Reference Guide

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An internet Marketer's Guide



A reference guide for the video

course on Internet Marketing time


Jason Fladlien


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Quick Legal Stuff

Income Disclaimer:

This document contains business strategies, marketing methods and

other business advice that,regardless of my own results and experience, may
not produce the same results (or any results) for you. I make absolutely no
guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice below you will
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will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of
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By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the

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In other words, it's for your own personal use only.


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Table Of Contents

An internet Marketer's Guide......................................... 1

An internet Marketer's Guide......................................... 1

An internet Marketer's Guide......................................... 1

A reference guide for the video course on Internet Marketing
time Management!...................................................... 1

Jason Fladlien............................................................1

Jason Fladlien............................................................1

Jason Fladlien............................................................1

Quick Legal Stuff



Terms of Use



Table Of Contents



Start With A Compelling Goal



What is Your Destiny?



Use “Destiny Reinforcements”



How to Systematize Everything



The “Power of 5”



Break each critical element down



Create a system for each key area you've isolated



Turn the system into an intuitive process



Improve Upon the System Over Time



Reach a Level of Acceptance



How to Cultivate Time Management Habits



Time Management is 20% information, 80% Habit



Focus more on developing habits than learning




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Habit 1: Don't Ponder During Profit Time



Habit 2: Be Fearless About Making Mistakes



Habit 3: Follow a Regimen



Habit 4: Focus on one thing at a time!



Habit 5: Defeat Procrastination!



Habit 6: Don't worry about small things



Habit 8: Simplicity



How to Make a Productive Person Even More Productive



The 80% Time Management Stuff that Only Gets 20% Results









Motivational Tools



Carrot Theory



The Positive Double Bind



Insulation From Distractions



Attitude of Gratitude



How to Work Even When
You Don't Want To



Create Reward Systems






Discipline Vs. Regret



Change you Terminology







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Start With A Compelling Goal

Time management is a means to an end. The end is the goal you want to

achieve in life, or the destiny you want to fulfill. Here's how you create a
compelling goal.

What is Your Destiny?

Take out a sheet of paper and write for at least five minutes, listing all

the things you'd like to accomplish. Then, put a 1 next to things you'd like to
achieve in 1 year, a 3 next to those in 3 years, and a 5 next to those in five

Highlight all your one year goals. Determine the one year goal that gets

you most excited.

That's the one you pick.

Write 1-2 paragraphs about why you're absolutely committed to do

whatever it takes to manage your time effectively to achieve this goal.

If you're having trouble coming up with a list of things you want to

accomplish, then consider this question: “If I had absolute control over how I
spent my time, where would I devote most of it?”

Use “Destiny Reinforcements”

Hang posters on the wall to instantly remind your of your destiny. Watch

videos of people who have journeyed down the path you're about to journey.
Nourish your mind with “bread for the head”. This means continually reading,
listening to and watching stories for people who have managed to achieve big

Once you have set your goal, then it's time to design systems to help you

achieve that goal as quickly and easily as possible.


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How to Systematize Everything

The “Power of 5”

Every task, no matter how major or minor, only really has 5 "critical

elements" to it.


Copywriting: The offer, scarcity, proof, a hook & design

Report creation: content, organization, research, presentation, style

Music: Rhythm, Melody, Hook, Feeling & Presentation

Determine what the five critical elements are that you need to master to

obtain your goal.

Break each critical element down

Determine which critical element you'd like to master first. Then, take

that critical element and break it down into the 3-5 key areas that make up
that critical element.


The Offer (copywriting): what they get, the price charged, bonuses and

risk reversal

Rhythm (music): different types, tempo characteristics, purpose,



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Create a system for each key area you've isolated

The idea is to take out all conscious thought, and create a “machine like

approach” to making each part of your key area intuitive, so you can just do
it instead of think about it.


What they get (the offer): Make a list of the top 25 things internet

marketers give to people in exchange for money. consult that list whenever
you start to come up with your own offers.

Price Justification (the offer): Study world class ads and find the top 10

ways copywriters justify the price they charge and how they make it seem
insignificant to the value they are giving. Turn those top ten things into a list
you can reference every time you have to come up with a reason for
justifying the price you charge.

Different types of rhythm (rhythm): Study the most popular music in the

last five years. Make a note of all the different types of rhythms that are
used. Organize that list from most used to least used, and reference it
whenever you sit down to write a song and have to come up with the rhythm
for it.

Purpose of Rhythm (rhythm): Study the greatest songs ever written.

Make a note of all the different feelings achieved in these songs, and the
rhythms that were used to help achieve those feelings. Organize it into a
“feelings list” so that every time you sit down and have to write a song that
has a certain feeling, you can just look at your list for ideas.

