Jarrett A J His Dominant Omega

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Nehalem Pack 3


His Dominant Omega

Being an omega wolf was never Cole Weathers’s choice. He
doesn’t have a submissive bone in his body, and taking orders just

isn’t his thing. When given an ultimatum from his overbearing
father, he leaves the only home he’s ever known to experience life
as he always wanted to, free from his father’s hatred.

Applying for a job leads Cole right to his mate, Josef Bayer. Not
that he doesn’t want a mate. He just doesn’t want to bring anyone

into his crazy family life. He disguises his scent from Josef, feeling
the other man is better off, but his plan backfires.

Josef can’t explain his attraction to Cole, but it's driving him crazy.
When he discovers Cole’s deception, he doesn’t know if he should

be relieved or angry for being lied to, but all that is forgotten
when a crazed alpha threatens Cole. Now Josef must rely on his
friends to help him save the man he loves.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Shape-shifter,
Length: 37,175 words

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Nehalem Pack 3

AJ Jarrett



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by AJ Jarrett
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-721-5

First E-book Publication: April 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher




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Nehalem Pack 3


Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

Winter came and went, and now early summer had sat upon them.

Josef liked the warmer weather. It gave him a reason to be outside
away from the lovebirds taking over the house.

Josef didn’t begrudge his best friends finding their mates, but a

man could only take so much. If he had to admit it, he was jealous
they’d found their one true loves. Hell, even Erik who had just turned
seventeen had a mate. A mate he couldn’t be with because he was
underage, but still.

“What’s eating you?” Skyler, the pack chef extraordinaire and

pain in the ass, asked.

“Nothing,” he muttered as he filled a mug full of steaming-hot

coffee. He took a sip and closed his eyes, relishing in the liquid

“I call bullshit.”
“Well, I don’t give a flying fuck what you call, my dear.” Josef

grabbed a piece of toast from the stack sitting on the counter,
shoveled some eggs inside, then bent it over making a sandwich.

“I’m just saying all the damn sexual pheromones in the air are

taking their toll on me, too.” Skyler turned around and put his hands

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on his hips. “I mean honestly, I think all they do is fuck. Don’t they
need to come up for air or some shit?”

Josef let out a heavy sigh. “I know, it’s rough, but we should be

happy for them.”

“I know, but still, my hand is chafing from all the self-love I’ve

been partaking in.” Josef looked from Skyler’s hands then to his
sandwich and scrunched up his nose. “Oh for the love of Pete. I wash
my hands, you sick freak.”

“Just checking.” Josef kissed Skyler on the cheek as he passed by.
“Oh, before I forget,” Skyler called after him. “Devon said to

remind you that the man interviewing for the position will be here at
seven thirty.”

Josef looked down at his watch and saw he only had five minutes

to get his ass down to the office. “Shit.”

“Have a good day,” he heard Skyler shout as he speed walked

down to the Carsten and Son’s offices.

Carsten and Son’s Construction had been started by his best friend

Devon’s father. After his death, Devon, as the oldest, took on the
burden and responsibilities of running the company and the pack. The
two other Carsten sons were still too young and dealing with the loss
of their parents, so Josef had been more than happy to help Devon run
the business. Devon had been there for him more times than he could
count and now it was his turn to return the favor. Josef never knew his
own father. He’d been gunned down by hunters when Josef was just a
baby. His mother raised him with the help of the pack. Josef spent a
lot of his time with Devon and Viktor while growing up. His mother
was the office secretary for Carsten and Son’s, and he spent all his
time hanging out with his friends.

It was right after Christmas fifteen years ago that his mother had

passed. She had been out grocery shopping and on the way home hit a
patch of ice. The car slid off the road and crashed into a tree. She had
been killed instantly. Josef had only been fifteen at the time. Devon’s
mom and dad took him in, no questions asked. And he had been with

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the Carsten family ever since then. When he lost them due to hunters,
he felt the loss of his parents all over again. Because they never
treated him like an outsider. They loved him, and he loved them, and
when they were gone, it hurt just as much as if he had been their
biological son.

Josef hustled down the small hill toward the office building. The

sun rose on the horizon and warmth flooded down around him. The
trees were green and leafy. Birds sang in the distance, and Josef
couldn’t help but want to take off for an early morning run. He
needed a good workout after listening to Devon and Aiden going at it
all night.

The sound of feet hitting the ground in a run had Josef turning

around. He stood waiting at the front office door to see who was
running through the forest. A gray wolf raced across the ground and
in midair shifted.

“Erik,” Josef called after the kid.
Erik jumped in surprise and spun around to face him. “Hey,

Josef.” The young man gave a small, nervous wave. “What are you
doing up so early?”

“I could be asking you the same thing, young man.” Josef stepped

away from the door and walked over to Erik. “Have you been out all

“Um.” Erik’s eyes fell to stare at the ground. He fidgeted with his

hands, not looking up at Josef.

“Do I need to bring your brothers into this?”
Erik laughed. “They’re too busy to care about what I’m doing.”
“I’d bet you’re wrong in thinking that, kid.” He understood why

Erik might come to that conclusion, seeing as his brothers were
enjoying the pleasures of being mated.

“Whatever,” Erik said with a little more attitude than Josef liked.
“Excuse me?” Josef had been there when Erik had been born and

helped raise the little shit. So for him to act so disrespectful to him or
toward his brothers was unacceptable.

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“Josef, I’m not saying they don’t love me, but they’re busy.” Erik

shrugged. “I’m actually really happy for them. Now if we could only
find you a mate, things would be perfect.” He gave Josef a big goofy

“I bet. Now spill. Where have you been?”
“What does it matter?” Erik huffed. “School’s out. I don’t have a

curfew in the summer, remember?”

The kid had him there, but the no curfew rule only applied if Erik

stayed within their property lines. And he had a sinking feeling that
Erik hadn’t been on pack lands until about few minutes ago when
Josef saw him making a mad dash for the house.

“I’m sure you remember that only applies if you are on our land,

not out about in the city, wolf boy. Now seriously, where were you
last night?” He watched as Erik’s skin paled and he shifted from foot
to foot. He knew he had been caught.

“Erik, I understand you’ve found your mate and want to be with

him, but you can’t. You have to wait until you’re of legal age. It’s our
law and the human law. I’ve met Brandon, and if there is one thing
about that man it’s that he’s honorable. So I have to ask, what are you

“I know, but no one ever said I couldn’t go and watch him from a

distance.” Erik’s chin started to tremble, and Josef’s heart broke for
the kid. “I just want to be near him. I swear he doesn’t know.”

“Kiddo.” Josef pulled him into a hug. “I know this has to be hard

on you, but you have to live your life and not think about him. I know
that’s easier said than done, but you’re just hurting yourself by doing
this.” He pulled back to look at Erik. “I won’t say anything to your
brothers, but you’ve got to promise to knock this off. You have a year
to still be a kid before you go mate crazy like your brothers. Enjoy
this time.”

Erik wiped away the tears from his eyes. “I’m trying. It’s just

really hard.” Erik started to laugh. “I mean really hard.”

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His Dominant Omega



Josef muffled his laugh as he picked up on what Erik meant. “I’ll

take your word for it.” He ruffled Erik’s already-messy hair. “Now go
get cleaned up. I have a guy coming about a job and he’ll be here any
minute. We don’t need you scaring the poor guy away with your
naked ass swaying in the wind.”

Erik started to laugh. He turned around and headed up the hill

toward the house. Josef shook his head. To be seventeen again, he
wouldn’t do it. All the extra hormones racing along in their bodies
then add to that having a mate. It had to suck. He imagined the poor
kid was probably rubbing one off every hour on the hour. Josef
remembered those days, and he didn’t even have a mate.

Josef unlocked the office door and stepped inside. Devon had a

job in Silver Creek he had to finish up on and in his absence asked
Josef to interview the guy. If he seemed on the up-and-up Josef had
permission to hire him. Summer was their busy time. Everyone
wanted to do additions to their homes, and new home buyers were
buying land and wanting houses built. Then they had some restoration
jobs of older homes and buildings around town they were working on.
Summer brought longer days and more work than they could possibly
finish in a timely manner. They always hired on extra help for the
summer months. Carsten and Son’s had been around for close to
thirty years. Everyone in town knew Carsten senior and had no
problems giving their business to him and Devon. They also gave
awesome recommendations, hence all the new work they’d been

Josef enjoyed his job. He didn’t have to spend countless hours tied

down to a desk. Some days required that, but more often than not he
had the freedom to go to the jobsites and help out when office life got
to be too much. He and Devon helped each other out, and when one
needed a break the other picked up the slack. But lately he’d been
doing more picking up than Devon.

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A loud knock on the outer door pulled Josef from his grumbling

thoughts. He hated to be jealous of his friends, but damn it, he wanted
what Devon and Viktor had so badly.

Pushing up from his chair, he walked around his desk then out

toward the front door. The man coming for the interview must have
arrived. Josef wondered why the guy didn’t just walk in. Then he
wondered if he locked it.

The man knocked again, and Josef jogged the rest of the way. He

turned the knob and opened the door. “Come…” His voice trailed off
when he met the greenest eyes he’d ever seen staring back at him. He
moved his jaw up and down but couldn’t make it work. He was
speechless, struck stupid by how cute this potential employee was.

The man gave him a curious look but still held out his hand.

“Hello, I’m Cole Weathers. I’m here to apply for the opening.”

“Yes.” Josef finally found his voice. “Please come on in.” He held

the door open and took a step back giving Cole room to come inside.

“Sorry I’m late, but my truck stalled, and I had to jack with it to

get her running again.” Cole’s chuckle sounded a little nervous.

Josef looked over Cole’s shoulder toward the truck he was

referring to. He had to agree the poor jalopy had seen better days. “No

He led Cole to his office. Cole took a seat in the chair in front of

his desk. Josef walked back to his chair and started to shuffle through
a stack of papers. Devon had given him Cole’s resume yesterday, but
he never even looked at it. He thought he’d just wing it, but now
sitting face-to-face with the little cutie, he desperately wanted that
sheet of paper to help take his mind off of Cole and his hotness.

“Aha.” Josef held up the file. “I found it.” Cole’s brow furrowed,

and he rushed to explain. “Sorry, I don’t usually handle the hiring.
That’s Devon’s job, but he’s out on a jobsite and asked me to cover
for him today.”

“And you are?” Cole asked.

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His Dominant Omega



“Oh shit!” he said louder than he intended to. “I’m Josef, Josef

Bayer.” He leaned across the desk to offer his hand to Cole.

“Hi, Josef.” Cole shook his hand. “Nice to meet you.” He smiled

so brightly Josef almost fell onto his desk.

What felt like a small electric shock sparked against his hand

when he touched Cole’s. He sniffed the air but didn’t smell anything.
Scent was a telltale sign of finding one’s mate, but he didn’t smell
anything unusual. That didn’t mean Cole’s smell wasn’t pleasant. No
it was quite nice, soap and a hint of motor oil. Josef assumed that had
to be from working on his truck.

“So,” Cole said when Josef sat there staring for too long.
“Oh, right.” He skimmed down Cole’s resume and looked back up

at him. “This is your first job?” Having experience wasn’t a must, but
it helped.

“Yes. I was taking classes at Hemsworth but…” Josef watched as

Cole chewed on his lower lip making the plump flesh turn a bright

“But what?” he asked but kept his gaze transfixed on Cole’s lips.
Cole snorted. “I had a falling out with my dad, and he pulled the

card that if I wasn’t living under his roof he wasn’t going to pay for
my college.” Cole shrugged his shoulders. “So I decided to get a job
and pay for it myself. I have to take a few semesters off and save up
so I can reapply later.”

Josef didn’t know the reason for the family falling out, but he

instantly took Cole’s side and wanted to punch his father in the
mouth. Cole looked young. His family should be supporting him, not
making him resort to having to do back-breaking work.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” His tone sounded bitter to his own ears,

and he hoped Cole didn’t pick up on his hostility toward a man he had
never even met before.

“It’s not a big deal.” Cole smiled. “So do I get the job or not? I

mean, I know I don’t have any previous experience, but I’m willing to
learn.” Cole took a deep breath. “I really need this job.”

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Josef looked down to the paper trying to ease his crazed thoughts.

A part of him wanted to wrap Cole in his arms and promise that
everything would be okay. That he didn’t need his family, that Josef
would be his family and take care of him. But why was he having
these thoughts? He just met Cole, and his scent wasn’t giving off any
indicators that they were mates. But Josef couldn’t deny his attraction
toward the young man.

“Then it’s yours.” Josef didn’t think twice. He just offered him the

position. “When can you start?”

“Today, sir.” Cole hopped up from his chair.
Josef stood up. “Great, but first things first.” He led Cole to the

front seating area and pulled out the tax forms. “Fill these out then…”
Josef trailed off when his phone began to ring. He looked down and
saw that it was the architect for the Anderson house. “Sorry but I have
to take this.” Cole nodded his and got to work filling out the

Josef took the call in his office. The architect wanted Josef to meet

him at the Anderson property and go over some last-minute changes
the Andersons wanted to make. He hung up the phone and looked out
at Cole. He smiled at the concentrated look on Cole’s face. His lips
moved as he read over the papers and filled them out. Josef didn’t
want to leave but work called.

He walked back into the room. “Cole, I need to go meet with an

architect for a project I have going. I’ll call the foreman for the job
I’m sending you to. He can show you the ropes and get you started.
I’m sorry I have to leave you.” And he was. More than Cole could
possibly understand.

“It’s okay, really.” Cole stood up and held out his hand. “Thanks

for everything, sir. I promise not to let you down.”

Josef silently cringed at the sir usage again. He wasn’t one of

those guys who was into the whole master-and-sub scene. Not that
that was how Cole meant it, but damn if Josef wasn’t attracted to the

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man. All his thoughts had gone below the belt since he met Cole
fifteen minutes ago.

“Please, call me Josef.” He grabbed Cole’s forearm as he shook

his hand.

“Josef.” Cole smiled brightly at him.
“Good.” Reluctantly he let go and headed for the door. “I’ll call

Dave and he’ll meet you here. Just hang tight and leave those papers
on the desk. Dominic will get all that squared away from you later.”

Josef left before he found another excuse to stay. He put a call in

to Dave who was en route to the job and was okay with turning back
around to come and fetch Cole.

As he drove off, his mind wandered aimlessly back to Cole. The

man stood close to his own height, maybe an inch or two shorter, and
looked thick with muscle, which Josef found appealing. He wasn’t
into thin little guys. He wanted a man who could give as good as he
got and liked to take turns being in the driver’s seat.

He sighed as he thought about running his fingers through the

soft, shaggy, blond hair on Cole’s head. It was cut short in the back
and trimmed close to the scalp around the ears and back and laid
floppy on the top. He had a straight nose and sharp jawline, covered
in a light covering of stubble. The hairs were a little darker than the
hair on his head and stood out against his tan skin.

Josef wanted to reach out and touch the spiky little hairs and feel

them tickle along the underside of his palm, then lean forward,
closing the distance between their lips and kissing Cole’s breath

Josef pushed harder on the gas pedal and sped down the road. He

needed to focus on work, not getting into the pants of his new

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Chapter Two

With Josef gone Cole could breathe and think clearly.
“Just my luck. The only place to hire me just so happens to belong

to my mate,” he whispered. “Freaking perfect.”

Cole could smell Josef before he even walked through the door. It

knocked him off his axis and he couldn’t think straight. That was why
he knocked instead of opening the door.

He knew Josef couldn’t smell him, but he could see the desire in

the other man’s brown eyes. It was distracting, but Cole did his best to
ignore it. The last thing he needed to add to his list of problems was a

Cole had enough problems with his pack without involving Josef.

He could smell the wolf on Josef. He didn’t know what the situation
was with Josef’s pack and thought it best to keep his identity a secret
for the time being. The last thing he wanted was to have another pack
of wolves playing tug-of-war over him.

His father was the alpha of their pack, and his twin older brothers

were the betas, and Cole the omega. His father practiced the
traditional ways of werewolf life and governed with the old laws.
There were three tiers in the hierarchy. Alpha, betas, and omegas
were the leaders of the pack, and they were to be respected.

Being the omega meant Cole had the ability to mask his scent

from others. He also had the ability to calm others. At times he was
referred to as a shrink by his old pack members. In fact that was what
he had been attending school for. Cole wanted to be a psychologist,
but his father was only humoring him by letting him go to college. He
never had any intentions of letting Cole have a life away from the

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pack, and once Cole figured it out he confronted his father. Nothing
good ever came from questioning an alpha, and that was why Cole sat
in an office filling out paperwork for a job.

Leaving his pack had been a tough choice. It was the only life he

had ever known and he had never been apart from his brothers, Jacob
and Joshua. They understood Cole’s need to leave but weren’t strong
enough to follow suit. They would stay and follow their father to hell
and back if the old man asked them to. His brothers were loyal to a
fault. They were also strong as fuck. The stars were aligned the day
his brothers had been born. Two identical, strong betas born to an
alpha. It was like a werewolf lottery. Then to have a third son being
an omega, some pack members joked that his father must of sold his
soul to be so lucky.

