Phoenix Club 7 ANGEL 1 When Angels Cry C J Bishop

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BOOK ONE: “When Angels Cry”


Smashwords Edition

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Chapter One

Devilishly Devious

“That Ricky is a hell of an instructor.” Cole grinned and glanced at Gabe as the two sat at one of the

tables before the stage. It was early in the day and only a few customers were scattered through the

club, most of which were just there for a drink and mild entertainment.

“He’s certainly got an ass that won’t quit.” Gabe observed with a slight nod of his head and quirk of

his eyebrows. Cole looked at him and Gabe grinned, “Ah, but not nearly as sexy as your ass.”

“Mm-hmm.” Skepticism narrowed his eyes, a smirk on his lips, as he turned his attention forward

once more. At twenty-two and with just a hint of Puerto Rican in his blood, having come to them from

a dance club in Southern California, Ricky was a lovely image of naturally tanned fit body, short,

nicely trimmed black hair and eyes of midnight blue. He took hold of Angel’s waist and turned him

around in one smooth motion so the boy’s back was against his chest, ass against crotch, then began to

move the younger man’s body in time with his own. His mouth was close to his ear, whispering

instructions. Angel gave an occasional nod and followed through with whatever it was Ricky told him

to do.

Gabe adjusted his crotch and shifted in his seat, then cleared his throat but said nothing as he

continued to watch the lesson. Chuckling low as he shot Gabe a quick glance, Cole shook his head.

“Jeans gettin’ tight, babe?”

“A tad.” Gabe admitted, lips twisting, eyes never leaving the stage.

Sitting straighter in his own chair, feeling some pressure in his pants as well, Cole looked around the

club. “Where the hell is he?” he murmured. “This was supposed to be for his benefit?”

“He probably got wind of it, and chose to stay away.” Gabe said. “He isn’t going to come here and

willingly watch another of the boys rub all over Angel.”

“I know that.” Cole muttered. “That’s the whole idea. He’s supposed to see it and not like it.”

“You are a devious one.” Gabe mused. “But seriously, do you think he’s going to jump right in and

offer to take over?”

“That isn’t the point.” Cole said. “I just want to get his goat.” He smiled wryly.

“Shit.” Gabe chuckled.

Twisting in his seat, Cole leaned his elbows on the table. “For the past two weeks, since Angel

showed up, Dane has been fighting like hell to deny that he likes the kid…in that hot, sweaty, let’s get

jiggy kind of way.” He wriggled his eyebrows and Gabe laughed. “So as his friend, it’s my duty to

help him face up to his fluffy feelings.”

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“So you’re the self-appointed enlightener, huh?”

“Yup.” Cole grinned and turned back towards the stage. “Mm. Damn.” A pleased smile stretched his

lips as Ricky had his hands on Angel’s hips, their bodies plastered together and moving in a single

sexual rhythmic motion. Angel grabbed the pole, swaying against the metal bar as Ricky remained

close up against him, hips rocking, beautiful ass flexing as he released Angel and reached around him,

gripping the pole above his hands.

“Fuck.” Gabe groaned and adjusted his package yet again.

Cole smiled; this was good for later. Gabe would be hot as hell and begging to be fucked.

“They’re supposed to be dancing on stage–not fucking.”

Both Cole and Gabe jumped, startled by Dane’s sudden appearance behind them. “Shit, man.” Gabe

gasped. “Make some fucking noise next time.”

Dane ignored him, eyes narrowed, hard, zeroed in on the stage.

The two guys exchanged an amused look. Cole tilted his head over the back of the chair and raised his

eyes to Dane’s face. “Ricky’s one hot little dancer, ain’t he?” He snapped a quick look at Gabe then

back to Dane. “Who better to teach Angel the ropes?”

“Looks like they’re rehearsing for a fucking porno.” Dane muttered, chest heaving a little as his breath

began to rush through his nostrils.

Cole smiled wryly, “Well, isn’t that the idea? To simulate sex, get the customers all worked up so

they’ll shell out more cash?” Dane merely grunted but Cole caught the way his dark eyes followed

Angel’s every move–and the longing that crept into those sable depths.

Just admit it, baby–you got it bad for the boy.


Try as he might, he couldn’t convince his heart to calm, or his pulse to even out. He couldn’t account

for the sudden frustration and irritability that caused his hairline to prickle and sizzle and hands to

curl into fists as he watched the scene on stage. With every shift of Ricky’s hands, rock of his hips,

and sway of his body against Angel’s–Dane had to resist, with every ounce of will inside him, the

urge to lunge up there and rip Ricky off the boy. And take his place. He resisted the thought. No, not

take his place. So why was he getting so riled up watching it all? This was nothing new, all the boys

danced this way.

Angel hugged the pole, his head tilting back over Ricky’s shoulder slowly, sensually, eyes half

closed, a look of ecstasy on his beautiful, angelic face. It’s just part of the act, it turns the

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customers on. Even so, it caused a sudden tightness to squeeze his chest. From his standpoint, Ricky

was going too far, affording much too much freedom to his hands.

“They’re only supposed to simulate sex.” Dane muttered stiffly and turned away from the stage. “Not

actually fuck. Ricky’s a slut.”

“What do you care?” Cole smiled.

Dane shot him a hard look. “I don’t.”

“Sounds like you do.” Gabe chimed low, amused.

His nerves fraying, Dane hissed, “Fuck you both.” And walked away.

“When and where, baby?” Cole tossed after him, then chuckled, inciting Dane’s fists to clench tighter

with the urge to punch him in the mouth.


Angel’s gaze followed the man discreetly as he weaved through the tables, walking stiffly towards the

back of the club. Ricky’s skin was hot and damp against his own, and the way his body moved felt

good, but as Dane disappeared into the back, Angel found himself wishing he were the one giving the

lessons, pressed up tight against him with next to nothing covering his obviously well-endowed


Though he hadn’t wanted to like the guy, the moment he’d stepped into the club and saw him sitting at

the bar, Cole’s arms around him–he had felt himself slip. For the past two weeks he’d been trying to

tell himself to let it go, focus on his agenda, and not get caught up in those beautiful dark eyes that he

was pretty sure only pretended not to want to look at him. From time to time, he’d caught Dane

watching him, but as soon as their eyes met, the man was quick to turn away. He clearly wasn’t

interested in pursuing any attraction he might be harboring for Angel.

It’s just as well , Angel thought, not without a measure of wistfulness in his heart. You’re not here to

fall in love.


“Well, that was dumb.” Gabe sipped his drink as the dance lesson continued on stage.

“What?” Cole frowned.

“Getting Dane pissed.” He smiled. “You’ve seen what those fists can do. Not a bright idea poking at

him that way.”

Cole raised an eyebrow. “I wasn’t the only one taking jabs.” He picked up his beer. “I believe he

said fuck you both.”

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Shrugging, Gabe smirked, “Well you were the one instigating it. If he’d decided to hit anyone, it

would’ve been you.”

“So what are you whining about?”

Gabe smiled. “Not whining. Just trying to protect my…investment.” His eyes swept over Cole’s body

and his smile stretched into a sexy grin.

“And what have you invested in this?”

Licking his lips, Gabe set his drink on the table and leaned forward on his elbows, voice lowering.

“A whole lot of bump and grind.”

“Fuck.” Cole laughed and shook his head. “Can’t argue there.” He took another drink, his eyes

flicking to the club entrance as two young guys walked in, glanced around then took a seat at the bar.

They each ordered beers then twisted around and watched Ricky and Angel.

Gabe followed his stare. “Know them?”

“Nope.” Cole downed the rest of his beer and wiped his mouth, then winked at Gabe. “Should we

give them a proper welcome?”

Nodding, the two men stood up. The guys at the bar cast them a quick, disinterested glance and

returned their attention to the stage. “They’re totally straight.” Gabe surmised about half way to the


“What?” Cole murmured. “You can’t tell that so soon.”

“Did you see the way they looked right through me, without a shred of interest?”

“Yeah, so?” Cole smirked. “You’re not every man’s type.”

Gabe cocked a sharp eyebrow. “Even so, if a man is gay, he at least gives me a once over and

considers what it would be like to fuck me.”

Chuckling low, Cole couldn’t deny the truth of those words. He had yet to see a customer look past

Gabe without at least a momentary pause for admiration and a lustful thought or two. That man was

just fucking gorgeous, there was no getting around it. And he was right–these two newcomers weren’t

giving him the time of day. That wasn’t even feasible if they were true blue fags.

“I’ll prove it.” Gabe said low, though Cole didn’t need proof, now that he thought about it. But he

simply nodded and let Gabe work his magic. Of course, Gabe was hot enough to turn a straight guy

queer, so he wasn’t sure if this would prove anything or not. Still, it would be fun to watch.

Gabe sidled up between the two young men and casually ordered a beer from Carl then leaned on his

elbow and faced the older of the two guys; nicely built, short cropped black hair with an attractive,

neatly trimmed scruff to his jaw and chin. He shifted away from Gabe as he stared at the stage, but

even then he didn’t seem to be watching Ricky and Angel with a sexual interest. Just…interest.

“I’m Gabe.” He was practically sitting in the lap of the younger guy as he offered his hand to the

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other, eyes heavy with invitation. “What’s your name, gorgeous?”

“Wade.” The guy said stiffly but didn’t accept Gabe’s hand, or afford him more than a quick glance.

Tossing a quick look at Cole and raising his eyebrows as if to say ‘See? Straight’, he rested his hand

on the guy’s knee then slowly slid it up his thigh. “You know, we could grab us a private booth

and…” His hand slipped into the guy’s crotch and gripped him as Gabe leaned in close to his ear and

whispered something Cole couldn’t hear, but could guess his words; he’d whispered plenty of sweet,

nasty nothings in Cole’s ear by now that he wasn’t clueless.

The guy jerked back sharply, shoving Gabe’s hand away. “Hey, back off, faggot. I don’t go for that

queer shit.”

Suppressing a chuckle, Cole found the man’s statement somewhat amusing considering where he was.

Gabe just smiled. “Well, maybe your friend does.” He turned suddenly and ran his hand up the back

of the younger guy’s neck and leaned in, nuzzling his ear. “How about you, baby? Wanna get up close

and personal? I’ll even let you touch my cock. Not club policy, but I’m willing to make an exception

for a hottie like you.”

The guy nearly fell off the stool trying to get away from Gabe, his dirty blond, somewhat shaggy hair

falling in his eyes as he swept at it quickly. His face wasn’t as lean as the older guy, but still had a

certain attractiveness to his features. And he was especially appealing right now as he stared at Gabe

in mild horror; there was nothing quite so hot as a terrified straight boy when being hit on by a fag.

“Fuck you!” The guy trembled, clearly intimidated by Gabe’s prowess. He didn’t appear to be much

more than twenty-two or twenty-three, and had a bit of a redneck look to him, with his somewhat

long, unruly hair and slightly less trimmed facial scruff.

“Ah, that’ll cost you extra.” Gabe winked. “But just for today–I’m on sale. Fifty percent off if you

throw in a blow job.” He smiled with heavy lust in his eyes. “You have such a pretty mouth.”

Behind the bar, Carl had to turn away to keep from busting up. Cole pressed his lips tight, struggling

to suppress his grin as Gabe slinked towards the guy, eyes roaming up and down his body hungrily.

“Come on, baby…you came in here, so you must at least be curious. An hour with me and you’ll

never want pussy again. Girls are lovely, but only a man knows what another man wants and needs–

and how to give it to him.” He reached out and brushed his fingertips down the guy’s face. “Baby, I’ll

fuck you so good, you’ll be begging for cock in your sleep.”

A strangled gasp ripped from the young man’s throat and he stumbled around by the older guy who

had called himself Wade, practically hiding behind him. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

Wade cast Gabe a dull look and stepped off the stool without a word. He shot one more glance at the

stage where the dance lessons had ended and Ricky and Angel stood talking to one another. Angel

looked their way and seemed to tense when he caught Wade’s brief stare before the two young men

headed towards the entrance.

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Smirking, Gabe called after them, “Y’all come back now, ya hear.” He looked at Cole and smiled

smartly. “Told ya. Totally fucking straight.”

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Chapter Two

Broken Wings

“You got some pretty hot moves.” Ricky’s voice had no problem drifting into the next dressing room

over where Dane lingered, insisting to himself that he hadn’t been hanging around waiting for Angel

to get off stage. Yet, here he was when he didn’t need to be, pretending not to eavesdrop on Ricky and

Angel’s conversation, yet analyzing every word.

“Thanks.” Just the sound of Angel’s soft voice sent a flurry of butterflies through his gut. What the hell

was wrong with him? Hadn’t he learned his lesson with Caleb? Don’t fall for a club boy.

“You have to have danced before.” Ricky said, a smile in his voice.

“A little.” Angel mumbled and there was clear note of reluctance to his tone that stated he didn’t want

to talk about it. Apparently Ricky wasn’t as in tune as Dane was.

“Yeah? Where?”

A notable hesitation. “Just…around.” Angel murmured. “Different places. But none of the big clubs,

like this one.”

Ricky seemed to catch on and stopped pushing for details. “I apologize if I seem a little forward,

but…do you have a boyfriend?”

A burning shot of anger mixed with a glob of jealousy encased Dane’s heart and mind. The little

fucker was asking him out?

“Uh,” Angel gave a short, anxious laugh. “No, I…” A brief hesitation. “I don’t, but…I’m not really


Ricky laughed lightly. “Easy, babe. I wasn’t making propositions. I was just asking…for a friend,

who might be interested.”

An instant tension gripped Dane. A friend? Who the hell was he talking about? What do you care?

You’re not interested–remember?

“A…friend?” He wasn’t sure but he swore he heard a hopeful note in Angel’s voice. “Uh…who?” he

asked casually. At least he reached for casual.

Dane leaned his back against the wall, his whole body tense as he, too, waited for Ricky’s reply.

“I shouldn’t say. He’d probably kick my ass.” Ricky chuckled. “But I guess it don’t really matter

anyway…since you’re not looking for a boyfriend.” The amusement in the guy’s voice said he didn’t

quite believe Angel.

“Uh, yeah.” Angel murmured. “I’m not.”

What the hell was with the sudden heaviness in his chest? Who cared if the boy didn’t want a

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“Ok then.” Ricky said lightly. “I’ll let him know you’re not on the market.” There was an audible

smirk to his voice. Angel remained silent as Ricky left the dressing room. More tension seeped

through Dane when he knew the kid was on the other side of the thin wall, alone. What was stopping

him from stepping over there and speaking to him? Why would you do that? For what reason?

He pressed his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, his heartbeat strong at the base of his

throat, nearly choking him. You are one pathetic motherfucker, you know that? Getting all worked

up over some kid still wet behind the ears. Hiding out, eavesdropping…what is with you?

Dane had no answers and didn’t really want to delve too deeply into any probable ones either. He

released a slow, labored breath. “Just get a fucking grip.” He whispered.

“Hey.” Angel’s tentative voice in the doorway caused Dane to flinch hard, cracking his head against

the wall. His eyes snapped open and heartbeat spiked so fast he almost fainted. “Are you okay?”

“Huh?” Dane cleared his throat quick and pushed off the wall but only took a single step. He dragged

his hand down his face. “Uh, yeah. I’m fine.”

“Okay.” The kid seemed doubtful. “Well, uh…I’ll see you later. I was just here for the…lessons. I

don’t actually come on until this evening.”

Dane nodded silently, unsure why he was telling him this.

Angel lingered in the doorway for a moment, possibly waiting for Dane to say something. When he

didn’t–couldn’t–the boy licked his lips slowly and flicked his hand in a half-hearted wave. “Well,

see ya.” Then walked away.

Swallowing hard, Dane walked to the doorway on shaky legs and looked out, catching a glimpse of

Angel as he reached the entryway out into the main part of the club. The boy cast a sudden look back,

catching Dane’s stare unexpectedly. A shy smile touched his lips and then he was gone, out of sight.

Oh, but not out of mind.

Dane dropped back hard against the door frame, heart pounding. This was insane. This boy should not

be having this effect on him. But the fact that he was–gave him all the more reason to run the other

way. It had hurt bad enough losing out with Caleb, and he’d never even had a real chance with him.

But Angel…the way the boy looked at him at times…to get up close and personal with that boy and

then lose him…

It would annihilate you, and you damn well know it.


“What the fuck were you doing up there?” The slap caught Angel in the back of the head as soon as he

came through the front door of the apartment. His eyes instantly stung from the force and he stumbled

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forward a couple paces before catching himself.

He frowned hard, eyes burning, and grabbed the back of his head where Wade smacked him.

“What’re you talking about?”

“You’re not there to fuck around with your little faggot boyfriends.” Wade snapped.

Angel swallowed hard and pulled back the tears. “I wasn’t. Ricky was giving me dance lessons. They

won’t put me on stage if I can’t dance.”

“Oooh, Ricky.” Axel mocked, coming out of the tiny kitchen. A sickly sweet stench hung on the air,

informing Angel that his brothers had been getting high again. “Did he buy you roses and dinner too?”

Angel ignored him. The guy was a moron. But he never said that out loud. He was a moron, but a

moron who could–and would–beat the shit out of him.

“Where’s Maddy?” Angel mumbled. He didn’t like it when Wade and Axel smoked dope around his

little brother–not that it was anything new to the kid, but more than once he’d gotten a contact high and

Angel didn’t want him around it any more than necessary. Sometimes Axel would deliberately blow

the smoke in Maddy’s face because he found it amusing when the boy got high.

“Sent him down to grab a carton of cigarettes.” Wade said absently. His face was still hard with

irritation and he switched back to the previous subject. “Why the fuck do you need dance lessons?

You already know how to fucking dance. You’ve been doing it for years.”

“That wasn’t dancing.” Angel whispered. “The Phoenix is different from those places. It has real

dancers…not just guys up there shaking their asses. And…” He looked away. “They don’t do

anything else on stage either.”

Wade smacked him in the back of the head again. “Well you better fucking do something, you’ve been

there two weeks and haven’t brought in shit. If this is how it’s gonna be, you can go back to the other


Clubs. Those places weren’t Clubs. They were brothels. And the thought of going back into that made

Angel’s gut twist with nausea and anxiety. “I’ll start bringing in cash.” Angel assured him. “They’re

expecting to have a big crowd this weekend, I should be able to do pretty well.”

“See that you do.” Axel smirked. “We need some more weed and we’re running low on moolah.”

So get off your lazy ass and get a job a fucking job. Angel just looked at him, but didn’t dare voice

his thoughts. Axel was quick tempered and despised that Angel was a flaming queer. He had yet to

waste an opportunity to use his fists on Angel to prove to him how weak and girly he was. Had the

guy not been so homophobic, he probably would have fucked him too–just to try and put him in the

place of a woman.

“I’ll get the money.” Angel said again, quiet. Submissive. He’d fought back once, when all this had

started–and nearly paid for it with his life. There was no doubt in his mind that neither Wade nor

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Axel would hesitate to beat him to death if he rebelled, especially if they happened to be drunk or

high at the time. And he couldn’t take the risk. Not when he was all that stood between Maddy and a

life of hell.

The front door opened behind them and Maddy entered wearing a dark hoodie sweatshirt with the

hood pulled over his head. He mumbled something too low for Angel to hear and handed Wade a

carton of Marlboros and excess change. Maddy didn’t look at Angel and brushed past them, walking

towards the bedroom.

“Maddy?” Angel called after him but the boy ignored him and disappeared down the short hall. A

moment later, the bedroom door closed. Angel looked at Wade. “What’s wrong with him? What did

you guys do?”

“Nothing.” Wade said dryly and walked into the kitchen.

Axel smirked but said nothing as he followed his older brother.

His stomach pinching, Angel went to the bedroom he shared with Maddy and stepped inside, closing

the door behind him. “Maddy? What’s wrong?”

The boy was lying face down on his bed, the sweatshirt still on. “Nothing.” He said thickly.

“Don’t lie to me.” Angel said. “If Wade or Axel did something, you have to tell me.”

The boy sat up slowly, dropping his legs over the edge of the bed. He sat with his hands in his lap,

hood still pulled over his head, hiding most of his face. When Angel looked at him, he didn’t see the

fifteen year old boy he now was–but rather the child of ten he had been when their life had

transformed from a bad dream…into this living nightmare.

He sat down beside him and peeled off his hood, revealing a bruise high on his right cheek. Angel’s

eyes stung with tears. “What happened?” he whispered thickly. It was bad enough having to do what

he had to do–but being forced to leave Maddy in the care of Wade and Axel while he was gone, that

put a knot of fear and anxiety in his gut that never went away. The boy should’ve been in school, but

Wade didn’t trust him to keep his mouth shut and wasn’t willing to risk anyone snooping into their


“Wade hit me.” He said quietly, but didn’t offer anything more.

Angel brushed dark strands off the boy’s brow. “Why?” He asked tightly.

“Because I didn’t want to smoke a joint with them.” He wiped the back of his hand across his nose

and sniffed. “Wade said I was probably just another sissy…faggot…like you, then he hit me.”

Angel wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him against him. He pressed his lips to the

boy’s hair and closed his eyes, hot tears burning, squeezing out. “I’m sorry, Maddy.”

“It isn’t your fault.” Maddy whispered, a shudder to his voice.

Angel did everything in his power to protect Maddy from Wade and Axel–and their violent, twisted

minds–but there was only so much protection he could offer. Angel was a victim too, more so in many

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ways. He didn’t know how to keep Maddy safe.

I’ll find a way to get you out of here, Maddy. I will. He hugged him tighter, throat hurting as it began

to knot and tighten. I won’t let them do to you what’ve they done to me.

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Chapter Three

Threshold of Hell

He sensed the lingering presence of the visitor before he discovered the evidence. The scent of his

cologne somehow lingered even after days; a masculine aroma that Horatio was well acquainted

with. It hadn’t been so long since that scent had invaded his nostrils, intoxicated his senses as he’d

held the man in his arms, made love to him like there was no tomorrow. And in truth…there had been

no tomorrow after that last time.

The bedroom remained as his secret visitor had left it; scotch glass sitting before the framed photo of

days long past, crumpled blankets where the much coveted body had lain and perhaps contemplated

what life could have been under other circumstances. The pillow retained the depression where his

head had rested. Horatio laid down on the opposite side of the bed, on his side, arm tucked under his

cheek as he imagined Max still there, on his bed, aching for the love that had been ripped from their

hands, yet the residue of which lingered painfully in their hearts.

Horatio turned onto his back, his gaze coming to rest on the tiny red light, barely detectable in the high

corner of the bedroom ceiling. Had Max known Horatio would have eyes on him? His head twisted

and he stared at the scotch glass, a residue of amber liquid in the bottom. He hadn’t tried to hide his

presence here. He wanted you to know.

Leaving the bed, Horatio retrieved the security footage and watched in quiet anguish as Max moved

through his apartment as if he were venturing into forbidden territory, and perhaps that’s how the man

saw it. He watched Max holding the photo, the weight that seemed to press down on his shoulders.

Then he set the scotch glass on the night stand and lay on the bed, gazing at the ceiling, and then–‘I

love you, Horatio.’

Horatio replayed it over and over, his heart coming apart a little more each time Max spoke the


“I love you too.” He whispered, his head sinking into his hands, fighting against the urge to rush to the

man and beg him to say it to him, face to face.


Angel had been gone a short while before Dane ventured back out into the club and approached the

bar. Cole and Gabe had migrated from the table–now that the show was over–and lingered on the bar

stools previously occupied by Wade and his jumpy friend.

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“How you doing, buddy?” Cole asked softly, a sympathetic smile on his face. “Sit down, I’ll buy you

a cold one to soothe your nerves.”

Gabe chuckled and shook his head.

“Fuck you.” Dane grumbled and slid onto a stool. “There’s nothing wrong with my nerves. I don’t

know what the fuck you’re talking about.” He nodded at Carl, who handed him a chilled bottle of


“You didn’t seem too thrilled by Ricky’s lessons.”

“Whatever.” He mumbled and swallowed half the bottle of beer. “Ain’t none of my concern.” He took

another drink, eyes tight, hard. “I mean, what do I care if Ricky teaches Angel how to be slut? No skin

off my nose.”

Yeah. Sure. Cole looked at Gabe and smirked.

“So,” Gabe joined in. “Did you talk to him when he got off stage?”

“Who?” Dane muttered.

“Uh, Angel.” Gabe chuffed.

Dane shrugged. “Why would I talk to him?”

“No, he just eavesdropped on us.” Ricky slid onto the stool next to Gabe and wink down at Dane.

“Fuck you, I wasn’t eavesdropping.” Dane snapped.

Ricky leaned close to Gabe, cocked an eyebrow and nodded silently. A gesture Dane didn’t miss.

“I said I wasn’t fucking eavesdropping.” Dane hissed.

“Easy, baby.” Cole touched his shoulder and smiled. “No need to get riled.”

Dane shrugged his hand off with annoyance and tipped the bottle to his lips again, knuckles straining

as he gripped the glass container fiercely.

“So anyway,” Ricky chimed. “Angel says he isn’t looking for a boyfriend. But I think he’s lying.

So…” He glanced at the three men, eyes lingering briefly on Dane who refused to look at him. “I was

thinking of maybe trying to talk him into going on a date with me.” He smiled. “Unless, of course,

anyone here has dibs on him?” Again, his gaze settled on Dane.

