Sean Michael Shibari Auction House 3 Ben

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Shibari Auction House: Ben

Sean Michael

All rights reserved.

Copyright ©2012 Sean Michael

BIN: 05799-01859

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Changeling Press LLC
315 N. Centre St.

Martinsburg, WV 25404

Editor: Katriena Knights
Cover Artist: Reneé George

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Shibari Auction House: Ben

Sean Michael

Three years ago Ben ran from what he and Lukas could become. Is he ready for more


Hurt in the past, Ben doesn’t like subbing for the same man more than once. Three
years ago, he let Master Lukas buy him over multiple evenings, only to cut and run

when he felt himself beginning to fall for the perceptive and handsome Master.
Returning to the Shibari Auction House stage, is he ready to pick up where he and

Master Lukas left off? Is Lukas? Only time will tell.

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Chapter One

Ben looked at himself in the mirror, straightened his hair, his tie, and headed out

to the auction floor.

No one fluffed him.

No one primped him.

He was who he was, and if someone wanted a night of his time, his skill, they

could pay for it.

One night. One chance. In years, he’d only agreed to repeat engagements with

one man, and Ben wasn’t one hundred percent sure that hadn’t been a mistake. Hell, he

didn’t even know if Master Lukas was still a member of the Shibari Auction House.

And if he was, that didn’t mean the man was in attendance.

And it didn’t mean Master Lukas would bid on him. Again.

Yves, the auction house manager, gave him a smile at the curtain and mouthed,


Ben winked and strode in, dressed in Dolce and Gabbana, knowing how good he

looked. He knew how to work the catwalk, how to make the masters drool for him.

The big screen at the end of the runway showed the first bid. A thousand dollars.

Not a bad start for one night. He could get better. He was worth it. He stood, knowing

his credentials were being shown.

The bids rose rapidly, quickly hitting ten thousand dollars. Fucking A. For a

night. A night with him, no holds barred. He’d take a week off from bartending, just to


The bid moved up to eleven thousand, and then twenty-five thousand flashed.

Twenty-five thousand. Holy fuck. Ben blinked; he couldn’t believe it. It simply was


The bidding stopped there, the clock counting down the last few seconds. He

stood there, stunned, even as the clock ran out. So much, just for him. Just for one night.

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The bidding closed, the winner’s number flashing for a moment, and the lights

changed. Yves looked around the curtain and nodded for him to come back into the

staging area.

Twenty-five thousand dollars. Jesus.

Yves shook his hand. “A very nice result, Ben.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Do you think it was a mistake?”

“Absolutely not. There were quite a few bidders who came just for you tonight.”

His cheeks heated. “Thank you for saying so.”

“If you’re ready, I’ll show you to your room and bring in the winning bidder

once everything is signed.”

“Of course. I know the drill. I can find my way.” Ben kissed Yves’ cheek. “Thank


“You’re always welcome here, Benny. You’re good business.”

“I am.” He winked and headed down the hall, using the facilities and having a

long drink of water while he waited. Twenty-five thousand dollars. The money hadn’t

been the only reason he’d come back, but it was definitely a part of it, and the night had

already proved to be fruitful, like whoa, in that department.

The knock came at the door and it opened, revealing his highest bidder. Master



His cock throbbed, filling at the sight.

Master Lukas was the one man who’d bought him more than once. Maybe the

reason why he’d stopped coming here. And possibly the main reason why he’d come


“Master.” His eyes trailed over the amazing body.

Lukas was tall and broad -- the man had muscles that just wouldn’t quit and

dark, intense eyes beneath warm brown curls. The man smiled at him. “I could hardly

believe my eyes when I saw you were back.”

Ben couldn’t help returning the smile. “It’s good to see you, Sir.”

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“And you. Even if you are overdressed.” Lukas gave him a wink. In all their

nights together, Lukas had never allowed him to wear clothes once the scene began.

“Yes, Sir. Would you like to begin now?” He was ready, eager even.

“Yes. I don’t want to waste a moment of our time together.”

“Of course, Sir.” He unfastened his tie, his cufflinks and found a hanger for his

suit jacket.

Lukas’ gaze never left him.

His shirt went next, then his undershirt. Shoes, socks. Slacks.

“Mmm. You still have it, boy.”

He stripped off his boxer briefs, carefully folded and hanged everything, then

turned to face Lukas. He knew his body was toned, tanned, his nipples pierced with

tiny gold rings, his pubes carefully trimmed so that the black curls just crowned his


Lukas made a noise that made every push-up Ben had ever done worth it. He

stood, proud and as tall as his frame would let him. Lukas walked slowly around him.

One hand dragged along his belly, then his back. Ben didn’t react, allowing Lukas to

admire, touch, explore.

The walk-around ended with Lukas right in front of him, and all he could smell

was leather from the tight pants Lukas wore. “On your knees, Ben.”

“Yes, Sir.” He moved gracefully, the action familiar, easy. Right.

Lukas opened his leathers, the man’s thick prick just like Ben remembered. “You

want it?”

“Yes, Sir.” It didn’t matter if he did or not -- he was being well paid -- but the fact

was, he wanted. Lukas was hung, clean and tasted good. The fat cock stretched Ben’s

lips and Lukas knew him, knew how to face-fuck him.

Lukas’ big hands dropped to Ben’s head, sliding through his hair. Ben opened,

leaning into Lukas’ touch.

“God, your mouth is the hottest thing ever.”

His tongue flicked out, dragged over the slit to gather Lukas’ taste.

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“Fuck. Yes.” Lukas’ hands tightened momentarily, tugging on his hair.

Ben pushed harder, tongue pointed. Lukas’ moan sounded good; the way the

man thrust into his mouth felt even better. Ben let his eyes close, focusing on Lukas and

the man’s pleasure. The hard cock slid on his tongue, pushed deep into his mouth. He

moaned around it, let his lips fasten on it and pull as he swallowed.

Lukas’ fingers wrapped tighter around his skull, and the man began to fuck his

mouth. All Ben could do was relax, accept, and take Lukas in, swallowing as the tip

sank into his throat. A low moan accompanied that movement, and he knew it wouldn’t

be long now.

No one wanted him like Lukas -- it was heady, amazing. Wonderful.

“Soon, boy.” It was the only warning he got, and a moment later his mouth was

flooded with Lukas’ come.

Ben swallowed hard, pulling out each pulse, not losing a drop. The hands

holding his head moved, cupped his face instead, Lukas stroking his cheeks. His eyes

stayed shut as he cleaned Lukas’ sweet cock.

“That’s a very nice start, Ben. I’d forgotten just how good you are at that.”

He hummed in response, letting Lukas feel him.

A shudder went through Lukas. “Mmm. We’re going to have an amazing night.”

He nodded. Of course they were. They always did. Always.

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Chapter Two

Luke gazed down at Ben, stroking the man’s cheeks. He’d been surprised to see

Ben’s name on the docket for tonight -- surprised, but delighted. Ben had been a regular

several years ago, and they’d spent a half dozen nights enjoying each other’s company.

Now Ben was back.

Luke didn’t question it, he’d just put down his money and was going to spend

the next twelve hours blowing Ben’s mind. Longer if he could wrangle it.

Everyone knew Ben had done a single long contract that had ended poorly

before he’d begun auctioning off his time at Shibari, just like everyone knew that Ben

was the consummate sub -- totally controlled, balanced, obedient.

Classy, elegant, compact -- Luke wanted the man pushed over the edge. And he

wanted to be the one to do it. He wanted more than that, much more, but he would take

one night at a time, even if he wanted many, many more.

“Hungry, boy?” He had a nice, sensual dinner planned. He was seducing the

man with every tactic he had.

“Thank you, Sir.” That was a non-answer answer.

“Thank you?” Lukas let one of his eyebrows go up as he tucked himself back into

his leathers, shifting his cock so it was comfortable before doing them up.

“Yes, Sir.” Ben’s face was a study in peace.

“For what?”

“Pardon me?”

“You said ‘thank you, Sir’ and I want to know what you were thanking me for.”

He wanted all of Ben. No pat answers for him.

Ben’s eyes met his for a long minute. “Asking me if I was hungry.”

Luke’s eyebrow went back up. Ben shivered, held his gaze. Ben tried so hard not

to get attached, to keep his emotions out of it. “And are you?” he asked again.


