Mallory Hall Rondo

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Rondo Haley always looked at men but walked the line required of
a star football captain. He ditches life in a small town when he

discovers his girlfriend is cheating on him and decides he needs a
complete change. He packs a duffel and heads for the city and his

old friend Gary.

Gary Sennet accepted his homosexuality at an early age. He’s had

lovers but has never forgotten his first crush—the high school
football captain. Amused at the cliché, he maintains his distance

and a loose friendship with the object of his desire. Now living in
New York City, he has had lovers, many friends, and is a
successful model. But he has not found his true love.

Little did they know a temporary place to live would become
Rondo’s permanent home as Gary’s true love.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary
Length: 20,677 words

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Mallory Hall



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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Mallory Hall
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-187-1

First E-book Publication: February 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Gary Sennet watched his lover walk out the door. He’d seen it

many times before, but this was different. Mark wasn’t coming back
this time.

Gary went to the window and peered down at the sidewalk. The

apartment was on the fourth floor, but he could make out Mark’s
white-blond hair as it picked up the sunlight. The thick, bristly
military cut moved down the street, going farther and farther away.
Not once did Mark turn and look back. No, Mark was on his way to a
sugar daddy. An old man with a paunch, a flabby penis, and a stiff

“So be it,” Gary said aloud. He wouldn’t cry. Not after the things

Mark had said. “If Mark doesn’t appreciate me, I’ll find someone who
does.” Brave words. Turning away from the window, only after the
blond head turned the corner and disappeared, Gary covered his
mouth. He wouldn’t cry. He wouldn’t.

Stifling a sob, he ripped open the fridge and grabbed a beer.

Pouring it into his mouth, he glugged down half before lowering the
glistening silver can. He burped then groaned at the knock on the

“Open up, Gar. I know you’re in there,” his neighbor Phillip

called out. “I saw him leave.”

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Gary meandered over and opened the door. Phillip, tall, rugged,

red-haired Phillip, pushed his way inside and slammed the door.

“I told Jimbo he was leaving you. I told him.”
“I’d rather not be the subject of one of your bets, if you don’t


“Oh, man. We didn’t bet on it. I wouldn’t do that.”
Gary nodded. He managed a half step before he was enveloped in

a bear hug.

“I’m so sorry, man. Really.” Phillip pounded him on the back.
Gary tried not to show pain. Not emotional pain, physical pain.

Phillip was a big, strong guy and oblivious to his own strength.

There was another knock, and before Gary got his breath back,

Jimbo came in.

“What’s up?”
“Mark left him. I told you he was leaving.”
“Yeah, you did. I’m sure Gary appreciates hearing how right you

were,” Jimbo said. He gazed at Gary. “You wanna go out?”

Gary shivered. Third wheel. “No.”
“How about cards?” Phillip asked. He pulled his deck out of his

back pocket.

“I think I’d rather be alone.”
“Nah, you can’t be alone. You’d end up crying and moaning—”
“We get the picture,” Jimbo said, with an arch look at his partner.
“Uh, yeah. Hey, let’s get drunk. You still have that vodka the

prick likes so much?”

Gary smiled grimly. Poetic justice, get drunk on Mark’s precious

vodka. “Sure do.”

They broke out the vodka—from the freezer where Mark insisted

it be kept—and passed it around. It wasn’t long before Jimbo was
strumming Gary’s guitar and Phillip was crooning in his belly-deep
baritone. It sent chills down Gary’s spine as he listened to the two of
them. They’d been together for ten years. It was working for them,
although Gary couldn’t understand why. Phillip was a big, sloppy,

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loveable galook, while Jimbo, despite the redneck nickname, was a
sophisticated man-about-town.

Why is it so hard for me to hold onto a man? What was it about

him that made lovers run off after a few months? Hell, only a few
weeks for Mark.
The alcohol buzz convinced him that Mark was all
wrong for him anyway. He was anal, the white-blond buzz cut made
him look like punk rocker, and he had lousy taste in music. So wrong,
so long.
Gary tipped the bottle to let the burn flow down his throat.
He choked and coughed.

Jimbo patted him on the back and slipped the bottle out of his

hand. “Are you going to be all right?” he asked once Gary caught his

“I’m fine, really. He was all wrong for me anyway.”
“Thas right,” Phillip said.
Jimbo arched an eyebrow. “I think it’s time we went home.”
“Already?” whined Phillip. But he stood up and followed Jimbo to

the door.

* * * *

Rondo Haley hefted his duffel over his shoulder and checked the

map and address he’d gotten from the Internet. Should only be a
couple of blocks, he thought. In the dark. In New York City.

He wasn’t just nervous about walking alone in the dark on the

streets of a notoriously dangerous city at midnight. He was nervous
about seeing Gary after five years with no communication.

“Why didn’t we keep in touch?” Rondo said to himself.
“I’ll keep in touch with ya’, honey.”
Rondo glanced at the pretty boy propped up on the subway exit.

The tingle in his stomach unnerved him. The kid was really hot-
looking, with brown hair and soft-blue eyes. Catching himself, he
turned and walked away without saying a word. What could he say?
He wrote the tummy tingle off to dropping in on an old friend without

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warning. He strode down the street, taking in the sounds of the city
that never slept, and the smells of the city that never quite washed up
enough. Funny, it didn’t bother him like he thought it would. The
small-town stink clung heavily to him, but he would lose it.

Just like he lost Audrey, the slut. Bitch had slept with two of his

friends, and probably not one at a time. She’d also fucked her boss
and their neighbor. A strum of feeling passed over him as he pictured
her with their neighbor. The guy was built. But Audrey offered her
cunt to every penis dangled in front of her. She was an unfeeling
cheat. Why had he stayed with her for so long? She hadn’t excited
him in a long time.

But he was excited now. Excited about how his life was changing.

He turned a corner and saw Gary’s building. It was nothing like the
small house Gary and his parents had lived in while Gary grew up.

Rondo had enjoyed high school for the most part. His strange

feelings and attractions took a little shine off the memories. He’d been
so sure of himself except when he’d wondered what the hell was
wrong with him. Gary had always known who he was. He had been
too small to play football, but that didn’t bother him. He loved
helping the team with their equipment, in the locker room—hell, he
even tutored some of the guys in English, including Rondo.

That was one of the times he’d been most unsure of himself.

Rondo had watched Gary too closely, which made him
question…things about himself. Gary bent over once at the end of one
tutoring session. For one moment—just one short moment—he
wanted to cup those round cheeks with his hands.

God, put these thoughts away.
With a smile on his cute face, Gary had bounced through school

then disappeared after graduation. He hadn’t said good-bye to anyone.
That had hurt. But now Rondo had tracked him down, through his
mother, a week ago. And here he was.

“Okay, Ronnie, knock on the door, and find out if you have a

place to stay.”

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He took the elevator to the fourth floor and wandered down the

well-lit hallway, reading the numbers on the doors. There it was.

He lifted a hand and knocked without pausing. In for a penny. The

door swung open, and Rondo was looking at another good-looking
man. Tall, suave, upper-class dude. Definitely not the Gary Sennet he

“I’m looking for Gary,” he said.
Mr. Suave let the door open wider. Behind him stood a

bodybuilder type. Muscles from here to there, big eyes, big muscles.
Rondo swallowed the small pool of saliva that gathered in his
mouth. Again, though, not Gary.

Another gorgeous man sat slumped in an easy chair. Big, blue

eyes—bloodshot, probably due to the empty vodka bottle next to
him—peered up at him. Golden-brown hair framed a square-jawed
face with soft, pink lips. Lovely, hairless pecs were pinpointed with
tiny, hard nipples. The only six-pack in sight was the man’s belly.

There’s that tingle again.
“I’m looking for Gary.”
“Rondo?” asked the hunk as he rose out of the chair.
Gary? Jesus Christ, the cute boy has grown into a beautiful man.

* * * *

Waiting by the door to leave, Jimbo opened it at the knock. Phillip

bumped against him, trying to see the man in the hall. Gary, still
sitting, peered around the door to see what the holdup was.

It was a man. A beautiful man. Shoulders filled the doorway. His

thighs were like tree trunks, solid and thick, and where they met, an
impressive package bulged.

Gary sat forward for a better look and almost fell off the chair. His

gaze drifted up, all the way up, to meet warm brown eyes framed by
spiky lashes. The man’s lips were full and red. His nose was straight,
his brows a darker brown than his hair.

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His hair was a soft, wavy brown that flowed down past his

shoulders. Blond streaks ran through it, highlighting the shape of his

“I’m looking for Gary.”
It was a split second before recognition dawned. Gary blinked. He

blinked again. “Rondo? Oh, my God, is that you?” Gary jumped up
and pushed Phillip and Jimbo aside to throw his arms around the neck
of his high school crush. “I can’t believe it’s really you!”

Suddenly remembering himself, Gary let go. Rondo, the high

school quarterback, the boy—man—that Gary had had a crush on
since fourth grade. They’d been casual friends, friendly since
elementary school. He’d known better to try to make it anything else.
And here he was hugging the man. He was hugging the heterosexual

“Sorry, I was just…”
“Hey, no problem. It’s great to see you, too.”
They looked at each other, and then away. Gary cleared his throat.
“These guys are my neighbors. Phillip, Jimbo, this is an old friend

of mine, Rondo Haley.”

“How do you do?” Jimbo held out a hand. Rondo clasped it and


“Hiya,” said Phillip.
Gary rolled his eyes. How did Jimbo stand it when Phillip stared

hungrily at other men? He was practically drooling. Come to think of
it, so was Jimbo.

“They were just leaving,” Gary explained.
Jimbo smiled and tugged on Phillip’s hand. “Come on, darling.

Time for beddy-bye.”

Uneasy, Gary said good night and invited Rondo inside. He hoped

Rondo wasn’t put off by the banter. Gary sat on the couch, Rondo on
the easy chair.

“What brings you to the city, Rondo?”
“It’s kind of hard to say.”

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“If you need a place to stay, you can stay here. You know that.”
Rondo grinned. “I was hoping I could. Thanks.”
“Ah, you can sleep here on the couch, but if you’re not

comfortable, you can stay in my room.” Gary would have bitten his
tongue if he hadn’t been hoping Rondo would offer.

Rondo lifted his eyes to Gary’s. “I’m not going to put you out of

your own bed.” He hesitated then went on. “The couch will be fine.”

I meant stay in my bed…with me. But, hey, no fault. “I sleep on

the couch all the time.”

“Then it’ll be fine for me.”
Gary saw something there, in Rondo’s eyes. He didn’t trust

himself to identify it, but he interpreted it as longing. That was the
fantasy of unrequited love and a high-school crush.

Jesus, I’m a walking cliché. Gary grinned.
“What’s funny?”
“Nothing. Just thinking about…something.”
“Oh. Okay.”
Gary shook his head. Mr. Straight would run screaming if he

knew. No one from home knew. No one.

Shaking his head was a mistake. The room floated around him,

and his stomach lurched. It was time for his own cold, lonely bed.
“Come on. Let’s get some sheets and make up the couch.”

Rondo followed him down the hallway to the linen closet. They

fumbled with sheets and pillows until they laughed.

“You finish up. We’re not working well together.”
“I’m working just fine, but you’re drunk as a skunk,” Rondo said

with a grin.

Gary gave an exaggerated sigh. “Thas me all right. G’nite.” He

turned and stumbled down the hall. He could only hope Rondo
assumed the hug was the result of being drunk.

Closing the door behind him, he stripped off his sweatpants. He

struck a pose in front of his full-length mirror and almost giggled.
How did he look to Rondo? His pecs were good, his biceps tight. He

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flexed one arm then the other. Smiling, he turned around and looked
at his back and butt. Spreading his legs, he let his balls hang down.
Rocking left and right to make his balls swing free, he forgot his
spinning head as his dick stiffened and grew in length.

Gary pictured Rondo’s eyes and his lips. He imagined those red

lips closing around the head of his penis as he took himself in one
hand. Squeezing, he slid his hand up and down, and back again.
Shifting his hand to get a better grip, he pumped his cock, savoring
the image of Rondo’s head rising and falling with his fist. It was a
common daydream for Gary.

And he shows up at my door.
He went to his dresser drawer and pulled out a tiny dildo. It was

thin but long, and battery operated. Before lubing it up, Gary locked
his door. No need to be exposed. He grinned. Walking around his
bedroom with an erection, he enjoyed the feeling of it bobbing in
front of him. He squeezed a bit of oil on the dildo and lay down on his
bed. Spreading his cheeks, he slid the dildo into his ass. Putting more
oil on his hands, he cupped his dick and started working it,
massaging, pulling, rhythmically squeezing the entire length. He
flicked the dildo on. Soft vibrations spread out from his ass. He pulled
it partway out and then pushed it deep inside again and wiggled it.
Blood pounded in his dick. His ass twitched, tightening and relaxing.
The dildo picked up speed with the turn of a dial, and the vibrations
filled his asshole with movement. It pushed on his prostate, making
his dick jerk in delight.

Gary pulled the dildo out to concentrate on jerking off. He sat on

the edge of the bed and beat off as hard and fast as he could. When his
cum spurted, he cupped the head of his dick to catch it and then
rubbed it into his balls and ass. Slippery, sticky, and warm, it was a
nice wrap-up.

Gary fell onto his back across the bed and sighed. He wondered

what Rondo’s butthole looked like. Was it soft and red? Or hard and
brown? Did he like it tongued? Or did he hold off until he took his

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lover’s dick between the cheeks of his ass and bent over to get

“Christ!” Gary exclaimed. If Rondo had a lover, odds were they

didn’t have a dick at all. They probably had a sweet, juicy pussy with
plump, red labia and a clit that stood up like the Statue of Liberty.
Maybe Rondo liked threesomes?