“Cole and I pretty much keep each other busy.” Gabe smirked. “So…we don’t have an issue with it.”

He glanced past Cole. “How about you, Dane? You got a problem with Ricky asking Angel for a


With a stiff grunt, Dane stepped off the bar stool without looking at any of them. “I really don’t give a

fuck what he does.”

When he walked away in an obvious huff, Ricky chuckled. “Fuck, he’s got it bad, doesn’t he?”

“To put it mildly.” Cole laughed low. He looked at Ricky. “By the way, he thinks you’re a slut.”

Ricky chuckled and grabbed up the beer Carl set before him. “I am.” He grinned and chugged the

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Wade and Axel were bad enough on their own, but things always got worse when Byrd showed up.

He was a couple years older than Wade, and when he was around, he was the alpha. Even Wade

listened to him. Angel wasn’t sure how they got hooked up with Byrd, or where he even came from

really. Wade had just showed up one day with the man in tow, saying something about meeting him at

the bar, and he was cool. That was about six years ago, right after Wade and Axel’s dad, Wayne, had

died in a drunk driving accident.

For a brief moment, Angel had been sure things would get better after that. Wayne had been his and

Maddy’s stepdad, and their sole provider when their mom had passed away when Maddy was eight

and Angel was eleven. The man had no real use for them–but neither had their mother really. She had

met Wayne when he’d come by to buy some crack from her and Gary, Angel and Maddy’s real father.

Angel vaguely remembered him, and didn’t care for the memories he did retain. The man had been

weasely and sometimes looked at Angel in ways that had scared him. But Wayne had run him off

when he’d decided he wanted to fuck their mom. Angel hated Wayne, but at least the guy had had no

sexual interest in young boys.

Then when Wayne died, Angel was convinced he and Maddy would be taken into the custody of the

state. Anything had to be better than where they were at. But Wade was almost twenty by then and the

state seemed to have no qualms about leaving them in that home.

Angel glanced across at Maddy now. The boy lay on his back on his bed, headphones on and his old

Walkman blasting as loud as it could go. Angel realized they were way behind the times. The only

music Maddy had were some old cassettes and that Walkman that Angel had bought for a couple

bucks at a second hand shop.

His eyes lingering on his little brother, Angel leaned his back against the bare wall. The bedroom

was grungy, like the rest of the apartment. A couple mattresses on the hard, bare floor for beds. A

pillow case stapled over the window for a curtain. And the constant stale stench of rats, seeping out

of the large hole in the wall near the floor in the far corner of the small room. The skittering of the

vile little creatures inside the walls never ceased, and at night Angel could hear them venturing out

into the bedroom. But he was used to rats–both the rodent and human versions.

A sudden burst of raucous laughter erupted from the kitchen. Angel looked at the bedroom door.

There were no locks. Not even a chair to wedge under the door handle. He could hear Byrd’s deep

voice as he spoke much louder than necessary, as they always did when they started drinking. Angel

hated it when he was here. He was the one who had planted the idea in Wade’s head that maybe his

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little brothers weren’t totally useless.


The empty beer bottle shattered in the sink. “This is fucking great.” Wade muttered and grabbed

up a fresh bottle of beer then dropped into the hard kitchen chair. Empty cigarette packs and

overflowing ashtrays littered the table, along with an array of empty beer cans and bottles. He

snapped off the cap of the bottle and flicked it across the kitchen. “What the fuck are we supposed

to do with these little shits?” He chugged the beer then wiped his mouth. “Raise them as our

fucking own?”

Axel said nothing. He clearly knew better than to make remarks when Wade was pissed off.

Huddled on the worn sofa with Maddy, thirteen-year-old Angel hugged his little brother close and

tried to keep his focus on the television screen, most of which was snow mottling the picture, but

behind which cartoon characters went through their antics. Angel cast discreet glances at his

stepbrothers and their new friend, Byrd, lounging at the kitchen table.

Fuck.” Wade snorted and thumped a cigarette butt out of one of the ashtrays. “If they were girls,

we could at least pimp them out to horny men and make a butt load of cash.”

Axel chuckled and took a drag off a cigarette, shooting a quick look into the small adjoining living

room. “Yeah.” He grunted. “No shit. Angel would be just the right age too. Lots of guys out there

who would love to get their dicks in some young virgin pussy. So tight and hot. Mm!” He shook his

head and grinned. “Fuck, it’s giving me a boner just thinking about it.”

A bitch dog in heat would give you a boner.” Byrd drawled, then smirked.

Fuck you, asshole.” Axel sneered but laughed anyway.

Byrd’s eyes settled heavily on Angel, and he tried not to look at the guy. When he spoke, his words

were directed at Wade. “Why do they have to be girls?” he wondered. “There’s plenty of horny

perverts out there who prefer a tight little boy ass to shove their cock in.” He sucked on a half

spent cigarette, gaze resting on Angel. “You could still make a shit load off their sweet little

asses.” He chuckled low. “Literally.”

Fear coursed through Angel when Wade looked at him and Maddy. “You serious?”

Fuck I am.” Byrd nodded and ground out the butt on the table. “And besides, Angel’s kind of

pretty. The little fag boy is probably more girl than boy anyway. I mean, fuck, I’d pay to have that

cute little mouth on my cock.”

Axel cracked up. “Ahh! You fuckin’ queer.” He shut up abruptly when Byrd slapped him in the side

of the head hard, tears welling in his eyes. “Asshole.” He swallowed hard.

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I ain’t no fuckin’ queer.” Byrd stated dryly. “I’m just saying…Angel is enough like a girl for

even a straight guy to want at least a blow job from him.”

Wade leaned forward on his elbows and smiled wryly. “So how much would you pay for the little

faggot to suck your cock?”

Smirking, Byrd leaned back and dug down into the front pocket of his jeans. Angel stared at him,

horrified by the direction their conversation had taken. The guy produced a small wad of crumpled

bills and some loose change and smacked it down on the table, grinning. Wade grabbed up the

bills and began smoothing them out. He nodded towards the living room without shifting his eyes

from the money. “Go on.” He murmured. “Collect.”

When Byrd scooted his chair back and stood up, Angel noticed the bulge in his crotch. His pulse

spiked and he lunged off the sofa away from the approaching man. “Stay away from me!”

Come on, beautiful.” Byrd smiled, one hand grabbing his crotch. “It’ll be fun. If you’re gonna be

a little fag, you gotta learn to suck cock. That’s a requirement. Can’t be in the queer club and not

know how to blow.”

No!” Angel was crying.

Maddy looked at him then at Byrd, eyes frightened. “What’s wrong?”

Nothing, little buddy.” Byrd assured. “Just watch your cartoon. Me and the angel here are just

going to take a little trip to heaven.”

Stay away from me!” Angel cried again then ran for the bedroom. Byrd followed at a casual pace

as Axel and Wade laughed, and Maddy huddled lower on the sofa, face buried in his arms,



Angel stared blankly at the bedroom door, arms curling around his waist, vision blurring. Byrd had

trapped him the bedroom and threatened to collect from Maddy if Angel didn’t blow him. He didn’t

know how to relax his jaw or his tongue, and gagged repeatedly on the guy’s engorged member. When

he finally came, it had shot across the back of Angel’s tongue and slid down his throat, thickening as

it went. He’d vomited right there on the floor, then had to clean up the mess himself.

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, stomach hurting from tension.

That wasn’t the last time Byrd had paid for his services.

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Chapter Four


Seeking out the least twink-like customer in the club, Dane made his move. The last thing he needed

was to be making up to a guy who reminded him of Angel in any way whatsoever. But he was pretty

sure there was no danger of that with this one. The man was well muscled, thick through the waist,

indicating he hadn’t applied the proper exercises to maintain that narrow, lean waist that made a

muscular man more appealing–to Dane anyway. But he didn’t care, he wasn’t looking for a date or a

life partner. He just needed someone as far from Angel’s appearance as he could get, to distract him

from his unwelcome thoughts of the boy.

Angel had yet to return to the club, but would surely be showing up soon.

The customer was handsy, and those hands were damn strong. But Dane knew how to handle even

these types of men, though they weren’t really his preference. Once they were in the booth, the man

dropped into the leather chair and grabbed Dane’s hips. “I like a man with meat on his bones.” The

guy smiled. He was good looking and seemed like he belonged on the front of a bodybuilding

magazine. His strong hands rubbed down over Dane’s ass and squeezed with force. “Fuck, baby, you

have a fine ass. Nice and tight, hard glutes. There’s no way you have a body this beautiful and not

work out.”

Dane smiled, eyes heavy with seduction, and shoved his fingers through the guy’s stylish dark hair,

moving in closer. His lips glided over the bare surface of his face as he sat down in his lap and

slowly worked his ass against the man’s hard crotch.

“Oh fuck.” The customer groaned and laid his head back as Dane let his lips brush lightly down his

throat. The guy still had a firm grip on his ass and was beginning to move with him, breath panting.

“Oh fuck yes…” He raised his head a little, eyes weighted with lust. “Can I take off my pants?”

“As long as you keep your shorts on.” Dane murmured then stood up. The man stood as well and

shoved down his expensive slacks, revealing snug briefs that highly accentuated his raging erection.

He opened his shirt but left it on then sat back down, legs parted wide, giving Dane room to maneuver

between them. His hard abs flexed into rippled concrete slabs as his stomach tightened with sexual

tension. Dane concentrated on the music, turning his ass to the man, sinking low against his crotch

again, feeling his hard cock much more pronounced now that there was less fabric between them.

The guy’s hands were back on his hips, though not forcing him. “What’s your name?” he panted,

lifting his crotch to push against Dane’s ass.


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“I’m Oliver.”

Dane shifted around and faced him, riding his lap again. He combed the guy’s hair back with his

fingers and teased him with an evasive kiss. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Oliver.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” Oliver smiled and gripped his ass once more, pushing up against him,

grinding. His head dropped back again as a hard groan burst from him. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me

come, baby.”

Dane smiled and worked his hips around and around, lifting up a bit then lowering down once more,

creating a rhythm that was shoving the man over the edge.

“Oh fuck yes…yes…oh my god…” Oliver was squeezing Dane’s ass hard, eyes clamped shut and

jaw tightening. “Uuuhhh!! God!”

He knew he should let up and back off a bit, but the guy was being nice and he’d shelled out a nice

stash of cash. Dane didn’t mind giving a little bonus now and then.

It didn’t take much more rubbing and grinding before Oliver gave it up, exploding in his shorts,

grunting and panting, clawing Dane’s ass and back, pumping his crotch against him until his strength

suddenly fled and he sagged into the chair.


Dane was coming out of one of the booths with a powerfully built man when Angel entered the club.

He couldn’t help but devour Dane’s glistening body, clad only in a pair of tight shorts that showed off

the majority of his beautiful ass. The customer was talking to him, clearly satisfied with their session,

then leaned close and kissed his cheek, giving him a light smack on the ass before walking away.

Jealousy simmered but Angel pushed it down. He lingered in the entrance as Dane approached the bar

and ordered a shot then downed it in one swallow. Another customer was already approaching him,

this one less physically built, but still quite attractive with his expensive haircut and costly attire. He

wasn’t shy about flashing a thick wad of cash before Dane, and equally bold about working it down

the front of his shorts. Dane flashed him a smile that made Angel’s knees go weak, then walked off

with the guy.

Those are the kind of customers you need to be setting your sights on; the ones willing to pay the

big bucks.

“Hey, gorgeous.” Angel was suddenly backed against the wall and pinned by a thick, sweaty man

with patchy scruff on his jaw and chin. He had a stink to him that ignited Angel’s gag reflex. He

wasn’t anything like the typical customers Angel had seen around the club but reminded him of the

men from…

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“Get off me.” Angel said tightly.

“What? My money ain’t good enough here?” Angel turned his face away quick when the guy tried to

kiss him. There was a distinct odor of cheap liquor on his breath, mingled with stale cigarettes, a

smell that conjured up bad memories.

Come on, baby. You look like the perfect fit for my fat cock.” The overweight, smelly man

grabbed Angel by the arm and dragged him towards the back room of the dingy club.

Hey!” Wade called, and for a second Angel thought he might object to this filthy pig fucking his

little brother. Wade snapped his fingers. “Cash first, asshole. A hundred bucks.”

The man grunted and dug out his wallet while still clutching Angel’s arm. He fumbled through the

billfold and produced five twenties, slapped them into Wade’s hand then shoved Angel into the

back room.

“Get off me.” Angel’s eyes began to burn as he pushed against the customer’s thick, somewhat meaty

chest. Unlike the other places, here at the Phoenix, it was the dancer’s choice whether or not to accept

an offer–Max had made that very clear.

“Is there a problem?” Cole was suddenly standing at the entrance, hands clamped on his hips, eyes

narrow, hard, as he glared at the persistent customer. His gaze swept quickly over the man with

disgust and he reached out, touching the guy’s shoulder with just his fingertips. “How about you back

off my boy for a moment.”

“How about you go fuck yourself?” The man growled. “I got the cash, and I want some fucking ass.”

Cole looked at him dryly. “The only ass you’re getting in this place is an ass kicking if you don’t take

your fucking nasty ass out of here.” He took a step closer to show he wasn’t joking. “The Phoenix is a

high class club. There is a dress code, as well as a shower code. Our boys are clean and smell damn

good…the same is expected from the customer. So how about you go home, scrape off the stink and

don’t come back.”

“I have the cash.” The guy insisted, seemingly incapable of comprehending that Cole was kicking him


“Do you now?” Cole smirked, moving forward, causing the man to back away from Angel. He

slipped his arm around Angel’s shoulder. “Well the cost of some private time with this fine specimen

here is five hundred dollars. And that’s just the starting price. You got that kind of cash?”

The man looked Angel over skeptically. “He ain’t worth no five hundred bucks.”

Cole’s arm tightened around Angel’s shoulder and for the first time in a very long time, possibly ever,

he felt safe and secure. At no time with his so-called family had he ever felt so safe or protected…or

cared for. “This kid’s fucking sweat is worth five hundred bucks. And consequently more than your

life is worth.”

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The man grunted, started to retort, when a hand grabbed his shoulder from behind. “How the fuck did

you get in here?” Trevor growled. “I didn’t let you in.” He glanced at Cole. “Sorry about this. I just

stepped away from the door for a second. Didn’t know this slug was going to slither in.” Trevor’s

mere appearance said he wasn’t someone to fuck with. He turned the guy around with force and

shoved him towards the front doors. “Get the fuck out, you nasty ass motherfucker.”

The unwelcome customer spewed a load of profanity at them but offered no challenge and walked

out. Trevor looked at his hands and grimaced. “Now I need to go fucking sanitize my hands.” He

glanced at Cole. “Watch the door for a sec?”

“No problem.” Cole chuckled as the guy headed towards the restroom. His arm remained around

Angel’s shoulder and he looked down at him. “You okay?”

He swallowed thick and nodded. “Yeah.” He whispered. “Thanks.”

“My pleasure.” Cole smiled. “You know, that nasty fucker’s lucky it was me and not Max who came

along.” He chuckled low. “Max would’ve probably just shot his ass and dumped him in the alley out

back, for trying to come into his club looking and smelling like that.”

A tight smile squeezing his lips, Angel murmured, “I thought you handled it great.”

“Aww, you’re just saying that.” Cole feigned modesty and Angel laughed. “So, you want to watch the

door with me?”

Angel nodded and Cole walked him out to the front of the club.

“So,” Cole mused. “Your dance lessons look like they’re coming along well. Ricky’s a hot dancer,

isn’t he?” Angel nodded, lips tightening. He felt Cole’s eyes on him. “Yeah, Ricky can teach you the

saucy moves.” He said as he accepted the entrance fee from an incoming customer. “But if you want

to learn the smooth, sensual stuff,” he winked, “You should get Dane to teach you.”

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Chapter Five

Where Angels Fear To Tread

“Hey, boss.”

Max glanced up from behind his desk when Dane leaned in the door. He waved him inside and had

him close the door behind him. “What’s up?”

“Have you heard from Caleb?” he perched on the arm of the sofa. “Do you know what’s going on

with Coulson’s trial?”

Leaning back in his chair, Max nodded slowly. “It should be starting soon. But Samuel doesn’t

anticipate it lasting long. Coulson isn’t contesting the charges, so they won’t have to go through a

court battle.”

Dane stared at his hands, eyes distant. “And the others?” He looked up. “How soon will Samuel put

together Nick and Christian’s cases?”

“He’s working on them.” Max stood up and walked over to the sofa. “He’ll take care of Christian

first. Nick won’t leave the prison until Christian is out.”

“That’s understandable.” Dane murmured and lowered his eyes again. “I wouldn’t either, in his


“Well that’s because, like Nick,” Max squeezed his shoulder. “You’re a hell of a good man.”

“Yeah.” Dane whispered but didn’t sound too positive about it.

The young man had a tense, troubled look on his face as he stared at the floor. Max raised an

eyebrow. “Want to talk about it?”

“Huh?” Dane looked up, frowning. “About what?”

“Whatever it is that’s bugging you.”

He sighed then shook his head. “Nothing’s bugging me.” He stood up. “I just wanted to see how things

were going with Caleb.”

Max gazed at him warmly. “You miss him.” He wasn’t asking a question.

Clearing his throat, Dane stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Yeah, I…I guess I do.”

“Can I ask you something?” Max picked up the decanter of scotch and poured himself a third of a


“Yeah…sure.” Dane replied uncertainly.

Max gestured at the liquor and Dane shook his head. He sipped from his glass. “Are you in love with



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“Caleb.” Max walked over and leaned against the front of his desk.

Licking his lips slowly, Dane’s gaze drifted from Max’s face and settled on the floor again. “I…

thought I was. But…I think maybe it was just…” He shrugged and whispered, “I don’t know.”

“Deep affection for the boy?” Max offered and lifted the glass to his lips.

“Yeah, maybe.” He murmured dully.

Max wasn’t blind to the behind-the-scenes dance going on between the young man and their new

recruit. He suspected that Caleb may have been the first boy Dane had truly ever cared about, and

facing the reality of such heartache could cause a man to run scared when confronted with it a second

time. Especially so soon.

“So what made you decide that maybe it wasn’t all out true love?”

The guy seemed to contemplate his answer, then merely shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe because…

when it’s the real thing…it goes both ways.” He looked up and his dark eyes were damp. “Like with

Caleb and Samuel.” He shrugged again. “And Abel and Devlin.” He sighed. “And Cole and Gabe.”

He laughed low, with only a measure of humor. “The list is growing.”

Max nodded and smiled. “Maybe you’ll be next on that list.”

Releasing a slow breath, Dane stood up. “No, I don’t think so.” He said quietly. “And that’s…

whatever. I’m fine on my own.”

“Are you?” Max murmured.

Dane looked at him then walked over and kissed him without warning. “As fine as you are on your

own.” He whispered, his dark eyes speaking volumes that never reached his lips. He turned away and

left the office without saying anymore.

Sighing heavily, Max downed the rest of the scotch and shook his head. As fine as you are on your

own. “In that case, baby,” he whispered. “You’re fucked.”


“Oh, by the way,” Cole caught hold of Dane’s arm as he brushed past him on the way to the dressing

rooms. Dane halted, the skin around his eyes tight, the dark orbs somewhat piercing.

“What?” His tone was brittle and Dane knew he was overreacting to Cole’s and Gabe’s earlier

ribbing about Angel, and even he didn’t really understand why it was pissing him off and putting him

on edge. It was as if this whole situation was causing pressure on a deep rooted splinter which, if left

alone, was fine–but became irritated if messed with.

Cole released his arm. “I suggested to Angel that he ask you for some dance lessons as well. Ricky is

into the hot moves, but he isn’t as skilled with the slow sexy stuff as you are.” He winked.

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“Don’t be volunteering my services.” Dane ground out tightly. “To anyone. Especially not—” His

mouth clamped shut abruptly when Angel and Ricky appeared at the far end of the corridor that ran

down in front of the dressing rooms. They were engaged in light conversation, laughing now and then.

Dane’s hairline sizzled hotly when Ricky took hold of Angel’s hips and commenced to show him a

sexy move that required their crotches to rub and grind.

Turning slowly, Cole followed his hard eyes.

His breath shoving forcefully through his nostrils, Dane muttered, “I think Ricky’s got it covered.”

Before he could turn his back to them, Angel glanced past Ricky and caught Dane’s stare, sending his

heart rate through the roof. What was it about this kid that seemed to turn his world upside down?

Cole was watching him, an amused quirk to his lips.

He tore his eyes from Angel. “What?” he asked sharply.

“Nothing.” Cole held up his hands defensively, grinning. “But it kind of looks to me that maybe Angel

might be interested in some of your…moves.”

“Forget it.” Dane’s nerves were riding the surface of his skin, making him jumpy, shaky. Sudden

images exploded through his head of him and Angel touching and rubbing, their bodies pressed close,

rocking in perfect rhythm. A shuddered breath escaped him before he could suppress it and he cleared

his throat, raking anxious fingers through his hair. “I’m not a dance instructor. Why is he even here if

he can’t fucking dance?”

Losing a smidge of his humor, Cole looked at him more seriously. “And why are you being such a

dick to the kid? He’s sweet, and beautiful, and amazing. You might see that if you weren’t so fucking

determined not to fall for him. So get off your fucking high horse and help the boy out.”

At a loss for words, Dane just stared at him. It wasn’t often that Cole got truly serious with his

friends, but when he did–it was wise to listen up. Still, Dane wasn’t ready for this. In truth, he was

afraid to touch Angel the way Ricky was doing. He liked to tell himself he wasn’t out of his mind for

the guy, but he was nevertheless aware that one intimate touch and he would be gone, falling fast and

hard over that ledge with no idea how close the bottom lay. It isn’t the fall that’ll kill you, baby–it’s

the sudden stop.

Shaking his head slowly, Dane whispered, “I can’t. Sorry.” His throat was closing and he didn’t

know why. He only knew he had to get out of sight of Angel and the effect those pure eyes were

having on him.


The stinky bastard that Cole and Trevor had kicked out of the club–was sitting in the small dank

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kitchen of Angel’s apartment when he got home sometime past midnight. He froze in place, the door

half open. Wade and Axel sat around the table with him, drinking, their voices rising in laughter. It

wasn’t even so much the unexpected presence of the filthy customer that made Angel want to puke–but

Maddy in the midst of them. And that fucker’s hands on him.

“Hey!” Angel slammed the door loud and hard, demanding their attention in an instant. “Get your

fucking hands off him!” He rushed into the kitchen and grabbed Maddy, pulling him away from the

men. There was a tremor in the boy’s body though he said nothing. “Go to your room, Maddy.” He

said anxiously, knowing exactly why this bastard was here. When the kid hurried away, Angel turned

enraged eyes on Wade. “We had a deal. No one touches Maddy.” He choked. “No one.”

“Calm down.” Wade smirked and downed a gulp of beer. “We didn’t hurt the little fucker. Our friend

here was just having a look-see.”

“Keep Maddy out of it.” Angel said thickly, fiercely. “Completely.”

“Or what?” Axel snorted. “You gonna blast us with fairy dust?” He looked at the other guy and they

both laughed.

“You said you would leave Maddy alone.” Angel told Wade.

“We are.” Wade assured with a crooked grin. “The boy don’t go on the market unless you come off.”

Angel swallowed hard, flicking a quick look at the thick man sizing him up. “Why is he here?” he

spoke low, unsteady. “How did you even meet…?”

“You think I don’t keep tabs on you?” Wade smiled dryly. “The front doors were wide open, I saw

your faggot friends kick this poor guy out, when all he wanted was a little fun like everyone else.” He

scooted up in his chair. “So I offered him a discount off your five hundred dollar ass.”

“Fuck.” Axel chuffed and shook his head. “Five hundred bucks. No one’s gonna pay that for your

skinny ass.”

Whenever possible, Angel ignored the moron and focused on Wade. “You said if I landed a job at the

Phoenix, then…” He glanced quick at the other man. “Then I didn’t have to do this anymore.”

“Well I kind of thought you would actually be bringing in more cash.” Wade pointed out. “But so

far…we ain’t seein’ much.”

“I told you.” Angel said tightly, quietly, “This weekend should bring in a lot of high paying customers.

I’ll get some money then.”

Axel slapped the table and Angel jumped. “We need it now. Tonight.” He swept his hand over the

table. “We need beer. And weed. We can’t wait till this weekend, dumb shit.”

“He’s right.” Wade said. “We’re out of stuff right now. So unless you got a wad of cash stuffed in that

crotch, ‘fraid you’re gonna have to get it for us other ways.” He arched an eyebrow. “You got cash on

you now?”

Angel trembled. “No.” he whispered.

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Glancing at their guest, Wade held out his hand. The man snorted and dug out a small bundle of

stained bills and slapped them into Wade’s palm. “Two hundred?” Wade inquired.

“Ayuh.” The guy grunted then stood up. Angel backed away instinctively, though he knew it was futile

to retreat. “So go get dressed for the occasion, baby.” The man told him. “And turn on the music.” He

grabbed his crotch through his baggy pants. “Wanna be good and hard when I tap that ass.”

His breath quick and stomach churning, Angel nodded silently and left the kitchen to dress down,

wondering if real hell could possibly be any worse than his private hell right here in this apartment.