Cole didn’t think himself lucky at all. It wasn’t until he met

another wolf, Cody, on campus did he realize not all packs followed
the old ways. Granted, he didn’t know they were the old ways until he
talked with Cody then to his father. Cole also learned that his ability
as an omega didn’t necessarily work on other wolves not raised to
believe in an omega’s gift. Most packs just had an alpha and lived
their lives the best way they could to fit in with human society. They
didn’t think themselves better than other wolves or humans, unlike his

His father didn’t mingle well with others and didn’t like other

wolves or humans on his property. Cole always found it funny that his
father chose law enforcement for his career, considering that he
basically hated everyone but his sons and pack members. But when he
thought about it, his dad wasn’t always like this. It wasn’t until his
mother was killed by a drunk driver that his father became prejudiced
toward others.

Cole was only five when his mother died. She had taken him and

his brothers to the local park. Joshua kicked a ball, and it went into
the street. His mother told the older boys to stay put and keep an eye
on him then jogged after it. She had just reached the ball when a car

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came whipping around the corner. The driver never saw her until it
was too late.

He remembered seeing her body go flying up into the air at the

initial impact. She fell into a heap at the side of the road, and the
driver in the car sped away. Cole tried to run to her, but his brothers
held him back. He stood there helpless while he watched other people
in the park call for help.

Tears ran down his chubby little cheeks, but he didn’t make a

sound. Joshua hugged him to his chest and held onto him until their
father arrived. Everything that happened after that had been a blur.
According to one of his professors his mind blocked out those
harmful memories, and Cole had to agree. He didn’t want to think
about it.

The door behind him opened up, and Cole turned to see an older

man in his late forties standing in the entryway smiling.

“You must be Cole.” He held his hand out and Cole got up to

greet him.

“Yes, sir.”
“Sir?” The man grinned at him. “I like that. You just might work

out after all. Hopefully you can rub off some of those manners on the
other fellows we got working here.” He patted Cole on the shoulder.
“Sir’s nice, but you can call me Dave. You ready?”

Cole nodded his head and left the tax forms where Josef said to

and followed Dave out the door. Dave said to just follow behind him.
When he asked if Cole had a cell phone, Cole said no.

When Cole left the pack his father took that, too.
Dave said he’d have Cole work half the day then send him into

town to get a cell phone. The company paid for all field employees to
have a phone. Dave laughed and said it was to keep tabs on the guys.
Cole didn’t care the whys of it but was grateful. He hated not having a
phone, but until he found steady work he couldn’t afford it, and now
he didn’t have to.

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His Dominant Omega



Forty minutes later Dave introduced him to a group of men. They

were working on putting the roof on a house they had just finished
constructing. Dave said they were planning on putting up the
Sheetrock tomorrow, but today they wanted to finish the outside work
as much as possible. It was supposed to rain later, and Dave didn’t
want the inside to get wet or it’d set them back a day.

The rest of the day went by fast. One of the men, Jamie, took Cole

under his wing and showed him the ropes. He gave Cole an extra tool
belt with nails and a hammer. Jamie and Dave were both really
helpful and answered all his questions, and before long Cole was
working on his own. He had always been good with his hands. His
brothers and he would help pack members with building projects, so
this type of work wasn’t all that new to him.

Like Dave said, he had Cole call off around one. He gave Cole a

card with Carsten and Son’s information and the place to go to get the
phone. Cole tried to give Jamie back the tool belt, but he wouldn’t
take it. Said Cole would need it tomorrow, and Cole thanked him and
took the offered belt.

The drive to town was quiet because the radio in his truck didn’t

work. When he left home, he only took what was in his savings
account before his father put a block on it. He only had a little over
three thousand dollars that he had to make last. He rented a little
apartment in Silver Creek from a nice older lady who he swore was
cutting him a deal and bought some groceries. With the remainder, he
bought this rusty old truck. Beggars couldn’t be choosers, and for a
thousand dollars it was the right price for what he could afford.

The woman at the AT&T store knew the owners of Carsten and

Son’s and set him up with the latest iPhone that all the employees
had. Cole fell in love with the little piece of machinery. It was nicer
than what he had when he lived at home, and since he didn’t have a
television this little guy would offer him some entertainment.

After he left the store he headed home. He yawned and got the

chance to stretch when he stopped at a stop sign. The Early Bean Café

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was right across the street, and he saw Margie, his landlady, standing
outside talking to one of her employees. Cole thought his name was
Shane, but he couldn’t remember. They both waved as his truck
coughed and sputtered down the road. He waved back, and his cheeks
heated with embarrassment. He used to drive a brand-new Dodge
Ram, but like his phone, his dad took that, too.

He pulled his truck up along the curb and got out. He returned

their wave then climbed the steps to the front door. Cole slowly
climbed the two flights of stairs to his little studio apartment. His
quads and calve muscles were killing him. He had to do so much
squatting on the rooftop today and his body just wasn’t use to that. All
the time he spent in the gym didn’t prepare him for manual labor.

Cole unlocked the door and stepped inside. He couldn’t help but

smile in pride at his little home. It wasn’t much, but it was his. Cole
kicked off his boats by the door and went into the kitchen. He pulled
out a frozen pizza and popped it into the oven. After setting the timer
he headed to the bathroom to grab a quick shower.

Within seconds steam filled the small room, and Cole stepped

under the waterfall of hot water. The water cascaded down over his
head to run in rivers down his back and chest. His muscles eased a bit,
and he started to relax. He soaped up his washcloth and scrubbed his
face and body then shampooed his hair. When he was done he spun in
a circle, rinsing off the soap bubbles.

As he stood there soaking up the warmth from the water, his mind

drifted off to thoughts of Josef. His black hair stood out in contrast to
his pale, creamy skin. Cole would guess the man was older than him
but not by too much. Josef’s warm brown eyes held a maturity that
only belonged to a person who knew hardships and heartache.

Cole ran his hands leisurely down his chest. His cock perked up

and stood out in front of him. Letting one hand move upward toward
a pebbled nipped, Cole dropped the other to his growing shaft.

He’d never forget seeing the surprise in Josef’s eyes when he

opened the door. Josef was a little taller than him but Cole was every

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bit as broad as Josef. They stared at each other for what felt like hours
until Cole broke Josef out of his trance.

It wasn’t easy for Cole to be around Josef, and it clearly wasn’t

easy for the other man. But Cole kept his true scent hidden from
Josef. If the man caught one little whiff that he and Cole were mates,
they’d probably had gone at it like rabbits right there in his office.

His hand gripped his cock tight as the image of bedding Josef over

the edge of his desk overcame him. Cole wanted to rip away the snug-
fitting cotton polo Josef wore with his teeth. He stroked his length as
he visualized how Josef’s muscles would jump and pulse as Cole
rubbed along his spine going downward until he reached the firm
globes of Josef’s ass.

“Oh, God.” Cole’s hand sped up as he jerked his cock. He

dropped his other hand down to fondle his balls.

Cole just bet the dark hair that sat on Josef’s head covered his

whole body. A nice pelt over his chest that ran a thin line of hair
down his treasure trail until it reached his groin. Cole wanted to bury
his face in the tight thatch of curls surrounding Josef’s thick cock and
breathe in his manly scent. And Cole new it was thick by the outline
in Josef’s pants. The man had a mighty fine piece of meat behind his

He pictured running his tongue down the groove of Josef’s spine

until he reached the top of his ass. Then he’d pull his cheeks apart and
stare at the dark sprinkles of hair shrouding Josef’s entrance.

Cole’s hand faltered for a moment as he envisioned licking and

sucking at the other man’s opening. He took a deep breath and stroked
faster. His balls drew up close to his dick as his orgasm climbed to the
surface. Two more pulls had him shooting white arcs over the tiled
wall of the shower.

He rested his head back against the wall and tried to catch his

breath. Cole desperately wanted to do all those things to Josef, but
Cole had to get his life in order first. He could only imagine what his
father would say if Cole brought home his mate who just so happened

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to be a wolf, which would please his father, but also a man, which
would not please his father.

Beep, beep, beep.
The timer on the oven sounded, and Cole turned off the water. He

quickly dried off, threw on some boxers, and went to save his pizza
from burning.

Cole got out a plate, stacked some slices on it, and grabbed some

juice from the fridge. He carried it all back to the front seating area,
sat down on the couch, and began to eat. He was starving.

The whole being gay thing never bothered Cole before, but he

knew his dad wouldn’t like it one bit. He wanted his sons to marry
and have a shit load of kids, giving him grandchildren. Being gay
didn’t mean Cole couldn’t give him grandchildren. It just meant that
said grandkids would more than likely be human. Cole still wanted to
have a family one day, and adopting was an option for him that he
totally intended to explore.

But his father would never accept humans into his life. Even if

they were Cole’s children through adoption.

“Fuck him,” Cole grumbled as he bit into another piece of pizza.

“I don’t need your approval, Dad.” And he didn’t. When he chose to
finally let Josef know they were mates, he wouldn’t let his dad poison
what he and Josef had.

After he finished his dinner Cole played around on his phone.

Around ten o’clock Cole decided to call it a night. He got under the
soft cool sheets. His body ached from a hard day’s work but the
mattress hugged his body to perfection, putting Cole at ease. He let
his eyes fall shut. Behind his eyelids all he could see was Josef’s
smiling face.

Cole groaned and rolled over onto his stomach. He pulled the

pillow over his head as if that would block out Josef’s sexy image.
Cole didn’t know how long he could wait before he revealed himself
to Josef. After his wank in the shower, his body craved the real thing.

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Chapter Three

After Josef met up with Jensen Collins, the architect who designed

the Anderson house, he had to really question Jensen’s motives for
the meeting. Nothing on the blueprints had changed, and most of the
time they stood around talking about the fucking weather.

Not that Josef didn’t like spending time with Jensen, he just had

other things to do than waste his time away doing nothing. The guy
was a cute redhead, not typically his type, but a week ago had Jensen
propositioned him he would have accepted. But now he wasn’t so
sure. Luckily he got a call from Devon and made his escape before
that awkward conversation came up.

The day ran long, and he got busy helping some guys finish

installing windows on a small cottage-style house that Josef was
certain held more windows than actual walls. It was pretty, but Josef
would bet money it’d be drafty come winter.

Josef removed his shirt and tossed it in the back. He had sweated

so bad that the damn thing stuck to him like a second skin. When he
got into his truck he turned the air conditioning on max and let the
cool air blow across his damp skin. A little chill caused his arm hair to
stand on end.

His phone started to ring, and he didn’t even look to see who was

calling. He just hit the call screen. “Hello.”

“Josef, hi. It’s Jensen.”
Josef silently cursed himself. He so didn’t need to finish this

conversation. He knew why the man was calling, and any other time
he totally would have been into getting a piece of that sexy little
ginger but now…

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His thoughts trailed off as a picture of a tall blond man with the

most intriguing eyes danced across his memory. Cole.

Josef brought his fist up to his forehead and banged the flat end

against his forehead. He should have checked the caller ID first.
“Hey, Jensen. What’s going on?”

“Not much. I just wanted to thank you again for coming out

today.” Jensen fell silent, and Josef started to pull the phone from his
ear to see if he had dropped the call when the other man spoke up. “I
was wondering if you would like to get something to eat sometime,
with me.”

And there it was. A part of him wanted to say yes, but then a part

of him felt like that would be a betrayal to Cole, which was ridiculous
since he hadn’t even been on a date with the guy.

“Jensen, I’m flattered. I really am, but I don’t want this to infringe

upon our working relationship.” Josef spoke the truth. Devon would
shit monkeys if he hooked up with one of the only architects he
actually really liked.

“You’re not one for mixing business and pleasure.” Jensen

laughed. “I can understand that. But you can’t blame a guy for

“No, you can’t, and I don’t.”
“Great. Well I guess I’ll call you if the Andersons make any more

changes to their house.”

They talked for a few minutes more, laughing about how the

Andersons kept changing every little thing, then said a quick good-
bye. Jensen had another call coming through, and Josef had just
pulled into the driveway in front of his house.

Before getting out of the truck he reached over and snatched up

his discarded shirt and climbed out. As he headed up the walkway he
noticed Devon sitting on the front porch drinking a beer. He walked
up the steps and sat in the lounge chair next to his friend.

“So how did the new guy work out?” Devon asked.

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“Cole?” Devon nodded his head. “Well I hired him if that’s what

you’re asking.” Josef used his shirt to wipe the sweat from his
forehead. For some reason he felt like it just got hotter.

“Good, but I meant how did he work out? He’s not going to be

one of these guys that we hire and never see again, is he?”

Josef understood where Devon was coming from. They hired men

before who worked one day, then it was as if they fell off the face of
the planet. “No, I think this one is going to stick around. I had him
work with Dave and his crew today. And the kid must have made a
good impression. Dave sent him to get a cell phone already. He said
he had a good feeling about his one. Whatever the fuck that’s
supposed to mean.”

“Hey, if Dave likes him, the guy must be on the up-and-up. That

man can smell a worthless piece of shit in a manure pile.”

Josef just nodded his head. Now that Devon brought Cole up, that

was all he could think about. It drove him crazy that he couldn’t shake
this needy feeling to be around the man or to seek him out and plead
for sex. He wasn’t the type to beg for anything. Men threw
themselves at him all the time. Case in point Jensen.

“Everything okay?” Devon crunched his beer can against his

knee, drawing Josef’s attention to him.

“Yeah, I’m just tired I guess.” To emphasize his point he yawned

real wide.

“Sure you are.” Devon tossed the emptied can in Josef’s lap.

“Now seriously, what’s eating you? Ever since we started to talk
about Cole you’ve been doing that nervous leg twitchy thing you do.
So what gives?”

Living and working with his best friend was great most of the

time, but at times like this it sucked. Devon knew him so well he
couldn’t hide the slightest thing from him. Josef let out a frustrated
growl and smacked his shirt over his knee. “Honestly? I can’t stop
thinking about Cole, and it’s driving me crazy.”

“Really?” Devon sat forward in his chair.

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“Don’t get too thrilled. He’s not my mate.” He could tell his

friend was getting excited and didn’t want to burst his bubble.

“Oh.” Devon’s smile quickly turned into a frown.
“Yeah, the scent wasn’t there. I’m definitely attracted to him, but

that’s it.” For some odd reason Josef felt like a shit for saying it was
just a simple attraction. It felt like more than that. But the big
indicator of a mate was the smell, and Cole smelt great and all but just
not like a mate should.

“That sucks.” Josef nodded his agreement. Devon stood up and

held out his hand for him to take. “But nothing’s stopping you from
asking the man out.”

Josef let Devon pull him to his feet. “True.” He gave Devon a

huge shit-eating grin. “God knows I’m sexy as hell, and I have Jensen
Collins to prove it.” He smothered his merriment when Devon’s eyes
widened. “He called and asked me out on a date.”

“He didn’t.”
“He did.”
“What did you say?” Devon asked, and Josef couldn’t help but

think the man looked a few shades paler than usual.

“What do you think I said? Of course I said yes. I’m meeting him

later to violate his sweet little ass.” Any time the opportunity to mess
with Devon came up, Josef took it. What else were friends for?

“Like hell you are,” Devon shouted as he followed Josef into the


He couldn’t stop laughing at the irate look on Devon’s face.

Before Devon lost his cool and blew a gasket, Josef fessed up. “I’m
just fucking with you. I know how much you like Jensen’s work. I
wouldn’t mess that work relationship up for you.” He wrapped an arm
around Devon’s shoulder and guided him toward the kitchen.

“What a relief. You had me going there for a minute.” Devon

stopped him before they could enter the kitchen where the others had
already convened. “But if it turns out that you do really like Jensen, I
can make an exception for you.”

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Josef appreciated Devon’s offer, but it wasn’t necessary. Until he

got Cole out of his system all the men in a hundred-mile radius were
safe. “I like him, but just not in that way, Devon. But thank you.”

Devon gave him a curt nod then headed into the kitchen. His

mate, Aiden, sat at the end of the table talking with Erik. Devon took
the seat next to his mate, and Aiden gave him a welcome kiss.

Josef looked across from those two lovebirds to see Viktor and

Shane. They were whispering softly to one another, and Josef had no
doubt it was in reference to them having crazy wild sex somewhere
later that night in the great wide open.

He took his seat at the end, and Erik looked up from his plate to

smile at him. Erik’s eyes went from one couple to the next then he
shook his head and rolled his eyes. Josef started to laugh, and the four
men in question looked at him.

Yep this was his life now. Watching his friends find love while he

sat back in the wings all alone. It wouldn’t be forever. Josef had faith
he’d find his mate, but the question was when? And when he did find
his mate would this silly crush he had on Cole go away? Josef
couldn’t put his finger on why he liked Cole. They just met and only
talked for a few minutes. Surely what Josef felt on the inside stemmed
from a major case of loneliness.

