H C Brown & KevaD Night Games

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Night Games

Game Play - Book 2

H.C. Brown and KevaD

Published 2012

ISBN: 978-1-93176-116-1

Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509

Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © Published 2012, H.C. Brown
and KevaD. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

Manufactured in the United States of America

Liquid Silver Books


This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of

the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual
events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

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Joe Harrison’s attraction to the young, handsome part-owner of Bowers’ Beautiful

Excursions has become an obsession. His purchase of a sailboat, and need for a skilled
captain, gives him the opportunity to spend some time alone with the elusive Dazz.

Although sailing a brand-new schooner through pirate infested waters isn’t Dazz’s

idea of fun, his desire to know Joe more intimately overrides his caution.

Hijacked by pirates and forced to flee into the jungle, they must overcome all

obstacles and fight to recover the vessel. Will their fragile relationship survive the
bittersweet trials to come?

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Chapter 1

Joe Harrison stared down the long, bleached wooden walkway beside the marina to

the graceful man working on the schooner’s deck. A gust of wind tumbled the dark blond
hair, streaked from long days at sea. The Rio de Janeiro sun glistened over his sweat-
soaked body, tanned to a golden brown. His gaze drifted across the distance to the
handsome, chiseled face he knew so well. He visualized the man’s blue expressive eyes
and the fullness of his lips. He longed to nibble the day-old stubble on his chin and flick
his tongue in the corners of his smile.

Joe tilted his head back and closed his eyes, overwhelmed with an ache to sink his

fingers into the silky mass falling to the young man’s shoulders. He inhaled. The smell of
seaweed mixed with the ocean’s brine drifted through the window. His mind went back
to their earlier meeting. Dazz’s preference for expensive French cologne, its citrus
fragrance mingled with his natural musk, both surprised Joe and drove him crazy with the
need to bury his nose in the man’s neck.

Joe leaned a shoulder against the window frame and watched Dazz secure the rigging

with the skill of many years at sea. His cut-off jeans displayed strong thighs and the way
the frayed fabric molded to his muscular ass—God! Joe chuckled and swiped at his
mouth. The man had become an obsession. Joe gripped the window ledge.

The guy made him hard with one glance of his sapphire eyes. Joe bit his bottom lip.

Their lingering handshake earlier upon meeting invaded his mind. The warmth of Dazz’s
callused hand and the way his long fingers, burnished by the sun, curled around his palm.
Joe groaned. His balls throbbed at the thought of the man’s rough thumb circling his

Joe shook his head to clear the image of Dazz stretched out naked on his bed. Did he

have a snowflake’s chance in hell with the young guy? Sure, they got on well enough
together. How often had he discussed the latest soccer game with Dazz? Okay, so they
had sports in common but little else.

With a sigh, Joe contemplated the situation. For a start, Dazz had to be five years his

junior. The man of his dreams lived in a different world and had a different class of
friends. What chance did he have to fit in Dazz’s “live every day like it’s your last”
attitude toward life?

He ran a hand over the small dog tucked under his arm and chewed on his bottom

lip. As much as he wanted to run off into the sunset with Dazz, he had a business to run
and people who depended on him.

As if the man had read his thoughts, Dazz lifted his head and flashed a brilliant smile

in Joe’s direction. Without a second thought, Joe smiled and returned the man’s wave.
His face grew hot. Damn, he knows I’ve been watching him.

His idea to become a minor partner in Bowers’ Bountiful Excursions had become a

financial windfall. The job had benefits as well. His work marketing the company kept
him in contact with Dazz on a regular basis.

Joe pursed his lips. Dazz was a free spirit. He ran with the wind. Tying him down

would be like putting an eagle in a cage. The sea was in the young man’s blood.

There had been a buzz between them from the start. Although, to his chagrin, Dazz

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had remained as elusive as a butterfly—a very sexy butterfly. Joe wet his lips. That
gorgeous man is out of my league.

“Harrison, are you drooling over Dazz again?” Patrice Bowers slipped her hand

through his arm.

Joe patted her long, slim fingers. “Darling, he has me in the palm of his hand. The

trouble is I don’t think I’m his type.”

“You don’t work for Daddy now.” She ruffled his hair. “You need to relax, grow

your hair, and lose the suit. He likes you. But I know for a fact, Dazz hates society

Turning away from the window, he led Patrice to a chair. He slid his hip on the edge

of the office table. “My business is flourishing and I have clients coming out of the
woodwork. I have a position in life, Patrice. In fact, I like who I am and what I’ve
achieved. Sure, I’m attracted to Dazz, but I’ll find myself a man sooner or later.” He
grinned. “Don’t worry about my love life.”

“You can’t fool me.” Patrice eyed him critically. “But far be it for me to intrude.”
Joe laughed. “Ah, well, I can dream.”
“Dazz has worked with Brian for a long time. Please don’t do anything to cause a

problem in the company.” Patrice drummed her fingernails on the desk. “You know, a
sour love affair isn’t good for business.”

“What and ruin my investment?” Joe ran a hand through his hair. “Not a chance.”
Bowers’ Bountiful Excursions ran a romantic cruise service for couples from Sao

Conrado, Rio’s upscale southern district. Joe knew Dazz’s commitment to his partner in
the business, Brian Bowers, was one of long standing. Joe believed his luck had changed
for the better the day Bowers married socialite, Patrice Lampton.

How many years had Joe cared for Patrice as personal bodyguard and mother

confessor? Ten? Life had been normal before Bowers emerged from the sea like
Poseidon with a schooner named after Patrice. Joe doubted anyone could resist such a
declaration of devotion.

“When are you moving into your new office?” Patrice inclined her head.
“Yesterday.” Joe winked. “My personal assistant is holding down the fort.”
“Oh! And a personal assistant too. What’s he like?” She leaned toward him. “Sexy as

hell, I bet.”

“Spectacular, darling. But unfortunately, he has a boyfriend.” Joe glanced out the

window. “Although, I think my tastes have moved to the more rugged type of late.”

* * * *

Dazz caught the grin on Brian Bowers’ face. “What?”
“Oh, come on now, you mean you can’t see Harrison giving you the ‘come hither’

stare? His blatant adoration is so hot I’m surprised it hasn’t set fire to the marina.”

“I like him fine, but he’s a suit.” Dazz rubbed a hand over the sweat on his face

smearing a line of grime across one cheek. “Although, he is pretty and embraces his
feminine side. That’s a plus.”

“You mean … he’s a transvestite?” Bowers raised a brow. “Nah, I can’t see him in

drag. Look at the size of him—he’s too big.”

Biting back a laugh, Dazz regarded his friend with interest. One thing for sure,

Bowers was secure in his sexuality. “Hmm, Harrison in drag. Now that’s an intriguing

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thought. Does Armani make dresses in his size? Do you know, mon ami?” He snorted
with laughter. “I don’t think Joe could cope with an off the rack creation from Wal-

“Well, what do you mean by embracing his female side?”
Dazz reached for a bottle of water. “Joe can’t go a week without a facial, and a girl

arrives at his office every morning to buff his nails. He goes to the beauty parlor to have
his hair colored and God only knows what waxed.” He indicated the office window with
the bottle. “Have you noticed he hasn’t got one wrinkle on his face and … what is he …

“Yeah, I guess.” Bowers rubbed his chin. “So what are you planning to do besides

underwhelm him with your fake French accent? I’d guess Patrice told him by now you
were born in Wichita.”

Dazz rubbed his middle finger over the bridge of his nose.
Bowers chuckled and blew a kiss. “You know, I’ve been hoping you’d find

somebody since that asshole Rafael cheated on you. Seriously, I think you have an open
door with Harrison. The question on the table is: what are you going to do about it?”

“Well, he told me this morning he purchased a sailboat from somewhere near Santa

Vitória do Palmar. He asked me if I’d be interested in going with him to sail it back.”
Dazz sipped the water. “As we have a few weeks downtime, I would like to go. That’s if
you don’t need me here for a while.” He ran his tongue around his teeth. “I’d like to
explore all possibilities, if you get my drift?”

“Yeah, well, there’s not much you can do with the Patrice in dry dock.” Bowers

pushed a hand through his hair sending the dark sweat-soaked mass in all directions. “Do
you think it’s wise, sailing down that part of the coast?”

Dazz stared out over the ocean. No wind rippled the blue-green glass from the shore

break to the horizon. “Believe it or not, Harrison mentioned he had guns on board. Look,
I don’t know the guy well, but he doesn’t come across as the macho gun-toting type.”

“Harrison? The man whose constant companion is a white Chihuahua with a pink

bow? That Harrison?” Bowers grinned. “Macho isn’t his style but Patrice insists he can
handle himself.” He glanced over to the office window. “I like Joe but he looks like a
puff of wind could knock him over.”

“I’ve often wondered what he actually did for Patrice’s father.” Dazz scratched his

chin. “I’ve tried to find out more about him but he doesn’t talk much about his time as
her bodyguard.”

“Bodyguard is stretching the truth. He is Patrice’s best friend. He kept her off drugs,

made sure she wasn’t bothered by the paparazzi, and put her to bed when she drank too
much. He was more of a companion.” Bowers sighed. “I know he’s a crack shot. I went
with him to the practice range last week. I wouldn’t want him to be pointing a loaded gun
at me.”

“Ah, mon ami, this is good news because after a week alone with me, the term

loaded gun is going to have an entirely new meaning.” Dazz wet his lips. “And that sweet
suit is going to be an expert on shooting, Dazz style—n’est-ce pas?”

* * * *

Joe picked up Petal and straightened the dog’s pink bow. He gazed into the miniature

Chihuahua’s big, trusting eyes and smiled. “Are you excited, precious? Do you want to

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come with Daddy on his new schooner?”

The backside of the white body wiggled. The small dog let out two excited yelps in

reply and lavished Joe’s hand with doggie kisses.

“Have you lost your mind?” Patrice glanced up from the computer screen. “What if

she falls overboard? You can’t keep her locked in a cabin. She’ll die of heat exhaustion.”

Joe met her gaze. “I refuse to put her in a kennel. My God, just the thought of

allowing her to mix with mongrels gives me palpitations.”

“So you’d rather see her eaten by sharks?” Patrice snorted. “I thought you loved that

ball of hair.”

“Ball of hair?” Joe blinked in disbelief. “My Petal happens to come from a long line

of grand champions. In the dog world she is royalty.”

“I don’t think she even knows she’s a dog.” Patrice wrinkled her nose. “Other dogs

wouldn’t either. You know, I don’t know any other man who sprays his dog with
expensive French perfume.” She grinned. “You don’t even like women’s fragrances.”

Joe hunched. He loved Petal. “Well, I felt guilty after I had her spayed. I want her to

believe she is still an attractive female.” He bristled at sight of the tears of laughter
running down Patrice’s cheeks. “Oh, don’t be so cruel.”

A whiff of the ocean’s freedom breezed into the room. “What’s so funny?”
Joe spun around and met Dazz’s sparkling gaze. The man ambled inside the office

with a smirk of amusement. With effort, Joe composed himself. “Oh, nothing to concern
you. Patrice was being her usual bitchy self.”

“Harrison wants to take the dog with him when he picks up his sailboat.” Patrice

chuckled. “I was teasing him.”

Dazz pushed a strand of damp hair off his cheek and regarded Joe for a long time.

“Will that little bitch put up a fight if you put her in a harness?”

Joe shot a glance at Patrice. He narrowed his eyes. “Why don’t you ask her yourself?

Not that I believe you should ask a married woman such an inappropriate question.”

“Not Patrice.” Dazz rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. “Petunia.”
Petal.” Patrice made a snorting noise and stuffed tissues over her mouth in a vain

attempt to stop laughing.

“The dog.” Dazz raised a brow. “Will she wear a harness? Can she actually walk? I

can’t say I’ve ever seen that poor animal’s feet touch the ground. Do you need to carry

The musky scent of Dazz flooded over Joe. His body reacted and the blood drained

from his brain to settle between his legs. He swallowed hard. In a few seconds with the
close proximity of this delicious man, he had turned from an astute executive to a bowl of
jelly. Dazz moved toward him, one large brown hand reaching for Petal. Joe inhaled the
man’s delicious fragrance and, without a moment’s hesitation, handed him the dog. “Let
me see. Yes, she can walk but she prefers me to carry her. I do have a harness for her at
home. Why?”

“Cute puppy.” Dazz rubbed the dog’s ears. “I can see you’re attached to the mutt, so

far be it for me to suggest separating the pair of you.”

“Mutt? Oh. My. God.” Patrice gripped her ribs and shook with hilarity.
Joe pushed down the desire to take Petal and leave. How dare Dazz insult his pet? He

glared at Dazz. “She is not a ‘mutt’.”

“I did mention ‘cute’ somewhere too.” Dazz held Petal under one arm like a football.

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“Let’s not argue mon ami. I like your dog fine.”

The tension eased from Joe’s chest. He held out his hand for Petal. “Time will tell.

Give her to me.”

“You won’t be able to hold her and sail your new schooner.” Dazz smiled at Joe.

“Buy a long leash, so when we’re topside she can be tethered. I’m sure you don’t want
her tossed overboard.” He handed Petal back to Harrison. “But it’s your job to poop

Joe’s heart gave a little twist of emotion. He nodded. “I’ll look after her. She won’t

be any trouble.”

“Good. Look, there are a few things we need to discuss about the trip.” Dazz rubbed

his chin. “I really need to go home and take a shower. Do you have to return to your
office this afternoon? I thought we might chat over lunch.” He smiled. “I don’t mind if
you bring … ah, Petal, to my place.”

With effort, Joe pushed down the bubbles of excitement threatening to burst forth

like the froth from a bottle of sparkling wine. He cleared his throat. I’m acting like a kid
on his first date.
“Sure, I’ll get my car and follow you.”

“Nah, leave it here locked in the garage. If you park an imported sports car in my

neighborhood, it will be stripped before you step off the sidewalk.” Dazz grinned. “I’ll
drop you … and Petal back here in an hour or so.”