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“Yes, Sir.” How Ben fought not to give anything away.

“I ordered a feast for us.” He remembered from past encounters all the things

Ben liked best.

Ben smiled, nodded, clearly having his center back. “Of course. Are they

bringing a table here?”

“Nope. Just the food. We’ll sit on the floor and you can feed us both.” Ben would

appreciate it more, having to work for every bite.

“Yes, Sir.” Ben went to the low sofa, pulled out a cushion for him, then offered

him a questioning look.

“It’ll be here momentarily. While we wait, you can tell me why you returned to

the auction block.” He was determined. He would get Ben to open up to him.

“It was time.”

“I’m glad.” He sat and patted the cushion next to him.

Ben sank down next to him, so graceful, so in control of his own body. “Thank

you, Sir.”

Luke admired the toned body, his prick jerking in his leathers. Ben had a way of

making him need, just by breathing.

Ben was half-hard, focused on him, an island of control. God, he wanted to break

that control, to make Ben beg for it, for him. He wanted to see Ben’s need in every line

of that magnificent body.

There was a knock at the door and he called out, “Come in.”

Three servers dressed in black formalwear came in with silver, dome-covered

platters, a bottle of wine, glasses. Yves ran a very efficient ship.

“Lay them out in front of us. My boy will serve.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The plates were spread out before them, the smells filling the room despite the

covers. When it was all neatly set down, the serving boys bowed and left, door closing

quietly behind them, leaving them in intimate privacy once again.

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“Go ahead, see what they’ve brought us.” He knew, of course, as he’d ordered it,

but it would be fun for Ben to discover the foods he loved.

“Yes, Sir. It smells lovely.”

Ben opened up bacon-wrapped shrimp, prosciutto and melon, stuffed

mushrooms -- plate after plate of luscious, delicious finger foods. Luke knew from past

experience that the dishes would each be exquisite.

“Now pick your very favorite and feed it to me.”

Ben chose a piece of shrimp -- and Luke loved that it was the best piece from the

plate -- and carefully offered it to him. He leaned in, taking it from Ben’s fingers with

his mouth, lips lingering on Ben’s warm skin.

Ben smiled all the way up to the eyes. Something in Luke’s belly went tight at

that, warmed him all the way through.

“Now one for yourself.” His voice was husky, betraying his arousal.

Again, Ben picked another piece of shrimp, humming over the bite. Luke

watched the entire time, managing not to groan as Ben licked his fingers clean. He was

sure that had to be illegal in most states.

“Now my favorite -- feed me one of those brie-and-fig crackers.” He didn’t

bother to clear his throat, happy to let Ben hear how affected he was.

“Oh, those are lovely. The fig is sweet.”

Ben chose the most perfect bite, held it to his lips. This time he licked Ben’s

fingers first and then took the morsel. Sweet and salty, soft and crisp, all at once. He slid

his fingers along Ben’s belly, enjoying that more than the absolutely delicious food.

Ben’s ab muscles jerked and rolled, shifting under his touch.

Humming, Luke grabbed one of the brie-and-fig crackers and raised it to Ben’s

lips. Ben opened, nibbled half the cracker with a sensual little sound. Luke traced Ben’s

lips with his free fingers, then licked his own.

“Another, Sir?”

“I want something sweet this time.” He paused there and gave Ben a heated

look. “From your mouth.”

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Picking up the melon and ham, Ben carefully held it between his lips. Luke

pressed their lips together and scooped the treat into his own mouth with his tongue.

The salt and sweet were great together, made even better by the flavor of Ben himself.

Ben’s cock filled, firming proudly between the man’s thighs. Taking in a quick

breath, Luke licked his lips at the sight.

“More, boy. Keep feeding me.” They would need to eat well because he was

planning on going all night long.

They nibbled, Ben scooting closer and touching him throughout the meal. He

returned the favor, reacquainting himself with the lovely warm skin, the toned muscles.

Relearning where Ben liked to be touched and the sounds the man made as he became

slowly, deliciously aroused. Ben chuckled once or twice at a joke he told, relaxed and

easy next to him.

Even after several years apart, they fit together like hand-in-glove and Luke

knew, suddenly and clearly, that he’d work hard to make sure Ben didn’t disappear for

another three or four years after tonight. This was more than just wanting to affect Ben,

to make Ben need. Luke needed to do it. And surely Ben would want to explore this

spark between them?

Luke pushed the trays aside and took Ben’s mouth, licking until the only taste

there was the flavor of Ben himself. Ben moaned for him, soft sounds slipping into his

lips proving the man’s hunger. He slid his fingers through Ben’s hair, opening his

mouth wider.

He wanted this attention, this need -- he wanted it daily, permanently. And not

just from anyone, from some random sub, but from Ben.

His hand wandered, moving to find one of Ben’s nipples. Pierced and tight, the

little bit of flesh begged for attention. He touched the ring first, fingers tugging at it. Ben

hummed, relaxing for him. He let go of the ring to take the nipple itself between his

fingers and twisted it. The lean body went tight, moved against him, arched.

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“So responsive.” It was one of his favorite things about Ben; the man never made

you guess if he was enjoying himself or not. He might keep his emotions in control, but

his physical reactions were offered up to his master.

“I don’t find it effective to lie.”

“And you’re a very sensual man. It’s sexy and arousing.”

“Thank you, Sir. I try.”

He rumbled his approval and took another kiss, his fingers moving to pinch

Ben’s other nipple. He pulled and tugged, twisted, looking for a response. The left

nipple was clearly more sensitive than the right. He’d forgotten that. It would look

amazing with a second ring, one behind the first.

“I want to decorate you.” The words were out of his mouth before he could even

think about it.


“You’d look beautiful with more piercings.”

“More?” Ben chuckled, smiled. “Where?”

“Another ring on this nipple.” He touched the spot.

“It wouldn’t fit.” That sweet nipple went tight as hell.

Luke rubbed it with his thumb. “It would.”

Ben shook his head, tongue flicking out to wet the sweet lips. “Maybe.”

“I could prove it to you -- take you to get it done.” And he wanted that,

suddenly, sharply, like an ache.

“I… I’m yours for another twelve hours.”

“Then we’ll have to see about adding to the jewelry tomorrow.” It was as good

as done.

Ben looked speechless. Luke liked that.

“But tonight, now that we’ve eaten, we’re going to make you come so hard.”

“We are?”

“Well… I am.” He gave Ben a wink.

Ben chuckled. “Yes, Sir. Or I could pleasure you.”

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“You already have.”

Ben looked slightly unnerved.

“We’ll start in here. I made sure your favorite paddle was included in the toy

chest we were supplied with.”

“My favorite paddle? You remember?” Definitely unnerved.

“I remember everything about you, Ben.”

Ben’s cheeks went bright red. “I should clean up.”

“No. They’ve got people to do that. We’re going to move to the bench in the

alcove.” This was the room where they’d spent their first night together, and he’d

requested it each time he’d bought another night of Ben’s time.

“Yes, Sir.”

Luke would bet good money Ben remembered that, too.

They stood and he followed Ben toward the alcove, admiring the tight ass. He

really needed to get rid of the leathers; his cock was hard enough again that it was

uncomfortable in the tight pants.

Ben moved like a dream, slow and slinky. That wasn’t helping him find room in

his leather pants at all. He watched the line of inked claw marks along Ben’s ass and

lower back move and shift as Ben moved. It was still the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

“Get the paddle out of the chest and bring it to me.” The huskiness of his voice

no doubt betrayed his arousal, but he had no problem letting Ben know how much the

man turned him on. Just the fact that he kept paying Ben for it had to be sign enough.

“Yes, Sir.” Ben bent for him, the tiny set of rings behind the man’s balls glinting.

Luke popped the top button of his leathers again, ready to let his cock have some

room to show his appreciation.

Ben brought him the leather-covered paddle, handed it over. He took it in his

hand and rubbed his palm over it. There were bumps in the paddle, so it would hit with

uneven force. Ben would have to feel each and every blow. There wouldn’t be the

ability to center, to ignore.

He nodded to the bench. “Over it, boy. I’m going to warm your ass.”

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“Yes, Sir.” One day, Ben would call him something else, something personal.