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Chapter Six

Demons in My Mind

The club owner was fat and sweaty, his hair shoulder length and stringy. He shoved some leather

garb at the boy. “Put this on.” He smirked around the butt of a cigar. “We got a special show

tonight, see what you’re made of.” He turned away, pulled out his wallet and began stacking bills

in the hand of a third man. “Half now, half after the show. If the boy don’t perform, you don’t get

the rest.”

He’ll perform.” The guy assured then looked hard at the boy. “Won’t you?”

The boy nodded silently, eyes filled with tears. He struggled to pull them back but they refused to

recede. He wasn’t stupid; he knew what was going to happen tonight.

When the two men left, he broke and cried as he slowly undressed and tried to figure out how the

leather outfit was supposed to go on. It mainly consisted of a black leather G-string, leather

choker with silver studs and matching bracelets. The choker and bracelets had metal half rings. To

complete the outfit was a black leather mask that covered his eyes.

Less than twenty minutes later, he was ushered to the rear entrance of the small stage and shoved

through the curtain. The dingy club was packed with sweaty, horny men–some old enough to be his

grandfathers, most old enough to be his fathers. When they saw him, whistles and catcalls

exploded through the confined area, vile remarks were slung at him. He tried to close his ears but

there was just no way to block them out. He struggled to swallow the sobs piling in his throat.

Standing near the pole in the center of the stage were two other performers. Both dressed much

like the boy, one gripping a leather whip in his right hand. Their faces were covered with a black

leather mask, giving them an ominous look. They were both lean and muscular, bodies glistening

with oil and sweat. As the boy approached hesitantly, the guy with the whip stepped back as the

second man took hold of his wrists and raised his hands above his head, up the pole. Straps hung

down from above with clips on the ends. The man snapped the clips onto the half rings of the

leather bracelets, securing the boy’s hands in place.

Tremors rushed through him and the tears broke loose, seeping out around the mask and down his

cheeks. The guy holding the whip pressed up close behind him, a prominent bulge to his crotch as

it pushed snug against his bare ass. He squeezed his eyes shut tight and choked on a swell of sobs.

The tail of the leather whip slithered around his body slowly as the guy’s concealed face pressed

close to his ear. A hard sob escaped the boy and he pushed his forehead against the cool metal

pole, shaking.

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“Angel?” Maddy whispered, fear in his quiet voice.

Huddled up against the cold wall, Angel curled into a ball, shaking, trying to keep his cries as silent

as possible, not wanting Maddy to hear. But the boy crawled from his mattress to Angel’s bed and

touched his shoulder tentatively.

“Angel?” Tears thickened Maddy’s voice. Angel was all he had and he knew it scared the boy when

he cried, showed weakness.

Angel pressed up closer to the wall, his body hurting from the sleazy man’s forceful fucking from

earlier. “I’m okay, Maddy.” He choked softly. “Go back to bed.”

The boy didn’t move. “Why do you let them?”

“I have to, Maddy.” He whispered thickly.

“Why?” Maddy cried quietly.

He had never told his little brother all the details, but he was getting older and beginning to demand

answers. “I just do.” Angel trembled. “Go to bed.”

The mattress springs popped as Maddy retreated and crawled back onto his own bed. “I hate them.”

Angel didn’t know if he was talking to him, or just thinking out loud, but the whispered words hung

heavy in the dark bedroom. “I wish they would all die.”

Angel stared at the wall, paint chipped and cracked, behind which rats scuttled and squeaked,

scuffling breaking out now and then. Warm tears dripped onto his case-less pillow that didn’t smell

very good.

So do I, Maddy…so do I.


“Do you really think Dane’s aversion to Angel stems from the whole thing with Caleb?” Gabe lay

stretched out on the bed, without a stitch of clothes on, strong legs loosely open and advertising his

stiff erection. With his fingertips, he absently petted the underside of his thick cock as he watched

Cole shed his clothes and, lastly, unfasten his wrist watch.

“I thought it was.” Cole dropped the watch onto the night stand then crawled onto the bed and

straddled Gabe. He rubbed his hands over the man’s hard, rippled stomach then on up his chest. “But

I’m beginning to wonder if there isn’t more to it. He really cared about Caleb, but he pretty much

knew right from the start that Caleb wasn’t available to him.”

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A soft groan squeezed tight inside Gabe’s throat as Cole pushed his ass down against his hard cock.

He reached over and fumbled in the night stand drawer then brought back a small bottle of lube.

“In a hurry?” Cole grinned.

“Fuck.” Gabe groaned again and squirted a glob of the clear gel into his palm.

Cole chuckled and scooted off him as the man coated his member, wiped his hand on the sheet then

grabbed Cole’s hips and pulled him back up over the top of him. “Fuck.” Cole gasped when he was

penetrated by Gabe’s thick, solid rod.

“Oh shit.” Gabe exhaled hard and pushed his hips up, burying himself deeper inside Cole’s tight cave.

“God!” Cole squeezed Gabe’s chest fiercely, fingers gouging into the thick muscle, back arched as

his breath panted out of him. “Fuck, man…what’s got you so fucking hard tonight?”

“Is that a complaint I hear?” A strained smile curved Gabe’s lips, his face tight with tension as he

administered a few short jabs, working himself all the way in and causing Cole yell a little.

“No…not…complaining.” Cole groaned between clenched teeth. “Just wondering…so I’ll know…

what to do every night to get you like this.”

Grinning, Gabe pushed Cole’s hands off his chest and sat forward, wrapping his arms around the

man’s waist. “Just get naked for me,” he kissed him hard. “And I’m good to go.”

Cole chuckled, nodded and kissed him back with as much ferocity, moving his hips, rocking and

swirling with a quickened rhythm until Gabe’s fingers were gouging into his back and he panted into

his mouth. Their kiss burst apart with loud gasps from them both. The bed shuddered and bounced as

Gabe got into rhythm as well and fucked Cole with vigor.

“Fuck!” Cole shouted then landed on his back as Gabe shoved them over onto the foot of the bed and

fucked him urgently. “Yes! God! Fuck me, baby! Harder!

Pushing up on his arms, Gabe drove his cock into him, using all the strength of his hips and lower

abdomen to deliver the thrusts. Cole grabbed his hard ass and squeezed as the man’s cheeks flexed in

his hands with each slam of his body.

“Holy fuck!” Gabe grunted, sweat beading up all across the surface of his skin, breath puffing and

panting as he pounded Cole relentlessly.

“Uuhh!!” Cole’s head dropped back over the end of the bed, legs bent and heels grinding into the

mattress as he thrust himself onto Gabe’s cock. His fingers dug into the man’s ass, gripping

desperately, pulling the guy into him hard. “Fuck! I’m gonna fucking come!” His cock throbbed and

leaked, sandwiched between his and Gabe’s hard stomachs, the friction of their forceful fucking

propelling him towards a mind shattering orgasm.

Gabe pulled him back up then dropped onto his back so Cole was riding him again. His rock hard

erection smacked against Gabe’s rippled abs as he bounced on the man’s cock with urgency, clutching

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Gabe’s chest again. The bed knocked loudly against the wall, rattling shit on the night stand,

threatening to toss the lamp to the floor. Cole didn’t give a fuck. The entire fucking house could crash

down around them at that moment and it wouldn’t faze him as he fucked his lover to a forceful


“Fuu-uuck!!” Gabe yelled, choking on the wail spiraling up his throat. He fucked Cole harder, ass

lifting off the bed as he burst inside him. His fingers pinched Cole’s hips fiercely and his thrusts

turned erratic.

Cole’s mind squeezed and threatened to crack as cum began to squirt from his cock head, a little at

first then his full load. “Fuuuck! Uuuhh!!” Gabe grabbed his dick and pumped him furiously,

working out his orgasm. “Shit! Fuck, Gabe! Yes…oh my god…oh fuck…that feels so fucking

good…” He gasped for air as his body remained locked, tense, as Gabe’s perfect hand slid up and

down his shaft until he began to relax a little and soften in his fist. “Holy shit.” Cole fell onto the bed

next to Gabe, hand plastered on his heaving chest, sucking for air.

“So…” Gabe panted hard, exhaustion weighing his eyelids. “About Dane…”

Cole chuckled and sucked in a deep breath, releasing it with force. “I think he’s afraid to admit he’s

falling for Angel.” He released another hard breath and looked at Gabe. “I just don’t know why.”

Grinning, Gabe rubbed the back of his fingers down Cole’s damp, hot cheek. “Me neither.” He

breathed hard. “Being in love is fucking great.”


The clock above the bar read 5:36 a.m.

The club was silent, most of the lights turned out, the front doors locked. Dane grabbed himself a beer

and sat on a stool, his back to the bar as he stared distantly at the stage. Behind his eyes, he saw Ricky

and Angel up there, going through the motions. In these quiet, dark hours of the morning, he was able

to admit to himself that his animosity towards Ricky was misplaced. The guy could only teach Angel

what he knew, but it twisted Dane’s guts with nausea to watch Angel dance that way. He didn’t know

why–they all did to some degree. They were strippers, for fuck’s sake. Their dance wasn’t supposed

to be clean.

So why–when Caleb had performed–had Dane merely found it exciting and hot? But when Angel

began to dance with the same moves…he wanted to drag him off the stage and hide him away?

He thought about Cole’s words, his suggestion for Dane to teach Angel a more sensual style of

dancing. He wanted to, he couldn’t deny that anymore. But that something was still there, holding him

back. He didn’t understand what it was, but felt like he should know. Yet when he reached for it, tried

to analyze it–it evaded his touch and hid in the shadows of his mind. Sometimes it felt ominous and

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filled his heart with an irrational fear. Other times, it formulated an ache so fierce and painful he

wanted to cry and scream. And still, he didn’t understand it. Didn’t know from where it stemmed.

Or why it flared up each and every time Angel looked in his eyes.

It almost felt as if…he didn’t believe he deserved to be loved by the boy.

The back door clicked and opened, then closed again. Dane glanced towards the rear entryway. Quiet

footsteps walked down the narrow hall then Max appeared in the doorway, clearly startled to see

Dane at the bar.

“You’re here awful early.” Max came over to the bar.

Dane twisted back around and set the beer bottle on the bar top. “Actually,” he murmured. “I’m here

awful late.”

Frowning, Max took the stool next to him. “You’ve been here all night?” Dane nodded. Max shook his

head. “Why?”

“Didn’t feel like going home.” He licked his lips and let out a slow breath, then looked at the older

man. “Ever feel that way? Like there’s nothing to go home to?”

Dragging his hand over his mouth, Max nodded slowly and whispered, “Every damn night.”

Dane twisted the bottle on the bar, eyes blank. “Do you think I should give Angel dance lessons?” he

asked quietly, distantly.

Max sighed and stood up, slid his arm across Dane’s shoulder and kissed his cheek. “I think you

should listen to your heart.” He murmured, then walked away towards his office.

Twisting his head around, Dane watched him go. Maybe you should take your own advice, boss.

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Chapter Seven

In The Shadows of Hell

He couldn’t decide if the mild shock on Max’s face was a good shock or a bad one. “Horatio.”

Horatio closed the office door behind him. He had said he would try to comply with Max’s wishes,

and stay away. But he’d also told him he wasn’t making any promises. And what Max truly wished

for wasn’t the things he spoke aloud.

“I thought you were…overseas.” Max remained seated behind his desk as if it served as a barrier to

keep Horatio at bay. His eyes were evasive and rarely met Horatio’s gaze for more than seconds at a


“I was.” Horatio sat down on the sofa and poured himself a drink. “And now I’m back.”

“Why are you…here?” Max asked anxiously.

Shrugging, Horatio sipped the drink. “Just thought I’d check in and see how things were going with

your boy.”

Max frowned, momentarily puzzled, then nodded. “Caleb? Things…seem to be going well.” He

finally stood up and came out from behind the desk. “And, again, thank you for your help.”

Clearing his throat, Horatio nodded absently. “My pleasure.” He murmured and touched the glass to

his lips again. “It’s nice to be of some use now and then, have a purpose, even if it’s only temporary.”

“What’re talking about?” Max walked over as Horatio poured him a drink and handed it to him. “You

do a lot of good, for a lot of people. You contribute to numerous important charities. And you’re

generous with your money. That’s actually a rare quality.”

Horatio glanced up as Max remained standing. “I could help you more.” He said quietly, then smiled,

“Buy you a nice big house, stock it with servants…”

Max chuckled. “What do I need with all that? I only have me to take care of. I don’t need servants for

that.” He walked around the glass coffee table and sat in the chair. “Besides, you already helped me

plenty. If it wasn’t for your backing, this club would have never gotten on its feet.”

“Yeah.” Horatio murmured and downed his drink, gaze distant. When Max had left him all those years

ago, it had taken him close to five years to find him again. At that time, the Phoenix had just been an

idea in Max’s head. But it was an idea that had been simmering for a long time. Horatio knew–

because he had been the one to initially plant the seed. He looked at Max. “Do you remember…that

this was originally my idea?”


“Opening a gay strip club.” He smiled wryly. “We would lay out under the stars, buck naked, staring

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at the night sky and talking about our dreams, what we wanted to do with our lives.” He laughed

softly. “You thought I was insane when I said we should open a strip club.”

His lips tight, Max smiled and nodded. “I remember.”

“Do you remember what put the idea in my mind?”

Max stared blankly at his glass, his fingertips tapping the edge. He nodded silently.

“We danced so well together.” Horatio murmured, an ache squeezing his throat. “We were…in

perfect sync. And you…god, you were so fucking sexy. I’d never seen a body move like yours could.”

He licked his lips slowly and glanced away. “When I saw Abel on stage…it was like watching you

all over again.” He swallowed thickly and looked at Max. “I always wanted to see you dance on

stage.” He smiled softly. “With me as your only audience, of course.”

Max rubbed his mouth and sniffed, then met Horatio’s gaze, eyes damp. “Is there a point to this


“Just reminiscing.” Horatio offered quietly and leaned back against the sofa. “It’s all I have left. Can’t

you give me that much? Sit with me now and then and…” His eyes stung and he looked away. “And

take a moment to remember when things were good and perfect between us?”

“What’s the good in remembering, Horatio?” Max whispered, tears forming. “Where is the comfort in

it? The memories only…” he shook his head, his throat working. He set his glass down a bit too hard

and stood up, running his hand through his hair. “The memories only make this reality hurt more.

Sometimes I wish…I could erase them all. Just forget that…” His words trailed off as he turned his

back to Horatio, gripping the nape of his neck fiercely.

“Just forget that we ever loved each other?” Horatio finished for him, voice thick with emotion. He

stood up. “Is that really what you wish? That you…” His vision blurred. “That you had no memories

of me at all? No memories of…us?

Max nodded slowly without looking at him. “Sometimes,” he whispered thickly, voice tight with

tears. “I do.”

“Fine.” Horatio murmured, hurt squeezing his heart. “Then give them to me and you can forget I ever

fucking existed. I’ll keep the memories, because I’d rather spend my time remembering the boy who

used to love me–than the man too fucking afraid of his own feelings.”

“That isn’t fair!” Max turned suddenly, eyes burning with tears and pain. He jabbed a finger at

Horatio. “That isn’t fucking fair, and you know it, Horatio! This isn’t about me being scared to love

someone and you fucking know it!” he shook his head, tears thick in his eyes, face pinched tight. “You

think I wouldn’t be with you in a fucking heartbeat if I could? You think I like going home to a cold,

empty house every fucking night? And suffering through the fucking dreams that won’t go away!” His

chin trembled as the tears ran free, sliding down his face. “I don’t want the memories, Horatio,” he

cried, “because they hurt too fucking much.”

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The man blurred and shimmered before him. Max had never been this open and honest before, always

hiding from the truth of what all this was doing to him. “Max…” Horatio said thickly.

Max turned away again and cold reality hit him full force; him coming around was putting Max in

torment. The man wasn’t capable of feeling free to be with Horatio…and he never would.

Do you love him enough to let him go? To just go away and leave him in peace? Ease his


He licked his lips slowly and felt the warm tears on his cheeks. “I’m sorry, Max.” he whispered.

“I’ve…I’ve been very selfish. I won’t…” He licked his lips again and tasted his own tears. “I won’t

be coming around anymore.” His legs felt weighted as he walked unsteadily to the door and gripped

the handle. “Please forgive me.” Then he was gone.


Max had remained holed up in his office nearly all day; mere random, sparse appearances the only

indication he was still at the club. And when Horatio Kaplan walked through the club entrance at

around seven that evening – Dane anticipated emotional turmoil. He didn’t believe Kaplan was there

to fuck with Max and twist up his heart purposely, but that the man simply didn’t possess the strength

of will to stay away.

The raised voices coming out of Max’s office hadn’t been lost on Dane. He had half expected one of

the two men to storm out of there in a rage. But when Horatio Kaplan had emerged, it wasn’t in a

flurry of anger. In fact, the guy walked out subdued, looking like an unbearable weight had been

suddenly dropped on his shoulders. There was no fight in him, just pain–as was evident in the tears

wetting his face. Something monumental had just gone down between him and Max, and Dane

suspected his boss wasn’t in much better condition.

He glanced at the office door to see if Max would step out, possibly go after Kaplan. But the door

remained closed tight and silence reigned on the other side; no cursing or objects breaking. Nothing to

indicate the man was in a rage. But the quiet was more unsettling. When one went silent, it usually

meant they were pulling their pain inward rather than releasing it. And that was never a good thing.

When Kaplan left the club, Dane walked to the office door and knocked quietly. “Max?”

No answer.

Dane twisted the knob and opened the door slowly then stepped inside, closing it behind him. His

heart broke when he saw Max sitting on the sofa, head in his hands–crying. Max was one of the

strongest minded men Dane had ever met. It took a lot to break a man like that. But here he


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Remaining silent, Dane went to him and sank to one knee. He cupped his head and kissed his hair,

then gently stroked the back of his neck. The man trembled and shook. Whatever he’d been holding

back for so long was finally breaking loose–and it was more than he could handle.

“Come on.” Dane murmured. “Let me take you home. You don’t need to be here right now.”

Max said nothing as he slowly stood up. He didn’t look at Dane, just stared blankly at the floor.

Whatever had happened had left him an empty shell. Temporarily at least. Dane hoped not


They left through the rear entrance and got into Dane’s car. He didn’t know if he could do anything to

help the man, but he was damn well going to try.


Angel scribbled down the number and gave it to Maddy. “You keep this. Memorize it.” he said. “This

is where I’m working. If Wade brings anyone into the apartment and they try to mess with you, then

run. Get out of the apartment if you can, and call this number. The guy who answers will probably be

Carl. Just ask for me. Tell him it’s an emergency and he’ll come get me.”

Nodding, Maddy took the scrap of paper. “Okay.” He murmured. After yesterday, the boy was even

more afraid to be left alone with their stepbrothers, and Angel hated to leave him.

“Listen.” Angel hugged him then stepped back. “Maybe I can talk to Wade about letting you get a job

at one of the corner markets or something. As a stock boy or something. He might be okay with it if

you’re making money. And you wouldn’t have to be here with them the whole time.”

Maddy looked at him, hopeful. “Do you think he would let me?”

“I don’t know.” Angel said. “Maybe. But,” He looked at him seriously. “If he lets you take a job, you

cannot tell anyone about what goes on here. You understand? That’s why he doesn’t let you go to

school, he thinks you might talk. So he may not let you get a job either. I don’t know. But if it involves

money, he may change his mind.”

Maddy nodded. “I won’t say anything. I promise.”

Angel hugged him again and kissed his head. “I have to go to work now. But maybe tomorrow

morning I’ll talk to Wade.” He drew back. “I would tonight, but they’re always drunk at night. So I’ll

wait till he’s sober.”

“When do you think you’ll be home?” Maddy asked with a measure of anxiety.

“I don’t know.” Angel said and combed the boy’s hair back from his face. “I usually work till after

midnight. But I’ll come straight home. I always do.”

Maddy nodded silently, eyes worried.

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“Hey.” Angel murmured. “You’re gonna be okay. Just…stay away from them as much as possible.

With them, sometimes it’s out of sight, out of mind. When they start drinking, they’re easily distracted.

So if they don’t see you, they will probably just leave you alone.”

Licking his lips slowly, Maddy whispered, “I hope Byrd don’t come over.”

Angel gazed at him, his stomach knotting. “Has Byrd ever…tried anything with you when I wasn’t


Maddy shook his head. “But sometimes…” He raised his fearful eyes to Angel. “He looks at me

like…he wants to.”

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Chapter Eight

Heavenly Reprieve

“Thanks.” Max leaned against kitchen door frame, eyes down. “You’re a good guy, Dane.”

“So are you.” Dane gripped his shoulder. He could almost feel the man’s pain resonating out of him

and into his palm. “You know…I’m a pretty good listener…if you ever want to talk about it.”

Max nodded slowly, then shrugged. “Thanks, but…it won’t change anything to talk about it.”

“Sometimes it helps to anyway.” Dane murmured. “It can be a hell of a burden keeping something all

to yourself. I think we were created with that innate need to confide in one another.”

Raising his eyes, Max looked at him. “You speak as if from personal experience.”

His lips tight, Dane nodded. “Maybe so.”

“And are you ready to talk about it?” Max asked quietly.

Pressure pushed out from the center of Dane’s chest as he thought about it for only a moment. “No,”

he whispered. “I guess I’m not.”

Max smiled and gripped the side of his neck lightly then leaned close and kissed him. Their arms

wrapped around each other and Max chuckled low against his shoulder then kissed his neck. “I guess

maybe we’re both just a couple of basket cases.”

Dane hugged him tight. “I guess so.”

Silence settled over them as they held on to each other in quiet desperation. Max shifted and rubbed

his lips up the side of Dane’s neck to his ear, causing a pleasant shiver to race down through his

body. “Maybe talking isn’t what we need right now.” He said softly, then drew back slowly, meeting

Dane’s heated gaze. The man rubbed his hands down Dane’s chest and stomach and let his fingers

play around the snap of his pants. “I think…I might need something more.”

“Me too.” Dane whispered thickly. Max kissed him then took his hand and walked him down the

carpeted hallway to his bedroom. When they stepped into the room, Max hesitated, just staring at the


“Max?” Dane spoke low, soft. “Are you okay?”

He shook his head slowly. “Not really.” There was a sudden rasp to his voice, and when he looked at

Dane, his eyes were damp. “It’s just that… not very long ago…” He glanced at the bed again and

shook his head once more. “It doesn’t matter.”

Everything in the man’s demeanor said it did matter, but Dane didn’t push for details. Max shoved his

hands under his shirt and peeled it up off his head then kissed his chest, hands caressing his hard

torso. Dane’s breath shuddered in his throat and they went about undressing one another then slid

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between the sheets, wrapped up in each other. In no rush, but rather taking their time kissing and

caressing, touching and exploring, they took turns pleasuring one another with hands and mouth.

“Oh my god.” Max shuddered when Dane scooted down between his thighs and began to kiss and lick

his stiff member. He held Dane’s head tensely, lifting up to him, his body begging for more. “Yes…

Taking him slowly into his mouth, Dane sucked gently on his firm cock head, using his tongue to tease

and massage the ultra-sensitive groove on the underside of the crown. Max jerked and gripped his

head tighter.

“Fuck!” he gasped sharply.

Dane moaned and took him deeper, sucking, stroking, working him until the man was writhing on the

bed, his cries echoing off the bedroom walls, fists clutching Dane’s hair fiercely as his hips lifted and

dropped repeatedly, thrusting into his mouth, breath puffing and panting hard.

When he pulled off him, Max was trembling. He released Dane’s hair and gripped the sheets, chest

heaving. Dane smiled as he moved up over the top of him and kissed his lips, slipping his tongue

sensually into his mouth, moaning softly as he drew out the kiss. Max let go of the sheets and rubbed

his hands up Dane’s back then down over his ass. Their kiss released gently and Max shuddered hard.

“You’re an amazing lover, Dane.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” Dane murmured against his lips and grinned then kissed him again.

“Turn over.” He whispered. “I’ve only just begun.”


“Don’t be nervous.” Ricky smiled. “It’s a small crowd. Just block them out and let me guide you. I’ll

stay close so you can follow my movements.”

Angel nodded, his gut tight with tension. He didn’t like being on stage, but it was kind of a necessity if

he wanted to keep his job as a stripper.

“We’ll keep it simple.” Ricky was saying. “It’s not like we’re in some Dance USA contest or

anything.” He grinned. “We’re just out there to tighten the men’s crotches and loosen their wallets.

Trust me, it don’t take much. Most them are already cock ready when they walk in here.” He squeezed

Angel’s shoulder. “So relax, baby. You’ll do great.”

“Yeah.” Angel whispered doubtfully. He’d been on stages plenty of times in the shitty little clubs, but

very little dancing actually took place. This was different. There was an art to real seduction, and the

guys here were artists. Angel just wasn’t sure he was as well.

He glanced around as some of the other boys wished him luck. Dane was nowhere to be found. He’d

seen nothing of the man when he’d come in for work. Why it even mattered, he didn’t know. The guy

wasn’t interested, and it was probably best that he wasn’t. Angel didn’t need the distraction. He had

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enough to deal with at home. He needed to focus, start collecting cash. Otherwise, Wade would keep

bringing in the other men.