Gary sat up.
That might work. If Rondo only liked women, he may not mind

having another guy around while he screwed some cunt’s brains out.

Gary crawled under the covers and settled down to sleep. It took a

while due to the never-ending parade of images of Rondo taking a
woman from behind while Gary took Rondo from behind.

He fell asleep with his balls cupped in one hand and the other

wrapped around his dick. And a hopeful smile on his face.

* * * *

The next morning, Gary opened his bedroom door and peeked

down the hall. It was quiet. It was dark. Rondo must still be asleep.

Tiptoeing to the kitchen, Gary tried not to look but failed. Did

Rondo sleep in the nude? Did he wear boxers or briefs? These were
questions that could not be ignored. He glanced over at the couch just
before he slipped into the kitchen. Too dark. Now what?

There was no door on the kitchen, so he quietly spread an

untoasted bagel with nonfat cream cheese and grabbed a box of juice.
He wrapped the bagel with a napkin and quietly made his way to the
living room. He could see Rondo well enough to see him lying on his
stomach. Darn. Gary patted his pockets for his keys. Nothing there.
He looked around the room and spied them on the table behind the
couch. Now, I could walk around the couch and get my keys. Or I
could lean over the couch and drink in Rondo’s smell and still get my
And he’d have a reason to be drooling over him.

He took a step, but Rondo groaned and rolled to his back. The

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sheet covered him from the waist down, but there was some
admirable tenting going on. Rondo scratched his side, sighed, and
settled down. Gary waited a few moments then went to the edge of
the couch. He leaned forward and inhaled. Musk. Male sweat.
Testosterone. Musk. Dizzy from inhaling, Gary reached over his
sleeping friend and palmed his keys.

Gary jerked upright. Hoping Rondo didn’t see his erection—even

though it was pointing at his face and at eye level—Gary held up the

“Sorry, man. I left my keys on the table last night.”
Rondo sat up, and like a good little boy, Gary took a step back.

Rondo yawned and scratched his head with both hands.

“S’right. Mind if I use the shower?”
The image of Rondo slick with water and soap caught in Gary’s

throat. “Uh, yeah, sure, anything.” Brilliant, Gar, brilliant. “There’s
an extra key on the kitchen table for you, towels in the linen closet.”
Gary pulled his front door open. “Help yourself to the fridge.”

Rondo watched him sleepily. “Don’t tell me you’re a morning


Gary grinned. “Not normally. I’ve got a shoot this morning.”
“A shoot? You’re a model?”
The light in Rondo’s eyes warmed the cockles of Gary’s cock.

“Yeah. It pays the bills.”

“I’ll bet.” Rondo looked inordinately impressed. “And then


“I do all right.”
Rondo laughed then sobered and looked Gary up and down. “You

look like a model.”

Gary felt his cheeks heat, so he did an impromptu muscle pose.

“Gotta go,” he said. He went through the door but turned back. “Feel
free to use the equipment in the dining room.”

Gary heard Rondo’s comment as the door closed.

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“Equipment? In the dining room?”
Gary smiled and jogged down the stairs to street level. Stepping

into the flow of the pedestrian traffic, he turned his thoughts to the
day’s shoot. Swimsuits, a New York City fountain, bright, hot lights,
and cameras going off for about four hours. And a check for $6,000.
He’d had bigger, but the shoots had been more demanding. The
smaller shoots paid less, but Gary didn’t need a lot of cash. Two
shoots a month at $6,000 kept him in the style he had become
accustomed to. He smiled.

“Hey there, handsome.”
Gary nodded at the brunette walking past. When she went by, he

turned and walked backward for several steps. Oh, yeah. Maybe I can
talk Rondo into a threesome.
The brunette’s ass swung from side to
side. Her long hair flipped back and forth. He pictured her breasts
bouncing in the knit top she wore. Gary turned and walked forward
again. His ride appeared in the form of the NY subway system. He
rode it all the way.

* * * *

Shaking his head in amusement at Gary’s departure, Rondo

considered how much he had changed. No more skinny little guy.
Now he was built. And mysterious. He hadn’t tried to explain the gay
neighbors any more than he explained what equipment might be in his
dining room. His curiosity led him directly to the dining room. He
hadn’t seen it last night since he had to walk through the kitchen to
get to it. He saw it now.

There was no dining table, no chairs, no sideboard or curio

cabinet. What there was took his breath away. Posters of bodybuilders
decorated the walls. In black and white and color, they were
photographic quality and included several surreal digital views. The
floor was covered with a thick black mat. Exercise equipment filled
the room, from the bizarre to the mundane. Free weights and bars

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were neatly lined up along one wall. One bar held an impressive 180
pounds worth of weights. Dumbbells marched down the wall from
small to large, or, as they said in his gym back home, from slight to
right. A very expensive brand-name machine that could be set to work
arms, legs, back, obliques, delts, and a myriad of other body parts sat
in a corner.

This answered the question of how Gary had gotten into such

excellent shape. Gary was a closet bodybuilder. No wonder he’s a

Rondo planted his fists on his hips and studied the room. The

setup was better than his last gym. Gary did say to help myself. And it
would take my mind off things
. Things he needed to think about but
not right now. Lifting and squatting were a productive way to ignore

Rondo headed for the body machine but lurched to a stop. He

should at least be a good houseguest and put on some clothes. He
grabbed his duffel, fished around for some sweats, and headed back
for the “dining room.”

An hour later, sweaty and pleasantly tired, Rondo headed for the

kitchen. He was hungry.

“Let’s see what the man keeps around for sustenance.”
The fridge held, of all things, a bunch of those little kiddie juice

boxes. There was whole-wheat bread, bagels, cream cheese, and eggs.

“At least he doesn’t live on fresh-squeezed juice and protein


Rondo toasted a bagel and fried an egg. There wasn’t any coffee

he could find, so he made do with a glass of milk. He could go out for
coffee. Dumping the dirty utensils in the sink, he stared at them. Bad
Turning on the water, he let it run until it warmed up and
then squirted some detergent over the pile. Washing and rinsing, he
placed the clean plates and frying pan in the drainer. He turned to
leave the kitchen and spotted the dishwasher.

“Christ, he’ll think I’m a neat freak.”

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To prove he wasn’t, Rondo scratched his balls and plopped onto

the couch. Grabbing up the remote, he clicked on the TV and surfed
for a bit. A very unproductive hour passed, and he groaned. At this
rate he’d turn into a daytime-TV junkie. Clicking off the set, he went
to take his shower.

The warm water ran across his shoulders and down his back. It

felt too good to move, so he didn’t. He let water run over his face and
into his open mouth. He spit out a mouthful of water and soaped
himself from head to feet. Simple washing was too everyday to avoid

Audrey popped into his head. Too bad she rarely wanted to pop

into his bed. He shampooed his hair. Hers was long and brown,
almost as long as his. Her eyes were brown. Too bad her lies weren’t
white. Or little.

Why was it that some women were never satisfied? Why couldn’t

he be enough for Audrey? He’d thought long and hard and come to
the decision that it wasn’t him. It really wasn’t him. It was her.

Living with her, supporting her in her writing career, taking care

of her dog, washing her car…and she had been sleeping with two
other guys. Crying and clinging, she’d apologized, swore she’d never
do it again, said she loved him. So he comforted her, told her
everything was okay, and took the dog for a walk. When he returned
earlier than usual, determined to make things right with Audrey, he’d
walked into the living room and met one of Audrey’s lovers.

She swore it was just a good-bye. Rondo just swore. Then he

started throwing her things out windows, doors, whatever opening he
could find. He threw the lover out as well. The guy had been hung
like a horse. His cock was thick with a head the size of a helmet.

Hands slippery with soap, they found his dick. He let his hand

casually slide up his length. The image of soft, pink lips popped into
his head. Gary has pink lips. His cock jerked. Cupping his balls, he
soaped them up good and hard. His dick hardened, and lengthened,
too. He loved the feeling of a hard-on. The tension in his lower

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stomach, the pull on his back, and the anticipation of coming were the
best part of his fantasies. Partners came and went—ha-ha—but his
cock was always there. Sometimes more than one cock stood up for
him, but he didn’t question that closely. Carefully wrapping his soapy
hand around his dick, he let it slide up and down slowly. He rested
one hand on the shower wall and squatted down a bit, giving his hand
more room to slip and slide up and down his cock. He took his time
letting the tension build slowly. He took more care with his cock than
Audrey ever had. Those pink lips surfaced again, and he imagined
them opening and swallowing his dick inch by inch. Without
tightening his grip, he sped up until his fist was practically a blur, but
still whispered along the length his dick, and then squeezed. In a hard
release that bent his knees, he spent himself amidst the soapy water.
Leaning on the wall with his cock drooping, he rinsed off and stepped
out of the shower.

“Damn.” He didn’t have a towel or clothes. Stepping into the

hallway, he froze. Gary stood in his bedroom door, his pink lips open
as if he was going to call out to someone.

That someone would be him. Thank God Gary hadn’t just popped

open the bathroom door to talk to him.

“Hey, Gar. When’d you get back?”
Gary was still. He looked flushed.
“You okay?” Rondo took a step closer.
“I just got back. A minute ago. You’re busy. I’ll, uh—”
“Slow down, bud.” Rondo pulled a towel from the closet and

tucked it around his hips. He pulled another one out and started towel
drying his hair.

“How’d the shoot go?”
“Good. Real good.”
Amazed, Rondo realized that Gary was uncomfortable seeing him

naked. Probably why he didn’t open the bathroom door. “I’ll just go
get dressed.”

Gary nodded.

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Rondo went to his duffel and pulled out jeans, underwear, and a

T-shirt and took everything into the bathroom. Remembering jerking
off to the image of pink lips stopped him cold. Audrey didn’t have
pink lips. But…he shook his head.

Damn. How could I know the guy was that shy? Hope I didn’t just

blow my crib.

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Chapter Two

Boxers. Black silk boxers. Gary hadn’t seen Rondo in them, but

he had seen them in his hand. He had to get a grip. Flipping his door
shut behind him, he considered jerking off. But Rondo would be out
soon. So, no playtime.

Rondo had worn tighty-whities in high school. Crap. They all did.

Their mothers bought their underwear!

He splashed water on his face and looked at himself critically in

the mirror. He saw wide-set, deep blue eyes and brown hair with
natural gold streaks. He decided that it was too short since he’d seen
Rondo’s locks. His teeth were straight, white, and strong. Lips were
pink but okay. His chin was strong, his jaw square. Not too bad if he
had to say so himself.

Mark hadn’t appreciated him. Neither had his two previous lovers.

They took advantage of him. He let him pay the rent, buy the food
and drinks, and stay home waiting for…something. Or someone.

He shook his head and dried his face and went out to see what

Rondo was up to. Rondo was up to sitting on the couch and watching

“Sorry about running around here with nothing on.”
Gary tipped his head to one side in confusion. “I don’t have a

problem with that.”

“Oh. You seemed, um, I don’t know, embarrassed.”
Gary smiled. “I wasn’t embarrassed.”
“Oh. I, uh, used the exercise equipment. That’s a great setup you


Avoidance. I forgot he didn’t like to face things head-on. “I got a

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good deal on it.”

“How good?”
“No way. Who’d you have to suck up to?”
Gary’s body gave an involuntary shiver. Somehow, the word

“suck” on Rondo’s lips…

“No one. I modeled the equipment for the ads.”
“What are doing these days, Rondo?”
“I was selling cell phones but quit when I left town.”
“You stayed in Henderson?”
“Yeah. You remember Audrey?”
Gary had to think hard. He didn’t remember too many girls. “I

think so. Short, red hair?”

“No, tall, brown hair.”
Gary grinned. “I guess I don’t.”
Rondo grinned back at him, and Gary felt like licking his lips.

Rondo’s lips.

“I hooked up with Audrey while we were in junior college. We

lived together for almost six years.”

Rondo trailed off, staring into the distance.
Rondo snapped back and looked at Gary. “You don’t want to hear

about that, and I don’t want to talk about it. Depressing.”

“Been there.”
The two men stared at the floor for a while. Gary was dying to

know about the bitch, but it wasn’t happening now.

“So what are you doin’ in Manhattan?” Gary asked.
“I needed a change, and this was about as different as I could get.”
“You ain’t kiddin’.”
“You like living in the city?”
“Yes. Unequivocally, yes. I’ll never live in a small town again.”
Rondo looked like he was going to say something. When he

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spoke, Gary knew it wasn’t what he had started to say.

“I have some money tucked away and can take my time looking

for a job. But I’ll start looking for an apartment tomorrow.”

“Don’t run off so fast. You can stay here as long as you like.”

Stay. Please stay. I can relive my feelings for you. Maybe catch
another glimpse of you naked.

“I don’t want to put you out.”
“You’re not putting me out at all. My roommate moved out

yesterday.” The thought of Mark walking away clouded Gary’s
thinking, but not with heartbreak or despair. It almost felt as if a
wrong had been righted.

“Bad scene?”
Gary looked at Rondo. “You could say that. We were lovers,


“She cheat on ya’?”
Gary glanced away. “No. No one was cheating. Just said I wasn’t

enough for hi—I wasn’t enough.”

“I know the feeling. Looks like I’ll have to tell you the sordid

details about Audrey.”

Gary looked back at Rondo with an inquisitive lift of his


“She was cheating on me. With two other guys.”
Gary’s heart buckled like tinfoil. “Interesting.”
Rondo’s face closed up. “I wasn’t invited.”
“I don’t think they were doing it all at the same time. She took

’em on one at a time. Every day.”

“I used a few more descriptive four-letter words.”
Gary laughed but cut it off. “Sorry.”
Rondo waved him off. “No problem. A little distance is a good


“And a large distance can be a great thing,” Gary deadpanned.