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Chapter 2

Dazz regarded the man sitting across the kitchen table with interest. The crusty

French loaf split in two, and filled with his own special antipasto topped with salami, sat
on Joe’s plate untouched. His guest’s agitated gaze flitted around the room. So what if he
didn’t live in a swank apartment? He kept his place clean. Mr. Armani Suit stuck out like
a sore thumb in his home. He sipped his beer. “Are you going to insult me by not eating
my food?”

“Ah … no … of course not.” Joe smiled. “Do you mind if I wash my hands?”
“It’s down the hall, the first door on the left.”
“I’ll be right back.”
Joe’s tall frame strolled across the small sitting room and down the hallway,

followed by the tap tap of Petal’s nails on the polished wood. Holy cow, did Joe shower
with the dog too? Dazz rubbed his chin. No doubt, Petal slept in Joe’s bed every night.
Now that could be a problem. As sure as hell, he didn’t want her needle sharp teeth
attacking his bare ass anytime soon. He had to make friends with the dog. The idea
intrigued him. He’d never had a pet. He grinned. Oh yeah, if being best friends with a
fluff ball named Petal would make an impression on Armani Suit, he’d poop scoop.

He sipped his beer. The rich, cool lager slid down his throat in a thirst-quenching

rush. A trickle of condensation ran over the back of his hand. He stared into the amber
liquid. I wonder if he stops being a snob in bed? Man, I’d like to unleash his beast.

A few minutes later, Joe had returned to the table, minus his jacket and tie. He had

rolled the sleeves of his expensive business shirt to the elbows. He appeared younger and
had an air of vulnerability about him.

Dazz smiled. “Wow, you look almost human.”
“What do you mean?” The nerve in Harrison’s cheek twitched.
Dazz reached for his sandwich. “You remind me of an android—too perfect. Every

time I see you I want to muss you up.”

“That might be fun.” Joe wet his bottom lip. “Trust me, I have my flaws.”
The man’s gaze hit him in a wave of sultry heat. Jesus! Dazz’s mouth went dry. He

bit into the bread and chewed. Joe’s offer hung between them for a long awkward minute.
He gave himself a mental shake, and lifted his beer in a mock toast. “I’ll drink to that—I
love a guy with flaws.”

“This wine is very good.” Joe lifted the bottle and read the label. “I must buy a case

to take with us.”

Dazz took a long pull from his beer. The guy’s come on had been a surprise. He did

not intend to be anyone’s one night stand. Anger shimmered down his spine. “I enjoy fine
wines and good food. I may not dress in a suit every day but that doesn’t make me a
bum.” He contemplated Joe over the rim of the bottle. “Are you here to get down and
dirty with a roughneck so you can go and brag to the boys at your club?”

“No! I no longer have a club.” Joe cut the bread in half with exaggerated slowness.
He noticed Joe withdraw inside himself. His sultry gaze slammed closed like shutters

before a storm. Damn!

Joe lifted his dark gaze. “I admit you’re not the type of man who usually attracts me,

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but I do find you intriguing. You are not what I expected at all. It’s obvious from the way
you live, you are cultured. And I must say your culinary skills are exceptional.” He took a
bite of the sandwich. “This is delicious.”

Bells and whistles went off in Dazz’s brain. Up to this second, he hadn’t dared to

make a move on Bowers’ Beautiful Excursions’ new partner. So far, they all got along
fine and he did not intended to upset the karma. The trouble with attraction was it knew
no bounds and this guy might as well have lived on a different planet. Hell, Joe had never
known poverty. The man had a degree—and he had built a prestigious marketing
business, practically overnight. That his intelligence and moxie dwarfed his champagne
public persona was an understatement.

Dazz’s plan of a long slow seduction at sea vanished in the glow of the man’s smile.

He gazed into eyes the color of brandy. His stomach clenched in the same way each time
he met someone special. “You are pretty damn delicious too.”

Color crept up Joe’s neck and pink spots appeared on both cheeks. Dazz held his

gaze and bathed in the sultry heat. Man, this day had jumped from one surprise to
another. He pushed down the need to leap across the table and lip lock. I’m guessing he
likes sex slow and easy.
The sophisticated man’s lips curled up at the corners. Joe
dropped long, black lashes over his expressive eyes, and continued to eat.

Sexual tension buzzed, arcing over the table. Dazz smiled. Oh yeah, he could play

this game. He loved the chase—the time between attraction—and action.


Joe’s heart beat a tattoo in his chest. A man like Dazz would prefer to make the first

move in a relationship, and he had managed to spoil things by blurting out his attraction.
I’m such an idiot.

Dazz’s small apartment had surprised him. The kitchen sparkled, and from what he

had glimpsed of the rest of the rooms, the man had a flair for interior design. He had not
imagined a deckhand to possess such style. His gaze drifted over his companion. The
scent of apple shampoo and citrus aftershave hung in the air from Dazz’s freshly
showered body. Dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt with his damp, blond hair curling
around his neck, he reminded Joe of a Viking berserker.

Joe reached for his wine and sipped. He met Dazz’s hot gaze. Heat thumped a path to

his balls. He forced his oversexed brain to concentrate. “You mentioned something about
discussing plans for our trip?”

“Can you take some time to go shopping?” Dazz raised a brow. “I want to buy some


“I have arranged for an agent to stock the galley with food supplies.” Joe twirled the

glass between finger and thumb. “I can’t imagine you’ll want for anything on the Petal.”

“What about a waterproof backpack?” Dazz leaned back in his chair and stretched

his long legs. “We’ll need one, filled with supplies, passports, and a pistol should we
meet up with any pirates and have to jump ship.” He leveled his gaze on Joe. “I know you
think you can shoot your way out of trouble but these guys are guerillas.”

He drummed his manicured nails on the table. “Brian introduced me to his friend

Miguel the smuggler. If his less-than-imposing stature is a representative of the worst of
the lot, I think I can handle whatever Brazil’s brigands throw at us.”

“Really? Did Brian happen to mention the rumor of how Miguel once skinned a

man? Alive? Nobody screws with Miguel, and we’ll be passing a section of the coast he

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won’t travel without the company of a couple of his compatriots.”

Joe’s mouth dropped open. “Alive?” Who on God’s earth would do such a thing?
“Relax. It was a personal issue between pirates. Miguel was just making sure the guy

understood he wasn’t happy. The point is the pirates down here don’t give a damn about
killing when necessary. And a handful of them believe witnesses qualify. Trust me,
swimming for shore is the only option unless you plan on a burial at sea. The safe bet is
nothing will happen beyond your dog soiling the deck. But, I like to prepare for any
outcome. I don’t plan to hike through the jungle without food, water, and protection.”

Joe nervously glanced down at Petal. The small dog lay on her back feet wide apart

feigning sleep. His dog would not survive five minutes in the ocean. “There hasn’t been
an attack for months and we’ll log our cruise plan.” He sighed. “But I guess it doesn’t
hurt to be cautious.”

“The backpacks I have in mind double as floatation devices.” Dazz pushed to his

feet. He ambled across the room to retrieve another beer from the refrigerator. He
returned and placed the bottle on the table. His gaze slid to Petal and then back to Joe.
“Don’t worry. If we have to escape, I’ll make sure your dog doesn’t drown.” He slid back
on the chair. “Another thing, I want you to forget those fancy threads you’re wearing and
buy some ordinary clothes. I’d prefer to board the schooner under the guise of hired
hands.” He cast a critical gaze over Joe. “The way you look, you’re asking to be
kidnapped and ransomed.”

“Christ, we’re in Brazil, not Columbia. And I’ve already told you there will be at

least a couple of rifles on board.”

“Wealth attracts crime.” Dazz rolled his shoulders. “Bad enough we’re arriving by

helicopter. I don’t plan on inviting trouble.” He ran his finger around the wet circle from
the beer bottle. “We can walk to the market from here.” He lifted his chin and met Joe’s
gaze. “We can get what we need, and grab a pizza and a few bottles of red too.”

The rich aromatic wine lingered on Joe’s tongue. Another glass and he would not be

capable of driving. He smiled. “I don’t think I should risk drinking anymore. I have a
long drive home and I’m guessing taxis don’t exist in this neighborhood.”

The corners of Dazz’s mouth turned up in a slow, sexy smile. “Do you want to stay

here tonight?”

The look Dazz gave Joe oozed sin. He swallowed the wine and choked. Struck dumb

by the idea of staying the night with his dream lover, he fought for words. “Sorry. Ah …
yes. Thank you. Why not? I guess we should get to know each other before we leave?”

“That’s the plan.” Dazz emptied his beer and tossed the bottle into the garbage. He

flashed Joe a brilliant smile. “You’d better put a toothbrush on your list.”

* * * *

The carnival atmosphere of the district surrounded Joe. Tourists in flip-flops, shorts,

souvenir tees, and dried grass hats mingled with the colorful attire of various tribal
members and open-shirted expats smoking requisite Cuban cigars. Once Dazz established
in broken Portuguese his companion operated a business employing locals, the prices
drastically reduced, allowing Joe to relax and enjoy bartering with the street vendors and
shop owners as if he had been born their neighbor. Not having Petal with him was
surreal. He had agreed to leave her behind in the air-conditioning. She didn’t enjoy the
heat and had been quite happy to curl up and go to sleep on the sofa in Dazz’s apartment.

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After shopping for three hours, Joe wanted to curl up on the sofa too—any sofa—and

rest. To his surprise, Dazz paid a young man with a cart to transport their purchases back
to the apartment. He touched Dazz’s arm. “That’s close to a thousand dollars worth of
supplies. Are you sure you can trust that kid?”

“Yeah, I’ve known him since he was two. He runs errands for me all the time. I

asked him to look in on Petal too.” Dazz motioned toward the entrance to a bar in a
narrow side street. “I need a beer.”

Inside the dim establishment, the scent of sweat, beer, and the spicy aroma of boiled

meat and beans met them. Metal tympani chimed a samba through corner-mounted
speakers. A scattering of tables with bright red cloths surrounded a small dance floor. A
bar took up one entire wall. Across the room, he noticed a line of booths. Joe’s gaze
drifted to couples slow dancing to the loud music. He blinked into the gloom and met the
dark, liquid gaze of a stunningly handsome man. The man wet his lips, slid his hand
down and palmed his sex.

Good Lord, Dazz had dragged him into a gay bar. He had no idea places like this

existed in this country. Panic tightened his chest. He dropped his voice to a whisper.
“What are we doing in this place?”

“Man, you are the most uptight guy I’ve ever met.” Dazz brushed his fingers over

Joe’s palm. “Relax.” He entwined Joe's fingers. “It’s nice and private here.” He led him
to a secluded booth against the far wall.

The touch of Dazz’s rough thumb moving in slow circles over Joe’s skin sent a flame

of arousal straight to his balls. He caught the heated expression in Dazz’s eyes. His
stomach gave a flip. Warm breath brushed his cheek and the tip of an inquisitive tongue
traced the inner curl of his ear. His muscles clenched in anticipation. Oh, my God.

With his back pressed hard against the edge of the booth, Joe’s heart thundered. His

knees trembled. He had made a decision long ago not to advertise his predilection in
public, but the closeness of this man drove him insane with lust. The scent of musky,
male desire and citrus aftershave filled his nostrils, dispelling all doubt.

The heat of Dazz’s hip seared through Joe’s pants. A warm hand slid down his side

to squeeze his buttock. His friend gave a low rumbling chuckle and suckled Joe’s earlobe
before moving along his jaw with devastating slowness. Joe fought for breath. His legs

“Kiss me.” Dazz cupped Joe’s chin.
Without a second thought, Joe melted into Dazz’s hot, wet kiss. He opened his

mouth to the man’s erotic exploration and kissed him back with passion. Damp, full lips
slid over his mouth in a tender claiming. The gentle seductive kiss surprised him. The
man tasted so right, so clean and fresh. He rubbed against Dazz’s hard, muscular body in
blatant demand. His tormented nerve endings screamed for satisfaction. Groaning, he
pushed his fingers into the man’s silky hair and drew him closer to feast on his delicious

Lightheaded with desire, Joe moaned into Dazz’s mouth. His throbbing cockhead

pressed hard against the front of his pants. Heedless of being in a public place, he thrust
his aching shaft against Dazz’s hip. When his friend broke the kiss, he bit back a cry of
need. He caught his amused expression. His face grew hot. A wave of vulnerability
struck him. Oh, shit.

Dazz gave him a lopsided grin. “You taste like sunshine, mon ami.” He ran a finger

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down Joe’s cheek. “Much as I would like to continue this, I think a couple of the guys
here fancy you—and I’m not planning on sharing.” He brushed a kiss over Joe’s lips.
“You sit down. I’ll go and grab some drinks from the bar.”


Dazz slid a pizza onto the table and handed Joe a beer.
“This is about the only place in the district that doesn’t try to a sneak a bean base

into the tomato sauce to cut down on the overhead, so eat up. The house specialty, goat
cheese instead of mozzarella, might take some getting used to though.”

He sat opposite the flushed man. The guy’s instant and passionate response to his

kiss had astonished him. Oh yeah, Harrison would be dynamite in bed. He liked the way
his austere mask had turned to sweetness and vulnerability in his arms. He reached for a
slice and met Joe’s gaze. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, of course.” Joe sipped his beer. “I’m a little embarrassed. I don’t usually

frequent gay bars, and I never … ah … lose control like that, especially in public.”

Dazz washed the pizza down with a long pull from his bottle. He squeezed Joe’s

hand. “You are the complete opposite of the guys I’m usually attracted to, but, cher, you
turn me on big time.” He ran his fingers over the back of Joe’s hand. “I can’t wait to get
you home.”

“I’m too old for you.” Joe withdrew his hand. “I’m acting like a fool.”
“Forty is not old.” Dazz inclined his head. “I’ve had lovers older and younger than

me. Look, cher, life is too short to worry about such things, n’est-ce pas?”

He gazed at Joe’s full lips and wondered why this delicious man was unattached. He

watched him eat, taking small, precise bites of the slice of pizza. He smiled. I bet eating
in public without using a knife and fork is a first for him.