Angel trembled at the recent memory of the man from last night. His body still ached, but such aches

were something he’d grown accustomed to. He’d had to learn a long time ago how to push down the

pain and keep doing what he did. If he complained too much, or tried to resist–Wade would beat him.

So he’d created a room in the back of his mind in which he’d lock up the hurt and pain, and just

pretend it wasn’t there.

“Ready?” Ricky cocked an eyebrow and grinned.

“No.” Angel murmured, then smiled.

Ricky slipped his arm across his shoulder and walked him towards the rear entrance to the stage.

“You’ll be great. I promise.”

A low sigh slid up his throat and he cast one last look around for Dane, but the man seemed to be



The two young men emerged onto stage and the men in the audience raised their voices, eager for the

show. It was a small gathering, which was probably just as well for Angel’s sake. The boy was

clearly nervous as hell up there.

Cole walked over closer to the stage area and stood at the back. When Angel caught his eye briefly,

he smiled and winked, giving the kid an encouraging nod.

“How do you think he’ll do?” Gabe asked, appearing at his side.

“He should be fine.” Cole murmured. “Ricky will see him through it.”

Gabe rubbed a slow hand over his mouth. “It should be Dane up there with him.”

“He should be.” Cole’s eyes darted around the club. “Have you even seen him this evening?”

“Earlier.” Gabe said. “But then he just disappeared.”

Cole grunted and returned his attention to the stage. The music came on, an upbeat song that wasn’t

too fast but had a moderate beat and nice dancing rhythm. Ricky rested his hands on Angel’s hips and

began to move both of their bodies together. Angel fell into the rhythm nicely. He had a natural grace

and movement, but his nervousness still shown through. He was doing good though, following Ricky’s

lead, allowing his body to sway and rock gently, seductively. The men watching were displaying no

complaints as they moved closer to the edge of the stage.

Quite skillfully, Ricky danced both himself and Angel close to the men, allowing them to stuff their G-

strings with bills.

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“He’s doing good.” Cole murmured. Gabe nodded silently.

The routine continued to go well and Angel seemed to be relaxing–until Ricky moved him up against

the pole. A sudden stiffness gripped the boy and he froze, clutching the metal rod in tight fists.

“What’s wrong with him?” Gabe asked low, tight.

“I don’t know.” Cole frowned as he watched Ricky attempt to keep the rhythm as he whispered in

Angel’s ear. The boy shook his head and he seemed on the verge of breaking down. He suddenly

pulled away from Ricky and rushed off stage.

Stunned, Ricky shot a quick glance towards Cole and Gabe. Cole gestured that he would take care of

it and for Ricky to go ahead and finish the routine.

“Come on.” Cole nudged Gabe’s arm and they moved quickly towards the back of the club.

“What do you think happened?” Gabe asked with concern.

Cole shook his head silently. Angel had looked as if he were having some form of panic attack.


The pillow pressed against Max’s cheek as he hugged it close, body tense. He closed his eyes and

focused on the pleasurable sensations Dane’s lips and fingertips were creating as they moved down

his back. A deep breath pulled into his lungs when the man kissed the small of his back then the upper

swell of his rear. He had a touch that could soothe away heartache, if only for awhile.

“You have a beautiful body.” Dane murmured. His hands rubbed down over his firm backside and his

cheeks instinctively flexed against his palms, inciting the man to squeeze a little. “And your ass is

just…heavenly.” With that compliment, he began to drop kisses down the crease between his cheeks.

Max moaned and lifted up to him a bit, his cock hard as steel underneath him.

Dane’s thumbs slipped between his cheeks and he spread him open, dragging a single thumb tip down

through the crack, massaging his tight entrance.

“Fuck.” He breathed hard and shoved his face into the pillow, his anal ring flexing and squeezing

with anticipation. Another gasp burst from him when Dane’s warm, slick tongue circled the puckered

hole then pushed into it, stabbing at it gently. “Uh!” Max bit the pillow, body straining.

Squeezing his cheeks harder, Dane licked up through his crease then down low, grabbing at his sac

with his lips, sucking his full balls.

“God!” Max panted, groaning tightly. “Fuck! Your mouth feels so damn good.”

Dane moaned and dragged his tongue back up to his tight ring, let spit fall onto it then worked his

finger inside him, then two, and three.

“Oh fuck!” Max raised his ass and pushed against Dane’s fingers as the man began to stroke him deep,

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seeking out his magic button and blowing his mind. “Uuh!! Fuuck!” He fucked his fingers with

urgency, panting into the pillow, clawing the fabric. “Oh god, Dane! Please fuck me! Now! Please!

Needing it as bad as Max, Dane shifted onto his knees and urged Max up as well then applied more

saliva to his crease. “Fuck, Max.” There was an emotional strain to his voice as he rubbed his hands

up his back then back down over his ass cheeks. He spit into his palm and coated his cock then

pushed into Max slowly, holding his hips firmly, gently pulling him back onto him. “Fuck. Uuuhh…”

“Oh god!” Max clawed the bed beneath him as his arms strained, holding himself up on hands and

knees. “Fuck, baby! Yes! Shit, you feel so fucking good.

Dane leaned over his body, wrapping his arms under his chest, holding him tight as he pushed harder,

sinking deeper inside him, tearing sharp gasps from them both. His adrenaline pumping, Dane thrust

into him, strong and deep, his thick cock head gliding forcefully over his sweet spot, again and again.

“Oh fuck.” Max gasped hard, back arching as he moved with the man, fucking him back. “Oh my


His finger’s gripping his chest, Dane panted against the back of his neck, dropping staggered kisses

on his back and shoulders as he shoved himself into him, over and over. “Lay down.” He trembled

thickly, unsteadily, and Max sank down against the bed, the weight of Dane’s body covering him as he

continued to thrust at him, his body molded over his. Dane caressed him and kissed him, cries of pure

ecstasy bursting from his lips, his hips shoving against Max’s flexed ass cheeks, rocking him on the


When Dane’s hands rubbed down his arms and his fingers intertwined with his, his warm lips kissing

his shoulder softly, affectionately…Max understood that, on some special level–they loved each

other. It wasn’t an always and forever kind of love, but it was love nonetheless.

And it felt good to be able to embrace it, share it…on any level.

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Chapter Nine

Hellish Existence

Get a grip.

He couldn’t make the trembling stop. Angel hugged himself hard, arms squeezing around his waist as

he leaned against the counter in the dressing room, hunched over. His eyes burned with tears but he

fought to keep them back. What is wrong with you? Why are you freaking out now–after all this

time? His face began to ache as his jaw clenched tight. Pressure coiled in his chest like a vacuum,

sucking out his air.

You can’t be freaking out–you can’t!

He had been fine the first time he and Ricky had been practicing on stage, so why was this happening

now? You know why. Last time you weren’t actually ‘performing’.

“Angel?” Cole was suddenly at his side, arm around his shoulders. “Hey, babe…what’s wrong?”

Angel shook his head and the tears found their escape, sliding down his cheeks. “I can’t…breathe…”

“You’re gonna be okay.” Cole said calmly. “Just take deep breaths. You’re having a panic attack.

You’ll be all right.”

He sensed someone on the other side of him, then Gabe touched his back, his hand warm, soothing.

“Easy, kiddo. We’re right here. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Lifting his head, Angel looked at the men. “Will…will Max fire me?” he choked. He needed this job.

He had to keep it. He couldn’t go back to…

“Hey, don’t worry.” Cole assured. “Max won’t fire you. You got stage fright, it’s understandable.

Happens to the best of us.”

Stage fright. Maybe in a sense it was. But not the way Cole meant.

“What happened?” Gabe asked gently. “You were doing great. What made you panic?”

Angel looked to the floor; he couldn’t tell them the truth. He didn’t know how to confide in anyone but

Maddy. He had never had anyone but his little brother, no real friends, even when he was a kid. The

friendliness and concern of the guys here at the club caught him off guard, and he wasn’t sure how to

respond to it–or fully trust it. Trust wasn’t something he had a lot of experience with.

“I don’t know.” He whispered. “I just…started feeling like I couldn’t breathe and…started to get

dizzy and nauseous.”

“Well go ahead and get dressed.” Cole told him, “Then come out to the bar and just take it easy.”

Gabe patted his back lightly. “And despite everything,” he smiled. “You still made a bit of cash.”

Having forgotten about the money stuffed into his G-string, he began to pluck out the bills. Most were

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twenties, but a few were fifties and hundreds. God, please let this be enough to get Wade and Axel

through to the weekend.


Dane squeezed his fingers around Max’s, his body melded to the man. He ached from head to toe to

just let go and release, but he wasn’t ready for this to end, not just yet. His lips touched the curve of

Max’s neck, dropping kisses, breath puffing warmly against his damp, hot skin. Dane shoved into him

deep, gasping each time Max’s inner sleeve flexed and tightened around his member.

“Oh my god, Max.” Dane shuddered and pushed in again, trying to control his thrusts–and losing the


Max panted against the pillow, his body moving with Dane’s. “Don’t stop.” He trembled, voice

quavering, eyes closed. “Please…don’t stop.”

The slick top sheet barely covered Dane’s rear and slipped lower with every thrust into his lover

until the open air was caressing his bare skin. He kissed between Max’s shoulder blades and released

his hands, letting his fingertips float lightly down his ribs. The man shivered, breath hitching. Dane

backed off him. “Turn over.” He murmured.

Max twisted onto his back and Dane leaned over him, dropping his mouth to his chest. His teeth

wrapped gently around a stiff nipple and tugged then drew it into his mouth. Max groaned and shoved

his hands into his hair, fists filling up with ebony strands. “Oh god…”

The tip of Dane’s tongue traveled the crests and valleys of Max’s muscular torso, leaving no path

unexplored. His erection throbbed, begged to be back inside the man, clear droplets dripping onto the

sheet beneath him. Max’s abdomen quivered and jerked, sucked away from his touch then returned,

pleading for more as Dane began to nip his hard muscles gently. Max’s stiff cock dug into Dane’s

stomach, seeping juices, smearing his skin. Groaning, Max lifted up, pushing harder against him.

Dane wrapped one hand around his steel shaft and stroked slowly. “Fuck.” Max whimpered and

shoved up against his hand, through his fist. There was no give to his member. Ejaculation was

imminent. Dane scooted up closer, working his hips between the man’s thighs as Max eagerly spread

his legs. His cock pulsed and drooled as he pushed himself back through the tight hole, the thick head

forcing through the inner bands, popping past each one as he sank deeper into the hot, tight sleeve of

Max’s anal core.

“Uuuhh!” Max arched, grabbing Dane’s ass, short nails gouging his rock hard cheeks as they flexed

with the force of entering the man. “Oh fuck! Yes…baby…Shit!”

“Fuck, Max.” Dane panted, head dropped forward. “God, you feel so good.”

Supporting himself on one arm, he reclaimed Max’s cock in his fist and worked him good and hard as

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he let go and fucked the man without reservation. Their cries and shouts exploded throughout the

bedroom, ricocheting off the walls.

“Fuuuck!” Max yelled sharp, forceful, his body locking, jerking as he burst, shooting thick tendrils of

cum into the air. Dane stroked him vigorously as he fucked him with renewed urgency, his own body

tightening, straining, as the cum pushed up through his cock then burst inside the man.

“Uuuhh!! Fuuuck!” Dane choked on the strangled wail, slamming into Max with hard, short pumps,

giving the man everything he possessed. “Oh fuck! Yes…” He thrust at him until the orgasm released

its hold and a sudden bout of exhaustion overwhelmed him. “Oh my god…” he gasped hard and fell

onto the bed beside Max.

His eyes closed, Max’s hands pressed against his heaving chest, breath puffing from his parted lips.

When he finally twisted his head and looked at Dane, his eyes were damp. “I don’t know how to do it

anymore.” He whispered, his words thick, unsteady.

“Do what?” Dane murmured.

Max stared at him for a moment then slowly turned his head and stared at the ceiling. His throat

worked against his emotions, tears thickening in his eyes, sliding down his temples. “Pretend that…I

can live without him.” He looked at Dane again, warm tears pouring out. “Almost twenty years…I’ve

been telling myself I’m okay, I don’t need him. But every day…” He bit his lip as fresh tears formed.

“Every fucking day, I wake up with this hole in my chest, like…my heart was ripped out.” He licked

his lips slowly and swallowed thickly as he shook his head, breath breaking up his throat. “And it

hurts, Dane.” He closed his eyes, chin trembling as he curled his arm over his face. “It hurts so

fucking bad.”

Dane pulled the man into his arms and held him tight, his hand cupped gently at the back of his head.

He kissed his hair and let him cry.

Almost twenty years? What the hell could have happened between him and Kaplan that was so bad it

spanned nearly two decades and continued to keep them apart?


“Here.” Angel handed the folded bills to Wade. He watched the guy unfold the money and count it


“Three hundred bucks.” He nodded. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” He looked at Angel. “Keep

this up and you won’t have to take side jobs.” He shrugged and smirked. “Although it would be that

much extra cash.”

“Wade, you said…”

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“Yeah, yeah.” Wade held up his hand to ward off any whining. “Fine. You keep the cash flowing in,

and I’ll keep my word.” Axel reached across the table for a couple of the bills and Wade smacked his

hand hard.

“Fuck!” Axel jerked his hand back. “Come on, Wade. It isn’t just yours.”

Wade jabbed a finger at him. “You’ll get what I decide to give you, and not a fucking cent more. You

don’t do shit. I’m the one who has been setting up the gigs from the start, dealing with assholes who

want too much of a cut. You just sit back and reap the benefits. So yes, it is all mine until I deem

otherwise. Got it?”

Axel nodded and grumbled, “Yeah, I got it.”

They made Angel think of Jackals, scuffling over a carcass. He left the kitchen as Wade recounted the

cash, and went to the bedroom. Maddy was in bed. Trying to be quiet, Angel closed the door softly

and walk to his bed that consisted of a single old sleeping bag and his bare pillow. He slipped off his

shoes and undressed down to his shorts and a t-shirt then crawled onto the mattress and sat with his

back against the wall, watching Maddy sleep.

He drew his legs up and hugged his knees, and tried to contemplate what had happened on stage that

evening. He understood the source of his panic, but didn’t know why it was flaring up again after

having no episodes for almost a year.

His stepbrothers’ laughter reached the bedroom, pushing through the closed door. Angel tried to

imagine a day when those voices would be eradicated from his and Maddy’s lives for good. So many

nights, he had thought about taking Maddy and just running away. But Wade wasn’t so stupid as not to

know Angel loved his little brother enough to want to get him out of there. He’d made his threats,

early on. Told Angel if they tried to run away, he would find them, and when he did–Maddy would be

the one to pay for it. In the worst way.

Though Angel was sure they could run far enough that Wade would never find them…there was

always the ‘What if ’ hanging over his head. What if Wade did catch them? He knew what would

happen to Maddy–and Wade would make Angel watch. As it was right now, Maddy remained

untouched. Physically, anyway. Though he worried about what all this was doing to him

psychologically. But he couldn’t take the thought of Maddy being sexually abused. It was his little

brother’s greatest fear. And Angel’s too.

Reaching to the edge of the mattress, Angel grabbed his jeans and dug down into the rear pocket and

withdrew two bills. He dropped the pants and sat back against the wall again and stared at the two

twenties. Crawling off the bed, he went to the corner of the bedroom where the large hole afforded

the rats entrance into the room, knelt down and reached inside the wall. He brought back a small

mason jar with a metal lid, unscrewed the lid then dropped the two bills in with a small collection of

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loose change and other smaller bills, replaced the lid then hid it back inside the wall and returned to


It wasn’t much, but it was a start. If he could skim a little off his earnings without Wade or Axel

finding out, maybe one day he would have enough to take Maddy far away–without fear of being

found again.

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Chapter Ten

Devil on My Shoulder

Dane stayed with Max all night, making love and talking. For reasons Dane wasn’t entirely clear on,

Max seemed at ease opening up to him, telling him things that he was sure other ears rarely, if ever,

had privy to. Dane told him things as well, but they both managed to keep that one secret unspoken.

“You really like him, don’t you?” The gray light of dawn pressed at the drapes as they had yet to get

any real sleep.

“Who?” Dane murmured, though he knew the answer.


He sighed. “Yeah, I…guess I do.”

Max turned his head and looked at him. “You are aware that he likes you too, right?”

Dragging his hands down his face, Dane groaned. “Yeah…maybe…” A short laugh puffed off his

lips. “I don’t know.”

“Why are you fighting it?” Max asked quietly.

“I don’t know that either.” Dane admitted, then looked at him and smiled. “Maybe I’m afraid of


Chuckling low, Max shook his head and rubbed the back of his hand down Dane’s chest. “I don’t

think that’s it.”

Dane exhaled heavily and tucked his arms under his head, staring at the ceiling. “I don’t know.” He

said quietly, soberly. “Maybe…I don’t think I deserve the love of an angel.” He shrugged. “Or anyone

for that matter.”

Max turned onto his side and gazed at him. “Why would you think that?” He traced patterns on Dane’s

chest and stomach. “From my standpoint, you’re a hell of a good man.”

The memories pushed in and Dane closed his eyes. “I wasn’t always.” He whispered.


The hard kick to the end of the mattress came way too early for Angel. A couple more hours of sleep

was much coveted, but Axel’s insistent foot jabbing the bed refused to let him rest.

“What?” Angel mumbled.

“Breakfast time, slut boy.” He said. “Get on it.”

Angel rolled over and groaned, eyes heavy. But he knew better than to tell the guy to go away; the

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next kick would be to his gut or ribs. “Okay.”

“Well get a move on.” He ordered. “You have three hungry mouths to feed.”

Three? It didn’t take much thought to figure out that the third mouth belonged to Byrd. Instant tension

squeezed his chest. Byrd was a catalyst that made an already bad situation–even worse. Nothing good

ever came of his visits. He was the exception to the no side jobs deal. If he put up the cash, he got

what he wanted, every time.

Maddy was still asleep and he didn’t wake him. He would have to eat when Wade and Axel did, they

wouldn’t let him make something later. But Angel would let him sleep until breakfast was done–

especially since Byrd was there.

“Hey,” Byrd snorted when Angel entered the kitchen. “How ‘bout we turn on some music and you can

do a little dance for us while you cook?” The three of them laughed. “Breakfast and a show.”

“Fuck.” Wade chuckled and shook his head, lighting up a cigarette. He took a long drag and let the

smoke out slowly. “Get this, the little dancing fairy brought home three hundred bucks last night. Can

you believe it?”

“Nice.” Byrd grinned then smacked Angel’s ass, making him jump and frown hard at the man. “Who’d

have thought this little ass could be so profitable?”

“That’s just the tip of the iceberg.” Wade pointed two fingers at Byrd, his cigarette pinched between

them. “Wait till he starts getting the private customers. Those rich, horny bastards will pay a shit load

to unload in that tight little ass.”

Tendrils of nausea weaved through Angel’s intestines. Dancing was one thing, even private dancing.

But he wasn‘t a dancer, not really. That was just his cover. Wade hadn’t sent him into the Phoenix

club to be a stripper–but to be a hooker. He’d heard some of the other boys talking about the offers

made to them for sex, though few accepted the offers, or at least didn’t admit to accepting them. Angel

was sure some did. Some of the offers were astronomical–at least in Angel’s book.

“Well, it is an awful cute ass.” Byrd smirked and grabbed Angel’s ass, squeezing hard.

He jerked away from him. “If you want food.” He mumbled, brow tight. “Leave me alone.”

“He’s just fucking with you.” Axel chided. “Don’t be such a little bitch baby.”

“Yeah.” Wade smacked him in the small of the back with the back of his hand, hard. “He’s our guest.

Show him some respect.”

Byrd twisted in his chair and leaned back, legs spread loosely. He grabbed his own crotch and

grinned. “Or you could just blow me some respect.” When Angel glanced at him, his heavy eyes were

thick with lust as they crawled all over his body. “I have cash in my pocket.”

“Yeah?” Wade perked up. “How much?”

The man shrugged. “Enough for a little cock slobbering.”

“You really enjoy that?” Axel grimaced. “Having a guy suck your cock?”

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“Hey.” Byrd’s hand snapped out and slapped Axel in the back of the head. “Don’t knock it till you try

it, dumb ass. Besides, like I always say–Angel here is more like a girl anyway.”

“Yeah, so keep your fucking mouth shut.” Wade sneered. “You open it again, and maybe I’ll make you

suck his cock.”

Byrd chuckled and winked at him.

“Fuck you.” Axel muttered low.

Byrd winked again. “Maybe.” He smirked. “But you would have to pay me for that one.”

Mumbling coldly, Axel finally clammed up, his face screwed up in anger and annoyance.

Angel tried to shut out their sickening conversation and focus on the eggs frying in the pan so they

didn’t burn or overcook at all. Wade got pissed if his eggs weren’t fixed just right.

“Speaking of cute asses,” Byrd quipped. “Where’s Maddy?” Angel stiffened, heart pounding. “Isn’t it

about time you started making a few bucks off him as well? I bet he’s got a nice little velvet mouth on

him.” He winked at Wade. “I could test him out for you.”

“You’re not gonna fucking touch him.” Angel flared, turning on the man with fiery eyes.

“Mmm.” Byrd smiled wryly. “You’re sexy when you’re angry.”

Angel backed off, unnerved by the way the man’s crotch instantly hardened and swelled. “Just…stay

away from him.”

“You look real threatening.” Axel ventured. “Standing there with that spatula in your hand.” The other

guys laughed and Axel relaxed, no longer the odd man out.

After serving the three men their food, Angel fixed a plate for Maddy and headed out of the kitchen.

“Whoa.” Wade set down his fork. “Where are you going with that?”

“It’s for Maddy.” Angel said quietly.

“What? He’s some fucking princess that he has to have breakfast in bed?” Wade shook his head and

jabbed his fork at Angel. “He can bring his lazy ass out here to the table and eat. It’s bad enough I

have to support his useless ass, he doesn’t need to be pampered as well.”

Walking back to the table, Angel set the plate down. He licked his lips slowly. “Actually…I wanted

to talk to you about that. I mean, about Maddy making some money.”

Byrd smirked. “He can make money off me right now.”

Swallowing thickly, Angel kept his focus on Wade. “What if…Maddy could get a job? Like down at

one of the corner markets or something. Then he would be bringing in some cash.” When Wade

looked at him doubtfully, Angel hurried on. “He wouldn’t say anything to anyone about our private

business. It would give him something to do, and bring in extra money.”

Wade went back to eating then finally mumbled, “I’ll think about it.”

Nodding, Angel went to wake up Maddy. The boy wasn’t thrilled about eating in the kitchen, but the

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news that Wade might let him get a job brightened his spirits a little. He ate his breakfast in silence,

avoiding Byrd’s eyes at all costs.

Finishing his food, Byrd left the table and dumped his plate in the sink then leaned against the counter

and wiped his mouth. He looked at Angel. “Now that I’ve had my meal…I think I’m ready for


Angel hadn’t eaten–precisely for this reason. He‘d known that the moment Byrd mentioned a blow

job, he was serious. And he didn’t want a full stomach when he went down on the guy.

Without looking up from his plate, Wade held up his hand and snapped his fingers. Byrd produced

two twenties and a ten and stuffed them into Wade’s fist, then stepped over and gripped the back of

Angel’s neck, walking him out of the kitchen. Maddy’s fork hovered, trembling, above his plate, a

sudden wet glint to his eyes. Angel wondered if the boy was old enough now to understand that all

that Angel suffered through–was to keep Maddy safe and untouched.


“What do you mean he panicked?” Dane spoke low, tight. “What happened? Did Ricky—”

“Ricky didn’t do anything.” Cole cut him off right quick. “They were doing fine and then Angel just…

I don’t know…he just panicked.”

Dane dragged his hand slowly over his mouth, eyes hard. “Did he say why?”

“He said he didn’t know why.” Cole told him.

Rubbing his eyes, Dane sighed. “Maybe he’s just not cut out for this.”

“Or,” Cole raised a slow eyebrow. “Maybe you should step up and show him the way. Ricky’s good,

but you’re older, you have more experience, and…” He shrugged and smiled. “Angel wants to dance

with you.”

Dane leaned on the bar and cocked his head. “And just when did he say that?”

“He doesn’t have to say it, dumb ass.” Cole slugged his shoulder lightly. “The boy is gone on you.

But if you keep running away, one day you’re gonna turn around and realize he isn’t chasing anymore,

that he isn’t even there anymore.” He gripped Dane’s shoulder. “Boys come and go through here.

So…give Angel a reason to stay.”

“You’re just a regular Dr. Phil aren’t you?”

Cole grinned. “Personally, I prefer to liken myself to Oprah.”


“Strip.” Byrd said when he closed the bedroom door.

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Angel stared at him. “What?” he asked thickly, heart beginning to thump hard at his ribs.

“Take your clothes off.” Byrd leaned against the door and casually unfastened his pants. He’d never

made Angel strip down before.

“Why?” he whispered unsteadily.

“Because I said so.” He shoved his pants down and kicked them off, then peeled off his shirt. His

forceful erection strained against the crotch of his briefs. “I paid fifty bucks for you. You’ll fucking do

what I say.”

Angel had always feared Byrd more than he had either Wade or Axel. He slowly undressed until he

was standing before the man in his shorts.

“Take it all off.”

