Sean Michael Shibari Auction House 1 Jack

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Shibari Auction House: Jack

Sean Michael

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2012 Sean Michael

ISBN: 978-1-60521-760-4
Formats Available:
Adobe PDF, Epub, HTML,
MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader


Changeling Press LLC
315 N. Centre St.
Martinsburg, WV 25404

Editor: Katriena Knights
Cover Artist: Reneé George

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Shibari Auction House: Jack

Sean Michael

When Jack’s gambling debts catch up to him and he’s about to lose both his legs, if
he’s lucky, to his loan shark, he decides to sell his time for three years to the highest

bidder, hoping someone is willing to pay him enough to clear his debts for good.

Is he jumping from the frying pan into the fire? Only time will tell.

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Chapter One

“Are you sure you’re interested, sir? Forgive me for saying so, but…” The big,

tall, Lurch-y man stared at him through wire-rimmed glasses. “…you’re not exactly a

common type here.”

“There’s money, right? Good money?” Jack watched Lurch nod. “Then I’m

fucking interested.” He had to come up with a quarter of a mil. Now, before someone

had his head on a platter, kind of literally.

Ben Williams, the bartender at Glass Houses, had listened to him crying in his

beer a couple of days ago and slipped him this business card. Shibari Auction House.

Jack had told the guy he didn’t have a damn thing left in the world. Nothing. He’d sold

it all for that last desperate game. Triple or nothing. He got nothing.

“This is… Well, they aren’t buying stuff, Jack. It’s… service they’re buying.”


It had taken him a little bit to figure it out, and a little bit longer than that even to

get up the balls to call. Knowing that Mick Peterson was out there with a baseball bat

and a switchblade helped.

“You do understand that you will enter a contract, yes?”

Jack nodded. After he called, he’d spent time with Ben, who’d told him that all

sorts of things were possible -- personal assistants, security, even housekeeping -- but

mainly this was sex stuff. With other guys, if you wanted the money.

God knew, he wanted the money.

“I do. You tell me what’ll get me the best price, I’ll do it. I’m not scared.” Or

proud. Hell, maybe after three years of doing… whatever, he wouldn’t want to gamble

any more.

“Well, obviously the more… esoteric terms are more costly.” The thin lips

pursed. “Body modifications and total submission are at the top, and --”

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“Fine. Give me the list.” He had two days left before the enforcers came hunting


“Length of time will make a difference as well.” Lurch still wasn’t handing over

the list. “And anyone could buy you. Someone young, someone old…”

“Is three years good?” He didn’t care about the other. It wasn’t like he was going

to get off. He started checking stuff off. “When it says body mods, they won’t cut my

balls off or nothing, right?”

“No, that would be castration. Body mods includes piercings and things like

pearls slipped beneath your skin.” One of Lurch’s eyebrows went up, way up, as he

continued to mark items as acceptable. “Three years will get you a good sum, especially

with the number of items you’re indicating you’ll do.”

“Okay.” He firmed his lips up and looked at the guy -- Yves, actually, not Lurch -

- again. “Is it bad that I haven’t ever taken it in the ass? I mean, I can go out tonight and

do it, if it is.”

Yves made a soft noise. “Are you even gay? Because trust me, we include that

you are a virgin and your price goes up. Way up. But your… deflowering may not be

all hearts and roses.”

“I’m gay. I just… In my neighborhood it’s a quick handjob or a blowjob in the

alley. Not… something that ends in a bed with lube.” The idea of having a cock up

there made his sphincter clench.

“You can leave anal sex off the list. It will decrease the price, though.” Yves

touched his arm, his look gentle. “Are you sure?” If the man asked that one more


“They’re going to break my legs, man. They’re going to kill me. I have to pay


“Well, no one who buys you will break your legs or kill you.” Yves shook his

head. “If you really need a lot of money, I would suggest giving your virginity up with

the rest. That really will be what increases your price.”

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“Okay. Okay, yeah. It’s not like it’s good to me.” He tried to grin. “I’m not a

bastard. I just… I gamble.” He had the slightest addictive bone.

“Not very well, it appears.” Yves’ tone was extremely dry.

Jack found himself laughing, hard. Hard enough that it hurt a little. “Yeah, I


“If you’ll finish filling that out, I’ll send Bart in for the signing, and then Katie

will help you with your grooming. If you want, and you’re quick, we can get you on the

bill for tonight’s auction.”

“Grooming? I took a shower, but cool. Whatever. I can be quick.” His apartment

had been broken into last night, razed. He was footloose and fancy-free.

“I meant neatening your beard, possibly shaving it off altogether, deciding what

clothes, or lack thereof, you’ll be wearing. I’ll go ahead and get the buzz going.” Yves

was clearly convinced now that Jack was sure, and it almost looked like the man was


“Whatever you need me to do.” He stroked his beard. Whatever they needed.

“Katie will know what to do to present you at your absolute best.” Yves pointed

to a fancy chair. “Sit and finish filling that out. Bart will have the rest of the paperwork

along in moments.”

“Sure, yeah.” He went through, adding his name, his work experience --

wouldn’t it be funny if someone just wanted a tile guy? -- and other weird, esoteric

questions. Did he masturbate? Shit, was he alive and breathing?

Just then a fussy looking little man in a suit arrived, a folder in one hand, his

mouth pursed. Okay, maybe this guy didn’t. “Are you ready for me, Mr. McKee?”

“Sure.” As ready as he could be, for selling himself to some dude he didn’t


“Excellent.” The man sat next to him and began to pull out paperwork,

explaining what each thing was, what he was signing his name to. Waivers for this and

guarantees for that.

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The words really didn’t matter. Jack was tired and ashamed of himself, worn out

and fucking pissed off.

When they were done, the man shook his hand and went away, Jack’s signature

on about half a dozen pieces of paper.

A sweet little girl with hair an unnatural color of blond came next. “Hi, there!

You must be Jack! I’m Katie!” God, she was perky.

“Nice to meet you.” He held out one hand.

She took it in both of hers and shook it, looking him up and down. “Likewise.

Oh, I think we have something to work with here.” She let her hands drop and reached

out, cupping his pecs. “Oh, yes, you’re going to have them eating you up.”

His muscles jerked, and he stared, open-mouthed.

She chuckled. “I think we’ll leave the facial hair, the hair length. That gives your

buyer options. If he wants you altered or trained before he takes possession, we’ll help

after. The jeans, though? Not tight enough.”




Okay, breathe.

She laughed. “We’ll leave your top off, oil you up a little so you shine. You work


“No. I work.”

She tugged his top off. His chest was covered in fine pale hairs. “Oh, these are

pretty, but I think we’ll shave you for the auction -- it’ll show off these lovely muscles


“My chest?” He blinked.

“Yeah. Nice and smooth and oiled. I’m telling you -- eat you up.” She rubbed his

muscles a bit, grinned at him and then turned. “Follow me.”

“Okay…” Money. Broken legs. Freedom.

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She led him to a door marked “Spa” where he was washed, shaved, brushed,

fluffed. They even did his fucking toes. Then she put him in the tightest jeans on earth

and shoved him back in his boots. She unbraided his hair and left it loose. Crazy. But

the craziest of all was when she grabbed a bottle of baby oil and began to rub it over his

shoulders, his chest, his abs.

Like he was going to be slow roasted or something.

“Are you sure this helps?” If it made more money, yay, but… slick.

“Oh, honey. Trust me. All your assets will be shining under the lights.” She

patted his abs. “Let me see you walk now.”

“Walk?” She nodded, and he headed across the room.

“Seriously? Honey, you walk like a construction worker.”


She stared at him.

“I am a construction worker.”

She laughed, her white-white teeth all showing. “They are definitely going to eat

you up. If the bidding starts slowing down, you try and put a wiggle in that stunning

ass of yours, and it’ll get moving again.”

“Will I be able to see them?”

“No, everyone has their own room with a monitor so they can watch the action.

The cameras on the runway will find your best angles.” She got out a brush and fussed

with his hair some.

“Okay. Okay.” He nodded.

“You look just about perfect, honey. Remember to smile, okay?”

“I’ll try.” He bet he wouldn’t, though. He was scared already.

She checked her watch. “I’ll take you to the green room where you can wait until

it’s your turn. You’ve got a couple hours. There’s food and drink there, but make sure

you don’t spill anything or muss yourself up.”

“I won’t. I promise.” He bit his bottom lip, hard, keeping all his worried words


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“Oh, yes, good idea.” She smiled and tapped his mouth. “When they call you to

come out, bite your lips -- makes them red, swollen. Very sexy.”

