Eva Evans Alien Experiment 1 Claiming Their Human

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Evernight Publishing


Copyright© 2013 Eva Evans

ISBN: 978-1-77130-624-9

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: JC Chute


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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Alien Experiment, 1

Eva Evans

Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

Caleb picked up one of the pamphlets and began to leaf

through it. The small tourist shop was full of alien souvenirs,
everything from space rocks to fake body parts in jars. Ever since the
flurry of sightings last year, his hometown had turned into a
destination for curious travelers from all over the world. They came to
see a piece of history, hoping to catch a glimpse of the little green
Martians, should they decide to return for an encore.

“People actually believe this stuff?” he asked, dropping the

pamphlet back onto the pile. Caleb tapped one of the alien blow-up
dolls hanging near his head.

Phil chuckled from behind the counter. The store used to be a

bait shop, and had been since Caleb’s dad was a young boy, but the
almighty dollar ruled—especially in their little town at the edge of the

“Things have never been better. Who am I to complain?”
“I guess.” He continued to walk around the shop, looking at

the merchandise. It was all a joke. He’d never left Brellville since he
was born, and he hadn’t come across any alien men. Maybe he’d get a
book deal or spot on a radio show if he played into the hype like some
of his neighbors, but all he really wanted was things back the way
they were. He was tired of the media circus and busloads of tourists
emptying out their little grocery store.

“Take one,” said Phil. “We have a barrel full in back.”
Caleb had been rolling one of the moon rocks in his hand,

watching it sparkle when the sunlight from the window hit it. It would

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be cool if it was real—life beyond the stars––but Caleb was not so
naïve to believe such fantastical dreams.

“Thanks.” He dropped the rock into his pocket and then

slipped out when the store filled up with a new wave of customers.

The air smelled of brine from the sea and lavender from the

fields to the east. The landscape used to be pristine: a natural wonder
in a world growing too fast for its own good. Now it was littered with
advertisements, overnight vendors, and rowdy city folk.

He walked along the boardwalk, looking out at the still water.

It felt like only yesterday his dad had taken him out on his fishing
boat as a young boy. Caleb was unable to sleep the night before, he’d
been so excited to co-captain the small vessel. But those were only
memories now. It was just Caleb left. His parents had passed on and
his older sister moved to the city with her husband years ago.

The loud voice pulled him from his thoughts. He turned away

from the water to find his best friend jogging toward him. Scott
recently got a job in a city over five hours away. Soon he’d be alone.
His job as a boat mechanic was the only thing keeping him going.
With the fishing industry suffering, he wasn’t sure how long he’d
have even that. His life was a fucking forfeit.

“What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be packing for

your fancy new job?”

“Fuck off. I’ll be pushing pencils. Nothing fancy about that.”

His friend gave him a friendly shove.

At least Scott had a choice. Not many parents in their small

town could afford to send their kids to college. Since Scott’s parents
owned the local hardware store, they were able to send him out for
post-secondary education, where he studied accounting. Caleb had to
learn his skills hands-on from his father, like most boys they grew up

They both turned to look at the new billboard obstructing the

view of the cove. “Nice…” Scott laughed and pointed at the oversized
alien caricature next to it. “Did you hear? Old widow Macintyre says
she was abducted and probed.”

Caleb nearly choked as he envisioned the old gossip telling

such a tall tale to the media. “Seriously?”

His friend shrugged. “Hey, maybe it’s true. It would explain a



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They both laughed. “Or more likely she wants to fund the

construction of her new sunroom.”

Scott nudged his arm and they continued to walk along the

boardwalk. “I know it’s a madhouse here, but do you believe any of
it? Over twenty people said they saw something in the sky that night.”

“Are there even twenty families, living around the marina?

Someone probably saw a falling star and then everyone else made up
their minds that it was a UFO. You’ve seen how a little piece of
gossip can get blown out of proportion around here. I think most of us
are so desperate for a little excitement, we have to make it up.”

“There’re pictures.”
Caleb shook his head. “I’ve seen them. It could be anything. A

pie pan on a string could create the same effect.”

Although Scott appeared genuinely convinced for a moment,

he quickly brushed it off as humorous. “What I’d like to know is why
they’d come to Brellville of all places.”

“At least we’ll be sure they never return.”
They both laughed out loud. He didn’t have much longer to

spend with his friend. They veered off the wooden-plank path and
carefully navigated the gravel slope toward the rocky shore. Caleb
picked up a flat stone and brushed off the sand before skipping it
along the surface of the water.

“Remember when we were kids, we’d come down here all the

time to catch minnows.”

Scott sat on a large piece of driftwood. “The first time I got

drunk was behind the boathouse.”

It was quiet, only the sound of distant gulls, the soft hum of

engines, and the water lapping at the shore. If only things didn’t have
to change, but his family was gone, and soon his best friend would
leave. Caleb felt a great sadness weigh down on him. He felt left
behind and very alone.

“I remember. You puked half the night, too.”
“I tend to leave out that detail,” said Scott with a chuckle. He

poked at some seaweed with a stick. “So…what are you going to do,

He didn’t like the serious edge transforming his friend’s voice.

It was so much easier to use humor to mask the deeper issues. “What
do you mean?”

“I’m worried about you.”

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He narrowed his eyes and scoffed, picking up another stone.

“For what? I’m not sick.”

“You know damn well what I mean. I have a feeling I’ll come

back here in five years and you’ll be no different, living in that old
house with another ten cats.”

“I only have two.”
“Whatever. There’s a lot more out there, Caleb. Don’t let life

pass you by.”

He didn’t reply, a huge frog clogging his throat. Everything

Scott said was true. He was desperately holding onto a past that
couldn’t be relived. He still hadn’t found his own happily ever after—
and probably never would.

“I’m not ready to leave.”
“Why the fuck not? What are waiting for … the woman of

your dreams? In Brellville? Another alien sighting?”

“Maybe. Who knows?” He walked further down the shore

alone, not comfortable with the conversation. Scott got up and

“I don’t want to leave with you angry. I’m just saying—”
I know. You don’t have to explain. Maybe one day I’ll be

ready to move on, start over, whatever. It’s just not my time yet. If
you find some extra inspiration in the city, send it my way.”

Scott offered a warm smile. “Come on, I’ll buy you a drink.”


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Chapter Two

Zane looked over the system map spread over the table. He

pointed to the blue and green planet. “That’s the one. That’s where
we’ll find him.”

“You’re sure this time?” asked Kross.
“It has to be the one.” At least he hoped. It was the last

habitable planet in their system matching the prophecy. They’d been
looking for their mate for two years straight, every turn a dead end.
Others had found their matches on the distant planet, making Zane
more hopeful.