“You’re not my usual type either.” Joe wiped his hands on a paper napkin. “I usually

go for foreign diplomats.” He smiled. “I agree. Life is too short.” He took a long drink
from his beer and placed the bottle on the table. He pushed back his chair. “Shall we go?”

Dazz stuffed the last morsel of pizza into his mouth, picked up his beer, and rose to

his feet. “Sure.” He leaned into Joe and swiped his tongue over the man’s bottom lip. “I
want you in the shower, all wet and soapy.”

“If you keep on talking like that I won’t be able to walk home.” Joe slid his hand

under Dazz’s shirt.

The touch of Joe’s hand caressing his bare flesh sent a surge of heat sizzling to his

shaft. He rested one arm across Joe’s shoulders. “My apartment is only a block away.”
He led him out into the street. “I’m ready for dessert.” He glanced at him. “I can’t wait to
find out how you taste.”

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Chapter 3

Dazz fumbled the keys to his apartment. Why am I so fucking nervous? He took a

long breath and slid the key into the lock. He took hold of Joe’s hand and dragged him
inside. With a groan of frustration, he pressed Joe hard against the wall, the need to touch
skin paramount. Heedless of the expensive fabric, he tore the gasping man’s shirt from
his pants, and slid both hands inside. His palms slid over hairless, smooth flesh, and
flowed over taut muscle from shoulder to narrow waist. Dazz smiled at the way Joe’s
skin pebbled under his caress. He wants me.

“Yap. Grrrrr. Yap. Yap.”
Sharp teeth sunk into Dazz’s ankle. Fuck! He pressed his palms on the wall each side

of Joe’s head. “Can you call off your mutt?”

“Bad girl. Go and lie down.” Joe grinned. “Sorry. She’ll get used to you.”
The small dog put on the beaten puppy act and crawled back to the sofa with her tail

curled between her legs. Jesus, the hurt expression on her face was almost human.

“You don’t look sorry.” Dazz pinched Joe’s flat nipples. “But that smile is so damn

sexy I’m gonna to let you off this time.”

Dazz bent his head to capture Joe’s smile. He craved the glide of tongue over tongue.

The guy’s unique, spicy scent filled his nostrils. He nibbled a sensual path along Joe’s
bottom lip. The sweet man moaned his delight. His long fingers bunched in Dazz’s hair.
The heat from his body swept over Dazz in a wildfire of erotic euphoria.

He slid his lips over Joe’s wet, needy mouth. The brush of bristle from the delicious

man’s chin scraped his lips. The desire to take and dominate surged through him. He
pushed his tongue against the porcelain-capped teeth demanding entrance. To his delight,
Joe opened and welcomed him inside. He feasted on the sweet taste of mint breath. His
nerve endings tingled in response to the man’s impatient demand. With greed, he
plundered Joe’s mouth, and then pulled back to tangle their tongues in an erotic dance.

He dragged his mouth away. “I want you naked.” He pulled at Joe’s belt. “Now.”
“Let me undress you.” Joe’s fingers lifted the edge of Dazz’s T-shirt. “I want to look

at you.” He dragged the garment over Dazz’s head.

“You can look at me later.” Dazz unzipped his jeans. “I’m hungry for some lovin’.”

He kicked off his shoes.

With chuckle, he pulled down Joe’s pants and purple paisley print boxers. His gaze

went to the naked balls and thick shaft. He stared at the bead of pre-cum pooling at the tip
like a raindrop in the cleft of a peach. The warm musky smell of male sex infused the
room. He let his gaze travel in slow deliberation over his prize.

Joe had the body of a man ten years his junior. Not one ounce of fat graced his

muscular body. He lifted his chin. Joe’s expression held a note of uncertainty and his
cheeks had flushed bright red. Dazz cupped Joe’s ass and pressed kisses down his neck.
“You are spectacular. I want you so bad.” He took Joe’s hand and led him into the


Joe took in the bronzed hunk beside him. He had never indulged in shower sex

before and hated to admit his lack of experience. He caught his red-faced reflection in the

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bathroom mirror and swallowed hard. “Why the shower?”

“Man, it’s our first date.” Dazz turned on the taps and checked the water

temperature. “You don’t want me to think you’re easy, do you?” He turned and pulled
Joe under the water.

Steam filled the small cubicle billowing round him in white clouds. Joe held out his

hands at Dazz’s proffered shower gel. The expensive fragrance surrounded him. One
glance at Dazz’s intense expression and his knees trembled. This guy is way, way out of
my league.

“I like to take things nice and slow.” Dazz moved his hands over Joe’s chest in slow

erotic swirls. “Touch me.” He nibbled on Joe’s earlobe.” I don’t bite—well, not yet

Joe’s heart pounded. His companion was more than gorgeous; he had a superb body

and—God, magic hands! His mouth watered at the sight of Dazz’s long, thick cock rising
from a nest of golden curls. Forcing his mind back to the man’s request, he rubbed his
hands together, spreading the foam over both palms.

In slow deliberate movements, he soaped Dazz’s back, enjoying the slide of muscle

under his fingers. Locked in a close embrace, his cock met the man’s long shaft in a
sensual sword fight. A thrill of discovery surged though him with each delicious slide of
his rod over Dazz’s hard flesh. Joe wanted to please him and ran his hands down in a
gentle caress to the man’s buttocks. He lifted his chin and gazed into eyes like a turbulent
sea. “Like this?”

Dazz gave a long moan and his hungry mouth crushed Joe’s lips in a branding kiss.

Joe slid into the kiss, using his tongue to caress and tease. Hot water poured down his
back and seeped into the cleft of his ass in a sensuous flow. Dazz’s soapy hand palmed
his aching cock and with soul destroying slowness the pad of his rough thumb circled the
slit. Joe had dreamed of this moment and slid his hand down to capture Dazz’s hard shaft.
The thick rod burned a fiery path of lust across his skin.

He rolled his hips to slide inside Dazz’s calloused grip and deepened the kiss. His

companion’s warm hand cupped the back of his neck and Joe fell into a world of
awareness. Dazz had awakened a sleeping dragon of desperate need. He rolled in the
unique sensations, spinning from the man’s delicious kiss and devastating touch.

Aware of the hot, slick cock sliding in his palm, Joe teased the bulbous head with his

thumb. Dazz moaned in Joe’s mouth. The man’s slippery cock trembled and a spray of
hot cum ran down Joe’s hand. He jerked his hips thrusting his shaft into Dazz’s soapy
grip. He gave himself to the man’s expert pounding. Heat curled in his balls and shot up
his shaft in an exultant release.

Breathless, he fell against Dazz’s hard chest, wanting time to bask in the moment.

For once in his life, a man had considered his needs. God, his body tingled with
afterglow. He wanted to stay locked in this moment forever. Water thundered on the wall
of the glass cubicle. Strong arms came around him. Dazz’s heart pounded under his ear.
He lifted his head. “That was a first.”

“You like?”
Joe smiled and rubbed his lips over Dazz’s mouth. “That was amazing.”
“Yeah, I thought so too.” Dazz stared into Joe’s eyes. “I’m guessing you haven’t

been very adventurous in sex with your other lovers, have you, babe?” He kissed a path
across Joe’s chest.

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Joe’s face grew hot. Damn, why did he blush every time Dazz mentioned sex? Now

he was calling him “babe.” Not sure how to react to his question, Joe shrugged. “Well,
you know, a bottom doesn’t really get the chance to be adventurous.”

“I disagree.” Dazz lapped at Joe’s nipples. “I like a bit of variety.” He lifted his head.

“Do you?”

The wonderful taste of Dazz lingered on Joe’s lips. He smiled. “I’ll try anything


“Good.” Dazz turned off the taps. “I have so many things to teach you.” He slapped

Joe lightly on the buttocks.

Joe stepped from the shower and reached for a towel. He grinned. “So you can teach

old dogs new tricks after all.”

Dazz’s face crinkled into a wicked grin. “Oh yeah.”


The alarm clock woke Dazz the following morning before sunrise. He pressed a kiss

on Joe’s cheek and rolled out of bed. He heard Petal whine in the sitting room. He smiled.
Petal had to be the most obedient mutt he had ever known. The small dog had remained
on the sofa all night. With a sigh, he turned to gaze down at Joe’s confused expression.
His new lover had demanded his attention, and they had kissed and cuddled all night. The
desire to make love to him had been overpowering. Oh yeah, he had wanted to nail the
guy. His balls ached from holding the sweet man, but he had made other plans. Their first
time together had to be memorable, and he could think of no better place than under the
stars on board Joe’s schooner. He ruffled Joe’s hair. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

“God! What time of the night do you call this?”
Dazz chuckled. “The time a roughneck crawls out of bed. I’ll put on the coffee. I

have to be down at the office by seven, there are a few chores I need to finish with
Bowers today before the Patrice goes into dry dock. How do you like your coffee and

“Black and over easy.” Joe blinked. “I’ll have to take Petal outside before breakfast.”
“Sure. It’s still dark. Do you want to take a shower?”
“Yeah, thanks.” Joe slid to the side of the bed.
Joe had the “what the fuck” expression of a guy after a one night stand. Dazz caught

the look of uncertainty in his eyes and the rising color in his cheeks. He gave him a
reassuring smile. “I wish I didn’t have to work today. I’d much rather stay in bed with
you.” Dazz leaned one shoulder against the doorframe. “Do you want to go out for dinner

Relief showed on Joe’s face. The tension in the room vanished.
“How about I take you out tonight?” Joe brushed the hair from his eyes. “Bring your

luggage and we can leave first thing in the morning from my house. The heliport is only a
mile away.”

“Sure, I should finish by four.” Dazz grinned. “I’m all packed. I’ll come straight

from work and take a shower at your place.” He met Joe’s gaze. “Will you scrub my

“I think that could be arranged.” Joe wet his bottom lip. “Perhaps I’ll order in for


Dazz laughed. “I’m a bad influence on you, babe.”

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Chapter 4

Joe spent a few hours before lunch making phone calls and giving instructions to his

office staff. The trip would take a few days, four at most, and he had his clients covered.
He glanced up at Sebastian, his P.A. “I’m sure you can handle any problems while I’m

“I have your cell number.” Sebastian bit his bottom lip. “I wish I could go with you.

A romantic cruise would be wonderful. Lying naked on the deck, drinking champagne,
sex under the stars … ah … bliss.”

“Not quite, but I am looking forward to relaxing for a few days.” Joe shuffled the

papers around on his desk. “Although, this trip I’ll have to work as a deckhand. Dazz will
be in charge. I’m not sure I can handle a schooner on the high seas.”

“Dazz? Hmm … that would be the bronzed Adonis working with Bowers?”

Sebastian ran a finger over the polished desk. “He was in the office when I dropped off
the designs for the new brochure this morning.”

“Ah, yes, that would be him.” Joe turned off his computer. “They’re partners in the


“What I wouldn’t give to be alone at sea with that hunk.” Sebastian fanned himself

with his hand.

Joe shot him a glare. Hands off. “What about … ah … Paul?”
“Oh, we have an open relationship.” Sebastian licked his bottom lip. “I’m still

looking for my dream lover.”

“Well, good luck.” Joe forced a smile. “I’m leaving now. Don’t forget to lock up

before you go home tonight.”

“Sure thing, Boss. Have a nice trip.” Sebastian turned and, in a sway of hips, left the


A sudden urge to see Dazz hit Joe. He rammed the papers on his desk into a folder

and dropped the file into a drawer. He glanced at his watch. He knew Brian Bowers was
in the habit of taking his wife out for a meal at mid-day. For the next couple of hours,
Dazz would be alone. Grabbed by inspiration, he picked up the phone and ordered a
picnic basket for two. Yes, he would go to Bowers’ office and surprise Dazz.

* * * *

Joe pulled his car up beside Dazz’s battered truck in the parking lot behind Bowers’

office. He slid out of the car and reached for the picnic basket. With Petal under one arm,
he strolled toward the back entrance. A warm breeze scented with ozone brushed his
damp skin. The midday sun beat down on him. As he walked across the parking lot, the
shimmer from the heat distorted the white door into a waving curtain.

He pushed through the door and glanced around. As his eyes adjusted to the dim

interior, his gut twisted. Dazz sat on the edge of the desk with his long, tanned legs
spread wide apart. His large hands cupped a nubile man’s buttocks. The fine boned
Brazilian had his arms locked around Dazz’s neck.

Pain stabbed into Joe’s heart. He dropped the basket on a filing cabinet. Anger

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cramped his gut and he slammed the door shut behind him with such force it bounced
open. The drywall shattered behind him. Plaster shards peppered his back. He turned and
kicked the door shut.

Petal gave a small yelp of surprise, her sharp claws dug into Joe’s ribs. His heart

thundered. Damn! I am such a fool to react like this. He forced a look of indifference on
his face and turned to meet Dazz’s surprised expression. His throat closed around the
curse threatening to escape his lips.

The young man turned a liquid chocolate gaze toward him. He spoke in Portuguese.

“Ah … this must be the new partner you want to impress.” He chuckled. “He is little old
for you, my friend. He must be very rich.” He grinned. “Oh … and look he has come
bearing gifts. You must have made a good impression last night, lover boy.”

“And he understands every word you’re saying.” Dazz pushed the man away. “Joe,

this aggravating little shit is a friend of mine, Rafael.”

Joe straightened. His heart shattered into a million pieces. So the asshole had used

him after all. He lifted his chin. “You’re mistaken. I’m not concerned about your little
friend or what you do in your lunch break.” He cleared the lump in his throat. “I dropped
by to give you the courtesy of telling you, in person, that I’ll not be requiring your
services after all. I’ve hired another man to captain my vessel.” He turned, pulled open
the door, and marched into the brilliant sunlight.

When he heard Dazz’s footsteps crunching on the gravel behind him, he straightened

his spine. What an idiot he had been to be taken in by this guy.

“Joe.” Dazz loomed up behind him. “Let me explain.”
Ignoring the hand resting on his shoulder, he opened the car door. A whoosh of heat

hit him from the steamy interior. He slid inside and started the car. A cool stream of air
gushed from the air-conditioning. “It will be cool in a minute, Petal.” He slid the dog
onto his lap.

“You’re not going anywhere until you listen to me.” Dazz held the car door open.

