Kell Amber Dangerous Lovers 2 Accounting For Luke

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A Total-E-Bound Publication

Accounting For Luke
ISBN # 978-1-78184-037-5
©Copyright Amber Kell 2012
Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright July 2012
Edited by Stacey Birkel
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound
Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil
proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2012 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This
story has a heat rating of Total-e-burning and a sexometer of 2.

This story contains 77 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book
containing 7 pages.

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Dangerous Lovers


Amber Kell

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Sometimes love takes more than two to make it work.

Someone is stalking Timothy Warren. When Tim calls his lover, Bryce Mann, for help, he gets
not only his boyfriend but his boyfriend’s work partner, Luke Garcia. Years ago Luke and
Bryce had a sexual encounter that neither man ever forgot even though they both tried. Bryce
might date Tim but his heart still pines for Luke.

When Luke discovers Bryce and Tim’s relationship, long-hidden emotions are uncovered
and jealousies flare. Luke might not think a relationship with Bryce would work, but he’s not
ready to let him go. Tim learns of Bryce’s long attachment to Luke and surprisingly agrees to
step aside. But, although Luke desires Bryce, he doesn’t want to break Tim’s heart.

After Luke is injured on a job, he questions whether a trio might work where a duo doesn’t
seem possible. Between Timothy’s stalker and his distrust of Luke’s motives, will the three of
them ever find common ground or will they discover that life is easier apart?

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For my fans who like the thought of three men even better than two.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction:

Popsicle: Unilever

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Amber Kell



Tim sat beside his grandmother and held her hand. Papery white skin covered her frail

bones, and her blue eyes, once bright like his, now lacked the inner fire they’d once had.

“Getting old is crap… Don’t let anyone tell you different,” she said, patting Tim’s hand.

Tim laughed. “Yes, Grandmother.”

“The worst part is growing old alone. You get yourself a nice boy and make a life for


“I will. I just need to find the right guy. I’m dating someone now.”

“Yeah? Is he the one?”

Tim shrugged. “How do you know?”

His grandmother took a rattling breath. “Some people say you know at first sight if

you’ve met the one. That’s bullshit, of course—an urban legend, if you will. Your grandfather

swept me off my feet when I was young and he turned out to be the biggest mistake of my

life. The only good thing he gave me was you, and you took long enough to get here. Had to

suffer through your father and older brother first. There’s a matching pair that should go in

the discount aisle.”

Tim’s shoulders shook with suppressed laughter. He knew he shouldn’t encourage her

but no one had ever been able to control his grandmother and he wasn’t about to buck the

trend now.

“So how do you know?” Tim asked again.

“It’s how they treat you. If a man treats you as if you were more important than even

his own happiness, then you know you’ve found the one. Love doesn’t come when you’re

looking for it, Tim. Love finds you when you’re doing other things.”

A nurse in scrubs covered in pink elephants came into the room. “Time for your

medicine, Mrs Warren.”

Tim’s grandmother gave an unladylike snort. “Do you think she’s qualified to give out

medication?” she asked Tim with a doubtful glance at the woman’s garb.

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Tim patted her hand. “I’m sure she is. I’ll come see you next weekend.” Medication

time meant visiting hours were over.

He received another pat on the hand. Tim leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Be

good,” he whispered in her ear.

“I’ve never been good a day in my life and I plan to die that way,” she declared.

Tim gave her a last smile before he left the room shaking his head. He waited until after

he’d exited the hospital to let a few tears fall. He adored his grandmother but knew her days

were numbered, more than likely in the single digits.

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Chapter One

Bryce Mann scribbled notes down on a pad of paper while occasionally flashing glances

at his partner, Luke Garcia. To break up the pattern, every once in a while he took a slow,

deep breath to keep his emotions under control. He’d hidden his longing for Luke for two

years now. He could do it longer…maybe forever. After their one disastrous encounter had

left his heart shattered, Bryce had vowed to never get romantically involved with the

gorgeous Latino again. Unfortunately, his body didn’t agree with that plan at all. His

wayward heart still skipped a beat and his cock hardened at the mere sound of Luke’s voice.

He knew, if he didn’t have Tim, he’d have given in to his weakness and accepted whatever

terms Luke might have offered.

Thank God for Tim.

“I think Mr Whithers is cheating on his wife,” Luke said, spying out of the window.

“What kind of man would do that to someone who loves him just to get a younger piece of


Bryce gave a cynical laugh. “The fact you can still ask that after over a dozen

investigations of cheating spouses is more surprising than the fact Mr Whithers is clichéd

enough to screw his secretary. Besides, if there weren’t cheating men and women, I doubt

we’d have jobs. There are only so many bodyguard positions available and Tucker wants to

make sure the agency offers a variety of services.”

Luke sighed. “I guess. It’s just depressing, you know? Is there anyone loyal out there

anymore?” He continued talking, not waiting for Bryce’s answer. “I like it better when we get

to be bodyguards instead of spies. I mean, security is way superior to spying. I always feel

slimy after these stakeouts.”

“Yeah,” Bryce agreed as he popped a toothpick in his mouth, clamping down on the

wood to suck out the minty flavour.

“How’s your stopping smoking coming along?” Luke asked.

Bryce shrugged as he slid the toothpick out of his mouth to speak. “Okay, I guess.”

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“Why’re you quitting anyway? Not that I don’t think it’s a good idea, but what made

you decide to finally do it?”

“Tim won’t kiss me if I smoke.” Bryce hadn’t known how forceful Tim could be until

after Tim had seen Bryce smoking. The man had flat out refused to make love to him until

Bryce had given the things up. Normally, he’d tell off any guy who told him what to do. No

man controlled Bryce by his dick. But Tim’s blue eyes had silently begged, even as he’d

refused to bring his mouth anywhere near Bryce’s. Tim had even listed all the health reasons

why Bryce should quit, his accountant brain running a mile a minute as he’d tallied up

statistics faster than Bryce could understand what he’d been saying. After that lecture, which

had ended with Tim close to tears, Bryce had sworn to never touch another one.

“Tim who?” Luke’s eyes widened. “Not Tim Warren. Please tell me you aren’t fucking

the company’s accountant.”

Bryce scowled at his friend. “I’m not fucking him. We’re dating. I like him.” He said the

last part defensively even though he knew he didn’t have anything to defend himself against.

“He’s too sweet for you,” Luke argued. “You’ll break his heart.”

Those words from Luke were almost too much to take. “I wouldn’t do that

intentionally, and, unlike you, I’m looking for something permanent.”

“What if you get injured on the job?” Luke persisted, brushing off Bryce’s implication.

“Then I’ll be injured. I might also get in a fatal car accident. Anything could happen,

Luke—I’m not a fortune-teller. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try to find some happiness,”

Bryce snapped.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Luke conceded.

Bryce wondered about Luke’s attitude. After one night together, Luke had been quite

clear that he didn’t want anything long term… Painfully clear.

“Anyway, I thought you’d be happy I’m quitting smoking. You’ve been complaining

about it for years,” Bryce pointed out.

Luke opened his mouth and then closed it again as if reconsidering his words. “I guess I

never thought you’d quit over some guy.”

Bryce smiled. “I really like him.”

Luke raised his left brow at Bryce’s declaration. “It’s serious?”

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Bryce shrugged again. “I don’t know yet. Maybe. He’s a nice guy who’s gainfully

employed and amazing in bed. What’s not to like?”

“I didn’t know you were involved with someone.” Luke’s voice had an odd tone that

made Bryce examine his friend more closely. Luke’s blank expression told him nothing but

the tightening around his mouth revealed his distress.

“Well, I am. So what?”

“Nothing.” Luke put the binoculars back to his eyes. “I hope it works out for you two.

Tim’s a sweet guy.”

“Yes, he is.” Bryce wondered why Luke’s agreement hurt more than anything had in a

while. Shaking his head, he tried to wipe out the idea that Luke cared more than he did. Luke

wouldn’t mind if Bryce fucked the entire city as long as he appeared bright and early for

their jobs. Luke worshipped at the altar of punctuality. “Do you think we’ll be done early?”

Luke waved a hand dismissively. “You can leave if you like. We’ve already taken all the

pictures we need. I’m going to hang around and get shots of him leaving so we have enough

evidence, but you don’t have to stay.” Luke’s dark eyes remained trained on Bryce. “Have a


Bryce fiddled with the toothpick between his fingers. “I told Tim I’d be over for

dinner.” He wasn’t going to apologise. Luke didn’t want him and he’d found someone who

did. He might feel attraction and a tinge of regret over Luke, but Bryce’s goal this year—to

move on with his life—appeared to be working well.

His phone rang. Looking at the number on the readout made him smile as he answered.

“Hi, Tim, I was just thinking about you. You’re not calling to cancel, are you?” Bryce might

sometimes yearn for the heat of Luke’s touch but he adored Tim’s gentle ways. For a

hardened soldier, a little kindness meant everything, especially when wrapped in a sexy and

slim package.

“Bryce, are you busy?” Tim’s nervous tone started alarm bells clanging in Bryce’s head.

“Not too busy for you, hon. What’s wrong?” He kept his voice low and soothing since

Tim’s voice was bordering on hysterical.

“I-it might be nothing, but I think someone’s watching my house.”

Bryce gripped his phone tighter as some of Tim’s anxiety transferred to him. “Why do

you think that?”

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Just as Bryce began to think Tim had hung up or their call had been dropped, Tim

spoke again. “You know I’m a little paranoid since my abduction so I’ve been more careful

about checking out my surroundings. There’s a guy parked across the street. I think he’s

watching my apartment.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Because for the past hour he’s had a pair of binoculars trained up here. I could be

wrong but he’s giving me the willies.”

Bryce didn’t care if Tim was imagining someone watching his building. If the man was

freaking Tim out, he would have to be dealt with. His sweet accountant didn’t need any extra

stress in his life.

“I’ll be right there, baby. Don’t do anything foolish like go talk to him or anything. You

stay in your apartment. I’m only about twenty minutes away.”

After securing Tim’s agreement to stay put, Bryce hung up, stood and grabbed his

jacket. “I’m off,” he told Luke over his shoulder.

“What happened?”

Bryce spun around to find Luke standing right behind him. “Tim thinks someone is

watching him.”

“You don’t think he’s just nervous from his kidnapping, do you?” Luke’s brown eyes

darkened with concern and he rubbed his chin, a habit of his when thinking something over.

After five years of being best friends with Luke, Bryce could almost guess the thoughts going

through Luke’s brain.

“No. He sounded pretty specific, but I’d rather he be paranoid than have a stalker.”

Luke grabbed his jacket and snatched up his keys. “I’ll clean this up later and we can fill

out the report tomorrow. Let’s go.”

“What? Why?” When had this become a ‘bring your partner along’ trip?

A scowl crossed Luke’s handsome face. “I like Tim. He’s a nice guy. If he thinks

someone is following him we should check it out. And, if a guy is really bothering him, you’ll

need backup. Nothing against Tim, but I doubt he’s armed.”

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Bryce’s mouth dropped open. “I didn’t think you would want to waste your Friday

night checking out what might be a false alarm. Even Tim thinks it’s probably nothing. He’s

just worried, so I promised him I’d check it out.”

“You don’t believe him?” Luke frowned as if he were offended on Tim’s behalf.

Bryce ran his fingers through his hair. “This isn’t the first time Tim’s called about

something like this. He’s been freaked out since his kidnapping. I’ve been going over and

keeping him company—that’s how we became so close.” Sometimes being the person to

bring comfort was a powerful bonding experience.

When Luke’s jaw firmed and he showed no signs of backing down, Bryce gave a put-

upon sigh to show his annoyance. “Fine, you can come.”

Damn, Luke’s smile still made his heart skip a beat.

Luke followed Bryce, relieved to be coming along. He needed to see the two men

together. He had to make sure Tim deserved his best friend. Although Luke didn’t mind

Bryce having a quick fuck at a club, the idea of Bryce becoming close to someone and having

a relationship made bile rise up in his throat. He genuinely worried for a moment that he’d

decorate the window with his swirling stomach contents. He’d blown his one shot of keeping

Bryce and now he regretted it with every fibre of his being.

Over time he’d hoped to get a second chance, but Bryce didn’t forgive and forget.

Telling Bryce he didn’t want a relationship had been Luke’s biggest mistake ever. At the time

he’d thought to protect his heart. Luke had stupidly realised too late that he’d already given

it away to his best friend two years ago. Unfortunately, he’d never found a way to make up.

Luke remained silent as they travelled to Tim’s place. Bryce didn’t appear to want to

talk and Luke didn’t know what to say. As they pulled up beside Tim’s apartment building,

Luke saw a man in a black car drive away. To Luke’s surprise, instead of stopping in the

street, Bryce drove into the parking garage. He noticed with a trace of panic that Bryce had a

remote to open the metal gate. How serious were they?

“Do you live here now?” He hoped that Bryce didn’t hear the fear in Luke’s voice or the

loud pounding of his heart. Terror gripped him over the thought of Bryce slipping away

from Luke forever.

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“Not yet. I hope to soon, though.” Bryce exited the vehicle and headed towards the

elevator. Luke quickly fell into step beside him.

Bryce removed a key fob from his pocket and waved it in front of a sensor on the

elevator keypad then pushed the button to what must be Tim’s floor. After a short ride up

and a walk down a brightly lit hall, they were standing in front of an apartment marked ‘five

thirty-three’ in big brass numbers. Bryce knocked before unlocking the door and letting

himself in.

He gave Luke a sheepish grin. “I don’t want to startle him.”

Fuck. How serious are they? Scenarios ran through Luke’s head, each less comfortable

than the one before. They entered the living room and found Tim sitting on his couch. At the

sight of Bryce, Tim gave a relieved smile. Why hadn’t Luke ever noticed how gorgeous Tim

was? With his sunshine-bright hair and sea-blue eyes, Tim surpassed cute by a mile. Why

hadn’t Luke noticed the competition right under his nose?


“Bryce.” Tim threw himself into Bryce’s arms.

A spike of pain impaled Luke’s heart at the sight of the slim blond in Bryce’s muscular

embrace—a hold he knew from experience felt amazing.

“Are you okay?” Bryce pulled Tim back and examined him carefully as if the mysteries

of the universe would be explained on his face. Luke almost hurled as he took in Bryce’s

adoring expression.

“I’m fine. I just saw him drive away.”

“Black car?” Luke asked.

Tim lifted his head, his brilliant blue gaze zeroing in on Luke. “Hey, Luke, how are


Tim gave Luke a tentative smile, a far cry from the loving one he’d given Bryce. Luke

wondered why he cared. “I thought I’d come and see if I could help.”

The words spoken out loud didn’t sound desperate. They didn’t convey the futile wish

coursing through him to stay as close to Bryce as possible. He let out a long breath in relief.

“You saw the black car, too?” Bryce asked Luke before turning back to address Tim.

“Did you see the driver?”

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“Not much. I only saw binoculars and once in a while he tipped ashes from his cigarette

out the window. I tried to stay out of sight, but he really creeped me the hell out.” Tim gave a

little shudder and Luke had to hold back an urge to hug the smaller man. Tim looking scared

and vulnerable brought out Luke’s protective instincts.

“Have you thought someone was watching you before?” Luke asked, slipping into

investigator mode. Although Bryce had told him as much, he wanted to hear Tim’s version.

Tim pulled out of Bryce’s arms, wiping his eyes with the heels of his hands. “I-I think

so. But, like I told Bryce, I could be imagining things. I’ve been real jumpy since my

kidnapping. I mean… Logically, I know I’m not going to be snatched again, but inside I still

worry. I’m such a wimp.”

“You’re not a wimp,” Bryce soothed. “You’ve had a scare. It’s natural for you to be a

little skittish.”

Tim patted Bryce’s arm. “I appreciate you coming over. Would you like some tea or a

beer? I’m afraid that’s all I have except water.”

“Some tea would be nice,” Bryce responded.

Luke didn’t like the tender look Bryce gave Tim. He hoped he hid his feelings well

when the accountant turned to him. “How about you? Would you like a drink?”

“I’ll take a beer.” Luke could tell Tim needed something to do. The man fidgeted like a

dog waiting for a squirrel to come down from a tree. How calm, quiet Bryce could handle

that on a day-to-day basis Luke didn’t know. After Tim left the room, Bryce spoke. “I don’t

know if someone is watching him but there definitely was a car that left when we showed

up. I got the licence plate.”

“Good. If you give it to me, I can check it out tomorrow.”

“No. I’ll do it,” Luke insisted. He didn’t squirm beneath Bryce’s intense gaze. It took

more than that to rattle his cage. “I want to help.”

Bryce gave him a strange look. “You don’t have to. I’m sure I can handle one possible


“Have you questioned him about why he might have someone watching him?” From

their past experiences, Luke knew that often the investigators only got part of the story. He

didn’t want that for Bryce. He deserved better than a half story from a man he liked.

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“No,” Bryce sighed. “I didn’t want to spook him. He’s had a rough time of it lately. He

still gets nightmares about his abduction.”

Luke swallowed back the lump in his throat as he thought of all the ways Bryce could

calm Tim.

“Bryce is sweet to take care of me,” Tim said, walking into the room with a cup of hot

tea and a cold beer.

“That didn’t take long,” Luke commented as he accepted his drink.

“I have an instant hot water tap,” Tim explained.


