Phoenix Club 4 CALEB 1 When World's Collide C J Bishop

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Book One: When Worlds Collide


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Chapter One

“Cowboy Up”

The rock-a-billy music blasted through the club, catching everyone’s attention – dancers and

customers alike. All eyes snapped forward when the boy burst out onto the stage in a kind of

whirlwind that caught all in its path. Dane’s mission to seduce his current customer, and coax him into

a booth, was momentarily aborted as he stared slack-jawed and cock hard at the new kid making his

debut performance on stage.

Dane nearly choked on his own saliva as the kid moved across the stage in a cowboy hat, lone

ranger mask, white furry chaps and sparkling silver cowboy boots. And underneath all that? A fiery

red G-string.

“Holy fuck,” Dane breathed, his customer cast aside as he became enamored by the show

along with the rest of the crowd. The boy’s body twisted and swayed in one fluid motion, hips

flowing in perfect sync to the music, with everything else just following along. Dane had always

heard that no matter how good a man looked, throw a cowboy hat on him and he’ll look even better. It

must be true; he mused as the crowd lunged to its collective feet and clamored at the edge of the

stage. He had to admit, there was just something fucking sexy about a cowboy, especially a stripping


Piercing shouts burst from the crowd when the boy gyrated to the edge of the stage, gripped

the front of the belt that fastened the chaps, and ripped them off – leaving him clad in only cowboy

boots, hat, mask and G-string; his body glistening and sparkling with sweat and glitter oil. Rumor had

it that this was the kid’s first time stripping. If so, he was a fucking natural. Max hit the fucking

jackpot with this one. The Phoenix needed a hot new star since Abel left. And this kid was sure to be


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Hell, as a testament to how good the boy was, Dane was on the bare edge of stuffing his own

hard-earned cash into the kid’s crotch. He knew how to make a lasting first impression.

When he took to the pole, hooked on the heel of his boot and hopped off the floor and spun

around, one hand gripping the pole, the other whipping off his hat and waving it to the men as he

spiraled down the pole – Dane was sure they would need to implement some bouncers to keep the

crowd from clamoring up on stage to get at the sexy little buckaroo. Back on his feet, his hands laced

behind his neck, his body curving like a snake and swaying to and fro, as he worked his way back to

the edge of the stage. Cash went down into his boots and up into his crotch, stuffed into the thin red

string that strapped across his hips. Desperate, lustful hands grabbed at his legs, slipping away

courtesy of the glitter oil – a little trick the dancers used to prevent the men from getting a secure hold

on them.

When the song came to an end and the cowboy moved to exit the stage, the crowd screamed

for more. He stopped just before exiting, grabbed his hat and tossed it into the crowd. He then peeled

off his mask, revealing his beautiful face, and tossed it out as well. He blew the men kisses with both

hands and hollered, “Thank y’all for…coming!” Then he laughed as the crowd screamed louder and

disappeared back through the thick curtain.

“Holy shit.” Dane was panting right along with everyone else, and was quite certain no cock

in the place could possibly be harder than his own. His forgotten customer was on his feet, and

shoving his fingers under the waistband of Dane’s pants, eyes burning with lust and breath quick.

“Come on, baby,” he panted. “After that show, I need some one-on-one attention.”

Dane smiled; he would be making some big bucks tonight with this jacked up crowd.

Thank you, Caleb.

* * * *

Tremors rushed through his body in waves as he made his way through to the dressing rooms,

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weaving through the bodies of the other club boys, all laughing and high-fiving him on his hot show.

He grinned and replied, but it was all working on autopilot as his mind was spinning and hazy. When

he made it to his dressing room, he was thankful it was empty. He leaned heavily against the narrow

counter before the mirror, his heart racing so fast he could barely breathe.

He’d known this would be different from working at the Honkytonk bar, but he hadn’t been

prepared for the rush of adrenaline it incited to dance for men. His preference had always been the

male gender, but the ladies at the honkytonk never knew that. It had been his job to lead them in line

dancing, flirt, tease, and keep them coming back for more. And he’d been damn good at his job. No

one had known he swung the other way. Shit, even Nick didn’t know, and his brother was about the

most perceptive man alive. It should have come as no surprise that if he could fool Nick, then he

could fool anyone.

Though he hadn’t minded his job at the bar, he even enjoyed the view, especially on Friday

and Saturday nights when the place filled up with hot cowboys. Unfortunately, they were straight

cowboys. Some of whom were the good ole homophobic boys. Caleb recalled a night of too much

drink and a proposition that had awarded him a couple black eyes and a few bruised ribs. He’d never

again made the mistake of flirting with a cowboy in a typical honkytonk. They weren’t at all flattered

by the attention of a sexy young hombre.

But the guys at this club, that was a different story.

“How you doing?”

Caleb glanced up, then smiled. “Max,” he rubbed his hand over his sweaty face. “I’m good.”

His breath was still quick and his face was flushed.

“Boy, you are beyond good,” Max chuckled. “This is honestly your first time at this?”

“Yeah,” Caleb grinned. “I used to teach some line dancing at a honkytonk bar down town, but

that was about it.”

Max smiled, “What you just did didn’t look like line dancing to me.”

Caleb shrugged and grinned, “Well, I spiced it up a bit.” They both laughed.

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“Looks like you scored a nice stash.”

Looking down, Caleb nodded and began plucking bills out of his G-string. “I seemed to do all


“Well, keep the love of the crowd and you’ll continue to do all right,” Max chuckled.

“I hope so.” Caleb fished the cash from his crotch and slowly smoothed out the bills and

arranged them neatly in his palm. His voice lowered, “I need the money.” Guilt needled at his heart

and he tried to shove it away; wallowing in guilt did no one any good. He would get the money,

somehow, and make things right. He had only been at the club a short while, but he already knew the

big bucks were in the private dances for the rich guys. So find yourself a sugar daddy and start

collecting. You owe it to Nick.

“Well, after tonight,” Max said, “Something tells me you’re going to have plenty of personal

requests. Just remember, only give them enough to keep them coming back for more. Satisfy them too

much and they may not be as hungry next time.”

Caleb nodded, “I’ll remember.”

“Being your first official night on the job,” Max said. “And putting on such a good show…you

should just take the rest of the night off and relax. You don’t want to overdo your first time out.”

“Okay,” Caleb nodded again.

Max smiled, “It’s good to have you here at the Phoenix, Caleb,” He winked. “You might well

reach legendary status…if tonight is any indication.”

Chuckling softly, Caleb shrugged. “I don’t know about that.”

“Don’t sell yourself short,” Max raised an eyebrow and smiled, “And I do mean that literally,

as well as figuratively.” He stepped over and squeezed Caleb’s shoulder. “You did real good tonight.

Better than almost any of these guys on their debut shows. You have a natural grace that can make you

an instant favorite in this line of work.” A shadow of sadness darkened the man’s eyes when he

added, “One of our best just left us. Fuck, the customers loved him.”

Caleb had heard plenty about Abel, and knew he had been really special to Max and some of

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the other guys here at the club. He sometimes felt like the other boys thought he was trying to replace

the kid, but Caleb had no wish to try and fill someone else’s shoes or - in this case – G-string. He

had his own agenda and wasn’t out to best anyone. He was only here for the money.

* * * *

It would surely seem odd to some why he would prefer to attend a public pool rather than

simply make use of the much nicer, private, one he had at home. It was somewhat of a mystery to

Samuel himself, though he considered the possibility that he preferred the company of real people –

as opposed to the plastic, lifelike figures that resided in his house which he called family, though they

were anything but. Still, that argument didn’t really hold up either, as he made a point of coming to the

pool in the later hours so as to avoid the presence of other swim enthusiasts. He still enjoyed his

privacy; he just preferred finding it away from the house. He rarely, if ever, called it home.

His shorts sucked against his body, accentuating his crotch. He didn’t mind. He wouldn’t even

if others were here. Modesty wasn’t his strong suit; though he wasn’t crude with his body either. He

just never gave much thought, or care, to how others viewed his conduct or presentation; much to his

family’s dismay at times. The height of his family shame had come when he’d been caught making out

with the son of the dean at the prestigious Wyman prep and had been kicked out. Up until that point,

his family hadn’t known he was gay. And they didn’t take kindly to finding out in that manner. Of

course, the dean’s son was exonerated when he insisted Samuel had coerced him, or whatever shit

story he came up with to avoid any stigma. Samuel hadn’t given a fuck. Perhaps on some level he’d

done it on purpose, hoping to get caught. He hadn’t wanted to be at that fucking school anyway.

Shaking his head to clear his mind, Samuel walked out of the locker room and into the large

pool area. There were only a couple of hours left before the pool closed, though everyone was

usually gone by now. Tonight was different. One person lagged behind. Annoyance started to rise up

until he got a better look at the intrusive individual; straight blond hair that possessed just enough

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body to be sexy rather than nerdy, finely tuned physique, lean and supple. Wonderfully snug shorts

showed off his nicely rounded rump just perfectly.

Turn around, baby, give me a full frontal. And please be as cute and delectable from the

front as you are sexy from behind.

“Hey,” Samuel offered casually in an attempt to get a better look at the guy.

The kid jumped, clearly assuming, as Samuel had assumed, that he was the only one there.

“Oh…hey.” Blue eyes as clear as diamonds stared back at him and, before he could dodge or duck,

he was struck by the thunderbolt. It was hard enough to nearly knock him on his ass. Though he

stayed upright, he took an unexpected step back, as if the kid had reached out and shoved him. The

young man – maybe two or three years junior to Samuel’s twenty-three years – fidgeted then shrugged,

“If you came here so late to have the pool to yourself, I can come back another time. It’s no problem.”

Samuel’s heart was doing funny, disturbing flip-flops in his chest, bumping off his ribs. “No,”

he cleared his throat when the word squeaked out, struggling to regain his masculinity. “Nonsense.

The pool is plenty big enough for two,” he smiled wryly. “You stay in your half, and I’ll stay in

mine.” When the kid started to nod, Samuel laughed. “I’m just fucking with you. Feel free to swim

where you please.”

The young man smiled uncertainly.

“I’m Samuel,” he thrust out his hand. Typically he wasn’t big on handshakes, but for reasons

that currently eluded him, he desperately needed to touch this guy.

The kid looked at Samuel with those crystal blue eyes that told him things he desperately

wanted to believe, then slipped his hand into Samuel’s and squeezed with just enough pressure for

him to feel it in his crotch. “Caleb.”

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Chapter Two

“The Deep End”

Samuel. Rolling the name across his tongue, Caleb decided it tasted quite good. What would

it sound like echoing off the walls of his bedroom? The brass thought caught him off guard, as did the

sudden tightening of his already tight swim shorts. Suddenly self-conscious of a growing, unbidden

erection, Caleb pulled his hand back and turned toward the pool – if only to shield his bulging crotch

from the other guy.

A discreet glance at Samuel’s nether regions betrayed the man’s own interest. Which, in turn,

only managed to heighten Caleb’s own arousal. Shit. What’s wrong with you ? He was rarely this

attracted to a guy so quickly. Of course he’d had his instant attractions, but they were superficial

attractions in which he might have a quick fantasy of the guy, but then he’d move on without initiating;

no real desire to get in the guy’s pants. But such wasn’t the case with Samuel. That first look in the

man’s eyes and it was clear they had both felt it; that punch that knocks the wind out of a man when he

finds himself suddenly face to face with the one he hadn’t known he was looking for.

So what’re you saying? This guy is your soul mate? Seriously? Could you be any more of a


Summoning his courage, Caleb turned to speak to the guy but he was already walking away,

down toward the deep end of the pool where the diving boards were located. He watched as Samuel

climbed the ladder to the highest dive and walked confidently out to the end. Caleb hated heights. He

avoided the diving boards, even the lowest one, though it fascinated him how others had no fear.

Samuel bounced a couple of times on the end of the board, making Caleb shiver – whether

from the height of the board or Samuel’s gorgeous body, he couldn’t really say – then dove off,

completing a full spin in the air before hitting the water in a perfect dive. Caleb’s eyes followed the

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man’s body as he surged to the bottom of the pool where his feet touched down then propelled him

back to the surface. He burst out, hands swiping his hair back then wiping down over his face. He

grinned at Caleb. “What’re you waiting for? Water’s great.” He motioned toward the high dive.

“Show me what you can do.”

His stomach twisting, Caleb shook his head as Samuel swam to the edge of the pool where he

stood. “No…I’m not much good at diving.”

“Ah, come on,” Samuel urged, pale green eyes like marble beneath thick dark lashes currently

clinging wetly together, gripping Caleb’s stare. His smile widened, displaying perfectly straight teeth

like ivory. Such perfection should be outlawed. “I bet you’re better than you think.”

Caleb just shook his head. “No. I…” he shrugged and grinned, somewhat embarrassed, “I

don’t like heights.”

“Okay,” Samuel nodded. “I get it. That’s cool. But…” He grabbed the edge of the pool and

hauled himself up out of the water, arm and shoulder muscles popping. He stood before Caleb,

dripping, body glistening. “You’re still going to go in though, aren’t you?”

“Uh, yeah-” He yelped suddenly as Samuel grabbed him and threw them both into the water.

He plunged deep into the heated water then kicked his feet, pushing himself upward, emerging through

the surface. “Hey! Jerk,” he coughed then laughed, wiping his hair out of his face.

Samuel chuckled, “Race you to the other end.”

His lips pressed tight, Caleb looked doubtful.

“What’s wrong?” Samuel needled, “afraid to compete with an expert swimmer such as


“Whatever,” Caleb rolled his eyes and grinned. “Bring it on.”

“Oh, I’ll bring it,” Samuel flicked a flirtatious eyebrow then spun around and took off.

Momentarily immobilized by the flirty gesture, Caleb broke from his trance and quickly caught

up with the guy, easily matching his pace and speed stroke for stroke. When he began to surpass him,

Samuel grabbed his ankle and jerked him back, propelling himself forward and past him. “Hey!”

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Caleb hollered, “That’s cheating!”

Samuel laughed and cast a quick glance back at him, winking. Caleb surged forward and

grabbed the guy’s leg, slowing him, jockeying for head position. Samuel fought his hands, laughing,

grappling with Caleb until they were suddenly wrapped up in each other, faces just inches apart,

bodies motionless in the water, panting for breath. Samuel’s pale green eyes held Caleb’s gaze and

refused to let go. His hands moved against Caleb’s back, fingertips playing over his tense muscles,

gliding lower to rest on his waist.


“Shhh,” Samuel closed the small space between them and brushed his lips against Caleb’s

mouth, his fingertips pressing into Caleb’s waist. Samuel’s body pushed invitingly against Caleb’s,

his want for the younger man undeniable.

Caleb’s hands gripped Samuel’s biceps tentatively as the man’s soft, skillful lips massaged

his mouth, drawing Caleb into a deeper kiss. When the guy’s tongue sought entrance, he welcomed

him in, moaning softly. He barely felt them moving in the water and grunted lightly when his back

bumped the edge of the pool. Samuel rubbed his hard crotch against Caleb’s own, asking without

words just how much Caleb wanted – and was willing to give.

Pulling back from the kiss, Samuel panted into his mouth, hands caressing down over Caleb’s

hips, fingering the band of his shorts, but taking nothing for granted. He seemed to be waiting for

Caleb to either put on the brakes – or give him the green light.

His eyes heavy with a want of his own, Caleb stared in the man’s eyes then slid his hands up

over his shoulder and up the back of his head, pulling him back into a hard, urgent kiss, shoving his

crotch against Samuel’s.

Groaning deeply, Samuel’s fingers shoved down inside Caleb’s shorts, hands sliding over his

firm butt cheeks, squeezing, gripping. He broke from the kiss with a hard gasp and grabbed a mouthful

of Caleb’s neck, his strong body pinning Caleb against the side of the pool, hips rocking, getting

Caleb harder, hornier.

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Wet strands of Samuel’s hair squeezed between Caleb’s fingers as he wrapped his legs

around the guy’s hips, rolling against him.

Fuck,” Samuel groaned low, unsteady, and tugged Caleb’s shorts down. Caleb dropped his

legs and Samuel sank under the water, working the shorts down his legs and off his feet. Caleb jerked

and sucked in a sharp breath when the man’s mouth closed over his cock, pulling it deep into his


“Uuhh!” Caleb clutched the edge of the pool, jaw clenching as the guy somehow held his

breath long enough to stroke him a few times before coming up for air, licking up his stomach to his

chest and catching a firm nipple between his teeth. “Shit,” Caleb gasped and his legs wrapped around

the guy again, his stiff cock raking against the man’s crotch, the head nudging up against Samuel’s

lower stomach. His arms stretched out along the edge of the pool, and his head dropped back as

Samuel’s mouth found his throat and sucked his wet, sensitive skin. “Oh god, Samuel…” he moaned,

breath shaky. “…fuck me…”

Samuel didn’t hesitate, and shoved down the front of his shorts, releasing his throbbing

erection. Caleb tensed when the man’s cock head pushed against his tight hole then began to shove


Fuuuck!” Caleb cried, arms straining against the side of the pool, legs squeezing around

Samuel’s waist, hips lifting, back arching as the guy sank his cock in deeper and deeper.

“Oh fuck,” Samuel gasped hard and gripped Caleb’s ass cheeks, spreading him wider and

thrusting in the rest of the way. “Oh my god…you’re so tight, Caleb…oh shit…you feel so fucking


Caleb wrapped his arms around the man’s neck and kissed him with desperation. Samuel

pulled out half way then thrust back in, wrenching a whimper from Caleb. His thrusts grew quicker,

stronger, shorter as the man’s need intensified and he fucked Caleb with urgency, panting into his

mouth. “Oh my god…oh fuck…yes…yes…oh god…fuck!” Samuel’s words fell from his lips choppy

and broken, his face tight with sexual tension. “Ahhhh! God! Caleb!”

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Caleb fucked him back, his hard cock smashed between his and Samuel’s urgent bodies, the

friction shoving him toward orgasm along with the sweet mind-wrenching sensation of Samuel’s cock

raking his sweet spot again and again. “Oh fuck, Samuel!” Caleb cried, gouging the man’s shoulders.

“Fuck! I’m gonna cum! Oh shit! Shit! Yes! Uuuuhhh!! Fuuuck!!”

Hard, short gasps and grunts burst from Samuel as he fucked him harder, faster, deeper,

hammering his cock in until Caleb yelled loud and came with force. Samuel’s hand wrapped around

his cock and pumped him furiously as he fucked him erratically then shouted out, loud and shrill, and

filled Caleb with hot cum. His thrusts intensified, as did his pants, as he worked out his orgasm then

suddenly relaxed and sagged against Caleb’s tense body.

Caleb trembled. I can’t believe I fucked a guy I just met – and without protection! You don’t

know where this guy has been, what he’s carrying . But it was a little too late to worry about that.

Samuel released a hard breath and drew back, looking into Caleb’s face. For some reason, Caleb had

a difficult time meeting the man’s eyes now.

“Regretting it so soon?” Samuel murmured, a note of disappointment in his voice. His hands

rested on Caleb’s hips beneath the water. He brushed his lips across Caleb’s cheek to his ear. “Does

that mean you won’t go out on an official date with me?”

A date? In all honesty, Caleb had half expected the man to exit the pool as soon as he shot his

wad, and walk away never to be seen or heard from again. But he wasn’t leaving, and he was…

asking for a date?

This isn’t the time to be getting involved. You really think he’d want to date you if he knew

you were a stripper?

Still, Caleb couldn’t bring himself to just brush the guy off. He liked Samuel – a lot. And

though he knew better than to go down this road, certain it could only end in disaster, he heard himself

whisper, “You want me to go out on a date with you?”

“I do,” Samuel kissed his lips, “very much,” he kissed him again. “Do you…want to go out

with me?”

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Caleb touched his forehead to Samuel’s brow and nodded slowly. “I do.”

“Then it’s a date,” Samuel murmured and kissed him more deeply. When he pulled back, his

hands came up and stroked through Caleb’s wet hair. “I’m really glad you were here tonight,” he

whispered, his tone sincere. “Or I may have never come to believe in love at first sight.”

Caleb stared at him, startled.

“That won’t scare you off, will it?” Samuel asked, a smile twitching his lips. “Me saying


After taking a few seconds to consider it, Caleb shook his head slowly, “No. It won’t scare

me off.”