Luke rubbed Ben’s ass with the paddle, knowing it would make Ben anticipate

what was coming. He let one hand rest on the small of Ben’s back, heavy, solid.

“No touching yourself. I’m going to make you come just from this paddling.”

“I wouldn’t! I have better control than that!”

“You have wonderful control. I’m better.”

“I disagree, Sir.”

Oh, that was a blatant challenge. This was his opportunity. “Would you like to

make a wager on that?”


“Let’s make a little bet. If you don’t come from the paddling, you win.”

“I win what?” Ben’s ass wiggled at him.

“What do you want? I already know what I want when you come just from the

paddling.” He knew exactly what he wanted. What he was going to have.

“I won’t. I want you to get your nipples pierced instead of me.”

He chuckled. It was a moot point -- he was winning this bet. “Done. And when

you come, I get another night.”


“That confident, are you?” He rubbed Ben’s ass with his hand.

“Yes, Sir. I am.”

He leaned over Ben and murmured into the man’s ear. “So am I.”

Luke felt Ben swallow his moan.

Smiling, Luke rubbed himself against Ben’s ass as he stood. Ben bent, stretching

over the bench, offering himself up.

“Spread your legs a little.” He snapped the back of Ben’s thighs with his fingers.

“Yes, Sir.” This time it was almost -- almost -- a growl.

As Ben spread, Luke reached between the man’s legs and rolled the heavy balls.

Ben went up on tiptoe, toes curling.

“You like that?” He ran one finger past those pretty balls, rubbing Ben’s cock.

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“Is there a man on earth that doesn’t? You have a lovely touch.”

He could admit it -- Ben’s words made him preen a little. “And I’m going to

make you come.”

“Just from the paddle. You made the rules.”

He chuckled. “Hedging your bets?”

“You made the rules, Sir.”

“Yes, boy. I did.” He stepped back and raised the paddle, letting it come down.

Ben grunted, hands wrapping around the legs of the bench.

“Beautiful,” said Luke. He brought the paddle down again.

The fine-grained skin went white, then flushed pink, the little marks a deeper

rose. God, Ben was fucking beautiful.

Luke rubbed that spot with his fingers. Ben sighed, glutes tightening. Luke

hummed and brought the paddle down a few more times, using the bumps and lumps

to keep the pressure changing. He made sure he changed his rhythm, alternating the

strength of his blows.

He started giving the odd swat to the tops of Ben’s thighs, knowing here was

where Ben’s sweet spot was. Ben’s body responded to each swat, thighs tightening.

“I love watching you dance to my paddle, boy. It’s so sexy.”

Oh, look at Ben blush.

“You’ve got such sensitive skin. Especially right here.” He popped the paddle

along Ben’s right upper thigh.

Ben actually jerked, went up on tiptoe. Oh, yes, now they were getting

somewhere. He rubbed the edge of the paddle along the abused flesh. Was that a hiss?

He was pretty sure it was.

Smiling, he smacked Ben’s right ass cheek a few times, almost evenly enough to

be a rhythm. When he saw Ben begin to relax into it, he switched. The trick was to keep

Ben on his toes, keep him wanting more. Get the man off-balance.

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Luke was extremely well motivated -- he wanted another night. In fact, he

wanted many. He thought Ben wanted the same thing. He knew Ben was scared. He

understood, but it was time to see what new things they could discover. Together.

Why else would Ben have come back?

He found that spot on Ben’s upper thigh again, letting the paddle play there for a

few swats. He saw all those muscles tense, then relax. He pressed the edge of the paddle

along Ben’s crack. Ben’s head shot up, a sharp moan sounding. His own moan

answered. Ben was sexy, and when he did something that wasn’t controlled it was

hotter than hell.

“Spread yourself for me.”


“Did you not hear me?” He knew Ben had. His command had simply surprised

the man. Ben groaned and he swatted again, hard. “Do it, boy.”

Trembling hands reached back, spread those reddened cheeks, exposing the tiny


“Very nice.” He pressed the edge of the paddle against Ben’s hole, rubbed

against it.

Ben’s breath hitched. Tomorrow night he would get the crop and whip that little

hole, make Ben beg for it. He smacked Ben across the middle of his ass with the paddle,

narrowly missing Ben’s hands. He did it a few more times before rubbing the edge of

the paddle along Ben’s crack and hole again. He heard the breathless moan, saw Ben’s

ass clench.

He would win this bet, and then they could spend the rest of the night playing,

fucking, knowing they had another night together. Then he would take Ben home, get

that nipple pierced again, and find a bet for another day.

Opening his zipper, he let his cock have a little more room inside his leathers.

Then he began to paddle Ben’s ass again, bringing the color up from a light rose. Ben

moaned as the spanking started again, and Luke smiled. Yes, sweet sub. Feel me.

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He worked Ben hard, not stopping until Ben was rocking into each hit and

moaning almost non-stop. Then he ran the edge of the paddle up Ben’s crack again,

pressing against that sweet hole. Ben’s body shuddered, a deep flush covering the

man’s back. So close.

He walked slowly around Ben, letting the man see his need, smell his leaking

prick as he went by Ben’s head.


“Just letting you see what you can have once you’ve come.”

Ben groaned, licked his lips, eyes on Luke’s cock. Luke palmed himself, tugged

the leathers open more so his prick pushed out toward Ben’s face. Ben leaned toward

him, toward his cock.

“Soon,” Luke promised, his balls aching for that mouth, that ass. “Soon.” He

stroked Ben’s hair, cupped one cheek. “First you come for me.”

He moved back around to Ben’s ass, using the paddle to stroke it. Ben groaned,

hips shifting, moving with him.

“So close. I can smell the need on you.” He’d bet an order would do it, that Ben

would come when he was granted permission.

Ben shook his head. “I’ll win the bet.”

“We’ll see.” He concentrated on the tops of Ben’s thighs now.

“No.” Ben groaned for him, deep and low.

“I think so.” He pressed the side of the paddle against Ben’s crack and hole


This time Ben arched, rocked against the paddle. Needy boy. Luke shifted the

paddle, rubbing everything. Ben groaned, the sound hungry. Perfect.

He pressed a little harder as he rubbed the paddle along Ben’s crack. Ben went

up on tiptoe, hands letting that sweet ass go.

“That’s it, boy. You know you want it.” He let the paddle fly again, Ben crying

out. He did it a few more times, and then pressed the base of the paddle against Ben’s

hole and growled out a single word. “Come.”

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The scent of spunk hit him, Ben sobbing out his pleasure. Luke nearly came

himself. He’d promised Ben a reward, though, and he wouldn’t deny the man.

Ben was shaking, skin sheened with sweat. He slid his hands up Ben’s back.

“God, that was sexy, boy. Very fucking sexy.” And Ben was his for another night.

“I tried, Sir.”

“You did.” And that made it even better. “But you came, and now you’re mine

for another night.”

He walked back around Ben until he was at the man’s head. Ben’s eyes were red,

and so were his cheeks.

“There’s no shame in succumbing to me, Ben.” He stroked one cheek, fingers

gentle. Soothing. “Mine for two nights now. I’m very pleased.”

Ben nodded, leaned into his touch.

“You want my cock in your ass or your mouth?”

Ben chuckled softly. “I’d like you to fuck me, Sir.”

“I can get behind that. Or at least you.” He gave Ben a kiss, taking that

wonderful mouth.

Ben moaned, tongue pushing out, fucking his lips. Luke grabbed hold of it,

sucked. He tangled his fingers in Ben’s hair, tilted the man’s head to deepen the kiss.

Fuck, he’d missed this, missed the passion that flared between them at the smallest

provocation. He was done letting Ben out-stubborn him, damn it.

He pulled out of the kiss and smiled, walked back around Ben, his fingers

trailing over Ben’s skin. That amazing ass was deep red, burning hot.

He grabbed the lube from one of the low shelves and slicked up his fingers. “It’s

been too long since I sank into this sweet hole, boy.”

“Yes, Sir. It’s been a long time.”

He pushed his fingers into Ben, one after the other. Fuck, his boy was tight as a

vise. He kept pushing, taking his sweet time. Ben slowly relaxed for him, humming

softly, letting him in. One finger turned into two and he spread them apart, stretching

Ben open.

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He listened for the long, low moan, loving it. Then he pushed in a third finger,

pushing hard to find Ben’s gland. Ben’s head came up, ass slamming back toward him.

