Phoenix Club 3 ABEL 3 Shattered

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By: CJ Bishop

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Copyright © 2014

All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner

whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief

quotations in a book review. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to

real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

For questions and comments about this book, please contact us at

Cover Art: Book Cover by Design

Published By: Rascal Hearts

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

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Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen


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Chapter One

“Hearts In Hiding”

Anger and bitterness sizzled acidly just below the surface. “I don't fucking trust him.” Cole's fists

clenched and he forced himself not to punch a hole in the fucking wall – or someone's head. “How

could Max just send him away like that? With him?”

“He's trying to keep him safe.” Gabe spoke with a level of caution, clearly understanding how close

Cole was to snapping – and not wishing to be the recipient of his rage. “If he's overseas, then he won't

be in danger of being arrested if...if Devlin turns him in.”

Cole shook his head, unappeased. “I can't believe taking that bastard's money and letting

him...” Emotion squeezed the corners of his jaw, burning his eyes. “Fuck! He's too good for that shit.

And this fucking mess with is he even still sane?”

“Easy.” Gabe coaxed him onto a barstool and massaged his shoulders as Cole dropped his head in his

hands. “Abel's gonna be fine. I know this is a...shitty situation, and the boy deserves so much better.

But it may not be safe for him to be here right now.”

“Why didn't he tell us?” Cole asked thickly. “We could've helped him find some other way to get the

money.” An ache squeezed his jaw. He closed his eyes against the images that conjured up when

thinking of Abel with that...parasite. “I swear to God,” Cole choked, raising his head. “If the fucker

hurts him, or...damages his mind even worse...all the money in the world won't keep him safe. I'll

fucking kill him.”

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Gabe slid his hands over Cole's shoulders and down his chest, rubbing his lips against his ear. “You

won't have to do it alone.” he murmured then kissed him. “I'll be right there to help you hide the


“I'm serious.” Cole said tightly.

“So am I.” Gabe kissed his neck. “I would protect Abel at all costs.” He moved around in front of

Cole and sat on the stool opposite him, hands on the guy's knees. “But I can't believe Max would send

Abel off like that with someone who might harm him.”

“Yeah, well,” Cole said bitterly, “I'm not so fucking sure anymore where Max's loyalties lay. How

could he even introduce Abel into such a situation? The man is quickly advancing to the top of my shit


Sliding off the stool, Gabe stood between Cole's knees, squeezing his shoulders. He leaned close and

kissed his lips. “Listen...there's nothing we can do about it right now.” he murmured. “So why don't

we grab the VIP room...and I'll give you a nice relaxing dance to soothe your mind?” he kissed him

again, his mouth lingering, tongue exploring. Cole's hands gripped his hips.

“I could go for that.” he groaned and stood up, crotch already beginning to thump with a low pulse as

Gabe took his hand and led the way.


Somehow he kept up a calm exterior as his mind spun in chaotic frenzy. He smiled, spoke politely,

voice controlled, went about business as if all was well in the world – when in reality, his world was

coming apart at the seams, systematically shutting down, breaking away in pieces that fell into a black


He raped me! For two fucking years...he raped me!

Abel's accusations bashed at the inside of his skull with the force of a wrecking ball. No, he's lying,

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Devlin repeatedly insisted, again and again, feeling sick, wanting to puke every waking second. Why

would he lie? Why! But there was never an answer to accompany the question. There was no

plausible reason for Abel to conjure up such a story – and yet, he couldn't accept it. Wouldn't accept

it. Craig was a good man. He was! It wasn't possible that he could be...

“Fuck!” Devlin choked and shoved into one of the restrooms, locking the door behind him, falling

against it as he gripped his head in his hands. “You're lying,'re fucking lying! You're just

trying to...justify what you did.” He squeezed his eyes shut and clawed his hair, sobs erupting up his

throat. “You had no cause!”

He was going to rape Savannah! She was only ten fucking years old! He wasn't a good man! He

was a fucking monster!

Devlin shook his head, as if the action alone could refute the accusations. No, he would never. Never!

It wasn't even fathomable.

Ask Savannah. Show her a picture of Craig. Prove to yourself it wasn't Craig. It seemed like a simple

solution...yet he couldn't do it. He didn't need to prove it. He knew his brother. He'd grown up with

him. People didn't become...that...overnight. If he'd been that way...Devlin would have known, would

have seen the signs. There would have been some indication. But there were none. None!

No. Abel was lying...or mistaken. But either way – he had killed an innocent man. A good man. He

deserved to go to prison.

So why aren't you turning him in? What's stopping you?

Again, another question for which Devlin had no plausible answer.


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Darkness pressed at the small window like a living, evil entity trying to get at him. Abel stared back

at it, eyes blank, emotionless. Just bust through and kill me already . It seemed an enigma how his

mind and body could be completely numb – and yet still hurt so fucking bad at the same time. A

couple hours after Devlin had run out...the numbness had set in, drying his tears and emptying his soul.

From that moment on, he had been functioning on autopilot. He vaguely recalled both Cole and Gabe

hugging him goodbye, telling him they loved him, and that everything would be okay. But nothing

would ever be okay again; he'd ripped out Devlin's heart...and the man had ripped out Abel's.

There was no coming back from this.

“Here. Take these.” Kaplan came over and sat in the soft, cushioned seat across from him and held

out his hand, offering Abel a couple pills. “You need to rest. They'll help you sleep.”

“I don't want to sleep.” Abel whispered, though he barely felt conscious as it was. But he feared

sleep...the dreams that would surely come and torture him.

“You're exhausted.” Kaplan said. “You need to sleep.”

“Why do you care?” Abel murmured dully. His head tipped and rested against the window of the

plane. “You're not obligated to give a fuck.” Come on, dumb shit, he wants you well rested so he can

fuck you – why else would he care?

Kaplan nodded slowly. “Not everything is motivated by obligation, Abel.” He stood and took hold of

Abel's arm, lifting the boy to his feet. Abel didn't resist. He had twenty thousand dollars sitting in a

bank account that did obligate him to Kaplan.

A single dim light burned in the bedroom. Kaplan set the sleeping pills on the stand by the bed then

began to slowly undress Abel until he was down to his briefs. Kaplan stood before him, his arms

loosely around his waist, fingertips caressing the small of his back. His face moved close, lips

grazing his cheek. He seemed on the verge of speaking but rather ran his lips across Abel's mouth and

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kissed him lightly. Abel closed his eyes and kissed him back, his hands rubbing up the man's chest

then gliding back down to the clasp of his pants. When he plucked loose the button, Kaplan reached

between them and covered his hands, halting him.

“Later.” he murmured, his voice already thick and ragged with sexual need. “ rest.”

There was no denying that the silk sheets, warm blankets and soft bed were akin to heaven for his

tired, aching body. The sleeping pills weren't necessary as, just moments after his head sank into the

thick, silk encased pillow, Abel was asleep.

With credit to the sandman, there were no dreams, just deep and, strangely peaceful, sleep. When he

awoke, they were still in the air. He didn't know where Kaplan was taking them, he hadn't said and

Abel hadn't asked. He didn't care. The further away from his life in the city he took him – the better. If

not for Savannah, he wouldn't ever want to go back. Just cut all ties. Because now, even the Phoenix

brought with it memories of Devlin. How could it not? Both times they had made love, had been in the

club. It held the most painful memories of all...the place where Devlin had sworn his love to him,

promised nothing could make him stop loving Abel, or cause him to turn on him. But it had all just

been empty Abel had known they were when the man had spoken them. Yes, he'd meant

them – but he just hadn't known that the truth would annihilate all his good intentions, every ounce of

love he'd felt for Abel.

It was still dark out, silence prevailing. How could a machine like a private jet be so quiet, hardly

make a sound? Kaplan shifted in the bed beside him, his breath even and smooth in his sleep. Abel

turned onto his side and gazed at the man. In slumber, his face was relaxed, expression soft. His eyes

twitched behind his closed lids, and Abel wondered what a multi-millionaire dreamed about at night.

This is your life now. Embrace your fate. You have nothing to go back to. It could be worse, couldn't

it? The man could be a monster. He wasn't a good man! He was a fucking monster! Abel closed his

eyes, brow pinching, squeezing, as he battled the memory. Count yourself lucky that he isn't another

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He scooted closer and touched Kaplan's face, lightly dragging his fingertips down his cheek, detecting

a faint dusting of stubble. Not unpleasant. Abel tucked his own arm under his cheek and slowly

rubbed his thumb over the man's lower lip. Kaplan shifted again and his eyes crept open. Abel didn't

pull away, just continued to caress his lip. Kaplan covered Abel's hand and then kissed the center of

his palm before turning onto his side and gazing at him.

“Did you sleep well?” he murmured. He still held Abel's hand, and kissed it again before pressing it

to his chest.

“Yes.” Abel didn't know what, exactly, reflected in his own eyes. He felt empty inside. Was his stare

as empty? He rubbed his hand gently against Kaplan's pec muscle then raked his thumb over the stiff


Kaplan drew in a quick breath, then smiled, “Good.” Sliding his hand down Abel's side and pausing

at his hip, Kaplan slowly pulled him closer until he was touching the man's body beneath the blankets.

His very naked body...which was growing more aroused by the moment.

Drawing back, Abel noticed a flicker of uncertainty in Kaplan's eyes, wondering if Abel was

resisting his advances. But it vanished when Abel slipped off his briefs and scooted close to the man

once more. Breath quickening, Kaplan shifted, drawing Abel underneath him as the boy opened his

legs and let the man move in even closer with ease, his hardened member raking firmly against


Kaplan kissed him then rubbed his lips down his neck as Abel closed his eyes, fingers sliding through

the man's dark hair. Soft groans simmered in Kaplan's throat, his hands caressing Abel's body as he

slowly, rhythmically rolled his hips against Abel's crotch, the erotic sensation as Kaplan's erection

massaged Abel's cock getting the boy hard.

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Warm lips kissed Abel's throat and he tilted his head back as the man worked up over his chin and

took his mouth again, his body growing more tense, cock hardening to steel as he rocked more firmly.

“Are you here?” the trembled whisper fell onto Abel's lips in a hungry kiss. “Are you with me?”

“Yes.” Abel opened his eyes and met the man's stare. “I am.”

He wouldn't try to pretend anymore. He couldn't. The fantasy only worked when he believed Devlin

loved him. But there was nothing there to believe in anymore.

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Chapter Two

“Barely Holding On”

The door was cool beneath his palm as he hesitated entering the room. He hadn't been in there all day,

carefully avoiding this entire floor. What was he supposed to say to her? His heart was empty, torn to

shreds – what was he supposed to say when she asked about Abel? And she would, she always did.

Maybe the main reason for avoiding this floor was the fear of running into Abel. He couldn't face him,

couldn't even look at him right now. The kid had crossed lines that could never be uncrossed in

making such horrifying accusations against his brother, desecrating his memory. In all honesty, it

would be best if he never saw the boy again.

But Savannah had done nothing wrong, and she needed all the support she could get right now. He had

to figure out how to set aside the pain Abel had caused him and be there for her.

Taking a deep breath, he shoved open the door and entered as casually as he could. The first thing he

noted were the tears in the girl's eyes. He frowned, concerned, “Savannah?” he went to her bed.

“Sweetheart, what's wrong?”

“He left.” she whispered and her face crumpled. “He left me.”

“Who?” Devlin's stomach knotted, though there seemed no plausible reason for it.

“Abel.” Savannah choked on a sob. She wiped her face. “Cole came here earlier and he said...he said

Abel had to go away for awhile. He didn't know when he would be back.”

“Away...where?” Devlin frowned, the knot in his gut twisting tighter.

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“I don't know.” she cried softly. “Why would he leave? He didn't...he didn't even say goodbye? Why

wouldn't he?” She broke down and Devlin sat on the edge of the bed and held her.

Guilt ground his guts. “I don't know.” he lied.

“He wouldn't leave like this unless...” she didn't finish as a tremor rushed through her.

“Unless what?”

She shook her head and whispered, “Nothing.”

Devlin considered pushing it – but did he want to travel down this road? Was he prepared for where

it would lead him? A fear chilled his heart that this young girl held the detonator to the bomb that

would blow apart his life entirely.


Abel closed his eyes. Pressed his cheek into the soft, silky pillow, his stomach pressed against the

slick sheets as Kaplan laid kisses down his spine, through the depression of his lower back, then on

down over the swell of his butt. At first, he had waited for Kaplan's intimate touch to conjure up the

panic, but it never presented itself. He didn't know why – perhaps because he didn't care what Kaplan

did to him anymore. Or what anyone did to him. Why panic when one's very life didn't matter


How can you say your life doesn't matter? It does to Savannah, and therefore it should matter to you

as well.

He pushed away thoughts of Savannah, and him just walking away without even visiting her one last

time. Max had advised against him going to the hospital, wanting him out of harm's away as soon as

possible – and not trusting Devlin's state of mind.

His eyes squeezed tighter and he focused rather on Kaplan. The man's strong hands pushed open his

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ass cheeks and his warm, slick tongue slithered through the crease of his ass, probing his tight hole.

His breath jumped up a notch and he moaned, his body shifting; he wasn't faking, as he had faked it

with the customer at the club. He let the pleasure that Kaplan incited seep into him, take the forefront

and shove everything else away.

The soft pillow squeezed in his fists as Kaplan slowly worked the tip of his tongue through the tight

anal ring, thrusting at him. His inner ass muscles flexed then pulsed with anticipation. “Fuck...” he

gasped soft, tight when Kaplan's finger penetrated him, working him nicely, then another finger joined

the first, then finally, one more – stroking, circling, stretching...preparing him for the man's thick cock.

“You have the most amazing ass.” Kaplan groaned, pumping him with his fingers, working his p-spot

as Abel began to squirm and writhe beneath the intense pleasure. “That's it, baby...just go with it.

Don't fight it.” His fingers slid in and out of Abel's tight entrance a little faster, pushing in a little


“Uuuhhh!!” Abel's back arched then bowed, his ass shoving back onto Kaplan's fingers.

Warm lips touched his cheeks, teeth nipping his soft skin then grabbing a larger bite, sucking

forcefully as he was finger fucked good and thorough.

“Ah fuck!” Abel choked, clawing the pillow, squeezing it in his arms, the man's finger action causing

his cock to turn rock hard and slip against the slick sheets as he rocked with the man's rhythm.

Kaplan's hot mouth continued to suck his ass cheek in various places, then finally released and gasped

ragged, “Do you want me to fuck you, Abel?”

A hard moan squeezed up Abel's throat. “Yes...” he nearly cried out. “Please...”

His answer pleased the man and Kaplan removed his fingers then slid up over Abel's fevered body,

his wet cock head pressing between his cheeks, still throbbing from Kaplan's biting and sucking. He

grabbed his cock and began to push inside Abel's tightness. “Fuuuck!” Kaplan gasped. “Oh god,

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baby...I've never had ass like yours.”

Abel responded with a whimpering cry as the man pushed in deeper, harder, then stretched out over

Abel's back, his body conforming to the boy's, and rocked his hips against Abel's firm, round ass.

“Yes.” Kaplan panted and slipped his arms under Abel's armpits, locking him in as he fucked him

with more urgency. “Oh fuck, baby...oh my are heaven on earth.” He grunted and thrust

harder, faster, hot breath bursting against Abel's shoulder, the back of his neck. “Oh feel so good, Abel.”

Abel fucked him back, shoving against his cock.

“Fuck!” Kaplan backed off suddenly then grabbed Abel's hips. “Come on, baby, get up on your hands

and knees.” Abel did as he was told, gripping the headboard of the bed with one hand. Kaplan knelt

behind him and fed his cock back into his ass, clutched Abel's hips and began to fuck him with more

urgency and force. “Fuck! Yes!”

Hard pants burst from Abel's throat and he dropped his face against his arm as his free hand reached

under him and grabbed his cock, jerking himself off as Kaplan fucked him with fervor. “Oh god!”

Abel shoved his face harder into arm, his hand whipping up and down his shaft. “Oh


“Yes!” Kaplan grunted, pounding his ass, breath erratic, words choppy. “Yes...give it up...cum for

me, it...Oh god! Cum with me!” Kaplan's pelvis smacked against Abel's ass, hammering as

his orgasm swelled fast. “Fuuuck! I'm cumming!”

A whimpering cry exploded from Abel and his cock burst, squirting forceful tendrils of cum onto the

blankets. Kaplan slammed in hard and yelled as he unloaded, pumping Abel's ass erratically, pouring

himself into him. “Oh fuck yes...yes...oh my god, yes...”

He stroked Abel a few more times then pulled out and dropped down on the bed on his back, chest

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heaving. Abel's body was shaking with the after effects of his orgasm and the intensity of their

fucking. He slowly laid back down on his stomach, stretching out his cramped up limbs. His face was

turned away from Kaplan but he could hear his staggered breath, feel his body laboring for air. The

man's hand touched Abel's back and rubbed down slowly to his flushed ass cheeks, gently massaging

the heated flesh.

“You're so...perfect, Abel.” he murmured heavily, exhaustion already dragging him back towards


Perfect. Abel stared blankly at the night stand and for the first time in many hours – tears welled up

and slid down his face. Why don't you say what you really mean, Mr. Kaplan? I'm a perfect 'fuck' –

and that's 'all' you meant.

Abel closed his eyes and fell back to sleep as the hot tears continued to roll freely down his cheeks.



Gabe rubbed his eyes then shoved up on his elbows beneath the twisted sheets and looked at the man

sitting on the edge of the bed, his back to Gabe. His eyes moved helplessly over the man's nude body

and, under other circumstances, might have tried to coax him back beneath the blankets for another

wild go round. But the tension in Cole as he leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees, informed

Gabe that this wasn't the time. He scooted up and leaned against the wall. “You okay?”

Cole sighed and shook his head slowly. “I think I should have a word with Devlin.” A tightness

squeezed his voice. If Abel hadn't stopped him, Cole would have likely beat the doctor within an inch

of his life. And in all honesty, Gabe had been ready to lend a fist. Devlin should thank his lucky stars

that Abel loved him enough to want to see his life preserved.

“You sure that's a good idea?” Gabe wondered doubtfully. “You're still pissed at the guy.”

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Standing quick, Cole turned on Gabe. “Fuck yeah, I'm still pissed.” his face tightened with anger. “A

second doesn't go by that I don't want to beat that motherfucker to a bloody pulp, after what he said to

Abel. He destroyed him!”

“Exactly,” Gabe murmured. He slid across the bed then rose up on his knees and cupped the sides of

Cole's neck. The man's pulse pumped hard against his hands, the tendons in his neck straining.

“Maybe it's best if you give it a few days, at least. The last thing we need is for you to get arrested on


Cole stared at him and Gabe rubbed his thumbs across the man's skin, his heart beat quickening.

Cole's love and concern for Abel just made him that much more amazing. It seemed ironic that it took

them making love to Abel to make them see they were in love with each other.

A shadow of a smile corked the corner of Cole's mouth. “I thought you said you would help me hide

the body.”

“You were speaking of Kaplan at the time.” Gabe reminded.

Cole lifted an eyebrow, and shrugged, “Semantics, baby.”

Shaking his head, Gabe chuckled low then kissed him. “Okay, so the identity of the body is irrelevant.

But,” he kissed him again, “I still think you should wait. Give the doc some time to absorb what Abel

told him.” He rubbed his hands down Cole's chest. “Devlin was dealt a devastating blow as well. As

much as he wanted Abel to tell him the truth, we all knew he wasn't expecting that. That was a hard

dose of reality to swallow...and he choked on it. Can you blame him?”

Cole looked at him dryly, “Defending him now?”

“Come on.” Gabe said low, “You know I'll always be on Abel's side. But the reality is – both of them

took a hard hit. Yeah, I wanted to smash his face right along with you. But the man's world was being

ripped apart from the inside out. Did you really expect anything less from him?”

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Cole sighed hard. “I get what you're saying.” he said thickly, emotion swelling. “But I can't ignore

what it did to Abel. He reached inside the boy's chest and ripped out his heart, then crushed it. What

if...” he shook his head then cleared his throat. “What if Abel doesn't come back from this?”

Sliding his arms around Cole's neck, Gabe pressed closer and hugged him tight. “He will.” he

whispered. “Abel's a tough little shit. He'll make it back, and we'll be there to make sure he does.”

He smiled, his throat squeezing. “He's our boy, Cole. No way in hell we're going to let something like

this take him from us.”