Skyler brought over dinner and everyone dug in. Conversation

drifted from one person to the next and the idle chatter briefly took his
mind off a man he couldn’t have.

* * * *

The night went by fast, and Josef had to thank a hard day’s work

for that. After dinner he took a shower and turned in for the night. His
dreams were filled with Cole in different degrees of being undressed.

Josef welcomed the dreams. At least in his subconscious he didn’t

feel guilty for pining over a guy he just met. In fact it gave him the
courage to go and see the man the next day. With any luck he could

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get a read on Cole and make sure he was interested before he went
and embarrassed himself.

With a plan set, Josef left the house of love, as he started to refer

to it, and headed toward the work site. He had called Dave to confirm
he had Cole working at the same house again. They were hanging
Sheetrock today, and Josef thought that gave him an excellent excuse
to go and supervise.

Josef had the music turned up and was singing along to a song

when a familiar rusty, not-fit-for-the-road truck came into view. It
was pulled off on the shoulder with the hood propped open and the
owner standing in front of it.

“It seems to be my lucky day.” Josef sang out the words. He hit

his blinker and pulled up behind Cole’s pickup and got out. “Can I
help with anything?”

At the sound of his voice Cole’s head peeked around the corner. A

warm smile crossed his lips, and he waved Josef over. “Only if you
know anything about engines. I think the old girl is on her last leg.”

Josef stepped beside Cole and took a deep breath, just checking to

make sure he didn’t miss something before.

Nope, just soap and Cole’s natural musk. But still Josef thought

the man smelt delicious.

He looked down at the inside of the old truck and almost laughed.

The wires connecting the battery were being held together with
masking tape. Not the type of tape that can withstand high

“I think I know what your problem is.” Josef pointed to the

crumb-covered battery that looked original to the truck.

“Yeah, what?” Cole took a step back, and his elbow brushed

against Josef’s arm, and his breath caught in his chest. The small
touch was electric.

“I’m not sure how much you know about trucks”—he pointed

down at the offending battery—“but masking tape isn’t the best

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choice to hold car parts together.” He did laugh then at Cole’s raised
eyebrows. “It’s like hooking up a tow hitch with a shoe string.”

Cole stepped back to the truck, braced his hands on the edge of

the hood and looked inside. Josef took the chance and skimmed his
eyes over Cole’s backside. His jeans were a little baggy but not much.
Josef could make out the hard muscles that clung to his legs and ass.
God, he’d give his right nut to see this man naked even if for just a

“Fuck me!” Cole shouted.
“Gladly,” Josef muttered.
“Excuse me?” Cole looked over his shoulder and raised an

eyebrow at him. “Did you say something?”

Josef quickly looked up and wiped his hand across his mouth.

He’d just been caught eyeing the man’s ass and didn’t want to add
insult to injury by drooling down his chin. “Uh, no. I didn’t say

Cole squinted an eye as he looked at him. A small knowing smile

graced his lips like he knew exactly what Josef had said. But he
whispered the word so softly there was no way the other man could
have heard him. Josef might have lost his finesse when in this man’s
presence, but he sure as shit wouldn’t have said something like that
for the man to hear. If Cole wasn’t into him, he could file a sexual
harassment suit. That was the last thing Josef needed.

“What am I going to do?” Cole said more to himself as he turned

back toward his truck. “Fuck, I so don’t need this right now.” He
banged his hands down on the hood.

“Hey, calm down.” Josef stepped up behind Cole and rested his

palms on the other man’s shoulders. He lightly ran his thumbs in a
circular motion trying to relieve the tension in the man’s body. “Let
me make a phone call. I’ll have the shop in town tow it back and have
them fix the battery.”

“I can’t do that.” Cole turned around to face him. “Even if they fix

it, I can’t afford to pay for it. I’m screwed.”

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Josef’s eyes fell to watch Cole’s lips as he talked. It was like this

man put him under a spell, and no matter what he wanted or requested
Josef wanted to do it. He wanted to see Cole smile again.

“Not today you’re not.” Josef stepped around Cole. He needed to

put some distance between him and the man before he kissed the
breath from his plump pink lips. He dropped the hood and pulled out
his cell phone.

“What are you doing?” Cole asked as he followed closely behind


“I’m going to have your truck towed back to town and pay to have

a new battery put in it.” He held up his hand when Cole started to
protest. “Just stop. You can pay me back when you can, no rush.”

Cole chuckled. “That’s very trusting of you. How do you know

I’ll pay you back?”

“Well first off, I sign your checks, and second, I know where you


After a minute of Cole staring at him the man finally relented and

nodded his head. “Thank you. I promise to pay you back every cent.”

“I trust that you will.” Josef dialed the number and hit send. He

paced back and forth while he waited for the call to be answered.
Once he got the arrangements made he turned back to Cole who was
leaning against his truck.

“All set?” Cole asked as he stood up.
“Yep.” Josef nodded his head. He motioned from Cole’s truck to

his own. “Why don’t you grab your stuff, and I’ll be your chauffer for
the day. Be sure to leave your keys under the seat. They’ll be here
within the hour.”

“Chauffer,” Cole said the word teasingly. “I might get use to that.

I’ve never had my own personal driver before.”

Josef couldn’t believe he offered it. He just sentenced himself to

be around the man who made his blood boil and his dick hard all day

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He looked heavenward. Please God, give me the strength not to

embarrass myself today. It was a small prayer for control and he
hoped the big man upstairs was listening and took pity on him today.

On the ride to the jobsite Josef talked the whole way. His

nervousness was causing him to fidget and talk nonstop. Thankfully
Cole didn’t notice his discomfort. He talked right along with Josef as
if talking about late-night television was truly that interesting.

Josef breathed a sigh of relief when he pulled up and saw Dave’s

smiling face. The foreman politely told Cole what they were working
on, and Cole got right to work. Josef was impressed with how easy
Cole fell right into place with the other guys. Everything and
everyone seemed to be extra calm and relaxed, and it actually made
the work go by smoothly. Carsten and Son’s had some really great
employees, but when a group of men were thrown together, in the
heat no less, sometimes emotions ran high. If a guy wasn’t pulling his
weight someone would call him on it, and the next thing Josef knew a
call was coming in to him or Devon to come put out a fire. Josef
didn’t care what reason had the men getting along. He was just
appreciative because now he could focus on Cole all day.

After standing around for ten minutes, Josef picked up a hammer

and started to help. He’d worked construction for Devon’s dad when
he was in high school, and he still helped out when the occasion
called for it. So hard labor wasn’t something new to him, and it
helped keep his mind off a sweaty, smiling Cole.

Cole reminded him of Aiden. Both men were attending school to

become a psychologist, and Josef had to admit, like Aiden, Cole had a
way about him that made a person want to empty out his soul and talk
about his problems. It wasn’t that Cole pried or anything, he just
listened, and sometimes that’s all it took.

Around eleven o’clock the mechanic from the auto body shop

called and said Cole’s truck was finished and ready to be picked up.
Not wanting to give up on the chance to spend time with Cole, he

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asked the man to deliver it to Cole’s apartment and said that he’d
come by and pay for the work and pick up the key.

Josef left with the excuse that he had to go to a meeting and that

he’d be back later. He hurried to town and paid the bill then drove by
Cole’s apartment to make sure the truck had been delivered safely.
Not that it would matter if the truck got side swiped. It’d probably
make the hunk of junk look better.

Devon called when he was heading back and asked him to go look

at the sidewalk in front of The Early Bean Café. The owner, Margie,
had called saying that Shane stumbled while sweeping in front of the
café and Viktor wanted the whole thing replaced. Shane was Viktor’s
mate, and he knew his friend was being overprotective, but it didn’t
matter. Josef turned his truck around and parked in front of the shop.

“Hey,” Shane called out to him.
“Hey, Shane.” Josef walked around his truck to inspect the

sidewalk. It wasn’t terribly bad, but all the salt that had been thrown
on the ground this past winter had caused some damage.

“You know…” Josef looked over at Shane and smiled. “I thought

cats were supposed to be agile.” He started to laugh when Shane
flipped him off. “I was just kidding.” He held up his hands in self-

“Asshole,” Shane said but had a smile splitting across his face. “I

swear you wolves must have an inferiority complex. Like I tell
Viktor, I don’t think tigers are better. I know we are.” Shane snapped
his fingers and did a little dance. “How do you like that?”

Josef shook his head. “You got me, tiger.”
“Funny.” Shane punched him lightly in the arm. “So about this

sidewalk. I know Viktor is overreacting, but I’d hate for Margie to
take a spill,” he said quietly, not wanting the woman in question to
hear them.

“I agree. If anything happened to her, who would make the

chocolate fudge cake I love so much?”

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Josef got to work writing up an estimate. He cut the price in half

because telling Margie that they were doing it for free wouldn’t fly
with the woman. She was very independent, and Josef respected that,
but it still didn’t mean he couldn’t cut her a deal.

After a cup of coffee and a piece of his favorite chocolate cake he

headed back to Cole. They were finishing up on hanging the
Sheetrock when he pulled up out front. He stepped out of the truck
and stumbled on his feet.

Cole wasn’t wearing his shirt, and his hair stood up in all

directions from combing his hands through it. His laughter carried
through the open door, and Josef’s heart skipped a beat. He just stood
there staring, unable to move.

“Josef?” the object of his affection hollered out to him. “You


Josef shook himself awake and plastered a smile on his face. Once

again he’d been caught looking just a little too long. “I’m great.”

The rest of the day went along with easy conversation. Cole was a

funny guy. He cracked the lamest jokes, but they were cute how he
delivered them. Josef’s cheeks ached from smiling so much.

Cole liked to use his hands when he talked, and he looked so

animated. He also liked to touch. More than once Josef dropped his
tools when the searing touch of the other man landed on his arm.
Josef was relieved when Dave finally called work for the day. Any
more time spent with Cole in his half-dressed and sweat-covered
condition, Josef would be on his knees pulling out Cole’s cock to
feast on.

He just needed to get the other man home safe and sound without

jumping him. Josef thought that might be something more easily said
than done.

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Chapter Four

Josef pulled up to Cole’s apartment and parked in front. He didn’t

turn off the engine. He didn’t want Cole to think he expected anything
for driving him home or for fixing his truck.

“Well, thanks again for my truck and for driving me around

today,” Cole said. He turned in his seat, and Josef gazed into his
vibrant emerald eyes.

“It was no problem.” Josef waved off his praise. “I enjoyed it.”
“You enjoyed it?” Cole tilted his head, and Josef feared the man

could see right into his brain and read all the dirty thoughts he was

“Um…yeah,” was the only intelligent thing he could muster to

say, and that was better than nodding or pointing.

Cole’s smile fell from his lips, and he scooted a little closer to

Josef. Josef held his breath when Cole reached out his hand and ran a
finger down the side of his face. His eyes blinked shut at the soft

“I enjoyed it, too.” Cole’s whispered words met his ears just

seconds before his lips touched Josef’s.

Josef slowly started to move his lips against Cole’s. The world

seemed to stop. Cole’s tongue eagerly pushed at his mouth, wanting
entrance, and Josef wasn’t one to refuse such a simple request.

All too soon Cole pulled away. “Shit. I didn’t mean for that to

happen.” Cole wiped his hand across his lips.

Josef coughed to clear his throat. “It’s okay, really.” He wanted to

calm Cole down. If Cole got too worked up, there wouldn’t be
another kiss following that one.

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“No, it’s not.” Cole laughed without humor. “You’re my boss, and

I’m also not looking for a boyfriend right now.” He blew out a hard
breath. “Let’s just forget this ever happened.”

Ouch! Cole’s cold statement was like a punch to the nose. He

thought the kiss was earth shattering. Fireworks exploded behind his
eyes at the first brush of lips against lips. The way Cole was into the
kiss there was no way he could have faked that. Cole pursued him, not
the other way around, and now the man wanted to pretend like it
never happened.

“Sure,” was all he could say in response.
Cole smiled at him one more time then got out of the truck. Josef

pulled back onto the main road and got stopped by the next stop light.
He rubbed at the pain in his chest. That one kiss was enough for Josef
to realize he wanted more. But Cole shut that down. He said he wasn’t
looking for a boyfriend.

A car horn blared behind him, and he looked up to see the light

had turned green. He looked in his rearview mirror and waved an
apology to the woman behind him. Motion in the mirror caught his
attention, and he pulled off to the side of the road.

He watched as two very large and very handsome men

approached Cole. Cole must have known them and took off running
in their direction and jumped into one of the men’s open arms. The
other man came around to hug Cole from behind. It was a like human
sandwich with Cole in the middle.

What the fuck! Josef ground his teeth together. His pulse pounded

at his temples. Now he saw how it was. It wasn’t that Cole didn’t
want to date. It was just Josef he didn’t want to date. And to pile on
top of an already shitty situation, Cole apparently was dating someone
else. No, check that. Two someone else’s.

Josef checked for oncoming traffic and spun his tires as he raced

down the road. He didn’t care if Cole saw him or not. He was hurt,
and he needed to put as much distance between him and the other man
as possible.

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He felt like such an idiot. It had only been two days. Why was he

so affected by this one man?

His phone started to ring as he pulled into the driveway. He

looked down and saw Jensen’s number flashing across the screen. A
grin curved his lips. Jensen might not be the man he wanted to be with
but he sure as hell would help take his mind off of Cole.

* * * *

Cole got out of Josef’s truck feeling like an idiot. He let himself

give into his desires and kissed him. It was stupid of him to do, but
after working alongside the man all day he had so much pent-up
aggression that he had to unleash. Granted he didn’t mean to release it
all over Josef’s mouth, but Cole wasn’t perfect. Josef was his mate, so
it helped him not feel as guilty or slutty for throwing himself at his
boss but it still wasn’t fair to Josef. He could see that the other man
desired him, and if Cole wasn’t going to claim his mate, then he had
no business leading him on. He wasn’t saying he’d never claim Josef,
just not right now. He needed time to figure out his fucked-up life.

A familiar high-pitched whistle had him spinning on his heels.

Cole’s brooding mood quickly shifted to elation.

“Hey, little brother, whatcha doing?”
The sight of his brothers was a welcome one. He hadn’t seen them

in two weeks, and with no phone he hadn’t been able to call them.
That had been the excuse he told himself but the truth was he didn’t
want them to pressure him into coming back home. He loved his
brothers more than life itself, but they abided by all their father’s
crazy rules, and that just wasn’t the life Cole wanted to live anymore.

“Josh, Jake.” Without thinking twice about it, he ran straight into

Josh’s open arms. They hugged him tight, and he could feel their
brotherly bond seep into his skin. They’d always been close, and
when one was feeling down the other two would rally around the

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other until he felt better. Just like what his brothers were doing for
him right now.

“I’ve missed you two so much,” Cole admitted when his brothers

finally released their death grip. He was happy to see his brothers, no
doubt about it, but if they came to him it had to be for a good reason.
They knew why he left and understood. They would have left with
him if they thought their dad wouldn’t have dragged them all back.
Josh and Jake wanted Cole to have a chance at life without the iron
rule of their father. “But I have to ask.” Cole raised an eyebrow as he
scrutinized his brother’s uneasy body language. “Why are you here?”

“To see you, squirt,” Jake said with a smile. His lips began to

twitch, giving away his nervous tick. Cole knew instantly this wasn’t
a “we came to visit just because we missed you” visit.

“Yeah, nice try.” Cole crossed his arms over his chest. “What else

you got?”

“Asshole.” Josh punched Jake in the arm, and Cole flinched at the

hard impact the sound made. “You’ve always been too observant,
little brother.”

“Well I’ve learned from the best,” Cole said. “So what gives?”

Cole pressed.

Josh looked to Jake then back to him. “You tell him.”
“No, you tell him.” Jake shoved Josh, and the next thing Cole

knew his brothers were wrestling on the ground.

“Stop it,” Cole hissed as he looked around to make sure they

hadn’t attracted an audience. He helped his two Neanderthal brothers
to their feet then headed up the front steps. “Let’s take this inside.”

Once they were in his apartment, Cole grabbed some sodas and

brought them out to his brothers. Cole took a long pull from the frosty
can and wished it were a beer. From the nervous glances his brothers
kept shooting each other he had a feeling he wasn’t going to like what
they had to say. He quirked his eyebrows at his brothers and waved
his hand in a circular motion wanting them to get on with it. “So?”

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“We hate to come to you with this,” Josh answered. “And it

wasn’t dad who sent us. He’s still pretty pissed at you for leaving.”

Cole rolled his eyes. No surprise there. Cole knew his father

thought he was being disrespectful by not following his orders and
being the perfect little omega he was supposed to be. Most omegas
were passive, and for the most part Cole was, but he was sick and
tired of all the hate his father spewed everywhere and of him not
wanting Cole to live a life outside of the pack. He totally understood
his father’s anger over their mother’s death, but not all humans were
bad. Just like not all wolves were bad.

