Once Upon A Graduation Party by Saewod

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Once Upon A Graduation Party by Saewod

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


Chapter 1 – School Days

The Cullen‟s moved to Forks when I was in seventh grade. Dr. Carlisle Cullen accepted a position at
the hospital andmoved his family; his wife Esme and their twins Edward and Alice, after Esme had
recovered from breast cancer and wanted to live in a smaller town to enjoy her family. Edward and
Alice didn‟t look alike; Edward looked like their mother and Alice looked more like their father. The

Cullen‟s had lived on the other side of town in one of the „prestigious‟ homes along Ivy Boulevard.

The „Ivy‟ as most town people called it held four massive homes that were not at all close together.
The homes could not be seen from the road and had driveways that were about half a mile long.
Esme had been an architect in New York, so she had completely remodeled and old three story
home for her family. She also did small jobs occasionally as well as a great deal of volunteer and

charity work with the hospital.

I lived in a typical two story home with my mother and father; Renee and Charlie Swan. Charlie
was Forks‟ police chief and Renee was a kindergarten teacher at Forks Elementary. I was born and
raised in Forks having grown up with Angela Webber and Jessica Stanley as my closest friends. We
all had become playmates in preschool and had grown into the closest of friends. Angela was a
very quiet and shy girl while Jessica was outspoken and longed to be the „popular‟ girl. I guess I
was somewhere in the middle of them. To the outside person I was quiet and a book nerd;

however, those who knew me saw the other side, the louder, goofier side of Bella Swan.

Being on separate sides of town and hanging in different crowds I was only an acquaintance of the
Cullen‟s. I had two classes with Alice in seventh grade and non with Edward. Alice was instantly
popular and surrounded by everyone, though she was never stuck up or cruel as Lauren Mallory
always had been. Edward was typically shy and withdrawn from all school things. I hardly saw him

except for the times that we arrived to school at the same time.

Eight-grade started a new twist in my life. While I had had a couple of group dates, I had never
really been out one on one with a guy. My father would kill the boy who had tried that; however,
this year was the eight-grade dance. It‟s a little like a prom, but it was more a goodbye to junior
high dance before we all headed off to high school.

Eighth grade also gave me my first class with Edward Cullen; who also ended up my lab partner in
science studies. We were both friendly toward each other, but it didn‟t forge a friendship. I often
would catch him lost in thought and would have to snap him out of it when we would work


I am not the greatest dancer and had been completely avoiding Mike Newton for months; ever
since the date of the dance had been announced to all of us. Every time I would see Newton I
would have to maneuver and dodge his attempts. Mike was nice, but he was just so obsessed that

it annoyed me.

I was putting away my science studies book and grabbing my algebra book with my notes when
Mike completely cornered me. I shut my locker door and turned around; two arms went up on
either side of my head and I leaned back into the wall. Once my eyes had focused in I realized that

it was Mike and I sighed.

“Swan, I think that you have been avoiding me?” He smirked at me.

“What would ever give you that impression?” I feigned innocence.

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“No matter” he smiled “I‟ve got you now.” See it was shitty remarks like that that gave me the
creeps and annoyed the hell out of me.

“What do you want Mike? I have to get to class before the bell rings.” I tried to slide out from his
arms but he stopped me. I sighed again.

“Well, I wanted to know if you would accompany me to the dance next weekend?” He smiled widely
as I stuttered and searched for a way to turn him down without being a bitch.

“Sorry Mike, I‟m afraid you are too late” I snapped my head toward Edward Cullen who was
grabbing Mike‟s arm and pulling it away. He moved next to me and put his arm around my

“What?” Mike‟s eyes darted back and forth between Edward, Edward‟s arm, and my face. I pulled
my shocked expression together quickly, hoping that he didn‟t see right though me.

“I asked Bella last period, in class. She‟s going with me. Sorry.” Edward started to walk me away
from Mike who just stood there still processing what had happened. “Better luck next time” he

yelled back over his shoulder.

Once we rounded the corner I bust into laughter. “Oh my god! You are my hero Edward!” I

exclaimed as I pulled out from under his arm. “Thank you so much!” I smiled.

“No problem. I‟m just glad that I was right” he stated.

“Right?” I asked with a confused expression.

“Yeah, you aren‟t easy to read, but I thought it looked like you wanted to run away from him, so I
only hoped that you didn‟t want to go with him” he smiled a crooked grin. Wow, that grin is


“You had it right. Thanks!” I started to walk away, but then turned back around. “Hey, I owe you.”

I smiled and walked away.

After stepping out of Algebra and going to my locker before leaving for the day I ran straight into

Edward Cullen who was leaning on a wall outside of the school doors. “Bella!” he ran up to me.

“Hey, what‟s up?” I stopped and looked over his shoulder to see Angela and Jessica wide eyed and

examining the whole situation.

“So um…you owe me right?” He looked down to the ground nervously.

“Uh…yeah. That‟s what I said.” I was now nervous too and bit my lip.

“So…would you…uh…really go to the dance with me?” My mouth fell open. He looked up to my

face. “You don‟t have to if you don‟t want to, I mean I understand…” I cut him off.

“No, it‟s not that. It‟s just…I mean I didn‟t expect you to ask that‟s all.” I smiled. “I‟d love to.”

“Really, you will go with me?” he asked with a small smile. I nodded and his smile turned into that

same crooked grin. The grin that I would come to love, come to hate, and come to terms with.

We exchanged phone numbers and I joined Angela and Jessica. Both interrogated me thoroughly

as we waited for Angela‟s mom to pick us up from school.

“He asked you to the dance?” Jessica said astounded. I nodded. “Oh my god Bella, he is so hot! If I
were you I would be doing a super happy dance!” she laughed when I did do a happy dance.

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The Eighth Grade dance was your typical school dance; crate paper, glitter, and balloons
decorating the gymnasium. Renee was chaperoning and had driven Edward and me to the dance.

We spent the night dancing and going back and forth between his friends and mine.

“Bella?” I turned around to see a familiar face. “You look beautiful.” She said in her typical chipper


“You look amazing as always Alice” I smiled at her. She pulled me into a hug.

“Thanks” she smiled back after letting me go. “I just wanted to say hello.”

We gave each other a small wave and then Edward and I went back to dancing and talking.

I figured that after the dance that Edward and I would be closer friends, but what I didn‟t expect
was for my summer to be filled with us doing everything together. We went to the beach on the
reservation; we went camping with other friends; and secret sleep-overs that our parents didn‟t
know about. The sleep overs were harmless. Edward would sneak into my room and we would
listen to music and talk.

Until one night when Edward and I were lying side by side on my bed listening to a new CD that he
had brought over with him. We both reached for the CD player at the same time and ended up less
than an inch from each other‟s mouth. His lip twitched and then his mouth was on mine. We kissed
the rest of the night. The next morning we didn‟t talk about it; he went home and I went
downstairs for breakfast. That was the beginning of many kisses and many make out sessions that

Edward and I shared our eight grade summer.

At the end of the summer Jessica had having a large end of summer party. This was the night that

everything about me was changed.

Edward and I were off by ourselves in the tree house in Jessica‟s yard. I remembered playing here
so many times when we were younger, but those thoughts disappeared the moment that Edward‟s
lips met mine and we sunk together into a tangle of heat. Kissing turned to rubbing, rubbing

became groping, and groping led to removed clothing, removed clothing led to a condom.

The condom had taken Edward awhile to get on and I almost lost the nerve to do this; until his
eyes met mine. “Are you sure?” he choked out as I felt his hand between us. I nodded. “I‟ll stop,
all you have to do is tell me to. Okay?” I nodded again; afraid to speak. He positioned and started
to press into me.

“Go slow” I whispered out and I felt him nod against the side of my head.

I felt the pressure of him inside me and then I felt him hit the point of no return. His eyes came

back to mine again. “Are you sure? I can…” I covered his mouth with mine.

“I‟m sure” I smiled and gripped onto his shoulders.

He slid in slowly and I felt like something had been ripped inside of me. At first there was pain, but
that quickly subsided. The burning was the worst. It felt like my insides had been covered in that
antiseptic spray that your mother used on skinned knees; the one that you had to blow until you
were light headed to make it stop. He started to move again, but I held him in place waiting for the
burn to go away.

“Bella?” he whispered.

“Just a minute okay?” I fought to keep the sob from coming out of my throat. In that one moment
I not only felt the pain and the burn, but I felt the no return to innocence. I didn‟t regret it, but it
was a lot to process.

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After what felt like forever I moved my hips forward; I heard Edward moan out lowly. The burn had
subsided and I moved my hips into his again; he took this as his cue. It lasted only a few short
minutes and afterwards I wasn‟t sure what the big deal was about, but I was happy to have been

with Edward. Together we had given each other our innocence.

The rest of our summer was one of the best summers of my life. Edward and I spent as much time
on the beach as possible and we also had more „alone‟ times with each other. Toward the end of
summer Edward had to start soccer practice. He had been coaxed by his friends to try out and was

surprisingly good; like really good. When he didn‟t have practice we always made plans.

Three weeks before our freshman year Edward showed up to my bedroom window; which wasn‟t
uncommon. I let him in and he gave me two gifts wrapped in brown paper. After arguing with him
about getting me things he finally convinced me to just open it. Inside was a collector‟s addition of
Emily Dickenson‟s poetry; she was my favorite. There was also a small water globe with a picture
of him and I cuddled up on the beach together. Instead of snow there were tiny hearts that floated

around; I loved it.

Freshman year came up quickly. Edward and I only shared one class for the first semester;
however, during second semester we had three together. Edward was slowly becoming mister
popularity because of his „all star‟ status on the soccer field. It was a little unnerving since I didn‟t

like all the attention that followed us around and I started to miss the times when it was just us.

Third semester was a disaster. Edward had changed and was into partying with his soccer team
friends, hanging out with the guys, and just all around his personality became more cocky and
arrogant. I tried to defend it as confidence, but the more I tried the more I got irritated. I‟m sure
that I had changed too. I was more involved with the school newspaper and with the poetry club.
We had become so different from each other and didn‟t seem to take the time to reconnect with
each other.

Fourth semester brought our chapter to a close. Edward had blown me off for weeks and I had had
enough. I unexpectedly showed up to his house one Saturday afternoon; hoping to catch him right
after soccer. However, I caught him making out with Lauren fucking Mallory.

“What the hell Edward?!” His head snapped to where I had stood in his bedroom doorway; Lauren
smirked at me and pulled her shirt over her bare chest.

“B-bella…” he stuttered.

“Well at least you can remember my name” I stalked toward the bed as he quickly pulled him self

up to stand next to his bed.

“B-bella I-I can…” My fist into his mouth cut him off and sent him back onto his bed. “Fuck!” he


“Eddie are you okay?” Lauren hovered over him. “Jesus Bella!” she shrieked at me.

“Fuck you both!” I spat and left his room, but not before I grabbed a picture he had of us, ripped it

in half and threw it in the trash by the door. I didn‟t look back.

He tried to call me, but I ignored him. He tried to show up to my window, but I left the blinds and
the curtain closed; ignoring his knocking for almost forty-five minutes. He showed up to my house
Monday morning before school to try to talk with me, but I climbed into my truck and reversed out
of the driveway; just barely missing his precious Volvo. He stalked my locker, but I moved my
books to Jacob‟s locker; Jake had offered when he saw the first episode go down in front of my


Jacob was the son of my father‟s friend and we were acquaintances; however, after the Edward
problem Jake and I started to get closer. We started to spend a ton of time together and had a

genuinely great time.

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For the rest of my high school life Jacob became my best friend and my wing man. He was my
constant and we were confidants. He was the only one that knew about my party fling with Tyler
Crowley, my obsession with vampire and zombie movies, and I was the only one that knew Jacob‟s
deepest secret. Jacob was gorgeous and beautiful; dark hair, dark skin, muscular body, extremely
tall, and bright white welcoming smile. Though no girl could have him; he swung for the other

team. Jacob was gay and completely in the closet.

Edward and I kept our distance from each other and never spoke; unless absolutely required to. By

the time sophomore year I wasn‟t angry or bitter anymore, it had just become our behavior.

Alice was in two of my classes sophomore year, three my junior year, and two my senior year. I
had gotten closer to Alice now that I wasn‟t with Edward. We didn‟t hang out in the same group,
but we spoke and often invited the other to a party or something that was happening during the
weekends. Edward was always out at parties, beach trips, and/or camping trips, and every time
there was one or two new girls that he had on his arm. I would simply shake my head and worry
about myself. However, by senior year, Lauren had secured her place as his girlfriend; the captain

of the soccer team and the head cheerleader.

Senior year was winding down and I was active in the yearbook committee. We had tried to put
together something different than in the past. Alice was a part of the yearbook committee as well
as the prom committee. Alice had offered up her home to put together all the prints of the

yearbook before we sent it out to be bound.

It was that afternoon that my Edward and I had our longest interaction in three years; I didn‟t say

it was a pleasant interaction.

“Bells, where is the photo of the October bomb fire?” Alice called down the table to me. I leaned
over the large mahogany table scanning through the photos trying to locate the night that Tyler

dressed up as our mascot.

I was leaned pretty far forward when I felt a slap to my ass. “Now that‟s what I like to come home

to!” He chuckled heavily.

“Keep your hands to yourself!” I spat at him and glared.

“You liked it…you always did” he smirked.

“I was young and inexperienced; I didn‟t know any better” I smirked back as I heard Alice stifle a


Edward shot Alice a glare and then turned back to me. “So you‟re saying that your boyfriend has

more experience than me?” He raised his brow.

“Whatever” I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the photos. I found the picture and
walked it down to Alice. “Here it is, what do we need now?” I ignored Edward for the rest of the
time I had to be there; though he seemed perfectly happy to keep interrupting us or being overly

loud in the living room.

I was relieved when six rolled around and I knew that Jake would be arriving to pick me up. I
helped Alice clean up along with the rest of the group and then they all started leaving. While I was
discussing the printer specifications with Alice, Edward reappeared in the dining room that we had
been all huddled in. Before I had to listen to anything else that he may say I heard a honk and

sighed in relief that Jake had arrived.

“That‟s my ride” I was so happy to be getting out of there that I couldn‟t hold back my excitement.

“I‟ll see you at school” I waved to Alice and headed toward the door.

I was turning the knob when a hand hit the door; I turned around. “What?!” I snapped and rolled

my eyes. He didn‟t say anything. “Edward I have to go Jake is…”

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“He can wait” he shrugged.

“You are such an asshole” I shoved his arm and walked out the door as I heard him chuckling

behind me.

After I climbed into Jake‟s car I looked back briefly and saw Edward glaring at me from the

doorway. I scowled and turned my attention to Jake as we pulled away.

The yearbook turned out perfect and graduation was boring and hot. Of all times for Forks to get a
heat wave, it had to be the time that we were all stuffed into our gymnasium listening to people go
on and on about „the beginning of our lives‟. Regardless high school was over! I had been accepted
to the University of California and I was going to study literature, journalism, and poetry. My father
wasn‟t sure what I was going to do with my degree, but I reassured him that I could always
become a teacher. My mother was sad that I would be leaving at the end of the summer, but I

couldn‟t be happier to get out of the small town and into the sunshine.

Alice, of course, planned the biggest graduation party imaginable. She actually planned it two
weeks after we graduated just to make sure that it didn‟t interfere with anyone else‟s plans. I often

wondered if she was crazy.

Jake, Angela, and Jessica all came to pick me up for the big party. When we arrived there were
twinkle lights, crate paper, large Chinese lanterns, and so much food and alcohol that it looked like
the whole town and the neighboring town could come. Once the music started it got loud and once

the sun was completely down it got crazy.

The DJ that Alice hired had almost everyone dancing and grinding on each other. Jake was my
dance partner for the night; and god could he move. After consuming at least half our body weight
in alcohol we started grinding with each other. Angela joined us; practically making it a threesome
with clothes on. We were laughing and having a great time; knowing that it was all in fun. I
excused myself from the dance floor and headed toward the bathroom. After waiting in a short line

I was finally able to get in. Emerging from the bathroom I headed back toward the dance floor.

I felt a hand on my arm and turned around expecting Jake. “Jacob…” I stopped short with my

mouth hung open when my eyes were met with blazing green eyes.

“I‟m not your pansy ass boyfriend” he smirked at me and then pulled me down the hallway.

“Let go!” I shouted, but he didn‟t listen and I knew that no one would hear me slurring over the


Edward yanked me into a room and slammed the door behind us before pressing me into the door.

“Don‟t mistake me for that…dog” he growled.

“Shut up” I spit out and then reached for the door knob. He grabbed my hand and then grabbed

the other; pulling them above my head and holding them there. “Stop it” I pulled on my arms.

“You are such a tease” he smirked. “Making every guy look at you and pant after you.”

“I am not…” he cut me off with his mouth. I firmly pressed my lips together trying not to kiss him,
but the fire was still there. My lips were a flame from his and when his tongue caressed my bottom
lip a blaze formed between my legs. Our tongues danced ferociously before I came to my senses

and shook my head. “Stop” I panted out.

“You still feel it” he smirked again and leaned in.

“Stop” I hissed.

“Hmm…I don‟t think that I will” he pressed his lips to mine again and I was lost in the blaze.

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I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me up; wrapping my legs around his waist. I
moaned as he pressed his erection into me and he growled as he licked my neck.

My head was throbbing and my body was sore and cramping. I stretched out and felt a body next
to me. I realized then that I was naked. MY eyes flew open and I saw a naked Edward next to me.

I sat up and looked around. “Fuck!” I groaned out loud.

I climbed over Edward and started searching for my clothes and slipping them on. “Fuck, fuck,

fuck” I groaned on repeat.

“Shut up” Edward growled as he rolled onto his stomach.

I rolled my aching eyes and slid my shirt over my head. “Fuck you” I snapped at him.

His head popped up and he looked around himself trying to gain his bearing. “Oh shit” he sat up

and reached down for his pants.

“Exactly” I snapped again.

“Fuck…Lauren?!” he blurted out and quickly threw his shirt on. “Bella…”

“Save it Edward” I closed my eyes and put my hand up toward him.

I headed for the door. “I‟m…” he started to say, but I shut the door before he could finish.

I scanned the hallway and the coast was clear so I staggered to the front door. My head was
aching, but it fucking ripped in two once I opened the door and met the morning sun. I puked off of
the front porch and stumbled down the steps.

Jacob‟s car was still here, so I climbed into the back seat to lie down and prayed that he would
show up soon.

“There you are” Jake‟s voice woke me from my half sleep. “I was looking all over the house for
you. Where did you get…”

“Why don‟t you look like you feel as shitty as I do?” I groaned.

“Because unlike you, I know how to handle my liquor” he chuckled loudly.

“Shhh…” I shushed him from the back seat. He started the car and we pulled away. “What about

Ang?” I asked in a hushed tone.

“She left last night, with Ben” I could see him wiggle his eyebrows from the side of his face. I

shook my head, smiled and laid my head down.

Once I was home; I showered and climbed into my bed making sure that the covers were pulled

tightly around my aching head.

The summer months flew by so fast and there was so much going on that I didn‟t feel like I had
one moment to relax or to stop and think. I was packing up my boxes and bags in preparation for
the trip that Jacob and I were making to California. Angela would be joining us in California in a

week; she was flying. Jacob wanted a road trip and I thought it sounded like fun.

Pulling out of Forks I felt nervous and excited. This was going to be the start of a new life and new


If only I had known just how true that thought was when I had it.

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Chapter 2 – Welcome to the Real World

Two weeks into my first college quarter I was feeling extremely tired and overwhelmed. There was

so much to do and I was so tired. Then to make things even worse, I got sick.

I was out with a guy that I met in my literature class when I started to feel light headed. Figuring
that I just needed to get some food in my system I waited for the waiter to bring our food order to
the table. Looking down to my linguini in clam sauce, one of my personal favorites, I got instantly

nauseated and ran for the ladies room.

“Are you okay?” I heard a sweet voice on the other side of the door.

“Yeah” I panted. “I‟m okay, thank you.” I exited the bathroom stall to splash some cold water on

my face.

“Oh dear you are so pale” I looked in the mirror to see an older woman looking at me.

I smiled. “I guess I‟m coming down with something” I shrugged and headed back to the table.

Once I was back and had assured James that I was fine we ate and then he took me back to my

dorm. We kissed good night and I went to bed.

After relaying my embarrassing story to my two favorite people, who relentlessly made fun of me,
we sat around talking about our weekend plans.

“So what about us all head to the movies?” Angela offered.

“How about we all go to a new place that I found out about?” Jake wiggled his eye brows at us.

“What is this place?” I asked skeptically.

“It‟s called Vamp Tramp” he shrugged.

“Is it a gay club Jake?” I smirked at him knowingly.

“It‟s a mixture of people” he smiled. I laughed.

“Ugh…another gay club” Angela whined. “How will I ever meet a good guy if I only hang out with

gay ones!” she argued. Jake and I busted into a fit of laughter.

Then my stomach knotted. “Eww…” I grabbed my stomach.

“You okay?” Angela‟s voice was full of concern.

“I don‟t feel so well all of sudden” I put my hand over my mouth.

“Not on my shoes” Jake pulled his feet away from me “These are Prada.”

I bolted for the bathroom and got sick. I rinsed out my mouth and headed back to the small dorm

room. “I must have the flu or something” I put my hand to my head.

Angela replaced my hand with hers. “You don‟t feel hot.” She shrugged.

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“So about this weekend ladies” Jake announced. “Let‟s see I am off Saturday, so how about we go

“What is the date on Saturday?” Angela asked as she headed toward the wall calendar. “I never
remember and my schedule is always by dates at the school store.”

As Angela stood in front of the calendar and I saw the red circle a realization dawned on me. “OH
FUCK!” I shouted. I ran to the calendar and ripped if off the wall flipping back the months and

counting forward; flipping back again and then counting; then again.

“Bella?” Angela shouted. “HELLO!!!!”

I felt my eyes fill with tears and I looked up to Angela.

“Oh my god, Bella what is wrong?” she dropped to her knees and wrapped her arm around me.

“I-I think that I…”

“Spit it out girl. You are scaring the shit out of me!” Jake shouted as he grabbed my shoulders.

“Bitch, please don‟t make me slap you.”

I swallowed down the large lump in my throat. “I think I‟m pregnant.” They gasped at the same


“To who?!” Jacob asked. “James?!” I shook my head. “Well, well miss thang, what have you been
up to?” He gave me a look and if I hadn‟t been in shock I would‟ve laughed. “Well before James

was Daniel” I shook my head again. “Damn it Bella…” Jake was annoyed now.

“Bella how late are you?” Angela asked softly.

I sobbed. “Shhh….it‟s okay. We aren‟t even sure yet.” Jacob comforted me with his arms.

“Exactly!” Angela exclaimed. “Jake, go to the store!” she ordered. Now Angela was like a tiny quiet
mouse or wall flower, but when she was determined or pissed off you didn‟t want to fuck around.

“Aye, aye captain” Jacob replied and headed out the door.

Angela pulled me up off the floor and pried the calendar from my hands. She sat me onto my bed
and then went to the small dorm fridge. Handing me a bottle of water she spoke up. “Drink up;
you‟re going to have to pee soon.” I took the bottle and chugged; while silently praying that I was

Jacob returned thirty minutes later with two boxes. Angela grabbed the bag and pulled me into the
bathroom; Jake followed. Angela opened one box and Jake opened the other. They each handed

me a test and I peed on the plastic strips.

I paced around the dorm room until the minutes were up.

“I‟ve got a smiley face!” Jacob announced and then his face fell. “Oh wait…that‟s not a good thing.
Who the fuck came up with a smiley face that appears on a stick after you piss on it?!”

“I‟ve got one word….” Angela looked up at me “Pregnant.”

“Oh my god!” I collapsed onto my bed and sobbed for the rest of the night.

After my classes the following day I went to a local clinic and was examined. It was confirmed and
I had to choose a doctor in the area to visit. The clinic could only guess at how far along I was and

they assumed two possibly three months.

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I almost fainted because three months puts me to one night at a graduation party; Edward. Fuck!
But I had a period after the graduation party, it couldn‟t have been then. Wait, did I have my
period after that? Fuck! I can‟t remember for sure. No, wait! I did have it, but it was really light.

Then again, two months ago I hadn‟t slept with anyone. Shit!

I thought the worst call I would have ever had to make was calling my parents. My mother broke
down into tears and my father screamed; refusing to talk to me. The only thing that I was thankful
for was that my father‟s insurance carried me until I graduated college, so at least I didn‟t have to

worry about massive hospital bills.

I was wrong; Edward was the worst. I called him the afternoon after my clinic appointment.

“Hello?” he answered with a rushed tone.

“Edward, its Bella” even I could hear the nerves in my voice.

“Oh…hey” clearly he wondered why the hell I was calling him.

“I need to talk to you about something” I paused.

“Can I call you back? I‟m about to go into a class” I heard him laugh and say something to

someone else.

“Well, I really need to talk to you about something.” I pressed.

“Fine, what is it?” he said curtly and that just pissed me off.

I huffed angrily. “Remember that night of the grad party at your house?”


“Did you use a condom?!” I was being an asshole, but I didn‟t care.


“Yeah, that‟s what I thought, because now I just found out that I am pregnant” I swallowed hard

trying not to cry over the phone.

“And you‟re telling me that it‟s mine?!” He chuckled. “How do I know that Jacob didn‟t get you

pregnant or some other guy you‟ve been with?”

“You are an asshole!” I shouted. “Jake is not my boyfriend he never was and after I talked with the

doctors it points back to three months ago, and that asshole would be you!”

“You and Jake were never…”

“Focus Edward!” I shouted.

“Oh..um..so you‟re sure?” finally he sounded as worried and nervous as me.

“Unfortunately” I grumbled.

“Ok” he paused “What are you going to do?” I sighed in aggravation.

“I don‟t know, but I thought you should know so that…” he cut me off.

“Do you need money?” he asked.

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“You know, money…to…uh…take care of it?”

“I don‟t want your money Edward!” I shouted in anger and disgust.

“Look I really have to get into class. Can I call you later tonight, please?” he was rushed.



“Fine” I spit out.

“Okay, I‟ll talk to you later.” Before I could say another word he hung up.

I waited that night for my phone to ring. It never did. The next day I tried to call him, but I only
got voicemail. I left him a message and told him that I wasn‟t „getting rid‟ of the baby. Then I

waited, and waited, and waited.

Four days later and there was still no word from him. I planned to call him when I got back to the
dorm, but I found a large priority mail envelop in our mailbox that distracted me. The return

address was in New Hampshire.

I ripped the large blue and white envelop open and dumped the contents onto my bed. Now a
white envelop and a manila envelop lay on my bedspread. I picked up the manila envelop and
opened it. Inside there was money; I furrowed my brow in confusion. I quickly opened the white
envelop; there was a letter.

Dear Bella,

I am sorry, but I can‟t do this. I have so much going on and my life is just beginning.

I should‟ve called you, but I couldn‟t. I know that you probably hate me, but I can‟t be a father.

Please take the money. It should cover „taking care of things‟. If you need more, I can get it for


I‟m sorry,


“Oh my fucking God! That horrible, no good, stupid, selfish, PRICK!” I shouted out to the empty
room. I threw the letter onto the floor and collapsed to my bed in a fit of sobs.

Angela found me there hours later. I didn‟t speak or move. She eventually found the letter and the
money. “What a fucking cock sucker!” I heard her call Jacob and I heard when he came in the
room, but I refused to move or do anything. The next day was much the same; I didn‟t move or

speak, except to go to the bathroom.

It was two days later that Jake picked me up off the bed and put me into the shower; fully clothed.

“Jake! What the fuck!” I screamed and smacked him.

He smiled widely. “I figured that would get you out this funk! No get undressed and showered. You
are not going to let that bastard destroy your life missy.” He left the bathroom and I stripped

down; letting the hot water warm my body and letting it wash away my thoughts.

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I was never one for epiphanies, but this shower definitely induced one. The moment I washed my
stomach I knew that I was going to do this. I would have my baby and I would finish school. I

could do this; I was strong enough.

Over the next weeks I looked into different options that the college had for young mothers and
such. Turns out that as long as I kept my GPA at a certain level there was an on campus daycare

for students and the college also had special housing for students with children.

Mid second quarter of college I moved into new campus housing. I was almost six months pregnant
and was thankful that I was due around the holiday break so that I wouldn‟t miss much of my
classes. I was able to get some extra hours at the library as well as tutoring other students with

literature and writing classes.

I had found out that I was having a girl and my mother was going crazy with pink clothes, bibs,
blankets, etc. My father had come to terms with things and though my mother knew the full story
with Edward and the letter; my father did not. I knew that Charlie would have drove straight to the
Cullen‟s house and flipped out. I had come to the agreement with myself, after I attempted to call
him one more time and got a disconnected message, that this was my baby and I didn‟t want a

weak pathetic man in my child‟s life. He had a choice and he made it.

The money that Edward had given me I wanted to send back, but my mother had convinced me to
keep the five thousand dollars in the bank; both of us understanding that it was for the baby. After
she was born, she would need things and that is what I would use it for; only for her. I wouldn‟t

deprive my child because the sperm donor didn‟t want to man up.

Jacob and Angela were my strongest local support system. Jacob mostly stayed at my place on

campus. When he wasn‟t there then Angela was; they were the best.

Months passed quickly and soon I was about to pop. Angela had gone home to Forks, but Jacob
stayed with me on campus. Renee surprised me by visiting and Charlie showed up a few days later.

Three days after Charlie arrived I went into labor.

Charlie and Jacob looked panic stricken and lost; Renee really took charge. She had us to the
hospital and everything taken care of before Charlie could blink. I think my father had a whole

knew appreciation for her after that.

I lay in labor for seven miserable hours; even though my doctor said I was lucky. After half an hour
of pushing with Renee at my side every moment, my little girl had arrived. She had a light tuft of
waving brown hair with red tints. She was almost seven pounds and was twenty inches long. She

was beautiful. I thought of Edward once and that is all I allowed.

“What‟s the name?” Renee asked curiously and in anticipation of my answer.

“Well I am naming her after my favorites” I shrugged and smiled. “Emily Jane” I responded as I
looked down on my beautiful little girl. “Emily is for Emily Dickenson and Jane is for Jane Eyre; two

of my favorites.”

“I think it‟s perfect” Renee said as she took Emily from my arms and cradled her.

After five weeks I had only missed two weeks of full classes; I attended the ones that I could make
it to. Emily seemed to get along well at the campus daycare, while Angela and Jake also loved to
take her for me when I worked. Halfway through the quarter I was caught up on everything and

had begun working on the creative writing story that would be due at the end of the fourth quarter.

I spent most of my free time working on my final story that would be due. I had chosen to write a

fictional story; mainly so I could live vicariously through my characters lives.

Months passed and Emily had now picked up the nickname „Emi‟, she had also become the mini
Edward; much to my annoyance. She was gorgeous; her thick curly bronze hair that framed her
porcelain skin, and the green eyes that only could be her fathers. The newest development was a

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crooked smile. The smile that I had loved, had despised, now that I have to come to terms with.
Everyone was in love with her.

As the years passed by she astonished me with her intelligence. She was saying words by the time
she was one, had started walking around ten months old, and she had a way of communicating

with her hands when she couldn‟t verbalize. She amazed me every day.

I finally struggled my way through the rest of college with classes, a baby, working two jobs, and
trying to get sleep. College graduation was a big celebration and my parents came to California to
celebrate with Jacob, Angela, Jacob‟s father, Angela‟s parents, Emi, and me. We all went out to
dinner and then Charlie and Renee took Emi so that Jacob, Angela and I could head out for a long
night. We all wanted to blow off some steam from final exams and projects, as well as get out

before we all went off to our first days of „real‟ jobs.

Angela had gotten a job as a math teacher in Forks, so she would be leaving in a few weeks to get
settled in our old home town. Jacob had gotten a job with a machinery company as a junior
engineer in California. I was happy because my job was also in California. With the help of my
literature and journalism professor I had gotten a junior editor position with a magazine company.
It wasn‟t my dream job, but it was going to pay me enough that Jake and I would be able to rent a

decent apartment in a decent neighborhood.

After Emi turned four I got a call from a publishing company based in L.A. Turns out that the

college professor sends out our final stories to publishing companies.

“Can I speak with Isabella Swan?” The voice was pleasant, confident, and professional.

“This is she” I glanced to the number on my phone again, but it didn‟t look familiar at all.

“Wonderful. Miss Swan my name is Rosalie McCarty I am with Little Brown, a small publishing firm
in Los Angeles. We received your draft of „A Slayer‟s Heart‟ and would like to meet with you
regarding this amazing story you have here.” I couldn‟t form words to respond. “Miss Swan?”

“Yeah, I…um…I‟m here” I fought back the giggles that were threatening to erupt; I was starting to

feel giddy.

“Miss Swan, would you be available next week?”

“Of course” I answered still trying to keep it short so that I didn‟t act spastic.

“Great, how about next Wednesday around ten in the morning?”

“Sounds perfect” I smiled widely. She gave me all the information before I hung up; then I

immediately called Jacob who got Angela joined into a three-way call.

After taking Emi to daycare I headed to Los Angeles for my meeting; it was only thirty minutes


“Good afternoon” I was greeted by a very friendly receptionist “How can I help you today?”

“Isabella Swan, I‟m here to see Rosalie McCarty” I watched as she looked over a schedule.

“Of course, please have a seat and I will announce your arrival” she smiled pleasantly as she

picked up her phone. “Ms. McCarty, Isabella Swan has arrived” “uh huh” “Of course”.

“Miss Swan” I looked up to her. “Please follow me.”

I followed the older woman down the long hallway listening to my heel clicks echo down the


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“Isabella” A tall curvy blonde approached me from behind a desk. She was gorgeous; like swimsuit
model gorgeous.

“Uh…call me um…Bella please” I was already nervous, but now I was intimidated by the beauty in
front of me.

“Okay, Bella” she smiled and motioned for me to sit down.

“Listen, we want your story” she said cutting to the chase. “I would like to arrange a deal for you
to write this story into a book, and hopefully more to follow.” She smiled large at me. “Do you

think that that could be possible?”

“Uh…sure, but how soon would I need to get it put together, because I have a small daughter and

a job…” she cut me off.

“You would have about a year to complete the first book” she informed me.

“Oh, I think that I can do that” I answered uneasily.

“Great. Now let‟s talk specifics.” She pulled out a bunch of papers and we went over every minimal


My head was so full that I had to ask for a day to read everything over before I signed. She
understood and we agreed to be in touch over the next couple of days. Before I left she gave me a
large black bag. I looked at her in confusion before she informed me that it was my new laptop to

work on my book.

The weeks that followed that meeting I had gotten to know Rose really well. Turns out that she had
a daughter a few months younger than Emi and they would be going to the same preschool in a
few months. Rose, as she asked me to call her, lived closer to the beach than Jake, Emi, and I, but
was still close enough that I could meet with her to go over book details.

Right before Emi‟s fifth birthday I had finished and turned in the book; the book of course was
dedicated to my Emi. The publisher‟s were extremely thrilled about the book and they were rushing

it through to publication.

When the published book was released there was a huge release party. I met Emmett, Rose‟s
husband. He was extremely large like a linebacker, but he was very pleasant. He started to remind

me of an oversized teddy bear.

The book was a massive success; more so than I could have ever imagined. It had become a
phenomenon. I had to quit my job with the magazine so that I could travel on my book tour; which
was three months long. Thankfully Rose could schedule the tour visits so that I could take Emi with

me on most of them; I hated to be away from her.

I bought a three bedroom house that was right on the beach. Emily was in love with it. Our back
yard literally turned into a beach that stretched out toward the water. Emi‟s room was much bigger

and we lived a little closer to Haley; Rose‟s daughter and Emi‟s closest friend.

Kindergarten came up quickly and while Emi was at school I wrote. Since I worked from home now
I picked up the girls from Kindergarten each day and Rose would pick up Haley from my house on

her way home.

“Thank you so much Bella” Rose said partially out of breath as she came through my door.

“No need to thank me Rose” I shook my head smiling. “You don‟t have to rush to pick her up, Emi

and I love having her here.”

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Rose kissed my cheek and sat down on my couch; taking off her heels. “She loves coming here”
she smiled over to Haley who had just come in with Emi. “Hey baby” she cooed to her.

“Mommy!” Haley ran and jumped into Rose‟s arms; planting a huge kiss on her cheek.

“So how‟s the book going?”

I shrugged. “Good, though I am having a hard time figuring out where I am going to go after this
one, so I have to be careful with what I write.” I shook my head. “I didn‟t realize what I was

getting myself into when I signed on for a series of books did I?”