His throat tight, Angel slid his shorts down his legs and stepped out of them. He avoided Byrd’s eyes

as the guy looked him over. A low– mmm–drifted out of him and he removed his briefs. He walked

over to Angel’s bed and laid down on the mattress, legs spread, tucking his arms under his head.

“Well, what’re you waiting for?”

Angel hesitated then knelt on the bed between his legs. The man’s cock stood erect, stiff as a rod,

veins swollen and snaking up his shaft. He wasn’t huge, but had a good eight inches to him and was

quite thick–which made him difficult to suck.

Clear juice bubbled from his cock head and Angel closed his eyes and lowered his mouth onto him.

By now, he knew how Byrd wanted it. He liked Angel to suck the head first, using his tongue to tease

the sensitive areas until his balls began to ache, and then he would shove all the way in and fuck his

mouth until he unloaded.

“You know what, Angel baby?” He groaned. “I have yet to meet a woman who can suck cock like you

can.” He squeezed Angel’s hair in his fists and groaned louder as Angel tightened his lips around the

crown of his cock and sucked harder, his hands sliding up and down the shaft. “Oh fuck, boy…” he

panted. “If I had the cash, I’d just buy you from Wade.”

Leaning forward, Byrd rubbed his hands down Angel’s back then grabbed his ass, working his firm

cheeks with his fingers as he pushed his cock deeper into Angel’s mouth. “Fuck, boy, you have one

fucking sexy ass.” His breath staggered and he placed a hand on the back of Angel’s head and moved

him up and down on his dick as he massaged his ass with his other hand. “Oh fuck yes…yes…”

In an unexpected move, he pulled Angel off him and turned him around. “What’re you doing?” Angel


Byrd pushed him forward onto hands and knees then knelt behind him. “What do you think?” he

panted then spread Angel’s ass cheeks and spit into his crack. “I’m gonna fuck you.”

Before Angel could beg him to use a condom, the man’s cock was shoving into him. Angel gasped and

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gripped the sleeping bag in his fists as the man’s thickness forced inside him. He knew not to resist or

fight him, it would only make it worse.

“Oh Fuck yes!” Byrd gasped sharp then bumped at him hard, driving his cock in deeper and tearing a

cry from Angel. The man’s fingers gouged into his slim hips as he thrust into him with more vigor, his

pelvis smacking his ass cheeks. “Oh my god! Oh fuck! This is so much better than any pussy I ever

had. Fuck!

An ache veined down through Angel’s arms as he strained to hold himself up against Byrd’s hard,

urgent fucking. When the man got wilder, more forceful, Angel dropped down to his elbows, his head

ducked between his arms, choking on his cries. Byrd shoved him all the way down and went at him

almost frantically. The guy had no doubt had his fantasies about fucking another guy, but Angel

suspected this might his first time actually going through with it, for he seemed to have no control.

“Fuck-fuck-fuck!” Byrd panted and grunted, his strong, damp, hot body crushing Angel against the

mattress as he bounced his cock balls deep into his ass, again and again. When the orgasm gripped

him, his thrusts turned shorter, more erratic, disjointed as his breath broke and fell out of him in

shuddered grunts and gasps, his hips humping wildly against Angel’s ass cheeks. A strangled wail

tore up his throat when he blew his wad. He kept on fucking him, unloading more and more cum

inside him.

When he was finally empty, he lay against Angel’s back, hot breath blasting Angel’s damp skin. “Oh

that was so worth the fifty bucks.” He panted hard. “You can be sure this is where I’m going to be

spending my hard earned money from now on.”

Angel buried his face in his arms, biting his lip to suppress the sobs as hot tears seeped into the

sleeping bag. Was there no end to his living hell?

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Chapter Eleven


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…courage to change the things I

can, Horatio stared down into his wine glass, “And wisdom to know the difference.”

“That’s from the Serenity prayer.” Horatio glanced up from the bed where he lounged naked beneath

the silk sheet, and gazed at the young man emerging from the bathroom, a white towel wrapped around

his waist. His youthful body glistened with droplets of water, his black hair wet and glossy, slightly

messed from being towel dried. He smiled and his emerald eyes seemed to glow with life. “My mom

taught that to me and my younger brother when we were kids.”

Horatio had found him on the beaches of Cancun, vacationing with some college buddies. When he’d

passed him during a stroll down the beach, it had been like stepping back in time and meeting Max’s

younger self face to face; ebony black hair, green eyes, body of the gods. At first glance, Horatio had

determined to admire the young man from a distance, but when he’d turned to watch him walk on

down the sand–the guy was looking back at him as well. An exchange of smiles, an introduction and

shake of hands, and the next thing he knew–the kid was on top of him in his hotel room, riding him

into sexual bliss.

The kid flopped on the bed beside him and lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. “This room must

cost a mint.”

Horatio shrugged and sipped his wine. “All I have is money.” He murmured. “Might as well live in


“I take it you travel a lot.”

Sighing, Horatio nodded and raised the glass to his lips yet again. “As much as I possibly can. I spend

more time in my private jet than I do on the ground.”

“Private jet?” The guy twisted onto his side and propped on his elbow. “No shit? You have your own


“Yeah.” Horatio chuckled at his wonderment. It was easy to forget that the things he took for granted

were luxuries far beyond the reach of the average human being.

“Wow.” Seth shook his head and turned onto his back again, laughing low. “Your life must be


Swirling his glass slowly, Horatio whispered, “It should be.”

“I can’t imagine flying on a private jet.”

Horatio looked at him. “Would you like to?”

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“What?” Seth asked.

“Fly on my jet.”

He sat up and cocked his eyebrows. “Are you serious?”

Smiling, Horatio leaned over and kissed him softly. “I am.”

Seth licked the kiss from his lips. “I’m here with my friends.” He said, somewhat dejectedly. “We

planned this trip together. I guess I would be a shit to walk out on them.”

“Fuck, bring them along.”

An uncertain smile curved the boy’s lips. “For real?”

Horatio shrugged. “Sure, why not?” he smiled. “I’ll take you anywhere in the world you and your

friends want to go. All-expense paid trip.”

“Why…would you do that?” Seth asked, puzzled.

“I told you, all I have is money, and time.” He gazed at the kid. “I don’t have anything else. Might as

well share the wealth.” He cupped Seth’s neck and drew him into a strong kiss. “And too–you’re

great in bed. I’m not sure I’m ready to let you go just yet.”

Laughing softly, Seth grinned, “Well hell, baby, keep me as long as you want.”

Groaning, Horatio laid him down on the bed and tugged his towel loose. “Be careful what you say.”

He murmured and wrapped his hand around the guy’s hardening cock. “I might just take you up on it.”

He moved lower and licked up the side of his shaft, captured the head between his lips and sucked

firmly. Seth gasped, his body flinching hard as his fingers twisted into Horatio’s hair.

“Oh fuck,” he moaned loud. “Please do.


Please…don’t…” The boy whimpered and cried when the man stepped back. He choked on a hard

sob when the tip of the whip bit his skin, not hard enough to cut but enough to sting fiercely. The

guy had barely started when the men clamored at the edge of the small stage, shouting and yelling

for the man to–“Fuck him!”

They weren’t really there for a show–they just wanted to watch the virgin boy get fucked good and

hard. The guy walked the perimeter of the stage, shouting in a deep voice–“Show us the cash!”

The second man remained in front of the boy, on the other side of the pole, unmoving, but he could

feel his eyes on him.

The boy twisted his head, sobbing, clutching the pole as it began to grow slick with sweat and

tears. The crowd tossed bills onto the stage, in a frenzy to see the boy’s innocence ripped from


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The guy came up behind him again and this time he felt bare cock touch his ass cheeks. “Don’t.”

he choked, crying.

The man began to stroke himself, a low chuckle vibrating his chest. “Baby boy, it’s time to become

a man.” His breath was quick, ragged with anticipation. He tugged aside the thin strip of leather

that ran down through the boy’s ass cheeks and pushed his cock head against his tight virgin anus.

Just the slightest pressure caused a burning as the thick tip tried to enter.

No-oo!” The boy struggled, trying to escape the pain.

Hold him!” The man snapped at the second guy, his breath puffing hard with frustration, then

shoved the boy forward hard against the pole as the other man grabbed him, holding him still.

“Relax, baby.” The first man panted in his ear. “You’re gonna love cock.”

The man gripped his hips and the boy’s face pressed against the metal pole as the second guy held

him secure. Tears rushed out and he stared into the dark orbs looking back at him from behind the

mask. He could see nothing in there, only darkness. The boy squeezed his eyes shut, sobs piling in

his throat, wondering if he would even make it through this night alive. “Please God,” he choked

on his whispered prayer. “Please protect Maddy.”

His fingers tightening against the boy’s hot skin, the man before him whispered something that the

boy couldn’t quite make out over the music and shouts of the raucous crowd–then the other man

was shoving into him with force. The boy screamed.


Angel came awake with a cry, heart pounding. He was naked under the sleeping bag where he had

crawled after Byrd had finished with him. The exhaustion of lack of sleep and having just been fucked

so fiercely had pulled him into a heavy sleep.

He rubbed his eyes and found his face wet with tears. It was almost dark outside and he had to get to

work. He glanced at Maddy’s bed and started to tense when he found it empty–until a body shifted

next to him, on top of the sleeping bag. Maddy lay huddled up to him, arm around his waist. Did he

know what Byrd had done? Would the guy have gone out there and admitted that he had fucked Angel

as well as getting a blow job? Did he want Wade and Axel to know he was that much of a fag?

Lying back down for a moment, Angel drew Maddy’s head onto his chest and softly stroked his hair.

“We’re going to get away, Maddy.” He whispered thickly. “We will.”

The boy shifted and sniffed, the wetness of his breath betraying his own tears–and that he wasn’t

entirely asleep.

Angel kissed his head. “I have to go work.”

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“Did Byrd…” He choked on his whispered words, shaking.

He thought about lying to him, but Maddy wasn’t a child anymore. He understood most of what was

really happening to his older brother. “Yes.” Tears thickened his voice.

Maddy hugged him tighter and began to cry.

Sometimes it seemed that what was done to him hurt Maddy the most.


Max stared at the thin plaque, his eyes following the engraved letters that made up the Serenity

Prayer. He’d found it in a thrift shop over a decade ago and bought it, in hopes the words could

somehow help him come to terms with his life. He prayed it every day, but had yet to receive the

comfort he was seeking. When Horatio had first seen it, he’d told Max they were just empty words,

they wouldn’t change what he felt in his heart or help him accept the things he couldn’t change.

Lying the plaque on his desk, Max leaned back in his chair. The man had been right. Denying himself

wasn’t the same as acceptance. He was nowhere near accepting the things he couldn’t change in his

life. And he was quite sure he would go to his grave still unaccepting that life had fucked him over.

He closed his eyes and rested his head against the back of the leather desk chair. Lately, he felt like a

recluse, shutting himself up in his office, barely showing his face around the club. Horatio’s recent

visits had done a number on him that he was beginning to think he may never recover from. And then

him walking out, telling Max he wouldn’t be coming around anymore…that had been the final rip

through his heart. He knew why Horatio had said it, and why he would keep his word.

He loves you enough to not want to be the source of your pain and torment.

“But you always will be, baby.” Max opened his eyes and warm tears drained out. “No matter how

far you fly away from me.”

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Chapter Twelve

Heaven Here and Now

Dane spotted the boy as soon he entered the club–and saw right away that something was wrong.

There was a desperation that tightened his face as he looked around the club, seeming to scope out the

customers. His eyes came to rest on Dane and he walked towards him with purpose, causing Dane’s

pulse to quicken and glitch.

Determination mingled with desperation when Angel told him, “Teach me the private dancing.” There

was a forcefulness behind his words that was unaccustomed to the boy and sent a shot of blood

straight to Dane’s cock. “This penny-ante shit isn’t doing it. I need some real customers.”

“Okay.” Dane frowned and held up his hands. “Slow down.”

Angel swallowed hard and some of the force left his voice. “Please?” A slight sheen of tears glossed

his eyes. “I’ll…give you part of my earnings if you help me. I just…I really need this.”

“No compensation is necessary.” Dane assured him. “I’ll help you.”

Shifting anxiously, his eyes suddenly evasive, Angel murmured, “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to sound

so…demanding. I mean, you don’t owe me—”

“I said I’d do it.” Dane smiled, and when Angel looked up at him with a rush of gratitude–what little

grip he’d had on his heart broke loose and he fell, right then and there.

“Thank you.” Angel whispered, a slight shudder to his voice.

Dane looked at him uncertainly. “Are you okay?”

The boy stared back at him as if contemplating the question. His gaze wavered and shimmered, then

he glanced away. “Yeah.” He murmured thickly. “I’m fine.”

You’re lying, baby. “Okay.” Dane offered doubtfully.

Angel cleared his throat and asked quietly, “How soon could we start?”

“Well…” Dane’s attention was pulled to the club entrance as Oliver walked in, paused and looked

around then smiled when he spotted Dane. “What about right now?” he shifted his gaze from Oliver to

Angel. “Best way to learn is to just jump right in.”

“You mean…with a customer?” Angel looked uncertain.

Dane nodded. “That way, you get the lesson as well as the payout.” He smiled. “Kind of like getting

paid to learn.” He watched Oliver make his way across the club towards them. “And I have the

perfect customer for the job.”

Turning and following his stare to Oliver, Angel’s eyes widened a bit. “Him?” he breathed, almost


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Laughing softly, Dane nodded. “Trust me–he’s a gentle giant.”


The man had muscles that Angel hadn’t even known existed on the human body, accentuated by his

tight, yet classy attire. He was pretty sure the guy could snap him in half with the slightest effort. Dane

shook his hand and flashed a charming smile. “It’s good to see you again, Oliver.”

“Likewise.” The man spoke low. He had a nice voice.

It occurred to Angel that this was the same man he’d seen come out of the private booth with Dane

before. Apparently he had truly been satisfied–for he was back for more.

“So,” Oliver caressed Dane’s body with his eyes. “A little one on one?”

“Actually,” Dane slid his arm across Angel’s shoulder. “I was thinking maybe a little…two on one.”

He smiled. “This is Angel. One of our new boys. He’s new to this and needs some lessons. Perhaps

you could…help us out? Two for the price of one?”

Oliver chuckled and looked at Angel. “Now how can I pass up such an offer?” He held out his hand.

“It’s real nice to meet you, Angel.”

“You too.” Angel murmured, still intimidated by the man’s size.

“Very fitting name.” he observed. “You look like an angel.”

I don’t feel like one. Angel simply offered him a shy smile.

Dane’s arm remained across his shoulder as the three of them walked towards the private booths in

the back of the club. There was a comfort in the man’s casual touch that afforded him the same sense

of security he’d felt with Cole, yet with an added…something. And he knew what that something

was; Cole was just a friend, but with Dane…there was so much more to it.

His thoughts cleared and nervousness squeezed his stomach when Dane ushered Oliver into the booth,

and then Angel, stepping in behind them and closing the heavy curtain. Angel realized he wasn’t

dressed for the occasion. He looked at Dane and spoke low, “I didn’t change.” He indicated his


“It’s okay.” Dane murmured. “We’ll manage.” The look in his eyes burned through Angel and he felt

it prominently in his crotch.

Oliver took a seat in the armless leather chair and relaxed back, hands resting lightly on his thighs.

There was already a bulge behind his fly as he gazed at the both of them with a measure of lust, but in

his eyes was also admiration. He didn’t have the creepy look in his eyes that Angel was so used to

seeing in the eyes of the men Wade picked out for him. This man wasn’t a sick minded pervert–just an

average guy who enjoyed the company of sensual boys.

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When Dane turned on the music, Angel’s nervousness heightened a notch. Dane stepped up behind

him and rested his hands on his hips and brushed his lips across his ear. “Relax.” He said softly.

“And just let me guide you.”

When Ricky had told him the same thing–it hadn’t had quite the same effect on Angel’s senses. And

when his body touched his and began to move so sensually, Angel feared he might faint.

“Feel the rhythm?” Dane whispered, his hands gripping Angel’s hips. “Just move with it, let it take


Oh God yes, he felt the rhythm. He closed his eyes and let himself go. Unaware of what he was

doing, his arms snaked up and around Dane’s neck as the man’s hands began to move over his body.

He guided them between Oliver’s legs as the guy just watched for now.

Dane slipped his hands under Angel’s shirt and the boy trembled and shivered as he caressed up over

his bare chest then rubbed back down across his stomach then to the sides and down his hips. His

crotch was glued to Angel’s ass and there was no mistaking the hardness developing there, and Angel

had to wonder what would happen between them if they were alone in this booth together.


The boy’s skin was growing hot beneath his hands, damp with a slight sheen of sweat. His body

pressed back against Dane and followed his movements perfectly. His fingers sliding up Angel’s ribs,

he peeled his shirt up over his head and tossed it aside then resumed caressing his now bare torso.

He urged Angel closer to Oliver as the man rubbed his hands up Angel’s outer thighs. Dane discarded

his own shirt then turned Angel around facing him, turning the boy’s back to Oliver. He could feel the

heat in his own eyes as he gazed down at the young man, and it reflected back in Angel’s gaze. “Now

the trick,” he whispered, “is to tease your customer.” He smiled over Angel’s shoulder at Oliver and

winked. “They love to be teased.”

“Indeed.” Oliver murmured.

Dane dropped his hands to the front of Angel’s pants and unfastened them, slowly sliding down the

zipper. The boy’s breath quickened–but with excitement rather than nervousness as Dane let his

fingers play around underneath the loosened waistline of the pants. Angel touched his stomach

tentatively, then slowly began to caress his skin, sending sizzling shock waves snapping wildly all

through Dane’s body, swelling his crotch.

“Start by showing them just a little of your fine ass.” He shoved his fingers down the back of Angel’s

pants, underneath the band of his briefs and slowly pushed his pants down until a third of his ass was

exposed then pulled them back up a little as their bodies swayed and curved with the beat of the

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music. “Then a little more…” His voice felt thick, and turned raspy as his fingertips slid over the

smooth, firm swell of the boy’s rump when he shoved his pants down a little lower. He tugged his

hands from beneath the briefs and worked Angel’s pants down off his butt. “Then go ahead and take

off the pants.” He swayed down to his heels before Angel, dragging his pants down with him. The boy

stepped out of them and he rubbed his hands up the back of Angel’s thighs as he slowly rose up again,

his lips barely grazing the impressive bulge contained in the kid’s briefs.

Oliver rubbed his hands up Angel’s bare legs and over his ass. “So beautiful.” He groaned. Dane had

to agree. The man unfastened his own pants, opening the front, revealing his own restrained arousal.

“Now, to get them nice and turned on,” Dane was beginning to pant as he was the one getting turned

on. “Sit down in their lap and just work that lovely ass real good.”

Angel did as he was instructed and Oliver held his hips as the young man lowered down onto his hard

crotch and rocked his hips, swaying, circling.

Oh fuck, Oliver, let me take your place. Dane artistically removed his own pants, beneath which he

wore a mere G-string. As Angel worked himself on Oliver, Dane straddled both of them, rocking his

hips with the music, dipping and swaying, teasing Angel as well as Oliver.

He gently pushed Angel back against the man’s chest and hovered over them, sinking low till he was

brushing against Angel’s solid crotch, then lifting up. His face moved so close to Angel’s chest and

neck he could almost hear the thumping beat of his heart. The kid’s breath puffed from his lips, his

eyes heavy with want, but he never lost rhythm and continued to move his body against Oliver. Dane

grazed his mouth against Angel’s lips then along his cheek and on up the side of Oliver’s face. Then

both Oliver and Angel had their hands on him, squeezing his hips, fingers pressing into his hard,

flexing ass muscles.

Angel gasped and clutched his flesh when Dane sank down again and this time rubbed a little more

firmly against Angel’s confined cock. He knew by the tremble in the boy’s body, that if he kept it up–

Angel lose it. And so would he.


Please fuck me. Angel bit back the words before they rushed, untamed, out into open air. Oliver was

steel hard beneath him, lifting and pushing against Angel’s ass as Dane teased the fuck out of him with

his crotch massage. His tense fingers gouged Dane’s hips, aching to pull the man down against him.

He couldn’t keep his breath from panting, gasping from his lips, as his body burned alive between the

two men.

Oliver released Dane’s ass and began to caress Angel’s inner thighs and up around his stiff erection.

For as large as the man was, he had a very light, very erotic touch. His hands began to caress both

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Angel’s crotch and Dane’s. Sweat dripped off Dane’s body and his eyes were weighted as he gazed

down at him.

Take me home with you. The sudden thought jolted Angel and he trembled, eyes stinging, as he longed

to be in Dane’s bed, wrapped up in his arms…safe from the world. But the world had its claws in

him and he couldn’t get loose. He could never spend a night with Dane, not when Maddy needed him

at home with him.

He shoved the thoughts of hell away and, for the moment, let himself get lost in heaven here and now.

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Chapter Thirteen

Flying with Angels

You need to back off. But now that Dane was right here, all up close and personal with Angel, his

body refused to pull away, drawn to the boy like a powerful magnet. And Angel wasn’t pushing him

away either, gripping his hips, he could feel the kid wanting to pull him down even closer.

Angel shoved his crotch up to meet him when he descended again, grinding them together much harder

than before. “Fuck.” Dane shuddered and knew he was on the bare edge of losing control. Angel

writhed sensually against Oliver’s strong body, shoving him to the edge as well. We’re all gonna

fucking come if this keeps up.

Forcing himself to back off, Dane tugged Angel up on his feet. The boy was shaky, but he kept in time

with the music as Dane turned him around to face Oliver and grabbed his hips, hugging his ass with

his crotch as they moved as one; rocking, swaying, dipping, bodies curving together fluidly. Oliver

groaned and rubbed his crotch.

“Good god,” he panted. “You boys are fucking hot together.” He groaned again when they both

twisted down low between his legs then back up. Dane’s fingers pushed the band of Angel’s briefs

just barely off his hips and down low enough in the front to expose his entire lower abdomen and a

peek of neatly trimmed, sandy colored pubic hair. His fingers tingled with the need to reach deeper

inside his shorts and massage his bare, hard flesh, but he knew now wasn’t the time. From the

wetness beginning to seep through his briefs, Dane was sure that just a single touch of his bare hand

might well cause the boy to orgasm.

The song ended not a moment too soon, for the feel of Angel’s hot, firm ass cheeks moving against

Dane’s rock hard cock had his dick leaking and drooling and thinking about bursting.

“Da-aamn.” Oliver panted and wiped sweat from his fevered face. He stood up and fastened his

pants, his raging erection bulging the crotch. “You two may just get a thank you note from my wife.”

Dane stared at him in mild shock. “You’re married?

Oliver chuckled. “Happily so. To an amazing woman.” He smiled. “And yes, she’s fully aware of my

fetish for male entertainment. She knew about it before she married me. But she don’t mind–it brings

me home cock hard and ready to give her the fucking of a lifetime.” He winked. “And she’s all in

favor of that.”

Shaking his head, Dane grinned. “Damn, Oliver, you have the best of both worlds right there.”

“Indeed.” He smiled then leaned in and kissed Dane on the lips, then Angel, and stuffed a small roll

of bills into both their crotches. “You two were just too damn good to short change.” He thanked them

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for a lovely time and left the booth.

Angel tugged the cash from his shorts and unfolded the bills, counting them out. “Five hundred

dollars.” He whispered.

Chuckling low, Dane took out his own stash and counted out the same–then pressed it into Angel’s

hand. “Here.”

“But…” Angel frowned and looked at him. “That’s yours.”

Dane shrugged. “And now it’s yours.” He murmured. “Listen, I live a simple life. I don’t need much.

I’m well taken care of.” He held Angel’s pale eyes, his heart crawling up into his throat as he read so

much behind that gaze. “Something tells me you need it much more than I do.”

“I don’t…” He looked at the collection of cash in his hands and swallowed thickly, his voice

straining. “I don’t…know what to say.”

Dane cupped the back of his head and kissed his warm, damp hair. “You don’t have to say anything.

It’s my pleasure.” He smiled. “And besides, you earned it.” He looked at him with want in his eyes.

“You were…amazing.”

Licking his lips slowly, Angel looked down. His breath quickened a little. “Dane, I…” His lips

tightened and he glanced up.

“It’s okay.” Dane whispered, his eyes heavy, and body aching to take him to the chair and finish what

they had started. And something had been started. He cleared his throat and rubbed a quick hand over

his mouth. “Look, Angel…if you want to continue the…lessons…” He released a slow breath and

looked at the boy. “I have a studio apartment, lots of open floor space. If you want to come into work

an hour or two early sometimes, we could…practice there. It isn’t far from here.”

Angel looked at him, and it was clear the boy knew what he was really saying–though Dane tried to

tell himself he had no ulterior motives for asking the young man to his apartment.

“Okay.” Angel murmured. “I can…I can do that.”

A shocking tickle spiraled down the length of Dane’s cock and he suppressed a pleasurable shiver.

“Great.” He smiled, then ventured cautiously, hopefully, “Tomorrow?”

“Yeah.” Angel said thickly. “Tomorrow.”

When Angel stepped out of the booth, Dane stared after him. He’d just went from zero to sixty in what

seemed a matter of seconds. Was he really ready for this kind of momentum? Were either of them?