“We’ll leave at first light,” said Kross, opening one of the

metal cabinets where they kept travel supplies. His first officer didn’t
question him. He was all business, and even more determined to find
their human. “Should we bring extra blankets? I hear humans are frail

Zane exhaled as he folded up the map. They hadn’t expected

their mate would be a human, but who were they to complain? The
first human mate had been revealed to a Mandor only months before
theirs. It was something different to the men on their world, and their
race was still adjusting to the new foreign culture.

Neither of them had seen one with their own eyes.
“Dolph’s mate is a human, too. He’s going to search Earth for

him after the harvest. There’s nothing wrong with humans.”

Kross grumbled as he sorted through the supplies. “They’re

small and breakable. I still don’t understand how this happened.”

Mythios was a planet rich in prophecy. Over two thousand

years ago, a great epidemic changed the future for all Mandorians.
Females were permanently wiped out by the disease, and Mandorian
males were incompatible as mates. They’d since learned how to
procreate thanks to the research by their top scientists. At least three
blood samples were required for the process—two Mandorian and an
alien species.

After sexual maturity, every Mandor was given signs by the

Oracle to aid them in finding their true mate. There were no
substitutes. It was the driving force behind every Mandor. Although
prophecy gave them signs where to look, it was partially a guessing
game when the men were never born on Mythios. Lately, Earth


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seemed to be the destination for many Mandors, human DNA the
perfect match for their species.

“You should be more worried about scaring him. With your

miserable attitude, we’ll have to sedate him just to bring him home.”

Kross paused and turned to look at him. “I’ll try not to scare


That would have to suffice for now. Zane packed up his

satchel and walked along the metal grating to the exit hatch. He
climbed down from the spacecraft, eager to take a long run. His body
was wound tight and his mind going into overdrive. After so many
years of searching with no results, his resolve was slipping. If not for
Kross, he may have given up months ago, but having another male
fated to the same mate made them a team—for life.

The air outside was crisp, the scent of pine filling his lungs.

The rolling mountains in the distance were a sharp contrast to the
many spacecraft on the landing dock. He loved Mythios, its natural
beauty, abundance of fresh water, and two moons. Earth had been
similar in habitat until humans chose to destroy it. Zane hoped the
human they searched for had better values than his counterparts.

“You’re not taking it out tonight?” asked one of the patrols

guarding the dock.

“We’re leaving at first light. Kross will make sure it’s fuelled

and resupplied.”

“Where you heading this time?”
The patrol raised a questioning eyebrow. “Another human?

You best be careful. I hear they’re becoming suspicious of our
frequent visits to Earth.”

Zane shrugged. “Can’t argue with fate. We’ll try our best to

get in and out unnoticed.” He hooked his satchel across his chest and
began to run. Normally he’d run for a minimum of ten miles a day, in
addition to his regular workout. Today he needed to rid himself of this
excess of stress, so he’d push himself to the limit. He wanted to get so
tired he’d be able to sleep without worrying about the potential
disappointment. Zane had to keep positive and believe they’d find
their mate on their first trip to Earth.

It felt good to feel the burn in his muscles as he ran. His body

was pent up, his desire to connect sexually with his mate nearly
overwhelming. At age twenty-eight, he’d been forced to live through

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seven lunar eclipses without a sexual partner. If he had to go through
another alone, he’d lose his mind. Zane already dreamed of his mate,
how he’d looked, how he’d sound, and how he’d complete their
perfect triad.

Hopefully, reality and fantasy were not too far off.
Then he thought of what the patrol had said. They had to use

extreme caution when entering Earth’s atmosphere. Humans were far
more primitive beings, and the appearance of a spacecraft could
adversely affect their culture. Of course, the larger issue was
convincing one of those humans they were destined to mate with two
alien beings. Other Mandorians returning with their Earthlings had
told horrific tales of necessary forced abduction. Zane hoped their
human would come peacefully, because there was no way he’d leave
his mate behind once he’d finally found him.


Kross went over their inventory for the fifth time. Everything

had to be perfect—and he had to keep busy to avoid overthinking
their trip. Zane said Earth was where they’d find their mate, and
although a human was not a species to boast about, they couldn’t be
fussy. Fate partnered certain people for a reason, and Kross had no
right to question the Oracle.

It was growing hard to constantly keep up his outer guards

when he was crumbling on the inside. He was tired of hunting and
coming home empty handed, but he had to keep strong for Zane, no
matter how desperate he felt. His friend was growing more depressed
after each unsuccessful trip. It was hard knowing what you were
searching for and remaining unable to attain it, like a distant star just
out of reach. Hopefully, Earth had what they were looking for.

After checking the control panels and emergency supplies, he

crashed down on the small cot in their sleeping quarters. The little
bunk was more home than their house on Mythios due to all their
frequent travels. Kross would much rather work their land than
travelling from port to port looking for something as elusive as the
wind through his fingers. Some Mandors never found their mates,
leaving them empty shells of men with no hope of leaving a legacy.

He unfastened his belt and stretched out his muscles. His cock

was uncomfortably hard, as it was most days as of late. It was worse
with the annual lunar eclipse only weeks away. It was a brutal time


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for unmated Mandorians. The resulting sexual frenzy was enough to
topple even the most controlled male. Even Kross.

He released his erection from the constricting confines of his

uniform, stroking it in long, firm strokes. He hoped Zane was right
about the human. Finding their mate would change everything.
They’d finally be able to settle on their land and live out their lives in
peace. He may not mention it to Zane, but he also yearned for the love
of a mate.

His cock swelled in his fist as he pumped it, sweet relief only

minutes away. He closed his eyes and tried to envision the little
Earthling. Would he even be able to handle a Mandorian male? It was
a fact that humans were much physically smaller and weaker. Kross
would have to rein in his lust just to avoid injuring the male. It would
take some getting used to, but he didn’t want to become like some of
the older males on Mythios who’d lost all hope of finding their mates.
Their despair was palpable. Without the use of a spacecraft, it was
impossible to travel to the distant worlds the Oracle described. They
were fortunate to have their own spacecraft, thanks to Zane’s
comfortable upbringing. Many Mandorians were not so lucky.

Hollow steps along the grating returned him to the present. A

few more urgent pumps of his fist and his hot ejaculate coated his
hand in a sticky mess. How much longer could he continue to
pleasure himself? It seemed every time grew more and more
unsatisfying. He closed his eyes and took a cleansing breath before
bolting to his feet.