Rose laughed and I did too.

“Okay, well Haley, daddy is waiting for us to come home and eat dinner” Haley started to pout

about leaving.

“Hey Hale you know you need to take your school pictures home so daddy can see, remember?” I

bribed her. She started smiling.

“I forgot that those were coming in” Rose looked at me with a smile as she dug through Haley‟s

bag and pulled them out.

“The class photo is great” I giggled.

Rose pulled out the photo and started to giggle too. “Good lord…kindergartener are funny.”

Rose had seen the multiple kids with hair sticking up, the kids making faces, and just the overall
cuteness of them.

“Thanks again Bella” Rose shouted as her and Haley headed out the door.

“So, what are we going to do now Em?” I turned to her sad face that watched her friend go out the


“Beach” she smiled.

“Okay!” I exclaimed. “Let‟s get the sand toys.”

While Emi collected her beach basket I grabbed some towels and I called James to see when he
would be coming over. James and I were slow to start, but after Emi‟s first birthday we had started
seeing each other again. From there it just blossomed into friendship and then it became a


On the way to the beach I watched Emi‟s curly bronze haired head bob around as we headed to the

beach, and I couldn‟t help but remember my summer with Edward.

Chapter 3


“Did you have a good day baby?” I glanced to my pride and joy through the review mirror of my

BMW. She nodded with a big smile. “Good!” I smiled.

When I pulled into the driveway there was an unfamiliar car in my driveway. I got Haley out of her

car seat and grabbed her bag along with my briefcase.

“We‟re home!” I shouted as I entered the door.

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“It‟s about damn time!” My head snapped up to see my tiny little pixie best friend standing with her
hands on her hips.

“Alice!!!” I exclaimed as we ran to each other‟s arms. I could hear Emmett chuckling in the
background. Alice was Emmett‟s cousin; they had gotten closer after Emmett and I had gotten

married and Alice met my older brother Jasper.

“Don‟t forget about us.” I looked up to see Alice‟s parents come around the corner.

“Esme” I pulled her into a large hug. “Carlisle” I hugged him tightly.

“Is Jasper here too?” I looked to Alice.

She shook her head. “Not this time, he had papers to grade.” She waved it off. “Haley!” she
exclaimed and pulled her into a tight hug. “How are you? Still styling I see.” Alice appraised her
pink dress. “But I bet we need to go shopping don‟t we?” I could see the gleam in Alice‟s eyes at

the thought of shopping for little girl clothes.

“You know Alice you should just design little girl clothes so that Haley can have them all and we
won‟t have to buy anymore” Emmett boasted as he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed
my head.

“Emmett, that might be the best idea you have ever had” Alice looked at him and then started to

get heavy in thought.

“Oh goodness, let‟s move to the living room. I‟ve got school pictures to show everyone.” I ushered

everyone to the living room.

I pulled out Haley‟s school pictures and passed them around the room. Everyone discussed how
much Haley looks like Emmet with her dark curly hair, but how she had my blue eyes and pouty

“Ooh, what‟s this?” Alice leaned down to the coffee table and pulled up the class photo.

“That‟s her whole class” I giggled. “Aren‟t they adorable?”

Alice nodded as she looked over the photo. “Is Haley holding hands with this little girl?” Alice

turned the photo and pointed to Haley and Emi.

“Oh my, I didn‟t even notice that they were holding hands” I exclaimed and put my hand on my

chest. “I wonder if Bella noticed” I thought out loud as I showed Emmett the picture.

“Bella?” Alice asked.

“Yes, she is one of my authors. She lives near by and her daughter is Haley‟s best friend” I smiled

and passed the picture back to Alice.

“So, that‟s the little girl that she is holding hands with?” I nodded and watch Al examine the photo

for a long minute.

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No, she just looks very familiar” she shrugged “Maybe she looks like a one of

those child actors.” She shrugged.

“Well pass the photo, you are hogging it” I chuckled at Esme as she scolded Alice.

“Sorry” Alice giggled and handed it over.

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“Oh, Alice, you are right. The hand holding is adorable.” Then I watched Esme‟s face change like
Alice‟s did. “You said that this girl is Haley‟s best friend” Esme seemed to have a hard time for a

minute. I wasn‟t the only one to notice.

“Es?” Carlisle sat up closer to her and wrapped his arm around her. “What‟s wrong?”

“Look at this” Esme handed the class picture to Carlisle. “What do you see?”

“Esme, what‟s the matter?” I leaned forward and asked.

I heard Carlisle gasp lightly.

“Will someone please tell me what the hell we have going on right now?” Emmett exclaimed.

Usually I would yell at him for his behavior, but right now I felt the same way.

“Mom?” Alice asked quietly. “Dad?”

“What is the child‟s name?” Esme looked at me with shock and confusion.

“Emi” I answered.

“Her whole name?” Carlisle looked up from the photo as Esme took it back.

“Uh…Emily Swan” I spit out; still confused.

“Swan?” Alice interrupted. I nodded. “Her mother is Bella Swan?” I nodded again.

“How do you know Bella?”

“I went to school with her” Alice turned to her mother and Esme looked up to her. “Edward and I
both did.” Alice‟s eyes were large.

“Ahem!” Emmett cleared his throat.

Esme sighed. “Do you see it Carlisle?”

“Yes.” He seemed to be confused and in shock as well.

“Rose, have you met the girl‟s father?” Esme asked me with an intense look on her face.

“Um…no. Bella and Emi live alone.”

“Has she ever mentioned her father?” Carlisle added.

“Uh..no, I don‟t think…well wait. There is only one time that I remember. I asked her where Emi‟s
father was and Bella said that she had gotten pregnant in college and the father didn‟t stick
around.” I looked around at their faces. “What is this all about?”

Esme reached into her purse and pulled out a photo wallet. She turned to on particular photo and
pulled it out of the plastic sleeve. “This is Edward when he was five” she said as she placed it on

the table.

I picked up the photo and I felt all the breath leave my body. I looked back up to Esme. “I‟m sure
that there is just a strong resemblance. I mean, come on.” I tried to be rational; Esme wasn‟t

having it.

“How many kids or people do you know with that color hair?”

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“I‟m sure that there are other‟s Aunt Esme, don‟t get worked up over…” Esme cut Emmett off.

“I know my son and I know that that little girl is identical to him. I also know that her mother just

happens to be my son‟s ex-girlfriend.” It was my turn to gasp now.

“Edward and Bella..?” she nodded before I could finish. “What happened?”

Esme shrugged. “I thought that they weren‟t together during high school, but I guess…”

“Bella said she got pregnant in college?” Alice asked quickly. I nodded. “But if she is five then it
would have had to be the summer after we graduated, but he was with that Lauren girl that
wouldn‟t go away.” Alice shuddered at the thought. “And I think that Bella was with that Jacob

kid.” She was talking mostly to Esme now.

“Jacob Black?” Emmett asked.

“Yeah” Alice said and Emmett busted up laughing. “What?”

“Alice, Jake is gay” I tried not to laugh with Emmett as I answered.

“He is?!” she exclaimed. I nodded and started to laugh. “I should‟ve known by the way he always

dressed. Damn!” I laughed even harder.

After a few moments of silence, Alice spoke up. “Where does Bella live?”

“About ten minutes or less, over in….wait Alice you can‟t just barge over there” I shrieked. “You

aren‟t even sure about…”

“I think that it is worth finding out.” Esme exclaimed and I could see tears start to form in her
eyes. “Why would she hide her from us Carlisle? I don‟t understand.” Carlisle held his wife tightly
and shushed her.

“What‟s her address?” Alice demanded as she looked at her mother crying.

“I‟m not going to just feed Bella to you without knowing all the facts” I stood up and looked at Alice


“Fine, you can come with me” she shrugged.

“No Alice that‟s not going to happen” I sighed. “Look how long are you guys staying?”

“Till Monday” Esme sobbed out.

“Okay, the girls have soccer practice on Friday, so you can come along to there practice. BUT you

have to promise that you won‟t make a scene and that you won‟t just jump her” I warned.

“Deal” Alice smiled, but it was little too mischievous in my opinion.


“What do you want?”

“Is that anyway to talk to your sister?” I feigned being hurt.

He sighed. “It‟s so great to hear from you, now what do you want?”

“I‟m hurt.”

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“Too bad, now spill it.” He was annoyed.

“I just called to tell you how big Haley is getting” I knew how much he adored Haley and it would

kill him that I was visiting her and he wasn‟t.

“You‟re at Rose and Emmett‟s place?” he asked confused.

“Yeah, mom and dad came with me to visit them.” I was totally rubbing this shit in.

“So it‟s like a whole family trip and no one bothered to tell me about it? I‟m hurt.”

“Too bad” I quoted him and giggled. “Yeah we are going to go watch Haley play soccer on Friday.”

I was going to really rub this shit in now.

“She‟s playing soccer?” He sounded excited.

“Yep” I popped the p at the end and smirked; it was working. Now it was time to reel him in.

“So how‟s work?”

“Good” he responded.

“How‟s Tanya?” I rolled my eyes.

“Still trying to get a marriage proposal” he chuckled.

“So why don‟t you propose already? You‟ve been together for forever.” I rolled my eyes again.
Tanya was okay, but she just got annoying with how she pined for Edward and constantly tried to

get him to marry her. I wish he would just do it already.

“I‟m just not ready to get married I guess.”

“You guess?” I said sarcastically. “You know you need to get married so you can start popping out
babies.” I smirked into my phone.

He got extremely quiet, too quiet for Edward. “Uh..yeah…she‟s mentioned kids too. I just...I‟m just
not ready to be a father. I don‟t think that I ever will be.”

I frowned. Hmm…time to step it up. “Oh okay, well I was just checking in. Haley and I are going to
head down to the beach, so I should get going.”

“Oh, is she right there?” I‟m winning!!!! Go Alice!!!

“Yeah, hold on” I ran for Haley, since she was no where near me. I found her in her room and told

her Uncle Edward wanted to talk to her; she got excited.

“Edward?!” she exclaimed.

“Hi” “Uh huh” “Yep” “Kick the ball” I could only hear Haley‟s side of the conversation, so I had to
move in for the kill. I leaned down and whispered into Haley‟s ear. „Ask Edward to come watch you

play soccer‟. “You comin to watch me play soccer?” “Really?!” “Yeah”

By the smile on her face, I was pretty sure I had just succeeded in part one of my plan.


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On Fridays I pick up the girls from kindergarten, make sure that they eat, get dressed in their
soccer uniforms, and then we head to the soccer field. I was currently on step three.

“Emi don‟t forget to put your socks on. Haley where are your shin guards?”

“Okay mommy” Emi ran off to her bedroom for her socks.

“Mommy should‟ve packed them in my soccer bag” Haley shrugged and pulled her bag over for us

to go through. “Here they are!” she shouted happily.

The girls loved soccer.

“Okay ladies, it‟s time to pile into the car” I grabbed their bags, the cooler, my folding chair, my
laptop, and my keys. The girls ran to the car and waited to get in; they were giggling crazily the

whole way.

I buckled the girls into their seats and then climbed into the driver‟s seat. After starting the car I
sent a text to Rose to let her know that we were on our way; just in case she beat us to the field.
Then we backed out of the driveway and headed to the field; listening to god awful „Kids Bop‟ the

entire way.

“We‟re here!” I announced and the girls were bouncing up and down in their seats.

After unbuckling and releasing the girls from the car, they stood next to me waiting for their bags.
Once they each had their soccer bag they ran to group with the rest of their team. I grabbed my

things and headed to the spot that I typically sit at.

I looked around and didn‟t see Rose yet, which was unusual. She usually beat us or arrived right
after us. I pulled out my seat and got comfortable with my laptop. In the middle of some working

dialogue I felt a hand on my shoulder; I turned around.

“Hey, I was wondering if you were going to make it” I smiled up to Rose. She smiled weakly and I

immediately knew that something was off about her. “What‟s wrong?”

She shook her head “Nothing” she mumbled.

“Uh huh” I crinkled my forehead and turned back to my laptop. I assumed that she just didn‟t want

to talk about it.

After working through my paragraphs I closed the laptop and put it in the bag. I was watching
Haley make a solid kick toward the net when I felt Rose stiffen next to me. I turned to look at her,

but her eyes were locked on something behind her.

I followed her gaze to a large black car that was parked near her red BMW. “Ro…” I stopped
suddenly when I saw the woman who emerged from the car; Esme Cullen. She was greeted by

Emmett, whom I didn‟t see pull up.

“Oh there‟s Emmett” Rose seemed to force enthusiasm.

“Wh-who..?” I tried to ask nonchalantly.

“That‟s Esme his aunt. They drove down from Washington.” Rose still sounded off.

“Oh” was all I could get out. I swallowed hard and started to gather my stuff.

“Where are you going?” She turned to me quickly. Her eyes held panic and anxiousness.

“I‟m going to put my things in my car” I rushed out of my mouth and walked toward my SUV.

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When I reached my car I felt like I was going to hyper ventilate. How the hell could this be
happening now? How is it that my publisher is related to his family? UGH! Fuck! My eyes scanned
around the soccer field. Rose had moved down the field and was standing with Emmett, Esme,

Carlisle and Alice. Alice too? Jesus Christ!

I took a deep breath and took the long way around to the other side of the field. I‟ll just go to the

coach and get Emi before anything awkward happens.

Standing in a group of parents that I typically avoid I waited for the coach to get close enough to
the sideline. Finally when he was close enough I heard some cheers erupt and looked up to see Emi
jumping and clapping; she had made a goal. My daughter had just made a goal and I am too
fucking busy playing cloak and dagger! Fuck! I‟m a horrible mother. I felt a tear of pride for her

and anger at myself fall down my cheek.

I relaxed on the other side of the field; I was hidden in the crowd and I didn‟t want to alarm Emi.
She was so happy right now. I stole one quick glance over toward Rose and the Cullen‟s. That was
when I saw him. No, no, no…. “No, no, no…” I shook my head and felt the hyperventilation start
again. I felt like I was in a bad dream.

Watching as Alice pointed her finger toward the field. I followed her gesture in what felt like slow
motion. She was pointing to where Haley and Emi stood together on the field. I snapped my head
back toward Edward and breathed in relief when he didn‟t seem to change his demeanor. I quickly

moved toward the coach.

“Coach Clapp” I shouted. He turned quickly and smiled.

“Ms. Swan?”

“Hi, yeah, I need to get Emi now okay? We have a prior engagement. I‟m sorry that I didn‟t tell

you before practice.”

“Oh that‟s okay” he smiled warmly and turned toward the field. “Emily Swan! Come here little
lady!” he shouted and I cringed hoping that it wasn‟t loud enough for them to have heard anything

on the field.

Using the corner of my eye; I chanced a peek over at them. My stomach sank as I noticed all of
them staring toward the field as Emi ran toward me; all of them but Edward. His eyes were locked
on me. Then I watched him move. He was walking quickly with his sister and Rose in toe.

“Are we leaving mommy?”

I nodded. “Yes, get your bag please.” I forced a smile.

“I want to stay” she pouted.

“Please baby don‟t do this right now, let‟s go” she grabbed her bag but still pouted. “Hey I know we
will stop for ice cream and then we will go straight to the beach tonight okay?” I grabbed her hand

and pulled her toward our car.

“Really?!” I could hear the smile in her voice.

“Yes really” I smiled back to her. I kept her on my left side; shielding her from the sight of others

and we walked quickly toward the car.

I had just thrown the bag in the car and opened the door. “Okay Emi, climb in” I sighed out and

reached down to help her into the car. As I was buckling her in I heard his voice.

“Bella?” I froze. “Bella..?”

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I turned around keeping Emi blocked behind me in the car. I furrowed my brow and swallowed.
“Edward” I nodded curtly and turned to shut Emi‟s door.

He grabbed my shoulder and I pulled away from his touch. “Bella, please…I am…”

“There isn‟t anything to say Edward. It‟s fine. It was nice to see you again.” I forced a smile.

“I think there is plenty to say” I glanced over Edward‟s shoulder and saw Alice standing there with

accusing eyes.

“Alice” Edward growled. “I told you to stay with mom and dad.”

“Edward…” she whined.

“Alice!” He growled again.

“No Edward!” Alice moved around Edward and glared into my face. “So, Bella, how old is your
daughter? She crossed her arms over her chest.”

“Alice” I heard Rose hiss and watched as she pushed Alice‟s arm lightly.

I looked at Edward and glared at him before turning my glare onto Alice. “Why do you ask Alice?”

“Well it‟s just that she seems to be about five, right? And she has an uncanny resemblance to..?” I

cut her off.

“Just say what you want to say Alice” I snapped; keeping my glare firmly on her.

“How could you keep her away from us, from Edward?” she whined. “Why Bella?”

“I kept her away?”

“Yes, you denied her...”

“You have no idea what you are talking about Alice” I snapped. “Does she Edward?” I raised my

brow at him.

“Edward?” Alice said in a soft voice.

“Bella?” This time it was Edward.

“I won‟t take the heat for you Edward” I growled out as I climbed into the car.

“Mommy…what‟s wrong?” Emi asked nervously from the backseat.

“Everything is fine baby” I tried to sooth her with my voice.

I turned back to Edward who was staring wide eyed at Emi. “I need to go” I said curtly.

Edward‟s hand stopped my door from closing. “Is she..?”

“NO” I turned on him. “She‟s mine, now move your hand.”

“You can‟t leave” I looked over Edward and saw Esme standing there with tears in her eyes. Jesus

Christ…kill me now. “Please Bella, don‟t take her away. Don‟t take her away from me again.”

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I had had enough; I jumped from the car and shut the door; hoping that Emi didn‟t hear what I
was about to say.

“I didn‟t do anything. I told Edward I was pregnant” I looked to him accusingly and he dropped his
head. “He didn‟t want anything to do with it. Ask him about his letter!” I looked around to see
everyone looking at Edward; I took the opportunity to jump into my car and leave; trying not to

cry the whole way.

“Who were those people mommy?” Emi asked nervously as we got out of the car.

“Just people, they won‟t be back.” I smiled down on her and she flashed me her, well his, crooked
smile and I rushed us inside so I could cry in my bathroom.

On my way out of the bathroom I realized I forgot the ice cream. “Hey, Emi. I know that I forgot to
stop and get ice cream, so how about we..?” I stopped when I saw her sitting on the small foot rest

still in her soccer clothes; she looked sad. “What‟s wrong baby? I‟ll make us some sundaes.”


“Yes?” I lifted her face to look at me.

“He looked like me” she said so quiet that I almost didn‟t hear her.

“Who did?” I croaked out.

“That guy with the same color hair” she said as she twirled a curl with her fingers.


When Alice called I figured she was up to something, but I couldn‟t pass up going to see Haley. She
was the best. She was like a mini Emmett, but with Rose‟s personality. I enjoyed being around her

when I got the chance.

Being the last year of my internship at Seattle Grace Hospital I hoped that I would start to get
more time to be with my family again. I had Tanya, who understood my schedule; however she
was starting to want marriage and kids. I wanted to be further in my career before I married her

and kids…well children were a rough subject. I didn‟t know if I could ever be a father.

Convincing Tanya to drive to Los Angeles wasn‟t too difficult since she couldn‟t wait to get to warm
sunny weather. We drove Thursday afternoon until we got to the hotel to clean up. After freshening
up we headed to Rose‟s place to meet up with Emmett; he was going to show us how to get to the

soccer field.

Everyone was genuinely surprised to see us; except Alice who just smirked.

“Where‟s Haley?” I asked as I release my mother from a tight hug. Alice pointed toward the field.

“She‟s right there” I smiled seeing her laughing with another girl on her team. “Haley is standing
next to the little girl with the green ribbon holding her ponytail up.” I turned back to Alice with a

confused look on my face.

“I see her Alice” I chuckled. “She has gotten so big and Rose she has definitely started to look

more like you.”

“Only the eyes and the mouth” Rose smiled proudly. “She still looks more like her daddy.”

“But she acts like her mother” Emmett quipped; which got him a small hip bump from Rose as we

all laughed.

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“Emily Swan!” I heard the coach yell and I turned around to look at the field. When I turned around
I didn‟t expect to look straight across the field into the face of my past. Bella? Her face turned to

mine and her eyes widened and she looked panicked. “Bella?” I said aloud without realizing it.

“What?” I heard Tanya ask.

Before I realized what I was doing I started to walk around the field toward her. “Edward?” Alice
questioned, but I kept moving.

“Stay here” I absently said to Alice.

“Alice, stop him” Rose hissed, but I moved faster.

I wasn‟t close enough to know for sure, but it looked as if she was rushing and that the little girl
was giving her a hard time. Bella pulled the girl tightly to her left side and began to move. My

strides faltered when realization dawned on me. Is that..?

Picking up my pace I was almost too her; so close I could hear her voice. “Okay Emi, climb in.”

“Bella?” She didn‟t move. “Bella..?”

Finally she turned around with her brow furrowed. “Edward” she nodded curtly and shut the back

door of the SUV. I couldn‟t see behind her, but I wanted just one more look to be sure.

I grabbed her shoulder and she pulled away from me. “Bella, please…I am…” I tried to plea with

her but she cut me off.

“There isn‟t anything to say Edward. It‟s fine. It was nice to see you again.” She smiled, but it was


“I think there is plenty to say” I heard Alice spit out from behind me.

“Alice” I growled. “I told you to stay with mom and dad.” I didn‟t want them involved, didn‟t want
them to know what I had done.

“Edward…” she whined at me thinking that I would give in to her.

“Alice!” I growled again.

“No Edward!” Alice moved around me and glared into Bella‟s face. “So, Bella, how old is your
daughter? She crossed her arms over her chest.” I wanted to grab Alice by her hair and pull her

back; she didn‟t know what she was doing.

“Alice” I heard Rose hiss and watched as she pushed Alice‟s arm lightly.

Bella glared at me and then at Alice. “Why do you ask Alice?”

“Well it‟s just that she seems to be about five, right? And she has an uncanny resemblance to..?”

“Just say what you want to say Alice” Bella had cut her off.

“How could you keep her away from us, from Edward?” she whined. “Why Bella?”

“I kept her away?”

“Yes, you denied her...”

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“You have no idea what you are talking about Alice” Fuck. “Does she Edward?” Bella gave me a
look as if to say „go ahead deny it, I dare you‟.

“Edward?” Alice said in a soft voice; obviously she was confused.

I ignored Alice. “Bella?”

“I won‟t take the heat for you Edward” She started to climb into her car.

“Mommy…what‟s wrong?” A small voice spoke from the back and my eyes snapped to the rear

window where little curly head was looking out at me.

“Everything is fine baby” I barely heard Bella say to the girl.

Suddenly Bella‟s voice pulled me out of my trance on the girl. “I need to go.” She reached to pull

her door shut but I stopped her. I needed to know. I didn‟t have a right, but I needed to know.

“Is she..?” I started, but the fury in Bella‟s eyes told me that I was not going to get anywhere.

“NO” she spat. “She‟s mine, now move your hand.”

“You can‟t leave” I heard my mother‟s sad plea and I wanted to beat the shit out of myself. “Please
Bella, don‟t take her away. Don‟t take her away from me again.” I watched Bella‟s face contort into
bitter, resentful, pain as she jumped out of her car and shut the door behind her.

“I didn‟t do anything. I told Edward I was pregnant” I dropped my head in shame and regret; my
family would surely hate me as much as she did. “He didn‟t want anything to do with it. Ask him
about his letter!” I felt all eyes shift to me and when I looked up I caught sight of Tanya‟s wide

eyes. Then Bella‟s car was gone; driving away from us.

“Edward, what is she talking about?” Tanya choked out and I could already see the tears starting

her eyes.

I looked across everyone‟s faces and could see confusion written on every single one of them. I

swallowed hard. “It‟s not her fault” I snapped out in frustration and then I headed for my car.

They all yelled for me as I rushed away, but I needed to think. I needed to wrap my head around
everything that I had done; all that I had caused. I was almost positive that that little girl, that
beautiful little girl was my daughter. I could feel it in my soul and in my heart, but my heart was

breaking because I didn‟t and probably wouldn‟t ever know.

Chapter 4 – Enlightenment


“Alice!” I turned on her and she snapped a surprised look at me. “I told you not to jump her!”

“Seriously Rose you are family, you should have been the first one to approach her today and find

out what the hell was going on” Alice rolled her eyes at me.

“Well, I think we should all head back to Rose and Emmett‟s place” Carlisle suggested as he

cradled Esme and walked her toward the parked car.

“No” Alice protested and turned back to look at me. “Rose and I are taking a trip.” She smiled at

me with forced innocence.

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“I am not…” she cut me off.

“Yes you are. I want to know what the hell is going on” She argued and grabbed my arm as she

pulled me toward my car.

“No Alice! I won‟t help you upset her or Emi and more than you already have!” I took a deep

calming breath. “What were you thinking throwing Edward into all of this anyhow?”

“You did this!” Tanya shrieked at Alice.

Alice rolled her eyes. “Tan, Edward had a right to know that she has been hiding this from him…or

well…at least I thought she was hiding it from him.”

“Well apparently he knew about it and didn‟t want to be a part of it! Maybe you should have
respected that!” Tanya spit at Alice and stormed off toward Emmett; who offered Tanya a ride to

our house.

Alice rolled her eyes at Tanya‟s retreating figure. “Rose, please take me to see Bella. I promise to

apologize for all of us ganging up on her. Okay?”

I sighed in frustration. “Get in!”


Edward may have taken off, but I was going to get answers. If Bella had told Edward, why didn‟t
he tell us about it, why wasn‟t he a part of her life? He couldn‟t have been as cold as Bella had said
he was. It couldn‟t be possible that Edward, my loving brother who adored his little niece, could

deny his own child.

“You‟re quiet?” Rose interrupted my thoughts.

“I was just thinking about what Bella said…about Edward knowing.” I sighed.

“Do you really think that he denied Emi?” Rose asked in a very low voice. At that moment I knew

that she was thinking the same about the man who adored his niece.

“I don‟t think…but I don‟t know” I shrugged. “I guess we will find out.”

“Alice, don‟t go in there all gun-ho, cause Bella means a lot to me and I already am going to have
to beg her forgiveness for what happened to me.” Rose paused. “She may not be anything to you,
but she is one of my closest friends.”

“I promise I won‟t. I don‟t want to make her angry…I just want to know, I want to know Emi.”
Then the car stopped and Rose shut off the engine.

She took a deep breath. “We‟re here.” She bit her bottom lip and then reached for the door handle.

We both got out of the car and walked to the front door; taking one deep breath and looking at
each other briefly before we knocked on the door. We stood waiting. I was about to knock again
when I heard the door knob.

“I thought that you weren‟t going…” Bella stopped mid sentence; clearly expecting someone else.
“What are you doing here?” she spoke curtly.

“Bella, please, I am so sorry. I didn‟t know that Edward would be there and I definitely didn‟t know

about Emi and…”

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“Emi and no one” Bella said quickly. “She is my daughter; no one else‟s.” She spoke full of

I stepped forward. “Bella, I‟m sorry for how I behaved. I was just so hurt and surprised by all of
this…I just…”

“You just did what you thought was best for your family. I get it, now can you please go?” She
started to shut the door, but I stuck my arm out quickly.

“Is it true?” I watched Bella‟s face change from anger to pain as she watched the tear trace my

cheek. “Did he really….deny…” she cut me off.

“Come in” she opened the door and we stepped in. “Rule one, no one speaks of this to Emi, rule
two, do not surprise me again, and rule three, do not speak of her to Edward. He lost his chance
years ago.” She looked between Rose and I; both of us nodding in agreement. “Have a seat.” Bella

motioned to the living room.


I can‟t believe that I allowed them to come in. I am a glutton for punishment, but when I saw
Alice‟s face I just couldn‟t help it. It wasn‟t her fault, it was his fault. He had caused all of this

today. I could feel the anger start to knot my stomach the more I thought about him.

“Where is Emi?” Rose asked; pulling me from my thoughts.

“She‟s watching a movie in her room” I sat down across from them.

“Bella, please tell me what happened. I want to understand, I really do.” Alice‟s hands were

fidgeting in her lap. I bit my lip.

“I found out that I was pregnant two months after I got to college” I paused and took a deep
breath; hoping that I could keep from crying. “After I was sure, I called Edward. He offered to give
me money to „take care of it‟, but I refused. Then he said he needed to get to a class…” I felt the
tears start to collect behind my eyelids. “and that he would call me back. He never did.” I wiped
away one tear that had escaped from my lashes. “I waited for a few days; figuring that he may
need time to come to terms with it all, but he never called.” I felt more tears escape. “I called him
and got his voicemail, so I left him a message that I wasn‟t getting rid of the baby. A few days
later I got a letter and money; from him.” I stopped there and saw Alice and Rose both crying with

me. Rose just looked shocked and sad. Alice looked devastated.

“How could he…a fucking letter?” Alice said with disgust saturating her voice.

I shrugged. “Water under the bridge; I got Emi, who is the love of my life and things have turned

out well for me. I‟m happy with my life.”

“That doesn‟t excuse what he did” Alice snapped, but I could tell that it wasn‟t anger directed
toward me. I stayed quiet. “I can‟t believe him!” She looked at Rose, who in turn put her arm
around Alice. “How could he turn his back on his child and keep us all out of her life?” Alice was

sobbing into Rose‟s shoulder.

“I would prefer to keep him out of her life” I said in a flat tone. Alice and Rose both looked at me

like they had forgotten I was in the room.

“Does that include us as well?” Alice looked panicked as she asked.

“I, uh, I don‟t know” I furrowed my brow.

“Oh, Bella, please…it would mean so much to Esme; to all of us.” She pleaded.

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“I don‟t know Alice…it could just get too….” She cut me off.

“Please…let us know her. I want to know Emi. I promise to not get Edward involved; this is simply

for Esme, Carlisle, and me.” Her eyes were large with hope and plea.

“I‟ll think about it, but I can‟t make any promises” I breathed out. “IF I do it won‟t be somewhere
that he could just show up; like at Rose‟s or Esme and Carlisle‟s. It will be at my house or
somewhere else.” Alice nodded with a small grin.

“Can I meet her?” Alice asked.

“She‟s lying down watching a movie right now; maybe another time, okay?” She looked

disappointed, but accepted my response.

“What about pictures?” Alice asked.

“Umm….” I smiled, stood, and walked over to a cabinet on the far end of the living room. “I haven‟t
gotten these out in awhile” I smiled at the baby books. “Uh..here.” I sat the two books on the

coffee table in front of Alice and Rose.

Alice snatched them up eagerly. “Thank you so much Bella.” She opened the first page; the
introduction page. Printed out were her name and her birth statistics as well as her very first


“So her name is Emily Jane?” Alice didn‟t really ask, but I nodded. “She was so beautiful” sniffed

Alice. Then she looked up to me. “I think she still is though” she smiled warmly.

“I think so too, but I‟m a little biased” I laughed nervously.

I watched Alice flip through the pages of the baby book. Once she was finished she picked up the
photo album. I had forgotten where I had put the letter until Alice held the photo album upright

and it fell into her lap.

“Oh…can you hand…” Alice cut me off.

“Is this it; the letter?” Her petite fingers gently held the folded up paper. Alice‟s eyes bore into me
so fiercely that all I could do in response was nod. She opened the letter with a look of anger on
her face, and as she read the words that anger quickly changed to fury. “Of all the…GOD DAMN

HIM!” She shouted and I flinched.

“Mommy?” I quickly turned to see Emi coming into the living room rubbing her eyes. “What‟s
wrong?” She stopped a few feet from me when she saw Alice and Rose. “Hey Ms. Rose” she smiled
happily. Then she inched over toward me with a nervous expression on her face as she looked at
Alice. “Who is that?” she whispered into my ear as she climbed on my lap.

My eyes darted to Alice who was wiping tears from her face. “Emi, this is Ms. Alice. Can you say

“Hi” Emi said quietly.

“Hello Emi” Alice said happily. “I was just looking at your pictures” Alice motioned to the books in

her lap.

Emi‟s face lit up; she loved to look at her pictures. She climbed from my lap and went toward Alice;
her eyes fixed on the photo album. Her little hands opened the book and turned a few pages. I
already knew where she was going, so I sat back and smiled. “This one is my favorite!” She
exclaimed as she pointed to a group photo. “That‟s Aunt Jake, Aunt Angel, my best friend Haley,

me, my mommy, oh and there is Ms. Rose” she beamed up to Alice.

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Alice stared at her and then shook her head lightly; as if to pull herself together. “When was this

“Last summer; we had a beach fire and made hot dogs and s‟mores. Aunt Jake showed me how to
cook the perfect marshmallow.” Emi puffed her chest slightly with pride.

“You are so lucky” Alice smiled down to her.

Alice spent the next hour talking to Emi while Emi showed Alice her room, her drawings, and her

goldfish that she named Nemo. “So you like fish?” Alice asked as she looked around Emi‟s room.

“I love underwater animals and beaches!” she giggled.

“I can see that” Alice smiled back to her warmly as I watched them interact from Emi‟s bedroom
door. “Well Emi, I think that I should be going. Do you think we could play again sometime?” I
tensed a little with her asking and watching Emi nod happily. “We will make sure it is okay with

mommy and then maybe we‟ll play again, okay?”

“Okay” Emi said as she followed Alice out of her room.

“Thank you for everything Bella” Alice hugged me tightly and I patted her back.

I walked Rose and Alice to the door and said good bye. After closing the door I leaned my back

against it and let out a large breath while resting my head back on the door.


I‟m not sure how long I drove around or where all I had been. All I knew was that I hadn‟t figured
anything out and I couldn‟t drive around forever. Heading back to Rose and Emmett‟s I knew that I
was going to not only have to explain this to Tanya, but to my whole family. What would I say? I
was young and stupid. I made a mistake; but had I made a mistake? I wasn‟t a father and didn‟t
know if I wanted to be one, so maybe it was best. Maybe my family would understand; they always

have in the past.

I pulled in behind Rose‟s BMW and cut the engine. Taking four large deep breaths before I reached
for the door to open it; I climbed out and headed toward the house. I almost knocked, but then
just grabbed the handle and the door opened. I cleared my throat as I closed the door and turned
around coming face to face with my fiancé.

“Where the hell have you been?! Do you know how many times I‟ve called you?! Why didn‟t you
answer your phone? Do you know how worried I was?! I can‟t believe you!” She shouted with her

arms crossed tightly against her chest.

“Which question do you want me to answer first?” I spit out; frustration still eating at me and her

attacking me wasn‟t helping.

“Don‟t be an asshole Edward! You have a lot of explaining to do for yourself!” I snapped my head

over to see a very, very angry Alice glaring at me. “Living room, NOW!” she shouted.

I sighed and headed into the living room. Once I entered I realized that I was going in front of a
firing squad. “Okay…let‟s get this over with” I sat down roughly onto the couch. They all kept their

eyes on me; not saying a word. “Well?”

“What do you have to say for yourself?” Alice shouted.

“There is nothing to say” I grumbled and frowned.

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“How could you do that to someone Edward?” I looked up and saw my mother wiping tears away; I
felt like shit for causing that. “You just…you abandoned your child” she cried and my father

wrapped his arm around her.

“I didn‟t…I couldn‟t be a father!” I argued. “I was only eighteen years old. I had my life ahead of

me. I didn‟t ask her to keep the baby!” I spit out to quickly and instantly regret it.

“No you did not just say that!” Alice was now directly in front of me with Rose at her side. “You are

such a selfish uncaring asshole Edward! I don‟t know you anymore!” Alice spit.

“How could you even say that about that beautiful little girl! Edward she is wonderful and you have
no clue, no idea! And the reason you don‟t is because you are a…a…fucking bastard!” Rose offered

up her two cents.

“Look, it‟s not like I am trying to be an asshole. If she didn‟t want the baby and I had wanted it;
she could have terminated the pregnancy without my consent right?” I looked at everyone in the
room before I continued. “Exactly, so because she chose to keep the baby, why does that instantly

make me have to want a kid?!”

“Edward Anthony Cullen” I looked up quickly to the all too familiar scolding voice of my mother. My
sweet mother who didn‟t raise her voice or curse; unless truly provoked. I gulped. “How dare you
sit in front of me and „justify‟ your lack of responsibility and lack of compassion for YOUR child!”

Alice and Rose had stepped aside to allow my mother full view of me.

“Mom I…”

“Don‟t you „mom‟ me mister! You had unprotected sex, you had a consequence to deal with, and
you abandoned your responsibility as a man and as my son, because no son of mine, who was
raised by me, would never ever abandon a woman that he had gotten pregnant and then pay her
off as if she was just a bill to pay!” I could feel my breathing hitch as she continued to rant on
about her disappointment in me. “Now not only have you stolen a father figure from this child‟s
life, but you also have stolen from her us; her family, as well as stolen years I could have had with
her. You are a selfish irresponsible asshole!” My mouth gapped open and I heard collective gasps

at my mother‟s cursing.

