riley’s favorite terms. “I can’t believe we
waited so long to do this.”

Ranger silently agreed as he began to slowly

thrust in and out of Xavier’s tight body. “If you
want, we can double up for a while to make up for
lost time.”

“Damn, this feels so good, I may make you

triple it up.”

Grabbing ahold of Xavier’s shoulders, Ranger

began to move faster. The moment was
perfect…or rather it was nearly perfect. The only
thing missing was being able to look into his

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mate’s eyes while he claimed him.

Pulling out, Ranger spun Xavier around, then

ordered, “Put your legs around my waist.”

Xavier didn’t even question the command as he

did a little hop and wrapped his long limbs
around Ranger. Once he had him in position,
Ranger lined up his cock and thrust up into

“Wow, you’re really strong,” Xavier panted, his

cheeks flushed with passion.

Those were the last coherent words spoken

because Ranger finally gave in to his natural
instincts. Pinning Xavier to the wall, Ranger began
to make love to him in quick hard thrusts.

Xavier began to let out a string of whimpers, his

eyes closed in bliss. Then, just as Ranger felt his
pleasure crest, Xavier tilted his head to the side,
baring his throat in the ultimate sign of

“Mine,” Ranger snarled before sinking his teeth

into the offered flesh.

Xavier screamed Ranger’s name as he came, hot

spunk covering both their stomachs. The smell of
Xavier’s semen combined with the tangy flavor of
his blood pushed Ranger over the edge. Letting
out another muffled snarl, Ranger came, his cock
emptying into Xavier’s hot channel.

They stayed that way for a few moments, the

hot water beating down on them as they caught

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Stephani Hecht


their breath. Finally, Ranger licked the bite wound
closed before he gently set Xavier down.

Letting out a happy humming sound, Xavier

grinned up at him. “Okay, promise me we’ll do
that every day from now on.”

Ranger brushed Xavier’s wet hair away from

his face. “If you insist, then I guess I can endure

Xavier laughed as he gave Ranger’s arm a

playful swat. “You enjoyed it just as much as I

“Yes, I did,” Ranger agreed with a kiss. “Now,

hurry up and get washed. I have a surprise for

They quickly cleaned up, then got dressed.

When Ranger saw that Xavier’s outfit consisted of
tight jeans and a t-shirt that read, I’m a cannibal. I
eat boys up!
he knew the new clothes couldn’t
come fast enough.

Grabbing Xavier’s hand, Ranger led his mate

through headquarters. They didn’t stop to chat to
anybody along the way so it only took them a few
minutes to get to the new apartment.

Ranger opened the door and ushered Xavier

inside. “It’s not much. It still looks kind of plain
with the white walls and brown carpets. But it has
three bedrooms and two baths. Plus the kitchen
works so it’s a start.”

Xavier gazed around in amazement. “You did

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Ranger’s Folly


all this in just one week?”

“Well, I had a lot of help, but yeah. This is all

for you.”

“I can’t believe it.” Xavier reached up and

lightly touched a wall.

“Now all you have to do is decide what

bedroom you want to claim.”

Xavier turned and looked at him. “I don’t

know. I guess that all depends. What room are
you sleeping in? Because that’s where I want to

Ranger sucked in a breath as hope flared

through him. “Are you sure about that? What
happened to you not wanting to rush things?”

“I realized something during this past week.”

Xavier came over and put his hands on Ranger’s

Ranger returned the embrace, his hands going

to Xavier’s hips. “What’s that?”

“That I need to stop questioning my good

fortune. I was so busy worrying about losing what
little I had that I almost didn’t realize I had
everything I ever wanted right in front of me.”

“What are you trying to say?”
“That I’m falling in love with you. In fact, I’m

quite certain I fell for you the instant you pinned
me to that tree.”

Ranger laughed. “You sure had a funny way of

showing it. I never knew tasering somebody was a

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Stephani Hecht


form of endearment.”

Xavier wrinkled his nose. “You’re never going

to let me live that down, are you?”

“No, and you want to know why?” Ranger

leaned in until their lips were inches apart.
“Because, I’m pretty certain that’s when I fell for


“You are one strange Wolf.” Xavier gave him a

crooked smile.

Ranger kissed his mate, his heart soaring with

happiness. While he may be a strange Wolf, he
was also a damn lucky one. Not only did he find
his mate, but he also found hope again.

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Author Note

Make sure to watch for the upcoming free Lost
Shifter short, Hey, There’s Fur in My Wedding Cake,
coming soon to eXtasy Books.

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About the Author

Stephani Hecht is a happily married mother of
two. Born and raised in Michigan, she loves all
things about the state, from the frigid winters to
the Detroit Red Wings hockey team. You can
usually find her snuggled up to her laptop,
creating her next book.

Contact her at:







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