Amber Kell & Stephani Hecht Imperfect Porn 02 Oliver's Online

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Sometimes second chances are right in front of

When Oliver needs a job he finds himself turning
in desperation to his friend Lane who is opening a
new business. Never mind that it's a phone-sex
operation and Oliver blushes even at the thought
of having to talk dirty to strangers. He needs work
too badly to pay off medical bills that left him
forever injured and his lover dead.

Lane has been attracted to Oliver ever since he

first met him, so when the man comes to him
asking for employment, Lane is eager to hire him.
Not only will he be helping a friend out, but it will
give him a chance to get to know Oliver better.
But, as the two grow closer, Oliver's past
continues to haunt him. Will he be able to get past
his guilt of finding new love or will he lose Lane

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, and incidents either are products of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance
to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is
entirely coincidental.

Oliver’s Online

Copyright © 2013 Amber Kell and Stephani Hecht

ISBN: 978-1-77111-527-8

Cover art by Martine Jardin

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
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part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other
means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden
without the written permission of the publisher.

Published by eXtasy Books

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Oliver’s Online

Porn Series Two


Amber Kell and Stephani Hecht

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We dedicate this book to our wonderful husbands who

support our work by doing all those little things that

fall to the wayside while we’re off in our imaginary


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Chapter One

anted: Waiter-bartender, must be able to work
long shifts behind bar. People skills and

experience a must.

Well, that one was out of the question. That

named off every qualification Oliver didn’t have.
He sighed and clicked on the next job, only to find
that one didn’t look any more promising than the
previous twenty job offerings.

Damn it, but it shouldn’t be this hard to find

employment. Whoever said the economy was on
an upswing hadn’t had him in mind.

He shoved his chair back from the cheap

kitchen table and rubbed at his aching leg,
wishing—not for the first time—that it was
healthy again. That he’d never gotten into the
accident. The one that had not only left him
partially handicapped, but had taken…

No! He couldn’t think about that now. It would

only send him into another bout of depression,
and that was the last thing he or his roommates
needed. Actually, they were more than just


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roommates, as Patrick and Ronnie were his closest
friends, but they’d all but saved his life after the

It’d been them who’d helped him get him back

on his feet, both literally and financially. Now it
was time that he paid them back, and the first step
was getting a job.

The hard part was finding one that would

accommodate his handicap. Thanks to the
accident, he’d never gone to college, so that only
left menial jobs, and most of those involved
standing on his feet several hours a day.
Something he couldn’t do.

The front door opened, and he looked up,

expecting to see one of his friends returning from
work. When he saw Becca instead, he wasn’t too
surprised. Becca was the niece of Patrick’s
boyfriend and liked to drop by unexpectedly.
Despite the fact that she often criticized Oliver and
his friends, she had managed to worm her way
into their hearts with her quirky ways. She and
Oliver, in particular, had grown close.

She marched inside dressed in her usual luxury

attire, from the five thousand dollar shoes to her
purse that cost more than two months of Oliver’s
rent. She wore a pair of tight-fitting jeans and a
sweater that looked as if it had been painted on.
Her raven hair had been pulled back into a sleek

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ponytail, and her dog Poochkie was tucked under
her arm.

“How did you get in here? You don’t have a

key.” Oliver demanded by way of greeting.
Dropping by unexpectedly he could handle,
prancing in without an invitation—one step too

“You left the front door open,” she said

breezily. “You know you really shouldn’t do that.
I saw it on an episode of Dateline.

“I don’t even want to hear about it.”
Oliver knew without a doubt that she would

relish in telling him all the gruesome details, and
then he would be jumping every time he heard a
bump or a thump outside of their apartment. She
enjoyed telling him horrible tales of what would
happen if he didn’t follow her safety advice.
Whenever the news announced a crime within ten
miles of their apartment, she always sent Oliver a
link to the article and a warning. Now he didn’t
dare walk around his own block for fear of
someone jumping out of the bushes. Thank you

very much, Becca, for that little tidbit.

She rolled her eyes. “Okay, I won’t tell you

about the couple who left their door unlocked and
how a gang came in and murdered them in their
sleep. Are you happy now?”

Oliver held up a hand. “Why do you do this to


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She gave him an exasperated look. “Because I

love you, and I have to look out for you. You need
to be safer, sweetie. Leaving your door unlocked is
not a good idea.”

Oliver realized she had a point. Besides, he

could yell, argue, and demand until he was blue in
the face, and she’d never give up. She did love
him, and, in her own odd way, this was her taking
care of him.

“I’ll call the security company my uncle uses

and have them install a system. We can go out to
lunch while they’re here,” she announced as if she
had the right to do whatever she wanted to their

Oliver shook his head. “We can’t afford the

monitoring. Besides, I have other things to do
today than hang out with you.”

“Like what?” She laughed like it was

completely ridiculous to have anything planned
without checking with her.

“I’m looking for a job.”
“Why would you want to do that? Jobs are for

boring people. They certainly aren’t for
individuals like us.”

Oliver paused, fingers mid-typing. His mouth

dropped open as he realized Becca viewed him as
a shallow, non-working, living-off-others, party-
person like her. Dear God above, how had he
allowed himself to fall so low? It was a wonder

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Patrick and Ronnie hadn’t kicked him in the ass a
long time ago.

“I’m nothing like you,” he retorted, his voice

raising an octave.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” She put a

hand on her hip. “I hate to break it to you, bud,
but you are only a couple thousand dollar
wardrobe away from being just like me. All you
need is better fashion sense and a good haircut,
and we could be twinsies.”

“That’s it. I’m getting a job for sure. Then I’m

paying back everybody who helped me out with
my medical bills. I refuse to be a mini-Becca.”

He scowled at her before turning back to the

computer and beginning his job search again.
Maybe he’d overlooked something he could
qualify for. Becca circled around to read over his
shoulder. Meanwhile, Poochkie jumped out of her
hold and made himself at home on top of the
table. The dog sniffed around a bit, before it went
over to Oliver’s cereal bowl and began to eat the

“That dog sure does eat loud for as small as he

is,” Oliver groused.

“Shhh…you’ll hurt his feelings,” Becca


“Here’s one for an office assistant,” Oliver said.
“Yeah, but you need a bachelor’s degree, which

you don’t have.”

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“Why don’t you just ask my uncle if he has a

spot for you at his company? I’m sure he’d hire

“I’m sure he would, too, but I already owe him

so much to begin with. I don’t want to take any
more charity from him. It wouldn’t be right.”
Oliver sighed as he scanned more ads and found
nothing. “Besides I’m not exactly porn star

Even Patrick only worked part time for his

boyfriend Vance. The movie producer had limited
jobs behind the camera and as far as Oliver knew,
they were all taken.

She let out a huff. “Sometimes your morality is

such a bummer.”

Poochkie had moved on to Oliver’s glass of

milk. The little precious was making a mess,
leaving behind large droplets of liquid all over the
scratched and dented surface.

“Isn’t he such a little darling,” Oliver declared

through clenched teeth.

“Be nice,” Becca chided. “Poochkie loves you.”
“Lucky me,” Oliver said in a dry voice.
“You should consider yourself lucky. If he

didn’t like you, he would have taken a bite out of
your balls a long time ago.”

Oliver found himself putting a hand over his

groin, even though the dog from hell was nowhere

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near them. How something so cute and innocent
looking could be so vicious was a mystery to him,
and he wasn’t talking about the dog.

Becca tapped the screen with one perfectly

manicured nail. “How about this one.”

Oliver looked over his shoulder at her in

annoyance. “It’s for a shot boy at a gay club.”

She gave him a wide-eyed stare. ‘Well, you are


“I am not running around in a pair of boy

shorts and letting guys feel me up,” Oliver

“Why not? It sounds like fun to me.”
“That doesn’t surprise me, but it’s still out of

the question. My leg would never let me walk and
stand for that long.” He didn’t mention the
thought of being groped by total strangers made
him queasy. Becca wouldn’t consider that

She sighed and looked over the ads some more

before pointing to another one. “How about this

“A florist? I don’t know anything about that.”
“I thought all gay guys were good that kind of


“Are you trying to be insulting? Or do these

things just pop out of your mouth naturally?” he

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Becca grinned. “Usually, they just pop out. My

uncle says I don’t have a mouth filter.”

“Do they sell them on Amazon? Because if so,

you need to pick one up ASAP. Hell, I’m sure
Ronnie and Patrick will pitch in to help me buy
one for you.”

She popped him on the back of the head. “Is

that any way to talk to your best friend?”

Rubbing away the hurt, he asked, “Since when

have we been best friends?”

“Since I decided you annoy me less than most

people.” Becca’s logic stunned him.

Oliver didn’t know if he should be pleased she

liked him or give into the terror coursing through
him and try to run for safety. He decided giving in
would be easiest.

“Okay, just promise that you’re not going to

make us get matching tattoos, and I’m good with
that,” he said.

“Fine, I’ll tick that one off my bucket list,” she

drawled. “I was planning on getting matching
doves, but not if you’re going to be a spoilsport
about it. They were going to be on our ass cheeks,

Oliver couldn’t help but laugh at that one,

Becca might be a brat, but she did have her funny
moments too, which is why he put up with all her
crap. She also had no problem with getting in his
face and yelling at him whenever he got into one

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of his funks. One time, she even slapped him in
the face and gave him the classic snap out of it line.
She almost said it as good as Cher.

When Becca let out a gasp, Oliver dared to

glance over his shoulder. Seeing her expression he
let out a moan. Whenever Becca got an eureka look
on her face that usually meant trouble. Trouble
from Becca was always a bad, bad thing.

“I know the perfect job for you,” she exclaimed.
“If it involves a cowboy hat, me, a room full of

men and a pole, you can forget it,” Oliver

“No, we both know you can’t dance worth a

damn. You’d never make it as a stripper. They’d
throw quarters on the stage instead of dollar bills.”
She made a raspberry noise.

“Then what is this wonderful idea of yours?”

He hated to ask but he knew she wouldn’t leave
until he did.

“You remember Lane—Vance and Patrick’s


“Tall guy? Dark hair that looks like it was made

to be tugged on while giving a blowjob? Warm,
brown eyes that appear like they’re always saying
fuck me, baby? A body that seems like it was made
for the sole purpose of me to climb onto and fuck
into oblivion? That Lane? Hmmm…I think I may
recall him.”

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She arched a brow. “And yet everybody calls

me the slut. Any-hoo, he’s finally getting around
to opening up his own company, and he may be
looking for some help.”

“What kind of company?”
“He’s going into the sex industry, too, but he’s

keeping it on a more personal level. Live cam
shows, phone-sex lines…”

“They still have those?”
She gave him a harsh look for interrupting her.

“As I was saying. He’s getting ready to open up
tomorrow, but he still needs staff. You could go
down and apply. I’m sure he’d find a spot for

“I don’t know,” Oliver hedged. “It still sounds

like charity to me.”

She slammed her palm on the table. “No, it’s

nepotism, which is completely different. You don’t
owe Lane any money.”

“I don’t think I could do any live cam shows,

though. It would feel creepy flashing my wiener
out there for anybody to see.”

“Oh! My! God! Did you just call it a wiener?

How old are you? Three?”

“You know what I mean. Besides it feels wrong

to say cock in front of you.” A blush burned
Oliver’s cheeks.

“Why? I say worse in front of you every day.”

She stood up and held out her hand. “Come on.

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We have to get you this job. If for nothing else, to
save me from ever having to hear you say that
word again. Maybe working in the industry will
shock the shy out of you once and for all.”

“Fine, but he probably won’t hire me. The guy

never says two words to me when he’s over here.”

It was a constant source of pain for Oliver, too,

since Lane had been the first guy Oliver had been
interested in since the accident. Oliver gave a
slight shake of his head. Maybe he was just meant
to always be alone. Just because they said there
was always somebody out there for everybody
didn’t necessarily make it true.

He took her hand and stood. “Okay, but only if

he agrees to give me an office job or one of the
phone line ones. I am not getting naked in front of
the cameras.”

She wrinkled her nose. “If that’s the case, then I

would suggest you don’t use the word wiener in
the interview. It may be a deal breaker.”

“I’ll try to refrain from using it,” he drawled.
She gave him a onceover. “Oh, and you may

want to change before we leave.”

He glanced down at his sweat pants and

Imagine Dragons Tee. “I guess you have a point. I
don’t look too professional in this. Although, Lane
has seen me in worse.”

He ran to his room then changed into a pair of

gray dress pants with a purple dress shirt. He

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thought about a tie then opted out, not wanting to
look like he was trying too hard. After all, this
wasn’t an everyday normal office job he was
applying for.

He went into the bathroom and groaned when

he saw the mess his hair was in. His short brown
locks were sticking up everywhere. To make
matters worse, there were dark rings around his
brown eyes. He hadn’t been getting much sleep
lately because of all the guilt he’d been feeling,
and it showed.

Becca came in and gave him an understanding

smile. “Don’t worry, sweetie. It’s nothing we can’t

She rummaged around his cabinets until she

found his hair gel and spray and soon she had his
hair styled perfectly. While there wasn’t much that
could be done about the bags under his eyes, at
least they were less noticeable with his hair
looking better.

“There, you’re as handsome as ever,” she said


“I’m not handsome. I’m dull and normal,” he


She gazed into his eyes, and for once, she had a

serious expression on her face. “If only you could
see yourself the way I do. You’d be shocked.”

Becca gave a slight shiver, as if being serious

was too much for her, before she gave him a slight

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slap on the butt. “Come on, let’s go bag this job for

“I just hope Lane doesn’t laugh in my face and

kick me out of there.”

“Trust me, he won’t laugh.”
As they walked back into the kitchen, they were

met by a disgusting smell and an even more
disgusting mess on the kitchen table. Poochkie on
the other hand looked damn proud of himself. He
even let out a few happy barks as if to see look at

the pretty pressie I left you!

“Poochkie! No!” Becca stomped her foot.

“That’s a very, very naughty doggie.”

Being the obvious one, Oliver pointed at the

animal and said, “Your stupid dog just shit on our

“I know that. I can see perfectly well,” Becca


“We eat off of that.”
“Well, you better hope you have some

disinfecting wipes.”

With those parting words, she swooped up her

dog and walked out the door, leaving Oliver with
the mess. As Oliver went over and grabbed some
paper towels, he wondered, not for the first time,
why he was such good friends with her.

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Chapter Two

liver’s stomach churned, and it wasn’t from
cleaning up Poochkie’s dog crap. He’d

thoroughly scrubbed the table and made Becca
wait while he disinfected it also, as it served her
right for not teaching her dog manners.

They took Becca’s car since Oliver still didn’t

drive. By the time they arrived at the non-descript
office building, his skin felt clammy, and he was
desperately swallowing back the bile rising in his
throat. Car rides still didn’t agree with him, and
they hadn’t since the accident.

Maybe he could find a nice bus line that got

him close to work if he got the job. He didn’t feel
confident he’d automatically get the spot, not as
positive as Becca, that was for sure.

“Oh come on, Ollie, Lane will see you and

practically beg you to work there. I’m telling you,
he needs people. Any guy would be lucky if he got
to whack off to your voice,” Becca insisted.


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“Um, thanks.” The blush probably wouldn’t

help him get a job. If Lane thought he’d be too
embarrassed to talk dirty to a total stranger, his
job interview was doomed before it even began.

Poochkie let out a sharp bark. The little dog

popped its head out of Becca’s small dog carrier to
lick Oliver’s hand.

“Thanks for the support,” Oliver said dryly.
Becca laughed. “Come on, Oliver, you’ve got

this down. We’ll have no problem convincing
Lane to hire you. After all, he wouldn’t even have
the capital if my uncle hadn’t paid him all that

Oliver sighed. “We’re not going to use your

uncle to get me this job. I either get it on my own
or not at all.”

He didn’t have much but he had his pride.
“I know how badly you want to pay back your

friends, Oliver. You don’t have to do everything
on your own. Let people help you get back on
your feet.” Becca’s expression, unusually serious,
made him sigh.