“What?” Swollen?

“You know, pouty, hot, like you’ve just…” She opened her mouth to an “O”.

He almost fell over. This little lady wasn’t just suggesting… God.

She smiled and opened a door for him. The room was empty of people, but there

were comfy chairs and soft music playing, green walls and, at the back, a huge table full

of food.

There was no way he’d be able to eat. Ever. “Thank you.”

“Good luck.” She smiled and shut the door behind him.

It sounded awfully fucking loud, and he was almost surprised he didn’t hear the

sound of a bolt hitting home, locking him in.

It wasn’t until about ten minutes later that he realized they still had his wallet,

his keys, his phone.

Oh, God.

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Chapter Two

JF took a sip of his whiskey, neat, feeling the burn slowly travel down his throat

and into his belly. He wasn’t paying too much attention to the lots up for grabs -- he

was waiting for Mr. Sixteen. The last lot of the night.

Jack, male, three years’ service, never taken it up the ass, and there wasn’t very

much that wasn’t on the list as allowed.

JF was intrigued, and that didn’t happen a whole lot. Yves’ notes were telling as

well -- blue-collar, addiction issues, muscular. Untried in the lifestyle. Immediately


Even if the man looked like Quasimodo, JF was going to bid. If he was even a

little bit JF’s type, then JF’s was going to be the final bid.

Just like all the rest of the bidders, JF was in a private room, with a computer in

front of him for bidding, offering him complete anonymity. Each of his desires was

attended to, addressed.

He shot his drink back and shook his head slightly when his little waiter

appeared to ask if he wanted more. He was beginning to be impatient. He wanted to see

the man he was here for.

The number sixteen finally popped up on the screen and the lights came up, a

beautiful, studly blond stepping out onto the stage. Muscled, longhaired, mustached

and bearded -- he looked like a bit of a Greek god.

JF’s cock rose immediately and he licked his lips. Stunning.

This man could be his for three years. The belly was flat and ripped, thigh

muscles bulging in the tight jeans. The man got to the end of the ramp, stopped, then

turned around and walked back. No ink. Interesting.

JF glanced at the list. Tats, allowed. Body mods, allowed. JF hadn’t been this

excited about anything in… forever.

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The bids started coming in, scrolling across the bottom of his screen, the money

starting at $150,000.

It quickly escalated to $300,000 and he snorted. Money wasn’t an object to him,

and he wanted this man. He put in his bid at $500,000 -- it was time to see if anyone else

was serious. The bidding stalled, stuttered, then $525,000 popped up.

Oh, he didn’t think so. He put in $600,000.

He waited the obligatory sixty seconds, watching Mr. Sixteen stand there, chew

his lips, hands in his pockets.

Nothing. Not another bid.

Mr. Sixteen was his.

“Yes!” He laughed, mostly at himself -- when was the last time he’d really cared

about the outcome of something he was involved in?

His business ran itself now -- money wasn’t an object. He was bored and lonely,

and that had just changed.

It took only seconds for Yves to appear, paperwork in hand. Of course Yves was

attending to this personally. This was the biggest bid of the night, and Yves would be

well-satisfied with the auction house’s take. “Mr. Boyles. Congratulation on your


“Thank you, Yves. And thank you for the tip this afternoon. If you hadn’t called,

I would have missed him.”

“I thought perhaps you might be interested. He is a unique specimen.” The

contract papers were offered to him. “Would you like Jack trained for you, sir?”

“God, no.” What would be the fun in that?

Yves chuckled, lines crinkling around his eyes. “Yes, sir.”

He grinned back, signing the papers with a flourish. “You have the laptop for the

money transfer?”

Ten percent went to the auction house’s bank, the rest to his new purchase. He

couldn’t quite believe the man hadn’t cost him more.

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“Indeed, sir.” The tiny black laptop was offered over, Yves stepping back to give

him space. He made short work of transferring the funds before handing the laptop

back. He knew Yves would let Jack check that the money had indeed been deposited

before bringing the man to him.

“Thank you, sir. Where would you like the initial meeting to take place?”

“Here is fine. I’ll have another whiskey while I wait, and we’ll share a meal -- the

surf and turf, please.”

“Of course, sir.”

The screen of his computer was dark now, the room quickly transformed into a

private dining area, complete with a lovely basket of accoutrements -- a tiny anal plug, a

cock ring, nipple clamps, gag, blindfold, and an assortment of restraints. He might not

use them, but he was definitely looking forward to Jack’s reaction to them.

A soft knock came to the door, then Yves himself brought JF his new acquisition,

the man looking large and fierce and hot as fuck. JF hummed in the back of his throat,

his cock even happier to see Jack in person than on the stage.

JF stood, knowing he cut an imposing figure himself in his black Armani, his lilac

shirt and tie. He was a good six inches taller than his new boy, but Jack stared him

down, bright blue eyes fastened on him.

Untrained and raw, absolutely raw. JF would bet his life Jack had no experience

in what he’d signed up for. “Hi, Jack. I’m JF Boyles, but you can call me Sir.”

“Hey. No problem, man. I can do that.”

His lips twitched. “Can you? Man?”

“Yeah.” Those blue eyes took everything in, hands opening and closing at his


“Come and sit. I’ve arranged for supper so we can have a little time to get to

know each other.”

Jack nodded, headed to the chair JF motioned to, and sat. There was no artifice in

that walk, no attempt to seduce him. It was honestly refreshing not to have the man

fawning and fluttering at him.

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“I hope you like steak and seafood.” He grabbed the napkin and placed it in

Jack’s lap.

“Thanks. I’m not a picky eater. Most food’s cool with me.” Jack smoothed the

napkin over his thighs.

JF lingered for a moment to admire. He didn’t touch, though -- much as the oiled

muscles looked lovely, gleaming as they were, he knew they would be, well, greasy. He

waved his hand as he sat and his server came rushing over. “Will you bring someone to

wash that crap off my boy, please?”

“Absolutely, sir.”

Jack chuckled softly. JF looked over at Jack, one eyebrow going up in inquiry.

Jack shrugged. “It’s sticky and smells like my grandmother’s bathroom.”

“It makes you glow, but yes, up close it isn’t so great. What would you like to

drink?” JF wasn’t surprised at Jack’s objections to the oil -- Jack didn’t strike him as a

man who put on airs or did things just to look good. It was just more of that lack of

guile that he was enjoying so much.

“Can I get a cup of coffee, please?”

“Sure. You don’t want a glass of wine? A beer? Do you drink?” Was Jack a


“I do. I just… well, shit. I don’t know. It just didn’t occur to me. This is real new.

I’d love a cold beer.”

Their waiter returned along with a pair of wee twinks who looked so alike they

might have been twins, equipped with soap and water, towels. “A beer and a bottle of

champagne, please. And you may bring our first course as soon as the boys here are


“It’d be neater in a bathroom, huh?”

“It might be, but I want to watch.” Jack was going to learn that he didn’t get to


“Okay, man. Whatever you want.” Jack grinned at the twinks. “Where am I

supposed to stand so that suit that’s worth more than my life doesn’t get goo on it?”

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“Oh, I paid a lot more for you than I paid for this suit. Just stand next to the table,

arms out, and let them do their thing.” Two slender, sweet boys, cleaning down this

stud of a man? JF was so into watching that.

Jack nodded. “Either one of you boys have a rubber band for my hair?”

JF plucked a bit of rope from the basket and handed it over to one of the boys,

who giggled as he took it.

“Thanks.” Jack took it, plaited his hair into a quick, messy braid and tied off the


JF managed not to wince, but that beautiful hair deserved better care. He sat back

casually, watching as the lovely boys began to wash Jack down. Would their touches

arouse the man? Or would his nerves keep him soft?

Jack didn’t flinch away, but he didn’t respond, either, except at the end, when he

dropped his arms. “Thanks, guys. That feels much better.”

JF nodded. “I bet. It looks much better, too. More natural -- real.”

“Yeah. I told the little girl, but I guess it’s her job to make things shiny.”

That made him laugh. “They need a little boy then, one who knows what men


For the first time, Jake looked uneasy. “Oh, I wasn’t trying to get her in trouble.”

“It was a joke, pet.”

“Oh. Sorry. It’s just… man, it’s tough to get a job these days.”

“Is that why you’re here?” It made him wonder what would drive a man who

obviously wasn’t in the lifestyle to sell himself here.

“No. I’m here because I fucked up, and I have to pay a bookie a quarter of a

million dollars or he’s going to kill me.”