“Shocker,” Cole said in mock horror.
“There’s a new pack that has taken residence in our territory.

Father has asked them to move on, but the guy won’t budge. He keeps
hinting around that he’s going to challenge father for his rank as
alpha, but father laughed it off. Says not to worry about it because he

Cole nodded his head. That sounded just like his father not

bothering himself with threats from people he considered beneath
him. “So what’s the problem? If father isn’t worried, why are you

“Because we found a dead wolf today on pack lands,” Jake said.

“Its throat had been ripped out.”

“Dear God!” Cole didn’t mean to raise his voice, but that was


“Don’t panic,” Josh was quick to reassure. “It wasn’t a shifter. It

was an actual wolf-wolf.”

Cole wanted to flick both his brothers on the head. They could

have opened with that tidbit of information. “So what? A dead wolf is
hardly anything to lose your shit over.” Cole shrugged his shoulders.
“It could have been hunters or even a wolf attack. What makes you
think it was this new pack in town?”

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“Because, smartass.” Josh set his soda can down and leaned

forward. He fished a blood-stained note from his pocket then tossed it
at Cole. “This was shoved in the poor animal’s mouth.”

Cole flattened out the crumbled piece of paper. In block-styled

handwriting was a note to his father.

I thought I’d give you a taste of what’s to come. You’re next,


He reread the short note over and over again. It was clearly a

threat directed at his father. He couldn’t comprehend why his dick of
a dad hadn’t taken this sick fuck out yet.

“What has Father said about this?” He looked to Josh then to Jake.
“Nothing. He thinks it’s an empty threat,” Josh answered.
“Right.” Cole slowly nodded his head. “Because no one would

dare mess with the fearsome Randal Weathers.”

All his life he grew up thinking his father was larger than life, and

after his mother died that image skewed into something different.

His father thought himself indestructible. The pack and even he

and his brothers lived in fear of their alpha.

It was quiet. They all sat there, not saying a word, and Cole had to

wonder again why his brothers came looking for him? If his father
didn’t want him back, then why did Josh and Jake waste their time?
No doubt they were going to get their asses handed to them by their
father when he found out.

“Not that I’m not happy to see you guys, because I am”—Cole

relaxed back on his chair and crossed one leg over the other—“but
why exactly are you here?”

“Josh and I”—Cole watched as Jake looked nervously over to

Josh—“were hoping you would come back and maybe talk with this
other alpha. Use your freaky gift to get him to see reason.”

“What happens if it doesn’t work?” He sat forward and rested his

elbows on his knees and stared between his two brothers. His gift
didn’t work on their father and from what his father had told him
when Cole was just a child most alpha’s were immune to his gift.

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“You both know my gift doesn’t affect alphas. And not all wolves or
even humans are susceptible to my ability.”

“If it doesn’t work, we’ll kill that fucker,” Josh said bluntly with

no emotion behind his tone.

Cole could only stare at his brother. It was a long shot that might

get them all killed. He didn’t know squat about this other wolf and his
pack members. Cole and his brothers could walk right into an

Not wanting to discuss it anymore with his brothers, Cole said

he’d think about it. He had started a life in Silver Creek and couldn’t
just pick up and leave town for a few days. He had a job that counted
on him, and he had bills to pay.

“That’s all we can ask for, little brother.” Jake gave him a genuine


“So when do you guys have to go back?” It might have been pack

business that brought his brothers to him, but he was glad they were
here nonetheless.

“Not until morning. Dad went hunting with a few of the pack

members, so he won’t be back until late tomorrow evening.”

Not surprising once again to Cole. In the eye of possible danger

his father would go hunting. Typical.

“You two can stay here tonight if you want,” Cole offered.
“We appreciate that,” Josh said as he relaxed back. “So what can

we do for fun around here?” Josh wiggled his eyebrows, and Cole
knew exactly what his brother had in mind, and truth be told he
needed something to help take his mind off of Josef.

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Chapter Five

“Where you going?”
Josef looked up when he heard Viktor’s rough low voice. “Out.”
“That wasn’t my question.” Viktor stepped closer to him.
“I’m going out.” Josef shoved his wallet into his back pocket and

checked the mirror. He finger combed through his damp hair then
took a brief moment to assess his outfit one more time. He didn’t
know why he was so nervous, but he was. Jensen was a friend not
someone he had romantic lovey-dovey feelings for, but he couldn’t
shake the guilt that caused his hands to tremble. He sort of felt like he
was cheating on Cole.

Why should you feel guilty? He obviously doesn’t. Plus Cole’s

probably the center ingredient to a three-way sandwich, being
sexually violated, in a good way, by those two hunks you saw him with

Josef clenched his teeth at the memory of seeing those two brutes

embracing the man he wanted to be with. His conscience was right.
He shouldn’t feel guilty. He wasn’t with Cole, and Cole made it
abundantly clear he didn’t want to be with him. And why would he?
Cole had a pair of hot twins in his back pocket.

“Where?” Viktor stared at him in the reflection of the mirror.
Josef almost forgot his friend was in the room. “I’m going to Club

Sin with Jensen,” Josef spit out. Viktor wouldn’t leave him alone until
he fessed up.

Viktor whistled low. “That hot little architect, nice.” He held up

his hand for Josef to high-five him.

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“Viktor Carsten!” Shane hissed. Being, as he was, a tiger shifter it

was an actual hiss. “You’re not allowed to think other men are hot.”
Shane crossed his arms, and his lower lip stuck out in a pout.

“Oh, baby.” Viktor walked over to his mate and pulled him into a

hug. “No one is as hot as you.” Viktor bent his head and started to
nibble on his mate’s neck. “Or as tasty.”

Josef rolled his eyes heavenward. “For the love of God, can you

guys please not do that in my fucking room? Jeez,” Josef grumbled as
he passed them, leaving his room.

“Hey, can we come?” Viktor asked.
“What?” Josef asked as he turned to look at his friend. “Why

would you two want to go clubbing with me and Jensen?”

“It’s where we first met.” Viktor looked all doe eyed when he

looked down into his mate’s eyes. It made Josef’s stomach roll with

“Plus it’s good foreplay,” Shane chimed in as he stood up on his

tiptoes to plant a kiss on Viktor’s lips.

He didn’t particularly care if his friend and his mate tagged along.

Josef knew the pair would be wrapped around each other like wire
pipe cleaners, ignoring the rest of the world around them.

“If you two promise to knock that shit off, then fine, let’s go.” He

beckoned for the two men to follow him.

Josef suggested, no more like demanded, they drive separately. He

didn’t think he could handle listening to the two of them kissing and
doing their sexy little whispering back and forth to one another. He
was happy for Viktor, he really was, but it almost felt like they were
constantly rubbing the fact that they found their one and only in his
face. It was ridiculous, and he knew it, but it didn’t make his heart
hurt any less.

A little over thirty minutes later Josef pulled into the parking lot.

Jensen had texted that he was already inside and he’d wait at the bar
for Josef. Like he expected, once inside, Shane lead Viktor out onto

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the dance floor where they were bumping and grinding all over each

“Truly sickening.” Josef shook his head as he turned to head for

the bar.

The sight of a hand waving at him caught Josef’s attention. Jensen

sat perched on a barstool with a man and woman surrounding him.
Josef lifted an eyebrow at the trio the closer he got. The woman was
leant over close to Jensen’s left ear while the guy was doing the same
to his right ear. By the look on Jensen’s face he didn’t mind the

“Jensen,” Josef said loudly over the blaring music.
“You made it.” Josef hopped off the stool, turned to the pair and

said something, and left them standing there. The couple looked
disappointed but moved on to another guy.

“Yep, did you doubt me?”
“No, just surprised is all.” Jensen looked up through his thick

eyelashes giving what Josef considered a seductive leer.

His dick twitched behind his zipper as he stared back into Jensen’s

soft blue eyes. The man was good-looking, no doubt about it, and
Josef’s body responded to him. There was one little thing that kept
floating through Josef’s mind, Cole, and that put a stop to his rising

Clearing his throat, Josef nodded in the direction the man and

woman went. “What was up with that?” He needed to change the
subject and get his mind off of sex.

“Oh them?” Jensen turned to look over his shoulder then turned

back to Josef with a smirk on his lips. “They wanted me to join
them.” He winked at Josef.

Josef looked over at the man and woman again. Club Sin was

mainly a club for gay men, but women did frequent the establishment.
The women he had met since he started coming here said they liked it
because the men weren’t pawing all over them. They could come
drink and dance without being fondled. It didn’t bother Josef. He had

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met a lot of nice women that way, but never had he ever been
propositioned by one.

“Huh.” He rubbed his chin and pointed back to the bar. “Want

another drink?” Josef motioned to Jensen’s empty glass.

Josef cleared a path back to the bar and ordered their drinks. He

drowned his shot in one gulp then ordered another. The liquid burned
as it rushed down his throat, and his eyes watered. He needed a little
extra liquid courage to help him feel free. Jensen wanted him, and
Josef needed to find some relief.

He threw back three more shots of the amber-colored whiskey and

slammed the small glass down on the counter.

“Hey, slow down,” Jensen said. Soft fingers ran up the length of

his arm, igniting goose bumps to cover his skin.

Josef pulled Jensen close to him, and he grinned when a shocked

look lit up the man’s face. “You want to dance?” He didn’t wait for
Jensen to respond, just grabbed him by the hand and led him to the
dance floor.

* * * *

Club Sin was the only club Cole had visited since moving to

Silver Creek, so that’s where he took his two very straight brothers.
He’d seen women there before and thought it gave his brothers better
odds at finding a willing bed partner or whatever they were looking
for. Cole, on the other hand, just wanted to let go and forget about the
mishap earlier with Josef. The man lingered in his every thought.
When he closed his eyes he saw the man’s smiling face staring back
at him. His damp swollen lips from the kiss they shared and the dazed
look in his eyes.

“Dude!” Josh shouted above the music. “What the hell, Cole. This

is a dude-on-dude club.”

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Cole pinched his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “Yes,

it’s a gay club, but there are women all around.” He pointed toward a
group of women. “See.”

“Yeah, but how do you know they aren’t lesbians?” Jake asked.
Good question. His gaydar didn’t extend toward the female

species. “I don’t,” he said bluntly. “Why don’t you guys go talk to
them and see what happens. At the very least you can just have some

With that Cole turned on his heel and headed toward the bar. He

ordered a Bud Light and didn’t even acknowledge the bartender’s
advances as he handed over the beer and caressed his finger over
Cole’s knuckles in the process. Cole didn’t want anyone. He already
had a someone. Josef was his mate even though the other man didn’t
know it.

The music pulsed loudly, and his heart fell in beat with the

rhythm. He looked over to see his brothers had indeed found some
straight women and were using their God-given charms on the ladies.
Cole smiled in their direction then moved toward the dance floor.

Bodies danced and swayed to the music, and Cole bopped his

head to the beat. His eyes ate up the dance floor. He scanned the
occupants and wished he had the energy to go out there and join them.
Cole leaned against the railing that lined the dance floor, resting on
his elbows.

He was taking another drink of his beer when a hard body grabbed

his attention. The man had his back to Cole and was dancing with
another man. The man with his back toward Cole had thick dark hair,
and sweat damped the back of his shirt. He moved his hips with his
dance partner who had his arms twined around the other man’s neck.

Cole scented the air, wanting to inhale the smells of men and

sweat. Watching the man dance had him wanting. Another set of
dancers bumped into tall dark and sexy, and he turned around.


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Cole clenched his fist around his beer bottle and stood up slowly.

Anger coursed through his veins fueling his legs into motion. There
was no way his mate was going to sexy dance with anyone other than
him. His little dance partner had a smack down coming. No one
touched what was his.

He stormed forward. The music changed again, and more bodies

filed onto the dance floor. He pushed his way through the crowd, only
stopping when he reached Josef. With a tight grip on his mate’s arm,
he spun him around.

Recognition flared in Josef’s eyes. And between the flushed skin,

full pink lips, Cole couldn’t help himself. He fisted his hands in
Josef’s shirt and yanked him forward, covering his oh-so-kissable
mouth. Cole’s hands came up to grip at his wrist, but he didn’t pull
away. Cole hummed his approval as he forced his tongue into Josef’s
moist heat. The spicy tang of hard liquor burned his tongue, but he
didn’t break the kiss. He sucked and nipped at Josef’s lips, laying
claim to what belonged to him.

“Excuse me,” a small faint voice said from beside him.
Cole pulled away and stared up into Josef’s big brown eyes.

Josef’s tongue darted out to lick along his lips, and a smile curled
Cole’s upper lip. His mate looked utterly debauched.

“Josef?” the faint voice asked again, pulling Cole’s attention

toward him.

He slowly turned his head, keeping a firm grip on Josef, to look

down at the other man. Cole narrowed his eyes at the man and said
one little word that had a huge fucking meaning to it, “Mine.”

Cole released his hands from Josef’s shirt and grabbed him by the

hand. He guided him through the throng of sweaty bodies toward the
back door that led to the parking lot. Cole kicked it open with his foot
and the cool night air caressed his damp face.

“Cole, what’s going on?” Josef asked.
Figuring they were far enough out not to be disturbed, Cole turned

around with lightning-fast speed and pinned Josef to the side of a car.

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“This,” he growled right before he slammed his mouth down on
Josef’s kiss-swollen lips.

Josef gasped, and Cole took the opportunity to ravage his mate’s

mouth. As the kiss grew deeper and their hands grabbed and stroked
each other’s bodies, Cole’s scent slowly started to filter through to his
mate. He didn’t mean for that to happen, but his body was on
overload and all his wolf wanted to do was claim its mate.

Every time Josef tried to pull away Cole followed him forward,

not allowing the connection to break. He let his hands stroke down
Josef’s chest, and he didn’t stop until he reached the fastening on his
mate’s jeans. He quickly popped the snap and dragged down the
zipper. Cole shoved his hand into his mate’s pants, and they both
moaned when his fingers clamped around Josef’s hard length.

The hard muscle covered with silky smooth skin felt heavy in

Cole’s hand. He jerked his hand from base to tip and let his index
finger trail across the leaking cap. Drips of pre-cum slicked his

Cole was excited, and his cock throbbed, demanding release.
Keeping one hand on Josef, continuing to work his meat, he used

his other hand to free his growing erection. When he was pulled from
his denim binding, he bumped his naked flesh against Josef’s. His
mate moaned loudly and let his hands drop down, and Cole flinched
at the tight hold Josef had on his ass.

In no time flat they found their rhythm. Cole rocked into Josef,

rubbing their heated cocks together. Josef’s tongue fought for
dominance over Cole, but he just tightened his fist, bringing Josef to
heel. Cole might be an omega and calm by nature, but in the bedroom
he liked to let his demanding side take over, and something told him
Josef liked letting him sit in the driver’s seat.

A soft whimper left Josef’s throat, and the small sound urged Cole

on. He worked his hand in quick pulls, combining their juices with
every tug.

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Tingles ran along Cole’s spine, and his balls drew up close to his

body. His orgasm neared the finish line, and he could feel Josef’s dick
swell in his hand. A few pumps of his fist later Josef shot his creamy
cum over Cole’s hand, and Cole followed him into the abyss. He shot
his load, being sure to angle his cockhead at Josef’s groin area,
painting his mate in his cum. Cole needed to mark his territory.

As their breathing started to even out, Cole kissed along Josef’s

jawline, dipping lower to nip at his neck. It might have just been the
euphoria from just coming, but Cole felt lighter than air. Being so
close and sharing such an intimate moment with his mate put Cole at
ease. So much so he wasn’t prepared when Josef placed his hands on
his chest and pushed him away. Cole stumbled as his pants were
halfway down his legs.

He fell against the car parked behind him. He looked up and saw

the hard set of his mate’s jaw and knew he had a lot of explaining to

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Chapter Six

After the orgasmic high started to fade, Josef came back to his

body with a hard thud.

“How?” He bit out the word, just barely hanging on to his rage.

The heavenly cent of cinnamon and chocolate clung to his nose. The
aroma generated from Cole, and it was an intoxicating scent Josef had
never smelt from the man before. It spoke to his soul and made Josef
feel complete in ways no lover had before. Which meant only one

“How what?” Cole asked nonchalantly like he didn’t have a

fucking clue as to what Josef referred to.

“Don’t give me that shit.” He edged closer to Cole and hovered

over him. “How did you mask your scent? I know you’re my mate.
Your smell”—Josef couldn’t help but scent the air, his nostrils
flaring—“makes me feel alive, and I want to touch you, love on you,
and never stop.” He bent down the couple inches it took to be nose to
nose with his mate. “So I will ask you again, how did you hide this
from me?”

“All right,” Cole finally said. “But can we at least pull our pants

up? I don’t want to have this conversation with my dick blowing in
the wind.”