The three men sat in the living room. Tim and Bryce took the couch while Luke took a

chair facing them. Silence reigned.

“Maybe I should just go,” Luke said to Tim. “I’m obviously making you


“No, you aren’t. I’m embarrassed,” Tim said.

“About what?” Luke asked.

“That I ruined your work for nothing. I didn’t know Bryce was on the job and I

certainly didn’t mean to pull you both away from something important just to make me feel


Guilt stabbed Luke like little daggers. He quickly tried to make amends. “Tim, you’re a

friend. If someone is stalking you, we need to check it out. That’s what Bryce and I do—we

provide protection against things like this. And, despite what you think, I don’t believe for a

minute you’d have called if you didn’t genuinely think there was a problem.”

Tim gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks, Luke. I’ve seen this guy before. This is the third

time that black car has parked outside my building. The first couple of times I didn’t see

anyone inside.”

“So maybe he was walking around and checking out the building, making sure he had

the right place,” Luke offered. The more he heard about this mysterious person, the less he

liked it. He itched to run to the office and check out the licence plate.

“Maybe,” Bryce agreed. “Do you have any clients who might have underground


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Tim laughed. “Are you asking if I’m an accountant for the mob?” His blue eyes

sparkled with amusement.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m asking. Are you?” Despite Tim’s amusement, Bryce didn’t

back down.

Tim frowned. Luke could almost hear the man running his clients’ books through his

head. He knew Tim worked as an independent contractor and had several customers other

than the company Luke and Bryce worked for.

“Not that I know of. I recently took on a restaurant’s bookkeeping for a client. They

don’t appear to have any strange accounting issues, at least nothing criminal. I didn’t see

signs of double books or anything. The only other clients I have are you guys and a pizza

parlour. And, unless they have unlicensed workers and are paying under the table, I don’t

think they have any weird problems. At least nothing worth scaring the crap out of me for!”

Tim’s voice squeaked at the end, revealing his nerves.

Bryce threw himself onto Tim’s overstuffed couch. “I’m going to spend the night. My

instincts tell me we’re missing something. You might be jumpy about being alone but you’re

not the type to invent someone following you.”

“No.” Tim shook his head vehemently. “I wouldn’t waste your time like that.”

“Come here.” Bryce beckoned the accountant closer.

Luke bit his lip until it bled as he watched Tim settle closer to Bryce and snuggle in as if

he belonged there. Bryce instinctively curled around the shorter man, which told Luke more

than he wanted to know about Bryce’s feelings towards Tim. Bryce only became protective of

those he cared about. Luke twitched with the urge to snuggle up with the pair on the couch.

Weird… In his mind both Bryce and Tim were his to cuddle next to.

“Tell us what you can about the guy in the black car,” Luke said, pulling a small

notebook out of his shirt pocket.

Tim licked his lips, leaving a tempting sheen in his tongue’s wake and derailing Luke’s


“I didn’t get a really good look at him. I think he has dark hair. The only time I saw him

he was sitting in his car smoking. I only know that because he’d toss the butts out the

window. I don’t know how tall he is or eye colour or anything.”

“I think his car looked like a rental,” Luke offered.

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“You think he’s from out of town?” Tim asked.

“Possibly,” Bryce agreed. He exchanged a look with Luke. They would figure out what

was going on.

“Or he could’ve rented a car so you didn’t recognise his own,” Luke said.

Tim shuddered. “This is feeling more stalkerish all the time.”

Bryce hugged Tim gently. “We’ll get to the bottom of this, hon. For all we know, he

could be investigating someone else at your building or something. You’re not the only

person on this floor.”

Luke’s heart caught in his throat as he watched the pair together. At one time he

could’ve been the one in Bryce’s arms receiving the endearments, but Tim needed Bryce

more than Luke ever did. Bryce and Tim looked good together. Luke yearned to be on the

other side of Tim, reassuring him.

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Chapter Two

Tim crossed his legs and discreetly tried to hide his erection. He’d gone from worried to

aroused in the space of ten minutes. Bryce alone could get him harder in a shorter amount of

time than anyone he’d ever met. To have Luke join Bryce in his fantasies had him close to

coming. He couldn’t brush away the image in his mind of being the filling in a bodyguard


Shaking his head, he focused on his problem. “What should I do? I have no idea why

someone from out of town would follow me or stake me out or whatever.”

“I’ll talk to Turner about assigning me to you,” Bryce said.

Tim shook his head. “I can’t afford to have a twenty-four-hour bodyguard.” He did

well as an accountant but not that well. He kept their company’s books and he knew how

expensive the men’s fees could get.

“Unless we have an overnight job, I’ll come keep you company without charge.” Bryce

winked at him.

“I-I couldn’t let you do that,” Tim objected, even though he knew what kind of

payment Bryce would request. He was more than willing to have sex but he didn’t want to

feel beholden to anyone. His pride had ruined more than one relationship but he couldn’t

seem to stop.

“Sure you can,” Luke broke in. “And if Bryce can’t make it, I will.”

Tim’s mouth dropped open. “Why? Why would you do that?” he finally forced out. It

baffled him that they would take time to babysit him. He could figure out why Bryce would

but Luke had no reason to keep Tim company.

Luke shook his head. “I might not know you very well but you’re a friend of Bryce and

Turner and they’re both important to me.” Luke leant forward. “You seem like a nice guy

and I’d hate to have you injured because we didn’t want to take a few hours out of our day to

check up on some of your concerns.”

Shivers popped up across Tim’s skin over Luke’s soft Spanish accent, and the heat in

Luke’s eyes made Tim’s cock jerk to attention. Tim broke their locked gazes, certain he’d

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misunderstood. Being this close to all that testosterone was playing havoc with his self-


“I don’t know anyone who’d want to hurt me,” he mumbled.

Luke patted Tim’s back. “If you see this man again, call either Bryce or me. Don’t

approach him. If he comes after you, run away. Until we know what this man wants, keep

your distance.”

The bodyguards’ sincere expressions convinced him. “Fine. I’ll let you two handle it.

I’m not super brave anyway.” Knowing Bryce and Luke were taking his concerns seriously

drained some of the nervous energy away. He’d thought it would be more work convincing

Bryce about the stalker. He should’ve known better. His lover had never been anything but

supportive, no matter what Tim claimed. Hell, the man was giving up smoking for him. If

that didn’t show devotion, Tim didn’t know what did.

Bryce wrapped an arm around Tim and gave him an affectionate one-sided hug. Heat

curled inside Tim’s chest and spread throughout his body. Casual touches and spontaneous

kisses reassured him that his relationship with the tough bodyguard could last. He adored

the fact that Bryce didn’t try to hide Tim in the closet like a few boyfriends in his past. Bryce

had no concern over exhibiting affection.

By chance he glanced over at Luke and caught his breath at the pained expression on

the bodyguard’s face. Did Bryce and Luke have a relationship beyond that of co-workers?

Did Tim need to worry about them doing something behind his back? Bryce struck him as

the faithful type, but he knew Bryce and Luke had a long history together—he just didn’t

know how much of one.

Tim would be lying if he said both men didn’t appeal to him, and the thought of them

fucking almost had him coming from that image alone. Shaking his head, he tried to banish

the thought. He needed to focus on the mystery guy stalking him and get his mind out of the

extremely convenient gutter.

“I really appreciate you guys doing this. If you need anything, let me know.”

Bryce’s wicked smile didn’t help Tim’s libido a bit. “Don’t worry, hon. I’ll be sure to let

you know if I need anything.”

Luke cleared his throat. “Since there doesn’t appear to be anything more to do tonight,

I’m going to leave you two alone.” Luke pulled a business card out of his pocket and wrote a

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number on the back. “This is my personal cell—call me if you need anything or can’t get hold

of Bryce.”

Tim took the card and bit back a moan as their fingers touched. Electricity crackled

between them, or at least on Tim’s half. He’d like to think he knew when a man found him

attractive, but he’d been wrong more than once before.

Nodding to Bryce, Luke left.

Bryce sighed beside him.

“Do you and Luke have something going on between you two?” Tim’s heart skipped a

beat as he anticipated the answer.

“Once,” Bryce admitted. “But it didn’t work out.”

Bryce’s frown told Tim the bodyguard had hoped it would, that he might still be

clinging to that dream. Tim’s heart sank to his stomach and burned apart in the acid there.

“Why?” Tim asked. “Never mind. Sorry. It’s none of my business.”

“No, that’s okay. We had too much to drink one night and ended up in bed together.

The next day Luke told me it was all a mistake. He didn’t want to ruin our friendship with


Tim could see in Bryce’s bitter smile that for Bryce it had been more than just sex. He

patted Bryce’s arm sympathetically.

“He looks at you like he wants to have you back.” It almost killed Tim to say those

words but he didn’t want to be second best. If Bryce still pined for Luke then Tim would let

him go.

“He never had me in the first place. One encounter does not make for a relationship, as

he was quick to point out.”

“Yeah, but you’re still best friends, right?” Tim confirmed.

Bryce broke Tim’s gaze as if he couldn’t bear to say the words while looking at another

person. “Friends…not lovers, not anymore. I won’t throw my heart out there again to have it

trampled on.”

The pain in Bryce’s voice made Tim’s chest ache with sympathy. “I can understand

that.” He silently vowed to get the men together again. He might have had dreams of

keeping Bryce as his own, but that’s all they’d been—dreams. Bryce and Luke deserved each

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other. Whatever Luke had done in the past, Tim was willing to bet he regretted his rash


“Come on, sweetheart, let’s go to bed.” Bryce’s voice, low and inviting, didn’t hold

anything other than hot desire. The pain he’d shown a minute ago had disappeared beneath

the lustful expression he sent Tim’s way.

Tim whimpered. Even though his heart twisted over Bryce and Luke’s relationship, he

couldn’t resist the sexy man beside him. He’d accept Bryce’s attention for as long as he could.

At least when Bryce finally dumped him he’d have amazing memories to keep him warm for

a little while.

All thoughts vanished when Bryce grabbed Tim’s hips and pulled him close enough to

feel the hard ridge in his lover’s pants. Moaning, Tim rubbed against Bryce’s erection,

already anticipating the heat and touch of his lover. Bryce’s body ran hot and Tim, who

always resembled a Popsicle, appreciated a warm man in his bed. He banished the traitorous

dream of two hot men.

Bryce’s kiss scrambled Tim’s thoughts as he absorbed the texture of Bryce’s bristly

cheek beneath his fingers. A pleased hum vibrated his lips and made him laugh. “Stop that,”

he chided.

“I can’t help it. You taste delicious.”

Tim smiled, his lips brushing Bryce’s. He might be a dorky accountant but he had no

doubts that Bryce found him attractive. The hard embrace awakened his body and triggered

tingles up and down his spine.

“You’re wearing way too many clothes.” Tim tried out a bolder approach as he slid out

of Bryce’s arms and quickly unbuttoned Bryce’s shirt. Every time before he’d let the buff

bodyguard lead. Tonight he decided to take control. Maybe Bryce needed someone to be

more aggressive once in a while. Tim might not be able to keep Bryce for long but he damn

sure planned to enjoy it while he could.

Tim licked his lips at the sight of Bryce’s toned abs. The man stayed in shape for his job

by running and lifting weights. Tim couldn’t complain about the results—he could only


“You’re gorgeous,” he whispered.

Bryce laughed. “I’m not as pretty as you. You’re what I dream about at night.”

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“Oooh, good line,” Tim approved. “Strip.”

With hungry eyes Tim watched as more and more flesh was exposed. He let out a

squeal when Bryce stood, flipped Tim over his shoulder and headed into the bedroom.

“Beast!” he shouted fondly.

“You needed a distraction.” Bryce smacked Tim’s ass.

Tim giggled. Damn, a grown man shouldn’t giggle.

“I love that sound,” Bryce said, dropping Tim onto the mattress.

Tim bounced a few times. “What sound?”

“You laughing. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever heard.”

A curl of heat wormed its way up Tim’s chest. “You are so getting lucky.”

“I know.” Bryce’s smug tone made him laugh again.

Bryce’s eyes glowed with affection. “I’ve had hot sex before but I’ve never had anyone

to laugh with.”

Tim’s heart skipped a beat. He understood what Bryce meant. For an ex-soldier,

laughter probably didn’t come easily. Now he knew why Bryce didn’t need Tim to be perfect

or handsome—he only had to bring happiness into Bryce’s life.

He could do that.

Bryce stood over him, stark naked, his cock hardening before Tim’s heated gaze. He

licked his lips. “Bring that over here.” He crooked his finger at Bryce.

A small smile crossed Bryce’s mouth as if he couldn’t quite decide whether to laugh or

to jump Tim’s bones. He liked both ideas.

Bryce crawled onto the bed over him.

“Up. More.” Tim gasped in one word, needy sentences as the tip of Bryce’s cock stayed

just out of reach.

Bryce took pity on him and moved further up until his erection brushed Tim’s lips. Tim

dared to stick out his tongue and lap at the spongy tip. He savoured the slightly sweet taste

of Bryce’s pre-cum then wrapped his fingers around Bryce’s hard shaft and slurped Bryce’s

cock like a candy cane.

“Oh, fuck you’re good at that.”

Of course he was. Tim liked to swallow a man down, to feel the iron rod of an erection

filling his throat while a lover fucked him.

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Moaning sent a vibration up his throat. “Oh hell, that feels amazing. That’s it, baby.

Take me down and I’ll make you feel so good,” Bryce gasped between thrusts.

Tim reached down to give his own erection a tug only to have Bryce smack his hand

away. “No you don’t. You don’t get to come until I’m inside you.”

To get even, Tim created more suction with his mouth. Bryce bucked into the sensation.

“Fine, you win.” Bryce slowly slid out of Tim’s mouth as if he were reluctant to leave

the warm home. “I need to be inside you now.” His growly tone had Tim eagerly spinning

around and presenting his ass.

“I’m all yours.”

“You better damn well be,” Bryce snarled.

Bryce slid a lubed finger into Tim’s hole, startling him. He hadn’t heard Bryce open the

drawer. Even as Bryce’s left hand gripped Tim’s hip tightly, his right opened Tim up with

gentle fingers.

“Inside, inside me now!” Tim demanded. He sighed as Bryce lined up his cock and

pushed past the tight ring of Tim’s hole, filling him as only Bryce could.

“You are so fucking tight. I love being inside you,” Bryce moaned.

If only Tim could get Bryce to love all of him. All thoughts emptied out of his head as

Bryce moved most of the way out before going back in and establishing a hard rhythm that

had Tim screaming and clutching his sheets as if they were his lifeline to reality.

Tim shoved back against Bryce’s pounding, desperate to get more sensation. He came

on a strangled scream. Bryce grunted behind him before he slowly pulled away. Tim

immediately missed the heat and feel of Bryce’s body. Emptiness claimed him until Bryce

returned with a warm washcloth and tenderly wiped Tim down.

“Can I stay the night?” Bryce asked as he snuggled up to Tim and rested his cheek on

the back of Tim’s shoulder. Tim sighed. He loved being the little spoon.

“Um, yeah, you can stay the night. I like having you over.” A huge understatement but

he didn’t want to look like a needy bastard. Why would he ever kick this man out of bed?

He’d have to be an idiot.

“Good. I like staying here.” Bryce’s voice rumbled against Tim’s back like a purring cat.

Smiling, Tim tumbled into sleep, safe in the arms of the man he was quickly growing to love.

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* * * *

Bryce woke up smiling, Tim cuddled in his arms, as his heart almost burst with joy.

He’d never had anyone who made him feel so damn good about himself. Tim looked at him

as if Bryce were a source of wonder…as if he’d never seen anyone as amazing as Bryce

before. He had to admit his ego appreciated having a gorgeous, intelligent man find him


To Bryce, Tim represented everything he’d ever wanted in a partner. Now if he could

just get Luke out of his head, his life would be fucking perfect.

The doorbell rang.

Tim didn’t stir.

Bryce peeked at the clock and sighed. Only one person would dare to ring the doorbell

at seven in the morning and expect Bryce to be awake, though the bastard should’ve called

first. Bryce carefully slid out of bed, struggled into a pair of jeans and stomped over to the

door. He yanked it open to glare at his partner. He didn’t bother to ask how Luke had

reached the apartment without a key. He doubted he wanted to know.

Luke stared at Bryce’s bare chest for several minutes before he tore his gaze away. He

held up a dry-cleaner’s bag. “I brought your grey suit.”

“Thanks.” Bryce snatched the clothing out of Luke’s hand and prepared to slam the

door shut.

Luke blocked it with his foot. “You don’t get to escape that easily.” A paper bag slid

through the gap. Luke shook it at him. “I brought croissants. Tim’s favourites.”

With a growl, Bryce opened the door wide. Tim did love croissants. He draped his suit

on the couch, glad that Luke had brought him some clothes—he’d forgotten to grab

something to wear in his rush to come over.

“Fine, come in. Tim’s still sleeping.”

Luke checked his watch. “He has to get up soon. He needs to study for his CPA exam.

He’s taking it in two weeks.”

“How do you know that?” Bryce thought the two men barely knew each other.

A flush rose across Luke’s cheeks. Bryce couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen his

partner blush.

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“He mentioned it to Francis at the barbecue weekend before last.” Luke didn’t meet

Bryce’s eyes and apparently found Tim’s wall a source of major fascination.