“Good,” Samuel murmured and touched his lips to Caleb’s mouth. “’Cause this is definitely

something I want to explore much more…deeply.”

Caleb bit his lip and grinned, “I’m not sure you can explore much deeper.”

Staring at him a moment, brow pinching, Samuel caught his meaning and burst out laughing,

then cocked an eyebrow, “Don’t be so sure, baby.”

Chapter Three


The question remained; if he’d asked to go home with Caleb – would the guy have said yes?

Entering his own bedroom – large and littered with plenty of expensive accessories – Samuel would

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have preferred to be walking into Caleb’s apartment right about now. At least, he assumed the guy

lived in an apartment. He didn’t strike Samuel as someone rolling in cash. No doubt Samuel’s

bedroom alone was at least half the size of Caleb’s living quarters. Yet he still longed to be there,

rather than here, laying in Caleb’s average sized bed, the guy’s lean body keeping him warm

throughout the night.

A shiver ran through Samuel as he recalled his time in the pool with Caleb. Fuck, he had felt

so good. He was still a bit shocked that things had gone so far, so suddenly. There was no denying he

had those moments when he would meet a guy and want to fuck him on the spot. And to some degree,

such had been the case with Caleb the second he’d gotten a good look at his ass all snug in those tight

shorts. But that first look in his eyes – it had knocked the fucking wind out of him. And that wasn’t

something he was used to, or prepared for.

And what was that love at first sight shit? You as much as told the guy you were in love

with him. Were you out of your fucking mind?

Samuel groaned and dropped on his bed, exhaustion taking over. He kept himself fit, but that

session with Caleb had wiped him out. Maybe it was because it hadn’t all been physical. He was as

exhausted emotionally as he was physically.

“You’re a fucking dumb ass,” he muttered. “Why are you getting so caught up in someone you

just met?” he closed his eyes and dragged his fingers through his hair. His dad looked the other way

when it came to his promiscuous activities with other men. But what if he actually started dating a

guy? Brought home a boyfriend? Somehow he didn’t think that would fly. His dad tried to put on airs

to make it appear that he was open minded, but there was no hiding the fact that he strongly

disapproved of Samuel’s homosexual tendencies.

Samuel opened his eyes and stared at the high ceiling. “Get fucked by a guy, dad,” he smirked

sourly. “Then you’ll understand.”

Shedding his clothes, Samuel crawled between his silk sheets, the slick fabric feeling good

against his naked skin. But as good as it felt – he still longed to be with Caleb, sleeping on ordinary

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sheets, and back deep inside the guy’s wonderful body. His legs relaxed, slightly apart, and his

growing hard-on began to tent the blankets as he recapped the pool scene in extreme detail. Not

thinking about what he was doing, his mind locked on his memories, he shoved his hand under the

blankets and grabbed his hard cock, stroking slowly. He groaned loudly and imagined himself back

inside the guy, envisioning him right there, riding him.

Someday, baby, I’m going to fuck you right here in my bed – and to hell with my dad.

* * * *

The drive home from the pool was a blur. Caleb hardly remembered anything after pulling out

of the parking lot. He and Samuel had left at the same time, and just before he’d gotten in his car,

Samuel had pinned him against the driver door and kissed him with enough heat to instantly harden his

cock again. Phone numbers had been exchanged, but it was Samuel who had said he would call him.

Caleb wasn’t sure he honestly expected him to, though. And if he didn’t, Caleb wouldn’t be trying to

call in return.

His apartment was small, and when he entered there was a bit of a chill in the air. He didn’t

leave the heat on while he was gone. Too expensive. He cranked up the thermostat just enough to take

the chill off, then went to his bedroom, too tired to try and make a late dinner.

In bed, he tried to turn his mind off and get some actual sleep; he would need it for tomorrow

night at the club. But his mind refused to let loose of the memory of him and Samuel in the pool. He

was still in a state of shock. The last thing he had expected when he’d gone to the pool – was meeting

a guy and fucking him. That just wasn’t his style of doing things.

He glanced at his cellphone laying on the night stand, inside which he’d stored Samuel’s name

and number. Samuel Travorn. Why couldn’t he stop saying the name in his head? It played over and

over, in Samuel’s voice as the guy had given him his number and told him his last name. Like some

kind of lovesick school girl, he had the notion to take out a notebook and write the guy’s name all

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over, decorated with hearts shot through with cupid’s arrows.

Caleb groaned and rolled over, shoving his face in the pillow. “Oh god, you’re pathetic,” he

muttered, voice muffled. “Just shoot yourself now.”

When sleep managed to drag him under, it wasn’t Samuel he dreamed about. The images

filling up his surreal sleep were that of a child, a little girl, flaxen hair tied up in pig tails with pink

silk ribbons – and then those ribbons floating on the breeze, swept against the windshield behind

which Caleb sat, bloodied and weighted down, sticking to the glass as screams welled up all around

him, then sirens—

Fuck!” Caleb bolted forward, straight up in bed, ripping out of the nightmare that tormented

his sleep nearly every night. His heart raced and tears streaked his flushed face. He crammed the

heels of his palms into his eyes and moaned loudly, jaw clenched, as he fought to banish the

horrifying images. “God!” he choked and smacked his head into his hands. “Ahhh!”

Throwing off the blankets, he stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the faucet in the sink

then cupped cold water in his hands and splashed his face. He gripped the edge of the sink, chest

hitching with sobs, tears dripping down into the basin.

He raised his head slowly and stared at his reflection. “It’s all your fault,” he choked sickly,

wanting to puke. He slammed his hands against the sides of the mirror, screaming – “She’s dead

because of you!” His knees buckled and he dropped hard to the floor, arms crossed against the edge

of the sink. His forehead pressed into his forearms and he cried. It had been more than three years,

and the nightmares still tormented him. It doesn’t matter how many years pass by – she’ll still be

dead. It’ll still be your fault. And Nick…will still be paying for your sins.

* * * *

His tongue slid over his lower lip and though the bleeding had stopped, he could still taste the

iron. It was swelling, his entire jaw throbbing and giving him a fucker of a headache. But he couldn’t

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keep a bottle of pain killers on him, he had to get them in single doses, and then take them while being

supervised – his mouth inspected afterward – so there was no occasion of hoarding the pills and then

committing suicide with an overdose.

It’s not so bad , he thought sourly as he probed his fat lip again with his tongue. At least

you’re only getting punched in the face a few times a month – rather than a few times a day. And

the severity had lessened a bit as well. Now he was just coming away with bruises and swelling,

rather than cracked ribs and fractures. It’s always important to seek out that elusive silver lining

around the bleak, black cloud.

But this beating had poor timing. It came too close to when his little brother was scheduled to

visit. His face wouldn’t be healed by then. And Caleb would suffer from the beating by proxy. He

already blamed himself for everything…and this would only pile on the guilt. He didn’t want that for

his kid brother. Caleb should be out living his life, falling in love, finding his own happiness.

Nick stared at the underside of the upper bunk, on which the ‘Hulk’ slept, loud snores echoing

off the brick walls. He hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep since the guy began bunking with him, but he

wasn’t fucking stupid enough to complain. The guy was a beast. Though – thank God – not the

violating kind. In this place, Nick learned to count his blessings.

Count your blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings, see what God has

done. The sudden recollection of the old church hymn dragged a snorting chuckle from deep inside

Nick. Count your many blessings, see what God has done. Nick had never been a hard core

religious, Sunday-go-to-school kind of guy, but he believed enough. He had said his fair share of

prayers. Not to mention the scores of bargains he’d made with the big guy to get him out of a jam – not

always holding up his end of the deal when God came through. But for the most part, he and the man

upstairs were copasetic. Or so he had thought.

Licking his lip again, wincing at the throbbing in his head that was forming into sharp bolts of

pain, he was pretty sure that somewhere, somehow – he must’ve pissed off the Creator big time.

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* * * *

The kid looked just shy of the walking dead when he entered the club. Apparently taking an

early night last night hadn’t done much for him. There was a strain around his eyes that Dane

recognized; he saw it a lot in the eyes of the club boys. He’d seen it most prominent in Abel. Fuck,

that boy had had enough shit dumped on him to last a few lifetimes.

Dane leaned against the bar, stirring a drink, as Caleb approached and motioned to Carl for a

beer. “How’s it going?” Dane plucked the stir stick from the glass and sucked it clean then dropped it

on the bar and picked up the glass.

The kid shrugged. “Good, I guess,” he didn’t sound too positive.

“That was a hell of a show last night,” Dane shook his head. “You ‘bout made money off me.”

He winked and chuckled, then took a drink.

Caleb smiled but it failed to reach his eyes. “Thanks.” He nodded at Carl when the man

handed him a bottle of Coors.

“Heard you used to work at a Honkytonk bar.”

“Yeah,” Caleb murmured and chugged some of his beer.

“Got cowboy in your blood?” Dane grinned.

“I don’t know,” Caleb shrugged. “Maybe. I kind of grew up on the old westerns. My brother

used to watch them—” He cut himself off, going dead silent as he twisted the beer bottle in his

fingers. He downed the rest of it and set it on the bar. “I should get to work,” he mumbled, then

walked away. It was still early yet and the customers that were in there, just seemed to want to relax

and have a drink. Business would pick up in a couple of hours. He watched Caleb head for the back

of the club, and made a mental note that ‘brother’ was a touchy subject.

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Chapter Four

“A Way Out”

The book slammed with the exhale of a groan. Samuel leaned back in the chair and forced his

fingers through his hair, then shoved his chair away from the table. “I need a break.”

“We have a lot to cover tonight.” Nolan Emery glanced up and eyed the younger man with that

superior look that Samuel was just aching to smack off his face. “We don’t have time for screwing


“But it’s my favorite pastime,” Samuel said dryly and stood up.

“Yes, I’m aware,” Nolan muttered condescendingly. He sighed heavily and straightened up,

then glanced at his watch. “Five minutes. Then back to work. These need to be ready by morning.”

Samuel nodded, “I know. I got it.” He looked at the man and muttered, “Loosen your fucking

tie already, and breathe.”

“I’ll breathe when we’re finished.”

Shrugging, Samuel left the room and walked down the wide, carpeted hall to the lounge. He

poured himself a cup of black coffee and went to stand by the window. Black coffee wasn’t his

preferred drink, but it did help keep him awake. He set the Styrofoam cup on the window sill and

took out his phone. His personal contact list was short and Caleb’s name was right near the top. He

opened a new text message.

Hey sexy. Had a blast last night. You were out of this world. Getting hard just thinking

about it ;) I’m working late tonight. Can I see you tomorrow? Holler back when you get a moment.

XOXO – S.’

He stared at the text, reading and re-reading it. XOXO? Really? He started to delete them then

hit send instead. “Fuck it.” Groaning, he tucked his phone away and took a drink of coffee. What was

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this guy turning him into? XOXO. What was he – a prepubescent girl? Another groan rolled up his

throat and he swallowed it back down with the remainder of his coffee, crushed the cup and dropped

it in the trash.

His little confession that he was getting hard just thinking about it was no lie. Thankfully

he’d spent most of the day in the chair at the table, his extremely distracting boner hid from view.

Every now and then, he discreetly reached under the table and rubbed himself, trying to dispel some

of the tension down there – but to no avail. All his mind apparently wanted to focus on was Caleb’s

sweet ass and how insanely good it felt to be inside him.

When he left the lounge to return to the conference room, he was in the process of convincing

himself that his interest in Caleb was purely sexual. But he couldn’t get past that fucking punch that

had knocked him senseless the moment Caleb had looked at him. And every second after that, just

staring in the guy’s eyes had sent his heart into a wild frenzy. His excitement in seeing Caleb again

wasn’t for the strict purpose of getting in his pants again – just as much, he wanted to spend time with

him, get to know him, for real.

* * * *

It didn’t take long for Caleb to learn to distinguish the window shoppers from the spenders;

those that were browsing, just looking, from those that were eager to part with their cash for a little

one-on-one attention.

The man lounging back in the far booth took casual sips of bourbon and watched Caleb make

his rounds across the floor. At first, he’d written him off as a window shopper. Perhaps one of those

men who secretly lusted for some boy love, and needed to feel up close to it – but wasn’t quite secure

enough to embrace it. But the more he glanced at the man, the more he realized he was being sized up.

And when the man lifted his glass and, with a single finger, beckoned Caleb to his table – Caleb knew

he had severely underestimated the prowess of this customer.

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Caleb let the music flow through his body as he approached the man’s table. The guy looked

him over approvingly. Come on, baby, ask for some personal attention – I know you can afford it .

The man’s suit looked expensive and his overall demeanor screamed sophistication.

“What can I do for you?” Caleb murmured and slowly rubbed his hand down over his own

ass, squeezed tightly into the shimmering leopard print pants. Not his style, but they showed off his

ass and frontal goods quite nicely and that’s what got the attention. The sleeveless, black mesh shirt

afforded a glimpse of his lean chest and somewhat perky nipples that pushed out against the airy


The man tipped the glass against his lips, a thin cigar pinched between his index and middle

finger. A discreet flick of one neatly trimmed eyebrow instructed Caleb to join him in the booth.

Caleb slid in across the leather seat and the guy set down his glass, rested the cigar in the

ashtray, and stretched one arm along the back of the booth seat. His free hand slipped under the mesh

top and rubbed up over Caleb’s chest, fingering his stiff nipples, pinching just hard enough to cause

Caleb’s stomach muscles to twitch and quiver. The man’s face was close to his, a barely discernable

smile touching his lips. He traced his fingertips down Caleb’s stomach then his hand curved around

his crotch, squeezing firmly.

“Mmm.” The corner of Caleb’s mouth twitched and he pushed his tightly contained cock into

the guy’s palm. Max explained it was each dancer’s own personal discretion how far they allowed a

customer to go to get them hooked. Within reason, that was. If this man wanted to sample the goods –

then Caleb would allow it. The more cooperative he was with the guy, the more cash he was likely to

walk away with.

“You have a nice cock,” the man murmured, massaging Caleb’s crotch. He dipped his head

and ran his lips up Caleb’s neck, nipping his earlobe. “Bet it tastes scrumptious.” Caleb didn’t

answer, simply caressed his fingertips all over the man’s body, eyes heavy with practiced desire. The

man withdrew his hand from between Caleb’s legs and moved it around to his ass, rubbing and

squeezing. “Bet you love getting us men all horny and dreaming about fucking your sweet ass, huh?”

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Caleb smiled and let his lips glide across the man’s cheek just above the surface of his skin.

“Do you fantasize about me?”

“I prefer reality, to fantasy,” the man stated with a rasp to his voice. “I’ve always believed in

living for the moment.” He moved in closer and lightly pinched Caleb’s lower lip between his teeth

then murmured against his mouth, “Let’s adjourn to the VIP room where we’ll be more comfortable

and perhaps…create some reality out of fantasy.”

* * * *

“The boy’s a natural, all right.”

Dane pulled his eyes off Caleb and the customer as they scooted out of the booth and headed

back toward the VIP rooms, and smiled when Gabe slid onto the stool next to him. “Hey.” He thrust

out his hand and Gabe shook it. “Back so soon?”

“Yeah,” Gabe groaned then grinned. “It’s true what they say – time flies when you’re having

fun fucking.” He shrugged, “Or is it simply having fun?”

“Oh I don’t know.” Dane chuckled, “I think I prefer the former.” He glanced around. “So

where’s Cole?”

Gabe smiled wryly and flicked an eyebrow. “He’s at the apartment…recuperating.”

“Ah…something tells me he’d be lucky to be walking after you got through with him.”

“Yeah, well…” Gabe puffed out his chest and stretched his arms, grinning. “Had to show him

who was boss.”

Dane cocked an eyebrow. “And I bet he put up a fight.”

Chuckling, Gabe smirked, “Actually, he went down quite smoothly.”

“I bet he did.”

They both laughed. “So it seems the new kid has found his groove,” Gabe said. “Already

snagging himself the big boys.”

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“Yeah,” Dane nodded and shook his head. “Man, you should have seen his performance last

night. Fuck.”

“Liking him just a little bit, are ya?” Gabe winked.

“Just…appreciating his talents,” Dane grinned.

“Well, he’s damn cute, that’s for sure.”

Dane nodded his agreement. “Speaking of damn cute…how’s Abel and the doc getting


Gabe chuckled, “Well, if the boy would get out of bed long enough to return my and Cole’s

calls, I could tell you.” He smiled, “But then, I guess that’s answer enough, huh?”

“Yeah,” Dane laughed. “Ah, the kid deserves some down time. God knows, he earned it.”

“Indeed.” Gabe murmured. “In-fucking-deed.”

* * * *

Caleb’s ass touched down on the man’s bulging crotch – swaying, rocking, rubbing – cheeks

bare and firm with merely the thin strip of the G-string snug between to indicate, from the rear view,

that he wasn’t, in fact, naked. The man’s hands rubbed up his back then down to his hips, moving him

against his confined erection. “Oh fuck, baby,” the guy groaned loudly, unsteadily. When Caleb rose

up off him with the beat of the music, the man palmed his ass cheeks then leaned forward and kissed

them, sliding his tongue quickly up through the crease of his ass.

He knew he was allowing the man too much leeway, but he’d already collected a stash of

cash, and there was more where that came from. Twisting around to face the man, he straddled the

guy, knees pressed into the soft leather chair on each side of his hips.

“Oh yeah.” His hands slid up the back of Caleb’s thighs and over his ass as Caleb’s body

moved smoothly, gracefully, his crotch grazing the man’s chest with each sway of his hips. Teeth

raked against Caleb’s stomach, nipping his shifting muscles. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

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Caleb leaned down and blew softly in the man’s ear, “Caleb.” He breathed, brushing his

warm brow across his cheek then teasing him with almost kisses. “What’s yours?”

The guy’s fingertips pressed into his lower back. “Brock.”

Caleb smiled, his hips swinging gently, sinking lower until he was lightly rubbing against the

man’s crotch again. Brock pulled him down on him as Caleb continued to rock against him. The man’s

hardened cock strained against his pants, aching to get inside Caleb’s supple body as the young man

simulated fucking him.

A hard groan dragged up Brock’s throat and his head dropped back against the seat, eyes

pinching, jaw clenching. “Fuck,” he gasped, and his hands slid over Caleb’s slim hips, moving the

boy around on his confined erection. He rubbed down in back and clutched Caleb’s ass, pulling him

harder against him. “I want to fuck you, baby.” Brock panted. “Everyone has a price…name yours.”

Caleb was willing to go that 80 – even 90 – percent for the cash. But actually fucking a guy

for money gave him a sick feeling in his stomach…and his soul. Samuel’s face rose up suddenly as

well, images of him and Samuel at the pool. His chest tightened. “Sorry.” He murmured, voice

strained, and lightly combed his fingertips through the guy’s hair and brushed his lips down his

temple. “I don’t play that game.”

“Come on now.” Brock moaned softly and slid his hands up Caleb’s back, pulling him closer,

grabbing his earlobe with his lips. “For a boy as sexy as you to not be on the market – should be a

crime. And I would know.” He groaned, his hands returning to Caleb’s ass. “I spend enough time in

the courtroom.”

Growing still, Caleb whispered hollowly, “You’re an attorney?”

“The best you’ll ever find.” Brock murmured with a tint of arrogance.

“What…kind of attorney?”

Brock drew back and looked at him. “Why do you care?”

“Just…curious.” Caleb forced a smile and ran his fingertips down the guy’s neck.

“If I tell you…” Brock slid one eyebrow upward inquiringly, “Will you let me give you a

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hand job?”

Caleb hesitated. If this guy was a criminal attorney and one of the best, as he claimed…“Yes.”

“I practice criminal law.”

“Defense or prosecutor?” Caleb asked slowly.

“Defense.” His fingers slipped under the strip of fabric running across Caleb’s hips and began

shoving it down, slowly dragging the skimpy underwear with it. “I like a challenge.” The G-string

slipped off Caleb’s cock and Brock pushed it on down his thighs a bit before wrapping his hand

around the young man’s dick. “And I rarely lose.” He squeezed his shaft and stroked firmly up and

down, rubbing, rolling his palm over the head repeatedly, the pad of his thumb massaging the ultra-

sensitive v-groove on the underside of the crown.

Caleb gasped then moaned as the guy worked his cock with expert skill, getting him harder.