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Rondo gaped at him then laughed out loud. Gary joined in.
“You slay me. I’ve missed you. What the hell happened to you

after graduation? You disappeared quick.”

Gary thought back to that horrible time. Graduation was supposed

to be fun, a new start on life, the beginning of the rest of his life. For
him, it had almost cost him his life. Graduation night, he and two
other gays he knew went barhopping. They did fine until they hit the
conservative part of the county. Conservative and redneck. Gary and
his friends spent the night in the emergency room. His two friends
were still together, living in a ground-floor apartment only a few
blocks away. They didn’t hang out anymore. Third wheel.

He lifted his chin and settled his gaze on Rondo. His heart did a

slow roll. He was tired of being left, tired of being the “third.” He was
tired of lying. “I left town quick. City lights, all that.”

Rondo didn’t look convinced. “Funny. I never knew you were

looking for city lights.”

“You didn’t know much about me at all.” Gary could have slit his

own throat. Nothing like goading a friend he’d just invited to live with
him. No matter how tired he was.

“I see.”
Gary clapped his hands together. “Where do you want to go? We

can go to Ellis Island or the Statue of Liberty. There’s a museum on
every corner.”

Rondo sat back. “Anywhere you want.”
“You’re the visitor. It’s up to you.”
“In that case, no sightseeing. Why don’t I take us out to dinner?

Your choice since I don’t know any restaurants in a hundred miles,
and you can take me to your favorite bar afterward.”

Gary felt his eyebrows climb his forehead. Not a good idea. But

you never know.


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Rondo held out his hand. Gary reached for it, clasped it, and

shook it. Reluctantly, he released the large, warm, callused hand.

“What should we wear?”
“Got a tux in there?” Gary asked, pointing at Rondo’s green duffel


Rondo laughed. “I don’t think so.”
“Then whatever you’re comfortable in.”
Rondo hesitated. “What will you be wearing?”
“I’ll dress up, wear my new jeans.”
“I can handle that.”
They both got to their feet. Gary headed for his bedroom while

Rondo pulled his duffel onto the couch.

Gary stopped and turned. “Yeah?”
“For what?”
“Letting me stay here, making me feel welcome, comfortable.”
You have no idea how hard it is to make you feel comfortable.

“No problem.”

Rondo watched him from across the room. “No. I think you were

right when you said I didn’t know you.”

Gary waved him off. “I’m sorry—”
“Don’t be. The truth is a welcome change.” He bent and rooted

through his duffel.

Only certain truths are welcome. Holding onto his good mood

with both hands, Gary walked into his bedroom and pulled out the
new jeans. Deciding to go commando, he stripped, pulled the stiff
jeans up over his hips, carefully tucked everything inside, and zipped
up. His dick and balls settled comfortably to the left. He chose a
cotton shirt that hugged his chest and waist like a lover’s hands. A
glance in the mirror made him pause. At least my shirt likes me. He
lost his grip on his good mood.

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* * * *

The restaurant was dark and cozy. Rondo followed Gary through

the restaurant to their table. It was a booth, in the back. He liked it.
Uneasy, he admitted he liked following Gary.

He’d never seen Gary as anything other than a friend. As a star

football player, he’d dated a lot of girls in high school but had also
been intrigued by…other things, things he’d never told anyone about.
Girls, beer, sex, and beer were what he remembered of high school.
The girls were a mystery—kind of like Gary—the sex had been
uncomfortable gropings, and the beer, well, the beer had been a good
way to cover up his awkwardness about the other two. And a way to
avoid thinking about those intriguing things.

“This all right?” Gary asked.
“Very good.”
They sat down, and the waiter—a young, built, blond boy—

presented menus with a dramatic flair. Rondo picked his up and
studied it. His eyes saw steak, fish, and chicken. His brain saw the
blond god and Gary’s ass. He shook his head.

“You okay?”
Rondo looked up guiltily. “Yeah. Sure. What are you having?”
“A big, juicy porterhouse, medium.”
“I’ll have the T-bone, rare.”
“I hate bloody meat,” Gary said.
Rondo blanched. “Make mine medium.”
“No, you have it rare. I don’t eat mine rare, but it doesn’t bother

me when someone else does.”

“You sure?”
Gary waved at the waiter. “One porterhouse, medium, and one T-

bone, rare. And two more beers.”

“Yes, sir,” the blond god said.
Rondo watched him walk away, thinking about rare meat. Saliva

pooled in his mouth, and his cock twitched inside his tight jeans.

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He dragged himself back from imagining blond, tightly curled

pubic hair ringing rare meat. “What?”

Rondo knew his tone had been sharp, and now Gary’s look was


“Sorry, I was thinking about something…”
“S’okay. Ah, the nectar of the gods has arrived.”
Rondo threw Gary a look then sat back so the blond god could

serve the beer. He walked away.

“Doesn’t look old enough to be serving alcohol, does he?” Gary

asked, watching the wiggling ass make its way through the tables.

Rondo huffed. “No comment.”
Gary laughed. “So tell me how living in Henderson as an adult


“It was worse than in high school.”
Gary laughed, and just like that they were okay again. Rondo

loved to watch Gary talk—with his hands and his mouth—and let him
carry much of the conversation. Meanwhile, his own mind was
spinning in several different directions. The most prevalent was
Gary’s lips, pink and smooth, the lower one a bit plumper than the top
one. When he laughed, he would put his head back and open his
mouth. His tongue jumped with his laughter. It was incredibly erotic.

That was the other prevalent direction. High-school fantasies had

returned like he was a sophomore in the boy’s locker-room shower.
Naked, wet bodies, and penises of all sizes and shapes. Sometimes
they’d get hard-ons and compare sizes. He joined in, thinking he had
to or be the odd man out. But now he realized that Gary had never
participated, and he wasn’t looked down on. Mostly he was ignored.
Rondo wished he’d been ignored a little more.

But not now. Gary was watching the blond god waiter working his

other tables. His black slacks molded to firm thighs. The crotch
bulged to the right. His white shirt showed off a flat stomach while

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the sleeves cupped nicely rounded biceps. Okay, now I’m ignoring

“I wonder if he’d be interested in modeling,” Gary murmured.
“You think he’s buff enough to be a model?”
Gary glanced at him through spiky eyelashes. “Oh, yeah.”
“What about me?” Christ, did I just say that out loud?
Gary straightened in his chair and gave him the once over. His

eyes came up to hold his gaze. “I think you’re more than buff

Rondo waited for the “but…”
“You’re big enough, ahem, and your long hair would work well

for covers. I think you’d be great on covers.”

“Covers? What would I be covering?”
Gary chuckled.
“Book covers. There’s a lot of work available in publishing.”
“Yeah. Some guys make their whole career doing book covers.”
“What kind of books?”
Gary hesitated. “Ah, romance novels.”
“Really? Like bodice rippers? I could dress up like a pirate with

thigh-high boots and an eye patch?”

Gary leaned back and glanced around the room. “There are lots of

opportunities. How did you get into cell phones?”

Okay, change of subject. I was cruising too close to the edge

anyway. “My uncle owns several kiosks in shopping malls. He hired
me as a salesperson then promoted me to Regional Sales Manager.”

“Whoa, whoa! He hired you? He promoted you?”
Rondo nodded warily.
“You earned yourself a job and were so good at it you were

promoted. You were lucky to work for someone who recognized and
appreciated your skills.”

Rondo stared at Gary then laughed. “You are so good for my


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Gary’s eyes widened, and Rondo thought he blushed. He watched

Gary’s eyes. They dilated, darkening almost to a midnight blue. He
dropped his gaze to Gary’s mouth. The man had nice lips. Very nice,
especially when he licked them like that. Disconcerted, Rondo
squirmed in his seat. Feelings stirred between his legs. His dick and
balls contracted. Intriguing. Rondo tore his gaze away from Gary and
looked for the waiter. He needed another beer.

Dinner was served, and the blond god promised to bring a round

of drinks for both of them. Rondo cut into his steak, and they both
concentrated on the meal.

A brief disagreement ensued when Rondo insisted on picking up

the bill. He won but had to compromise on Gary picking up the bar

“I really should pay, Gar. I’m staying at your place, eating your


Gary slapped a hand on his chest and opened his eyes wide in

feigned shock. “You ate my food?”

“Ha-ha. It’s only right that I pay.”
“No. You’re my guest, and you agreed at the restaurant. I win. So


“So there? What, are we back in high school?” Rondo said with a


Gary laughed, too. “I may have slid backward a teeny-tiny bit. But

I’m still pickin’ up the tab.”

Rondo shrugged and went through the door of the bar that Gary

held for him. He stopped. Definitely not what he’d expected. It was a
strip club. Barely dressed women shimmied and shook on a runway
that extended out from the stage. There weren’t any dancing poles,
but there were props. A mechanical bull was center stage, which was
designed to look like the inside of a barn. Bales and loose hay were
scattered around. A ladder stood off to the right, its legs spread and
the paint can shelf in position. Gary grabbed his forearm, but his grip
slipped. He ended up holding Rondo’s hand. Without thinking, Rondo

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grabbed ahold and let him lead him deep inside. Rock music pounded
out of huge speakers next to the stage. He hoped his mouth wasn’t
hanging open. He clutched Gary’s hand a little tighter.

They sat a small table, and Rondo had to drop Gary’s hand. Jeez.

He hadn’t felt this gauche in years. The small-town-boy stink still
clung to him. Determined to hide his reaction, Rondo grinned across
the tiny table.

“This place is great.” He had to raise his voice to be heard.
“Are you sure? You seemed a little surprised.”
“At first. For some reason I didn’t think you’d go in for this kind

of thing.”

“Why not?”
Rondo could only shrug as a mostly naked waitress took their

order. He watched her ass cheeks twitch as she walked away.

“Like that, do you?” Gary asked.
“Who wouldn’t?”
He saw Gary roll his eyes. Hopefully he didn’t think Rondo was

acting like a kid in a candy shop. He turned when Gary took his hands

“We can leave if you want.”
“No. This is fine.” He gave Gary’s hand a little squeeze and let

go. He puffed his cheeks and blew air out as the naked waitress
leaned over their table and let her breasts sway as she delivered their

* * * *

Gary was debating his choice. It had seemed like the right thing

when he planned it, but Rondo was difficult to read. He’d looked
shocked when they walked in, and then held his hand as they found a
table. Not many men would hold hands in public. Was Rondo nervous
around women? He couldn’t believe it of the football stud.

Now Rondo watched the action with unconcealed interest. The

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girls were on their game tonight, shaking their tits and squatting in G-
strings. A little bump and grind, shake their asses in someone’s face,
and lean over for cash. It was a normal night so far. As they watched,
Gary sensed Rondo’s arousal. He was aroused, too. He didn’t dislike
women at all. He liked how soft they were. He liked their smell and
their tenderness. But he also liked to be held by a hard body, slick
with sweat, and to suck another man’s tongue into his mouth. Oh,
He squirmed in his seat. The rough inside of the denim stroked
the sensitive skin of his dick and balls. He glanced at his friend.

Rondo’s eyes were popping from his head. Gary pictured Rondo

launching himself at the brunette climbing onto the mechanical bull.

She wore see-through chaps, a G-string, and tiny cowboy hats on

her nipples. A bigger cowboy hat sat on her head, and she trailed a
whip along the floor. With an exaggerated split of her legs, she
mounted the bull and snuggled up against the horn. The brunette
stood up in the stirrups and slowly humped the horn. Men were
standing and cheering now. Rondo sat with his mouth open.

Hope I can get Rondo out without fucking the place up.
The woman sat down on the bull, and it began to move slowly and

seductively. It lifted and turned as the brunette cracked her whip. The
scent of excited men filled Gary’s nostrils. Musk and sweat and sex.
Penises and cum. Oh god, he was hot.

A quick peek at Rondo revealed a sheen of sweat on his forehead

and upper lip. His hair lay across his shoulders. Gary stopped himself
from touching it. He wanted that hair draped over his thighs while
Rondo sucked him off. He shuddered and shifted his erection inside
his jeans. If he was this hard already, what would happen during the
second part of the show?

The brunette was kneeling on the bull now. It rotated slowly,

exposing her ass to the audience, who sincerely appreciated her
efforts. More so when she lifted one leg as the bull turned its own ass
to the audience, and she did that exaggerated leg split to settle down
on the bull again. Facing the audience, she sucked on the whip handle.

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And the crowd went wild.
All except Rondo and Gary. They simply sat and watched.
The club quieted as the lights dimmed and the girls left the stage.

This was the part Gary was looking forward to, and, at the same time,

The spotlight came on, and a woman stepped out from behind the

curtain. She was dressed in silver lamé with long, sheer scarves
draped around her neck, fluttering around her feet. Her red hair was
highly styled, her face made up. She lifted the mike and started
singing a heartrending song in a clear soprano.

Someone behind them giggled. Damn. Gary didn’t need some

tourist looky-loos poking fun at the “showgirls.”

The woman finished the song to loud, long applause punctuated

with high-pitched whistles. She bowed and left the stage.

The curtains opened, and the chorus line pranced out. Red

sequins, feathers, fishnet stockings, and spike heels brought back the
rowdy in the crowd. They cheered and whistled as the line danced,
kicked, did the bump and grind, and finished up with a group fondle,
each one cupping the next’s crotch.

Rondo was applauding with spirit. When he sat back down, Gary

noticed the twinkle in his eyes. He was excited.

“You like it so far?” Gary asked.
“Oh, yeah! Man, I’ve never seen a show like that.”
“You don’t even know what you saw.”
Rondo lifted a shoulder. “Whatever it was, it was great.”
“I’m glad you liked it, honey.”
Miss Temperance sashayed up behind Rondo. She’d taken the

huge feathers out of her red hair, but she still shimmered with
thousands of sequins.