The kids’ talk and laughter, the music, it all served as a well needed distraction. Horatio had kept to

his word and invited Seth and his friends to his jet. The other three guys obviously didn’t share Seth’s

preferences since they had girlfriends in tow. Horatio didn’t mind; the more kids, the greater the

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One of the guys had a brother in Sydney, Australia whom he only got to see maybe once a year, and

thought it would be awesome to just show up at his door. So their current destination was down


Horatio laid on his bed, listening to the excitement in their voices–and suddenly the distraction was

no longer distracting. But rather pushing him back to a day and age when he and Max had the same

excitement in their voices as they talked about the future. Though they were quite young, still in their

teens, Horatio had insisted that Max promise to marry him one day. Him and no other. Max hadn’t

hesitated, but swore his undying love to him on the spot, for life or longer. Then they had made love

to seal the deal. Though it hadn’t been their first time together, it was the one time that stood out

above all the rest. It was them consummating their promise of a future together.

And then suddenly, without warning–the promise was broken. Everything wiped away. And nothing

mattered any more.

A soft knock sifted through the bedroom door. “Come in.” Horatio said quietly, staring at the ceiling.

Seth stepped inside and closed the door. “You don’t have to hide out in here. This is your jet.”

Horatio chuckled. “Not hiding out, just taking a breather.” He looked at Seth. “I’m not as young as I

once was. I need more naps than you young whipper-snappers.”

“Fuck.” Seth rolled his eyes, a short laugh puffing out of him. “You’re in your prime. Every bit as hot

and sexy as any college guy.” He walked to the bed and crawled on top of Horatio, straddling his

hips. He rubbed his hands up Horatio’s chest then began to pluck loose the buttons of his shirt. “So

hot, in fact…” he pulled open his shirt and leaned down, kissing his bare skin, swirling his wet

tongue around an erect nipple. “…that I can’t keep my hands, or mouth, off of you.”

Sliding his hands up Seth’s legs, Horatio squeezed his hips then rubbed his palms down over his ass,

squeezing again. He looked up into his emerald eyes and once more saw a youthful Max gazing back

at him. “You’re beautiful.” Horatio whispered.

Seth smiled softly and slid his arms up around Horatio’s head as he came down for a kiss, his slick

tongue winding into his mouth. You even kiss like Max. Seth moaned then sat up again and removed

his own shirt. Horatio ran his fingertips over the guy’s hard stomach, tracing slowly up and down his

rippled abdomen then up over the swell of his strong chest. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms

around his waist and bit onto a protruding nipple that was slightly longer than the typical male nipple.

Horatio suspected its perkiness was due to having been given much attention by hungry mouths.

“Mmm.” Seth moaned and worked his fingers through Horatio’s hair, rubbing his hands up the back

of his head, his back arching a little as Horatio began to suck his chest. “Fuck, baby.” Seth panted

softly. “I love your mouth.”

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Horatio laid him over on his back and pushed between his thighs, grinding against his bulging crotch.

The sexual fire ignited swiftly and Horatio drew back, tugging at Seth’s pants, opening the front and

dragging them down his legs. He discarded his own clothes then flipped Seth onto his stomach and

kissed up the back of his thighs, his tense fingers kneading his hamstring muscles as he began to kiss

and bite his ass cheeks, his tongue slipping into his crack and licking all the way up then back down


“Oh fuck!” Seth gasped and pushed up on his elbows, back arching, ass lifting, head dropped back.

“Oh god, tongue my ass, baby…I love tongue in my ass.”

Horatio flattened his hands on his hard cheeks and spread him wide. He lifted his ass a bit more,

drawing his legs up somewhat and spreading them out in a frog-like position, opening his ass to

Horatio even more. “God, you have a beautiful, tight hole.” Horatio groaned then flicked the tip of his

tongue against the puckered star.

“Uuh!” Seth yelled and squeezed the silk pillows in his fists. “Fuck! Yes…fuck me with that sweet

tongue…oh god…” He groaned tight and ducked his head. “Fuck, you’ve already gotten me so fucking


Pushing him open wider, Horatio covered his hole with his entire mouth and sucked him before

thrusting his tongue in as far as it would go.

“Holy fuck!” Seth yelped loudly then shoved back on his tongue, stroking. “Oh fuck yes…oh shit…

that feels so damn good…oh my god, you could make me come just by tonguing me.”

Let’s see, Horatio groaned inwardly and went to tongue fucking his gorgeous ass. Seth spoke the truth

as, within a few minutes, he was writhing and squirming, shouting and coming. The ease with which

he gave it up made Horatio wild to fuck him, his cock throbbing like mad. He moved up over the top

of him, sat back on his heels as he hurriedly rolled on a condom, then spit on his hole and pushed

inside him.

“Oh fuck.” Horatio gasped tight, so hard and ready to unload.

“Do it.” Seth panted, his cheek shoved into the slick pillow. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

With no need to be asked twice, Horatio went straight for the gold, pumping his ass hard and deep.

He shoved up on his arms and used the power of his hips to slam into Seth, rocking the bed.

“Fuuuck!” He yelled and grunted, putting more force into it as his need to unload heightened greatly.

Seth bit the pillow and fucked him back. “Oh fuck! I’m gonna come again!”

One thing Horatio quickly learned about this kid was his ability to orgasm frequently. Maybe he had

an extra sensitive ass, or prostate, but whatever it was–it turned Horatio on like crazy. He understood

now what straight men found so fucking hot about making a woman orgasm multiple times during a

single session. And with a guy, it was even more empowering because men didn’t typically have but

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one orgasm per session.

Horatio pulled back, tugging Seth up on hands and knees then went at him urgently, fucking him hard.

“Oh god!” Seth yelled, “Fuck! I’m gonna blow!”

Horatio drew him up on his knees so his back was against Horatio’s chest then grabbed his hips and

pounded his ass with short, fierce jabs. The guy’s stiff cock bobbed erratically, untouched, as he

screamed and white creamy cum tendrils began to squirt out in forceful shots.

“Fuck.” Horatio gasped as Seth’s cock squirted another thick wad onto the bed. “Uuh!” He smacked

his hips hard against Seth’s ass and unloaded, filling the condom instantly. “Shiiitt!” He rabbit

punched his ass erratically, panting, grunting, as his balls continued to empty into the contraceptive.

When he finally pulled out, the condom was so full it nearly slipped off his cock before he was

entirely free of Seth’s body.

He stepped off the bed on shaky legs and discarded the soiled rubber, then came back and dropped

down next to Seth, still panting hard. “You’re one hell of a great fuck, Seth.”

Seth grinned, breath static. “You’re one hell of a great fucker.”

Horatio sighed and closed his eyes. That’s what Max used to tell me.

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Chapter Fourteen

Lie Not One to Another

Angel tossed the folded bills in Wade’s lap as the guy lounged back on the old sofa, stoned. Axel

sucked on a joint, held in the smoke for a moment then let it out with a cough. Without speaking to

them, Angel walked on through the small living room and down the short hall to the bedroom. Just as

he closed the door, he heard Wade cough then laugh. “Five hundred fucking bucks? Fuck.”

The closed door muffled their voices. Maddy was in bed but still awake. He turned onto his back and

sat up. “You made five hundred dollars tonight?” he whispered.

Shaking his head, Angel slid out of his jacket and glanced at the door then sat down on the edge of his

mattress. He tugged out another wad of bills and grinned. “I made a thousand.”

“Serious?” Maddy’s eyes widened. “But…you only gave Wade five hundred?”

“Well, technically, all I earned was the five hundred.” He said. “And Wade only said I had to give

him what I earned.” He grinned.

An uneasy look crept across Maddy’s face. “But what if he finds out you didn’t give him all the


“He won’t.” Angel said and looked down at the bills, ready to stuff them under the mattress real quick

if Wade or Axel came to the door. He raised his eyes back to his younger brother’s concerned face.

“We’re getting out of here, Maddy. Maybe sooner than later if I can keep making this kind of money.

Wade doesn’t know what I make, except for what I tell him. He thinks I’m too scared of him to keep

anything from him.”

“And you’re not?” Maddy murmured, uncertain.

Angel licked his lips and whispered, “I’m scared shitless of him, Maddy. But,” He looked at the boy.

“I’m more scared of what he’ll do to you. I don’t want you here. And if we’re smart about it, he won’t

find out about the money.” Tossing another glance at the door, hearing both Wade’s and Axel’s voices

out in the living room, he went to the hole in the wall and took out the jar, removing the lid.

Maddy frowned. “You’ve been saving money already?”

“A little.” Angel stuffed the five hundred into the jar and screwed the lid back on, replacing it inside

the wall. He walked back to his bed and sat down. “I didn’t have much, until tonight.”

His face pinched with confusion, Maddy murmured, “If you didn’t earn the other five hundred

dollars…where did you get it?”

Angel lowered his gaze to the floor and smiled, his pulse still slightly quickened from the session

with Dane. “From a real angel.” He whispered.

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Sleep was impossible. Once Dane was home and in bed, he tossed and turned as his mind replayed

on a continuous loop his time in the booth with Angel. He could still feel the boy’s body pressed tight

against his, every curve of lean muscle, every sway of his lovely frame. In the shower, he’d had to

take care of the steel rod between his legs that refused to soften. It had been a bit of a burden while he

was still at the club, certainly not hidden from Cole and Gabe who were well aware of the lesson

he’d given Angel in the private booth. They had messed with him relentlessly, and he’d played the

annoyed friend, but in truth any talk of Angel made his heart go crazy.

Maybe it was spending the night with Max, feeling the pain of his forced separation from Horatio

Kaplan, his words of wisdom offered to Dane in hopes he wouldn’t let a possible love slip through

his fingers when he–unlike Max–could grab on and hold on…that had caused him to be so welcoming

of Angel, so eager to help him. And now that he had gotten a feel of the boy, his senses were going

crazy, and dragging his body and heart along for the ride.

His relief in the shower was short lived as now he was once more sporting granite between his legs.

A hard groan rumbled his chest and he reached beneath the blankets, taking hold of himself. He closed

his eyes and thought about Angel, imagined the boy right there in his bed, naked flesh pressed against

him–and let his hand become Angel’s hand, stroking him, loving him.

“Fuck…” A shaky breath trembled off his lips and his hips began to move, lifting his butt off the bed,

shoving his sensitive cock through his tight fist. He rolled his palm across the head and he jerked a

little as the pad of his thumb massaged the slit underneath. Warm juice was already bubbling at the

tip, and he caught it, coating his shaft as he squeezed and slid his hand back down to the base. Oh god,

he might very well lose his fucking mind to have Angel’s actual hands on him. But it was a risk he

was willing to take.

Inviting the boy to his apartment had been a bold move, but having just rubbed all over his beautiful

body and felt Angel’s hunger for him as well–all he’d wanted was to be alone with him, someplace

where they wouldn’t be interrupted. Angel had known, as well as Dane himself, that the dance

lessons were a mere excuse to get the kid to his private domicile. And yet…Angel had readily

agreed. Would he come there with the explicit intention of making love to Dane? Oh god, please let it

be so.

Such a thought added solidity to his cock and caused it stretch in length and girth. His balls were steel

orbs between his legs, aching like hell to unload. He imagined Angel’s beautiful, soft lips touching

him down there, his warm mouth encasing Dane’s hard balls and then his…

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“Uuh!” Dane shouted, his hand snapping up and down his cock erratically. His ass bounced against

the bed as he fucked his fist desperately. He kicked off the blankets just as he blew his wad, shooting

thick globs of cum into the air. “Fuck!”

His fist clutched his member even after he was empty. The shaft remained heavy, even stiff to a

degree. With Angel actually there–he wasn’t sure he could go down at all. He suspected the boy’s

presence would inspire a perpetual hard-on.


Cole rolled over and found empty sheet where Gabe’s hard body should have been. His eyes opened

with effort, sleep still weighing heavily. Through blurry eyes, he noticed the digital clock on Gabe’s

side of the bed read four in the morning. He rubbed out his eyes then pushed up on his elbows and

looked around the bedroom, lit only by the city lights on the opposite side of the blinds. One window

had its blinds drawn and Gabe stood looking out, his beautiful naked body highlighted by the glow of

the city.

“Gabe?” Cole cleared his throat and sat up. “What’re you doing? Giving the peeping Toms a thrill?”

A short laugh chuffed in Gabe’s throat. “Yeah.” He murmured. “That’s it.”

“Seriously,” Cole frowned. “What’re you doing?”

“Couldn’t sleep.” Gabe whispered.

Cole left the bed and walked up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist. “Then you should

have woken me.” He kissed the back of his neck. “I could’ve helped exhaust you.”

“Didn’t want to disturb you.” Gabe leaned back against him and stared out the window. “I need you

well rested.”

Chuckling softly, Cole kissed along the curve of his neck and up to his ear. “You know I bounce back

right quick.” He massaged his crotch against Gabe’s firm ass cheeks and rubbed his hands down

across the man’s cut abdomen muscles and took hold of his semi-hard member, which swelled

instantly at his touch. He stroked him slowly and Gabe exhaled deep, leaning against him more

forcefully. Cole smiled and nibbled his ear lobe. “Do you think anyone’s watching?”

Gabe shook his head and laughed low, but there remained a subdued air about him. “Even if they

were, I doubt they could see anything with the lights off.”

“Then maybe we should turn the lights on.” Cole grinned. “Give ‘em a real show.”

“You’re a nasty boy.” Gabe murmured, then smiled. “Just the way I like ‘em.”

“Mm.” Cole kissed his shoulder and stroked him a little harder, his own cock already stiff as a board

and pushing between Gabe’s cheeks. “I’m very horny all of the sudden.” Cole groaned.

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His breath coming quicker, Gabe flattened his hands against the cool glass of the full length window

and shoved his ass into Cole’s crotch. “There’s a remedy for that.” He panted lightly.

The man’s face awash with city lights, Cole could see the want and need written all over it. He

released him and grabbed onto his hips then squeezed his cock head through the guy’s tight anal ring.

“Fuck.” Gabe gasped, his fingers bending and turning white as he pressed harder against the glass,

his body beginning to arch as Cole shoved in deeper. “Oh fuck, baby…yes…give it to me.”

And he did, every thick inch, squeezing in to his very core, his anal sleeve closing tight around Cole’s

member, clenching, sucking him in even deeper. “Oh my fucking… uuh!” A fierce shudder ran down

through Cole’s body, causing his toes to curl a little. His fingers dug into Gabe’s hips and his chest

hugged the man’s strong back. “I love you.” He trembled, slid his cock back out about half way then

snapped his hips forward, driving himself back in with a single, hard thrust.

“Fuck!” Gabe shoved forward, his forearms flattening against the glass, brow touching the window,

breath shaky. “Yes, baby…fuck me like you mean it.”

“I mean it.” Cole panted. “A lot.” He squeezed his hips and went to fucking him with deep, long, hard

jabs, shoving him closer to the window. Gabe’s now quite stiff cock bumped the glass with a

consistent dull thump, smearing cum juice across the clear surface.

“Fuck me, Cole. Yes!” His breath burst onto the glass in steamy puffs as he stared down at the city

below. The window fogged around his forearms and brow as his body grew hotter by the moment.

Cole grunted and puffed and groaned as he fucked his lover urgently, balls smacking loudly against

Gabe’s sac. The sound of Gabe’s dripping cock head thumping hard against the glass turned him on

like mad. “Fuck, baby!” he groaned tightly and slammed himself in deeper, harder. “Oh my god!” he

grabbed Gabe’s dick and jerked him off, fist snapping up and down his steel shaft. “Fuck, Gabe!

Fuck! I’m gonna lose it!

Double fucking Cole’s cock and fist, Gabe shoved his head harder against the glass and moaned,

mouth open, breath bursting out of him, fogging the window. “Fu…fuuuck…Cole! Oh god! I’m there!

Oh Fuuuck!”

His declaration propelled Cole over the edge. “Uuuhh! Fuuck!” He yelled out loud and came hard,

stabbing his cock into the man and unloading his balls.

Gabe wailed as Cole’s fist pumped his cock, and he exploded, cum splattering against the glass and

sliding down the slick surface. “Fuck!” he shuddered hard and thrust through Cole’s hand urgently

until he was empty and sagging against the window, Cole pressed up tight against his back, caressing

his sweat slick body.

“I really love you, Cole.” Gabe panted against the cool glass, breath steaming out in short puffs.

“I love you too, baby.” Cole kissed his heated, damp shoulder, his lips lingering as he whispered,

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“What’s wrong, Gabe?”

Gabe shook his head slowly, but there was a distant, troubled look in his eyes as he stared out at the

city. “Nothing.”

“I thought I heard your phone go off.” He said quietly. “Or was I dreaming?”

Swallowing thickly, Gabe murmured dully, “You were dreaming.”

Cole hugged him tighter and touched his brow to the back of his head. And you’re lying.

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Chapter Fifteen

Guilty Pleasures

“Why do you have to go to work early?” Maddy asked.

“There’s just…” he swallowed thickly and glanced away. “Some things I have to do.” Guilt

shadowed his heart; Maddy hated being alone with Wade and Axel, and wanted Angel there as much

as possible. And his reasons for leaving early…he could tell himself it was a good reason, that he

needed the lessons–but that was bullshit. It wasn’t the lessons he was going to Dane’s apartment for.

So because you’re itching to get laid by this guy–you’re gonna leave Maddy with these fuckers

even longer?

Angel sighed. The guilt twisted up his guts as he looked at his little brother’s tense face. What if

something happens to him while you’re off fucking your brains out? What if Byrd comes over and

decides to rape him? You gonna be able to live with that? Will the fuck have been worth it?

His jaw tightening, Angel squeezed his eyes shut. Fuck. He shook his head. “Look, Maddy,” he

murmured. “I can wait and just go in at the regular time. It’s no big deal.” The disappointment was

audible in his voice but he didn’t know how to force it out. Dane was the first man ever that he felt

enough for to actually want to be with him intimately. This was a new and exciting experience for

him, and he longed to explore it. He was a little scared too, but not so much that it would stop him

from testing the waters to see if he could swim.

He didn’t know if he entirely trusted Dane’s intentions or not–he had no experience with trust, didn’t

know how it felt, other than the trust he had in Maddy. He wanted to trust him, and Cole and Gabe as

well. They struck him as men of honor–or at least what he assumed men of honor were like, he’d

never met any before now. But there remained that guarded side of him, always looking for the wolf

in sheep’s clothing, the devil in the details. Maybe trust was earned. In time, surely these men would

prove themselves to be trustworthy.

“It’s okay.” Maddy said. “You can go.”

Angel looked at him anxiously, the guilt still riding his shoulders. “I don’t…” He licked his lips

slowly. “I don’t have to, Maddy. I can stay.”

“I’ll be okay.” Maddy assured him, putting on a brave front. “They usually leave me alone.”

Guilt and uncertainty continued to thwart Angel’s departure. “Are you sure—”

The bedroom door opened suddenly and both Angel and Maddy jumped, gasping. Wade lounged in

the doorway, leaning against the frame. “I thought it over and,” He shrugged and looked at Maddy. “I

guess it would be okay if you got a job. But,” He added sharply, stabbing a finger at the boy, “If you

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open your fucking mouth about our personal lives here, I swear to God I will cut out your fucking

tongue. You got that?”

Maddy swallowed hard, and nodded. “Yes.” He whispered.

“And you.” Wade turned on Angel. “If you can make five hundred in one go, I don’t see why you can’t

make a thousand. If they’ll pay the five, they can sure as hell afford to pay more.” This time he jabbed

his finger at Angel. “Don’t fucking give it away. Charge them more. Those horny rich bastards have

the money. So when you come home tonight–I expect to see an increase.”

Angel stared at him; he expected Angel to bring home a thousand dollars tonight? Last night was a

fluke, Dane had given him his share. But what about tonight? Would he even be able to get the five

hundred–much less any extra? Did the guy expect this kind of payout every night?

“Wade…” Angel swallowed thickly. “Not every night is profitable. It just depends on the customers.”

He winced when wade grabbed the back of his neck and squeezed hard, a fierce grin on his face.

“Don’t underestimate that sweet ass of yours, baby. You shove it in their faces until they’re begging

you for a fuck.” He released him, shoving him back a little. “That five hundred from last night…did

you fuck the guy for it?”

Rubbing his neck, Angel frowned, eyes wet. “No.” he said thickly. “I just…danced for him.”

“And did you offer more?” Wade’s voice lowered to a dangerous tone. “Like I told you to? Because

I’m thinking if the bastard was willing to pay out five for a fucking dance–he would’ve paid a whole

hell of a lot more for a fuck.”

“I…” Angel shifted anxiously. “I did offer.” He lied. “But…he was married and he wasn’t looking to

cheat on his wife. He just liked to watch.”

“Just liked to watch.” Wade murmured sourly. His hand snapped out and slapped Angel hard in the

face. “Well don’t waste your fucking time with the ones who just want to watch. Find the ones who

want to fuck. It can’t be that fucking hard to do in a place like that.” He exhaled hard. “Don’t start

thinking your job is dancing. You know why you’re there–so start peddling that ass or have hell to


Wade walked out and slammed the door behind him. Angel quickly wiped away a few rogue tears

then cleared his throat and looked at Maddy who stared back, eyes wet, fearful. Angel forced a smile.

“Well, look on the bright side,” he said thickly. “You can get a job.”


“You’re in early.” Max grabbed a stool next to Dane at the end of the bar. It was barely five-thirty

and Dane’s shift didn’t start till seven most nights.

“Yeah, uh,” Dane cleared his throat and shifted a little on the stool. “I’m meeting up with Angel.

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He…asked me to help him with the dance lessons.” He took a long drink of beer and swallowed hard,

nerves on edge. Would Angel actually show up early? Or had he changed his mind once he came

down off the sexual high that their private dance had incited? There was still plenty of time for him to

show up. Dane had said an hour or two early. But if he didn’t show by six, he would have to assume

he had thought better of their little rendezvous.

Maybe it would be better if he did. Do you really think this could work? He’s a kid–just barely out

of fucking high school. You’re well on your way to thirty years old, over a decade older than him.

Maybe you should just let this one pass.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Max murmured and sipped a glass of scotch that Dane hadn’t even been

aware that Carl had served him.

Dane shrugged. “Just thinking,” he shook his head and looked at the man. “Do you think I’m too old

for Angel? I mean, shit, he can’t be more than eighteen.”

“Afraid you’re robbing the cradle?” Max smirked and sipped his drink, eyebrows arched.

“Exactly.” Dane sighed.

Setting his glass down, Max twisted it in slow circles, watching the contents swirl around the ice.

“Think about it.” He said. “The kid’s a stripper. Barely eighteen or not, he’s no child. And from what

I can see, he’s got a very mature head on his shoulders.” He shrugged then stirred the drink with the

tip of his finger, pushing the ice cubes around the edge of the glass. “If you have a chance at love,” he

whispered. “Fucking take it. Don’t waste it.” A notable strain thickened the man’s voice.

Dane reached out and rubbed his hand down the back of his head. “You okay, boss?”

A short laugh caught in Max’s throat. “Fuck no.” He downed the scotch and set the glass on the bar.

“Not by a long shot, baby.” He stood and smacked Dane lightly on the back. “Not by a long shot.” He

walked away.

“Is he…all right?” Carl asked with real concern as he watched the man enter his office and close the


Dane glanced back towards the office. “You heard him.” He murmured and looked at the bartender

again. “Not by a long shot.”

“What’s wrong?”

Sighing, Dane shrugged. “That’s not something I’m at liberty to say.” He chuckled low, without

humor. “Even if I knew.” He glanced towards the club entrance, hoping to see Angel appear–despite

his doubtful thoughts. When he looked at Carl again, the man was still staring at Max’s office door.

“Are you okay?”

“Huh?” Carl shifted his attention to Dane, then rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. “Yeah. Why?”

“I don’t know.” Dane said slowly. “You seem unusually attentive to the boss all of the sudden.” Or

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possibly not all of the sudden? Carl was a fixture of the club and had been for quite some time. Dane

had to admit, short of ordering a cold drink from the guy and engaging in simple casual conversation

from time to time, he really knew very little about him. He’d never paid attention to who the man

might be eyeing. Was it possible he had a thing for the boss man?

“No.” Carl shook his head but seemed a bit uneasy by the topic. He grabbed Max’s empty glass and

set it down behind the bar. “It’s just…he seems different lately. More distracted, troubled.” He

looked at Dane. “Does he have something going on with that Kaplan guy? They’ve spent a lot of time

closed up in his office.”

Angel suddenly appeared at the entrance like a beautiful celestial being from heaven. Dane stood up

and smiled at Carl and shrugged. “You’ll have to ask him.” Carl simply nodded and wandered away

as Dane walked towards Angel.


The vision of Dane coming towards him sent Angel’s heart into a frenzy. His snug jeans hugged him in

all the right ways and the red and blue striped tank top exposed his muscular arms, sucked against his

thick chest and rippled stomach. Angel hadn’t forgotten how that body felt beneath his fingertips–or

pressed up tight against him.

Get a grip before you faint right here on the spot . He took a deep breath and let it out slow. What if

he were wrong about why Dane had offered to use his apartment for their lessons? If he came on to

the guy only to find that the private dance thing had just been an act, part of the job for him–Angel was

sure he would die of embarrassment and disappointment. He exhaled again as Dane approached, a

smile so sexy that Angel felt everything inside him melt into a gooey puddle.