“My friends have been carrying me long

enough. It’s time for me to stand on my own. I
might not have anything, not even my health, but
I have the best friends ever. I’m tired of being a
burden to them. I want to be able to help with
rent, food, and all the bills I’ve helped create.”

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Becca patted his leg. “Let’s go talk to Lane.

Maybe he’ll surprise you.”

Oliver shrugged. “Maybe.”
He didn’t have anything to lose. After all, he

currently didn’t have a job. If Lane refused to hire
him, he wouldn’t be out anything more.

“Chin up, Ollie, be confident you’ve got this!”

Becca encouraged.

Oliver didn’t know which was scarier, the job

interview or Becca being so supportive.

After a deep breath, Oliver opened the car door.

Becca soon joined him on the other side and they
approached the building together.

“It’s on the second floor,” Becca told him.
“Horny Boys? That’s its name?" Oliver asked.
Becca shrugged. “What did you expect them to

name it?”

Oliver didn’t have an answer for that. He had

no idea what he would name a sex phone operator

Becca opened the door and Oliver followed her

confident stride through the doorway. He came to
a screeching halt when he spotted Lane standing
by a cubicle. Even under the fluorescent lights, the
man looked gorgeous.

“Hey Lane!” Becca called out.
Lane straightened from where he leaned, and

his warm brown eyes brightened when he spotted

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Oliver blushed.

“You remember Oliver, don’t you, Lane?”

Becca said.

Lane nodded. “Nice to see you out of the

apartment, Oliver,” Lane greeted him.

Oliver took the hand offered to him. Attraction

sizzled between them when their fingers touched.
Oliver held his breath to prevent a moan. If he
really wanted Lane to hire him, he needed resist
the urge to jump his future boss.

“Enough of that. Lane, Oliver needs a job. I told

him you needed people. It’s a perfect match,”
Becca announced as if the entire thing was solved
now that she’d put them together.

Lane sized Oliver up with his eyes. “You do

know what my business is, right?”

Oliver nodded.
“Oliver has a beautiful voice,” Becca insisted.
Lane smiled. “I know he does. If you’re sure

you want to do this, I’m happy to give you a job.
I’ve only got three employees right now, and I’m
hoping to hire ten overall. I’ll give you a trial for a
week. You get paid per minute with a bonus if you
get repeat customers.”

He mentioned an amount that had Oliver

willing to try just about anything to bring that
paycheck home. “Thank you, Lane. I’ll try my best
not to let you down.”

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“I know you will,” Lane’s gentle tone almost

made Oliver cry. He knew Lane only offered him
the job because he was desperate, but Oliver
couldn’t afford to be too proud. His friends had
supported him long enough. “Come into my
office, and you can fill out the paperwork.”

Oliver nodded.
“I’ve gotta run, Ollie. You can take him home,

can’t you, Lane?”

Lane nodded. “Of course.”
Becca gave Oliver a loud smooch on the cheek.

“See you later.”

“Thanks, Becca,” Oliver said.
Her dog gave a sharp yip as she spun around

and rushed out.

* * * *

Lane smiled down at Oliver. The fragile air about
Oliver made Lane want to wrap the smaller man
in his arms and take care of him. However, Oliver
had a determined spirit Lane admired. Lane
couldn’t even imagine living through that sort of
pain and the scars, both mental and physical,
Oliver’s car accident must’ve left behind. He
didn’t know the details, but sometimes the look in
Oliver’s eyes held terrible torment.

“Let’s go into my office,” he pointed to the door

on the left.

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He curled his fingers to resist the urge to grab

Oliver and kiss him. Lane needed to keep his
hands to himself. Oliver only wanted a job. He
didn’t need his new boss to screw him against the
desk—or if he did, he’d have to ask for it. Lane
didn’t need a sexual harassment lawsuit the first
week his business was open.

Oliver followed him silently to the small room

he’d converted to his office. It didn’t have any
windows and barely enough room for two desks
back to back, a bookshelf, and a couple of extra
chairs. He figured eventually he’d need at least
one more office staff besides the receptionist, and
he didn’t need much as long as it was his. He
motioned Oliver to one of his visitor chairs.

“I’m thankful for you giving me a chance,

Lane,” Oliver said softly.

Lane smiled. “Let’s see if this is something

you’d enjoy. It takes a certain type of personality
to enjoy this job. If it doesn’t work out, there are
other things you can do around the office.”

The idea of Oliver talking dirty to total

strangers had Lane’s stomach churning. He
stupidly didn’t want Oliver saying seductive
things to anyone but him. Lane shook his head as
he retrieved the paperwork and slid it across his
desk with a pen. He needed to get over his hang-
up if he expected to be able to let Oliver work

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“Here you go.”
“Thanks,” Oliver replied. “I’m really appreciate

this, Lane. I desperately need a job to pay back my
friends. There aren’t a lot of things out there
besides hard labor if you don’t have a degree. I
dropped out of school after the accident, and I
can’t handle the kind of manual labor anyone
would be looking for.” He pointed at his leg with
a wry smile.

“You could always go back,” Lane said. The

idea of Oliver’s entire world crashing down
because of one life-changing event broke his heart.

Oliver bit his lip, and Lane resisted the urge to

soothe the worried bit of flesh with his tongue.
“I’ve thought about it but that’s extra money I
don’t have right now. I don’t want to get a school
loan for one more thing I can’t afford. Maybe later,
after I’ve paid back my friends.”

“What would you study?” Lane’s curiosity over

Oliver hadn’t abated in the least. If anything, it
had only become stronger the more exposure he
had to Oliver.

“Accounting. I’ve always enjoyed numbers,”

Oliver smiled. “I know it’s not very exciting, but I
like how tidy they are. You never have a surprise
when it comes to math,” Oliver explained. Picking
up the pen, he began to fill out the forms.

Lane watched him write in tidy perfect letters.

He wondered if Oliver had wanted things that

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way before the accident, or if it had made him
want to control his environment.

After filling out the two sheets with his contact

information and references, he handed them back
to Lane. Lane didn’t even bother looking at them,
as he knew where Oliver lived and who his
contacts probably were.

“If this doesn’t work out, I want you to know I

appreciate the chance,” Oliver said.

“Let’s just see what happens before we throw in

the towel,” Lane said gently. He didn’t want to
scare Oliver off before he even started. Oliver’s
confidence obviously wasn’t strong, but Lane
knew he could find something for him to do even
if it was to work with him part time while Oliver
went back to school.

He tossed Oliver’s file into his stack to put

away later. “You can either choose to work here or
from home. We’ll provide a cell phone that we can
track the time on, with our software to log your
calls. I’ll be starting up the phone lines and
website tomorrow. Can you come in tomorrow to
pick up your phone and get the rundown?”

Oliver nodded. “Yes. Thanks.”
Lane saw Oliver stand up, gripping the desk to

get his balance. The urge to help had Lane
clenching his fists. He knew without offering that
his assistance wouldn’t be appreciated. Oliver

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might have a damaged leg, but he’d survived a lot
worse than a sore leg cramp.

“I’ll give you a ride home,” Lane said.
“I can call Patrick, he’s not that far from here,”

Oliver said.

“Oliver, I’m right here, and I need to get some

lunch. Why don’t you come with me, and we can
celebrate you getting a new job. My treat.” Lane
flashed Oliver a smile, hoping he accepted the
invitation. Something about Oliver called to Lane.
He wanted to know the slim, damaged man as
more than just as a friend of a friend or an
employee but as someone he’d like to eventually
date. Oliver needed a little more meat on his thin
bones and a bit of confidence, but Lane would do
anything he could to help him along.

Oliver took a long time to reply, but eventually

he nodded.

Relief flashed through him at Oliver’s


He put a hand to Oliver’s back and ushered

him out of the office before he could change his

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Chapter Three

liver was glad when Lane took him to a simple
pizza place instead of some fancy restaurant.

His nerves were already stretched so thin he
didn’t think he could stand having to worry about
which fork to use and all that other kind of crap.

The hostess showed them to their table. The

waiter appeared within a few minutes and took
their order of sodas and pizza with all the works.
After the waiter delivered their drinks, Lane
leaned back in the booth and gave Oliver a
probing look. Oliver began to squirm in his seat.

“What?” Oliver finally asked as the silence

wore at him.

“I just never thought that I would see you at my

place asking for a job,” Lane said, his voice

Oliver picked up his spoon and began to fiddle

with it. “Well, I needed a job, and you were hiring,
so it seems pretty simple to me.”


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“You can’t even say the word sex without

blushing. How are you going to manage to talk
dirty over the phone?”

Oliver could feel himself bristle. He wasn’t that

prudish…was he? “I can do anything if I set my
mind to it.”

“Okay, then say it now.”
“Say what?”
Oliver could feel a wave of heat wash over his

face. “We’re in the middle of restaurant full of

“They can’t hear us. So, go ahead, prove me


“Fine, sex. Does that make you happy?”
“It would be a little better if you weren’t

blushing so much.”

“Well, they won’t be able to see me turning red

over the phone, so it won’t be a problem. Plus, I’ll
get used to it eventually. I’m sure it was awkward
for you when you first started doing movies.”

Lane tilted his head to the side. “I guess you do

have a point there. I was so scared, I almost ran off
the set.”

Oliver let out a soft chuckle. “You did not.

You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”

“No, it’s the God’s honest truth. They had to

coax me through it. But you are right. It did get

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easier the more I did it. Although I never really
did grow to like it.”

“Is that why you finally decided to retire?”

Oliver asked.

“Yes, I just couldn’t do it anymore. So I decided

to go into business for myself. Be my own boss for

“Do you like it?”
“So far. It’s a lot more work than I thought it

would be, though,” Lane confessed.

Oliver took a drink of his soda. “I’ll bet. I don’t

think I’d be up to it.”

Lane gave him an assessing stare. “I think

you’d be surprised at what you’re capable of. I
think you underestimate yourself a lot of the

Oliver could feel himself blushing again, but

this time it wasn’t from embarrassment, but from
praise. He didn’t get much of it, and it felt good.
He ducked his head. “Thank you. Nobody but
Becca has ever told me that.”

“Not even Patrick or Ronnie?”
“They’re too busy trying to take care of me to

worry about anything else.”

“Maybe now that you’ve taken the step of

getting a job, they’ll stop doing that.”

Oliver shrugged. “Maybe.”
Lane narrowed his eyes. “Do they even know

about this job?”

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“They’re going to piss kittens, you know that?”
“Why should they? Patrick works for a porn

company,” Oliver protested.

“But, it’s different with Patrick, and we both

know it.”

Oliver let out a sigh. “I am so sick of them

treating me like I’m a child. Just because I’m
injured doesn’t mean I’m not a man.”

Lane gave him a lustful look that went straight

to Oliver’s cock. “Oh, I agree with you there. You
are definitely a man.”

Oliver shifted in his seat so his erection wasn’t

so obvious. Was he just imagining things, or was
Lane really interested in him? If so, why? What
would a gorgeous guy want in a runt with a limp?
No, Oliver had to have been imagining things,
that’s all.

“I’ll tell them about the job, and they’ll just

have to deal with it,” Oliver said firmly.

It was one conversation he wasn’t looking

forward to, but it was going to have to happen. It
was time that he stood up for himself and stopped
letting the others take care of him and run over
him. While he knew it came out of love, it was also
holding him back in life.

“I’m proud of you,” Lane said.

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“I really am. It’s hard to stand up to your

friends to begin with. But it’s even harder to do so
when their arguments come from caring. I know
it’s not going to be easy, but if it helps, you have
my support in your decision. I know you have
Becca’s too.”

“Don’t forget her dog. That little hell raiser is

behind me all the way.”

They both laughed as the waitress brought their

pizza. Suddenly very hungry, Oliver grabbed a
huge slice and put it on his plate. He took a bite
and let out a loud groan of pleasure. He looked up
to see Lane giving him the strangest expression.

“Sorry, but you were right. This place does

make the best pizza in the world. I’m shocked I’ve
never tried it before. I have to tell Becca about it.
She’s going to love it.”

Lane just gave a slight nod before he grabbed a

slice for himself. They ate in silence before Oliver
asked, “So, what should I wear to work? I don’t
have to dress all sexy, do I?”

Oliver knew Lane said he could work from

home if he wanted, but he’d spent the past year in
the apartment. He wanted to see different walls
for a while.

“No, just dress casual.”
They then fell into an easy conversation until

the meal was over. After they were finished, Lane
drove Oliver home. By the time Oliver made it

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back upstairs to their apartment, his leg was
killing him. He took one of his pain pills, changed
into his comfy clothes, then stretched out on the

Since he knew this would be his last day to

slack off, he turned on one of his favorite daytime
talk shows and took a nap. Once the others were
home he would tell them about his new job. He
could hardly wait to see the looks on their faces.

The bang of the door opening woke Oliver with

a start. He sat up, half expecting to see home
intruders, but it was Ronnie and Patrick. Damn
Becca and her horror stories.

Putting a hand to his hammering heart, Oliver

asked, “How was your day at work?”

Ronnie just let out a grunt, since he hated his

job, while Patrick smiled. “Great, as usual. How
did things go here?”

“Actually, things were pretty eventful.”
“What? Did you and Becca go on another

shopping spree?” Ronnie asked as he sifted
through the mail.

“No, I got a job.”
The two men froze as they stared at Oliver as if

he’d grown another head or something. Oliver
didn’t know whether to be insulted or angry.

“Why are you both so shocked?” he asked


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Patrick came over and sat next to him on the

couch. “We didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just, are
you ready to go out and work? You know with
your leg and all.”

“I have a limp, that’s all. Besides, the job I got

isn’t hard manual labor. I can handle it,” Oliver

“What is it?” Ronnie asked.
Oh boy, here it came. The moment Oliver had

been dreading. Taking a deep breath, Oliver said,
“I’m going to be working for Lane’s company.”

“Doing what?” Ronnie pressed.
“Working the phones.”
“As a receptionist?” Patrick inquired.
“No, as one of the phone-sex operators.”
Oliver had been ready for all kinds of reactions,

but out-and-out laughter had not been one of
them. As he watched the two of them crack up like
a pair of loons, he could feel his anger building.

“What’s so funny?” he demanded.
“You as a phone-sex operator?” Ronnie said.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, I am.”
“But, you’re so shy, you won’t even wear a

tight t-shirt out in public,” Patrick pointed out.

“So? It’s not like I have to face these people. I’ll

be doing it over the phone. Becca thinks I’ll be
perfect for the job.” Oliver folded his arms

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“Let me guess, she’s the one who talked you

into this in the first place,” Patrick surmised.

“Yeah, so what’s the big deal? At least she

believes in me, which is a lot more than I can say
about you two.” Oliver got up from the couch and
started to leave the room.

Patrick grabbed him by the wrist and stopped

him. “I’m sorry. We were being jerks. It just took
us by surprise is all. We should have never reacted
that way.”

“Patrick is right. We were assholes. We should

be supporting you, not knocking you down. Why
don’t we help you practice? That way you’ll be
ready for tomorrow,” Ronnie suggested.

“Really?” Oliver asked hopefully. “You don’t


“No, not at all.” Patrick gave a wave of his


“Okay, I’ll be your first caller.” Ronnie

mimicked a phone by holding his pinkie and
thumb up to his ear. “Hello.”

Oliver quickly did the same with his own

fingers. “Hello?”

“What are you wearing?”
Oliver looked down at the outfit he’d changed

into when he’d come home. “A pair of sweats and
a Scooby-Doo t-shirt.”

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Ronnie put his hand down and let out a sigh of

exasperation. “Who are you trying to turn on, a

“No, of course not!” Oliver replied, shocked at

the suggestion. “I was just answering your

Patrick put his hand to his mouth then said,

“Here, let me try to explain it. With the phone-sex
industry, it’s all about the illusion. You don’t have
to be wearing what you tell them that you are.
You can tell them that you’re wearing tight boy
shorts and nothing else and they’ll believe it.”