“Who’s the hunk, Donkey?”
Gary grimaced. He didn’t need his nickname bandied about right

now. “Temperance, this is a friend of mine from back home, Rondo.”

Temperance dragged an inch-long fingernail down Rondo’s nose

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and brushed a fingertip across his lips. Gary had to force himself to
stay seated. Temperance glanced at him before he could wipe the
irritation from his face. She smiled.

“I would love to get to know you better, studly, but it appears

you’re spoken for.” She leaned down and licked Rondo’s lips while
looking at Gary. He let her know she’d pay for this. She just shrugged
and stepped over to him. Leaning down, she whispered in his ear,
“Sorry, Donkey, I thought he knew.”

Gary made his lips lift in a parody of a smile. “You were wrong.”
Temperance gave him an openmouthed kiss. “Really, Gary, I’m


He gave a curt nod, and Temperance sauntered off to ruin

someone else’s life.

“What was that about?”
“Temperance has a very strange sense of humor.”
They stayed for another half an hour or so then walked back to

Gary’s apartment. When they got inside, Rondo caught Gary’s

“Was it my imagination, or did Temperance have an Adam’s


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Chapter Three

Gary’s insides went all squirrelly on him. In a haze of sexual

excitement, Rondo observed the one and only thing that gave
Temperance away. Very few transsexuals could hide an Adam’s

He watched Rondo. The man flicked his head, sending a cascade

of long brown hair over his shoulder. Gary’s belly clenched. It was
the moment of truth.

Rondo turned and headed for the bathroom.
He turned. “Yeah?”
“That’s all. Just ‘oh’ and you walk away?”
“That’s it.”
“No questions? No comments?”
Rondo thought for a moment. “I do have one comment.”
Gary nodded eagerly.
“She looked better without the feather stuck in her hair.”
Rondo went into the bathroom and closed the door.
Gary gaped. He dropped onto the couch and laughed. Earlier he’d

thought to himself that Rondo was hard to figure. He wasn’t hard to
figure, he was impossible.

The toilet flushed, and the door opened. Rondo stepped out

wearing nothing but the black silk boxers.

Gary got to his feet. “I guess it’s bedtime. I’ll see you in the

morning.” He stepped past Rondo and went into his room. He

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undressed but had to sit down for a minute. His mind was buzzing
with questions, but his brain wasn’t answering. Was Rondo straight?
Could he be bi? He liked the women, the biological women, and
didn’t seem to mind finding out about Temperance. So…so nothing.

Gary didn’t have a clue. He brushed his teeth and turned his alarm

off. He didn’t have a shoot for three more days, and that one was a
night shoot in Central Park. Sleeping in was a good way to let the
questions stew. He pulled back his sheets and slid between the smooth
luxury of a high thread count.

A knock at the door made him sit up. “Yes?”
“Gar?” Rondo called softly as he opened the bedroom door and

peered around it.

“Come on in.” His heart fluttered, and he curled his toes tight.
“I hope I didn’t wake you up.”
“Not me.” Just my dick. Gary yearned to slide those boxers over

Rondo’s slim hips.

Rondo came in and sat on the opposite side of the bed. “I do have

some questions.”

Gary’s tummy wiggled. “Shoot.” Your cum into my mouth.
“Those women…the first ones. The ones that were dancing when

we got to the club.” Rondo looked at Gary earnestly.

“What about them?”
“They were women, right?”
Gary’s heart and dick deflated. “Yeah. The second part of the

show was all transsexuals.”

Rondo’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “All of them? Even the

chorus line?”

“Even them.” Gary waited. And waited. “You have a problem

with that? I’m sorry if my choice of entertainment offended you—”
Gary’s mouth stilled as Rondo’s hand covered it.

“No. I wasn’t offended. At all.” He lowered his hand.
“I think you were.”
“No.” Rondo looked down and pleated the sheet.

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Gary felt it stretch across his thighs as Rondo’s strong, broad hand

tugged more material to play with. He hoped Rondo didn’t look up a
bit, or he’d get an eyeful.

“I was more intrigued. Back in high school, I, uh…you might be

surprised about the things I thought about in high school.”

Congratulating himself for not jumping up and down and yelling,

“Me! Me! You thought about me!” Gary tipped his head to one side.
“I have secrets from high school, too, and I doubt I’d be surprised by
anything you tell me.”

“It hurt when you left without saying good-bye,” he said, staring

at his fingers on the sheet.

Shocked, Gary tried to respond but couldn’t think of a thing to

say. I hurt his feelings because I didn’t say good-bye?

Still staring, Rondo gave a sad little smile. “I was…intrigued…by

Mr. Worley.”

“Waggin’ Worley?” Gary grinned.
He looked up. “Why did you and your friends call him that?”
Gary balked. Worley wagged his ass at the boys in the locker

room. He wasn’t sure what Rondo would think of that. He shrugged.

“Was it the way he wiggled when he walked?”
Gary choked off a laugh. “As a matter of fact it was. I didn’t want

to upset you since you said you liked him.”

“I liked him all right. At the same time I was scared as hell.”
“Worley scared you?”
“No, my feelings. I was dating Pam at the time. Remember her?”
Gary smirked. “I don’t remember too many girls.”
Rondo talked on as if Gary hadn’t answered him. “Every time I

was with Pam, I thought about Mr. Worley.”

Now he was intrigued. “You thought about his class, homework,


Rondo held his gaze. “Just what I said. I thought of Mr. Worley.”
Tamping down his excitement, Gary leaned forward. “You

thought about Mr. Worley so you could be with Pam. Is that what

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you’re saying?”

Rondo’s body relaxed as he nodded. “That’s what I’m saying. I

didn’t know what to do about it, so I did nothing.”

You could have done me. Working to keep his voice from

whining, he said, “Except date girls.”

Rondo chuckled. “Except date girls.”
Gary leaned back against the headboard. His luxurious, high-

thread-count sheets did nothing to hide his erection.

Rondo’s eyes fell to the sheet and slowly lifted until his eyes met

Gary’s. “Are you gay?”

Gary took a deep breath. “Yes.”
Rondo didn’t make a move away or toward Gary. Gary waited for

a reaction, but he didn’t get one. Instead, he got another question.

“How exactly do men make love? Is it what I think…?”
Gary crossed his arms across his chest and prepared to run his

dream man off in spite of some adolescent curiosity. “If what you
think is anal, then yes, that’s how it’s done. But there are other ways.
Lots of other ways.” Gary looked down the length of his body to
where his toes poked up. They were no longer curled. They were
more relaxed than any other part of his body.

“What, um, other ways?”
Without moving his head, Gary shifted his eyes to Rondo. He was

staring back. Solemn, questioning, waiting. Accepting.

Gary scratched his chin. “This isn’t something I usually discuss,

Rondo, especially with straights.”

Rondo shifted on the bed but didn’t leave. “What about showing

instead of talking, and bisexuals?”

Gary’s heart triphammered in his chest. His cock was on the rise,

his throat dry. He lowered his arms. “Do you know what you’re

“I think so. But maybe we could start out small.”
Gary barked a laugh. “Not me.”
Rondo’s gaze locked onto Gary’s erection rising from between his

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legs. Gary knew he was well-endowed. He’d seen Rondo’s dick
flaccid but never erect. Rondo reached for his boxers.

“No,” Gary said, grabbing Rondo’s hand. “Let me. That is, if you

want me to.”

Rondo nodded. Gary pulled the sheet down on the other side of

the bed and patted the bed.

“Come up here and get comfortable.” Gary watched Rondo slide

around and scoot back to the headboard. “Relax. I’m not going to
attack you or hurt you. If I do something you don’t like, tell me, and
I’ll stop. Okay?”

Rondo nodded.
Gary gazed at him. “Cat got your tongue?”
“I’ll admit I’m nervous.”
Gary half turned and put a hand on Rondo’s leg. Rondo stiffened,

but Gary ignored it. He was going to take it slow, work him up, and
get him aroused. And start small.

“The first time I was with a man, I was so excited.”
“How old were you?”
“Fourteen. He was thirty-something, and I was in love.” He let his

shoulders droop a little, bringing him closer to Rondo’s furred chest.
“We kissed and kissed forever before he took my pants off.” Rondo
flinched slightly. “He was very gentle. He had a magical tongue and
licked me everywhere.”

Rondo swallowed. “Licked?”
Gary leaned a bit closer. “Yeah. Licked. Like this.” He dipped his

head and flat-tongued one of Rondo’s nipples. He gasped, and Gary
moved to the other one. He slid his hand higher on Rondo’s leg. His
thumb was almost in the tender crease between thigh and torso. Gary
planned to lick Rondo there. Soon, he promised himself.

He lifted his eyes. Holding Rondo’s gaze, he touched his tongue

to Rondo’s lips.

“And like that.”
Rondo was still for a moment. Then he tentatively lowered his

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head and kissed him on the lips. Gary sighed and put an arm around
him. He hooked his arm around Rondo’s head and deepened the kiss.
Rondo tasted sweet and hot. The inside of his mouth was soft and
smooth. Gary poked his tongue inside again and was rewarded by
Rondo sucking on it. Gary’s prick twitched, wanting in on the action.
The kissing warmed up, deepening into something Gary never
expected. Rondo was a good kisser. Warm, plump lips rubbed across
his own. They exchanged hot breath and slow, careful licks. Rondo
was a great kisser.

Rondo’s tongue stroked across Gary’s, making him shudder with

excitement. Rondo wrapped his own arms around Gary’s neck.
Surprised but pleased, Gary slid down on the bed until they were both
horizontal, Rondo half on top and leaning over him. Gary slipped his
arms around his waist. Rondo pressed him into the pillow with the
force of his kiss. He was breathing hard and kissing him passionately,
so Gary went with the flow. He ran his hand down Rondo’s back and
cupped one muscled cheek. Rondo froze, and Gary wanted to curse
himself. Too fast.

Rondo went back to kissing him and stroked his own hand down

Gary’s side. He pressed his erection into Gary’s hip and caressed his
leg. Gary’s stomach quivered in exultation. With just a bit of
encouragement, Gary had Rondo on top of him. Rondo gently bit
Gary’s lower lip, pulling on it then laving away the tiny hurt. Rubbing
their bodies together, Gary felt like he was being swallowed whole.
He wondered how anyone, even a woman, could cheat on a lover with
such finesse and hands everywhere. Rondo was stroking Gary’s ribs,
playing with his nipples, tracing his arms and shoulders…and tilting
his pelvis to rub his erection against Gary’s cock.

Rondo broke the kiss and stood up. Gary felt bereft.
“You said you wanted to take them off,” Rondo said, his eyes

bright and focused.

Scooting to the edge of the bed, Gary looked at the black silk

underwear. The tenting was impressive, as was the wet spot.

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Reverently, he ran a hand up the outside of Rondo’s leg. He slipped a
finger through the front opening and petted the side of Rondo’s cock.
It jumped, and Rondo’s stomach clenched. Smiling, Gary leaned
forward and slid his tongue through the slit. He licked the smooth, hot
skin and cupped his tongue around the head of Rondo’s penis. A drop
of cum spread over his tongue. He shivered. Keeping his tongue on
Rondo’s dick, he slowly slipped Rondo’s underwear lower. He
cupped the man’s hips and rubbed up his sides. Rondo placed his
hands on either side of Gary’s head and thrust his hips toward him.
Gary nuzzled the throbbing penis then pushed the boxers down,
letting them drop to the floor.

Rondo’s erection sprung free and pointed straight at Gary’s

mouth. Glistening with saliva, it pulsed with life. Cupping his balls,
Gary took him into his mouth. Rondo groaned and ran his hands
through Gary’s hair. He pushed his hips forward, sliding his cock past
Gary’s teeth and rubbing it against his tongue. This time Gary
groaned. He sucked the head of Rondo’s dick then took as much in
his mouth that he could. Applying suction, Gary eased back, lightly
scraping the thin skin stretched over steel. When his lips circled just
the head, he wrapped a hand around Rondo’s dick and stroked.
Rondo’s butt clenched. Knowing Rondo was close to coming, Gary
lightened his grip and stood up slowly. Rondo’s eyes were closed.
Gary kissed him and gripped his hips. He turned them around.

“Sit on the very edge of the bed,” Gary directed.
Rondo opened his eyes. He sat down slowly and spread his legs,

letting his balls hang off the mattress. “Like this?”

“Yeah. Just like that.” Gary leaned over and gently pushed Rondo

to his back. Kissing and licking his way down Rondo’s long, lean
body, he arrived at his crotch and pushed his legs farther apart. Gary
looked at the balls hanging in front of Rondo’s asshole, the erection
straining up to his own mouth, and the tender skin linking legs to
body. He leaned in and licked from the back to the front, dragging his
tongue along the line, and then over to taste a testicle. He sucked one

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into his mouth, and Rondo jerked.

“God, that’s feels great.”
Gary let the testicle pop free. Rondo groaned and covered his

eyes, and so he didn’t see Gary wet a finger. He touched Rondo’s
anus, which twitched. So did Rondo. Gary ran his hands up the inside
of Rondo’s muscular thighs. He rubbed hard, pushing legs apart, and
licked the throbbing penis from base to tip. Rondo hooked his heels
on the bed frame. Sliding his open mouth down the length of Rondo’s
dick, he sucked hard, and harder, and slid the tip of one finger inside
the tight, brown asshole.

Rondo almost came off the bed. Gary let Rondo’s dick go in favor

of sucking on one of his balls. The heavy musk scent turned him on.
He slid his finger in deeper and slowly pulled out, all the while
licking the square inch of skin under Rondo’s balls. Rondo’s legs
twitched, and his head rolled from side to side. Gary sucked his way
up Rondo’s penis like he was playing a harmonica. He eased his
finger out and kissed the head of his dick.