Cole's arms wrapped around him and held tight. “You should be a motivational speaker.”

Chuckling, Gabe wondered, “Could I still do my strip tease?”

“Fuck.” Cole laughed softly and drew back, “Now that would sure as hell motivate your audience.”

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Chapter Three

“Behind The Veil”

“What're you doing?” The older kid turned over in his bed and propped on his elbow.

The boy gasped and froze; he'd thought he was asleep. He squeezed his eyes shut, pretending to be

asleep himself, his hand motionless between his legs, stuffed down inside his underwear. He'd only

recently began to notice other boys in a sexual manner, and wondered if there was something wrong

with him that he was more aroused by the boys, than by the girls. Just that day at school, in the locker

room, he'd started to get hard when the other boys took off their shorts and went to the shower. He'd

concealed himself and gotten dressed quick without showering and hurried from the locker room.

But he couldn't stop thinking about boys, and he kept seeing Bradley Tames – the school hunk –

stripping down, his body perfect even at thirteen years old. The memory wouldn't leave him alone,

and when he'd crawled into bed that night, he tried to go to sleep but couldn't. When he was sure no

one else was awake, he'd slipped his hand down inside his underwear and started touching himself.

He'd never done it before but it felt good and he started to moan without realizing it, his hand moving

faster, shaking the bed a little.

Now he lay frozen, heart racing and fear twisting his guts; he'd been caught in the act. He didn't move

a muscle, not even to pull his hand away from his hard member, just clutched himself in tension – and

squeezing a little too tight. Tears burned his eyes and he forced his grip to loosen but still didn't want

to move and let it be known he was awake.

“I know you're not asleep.” the kid smirked. “What are you...doing?” the tone of his voice implied he

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knew exactly what he was doing.

The boy couldn't fool him by pretending to be asleep. “Nothing.” he mumbled and finally pulled his

hand from between his legs and huddled deeper in the blankets, his back turned to the other bed.

“Ahhh...haaa.” The kid chuckled. “I know what you were doing.” the other bed creaked as the kid

crawled out, then the boy's mattress pressed down. “Do you even know how to do it?”

“Shut up.” the boy's face burned with embarrassment and he dragged the blankets up over his head.

“Go away.”

“Don't be embarrassed, bud.” he snickered. “Nothing to be ashamed of. We all do it.” he leaned

closer, chin brushing the boy's shoulder. “So who were you thinking about? Some cute girl at

school?” when the boy didn't answer but simply jerked his shoulder away from the kid's chin, he

grinned, “or perhaps some cute...boy?”

The boy gasped; did he know he liked boys? He couldn't. He'd never told anyone. “That's dumb.” the

boy choked, face muffled in the blankets. “Why would I think about a boy? That's...weird.”

The kid laughed low. “No it isn't. A lot of boys like other boys.” he leaned close again. “I like boys


The boy frowned. “What?” he whispered. “ have a girlfriend.”

“So.” he said. “I like boys and girls.” His lips touched the boy's ear and he jumped a little. “But just

between you and me...I like boys better.”

He liked boys? But he'd never seen him act that way towards other boys. The boy yelped when the kid

slid his hand down between his legs and gripped his dick. “Wh-what're you doing?” his breath

quickened and he grabbed at the kid's hand to shove it away.

“Relax.” the kid said smartly. “I'm not getting fresh with you. I just want to show you how to wank off

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the right way.” But there was a notable quickness to the kid's breath and he was working under the

blankets, then pressing his body to the boy. An unmistakable hardness pushed against the kid's shorts,

bumping the boy's butt.

“Don't...” the boy grabbed his hand, but the kid held on.

“I said relax, for fuck sake.” the kid suddenly sounded annoyed. “It'll feel good. And next time, you'll

know how to do it right.”

The boy tried to relax, and withdrew his hand, letting the kid handle him. Something about all of this

felt wrong and made him feel sick to his stomach. The kid squeezed his cock and stroked, applying

pressure at different times, twisting his hand back and forth as it moved up and down his dick, his

palm rubbing over the tip, massaging. The boy's breath turned ragged, uneven, as his body responded.

“Told you it would feel good.” the kid's thick, husky voice was in his ear, his own breath puffing out

erratically. His hips pushed harder against the boy's butt, the hardness in his underwear even more

fierce. His hand moved faster and the boy began to pant as his balls burned and tightened. The kid

was rubbing his crotch more urgently against the boy's butt, his hard dick pushing between the boy's

cheeks a little. “Oh fuck...” the kid groaned.

The boy gasped hard, sharp, and came, creamy, sticky fluid squirting onto his sheets as the kid beat

him off harder, rubbing against his backside with more urgency. “Oh fuck...fuck...” the kid groaned

tightly, then a hard breath burst out of him and shoved harder against the boy. “fffuuuck...” A sudden,

warm wetness seeped through back of the boy's underwear.

The kid panted hard, relaxed a little but kept stroking the boy's cock, though it had softened. The boy

was in a daze, numb, not sure how to feel about what just happened.

Releasing his dick, the kid rubbed his hand around behind the boy and down the back of his

underwear, squeezing his butt cheeks. The boy tensed, then jerked in start when the kid slid a finger

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between his cheeks and poked at his tight hole. “Maybe some night,” the kid rasped, “I'll show you

how to do...other things.”


“Well isn't that my job?” he withdrew his hand and squeezed the boy's arm affectionately. “To teach

you how to be a man?” He kissed the boy's head. “Isn't that what big brother's are for?” His lips raked

over the boy's ear. “This is our little secret, okay? Don't tell anyone...ever.” He kissed the boy's neck.

“If you do...then you don't love me...and I'll go away.”

Tears filled the boy's eyes. He shook his head. “I won't tell. I promise. Please don't go away...I-I do

love you.”

The kid smiled and hugged him. “I know you do.” he turned him over and kissed his mouth, startling

the boy again. “I love you too. And that makes this okay...what we just did. Because we're brothers

and we love each other.” He kissed the boy again, longer this time. “It's our very, very special



Abel didn't resist when Kaplan laid out another suit for him. He dressed, tying the tie as the man had

shown him before, applying just the right amount of Egyptian musk so as to be appealing, even

arousing, but not gaudy.

Hands gripped his shoulders lightly and Kaplan dipped his face down to his neck. “Mmm. This scent

truly suits you.” he dropped a light kiss on the sensitive skin below Abel's ear. “Do you like it?”

Abel nodded slowly, “Yeah.” he whispered. It may not have been something he would've picked out

for himself originally, but he was becoming accustomed to it. It was the scent of...distant lands, far

away from everything that wounded and hurt.

“Last night was amazing.” Kaplan's hands dropped down and rested on Abel's hips. “You were

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amazing. And surprisingly...enthusiastic.”

Abel sighed, “Just trying to be a good little whore.” he murmured dryly, “want to make sure you get

your money's worth.”

Kaplan stiffened and stepped back. “I'd appreciate it if you didn't use that word.” The lightness was

gone from his tone. “It's rather unpleasant.”

“If not whore,” Abel turned and faced him, “then what title should I give myself, because whore

seems rather fitting.”

Shaking his head slowly, Kaplan clamped his hands on his hips and stared at the boy. “You're not a

whore, Abel.” he said. “And I don't want to hear you refer to yourself as such again.”

Abel laughed low, but it lacked humor of any kind. “You can stand there and tell me I'm not a whore –

when you're paying a fortune just to fuck me?”

“How many men have you had sex with, Abel?” Kaplan asked, almost casually. “I'm just curious.

How many?”

Abel stared at him, his lips tightening. “Well that depends,” he said, his voice suddenly straining with

unwelcome emotion. “Men I've had sex with willingly...or should I include those who've raped me as

well?” Tears threatened but he forced them back.

A tightness pinched Kaplan's brow, causing a frown to shadow his face. “Willingly.” he murmured


“Three.” Abel told him, then shrugged, “Well, I suppose, technically, you make four. You didn't

exactly force me to fuck you.”

Rubbing his hand over his mouth, Kaplan sighed, “So you think having sex with only four men in your

entire life...qualifies you as a whore?”

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“No.” Abel cleared his throat. “Taking money in exchange for sex makes me a whore.” he stared at

the man dryly. “But let’s be honest, Mr. Kaplan...if you hadn't thought I was a whore to begin wouldn't have offered the money. And you can dress me up all pretty, splash lovely scents

on me, but face it – you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Underneath all this...coating...I'm

still just gutter trash.” he shook his head. “Why are you wasting your time trying to convince me

otherwise? What do you care how I think of myself, as long as you get your allotted fuck time?”

The sting of the slap on his cheek rendered him speechless. It wasn't hard, or even violent, just enough

to shock. Kaplan jabbed his finger in Abel's face as Abel just stared at him. “Knock it off, right now.”

Kaplan ordered sternly. “I get that you have shit being slung at you from all sides right now, and it can

cause a man to feel bitter. But I won't have you talking this way in my presence. You're not a whore,

Abel. And you're not gutter trash. And I didn't ever...” his words faltered as his hand dropped, voice

lowering. “...think you were a whore. That isn't why I paid you.”

Abel's vision blurred and he turned away from the man. “Whatever.” he choked, and wiped at his face

with a shaky hand.

“I liked you, Abel.” Kaplan spoke low, an unaccustomed glitch to his voice. “The first time I saw

you, I liked more than just a...potential fuck.”


The nasty mess flushed away as Devlin swiped at the toilet handle. He straightened up, legs shaking,

stomach still clenching with the need to vomit. The image in the mirror didn't look like the confident,

well adjusted doctor he had always seen staring back at him. This man looked like an escapee from a

mental institution.

He washed his mouth then gargled with Listerine. His hair was disheveled and eyes wet, bloodshot,

from the strain of vomiting. Combing his fingers through his hair, he ran a hand over his face, cleared

his throat then returned to his bedroom. He stood at the foot of the bed in just his boxer briefs but

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made no move to crawl back under the blankets, get anywhere near sleep again. The dream was there,

lurking on the other side of the veil, waiting to drag him back in.

It was just a dream. That never happened. You know it didn't. You would have remembered

something like that. It was just a dream induce by the shit Abel told you. It wasn't real.

Still, the sick feeling from the dream lingered in his gut now, strong enough to make him want puke


Rather than return to bed, he went to the kitchen and prepared a fresh pot of coffee, though the digital

clock on the microwave informed him it was barely four in the morning.

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Chapter Four

“Unacceptable Realities”

I liked you.

What the hell kind of game was this guy playing? And why would he even be playing games? He was

getting what he wanted. It wasn't as if he had to trick Abel into thinking he cared, so he could coax

him into bed. So what the fuck?

Abel didn't respond or reply. In truth, he didn't know what to say. The man had thrown him a curve

ball. And one that had hit him where it hurt the most. Don't you dare think of me as more than just a

paid-for piece of ass. He might speak bitterly about his role here, but he was still comfortable with it;

the lines were clear, just as they were at the club – pleasure for pay. He didn't need Kaplan disrupting

that balance.

Nothing else was said about Kaplan's confession as they de-boarded the plane and climbed into a

limo. Kaplan spoke to the driver in another language that sounded like Italian, and then they were

moving. “We're in Italy.” Kaplan told him as if he'd asked. “Rome.”

Abel stared out the tinted side window. Savannah would have loved this, traveling to other lands,

taking scores of photos. It was so unfair – she was the one with the zest for life. Thoughts of his sister

brought on an assault of guilt. You just left her. She's sick, she needs you and you just left her,

without even saying goodbye. What if something happens to her while you're gone? You won't even

have that one last goodbye. He squeezed his eyes shut as they began to burn. Shut up! Nothing's going

to happen to her. Max and Cole and Gabe...they're going to look after her, get her set up with the other

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doctor, get her the medication she needs.

He had given his bank card and information to Cole so they could take care of everything. He trusted

the man with his life, and consequently, Savannah's as well. But she needs you, and you know it.

You're the one who truly makes her feel safe. He swallowed hard and discreetly rubbed at his eyes.

“I'm sorry.” Kaplan spoke up. “For slapping you.”

Abel shrugged and continued to stare out the window. “Doesn't matter.” he mumbled.

“It does to me.” Kaplan said. “I wasn't...” he sighed. “I wasn't trying to be mean, Abel.”

“I know.” Abel murmured dully. And he did know; it was a 'snap out of it' slap...the kind one

administered to a hysterical person, to bring them back to their senses and regain a sense of reality.

Except, he had been speaking reality.

“Well it won't happen again.” the man assured quietly.

Abel could feel the man's eyes on him but he refused to look at him. He was suddenly more afraid of

the man now than he had been last weekend. What happened to the man he had met at the penthouse

apartment? The man who had insisted what a great fuck he would be? That man had kept the lines

drawn and clear – he was paying Abel for access to his ass. Even last weekend, all his talk of getting

his money's worth – that was keeping those lines prominent as well. As long as all this was referred

to as a contract, a business deal – then it made it safe. There were no other dangers. But now, the way

Kaplan was talking, it was making Abel uneasy.

“Here.” Kaplan said and took Abel's hand, placing something in his palm. “I thought you could use


Abel glanced down and stared at the cell phone. He frowned. “I already have a phone.”

“This is an international phone.” Kaplan explained. “And...very secure. In case you wanted to call

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your friends, or your sister.”

Abel's lips pressed tight and his eyes stung again. Just stop it! Stop being nice to me. His chest

heaved as his breath quickened and an ache squeezed his throat. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why would you give this to me?” Abel whispered thick.

Kaplan shrugged. “I just thought you might want to have a line back home.”

“I mean...why do you care...if I can talk to them or not?”

Sighing heavy, Kaplan cleared his throat, “I realize the fact that I'm...paying for you...doesn't exactly

set me up as a stand up kind of guy. But...I'm not completely heartless either.” He shifted on the seat

and sighed again. “It's a gift, Abel. No strings attached. It has nothing to do with our...arrangement. I

thought you might like it, so I got it for you. Can't you just accept it as a simple gesture of...good


Abel stared at the phone then slowly opened it. The device was much higher grade than the simple

one Max had given him.

“I took the liberty of adding a few names to your contact list, and programming their numbers into the

speed dial.”

Abel opened the contact list to find the entries for Max, Cole and Gabe, and the number to the

hospital, simply listed under Savannah's name. “How did you...”

“Max.” Kaplan said. “He told me who you would probably want to call, besides your sister.”

Closing the phone, Abel held it against his lap. “Thank you.” he whispered, his throat suddenly tight.

Kaplan rubbed his hand down the back of Abel's head. “You're welcome.” he murmured. When Abel

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glanced at him, a soft smile lingered on the man's lips and a look akin to gratitude glimmered in his



“Thanks for coming with me.” Cole's eyes narrowed slightly, tight with tension, as he walked at a

quick pace down the hospital corridor. Gabe matched his stride.

“Yeah, well.” Gabe said. “It's probably best if you're not alone, in case you encounter the doc.”

Cole grunted and simply nodded. They stopped at the elevator and Cole hit the up button. “I don't

know how long I can get away with not telling Savannah where Abel is.”

“Where exactly is he?” Gabe asked. “I know Max said Kaplan would take him out of the country, but

he didn't say where.”

Cole shook his head. “I don't know.” His gut had yet to unclench from the thought of Abel being so far

away with someone like Horatio Kaplan. Max seemed to think Abel was safe enough – but how safe

could he be with someone who would pay out that kind of cash just to fuck a kid shy of twenty years


The elevator chimed and the doors opened. They went to enter – and nearly collided with Devlin. The

doctor physically recoiled, bumping into his colleague. The man chuckled, “Walk much, Devlin?”

Devlin released a short, anxious laugh. His eyes looked heavy, tired, slightly bloodshot from lack of

sleep, no doubt. The man's dark hair was somewhat disrupted as if he'd been running his fingers

through it. The left side of his jaw sported a prominent bruise where Cole's fist had landed. Wonder

how he explained that one. Cole and Gabe moved to the side as Devlin hurriedly exited the elevator

with his colleague right behind him, and walked away down the corridor.

Staring after him, Gabe murmured, “Don't he look like shit. Something tells me he ain't sleeping much

at night.”

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They stepped into the elevator and Cole hit the button that would take them to Savannah's floor.

“Good.” Cole muttered. “Hope he's fucking miserable, after what he did to Abel.”

Gabe sighed and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans, gazing absently at the floor. “You know

what hurts Abel the most.” Gabe slowly raised his head and looked at Cole. “Is that he totally

unhinged Devlin's world and tore it apart.”

“That wasn't Abel's fault.” Cole said tightly. “He didn't turn the man's brother into a fucking pervert.

Devlin not knowing about it didn't change what the fucker was.”

“I know.” Gabe nodded. “But Abel looks at it differently. He only sees that he caused Devlin to lose

his brother twice.”

“He insisted Abel tell him the truth.”

“Hey.” Gabe looked at him firmly and touched his arm. “I'm not defending the guy. You think I don't

want to rip his head off for talking to Abel the way he did? I saw what it did to the kid, and I don't

think I'll ever get that out of my head, that look in Abel's eyes. It was like...” an ache crept into his

voice. “Like he just died...right then and there.”


It took awhile to coax his heart from his throat and back down into his chest. Coming face to face with

Cole and Gabe so suddenly and unexpectedly had nearly stopped his heart on the spot. The bitterness

in Cole still simmered close to the surface, there'd been no mistaking that reality. And he didn't seem

opposed to freshing up the bruise on Devlin's jaw.

When he stopped at the nurses' station and was handed a chart, he realized his hands were shaking,

and squeezed them into fists then shook them out, trying to dispel the tremors.

Just get a grip already. They're not going to assault you in the middle of a hospital . But it wasn't

fear that had him suffering the shakes – it was the recollection of their last encounter. Just seeing them

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again brought it back full force and in painful clarity; standing face to face with Abel one moment,

holding him, swearing he would understand, he wouldn't walk away...and the next moment...

His eyes stung and he wiped at them quickly, clearing his throat. The look in the boy's eyes haunted

him like the grim reaper, ready to rip his soul from his body. He tried to tell himself that Abel was of

no consequence to him anymore, but the memory of how the boy felt in his arms, how complete he'd

felt when they'd made love – it was still too fresh, too real. And whether he wanted to admit it or

not...losing Abel was slowly killing him. Every breath hurt, every second without his beautiful face

there for him to gaze at – it was hell. His arms ached to feel the boy buried deep inside them. And

though he tried to hate him for the things he'd said about Craig – his heart refused.

Devlin went to the cafeteria, bought a cup of coffee and sat at small table in the far corner. His hands

were still shaking and he didn't how to make them stop. He was terrified to stop and let his mind just

think, analyze what Abel had told him. And he didn't know why it scared him so bad. His faith in his

brother, who he had grown up with, was solid, secure...wasn't it?

Images from his dream materialized behind his eyes and he tried to force them out. That was just a

dream. Craig would have never done something like that. He...


“Hey!” Twelve-year-old Devlin giggled when Craig tugged open the shower curtain. “What're you

doing? I'm taking a shower.”

“So?” Craig smirked and his eyes ran down the boy's naked body. “Mom says hurry up, dinner's

almost done.”

“Okay, I'll hurry.”

“Yeah, well, I know how you hurry.” Craig rolled his eyes. “The food will be cold, and I don't want

to eat a cold dinner.” He grabbed the soap and started rubbing it all over the boy's body.

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“What're you doing?” he laughed.

“Helping you hurry.” Craig shook his head and grinned, a sudden heaviness to his eyes as he washed

down between the boy's legs, his hand slowing a bit, rubbing more thoroughly.

The boy squirmed. “Okay.” he laughed anxiously and stepped away. “I'm clean. I'll get out.”

Craig set the soap on the corner of the tub. “All right then.” he smirked, his breath somewhat quick.

He smacked the boy's ass lightly. “Get a move on, sexy.”


The memory of that day rushed through his mind and Devlin shook his head, throat tightening. No, that

wasn't anything. Craig had just been goofing off. He was always goofing off and messing with him,

teasing him.

His head dropped and he raked his fingers through his hair, jaw tightening, causing an ache to wind up

into his face. No, Craig wasn't like that. What happened that day was innocent. He'd just

been...playing. He hadn't used it as an excuse to...

No. You're wrong. You're remembering it all wrong, dammit! You're only remembering it that way

because Abel planted that seed in your head. But that isn't how it fucking happened. It isn't!