Turn the system into an intuitive process

I no longer have to look at my “what they get” list when I construct my

offer because I've referenced that list so many times it's become a part of
me. It's now intuitive, which I have achieved through repetition.

I can tell you several different ways to justify price because I've had to

reference that list so many times i'ts become a part of me. I can now consider
how to present the price in my copy at an intuitive level.


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Improve Upon the System Over Time

Once the system has become intuitive, then you can tweak it and make

it better.

I recommend to reserve the time you “ponder” about how to improve

your system during “non-profit” hours, such as waiting in line, taking a
shower, sitting at a red light, etc.

Then, take your ideas and test them out by modifying your system. If

your idea shows promise, add it to the system, and make it intuitive through
repetition. If it doesn't work out, just disregard it and implement something
else instead.

Reach a Level of Acceptance

Small, continuous improvements are only productive to a point. Your real

goal with time management is not to win awards as a good time manager, but
to help you achieve your goal.

Once your system hits “good enough” that it does pretty everything it

needs to do with the least amount of effort or time possible, then don't mess
with it anymore.

Devote your time and resources to other systems that can be tweaked

and improved until they hit that “good enough” range as well.


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How to Cultivate Time Management

Time Management is 20% information, 80% Habit

Most people are aware of the 80/20 rule... however it rarely

dramatically changes their lives. This section shows you some practical
applications of the 80/20 rule, so you can get real results with it.

Focus more on developing habits than learning

You can “learn” the idea of something in a few minutes, or at most, a

few hours. But real learning only takes place if it alters your behavior. In
other words, you have to change your habits if you want to benefit from what
you read about, listen to and watch.

The ideal place you want to find yourself at is the 4 to 1 ratio. You DO

need information, so you know what habits and behaviors to change.
However, you need to create different behaviors and habits through
deliberate repetition.

In reality, it's better to focus first on creating the habit than the result.

Once you have the habit in place, then you can tweak it to improve the

But most important is first generating the habit!

Habit 1: Don't Ponder During Profit Time

Profit time is deserved for taking action. You rarely get paid to think.

You get paid to do. Thinking 'what do I do next?' during profit time is
“pondering”, and it's stunting your productivity.

Hesitating to choose between two options for too long is killing your

productivity. Hesitation is the thief of time.

Instead, use the “60 second rule”. During profit time, don't allow

yourself more than 60 seconds to ponder a decision. If, after 60 seconds you
haven't figure out what choice to make, simply flip a coin.


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Habit 2: Be Fearless About Making Mistakes

Mistakes are good! It shows you're taking action. You must consciously

make it an effort to insulate yourself from “fear of mistakes”. Fear of
mistakes causes you to hesitate, hesitation causes productivity leaks, and
over time it will sink the ship!

Use the habit creation worksheet to help you over come your fear of


Habit 3: Follow a Regimen

My schedule:

1.Wake up around 5:30 AM

2.Prepare Muesli

3.Chant two rounds

4. eat and read spiritual text

5. shower

6. chant two more rounds

7.answer customer service email

8. work until around noon

(If I tire or lose focus, I chant more rounds or play guitar, bass or keyboard for
a few minutes)

9. around noon, take lunch. Usually just fruit and/or steamed vegetables

10. Work until 2 pm

11. Exercise until 2:45

12. relax, cool down, play some chess online, surf the net, browse

forums, mess around

13. Take shower at around 3 or 3:30.

14. Fix dinner: usually rice with vegetables, mung dal, tofu and stir fry


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or homemade pizza/calzone

15. Be lazy. Watch 30-40 minutes of television, read a book or clean the


16. Work until 8 or 8:30 pm

17.Go for a walk and chant 4-6 rounds.

18. lay down and either read a bit or watch tv.

19. Sleep.

This is the schedule I follow roughly 5 days a week, because I like to

work 5 days a week. The schedule is flexible enough for me to do ALL my
work but regimented enough for me to maximize my profit time with an
“assembly line, machine-like” approach.

This schedule evolved over time, as yours will the more you work on it.

But most important is to first develop the morning schedule. That way you
know what you're doing every single morning you wake up and get ready to
make money. Or, if you work during the day for someone else, your “morning
schedule” would be the first 7-10 things you do after getting off work, before
working on your internet marketing business.

Also, in your schedule, if you come up with a better idea that gets you

better results, implement it immediately. Be ruthless about throwing away a
good approach for an even better one.

You are not attached to the means of a regimen, but to the end... better


Habit 4: Focus on one thing at a time!