Bryce wasn’t awake enough to play decipher-the-partner. “I’m going to go take a

shower. You can make coffee since you’re so eager to get started this morning.”

Luke glanced towards the bedroom door. “I can do that,” he muttered.

“Good.” Rubbing his eyes, Bryce stumbled back to the bedroom. He placed a sloppy

kiss on his lover’s forehead. It had no effect in waking him. Shrugging, he went to take his

shower. Bryce could work on getting Tim moving after he cleaned up. They still had plenty

of time.

“Damn.” He’d left his suit on the couch.

Turning off the water, Bryce dried off quickly before borrowing Tim’s robe. When he

walked into the bedroom, he came to a screeching halt. Luke stood over Tim, and his

expression not only surprised Bryce but made him wary. Luke watched Tim as if he held all

of Luke’s wishes and dreams in the palms of his well-manicured hands.

For a brief moment, a twinge of regret tunnelled through Bryce’s chest but luckily it

quickly passed. “Get away from him.”

Luke’s head snapped up. His eyes were wide with surprise.

“I’m glad you found somebody, Bryce,” Luke said sincerely. “I just wish it didn’t hurt

so badly to let you go.”

Bryce cleared his throat as tears made it too difficult to speak. “I appreciate you saying

that.” What else could he say with his heart beating and flipping in his chest like a demented


Luke nodded. “Are you two exclusive?”

“What?” Bryce’s mind still spun over Luke’s previous words and hadn’t caught up with

the rest of the conversation.

“Do the two of you date exclusively?”

“Why? Am I good enough to fuck now that I found somebody?” Rage he hadn’t known

he’d buried rose to new heights.

Luke shook his head. “No, that’s not it. I just wondered. I’d hate for Tim to be hurt

picking the wrong guy up at a bar.”

“He doesn’t go to bars,” Bryce said through clenched teeth.

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“How do you know?” Luke taunted.

“I know. He’s very honest. If he went to a bar he’d tell me,” Bryce answered with

confidence. He had no doubt that Tim would tell Bryce if he had sex with anyone else.

“I would,” Tim’s voice broke into the conversation, startling them both.

Bryce met Luke’s widened eyes before turning to his lover.

Luke quickly answered Tim. “Sorry, Tim, I didn’t mean to make it sound like you were

whoring around or anything.”

Tim blinked up at Luke and gave him a sweet, sunshine smile, all the more beautiful for

its innocence. Bryce wanted to capture it in a bottle and keep it for the days he felt completely

shitty. If one of Tim’s smiles didn’t perk him up, he might as well lie down as dead.

“I know you didn’t mean anything, Luke. You’re just looking out for Bryce. I know you

two have been friends for a while.” Tim graciously gave Luke an easy out of the

uncomfortable conversation.

“Yeah, we have, but I’m your friend too, Tim,” Luke said earnestly. “I want you to be


Tim laughed. “Why would I go to a bar when I have Bryce? We might not be exclusive,

but I don’t screw around on him.”

Bryce’s heart skipped a beat. “We’re not exclusive?”

Tim shrugged. “I didn’t want to put you in a corner. I haven’t been on any dates since

we’ve been together.”

Bryce slid onto the bed beside Tim. “Me neither. I declare this relationship closed.

Understand?” Bryce didn’t like the idea of some stranger touching his Tim. Better to head off

that possibility now.

Tim nodded his head so much he resembled a bobble-headed doll. “Okay.”

“Good. Now, find some clothes. Luke brought you croissants.”

The smile turned to Luke could’ve powered a city. “Thanks, Luke.”

Luke’s gaze tracked down Tim’s naked chest to the blankets pooled around his waist.


With a growl, Bryce grabbed Luke’s arm and dragged him out of the room. “Stay there!

He doesn’t need to see you naked,” he ordered his lover. An image of Tim sandwiched

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between them flashed into his mind, making him hard again. Damn. The thought of a naked

Tim sucking off Luke while Bryce fucked him pulled a strangled moan out of him.

“What’s with you?” Luke narrowed his eyes at Bryce.

“Nothing.” Bryce avoided Luke’s gaze and released him.

Before he could go far, Luke grabbed Bryce’s chin, forcing him to turn and face Luke.

“We’re not doing this.”

Bryce jerked out of Luke’s hold. “Doing what?”

“You can’t start hiding things from me. We’re partners. I can’t depend on you if you’re

keeping secrets.”

Bryce sighed. “It was stupid, okay.”

“No, it’s not okay. What?”

“I had a thought of Tim sucking you off while I fucked him, okay? Is that what you

wanted to hear, that I still think about you? Happy now?” Bryce snarled.

Luke smiled. “Yes, that makes me very happy.” He shot a quick glance towards the

door. “Do you think Tim would be on board for that?”

“What?” Bryce took a step away from Luke and all the temptation he represented.

Luke ran a hand through his hair and looked out of the window. Tim’s place had a

lovely view—of the building next door—so Bryce doubted it was the scenery that kept his

friend enthralled.

“Look, I fucked up my chance with you. I know it. But I can’t get you out of my mind.”

“It’s because we spend every day together. I can ask Tucker to get us new work

partners. There are enough people on the team now.”

Luke’s expression turned so hurt, it was as though Bryce had given in to months of

annoyance and finally slapped the man. “You’d do that? You’d trust someone else to watch

your back?”

“Luke, we’re not in a war zone anymore. The biggest issue our bodyguard positions

have is not dying of boredom while we follow some politician’s wife from store to store, and

our minor detective work doesn’t even require a weapon. The last time I fired my gun was at

a firing range.”

“But. Shit, Bryce… I never thought you’d leave me.”

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Bryce stared at his partner, not understanding what was going on and feeling sick over

the whole thing. This was why he’d tried to shove it under the rug. He hadn’t wanted the

great showdown or the heartache. “Did you think I’d stick around loving you for the rest of

my life?”

Luke froze. “You love me?”

“Of course I fucking love you. I’ve loved you for years. Now get the fuck out of my

boyfriend’s house before you ruin my one shot at happiness.”

“But”—Luke practically radiated hurt—“you can’t say you love someone and then kick

them out. Shit, Bryce, we should be together.”

“No, Luke. We shouldn’t.” Bryce moved to the safety of the kitchen, putting some space

between them as he tried to gather his thoughts. He’d had no idea Luke cared for him past

the bond of friends. The man had all but thrown Bryce out of his place after they’d made

love. “You don’t get to do this. You had plenty of time to tell me you want me. Now that I

have Tim, I’m not going to break his heart to go back with a guy who tossed me away.”

Luke approached. For the first time Bryce recognised the love in his eyes. He hadn’t

imagined it.

“It’s all right, Bryce.” Tim’s voice broke a bit when he spoke but he continued. “I could

tell you guys are close. I-if you need to be with Luke, I’ll understand. I won’t like it, but I’d

rather you go back to him than stay with me just because you don’t want to hurt me. It’ll hurt

more if I know you’re pining for another guy when you’re with me.”

“Oh, baby, it’s not like that.” Bryce rushed over to wrap Tim in his arms. The smaller

man shivered in his embrace. “I love you, too. Luke had his chance a while ago.”

Tim leant back so he could look into Bryce’s eyes. “You shouldn’t get only one chance

to keep the love of your life.” He turned his sad eyes towards Luke. “I could tell you guys

cared about each other. I’m not going to stand in your way.”

“Stop it.” Bryce gave Tim a little shake. “Don’t you dare toss me aside because you

think I’d prefer Luke.”

“B-but I heard you.” Tim blinked back tears. “You said you love him.”

Tim didn’t understand what had happened. He’d gone to sleep secure in his

relationship and had awakened to chaos.

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Bryce cupped Tim’s cheek. “Sometimes love isn’t enough.”

“Bullshit,” Luke cursed. “If you really love someone, you give them more than one

chance. I admit I made a mistake, but don’t throw our relationship away because I’m an


Tim basked in the tender smile Bryce gave him as he corrected, “I didn’t throw you

away, Luke. I found someone who wanted to keep me.” Bryce’s kiss made promises Tim

didn’t know if his lover could keep.

He stepped back out of Bryce’s arms and took a deep breath, trying to keep his nerves

under control.

“I brought you some croissants,” Luke offered.

Tim gave Luke a grateful smile. “Thanks.” He scurried over to the kitchen to get his

pastry and start the coffee. Unfortunately, the open floor plan didn’t allow for hiding. There

weren’t any kitchen walls protecting him from the eyes of the sexy men battling in his living

room. “You guys want some coffee?” Tim only drank a few cups in the morning. If no one

else wanted some, he was going to make half a pot.

“I’ll take some, but Luke is leaving.”

“No, I’m not,” Luke protested. “Go get dressed, Bryce. I’ll sit here and have croissants

with Tim. I’ll be good.”

Tension thrummed through the air but Tim forced himself to concentrate on the task at

hand. Coffee. He could do coffee. Coffee now—nervous breakdown later.

Luke waited until Bryce had left the room before he approached. He folded his large

body onto one of Tim’s bar stools and watched him.

“Are you coming in to work today?”

Tim shook his head. “I’m working from home. I don’t go into any offices until

Thursday. Everything I have to do before then I can do on my laptop right here.”

“I think it would be best if you came with us. You can work in Bryce’s office. We’re

going to be in the field for most of the day.”

Tim poured the water into the machine, keeping his head down and his eyes off the

sexy man talking with a lilt in his voice that made him want to lie in bed and dream of that

voice while he stroked off.

His hand shook as he poured the coffee into the filter. “I’ll be fine.”

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“No, you won’t. I don’t want Bryce worried about you all day. Our building is secure.

You won’t have to worry about stalkers if you’re there.”

Turning to face Luke, Tim frowned. “Why do you care if I’m safe or not? If I were gone

you’d have Bryce all to yourself.” It didn’t make any sense.

“I’m not that much of a bastard,” Luke growled. “I might wish Bryce belonged to me,

but I like you, Tim. I consider you my friend, even if you’re the lucky fucker who benefited

from my biggest mistake.”

Tim bit his lip as he saw the pain in Luke’s eyes. Taking a deep breath, he let out the

words he’d bottled up before. “I’m willing to let Bryce date you.”

“What?” Luke jumped up. The stool toppled to the floor with his haste. “Shit.” He

leaned over and picked up the seat before walking around the counter to face Tim.

“I-if Bryce loves you I think he should have the chance to decide which of us he wants.

I’m willing to share him if it will make him happy.”

Luke ran a hand through his hair, rumpling it attractively. “I…don’t know what to say.

I’d tell you I don’t deserve Bryce, but damn if I won’t take you up on your offer anyway.”

Tim grabbed some cups from the cupboard, carefully putting cream into the bottom of

two of them. With his back to Luke, he filled all three cups. “Here.”

“How did you know I like my coffee black?” Luke gave him a surprised look.

Tim shrugged. “I’ve heard you order it a few times.” He opened the bakery bag, pulled

out a croissant and handed the rest of them over to Luke.

“Thanks.” Luke leaned against the counter, effectively trapping Tim in the kitchen.

Tim scowled. “What?”

“You really think Bryce would go for it?”

“We’ll have to ask him.” Tim had no idea what Bryce would do, but Tim didn’t want

Bryce to always be asking himself ‘What if?’.

“And if he says he wants to date us both, will you be okay with that?” Luke asked with

a worried expression.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” If he said it enough times, eventually it would have to be true, right?

They sipped their coffee and nibbled on croissants as they waited for Bryce. Tim’s

nerves stretched taut and he wondered if life was easier all alone. Maybe he could go find a

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nice cave and become a hermit. Hermits didn’t worry if their boyfriends wanted someone

else. Hermits didn’t have boyfriends.

Tim’s phone rang. Happy for a reason to avoid Luke, he snatched it off the counter.


“Is this Mr Timothy Warren?”

“Yes.” Tim froze as he heard the slight creak of his bedroom door opening. He only

gave half his attention to the person on the phone.

“I’m Benson Javez. Your grandmother hired me to be the executor of her estate. I’m

sorry to inform you your grandmother passed away this morning.”

Tim sat down on the kitchen tile as his knees gave out on him. He’d known she

wouldn’t last much longer. She’d been in the hospital for the past month for one infection or


“Thank you for calling me. She said she already made all the arrangements?” He hoped

the man on the phone knew what they were because Tim certainly didn’t. His grandmother

had patted his hand and told him not to worry.

“Yes. We’ll take good care of her. I called your father and the funeral home already. She

told me she asked you not to attend her funeral.”

“Yes.” Tears spilled down Tim’s cheeks as loss hit him like a semi-truck. “She didn’t

want me to have to see my parents.” He barely got the words out through the tears choking


“I have some papers for you to sign. I’ll overnight them to you so you can avoid the

formal reading of the will. She thought it would be best.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.” His grandmother had mentioned she’d left him what

she considered a token of her love. He didn’t need anything from her. Her unending support

and affection had saved him from many bouts of depression as he was growing up. She’d

been the only relative who had accepted Tim without reservations. The others wanted to

pray the gay away or sweep him under the carpet.

He didn’t know how he managed, but he finished the conversation with the lawyer

before he burst into sobs.

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Chapter Three

Luke set his coffee on the counter, tossed his croissant beside it and hurried to scoop

Tim off the floor. Whoever upset the sweet accountant needed to die. Tim clutched Luke’s

shirt and soaked it with his tears.

“Shh, honey… You’ll make yourself sick.” Luke’s stomach twisted into knots as he

listened helplessly to Tim’s heart-wrenching sobs.

Sliding his arms beneath Tim’s back and legs, he lifted the smaller man, carried him to

the couch and cuddled him on his lap. Tim’s tears broke Luke’s heart. He rubbed Tim’s back

and made soft, soothing noises.

“What happened?” Bryce asked.

“Call Turner and tell him we won’t be in,” Luke ordered.

“Why? What did you do to Tim?” Bryce scowled before rushing over to stroke Tim’s

hair. “Are you okay, baby?”

Luke glared at the love of his life while he cuddled Tim. “I didn’t do anything to him.”

“My grandmother d-died,” Tim sobbed.

“Oh, honey.” Bryce leant forward to take Tim, but Luke pulled him away. “Call


“Why don’t I take Tim and you call Turner?” Bryce snarled.

“Because I had him first!” Luke yelled. He couldn’t explain his surge of protectiveness

but he didn’t want to hand Tim over to Bryce, even though he had more right to snuggle the

accountant than Luke.

“Why don’t you go lie down, honey? Did you want me to make arrangements to attend

the funeral?” Bryce asked Tim.

Luke glared at Bryce for pretending he wasn’t there.

Tim shook his head, his slim frame still shaking. “I-I’m not supposed to attend,” he said

between sobs.

“What do you mean you’re not supposed to attend?” Luke asked. Why would he not

attend the funeral of someone who obviously meant a lot to him?

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Tim sniffed and wiped his face with the palms of his hands. “She didn’t want me to

have to see my father. We don’t get along.”

Luke knew it had to be more than a little misunderstanding if a woman Tim obviously

loved had requested he not attend her funeral.

“I’ll go see her grave next week after all the fuss is over.” Tim snuggled in Luke’s arms,

his sobbing down to a low sniffle.

Bryce crouched down beside Tim and stroked his head. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get

you into bed. I’ll keep you company. You shouldn’t be alone.”

Tim’s mouth took a stubborn set. “I don’t want to keep you from work. I can handle


Bryce kissed him on the cheek. “Just because you can handle things doesn’t mean you

should have to. I want to be there for you and you’ll just have to deal with it. It’s a

boyfriend’s prerogative.”

“Seriously? You’re going to use the boyfriend ploy?” Tim blinked teary eyes at Bryce.

“Yep.” Bryce gave Tim a tender smile.

“Call Turner. I’ll tuck Tim in bed,” Luke ordered. He hoped Bryce had heard him over

the stuttering of Luke’s heart. When Bryce had called Tim his boyfriend, Luke had almost

forgotten how to breathe.


Luke watched Bryce pull out his phone and dial. With a grunt he stood, lifting Tim as

he went.

“I can walk, you know,” Tim commented.

“I know.” Luke didn’t say anything else. He didn’t want Tim to know he was turning

into a big, sappy mess. At first he’d wanted Tim out of the way so he could go after Bryce.

Now he hoped to convince Tim that two boyfriends were better than one.

Tim didn’t say anything else. He snuggled his head beneath Luke’s chin and cuddled in

with a soft sigh, making Luke feel about ten feet tall.

He’d barely made it a few steps into Tim’s bedroom before Bryce appeared in the


“Turner says hi and he’s sorry about your grandmother.”

“Thanks.” Tim gave Bryce a watery smile.

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“Let’s get you out of your clothes. It’ll help you rest easier.” Luke began pulling at

Tim’s clothes, eager to get them off and put the man in bed.

“I can take care of Tim. Lock the door behind you when you go.” Bryce nudged Luke

away from Tim.

Tim silently removed the rest of his clothes, leaving his underwear on.

“I’d do that if I were going.” Luke resisted Bryce’s obvious pushing. “But Tim needs

people here who care about him.”

“He’ll have me.” Bryce scowled at Luke.

Luke decided to take a chance. “I want to be here for Tim, too.” He’d never given up on

something he really wanted before—he wasn’t going to stop now.

“What are you doing?” Bryce folded his arms to face Luke.

“Tim and I agreed you could date both of us if you’re willing. But I’m thinking Tim and

I should get to know each other better if we’re going to be sharing the same man.”