“Rafael was my lover until he cheated on me six months ago.” He sighed. “He’s just
trying to cause trouble between us, that’s all.”

Joe laughed. “I’m not blind or stupid.” He put a hand on the door. “You had your

hands all over him. Or is that normal practice for your friends?”

“He was sad. I was comforting him.”
“With your hands on his ass?” Joe snorted.
“So what if I was cuddling him? Okay, so I shouldn’t have squeezed his ass. My

hands kinda slipped there. I cared for him once, old habits die hard. I told him about

“Yes, so I heard. You gave him a very vivid description of me.” Joe ground his teeth.

“I have to go.” He pulled at the door.

“Wait.” Dazz pushed his head inside the car. “Why would I want a guy that cheated

on me? I don’t want Rafael. I want you.” He bent to capture Joe’s mouth. “Only you.”

Emotions whirled. Joe wanted him in his life. He had to take a chance, trust his

instincts and to hell with the consequences. With a moan, Joe sank into the kiss. He
grabbed handfuls of Dazz’s hair. His fingers slid into the silky strands and cradled the
damp scalp. The citrus scent of Dazz’s aftershave exploded over his senses. The man’s
wet tongue explored and stroked. Joe’s cock stood to attention. His balls ached with
desire to have this sexy, young man buried deep inside him.

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He complained the moment Dazz broke the kiss. He wanted so much more. “I …


“Stop acting like a jealous husband and come inside before Petal dies from heat

exhaustion.” Dazz pulled at Joe’s arm. “We need to talk.”

Joe sighed in resignation. “I agree we need to talk, but I’m not discussing anything in

front of your ex-lover.”

“He already left.” Dazz threw him a dazzling smile. “You brought me lunch?”
“Yes, I wanted to see you.”
Dazz gave him a long thoughtful look. “I’ve hurt you and I’m sorry. Come in out of

the sun and I’ll tell you every sordid detail about Rafael.”

Joe handed Petal to Dazz. He turned off the engine and slid from the car. Dazz’s

large hand slid around his waist and they strolled back inside the office. “You don’t have
to tell me about your lovers. I sure as hell don’t want to discuss my past mistakes.”

“Yeah, I think I do.” Dazz reached for the basket. “Grab a chair and sit down. I’ll get

some water for Petal.” He placed the basket on the desk and lowered the dog to the floor.

He cares about my dog? Joe took a seat in front of the desk and opened the basket.

He retrieved two glasses, a bottle of wine and a corkscrew. A wide array of emotions
attacked him. He wanted to be in a relationship with Dazz but had no idea what type of
involvement that entailed. Exclusivity had been his life, and he had no compulsion to
throw away his own rules to have Dazz.

With care, he uncorked the wine and left the rich Pinot Noir to breathe. He leaned

back in his chair and waited for Dazz to join him. He searched his mind to bring some
normality back into the situation. “I think you may enjoy this wine. I know I should have
brought a white to go with chicken, but this has such a fruity taste it will go well with the
cheese platter.”

“You are such a contradiction.” Dazz pulled covered plates from the basket.

“Outside, such a tough, hard-nosed businessman and inside you are vulnerable like the
rest of us.” He met Joe’s gaze. “I haven’t been with anyone since I found Rafael in my
bed with another guy—a married, supposedly straight guy no less. I’m looking for a
relationship … long term. I don’t fuck every man I meet.”

Joe poured the wine. A rich aromatic bouquet rose from the glasses. He lifted a glass

and let the fruity cinnamon flavor spill across his taste buds. He considered Dazz over the
rim. “I don’t share, never have, and never will.” He sipped again. “I’ll walk away if I see
that man or any other in your arms again.”

“I could give you a whole lot of excuses. Okay, I admit, I shouldn’t have hugged him

or grabbed his ass.” Dazz dashed a hand through his hair. “I haven’t seen Rafael since I
threw him out of my apartment. He arrived here upset and wanted to apologize. I told him
I’d found someone else. He got upset. You walked in when I comforted him, that’s all.”
He sighed. “What he said to you was caused by jealousy. He wanted you out of the way.
Not that he has a chance in hell of getting me back.”

“So, do you still find him attractive?”
“Yeah, I do. He’s a hot little shit and a wildfire in bed.” Dazz rubbed the back of his

neck. “But I don’t trust him. He hurt and betrayed me. I don’t forgive or forget.” He
gazed at Joe. “I’d much rather have you in my life.” He held up his hand and bent down
the fingers one at a time. “You’re honest, trustworthy, and gorgeous. I’ve been walking
around with a hard-on since the day we met. I want you, man.” He reached for the glass

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of wine. “Are we cool?”

A wave of relief calmed the knot in Joe’s stomach. He raised his glass in a mock

toast. “Yes, I do believe we are … ah … cool.”

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Chapter 5

The helicopter circled Praia do Hermenegildo and landed in a field in the small

coastal village. Dazz gazed around in dismay at the rice fields. Who would have the
money in this place to own a schooner? The noise from the engine died, and he glanced at
Joe. “You’re picking up a sailboat here? Have you lost your mind?”

“I had it delivered here. Don’t worry it’s under guard.” Joe smiled. “You wanted us

to sneak on board so this seemed the perfect place.”

“If you had the damn thing sailed here, why not have it delivered to Rio?”
“I wanted to get the feel of her before I turned her over to Bowers.” Joe grinned.

“I’m offering the Petal to expand the business, but I’ll want her to myself sometimes.”
He wet his lips. “Of course, we’ll have to discuss an upgrade of my cut.”

Dazz blinked. He had no idea. His partner in Bowers’ Beautiful Excursions hadn’t

mentioned expanding the business. “Have you discussed this with Brian?”

“Not yet.” Joe slid out of the seat and climbed from the helicopter. He turned to wait

for Dazz. He raised his voice above the whirl of the helicopter’s blades. “We’re losing
money for three weeks while the Patrice is in dry dock. In fact, the business is fully
booked, and we have a waiting list. We need another schooner.”

Dazz followed his friend, ducking his head away from the spinning blades. “We

don’t have the capital to purchase another vessel.”

“I know. I’ll loan the Petal for a third share in the company.” Joe watched Dazz


“A third? That will make me the minor partner. No way, I’ve worked equal with

Bowers to get this company where it is today.”

“Since Patrice married Bowers they own the biggest share. I’ve spoken to Patrice.

She’s willing to relinquish her share so we all become equal partners.” Joe tucked his dog
firmly under one arm. “Don’t worry about this now. We’ll discuss my offer with Bowers
when we get home.”

An old, battered farm truck waited to transport them to the dock. Two burly men

helped with the luggage. With the bags stacked neatly in the back, Dazz slid into the front
seat beside Joe. He noticed the shoulder holster tucked under his friend’s jacket. “Do you
know how to use that pistol you’re carrying?”

“Yes. Knowledge of firearms was in the job description. If you remember, I had to

protect Patrice for a decade. I’m not too bad at protecting myself either.”

Dazz chuckled. “Oh, you don’t have to worry about protection. My backpack is

stuffed with condoms.”

Joe dropped black lashes over his soft gaze. His cheeks flushed. “I don’t think I’ll

ever cope with your blatant comments in public.”

“Don’t worry, the driver doesn’t speak English.” Dazz rubbed Petal’s ears, allowing

his fingers to caress Joe’s bare arm. “I know how to behave around your socialite friends.
I won’t embarrass you. You have my word.”

Joe’s whiskey gaze lifted, scorching Dazz with its intensity. He ran the tip of his pink

tongue across his bottom lip. “That’s good, but I happen to like bad boys.”

Dazz swallowed hard. An image of Joe, naked, flashed across his mind. He lifted a

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backpack onto his lap to hide his bulging erection. He met the smoldering gaze. “Oh, I’m
real bad. Trust me the moment we get out to sea, you’re gonna find out what down and
dirty is all about, cher.”

“I’m sure I will.” Joe gave a low, growling chuckle.
The truck pulled up beside a small marina. The pure white hull of the Petal

overshadowed the small line of dilapidated fishing boats moored along the dock. Dazz
slid from the truck and stood hands on hips to examine Joe’s schooner. The one hundred
and fifty feet long, tri-mast ship glistened like a jewel against the backdrop of a crystal
clear ocean and a cloudless, azure sky. Dazz pushed on his sunglasses and stared in
disbelief. He had expected a dilapidated vessel. The Petal had the dazzling brilliance of a
pampered yacht.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” Joe placed his dog gently on the ground. “I’ve had the interior

changed to the specifications of the Patrice and included a large cabin for my personal

Dazz rubbed the back of his neck. “That schooner will take a hundred years to pay

off, and we’ll need extra staff, a cook, and someone to clean up after the guests.” He
sighed. “Who do you think will captain her? We can’t be in two places at the same time,
and as sure as hell, I’m not planning on sending her out with some guy we hired.” He
picked up his backpack and followed the men carrying the bags to the mooring. He
stopped and turned to Joe. “You did take out insurance didn’t you?”

Joe lifted his sunglasses and gave Dazz a speculative look. One dark brow rose. “I’m

not a complete idiot. In any case, the Petal is equipped with state of the art anti-theft
devices.” He smiled. “And you don’t have to worry about payments. I own her. I sold one
of my apartments in New York and purchased her outright.” He elbowed Dazz in the ribs.
“Come on—admit she’s a beautiful craft.”

“Beautiful, seductive, and like you, cher, high maintenance.”
Two heavily armed men stood on the deck, eyeing him with suspicion. Sweat

patches darkened the front of their T-shirts. Dazz rolled his shoulders. “I hope those guys
haven’t stunk up the place.”

“I’ll get rid of them.” Joe hailed the men in Portuguese.
A short discussion followed and the men disembarked leaving the smell of unwashed

male in their wake. Dazz walked across the gangplank. He stood on the deck and
surveyed the craft. Polished teak gleamed and metal cleats sparkled in the sunlight. New
rope laced through wood pulleys and secured the beams and booms. Four lifeboats
painted to match the mother ship hung from supports under fresh canvas covers. New
leather rings piled atop each other, connecting the limp sails to their masts, waited at the
ready. A faint trace of linseed oil clung to the wood. Down the schooner’s center ran a
line of faux cabin tops which, if in fact the Patrice had been duplicated, provided extra
head room for the below deck. At the stern, a multi-handled ship’s wheel stood waiting
for its captain’s firm hand. The schooner was magnificent and reflected the care and
attention to detail its owner gave to all aspects of his life.

He turned to Joe and took in his despondent expression. The man was so damn

serious, and his teasing had fallen flat. Didn’t Joe know his vessel would impress the
fucking Queen of England? He grinned. “Man, you are full of surprises. Of course, I love
her. She is a dream come true. I can’t wait to see her in full sail.”

“You had me worried for a while.” Joe stepped to one side to allow the men to bring

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the baggage on board and stow it below. “I’m sure you’ll be right at home here. Apart
from the new technology, the Petal is much the same as the Patrice—only in pristine
condition. Do you think we will be ready to leave soon? I don’t think we should hang
around too long. I dismissed the guards.”

Dazz clasped Joe’s shoulder. “We can cast off straight away. I’ve filed our cruise

plan.” He grinned. “I know a nice secluded beach up along the Costa Verde. It will be a
perfect place to drop anchor for the night.” He skimmed his hand down Joe’s back and
squeezed his ass. “I want you naked and hard under the moonlight, cher.”

“Right this second, I’d take hot and sweaty in my cabin.” Joe chuckled.
Dazz moved toward the helm and a bank of electronics. He wanted to be underway;

a tour could come later—much later. “Wow, there are some things here I’ve only
dreamed of using. You went all out, mon ami.”

“Most of them came with the vessel. I made a point of getting to know all the high-

tech instrumentation.” Joe moved to Dazz’s side.

To his surprise, Dazz noticed a slight tremor in Joe’s hand as the man explained

every feature of the vessel in detail. He had to admit the security on board was
impressive. Secured beneath a steel panel, and opened only by the correct thumbprint, sat
the entire control panel, which included the GPS and depth finder and radio. He watched
as Joe used a special code to reset the computer and requested he press his thumb in the
scanner. “What happens if I fall overboard?”

“I’ve memorized the code. It’s a failsafe if someone wants to steal her.” Joe bent to

secure Petal in her harness. He rose and gave Dazz a mock salute. “Are we ready to cast
off, Captain?”

“Yeah.” Dazz scratched his chin. “You know, all this technology won’t stop

someone sailing her to another port?”

“Even if some maniac attacks this console with an axe, the rudder won’t work. So

they can sail her, but they can only go in one direction. The computer and tracker are
concealed in the hull.”

Dazz grinned. “Sounds good to me.” He pressed the engine button. “Cast off, swab.”
“Swab?” Joe raised a brow.
“Well, I could call you darlin’ but we aren’t out of earshot of the locals.” Dazz

picked up the radio. “I’ll check the weather and advise the port authority we’re leaving
early.” He grinned at Joe’s bemused expression. “Okay? Will you please, cast off …

“Yes, sir.”


A cloudless blue sky met the hazy horizon. The air, fresh with a brisk wind, made the

day perfect for sailing. The Petal cut through the low white caps, and on Dazz’s
command, Joe moved to the winch to unfurl the mainsail. He gripped the handrail and
watched the white triangle bow in the breeze. The Petal turned into the wind, and the
scent of new canvas filled the air. The mast groaned and the sail billowed with life. Joe
moved quickly to tie off the mainsail’s line. He heard Dazz issuing orders and reacted
without question until the Petal rode the waves in full sail.

Salty spray hit his face and his heart raced with joy. The thrill of sailing the wind

raced through him. He made his way back to the helm and grinned at Dazz. “How does
she handle?”

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“Smooth—real smooth.” Dazz laughed. “I had no idea you were so efficient either,

mon ami. You didn’t really need me, did you?”

Joe opened the small refrigerator and took out a couple of colas, he handed one to

Dazz. “I have a license for sailing international waters, but to be honest I don’t have your
experience.” He opened the can and sipped. “And I wanted the chance to get to know you

“Ah huh.”
“Well, I’ve had a thing for you since we met.” Joe scanned Dazz’s face. “You didn’t

make a move, so … well, I thought if I offered you the job of captaining the Petal you
might notice I existed.”