Rondo rose to his feet and towered over him. “Your turn,” he


Shocked, Gary stared up at him. He was magnificent. Never mind

the obvious sexual appeal and arousal, his original feelings for Rondo
hadn’t been wrong. Rondo was a charming, caring man, and Gary was
falling in love all over again. Speechless at this discovery, he sat on
the floor and realized he’d never loved his other partners. He’d been
looking for another Rondo, but there was only one. Now, to convince

“Get up here.”
Stomach rippling like a sheet in a hurricane, Gary obeyed, taking

the same position as Rondo had. Rondo sat on his heels and stared at
Gary’s prick. He took it in one hand and pumped it slowly, squeezed
it gently, and stretched it carefully. Gary pulled the pillows down and
stacked his hands behind his head to watch Rondo, who leaned over
and touched the head of Gary’s dick with his tongue. Long, silky

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brown hair draped across Gary’s stomach and tickled his balls. He
reached down and hooked it behind Rondo’s ear. Rondo turned his
head and looked up at him.

“I want to see you suck my dick.”
Rondo’s eyes dilated.
“I want to see you when you feel it in your throat. I won’t make

you swallow. I’ll pull out in time. I promise,” he said.

Rondo returned his attention to Gary’s dick.
And swallowed the whole thing, right down to the root. Gary

jerked with pleasure.

Gary felt Rondo’s smile. He learned fast. Sucking with his mouth,

he twirled his tongue around Gary’s dick, pulled his head back
sucking his erection hard enough for Gary to feel it in his gut. Rondo
pumped his head up and down, faster and faster. Gary sat up and
grabbed for his head.

“I’m gonna come.”
Rondo lifted his head, but not quickly enough. Gary’s cum

spurted on his face and into his mouth. Rondo licked his lips and
wrapped them around Gary’s dick head. Rondo applied suction as
Gary came in his mouth, making his balls draw up. As he emptied his
load between Rondo’s sweet lips, he laid back and sighed.

“Oh, man. I’m sorry. I thought I’d get out in time.”
The bed shifted, and Rondo took Gary’s mouth in a punishing

kiss. Gary felt his sticky, slippery cum on Rondo’s lips and face.

“I want you. I want to fuck you,” Rondo gasped.
Gary’s hopes took flight. “You sure?”
Rondo kissed him hard again. “Yes. Tell me what to do.” He was

panting, and his hard cock stabbing Gary’s stomach. His own cock
was half-limp, but Gary knew it wouldn’t be long before he’d be
ready to go again.

He reached into the drawer next to the bed and brought out a

bottle of oil. He poured some in his hands and rubbed them together.

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Rondo was sitting back on his heels on the bed, his dick jutting out
from their nest of curls, his testicles tight and wrinkled.

“Easy now, I’m gonna lube you up.”
Rondo watched ravenously as Gary put both hands on his

erection. Gary rubbed the oil along the length, leaving some extra on
the tip for penetration. When he was done, he turned over, got on his
hands and knees, and presented his backside to Rondo.

“Spread my cheeks.”
Rondo reached out and cupped his cheeks. He rubbed them,

pushed them together, and then pulled them open wide.

Gary grunted. “You learn fast.”
“I know what I like. I figure you might like the same.”
Gary felt Rondo come up behind him then stop.
Gary figured Rondo couldn’t quite figure out how to aim his cock

while holding Gary’s ass open. Gary lent a hand. Two hands, actually.
He reached back and held his cheeks spread for Rondo.

“Let me give you a hand.”
“Oh, yeah.”
Rondo was surprising in many ways. He licked Gary’s cheeks,

cupped his balls, took a little oil on his finger, and rimmed Gary’s
asshole. It puckered and contracted.

“Are you sure this will work? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Trust me. I want your cock inside me.”
“I–I really want to fuck your ass.” Rondo slid a finger inside

Gary’s hole and wiggled it. Then he leaned forward and dragged his
tongue from the top of his hole up his back.

“I really like that.” His prick was hard again and hung heavy

between his legs.

Rondo rose to his knees and placed the head of his cock on Gary’s

ass. He pushed a bit, but Gary clenched, making Rondo work for it.
Rondo pushed a bit hard, and the head of his cock slipped inside.

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“Jesus,” Rondo moaned. “That’s tight.”
Gary grunted. “Assholes are tight.”
“Tighter than any pussy.”
Gary cracked a laugh and pushed backward, taking more inside.
Rondo pushed in a little more, and then more. Gary could tell he

only had about half of that gorgeous cock up his ass, but it was
enough for now. Rondo’s hands gripped his hips as he rocked slowly
back and forth. Tilting his hips a little, Gary felt that cock sink deeper.
Now, with Rondo’s cock securely inside, Gary let go of his butt
cheeks and reached between his legs for his own dick…only to have
Rondo push his hands away. With his head on Gary’s back, Rondo
rocked gently back and forth while stroking Gary’s prick. Finally—
finally!—Rondo flexed his hips and started pumping harder at Gary’s
ass. Gary concentrated on the feeling of his lover’s cock gliding in
and out of him. The head of Rondo’s dick sank deep as the man
himself leaned hard on Gary’s back. Gary locked his arms and legs as
Rondo picked up speed. He flexed his best muscle—his sphincter—
adding his own friction to their loving. Rondo moaned and missed a
stroke on Gary’s dick, and then caught his rhythm again.

Rondo was banging away at his ass now. His balls slapped Gary’s

balls while he jerked on Gary’s dick. The warmth and weight of
Rondo covering his back made Gary smile. Here he was, making love
with his dream lover. Introducing his dream lover to gay sex. He
hoped Rondo wouldn’t hold back when Gary wanted to put his own
cock inside his ass.

Rondo started grunting and coming. He’d stopped jerking Gary

off, but it didn’t matter. The special feeling of Rondo making love to
him and the excitement of taking Rondo’s beautiful cock in his ass
was bliss. Still, he grabbed his prick and pumped his fist. He came on
the sheets, his prick jerking and jumping while spurting his load.
Rondo came in his ass.

Exhausted, they collapsed on the bed.
“I guess you can sleep in my room if you want.”

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Rondo laughed. “Did I do anything wrong?”
“God no. If you did it any better, I’d be dead right now.”
They were finally catching their breath, lying next to each other

on their backs.

Rondo stirred. “Do you ever make love to women?”
Gary looked at him. “Sure. Usually more than one at time, like

three guys and two girls.”

“What about one-on-one? You and a woman.”
“Yeah. Once.”
“Did you like it?”
“It was okay. I got it up, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“I guess it is. I’ve had sex with several women.”
Gary waited but nothing came. “But…?”
“I enjoyed it. I like sex.” Rondo turned and looked into Gary’s

eyes. “But with you, I’ve never been so excited. I’m astounded.”

Gary smiled. “I’m flattered.” He ran a hand up Rondo’s arm.

Rondo lay down and put an arm over his face.

“But I like threesomes.”
Rondo chuckled. “Let me guess…two guys and a girl.”
“Like I said, you learn fast.”
After Rondo fell asleep, Gary scooted over and put an arm over

Rondo’s waist. He turned away, so Gary snugged up behind him.
Rondo twitched but didn’t wake. Gary sighed and slipped into his
favorite dream.

* * * *

Rondo woke up with one thing on his mind. Were women worth

it? They cost a lot of money, while he and Gary fought over who
should pay. True, they smelled good. But Rondo hadn’t experienced
the smell of a man in his prime, sexually aroused, and wanting him.
That smelled good, too.

Women screwed you—literally and figuratively—behind your

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back. They called you stupid pet names and demanded more and
more. There was never enough love, caring, sex, romance, anything.

Gary had always been up front with him. He’d never lied to him or
cheated him.

Except Rondo hadn’t known Gary was gay. He was pretty sure

Gary had known a long time ago. Why hadn’t he told him?

“Hey, Gar?” Rondo tried to turn over, only to realize Gary was

wrapped around him like a squid.

Rondo tried to peel an arm from around his waist, but it wouldn’t

let go. He laughed. “Gary. Wake up.”

Gary finally let go, rolled over, and stretched. He topped it off

with a jaw-cracking yawn.

“You awake?”
“I think so.” Gary turned his head and looked at Rondo. His smile

came slowly but took over his face, wiping away the last vestiges of
sleep. “Mornin’, sweetheart.”

Rondo froze. Sweetheart? I thought men didn’t bother with little

endearments and everyday good-bye kisses.

Gary leaned toward him as if to kiss him good morning. Rondo

pulled back.

Gary blinked. “What’s up?” The smile dimmed.
Rondo hesitated. Had he hurt Gary’s feelings? He hoped not.

What he wanted was string-free sex and a comfortable relationship
where he didn’t have to watch everything he said and did. He didn’t
tiptoe very well.

“Nothing. Thought I’d make us some breakfast.” He got out of the

bed and spotted his underwear on the floor. He bent over and picked
them up. “I’ll go see what there is.”

He walked out of the bedroom and stopped when he was out of

Gary’s sight. He looked at the boxers in his hand and shook his head.

“Christ.” He’d been with what’s-her-name for too long if he was

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picking up his dirty underwear.

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Chapter Four

Jay-sus Christ. Didn’t last a day this time, never mind a few

months. Feeling sorry for himself and mad as hell at being used—
again—Gary ripped the sheets off the bed like they’d betrayed him
instead of Rondo. Or was it himself? He shook his head. Not going
there, he decided.

So what if the jerk fucks me and leaves? So what if he walks out

with nowhere else to go? Why did I call him sweetheart, for Christ’s

His bedroom door opened.
Gary snapped upright. Without looking at Rondo, he lifted a robe

from the hook and pushed his arms into the sleeves. Mad as hell, he
stormed toward his private bathroom.

“Knock next time.” Gary shut the door behind him. He pulled his

hair. Why don’t you just throw him out, you jackass?

He leaned against the wall. It was ominously quiet on the other

side of the door. Gary opened it and peeked into his room. Empty. He
walked toward the bedroom door and heard stuff being shuffled
around. Didn’t take a genius to figure out the noise was one Rondo
Haley, packing and leaving. A sigh caught in his chest. Regret ran
through him like a photographer through rolls of film. Tears burned,
but Gary knew this was his fault.

What was done was done. Could it be undone? He didn’t know.

Didn’t know if he had the courage to even try. Returning to the
bathroom, he brushed his teeth in the shower. He dried his body and
wrapped his silk robe around him, tying the sash with a jerk. He was

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fully prepared to wallow in self-pity and self-disgust…as soon as
Rondo left. Knock? What an asshole thing to say!

Rubbing his hair, he opened the door. And froze.
Rondo sat on the bed, legs crossed, with a thick, purple, pulsing

erection poking into the air. He got to his feet as Gary dropped the

“I’m sorry, I should have knocked—”
“No, I’m the one that’s sorry. I shouldn’t have—”
Rondo stretched his arm out and covered Gary’s mouth with a

large, warm hand. “Hush. This could go on forever. This is all so new
to me. Let’s just go on. Okay?”

Regret washed away with those few words. Gary smiled. “Okay.”
Rondo was taller than Gary by a couple of inches, so Gary tilted

his head back as Rondo came closer. When he was well inside Gary’s
personal space—thank God—he bent his head and kissed him. Insides
melting, Gary kissed him back. It was sweet and soft, an apology in
itself. Gary wanted to hold on to him when Rondo broke the kiss.

“I want you in my ass.”
Oh, yeah, mama. “What part of me? My cock?” It bobbed beneath

his belted bathrobe. “My fingers?” Gary walked them up Rondo’s
broad, hairy chest. “My tongue?” he asked and licked the hollow at
the base of Rondo’s throat.

Glory be. “Lay on your stomach,” he said.
Rondo smiled and lay down on the bed. He kept one eye peeled

over his shoulder, as if unsure of what Gary was going to do.

He probably doesn’t know, but he will. And he’ll like it.
Gary nudged his legs apart by kneeling between them. He filled

his hands with Rondo’s cheeks and squeezed. Rolling the flesh in his
hands, he pulled the cheeks apart to see Rondo’s hole. Brown and
tight. Temptation swamped him, so he leaned over and took a long,
wet lick from Rondo’s hairy balls up that tender stretch of skin and
across that tight and trembling hole. Rondo’s body jerked. Gary

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flicked his tongue over and around the dark ring until Rondo lifted his
hips off the bed. He was breathing hard. Wetting a finger, Gary
marveled at the tightly closed hole. Even the man’s asshole was
gorgeous. Rondo tightened up a bit more when he pushed his wet
finger inside. The muscle relaxed enough for Gary to slip his finger
inside. He pushed it in until it was out of sight.

Rondo groaned and wiggled his ass.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No,” Rondo said, pushing up on his elbows. He squeezed his butt

around Gary’s finger. “Just the opposite.”

Gary slid his finger slowly in and out while he played with

Rondo’s hair. With his head thrown back, it reached past his
shoulders and halfway down his back. Gary tugged the hair lightly,
and Rondo moaned.

Gary tugged a bit harder and slid to his knees on the floor. “Come

here,” he said, guiding Rondo to the edge of the bed, his legs spread
wide on either side, still with Gary’s finger up his ass. Rondo
complied until his legs were free of the bed and hanging over the

“That’s right.” Gary put his tongue back to work. He slid his

finger out and licked Rondo’s hole again. He stuck his tongue inside
and wiggled it, making Rondo hiss. He bit Rondo’s sweet cheeks and
sucked on his balls. Rondo humped the edge of the bed.

“You’ve had my finger,” he said, wiggling his finger inside. “And

my tongue.” He licked the base of Rondo’s spine.

Here’s the knocker, the one that separates the men from the boys.