“I‟m sorry.” I choked out.

“You should be” Alice snipped.

It was then that I realized that I hadn‟t heard anything from Tanya during this time. I looked
around the room and realized that she was sitting quietly as far away from me as possible.


“Save it Edward!” she snapped. “You lied to me. Not once did you mention that you had some

bastard child running around.”

“Hey wait a damn minute” Alice stood quickly. “Leave Emi out of this name calling!” she defended.

Emi? Was that her name? Was it a nickname?

“Is that her name?” I asked eagerly of Alice.

Alice glanced over to me and smirked. “I promised not to discuss her with you” she said disgusted.

“You‟ve been to see her?”

She simply stared at me; clearly not going to relinquish any information. I sighed.

“Tanya, I didn‟t know for sure that there was a child. I thought that there was, but I wasn‟t sure” I
informed. I remembered Bella‟s message that she wasn‟t going to „get rid‟ of the baby, so I

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assumed that there was a child out there; however, I wasn‟t sure what the actual outcome had

“Don‟t give me technicalities Edward” she disputed. “That‟s all that they are; technicalities.” She
huffed and stood up; marching over to me. I realized she had slapped me before I even felt the

sting rise in my cheek.

I heard Rose snicker and I glared at her. She simply stared me down. I looked over to Emmett,

who had not said anything. He simply sat there with his head down.

“What the hell do you want from me?!” I yelled at them as I stood up. “What‟s done is done! She
doesn‟t want me around her, so what do you want me to do about it?!”

“We shouldn‟t be in this situation to begin with” my mother said coolly as she walked out of the
living room. “Carlisle I‟d like to go please” she shouted from the entry of the house.

“Edward” my father said curtly and nodded as he followed after my mother. I nodded back.

“I‟m going to the hotel with them; I‟m packing my stuff up and going back to Seattle” Tanya spit

out as she marched out of the living room.

“Tanya wait…” she put her hand up to stop me.

“No, not for you” she said in a harsh tone and left me standing in the middle of the living room.

I ran my hand through my hair and headed toward the French door on the side of the living room.
Once out on the patio I leaned against the railing and took deep breaths. I‟ve ruined everything.
My family hates me; Tanya hates me; hell she may leave me after this. I can‟t see the...my…my

daughter. I have a daughter. A beautiful little girl named Emi. I feel like a piece of shit.

The sound of glass on the wooden railing pulled me from my own thoughts. I looked down and saw

a beer bottle on the railing and Emmett standing next to me.

“You know when Rose told me she was pregnant I was terrified” he took a large sip. “I put on a
good front for her and was all excited and happy, but deep down I was freaking out like a cat on
crack.” He chuckled. “But Rose was so scared and insecure about my reaction that I had to be the
strong one.” He got really quiet and I kept nursing my beer. “I get it Edward” I snapped my head
over to him. He looked me in the eye. “Oh don‟t get me wrong; you are an asshole and that was a
major shit thing you did, but I understand the feelings that were involved.” He paused again and

took another drink.

“I was so scared Emmett. I wasn‟t ready…I couldn‟t do it. I locked myself in my apartment for two
days trying to come to terms with it. Three cases of beer and way too much pot later I just couldn‟t

face it.” I hung my head.

I felt him pat my back and sigh.

“Emmett McCarty…” Rose growled at him in a motherly fashion.

“Shit” he groaned. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “I‟m consorting with the enemy” he

smirked, patted my back again and headed back into the house.

“Don‟t console him” I heard Rose growl. I shook my head.

What the hell was I going to do? I found a lounge chair on the patio and kicked back in it. I laid my
head back and closed my eyes. Flashes of her ran through my head. Her long mahogany hair, her
slender but feminine body, and those eyes…those fucking chocolate pools of ecstasy; it all hit me
when I saw her staring back at me from across that field. Then there was the little curly bronzed
headed girl that she had tucked into her side; that was my daughter. Bella had given birth to that

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beautiful little girl and raised her all by herself. Or didn‟t she? Was there a guy or father figure that
I didn‟t know about? Of course Bella would meet someone else, how fucking stupid for me to even

think that she wouldn‟t be with someone. Hell she may even be married.

I groaned out loud to the empty darkness that was falling around me. What was I going to do?
Would she let me see her? I doubted it. Could I make her let me?
I immediately thought about

calling a lawyer to see what rights I would have to see her, but then shook it off.

“Jesus Edward, get off your ass and claim your daughter for fucks sake!” My head snapped over to

see a familiar figure standing in the doorway.

Chapter 5 – Confrontations and Realizations


“Easier said than done” I sighed.

“So it‟s too hard to get up and go over there” he sat down next to me with his elbows to his knees.

“She despises me, absolutely fucking hates me…” he cut me off.

“Do you blame her?”

I groaned. “NO Jas, but what the fuck can I say that will convince her to even let me attempt to

speak to my…my daughter.” I squeezed my eyes shut.

“You‟re so fucking stupid.”

“Did you just come here to insult me like everyone else, cause I‟ve had enough of that tonight?!”

“You think that you deserve any less?” Jasper asked me in a condescending tone. Out of my family
Jasper was the most rational. Even though he had opinions they were often very fact based and

rational. It was hard to argue with him; I don‟t know how Alice did it.

“No” I mumbled.

“Do you think that sitting her sulking is the best idea?” He put his hand up to stop me from
responding. “Or…do you think that you could get off your fucking pity party long enough to go over

there and attempt to make things better?”

“She‟ll just slam the door in my face as soon as she sees me” I countered.

“Then you knock on the door again” he shrugged. “What do you have to lose Edward?”

“My balls!” I exclaimed. “If I go over there not only will Bella try to kill me, but then when Rose
gets a hold of me then she will make the next murder attempt.”

“So you are going to let fear dictate your actions again?” He shook his head. “You aren‟t eighteen
anymore Edward.” He stood up and headed toward the house, but turned around one more time
before going in the door. “Then you still don‟t deserve her.” With that he went into the house.

Deserve who? Bella or Emi? Of course I didn‟t deserve anything and what I didn‟t want to admit
that I wasn‟t sure if I truly wanted it…to be a father. Would I, could I be a good father for her?
sighed and stood up; heading toward my car. As I drove I tried to call Tanya, but she wouldn‟t

answer me.

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Before I knew what I was doing, I was searching for Bella‟s address on my IPhone. Once I found it
I headed in that direction.


I was exhausted from the day. Finally I got Emi to fall asleep as she watch Nemo. The moment I

knew she was fast asleep I headed straight for the wine bottle.

I poured a large glass; bringing the bottle with me. Walking toward the French doors to the back
patio I stopped and turned on the outside speakers; letting the music relax me while I downed my

first glass and poured another.

Sitting there for so many songs I couldn‟t help but think about the day that had passed. The soccer
field, seeing him again, Emi recognizing herself in his face, Alice and Rose showing up, and seeing
how much they wanted Emi in their eyes. Could I allow them to be in her life without him hurting
Emi? Sure he had grown up, but I couldn‟t guarantee that he wouldn‟t hurt her the way he had me.

I sighed and put my head back, squeezing my eyes closed.

The pressure of lips to my mouth jerked me out of my thoughts. I breathed in relief when I saw

James smiling back at me. “You scared me” I put my hand to my chest and took a deep breath.

“I‟m sorry, but I just couldn‟t resist those lips” he smirked and leaned in again to kiss me.

“Mmmm…” I murmured onto his lips and he deepened the kiss.

He was knelt between my legs and I wrapped them around his body while putting my hands on his
shoulders. His lips moved to my chin and down my neck. I gasped at the feel of him against me
and as the tension started to build up in my stomach I opened my eyes.

“Ahh!” As I screamed James jerked back from me searching for the problem.

“What‟s wrong?!” he asked curiously and irritated.

I couldn‟t move my eyes. James followed my gaze and then stood up protectively in front of me.

“Who the fuck are you?!” he growled.

I stood up and looked around James. “What are you doing here?!” I snarled. “You aren‟t welcome

here! I knew I shouldn‟t have let her come in this house…” he cut me off.

“Alice had nothing to do with this” he stepped up onto the patio. “She would tell me anything, this

isn‟t her fault.”

“Who the fuck is this?” James angry glare switched to me.

I sighed. “No one important!” I kept my eyes on Edward. “He is leaving, NOW!” I yelled.

“I just want to talk Bella; about Em…”

“DON‟T!” I shouted. “You don‟t get to talk about her. She is nothing to you, do you understand
me?!” I felt the traitorous tears start to form in my eyes.

“Bella, please, I‟m her father” he begged.

“She doesn‟t have a father!” I spat out. “Only a sperm donor!” I insulted.

I saw his face furrow in pain and I won‟t lie, because I took great pleasure in it.

“I‟m sorry” he cried out. I froze in place.

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“James, can you give me a moment to get rid of the unwanted guest?”

“Fuck no!” James grabbed my shoulder. “I‟m not leaving you alone with him.”

I didn‟t know if I should be insulted or flattered, because I wasn‟t sure if he was being protective or
if he just didn‟t trust me; I couldn‟t tell by his tone or his expression. “Please baby, I‟ll be right in. I
promise. Go check on….Can you check on her for me?” He furrowed his brow at me and then shot
daggers at Edward before storming inside.

Turning back to Edward, “You need to leave.” I said emotionlessly.

“Not till you listen to me; hear me out” he argued and stepped closer.

I took a step back. “Nothing that you have to say interests me.”

“All I want to know is if you will let me meet her?” He spit out quickly.

“Hell no!” I shouted. “You don‟t deserve it and you don‟t have the right. You gave that up. Good

night Edward.” I turned toward the house.

“Let my family know her at least” I turned back to see his head down and him running his hand
through his hair. “It‟s not their fault.” He said quietly. “They would‟ve accepted her immediately if I

hadn‟t…” he left his sentence unfinished.

“I told Alice I would think about it.” His head snapped up with a small look of victory on his face.
“As long as you weren‟t involved!” I shot out and his face quickly changed to defeat. Again I took

pleasure in that.

“Good bye Edward. Don‟t come back.” I said as I turned around toward the house.


Is she fucking dismissing me?!

“I have rights Bella. I am her father!” I spit out before I could stop myself.

She spun around quickly with fury in her eyes. “How dare you!” She shouted. “You don‟t have any

rights Edward. You gave those up a long time ago!”

Before I could stop myself again, I continued to make it worse. “I am her father!” I growled. “I

could call my lawyer right now and…” she cut me off with a slap to my face.

Her finger was pointed into my face as I rubbed my cheek. “Call whoever you want, you fucking
prick! I have a birth certificate without your name on it!” she smirked. “In fact, I have a letter with
your stating that you didn‟t want to be a part of any of it! Oh and let‟s not forget the „payoff‟ for it

all to go away!”

“I could file for paternity and have my name put in that blank spot!” I argued back.

“Who said it was blank?!” she sneered at me and crossed her arms over her chest.

I scowled. “Who the fuck..?”

“It‟s none of your business. I went away. I made it disappear for you, so it‟s your turn to do what
you do best and stay out of it!” She spun on her heels and marched to the house; slamming the

door so hard that I thought the glass would shatter.

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I stalked toward my car, but when I got there a dark outline was leaning against it. Before I could
speak the figure leaned in closer to me.

“Stay away from her!” It was the same guy that she had called James.

“It‟s my daughter not yours!” I spat.

He laughed. “You think I‟m talking about the little kid?!” he laughed. “Stay away from Bella! She is

mine!” he shoved my chest and then tried to walk away.

I couldn‟t let that happen so I jumped him. As we rolled around in her front yard I didn‟t realize

that the outside lights had come on.

“STOP!” We both froze and saw a pissed off Bella on the front porch shouting. I punched him one

more time before I stood up. “What the hell is wrong with you two?!”

“ME?!” I shouted. “Tell your psycho boyfriend to back the fuck off!”

James stepped toward me again. “JAMES!” Bella shouted and his head snapped toward her. “It‟s

time for you to go home.” I could hear the anger in her voice.

“WHAT?!” he exclaimed as he approached her quickly. My body twitched to protect her from his


“You heard me. I am not going to deal with this anymore tonight. I‟m tired. Now both of you go!”

She walked toward the front door and he grabbed her by the arm and spun her around.

I moved quickly toward the porch as he spun her around and pointed into her face. “You are mine,

Bella. He…”

“He has nothing to do with US!” she yelled back at him and I stopped about three feet from them.

“You had to go out there and act like a possessive asshole, no one else did that!” she spit out.

He looked like he was going to say something else, but he was shut up by one sentence and one

voice. “Mommy?!”

My eyes immediately fell on a tiny little figure in the doorway rubbing her eyes. Her hair fell over
her shoulders in large curls around a beautiful round face. I could help but walk toward her. The

closer I got the more I could make out of her face.

Bella knelt down in front of her quickly and hugged her. “It‟s fine baby.” Bella soothed. “They are

just leaving.”

I froze a foot away from them when eyes like mine met my glance. I felt my heart pick up rapidly

and then a feeling filled my body that I had never felt before.

“Mommy, it‟s that man who looks like me.” She whispered into the side of Bella‟s head. As my

heart swelled at her words I watched Bella‟s shoulders slump forward.

“I know baby” she whispered back. “He‟s leaving now.”

“Why?” she pulled back from Bella‟s embraces and looked at her confused. “Can I talk to him?”

Bella‟s head snapped over to me. “NO” she said firmly.

“But…” she tried to argue with Bella as she stood up from her kneeling position.

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“It‟s late Emi, you need to get to bed.” She picked Emi up and carried her inside; closing the door
on both of us.

It was that moment when I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest for the first time. It
was that moment that I was determined to see my daughter.


Finally getting Emily to fall back to sleep in bed with me, I unleashed all the tears that I had held


As I wiped the tears away I hugged Emi tight to my body. She wanted to talk to him. I knew that
she was longing to understand and I was denying her that. I couldn‟t subject her to him, or was it

that I couldn‟t handle having him around me?

I decided that I would do the one thing that I could come to terms with allowing. Emily would get
to know her family; Alice, Esme, and Carlisle. I would arrange for that, but I would not allow
Edward to be near her. Emily would forget about him I was sure of it; it would just take him to go

away again. He would be gone soon enough; I hoped.

After breakfast the next morning I called Rose. When Alice got on the phone I could hear the
excitement in her voice. I thought that I would lose my hearing once she screamed into the phone

at my wanting to have her and her parents over to meet Emi today.

Once the call was over; I decided to prepare Emily.

“Emi” I called her into the living room.

“Yeah” she came bouncing in.

“I want to talk to you okay?” she nodded and walked over to stand in front of me. “Do you
remember Alice from yesterday?” she nodded again. “Good, because she is going to come over

today with a couple of more people.”

“With who?” she smiled brightly. “With Haley and Rose?!” she got excited.

“Well, yes, they will be coming, but also Alice will be bringing two other people with her. Their

names are Esme and Carlisle; they are Alice‟s parents.”

Emi‟s face furrowed in confusion and then she shrugged. “Okay.” She smiled at me.

“Honey there is one more BIG thing that mommy needs to talk to you about, okay?” she nodded

again. “Okay, um…Esme, Carlisle, and Alice are family; your family.”

“Like Aunt Jake?” I giggled at the nickname that she had picked up for Jacob. “Well, sort of. They

are more like Granpa Charlie and Gamma Renee.” I studied her face to see if she understood.

“Alice is like my gamma?” she furrowed her brow.

“No honey” I laughed. “Alice is more like Aunt Ang and Aunt Jake, with a little more of a
difference.” I decided that I would tackle that difference later; right now I would focus on Esme and

Carlisle. “Esme and Carlisle are like Granpa and Gamma.” I raised my eyebrows at her.

“They are my grandma and grandpa?” She asked curiously. I nodded. “But what about Charlie and

Renee?” I saw tears start to form in her eyes.

“Oh baby, Charlie and Renee are my parents, so they will always be your grandparents and will

love you with all their hearts!” I hugged her to reassure her.

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“Honey, they are your daddy‟s parents” I said and closed my eyes; holding back the tears.

“I have a daddy?” she asked me with part excitement and part hope.

“Of course honey” I couldn‟t hold the tears back any longer. It was that moment that I realized
how much not having a father around was affecting her; not matter how I tried to compensate for

that fact. “I‟m so sorry.” I hugged her tighter.

“For what mommy?”

“For not telling you about your daddy sweetheart” I brushed her hair behind her ears and then
collected myself before I said too much. “So, Carlisle and Esme are your grandparents and well,
Alice is your aunt. Remember I said there was a difference between Alice and Jake?” she nodded.

“Well, Alice is your daddy‟s twin sister, so she is your aunt.”

I saw a large smile break across her face. “Will my daddy be here too?” I could almost see her

starting to bounce.

I shook my head and my heart broke as I saw her face fall. “oh” she sighed out. I hugged her

again before taking her off to her room to get her bathed and dressed for our visitors.

Emi decided that she wanted her hair pulled into a high ponytail so her curls could fall around her
head. She also decided that she wanted to wear her pink tulle halter dress that had a large pink
sunflower on the chest over her bright pink shorts and cami top. Emi reminded me a lot of Alice in
her dressing style. She was very princess and fairy dress, and to prove that point she put her pink
glitter fairy wings on too. I smiled down on my beautiful fairy princess before kissing her head.

Emi played in her room while I showered and dressed in a pair of skinny Capri pants and a white
tunic with ruffle trim that Emi had picked out for me. The tunic was pretty low cut in the front so I

put a dark blue cami top on underneath.

As I was pulling my damp hair back into a loose ponytail the doorbell buzzed. Emi bolted passed
me as I walked out of my room and I giggled at her excitement. She beat me to the door, but
knew she wasn‟t allowed to open the door herself. Once I got there I nodded for her to open it and

she beamed with happiness and joy.

I watched her face as she peeked around the door, the confusion that was on her face in turn

confused me and I pulled the door open all the way. I stood speechless.

Standing there in front of us was Edward fucking Cullen, with his eyes glazed over as he stared

down onto Emi.

I shook off the shock and glanced to Emi who was smiling widely at him as I pushed her back and

slammed the door shut. “Mommy!” Emi yelled. Before I could lock the door it was pushing open.

“Get out” I pushed on the door.

“Bella please let me talk to her. I can‟t stand it, please I need to at least see her once, please.

She‟s my…”

“STOP!” I shouted. “Don‟t say it!”

“Mommy!” Emi cried and grabbed my leg. “Mommy, please!” she begged me. “He‟s my daddy!” I


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Chapter 6 – Emi, meet your Edward


I was frozen and Edward must have been too. He was no longer pushing on the door. I let go of

the handle and knelt down to her.

“Emi?” she was crying. “Emi look at me please.” I heard the door close behind me, but I didn‟t look

back; I knew he was there. She raised her eyes to me as she sniffed. “Who told you that?”

“Nobody” she sniffed.

“Then why would you think that he is..?”

“He is, isn‟t he?” she looked more hopeful than assertive. I could tell that she wanted it to be true;
not because she knew him, but because she wanted a father. I felt my heart rip apart in my chest.

“Baby…” I pulled her to my chest and hugged her. “What makes you think that?” I asked again.

“We have the same hair and eyes mommy. And he was with Alice at soccer. You said that Alice was
my real aunt, so I…is he?” I wiped a tear from my cheek. “Is he my daddy?” her eyes slipped over
my shoulder to stare at Edward who was still silent. I sighed.

“Emi, please give me a moment to talk to…to Edward. Can you please go to your room for a
moment?” She looked like she was going to protest. “I promise to have you come back out before
he leaves and we will talk, okay?” She crinkled her face for a moment; considering what I said.

“Okay” she said hesitantly and walked slowly toward her room; stopping to look back at us every
few steps.

When I heard her door close I turned on Edward. “What the hell do you think you are doing?!” I
snapped at him.

“I just want to meet her.” He said coldly.

“You don‟t deserve to meet her Edward.” I growled.

“I know, but I just…I can‟t just leave without…without this. I want to just meet her, please Bella?”

“It‟s not like I have much of a choice now, DO I? Thanks to your unannounced arrival.” I huffed.

“I know, I‟m sorry” he looked at the floor.

“Why couldn‟t you just stay away?” I groaned and headed toward the living room; sitting on the

“I didn‟t know that you knew Rose. Alice called and I came to see Haley…”

“I know. Alice explained, sort of.” I rolled my eyes. I was so irritated.

“I don‟t want you to tell her to call you dad.” I looked up at him and his face was covered in

disappointment. “You are just a sperm donor and don‟t get the right for her to call you dad.”

He sat down across from me. “I understand.” He sighed. “But you‟ll let me talk to her?” He looked

up to my face.

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I nodded. “Just keep it general. I‟ll handle her question.” He nodded and seemed to perk up.

A knot had formed in my stomach and I felt like I was going to puke or pass out. “Emi, could you
come here please.” Emi was out of her room like I had told her that Santa had come. She was
smiling widely up to me. “Emi I would like you to meet Edward. This is Alice‟s brother.”

Emi walked over to him and stood directly in front of his sitting form. I sat back onto the couch and
watched them stare at each other for a moment. Emi touched his hair and then put her hands on
either side of his face while staring closely at his eyes. “There just like mine” she whispered. I saw

moisture build in Edward‟s eyes. “Are you my daddy?” Edward‟s eyes shot to me.

“Emi” she turned around to look at me. “He is your father; you can call him Edward.” She looked

confused, but didn‟t argue. She turned back to him.

Edward smiled at her. “It‟s nice to meet you Emi.” He held his hand out; she looked at his hand.

Edward looked nervous for a moment, until Emi threw her arms around his neck and giggled.

She pulled back to standing in front of him. “I‟m Emily Jane Swan” she smiled proudly. “I‟m five
and a half.” He smiled larger and I saw a tear slip over his cheek. “Why are you crying? Are you

sad?” she looked at him with concern.

He shook his head. “Not really, but I guess I‟m a little sad.” He forced a smile.

“Where have you been?” Emi said with her hands on her hips. I had to hold back a bubble of
laughter at her question and his face.

The doorbell rang. I stood up and answered the door; Emi at my side. Thankfully she had
abandoned her previous question.

Opening the door there was Rose, Emmett, Haley, Alice, Carlisle, Esme, and a tall blond haired
man. “Alice!” Emi grabbed her and Haley‟s hand and pulled her into the house; everyone else


“Uncle Edward!” Haley yelled with a large smile and ran to hug him. I watched Emi‟s reaction; she

was confused. Everyone else had gasped at seeing Edward in my living room.

Alice and Rose both turned to me with wide eyes. “Yeah, well, I obviously had an unexpected
visitor today.” I gave an annoyed look.

“Bella” I turned to Esme who already had tears in her eyes. “Thank you so much for this.” She
reached over and hugged me.

“Of course” I said quickly. “Emi?” She looked at me. “This is Esme and Carlisle.”

“My grandparents?” Emi asked cheerfully. I nodded. She ran over to them and smiled up. “Hi, I‟m

Emily Jane Swan” she looked at Esme and then Carlisle.

“Well, aren‟t you a smart and polite little girl” Carlisle knelt down to her.

“Do I call him Carlisle mommy?” she looked back at me.

“That is up to you and Carlisle” she turned back to him.

“Can I call you grandpa?” I heard Esme sniffle. Carlisle nodded and she hugged him. Then she
turned to Esme. “Why is everyone crying?” she blurted out; almost all of us giggled at her. She put
her full attention on Esme now. “Can I call you..?” Esme reached down and lifted her up; squeezing

her tightly.

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“You can call me grandma or whatever you like.” Esme looked lost in the moment as she swayed
back and forth with Emi in her arms. I had to wipe a few more tears away. Esme opened her eyes

and looked directly at me. “Thank you so much!” I nodded and smiled.

“I‟m going to grab some drinks and get the food prepared for the barbeque, excuse me.” I headed
to the kitchen and pulled out the plate of hamburgers and hotdogs from the fridge. I reached back

in and grabbed the pitchers of lemonade and iced tea.

“Show me where your grill is at.” I turned quickly to see the tall blond man standing in the

doorway. “I‟m Jasper, by the way. Alice‟s husband.” He smiled and I shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you.” I smiled back.

“You are one hell of a woman to do this today” he said sincerely before leaving the kitchen with the
raw food. I took a deep breath and showed him out to the grill.

“You don‟t really have to do this. I can…” Alice cut me off.

“Oh, let him feel useful. He can‟t stand it to be still.” She pulled me into a large hug and then

whispered into my ear. “Thank you so much.” She pulled back smiling. I smiled back.

“This coming from the ball of energy that I am married to” he smiled widely and then kissed the

top of her head.

Esme and Carlisle joined us on the back porch. I looked around. "Um..where is...E, er, where is


"Oh she is dragging Edward all around the house." Esme smiled broadly as she sat down at the


"Oh" was all I said as I turned back into the house to get the lemonade and iced tea.

"This is my Nemo. And these are the pictures that I drew. And this is my room." Emi obviously had
Edward in her room and was rambling on and on about everything. "I'm glad your here
D..Edward." My heart felt like it was in a vice; I was happy for Emi, but I hadn't realized that I still

harbored this bitterness towards him. I sighed and headed toward the kitchen.

I was putting things on a large tray when Alice and Rose appeared in the kitchen with me. "Do you

need any help?" Rose smiled.

"Sure" I said quietly.

Rose put her hand on my shoulder. "Bella I am really sorry about everything; I didn't know that
any of...well that all of this would happen." She took a deep breath. "I just don't want us to not be


I placed my hand on top of hers. "It's okay" I breathed out. "I guess something would eventually

have happened regardless."

"Come on. Through here" I heard Emi say loudly.

"Yeah, out here Uncle Edward. Emi lives at the beach." Haley giggled.

The three of us leaned out of the ktichen and saw Edward being drug by both little girls out the

back doors. Rose and Alice giggled. I unfortunately was still fighting the bitter feelings.

The doorbell buzzed. I furrowed my brow and looked to Alice and Rose. "Are you expecting anyone


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Rose shook her head. "No" Alice chirped. The both followed me to the door.

I opened the door. "What's up chica?!" I screamed with excitement.

"Jake! You're back in town!!!" I jumped up into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. I

planted a big wet kiss on his cheek.

He looked over my shoulder. "Oh shit...let me brace myself for what you are going to have to tell
me." I looked to see he was staring at Alice; obviosly recognizing her. Jake and I looked back at

each other. "Is he here too?"

"Who?" I asked with fake innocence.

"Oh bitch please, you know who. The sperm depositor!" Jake raised his brow and pursed his lips.

"I swear to god you are more gay everytime you return from San Diego." I laughed and pulled him

all the way into the house.

"Hmm...it could be all the dresses I get to wear while I'm there." He smirked at me. I laughed.

"Come with me." I pulled Jake toward my room.

"Bella I am spent; I couldn't even try to pretend you are a guy tonight." He laughed. I smacked

I stopped and turned to Rose and Alice. "Could you guys take the drinks out, I'll just be a

moment?" The both nodded and headed into the kitchen.

We got to my room and I closed the door. I spilled about everything that had happened over the

past couple of days.

"Wow girl" he shook his head at me. "Does he know about me yet?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Um...not really." I heard him sigh loudly. "I'm sorry Jake. I sort of told him, but I just...he doesn't
have any right to know about anything. The only reason he is here, is because of Emi. If she hadn't
begged for him and basically figured out who he was then I would have gladly kept his stupid ass
away." I huffed.

Jake put his arm around me. "It will be ok. Let's just take this as it comes. Okay?" I nodded and

took a deep breath.

"Alright, now I need to go see my daughter." Jake laughed and I shoved him out the door.

There stood Edward in the hallway; I could see Emi's hair as she went into her room.

"Emi!" Jake yelled when he saw her.

Emi shot out of her room. "Aunt Jake!!!" She ran and jumped into his arms.

"Oh hell, what has your mother been doing to your hair?" He tsked. "Did she put your hair

treatment on?"

I covered my face and shook my head. Emi and Jake continued to discuss hair care as I shuffled

past everyone toward the living room.

"Bella?" I stopped dead in my tracks.

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"Yeah" I said without turning to look at him.

"Can I ask you something, please?" I turned around.

"What?" I said a little harsher than I intended.

"You said the other day that Emi's birth certificate wasn't blank for father." Shit...I knew what he

had overheard now. Fuck!

"Yeah?" I pressed and closed my eyes with a sigh.

"Were you serious?" His eyes looked pained.

"Why does it matter Edward?" I snapped. "You will see her today, visit, and then you will go back
to your life. I will have to deal with her wondering where you went and answering all the questions

she will have. So what does it matter to you?"

"That's not what I want." He said quietly.

"I don't give a shit what YOU want!" I hissed at him quietly. "I've agreed to your family seeing her
and to you 'meeting' her today. Thats it."

"Bella, please don't make this difficult." He ran his hand through his hair. "She is my daughter too."

"Don't even go there Edward." I spit out angrily.

"I'll petition for rights if I have to, but I would rather do this between us." He said sternly.

"Get out" I was pissed.

"Bella, I'm sorry. Please just..." The door buzzed again.

"Jesus Christ!" I yelled. "Is this grand fucking central station tonight!?" I stomped to the door and
swung it open.

Standing before me was a tall thind beautiful blond. "Um...hello?" I stated with unsurity.

"Uh..is Edward here?"

"Tanya?" I heard Edward's voice from behind me. Of course she was here for him. I moved back

and motioned her in. "What are you..?"

"I didn't want to just leave without talking to you?"

I started to walk out of the room.

"Bella?" I sighed and turned around. "I still want to talk to you, please?"

"You seem a little busy right now." I looked to Tanya and then back to him.

"Tanya can you give us..?"

"Are you serious Edward?" She looked astounded. "You are going to dismiss me just so you can

talk things over with her; instead of working things out with me?"

"Tanya, not right now. Okay." Edward pinched the bridge of his nose.

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"Edward!" she exclaimed.

"Our conversation is over anyhow; I went to leave the room again." I felt a grip on my arm and

turned quickly. I glared at him.

"Just wait" he growled; not letting go of my arm. He looked back to Tanya. "I need to talk to her

about my daugther Tanya. We can discuss it all after I have it figured out with her."

"Don't bother asshole!" Tanya stormed out of the house. Edward let got and ran after her, but

stopped at the door. He put his head down. "Fuck!" he grumbled.

I left the living room and went outside on the back porch. I didn't want to talk anymore.

Jake had Emi and Haley down on the beach building sandcastles. I stood at the edge of the yard

smiling while I watched them play.

"Who's name is on her birth certificate?" Edward's tone was tired and stern.

I sighed. "Jake" I said flatly. "He was my support, Angela too, but Jake went to all my birthing
classes, picked up the food I craved, and he was the one who was there for me." I took a deep
breath. "You didn't want her and I didn't want a blank space on her birth certificate. Jacob was

more than happy to sign it and I was more than happy to have him do it. He already loved her."

"I know that I fucked up and that no apology or excuse will suffice, but I want to be there for her
now. Please let me." He was begging. I felt his hands on my shoulders and I flinched away from

him; shrugging off his hands and turning to face him. His expression looked hurt.

"I don't think that Emi will allow me to tell you no, but so help me God Edward. You hurt her in any
way shape or form; I don't care if it's simply telling her that you will be two minutes late to
something, I will make sure that you NEVER see her again. EVER!" He took a sharp inhale of

"I get it. Thank you." He reached toward me with his arms extended and I pulled away again.
"Sorry." he mumbled.

"Well, I assume you don't live around here, so you will have to let me know in advance when you

will be in LA so that you can make arrangements to see her."

"I want to take her to my home in Washington for a weekend." I almost choked on my own spit.


Chapter 7

Chapter Word Count: 2482

Chapter 7 - Jealousy


"You arrogant, selfish prick!" I spit out. "I am trying to be as accomodating as I can to this
situation; a situation that YOU created by the way, yet that isn't good enough. You just show up
here and think you can do whatever you want?"

"That's not what I said..."

"Oh no, but it's what you are implying!" Edward grabbed me by my shoulders. I pushed him off of

me and slapped him across the face.

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"Fuck Bella!" I could feel everyone's eyes on us now.

"No Fuck YOU Edward" I hissed. "I think you should go."

"I'm not leaving. NOT until..."

"You don't get to make the rules Edward." I was seething mad. "You know what...go ahead call
your lawyer. Let's see if you get what you think...you wanna play. Oh asshole, we will play!" I

pointed my finger in motion for him to leave.

He marched up; standing face to face with me. Leaning down into my face he hissed "Since you

refuse to do this the easy way than we can do it the hard way."

I made a quick move of my knee into his groin. "Uuhhmmpphhh!" He doubled over in pain. I a

smiled in victory.

"I've been doing it the hard way, ALONE, for over five years dickhead. What's another couple of
months of putting you in your place legally?!" I antagonized while smirking down at him; as he

tried to collect himself. He straightened up.

"We'll see about that." He spat out as he turned to leave.

"I'm not scared of you" I shouted at his retreating form. He froze for a moment then stiffened and

headed toward the door.

"Bella?" Alice was looking at me with a puzzled expression.

"Not now Alice, please." I took a few deep breaths to calm myself.

"What did that prick do now?" Rose walked over and put her arm around me. I leaned into her;
grateful that she still felt like a friend.

"He just thinks that he is owed a right to her and I...I don't know maybe I am overreacting, but he
doesn't deserve to just be her dad. Does he?" I looked up to Rose for reassurance.

At first her face was plagued with confusion and struggle. "Hell no he doesn't!" Alice said from
behind me. I snapped over to her. "Bella, I love my brother, but what he did was unbelievable. It's
not something that any of us will ever be able to forget, so I can only imagine what it is like for
you." She walked over and wrapped her arms around me. "You have done a wonderful job with
Emily and I, for one, will not let my brother do anything irrational." I smiled small and hugged her


"She's right dear. I love Edward, but...well, I just don't know what has gotten into him. I would

never have thought..."

"Mommy?" I spun around to see Emi's wet eyes. "Where did Edward go?"

"Oh honey." I hurried to kneel to her and pull her to me. "Baby, he needed to go and he just didn't

want to interrupt your playing." I forced a large smile.

"Why were you yelling?" she furrowed her little brow.

"Just a disagreement. I'm sorry for upsetting you." I pulled her close to me again and squeezed.

"Mommy...can't...breath." I chuckled and let her go.

"Sorry baby." I kissed her forehead.

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"Come on little chica, let's go do our nails." Jake stuck his hand out to her and she took it quickly
with a new smile on her face. Jake turned around. "You okay?" I nodded. His eyes landing on
Haley. "Come on miss thang, you are also in need of a medicure." Haley giggled and ran after


"Shit, I need one too." Alice said with a giggle and followed them into the house.

"Aww...Aunt Alice you said a bad word." Haley said with wide eyes. "Mommy will be mad." She

shook her head. We all laughed.

"Uh oh. I'm sorry, I'll try not to do it again, okay?" Haley smiled and took her hand as they headed
off to Emi's room.

A month later the papers arrived. I couldn't believe what I was reading. He was trying to get joint
custody stating that I was unreasonable in attempts to make visitation arrangements. "That
asshole!" I shouted into my empty house. "All the nerve and....AHGGHHHH!" I threw myself onto
the couch. I continued to read and saw that he wanted the paternity test and upon positive result
he wanted his name put on her birth certificate. He also cited that I had committed fraud on birth

certificate documents. "THAT FUCKER!"

I called my attorney's office and he directed me to a lawyer in his firm that specialized with these
situations. So I set up an appointment to meet with her a few days later; faxing all my documents

regarding the case over to her.

Arriving to her office a few days later she was ready to meed with me.

"Good morning. I'm Heidi, we talked on the phone, but it's nice to meet you in person." She smiled


"Morning, onbviously I'm Bella" I smiled as she motioned for me to take a seat.

"So, I've gone over the documents and if the judge agrees to the paternity testing then he may

have some standing to go on; granted that it is a positive match." She eyed me.

"Oh, it will be. I know that he is her father." I said disgustedly. "However, will these help?" I
handed over the letter from him and my phone records from the time when I tried to call him, as

well as proof of the money he sent.

She smiled large. "Have you done this before?" she laughed.

I shook my head and smiled. "Too many books and movies." I laughed.

We went on for a couple of hours discussing the whole situation from beginning to end. Then we
talked about the birth certificate and who Jake was, etc. By mid afternoon we were saying our

goodbyes and Heidi was going to build are argument against Edward.