Well, then. That was straightforward. “Well, I’m glad your payday was

considerably more than what you owe.” It would suck to go through three years as his

slave and have to start from scratch.

“It’ll help me start over.”

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“Good.” He smiled as their waiter brought them their beer and champagne,

along with the first course -- escargot in garlic butter, lightly breaded calamari, and

garlic shrimp.

Jack looked at the escargot like it was poisonous, but didn’t say a word. JF was

going to make the man eat one. At least one. He pushed his fork in, speared one of the

little things, and held it up to Jack’s lips.

Jack looked at him, lips twisting. “Can’t be worse than canned beets, I guess.”

“Give it a try, pet.”

“Yeah.” Jack took it, swallowed hard without even chewing it. “Thanks.”

“Did you even taste it?”

“It was garlicky.”

He rolled his eyes, speared another one and held it up to Jack’s lips again. “I

want you to actually taste it this time. Smell it, savor it.”

“It’s a snail.”

“Yes, I know. If you can’t even be adventurous with food you might have just

made a very big mistake.” JF was going to push every boundary Jack had, and then

push them some more. God, he hadn’t felt this alive in forever.

“Fine.” Jack snagged the snail off the fork, squished it between two fingers, then

popped it in his mouth and chewed.

JF chuckled softly. “Well?”

“It was garlicky. Tasted like a mushroom.”

JF grinned and picked up a piece of the calamari with his fingers.

“Onion ring?” Jack was clearly guessing.

JF chuckled, shook his head. “More seafood. This is squid.” It was delicious,

actually, done to perfection. The kitchen here was one of the best in the city.

“Oh.” Jack sighed, put it in his mouth and chewed. A surprised look crossed the

man’s face.

JF couldn’t help being a little smug. “Good, hmm?”

“Yes. It’s way less like rubber bands than any other I’ve tried.”

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“It shouldn’t be like rubber at all. You’ll learn to appreciate good food.” Jack was

a lovely diamond in the rough.

“Like I said, I’m not a picky eater.”

“Then you’ll love the shrimp.” He fed this one to Jack as well, also by hand.

“Make sure to get the garlic butter off my fingers.”

Jack’s fingers curled, and JF could see the man silently giving himself a pep talk.

Rah, rah, rah. He was patient, waiting as Jack worked himself up to doing this. Jack was

going to have to buck up and deal -- no one had forced him into this. Certainly not JF.

He’d only paid for the man.

Jack ate the shrimp, then carefully licked JF’s fingers clean, the touch gentle,

feather-light. JF hummed a little, pleased with how Jack had responded to the request.

Jack leaned back, gaze holding his. He smiled, not looking away, even as he

grabbed another shrimp, keeping this one for himself. Jack finally looked away, eyes on

the little server who came in with drinks.

JF waited until they were alone again before asking, “Tell me what you usually

look for in a lover.”

“I don’t. I mean, you don’t have a lover where I come from, unless you have a


That would make their three-year deal Jack’s longest relationship with a partner.

That was quite something. Rather sad, JF thought. “So it’s just sex in bathrooms and


“Alleys, yeah. I put that on my paperwork.”

“I saw.” It was a hell of a way to get off. Lonely, JF would think. He himself

wasn’t shouting anything from the rooftops, but he wasn’t hiding, either.

Jack didn’t fidget, just watched him, looked.

“I have plans for you. Many of them wicked.” Jack had to know that was how

things would be when he agreed to sell himself.

“I’ll try to be good at it.”

“You’ll learn.” The fact Jack was untutored was so appealing.

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“Yeah. I guess. I… I’ve never done anything like this.”

“You knew what you were getting into, though.” Reluctant, untutored, those

were arousing, intriguing. As long as that was as far as it went. JF wasn’t interested in

taking a screaming, crying, shrinking virgin.

“Yep. I read the papers. The Yves guy said nothing like… damage. Like you can’t

cut my balls off or nothing.”

“That would be like spending $600,000 on a prize bull and then cutting off his

balls. It’s not going to happen. I’m not into mutilation.” He wanted to leave his mark on

the man, but not like that. Never like that.

A tension he hadn’t known was there eased from the line of Jack’s shoulders.

“You know what a safeword is, Jack?”


“You pick a word, one that you wouldn’t usually use. And if you ever need

things to stop, completely stop, you use it.”

“Like… hrm. Uh. Zombie? I don’t come across a lot of those.”

He chuckled. “I like it. We’re going to have to call them undead movies, though,

if we want to watch one, so we don’t mix them up with your safeword.”

“Undead movies.” That was almost a smile. “Right. I… Can you tell me what

happens next?”

“We’re going to have supper, and then I’m going to take you home and fuck

your brains out.”

“Oh. Okay.” There was a beauty in that false bravado.

“I want you to enjoy the meal first, though.” As if on cue, two waiters returned

with full plates of steak of the bison, elk, and cow varieties, as well as scallops, shrimp,

mussels, and lobster tails.

The Shibari Auction House was nothing if not an indulgence in excess.

“Jesus. How many people are you feeding?”

“Just the two of us. We can have a taste of everything.”


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“I live well, boy. And now so do you.” He paid well for the privilege, too. Not to

mention he always made sure the boys who served him knew they should have

whatever was left over from his meals. He didn’t see the point in having money if you

didn’t spend it.

Jack didn’t respond. He sat there, watching.

“Help yourself, please.” He gave Jack a smile that hopefully wasn’t too

predatory. “Unless you’d prefer I fed you.”

“Thanks.” Jack took a knife and fork and speared a shrimp.

JF was more interested in sitting and watching than in eating, and so that was

what he did. Jack ate two or three bites, then stopped, looked back at him. JF let one of

his eyebrows go up.

Jack didn’t look away. “Are you hungry?”

“Oh, yes. Starving.” But not for food. Not at all for food.

Jack pushed the plates closer. “There’s lots.”

“I’m not hungry for food, pretty man.” He let his eyes wander over Jack’s bare


“What do you want me to do?”

“Eat your fill, pet. You can feed me if you’re feeling weird being the only one


“It’s just strange.”

JF imagined this wasn’t the only thing strange. “I think you might want to put

your whole notion of normal out the window.” Jack would be eating differently,

dressing differently, becoming accustomed to a whole different lifestyle.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“For a few years, anyway.” He couldn’t imagine what Jack had to be feeling,

being so far in debt, so genuinely worried for his life that he would sell himself to the

highest bidder.

“I’ll figure it out. I’m not stupid.”

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“I never said you were. Just… unfortunate, hmm?” Addiction was something the

lifestyle could help.

“Well, that was sort of stupid, gambling like that.”

“So that was down to stupidity and not addiction?”

Jack’s cheeks pinked over the neatly trimmed beard. “You want a bite of steak,


“I’d love a bite of steak. Boy.” He was going to institute a punishment for

whenever Jack forgot to call him sir.

Jack cut him off a piece and offered him the fork. He put his hand on Jack’s,

stroking the man’s hand as he leaned forward and took the meat from the utensil as

sensually as he could. Jack looked at his mouth, away, then back. JF could see the man’s

abs ripple. He smiled as he chewed. He wanted to make Jack beg for his attention, for

his touches, for all the wicked things he had planned.

Jack took another small bite of shrimp.

“The scallops are my favorite. Meaty, sweet, they usually have a salty sauce

added.” He held Jack’s gaze as he spoke.

“Yeah? You want a bite?”

“I do. Are you going to provide the saltiness yourself?”

Jack’s head tilted. “Pardon me?”

He chuckled. “Oh, I’m pretty sure you caught my innuendo.”

“Here.” Jack cut a bite of scallop and offered it over.

He took Jack’s hand, holding it steady as he took the piece of scallop from the

fork. Continuing to hold Jack’s hand, and Jack’s gaze, JF chewed.

Jack looked worried, nervous. JF tugged Jack’s hand closer and kissed the inside

of his wrist. Then he let Jack’s hand go.

“Is it cool to ask you questions?” That worried look was still there.

“Yes, please. Ask away.” JF wasn’t the type who wanted a silent robot following

behind him and obeying without thought.

“What are you into? I mean, why do this?”

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“Because it’s not boring.” It was a simple answer, but it was the truth.

Jack nodded. “That’s fair, I guess. Where am I going to stay? Do I need to get an

apartment or…?”

“You’ll stay with me. I have the penthouse of the Carver building downtown.

Plenty of room.” Even if he did plan to have Jack sleep in his bed most nights, there was

a room Jack could call his own.


