Personal Statement docx

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Personal Statement

Alicja Makselon, IIe

I have been always thinking that despite there are thousands of opportunities none of them will fit
me. I had no clue what do I really want to do and what would be good for me and my future. Then I
got into the IB. I was looking for something alternative to the Polish mainstream education and the
IB was perfect choice. In the IB I grown up and I started to think about my future more deeply. This is
when I fell into another extreme.

At the end I came up with a conclusion that I want to study psychology. A thing that inspired me
was that I noticed that this is what interests me and that helping people and working with their
minds makes me happy. My dream is to run my own business. Create some clinic and spend time
surrounded by people. I have been always interested in things connected with people’s psyches and I
also like helping people. I adore this feeling when by just listen to someone I am helping that person.
It is wonderful looking at some smiling person knowing that this is partly my merit. Unfortunately I
did not attend any courses etc. from psychology because my school do not offer them, but I have had
helped some of my friends already. A special for me example is when about one year ago my best
friend’s mom died. It was a big challenge for me. It was of course very hard for her and I was with
her all the time trying to stop her tears. I was just talking to her and I think that I succeed because
she got comforted and started to think more positive. Of course I know that probably my friend’s
problems were not that big and in the real life there are some really hard cases, but I am pretty
sure that I could handle it. I am sensitive and emotional person and I think that it would help me to
understand people’s problems and find the best way to help them. I think that my weakness in this
profession is that I am caring too much but I have hope that it will not be that big problem in the
future. I just think that this profession is perfect for me.

I am also very sociable, I love spending my time with people, work with them. Whenever I have a
free moment I always go to meet with my friends. It just makes me happy and I feel comfortable
surrounded by others. While being psychologist you always spend time with others so it fits together.
Of course I am just a human and I am not ideal. Nobody is. I have disadvantages. My worst features
are that I am quickly getting angry, but I am working on it with trying to calm down by taking a deep
breath for example and I am lazy a bit.

I want to study in the UK because I love this country, especially London of course. People there are
wonderful and I could practice my English skills in everyday situations. My interest in psychology
is not the only one as you can suppose. In fact I am interested in almost every part of life in some
degree. I love rollerblading and cycling in the summer and skating in the winter. I love kids. I like
learning different languages. For now despite of learning English I am also learning French and
Russian. When I am abroad I always try to learn some useful words in that foreign language. Thing
which I like the most is travelling. I love getting knowledge about different cultures, traditions etc.
In the future I want to travel whole world and be happy. I also used to attend additional classes
of business. In the IB we have to write something called Extended Essay. This is a piece of writing
on any topic that interests us for 4000 words. My EE is about allelopathy. It is an interesting
biological process when one plant influences on another’s germination and growth. I cannot find any
correlation between my EE topic and psychology but I think that this only shows that I have many
interests not connected with each other. I am an usual teenager with unusual dreams and plans for
the future.

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