Before he could ask, Rondo spoke up.

“I want your cock.” He reached back with one hand and stroked

Gary’s face. “Please.”

Gary kissed the palm caressing his mouth. He removed his finger

and oiled up Rondo’s ass and his own dick. Then he placed the head
of his cock against the solid brown muscle now relaxed by a finger
and sexual excitement. He pressed forward and slipped inside. It was

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tight, very tight, and very hot. Rondo had lurched but now groaned in
pleasure. Gary pushed in deeper, pulled back, and pushed in a bit
further. His legs trembled from the pressure of a virgin sphincter
ringing his cock, the pleasure so great he felt the blood rush from his

Knowing his legs wouldn’t hold him much longer, he lay down on

Rondo’s back. Rondo twisted his head around and wrapped an arm
around Gary’s neck. The kiss was passionate and loving and surprised
Gary into shoving his dick all the way inside. Gary froze. Rondo was
new to this, and he’d probably just hurt him. He started to pull out,
but Rondo stopped him.

“No. Stay. I want…You feel good. So good.” His eyes were

closed, and between words he was moaning in ecstasy. Gary was, too.

“You sure?” He gave a gentle bump against Rondo’s butt.
“Yeah. I like it deep, I guess,” he said with a smile. Then he

kissed him again.

Gary took him slow and deep. His hips moved of their own accord

as he and Rondo kissed and licked each other. Gary was fine until
Rondo lifted his hips and spread his legs more.

Gary broke the kiss. “You don’t know what you’re doing, Ron.”
Rondo’s answer was a choked-off laugh and an ass wiggle.
“Okay.” Gary pulled out and pressed home.
“Faster,” Rondo mumbled into the mattress.
Gary grabbed his hips and pressed deep. Pulling out and stabbing

home became his sole focus. In and out. Balls slapping balls. Rondo’s
ass tightening. Rondo’s hips mirrored Gary’s own as they humped
away at each other. Gary’s orgasm started. He banged in and out,
emptying himself into Rondo. Rondo came, too, all over the bed.
They collapsed, Gary still inside him and both of them fighting for

Forcing himself to relax—or his greedy cock would think it was

time to start over—Gary slipped out and lay next to Rondo. Sex itself
was a turn-on for him. Once was an appetizer, two, a main course, and

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three times was dessert.

“Wow.” Gary was pleasantly spent and delighted with their

morning’s activity. He lay still on the bed, one hand on Rondo’s back.

Rondo rolled out from under his hand, and Gary reluctantly

opened his eyes. He was worried about what Rondo would say. At
least I didn’t call him sweetheart.

Rondo stared a while at Gary’s dick. Predictably, it started to


“Don’t worry. He’s insatiable. I’m not,” Gary explained.
Rondo lifted an eyebrow. “That’s too bad. I wanted to try

something in the shower I’ve been thinking of since high school.”

Gary laughed and launched himself at Rondo. They rolled across

the bed right through the wet spot. Gary ended up on top.

“Let’s take a shower, shall we?” he suggested, panting like an

overheated dog.

* * * *

It was a few days before they managed to stay out of bed and bath

long enough to do any sightseeing. They fucked, sucked, licked, and
fucked some more. When they did get out, they took the ferry to the
Statue of Liberty. All the way there, and part of the way back, Gary
was careful not to touch Rondo in any objectionable way. They were
in public. They may be lovers, but Rondo was new to all this.

Then Rondo brushed his zipper across Gary’s jeans-clad buttocks

on the way to the bathroom. He bumped him harder than necessary
when the wake of a small pleasure boat rocked the ferry the teeniest
bit. Gary’s neck warmed when Rondo leaned over and spoke into his
ear, letting his breath wash over the side of Gary’s face.

Gary gritted his teeth. What game was Rondo playing?
“Want a soda?” Rondo asked.
The big man passed behind him, closer than need be, and Gary

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pushed his backside into his crotch. Rondo chuckled, kept moving,
and dragged his hand across Gary’s ass. Gary gave a shiver and
buried his face in his hands.

“Hey there, handsome.”
Gary lifted his head and looked into a pretty, female face. “Hello,


“Did you like the tour?”
“Sure. Who wouldn’t love to see the pitiful accommodations for

the souls brave enough to start a new life in a new world?”

The brunette blinked. “Ah, yeah. Who wouldn’t want to see that?”
“Is my friend here giving you trouble, sweetheart?”
Gary’s stomach wiggled then clenched when the woman turned,

her blue eyes on Rondo. He knew what was coming. She’d flip head
over cunt to spread her legs for the pretty quarterback.

He blinked. Where the hell had that come from? Right out of high


“Not trouble,” she said, looking Rondo up and down. “I’ve been

watching you two.”

Rondo lifted his eyebrows and shot a confused look at Gary. It

seemed to say, Now what do I do?

“See anything interesting?” Gary asked, bringing her attention

back to him and away from his lover. He straightened and casually
moved closer to Rondo, whose eyebrows remained in the up position
and whose hands held two glistening soda cans.

The brunette looked back and forth between them. “That.”
Gary took one of the sodas, popped the lid, and took a sip.


Rondo popped the other one and took a swig.
“You’re a couple.”
Rondo sputtered, and sticky, dark bubbles dripped from his chin.

Gary considered licking them off, but despite Rondo’s teasing
touches, Gary didn’t think he’d take that well.

“A couple of what?” Gary asked belligerently as Rondo wiped his

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chin. No way was he going to let some bitch get away with
embarrassing Rondo.

“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, honey. I like men, all kinds of

men, and most of them like me.”

“Emphasis on the ‘most,’” Gary answered.
“Take it easy, Gar. Let’s see what she has to say.”
Exhaling to cover his annoyance, Gary shut up. If Rondo wanted

to pick up the brunette bitch, let him. But he wasn’t bringing her back
to the apartment. He was used to being used, but he wasn’t anybody’s

“I’m Jeanette. I’m thirty-one and in a long term relationship with

a woman. She doesn’t like men.” Jeanette flicked a glance Gary’s
way. “However,” she continued, “I do.”

“Well, Jeannette, I kind of like men, too.”
Gary snapped his teeth together after his jaw dropped. Rondo was

telling her he liked men? What next? Menstrual cramps for gays?

“Hmm, I figured that when I saw you touching Mr. Touchy here.”
They both looked at him. Gary felt like a bunny rabbit in

headlights. “I’m not touchy.” God, did I just whine like a school girl?

Jeanette laughed. “I meant that in a physical way, sweetie.”
“It’s Gary.”
“So Mr. Big said.” She looked at Rondo expectantly.
“Well, Rondo, Gary…care to join me in a bout of lusty, hot sex?”
Rondo stared at her. Gary, even though he’d already considered a

threesome, and discussed it with Rondo, was nervous. Maybe Rondo
didn’t want a third. Maybe he did. Maybe Gary was jealous?

“Let me talk to my buddy first. Okay?”
She smiled. “I’ll be at the snack bar.” Jeanette wiggled away, hips

and brunette hair swinging like sheets in a high wind.

Rondo leaned his stomach against the ferry’s railing and looked at

the skyline. “What do you think, Gary? We never talked about doing
something like this together.”

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Very unsure of himself and his feelings, Gary mimicked Rondo’s

stance. He took a drink of his soda and rested the can on the railing.

“I have thought about it but only to get you into my bed.”
Rondo snorted. “Like that was necessary.”
“When you first arrived—”
“You didn’t know I was gay. Hell, I didn’t know I was gay.”
“If you’re sure you’re gay, why do you want a woman?”
The only sound was the shushing of the boat moving through the

dank waters of New York Harbor.

“Maybe I’m bi? I don’t know anymore, Gary. I guess I don’t

know what I am.” He gave a heavy sigh. “But I know my cock liked
Jeanette just fine.”

“Well, mine didn’t. So you go on if you want. I’ll meet you back

at ho—the apartment.” Gary stood up straight, prepared to walk away.

“No! That’s not what I want.”
Rondo looked so confused, Gary’s heart melted. “What do you


Running his hands through his hair, Rondo looked out over the

water. He didn’t answer.

“I’m gonna get another soda.” Gary walked away, hoping Rondo

would grab his arm and stop him.

He didn’t.
There was no line at the snack bar, and Gary still held the soda

Rondo had gotten for him. He wandered to a bench and sat by the
window. He wanted to shout at Jeannette when she sat down next to
him, but he didn’t want to make a scene.

“Sorry. I didn’t know I would mess things up.”
He looked at the pretty brunette with the blue eyes. She really was

a good-looking woman. Nice figure, good tits, and long legs. Too bad
the legs ended in a cunt instead of a dick and balls.

“What did you think would happen?” He turned more fully toward

her. “If we’d been a hetero couple, would you have asked them if you
could be with the man? I don’t think so. Just because we’re men, you

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don’t think we have feelings or relationships worth having.”

Surprisingly, Jeanette looked down at her hands clenched in her

lap. “You’re right. I never would have approached them. I wouldn’t
have even thought of it.”

Well, that set Gary back. Now what should he do?
“Listen,” she said, lifting her face, “I’ll go apologize to Ramon

and just—”

“Whatever. I’ll apologize to him and leave you both alone. I’m

sorry I screwed with you.”

Gary let out his breath in a sigh. “No. Just wait here.” He stood

and looked down at her. “You honestly didn’t remember Rondo’s

She blushed. Unbelievable. “I was watching you, not him.”
“Let me see what I can do.”
He walked off. Insecurity hounded him, and doubt ran ahead.

Rondo was where he’d left him.

“Jeanette’s inside. Says she wants to apologize and then leave us


“Is it? I mean really, does it matter to you?”
Rondo grabbed Gary’s hand and hauled him into the shade of the

upper deck. Framing Gary’s face, Rondo looked into his eyes.

“It’s you I want to go home with. It’s you I think about when

you’re not around. My whole life has changed since I walked into
your apartment. I haven’t thought about Audrey, my family, or
looking for a job or an apartment since you kissed me. You opened
me up to a hundred different, thrilling experiences, some that keep me
awake watching you sleep. I never contemplated doing a threesome
with what’s-her-name. I was kind of confused because I was thinking
more about her many men than her.”

For once, Gary felt secure with his heart in another man’s hands.

His big, strong, careful hands. Rondo wouldn’t leave him for a

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woman, or even a sugar daddy.

Shocking Gary to the bottom of his clenched balls, Rondo kissed

him. In public. And kissed him again. This time the applause broke
through, led by Jeanette. They jumped apart. Several couples, only
two of the same sex, applauded and started to move away.

One tall, handsome man with his arm around a short, voluptuous

redhead, toasted them with “To true love!” and bent the lady over his
arm and kissed her to the appreciation of the crowd.

An older couple, horrified looks on their faces, huffed and pivoted

on their conservative, old-fashioned heels.

“They’re probably on their way to complain to the ferry

authorities,” Jeanette said.

“They’d do better complaining to the fairy authorities,” Rondo


The three of them laughed until they slumped against each other.

Gary felt Jeanette’s hand on his butt and gave hers a squeeze in
response. They sobered up a bit as the crowd dispersed.

“I have an apartment in the city,” Gary said.
“Really?” Disbelief tinged Jeanette’s voice.
“Yes, we do,” Rondo said, smiling at Gary.
Gary’s heart swelled. “Yeah, we do.”

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Chapter Five

Gary opened the apartment door and let Rondo and Jeanette go

ahead of him. He tossed his keys on the table behind the couch.
“Wine? Beer?”

“I’ll have some of that red we bought last night,” Rondo said,

flopping his long frame across the easy chair in the living room.

“Is it sweet or dry?” Jeanette asked.
“Sweet,” Gary replied, before pulling the bottle out of the fridge.
“I’ll have some, too.”
“That makes it easy,” Gary said as he poured three glasses of the

ruby-red wine. He took an appreciative sniff before recorking the
bottle. He picked up two glasses and looked at the third, figuring he’d
have to come back for it. A slim arm slid around his waist. The
attached hand, the very feminine hand sporting a ring on each finger,
gently lifted the third glass from the countertop.

“I’ll get this one,” she breathed into his ear.
Holding still, he watched as her hand rose to his lips, wine glass

tilted, and stilled. Parting his lips, he leaned forward and was
rewarded with a slow trickle of wine into his mouth. He swallowed
and felt his cock stir when she gave a throaty hum and licked the one
shimmering drop left on the edge of the glass. Jeanette turned and
walked back to the living room.

“Oh, boy.” Gary hadn’t wanted to fuck a woman in years, but

Jeanette, she was one sexy bitch. Taking a breath to steady his hands,
he turned and followed her.

She was sitting on Rondo’s lap, and Rondo wasn’t complaining.

His emotions were winging in circles, and he didn’t have a clue what

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to do. But then he remembered who he was dealing with. His man,
Rondo, and Jeanette, a woman who had picked them up on a ferry.
Trusting Rondo—and that was leap for him—he walked over and
handed a glass to Rondo.

“Hey, babe,” Rondo said. One hand on Jeanette’s hip and the

other holding the wine didn’t leave him much room to maneuver.

“Since I’m the odd man out”—she chuckled—“I’ll get things

started.” She stood up.

Gary sipped his wine and waited. Rondo watched her warily. Gary

figured neither of them knew what was coming. When it came, they
were both pleasantly shocked.

Jeanette set her glass down, and, without a pause, pulled her T-

shirt over her head. Next came the shoes and jeans, and Gary and
Rondo were alone with a woman in a demi bra and a black thong.

Gary’s dick twitched.
“You have any music?” Jeanette asked.
Rondo lifted his gaze to her face, but he didn’t get up. Gary put

his glass on the coffee table.

“Sure, if you like rock and roll or the blues,” Gary said.
“Let’s start with blues,” Jeanette said, cupping her breasts.
Gary stared at her hands.
“Gar? The music.” Rondo separated his legs a bit and pushed

down on his dick.