“I can’t deal with this right now,” Bryce said. “Tim needs someone to take care of him,

not to deal with you changing your mind about wanting me.”

Bryce gave Luke his best death glare, and Luke returned the look with interest. Now

wasn’t the time for petty arguments.

“I’m not here to cause trouble for Tim or for you.” Luke’s tone and touch on Tim’s back

were gentle. “I lost my abuela last year so I know how you feel. Come, let’s all snuggle in bed.

Tim is freezing.” Luke rubbed Tim’s skin, trying to bring some heat to the teary-eyed man.

Tim nodded. “I am cold,” he said in a small voice.

Bryce mouthed “Shock” to Luke, and he had to agree. The poor man had had more than

enough to deal with before hearing about his grandmother’s death. Luke didn’t know if

staying at Tim’s was a good idea or not, but he wouldn’t leave without a lot of fuss. If he

went to work now, he’d spend the day worrying about Tim.

“Do you mind if Luke stays?” Bryce asked Tim.

Tim shook his head. “Not if he wants to.”

“Get between the sheets,” Luke ordered. With Tim stripped to his underwear, all that

exposed skin was driving Luke a little crazy.

“Bossy,” Bryce commented but Luke saw the light in his eyes as the irritation turned to


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Tim climbed under the covers, giving Luke a puzzled look. Luke couldn’t explain his

sudden need to wrap Tim in his arms and keep him safe. It had hit him unexpectedly.

Bryce slipped out of his clothes and slid in behind Tim. Even if Tim had been expecting

his grandmother’s death, Luke could see the reality of her passing hurt him deeply.

“I’m going to miss her,” Tim murmured. “She was the only person who understood


Luke removed his shirt and pants, leaving on his underwear, and climbed into bed.

“Who invited you?” Bryce asked.

“Hush. Tim needs the company.” Luke snuggled in until Tim lay sandwiched between

Luke and Bryce. He could feel the younger man trembling. He rubbed Tim’s shoulders and

his right thigh, the only parts he could reach that Bryce didn’t completely cover. “Take a little

nap. We’ll figure things out later.”

“Figure what out?” Bryce lifted his head to glare at Luke over Tim’s shoulder. “What

the hell is going on?”

“Shhh,” Luke scolded Bryce. “Talk later, nap now.”

Bryce put his head back down but Luke knew his friend was dying to yell at him.

Tim sniffled and Bryce cuddled him closer.

Before he knew it, Luke tumbled into sleep.

* * * *

Tim awoke surrounded by warmth and hard muscular bodies. Blinking, it took him a

moment for his brain to kick in and realise where he was. Luke’s eyes were open and he was

staring straight at Tim.

“Feeling better?” Luke traced Tim’s cheek with warm, gentle fingers. Tim tried not to

freak out. How had they gone from wanting the same man to sharing a bed?

“Yeah, thanks.” Tim’s voice sounded rough from his tears. His eyes, puffy and irritated,

itched maddeningly.

“I’ll go get you some water.” Before Tim could say anything, Luke slid out of bed and

vanished through the bedroom doorway.

Tim rubbed his eyes, trying to soothe the burn.

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“You doing okay, honey?”

Was he? Or was he seconds from having a meltdown? He could go either way. “Why is

Luke still here?”

He might have agreed to let the man date Bryce but he’d made no deal to let him share

his bed. Tim sat up and shook Bryce off him. Sorrow knifed through him. Even expecting his

grandmother’s death hadn’t prepared him for the gaping hole it left in his life.

“I think you both should leave.” His voice sounded weak even to his ears, but he hoped

the words would persuade them. He needed to be alone.

“What?” Bryce put a hand around Tim’s arm.

“I want you and Luke to get out of here.” Tim’s voice rose with his anger. “I’ve had

enough of both of you!”

“What did I do?” Luke asked, setting a glass of water on the table.

The man had no right to look gorgeous standing over Tim—not right now.

“Baby, you’ve had a shock,” Bryce tried for the concerned boyfriend role but Tim

would have none of it. Sympathy would only get him sobbing again.

“Don’t baby me.” Tim slid out of bed. Less vulnerable on his feet, he turned to face the

two men who dared to look worried and puzzled at him.

“I’ve just lost my grandmother. I don’t have it in me to deal with you two. I really like

you, Bryce, but you and Luke have a history and I can’t compete with that. Go and be with

each other. Just leave me the hell out of it. I deserve better than to be second best. I’m taking

a shower. Feel free to show yourselves out.” Before, the idea of sharing Bryce had made

sense. However, after riding the wave of grief from his grandmother’s death, it hurt too

much to contemplate.

Still powered by the force of his anger, Tim marched out of the bedroom and slammed

the bathroom door behind him. He leaned against the wall and took slow, long breaths. Tears

threatened again. He palmed his chest over the ache growing in his heart. Despite what he’d

said to Bryce, Tim loved him, but he couldn’t compete with Bryce’s relationship with Luke

and he didn’t have the stupidity to try.

Swallowing back tears, he slid off his underwear and started the shower. He didn’t

expect Bryce to follow him and he didn’t. Still, as Tim stepped into the water, he heard the

bathroom door open.

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“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Luke growled.

“Go away,” Tim said tiredly. As the hot water poured over him, he closed his eyes and

blocked Luke out.

“I’m not going to go away and neither is Bryce. We’re in this together.”

“We’re not in anything together. Now get out of my apartment.” Tim lathered up and

rinsed off. He could feel Luke still watching him.

After he finished showering, he stepped out and dried off, avoiding Luke’s eyes.

“What do I have to do to get rid of you guys?” Tim’s shoulders slumped. He was

smaller than both of them. There was no way he could toss them out. If they didn’t want to

leave he couldn’t get rid of them unless he either called the cops or Turner. Unfortunately, he

didn’t want to get them in trouble with the law or their boss. At this point he wanted to be

alone with his grief, to remember his Nana in private.

“Talk to us,” Luke pleaded.

“I’m tired. Why don’t you two go to work? We can talk later.”

“What about your stalker?” Luke persisted.

Tim passed Luke and returned to his bedroom, where he quickly pulled on a pair of

sweats and an old, soft T-shirt. Comfort clothes.

“I’ve been alone for a long time, Luke. I’m used to dealing with things by myself.” He’d

been handling his life since he’d left his parents’ house at eighteen and vowed never to

return. For the past few months of dating Bryce, he’d found someone to lean on. Now he

would go back to relying only on himself. Sometimes life taught hard lessons.

“Bullshit!” Tim turned to find Bryce leaning against the bedroom door as if he were

blocking Tim’s escape. “I’m not leaving you alone while you’re grieving for your

grandmother. Luke can go and I’ll keep you company.”

Luke sat on the bed. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Tim took in the stubborn stance of both men and calmly picked up his pants from the

night before and removed his cell phone from a pocket. Pressing automatic dialling, he

waited for a response. Apparently calling their boss couldn’t be avoided.

“Turner Security,” a cheery female voice answered.

“Hey, Brittany, this is Tim. Can I talk to Turner?”

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“Sure thing, hon.” The receptionist, a sixty-year-old ex-CIA operative, had all but

adopted Tim as her grandson when they’d first met. He blinked tears as he realised she

reminded him of his grandmother.

“Hey, Timothy, what’s up?” Turner’s deep voice came across the line.

“I have a problem with two of your employees. Could you please call Luke and Bryce

back to your office? They won’t leave my apartment.”

Luke scowled and Bryce straightened up from the doorway to take a step towards Tim.

“As much as I’d like to help out, I have a policy not to get involved in a lovers’ spat,”

Turner responded.

“Trust me—that isn’t the situation. I thought I’d call you first before trying the police.”

Silence came across the line. Tim waited. He knew this game. He wouldn’t break.

“Let me talk to them,” Turner grumbled.

Tim handed the phone to Bryce. “I don’t like being cornered,” he whispered. With a

cold look to his former lover, Tim brushed past him and went to the kitchen.

The siren call of coffee beckoned then he’d sit down to answer client emails and try to

gather together the shattered remains of his heart. He’d have to resign from Turner’s

company. He couldn’t handle working with Luke and Bryce and watching them in love.

His hands shook as he pulled out the carafe and filled it with water. Calling their boss

had probably eradicated any strands of affection they’d had towards him but Tim didn’t

care… At least that was what he told his aching heart. He needed them out of his apartment

before he completely fell apart.

The tread of footsteps behind him warned Tim of their presence.

“You win.” Bryce’s voice had a sharp, angry edge that told Tim the discussion wasn’t


He measured the grounds, put them in the machine and started the coffee pot before he

turned to face them.

“I didn’t win anything.” Truer words were never spoken. From Tim’s perspective, he’d

lost everything. Gone were precious nights of cuddling with Bryce and whispering sweet

words of affection… Gone in the blink of a certain brown-eyed man’s eyes. He took a deep

breath. He couldn’t cry again—not now, not where they could see him. Tim stiffened his

back and tilted his chin defiantly.

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“I’d like us to go out to dinner tonight and talk,” Luke said. “Can we pick you up at


“I don’t know what we have to talk about,” Tim protested. As far as he could see

everything had been resolved in the most painful way possible.

Bryce approached him slowly. A myriad of emotions swirled in Bryce’s eyes like an

ever-changing sea. Bits of Tim’s heart broke off. He knew a part of him would always love

Bryce but that didn’t mean he had to watch as his lover fell for another man.

Slowly, as if giving Tim time to back away, Bruce kissed Tim’s cheek. “I don’t want to

give you up, babe. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I might love Luke but I

cherish you.”

Tim mustered up a smile that he knew probably had as much joy in it as he felt inside—

not much. “I appreciate that, Bryce, but maybe it’s better to have a clean break. It doesn’t do

either of us any good to draw it out.” He dared to touch Bryce’s cheek, relishing the texture

of rough hair that had grown in overnight. He’d miss the feel of Bryce in the morning.

“Fuck that,” Luke growled.

Before Tim had a chance to speak, Luke shoved Bryce aside and grabbed Tim by the

waist. He didn’t get a chance to argue before Luke’s mouth covered Tim’s and fire burned

through his body. He’d always considered Luke sexy, but he’d never known the man could

create flames from his touch alone.

Moans floated through the air, one of them Luke’s. A surge of pride slid through Tim as

he realised he’d been the one to pull that sound from another man. Luke’s hands tightened as

if he were afraid Tim would escape his hold.

When Luke finally released him it took the world a few seconds to settle around him.

Tim licked his lips.

“What was that about?”

“That is what I’ve been trying to tell you. I don’t just want Bryce. I want you too. Now,

will you have dinner with us?”

Tim shifted his gaze from Bryce to Luke and back again when he saw Bryce had no

objection to the plan. “Um, sure. I guess.” He really had no idea what to do. He couldn’t even

handle one man. How the hell could he handle two? Losing Bryce would hurt him. Gaining

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Luke and losing him too could open Tim to a new world of pain. Tim could survive breaking

up with one man. Breaking up with two might destroy him.

“We’ll pick you up around six,” Luke said.

Bryce nodded as if it were perfectly reasonable to agree to date two men at the same


“I’ll see you.” Tim touched his lips. They tingled slightly. As soon as they left, he threw

himself onto the couch. “What the hell did I get myself into?” he asked the empty apartment.

Not surprisingly, it didn’t answer.

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Chapter Four

“You better not ruin this for me. If he dumps me over this, I will never forgive you for

destroying my best relationship ever,” Bryce snarled at Luke as they took the elevator up to

Tim’s apartment. The day had consisted of boring paperwork and long hours of staring at the

clock wishing it would move faster.

Bryce’s stomach swirled with butterflies in ninja training—spinning, diving and trying

to destroy each other as they bounced around his insides.

“Relax, we’ll get through this. Have I ever steered you wrong?”

“Do you want me to write out a list alphabetically or just start with the most recent

events first?”

Luke ran his fingers through his hair. “This is nothing like those other times. I would

never ruin your chances with Tim. I… I just want to have mine.”

“You’re serious?” In all the years he’d known Luke, he’d never seen this uncertain side

of him. Luke could be a bastard but he always had a clear vision and a goal. To see his

fumbling approach to Tim was almost adorable.

Bryce had wondered all day about Luke’s interest in Tim but there hadn’t been a good

time to ask. Tim was the first guy Bryce had been serious about since Bryce and Luke had

hooked up. Bryce had spent half the day hoping Luke wasn’t going to destroy Bryce’s

relationship with Tim and the other half hoping Tim would still talk to them when he

showed up.

Luke scowled at him. “Of course I’m serious. I like Tim. You love him. I think this can

work. We would never work out alone. We’re too much alike.”

Bryce nodded. It was one of the reasons he’d never pushed Luke about their encounter.

Deep down, he’d known they wouldn’t last and didn’t want to ruin their friendship. He’d

rather have Luke as a one-time fling and good friend than as an ex he couldn’t bear to face

ever again. “I don’t know if Tim is going to go for it.”

“He will.”

Bryce fidgeted with his tie. “Why do you think that?”

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“He loves you.” Luke said the words so matter-of-factly that Bryce thought he’d

misheard him at first.

“He loves me?”

Luke rolled his eyes. “Of course he loves you. He wouldn’t agree to consider letting me

near you if he didn’t. If he only considered you a casual date he’d have booted you to the


“Thanks…I think.” Bryce let out a long sigh when the elevator stopped and the doors

slid open to let them off.

“If you act confident, Tim will be more likely to think we can pull this relationship off.”

Bryce gave his partner a dubious look. “What, like show no fear or some crap like



Luke smoothed down his shirt and adjusted his tie before knocking on Tim’s door.

“Dude, I have a key,” Bryce said with a smirk.

“Trust me, Bryce, when I tell you now is not the time to use it.”

Before he had a chance to ask Luke anything more, the door swung open and Bryce was

treated to the sight of Tim in a suit. Although Tim worked as an accountant, he normally

came to the office in business casual. This was the first time Bryce had ever seen Tim dressed


Tim froze, his eyes meeting Bryce’s. Bryce could read the pain in his lover’s eyes better

than a roadmap. “Aww, baby, it’ll be all right.” Stepping forward, he wrapped Tim in his

arms. Rubbing Tim’s back, he made soothing noises. He felt a hand on his shoulder guiding

them inside before the door shut behind him.

Luke leaned past Bryce and kissed Tim on the cheek. “We didn’t come to make life

more difficult for you, honey. We only want to be part of it.”

Bryce had never heard that particular crooning noise coming from Luke’s mouth before.

Tim snuggled up to Bryce but leaned closer to Luke’s touch.

“Promise?” Tim locked gazes with Luke. Blue eyes pleaded with brown as if trying to

divine the measure of Luke’s soul.

“Promise what?”

“Promise you’re here to help and not to get between us.”

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Luke slid his fingers through Tim’s hair, stroking him like he would an affectionate pet.

“I promise, babe. I want us to all be together.”

Tim sighed. “I don’t know if that will work.” His gaze jittered back and forth between

them. “But I’m willing to give it a try.”

“That’s all we ask,” Bryce said, pulling Tim’s attention back to him. Before Tim could

figure up any objections to their plan, he planted a hard kiss on his lover’s lips. He’d promise

damn near anything to be welcomed back into Tim’s bed. No matter how big he talked, if

Tim really didn’t want him there, he’d leave and not come back.

“It’s completely up to you,” Luke swore.

“But, if I don’t want you, you’ll still have each other.”

Tension eased from Bryce’s body. The true concern was out on the table. “If you dump

me, I won’t go to Luke.”

“The hell you won’t!” Luke shouted.

“You said it yourself. We wouldn’t last because we’re too much alike. That won’t

change if Tim rejects me.”

Tim’s hold on Bryce tightened. “It’s not a matter of rejecting you. I’m trying to protect

my heart.”

Bryce gave Tim a tender smile. “Hearts aren’t meant to be protected, they’re meant to

fly. Sometimes they break, but you’ll never know if you missed out on at least giving us a


“Give us a month.” Luke jumped into the conversation.

“A month?” Bryce looked over his shoulder at Luke, who shrugged. He knew then that

Luke’s time frame was crap, an arbitrary amount to gain them a foot in the door. He’d find

out soon enough that Tim’s intelligence outstripped his physical appeal.

“Why a month?” Tim asked. His narrowed gaze pinned Luke.

“I thought it was better than a week,” Luke confessed. “At least a month gives you and

me a chance to get to know each other better.”

Tim nodded. “All right. A month. Let’s hope we don’t all regret this.”

Bryce didn’t know if they could find their happy ending but the giddiness rushing

through him made him smile. “Let’s go to dinner. I made reservations at Felix’s—they have a

killer steak.”

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Luke gave Bryce a surprised look. “That’s a pretty fancy place.”

“He did it for me,” Tim broke in. “It’s my favourite place.”

“Then Felix’s it is,” Luke said.

Bryce knew Luke preferred to dine at casual family restaurants. For him to not put up

more of an objection showed Bryce how much his friend really wanted this to work.

* * * *

Crammed with people, the restaurant buzzed with noise. A long line of people waited

by the entrance, hoping to score a table. Bryce smiled as he approached the reception desk,

glad he’d called ahead and made a reservation.

“Mr Warren, it’s so nice to see you again!” The dark-haired hostess’s eyes glowed when

she caught sight of Tim. Stepping forward, she completely bypassed Bryce and held her

hands out to Tim as if Bryce had turned invisible.