He could see the cracks appearing in Jack’s peace. The man wasn’t nearly so easy

in his skin about this as he wanted JF to believe. Or maybe it was just sinking in that

he’d traded a death sentence for a three-year sentence.

“You want another bite?” Jack asked, seeming more comfortable with

conversation than silence.

“I’d love another bite.” Would it become second nature for Jack to serve him?

Did he want it to?

“What do you want? Steak? The shell things?”

He licked his lips. “More scallops, please. They’re so sweet.”

“Okay.” Jack fed him one bite, then another.

He moaned and licked his lips. It was delicious, more so because of the company.

Jack didn’t eat any more, but he did finish the beer.

“Don’t you want anything else?” JF was ready to leave, to get Jack into his


“No. No, I’m fine. Thank you.”

“Then we can go. I’m eager to get you home.”

“My wallet and phone and bag were left with Katie.”

He motioned to the boy standing in the shadows. “Please have Jack’s things

delivered to my limousine.” Then he turned his attention back to his new acquisition.

“Was there anything else you need to take care of?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Then you’re mine for the next three years. Excellent.”

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He stood and held out his arm to Jack, pleased all through.

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Chapter Three

Jack woke when the limousine came to a stop, the fact that he’d fallen asleep

scaring him badly. This wasn’t his friend, the man was his boss. They’d pulled into an

underground parking garage, and JF just smiled at him until the door was opened by

the driver.

“After you,” murmured JF.

“Thanks.” God, he was unnerved, but he slipped out, looking around.

The garage looked pretty much like any garage, but once they were in the

elevator, the place screamed money. Jack wasn’t sure what to expect, at all. JF was tall,

classy, sure of himself. The man’s suit was probably worth more than Jack made in a


JF pulled a key-card out of his pocket and slid it into the slot, the penthouse

button lighting up. Jack just stood there, still not wearing a shirt, with his bag under JF’s

arm. JF gave him another smile. It was slow and lazy and had a slightly predatory edge

to it.

Jack didn’t know what to do, not really. He just didn’t.

The elevator glided to a stop and the doors slid open, JF motioning him to go

ahead. The room he walked into was elegant -- there were plants and chairs and a coffee

table. It was almost like the waiting room at a fancy office. JF went to the door that was

off to the left a little across from the elevator. There was a number lock on the door, JF

keying in the code quickly.

This was insane. He’d lost his fucking mind.

“I’ll give you your own code in the morning, when you’re feeling fresh.” JF

opened the door and, again, motioned him to go ahead.

“Okay.” He headed in, the place seeming like… like a hotel or a movie or

something. Leather and chrome and very masculine. There were huge windows looking

out over the city lights.

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“You want the tour or you just want to see the bedroom?”

“I don’t know.” He didn’t know what the fuck a dude who had sold his virgin

ass as a sex slave did next.

“That’s okay, I’m good at making the decisions.” JF grabbed his hand and tugged

him down a hall. He followed along, eyes burning. Breathe. Breathe, man.

JF’s bedroom was as expensive and tasteful as the rest of the place, but it looked

more lived in. The bed was huge, and right there. “It’s very… fancy in here.” At least it

didn’t look like a porn movie.

JF drew him close. “It’s our home.”

Jack’s breath caught, his heart started beating faster. Oh, fuck. Oh, damn.

Then JF bent, brought their mouths together. He blinked, stood there, shocked

into stillness. He’d never kissed another man before. JF’s lips parted his, tongue

slipping into his mouth, warm and wet and so strange, but so good at the same time. He

didn’t know where to put his hands, what to think. JF was kissing him. Kissing him.

Kissing. Him.

JF’s hand cupped his cheek and tilted his head slightly, the kiss going deeper.

Jack couldn’t fight his moan. The kiss fascinated him, made him shake with pure need.

When JF’s lips finally left his, it was only long enough for him to take a breath, then it

began all over again. Jack found himself almost swimming, dizzy with it, stupid.

This time when their lips parted, JF hummed and smiled down at him. “You

taste… new.”

“What does that mean?”

“You taste different than anyone I’ve kissed before.”

“I’ve never kissed a man before.”

JF’s eyebrows went up. Way up. “You’re serious?”

He shrugged. “I kissed girls in high school, but… I told you, it’s not easy.”

“You’ve never had a relationship, then?” JF drew him farther into the room.

He shook his head. “I used to have friends and all, back home, but I came out

here to find work.”

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“But you’ve never had a lover.”

“No. No, never. I put that on the form.” He’d been honest.

“Relax, Jack, this isn’t a bad thing, just… surprising. That you’d not kissed, I

mean. Lots of lovers are together without anal sex, but no kissing.” JF shrugged, then

smiled. “You can’t say that anymore.”

“No. No, I can’t.” He found himself smiling back.

“Would you like to do it again?”

“Yeah. Is that cool, to want to?”

JF nodded smoothly. “Yes. Very cool. I want you to want me.”

It made him feel a little like a slut, really.

JF moved in, took his mouth again. Jack discovered he still didn’t know what to

do with his hands. When the kiss ended, JF stroked Jack’s hair back off his face. “Today

is the first time I’ve kissed a man with a beard.”

That made Jack relax, somehow. “Firsts for both of us.”

“Yes.” JF leaned in again, eyes intent on Jack as the man initiated another kiss.

This time Jack stepped closer, one hand on JF’s hip as he kissed the man back. JF

hummed, the sound approving.

Jack thought that he could, maybe, handle this.

JF’s hands slid over his belly, moving to his belt. He sucked in his stomach, the

move instinctive -- and he wasn’t sure if it was to make it easier or to pull away. Either

way, long, cool fingers slid beneath his waistband, teasing him.

His muscles jerked and twitched, the touch maddening. He could feel JF’s smile

against his lips. He tried to stop the movements, but his body didn’t want to.

JF’s fingers kept moving, working his belt open, and then his jeans, bumping

against his belly. His breath came faster and he didn’t know, honestly, whether he was

erect or not. Then the cool air hit him as JF drew down his zipper and pulled down his

jeans and underwear.

His cock was hot, hard and full, like he was turned on.

“Oh, look at you. Very nice.” JF grabbed hold of him, hefting his cock, stroking it.

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Oh, fuck. He felt that all the way to his toes.

“You’re a beauty, aren’t you?”

“A beauty?” He wasn’t a sissy. “Not me.”

“No? All these hard muscles.” JF’s hands slid over his chest, fingers flicking his

nipples before those hands moved down to run along his abs. “This magnificent cock.”

It was hefted again, held. “This is male beauty at its finest.”

Jack groaned, hips rolling immediately, instinctively. God, that was… Fuck.

JF slid his other hand down to cup Jack’s balls, the touch firm, but not hurting.

Jack’s breath stopped in his chest, though, his heart climbing into his throat. JF sucked

on his tongue. Oh. He shifted, feet sliding, things suddenly bigger.

“Spread your legs a little bit.”

He nodded, fighting the urge to pull away, back off. JF’s hand slid behind his

balls. He couldn’t control the way his muscles jerked, but he didn’t pull away. JF didn’t

back off, either, hand moving purposefully toward his hole.

His thighs were tight, his nuts trying to crawl back up into his body. The

movements were gentle, slow, but continued despite the way his muscles were

screaming. Then one finger rubbed along his hole. His entire body jerked, asscheeks

clenching, and he fought to breathe.

“Are you going to let me in, Jack?”

“I’m trying.” He was. Truly.

“Good man.” JF backed off. “Undress me.”

He nodded. “Okay. Yeah. Do you have like… hangers?” The suit was expensive

as fuck, even he could tell that.

JF chuckled. “Just throw my clothes over a chair or something, Jack. I didn’t buy

you to be my valet.”

“Oh.” Okay. He helped the man out of his jacket, draped it over a fancy-assed


“You’re allowed to touch as much as you want.”

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He looked at the little cufflinks, worked them off, and handed the gold jewelry to

JF before working the man’s tie off. The cufflinks went into JF’s pants pocket, a soft

smile playing on the man’s lips.

He got JF’s shirt off, the broad chest as smooth as his currently was. “Do you

shave yours? She shaved me today.”

“I do. I like the way it feels.”

He nodded. He wasn’t sure. He hadn’t ever done it before.

JF took his hand, put it on JF’s bare chest. “Do you like the way it feels?”

Jack’s fingers curled, fingertips dragging along the skin. Hot, smooth, firm -- he

let himself explore, let himself touch the musculature. JF hummed, and his little nipples

drew up, like they were trying to get Jack’s attention.