“Or better yet, tell them that you’re wearing

nothing but a dog collar and a leash,” Ronnie cut

“But, what if they’re not into that?” Oliver


“It’s your job to feel them out to find out if they

are,” Patrick supplied. “Here, watch me and

They both put up their fake phones.
“What are you wearing?” Ronnie asked.
“What do you want me to be wearing?” Patrick

asked in return.

They both looked back at Oliver, who was

finally getting it. Or at least he hoped so.

“What if I get one of those weirdoes that wants

me to wear a diaper and bib?” he asked, his gut
churning in horror.

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“Then you accidentally disconnect the call,”

Patrick answered promptly.

Oliver held a pillow up to his face to cover his

embarrassment. He really hadn’t thought this
through. The callers were going to ask him all
kinds of question. Like how big his cock was.
What it looked like. If he was a top or a bottom.
But there was no way he could back out now. Not
after he had made such a scene in front of the
others. He would just have to go and learn how to
deal with it.

“Are you really sure you can do this?” Patrick

said, as if reading Oliver’s thoughts.

“Yes, I do. It’s time I started to contribute to our

group. I’m sick of mooching off of you.”

Ronnie and Patrick sat on either side of him and

put their arms around him, giving him a group
hugs of sorts.

“We never thought of you that way,” Ronnie


“Maybe not, but I did,” Oliver replied.
“We know that you just hit a rough patch. You

would have done the same for one of us,” Patrick

“Well, my rough patch is over, and it’s time for

me to stand on my own. I owe you enough as it
is,” Oliver said firmly.

“Okay, but don’t think you have to do this for

us,” Ronnie said.

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“No, I need to do this for me,” Oliver said.

He was upside down in the car and trapped. He

listened hard for the sounds of sirens, or footsteps,
voices…anything that would let him know that help

was coming their way, but there was nothing but

Oliver let out a whimper as he fought to free himself,

but the car had him pinned down. All he could do was
wiggle a few inches. He tried calling out to Dave, but

got no reply. Deep in his heart, Oliver knew his lover
was dead, but part of him refused to accept it.

Oliver began to struggle harder. That’s when he

began to scream. He continued to scream and didn’t

stop, not even when his voice began to give out and he
began to grow hoarse. He…

Oliver sat up in bed as he was ripped from the

all-too-familiar nightmare. He ran a hand through
his sweat-soaked hair as his entire body trembled.
Why it still did, he didn’t know. Lord knows he
should be used to them by now. Although the
accident was years ago, he still had the dreams at
least three nights a week.

Getting out of bed, he went to the window and

rested his forehead against the cool glass. It felt
good against his hot flesh. As always, the dream
left him troubled and all shook up. He knew that
he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep that night.

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He glanced at the clock. It read four in the

morning. Which meant he had four more hours
until he was due at work. Four more hours until
he could escape from the memories. Four more
hours until he could see Lane again.

A part of Oliver felt guilty thinking of Lane

again so soon after having one of his nightmares
about Dave. But another part of him told him that
it was time to move on with his life. He knew that
Dave would want him to find someone new. Dave
wouldn’t want Oliver to wallow in his grief

Oliver let out a sigh. It was so hard, though. He

had loved Dave so much. It was difficult to let go
of his heart again for fear that he would be hurt.
He didn’t think he could survive another loss.

Then again, he didn’t think he could live a

lonely life, either.

Pushing away from the window, he let out a

soft chuckle. He really was getting ahead of
himself. Sure, Lane had flirted a bit with him, but
it was probably nothing. Guys like Lane never fell
for men like Oliver. That only happened in fairy
tales. Oliver knew he was an ugly duckling, and
Lane was a prince if there ever was one. That was
never going to change, no matter how much
Oliver wished otherwise.

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Chapter Four

liver checked his appearance one more time in
the full-length mirror on his closet door. Yep,

still pale and gimpy. Good thing he’d checked. If
he’d turned into a gorgeous GQ cover model in
his sleep, he would’ve hated to miss it.

A heavy sigh escaped him as he took in his too

thin face and skinny frame. He’d never be as
stunning as Lane, but when he had some weight
on and before the accident, he’d at least been
called cute. Dave certainly had never complained.

His heart clenched as memories of his brown-

eyed lover filled his head. Dave with his sweet
smiles and gentle loving touch had been Oliver’s
everything. After the accident, the loss of Dave
had been more painful than the wreck of his leg.
At least his leg would heal. Nothing would bring
his lover back from the dead. He wondered what
Dave would think of Oliver’s new occupation.
He’d probably laugh himself silly.


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It might be time to move on, but the path

wouldn’t be an easy one.

“You ready?” Patrick asked, popping his head

into Oliver’s bedroom.

“Yeah, thanks for agreeing to drive me.” Oliver

hadn’t figured out the bus schedule yet. He would
soon, but for a first day, it had seemed like one too
many things to calculate. Luckily, Patrick had
stepped into the breach and offered to drive him.

“No problem. I have to go in now anyway. I can

drop you off on the way to class.” Patrick flashed
him a reassuring smile.

Oliver tried to offer one back, but with his

hands shaking with nerves, he doubted he pulled
it off very well.

Patrick had recently signed back up for college.

He was taking his basics while he waited to see if
he could get into the department of architecture.
Oliver had no doubt that with Patrick’s portfolio
he’d easily get a spot. Patrick had been designing
buildings since high school. He had a pretty
extensive collection of drawings by now.

Oliver was sure his friend would be a

successful architect one day. Patrick only needed
the opportunity to shine, and finally, life looked to
be going his way.

The three of them stayed up late talking the

night before. It had been a long time since they'd
treated him like an equal, someone who could

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stand on his own two feet and didn’t need to be
tiptoed around. He couldn’t let Ronnie and Patrick
down, not after they had been so encouraging.

His nerves swirled around his stomach,

threatening to make him hurl the cereal he’d
choked down earlier. He couldn’t do this. How
could he talk sex when he didn’t even feel sexy?

Taking a deep breath, Oliver nodded to his

panicked mirror self. His reflection stared back in

“I’m ready,” he lied.
He doubted he’d ever be ready for this but he

asked for the job, and it would be rude to blow
Lane off after he'd kindly agreed to hire Oliver
against his own better judgment. He could tell
Lane wasn’t sure about Oliver, and he hated to
disappoint the kind man. After all, Lane had
enough to worry about with starting a new
company without dealing with extra staffing

Oliver joined Patrick and Ronnie in the hall.
“If you’re having second thoughts, I’m sure we

can talk to Lane,” Patrick offered.

Damn, his friends knew him well.
“Yeah, I know but I’m not going to do that. I’m

going to take the job and do the best that I can,”
Oliver said. He didn’t know what he planned to
say until it popped out of his mouth but that
didn’t make it any less true.

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“Are you sure?” Ronnie pressed.
Oliver nodded. “I’m sure.”
“Then let’s get you to work,” Patrick said,

shaking his keys. “I’ve got a class in an hour.”

“Oh, sorry,” Oliver said. He didn’t want to

make Patrick late for his class because he was
waiting on Oliver to find his courage.

“No worries.” Patrick patted Oliver on the








Unfortunately, he had enough insecurities and
stressors for a boatload of people. Now, he needed
to overcome his scruples and talk dirty to a series
of unknown callers.

Ronnie gave Oliver a quick hug before sending

him on his way with Patrick.

Oliver took a deep breath before following

Patrick to his car and setting off to his new job.

* * * *

Lane paced back and forth as he waited for his
new employee. Oliver should be appearing any
minute now.
Hopefully, before Lane wore a bald
spot into the carpet.

“Hey, Lane, is everything set up? I’m ready to

begin making some money,” a petulant voice said.

Holding back a sigh, Lane spun around to face

his employee. Eddie Carmen stood behind him,

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scowling. He wore leather pants and a tight t-shirt
even though Lane specifically told him he didn’t
have to look the part. He hoped he didn’t regret
hiring his friend’s cousin, but he knew he
probably would. If Eddie showed up in a jock
strap tomorrow, Lane would give him the axe.

“Eddie, the phone lines are just about done. I’m

waiting on our new employee, so I can start

“I hope it wasn’t that guy from yesterday,”

Eddie snarked.

“Why not?” Lane frowned.
“He looked like he’d need a map to find his

prostate. How is a guy like that going to turn
people on?”

“I’m sure he’ll do fine,” Lane argued. He didn’t

really believe Oliver was a good fit for the job, but
no way would he tell the damaged man that.
Oliver’s self-confidence needed a boost, and Lane
refused to crush him. If it took a few days of
Oliver answering the phone before he admitted he
needed a different type of position then so be it.

Eddie rolled his eyes. “Whatever, man. I’m

ready to get started.”

“You’ll get started when I say everything’s

ready,” Lane snapped. He didn’t appreciate
attitude. He’d worked hard to get the company up
and going, he didn’t need employee issues so soon
after he opened.

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Eddie raised his hands in defense. “Sorry, I

didn’t know he was your new pet.”

Lane started to tear into Eddie but he caught

sight of Oliver.

“Hey, Oliver,” Lane said. He wanted to tell

Oliver how great he looked, but that probably
wasn’t the right thing to do first day on the job.
Oliver should feel comfortable walking into work
without harassment from either Lane or Eddie.

“Hi, Lane.” Oliver’s shy reply had Lane trying

to think unsexy thoughts to keep his cock under

Lane reluctantly introduced Eddie. “Oliver

Lansing, this is Eddie Carmen, one of your

Oliver’s eyes went wide as he examined Eddie’s

outfit. “Suddenly, I feel underdressed,” he said.

“You should,” Eddie said, curling his lip.
“Eddie.” Lane added a hard edge to his tone so

the other man knew he wasn’t kidding. He
wouldn’t tolerate any rudeness toward Oliver.

“Okay, okay, I’ll behave and not antagonize the

newbie,” Eddie said, raising his hands in mock

“Since I just started the company, you are all

newbies,” Lane growled. He wouldn’t let Eddie
put Oliver down with any pretend seniority.

Eddie flipped his hair with one hand. “Let’s get

started. I need some cash.”

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He turned and sauntered back to his desk.
“Don’t mind him. On the plus side, you won’t

have to deal with him much. You’ll both be
working on your own calls and not with each
other.” Lane gave what he hoped was a reassuring
smile to Oliver.

Oliver’s hesitant nod grabbed at Lane’s heart. “I

won’t. I’ve dealt with a lot worse than him.”

It almost physically hurt not to hug Oliver right

then. Instead, Lane patted him Oliver on the
shoulder. “I know you have. Come on, I’ll show
you where you’re gonna sit when you’re at the

* * * *

Oliver let out the breath he’d been holding inside.
His attraction to Lane threatened to derail his job
even before he’d really begun. Lane pushed all of
Oliver’s buttons. He needed to get over his
misplaced lust for his new boss. Maybe taking a
job working for someone he wanted to rub all over
might not have been his smartest move.

Biting his lip, he followed Lane to a cubicle by a

window. The desk had a cell phone, a headset, a
bottle of water, a laptop and a pad of paper.
Nothing else.

The phone had a read out display.

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“The computer at the reception will keep track

of your minutes and can forward it to you if you
decide to work from home. As long as you are
picking up calls, you will get paid for your time.”

“Thank you.”
Oliver sat down in the office chair. Lane leaned

against the desk to continue their conversation.

“I’ve opened up the website for people to start

calling. I also put some ads out and flyers at local
adult-only nightclubs. I’m hoping it will start
soon,” Lane smiled.

Nerves made Oliver’s hands shake.
“Now remember, the important thing is never

give them personal information. Feed into their
fantasies without giving any details about
yourself. In fact, you might want to start thinking
of a fake name.”

Oliver’s mouth dropped open. “A fake name?”
“Like I said. You don’t want to give strangers

anything. We don’t know what kind of people will
call. Most of them are just lonely men wanting
someone to talk to,” Lane explained. “We will
confirm they are of legal age before passing them
onto you. On your computer, the receptionist will
post anything they’ve told her about what
scenario they want. It will appear here as a

He tapped the screen and brought up the call

tracking software. “It’s pretty self-explanatory.”

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“Thanks, Lane,” Oliver said.
“No worries. It is an easy process.”
“No.” Oliver put his hand on Lane’s thigh. “I

mean I appreciate you giving me a job. I’m pretty
much a hopeless case. I can’t stand for very long. I
have no higher education. I really needed to help
pay off my bills. I-I can’t thank you enough.”

Lane smiled and patted Oliver’s hand. Oliver

couldn’t help but notice the large erection Lane

“I don’t want you to be thankful to me, Oliver.

I’m just giving you the chance. You don’t owe me
anything. I like you, but I want you to know that
you can always tell me to leave you alone, I won’t
force myself on you.”

Oliver blushed. He could feel the heat staining

his cheeks. God, he was such a loser. He couldn’t
even accept the knowledge that Lane wanted him.

Shifting uncomfortably in his chair, Oliver took

slow breaths to hold back his panic.

“Lane,” he began.
“Oliver, don’t worry. Like I said, if you have no

interest in me, I’ll understand. I’m not going to
pressure you.”

“Lane, hush!” Oliver lost patience with Lane’s

understanding tone. “I’m not trying to say I’m not
interested. I’m trying to tell you I haven’t been
interested in anyone since Dave. He died in the
accident with me.” He barely choked out the

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words before Lane dropped to his knees to wrap
Oliver in his arms.

“I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry,” Lane murmured

in his ear as he hugged Oliver close.

Oliver sighed against Lane’s chest. Dave hadn’t

been much larger than Oliver so he’d never been
completely engulfed in another person’s arms

“Boss. Oh, sorry,” a female voice intruded on

their moment.

Lane separated from Oliver but he didn’t rush

to step away as if he were ashamed, he took his
time before turning to the speaker.

“Candy, I want you to meet Oliver Lansing.

Oliver, this is Candy O’Shea. She’s our
receptionist. She’ll be forwarding your calls and
helping you with anything you need.”

“Nice to meet you, Candy.” He shook hands

with the perky blonde who gave him a friendly

“Nice to meet you too, Oliver.” Her eyes

flickered between Oliver and Lane and her smile

Unlike Eddie, he could feel nothing but good

vibes coming from Candy. He liked her right

Just as he was about to speak, the sound of a

phone ringing filled the room. Candy’s eyes went
wide. “I guess it’s starting.”

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Chapter Five

liver started when he realized that his line was
one of the many phones ringing. With shaking

hands, he put on his headset, then hit the button to
connect the call.

“Hello?” he said, wincing when his voice

cracked just a bit.

“Oh, you sound delicious,” the caller said,

letting out a slobbery sounding lick.

Well you don’t, Oliver thought with a shudder.

He had an image of some guy, hiding out in his
parents’ basement, living off them and running up
their phone bill. Call him judgmental, maybe it
came from hanging out with Becca too much.

“What’s your name, pretty thing?” the caller


Remembering Lane’s warning not to use his

real name, Oliver scrambled to come up with
something, “Uh…it’s Bec…Becker”

Ha! Served her right for talking him into this

gig in the first place. Oliver couldn’t wait to tell


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her about it. Although, knowing her, she’d
probably get a kick out of it. Twisted little thing
that she was.

“I like that name. I’m going to say it when I

come,” the caller said.

“Okay,” Oliver replied.
After all, it was no skin off his back, since it

wasn’t really his name. For all he cared, the guy
could get it tattooed on his ass. Just so long as he
didn’t show up in person and expect Oliver to kiss
it. ‘Cause this guy sounded kind of scary.

“What are you wearing, Becker?” the caller


Looking down at himself, Oliver was about to

describe his outfit, then he remembered his
conversation from the night before. “Boy shorts.”

Boy shorts?” the caller echoed, his voice a bit


Not wanting to blow things, Oliver kept going.

“Yup, bright pink ones. They're really tight, too.
You can see everything.”

Sensing he had really blown things, Oliver

decided to pull out the big guns. “That’s not all
I’m wearing, though.”

“It’s not?”
“Oh, no. You want to know what else I have



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“A dog collar and a leash,” Oliver exclaimed.
There was a long, heavy pause over the line.
“Hello?” Oliver finally said.
“You’re weird,” the caller replied.
Offended, Oliver fired back, “You’re weird!”
“You’re new at this, aren’t you?”
“Pretty much so. You’re my first caller.”
The caller let out a heavy sigh. “You have a

long way to go, kid. If I were you, I would just go
into straight porn.”