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Chapter Five

“Another World”

Abel couldn't help but be impressed as they were welcomed at the Rome Cavalieri hotel and admitted

at the VIP reception area. The architecture, paintings, antique fixtures and moldings; he'd never seen

anything like it – not even in the hotel in Paris.

He followed as an elegantly dressed young Italian man led them to a private elevator and escorted

them to their suite on one of the executive floors. Abel felt his own eyes widen as they entered what

seemed to him like a small mansion. He couldn't begin to imagine the cost of such a room per night; it

had to be in the thousands.

When they were left alone, Kaplan smiled, clearly amused by Abel's awestruck expression. “Nice,

huh?” he chuckled softly.

Nice? Nice was so far off it wasn't even in the same universe. “Yeah.” Abel breathed.

“Here. You'll want to see this.” Kaplan led him through the living room up a spiral, polished wood

staircase that emerged onto a rooftop terrace. A glass railing ran along the edge, and to their left was

a large hot tub, roiling, glowing with underwater lights. It was encased in a polished wood frame

with matching steps leading up to the edge. Multiple plush loungers were spaced across the terrace.

Kaplan walked him to the railing. The view was breathtaking, to say the least. “They call it the

eternal city. Wait until tonight, the view after dark is amazing.”

It seemed he had been caught in some alternate dimension. How could this be a part of the same

uncaring world he grew up in? This was too...beautiful to be a part of that world, too awe-inspiring.

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“You okay?” Kaplan murmured, a smile twitching his lips.

“Yeah.” Abel swallowed thickly then looked at the man. “It's...” he shook his head and smiled. “I

don't even know a word for it.”

Chuckling, Kaplan nodded slowly, “I love to see the expression on the face of someone seeing all this

for the first time.” He leaned his elbow on the rail, eyes glowing as he gazed at Abel. “It makes me

see it anew all over again.”

An unexpected – and disturbing – jealousy twitched Abel's gut; how many boys had Kaplan brought

here? What? Did you think you were special? Remember who you are and where you come from –

you're just a weekend fuck for the man, and nothing more. So don't get caught up in all his sweet talk.

“Do you bring all of them here?” he asked quietly, reaching for casual and struggling to keep the

tightness out of his voice – and failing.

“All of who?”

Abel licked his lips and gazed out over the railing. It kind of made him think what heaven might look

like. Not that he would ever find out. This was surely as close as he would ever get. “The other boys

you pay for.” he murmured, hating that the thought of it made his stomach hurt. Why should he care?

This was a business arrangement, nothing more.

A pleased smile jerked at the corner of Kaplan's mouth – as if he could detect Abel's quiet jealousy.

“You're the first.” Was he lying? “I only bring those here who I believe can and will appreciate the

beauty of it all. Why waste it on someone who has no sense of wonder?”

Abel rested his hands on the railing. “Why did you think I would appreciate it?”

“Because I saw your face when we stayed in the hotel in Paris.” he said. “You weren't impressed by

the wealth of it all...but the beauty.” He reached out and slid his fingers through Abel's hair. “I knew

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then that I would bring you here. A place like can't help but force us to view this world, this

very life, in a different light.” He stroked the back of Abel's head softly, “And I think if anyone ever

needed a fresh view of this's you.”

Tears stung and Abel looked away, his chin trembling. He didn't know why he wanted to cry, but the

tears were right there, threatening to flow. Kaplan took his hand and drew him close, wrapping his

arms around him and pulling him into his embrace. Abel tentatively slid his arms around the man and

let him hold him. He'd never hugged him before, and this one felt...personal.

Kaplan's lips touched Abel's temple. “Not everything in this world is ugly and painful. Some of it

is...healing. And beautiful. And reminds us that life can be a good thing, something to savor and

treasure...and not merely an existence we're just trying to survive.”

Abel tried to conjure up cynical thoughts of 'That's easy for you to say, when have you ever had it

rough?' but they wouldn't come. He laid his head on Kaplan's shoulder and closed his eyes, a part of

him wishing he could stay right here, in this world forever – and never have to go back to the other

where only pain and heartache awaited him.


“So you're gonna be flying the coop in a few days, huh?” Cole sat on the edge of Savannah's bed.

“Awesome. I bet you're ready to get out of this place.”

The girl nodded and smiled. “Yeah. Everyone's real nice, but I'm so bored.”

Cole chuckled. “I bet.”

Standing at the end of her bed, Gabe asked, “So what do you want to do first?” he grinned. “It'll be

our treat, whatever you want.”

Savannah's eyes narrowed as she gazed thoughtfully. Cole glanced at Gabe and smiled, then turned his

eyes back to the girl. “I would've thought you'd had it all figured out by now, having all this time to do

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Laughing, Savannah shrugged. “Well, Abel did get me an awesome camera. Maybe we could go to the

zoo and take pictures of the animals?”

“Sounds like a plan.” Cole nodded.

“Yeah.” Gabe smiled wryly and winked at Savannah. “And while we're there, Cole can visit his


“Who?” Savannah frowned, smiling.

“The gorilla's, of course.” he smirked.

Savannah laughed and Cole glared at the man. “You, buddy, just earned yourself a thrashing.”

“See, a brute.” Gabe smiled at Savannah. “Just like his family.”

Cole shook his head, lips twisted in an amused smile. “Just wait. You're gonna get it.” When he

glanced Gabe, the guy shot him a quick 'Can't wait' look that jabbed him in the crotch. He cleared his

throat and released a controlled breath, then turned his focus to Savannah. “So, you're being turned

loose on Monday?”

She nodded, “Yeah-” the phone on the portable table rang, making them all jump a little. Savannah

just stared at it.

“Want me to get it?” Gabe asked. The girl nodded. He grabbed up the receiver and smirked,

“Savannah Sims room, can I help you?” The wry smile on his lips faltered then evolved into a

different, softer smile, his voice almost cracking, “Yeah...she's right here.” he handed the receiver to

Savannah, “I think you will want to take this call.”

“Who is it?” she frowned, a partial smile on her lips.

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Gabe just smiled at her as she took the phone. Cole looked at him, and cocked an eyebrow as if to ask

the same thing. Gabe just held up his hand for Cole to wait.

Pressing the receiver to her ear, Savannah spoke soft, hesitant, “Hello?”

Cole's brow pinched as he watched the girl's face slowly brighten until it seemed the sun itself was

shining behind her eyes. “Abel!” Tears glossed her eyes. “It's really you.”

“Abel?” Cole shot Gabe a stunned look, then stood up and walked around the end of the bed. “How is

he calling? Isn't he...overseas?”

“He said he would explain later. Right now, he just wanted to talk to Savannah.”

“Where are you?” Savannah asked, then paused before adding, “why can't you tell me? Why did you


Cole drew Gabe over by the door. “How did he sound?” he asked, concerned.

“He sounded...good.” Gabe murmured. “Surprisingly good, in fact. Whatever kind of person Kaplan

is or isn't, he seems to be keeping Abel's mind off all this shit back here. Which is exactly what he

needs – to just let it go for awhile and...relax.”

Nodding slowly, Cole rubbed his lips together. “I hope you're right...that he's doing good. I just...” he

shrugged. “I miss him already. And I just feel better when he's right here where we can watch over


“Me too.” Gabe admitted. “But I think that being right here, right now...isn't a good thing for him.

Even if Devlin doesn't turn him in. The man shattered his heart...he needs time away to...heal.”


The man shattered his heart.

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Devlin had just started to push open the door to Savannah's room – hoping desperately that the men

were gone by now – and had stopped short at the sound of their voices so close on the other side. His

mind told him to leave right then, but he couldn't move when they mentioned Abel and...Kaplan? Who

was this Kaplan? Where had he taken Abel? Devlin's guts twisted painfully when he recalled Abel's

confession of selling his body to a wealthy man. Was that who Kaplan was – the high class John who

used Abel like he was nothing more than a piece of ass?

What do you care? It's over between the two of you. No coming back from this, remember?

Devlin backed away from the door, his throat closing quick, an ache burning up his neck, through his

face and into his eyes, filling them with tears. The man shattered his heart...he needs time away to


Devlin's legs trembled, weakened as he moved quickly away from the room and stepped around into

the same alcove he had hidden in the night Abel had come to see his sister...his words from that night

suddenly making sense to him now.

Sliding down the wall, Devlin sat on the floor, head in his hands. Oh God...what have I done? He

struggled to cling to his pristine memories of Craig, insisting that Abel was the one lying, the one in

the wrong. But more and more it seemed he was losing that battle as memory after memory began to

push out from behind that solid door that Devlin hadn't even realized was there in the deepest part of

his mind – a door he had kept locked up tight until...Abel broke those locks and allowed the monster

to show its face.

But even then, Devlin found himself turning away, too terrified to look; what secrets had remained

locked up in there with it? What all had he blocked out about his brother...and what Craig had done to

him? If it was all for real – how could he not remember it? How did someone just forget stuff like


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Maybe he hadn't. Maybe it wasn't real. What if the part of him that wanted Abel so much...was

causing him to turn on his brother to justify Abel? How could he be so quick to just throw away

Craig's memory?

“I'll find out the truth, big brother.” he whispered and wiped at his eyes. “I know you're not...that man.

I know you were good.” he lowered his face to his arms, the tears breaking, body shaking. “I know

you were.”


After talking to Savannah, Abel spoke with both Cole and Gabe. Though he'd been away for barely a

day, it felt good to hear their voices. When he finally said goodbye and closed the phone, he leaned

against the rail of the terrace and took in the view yet again. He couldn't get enough.

The sun was fading and lights were coming on, reaching out as far as the eye could see. It would truly

be a sight when night dropped down on them entirely.

“How's she doing?” Kaplan emerged from the suite and approached Abel.

“Good.” Abel nodded, a smile sneaking across his lips. “Cole and Gabe were there. She'll be

released on Monday. Cole said that Max will get her set up with the other doctor.” His face tightened

a bit. It hurt to be so far away when she was going through so much right now. He'd always been there

for her.

“But you wish you were there to take care of it.” Kaplan said. “To take care of her.”

“Yeah.” Abel rubbed his thumb absently on the back of the phone. “For most of our lives...I was the

only one she could count on. I've always been there.”

“And you're there for her now.” Kaplan cupped the side of Abel's neck. “In your own way. By staying

safe, you're preventing yourself from being taken from her for real. You will be back together.

Perhaps soon. And if it looks as if you need to stay away, then,” he shrugged and rubbed his thumb

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gently across Abel's cheek. “then we'll just bring her to you. They have excellent doctors over here as


Abel could only stare at him; he would do that? Bring Savannah over here? He ducked his head and

looked away. “I don't...understand you.” he whispered thickly.

“What's so difficult to understand?” Kaplan mused.

“Why...why would you do all this...” he shook his head then looked at the man. “I don't...get it?”

Kaplan shrugged and smiled. “I told you. I like you. And sometimes,” he brushed the back of his

fingers down Abel's cheek. “it pays to be liked by a wealthy man.”

Abel trembled. “I'm beginning to...believe you.” he whispered, swallowing hard past the knot in his

throat as he stepped closer and kissed the man's lips, almost hesitantly at first, then leaned into it as

Kaplan groaned soft and wrapped his arms around him.

Their kiss deepened and Kaplan rubbed his hands down Abel's back, gently gripping his hips. The

man's want for him made itself known as their bodies pushed together. Warm breath puffed unevenly

from between Kaplan's lips as the kiss dispelled and they stood unmoving, silent.

Abel shifted his head slowly and kissed the man's throat. Kaplan tilted his face up, another groan

sliding up across his tongue to push out from between his lips.

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Chapter Six

“Embracing Fate”

Kaplan dropped on his back on the huge, soft bed. His fingers trembling, Abel plucked loose the

buttons of the man's shirt, tugging the front open as his mouth touched down on his chest, teeth

grabbing a stiff nipple, causing the man gasp and arch, then groan deep.

“Oh my god.” Kaplan's breath burst out ragged. He grabbed Abel's head and kissed his hair as the

boy's mouth devoured his chest, his warm, wet tongue tracing a path down the center of Kaplan's

rippled stomach. The man tensed fiercely when Abel tugged open his pants then slid off the bed,

dragging Kaplan's pants and briefs with him, discarding them.

The man's eyes were on him as he slowly removed his clothes. There was no music, but he didn't

need music to master the role of seducer. His clothes gone, Abel crawled back onto the plush white

satin comforter and pushed open Kaplan's legs. His chest rose and fell with his quick breath, eyes

eager, yet almost fearful that Abel might stop at any moment. But he wouldn't stop. There were no

reasons left for him to resist what had become his fate. Kaplan was taking care of him far beyond the

confines of their contract. Maybe this was as close to being loved as he would ever get.

“Shit.” Kaplan moaned as Abel's soft, skillful hands took hold of his cock and moved up and down

the shaft. His hips raised up a little and he began to push through Abel's fists. “Oh have the

hands of an angel.” His fingers gouged the slick, soft comforter, then gripped fistfuls of the fabric,

panting harder. Though he had the right to command Abel to do as he pleased, he let the boy move at

his own pace.

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Abel leaned close and blew softly up along the underside of the man's cock then dragged his tongue

over the head, tasting his seeping juices. The man jerked at the feel of his tongue and gripped the

comforter with more desperation, hips lifting eagerly, urgently. Abel teased him a little more, licking

up and down his cock before taking it in his warm, wet mouth.

“Oh fuck!” Kaplan gasped hard, arching, head shoving back into the thick pillows. “Fuck, baby!


When the sudden image of him and Devlin in the VIP room tried to push in, Abel shoved it away

quick and with malice. Stay out of my head, dammit! He kept his eyes open and looking up at Kaplan,

staying in the here and now. He didn't want to go anywhere else. Not ever again.

Fingers slid into his hair, stroking gently as Abel sucked the man – not because he was obligated, but

because he wanted to. His hands rubbed over Kaplan's hips then caressed down under him, massaging

his ass cheeks. He pushed his mouth further down on the man's cock, working him with more urgency.

“Oh my god!” Kaplan choked on a gasp and gripped his head. “Oh god, Abel! Yes, baby! Fuck!”

Sucking up his shaft slowly and with force, dragging a deep, powerful groan from the man, Abel

pulled off him then crawled up, turned around and straddled him in the reverse position. Kaplan

grabbed his hard, wet cock and guided it to Abel's tight entrance. “Fuck.” Abel gasped and clutched

the man's knees as his thick, solid member squeezed inside him. “Uuhh!”

“Fuck!” Kaplan yelled, gouging Abel's hips as he drew the boy down onto him, shoving himself

upward at the same time. “Oh my god!, you have the sweetest ass in creation.”

Abel held onto Kaplan's thighs and began to move his hips in slow circles, working the man's cock

deep inside him, helping him seek out his sweet spot. A sharp gasp burst from him when it was

discovered and he stroked with more fervor, rocking back and forth, rolling his hips smoothly, almost


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“Oh fuck yes...” Kaplan shuddered, his strong hands holding Abel's hips, guiding them, thumbs

rubbing down over the upper swell of his ass cheeks. “Oh god, baby, there can't possibly be a more

beautiful sight than this right here.”

Sitting up straighter, Abel laced his fingers behind his neck as his body swayed and curved as if he

were dancing, moving on Kaplan's cock with erotic elegance and grace. His eyes closed but his mind

remained there – in Italy, in the Cavalieri hotel with the breath taking view – and with Horatio

Kaplan. He was barely aware of the warm tears sliding down his cheeks, and didn't try to wipe them

away. Whatever their source...they weren't brought on by pain – but a sense of being wanted for who

he was, even what he was, and having nothing to hide from this man who desired him so deeply,



The phone stared back at him from the desk. Frank Avery's number scrolled through his head on a

loop. He had made up his mind to make the call, but now that the moment of truth was staring him in

the face – he hesitated. He'd been paying the private investigator for five years to work on hunting

down Craig's killer, expecting that if the man was ever located, he would be someone cold and

unfeeling, a danger to society who needed to be put away, sent to death row for his cold blooded act

of murder.

A burning ran down the ridge of his nose and his eyes filled. But he hadn't been prepared to discover

the killer in a beautiful young man whose eyes were the windows to Devlin's heaven on earth. He had

been ready to hate the man when he found him, make sure he was prosecuted to the full extent of the

law and locked away forever. But falling in love with the man instead? That was a fucking curve ball

he hadn't expected and sure as hell hadn't been able to dodge.

In his mind, he'd conjured up a monster, a hateful image of a man, someone void of emotion who

didn't know the meaning of love or how it felt to hurt or grieve. But instead...he'd been handed Abel –

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exposed, admitting his guilt, his neck beneath the guillotine blade with Devlin's hand on the lever.

And now finally at the moment he had been waiting five years for – he choked.

What was he to do when the monster turned out to be a kid who was willing to take desperate

measures to care for his sick sister? A boy with the face of an angel...and the heart to match? And

who felt like heaven in Devlin's arms? What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?

His hand slid over his mouth, vision blurring. Shifting focus, his gaze moved to the computer monitor

and settled on the file sitting on the desktop – Savannah's Pics. His chin trembled as he gripped the

mouse with a shaky hand and opened the file, bringing up the photos the girl had taken in the hospital

room. He opened the photo viewer and slowly clicked through them. He paused at the photo of Abel,

sitting on the edge of her bed, head ducked a little and looking embarrassed to be photographed.

Hey...don't want to break it first thing off, do ya? Devlin bit his lips between his teeth as the tears

rolled down his face. As if. Baby, you're fucking beautiful . He remembered the thought that had ran

through his mind at that moment, so crystal clear even now.

Devlin swallowed hard and rubbed his face then clicked to the next one – himself. Can I take your

picture? Devlin smiled though the memory hurt like hell. It had been a perfect moment. Sure. I mean,

I know I'm cute. He ducked his head, a shuddered sob fighting its way up his throat. When he raised

his head again and went to the next picture, he broke and dropped his face into his hands, sobs tearing

through him, choking him. His hands slid up through his hair as his head lowered to the desk and he

cried as the photo of him and Abel, standing side by side, stared back at him like a cruel joke by a

heartless God.

Breathing hard, he sat up, wiping at his face and clearing his throat. He grabbed the phone and dialed

in Avery's number. When the man answered, Devlin cleared his throat again. “It's Devlin Grant.” he

said thickly, his wet eyes resting on the photo displayed on the computer screen, focused on Abel's

smiling face and bright eyes. He was walking on air just then. So was I. His chest squeezed and a

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fresh flood of tears threatened to flow. “I need you to do something for me.”


“Wow.” Kaplan rubbed his hand over his sweat slick face, breath quick, ragged. “that was just...” he

laughed low and shook his head. “wow.”

Abel's heart raced erratically from the intensity of their...activities. He shuddered when he realized he

had almost thought of it as love making. But even if it had been more than mere fucking – he wasn't

about to let the word love anywhere near it. That's one place he had no wish to ever go to again.

“Yeah.” he whispered. He gazed at the high ceiling, gradually coming down from his euphoria.

Though he had pushed away the pain of all he was trying to escape from, it held on with a weak grip.

He didn't have to think about it in detail for it to still hurt. Kaplan's fingers touched his temple, wiping

away a tear.

“If you want to talk about it...” he murmured.

Abel swallowed hard then licked his lips slowly. “There's nothing to talk about.” he whispered.

Kaplan studied his face. “You really loved him.”

“It doesn't matter anymore.” Abel's throat worked, battling a sob.

Rubbing his mouth, Kaplan sighed but said nothing as he tucked his arms under his head. What did

you expect? A heart to heart with the man? Abel rolled onto his side, his back to Kaplan, lips

tightening as he fought the tears. He might play nice...but you're still only here for one reason, one

reason only. Don't fall into the trap of thinking he actually cares about you. He's just protecting his


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Chapter Seven

“Secrets Untold”

The man's body curved and swayed, the music flowing through him as naturally as blood through his

veins. Cole watched as Gabe sent the men into a frenzy, his perfectly sculpted muscles glistening with

sweat, shimmering beneath the strobe lights, flexing fluidly just under the surface of his heated skin as

he moved gracefully, teasing, taunting, tempting...coaxing the men out of their cash as they clambered

for just a quick feel of his cock as their fingers shoved the money in.

Cole's breath went static in his throat as he watched the man execute a perfect routine. Now, more

than ever, he was a beautiful sight to behold. When he grabbed onto the pole and seemed to glide

around it, his eye caught Cole's very intense stare – and he winked; A silent promise of sexual ecstasy

to come. Something none of the other guys would ever get from him.