“Do you like…” Jack brushed them with his palms.

JF’s mouth opened on a soft gasp. Okay. JF liked. Cool. Jack figured he had to

learn all this stuff. JF’s hands came to rest on Jack’s hips, but it wasn’t to stop him. JF’s

hands were warm, firm. “Don’t stop, Jack, you’re doing great.”

“Thanks.” Jack was trying his damnedest to look like he wasn’t a total loser. JF’s

hands squeezed his hips a moment. Jack kept touching, heading back up to touch JF’s

nipples again with each upstroke.

“Mmm. You have strong hands, Jack.”

“I’ve worked with a hammer for a long time.”

“You’ve got a great body to show for it. My pants now.”

JF’s fingers slid along his hips, moved toward his prick. Jack fumbled a little with

the slick belt, the weird slip-slide waistband. JF’s fingers wrapped around his cock,

made his fingers fumble worse.

“I… don’t want to catch you in the zipper.” Don’t want to fuck up.

“A little pain makes things more intense, adds a little zing. You’ll see.”

Jack had no answer for that, so he didn’t bother. He eased the slacks down over

JF’s lean hips, strong thighs.

“You’ve given blow jobs before, Jack?”

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“Yeah. Some.” Not many. Mostly he’d gotten sucked off.

“Good. I want your mouth once you get my pants off.”

“Okay. Yeah.” He could do this.

“Good boy.” JF’s fingers slid through his hair.

Jack swallowed back his growl. He wasn’t a boy. He wasn’t. He got JF’s pants

down, then his underwear, revealing a long, thick prick. The man smelled good, clean.

Jack found himself licking his lips.

“Mmm. Go on. Get on your knees and blow me.”

You can do this. You can. He could. Damn it. He sank to his knees, trying to

remember how to breathe.

“God, you look good on your knees, pet.” JF was going to have to stop talking.

Jack grabbed JF’s cock and started sucking, keeping his hands around the base so

he didn’t choke.

“Yeah! Oh, fuck. Jack. Hot mouth. Shit.”

Jack wrapped his lips around the tip, pulling firmly. This wasn’t too hard. He’d

sucked a guy off before once or twice.

“Take your time, pet.” JF started moving, pushing the thick cock deeper.

Jack’s hands stopped JF from pushing too deep, and he focused on the tip,

tongue working the slit.

“Can’t take it all, pet?”

No. No, he didn’t think he could.

“You’ll learn.” JF didn’t push now, though -- the thrusts were small and gentle,

sliding the thick cock along his tongue.

Jack spared half a thought to be grateful for that care, the gentleness. This could

have been brutal.

“Talented tongue,” JF muttered, both hands on Jack’s head now, the thrusts

picking up in speed, but not shoving or forcing. He worked the slit, the tip, knowing JF

liked that.

“Yes. Yes. Oh, fuck.” JF pushed in hard, come spraying into Jack’s mouth.

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Jack gasped, choked, tried to swallow without looking like the world’s biggest


JF’s hands slid gently over his head. When JF pulled out, he rubbed a thumb at

the corner of Jack’s mouth. “You’re dripping.” That thumb was pressed against Jack’s

mouth. His lips felt swollen, too hot. JF pulled his thumb out and patted Jack’s cheek.


Was he supposed to say “Thank you?” He leaned back, taking some of the

pressure off his knees.

“Get into bed, Jack. We’ll take care of that cock of yours.”

Jack toed off his heavy boots, his socks, then his jeans and briefs, before moving

to the big bed. He felt like he ought to take a shower or something.

“Oh, that’s a lovely ass, Jack.” JF’s voice was liquid sex.

“Do you want me to bathe first?”

“No, I want you on your back in my bed so I can take you.”

Jack’s abs jerked, went so hard he knew they were going to hurt tomorrow, but

he got into the bed, forcing himself not to freak right the fuck out.

JF opened a drawer on his fancy little bedside table, putting a tube of lube on the

bed next to Jack, along with a couple of condoms.

Pure, unadulterated panic started building inside Jack, and he forced it down.

This wouldn’t kill him. It wouldn’t. He could handle it. Hopefully JF wouldn’t care that

his cock was flaccid, lying against his thigh.

JF’s head tilted. “You don’t like giving blow jobs, Jack?”

“What?” Had he done a bad job? “I’ll get better at it, man. I swear.” JF had tasted

good, which had surprised him. Most guys didn’t.

JF slid into bed next to him and cupped his cock. “You lost your hard-on.”

“I’m nervous.”

The hand around him was warm, almost hot. “Ah…” The sound faded away, JF

slowly stroking him now. His balls drew up a little, his cock twitching. “You’re nervous

because you’ve never bottomed before?”

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“Yeah.” Wasn’t everybody, their first time?

“I’m not cruel. It won’t hurt.” JF’s fingers were still working Jack’s cock.

“Thanks.” His body was starting to respond, prick trying to fill.

“Have you never wanted to bottom?” JF worked Jack’s slit with his thumb.

“It’s never come up.” His toes curled, legs moving restlessly. That stung, so


“You ever topped anyone?” Those fingers kept touching, pushing, not backing

off for a second.

“I fucked a guy once, but… It was a bathroom thing.”

“A bathroom thing?”

“Yeah, like in a bar? We were in the stall: quick, quick, hurry.”

“Ah…” JF shook his head. “A man needs more than the odd quickie in the


“Are you out? I mean, do people know?”

“They do.”

“Oh.” No one knew about him. No one.

“I don’t advertise or throw parades or anything, but those around me know.

Have you ever told anyone?”


“Not a single living soul?” JF looked stunned.

“I mean, I go to a bar where we’re all… that way, but… I never said it.”

“You have friends at this bar? People you get together with more than once?”

“Just the bartender. I got friends, but not there.” He was feeling uncomfortable.

“It seems… lonely.”

He shrugged, pulled his braid from under him. “It just is how it is, huh? If you

aren’t into marrying and kids.”

JF snorted. “For some men, I guess.”

“Yeah.” He wasn’t sure about this being naked and talking thing. Not at all.

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JF leaned in to kiss him again, the hand around his prick working with more

purpose now.

“I will never be just another meaningless encounter.” The words were whispered

just before JF’s lips pressed against his. His lips opened, and he found himself almost

eager for another of those kisses. JF’s tongue slipped in right away, teasing inside his

mouth. His hand found JF’s hip, anchoring himself with it. Leaning over him, JF

deepened the kiss.

Jack’s legs parted, his hips slowly rocking up into that maddening touch. A low

hum vibrated against his lips. Oh. He liked that.

“Did you know you were so sensual, Jack?”

“Hmm?” He was focused on that mouth.

JF chuckled and gave him another kiss, lips moving to take his lower one

between them and tug. Jack liked that, the pull, the little zing. Then JF let his teeth

scrape over the soft inside of his lip, but it was followed immediately by the man’s

tongue. God, he’d never guessed there were so many ways to kiss.

Everything felt so big -- his cock, his balls -- and his skin felt too tight.

“You’re going to come for me.” The soft murmurs buzzed against his skin.

How did he answer that?

It didn’t look like JF wanted an answer. The kisses resumed, deeper and harder

than ever, JF pressing him into the silk sheets. Jack started pushing back, body rocking

up into the touches. He could feel JF’s hard-on pressing against his belly as JF continued

to touch and stroke him. He let himself focus on the sensations, on the pleasure, let

himself forget the rest.

JF worked him harder, hand moving fast. He groaned, pushing into the kiss, hips

rolling furiously. Close. Fucking close. JF’s thumb pushed into his slit, nail hard,

stinging. Spunk poured from him, his balls letting loose.

JF hummed into the kiss, smiled against his lips. Jack couldn’t do more than

blink, staring into those dark eyes.

“Welcome home,” murmured JF.

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“Th… thank you.”

JF settled next to him, pulled the covers up. He blinked again, then again, eyelids

heavy. “You’ll sleep with me.” JF’s hand slid over his hip, fingers curling possessively.

“Okay. Cool.” The pressure of the day let up, left him swaying and stupid and

then, blessedly, asleep.

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Chapter Four

JF woke up slowly, fighting it every step of the way. He accepted mornings

begrudgingly, and weekends were the time he could sleep in.

He could hear slow, laborious typing from somewhere in the distance, could

smell coffee. He was in the bed on his own, though. Which was wrong, right?

Of course, his new boy was in construction and had shown signs of being tired

after eleven p.m., so he must be a morning bird.