After washing up in the small lavatory, he went to greet

whoever stepped on their ship. He already knew it wasn’t Zane. He
wouldn’t be back for hours now that he’d set out on one of his usual
runs. The man was obsessed.

The oversized male leaning against the main table was Dolph,

one of their close friends. They’d grown up together in the same rural

“I wasn’t expecting to find you around here. Don’t you have a

harvest to bring in?”

Dolph smirked. “Didn’t you hear my news? My mate is an

Earthling like yours.”

“That’s…that’s great news. And your Mandor?”
“I’ve never met him. He’s from the far south of the planet.

After the harvest we’re getting together to plan our trip to Earth.”

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Kross scowled. “The far south? The Oracle already matched

you both to the human?”

Dolph nodded. “I know. You don’t have to tell me about their

sexual appetites. It’s their proximity to the moons. The southerners
can’t help it.”

“I’m sure you’ll both manage to get along.” Kross wasn’t in

the mood for idle chatter when he had to plan the biggest trip of his

His friend got up and walked around the room. All the

surfaces were cold, metallic, and sterile. Dolph opened one of many
drawers, briefly examining the contents. “What are you bringing with
you exactly?”

“What do you mean?”
“I’ve done some research. You should expect resistance if you

find your mate. Most fight being taken from their world, and many
have no desire for males.”

The mere idea was obscene to Kross, but he supposed things

were different on a planet with both males and females of a species
living together. “The Oracle wouldn’t send us to a male that wasn’t a
good match.”

“Just be careful. Some Mandors have abducted the wrong

human in their excitement. It’s not always easy, even when following
the prophecy you’re given.”

“Zane knows what he’s doing. He has the quadrant on Earth

marked off to the square mile. He’s always been good with numbers.”

“And you?”
They both chuckled, which was something Kross rarely did

these days. “I suppose I’d be best with my hands.” He couldn’t even
count the number of fights he’d been in as a youth, and his friends
could attest to the fact. Being one of the larger males in his age group,
he used his muscles rather than deal with real emotion. As an orphan,
he was forced to live off the charity of others, building the walls
around his heart a necessary part of survival.

Dolph pulled a hypodermic needle from the drawer. “There

are ways to make sure you have the right human.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Such as?”
“You’ll have to conduct a few experiments.” He shrugged.

“It’s better than the alternative—carting the wrong human across the


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“Zane already thinks I’ll scare away our mate. Poking and

prodding him with needles would be a bad idea.”

“Do you really think Zane can handle another disappointment?

If you care about him at all, make sure you have the right male before
bringing him home.”

That’s if they found him at all.

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Chapter Three

Caleb shuffled out from under the old wooden boat. “It’s rot,


The old man shook his head in denial. “There has to be a good

five years of life left in her.”

“Sorry, Mr. Frescott, but it’s on its last leg. I can do another

patch job, but it’ll only be temporary.” He rose to his feet and brushed
the leaf bits off his pants.

Mr. Frescott sighed, using his cane to aid him in sitting on the

bench. “I trust you, Caleb. Do what needs fixing.”

He knew the old man would be paying him in fish, but he

could never say no to his neighbors. It was getting close to
suppertime, so he’d do the repairs first thing in the morning. Just up
the shoreline, the small seasonal restaurant was bringing in a
truckload of supplies, a flock of seagulls eager to steal what they
could. The old world charm of his hometown was tarnished when he
turned to his right and saw the oversized silver flying saucer mounted
on top of the old bait house. It was another eyesore to draw in tourists.
One he tried to block out.

Scott had left for the city on Friday. It was a now a new week,

but Caleb had little motivation. He had nothing left but memories.
After grabbing a quick bite to eat, he walked along the beach until the
sounds of civilization were left behind. The sun began to set far off on
the horizon, a collage of orange and pink reflecting off the ocean’s
surface. He stopped to watch the lazy ripples along the water, as the
world around him grew dimmer by the second.

His attention was stolen by a great flash of light, momentarily

blinding him. He looked up to the sky but found nothing but shades of
blue growing darker as they distanced from the setting sun. At first he
expected it was another gimmick to attract tourists. He looked way
down the shoreline to where he’d started his walk almost an hour ago.
There were no fireworks or evidence of an event, and there had been
no talk of anything happening tonight. Phil would have mentioned
something when he’d stopped in the store earlier.

A loud crack made him jump, his heart racing as adrenaline

flooded his system. A great plume of white water spewed up from the
ocean before settling. He watched with fascination, wishing he could

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see over the cover of night. Could it have been a whale? Caleb had
never seen one come so close to the cove before. If it were a stunt,
there would have been an audience close by, but he was alone.

Of course his mind wandered to fantastical thoughts—aliens

and spacecrafts. How could he not think of such things when his life
was immersed in the paranormal? He’d always been a disbeliever, and
still doubted that would ever change. He stood rooted in place for
another few minutes, waiting for something monumental. Still, all
returned to normal—the lapping of the water on the stones and drone
of the distant foghorns. He sighed, almost hoping for some excitement
in his dismal life, but finally deciding the status quo was for the best.

He was only a ten-minute trek from home now. As he walked

along the dark sidewalk, he kept flipping through different scenarios
in his head. What was that flash of light? He was acting like one of
the loonies claiming to have seen a UFO. It didn’t matter. Caleb was
tired and just wanted to get another day over with.


“I thought you knew where to land!” Kross shouted, turning

off the irritating internal alarms.

The landing on Earth had been less stealthy than Zane had

hoped. He hadn’t expected such turbulence when entering the
atmosphere. They skidded along the water and came to a violent and
abrupt stop. Anything not screwed down slammed against metal, a
few life support hoses coming loose in a confusing spray of gas.

After securing all the systems and catching his breath, he sat

in front of the monitor to check their surroundings. “I’ve never been
to Earth before. At least everything is in one piece.”

“Where the fuck are we?”
They were blind on an alien planet. When the static on the

monitor finally cleared, the land around them wasn’t dissimilar to the
trees and water on Mythios. Zane wasn’t sure what he expected, but
he was relieved that it wasn’t too foreign.

“We’re at the right coordinates. Our human should be within a

three mile radius.”

It appeared that all systems were normal, including the cloak

around their craft. The last thing they needed was to get discovered by
the local population. When visiting alien planets, the most important
rule was not to interfere with the natural order. With most species


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being less advanced, they had to keep their technology under wraps.
Abducting their males as mates would likely be frowned upon as well.