Oliver opened and closed his mouth several

times. Did that creep just hang up on him? How
dare he?

Oliver pulled off the headset as he wondered

where he had gone wrong. He closed his eyes and
let out a groan. Shoot! He was supposed to ask
them what they wanted him to be wearing? It was
supposed to be their fantasy.

Shit! Damn! Fudge! His first call and already

he’d messed up. At this rate, he’d be lucky if he
weren’t fired by lunch. His first job was going to
turn out to be a total bust.

Before Oliver even had time to gather his wits,

his line began to ring again. Great! Just what he
needed, another chance to mess up. Letting out a
sigh, he put his headset back on and hit the

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“Hello,” he said, this time trying to make his

voice sound sexier.

“Don’t talk, just sing,” the new caller ordered.
Taken aback, Oliver asked, “But, what do you

want me to sing?”

“I don’t care. I just want to hear a real voice

while I jackoff.”

Okay, this was something Oliver could

handle…or he hoped he could. He scrambled his
mind to think of a song…any song that he knew
all the words to. But, all he could think off was
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Left with no other
option, he took a deep breath and went with it.

The caller didn’t complain, and although,

Oliver had to sing it at least fifty times before the
guy was finished, he seemed happy enough when
he hung up. So Oliver considered himself batting
fifty/fifty at that point.

Oliver took off his headset. He didn’t think he’d

ever be able to listen to that song again in his life
without getting a creepy sensation going up his
spine. He grabbed a drink from the bottled water
they had supplied at every station and then his
line was ringing again.

Putting his headset on again, Oliver cleared his

throat then pressed the button. “Hello.”

“Hello, what little sexy morsel am I talking to?”

a male voice cooed.

“Becker, who are you?”

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“I’m the Stetson Man.”
Oooookay, that was a new one. But Oliver

could go with it. “Well, it’s nice to meet you,
Stetson Man.”

“What are you wearing?” the caller asked.
Having learned his lesson from before, Oliver

said, “What do you want me to be wearing?”

“I want you to be dressed up like a little

cowboy for me.”

“Well, lucky you, because that’s exactly what I

have on,” Oliver said.

If he could have, he would have patted himself

on the back. The phone call was going so well. He
only wished Lane was there to hear it. Although,
on second thought, the idea of Lane hearing him
get some guy off didn’t set too well with Oliver for
some odd reason.

“Are you wearing a cowboy hat?” the caller


“Yes, a nice red one with a yellow star on it,”

Oliver said.

“How about a vest?”
“Ah-huh, it even has fringe,” Oliver purred.
“Ass-less chaps?”
“Black leather ones.”
“How about boots?”
By now the caller was panting, and Oliver

could tell that he had him by the tips of his

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“Yes, they even have spurs on them.”
The caller let out a loud gasp. “Well, damn it!

Why did you have to say that? I have a waterbed.
Now you done gone and ruined it. My bed is full
of holes!”

“But it’s just pretend!” Oliver yelled into the

now dead phone line.

He let out a groan and laid his head down on

the desk. Could things possibly get any worse? All
that was missing was a pile of doggie doo and his
morning would be complete.

“You seem to be winning the customers over

just perfectly,” a snide voice called.

Oliver knew without even looking up that it

belonged to Eddie. Since he didn’t feel like talking,
he just lifted his hand and gave Eddie the one
finger salute.

“Well, that’s real mature,” Eddie snipped.
“So is leaving your desk when you have calls

coming in,” Lane said.

Shit! The boss! Oliver sat straight up and tried

to look like he hadn’t been making a mess out of
his first day as Eddie scampered back to his desk.

Lane gazed down at Oliver, his face an

unreadable mask. Oliver’s heart beat so hard it
was a wonder it didn’t pop out of his chest and
land on his desk. Was he in trouble? Was he going
to be written up? Yelled at? Or worse, fired?

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“Come to my office, we need to talk,” Lane

finally said.

Well, that wasn’t good. No conversation with a

boss ever started off well with those words.
Taking a deep breath, Oliver got to his feet and
followed Lane to his office, all the while aware of
how more pathetic his limp made him appear. He
even heard a stifled laugh from Eddie. God, how
Oliver hated that guy.

Once they got there, Lane instructed, “Shut the

door, please.”

Oliver did as instructed and leaned against it,

awaiting further orders. He didn’t take a seat until
Lane motioned to one of the visitor chairs. Only
then did Oliver make his way to the seat and sink
down into it.

Lane put both hands on the desk and let out a

deep sigh. “I think we can both agree that this isn’t
working out.”

“I can do it,” Oliver protested. “I just need a

little more practice.”

Lane gave him an indulgent smile. “Oliver, let’s

be honest with each other. You turn red whenever
someone even says the word cock in front of you.”

Damned if Oliver didn’t blush again. He cursed

his body for betraying him. Why did he have to be
so shy? One would think that having a best friend
like Becca would knock the bashfulness out of
him, but nope, it was there to stay.

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Oliver ducked his head and began to fiddle

with the hem of his shirt. “So, does this mean that
I’m fired?”

“No, I’m just going to reassign you to

someplace else.”

Oliver looked up. “Where? You’re not going to

have me do one of the camera shows are you?
‘Cause I don’t know if I could show my goods off
to strangers.”

“I wouldn’t make you do that, don’t worry. I

need some help in the office. You told me you’re
really good at numbers. Is it true?”

“Yes. Like I said, I was going to go to school to

be an accountant before the accident messed
everything up.” Hope blossomed in Oliver’s chest.

“Well, I’m terrible at math, and I could use your

help in that area.”

Suddenly, Oliver felt a bit uneasy. “I don’t

know. It sounds like a pity job to me.”

Lane cocked a brow. “What do you mean by a

pity job?”

“Something that you throw at me because you

feel sorry for me because you know I can’t get a
job anywhere else. Poor little Oliver, better toss him a
bone. No one else will,”
Oliver spat out bitterly.

Lane sat there for a moment before finally

saying, “Are you done with your little hissy fit?”

Oliver blinked a few times. “What?”

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“Look, I’m not like your friends or Becca. I

don’t run a charity here. In case you hadn’t
noticed, I’m not exactly rolling in money. So, if I
offer somebody a position, it’s because I need
them, and I’m able to afford them, not on a whim.
Do you want the damn job or not?”

Nobody had ever been that blunt with Oliver

before. It was kind of…refreshing. He opened and
closed his mouth a few times before slowly
nodding his head. “What would the pay be?”

Lane named a salary Oliver thought more than

fair before asking, “Do you still want it?”

“Yes, show me where to start, and I’ll get to

work right away.”

Lane pointed to a pile of invoices and said,

“You can start there. I tried to make my way
through them, but they just gave me a headache.
You can stay in here and use the other desk, so the
phones don’t distract you.”

Yeah, but your hot body sure as hell will. Oliver

grabbed the invoices, a couple pencils, and a
calculator then went to work. Before he knew it,
he was lost in the numbers and humming happily.

Oliver got so caught up that he didn’t even

realize it was time for lunch until Lance came over
and tapped him on the shoulder. “You do get a
break, you know.”

Oliver laughed. “Sorry, I lost track of time. You

weren’t kidding when you said that you don’t do

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numbers. You haven’t been keeping track at all,
have you?”

“I’ve been trying,” Lane shrugged. “But like I

said, I suck. So now do you believe me when I said
that I really needed you?”

Needed me? You should have hired me weeks

ago,” Oliver exclaimed. “You’re lucky you didn’t
go bankrupt before you even started. But you
don’t need to worry, you have me to watch over
you now.”

They both got out their lunches and ate in easy

silence. Oliver ate quickly, eager to get back to the
paperwork. He had forgotten how much he’d
missed the smooth order of mathematics. Now
that he was deep into them again, he couldn’t get
enough of them.

“Slow down, the work can wait,” Lane told him

with a smile.

“I know, but there is just so much to do.”
“So, I take it that you like this better than the

other job?”

Oliver chuckled. “Much better. I think I’m

better suited for it, too.”

“I have to say that I agree.”
“You’re not going to fire me then?”
Lane gave him an appraising stare. “No, not at


The rest of the day went by without any issues,

and before long, it was time to pack up to leave.

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He stood up and rubbed his leg, working out the
aches from it being in one position for so long.

“Do you have a ride home?” Lane asked.
“I’ll call Ronnie. He can swing by and pick me

up on his way home from work.”

“Why don’t you let me take you? I haven’t seen

the guys in a while.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother.”
“It won’t be a bother at all. Like I said, I wanted

to say hello to the gang.”

“Becca may be there,” Oliver warned with a


“All the more fun.”
Lane grabbed his keys and led the way out.

Oliver was glad to see that Eddie had already left.
The last thing he wanted was to run into that
creep. He’d had more than enough of him for one

They walked outside, the bright sunlight almost

blinding after the false lighting from inside. Oliver
blinked several times until his eyes adjusted and
breathed in the fresh air.

Just as they reached the car, Lane reached over

and grabbed Oliver into a tender embrace. “You
did a great job today. Thank you.”

He placed a gentle kiss on Oliver’s lips. It was

almost over before Oliver could register that it had
happened. Then Lane went over to the driver's
side of the car and got in.

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Left with no other option, Oliver got in the car,

but he was more confused than ever. Was Lane
really actually attracted to him? And if so, how
did Oliver feel about that?

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Chapter Six

liver watched Lane as he masterfully weaved
in and out of traffic, heading to Oliver’s

apartment. He didn’t know what to say. His
attraction to Lane made guilty butterflies flap
dizzily in his stomach until he didn’t know
whether he should clutch his aching heart or puke
on the floorboards.

“Hey, it’ll be all right,” Lane murmured in a

soothing tone. Oliver wondered if Lane could
sense his impending mental breakdown. Maybe
he was sending psychic waves of panic across the

“What will be?”
“Everything.” Lane’s complete confidence

calmed Oliver a bit. After all, Lane wouldn’t lie to
him, right?

“I don’t know how much of my past you know

about,” Oliver began. Frankly, he didn’t know
how to continue. Silence stretched out between
them for a few minutes.


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“I know you were in a car accident that

damaged your leg,” Lane offered. He let the
silence fall between them again. This time the
quiet almost held a waiting presence as if by the
lack of conversation the reality would be revealed.

“I also lost my lover, Dave,” Oliver said,

ripping off the protective bandage of silence.

Lane’s took one hand off the wheel to squeeze

Oliver’s hand. He returned his fingers to their
proper placement before Oliver’s panic attack set

“Please don’t do that,” Oliver pleaded.
“Do what?” Lane dared a glance in Oliver’s


Oliver let out a squeak. “Take your eyes off the

road or your hand off the wheel. I’ve been in one
bad accident in my life, and I’d sort of like to make
that my last one.”

“Oh, sorry.” Lane sounded sincerely apologetic,

easing some of Oliver’s fears. “I didn’t think of
that. Are you nervous riding in cars now?”

Oliver nodded. “Which is why I usually take

the bus.”

Buses were safer in Oliver’s mind. If a bus

collided with a car, the odds of the bus being
damaged were minimal.

“I’ll try not to make you regret accepting a


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Oliver shook his head. “It’s not like I don’t ride

around in a car. I just don’t drive or ride with
people I don’t trust.”

Lane grinned. “So you trust me?”
“As long as you keep your hands on the wheel

and your eyes forward. We’ll see how much
further the trust goes.” Oliver wanted to trust
Lane, but his mind and his stomach were at odds.

“Fair enough,” Lane agreed.
Lane pulled up in front of Oliver’s apartment,

and all talk stopped. Oliver stumbled from the
vehicle, narrowly preventing his fall by grabbing
onto the door handle.

“Easy.” Lane rushed out of the truck and

wrapped an arm around Oliver’s waist.

Oliver blushed. He resisted the urge to shove

Lane away. Not only was Lane his boss, but Oliver
knew he was only trying to help.

“My leg is a little stiff from sitting so long

today. I usually remember to stand up and
stretch.” Oliver had been so excited over feeling
useful he’d become too immersed in his work and
forgot to do the exercises to remain limber during
the day.

He regretted that lack now.
“We should set a timer on your phone to

remind you to get up every hour or so,” Lane said.

Oliver brightened. “That’s a great idea.”

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If he had an alarm going off to break his

concentration, he’d be able to stand up and do a
bit of yoga to keep limber. He had a few exercises
he did. He wouldn’t need anything more than a
clear bit of floor space.

Lane escorted Oliver away from the vehicle,

making sure to close and lock the door behind
him. Oliver nodded over at the care Lane took to
lock his truck. They didn’t live in the best
neighborhood. It wasn’t exactly crime-ridden, but
a break-in wouldn’t be completely unheard of,
either. They’d rented the place because of the
cheap rent, but they didn’t have high standards
when they chose it. Now with Patrick working,
and if Oliver was able to keep his new job with
Lane, maybe they could move to a nicer location.

Maybe once they paid off some bills.
Oliver’s hospital bills were crushing them, but

Oliver was determined to pay them off even if it
took years. Ronnie had already talked them down
a bit with the hospital finance people.

Lane kept his hand light on Oliver’s back, ready

to help if Oliver’s leg collapsed out from under
him while not hovering. Oliver couldn’t stop the
smile or the surge of desire coursing through his
body from Lane’s touch.

He fumbled, dragging the key out of his pocket,

his fingers clumsy and awkward. Unable to

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concentrate, he nearly dropped the damn things
while trying to unlock the door.

“Sorry,” he muttered, ducking his head.
“Hey, honey, take it easy. I don’t have to come

inside if you want to be alone. There’s no rule
stating I have to come in.”

“No!” Oliver cleared his throat before lowering

his tone. “I mean. I do want you to come inside. I
want to tell you about Dave.”

Lane’s touch fell away. “Are you sure you're

ready for that?”

“It’s about time,” Oliver said. He didn’t try to

hide the sorrow in his voice.

“Okay.” Lane’s touch returned. He rubbed a

soothing hand up and down Oliver’s back. “I’m

Oliver shrugged. “It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t

really anyone’s fault.”

Flashes of the car careening out of control,

flipping through the air and the sudden impact
with the earth surged through Oliver’s mind. The
sounds of crunching metal and screams still
followed him into his dreams. His screams, Dave
never said a word after the accident, he just
quietly died. Only in Oliver’s dreams did he plead
for help with blood dripping down his face.


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A shaking of his arm snapped him out of his

memories. Blinking, he turned his head to focus
on Lane’s concerned expression. “Sorry.”

“Let’s go inside.”
Oliver nodded. Shoving the door open, he

scanned the room. “I guess no one’s home yet.”

“What time do they get here?” Lane asked,

stepping inside and locking the door behind him.

Oliver glanced at the clock on the wall. “Patrick

will get home in about an hour. I think Ronnie
works later today, but I can never remember.”

Lane wrapped a hand around Oliver’s biceps

and turned him to face Lane. “Let me know if this
is out of line.”

After tilting Oliver’s chin with one hand, Lane

leaned down and kissed Oliver. The difference in
their heights was never more apparent than at that
moment. Oliver didn’t care. He’d stand on a step
stool if it got him more kisses. Lane didn’t press
for more intensity, only a slide of lips across lips.

A moan poured out of Oliver. He tightened his

grip on Lane’s shirt to steady his balance.

Lane lifted his head, eliciting a whimper from


“Easy, I thought you might want to sit down.”

Lane indicated the couch.

Oliver nodded. “I’d like that.” A flash of pride

went through him at his calm tone. He even

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resisted the urge to pounce on Lane and rip off his

“You are damn sexy, Oliver, but I don’t know if

you are ready to go any further.” Lane sat on the
couch and patted the spot next to him.

Oliver knew this was his chance to either take

what he wanted or to forever let the opportunity
for another relationship fall by the wayside. That
wasn't what Dave would’ve wanted for him. He
knew this without having to consult his dead
lover’s ghost.