JF got up and stretched, found his robe and slipped it on as he headed toward

the awkward sounds of the keyboard.

Jack was in his clothes from last night, cup of coffee in hand, slowly typing on

the laptop. The man’s hair was down and wild, beard bushy. He looked like a wild

thing, and JF smiled. He would have to tame the beast. “We need to go shopping.”

“Hmm? Good morning. Coffee?”

“God, yes. You figured out that machine?” He’d finally given up and usually

picked up a cup from Starbucks on his way in to work.

“Yeah. I needed a cup and didn’t have a shirt, so it wasn’t like I could go out and

buy some. How do you take it?”

“Black. Please.” He nodded at the computer on his desk. “Email?”

“Yeah. Wanted to check on my mom, turn down a job for next week.”

“You should let people know you won’t be taking jobs for the next three years or

so.” Hell, the man would have a nice chunk of change in the bank when his three years

were up. And who knew, maybe something more would have grown between them. He

already felt more for Jack than he’d expected to, closer somehow.

Jack nodded. “I wasn’t sure what to do, exactly.”

“Well, I’m not much of a morning person -- but you can always wake me with a

blow job.”

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“I… I’ll keep that in mind.” Jack stood, went to the kitchen and fetched JF a cup

of coffee.

JF sat in the easy chair near the fireplace and smiled at Jack as his coffee was

handed over. “Are you finished with the computer?” He’d have to get Jack his own

laptop. JF had a hunch he would be showering this man with gifts, little tokens of


“Yeah. I was just messing around.”

“Then you can come here with me.” He shifted, the chair more than large enough

for both of them to sit in. If they were close.

Jack looked at the chair, then carefully sat, perched on one corner. “This okay?”

“No.” He put his arm around Jack’s shoulders and tugged him in close. “This is


Jack was stiff, frowning, but JF didn’t stress it. The man would learn. He leaned

in for a kiss. Jack seemed to like them. The beard and mustache tickled JF’s lips, and the

lips underneath were silky soft.

“I’m thinking of making you shave this.” He was more interested in what Jack’s

reaction would be than in actually doing it.

“Why?” Jack’s response was quiet, lips tightening.

He shrugged easily. “I don’t usually go for men with beards.”

“I have had it since I was eighteen.”

“Why did you grow it?”

“I got a scar from a fight.”

If he hadn’t been intrigued before, he certainly was now. “Tell me more.”

“About what? The fight?”

“Yes. And your need to cover it up.” He stroked Jack’s beard.

“It was stupid. I came on to my best friend. He took offense.”

“Ouch.” That was pretty sucktastic. And explained a lot about why Jack wasn’t

out at all.

“Yeah. He had a class ring on, caught me wrong.”

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“So you thought he was gay, too?”

Jack tilted his head. “Because he had a ring on? No.”

“No, I mean you must have assumed he was gay because you came on to him.” It

wasn’t something you just did. Not in his experience, not unless you had a good, strong


“I was horny and drunk, stupid, and…” Jack looked ashamed, maybe. “I guess

that’s it. Just stupid.”

“A real best friend would have forgiven you.” How lonely for an eighteen-year-

old, to lose his best friend like that. It wasn’t any wonder Jack had never told anyone


“His position was a real man wouldn’t have touched him like that.”

“He was an asshole.” JF didn’t have time for assholes. They weren’t worth the


“Yeah. Yeah, he sort of was.” Jack grinned, eyes crinkling at the corners.

Oh, look at that smile. JF leaned in and pressed a kiss on Jack’s mouth, soft and

easy and tasting of coffee.

“What happens now? I mean, what do I do?”

“You’re my boy for three years. You please me.” It was as simple, and as

complicated, as that.

“I know, but… You can’t want blow jobs twenty-four hours a day.”

“You don’t know that. Maybe I do.” He tried to keep the corners of his lips from

twitching up.

“No one can do that. Your nuts would shrivel up like grapes.”

He laughed. “Oh, you are a delight.”

Jack went pink, but didn’t look away, didn’t flinch from him.

JF slid his hand over Jack’s cheeks, feeling the hair under his fingers. “I’ll let you

keep it. For now.” Shaving it would be a lovely punishment at some point. “You’ll have

some down time, it’s true. Though I can do a great deal of my work from home, as the

company is now running itself more or less.”

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“I don’t know what to say.”

“If you could do anything you wanted -- anything at all -- what would it be?” JF

found he wanted to know, that he wanted to indulge Jack if he could.

“Like ever? I want to travel.”

“Oh, that has potential.” They could travel the world, he and his boy, together. It

would be something, to see the world through someone else’s eyes, someone who’d

never traveled.

“Can I ask you a question, man?”

“Ask away.”

“Why did you buy somebody’s time? I mean, you’re hot, you’ve got money,

you’ve been decent to me, and you’re hung. You could have anybody for free.”

JF preened a little, admittedly pleased about the hot and hung portion of Jack’s

comments. “My last three anybodies turned out to be in it for the money. Though they

swore it was me they were interested in.”

“Oh, man. I guess that makes sense. You didn’t want someone… classier?”

His right eyebrow went up. “Classier?”

Jack’s eyebrow lifted, too. “You know… I’m a tile guy. Jeans. Beer. Football.”

“I’m more like you than you know, Jack.” He’d inherited the business, but his

father had made him work it from the ground floor up. He’d done every single menial

job going, and then some.

“Okay. I can accept that. You fine if I grab a shower?”

“I’m fine if we grab one together.” JF could tell from Jack’s wide eyes that he’d

never done that before. There were going to be a lot of firsts with this man. He was

looking forward to every one of them.

“Okay. Sure. I just… My hair.”

“Your hair? Is it shy?” He couldn’t help teasing.

“Stinky. Heavy. It needs washing.”

“I imagine I can help with that -- it doesn’t look like a one-man job.” He led Jack

toward the master bath in his suite.

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“Not really.” Jack offered him a half-grin. “I didn’t expect you to be decent.”

“I guess I need to start beating you, huh? Then I’ll stop surprising you with my

decency.” He gave Jack a wink.

“Surprises aren’t all bad.” Jack winked back.

He chuckled, nodded. “Let’s go deal with your -- how did you put it? Stinky,

heavy hair.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I… This is weird, taking a shower with a guy. I mean, where

it’s okay to spring wood.”

“Not only is it okay to spring wood, it’s kind of expected.” He slid his hand

along Jack’s ass, squeezed lightly. Damn, that was a fine ass. It was fascinating to him,

that Jack would sell three years of his life, offer a virginal body for extreme kink, and

still be so innocent.

He reached around Jack and opened the jeans, undid the zipper and began to

push the tight denim down. “Have you got anything for me in here?”

Jack’s lips parted, then closed, then opened again.

JF chuckled, sliding one hand over Jack’s prick as he tugged the jeans off with his

other hand. His own cock was showing interest in the proceedings, beginning to push

through the opening in his robe. God, Jack’s was a fine cock -- thick, fat, heavy. His.

Groaning, JF rubbed his own hard-on against Jack’s crack. Those heavy muscles

clenched, then relaxed. He hummed, burying his face in Jack’s hair. It didn’t seem

particularly stinky to him. God, he could wrap it around his cock, jack off with it.

Jack sucked in a breath, relaxing a little with his exhalation.

“Mmm. I’m going to teach you all the ways a man can fly.”

Jack nodded and JF heard him swallow.

“It’s going to be good, Jack, I can promise you that.” He wanted Jack’s adoration,

pleasure, pain only if it got them both off. And never humiliation.

“It’s been a long time since I didn’t know what to do…”

“Kind of novel, isn’t it?” he asked.


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He nudged Jack forward. “Get in the shower, pet.”

“Sure. Yeah. Sounds good.” Jack stepped forward.

“You’d do it even if it didn’t sound good.” He stepped forward, too, and

smacked the lovely ass.

Jack went stiff, but didn’t say anything, just stepped into the water.

“There is going to be spanking, Jack. And ropes, and nipple clamps, and

probably a whip or two. Spreader bars. Lots and lots of anal sex.” Jack would love it all,

and the stuff he didn’t, they wouldn’t try a second time.

Jack nodded, face hidden by that long hair.

“No hiding from me, Jack.”

Jack nodded again.

JF let the robe fall from his shoulders and stepped into the shower stall as well,

pushing up close against Jack. Jack stuck his head under the water, hair going dark. JF

grabbed the shampoo and poured a bunch into his hand, then began soaping the lovely

mass up. “I want to come with this wrapped around my prick.”