First decide on the project you wish to complete. Envision it from start

to end, and each part that will be required. Then, out of all the parts that
make up that project, decide which one you're going to do first.

If you can, try to start with the hardest part. It's better to do the hardest

thing when you're fresh and excited then wait to do it last, when you're tired
and just want to finish things up.


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Once you decide upon the the part you're going to work upon, then just

work on that part.

Forget about everything else related to that project or ANY OTHER

project, and devote all of your conscious resources to doing that "one thing".
If you get an idea for something else, quickly jot it down and then forget
about it.

FOCUS! FOCUS! FOCUS! You aren't concerned with completing the

project, making money, what to do after the project is completed, or any of

The only thing you're thinking about is getting that ONE SINGLE THING

DONE that will move you closer to completing your project.

Once you finish that first part, move onto the second part and repeat the


Example: Ghostwriting System (

1.I realized I had some great information on how to make good money as
an internet ghostwriter

2. To complete the project, I had to create the product, write the sales

letter, design the site, come up with the sales funnel, send the

3. The first thing I decided to do was create the product!

4. So the only thing I concentrated on was that. I worked on no other

aspect of the project, nor worked on any other project until the
product for the ghostwriting system was finished

5. After that, I had to write the copy. So I concentrated on just that. I

didn't worry about the design of the website, the auto responders,
the upsell, the OTO or anything. Nor did I work on any other project
or sales letter. I just concentrated on the copy until it was finished

6. Etc.

Habit 5: Defeat Procrastination!

Everybody has a “mental to-do list” they use to represent the tasks they

feel they are required to complete. And most people procrastinate! Why?


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Because their mental to-do list is such an ugly picture, it makes them feel
bad every time they think of what they need to do.

If you feel pain toward doing something, you'll NOT want to do it. Thus,

people shoot themselves in the foot by creating a painful image of what
needs to be done.

So do this instead.

First, visual your mental to-do list and make a note of what it looks like.

Is it clear, unfocused, intimidating, large, long, filled with ugly and drab

Let's do some “mental interior decoration!”

First, let's change the focus. sharpen the image of your mental to-do list

and see how it changes your feelings toward it. Tweak the “contrast” of your
mental to-do picture until you start to feel better about it. Make it so it's
sharp, crystal clear and easy to read.

Next, make it less “cluttered”. If it is long and full of items, shorten it.

Make it include only 1 or 2 items, or five at most. Make it appear clearer,
cleaner, neater and more attractive. Notice how this changes how you feel
about it. Keep reducing and cleaning up the clutter until you feel really good
about it.

Then, change the colors. Try bright, bold and vibrant colors. See how

that makes you feel. Keep messing with the colors until the pictures start to
look really, really attractive, and almost irresistible.

You know you've done it right if you're quivering with excitement after

making your mental to-do list.

How much more likely will you take action on that to-do list now, since

you feel so good about it? Answer: very likely!

There is no need to keep track consciously of all the things you need to

do. That's what pen and paper are for! The only thing you need to consciously
focus on is that one task. If something else needs to be done, write it down
and do it later, when you can focus just on that one thing!


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Habit 6: Don't worry about small things

If I had to pay $20 for every grammatical error I made, I'd be broke!

I shoot videos with wrinkled shirts. And poor lighting. I don't care, as long


The Content is solid and the marketing of the content is solid. Everything

else is secondary.

And even the content has a “good enough” ratio, and it's this: as long as I

get my point across, I don't care how I say it as long as it's good enough for
90% of my audience to understand. The important part is that it contains the
POINT clearly, not “should I do it with a story, a case study, straight
forward?” etc.

For stuff that won't make much difference, just do it and get it done

with. It's not important, so don't give your important time or energy toward
it. And if you want a remedy, check out the habit worksheet.

Habit 8: Simplicity

I organize my tasks with pen & printer paper. When something is done I

cross it out. When everything is done on the paper, I crumble it up and throw
it away. If the paper gets cluttered, I transfer the remaining items to a fresh
blank piece of printer paper.

That's how I keep track of my tasks. If it takes you more than 30 seconds

to explain your own system for keeping track of your tasks, it's probably too
complex. If you have to use 14 color coded pens and two special notebooks, it
IS too complicated.

Everything can be broken down to simple, easy to understand terms.

Notice how I take goals and break them down into 5 components. That's
simplicity! Notice how I make my systems simple – habits and checklists.
That's simplicity!

If you ever find yourself experiencing overwhelm or confusion, it's

because you're not practicing simplicity. If you want a remedy, check out the
habit worksheet.