Dave had wanted Oliver to be happy. Being

alone for the rest of his life wouldn’t achieve that
goal. Instead of sitting beside Lane, Oliver boldly
climbed onto his lap. Setting one knee on either
side of Lane’s hips, he cozied up to the other man
and ruthlessly ignored the screaming of his leg.
He wouldn’t let his disability hold him back. He
wanted Lane, and he would have him.

Lane’s eyes widened at Oliver’s actions. “Is

there something you want to tell me?”

“I like you, Lane. I don’t think you are taking

advantage of me. It is time for me to move on. I
loved Dave, but he’s dead.” He swallowed back
the knot in his throat before he continued. “I can’t
promise I won’t have issues, but I do want to see
where this attraction can go.”

Lane’s eyes darkened with lust. “I want you

too. I’m not exactly issue-free either. I’ve had my

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share of bad relationships. None of them ended as
badly as yours, but I haven’t lived a completely
pristine life. I can offer you a body that is disease
free and a slightly battered heart. Anything else
will have to be a wait and see.”

Oliver smiled. They each had their own

problems, but if they wanted to work things out,
he thought they could at least give it a try. It was
the best offer he’d gotten in a long while. He
couldn’t remember the last time he'd felt this

Confident the attraction went both ways, Oliver

kissed Lane. He didn’t stop with just a quick press
of lips. Instead, he slid his tongue inside Lane’s
mouth, savoring his flavor. Lane tasted slightly of
peppermint. He must’ve slipped a mint into his
mouth sometime in the past few minutes, and
Oliver had missed it somehow.

Lane made a soft noise of need that transmitted

to Oliver’s cock, and Oliver's cock rose to attention
as if it received Lane’s transmission and was ready
for activation.

Oliver smiled at the thought. “Let’s take this

back to my room. I don’t want Patrick to walk in
on us.”

Lane nodded. “I’ve had enough of people

watching me have sex.”

“I can imagine.” Lane’s past as a porn star

probably cured the man of any voyeuristic

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tendencies. Odd that he chose to have a company
that revolved around sex, but maybe he was only
sticking to what he knew.

Oliver climbed off Lane’s lap, careful to set his

right foot firmly on the ground before adding his
left. Pain jolted through his body, making him

Lane stood quickly, ready to offer aid if the

placement of his hands on Oliver’s hips was any
indication. “Easy. You know we don’t have to do
anything, right?”

Oliver scowled at the dense man. “We do have

to do something.” He pointed at his erection.
“Oliver Junior said so.”

Lane burst out laughing. “Well, we shouldn’t

ignore Oliver Junior.”

“Exactly,” Oliver nodded, pleased his new

lover understood the issue.

Oliver turned and led the way back to his room.

He could hear Lane’s footsteps following behind.
Anticipation shivered up and down his spine. He
hoped he could do this. He hadn’t tried sex since
before the accident. Physically and emotionally,
he’d been a wreck for the past year, and he never
wanted to go back to that dark place.

Finally, he reached his bedroom. For a moment

there, it had felt as if he were in one of those
horror movies where the hallway stretched to be
three times its usual length as the hero struggled

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to reach the end before the monster got him.
Except this time, Oliver wanted to be caught. Not
by a monster but by the man behind him.

Oliver swept a quick glance around the room,

glad he’d picked up a bit before he left. He wasn’t
exactly Mr. Clean, but he wasn’t a slob, either.

Turning, he found Lane stripping off his shirt.

“Do you need any help?” Lane asked, nodding
toward Oliver’s dressed status.

“No, I think I’ve got this part.” Oliver pulled

his shirt over his head and pushed off his shoes
with the toes of his opposite foot, glad he’d worn
loafers. Laces often took too long to tie, and
contorting himself hurt more than it was worth
having neat bows on his feet.

Before long, they were both standing naked,

Oliver self-consciously hunched his shoulders as
he surveyed Lane’s beauty. Damn, the man had a
great physique. Probably from years of being
naked before the camera, Lane had no problem
standing stripped bare before his lover.

“No, don’t do that. Let me see,” Lane protested.

He stepped closer to Oliver and slid the fingers of
his right hand down Oliver’s scars. He had plenty
of them. Several short ones from where broken
glass had punctured his skin and others from the
multiple surgeries following his accident. His skin
was like a mile of rough road.

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“It’s a miracle you survived,” Lane said in an

awed tone.

Oliver’s erection began to flag. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Lane tilted his head like a puppy

trying to figure out a particularly difficult

That was a good question. What was he sorry

for? Not for surviving or for making it through
some hard times after surgery. Some days, he
wished it had been him instead of Dave, but
mostly only on his darkest days. “I’m sorry I’m
not as beautiful as you deserve,” he said finally.

“Honey, you are everything I deserve.” Lane

swept Oliver off his feet and laid him on the
mattress with exquisite care. “I’m going to make
you feel so good.”

Oliver had no doubt about Lane’s intention, but

the size of Lane’s cock had him clenching his ass.
“I don’t think you’re going to fit.”

Lane laughed. “I’ll fit just fine. Do you have


“Yes, but not condoms.” His stomach sank as

he realized they might have a problem.

“No worries.” Lane waved a foil packed

between his fingers. “I have one.”

Oliver frowned. “Always carry one around the


“Old habit to keep a backup in my wallet.”

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A wave of relief went through Oliver. He didn’t

want to think of Lane as always on the prowl. He
didn’t expect a lifelong commitment from Lane,
but he wouldn’t be a quick conquest either.

“Can your hips take pressure? Do you want to

lie on your stomach or have a pillow? How do you
usually do this?” Lane asked.

“I don’t know. I haven’t had sex since the


Lane’s open-mouthed shock made the honesty

worthwhile. “Let’s put you on your stomach and
we’ll put a pillow under your hips. That should
put the least strain on you.”

Oliver nodded his agreement with that plan.

The fact Lane asked the right questions made him
even more pleased with his choice of lovers.

Handing over the lube, Oliver draped himself

over his pillow. Tension filled him. He couldn’t
stop the jolt shooting through him when Lane
touched his ass.

“Easy,” Lane soothed.
Another shot of pain ripped through him. “Ow,

I think maybe on my back would be better.”

Damn, he undoubtedly was making Lane

rethink the entire sex with a gimp scenario.

Without a word, Lane guided Oliver onto his

back, making sure to slide the pillow beneath

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Oliver’s hips for better comfort. Oliver sighed
from the new position.

“Better?” Lane asked.
Oliver nodded. “Thanks.”
“I don’t want you to hurt when we make love. I

want it to all feel good.”

Oliver didn’t know if that was possible, but he

appreciated Lane’s goal. Lane rifled through
Oliver’s side table and retrieved the lube. After
slicking Oliver up with enough lube for ten men,
Lane added more to his cock before attempting to
breach the tight ring of muscles.

Taking a deep breath, Oliver tried to relax. It

wasn’t like he’d never had sex before. He’d been
quite the slut when he was younger. Coming out
of the closet had resulted in him sleeping with
Dave every chance he could get.

After Lane carefully entered, pushing back and

forth in slow rocking motions. It took several
pauses and minute motions before Lane was fully
seated inside of Oliver’s ass.

“Made it.” Lane’s smile lit his eyes, evaporating

the anxiety clouding them before.

Oliver let out a slow breath, relaxing around the

hard rod impaling his body. He nodded. “You
did, now move.”

Lane laughed. After a few cautious motions of

in and out, he set a careful rhythm guaranteed to

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hit Oliver’s prostate with each stroke and drive
him out of his mind.

Oliver groaned as Lane continued to show him

how much experience counted in all the right
ways. Bliss poured across his body like a full body
liquid aphrodisiac.

“Lane,” Oliver moaned.
“Let it out, honey.” Lane wrapped a hand

around Oliver’s erection giving him the attention
he craved.

“Yessss,” Oliver hissed. His body jerked from

the sensations coursing through him as if it
belonged to another, as if he belonged to Lane.

“Come!” Lane commanded.
Unable to resist the order, Oliver gave in to his

pleasure, liquid spurted out of his cock in long
sticky streams, splashing across Lane’s stomach.
He clenched around Lane and smiled as Lane
came with a shout.

Happy with his ability to please his lover,

Oliver closed his eyes and tumbled into sleep.

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Chapter Seven

ane was woken from a deep sleep by Oliver’s
thrashings. He made soothing sounds at

Oliver as he propped himself up on one arm. They
must have slept longer than he’d thought. Lane
looked down at his sleeping lover and realized
that he was in the throes of a nightmare.

“Hey, Oliver, baby, wake up,” Lane soothed.

He rubbed Oliver’s chest and arms in slow,
calming strokes, hoping to ease him out of his
nightmare. Whatever he dreamed about, it didn’t
bring him any happiness.

Oliver’s face contorted into an expression of

pure terror, but his eyes stayed closed as he
remained trapped in his own private hell.

“No! I have to get out. I’m trapped. I’m so

sorry, Dave. Forgive me, please.” Oliver pleaded.

“You’re not trapped. You’re safe with me,”

Lane assured him as he gave Oliver a slight shake.

“Dave. Don’t die. Please, I love you so much,”

Oliver whimpered.


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It felt like a punch to the gut to hear Oliver

declare his love for another man, even a dead one,
and that made Lane feel like a jerk. He couldn’t
help it though. In the short time that he’d known
Oliver, he’d grown to care a great deal about him.

The door to Oliver’s room burst open, and

Ronnie and Patrick came rushing in. Lane rolled
his eyes. Great, just what he didn’t need, an
audience to his situation. All that was missing was
Becca and her stupid little dog, and the picture
would be complete.

Patrick brushed Lane to the side and grabbed

Oliver by the shoulders. “Oliver, you need to
wake up, sweetie. You’re just having one of your
dreams again. Come back to us.”

Patrick had to repeat the sentence several times,

but Oliver finally opened his eyes and blinked up
at Patrick. “Patrick?”

“Yeah, honey. It’s me.”
“Oh, God. It happened again. Didn’t it?” Oliver


“Yeah, I’m afraid it did. This one was a doozy,

too. It took me a while to get you out of it,” Patrick

Lane didn’t appreciate being ignored. “Does

somebody want to tell me what in the hell is going

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Oliver gasped, as if he just realized Lane was

even there. Which was really an ego booster for
Lane. “Holy shit! Did you just see all that?”

“Yeah, I was sleeping with you at the time.

Remember?” Lane asked.

Oliver buried his face in his hands. “Oh fuck.

How embarrassing.”

Lane reached out to him but Oliver pulled

away. “Maybe it’s best if you just left.”

Oliver didn’t make eye contact as he made his


Lane felt like somebody had just slugged him

across the face then kicked him in the ass for good
measure. “Are you throwing me out?”

“No, I’m asking you to leave, so I can get my

shit together emotionally.”

“It’s the same thing, Oliver,” Lane said evenly,

trying hard to keep control of his temper.

Here he was trying his best to help and Oliver

was shoving his away. And to make matters
worse, he was doing it in front of his friends. Lane
got up, not caring about his nudity and began to
pull on his clothes.

“Please, don’t be angry at me,” Oliver begged.
“I’m not angry,” Lane assured him. Or at least

I’m not angry much. I’m humiliated, disappointed,

feeling a little betrayed and let down, but anger is the
last thing on my list.

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He jerked up his pants and did up the fly.

Never before had he been so glad for his porn
career past, which honed his ability to dress fast
and without embarrassment in front of a crowd. It
sure as hell was paying off now.

Putting on his shirt, but not bothering with the

buttons, he next stuffed his feet into his shoes. He
would just forget about the socks and call them a
casualty of the war.

“See you tomorrow at work, Oliver.”
Lane didn’t even look back on his way out of

the bedroom. He wasn’t going to prolong the
embarrassing situation more than he had to. His
hand had just touched the front door handle when
Patrick’s voice pulled him up short.

“Lane, wait.”
As much as Lane just wanted to keep on going,

he liked Patrick too much to ignore him. So Lane
dropped his hand and turned around to face the
other man.

Patrick was dressed in a pair of plaid sleep

pants and a Walking Dead t-shirt. While he seemed
innocent enough, Lane knew he could be fierce
when it came to protecting his friend.

“You need to be more patient with him,”

Patrick said.

“I am,” Lane said. “He asked me to leave and I


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“But he can tell that you’re angry.”
“I’m not angry.”
How many times did Lane have to say that?

Was he going to have to rent a plane to fly a
banner with the saying of it over the house or

“You could have fooled me with the way you’re

storming out of here,” Patrick shot back.

“I’m just a little frustrated,” Lane admitted. “I

want to help, and he won’t let me.”

Patrick twisted his hands together nervously.

“He feels guilty because of Dave.”

“Then tell me how. How do I compete with a

dead man?” Lane asked.

When all he was met with was silence, Lane

gave a nod of his head. “That’s what I thought.
There is no good answer to that. I’m well and truly
fucked. Aren’t I?”

Without waiting to hear Patrick’s reply, if he

even had one, Lane opened the door and left. He
walked to his truck, got in, but didn’t start it up.
He didn’t know where to go. He sure as hell didn’t
want to go home to his lonely bed. He was too
jacked up to go clubbing.

No, what he needed was some answers about

Oliver and that damn accident, and there was only
one person that he could turn to in order to get
them—Becca. As Oliver’s friend, she should know

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all the details, and she just might be willing to

Pulling out of the apartment complex, he

headed to Vance’s, Becca’s uncle, where she was
staying. The drive was short, and before he knew
it, he was at the penthouse, buzzing to be let in.

He was met by a very sleepy, unhappy looking

Vance. “Do you want to tell me why you are here
in the middle of the night? Something better be on
fire or dead.”

“I need to speak to Becca,” Lane said.
Vance rolled his eyes, something that looked

completely off for the normally composed man. “I
should have known it would be about her. Becca!
Get out here. You have a visitor.”

Becca came out of her room, rubbing her eyes.

She wore all pink PJ’s from the silk tank top, to the
matching boy shorts. For once, her perfectly styled
hair was a mess of cowlicks and tangles.

“Lane, what are you doing here?” she asked as

she ran her hand over her face.

“I need to talk to you about Oliver,” he said.
“And it couldn’t wait until morning? Sheesh!

And people say I’m the rude one in our group. I
say the award goes to you, buddy-boy.”

“Okay, maybe I should have called first, but I’m

really upset, and I need somebody to talk to,”
Lane conceded.

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Vance hooked a thumb in his niece’s direction.

“And she was your first choice? You must be
pretty hard up.”

Becca stuck her tongue out at Vance. “Go back

to bed. I have this covered.”

“Gladly,” Vance said, already retreating to his


A second later, they heard his door slamming

shut. Becca led Lane to the kitchen. “I would offer
to make you coffee, but I suck at it. On the other
hand, if you want to make it, you’re more than

Since Lane did crash in on her, it was the least

he could do. He got out the French Press and
started to make up some coffee for both of them.
Becca took a seat at the table and let out a loud

“Are you going to tell me what is going on, or

do I have to guess?” she asked.

“Oliver and I slept together tonight.”
“Well, that’s a good thing. It’s about time my

boy got laid.”

“Well, it was good until he had a nightmare,

freaked out, then made me leave.”

“Ouch.” She wrinkled her nose. “That must

have been a blow to your ego.”

“My ego can take it. I just want to know how I

can help him. More important, how do I help him
work past this so we can have a relationship?”

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“So, what you’re wondering is how close he

was to Dave and just how bad the accident was?”

Wow, nobody could ever accuse Becca of being

dumb. She might act the part sometimes, but
when you got to know her and got past the layers
of fluff, there was one smart cookie underneath.

“Yeah, I was. Oliver told me Dave died, but he

didn’t go into specifics.” Lane admitted.

“Normally, I would tell you to go ask Oliver

himself, but I don’t want him to have to relive it,”
Becca said with a sigh. “When he told me the
details, it gave me nightmares, and I didn’t go
through it like he did.”

Lane’s stomach clenched. “It was that bad?”
Becca gazed up at him and there were tears in

her eyes. “They went off into a ditch and weren’t
found for a really long time. The entire time,
Oliver was trapped, and he had to watch as Dave
died, but there was nothing that Oliver could do
to help him. So yeah, I would say that qualifies as
pretty bad.”

