easter activities 2010

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Oxford University Press and Polanglo Easter activities 2010

EASTER ACTIVITIES by Weronika Sałandyk

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Oxford University Press

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Oxford University Press and Polanglo Easter activities 2010

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Preparation: Hide about 7 eggs with tasks in the classroom before the lesson starts. You can use more or less eggs depen-
ding on students’ age or level of English.
In class: Divide students into small groups. Explain to them that their task is to find for example seven eggs hidden in the
classroom. Inside the eggs there are tasks which the team must do. Students in their teams run or walk around the
classroom looking for the eggs. When they find one, they shouldn’t show where it is to any other team. They read the task
and think how to do it. When they complete the task they come to you and show or tell you the answer. If it is correct,
give them one a secret letter. All secret letters make a password.
Password: choose a word which is familiar to your students. There should be as many letters in the password as there are
eggs and tasks in the classroom eg Easter (6 letters), Easter bunny (11 letters), rabbits (7 letters), breakfast (9 letters).
You should prepare a table with names of teams and list of tasks and tick off the tasks they have done. It will make it
easier for you to monitor their work.
The winner is the team which first completes all the tasks and makes a password from the letters.

Oxford University Press and Polanglo Easter activities 2010

Find 10 green

things in the classroom.

Find 10 yellow

things in the classroom.

Draw the Easter basket

you take to church

on Saturday

(Write the names of

all the things in it).

Draw a plate

with your

Easter breakfast.

Draw a vase with

5 spring flowers.

(Write their names.)

Draw a picture of an

Easter bunny and write

10 words describing

its body parts.

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Oxford University Press and Polanglo Easter activities 2010

Make a list of 10

different types of flowers.

Make a list of 15 animals

each starting

with a different

letter of alphabet.

Draw an Easter egg

and inside write the result

of the following

mathematical problem:

divide the number of pages

in your English book

by the number

of chairs in the class.

Draw a giant egg.

It must be as big

as your head.

Learn to spell your

first name backwards.

Open your English books

on page 40

and remember

7 words from this page.

Invent a handshake.

Add a bunny element

to your handshake

(eg making bunny’s ears).

Draw a map : a route


your school

to the nearest church.

Find two people

in your class who

will visit their family

in a different city

during Easter.

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Oxford University Press and Polanglo Easter activities 2010

Find five things smaller

than an egg

in the classroom.

Draw five chicks

and give them names.

Find one thing

in the shape of a triangle,

circle and square

in the classroom.

Draw as many daffodils

as there are windows

in the classroom.

Find three things

that boys can use

on Dyngus Day

in the classroom.

There are 7 days

in the Holy Week.

Find the same number

of identical things

in your classroom

(not one more

or one less).

Take out your shoelaces

and arrange them

on the desk in the shape

of Easter bunny.

Find five green crayons

and seven green markers.

Make a bunny mask.

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Oxford University Press and Polanglo Easter activities 2010

Find three people

in your class who

were born in the spring.

Stand with your friends

in a line.

Make the word Easter

with your fingers.

Make the words


with pens, pencils,

crayons, rubbers

etc on your desk.

Find five things

in your classroom

which are

as soft as catkins.

Find three things

in your classroom

which are

of the same shape,

colour and size

as little chicks.

Learn to draw a lamb

with your eyes closed.

Take off some

of your clothes.

Arrange them

in the shape of a lamb.

Make an

Easter basket.

Use things that

you can find in the classroom.

Find three things

in your class that start

with each letter

of the word EASTER

(E-six things,

A – three things,

S – three things,
T – three things,

R – three things).

Make a list.

Make a list of 10 things

which have similar shape

to an egg.

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Oxford University Press and Polanglo Easter activities 2010

Draw and decorate

an Easter egg .

Inside the egg write 40

English words you learnt

in this school year.

Write a list

of 5 baby animals

eg puppy.

There are 40 days

in the Lent.

Write a list of 40 words

in English

that start

with letter L.

Write a short poem.

Use a word bunny

and its rhyming words

(eg funny, honey, money,


or spring and

its rhyming words

(eg bring, king, ring,

sing, sting, string,

thing, wing)

Write an instruction

how to paint ,

dye or decorate

Easter eggs.

Use 5 sentences.

Write each word

with a different pen,

pencil, marker

or crayon.

Make a list

of 7 words rhyming

with SPRING.