He gripped the man’s shoulders and worked his hips, sliding his member through Brock’s tight fist,

clear cum juice beginning to form pearl drops at the tip as the guy smeared and rubbed it back down

his shaft, lubricating his cock. Caleb began to circle his hips a little and fuck the guy’s hand as it

began to slick up with precum, his cock slipping through his fist more easily and smoothly.

“Yes.” Brock groaned, stroking faster. “That’s it…get into it, baby.”

His eyes squeezed tight, all Caleb could see behind his closed lids was Samuel’s face. Why

did he feel like he was cheating on the guy? They’d met and fucked once. So Samuel had said he

would call – he hadn’t yet, and probably never would. The guy wasn’t his boyfriend. Yet as his body

heated up, cock grew thicker and harder in Brock’s fist, Caleb felt the guilt of betrayal burn through

his veins and pump into his heart.

In a quick move, Brock spun him around so he was sitting again on the man’s hard crotch,

back pressed to Brock’s heaving chest. The man’s arms went around him and his hand closed around

Caleb’s cock once more, better leverage allowing him to stroke harder, more urgently. Caleb bit his

lip to stifle a cry and shoved back against the man, hips thrusting, pumping through the guy’s fist.

“Fuck!” he gasped hard, balls tightening. “Uuhh!!” His eyes clamped tighter, face twisting,

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fingers gouging into brock’s arms as his ass bounced forcefully against the man’s crotch as he fucked

his hand.

Oh fuck yes,” Brock panted, a strain to his voice that betrayed his own need to release. He

was moving beneath Caleb, thrusting against his ass, hard as steel inside his pants. “Oh shit, baby,

you’re going to make me cum too.” Caleb was too far gone to protest when Brock worked his own

cock out and began sliding it through the crease of Caleb’s ass, slick with sweat. “Oh fuck! Yes…

yes…Shit! Fuck, baby!”

Caleb bit back a scream as his cock burst and tendrils of cum squirted forcefully into the air

as Brock’s hand whipped up and down his shaft. The man’s hot breath puffed hard against the back of

his neck and then the guy was wailing and shooting his wad in Caleb’s crack, his dick slipping

between his cheeks swift and erratic as the man’s body tensed and clenched, coming heavily, his juice

oozing down Caleb’s crease and wetting his balls and trickling down the back of his thighs.

“Sure you…don’t want to reconsider your no fuck policy?” Brock panted, each breath a hard


Caleb sagged back against the man for a moment. “I’ll…think about it,” He offered,

breathless. Then shoved up off the guy. But not because I’m eager to be fucked by you, he thought

sickly, suddenly craving a scalding shower.

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Chapter Five

“Run To You”

Getting home to his apartment was top priority. Caleb started stripping as soon as he stepped

through the door and was naked by the time he reached the bathroom. He cranked on the shower as hot

as he could stand and stepped under the burning spray. A sharp breath sucked through his clenched

jaw but, rather than crank up the cold, he grabbed a bar of soap and began scrubbing down his body,

washing all remnants of the attorney from his skin – taking special care to rid his ass of the man’s

lingering fluids.

He did his best to ignore the nausea churning his guts, aware that it wasn’t present so much

because of what he’d done – but what he was considering.

There has to be another way. Get more high end customers . But that wouldn’t be enough.

The kind of attorney he needed cost thousands. Even with what he would be making at the club, it just

wouldn’t cover such costs, as well as his living expenses and Nick’s.

When he realized he was raking his nails over his skin, causing scratches, he stopped

scrubbing and washed off, then stood beneath the shower head, leaning on his arms, head dropped.

His vision blurred as he watched the last of the soapy water swirl around the drain then disappeared,

leaving suds lingering on the silver covering, fizzing and popping.

“Just suck it up.” he choked tightly. “This is your penance. You do what you have to do to get

the job done.”

He left the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist then went into the bedroom. When

he searched for his phone, he remembered it was stuffed in the pocket of his pants which he’d

discarded between the living room and bathroom. He retrieved his cell and turned it on. While at the

club, he always turned it off. As soon as it powered on, his ringtone went off, alerting him to the

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pending text message.

Samuel. Caleb sat down heavily on the bed, leaned on his knees and stared at the name.

Without him willing it to do so, his heart beat harder, faster. He hadn’t expected to hear back from

him. Do you really want to open it? You can end this now. Just ignore him, or tell him last night

was a mistake and you don’t want to see him again.

Caleb sighed, his hand covering his mouth as he just looked at the phone, the waiting message.

The path he was heading down…it left no room for romance and relationships. He couldn’t do the

things he was contemplating doing – and be with someone at the same time.

So delete the message and be done with it. He pressed view later and closed the phone,

tossing it on the night stand. His head dropped into his hands, fingers gripping his wet hair, squeezing.

Water trickled down his temples and forehead. A hard groan pushed up his throat and he released his

head, grabbing the phone. He went to his inbox and opened Samuel’s message. His chest tightened as

he read and re-read it, over and over. Can I see you tomorrow?

Breath quickening, eyes stinging, Caleb pressed reply and began typing out a return message.

Last night was great but I realize now it was a mistake. I’m sorry. I can’t see you anymore. –


At least that’s what he had meant to say.

* * * *

Nolan glanced up with annoyance when Samuel’s phone went off. “That’s supposed to be

turned off when we’re working.”

“My bad,” Samuel murmured and grabbed up the cell, pulse quickening when he saw that the

text was from Caleb. It was after midnight. He hadn’t expected to get a reply back tonight.

Nolan sighed. “Put the damn thing away. We’re almost finished. Afterward…you can fuck

around on your phone.”

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It isn’t my phone I want to fuck around on, Samuel groaned inwardly as he read Caleb’s text.

The guy’s message turned his cock to granite in an instant and he knew there was no way he could

wait even another minute. He closed the phone then began quickly gathering up the papers before him.

“What’re you doing?” Nolan demanded, face tight. “We’re not done here.”

“Look,” Samuel said. “I’m fucking burned out. I’ll finish up first thing in the morning.”

Nolan threw his pen down on the table and sat back, clearly pissed. “I don’t know why the

hell I took you on as an intern.”

“Because I’m fucking good at this,” Samuel reminded.

“Yes you are,” Nolan leaned forward. “Until your cock starts doing your thinking for you.”

Samuel shot him an inquiring look. “Excuse me?”

“I’m not fucking stupid, Samuel.” Annoyance spiced Nolan’s tone. “You want to jump up and

run out as soon as you get a text? At this time of night? Like you’re not racing out to go fuck some

guy.” He rolled his eyes and leaned back again. “Can’t you keep it in your fucking pants for one


Shoving the papers in the briefcase, Samuel closed the lid quickly and snapped the latches.

“Yeah, sure,” He winked. “But not this night.”

Briefcase in hand, he left the conference room and as soon as his feet hit the carpeted hall, he

broke into a sprint, heart pounding so hard it boomed inside his head.

* * * *

Only after he hit send, did Caleb understand the ramifications of what he’d done. Maybe if he

sent another text right away, he could derail the other. But he didn’t. He just sat on the bed staring at

the phone. It’s too late for him to get it tonight anyway. Surely his phone is off and he’s already

asleep. He won’t respond, not tonight.

Whether it was relief or disappointment that fizzled in his gut and tickled his chest, Caleb

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couldn’t be sure. He replaced the phone on the night stand, discarded the towel and crawled into bed.

It’s too late and you’re too tired anyway , he reasoned as his eyes immediately grew heavy and he

felt himself slipping away. Fix it tomorrow…tell him you were delirious. Something…anything…

just don’t…go…there…

He was out. Swept away in dreams of Samuel. Warm skin against his, strong arms wrapped

snug around him, holding him, making him feel…loved…wanted…as if he actually deserved it. Lost

in his dreams, in Samuel’s arms – he felt like somebody again. Someone other than the kid who had

brought unimaginable tragedy into the lives of others.

The loud knock jerked him awake and his eyes snapped open, heart stuttering as he held his

breath. Had he imagined it?

Another knock.

He sat up quickly, heart pumping like a freight train. The digital clock on the nightstand

informed him he had only been out for about thirty minutes, though it had felt like hours.

A third, single, hard knock. Insistent.

Samuel. It had to be. Who else could it be?

Why the hell did you send that text? What the fuck were you thinking? But it didn’t take a

genius to figure out what he’d been thinking. Last night with Samuel was still quite fresh and vivid in

his mind. And he wanted more of it. A lot more.

Bolting out of bed, he raced for the door and jerked it open. Samuel gave him a quick once

over as an appreciative smile spread across his face. “Now you fucking know how to greet a man at

the door.”

You’re fucking naked, dude! Caleb didn’t have time to be embarrassed or react at all. Samuel

came through the door and grabbed him by the ass, picking him up as he kicked the door closed then

spun around and pinned Caleb against it, kissing him hard. Caleb’s legs went instinctively around the

guy’s waist and squeezed, his cock hardening fiercely against Samuel’s stomach. He clutched his hair

as their tongues thrust into each other’s mouths, twisted around one another, breathless groans and

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moans rising all around them.

Fuck.” Caleb gasped hard when Samuel broke out of the kiss and grabbed at his throat,

sucking, biting. His crotch shoved firmly between Caleb’s thighs, rubbing, rolling, wanting. Caleb’s

short nails raked over Samuel’s shoulders and down across his shoulder blades, fingers gripping the

man’s shirt in fistfuls and jerking hard, yanking it free of the waistband of his pants. Samuel pulled

back just enough to rip the shirt off as his body, as well as Caleb’s legs, held the younger man firmly

against the door. Then his arms were around him again, hands back on his ass, squeezing.

Samuel bit his earlobe. “Bedroom,” he panted, raspy, hot breath puffing into Caleb’s ear.


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Chapter Six

“Holdin’ On”

Samuel threw Caleb on the bed and worked hurriedly at the snap of his own pants, eyes

crawling all over the naked young man, so hard and hungry for him.

Shoving up on his elbows, Caleb lifted an eyebrow and smiled as Samuel shucked off his

pants. “Ex’s and Oh’s…really?”

Groaning with a measure of embarrassment, Samuel kicked his pants off his feet and pushed

Caleb down flat on his back. “Shut up, and fuck me,” he grinned, and then kissed him hard, his body

dropping down against Caleb’s. Their tongues grappled and Samuel shoved in between Caleb’s

thighs, rubbing his steel cock against the young man’s rock hard erection. A hard moan swelled in

Caleb’s throat and he wrapped his legs around Samuel’s waist, pushing up against him.

“No preliminaries?” Samuel gasped into Caleb’s mouth, thrusting against the younger man.

Caleb shook his head and grabbed fistfuls of Samuel’s hair, squeezing. “Just fuck me.” He

groaned and pulled the man back into a fierce kiss.

A deep – mmmm – dragged out of Samuel and he grabbed Caleb’s ass, lifting, then pushing his

hard cock into the guy. Caleb jerked his mouth from Samuel’s and arched fiercely, face twisting. A

loud – “Fuuuck!” – bursting out of him. His body writhed beneath Samuel’s invasion, breath panting

hard, hips rocking, swaying, circling like an exotic dancer. Ah hell, baby, you’re so fucking sexy .

Samuel nearly lost control just feeling him moving so beautifully beneath him, responding with such

enthusiasm and enjoyment.

“Fuck, baby,” Samuel gasped tightly and pushed himself in deeper. “Oh my god…oh fuck,

keep doing that.”

“Doing what?” Caleb grinned, hips still gyrating, nearly rendering Samuel blind with sexual

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ecstasy and making him want to come right fucking now.

Samuel growled and wrapped the guy tight in his arms, burying his face in his neck. “You’re

gonna be the fucking death of me, you keep that up.” He choked on a hard pant and thrust at Caleb,

cock so hard he could scream, feeling like a steel rod driving in and out of Caleb’s tight, hot caverns.

“Oh fuuuck.” He thrust at him harder, deeper, breath breaking, rasping. Beads of sweat quickly broke

out across his brow as his need for the guy heightened and his pace quickened. “Oh fuck, Caleb!” His

jaw clenched and he slammed his cock into the man, unable to maintain control.

“Uuh!!” Caleb wailed, face pinched but still grinning as he worked his ass on Samuel’s cock,

driving him insane. “Fuck me! Oh god, Samuel! Fuck me harder!”

Locking his arms up around Caleb’s back and shoulders, Samuel put more force into it,

pounding his ass. Caleb’s body grew slick with sweat, making it easier for him twist and squirm

beneath Samuel, gliding his hips, lifting, rocking, rolling, swaying, back and forth, up and down until

Samuel’s vision hazed and blurred with an ecstasy unlike anything he knew was possible.

“Oh Fuck, Caleb – I’m gonna come!” Samuel yelled. His balls throbbed with an

overabundance of cum, and pulled up tight against his body. He gasped hard, muscles clenching,

straining, flexing, ass cheeks squeezing so hard they felt like stone as he slammed in with desperation

and unloaded. “Fuuuck!!”

Caleb’s fingers gouged his hardened ass, held on tightly as Samuel’s breath stuck, face

twisted in sexual agony as he continued to pump Caleb full of cum. “Holy fuck!” he yelled again when

he finally got his breath and fucked Caleb fast and hard, working out the rest of his orgasm.

Caleb laughed then grabbed his head and kissed him hard. Before Samuel knew what hit him,

he was face down on the bed and Caleb was on top of him, hard cock shoving inside him. “Oh fuck,

baby.” He squeezed Caleb’s pillow in his arms and bit it hard as the guy pushed in deeper and

deeper. “Oh fuck yes…more…give me more.”

A hard grunt burst from Caleb as he thrust in the last bit. His arm snaked around Samuel’s

throat, his hand flattening against the side of his neck as Caleb leaned over him and kissed his ear.

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“My turn.” He hissed, and Samuel could feel his lips stretching into a grin, hear it in his voice.

Samuel grunted when Caleb gave a hard thrust, but it was heaven. He administered a few more short,

hard thrusts then fell into a smooth, quick rhythm, his pelvis bouncing off Samuel’s ass, his cock head

assaulting Samuel’s sweet spot deep inside him.

“Fuck yes,” Samuel gasped and thrust his ass against Caleb’s cock. The guy’s arm loosened

from around his neck and his hand rubbed down Samuel’s chest, nails raking across his slick skin.

His teeth clamped onto Samuel’s shoulder, hot breath puffing out between them as he fucked him

harder, faster. A short, forceful series of – Uh! Uh! Uh! – burst out of Caleb as he slammed his ass,

rocked the bed beneath them, causing it to bump against the wall, rattling the lamp and clock on the

night stand.

One hand shoved up into Samuel’s hair and Caleb clutched a fistful, pulled Samuel’s face

around and kissed his mouth with feral hunger. After the pool, he knew Caleb was a hell of a lover –

but clearly he hadn’t known the half of it. The guy was fucking out of this world.

“Oh god, Caleb,” Samuel shuddered against his mouth, “Don’t stop…fuck me, baby…come

inside me…I want to feel you come so fucking bad.”

Caleb grinned through their kiss then pulled up and sat back on his knees, he gripped Samuel’s

ass cheeks and fucked him wildly, erratically, strangled wails tearing up out of him as he hammered

his ass. “Ahhhh!!” Caleb yelled, voice tight, body straining. “Oh fuuuck! I’m gonna come! I’m gonna

come! Shit! Shiiiiittt!! UUUHHH!!!”

Samuel clawed the bed, fucking Caleb as urgently Caleb was fucking him. Samuel panted hard

into the pillow, breath static, broken. “Do it…do it…oh fuck, baby! Come! COME!!”

Caleb’s cock drove in hard and then he was being filled with liquid heat as the guy screamed

and unloaded. His nails dug into his ass as his body tightened and strained with the force of the

powerful orgasm. He sucked in a sharp breath and yelled out, “Fuck! Samuel! Oh fuck…” he panted

shakily and his grip on Samuel’s ass eased a bit and he massaged the flesh dented by his nails. He

leaned down and kissed Samuel’s back between his shoulder blades, then the nape of his neck. With a

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deep groan, he rolled off him and landed on the bed beside him, hand to his heaving chest, face glossy

with sweat and flushed, laughing breathlessly. He looked at Samuel. “Was it good for you?”

“Fuck.” Samuel laughed and shoved his face into the pillow, breathing hard. “You almost

killed me, so…you tell me.”

A low chuckle vibrated Caleb’s chest and he rolled onto his side, arm tucked under his head

as he stared at Samuel. And in those crystal blue eyes, Samuel saw so much more than just sexual


Ah hell, baby…what’re you doing to me? It was never my agenda to fall in love.

* * * *

Silence settled over the bedroom as Caleb and Samuel just looked at each other. Who are

you? Caleb wondered, and why did you have to pick now to come into my life? He might have made

the attempt to convince himself that tonight was just a fun fling, as was last night, nothing serious, just

some friendly fucking. But the way those pale green eyes gazed back at him – he knew was caught.

Whether he wanted to be or not.

Samuel touched Caleb’s face, his thumb sliding slowly across his lower lip. “I only just met

you last night,” he murmured. “And you’re already the best thing in my life.”

Don’t say that , Caleb pleaded silently, his heart squeezing. I can’t stay in your life. I

shouldn’t be there now . But he couldn’t say the words. Being with Samuel this way…it was the first

time in four years that he felt something other than guilt and anguish deep in his heart. The first time he

let himself feel something more than that. And laying here with Samuel, staring into his eyes…life just

seemed more…bearable.

Rather than turn away from the man’s touch, his hand covered Samuel’s and he closed his

eyes. “You will surely change your mind about that,” He whispered thickly, throat tightening.

“Why?” Samuel murmured and his head touched Caleb’s brow.

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Caleb opened his eyes slowly and felt the wetness, but fought the tears. “Because all I do is

cause people hurt.”

His hands cupping Caleb’s face, Samuel kissed his lips. “You’re not scaring me.” He kissed

him more deeply. “I’ve never been afraid to take risks.”

“Samuel…” Caleb gazed at him, both excited and dreadful of the man’s determination.

“Oh no,” Samuel smiled and nuzzled his ear, “You don’t get to call me over here in the middle

of the night, fuck me to heaven and back, and then try to run away. Sorry.” He kissed his neck, his

cheek, his lips. “It don’t work that way, baby.”

Though he knew that it was in Samuel’s best interest to just walk away now…he couldn’t

deny the thrill and joy that swelled his heart at the guy’s insistence to stay in his life. You can’t keep

him. You know you can’t. You have obligations that don’t allow for this. Why are you prolonging

the inevitable?

When Samuel scooted closer and wrapped him in his arms, Caleb didn’t resist his embrace,

but rather buried himself deeper inside it. Just a little while longer, let me feel this way…and

pretend for just awhile that it could always be like this. That I could hold onto to him and never let


“You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on,” Samuel whispered and kissed his


Beautiful. Caleb pressed his cheek against Samuel’s chest and listened to the man’s strong

heartbeat, still slightly quickened from their activities. I’m not beautiful. You don’t know what I’ve


* * * *

Six a.m. was too freaking early to be conscious, yet every morning, like clockwork, the Hulk

hopped off the top bunk with a solid thump that never failed to wake Nick. He instantly dropped to

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floor and snapped out a hundred pushups, another hundred crunches, and then used the top bar of the

cell door to execute a series of pull ups.

Maybe if you’d adopt his routine – you wouldn’t get the shit beat out of you so much . Nick

was pretty sure it was too late for that, though. If he had the means, he would just pay the Hulk to be

his bodyguard. But what little Caleb was able to send him barely bought his bare necessities.

Besides, he was learning to roll with the punches – usually right across the floor.

He smiled sourly as he watched his beast of a cell mate haul himself up and down on the bar

of the door, controlled breaths hissing in and out between clenched teeth. Nick surveyed him from the

back. He wasn’t an unattractive guy, but not really Nick’s type – even if Nick hadn’t been half

terrified of him. He preferred soft and sweet. What some, he supposed, called twinks. But he didn’t

care for that word to describe such lovely boys. Regardless of what one called them, he wasn’t likely

to meet his type in here.

Sighing, he glanced at the wall where pictures of him and Caleb were taped up. What would

Caleb think of his big bro being a cake boy? Somehow he’d managed to keep his preferences hidden

from the kid. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of being gay, but losing their parents had left Caleb in a

fragile state of mind. And though Nick didn’t want to keep secrets from him, he’d worried that coming

out to Caleb might make the boy feel even less secure. With many, it seemed to be human nature to

think if someone were gay, they weren’t strong. And Caleb had needed Nick to be strong for him, his


So why didn’t he tell him now? He didn’t want to do it from in here. And Caleb was still in a

vulnerable state, perhaps more now than ever. He was out there alone, trying to deal with his guilt

and do his best to take care of Nick the only way he knew how. It hurt Nick to think Caleb often did

without just so he could send his big brother a little cash to get by.