“Fine.” Josef took a step back and rearranged his clothes, making

a show of tucking his semi-hard cock away. He could feel Cole’s eyes
on him, and no matter how confused Josef was at the moment he still
wanted Cole.

Once they were completely dressed again, Josef waved a hand at

Cole. “Speak.”

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“I’m not a dog,” Cole huffed. “You don’t have to bark orders at


“Oh really.” Josef crossed his arms over his heaving chest.

“You’re right. You’re not a dog, just a liar.”

“Liar? How the hell so?”
“Because we’re mates and somehow you hid that from me. Not an

outright lie but a lie by omission, all the same. But my question is
how did you do it? I can smell that you’re a wolf, but fifteen minutes
ago I didn’t smell shit coming from you and now I’m being damn
near blinded by it. How did you hide this?” Josef was puzzled by all
this. He was a wolf for fuck’s sake. How did he not scent his mate or
that the guy was a wolf?

“First, not telling you doesn’t mean I lied. I was just protecting

myself and you.” Cole sighed, casting his eyes downward, then
looked back up with such sadness in his eyes. Josef wanted to go to
him and take away whatever was causing Cole to be upset, but he
couldn’t. He needed answers.

“Protecting me from what?” Josef thought it best to start out slow.

Work up to the whole issue of Cole hiding his identity from him.

“My father,” Cole said simply.
Josef shrugged. “So? I’ve dealt with asshole parents before.” Not

really but he didn’t want to give Cole an out on keeping this from

“Not like my father. He’s the alpha of my old pack, and he

follows the traditional ways of running it.” Cole flashed him a small
smile, and Josef’s heart began to race from how sexy it looked on his
mate’s lips.

“Traditional? How so?” Josef asked.
“Well for starters, I’m an omega.” Josef quirked an eyebrow at

that. He’d heard stories about omegas before, but he had never met
one. “And by the look on your face I can tell you don’t know much
about my kind.”

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Josef coughed, pretending to clear his throat. He didn’t know how

to respond to his mate. He didn’t want to sound like a complete
buffoon, but if he admitted his lack of knowledge toward that subject,
he might be able to keep Cole talking. “Not really.”

Cole nodded his head. “Don’t feel bad. The majority of packs

today don’t follow the old ways, but my father does. He runs his pack
with him as the alpha, my brothers at the betas, and then there’s me,
the omega. Low man on the totem pole.”

“Brothers?” Josef was eager to learn more about his mate and the

structure of his former pack, but hearing him say brothers made him
start to wonder something, and if he was correct he made an ass of
himself by overreacting and put Jensen in the middle of it by asking
him out on a date. “Are those the guys I saw you with earlier?”

* * * *

Cole titled his head and eyed his mate curiously. And just like that

it smacked him in the face. Josef saw his brothers and him together in
front of his apartment, and after their disappointing kiss Josef thought
he was seeing someone else. “Are you here with that guy to get back
at me?” He took a step toward Josef, anger egging him on.

“Not to get back at you but to forget about you!” Josef shouted.

“These last couple of days I’ve been losing my mind over you and
couldn’t figure out why. Then you kissed me, and it was so fucking
perfect, then you pulled away and acted like it was nothing. And
when I left I saw you getting a little cozy with those two huge guys
what was I supposed to think?”

“Dude!” Cole snapped. “You’re a wolf for God’s sakes. We have

excellent eyesight. Couldn’t you see the resemblance?”

“To be fair I just had my heart squashed by you.” Josef pointed a

finger into Cole’s chest, and he had to do all he could not to smack it
away. “I wasn’t looking for a family resemblance between you and

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the two men who were touching you. So please fucking forgive me
for not noticing.”

Cole took a deep, calming breath. Fighting would get them

nowhere. They both needed to be rational and talk this out. “Sorry,
it’s just been a long night.”

“Tell me about it.” Josef leaned back against the car behind him.
“Yes, those two men are my brothers, Josh and Jake.”
“Okay then.” Josef brought a hand up to scrub across his chin, and

Cole followed his movement. “I’m sorry I overreacted, and I feel like
a complete ass for leading Jensen on. I probably ought to apologize to

“Yeah, I think we both should.” Cole felt like an idiot for the way

he acted toward the other man, but in his defense Jensen was all over
his mate, and that wasn’t acceptable.

“But it can wait.” Josef stared at him for a long moment. “I’m

eager to learn about this omega business and this little gift you have
of concealing your scent.”

“It’s not a gift,” Cole admitted because at times it was a pain in

his ass. Had he been born just a regular wolf his father wouldn’t have
cared what he had done with his life. “It’s a life sentence of being a
submissive good little wolf doing as my alpha says.”

“You’re sure as shit don’t act submissive,” Josef said under his

breath, but Cole still heard him.

“Because I’m not. It’s in my omega nature to be the calming

element in my pack. When I’m around, people’s tempers run low, and
they feel more relaxed. My father finds my ability to be useful, and I
was sick of living under his thumb.”

“Understandable.” Cole watched as Josef kicked at the ground

with his foot. “So is that the only reason why you left your pack?”
Josef asked.

Cole didn’t really want to delve into his past quite so soon with

his mate but he might as well get it over with. “The main one but
there is more. Ever since my mother died from the recklessness of

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humans, my father has hated all humans. Doesn’t matter man,
woman, or child, he hates them all. He detested that I was attending
college to have a career in the human world and live a life away from
the pack. So between his controlling ways and his hatred I finally had
had enough and left.” He made it sound easier than it really was. The
disappointment in his father’s eyes still burned straight to his soul, but
Cole couldn’t live like that anymore.

“That’s a sad way to live a life. I mean for your dad and all.”
“Yeah, well it’s his life not mine.” Cole reached out and grabbed

Josef’s hand. “The reason you didn’t smell me was because I have the
ability to mask my scent from other wolves. Some packs like having
an omega around to keep their pack complacent. I never did it to
mislead you or to deny you. I just needed time to work some stuff

“Like what?” Josef pulled on his hand and Cole walked into his

warm embrace.

“My dad doesn’t know I’m gay, and I don’t want him to come

after you if he finds out that you’re my mate.” Cole ran his fingertips
over Josef’s forehead. His mate closed his eyes and let out a satisfied
sigh, and Cole smiled. “I couldn’t survive if anything happen to you. I
knew from the moment I walked into that office that you were mine
and I could no more deny you than live without my heart. It’s just not

“I know what you mean.” Josef kissed Cole on the lips. It was soft

and subtle, just a brushing of lips and against lips. “This mating thing
is so bizarre. It’s like love at first sniff.” Josef laughed and Cole
joined in. It was nice to be happy for once.

“So you’re not angry at me anymore?” Cole asked, letting his

lower lip hang down in a pout.

“No.” Josef dragged the one word out. “But we have to start being

honest with one another. No secrets.”

“No more secrets,” Cole agreed. “What about my dad? I don’t

want you to get hurt because of me.”

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“Well, my love, we don’t know how your dad will handle the

news, and if he takes it bad”—Josef gave a shrug—“so what? As long
as we are happy, fuck him.”

Cole wished it was as easy as Josef made it sound, but knowing

his father he’d be a thorn in Cole’s side just to spite him.

“So what do we do now?” Cole asked. He knew what he wanted

to do but didn’t want to be presumptuous.

“We”—Josef dropped kisses up and down Cole’s neck—“go back

to my place and finish what we started.”

“Ah, that sounds like an amazing idea.” Cole pulled back from

Josef. “But first I need to go tell my brothers I’m leaving.”

“Of course, and I need to say sorry to Jensen. I feel bad for

leading him on.”

Cole held his hand up. “Let’s not talk about it. Let’s just say we

are both sorry and leave it at that. I will be the first to admit that I’m
embarrassed by my earlier behavior, but he had his hands all over
you. Not cool.”

“Oh look.” Josef giggled. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous.”
Cole rolled his eyes and landed a playful punch on Josef’s arm.

This easy banter back and forth was nice. There was no more
underlying tension between him and Josef, and Cole couldn’t be
happier. Josef promised to stand by him and wasn’t scared away by
learning about Cole’s father. Granted Josef hadn’t met the man yet,
and if Randal Weathers was anything, it was intimidating. But Cole
had a feeling Josef could handle the pressure.

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Chapter Seven

Josef held the door open for his mate, and they set out looking for

Cole’s brothers and Jensen. Jensen was nowhere to be found, so Josef
shot him a text saying he was sorry to which Jensen replied back with
a “no problem” and a smiley face.

Cole briefly introduced Josef to his brothers. Josh and Jake

weren’t overly concerned about meeting him. Both brothers had two
women, one under each arm, wrapped around them. Josef felt sorry
for Cole’s apartment. Josh and Jake looked like they had full
intentions of having an all-night orgy at Cole’s place. Cole didn’t
seem too bothered by it though. He just gave a tight-lipped smile and
handed over his keys which made Josef happy. He couldn’t wait to
get his mate back to his house.

On the drive back to his place everything Cole had said ran

rampant in his brain. His mate was an omega. To him it wasn’t a big
deal because neither Devon nor his father before him practiced the
traditional ways of pack life. From what Cole said on the drive home,
most didn’t. Like in human society everything changes with the
passing of time. Things become more modernized, and the need for a
full army of wolves who were obedient like dogs was not needed.
Wolves didn’t need to live in a pack to survive, and they didn’t get
hunted down like a wild animal for being a lone wolf. On the
occasion that a wolf went bat shit crazy, it was an unspoken rule for a
pack to take care of the problem.

When they pulled up to his house, Cole jumped out before Josef

even stopped the truck. They were both eager to get alone and naked.

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Josef ran past his mate as they both headed toward the door. All

the lights were out, and when he opened the door, nothing but silence
met his ears. The two noisiest people in the house were still at the
night club dry humping each other. Josef smiled. He could totally
relate to Viktor and Shane now. Nothing compared to being with
one’s mate, and Josef had no intentions of ever going back to that
drab way of life.

He stepped inside with Cole pressed against his back. The long,

thick length of Cole’s erection pressed into the crease of his ass.

“I want to fuck you,” Cole whispered roughly in Josef’s ear,

causing an explosion of shivers to run down his spine.

Josef pushed his ass back against the hardness. “And I want you

to,” he said breathlessly. Josef rather preferred to be on the receiving
end of things when it came to sex. Most guys saw him and all his
rippling muscular glory and wanted Josef to take them for a ride but
not Cole. Maybe all the years of being an omega and being referred to
as a submissive had turned his mate into a dominating sex machine.
Josef couldn’t wait to find out.

Josef led the way up the steps to his room with Cole nipping and

sucking at his neck the entire way. Cole’s fingers moved up his shirt
to toy with his nipples. The raised peaks begged for a nice wet tongue
to play with them, and Josef totally agreed with their desire. His body
hummed with anticipation.

Once at his door Josef pushed it open and stepped inside with

Cole attached to him from behind. Cole kicked the door shut with his
foot, ordered Josef to remove his clothes, and then urged him toward
the bed.

The cool air from the central air conditioning blew across his skin,

and chills raked over his body.

“Lay down.” Cole pushed gently on his shoulders, and Josef laid

down on his stomach at the command. “I’m going to fuck you until
you scream my name.”

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“Yes, sir.” Josef had no idea why he said sir, but it just seemed

right. He wanted to be at Cole’s mercy. To be taken to the edge and
back again over and over until he couldn’t move.

Cole’s touch left his body, and he could hear the other man

removing his clothes. A split second later Cole had his chest pressed
against his back, touching from shoulder down to where their legs
intertwined. Josef squirmed underneath Cole from the light touches
and sweet kisses.

“On your knees,” Cole ordered as he climbed off of him. Josef did

as he was asked and arched his back, letting his ass rise higher in the
air. “God, I can’t wait to be inside you.”

His body trembled as Cole ghosted his fingers down his back.

Josef moved his knees further apart, opening himself up further to his
mate. Cole’s strong hands gripped at his ass, massaging outward,
pulling his cheeks apart, and exposing his tender hole.

Josef’s rock-solid cock hung heavily between his thighs. He let his

head fall forward to rest on his arms, giving into every sensation his
body thrived on.

Cole blew a breath over his entrance and Josef let out a lust-filled


“You like that?” Josef could hear the smile in Cole’s tone.
“God yes.” Josef wiggled his ass back further into Cole’s face.

“Please, Cole,” he begged. What he was begging for Josef wasn’t
exactly sure. He wanted to feel Cole’s thick rod inside him, but he
also wanted to feel his mate’s tongue and fingers as well. If they
jumped straight into the sex it’d be over too soon.

“I’m right here, lover.” Cole’s soothing words relaxed him. “We

have all night.”

Cole’s smooth, wet tongue circled around his opening, and Josef

damn near jumped out of his skin. The light touch was like a hot
poker on his flesh but in a good way. His body burned for this, for

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After a few more teasing licks, Josef tensed as the first finger

entered his hole.

“I love how tight you are,” Cole said against Josef’s ass cheek.

“I’m going to have so much fun making you come.”

Josef couldn’t speak even if he wanted to. The one finger became

two then three, sawing in and out of his body. Cole spat on his hole,
using that for lubrication, but it was still too dry. Not thinking about
it, or what it would do to Cole’s position behind him, Josef reached
for his nightstand. He fumbled around and until he found what he was
looking for.

“What are you doing?”
“Getting you this.” Josef tossed the lube over his shoulder to his

wide-eyed mate. “I want you to fuck me but not dry.”

A wry smile curved Cole’s lips. “Can’t have that, can we?” The

smile fell from Cole’s face, and he took on a serious expression.
“Josef, this isn’t just fucking for me. When we do this, this is us
making love.”

He could hear the honesty in his mate’s voice, and it made Josef

love Cole even more. Never in his life had he felt so special. He’d
never been in love before, and all the other men before Cole, Josef
just had used to pass the time and sate his sexual urges. But this was
different. Cole was proving that Josef was important and that he
desired him.

“I love the sound of that,” Josef whispered.
Cole picked up the lube, and Josef watched over his shoulder as

his mate squeezed the clear gel into his hand then coated his angry red
length. His heart raced. This was finally going to happen. Josef knew
they just met, but it didn’t matter. He had been waiting for what felt
like a lifetime for this one moment, and it was perfect.

Josef turned his head back around to rest on his forearms. The

sheets rustled as Cole scooted closer to him. He gasped as the head of
Cole’s cock brushed against his pucker, looking for entry. Cole

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rubbed the slick crown back and forth and each time pressed a little
harder at Josef’s center.

“Stop teasing me.” Josef was becoming frustrated. He wanted that

juicy cock in him, making him feel complete.

“So bossy,” Cole teased.
Josef grunted a response, but it quickly turned into a moan as Cole

pushed through his resistant muscles to sheathe himself deep into
Josef. Cole didn’t give him time to enjoy that first delicious stroke
before he started working his hips in and out. Josef gasped and
grabbed at the sheets as his body split apart with desire.

“So good,” Cole rasped.
He could only nod his head against the mattress. Josef wanted to

say how good it felt. How Cole’s cock caressed all the right places,
sending sparks straight to his dick, causing clear juices to run freely
from the tip. Sex had never been like this before, and he knew it was
because this act was done out of love.

* * * *

Cole slid out of Josef’s body, and his mate whimpered his


“What are you doing?” Josef’s shaky voice asked.
“I want to see your beautiful eyes when you come. I want you to

see who is giving you that pleasure.” Cole pushed Josef to his back
and quickly settled back between his lover’s thighs. “I want you to see

“You’re the only man I ever want to see.” Josef gave him a

lopsided grin.

The twinkle in his mate’s eyes spurred him on. He hooked his

arms under Josef’s knees and pulled them up. It opened Josef up
wider for Cole’s cock to plow into his sweet heat. Sweat ran into his
eyes as he kept up his brutal pace. He couldn’t get enough of Josef. A

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part of him was worried he’d hurt his mate, but Josef lifted his hips,
silently begging for more.

Cole clenched his eyes tight as his release neared the surface. “So

close, baby.” He grunted. “I can’t hold on much longer.”

“Then don’t.”
When he opened his eyes again, he watched as Josef tilted his

head to the side, exposing his neck. It was an offer to claim him, and
Cole wasn’t sure what to do. If he took what was rightfully his, there
was no going back. He couldn’t hide his mating from his father. A
father he’d never make happy, so why should he care what he thought
of his mating?

It only took a second for him to decide. Cole struck fast, piercing

the tender flesh of his mate’s shoulder. Josef cried out below him. At
the sweet coppery taste of his mate’s blood Cole lost his control and
shot his cream deep into Josef’s body. His heart beat in time with the
pulsing of his cock as he took his pleasure from his mate’s body.

Cole slowed his hips as his orgasm began to fade and gently

extracted his teeth from Josef’s skin. His body was numb with
happiness. Nothing had ever felt so good.

He started to sit up when Josef tightened his legs around his waist

and flipped him onto his back, with his cock still nestled deep inside
Josef’s body. Cole shivered as Josef rocked his hips forward, smiling
down at him with an evil grin.