“Hi, Mara.” Tim took her hands in his and kissed both of her cheeks.

He heard Luke growl beside him and he had to admit to less than charitable feelings

towards the girl fawning over his man.

“How many?” she asked Tim, not bothering to look at his companions.


She collected the menus and returned her attention to Tim. “This way!”

Bryce thought she had an unnecessary bounce to her step. He placed a possessive hand

on Tim’s back. Luke flanked Tim’s other side.

They were shown to a table with four chairs by the window. The city lights glowed like

stars. “Here you go. I’ll send your waiter right over.” She gave Tim another adoring smile

before bouncing away.

“You didn’t introduce us.” Luke went on the offensive as soon as they sat down.

“When was I supposed to do that?” Tim gave Luke an odd look. “When she was seating

us and rushing off, or while she was walking us to our table?”

Luke shrugged. “I don’t want you to think you need to hide us from other people.”

Tim shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “How am I supposed to introduce you to people,

Luke? As my boyfriend’s boyfriend?”

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“I’m not Bryce’s boyfriend,” Luke snapped.

Bryce folded his arms over his chest. “Then what are you?”

“That’s not what I meant,” Luke grumbled. “I meant that’s not all I am. I’m also hoping

Tim will consider me his.”

Tim ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know, Luke. It’s not like I don’t find you

attractive. I mean, you’re gorgeous.”

Luke preened.

“But it’s hard to know if I can trust you or not,” Tim continued. “I mean, you came out

and told me you love Bryce and want to date him. Now you’re saying you want to date me

too. How do I know it’s not just a ploy to get closer to Bryce?”

Luke opened his mouth to respond but the waiter arrived. The waiter caught sight of

Tim and his smile turned from professional to warm. “Good evening, Mr Warren and

friends—what can I get you gentlemen to drink?”

Bryce and Luke ordered beers and Tim stuck with water.

“Let me know if you change your mind,” the waiter said with a playful flutter of his


For a moment, Bryce thought Luke would cause a scene. If the waiter had once torn his

gaze away from Tim, he’d have run for his life over the expression on Luke’s face. After the

flirtatious man went to fetch their glasses, Luke glared at Tim. “Do we need to hide you in a

tower or something?”

Tim blinked innocently at Luke. “What are you talking about?”

“First the waitress and now the waiter. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice their flirting.”

Tim blushed. “The waitress was in a class I taught on tax accounting at the community

centre. I don’t know the waiter’s problem. I’ve only eaten here a few times.”

“I think he’s in heat,” Luke said sourly.

Tim laughed.

Bryce didn’t find it so funny. Damn pretty waiter flirting with his man…

The three men fell silent when the waiter returned and took their orders. They all

ordered steaks with various side dishes. Their conversation didn’t pick up again until the

waiter had left.

“He wanted to offer himself as one of the choices.” Luke scowled.

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“I wouldn’t have taken him up on it,” Tim said in exasperation. “He’s not my type.”

Bryce smiled. “What do you say, babe? Can we stay over tonight?”

Tim’s hand shook where he fiddled with his water glass, tracing patterns in the

condensation. “I don’t know if I’m ready for that.”

“I don’t think you should be alone tonight,” Bryce insisted. He didn’t want to bring up

Tim’s grandmother’s death but Tim’s sorrow weighed on his mind.

“I’ll be fine.”

Luke wrapped his hand over Tim’s. “It’s not that we don’t think you can survive

without us. You shouldn’t have to. Not after suffering the loss of your grandmother. Even

the strongest people need someone when they hurt.”

“Okay, maybe…” Tim reluctantly agreed.

Bryce squeezed Tim’s knee under the table and shifted the conversation, staying to the

safe subjects of work, sports and the latest action movies. He really wanted to push Tim to let

them stay overnight but he could tell Tim was close to the end of his rope when it came to

Bryce and Luke.

The food, when it came, melted on Bryce’s tongue and all talk ended as they savoured

the flavours of a fine steak.

“You guys can bring me here anytime,” Luke said before biting into another piece of


Tim nodded. “They have the best steaks I’ve ever tasted.”

Bryce closed his eyes as he chewed. Opening them, he saw Tim’s gaze riveted on his

mouth. “I think you made that noise when we had sex the other night.”

Luke choked.

“I might have. You taste even better.”

Tim blushed again. The man’s skin took such a beautiful rosy glow that Bryce wanted

to always come up with things to make him turn pink.

Luke made a soft moaning noise. “You can’t say things like that, Bryce. It’s unfair. I

haven’t tasted him yet.”

“He’s sweet,” Bryce offered.

“Do we have to talk about this during dinner?” Tim wiggled in his seat.

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Bryce smiled at the motion. He had no doubt it was Tim’s erection that made it difficult

to sit still. He slid his hand over to check only to be smacked back by Tim’s swat.

Bryce laughed.

The waiter returned and gave Tim another overly friendly smile. “Can I get you

gentlemen some dessert?” He’d asked them all but his eyes were locked with Tim’s.

“If you could just bring me the bill that would be great,” Bryce said.

Pulling a black folder out of his apron pocket, the server set the bill in front of Bryce.

“Here you go!”

Bryce gave the charges a quick review before setting his credit card in the folder.

“Thank you.” The waiter left to run his card.

“Let’s continue this conversation at my apartment,” Bryce said. He wanted to pull Tim

away from his place to where he wouldn’t feel cornered by Bryce and Luke. He took Tim’s

hand in his. “If you want to leave after we talk, I’ll drive you home or get you a cab, okay?”

Tim nodded. “That sounds good.”

The waiter returned with their bill. Before Bryce could say thank you, he slid a piece of

paper into Tim’s breast pocket. “Call me, handsome.” He walked away without waiting for a


“There goes his tip,” Luke remarked.

Bryce signed the bill, tipping generously. “It only proves he has good taste,” he said

mildly. He set down the pen, reached into Tim’s pocket then tore up the note.

“Hey,” Tim objected.

“Don’t worry, honey. You have more than enough on your hands. Besides, you said he

wasn’t your type.”

“True, but I could’ve tossed it on my own.”

“Just saving you time.” Bryce gave Tim his best innocent look but his lover didn’t

appear as though he bought it.

They left the restaurant together with Tim in the middle. Bryce exchanged an amused

glance with Luke. It felt natural to put the smaller man protectively between them. Nothing

would hurt Tim if they could prevent it.

* * * *

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Luke smiled as they entered Bryce’s townhouse. He’d been there so often it was like his

second home. If things worked out, maybe they could find a place all three of them liked.

Luke would love to have someone to come home to. After years of fighting, the idea of

making a life with another man—or even two men—sounded like heaven. Luke loved Bryce

but he’d never felt as if they were a good fit as a couple. He knew he’d hurt his best friend

when he’d brushed off their one encounter but he couldn’t take back his actions. Now they

all needed to move forward and explore this new possible relationship.

Tim had changed everything. The slim blond helped Bryce and Luke fit together in a

seamless whole composed of three parts.

Before he could start an opening conversation, Tim jumped at Bryce. The kiss, hotter

than fire, jerked Luke’s cock to full hardness. Damn, they looked good together. Luke

scooted closer to the pair in time for Bryce to swing Tim around so they sandwiched Tim

between two hard bodies.

Luke grabbed Tim’s hips to hold him steady as Tim kissed Bryce as if he’d die without

Bryce’s touch. Kissing Tim’s neck gave Luke the skin contact he craved. When Bryce pulled

away and insisted they take it to the bedroom, Luke was more than happy to agree.

Tim slid down Bryce’s body and allowed Bryce to drag him down the hall.

Bryce’s bed, a California king with luxurious bedding, covered a good portion of the

floor. Moving his hand across the soft sheets, Luke had to admit they were worth every


After quickly yanking off his shirt then his pants and underwear, Luke hurried to help

Bryce strip Tim. This time he didn’t stop at the underwear but stripped off all of Tim’s

clothes, revealing a beautiful display of pale, creamy skin.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

Tim’s skin turned a stunning pink.

Luke groaned. He’d have to remember to spank Tim’s ass later. Right now he wanted

inside it too badly to mark it up and possibly turn Tim off. He made a mental note to talk to

Tim about his sexual preferences. Did he like whips, chains or paddles, and would he mind if

his lover tied him up and spanked his ass from time to time? Luke was a far cry from a

BDSM Dominant but he did like to take charge occasionally and bind his lover. Another

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reason he and Bryce had never meshed completely. Bryce didn’t appreciate being restricted

in any way.

Climbing onto the bed, he leant back against the pillows and beckoned Tim closer.

“Don’t be shy. Come here, honey.”

Tim’s expression told Luke the man needed to be distracted. If they kept Tim’s analytic

mind busy with pleasure, he wouldn’t question the wisdom of becoming involved with two


Cupping Tim’s face, Luke brought Tim down to him. Tim tasted like need and a bit of

salty steak sauce. Delicious. Where Bryce was all about hard passion and fiery heat, Tim’s

desire sank slowly into Luke like a wave of warm sunshine. He understood in that moment

Bryce’s determination to keep the blond accountant. Why would you give up a man who

kissed you as if you were the only person on the planet?

Luke let a soft moan roll up his throat. Used to tough men with hard muscles and hairy

bodies to match, Tim’s silky skin made Luke harder than steel. He’d never thought he’d like

a man as smooth as a woman’s body, but apparently Luke’s cock was all for it.

Bryce appeared over Tim’s shoulder, brushing his mouth across Tim’s skin. The

expression on Bryce’s face sparked the flames even higher. Luke leant forward and kissed


A soft whimper rose between them.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” Tim whispered.

“It’s about to get hotter,” Bryce promised.

Luke smiled as Bryce pushed Tim over and slid down to swallow Tim’s cock.

“Yesss!” Tim hissed.

Luke pinched Tim’s right nipple, pleased when the man screamed. “We are going to

make you feel so good.” If they did this right, Tim would never question if he could handle

having two men. He would know he could.

While Bryce sucked on Tim’s cock, Luke feasted on the rest of Tim’s body—biting his

nipples, nipping his throat until Luke knew that tomorrow Tim would have a chain of

bruises around his neck and no one would wonder if Tim had someone special in his life.

“Do you want one of us to fuck you?” Luke whispered in Tim’s ear.

Tim panted. “Yes, please.”

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“Which one?”

“I don’t care. I just need someone inside me.”

“No!” Luke growled. He gripped Tim’s chin with his fingers, holding him still in a firm

but gentle hold. “Only Bryce or me. Understand? No one else.”


“Bryce, do you want to fuck Tim?”

Bryce lifted his mouth for a brief moment. “No, I’m good. I’m going to come from this

alone. He tastes amazing.” With a loud moan, Bryce returned to his task.

Luke knew Bryce rarely bottomed—another reason they hadn’t worked out. Not that

anal sex had to be part of a relationship. Luke had heard of more than one couple who never

fucked. However, it was more of an attitude than a physical compatibility issue that kept

them apart. The one night they’d fooled around was still one of Luke’s favourite stroke

fantasies without ever having fucked Bryce’s ass. The man gave gold standard blow jobs.

Gripping his shaft, Luke slowly pumped his cock as he watched Bryce’s lips slide up

and down Tim’s rod.

“Bryce, honey, I love you,” Tim said as he bucked into Bryce’s mouth and from his

trembling Luke knew Tim had shot his load. He pushed aside Tim’s words even as Luke

silently vowed Tim would say them to him someday.

After a few more sucks, Bryce released Tim’s softening prick, licking his lips at the taste.

Luke growled. Grabbing Bryce, he plastered his lips over his lover and slid his tongue inside.

The combined flavours of Bryce and Tim along with the feel of Bryce’s gun-callused hands

gripping his cock quickly pushed Luke over the edge.

“Oh fucking hell!” he screamed as he shot all over Bryce’s stomach and splashed a bit

on Tim.

“Damn it, Bryce, he was going to fuck me,” Tim complained softly.

“Next time,” Bryce promised. He kissed Tim before collapsing beside him. Luke saw

with amusement there was a wet spot where Bryce had lain on the comforter to suck Tim off.

“Came already, did you?” Luke teased.

“I couldn’t help it. You know I love to suck.”

“Oral fixation,” Luke and Tim said in unison. They burst into laughter at Bryce’s

annoyed expression.

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Luke settled his head on Tim’s pillow and wrapped an arm around his stomach.

“Bryce’s shower isn’t big enough for two—we’ll have to take turns,” he grumbled.

“Sorry, this was sort of unexpected,” Bryce said with a smirk. “If I’d known I’d have

two lovers to entertain, I would’ve enlarged the bathroom.”

Tim stiffened in between them. “Maybe I should go home. I’ve got a lot of work to do

tomorrow since I took today off.”

“Forget it.” From Bryce’s stern tone, Luke knew the discussion was closed.

Tim had obviously experienced the same thing because he gave in. “Can I get up and

take a shower?”

“That I’ll allow. I need to change the sheets anyway. Luke can help.”

There was some good-natured laughter as Tim wandered away to wash up. Luke and

Bryce quickly worked as a team to remake the bed so it would be all ready when he returned.

“You really think this will work?” Bryce asked after flashing a quick glance towards the


Luke shrugged. “I’d rather we try and it not work out than never have the balls to give

it a chance.”

“He may never be comfortable with this,” Bryce warned.

“We’ll worry about that when he says he wants out.”

Bryce sighed. “He’s skittish.”

“He’s gorgeous,” Luke countered.

“And so fucking sweet. I want to lock him in a room where no one can ever hurt him.”

Bryce pinned Luke with his hazel eyes. “If you hurt him, we’re over.”

“Understood.” How could Luke explain to his best friend that he would rather rip out

his heart than hurt the nice accountant who’d rocked his world? If Luke lost both Tim and

Bryce, he didn’t know if life would be worth living.

The bathroom door swung open, revealing Tim with a towel wrapped around his waist

and his skin flushed pink from the hot water.

Luke raised his brows at the towel. “Worried you have something we haven’t seen?”

Tim blushed beet red. Luke had never understood that expression until now.

“Sorry, but I’m not confident enough to walk around naked.”

Luke and Bryce exchanged looks.

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“What’s wrong with us?” Luke asked.

“Absolutely nothing, which is why I’m wearing a towel. I’m not big and buff with

muscles keeping my muscles company. I’m a skinny accountant.”

Bryce stepped forward with a confidence Luke wished he shared.

“If you didn’t notice me worshipping your beautiful body with my mouth then I’m

definitely losing my knack.”

“No!” Tim rubbed his face with his hands. “You haven’t lost anything that I could find.

I’m being stupid.” Tim sighed.

Luke joined his lovers. Tilting Tim’s head up, Luke kissed him. Immediately liquid

sunshine poured through Luke as the warmth of Tim’s freshly showered skin and the musk

of his natural scent filled Luke’s nose. He would be willing to go without food, walk miles

without water and live in a cardboard box in the desert if it meant Tim would continue to

kiss him like Luke was something wondrous.

Even Bryce didn’t kiss him as though he were a treasure. Bryce’s kisses were filled with

heat and passion, but they definitely lacked the soft, dreamy element of kissing Tim.

When Luke lifted his mouth, Tim’s eyes remained closed for a long moment before

finally fluttering open to reveal a pair of slightly unfocused sky-blue eyes.

Luke felt like a king.

“Now I really need a shower,” Bryce said with a laugh.

Before Tim and Luke could say anything, he’d scurried to the bathroom and shut the

door behind him.

Luke did the only thing he could in that situation.

He kissed Tim again.

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Chapter Five

Tim blinked awake to the sound of his phone ringing. Once again he found himself

between the two men. He didn’t know if he could get used to that but he’d be damned if he

didn’t want to try.

His phone rang again.

He glanced bleary-eyed at the alarm clock.

Who would call him at six in the morning? Deciding the only people he would answer

the phone for at this time were in bed with him, he snuggled up to Bryce and let out a sigh as

his boyfriend pulled him close. He jolted when another hand touched his hip.

“Easy.” Luke’s smooth, deep voice rolled over Tim like the best kind of sex. The hard

rod bumping his ass told him Luke’s morning wood wanted to meet him up close and


The cheery ringtone broke into his haze of lust.

“What the hell is that?” Bryce grumbled.

“My phone,” Tim confessed.

“Who would call you at this God-awful hour?” Luke asked.

“Dunno.” Tim wiggled his ass at Luke, hoping to tempt the man to rub against him a


Unfortunately, whoever had the balls to call him at six in the morning lacked any sense

of self-preservation.

“I’m getting that.” Bryce slid out of bed, stomped over to Tim’s abandoned clothes and

yanked the phone out of Tim’s pants pocket. He frowned at the readout. “It says blocked.”

Before Tim could tell Bryce to get his ass back in bed, he flipped it open.

“This is Tim’s phone. You’d better have an emergency. It’s six o’clock in the fucking


Tim couldn’t hear what was said on the other end but Bryce’s rage receded as he

listened. Tim held out his hand for the phone. Bryce ignored him.

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“He’ll look for them. Next time remember some people like to sleep.” Bryce

disconnected the line and put the phone on his bedside table.

“Who was it?”

“He claims to be your grandmother’s lawyer. He wants you to know to expect your

papers today.”

The memory of his grandmother’s death flashed back into Tim’s mind. Last night the

sharp pain had receded as the men had distracted him from his troubles. Being reminded of

her passing was like a spike to the heart.