His crotch swelling tight, Cole shifted on the stool and reached down, adjusting himself. Then jumped

a little when Max suddenly dropped onto the stool next to him. Cole cleared his throat and rubbed his

hand over his mouth, his eyes still following Gabe's ever move, lingering on the man's barely

contained cock, clearly solid as granite. Dancing always made Gabe ultra horny. Some of their hottest

sex had been right after one of Gabe's stage performances.

“I talked to Kaplan.” Max spoke up, breaking Cole's concentration. “He has a private villa in Rome.

He's willing to set Abel up over there until we figure out what's going on here.” he sighed and picked

up the glass of scotch Carl set before him. “If it comes down to Abel needing to stay there for awhile,

then he suggested Savannah go and be with Abel. He said he can set her up with the doctors over

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there so she can get treatment and her medications.”

Cole picked at the label on his beer bottle. “Why?” he asked tightly. He looked at Max. “Why is he

willing to do all this for Abel? He's already paying for his ass, what else does he expect to get out of


“Look, Cole.” Max sipped his scotch. “I know you hate the whole arrangement between Abel and

Horatio, and I'm not fond of it either. But it was Abel's choice. And Horatio...he isn't a bad guy.

He's...” Max downed another swallow of his drink, then cleared his throat. “he's come through for me

on more than one occasion. In fact,” he looked at Cole. “if it wasn't for his financial backing, the

Phoenix would have never gotten up and running.”

Cole nodded, his eyes drifting back to Gabe who was finishing up his routine. “So because of that,

you now feel obliged to pimp out your boys to him?” Cole raised his beer to his lips, swallowing the

slightly warm liquid. “Or was that part of the agreement? He help you out, and you look the other way

while he solicits special favors from the club boys?”

“It's nothing of the sort.” Max said, a bit of tightness to his voice. “All of you are free to engage in

whatever extracurricular activities you so choose. I don't own you.”

“Well,” Cole muttered low, “Abel is too good to end up being wasted as a paid for piece of ass. He

deserves more.” he shook his head. “He deserves more than all of this.” he swept his hand around

absently, indicating the club. “He's meant for...greater things. Me and Gabe, and most of the other

guys here, it suits us. But Abel...despite how good he is at the dancing and's just not him.

He's never belonged here, not in that respect anyway.”

“I know.” Max murmured. He twisted his glass on the bar. “I think I will see if our Dr. Grant will

meet and talk with me.” he picked up the glass and took another drink. “Just get everything laid out on

the table as to what he intends to do about Abel.”

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Abel's feet halted of their own accord when he and Kaplan entered the Cavalieri's dining room. The

size alone stole his breath, but then the blue lights overhead, casting a gentle hue down on the tables,

transforming the white tablecloths, napkins and chairs into a soft sapphire. Gleaming, elegant

silverware graced the tables beside the pearl white plates and crystal glasses.

Stopping beside him, he could feel Kaplan's eyes on his face. “This is an amazing hotel, is it not?”

“I've...heard about places like this.” Abel said quietly. “Read about them in books, was hard to

believe they really existed. Or that...” he swallowed thickly, “that I would ever see it with my own


Kaplan smiled and touched the small of his back, his hand flattening gently against his suit jacket. His

other hand gestured towards the room. “Shall we?”

They were met by the maitre d' and escorted to a table. When the waiter came over, Kaplan ordered

breakfast for them both then reached over and covered Noble's hand with his own, squeezing gently.

“Tell me honestly.” he said softly, mahogany eyes gripping Abel's amber gaze. “Are you enjoying

yourself this time?”

“This time?” Abel asked.

Smiling, Kaplan lifted Abel's hand and kissed it. “As opposed to last weekend, Paris. I don't think we

got off to a good start.”

Abel stared at him. Things had changed since then. Even Kaplan himself seemed different, to some

degree. “I'm...having a better time.” he admitted.

Kissing his hand once more, Kaplan laid it back down. “That's good. I want you to.”

Abel nodded slowly and lowered his eyes. He almost wished Kaplan hadn't changed, that his only

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interest was in getting his money's worth. But so far, on this trip...he hadn't mentioned their contract,

or the amount of money he'd paid out to have Abel in his bed. Once or twice, Abel had nearly

forgotten this was a business deal, and not just some extravagant getaway. And that was dangerous –

losing sight of reality.

“I will have to show you the Colosseum. It's an amazing structure. Few visit Rome without touring the

Colosseum. It would be a shame for you to miss out on it.” He sipped from his crystal water glass. “It

was the first free standing amphitheater and seated fifty thousand people.” he chuckled and shook his

head. “that's a lot of people gathered together just to watch a couple guys slice each other up with

swords.” he shrugged, “But I suppose it isn't much different than today, what with boxing, MMA, and

such. Human beings seem fascinated by their own brutality.”

Abel just looked at him, listening, taking an odd comfort in the casual way Kaplan rattled off facts,

and his own thoughts on the matters.

“To the defense of the gladiators, though,” Kaplan cocked his head as well as an eyebrow, “most of

them weren't fighting of their own free will. The majority of them were slaves, condemned prisoners,

or prisoners of war. They were forced to fight in the arena.” he chuckled, “Not nearly as gallant as

fiction tries to make them out to be.” When Abel didn't reply, Kaplan smiled and sighed, “I'm boring

you, aren't I?”

“What?” Abel shook his head. “No. It's interesting. I always thought gladiators fought in those places

because they wanted to, for...macho purposes.” he smiled and shrugged, “Or something.”

“Sounds like a man thing.” Kaplan grinned then leaned back and tucked his arms behind his head and

gave Abel a mock serious look, “Thank goodness, today money and power are the preferred weapons

of male warfare, otherwise...I'm afraid I'd just be a stuck pig in an arena.” His eyes glimmered with

humor as he gazed at Abel.

A quick recollection of Kaplan's nude body, quite cut and fit, Abel suspected the man could have h eld

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his own in physical battle.


“More coffee, sir?”

Devlin glanced up at the waitress and smiled. “No, thank you.” She returned his smile and moved on

to another table. Devlin glanced out the window; he was early. Perhaps to get his nerves calmed

before Max Raines showed up. When Cole had come to the hospital and tracked him down, his first

thought had been that Cole was back to finish the job he'd started at Abel's apartment. The rage was

still there, simmering just behind the man's pale gray eyes. But Cole had merely delivered the

message that Max wanted to talk to him. Upon questioning the man's identity, he'd learned that Max

was the owner of the Phoenix club and, in a sense, Abel's benefactor.

No wonder the boy had felt so at home at the club. In some ways, it literally was his home.

Sitting here now, Devlin's guts twisted and knotted. His few visits to the club, he had never met Max.

He didn't know what to expect. But if he was anything like Cole and Gabe, or even that guy, Dane – it

wouldn't be wise to piss him off.

He twisted his half empty cup of cooling coffee then rubbed his eyes. How had everything come to

this? Life had been great – somewhat mundane, but great. His future bright. Coasting along on his

brother's faith in him, Craig's final act in this life being that Devlin's dreams were financially secured.

He was a fucking child molester!

“No.” Devlin's face pinched and he dropped his face in his hand, nails gouging his scalp. It couldn't

be true. It couldn't. Nausea squeezed his stomach. How did one put to rest an accusation such as that?

Even if it had to be wrong?

Images from his dream and...his memories...crept up. He shook his head, face pinching harder. God, I

can't handle this...I can't...

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Devlin's head jerked up, the man's face swimming before him. He blinked quickly, clearing his throat,

swiping at his eyes. His vision cleared, a frown sliding across his brow. “Brandon?” He

straightened, brow creasing. “Brandon Murray?”

“The one and only.” The man smirked.

“Oh my god.” Devlin stood and hugged the man. “I haven't seen you since...” he drew back and

Brandon grinned.

“Since we were fifteen and getting drunk in my parent's basement the night before my family moved


“Right.” Devlin nodded then chuckled. “Damn...seems like ages ago.”

“Kind of was.” Brandon laughed low. He glanced around, “You here alone? Can I join you?”

“Uh.” Devlin rubbed his mouth. Max would be showing up soon. “Sure. Yeah. I mean, I'm meeting

someone, but they won't be here for another fifteen, twenty minutes.”

Brandon sat down in the chair across from Devlin as Devlin took his seat again. “ I

interrupting a romantic lunch?”

“No.” Devin smiled. “Nothing like that.”

“So,” Brandon leaned back. “What the hell you been up to?”

“Oh nothing much,” he smiled, “College, medical I'm an intern at the hospital.”

“A doctor?” Brandon released a short laugh. “No shit?”

Devlin shrugged, “Well, eventually. Getting there.”

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“Fuck.” Brandon thrust his hand across the table. “Congrats, man.” Devlin shook his hand.


“I always knew you were destined for greatness. Hell of a lot smarter than the rest of us losers you

hung around with.” Devlin shrugged and laughed low. Brandon leaned forward, resting his elbows on

the table. His smile wavered as he fingered the salt shaker. “So uh...what does...Craig think about you

becoming a doctor?”

Devlin's throat knotted. He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. “He, uh...he was... so proud of me.”

His lips tightened, eyes stinging. The tears sprang from multiple sources. Since his confrontation with

Abel, it felt like he had two brothers – the Craig who supported him every step of the way, always

telling him he could be whatever he wanted to be, pushing him when he wanted to give up...being his

rock, his source of strength.

And then the Craig who...

“Was?” Brandon frowned.

Devlin released a slow breath. “Craig is...dead.” he whispered thickly. “He was...” murdered?

Abel's face rose up too quickly and he licked his lips, swallowing hard. “he was...killed. By a...”

fucked up kid who couldn't grasp Craig was just trying to help him. “...a kid at one on the orphanages

where he was volunteering.”

When Brandon didn't reply, Devlin glanced up. The man was gazing blankly at the salt shaker,

twisting it slowly. “A...kid...killed him?” Brandon looked up slowly. “Why?”

Something in Brandon's stare caused the tension in Devlin's guts to wind up tighter, but he couldn't say

why. “I don't...” He raped me! For two years he raped me! He wouldn't stop. I had to stop him! “I

don't know.” he whispered unevenly, suddenly feeling like he was lying.

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Brandon rubbed his mouth slowly. “I'm sorry.” he murmured, but there was no note of sympathy in the

man's voice.

Devlin stared at the man uncertainly. “Brandon...why didn't you stay in touch?” he asked quietly,

“Why didn't you ever come to visit during summer you said you would? You were my

best friend and you just...disappeared without a word.”

Fingertips drumming anxiously on the table, Brandon cocked his head but avoided meeting Devlin's

eyes. “I wanted to come back.” he murmured. “I mean, I wanted to see you, but...I was afraid of...” his

eyes raised slowly, reflecting a glossy sheen. “...Craig.”

“What're you-”

“Dr. Grant?”

Devlin glanced up quick and stared at the nicely dressed man suddenly appearing at the table. “Yes.”

his voice cracked as his throat closed.

The man held out his hand. “I'm Max Raines.”

Devlin's hand trembled as he shook the guy's hand, his eyes darting repeatedly to Brandon who was

again gazing absently at the salt shaker.

I was afraid of Craig.

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Chapter Eight

“Beautiful Things Of Life”

Kaplan had insisted that the best of Rome had to be experienced on foot, that the effect was lost when

viewing it from within a vehicle. Taking the limo from the Cavalieri hotel back down to the city,

Kaplan spoke to the driver, “Scalina Spagna.” When Abel looked at him, Kaplan smiled, “The

Spanish Steps.”

As if he knew what the Spanish Steps were, Abel nodded and gazed out the side window of the

limousine as it made i's way through the beautiful, ancient city. When it came to a stop and the driver

opened the door, Kaplan stepped out then reached back in and took Abel's hand, drawing him out into

the sunlight – and full view of the Spanish Steps. He just stared at the wide steps leading up to what

looked like an ancient church.

Kaplan gave the driver instructions then turned back to Abel, resting his hand on the young man's

back. “Beautiful, isn't it?”

“Everything here is...beautiful.” he whispered.

“Indeed.” Kaplan murmured. Abel glanced at him and the man was gazing at Abel's face, a smile

playing on his lips. His cheeks warming, Abel looked away. Kaplan led him forward as they

approached a fountain taking the form of a sinking ship. “The Fontana della Barcaccia.” Kaplan said.

“Fountain of the Old Boat. It's said to be based on a folk legend that tells of a fishing boat that was

carried all the way to this very spot during a massive flood of the Tiber River in the sixteenth


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Abel smiled, “It's amazing.”

As they moved onward towards the steps themselves, Kaplan let his hand fall away Abel's back and

wrapped his fingers around Abel's hand loosely, as if asking permission to hold his hand. Something

about the fact that he didn't just grab onto him as if it were his right, gave Abel a funny tickle in his

stomach. He slowly tightened his fingers around Kaplan's and the man smiled, reciprocating and

holding his hand more securely. He nodded forward as they took their time ascending the steps.

“The Spanish steps were considered a great attraction to artists and poets, seeking inspiration. And

because of the presence of so many artists, it also began to draw many beautiful women who were

hoping to be taken on as models.” he laughed softly and squeezed Abel's hand. “Which, in turn, began

to draw in Rich Romans and travelers seeking beautiful women.” he winked at Abel, “But that, of

course, is not my own personal attraction to the place.” he paused when they came to a terrace, and

touched Abel's face tenderly, “Yours,” he murmured softly, “is the most beautiful face here today.” he

tipped his head and kissed Abel's lips.

“Signore, posso prendere la vostra immagine?”

Kaplan drew back from the kiss as he and Abel looked at the young man standing a few steps below

them, expensive camera in hand. Kaplan smiled, “He wants to take our picture.” he told Abel. “Do

you mind?”

“No.” Abel murmured then smiled as Kaplan nodded to the young man then slid his arm around Abel

and touched his lips to his temple as the photographer took a couple shots.

“Cosi bello, grazie.” the man grinned and nodded, then turned and walked back down the steps.

“What did he say?” Abel asked curiously.

“He said 'So beautiful, thank you'.” Kaplan cupped the back of Abel's head and kissed him again.

“Though I'm fairly certain he was looking at you when he mentioned beautiful.”

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Smiling, Abel's lips pressed tight and he ducked his head. It felt nice to be called beautiful – without

it being referenced to a specific body part.


Brandon took Devlin's number and promised to connect with him later, then excused himself as Max

took the man's seat. Devlin's head was spinning; I was afraid of Craig. What the hell did he mean?

Craig had never been mean or obnoxious to Brandon. He'd liked him, treated him like another little

brother. Why...

Are you sure you want to go there? Explore too deep?

“Thank you for meeting with me.” Max said, snapping Devlin back to the here and now. When he took

a moment to really look at the man, he thought he could pass for some facet of the mafia, though

Devlin was pretty sure he'd rather face down Max Raines than Cole, or even Gabe. Max's eyes

traveled over Devlin's jaw. “Sorry about the shiner. My boys...they can be rather...protective and

defensive of one another.”

Devlin swallowed thick. “It's...all right. I...I deserved it.” Did he mean that? But he recalled that

fleeting thought in his head as Cole had jerked him back to his feet for a second go round. He had

silently pleaded for the man to beat him to a bloody if he'd known then and there that he had

been wrong to say what he'd said to Abel.

“I realize the pain all of this is causing you.” Max spoke low, with a note of sympathy in his voice.

“And no one has the right to expect you to take sides against your brother. But let me tell you what I

know about this situation.” he sighed and pressed his lips tight. “I know the look of a young man in

love. And if ever I saw that look in anyone's was Abel's. I can't ask you not to seek justice for

your brother's death, but I can ask you this – why would Abel lie to you? The boy was crazy about

you. And he cared for you so deeply that he tried to run when you asked for the truth. He ran because

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he didn't want to hurt you.”

Devlin ducked his head, resting his brow against his palm, eyes burning. An unbearable ache

squeezed his chest, tightened his stomach until he could barely breathe. These were questions he'd

tried to shut out, keep from asking himself. Because he knew the answers, and in admitting he

knew...he would have to also admit other things that would rip him apart inside.

“But if you choose to have Abel prosecuted,” Max said stiffly, “You will never see the boy again.

Right now, he is someplace far away and safe, and accompanied by someone with the means to keep

him that way. If you decide to go that route, you will be met with a dead end. Because you will never

touch him.”

Tears welled and rolled down Devlin's face.

Max's voice lowered, softened, “When you held Abel in your arms...made love to him...was there

anything about him that could've convinced you he was a cold blooded murderer?”

He was an angel. So pure and beautiful.

Devlin wiped his face, breath shuddering. “No.” he whispered, choking on his tears. “But...I knew my

brother. I grew up with him. I'm just supposed to...forget everything I knew about him? All the good in

him? He was...” Devlin's chin trembled. “he was everything to me.”

“I'm not telling you what to believe.” Max said. “I'm just asking that – before you make any concrete

decisions to turn Abel in – that you take time to consider the facts about the boy. If he wanted to hurt

you, for whatever reason...why would he have tried so hard to keep from telling you?”

He wouldn't have. Devlin felt sick.

“It crushed him to have to tell you about your brother.” Max said quietly, an ache tightening his voice.

He truly cared for Abel. As did Cole and Gabe. The boy was well loved by those who knew him. He

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was well loved by you too. “And it shattered him...when you did what you did.”

I know! Devlin wanted to scream. I know what I did to him! Stop fucking reminding me! Please,



At some point, they had left off sight-seeing the main attractions of the city and found themselves

strolling down a cobblestone street that passed through high brick buildings. There was something

very peaceful about this part of the city. Everyone they passed seemed at ease, as if they understood

that life was to be savored, enjoyed for each moment. It was such contrast to New York City where

life seemed on fast forward.

“Do you like pizza?” Kaplan asked, drawing Abel from his thoughts.


Kaplan led him over to a small, walk-up shop that resonated an incredible pizza aroma unlike

anything Abel had ever smelled before. Kaplan bought two slices that were served to them on thick

napkins. “You haven't truly experienced pizza until you've tasted it in Italy.”

Abel took a bit – and nearly moaned. “Oh my god.” he smiled. “This is...the most amazing pizza

ever.” He took another bite, prepared for the delicious flavor this time.

Chuckling, Kaplan began to eat his own piece, but watching Abel with amusement as the boy savored

every bite. “Am I right?”

“Oh god.” Abel nodded. “You're right.”

Kaplan laughed softly and when he finished off his piece, asked, “Want another?”

“Please.” Abel moaned as he took his last bite.

“As you wish.” Kaplan ordered two more, and a couple drinks. When he started on his second piece,

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Abel just stared at him a moment. The man smiled, “What?”

Abel shrugged and grinned, “I just never envisioned you buying pizza from a roadside vendor.”

Kaplan chuckled, “I'm not all gourmet restaurants. I can enjoy the simple, finer things of life as well.”

he smiled, “In fact, they say the best things of life are free.” His gaze slid over Abel. “But I can't

necessarily agree.” he winked. “Because you're about the finest thing in this life that I've encountered,

and well...” he raised an eyebrow, smiled and took a bite of his pizza.

You sure as hell weren't free, Abel finished for him, this amazing day suddenly overshadowed by the

reality of their contract.

Why did Kaplan have to make it so easy to forget he was just a hired fuck?


The ATM was in the opposite direction as the elevators, and Gabe frowned when Cole walked that

way. “Where are you going?”

“Just want to check something.” he murmured.


Cole looked at him. “Did Abel actually check the bank account Kaplan set up for him?”

“I don't know.” Gabe admitted.

Walking over to the ATM machine, Cole muttered, “Well, I think he just took the man on his word.

And maybe he's that trusting, but I'm not.”

“What?” Gabe cocked an eyebrow. “You think the man lied? He gave Abel access to the account, he

knew he could check the balance.”

Cole nodded, “Yeah, and maybe he was counting on Abel just accepting it at face value.”

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Sighing, Gabe gestured at the machine. “Well, satisfy your curiosity.” Gabe leaned against the wall

and crossed his arms over his chest. He didn't really think Kaplan would cheat Abel. Fuck, the guy

was loaded. For him, twenty thousand dollars was surely just chump change.

Cole dug out the card and shoved it into the machine slot, entered the PIN, then selected account

balance. He grew still and his hand slowly rose and rubbed over his mouth, lingering.

“What is it?” Gabe lowered his arms and pushed off the wall.

“Kaplan put twenty thousand dollars in here?” Cole asked slowly, brow pinching.

“Supposedly, yeah.”