I know you’re clearly still pissed at me, God, he prayed silently, and maybe one day you’ll

explain why. But this isn’t about me. Just please…watch over my little brother. Help him

understand that none of this is his fault. Please don’t make him live with a burden that great. And

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one last thing…please send someone into his life who will see how amazing he is and never let him

go. He rolled onto his side and touched Caleb’s grinning face from one of the photos. Amen.

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Chapter Seven

“Almost Paradise”

Samuel nearly whimpered at the sight of Caleb sleeping, face down in his pillow beside him.

The young man’s hair was messed and tangled, the blankets kicked away and the sheet snagged tightly

around his perfect rear, accentuating the firm, rounded mounds. “Oh baby,” Samuel groaned low and

rubbed his hands down over Caleb’s butt as he leaned down and kissed the middle of his back. His

skin was warm, and somewhat tacky with sweat, as they had gone at each other most of the night.

Samuel’s body ached. His hip, butt and thigh muscles were as sore as if he’d done a series of heavy

squats in the gym. Every muscle in his body felt the effects of last night with this insanely hot

loverboy. Samuel had never had such a workout in all his life.

All he wanted right now was to wake Caleb up and beg him to rush him to heaven again. But

he’d promised Emery he would finish up with the depositions first thing this morning. The guy was a

prick, but Samuel was still obligated to the job.

“Baby?” he kissed the back of Caleb’s neck. “I got to get to work. I kind of blew everything

off last night when I rushed over here.” He smiled and closed his eyes, lips pressed to Caleb’s hair.

Caleb’s text in response to his own – I can’t wait until tomorrow. Can it be tonight ? – had set him

ablaze. Along with the short, simple message had been his address.

Caleb moaned and rolled onto his back, the tight sheet now hugging his frontal goods. Oh

fuck, baby, you make it so hard to leave . Quite literally. Samuel’s cock was throbbing and

hardening, growing rapidly. Caleb’s eyes opened slowly, heavily. So fucking sexy. He rubbed his

stomach absently then scratched his chest. Every little movement was another shot of fuel on Samuel’s

already blazing body and mind. Caleb’s arm stretched up and his hand rubbed the back of his neck

then he suddenly stretched, his whole body contorting and twisting as he exhaled hard then sagged

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back against the bed and smiled, eyes still heavy with exhaustion. “Did you say something?” he asked

quietly, the exhaustion in his eyes seeping into his tired voice.

His head dropping, Samuel chuckled then looked up. Caleb was still smiling, hair reaching

every which way from their wild romping and Samuel’s fingers clutching his blond strands. “God,

baby, you are so fucking sexy first thing in the morning.”

An eyebrow raised slowly on Caleb’s lovely face and he sighed, smirking, “I thought that’s

what you said.”

Samuel chuckled again. “Mmm-hmm.” He grinned and dropped down, letting his lips glide

across Caleb’s mouth. The kiss started slow, sensually sexy as they teased one another with the

promise of a more passionate, dirty kiss. Samuel broke first and groaned deep, pushing his lips

harder against Caleb’s, tongue seeking entrance into his sweet, naughty mouth. Then Caleb was

tugging forcefully at the sheet, never breaking the kiss, struggling to get free of his confines.

“Fuck.” He laughed low, frustrated, as their mouths came apart and he looked down. “I can’t

get the fucking sheet off.”

“I didn’t know it was the sheet you were trying to get off,” Samuel murmured, nuzzling his

neck, biting his skin.

Caleb moaned and laughed. “Shut up, you know what I mean. And by the way, if I don’t get the

sheet off – I can’t get you off either. So help me out here.”

Knowing he should already be on his way to the office, but unable to resist this hot boy so

eager to pleasure him, Samuel laughed and rolled Caleb over, then once more, unwrapping him like

an enticing gift. Caleb kicked away the sheet as soon as it loosened and pushed Samuel onto his back,

straddling him.

“Well, giddy-up, cowboy,” Samuel grinned and grabbed his hips. Caleb’s lips pursed and he

smiled wryly as if Samuel had said something particularly amusing. “Let’s see how good you can


Caleb leaned down and kissed his lips, ass rising a little in the air as he nipped Samuel’s ear.

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“I already proved I’m an expert cock rider last night.” His teeth raked Samuel’s earlobe. “You might

have fucked me off, but you didn’t buck me off.”

His heels digging into the bed, Samuel pushed his hips up, probing between Caleb’s ass

cheeks with his hard cock. “Well I’m up for another go round.”

Caleb splayed his fingers and slid them through Samuel’s hair and touched his lips to his

mouth, but denied him the kiss as he whispered, “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

“Don’t remind me.” Samuel groaned and stole the kiss before Caleb could pull back.

“It would be a shame if you got fired because of me.” Caleb kissed his throat as Samuel tilted

his head back, his cock already dripping with anticipation. The young man slid down his body,

dropping kisses along the way, a few licks here and there, nibbling his stomach muscles, causing them

to jerk and quiver. Samuel moaned loud and released a shaky sigh, then tightened his lips as a hard –

Mmmm – squeezed out when he felt Caleb’s lips on his cock.

“Oh fuck…” Samuel gasped. Caleb licked slowly up and down his shaft, then began to tease

the ultra-sensitive groove on the underside of his cock head. His hips jerked and he clawed the bed.

“Uh! Fuck!”

Warm, wet tongue curved over the drooling head then firm lips sucking, squeezing the crown.

Samuel whimpered and panted. “Oh my god, Caleb…oh fuck, baby…” Suddenly he was

engulfed in the guy’s mouth, head pushing into his throat as he slowly sucked and stroked, up and

down, so soft and smooth, shoving his mouth down on him and forcing his cock into his tight throat

canal. Samuel couldn’t stop himself from thrusting, moving with his rhythm. “Oh fuck, Caleb…” he

choked. “Oh god, baby, keep doing it just like that…oh please don’t stop…don’t stop…fuuuck…”

A soft moan rolled up Caleb’s throat and vibrated through Samuel’s cock. His pace

quickened, wet, slick mouth sliding up and down his hard cock more urgently. Then he sucked up off

him – kissed the top of his cock head as he smiled up at him slyly, “To be continued.”

“What…What?” Samuel choked when Caleb slid back off the bed and stood up, his cock stiff

and bobbing enticingly. “No…no fucking to be continued. Get back here.”

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Caleb grinned and walked around to the side of the bed and leaned down, kissing his lips.

“Someone once told me to always leave a man wanting more.” He whispered, “If I give you

everything – who’s to say you’ll come back for more?”

I say!” Samuel exclaimed. “I’ll come back, you can fucking count on that.”

“But how do I know I can trust you?” Caleb cocked an eyebrow and smiled, “I really don’t

know you, after all.”

“After last night.” Samuel groaned in agony. “You fucking know me. In every sense of the

fucking word.”

Caleb dropped a light kiss on his lips then shifted and dropped another on his cock head,

causing Samuel’s cock to jump and stretch upward, reaching for his sweet, heavenly mouth. “Be here

tonight,” he murmured. “And I’ll know for sure I can trust you to keep coming back.”

“Wait…” Samuel pleaded, his body on fire. He chuckled anxiously, “Come on…you’re just

fucking with me, right? You’re not seriously going to leave me like this.”

Caleb took Samuel’s hand and kissed it, then wrapped it slowly around Samuel’s own cock,

and smiled. “Until tonight.”

His head dropping back into the pillow, eyes squeezing shut, Samuel moaned loud,

“Noo-ooo…” But Caleb was already walking away. “You’re gonna pay for this! Just you wait and

see!” Caleb just laughed softly and headed for the shower. Samuel whimpered, “You cock teasing

little shit.”

You’re so fucked. He’s got you wrapped around his…Samuel smiled and began to stroke.

* * * *

What’re you doing? Why did you tell him to come back tonight?

Caleb stood beneath the cool spray, trying desperately to vanquish the heat surging through

him – and failing miserably as he could hear Samuel in the bedroom, working out his frustration over

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Caleb’s little trick. He wasn’t certain, exactly, why he had done it except…maybe he really meant

what he said – if he just kept putting out…would the guy get his fill and one day not come back?

“What does it matter? He needs to go away and not come back,” he groaned and, without

thinking about what he was doing, wrapped his hand around his hard cock and began to squeeze and

slide his fist up and down his shaft, working himself faster, more urgently in time with the urgent

sounds coming from the bedroom. Samuel had come enough times last night that Caleb knew precisely

when he was right there. “Oh fuck.” He gasped as his own orgasm swelled up in a tidal wave.

Samuel was at the brink – as was Caleb. “Oh fuck, baby…cum…cum now.” Samuel wailed, not

bothering to try and stifle his ecstasy – no doubt wanting Caleb to hear him – and Caleb bit his lip

hard, sucking in a sharp breath as he shot his wad right along with Samuel. A whimpering cry

squeezed up his tight throat, then he gasped hard, panting, legs shaking, heart pounding wildly. He

groaned and laughed quietly. What a fucking rush. Strange that it turned him on so much to get off to

the sound of Samuel jerking off, knowing he was the only thing on the guy’s mind as he handled his

own cock.

“You’re in trouble,” Caleb groaned and washed himself off then stepped out of the shower.

“This guy has got you by the short hairs and that ain’t no joke.”

He wrapped a towel around his waist and reached for the door when it opened. Samuel

stepped in without invitation, naked and glistening with sweat. “Enjoy the show?”

Caleb smiled, “Immensely.”

Samuel rubbed his hand around Caleb’s waist, causing a sweet shiver to rush through him, and

flattened his palm against the small of his back, tugging him close then kissing him deep. “I’m going to

steal a shower, okay? Then get to work.”

His face sliding down to the man’s damp shoulder, Caleb kissed his fevered skin. “Mm-hm.”

Samuel ducked his head and kissed Caleb’s neck. “And I will be back tonight.”

Now’s your chance. Tell him not to come back. Just end it here and now.

Samuel’s body pressed closer to his as the guy burrowed deeper against his neck and sucked

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his skin sensually and with just enough force to mark him. Brand him.

Tell him to go away and not come back? Right now? Caleb moaned and leaned against

Samuel. Not gonna happen.

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Chapter Eight

“Nick Of Time”

“You okay, boss?” Dane dropped onto the stool next to Max. Dane was a beautiful sight, and

one of the first to come to his club, along with Cole and Gabe. Their seniority to the other younger

boys didn’t make them any less popular with the men.

His eyes lingered on the customer who had seemed to take up residence in the corner booth,

watching the stage lazily, and somewhat disinterestedly. Max knew who he was waiting for. And

though he was entirely certain as to the source of it – tension twisted his guts. He sipped his scotch

then set the glass on the bar. “Sometimes I wish I could screen the customers.”

Dane frowned. “Why? Having a problem with one of them?”

Max shook his head. “Nope. Just don’t care for the vibe he gives off.”

Following Max’s stare, Dane nodded slowly. “That’s the guy who took Caleb to the VIP room

last night.”

“Mm-Hmm.” Max lifted the glass again and took another drink.

“You think he’s trying to get more than his allotted share?”

“I don’t know.” Max murmured, “But when Caleb came out of the room, he didn’t look too

happy. In fact, he seemed a little…green around the gills, so to speak.”

“You don’t think he tried to force himself on the kid?”

Max shook his head slowly. “I don’t think so.” He said low. “You know my policy with all

the boys – if a customer gets out of line, they report it to me, immediately.” He twisted the glass in a

circle. “Caleb understood all that.” He shrugged. “I just don’t like the look of the guy. Seems like a

predator. And I think he’s stalking Caleb.”

“After that incident with Abel awhile back, I think I could gather Gabe and Cole’s assistance

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in giving the guy a warning not to cross boundaries.” He smiled wryly.

Max chuckled low. “Yeah, well, I have no doubt about that.” He downed the rest of the

scotch. “But, unfortunately…a club like this is bound to attract the occasional predator. I guess it’s

our job to make sure he don’t try to turn any of our boys into his prey.”

Dane saluted. “Gotcha.” He chuckled, then stood up when a customer approached the far end

of the bar and flashed a wad of bills at Dane. “Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work I go,” He murmured with

a smirk and headed down the bar.

Max shook his head and chuckled, his smile wavering though as his gaze returned to the man

in the booth. How susceptible was Caleb? The kid had implied he needed money. Just how badly did

he need it? And how much? Such questions brought Abel back to mind. The poor kid had been at his

wits end. Max hadn’t been thrilled about his arrangement with Horatio…for multiple reasons. At first,

he’d thought Horatio just wanted Abel for the raw sex. And he was certain the man had done his

damnedest at the start of it all to convince himself of the same thing. But even before Horatio was

aware of it – Max had seen that look hiding behind his eyes. The same look he used to give Max when

they were younger.

A rush of jealousy had been Max’s initial reaction. And then anger – feeling like the man was

deliberately slapping him in the face by coming to him, to his club, and requesting one his boys. As if

he were rubbing it in his face that while Max went to bed alone – most nights – he would be engaging

in wild sex with one of Max’s own boys. But both the anger and even the jealousy had dissipated

when he’d seen what was really going on inside Horatio. The man was hurting, and had been for

years. He couldn’t have his heart’s desire, and so he searched for the next closest thing – boys who

reminded him of a lover long gone. Max suspected that Abel came the closest, and even managed to

steal a bit of Horatio’s heart all on his own. But he felt no jealousy over that bit of reality. Fuck, Abel

had a piece of his heart as well – and he had never even touched the kid.

He sighed. There were no hard feeling toward Horatio for the things he did, the activities he

engaged in. He was doing what he had to do to get by, to deal with the unfairness of life. And at times,

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Max thought he was doing a better job of dealing than Max was. Because Max wasn’t dealing. He

was suppressing, burying, denying, and simply trying to ignore the pain of the situation. But he wasn’t

facing it. And he sure as hell wasn’t getting past it.

Rubbing his eyes, he took out his phone and opened his contact list. He pulled up Horatio’s

name, stared at it a moment, then opened a new text message. ‘Hey. Do you want to get together?

Your place or mine, it doesn’t matter. I just miss you so fucking bad I feel like I can’t breathe .’ He

stared at the message, the words beginning to blur and shimmer. He cleared his throat and quickly

wiped his eyes, then dumped it into the Draft folder along with a hoard of other unsent messages that

had accumulated over time. He would never send them, but neither could he delete them. Just typing

out the words gave him a tiny measure of release.

* * * *

The hot water felt good, but he didn’t allow himself a moment to just stand there and savor the

soothing spray. Nick tried to time his showers when no one else was there. He wasn’t self-centered

about his looks, but neither was he naïve; he was a good looking guy. Something that – in here –

wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

He scrubbed his body hurriedly then stepped beneath the shower spray again. His first year in

had been the worst. Dumped in maximum security with the hardcore offenders, he’d been a babe in

the woods. A lamb in a den of wolves. The first time they’d raped him, he’d been beaten within a

bare edge of death as well. It hadn’t taken him long to learn that fighting back only made it worse and

didn’t accomplish anything on his end.

A year and a half after his incarceration, he’d been transferred. Where he landed that time

hadn’t been as bad, though he’d still had his fair share of bloodied lips and swollen eyes. A few

cracked ribs now and then. But he’d managed to avoid getting fucked five ways from Sunday. When

he came here, it had gone okay for the most part. But he wasn’t oblivious to the man who watched him

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every second he was out in the general population. He had a sick feeling his luck was quickly running

out. He was more equipped to fight back, having built up his body since being locked up. But this guy

was no one to mess with. There was no way in hell he could hold his own against him.

Even if his luck held out for now – how long would that last? He was four years and counting.

Only twenty-one more to go. His life was over. Had it not been for Caleb, he wouldn’t even be here

now. After that first rape and beating – the only thing that kept him from offing himself was Caleb.

The boy would have adopted that guilt for his own as well, and he wouldn’t have held up under it,

eventually following his big brother’s example and offloading life for, hopefully, something better on

the other side.

Nick closed his eyes and for one brief moment did succumb to the soothing sensations of the

shower spray massaging his body. He realized too late his mistake in closing his eyes, letting down

his guard for even a second. The hands grabbed him and shoved him face first against the brick wall

of the shower, smashing his lips against his teeth as one forceful hand held his head in place.

“Hey beautiful.” Hot stale breath puffed against his ear and then a strong body was crushing

him against the wall. When he started to resist, the hand smacked his head hard against the wall again.

His eyes squeezed shut and he struggled to prepare himself for what they would do to him, but there

was no preparing – not ever. “Been wanting to give you some of this since I first laid eyes on your

pretty face.” Hard cock rubbed up between his ass cheeks. “Like that, baby? Been dreaming about


Nick’s jaw clenched, eyes burning. His breath rushed statically in and out of his lungs. “If

you’re gonna fuck me.” He hissed tightly between clamped teeth. “Then fuck me and stop your fuckin’

talking.” He grunted when he was slammed harder against the wall.

A strangled cry wrenched from him when the hand squeezed his neck hard, fingers digging in.

“How about I talk and fuck you at the same time, motherfucker?”

“Can you sign with your hands?” Nick breathed hard, uneven. “’Cause your breath fuckin’


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Sparkles and then blackness exploded through his head as he was jerked back and his

forehead slammed against the brick wall. The man’s mouth shoved against his ear, lips peeled back,

twisted, teeth grating Nick’s skin as he spit out, “Maybe I need to fuck that mouth until it learns some

respect, huh?”

Nick hit the shower floor hard, knees cracking. He glared up at the man, eyes bleary and

filling with blood. “You stick that in my mouth,” he choked, gasping, “and you ain’t getting it back.”

A fist twisted his hair and he was smashed to wall again. “You bite me, boy, and I’ll rip your

teeth out one by one…and I won’t be quick about it.”

Nick clenched his jaw, gathered up a mouthful of bloody saliva and spit it in the man’s face,

then prepared for the assault. But it never came as the man suddenly backed off, releasing Nick’s hair.

Nick sagged to the floor, leaned over and spit out blood onto the concrete floor, the hot water

grabbing it and swirling it down the drain in a crimson whirlpool. When he glanced up, the Hulk was

entering the shower, his eyes cold, deadly, as his stare alone urged Nick’s assailant to take leave of

the premises.

The monster of a man cranked on the shower head next to Nick’s. Giving the guy’s naked body

a quick once over, he again thanked what few dwindling lucky stars he had left that this guy didn’t

have a hard-on for him. God knows, it would’ve been one hell of a huge one. Nick’s back entrance

squeezed and tightened at the mere thought.

The man glanced down at him, undaunted by his nakedness. “You all right?” Up until this

moment, Nick hadn’t been entirely sure the guy could even speak, other than a grunt here and there.

His voice was oddly smooth, with a touch of suave.

Looking up at him, Nick raised a swollen, bloodied eyebrow, face throbbing, blood trickling

off his lips that could only twitch with a smile. “Don’t I look all right?”

The man chuffed, and shook his head.

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Chapter Nine


“Hey,” Dane leaned in the doorway of the dressing room. Caleb glanced up as he pulled on

his jeans, and simply nodded. “So how is everything going?”

Caleb tugged the pants up over his hips and fastened the snap. “Why do you keep asking?”

Shrugging, Dane smiled. “Just want to make sure you’re doing okay. Sometimes the customers

can get a bit…overzealous at times.”

“I can take care of myself,” Caleb mumbled. What was with this guy?

“I’m sure you can.” Dane scratched his temple. “I just want you to know, though, if you ever

need anything…or have trouble with a customer…let me know.”

“Thanks,” Caleb murmured non-committedly. “But like I said, I can take care of myself.”

The guy lingered in the doorway, leaning against the door frame. “You know, it’s okay to

make friends here at the club.”

Caleb pulled on his shirt. “I’m here to make money,” He said dully. “Not to create bonds.”

“Why can’t you do both?” Dane asked. “The guys here, they’re good guys. For many of them,

this place is like home.” He smiled. “We’re like one big family. No reason why you can’t be a part of

it as well.”

Sighing, Caleb shook his head. “I have family,” he said tightly. “I don’t need anymore.”