I left feeling better. Now, not only did I feel pretty good about my situation, I felt empowered by

Heidi and her comments.

It wasn't too long, maybe another month, when I heard from Edward. Well he attempted to contact

me, but I refused his calls; telling Heidi about each one.

Much to my dislike Edward showed up to my house with his blonde barbie in toe. I was so happy
when I could tell him that Emi wasn't here.

"Where is she?" He eyed me suspiciously.

"I don't have to answer to you." I hissed.

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"He is her father, you..." The blonde barbie had the nerve to give her two cents, but I shut her
down before she could finish.

"No one was talking to you. Stay out of it." She glared at me. "He didn't want her and just because
he has 'decided' that it works for him now, doesn't mean that he can have it." I turned my glare

back onto Edward. "Like I said, she isn't home."

He scowled at me. "I'd like to see her."

"Do you even realize what time it is? Or are you just as fucking stupid as you have always been?!"

I shouted. I mean, come on it was one o'clock on a Thursday.

"What?!" he yelled. "Stop playing games!"

"Fuck you, She's at school!" His eyes widened. "Yeah that's right dickhead. She goes to school;
though you wouldn't know that because you've never been around!" I slammed the door in his


He knew better than to attempt again. When I heard little miss Washington Barbie arguing with
him and a door slam shut I breathed a sigh of relief that they were leaving. A few moments later
and I peeked out the window to see that his car was gone.

I picked Emi and Haley up from school; after I called Heidi about this afternoon's incident. She
assured me that she would get a temporary order in place prohibiting him from showing up at my
place without notice.

Needed to relax a little I decided to take the girls to a local playground. The ran straight to the
swings and I pushed both of them until the grew tired of swinging and ran off to the jungle gym. I
sat at a bench watching them be care free and happy. Two beautiful little girls not yet corrupted by
adulthood. I longed to feel that way again; even for a short moment; however, I was happy to live

vicariously through them at the moment.

Arriving back to my house I saw his black motorcylce in the driveway. As I parked I saw his form
on the front porch. I took a deep breath as I helped the girls get out of the car. "Mommy, James is
here." Emi said hesitantly. Emi 'liked' James, but there never seemed to be much of a bond

between them.

"I see that sweetheart." I smiled at her.


"James" I said curtly. I opened the door and the girls ran in together giggling.

"Bella, please forgive me. I am so sorry. I got jealous and..." I put my hand up.

"I understand." I breathed out. He reached for me. "Wait." He stopped and furrowed his brow.
"James, it was completely uncalled for and I cannot..."

"I know baby" he moved and put his arms around me. "I'm sorry. I promise to make it up to you
and show that it won't happen again. Okay?" I nodded; a little reluctantly.

James stayed for dinner and was irritated when I wouldn't let him stay the night. He may have
apologized, but there was a lot for him to do before he was back in like that. After his motorcycle
sped off down the street, I worked on my writing while the girls watched cartoons.

Rose arrived later than she usually did to pick up Haley; not that I minded. Once Haley had left I
got Emi into the bathtub.

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"Why hasn't Edward come back? Did I do something wrong?" She looked at me with big sad eyes.

I kissed her wet head. "No baby, no. He just lives far away. We are working on an arrangement for
him to see you. Okay?" She nodded and was a little less upset. "Okay, time to dry off and get to


"Ah man" she whined. "Just five more minutes, plllleeeassseee."

I laughed. "Five minutes." I held up my five fingers as I went to her room to lay out her pajamas.

Emi was in bed and I was working on finishing one of my chapters when my phone rang. Without

looking at it I answered it.


"I can't believe you!"

"Excuse me?"

"How could you keep me away from her like this?!" Edward recieved the papers obviously.

"You can still see her. You just cannot show up whenever you feel like it!" I rebutted.

"I can't..."

"Shut up" I snapped. "If you want to see her, then you need to call and let me know."

"You never answer my calls, so how am I supposed to believe that?!"

"Voicemail Edward. You can leave a message and I will call you back. However, I will not answer

my phone until I'm sure that it not going to be like this everytime I answer."

"Fine. I want to see her this weekend." He spit out nasty.

"She has soccer on Friday if you want to come watch." I offered; hoping that this way it was in a

public place and not secluded in my home.

"Fine. I'll be down Friday afternoon, though I would like to spend more time than that with her." He

was still being stern, but it was slightly softer.

"We'll discuss in on Friday then." We said our quick and short goodbyes before hanging up.

After talking to Edward I was mentally exhausted and decided that it was time for a hot shower

and some sleep.

Friday arrived quicker than I would have liked and as I was walking the girls toward the soccer field
I saw Edward pull up in his car. I took a deep breath and settled myself on the sidelines to watch.

It was a few minutes before I felt his presence near me.

"Do you mind if I..?" I looked over to him as he sat down next to me on the ground. I didn't

answer since he clearly wasn't truly asking for one.

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We sat in silence for a long time, occaisionally cheering for Emi and Haley. I got curious about Rose
and Emmett, so I looked around. They were down the field from us; keeping a distance. I'm sure
that they thought they were helping, but right now I would ahve been thankful for them as a


Two girls got tangled up in each other and ended up in a pile on the ground; leaving the goal open
wide. Haley appeared quickly and kicked the ball in. I jumped up cheering, and I felt Edward do the
same. Haley was jumping and smiling widely. Emi ran up to Haley and stuck her fist out; Haley fist
bumped her back. "That's my girls!" Emmett boasted from down the field and I fell into an extreme

round of belly laughs. I could hear Edward laughing too.

"Bella?" I turned around to see James eyeing me and Edward next to me. "What the hell is going

on?" He scowled.

I glared at him and his tone. "Excuse me?" I snapped.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me away. "Let go!" I tugged away from his grip.

"We need to talk" he growled.

"Stop it James. You are acting crazy again." I hissed.

He spun around putting his face in mine. "What are you doing here with him?" he seethed.

"He came to watch Emi, James. Regardless of what you want, visiting arrangements will end up
arranged. This is just the beginning. You will have to get used..." He cut me off and gripped my

arm tighter.

"Get used to you two being all cozy with each other?!" James said with a tone of accusation.

I pulled hard to get my arm out of his grip. "I'm not going to warn you again James! You are being
ridiculous. Your jealousy has not merit. I am not here with him nor do I want to be with him! I'm

simply trying to be civil for Emi's sake." I argued.

"I don't buy it Bella. He wants more than just Emi. I've seen the way he looks at you!" He put his

hands on my shoulders.

I shrugged him off. "What in the whole five minutes that you've seen us interact with each other
you have figured that out? God we fight everytime we are together and yet you see that as what
'foreplay'?!" I shook my head in disbelief. "You are pathetic James. I think that we need to take a
break; for now. I need to take care of this with Emi and I don't have time for your overreacting."

He opened his mouth to say something, but I put my hand up to stop him. "Just go, please."

I turned and walked back to the field. Jesus fucking christ! Every man in my life is a complete

douche! I'm so getting a girlfriend next time.


Chapter 8

Chapter Word Count: 4392

Chapter 8 – All She Had Was An Edward


Edward was fully engulfing himself with Emily. He called almost every time he had consecutive
days off requesting to spend time with her. We had been meeting in public areas; playgrounds, a

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pizza slash arcade place, the beach, soccer games, etc. Then after a few weeks passed I suggested
that he take her to Rose‟s house. I wasn‟t completely up for him taking her alone; I just wasn‟t
comfortable enough with him enough to trust him. However, Emi needed to associate with him

when I wasn‟t around so she didn‟t start to get the wrong impression.

“Bella thank you for allowing me to do this.” Edward smiled brightly as he took Emi‟s bag of extra

clothes from me.

“Sure” I said and knelt down to kiss Emi goodbye.

“You aren‟t coming mommy?” Emi looked confused.

“No sweetie, I have some things to do. You and Edward are going to go visit Haley.” I smiled and

hugged her.

“Oh” she furrowed her brow a little.

“What‟s the matter?” Edward asked her.

“Nothing” she smiled large and then took his hand.

I closed the door behind them and cried my eyes out like I would never see her again. Great, I had

become that mom. I laughed at myself and wiped the tears from my face.

Sitting at my laptop I attempted to get into writing mode.


My work schedule had really started to annoy me like it never had before. The more time I was
allowed to spend with Emily the more I wanted; she was infectious. I had fallen madly in love with
my daughter. I would call Bella to arrange seeing her the moment I got my updated schedule.

Tanya was furious and frustrated about how much time I spent away either at work or with Emily.

“Edward, are we ever going to spend time together again?” She pleaded with me as I pack a bag

for L.A.

I sighed. “Tanya I fucked up and lost years of her life. I want to be there. Can‟t you understand

and support that?”

“Of course, but you leave me alone ALL the time.” She whined.

“I am trying the best that I can.” I took a deep breath. “Once I have earned the right then I will

see if I can start bringing her here for a few days, then we can all spend time together. Okay?”

“Sure, but I would also like some alone time with you again?” She raised one perfectly sculpted

eyebrow at me.

“I know Tan and I‟m sorry” I walked over and kissed her forehead. “This won‟t last forever, I

promise.” She nodded reluctantly as I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

What I didn‟t want to mention to Tanya was that I was thinking of moving to L.A.; closer to Emi. I
truly was addicted to becoming a father that she deserved. I knew I had a long way to go, but I
wanted it; more than anything.

Knowing that this time I would be taking Emi to visit with Haley without Bella I was more excited
about the trip. I knew that this was Bella‟s first test for me and I was determined not to fuck it up.
I was on thin ice, even after calling my lawyer and making adjustments to my suit.

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After I picked up Emi we drove to Rose‟s house. Once through the door Emi bounced in smiling and
singing a song that was playing in the car.

“Hey there” Rose appeared from the kitchen and kissed my cheek. “Hey Emi. Haley is in the
kitchen having a snack, if you hurry there‟s enough for you.” Emi‟s eyes lit up and she bolted for

the kitchen.

I laughed.

“So, looks like you are moving up the food chain…a little.” Rose giggled.

“Slightly, but not too much since you are obviously babysitting me” I chuckled.

“Trust me, Edward; it‟s a big step for her. She is completely wrapped up in Emi, so to let her go

today…” I cut her off.

“I know Rose and I really do appreciate it. I‟m just impatient I guess.” I shrugged and then joined

the girls in the kitchen.

Once their snack was done we went into the back yard and played on the swing set and the
trampoline. Then came time for a game of hide and seek; which they were so horrible at staying

quiet I had to pretend that it took me so long to find them.

At the completion of hide and seek, we all went inside. The girls wanted to color pictures and watch
a movie, so we all sat around the living room. Emily traced my hand on a piece of paper and then

her own inside of it.

“Here” she held the picture out to me. “I want you to have this, so you remember me when you

are gone.”

I didn‟t know whether to smile or cry; I forced the smile. “Thank you Emi.” She smiled brightly and
started another picture. I sat there staring at our hands together and colored. The phrase

swimming threw my head was „remember me when you are gone‟. I couldn‟t get rid of it.

I excused myself from the girls and went to the kitchen for a drink; still holding the picture.

“What‟s that?” Rose leaned in smiling. “It‟s adorable. Emi gave it to you?” Rose leaned back to the

sink drying out cups.

“Yeah” I mumbled.

“What‟s the matter?” Rose put her hands down in front of her; stopping her drying.

“I‟m thinking of maybe moving to L.A.” I blurted out without even thinking about what I was


“Really?!” Rose sounded shocked. “Is Tanya okay with that?” Of course she would bring her up; at

least someone was thinking about her at the moment. I felt horrible for not.

“I…I haven‟t really said anything yet, but I will.” Rose gave me a stern look. “I want to be closer to
Emi. Rose she handed me this and told me it was to remember her while I‟m gone. How the hell

am I supposed to feel about that?” I sighed heavily.

“Alright, calm down. You need to talk to Tanya before you make any decisions though. It‟s not fair


“I know, I know…I just…”

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“Edward!” Emi came running in.

“Yes Emi?” I knelt down to her.

“Can we go get ice cream?” Emi gave me the puppy dog guys that she knew melted her father‟s

heart and will power.

“Ah…let me call your mom.” I pulled out my phone and called Bella.


“Hey, is it alright to take Emi to get ice cream?” I asked nervously and got more nervous at her


“Uh…yeah, sure.” She seemed to choke out the response.

“Thank you. I will bring her home after we get the ice cream, okay?” I was trying my damnedest to
get this right.

“Sounds good.” Bella sounded much better about it now. I smiled in victory of my first test. I heard
her door bell.

“I‟ll let you get that. See you soon.” We hung up and I told Emi to get ready to go.

Before we left I decided to take Haley along also, so we all climbed into my car and after buckling

them in we headed to the ice cream place that was about fifteen minutes from Rose‟s house.

Haley got chocolate chip ice cream, Emi got strawberry with sprinkles, and I got cookies‟n cream.

We all sat on a bench eating our ice cream, before I walked them down to the playground.

“You can‟t catch me!” Emi yelled and Haley chased after her. I chuckled.

“I got you!” Haley giggled and she took off running as Emi chased her up a ladder and down a
slide. I watched them smile and giggle; they were beautiful. For a moment I considered talking to
Tanya about children, but my thoughts were cut short when I heard a cry. I scanned the

playground quickly and saw Haley on the ground holding her leg; I ran to her.

“Haley” I shouted and knelt down next to her. “Are you okay?”

She looked up at me through her tears. “I tripped and hurt my knee.” Emi sat next to her and put

her arm around her.

I looked over her knee and it was just a small scrape; however, I wanted to get her home so I
could clean it up. I carried Haley and Emi held my hand as we returned to my car to head back to

Rose‟s house.

“What happened?” Rose looked at Haley with a sad face.

“I fell down.” She sniffed.

“You poor little thing” Rose cooed as she took her from my arms and walked her toward the


“Are you okay Haley?” Emi followed closely behind them.

“Uh huh” she sniffed out.

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Rose sat Haley on the counter and pulled a first aid kit from out of the cabinet. She wiped off the
scrape, earning a cringe and cry from Haley. Then Rose sprayed some antiseptic on her injury and
she started to cry out; Emi leaned forward and blew on it for her. I smiled at how sweet these girls

were to each other.

Once Haley was bandaged up I had Emi tell her and Rose goodbye. It was time to get her back

home, even if I didn‟t want to let her go.

We pulled into the driveway and I got Emi out of the car. She stood next to me while I removed
the booster seat and grabbed her bag. I turned around and saw Emi furrowing her brow at

something. I followed her gaze and there was a motorcycle down the street. I turned back to Emi.

“What‟s the matter?” I knelt down to her.

“That‟s James.” She still looked confused.

“Your mommy‟s friend?” She nodded. “Well, maybe he came to visit…”

“But why is he parked down there instead of our driveway? Is he friends with the Johnsons?” She

looked up to me.

“With who?” I know had the confused look.

“That‟s Mr. and Mrs. Johnson‟s house down there.” She sighed.

“Oh…well, I‟m not sure.” I shrugged and motioned for Emi to follow me to the house; she followed.

Once were about to step on the porch I could hear yelling.

“I DON‟T BELIEVE YOU!” It was a man‟s voice.

“I swear! There is not…” then there was a scream. “STOP!! STOP IT!!!! JAME…..” It was Bella.

I dropped everything in my hands to the ground.


“I‟ll let you get that. See you soon.” Edward stated before we hung up.

I was impressed that he called to ask if it was okay to take Emi to get ice cream. He was passing
my first test or trial run at this „sharing‟ our daughter with him. My thoughts were churning over
the idea of eventually letting him take her to visit his parents or even his home for weekends when

I opened the door.

“James?” My forehead crinkled in confusion. Why was he here? “What..?”

“What‟s the matter; not happy to see me?” I didn‟t like the look in his eyes.

“I was just about to leave” I lied “Did you need something?” I leaned over to grab my purse from
the table next to the door. James took that opportunity to shove the door open and enter the

house. “James! What are you doing?!” I yelled.

He kicked the door shut firmly. “We need to talk Bella.” He smirked at me wildly.

“Can we do this later? Rose is waiting on me; she will get worried if I‟m late.” I lied again; hoping
that this would deter him from doing anything crazy.

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“Hmmm….or if you don‟t show up at all?” He raised an eyebrow; the crazy smirk still plastered to
his lips.

He stepped closer to me; I backed up. “Don‟t run from me Bella!” He growled and reached out for

I turned quickly heading toward my bedroom. I tried to slam the door shut, but his arm stopped it
and shoved the door. The door flew open; hitting my arm along the way. “James, stop it! You‟re

scaring me!” I shouted.

“You don‟t need to be afraid. I‟m only here to show you that you belong with me, not that fucking
douche that you call Emi‟s father!” He spit out with a disgusted look on his face.

“I am not with Edwa…” James grabbed my throat.

“Don‟t speak his name to me!” He tossed me to the bed where I coughed and sucked air greedily

into my lungs.

He climbed over my body. “James, please stop.” I pleaded as I pushed his chest hard enough to
move my body up and away. He grabbed my hips and pulled me roughly down to him. “Ow!” I

“We belong together, Bella. I have waited for you since college.” He said roughly and half crazed.

“James…” I was starting to sob now “You don‟t want to do this….please.” I begged through my fear

filled sobs.

“Oh I very much want this…” his mouth went to my neck and the more I pushed him away the

harder he gripped my hips; the pain was becoming almost unbearable.

His hands went under my shirt and I tried to push them away; this only infuriated him. He grabbed
the neck of my t-shirt with both hands and yanked the material until it ripped completely down the
front. He quickly took my bra covered nipple into his mouth and sucked roughly before he bit hard
enough to make me scream in agony.

“That‟s it baby….scream for me.” H growled out.

“STOP!” I screamed and started to struggle harder.

He pinned my arms to the mattress and then grabbed both my wrists with one hand. I was about
to struggle against the one handed hold when I saw the silver glimmer come from around his back.

My eyes widened as he brought the knife to my cheek.

“Lay still baby; so that you don‟t force me to do something that I don‟t want to do” he cooed it out
and I wanted to gouge his eyes out. I froze at the feel of the cold metal against my skin. “Much
better” he seemed to relax. I swallowed hard as he let go of my wrists and I felt his hand slide
down my body stopping at the button of my pants.

“Please…” I cried.

“Shhh….” He shushed me and continued to unbutton my pants. I cried and sobbed as I felt him tug
my pants down awkwardly. However, once he had yanked them off completely I realized that I had

an opportunity.

I kicked my one leg causing him to sit up and then I pulled back my other leg and thrust it
forward; sending the bottom of my foot to his chest. He stumbled backwards and I jumped off the

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I had almost reached the door when I felt a sharp pain in my lower back and I fell to the floor. I
cried in pain and then groaned louder when I felt James fist my hair and pull me across the floor.

“Bella, Bella. Why couldn‟t you just behave?” He sighed out heavily. “No you will have to learn your
lesson.” He growled as he pulled me from the floor and tossed me face forward over the back of

my couch.

I tried to straighten up but he shoved me down; leaving my ass pushed out. Then there was a

sharp sting across my ass before a burn settled in. “STOP!” I screamed.

He chuckled darkly. “You could have avoided all of this if you would just be a good girlfriend.” He
spit out. I felt the pain again and sobbed. When the belt landed on the floor is the moment I

realized what he was beating me with.

Before I could try to straighten up again I felt him move behind me and press himself into my ass.
It hurt horribly from the beating and I screamed out in pain. I swear that his dick hardened at the

sound of my agony. “Please, James, please stop.” I cried and begged.

“Shut up! Shut the fuck up!” He yelled and shoved me over the couch rougher. I could hear his
zipper being lowered and I tried to kick my leg back to hurt him, but the pain in my ass was too

much and I completely missed; though I succeeded in pissing him off even further.

Fisting the hair at the back of my head he yanked me up straight and spun me around to look at
him. I could see the fury in his eyes. He kissed me roughly before letting me go and slapping me
across the face. It was hard enough that I staggered to the right before he caught my arm and

drug me to the other side of the couch.

Throwing me onto the couch caused my ass to remind me that it had just been freshly abused by
leather. I cried out and tried to move, but James grabbed my hair as he pulled his dick out of his


Shoving my face toward his erection I turned my head. He yanked my head to the side and
brought his face down to mine. “I suggest that you don‟t do that again!” he growled out. “Suck my

Dick whore!”

“Please James” I cried out. “I am not with Edward, he is only here to see E…”

“I DON‟T BELIEVE YOU!” He shouted and tossed me onto the coffee table roughly.

“I swear! There is not…” I tried to explain, but he kicked me in my side with his boots on. “STOP!!

STOP IT!!!! JAME…..” Then it was silent and pitch black.


“Emi, go climb back into my car and lock the doors.” I ordered.

“Mommy?!” she ran toward the door. I grabbed her quickly and took her to the car. “Please Emi,
stay in the car with the doors locked. Stay down and hide, unless it‟s me or your mom. Okay?”
Tears were streaming down her poor face. “Please Emi.” I begged. “I will be right back. I promise.”

She nodded and got down on the floor of the car.

I ran back to the house; trying the front door. It wouldn‟t open; locked. So I ran around the house
and sprinted up onto the back patio toward the French doors. I grabbed the handle and yanked;

thank god it opened.

Inside was James standing over a lifeless Bella. There was no hesitation. I charged James, as he

turned around to see who had come in, tackling him to the floor.

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“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” I screamed and I sat on his chest and pounded my clenched fists into his

“I‟LL KILL YOU!” He shouted back as he caught me mid swing and threw me off of him. As I tried to
get up and kicked me in the side and then punched me in the face; causing me to stagger back a


I regained myself quickly though; the rage taking over. I lunged back at him and sent him against
the wall. I had his neck with my one hand as I pulled my cell phone out trying to dial 911. I had
typed the number and hit talk, but he hit the phone from my hand and grabbed my hand away

from his neck.

He swung at me with a loud grunt, but missed. I grabbed a lamp and brought it round quickly and
with full force clipping him in the side of the head. He staggered to the left and grabbed a table to

steady himself.

Before he could collect himself I punched him again; connecting with his nose. His hands flew to
his face. I kicked him in the stomach while he was distracted with his nose and sent him into some

bookshelves. He slid to the floor.

As I steadied myself I realized that Bella wasn‟t moving, I ran over to her; noticing that she was
almost nude. Terror and anger surged in synchronization through my body. I felt for a pulse and

sighed in relief when I found one.

“DON‟T TOUCH HER! SHE IS MINE!” I spun to see James charging at me. I wasn‟t quick enough. He

had me by the throat and threw me over the couch.

I coughed as I tried to pull myself up from the floor; grabbing the back of the couch for support as
I got to my feet. Once I my head was above the back of the couch I could see James grabbing

around Bella; preparing to pick her up.

“Get off of her!” I yelled and jumped over the couch. I grabbed him by the back of his neck and

sent his face to my knee. Blood gushed onto my pants and poured down his face.

He swung his right fist at me, but I moved away quickly. I felt him move toward me and I grabbed
a statue that was on the table next to me. I swung the statue at him but he jumped back; he was
almost against the large glass wall next to the French doors. “Get out!” I growled and motioned my
head toward the open glass doors that I came through.

“Fuck you!” he shouted and grabbed the statue from my hand. It crashed to the floor shattering
into pieces.

We struggled back and forth; exchanging punches between each other. In the end I landed one
heavy blow to his chest with my shoulder and James crashed through the large glass panel. I stood

for a single moment trying to catch my breath when I heard sirens in a distance.

I rushed to Bella and looked her over. She was injured badly; there was blood and bruising all over
her. I couldn‟t tell if he had succeeded in violating her even further; honestly I didn‟t want to know.
The anger returned again and I looked up to see that James had not moved. I grabbed a blanket

that was on a chair across the room and covered Bella before going over to James.

Once I reached James I saw that there was a large gash on his neck from the glass shards. As I

was about to kneel down there was a banging on the front door.

“Police! Open up!” I ran and unlocked the door.

“Thank God you are here!” I exclaimed. The rushed in with paramedics and surveyed the damage.

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“He attacked her. Please, she needs help!” I begged to the paramedics and pointed to Bella. “And
the asshole that did this is out on the patio; bleeding to death.” I growled out and headed in James


I knelt down to James and applied pressure to the gash in his neck, but I was pretty sure that it

was too late. There was too much blood.

“Sir, the paramedics will take care of him. Please come with us.” The officer looked at me

skeptically. I stood and followed them.

“My daughter is hiding in the car; can I please go to her first?” I didn‟t wait for an answer. I
headed toward the car. The officers followed me.

Emi jumped into my arms sobbing against my chest. “Shh baby, it‟s okay. Everything will be fine.”
I tried to reassure her.

“Mommy?” She sobbed.

“She has some boo boos, but she will be okay. I promise.” As soon as I made the promise, the
paramedics were bringing and unconscious Bella out of the house. “Is she okay?!” I shouted
without thinking about Emi first.

“We need to get her to the hospital sir. You can meet us there.” They put her into the ambulance

before jumping in and driving off with sirens blaring.

“Sir?” I turned to the officer. “Can you tell me what happened here?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

I quickly went through who I was and what I had arrived to, and then I asked if I go to check on


“Okay, but you need to stay at the hospital so that I can ask you some more questions. Okay?” I

nodded and ran Emi to the car.

On the way to the hospital I called Rose and briefly told her what happened. She was going to call
Bella‟s family and then meet me at the hospital. Emmett was already heading out the door while I

was still talking to Rose.

Emmett got to the hospital just as Emi and I were walking toward the emergency room doors. Emi

was wrapped around my neck with her head on my chest as I ran toward the admissions desk.

“Bella Swan? Can we see her? She was brought in…”

“Calm down sir.” The nurse tried to soothe. “Let me go check with a doctor and I will be right

back.” I paced impatiently; waiting for her to return.

“Edward?” I looked up to see Emmett. “Any word?” I shook my head.

“I‟m waiting for the…”

“Sir?” I spun around. “Are you family?”

“Yes” I said quickly. “This is our daughter.” I said even quicker.

“She was rushed up to an operating room after she arrived.” I knew that my eyes widened. “I am
going to come around and buzz you through the large double doors. I will take you to a waiting

area.” I nodded while I swallowed hard.

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Once she had brought Emmett, Emi, and me to the waiting room she turned to us. “You can wait in
here. I will tell the doctor that she has family waiting for her. Someone will update you as soon as

they can.” She smiled small and I could see the pity on her face.

Emmett took Emi and cradled her as he sat into a chair. I sat down and ran my hands through my
hair. I just wanted answers. What would happen if something were seriously wrong with Bella?
What would Emi go through? I knew what she would go through; she would go through hell. All she
had for the past five years was in an operating room fighting whatever was wrong and if anything

were to happen…ugh…if anything were to happen all Emi would have is her Edward.

She needed her mother.

Rose busted through the doors with Haley on her hip. “Where is she? How is she? What the fuck
happened? I‟ll kill the fucker!” I wanted to chuckle at her outburst, but I was too sad, worried, and


Rose set Haley down and I watched as she climbed onto Emmett‟s lap and curled against Emi. The

tears flowed freely from my eyes. There was no stopping them.

A/N: Only two more chapters to go….and we will be at our conclusion. I have to say that
it has been fun writing this short story. Thanks to all who have taken the time to read

and to review.

I seem to not be able to reply to any reviews that I get; since the big fanfic crashdown,
so if I do not respond…that is why. If you ask a particular question that you would like

answered, then I will try to PM you as soon as I can.


Chapter 9

Chapter Word Count: 4903

A/N: Get ready to shower me with tons and tons of love, from those of you who wanted
a longer story. I have to admit that I had NO plan to lengthen the story; however, I
actually got inspired while writing this chapter. So…..there will be a few more chapters. I

cannot yet guarantee how many, but it will definitely go past the 10 chapter mark now.

I had to admit that I have now changed my story. Originally I was going to do one thing,
but now I have a new plan and on top of that my ending is still to be resolved. I haven‟t
decided which way I am going to go with the ending….so still NOT promising the „happy
ever after‟. Though I am also not saying that it won‟t be one either; it‟s part of the

storyline so I can‟t tell you. :o)

Hope you enjoy the new chapter….and the direction that I take it.

Chapter 9 – Moving to L.A.


We sat in that waiting room for hours without one word from anyone. I was growing impatient and
Rose kept trying to grab someone who was walking passed so she could get answers. Emi and
Haley were wrapped up together on some blankets sleeping. Emmett was sitting next to me trying

to keep me calm.

Alice burst into the room. “What the hell happened?!” Emmett shushed her and Jasper came in
quickly behind her. I sighed. Finally ready to talk about it. I told them all what happened; at least

every detail that I knew about.

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“I knew I hated that fucker!” Rose grumbled and tapped her foot crazily. Alice sat whimpering as
Jasper rocked her; trying to calm her. Emmett had his head in his hands.

“That crazy mother fucker” Emmett growled. “If he isn‟t dead already, he will be!” Emmett stood
up and left the room.

We all sat for a few more hours and during that time Charlie and Renee, Esme and Carlisle, Jacob,
and Angela all had shown up. Jake and Angela got the story from Rose and the two of them sat

crying with each other.

Charlie left the room as soon as he heard what happened to her and still hadn‟t come back. Renee
sat down next to me, but hadn‟t spoken to me; until now.

“Are you okay?” She was taking in my appearance. I nodded, but then started to cry. She wrapped
her arms around me. “Thank you Edward.” I sniffed and looked up at her. “You helped my baby.

You deserve thanks for that; regardless of the past.” She smiled warmly.

“Edward?” I turned my head and saw my mother walking over to me with a bag. She knelt down in
front of me. “I talked to the nurse at the nurse‟s station. She gave permission for you to go into a
room to shower and change.” She lifted up the bag. “I went out and grabbed some clothes. You
should get out of those before Emi wakes up.” I looked over myself and realized the amount of

blood that I was covered in. I nodded, stood, took the bag, and let her lead me to an empty room.

After showering and changing I went back to the waiting room. I had just sat down when a doctor

walked into the room. “Swan family?” he looked around the room.

“Yes” was said in unison around the room; everyone standing from their sitting positions.

“How is she?” Renee walked up within arms length of the doctor. “Is she going to be okay?”

“She suffered a multitude of injuries. She has a broken wrist, three broken ribs, and superficial
bruising, all of these should heal completely; however, she suffered internal bleeding and some
hemorrhaging in her abdomen as well as in her head.” He took a small breath. “Her head injury is

not a large concern anymore and was brought under control quite quickly.”

“But?” I said curtly. As a doctor I could read his signals too easily; he was saving the worst for last.

He sighed. “But, she lost a lot of blood and suffered some swelling in her head.” He paused looking
directly at me. “She is no longer under anesthesia; however, she has not woken up. She is in a
coma at this time.” Renee began to sob and Esme wrapped her arms around her quickly. “I do
believe that she will wake up; however, it could be tonight or it could be weeks. We are going to
monitor her and her injuries. I will keep you all updated and once she is settled into her room a

nurse will come to show you all to her.” He nodded and left the room.

I sat down in my seat; a million thoughts going through my head. My eyes instinctually went to
Emi. Rose saw my stare. “Don‟t worry about Emi, she will stay with us. I‟ll tell her that it‟s a
sleepover.” Rose smiled at me.

Emmett and Charlie arrived back in the room together; both still looking furious. “Charlie?” Renee

called out to him.

Charlie walked over and wrapped his arms around his wife and held her tightly to his chest. “It will

be okay baby.”

Emmett plopped down roughly next to me. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “The fucker is on

this floor.” He growled lowly. “He isn‟t dead, yet.” Emmett‟s eyes looked fierce.

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The nurse arrived and told us where Bella‟s room was. We all moved to the waiting room on the
floor they had moved her to. Charlie and Renee were the first to head toward her room. “Come on

Edward.” Renee stopped and put her hand out for me to come with them.

I followed them into the room. There she was lying in a white bed with machines blinking all
around her and tubes coming out of her nose, mouth, and arms. Even as a doctor it was
disturbing. Renee started to choke up again and I could here Charlie‟s breathing become ragged

and louder; he was pissed. “I‟ll kill him myself.” I heard Charlie growl lowly.

I looked at Bella again. Her typically perfect porcelain skin was covered in blue, black, and purple

swelling. Her body was so still and lifeless; I couldn‟t take it, I left the room.

Days passed by and I only allowed Emi to go into her room once; though I had put up pictures that

Emi and Haley had made for her.

After four days of basically living in the hospital, I was tired, grumpy, irritable, and frustrated. I
wanted Bella to wake up and be able to go home. I wanted to be able to relax; knowing that she

was okay.

Tanya had showed up two days ago and tried to insist that I go back to the hotel with her at night,
but I couldn‟t risk Bella waking up without someone here. I knew that Renee and Charlie were
taking shifts, but I had to be sure that she was okay. Tanya had gotten pissed about it. She didn‟t
say anything, but I could see the anger and hurt in her eyes. I didn‟t know how to explain my need
to be here without it coming out the wrong way, so I chose to just not try to explain it at all. This
just caused more frustration between us both. If I‟m being honest, I didn‟t care.

It was day four and I was resting in the recliner at the side of Bella‟s bed when I heard her cough. I
rolled out of the chair quickly and stood next to her bed. She was coughing more and partially

gagging on the tube. I pressed the nurse call button and started to remove the tube myself.

“Mr. Cullen!” The nurse scowled at me when she saw what I was doing.

“I‟m a fucking doctor” I argued and continued to remove the tube.

“Not at this hospital!” She shot back and pushed me off of her. “Ms. Swan?” Bella‟s eyes slipped

open and she scowled at the nurse.

“Bella!” I exhaled and hugged her tightly. I felt her tense up, so I pulled away quickly.

“Please, give us a moment.” The nurse said to me irritated.

“Fine” I said curtly “but I am only going to tell her family and then I will be back.”

I left the room and ran to the waiting area. “She‟s awake!” I exclaimed. Renee was up and out the
door heading down the hallway before Charlie could get out of his chair. Rose and Alice hugged

each other tightly.

“Has she said anything?” Jake asked as he held Angela.

“Not yet. I‟ll let you all know.” I quickly made my way back to her room.

Charlie and Renee were outside of a closed door.

“What the hell..?”

“Calm down son.” Charlie put his hand on my shoulder; stopping me from going through the door.
“The doctor is in with her right now.” I looked at Charlie who seemed pained and then I looked to

Renee who was crying.

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“What‟s wrong? What happened?” I panicked.

“Calm down…” Charlie started, but Renee interrupted.

“She doesn‟t remember anything” Renee sniffed.

“About James?” I questioned; partially hopeful that she didn‟t remember what the asshole had

done to her.

“No Edward.” Renee exclaimed. “She doesn‟t remember anything!” She began to sob.

It was a few moments before I realized that I had completely spaced out with my mouth hanging

open. She didn‟t remember anything? Nothing at all?

The door opened suddenly and the doctor walked out with a hard look on his face. “Is she..?” I


“She is suffering some memory loss.” He said sadly. “I‟m sure that it is partially because of the
head injury and the loss of blood.” He swallowed hard. “I am going to have another cat scan

performed this afternoon to see if we can find out more.” I nodded at him as he walked away.

We entered the room. “Bella?” Renee spoke softly and with hope that she would remember her.

Bella‟s face wrinkled up; clearly not recognizing any of us. She bit her lip and stayed quiet.

“Bella?” I moved to her side. “Do you remember anything?”

“I…” she started, but then she bit her lip and looked down. “No” her head came up quickly “I‟m

sorry.” I watched a tear trail down her cheek.

“Don‟t be sorry baby.” Charlie walked over to her and picked up her hand. “You‟ll remember.”

“Yes, sweetheart, you will. Just give it time.” Renee added taking her other hand.

I stepped back slowly and left the room.

Another three days passed and Bella had remembered nothing; she didn‟t even remember Emi.
Bella‟s cat scan revealed that she still had some swelling and she was scheduled again today to see

if there was any improvement.

Rose had decided to go to Bella‟s house and get some photo‟s and things in order to help her
remember or to at least get her to know names and faces. I had only brought Emi when she was

sleeping, because I didn‟t want her to know that Bella didn‟t remember her.

By the time Rose had showed up to the hospital with a box full of things the doctor had brought
back the results of the scan. Bella‟s head was clear and the swelling had gone. He hoped that her

memory would start to resurface over the next few days.

I sat in the corner of the room with Renee as Rose and Alice went through the box of things. “This
is our high school.” Alice showed a picture from our yearbook. “Here is your senior year.” Alice

smiled brightly as she pointed Bella out to herself.

Bella‟s brow seemed to be constantly furrowed in confusion. She sighed. “I have no idea what that

place is.”