Cole looked at him, face tight. “There isn't twenty thousand dollars in Abel's account.”

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Chapter Nine

“Better Left Unsaid”

“Are you all right?” They were back in the limo, on their way up to the Cavalieri hotel. Since their

stop for pizza, Abel had grown quiet, even distant with Kaplan. He berated himself for getting caught

up in Kaplan's talk of beauty and just the entire romantic atmosphere of the city. Losing touch with

reality – though relaxing and soothing – was detrimental.

“Yeah. I'm fine.” he told Kaplan now. “Just...tired.” He wasn't lying, he was tired – tired of Kaplan

treating this like some romantic vacation. Tired of the man acting like he cared, and distracting Abel

from keeping his mind on the money and his hired duties.

“We'll be back at the hotel in just a short while.” he ran his fingers through Abel's hair. “You can rest

then.” he chuckled low. “I guess I got overzealous, wanting to show you everything at once. It's a lot

to take in.”

“Yeah.” Abel murmured and leaned his head against the side window.

Kaplan fell silent but he could feel him watching him. The man wasn't stupid, he knew that

somewhere along the line, something had changed between them. But he was remaining quiet about it

for the moment.

Once they were back in their penthouse suite, Kaplan took a chilled bottle of Merlot and two glasses

up to the terrace. Abel followed without having to be asked. Kaplan set the wine and glasses on a

small table and filled each glass half full. He walked over to the banister then held out one glass to

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Approaching him, Abel took the drink. It was near sunset and an orange glow was beginning to settle

over the eternal city. Abel stared out over the inspiring view. He felt like an outsider trying to fit in

where he didn't belong. A sinner who had somehow sneaked into heaven, but could feel the place

rejecting his presence.

“Are you going to tell me at which point I fucked up today?” Kaplan leaned his elbows on the glass

wall, gazing down into his wine that shimmered multicolors in the light of the setting sun. He twisted

his head slowly and gazed at Abel. “Did I say something wrong?”

Abel licked his lips. “What do you mean?”

Straightening, Kaplan turned his back to the view and rested against the railing, twisting his wine

glass in his fingertips. “Please don't insult my intelligence, Abel.” he said. “Just tell me the truth. Did

I say something wrong?”

“No.” Abel whispered. “You...said something right.”

“I'm not following.”

Abel set his glass on the banister. “When you said you disagreed that the finest things of life were

free, because I wasn't free.” his lips pinched. “I guess it...brought me back to reality. Reminded me

what I am and what my role is.” he looked out across the expansive view. “This place,” he murmured,

“it has a way of...making one forget...what is.” He cleared his throat and lowered his eyes. “And what

you said, it just...reminded me.”

Kaplan took his hand and squeezed gently. “I'm sorry.” he said quietly. “In no way did I mean to

imply that I see you as merely a purchased piece of ass.”

“That's just it.” Abel drew back, pulling his hand free as he moved away from the man. “That is what

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I am. And I need to remember that, and...not get caught up in the...romance of this place.”

“What's wrong with romance?” Kaplan wondered softly.

Abel shook his head, his throat squeezing as a sudden rush of memories of Devlin swept through his

head. He never wanted to feel that again, with anyone. He would never give his heart away again – or

let it be taken. “Nothing.” he said thickly, “For the right people. But you and I...we're not lovers.”

Licking his lips, Kaplan ran a quick hand over his mouth and cocked his head, “Last sure felt

like we were.”

“That's because...I got distracted from reality.”

Kaplan sighed, “Then I can't say I'm opposed to you getting distracted.”

“Well I am.” Abel said tightly. “I got distracted once already, started to think I could have what other

people have – and that little illusion stabbed me in the fucking back.” He thrust his hand through his

hair, tears burning. “I'm not looking for a lover. Not in you, not in anyone. So don't make this out to be

more than it is. You're paying to fuck me – period. And that line between needs to stay clear.”

Nodding slowly, Kaplan released a hard sigh. “If that's how you want it.” He set aside his wine glass

and tugged at his tie, his eyes sparking with a flicker of what seemed to be both anger and hurt. “Then

I guess I should be about getting my money's worth, shouldn't I?”


Waiting for the phone to ring was nothing short of the torture of having needles run under his

fingernails. He'd gone back to the hospital after his meeting with Max Raines – a meeting that had left

him on the edge of severe emotional trauma, and wanting to throw up from the stress of his situation

with Abel. Which was now compounded by Brandon's confession, though yet unexplained.

Because he had to keep his phone off within sections of the hospital, Devlin was taking every

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opportunity to slip out and check his messages. But so far, Brandon hadn't tried to call. Do you even

want him to? You know what he's going to say, don't you?

Devlin denied it. Maybe it was something altogether different. If it had been something

like...that...wouldn't Brandon have told him?

This is our little secret, okay? Don't tell anyone...ever.

Shaking his head, Devlin squeezed his eyes shut as he pressed his back to the brick exterior of the

hospital building. He snapped the phone closed and stuffed it in his pocket. No, he insisted for the

thousandth time, that was just a fucking dream. Craig never touched me like that. Never!

And the memories creeping up? Could he ignore them too? Explain them away? Tears began to sting

and he wiped at his eyes.

“Devlin?” a pleasant male voice permeated his thoughts. “Are you all right?”

Devlin raised his head and looked at the man, maybe ten years older than Devlin himself. “Jeremy.

I...” he cleared his throat. “Yeah. I'm fine.”

“You don't look fine.” Jeremy Collins' degree in psychiatry was clearly earned, for he rarely missed

the signs of a person in distress.

“It's just...” Devlin shrugged and wiped quick at his eyes to rid them of any lingering tears. “Just

personal stuff.”

Jeremy gazed at him with concern. “If you want to talk...”

Devlin shook his head.

“As friends, Devlin.” he said quietly, smiling. “No head shrinking.”

“Thanks, but...” Devlin averted his eyes.

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“All right.” Jeremy sighed. “But if you change your mind, you know where to find me.”

Devlin swallowed thickly. “Thanks.” he whispered and glanced at the guy. “I appreciate that.”

Jeremy nodded and smiled, then moved towards the entrance doors. Devlin twisted his head and

watched him go. He liked Jeremy Collins, the man had a sincere concern for others – which he

suspected was rare in Collins' line of work. When Jeremy reached the doors, Devlin shoved away

from the wall. “Jeremy!”

The man stopped and turned around. Devlin walked towards him. “Yeah?”

His heart suddenly pounding, Devlin's hands flexed anxiously at his sides. “Can I...ask you a


“Yes, of course.”

Devlin released an unsteady breath. “Can...the mind block things out?”

Frowning, Jeremy asked, “What do you mean?”

“Like...things that happened...when a person was...a kid.” he shifted. “Can that really

they sometimes imply in the movies?”

Jeremy looked thoughtful. “Yes, it's possible. If the mind perceives the event, or series of events, as can block them.”

“Like...entirely?” Devlin asked, breath quickening. “As if...they had never happened?”

Nodding, Jeremy murmured, “Yes. It happens.” his frown deepened. “Devlin...what's going on?”

Ignoring his question, Devlin swallowed hard, “What if...a kid was...” could he even say the word?

He forced it up his throat. “...was molested by someone that they...trusted...loved. Could that cause

them to...”

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“That's more common than you might realize.” Jeremy said. “When a kid is betrayed or hurt by

someone they look up to and trust to protect them, then sometimes the mind will reject it and bury the

memories so that later in life, they don't even remember it happened.”

Devlin's throat worked as he fought a sudden rush of emotion. “Do the memories ever...come back?”

“Sometimes they do, on their own.” Jeremy explained. “And they can also be triggered, by an event

that corresponds or directly relates to the original set of circumstances.” He gripped Devlin's

shoulder firmly, but gently. “Devlin...why are you asking these questions? What is this about?”

“I was...” Devlin cleared his throat and struggled to compose himself. “Someone...was asking about

it. I was just...curious.”

Jeremy nodded slowly but clearly didn't buy his reasoning. “All right.” he murmured. “Well, you can

let this...someone...know that if they want to talk more about it, I'm available.”

“Thanks.” Devlin's lips tightened. “I'll...I'll be sure and tell them.”

“You do that.” the man gazed at him intently. “You take care now.”

Devlin nodded, his gaze sinking to the concrete. “Yeah. I will.” he whispered.

Sometimes the mind will reject it and bury the memories.

Overcome with the sudden urge to vomit, Devlin made a quick dash for the nearest restroom.

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Chapter Ten

“To Tell The Truth”

Kaplan stripped, discarding his clothes without finesse. His heavy eyes regarded Abel with a look

lacking of emotion. “What're you waiting for?” A tightness strained his voice. “bare that ass. I'm not

paying for it to be covered in an expensive suit, now am I?”

“No.” Abel replied dully. “You're not.” The events of the day coursed through his mind as he shed his

clothing. But as with all that he had experienced with Devlin – it was swept away and laid to rest as

if it had never been. He ignored the regret eating away at his gut, tightening his chest, and followed

Kaplan into the hot tub.

Without a word, Kaplan positioned him so he was kneeling on the bench beneath the heated, roiling

water and pushed him forward. “Time to earn your money, honey.” he murmured coolly and reached

up, gripping Abel's shoulder with one hand while he grabbed his hip with the other and shoved his

cock head between his ass cheeks, penetrating him not too gently.

Abel clawed the rim of the hot tub and he sucked in a sharp breath, body tensing, jaw clenching. The

breath released hard and he sucked in another as Kaplan pushed himself in deeper.

“Take it.” Kaplan said tightly, voice ragged. “Open this tight little ass to me.”

Abel ducked his head and squeezed his eyes shut, shoving back on Kaplan's hard cock as the man

thrust in, his body slamming up against Abel's ass. “Uuh!” Abel gasped, and his teeth clamped, breath

hissing between them as Kaplan didn't wait for pleasantries and began to fuck him with urgency, his

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fingers digging into Abel's shoulder and hip.

“Come on.” he panted, voice grinding. “Tell me to fuck you.”

Breath breaking, staggered, Abel groaned, “Fuck me...fuck me hard! Come on – fill me with cock!”

Kaplan obliged, putting more force into his thrusts, slamming his ass, shoving Abel forward as his

arms strained to prevent himself from being driven into the hard edge of the hot tub. Tears burned then

began to squeeze out from beneath his clamped eyelids, draining down his face, dripping into the

steaming water splashing around his body. “Do it!” he choked, voice thick. “Fuck me like the little

whore that I am! Do it! Harder! Fuck me!”

Backing off suddenly, Kaplan released him. Abel didn't move, body shaking, clutching the edge of the

tub, tears streaming. Then Kaplan's hands were on his body again and he tensed, waiting for the man

to drive his cock back inside him. But his hands were gentle as he turned him around, sat down on the

bench beneath the hot water and pulled Abel onto his lap facing him. He entered him again, but this

time with more tenderness. Abel gasped softly and the man pulled him against him, wrapping his arms

around him, his face buried in Abel's neck.

“I won't fuck you like a whore, Abel.” he said thickly. “I won't treat you that way.”

Abel slid his arms around the man's neck and shoved his face against his shoulder, sobs shaking his

body. Kaplan held him tighter and kissed his neck up to the curve of his jaw, then drew back enough

to kiss his lips. His hands rubbed down Abel's back and lower to cup his soft ass cheeks as he began

to gently thrust his cock into him. Abel's fingers slid through Kaplan's damp hair as he kissed him

back, his body rocking, hips gliding in rhythm with Kaplan's thrusts.

He clutched Kaplan's head as their kiss faltered but mouths remained touching, breath panting hard,

erratic. “Yes...” Abel shuddered then grabbed at the man's mouth again, biting his lips gently,

urgently, “Yes...fuck me...oh god...”

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Kaplan gripped him tighter, with a measure of desperation, his pace quickening. “Oh fuck!” he gasped

hard, erratic, bouncing Abel on his cock. “Oh fuck, baby, yes! Yes! Oh my god...I want to cum...” His

hands loosened a bit as his thrusts ceased. “Turn around...I want to jerk you off when I cum in your

beautiful ass.”

Standing on trembling legs, Abel changed positions, facing away from the man, then sitting back down

on his cock. Kaplan wrapped one arm around Abel's body and drew him back against his chest, as his

other hand slid around Abel's stiff cock beneath the steaming, churning water and began to stroke him

as Abel rocked his ass on the man's dick.

“Oh my god.” Kaplan groaned hard, shoving himself into Abel's tight body. “Oh god, baby...yes...I

can't get enough of you.”

Abel's head dropped back onto his shoulder, his hands clutching the man's arms as sharp whimpers

burst from his lips and he fucked the man harder, his body tightening with an impending orgasm as

Kaplan stroked his cock faster, squeezing a little tighter. “Uuhh! Fuck!” Abel choked. “Fuck! I'm

gonna cum! Oh shit...yes...oh fuck-fuck-fuuuck!!” His body locked, hips jerking as his cock exploded

beneath the water, Kaplan's hand whipping up and down his shaft as the man's own body clenched up

and he slammed his cock deeper inside Abel and unloaded with force.

“Fuuuck!” Kaplan shouted, then both arms wrapped around Abel's waist and squeezed as he fucked

him erratically, emptying the last remnants of his fluids.

Abel was still in a sexual daze, head light and dizzy, when they made their way back down to the

bedroom. The bed felt like heaven, so soft and welcoming, the blankets thick and soothing as Abel

cuddled deep in their warmth, eyes already growing heavy. When Kaplan crawled in next to him, the

man scooted close and kissed him then ran his fingertips down Abel's cheek, his face close as he

rested his head on the thick pillow. There was a slight sheen to Kaplan's eyes as he murmured, “Don't

ever ask me to do that again.” he traced his thumb back and forth over Abel's lower lip. “Fuck you

background image mean nothing to me.” his throat worked and he licked his lips slowly, “I don't want those

lines to be that...stark...between us, Abel. And...” he kissed Abel's mouth softly, “I don't think you do

either.” he caressed his cheek. “I wasn't putting on an act today, or at any point when I showed care or

affection for you. I know it's a terrible faux pas on my part you so much.” he swallowed hard

and cupped Abel's neck gently, his thumb stroking the tender skin below his ear. “But I do.”


As soon as he finished up with his current customer, Cole tugged on his clothes and went to Max's

office. “Did you speak with him?” he asked when he stepped through the door.

“Yes.” Max poured himself a drink and offered one to Cole.

He shook his head. “So...what did he say?”

Max leaned against the edge of his desk. “Honestly?” he sipped from his glass. “I don't think he is

going to be a threat to Abel. The man is...torn up. He clearly doesn't want to believe such things about

his brother, but...I also think there's something in him that can't believe Abel would lie to him, or try

to hurt him.” he looked at Cole. “Our Dr. Grant is still deeply in love with Abel. And as hard as he's

trying to convince himself his brother isn't the monster Abel described...I don't think there's any way

in hell he will turn Abel in.”

A measure of relief swept through Cole. “So what do we do now?” he asked, then with a note of

hopefulness, “Bring Abel home?”

“I think we should wait a bit. Even just a few more days, at least. I don't want to take any chances.” he

sighed, “then after that, I guess it's up to Abel what he wants to do. As I said before, Horatio will put

him up in his villa in Italy if Abel feels safer being out of the country.”

Cole's jaw tightened and his temples began to throb. “So he can be...what?...a live in boy toy for


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“Cole.” Max shook his head slowly. “I know what kind of light this shines on Horatio, what with his

arrangement with Abel. But he's a better man than you might think.”

Cole shrugged, “Sorry, but I find it hard to respect a man who buys a boy like he's just another

possession to own.”

“You know, he is doing a lot for Abel right now that he isn't obligated to do – as per their


It was true, Cole realized that. The man hadn't hesitated to agree to get Abel out of the country for his

own safety. For that alone he supposed he should feel a measure of gratitude. But recalling Abel's

state of mind after Devlin ripped out his killed him to think the boy was being used or taken

advantage of by the man. He didn't need emotionless fucking right now – he needed someone who

gave a shit, who wasn't heartless to what he was going through.

Cole rubbed his thumb absently across his lower lip, eyes distant as he gazed at the floor. “I just hope

he's doing right by Abel...and not causing him even more damage.


When Brandon's call finally came in, Devlin's shift was nearly over and he gave the man directions to

his home to meet him there. The last twenty minutes of his shift seemed to simultaneously drag

painstakingly slow – and speed by. When he made it home, his guts were twisted up so tight he

wondered if he would have another hug session with the toilet bowl. But he managed to keep it under

control as he climbed out of his car. Brandon was already there, waiting for him.

“Would you like some coffee?” Devlin asked when they entered the house then walked to the kitchen.

“I'll have some ready in a few minutes.” he grabbed a pack of fresh coffee filters and began preparing

the coffee maker. “Unless you'd like something stronger.”

“Uh, coffee's fine.” Brandon slid onto a stool at the kitchen island and rested his elbows on the

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counter. “This is a nice place.”

“Thanks.” Devlin took his time with the coffee maker, stalling. But too soon, it was ready to turn on

and he couldn't put off facing the man any longer. Still, he couldn't bring himself to cut to the chase,

and avoided the looming topic. “So what do you do”

Brandon sighed. “Mostly, I design websites for big businesses.”

“Interesting.” Devlin nodded, then smiled, “but better you than me. I'm cool with computers offline,

and even basic internet stuff, but that's about it-”

“Devlin.” Brandon cut him off, looking at him with an ache in his eyes.

Shaking his head slowly, Devlin moved away from the counter, his hand snaking to the back of his

neck and rubbing anxiously. He stood at the window, his back to his friend. “Don't, Brandon.” his

throat was closing, his words catching. “I can't...”

A moment's silence, then, “You know what I'm going to say...don't you?” he murmured.

Devlin hung his head, eyes filling.

“Did you...always know...about Craig?” Brandon asked, a tightness creeping into his voice. “Did you

know what he was me?”

“No.” Devlin choked, shaking his head. “I didn't know...anything. I had no idea.”

“So he...” Brandon hesitated, then spoke low, “he never...messed with you?”

Devlin's hand covered his mouth and held. Hot tears broke and rushed down his face. “I don't...know.

I think...” he turned slowly, trembling. “I think...he did...and I just...blocked it out somehow because

I...couldn't deal with it.”


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Covering his eyes, Devlin cried softly, “I'm so sorry that he...he did that to you. I didn't...I didn't

know, I swear.”

Tears rose in Brandon's eyes and he went to Devlin, hugging him. “I believe you.” he whispered

thickly. “You don't have to apologize. It wasn't your fault.”

“Why didn't you tell me?” Devlin hugged him back.

“Craig said...” his voice broke. “he said if I told anyone, no one would believe me and I wouldn't be

allowed be friends with you anymore. That he'd make sure of it.” he drew back out of their

embrace and rubbed his face, then cleared his throat. “You were my best friend, Devlin. The brother I

never had.”

Devlin stared at the guy, and what tiny fragment of his heart that still remained – shattered.

First him and Brandon, then...Abel...and how many others?

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Chapter Eleven

“What Hurts The Most”

The bed beside him was empty when Abel awoke, his head feeling thick. A low throb thumped in the

soles of his feet from having walked so much yesterday. He cleared his throat and twisted over onto

his back. Kaplan was nowhere to be seen. Abel sighed and laid back into the thick, soft pillows.

The events of last night came back piece by piece. He had insisted he'd wanted those lines between

him and Kaplan to remain clear, to just be regarded as the hired fuck that he was. But when the man

had taken him, without any sense of emotion, it had brought on feelings of abandonment, loss...and his

age old fear of having no control in the hands of another man.

I won't fuck you like a whore, Abel. I won't treat you that way.

He couldn't do it. Kaplan had refused to use Abel like a mere piece of ass. And when he'd taken him

in his arms and – made love to me – showed more had been like falling into heaven.

Abel sat forward, the thick satin comforter bunching at his waist. He absently traced his fingertips

across the slick ripples. It seemed, in a moment's notice, Kaplan had somehow slipped through the

wall Abel had meant to keep between them. Last weekend, it had been easy; Kaplan had done his part

to stay on his side of the line. But this weekend? What had changed over the last week? It was as if he

were a different man altogether. And more dangerous now than before. He had no defense against this

man. And that scared him. The pain of losing Devlin so violently still coursed through his veins, still

hurt with every beat of his heart. He didn't want to go there again...yet he couldn't deny the...comfort

and gave him to be cared for by a man like Kaplan.