“Oh, I noticed, cher.” Dazz took a long drink and sighed. “I thought you were way

out of my league. I didn’t want to jeopardize our working relationship.” His lips formed a
thin line. “You do know you’re Bowers’ golden boy? He’s convinced the sun shines out
your ass.”

Joe took a quick glance over one shoulder. “Oh, has he noticed the shine? Don’t

worry, that’s just the reflection off of my perfectly hairless balls.”

“Do they glow in the moonlight too?” Dazz met his gaze.
“I guess you’re going to find out the answer to that question soon enough.” Joe wet

his bottom lip. “While you’re thinking about my balls, I’ll go into the galley and prepare
something to eat. How long before we arrive at this secluded beach?”

“A couple of hours.” Dazz smiled. “And you cook too? Why don’t you slap together

a couple of sandwiches and get your prime ass back here to keep me company?”

Joe ran a finger down Dazz’s cheek. “Aye, aye, Captain.”

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Chapter 6

The sun dipped on the horizon, turning the thin slivers of cloud to rose and orange. A

warm breeze blew across Joe’s head, tousling the dark hair. Dazz smiled. The man had
started to allow his hair to grow; the new coif made him look pretty, and God help him,
he loved pretty men. After dropping anchor beyond the wave break, he joined Joe on
deck to admire the view and inhale the meld of ocean brine and land-born herbal

A long stretch of secluded beach snaked around the jungle. With no road providing

accessibility, and a one day’s walk to the nearest town, locals rarely visited this stretch of
white sand. Dazz’s gaze drifted to the surf pounding on the beach. He loved to watch the
transition between sunset and moonrise. His gaze travelled to a wave stretching over the
dry sand and receding to leave in its wake a glitter of molten gold. He marveled at the
bubbles of captured rainbows frothing on the wet beach. In less than an hour, the scene
would change dramatically under the moon’s glow. The frothy white waves would turn to
spills of liquid silver issuing from a sea as black as night.

He slid his hand around Joe’s waist. “Do you want to get naked and swim?”
Joe leaned into him, the scent of his musky aftershave and clean, male sweat filled

Dazz’s head. Damn the swim. I want you right now. He squeezed Joe, waiting for his

“Yes, why not? Petal is safe in her own cabin for the night.” Joe glanced at him. “But

what about sharks? Don’t they feed at dusk?”

“I haven’t seen any. We should be okay if we don’t take too long.” He nuzzled Joe’s

neck. “It will be dark soon, and I’ve laid out a very comfortable mattress on deck. No one
will be able to see us even if another vessel goes by.” He suckled on Joe’s earlobe. “So
come and have a swim with me, I want to taste the salt on you, cher.”

“I love the French endearments, but being with you is like having two friends.” Joe

chuckled. “One minute you’re oh, la la—the next you are the boy from Wichita Kansas.
Who am I with tonight?”

Dazz stepped away dragging his T-shirt over his head. He grinned. “I’ll be anyone

you want, darlin’.”

“Why do you frequently drop into the French accent?”
“Ah, mon ami, it iz zee tourists, non, zey love zee French accent, cher.” Dazz

unzipped his shorts and pushed them over his hips. “Why are you are still dressed.” He
stepped out of his shorts and grinned at Joe’s instant attention to his nakedness. “I’ll go
and drop the ladder.”

“Yes, I’ll … ah, be right behind you.” Joe unbuttoned his shirt. “Do you have any


Sunscreen? Dazz glanced at the rapidly setting sun and raised a brow. “You won’t

need any damn lotion. In the water—now!”

He unrolled the rope ladder, its wooden rungs clacking against the schooner’s hull in

time with the ocean’s subtle metronome of waves. Stepping up onto the railing, Dazz
filled his lungs with the aromatic beauty of the sea. He spread his arms wide and then
leapt into the void between heaven and earth. As he performed a swan dive, a rush of air

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swept back his hair, caressed his face, and exposed his primordial nakedness to the full
wonder of solitary flight. He loved the schooner and the sea. In these few, too brief,
seconds, he lived another life where the world no longer existed and he could soar in a
capsule of imagination. As the water’s plane approached, he brought his arms together to
spear an opening for his entry into the depths.

The chill embraced him. The audible assault of his dive rushed passed his ears. Dazz

arched his back, brought his arms tight against his sides, and allowed his momentum to
carry him upward. His head broke the surface. Tossing the hair from his eyes, he treaded
water. He turned to learn whether Joe would follow his airborne lead. The sight of the
man gingerly climbing down the ladder, his knuckles white in his stranglehold on the
rope, raised a chuckle in Dazz’s throat. One day, maybe he could convince Joe to take his
hand and make the plunge together and then the delicious man would understand what
real freedom felt like, if only for a second or three.

For now, the spectacular view of Joe Harrison’s snowy ass shifting back and forth

wasn’t a bad tradeoff.

Dazz butterflied back to the ship. Joe cautiously lowered himself into the water. His

arms snaked back and forth just below the surface.

“Roll onto your back and let the current rock you.” Dazz rolled over and leaned his

head back so he wore the salty sea like a hood.

After only a few moments, Joe muttered, “My God, this is beyond wonderful,

warmer than I imagined. If anyone wanted to know what being in a womb feels like, this
has to be it.”

Dazz glanced over at him. “A little insight into how the phrase ‘heaven on earth’ got

coined. Wait until the sun fully sets. The lines between sky and ocean blur. Up and down,
lose their meaning in terms the human mind can comprehend. The darkness will sweep us
into another dimension your senses won’t understand.”

Joe’s face scrunched into a ball of anxiety.
Okay. Maybe the man wasn’t quite ready for the full existential embryo concept

quite yet. Dazz bit back a grin and opted to enjoy what time Joe could find to share with
him in this watery world of bliss.


After a short swim in the delightful water, Joe made his way back to the Petal. Too

soon, the sun had dropped beneath the horizon and plunged the sea into semi-darkness. A
wave of panic hit him. He groped for the ladder and hauled himself back on deck. Behind
him, Dazz followed, his strong arms making easy work of the climb. Joe reached for one
of the towels he had left within easy reach on deck and tossed it to his friend. “I don’t like
swimming in the dark. I know it’s supposed to be romantic but it gives me the creeps.”

“I can live with that.” Dazz grinned.
Joe took in the man shaking the water from his hair like a dog. Gorgeous didn’t come

close. Magnificent more like, built, and dripping wet with blond hair in curls around his
neck. Damn! The sight of him sent shivers of awareness to his chilled balls. He bit his
bottom lip. Some time had passed since he’d had a lover and he had no idea if Dazz
would be gentle with him. He liked a man to take things slow. Oh, yes, if he could write a
prescription for lovemaking. Take it slow, use plenty of lube, and repeat as often as

“You look like a cat that ate the cream.” Dazz flicked the end of his wet towel over

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Joe’s backside. “That comes later.” He grinned and reached for Joe’s hand. “Come into
my parlor, cher.”

Dazz ran his wide palm down the length of Joe’s back and cupped his buttock. The

intimate squeeze of his cool flesh sent a shudder of awareness down the insides of his
thighs. He drew a deep breath. God, what kind of fool was he to get into a deep
relationship with a younger man? He had enjoyed the mutual masturbation and cuddles,
but Dazz might well expect him to perform on cue all night. He bit his bottom lip, fully
aware of the finger slipping down the cleft of his ass. Okay, so at the age of twenty he
might have managed to go all night, but now? Panic gripped his belly. He palmed his
freezing cock and attempted to rub life back into the shrunken mass.

Joe glanced down at the romantic setting Dazz had prepared. A bottle of champagne

sat cooling in an ice bucket within reach of a thick mattress covered with sheets and
pillows. His gaze wandered to the box of condoms and the tube of lube. His heart raced.
The man had wanted their first time together to be under the stars at sea. Joe swallowed
the lump in his throat and turned his attention to the man fondling his ass. “It’s been a
while for me.”

“Well then, cher, it is just as well you made me the captain of this vessel.” Dazz

licked a path across Joe’s chest. “You lie down, relax, and I’ll sail you home.” He led
him to the mattress. “I’m not a brute. Let me love you.”

With a sigh, Joe stretched out on the white sheet. He held his arms up to Dazz. The

man chuckled and lowered his head to nip Joe’s nipple. The teasing rasp of Dazz’s
tongue sent heat surging to Joe’s balls. He sunk his hands into Dazz’s soaking hair and
guided the delightful torment to his other nipple.

Dazz’s body lay heavy on his own, pinning him with delicious heat. Joe moaned and

arched his back, wanting more of the delightful sensations. Dazz’s ardent kisses moved in
slow deliberation over Joe’s chest to his neck. His lover’s hot, wet mouth suckled the
vein in Joe’s neck. Joe tightened the grip in Dazz’s hair. “You’re so good at this.”

“Mmm, you taste so good. I want to lick you all over.”
As soft, wet kisses pressed along his jaw, Joe rolled his hips to rub his aching shaft

against Dazz’s belly. The graze of the man’s coarse hair across the head of his cock drove
him crazy with passion. He searched for Dazz’s mouth and found his warm lips open and
possessive. The taste of cola filled his mouth and the natural, hot, masculine musk of
Dazz ignited a deep-seated passion.

“I want you so fucking bad.” Dazz sighed into Joe’s mouth. “I can’t get enough of


Joe gazed into eyes as turbulent as the sea. “Then kiss me some more.”
Jesus, he wanted this young man so much his ass clenched with anticipation.
Their tongues tangled. Joe moaned into his lover’s demanding mouth. Dazz was so

damn good at kissing; he used his hot, probing tongue to caress every erogenous zone.
Joe slid his hands down Dazz’s back, reveling at the hard muscle under his palms. He had
memorized every inch of Dazz’s body, from the smooth golden skin to the silvery white
appendicitis operation scar on his left side.

He wanted to kiss a path down the trail of blond hairs from Dazz’s navel to the nest

of curls around his incredible cock. He craved to taste his man and hold his long, silken
shaft in his mouth. Perhaps tonight?

Dazz’s warm hands cupped his face. Soft lips slid across his mouth. Joe kissed him

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back hungry for more. Dazz broke the kiss and gazed down at him with hooded eyes.
Damp fingers slid down Joe’s torso to rest between his thighs. He gasped in anticipation.
Dazz’s large hands caressed his legs, a hot tongue lapped at his balls, sending lightning
bolts of pure bliss surging up his cock. He bucked, pushing up his aching erection.

“Do you want my mouth on you, cher?” Dazz trailed his fingertips over Joe’s belly.
“God, yes.”
“Lift your knees for me.” Dazz reached for a tube of lube.
Heart thundering, Joe complied. He caught the expression of concentration on

Dazz’s face. Perhaps tonight his new lover would give him a blowjob and not take his
ass? A wave of disappointment hit him. He met Dazz’s gaze. “I think we’ve messed
around long enough, I really wanted you to fuck me, tonight.”

“Oh, cher, I fully intend to, but you need to be prepared first, n’est-ce pas?”
A cool slick of lube touched his ass, a second later Dazz’s hot mouth slid over his

aching cock. The man’s sharp teeth scraped up his shaft, and paused beneath the helmet
to worry the tip. Joe’s fingers tangled in the sheets. His jaw clenched to prevent
ejaculation. Nothing had ever felt so good. The way Dazz used his mouth to suckle and
tease drove Joe mad with desire. He rolled in the bliss of erotic sensation.

The fleshy pad of Dazz’s thumb circled Joe’s ass, massaging his hole in never ending

circles. Joe’s muscles clenched with the first slick probe inside. His legs trembled. Dazz’s
cheeks sucked in, with each bob of his blond head. Joe fought for control. “Oh my God,
that feels so good.”


Dazz lifted his head and reached for a towel. He wiped his hands, picked up a

condom packet, and suited up. Heat radiated from Joe’s damp flesh. He bent and pressed
a kiss on the bulbous head of Joe’s cock. “You look so damn beautiful all flushed and
sexy.” He held out his hand. “Come with me, I want to show you how roughnecks play.”

He led Joe to the railing. The moon’s refection hit the rippling water like a flotilla of

miniature sailing ships. He took Joe by the shoulders, kissed him long, and slow. He
broke the embrace. Tonight he would make sure Joe never forgot their first time together.
“Turn around, bend over, and hold the handrail.”

Joe gave him a look of startled indignation. “Here?”
“Ah huh, right here, in the moonlight with the sea breeze caressing our naked flesh.”

Dazz massaged Joe’s tight buttocks. “A night to remember. Bend over, cher.”

Joe’s blush was noticeable even in the moonlight. Dazz smiled into the darkness. He

had taken things slow for a reason. Joe was no ordinary guy, more like a vintage wine
that required aeration for enjoyment in the fashion the treasure truly deserved. He gazed
at Joe’s back. The pale flesh appeared like the finest alabaster in the moonlight. He bent
to kiss a path down his lover’s spine and sucked love bites over his creamy buttocks.

Taking hold of his cock, he ran the tip over Joe’s tight star. He rested the head at the

entrance and grasped the man’s hips. Under his hands, Joe’s muscles tightened to rock
hard. He leaned in and pressed kisses over Joe’s shoulders. “Relax, cher. I’ll make it so
good for you.”

Under him, Joe relaxed. With a slow thrust of his hips, Dazz eased through the tight

ring of muscle with care. He heard Joe’s sharp intake of breath and paused. “Just a little

“Ahh … you’re a lot bigger than I expected.” Joe white knuckled the handrail.

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Dazz massaged Joe’s hips and nipped at his shoulders. “You’re made for me. Let

yourself go.”

He waited for Joe to relax again and slid inch by tight inch deeper into paradise. The

flesh channel heated and surrounded his shaft. He moaned at the sizzling grip on his
cock. In to the balls, he leaned on Joe’s back and slid one hand around Joe to palm his
long, hard shaft. “You okay, cher?” He circled his thumb over the damp slit of Joe’s

Joe’s legs trembled against him. His dark head lifted and he let out a long shuddering

sigh. “I’m stretched to the limit. I’ve never felt so full.” Joe pushed his ass into Dazz’s
groin. “You are so damn hot. Ride me to damnation.” With effort, he pushed down the
need to take Joe at his word and rocked his hips with slow gentle movements. “Not this
time.” He chuckled. “First, I want you to beg me to let you come.”