Bingo. He hummed happily, pegging it again. He loved how Ben didn’t fight it, body

begging for more and more sensation.

He kept stretching, kept nudging Ben’s gland, finger-fucking his boy. He let his

free hand rest at the small of Ben’s back, pushing the smallest bit. He rubbed his prick

against Ben’s left ass cheek. The skin was just hot as fire.

Groaning, he tugged his fingers out and pressed his prick against Ben’s shiny

hole. That ring of muscles kissed the tip of his cock, then spread for him. He pushed

right in, Ben’s body pulling him in.

He was held tight, those muscles jerking and rippling around him. He closed his

eyes and breathed deeply, holding it together. He was not going to come two seconds

into this. Ben’s body was arguing though, trying to pull him in, over the edge. He kept

pushing until he was all the way in, his hips pressed tight against Ben’s hot ass.

Ben’s tiny hole squeezed the base of his cock, making him pant. He leaned over

Ben to kiss his shoulder, lick it. The flavor of man and salt exploded on his tongue.

“Taking you home with me tonight, boy. Keeping you in my bed.” Plugged and

ready for him.

He wrapped his hands around Ben’s waist and began to pull out.

“Master Lukas!” Ben tried to follow him.

“Are you begging, boy?”

Ben groaned in response.

“I think that’s a yes.” Before the head of his prick slid out, he pushed all the way

back in, his skin slapping Ben’s ass. Hot skin slammed against him, snuggling into his


He’d forgotten just how good it could be with Ben. That tight ass was heaven

around him. He kept moving, pushing into Ben over and over, beginning to gasp for


“More. Please.”

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“Pushy sub,” he murmured fondly, hips moving faster, pushing harder into the

wonderful, tight heat. Ben moaned for him, deep and low.

He kept changing his angle slightly, waiting until he got a big reaction from Ben.

When Ben’s head went up, lips parting, he knew he’d done it right. He stayed right

there, hands on Ben’s waist, thumbs sliding over the abused skin as he fucked Ben hard.

Ben was pushing back into each thrust, body meeting him, over and over.

This was what he’d looked for in every sub he’d been with since Ben, someone

who wanted it, who begged for it with his body. Someone who needed what he had to


He kept pounding, Ben’s body grasping at his cock every time he pulled partway

out. He wanted Ben to come again, all around his cock. And he wanted Ben to do it

without him touching that cock again.

He pushed in harder, thumbs digging into Ben’s red ass. Ben tightened around

him, squeezed him tight.

“Fuck, yes. You’re going to feel so good, coming on my cock.” He knew that Ben

loved to be talked to, loved his voice. He felt the response all around his prick like a


He groaned, banged Ben’s gland again. He felt it when Ben lost control, ass

working him as the man shot. He let it carry him over, let it pull his orgasm from him.

His body shuddered as he filled Ben with his come.

He was going to plug his boy and keep him, damn it.

Then they could do this every night.

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Chapter Three

Ben woke, completely confused, unsure of where he was, why he was plugged

and bound and blindfolded. He moaned, struggling against the soft ties. A low hum

sounded, a murmur, and a strong hand stroked his back, petting him.

“I… Master Lukas?” Please. Please let it be him.

“Who else would it be, boy?” Lukas’ fingers slid over his belly.

“I don’t know. I’ve never woken like this…” Even his first master had never had

him wake blindfolded.

“You were awake when I did it.”

Lukas pressed kisses on his neck, and he could smell the man now.

“I know.” He’d slept since then. He didn’t wake up with his Doms.

Lukas rolled up behind him, body warm and solid, cock right there like a brand

on his ass. His body moved, instinctively pushing back.

“Mmm. Yeah, it’s a good morning.”

He couldn’t agree more. Well, maybe if the blindfold was off, although it was

hot, not knowing what was coming.

Soft kisses continued to press over his back as Lukas rocked against him.

“Mmm.” That tingled, made his balls ache.

Lukas tugged at the base of the plug. Ben’s body tightened, gripped, tried to

keep the plug in. Lukas twisted it, pushed it back in deep and then pulled it right out.

Ben found himself gasping, empty, aching.

“I’ve got you, boy.” Lukas’ prick pushed against his hole, pushed past his tight


“Oh, fuck…” He clenched, eyes rolling back in his head.

“Let me in, boy.”

“Yes. Yes, Sir.” Fuck, that was hot.

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“Good boy.” Lukas pushed into him, going slowly but not stopping at all. Lukas

spread him, stretched him. That thick cock filled him so good. He grunted, hands trying

to pull free. “Shh. Don’t struggle, boy. You’re fine right where you are.”

“It’s unnerving.”

“What part?”

“Waking up. Not having my sight.” It was arousing, but scary.

“I like knowing I can put you off balance.” Lukas kissed his ear. “But not so

much that you safeword.”

“You’ve never pushed me too far, Sir.” The man had stunning instincts.

“I love being able to read you. I take pride in it.”

Lukas rocked into him. Oh. Oh, damn. He moaned, body rolling into Lukas’.

“That’s it, boy.” Lukas pushed into him again, hand moving to lie on his belly

and help pull him back into the thrusts.

“Master…” He needed this. Just this. Just now.

“Right here, boy.” Lukas’ lazy, deep thrusts continued, the large prick brushing

over his gland.

He ducked his chin, moaned, his body alight with pleasure. Lukas leaned into

his neck, licking the skin there. His body went tight-tight around Lukas’ cock, his balls

drawing up.

“Not until I tell you, boy.”

“I won’t.” He’d been so pissed yesterday when he’d shot. Pissed and so fucking

turned on.

Lukas chuckled like the man knew where his thoughts had gone. He squeezed

Lukas’ prick for laughing at him. The hand on his belly pulled him back harder on the

next thrust. A deep grunt left him, pushed out by Lukas’ cock. Lukas’ teeth dug into his


“Master!” His eyes rolled up into his head behind the blindfold.

Lukas hummed around his skin, the vibrations seeming to work through his

entire body. He tried to force Lukas to go faster, but Lukas never changed, frustrating

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the fuck out of him. It became even more frustrating when Lukas’ hand wrapped

around his prick. The man was trying to make him insane. Crazy.

Lukas licked where he’d bitten, their bodies slapping together faster now,

harder. Then Lukas rolled him, his bound hands trapped under his belly as Lukas took

him, fucked him deep and hard. The hand on his cock was rough. Perfect.

“Going to take you today, get your nipple pierced again. Going to, boy.” That

thumb worked the tip of his cock, made his eyes cross. “It’s going to be sexy as fuck.”

Lukas moved even faster, humping into him hard.

“Yes. Yes, Sir.” Fuck, he was close and willing to agree to almost anything.

“Now, boy!” Lukas pounded in, hand squeezing Ben’s cock tight as the man

demanded his orgasm.

Spunk poured out of him, rushing in waves, so fucking hot. Just as hot was the

heat that filled him deep inside, Lukas’ orgasm following right on the heels of his own.

He barely got a breath before the heavy cock was pulled out, that thick plug

pushing back in. Lukas lay on top of him for a minute or two, letting him feel the

weight of his master. Ben hummed, panting for it.

Soft kisses moved over the back of his neck. “Ready for the day, boy?”

“God, yes. Yes, Master.” He was committed. He might as well love it.

“Excellent.” Lukas removed Ben’s blindfold and then reached beneath him to

work off the soft ropes binding his wrists together.

He blinked his eyes open, surprisingly disappointed. He had been… intrigued by

the blindfold. Aroused. Unnerved.

One of Lukas’ eyebrows went up in inquiry. He met Lukas’ gaze but said

nothing, waiting the man out. Lukas didn’t move or say anything, simply stared at him.

“What?” Damn it.

“That was my question. You have a very expressive face.”

“Me?” No way.

“Okay, eyes not face.”

“Thank you, I think?”

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Lukas chuckled. “That’s not going to get you out of telling me what’s up.”

“Up?” He could be vague.

Lukas snorted. “I took the blindfold and cuffs off and you made a fa -- eyes.”

“The blindfold was… unexpected.” There. That was all Lukas was getting from


“Oh, you liked it.” Lukas gave him a grin.

He didn’t answer that, but he didn’t hold Lukas’ gaze.