“I’ll get geared up.” Kross growled before stomping out of the

room. They were tired, hungry, and hanging onto their last shred of
hope. Zane wasn’t sure if the worst was over with or yet to come. He
didn’t know what their human looked like. They’d have to go off
instinct from this point forward. Mandorians usually had a natural
connection with their mates, and it was confirmed after intimacy
when the officially marking took place. Zane would know if the
human was theirs by his taste alone.

Zane joined Kross in the small room near the exit hatch. He’d

already donned his space suit and helmet, fixing weapons to his

“Like you said, they’re small and weak. You look like you’re

getting ready to battle a Xebor.”

“I treat every alien planet the same way. There are only two of

us. I’d rather be prepared.” Kross slid the final blade into a sheath
and keyed in the sequence on the wall panel to unlock the hatch.

Zane suited up and followed his friend into the dark unknown.
Although they had good night vision, everything was in

shades of grey opposed to full color like in the light of day. The
helmet didn’t help, but it was a necessary precaution. A simple
foreign pathogen could kill them if their bodies weren’t equipped to
fight it. And, even though the monitors said the air was breathable and
the gravity similar to Mythios, it was better to proceed with caution.

Their body suits had camouflage technology, adjusting to

match their surroundings. The fact it was night aided them well.
Humans were known for their poor eyesight and weak overall senses.
They walked with caution along the shore away from their craft. It
was nestled up against a small group of trees, safely out of the water.
Even with the cloak on, they couldn’t take their time on the planet.

Zane’s helmet comm clicked on before he heard Kross’s deep

voice. “The Oracle said he has a birthmark on his right hip. It’s all we
have to go on.”

“Well, this is the right location, so any human we come across

can potentially be him.”

“Any male,” Kross corrected.
“It looks like they’re all asleep.” He looked around, no signs

of life for as far as he could see. The landscape was barren, and he

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was thankful their mate didn’t live in a highly populated city. It gave
them a better chance—if this was even the right planet.

“At least there aren’t too many homes. We’ll have to

investigate each one.”

He followed Kross up the wooden porch of a small home.

Rather than quietly slip in, Kross kicked in the bottom of the door. It
hit the inside wall in a deafening crash, splinters flying in every
direction. His friend wasn’t fazed, stepping into the dark home on his
search for the human.

“Split up.”
There were only two rooms off the main living space. Zane

listened and took the one on the left. He found a bundle under the
blankets, the breathing slow and steady. He carefully peeled back the
layer finding a young child. Zane paused, watching his chest rise and
fall in sleep. His heart tightened. If they didn’t find their human,
they’d never know the pleasure of raising a child, never be a real

A scream in the next room broke his reverie. He dashed out

the door and rushed to the room Kross had entered. A female was
cowering on the far corner of the bed, and Kross had a male pinned
against the wall by his neck.

His friend lowered the male to his feet and then tossed him

aside so he landed on the bed. The female was screaming, the shrill
sound grating on his nerves.

“It’s not him,” said Kross, matter-of-factly. “You have the


Zane pulled the gadget from his belt and wiped the memory of

all three inhabitants of the house. In general, the device worked well,
although fuzzy memories of the events were reported to resurface in
some individuals. Once there were back outside, Zane shoved Kross
in the shoulder.

“What the fuck was that all about?”
“We can’t use the neuropulse on every damn human. What we

need to do is get in and out without making a spectacle of our visit.”

“He lunged at me. What did you expect me to do?”
“Bullshit. He was half your size.”


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They began to walk in silence. These visits to foreign worlds

were starting to get to Zane. He wanted his mate so desperately it

“So, what did you think?” asked Kross after a mile of walking.
“About what?”
“The humans. It’s the first time I’ve seen one in the flesh.”
Zane shrugged even though Kross was in front of him.

“They’re small and soft.”

“The females are hideous.”
“That male wasn’t much better,” said Zane. They were no

different than Mandorians in general, two arms and legs and same
facial structure—only smaller.

His anger began to ease as they approached the next house. He

shouldn’t be surprised by Kross’s no-apology brute force because he
was always the same way. It’s the reason he was worried Kross would
scare their mate away once they found him, but the oversized Mandor
was just anxious to find their mate.

This time Kross attempted to open the door without kicking it

in, and to his surprise it was unlocked. They stepped in, the hardwood
floor creaking with each heavy step they took. The layout of this
home was similar to the last, the remnants of a fire still glowing in the
fireplace. They approached the first closed door at the back of the
house, looking at each other before opening it. Zane swore he held his
breath every time they came close to finding the right man.

Kross let the door swing open slowly, the hinges whining in

protest. There were three bunk beds in the room, each mattress
holding an adult male. It was a rooming house of some sort, and with
just the two of them, things could get ugly should six of them decide
to fight. He wondered if there were another six in the adjoining

“Sense anything?” he whispered, hoping it would be so easy to

recognize their mate.

Kross shook his head, stepping boldly into the center of the

room. He looked so large and out of place in the enclosed space with
low ceilings and small windows. Their ranch back home had floor-to-
ceiling windows overlooking their vast fields. The ceilings and
doorways were vaulting to accommodate the large bodies of
Mandorians. Zane felt as if they were standing in a dollhouse.

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“How the fuck are we supposed to know which one is he?”

Kross moved closer to the first bunk.

Would they have to forcibly strip them all in search of the

birthmark mentioned by the Oracle?

“Dolph said there are experiments we can do.”
“On all of them?” Zane let out an exaggerated sigh because he

knew the nightmare to come. He palmed the neuropulse on his belt. It
was about to work overtime.

He reached for the first human, pulling him out of his slumber

while covering his mouth with his free hand. “Grab another one and
bring him outside. We don’t need them all riled up at once.” The
human males would be no matches for them, even if there were a
dozen. Mandors were far superior opponents, trained in extreme
combat from a young age. Mythios may be peaceful, but they were
not naïve to believe an invasion wasn’t a possibility.

Kross snatched another and dragged him outside kicking and


“You were supposed to cover his fucking mouth, Kross!”
All the males rushed from their beds in a mad panic, their

coverings tossed in every direction. With no lighting, they were night
blind. He scowled at his friend as they each grabbed a second man.

They dropped them on the damp earth in front of the house.

Zane was in no mood to deal with a mob of frantic humans, especially
when they were supposed to remain unseen. He tore the fabric off one
male scrambling to get away—no mark.

“Just watch they don’t run off before getting neuropulsed,”

Zane barked as he fought with two others. The noise the males made
was enough to wake their dead. They screamed like females, some
crying after one look at him under the moonlight. He didn’t think he
looked that intimidating.