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How to Make a Productive Person Even
More Productive

The 80% Time Management Stuff that Only Gets 20%


This is the secondary stuff you want to work on after you master the

previous concepts and systems. The stuff in the previous chapters is designed
to create “exponential changes” because they should completely reinvent
your approach.

The stuff in this section is more about “incremental changes” that make

whatever approach you do better. That's why it doesn't produce dramatic
results, but it does help you squeeze out more productivity, which is always


From what I understand, it takes the body more energy to digest animal

products than non animal products. My own personal experience validates
this. I've been a vegetarian for almost 5 years nows and about as close to
vegan as you can get. I take a little milk and butter, and on rare occasion

I also avoid simple sugars, getting my sugars from complex carbohydrates

as much as possible. I don't eat refined sugar at all. If I use sugar, it's
turbinado (pure cane) sugar. And even that's a rare treat.

I've tested caffeine over the years, and my final verdict is that it does

more harm than good. In the long run it's a poor tool to increase productivity
and has more side effects than benefits. I get more energy from an all natural
diet with complex carbohydrates than I ever got with caffeine.

Yes, it's harder at first. But after a while, it becomes easier.

I used “productivity smoothies” to transition out of my caffeine phase.

This is how it works: during the work day, whenever I got hungry I'd juice up
fruits and vegetables. I found that as long as I included a banana in the mix,
it tasted good. So I'd make all kinds of crazy stuff like banana, celery, spinach
and strawberry smoothies. Basically whatever I had laying around. Instant


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energy. They say fruit is digested automatically and can give you energy in as
little as 15 minutes. I find it to be true.

Finally, eating poorly means eating too much acid. Acid causes stress. A

good diet helps reduce stress. Jim Rohn said some people don't do well just
because they don't feel way.

I agree.


Four times I've went off an exercise routine. Four times my productivity


Exercise has many benefits. First, it gives your conscious mind a “focus

rest”, so you can recharge your batteries and come back fresh. Second, it is a
great way to work off stress.

Also, there is the “relativity factor” of exercise. Consider this: let's say

you do 300 tasks in a day. Then someone asks you to do one more. You have
increased the number of tasks by 0.4%. However, let's say the day is almost
done and you've only done 3 tasks. And someone asks you do one more. This
will increase the number of tasks by 25%.

Exercise makes all other tasks seem easier by relativity. Usually I catch

myself saying: If I can run three miles a day, surely I can hurry up and finish
up this sales letter.

Finally, practice simplicity! Make your exercise plan simple. Make it easy

at first. 5 minutes a day is better than nothing, because it will build a habit
of exercise, and once the habit is formed, then it will be easy to improve
upon your exercise routine.

Motivational Tools


These are a special type of audio that gives suggestion to your

subconscious mind, both the right and left brain. It helps learning take place
at an unconscious level because it uses hypnotic patterns. It's a great way to
generate new behaviors, to replace old, preventive ones. Just slip on some
stereo headphones and listen. It also uses a certain technology that makes it


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easier for your brain waves to go into a certain frequency most conducive
with relaxation and learning.

I recommend starting off with “new behavior generator”. It's only



Here are my four favorite to listen to that keep me motivated:

Jim Rohn – Take Charge of Your Life

Tony Robbins – Personal Power II

Glen Turner – Dare to Be Great – Challenge to America

Zig Ziglar – See You At The Top

If I could only choose one program to listen to, it'd be Jim Rohn's.


Surround yourself around productive people, and you'll become more

productive. You're usually an “average” of the five people in your life you're
closest to.

Also, make yourself accountable to others. Tell them what you plan on

doing, and then make them hold you to it. Knowing you have to answer to
someone else besides yourself is just another incentive to be productive.

Carrot Theory

Internet Marketers, if they're real internet marketers, always have more

ideas than time to implement them. I always have at least 6 projects queued
up. When I'm working on one project I always come up with at least two more
that I quickly jot down.

Sometimes I'll take the one I want to do the most and put it at the end of

the list. This will motivate me to get everything else done, JUST so I can get
to that one project at the end.


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Even if I don't make it to the project, I still win because it will at least

fire me up to do two or three projects quicker than I otherwise would've. And
if I do make it to that project, then all the better.

The Positive Double Bind

A double bind is typically a statement where one part will disqualify

another part. For example, let's say I gave you this command:

“You must be free.”

How can you fulfill that? Freedom means having a choice. If I command

you to be free, then you aren't really free, because you didn't choose it.
However, what if you don't listen to me? Then you choose not to be free.

You can't fulfill that command. It's impossible. Most people set up double

binds in their life where ALL OUTCOMES lead to failure.