“My turn.” That was Cole’s only warning before Josef sunk his

teeth right below his left shoulder into his chest.

It stung at first, and he gripped Josef’s hair in his hands. But

slowly the pain eased into mindless bliss with every pull of his mate’s
greedy mouth. Deep down in his soul he could feel his connection
with Josef forge together, making them both complete.

Josef freed his mouth from Cole’s body and sat up. He fisted his

cock in his hand, and his face screwed up tight. Cole had never seen a
more glorious sight than this one in his entire life. Josef’s hand moved
in a rapid speed as he pounded his ass down on Cole’s sensitive cock.

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Cole ran his hands up Josef’s tense thighs until they rested at his
mate’s hips.

“Come for me, mate,” Cole purred.
He watched as his mate’s mouth fell open, but no sound came out.

Hot spunk shot from the tip of Josef’s cock, painting white stripes
across Cole’s chest. With every splash of warmth Cole’s fingers sunk
deeper into Josef’s skin, holding him steady, never wanting this
feeling to end.

All too soon Josef fell forward and Cole wrapped his arms around

his mate holding him close. The cooling cum on his body smeared
against Josef’s, but he didn’t have the energy to care. Being coated in
his lover’s cum and blood, mixed with his own, didn’t bother him. He
liked the way their scents mingled together to form one perfect scent.

“We should go clean up.” Josef tried to roll to his side, but Cole

held tight.

“No, we don’t.” He let his softening cock ease from Josef’s wet

hole and moved to lie on his side, facing his mate. “I like knowing
you’re dripping wet with my cum and me yours. Why would you
want to wash that away?” He gently kissed the side of Josef’s mouth
waiting for his mate to answer.

Josef sighed and turned his head to the side, exposing his neck for

Cole’s wondering lips. “I guess I don’t.” He moved his head so he
locked eyes with Cole. “I love having you inside me.”

“Good answer.” Cole dove in for a kiss, smashing his mouth onto

Josef’s, leaving no room for any more talking.

The hours seemed to drift away like a passing rain storm. They

stayed up late talking and getting to know one another better. He
learned how Josef’s mom and dad had died and that he grew up with
the Carsten brothers. His heart broke for his mate as Josef explained
about losing Mr. and Mrs. Carsten as well.

Josef also told him about Aiden not only being Devon’s mate, but

also the son of a hunter. But it was on the up-and-up. Aiden’s dad
kept them informed on the goings-on with the hunters’ council so that

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Josef and his pack stayed out of harm’s way. And it wasn’t just Aiden
with the hunter connections. The youngest Carsten had found his mate
a little less than a year ago when he’d been kidnapped, and the kid’s
mate just so happened to be a hunter as well.

When Cole finally curled his body around Josef’s after another

bout of lovemaking the sun crested the horizon, painting reds and
oranges across the sky. Cole pulled Josef closer to his chest. He loved
how his big strong mate was a hopeless cuddle bunny. Cole also loved
how Josef let him be in control. He mastered his mate’s body every
which way, and the man still begged for more. Cole had to think fate
got it right when she matched him with Josef. They fed off each
other’s wants and desires. And love had begun to bloom between
them. Cole had a feeling of completeness in his soul. Nothing could
ever be any better than this.

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Chapter Eight

The next morning when Josef woke up he could feel the heat of

Cole’s body at his back and smell the traces of their lovemaking in the
air. It caused his cock to twitch with renewed desire. He pulled out
from Cole’s heavy arm and turned to face his mate.

The sun streamed through the window showering bright light

across Cole’s sun-kissed skin. Dried blood clung to his mate’s chest,
and Josef roamed his eyes lower to see that his pale-green sheets were
splattered with remnants of cum and blood from their tryst the
previous night. Skyler would have a fit about having to wash his
sheets, but Josef couldn’t find it in him to care what the other wolf
thought. But he thought it best to throw the soiled sheets in the wash
before his overly dramatic friend caught sight of them.

Josef got up from the bed and walked to the foot. He grabbed a

handful of the sheet and slowly pulled it downward. A bulge lay
between Cole’s thighs, and as Josef tugged the sheet lower he could
see Cole’s cock twitch and lengthen. The sheet was about midthigh
when Cole grumbled and tried to yank it back up.

“Cut it out,” he mumbled as he rolled to his side. “I’m trying to

sleep here.”

“Well it’s time to wake up, my sleepy mate.” Josef laughed when

Cole raised his hand and flipped him the middle finger. “I want to
introduce you to my family and since they probably heard us fucking
all night long it’s better to get that over with.”

“Fine,” Cole said with a pout then rolled over and kicked the

remainder of the sheet off his body.

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“Ah, baby, don’t be upset. We have the rest of our lives to sleep in

and have lazy days, but we should at least make an appearance.” It
was Saturday, and everyone would be home. Josef thought it best to
just get introductions out of the way so the house could get back to
normal and everyone could go about living their lives. Plus he thought
it best to give Devon a heads up to the fact that he might have a
pissed-off alpha on his ass soon. If what Cole thought was correct,
Mr. Weathers might be coming for a visit once he got word of their

“You’re right, but you owe me a blow job.” Cole hopped up from

the bed and smacked Josef on the ass as he passed him heading for the

“For what?” Josef chuckled as he followed his mate, letting his

eyes rack down his muscled back to land on his firm, bubbled butt.

“Isn’t it like in the mating code for one’s mate to wake them up

with oral?” Cole squinted an eye in thought. “I’m pretty sure I read
that somewhere.”

“Then you owe me one, too,” Josef rasped against Cole’s ear as

his mate turned on the water facet to the shower. He rubbed his hands
up and down Cole’s chest then traced his fingers lower to the dips and
valleys of his ripped abdomen to circle his hand around Cole’s now
very-hard cock.

“I do aim to keep my mate happy.” Cole arched his back and

brought his arms up to wrap around Josef’s neck.

Josef followed Cole into the shower stall and began to wash his

body. He watched as Cole soaped up his hands and ran them along his
wet body. Suds foamed and ran down his torso clinging to the curly
thatch of golden curls at his base.

Stepping forward, Josef met Cole’s eyes and ran his hand along

his mate’s shaft, washing away the soap. He placed a brief kiss to
Cole’s lips then lowered to his knees. Cole let out a low curse as Josef
engulfed the tip of his cock. Josef teased his tongue around the ribbed

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edge then poked his tongue against the small slit trying to coax out
more of Cole’s sweet flavor.

“Yeah, just like that,” Cole mumbled. Fingers combed across the

top of Josef’s head until Cole had a good grip on the back of his head.
Cole gave an experimental thrust forward, and Josef relaxed his jaw,
letting his mate fuck his mouth.

Cole glided his cock in and out of Josef’s mouth, and Josef

hungered for more. He sank his fingers into Cole’s round globes,
urging him to go faster. Cole answered the call and quickened his
pace. With Cole delirious to sensations, Josef teased a finger down his
mate’s crease and played along the rippled skin at Cole’s entrance.
Cole moaned long and loud and pushed onto his questing finger. He
slowly worked his finger as he took Cole’s cock deeper into his
throat, swallowing around the tip.

“Yeah, yeah,” Cole gasped breathlessly. The sound urged Josef on

to take more. He worked his throat muscles around the thick cock in
his mouth and surged deeper with his finger stroking against his sweet
spot with every inward thrust.

Cole’s body went bowstring tight as his release flooded Josef’s

mouth, the taste bitter and salty on his taste buds. He pulled back with
a hard suck, cleaning off every ounce of cum from Cole’s shaft. It
took him a minute to catch his breath as he rested his head alongside
Cole’s thigh.

“Come here.” Strong hands pulled him up by his arms, and Josef

leaned against the tiled wall. “My turn,” Cole said with a sinful grin
on his lips.

Josef barely had time to compose himself before Cole rammed his

mouth down on his solid length. His mate went for a quick, hard suck
of his cock. The rapid movement and the way Cole cradled his balls
in one hand had his heart racing.

“Oh my God,” Josef said on a low moan. He was still recovering

from giving Cole a blow job, and now his mate was blowing him
away with his oral skills. He wanted it to last longer, but he couldn’t

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call back his orgasm from exploding out his body. He’d been turned-
on for too long, and his cum burst forth from his body, and Cole
happily drank down every drop. Josef looked down and could see his
lips smiling around his cock. Like him, Cole was happy.

When the feel of Cole’s lips and tongue became too much for his

sensitive dick, he tapped his mate on the top of the head. “If you don’t
stop that I think I’m going to pass out.”

Cole looked up and shot him a wide smile. “Can’t have that, can

we?” He stood up and moved into Josef’s personal space. “I was
totally joking about waking up to blow jobs every morning, but I have
to say that was awesome.”

Josef chuckled. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.”
They shared one more kiss then finished their shower. Josef

loaned Cole a change of clothes and with only being a few inches
taller than his mate, Cole fit the clothes perfectly. As they made their
way down the stairs, Josef was excited to show off his mate. He was
finally a member of that exclusive club his best friends were a part of.

* * * *

Cole followed along behind his mate as they headed toward the

kitchen. The sound of voices grew louder the closer they got. His
heart pounded in his ears as he stressed about meeting Josef’s family.
It wasn’t because he was a bad guy or was just using Josef. No, it was
because he didn’t know how the alpha of Josef’s pack would react to
him being an omega.

“Morning,” Josef said gleefully. Cole moved in front of him when

Josef pulled him forward. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet my mate,
Cole. Cole”—Josef waved a hand out in front of him—“this is

“Hey,” he said nervously and gave a small wave.
All eyes were on him, and Cole was afraid to make a single move.

What if he did something wrong or offended this group of men?

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“Morning, Cole.” A tall man with long dirty-blond hair stood up.

“I’m Devon, and this is my mate, Aiden.”

“Nice to meet you.” He shook the offered hands held out in front

of him.

“I’d like to say it’s nice to meet you, but I didn’t sleep well last

night,” a petite man with dark hair said as he brought a plate of
waffles to the table. “All the noise coming from you all’s room was a
little disruptive.”

“Skyler, don’t be like that.” Cole watched his mate walk up to the

other man and give him a one-armed hug. “You’ll totally understand
what it’s like one day. Until then you can’t blame us for getting a little
carried away.”

“Oh I blame you,” Skyler snapped. “A man can only masturbate

so much before his hand or dick falls off.” The man spun around and
headed back to the stove.

“That’s so gross,” a younger man shouted from the table. “You

got off to them getting off.” The kid pointed a fork in Cole and Josef’s

“Sweetie, if you heard half the shit I did last night, you’d know

where I was coming from,” Skyler said as he walked back to the table
with a plate of sausage.

Josef nudged his arm. “That little guy is Erik. He’s Devon and

Viktor’s little brother and a pain in the ass at times.”

Cole looked at the younger man who stuck his tongue out at Josef

then turned a bright smile toward him. He gave a friendly nod of

The mouthwatering smells of food floated in front of Cole’s face,

and his stomach let out a loud growl. Embarrassed, he shifted on his

“You hungry?” Josef asked, and Cole nodded. “Then let’s have a

seat. You can get to know everyone else a little better.”

Cole had just filled his plate and was taking a bite when two other

men walked into the room. They were the two who were at the bar

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with Josef last night. He met them briefly before he and Josef took

“Good morning, my lovely family,” the one named Viktor greeted

everyone. “Such a lovely day.”

“If you say lovely one more time, I swear I’m going to skewer you

with my fork,” Skyler grumbled as he stabbed his fork into his waffle.

Viktor whistled low then said, “Touchy.”
“Forgive him, Vik,” Devon said. “It would appear the newlyweds

kept him up all night with their humping.”

Viktor looked between him and Josef and smiled. “Nice!” He held

up his hand and Josef high-fived him. Cole did the same when the
man held out his hand.

“So, Cole, tell us about yourself,” Devon said, his eyes assessing

Cole. “I can smell that you’re a wolf so no use hiding that. But I have
to ask, where’s your pack?”

Ever since he made his scent known to Josef, he hadn’t thought to

mask it again, so it was no surprise Devon could smell him. He
wouldn’t take that simple joy away from his mate because in order to
hide it from others, he had to hide it from Josef. He might as well see
what this alpha wanted from him.

“There’s not that much to tell,” Cole said like it was no big deal.

“I had a falling out with my father, and I chose to move away.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Devon’s eyes softened, and Cole believed

the man was being sincere.

Knowing it would come out sooner than later, Cole wanted to

admit his omega status just to get it over with. “Thank you, but there’s
more to my story.” He darted his eyes toward Josef, and his mate gave
a slow nod. “I’m an omega, and that plus some other things were the
stem to all my problems with my father.”

“Omega.” Devon repeated the word like it was nothing. “That’s


“That’s all you have to say?” Cole was shocked by Devon’s

reaction. Most alphas would find that extremely interesting.

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“Cole, I don’t know if you have noticed but we’re not your

traditional pack here.” Devon shrugged his shoulders. “You’re an
omega, so what?”

“Excuse me, what’s an omega?” Devon’s mate, Aiden, asked.
“Babe, an omega is like a peacekeeper within a pack.” Devon

wiped his mouth clean with a napkin then relaxed back in his chair,
draping an arm over his mate’s shoulders. “Back in the day, like
before I was even born, wolves strictly traveled in packs, and they
were made up of an alpha, typically two to three betas, an omega, and
the remaining pack members were referred to as soldiers. The theory
was that it kept the pack strong and ready in case of an attack from a
neighboring pack or hunters. But the omega is the wolf in the pack
that exudes a calming agent. Not really sure how it works, but others
are more relaxed around them. Whatever need there was to fight just
fades away in their presence. But”—Devon held up a finger—“from
what I learned from my father, not every wolf is affected by an
omega’s presence. Something about evolution and how not a lot are
born anymore because of the way we as wolves adapt to the world
around us now.”

Cole was used to being considered special and prized among his

pack but not here, not with these men. Here he was just like everyone
else, and he found it a relief. He was just Cole. A wolf mated to
another wolf.

“So what am I?” Erik teasingly asked his brother.
“You, pup, are just a pain in my ass, but other than that you’re just

you.” That elicited laughs around the table. “Dad never fell into those
practices. He didn’t like to label people, and neither do I.” Devon
winked at his kid brother.

“I think I’m going to love it here,” Cole said before he realized he

spoke out loud. There was no politics among this pack. No stupid
hatred of others. These men just wanted to live their lives as
comfortably as they could. Of course hunters were still a problem, but
from what Josef said, they had an insider on the council. Aiden’s dad

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was a hunter, and so was the kid Erik’s mate. They were in the know
when it came to the hunters and their whereabouts.

“That’s good because you aren’t going anywhere.” Josef placed a

finger under his chin and turned Cole’s face upward and kissed him
on the mouth. “This is your home now, that is, if you want it to be. I
don’t want to force you to stay if you don’t want to.”

There was such sincerity in his eyes that Cole felt tears well up in

his. “There is no other place I’d rather be.” He leaned in for another
kiss but then pulled back and looked back at the staring faces of
Josef’s family. “If that’s okay with all of you?”

The table erupted with approval and welcomes to the family. Cole

had finally found a home where there wasn’t any pressure to be
something he wasn’t. He was over the moon with joy. Not only did he
have the love of his mate but the acceptance from these men to be a
part of their family.

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Chapter Nine

“Josef said you were attending Hemsworth. Psych major, right?”

Cole asked Aiden.

After breakfast they sat around talking for a little bit longer before

Viktor and Devon pulled Josef away to talk about work stuff. Cole
didn’t mind. Aiden, Shane, Erik, and even Skyler, once he had his
morning fix of coffee, were great guys. They treated Cole like a long-
lost friend. There was no awkward silence between them.

“Yes, I love it.” Aiden smiled warmly at him.
“I did, too, before I had to take some time off. My father wouldn’t

pay for my schooling if I left the pack.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“But I made the right choice. I plan to save up and go back as soon as
I can.” It still bothered him that his father had yanked away his
financial support and left Cole with no other option but to take time
off of school. His father knew damn well he couldn’t afford the high
tuition rates, but the old man didn’t care. His father wanted to make
him suffer for turning his back on the pack and took away his means
to attend college.

“That sucks!” Aiden sounded offended for him.
“It does, and I’m not defending my father when I say this, but he

has his reasons for not trusting the human world. Misguided? Totally,
but he’s allowed to have his opinions.” Cole explained about his
mother and how after she died his father went off the deep end.

“Still, he shouldn’t force you or your brothers to be something

you aren’t.” Skyler sat forward in his chair. “If you don’t mind me
asking, how are your brothers handling all this?”

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“I don’t mind.” Cole thought about it for a moment before he

answered. “They more or less stay around to keep an eye on our
father. They’re four years older than me, and I think they feel
responsible for him. They knew him before he changed.” They never
said as much, but Cole could see it in their actions. No matter what,
he was still their father, and his brothers would stand by him just to
keep him safe. They’d do the same for Cole. That’s why they didn’t
cause a ruckus when he left.