Kross forced the males he’d already examined to sit in a crude

circle, his laser weapon pointed at them in warning. Once every one
had been checked, Zane ordered Kross to lightly knock them out. He
then used the device to wipe their immediate memories so they’d
wake up without a clue. Judging by the strong scent of alcohol on
their breath, they likely wouldn’t question their predicament come


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After the melee was over with, they stood side by side and

stared down at the mess they’d made. “I wish I could take this
damned helmet off. It drives me mad,” said Kross.

That’s what you’re worried about?” Zane felt exasperated,

and there were still so many houses to go.

Before Kross could answer him, Zane’s body suddenly came

to life, his cock hardening. Without thought, he undid the seal at the
base of his helmet, the gases escaping with a hiss as he lifted it off.

“What the fuck are you doing?” asked Kross.
Zane ignored him. The delicious scent was everything,

permeating his pores with its sweetness. He closed his eyes and
savored all the new sensations rushing to the surface. What was
happening to him?

Kross followed Zane’s lead, lifting his helmet off with a sigh

of relief. Then he froze, testing the air. “It’s him.”

The human approaching from the shadows was without a

doubt their mate.

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Chapter Four

Caleb had been startled from his sleep by the sound of blood-

curdling screams. He thought he was dreaming until he opened his
window and heard everything with a wakeful mind. Their town was at
the edge of the world, with no reprieve from the monotony of
everyday life. He couldn’t even remember the last time the sheriff had
even bothered to pass through. What could be happening out in the

The trouble seemed to be coming from Blakely’s seasonal

boarding house. At this time of year it was filled with crab fishermen,
several of them men he’d grown up with, others coming to try their
luck. As troublesome as they could get, their partying didn’t sound
like it did tonight. The yells were based in fear, not revelry.

He pulled on a sweater and jogging pants and decided to

investigate. His mind was still baffled after the odd sighting near the
water, so he approached with caution. It was pitch black outside,
especially without the help of a flashlight. There was some minimal
light from the moon and the rare lamppost in the distance along the
boardwalk, but not enough to help him see around him with ease.

Another desperate cry…and then nothing. The crab fishermen

were some of the roughest, toughest men to come through their small
fishing town. What could make them cry out for help? As he got
closer to the boarding house, only a quarter mile from his home, he
noticed some movement. He crouched down and tried to focus. There
were two men wearing silvery material fitted to their bodies. They
looked like the teenagers paid to dress up as aliens on the weekends,
only much larger. One took off a glass helmet and turned to his
direction even though he was hidden in shadows. What the hell was
going on?

The two costumed men began to walk towards him with a

determined stride. How did they see him in the dark shadows? Should
he be afraid? He couldn’t even move his feet, too entranced by their

When the first man reached him, he seized Caleb by the arm in

a too-tight grip. He was dragged forward, and no matter how hard he
dug his heels into the ground, it was of no use.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?”

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Neither man said anything. When they passed the front of the

boarding house, Caleb saw a pile of lifeless bodies on the ground
outside. His grim reality rained down on him. He was going to die.

His life flashed before him. If only he’d had a chance to do

things over. He wanted a second chance, a chance to live rather than
simply existing. All he could focus on was all the years he’d wasted.

They were heading to the ocean. Caleb wondered if they were

going to drown him. Part of him suspected he’d die in the water since
he’d been raised in a fishing town. He thought of his parents, his best
friend, and all the happy memories they’d shared.

As he was tugged along, he dared to glance up at his abductor.

It was too dark to see facial details, but he paled at the true size of
these men. Caleb was nearly six feet tall, making them over seven
feet. And they were massive. It only cemented the fact he’d never
escape no matter how much he struggled. Even his screams would be
in vain. He knew where he was, and nobody lived within earshot.

Just before the water, they came to a complete stop. Only the

drone of crickets from the brushwood broke the silent hush. One of
the men handled a strange looking device, and within seconds the
hatch to an invisible vessel opened. A fucking spaceship? Caleb
refused to believe what he saw. It had to be a trick or elaborate prank.
Maybe some elaborate dream he’d soon wake from. Even when he
was shoved inside and the hatch closed behind all three of them, he
was still disillusioned.

“We did it,” said the first man. His voice was impossibly deep.
“Dolph said we had to be sure before leaving. We need to run


Oh my God, they’re going to experiment on me. I’m going to

be a fucking alien experiment. Adrenaline flooded his system, his
heart racing as he plotted the ways he could escape this surreal mess.

“You’re scaring him, Kross.”
Kross exhaled harshly, the sound nearly a growl. Caleb

realized he was still frozen, unable to move or speak from the shock.
He’d been staring at the ground, too afraid to look the men in the face
only to realize they were actually alien creatures.

They escorted him along grated metal walkway until reaching

a sterile room with a metal examination table stationed in the center.
Caleb swallowed hard, terrified of what was to come. The people in


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his little town had been right about the alien sighting all along. He
probably wouldn’t get a chance to tell them.

The man holding him hoisted him up to sit on the table, as if

he weighed ten pounds, bringing them face to face.

“What is your name, little human?”
Caleb opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out but a

faint squeak. The so-called alien was nothing like the inflatable
Martian dolls in the souvenir shop. He was humanoid, but so much
better. His eyes were dark and outlined in natural kohl, his jaw strong
and lightly stubbled. He had thick lips and an attractive cleft chin on a
perfectly bronzed face. In fact, he’d never seen such a gorgeous man
in his life. Only he wasn’t a man at all.

“Your name? Do you have a name?” asked the second alien.

Caleb tore his eyes away from the first to look at the second. He
nearly gasped when he saw the same masculine features, golden skin,
and stoic expression. For some reason his fears began to ease.

“C–Caleb,” he stuttered.
“Caleb.” The first alien pronounced his name slowly,

pronouncing every syllable.

“I am called Zane. This is Kross. We have come across the

galaxy to Earth to claim our mate.”

“So you are aliens?”
Kross tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. “Take off your


Zane frowned and shoved the other alien aside. “Do you have

a marking on your hip?”

“I don’t understand.”
“The human we’re looking for should have a distinct


“I thought you were looking for your mate. I’m a male.”
Kross scoffed. “We have no use for a female.”


Kross knew he had to ensure Caleb was indeed their mate

before carting him across the galaxy. Dolph’s words kept ringing in
his head, and he refused to bring more heartache to Zane if they’d
made a mistake like others had. He was torn in two directions. When
he’d come to Earth, he never imaged feeling desire for a human. If
they found their mate, he assumed he would only tolerate the male.
But as soon as he scented Caleb in the clearing, something inside him

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came alive. He knew. Even without the prophecy, tests, or
experiments—he knew they’d found their human.