“Come on, a quick clean-up and we’ll go to the piercer.”

Ben’s nipples went tight, almost stinging.

Lukas led him to a large bathroom and soaped up a cloth, making short work of

running it over his body. The touches were oddly intimate considering what they’d just

done. His body tightened, responding to those hands. His ass burned when Lukas

touched it and a moment later it burned even hotter when a hard kiss was pressed on it.

He groaned, stepped forward, toes curling.

“No running away. You’re mine for the next thirty-six hours.”

“Yes.” He liked that idea, being Lukas’. It was scary, really.

Lukas bent and nuzzled into his neck. He almost keened. Almost. Lukas’ tongue

was hot and soft and felt so damn good. He let himself lean back, for only a second, and

feel Lukas all around him. The long, strong arms wrapped around him, the scrape of

teeth on his skin making him shiver. Ben whined softly, the contact, the touch almost

unbearably necessary.

Lukas’ lips moved up along his neck to his jaw, wrapping around the skin and

sucking. Marking him. His body shuddered, rocking back toward that hard body.

“So wanton,” murmured Lukas.

Ben wasn’t sure whether to apologize or agree.

Lukas turned his head and brought their mouths together, taking a long kiss. Ben

melted, hips rocking, his world tightening down to Lukas and that mouth. The kiss

went on and on, taking his mouth and through it the rest of him, marking him as


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Insane. The man made him insane. Somehow he felt even more insane when

Lukas pulled away from the kiss and backed off. He stood there, plugged and naked in

the bathroom, staring.

Lukas smiled. “Your piercing, boy. That’s where we’re headed. We have all day

and night for everything else.”

“Everything else?”

“I’m filling as many of the hours as we have together as I can.”

“You are?” No one was ever so… eager to occupy him.

“I am. And all the time the new piercing will be driving you crazy.” That hand

slid down, cupped his cock, fingers on the tip. He hadn’t said they were piercing there.

One of Lukas’ eyebrows went up in that questioning manner of his.

“What?” God, that was maddening.

Lukas just squeezed his cock and smiled.

This was insane. Insane. And somehow he was loving every second of it.

Lukas gave him one last squeeze and headed back to the bedroom. “If you don’t

want to wear the same things you had on last night, you can borrow a pair of my


“I brought jeans. That should be good.” He didn’t need soft pants, right? Right?

“I don’t see why not. We can save any more adventurous piercings for another


Oh. Okay. Right. There wouldn’t be another day, so that was fine.

Lukas tossed his stuff in his general direction and began to get dressed in jeans

and a T-shirt.

“Thank you, Sir.” He thumped his cock, trying to get it to go down.

“Stop that. I like that I make you hard and I don’t mind who knows it.”

“You make me ache.”

“Good. That’s good.” Lukas sounded very sure.

“It’s… different.” Stunning. Fascinating. Ben shook his head and slipped on the

jeans, his T-shirt.

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“It’s good,” Lukas insisted with a grin. Dressed, he grabbed Ben’s hand and led

him out of the bedroom.

“I didn’t say good.” He couldn’t help but grin back.

“No, but you felt it.” Lukas led him out to a beautiful Jaguar, opened the door for


His ass worked the plug, his cock throbbing.

Lukas’ hand landed on his knee. “My guy’s expecting us.”

“He is?” Lukas had his shit together.

“Yep. I didn’t want to delay getting it done.”

“It’s already pierced, you know.” Ben couldn’t believe Lukas was actually going

through with this.

Lukas chuckled. “I’m aware. It’s going to be amazing double pierced.”

His breath caught and he fought not to moan.

The car ride seemed to take forever and was over far too soon, all at the same

time. Lukas pulled up outside of a little storefront with a sign that read “Rose and

Thorne Tattoos.”

“Rose and Thorne, huh?” His nipples drew in, tight.

“Yep. Believe it or not that’s the actual names of the owners.”

“No shit?” That made him smile.

“No shit.”

They got out of the car and Lukas put a hand on the small of his back, leading

him to the tattoo parlor. He wasn’t scared, but… His heart was racing, his body on

fucking fire. A bell over the door sounded as they went through.

“You look ready.”

“I’m going to take it out, when our time is done.” He needed some control.

Lukas stilled for a moment and then continued to the counter. “When our time is


“Okay. When our time is done.” The words gave him a twinge.

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Lukas opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, a big guy, covered in

tats, spoke. “Lukas! Man! Good to see you.”

Lukas chuckled and they shook, hugged.

The man surrounded him, huge arms lifting Lukas off the ground. “Thorne?

Baby? Lukas is here!”

A much smaller man came from the back, all smiles. “Put him down, you big


The big man gave Thorne a gentle smile, cheeks heating. “Hey, baby.”

“Hey, Rosie.” Thorne grinned at Rose and then turned to Lukas. “Hey, you. It’s

been too long. You shouldn’t be such a stranger.”

“I know.” Lukas winked at Thorne. “I haven’t seen Rosie on his knees begging in


Ben’s eyes went wide. That huge man was a sub? He looked at Thorne,


Thorne gave him a wink. “Are you going to introduce your boy, Lukas?”

“Of course.” Lukas’ arm went around his shoulders, tugging him close. “This is

Ben. Ben, these are Rose and Thorne, the best tattoo artists in the city, and a damn fine


“It’s lovely to meet you.” He held out his hand to shake.

Thorne shook, but Rose wrapped him in a hug. “Any friend of Lukas’ is a friend

of ours.”

Ben chuckled and hugged the huge man right back. “Thanks, man.”

“So you’re getting a second piercing, eh?” Rose stepped back and waved toward

the back of the shop. “We’re set up for you in the piercing room.”

“I already have them both pierced.” Lukas was insane.

“Oh.” Rose smiled at him and lifted his shirt, both nipples double pierced. “It’s



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Rose nodded. “Oh, yeah. It’s like… The cock is the best because of the toys. He

can make me twist, but… these. He made me come doing them.”

“Mmm.” Lukas’ hand slid to Ben’s ass. “What do you think, Ben? Do you think

you’ll come having it done?”

“No.” He shook his head.

“I bet you come while we’re here though. Without a single touch to your prick.”

Lukas sounded so sure of himself.

“Not going to happen, Sir.” He wasn’t going to. He wasn’t.

Rose looked back at Thorne, eyes heated.

“How about putting some money on it?” Lukas raised that eyebrow again as he

asked the question.


“You’re right. Neither of us needs money. If you come, I get another night.”

Oh, fuck. A tiny zing of anticipation hit him, right in the belly. “And when I


“What’s your price?”

“I…” His lips twisted. He didn’t want anything, really. “I’ll keep my other bet.

You get your nipple pierced when I win.”

“Works for me.” Lukas looked like he already had it in the bag.


Rose chuckled. “Do you want to stand or sit?”

“Oh, he can sit.” Lukas’ hand slid along his spine, stroked the nerves in his lower


Ben caught himself arching back into the touch, bowing toward it. Lukas

hummed, nose sliding along his exposed throat. His nipples hardened, his cock filled at

the touch. Lukas knew every one of his hot spots.

“I’m going to have another night with you, boy. I can smell it.”

“Not going to happen.” He could be stubborn.

“It is.” Lukas’ eyes were twinkling and hot at the same time.

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Rose led him over to the chair, Lukas pulling his shirt up. The man’s fingers

dragged along his skin, leaving tingles in their wake. Then Lukas stripped his shirt

right off and sat in the chair, drawing him down into the man’s lap, his back against

Lukas’ chest. He could feel every one of Lukas’ muscles against him, could feel the

man’s heat.

Lukas arranged Ben’s legs over the top of Lukas’ so that he was spread, then

took his arms. Then Lukas’ nose slid along his neck again, breath tickling over his skin.

His breath sped up, and he watched the huge Rose get things ready. Thorne

smiled over. “One or both nipples, Lukas? And do you want the rings to match the ones

he has now?”

“Just the one. Left nipple -- the one over his heart. And no, I want my ring to be

different.” There was a growl of possession in Lukas’ voice.

Rose brought a tray of rings over to Lukas. “Any of these take your fancy?”

“The white gold one that looks like a bunch of knots.”

Rose hummed happily. “That one is so good.”

“I like the symbolism.” Lukas licked at Ben’s throat then began to nibble, teeth

on his skin, sending pleasure zinging through him.