“The things we do for family,” Aiden said with a smile. Aiden

asked him where he was in his schooling when he had been forced to
leave. Come to find out he was only a semester behind Aiden.

“You shouldn’t be working construction,” Aiden blurted out.

“You should finish school, and I know for a fact Josef would want
that, too.” Shane and Skyler nodded their agreement.

“Thanks guys, but I have to save up. I’m not complaining. It’s

what I like to call a life lesson,” he teased, trying to lighten the mood.

“Bullshit it is,” Skyler said in a raised, dramatic tone. “You have a

goal, and it was thrown off—forgive me for saying this—by your
asshole father. Josef has the means to pay for your education. You
just need to ask that of him. He is your mate after all.”

Cole shook his head. Josef might be his mate, but he didn’t want

to have to depend on him for every little thing. That’s what happened
with his father. He had to learn to rely on himself.

“They’re right, you know.” Cole turned toward the entryway

when he heard Josef’s voice. “You should be in school, not breaking
your back by working construction.” Josef walked into the room and
knelt by where Cole sat. “I’d gladly pay your tuition. You have
dreams that shouldn’t be ignored, especially when we have the means
to pay for it.”

“We?” Cole cocked his head and stared at his mate.
“Yeah, you and I.” Josef pointed to Cole then back to himself.

“What’s mine is yours, and what better way to spend some of our
savings than to put you through school? It’s not doing anyone any

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good just sitting in the bank. I want to invest in your future which
means our future.”

Such sweet words. Cole didn’t know what to say. He feared if he

opened his mouth he’d start to sob like a baby. When Josef said it like
that, it would be a slap in the face not to accept. Josef was laying all
his cards out on the table. Him using the we and our words was a big
comment on his part. His mate was telling him that he wasn’t going
anywhere and that they were a team from here on out. Cole totally hit
the mate lottery with Josef.

“You guys, let’s give them some time alone,” Aiden said as he

ushered Shane, Erik, and Skyler out of the room.

When he finally found his voice, Cole asked, “Do you really mean

all that stuff?”

“Yeah, I do.” Josef reached for his hands. “What happened

between us last night was life changing for both of us. We’re a team.
I’d gladly share everything I have with you.”

“Me, too.” Cole let his eyes fall to stare at the floor. “But it’s not

really fair to you.”

“How so?”
“I have nothing but an old beat-up truck that doesn’t work most

days and a rented apartment filled with used furniture. Seems like
you’re the only one that has anything worthwhile to share.”

“Ah, babe.” Josef cupped the sides of Cole’s face with his hands.

“I don’t see it that way.” He kissed Cole on the forehead. “And I
know if the shoe was on the other foot you’d do the same for me.”

Cole nodded manically because he would in a heartbeat. He loved

Josef. There was nothing he wouldn’t give or do for the man.

“So please don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re fired.” Josef


His emotions finally got the best of him, and his tears fell like

rain. Josef had already given him so much just by loving him, and
now he was giving him the means to go back to school.

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Josef pulled him down to sit in his lap and covered his mouth over

Cole’s. The kiss was sweet and gentle. His mate was showing him
through his actions how much he loved him. Neither one had uttered
the words yet, but he knew they would in time.

His phone beeped, indicating a text had come through. He looked

down to see that it was Josh telling him they would be heading out in
a few hours. Josef agreed to drive him back to his apartment so he
could say good-bye.

* * * *

Josef felt so happy he swore he bounced when he walked. He

loved that Cole wanted to be Mr. Independent, but the man needed to
go back to school. He had already decided to foot the bill for Cole’s
schooling. They were mates, and Josef truly thought of his money as
their money. Everything he owned he’d gladly share with his mate.

When they reached his truck he opened the door for Cole to climb

inside. They talked all the way to Silver Creek about nothing and
everything. It was like they had been together forever.

Cole reached over to grab his arm when he pulled up to the curb

outside his apartment. “Can we keep the whole me moving in with
you a secret. I don’t want my brothers to know just yet.”

“Okay.” Josef wasn’t hurt by this. He knew Cole hadn’t told his

father he was gay, and his mate feared his father would unleash his
wrath on them.

“Really, you’re not mad at me for being a coward?” Cole started

to nibble on the corner of his bottom lip. Josef thought the gesture

“No, I don’t. But keep in mind at some point we will have to tell

them. It’s not good to keep secrets from the ones you love.”

“I agree, but I want to have this time to enjoy everything.” A

smile lit up Cole’s face. “It’s also brand new and exciting. I want to

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ride the waves for a little longer before I have to crash back down to

“I’m down with that, baby.” Josef pressed a quick peck to Cole’s

lips then hopped out of the truck.

He intertwined his hand with Cole’s. Josef just liked having even

the briefest contact with the man. When they reached his apartment he
let go and opened the front door.

Josh and Jake sat on the couch with their heads down looking at

their phones. Their identical heads popped up when they stepped into
the apartment.

“Hey, baby brother.” Josh jumped up and gave Cole a hug.


“Josh.” He nodded in Jake’s direction. “Jake.”
“So you two off already?” Cole asked.
“Yep. Father should be back tonight, and he’ll expect us to be

there,” Jake answered. It looked like the idea of going back home
didn’t thrill the two brothers. “You sure you don’t want to go with

Josef’s head snapped in his mate’s direction. Was that even a


“Uh no,” Cole answered. “If anything happens call me. Just

because Father and I aren’t on speaking terms doesn’t mean I don’t
care. It’s just…” Cole shook his head and gave a shrug.

“Don’t sweat it, little brother.” Josh pulled Cole into a hug. “We’ll

come visit again.”

“You guys do that.”
“Josef, it was nice meeting you,” Josh said as he held his hand out

for Josef to shake. Once Josh had his hand around his, the other man
tightened his grip. It took Josef by surprise, but he didn’t let his shock
show on his face. “Be good to our brother or we’ll find you.” There
was a lethal promise in the man’s eyes that said he meant it.

“Josh!” Cole grumbled. “Stop that.”

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Josef squeezed the hand in his harder. “I care a great deal for your

brother.” And he meant those words wholeheartedly. “I’d never hurt

Josh stared straight into his eyes, and Josef didn’t flinch away.

These men loved their brother and just wanted to make sure he was
being taken care of and would be safe.

Josh must have seen what he was looking for and smiled. “I

believe you, just don’t prove me wrong.”

“I have no intentions of that.” Josef smiled and released Josh’s


After a few more minutes, Josef, with Cole by his side, escorted

the two men down to their car. As they drove off his mate stood there
staring after them until they were out of sight. Josef didn’t like the
lost look on his mate’s face. He laid a hand on Cole’s shoulder and
gave a gentle squeeze.

“You going to be okay?” Josef asked.
Cole turned around and looped his arms around Josef’s waist.

“Yeah, I just hate how they follow our father without question.
Sometimes I fear he’ll get them killed.”

“Oh, baby.” Josef ran a hand up Cole’s neck to brush through his

hair. “I’m sure your dad wouldn’t do anything to put them in danger.”
Or at least Josef hoped not.

* * * *

Cole knew he should tell his mate about the threats upon his

family’s pack, but he himself didn’t have all the facts. This could all
be a big misunderstanding that his father had blown out of proportion,
and now his two brothers were left picking up the pieces. But Cole
couldn’t say for sure because he left before these problems started.

“Hey, you okay?” Josef cupped the side of his face, and Cole

nuzzled into the touch. “Looks like you’ve seen a ghost or

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“No, not a ghost, just my worrisome nature.” Cole smiled at his


“Well I can help you take your mind off of things.” Josef’s hands

fell to grip Cole’s ass. “If you want,” Josef said in a seductive voice.

He couldn’t help it. Cole began to laugh. His big strong mate was

trying to seduce him, and it was cute. Josef batted his eyelashes and
wiggled his hips closer to Cole’s. God, how he loved this man.

“What’s so funny?” Josef pouted.
“Nothing.” Cole shook his head as he tried to swallow his

laughter. “I just love you so much.”

Cole was still giggling when Josef’s silence had him looking up at

his mate’s shocked face.

“You love me?” Josef asked.
He didn’t mean to just blurt it out, but it was the honest truth. Cole

loved Josef from the moment he laid eyes on him. There was no use
denying it.

“Yeah, I do.” He ran the back of his knuckles along Josef’s

jawline. “Does that scare you?”

“Fuck no,” Josef said with a smile. “I’ve seen my friends find

their mates, and I never quite understood the whole love-at-first-sight
thing, but after meeting you I could swear I’ve loved you forever. It’s
like when we met it just awakened what was already there.”

Cole nodded his agreement. He liked the way Josef worded it. It

was as if his life had been on hold until he met his mate. Josef filled
him with such happiness and completeness Cole wasn’t sure how he
survived before meeting the man. “I agree,” he simply said.

He opened wide when Josef dove back in for a hard kiss. Their

tongues battled back and forth in the most sensual of ways. This man
owned him heart and soul, and Cole never wanted to lose this feeling
he felt right now. All his problems with his father and stress over his
brothers’ safety seemed not as heavy on his shoulders because he had
Josef at his side to help bear the load.

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Chapter Ten

When they got back to the house with all his belongings from his

apartment they sat down for a family dinner with Josef’s family.
Afterward they all went for a run in the woods. It was fun to just run
free and play with the others. Aiden, being the only human in the
house, sat in a lounge chair and watched from the patio. When they
came back from their run, Devon let out a series of barks and nudged
his furry head in Aiden’s direction, and Cole could have sworn he saw
the wolf grin.

They all took off and rushed toward Aiden. The human was

caught off guard and screamed like a girl when they surrounded him.
“You jerks, you made me spill my tea.”

Cole took in his surroundings. This was fun for him. No pressure

to fit in. These men definitely marched to the beat of their own drum
when it came to pack life. Hell they even had a white tiger in the
pack, Shane.

He sat back on his haunches, not ready to shift back. The night

was too serene to go back inside just yet. Josef came over to him and
sat beside him. His mate’s fur was black as midnight. Just like the hair
on his human head.

Josef nudged him in the shoulder with his snout, and Cole was

held captive by his big brown eyes. They were so soft and inviting.
Cole felt himself fall in love all over again.

“Well, guys, we’re calling it a night,” Devon called out. “My mate

requires a little alone time if you know what I mean.” He winked.

“You are such an ass, you know that?” Aiden chided his mate.

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“But, honey, we all know what happens after a hard run. Things

get hard in the bedroom.”

Cole watched as Devon drew Aiden in for a kiss. He shouldn’t

have been watching, but it was kind of hard to look away. He felt his
cock twitch, and he had to agree with Devon’s assessment. Shifting
did cause a yearning of sorts, and when a person had a mate they
could expend all that energy with their lover.

Aiden waved a quick good-bye and let his mate lead him back

into the house. Viktor and Shane didn’t bother shifting back, just ran
through the front door and out of sight. The gray wolf, Erik, took off
across the back yard and disappeared into the night. Skyler had left
after dinner, so he didn’t partake in the run. So that just left him and
Josef alone on the patio with nothing but the stars above them and
mother nature surrounding them.

Cole looked up at the sky one last time then turned toward his

mate. He licked his tongue across Josef’s nose. His mate gave him a
wet kiss back then nodded his head toward the back door.

Shifting back, Cole strode in all his naked glory to the door,

giving an extra sway of his hips with every step. He heard a low howl
coming from his mate. He turned in time to see Josef shift into his
human body. A look of pure lust lit up Josef’s face, and he took eager
steps to reach Cole. Cole’s tongue snaked out to wet his lips as his
eyes fell to the hard rod between Josef’s thighs. He suddenly felt very

“Bed, now,” Josef ordered. He pulled open the door, and Cole

rushed through it.

He raced up the stairs with Josef at his back. When he reached the

bedroom door he pushed it open and spun around to face his mate.
Josef kicked the door shut and pulled Cole up into his arms. Cole
brought his legs up to wrap around Josef’s waist, smashing his cock
into Josef’s hard stomach.

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“It’s my turn.” Josef’s words came out thick and gravelly. “I’m

going to come inside this tight little ass of yours. I’ve been dying to
feel you wrapped around me.”

“Yes, oh God, yes,” Cole panted as Josef kissed the breath out of

his lungs.

Josef carried him to the bed and then plopped down with Cole

trapped beneath him. Josef worked his way down Cole’s body,
stopping to tease his nipples. He sucked and pulled at the pebbled
peaks, and Cole arched off the bed, rubbing his cock into Josef’s
warmth. Josef moved to his other nipple and sucked so hard Cole
shouted at the pain-pleasure it caused.

“I’m going to love you so good,” Josef rasped against his skin.
“Stop talking and show me, please,” Cole begged. He loved

topping, but he also wanted to feel what it was like to have Josef
inside him. He’d never let another man have that pleasure before, and
this was a gift he could give to his mate.

Josef reached over his body and grabbed the lube. Cole watched

as his mate popped the cap and drizzled the liquid over his fingers. He
pulled his knees up to his chest, exposing his hole for Josef. Josef
traced his wet fingers down his crack, and Cole’s whole body tensed
when a finger brushed over his pucker.

“Relax, lover,” Josef whispered against his lips, and Cole tried his

best to calm his racing heart.

“Oh my God,” he shouted as one large finger eased inside him.

The stretch burned, and his body clamped down on Josef’s finger. He
gulped down breath after breath trying to relax his body.

“Shh, it’s okay, Cole.” Josef kissed him lightly on the lips. The

more his mate kissed him, the more Cole’s body loosened up. “Damn,
you’re so tight.”

Cole chuckled. “I hope so considering I’ve never done this

before.” He grunted when another finger pushed in beside the first.

“Never?” Josef leaned up on an elbow to stare down at him.

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“No. Not unless you count this morning when we were in the

shower and you fingered me.”

“This might make me sound like a complete asshole, but I love

that no one else has gotten to experience this part of you. Call me
selfish, I don’t care.” Josef kissed him hard on the mouth. “But this
turns me on like you wouldn’t fucking believe.”

“I’m glad.” Cole coasted his hands down Josef’s back, raking his

fingernails as he went. When Cole reached Josef’s tight, hard ass, he
curled his fingers into the solid muscle. “Now show me what I’ve
been missing.”

It was like pulling a trigger on a gun. He unleashed a fire within

his mate he didn’t want to rein back in. Josef ravished his mouth until
Cole couldn’t breathe. His body broke out in a hot sweat, and he
pulled Josef tighter to his body.

Josef’s fingers toyed inside his hole, every so often bumping

against his pleasure button. It caused Cole to jerk and squirm with

Finally after what felt like a lifetime, Josef pulled his fingers free

and sat up. Cole looked down his body as Josef lined up his cock to
his entrance. Josef looked up and met his hungry gaze then slowly
pushed inside. Cole breathed through the initial pain but didn’t want
his mate to stop. He needed this.

“God, you’re so tight,” Josef said when he was seated fully in

Cole’s body. “It’s like you were custom fitted for my cock.”

Cole would have to agree. Josef’s thick, vein-covered cock fit

perfectly in his tight sheath. His shaft rubbed all Cole’s secret spots he
never knew existed before. He lifted his hips, urging Josef to move.

Slowly Josef pulled out and then pushed back inside. Cole could

feel his body grip the hard length, trying to keep it inside him. With
every in-and-out movement his body loosened more, and Cole rode
the waves of pleasure it caused.

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Josef leaned down and kissed his lips, and Cole turned his head

away. “Don’t stop.” He reached between their sweat-slicked bodies
and tugged on his throbbing cock.

“Never,” Josef growled as he plowed forward with a little more


As Josef’s thrusts picked up speed, Cole was pushed up the bed.

He kept one hand on his dick, jerking for dear life and one gripping at
Josef’s back. Cole’s eyes clenched tight as his orgasm engulfed his
body. Sparks ignited in his balls and rushed out his cockhead. His
cum shot out his body, smearing on his chest as Josef drove harder
and faster into him.

Josef’s body stiffened, and Cole felt every pulse of his lover’s

cock as he came deep into his body. Cole wrapped his arms and legs
around Josef’s body and hugged him tight.

The new position put Josef’s shoulder even with his mouth. Cole

let his teeth lengthen and struck deep into his mate’s flesh. Josef cried
out then tucked his head close to Cole’s neck. And just like he’d done,
Josef bit into him. Aftershocks quaked within his body, and he pulled
harder on his mate.

Cole licked the mark on his mate’s shoulder and he could feel

Josef doing the same. Josef rolled to the side but quickly pulled Cole
over him, and Cole rested his head on his mate’s damp chest.

“That was awesome,” Cole said as he finally caught his breath.
“Thanks.” Josef laughed. “I do aim to please.”
“Well you did.” Cole sat up to hover over Josef’s body. “It was

perfect.” He stared down into Josef’s eyes. “I love you.”

A smile drew across Josef’s face and he pulled Cole down to his

chest. “I love you, too. Forever and ever.”