Dane stepped casually into the room without being invited, not that this was Caleb’s private

quarters. They all shared the dressing rooms. He glanced at the small counter in front of the mirror,

then picked up the train ticket Caleb had placed there. “North Carolina,” he murmured, “Taking a


“I’m going to see my brother,” He snatched the ticket from Dane’s hand. “Not that it’s any of

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your business.”

“If you want to save money,” Dane said. “You’ll cash that back in and let me drive you.”

What the hell was he talking about? Caleb barely knew the guy, and he wanted them to take a

trip together? You fucked a guy you didn’t know at all. Why is this any worse? “I appreciate the

offer,” Caleb said quietly, feeling kind of shitty for being so callous to the guy when he was just trying

to be friendly. “But…I’d rather go alone. I’m not very fun on a trip anyway. I’m really not very…


Tell that to Samuel. You were pretty fucking social with him last night.

“I don’t mind a quiet drive,” Dane said. “Gives me time to clear my head.”

Now that he thought about it, the train ticket was taking a hefty chunk out of his small stash of

cash. The less he had to pay out, the more he could give to Nick. His lips tightened and he looked at

Dane uncertainly. “How much would you charge me?”

“Well,” Dane rubbed his chin and smiled. “Seeing’s I was thinking of taking a long ass drive

for the mere pleasure of it anyway, how about…nothing?”

Caleb had his doubts that the guy had actually been planning a trip. So why was he offering to

drive him to North Carolina at no charge? He rarely met anyone who gave something without wanting

something else in return. “If you’re not charging money,” Caleb posed suspiciously, “Then what

would you want from me?”

No-thing,” Dane said slowly, emphatically. “I’m not waving a cash fee in exchange for a

piece of ass, if that’s what you’re thinking.” He winked, “Not that you don’t have a sweet ass. But

nonetheless,” he smiled. “I’m just offering you a free ride. Take it or leave it, it’s entirely up to you.

Ain’t no skin off my nose if you decide to needlessly shell out the cash for a ticket.”

Caleb hesitated. He didn’t get the sense the guy was bullshitting him. What he knew of Dane,

which in reality wasn’t much, he seemed like a decent enough man. And money-wise, he needed to cut

corners where he could.

When he didn’t answer, Dane shrugged. “Suit yourself,” he walked back to the door.

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“I would…” Caleb started, halting the man in the doorway. “I would need to go tomorrow.”

Dane nodded, “Works for me.”

* * * *

Samuel straightened his crisp white shirt and swept his fingers through his freshly washed

hair. His mild cologne sifted up his own nostrils as he flipped open his cell and grabbed his car keys

with his other hand, and headed out of the bedroom.

His call went straight to voice mail. “Hey, I’m on my way and I wouldn’t hate it if you greeted

me at the door like last night,” he chuckled, jogging down the wide staircase. “If you’re not there, I’m

going to wait outside your door till you get home. So don’t think you can ditch me, sexy. See you

soon.” He snapped the phone closed and stuffed it in his pocket, then squeezed the car keys in his fist

as he walked through the foyer toward the front door.

“Samuel,” his mother’s stern voice slowed his steps. He groaned and turned back. She came

out of the living room looking as elegant as ever. “Your father wants to speak with you when he gets


“I can’t tonight,” Samuel shook his head, not giving a fuck what his dad wanted. “I got to go.”

Where are you going?” she asked stiffly.

He indicated his clothes, and smiled smartly, “I got a date,” He smirked, “With a very hot guy,

I might add. So…”

He wasn’t surprised or fazed by the shadow of disgust that darkened her eyes. “I really wish

you wouldn’t…advertise your…activities.”

Advertise? What was he wearing – a fucking billboard sign that exclaimed ‘I’m a fag!’? “No

worries, mother,” He assured dryly, “I don’t drive through the city with a bullhorn out the window

shouting out my sexual preferences.”

She gave him a look that indicated she wasn’t entirely convinced. “Either way,” she told him,

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“your father said for you to be here. Nolan Emery wasn’t very happy with you walking out on him last


“So what’s he going to do?” Samuel cocked an eyebrow. “Slap my hands with a ruler? I

finished up the work this morning, like I said I would. I’m not five fucking years old; I don’t need a

talking to from my old man.” He left her before she could start in about how, even though he was

twenty-three, he was still living under their roof and needed to show some respect.

Once in his car, he released a tight breath and pulled away from the house. Thoughts of Caleb

soothed his mind and warmed his body. How many nights did he have to spend with the guy before it

was feasibly all right to suggest they move in together?

Samuel smiled at the idea of sharing an apartment with Caleb. Not just share a living space,

but their lives as well. Don’t you think you’re jumping the gun just a tad? You just met this guy.

Just because he gives you a raging hard-on 24/7 doesn’t mean he’s necessarily relationship


But Samuel didn’t care how recent he had met the guy; Caleb was everything he wanted in a

man…in a boyfriend. He’d known it right from the get-go. And he had no intention of letting the guy

get away.

* * * *

“I’m thinking it’s going to take more than some makeup to hide this,” Nick studied his battered

face in the small, filmy mirror. The Hulk sat at the small desk in the corner of the cell, his back to

Nick. The man’s burst of verbal conversation had been short lived and he was now back to mere

grunts for responses. But that brief interaction had helped Nick relax a bit around the guy. He no

longer seemed so…frightening.

Nick glanced at him. He sat hunched over a blank piece of notebook paper, a wallet sized

photo lying on top. He just stared at the picture, pen gripped in his fingers. But no words went down

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on the paper. Nearly every day it was the same thing, yet he never wrote the letter. Nick had always

deemed it in his best interest to just leave the man be, not stick his nose into the guy’s business. But

now, more than ever, he sensed the man’s anguish. Did he have bad writing skills? Was he just not

good with words?

Taking a chance, Nick asked quietly, “Is that a picture of your girlfriend?” Of course, they had

never talked about their personal lives. They had never talked about anything.

The man remained silent, not even a grunt.

“Sorry,” Nick murmured apologetically. “Didn’t mean to pry.” He went back to studying his

face and wishing he had some miracle healing agent that would fix his face before Caleb showed up

tomorrow. The kid didn’t need to see this.

“My wife,” the Hulk said suddenly, low. An ache strained his unusually pleasant voice.

Stepping back from the mirror, Nick went to the lower bunk and sat down. “Having a hard

time finding the words to say to her?”

He went silent for a long moment, then murmured, “I’m not trying to write to her,” he turned

his head and looked at Nick. Where before he’d seen only potential threat, he now saw a man in

emotional torment. “I’m trying to write to her parents.”

Dread squeezed Nick’s gut. “Why her parents?”

The man’s eyes glazed and he slowly turned his gaze back to the photo. “Because I took the

life of their only child.”

* * * *

Caleb had listened to Samuel’s voice mail message on his way up to his apartment, and

consequently found the man sitting outside his door, knees bent and supporting his elbows as he

played angry birds on his phone.

What the hell are you going to do with this guy? Caleb groaned inwardly. The man seemed

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determined not to be just a flash in the pan fuck. He appeared to have taken up squatter’s rights in

Caleb’s life.

Samuel glanced up when Caleb approached. He annihilated one last bird before closing the

phone and crawling to his feet. A knee-weakening, cock-hardening scent wafted off him. And he

looked just good enough to fucking devour. He raised a sexy eyebrow and smiled, “Surprised to see


Caleb cast him a sideways glance as he stepped around him and unlocked the door. “Not

really,” he murmured and entered the apartment.

“Because you knew you could trust me to come back?” Samuel followed him inside and

closed the door.

“Because I got your voice mail.”

“I see,” Samuel gripped his waist from behind and his lips touched down on Caleb’s neck.

“Does that mean I still have to earn your trust?” His warm lips moved against Caleb’s skin, tugging

gently, teasing. “’Cause I’m up for it.” With that, he pressed his body against him, his arousal quite


Good god, man, how am I going to get rid of you? But neither his mind nor his body was

seeking an answer to that question as Samuel slowly peeled Caleb’s shirt up off his head without

resistance, then trailed his fingertips down the center of his back, causing a shiver to course through

Caleb’s body and ignite a fierce erection in his shorts.

Without willing it, Caleb’s body began to move slowly against Samuel’s as if music had

suddenly begun to play. He closed his eyes and took hold of Samuel’s hands, moving them slowly,

sensually all over his body.

“You are so fucking sexy.” Samuel whispered, moaning as Caleb’s hands snaked back and

caressed the man’s hips, moving them in rhythm with Caleb’s own, his firm ass pushing and rolling

against Samuel’s hardened crotch.

Twisting smoothly, gracefully, Caleb swayed against the man, plucking loose the buttons of

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his shirt one at a time. Samuel’s fingertips played up and down Caleb’s back lightly. His lips went to

Samuel’s throat, slick tongue tracing patterns over his Adam’s apple as he removed the man’s shirt

with artistic grace.

Samuel’s head tilted back, a low groan rolling up his throat beneath Caleb’s mouth. “Oh god,

Caleb…I want you so bad right now.”

Teeth grating enticingly across the man’s sensitive skin at the base of his throat, Caleb

moaned, “Then take me.”

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Chapter Ten

“Too late Not To Fall”

Though the flame was burning every bit as hot as before, Samuel was in no rush. His passion

and desire for Caleb – on multiple levels – were increasing by leaps and bounds. He didn’t just want

to fuck the guy, but longed to experience him in every aspect of the word, savor every second he had

with him. Sometimes when he looked in the man’s eyes, he sensed a wall there – as if Caleb would

only allow him to get so close, but not nearly close enough for Samuel’s liking. And there seemed to

be that ‘ready to flee’ air about the young man. Not as if he were afraid of being hurt, but…well,

Samuel didn’t really know what. Sexually, Caleb was quite open. But emotionally…he felt closed


So find a way to open that door.

He and Caleb were wrapped around one another as they made their way to the bedroom and

fell onto the bed together, Samuel landing on top of Caleb. The guy grunted then laughed low and

shoved his hands down between them, working open Samuel’s pants. His cock throbbed and he just

wanted to get inside Caleb as quickly as possible, but even so – he wanted this thing with Caleb to be

more than just sex.

Sitting back on his heels, Samuel gripped Caleb’s hands, halting their activity. “Easy, baby…

we got all night.”

“So?” Caleb smiled darkly. “Doesn’t mean we can’t get to it.”

Samuel held Caleb’s wrists and pushed his arms above his head, pinning them to the bed as he

stretched out over the top of him. “True. But neither do we need to rush.” He brushed his lips across

Caleb’s cheek, breathing softly against his skin. “Maybe I want to take my time, savor you.”

“Shut up.” Caleb rolled his eyes and turned his face to the side, a cynical smile twisting his

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lips. “Don’t get all fuzzy bunny on me.”

“Why?” Samuel grinned and nuzzled his neck. “Afraid I might…steal your heart?”

Caleb stiffened a little. “No,” he mumbled, his face still twisted to the side.

“Don’t think I can?”

Shaking his head slowly, Caleb glanced at him. “Can we terminate this topic and get down to


“Whatever you want,” Samuel smiled and kissed him. When Caleb leaned into it, Samuel

pulled back a bit, a wry smile on his lips. “But first…say you’ll be my boyfriend.”

Caleb shifted beneath him and looked away again. “No,” he whispered.

“Why not?” Samuel pressed gently, kissing his neck, pushing his hips against Caleb’s hard

crotch. “Don’t you like me? ‘Cause I’m getting the feeling that you do like me.” He grinned and

rocked his crotch a little, pulling a low moan from Caleb.

“It isn’t that,” Caleb’s breath quickened.

“Then what?” Samuel murmured and grabbed at the curve of his jaw with his lips. “Are you

seeing other boys as well?”

“No,” Caleb sighed with a note of exasperation, then shifted his eyes to Samuel’s face. “Are


The slight uncertain frown that pinched his brow delivered a little jolt to Samuel’s heart;

though he might not admit it, Caleb didn’t want him seeing other guys. He smiled, “Now why would I

ask you to be my boyfriend if I were seeing other guys?”

“I…” Caleb fumbled with his words then shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“But…” Samuel posed, “If you don’t grab me up soon…someone else might.”

Caleb licked his lips then shrugged absently. “So?”

Stop fighting it, baby, Samuel groaned inwardly, you know you want me for yourself. He

chuckled softly, “So, he says.” He kissed Caleb’s warm mouth, then whispered, “You might think

you’re fooling me, but you’re not. I know you want me.”

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“Arrogant much?” Caleb cocked an eyebrow.

“Nope,” Samuel smiled, “Just calling it like I see it.”

“Maybe I just want your cock?” Caleb suggested. “Ever think of that?”

“Sure,” Samuel released his wrists and combed his hair back from his forehead then kissed

his brow softly, “I considered it, then dismissed it as quickly.”


“Because,” Samuel explained quietly, “You’re not a cock chaser.” He kissed down the bridge

of his nose and back to his lips. “In fact, I think you’re a closet romantic. I think you want all the fuzzy

bunny stuff…but just won’t admit it.”

Caleb groaned and shook his head, though a smile played on his lips. “And I think you’re


A low chuckle rumbled in Samuel’s chest. “Perhaps,” He murmured and kissed Caleb’s

mouth. “But even the delusional have moments of clarity.”

“Are you gonna fuck me or not?” Caleb asked. “’Cause it’s late and I could be sleeping if all

you’re going to do is talk.”

* * * *

Why couldn’t the guy just play his part and quit stepping outside his assigned role? He liked

Samuel, a lot – too much – and he didn’t need him trying to burrow into his heart. He just might

accomplish such a feat, and Caleb didn’t need that right now. Maybe you don’t need it…but you

want it.

To his relief, the guy seemed to have abandoned his quest to make Caleb admit he wanted him

– other than just sexually – and was now planting another brand on his neck; teeth, lips and tongue

working together to mark him. All through the day, whenever he’d caught a glimpse of his reflection

and saw the mark Samuel had left on him that morning, it had caused a funny tickle in his gut, and a bit

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lower as well. And now he was formulating another – actually more than one as he occasionally

grabbed a new patch of skin and worked on it. His mouth felt good and caused Caleb’s cock to swell

and harden beneath Samuel’s body. He opened his legs and lifted his hips, pushing up against the guy

as his hands began to play up and down his back, soft moans working up his throat.

Without releasing his throat, Samuel moved against him, shoving his crotch into Caleb’s,

rolling his hips slowly. Caleb’s breath caught and he moaned louder; fuck, that felt good. He wanted

to strip the man down to nothing and take him inside him, but Samuel seemed content for the moment

to simply suck on his neck and simulate fucking.

“Samuel,” Caleb rasped thickly, panting. “You’re gonna make me juice in my pants. Can’t we

get naked?”

He felt the guy smile against his neck, then let loose of his skin. “In a minute,” His voice was

thick, ragged, and he grabbed a fresh patch of skin, sucking firmly. At the same time, he worked his

hips a bit more quickly and enthusiastically.

Caleb grabbed his ass through his pants and fake fucked him back with urgency. “Fuck.” He

gasped and bit his lip as Samuel began to circle his hips somewhat. “Please…just fuck me.” Caleb

whimpered. His shorts were growing damp from cum juice and his cock beginning to pulse.

Teeth raked his earlobe, then, “Say you’ll be my boyfriend,” Samuel whispered again.

“Samuel…dammit…” Caleb clenched his jaw and groaned loud as the guy put more effort

into making Caleb feel him.

“Say it,” Samuel panted, pushing up on his elbows for leverage and thrusting against him

harder, “Say it and I’ll fuck you.”

Caleb’s head dropped back against the pillow and he groaned loudly. “You suck,” He

whimpered, on the verge of selling his soul just to feel the guy inside him.

“I can do that too.” Samuel smiled and kissed his ear. “Come on, baby…just admit you want

to be my boyfriend…stop torturing yourself.”

“I’m not the one torturing me,” Caleb gasped.

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Samuel chuckled, “Well, you do kind of deserve this, after what you did to me this morning.”

“I’m sorry.” Caleb whimpered brokenly. “I’ll make it up to you, I swear! Just fuck me!”

Samuel smiled and nibbled Caleb’s lower lip. “Make it up to me by saying you’ll be my

boyfriend…and all will be forgiven…and I’ll give you whatever you want.”

You shit, you don’t play fair . Caleb closed his eyes tight as Samuel massaged his steel cock

into his crotch. Fuck. “Okay,” He burst out suddenly. “Whatever. I’ll…be your fucking boyfriend,

just…give me some cock already!”

“You’re so romantic,” Samuel grinned and kissed him hard, then he was off the bed, dragging

Caleb’s pants down his legs and chucking them across the room as he hurriedly discarded his own.

When his mouth went for Caleb’s leaking cock, Caleb grabbed him and pulled him up over his

body. “Suck me later,” He panted erratically. “ Fuck me now.” He didn’t wait for Samuel’s reply.

Twisting onto his stomach, he pushed up on hands and knees. Samuel’s fingers were instantly

squeezing his ass cheeks, then his teeth biting into his soft flesh. Caleb gasped and flinched but

shoved back to him. His head dropped down suddenly, a loud – Uuh! – bursting from him as

Samuel’s face shoved between his cheeks, tongue licking, probing. “Fuck.” He squeezed out tightly,

teeth clamped. His cock was stiff, no give to it at all, balls tight and hugging his body, aching to

unload. It wasn’t often he could cum without touching himself – or someone else touching him – but he

could tonight. He had no doubt about that.

Samuel rubbed his hands up Caleb’s body, lips following, hot kisses dropping on his skin

until his mouth was at the back of Caleb’s neck. “God, baby, your body feels so good.”

“Make it feel even better,” Caleb moaned and pushed his ass back against Samuel’s hard

cock, urging it between his cheeks.

Breath quick, ragged, Samuel spit in his palm and coated his shaft then let more saliva drop

into the crease of Caleb’s ass and rubbed it in with his thumb.

“God,” Caleb gasped, throat tight. “Hurry up and do me.”

Samuel grabbed his hips and pulled him back onto his cock, entering not too slowly. “Oh my

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god, Caleb.” He puffed, breath beginning to hiss as his teeth clamped down. “Fuck…oh god, you’re

so damn tight.”

The length and thickness of Samuel’s cock was evidence enough of the man’s hunger and need

for him. But though the guy clearly wanted to just slam in and fuck him relentlessly – he still took care

entering him. And when he gave that final thrust that embedded him inside Caleb, his hands slid under

Caleb’s body and rubbed up his chest, his torso curving over Caleb’s back, lips pressing against his

shoulder. There was so much more than just sexual lust in the man’s touch, his kiss, and the way his

body began to move against him.

Caleb clutched the sheets and squeezed his eyes shut, the ecstasy of Samuel’s presence

pushing him quickly toward that ledge he longed to leap over. “You feel so good, Caleb,” Samuel

panted, voice raspy yet still soft. He caressed Caleb’s chest, squeezing his pecs tenderly, thumbs

rubbing over his stiff nipples as he slid his cock in and out of his tight caverns. He kissed Caleb’s

shoulder then between his shoulder blades, hot breath rushing out over his fevered skin. “I could be

happy fucking just you for the rest of my life.” His lips pressed firmly against Caleb’s back and held,

his hips shoving harder, faster against Caleb’s ass.

No…don’t make love to me – just fuck me. Don’t make me feel something for you . But as the

man took him higher and higher, he sensed it was too late. Or had it been too late after that first night

at the pool? Wasn’t that really when he first fell?

He shoved the unsettling thoughts away as Samuel hit his magic button again and again.

“Fuck!” he cried and shoved back against the man, over and over, quick, erratic, ass cheeks bumping

hurriedly off his pelvis. The slapping together of sweaty bodies filled the bedroom mingled with their

cries and shouts. The sudden burning of an orgasm squeezed Caleb’s balls, and his muscles began to

lock up, strain, clench. “Fuuuck! Samuel! Oh fuck, I’m gonna come!”

His hard cock bobbed stiffly between his legs, dripping cum juice onto the bed, flicking it up

against his stomach. His back arched suddenly and he threw his head back, yelling out loud as he

burst, hard shots of cum squirting across the sheets.

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“Yes!” Samuel panted, voice static, uneven. “Oh fuck…yes-yes-yes…give it to me, baby!”

Uuuhh!!” Caleb choked on the force of the orgasm, jaw tight, as he fucked Samuel

desperately. “Oh Fuuuck! Ahhhh!!”