“Let‟s try this.” Rose pulled out a bright pink book and handed it to Bella. “This is about Emi.”

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Bella too a deep breath and opened the pink book on her lap. Two pages in and Bella‟s expression
changed. “Emi?” She pointed to something in the book and Rose looked down.

“Yes” Rose said almost breathlessly. “Bella?”

“I…” she stopped. She flipped more pages. “This is Jake! This is Angela! That is Emi…when I
brought her home. I was in college!” I could hear the excitement in her voice as she started to

“Yes….yes Bella…that‟s right!” Rose said ecstatically.

“Where is she?” Bella looked up expectantly. “I want to see her, please.” She was almost begging


“I‟ll get her. She is waiting.” I left the room and quickly went to retrieve Emi.


I felt like a complete let down. I knew I had been hurt, but I didn‟t know anything else. Hell, there
were two people standing in front of me looking down on me lovingly almost every day and I would
never have known that they were my parents. Then there was a bronzed hair god who was in my
room almost as frequently as my parents. I had no idea who he was, only that his name was

Edward and Edward was freaking gorgeous.

Day after day everyone looked at me expectantly and it was exhausting. Some days I wished that I
would either wake up remembering or just not wake up at all. I was in complete misery. Tons of

tests and scans showed possible reasons for my dilemma, but it didn‟t make it any better.

A gorgeous blond and adorably sexy brunette entered my room with a box. They had been here

before, but I couldn‟t remember their names.

They began pulling out year books, pictures, and photo albums, but none of it seemed familiar.
That is until the pink book. There was a picture of a tiny little pink bundle; all I could see was the
round pudgy face; I knew that face. I turned the page. There was a tall dark skinned guy and a tall
think girl standing on either side of me while I was lying in a hospital bed. I knew those people….I
knew what this was! It was Emi! It was Jake and Angela at my side when I had Emi. My mother

took the picture. I wanted Emi.

“I‟ll get her. She is waiting.” I still had to figure out who Edward was.

“Bella, do you remember anything else?” Alice, the tiny brunette asked.

“Hmm…a little. I know that I was in college when I had Emi and that Jake and Angela were there
for me the whole time.” I sighed and smiled. Relief started to wash over me, but looking at Alice I

saw worry on her face. “What?”

“Nothing” she quipped out a little too fast.

Before I could ask her anything a tiny little bronze haired girl bounced into the room eagerly.
“Mommy?!?!?!” She climbed quickly onto my bed and launched at me.

I wrapped my arms around her ferociously. “Emi! Baby!” I exclaimed and squeezed her tightly; too

tightly. I cringed in pain. My ribs felt like they were going to shatter.

“Emi, sweetheart, be easy on mommy okay?” Edward said to her.

“Okay, Edward.” Emi smiled up to him. “Sorry mommy” she turned back to me.

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“It‟s okay. How about you lay here with me and go through these pictures with me?” She nodded
excitedly and we cuddled up together. I could hear Alice whispering to Edward, but I was too

captivated by my daughter to listen to closely.

Emi was helping by telling me stories about her and about people who we looked at their pictures.
She turned her head up and looked me dead in the eyes. “Mommy, can I call Edward daddy now?”

I froze. Huh?!

I snapped my head up to Edward and he was staring at us wide eyed. “Umm…” I started, but he

cut me off.

“Emi, how about we talk about that another time, okay? Let‟s let Mommy rest a little bit more.” He

walked over and reached for Emi. I held onto her.

“You‟re her father.” It wasn‟t a question at all. I knew it and not only that I could see it. I was so

stupid; she had his hair and his eyes. He just looked at me nervously. “Are we…?”

“No” he said quickly. “We aren‟t.” He said it so low that it was almost a whisper.

“Oh” I furrowed my brow as I tried to think hard, but nothing would come to me. I couldn‟t
remember what the hell was going on. I sighed and went back to Emi with the pictures. Edward

retreated from the bed and eventually from the room.

I didn‟t see Edward for the rest of the day. In fact I didn‟t see him the next day either. Jake and
Angela had come and stayed most of the day. Angela left around dusk, but Jake stayed by my side.

Rose came and took Emi home with her, but promised to bring her to me tomorrow.

I woke the next morning from vivid dreams. I was being chased by someone and then I heard a
loud scream, but the scream sounded like my own voice. I jolted awake with sweat beading across

my forehead and panting.

“You okay?” Jake was at my side instantly.

“Yeah” I panted. “Bad dream.” I giggled a little and lay back down.

Then my room door opened and I saw the family face of my doctor. He smiled brightly. “Guess


“Hmm?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Someone get‟s to go home today.” He chuckled as I bounced and clapped.

“Thank God!” I exclaimed.

My parents arrived with Emi to pick me up from the hospital. Small things seemed to become more
and more familiar. I knew my house before anyone had said anything and I knew where things
were inside. A lot of things about Emi came rushing back to me, and I only hoped that everything

would come back soon.

When we got into the house everyone was there; Jake, Rose, Alice, Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Haley,
Angela, and then there was Edward; sitting with a thin blonde. I furrowed my brow at her as she
approached with Edward. He bent down to pick up Emi and the blonde smiled politely at me. “How

are you feeling?” she asked genuinely.

“Better” I smiled back.

“Um..Bella, this is Tanya; my fiancé.” He seemed to almost stutter it out. Why was he nervous

about it?

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“It‟s nice to…well, I guess we probably already met.” I giggled out.

“Well, no…we haven‟t actually met.” She said uncomfortably. I was confused.

“Let‟s get comfortable. Someone bust out the margaritas; my girl needs a drink!” Jake wrapped an
arm around me and pulled me into the living room. I laughed at his flamboyant behavior.
“Aww…Alice you are my drink fairy!” Jake exclaimed as Alice sat a pitcher of margaritas on the
table with some glasses.

“And you are just a fairy?” I bumped his arm with mine playfully.

“You know it sweetness!” He winked at me and poured some drinks out; handing one to me.

“You‟re not supposed to mix alcohol with your medication Bella.” Renee said in her motherly tone

of warning.

“Oh hell Renee, let the girl consume some alcoholic goodness!” Jake teased her. I laughed and took

a drink; completely remembering why Jake was my best friend.

“Jacob William Black” Renee scolded him with a smile.

“Uh oh, you got the whole name.” I leaned into him.

“I heard. Now only if I could get Brad Pitt to scream it while I am…”

I slapped his arm. “Jake!”

“What?” He feigned innocence. “I was going to say when I was on stage performing.” I laughed

almost manic like. I needed to laugh; not matter how much my ribs hurt.

Everyone stayed for a couple of hours before departing slowly. Edward told Emi good night and
then looked at me with an odd look; it was like he was deciding on something. I smiled and waved

goodbye. Tanya left quickly after patting Emi on her head.

Jake stayed with Emi and me. I was sitting in front of my laptop looking over my things trying to
remember my ideas, my story, my life. I sighed and closed it. I heard Jake and Emi laughing so I
got up and walked toward Emi's room.

Peeking around the corner I saw Jake and Emi both had on fairy wings and feather boas. I couldn't

hold in my giggle.

“Look Mommy. We are hot bitches!” Emi smiled proudly and Jake covered his mouth both in shock

and also trying not to laugh.

“Emily Jane” I exclaimed. Jake's face snapped to me in surprise. “I remembered.” I said quickly. “I
remembered her middle name!” I started bouncing without realizing it. Jake and Emi started
bouncing too. Jake grabbed my hand and pulled me completely into Emi's room. Jake and Emi

danced around me singing.

After helping Emi get ready for bed and reading her a story, she was fast asleep. I headed to my
bedroom. I took a shower and put on some pajamas before sliding into bed. I was lying there

restless; too much on my mind, when Jake appeared in my door. “You alright honey?”

I sighed. “I just keep trying so hard to remember things. Trying to remember high school, losing
my virginity, what happened to me exactly, and...well hell..Edward even! Ahhgghhh! It's killing


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I felt Jake climb in next to me. His arms came around me and we lay there together for awhile
while I released my frustrated tears.

Over the next week Jake was with us every day. Saturday morning Edward arrived; I assumed he
was here to see Emi. However, when he carried bags into the house with him I became highly


“What is all this?” I motioned to the duffel bags.

“My bags” he shrugged.

“Why did you bring them..?” Jake cut me off.

“Bella, I love you, but I do need to get back to work girl.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead.
“This bitch needs to get her fine ass back on stage.” He motioned over his body and slapped his

ass. I shook my head and laughed.

“But don't you have to work?” I was looking at Edward who was holding Emi in his arms.

“I took some time off.” He shrugged and put her down.

“I am fine.” I sighed. “I can stay here by myself.”

“Oohhh...and that it my cue to go.” Jake rolled his head and then picked up his bags. “Love you

baby mama.” Jake smiled, winked, and kissed my cheek before heading out the door.

“Bye” I groaned.

I turned around to Edward who was looking at me. “What?”

“Baby mama?” He raised his eyebrow. I shrugged.

“I have no clue.” I sighed out. I really didn't I couldn't remember what the joke was about. “So,

you decided to take time off and stay here without talking to me first?” I was a little irritated.

“Bella, I only want to help.” He ran his hand through his hair.

“And what does Tanya think about this?” I raised an eyebrow at him. He sighed again.

“It's not a problem.” His body language gave him away.

“Uh huh...” I furrowed my brow. “Edward don't start a fight or cause problems because of this.” I

poked myself in the head.

“It's fine Bella.” he spit out and walked toward Emi's room.

The was the last we talked about it. Two weeks later and Edward was still staying with Emi and me.
He was usually playing with Emi and keeping her entertained; however, when Emi was in bed we
would play cards, talk, watch movies, and just hang out. Edward and I had started to get close;
become friends.

It had been almost four weeks when things started to shift; to change. First there were looks; I
would feel eyes on me and catch Edward staring at me. Then there were physical situations;
bumping into or brushing against each other and feeling a fire ignite my body. Finally, came the
feelings; the way my heart swelled watching him with Emi, the feelings that would flood me when
we all played together, or at night when Edward and I would be laughing and talking to each other.

The way that his eyes would linger on me sometimes sent shivers up my spine.

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My memory had been coming back; slowly. I started to remember things from high school. I
remembered being friends with Edward and how close I had been with Jake and Angela. My
childhood had almost completely come back. There was still some missing parts, but it had mostly
come back. The night that I dreamed about Edward having his hands all over my body and his lips
covering the skin on my neck, I woke remembering having lost my virginity to Edward. My shower

that morning was self satisfying to say the least.

“Edward, everything is fine here, you really should get back home.” I hated the thought of him

leaving, but he had a life; he had a fiance.

“It's fine Bella.” He shrugged while looking at a newspaper.

“Edward, seriously...” he cut me off.

“Tanya and I aren't together” he sighed and dropped his head.

“Is it because of..?”

“No. Yes. It's because of multiple things.” He took a deep breath. “I'm moving to L.A.” he said


“You're what?” I choked out. “But your job...?”

“I accepted a position with an friend of my fathers. He has a practice here.” He looked up at my

wide eyes. “It's fine, really. I'm looking for a place to move into.”

I furrowed my brow. “Edward?”

“Yeah?” He looked up at me.

“Why didn't you tell me before?” I was curious.

“I knew you would blame yourself and I didn't want that.” He shrugged.

I swallowed hard.

One more week went by and almost everything was remembered; just a few missing puzzle pieces.
Edward, Emi, and I were on our way back from the zoo when Emi fell asleep in the backseat of the

car. I knew how she felt; I was just as tired.

Edward carried Emi inside and I brought in the bags of stuffed animals and toys that Edward
wouldn't say no too. I set the bags down and collapsed onto the couch. I felt a nudge and then I
felt my body being lifted. Jolting awake I gasped and then grabbed onto the closest thing; Edward.
He chuckled lightly.

“What...?” I was still too groggy to form a coherent sentence.

“You fell asleep on the couch. I was going to put you to bed.”

“Oh...” I yawned and he laid me onto the bed. “Thanks” I yawned out and stretched out onto the
bed. As I was about to roll over I noticed that Edward was still hovering over me. I wrinkled my

forehead. “What's wrong?” I said in a low worried tone.

“Bella...” he whispered.

“What?” I said in a hushed tone.

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He said nothing. Instead he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. At first I didn't know how
to react; I froze. However, the sexual frustration that I had been feeling took over and I wrapped

my arms around his neck; tangling my hands into his hair.

Edward's body covered mine in two seconds; his hands gripping onto me as if I was holding him
down. When his hand slid under my shirt and was in contact with my bare skin I shivered. It felt
like fiery ribbons caressing my skin. His hand slid achingly slow up my body until he cupped my left

breast in his palm; squeezing and massaging. I almost lost my mind.

My hips bucked forward and my back arched on their own; pleasure having taken over my actions.
He moaned into my mouth and then pulled back panting, but his lips quickly moved to my neck
and collarbone. I moaned at his ministrations as we worked his hand back down my body to the
button of my jeans; slipping out the button and pushing the zipper down. I gasped as his fingers

slid inside my jeans and my hips pushed forward wanting friction from his fingers.

Edward shifted and I moaned when I felt his erection against my thigh; hard and big. I pressed my
body into his erection and he groaned. “Bella...” his lips crashed to mine and our tongues danced

My pants found themselves in a pile on my floor with my panties, along with Edwards pants and
boxers. Our shirts had their own pile on the other side of the bed. Edward was positioned between
my legs that I had wrapped around his waist.

His hard length was slipping up and down between my folds. When he would rub over my clit I
couldn't help but shiver. My body was practically screaming as I clawed at his back and fisted his

hair, trying to bring us closer.

Thankfully Edward positioned himself at my entrance and slid into my swiftly. My back arched and
his grip tightened on my hips; his forehead pressed to my chest. “Fuck...Bella....still....fuck..” he

wasn't making sense, but I didn't care. I couldn't make sense at this point either.

Not being able to take it any longer I pushed my hips up into his and he started moving in and out,
in and out, over and over; gradually picking up speed. “Oh God!” I groaned and dug my fingers

into his back.

“Bellahh....” he moaned. “God Bellahh...you” he grunted “feel so good...still...so good.” His thrusts
increased and I fell over into an oblivion of heat and passion. Edward followed after me quickly and

collapsed on top of me.

My body was exhausted and I felt amazing, but my head was spinning a million miles a minute.
What had I just done? Did I really just sleep with Edward? Oh God, what would....Edward shifted

off of me and curled up to my side with his head on my chest and his arm around my waist.

I quieted my mind and let myself fall into the darkness of my exhaustion.

A/N: So, will Edward tell her about their past? What will she do if/when he tells her the

whole truth about them? Hmmm.....I wonder.

Btw...the amnesia is my new little addition. This is what will give you a few more

chapters than originally planned. :o)


Chapter 10

Chapter Word Count: 6164

A/N: I‟m sorry for the delay in the chapter. I haven‟t been able to pull the right emotions

needed to do this chapter; it‟s a roller coaster trip of emotions.

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Get ready!!! LOL

Chapter 10 – Lies, Truth, and Consequences


We both lay there quiet and satisfied. When Bella‟s breathing evened out, I chanced looking up at
her; she was beautiful and felt even more amazing than I remembered. I sighed quietly and put

my head back down.

I knew that I was asking for trouble. I should never have slept with her, but her body so close and

the whole relationship that we had established was too much; I had to have her.

The amount of time that I spent with Emi and Bella was unbelievable and spending the afternoon
together at the zoo was so unfamiliar but wonderful. I noticed the way people looked at the three
of us; they saw a family. I had never realized how great that could feel. It also made me further

hate myself for missing so much with Emi.

Emi was five and during those five years she had learned to talk, walk, feed herself, draw, sing,
and I missed it all. I rolled to my back and rubbed my face. I was such a fucking idiot; yeah I was
young, but I knew then what I felt for Bella and had been living in denial since high school.

There was one time that she was over at our house helping Alice; I was so close to just confessing
everything to her, but I hesitated and the room filled with my sister and her other guests. Instead
of talking to her I behaved the way I always did toward her; I was an asshole. Being an asshole

was easier than trying to act normal around Bella.

That summer before leaving for college, Lauren had disappeared with a few of her friends after a
couple of hours into the party. Having already downed quite a few shots and beers from playing a
couple of drinking games with the guys from the soccer team, I was feeling good and having an
awesome time. That is until I saw her; she was in the middle of the dancing crowd with Jacob‟s
arms wrapped around her and her arms around him. I despised Jacob Black from the first moment

that I saw him start to get close to her; they were fucking inseparable. I hated it.

Next thing I knew I was watching Angela join Jacob and Bella dancing. My dislike quickly turned
into anger as Angela and Bella basically fucked Jacob with their clothes on. Bella‟s head was falling
back in laughter and they were all smiling at each other while running their hands up and down
each other. When Bella smacked Jacob‟s ass my fists clenched tightly.

I wasn‟t sure what was wrong with me at the time, but I was well aware that I had been watching
her too long. About to force myself away from the situation, I saw Bella leave their little dance orgy

and head down a hallway.

Before I even knew I had moved, I had followed her and waited for her to come out of the
bathroom. She didn‟t see me when she emerged and she headed toward where the dancing was; I

couldn‟t stand the thought of her going back to him. I grabbed her arm.

I remember her thinking that I was Jacob and that infuriated me. It was like I expected her to
remember what my touch felt like; even if she was with someone else. That moment made me

realize how possessive I was over Isabella Swan.

After pulling her down the hallway to an empty room, not knowing what I was planning to do; the
alcohol seemed to fully kick in and images flashed to her dancing on Jacob. Once that image
invoked my possessive anger and lust, I launched my full fledge attack on her. I wanted her and I
was going to have her. I was an idiot. I had wanted more than a physical relationship with her, but

I acted stupid and all I got was one night; a night that alcohol almost erased from my memory.

The moment everything crashed in on me the next morning I panicked and she was pissed off. She
cursed me out and when I tried to apologize for the way I acted she cut me off curtly. I even tried

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to blurt out that I was still in love with her, but she shot that down before I could finish and she
left. After that I fought with Lauren about disappearing that night and eventually we split up.

I rolled and looked over at Bella again; lying on my side. She was more than anyone I had ever
been with; even Tanya. I had loved Tanya, but there was always something stopping me for going
further in our relationship; hell it took me forever to finally propose. Then after I do get engaged

life throws another curve ball and tosses Bella back in my life; not that I am regretting it.

Regret will come later when I have to tell her about our history, unless she wakes up and
remembers. If that‟s the case then I will probably lose my balls. I groaned and rolled onto my back

again. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I mentally cursed myself before I finally passed out next to Bella.

“Mommy!!” I groaned and stretched as I heard Emi‟s voice and felt the bed shift.

“Good morning” Bella mumbled out.

“Edward?” Emi had her brow furrowed at me.

“Yes?” I croaked out and then cleared my throat.

“Did you sleep in mommy‟s bed?”

“Oh..umm…yes.” I looked at Bella; her eyes had widened and she seemed to remember last night

as she pulled the sheets up tightly over her body.

“Emi, why don‟t you go turn on some cartoons in the living room? I will be out to make you

breakfast, okay?” Bella said quickly.

“Okay!” Emi bounced out of the bedroom.

Bella sat up quickly and was scanning the floor; I assumed for her clothes. She wrapped the sheet
around her body and headed to the dresser, grabbing some clothes and then to the bathroom. I

slid my boxers and jeans on while I waited for Bella to come out.

When I heard the door open I sat up. “Bella…”

“Don‟t worry about it.” She said quickly heading toward the door.

“Please…Bella…” I grabbed her arm and turned her to me. “I need…to tell you….” I froze. Her eyes

looked scared and worried.

“What? You need to tell me what?” Her forehead creased with more worry.

“I care about you Bella” I started.

“But?” she said curtly.

“I didn‟t say but…and I wasn‟t going to.” I pulled her to me and held her.

“I‟m sorry that I didn‟t stop it…” I cut her off.

“Don‟t be sorry.” I grabbed her chin and kissed her. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” I smiled at
her; she half smiled back. She was still worried about what I was going to say and I couldn‟t do it.

I couldn‟t tell her; not right now.

I grabbed her hand pulling her out of the bedroom behind me.

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A week had passed since that night. No repeats had occurred and I still hadn‟t been able to tell her
about our history that she still didn‟t remember. Her therapist had pulled me aside to discuss
progress that I noticed and then she informed me that we should all start giving her small pieces of

information to help her put the pieces together. I internally cursed myself again.

Two more weeks later and I was still cursing myself. I had buried myself so deep now that when
everything did come to the surface she would hate me. Selfishness had taken a hold of me and I
hoped that she wouldn‟t remember at all. I couldn‟t lose her now. I finally had what I didn‟t even

realize I wanted or more like needed.

I had moved into my L.A. apartment about a week ago; since the doctors had given their
permission for Bella to be her own. The police had visited twice during that time to build a case
against James; though he was still in a coma. They wanted to be prepared if he did come to. Bella

still was fuzzy about the whole situation, but remember small details.

Today Bella wasn‟t feeling well, so I went over to help with Emi; I had the night off. The doctor‟s
had told her that as she came off the medications that she may feel sick and flu like. Emi had spent
the day with Rose and I picked her up there before going to Bella‟s house.

Walking into the house something felt wrong. Once the door was closed I saw Bella curled up in a

ball on the couch; crying.

“Emi, why don‟t you go put your things away before we have dinner?” I kissed her head and she

ran off to her room.

Three quick strides brought me to the couch and one swift move had me sitting and pulling Bella to

me. “What‟s wrong?” I was worried and panicked.

“He‟s dead” she sniffed.

“Who?!” concern flooded my body.

“James” she mumbled. “The police just called.” She started to sob.

“Bella…I…I don‟t…” I didn‟t understand. I got that she was upset, but was she really upset that the

bastard had died. As far as I was concerned I was fucking ecstatic.

“I remember” she sobbed. Oh fuck!

“You remember…”

“What he did. I remember every fucking thing he did Edward!” she sobbed and I held her tighter.
“But…but…it still confuses me, because I don‟t know why…” she started to almost hyperventilate
and I quickly tried to soothe her and quiet her down.

“Shhh…it‟s okay. Everything is fine now…calm down.” Then I remembered that the therapist had
given her some anxiety pills for these types of situations. “I‟m going to get you one of those pills
that the doctor gave you…” Bella looked at me and opened her mouth to argue “Don‟t!” I said
firmly. “You need to calm down, this will help, and then you can sleep for awhile. I‟ll stay here

tonight.” She simply nodded and I helped her to bed.

Emi came in and lay with Bella. I got the pill and some water for her. She took it and Emi stayed

until Bella fell asleep.

I wasn‟t exactly a master chef, so Emi and I ate hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. After we
finished and cleaned up, the two of us huddled up on the couch coloring and watching Nemo;


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When my phone flashed Alice‟s name across the screen I knew that this wouldn‟t be a pleasant call.
She had been bugging me for weeks about Bella‟s memory and if I had told her about our history. I
had been avoiding this conversation with her, but I knew she would just eventually show up on the


“Yes Alice?” I sighed out.

“Hi Aunt Alice!” Emi yelled into my face and I flinched.

“Oh, tell her I love her!” Alice chirped back.

“Alice says she loves you.” I relayed.

“I know she does.” Emi smiled as she colored in a flower on her coloring book. I heard Alice giggle.

I smiled and shook my head.

“So…Edward….” Alice began.

“Alice….” I responded.

“Damn it Edward you haven‟t talked to her have you?!” Alice shouted.

“Al” I growled. “She just remembered what happened with James I am not going to throw this on
top of it.” Alice was silent.


“She remembered what happened?” I could hear the tears in her voice.

“Yeah and it wasn‟t pretty. She was torn up about it.” I sighed. “They called to inform her that he
had…” I looked over to Emi “not made it.” I finished hoping that Alice would catch on. “That‟s what

set it all off tonight.”

“Oh, wow.” Alice sighed. “You need to tell her Edward. You are only going to have to deal with a

larger breakdown if you don‟t.”

“Al, I really don‟t need the lecture right now. Okay?”

“Edward you need the lecture! Hell you need smacked in the head! If you are ever going to get

anywhere with Bella….”

“Whoa, wait…what? Get anywhere?” I spit out.

“Oh good God Edward; it is clear how you feel about her. I wouldn‟t be surprised if you had always
felt this way about her.” Alice spoke like this was well known information. I was about to respond

but she kept going. “I mean Rose, mom, and I all were talking and…”

“What?! Rose and mom?!” I exclaimed. “Is my personal life now a topic for your girl gossip

sessions?” I fumed.

“Calm down, we just all can see it. I know you feel it Edward, now make sure that you clear the air


“Look, I will talk to her when I feel that the time is right…” I was interrupted by a loud groan in

Bella‟s room. “Al, I gotta go.” I was up and off the couch.

“What‟s wrong?”

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“Nothing, I think Bella is sick. I‟ll talk to you later.” I closed my phone and turned to Emi. “Stay
here okay. I‟m gonna check on mommy.” She nodded with worried eyes. “She‟s fine, it‟s just the

medicine.” I kissed her head and headed toward Bella.

When I entered the bedroom I heard the shower turn on. “Bella?” I walked toward the bathroom

door; which was cracked open. “Bella?”

“Yeah?” she croaked out.

“Are you alright?” I placed my hand on the door and it shifted open a little more.

“I don‟t think that those pills set well in my stomach. I hadn‟t eaten.” Shit! Why hadn‟t I thought

about giving her something to eat before giving her those damn pills!

“Do you want something to eat?”

“I‟m going to shower and then I‟ll grab something. Thanks though.” I was tempted, but I withheld

my urge to burst into the bathroom and join her in the shower. I returned to Emi.

When Bella finally came out to the living room, she kissed Emi and then headed to the kitchen. I
heard her moving around and some beeps. She came back sitting on the couch next to Emi with

toast and tea. We all sat watching movies for the rest of the night.

After Emi was in bed, I was struggling between staying and going home. “I…um…I guess I will get

going.” I looked to Bella‟s face for some kind of clue if she wanted me to stay or not.

“Oh…okay.” She half smiled at me as she walked toward me.

“Yeah…I have to work tomorrow; eleven to eight.” I rubbed the back of my head.

“Well, thanks for helping today.” She leaned in and kissed my cheek; then turned to the door and

opened it.

I guess that meant I should go. “You don‟t have to thank me.” I mumbled out; disappointed and

not wanting to go.

“Oh, I think I owe you thanks for a lot of things” she snorted. “Saving me from James, helping

after I got home from the hospital, staying today…” I cut her off.

“Bella, you don‟t have to thank me. Trust me when I say that I owe you much more than that.” I
looked down at the floor trying to summon the courage to just tell her.

“Owe me?” she shook her head. “I don‟t see how.” She laughed lightly.

“I wasn‟t such a great guy to you years ago…” I tried. I really tried to say it, but I just couldn‟t. “I

guess I should get going.”

Her brow furrowed. “Okay. Goodnight.” She smiled. I cupped her face and the pull was just too
great. I leaned in and kissed her. I only meant to peck her mouth tenderly, but my body had other
ideas and took over.

Soon both hands were on the each side of her face and I was deepening the kiss. Her hands came
up to my shoulders and then to the back of my neck pulling me closer to her. I slid my hands down
her body and lifted her up; she wrapped her legs around my waist and I kicked the door shut as I

quickly headed to the bedroom.

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Lying her down on the bed my mouth didn‟t leave hers. We removed each other‟s clothing and
devoured each other for an hour before collapsing into a sweaty mess on her bed; panting and


I pulled her into my embrace as we lay there. “I guess you decided to stay?” she giggled.

“Hmm…someone persuaded me.” I nuzzled into the back of her neck and placed a kiss. She
shivered and I smiled in satisfaction that she felt what I felt.

It felt so perfect to be with her, to be with Emi, for us to all be together.


My body readjusting to not having all the medications was killing me; hot flashes, nausea,

headaches, and aches were just some of the effects. I felt like a menopausal woman.

Edward had been so great and it seemed that our relationship had graduated to a higher level;
especially after our second „get together‟ in my bedroom. He still had his own apartment, but he

barely was there. He mostly stayed with Emi and me.

He was at work right now and I was trying to work on my book, but I was still having trouble with
the story; still not remembering exactly what my train of thought was when I had started it. It was
frustrating and I hated it; I felt so lost. I had been using the outlines and notes I had previously

written before the accident, but I just could find the right flow for the words.

“Mommy?” I looked up from my desk to see a concerned look on Emi‟s face.

“What‟s wrong baby?”

“Can I call Edward daddy yet?” her little brow was furrowed and her eyes seemed worried.

I bit my lip and took a deep breath. “Is that what you would like to do?” Already knowing that she
did, but still not sure why she didn‟t already call him daddy; I would have to ask Edward about


She nodded excitedly. “I think that it is your decision Emi.”

A broad smile spread across her face. “I‟m gonna call him daddy! MY daddy!” she giggled and I

smiled with her. “Mommy?”

“Yes?” I grinned at her.

“Can we go get ice cream to celebrate me getting a daddy?!” I laughed loudly and shook my head

“Get your shoes” I chuckled.

On our way back from getting ice cream I decided to stop at the store to grab some things that I

had on shopping list in my purse.

Emi and I pushed the cart through the aisles grabbing milk, bread, eggs, cereal, toilet paper, paper
towels, bottle water, tissues, and then I grabbed some shampoo and deodorant. At the end of the
aisle my peripheral vision caught sight of tampons; I grabbed a box. Then caught sight of

condoms, so I grabbed a box and held it in front of my face; the wheels were turning in my head.

I dug through my purse and pulled out my organizer, opening up to the calendar. I started
skimming through the months. Fuck! I was late. It‟s probably the medications or the entire trauma

that caused…but I had slept with Edward, twice. Am I on birth control? I couldn‟t remember. Fuck!

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Grabbing Emi‟s hand we headed toward the pharmacy section. “Mommy, can I get Nemo band-
aids?” Emi tugged on my shirt.

“Huh? Yeah, sure baby. Throw them in the cart.” I said without even thinking. My vision was locked
onto the pregnancy tests that were stocked on the shelves in front of me. I grabbed a double pack

and tossed it into the cart.

We grabbed a few more things before we left the store; including a bottle of water that I drank on

the way home.

After putting everything away in the kitchen and helping Emi set up her paint set, I paced around
the living room. The little white and pink box was taunting me on the coffee table in front of me.

This is ridiculous; just take the fucking test and then I‟ll realize that I have nothing to worry about.
I continued to pace more. Fuck Bella, just take the test. It‟s just the medications that are causing
the problems.
I took a deep breath and grabbed the dreaded box; headed toward my bathroom. I

looked back at Emi once and then a flash went through my head.

Did you use a condom?” “That’s what I thought!”

”Where the hell did that come from? What the hell was that?” I said out loud to myself and shook
my head. I took some deep breaths, but my stomach felt like it was in a knot and my bladder felt
as if it would explode soon. One last deep breath and I found myself perched over a white and pink

plastic stick.

I placed the pink cap back on the stick and sat it on the counter. I threw a towel over it, because I
didn‟t want to look. Finally, after I had built up the courage I pulled the towel away and looked

down at the test.

Grabbing the test stick from the second wrapper; I was perched again over plastic. This time my
eyes didn‟t leave the stick after I placed the cap back on it. Oh fuck…oh fuck!!!! I watched the

second test turn into a very evident positive.

Quickly I grabbed my cell phone and called my doctor‟s office. I needed to know if any of the

medications or other stuff could cause this result.

“Doctor Haney‟s office” a familiar voice answered.

“Hey April, it‟s Bella Swan. I need to ask you something.”

“How are you?”

“I‟m…to be honest, I‟m not sure.” I sighed out.

“Oh..what‟s wrong?” I explained my dilemma.

“So, could it be because of medications or…” she cut me off.

“Bella, I think you should assume that you are pregnant dear.” She was quiet and I couldn‟t speak.

“Do you know how far along you may be?” I still couldn‟t speak. “Bella?”

The flashes sped through my mind with images, words, and sounds. Laughing and dancing with
Jacob at the Senior party; Edward pulling me away from the party; sex, drunken sex; pregnancy

and telling Edward about it; and then getting the letter. The fucking letter!

“Bella honey?! Talk to me?!” I hadn‟t realized until I heard her that I started sobbing. “Bella I am

going to send someone over…” I took a deep breath to calm myself and cut her off.

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“No. It‟s fine. I‟ll call back…”

“Bella?” April interrupted.

“Yeah” I spit out.

“Come in tomorrow afternoon okay?” I agreed and hung up.

I slammed my door shut and screamed into a pillow. I lay down on my back and then I was flooded
with memories. I swallowed as many sobs as I could before I rampaged through my house looking

for it. Where was it?!

After I found the photo book, I yanked it from the shelf and opened it. There was the folded up

letter. I took in a rough breath.

“Mommy…” I looked up to see Emi scared and on the verge of tears.

I went to her quickly and wrapped her into a hug. “Shh…it‟s okay baby. Mommy is just having
some memories come back. I‟m sorry for scaring you.” I pulled back and gave her the best calm
face I could pull off at the moment. “Why don‟t you go play in your room for a bit and I will clean

up the paints?”

“Okay, but save the bird picture for daddy, okay?” I cringed at her calling him daddy, but smiled at


“Sure thing.” She ran off to her room. I tossed the letter on the kitchen counter and cleaned up the


Once it was cleaned up I grabbed the letter and slowly opened it up. There it was in blue ink; his
rejection to Emi. The whole thing…his rejection, the money he sent, the way he ignored it all, how
he showed back up, how much of an asshole he had been, and then to top it all off he had fucked

me knowing all this. He never told me anything.

I was furious.

My phone had flashed his name at least five times tonight, but I had refused to answer. I couldn‟t

hear his voice right now.

We had a past that he didn‟t tell me about. I had completely fallen for him during our time together
and now it feels ruined, broken. Emi was thankfully asleep in her bed as I shook from the sobs that

were wrenching through me as I sat on the patio in a lounge chair.

How could he make me love him and then let me find out this way? How could he sleep with me
knowing that I didn‟t remember this…all of this? I felt so cheated. It felt like he was playing a game

with me. When I heard my front door close I felt the fury burn through my body.

“Bella?” he said just loud enough; I couldn‟t respond. I heard his foot steps as he approached.

“Hey, there you are. How come you didn‟t answ…” I looked at him and he froze in his approach.

“Why didn‟t you tell me?!” I growled through my closed teeth.

“Bella….baby…I…” he stammered; big mistake.

“Don‟t! Don‟t you baby me!” I stood up from the chair and moved up on him quickly. “How could

you Edward?! How?!”

“I‟m sorry!” I could see the panic and fear in his eyes.

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“Sorry seems to be a trend for you; doesn‟t it?!” I shouted. “First, you‟re sorry that you rejected
your daughter before she was born, then you were sorry for being an asshole, and now your sorry

for making me relive it all over again!”

“I never meant for this to happen. I tried to tell you Bella. I tried a couple of times, but I just…I

couldn‟t…I couldn‟t lose you again. I knew you would hate me again.”

“Well, it looks like you were wrong.” He looked at me confused. “You can lose me! You have lost
me! GET OUT!” I screamed; anger and hatred taking over my whole body. I couldn‟t have thought

straight if I had wanted to.

“NO. I won‟t leave. I won‟t leave you!” He shouted back and I saw the tears start to stream over

his perfect cheeks.

“Get the fuck out!” I sneered at him and shoved him in his chest.

“I love you and I will not let you push me away!” He put his hands on my arms.

I shrugged him off and smacked him in the face. “How dare you! You do this and expect me to
believe you love me! You‟re a fucking liar Edward Cullen! You have always been this guy! I was a
fool, but NOT anymore!”

“Damn it Bella, I know you feel the same for me! I know you do!” He cupped my face and stepped

closer to me.

“Get your hands off of me!” I shoved him back. “I will never love you!” I heard a sob escape his
chest. “You are an asshole who only hurts me!” I felt sobs start to take over my own body. “Get
out” I whimpered; hurt and sad. “Go away, stay away!”

Edward‟s posture and head fell in defeat. He ran his hand through his hair and seemed to lightly
pull at his hair. “Fuck Bella, I‟m sorry. I was worried about how you would react and I didn‟t want
things to get destroyed…again. I was wrong, I know I was wrong…I should‟ve told you and I tried.

Really I tried…” I cut him off.

“Well” I snorted in disgust “You should‟ve tried harder than just fucking me!”

I saw anger flash on his face and as he was about to speak I stopped him. “Go home Edward, I
don‟t want you here.” I turned and walked down to the beach and away from him.

Pacing the beach I cried and took deep breaths. Once I had calmed enough, I headed back to the
house. Edward had left.

I sighed in relief, locked up the house, and headed to bed.