Damn, he missed her.

“Shhh, she’d want you to be happy.” Luke’s arms wrapped around him and cradled

him close.

Tim rested his cheek on Luke’s muscular shoulder as he nestled into the warm bodies

surrounding him. Morning sex would be a nice way to begin his day.

Luke pressed a kiss to the nape of Tim’s neck.

“I’m going to the bathroom. Don’t have sex without me,” Bryce demanded.

“No promises!” Luke yelled after him.

Tim laughed. The bond between the two men warmed him even as he wondered how

he would fit in the relationship. They had a history while Tim had barely started dating


“It’s only day two. Don’t start doubting us now,” Luke said.

Tim reluctantly turned to face Luke. “How do you know what I’m thinking?”

Luke smiled, flashing brilliant white teeth and a wicked glint in his eyes. “Because

you’re a methodical thinker…which makes you a brilliant accountant but a dodgy dater.”

A long ring broke the silence.

Tim tilted his head. “That’s not my phone.”

Luke frowned. “No, that’s mine.”

Planting a quick kiss on Tim’s nose, he climbed out of bed and retrieved his phone from

Bryce’s dresser.

Tim closed his eyes and had started to fade back into sleep when he heard Luke say,

“Thanks, boss, I’ll see you in a bit.”

The bed dipped beside him and Tim’s eyes snapped open. “You have to go?”

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Luke nodded. “Yeah, and I’m sorry but I have to take Bryce with me. There’s a situation

in San Diego—have to help move a witness.”

“Why don’t the police do it?”

“Because the police don’t think this person is in enough danger for protection, and with

budget cuts…” Luke shrugged.

“I’m guessing this person has money.”

“At least enough to pay us.” Luke gave Tim a cheerful smile. “Sorry I won’t be able to

give you a proper morning hello.”

“That’s all right. I’d better get dressed and back to my place if I’m going to get work

done today. Do you think you guys can drop me off on the way? If you can’t, I can take a cab.

I don’t mind.”

“On the way to where?” Bryce asked.

Luke spoke up. “Turner has an assignment for us.”

“Oh.” Bryce turned a mournful look towards the bed. “I guess work calls.”

Tim laughed. It didn’t take a genius to figure out where Bryce would rather spend the


“We can drop you off,” Luke said, answering Tim’s question from before. “Not a


“Good, thanks.” He got out of bed.

Immediately both men zeroed in on Tim’s naked body. For the first time ever, he felt

like the sexy one. Both Bryce and Luke looked at him as if he were a cover model instead of a

skinny accountant. He didn’t know why but he certainly wouldn’t be getting in line to


He guessed the military must’ve taught them to dress quickly because he’d barely got

his socks on when both Bryce and Luke were fully dressed before him.

Luke gave him a grin before leaving the room on Bryce’s heels. Shaking his head, Tim

finished dressing then followed his lovers.

Breakfast was a hurried affair of eggs and toast for Bryce and Luke and a cup of coffee

for Tim because, as he told them both, he’d be working at home where he could always get

something to eat. Right now it was too early for him to function enough to chew.

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* * * *

Tim got out of Bryce’s car and waved goodbye. They hovered a bit, like anxious parents

who thought Tim couldn’t make it into school without supervision. He made a shooing

motion as he walked inside.

Shaking his head at their silliness, he took the elevator back to his apartment. After

putting on a fresh change of clothes, he settled into his computer chair and had soon

immersed himself in his work. His concentration broke when his phone rang. His irritation

vanished when he saw Bryce’s name appear on the readout.

“Hi, Bryce.”

“Hey, hon. I’m calling to tell you Luke and I are leaving now and we might not be able

to call you while we’re gone.”

Tim leant back in his seat. “Do you think it’ll be dangerous?” Since they’d been dating,

Bryce had never taken an out-of-town position before.

“We’ll be fine. Luke is going to call you this afternoon. He’s in a meeting with Turner

right now. I told him about your possible stalker. I want you to call Turner if you see anyone

suspicious. We found the rental company who owns the car the guy was driving but they

won’t release records without a court order.”

“That’s all right. I haven’t seen him in a while—maybe he was looking for someone


“Like I said, call Turner if you see anything.”

“Okay.” With worrying about Luke and Bryce and their weird relationship together,

Tim had pretty much forgotten about his stalker.

Bryce talked a little longer, mostly reassurances that they weren’t abandoning Tim.

“Bryce! I get it. You’ll be back in a few days. I’m a big boy. I can survive on my own for

that long.”

“Are you sure?” Bryce’s anxiety tried to reach out and choke Tim.

“Yes, I’m sure. I’ll be fine.” He would’ve added Dad but that would’ve entered the

creepy arena.

“Fine, we’ll see you soon. Love you.”

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Tim smiled as Bryce hung up, not waiting for Tim’s reply. Shaking his head, he

returned to work.

The growling of his stomach eventually distracted Tim from his tallies. He grabbed a

bag of prewashed salad from the fridge, intent upon chopping some veggies to go on top. A

casual glance out of the window stopped him in his tracks.

His stalker had returned.

Dropping the salad on the counter, he went back to his desk and reached for his phone

before stopping.

What was he doing?

He wasn’t a little kid suffering from stranger danger. He could deal with this on his

own. He had to at least try. With his lovers going in and out of town on assignments, Tim

didn’t want to always be distracting them from their jobs.

Taking a deep breath, Tim put his cell phone in his pocket, locked his apartment up

tight and went downstairs to interrogate the bastard watching him.

The car was still there when he arrived but, sadly, when Tim took the first step away

from the apartment building, the driver threw out his cigarette and drove away. Tim had

learned two things. One, he didn’t recognise the man from anywhere else, and two, he was

braver than he’d given himself credit for.

After his abduction, he’d had nightmares and twitched whenever someone came up

behind him. It was time to reclaim his life.

Tim’s phone rang again. He pulled out his cell as he headed for the elevator.

“Timothy, I need to meet with you.”

Years rolled back at the deep, commanding tones and a chunk of ice lodged in Tim’s

chest. “Hello, Dad. It’s nice to hear from you.” It wasn’t. The bastard could rot in hell as far

as Tim was concerned. He’d made Tim feel like crap from the moment Tim had come out.

He’d cut ties with his parents and his only sibling six years ago, and to hear from his dad

right after his grandmother’s death set off all kinds of warnings.

“Cut the crap, Timothy. I expect you in my office at noon.”

“That’s too bad. I’m busy.” Tim hung up. Damned if he’d go visit his father at royal

command. He had his own life now and he wasn’t going to put up with being treated like a

recalcitrant teenager.

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His phone rang again but he ignored it. He was done. Reaching his apartment, Tim

found he was too worked up to focus on anyone’s accounts. Sighing with frustration, he

pulled out his CPA study books. The exam took place in two weeks and he knew if he didn’t

concentrate on his studies soon he’d never remember everything he needed to pass. He had

to pass. Tim could attract a lot more clients with those three letters after his name.

Immersed in his books, it took him a moment to hear his house phone. The only people

who ever called that number were sales people and the apartment manager.

Remembering that Bryce had said to expect a package, Tim rushed over to pick up the


“Mr Warren, there’s a courier here. He has a package he says you have to sign for.” The

manager’s voice bristled with irritation.

“Thanks, I’ll be right there.”

Weird. Usually the companies didn’t really care who signed for a package as long as

someone did. Shrugging, he went back down to the lobby. The manager’s office was really a

small apartment converted to business offices.

“Here he is.” Mr Bell, the building manager, gave Tim a congenial smile, letting him

know Tim wasn’t the source of his ire.

“Sorry, sir. Signature required.” The courier, a young man dressed in a beige delivery

outfit, handed over a form for Tim to sign.

“That’s all right. I’m just glad I was home.” Tim blushed as he imagined alternate

locations he could’ve been in.

He quickly scrawled his name on the line provided, said his goodbyes and left the

office. The envelope was fat and, as Tim had suspected, had the name of a law firm in the

corner. Even in death, his grandmother tried to take care of him.

Pulling on the tab, Tim ripped open the envelope. The soft ding of the elevator alerted

him to its arrival. Stepping into the car, he pushed the button before reaching in and

removing the sheaf of papers.

Wide-eyed, Tim stared at the document. His fingers fumbled with the lock on his door.

It took him more than a few tries to decipher the words. He blinked repeatedly as their

meaning finally sank in.

His grandmother had been rich.

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All along he’d thought his father had financed Nana’s fancy room and assisted living

space. Apparently, she’d had money all along and Tim had never had a clue, until right at

this moment. She’d left every dime to him…to the tune of ten million dollars.

“Wow.” Still in shock, Tim slammed the door behind him and slid down the surface.

Grief for his dead grandmother welled up inside him. He’d return every bit of money if it

would bring her back.

Now his father’s phone call made sense. Tim’s dad wanted the money, was probably

even working to contest the will. Bastard.

He wished he could call Bryce and Luke and tell them the news but he didn’t want to

distract them from their mission.


Tim dialled his friend.

“Hey, Tim, what’s up?” Norm’s cheery greeting immediately made him feel a bit better.

“I’m rich!” Tim said.

Norm laughed. “Congratulations. Who’d you knock off?”

“My grandmother,” Tim said, swallowing repeatedly to keep back the tears as the joy of

his sudden influx of cash faded with the sharp sense of loss.

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry. I was just kidding.” Norm’s remorseful voice brought Tim back

to the present.

“That’s all right, you didn’t know. I just got the papers to her estate and I had to tell


“So are you going to quit doing Tucker’s books?” Norm teased.

“Not any time soon.” He liked working and the idea of sitting on his ass for the rest of

his life made him queasy.

“How’s your studying going?”

“Pretty well,” Tim prevaricated.

“Better without two sexy bodyguards keeping you company?”

Tim gasped. “How did you know?”

“Are you kidding? Luke couldn’t wait to tell me. Then, when I demanded to know if

you were cheating on Bryce, he couldn’t reassure me fast enough. I was going to call you

later. I didn’t know your grandmother died, though. Can I order some flowers?”

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“No need. She didn’t want me at the funeral. I don’t get along with the rest of my


“Yeah, but I know how much you loved your grandmother.”

“She wanted to make it easier on me. Anyway, I just needed to share with someone,”

Tim said. Now that he’d told Norm, he felt weird—as if he should’ve saved the information

to share with his lovers.

“Did you want to get together and have dinner? I’ll let you buy.”

Tim laughed. “I’ll take a rain check on that. I’m going to study for a bit while I have the


“Yep, it’s good to rest up. You’ll need your energy when your men come home.” Norm

was still laughing when Tim hung up.

Shaking his head, Tim spent the rest of the night studying before going to bed alone.

* * * *

The sound of someone knocking at his door woke Tim. Still half asleep, he stumbled to

the door and pulled it open without bothering to check who it was. Bryce and Luke stood on

the other side. Bryce looked like hell, and Luke looked worse. Luke leaned against Bryce,

with a bandage on one arm.

“What the hell happened?” Tim rushed to help Bryce bring Luke into the apartment.

“He was only clipped but they gave him some drugs to help with the pain.”

“He should be in a hospital.”

Luke shook his head. “No hospitals. I hate hospitals. People die in those things.” Luke’s

words were slurred from whatever drugs they’d given him.

“I thought it was a flesh wound.” Fear for Luke made Tim shiver, his body reacting to

the stress.

“It missed anything major,” Bryce said as if it were nothing to come back with a hole in

one’s arm.

“B-but you’re hurt.” Tim rushed to add more pillows to his couch. “Unless you want to

lie down on the bed.”

“No. I want to see you. I need to see you,” Luke insisted.

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“Okay, okay, I’ll put you on the couch.”

Luke was oddly soothed by Tim nervously fussing around him. He’d never had anyone

concerned with him after an injury. Bryce understood about being shot and injured, so,

although sympathetic, he didn’t all but ooze concern. Tim was worrying his lip with his


“Hey”—he grabbed Tim’s hand as he walked by—“I’ll be fine.”

Tim gave him a weak but valiant smile. “I know. I’m just not used to seeing anyone


“Kiss me.”

Tim hesitated.

“Oh, kiss him for God’s sake,” Bryce grumbled. “He’s been worrying about you since

the bullet grazed him.”

“Why?” Tim’s confused gaze told Luke that the man didn’t know how much he meant

to Luke.

“Because I didn’t want you to dump me because my job is too dangerous.” Luke

watched Tim nervously while Bryce took a seat across from Luke.

Tim sat down on the couch and put Luke’s feet on his lap. “I’m not going to dump you.

Besides, Bryce would never forgive me if I kicked you out, especially when you’re injured.”

Luke studied his lover even as his heart sank. He’d known going into this that Tim

loved Bryce. He had hoped Tim would grow to love him too, not just want to keep him to

make Bryce happy. Maybe it was too much to hope for in such a short amount of time. They

really hadn’t been lovers for long. At least Tim appeared to care about Luke being injured.

“Would you like to stay here while you heal?” Tim offered.

Bryce snorted.

Luke wished Bryce were closer so he could pinch him. No way would he pass up the

perfect chance to get to know Tim better. “If it’s not too much trouble, I would love to stay

here for a bit.”

“No trouble at all,” Tim assured him, rubbing Luke’s feet.

Oh, so damn good.

Tim smiled and kept up his gentle stroking.

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“How have you been, Tim?” Bryce asked. “Did you get much studying done while we

were gone?”

Tim shrugged. “I did some. I don’t think at this point I’ll be able to retain any more.”

“You’ll do fine.” Luke didn’t really know if Tim would do well or not but it seemed like

the boyfriend thing to say. Were they even boyfriends? Technically they were lovers. Was it

too early to stake a more long-term claim?

Tim smiled. “Thanks—”

“Have you seen your stalker since we left?” Bryce interrupted.

Tim nodded, making Luke freeze, especially after Tim confessed to confronting the


“Don’t ever do that again!” Luke demanded. “If we tell you to stay away from

someone, you do what we say. You don’t know if he was a kidnapper or had a gun… What if

he’d grabbed you?”

Tim rolled his eyes. “I’m not a five year old. I’m a grown man. If he were going to

capture me, he could’ve done it whenever I left the apartment.”

“He could be biding his time. After all, he is a stalker,” Luke interjected.

“Maybe a stalker, but I think probably a private detective.” Tim explained about his

father wanting to meet with him and the money involved, concluding, “If he suspected my

grandmother was going to leave me that kind of money, I’m sure he’s having me


“For what?” Luke tried to stand up but was pressed back down by Bryce’s hand on

Luke’s uninjured shoulder. A quick squeeze told Luke to stay put.

“To see if there’s something he can get on me. He’s a master at blackmail.”

The expression in Tim’s eyes told Luke his lover knew first-hand about his father’s

backstabbing ways.

Luke exchanged a look with Bryce. They knew how to deal with blackmailers. For the

first time, he realised it was a good thing there were two of them. Now that Tim had a bunch

of money, others would try to find a way to take advantage of the kind accountant.

No way would they leave Tim on his own to a bunch of vultures—especially his family.

“We’ll look out for you, hon,” Luke promised.

Tim let out a snort. “I can look out for myself. My father isn’t in the Mafia.”

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Bryce pinned Tim with a stern look. “Why don’t you have a relationship with your

family? You told me once you don’t talk to them.”

Tim froze. “Because when I came out to my father he called me an abomination and

kicked me out of his house. I haven’t talked to him since, until he called me yesterday.”

When Tim paled at the memory, Luke almost felt bad for their interrogation.

“Come here, babe.” He held out his arms.

Tim shook his head. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It’ll hurt me more if you don’t come here.” Luke gave Tim his most pitiful expression.

He could see Tim thinking things over.

Standing up, Tim put Luke’s feet back on the couch. With a dubious look at Luke’s

bandage, Tim sat down beside him.

“Lie down.”

“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” Bryce said.

“It’s the best idea I’ve ever had.” Luke would put up with any amount of pain if it

brought Tim closer to him.

Tim gingerly lay down next to Luke, careful of his injury. Good thing the extra deep

couch allowed them plenty of room.

“We’ll take care of you,” Luke murmured.

Tim gave a short bark of laughter. “I don’t need anyone to take care of me. However, I

do need someone to love me.”

“Or maybe two someones,” Bryce interjected.

Luke caught the jealous expression on Bryce’s face. “Definitely two someones,” he

reassured his friend.

“Are you two hungry? I can order a pizza or something. I don’t have too many

groceries right now. I need to go to the store.”

“I’ll order it,” Bryce said, pulling out his phone.

Luke smiled as Tim nuzzled into his neck and let out a happy sigh. Contentment sank

into him, a joy he’d never felt before. After a few minutes the painkillers and muscle relaxers

he’d swallowed earlier finally started to take effect and he drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

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Luke awoke cold and alone. He carefully took stock of the room. A pizza sat on the

table with a stack of paper plates beside it. There were no dirty ones on the table or opened

cans of soda. He wondered where Bryce and Tim had gone. A smile crossed his face when

Tim came back into the room from the hall.

“Oh, you’re awake.” Tim dropped a light kiss on Luke’s lips as he passed.

The casual affection heated Luke more than full-on sex with anyone else. He’d never

had a man be affectionate. Horny and possessive—those he’d had before—but not just

affectionate. Tim’s easy manner broke something wide open inside Luke. He knew if Tim

became tired of having two lovers Luke would never recover from the pain.