Thorne drew dots on his nipple, and that little pressure made him gasp. Lukas

moaned, teeth sinking into the skin where his throat met his shoulder, right on his

sweet spot.

“Fuck.” His eyes crossed, and his fingers tightened on the edge of the chair.

“Okay. We’re going to do it. Ready?” Rose grabbed his current ring with the

forceps and tugged, stretching him, and Ben felt Lukas’ lips near his ear.

“You ready, boy? Ready to come for me when my ring slips into your flesh?”

“Not going to.”

The needle pressed against his skin and his balls drew up and Ben fought not to


Lukas kept talking though. “You will, and tonight I’ll make you hold your sweet

ass open and beg me to use the crop on your hole before I fuck you again.”

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His eyes rolled. “No…”

“Yes. And I’ll come up with something even more perverse for tomorrow night

because you are going to shoot. When Rose slips that needle in, I’m going to tell you to

come, and you will because you’re a good boy who does as his master says.”

He tried to move his hands, grab his balls and tug, but he couldn’t.

Lukas had him, fingers tight on his thighs, his arms held tight the way they were

sitting. “Almost there, boy. I know how much you need it. I can feel it. I can smell it.”

“The ring now. Gonna feel it.” Rose’s voice was husky, the man’s eyes intense as

the end of the ring touched his skin.

He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t. God.

Lukas uttered a single word. “Come.”

The ring pushed in and he did it. He creamed his jeans, entire body on fucking

fire. Lukas moaned in his ear, and he fucking swore he could feel the man’s cock jerk

against his ass.

His lips parted as he shook. “Master.”

“You got that right, boy. Mine for another night.” Lukas’ teeth worried his


Ben nodded, just shaking.

Rose sighed softly. “God, that’s stunning.”

Lukas chuckled as Thorne came up to Rose. “Control, boy.”

“Yes, Sir.” God, that was a huge man, to submit.

“You need the care instructions, boy?” Lukas’ question brought his full attention

back to his own master.

“No. No, I know.”

“And how does it feel?” Lukas’ voice was like melted butter, sliding over him.

“It burns.” Throbbed. Ached.

“Every time it throbs you’ll remember that you’re mine for yet another night

because you came.”

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“Do you want me to apologize, damn it?” The flare of temper was fueled by the

joy he took in knowing Master Lukas was keeping him.

“Absolutely not. I told you to come and you came.” Lukas bit at his earlobe, the

pain short but sharp. “And I won.”

He arched, suddenly wanting Lukas in him, driving into his ass. “I need to clean

myself up.”

Thorne yanked his head toward the rear. “You guys can use the back room. We

aren’t expecting anyone for another hour.”

“Thanks, man.” Lukas let go of his arms. “Come on, boy.”

“Is there a washroom?” Ben stood on trembling legs.

“I said come with me, boy.” Lukas’ arm went around his waist, and he was led to

the back.

“I want to clean up.” He wanted a minute to breathe.

Lukas closed the door behind them and pointed to the sink at the far end of the

little room.

“Thanks.” Ben couldn’t decide if he was pleased or disappointed, and the

indecision pissed him off. He headed over, unzipped his jeans and started washing.

“Pull those down farther.” Lukas’ growl came from right behind him.

“What?” He looked over, rag still in hand.

“You heard me.” Lukas was undoing his own jeans, thick prick pushing out.

Ben’s fucking toes curled, his body on high alert, and he wanted to just throw a

fit. The son of a bitch had had Ben’s nipple pierced -- again. “I have a fucking plug in.”

“Unless lube has suddenly turned into superglue, it’ll come out.”

Ben’s eyes went wide and he snorted, tickled.

Lukas spared him a grin that felt shared, intimate. And then Lukas swatted him.

“Pull them down so I can get to you.”

“Yes, Sir.” He pushed the jeans down, his ass cheek stinging.

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He was rewarded with a groan, Lukas’ prick sliding over his hot flesh. He was

going to get the fucking he needed, and Ben knew it. Counted on it. Lukas was good to

him, listened to him, heard him. It was fucking terrifying.

Lukas got a hold of the base of the plug and twisted it; Ben wasn’t going to need

any prepping. Ben groaned, eyes rolling. Damn it. Lukas’ mouth was hot against the

skin of his neck, the man’s breath like a promise. His nipple ached, his cock throbbed,

and he wanted.

The plug was pulled out without warning, but before he could complain, before

he could feel empty, Lukas pushed right in.

“Master.” The single word escaped his lips.

“That’s right, boy.” Lukas’ thick prick pushed into his gland.

He was going to lose it, that pressure perfect. Lukas pulled back, then pushed in

again. Ben rode, hands gripping the sink. Lukas’ hands were hard on his hips, bringing

him back into each thrust. His head dropped down, and he fought the urge to sob with


“Can you feel it, Ben? The new piercing? Throbbing in time with my thrusts?”

Don’t talk. God, don’t talk. He moaned, shaken.

“I know you can. My ring in your nipple, my cock in your ass.”

“Shh.” He nodded though, encouraging Lukas to move faster.

Lukas did, pounding into him now. “My ring, Ben. Mine. Just like you.”

“For tonight.” No matter how much he wanted it to be for longer.

“And tomorrow. You owe me another night because you came from the

piercing.” Lukas sounded fiercely glad about that.

“Yes. Yes, and tomorrow. Please.”

“I love the way you beg. Love being in your ass.”

Ben gasped. “You make me need.”


Oh, fuck, that growl was almost better than the cock pushing inside him. Almost.

His balls drew up and his cock throbbed, and he wanted to jack it so badly.

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“When I say, boy. And not a moment sooner.”

He whined, one foot actually stomping.

“Fuck, that’s cute, Ben.” Lukas hit his gland on the next thrust.

“Asshole!” Oh, right there.

Lukas growled at him and nailed his gland again. Yes. Yes. His eyes rolled and he

fought to breathe. Again and again, his master hit his gland, made him fly higher and



“Please.” He needed.

“When I say, boy, and not a second sooner.” Lukas kept banging on his gland

with every thrust.

He couldn’t wait. He couldn’t. No matter the punishment, he was going to shoot.

Just the idea of punishment made him cry out.

“Boy!” The word was clearly a warning.

“I have to…” He groaned, let go of the sink with one hand, grabbed his balls.

“You touch yourself, and I get another night,” growled Lukas, hitting his gland

yet again.

“Yes…” He jacked himself hard, making it obvious.

“Yes!” Lukas echoed the word, the sound sheer triumph, and Lukas slammed

into him again and again.

Ben came, shooting over his fingers, body clenching around Lukas’ cock.

“Mine,” growled Lukas, pumping into him a few more times before freezing,

cock throbbing inside him.

They stood there, shaking, panting, spunk dripping from Ben’s fingers.

“I have you for another night,” murmured Lukas. “Mine. All mine for four

whole days now.”

He nodded. “I’ll call the bar.” It wasn’t like he worked for the money. He just

hated being bored. He’d need more time off though, to recover. Maybe another week.

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“Good.” Lukas smacked his ass as the man slipped out, the plug right there to

push back into him the second Lukas’ cock was gone.

Ben washed his trembling hands clean. Lukas grabbed a couple of paper towels

and wet them, reaching around him to clean his prick and balls with gentle touches. Ben

looked at Lukas, feeling a little wild-eyed.

Lukas grabbed the back of his head and tilted him, mouth descending over his in

a heady kiss. “Relax, Ben. I have you.”

“Yeah?” Please?

“Yeah. I do.” Another hard, quicker kiss landed on his lips, and then Lukas

tucked him back into his pants. Then he touched the new ring with one careful finger.

“Mine.” Lukas met his eyes, the heat there fantastic.

“Yours.” For at least three more nights.

“Yes.” Lukas pressed their foreheads together, gaze holding Ben’s.

Slowly, they both smiled.

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Chapter Four

Luke had fed his boy, took him for a walk out in the sunshine, the plug making

Ben graceful. Then he took his boy -- his -- home for his punishment.

“You came not only without permission, but with permission expressly denied.”

Ben looked at him, eyebrows lifted. “I did.”

“Which means it’s time for your punishment.”

Ben held his gaze for a long time, then those lovely eyes dropped.

“We’ll do it in the playroom. Our bedroom isn’t for punishments.”