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“Going to stay in bed all day, sexy?” Kaplan entered the bedroom, fully dressed and looking

remarkable – as usual. He walked over and sat down next to Abel, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on

his lips. “Not that I hate the sight of you naked in bed.” he smiled and kissed him again, laying him

back on the pillows, leaning over him and deepening the kiss. “Mmm.” he drew back a bit and licked

his lips. “You taste good first thing in the morning.”

Able smiled and rubbed his hands up the guy's arms, his solid muscles like stone beneath the soft

fabric of his expensive shirt. An unexpected surge of blood rushed to his cock, hardening him

instantly. Abel's breath quickened on its own and Kaplan smiled, slipping one hand under the blankets

and massaging Abel's member.

“Is this for me?” he murmured close to Abel's mouth. “Or were you dreaming of some other lucky


“For you.” Abel assured quietly, moaning as Kaplan squeezed him a fraction harder and began to

stroke him. “Oh god...” his back arched a little, breath catching, nails gouging the man's arms.

Kaplan groaned, “That is so fucking sexy when you do that.”

“Do what?” Abel panted, hips beginning to move, thrusting against Kaplan's hand, face pinching


“Respond so...enthusiastically.”

A shaky smile flickered across Abel's lips then vanished as those same lips tightened, head pushing

back into the pillow, neck cords popping a little. “Fuck.” God, the man was a master with his hands.

Kaplan squeezed and dragged his fist down to the base of Abel's shaft then released him and rubbed

down lower over his tightening balls, massaging them firmly, teasing lower towards his ass with the

tip of a finger. Abel's breath evened somewhat once Kaplan had freed his cock, but he wanted it back.

His own hand shoved under the blankets and grabbed his dick, stroking with fervor. Suddenly, Kaplan

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grabbed his hand and halted him. “Uh uh.” he smiled. “This is mine, remember?”

Shuddering fiercely, Abel nodded and released himself. The blankets were suddenly dragged down to

his thighs, exposing his hard cock, which curved up towards his stomach and glistened at the tip.

Kaplan wrapped his hand around the base, holding it upright, then dropped his mouth down on him.

“Fuck!” Abel bucked then grabbed Kaplan's head, nails digging into his scalp. The man's hot mouth

squeezed around his cock, pushing down until his cock head was nudging the back of the man's throat.

“Uuhh! Fuck! Yes!” Kaplan moaned then sucked him hard before he began to stroke up and down his

hard flesh. “Oh fuck...fuck...yes...”

Abel's body arched and he held Kaplan's head, shoving his cock into his throat as the man took him

eagerly, urgently, sucking and stroking him to a fast and forceful orgasm. The guy's finger pushed into

his ass and he cried out as he found his sweet spot and massaged him firmly, sucking harder.

“Fuck!” Abel choked, body writhing, squirming, thrusting until a strangled wail tore up his throat and

he came hard, unloading down Kaplan's throat. His grip on the man's head tightened and his jaw

clenched as his body pushed out every last drop of cum as Kaplan sucked him dry, then pulled off him

and dragged a fingertip across the corner of his mouth, licking his lips.

“Yum.” he murmured. “My favorite breakfast drink.” He leaned over Abel to kiss him then hesitated,

as if understanding that last time Abel had been revolted by the taste of his own cum. Abel gazed up at

him, eyes hazy, body trembling, then gripped the back of Kaplan's head and pulled him into a deep,

hungry kiss, sucking the man's tongue into his mouth, not at all minding the taste of himself this time.


You can't do this. It isn't right.

The numbing sensation passed through his body in a wave, weakening his legs. His breath quickened

then cut out, tears rising up where he had worked so hard to keep them down. His hand pressed

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against the door without pushing it open as he struggled to calm his heart rate, force back his tears. He

knew he looked like hell, everyone could see. How many times a day did he get an - “Are you feeling

all right, Dr. Grant?” - or an - “Are you getting enough sleep, Devlin?” - he had lost count. Bottom

like – he looked like shit.

As much as I feel like shit? If so, his colleagues had cause to worry.

He closed his eyes briefly then shoved open the door, preparing himself to do the unthinkable – just

show her his picture, settle it once and for all – but stopped short, his plans thwarted by the

unexpected presence of Cole and Gabe beside Savannah's bed. He hesitated, even considered

leaving, but the young girl noticed him there before he could take his leave.

“Dr. Grant.” she smiled and her face lit up. The two men turned slowly, eyes resting heavy on Devlin.

“Savannah.” he cleared his throat and entered. “You're looking...bright-eyed and bushy tailed today.”

She smiled. “I feel good.” her eyes brightened even more. “I get to go home tomorrow.”

Devlin rubbed his mouth, and replied softly, “That's great.” He avoided the mens' eyes and went

about his routine.

The girl turned her attention to the guys. “How soon can I see Abel?”

“What did he say the last time you talked to him?” Cole asked low, almost cautiously. After speaking

with Max, Devlin understood what they were all afraid of, and why it was never specified just where

Abel was.

“He said he would see me soon.” she told him. “and maybe I could go be with him, where he is.”

Did that mean Abel wasn't coming home to stay? Devlin's chest tightened; would he ever see the boy

again? He swallowed hard through a knotted throat and forced back the tears that seemed to always

be hovering so close to the surface lately – especially today.

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“I need to check your blood pressure.” he told Savannah and slid up the loose short sleeve of her

gown then wrapped the cuff around her upper arm. He pressed the stethoscope to her skin just under

the edge of the cuff and began pumping it tighter, watching the gage, trying to concentrate.

“Well, either way.” Cole told the girl. “You'll be seeing him soon enough.”

When he was finished with the cuff, Devlin wrapped it up and put it away. “I'll come back later.”

Devlin said to Savannah. “No need for me to interrupt your visit.” He didn't want to be here with all

of them. Each one reminded him of Abel in some way, and with thoughts of Abel – came nightmare

images of what Craig had done to him for two years.

And what Devlin had done to him when he chose to believe the lie above the truth.


The level of despair in the doctor's eyes was enough to soften even Cole's heart towards the man. He

was clearly coming to grips with reality, forced to look it in the face – and it was an ugly


When Devlin excused himself and left the room, Cole watched him go, then turned his eyes back to

Savannah. The girl's previously bright countenance was shadowed now as she stared at the door.

“Savannah?” Cole said softly. “You all right, sweetheart?”

“What happened?” her gaze shifted to Cole's face and a wall of tears rose up. “What happened with

him and Abel? They were so...perfect.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I've never seen Abel so

happy as he was that day...when I took their picture.”

Cole reached out and wiped the tears from her face. “Sometimes...things just don't work out. Life gets

complicated.” His own eyes began to burn, a debilitating ache winding through his heart; he knew just

what she meant about those two. They were perfect. Abel had been crazy in love with the man. And

there was no doubt Devlin had felt the same. Now...everything was fucked up royally.

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Savannah's chin trembled. “It isn't fair.”

Gabe stepped forward and sat on the bed next to her, sliding his arm around her shoulder. “No, hon, it

isn't.” he kissed her hair and looked at Cole, his eyes glossing. “It isn't fair at all.”

“Excuse me for a minute.” Cole moved towards the door. “I'll be right back.”

Gabe raised a questioning eyebrow and Cole nodded at the door. Gabe seemed to get his meaning and

nodded once as Cole slipped out into the corridor. He glanced up and down the hall then spotted

Devlin waiting at the elevator, and walked quickly in the direction.

The elevators doors dinged and the doctor started to step inside. “Doc! Hold up.” Cole broke into a

light sprint as Devlin withdrew from the elevator. He looked at Cole uncertainly. “Can I talk to you a

minute...about Abel?”

Devlin's face nearly crumpled at the mere sound of the boy's name. He looked at the floor, lips

tightening. Cole detected a barely notable tremor to the man's chin. “I'm not...I'm not going

anything to Abel.” he whispered thickly. “He can come home. I promise...I won't turn him in.”

“I know.” Cole murmured, and Devlin looked at him, surprised. “I know you would never try to hurt

him. What happened at his apartment...” Cole shook his head slowly and ran a quick hand over his

mouth. “That was...just a really bad situation. We had no right to expect anything less from you.” he

rubbed his lip together, and said remorsefully, “I'm sorry I hit you.”

A glassy wall of tears rippled in Devlin's eyes, ready to break free. “I'm not.” he whispered thickly.

“I wish...” the tears thickened and began to slip out one at a time. “I wish you would have beaten me

to death...right then and there.” He raised his eyes slowly and looked at Cole. “It would have hurt a

hell of a lot less than this.”

The lump swelling in Cole's throat threatened to choke him. “Do you know why Abel didn't want to

tell you the truth?” Cole asked quietly. “He wasn't afraid of being turned in. He was...” Cole shook

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his head and rubbed his hand over his face, drawing away tears. “He was so afraid of hurting you,

of...of taking your brother away from you all over again.”

Devlin stared at him, tears running freely. “What?”

“He knew how much you loved the man.” Cole said thickly. “And he said that would hurt you

less to lose him...than for you to lose your brother. That's why he ran from you, and tried so hard not

to tell you.” Cole swallowed hard. “He loved you so much, Devlin. And it tore him up to break your

heart this way.”

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Chapter Twelve

“Love's Lament”

“I talked to Max earlier.” Kaplan stretched out on the thick, soft lounger on the rooftop terrace, his

exquisite body nude and soaking up the afternoon sun. Abel lay naked on a second lounger, his skin

still damp from their recent dip in the hot tub. His gaze traveled up and down Kaplan's body as it

occasionally shifted. Kaplan turned his head and looked at Abel, his eyes doing a quick sweep down

Abel's form and back up again. “He said he...spoke with the doctor.”

Abel tensed and glanced away. Just the slight mention of Devlin and he felt the force of his loss all

over again.

“Max says it's okay for you to come home.” he said, a note of regret in his voice. “You're not in any


It was never the fear of being arrested that caused Abel to want to be this far away – it was Devlin

himself. He couldn't face him again. Abel shook his head, pulse quickening. “I don't want to go back. I

don't want to see him again.” His throat tightened suddenly, squeezing his words off at the end,

betraying his emotions.

Kaplan stared at him, then stretched out his hand across the short space between them. “Come here,


Abel looked at him, then left his seat and stepped over to Kaplan's lounger. The man scooted over and

motioned for Abel to lay down next to him. When he did, Kaplan turned onto his side and drew Abel

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against him, kissing him softly. His hand flattened on Abel's back and rubbed soothingly. “I'll support

whatever you want to do. I have a private villa outside of Rome. If you want to stay over here, then

you and your sister can call it your new home.”

He was offering them a home in Italy? “Why...would you do that?” Abel whispered.

Sliding his fingers slowly through Abel's hair, an ache shadowed the man's eyes. “Because I know

what it's like to try and be around someone you love...without the freedom to be with them.” he

stroked the boy's hair. “It hurts like hell.” he rubbed his other hand down over Abel's hip. “But then

again...if there is a chance...” he shook his head, and a slight sheen of tears glossed his eyes. “Don't

throw it away. You'll regret it for the rest of your life. If you love this man...then fight for him.”

Abel stared at him, throat working. When he'd first met Kaplan, he wouldn't have thought the man

would know love if it slapped him in the face. But he saw it now, deep behind his lovely eyes, a

distant anguish that could only be born of heartbreak.

“Did you?” Abel asked thickly.

“Did I what?”

Licking his lips slowly, Abel spoke quietly, “Did you fight for the man you loved?”

The ache pulsated with more prominence in the man's gaze. “I tried.” he murmured. “But...I had

nothing to fight with.” He rubbed the back of his fingers down Abel's cheek. “But you can fight. Love

should never be surrendered without first waging an all out war to preserve it.”

A shudder ran through Abel and he laid his head against Kaplan's shoulder. “He hates me.” Abel

buried his face in the man's throat, sobs breaking his words. “There's nothing left to fight for.”

Kaplan's arms went around him and held him tight, his lips touching his hair. “If he experienced your

love...even just one time,” he whispered, “then there's still something there. If he gave you his heart...I

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guarantee – you still hold it.”


It tore him up to break your heart this way.

Devlin stood numbly in the elevator, back pressed into the same corner where Abel had stood when

he'd trapped him and insisted he tell him the truth. You fuck! Devlin ducked his head, his hand sliding

across his mouth as his heart made its final break. He slid slowly to the floor of the elevator, the tears

coming in a forceful flood. His body shook. “You fucker.” he choked. “You promised him! You

swore you wouldn't turn on him! You wouldn't...stop loving him.”

His knees drew up tight to his chest and he shoved his face against his knees, clawing his hair, an

anguished wail pushing up his throat.

Everything you feel for me will go won't love me anymore.

“I'm sorry, baby.” Devlin cried. “I'm so sorry!” After all Craig had done to him, the boy had still

loved Devlin enough not to want to hurt his memory of the man. Where a typical human being

wouldn't have cared to rip apart the memory, expose the monster – Abel had absorbed the pain, tried

to hide the truth...just to protect Devlin. You are an angel, baby...a real live angel. And I ripped off

your wings and broke your halo.

Was there redemption for someone like him? Who could take such a perfect, beautiful creature – and

dash him against the rocks until he was crippled and bleeding?

When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, he was thankful no one was waiting outside. He

could imagine the sight he must be – huddled on the floor in the corner, hair mangled, face flushed and

wet with tears, eyes bloodshot and puffy. He shoved himself to his feet and finger combed his hair as

best he could then wiped his face.

He entered the nearest restroom and washed his face, but when he looked in the mirror – he still

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looked like death warmed over. Staring into his bloodshot, vacant eyes, he realized he'd died that day

in Abel's apartment. The second he reached into the boy's chest and crushed his heart – his own had

stopped as well. Even then, somehow, deep down, he'd known Abel was telling the truth. That's why,

in the far reaches of his mind, he'd been begging Cole to just beat him into oblivion.

If Abel did come back – could he even look the boy in the eye? Could he bear witnessing the damage

he had done...knowing there may be no way to fix it?


“What do you think Kaplan's game is?” Gabe asked. Cole shrugged and opened the door to Abel's

apartment. “I mean, he told Abel twenty-thousand, right?”

“As far as I know.” Cole stepped inside and Gabe entered behind him, closing the door. “The whole

arrangement with him and Abel make me want to hate the guy. But the truth is, he's looking out for

Abel. Why? I have no clue.”

Gabe nodded slowly. “Abel did sound good on the phone. I mean, I know he's still hurting like hell, at least seems like he's keeping his head above water.”

“I hope so.” Cole murmured. He went to Savannah's bedroom and picked out a set of clean clothes.

She would be coming home tomorrow and she needed something to wear. Her nightgown was all

she'd had on when they'd rushed her to the hospital that night. God, it seemed like ages ago. How

could so much...bad...happen in such a short period of time? It seemed enough to last these two kids

multiple lifetimes.

Sitting on the end of the bed, Gabe looked at Cole. “With the treatment and medication, she' all

right. Won't she?” A note of worry crept into the man's voice. Gabe cared about the girl as if she were

his own little sister. As did Cole.

“Yeah. I think so.” Cole assured. “Her and Abel...they have soft hearts, but tough skins. Savannah has

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too much love for life to just give up. She'll fight.” he smiled and leaned down, kissing Gabe's mouth.

“And she'll win.”

They left Savannah's room and walked down the short hall past Abel's bedroom, pausing at the open

door. They both gazed at the bed. “I still think about that night.” Gabe murmured. “With Abel.”

“Me too.” Cole whispered. He looked at Gabe then touched his face. “I'm glad we were both there,

that we were the first ones to help him experience real love.”

Gabe nodded slowly. “I think I...fell a little in love with him that night.” he admitted quietly, then

slipped his arms around Cole's waist. “And with you.”

Smiling softly, Cole kissed him, allowing the kiss to linger for a long moment. “Me too.”

“I hope he comes home.”

“So do I.” Cole whispered, and kissed him again.

“Do you think Devlin is ready to fix the damage he caused?”

Cole sighed and stepped back as they moved on to the living room. “He wants to, I can see it in him.

It's killing him what he did to Abel. But his own guilt may hold him back from facing Abel anytime


“And Abel?” Gabe asked slowly. “Do you think he would even be willing to talk to Devlin?”

Cole shrugged and sighed again. “I don't know. He's dealing with his own guilt.”

“It seems sadly ironic that they both feel at fault for the other's pain...when neither of them are to


Nodding slowly, Cole's face tightened. “All the blame lies with that motherfucker – Craig.”


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A red silk robe wrapped around his slightly damp body, Abel left the bathroom and entered the

bedroom, halting in the doorway. The lights were off and candles had been lit and placed around the

room. Next to the bed, an engraved silver ice container held a bottle of champagne, and two crystal

champagne glasses sat beside it, half full of sparkling pink champagne.

The bedroom was empty and Abel walked towards the bed. The candles scented the air with a

pleasant cinnamon aroma. His hand dropped and his fingertips raked softly across the satin comforter

as he glanced around, looking for Kaplan. When strong hands gripped his waist from behind, he

jumped a little then smiled as Kaplan kissed the back of his neck. “You smell good.” he murmured,

his arms slipping around him.

“What is...all this?” Abel asked quietly.

“Since this might well be our last night together.” His lips touched Abel's ear, kissing softly. “I

wanted it to be special.”

Abel's pulse quickened. “Why...would it be our last night together?” he hesitated, not wanting to taint

what was surely working into an amazing night, but forced out the words, “You paid in advance for a

whole month.” The words left a bad taste on his tongue, but Kaplan didn't flinch.

“So I did.” he kissed lower on his neck. “But you were never meant for this, Abel. And I realize

now...” he turned him around and cupped his face, stroking his cheeks with his thumbs. “I showed you

disrespect in making the offer at all.” Kaplan kissed his lips tenderly, then whispered, “but I never

meant any disrespect. What I said before was true...I never saw you as...a piece of ass to be bought

and sold.” he sighed and touched his forehead to Abel's brow. “The truth reminded me so

much of someone I loved a long time ago, when I was about your age.”

Abel touched him tentatively, fingering his shirt. “The man that you...couldn't fight for?”

“Yes.” Kaplan nodded. His head raised and he kissed Abel's brow. “But there was a moment in our

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lives, when we were young, that we loved each every sense of the word. I guess...” His lips

trailed back down over Abel's cheek, kissing his warm skin. “I guess I wanted to feel it again...even if

by proxy.”

Abel nodded and kissed his throat. “I understand.” he whispered.

“The thing is,” Kaplan murmured. “I started to like you...for you. And not just for who you reminded

me of.” He drew back and looked at Abel. “I didn't mean for that to happen. Not like this. And I

know, if I keep you around...I won't ever want to let you go.”

If he ended all this – would he take back a portion of the money? It made Abel sick to his stomach that

the money was even an issue, but it was. He had agreed to all this initially because of Savannah, and

the reality remained that he still needed the money.

“Keep the money.” Kaplan told him, as if detecting his thoughts. “I know you need it.”

Abel swallowed thickly, his eyes beginning to burn. Just a week ago he would've taken the money and

ran, glad to be rid of the man. But now...he moved close to Kaplan's body and pressed his face to his

throat. “What if...I don't want to go?” he choked softly. “What if I want to stay over here...and not go


Kaplan wrapped his arms around him and Abel felt a staggered shudder hitch the man's chest. “If you

decide that is really what you want,” he whispered, “then we'll talk about...everything...that would

surround such a decision. But for tonight,” his arms released and he stepped back, fingering the belt of

Abel's robe then slowly loosening it, letting the front fall open to expose the young man's nude body.

He slipped his hands inside the robe and gently gripped Abel's waist, drawing him close again.

“Tonight...let’s just close the world outside and,” he kissed him with warm passion, “make love to

each other.”

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Chapter Thirteen

“Cries In The Night”

Make love to each other.

Abel had been resisting calling it that, though underneath it all, he'd known it was true. But he hadn't

wanted it to be, hadn't wanted to feel anything for anyone again. Especially so soon. He wasn't 'in

love' with Kaplan...just as he knew the man wasn't in love with him either. They both provided a

much the other's life. But if this continued...would it turn to the real thing? Abel

couldn't think if that was something he truly wanted or not as his mind went hazy with the touch of

Kaplan's hands, his lips, as the man laid him down on the bed.

Soft, romantic instrumental music played quietly and Abel wasn't sure if it had been playing all along

or if Kaplan had just turned it on. But it was comforting, and soothed the ache in his heart.