The next week passed with only a text message from Edward telling me that he had to work long
hours this week and would also be in Washington for two days, so he wouldn‟t be able to see Emi
until the weekend. Saturday arrived and I took Emi to Rose‟s house; I told Edward to pick her up


I had my initial doctor visit; which only confirmed the fact that I was indeed pregnant and was
going on two months. I knew that I wouldn‟t be able to hide it forever, but I still didn‟t tell Edward.

Hell, he ran from the first, so fuck him. I had told no one about the baby.

Knowing that I was still angry and bitter I signed up for a yoga class while Emi was in school, just

an attempt to relieve stress. After two more weeks of classes it wasn‟t helping.

Rose‟s house became the drop off and pick off spot for Emi. I was putting as much distance
between Edward and me as possible. He had taken Emi to see his parents one weekend and all I

did was think about everything, cry, bury my sadness in ice cream, and cry some more.

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Many nights passed with me thinking about when Edward was here with us; playing family. I
wouldn‟t lie; I missed it. I preferred the happy family to the broken one. Rose had tried to talk to
me about what happened, as had Alice; however, all they got was the summary of my memory
coming back and Edward having not told me about it. They knew there was more to it, but, unless

Edward told them, I left out the nights we spent together.

Rose showed up the one day that Emi was with Edward; I was writing. With the complete memory

resurfacing, I regained my writer‟s thoughts as well.


“Yeah?” I kept typing as she was trying to talk.

“Stop fucking typing and talk to me!” She demanded.

“I need to get this chapter finished. You know that I am already behind on the book.”

“I think that you have good reason, besides I‟m sure that your publisher won‟t mind” she said


I sighed and sat back in my desk chair. “What Rose? We‟ve been over the Edward situation


“I know what happened.” She said without looking at me.

I sat up straight and looked at her. “What did he tell you?” I gasped.

“That he slept with you without telling you about your history.” Her eyes crept slowly up until they

met mine.

I shrugged. “So what?! He‟s an asshole!” I went back to typing.

“He loves you.” She said in almost a whisper.

I snorted.

“He really does Bella.” She argued. “He is torn up over this. I‟ve never seen Edward this way.”

I shrugged. “I don‟t fucking care!” I spit out. “He can suffer!”

“I get that you‟re pissed. We all get it…” I cut her off.

“We?!?!” I glared at her.

“Come on, everyone knows what‟s going on now.” Rose rolled her eyes. “We get that you hate him

right now, but I know that you lo…”

“Don‟t! Don‟t tell me how I feel about him. I don‟t love him!” I snapped and I felt my eyes start to

betray me as moisture built in the corners.

“You care about him; at the very least…you care about him. You don‟t have to be ashamed of it!”

She looked at me pleadingly.

“He is Emi‟s father, of course I care about him, but I do NOT love him, and he does NOT love me!”
she was about to argue. “Rose, would someone who loves you keep something like…like all of that
shit from you and then carry on sleeping with you? Would Emmett do that to you?”

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She snapped her jaw closed. “Exactly!” I spit and started to type again.

“He made a bad choice. We all know that he is good at those.” She sighed. “I‟m going to go.”

“Bye” I said curtly. I didn‟t mean to take my anger out on her, but…Aggghhh!!!!!

It was a week later when Jake showed up at my house; Emi was conveniently with Edward again. I

knew what they were up to; it wasn‟t working.

“What‟s up hot stuff?” he smiled as he plopped down next to me on the couch.

“I‟m sure that you already know and that‟s why you are here.” I rolled my eyes. “When did Rose

get your phone number?” I glared at him.

“Rose didn‟t call me.” He smirked.

“You sure that acting is your calling? Cause you suck!” I smirked back.

He feigned being hurt by my comment. “Ouch Swan, that hurt.” I rolled my eyes. “Seriously bitch,

she didn‟t call me.”

“Then who did?” I tilted my head still not believing him.

“Edward did” he shrugged and gave me and „I told you she didn‟t call me‟ look.

“Ed..edward did?” I was confused.

“He said that you probably needed a friend, because he fucked everything up again.” He smiled.


“And…I asked him what he did and damn the boy was very honest about it all; surprisingly.” Jake

laid his head back on the couch.

“Too bad he couldn‟t be honest before…” I trailed off and wiped a tear from my cheek.

“Oh…chica. You are in love with him aren‟t you?” I nodded and cried into his shoulder. “Baby, I love

you, but if you are getting tear stains on my Gucci shirt I may have to cut you.”

I laughed and looked up to see him smiling down at me. Jake always knew how to make me smile.

He really was my best friend. “Can we please talk about something else?” I whined.

“Not yet, tell your baby daddy all about it.” he put his hand over my mouth; knowing I was going
to whine “I want to hear your side of it too. So spill it bitch.” I laughed as he kicked his feet up on

the coffee table and got comfy.

I told Jake the whole story. I mean when I told Jake all of it; I told him everything.

“Jesus Christ Fertile Myrtle! Remind me never to breath to close to you; Fuck! You may get
knocked up just from that.” I smacked his arm and he laughed loudly. “At least I know who to go

to be the surrogate when I and my future husband have children.”

“Jacob, stop it! It‟s not funny!” I whined and he laughed.

“So, you haven‟t told the Sperminator yet?” I laughed at his new nickname for Edward.

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“No, the Sperminator doesn‟t know. And why should I tell him? It didn‟t do much good last time.” I
spit out.

“Bella….” Jake gave me the „you know better‟ voice.

“I know, I know” I growled.

“I know you don‟t want to hear this Myrtle, but that gorgeous piece of heterosexual meat is in love
with your impregnated ass.” I glared at him with narrowed eyes. “Don‟t give me that look! Yes he‟s
an asshole and he fucked up, but he loves you. Hell I could see it at the hospital, just as I could

see it the night of the fucking senior party that you got pregnant with Emi!”

My mouth dropped. “You…he…” I stuttered.

“Oh for fucks sake Bella! That boy despised me, but only when I got close to you! He‟s hated every

guy that ever came near you. Hell he beat the shit out of Tyler Crowley.” Jake laughed.

“He did what?!” my eyes widened.

“In the locker room, he heard Tyler bragging about hooking up with you that one weekend in high
school. Well, Tyler over stepped his bragging rights and Edward warned him. When Tyler didn‟t

listen, Edward shut that boy up and I don‟t mean he tongue kiss him.”

I was stunned. “I hadn‟t heard about that.” Then I smacked him. “Why didn‟t you tell me?!”

“Yeah okay” he rolled his eyes and head as he used a sarcastic tone “and have you flip out on me

or worse you would‟ve ran off and confronted Edward. Then he would have traced it back to me.”

“Yeah so what?” I shrugged.

“So what?!” he asked incredulously. “So as many times as I may have fantasized about your baby
daddy cornering me in the boys locker room; him pounding my ass didn‟t involve a fist to my face,

but involved…”

“Okay! I get it! Really Jake?! Ew! That‟s Emi‟s father.” Jake smirked at my disgusted tone. We


“Yeah well he‟s also this one‟s daddy.” Jake rubbed my stomach with a serious tone.

I sighed and put my head back on the couch again. “Fuck!” I shouted.

“Sorry, I don‟t do pregnant women.” Jake quipped.

“Shut the hell up Homo!” I laughed.

“Sure thing Fertile Myrtle” he laughed.

“Stop calling me that!” I laughed loudly.

“Bella?” My head snapped around to see Alice standing at my screen door.

“Uh…hey Alice.” I said nervously.

“I‟m sorry, I was about to knock, but I heard your voices and…” she looked at me confused. “Bella,

did Jake just call you Fertile Myrt..?” I heard Jake choke in the kitchen.

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“He was just joking around Alice.” I said quickly; hoping that she would drop it. “Why don‟t you
come in? What can I do for you?” I forced a smile.

“You can tell me if Edward knows yet or not.” She entered and crossed her arms over her chest.

A/N: Okay…so here we go. Drama rollercoaster is going into domino effect!!!! Not sure
how many more chapters we will get, but it will be at least a couple more. But I don‟t
think it will get to be more than 15.

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think. :o) Hate it? Love it? It was okay? Give

it to me honestly.


Chapter 11

Chapter Word Count: 5168

Chapter 11 – S‟mores


I swallowed hard.

“Bella?” Alice narrowed her eyes at me.

“It‟s complicated.” I groaned and walked back to the couch.

“Oh my god! You really are?! You‟re pregnant?!” Alice bounced over and put her hand on my


I pushed her hand away. “Jesus it‟s like a fucking gumball at this point, why does everyone feel the

need to touch my stomach?”

“You‟ve been through this before Chica, you know what you‟re in for” Jake sat down in a chair with

a large glass of wine.

“Shut up! This is all your fault with the fucking nicknames!” I pouted at him.

Jake laughed. “Uhn-uh, I didn‟t spread my legs for the sperminator honey. You‟re the slut.”

I fought the urge to laugh, but lost.

“Did you just call my brother „the sperminator‟?” Jake nodded as he took a large sip. “OH MY GOD!”

Alice burst into laughter.

“I hate you both” I growled. I turned to Alice. “You can‟t say anything to him.” I begged.

She sighed. “I can‟t lie to my brother, but if you promise me that you are going to tell him…” she

looked at me.

“E-ven-tual-ly…” I drug the word out.

“Bella…” Jake warned.

“Okay! Fine, eventually I have to tell him, but for now I don‟t want to see him and if I tell him he

will want to be around. I don‟t‟ want that.” I was pouting again.

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“He loves you” Alice said barely above a whisper. “He‟s loved you since high school Bella.” I was
about to argue, but she put her hand up. “Bella, he has never felt the same about anyone the way

he‟s felt about you.”

“You don‟t do what he had done to someone you love.” I finally argued my side.

Alice nodded. “He makes stupid and horribly unforgettable mistakes where you are concerned; I
admit that. But I know that part of it is because he has always been afraid to admit to the way he
felt for you.” She sighed. “I‟m sorry for the way he has been to you and to Emi, but can‟t you give

him a chance to right things now?” Alice unleashed the full force of her pleading eyes on me.

“Damn girl, your husband can‟t stand a chance with that shit going on!” Jake cackled out from his

seat and looking straight into Alice‟s face.

Alice and I started laughing. “Of course he can‟t! How do you think I got my engagement ring in

less than a year?” Alice winked at Jake.

“Shit honey, come over here and teach me oh wise one.” Jake smiled and took a large drink of


“Sorry, you are either born with it or you aren‟t.” Alice giggled.

“Well in that case I need you to meet me this weekend to help me pick up a future husband;

preferably a tall blonde.” Jake pointed at her and I joined Alice in laughter.

“Quit trying to pick up men at bars!” I lectured. “To find a nice guy you need to go to church!” Jake

almost spit his wine in his glass.

“Church?! I never said I wanted a „good boy‟.” He winked at me and I shook my head.

“Bella, when are you going to tell the walking sperm donor?” Jake sighed out; clearly tired of me

avoiding the conversation.

“Ugghhh!!! I don‟t know yet. I will, but just not yet.” I ran my hands through my hair. “Obviously it
will become evident and he will figure it out, can‟t I just go with that plan?” I looked up to see two

very serious set of eyes on me. “I was kidding!” I defended. “Sort of.”

“I know that he...that...oh fuck...Edward is a totally fucking asshole!” Alice exclaimed. “Why does
he keep screwing things up with you?” I got the impression that she really wasn't asking anyone.
Rather that she was expressing her frustration. “I'm not saying to be with him Bella...though I
think that you have feelings for him too; however, at least give him a chance to prove that he can
be there for you this time.” She sighed. “If he fucks up again I will personally cut off his balls and

make him eat them.”

We sat drinking, Alice and Jake got margaritas and I got water; completely unfair. The
conversation was no longer about Edward, but simply about years ago in high school as well as

other things. It was a pleasant evening after the whole „Edward part‟ was out of the way.

Alice was hugging and saying goodbye when there was a knock on my door. Alice walked with me

toward the door; Jake was cleaning up.

I pulled open the door laughing with Alice; my face dropped. “Edward?” I furrowed my brow. I

looked down and saw a sleeping Emi in his arms; her eyes swollen.

“I'm sorry, but she had a bad dream and she wanted you.” I motioned for him to bring her in.

“Mommy?” She groaned out half asleep.

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“Hey baby, mommy's here.” I hugged her tightly. She latched her arms around my neck and
started to cry. “Shh...” I picked her up and rocked her to soothe her. I headed toward her


I lay down next to her in her bed until she fell fast asleep. After slipping from her bed, I leaned

down and kissed her head.

Turning around I saw Edward leaning against the door frame. I scowled at him and tried to quickly

maneuver my way around him.

He grabbed my arm. “Bella, please?” I closed my eyes tightly and refused to look at him.

“What?” I said curtly.

“I‟m sorry” he choked out.

“Okay” I pulled at my arm, but he wouldn‟t let go. “Let go” I demanded.

“I can‟t” he said in a hushed tone. I whipped my head around to look at him. “I know you don‟t
want to hear it and you don‟t believe me, but I can‟t. I…I don‟t want to let you go.” His eyes were
intense and it hurt me to see him this way, but I couldn‟t get passed his deceit; it was just too


I gathered all the strength I had, took in a deep breath, and then I felt a tightening in my stomach
and a lump in my throat. I tried to get away from him, but he wouldn‟t release my arm. “Let got” I

croaked out and then covered my mouth.

“Bella…” he paused and then got a concerned look on his face “Are you okay?”

I shook my head and that just pushed me over the edge. Yanking my arm free I ran straight to my

bathroom and emptied the contents of my stomach into the porcelain bowl.

“Chica?” I heard Jake‟s voice laced with concern. He pushed the bathroom door open and stepped

in. “Talk about déjà vu” he chuckled.

“Shut up” I groaned and tried to stand up. He quickly moved to my side and helped. I leaned over

the sink and splashed cold water on my face and rinsed out my mouth.

“Are you still getting sick?” I looked quickly to the bathroom door and saw Edward with a puzzled

look on his face.

I swallowed hard and struggled to come up with an answer. “I, uh, um…I haven‟t eaten today and I
just drank a ton of water. It was just too much I guess.” I shrugged and internally smacked myself

for the stupid reasoning I just gave.

Jake snorted and I nudged him with my elbow.

“What‟s going on?” Edward‟s tone was lace with irritation and disbelief.

“Nothing” I tried to push passed him, but he wouldn‟t budge. “Move” I ordered.

His brow furrowed, but he stepped aside.

Once I was passed him I went to the kitchen for crackers; that‟s what had worked with Emi. I

walked out and Edward was eying me curiously; Jake was kicked back in a chair.

“So, what happened with Emi?” I asked him briskly.

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“Everything was fine, until she woke up yelling for you. I couldn‟t get her to calm down, she only
wanted you.” He still looked at me intently.

“She didn‟t say what the dream was about?”

“No. I couldn‟t get her to do anything but cry, so I told her that I would bring her to you. That

helped but she just made sobbing sounds while she slept in the car.”

I sighed. “Ok, well thank you for bringing her home.” I looked at him, expecting him to leave, but
he didn‟t move. “You can come back and get her tomorrow if you had plans for the…” he cut me


“Bella, I don‟t want to leave.” I furrowed my brow at him.

“I‟m going to go check on Emi” Jake stood quickly and headed toward Emi‟s room; though he

stopped behind Edward and mouthed „tell him‟ before hurrying out of the room.

I tried to take a cleansing breath, but it wasn‟t working. “You need to go.” I walked toward the


“No” he sat down in a chair with his head in his hands.

“I don‟t want you here, you need to go.” I opened the door up for him.

“NO” he said a little louder.

“Don‟t do this Edward. Don‟t make this worse than it already is!” I was fighting back the sobs.

“How can it be worse Bella?!” He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. “I lost five years of my
daughter‟s life, I hurt you, and now just when I was so close to everything that I never knew I
wanted…I‟ve lost it all. I lost it all before I even had it. So tell me how it can be worse?”

I felt a tear slip over my cheek. Fucking hormones!

“You completely avoid me and you despise me. I fucked everything up…please tell me…tell me

what is worse?”

“You could not see Emi at all, but you do get to and you get to watch her grow up. So, it‟s not as

bad as you think.” I said in a quiet tone.

He snorted. “I missed so much with her already and all because I have been terrified of…” he

trailed off.

“Look, it‟s understandable to have been terrified of being a father…” he cut me off.

He stood up and walked toward me. “I was terrified of being a father, losing my freedom, and not
being good enough for you.” I opened my mouth but closed it, not knowing what to say. “Not that
you‟ll believe me, and I don‟t expect you to, but I can‟t do it anymore. I can‟t be afraid of it
all…because I have finally gotten a taste of what I wanted and now that it‟s gone, it‟s worse than
being terrified of it.”

I stayed quiet. Part of me wanted to believe him, but the other part of me wanted to knee him in
the balls and spit in his face.

“Bella, I love you.” I stopped breathing at his statement. “I love Emi, I love you, I want us…the

three of us; a family.” He dropped to his knees in front of me and grabbed my hips.

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“I don‟t think I can get passed this Edward.” I said in a flat tone. My heart screamed at me as I let
my brain take over and run the show. “We can try to be civil and friendly for Emi, but…I just…I

don‟t think that I can…”

“Don‟t say it” he cut me off. “I know that you at least care for me Bella. I know you do.” His grip
on my hips tightened. “I will wait forever. I will wait forever for you…for us.” He stood slowly,

kissed the top of my head, and walked out the door.

I stood frozen.

“Well damn Chica!” I turned to see Jake grinning at me. “You had him on his knees girl!”

I rolled my eyes and pushed the door closed. “Shut up” I snorted out.

“So, you didn‟t tell him did you?” Jake sat down on the couch and I joined him.

I shook my head.

“Bella Bella” he sighed out.

“Not yet. I will, okay? Just not right now. I still need to process it myself.” I leaned my head on

Jake‟s shoulder.

Over the next couple of weeks the routine was the same. Edward picked up Emi at Rose‟s house

and I kept as much distance between us as possible.

Getting sick seemed to kick into full gear. I was paying homage to the porcelain god every
morning. Emi had started to get concerned about me „being sick‟, but she had no idea what was

going on. I didn‟t even know how or when to tell her.

I was close to finishing the book, finally. It felt like it had taken me a lifetime to get this book close
to being finished. I figured that I had about another few weeks before I could send the draft out to

Rose for review and editing.

Tonight was Emi‟s final soccer match, so after picking the girls up from school I took them out for
pizza before taking them back to my house to change. Once they were in the uniforms I got some

pictures of them outside on the beach together.

Sitting at the soccer field I snapped photos of Emi and Haley running up and down the field. Haley
made a goal and I was cheering like crazy when I felt nausea hit. I sat down quickly and tried to

breath through it with closed eyes.

“Are you okay?” I heard Rose ask me.

“Yeah” I panted out and then continued to breathe through the nausea.

“You don‟t look so well, are you sure?” I felt her place her hand on my knee; she must have knelt

down in front of me.

“I‟ll be fine. I‟m already feeling better.” I opened my eyes and smiled at her. My smile faltered
when I saw Edward standing a few feet behind Rose looking at me. “I just stood up too fast I

guess.” I shrugged and laughed.

The game ended and Emi ran off the field; jumping into Edward‟s arms before running to me.

When she ran to me, I wrapped her up in a large hug and kissed her cheeks.

“You were awesome!” I smiled.

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She giggled. “Haley got a goal” her eyes were bright in excitement.

I nodded. “I saw. She was awesome too.” Emi giggled again.

After gathering all of our things we started toward my car. “Mommy?”

“Hmm?” I responded as I put my chair and blanket in the back of the car.

“Can daddy come home with us?” My eyes snapped to her as I closed the back of the SUV.


“Daddy used to be at our house all the time, but now he‟s not. Doesn‟t he like our house?” her little

brow was furrowed again.

I sighed. “No honey, it‟s not that. Daddy has his own home now, you know that.” She nodded.

“Well he needs to spend time at his house too, right?” she nodded again.

“How come we don‟t live in the same house?” I looked down to her. “Haley‟s mommy and daddy

live together, so do Alexis‟ mommy and daddy.”

“Sometimes mommies and daddies just don‟t live in the same house baby. I‟m sorry if that makes

you sad.” I started to feel like a bad mom.

“It‟s okay…I just like…” she was cut off.

“Hey Emi, you did great!” Emmett yelled as Rose and he walked Haley to their car. Emi smiled

large and yelled „thanks‟.

She was walking with her head hung low. “Come on. Let‟s get some ice cream!” I knelt down

smiling at her. She threw her arms around my neck and giggled.

We pulled away and Emi‟s gaze shifted and her smile got even bigger. “Can you come with us?”

I turned my head quickly and saw Edward standing there. “Uh…Emi…”

“Of course I can.” Edward gave me a crooked smile. I narrowed my eyes a little at him.

“Okay Em, let‟s get in the car.” I ushered her into the back seat and strapped her in. When I shut
the door and turned around Edward was still standing there; watching me.

“What?” I spit out.

“Are you okay with me going?”

“I don‟t have much of a choice now, do I?” I said sarcastically and climbed into my car. I started

the engine and took a deep breath before driving away from the soccer field.

Emi got vanilla ice cream with cookie crumbled on top. One look at the ice cream and I was
salivating. I ordered vanilla ice cream, with caramel topping, chocolate chips, and I asked for it in a

waffle cone. I almost moaned when I took the first bite.

I heard a chuckle and realized I had been eating with my eyes closed. “I‟ve never been jealous of

ice cream before.” He laughed out. I glared at him. “I‟m only teasing.” He mumbled.

Once the ice cream was gone I walked, holding Emi‟s hand, toward the car. We got to our car and

she stopped short. I looked down as she was turning to Edward.

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“Bye daddy” she said in a sad tone. He knelt down with his arms out and she let go of my hand;
running into his arms. It could have just been the hormones; however, I had to fight back the
tears. Seeing Emi‟s sad little face and watching the struggle on Edward‟s as he let her go was

almost too much.

I quickly turned away to open up the car. When I turned back around Emi was walking back toward
me but she had Edward‟s hand still. He helped her into her seat and buckled her in; kissing her

forehead before stepping away from my car. “I‟ll see you tomorrow, okay?” He smiled to her.

“Okay” she said excitedly. I shut the door and turned around to Edward looking at me like he had

something he wanted to say.

“Go ahead” I sighed.

“Thank you; for letting me come with the two of you.” I nodded and forced a smile before climbing

into my car.

It had been almost a month since the ice cream store and Edward and I were civil during the drop
off and pick up. I still hadn‟t told him I was pregnant; though I knew I would have to soon. I was
almost four months and my stomach had started to show the signs; it was happening quicker than

it did with Emi.

Today Emi had Haley over for the weekend. Rose, Emmett, Jasper, and Alice were all in
Washington for a weekend out. I was more than happy to take Haley; especially since Rose and
Alice had not only kept my secret from Edward, but also from their husbands. This wasn‟t as big a

deal for Rose as it was for Alice; Alice told Jasper everything.

“So ladies, what‟s our plan?” I asked as I leaned against Emi‟s doorframe.

“Let‟s go down to the beach!” Haley bounced. “Yeah and lets have a fire mommy! Please?!?!” Emi


“Ooohhh we could make smores too!” Now I was excited; gotta love all the damn cravings.

“YEAH!” The girls danced around together.

“Get your swimsuits on and let‟s bring some warmer clothes for later.” I grabbed a large bag from
the hall closet and sat it on Emi‟s bedroom floor. They both quickly started stripping out of their


I headed to my room and pulled out my bathing suit; tossing it on the bed. Stripping out of my
clothes I tossed them across the room to my dirty laundry basket. I slipped my bathing suit on and
as I headed for a t-shirt and sweatpants I caught a glimpse of myself in my floor length mirror.
“Ugh” I groaned out loud. “I wonder if I still have that tankini in my closet” I said out loud to no
one as I rubbed the little pouch that had formed. It just felt wrong to wear the string bikini I had


While I was digging through my closet the girls came bounding into my room. “We‟re ready
mommy!” Emi stood with a wide grin in her „Nemo‟ bathing suit. Haley had on her „Little Mermaid‟

suit. I smiled at both of them.

“Okay, just give me a minute. I‟m trying to find my suit.” I leaned back into my closet.

“Mommy you have one on silly!” Emi giggled.

I laughed. “Yeah, but mommy doesn‟t fit this one very well, so I need to find my blue one.” I finally
found it on a high shelf and headed to the bathroom. I changed quickly and looked in the bathroom
mirror. I sighed loudly. It was better but my little tummy was still poking out. “Ugh.” Finally I just

shrugged at myself and headed back to my room.

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Grabbing a bathing suit cover-up and tossing my sweat pants and extra t-shirt into the beach bag,
I announced that I was done. The girls jumped up and down. “Emi, you grab the sand toys. Haley,

you come with me so we can get the stuff for smores.”

“Okay” they said in unison and we were off on our tasks.

We got down to the beach and as the girls played I gathered some sticks for the fire. I was settling
into my beach chair when the girls came running up to me.

“Mommy we want to go in the water.” I sat up and helped them put their floaties on their arms.

“There you go” I smiled and leaned back into the chair.

“Come with us” Emi whined. “Yeah, come with us” Haley joined in. They both gave me a pout face

that could rival Alice‟s.

“Okay, okay” I stood up and took off the beach cover up. We headed to the water.

It was actually really nice in the water; still nice enough to enjoy. The girls were playing and we
were all racing in the water. Almost an hour later we were all sitting in the wet sand letting the

water crash up over us.

“Mommy, you‟re getting fat” Emi giggled.

“What?” I laughed out.

“Look” she poked my stomach. I shook my head and laughed.

“Yeah, a little bit huh?” I heard Haley start to giggle. “Maybe I shouldn‟t eat so much.” Emi laughed


“No smores for you mommy” she laughed as I pretended to pout. “Okay, maybe one.”

“Just one?” I started tickling Emi and she rolled around the sand. Then I turned to Haley. “What do

you think Hale?” She giggled and held up one finger; so I tickled her too.

“Okay girls” I laughed out. “Let‟s get those smores started.” I rubbed my belly and they giggled.

We were walking back to our spot when I heard Haley yell. “Uncle Edward!” she took off. My head

shot up and I saw Edward coming off of my back patio toward us. “Daddy!” Emi took off too.

Reflexively my hands went to my stomach and I hurried toward my clothes. Unfortunately Edward
was closer to our stuff than I was; I could only hope that the girls would slow him down. I wasn‟t

about to have this conversation right now; with Emi and Haley around.

Some one up above was looking out for me, because I got my cover on before Edward got halfway

to the spot we set up.

He approached. “Sorry” he said with both girls in his arms. “I tried to call, but no answer.”

“We‟ve been down here for awhile. Did you need something?” I was trying to make this short; I

had on the cover up, but still was uncomfortable; even with hunching forward a bit.

“I just wanted to see if I could see Emi, but I see that you are all busy.” He smiled nervously.

“Yeah, she has Haley over for the weekend. Maybe Sunday?” I knelt down and started to light the


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“Do you want to have s‟mores with us?” Emi said excitedly.

I looked up quickly and saw Edward looking at me before he answered. “Do you…uh…mind?” he
asked hesitantly. I sighed lightly and shook my head. “Of course I‟ll have s‟mores with you” he
smiled back to Emi.

Both girls wiggled their way out of his arms and came to sit on each side of me while I got the stuff
out. Everyone had a stick and a marshmallow. Emi and Haley talked to Edward about their sand
castle, playing in the water, and what movie they planned to watch tonight. I smiled at both of the

girls as they talked so animatedly.

I held out the graham crackers as each girl put their marshmallow on, then handed then the
square of chocolate. They both hummed in delight after their first bite. I handed Edward his
cracker and chocolate with a small smile. Then I made my own. That damn s‟more was better than

anything I had ever eaten at that point; I wanted to eat twenty of them.

Pulling out the marshmallows and placing them on the sticks Emi decided to burst my bubble of


“Remember mommy” she giggled “only one for you.” Haley started laughing too.

“Okay you little monsters” I laughed; hoping that they would stop there.

“You‟re only allowed to have one?” Edward raised an eyebrow while giving that damn crooked grin.

“Yeah…they told me I‟m getting fat.” I said really quickly and then tried to talk about the movie

that the girls planned to watch.

“Haley, Emi, that‟s not very nice to say that.” Edward partially scolded and I cringed internally.

Whoever had been looking out for me earlier had clearly said „fuck you, you‟re on your own‟ at this


“It‟s true daddy. Look.” Emi rubbed her hand on my stomach. I grabbed her hand quickly, but she

had pushed my dress so that my little bump was evident.

“Okay…enough” I laughed and readjusted my dress as I heard Edward choke on his s‟more.

It was a few moments of silence from him and no eye contact from me. “Bella, are…I mean are


“We‟ll talk about it later” I said curtly as I helped Emi with her second s‟more.

“Later! I think that now…” I cut him off.

“Later. I. Said.” I glared at him and then looked to both girls who were looking at him with worried
expressions. He dropped his head and ran his hand through his hair.

“Why didn‟t you tell me?” I barely heard him ask.

I groaned. “I said later Edward.” With that he tossed his s‟more into the fire and sat silently
watching me as I finished up with the girls. I would fidget uncomfortably ever couple of minutes
because of his intense glare on me.

Haley yawned. “Uh oh…looks like it‟s time to head back to the house.” Edward stated looking at

Haley. I sighed.

“Come on girls, let‟s clean up.” I stood up and could feel his eyes follow my every movement.

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The girls moved quickly to get the sand toys and towels cleaned up. I was about to pick up the
beach bag when Edward‟s hand grabbed it first and lifted it up to his shoulder. His eyes were still
intense on mine. I was about to argue but he narrowed his eyes and looked to my stomach before

he turned and walked toward the house. I swallowed hard.

“All done mommy” Emi said as she ran passed me with her sand toy bag toward Edward.

Haley and I carried the rest of the stuff together.

Once in the house the girls ran toward Emi‟s room and I was following them. Edward grabbed my

arm. “We need to talk!” he said firmly.

I shrugged him off. “I need to get the girls cleaned up and changed.” I kept walking without

looking at him.

After putting Emi and Haley in the bathtub I made their popcorn and got their movie set up. I

helped them out of the tub and into their pajamas before brushing their hair for them.

I was sitting with them for a few minutes into their movie when Edward appeared at Emi‟s door. “Is

it later yet?” he asked sarcastically.

Kissing Emi and Haley on the head I got up and as I passed Edward I answered him. “Nope.” I

walked to my bedroom and started to get clean clothes out of my dresser.

“Damn it Bella” Edward closed my bedroom door. “Talk to me!” he shouted.

“Keep your voice down” I hissed at him. “Look, we‟ll talk; though I don‟t know what there is to talk


“You don‟t know what there is to talk about?!! Are you fucking kidding me?” He hissed back.

“I‟m getting a shower and changing.” I said flatly and entered the bathroom; closing the door

behind me.

Once I was under the hot water I felt the tears pour over my cheeks. I was in full panic mode. I
wasn‟t ready to tell him; hell I wasn‟t ready to do this alone again. Sobs ripped through my chest

and I couldn‟t control them.

I hadn‟t even heard the door open or the shower curtain pull back. It wasn‟t until Edward had me
wrapped in a large towel and against him in the middle of my bathroom that I realized what had


“Shh…it‟s going to be okay.” He was trying to soothe me. No no no! He didn‟t get to hold me like
I shoved him away from me and walked into my bedroom; tightly pulling the towel around me

and grabbing my clothes from the bathroom counter.

I changed quickly in my closet and was pulling my shirt on when Edward appeared next to me.

Slight taken a back with his presence I stumbled back a little; his arms went around me.

“Are you pregnant?” His eyes were closed and his hands still on my waist.

I stayed silent; unable to speak. I couldn‟t hear him reject this baby too.

“Bella?” His eyes opened and pierced into mine. I sucked in a quick breath and nodded.

He let go of my hips and sighed; rubbing his face. “Why didn‟t you tell me?” he choked out.

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I felt my anger surge again. “It didn‟t do much the first time, so why would this…” his hands were
on my upper arms firmly and it cut me off from my speech.

“Don‟t even try that” he growled. “You are throwing shit in my face because you can.”

My mouth fell open and I pushed his hands off of me. “NO, I say it because it‟s true. You deserve

nothing from me…and when I had started to give you me you just lied to me.”

“I didn‟t lie” he mumbled.

“Lie by omission Edward! Don‟t try to be fucking cute!” I snapped.

“You know that I am different…”

“Do I?” I poked his chest with my finger. “Why would I believe anything that you have to say?”

He sighed. “Because I love you” his voice and his eyes were pleading with me. “Please. Please,
don‟t push me away because I made mistakes. Let me prove to you, let me fix this. I don‟t want to
miss this…” he placed his hand on my stomach. I heard a small gasp as he ran his hand over the

firm pouch that has started to form.

I jumped when he dropped to his knees and placed both hands over my stomach. “God Bella,

please? I want this, I want you, I want us…the four of us. Please?”

My heart screamed YES! My brain and all the anger and pain I harbored screamed FUCK YOU! At

that moment I wasn‟t sure who would win.

A/N: Just wanted to let you all know that I have had some requests about my original
ending. I will post it as an „outtake‟ after I finish the story. (Some of you will not like my
original ending, especially after giving you guys this one. LOL) But I will post it for those

who are interested in checking it out.

So…Edward now knows. I‟m thinking a couple more chapters until we come to a close.



Chapter 12

Chapter Word Count: 4665

A/N: Sorry for the delay. Here you go...Edward gets a little cocky in this chapter. I love

me some cocky from Edward. :o) hee hee

So, if you haven't already seen it I have posted a 'STORY IDEAS' on my page. It lists a
few ideas that I have been thinking about. Some I have thought more in detail than
others, but I am giving you all the opportunity to help decide which story I will start
working on next. I have a couple more ideas that I didn't post up there, but that's
because I'm not completely sure about them yet. One would be my first story with a
Vampire Edward....so that makes me nervous, and I'm also nervous because it brings in
a lot more 'mythical' beings than werewolves and vampires. Anyhoo....enough already

from my yap.

Here is chapter 12....I'm thinking maybe 2 more chapters and I will be ending this story;
which will mean one chapter and then the epilogue. I am also working on the alternative

ending which will be posted at the end of this as well. Thx!

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Oh oh...quick PS. I hope to have 'Modern Arrangement' updated no later than tomorrow.
Enjoy!!! :o)

Chapter 12 – Playing His Ace


I had noticed a change in her, but since I hardly saw her I simply shook off the differences that I
was noticing. When Emi rubbed her stomach and the perfect small bump was there all I could do
was think back to the night I brought Emi home and Bella got sick. Then there was the obvious
nausea at the soccer field and finally the ice cream store; she practically ate the ice cream in one

I was a little angry that she hadn‟t told me about the baby, but I understood her apprehension with
me. I didn‟t deserve anything from her.

So, here I was on my knees begging for this chance; the second chance to be the man and the
father that I should have been the first time.

“Bella, please?”

“Edward…” I blurted out my next thought before I could stop myself.

“Marry me Bella!” I almost smacked myself when I realized what I had just said; knowing by the

tension that took over her body; my ass being kicked was eminent.

“NO YOU DID NOT…” She shoved me off of her and I quickly regained my composure as I stood up.

“Bella, I‟m sorry, it just came out. I just…I mean I want to, but I know that…”

“Just when I think that you couldn‟t possible do something any more ridiculous, and…well…well I

don‟t know, but Jesus Edward!” She exclaimed.

“I‟m sorry” I mumbled out as I rubbed the base of my palms to my eyes. “It just slipped out.”

“I think you should go.” I quickly tried to get a read on her expression; she was pissed.

“No, I don‟t‟ want to leave until we figure this out.” I crossed my arms over my chest and stood


“What‟s there to figure out?! I‟m pregnant! That‟s already figured out. In about five months I‟ll be

raising another child.” She spit out at me.

“With me!” I added firmly.

I watched as Bella tried to control her anger. Her face was flushed, breathing labored, and her eyes

were in a permanent glare.

“I‟m not going until we discuss all of this Bella. If you want me out of here so badly, then talk to
me; tell me what we are doing.” My sternness faded into my feelings for her. “Because I can‟t go

back to being no one or just…”

“Just the sperm donor that you have been?” Bella raised a brow at me and my anger resurfaced.

“Fuck Bella” I hissed out. “Stop it! You are purposely trying to piss me off!” Her face changed to
surprised. “That‟s right, you think that I don‟t know you, but I do. I know you‟re trying to push me
away.” I moved closer to her. “You wish you hated me, you wish I would walk away again, but I‟m

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not going to and that scares you more than anything.” I was now in arms length of her and fighting
with myself to not pull her into an embrace.