Knees weak with erotic desire sizzling along every nerve ending, Joe clung to the

railing. The cool salt-laden breeze did nothing to cool the fever raging through him.
Dazz’s sizzling cock stroked his pleasure spot with each devastating thrust. He teetered
on the edge of denied climax.

Sweat trickled down his back at the slow tormenting pace and frequent pauses. His

last lover had taken him fast and their lovemaking was over in minutes, but Dazz pushed
him to a new plane of pleasure. He obviously preferred a long, slow build of erotic
euphoria to drive a man mad with desire.

Joe’s balls had drawn up painfully tight. His vision blurred. Hell, can a man die of


“Do you want to come, cher?” Dazz bit down hard on Joe’s shoulder. “Beg me to

make you come.”

Dazz’s thick, hot, rod drove home again. Joe shuddered. His legs started to refuse to

hold him up. He glanced back over one shoulder at Dazz. “Please.

“Please?” Dazz swirled his hips.
“Ahhh … make me come, Dazz, before you have to bury me at sea.”
Dazz’s damp palms gripped his hips. With Dazz’s long fast strokes, Joe fell into the

dark sensations. Sizzling desire crawled from his ass to send a rush of heat surging up his
shaft. The slap of flesh on flesh broke the silence of the night. He cried out and gave
himself to the joy of orgasm. Through the erotic mist, he heard Dazz moan. A gush of
liquid heat flooded his ass.

Held tight in Dazz’s arms, they remained locked together for some minutes. The cool

night breeze brushed over Joe’s soaking flesh. He shivered.

“You’re cold. Let’s take a hot shower.” Dazz nibbled at Joe’s ear. “I think I’ll take

the champagne back to our cabin. It’s too cold to sleep out here tonight.”

Joe leaned into Dazz’s embrace. “Oh … are we going to sleep already? It’s still


“We’re going to bed, but I doubt you’ll be getting any sleep tonight, cher.” Dazz

stroked Joe’s cock. “I plan on keeping you up all night.”

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Chapter 7

Joe stretched and reached out a hand to Dazz. The bed beside him was empty, the

sheets cold. He sat up, listening for the sound of water running in the shower. Only the
creaking of the sailboat broke the silence. He slid to the edge of the bed and grinned. His
body ached from lovemaking. His new lover was a stud. Hell, four times in one night had
to be a personal record.

He staggered to the bathroom and caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. Rosy

bite marks peppered his neck and chest. His cock saluted to the memory of each tender
caress, each shudder of ecstasy. He shaved first and then stepped into the shower.

Dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, he headed toward the scent of bacon coming from

the galley. He stood in the doorway, gazing at the man who had turned his world upside
down. His once faithful dog sat at the man’s feet, her large brown eyes lovingly
following her new master’s every movement.

“Traitorous bitch,” Joe glared at her. “Apparently I need a new dog.” He shrugged in

defeat. “Not that I blame you. I am more than smitten.”

Dazz turned to greet him with a dazzling smile. “You look satisfied this morning,

cher.” He pushed bacon and eggs onto three plates and placed two on the table. He placed
a plate on the floor for Petal. “Come here.” He held out a hand.

Joe went into his embrace. He inhaled the familiar smell of his man and savored the

soft kiss. He gazed into Dazz’s eyes. “You are a remarkable lover.”

“You’re pretty special too.” Dazz kissed the corners of Joe’s smile. “Now come and

taste my cooking, I can do more than make sandwiches.” He grinned. “You know, I’m
glad you thought to conceal the entrance to the freezers and liquor. On a cruise, the guests
tend to drink anything they can get their hands on.”

Joe sat at the long polished table. They ate in silence. His gaze drifted over his

man—his man. He filled his cup from the coffee maker on the table. “What have you
planned for today?”

“We keep heading home. I’ll find a place to drop anchor before it gets dark. We

should be home by tomorrow.”

Then what? Joe sipped his coffee. He wanted Dazz to give him words of love and tell

him this cruise wasn’t just a delightful diversion. Christ, his lover worked as a host on a
pleasure cruise—“pleasure” being the operative word. He had watched Dazz dress up in
leather and flog the horny patrons for their cash paying amusement. An unfamiliar thread
of jealousy wondered how many did he take to his bed. He put down his cup. “Do you
ever have one night stands with the customers on the Patrice?” He met Dazz’s gaze. “I
do understand your position entails getting involved with the orgies.”

Dazz’s blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “Are you the jealous type, cher?”
“It would appear that I am.”
“Well then, as we are a couple now, I promise not to be tempted.” Dazz grinned.

“Besides, the rules are no guests fraternizing with the staff. Taboo. Brian put the nix on
that fantasy reality when Patrice joined the crew. By the way, are you moving into my
apartment or am I moving into yours? I’m not planning on leaving your fine ass
unattached for another guy to lock on to.”

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Joe’s heart gave a little twist. He wanted a declaration of love. Perhaps Dazz wanted

him as a sugar daddy. “How about we take neutral ground for a while and move in here?”

“Hmm, let me see.” Dazz rubbed his chin. “Move into a luxury schooner with a guy

who makes me hard by just looking at me?” He cupped Joe’s chin and rubbed a thumb
over his bottom lip. “Yeah, I can deal with that compromise. I guess it will take a bit
longer to convince you I’m not after your money.”

“I’ve never thought…”
“Yeah, you did, and that’s okay.” Dazz met his gaze. “I made love to you last night,

not your bank balance. I have everything I need in life apart from a life partner. Money
means little to me as long as the bills are paid. I have the sea, and I want to share that
with you.” He reached for his cup. “I have to go topside. We’ll talk about this later.” He
got to his feet and strode from the galley.

Joe stared after him. Oh, that went well. He collected the dishes and took them to the


Ten minutes later, Dazz hurtled into the galley, his face grim. “Go on deck and lock

down the controls. There is a skiff heading this way filled with assholes with guns.
They’ll be on us before we can raise the sails and make a break for it. I’ll grab our stuff.
Is your passport in your backpack?”

Heart pounding, palms sweating, Joe nodded. “Yes, everything I need is inside as

you requested. How long before they get here?”

“Not long enough. Fucking run will you? I’ve launched the dinghy; we’ll have to get

ashore. With luck they won’t follow us into the jungle.” Dazz gripped Joe’s arm. His
words suggested confidence, but his tone quavered, underlying concern. “We’ll be okay.
I’ve contacted the Port Authority and set the beacon. I let Bowers know where we are and
help is on the way—go!”

Joe ran for the steps. “Don’t forget Petal.”


Dazz collected the two rifles and dropped them in the dinghy with the ammo. He

dashed back for the dog and backpacks. He rushed on deck and found Joe peering
through a telescope as if he had all the time in the world. “Take the mutt. Climb down
into the dinghy and I’ll pass you the backpacks. I’ll get some more bottled water. He took
off to raid the fridge in the helm.

He had launched the dinghy on the port side. The Petal would hide their escape from

view, but the moment he started the outboard motor the pirates would know they were
escaping. Hopefully, the bastards wanted the ship more than the owners’ ransom
potential. He tossed the backpacks down to Joe, scurried down the ladder, and dropped
into the lifeboat. He thumbed the “start” button.

Reh … reh, the motor groaned.
Panic pimpled Dazz’s skin. “Did you install new batteries when you were outfitting

the Petal?”

Joe’s face blanched. “Batteries?”
“Shit.” Dazz unsnapped the battery case’s lid. Mounds of aqua corrosion coated the

terminals. Grabbing a rifle, he used the butt to hammer the leads. “Come on, baby, work
with me.” He gripped the lead connectors and jiggled them back and forth. “Pray it’s a
loose connection; otherwise, we are so fucked.”

“I’m sorry. I had no idea. I thought everything on board had been inspected before

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“You can’t be that fucking gullible.” Dazz wheeled and hit the start button again.
Reh, reh-grugg, grugg, grugg … The motor snagged a spark and gurgled to life.
Relief carved a smile on Dazz’s face. “What do you say we get the hell out of here?”
Joe cowered. Petal snuggled in his arms. “No argument from us.”
Dazz wrenched the accelerator to wide open. The propeller churned in immediate

response, sending forth a faint plume of white smoke over the ocean’s surface. The
growling motor launched the boat forward. A vee formed in the water at the craft’s stern,
and the bow rose. The launch mercifully reached full speed in seconds.

“I take this as a not so subtle suggestion that I add batteries just above butter on my

shopping list?” Joe’s mouth twisted to a semblance of a smile. A nervous twitch battered
his right eye under his furrowed brow.

Dazz shook his head and grinned at Joe’s valiant attempt at injecting a half cup of

humor into a tanker truck of terror. “Yeah, we might want to do that when we get your
schooner back from these dickheads.”

They rounded the stern of the Petal at top speed bouncing over the waves. The rat-a-

tat of machine gun fire came over the hum of the engine. Seagulls took flight from the
beach. Dazz hunched over the tiller. “Get down.”

Joe turned a sheet white face toward him and nodded. He crushed his dog to his chest

and bent low. Petal made a strangled yelp, her tiny legs scrabbling against Joe’s leg.

Dazz gritted his teeth and headed toward the beach zigzagging through the water.

Bullets whined past him to pebble the waves. Before him, the jungle had claimed a
narrow stretch of sand. He aimed the dinghy for the sheltered spot and drove the boat
straight onto the beach before cutting off the engine.

The gunfire ceased. He glanced back at the Petal. The pirates were circling the

vessel like sharks. He leapt from the launch area and dragged the small craft through the
shore break. “Help me pull it out of the water.”

Joe remained frozen with fear.
“Joe! Get your ass out here now.” Dazz leaned in the dinghy and slapped Joe around

the face. “Joe!—Snap out of it. Get out and help me before they open fire again.”

Joe gave him a blank stare.
Dazz grasped the front of Joe’s shirt and shook him. “I know you’re in shock but we

have to move.”

“Sure. I’m sorry.” Joe dropped the dog and scrubbed his hands over his face. “Stay,

Petal.” He rolled over the edge of the boat

They dragged the dinghy into the cover of the jungle and collapsed on the leafy sand.

Dazz lay on his back gasping for breath. “That was too close.”

Joe appeared stunned. Dazz reached out a hand to touch his friend. “You okay?”
“Will they strip her?” Joe leaned his back against a palm tree and gazed out at the


Dazz had no way of lightening the gravity of their situation. His heart twisted at the

pain etched on Joe’s handsome face. He drew a deep breath. “Yeah, that’s usual but they
have to sail her somewhere to strip her. They can’t carry much on that rusty old fishing
boat.” He pushed his sweat soaked hair from his face. “They’ll do a fair bit of damage.
You need to prepare yourself. These assholes would sell their mothers into prostitution.”

“So I guess my only hope is the beacon or the miraculous appearance of Miguel the

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smuggler?” Joe picked up Petal and pulled the dead grass from her long limp coat.

“Miguel arriving would be nice, but his sticking these assholes’ heads on pikes will

probably have to wait.”

Joe’s eyes rounded. “Are you serious? He would do such a thing. What kind of

monster is he?”

“The kind who doesn’t appreciate his friends getting screwed with.”
“I didn’t know I was his friend.” Joe gave him a sideways glance.
“You’re Brian’s friend, which makes you Miguel’s friend. Don’t try to rationalize it,

just watch what you say when he’s around so the dismembered pieces of somebody
you’re bitching about don’t end up on the evening news.” Dazz crawled over to sit beside
him. “Let’s talk reality. The Port Authority will send a boat, but I have no idea how long
that will take. We don’t have too many choices. The pirates will look around, drink any
alcohol on board, and take the place apart looking for valuables. So we have some time
before they realize they can’t start the engine or steer.” He gave Joe a long look. “You do
realize they will come looking for us to unlock the controls?”

“Then we don’t have too much time do we? They want the Petal, and we are

standing in their way. What if we find a place to hide and wait to be rescued?” Joe
glanced around. “If we cover up the lifeboat, chances are the pirates won’t find it.”

Amazed at Joe’s sudden clarity of mind, Dazz nodded in agreement. “Yes, that’s a

good idea but we can’t risk staying in the immediate area. We have two maybe three
day’s supplies. I think we have no choice but to hike to the nearest town. I’ve a map and
compass in my backpack, so we won’t get lost.” He squeezed Joe’s thigh. “We have to
leave now. They’ll pepper the jungle with machine gun fire to flush us out and I want to
be as far away as possible.”

“Sure.” Joe swiped at his face leaving a streak of red across his cheek.
Dazz grabbed his hand. “You’re injured.”
“I’m fine.” Joe met his gaze with a grin. “It’s just a flesh wound, Captain.”
“Let me take a look.” Dazz pulled a bandanna out of his back pocket and wrapped it

around Joe’s hand. “I have a first aid kit in my bag, as soon as we’re out of danger I’ll
dress it for you.” He dragged the backpacks from the dinghy and dropped them on the
floor. “Grab the rifles and I’ll cover up the dinghy with some of these ferns.” He took the
fishing knife from the scabbard at his waist and slashed at the undergrowth.


Joe pulled on the backpack, threw the rifle strap over one shoulder and picked up

Petal. He ground his teeth, turned his back on his beautiful schooner, and stumbled after
Dazz. This was not the environment he enjoyed—Christ! The closest he came to plants
was the potted fern on his balcony. A blue and yellow flash crossed his line of vision. He
eyed the bird with mistrust. Hordes of creatures lay in wait to take bites out of him in this
humid armpit of the devil. Those birds might look pretty but they were waiting to peck
out a man’s eyes. Oh yes, he’d watched National Geographic—the brightly colored
beasts were the most dangerous. He had heard all about the man-killing frogs too.