“Hey.” Dane’s smiled widened and Angel bit back a whimper as the man’s dark eyes pulled him into

that sweet, bottomless abyss. “I wasn’t sure you were going to show.”

Angel licked his lips slowly, nervously, not missing the way Dane’s eyes followed his tongue. “I’m

here.” He whispered, voice raspy, uneven.

“My car’s out front.” Dane motioned towards the front doors of the club. “Shall we?”

Nodding, not trusting himself to speak, Angel turned back the way he’d come and walked back out of

the club with Dane close behind.

In his car, Angel sat anxiously in the passenger seat, barely able to breathe. Dane glanced at him as he

started the car. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Angel looked at him and their eyes held.

“You know,” Dane said softly. “You’re really good enough as it is. I doubt you need any lessons.”

Swallowing thickly, Angel murmured, “Actually, I think…there’s a lot you can teach me.”

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A notable rise and fall of Dane’s chest signified his quickened breath–and full understanding of just

what Angel was implying. He smiled, eyes weighted with desire. “I guess we’ll see.”

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Chapter Sixteen

Devil in Those Angel Eyes

Dane’s apartment was large with a huge open area that housed a sofa, television and stereo in one

sectioned off corner. In another corner was a multi-station weight machine–no doubt the source of the

man’s exquisite body. On the far side was a slightly raised kitchen, not too spacious, and a set of open

stairs that led up to what looked like a loft; surely the bedroom. Angel shivered as his eyes lingered

perhaps a little too long up there.

The guy had been right; there was lots of open floor space. He was also right about living the simple

life. The place wasn’t stuffed full of possessions, other than his entertainment devices and workout


Dane cleared his throat and motioned him deeper into the apartment. “As you can see, there’s plenty

of room.” He stepped around Angel, his hand lightly touching the small of his back, causing a rush of

shivers to race down his spine and tingle his butt cheeks. Dane stepped up into the kitchen. “Do you

want a drink?”

“Uh, no.” Angel swallowed through a tight throat. “Thanks.”

“I can turn down the thermostat,” he said and grabbed himself a bottle of beer from the refrigerator.

“If it’s too warm. I usually turn it way down when I work out.”

A sudden vision of Dane pumping iron exploded through Angel’s head; body slick with sweat,

muscles hard as steel, veins bulging, face pinched in determination, hot breath bursting from his lungs.

“You all right?” Dane chuckled, suddenly right beside him again. He sucked on the bottle then smiled.

“You look a little flushed. Maybe I should turn down the heat.”

It won’t help, Angel whimpered silently. “No, it’s okay. I’m fine.”

“Okay then.” Dane walked towards the stereo. “We should get right to it. We have to get back to the

club in less than two hours.”

“All right.” Angel breathed, his heart pounding.

“So what do you want?” Dane asked. “Something fast and upbeat?” He glanced at him and smiled,

“Or slow and sensual?”

Oh please, slow and sensual. Angel pressed his lips tight and shrugged. “You’re the teacher. I guess

you should choose.”

“Mm-hmm.” Dane nodded slowly and went through his digital collection. “Well, since Ricky taught

you plenty of the upbeat stuff, perhaps…” He punched in a selection then walked back to Angel as an

instrumental piece began to play with a soft beat that instantly grabbed the body and made it want to

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sway. “Perhaps we should go in the other direction. Diverse customers call for diverse dancers. Got

to be prepared to give them what they want.” His lips twitched as he moved closer. “Are you

prepared…to deliver up what’s desired of you?”

Angel’s breath rushed through his nostrils. “Yes.” He whispered.

Chuckling low, Dane murmured, “I do mean within reason, of course. Some of those men…they’ll

want so much more than just the dance, and offer a pretty penny for it. The money can cause a boy to

use bad judgment.”

“I’m not a whore.” Angel said quietly. “I’m a dancer.”

“There you go.” Dane smiled. “That’s the proper mind set.”

If only it were the truth, Angel thought sickly. What would Dane do if he knew the real reason Angel

took a job at the club? Would he tell Max? Get him fired? It doesn’t matter, because you’re not

going to tell him. And you’re not a whore–you’re doing what you have to, to get Maddy out of a

bad situation. He knew it was true, but the thought of soliciting sex from the customers made him feel

like the very thing Wade was forcing him to be.

Dane slipped off his shoes. “It’s easier to dance barefoot. At least that’s how I prefer it.”

Following his lead, Angel removed his shoes as well then smiled evasively at Dane. “Would

probably hurt less if I step on your feet.”

“Aw, I don’t mind.” He murmured. “Step on my feet all you want.”

“I’ll try not to.” Angel laughed softly, then nearly choked on the laugh when Dane peeled off his tank

top as well. Angel stared at him, quite certain his hunger shown through crystal clear.

When Angel started to remove his shirt as well, Dane shook his head. “No, leave it on. Undressing is

part of the seduction.”

Angel nodded. “Okay.” He said quietly.

Taking hold of his hips, Dane began to sway slowly to the music, urging Angel to do the same. “Now

a lot of this will be a replay of what we did in the booth.” He smiled. “Do you mind?”

His throat closing, Angel shook his head.

“We’ll just…refine it a bit. Since we’re not currently entertaining an actual customer.”


“But turn around and pretend there is one in front of you.” Dane twisted Angel’s hips slowly and

shifted him so his back was to the man. His hands remained on his hips, his body close, mouth near

his ear. “Now take off the shirt, real slow…real sexy.” There was a slight unsteadiness to his breath

as it puffed against Angel’s ear. “Remember, they come to the club to be teased and tantalized,


Angel gripped the hem of his shirt and slowly worked it upward, his body moving with the music,

slowly exposing his firm stomach, then his chest. Dane turned him back around. “Then you turn away

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when the shirt is about halfway off, teasing them, hiding what they’re longing to see. But continue

removing it.”

The shirt slipped up over his head and Dane took it, tossing it sharply away. “Then you toss it in their

face.” He smiled. “And face them again.” Once more, he shifted Angel’s body around away from him.

“Caress your body slowly, tracing your fingertips through all your delicious grooves.” As if to clarify

his meaning, Dane slipped his hands around him and began running his fingertips in and out of the

crevices of Angel’s lean muscles, following the pattern of his abdomen then up between his pec

muscles. His lips brushed his ear, breath hot, staggered. “Like that, understand?”

“Mm-Hm.” Angel was feeling faint as the man’s fingers continued to slowly caress up and down the

front of his torso. Then Dane covered Angel’s hands and guided him in doing the same. His hips

never stopped moving, rubbing, swaying, bumping gently against Angel’s rear.

“Keep the rhythm.” Dane whispered, his lips touching the side of his neck just below his ear. “Never

stop moving, stay with the music.”

Angel realized he had nearly stopped moving altogether as the man’s touch began to immobilize his

senses. “Okay.” He said thickly and fell into sync with Dane’s body again.

“Now begin to caress down lower, over your hips,” His breath puffed hotly on Angel’s neck and he

moved Angel’s hands to every area of the body he named off. “Your thighs.” Angel bit back a moan

as his strong hands gripped his and rubbed all over him. “Your beautiful ass.” Angel’s lower lip

sucked between his teeth when Dane’s fingers reached through Angel’s own and squeezed his ass

cheeks through his pants. “They love it when you rub your ass.” He groaned.

I love it when ‘you’ rub my ass , Angel moaned inwardly. At least he was pretty sure it turned

inward, rather than rolling up his throat, but he couldn’t be sure.

“Then your crotch.” He murmured, his breath growing heavier, quicker. He slid Angel’s hands down

between his legs, rubbing them along his inner thighs then slowly back up over the hard bulge of his

crotch. Angel gasped before he could suck it back, his body pressing against Dane’s chest, his fingers

squeezing Dane’s fingers as the man continued the slow, sensual caress of his crotch. “Then,” Dane

panted softly. “You tease them with glimpses of what they came to see.”


Control yourself. Dane was doing his damnedest, but he was barely holding on. The way Angel was

pressed against him, the quickness of his breath, the tightness of his grip on Dane’s hands–he knew he

could have him right then and there. But even though he was fairly certain Angel came here knowing

much more was liable to happen than just dance lessons, he didn’t want the boy to think that was all

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he wanted of him. Dane did wish to help him get on top of his game. True, he wanted the boy on top

of him as well. But even so…

“Slowly unbutton your pants.” Dane could feel the tremble in his own body as well as Angel’s. He

wasn’t entirely sure how much more of this either of them could take. “Then slide down your zipper.”

Angel followed instructions perfectly, doing as Dane said. His fingers shook a little as he popped

loosed the button of his pants and unzipped slowly, his body never breaking rhythm, ass tucking nicely

into Dane’s crotch, getting him so hard he feared he might scream out loud and frightened the kid.

Taking hold of Angel’s bare hips beneath the loose waistband of his pants, he told him softly, “Now

slide them down, just a little, like you did in the booth. And turn…” He twisted the boy around again

so they were chest to chest. Well, evenly so. The top of Angel’s head barely reached past Dane’s

chin, placing his mouth at his upper chest. “Now show them just a little look-see of that fine ass.”

Angel shoved his pants down enough to expose the upper swell of his cheeks and his lovely, inviting

crack. Dane’s heart jumped and slammed into his chest wall, breaking his breath. He gripped Angel’s

pants around the boy’s hands and pushed them down just a hair more. “A little more, give them a good


Angel’s hot breath puffed erratically against his throat, his nipples hard buds against Dane’s heated

skin. Oh fuck, baby, if we do take this all the way–I’ll only last about a second, as hard and horny

as you have me right now. Angel’s hips rocked back and forth across the surface of Dane’s solid

crotch, which bulged out almost embarrassingly so, but he had no control of how his body responded

to the young man.

“Like this?” Angel panted softly, voice shaking as he slipped his pants lower, baring about two-thirds

of his ass cheeks as he swiveled down gracefully, his lips dragging down Dane’s chest and stomach.

Oh holy fuck! Yes! Just like that!

“Yes.” Dane gasped. “That’s…that’s good.” Good? The fucking understatement of the year.

Rising up again, Angel gazed at him with half-lidded eyes burning with want and desire. The sexual

need in him was taking over, eradicating his inhibitions. “Now I take them off all the way…right?”

He whispered.

“Mm-hmm.” Dane was shaking, hands resting lightly on Angel’s arms as the boy began a sexy,

sensual strip tease that was indeed teasing the fuck out of Dane. You know what you’re doing to me,

don’t you, you sexy little shit? But of course he knew–the evidence was right there, straining to be

seen, touched; screaming for attention.

The boy’s pants came off in a sexy slow motion that reminded Dane of a hypnotized cobra, and he

was truly caught in a daze, entranced, mesmerized. Then Angel was standing before him in very snug,

cherry red spandex briefs that left nothing to the imagination as the elastic material melded around

each and every swell and crevice of the boy’s hardened crotch.

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“Now what?” Angel moved closer to him, touching his body, rubbing up firm against him. “Will you

show me how to seduce him after the strip tease is over?” He raked his fingertips down the front of

Dane’s body. “I want to learn as much as I can.”

At this point, Dane was beginning to think he could learn a few tricks from Angel.

He was no longer clear on who was teaching whom.

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Chapter Seventeen

Scenic Route to Heaven

Dane took to the sofa as the instrumental song played on a continuous loop, affording them all the time

they needed and wanted without the typical time limit of the song. He leaned forward and grabbed

Angel’s hips, his face just inches from his insistent crotch. His thumbs massaged Angel’s hipbones

gently. “Nudge my knees apart with your leg and move in between.”

There was an almost unbearable heat emanating out through Dane’s fingertips, searing his skin. He

used his leg to bump apart the man’s knees, applying just enough force to imply he was in charge.

Although he didn’t feel in charge, not with Dane’s eyes burning him alive.

“You remember what you did to Oliver?” Dane’s low voice was a bit raspy, even anxious.

“Yes.” Angel murmured and swung his hips slowly, gracefully, turning his body around. Dane kept a

grip on his hips but allowed Angel to go through the motions without being forced. The man slid back

on the sofa in a more relaxed position. Angel closed his eyes as his body swiveled lower. When his

ass grazed Dane’s straining cock, he bit his lip hard and swallowed the whimper struggling to fly

free. His fingers slid along Dane’s thighs and gripped him at his knees as he ascended and dipped his

tightly clad rump, teasing the man’s crotch.

“Fuck.” The single word puffed off Dane’s lips, broken. He squeezed Angel’s hips harder and in that

touch heard him beg for deeper contact.

“Should I…grind harder?” Angel whispered, feeling on the edge of hyperventilating, his ass swaying

back and forth across the hardness shoving outward from inside Dane’s pants.

“Absolutely.” Dane shuddered. “Got to…get them good and hard.”

Swallowing hard, sweat droplets trickling down his temples, neck and ribs, Angel pushed down a

little more, circling his hips, rubbing his ass firm against Dane’s stiff erection. The man swore again

and his fingers tightened. There was a dampness to his touch as he began to sweat.

Angel leaned forward somewhat and slid his ass up Dane’s stomach, working it against his hard ab

muscles. Dane released his hips and rubbed his hands slowly over his heated cheeks, squeezing

fiercely as a loud, unrestricted moan shoved up his throat. “Should I get this close?” Angel whispered

thick, twisting his head and looking over his shoulder, eyes heavy, wanting.

“Yes.” Dane trembled and his thumbs slipped under the leg bands of Angel’s briefs, grazing his rock

hard balls and equally solid member.

A burning pain ran through his lip as he bit down with more force, trying to breathe. Then a sudden

full breath rushed down his throat when teeth clamped lightly on his full package. “Mmm!” His head

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dropped and fingers gouged into Dane’s knees and he raised his ass higher. He whimpered out loud

when he felt Dane’s nose push against his crack as his face shoved in close. Teeth nipped his cheeks.

Tongue traced his heavy balls, the tip teasing, bringing tears of sexual anguish to Angel’s eyes. Then

the man’s lips were grabbing as his hardness, sucking him through his spandex briefs. “Shit!” Angel

gasped and pulled away then turned around, face glistening with sweat, flushed with sexual heat. “Are

the customers allowed to do that?” he rasped as his body continued to curve and rock slowly,

seductively between Dane’s legs.

The man seemed beyond the ability to speak and reached out, grabbing Angel’s hips again, dragging

him onto his lap. He straddled him, rocking against Dane’s steel crotch, bumping slowly up and down

on his very prominent erection. “Think they would like this?” Angel breathed, his hot, wet brow

brushing Dane’s forehead, noses barely touching, eyes burning into each other. He caressed his chest,

shoulders, up the sides of his neck then around to slide his fingers through his hair up the back of his

head. His lips trembled, just centimeters from Dane’s mouth.

Dane’s chest swelled and dropped in rapid succession, his hips beginning to move in rhythm with

Angel’s. He squeezed Angel’s hips and rubbed up his back then down low, palming his ass with a

firm grip, pulling him harder against him. Angel’s fingers buried themselves in Dane’s hair, a lustful

kiss static in the tiny bit of air between their mouths.

Rocking slowly, sensually in the man’s lap, his strong hands holding Angel’s ass securely, Angel

trembled, “What now?”

Drawing his hands slowly up into the concavity of his lower back, Dane whispered, “No more

lessons.” He pushed his fingertips under the band of Angel’s briefs then cupped his hot, sweaty ass

cheeks, running his thumbs through his slick crack.

Angel’s lips hovered at Dane’s mouth, both exhaling puffs of hot, erratic breath. His body was alive

with a multitude of emotions–most of which he wasn’t familiar with. He’d never been this close to

man and not wished he was rather miles away from him. He had never ached to be closer to him,

longing to feel him inside him. Sex had always been forced on him, no one ever touching him with a

caring hand, wanting more from him than just a fuck. He didn’t know, really, how much more he could

give…but the uncertainty wasn’t strong enough to cause him to pull away from Dane. Even if he

thought maybe he should–at least until he was sure what he had to offer.

But all coherent thought and reason went poof the instant Dane’s mouth took possession of Angel’s

own, his tongue slithering in as the man’s fingers rubbed through his sweat slick crease, the tip of his

index finger nudging his hole–then penetrating.

“Huh!” Angel sucked in a sharp breath through the kiss that remained locked.

Dane wrapped one arm around his waist and squeezed Angel tighter against him as his finger pushed

in deeper, pulled out then plunged in again, over and over, the accumulation of sweat creating a nice

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“Mmm!” Angel moaned into Dane’s mouth, gripping his head, fisting his hot, damp hair. Dane’s arm

squeezed, causing his body to arch a little, his finger working him until Angel was grinding

desperately down against the man’s fiercely stiff cock. Their kiss broke hard and Angel gasped loud,

head jerking back. Dane grabbed his throat, biting, teeth cutting at his skin, raking, mouth sucking with

ferocity as he finger-fucked him with urgency. “Fuck!” Angel panted, rocking against his hand.

A low growl rumbled Dane’s thick chest, then he was on his feet, Angel’s legs snaked around him

tightly, gripping, holding on. The man clutched his ass and took to the stairs, his strong, muscular body

quite able to pack him up the steps without hitch.

The bedroom was an open loft, as Angel had suspected. He was sure there were plenty of other

fixtures in the place, but all he registered was the huge bed up against a large window. Night was

beginning to press against the glass, peeking in as if eager to watch the show about to take place.


Dane dropped the boy on the bed where he laid motionless, breath rushing in and out of him, eyes

burning with a long suppressed need. He knew nothing of Angel’s life, his past, whether he’d ever

been truly close to another man before. He was an utter mystery to Dane, and something about that

made him all the more sexy and desirable. Though he longed to know everything about him, down to

the most miniscule, seemingly insignificant detail. But such exploration into his life would have to be

left for later. Right now, exploration of his body was all that he could center on.

One knee sank onto the end of the bed and he leaned forward, tugging Angel’s briefs down his legs

and off his feet. For a somewhat delicate boy, he was not lacking in male prowess. His cock was as

rigid as a steel rod, reaching towards the ceiling, not an ounce of give to it at all. It swayed gently,

beautifully straight as if sculpted by a talented artist bent on absolute perfection. The plump head had

a pleasant purplish hue that reminded Dane of a sweet, ripe plum. Dane loved plums.

Angel gazed at him through heated, lidded eyes, his member twitching when he followed Dane’s

fingers to the snap of his pants. He shed his clothes, with less grace than Angel had done earlier, just

wanting out of the confinement. His erection was every bit as stiff and granite-like as Angel’s, though

he didn’t think nearly as pretty. As was typical of his own cock, it drooled at the sight of the beautiful

naked boy and his lovely, beckoning arousal.

To jump the young man and fuck them both into oblivion was what his lower head was urging him to

do, but this was a moment he’d been waiting for his whole life; that moment when the boy of his

dreams became reality and offered himself to Dane without reservation.

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Their time was ticking away; they would have to head back to the club soon. But he couldn’t make

himself hurry it along as he gazed at Angel and all the things he longed to do to the boy played through

his mind in extreme detail. Work could wait.

Fuck if I’m gonna rush this.

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Chapter Eighteen

Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

Angel realized he really had no clue what to expect from Dane. From the tender age of thirteen, he

had been called upon to do the pleasuring, the giving. Rarely had he received anything in return, and

when he had–it wasn’t pleasurable, but rather painful for the most part. The few men who

administered blow jobs or hand jobs did so in a very rough manner, leaving him in pain to some

degree. Dane was great to dance with and get worked up over–but what was he like when it came to

actual sex? Oral or otherwise? An uneasiness began to seep through Angel, but they were this far–

there was no turning back. And he didn’t really want to. Surely Dane couldn’t be any worse than the

ones Angel had already been with.

Dane must have picked up on his sudden nervousness because he smiled warmly and rubbed his

hands across the top of Angel’s feet. “Relax, baby.” He murmured. “Just lay back, get comfortable…

and let me just savor you.” There was no surface, nor underlying threat about the man. His hands slid

up Angel’s shins slowly. Angel instinctively opened his legs and Dane moved in between them,

leaning down to lay kisses along his inner thighs. A soft moan rolled up Angel’s throat and his fingers

slowly curled around the soft comforter beneath him, gripping fiercely. Dane’s tongue snaked out and

dragged up through the crease of his leg then ventured to the side, flicking against his full sac.

“Mmmm!” Angel squeezed the blanket tighter in his fists. Dane gently lifted his scrotum and went on

to tease the smooth patch of muscle underneath. “Fuck.” Angel hadn’t realized how sensitive that spot

was. No one had ever licked him there, and certainly not like this. For him, the idea of sex always

seemed to bring with it a dark cloud, a dread. But Dane was quickly showing him that it didn’t have

to be dirty and disgusting, or hurtful. Already the man had given him more pleasure than anyone else

ever had.

“That feels good, doesn’t it?” Dane smiled and burrowed his face in deeper and sucking at the smooth

muscle, dragging his suctioned lips up to his sack then taking his balls into his mouth. Angel bucked

without warning, crying out and Dane moaned, sucking him in deeper.

“Oh fuck.” Angel trembled as the man took his entire sack in his mouth, the warmth and wetness, the

pressure of the suction, his tantalizing tongue…it propelled Angel to a level of ecstasy he hadn’t

known even existed. “Oh…my…god.”

Moaning again, Dane slowly allowed his balls to slip out of his mouth then licked his lips. “Yummy.”

He murmured and smiled. When his tongue darted out again and began to forge a path up to the base

of his throbbing cock, Angel whimpered, unsure if he could handle this. Just having his balls in the

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man’s mouth nearly blew his mind–what would happen if Dane wrapped his mouth around his cock?

He had a strong suspicion he was about to find out.

One of the few men who had sucked him had been a nasty fucker in one of the seedy clubs Wade had

dragged him to. Some of the guy’s teeth were broken, severely decayed, and he hadn’t taken care with

Angel. His teeth had repeatedly scraped the sensitive surface of his cock, a time or two he’d bit down

a little on purpose, just to hear Angel cry out. The horrible experience had left his member scratched

up and somewhat bloody.

The dark memory was vanquished in a moment as Dane licked up the bottom side of his member, very

slowly, using the full flat surface of his tongue, catching the dribbles of clear cum juice seeping from

his cock head. Angel’s jaw clenched, breath sticking in his throat then bursting out in hard pants.

When Dane used the tip of his tongue to tease the slit under the head, Angel’s mind nearly imploded.

He jerked hard and cried out, cum churning in his balls, wanting to rise.

“Like it right there, do you?” Dane panted softly and teased him some more.

Angel bit his lip to keep from screaming, his back arching, hips lifting. He clawed the bed, gasping.

Oh fuck! Fuck! I’m gonna come! He didn’t know if it was abnormal for him to be ready to come so

soon, but his balls were burning and tingling, tightening. Dane was clearly aware of the signs as

Angel began to pant and puff, hips rocking up, knuckles whitened as he gripped the blankets, head

thrust back into the pillows.

In a single action, Dane covered his cock with his mouth and sucked him into this throat.

“Fuck!” Angel screamed out loud, no way in hell to hold it back. He never felt a single tooth against

his pulsing shaft as Dane’s velvet mouth slid up and down his cock, squeezing, sucking, encasing him

in heat and wetness so blissful he thought it possible he might literally go crazy. He choked on a sob

he hadn’t known had risen then grabbed Dane’s head, moving with the motion of his mouth, pushing

in, pulling back then in again, over and over as it became harder and harder to breathe. Never in his

life had he felt anything like this.

His balls began to release, forcing the cum up through his shaft. Another sob broke against his cries of

ecstasy and sheer sexual agony. “Dane! Oh god…oh fuck…Uuh!”

The man sucked him with more determination, working his mouth up and down his cock faster,

harder, moaning loud. His hand squeezed his shaft and worked hurriedly, following his mouth.

Angel screamed incoherently and his body convulsed as the orgasm broke, his full wad shooting

down Dane’s throat. The man took him, swallowing eagerly, sucking for more of his liquid love,

stroking him until his locked muscles began to slowly loosen, relax, and he sagged hard against the

bed, gasping for air.

“Fuck…” he trembled, shivers racing all through him. His eyes felt weighted with lead, bleary.

Could someone go blind by coming too hard? He wondered.

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“You know, this is the best time I’ve ever had in my entire life.” Seth stood at the large hotel window

and stared out at the city. Once in Sydney, Horatio had made hotel accommodations for Seth’s friends,

renting each couple their own separate room.

“I’m having a good time as well.” Horatio murmured and walked up behind him, resting his hands on

his waist. He kissed the back of his neck. “I’ll miss you when this over.”

A comfortable silence fell over them and Seth leaned back against Horatio’s chest, laying his head on

his shoulder. “You’re a lot different than I thought you’d be.” Seth said quietly, “When I first saw you

out on the beach.” He smiled. “When you looked at me and I knew you wanted me…I thought you

were just some rich playboy looking for a quick fuck.”

“And still you came back to my hotel room with me.” Horatio chuckled softly.

“Well,” Seth shrugged and grinned. “You were sexy as hell and maybe morality isn’t my strong suit.”

He pulled Horatio’s arms around him. “But you surprised me. And it was a pleasant surprise.” He

twisted his face and kissed Horatio’s neck. “What did you think of me when you first saw me? Am I

what you thought I’d be?”

Horatio tightened his arms and pressed his lips against the young man’s shoulder, closing his eyes.