“What?” JF thought maybe Jack had never even considered it.

“This is like silk when it’s dry. It’ll feel amazing around my prick.” Shocking this

man was going to become his favorite pastime, JF was sure of it. “You’re going to wrap

it around my cock and jack me with it. It’s going to feel so good.”


Sweet. God, what a gasp. “Does the idea shock you?” He let go of Jack’s hair for

a moment to slide his hand over Jack’s belly, moving downward and briefly soaping up

the thick cock.


“Good. We’re going to have to do it, then. Soon.” He let go of Jack’s cock and

rubbed his hands through Jack’s hair, soaping it up. He scrubbed hard, Jack relaxing

into the touch. He rubbed Jack’s scalp, too, making a massage of it.

“Oh…” Jack moaned, head falling back.

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“I guess you’ve never had anyone do this for you, either.” Touching of all sorts

by another man had to be new. It was arousing, thinking he’d be Jack’s first in even

simple things.

“Just when I get it trimmed, but that’s not this.”

No, he didn’t imagine so. “No, and your hairdresser isn’t going to come in it,


If Jack blushed any more, his skin was going to be permanently dark.

JF pushed Jack’s hair out of the way and rubbed his shoulders. “It’ll be hot,


“I’m…” Jack stopped, took a deep breath. “I’ll figure this out.”

JF hoped not, at least for a while. “Don’t worry about it, Jack. As long as you’re

here, we’re good.” And at the moment they were very good.

“I’m here.”

He watched Jack swallow.

“I know. And I get to push.” He stepped closer, his prick rubbing over Jack’s ass.

He loved how the strong muscles jerked and twitched. “Such a sexy boy.”

He felt Jack tense against him.

“Get used to the compliments, pet. I give them out to my good boys.”

“I’m not a boy.”

The tiny challenge made JF’s cock jerk. “You’re my boy.” He reached around and

grabbed Jack’s prick, squeezing it. Jack went up on tiptoe, hips jerking restlessly. “You

need to come, boy? Are you going to ask nicely for it?”

“I… What?”

“I asked if you need to come? Is that what the problem is?”

“I don’t. Fuck. I need to. Where’s the damn soap?”

He bit back his chuckles. “No, you’re not in charge in here. I’ll wash you when

I’m good and ready.” There was something very sexy about out-of-his-depth Jack.

Jack growled under his breath, muscles clenching, but his boy didn’t move away.

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“Good boy.” He stroked Jack’s prick in reward. “Now, tell me what it is you

think you need to do?”

“I don’t know what to do next. This is weird.”

“You just need to do what I tell you. I want you to feel and experience everything

I do.” He began to rock again, sliding his cock along Jack’s crack, jacking the heavy


The wet, hot flesh felt amazing against JF’s cock, Jack’s thick prick in his hand

even better. “I’m going to make you come for me, Jack, then I’m going to take you to

bed and pop your cherry.” He was glad now that he hadn’t last night.

He kept jacking Jack, and he laughed at the thought before scraping his teeth

along Jack’s shoulder. Jack stumbled forward a half step. JF pulled Jack back against

him. That muscled strength pressed against his chest.

“Mmm. Love your strength, Jack. It’s such a turn-on.” He hadn’t expected it to

make him as hard as it did. It was a nice surprise.

“I work hard.”

“You’ll have to start working out.” No way was he letting Jack continue working

construction over the next three years. Of course, the things he had in mind were quite a

workout in themselves.

“I can do that.”

“I’m sure you can.” He kept tugging, added a little flick of his thumb across the

head. Jack’s prick leaked, body jerking.

“Sweet. I’m going to fill this one day, this sweet little hole, and fuck it. Make you

scream with pleasure.”

“What? What, that… that’s impossible.”

This time he did laugh. He was going to have to think of the most perverse

things to say to Jack. “There are many things you think aren’t possible but that most

assuredly are.” He pressed his thumb harder against that sweet little slit.

Jack grunted, prick swelling in JF’s hand. He nodded knowingly and reached

around with his other hand, cupping Jack’s balls. Heavy and fat, low hanging and full,

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the sensitive orbs settled in his palm. He rolled them in their sacs and cupped them

again, his other hand working that fat prick as hard as he could.

“I… Fuck. Oh, fuck… Man, that’s…”

It was sir. Soon Jack would have to remember. He squeezed Jack’s prick and his

balls together. “You may call me ‘sir,’ Jack, remember?”

Jack stilled, even stopped breathing.

JF didn’t move either, didn’t tighten either hand. He didn’t let go, though. “Let’s

hear you say it.”

Jack’s muscles tightened, and the growled out “Sir” was the hottest thing JF had

ever heard.

“Fuck, yeah.” JF began jacking again, easing his touch on Jack’s balls.

Jack swallowed hard, face to the spray.

“Come on, pet. Give it up for me.” He nudged the beautiful ass with his cock.

Jack’s fingers wrapped around his, moving him faster, squeezing tighter.

“Needy boy,” he whispered, his prick sliding along Jack’s crack.

Jack’s cheeks clenched around him. JF squeezed harder, stroked faster. He

wanted in there, damn it. He heard Jack’s soft cry just before heat sprayed over his


“Yes.” He kept jacking the hard prick, pulling every ounce of pleasure out of the


“Oh…” Jack groaned, hips still moving restlessly.

“Lovely.” He kissed Jack’s earlobe. “Now we’ll dry you off, and I’ll make love to


“Lovely.” Jack’s voice was rough as a cob.

“Uh-huh. That was… You are…”

He bit Jack’s shoulder and then moved around the man to turn off the water.

Jack stepped out of the shower, passed him a towel. He took it and started rubbing

Jack’s beautiful abs. Smooth, shaved abs. Ripped abs. He moved the towel up to the

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man’s pecs before leaning in and taking the right nipple between his lips. Soon these

would be pierced with tiny little barbells. Next it would be that fantastic prick.

Humming, he drew Jack out of the bathroom and back toward his bedroom. Jack

followed him, staying close. He got Jack back in the bed and took himself another kiss,

his cock hard as rocks in anticipation.

Jack’s hands landed on his hips, his thighs, his waist, looking for a place to light.

“You can touch me anywhere, Jack.” He would let Jack know if he stepped

wrong. One hand settled on his hip, the other on the swell of his biceps.

JF went back to kissing, to rubbing against Jack’s solid body. It didn’t take long

for Jack to begin to respond to him, for the kisses to become heady. He slowly let Jack

take his weight, pressing down against the hot, hard body. His cock slid on Jack’s damp

skin, knowing exactly what it wanted.

“Gonna pop your cherry, pet.” He was going to make Jack love it.

“Just get it over with. I’m so fucking nervous.”

“So I should just ram it up your ass and make you take it? Is that what you’re

suggesting?” He would bet being nervous wasn’t something Jack was used to at all. He

would bet that Jack didn’t like it one little bit.

“I don’t know.” Jack laughed, the sound uncomfortable. “I just don’t fucking

know, man.”

“Well, I’m running the show, pet, so just lie back and let me.”

Jack nodded, eyes closing.

He started kissing again. Jack liked the kisses. JF kept them steady, deep, not

letting either of them think too much. His hand started moving, sliding over Jack’s skin.

Seducing the man.

Jack pushed into his fingers eventually, soft sounds blending into their kisses. He

slid his hand between Jack’s thighs, encouraging Jack to spread his legs. He settled

between them, let Jack cradle him. His prick rubbed against Jack’s, their balls pressed


“Hot.” Jack grunted the word into JF’s lips.

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He nodded and sawed his hips, his prick sliding on Jack. “Just wait, it gets


“Okay. Okay, yeah. Better.” Jack’s eyes rolled.

JF shifted enough to push his hand down, fingers sliding on the skin beyond

Jack’s balls.

“Oh.” Jack shifted, breath hitching.

“Easy now,” he murmured, gentling Jack as if the man were a wild animal. He

was going to make this so good that Jack begged for more. JF slid his finger across the

heated, wrinkled flesh, barely brushing the tightly clenched opening. A virgin. Fuck,

that was worth the price of admission. He kept his finger right there, watching Jack’s

face as his finger slid back and forth over the man’s hot hole. It was like heaven, feeling

every jerk and twitch of the tiny hole.

He swallowed down his need to push in and pound away at Jack and ignored his

prick in favor of concentrating on making Jack a little crazy with his touches to Jack’s

hole. He tapped, teased, pushed against without actually slipping inside. He would

tease until Jack begged for more.