“No what scares me is you; deciding that you can‟t do this!” She spit out at me; her wall was
crumbling before my eyes.

“That is definitely not going to happen, Bella, and you know it won‟t. I could never turn my back on
Emi, you, or this baby; our baby.” I placed my hands on her upper arms lightly and I felt the

moisture build in my eyes.

She shook her head slowly back and forth; still trying to reject me. I nodded. “Yes, Bella, I am
going to be here, now you just have to tell me how much I get to be here.”

“You‟re Emi‟s father and…and this baby‟s, but that‟s it Edward. There is no you and I.” Her words
didn‟t have as much conviction as before.

“Whatever you say” I smiled crooked at her. She pulled away and walked out of the room; I

I watched her check on the girls before she headed to the living room. My mind wandered off to
seeing her swollen with my child, feeling the baby move inside her as she nurtured him or her, and
getting to be there for the birth of this child. There was no way in hell she was running from me. I
would get Bella back. I smirked to myself as my plan began to form in my mind. Why hadn‟t this

come to me before? Bella was stubborn, but I could be just as stubborn.

“Good night.” I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of her voice.

“Oh, I‟m not leaving yet.” I sat down in a chair. She sighed and sat across from me.

“What now?” She buried her face in her hands.

“When is your next doctor appointment? I want to be there.”

She looked up at me with a furrowed brow. “Don‟t start making demands!” she growled.

“Okay” I held up my hands “I would like to be there, please?”

“It‟s in a week” she mumbled.

“So, next Friday?” I clarified.

“Yes” she groaned.

“Are we going to find out the sex?” I leaned forward; elbows to knees. “I would like to know.”

“I‟m not finding out.” She said flatly and in a tone that clearly said „I have spoken‟, so I let it go.

“I would like for you to consider letting me be there when the baby is born.” I really wasn‟t asking,

because nothing was going to stop me from being there.

“I‟ll consider it.” She was being short now.

“I don‟t like you and Emi being alone here.” It was my turn to speak frankly.

“I really don‟t care.” She spit out. “We‟ve been here for years, without you, and we have been

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“James?” I questioned.

“Didn‟t happen until YOU showed up.” Her eyes really narrowed on me and her words bit at me


“So, it‟s my…” she cut me off.

“Of course it‟s not your fault! Damn it Edward, will you stop this and just go home.” She growled

and put her head back on the couch.

“When I‟m finished” I shrugged.

“What else is there possibly to talk about that can‟t wait?” I crossed her arms over her chest again

as she pulled her head up off the couch.

“Me moving in here to help.” I raised my brow at her.

“You? What? NO!” She said almost disgusted.

“I don‟t want something to happen to you or the baby, and I sure as hell hate not being around
Emi every spare moment of my day. It kills me to drive to my fucking apartment every time I leave

work. I despise that place. It doesn‟t have my life, my family, there; it‟s here.”

“No” she said flatly.

“I‟m moving back in here.” I argued.

“No” she said flatly.

“Jesus Bella!” I was pulling on my hair now and took a large deep breath to calm myself. “Fine!” I
growled out. “However, expect me to be here everyday. My things may be housed in that

apartment, but I will be here; with Emi and with you.” I shrugged arrogantly.

“Get the fuck out!” She stood quickly and then seemed to lose her balance. I moved to her side

quickly and grabbed her arms.

“Sit back down.” I ordered. “Are you okay?”

“No, Edward, I‟m not okay. I‟m stressed, I‟m tired, and I hate you!” She groaned out and put her

head in her hands. I smirked; she didn‟t hate me and we both knew it.

“Stress isn‟t good…”

“No shit! So, get out!” She barked and pointed to the door without looking at me.

I walked to the door. “I will be back, Bella. I am going to be here for you, our daughter, and our

When I got to my car the outside porch light shut off and I chuckled. Did she think that she was
going to get rid of me that easily? I snorted out loud and opened the back door of my car.

Reaching into the backseat I pulled out a duffle bag that I kept in case I had gotten stuck at the
hospital. Even though I was no longer at a hospital I hadn‟t taken the bag out of my back seat. I
pulled the strapped over my shoulder, shut the door, and locked it up; turning around I headed

back to her door.


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Fuck, why couldn‟t get the hint?! I didn‟t want him around. I needed to think about all of it. I didn‟t
trust him and he scared me to death. What if he did decide he couldn‟t do it and then just walk
away? If that would happen again, I don‟t know how I would deal with it; not with the new feelings
that I had for him. I had been falling for him; before my memory crashed in on me. Sometimes I

caught myself wishing that I hadn‟t remembered it all.

I turned off the porch light and was brushing my teeth when I heard a noise in the living room.
Dropping my toothbrush into the sink and wiping my mouth with my hand, I rushed out to the

living room.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I yelled.

Edward turned around and smirked at me. “Shhh…you‟ll upset the girls.”

“How did you get in..?” He cut me off by holding up the spare key I had given him when I couldn‟t

remember things.

“Give that back!” I stomped toward him and grabbed for the key. He held it up to high for me to


“Jumping isn‟t good for you, so don‟t even attempt it” it lectured.

“Then give me back the key and get out.” He was already shaking his head.

“Go to bed Bella” he groaned out as he took his bag and headed to the guest bathroom.

“Get out Edward” I countered.

“Nope” he said as he shut the bathroom door.

I beat my fist on the door. “You‟re an asshole!” I screamed before stalking off to my bedroom and
slamming my door shut. I couldn‟t‟ fight any longer; I curled up into bed and quickly passed out

from exhaustion.

The next morning I was pulled from my dreamless slumber by the usual knotting and nausea in my
stomach. I scurried off the bed and to the bathroom. After heaving for fifteen minutes, I finally

brushed my teeth and washed off my face.

Surprised that I hadn‟t heard the girls yet and I quickly went to check on them. Emi‟s door was
open and the girls weren‟t in there. The sound of Sponge Bob Squarepants carried down the


Upon entering the living room, I was greeted by Emi, Edward, and Haley all sitting on the couch

with a bowl of cereal watching cartoons.

“Morning mommy!” Emi smiled at me brightly. “Daddy is here!” she smiled so happily that I almost
felt guilty for trying to make him leave; almost. His smug smirk that he was giving me made me

want to kick him out right now.

“Yeah, I see that.” I smiled at Emi. “Don‟t you have to work or something?” I grumbled to Edward

as I walked toward the kitchen.

“Nope; I‟m off today.” He smiled that „rubbing it in‟ smile and I scowled at him.

“Aren‟t we so lucky?” My words were full of sarcasm.

“I‟m glad you think so.” He shot back and I wanted to toss a fork at his head, but I was afraid I

would hit one of the girls.

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“Yeah, Em?” I responded as I put bread in the toaster and started heating the water in my tea


“What are we going to do today?” She came bouncing into the kitchen.

“Hmmm…” I tapped my chin playfully. “Maybe we can go to that big playground that you like.”

“Yes!” She cheered and ran into the living room. “Haley, mommy is going to take us to the big
playground, you know the one with the purple double slide?!” Both Haley and Emi giggled, and

then my toast popped up.

I was buttering my toast when the next moment occurred in my living room. “Daddy, you‟re

coming too, right?” Emi‟s voice was so hopeful, but still worried that he would say no to her.

“Of course I‟m coming with you. I wouldn‟t want to spend my day off with anyone, but you, and

you, and your mom.” I rolled my eyes and poured my tea into a mug.

Walking over to my small desk in the living room that held my laptop and story notes; I could feel

his eyes on me. I ignored him.

I sat down taking bites of my toast and sips of tea as I read over my current chapter that I was
trying to finish up. Lost in my writing I didn‟t pay attention to the time until a plate clanked on the

desk next to me. I looked over and then up to Edward‟s face.

“Toast and tea isn‟t exactly a nutritional breakfast for the mother of my children.” He smirked down

at me as he held out a glass of orange juice.

“I eat.” I grabbed the juice from his hand. “I have to wait for the nausea to pass in the morning;
the toast helps.” I sipped the juice. “And be quiet with the whole „children‟ thing; Emi doesn‟t

know.” I scowled at him.

“When are we telling her?” He raised one perfect eyebrow at me.

I was going to answer him, but the smell of the scrambled eggs and bacon made my stomach

gurgle in anticipation for me to eat. “Eat first.” He chuckled.

“Thank you” I mumbled.

“You don‟t have to thank me.” I put a forkful in my mouth. “You just need to get used to me being

here.” I almost choked on my eggs.

“Eward…” My mouth was full and his name didn‟t quite come out correctly.

“Shut it Bella and just get used to it” he disappeared into the kitchen.

When he emerged I brought it back up again. “You aren‟t living here” I said firmly.

“Don‟t make me play my Ace, Bella.” He sat down on the couch and started to flip through the TV


“You‟re Ace?” I questioned.

“Yep. I don‟t want to do it, because it would be kind of shitty for me to do. However, desperate

times call for desperate measures my love.” I froze at his last two words; he seemed to freeze too.

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It took a hard swallow, a mouthful more of food, and a deep breath for me to resume the
conversation. “You don‟t have an Ace.” I rolled my eyes.

He shrugged. “If you say so.”

I finished eating and finished an important paragraph to my story. Carrying my dishes to the

kitchen I yelled for Emi and Haley.

“Yeah mommy” Emi appeared fully dressed in a fairy costume and Haley in a butterfly costume;

fully made up with purple swirls painted on their face and glitter. I stifled my giggle.

“You look fabulous dahling” I smiled wide at the both of them. “Are you ready to go to the
playground?” They both nodded. “Um…I think you need shoes.” I laughed lightly and heard Edward

chuckle in the background.

“Mommy, fairies and butterflies don‟t wear shoes.” Emi stood with her hands on her hips.

“Well you two do, so go get them on.” I giggled. “I‟m going to go get dressed and then we will go.”

I could feel Edward behind me as I headed toward the bedroom, but I didn‟t turn around until I got

inside my room.

“Can I help you?”

“I‟m going to jump in the shower quickly. Care to join me?” I felt my body flush with heat.

“No, thanks” I spit out, but inside I was screaming for him to rip my clothes off and fuck me on the
bed, in the shower, on the dresser, in the…whoa…breath Bella.

Edward chuckled as he went into the bathroom; not completely shutting the door. I heard the
water start and the shower curtain scrape along the bar holding it up. I took a deep breath and

tried to keep my thoughts clean.

I had slid on a simple sundress and pulled my hair up into a high pony-tail. I was slipping on a pair
of shoes when Edward walked out of the bathroom in only a pair of cargo shorts. I immediately

froze and went wide eyed.

Swallowing hard I forced my eyes off of his body. He knew what he was doing, the bastard. I‟m
sure he knows all about the increased sexual drive of pregnant women. Fucking mister doctor know

it all!

I quickly left my room and started getting a small cooler together with water bottles and snacks to
take to the playground. I also grabbed a book and a blanket. As I was sitting everything by the

front door Edward came out; thankfully with a shirt on.

“Why are you picking things up?” He scowled at me and then looked at the small cooler.

“I‟m not handicapped Edward. I can lift a small cooler; it‟s not that heavy.” I rolled my eyes.

“Well, I would prefer that you have me do it.” He snapped at me and I glared at him. “I‟ll play my
Ace Bella, don‟t force me.” He warned and while I didn‟t really think that had anything; it made me


We were loading into my car when Edward met me at the driver‟s side. “What?” I said at his

intense look at me.

“Give me the keys” he held his hand out.

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“I think not.” I said curtly and tried to step around him.

“Come on” he whined.

“Get in the passenger seat Edward” I rolled my eyes and pushed past him.

About half an hour into the playground the girls had Edward chasing them up and down slides,
pushing them on swings, and spinning them around on the little merry go round that they had. I

sat comfortably on my blanket with my book.

A few chapters into my book I felt a presence next to me. The huffing and puffing gave away that it

was a worn out Edward. I coughed to cover up the laughter that was bubbling out of my chest.

“Are you laughing at me?” He asked in an astounded tone.

“Huh?” I tried to play innocent. “Oh...no, I was just reading.” I looked back to my book.

“You‟re a terrible liar, you know that?” He rolled onto his side and put his head in the palm of his

hand; looking up at me.

I avoided his gaze like it would be looking directly into the sun. When I felt his fingers graze my

bare knee, I instinctively jerked away.

“Sorry” he mumbled and rolled to his back on the blanket. I kept my eyes on my book and kept my
breathing even. I wanted to rub the spot he had touched with my own hand; the fiery tingle still

present on my skin.

A few uncomfortably silent minutes passed by before I heard Emi crying. I jumped up quickly;

Edward was right with me as we hurried to her collapsed body.

“What happened?” I knelt down to her and saw the large scrape on her knee.

“I…fell…off…the…swwwwinngggggggg” she wailed. I frowned sympathetically at her and reached to
lift her up.

“I got her” Edward grabbed her before I could.” I sighed. “Don‟t give me crap Bella; you don‟t need
to lift her when I‟m around.”

“Set her down on the blanket.” Haley wrapped her arms around my legs. I grabbed her hand,

smiling down to her. “She will be fine honey, it‟s just a scrape.”

Edward sat her down and I was digging through my bag. Once I got the first aid pouch out, Edward
grabbed it and went into doctor daddy mode. I was highly amused with him; I doubted that he
would be this panicked about a scraped knee with a patient. I shook my head lightly.

Once he was finished, I handed Emi and Haley a bottle of water and some cut up vegetables to
snack on. Emi sniffed a little longer than she typically did; clearly an attempt to keep Edward‟s


“You know, as a doctor you should realize that she is completely playing you right now.” I said over

my book.

“I know, but the daddy takes over I guess.” He shrugged. “Besides I hate hearing her cry like that;

it kills me.” I snorted at his comment unintentionally. “What was that for?” he asked.

“If you think that is bad, just wait for a screaming baby at three in the morn…” I trailed off,
realizing what had just come out of my mouth. My eyes shot to Edward who was turned around

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smiling his crooked smile at me. “I just…I mean…it doesn‟t compare to that.” I said quickly and
looked back down to my book.

His breath was on my cheek as he leaned toward me and I had to swallow hard before I started to
lean away from him. “You know I think I will love every minute of it.” He leaned back from me
after whispering huskily in my ear. I never realized that those words could be a turn on, but

yeah…he just made them. Damn him!

We stayed at the park for another hour before loading back into the car.

“Can we stop and eat pizza?” Emi asked from the backseat.

“I think that‟s a great idea” I instantly had a craving for Sicilian style pizza with extra cheese and

mushroom. I almost moaned at the thought.

I changed driving directions and when we were climbing out of the car I noticed Edward‟s face.


“Nothing” he said quickly. I looked at him funny and shook my head. “Do you really want to
know?” I looked back up at him nervously. “Because I will tell you; if you don‟t go all hormonal
rage on me.” I scowled at him and he laughed. “I was thinking about how we all look like one big
family and how much I love that we do.” He didn‟t look at me. He helped Haley out of the car and I

turned my attention back to Emi.

Once the food arrived you would have thought that I hadn‟t eaten for a month. I couldn‟t get
enough; a large garden salad, five pieces of Sicilian thick style pizza with extra cheese and

mushrooms, bread sticks, desert pizza, and four glasses of water.

“You know you might be able to eat more than Emmett at this point.” Edward chuckled and I
tossed my napkin at his head. The girls were playing with one of those claw machines that you try

to grab stuffed animals from a pile.

“Shut up” I growled. “You try puking every morning, getting light headed, being constipated,
peeing every ten damn seconds, and then devouring food like you‟ve never seen it before; not to
mention the hormone induced breakdowns and freak outs!” I spit at him and put another
breadstick in my mouth. After swallowing I continued. “Then tell me how comments like that make
you feel; especially from the person who has been the cause for both incidents.” I said that last
sentence a little more harshly than I had intended.

Edward face stiffened and then he dropped his pizza to his plate before looking at me. “I don‟t how
many times I have to tell you I‟m sorry.” He sighed heavily and sat back in the booth. “I am sorry


I groaned. “I know you are sorry Edward. I just don‟t…I don‟t know.” I wasn‟t sure how to say it or

if I wanted to say it.


I knew I was getting to her and I also knew that I was totally taking advantage right now, but how
could I care. It was all I had; the only way that I could get her back in my life permanently. I was
dead serious when I asked her to marry me. All she had to do was say the word and we would be
in Vegas or a large church or at the justice of the peace. I didn‟t care how it took place, only that

she would be mine; MINE.

Knowing now how much I wanted her, our daughter and our baby there was no way I could just
walk away. I loved them and she had feelings for me too; she just wouldn‟t admit them. I could
wait to hear her say it, but I had to be with them. When I was a part from Emi and Bella it was

physically painful; like there was a hole in my chest.

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“Can we have more quarters?” Haley dumped an armful of stuffed animals in the booth next to me
with a large smile on her face. I handed her two dollars more and she bounced off back to Emi.

“Bella?” She moved her eyes from her glass of water to meet my gaze. When I didn‟t say anything
she raised her eyebrows as if she were questioning me. “I love you.” I put my full feelings into the

words and into my stare. I wanted her to really hear me.

She didn‟t move, but I kept her eyes locked to mine. Her breathing seemed to pick up and at one
point I thought she would speak; instead she broke the gaze. Leaving the table and heading to the


Once she disappeared behind the restroom door I released the breath I had been holding and
looked over to check on the girls. The waitress arrived and I quickly paid the bill before Bella could

come out and argue with me.

When she returned to the table she started to gather her things and I took that as the cue we were
leaving. “Girls” she yelled over to Emi and Haley “Let‟s go.” Then she turned to me. “Where‟s the

bill?” she pushed a plate around to look for it.

“Taken care of” I answered and ran my hand along her lower back as I walked passed her toward

the girls and the exit. Her breath caught and I smirked to myself. Edward 1, Bella 0.

We arrived back to Bella‟s house and the girls ran inside quickly. I helped Bella carry things inside.
After putting stuff away, I watched Bella carry a large glass of lemonade with her as she went out

onto the back patio; I followed her.

“I‟m going to head over to my place, but…”

“Okay. Good night.” I could see her smirk behind the glass that she was putting to her lips.

“Nice try Swan, but I‟ll be back.” I chuckled.

“Edward, go home. We are fine; it‟s just a poor ass excuse for you to move yourself into my house
and I have humored you long enough.” She sighed and gave me an annoyed look.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. “I‟ll be back.”

I barely heard her mumble it, but she said “I‟ll just lock the deadbolt this time.”

“Okay Swan, you‟ve pushed it.” I turned around to see her twisted around in her chair through the

large glass window.

She got up slowly and came into the house. “What?”

“I‟m playing my Ace, because I am not going to argue about this. Just remember that I told you it
would be a shitty thing for me to do.” It really was going to be a shitty thing to do, but I was going

to do it; whatever it takes to be with them, I was doing it.

“Whatever Edward! Just go.” I could tell that she thought she was calling a bluff.

I chuckled as she turned and went back out on the patio. I headed straight to Emi‟s room.


Chapter 13

Chapter Word Count: 6344

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Chapter 13 – All Cards On the Table


I took a deep breath to clear my head as I relaxed back into my chair on the patio. I leaned my
head back, closed my eyes, and tried to relax my body and mind. Why did he feel the need to

press my buttons so much? Ugh!

“MOMMY!!!” Emi burst out to the patio.

I jerked upright. “What?! What's wrong?!” I got up quickly from the lounge chair; too quickly.

Dizziness filled my head and my footing felt all wrong.

“Daddy is going to live with us again!” Emi shouted, but I was already flailing my arms out to grab

out for anything.

My right hand caught the arm of the chair, but that only caused the chair to tip causing me to
begin my full decent toward the patio. Throwing my left hand out in front of me in hopes of

shielding myself from the fall; I felt a strong grip under my arms.

I took a deep breath of relief as Edward pulled me toward his chest. “Are you okay? What

happened?” His voice was saturated in concern.

“Just got up too quickly” I breathed out.

Pulling out of his arms I looked at Emi and it all crashed back on me. Daddy is going to live with us

again! My eyes snapped to Edward. “What did you tell her?”

He smirked. “I warned you.”

I felt Emi tugging on my shirt and looked down to her. “Mommy...” She was beaming up at me
brightly. “Daddy asked me if he could move back in and I said yes! He wants to live with me


I glared back to Edward as I knelt down to Emi. “Baby, daddy has his own home. He isn't living

with us...”

“But mommy” she whined and started to frown. “I told him he could.”

“Emi, that decision is mine to make and your daddy is going to stay at his own place. I know that
this upsets you, but...”

“But WHY?!” she began crying.

I hugged her tightly. “Baby, we talked about this. Sometimes mommies and daddies don't live in

the same place together, but...”

“HE WANTS TO LIVE WITH ME!” She cried out and then threw herself around Edward's legs.
“Daddy don't leave! You can stay! Please don't leave me!” My heart broke and fury filled my

“Are you happy with yourself now?!” I hissed at Edward whose face was laced with regret and
sadness as he looked down at Emi.

“I didn't think...”

“NO, you didn't!” I spit out. “I think you should go now and don't come back!”

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I reached for Emi. “No Daddy, she doesn't mean it! Don't leave me!” I tried to pull her away from
his leg, but she was latched on and holding tight.

“Shhh...baby, it's okay. Daddy isn't leaving.” He looked directly into my eyes when he said it; I
narrowed my eyes at him. “Daddy would never leave you” I snorted and gave him a raised

eyebrow. “Don't you dare!” he snapped out at me.

“Why? You get to do this to her and make me out to be the bad guy, but yet she is supposed to
believe that you would 'never' leave her?” I laughed meanly and then as I was about to open my

mouth again Edward cut me off.

He picked Emi up and hugged her to his chest. “Daddy isn't going to ever leave you again Emi. I
am going to be with you and your mother always.” His eyes bore directly into mine with such an

intense gaze, until he walked away and took Emi toward her room. I followed them.

“Mommy?” Emi looked at me for confirmation.

I took a long breath; Edward didn't dare look at me. “Daddy is staying tonight, so just relax,

okay?” I smiled and walked over placing a kiss on her head.

Leaving her room I went to directly to the living to wait for Edward fucking Cullen to bring his ass

out. Instead of walking in ashamed and sad, he walked in smug and giving me and angry glare.

“Don't give me that look Edward! Why would you do that to her?!” I hissed.

“I told you, not to make me do it. All you had to do was let me stay here with you so I can make

sure that you guys are safe and so I can...”

“You are using your daughter to manipulate your way back into this house and I will NOT let you

use her like that! She isn't some toy that you can play with!”

“I know that she isn't! I WANT to be here! I want to be here when she gets up, when you don't feel
well, when she is sick. I want to be here!” He wasn't shouting, but his tone was firm. I was still
glaring at him as he walked closer to me.

I started taking some steps back until he grabbed my arm and pulled me toward me. “I want to be
here when this one wakes up at three in the morning screaming for his or her mom and dad.” His
hand was fanned over my small bump and his green eyes burned into my brown ones. Before I
could blink away the trance he had me under; his lips were crushing mine while his hand still

caressed my stomach.

Lost in the moment, I began to melt into his mouth and body. Then my senses returned to me and
I pushed him away. “Don't!” I gasped in a breath. He moved toward me again. “No! Stop.” He

halted. “I can't believe you.” I hissed and marched to my room without looking back.

After taking a shower I headed out to check on the girls. Emi and Haley were sleeping together in
Haley's bed. I turned off her TV and covered them up. Quickly I tiptoed into the living room;
Edward wasn't there. I released the breath that I had been holding. I checked the doors to make

sure they were locked and then I climbed into bed.

Exhaustion took over and I quickly slipped into the oblivion of slumber. The vivid and crazy dreams
that had accompanied me during my pregnancy with Emi were accompanying me during this one. I
knew that my slumber was becoming restless, but then after a few moments everything felt calm
and peaceful.

I stretched and was relieved to only feel slight nausea instead of the repulsive urge to vomit. I
sighed and relaxed with my eyes closed, hoping that the nausea would pass. That was when I felt

the motion against my neck.

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Pulling away and twisting my body I came face to face with Edward. He was still asleep and my
movements caused him to pull me closer and nuzzle his face into my neck. “Mmm...Bella...” He

mumbled in his sleep.

Sighing I stared into his face. Emi and he looked so much alike when they slept; it was almost like
twins. My fingers began to trail his facial features before I even thought about what I was doing;

Edward stirred.

“Mmm...that feels nice.” He pulled me closer.

“Why are you in my bed?” I questioned.

His eyes opened and he smiled crooked at me. “You were making a lot of noise, like you were
having a bad dream. I came to check on you, but you wouldn't wake up and you wouldn't calm
down.” He shrugged. “I lay down next to you; hoping that if I held you then you would sleep


I shifted away from him and he frowned. “I hate that you pull away from me.” He sighed out.

I groaned and rolled further away from him thinking that I would just get up and out of bed, but he
had other ideas. I felt Edward wrap his arm around me; pulling me back to him. I sighed


“Shh...” he pulled me close to his chest and I felt his right arm snake under my neck; wrapping
around my chest until his hand rested on my shoulder. “Just stay with me” he whispered.

“I need to check on the girls” I said quick and in a flat tone.

“They are fine” he immediately responded. “Bella, I will NOT leave. I couldn't leave if I wanted to.

Emi and you are my life now.” He snuggled up against my back.

My breath was caught in my throat rendering me speechless. I felt him shift and his arm

disappeared from under my neck. I sighed unintentionally at the loss and swallowed hard.

Then I felt him grasp my shoulders and turn me flat on my back. I was confused and unsure of
what to say or do; the look in his eyes was intense. I opened my mouth to say something, but his

fingers pressed over my lips; quickly shutting me up.

He moved quickly; straddling my thighs still looking at me with the full intensity that left me
paralyzed. His palms were pressed flat against the mattress on either side of my head as he looked
down at me, until he slowly crawled down my body; placing small kisses over my clothed body.

I tensed and held a large breath when he paused; situating himself next to my body on his left
side. His right leg was sprawled over my legs just above my knees, his head rested in the palm of
his left hand, and the right hand flat on my stomach; rubbing slowly around the bulge. I closed my

eyes and swallowed.

“I honestly couldn‟t be happier.” I opened my eyes and looked down at him; his eyes were closed

with a small smile playing on his lips as he caressed my abdomen.

“Happier?” I barely got it out in a whisper, but when he looked up at me I knew he had heard me.

“That you are having my baby” he smiled crooked at me “again.”

He broke the gaze between us, leaned his face toward my stomach, and pressed his lips firmly to
my stomach. I shivered from the action. The feeling that rolled over me was something that I
hadn‟t felt before and I wasn‟t sure exactly what I was feeling.

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As I lay trying to decipher my emotions at that particular moment, I didn‟t realize that Edward had
pulled my shirt back; revealing my bare bump. It wasn‟t until his bare hand caressed the bare skin

of my abdomen that I became conscious of his actions.


“Mommy!” Emi‟s voice carried down the hallway with two pairs of thumping feet. I moved to push
my shirt down, but Edward didn‟t let me. I tried to move away from him, but he didn‟t let me move

either. “Are you awake?” Emi announced as she walked into my room.

As Emi walked toward the bed she took in the position of Edward and me. “Daddy, what are you
doing to Mommy?” Her lips pursed and her brow furrowed. Haley was giggling.

“Emi, come up here. We have something to tell you.” Edward motioned for her to get on the bed.


“She should know about it.” He shrugged and turned to Emi.

“I think that we should wait.” I argued.

“Wait for what?” Emi asked as she scooted closer to us on the bed; Haley right behind her.

“My question exactly princess” Edward said to Emi before looking up to me with a raised eyebrow.

“Uhgghhh!” I groaned and put my hands over my face.

“Emi?” I said slowly and looked down to her as she looked from Edward to me. “You are going to

be a big sister.”

Her face twisted in confusion for a moment. Surprisingly Haley spoke first. “Emi your mommy has

a baby in her tummy!!! Just like my mommy!” She squealed.

“Really?!” Emi looked at me then to Edward and then to my stomach.

“Yep.” Edward smiled.

“Wait…Haley, your mommy is having a baby?” I furrowed my brows.

“Uh-huh. Mommy and daddy told me before they left. That‟s why they went on a grown up
vacation together.” She was smiling widely. “Emi we are going to be big sisters!” Haley hugged Emi

tightly and they both giggled. “My mommy‟s tummy isn‟t big like that yet” she giggled.

I groaned and Edward chuckled. “Well, come here girls.” The moved closer and Edward placed both

their hands on my stomach.

“Is there really my baby in there?” Emi looked at me in amazement.

“Yes. The baby is very little, but it‟s in there; growing.” I couldn‟t help but look at her as lovingly as
I felt at that moment; especially the way she called it „her‟ baby.

That was when I realized that I was happy. Happy that Emi knew and was excited; happy that I
was having another child; and surprising to me, I was happy that Edward was here and excited to

have this child.

We lay there for about twenty minutes answering questions that the girls had and talking about

baby things until my needs took over. First, I needed the bathroom and, second, I needed to eat.

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It didn‟t happen immediately; however, over the next couple of months Edward had effectively
moved all of his things slowly into my house or into storage. Also during those months, Edward and
I had began talking about things; discussing our relationship. I was still unsure of what would
happen between us, so Edward suggested couples counseling. Hesitant at first I didn‟t realize that
it would do some much good for us. After a couple of months of seeing the counselor things had

started to improve between us. We had gone out a couple of times; just him and me.

Rose was coming along right behind me; though I had about three months on her, she was starting
to round out nicely. We finalized the edit on my book and the publishing company couldn‟t have
been happier about it; though the release was delayed due to my inability to promote the book. At
seven months pregnant, I was too close to my due date to think about traveling around for

The book was finished and Emi was at school, so I was in the middle of napping on the couch when
I heard the front door slam.

“Bella?!” It was Edward.

I stretched and sat up. “What?” I yawned out. Then I was a little shocked when Edward was on his

knees in front of me panting. “What‟s the matter? Is Emi..?”

“Where have you been? Why didn‟t you answer my calls?” He panted out and cupped my face.

“What?” I shook my head in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“I‟ve been calling for the past two hours and you haven‟t answered any of my calls. I thought
something was wrong.” Now that he could look me over a few times he could see that nothing was


“I was taking a nap, but I didn‟t hear my cell or the house phone.” I stood up and walked toward
the house phone. Sure enough there was the blinking light alerting me that there were messages. I
picked up the phone and listened to them. One message was from my mother and five from

Edward. “Five messages, really?” I giggled as I walked back to the living room.

Edward was coming back toward the couch with my cell phone in his hand. “You had the volume

down a little, but you should have been able to hear it.”

I sat on the couch again. “I must have really passed out” I laughed.

He plopped down on the couch next to me. “You scared me to death” he sighed out and then lightly

chuckled. “I thought something happened to you.”

“Nope, just being fat and lazy” I laughed.

“Stop it” he reached over and rubbed my stomach. “You‟re not fat or lazy. You are pregnant with
my baby and need your rest.” He scooted closer. “Have I mentioned how much of a turn on it is

that you have a part of me inside of you?” I watched his eyes darken in lust.

I sighed. “Down boy” I laughed. Edward had made me fully aware of how excited he was about me
being pregnant. A little over a month ago he had started sleeping in bed with me every night, and
every night his hand would wander from my stomach to other areas of my body. They would
wander until he had me worked up enough that I wouldn‟t dare argue when he would undress us

and take me passionately.

“You know that I can‟t help it.” He kissed my forehead. “You are just way too tempting.” His lips
met mine and in a blink of an eye his tongue was between my lips as he moved to his knees
between my legs on the floor.

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“Edward…” I moaned out as his lips worked their magic on my neck “shouldn‟t you get back to

He shook his head, but didn‟t speak as he continued to attack my skin with his lips and his tongue.
When his teeth grazed my collarbone I instinctively grabbed his hair; that just fueled his actions on


Pulling me closer to the edge of the couch he could press himself into me as he held onto my hips.
We both moaned at the same time from the friction. “I have to have you Bella” he growled into my
shoulder as he grabbed my pants and tugged; silently asking for me to shift so he can remove

them. I complied.

My pants and underwear were quickly shed and disposed of onto the floor as Edward ran his hands
roamed my thighs. His fingers quickly went to work on my clit while he tugged at his own pants.

His fingers disappeared, but were quickly replaced with his fully hardened erection.

Both of us groaned in unison as he fully entered me, and moans quickly followed as he pumped in
and out of me. I grabbed onto his hair while his left hand held my hip and his right was on my
lower back pulling me closer to him with each thrust. “Fuck Bella…” he moaned “I‟m…so…shit…” His
fingers found my swollen bundle of nerves again and rubbed fiercely sending electric pulses
through my body. “Cum with me” he growled into my neck and then he licked my skin. I exploded
into satisfied oblivion. He pumped a few more times before riding out his release slowing with his

forehead on my shoulder.

We were panting and holding onto each other, until he pulled away with a large smile on his face.

He cupped my face and kissed me deeply. “You are definitely way too tempting” he chuckled.

“If you say so” I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

He kissed me again and then held my chin so that I was looking directly into his eyes. “You. Are.

I felt the blush creep over my skin slowly as it surged into full blossom on my face and chest. His

thumb brushed my cheek and he kissed me lightly on the lips.

Once we were dressed again, I headed to the kitchen; I was starving.

“I was thinking that I would take Emi to see my parents this weekend.” Edward looked at me.

“I don‟t want you driving that far…” he saw the look on my face. “Just humor me, okay? I‟m not

comfortable with you driving that far without me. Can we do it the following weekend?”

“You have to work this weekend and I refuse to be stuck in the house because you aren‟t

comfortable with me driving.” I took a large bite of the sandwich I had made.

“Please Bella?” He unleashed his eyes on me. I scowled at him and he started to chuckle. “The

following weekend we can go together. I‟ll call Alice and see if she wants to drive down.”

“No!” He looked at me shocked. “She will just want to go baby shopping…” I whined “I don‟t want
to shop. I‟ll just stay home.” I growled; he laughed at me. “I‟ll see if Rose and Haley want to come

over.” I shrugged.

“Sounds like a good idea.” He kissed the top of my head and walked to the kitchen.

The weekend arrived quickly. After Edward left for work Saturday morning, Emi and I met Rose at
the playground for a bit. Rose was really popping out and I finally got to rub someone else‟s

stomach for a change.

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We sat snacking on things that we had brought with us and talking about baby stuff. Rose divulged
that Emmett was as turned on as Edward seemed to be over pregnancy.

“I just find it amazing that he wants to have sex with me. I mean look at me.” I motioned to my
swollen body.

“Oh please Bella, I‟m going to bigger than you! I‟m already so much larger than I was with Haley at
this point.” She laughed. “But I will tell you that I love every second that Emmett wants to put his
hands all over me and his you know what in me.” I almost choked on my carrot stick. “I can‟t get

enough. I‟m an insatiable slut.” She giggled.

“Yeah, that happens. But Rose, how is that different from before?” I laughed and shrunk back as

she slapped my arm.

“Shut it!” she laughed.

“So, did you find out what you are having?” I took a sip of water as she shook her head.

“No. We were going to, but then I started to think about it and I think I would like to be surprised
like you are going to be.” I smiled at her and she smiled back. Rose looked at her watch and her
eyes almost bugged out.

“What‟s wrong?”

“Um…nothing, we should get going though.” She looked nervous, but I didn‟t press her about it.

We gathered our things and then said our quick goodbyes before pulling out of the parking lot.

I got to my house and Emi helped me carry things to the door; she had become as bad as Edward

about me not being allowed to carry things, drive, walk, eat, breath…ugh!

As I was about to unlock the door Edward answered smiling. “Hey, what are you doing home?” He

kissed my cheek.

“I have a surprise for you.” He pulled the door back and I entered.

My house was fully decorated in baby decorations. The living room was filled with people that
spilled out onto the patio. My parents were standing there smiling at me as well as Edward‟s
parents. Rose walked in behind me and smacked my butt. “We were almost late” she winked and

kept walking. I shook my head.

“Bella, baby, you look so good.” My mother was wrapping me in a hug and kissing my cheek.

“Thanks mom” I kissed her back.

“Emi girl, come see your granpa!” My dad knelt down and she ran to him giggling.

“Oh…Bella…” Esme hurried to me and hugged me tightly before placing both hands onto my

stomach and rubbing then leaning down to kiss my large bulge. “You are glowing!” She exclaimed.

“Don‟t molest the poor girl” Carlisle walked up and kissed my forehead; Esme smacked his arm


“I‟m just so excited.” Esme was practically dancing.

