Człowiek i dane personalne
= człowiek
My guess is he's not human.
= ludzie
Who are all these people?
(Kim są ci wszyscy ludzie?)
No wonder people like her so much.
(Nic dziwnego że ludzie tak bardzo ją lubią.)
I never saw so many people.
(Nigdy nie widziałem tylu ludzi.)
= ludzki
You have no human feelings.
Yet the human race survived.
The remains were human remains.
human being
= istota ludzka
I won't treat another human being that way.
After all, I'm a human being.
No human being has ever read it.
= osoba
Only one person can decide that.
Just the person I wanted to see!
You are the first person I told.
= życie
I've known her all my life.
There's more to life than that.
Everything in my life is over.
= płeć (synonim: gender)
What sex is the baby?
= płeć (synonim: sex)
Have you ever been harassed because of your gender?
It's pretty hard to determine the gender of a pet hamster.
The tournament will have a maximum of 10 individuals for each gender.
man (plural: men)
= mężczyzna
woman (plural: women)
= kobieta
= mężczyzna, samiec, osobnik męski
I couldn't tell if they were male or female.
= kobieta, samica, osobnik żeński
He's just never had a female boss before.
Most species have two sexes - male and female.
A uniformed female police officer joined him.
= męski
Evidently I don't understand the masculine mind.
If anything, he seemed perhaps too masculine.
Her face almost looked masculine.
= damski, kobiecy
Then he heard a high, feminine cry.
He disliked having feminine things around him.
ID, identity document
= dowód osobisty
Do you have your ID?
I don't need your ID, sir, just your name.
= tożsamość
The identity of the killer is still unknown.
Have you any papers proving your identity?
There was no doubt about the identity of the dead.
first name,
given name
= imię
How do you pronounce your first name?
last name
= nazwisko
I don't even know Richard's surname.
Hasn't it occurred to you how odd my surname sounds?
What's Pam's last name?
full name
= pełne imię i nazwisko
What's his full name?
My full name is Robert Scoble.
Your full name is John Mayer?
= inicjały
Do you know anyone with these initials?
He signed the letter with his initials.
The initials stood for Michael Thompson.
= adres
What's your address?
= ulica (nazwa ulicy np. w dowodzie osobistym)
Is that near Delancey Street?
street number, house number
= numer domu (w adresie)
flat number,
apartment number
= numer mieszkania (w adresie)
zip code
= kod pocztowy
Yes indeed, the fourth character in my postcode is a zero.
I could tell by the zip code that it was in the Los Angeles area.
= wiek
What age is he?
date of birth
= data urodzenia
place of birth, birthplace
= miejsce urodzenia
country of origin
= kraj pochodzenia
marital status
= stan cywilny
What's your marital status, right now?
In southern Sudan, the scars on a woman's body indicate her marital status and number of
= żonaty, zamężna
Are you married?
He's married, you know.
= rozwiedziony
We've been divorced for six years.
My father and mother were divorced.
= niezamężna, nieżonaty (synonim: unmarried)
She's single.
= niezamężna, nieżonaty (synonim: single)
I had heard that she was still unmarried.
I am a free woman, and unmarried, I assure you.
Life still offers many chances to the unmarried man.
= wdowa
= wdowiec
= wzrost
= waga, ciężar
= rasa (człowieka)
= pochodzenie, środowisko
Rosa has a questionable background.
My own background had been anything but ordinary.
It would be interesting to know his background.
= prywatny
Can't you see that room is private?
private address
= adres prywatny
private life
= życie osobiste
private matter
= prywatna sprawa
in private
= na osobności, prywatnie
Can we talk in private?
= prywatność
This man is fanatical about protecting his privacy.
All documents must be shredded for reasons of privacy.
After all, even in an office, privacy was a basic right.
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