Lane clutched the edge of the counter for

support. He couldn’t even imagine how horrifying
that must have been for Oliver. To be trapped,
helpless to do anything as the love of his life died
right before him. No wonder he still had
nightmares about it. It was a miracle that Oliver
was functional at all.

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“By the time they found them, Oliver had

screamed so long and hard that he couldn’t talk
for days,” Becca said. “They had to cut him out of
the car and airlift him to the hospital. When they
got there, there was nothing they could do for
Dave. He had bled out, and they couldn’t bring
him back.”

“What caused the accident in the first place?”

Lane asked.

“An eight-wheeler sideswiped them and

knocked them off the road. They never did find
out who the driver was. He took off from the
scene of the accident.”

“That bastard. If he had called it in, Dave

would have lived,” Lane seethed.

“Yes, and that’s something that Oliver lives

with every day.”

Lane began to pace. “Why would our having

sex trigger a nightmare?”

“Probably because Oliver feels guilty about

moving on. You’re the first guy he’s been with
since Dave.”

“Great,” Lane ran his hands through his hair in

frustration. “How do I compete with a dead guy?”

“I don’t think you can. From what I hear, Dave

was a great guy.”

Lane paused to give her a dirty look. “If you’re

trying to inspire me here, it’s not really working.”

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She shrugged. “I’m just telling you the truth

and letting you know what you’re up against.
Would you rather that I lie to you and tell you that
everything is going to be peachy keen?”

Lane sighed. “No, but some good news would

be nice.”

“Well, the good news is that he did sleep with

you, and for Oliver that was a huge step.”

“But the night ended in a disaster.”
“You still had a night, so that’s a start.”
“But what if he doesn’t let me back in?” Lane

asked, voicing his biggest fear.

Becca slammed both of her palms on the

tabletop. “You have to make sure that doesn’t
happen. Oliver needs you more than ever.”

“What do you mean?”
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t you see it? You’ve

been the only one who has been able to crack
through his shields. Before you came along, he
was just ghosting around, barely existing. You
were at least able to get through his shell. If you
give up on him now, he’ll go back to thinking no
one will ever want him.”

“But, what if he doesn’t want me?”
“He must want you an awful lot, or he would

never have let you get so close in the first place.
He just panicked and pushed you away tonight.
You can’t let him get away with that.”

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“I can’t push myself on him if he doesn’t want

me, Becca,” Lane argued.

“Maybe not, but you cannot give up him,” she

argued back.

Lane let out a sigh. “I don’t know. He seemed

pretty determined that he didn’t want me

Becca got up and slugged him in the arm.

“Don’t give up on him. Promise me that.”

“Ow! There’s no need to get violent. Okay, I

won’t give up. Are you happy now?”

Her lips curled up into a smile. “Yes, I am. Oh,

just one more thing. If you break his heart, I’m
going to scoop your kidney out with a spoon and
feed it to my dog.”

Lane gave her a sideways look. “You are a

vicious thing.”

“Only when it comes to protecting those who I

love, and Oliver is one of those who I love dearly.”

Lane sighed. He only hoped that he could

convince Oliver to give him another chance. After
the chilly send off Lane had been given earlier, his
hopes weren’t up that high. He just prayed that
Becca was right and that Oliver did still like him.
If not, Lane knew he was in for a world of hurt
because he'd already fallen hard for Oliver.

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Chapter Eight

liver’s heart ached. He hadn’t felt this horrible
since that day in the car with Dave. He didn’t

mean to shove Lane away, but guilt over moving
on when Dave couldn’t had him trying to keep his
heart safe. Lane could easily become even more
important than Dave ever did.

“You’re going to have to tell him,” Patrick

warned. “He deserves to know what he’s dealing

Oliver’s bitter laughter reflected the pain in his


“You mean how messed up I am? Do you think

he’ll go running away once he finds out?” That
was Oliver’s biggest fear. Once Lane realized
Oliver was a horrible, tragic work in progress,
then he’d run off in the opposite direction.

“Hey, it’ll be all right,” Ronnie said. Oliver had

to give his friend credit, Ronnie actually sounded
as if he believed that.


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“He’s going to understand I’m too much

trouble,” Oliver said. He wished the accident had
never happened. Of course, then he’d still be with
Dave, and he’d never have slept with Lane.

A shiver went up Oliver’s spine. Dave had been

as inexperienced as Oliver, which meant a lot of
fumbling as they learned about sex together.
Lane’s more experienced touch had brought no
bad flashbacks because a porn star was vastly
more confident than a young man fresh from high

“If he’s the right guy for you, he’ll understand,”

Patrick said.

Oliver wondered if Patrick believed the

optimistic stuff coming out of his mouth. Maybe
he’d poop rainbows next.

“I’ll apologize to him when I see him at work

later.” Oliver’s eyes drooped. Between a
nightmare and hot sex with Lane, he could barely
keep his eyes open. He hoped he hadn’t done
irreparable damage. He enjoyed working with
Lane and really liked him as a person. However, if
Lane couldn’t forgive him, he’d have to go job-
hunting again.

After only one day of employment, he’d

already ruined everything. How typical of him.

“It’ll be all right,” Ronnie said. “Lane’s a nice

guy. I’m sure he’ll give you a chance to talk to

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“I hope so.” Oliver curled up into a ball. He

appreciated his friends trying to cheer him up, but
he just wanted to go back to sleep. He’d deal with
everything tomorrow. It was too much today.

Patrick pulled the blanket over Oliver’s

shoulder. “Get some rest.”

Oliver fell back asleep, hoping he wouldn’t


The annoying blare of the alarm had Oliver

groaning. His lids scraped like sandpaper across
his eyes. Not sleeping had taken its toll on Oliver.
Although he hadn’t revisited his nightmare, he
had still tossed and turned all night.

Stumbling to the bathroom, he grimaced at the

mirror. Bedhead and a creased cheek reflected
back at him. Maybe a shower would help. If
nothing else it, would settle his hair.

Turning on the shower, he waited for the water

to reach close to scalding. He liked his showers hot
to ease the ache in his muscles. His joints always
hurt. Ever since the accident, the stress of walking
with a limp put his body out of alignment. His
spine and leg muscles protested his awkward gait,
and sitting for long hours always aggravated the
problem. For the first time since his surgery, his
body ached from sex, and he didn’t care.

Remembering the care Lane had taken to make

sure Oliver was as comfortable as possible

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brought a smile to his lips. Surely, a man that
caring would give Oliver another chance.

Muscles long underused protested, but Oliver

didn’t care. His erection hardened as he
remembered the hot lovemaking from the night
before. If he hadn’t messed things up, he had no
doubt Lane would help him with his morning
wood. Lane seemed like the type of man to give
another guy a hand.

“I should’ve studied more for the phone sex,”

Oliver muttered. If he’d listened to some porn or
another phone-sex operator, he would’ve known
the right thing to say to people when they called.
Instead of lame responses, he could’ve said
something hot and sultry.

“I’m such a dork.” Oliver sighed. “Maybe Lane

likes dorks.”

He could only hope. He quickly rushed through

his shower, so he could go see Lane, but upon
stepping out the tub he tripped over the edge and
fell forward. His damaged leg collapsed beneath
the weight of supporting Oliver’s body. Before he
knew what had happened, he tumbled headfirst
into the sink.

The eerily familiar scent of cleanser and stale air

greeted Oliver when he opened his eyes. White
walls sent a wave of fear through him. Hospital.

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It took several blinks for his vision to clear, and

it still was a bit sparkly around the edges. “What
happened?” he wondered out loud.

“You smacked your head on the sink and

scared the crap out of us,” Ronnie offered. “It was
like something out of a horror movie, blood was

Oliver shuddered. Memories of Dave bleeding

to death and the sickly sweet scent of death
soaking the air had bile rising in Oliver’s throat.
He swallowed it back, thankfully grabbing onto
the glass someone held out.

He sucked down the cool liquid, not stopping

until he’d drained the container dry. Sweat
beaded Oliver’s forehead, and when he raised his
hand to wipe at it, someone grabbed his wrist in a
firm but gentle hold.

“Careful, you don’t want to tear your stitches,”

Lane said in a soothing voice.

“Lane! What are you doing here?” Oliver asked.

He couldn’t think of one reason his boss and lover,
possibly ex-lover, would be at the hospital with

“I called the house to find out why you didn’t

show up for work. I wanted to make sure I hadn’t
scared you away.” Lane frowned. “I heard you
were in the hospital and came to check on you.”

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“What happened? Was I in another accident?”

He searched his mind but couldn’t remember
getting into a car.

“Remember? You tripped in the bathroom and

hit your head on the sink counter,” Patrick said.

Oliver wrenched his attention away from Lane

to focus on his friend. Had Patrick always been a
little fuzzy around the edges? Oliver tilted his
head and gasped when a hard spike zapped
through his skull.

“Easy, you have a mild concussion,” Patrick


“I have a case of the stupids,”Oliver snapped.

His memory returned—well, part of it—as he
recalled tripping on the tub.

“Hey, bathroom accidents happen all the time,”

Lane soothed.

Oliver sighed. He touched his forehead,

brushing across the rough spot with his fingertips.

Lane grabbed his wrist. “Leave your stiches


“How many are there?” Great, now he’d be a

gimpy scarred freak.

“Only five. I doubt it will scar much.”
“I hope not.” Oliver sighed. Closing his eyes, he

wished everyone would go away so he could
peacefully wallow in his own angst.

“Don’t!” Lane snapped.

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“Don’t what?” Oliver opened his eyes to glare

at the bossy man.

“Don’t shut me out. Don’t block me away as if

I’ll disappear if you wish hard enough. I want to
be part of your life. Please let me.”

Oliver examined Lane’s expression, but he

didn’t see pity or disgust or any of those other
things he'd worried he’d spot. All he saw was
concern and affection.

“I’m a mess. If you were smart, you would run

the other way.” Oliver meant what he said. Lane
deserved someone who didn’t trip on his own feet
and cause himself ridiculous injuries. Lane should
have someone who had two good legs and a lot
less baggage than Oliver.

Lane leaned down and pressed a soft kiss

across Oliver’s forehead. “I’ve never been known
for making good choices, but I think you’re the
best one I’ve made yet. Unless you are trying to
find a good way to tell me you’d rather not get
together with an ex-porn star…”

“No!” Oliver interrupted Lane, anxious to

correct that thought right away. “Your past has no
bearing on how I think of you.”

Lane smiled. “Good, neither does yours.”
“But you never killed anybody,” Oliver said. A

gasp escaped him as he realized what he said. He
clamped a hand across his mouth.

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“Is that what you think?” Patrick asked,

drawing Oliver’s attention away from Lane’s
shocked gaze.

Oliver nodded then shook his head. He lowered

his hand to speak. “Sometimes I wonder if there
was some way I could’ve avoided the truck. If
maybe we had taken a different road. Dave had
wanted to take a different route and visit some
small towns along the way. I just wanted to get
there. If I’d listened to Dave, we would’ve both
made it safely."

There. He’d said it. He’d confessed the truth. It

was all his fault.

Lane wrapped a careful arm around Oliver.

“Honey, you couldn’t have known. And who’s to
say it wasn’t fate and by taking the other road
something else would’ve happened? You can’t
predict the future.”

Tears dripped down Oliver’s face. He’d never

vocalized his secret belief before. Maybe if Dave
had been driving or if they’d taken a different
road. By his choices, he’d killed his lover.

“No! It isn’t your fault!” Lane said firmly.
For the first time, Oliver believed that.
“I’ll go see if I can find the doctor. You should

be able to go home now that you are awake.”
Patrick said.

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Oliver nodded but almost immediately

regretted that motion. “What time is it?”

“Five in the evening. You hit your head pretty

hard.” Patrick flashed Oliver a sympathetic smile
before leaving the room.

“I just got here,” Lane said. “I was overseeing

the camera placement for the web cam shows.”

Oliver had forgotten that part of Lane’s

company. “Do you think that will cut into Vance’s

Lane shook his head. “I doubt it. He doesn’t

have any live shows. We have considered
combining our services, but I want to be an
independent company for now. I’ve worked for
someone else for my entire life. Now is about
standing on my own two feet. I have a feeling if I
mix my work with Vance's, it will become his
business only because he’s the one with

“Makes sense,” Oliver agreed.
He licked his dry lips. Lane’s eyes tracked the

movement of Oliver’s tongue. To Oliver’s
surprise, his cock returned the interest in Lane’s
gaze by hardening and creating a tent out of his

“Want me to give you a hand with that?” Lane


Oliver laughed. “I think that only happens in

bad porn videos. In real life, you try not to be

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caught in compromising positions by the hospital

Lane shook his head. “In a porn video, the

doctor would be a hot stud who’d join in the fun.”

“Sadly, this is real life and I’m not willing to

strip naked on film,” someone said.

Oliver’s gaze went to the doorway. A gorgeous

doctor with silver in his hair and bright blue eyes
stood in the doorway.

“That’s a shame,” Oliver blurted out. He knew

his cheeks probably turned even brighter. “It’s the
medication,” he pointed to the IV stuck in his arm.

“That’s saline.” The doctor said with a smile.
Oliver shrugged. The doctor didn’t appear

upset, so he didn’t offer an apology.

“Let’s take a look and see if you are doing well

enough to go home, shall we?” the doctor asked.

Oliver gave a careful nod. He didn’t want to

shake his head around too much. It ached from the
stitches and where he banged it up.

The doctor pulled a tiny flashlight out of his

white coat and approached. Patrick moved out of
the doctor’s way. “I’m Dr. Craig Melvik, and it’s
nice to see you awake.”

Oliver shook the hand offered. “Thanks.”
Melvik flashed the light into Oliver’s eyes.

“Look directly at the light.”

He couldn’t help blinking at the brightness

directed at his eyes but he tried to stay steady.

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Lane’s hand rubbing soothing circles across his
back helped.

“Follow the light.”
Oliver obeyed even though his instinct was to

flinch away.

“Any double vision?”
“No. A little fuzziness.”
“Hmm. Your x-ray didn’t show anything

worrisome. I think if one of your friends is there to
watch you and wake you up every hour, you
should be fine. What do you think?” Melvik’s blue
eyes held nothing but warm concern for his
patient. Oliver relaxed beneath the doctor’s
professional regard.

“I’ll watch him,” Lane said.
“He lives with me,” Patrick countered.
“I’m not letting him go again,” Lane growled.
“Well, I’ll let you two fight it out. As long as

someone stays with Oliver, I’ll sign the release
paperwork. The nurse will come in and take care
of your IV, and I’ll give her a prescription for a
painkiller you can take if your head begins to hurt
too much.”

“Thanks,” Oliver said.
“No problem. You take care and don’t let them

fight over you too hard.” With a friendly wink, the
doctor left the room.

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“I want my own bed,” Oliver announced. He

caught Lane’s stricken look and quickly amended.
“I wouldn’t mind having company, though.”

Lane nodded. “Good. It will be harder than that

to get rid of me.”

Oliver smiled. Maybe hitting his head had

knocked some sense into him. He was ready to
move on with his life and see where a relationship
with Lane might go.

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Chapter Nine

liver bit back a laugh as Lane all but carried
him up to his apartment. Actually, he had tried

to pick him up and physically carry him, but
Oliver had drawn the line and refused.

Becca met them at the door, and once they got

inside, she did what she does best, ordering in a
bunch of pizzas. She then came over and began to
make a big fuss over Oliver.

“Didn’t I warn you how dangerous bathrooms

could be?” she chastised.

“You also warned me how dangerous subways

could be,” Oliver countered.

“They could suck you in.”
“And airplanes.”
“You never know when they’re going to crash,”

Becca pointed out.

“And using my cell phone when I pump gas.”
“The static could spark a fire.”


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Oliver threw up his hands. “The whole world is

dangerous to you.”

She pouted. “I’m only trying to keep my Ollie


“Why don’t you wrap me in bubble wrap? It

would be easier that way.”