“Yeah. I woke up a minute ago. Where’s Bryce?”

Tim smiled. “He went to go get us some beer at the corner store. He objected to my

water and soda routine.”

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” Luke apologised.

“That’s all right. You needed your rest.”

“But I wanted to talk to you.” Luke fidgeted with his bandage as he realised he’d never

said that to another man before.

Tim froze. “I don’t care if you’re a man or a woman—no one likes to hear those words.”

Luke laughed. Tim’s words reflected his feelings exactly. “I want to let you know I

really appreciate you letting me date Bryce too, but I want you to be happy also. If I hurt you

by being in this relationship, then none of us will be happy. I’d rather step aside and let you

and Bryce find happiness than hurt both of you.” He loved them. Not that he’d say that. He

didn’t do the smooshy, lovey crap. He might put his life on the line for Bryce or put Tim’s

happiness first, but he’d be damned if he’d go all girly.

Tim’s smile, bright and stunning, took him by surprise. “You love me.”

Luke scowled. “Of course I do.” How could that even be a question?

“Then why do you want to dump me?”

“I don’t want to dump you. I want to make you happy.”

Tim put his hands on his hips and scowled at Luke. “Then you stay here until you heal

and I’ll take care of you. After you feel all better we can discuss our relationship.”

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“Could you put bamboo shoots beneath my nails instead? That would be more


Tim laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

The door swung open and Bryce entered the apartment. Tim hurried over and kissed

Bryce. Despite his pain, Luke’s cock valiantly tried to perk up at the sight. Damn, they were

gorgeous together. His heart ached to be close to both men but, when he struggled to sit up,

the world spun a bit.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Bryce demanded. He set down a bottle

pack of beer. Stomping over to Luke, he scowled down at him. “Don’t move. You’ll tear open

your stitches.”

“Kiss me.” Damn, he hadn’t meant to say that.

Bryce folded his arms over his chest. “Are you going to admit you need Tim and me in

your life?”

Luke cleared his throat. “That was never the question. I didn’t know if you needed me.”

Bryce made a scornful noise in the back of his throat. “You’re an idiot.”

“I’ve heard that somewhere before,” Luke teased.

Tim walked over to stand near Bryce. Bryce automatically wrapped an arm around

Tim. Luke’s heart sped up at the sight. They looked like they belonged together.

Bryce tilted his head and kissed the top of Tim’s head. Tim sighed.

“As soon as you’re all healed up we’re going to show you how much we need you too,”

Bryce vowed to Luke.

Tim’s stomach growled. “Let’s eat, I’m starving.”

Luke laughed, glad the moment had passed. He couldn’t handle any tension between

them. He needed both of his lovers desperately but he didn’t want to come off as the clingy

one. He’d already blown things with Bryce once, and he never wanted to see the same hurt

expression on Tim’s face.

Shaking his head to disperse the memories, Luke accepted the pizza Tim handed over

with a smile. “Thanks, babe.”

“You’re welcome.” To his surprise Tim kissed him on the mouth before getting his own


Luke raised a brow at Bryce when he handed him a cola.

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“What…no beer?”

“Not with painkillers.”

“What about a kiss? Tim gave me a kiss.” Luke loved poking the bear.

Bryce rolled his eyes. “You’re going to get spoiled,” he grumbled.

“I look forward to it.” He really did, even if right now eating a pizza and drinking his

soda took way more energy than it should have.

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Chapter Six

Tim watched Bryce and Luke rise from the comfort of their bed. Luke had a doctor’s

appointment to check on his wound. If all went well he’d start physical therapy that


“What are you doing today?” Tim asked Bryce.

Ever since Luke’s bullet wound he’d worried about his men.

Luke and Bryce exchanged looks.

“Bryce has an investigation to do and I’m probably going to come back here after PT. I

hear it’s exhausting. Then you can pamper me and kiss my boo-boo.” Luke gave him a

wicked smile.

Tim laughed. “I’d be happy to.”

* * * *

The day dragged on slowly. Tim was still waiting on his money to clear probate before

he could build his dream portfolio. If things worked out with Bryce and Luke, he wanted

them taken care of if something happened to him. With the summer coming up, he secretly

planned on giving the three of them a dream vacation. Turner had already agreed to let them

all have the time off when Tim got everything organised. There were some benefits to

working for the same company. Luckily, Turner didn’t seem to have any problem with

employees dating.

The door buzzed, pulling Tim away from his thoughts. Since both Bryce and now Luke

had their own keys, he wondered who would be calling.


“Timothy, open up.” His father’s voice came across the intercom, loud and annoying.

With a sigh, Timothy pushed the button to release the door.

He opened the apartment door and waited for his father to show up. His dad would be

annoyed if he had to wait a second time.

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Jacob Warren stomped off the elevator and passed by Timothy as if he didn’t exist. No

greeting, no ‘How are you doing?’ after not seeing his son for five years. It was immediately

apparent that nothing had changed.

Tim closed the door.

His father spun around to face him. “I’ve come to demand you turn your

grandmother’s estate over to me.”

Tim threw back his head and laughed. “You throw me out of the house, call me an

abomination, ignore me for five years and then your opening greeting is give me your

millions of dollars? I’m going to have to go with ‘No’.”

His father’s face turned a mottled red. “You and your lovers are disgusting. How many

of your clients will still want you if they know about your slutty ways?”

“You leave them alone.”

Before Tim’s horrified gaze, his father opened his briefcase and pulled out a handful of

photos. “If you don’t sign over everything to me, I will destroy you and your lovers’ lives.

Think about it. How much are they worth to you? Knowing how ridiculously attached you

get over things, I’m sure you’ll agree they’re worth the price.”

Tim studied the photos of him, Luke and Bryce, smiling, kissing and hugging. The final

photo showed Tim sandwiched between both men with none of them wearing a shirt. It

looked like something out of an erotica photo shoot.

“Get out!” Tim ordered.

“What?” His father’s smug expression turned to puzzlement.

“You heard me. Get out. I don’t want you in my apartment anymore.”

“Fine. You have two days to let me know before I start sending these to your


Tim didn’t bother to tell his father that at least one of his employers knew. “What do

you expect to get out of this? Even if they fire me I’ll have enough money to not work ever


His father’s smile revealed the evil that lived beneath the social veneer. “But would you

respect your two lovers when they couldn’t find new jobs? And would they still want you

after you ruin their lives? Remember…two days and then my generosity ends.”

“You’re a bastard, you know that?”

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He honestly hadn’t expected the backhand across the face. Tim let out a cry as he

tripped over the coffee table and fell to the floor, banging his knee on the edge of the table on

the way down.

“Ow…fuck. Why did you do that?”

“What do you expect from a bastard?” he sneered. Without another look at Tim, his

father walked out of the apartment and slammed the door behind him.

Tim curled up on the floor and cried tears of sorrow and rage. He’d finally got his life

on track and now the family who’d abandoned him before was doing their best to destroy

what happiness he’d found. It wasn’t even the money that was the issue. He knew if he

bowed to his father this one time, the man would never let them live in peace. What was he

going to do?

An hour later the doorbell buzzer went off again. Tim hesitated. Should he answer it? If

his father had returned and he got hit again, Luke was going to lose control.

Sighing, Tim went to the intercom and pressed the button. “Yes?”

“You don’t know me but I’ve been taking your picture.”

Chills went up and down Tim’s arms. “What do you want?”

“To talk. I know your father and I’ve got some info for you.”

“Come back later.” He didn’t want to have another person inside his place without his

lovers. After his father’s assault, Tim felt vulnerable.

“If I have to come back, I might lose my nerve.” The man’s voice sounded shaky over

the intercom.


Tim hoped the stranger wasn’t on drugs or anything. “Fine.”

He pushed the button to release the entry lock and hoped he wasn’t making the biggest

mistake in his life.

A knock on his door pulled him from his introspection. He didn’t bother checking the

peephole. It wasn’t as if he’d recognise the guy if he saw him.

The man on his doorstep wasn’t what Tim had expected. Dark brown hair, green eyes

and a face that couldn’t have seen thirty years stared back at him, anxiety clearly written on

his smooth brow. “I’m Harrison Bane. Your father paid me to spy on you.”

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“I should punch you.” Tim said the first thing that came to his mind. To his surprise

Harrison blushed.

“Yeah, probably, but I needed money for food and rent, dude. So I took your dad’s

money but I promised myself if I could I’d help you out.”

Tim leaned against the doorjamb, preventing Harrison from coming inside. “What do

you think you can do to help me out of this?”

Harrison reached into his long coat and pulled out an envelope. “Here. Your dad has a


Tim let out a scornful puff of air. “Everyone knows that. Even my mother.” It was one

of the reasons he couldn’t respect his parents. They went on how being gay was an

abomination but apparently screwing around on your partner was perfectly fine.

The smirk on Harrison’s face put Tim on alert. “But did you know she’s the newest

district attorney in the state?”

“Really?” Stunned, Tim accepted the envelope.

Harrison gave him a sad smile. “I know it doesn’t make anything better but I wanted to

help. I put my card in the envelope if you need to get hold of me. Have a nice day.” With a

nod, Harrison walked away.

Still stunned, Tim let the man go.

* * * *

“So let me get this straight.” Bryce stared at his lover in shock. “While your father is

trying to blackmail you with us, the perfect counter-blackmail fell into your lap.”

Tim chewed his lip. “Yeah, but I don’t know if I want to sink so low as to blackmail my

own father. I might not like the man, but it feels wrong. He’s supposedly sleeping with the


“It’s not wrong,” Luke insisted. “He deserves anything he gets. Just think how you’ll be

able to save his life. Because, if he ruins yours, I’m going to kill him.”

The slow careful tone Luke used told Bryce that Luke wasn’t kidding. Luke took

protecting Tim extremely seriously and he wasn’t going to let this thing go.

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Bryce rubbed Tim’s back. “Why don’t you sleep on it? You said he’d give you two days

to think about it.”

Tim nodded.

“Then we can think about us tonight and worry about your father tomorrow. Luke

wants to try out his new mobility.”

Luke nodded. “I do.”

“And relieving stress is a good way to improve Luke’s mood.”

Tim laughed. “I do want Luke to be happy.”

Bryce pounced. Grabbing Tim, he yanked the man closer and plastered him with a

claiming kiss. Bryce refused to be blackmailed out of this relationship. However, he worried

Tim would give Bryce and Luke up rather than hurt them. Turner didn’t care where Luke

and Bryce slept at night, but that didn’t mean Tim’s father couldn’t make trouble if he

wanted to. Later they’d worry about the consequences. Right now they needed to do damage


Luke nestled up on the other side of Tim. It struck Bryce that Tim always ended up

between them.

“I want your ass,” Luke whispered in Tim’s ear but his eyes were on Bryce.

Bryce nodded his agreement to Luke’s unspoken question. Since his injury prevented a

full range of motions, Luke had yet to have the incredible experience of Tim squirming on

the end of his cock.

Tim turned his head to face Luke. “You’re not completely healed yet. How about I ride

your cock?”

“Oh, fuck yeah, and Bryce can suck you while you do it.”

Tim whimpered. “I don’t know if that will work out but I’m more than happy to try.”

Bryce grabbed Tim’s wrist and pulled him to the bedroom.

“Why are you always dragging me?” Tim asked. “You know I’ll come on my own.”

“But we don’t want you coming on your own,” Luke said with a wicked laugh. “We

want to help.”

Tim blushed a deep red.

Damn, he’s adorable.

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It took more restraint than he thought he had to resist fucking Tim into the bed. Bryce’s

hands shook from the effort to deny himself.

“Are you sure?” Luke watched Bryce’s struggle. “I can fuck him tomorrow.”

“Guys, I’m not going anywhere and you can both fuck me.”

Luke’s jaw dropped open. “At the same time?”

Tim laughed so hard he had difficulty removing his clothes. “I’m not a porn star. You’ll

have to fuck me one at a time. Luke first, then Bryce. Okay?”

Bryce and Luke nodded.

Luke stepped forward and kissed Bryce. The smell of Luke’s natural musk and the scent

of Tim’s desire surrounded Bryce. Desire and tenderness filled him to the brim and

threatened to spill over when Tim pressed a kiss on Bryce’s cheek.

“Strip, men,” Tim ordered.

Bryce broke off the embrace to watch Tim walk over and lay on the bed. Spreading his

legs, he stroked his long cock.

“Oh fuck, that’s sexy,” Luke said, his dark eyes riveted to Tim’s motions.

“Uh-huh.” Bryce gripped his cock tight to prevent from coming right there. “Go lie on

the bed and let him take you before I lose control.”

Luke nodded. “Good idea.”

Bryce smiled as Luke crawled up beside Tim and lay down. Luke kept his movements

slow and careful as if he were worried he’d scare off his adorable prey.

Tim beckoned Bryce with his finger. “Come join us.”

Walking over, Bryce watched as Luke got into position.

Tim wiggled his ass at Bryce. “Get me ready.”

“Hmm, feeling bossy today, are we?”

“Uh-huh.” Tim’s grin made Bryce smile. Tim glowed with happiness.

Shaking his head in amusement, Bryce retrieved the lube and a condom from the side

table. His cock bobbed up and down like a divining rod as he walked. Bryce hated to

disappoint but Luke got first dibs. He tossed the condom towards Luke, who caught it


“Climb aboard, Luke.”

Tim flipped over and straddled Luke’s calves.

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Bryce popped the top off the cap and liberally poured the liquid over his fingers,

getting them nice and wet.

“Now!” Tim growled impatiently.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” Bryce carefully pushed one finger into Tim’s hot hole.

Bryce’s cock hardened even more as if preparing for its entry. He slid in a second one,

carefully spreading them apart.

“More, Bryce,” Tim whimpered.

“Easy, love, he doesn’t want to hurt you.” Luke’s deep voice eased Bryce. He knew

Luke would make it good for Bryce. He didn’t need to worry. Still, it was at least another

minute before he declared Tim ready. Luke’s cock, big and fat, pushed inside Tim. Bryce

watched as Tim’s ass swallowed Luke to the top of the condom.

A trio of moans filled the air. Bryce bit his lip trying to hold back his orgasm.

Tim lifted and lowered himself again. Luke wrapped his hands around Tim’s hips to

keep him steady as his pattern became more erratic.

“Want me to suck you, Bryce?” Tim asked between pants.

“No, I’ll wait. I want to fuck you after.”

The idea of being inside Tim right after Luke gave him a pounding excited Bryce. In his

mind, it would seal them as a trio. The only thing better would be if they had sex without a


“We’re going to get tested and go bareback soon,” Bryce vowed.

Neither of his lovers replied, but then, they were busy moaning and cursing. At least

Tim moaned, while Luke formed a string of curses so long Bryce didn’t think he’d ever heard

that much chatter coming from his friend before.

“Oh, yes!” Tim screamed.

Luke’s low, guttural groan alerted Bryce to Luke’s release.

Exhausted, Tim slid to the side as Luke gripped the bottom of the condom. Luke kissed

Tim’s cheek.

“I’ll be right back,” he promised. He gave Bryce a hard glare. “Do not start without me.

I want to watch this.”

Bryce crawled up the mattress and brushed Tim’s sweaty brow. “Are you up to round


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Tim nodded. “But you have to be on top.”

“Oh, the horror,” Bryce laughed.

Tim snickered.

“Roll over, babe.”

Tim rolled on to his back. Bryce grabbed the lube.

“I’m pretty well lubed up,” Tim said.

“I want to make sure. Soreness isn’t fun.”

“True, I won’t argue with you there.”

Bryce placed tender kisses on each of Tim’s thighs, rubbing his cheek along the sensitive

skin just to hear him squeal. He coated his cock with lube and pressed the tip to Tim’s hole.

“What are you waiting for?” Tim asked, outrage in his voice.

“Me,” Luke said, returning. “I don’t want to miss this.”

Bryce pushed inside right on cue. Tim’s body arched into the sensation—the blond’s

head thrown back and his eyes closed in ecstasy was the sexiest thing Bryce had ever seen.

“Oh hell,” Luke whispered.

As Bryce pumped inside Tim’s body, Luke kissed Tim with a single-mindedness that

could only be described as hot.

To Bryce’s surprise, Tim’s erection returned and bobbed between them. He doubted

Tim would come again, but that didn’t stop him from wrapping his right hand around the

hard shaft and pumping him to the rhythm of his hips.

“You two are so damned hot together.” Luke groaned.

Luke left Tim’s lips and took over Bryce’s. Kissing Luke wasn’t like kissing Tim at all.

Tim’s touch, gentle and coaxing, fired Bryce’s blood, while Luke’s embrace more resembled

being dumped into molten lava and hoping it would burn you out of existence. Bryce knew

he had to stay strong or Luke’s powerful personality could take over.

Tim unexpectedly tightened around him while Luke pinched Bryce’s nipples.

Overwhelmed by sensation, Bryce came in long, shuddering spurts. Gasping, he relied on

Luke to hold him up. His strength failed him as he poured out his soul into the man cradling

him close.

“You all right?” Tim asked, his blue eyes dark with concern.

“I’ve never been better,” Bryce promised.

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He carefully pulled out of Tim and collapsed on his side. Luke removed the condom,

earning him a smile. “I could’ve done that,” he protested.

“I know.” Luke’s tender expression caught him off guard. He’d never seen that

particular look on his friend before.