Grabbing the lube with his free hand, he stopped toying with Jack’s hole long

enough to slick his fingers up. Then he returned them to the hot crack and began

teasing in earnest. It must have been cold, because Jack arched, pushed into him.

“I’m right here.” He met Jack’s eyes and gave the man a gentle smile.

Jack nodded, leaned up and kissed him, once, quickly. JF hummed happily and

bent for another kiss, putting a little pressure against Jack’s hole now as he stroked it.

He pressed a little, in rhythm, tongue and finger, teasing, making Jack feel it.

It wasn’t until the man was writhing beneath him that he pushed the very tip of

his finger into Jack’s body, making that little hole begin to stretch for him. Slow and

sweet, Jack spread the tiniest bit, letting him in.

He pulled his finger away and then pressed it in the barest bit again, doing it

over and over to get Jack accustomed to the intrusion. And to get him to want it. It took

time, but Jack started pushing back into the touch, riding it.

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“I knew you’d take to this like a duck to water.”

“I… What the fuck does a man say to that?”

“How about ‘Yes, sir, more please, sir’.” He grinned at Jack.

Jack nodded. “Right. Okay. Yeah.”

He laughed softly. “That didn’t sound like ‘More please, sir’ to me.” He pulled

his hand away to add more lube.

“Sorry. Sorry. More, please.”

JF’s mouth quirked in a half smile. “Where’s my sir, pet?”

“Sir. This is all so…” JF waited for the word Jack was going to choose. “… new?”

“It is. But you’ll learn. You’ll learn to ‘sir’ me, and you’ll learn to love every little

thing we do.” He squeezed more lube onto his fingers and pressed them against Jack’s

hole, one after the other, teasing again. He had to admit, he hoped it took a while for

Jack to learn. There were so many games to play, so many punishments to explore.

He pushed one finger slowly in all the way. He could see Jack’s muscles tighten

as the man tried to process the sensations, the intrusion. He wriggled his finger around.

Jack’s hole clenched.

“You feel that, Jack?” He wriggled his finger again.

“Yeah. I do.”

“Is it good?”

“It’s weird.”

He tried not to chuckle and instead slowly worked in a second finger -- he’d

show Jack weird. Jack moaned, legs spreading restlessly.

“Easy, pet.” He worked that second finger in and curled both slightly, grinning

as he nudged Jack’s gland.

“Fuck.” Jack’s ass rippled around his fingers, those eyes going wide.

“Yes. Exactly.” He hit Jack’s gland again. Then again.

Every time Jack jumped, JF smiled and nudged that spot one more time. Then he

stopped, waiting for his pet to ask for more. He pressed a kiss to Jack’s jaw and looked

into the wild eyes. Those big blue eyes were dazed, drugged with need.

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“You want more, pet?”


“Good boy.” He let his fingers slide away and added more slick before pushing

three fingers in past the tight little ring.

Jack stiffened, lips parting, heels digging into the mattress.

“Relax, pet. The more tense you are, the harder it’ll be to take me.” He kept

wriggling his fingers, slowly moving them in.

“Full.” Jack’s body kept trying to pull away.

He wouldn’t let Jack go, though, wouldn’t let the man run away from this. “Full

of me. You’ll be fuller when it’s my prick.” His very hard, very needy prick. He wanted

in his boy, badly. And soon.

Jack’s answer was a low cry, a squeeze.

He worked his fingers in far enough to push against that sweet little gland again.

Oh, hell yes. Jack’s muscles fluttered around him, jerking and tugging at his fingers. He

smiled into Jack’s face, looking right into the man’s eyes as he first spread his fingers,

stretching Jack open, and then hit that little spot again.

“Please. I… Fuck!” Jack looked like he was about to bolt.

He grabbed one of Jack’s hands. “Grab the headboard, pet.”

Jack reached without hesitation, eyes huge.

“Good boy.” He let his fingers slide away and moved to kneel between Jack’s

legs. He stroked the shaved belly, brought the heavily muscled legs over his thighs. “It’s

gonna be so good, pet.”

He covered his prick with a rubber and moved so the head kissed Jack’s hole.

Jack’s eyes were squeezed shut, the muscles in his arms shaking violently.

“Open your eyes,” he said softly. Jack turned his face toward one muscled arm.

JF pushed a little with his prick, not yet stretching the tight little hole. “I said open your


“I’m fucking trying.”

“Hiding your face against your arm isn’t trying very hard.”

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“It’s trying hard enough.” Those amazing eyes met his, flashing.

“There you are.” He held that gaze as he slowly pushed into the tightest fucking

ass he’d felt in a long time. Maybe ever.

Jack stiffened, breath actually stopping.

“I have you.” He pushed a little deeper.

“It’s big.”

“Thank you.” He gave Jack a wink.

Jack tried to chuckle, but it was weak, breathless.

He leaned in and licked Jack’s lips, then he pushed in a little more. A low

keening sound left Jack and he reached down, fingers working the man’s flagging cock.

“Keep your eyes on mine, pet. Don’t look away.” He slid his thumb across Jack’s slit.

“Pet?” Jack’s ass gripped his cock at his touch.

“I was wondering when you were going to notice that.” He took a deep breath

and pushed in a little deeper still. He thought it suited Jack, to the bone. His Pet. His no

longer a virgin Pet. “You’re tight. Hot. You feel amazing, pet.”


He nodded and rocked forward, filling Jack just that little bit more. “I’m not in

all the way yet. You’ll see how much better it’ll be.”

He let Jack get a deep breath, and then pulled back before rocking forward. They

did that a few more times together, and then suddenly there he was, all the way in,

buried to the hilt, his hips snug up against Jack’s ass. He could feel every single move of

Jack’s body, rippling and rocking around his prick.

He had to close his eyes and count to twenty to keep from coming right then and


“Oh, fuck. Fuck.” Jack was panting, rocking into him.

“Sweet fucking man.” He began to really move, pushing into Jack again and


“Oh, shit. Burns.”

“Breathe through it, pet. It gets better. It gets amazing.”

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“Trying. Oh, fuck. Trying.”

“You’re doing great.” He slid in and out, moving slowly.

“Thank you.” Those little praises, little boosts, seemed to matter to his pet.

“And you feel so good. Like heaven.” He kept moving, knowing that soon the

burn would ease, would turn into pleasure.

That tight grip began to relax.

“Mmm… yeah.” He moved faster, pushed in harder.

Soon Jack was meeting his thrusts, ass sheathing his prick.

“Yes, yes.” He began to chant the word as he thrust into Jack’s ass. No one else

would ever have this ass first. No one. It felt so fucking good. So tight. So hot. So his. He

reached out, fingers tangling in Jack’s hair. Groaning, he moved harder, faster,

beginning to really push into his boy’s ass. Jack’s ass clung to his prick, slid along his

length. “So good, Jack. Can you feel how good it is?”

“Full. Fuck, I’m full.” Yes, JF could tell Jack felt how good it was -- that sweet

cock was full, dark red, liquid need dripping onto that ripped belly. JF wrapped his

hand around it, thumb smearing the hot drops over the head before he started stroking.

“Uhn!” Jack’s hands left the headboard, fingers almost bruising as he grabbed

JF’s upper arms.

He stroked hard and fast, his hips moving like he was heading for home. “Come

on. Come on, pet. Come on my cock, show me how much you want it.” He growled the

sounds into Jack’s ear, deep and low.

His hips kept pistoning, shoving deep into Jack again and again. When his prick

found Jack’s gland, Jack’s body jerked, spunk spraying from his needy cock.

“Yes! Oh, fuck!” He stayed buried deep, letting the movements of Jack’s ass, the

way it clamped down on his cock, push him over the edge. He filled the condom, body

jerking in even deeper as he did.

Jack’s fingers dug into his arms, hard enough to bruise, hard enough to burn,

Jack holding onto him like he didn’t ever want to let go.

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JF collapsed onto Jack and nuzzled the man’s neck. “Easy now, Jack. It’s good.

You’re good.”

Jack gasped, nodded, swallowed hard.

“You’re good, Jack. And that’s just the beginning.” He bit his pet’s bottom lip,

hard enough to sting, and brought the long arms back up to the headboard. “Just the


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Sean Michael

Often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while still striving

for the moniker of “Maurice,” Sean Michael spends his days surfing, smutting,

organizing his immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a

small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast

amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours

between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the Kama Sutra by channeling the long lost

spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to “Chicago.”

A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn

the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.

Barring any of that? He’ll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing

pretty bodies together to see if they spark.

Check out his webpage at


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