Luke loved the way that single word -- our -- changed the look of Ben’s face,

softened his boy. If he had his way, his bedroom would become theirs. Hell, he’d been

ready for it three years ago, the last time they’d had a night together.

“Follow me,” he ordered, turning and leading Ben to the back bedroom that he’d

turned into a playroom.

He would make sure that Ben remembered that he was the Top, that he decided

when Ben came and that his punishments were unforgettable. The best thing was that

he knew Ben could take it, and that if he couldn’t, he would safeword. Luke could trust

him with that. He also knew that a punishment told Ben he was seen, noticed.

Something in Ben craved the attention, the sensation. Luke liked to think he was just the

man to give it to Ben.

He opened the door and flicked on the lights, moving aside so Ben could come in

and look around. He’d be blindfolding the man in a moment, so Ben would need to

look his fill now.

“You’ve done a lot of work in here. You have a lot of subs?” Was that jealousy?

“There’s only one I’ve built this room for.” He’d been slowly making the place

perfect, with only Ben in mind.

Huge eyes met his. “Only one?”

He met Ben’s gaze head on and nodded. “Only one.”

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“Oh.” A dull flush climbed up Ben’s throat.

Luke held that gaze for a long moment, letting the atmosphere between them

grow thick. He didn’t drop his eyes as he began to tell Ben what was going to happen.

“In a moment I’ll blindfold you and bind you. Then I’ll hook you to the chains on the

ceiling and use my cat o’ nine tails. The blindfold will not be coming off after.”

“Y… yes, Sir.” Ben paused, and then added, “I’m still going to take the ring out,

when you’re done with me.”

“When I’m done with you.” And if he had his way, that ring would stay in Ben

for a very long time.

“Okay.” Ben nodded, licked his lips.

He went to the dresser and opened the third drawer down, taking out a

blindfold and a set of cuffs for ankles and wrists.

Ben wrapped his arms around his middle, eyes searching every corner of the


“You can strip.” He found his cat o’ nine tails, nipple clamps, a cock-and-balls

ring and a bigger plug. The only thing he knew for sure he was going to use was the

blindfold and cat, but Ben didn’t know that. His eyes went wide at the size of the plug

and the clamps.

“When you’re naked I’ll blindfold you.” Naked and blindfolded. It was a good

look on Ben.

Ben nodded again and stripped, careful of the newly pierced nipple. “Master

Lukas? Can I have some ointment before we start?”

“I’ll do it after you’re blindfolded.”

“Yes, Sir.” Ben closed his eyes.

He walked slowly to Ben, let his fingers slide over the man’s face. Ben was tense,

but his lovely cock was beginning to fill. Luke pressed a kiss to each eyelid and then

wrapped the blindfold around Ben’s eyes. Ben groaned, arms holding himself tightly.

“How do you feel?” He made sure the blindfold wasn’t too tight and stayed

there for a moment, hands on Ben’s skin, giving the man something to anchor on.

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“I think I like that. I like knowing I have an effect.”

He took Ben’s arms, put the cuffs on. Then he hooked the cuffs up to the hook

overhead. He could adjust the height of it so that Ben was just barely standing on his

toes. Ben tested the cuffs, pulling them, lips twisting when they didn’t move.

“They’re solid,” Luke murmured, stroking Ben’s belly.

Ben nodded, hands twisted.

He grabbed some ointment from another drawer and gathered some up on his

finger before carefully smearing it over Ben’s new piercing. Ben moaned as he worked

the ointment through, lubing the new piercing up. He turned the metal ring in Ben’s

flesh, distributing the ointment.

Ben’s lips parted on the tiniest gasp. Leaning in, he slipped his tongue into Ben’s

mouth. Ben opened for him, the action instinctive. He tongue-fucked that sweet mouth,

his hand sliding across Ben’s belly again.

Ben continued to get hard for him, began to move into his touch. He let his hand

slide down to wrap around Ben’s prick and stroke it. Just twice. A low moan pushed

into his lips.

He hummed in reply and then stood back, fingers sliding away from Ben’s prick.

“I’m going to use the cat now. Your punishment is twenty hits.” It should be enough to

make Ben fly.

Ben nodded, lips tight, face turned to hide in one arm.

“You can count for me.” It would assure him that Ben was with him, entirely

focused and using the pain instead of hiding from it.

Ben groaned, but nodded once. Agreeing.

“Good.” He grabbed the cat o’ nine tails and walked slowly around Ben,

deciding where to land the first strike. He would start with Ben’s back -- there would be

a few meted out, much more gently, on Ben’s front, but he’d start with the easy ones


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Raising his arm, he swung the cat, watching as the tails landed across Ben’s


“One.” Ben bit out the word.

“You forgot the ‘Sir’.”

Ben’s fingers curled. “Sir.”

“Good boy.” He laid down another hit, this one striking Ben mid-back.

“Two, Sir.” Ben’s muscles rolled.

He went for Ben’s ass next. Ben counted each blow, voice quiet, husky. After ten,

he moved around to Ben’s front and sent the cat o’ nine tails gently across Ben’s chest

and nipples. Ben jerked hard, yanking at the cuffs.

“Give me the count, boy.”


“Eleven what?” He wasn’t going to give Ben an inch -- his boy needed to know

that he would follow through on punishments. Ben would want to know he could

count on that.

“Let me go.” Oh, interesting. His boy was pushing back.

Luke flicked the cat across those sweet nips again. “Eleven. What?”

“Fuck…” Ben groaned, rolling away from him.

He did it yet again. “I can do this all day.”

“Sir! Sir, you asshole! Let me go!”

Ben had never trusted him enough to fight. Never. Until now.

Luke’s prick began to fill, that trust very arousing. “That’s better, boy. Now we

can move on to twelve.” He flicked the cat around Ben’s right upper thigh.

“Sir! Twelve.” Ben twisted again, pulling at the cuffs, over and over.

He snapped the cat over Ben’s other thigh. Ben counted that one, and the next,

then starting fighting, screaming at him.

He took the cat and dragged it across Ben’s cock. Ben stilled, sucking in one

hitching breath after another.

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“Count it, boy.” He would never actually hit Ben’s prick with the cat, but he

knew the effects of just touching it there could be huge.

“F-f-fifteen, Sir. Please.”

He went back around behind Ben and slapped the cat down on that fine ass.

“Sixteen. Sixteen, Sir.” Ben hid his face in one arm.

“Only four more, boy. You’re doing great.”

He did the next three in quick succession. Ben counted, cheeks a deep, dark red.

He moved back around, said, “Last one,” so Ben knew where he was. Then he

brushed the cat’s tails over Ben’s prick again.

One single tear escaped the blindfold and Ben whispered the count.

“I’m proud of you, boy.”

Luke tossed the whip at the dresser and moved to take Ben off the hook. He left

the blindfold and cuffs on. Ben was silent, curled into himself. Luke hummed, pulling

Ben into his arms and moving him over to the bed in the playroom. “Punishment over.

You did so well.”

“Thank you.” Ben was sweating, skin warm.

He pressed kisses on Ben’s face. He’d need to spread ointment on the welts in a

bit. “Such a good boy. Going to keep you.” The words made Ben shiver, press closer.

“I am.” Luke couldn’t keep the fierceness from his voice. Ben was his, damn it.

And after having to wait more than three years before seeing him again, it was high

time Ben admitted it.

“Why? It’s been three years? Why now?”

“Because you came back.”

“I…” Ben’s lips pressed together. “The last time we were together, I almost lost

myself in you.”

“And why is that a problem?” That was where they were going, wasn’t it?

“I already did that and when the time was up, he was done.”

“Well, what if I was losing myself, too?”

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Ben snorted. “You’re the consummate master. I hear at the bar. The twinks adore


“I don’t lose myself in any of them. I’ve only ever really wanted one man. The

man I built this room for.” He kept his fingers touching Ben, keeping them connected.

He’d keep playing games as long as he had to in order to extend his nights with Ben,

but it would be much more satisfactory if the threat of ending wasn’t hanging over


“I missed you.” Ben offered the three words over, so quiet. So gentle.

Luke closed his eyes and took a deep breath against the strong emotions that

surged through him. “Thank you.”