The jungle closed in around them. Damp air, thick with the biting odor of plants and,

no doubt, wild animal feces, clogged his lungs. Sweat ran from his head to burn his eyes.
Mosquitoes buzzed around his head in great clouds, each one primed and ready to suck
his blood. Underfoot, the sandy soil gave way to squelching leave-strewn mud. Joe
gritted his teeth and met Dazz stride for stride. He prided himself on being able to handle

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most situations but tramping through a jungle broiler of heat and stench was not on his
current list.

The noise around him rose and fell in a crescendo of animal and bird chatter.

Constant movement swayed the canopy of green above his head. He glanced up and
watched flocks of birds moving in bright arrays of color to feed on the next tree plump
with berries. Cracking branches told him they were not alone. The hair on the back of his
neck stood up in constant attention.

By the time the sun had reached its peak, Joe’s shirt clung to his skin like a wet rag.

The muscles in his legs burned. He scratched at insect bites and cursed his lack of
forethought to pack an insect repellant. What had he been thinking to forget so many
necessities? He moistened dry lips. “Can we rest for a while?” Without waiting for Dazz
to reply, he placed Petal on the ground and looped the long lead over his wrist. “I need a
drink.” He slid the backpack off and took out his bottled water.

“Five minutes. Just sip the water.” Dazz leaned against a tree with one foot bent up

behind him.

A bright green thing slithered across Joe’s foot. He stared down at the creature not

able to comprehend for a few long seconds. Fear closed his throat. He gulped in air.
“Eeek! Get it off me.”

“Calm down.”
The spine-covered dragon with evil red eyes flicked a long tongue at Joe’s calf. His

skin pebbled. It’s a soul-sucking serpent—I am so dead. He jumped back, stumbled over
a fallen branch, and fell through a thick spider’s web. Terror blinded him. He clawed at
the silky strands clinging to his face, unable to breathe. Something tickled his neck. He

“Joe, open your eyes.” Dazz smoothed the damp hair from Joe’s face.
Joe gazed up into his lover’s grin. His face grew hot. Embarrassed by his childlike

reaction, he cleared his throat. “I’m not good with snakes and spiders.”

“Or iguanas—it was just a lizard. A snake would have probably killed you by now.

You know flapping your arms around like a fairy with a broken wing is the worst thing
you can do.” Dazz offered his hand. “Come on, I can hear running water. There must be a
stream up ahead. It will be cooler there.”

“Thanks.” Joe took the offered hand, and Dazz pulled him to his feet. “I’m sorry.”
“I like that you have vulnerabilities, but it’s dangerous out here.” Dazz squeezed his

hand. “Walk in my footsteps and watch for anything moving.” He wet his lips. “You
know, I admire your tough professional side, but seeing you trusting me to look after you
brings out the Dom in me.” He inclined his head. “I like to do the odd bondage scene.
You would make a great sub. I think when we get back to civilization we’ll do a scene, if
you’re game?” He led Joe deeper into the jungle with Petal bouncing along at his side.

Bondage? Me? So the BDSM scenes Dazz performed on the cruises were not just

part of the show. “I’ll give it some thought. I don’t think bondage is something I want to
rush into.”

“Oh, I never rush.”
Monkeys babbled in the green canopy, silencing to watch them pass before taking up

the conversation again. The audible rush of water accompanied a small drop in
temperature, but the humidity billowed around them like a cloud. Joe followed Dazz onto
a mossy rock plateau surrounded by tall lush ferns and gazed down. The river flowed

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from a small waterfall up stream. Along the riverbank, butterflies danced over a patch of
glossy leaves dotted with yellow flowers.

A piercing shriek filled the air. The jungle chatter fell silent. Joe pulled on Dazz’s

arm. “What in God’s name was that?”

“Jaguar.” Dazz dropped to a crouch. “It’s probably coming down to the stream for a


“Y-you mean as in a big spotted cat—right?”
“Yeah, a native wild cat—king of the jungle, number one on the food chain. Every

animal here lives in fear of becoming its next meal. There are quite a few in the area.
Have you ever seen one in the flesh? Man, they are beautiful.” Dazz pulled Joe down
beside him. “Stop waving your arms around. It’s bad enough the cat can smell us, there’s
no need to put out an advertisement for a free meal.”

Joe reached for Petal, clutched her to his chest, and glanced around. The idea of Petal

being the appetizer to the main entrée in the feline predator’s dinner knotted his gut.
“Can’t we just climb a tree or something?”

Cher, for a man of the world you are remarkably ignorant.” Dazz placed a hand on

Joe’s shoulder. “Jaguars take their kill into a tree to devour it—or are you planning on
becoming a human kebab?”

A shiver ran down Joe’s spine. “Not today.” He stuffed Petal under his shirt. “The

water doesn’t look too deep, we’ll wade across. They don’t swim do they? Cats hate

“Yeah, Jaguars swim, but you wouldn’t make it six feet across before the piranhas

devoured you. I’m pretty sure they’re found this far south.” Dazz grasped the back of
Joe’s neck. “Calm down. Jaguars can smell fear. They usually feed at dusk so this one is
probably thirsty.”

Joe slid the rifle off his shoulder. A large suntanned hand clamped on his arm

crushing the bones.

“Don’t even think of shooting.” Dazz scowled. “I don’t kill wildlife, period.”
He ripped his arm from Dazz’s bruising grip. “Neither do I. Don’t tell me I’m not

allowed to put down the damn rifle now. I’m exhausted and it’s fucking heavy.” He
glared at Dazz. “This macho man act is getting boring.”

“I’m being careful.” Dazz touched Joe’s cheek. “You are like a toddler with a loaded

gun. I’ve lived in this area for a long time and know the dangers—you don’t. I don’t want
to find your legs hanging from an anaconda’s mouth the next time I look around.” He
sighed. “Just cool it, the cat will move on soon. We’ll sit tight and wait until it’s gone.”

Heaven help him, wild cats, man-eating snakes, and now fish to strip the flesh from

his bones. He’d not survive two days. “If we can’t see the damn cat, how will we know
when it’s gone?”

“The jungle will tell us, cher.” Dazz pulled Joe against him. “When the monkeys and

toucans go silent, a predator is close by. When the jungle sounds return, it will be safe to
move on.” He nuzzled Joe’s ear.

Glad of the respite, Joe sank to the cool rock. Shit would define how he felt right

now, but would he voice one word of complaint? No way. Christ, he had acted like a
wimp and Dazz—well the man was more like a superhero or tough like a Marine—
nothing fazed him.

He took in Dazz’s ridged stance. His lover resembled a cat waiting to pounce, his

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eyes darting from one place to the next. Petal’s sharp claws dug into his chest. The sun
had burned his exposed skin to a crisp, and the tightness of sunburn had set in. The cut on
his hand throbbed. He examined the long slice across his palm and had no idea how he
had hurt himself.

He pulled the small crumpled dog from under his shirt. Her tongue hung out dripping

with saliva. She looked up at him with complete trust with her narrow sides heaving. Joe
pushed the long burr filled fur off her face and retied the drooping pink bow. “Look at
you all messed up, and I bet you’re thirsty too.” He searched his backpack for the small
plastic bowl he had brought for her, set it beside him, and filled it with water. “There you
go, precious.”

The noise returned to the jungle as if someone had turned on loud speakers. Joe drew

a deep breath in relief. “The jaguar has left the river.” He grinned at Dazz. “Where to

“This rock formation goes way up. I spotted it when we arrived yesterday.” Dazz

opened his backpack and took out a first aid kit. “I’ll wrap up your hand before that cut
becomes infected, and then we’ll head to the top.” He opened a bottle of antiseptic. “We
need to be secure for the night, and I’m hoping we’ll be able to see the Petal from there.”
He took Joe’s injured hand and applied the lotion. “Looking at you, I don’t think you’ll
make a two or three day hike. We have a water supply and there’s plenty of fruit to eat,
so we’ll wait until help comes.” He cleaned the wound.

Joe winced at the sharp pain. He kept his gaze on the movement of Dazz’s hand. “I

would have been fine if I’d had time to pack my sunscreen—look at me, I look like a

“So the tan is a fake?”
“Lying in the sun makes you old and wrinkled.” Joe flapped his shirt to cool his

soaked skin. “I’m guessing some deodorant is out of the question?”

“Ah huh. I packed essentials—like food, water and medical supplies.” Dazz grinned.

“Don’t worry, mon ami, I like the way you smell.” He tied off a strip of bandage.

“Smell? Is that what you call this foul odor pouring from every inch of my skin?” He

inhaled the heavy musk of Dazz’s sweat—his sexy, nipple hardening aroma. Joe’s ears

“Don’t worry, cher.” Dazz tipped his head toward the waterfall. “I can see fresh

water spilling from crevices high in the rocks. You will be able to wash soon and perhaps
rinse your clothes. In this heat they’ll dry in no time.”

Joe forced his parched lips into a smile. He regretted leaving his lip-gloss in the

cabin. He usually carried a stick in his pocket. “That sounds remarkably soothing, but
how will anyone know where we are?”

“I told Bowers we’d head for the highest spot. He’ll find us but it would have been

easier if you had included a satellite phone in your gadgets.” Dazz pushed the first aid
box back into his backpack. He jumped to his feet. “It’s too late to worry about that now.
Pick up the dog and let’s go.”

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Chapter 8

A flock of screeching toucans joined the buzz of cicadas to add additional volume to

the songs of the jungle. Dazz followed the river, climbing higher up the rock face with
each step. The canopy of trees fell away, leaving them both in the glare of the full sun.
He glanced frequently behind him. Joe’s sun burnt skin worried him, not to mention his
labored breathing. The man was an insect magnet and raised bumps plastered every inch
of his hairless flesh.

He had dragged the dilapidated dog from under Joe’s arm an hour ago. Covered in

mud, leaves and burrs, the tiny Chihuahua sure didn’t look like a princess now. He
turned, took Joe’s hand, and pulled the man up beside him. “Not much further, cher.
Look, there is a cave behind the waterfall. Provided it isn’t inhabited, we can rest inside. I
have binoculars. I should have a good view of the sea from there.”

“That’s just as well; looking at the sky we’re in for a downpour soon.” Joe swatted

his face smearing a squashed bug over one cheek. “At least it will cool down a bit.”

Dazz glanced at the threatening dark gray clouds. In the distance, lightning bulbs

illuminated cloud shades. A cool wind tousled his hair. He had brought the one man he
had ever loved to the highest peak around in a thunderstorm. He loved him? Why had
that thought dropped into his mind?

He took in the man beside him, courageous and determined—red, raw, cut from

branches, soaked with sweat, and smiling. Fuck! He loved that sweet man. The six-month
long attraction had gone from lust to love. Dazz chewed on his bottom lip. He had forced
Joe to face his fears in this jungle. He wondered if their fragile relationship would

“You look sadder than I feel.” Joe slapped Dazz on the backside. “Let’s check out

the cave, get naked, and stand under that cool water.”

Dazz regarded Joe with interest. His lover had moved past him with a sudden burst

of energy. “Ah … hold on. We don’t know what lives in that cave.” He rushed up the last
few feet of slippery rock.

“I’m not stupid.” Joe laughed. “Although, I’m guessing you think I’m a damn fool

for the way I’ve acted this morning.” He cupped Dazz’s cheek with an intent expression
on his face. “Now that you know how I tick, are you having second thoughts about
moving in with me?”

“Are you reading my thoughts?” Dazz bent his head to sip at Joe’s chapped lips.

“I’ve had the same worries. I’ve put you through hell.”

“No, the pirates put us both through hell … you … well, you’ve protected me. Shit!

You like my dog.” Joe slipped his arms around Dazz. “I’d live in a cave with you if I had
to.” He licked the corners of Dazz’s mouth. “I’m in love with you. I have been since the
day we met.” He dropped his lashes. “I’ve never said that to a man before.”

Dazz pressed kisses along Joe’s chin, his stubble an erotic rasp over his lips. He

lifted his gaze and stared into whiskey colored eyes. “I’m crazy in love with you too,
cher. I wish I could make love to you on this mountain and let Mayan gods bless our
union, but right now we have to take cover before we’re struck by lightning.” He stepped
away from Joe and handed him the dog. “I’ll take a look inside.

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“Did you bring a flashlight?”
Doh! Dazz slid the backpack off his shoulders and then bent to search the contents.

“Yes, and I hope you have one too.”

“Yes, I packed everything we purchased at the market.”
“Good.” Dazz slid out the knife from the sheath on his belt and handed it handle first

to Joe. “Cut down some of those branches. If it’s safe, I’ll go in, get rid of the creepy
crawlies, and brush out some of the shit in there.”

“The caves are usually littered with animal droppings, snake skins, bones and the

like.” Dazz grinned. “I’ll use the branches to sweep a spot for us to sleep, okay?”

“Thanks.” Joe turned to the bush and started to hack off branches. “Dazz?”
“How did you become so knowledgeable about jungle survival?”
Dazz hitched a shoulder. “Miguel. He insisted Brian and I know how to stay alive in

case of an emergency. The freak disappears for days at a time into the rainforests and
lives off the land. I guess we should be grateful, huh?” He disappeared into the cavern.

* * * *

The storm hit with the ferocity of a hurricane. Dazz shivered. High wind had

whipped water inside the cave, leaving shimmering pools around them. Outside, the light
had dropped to an eerie yellow twilight. Thunder rolled across the heavens and shook the
ground. High winds bent the trees in worship to the driving rain. High above the jungle,
Dazz peered through the sheet of rain. Below, the swollen river carried branches and
decaying matter away at high speed.

Lightning lit up the jungle in short bursts of light. Beside him, Joe let out a cry. He

slid an arm around his shoulders and pressed his mouth to Joe’s ear. “Are you scared of
storms too?”

“No! I could swear I saw the pirates leaving without the Petal.” Joe raised his voice

above the storm.

Dazz lifted the binoculars to his eyes and waited for the next flash of lightning and

then the next. Rain battered the hillside, hail bounced off rocks. Dazz yelled over the
noise. “Yeah, they’re leaving but they’ve left a few men on board. I can see at least two
on the port side. They’ll probably come back in the morning with a craft big enough to
tow her.”

“Then we wait out the storm and go and take her back.” Joe grasped Dazz’s arm.