Kaplan's warm mouth dropped kisses on his stomach and chest, moving up his throat. Abel moaned as

the man's strong, naked body covered his and his lips found Abel's mouth, kissing him passionately.

The weight of Kaplan's body felt good, even protective as he slowly sank down against Abel, his

desire evident, even demanding as he rocked gently against Abel's own arousal.

Abel opened his legs wider and wrapped them securely around the man's waist, his hands caressing

and rubbing over the flexing muscles of Kaplan's back, then lower to slide over his butt, gripping,

massaging. The man groaned deep and pushed harder against Abel. He whimpered when Kaplan's

rock hard cock raked firmly against his own, his tight, heavy balls massaging just below the base of

Abel's shaft.

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“Oh god.” Abel whimpered again. His fingers delved in between Kaplan's ass cheeks, stroking

through his crease, one fingertip probing his tight hole.

Kaplan's breath caught and he tensed. Abel hesitated, started to withdraw when the man kissed him

and groaned, “Don't stop...please.”

Relaxing, Abel rubbed his fingers down deep between his cheeks again.

“Hold that thought.” Kaplan murmured and kissed him again then left the bed. Abel watched him as he

walked over to a vanity type dresser. He lifted a clear tube of gel out of a small warming station then

returned to the bed. “Use this.” He placed the tube in Abel's hand. It warmed his palm.

They changed positions and Kaplan laid down on his stomach as Abel knelt behind him between his

legs and squeezed out a few drops of the warm gel lubricant and coated his fingers. He added a

couple extra drops directly in between the man's cheeks then rubbed it in. Kaplan groaned, then

gripped the pillow when Abel slowly worked one slick, warm finger inside him.

“Fuck.” Kaplan shoved his face in the pillow, breath quickening as Abel inserted a second finger,

then a third, stroking him deep. “Oh my god.”

Abel leaned down and kissed the small of his back then the swell of his cheeks as he continued to

glide his fingers in and out of his tight velvet cave.

“Ah fuck, Abel.” Kaplan choked and moved against his fingers. “I want you, baby...I want you inside

me so bad.” His breath puffed hard from his lips. “Please fuck me.”

Abel withdrew his fingers, hesitating briefly. The closest he'd come to fucking a man was when Gabe

had rode him, and even then Gabe was doing most of the work. Still, he wanted this. His cock

throbbed at the idea of squeezing into the man's tight body. Just having his fingers inside him, he could

feel how soft and warm it was in there.

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He took more of the warm lubricant in his palm and coated his cock, moaning at the warmth of the gel

as it encased his shaft. When he pushed through Kaplan's tight ring and entered his hot inner caverns,

he nearly passed out. A sharp gasp rushed out of him as Kaplan sucked in a sharp breath then groaned

in pleasure. Abel's eyes stung with tears he couldn't account for as he pushed deeper and deeper

inside the man.

“Yes, baby.” Kaplan moaned loud, ass shoving back against Abel. “Oh fuck...yes...keep going,

baby...I want all of you.”

“Fuck.” Abel gasped hard when he sank in balls deep, and Kaplan's body jerked as his cock head

raked over his sweet spot.

“Ah Fuck!” he choked, gouging the pillow with his nails. “Oh my god, Abel...fuck me, baby...I want

you now...”

Abel was ready, his cock pulsing deep inside the man's tight ass. He grabbed Kaplan's hips and drew

out a little then thrust in again, wrenching a cry of ecstasy from the man. His own breath panted and

hitched as he began to fuck him harder, deeper. He stretched over his back, clutching the man's

shoulders, breath puffing hard against the back of his neck as he rocked against him with force. His

arms slipped under Kaplan, gripping his chest as the man pushed up on his elbows a little, fucking

Abel back with urgency and a measure of desperation.

“Yes, Abel!” he cried. “Oh god, baby! You fuck so good! Oh my god...oh fuck, you feel so good,

baby! Don't stop...fuck me harder...Uuhh!”

It didn't take long for Abel to feel the tightening in his balls, the orgasm coiling in his groin. “Oh

fuck.” he shuddered, panting, groaning as their sweat slick bodies slipped easily against one another.

“Oh god, I'm gonna cum...I can't hold it...”

“Do it.” Kaplan trembled, body arching, ass thrusting on Abel's cock. “Oh fuck, baby, I want to feel

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you cum inside me! Give it to me, please!”

A wrenching cry burst from Abel suddenly as he came hard, his fluids pumping out with force. He

choked on another cry and fucked the man with increased urgency as he emptied himself inside him.

He was still shaking from the effects of the powerful orgasm when Kaplan drew him down underneath

him, coated himself with the warm gel then pushed inside Abel, drawing a sharp gasp from the boy.

“You are so perfect.” Kaplan's breath shuddered against Abel's lips, then he kissed him. “Perfect in

every way, baby.” Emotion strained the man's words. He shoved in deeper, stealing Abel's breath,

then began to glide his cock in and out of his tight, sensitive body, still sexually heightened from his

recent orgasm. Kaplan dropped his face into Abel's neck and groaned as he fucked him with urgency,

needing the release. “Oh fuck, are heaven on earth.”

Abel clung to him, wrapped tightly around his slick, fevered body, tears running freely down his

temples as the man made love to him with more than his body – but with heart and mind as well.


The darkness pulsated inside the bedroom, pressing at Devlin's body, his mind. His breath quickened,

heart raced, as he felt suffocated. He turned his head and focused on the closed blinds, the street lights

pushing at them from outside the window. Even that tiny bit of light helped him catch his breath, calm

his pulse.

Savannah was going home tomorrow...and Abel still wasn't back. Once she was out of the hospital –

would he ever see the boy again? He could go to the club...but what if Abel didn't want to see him?

Wouldn't even let him apologize?

How the fuck do you even apologize for what you did? For the way you...talked to him?

Devlin's hands shoved into his hair and he gripped his head, chest catching with sobs. “What the fuck

did I do? Oh god...” His fingers squeezed, pulling hard at the roots of his hair. His eyes clamped shut

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as he choked on a rush of sobs. “Fuck!” he screamed out his pain, tears flooding. “You fucker, Craig!

I fucking hate you! You motherfucker! How could” He rolled onto his stomach and

screamed into his pillow.

I'm glad you're dead! You sick motherfucker! I hope you burn in hell for all of fucking eternity!

Gasping hard, Devlin crawled off the bed and moved across the room on shaky legs, stumbling

through the door and making his way to the living room. The street lights permeated the darkness more

effectively and he could see their reflection off the glass of the picture frames situated across the

mantel above the fireplace.

His face twisting in pain and rage, Devlin started grabbing the photos and smashing them against the

wall, the floor, tugging others out of their frames and ripping them to shreds.

“I hate you!” he screamed. “You're not my brother! You're not! You fucker! How could you do that to

him? To Brandon? To ME!!”

His strength abandoned him suddenly and he dropped to the floor amidst the shredded photos of a man

he realized he had never known. A monster who had reached forth from the grave and ripped from

him the one thing that meant the most.

He leaned over the hearth and buried his face in his arms, crying for the boy of his dreams who had

tried to so hard to protect Devlin from the nightmare that had now become his life.

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Chapter Fourteen

“Irreparable Hearts”

“You and Gabe are okay with staying with her at the apartment until Abel gets back?” Max asked. “Or

until we figure out what Abel wants to do?”

“Yeah.” Cole nodded. “It's no problem.” Gabe gave a single nod of agreement.

“You got her clothes and stuff?”

“Uh huh.”

Max sighed, “All right then. I guess we should get down there. Dr. Jacobs wanted to speak with us

about getting Savannah set up with the referral doctor.”

“Can I go with you?”

Standing at the far end of the bar, Max, Gabe and Cole spun around quickly. Cole's heart leaped into

his throat then went crazy as he found himself staring at Abel's beautiful face. The boy had only been

gone over the weekend, yet it had felt like an eternity. “Abel?” Cole breathed then broke into a swift

stride and swept him into his arms, squeezing him tight.

“Okay.” Abel croaked. “You're squashing me.”

Cole laughed and released him, but he was then grabbed up by Gabe who hugged him just as fiercely.

“Thought you'd left us for good.” Gabe murmured with a notable strain to his voice. When he let loose

and Abel could breathe again, he smiled, but there was a waver to it that unnerved Cole; was he back

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for good...or back to pick up Savannah and take her with him?

Noticing Kaplan, Cole wasn't sure what to feel. Clearly the man had been taking care of Abel. Except

for the pain in his eyes that had been there when he'd left, the boy looked good. All decked out in his

expensive clothes and what appeared to be a fresh haircut, one would never guess he made a living as

a stripper.

“Did you just get back?” Cole asked, his emotions trying to run wild, but he held them in check.

“Yeah.” Abel nodded. “I was hoping you hadn't left for the hospital yet.”

“Savannah's gonna freak.” Gabe grinned. “She's been missing you like crazy.”

“I know.” Abel's lips pressed tight. “I've missed her too.”

Max cleared his throat then stepped forward and finally hugged the boy as well. “It's good to have

you home.” he said quietly, sincerely, then glanced at Kaplan and smiled, “I trust Horatio has

been...spoiling you rotten?” He drew back.

Kaplan laughed softly and rubbed his mouth as Abel turned and glanced at him. “Yeah.” Abel smiled.

“Something like that.”

Watching Kaplan, Cole couldn't deny the way the man's eyes lingered on Abel, occasionally jumping

to Max. There seemed to be a storm of emotions roiling inside the man.

“Well, that's good.” Max flashed an unusually soft smile at Kaplan that ignited a deep longing in the

man's eyes. Cole had no clue what that was all about and figured it wasn't his business. Abel was

back – for now – and that's all that matter at this point in time.


“I contacted Dr. Ryland. Savannah will meet with him in a couple days.”

Jacob's words sounded distant, fuzzy, as Devlin walked beside him down the corridor. His head felt

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thick, heavy, as if full of gravel grating against his skull. Sometime during the night, he had finally

made his way back to bed and collapsed in unconsciousness. He hadn't felt any better when he awoke

this morning. Somehow he'd managed to adopt the proper 'I feel fine' appearance, but he didn't feel

fine. Wondered, in fact, if he would ever feel fine again.

His shoes seemed coated in lead, each step an effort, feeling as if Savannah's departure was the end

of something he wasn't ready to let go of. His stomach hurt and his heart felt dislodged and detached,

floating inside him, shattered into tiny, sharp fragments that continued to cut at him. Had it not been

the day of Savannah's release, he would have called in – dead – sick. But she expected him to be

there, and he couldn't disappoint her regardless how much it hurt.

Jacobs shoved open the door to Savannah's room and entered. Devlin stepped in behind him – and

froze. Feet rooting to the floor, all the broken pieces of his heart sucked down by gravity and crashing

together. Those much longed for amber eyes were suddenly gripping his stare, but he couldn't look,

couldn't gaze into those golden depths and see what he had done.

His breath abandoned him, lungs burning, about to collapse. He gripped the door as the occupants of

the room began to blur and shimmer before him. “Ex-excuse me.” he whispered shakily to Jacobs.

“I...forgot something...” he backed out of the room quickly and hurried down the corridor, legs barely

holding him up. I can't do this. I can't. It hurts too much. Oh hurts so much.

He reached for the elevator button, shaking badly, dizziness overtaking him.

“If you walk away will be the biggest mistake of your life.”

Devlin gasped, his head snapping around. He didn't recognize the man, but knew by his mere

wardrobe that he was the infamous Kaplan.


All it took was a look. Just one. And every memory of him and Devlin came rushing back – every

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touch, kiss, whisper. How it felt to be held tight in the man's arms, made love to in a way he had

never experienced before, or since. His time with Cole and Gabe, and even Kaplan, had been

wonderful...but none of them were Devlin.

The tears were burning, rising, and he fought them furiously, losing the battle even before he began as

everything became real all at once and crashed down on him. Cole's arms went around him and he

drew him away to the far side of the room, holding him tight. Abel clung to him, face pressed hard

into the man's shoulder to muffle his cries. “It's gonna be okay.” Cole whispered, squeezing him tight.

“I can' this, Cole.” he choked, his strength draining, sagging against the man. “Any of it.

Savannah...Devlin...I can't handle it...I can't...”

“Come with me.” Cole led him towards the door. Gabe and Max looked at him with concerned but he

just waved them off.

“Abel?” Savannah's voice thickened with tears.

“It's all right, sweetheart.” Gabe moved to her side. “Don't worry about Abel. He's gonna be okay.”

Cole took him out of the room, and Abel broke, crying. Fear and panic overwhelmed him as the

magnitude of Savannah's condition hit him, along with the anguish of losing Devlin. He didn't want to

be here. He wanted to go back to Italy, to that other world where the pain in this one couldn't touch


“Easy, baby.” Cole murmured, holding him on his feet. “Just let it out, it's okay. Let it go.” Cole

rubbed his back soothingly and kissed his hair. “You're going to be fine, Abel. I promise. You're not

alone in this. We're all here for you, every step of the way.”

Down from Savannah's door were a few chairs situated against the wall and Cole walked him over so

he could sit. He leaned forward on his knees and dropped his head in his hands, chest catching with

sobs. Cole rubbed his back and stroked his hair.

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“I'm so...tired, Cole.” he choked. “I'm tired of...being alive. Everything about hurts.” he shook

his head, body shaking as he tried to swallow past his tears. “It always will. I hate it.” his breath

shuddered. “You the orphanage...every time after Craig would...” he faltered, throat

working. “I would sit in the shower...with a razor...wanting so bad to just do it, end it all, just...make

it stop.” Cole pulled him against him and he cried against his neck. “I couldn't tell anyone. He said if I

told...he would hurt Savannah...that he to her what he was doing to me.”

“That's over now.” Cole whispered against his hair. “He's gone.”

“He one would believe me.” his breath rushed in and of his throat. “And when I found out he

was...Devlin's brother...I could still hear him in my head, laughing at me, telling me that...there was no

way his own brother would believe some filthy whore...over him.” He clung tighter to Cole, crying

harder. “And he was right.”

“No...he wasn't.”

Abel flinched in Cole's arms, then jerked his head up at the sound of Devlin's choked voice. The man

stood a few feet away near the elevators, anguish twisting his face, tears welling. Had he been there

all along? Abel hadn't noticed when they'd come out of the room. Kaplan stood off to the side of the


“He wasn't right, Abel!” Devlin cried, his hands going into his hair, sobs choking him. “He

was...everything you said he was! He...” Devlin twisted away, crying, fingers clenching his hair, body

curving over in emotional agony. “He was...”

Shaking his head slowly, Abel rose to his feet. His arms slid around his waist, eyes filling with tears

as he watched the man suffer in torment. It's your fault! You did this to him! You should have never

told him! Abel stumbled back as he kept shaking his head. “I'm sorry.” he whispered, throat

squeezing. “I'm sorry!” He turned and ran. Cole called after him but he ignored him. He couldn't face

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what he'd done, the destruction he'd caused the one man he loved more than life.


When Cole and Gabe brought Savannah to hers and Abel's apartment, Abel was waiting for them. As

soon as they came through the door, Abel rushed to Savannah and hugged her tight. “I'm sorry.” he

said thickly. “I didn't mean to run out on you.”

Savannah hugged him back. When Abel had disappeared from the hospital, Savannah had grown

upset, knowing something was wrong. Her worry for her brother had been sketched across her face

until this moment. “Where did you go?” she choked softly. “Why did you leave?”

“I...” Abel glanced at Cole, then drew back, clearing his throat. “It's complicated. But I'm here now,

and I'm not going anywhere.”

“Why did you have to leave the city?” she asked as they sat down on the sofa. “Where did you go?”

Abel slid his arm around her shoulder. “Someplace really amazing.” he smiled. His eyes were

rimmed in red and puffy from crying, and retained a slight sheen. “Italy.”

“Italy?” Savannah stared at him, mouth open. “Really?”

“Yeah.” he licked his lips. “It was beautiful, Savannah. The most amazing place.” The girl's eyes lit

up and Abel gazed at her with a distant look. “We can go there, both of us...if you like. We


Cole's gut tightened and he looked at Gabe. Max had mentioned Kaplan's offer of his villa, but that

was when they thought Abel might need to be out of the country. But he didn't have to leave now. Why

would he...

“Abel...” Cole frowned. “What are you talking about? You don't have to leave.” They had never told

Savannah anything about Craig being Devlin's brother, or why Abel had to leave before. He just

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raised his eyebrows discreetly, indicating what he was talking about.

Nodding slowly, Abel whispered, “I know, but...” tears rose up and he blinked them back. “I want to.

Me and Savannah...we can start over. Start living a real life.”

“You can do that here.” Desperation squeezed Cole's voice. He knew he was holding onto the boy too

tight, wanting to keep him close. Letting go of someone he loved was not his strong suit.

Abel shook his head and lowered his eyes. “No...I can't.” his voice cracked and he stood up, moving

away from the sofa. He turned his back to them and wiped at his eyes. “I can't, Cole.”

Watching her brother, concern creeping back into her eyes, Savannah asked quietly, “If we went

away...what about...Dr. Grant?”

Abel's body tightened and Cole could see the boy trying not to break down. Dr. Grant was precisely

why Abel wanted to leave and go so far away. He blamed himself for the man's pain and suffering.

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Chapter Fifteen

“When You Love Someone”

Max looked at him. “Are you sure this is what you want to do?”

Twisting his fingers together, Abel sat on the edge of the sofa in Max's office. “Yes.” he whispered.

Kaplan sat in the leather chair near the sofa, and Max shifted his attention to the man. “You do

understand, Horatio,” Max said. “that this is long term, possibly permanent.”

“I understand.” Kaplan murmured and leaned forward. “Abel and Savannah are welcome to stay for

as long as they want.”

Sighing, Max returned his gaze to Abel. “If at any time you change your mind and want to come back,”

he said sincerely, “You will always have a place to come back to. I promise you that.”

Abel pressed his lips tight and nodded, eyes stinging. “Thank you.” Max stared at him a long moment

as Abel kept his eyes on his hands. They all knew why he was leaving, and none of them – including

Kaplan – believed his reasons were viable. But he didn't care. Maybe running back to Italy even

made him a coward, but he didn't care about that either. He couldn't be in the same city with Devlin,

knowing at any moment he might encounter him and be reminded all over again the devastation he'd

caused. The man's life had been good, there had been no pain or torment in his eyes when they'd first

met. And now – that was all there was.

He remembered telling Devlin that it would have been better if they'd never met. The man had

fiercely argued the notion. Abel wondered if he would still argue it. Or had he come to the same

conclusion – his entire life would have been better if he'd never invited Abel in.

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“Whenever you're ready to go,” Kaplan told him. “We can go. But feel free to take as long as you


“We'll be ready by tomorrow morning.” Abel whispered thickly. It hurt to leave Cole and Gabe again

so soon, but to stay longer would only give them added opportunity to try and convince him to talk to

Devlin. He loved them desperately, but he couldn't see the man.

“That soon?” Kaplan raised an eyebrow.

Standing to his feet, Abel murmured through a tight throat, “I just want to go as soon as possible.”


“So is Abel coming back to work?” Carl asked from behind the bar.

Eyes distant, Cole twisted the beer bottle on the bar top. “No, I don't think so.” his low voice strained

and squeezed. “I think...he's leaving for good.”

Beside him, Gabe slid a hand across his mouth and cleared his throat. They were both feeling the pain

of losing such a special person in their lives.

“I thought he hooked up with that doctor.” Carl leaned casually against the inside edge of the bar.

“That was the word going around anyway. Saw the guy a couple times.” he whistled low and shook

his head. “Hot.”

“Yeah.” Cole murmured. “They made a good match.”

“Didn't work out?”

Cole glanced at Gabe and, like himself, was struggling with his emotions. “I guess you could say


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“That's too bad.” Carl said quietly. “The doc seemed like a nice guy. Seemed to really have it bad for

Abel too.”

When Carl excused himself to help a customer who had just approached the bar at the far end, Cole

slid his hand over Gabe's and squeezed. “There has to be something we can do to make him realize

that leaving is a mistake. He's running from his pain and guilt, and that isn't the way to deal with it.”

“He won't listen to reason.” Gabe said. “All he sees is the hurt he caused Devlin. And it's killing


Cole started to reply when Abel came out of Max's office and walked towards them. Both men

twisted around on the bar stools to face him. He seemed hesitant to speak, but finally managed to

force out the words. “I'm leaving tomorrow.” the lights of the club glimmered off the thin sheen of

tears in his eyes. “I think it's best...for everyone.”