However, relying on emotion was not something he was

accustomed to. He had to be sure, no matter how hard his cock grew
or how hot his blood ran.

“Remove your clothing,” he repeated.
The human swallowed hard, his eyes wide with uncertainty.

Normally Kross did not tolerate weakness in himself or others, but the
little human stripped down his guards with just a look. His eyes were
the bluest blue, a color no Mandor possessed. Although smaller, his
body was toned and pleased all Kross’s senses. Caleb brought out his
dormant protective instincts. He wanted to own him, keep him, and
never let him go. Surely this was the natural attraction between mates
the Oracle spoke of. He’d never felt this way for another male in his

What he needed was visual confirmation so they could

continue on their journey home. He did not anticipate defiance from a
weaker species. Caleb looked to Zane, a pleading note in his eyes.

“Do you not feel it, Kross?” asked Zane. “I don’t need an

experiment to know he’s the one.”

He growled, knowing it was unwise to think with their hearts.

He could hear the controlled excitement in Zane’s voice. This was
what they’d been waiting for, but Kross had lived with enough
heartache and loss to make him leery of any happiness.

“I will not claim him until the tests are conclusive.”
A bonding for Mandovians had to include two Mandors.

Without Kross’s inclusion, Zane wouldn’t be able to take Caleb as a

Zane pounded his fist against the metal table, the harsh sound

echoing in the room. “I won’t be a part of it.” He stormed out of the
room, leaving Kross alone with Caleb.

He smirked when he saw the panic flash in the human’s eyes.

“It’s just you and me, little one.” Kross walked around the table,
assessing his potential mate. “Take off your clothes.”

Zane wasn’t here to protect the human any longer. He had to

comply, or Kross would make him. Caleb pulled off his sweater and
set it beside him. He had broad shoulders, his body lean and muscled.
Kross noticed a marking on his arm.


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“What is this?”
“It’s a tattoo. I got it in remembrance of my father.” Caleb ran

his hand over the dark ink on his bicep.

Kross could scarcely remember his own fathers. He’d only

been a boy when he was orphaned on Mythios. A life changing event
making him the damaged male he was today. He felt a unique
connection with Caleb, although he kept it under lock and key.

“Your pants.”
He could tell the human wanted to refuse, but he complied,

slipping out of his pants until sitting completely naked on the cold
metal table. Kross’s body reacted to the sight. His mating fangs
pierced through his gumline for the first time. His balls pulled up tight
as intense pleasure cascaded rained down on him.

Kross’s heart raced but he forced himself to maintain his

composure during the experiments. He pressed Caleb down to his
back. His body was a thing of beauty. He wanted to lick and touch
every inch during his claiming. He hoped they had the right male
because he could already feel himself bonding to the dirty blond.

His urge to touch him was overwhelming. Kross ran his hand

down Caleb’s arm and continued down his strong thigh. The human’s
cock twitched, piquing Kross’s curiosity. He ran the backs of his
fingers along the trail of dark hair on Caleb’s ripped abs, and he
didn’t stop when he reached his cock. He petted the silky skin until it
began to firm up before he eyes. The skin pulled back revealing a
beautiful pink erection. Kross’s mouth salivated. He’d been waiting a
lifetime for sexual release with his mate. His thoughts shifted to his
base desires.

“You like it when I touch you?”
Caleb shrugged, his chest rising and falling in rapid waves.
“Do you prefer the males or females of your species?”
His mouth opened to speak and then closed just as fast.

“Are…are you going to probe me?”

Kross tilted his head, unsure what he meant. He trailed his

finger to the soft skin on the inside edge of Caleb’s hip. He had the
marking the Oracle spoke of. It was a beacon, a bright light at the end
of a journey that felt like a lifetime. They’d found their mate.

Zane returned, his heavy footfalls vibrating the instruments in

the drawers. “Why is he naked?”

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“Look for yourself,” said Kross, unsuccessfully disguising the

joy in his voice. “He has the mark.”

The human propped himself up on his elbows, his cock jutting

up between his legs. Fear wasn’t usually an aphrodisiac.

Zane examined the mark on his hip without touching it. “I told

you,” he said triumphantly. “I knew the minute I scented him.”

“It will be daylight soon, much harder to avoid detection. If

we’re going to bring him to Mythios, we must leave now.” Kross
didn’t require the tests mentioned by Dolph. In fact, he didn’t even
care if Caleb was their chosen mate at this point. All he knew was that
he wanted him and had no plans of leaving Earth without him.


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Chapter Five

“You’re abducting me?”
Caleb was on display on an examination table in the middle of

a large, empty room. The public exhibition did wicked things to his
libido, never mind the hotter-than-hell alien touching his most
intimate parts. He’d always known he was gay, and it was one of the
reasons he expected to spend the rest of his life alone. A wife was not
something he coveted, and coming out would not go over well in their
small, old-fashioned town.

As much as he should be terrified, he’d never been more

excited. He’d anxiously anticipated Kross’s every movement,
savoring the sensation of having another man touch his dick. Now
both men were looking down on him, claiming they wanted him for
their mate. It was all too crazy to be true.

“You’re the one we’ve been looking for. You’ve been chosen

by the Oracle to be ours,” said Zane.

“What does that mean for me?”
Kross was on one side of the table, Zane on the other. As

Caleb spoke with Zane, he felt Kross’s hand wrap around his
hardened cock. He gasped, the pleasure so intense. Nobody had ever
touched him intimately—certainly not another man.

“He’s ripe for the taking,” said Kross. “I want him.”
“We need to bring him back to Mythios first. The sooner

we’re off this world the better.”

Caleb interrupted. “Are you really taking me to your planet?”

He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. All his life he’d slipped
through the cracks, an invisible dock worker, and nothing more. For
the first time, he felt important and special. These men travelled
across world just for him. It was like a fairy tale, and he’d be a fool to
say no. The great unknown was out there waiting for him, and these
two gorgeous men wanted to claim him.

“You’ll adapt,” said Kross. He tightened his grip around his

cock. “You’ll be ours.”

“Do you feel anything for us?”
Caleb swallowed hard. How did he tell these aliens that he’d

already fallen in lust? They offered him a new beginning when he’d
already given up years ago. His body had been coiled tight for longer


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than he could remember. All he wanted to do was let it all go and
submit to these larger-than-life men.

“I’m nervous. Before today I never believed in aliens. And

I’ve never had a man,” he whispered, feeling embarrassed.