Samuel released a hard breath and pushed him down on his stomach, body pinning him to the

bed as his body locked tight against Caleb’s and his hips rocked and rolled and rotated, working his

cock inside him every which way. He squeezed Caleb in his arms, lips gripping his damp shoulder,

breath puffing hard. “Fuck…fuck…yes…” A strangled wail wrenched up out him as his back bowed,

thrusting his hips hard, driving himself inside Caleb with force – and unloaded. His whole body went

rigid for a moment, voice squeezed off as he pushed himself in deeper, cum filling Caleb’s ass. A

hard breath burst from him suddenly and he fucked Caleb erratically, working through his orgasm.

His strength left him in an instant and he sagged against Caleb’s back, breath puffing hard,

unsteady. His cheek laid on Caleb’s shoulder, the weight of his hot, damp body feeling strangely

comforting as he softly caressed up and down Caleb’s sides.

Caleb had the sudden urge to turn over and kiss the guy. Not just a light kiss – but wrap around

him with arms and legs and kiss him until the lack of oxygen knocked them out. No, don’t think that

way. You can’t like this guy. Not like that.

Lifting up slowly, Samuel rolled over onto his back, panting. Caleb remained on his stomach,

face turned away. He could feel the man looking at him then, more directly, felt his hand rubbing over

his back. “Since you agreed to be my boyfriend,” Samuel murmured and rolled onto his side, his hand

flattening against Caleb’s lower back, lips touching the nape of his neck. “Does that mean I can come

over every night?”

A stinging burned Caleb’s eyes that he didn’t quite understand. “I just agreed to it…” he

whispered, “so you would fuck me.”

Samuel smiled and kissed his slick skin. “I know…but it doesn’t matter. You agreed and I’m

gonna hold you to it.” Samuel slid over the top of him and lay on the other side so he could look in

Caleb’s face. He rubbed the back of his fingers down Caleb’s cheek. “Is it really such a bad thing to

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be my boyfriend?”

No, Caleb thought, chest squeezing. It’s what I want . But rather than speak the words that

Samuel would have surely preferred, Caleb shrugged, “I just don’t know if I’m boyfriend material.”

“Let me be the judge of that,” Samuel whispered and touched his head to Caleb’s brow.

The look of sincerity in the man’s pale green eyes caused cracks to fissure through his heart.

His lips tightened, throat knotting, and he pleaded quietly, “Please don’t fall for me, Samuel.”

Samuel kissed him softly, “Too late.”

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Chapter Eleven

“For My Eyes Only”

On rare occasions, Max Raines wasn’t alone when he came home. If a particular customer

looked just right…he might take him home with him to soothe the burning in his body, though it did

nothing for the break in his heart.

But tonight he was alone when he stepped through the front door and entered the dark, cold

dwelling that was supposed to be home, but simply felt like a tomb. Some nights he spent in his office

at the club, sleeping on the sofa, drinking himself into oblivion. But he’d opted for his own bed

tonight. Because in truth, it didn’t really matter where he slept, or who was in his bed with him – it

didn’t change a damn thing.

He sighed and slid his hand down the kitchen wall and flipped on the light. “Fuck!” He

jumped when the bright overhead light exposed the man sitting at his kitchen table, a bottle of scotch

resting next to the glass he held in his hand. “You scared the shit out of me,” Max gasped and rubbed

the back of his neck as he stared at Horatio. The man grunted and dumped more liquor into his glass.

“What’re you…doing here?”

Horatio slid the bottle to the side and lifted the glass to his lips, swallowing a drink, then

replaced it on the table and looked at Max with heavy eyes. Clearly he’d been at the bottle for a

while. “I got your message.”

Message? Max frowned. “What message?”

A smile curved Horatio’s lips and he stood up slowly. “Your text message.”

“My…” Max’s frown tightened, pinching his brow painfully. What the fuck is he talking

about? I didn’t send…His heart pounded. “What? I didn’t…send you a text.”

Horatio approached him, eyes caressing Max’s face. “You did…even if it wasn’t intentional.”

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It wasn’t possible. He had dumped that message into the draft folder. What if you

subconsciously put it in the outbox? Maybe you wanted him to see it, to know how you still feel.


“I miss you too,” Horatio’s voice strained with emotion as he moved closer. Max backed

away, then the door frame halted his retreat. Horatio’s hands slid into his hair, cupping the sides of

his head. The kitchen light glittered off the sheen of tears in his eyes. “I miss you so fucking bad.” His

mouth crushed Max’s, body pushing against him, pinning him to the door frame. His long suppressed

desire for Max was boldly evident in the man’s crotch.

A raging battle broke out in Max’s head, part of him insisting he stop this now, and another

part begging him to just let go, give in, if only for a moment…maybe even an entire night. His hands

were on Horatio’s chest, fingers squeezing the man’s shirt in his fists. A groan formulated at the base

of his throat and worked upward. When he felt Horatio about to pull out of the kiss, Max tightened his

grip on his shirt and drew him deeper into it. His show of willingness encouraged Horatio and the

man pushed against him harder, kissing him with an urgency born of a hungry heart.

“Ask me to spend the night,” Horatio gasped when he came up for a breath, voice thick,

almost pleading. His mouth moved to Max’s neck. “Take me to bed, Max…please…I want to fuck

you all night long, nonstop…make up for lost time.”

Though his head wasn’t clear, Max still understood he was thinking more rationally than

Horatio. And he wished he wasn’t, as the man’s warm mouth sucked his neck, then his earlobe. He

felt himself slipping – when Horatio began tugging at the front of Max’s pants, unfastening the snap,

dragging down the zipper. “Horatio…” he panted, cock aching like a son of a bitch to feel any part of

Horatio Kaplan touching it.

Horatio’s mouth covered his, halting his protest, and then his hand was shoving down inside

Max’s pants. His body jerked and he gasped hard into Horatio’s mouth as the man massaged his hard

cock. Oh fuck, baby, I’ve missed your touch. He couldn’t stop himself from shoving his cock into

Horatio’s palm.

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“Say it,” Horatio groaned against his throat. “Say it, Max…say what we both want you to


Max squeezed his eyes shut and his arms went around the man’s shoulders. “Fuck me.”

He didn’t remember traveling the hallway between the kitchen and the bedroom, only

registered that he was standing in the kitchen one moment – and falling onto the bed the next. Horatio

stripped him down to nothing before Max could come to his senses and stop what was happening.

Then the man was on the bed with him, naked, sitting back on his heels and pulling Max up into his


Fuck.” Max gasped hard and clutched Horatio in his arms as the man’s stiff cock shoved into

him. “Uuuhh! God!”

Horatio squeezed him in a fierce embrace, fingers digging into his muscles, as he thrust into

him urgently. “Ah fuck! Max!” he choked on a cry and hugged him tighter, kissing his neck and

shoulder. “Oh fuck…fuck…yes…” His hands slid down Max’s back and covered his ass, gouging as

he held on, his hands following the swaying roll of Max’s hips as he fucked him with as much

enthusiasm. “Oh fuck, Max…you make it feel so good…”

The urgency in both Max and Horatio quickly heightened, swelled, until Max was rocking

against him harder, with increased desperation and determination, bouncing on his cock.

“Fuu-uuck!” Horatio yelled and dropped them down on the bed. They wrapped around each

other and fucked like it was their last time. Horatio kissed him, lips trembling, urgent. “Max,” he

shuddered as their slick bodies glided and collided together hurriedly, rocking the bed. “Oh fuck,

Max! I’m gonna cum!”

He pushed up on his arms, hips working erratically, slamming his cock into Max. He stared

down into Max’s face, panting hard, puffing. Then he grabbed Max’s cock and began jerking him off

as he fucked him harder, deeper. Max twisted and writhed beneath him, hips arching, thrusting his ass

against his cock as the man stroked him to orgasm. Max screamed and convulsed as shots of cum

blew out onto his stomach and chest.

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“Fuck, baby! Yes!” Horatio dropped back down on top of him, kissing him hungrily, cock

hammering him until a wrenching wail tore loose and he burst inside Max. “Fuuuck!”

In bare moments, his face was pressed against Max’s neck, his hot breath flooding across

Max’s wet, fevered skin. Horatio caressed his body, unwilling just yet to pull out of him. When he

lifted his head, a wall of tears rose in his eyes.

Max touched his face. “I love you.” He choked, then pulled the man down against him again

and held on for dear life. He shoved his face against the man’s neck, nuzzling the tips of his hair. “I

never stopped loving you, Horatio. I want so bad for you to know that.” He squeezed his eyes shut,

tears pushing out.

When he could no longer feel Horatio in his arms, he opened his eyes slowly. Warm tears

cascaded down his cheeks as his back pressed against the kitchen wall and he stared blankly at the

empty chair, the table void of the liquor bottle and glass. Horatio wasn’t here. He hadn’t accidentally

sent the text which brought the man to him.

The house was empty.

And so was Max.

* * * *

The limo sat quietly on the dark street, a block down from the house. A deep longing crept

into mahogany eyes as they watched the light in the kitchen go out. Every part of him pleaded with him

to just go up to the door and knock. The man would let him in…his heart would give him no other

choice. They would make love for the rest of the night, and in the morning…

Perhaps that was what prevented him. The morning after. The cold light of day exposing their

stark reality. There would be regret floating in those eyes that he longed to gaze into every day for the

rest of his life; regret that he had relented, given in to the desires of his heart. And the thought of that

regret hurt too much. He could have what he wanted, for tonight, if he so chose. But not without a

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His gaze shifted from the dark house to the phone in his hand. He tapped the screen and it

woke up, displaying the words that had brought him this far. But they hadn’t been intentional. He

wasn’t meant to see them, to know the man still loved him on this level. It felt as if he were reading

the private, personal entries of the journal of a tortured man. Words that were never meant to see the

light of day.

‘Hey. Do you want to get together? Your place or mine, it doesn’t matter. I just miss you so

fucking bad I feel like I can’t breathe.’

Horatio’s vision blurred and he licked his lips slowly. “I can’t breathe either, baby.”

Chapter Twelve

“More Than A Lover”

When Samuel rolled over and finally crawled up from the depths of sleep, Caleb was already

packing the sports bag. He glanced at Samuel when he rubbed his face then scooted up against the

pillows, a pinch to his brow. “Going somewhere?”

“Mm,” was all Caleb offered, along with a slight nod. He returned to the bureau and grabbed

a couple t-shirts.

Samuel tucked his arms behind his head and watched him. “And you’re going…where?”

“Visit my brother…in North Carolina,” He mumbled, stuffing the shirts in the bag.

“You didn’t mention it last night,” Samuel said. “Did you just decide to go this morning?”

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“No,” Caleb shook his head. “I go every month.”

Sitting up straighter, Samuel drew his legs up under the blankets and rested his arms on his

knees. “You driving?”

Caleb cleared his throat quietly. “A…friend from work is giving me a ride.”

“A friend,” Samuel murmured, then smiled. “How about I take you instead? A road trip could

be fun.”

“I’ve already made the arrangements,” Caleb told him. “I’m leaving in about an hour.”

Samuel pushed forward and reached out, grabbing Caleb’s arm, then dragged him onto the bed

with him, rolling them both over and pinning him down. “And why didn’t you tell me you were

leaving?” he kissed Caleb’s mouth.

His pulse quickening, Caleb licked his lips. You kiss so good . “I didn’t know it was your


Samuel chuckled and grinned, “Well it is.” He touched his lips to Caleb’s and murmured,

“You are my boyfriend, after all.”

Boyfriend. Caleb shifted beneath him as the man’s arousal grew, with only the blanket

between them. “You strong-armed me into that.”

“Perhaps,” Samuel grinned. “But it’s still binding.” His planted another kiss on Caleb’s

mouth, deepening, lingering until Caleb moaned and responded with more enthusiasm, wrapping his

arms around Samuel’s neck. Samuel repositioned so he was laying directly on top of Caleb. He

tugged the blanket out from between them, his naked body pushing down against the other man.

Caleb broke the kiss. “Samuel,” He gasped, voice thick. “I don’t…have time for this. My ride

will be here soon.” The last thing he wanted was for Samuel to stop, but he had to gain some control

over their situation. It wasn’t supposed to have gone even this far. And now he had agreed to be

Samuel’s boyfriend? The guy wasn’t going to let that go, that much was evident.

Pushing up on his elbows, Samuel stared down into his face. “Who is this friend?” he asked,

with a mock note of suspicion. “Is he hot?”

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“Is he hot?” Samuel asked again, smiling. “Sexy?” He cocked his head a little. “Should I be

worried that he gets to be alone with you on this trip? You’re not going to share a hotel room or

anything, are you?”

Caleb closed his eyes and shook his head, unable to prevent the smile from curving his lips

and the short laugh from bursting out. “Are you done with the grilling?” he smacked his shoulder

lightly. “Let me up, I have to finish packing.”

“On one condition,” Samuel smiled and rubbed the back of his fingers against Caleb’s neck,

causing a shudder to ripple down through him.

Eyes narrowing suspiciously, Caleb murmured, “What?”

“Promise you’ll go out on a real date with me when you get back.”

“A date?” Caleb stared at him. Most guys would’ve considered this the perfect relationship –

come over and fuck when the mood struck them, with no other obligations. So why did Samuel want

the extras?

“Yes, a date,” Samuel grinned and kissed him. “Regardless how it appears, I’m not just here

for your hot little body and incredible talent between the sheets.” He slid his fingers through Caleb’s

hair and kissed the tip of his nose – a gesture that incited an instant sting in his eyes. “I want to get to

know you, Caleb…as more than just a lover.” The look seeping into his eyes told Caleb the man was

indeed after so much more than just nightly fuck-fests. “I want to…walk down the street, holding your

hand. Go to the movies. Or out for coffee, or something stronger. I just want to…be with you.”

Caleb swallowed thickly as his throat knotted. Please don’t say those things, Samuel.

“I’ve never really…shared my life with anyone.” Samuel said quietly, emotion straining his

voice. “There was never anyone that I wanted a relationship with outside the bedroom.” He slid his

thumb over Caleb’s lower lip then kissed him. “Until I met you.”

Silence settled over the bedroom and Caleb looked away as the sting in his eyes began to

burn. He pushed Samuel off him and left the bed. “I have to finish packing,” He mumbled.

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He couldn’t look at the guy, and gathered more clothes from the drawers than he didn’t need.

Anything to keep him occupied.

Samuel sat up again. “So…about that date?” he murmured.

Clearing his throat, Caleb sniffed and swallowed hard. Why did he have such a hard time

saying no to this guy? “Uh…” he licked his lips slowly, his back to the man as he rested his hands on

the edge of the open drawer. “Maybe…we should just keep things in the bedroom.”

“Uh huh…” Samuel said slowly. “So what you’re telling me is that I can’t even take my own

boyfriend out on a date? Isn’t that the whole idea of that boyfriend-boyfriend thing?”

“I wouldn’t really know,” Caleb shrugged. “Besides, the boyfriend thing was your idea. Not

mine.” Why did the guy stick around? Caleb was doing his damnedest to make the man believe he

wanted nothing real with him. Whether or not that was true wasn’t something Caleb cared to analyze.

Because you know you want everything he wants. Caleb sighed, his throat clenching harder. Well

you can’t fucking have it. And, with that bitter thought, he slammed the drawer hard.

* * * *

“So where do you work?” Samuel slipped into his shirt and began fastening the buttons from

the bottom. “You never actually said.”

Caleb’s internal struggle was fierce enough to show on the surface. The other night he had told

Samuel that all he did was cause people hurt. Did he truly believe that? Was that why he was fighting

this developing relationship with Samuel? But Samuel refused to be deterred. If he had the sense that

Caleb truly did not want anything serious, then yeah, he would’ve backed off. But the guy was fooling

himself, not Samuel.

Samuel’s question caused Caleb to fidget. He zipped up the sports bag and set it on the floor

by the bedroom door. He shrugged, “Just some…club downtown.”

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“What kind of club?” Samuel asked and finished buttoning his shirt, leaving the top couple


“A…typical club,” Caleb mumbled.

“What’s the name of it? Maybe I’ve been there,” He chuckled low. “Been to most.”

Grabbing up his jacket, Caleb walked to the door and picked up the sports bag. “I have to go.”

Samuel frowned and smiled, “Your ride isn’t even here. How can you go?”

Shrugging, Caleb left the bedroom without answering the question of the club’s name.

“Baby,” Samuel murmured, tucking his shirt into his pants. “You’re just not going to make this

easy for me, are you?” He followed Caleb into the living room. “So…why’re you being so evasive

about the club? Don’t tell me,” he grinned and pulled Caleb into his arms, nuzzling his neck, his hands

sliding down to squeeze his butt cheeks. “You’re an exotic dancer and you don’t want to admit you

strip for horny men.” He kissed his neck as Caleb stiffened in his arms. “Am I right? Come on, fess

up.” He drew back, flicked an eyebrow, “’Cause I could totally see you shaking that sweet, sexy ass

on stage.”

“Stop it,” Caleb muttered tight and shoved him away.

“I was kidding.” Samuel laughed softly. “I don’t actually think you’re some sleazy stripper.”

He smirked, “Not that I would mind you doing a little strip tease for me.” He went to reach for him

again but the guy pushed his hands away and evaded his touch. “Caleb…”

“Don’t you have to get to work or something?” Caleb mumbled.

Sighing, Samuel pressed his lips tight, and nodded. “Yeah, I guess,” He released an

exaggerated breath. “And I might as well…since I’ve apparently worn out my welcome here.” He

smiled when Caleb glanced at him.

“You haven’t…worn out your welcome,” Caleb whispered. “I just…I’m preoccupied with…

this trip.”

Sobering, Samuel walked over to him and rubbed his hand down the back of his head. “Is

everything okay between you and your brother?”

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Caleb stared at the floor. “As far as he’s concerned, it is.”

“But…it isn’t for you?”


“Do you want to talk about it?” Samuel asked, his hand resting on the nape of his neck. “You

can talk to me, you know?” He leaned over and kissed his head, smiling. “I’m not just a fantastic

lover; I’m also a fantastic listener.”

A short laugh tumbled off Caleb’s lips and he nodded slowly. “I’m sure you are.” He raised

his eyes and there was faint sheen of tears shimmering against the blue, making Samuel feel as if he

were gazing into the ocean depths. “But…” Someone knocked on the door. Caleb motioned toward

the door. “My ride is here.”

“Talk later?” Samuel murmured.

Caleb sighed, then nodded. “Yeah. Sure.” But Samuel wasn’t certain if he would actually

open up, or if he’d simply agreed to appease him.

* * * *

The young man’s presence in Caleb’s apartment hadn’t been expected, and Dane eyed the boy

with a smidge of jealousy – which, of course, he instantly berated himself for. The kid was good

looking, to say the least, and the wariness in which he studied Dane left no room for interpretation as

to his and Caleb’s relationship. Not to mention the smattering of hickies on Caleb’s neck.

Dane cleared his throat and glanced at the other young man when Caleb failed to introduce

them. Caleb shifted anxiously and motioned toward the guy. “Oh, uh…this is Samuel. He’s…” Caleb

faltered as if uncertain what title to give him.

The guy stepped forward and flashed a smile that bordered on a smirk. “Boyfriend

extraordinaire,” He winked. “And you are…”

“Dane.” Samuel squeezed his hand with just enough pressure to imply ‘He’s mine, hands off.’

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A smile twitched Dane’s lips and he offered a slight, discreet nod. This Samuel kid was observant.

He released his hand, stepping back.

“Well, I should get to work,” Samuel turned to Caleb and kissed him. Whereas some guys

might have slobbered all over him to make their point that he was taken, Samuel’s kiss was light,

almost delicate. “When will you be back?”

“Uh…” Caleb cleared his throat and glanced at Dane, then back to Samuel. “Tomorrow

evening, thereabouts.”

Samuel groaned and smiled, “I have to spend a whole night alone?” he shook his head. “It’ll

be rough.”

Dane chuckled low; already he liked this kid.

Looking at Samuel, he cocked an eyebrow and smiled smartly, “You’ll be okay,” he said.

“You got two good hands.”

Pressing his lips tight, Dane struggled against a laugh as Samuel just stared at Caleb a moment

then chuckled hard. “True,” He grinned, then kissed Caleb again. “But I prefer yours.”

“Well, tough titty said the kitty when the milk ran dry,” Caleb smirked.