I like to do the opposite... try to engineer scenarios where all outcomes

lead to success.

Carrot theory is one of those situations. Another is my landing page

headline system. I only write three types of headlines for my landing pages,
and these are the three types that most commonly work. If I get it right the
first time, I win. If I don't, I win, because now it improves my chances of
getting it right the next time.

Insulation From Distractions

Optimum productivity occurs when you reach a “state of flow”. The

state of flow takes several minutes to enter into (about 15) but only takes
seconds to exit.

State of flow is often interrupted by distractions. To avoid distractions I

turn off the phone during peak profit hours. I don't answer the door. I only
focus on one thing at a time. I cocoon myself from letting others bug me.

You need to come up with a similar strategy. Some people tell me they

can't because of their situation. I think in most cases they just don't WANT to.
But if you can't insulate yourself from distraction, then don't complain about


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It's out of your control, so what's the use complaining about it?

However, if you can insulate yourself from distraction, then do it. In

either case, no complaining allowed!

Will you lose friends over this? Maybe. But they're not the kinds of friends

you want. Those who don't respect your time are NOT your real friends.

Attitude of Gratitude

The more you're thankful for, the more you'll want to contribute and

"give back". If you aren't grateful for anything, why would you want to give
anything in return? And productivity is all about giving as much as yourself as

Everybody has several things to be grateful for. I'm grateful we have

electricity. I think about it every time I flip on a light switch. I'm grateful that
even though I live in Iowa, I can get mangoes all year round. Even in winter.
Imagine that!

I'm grateful I don't have to “Oregon Trail” it across the country.

Otherwise I might die of typhoid disease! Instead, I can fly.

I don't have to wear leaves. Instead, I have clothing! I have family I love

very much, and they love me. I'm lucky.

And don't kid yourself, you are too.

The more you think about what you have, the more you'll want to give.


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How to Work Even When
You Don't Want To

No matter what, 10-15% of the time you spend working you will want to

be doing something else. If it's over that, you're doing the wrong thing, or
approaching it the wrong way. if it's under that, you're not pushing yourself
hard enough.

Create Reward Systems

Once you tough it out and suck it up, and do that 10-15% extra work you

didn't want to do, reward yourself. I used to give myself “permission to be
lazy”. Once I did what I had to do, I'd let myself lay around the rest of the
day and not feel guilty about it.

Or, I'd buy a cool new gadget or toy. Recently I just purchased an iMac,

which I said I'd reward myself with after I completed 4 projects on my to-do


Think of times in the past when you broke through your limitations. What

does that picture look like? Now, what does the current picture you're making
in your mind look like? Adjust it so it looks like the first picture.

Discipline Vs. Regret

In life, you're guaranteed to experience one of two pains: the pain of

discipline or the pain of regret.

Jim Rohn says the pain of discipline weighs ounces while the pain of

regret weighs tons. Discipline means working that 10-15% of time you don't
want to, and when everyone else quits. Regret means being lazy instead, only
to woke up 30 years later to find yourself destitute and a failure.

Remember this the next time things get tough. Which pain would you

rather suffer from?


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Change you Terminology

Most people aren't good at explaining their feelings, and often use words

with negative connotations. Instead, I like to use words with positive

When I catch myself saying I'm “overwhelmed” I stop myself and do a

check. Am I overwhelmed? Or am I in demand? Maximized? Moving and
Shaking? I find a better word to replace overwhelmed. Pretty soon,
overwhelmed doesn't even become a part of my vocabulary to explain how I'm

When I catch myself saying “I'm having trouble” I stop myself and do a

check. Am I having trouble, or just experiencing a minor set back?

When I catch myself saying “I'm exhausted” I stop myself and do a check.

Am I exhausted, or do I just need a little recharging? Perhaps I'm just a notch
below wide awake. Maybe 'm a little droopy.

When I catch myself saying I'm overloaded, I stop myself and do a check.

Am I overloaded, or just stretched? Far reaching?

The simple act of replacing negative terminology with positive

terminology does wonders.


If you enjoyed this product, perhaps you'd like to check my other product

called “How to Create an info product in less than 48 hours that you can sell
for $47-$97”. You can find that at

Also, for article writers I have “How to Write An Article in 7 Minutes or

Less” at

Also, discover how I write winning sales letters in one sitting at

To check out a swipe file I created of Gary Halbert Ads, and to see 55

videos of ad analysis of Gary Halbert's best copywriting strategies at work, go


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And “How to Become a $40 an hour internet ghostwriter in Less Than 7

Days” at

To learn a simple system I used to go from $0 to over $50,000 in under

six months, go to


Document Outline


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