“Yeah.” Gary picked two CDs and added them to his changer. The

first CD was a demo by a friend of his blowing sax with a local band.
It set a mood.

Jeanette walked over to the coffee table and lit the three large

candles set out. Gary eyed her naked ass as she bent over. It was more
rounded than he was used to, but it was a very nice shape. She had a
nice shape, slightly muscled, with smooth skin and not an inhibition
in sight. Gary decided to join her.

First he took off his shirt, carefully unbuttoning it and laying it

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across the back of the couch.

“Very nice,” Jeanette said, trailing a finger down his chest.
He toed off his shoes and reached for his belt buckle.
“Let me,” Rondo said, coming up behind Jeanette.
His arms snaked around her waist. He nudged her forward to

reach Gary’s belt buckle. Gary was mesmerized by the sight of his
lover’s arms appearing from behind a woman. Enigma didn’t cover it.

Rondo made short work of the buckle then took his time opening

the top button and unzipping Gary’s pants. Gary felt his dick respond
to Rondo’s touch. Rondo pushed the pants open, and Gary’s erect
prick came out. Rondo took Jeanette’s hands in his and wrapped them
around Gary’s dick. Together they slowly stroked him. He closed his
eyes. A hand touched his chest, and he looked to see Rondo’s hands
stroking and kneading.

The woman lightly pulled on his dick.
“Should I suck him off?” she asked Rondo.
“Not yet. Let’s make love to him for a while.”
And Gary was undressed by four hands. His nipples were petted

and plucked by Rondo, while Jeanette cupped his balls and massaged
them gently.

“He likes that,” Rondo whispered in Jeanette’s ear.
“He likes this, too.” Rondo licked Jeanette’s neck. He stroked her

with his tongue, his eyes glued on Gary’s face.

Gary reached around Jeanette, and, in tandem with Rondo, closed

the gap until she was firmly wedged between them. She snaked her
hips, managing to rub both their dicks. Gary tilted his hips and
pressed his cock into her soft stomach while he clutched Rondo’s ass.
Rondo filled his hands with Jeanette’s breasts. Someone moaned.
Gary wasn’t sure it wasn’t him.

“Why don’t we go in the bedroom where there is a large,

comfortable bed,” Rondo suggested.

“Let’s,” said Jeanette.

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Gary didn’t want to let go, but he did. For the team.
Rondo peeled himself off Jeanette’s back and stepped away.

Jeanette tapped the head of Gary’s dick and smiled. Rondo lead the
way, Jeanette followed, and Gary brought up the rear with his erection
bobbing in front of him like a fishing rod. He took a big step and
poked Jeanette between her cheeks. She giggled.

They lined up in the bedroom along one side of the king-size bed.

Gary wanted to laugh but was anticipating their next move too much.

“I think we should relieve Rondo of his clothes,” Jeanette purred.
Gary was for that. They sat Rondo on the bed. Gary knelt behind

him and took off his shirt. Jeanette knelt in front and took off his
shoes then opened his pants. Rondo stood. Jeannette slowly pulled his
pants down to his hips, then to the top of his thighs, then his knees,
and finally, dropped them to the floor. Rondo stepped out of them.
While lifting his foot to shake his pants free, Jeanette reached up and
palmed his balls. Very carefully, Rondo lowered his leg, leaving room
for her hand. Jeanette stuck her tongue out and licked Rondo’s dick
from base to tip like an ice-cream cone.

Gary pulled Rondo’s head around and kissed him. Their tongues

dueled while Jeanette moved an impressive amount of Rondo’s
erection in and out of her mouth. She let him go with a soft sucking
sound that Gary felt in his gut.

The bedcover and sheets got all stirred up as the three of them

settled on the bed, Jeanette in the middle. Rondo suckled at a breast
while Gary licked and nuzzled her belly. They met for a kiss in the
middle and switched tasks. Rondo kept a hand on Gary—his shoulder,
his neck, his cheek—throughout. Jeanette lay on her back writhing
and moaning and fondling cocks and balls with her never-still hands.
Gary found himself thrusting into her hand more often than not.

They moved around until Rondo was in the middle. Then Gary.

There was a hot, sexy snarl of legs and arms, breasts and cocks.
Slurping and moaning were heard over the strains of the blues wafting
in from the other room.

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“Please, somebody fuck me,” Jeanette moaned.
Rondo lifted his head and cocked it to one side at Gary. Gary

nodded for him to take the lead.

Rondo grasped the back of Gary’s head and kissed him

passionately. When he broke the kiss, he said, “Get behind me.”

Gary, eyes wide, agreed.
They rearranged themselves. Eagerly, Jeanette went on her back

with her legs spread wide, her ass at the edge of the mattress. Her
pussy glistened with dew. Gary drew a finger through her folds and
lifted his wet finger to Rondo’s lips. He sucked Gary’s finger hard.
Rondo turned and licked Jeanette’s cunt. His tongue swept up and
down, and then he kissed her wet, sticky thighs. She lifted her feet to
the mattress, combed her fingers through her thatch, and spread
herself open for him to see, touch, and taste. Rondo took himself in
hand and pressed inside her. Gary watched his lover’s face. It said
“fuck” not “love.”

Anticipating the penetration of Rondo’s hole, Gary had already

slicked up his prick. Rondo pumped into the woman a couple of
times. He stopped, leaving just the head of his dick inside her.

“Fuck me,” he said to Gary in a deep, throaty growl.
His position was perfect. Gary spread his cheeks and licked his

ass. Rondo shivered.

Jeanette moaned, and Gary saw Rondo’s hand in her cunt, rubbing

and sliding around her clit. She gave a shriek when he pinched it.
Humping the head of his dick as much as possible with Rondo’s hand
holding her hips down, she cried out as Rondo rubbed her hard and
fast. Jeanette came, and slick juice seeped out and dribbled down to
her asshole. She rubbed her fingers in it and fondled Rondo’s balls.

“Score one for her,” Gary said as he pressed into Rondo’s ass.

Halfway in, he pulled partway out and slammed home. This time it
was Rondo that moaned and arched his back.

It took several uncoordinated thrusts, but they were soon fucking

each other with a dizzying rhythm. Rondo penetrated Jeanette, and

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Gary penetrated Rondo. Picking up speed, Gary grabbed Jeanette’s
legs for balance. Her feet came up, and her legs encircled Rondo. She
propped her feet on Gary’s shoulders.

Jeanette, ever the lucky one, came again. Rondo followed quickly

after that, and Gary pumped his seed into Rondo as he lay flat on
Jeanette. Slowly they separated, rising off each other in reverse order.
Rondo and Gary helped Jeanette up to the pillows where they all
collapsed in a sweaty, sated tangle.

Rondo took a hold of Gary’s hand, raised it to his mouth, and

licked it. “Thanks, sweetheart.”

Gary smiled and licked his lips. “You mind if I fuck Jeanette?”
Rondo arched an eyebrow. “You’re gonna stick your cock in a


“I was thinking of sticking it in her ass while you stick yours in

her pussy.”

“You guys want to include me in this discussion?”
They looked at her expectantly.
“I think I’d like to get fucked in the ass by Gary.”
Gary nodded. “My thoughts exactly.”
Rondo gave a little frown. Jeanette hadn’t meant the same thing

Gary did. But she followed Gary’s instructions as he lay on his back
on the bed. His erect cock pointed at his stomach until he wrapped a
fist around it and held it up.

“Come and sit on me. That way you can take how much you want,

when you want.”

Jeanette stood up and straddled Gary, her backside in his face. She

squatted down until her hole was over his mouth. Rondo bent down to
watch as Gary tongued it. Her snatch was pulled open, still slick from
coming. Rondo took his half-stiff dick in one hand and put the other
hand in her cunt. He got it good and wet then slid it around to her
butthole. Gary spread her cheeks, and Rondo slicked her ass up good.
He pushed one finger, then two, inside her. She moaned. Rondo took
Gary’s mouth in a bruising kiss. He sucked Gary’s tongue into his

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mouth and slid his own into Gary’s mouth, deep and hard. They were
panting when they broke the kiss.

Jeanette was breathing hard, too. She circled her clit slowly with

one finger.

“Move down, Jeanette,” Gary said.
She opened her eyes and nodded. Frog-walking, she made her

way down Gary’s body until her ass was poised over his cock.

“Now sit down, as slow or as fast as you want, and take me in

your ass.”

Rondo watched as his lover’s dick penetrated the soft asshole of

the woman. She took him slowly. Very slowly. He could see Gary’s
eyes clenched closed as he kept his cock aimed straight up. Her butt
cheeks finally pushed his hand out of the way. She sat down
completely, Gary’s dick buried as deep as it could go.

Jeanette was groaning and rocking slightly. Rondo took an ankle

in each hand as her eyes went wide. “Slip your feet down and spread
your legs so I can fuck you, too.”

Her eyes held his as she moved into position. When she was lying

flat on Gary’s belly with her feet out in front and her legs spread,
Rondo knelt between her and Gary’s legs. Gary moaned, and Rondo
smiled. No one would forget this fuck.

He spread her labia as she watched. He flattened his tongue and

ran it from Gary’s ass, over his balls, to the base of his dick and her
stretched-out sphincter, and up into her pulsing pussy, over her bright-
red, bareheaded clitoris. He felt every twitch and contraction of hers
and Gary’s. He straightened and pressed the tip of his penis into her
vagina. She leaned back, and Gary arched his back to push deeper
into her rectum. She screamed and threw her head back.

Rondo pushed home and heard guttural animal sounds coming

from her throat. With her eyes shut tight and her ass wiggling, she
clenched Gary’s waist to hold herself in place.

Deep inside her, his dick rubbed against Gary’s through her

vaginal wall. She grunted rhythmically as Rondo pulled out and

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pushed deep inside. So deep, he almost pushed her off Gary’s dick.
When he pulled back, she dropped back down on him. Neither of
them were small men, and Rondo hoped they weren’t tearing her
apart. But her animal grunting drove him into a frenzy. He banged
into her wet heat and pulled his dick out, rubbing it along Gary’s.
Gary arched, pushing her up higher. Rondo slammed deep into her
again. Her pussy started to pulse and grab at him. Perfectly in tune,
Rondo lunged and Gary arched, jamming both of their cocks inside
her, banging their dick heads against one another, and sliding in cum
and pussy juice.

Gary pumped into her and started to come. Rondo caught up with

him and came, their dicks pulsing in tandem, only a thin wall of
female tissue separating them. Screaming and yelling, Jeanette came
in a gush. Rondo held her up, with her head on his shoulder, while she
calmed down and caught her breath. Gary lay back watching Rondo
cradle her head. His smile said it all.

* * * *

“I’m grateful that you, uh, invited Jeanette over last night.”
Rondo sounded unsure of himself, and that set Gary back. “You

know I’d do anything for you.”

Rondo didn’t look convinced. “I know you don’t like women very


“I love women.” That brought Rondo’s head snapping around. “I

love the way they talk, the way they smell. And they’re remarkable

Rondo threw back his head and laughed out loud. “You’re a card.”
“I, honey, am a deck of cards.”
Rondo grinned. “A full deck, huh?”
“Oh, yeah.” They listened to the music pouring out of the

speakers, and Gary realized he was not only happy but content, and
Rondo made the difference. Even while fucking Jeanette, he’d kissed

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Gary. Jeanette had left shortly after their second bout of lovemaking.
She’d been gregarious and cheerful, thanking them both before
breezing out the door. But Gary hadn’t bought it for a minute.
Something had been bothering her, but she chose not to share it with
him or Rondo. Gary hoped he hadn’t said something to hurt her
feelings. He was sure Rondo hadn’t.

“Did you notice anything funny about Jeanette when she left last


“What do you mean ‘funny’?”
He waved his hand in the air. “She didn’t seem sincere, or

pleased, something.”

“I think you insulted her.”
Gary sat up like a rocket. “Me? What did I say?”
Rondo gave him a frown. “You really don’t know, do you?”
“No. I didn’t mean to insult her. What did I do?”
“It’s more what you didn’t do.”
“You didn’t fuck her, Gar. I did, twice, but it was you she was

here for.”

Gary sputtered like a fish. “I fucked her brains out!”
“Not where it counted,” Rondo said.
Gary’s head was spinning in confusion. “It didn’t count?” His

voice squeaked.

Rondo laughed. “You fucked her in the ass, not the pussy. So for

her, it didn’t count.”

“Christ.” Gary fell back in his chair. “How could I know that?”
“No one’s blaming you.”
“No?” Embarrassed, Gary pondered it for a minute. “You did get

her number, right?”

Laughing, Rondo stood up and stretched. “She left her card on the

bedside table.”

“Hmm. Maybe we could go again. What do you think?” Suddenly

Gary wondered what he was saying. He was in love with Rondo. Why

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did he want a woman? Wouldn’t it just mess things up between them?

“I’m counting on it.”
“Ha-ha. Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“No, man. I like pussy enough to tackle it for you.”
Gary laughed. “What a pal. Maybe I’ll try it next time, you know,

take the pressure off you.”

Grinning, Rondo shook his head. “Come on. Let’s go get

something to eat.”

“Good. I’m famished.”
They ended up eating Mexican and strolling through the streets of

SoHo. It was peaceful—emotionally, not auditory-wise—and Gary
soaked it up. Different voices and a babel of languages, the smell of
diesel and Asian air markets, and gaudy outfits and hair contrasting
with conservative business attire. He loved every square inch of it. He
glanced at Rondo to see how he was taking it and saw the shock come
over him.

“What is it?” Gary asked, looking around to see what may have

upset Rondo.

Gary’s taco formed a large, heavy lump deep in his stomach.