“You’re merciless,” Samuel drawled.

Caleb shrugged and smiled at the guy, his true emotions for Samuel glowing in his beautiful

eyes. “Get used to it, baby.”

Samuel chuckled and kissed him once more. “I’ll miss you, you evil thing.”

Licking his lips slowly, Caleb cast him a playful look. “I won’t miss you.”

“Are you just trying to break my heart?” Mock hurt pinched Samuel’s face.

“Go to work,” Caleb grinned.

“You guys drive careful,” Samuel said then looked at Caleb. “Call me the second you’re back

in the city. Got it?”

“I’ll think about it,” Caleb smiled. He seemed to truly enjoy messing with this guy, but there

was no mistaking how he really felt.

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Samuel groaned and shook his head. “Guess I’ll have to take it.”

When he left, Dane looked at Caleb and raised an eyebrow. “He seems pretty cool.”

Caleb’s ‘don’t get too close’ wall slid back up and he shrugged, “Yeah, he’s okay,” He


“Considering all those love bites on your neck,” Dane winked, “I’d say you think he’s more

than just okay.”

A pinkish hue warmed Caleb’s cheeks and he ducked his head. “Can we go now?”

Chapter Thirteen

“Not Without Guilt”

Nick folded the letter and handed it to the Hulk – who he now knew to be named Joshua.

“Thanks,” the man nodded.

“It’s the least I can do, for you saving my ass,” he smiled. “Quite literally.”

Joshua tucked the letter in an envelope and sealed it, then looked at Nick. “When you first

walked in here, I took one look at you and thought there was no way you would make it on the inside,”

He shrugged. “Not without breaking, anyway.” He shook his head. “But you’re tougher than you


Accepting that as a compliment, Nick nodded slowly, “Thanks.”

“The abuse you’ve endured,” Joshua frowned, “how do you keep it together?”

He thought about Caleb and murmured, “I have to,” he said. “My little brother…he already

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blames himself for me being here. If I break…so will he. It’s bad enough he has to see the bruises on

my face, but if he saw me go under emotionally and mentally…I think it would be too much for him,”

his lips tightened. “So, I guess I fight to stay sane – so he will too.”

Joshua nodded and stared at the envelope in his hands. “It’s good to have someone on the

outside,” he murmured, a hollow tone to his voice. “Someone who makes you want to keep going.”

Glancing at the letter, Nick asked quietly, “Do you think they will eventually understand that

what you did…was an act of love and mercy?”

“I don’t know,” he whispered thickly. “She was their only daughter…their only child. I don’t

know if they will see anything but the reality that I took her away from them.”

“All you can do is try,” Nick murmured. “And remember that she knows the truth, and her

spirit is always with you.”

Joshua set the envelope on the small desk then looked at Nick. “Your face is pretty messed

up,” He said. “What’re you gonna tell your brother about what happened?”

“Well, not the entire truth. If he knew that was going on, as well as the physical abuse, he

would lose it.”

Glancing away, Joshua asked quietly, “Has it happened before?” He shifted his gaze to Nick’s

face. “Before you were transferred here?”

Nick sighed and nodded. “Yeah,” he said thickly, the horrifying memories twisting his guts

with nausea. “The first place I was in…it happened a lot.” He sniffed then rubbed his mouth. “Not so

much after I left there.”

“I’m sorry. That’s…crazy,” He sighed. “Sometimes mankind is a sick, depraved species.”

Nick released a slow breath, pushing the memories from his head. “Can’t argue with you


* * * *

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About two hours into the eight hour drive, Caleb was regretting his decision to let Dane drive

him, rather than taking the train. It wasn’t that the guy was bad company, he wasn’t. But on some

level, Caleb felt obliged to make conversation, though Dane had assured him he could remain silent

the whole way if he wished.

But Caleb’s silence didn’t prevent Dane from talking. By the time they reached the halfway

mark of the trip, Caleb already knew more about the guy than he did about anyone, other than Nick.

He had learned that Dane had been fascinated with the whole exotic dancing scene since he was in his

teens, and he used a fake I.D. to start dancing when he was seventeen. He was a virgin when he first

entered the business, because growing up in a religious family and community had put a damper on

him simply coming out and having an open relationship with another boy, which was what he’d

wanted to do. But when he’d confessed his tendencies to the local youth leader of his church, and the

man had pushed him to get help, Dane knew he couldn’t count on anyone to accept him for who he

was. He didn’t want help, and didn’t feel like he needed it. He liked who he was, and he liked liking

guys. It didn’t make him feel dirty or disgusting.

He confessed to Caleb that he initially started dancing as a form of rebellion – going all the

way to the opposite end of the spectrum of what was expected of him. But after the very first night on

stage, the sense of liberation was intoxicating. Being in an environment where he was accepted for

what, and who, he was, even desired for it, lusted after. It had been a power trip there for a while,

being able to manipulate the men sexually, extorting cash for private attention. But he’d always

stopped short of actual sex because he’d still wanted his first time to be with someone he cared about.

Caleb didn’t offer any personal details of his own. His first time had been…awkward to say

the least. Neither he nor the other boy had known what the fuck they were doing. It hadn’t been

particularly painless either. They hadn’t been up to speed on the importance of lubrication, and with

the other kid topping, Caleb had quickly gained a healthy respect for Vaseline and KY Jelly.

But their experimentation had been just that, an experiment. The boy wasn’t someone Caleb

had been in love with, or even someone he’d necessarily wanted to date. He was just another kid with

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the same tendencies as him, and hiding like Caleb was, but both needing to feel normal. It had been

their theory at the time that if they had sex together, then somehow it would create that feeling of

belonging. It hadn’t. For either of them. The other boy had stopped hanging out with Caleb, and soon

after, began dating a girl. As it turned out, the kid had merely been bi-curious, or at least that’s what

he’d convinced himself. Caleb hadn’t blamed him for running in the opposite direction, what with his

dad being best friends with the local Baptist minister. Shit, if they’d found out he’d fucked another

boy, they would’ve probably hooked a hotwire to his nuts and fried him until the gay demons were


The kid had also stopped associating with Caleb, no doubt afraid of getting caught in the

crossfire if Caleb was ever found out. After that, Caleb put the idea of sex or romance on the back

burner and just went about being a typical teen boy. Unfortunately, part of being a typical teen boy

usually involved sex, or at least the want of it. It hadn’t been easy being around other guys and

pretending to get caught up in their talk of girls, when he was actually checking out the guys

themselves instead. He’d wanted to tell Nick, but after the death of their parents, he’d had an almost

clinical fear of losing Nick as well. If he’d spoken up about being gay, and Nick had rejected him, or

turned his back on him, Caleb wouldn’t have been able to face life. Even when their parents had been

alive, he was closest to Nick. He couldn’t take the chance. Even now.

During the drive, Dane admitted that his first time hadn’t turned out to be as special as he’d

envisioned – going at it on an old sofa in one of the back rooms of some seedy little strip club with

one of the other strippers. That, he confessed, had left him feeling dirty and disgusting. He’d quit

work the next day and didn’t dance again until he came to the Phoenix, citing that the Phoenix had a

touch of class, and Max was a decent guy who actually cared about his boys. Dancing at the Phoenix

had actually helped him regain his sense of self-worth, and the other boys at the club weren’t just a

bunch of filthy sluts looking for a buck or a fuck.

Caleb sensed the man’s deep respect for the other dancers, himself included. What would he

think of him though, if he knew about his little session with Brock the attorney? Or what he was

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contemplating? Or even how quickly he’d taken Samuel into his bed?

What do you care? This guy is not your concern. You barely know him. Keep it that way.

The fewer people you get close to, the less you will hurt or disappoint.

* * * *

Why he was telling this kid all the intricate details of his life, he had no real clue. Perhaps

thinking if he showed Caleb he trusted him as a friend, the guy would start trusting him, too. But the

boy just sat in silence, barely offering an entire sentence during the whole trip. At least he isn’t

telling you to shut the fuck up, Dane mused. That’s something.

When they crossed into Raleigh city limits, Dane glanced at Caleb. “So do you want me to

take you to your brother’s place? Are you going to meet him someplace else?” He looked inquiringly

at the kid.

“Uh…” Caleb shifted anxiously and cleared his throat. “Just find a motel. I’ll take a cab from


“You’re not staying with him?”

“No,” Caleb murmured and stared out the side window, then added in a whisper, “He’s in


Dane was at a loss for words for a moment. Prison? He was actually stunned that Caleb had

admitted that to him. The guy didn’t seem keen on revealing personal details of his life. “Uh…okay,”

Dane nodded slowly. “Well, I can drive you there. It’s no problem.”

“No,” Caleb said in a low voice. “I’d rather go by myself.”

Dropping the matter without pressing for details of his brother’s incarceration, Dane located a

motel and parked out front, then shut off the car. “So…I guess I’ll go get us a couple rooms then,” He

opened the door.

“I can pay,” Caleb said.

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“Don’t worry about it,” Dane smiled. “My treat.”

Caleb bit his upper lip anxiously then shrugged. “There’s no reason to waste money on two

rooms. We’ll only be staying one night.” He glanced at Dane almost hesitantly, as if Dane would


As if. Dane nodded, “All right. Makes sense.” The boy’s crisp blue eyes pulled him in for a

moment and he almost let himself get caught in there, when he remembered Samuel and the way Caleb

had looked at the guy. You ain’t got a chance, buddy, Dane chided to himself, don’t even go there.

* * * *

All the pleasantries of getting in to see an inmate barely fazed Caleb after four years of the

routine. He entered the large visitor area, the high ceiling and solid walls echoing back the clamor of

the other visitors. Caleb took a seat at a table furthest from everyone else and waited anxiously for

Nick to come in.

When the heavy door unlocked loudly and was shoved open, a guard entered with Nick. The

short sleeves of his orange jumpsuit were rolled up over his biceps, which were much more

developed than the last time he’d seen him. Though Caleb hated this place, and the realities it

slammed him with, he was always excited to see Nick. Even from within these walls, he had a way of

easing Caleb’s stress and simply getting him to relax and laugh for a while.

Caleb slid his chair back and stood up slowly as Nick approached, the guard exiting back

through the door. A smile stretched across his lips. “Nick-”The smile vanished as quickly as if it had

been slapped away as he got a good look at Nick’s face.

“Little brother,” Nick clearly recognized the look in Caleb’s eyes and grabbed him before he

could react, hugging him fiercely. His lips moved close to his ear and he whispered tightly, “Don’t,

Caleb. This isn’t your fault. None of it.”

Caleb clung to him and buried his face in his shoulder, sobs rushing up his throat. It is my

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fault. It’s all my fucking fault!

Chapter Fourteen

“How To Deal”

Caleb had calmed, but that look was still there in his eyes; deep unmitigated guilt. “What

happened?” he whispered. He stared at the table, not wishing to stare at the devastation he believed

he had caused.

“It doesn’t matter, Caleb,” Nick told him. “It’s prison. Shit happens.” Nick rarely gave the kid

details of his unfortunate encounters with the other inmates. And Caleb would never know everything

that Nick had suffered. He would take that to the grave with him.

Caleb continued to stare at the table. “I’m sorry,” He whispered, his lower lip tucking

between his teeth as his chin trembled.

“Stop it, Caleb.” Nick said stiffly. “We’ve been doing this for four years now. You need to

stop blaming yourself.”

“Why?” Caleb asked bitterly. “I am to blame. That little girl…” Caleb’s facial muscles

tightened and flexed as he clenched his jaw. He turned his face away as his eyes filled.

The boy was hurting. Bad. It broke Nick’s heart that he tried to shoulder every ounce of the

guilt. No one could deal with such a burden, and especially not a twenty-one year old kid.

“You know who was truly at fault,” Nick murmured. “The little girl’s death…that isn’t on

you.” He took hold of Caleb’s hands and cocked his head. “Do you only come to visit me to torture

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yourself – because you think you deserve it?”

“No,” Caleb mumbled then glanced up.

“Good,” Nick smiled, trying not to wince as his crusted lip threatened to split open again. His

entire face was sore, though it wasn’t throbbing constantly as it had been most of last night. “So, how

about you look past my ugly face and tell me what’s going on with you? Did you ever find a steady


Relaxing a little, Caleb nodded. “Yeah,” He said quietly. “I got work at a club. Nothing

spectacular, but the pay is decent.”

“Awesome,” Nick’s eyes narrowed slightly and he smiled, reaching over to lightly touch

Caleb’s neck. “Looks like a job ain’t all that you’ve hooked up with,” he chuckled.

Caleb flinched away and his cheeks warmed. “Shut up,” he grumbled, but laughed low.

“Just a quick romp in the sheets?” Nick smirked. “Or is it serious?”

“I…don’t know,” Caleb admitted and shifted anxiously, glancing around anywhere but at


“What does she say?” Nick inquired.

Rubbing his eyes, Caleb sighed and shook his head. “I don’t know. I don’t really want to talk

about it. I’m not looking for anything serious right now.”


“Because, I…” he faltered and pursed his lips. “I’m just not. I have too much to deal with.”

“You know, little brother,” Nick offered. “Sometimes having someone special by your side –

it makes the trials of life a lot easier to deal with.”

A thoughtful look crossed Caleb’s face, though he didn’t seem overly convinced. “So why

didn’t you ever hook up seriously?” he asked. “It wasn’t as if you didn’t have plenty of options.”

Nick shrugged. “I guess the right one wasn’t among them.” Of course that was the truth – since

the options Caleb was speaking of were all women. Nick had very discreetly seen other guys from

time to time, but even they weren’t potential long term boyfriends. Just fuck friends to help cool the

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fire inside.

It didn’t take Nick very long to notice that his little brother was being very evasive when it

came to questions about his new job as well as his new love interest. Try as he might, Nick couldn’t

drag any concrete details from the boy.

Caleb stayed until visiting hours were over, then hugged him tight before leaving. “I’ll send

you some more money here in a couple of days,” he said thickly, and when he stepped back, his eyes

were damp and turning bloodshot.

Nick cupped his face and slid his thumbs over his cheeks, then kissed his forehead. “I don’t

want you to go without. If you need the money, keep it. I’ll make do.”

“I don’t need it,” Caleb whispered. Tears swam as he looked at Nick. The pain and guilt in

his eyes were harder to bear than what Nick went through in this place.

“Caleb,” Nick’s own vision blurred. “Come on, bud. Let this go. It kills me to see you trying

to carry this burden. You have to try and understand that nothing either of could’ve done would have

prevented what happened.” Nodding slowly, Caleb ducked his head. Nick pulled him against him and

kissed his head. “I love you, kid. I want you to be happy, and live a full life.” He squeezed him until

Caleb grunted then laughed low, then loosened his arms. “Don’t worry about me, little brother. I

bounce back. I’ll be okay.”

A look of sadness crept into the boy’s eyes that was far too reminiscent of when they had lost

their parents. “I miss you.” Caleb rubbed the back of his hand across his cheek as a tear slipped free.

“I hate my life, Nick. You were the only good thing in my life after mom and dad died. And now it’s

like…” he bit his lip; chin trembling as he tried not to cry openly. “It’s like I’ve lost you too.”

Nick hugged him again and pressed his lips to his hair. “You haven’t lost me, Caleb,” He

murmured thickly. “I’m still here for you.”

He held his little brother tightly as the boy trembled with quiet sobs and Nick’s own tears

began to roll down his face and seep into the young man’s hair.

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* * * *

The rain began to fall around dusk and Caleb still hadn’t returned to the motel. Each time

headlights turned into the parking lot, Dane went to the window. He felt anxious and uneasy, wanting

the kid safe inside with him. Why he was worrying about him so much, Dane wasn’t quite sure. The

kid was tough on the surface, but just a good long look in those beautiful eyes and one could detect the

vulnerability in him. And perhaps that was what incited Dane’s protectiveness.

Another car turned in and Dane left the bed and peered through the drapes. A cab was stopped

out front and Caleb was getting out of the back. A gust of wind slapped raindrops against the window

and Dane returned to the bed, relief easing the tension in his gut. He lounged on the bed, pretending to

be engrossed in the show on TV so Caleb wouldn’t know he’d actually been waiting and worrying.

He listened for footsteps on the metal staircase that led up to the second story rooms, but all

was silent but for the rain ticking against the glass. Dane frowned when Caleb failed to enter the

room. Shoving off the bed, he went to the door and stepped out on the metal railed walk that ran the

length of the second floor of the motel. He went to the top of the steps and found Caleb sitting at the

bottom, elbows on knees, head in his head. Rain drenched his clothes and matted his hair to his head.

He didn’t seem to notice or care.

Descending the stairs, Dane stepped around in front of him. “Caleb?” he winced against the

rain pelting his face and neck, quickly soaking his t-shirt. “What’s wrong?”

Caleb ignored him.

“Come on, Kid,” Dane said. “Get out of the weather.” When the boy still didn’t move, Dane

gripped his arm and pulled him to his feet. “If I have to carry you up to the room, I will.”

Caleb pulled his arm free and turned away, walking up the stairs without enthusiasm. Dane

followed and closed the door behind them once they were inside. The boy went to his bed and sat on

the edge just staring at the floor. Dane watched him a moment then sat on his own bed across from


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“What is it, Caleb?” he asked softly. “What’s wrong?” What Dane first took to be raindrops

sliding down the boy’s face, he quickly realized were tears. He reached over tentatively and ran his

thumb across the kid’s cheek. “It’s okay, Caleb. You can talk to me.”

The boy sniffed then rubbed the back of his hand across his nose. “He shouldn’t be in there.”

He looked up as more tears ran down his face. “He isn’t guilty.”

“Isn’t guilty of what?” Dane ventured cautiously.

Caleb trembled and dropped his head in his hands. “Killing a little girl,” he choked. “But it

wasn’t his fault. It was mine.” He broke down and clutched his hair in his fists, crying.

Switching bed to sit beside the kid, Dane wrapped his arms around him and hugged him

against his side. “Hey, easy now,” he murmured and touched his lips to his hair. “It’s going to be


“No,” Caleb choked on a cry, “it isn’t. Nick is in there for life. He’s never getting out.” He

turned his face into Dane’s shoulder and leaned into the man’s embrace. “His life is over because of


“Why do you say that?” Dane asked quietly. He rubbed his hand down the back of Caleb’s

head. “Why is it your fault? What happened?”

Caleb pressed his face against Dane’s throat, his breath quick and labored, as he struggled to

get control over his sobs. “I don’t want to talk about it,” he shuddered, chest hitching. “I don’t want to

think…at all. About anything.” He buried his face deeper into Dane’s neck – and then he was kissing

his skin, fingers gripping the front of Dane’s shirt in a kind of desperation.


“Don’t talk,” he trembled, voice thick, broken. His hands went up under Dane’s t-shirt,

rubbing his chest, gripping muscle. Warm, soft lips slid up along the curve of his jaw then moved

toward his mouth.

Make him stop. You know he isn’t thinking right . You’re not the one he wants. Dane tried to

listen to his thoughts, obey their commands – but Caleb was crawling into his lap, fingers shoving up

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through his hair, mouth on his, kissing hungrily, desperately – needing him, if not wanting him.

Dane’s arms were around the boy before he could think to stop himself, crushing his warm,

lean body against his. Caleb’s crotch thickened and hardened, inspiring Dane’s to follow suit. The kid

rocked his hips against him, circling and swaying smoothly in his lap. “Fuck.” Dane gasped hard

when Caleb broke out of their kiss and grabbed his neck again. His hands slid down Dane’s back,

clawed at his shirt and dragged it up and pulled it off over his head without resistance from Dane.

A tight groan rolled up Dane’s throat as Caleb pushed him down on the bed, kissing and biting

his chest, nipples, straddling Dane’s hips and grinding against his crotch. He’d had both waking and

sleeping fantasies about this after witnessing Caleb’s debut performance at the club. That was a

vision he’d been unable to eradicate from his mind’s eye.

Caleb pushed himself upright, hands rubbing up and down Dane’s chest and stomach as he

worked his hips slowly, massaging Dane’s crotch. His lovely eyes usually so stark blue, now seemed

dull, heavy – empty – as he gazed down at Dane. His back arched slightly as his body curved and

twisted slowly, head tilting back, cock hard as steel in his pants. When his head dropped forward, he

dipped down and caught Dane’s earlobe in his teeth. “Fuck me.”

Oh god, baby, you don’t play by the rules and that ain’t fair – not fair at all.