Cuddling up to Tim, he fell asleep only to be shaken awake a few hours later.

Luke stood by the bed fully dressed.

“What are you doing?”

“Tell Tim I had to run an errand.”

“Oh hell, no,” Bryce argued. “He won’t wake up until we return. I am most definitely

going with you.”

“How do you know he won’t wake up?” Luke asked, his eyes shifting back to the man

on the bed like his own personal magnet.

“We’ll leave him a note.” Bryce slid out of bed and dressed quickly.

“I’m going to visit his father and I don’t think it’ll be pretty.”

“He’ll be angry with us,” Bryce argued.

“Maybe, but I’m not going to let his bastard of a father hurt Tim anymore.”

Bryce nodded. “Agreed. Did you figure out who’s in the picture?”

“Yes.” Luke grabbed the packet of papers from the table and opened them up. After

looking them over for a few minutes, he finally spoke. “I learned two things.”

“What?” Bryce asked impatiently, eager to be out of there and back to the bed with Tim.

“The first one is the district attorney, like Tim said. That won’t look good on her

résumé. The second thing I’ve learned is Mr Warren also likes them young and he’s more

than happy to fuck a man if he’s wearing a dress. Apparently Tim’s father likes variety.”

“What?” Bryce snatched the photo out of Luke’s hand. “That two-faced hypocrite. He

calls his own son an abomination while he goes and fucks his own boy toy.”

He could see by Luke’s clenched jaw that the man was grinding his teeth. “Come on—

let’s take this bastard down.”

“Deal.” Luke marched out of the apartment at his side, both of them willing to take on

the world to protect their own.

* * * *

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Tim awoke to being the sandwich between his two muscled lovers. He loved being the

filling between two sexy studs. He kissed Bryce’s sexy mouth first because he lay facing him,

then he turned and kissed Luke.

Luke’s eyes snapped open. Confusion reigned for a minute before his eyes lit up over

seeing Tim. “Morning, babe.”


Memories of his father’s visit hung like a big, unspoken banner.

“I’ve got to talk to my father today. I can’t let him have that money. If my grandmother

thought he should have it, she would’ve given it to him.”

Luke turned towards Tim and propped his head on his hand. “Promise you won’t be


Tim narrowed his eyes at Luke. “Why would I be mad over a night of hot sex?”

“We went and visited your father,” Bryce said behind him.

Tim sat up and leaned against the headboard so he could see both of his lovers. Their

matching expressions of anxiety almost made him smile. “You two got up and went to see

my father in the middle of the night?”

Luke nodded. “Can you believe he wasn’t thrilled to see us?”

“Of course, we did break into his home, disengage his security system and threaten him

with blackmail. You know—company manners.”

Tim sighed. “You used the photos?”

“One of those women was actually a man,” Bryce said.

“What? Are you fucking kidding me?” Outrage rushed through Tim. “How dare he?

Wh-what did he say?”

Luke cupped Tim’s face. “Let’s just say he won’t be bothering you or contacting you

anymore. We assured him his wife would hear about his dirty little secrets if he tried to

blackmail you.”

Tim tried to muster up the outrage he knew he should feel. His lovers had gone behind

his back, contacted his father and become blackmailers themselves, but all he could see was

the love in their eyes.

“I know I should be angry, but all I feel is relief.”

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Matching sighs greeted his statement.

“Good,” Bryce said. “Now, when are we going to move in together?”

Tim rolled his eyes. “Why did I fall in love with such a bossy man?”

“Two bossy men.” Luke’s eyes begged Tim to acknowledge his feelings even as Luke’s

voice allowed no room for argument.

“Two bossy men,” Tim agreed. “I love both of you.”

“Good,” Luke said. “Now we can discuss where we’re going to live.”

Tim laughed. His grandmother had been right. You never knew where you might find


Also available from Total-E-Bound Publishing:

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Cowboy Lovin’: Robert’s Rancher

Amber Kell


Chapter One

Robert circled the spoon inside his coffee cup, watching the cream swirl. Depression sat

like a heavy stone on his chest. How had his life been reduced to this? By all standards,

people would consider him successful. Why couldn’t he find the perfect guy? Hell, his

imaginary partner didn’t even have to be perfect—he just had to not want Robert’s money.

The few times he thought he’d found a keeper had turned out to be giant fiascos. One guy

had tried to leave Robert’s house with Robert’s new laptop and another had tried to sweet

talk him into financing a play.

He must have a broken ‘loser alert’ sensor.

Now, at thirty years old, he lived alone and didn’t have any romantic prospects in sight

since two months ago, when the last gay man he’d liked had hooked up with a sexy cowboy.

Sadly, from what Robert had observed, they were ridiculously happy together.

“Hey Robert, did you like the new quiche recipe?” Tyler Remington approached

Robert’s table, wiping his hands on his chef’s apron.

“It was amazing as usual.” He mustered up a smile for Tyler. It wasn’t Tyler’s fault the

man had let a cowboy sweep him off his feet.

Tyler settled into the chair opposite him. “What’s wrong? You’ve been moping for


Robert propped his chin on his hand. “I’m lonely,” he confessed.

Tyler gave him a startled look. “Why? You’re handsome, rich and when you’re not

trying too hard to impress someone, you’re a nice guy.”

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Although he knew he would sound like a pouting teenager, Robert couldn’t help

himself. “I can’t believe you fell for Cody.”

Tyler laughed. “Robert, we would’ve never been compatible. I’m not butch enough for

you. I’ve seen you watching the cowboys when you come out to the ranch. You can barely

keep your drool from forming a puddle on the ground.”

“Being attracted to someone and finding someone to share your life with aren’t

necessarily the same thing. And other than Cody, the rest of the guys at your ranch are

straighter than a board.”

“Maybe not.” A crafty expression filled Tyler’s bright blue eyes. “We’re getting another

hand next week. Jeffrey’s cousin, Glen, is coming to work for us. The ranch he worked on

before was sold to some developer to build a bunch of condos or something. Jeff told me he

prefers men.”

Robert shook his head. “If he’s just moved here, I doubt he wants to get involved with

someone right away.” He held up his hand to stop Tyler’s protest. “And you know as well as

I do it takes more than being gay to be compatible.”

“True, but don’t rule him out without meeting him.”

“Fine. I’ll meet him but I’m not making any promises.”

“I’m not asking you to have sex. I’m talking about coffee, maybe a muffin if you want to

get wild.”

Robert laughed. “Okay, I can do that.”

“Good. Besides, if you don’t find someone soon, Joe is going to start getting some

ideas.” Tyler tilted his head to the right and Robert’s gaze traced where Tyler indicated.

Joe Walker stood beside the divider that shielded the servers’ area from the diners. His

arms were crossed and a scowl creased his forehead as he watched the two men talk.

Although Robert knew his waiter was gay, Joe didn’t make the eligible list.

“You know I don’t mess around with my employees. That’s why I didn’t ask you to be

my chef until I was certain it wasn’t going to work out.”

“Does Joe know that?” Tyler’s blue eyes reflected concern.

“He should.” Robert bit his bottom lip as he considered the situation. Joe had flirted

with him in the past. Robert had put it down as harmless and never flirted back. He didn’t

want to show any sign of favouritism to his employees. “I’ll talk to him if it gets out of hand.”

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“Good.” Tyler patted Robert’s hand. “I don’t want you to get put in a bad situation,

especially if he tries to get you for sexual harassment. Make sure you talk to him with at least

one witness around.”

Robert laughed. “I wasn’t born yesterday, Tyler. I can handle one young man.”

“Maybe.” Tyler didn’t look completely convinced and Robert had no idea why. After

all, he wasn’t a shy eighteen-year-old anymore. He’d been making his own decisions for a

long time now.

“It’ll be fine. Do we have enough chocolate tarts for the dinner crowd? We ran out

yesterday and I thought there was going to be an uprising.”

Tyler shook his head. “We’ll be fine. I doubled the batch from yesterday so everyone

who could possibly want one will be able to have one.”

“Good.” Robert stood and threw his napkin on the table. “Thanks for your help. I’ll see

you in a couple of days. I’ve got to go out of town tonight to look over some property my

investment manager is trying to get me to throw some money at.”

Tyler waved. “Try to stay out of trouble.”

Robert shook his head at the chef. “Why would I want to do that? Getting into trouble is

one of the few forms of entertainment I have.”

Tyler laughed. “I see.”

Waving on his way out the door, Robert left his restaurant with a lighter step. He didn’t

know if this new hand would be the romantic apple of his eye but he always liked meeting

people. If nothing else, maybe Robert could make a friend.

* * * *

Glen King pulled his dusty truck up to the ranch gates. A wave of relief shot through

him at the fat cows and the healthy looking wheat fields he’d passed on the way to the main

house. His cousin hadn’t exaggerated the ranch’s excellent condition. He hoped the job

Jeffrey had promised was there too, since everything he owned was piled in the back of his

pickup. Despite three years of promising Glen first shot at purchasing his ranch, Ted Hill had

sold the place right out from under him. Bitterness left a sour taste in Glen’s mouth and

churned his stomach as he reflected on what a fool he’d been to trust Hill’s word. When he’d

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confronted Hill, his ex-boss had had the nerve to tell Glen he should’ve got the promise in

writing. Glen had barely resisted going to jail for murder.

“Bastard,” Glen muttered, reflecting on the conversation. How he’d longed to throttle

the old rancher. It must have shown in his eyes because Hill had definitely looked a little

nervous at the end. Glen had gathered everything he’d owned, called his cousin and asked

about spots on the ranch where Jeffrey worked. Luckily it sounded like they were expanding

and needed experienced hands. Meanwhile, the dream of owning his own piece of land had

slipped through Glen’s fingertips.

It took him several minutes of driving on the ranch road before he spotted the main

buildings. A low white ranch house, a couple of barns and a structure that was probably the

bunkhouse, dotted the landscape in front of him. Deciding he’d best find his new boss before

hunting his cousin, Glen pulled up in front of the main building.

Glen sat in his truck for a long while examining the white picket fence, bright flowers

and red door of the home. Jeff had told him two men owned the ranch, and one of them had

recently hooked up with the other partner’s brother. It was one of the main reasons he’d

asked to come. A ranch owned by at least one gay guy couldn’t have any homophobic

assholes on staff, or at least if there were, they’d more than likely keep it to themselves.

Pushing open the driver’s side door, Glen slid off the bench seat. His boots hit the

ground with a jarring thud. After a daylong road trip, the leg he’d once broken, and never

had properly set, ached like a motherfucker. He made sure his feet were steady before

slamming the door shut. He didn’t want to show up looking like he’d been dragged along

ten miles of bad road. His new employer didn’t need to know how hard up he was—body

and soul. There wasn’t a cowboy alive who hadn’t broken, sprained or damaged at least one

body part…and if there was, they weren’t working hard enough.

Glen’s muscles stretched and loosened as he walked towards the building. By the time

he reached the freshly painted front porch he was walking almost normally—a bit

bowlegged, but normal for him.

Before he knocked on the door, it was whipped open and a gorgeous young man

peered at him through the screen door. “Hello!”

“Um, hello there.” Glen replied. “I’m looking for Baron Remington. Is he here?”

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“Nope.” The blond’s brilliant smile took the sting out of his response. “I’m about to

announce lunch so you might as well come in and grab something to eat. You must be

Jeffrey’s cousin.”

The screen door opened and the slim young man motioned him inside.

“Yeah, I’m Glen King.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Tyler. Baron’s my brother.”

They shook hands. Glen kept his touch gentle. He didn’t want to hurt the smaller man.

Not to mention if he was brother and lover to the owners, it was best to stay on his good side.

Tyler pulled a smartphone from his pocket and pushed a series of buttons before

returning it to his pocket. “The men will be here in a minute. I suggest you come stand over

here by me so you don’t get trampled.”

The words had barely left Tyler’s lips when the sound of footsteps reached Glen’s ears.

Loud voices echoed in the entry and a line began to form into a room on the left. Looking to

the right, he realised it wasn’t the dining area.

He turned a curious look towards Tyler.

“Oh, they’re washing up. Margaret, the old cook, has them trained. She’s gone to live

with her relatives now, but luckily she broke them in while she was here.”

The grin he received warmed him on the inside, a sensation that ended quickly when a

big man with dark eyes and dark hair looked at Glen as if he were measuring the size of

Glen’s coffin and fixing to put him in it.

“Hey babe,” Tyler’s smile could’ve powered the county.

The big cowboy’s expression went from maniacal to tender in the space of a second.

Right in front of everyone, the man walked over, cupped Tyler’s face and plastered the

hottest kiss Glen had ever seen outside of a porn video smack on Tyler’s lips.

He discreetly adjusted himself as he watched the two men embrace.

When the cowboy released Tyler, the smaller man’s eyes weren’t focused and his lips

had a tempting sheen. He blinked repeatedly at Glen.

“Cody, this is Glen. He’s Jeffrey’s cousin,” Tyler said, pointing towards Glen.


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He turned to see Jeff walking towards him. Jeff wrapped his thickly muscled arms

around Glen and thumped him on the back. When Glen finally freed himself, he turned to

shake Cody’s hand.

“Nice to meet you.” He gave Cody a firm grip, though not fighting for dominance. Even

if his kiss with Tyler hadn’t confirmed his identity, Glen could almost feel the air of

leadership pouring off the other man.

“Same here,” Cody said. He tucked Tyler in the crook of his arm and scooped his lover

along as they walked to the dining room. “Jeff says you’ve been on a ranch since you were


“Yeah, I grew up on one. My daddy’s health didn’t let him keep it so we moved to the

city when I was in my teens. As soon as I could, I went back to it.” Glen couldn’t live without

his horses and cattle. He hadn’t thrived in the city. He had hated the concrete, the noise and

the incessant flow of people. Wide-open spaces and the smell of animals were his loves.

Cody gave him an understanding look. “We are short-handed right now and Jeffrey

gave you a good recommendation. We’ll try you out for a few weeks and see how you fit in

here. For now you can sit down and enjoy the best food in the country.”

Mutters of agreement rang around the table and an adorable blush crossed Tyler’s

cheeks. A warning glance from Cody had him quickly shifting his gaze.

Got it. Don’t look at Tyler. “I’ll go wash up.”

He headed to the bathroom and quickly cleaned his dusty and sweaty hands. Returning

to the dining room, he found an empty seat next to his cousin. Jeff gave him a wide smile and

a friendly slap on the back. His cousin looked happy and healthy. Good. Of all his relatives,

Jeff had always been one of Glen’s favourites.

A platter of chicken was handed over followed by mashed potatoes and buttery corn.

The first bite had him closing his eyes to better absorb the flavour. Spices exploded across his

tongue as juice from the chicken filled his mouth.

Damn, that was good.

Swallowing, Glen opened his eyes to see the ranch hands watching him with

amusement. “This is amazing.”

Jeff laughed. “Tyler’s the best damn cook I’ve ever met.”

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“You made this?” He couldn’t stop the surprise in his voice. That would teach him to

judge someone by appearance. Tyler had looked too pretty to be of much use, however

anyone who cooked like this was worth his weight in gold…and considering Tyler wasn’t

very big, more than his weight in gold.

Tyler blushed. “Yeah, it’s my thing.”

The chef kissed his lover on the cheek and headed to a door Glen guessed led to the


He saw the ranch hands were all staring at him. “You’re lucky. At my last ranch we had

an old cook who thought if the meat was more tender than shoe leather he was spoiling us.”

The men around the table laughed. “Tyler spoils us something rotten, and he also plans

the menus for a fancy place in town,” Jeff told him.

Glen took a bite of the potatoes and barely held back a moan. Hell, he’d work for room

and board if it included this type of cooking. Who really needed money anyway?

Jeff chuckled. “Three meals a day. Tyler doesn’t always make breakfast, depending on

his schedule, but there’ll be something to eat.”

Nodding, Glen finished up his meal as he listened to the talk swirl around him. He

didn’t even pretend to pay attention once he bit into a biscuit. It took Jeff mentioning his

name twice before he focused on his cousin’s words.


“Did you want to come with me to check out the ranch after lunch? I’ve got to fix a

fence hole in the back field and I can show you around on the way.”

Glen nodded. “Sounds good.”

Cody broke in. “Baron will be back home in a few hours. When he returns he can tell

you what we’ll expect you to do. I’m going into town to pick up some supplies.”

“Yes, boss.” Glen settled in to finish his meal. Anything he needed to do could wait

until he finished his chicken. Jeff must have agreed because he helped himself to another


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About the Author

Amber is one of those quiet people they always tell you to watch out for. She lives in
Seattle with her husband, two sons, two cats and one extremely stupid dog.


Amber loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and
author biography at


Also by Amber Kell


Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Supernatural Mates: From Pack to Pride

Supernatural Mates: A Prideful Mate

Supernatural Mates: A Prideless Man

Supernatural Mates: Nothing To Do With Pride

Supernatural Mates: Talan’s Treasure

Supernatural Mates: More Than Pride

Cowboy Lovin’: Tyler’s Cowboy

Cowboy Lovin’: Robert’s Rancher

Dangerous Lovers: Catching Mr Right

Yearning Love: Taking Care of Charlie

Yearning Love: Protecting Francis

Planetary Submissives: Chalice

Planetary Submissives: Orlin’s Fall

Heart Attack: My Subby Valentine

Scared Stiff: Protecting His Soul

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