Rondo came to a stop. Gary stopped next to him, not touching. Too
many of his emotions were wrapped up in this chance meeting, and he
desperately wished he’d insisted on a sit-down dinner downtown.
Slightly mollified that Jeanette had wanted him, he still worried about
the woman that Rondo had lived with for several years.

Following Rondo’s gaze, he pegged Audrey in the muddle of

pedestrians swarming a popular sidewalk bar. She was long-legged
with swingy brown hair, vaguely reminiscent of Jordana Brewster.

The lump in his stomach hardened. He wasn’t going to lose again.

Finding Rondo had put the light back in his life. He had to remind
Rondo of how the bitch had cheated on him, in his own house. How
she’d taken advantage of him over the years. Oh, God. He felt like
running to Jeanette and pouring out his manly troubles to the one

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woman who might understand.

“What is she doing here?”
Gary frowned at Rondo. “How would I know?” He didn’t keep

the edge out of his voice, but it was wasted. Rondo didn’t notice.

“She hates the city.”
Gary pursed his lips. He didn’t need a rundown on the bitch’s

likes and dislikes. “Either say hello, or let’s go.”

Rondo glanced at him, but his gaze was drawn right back to the

girl. As they watched her, a man came up and grabbed her arm. They
talked and looked around, obviously waiting for a table. A second
man came up and dropped a kiss on Audrey’s cheek. Rondo started

Gary touched his elbow. “You don’t want to do this.”
Rondo looked at him. His eyes showed confusion and anger, and

Gary felt a pang of sympathy. His friend and lover was hurting, and
he was sniping at him.

“I’m sorry, man. Let’s casually walk up and you can introduce

me, you know, as a friend. It’ll give you the chance to find out what
she’s up to, why she’s in the city.” He glanced at the trio now talking
quietly. “And who those two goons are if you want.”

Still looking a tad shell-shocked, Rondo said, “I’ll introduce you.”
He took off again. Gary had to trot to catch up. He didn’t want to

miss a word of this.

They came to a stop, Rondo behind Audrey, Gary to the side.

Rondo tapped her shoulder.

The woman turned. Surprise morphed into shock.
“I thought that was you. How are ya’?” Rondo cheerfully asked.
That was not what Gary had expected.
Audrey opened her mouth, but one of the men spoke first. “She’s

taken, dude. Bug off.”

Gary looked askance at the man. She’s taken? Dude? Where did

these yahoos come from?

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“I know she’s taken.” Rondo gave her a secret smile. “And I know

how, too,” he said, soft enough for only Audrey and Gary to hear.

Color rose in her cheeks. “Rondo! I tried to call you after you

threw—after I found an apartment, but you were gone.”

“Didn’t see much point in staying. You’re looking good.”
“Look, buddy—”
“Arthur, Rondo is an old friend of mine. Why don’t you and

Michael have a drink at the bar, and I’ll be there in a sec.”

Arthur didn’t look too happy, and Michael was eyeing Rondo

warily. Michael was half of Rondo’s size.

“You know this dude?”
Gary flicked Rondo a glance, and they shared a smile. Dude,


“Ye-es. I said he’s an old friend.”
“Okay. Call us if you need us,” Michael said, backing away.
“Sure,” agreed a reluctant Arthur.
A brown veil hid Audrey’s expression while she watched the two

dudes swagger toward the bar. Michael caught his toe on some
woman’s chair and almost spilled her drink. Gary coughed to cover a
chuckle, but Rondo grinned and shook his head.

Dudes, Audrey? Where’d you pick up those two?” Rondo asked.
“Never mind that. What are you doing here?”
Rondo lost the grin. “Better yet, what are you doing here? I’m the

one who wanted to move to the city last year, and you wouldn’t even
consider it. ‘I hate the city,’ you said. ‘It’s noisy and dirty,’ ‘I won’t
know anyone there.’”

Unfortunately, Gary’s heart was as soft as Jeanette’s ass cheeks.

He could see Audrey’s pain as easily as he saw Rondo’s. It was
written on her face as Rondo interrogated her. He wondered if she
was hurt because she’d lost the big man or hurt because of his rapid-
fire questioning.

“You didn’t want to leave your friends behind. Ha! Little did I

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know you meant Larry, Moe, and Curly.”

“I said a lot of things I’m sorry for now.”
Gary’s heart tripped at the amazed wonder in Rondo’s last

question. It had been softer and slower than the others and revealed
more about his and Audrey’s relationship than anything said to this
point. What would Rondo do if she wanted him back? What would I

“I liked more than straight sex. I can admit that now. But you only

had sex one way, with you on top. I was bored, Rondo. I needed

Gary noticed the flush coloring Rondo’s sculpted cheekbones.

How dare she reveal such intimate matters on the streets of New York
about his lover?
In another minute, Gary was going to let little
Audrey know that Rondo had changed. A lot. Yeah, he liked to be on
top. And the bottom. And the side, the floor, the couch, and in the

“This is my friend, Gary Sennet.”
Now the color flared in Audrey’s cheeks. “Sorry,” she mumbled.
Someone took Gary’s hand. It couldn’t be Rondo. He wouldn’t do

that. Not here, in front of Audrey and the whole world. Would he?
Gary took a peek.

Rondo would. Gary smiled and gave the rough hand a squeeze.
“He went to high school with us. Remember him?”
Audrey peered closer. “No, sorry, I don’t.”
Rondo moved his head slowly back and forth. “No. You wouldn’t

recognize him because he’s a sensitive man and keeps private things

Audrey frowned slightly and looked back at Rondo.
“I need to thank you, Audrey. Cheating on me was just the kick I

needed to get out of that hellhole town and find out who I really am.
Find the one person that would change my whole life and how I live
it.” He leaned closer to a very confused Audrey. “I like it when he

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gets on top. I like it in the morning now, too. I like getting a blow job
or a hand job.” Audrey’s eyes widened on every word. “I love to suck
him off.” Gary’s heart pitter-pattered. “And I love it when we make
love because that’s what we do. We make love.” He straightened up
but kept talking. “You and me—we had sex. Mostly bad sex, but I’m
not gonna take all the blame. You never said you wanted to try
anything different. Never said, ‘lick me, Rondo.’ Never said, ‘fuck me
in the ass, Rondo.’ So thank you for making me find him again.”

Gary’s mouth was hanging open, so Rondo plunged his tongue

inside and French kissed him until he was dizzy. His hands hung on to
Rondo’s hard shoulders. He was practically panting by the time
Rondo let loose.

“See ya’ ’round, Audrey.” Rondo wrapped his arm around Gary’s

shoulders and guided him into the crowd, away from the woman who
had cheated on him.

“You okay, Gar?” Rondo asked with a quick squeeze of his


“I’m stupefied. Astounded. Shocked.”
Rondo threw back his head and laughed. “I hope you’re horny

because I feel like being on top.”

Gary gazed up at his lover—his man—and laughed along with


* * * *

Rondo’s stomach hadn’t settled by the time they got home. Home.

Gary’s home, his home, one in the same. He’d take over the rent even
if he had to battle Gary down. He’d already refused help with the rent
while Rondo was just a guest.

All of a sudden, it hit him that he might be assuming an awful lot.

He knew a lot of gay relationships were brief, no-strings affairs, and
that men picked up a different guy every night.

Always alert to his moods, Gary peeked over at him “What is it?”

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“I swear you know I’m thinking something almost before I do.”
“I’m sorry if—”
“No, no. I love it that you’re so in tune with me.”
Gary dropped into a chair. “Me, too.”
“I want to talk to you about some things.”
“I hope so. After what you said to Audrey…”
“Hope I didn’t jump any guns.”
Gary gave him a crooked little smile that made him want to run a

fingertip along those lipstick-red lips, down his chin to his Adam’s
apple, into the hollow at the base of his throat. He gave a little shiver
of anticipation.

“You didn’t jump anything. I was hoping you were starting to,

um, you know, like me.”

Rondo knew how Gary’s previous lovers had treated him. It was

Gary’s education that had taught Rondo how the gay scene worked.
Gary had taken all the hits and shared them with him so he could
avoid most of the pain. All of the pain if he said the right things the
right way.

Rondo went to his knees in front of Gary. Carefully, he parted

Gary’s legs and slipped between them. He reached for the shirt
buttons and slipped the first one out.

“I like you a lot.” Another button slipped from its mooring. “In

fact, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

Gary’s eyes brightened. “Yeah?”
Rondo loved the telltale quiver in his lover’s voice. He kissed him

softly and unbuttoned another button. “Yes. I realized it almost the
moment I saw Audrey.” He licked Gary’s lips.

Gary groaned. “Forget about her.”
“I have.”
Rondo parted Gary’s shirt to reveal his smooth, hairless chest. He

kissed and nibbled down to his bellybutton and then returned to
tongue his nipples. Gary shifted and made a soft, yearning noise in his

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Mallory Hall

He ran his hands up the inside of Gary’s legs but avoided touching

his genitals. Scraping his fingernails along the denim, he sucked on a
flat nipple and used his teeth and tongue to stretch and lengthen it.
Then he turned his attention to the other one. He kept his hands
moving over Gary’s hips, thighs, and calves.

Gary cupped his face. “Let me…”
“Not yet, baby. Not yet,” Rondo said as he gently put Gary’s

hands above his head. Rondo explored every inch of Gary’s body. He
disrobed him one item of clothing at a time until Gary lay naked,
spread-eagled in the chair. His dick stood up from a nest of neatly
trimmed curls.

“You are one beautiful man,” Rondo breathed. “Hook your knees

over the arms of the chair.”

Gary lifted his butt and spread his legs to encompass the arms of

the chair. He was wide open to Rondo’s eyes, hands, teeth, and

First, he licked his way up Gary’s legs. Reverently, he kissed

knees, smooth calves, and the tender, tender skin between leg and
torso. Gary’s breath hitched, and his erection twitched. He moaned
when Rondo stood up.

“I’m just getting undressed.”
Gary stared while he took off his clothes. Because of that, a quick

strip turned into a show all its own. Rondo teased him by covering his
groin and had him reaching out when he wrapped his own hand
around his dick. Rondo laughed and backed off.

“No. Stay right there, Gar.”
Rondo let all the love he felt for Gary show in his face. He came

to him slowly, settled on top of him carefully, and made love to him
as tenderly as he knew how. Gently, he pressed his oiled dick into
Gary’s ass. When he was deeply seated, he flexed his hips,
withdrawing and pressing forward. He rubbed his belly on Gary’s
dick when he was deep inside of him and as he pulled out. He shifted
his hips until Gary’s testicles rested between them, and then he

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pressed down, increasing the pressure slowly until Gary was writhing
and moaning and begging for more.

“Please, Ron, please…”
Rondo felt pressure building in his lower stomach. He increased

his speed and pumped hard in and out. The grip of Gary’s sphincter
muscle had Rondo pleading for release. Gary gripped him harder and
Rondo came in a rush. He pumped, slowing down, as he emptied
himself into his lover.

Gary gripped Rondo’s face before he could nuzzle his stomach

and lick his belly.

“Sit on top of me.”
Rondo pulled out and placed his knees alongside Gary’s hips.
“Spread your cheeks,” he demanded, and Rondo obeyed.
Holding his own pulsing erection, Gary guided Rondo down until

he was sitting on the head of his penis.

“Take me as slow or as fast as you want,” Gary said hoarsely.
Rondo relaxed and dropped down hard on Gary’s dick. Gary

groaned as his cock slid home. He pumped his hips up and down,
gradually pushing deep inside Rondo’s body. Rondo, gripping Gary’s
shoulders, leaned forward and kissed him. Gary pumped up and held
Rondo’s hips as he spurted cum deep inside him. Finally sated, they
lay together in the chair getting back their breath.

When Rondo untangled himself to stand up, Gary pouted. Rondo

kissed him, smiled, and scooped him up in his arms. Gary squealed
and laughed.

“I can’t believe you’re carrying me!” He chuckled.
“I wanted to sweep you off your feet, like you swept me off


“Aw, Rondo…”
“I love you, Gary. I want to stay,” he said as he looked into his

lover’s eyes.

Eyes bright with unshed tears, Gary said, “I love you, too, and I

want you with me.”

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Mallory Hall

“Good,” Rondo murmured into Gary’s open, wet mouth. He

carried his man into their bedroom and laid him gently on the bed. He
got a warm, wet washcloth and gently cleaned Gary’s genitals. Then
he cleaned himself.

Rondo bent over and gently licked Gary’s soft cock. It started to

harden and lengthen, and his tongue swirled and lapped at it. Sliding a
finger into Gary’s hole, he looked up at his face. “I’m not going to
leave you, you know. I want to stay with you for as long as you’ll let

One tear escaped as Gary cleared his throat. “I want you to stay as

long as you want.”

“Do you trust me to stay forever?” Rondo asked softly as he knelt

between Gary’s legs. He cradled Gary’s erection and brought his own
thick cock to lie alongside it. Cupping both between his hands, he
applied slight pressure as he stroked them both. He looked up when
Gary cupped his own hands around the two straining cocks.

“Yes,” he said as, together, they brought themselves to




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Mallory Hall is a whisper from the bedroom. Born and raised in New

York, she found her favorite hobby on a tennis court, and it has nothing
to do with rackets. Balls, yes, rackets, no. Losing her virginity on a dark
tennis court with a six-foot-plus hunk set the tone for her sexual
proclivities. She found her sexual equal and married him without delay.

Widowed after twenty-six years of marriage, she turned to writing

down what she could no longer share with her own hero. Fantasies come
fast and furious and flow onto the page. Thoughts and images coalesce
into dialogue and scenes that she loves to share with all who are

Also by Mallory Hall

Siren Classic: Efrem

Siren Classic: Blew Moon

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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