Ben nodded, face lifting for a kiss. His lips pressed gently against Ben’s, and then

he surged into the kiss, taking Ben’s mouth. Ben had taken his punishment, had trusted

him with his resistance and his heart. Now it was time for Ben’s reward.

“Now we use the cock ring. I want this to last.”

“No more hurting?”

“Your punishment’s over, boy.”

Ben nodded, took a deep, hitching breath.

He grabbed the cock-and-ball ring and worked it onto Ben. “I love the way you

look wearing this. Your package is all pushed up, on display. Deliciously obscene.”

Ben’s lips parted, a low groan filling the air.

“Mmm.” He bent and licked at the tip of Ben’s prick, his fingers playing with the


Ben’s fingers opened, closed, those hips jerking. Ben responded beautifully to the

blindfold and his other senses only got stronger with the lack of sight.

Luke touched his tongue to the sweet balls next, the skin pulled taut. Ben’s legs

spread, knees drawing up, and he tugged out the plug, tossing it aside.

“Wanton,” he whispered, blowing over Ben’s exposed little hole.

Ben tightened, muscles squeezing tight. He flicked his tongue out to take a quick

swipe at Ben’s hole.

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“Master!” Ben actually scrambled backward.

Oh, he’d shocked his boy. Leaning in, he did it again. He was going to make his

boy need. He pointed his tongue and pressed it in as he lubed his fingers up. Ben

cursed, hips rocking up toward his face, body pleading.

“Needy boy.” And he wouldn’t have Ben any other way. He licked again and

followed it up with another thrust of his tongue.

When Ben rolled again, Luke slammed three fingers in, filling his boy. “You can’t

run away from me, Ben. Not this time.”

“I will if you let me.”

“I let you last time. I won’t this time.”


He slammed his fingers in again. “I do promise it.”

Ben nodded. “Okay. Okay, I believe you. I believe in you.”

“Swear it.” Ben wasn’t the only one who needed to hear it. He’d been ready to

offer his heart, and Ben had disappeared on him.

“I swear, Master. I trust you.”

“Good.” He pulled his fingers out and slammed his cock in their place.

“Master Lukas!” That sounded like a prayer.

“Yes! That’s right. Your master.” Lukas grabbed hold of his boy’s hips and began

slamming in hard, knowing that sweet back and ass were aching where the welts

scratched against the sheets.

“My master…” Ben’s cuffed hands reached for him, and he leaned in, kissing

those searching fingers.

The connection was stronger than ever now that Ben wasn’t trying to ignore it, to

deny it, and he fucked his boy, deep and hard, making sure Ben felt every inch. He

shifted angles until he found Ben’s gland, banging hard against it.

“Master! Master, please!”

Ah, right there.

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He kept thrusting, moving faster and harder, giving Ben everything he had. Ben

held nothing back from him, crying out and driving onto his prick. Luke pushed

harder, trying to get even deeper into his boy.

“Fuck…” Ben’s balls drew up, belly going a deep red.

His boy was going to come despite the cock ring. It made him want to howl.

“Soon. Soon, Master, please.”

He nodded. “You have my permission to come, boy.” Such a good boy.

Ben nodded, jerked, cried out and shot, bound and kept and without a touch to

his cock. It was the sexiest fucking thing Luke had seen in a very long time.

He buried himself in his boy, hips rolling, driving through Ben’s pleasure. The

tightness around his prick felt amazing, made him cry out Ben’s name.

“Please. Yours.” Ben squeezed him again.

“Mine. Mine.” He came, filling Ben deep inside.

Their foreheads rested together, both of them panting.

He rubbed their noses together. “You’ll stay,” he told Ben softly. “And I don’t

mean for four nights.”

“No? You want five?”

“I want a hell of a lot more than that. I want you to be my boy, no money, no one

else. Just us.”

“Can we take off the blindfold?”

“If you tell me why you want it off.” He wasn’t unreasonable, after all.

“I want to see your eyes. We can put it back on when we’re in a scene. I’m not

playing right now.”

“Yes. We can take it off. It makes me happy, Ben, that you’re taking me

seriously.” He carefully removed the blindfold and met Ben’s gaze.

Ben’s eyes were red, staring hard into him. “Say it again.”

“I want you to be mine, Ben. No money, no games, my boy. Full time. Exclusive.


“Forever.” The word wasn’t a question.

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“That’s right.”

“Okay. Full time. Exclusive. Yours.” Still cuffed, Ben nonetheless took the

blindfold from Lukas’s hand and offered it back to him. “Master.”

He smiled into Ben’s eyes. “Thank you.”

Ben nodded. “My things are in my apartment.”

“We can pick them up, move them here.” He smiled, nodded in the general

direction of the rest of the place. “I have enough room for you.”

“Okay.” Ben leaned forward, touching their lips together.

He pressed back, deepening the kiss just a little. Then he put the blindfold back

on. His. Ben was finally his. It was as complicated and as simple as that.

He was going to be able to explore all the things he’d always wanted to. He

couldn’t wait to get started.

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Ben rested on his knees, hands behind his back, blindfolded and plugged, as he

listened to his iPod, the music too loud to hear whether his master was home. The

warning came when the volume of his music decreased slightly. A moment later a

warm hand slid along his shoulder.

He took a deep breath, smiled in greeting.

Master Lukas knelt behind him, naked skin pressing up against his own.

“Mmm… I do love coming home to you.”

“Master.” He let himself lean back, his lover solid, firm, warm behind him.

“Yes, boy.” Lukas tilted his head and took a kiss, tongue slipping between Ben’s


Lukas took his cock in one hand and tugged the pierced tip until he grew fully

erect. His master’s other hand grabbed the plug, teasing him by twisting it, pulling it

partway out, and pushing it in again. Ben arched, body aching, hungry for pleasure, for


“I missed you today, boy.” Lukas pulled out the plug, leaving Ben’s hole empty,


“Missed you.” His body ached for that fat cock, for pressure and stretch.


“It was a long day.” His master’s words echoed his own thoughts, and then the

lovely prick began to push into him.

“Yes!” He didn’t even care what he was agreeing to.

Lukas kept pushing, cock going in and in until it filled him completely. He

settled on Lukas’ lap, surrounded by his master, knowing nothing else, full and happy.

The hand around his prick began to pull, his master working him even as Lukas’ other

hand wrapped around his hip and encouraged him to ride. He moved, bouncing on

Lukas’ lap, his sore ass slamming onto those strong thighs.

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“Fuck. So good, boy. So fucking good.”

“Thank you, Master. Please. I need to feel.”

“I know. So needy. So good.” Lukas pushed in harder as he came down, cock

banging on his gland.

Lukas tugged the newly healed ring in his cock and sensation drove through

him. Lukas’ moan echoed the feelings inside him. His body tightened, gripped Lukas’


“My boy.” Lukas bashed his gland again and again.

“Yes, Master. Yours.” The pressure was unbelievable.

“Wait for me,” murmured Master Lukas, thumb worrying his slit.


“Oh, fuck.” Lukas’ thrusts became harder.

“Yes. Yes, Master. Please.” His hole ached.

“When you’ve come for me, I’m going to take you to the playroom and plug

your cock, shove the thickest sounding rod we have into it.”

Ben’s head fell back and he cried out, his master’s voice promising him heaven.

“Come for me, boy. Come now!”

Spunk poured from him, wave after wave of pleasure. He could feel heat

pushing into him, too, filling him up again.

His master held him close, kept that cock buried inside him. Lukas’ breath

puffed against his cheek, against his neck.

“Love.” He whispered the word, offering his heart, his soul to Lukas.

“Yes, mine.” Lukas’ lips touched his neck, where a deep mark was, making it

ache. “You are my heart.”

He nodded. They had found their home, their center. In each other.

Another press of Lukas’ lips woke more nerves in his skin, the promise of

spending the night flying in that touch.

The night, the week, the rest of his life.

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Sean Michael

Often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while still striving

for the moniker of “Maurice,” Sean Michael spends days surfing, smutting, organizing

an immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small,

secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs.

While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean

whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and perusing the Kama Sutra by

channeling the long-lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to


A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn

the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.

Barring any of that? Sean’ll stick with writing stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty

bodies together to see if they spark.

You can write to Sean at, or visit his websites. For

Sean Michael’s M/M works, see For Sean’s adventures in

the HET world as S. Michael, see


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