Both men looked at each other from across the table,

mischievous looks on their faces.

“We will teach you everything,” said Kross. “Open your legs.”
He dropped his knees to the sides, exposing himself. It felt

dirty, but oh so good. The orders gave him the excuse he needed to
fulfil his fantasies. He craved to be dominated, to be shown the things
he’d only dreamt of.

Zane rummaged through a drawer near the back wall, bringing

back a metal tray and setting it just out of his sight. Was he wrong in
trusting them? Were they going to hurt him, torture him? The cool jolt
of lubricant pressed against his asshole. He leaned up higher, but
Kross pressed a firm hand to his chest to keep him from sitting.

“This will prepare you,” said Kross.
“For what exactly?” Was he about to be anal probed? Why

was he looking forward to it?

“For when we claim you.” Zane brushed the hair from his

face, looking at him with adoration. He was masculine to a fault, all
his features creating the perfect male specimen. “I’ve been searching
for you for years, little human. I have travelled across the galaxy to
find you.”

Caleb’s heart raced. He wanted to fold himself into Zane’s

arms and allow him to fend off the world. “Why me?”

“You’re our mate. There can only be one for us.” The alien

leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Caleb closed his eyes and
savored the heat growing between them. He’d never been kissed.
Never been touched.

As he lost himself in the kiss, he jerked when Kross penetrated

his virgin asshole with a moist finger. He didn’t expect it to feel so
good, so erotically potent. He clenched around the digit, wanting
more than he was given.

“Yes, we’ll claim him before we leave,” murmured Zane,

trailing sweet kissed down his neck, his chest, his stomach. When he
reached his still erotic cock, the oversized alien wasted no time
wrapping his lips around the swollen head. Caleb cried out, the sheer
intensity of pleasure taking him off guard.

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“His ass is tight,” said Kross, inserting a second digit. “I’ll

have to use an implement.” He reached toward the tray and the sound
of shifting metal made Caleb’s nerves spike. But the constant up and
down suction of Zane’s mouth over his cock eased him into ignorant

The cold brush of metal tickled his ass as Kross moistening

the implement in the slave. When he pushed the large device into his
nether hole, he bolted upright with a roar.

“Hush, little one. It’s in now. Try to relax.”
Kross was right. The pain only lasted while he pushed past

him tight anal ring. Now that the plug was firmly in his ass, he was
able to settle.

“Don’t let me come yet,” said Kross. “We have to claim him


Zane pulled off his wet cock, licking his thick lips. His eyes

were glazed over, and he swore he saw fangs.

“We’ll bring him to our sleeping quarters. It will be more

comfortable.” Zane kissed his lips. The fact he’d just been sucking
his dick turned Caleb on like never before. He head off first, and
Kross helped him to sit.

“I can’t,” he said. “That thing is in my ass.” Every time he’d

shift, it would move inside him. At first it was uncomfortable, the
burning sensation unpleasant. But the longer the plug stayed rooted
inside him, the more he began to crave its presence.

“You’ll have to walk with it in, human. Your body needs to be

prepared to take the full size of a Mandor.”

They were called Mandors. He was curious about their history,

their world, everything. His life in the small fishing village was not
conducive to personal growth or adventure. Now there were no limits
on the things he’d experience.

He walked like a robot, naked, the toy protruding from his

anus as he shuffled along. Kross was behind him, urging him forward.
When they arrived in the sleeping quarters, Zane had already
undressed. He was magnificent, an Adonis made of hard flesh and
muscle. And his cock—it was the most impressive sight he’d ever
seen. It was thick and steely and all for him.

“Get on your knees,” said Kross. He did as told, unable to get

that bouncing cock out of his sight. He’d never seen one so large.


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He carefully lowered himself to his knees. Zane held the root

of his erection, holding it to his lips. “I need to feel your lips around
me. I’ve dreamt of this day for far too long.”

For whatever reason, he wanted to give the alien pleasure. He

sought his approval and maybe even more than that. Caleb opened his
mouth as wide as he could and took the length down his throat. He
pressed the thick meat between his tongue and the roof of his mouth,
savoring the firmness combined with the silken texture. They both
watched him suck the alien’s dick. It aroused him, his own cock
throbbing, his balls heavy.

“He’s good with his mouth,” Zane grated, petting Caleb’s hair.
Kross knelt down behind him, kissing his neck. He reached

around and began to masturbate his cock as Caleb continued to suck
Zane. He was in heaven, the dual stimulation undoing him. All that
mattered was sex and more sex.

When the big alien plucked the phallus from his ass, he knew

what was coming. The sound of disrobing and clothing dropping to
the ground wasn’t enough to distract him from indulging on Zane’s

“Now,” said Kross. As soon as he spoke, the other man

stepped back.

“Are you ready to be claimed?”
He nodded his consent.
Zane responded by turning around and kneeling at the edge of

the mattress. His ass was perfect globes of muscled flesh.

“Fuck him,” said Kross. “Tonight we’ll become one.”
He was not expecting either of these dominant aliens to allow

him to penetrate them. His cock thickened, pre-cum slipping from the
tip as he envisioned sinking into that beautiful male ass.

Kross nudged him forward. “Hurry up now, little human. My

cock is eager.”

He turned his head, the huge python ready to fuck him. He

held his breath as he positioned himself behind Zane. One, two,
This was his first time having sex with a man. He hoped he
didn’t make a fool of himself. Caleb pushed the head of his cock at
the tight rosette and pressed his hips forward until fully seated. He
exhaled in a guttural moan, the hot, tight ass squeezing him

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“Good boy,” said Zane. “You feel so good in my ass. So

fucking good.”

Kross massaged his shoulders from behind. He nipped his

earlobe, teasing his erogenous zone. When he began his breach his
anus, he tensed.

“It won’t hurt for long. Keep doing what you’re doing.”
He did. Caleb continued to expel his sexual frustration and

energy by thrusting into Zane’s willing body. Kross’s erection was
massive, his asshole stretching and burning as he forced the first
inches inside. But the pain quickly morphed into pleasure and a
pleasant fullness had him moaning in desire.

They soon became one mass of muscle and fucking. Caleb and

Kross worked together like perfectly synced pistons. “I can get used
to you, human. Your little ass fits me like a glove.”

“More,” he cried out on instinct. He was so close to coming

that he needed to bring things to a new level.

“First tell me you want me, want us. Tell me you want to feel

like this forever.”