She flicked him on the arm. “Don’t tempt me. I

may just do that. It wouldn’t be just any bubble
wrap either, it would be bright pink. That would
teach you to mess with me.”

Lane leaned over and whispered in Oliver’s ear.

“I’d watch out, she may just do it.”

Oliver sat on the couch. “There is no may. She

would do it in a heartbeat if she thought she could
actually get away with it. For some reason, she
thinks that she’s my mother, and she has to
protect me from the evils of the world.”

“I think it’s sweet,” Patrick said with an evil


“Only because she doesn’t do it to you,” Oliver


In truth, he really didn’t mind it too much. It

was Becca’s way of showing that she cared. Even
if it was a bit annoying at times.

She reached up and fingered his stitches.

“Hopefully, this doesn’t scar. If it does, we can
always change your hairstyle to cover it.”

“He’ll look just fine either way,” Lane said.

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Becca stared at Lane for several moments. “You

know what? You just may be a keeper after all.”

Ronnie’s phone rang. He looked down at it and

frowned. “That’s weird. It’s my cousin, Niles. I
haven’t heard from him in ages. Excuse me for a
moment while I go answer this.”

“So, what are you going to tell everybody about

how you got the wound—kinky sex or ninja
attack?” Becca asked.

“What?” Oliver laughed.
Becca sighed. “You can’t tell people that you

got it in the bathroom. That’s just too boring. You
have to make up an interesting story.”

They spent the next ten minutes coming up

with outlandish tales of how Oliver came about
his injury. They were all having a great time until
Ronnie came into the room, a worried look on his

“What’s going on?” Patrick asked.
“Niles just got kicked out of his house. He said

he came out to his parents and they threw him out
with nothing but the clothes on his back. They
aren’t even paying for his college anymore.”

“Oh my God, how horrible,” Becca said.
“I hope you guys don’t mind, but I said he

could come here. He can share my room,” Ronnie

“Of course,” Patrick assured him.

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Ronnie grabbed his car keys. “I have to go. I

told him I would wire him the money for a bus

After Ronnie left, Becca said, “Buses really

aren’t that safe.”

“Don’t even start,” Oliver warned her.
A few minutes later, the pizzas arrived. Lane

insisted on paying, and Oliver was too tired and
hungry to argue. He hadn’t eaten all day, and his
stomach felt ready to eat itself by that point.

After they had eaten, they all settled in front of

the TV and watched ID Discovery for a while.
Eventually, everyone either left or drifted off to
bed until it was only Lane and Oliver on the

“We should get to bed,” Lane said. “I have a

busy day ahead of me tomorrow.”

“Don’t you mean we have a busy day ahead of

us,” Oliver corrected.

Lane put an arm around Oliver’s shoulders and

pulled him in close so they were snuggling. “You
don’t have to come in tomorrow. Take the day off.
You hurt yourself pretty bad.”

“It’s okay. I’ll go stir crazy if I stay in alone.

Besides, I want to be with you.”

Lane’s lips curled up into a sexy smile.


“Why does that surprise you so much? I know I

was a dick the other day, but I didn’t mean that. I

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just freaked out because you were the first guy I
was with since Dave and then I had a nightmare,
and it brought back all kinds of bad memories.”

“I know all about the accident. Becca told me.

Or rather I kind of pried it out of her.”

“You did? Why?”
“Because I decided you were worth fighting


Oliver sucked in a breath. That had been the

last thing he’d been expecting to hear. “Really?
Even after all I’ve put you through?”

Lane dipped his head down and feathered their

lips together. “Yes, now are you ready to go to
bed? I know we can’t have sex, but I really would
love to hold you for the night.”

Oliver grinned. “I like the sounds of that.”
Lane stood then held out his hand to help

Oliver to his feet. Once they got to the bedroom,
they stripped down to their underwear and
crawled in under the blankets. It was a tight
squeeze, but they managed, and soon they had a
comfortable cuddle position.

“I was so worried about you today,” Lane said.
“It was just a little bump on the head,” Oliver

assured him.

“Maybe Becca was right, and we should cover

you in pink bubble wrap.”

“You can’t do that.”
“Why not?”

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“Pink is so not my color.”
They were silent for a bit longer before Oliver

finally decided the broach the topic that had been
nagging him the most. “Can I ask you a

“You want to know how I ended up in the porn

industry, don’t you?”

Oliver nodded. “Only if you want to tell me. If

not, you can tell me to mind my own business,
and we don’t ever have to talk about it again.”

Lane stretched a bit. “No, that’s okay. I don’t

want there to be any secrets between us. My story
started out pretty much like Ronnie’s cousin’s

Oliver’s stomach clenched. “Your parents

kicked you out for being gay?”

“Yeah, they did it the same way Niles’ did, too,

with nothing but the clothes on my back. I was
young, didn’t have much work experience, was
desperate for money, and Vance took a chance on
me. I was lucky to have found him.”

“Do you ever regret doing it?” Oliver asked.
“Honestly, no. It’s what made me who I am

today. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

“Have you spoken to your parents since they

kicked you out?”

Lane grabbed Oliver’s hand and linked their

fingers together. “I tried calling them once, but
they hung up on me.”

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Oliver could feel his heart breaking for his

lover. While his own parents hadn’t exactly
thrown a party when he’d told them, at least they
hadn’t completely turned their backs on him. He
couldn’t imagine how hard that must have been
for Lane.

“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” Oliver


“Yeah, me too,” Lane replied with a sad smile.
Oliver leaned up and placed a soft kiss on

Lane’s lips. “You don’t need them anyways. We’re
your family now.”

“Yeah, and you guys are way better than they

ever were. Trust me.”

Somehow Oliver didn’t have any trouble

believing that. Anybody that would just throw
Lane away didn’t deserve him. At least, not in
Oliver’s book.

“Go to sleep, Oliver, I’ll keep watch over you,”

Lane assured him.

No sweeter words were ever spoken to Oliver

in his life. He snuggled deeper into Lane,
breathing in to savor his scent. As he drifted off to
sleep, all he could think about was how he could
get used to this if he wasn’t careful.

The sound of the blaring alarm jolted Oliver

awake. He reached out for it, only to smack Lane
in the face by accident.

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“Sorry,” Oliver mumbled.
“’s 'kay” Lane muttered back.
Lane leaned over and slammed the alarm off

then got out of bed, depriving Oliver of his
yummy warmness. Oliver groaned in protest. He
didn’t want to get up. He wanted to spend the rest
of the day in bed with Lane, where it was nice and

Lane slapped him on the ass. “Time to get up.

We have a busy day ahead of us.”

Oliver let out another groan, but he rolled out

of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. There he
took care of business, brushed his teeth, then got
out a spare toothbrush for Lane. When he came
back out, Lane was still as chipper as usual.

“Are you always this much of a morning

person,” Oliver groused.

“Be nice and we can take a shower together. I

have a surprise for you,” Lane promised.

That perked Oliver up. Not only did he like to

share showers, but he loved surprises. He quickly
gathered up his clothes for the day and followed
Lane into the bathroom.

While Lane brushed his teeth, Oliver got the

water going and made sure it was at a warm
temperature. He didn’t make it his usual scalding
heat, not wanting to burn Lane. Once it was set,
they both stripped off their boxers and stepped
under the spray.

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Lane grabbed the soap and began to slowly

wash first himself then Oliver, taking great care to
make sure that every single inch of him was clean.
Oliver let out a moan as he tilted his head back,
loving the sensation of Lane’s hands on him.

“If this is my surprise then call me happy,”

Oliver said. “I could get used to this kind of
special treatment.”

Lane gave Oliver’s neck a soft love bite. “That’s

not your surprise.”

“Then what is?”
Lane answered by reaching down and

wrapping his hand around both of their cocks.
“This is.”

Oliver let out a gasp as shock and arousal jolted

through his body. That had been the last thing he
had been expecting. Guess that’s why they called
them surprises.

“Oh God, yes,” Oliver said, his voice coming

out shaky.

Lane began to move his hand up and down, the

water and soap acting as the perfect lubricant.
Oliver could feel his leg beginning to get weak.
Not wanting to give a repeat performance of the
day before, he reached out and grabbed onto
Lane’s shoulders for support. He then gave
himself over to the pleasure.

It was all so good, the feel of Lane’s hard body

pressing against his chest, the warm water

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cascading down his back and the friction of Lane
jacking them off. Oliver didn’t last long. Letting
out a cry, he came, shooting off hot jets of cum.

“You look so beautiful right now, baby,” Lane

said in a tight voice.

He then found his release, too, his spunk

covering his hand and Oliver’s stomach. Lane
dropped his head so it rested atop of Oliver’s, and
they stayed that way for a few moments while
they both caught their breath.

“Look at what you did. Now we have to clean

ourselves up again,” Oliver chastised, once he
could talk again.

Lane let out a laugh. “It was so worth it.”
“Yes, it was,” Oliver agreed.
They cleaned up again, before getting out and

getting dried off. They then got dressed and went
to the kitchen to look for breakfast. When Oliver
realized all he had to offer was Apple Jacks, he

“Sorry, we’re pretty big on kid’s cereal,” he

said, feeling like he was eight years old.

“I happen to love Apple Jacks,” Lane assured


They ate quickly then left, stopping by Lane’s

quickly, so he could change into some fresh
clothing. When they arrived at the office and
found Eddie waiting for them at the doorway,
Oliver knew they weren’t in for a good day.

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“It’s about time you got here, Lane, people were

beginning to think that you were going to be a no
show,” the jerk said.

Oliver tried not to gag over the outfit Eddie was

wearing. It was so tight that it looked like it was
spray painted on and left nothing to the
imagination. Oliver could even see the size and
shape of Eddie’s cock through the thin material of
his jeans.

“I didn’t know that I answered to you,” Lane

said tightly.

“We were just worried about you,” Eddie

cooed, completely ignoring the fact that Oliver
was standing right there.

“I had some things to take care of before I came

in,” Lane said, giving Oliver a secretive smile.

Oliver coughed to hide the laugh that

threatened to bubble forth. Eddie still caught it
anyways. He turned and gave Oliver a disgusted
look. “I’ll bet you just did. It must be nice having a
cushy office job instead of having to work the
phones. Although, I bet your knees must be tired
at the end of the day.”

“Excuse me?” Oliver shot back. “Did you just

accuse me of what I think you did?”

“If the shoe fits,” Eddie drawled.
“I’m not the one wearing an outfit from sluts-r-


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Now it was Lane who had to cough to cover a

laugh. He gave Eddie a stern look. “Get back to
work before I fire you.”

Eddie had to the gall to look outraged, but he

did as told. After he left, Oliver turned to Lane.
“You’re going to have trouble with that one.”

“Tell me something I don’t already know.”
They went into Lane’s office and went to their

separate desks. Soon, Oliver got lost in the
numbers, but he couldn’t help but keep thinking
back to Eddie. Somehow, he didn’t think that he’d
heard the last from him.

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Chapter Ten

urses from Lane’s desk pulled Oliver out of his
absorption over the numbers. He’d just about

finished straightening out all of Lane’s records
when Lane’s voice distracted him from his task.

“What’s wrong?”
Lane’s eyes stayed pinned to the monitor. “I’m

going over auditions for the webcams, and a lot of
them are really bad. Where’s the imagination? The

Oliver didn’t know how much artistry was

involved in jacking off in front of a camera but he
wasn’t the professional. Curiosity hounded him
until he stood and went to join Lane at his

A guy was wearing pink bunny ears and a pair

of lace panties around his knees. He had his large
cock in both hands. With his focus on the camera,
he jerked himself off until cum splashed across the


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“Um, well that’s different” Oliver offered.
Lane sighed. “And that’s one of the better


“Oh, dear.” Oliver massaged Lane’s shoulders.

“I’m sorry you’re having problems finding

“It’s not like I’m asking for a lot. Don’t any of

these men have any normal fantasies? I’m all for
giving attention to the fetish crowd but more than
two people have to like this for me to make money
off of it.”

“You’re not targeting the big penis, fluffy

bunny crowd?” Oliver guessed.

Lane glared at him over his shoulder. “You’re

not as funny as you think you are.”

Oliver nodded. “Yes, I am.”
He stepped back as Lane stood. Oliver

squeaked when Lane jerked him into his arms.
“How are you feeling?”

Oliver’s head throbbed but his attention had

turned onto the confinement of his erection. “I

“Oh, babe.” Lane pulled him closer, urging

Oliver to put his head on Lane’s shoulder.

Grinning, Oliver rubbed against Lane.
Lane laughed. “Oh, I see. It is the little head

that hurts.”

“It’s not that little,” Oliver countered.

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“No, it’s not,” Lane soothed, rubbing a hand

across Oliver’s back.

Oliver snorted. “You can rub me other places,


“Hmm? How about here?” Lane gripped

Oliver’s ass in both hands.

“Um, that’s good but I was thinking more in


Lane slid his hands to the front of Oliver’s

thighs. “Here?”

Oliver groaned. “Do I need to draw you a


“Possibly,” Lane agreed. “But could you do it in

braille? I want to follow the bumps with my

Lane pressed his fingers along the rigid outline

of Oliver’s cock. “Like this one. Where do you
think it leads?”

“To a very happy place,” Oliver said through

gritted teeth. Lane’s touch sent flickers of desire
through Oliver. Little licks of electricity straight to
his balls.

“Hmm,” Lane dipped his head. Oliver sighed

as Lane bit his neck.

“Oh!” He sighed, leaning into Lane’s touch. The

heat and wetness of Lane’s mouth had him aching
even harder than before. He couldn’t resist Lane.
The sexy man punched all of Oliver’s hot buttons
with melting heat.

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Lane slid his finger to cradle Oliver’s face in his

hands. Mouths clashed for dominance as Oliver
silently tried to convey the level of his need, and
Lane proved his ability to drive Oliver out of his
freaking mind.

Loud breathing and moans floated through the

air. Oliver broke away to gasp for oxygen. “We
can’t do this here.” Eddie’s words came back to
haunt him.

Lane shook his head. “No, that would be

completely unprofessional,” he agreed.

Oliver stared into Lane’s eyes for a long

moment, trying to catch his breath. “Fuck it.”

Grabbing a fist of Lane’s shirt in one hand, he

yanked him forward. He had never ached for
someone like this before. Ruthlessly pushing
thoughts of Dave away, Oliver gave all his
attention to Lane. While he kissed, bit and
devoured Lane’s mouth, his fingers nimbly
unbuttoned Lane’s shirt. He deserved a gold star
for his brilliant multi-tasking or at least a hard
cock in his ass.

Lane broke away. Oliver froze. He blinked at

his lover, confused. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re still wearing a shirt,” Lane complained.
“Oh.” Oliver stripped it off and dropped it to

the floor. “Better?”

“Much,” Lane purred with satisfaction.

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“Good.” Oliver attacked Lane’s zipper, happily

discovering Lane hadn’t pulled on any underwear
when he’d redressed. “Nice.”

“I’m glad you approve.”
“Oh, I definitely do,” Oliver said. He stripped

off Lane’s shirt and tossed it on the floor behind
him. Licking his lips, he stroked Lane’s perfectly
smooth chest. “You wax?”

Lane smiled. “I’ve done it for so long hair feels


“I like.” Oliver agreed. He’d like it if Lane had

fur, too. He liked him any way he could get him.

“Good.” Lane pulled on the small patch of hair

Oliver had on his chest. “I like too.”

Oliver let out a relieved sigh. He didn’t really

want to wax. As much as he liked the smooth
look, the idea of voluntarily letting someone rip
hair off his body didn’t sound like something he’d
want to do.

He stepped forward to brush their bodies

together. The clothing removal had made them
step apart. Oliver yearned for more contact, more
kisses. As if reading Oliver’s mind, Lane wrapped
an arm around Oliver’s waist and pulled them
tighter together.

“You were too far away,” Lane explained.
“I was,” Oliver agreed. Anything further away

than flesh to flesh was too far apart.

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Words disappeared among the sighs and

whimpers. Oliver wrapped a hand around Lane’s
exposed cock.