“Bella!!” Alice was bouncing; surely the decorating and party planning was her idea. “Do you like

it?” She motioned out over the house.

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“It‟s great Alice.” I hugged her and then she rubbed my belly. As much as I loved them all, the
belly rubbing was getting old quickly.

The party was, of course, my baby shower that I told them not to do. It was a great time though. I
spent time with my parents and Edward‟s parents talking about how the baby was doing, as well as
showing them the ultrasound photos. Well, Edward was passing around the photos and telling

everyone what each part was.

Emi passed out in my lap before everyone had left that evening and Edward quickly took her to
bed. Soon after that, everyone started to leave. Once the last guest was gone, I climbed into a hot

shower and then headed to bed.

I hadn‟t realized how exhausted I was until my body relaxed into the mattress.

I felt the bed shift as Edward lay down next to me. His hands started on my stomach and were

beginning the wandering around my body. “Edward…I am way too tired.” I groaned out.

“I can‟t help it” he pressed is erection into my ass and moaned.

“I don‟t have the energy to…”

“You don‟t have to do a thing. I will do for you.” He whispered into my neck as he continued his

ministrations on my body.

My body reacted, just as it always did. I could feel the need build inside me as he moved his hands
around my body; caressing, massaging, kissing, licking, rubbing. My underwear disappeared
quickly and I felt every inch of his hard cock as he fully sheathed himself inside of me; from

I moaned and grasped the pillow tightly. “Let go baby…let me make you feel good.” He whispered
as he moved in and out of me slowly; holding onto my hip. He hit the spot that only he had ever
seemed to be able to find and my body felt the fiery coil start to tighten inside me. Once his magic

fingers found my clit I fell over the edge of molten ecstasy.

“Ohhh…Bellahh…that‟s it…ungh…Fuck” he moaned and growled as he approached his release that I
had milked from him with my orgasm. He collapsed against my back and rubbed my arm as I

calmed and started to drift off to sleep. “Goodnight love” was the last thing I heard.

A couple of months later after I had adopted the worst mood swings imaginable, Edward took the
brunt of most of those, I was lying on the couch as Edward put Emi to bed. I sat up on the couch

and braced myself to stand; needing to pee for the millionth time in the past half hour.

I stood and felt my pants soak. Fuck! Did I seriously just piss myself? I groaned and headed to my
bedroom. As I slipped out of my pants I felt the twinge in my lower back. I grabbed the dresser for

a brief moment trying to gage the pain.

Slipping on a sundress and new panties I felt fine. I shrugged it off and started toward the living
room. Half way down the hall I braced myself on the wall as a pain shot around my stomach and I


“Bella?” Edward walked out of Emi‟s room and scanned the hall, until he found me shoulders

hunched and the wall holding me up. “Bella! What‟s wrong?!” He rushed to me in panic.

“I‟m in labor idiot, what the hell do you think is wrong with me!?” I snapped as another pain took

over and I moaned. “Call Rose.”

Edward pulled out his cell phone and called Rose; we were dropping Emi off there on the way to
the hospital. I moaned at another pain and Edward ran around the house like a fucking moron.

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Seriously? He‟s a doctor?! I sat down in a chair trying to breath through the pains when they would

“Mommy, are you okay?”

I forced a smile out to her and ruffled her hair. “I‟m fine pumpkin. The baby is coming and it
hurts.” I cringed up my face. “We are going to take you to Hale…” another contraction took over
and I panted and puffed through it. I took a deep relaxing breath. “We are going to take you to

Haley‟s house okay?”

He seemed to pull himself together and emerged from the hallway with my bag, his keys, and
Emi‟s bag. Once he loaded the car up he helped me walk to the car. “You okay baby?” he asked


I shook my head. “Hell no! Just get me to the drugs!” he chuckled and shut my door‟ hurrying to

his side.

We pulled out quickly and Emmett was on his porch waiting when we arrived with Emi. He met
Edward at the car and pulled Emi into his arms; taking her bag. I smiled and waved as Edward

drove us off to the hospital.

I was in labor for ten hours. Ten hours! Thank God for epidurals! It was intense, but Edward had
pulled himself together and was absolutely wonderful. Once the time came to push, I think that

Edward was about to bounce off the walls; he was way too excited.

“I can see the head!” He was giving me the play by play of the delivery and it took everything I
had to concentrate on pushing instead of laughing at him. “Your almost there baby!” He kissed my


Finally, after a half hour of pushing our newest addition arrived screaming, healthy, and pink. “Oh
my God!” Edward was on the verge of tears as he looked down on the little bundle that the doctor
had placed in my arms. “Bella…you did amazing!” he kissed me fiercely. “Thank you! Thank you so

much!” he mumbled against my lips, before pulling away and staring down at our little one.

Edward walked through the hospital room door holding Emi‟s hand. Emi was holding a blue teddy
bear and blue carnations. I smiled as she released his hand and ran over to me looking down on

the little boy in my arms.

“Congratulations!” Edward exclaimed as he patted Emmett on the back.

“Thanks man!” Emmett beamed.

Edward walked over to Rose who was lying in the hospital bed and kissed the top of her head.

“He‟s beautiful.”

She smiled up at him and cupped the side of his face. “Thank you!” Then she motioned to Esme
who was holding onto three month old Sophie. “She‟s turning more and more into a doll baby each


Edward smiled widely as he approached Sophie and took her into his arms; she smiled at him and

gurgled. “I know. She looks like her mother.” He looked over at me and winked.

Sophie Renee Cullen was much chubbier than Emi and also had large brown eyes and hints of
brown hair on her head. It was true; she looked like me. She was almost identical to my baby

pictures. We also officially had Emi‟s last name changed to Cullen.

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He cradled our Sophie in his arms as he sat down next to me and looked over to see Emi „helping‟
me hold Jonathan.

“So, how is she sleeping?” Carlisle asked as he sat playing a card game with Haley.

“Much better” I responded. “Thankfully” Edward added. I laughed.

Edward had gotten his wish with the three in the morning feedings; in fact, Sophie was much more
difficult to get into a routine and sleeping nights. She was up every two to three hours religiously
for two months straight. I kept reminding Edward of how much he „wanted‟ this and he would

chuckle and shake his head.

“How‟s the house?” Emmett inquired as he took Jonathan from me and cradled him proudly.

“It‟s close to completion.” Edward shrugged.

“You mean it would be done, IF you didn‟t keep „perfecting‟ things.” I nudged his side and then

took Emi into my lap and held her.

“Shush!” he spit back laughing. Esme and Carlisle laughed.

About a month and a half after Sophie was home Edward thought that we should consider moving
into a bigger house. I couldn‟t argue, since my house was completely cluttered and there were only

two bedrooms.

We got lucky and found a house near the same neighborhood and still on the beach. Only problem
was that it was never completely finished during the construction, so we had been waiting for the
house to be finished before moving in. However, this had been delayed due to Edward‟s constant

changes and improvement ideas.

Rose left the hospital a day later and they were settling in nicely. Esme had stayed a week with her
to help with Haley and Emmett. By that time the house was finished and we were all packed up to


The moving company arrived the next morning and took everything away. Edward decided that I
was too busy with the girls to handle too much of the moving and unpacking, so he decided that

we would go visit my parents while the movers took care of everything.

Renee was beyond happy to see the girls and Charlie, well Charlie was Charlie. He loved the girls,
but infants really made him nervous. He still had not held Sophie; he would only pick her up in her
carrier seat and place her next to him on the couch while they discussed baseball together.

“You know dad, I don‟t think that she quite understands the game yet?” I smirked as I leaned
against the doorway to the living room.

“Yes she does” He smiled down at her. “See how she watches the players and looks at me when I
tell her about it. She gets it. Don‟t you Soph?!”

“Soph?” I raised a brow at him; I was amused at his little nickname for her. He smiled wide and

Emi spent most of her time helping my mom who insisted that she needed cupcakes and cookies
made for a special event that her and her book club were planning. I still think that she just
wanted to make them for Emi.

We invited Carlisle over for dinner one night that we were in town, since Esme was still helping
Rose and Emmett.

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Edward and I traveled around the old town and laughed about things when we were younger.
Unfortunately at one point Edward looked at me with complete sorrow on his face.

“What‟s wrong?” I grabbed his hand.

“I am so sorry Bella. I…I was such an asshole…” I cut him off.

“Edward, we‟ve been over all of this. It‟s in the past.” I smiled at him reassuringly.

“I know, but Bella, the truth is that I never ever once stopped loving you.” I kind of went blank
faced on that comment. “Even when I messed up when we were younger; I was only a young,
stupid, horny boy who thought that I was cool.” He shook his head. “Every time you were at our

house with Alice I wanted to corner you; get you alone.” I saw one stray tear fall down his cheek.


“Let me finish, please.” He looked out the front window of the car as we sat in the parked car at
First Beach. “I treated you badly in front of people because I didn‟t want it to be obvious that I still
loved and wanted you.” He took a deep breath. “That night when I finally was drunk enough to find
the courage to pull you alone with me, I couldn‟t stop myself. Then the next morning when
everything crashed back on me I couldn‟t get passed how selfish I had been. Lauren didn‟t really
do anything to deserve me cheating on her and you sure as hell hadn‟t done anything for me to

attack you that way.”

“Hey…it‟s not like I fought you off of me exactly, now was it?” I pulled his face so that he had to
look at me. I smiled at him again. “None of it matters now.” He leaned toward me and I toward

him until our lips met over the console between us.

“I have loved you forever Bella.” He cupped my face and looked intently at me. “And I am so in

love with you right now that it hurts to think of you not being next to me.”

“I love you too Edward.” I felt the blush creep over my face. It was the first time I had said it out

loud to him since we had gotten passed the problems.

His face seemed to glow after I said it and he crashed his lips to mine passionately as his hand

grabbed the back of my head and held me to him.

I had to push his chest firmly to be able to gasp for air. “I need…to breath…” I breathed out and

then laughed.

“Sorry” he mumbled with a sly smile on his face.

“What are you up to?”

“Who me?” He feigned innocence.

“Yes you.” I poked his chest playfully.

“Why would you think that I am up to..?”

“Because you and Emi both get that same look on your face.” I smirked at him.

“Close your eyes.”


“Do you trust me?” I nodded slowly. “Then close your eyes.”

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I closed them and then felt something cold on my finger. I opened my eyes quickly and looked
down, then my confused eyes shot up to Edward. “What..?”

“Marry me Isabella Marie Swan” He smiled and I couldn‟t speak. “I have loved you since the first
moment I met you. I am more in love with you now and it only grows each day that passes.

Forgive me all my fuck-ups and marry me, please?”

I hesitated. I wasn‟t sure what to say. I knew that I loved him and that I wanted to scream yes as
I bounced like Alice does, but my breath was still caught in my throat. I couldn‟t form any type of

coherent response.

“Please put me out of my misery here; nod or something.” He pleaded.

I nodded and barely choked out „yes‟. He wrapped his arms around me quickly and pulled me over
into his lap. “Really? Yes?” I nodded and smiled. “Say it. Out loud...say it.”

“Yes” I said and he crashed our lips together.

What started as a celebratory kiss turned into a steamy make out session; which led to my first

time having sex in a car.

This was the beginning of our lives together; a family. The four of us; happily ever after.

A/N: Okay…so you got your happily ever after for Bella and Edward. :o) Thank you all for
reading!!!! Your reviews were amazing and are truly the reason that this story carried on

passed it's original storyline!

Sorry for the delay in posting, but again…life is crazy as well as I wanted to make it a

good final chapter.

Also, I will update the alternate ending chapter soon.

Now I am off to work on „Modern Arrangement‟ and then I will begin starting on a one of
my new story ideas; though I have come up with another story that I may like to do.

It‟s called “Our Mother‟s Boyfriend”. This one stars Esme Swan as the mother of Rose,

Bella, and Alice.

Esme is a widow who has never really known love other than from her daughters. After
the death of her husband, Charlie, the girls bring their mother out of her shell once they
begin to learn more about their mother‟s past. The past that she didn‟t want them to

know about their father.

Esme truly begins her life while her daughters are starting their own lives. Amidst this

beginning they all form bonds, friendships, and fall in love….well…maybe not all of them.


Chapter 14

Chapter Word Count: 5206

A/N: So this was my original ending to the story. Granted it would have been written as
two chapters instead of one, but since this is just the alternate ending I am putting it
into one chapter and shortening up a few things.

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Now Remember I gave you a longer story at your request and I made it a happy ending.

Okay, the beginning of this starts off as the beginning of Chapter 9 (Moving to L.A.)
starts off. You‟ll see what the differences are (The end of the italics is the end of the
actual chapter and is where the „alternate chapter‟ begins.)

Original Ending


We sat in that waiting room for hours without one word from anyone. I was growing impatient and
Rose kept trying to grab someone who was walking passed so she could get answers. Emi and
Haley were wrapped up together on some blankets sleeping. Emmett was sitting next to me trying

to keep me calm.

Alice burst into the room. “What the hell happened?!” Emmett shushed her and Jasper came in
quickly behind her. I sighed. Finally ready to talk about it. I told them all what happened; at least
every detail that I knew about.

I knew I hated that fucker!” Rose grumbled and tapped her foot crazily. Alice sat whimpering as
Jasper rocked her; trying to calm her. Emmett had his head in his hands.

That crazy mother fucker” Emmett growled. “If he isn‟t dead already, he will be!” Emmett stood

up and left the room.

We all sat for a few more hours and during that time Charlie and Renee, Esme and Carlisle, Jacob,
and Angela all had shown up. Jake and Angela got the story from Rose and the two of them sat
crying with each other.

Charlie left the room as soon as he heard what happened to her and still hadn‟t come back. Renee
sat down next to me, but hadn‟t spoken to me; until now.

Are you okay?” She was taking in my appearance. I nodded, but then started to cry. She wrapped
her arms around me. “Thank you Edward.” I sniffed and looked up at her. “You helped my baby.

You deserve thanks for that; regardless of the past.” She smiled warmly.

Edward?” I turned my head and saw my mother walking over to me with a bag. She knelt down in
front of me. “I talked to the nurse at the nurse‟s station. She gave permission for you to go into a
room to shower and change.” She lifted up the bag. “I went out and grabbed some clothes. You
should get out of those before Emi wakes up.” I looked over myself and realized the amount of

blood that I was covered in. I nodded, stood, took the bag, and let her lead me to an empty room.

After showering and changing I went back to the waiting room. I had just sat down when a doctor

walked into the room. “Swan family?” he looked around the room.

Yes” was said in unison around the room; everyone standing from their sitting positions.

How is she?” Renee walked up within arms length of the doctor. “Is she going to be okay?”

She suffered a multitude of injuries. She has a broken wrist, three broken ribs, and superficial
bruising, all of these should heal completely; however, she suffered internal bleeding and some
hemorrhaging in her abdomen as well as in her head.” He took a small breath. “Her head injury is

not a large concern anymore and was brought under control quite quickly.”

But?” I said curtly. As a doctor I could read his signals too easily; he was saving the worst for last.

He sighed. “But, she lost a lot of blood and suffered some swelling in her head.” He paused looking
directly at me. “She is no longer under anesthesia; however, she has not woken up. She is in a
coma at this time.” Renee began to sob and Esme wrapped her arms around her quickly. “I do

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believe that she will wake up; however, it could be tonight or it could be weeks. We are going to
monitor her and her injuries. I will keep you all updated and once she is settled into her room a

nurse will come to show you all to her.” He nodded and left the room.

I sat down in my seat; a million thoughts going through my head. My eyes instinctually went to
Emi. Rose saw my stare. “Don‟t worry about Emi, she will stay with us. I‟ll tell her that it‟s a

sleepover.” Rose smiled at me.

Emmett and Charlie arrived back in the room together; both still looking furious. “Charlie?” Renee

called out to him.

Charlie walked over and wrapped his arms around his wife and held her tightly to his chest. “It will

be okay baby.”

Emmett plopped down roughly next to me. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “The fucker is on

this floor.” He growled lowly. “He isn‟t dead, yet.” Emmett‟s eyes looked fierce.

The nurse arrived and told us where Bella‟s room was. We all moved to the waiting room on the
floor they had moved her to. Charlie and Renee were the first to head toward her room. “Come on

Edward.” Renee stopped and put her hand out for me to come with them.

I followed them into the room. There she was lying in a white bed with machines blinking all
around her and tubes coming out of her nose, mouth, and arms. Even as a doctor it was
disturbing. Renee started to choke up again and I could here Charlie‟s breathing become ragged

and louder; he was pissed. “I‟ll kill him myself.” I heard Charlie growl lowly.

I looked at Bella again. Her typically perfect porcelain skin was covered in blue, black, and purple

swelling. Her body was so still and lifeless; I couldn‟t take it, I left the room.

Days passed by and I only allowed Emi to go into her room once; though I had put up pictures that

Emi and Haley had made for her.

After four days of basically living in the hospital, I was tired, grumpy, irritable, and frustrated. I
wanted Bella to wake up and be able to go home. I wanted to be able to relax; knowing that she

was okay.

Tanya had showed up two days ago and tried to insist that I go back to the hotel with her at night,
but I couldn‟t risk Bella waking up without someone here. I knew that Renee and Charlie were
taking shifts, but I had to be sure that she was okay. Tanya had gotten pissed about it. She didn‟t
say anything, but I could see the anger and hurt in her eyes. I didn‟t know how to explain my need
to be here without it coming out the wrong way, so I chose to just not try to explain it at all. This

just caused more frustration between us both. If I‟m being honest, I didn‟t care.

It had been two weeks later when the doctor‟s decided to do the routine cat scan; the performed it
every three days or so. When they took her away to do the procedure the nurse told me that I

would have a couple of hours before she would be back in her room, so I left the hospital.

When I arrived to Rose‟s house they didn‟t ask many questions. I headed straight to Emi and held
her until I could tell that she wanted to get off my lap. Once I released her I went to the spare

bedroom to shower and change.

Stepping out of the bathroom I saw Tanya sitting on the bed with a tray. “You need to eat” she

smiled and placed the tray down. As she was about to walk out of the bedroom I grabbed her arm.

“Thank you Tanya” she smiled and patted my hand. She turned to go. “Tanya?”

“I already know Edward. I can see it for myself.” She didn‟t look at me, but I saw her shoulders

fall. She knew what I didn‟t want to admit to anyone else.

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“Edward, not now, this isn‟t the time.” She tried to pull away.

“Time for what?” I pleaded.

She turned around half heartedly. “We both know it…..” she choked up “it‟s over between us.” I

saw a tear stream over her cheek.

I wiped it away. “I never…”

“You don‟t have to say anything Edward.” She kissed my cheek and left the room; this time I didn‟t

stop her.

I sat on the bed with my head in my hands. I felt the tears and the sob rip through my chest. Lying

down on my side; I curled up into a ball.

“Edward!” Emmett‟s voice was loud and his grip on my arm was almost painful. “Damn it Edward

wake up!”

I jerked away, not quite sure when I fell asleep. “W-what?”

“Edward there is a problem at the hospital! Come on!” He was tossing shoes at me when his words
had a chance to sink in.

Grabbing my shoes I raced behind him toward my car. Apparently everyone else had already taken

off for the hospital, because the house was empty.

Rushing into the hospital I saw Charlie cradling Renee in his arms on the floor outside of Bella‟s
room. I stopped short and started shaking my head. “NO!” I yelled and Emmett turned quickly to
look at me. Charlie‟s head rose up to me as well; his face had tears pouring down. “NO!” I

collapsed to the floor grabbing my head. “NO, NO, NO!” I screamed.

“Edward…baby…” I knew it was my mother, but I couldn‟t respond. I felt Esme kneel down in front
of me and grasp my chin. “Edward?” I opened my eyes. “Come here baby” she pulled me into her

arms “Emi needs you right now.”

“She can‟t be…” I sobbed “Emi needs her…” I sobbed again. “I can‟t do it without her.” More sobs

erupted as my mother rocked me back and forth in the hallway.

I was well aware that people were passing us and our „scene‟, but I didn‟t care. A new found

courage added some steel to spine and I stood up; marching to Bella‟s room.

I burst into the room and saw Bella lying there on the bed lifelessly. There were no more beeping
machines, no more tubes running into her body, and there was no more life in her. “What the hell
happened?!” I growled without taking my eyes from Bella‟s body; slowly caressing the cold skin of

her cheek.

I felt my father‟s arm rap around my shoulders. “She hemorrhaged after the cat scan.” He sighed.

“They found a clot and were discussing courses of action when she…” he sighed again.

“Why didn‟t they stop it?!” I growled.

“There was nothing that could be done Edward. You know how these things happen.” He held me


“So that fucking asshole gets to live, but she has to die?!” I shouted and collapsed onto her body;

holding her to me closely.

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I could tell that she wasn‟t there. The warmth was gone, along with her smell and the feeling that
had always passed between us. She was gone.

She was gone. He was alive. I couldn‟t stop thinking about it.

She was gone, he was alive.

“Emmett, I need your assistance.” I spit out and left the room; Emmett followed.

“Edward…?” I cut him off.

I turned on him quickly. “I need you to distract the guards outside of James‟ room.”

“Edward no, you aren‟t thinking clearly…you need to calm…”

“NO! Distract them or I go without you regardless.” I stormed away toward James‟ room.

Emmett caught up quickly and started discussing James‟ status; medically and the state of the
case against him. I slipped in unnoticed; in the white jacket that I had taken from a nurse‟s station

near by.

Once inside I found what I was looking for; an empty syringe. All it took was to inject a few air
bubbles into his IV from his blood bag. I leaned next to his head and whispered into his ear. “Die
you fucking piece of shit.” I threw out the syringe and slipped back out of the room. Emmett was

gone, but the guards could only see the back of my head as I left.

It wasn‟t long until we heard about James‟ death. Emmett and I shared a brief look at each other,
but never once spoke a word about it.

Days passed and if it hadn‟t been for Alice and Esme I don‟t think that Emi and I could have gotten
through. Emi wasn‟t her usual self; a quiet sad child had replaced the once vibrant talkative one. I
hated James more and more with each passing day. I came to the realization that even death had

been too good for him.

The day of the funeral arrived and everyone congregated around Emi as much as possible. I don‟t
think that Haley left Emi for more than two minutes at a time, and that was few and far between.
Emi and I had been staying with Rose and Emmett, and Haley slept next to Emi every night. I

wasn‟t sure how I was going to separate them when the time came.

What I had realized though was that I couldn‟t take Emi away from her life here, so I made
arrangements with a friend of my father to begin working in a family practice clinic in L.A. Rose
assisted me in finding a house close to hers; it was only a block away. I knew that this would come

in handy for Emi.

Emi was going to begin seeing a grief counselor because frankly Emi was having an extremely
difficult time. Jake and Angela came to visit her for a few days and she was in better spirits, but
not the same.

Moving day had arrived and Emi wasn‟t thrilled with it. She wanted to stay in her house, but I
didn‟t think that it was good for either of us. Jake came to help out and stayed with us for a week;

which Emi was happy about and I was beyond thankful.

It had been a month since Bella had been buried in Forks, but the effects were still devastating.
Emi was acting out at home and at school. When her teacher called me in, I already knew what the

cause was.

“Mr. Cullen, Emily has been through a great deal and I am aware of how hard you are trying with
her; however, I think that perhaps her grief counseling is not helping as it should.” She cleared her

throat as she hesitated.

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“Spit it out Mrs. Reed.” I stated bluntly.

“Have you considered maybe getting Emi into a therapist; not just the grief counseling?” She


“My daughter isn‟t crazy, she is just…”

“She is extremely sad and stressed. She needs some extra help, Mr. Cullen. Surely you can see it
at home too?” She patted my hand. “There is nothing wrong with it and I think that you should
consider it.” She pulled a large envelop from her desk. “Our school counselor has dealt with
this…well with similar situations with other students. She would like you to review these materials
and if you have any questions his card is in there.”

I nodded. “Thank you. I‟ll look it all over.”

After getting home we sat down to eat pizza at the table. “Emi, Mrs. Reed says you‟ve been acting

out in class. Would you like to talk to me about it?”

I watched her fidget for a few moments before she shook her head.

“Emi, I love you. You can tell me anything and that won‟t change. You know that right?” She

nodded. I got up and walked over to her; kneeling on the floor next to her. “Please talk to me.”

“Are you going….” she started crying “are you going to die too?” She had large tears slipping over

her cheeks. I grabbed her tightly into my lap as I sat on the floor cradling her.

“Oh god no Emily, I‟m here. I‟m staying here with you.” I rocked her back and forth.

“Why did mommy leave?” she sobbed out.

“She was too hurt.” I felt my own tears sting my face. “Her body couldn‟t get better.” I hugged her


“I miss….her...so…much” she sobbed out.

“Me too, princess, me too.” I kissed the top of her head.

When she passed out from exhaustion in my arms I left the pizza uneaten on the table and we
slept together in my bed that night. A couple of times that night I would her Emi sob for Bella

before settling back into sleep. I would hold her tighter and kiss her head.

After a few days of similar occurrences, I decided to really look over the information that the school
counselor had provided. They were some grief counseling, but the majority of the pamphlets and
contacts were for adolescent psychiatrists that specialized in childhood depression.

Reading over the facts and the small questionnaire, it became evident that Emi could possibly be
suffering from depression. I decided that I should at least make some calls to some friends of the

family to find out any referrals that they would have for this treatment.

It only took me a few more days to get the referral to Doctor Parker. He specialized in adolescent
depression treatment with the use of a short-term psychotherapy called „cognitive-behavioral

therapy (CBT)‟. Once I had the information I immediately made the appointment to visit.

Emi and I were both to attend her first couple of visits to see Dr. Parker. On the first visit he got
familiar with Emi and me. We talked about me having not been there when she was much younger,
when I we first were brought together, and the traumatic way that she and I had lost Bella. Then
Dr. Parker took time to simply talk with Emi about her likes, dislikes, about school and her friends.

For the first visit that was pretty much it.

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The second visit was similar, but was a bit more structured. Doctor Parker had talked to Emi‟s
school counselor and understood that she was quite a creative child, so he started to incorporate

her creativity in his treatment.

Following the second visit, Emi was shown to a small play area while the doctor held a private

discussion with me.

“Mr. Cullen, Emily certainly is suffering from depression due to the loss of her mother; however, I
do not believe that medication is necessary for her. In her case, the depression is a result of
traumatic stress. I think that we can work out therapy sessions for her; along with things that she,

and you, will have to do at home.” He looked to me for a response.

“What kind of things at home?”

“Well, she is a creative child, so I may have her create art projects. She isn‟t writing yet, is she?”

“No, not fluently.” I shook my head.

“Okay, well then, picture art will most likely be the outlet I will use; along with reading that you

two can do together.”

“Sure, whatever you think is best.” I smiled widely at him; mostly relieved that no medications

would be involved.

“This is a short term therapy; which means that we are going to help Emi learn how to resolve her

stress and anger in more productive ways.” He smiled at me and stood.

I followed suit; shaking his hand and saying good bye.

Five months passed and Emi had made wonderful progress. She was doing better in school and in
social relationships. Dr. Parker‟s office had become a place of solace for her and she looked forward
to his projects. However, the doctor had informed me that we were coming to the end of the

therapy for Emi. He also suggested that I should perhaps look around for art classes for kids, etc.

For a month I did some research and made some visits to some local after-school programs that
were close enough for Emi to become involved. Hell, one day, even Rose came with me to possibly

send Haley.

We both entered „Artsy Smartsy‟ on that afternoon and were immediately impressed. It was an
after school program designed to teach kids different art skills. They had painting, sculpting,
sketching, music, dance, and even a drama class.

After we spoke with the owner of the establishment, Amelia Dryver, Rose and I had both decided
to send the girls. Amelia immediately gave us some forms to fill out and discussed the procedure

for new artists.

“On the first day we will get them familiar with the program and the school. Then each day we will
start showing them different types of programs there are for them.” She smiled at both of us. “It
usually only takes them a couple of weeks to really develop a favorite, and once this takes place
we will gear them more toward those classes; however, if they ever wish to change then all you
need to do is set up a meeting with us or if we discover it first then we will contact you.” We all

shook hands and departed.

Emi had been nervous on her first day at Artsy Smartsy, but I also could see the excitement when
Haley got in the car with us. They were chatting away to each other in the backseat when I noticed

something off about Rose.

“Are you feeling okay Rose?” I asked before pulling out of her driveway.

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She nodded. “I‟m as fine as an expectant woman can be at this point.” She smiled brightly.

“Oh wow, congratulations!” I gave her a one armed hug. “Have you told Carlisle and Esme yet?”

“No” she shook her head “we‟ve been waiting to tell anyone until I was absolutely sure about it.”

“Well, hell, they are going to be extremely excited, and Alice, wow, don‟t get me started on what
Alice is going to be like” I chuckled as we pulled away from her house. “I can‟t wait to talk to

Emmett, I bet he is already boasting.”

“Oh of course he is boasting about his „super-sperm‟” she laughed.

My work schedule got a little crazy for about two-weeks and Rose was left with handling the girls
more than I was comfortable with. It was times like these that I missed Bella the most, because all

I could do was think about her having done this for five years without me.

Emi and Haley were in love with Artsy Smartsy and looked forward to going everyday after school.
Haley had gotten very interested in the dance portion of the courses and Emi of course was into
the art classes. With the art classes, at her age, they got to experiment with different things each

week or so.

I knew I was early to pick her up, but I had missed her so much over the two weeks that Rose had
been handling everything that I couldn‟t wait to see her. So I got to the after-school school thirty
minutes earlier than I was supposed to. Once I was inside I sat waiting with one other father. We
were seated quietly when Amelia walked through and caught sight of us.

“Would you like to come observe?” She motioned to both of us to follow her.

She took the first father to a window and then motioned for me to continue with her. “Emi is really

very good Mr. Cullen. Elizabeth loves her creativity.”

“Elizabeth?” I was confused. Was I supposed to know that name?

“Oh. I‟m sorry, I didn‟t realize that you hadn‟t met Emi‟s mentor. Well, they are like teachers, but

we call them mentors.” She smiled at me as we stopped at a classroom.

First thing I saw was my little mini-me working away on a large piece of red clay. Her little fingers

were nimbly working on her „latest piece‟. I smiled wide and sighed as I looked on her.

The knocking on the window took me by surprise and my eyes shot over to see Amelia gesturing
for someone to come to her. I followed her gaze and when I did my breath caught. Oh my God!
The woman walking toward the door was so similar to Bella, but wasn‟t Bella. It made my heart

skip about four beats.

“Elizabeth, this is Emi‟s father Mr. Cullen. Mr. Cullen, this is Emi‟s mentor Elizabeth Masen.”

She reached her hand out to me. “It‟s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Cullen. Emi is quite an

impressive little girl and artist.”

I extended my hand and shook; completely caught off guard by the small shock that was

exchanged between our touch.

“Sorry” I smiled small. “Oh and it‟s Edward.”

She smiled back as well. “Well, then call me Liz.”

A few uncomfortable moments passed before I turned back to Emi to focus on her. My mind was

spinning. Did I really just feel that? I haven‟t felt that since…. I would allow myself to think that.

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Elizabeth, er…Liz, had returned to the classroom and was helping a child with their sculpture.

I snuck another look at Elizabeth. She had mahogany brow hair, but it wasn‟t long. It was in
shoulder length with it getting longer toward the front; framing her rounded face. Her lips were full
and red, but make-up free; and her eyes; they weren‟t deep brown, but pools of warm golden

amber. So similar, but so different. Then she smiled and my heart almost stopped.

The entire night I wasn‟t sure what had happened or what was going on with me, but I decided
that it was just my loneliness that was getting to me. I called Emmett to congratulate him and then
had to listen to how his super sperm were going to bring home a boy this time. They had told Esme
and Carlisle and Alice and Jasper about the pregnancy and Esme was already planning the baby‟s

room, while Alice was planning the baby shower.

After hearing Emmett talk about Alice, I knew I needed to call her. So, I made the call to my twin.

“What‟s wrong?” she answered quickly.

“Why would you think that..?” she cut me off.

“I don‟t know. How do I know when you aren‟t feeling well? How is it that this afternoon I felt like I
should call you? I don‟t know Edward, we‟ve always been weird. Now spill it.” She was right; we
had always been weird, so I spilled it. Every last detail, down to the warm amber of her eyes. “Holy

shit brother, you are crushing on your daughter‟s teacher!” She giggled.

“I am not in high school Alice.” I reminded her. “It was strange that feeling.”

“Did she feel it too?”

“I think so, but…”

“But nothing…ask her out.” I paused and could speak; the very thought of it felt deceptive.
“Edward, it has been a long time and we all know you have grieved. However, you have grieved for
too long now. You need to move on. It‟s okay to like someone else and to have a relationship. Do
you think that Bella would..?”

“No, she would probably have danced on my grave given the way she felt about me.” I sighed out.

“That‟s not true and you know it. She loved you Edward, you just pissed her off. She was fed up.
And, well, when a woman‟s fed up…there is NOTHING you can do about it.” She was so right,


“I dunno Al, it just seems so…”

“I know, but you need to move on Edward and you know it.”

“Guess I just need to think about it more.”

“I love you, but stopping fucking thinking so much. That‟s part of the problem you had with Bella.”

I sighed. “Love you Al. Goodnight and thanks.”

“Anytime baby brother” she giggled.

“By two minutes Alice, two minutes!” I chuckled.

“Hey, I got you to laugh. Night.” She hung up.

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It took me three weeks to finally grow the balls to ask Liz out. I arrived early to pick up Emi and
Haley, and while I was loading them into my car Liz walked out of the building. I saw she was

headed toward her car and when I saw her drop something, I moved quickly to pick it up for her.

“Oh, hi Mr. Cullen” she smiled at me.

“Edward” I handed her a small black case.

“Edward” she smiled larger.

“Um…Eliz…Liz” I paused and rubbed the back of my head. “Would you like to join me for dinner this


Her eyes widened and I was waiting for any excuse that she could come up with to turn me down.
Sorry, I‟m washing my hair that night. I have a date already. I have a boyfriend. I don‟t date
student‟s parents.
Then she blushed. She fucking blushed. My insides twisted with infatuation,

arousal, and guilt all at the same time.

“I...I would like that.” She looked at me shyly.

I know that my face lit up like the boy whose long time crush just accepted his proposal to prom.

“Great” I spit out. “Can I get your number?” I handed her my phone and she put her number in it.

“Call me tomorrow evening and we can discuss….things.” She smiled quickly and then ducked into

her car quickly.

The smile didn‟t leave my face the entire way home.

“Daddy?” I looked in the review mirror quickly.

“What‟s up baby?”

“Why are you so smiley?” She smirked at me.

“I am making a new friend and I am happy about it.”

“Miss Masen?” Emi stated more matter of fact than question, but I was a little shocked.

“Uh…yeah. Is that okay with you?” There I asked her and now I had to feel the knot form as I

awaited my daughter‟s approval.

“Uh…yeah” She got really quiet the rest of the ride home. I didn‟t press her; afraid that she wasn‟t

ready to discuss it.

We dropped Haley are her house and then went home to have dinner and watch a movie before


My date night came and Rose had kept Emi overnight for me. So, when I picked her up the next
morning I figured she would argue with me about leaving Haley‟s house, but she seemed to be

eager to get in the car.

I climbed into the driver‟s seat. “Did you have a good time?”

“Umm…yeah” she seemed to not be as happy as before so I stole a quick glance at her. She had

her brow furrowed and a frown on her face.

“What‟s the matter? Did you forget something?” I started to slow down.

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“No. I just….where‟s Miss Masen?” She had rendered me speechless again.

“Miss Masen?” I choked out.

“You didn‟t have a sleep over?” She asked me curiously.

“What?! No.” I answered a little concerned about the information coming out of my six year-old‟s

mouth. “What, who told you about adult sleep-overs?”

“Well, a girl in school said that her mommy has a boy friend that has sleep overs, and that he is

going to be her daddy some day.” She bit her lip nervously.

I sighed in relief that that was all she knew about it.

“Is Miss Masen going to sleep over some times?” She asked barely loud enough for me to hear.

“I…uh…I don‟t know.” Our date went wonderful and I had kissed her cheek when I left her, also
making plans to see her again next weekend. But sleepovers, I wasn‟t sure about.

“Oh” she paused again “So Miss Masen isn‟t going to be my new mommy?”

I stopped the car and turned to look at her with wide eyes.

“It‟s okay daddy. She would be a second mommy not my real mommy.” She lightly smiled at me.

“When did you get so darn smart?” She smiled at my comment and I drove us home.

Emi and I would be a family no matter what, but knowing that she would accept someone else into

our world spoke volumes. We were a family; my daughter and me.



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