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Oxford University Press and Polanglo Easter activities 2010


Egg rolling is a traditional game played at Easter. The object of the game is to roll the egg down the hill. Spoons can be
used to push the egg. It can be a relaxing activity or a competitive race to see which egg goes the furthest without
breaking. Read here to find out more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_rolling
Draw a hill on the board. Divide the hill from the top to the bottom into five parts with lines, these will be the subsequent
squares in the game. Divide the class into teams, give each team a dictionary. Draw one egg for each team on the top of
the hill ( you can also bring colour paper eggs and stick them to the board). You can write the name of the team inside
the egg or use different colours of chalk. On one side of the board write the names of the teams.
Teams in turn choose a number of the question from your list. They have up to one minute to answer the question. You
should use a stopwatch and start counting the time from the moment you finish reading the question to the moment
they finish answering. During that time students from all teams can use dictionaries to check the answer to that question
or any other question.
If the team answer the question correctly, place their egg one level lower on the hill and write the time in which they
answered the question next to the name of their team on the board.
If the team don’t answer question, their egg stays where it was but you must write their time: 1 minute for thinking about
the answer + 30 seconds as a penalty.
The winner is the team which rolls their egg down the hill in the shortest time.
You can use this activity with all ages and levels, varying the difficulty of the questions. With the youngest students who
can’t use dictionaries you can play that game using the flashcards or posters which accompany your coursebook.


Which three things (plants) become green in the spring? (grass, trees, flowers etc)


Which two animals sleep in the winter and wake up in the spring? (eg bats, squirrels, hedgehogs,


When is the first day of spring? (21st March)


How long is the spring? (3 months, from March till June)


Name three trees that have flowers (bloom) in the spring? (all fruit trees such as cherry, apple, pear etc

trees, magnolia tree, chestnut tree)


Describe how winter changes into spring. Use two sentences. (eg snow melts, it is warmer, there are

flowers and leaves on the trees etc)


Name three spring flowers. (eg dandelions, crocuses, tulips, hyacinths, snowdrops)


What do we call the period of 40 days before Easter? (Lent)


What do we call the first day of 40 days before Easter? It’s Wednesday. (Ash Wednesday)


Which two plants or flowers are used as decoration at Easter? (daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, catkins)


What is the name of long soft flowers, usually yellowish or grey, that hang down from trees and are

used as Easter decoration? (catkins)


What is the name of the tree which has special flowers called catkins? (willow)


There is one leaf but two… Spell the word. (LEAVES)


What is the name of a part of plant which will soon change into a very young flower or leaf? (bud)


What are the names of three days before Easter Sunday? (Maundy/Holy/Great Thursday, Good Friday,




What is the name of the week before Easter? (Holy Week)


What is the name of the meal that Jesus Christ ate on Great Thursday? (Last Supper / feast)


When Jesus Christ died where was his body placed? (tomb)


What colour are the veils that cover church statues and icons on Great Saturday? (purple)

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Oxford University Press and Polanglo Easter activities 2010



What do we call the process of killing someone on a cross? (crucifixion)


What do we call a day when we don’t eat meat and generally limit the amount of food? (fast day)


What do we call a one-hour meeting with a priest in church? (mass)


Name seven things you eat on Easter breakfast.


Name 5 things which you put in the Easter basket and take to church on Saturday.


Which word means to make something holy (eg your Easter basket), usually by sprinkling it with holy

water or making a sign of cross? (bless)


Write six ways in which you prepare your house or flat for Easter. (scrub the floors, beat the carpets,

hoover, sweep the floor, dust, polish the silver, tidy, change the sheets, decorate, clean the windows)


You want to lay the table for Easter breakfast. What do you put on the table beside the food? Name

five things. (cutlery, knife, fork, spoon, plate, cup, glass, bowl, mug, napkin)


You want to put on smart clothes on Easter Sunday. What can you wear? Name 7 things. (dress, tights,

stockings, high-heeled shoes, shirt, blouse, skirt, trousers, suit, tie, jacket)


What is the English word for telling the priest about the bad things we have done? (confession)


What is the English word for eating Christ’s body during the mass? (communion)


Jesus Christ died on the cross to free people from their …. (sins)


Egg has an oval shape. Name 4 other shapes. (triangle, circle, square, rectangle)


Name seven ingredients you can use to bake a cake (flour, sugar, milk, cream, eggs, baking powder,

cocoa, nuts, fruit, vanilla flavour)


What is the name of baby sheep? (lamb)


What is the name of baby chicken? (chick)


What is the name of baby duck? (duckling)


Who brings us presents or chocolate eggs at Easter? (Easter bunny)


What is the name of yellow spring flower? (daffodil)


What do you do with eggs to make them look nice at Easter (dye, paint, decorate)


What is the word for special time of prayer in church for example before Easter? These days you don’t

go to school but to church. (retreat)


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