The door swung open behind them.
“I see I was right. You do cum for your cash,”

Eddie’s voice cooled Oliver’s ardor more
effectively than a gallon of cold water poured over

Oliver slid his fingers out of Lane’s pants and

zipped him carefully up before turning around to
face the intruder. He knew his cheeks were
probably flaming red but he refused to be
embarrassed. If he wanted to have sex with his
boyfriend in the office he would.

“Did you need something, Eddie?”
Eddie sneered at Oliver. “I wanted to see what

it took to get a better paying job. Now that I know,
I’m ready to sign up. I’m sure I can do better than
this kid.”

“You’re fired,” Lane said.
Eddie paled and his mouth dropped open.

“You can’t fire me. I’m the best guy you have on
the phones. Fire me, and you don’t have a
company anymore.”

“I can hire new people. I can’t replace Oliver. I

won’t have him uncomfortable in the work place. I
warned you once before. You’re done. Get your
stuff and get out. I’ll mail you any money due.”

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“Be that way. I don’t want this crap job

anyway. I only came here hoping to meet hot
guys.” He slid a scathing gaze across them both. “I
see I’m not missing anything.”

Turning around, he slammed the door behind


Oliver let out the breath he’d unconsciously

held inside. “I’m so sorry, Lane. I didn’t mean to
ruin your business.”

Lane stroked his fingers through Oliver’s hair.

“That wasn’t your fault. Eddie was looking for
trouble ever since he started. I’ll put out an ad and
try to get more people in here.”

The frustration on Lane’s face cut Oliver to the

quick. “I wish it could’ve gone differently.”

“Me, too.” Lane gave Oliver a forced smile.

“What do you say we get back to work? I don’t
know about you, but I’ve sort of lost the mood.”

Oliver laughed. “Yeah. That definitely cooled

me down.”

He reluctantly handed over Lane’s shirt.
“I’ll be sure to warm you back up later.”
Oliver pulled his shirt on and went back to his

desk. His ass barely hit the seat before the door
opened again and five gorgeous men with
spectacularly fit bodies sauntered into the small

“Hey, guys,” Lane stood up and went to greet


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They all looked vaguely familiar. Oliver

thought he recalled one of the guys was named
Mark and worked at Vance’s studio. From the
looks of the others, they probably did, too.

“We heard you were looking for help,” a buff

blond spoke for the group.

“I don’t think Vance will like it if I stole his

talent,” Lane said, a frown marring his face.

Mark laughed. “He sent us. We were whining

about not getting enough hours, and he said if we
needed more to come see you.”

Lane smiled. “That’s…that’s really great. I need

guys for the phones and for live camera shows. I
pay per call or event.” Lane gave them the rate
and nods went all around.

“I don’t know about the others, but I’m on

board,” Mark said.

“Great. Oh, everyone, this is Oliver, my

boyfriend.” Lane pointed a hand at Oliver.

“Hi, Oliver.” the five men waved.
“I’ll introduce you to everyone later. Now, I

want to get them all settled,” Lane said. He
shooed the men out the door.

Oliver relaxed in his seat. Happiness bubbled

up in him as he realized Lane’s new company was
at least temporarily out of danger of falling apart
before it even started.

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He turned his attention back to the computer

and finished organizing Lane’s files. Maybe if
things worked out here, he’d go back to school
and become a real CPA. He might never have the
high level accounting career he once dreamed
about, but he could be happy.

Learning to live without Dave might be

possible after all. He knew his dead lover
would’ve wanted him to move on. No one had a
bigger heart than Dave, and a small portion of
Oliver’s love would always belong to him.

Sinking into his work, he lost track of time. An

ache in his leg pulled his attention back to the
world of the living. He stood up to shake out the
painful twinge. Stretching, he propped his foot
onto the small corner of his desk to get in a good
angle. The door opened with a creak.

“Sorry, love, I had to get up and move around.”
“I don’t understand what he’d want with a

gimp like you when he could’ve had me.”

Oliver slowly slid his foot to the floor and

turned to face Eddie.

“What are you doing here?”
“I came to tell you I don’t hold a grudge. I

mean, if I could get a sweet job by giving up my
ass, I’d do it too.” Eddie’s slimy smile enraged

He limped over to confront Eddie. “First of all,

I’m not selling my ass for a job. Maybe that’s the

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difference between us. I really like Lane, and I’d
have sex with him even if I didn’t work here.”

Eddie smirked. “Sure you would.”
“Get out!” Oliver shouted. He was tired of

explaining himself to people. He was done.

“Who’s going to make me? You? You can

barely stand. How long do you think it’ll be before
Lane is looking for someone more limber?”

“Never,” Lane spoke from the doorway.
“Lane!” Oliver smiled at his lover’s entrance.
“Yeah, are you going to carry him around?”

Eddie asked.

“What are you still doing here? I know I asked

you to leave. Do I need to call building security?”

“No. I’m going. I just wanted to figure out how

you could pick that—” He pointed to Oliver. “—
over this?” He pointed to himself.

“Because Oliver has something you never will,”

Lane said.

“What?” Eddie asked.
Oliver stayed silent because he wanted to know

the answer to that too.

“Integrity. Oliver wouldn’t sell himself for a

buck or a job. He has more self-respect than that.”
Lane’s lip curled in disgust as he examined Eddie.
“The same can’t be said for everyone.”

Eddie folded his arms across his chest. “Well,

you two lovebirds enjoy your boring existence.
I’ve got better things to do.”

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Lane stepped aside to allow Eddie to storm out.
“Why do I think he’s going to go cause trouble

elsewhere?” He asked Oliver.

Oliver shrugged. “Maybe because he’s that sort

of person.”

“Maybe.” Lane walked up to Oliver and

wrapped him back into his arms. “But you’re the
type of person I’m interested in.”

“Good.” Oliver sighed into Lane’s kiss.

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Chapter Eleven

liver walked away from Lane then went to the
office door, and with great purpose, locked it.

He then turned back and smiled at his lover.

Lane grinned back at him. “What are doing?”
“Well,” Oliver said as he began to slowly make

his way back to Lane. “I just realized we have
some unfinished business to take care of.”

Lane let out a groan as he felt up his own cock

through his pants. “You’re going to be the death of
me. I just know it.”

Oliver returned to Lane and pulled him by the

tie. “But what a way to go.”

Still holding him by the tie, Oliver walked

backward until his ass was flush with Lane’s desk.
“You know what a fantasy of mine has always

“What. Just tell me and I’ll make it come true.”
“I’ve always wanted to be fucked on the boss’s



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No sooner had Oliver said those words than

Lane reached out and swept all the contents off his
desk with one movement of his arm. He then
grabbed Oliver by the hips and sat him on the

“Take off your shoes,” Lane ordered, his eyes

dark with desire.

Oliver toed off his shoes and then took off his

socks, tossing them to the side. Lane undid
Oliver’s pants. Oliver lifted up his hips, so Lane
could slide them and his underwear off. Those,
too, were tossed to the side, leaving Oliver naked
from the waist down. When Oliver went to take
off his shirt, Lane shook his head.

“Leave it on,” he said.
Okay, Oliver could go with that. Lane undid his

own fly, but only enough to get his cock out, yet
not before he reached into his pocket to grab a
condom and a travel size packet of lube.

“I like a guy who’s always prepared,” Oliver


“I’ll bet you do. Now lay back.” Lane gave

Oliver a gentle shove on his chest.

Oliver did, making it so his legs were hanging

over the edge of the desk. Then he waited to see
what Lane was going to do next. It was kind of
heady to give up control like this. It was all so new
to Oliver, and he found that he quite liked it.

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Just when he felt that he was going to jump out

his skin from anticipation, he felt the velvet
sensation of Lane’s lips brushing against his
stomach. He kissed his way around Oliver’s navel
before working his way down to his groin.

Oliver let out a gasp when he felt Lane licking

the head of his cock. He swirled his tongue over
the head a few times before finally sucking in the
whole length. Oliver cried out in pleasure as his
dick was surrounded by a warm, moist suction.

At almost the same time, Oliver felt a cool

finger probing his tight opening. He spread his
legs out to give Lane more room to work, at the
same time relaxing his body. When Lane finally
did thrust the digit in, it came as a sweet relief.

“Oh God, yes,” Oliver cried out as he clawed at

the desktop for purchase.

Lane sawed the finger in and out, all the while

continuing to suck on Oliver’s cock, the combined
pleasures driving Oliver crazy. Then when Oliver
didn’t think it could possibly get any better, Lane
added a second finger.

Oliver’s body arched on the desk as he let out a

cry so loud there was no way the people on the
other side of the door couldn’t have heard it. But
he was past the point of caring. All that mattered
was Lane and what he was doing to Oliver’s body.

Then Lane added a third finger and twisted his

wrist so he pegged Oliver’s prostate and all bets

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were off. Oliver let out a yell so loud that they
probably heard him all the way back at his
apartment. Hell, they probably heard him two
states over.

“Lane, please, screw me now. I need you in


Lane just let out a humming sound and

continued to finger fuck Oliver, torturing him in
the sweetest way possible. Oliver grabbed the
edge of the desk and let it bite into his fingers, the
pain keeping him rooted, so he didn’t come too

Finally, when Oliver thought that he couldn’t

possibly take anymore, Lane took out his fingers
and let Oliver’s cock slip free from his mouth with
a popping sound. Moving up, Lane gave Oliver a
deep, open-mouthed kiss. Oliver returned it,
tasting his own essence on Lane’s tongue. They
made out for a few minutes before Lane pulled
back then held up the condom like it was some
kind of prize.

“Is this what my baby wants?” Lane asked.
“Please,” Oliver whimpered.
Lane ripped it open and slipped it on before

using the last of the lube to slick himself up. He
then lined himself to Oliver’s opening and slowly
thrust inside him. Oliver let out a moan as he felt
himself being filled and stretched to his limits.

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Oliver’s Online


Lane ran a hand down Oliver’s chest and

paused a moment. “Are you ready?”

Oliver nodded and Lane began to move in and

out at a steady pace. Oliver knew he wasn’t going
to last long. Not only because Lane had already
had him so close to the edge, but because this
really was one of his fantasies come to life. He just
hoped that he didn’t disappoint Lane by coming
too soon.

Sure enough, after only a few moments, Oliver

could feel himself cresting. He tried biting on his
bottom lip to hold it back, but this time there was
no controlling it. His cock twitched then shot off,
spurts of cum covering both he and Lane.

“Sorry,” Oliver said.
But no sooner did he get his apology out than

Lane stiffened and let out a groan as he came too.
Oliver let out a breathy laugh, relieved that the
porn star hadn’t outlasted him after all. Go him!

“Are you laughing at me,” Lane asked.
“No, I’m just happy that I didn’t blow my load

way ahead of you,” Oliver admitted.

“Well, I’m glad I could accommodate you.”
Lane kissed him on the tip of the nose then

pulled out. He went into the tiny adjoined
bathroom to get rid of the condom. Oliver sat up
and then realized what a mess he’d made on his
shirt. Great, how was he supposed to go home
with spunk all over him?

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Amber Kell and Stephani Hecht


When Lane came out, Oliver noted that his shirt

was in no better condition. He cringed as a warm
heat came over his face. Why didn’t they ever
show this part of the scenario in those porno

“What are we going to do about our shirts?”

Oliver asked as he buried his face in his hands.

“I always keep an extra dress shirt for me here,”

Lane replied.

“Well, that helps you, but what about me?”
Lane went to a closet and rustled through some

boxes, before pulling out a t-shirt and tossing it to
Oliver. “Here, you can wear this. I got them for
promotional events.”

Oliver unrolled the shirt, which read I’m a

Horney Boy! “Gee, thanks.”

Lane cocked a brow. “Well, you are.”
“Yeah, but now the whole world is going to

know it.”

“Like they don’t already with the way you were

screaming earlier,” Lane teased.

Oliver tried hard to think of a witty comeback

to that one but came up short. “Okay, you have a
point there.”

He took off his soiled shirt and put on the fresh

one, while Lane got changed as well. Then it was
time to go out and face the people in the outer
office. Oliver had to give them credit, none of
them acted like they had heard a peep when he

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Oliver’s Online


knew they had to have overheard at least a little
bit of his and Lane’s encounter.

“They’re being awful polite,” Oliver whispered.
“No, they just want to keep their jobs,” Lane


They went out to Lane’s car and drove back to

Oliver’s apartment. The driveway was full,
showing that everybody was home. Even Vance’s
car was there. Which really wasn’t surprising since
it was Friday, and Vance and Becca usually came
over to hang out on weekends.

Oliver had almost forgotten the t-shirt he had

on until they walked inside. Every gaze honed in
on him, there was a long pause, and then they all
broke out into laughter. Oliver could feel himself
blushing from head to toe.

“It’s not that funny,” he said.
“Oh, but it is,” Becca replied as she wiped away

tears from her eyes.

“What happened to your other shirt?” Patrick


When Oliver ducked his head and didn’t say

anything, the laughter just grew louder.

“I spilled something on it, okay,” he said.
“And what was that?” Becca inquired.
“It wasn’t something sticky, was it?” Vance


“You guys all suck,” Oliver said.

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Patrick came up and gave him a hug. “You

know we only tease you because we love you.”

“Yeah, I would hate to see how you treated

somebody you didn’t like,” Oliver said as he gave
Patrick a playful tap on the shoulder.

“So, what are we doing tonight? Other than

torturing poor Oliver,” Lane asked as he grabbed
Oliver and pulled him to his chest.

“I don’t know yet, but we have to see what’s up

with Ronnie and his cousin,” Patrick said.

“Where are they?” Oliver looked around the

small apartment, but didn’t see any sign of them.

“They’ve been in Ronnie’s room for the past

two hours,” Patrick informed them with a grim
frown. “You should have seen how shaken up the
poor kid was when he got here. His parents really
worked a number on him.”

Kid? How old is he?” Oliver asked.
“Twenty. He just seems younger because he’s

so beaten down emotionally right now. You’ll
understand what I mean when you see him. I feel
so bad for him.” Patrick shook his head.

“I just wanted to wrap him up in a great big

hug,” Becca said, her bottom lip trembling. “He
looks like he’s afraid of his own shadow.”

“Then it seems like Ronnie did the right thing

by bringing him here,” Vance said. “If anybody
can bring him out of his shell, it’s you guys.”

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Oliver’s Online


“I hope you’re right. He just seems so broken,”

Patrick said.

Vance pulled Patrick into his arms and kissed

him. “I’m positive of it. You’re good with people,
baby. I know you can help him. I have faith in

Oliver snuggled deeper into Lane’s embrace,

happy to be part of a couple for once instead of
being on the outside looking in. Better yet, it was
with somebody that he really loved. Who could
ask for more?

The door to Ronnie’s room opened and Ronnie

came out. With him was a thin…well, kid, that
had raven hair that hung in his face, almost hiding
the most beautiful set of blue eyes that Oliver had
ever seen. His skin was pale and his bottom lip
was raw, as if he had been biting it too much. He
wore a pair of older jeans that had holes in the
knees and a worn, faded t-shirt.

“Hey everybody, this is my cousin Niles,”

Ronnie said.

They all made their introductions and when it

came time for Oliver, he said, “Hi, my name is
Oliver and this is my boyfriend, Lane.”

The words rolled so easily off of Oliver’s

tongue. It made him realize that it was true; Lane
was his and he didn’t have to feel guilty about it.
His time to move on had come. Life was good and
Oliver couldn’t be happier. He could almost feel

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Amber Kell and Stephani Hecht


Dave smiling down on him and telling him it was
about damn time.

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About the Authors

Stephani Hecht is a happily married mother of
two. Born and raised in Michigan, she loves all
things about the state, from the frigid winters to
the Detroit Red Wings hockey team. Go Wings!
You can usually find her snuggled up to her
laptop, creating her next book.

Contact her at:
Email Address:




Amber is a happily married mother of two boys.
She lives in Seattle, Washington where she
dreamily sits looking out the window while she
claims to be working on her latest book.

Contact her at:
or check out her latest releases at


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