“God, yes!”
Immediately after he spoke, he felt the sharp stab at the base

of his neck as Kross bit into the muscle. He recalled the fangs he
swore he’d seen, and knew he was being claimed like an animal. It
turned him on, made him feel a strong sense of belonging. The erotic
pull on his neck was enough to push him over the edge. He groaned
and thrust faster as his orgasm broke free. It went on and on as Kross
continued to fuck him from behind. He was floating outside his body,
the orgasmic bliss stealing him from reality.

“I’m coming,” Kross growled, holding his hips as he shoved

every inch of cock in deep. Caleb could feel the hot cum filling his
ass, bonding them.

They finally broke apart, all finding a spot on the mattress to

rest. His two lovers were hot and sweaty, their muscled bodies
pressed against him on both sides. It hadn’t been just about sex.
Caleb’s two alien lovers cocooned him in love and heat. He never
wanted the abduction to end.


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Chapter Six

Zane stood by the viewing window with Caleb after exiting

the Earth’s atmosphere. They’d slept the night and made the launch in
the early hours of the morning. The blue and green planet grew
smaller as they set route for their home planet of Mythios. Soon
Dolph would make the same trip in search of his own human.

“Will you miss it?” he asked.
Caleb stared out the window, and Zane couldn’t help but feel

guilty for stealing him away from his home world. He’d do
everything in his power to make the transition a positive one.

“I’ll always remember it,” he said. “But I don’t regret agreeing

to come with you.”

“You’ll see that Mythios is not dissimilar to Earth. We have

similar vegetation, atmosphere, and the same fresh water. It will be
your new home.”

“As long as I’m with you.”
The human was adorable. Would he ever get enough of him?

Zane used a curled finger to turn his face so they were eye to eye. “I
hope one day you’ll be able to tell me you love me and mean it.”

Caleb smiled, his bright blue eyes melting Zane’s heart. “I

don’t think that will take long at all.” He winked, running his hand
over the taut muscles on Zane’s arm.

“There is one thing I still need to do,” he said.
“I haven’t marked you as mine yet. To make the bond

complete, we both need to make our claim.” Zane touched the red bite
marks Kross left on his neck last night. They were more than mere
bites, but a symbol of forever. In their world the mating was
everything. It was the main life goal of every Mandor. Now they
could return home and live their lives without distraction.

“Shouldn’t Kross be here?”
Zane nodded. It was only right to include all three from their

triad for such a monumental moment. They walked hand in hand to
the control room. Caleb was naked as Zane liked him. He had a
beautiful lean muscled body. It seemed to arouse their human not
wearing any covering, and he didn’t complain about the request.


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When they entered the room, Kross swiveled in his chair. A

naughty smile lit up his face. It was good to see his best friend with
happiness in his eyes. He’d lived a hard life, and at one point Zane
didn’t think they’d ever find their mate.

“We’re going to complete the bond. Caleb still needs my


Kross crooked a finger and beckoned their human closer. As

he approached, Kross unfastened the waistband of his pants, exposing
his erect cock. Caleb’s lust nearly snapped in the air, a pheromone
signature impossible for a Mandor not to pick up. Their mate wanted
to sit on that hard cock.

“There’s no turning back after this,” Kross warned.
“I have nothing to go back to.”
“Come closer, pet.”
When in reaching distance, Kross snagged Caleb by the back

of the neck and brought him forward into a bruising kiss. The human
rested one hand on the arm rest to keep from falling forward. Zane
watched the two men, the dicks brushing together, and Caleb’s cute
little ass thrust upwards as he leaned into Kross.

He couldn’t resist. Zane squatted down and painted a circle

around Caleb’s puckered anus with his tongue. He held both muscled
ass cheeks apart and licked and speared his asshole over and over
until Caleb was begging to be fucked.

The human dropped to his knees on the ground and began to

feast on Kross’s dick. The other Mandor was still fully clothed, only
allowing his erection loose. He watched Caleb’s head bobbing wildly
over the dick. He used some salve on his own cock and bent down
behind the human.

“Keep fucking Kross with your mouth, little one, but get ready

for my cock.”

Zane forced his way into the tight rosette. The asshole was

tight as a closed fist, nearly refusing him entry. Caleb grunted until
Zane had made his way through the unforgiving sphincter muscle.

Mine,” he grated as he leaned over Caleb’s smooth back. He

wanted to mark him while he fucked him, guaranteeing a wicked
orgasm. After finding the perfect spot on the opposite side of his
neck, Zane sank his ready incisors into the soft skin. Caleb reared
back, bringing their bodies closer. The blood pooled on his tongue,

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the taste more addicting than the most potent drug. He savored every
drop until finally forcing himself to pull away.

His release built inside him with the intensity of the sun.

When it struck, it was blinding, colors flashing before his eyes as his
ejaculate filled his mate. Zane’s cock throbbed and pulsed until finally
relaxing. Kross continued to pump his own cock until his sticky
release covered Caleb’s chest.

“You belong to both of us now,” said Kross.
“I definitely feel something, like I’ve known you both all my


Zane stood up, pulling Caleb to his feet. “It’s the bond. It will

always be with you now, with all of us.” And soon they have their
first eclipse with a mate—it would be a night to remember.

He went to retrieve a moistened towelette from the counter

and returned to cleanse Caleb’s body. The man stood still, enjoying
the fact he took care of him. And Zane planned to do so for the rest of
his days. He could already envision hard days working in the fields
and long nights by the fire with Kross and Caleb. No more long trips
off world, spaceship maintenance, lost crops, and bitter
disappointment. Everything had let them to the here and now, every
past experience making his joy greater.

“How long does it take to get to Mythios?” asked Caleb, now

sitting on Kross’s lap as they watched the wide monitor.

“We’ll be home soon,” said Kross. “Our home.”
“Should I get dressed?”
Zane leaned against the control panel. “No, I like you this


“So do I,” Kross agreed. “You’re too gorgeous to cover up.”
The stars sped past the display screen, Caleb captivated by all

the new sights.

“What if no one likes me?”
“They will not like you,” Kross grumbled as he keyed in some

new coordinates, one arm wrapped around their human. “If they know
what’s good for them...”

Zane laughed, mostly because he knew it was true. His friend

wouldn’t allow another male to come sniffing around their mate.
Caleb was their prize, their human, and only for them to enjoy.

“I have so many questions,” said Caleb. “My mind is ready to



background image

“We’ll have all the time in the world to answer them.” Zane

opened the observation roof above them with the push of the button,
enveloping them in the darkness and beauty of deep space. He
marvelled at the look of awe on the human’s handsome face.

“Thank you for abducting me,” Caleb teased, still staring in


“We were just claiming our human.”

The End

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