When he’d first spotted Seth–all he could see was Max. He didn’t know what he thought of him, how

he would be as a person. At that moment, he hadn’t cared. Once their eyes met and he knew the boy

wanted him as well, all that mattered was having him in his arms, his bed, imagining he was the love

of his life.

“You reminded me of someone.” He admitted, not really sure if he meant to reveal that bit of

information or not. “Someone I used to know a long time ago.”

Turning around, Seth played with the buttons of his shirt. “So that’s why you’re doing all this?”

Horatio gazed at him, contemplating the question; was it? He smiled and kissed him softly. “No.” he

murmured. “I like you, for you. And I like your friends. You’re good company.” He pulled him closer

and squeezed his butt, smiling darkly, “And you’re incredible in bed.” He sighed. “Yes, you still

remind me of…him…but that’s a compliment, trust me. He’s gorgeous, and the most amazing man you

could ever meet.”

Exhaling softly, Seth plucked loose a few buttons and slipped his hands inside Horatio’s shirt,

caressing his bare skin. “More amazing than you?”

Horatio smiled, his throat knotting, eyes stinging. “By leaps and bounds.”

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The strength and force of Angel’s orgasm was a straight shot of adrenaline to Dane’s cock. He’d

nearly come with the boy. Angel’s reaction to the blow job was that of a first time. Yet he was fairly

certain the boy wasn’t a virgin. Even so…what kind of experiences had he had?

Dane crawled up and kissed him, but made it quick as the kid was still trying to catch his breath. He

shifted his mouth to his sweat drenched throat instead, sucking the wetness from his hot skin. “Has

anyone ever sucked you like that before?” he whispered, licking up under his earlobe and drawing it

between his lips.

Swallowing hard, Angel shook his head slowly. “Never.” He rasped.

“Well get used to it.” Dane nibbled his lobe then sucked it gently. “Because I’m addicted.” He

groaned, putting emphasis on dick. He lifted off him. “Turn over, baby.” He panted softly. Angel

drew in a deep breath and exhaled hard then turned onto his stomach. Dane rubbed his hands up his

slick back then kissed the center of his spine. “You are so beautiful, Angel.” He whispered and kissed

down the curve his spine to his perfectly rounded back side. His hands rubbed tentatively over the

swell of his cheeks, scalding to the touch and wet with sweat. He kissed the crease in between and

squeezed his ass as his tongue slithered into the hot center of his lovely buns without spreading him

open. Pushing his tongue deeper in between, the tip touched the boy’s puckered hole and flicked


“Oh god…” Angel whimpered, teeth clamping onto Dane’s pillow.

His tongue slipped easily through the damp cheeks, tasting the saltiness of his sweat. He tried not to

rub his own cock against the bed too much for fear he would burst. To avoid friction, he drew his

knees up under him then gently spread the boy open, licking him more thoroughly, from balls up to the

start of his crack.

“Shit.” Angel buried his face in the pillow and lifted his ass. He was trembling, wanting more.

Dane rimmed his hole then pushed his tongue through. The boy bucked and gasped. Dane slipped a

finger in under his tongue, reaching deeper inside than his tongue could reach and found the spot.

“Fuck!” Angel yelled and squirmed as Dane simultaneously tongue and finger fucked him. “Oh fuck!

Uh! God! Uuuhh!!

Unable to take it anymore, his cock leaking a steady stream of clear juice that would soon turn creamy

white and explode out of him if he didn’t do something quick, Dane crawled up over Angel’s body

and rubbed his pulsing cock between the boy’s ass cheeks without penetrating, but just sliding through

the slick oven of his crack. He kissed Angel’s ear and whispered with a strained voice, “I’m so far

gone, baby, I’m gonna come in seconds. Let me get this one out of the way then we’ll get down to

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Angel nodded and rocked his ass against his cock, rubbing up and down his shaft.

“Fuck.” Dane choked and pressed his head to the back of Angel’s neck and stroked through his

cheeks with urgency. He had to force himself not to draw back and shove inside him, but when he got

in there, he planned to stay awhile. “Oh my god…oh fuck, Angel…fuck, baby…I’m gonna come…

now…oh shi…shit…fuuuck!!” He burst, filling his crease with hot cum as he fucked his cheeks


“Oh god!” Angel moaned loud, moving with him.

Dane growled deep, tight, his balls pushing out more and more of his substance as he came so hard he

began to see stars. A moment later, he was panting against Angel’s back, all strength abandoning him.

“Oh fuck, baby…no one has ever gotten me so worked up.” He slid off him and turned him over,

wrapping Angel in his arms. He kissed him deep, long, tongue making itself at home in the boy’s

mouth. Angel moaned and pressed closer to him, clinging in a kind of desperation that startled Dane a

little. When he pulled out of the kiss, he wiped tears from Angel’s cheeks. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“Nothing.” Angel moaned and kissed him again.

Savoring the kiss for a moment, Dane finally drew back and murmured, “Let’s take a shower, get

cleaned up, then come back and,” he kissed him softly, warmly, and whispered, “Make love till we

pass out.”

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Chapter Nineteen

Love Unfeigned

In the shower, Angel found himself on his knees before Dane. And for the first time in his life–there

by choice. He’d had to learn how to deep throat a cock–or choke to death–and did it well. Dane’s

pants and cries echoed and bounced off the filmy glass doors as Angel’s mouth sucked up and down

his newly hardened cock.

“Fuck, baby.” Dane gently pulled Angel off him and lifted him to his feet, kissing him hard. “You

keep that up and I’ll be cutting loose again right quick.”

Though they had stepped into the shower just minutes after Dane had come, the man had still been

solid and even stiff to a degree. One suck of Angel’s mouth had returned him to instant granite.

“We better get back to the bed.” Dane groaned and backed Angel against the shower wall, kissing him

with a powerful hunger. “Before I take you right here.”

High on the man’s passion, Angel’s head was in a fog when Dane laid him down, naked and wet on

top of the bed. His mind barely cleared in time to ask, “Do you…have any condoms?”

Dane hesitated as if startled by the question, then nodded and drew back. “Uh, yeah. Of course. I’m

sorry…I guess I just got lost in the moment. Of course, I’ll grab one.”

A lump tightened Angel’s throat as he watched the man walk to his dresser and open the top drawer.

He didn’t keep them in his nightstand drawer? Did that mean he didn’t often have men in his bed? At

least not enough to need the contraceptives within quick reach? Angel liked the thought that this

maybe wasn’t a common thing for Dane. But he hated asking him about the condoms. It felt so

impersonal, as if this was all about sex and nothing more. But his request for the protection–wasn’t

for himself. It was for Dane.

To protect his investment, Wade insisted that the men who fucked Angel had to wear a condom. But

Byrd had fucked him unprotected. And if he fucked him without a condom, if was a safe bet he fucked

others unprotected as well. Angel had no idea what the man might be carrying, and he didn’t want to

take the chance of passing anything on to Dane. When he’d started work at the club, it was a

requirement he have the tests done. He was clean up to that point. But Byrd had been in him


By asking Dane to wear one, though, he felt like he had somehow diminished the intimacy, and that

hurt. He longed to be able to make love to the man in the complete raw flesh, and he sensed Dane

wanted that too. But he wouldn’t put him at risk.

When Dane returned to the bed, he was tearing open a condom packet. Angel watched as he rolled it

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down his thick shaft, then tugged the tip a little to make adequate room for his deposits. He crawled

back on the bed and leaned over Angel, kissing him softly. “Sorry about that, I wasn’t thinking.”

Angel’s lips tightened and he touched his face. “Don’t apologize.” He kissed him and wrapped his

arms around his neck. “I’m sorry I ruined the moment by asking.”

Laughing quietly, Dane shook his head and brushed his lips across Angel’s mouth. “You didn’t ruin

anything, baby. And you have every right to make that request. Don’t ever think you don’t.” He sighed

and smiled, “Hang on second, I forgot one more thing.” He left bed again and returned to the same

drawer then brought back a tube of lubrication and held it up, winking, “A gay man’s best buddy.”

Angel laughed softly and nodded. He’d had far too many encounters with men who didn’t mind

shoving a dry cock in his ass, and it hurt like hell every time.

Dane dropped the tube on the bed and crawled back up over the top of Angel and kissed his mouth. “I

want this to be as pleasurable for you as possible.”

You’ve already given me more pleasure than I’ve known in my entire lifetime . Angel pushed his

hips up against him, his stiff erection rubbing invitingly against Dane’s sheathed arousal. “I’m not

worried about any lack of pleasure.”

Dane chuckled and kissed him again then sat back on his heels and picked up the tube, squeezing a

generous amount into his palm. Angel leaned forward and scooped it out of his hand and began to coat

the man’s cock, rubbing his hands up and down in slow spiral motions. “Shit.” Dane breathed, his

cock swelling inside the condom. He gently pushed Angel down on his back. “Okay, we need to do

this now before I lose my mind, baby.” He squeezed out a little more lube and had Angel spread his

legs, then coated his tight entrance, working some inside. He tossed the tube aside and leaned over

Angel on one arm, his other hand guiding his stiff cock to his anal ring. He lowered down onto his

elbow and captured angel’s mouth in a warm, intoxicating kiss as he began to push inside him.

There were no words to describe the ecstasy of being entered with care and passion. Angel felt like a

virgin, making love for the first time. And in a way, he was.

Dane sucked in a sharp breath as his thick cock squeezed deeper inside Angel’s tight velvet cave.

“Oh my god.” He shuddered and his head dropped against Angel’s shoulder as his hips pushed


“Uuhh!” Angel cried and gripped fists of damp hair. “Oh…god…Dane…” He lifted to him then his

legs wrapped around his back, squeezing, raising his ass off the bed as the man slid in deeper and

deeper. “Fuuuck!” Angel’s cock hardened to steel instantly and began to throb so forcefully he

wondered if he might come just by Dane’s penetration.

“Oh fuck.” Dane panted and wrapped Angel in his strong arms and held on so tight Angel could

barely breathe–but it felt good to be held this way, with such want and desire, maybe even…love? In

time, maybe? “Oh my god, baby.” Dane’s breath puffed against his cheek as the man put a little more

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force into pushing in his last inch of cock. “Fuck. Yes.”

Angel trembled in his asphyxiating embrace. He hadn’t known it could be like this, feel like this. He

closed his eyes as they began to sting, and tightened his legs around his lover, sliding his ass on the

man’s hard rod. “Dane…” he shuddered fiercely and the guy pulled out a little then shoved back in,

not too hard, but deep enough to hit the spot perfectly. “Oh god!” Angel choked. “Yes…right there…

oh god…do it again. Please.”

Smiling against his ear, Dane did it again–and again and again–until Angel was clinging to him,

fucking him in sheer desperation, begging him–“Don’t stop! Oh god, please don’t stop!”

The strength of Dane’s very fit body added force to his thrusts, driving his cock into Angel’s very

core, hard and fast, urgent. The bed rocked against the window frame, shaking the glass, as their

fucking grew louder, wet bodies connecting in the height of passion, shouts and cries exploding

through the loft.

Before Angel realized they had repositioned, he was on his hands and knees, staring at his reflection

in the large window pane and the New York skyline beyond as Dane squeezed his hips and fucked

him wildly, his face a beautiful picture of sweet sexual agony mirrored in the glass.

Angel panted a hard, erratic flow of–“Uh-Uh-Uh”–while Dane’s hard cock impaled him again and

again. His body arched and curved, swaying on his arms and knees as he fucked the man back with as

much enthusiasm, the soft mattress beneath them moaning and bouncing, the bed frame creaking.

“Oh fuck!” Dane pushed him down on his stomach and wrapped his arms around waist, lifting his

hips just a little as he slammed into him with frenzied thrusts that exclaimed his orgasm was

imminent. “Uh! Angel! Fuck, I’m gonna come!” He pulled angel back up on his hands and knees and

reached under, grabbing his cock. “Fuck, baby, come with me! I need you to come with me!”

There would be no problem there. Angel’s cock was swelling with cum even as the man’s words left

his lips. “Uuhh!!” Angel wailed and thrust back hard on his cock as his own burst. Dane stroked him

furiously, fist snapping up and down his dick as a strangled shout wrenched out of him and he came

with force, slamming his hips against Angel’s ass then pumping him wildly, panting and grunting.

“Fuck-fuck-fuck!” Dane yelled and filled the condom, surely to capacity by the way he continued to

thrust and yell.

It seemed to take a bit before his orgasm let loose and they both collapsed on the bed, sucking for

breath, chests heaving.

“Oh my god.” Dane gasped hard. “Oh fuck, baby…fuck…that was…it was…” His breath staggered

and puffed up his throat. “Oh fuck, there are no words…”

Angel agreed. Or would have, were he able to put together a single collective thought.

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Chapter Twenty

Paradise Lost

Is this really happening? Are we really here together? And not just some sweet, perfect dream?

Angel’s warm back was snug against Dane’s chest, their skin tacky, gluing their bodies together.

Dane’s hips curved around the boy’s heated rear, his cheeks relaxed, soft against Dane’s satisfied,

exhausted member. Even so, it twitched with every slight movement of Angel’s body as the boy slept

soundly in his arms. He rested his lips against the young man’s hair and breathed him in, his heavy

eyes drifting to the digital clock. Surely Max would understand if they didn’t come in to work tonight.

Dane didn’t want to move from this spot, just wanted to lie here all night, holding Angel. And awake

to his beautiful face, his sleepy eyes and messed hair. Even his morning breath as he kissed him good


Warm tingles drifted down through Dane’s body, settling in his toes, curling them up and making him

shiver. He smiled and groaned and hugged the boy tighter, kissing his hair. “You are truly an angel.”

He whispered. “My angel.”

Just when he began to drift off as well, Angel stirred in his sleep. Dane tightened his arms and

murmured softly in his ear. The boy whimpered–as if in pain–then suddenly strained against Dane’s

embrace. His whimpering grew louder, laced with fear. “ No…” he moaned, his sleep encased voice

cracking, thickening with tears. “Don’t…” A sob choked up his throat and he began to fight Dane’s

arm. “Sto-op…please!” He was starting to gag on his cries and thrash beneath the blankets.

“Angel.” Dane whispered close to his ear. “Baby, wake up.”

The boy screamed, making Dane jump. “Nooo! It hurts! Stop!”

“Angel!” Dane shook him hard. “Baby! Wake up!”

“Stooop!” He screamed shrill, tears rushing down his face.

Dane’s eyes burned, his throat tightening and he pulled Angel over onto his back, holding his arms to

keep him from flailing. “Angel!”

The boy calmed suddenly, still asleep, but he was shaking, sobbing quietly now, his head twisting

back and forth slowly and his beautiful face a mask of anguish. “Please, God…” he mumbled, crying

softly. “Please…protect Maddy…please….


Nothing was mentioned of the night before, and come morning, Gabe had seemed his old self again,

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no remnant of the troubled look in his eyes. Still it bothered Cole; the man had lied to him about the

phone call. He was sure of it. He knew the difference between a dream noise and one outside the

dream, reaching in. Someone had called Gabe late last night.

Cole had told himself to let it go, and not let it eat away at him. But it bothered him to think that Gabe

was keeping secrets from him. And just what kind of secrets? He didn’t believe for a minute it had to

do with another man–sexually speaking. Gabe loved him, he saw it in the man’s baby blue eyes every

time he looked into them. He wouldn’t cheat on him, he wasn’t worried about that. But Gabe had

been troubled last night, so something was going on that he wasn’t telling Cole about.

“Earth to Cole.”

“Huh?” Cole blinked, his hand gripping his drink as he leaned against the bar, staring blankly out

across the crowd of customers.

Gabe chuckled. “Where’d you go there for a minute?”

Clearing his throat, Cole shifted. “Nowhere. I’m here.” He leaned over and kissed Gabe. “With you.”

“Well, heads up because the octopus is back.” Gabe grinned and tossed a nod towards the other end

of the bar and the entrance beyond where Faron Ryland stood, scouring the club with purposeful eyes.

“Oh shit.” Cole groaned. “Hide me.” Ryland was a true genetic anomaly; as soon as he stepped into a

private booth–his two hands became eight hands. And his special affection seemed well intact as his

gaze sought out Cole and rested heavily, a smile quirking his lips.

“Aww he loves you.” Gabe cooed then kissed his cheek quick. “How could he not, you sexy thang

you?” He dodged Cole’s fist and sashayed away, wriggling his eyebrows.

“Fucker.” Cole muttered and rolled his eyes as Gabe laughed and disappeared into the sea of bodies,

leaving Cole to swim alone with the octopus.

“Cole.” Ryland’s smile widened as he approached. Apparently the man hadn’t been taught about

respecting personal space as he moved right in on Cole, practically pushing between his legs. “Got a

thick wad for you.” He murmured, smirking, and stuffed a bundle of cash into Cole’s crotch, fingering

his cock while he was in there. “You got a thick wad for me too?”

Sighing, Cole tugged his hand from his pants, but then the other hand was immediately between his

thighs, rubbing his package. “Mr. Ryland…we’ve talked about this.”

“I’m a hands-on kind of man.” He smiled as Cole had a hell of a time keeping the man’s groping

under control. Ryland wasn’t a bad guy, or even bad looking–just way too handsy. “Come on, let’s do

a little one on one. I’ve been thinking about you all week.” He shoved close, his mouth diving in and

touching Cole’s neck. “It’s been embarrassing trying to function around the office all cock hard and

horny as hell.” His hand was back in Cole’s crotch, rubbing, squeezing. “Come on, baby.” He panted

softly, his own hard crotch rocking against Cole. “I need some attention.”

Cole could turn him down, he had the option. But the guy paid a fucking huge price for Cole’s

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attention. And he knew if he did turn him down, Gabe would be relentless, teasing him about being

afraid of the guy. He’d rather deal with the groping for a short while than Gabe’s endless jabbing.

Well, his teasing. The jabbing he was rather fond of.

Before he could say either way, Ryland grabbed his hand and tugged him away from the bar. Well

look on the bright side, he thought sourly, at least he’s not a prissy little fag who talks like a valley


He passed Max on the way to the booth and his boss arched his eyebrows and smirked. Cole shot him

a ‘shut up’ look before Ryland yanked him inside the booth.

Faron Ryland dropped into the leather chair, legs loose, crotch bulging. When Cole turned on the

music, he smiled and waved his hand. “I don’t need the strip tease. Just undress and dance for me,


“As you wish.” Cole nodded and peeled off his shirt as he stood before the man. Ryland’s hands were

immediately on his stomach and chest, rubbing hungrily. He unfastened his pants and stepped back a

little, shoving them down his legs and kicked them away.

“Fuck.” Ryland groaned. “You are sinfully sexy, Cole. Just too fucking gorgeous for your own good.

Certainly for my own good. I haven’t saved a cent since I met you.” His mouth twitched. “I make all

my deposits in you.”

You wish, buddy , Cole mused. He moved in closer, his hips swaying. Ryland whimpered and ran his

hands up the back of his thighs and over his ass, squeezing hard. “Oh fuck, when’re you going to take

that bonus I keep offering and give me some cock?”

“Sorry.” Cole tsked.

“Aw come on, baby.” Ryland rubbed his lips across Cole’s cock, barely confined in the shimmering

blue G-string underwear. “At least show it to me.” His fingers teased around the band playfully,

tugging lightly, as he grinned up at Cole. “Just a little peek?”

Cole gripped his hand and moved it away. “This isn’t a peep show.” He smiled, turning around

gracefully in time with the beat of the music and wiggled his ass in the guy’s face. “This is as close as

you get to viewing the goods.”

Ryland groaned but seemed plenty pleased with the rear view he was receiving. He rubbed up over

Cole’s firm cheeks, thumbs dipping into his crack. When he leaned close and Cole felt his wet tongue

try to squeeze in as well, he danced away and turned to face him again, shaking his head, lips twisting

sensually. “You’re just a naughty boy, aren’t you?”

Chuckling, Ryland licked his lips and leaned back, shrugging, hands splaying out. “Guilty as


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When they emerged from the booth after the end of the song, Cole dressed once more and the wad of

cash in his hand, Ryland kissed him without warning and told him he would see him again real soon–

then squeezed his ass and walked out.

Cole stared after him, shaking his head, chuckling. So the guy wasn’t that bad. He sighed and thumbed

through the bills then folded them in half and shoved them in his pocket and headed for Max’s office.

The man had a safe that he let the club boys store their earnings in until they left for the night.

Max was at the bar, so Cole didn’t bother to knock and opened the door. He paused suddenly when he

heard Gabe’s voice, tight, tense, as he spoke low into his phone. The noise of the club made it

impossible to hear his exact words, but his troubled tone was unmistakable.

Who the fuck was on the other end of that call? The same one from last night?

Cole’s guts twisted with apprehension and he quietly closed the door, retreating.



The bad dream left a tightness in Angel’s gut that dissipated the moment he opened his eyes and saw

Dane leaning over him, gently shaking him awake. But when he reached for the man, Dane withdrew

and left the bed. He began to dress, his back to Angel, a stiffness to his frame.

“We should get back to the club.” His voice was neutral and Angel had no way of interpreting what

he was thinking, or feeling. “We’re already late as it is.”

“Is…” Angel’s throat tightened and began to ache with a rush of emotion he didn’t understand. “Is

something wrong, Dane?”

“No.” The answer came too quick, too sharp. He didn’t look at Angel as he stepped towards the

bedroom door and mumbled, “I’ll get your clothes.” Then he was out the door.

Angel stared at the empty doorway, his heart pumping forcefully. Something was wrong. Why was

Dane suddenly acting so…distant? Fear coiled Angel’s heart as the possible truth of the situation

began push against his mind, causing a dull thumb in the center of his forehead. No. It isn’t that. It


He crawled off the bed, found his briefs and slipped them on. Dane returned with his clothes and

dropped them on the bed, his dark eyes evasive. “We should get back as soon as possible.” Then he

was gone again, going back downstairs.

Tears tried to form and Angel blinked them back. It felt as if the guy just wanted him out of his

apartment. But that made no sense. Everything had been fine. Perfect. Why would he act this way


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Don’t you know? Deep down–don’t you know?

“No.” Angel whispered, choking on a quiet sob. “No, he wouldn’t do that.” He wiped at his eyes,

drying them the best he could, then walked slowly down the stairs. Dane cast him a quick glance then

grabbed his keys.


Angel hesitated at the bottom of the stairs as Dane moved towards the front door, eager to go. Or just

eager to get rid of you? The lump in his throat swelled, pushing more tears up into his eyes. “Yeah.”

He whispered thickly, wetly, and followed the man out of the apartment.

The drive back to the club was weighted with heavy, suffocating silence. Dane kept his eyes forward,

tension in his face. Angel wanted to ask him what was going on, make him tell him what had gone

wrong. But when he tried, the words lodged beneath the knot in his throat and wouldn’t come up any

further. He turned his face away and stared out the passenger window as his vision blurred and his

heart began to break apart a piece at a time.

When Dane pulled the car into a parking space to the side of the club entrance, he made no move to

get out, but seemed to be waiting for Angel to exit the vehicle. “Aren’t you…coming in?” Angel


Dane looked out the side window. “No.” he murmured, his mouth resting against his hand.

What did I do? Why are you being like this? Angel’s eyes filled and he grabbed the door latch,

popping open the passenger door. What he wanted to say, he couldn’t. And beyond that…what else

was there to say?

He shoved open the door, barely containing the sobs squeezing his throat. He could feel the tears

seeping out into his lashes, ready to drip down his face.

“Angel.” Dane stopped him and his heart leapt with hope.

“Yes?” he whispered, afraid to try and speak any louder, certain his emotions would break and he

might throw himself at the man, begging him to not shove him away.

“I, uh,” Dane cleared his throat but still wasn’t looking at Angel. That wasn’t a good sign. “I had a

good time tonight.”

Licking his lips slowly, uncertain where this was heading, he said quietly, “So did I.”

Dane rubbed his mouth, his elbow resting against the driver door as he stared blankly at the outside of

the club building. “I like you, but…”

But? No…

“I’m not really looking…” his words faltered, seemed unsteady, but then he neutralized them again.

“…for anything serious. And with us being co-workers…maybe we shouldn’t do this anymore.” His

lips tightened and he continued to stare out the side window. “I’m not trying to hurt you, but…I don’t

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want you to think that we’re…together.”

Angel stared at his hands and had no control over the welling tears as they rose up and rolled down

his face. He used you. Just because he didn’t abuse you…doesn’t mean he’s any different than the

others. Except he got to fuck you for free.


The boy stepped out of the car and closed the door quietly. He didn’t say a word, didn’t ask any

questions. He just…walked away.

His lean frame blurred as Dane watched him enter the club, arms wrapped around his waist,

shoulders weighed down by Dane’s words. A quick swipe of Angel’s hand caught tears off his cheek

as he was surely attempting to appear that nothing was amiss when he walked inside.

Dane shifted his wet eyes to the rearview mirror and stared at himself. The emptiness inside him

consumed his mind, his heart, and hollowed him out. How could heaven turn to hell so suddenly?

An ache wound up through his face and stabbed into his eyes, drawing out more tears as he backed the

car out of the parking lot and drove away, thinking maybe he could just keep on driving and never

stop. Maybe outrun all the pain inside…and all that he’d caused outside.


Document Outline


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