Chapter Fifteen

“For The Love Of A Brother”

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Dawn was barely pushing through the veil of night and Caleb was already up, dressed and

ready to go. Dane would have opted for a couple more hours of sleep, but though the kid wasn’t

verbally hurrying him along, his pacing and nervous gestures were enough.

Dane shoved back the blankets and slid his legs off the edge of the bed, sitting there in just his

white silk boxers as he rubbed his face vigorously then ran his fingers through his hair, groaning.

Caleb stood on the far side of the room at the window, arms wrapped around his midsection, staring

outside, his back to Dane. The tension in the boy wafted off him like heat waves.

Last night came back to him and he wondered if he’d made a mistake. His head hadn’t exactly

been too clear once Caleb crawled on top of him and started kissing him. The boy had been his quiet

fantasy since he had set foot in the club. Why shouldn’t he be allowed to play out that fantasy at least


Still feeling the sensation of Caleb straddling him, working his hips so beautifully, Dane stood

up quickly and headed for the bathroom before the kid turned and witnessed the unmistakable erection

tenting his shorts.

Silence ruled as they climbed in the car less than twenty minutes later. About an hour down

the road, with no words spoken as yet, Dane finally broke the quiet and asked Caleb if he wanted to

stop for breakfast somewhere. The boy merely gave a shake of his head and kept his face turned to the

passenger window.

Dane mentally envisioned them pulling off in a secluded area and making out until the tension

was gone and Caleb would at least look at him again, maybe even grace him with a smile.

It was a long drive, and occasionally Dane tried to break the silence with casual conversation,

but the kid would have none of it. The best Dane received was a slight shrug of his shoulders now and


You can kiss this boy goodbye. You really fucked up this time.

By the time they entered the city, it was early afternoon. Dane glanced at Caleb. A couple of

hours out of the city, the boy had finally crashed. He needed the sleep. Last night hadn’t exactly been

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restful. Dane hated to wake him as he reached over and touched his arm. “Hey sleeping beauty,” he

murmured, nudging his arm lightly until he opened his eyes and straightened in his seat. “We’re here.”

Caleb cleared his throat then rubbed his eyes, adopting an adolescent air. “I don’t want to go

home.” Sleep thickened his voice. “Take me to the club.”

“You look like a zombie,” Dane said low. “You should really get some sleep before you

come into work.”

The boy shook his head slowly. “No. I’m fine. Just take me to the club.”

“As you wish,” Dane murmured and headed for the Phoenix.

* * * *

Please just be here. Let’s get this done and over with . Dane parked in a spot to the side of

the club and shut off the car. Caleb didn’t look at him when he felt the man’s eyes on him. Did the guy

think he was angry? Embarrassed? Caleb lowered his gaze to his hands. He wasn’t exactly sure what

he felt, but it wasn’t any of that. Most of all, he felt the need to apologize.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, and his throat instantly knotted. “I shouldn’t have…”

“Don’t apologize, Caleb,” Dane said softly. “I get it. You were hurting. And sometimes, when

we hurt, we need…distractions.”

Caleb sniffed then cleared his throat, blinking back tears that he didn’t understand. “I don’t…”

he cleared his throat again and swallowed thickly. “I don’t blame you for not wanting to be with me. I

was out of line in asking.” He quickly wiped away a rogue tear and popped the door open. “It won’t

happen again.”

“Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.” Dane grabbed his arm before he could exit the car, and tugged him

back into his seat. “Let’s get one thing clear right from the get-go,” he said, eyes serious though a

smile tugged at his lips. “I didn’t turn you down because I didn’t want to be with you. But because I

knew that you would be regretting it immensely come morning.” He sighed and released his arm, then

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sat back heavily against his seat, fingers hooking in the steering wheel. “Caleb, I saw the way you

looked at Samuel. I know you care about him. And if last night had happened, I think you would have

been feeling sick about it today, because of Samuel.” He shook his head and looked at Caleb,

unveiled desire in his eyes. “But don’t think for a second that I didn’t want to be with you that way.

Fuck, boy, you make me weak in the knees.”

He couldn’t deny the flicker of joy the man’s confession offered, but what he said about

Samuel…that disturbed him. “I don’t care about him,” Caleb mumbled. “It isn’t like we’re in love or

anything. It’s just for fun.”

Chuckling softly, Dane twisted his head and gazed him. “Keep telling yourself that,” he

winked. “Maybe you’ll even start to believe it.”

“It’s the truth,” Caleb whispered and shoved open the door, then glanced at the other man

briefly, almost shyly. “And I wouldn’t have regretted it… immensely.” He left the car before Dane

could respond.

The club was sparsely populated so early in the day, but Caleb looked around expectantly

nonetheless. When he saw no sign of the attorney, he felt both disappointment and relief. He didn’t

want to do this, but he had to. Nick’s bruised and beaten face refused to leave his mind. He couldn’t

do another twenty-one years in that place. Caleb had told Dane that Nick was never getting out, that

his life was over. But that’s how it felt to Caleb. Maybe Nick would be a free man again one day,

after he served his time, when he was almost fifty fucking years old. Get out in time to walk that last

mile to the grave. What a fucking blessed event to look forward to.

No fucking way, Nick. You’re not going to waste away in that shithole for something that

wasn’t your fault. I swear to God I won’t let that happen.

“I should trust my intuitions more often.” The strong male voice right behind Caleb startled

him. He spun around and came face to face with Brock. The man looked him over with pure

unadulterated lust. “I almost didn’t stop by so early. But I had this notion that today could be my lucky


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Caleb just stared at him. Up until this moment, everything he’d been considering had remained

in his head. Now it was about to become reality. “Are you really as good as you say you are?” Caleb

asked thickly.

The man stepped forward and grabbed his hips, pulling Caleb against him. “Baby, you won’t

know what hit you.” He smirked and flicked an eyebrow. “Pun intended.”

Caleb shoved away from him. “I’m talking about in court.” He said tightly. “Are you really

some hot shit attorney?”

The man gazed at him thoughtfully. “I am. Not many prosecutors enjoy coming up against me.”

The guy was an arrogant ass, to say the least. But Caleb didn’t care as long as he was right

about his judicial prowess. Would he be so full of himself if he hadn’t won the majority of his cases?

“So, are we going to negotiate for that sweet ass of yours?”

His heart pounding, nausea welling, Caleb nodded. “Yes.”

“So how much are we talking here?” Brock moved in closely again and rubbed his hands over

Caleb’s hips. “I’m willing to shell out plenty…as long we’re clear that it’s paying for everything.”

He pushed his body against Caleb’s, mouth on his ear. “I want more than just hand and mouth

treatment.” His breath was hot and quick as he nipped Caleb’s neck, his crotch hardening. “I want that

tight, luscious little ass wrapped around my cock as I go in all the way.” He groaned and slid his

hands around, grabbing Caleb’s ass. “Baby, only after you’ve been with me will you have been truly


Caleb doubted anyone could surpass Samuel – at least where he was concerned – but he kept

that to himself; deflating the man’s ego wouldn’t help in securing the deal. “I don’t want cash,” Caleb

told him, wanting to push the guy off him but instead allowing him to grope and feel him up.

Brock drew back a little and cocked an eyebrow. “Well this is unexpected,” he smiled dryly.

“A stripper who doesn’t want cash.” He rubbed his hands up Caleb’s back, dragging a portion of his

shirt along as well, then traced his fingertips against Caleb’s bare skin. “What do you want?”

Caleb licked his lips and swallowed tightly. “I want you to take on a case for me.”

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“What case?”

Staring at him dully, Caleb shrugged, “Does it matter?” he challenged. “After all, you’re the

best, right? Or was that all just bullshit?”

Brock shook his head slowly. “Not bullshit,” he murmured. “I am the best. Is it a murder


His lips tight, Caleb told him, “Voluntary manslaughter.” He met Brock’s stare without

wavering. “A four year old case. I want the sentence overturned.”

“Voluntary manslaughter?” The attorney chuffed. “Piece of cake.”

Caleb stared at him, visions of what he’d just promised to do to and with this man piling high

inside his head. You’d damn well better be right, motherfucker.

Chapter Sixteen

“Sticky Situation”

“I was beginning to think you weren’t going to call.” Samuel smiled and kissed Caleb’s soft

mouth for the umpteenth time in the last hour or so. He pressed against the guy’s sweat-slick, fevered

body beneath the thin sheet. They had just fucked each other to near exhaustion, and still Samuel

craved him like an addiction. His hand rubbed slowly all over Caleb’s torso, occasionally slipping

lower to caress his heavy cock. “Thought maybe you decided to run off with that hottie from work.”

Caleb sighed heavily, and smiled, eyes weighed down with exhaustion. “And if I had…would

you have cried?”

Chuckling low, Samuel kissed him again. “Baby, I would’ve bawled my fucking eyes out.” He

smiled, “Then maybe contemplated jumping off a bridge somewhere.”

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Groaning, Caleb shoved against his chest. “Shut up.” He turned his face away, lips tight,

smiling. “You ain’t that into me.” He wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince; Samuel – or


“If that’s what you believe,” Samuel murmured, “Then you are not paying very close

attention.” He kissed him once more then reached over and grabbed up his watch off the night stand.

“Hey, I got some things to take care of before our date tonight.” He dropped the watch and pulled

Caleb into his arms. “And don’t even think about bailing out on the date.” He kissed him deeply, long.

Caleb moaned and pushed against him, already hardening with renewed passion and want. Samuel

groaned and dropped his face against the guy’s shoulder. “Don’t do that, baby.” He chuckled low,


“What?” Caleb grinned, then rubbed his cock against Samuel.

That,” he choked on a laugh. Another groan squeezed from him and he rolled over, crawling

out of the bed. His body shook with the need to slide right back under those sheets and fuck the guy

into oblivion yet again. But he had something special planned for tonight, and he needed to get about


He dressed quickly before he could change his mind, then scribbled down an address and laid

it on the night stand, then picked up his watch, fastening it around his wrist. “Meet me there at six


Caleb rolled over, the sheet pulling down over his slim hips and exposing a portion of his

beautiful ass, and grabbed the paper. “What is this address to? A restaurant?”

“My house,” Samuel smiled and tucked his shirt in his pants, then leaned down and turned

Caleb’s face up to him, kissing his mouth. “We’ll be alone.”

“You want to take me on a date to your house?” Caleb said doubtfully. “Why?”

“It’s a surprise,” was all Samuel offered him before straightening up. “Don’t be late, or even

think of not showing. I will hunt you down.”

Caleb stretched and smiled, inciting a hard groan in Samuel as more of the sheet fell away and

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the guy splayed his legs invitingly. “I’ll be there.”

Oh fuck, baby, you make it so hard to walk away.

* * * *

The call to Samuel, asking him to come over, had initially been instigated by purposes other

than fucking. Or so Caleb had told himself. While waiting for the guy, he had gone through scenario

after scenario of how he would tell him they couldn’t see each other anymore. He couldn’t do this

with Samuel – not while submerged in such a sleazy deal with Brock the attorney. Brock Coulson.

Caleb had insisted on his first and last names for the purpose of researching the man. Brock had no

problem with it. He clearly had nothing to hide concerning his aptitude as a high powered attorney.

Nor did he seem concerned about Caleb knowing his full name as per his presence at a gay strip club.

It was club policy that the dancers remained discreet about their customers. Names were not

mentioned outside the club.

While waiting for Samuel, Caleb had taken the time to check out Brock’s case histories. If he

was going to hand himself over to the man this way, he for damn sure wanted to know the guy could

get the job done. And what he found assured him that Brock Coulson wasn’t just all bullshit talk – he

could backup his claims.

He had called the man and sealed the deal, but insisted he meet with Nick first, before

anything took place between the two of them. Just because the guy was capable of taking on the case,

didn’t mean he was necessarily a man of his word.

Summoning his courage, the words to end his and Samuel’s thing was balancing on the tip of

his tongue when Samuel had come through the door. But, as usual, the man was like a whirlwind,

sweeping him into his arms, not giving him a chance to speak before they were already naked and in

bed, in the middle of something too mind-blowing to be able to think of the words he’d meant to say.

And by the time the guy was through with him, those words had disintegrated entirely.

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I don’t care about him. It isn’t like we’re in love or anything. It’s just for fun . If any of that

were true, then why couldn’t he stop this? Why couldn’t he look in Samuel’s enchanting green eyes

and tell him not to come around anymore? Though the man was quite bold and had that ‘I don’t give a

fuck’ air about him, when Caleb looked in his eyes, just gazed into those pale green depths, he saw an

innocence in Samuel. An innocence in the way he cared for Caleb, as if there were no complications,

no ulterior motives, just simple, pure, warm passion. And when he thought of taking that and ripping it

apart…it cut to the core of his heart.

But what choice did he have? Samuel might be the type of guy who could handle having a

stripper for a boyfriend, but this thing with the attorney? That could never be acceptable. And Caleb

wouldn’t want it to be.

This had to end – before Samuel found out everything. But even with that thought in mind,

Caleb took special care in dressing for his date with the guy, wanting to look good, smell good, all

the little things that would drive Samuel crazy. Staring at his reflection, Caleb wondered if it were

even possible to tell him they were through. The man was his weakness. As soon as he was in his

presence, all the walls came crashing down, though he struggled to hold them up. At least he told

himself he made the effort, but he wasn’t so sure about that.

The address on the paper led him to a place that left him speechless and in awe. Surely the

house qualified as a small mansion. This was where Samuel lived? Or did he just work here as hired

help? That seemed more pliable. Perhaps his employers were out of town and he was taking the

liberty of using their place for a romantic date. It seemed like something he would do.

Samuel met him at the door in a black suit and white shirt, though no tie. Still, he looked

deliciously delectable. But it was Samuel who looked him over and groaned low. “Damn, baby. You

look just good enough to eat.” He drew Caleb inside then wrapped him in his arms and kissed him.

“Maybe we’ll skip dinner and go straight to dessert.”

“You promised me dinner on this date.” Caleb smiled. “So you don‘t get dessert until I get my

meal. Besides,” he slid his arms around the guy’s neck and played with hair. “Didn’t your momma

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ever tell you that dessert before dinner will spoil your appetite?”

Samuel chuckled. “Trust me; my momma never said anything of the like.”

“Well it’s true,” Caleb laughed softly and kissed him. When’re you going to tell this guy it’s

over? You know you can’t fucking keep him. Better get that through your head right quick . But his

thoughts became jumbled and incoherent as Samuel took his hand and led him into the dining room

where the table was laid out in extravagance, lights turned low and candles burning.

He turned to Caleb and slid his hands around his waist, caressing the small of his back. “This

is just part of it,” he murmured and kissed him softly.

Caleb’s heart raced. “You’re not going to propose to me or anything, are you?” he smiled

teasingly, though the thought had a strange surging effect on his pulse.

“Well,” Samuel sighed and rubbed his lips across Caleb’s mouth. “Not yet. But it’s most

definitely on my agenda. You do know all gays have to have an agenda – it’s the law.” He kissed him

warmly. “’Cause, God forbid, we just want to live a normal life and be happy with the one we love.”

For a quick moment, Caleb allowed his mind to consider how it would feel to have Samuel

propose. The guy was obviously a hopeless romantic, so he would make it a moment to remember.

But he quickly dashed the thought. There wasn’t going to be any proposal – now, or ever.

“Do you really live here?” Caleb asked, getting away from the painful subject.

“Yeah,” Samuel smiled. “What? You think I just broke in and decided to use it for a date


“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Caleb murmured with a smirk.

Samuel groaned and hugged him tight. “Thanks a lot. I see how highly you think of me.”

Caleb laughed. “Seriously, though? This where you live? It’s like a freaking mansion.”

“Yeah, well,” Samuel’s smile faltered, soured a bit. “This is all a product of my dad’s

wealth. And he doesn’t waste an opportunity to throw it in my face that he’s the reason I’m living in

the lap of luxury. Since I was eighteen he’s been pushing me to be what he is, follow his career path.

As if I should do it out of obligation,” He shrugged. “He’s kind of got me between a rock and a hard

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Caleb frowned. “Why is that?”

“Because the only way he’ll pay for the classes I really want to take, I have to also study for

the career he wants for me.”

“Why would he pay for your classes if he wants you to be something else?” Caleb asked,


Samuel shrugged again. “He thinks it’s a phase, a sissy career. He is certain he can strong arm

me into taking the path he wants.”

“What field does he want you in?”

Sighing, Samuel told him, “Law.” He shook his head. “He’s this big shot attorney who thinks

he’s God’s gift to the judicial system. But me,” Samuel smiled and kissed Caleb’s neck. “I want to be

a chef.” He drew back. “And that is the other reason I asked you here. Because I have prepared a very

special dinner just for you.”

Caleb stared at him, his words about his dad ricocheting inside his skull. He’s this big shot

attorney. He swallowed thickly. The mention of a high powered attorney reminded Caleb all over

again that he would have to end all of this with Samuel, and soon.

“So,” Samuel slid out a chair. “Why don’t you take a seat, have some wine while I check on

the food. And we’ll have ourselves a nice little romantic dinner. And then…” He kissed Caleb’s neck

from behind as he sat down. “Maybe we’ll have dessert in my bedroom.”

Caleb pressed his lips tight and smiled. “Sounds good.”

When Samuel served their dinner, Caleb was in awe. The man truly meant it when he said he

wanted to be a chef. They took their time eating. Samuel insisted fine food was meant to be savored –

and added that that went for fine boys as well.

“Have you and your father ever been close?” Caleb asked. “Even when you were small?”

Samuel took a sip of wine then set the glass aside. “With my real dad, yes,” he said quietly.

“He was the best. But,” he gazed down at the table, pain seeping into his eyes. “He was killed by a

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drunk driver when I was thirteen. About a year later, my mom remarried. She was always more

materialistic than my dad. The whole high society thing appealed to her. I was dumped in prep school

right quick, but…” he shrugged and smiled as he took another drink of wine.

“But what?”

“I didn’t like it. And found a way out.”


He smiled wryly. “Not important.” He took Caleb’s hand and kissed his fingers. “Almost

ready for that dessert? You do know that it’s the guest’s place to supply the dessert, right?” He

rubbed his lips over the back of Caleb’s hand. “And I do hope you brought plenty, because tonight I

have a sweet tooth like crazy.”

Caleb smiled. “I think you’ll be satisfied—”

The front door opened, then a man’s and woman’s voices sifted through to the dining room,

slightly muffled. “What the hell?” Samuel muttered low and stood up. “They weren’t supposed to be

home tonight.”

Anxiety pinched Caleb’s gut. Did his parents even know he was gay? Would they be pissed

that he brought a boy here for a date? He stood up slowly as Samuel walked toward the dining room

doorway. A woman entered, hair done up in a classy style, dress expensive. She stopped short when

she saw Samuel, then quickly took in the romantic dinner and – Caleb.

“What is going on, Samuel?” she asked tartly.

“What does it look like?” He said, unapologetically. “I’m on a date.”

Disapproval tightened her face, and her voice lowered a notch. “You know your father and I

don’t want you bringing this…lifestyle of yours into our home.”

“I live here too,” Samuel replied stiffly.

“That may be so,” a sudden male voice spoke with authority, preceding its owner. “But that

doesn’t mean you’re at liberty to turn it into a vile brothel.”

Caleb’s throat was closing fast even before the man showed his face; Caleb was well familiar

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with his voice alone, having had it burning into his ear quite close up.

The man entered and his eyes instantly locked with Caleb’s, both freezing as if they had

suddenly turned to stone.

Brock Coulson.


Follow Caleb’s story in

TORN IN TWO, Caleb Book 2

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Born and raised in scenic Coos County, Oregon, CJ enjoys the small town atmosphere and down-to-

earth country folk who populate the area. She is a single mother and lives with her 18-year-old

daughter, 1 horse, 4 dogs and 6 cats deep in the country woodlands which gives her plenty of time to


She is a Christian and a strong supporter of the LGBT community and favors gay erotic romance when

it comes to writing. She hopes that her stories of love and acceptance will help further compassion

and understanding for LGBT people who she feels is greatly misunderstood and persecuted – in a

large party by the Christian community.

Most of all, she is hopeful that her stories will bring comfort to those who have been told that God

hates them because they are different. It is her strong belief that God loves everyone and His love

covers all.

Connect with CJ online:

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islcollective world club 228674d5fa148f3f612 97186311

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