Releasing a heavy sigh, Cole leaned forward and gripped Abel's hands, drawing him close. “Well,

did you ask everyone before you made that assumption?”


“Abel, babe...I know it hurts. But sometimes it's the greatest things in our lives that cause us the most

pain.” He squeezed his hands. “That's why it hurts so much...because they're so important.”

“I can't stay, Cole.” Abel choked, eyes filling. “You saw him...” he shook his head and tucked his chin

to his chest, shuddering with sobs. “I did that to him, Cole. I did it.”

“No.” Cole said tightly, gripping his hands firmly. “You didn't. Craig did. All of this, it's his sin – not


Tears rolled down Abel's cheek and it ripped at Cole's heart to see the boy hurting this way, and to

this degree. He longed to put a stop to it, heal the boy's heart and bring the smile back to his lips – that

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special smile that only Devlin could incite.


Dejá vu wrapped his mind as darkness fell like a heavy blanket over the city. Lights came on,

revealing the mundane activities of the private lives of those who didn't bother to close their shades.

To both his joy and his agony, Abel didn't seem to notice or care that his bare windows exposed him

to those who took a notion to look.

Devlin was one of the ones who took a notion as he sat in his car, parked across the street from the

apartment building, savoring and suffering each and every pass by the window that Abel made. His

heart begged him to go up, plead for the young man's forgiveness and – if the heavens were

particularly merciful this night – grant him his redemption and salvation in the arms of the very angel

he'd maimed.

But the onslaught of images from the hospital haunted Devlin. The boy was a mess, broken down to

the last tiny piece. And still he had told Devlin he was sorry? It was that anguished apology that

stabbed holes in Devlin's heart.

No, baby, don't you be sorry. Let the blame lay with me, all of it. Don't you carry such guilt. It isn't

your fault.

Why couldn't he just enter the building, climb the stairs to Abel's floor, then his door – and tell him all


He didn't know what held him back, but rather than abandon the car in search of his elusive

redemption, he twisted the key in the ignition and drove away – leaving his damaged heart in the

empty space on the pavement next to the curb, where it could perhaps catch one last glimpse of its

love before it struck its last beat.


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The limo hummed quietly, blocking out the sounds of the city as it weaved its way through the

crowded streets, forging a path that would eventually lead to the airport. Abel sat beside Kaplan, just

the two of them alone. Cole and Gabe had promised Savannah a trip to the zoo so she could take

pictures of the animals, and Kaplan had told them to take their time and let the girl enjoy herself. He

and Abel would wait for them on the plane.

“Do you think I'm weak?” Abel whispered as he watched the city flash by outside the tinted windows.

“Why would you ask that?”

“Because I'm running away.” he said thickly.

Kaplan took hold of his hand and kissed it softly, drawing Abel's wet gaze to his face. “I've done my

fair share of running away from what hurts, Abel. I'll be the last person to stand in judgment of you.”

Abel stared at him a moment, then asked quietly, “What did you say to him?”


“Devlin.” Abel whispered, the very sound of his name gouging fresh wounds in his heart. “When you

left Savannah's room to go after him.”

Sighing, Kaplan replied, “I told him if he walked out on you, it would be the biggest mistake of his


His throat squeezing, Abel whispered, “What...what did he say?”

Reaching up, Kaplan ran his fingers through Abel's soft hair. “What difference does it make now?” he

murmured. “You're leaving him behind. You don't really care what he had to say...” He slid his thumb

down the curve of his jaw, “do you?”

His vision blurred and he turned away as warm tears began to slide down his cheeks. “No.” he

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shuddered and wiped his face with trembling fingertips.

Kaplan rested his hand on the back of his neck, massaging gently. “I didn't think so.”

Silence settled between them until they were driving across the tarmac towards Kaplan's private jet.

When the limo came to a stop, the driver opened Abel's door. He started to climb out then noticed

Kaplan made no move to follow. “Are you...coming?”

Kaplan smiled. “I have a few things to take care of before the flight.” he said. “But make yourself at


“Okay.” Abel murmured doubtfully.

“Hey.” Kaplan called when he started to leave. Abel turned back, and Kaplan motioned him back

inside. Abel frowned but slid across the seat, then was caught in a deep, passionate kiss as Kaplan

help him tight in his arms. When he finally drew back, Kaplan's eyes were glossy with tears. “Thank

you.” he whispered, his words straining.

Abel wanted to cry and didn't understand why. “For what?”

Stroking his cheeks, Kaplan smiled, “For everything.” he kissed him softly on the mouth then pressed

his lips to his brow. “If anyone deserves to be's you.” he dipped his head and brushed his

lips across Abel's ear. “I added a little bonus to your bank account...just for being so wonderful and


“I don't...” Abel started, but Kaplan motioned towards the door.

“Go on now.” When Abel slid back out, he glanced at Kaplan once more. The man gazed at him as if

looking at him for the last time. “Love is a battlefield, baby...don't ever stop fighting.”

Before Abel could ask him what he meant, the door closed and the driver returned to the front of the

limo. Moments later, the long black Cadillac pulled away, leaving him standing alone on the tarmac.

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Abel watched the limo disappear, Kaplan's last words feeling if he were saying goodbye.

But that made no sense. He glanced towards the plane. The pilot stood at the foot of the steps, hands

clasped behind his back. When Abel approached, the man smiled and shook his hand then motioned

him up the steps.

A startled frown pinched Abel's brow when the man closed up the door and locked it tight. “What...”

Abel shook his head. “What are you doing?”

“Mr. Kaplan's orders.” was all the man said in explanation, then added, “Please take a seat for take


“I don't understand.” Abel started but the pilot disappeared to the front of the plane. His stomach

churning, Abel took a seat in one of the cushioned chairs by the window. What the hell was going on?

Abel closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the window as the plane began to move then it

was in the air and headed...where?

“Just so you know...this wasn't all my idea.”

Abel jumped, eyes snapping open to find Devlin sitting in the seat before him. His breath caught and

staggered in his throat. Was he dreaming? Had he already fallen asleep? Devlin couldn't be...

“It was a unanimous decision that trapping you in midair was the only way to prevent you from

running away from me.” he leaned forward and took Abel's hands in his, kissing them softly. Though

the pain was there in his midnight eyes...his love for Abel overshadowed it.

Tears welled up and spilled over. “Devlin...”

“Don't.” Devlin stood and lifted him to his feet, drawing him close. “Don't, baby. You have nothing to

be sorry for. You set me so many ways.” his lips moved close, barely touching Abel's mouth,

as the man whispered thickly, “The man I thought he was...didn't exist. You didn't take anything from

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me...because I never had it.” he closed his eyes, tears seeping down his face. “What hurt the most in

all this...was losing you.”

Abel trembled, sobs building in his throat. He moved closer, touching his lips to Devlin's mouth in a

soft kiss. The man broke and wrapped him in his arms, letting the kiss deepen, and strengthen, and fill

with passion.

“Give me a tour of the plane.” Devlin shuddered through their kiss.

“Where should I start?” Abel moaned, his mouth unwilling to leave Devlin's lips.

Devlin smiled and murmured, “The bedroom.”

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Chapter Sixteen

“We Can't Unmake Love”

The boy gazed back at him with an – am I dreaming – look in his lovely eyes as Devlin laid him down

on the soft bed. Devlin understood the sense of surreality – he had felt it when Horatio Kaplan had

shown up on his doorstep early this morning, offering him a once in a lifetime opportunity to undo the

damage he had caused to Abel's heart.

The young man touched him now, hands gliding tentatively down Devlin's chest – as if testing that he

were real flesh and blood, and not just an apparition haunting his dreams. “Devlin...I...” Tears were

rising back up, bringing with them the anguish of past events.

“Shh.” Devlin kissed away his words. He covered Abel's hands with his own, holding them to his

chest, his heart. “Don't say a word, baby. It's all over.” he kissed his ear softly. “Just make love to me

and let me find my redemption in your arms.”

Abel cupped his face, the love in the boy's eyes swirling through his pain. His fingertips touched

Devlin's cheeks, caressing. “I thought...”

“You thought wrong.” Devlin murmured and laid a warm kiss on the boy's lips. “I love you,

Abel...that never went away. Not for a second, baby.”

Abel's arms curled around his neck and the boy hugged him, burying his face in Devlin's neck, crying.

Devlin held his naked body close to his own and let Abel come to terms with his new reality. “I

never...stopped loving you either.” he cried softly.

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Pulling back from his tight embrace, Devlin kissed him then began a slow descent down his body,

kissing and caressing every inch of his much coveted lover. Abel's stomach muscles quivered and

jumped beneath his lips, his arousal strong and pleading for Devlin's attention. The boy whimpered

and bit his lip when Devlin took his time kissing, licking, fondling and massaging all throughout his

lower regions.

Abel's breath caught as Devlin wrapped his hands around his erection and began to stroke firmly, fists

squeezing, twisting, sliding up and down his hard shaft. The look of pure ecstasy on Abel's face was

completed by the smile of sweet sexual agony that played freely across his lips.


When Devlin's mouth closed over the tip of his aching member, Abel's hips jerked and he cried out

softly, clutching the slick sheets. The man took him in, warm wet heat encasing him, squeezing,

sucking, stealing his breath, causing his heart to race erratically.

His fingers slipped into Devlin's soft hair and he moaned loud, hips moving in rhythm with the man's

stroking. There was no fear or panic left inside him. Somehow these tragic events, his time with

Kaplan – had fixed him, repaired the damage Craig had left behind. And feeling the depth of Devlin's

love now, being able to embrace it without fear...made his journey through hell worth the pain and

torment – just to be here in heaven with the man he loved.

A sharp whimpering cry pulled out of him as Devlin's mouth brought him closer and closer to release.

“Oh god...” tears drained down his temples as his eyes squeezed tight and body strained, arched.

“Fuck!” he choked and gripped Devlin's hair in tight fists, moving against his mouth, gliding his cock

in and out of the man's tight, silky throat. “Oh god!! Fuck...”

Devlin moaned and stroked faster, harder, sucking forcefully.

A strangled cry wrenched from Abel and his body convulsed as he came hard, unloading his liquid

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love down the man's throat. Devlin sucked him more urgently, pumping him with hands and mouth,

eager for every last drop.

“Fuck...” Abel choked on a sob, then Devlin's mouth was on his, his fevered, hungry body covering

Abel's. The man kissed him hard, in desperation.

“I love you.” Devlin shuddered, the very muscles of his body trembling with need. His mouth moved

all over Abel's face and throat. “I love you so much, baby.” he cried softly. “I've missed you so bad.”

Abel pulled him back into a kiss, clinging to him, then gasped hard when the man entered his body,

pushing in with desperation and hunger, the realization of how close they had come to losing one

another forever fueling their passion.

“Uuh!!” Abel cried out when Devlin thrust in completely, cock head shoving across his magic button,

exploding him with intense sensations of sexual bliss. Arms and legs wrapped around the man and he

kissed him again as Devlin went at him with reckless abandon, unable to hold back as all his pent up

fears and pain were finally released.

Tears streaked the man's tense face, hot breath puffing from his lips, his body rocking, thrusting,

pushing against Abel's. A fierce shudder ran through the man, rippling his muscles beneath Abel's

hands, and his rhythm increased, tension gripping him. “Oh fuck.” Devlin choked and squeezed Abel

in his arms, face shoved into his neck. “Oh fuck, baby, I'm almost there...I want to cum inside you... oh


Abel tightened around him, thrusting against the man's hard cock. “Do it...fuck me...I want it, baby.”

he grabbed Devlin's head and raised it, kissing his mouth, breath panting. “I want you. I love you.”

A choking cry tore up Devlin's throat and his back arched as he thrust in hard, deep, screaming his

ecstasy as he emptied himself inside Abel then worked out the orgasm until they were laying still,

clinging to one another, crying and kissing.

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Devlin choked on a sob and nuzzled Abel's throat, kissing all over his sweat slick skin. “Promise me

you won't ever leave me.” he trembled, his warm tears dripped onto Abel's fevered skin and slid

down his neck. “Please, baby, don't ever go away again.”

“I promise.” Abel cried softly and kissed his damp hair, his shoulder.

“Forgive me.” Devlin broke and held him tight, body shaking. “I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to

hurt you...I didn't...” his arms tightened and body strained against his emotions.

Abel cried and lifted his face, kissing his lips, cheeks, eyes, brow, then again on his mouth. “Don't.”

he choked, shaking his head. “I wasn't angry at you. It killed me to hurt you that way.” he hugged him

tight, crying against his throat. “I didn't...I didn't want to take him away from you all over again...I'm


Breath static, broken, Devlin shook his head and pulled back. “No,'s better this way. I don't

want to hold onto someone who could...” his face crumpled and he bit his lip, tears rushing out. “Who

could hurt others that way.” he ducked his head, hot tears dropping onto Abel's chest. “You weren't

the only one he...hurt.” he raised up and looked at Abel. “He did it to me too, Abel...I just...I hid it

from myself...I couldn't face it.”

“No.” Abel trembled, shaking his head. “No, don't tell me that. I don't want that to be true.” he cried

and held Devlin. “I don't want it to be you too.”

Devlin's breath shuddered up his throat and lay down against Abel's warm body, head on his

shoulder. “It's over, baby.” he whispered. “He's gone and he can't hurt any of us anymore.” he buried

his face in Abel's throat and cried softly, “You saved us...and all those he would have hurt throughout

his life.” he lifted up and gazed down at Abel. “You're not the villain of the story,'re the


Abel's chin trembled as the truth of Devlin's words resonated in his deep blue depths; he didn't resent

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him. He loved him.

Stroking his fingers through Abel's damp hair, Devlin kissed him softly. “And it's time everyone knew

the truth.”

“What?” Abel frowned, uncertain.

“Even if I know what really happened,” Devlin said thickly, “the authorities still think you murdered

him in cold blood. I don't want you to spend the rest of your life hiding.”

What was he saying? Abel tensed. “What're you...”

“I have a private investigator gathering evidence against Craig.” he whispered. “I have my testimony,

and...another... a friend of mine from my teen years who...who had been a victim as well.” tears filled

his eyes and he ducked his head. “How could so much horror have been going on around me and I not

see it?” he trembled, then raised his head. “And Savannah...she was there with you, her defense will

be strong, carry a lot of weight.”

“Defense?” Abel began to shake. “What're you talking about, Devlin?”

He cupped Abel's face. “We're going to take care of this, once and for all. Kaplan has a team of

attorneys ready to take on your case. He says they're the best. They won't lose. We have all the

evidence we need to prove your innocence, Abel. And you won't have to live your life constantly

looking over your shoulder.”

Abel stared at him, heart swelling with love for the man; he was ready and willing to stand up before

everyone and expose his brother for what he Abel could stop running, stop living in hiding.

Tears rolled down his temples. And Kaplan – taking yet another huge step to protect him, make him


“Why?” he cried, overwhelmed. “Why are you all doing this for me? I'm no one...nothing.”

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“No, baby.” Devlin smiled, eyes filling. “You are everything. And everyone whose life you

touch...can't help but love you.” he kissed him and touched his forehead to Abel's brow. “You're our

angel...our gift from God.”

A rush of sobs struck Abel and he clung to Devlin. “Thank you.” he cried.

Devlin held him close. “Thank you, Abel.” he whispered thickly. “For coming into my life and giving

it purpose.”

They held each for a long time, just laying together in silence, savoring the feel of one another so


“Where are we going?” Abel finally whispered, his head on Devlin's chest, eyes heavy.

Devlin smiled and kissed his hair softly. “I was told there was something you wanted to show me,” he

murmured. “A special view...from a certain...rooftop terrace.”

A slow smile curved Abel's lips and he closed his eyes. “Yes.” And in that moment, Horatio Kaplan

played the stealthy thief and stole a tiny piece of Abel's heart that he would hold forever.

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“New Recruit”

A heavy sigh burst from Cole when he dropped on the bed. “It's exhausting being a parent.” he

chuckled and twisted his head, looking at Gabe. “First being run ragged all day by our girl...and then

getting that boy settled.” he shook his head and laughed softly, rubbing his face. “Jeez, no wonder

married couples' sex lives begin to lag – they don't have the energy.”

Gabe scooted closer and slipped his hand under Cole's shirt, rubbing up over his chest. “Is that your

subtle way of telling me you're too tired to fuck me senseless?”

“Hey.” Cole rolled over quick, pinning Gabe to the bed with his body, grinding his crotch against the

man's bulge. “I said married couples. And we ain't married yet.” he grinned then tensed a little when

he realized the implications of his words. He cleared his throat, “I mean...”

Gabe smirked and shook his head slowly, “Huh uh. No take backs. Didn't you learn that back in grade


Laughing, Cole shoved his face in the man's neck and groaned. “Fuck, how did you do it?”

“Do what?” Gabe chuckled as he slowly tugged Cole's shirt up his back then pulled it off the man's


Lifting up, Cole propped on his elbows and slid his thumb over Gabe's lips, “Make me fall head over

heels, crazy in love with you?”

Gabe smiled wryly and blew on his nails then rubbed them on his chest. “Just a special talent, I

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guess.” he flicked an eyebrow. “I am irresistible, after all.”

Groaning loud, Cole rolled his eyes, grinning, “Fuck you.”

“Again,” Gabe winked and kissed him, “No take backs.”


“Why Abel?” Max leaned back in the leather chair, scotch in hand as he surveyed Horatio. The man

lounged on the sofa, his own drink twisting in his fingertips.

“Excuse me?” Horatio sipped from his glass.

Max's eyes slid over the man's face. It wasn't often he allowed himself the luxury of such a thorough

gaze, but this was one of those rare moments when Horatio's mask was laid aside and he was

afforded a look at the man in his true form. And he couldn't resist the glimpse.

“Why the royal treatment for the boy?” Max murmured. “Why is he so special to you?”

Horatio's lips tightened as the glass slowly turned in his fingers, his eyes resting distantly on the

liquor. “He reminds me of someone.” he said quietly, a hardly notable strain to his voice.

Max nodded slowly then swallowed thickly then took another drink of scotch to try and clear his

throat. “Did you tell Abel about the money?”

“I told him I added a little bonus.”

Max raised an eyebrow and smiled, “A half a million is a tad more than a little.”

“It's only money.” Horatio shrugged and emptied his glass.

Watching him, Max asked quietly, “Who?”

Horatio looked at him questioningly.

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“Who does Abel remind you of?”

Leaning forward, Horatio set his glass on the table and stood up, then looked at Max, and for one

brief moment, all defenses went down as he whispered, “Someone who used to love me.” He

lingered, staring at Max, but not for too long. There was a measure of risk in letting down the walls.

And in an instant they were back up and the man was bidding him good night.

When he walked out and closed the door behind him, Max gazed at Horatio's glass.

Someone who used to love me.

He lifted his own glass to his lips and blinked back the sting in his eyes. “He still does.” he

whispered and sipped the scotch.

A knock at his door pulled his eyes up quick, almost hopefully, though he knew it wasn't something he

was allowed to wish for. “Yes?” he said thickly then cleared his throat and stood up when the door


“Mr. Raines?”

Max stared at the young man lingering anxiously in the doorway; early twenties, blond hair that hung

adorably over his brow, crystal blue eyes as clear and sharp as a diamond. When the boy approached

him, there was a natural grace to his body movement as if dance were in his blood.

The Phoenix had taken a great loss in letting Abel go. Did he dare to hope this boy was there to fill

that emptiness?

The boy held out his hand hesitantly. “I'm Caleb.” his voice was soft, soothing to the ear, yet

possessed enough edge to convince Max he could make it at the club. “I was wondering...if you were


Max smiled and gripped his hand gently. And the universe provides.

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MAXWELL (July 2014)

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Born and raised in scenic Coos County, Oregon, CJ enjoys the small town atmosphere and down-to-

earth country folk who populate the area. She is a single mother and lives with her 18-year-old

daughter, 1 horse, 4 dogs and 6 cats deep in the country woodlands which gives her plenty of time to


She is a Christian and a strong supporter of the LGBT community and favors gay erotic romance when

it comes to writing. She hopes that her stories of love and acceptance will help further compassion

and understanding for LGBT people who she feels is greatly misunderstood and persecuted – in a

large party by the Christian community.

Most of all, she is hopeful that her stories will bring comfort to those who have been told that God

hates them because they are different. It is her strong belief that God loves everyone and His love

covers all.

Connect with CJ online:

Document Outline


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