“Don’t look at me like that! Okay, so spiders freak me out, but I’ve been well-trained in
unarmed combat.”

“Sure you are, and just how many guys did you take down in the past ten years?”
“That’s beside the point.” Joe shrugged. “We’re armed, and I’m a damn good shot. I

can take out a couple of pirates just like that.” He snapped his fingers.

With a sigh, Dazz rubbed the back of his neck. How the hell would Joe make it back

to the beach, row silently out to the Petal, and fight? “I’ll go. You need to rest.”

“I’ve eaten, rested some, and by the time the storm passes I’ll be good to go.” Joe

met his gaze. “And there is no damn way you’re leaving me alone in this jungle.” He
waved a hand toward the sea. “You’re going down boys.”

“I’m not killing anyone.” Dazz lifted the binoculars and trained them on the sea. “I

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don’t care what position you held in Patrice’s father’s company, but I’m adamant. Pirates
or not, I don’t kill … punch, kick, and throw overboard is more my game plan.” He rolled
his shoulders. “By the time we get back to the beach it’s going to be dark. Animals hunt
at night; we’re going to be in constant danger.”

“I understand.”
“I would say the guys left on board will have kept some liquor to keep them happy

overnight. So with any luck they’ll be drunk by the time we arrive. We can paddle the
dinghy out to her and sneak on board.” Dazz rubbed his chin. “Let’s hope they’ve left the
ladder in place.”

“That sounds like a plan.” Joe gave a low rumbling laugh. “Let the night games


* * * *

Dazz stood at the cave entrance surveying the storm damage. Trees tilted at odd

angles, their branches strewn in all directions. A watery stream of sunlight broke through
the dark clouds to glisten on dripping leaves and vines. Monkeys sat huddled together
high in the canopy, their coats darkened in the deluge.

The once crystal clear river resembled a sewer. The fast flowing brown water had

broken the banks and spilled into the undergrowth. Dazz watched a yellow flower twirl
by on the surface only to vanish into a pile of debris. Below, the rain had rushed down the
hillside, cutting deep fissures in the black soil. He rubbed his chin. The soaked ground
would be like walking on quicksand.

“The storm has passed.” Joe rested a hand on Dazz’s arm. “I feel fine, let’s make

tracks. I’ll collect some fruit to eat on the way.”

“Listen to me, Joe.” Dazz bent to pick up the dog. “The ground is very soft and

there’s every chance of a mudslide. Go slow. I’ll carry Petal.” He met his gaze. “FYI,
snakes can swim too and many will be seeking high ground. Stay close behind me and
keep a lookout for anything that moves.”

“Yes, Captain.” Joe hitched his backpack and grinned. “Does that include your ass?”
Dazz glared at him. With a growl, he adjusted the rifle barrel down on his shoulder,

pushed the dog under one arm, and started down the steep incline. The mossy rocks slid
beneath his boots, rivulets of water tumbled past in miniature waterfalls. Broken fern
fronds littered the way.

“We’re never going to make it going this slow.”
Dazz barely heard Joe’s voice over the rushing waterfall. He glanced back at him

over one shoulder. “We’ll make better time when we get off this rock face.”

Behind him, Joe made a sound like a cat with its tail shut in the door and went

hurtling past, boots splashing through the puddles. What the fuck? Dazz reached out to
grab him. “Hey, slow down. Have you lost your fucking mind?”

Joe threw both sunburned, insect bitten arms above his head and let out a long

“Wooooooo!” His rapid pace increased to long, jumping strides. Dazz narrowed his eyes.
Man, that guy could leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Anger fizzed and Dazz had a well-chosen remark ready to launch before Joe’s foot

sank into a deep hole. The man executed a perfect three-sixty with a twist and landed flat
on his back. Caught in a fast flowing mudslide, and using his backpack for a toboggan,
the muddy man shot down the rock face with surprising speed.

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Arms flailing, Joe’s “Woos” changed to “Fuuuuuuck.” The rifle slipped off his

shoulder. The heavy weapon narrowly missed slicing off his left ear and then spun away
to clatter on the rocks. Joe’s filthy hands grabbed at the small bushes lining the path.
Berries flew off in all directions. Dazz stared after him in amazement. Well, he did say he
planned to collect fruit along the way.

He watched Joe’s descent, and the man’s final slide into a pile of soft mud and

decaying matter. To his relief, Joe extricated himself from the mound and rolled onto his
back. Dazz cupped his hands and yelled. “You alive down there, Joe?”


Joe spat the dirt from his mouth. The sky spun. Every bone in his body screamed in

agony. A shiver ran down his spine. His clothes clung to him, wet and filthy. He heard
Dazz’s question from somewhere far away. He lifted his hand in the air and raised the
middle finger.

He lay in the soft, wet, stinking dirt, and waited for Dazz to arrive. With care, he

wiggled his fingers and toes, and moved his knees. Good, I haven’t broken any bones.
The worrying pain in his chest receded. He drew a deep breath. His heart had slowed to
almost normal. Christ, he had thought the fall would kill him. He gazed at his hands,
green stained flesh hung from the lacerations.

Footsteps squelched in the rain-soaked ground.
“That was a damn stupid thing to do.” Dazz stomped toward him and dropped Petal

on the ground. “Slow and easy I said, who do you think you are, bloody Rambo? You
could have broken your neck with a stunt like that.”

Joe turned his head and glared at Dazz. “Oh, thank you so much for asking. I’m fine.

No bones broken, but I’ve cut my hands.”

Petal ran up to him, her small body quivering and licked him. His gaze lifted to

Dazz’s grinning face. “Why are you laughing? I don’t think this is a bit funny.”

His lover propped both rifles against a tree.
“Man that was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.” Dazz crouched down beside him

and pulled twigs from Joe’s hair. “I thought you were being a smartass because I lectured
you about safety.” He wriggled out of his backpack. “Then when you did that flip—man,
that had to score a nine-point-five—and landed on your backpack, I’m thinking, Christ,
this is one cool dude.
” He pulled out the first aid kit. “It was the wailing that tipped me

Cher, the monkeys stopped their chatter to listen to you.” Dazz took Joe’s hand and

cleaned the wounds. “We have to move away from here. Every predator will be out
looking for you.”

“A wounded animal makes easy prey, mon ami.” He reached for Joe’s other hand.”

Trust me … they are already on their way.”

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Chapter 9

Darkness had fallen in the long hours of tramping through the jungle. Dazz stopped

beside the hidden dinghy and dropped Joe’s hand. He stared out at the Petal. A tiny red
beacon flashed on the top of the mast and reflected in the water. Hmm, the pirates hadn’t
noticed the blinking signal in the daylight. He peered through his binoculars, taking in the
position of the men on board. To his relief, the ladder he’d dropped for their escape still
hung from the side of the vessel.

“I can see two men lounging on deck. It looks like they’ve enjoyed that case of red

wine you bought.” Dazz met his gaze. “I told you not to put all the bottles in the

“Bastards! I wonder what else they’ve taken.” Joe pushed the camouflage off the


Dazz shrugged. “You’re insured. As long as they haven’t damaged her too much we

can fix her.” He turned to help Joe. “Are you sure you’re up to this?”

“I’ll probably feel like shit as soon as the adrenaline wears off.” Joe shoved his

backpack into the dinghy, followed by the dog. “. Right now I’m as mad as hell. I want to
kill them all.” He patted his revolver in the shoulder holster. “Don’t worry. I’ll be right
behind you while you break heads.” He picked up his rifle.

With a chuckle, Dazz cupped Joe’s chin. “I love a man on a mission.” He sighed.

“Whatever happens out there … remember, I love you, cher, and I want us to be

“We’re worlds apart, but I want that too.” Joe brushed his mouth over Dazz’s lips. “I

want a life with you, Dazz.”

“Good. Let’s go kick some ass.”


The dinghy moved across the moonlit sea in virtual silence. Pain radiated from the

cuts on Joe’s hands with each dip of the paddle. He gritted his teeth, determined to fight
for his property. The boat bumped against the Petal’s hull. A wave of excitement tingled
in his taut muscles. Dazz pressed one long finger to his lips and shouldered his rifle. With
skillful ease, he climbed up the ladder.

Joe emptied his backpack and slid into the shoulder holster carrying his pistol. He

pushed Petal inside the bag and secured the opening. The small dog stuck her head out
the gap, her pink tongue lolling from the corner of her mouth. He grimaced at the sight of
her, muddy, her coat in tangles, and with her bow missing. I’ll never get the stains out of
her fur.

Dazz reached the top of the ladder and turned to wave him up. He shrugged into the

backpack, threw the strap of the rifle over one shoulder and stepped onto the ladder.

No sound came from the men on board. Keeping low, he followed Dazz toward the

helm. The man had discarded his backpack and held a pistol in one hand. Joe crouched
beside him and they peered down the hatch. The sound of snoring echoed from below.

Dazz wiggled his fair brows. He pressed his lips against Joe’s ear. “Leave the dog


Joe complied and followed Dazz through the hatch. They moved toward the galley,

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feeling along the walls to guide their way. Ahead, a small light glowed. Joe pulled on
Dazz’s T-shirt. The man made no sound and continued to move forward.

The refrigerator door hung open, the small interior light spreading over three

shadowed figures sprawled over the long polished table, fast asleep. Bottles littered the
table and benches. The coffee maker hung from the wall in a jaunty angle. Joe slid his
gun from the holster and cocked it. Beside him, the click of Dazz’s pistol told him his
companion was ready to take on these assholes.

He banged an empty bottle on the table and yelled at the men in Portuguese. “Wake

up, you turds of the devil.” He slapped one man hard around the face. “Wake up, I say.”

The men woke, groggy from drink. Apologies tumbled from their mouths. Joe held

his gun on them and threatened to shoot. He met Dazz’s eyes. “Go topside and I’ll send
them up.” He turned to the pirates. “I hope you can swim.”

On deck, he marched the men to the handrail and gave them a choice. “A bullet to

the head or do you take your chance with the sharks?”

The men dove off the Petal and started to swim for shore. Dizzy with power, Joe

strode to the other side of the schooner and ploughed four shots in the dinghy. He turned
to see Dazz watching him with interest.

“We could have winched that back on board. It did belong here, you know?” Dazz

grinned. “But you do have three more.” He slid an arm around Joe’s shoulder. “I’ll go
below to make sure no one is hiding in any of the cabins.” He gave him a squeeze. “Don’t
worry, I’ll soon have the lights on and we can check the damage.”

Joe leaned into him, exhaustion flooding his bones. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

He slid a hand around Dazz’s waist. “I’ll follow you. I need to take Petal down to our
cabin and feed her. We’ll worry about the damage later.”


Dazz used the engine to power the schooner to international waters. Although Joe

looked like he might drop dead in any second, the man had the Petal in full sail on his
command. Bone weary, they continued through the night. As the first rays of sunlight
peeked over the horizon, Dazz spotted a red speedboat bouncing across the waves toward

“Christ, not more pirates.” Joe shouldered his rifle and took aim. “I’m not wimping

out this time before I take some of them down.”

“Relax. That’s Miguel.” He grinned. “Drop the sails so they can come aboard.”
The speedboat drew up beside them. Two men armed with machine guns stood up

from the back of the boat. Dazz waved. Thank God, Miguel had not only brought two of
his men but Bowers as well. He called out to Joe. “Lower the ladder.”

Brian Bowers reached him in long strides. “You both look like hell. How the fuck

did you get the Petal back?”

Dazz licked dry lips. “Long story.” He met Miguel’s gaze. “Thank you for coming,

mon ami.”

“I’d have been here sooner if Brian had told me you were in trouble.”
“I’ve never been so happy to see someone in my life.” Joe staggered toward the helm

and slid one arm around Dazz waist. “I’m exhausted.”

“Are you two an item now?” Bowers inclined his head.
Dazz pressed a kiss to Joe’s head. He inhaled the spicy scent of his man. All he

wanted right now was a shower and Joe naked beside him. He met Bowers’ interested

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gaze. “Yeah, I’ve finally found the man of my dreams.”

“When I have my head back on, I need to talk to you about using the Petal in

association with Bowers’ Beautiful Excursions.” Joe lifted his chin. “I want a third share
in the company, for a third share in the Petal.”

Dazz chuckled. “He owns her, Brian. How sweet is that?”
“Oh man, you don’t know how much I’ve wanted to expand the company.” Bowers

slapped Joe on the back. “I’ll talk to Patrice about her share, of course, but that sounds
like the deal of a lifetime.”

“Good.” Joe yawned. “Now I really need some sleep.”
“I have to radio the Port Authority and inform them we’re safe.” Dazz picked up the


“Leave that to me. You go and get some rest.” Bowers moved toward the control.

“Miguel and I catnapped most of way here, so we’ll sail this baby home.”

Home. Dazz let his gaze drift over an ocean, sparkling under an azure sky. The scent

of ozone and canvas ran in his blood. Joe had filled the empty void in his life. He nuzzled
the neck of the man he loved and turned to Bowers. “We’re already home.”

The End

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About the Authors

H.C. Brown Bio:
First published in 2006, H.C Brown is a multi-published, best-selling, award-

winning, author of Historical, Paranormal, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, BDSM, Time Travel, Action
Adventure, and Contemporary Romance.

She writes about strong alpha males and all her stories have happy endings.
She married her childhood sweetheart and lives close to the beach in Queensland,

Australia. Her interests include art, music, and reading romance.

KevaD Bio:
Bestselling author KevaD is in real life David “DA” Kentner, a prize-winning author

and journalist who suspects the letter “Q” was created by a bored caveman outlining
grapes in charcoal. That or the government’s first attempt at sex education.

He lives with his wife Virginia, mostly because, well, she’s his wife, on five acres

outside of Freeport, IL. A retired police chief, Army veteran, auctioneer, and antiques
dealer with a college degree in something he no doubt believed important at the time,
KevaD is also a former chairman of the board for the local Salvation Army where he and
Virginia continue to volunteer. A starving artist, his stick figures draw no line of interest,
which probably explains the starving part.

He believes in the afterlife and hopes to become a ghost writer.


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