“Ever and ever.” Cole cuddled close to his mate, not wanting to

let him go for even a minute. He yawned wide and settled in. Sleep
had never come so easy before, and it was due to the man in his arms.
Josef was more than his mate. He was Cole’s salvation. A promise for
a better future.

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* * * *

The weekend came and went, and on Monday morning Josef

drove him to the Hemsworth campus to see about starting the summer
session late. He was only behind one semester, so Cole hoped they
would let him enroll late. And when the fall semester started, he
would be back on track. He didn’t have any desire to be a forever
student and was looking forward to graduating.

“That seemed easy enough,” Josef said as they walked out of the

administration building.

“Well of course it is when your boyfriend pays for your next

year’s tuition up front,” Cole teased.

“Bullshit.” Josef gave him a soft nudge in the shoulder. “They

looked at your records, and your grades are what swayed them. It had
nothing to do with money.”

Cole’s cheeks heated with embarrassment. He wasn’t used to

getting praise. “Maybe not, but it doesn’t hurt.”

“Sure it doesn’t. But the summer session is only two weeks in, so

you’ll be able to catch up, and Aiden can help you study. He already
agreed to help in any way he can.”

“He did.” Cole smiled. “This all seems too good to be true.”
“What does, baby?” Josef steered him back toward his truck.
“You, your pack, and now school. For once things just seem to be

falling into place for me. I’m afraid to say anything out loud for fear
I’ll jinx myself.” Cole wasn’t superstitious, but he feared that, if he
talked about how great everything was, he’d wake up only to realize
he had been dreaming.

“Well it’s real, so get used to it.” Josef stopped him before he

could get into the truck and kissed him on the lips. “I don’t expect you
to forget your past, but don’t let it spoil your present and future.”
Josef grinned at him. “This is only the start of good things to happen
for us. We’re together and happy. Noting could ruin this for us.”

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Cole could only nod in agreement. To speak his happiness and

relief out loud seemed to be tempting fate too much.

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Chapter Eleven

Cole had been living with Josef for close to two weeks and

attending school during the day. Everything was going great. His days
were spent going to class then hanging out with Aiden, Shane, and
Skyler. His nights were spent with his loving mate. Josef showed him
the wonders of being mated. They’d run in wolf form for hours on
end, then when they were too exhausted to go any farther, they would
lay under the starry sky and make love.

As Cole left his last class for the day, he wore a smile as bright as

the hot summer sun that beat down on his neck as he walked to the
Early Bean Café. It was Friday, and Josef had promised to take him
camping. Rapid Falls was about an hour away from Nehalem and had
a large lake smack dab in the middle. They planned to spend the days
hiking and swimming, and their nights making love with the sounds
of nature serenading them. He couldn’t wait. The only downer was
they would have to stay in human form. Aiden’s dad had warned them
a group of hunters had been staking out the area around Rapid Falls.
But Cole could live without letting his wolf out for a few days if it
meant he got to spend some time alone with his mate.

“Look at that goofy smile on your face,” Shane said as Cole

walked into the café. “Let me guess. You’re thinking about you and
your boyfriend’s hot, sex-filled weekend.”

Cole should have been embarrassed by what Shane said, but he

wasn’t. Nothing was going to get him down. “You know it.”

“So do you have everything packed and ready to go?” Shane went

back to wiping down the countertops.

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“Yep, I’m all set. Just waiting for Josef to come home from

work.” Cole took a seat on one of the high barstools.

“Sorry I’m late,” Aiden apologized as he rushed through the door.

“Skyler locked his keys in his car again, and I had to drive back home
to grab them then take them to him. How that man functions I’ll never

“No worries. I just got here myself.” About a week ago his beat-

up old truck blew its last puff of black smoke and died on the side of
the highway. Josef had hounded him for two solid days until Cole
relented and finally let Josef buy him a new truck. He would have
been driving it today, but he had swerved to avoid hitting a deer the
previous day and threw the alignment all out of whack. His truck was
in the shop getting repaired. Aiden, having taken the summer off,
agreed to pick him up from class until he had his truck back.

“Good.” Aiden looked relieved. “Shane, hit me with my usual.”

He slapped his hand on the counter then snapped his fingers.

“Boy, you better stop snapping at me like I’m a freaking dog.”

Shane narrowed his eyes at Aiden with false anger. “And hot
chocolate is hardly a stiff drink.”

“Well, kitty, I’m not old enough to drink yet, so the sweet stuff

will have to do.” Cole dodged the paper cup Shane threw at Aiden.

“Smartass,” Shane grumbled but was smiling as he filled Aiden’s


“Boys, be nice or I’ll have to separate you and take away all your

toys. And by toys I mean your mates.” Cole laughed at their shocked
expressions. Aiden and Shane reminded him of Josh and Jake. He
hadn’t heard from his brothers since they came to visit two weeks
ago, and every time Cole meant to call them he got distracted and
forgot. He made a promise to himself to call them when he got back
from his weekend trip with Josef.

“That’s harsh.” Aiden took a drink of his cocoa.
“Like I could keep your mates from you. They’d beat my ass.”

Cole jumped in his seat when his phone began to vibrate in his

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pocket. He had turned the ringer off while in class and forgot to turn it
back on. Cole fished it out of his pocket then smiled when he saw
Josef’s number flashing across the screen. “Hello,” he cooed into the

“Hey, babe.” Josef’s masculine voice carried over the line. “I got

some bad news, so please don’t kill me.”

“What’s wrong?” The hairs on the back of his neck rose instantly.
“Calm down. It’s nothing serious, just that I won’t be home until

late. We broke ground on the Anderson house today, and we’ve run
into a problem. There’s a shit ton of huge rocks right where we started
digging. I’m waiting to hear back from Jensen on whether the
Andersons want to pay to have them removed or if they want to buy a
different lot.”

“I bet Jensen is just loving this.” Cole wasn’t typically the jealous

type, but he knew that Jensen had a thing for his mate, and that made
Cole uncomfortable.

“Oh stop it. Jensen is just doing his job, and besides why would I

want him when I got you at home?”

“I know, but every time I hear his name I can’t get past the image

of him draped all over you that night at the club.” And he couldn’t.
Jensen seemed like a very nice man, but he held a torch for Josef, and
his wolf wasn’t that understanding.

“I know, baby, but I swear he hasn’t tried to put the moves on me,

honest. If anything he keeps his distance.” That made Cole feel a little
better. “But back to why I called. I’m going to be late, but I’m still up
for heading out once I get home. Is that okay with you?”

“Sounds perfect. I’ll be ready to go when you pull up.”
“Excellent, I’ll see you in a while. Love you.”
“Love you, too.” Cole hung up the call and was reaching down to

slip his phone into his pocket when it slipped from his hand. He heard
the splash before he saw it. “No!” he shouted as he snatched his cell
phone from the soapy mop bucket by his stool.

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“Ah, shit.” Shane came around the counter. “I’m sorry, Cole. I

forgot to put the bucket away after I mopped. Does it still work?”

Cole used his shirt to dry off the little device. No matter what

button he pushed it wouldn’t come to life. It was dead. “No,” he
finally said.

“I’m so sorry,” Shane apologized again.
“It’s my fault. I let it fall in the first place. Don’t stress on it,

Shane.” He wrapped an arm around Shane’s neck and pulled him into
a one-armed hug. “ I can get another one.”

“Just look at it this way,” Aiden said around a mouthful of cookie.

“Now you won’t have any distractions this weekend.

“True that,” Cole agreed and gave Aiden a high-five. Josef would

be with him all weekend, and if anyone from the house needed him
they could just call Josef to reach him.

Cole and Aiden waited until Shane was done and gave him a ride

home. Skyler was making dinner when they got back, and they all lent
a hand to help out. Thirty minutes after they got home, Erik came
running through the back door. His eyes were red and swollen like
he’d been crying.

“Erik?” Aiden called after him, but the kid didn’t stop. He just

sped past them, never acknowledging them. “Excuse me, guys.”
Aiden followed after his mate’s kid brother.

“What’s eating him?” Cole asked as he chopped up some apple

for the salad.

“I think it has something to do with his mate,” Skyler said from

where he stood in front of the stove.

“Really?” Cole looked over his shoulder in the direction Erik ran

off in. “But I thought they didn’t see each other, you know, because
of the whole age thing.” Erik still had one more year before he was of
legal age to consummate his mating. But that wasn’t the biggest
obstacle in their way. With his mate being a hunter, Cole didn’t have
a clue how that union was going to work out.

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“Come on, Cole. You were young once. Did you follow every rule

set upon you?” Shane asked.

“No, but this is different. Erik’s mate is a hunter, and plus isn’t he

like in his thirties? He knows not to mess with a minor.” Josef had
told him Erik’s mate, Brandon, was a standup guy and would never
take advantage of the situation. But if he thought about it, it didn’t
mean Erik was keeping his distance. Maybe the kid got shot down or

“Still, it has to hurt to know you can’t have the one person you

really want,” Shane said as he went back to tearing apart the lettuce

Aiden came back into the kitchen. He looked upset, and his hair

had been rumpled from running his fingers through it. “That kid is
going to give me gray hair, I swear it.”

“What happened now?” Skyler asked.
“Not sure. He wouldn’t open the door, but I know he has been

sneaking out a lot lately. He thinks we don’t know, but Devon and I
aren’t stupid.”

“What’s he doing when he goes out?” Shane moved to put the

salad bowl on the counter next to Cole then shifted to look at Aiden.

“Personally I think he’s spying on Brandon.” Aiden waved the

three of them closer and spoke in a hushed tone. “My dad told me
he’s seen Erik drive past Brandon’s house on several different

“Has he asked Brandon about it?” Cole asked. He found himself

intrigued with the pair’s romance or lack thereof. It was kind of like
Romeo and Juliet. Two people destined to be together, but life and
circumstances kept getting in their way. Cole found it terribly sad.

“Dad says Brandon won’t discuss it with him. Says it’s personal.

But he swears he hasn’t had any contact with Erik.”

“Maybe that’s the problem, honey.” Skyler carried the pot of pasta

from the stove to set on the table. “Rejection is a motherfucker.”

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“True, but once Erik turns eighteen things can change. They can

be together,” Cole said, being optimistic.

“Cole, it’s not that simple,” Aiden said. “From what I understand

Brandon will have to make a decision to either be with Erik or stay on
the council. And one would think if Brandon wanted to be with Erik,
he would have left the hunters’ council already, but he hasn’t. If
anything he is more engrossed with them. I can’t be angry with the
man for that. Between him and my dad, they have kept our pack and a
few others safe from being killed or kidnapped for studying

“True, but you never know, stranger things have happened,”

Skyler chimed in. “It could be like one of those epic love stories like
Pretty Woman.” Skyler clapped a hand to his chest. “I’m so jealous.”

“No, you dork.” Aiden tossed a bread stick at Skyler. “You’re just


“True, I do need to get laid and soon.” Skyler plucked the bread

from the air and took a bite of it.

The table erupted in peals of laughter and Cole was right there

with them. A part of Cole felt guilty for having a good time while
Erik was obviously upstairs hurting. But as it was, there was nothing
they could do for the poor kid. In a year they’d have a better idea on
how to help Erik. Cole hoped that Erik and Brandon did end up
together because he knew how hard it was to have a mate he couldn’t
be with. That was a fate worse than death.

Josef still hadn’t gotten home when they finished with dinner.

Cole helped clear the table and went out on the back porch to hang
with his new friends.

Skyler brought out some tea and the four of them sat around the

large glass table in the comfy lounge chairs. Cole rocked his chair up
and down. The sun had started to set, and the heat of the day was
being chased away by a comfortable nighttime breeze. He stared off
into the distance, getting lost in the picturesque scenery. He could

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hear Skyler going on about this and that, but he only half listened. As
the wind blew across his face, he hummed his contentment.

A sharp howl shook him from his daydreaming. In the distance,

and thanks to his superb wolf vision, he saw two wolves running
toward the house. One was white with a black patch over its left eye,
and the other one white with a black-colored patch on his right. Josh
and Jake.

“What’s going on?” Aiden asked.
Cole looked over to see Shane’s and Skyler’s tense posture. Them

being shifters they could sense that these weren’t the average wolves
running around the property.

“Shifters,” Shane bit out. He stood up, moving to stand

protectively in front of Aiden, the only human among them. Shane’s
body bent at the waist as if he was getting ready to shift.

“No, wait a minute.” Cole reached out to stop Shane from leaping

into the air. Shane turned his face toward him, the hard set of his jaw
and steely gaze aimed right at him. “They’re my brothers.”

“What are they doing here?” Skyler asked as he moved to stand

on the other side of Aiden.

“I have no clue.” Cole looked out into the yard as his brothers

gained ground and got closer to the house. If his brothers came
searching for him, it didn’t mean good news. “Josh, Jake?” he asked

The air shimmered around his brothers as they shifted back into

their human form, naked for all to see. The twins wore matching faces
of despair and concern.

“Holy shit,” Skyler whispered. “They are as fine as the day is


Cole rolled his eyes and pushed by his friends to reach the end of

the deck where his brothers stood.

“Not that I’m not happy to see you guys, but why are you here?”
“It’s Father, he’s been taken.”

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And just like that his happy world started to crumble like a

decaying building. Cole should have known things were going too
good for him. Life just couldn’t let him be happy.

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Chapter Twelve

“Thanks for driving me home. I really do appreciate it,” Josef said

for the millionth time.

“Honestly it’s not that big of a deal,” Jensen said with a smile. “I

just hope your boyfriend doesn’t mind.” Jensen let out a low whistle.
“I only met him that one time, but I could most definitely tell he
wasn’t happy with me.”

“Yeah.” A dopey grin spread over his lips. It might make him a

dick, but he liked knowing his mate got jealous. In a weird way it
made Josef feel special.

“Thanks.” Jensen narrowed his eye and gave him a stern look.

“I’m glad my humiliation and potentially getting my ass handed to me
makes you smile like a love-sick teenager.”

Shit! He’d forgotten about that. Josef coughed into his fist. “About

that, I’m sorry again. It was still really new between me and Cole, and
when hormones are involved no telling what can happen.” He really
hoped Jensen bought that excuse. It sounded better than saying he was
pouting like a baby and decided to drown his sorrows by hooking up
with another man.

“Yeah, I get it. But still”—Jensen took his eyes away from the

road to look over at him—“what was up with that whole mine thing?
The dude growled it at me. Freaked me out.”

Jensen didn’t know that he or any of the Carsten family were

werewolves, and he didn’t plan on sharing that information. The less
people who knew about it the better.

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“What can I say, he’s a possessive sort.” He stifled a chuckle. If

Cole heard him talking like this, he’d probably punch him in the gut.
He was making Cole sound like some barbaric caveman.

“No shit.” Jensen pulled into the driveway and put his car into

park but didn’t shut off the engine.

Josef opened the door and turned to look at Jensen. “You don’t

want to come inside? I got a text from Devon and Viktor before we
left, and they should be home any minute.”

“No, that’s all right. Tell them hi for me, but I really should be


“Is this because of Cole?” He didn’t give Jensen a chance to

respond. He reached over and pulled the keys from the ignition and
climbed out the car.

“Hey!” Jensen hopped out and met him at the passenger side door.

“Give me back my keys.”

Jensen went to swipe them out of his hand, and Josef raised them

high above his head in the air. He was a good seven inches taller than
Jensen, so it truly wasn’t a fair fight. “No, come in and say hi. I think
it’d be good for you and Cole to be friends.”

“Why?” Jensen stopped jumping for the keys and crossed his arms

over his chest.

“Because you and I work together a lot, and he’s my boyfriend.

No matter what, we’re all in a relationship of sorts together. I want us
to all be friends.” And he did. Since Jensen knew he had a boyfriend,
he stopped the subtle flirting, and Josef actually really liked hanging
around Jensen. He was laid back and easy to like.

Jensen pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and

forefinger and let out a heavy sigh. “Fine, I agree. I really don’t want
Cole to hate me or think I’m after you. I don’t poach other men’s
boyfriends. That’s not the kind of person I am.”

“I know you’re not, and I think Cole would see that if he got to

know you better.” Josef handed Jensen back his keys. “So what do
you say? Want to come say hi?”

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“Sure, why not.” Jensen pocketed his keys and followed Josef to

the front door.

Josef was reaching for the door handle when a loud howl whipped

through the night. Without a second thought he took off running
around the house toward the backyard. He could hear Jensen calling
out to him and chasing him around the side of the house.

Wild animals did roam their land, but that sounded different from

any ordinary wolf. It was a wolf shifter.

As he reached the back deck he saw two white wolves, and right

before his eyes they shifted, and Josef instantly recognized them. It
was Cole’s brothers, Josh and Jake.

“Holy fuck!”
Josef silently cursed under his breath. He’d forgotten Jensen was

behind him. When he heard the loud howl all he could think about
was getting to Cole.

“Jensen, it’s okay.” Josef turned around and grabbed Jensen’s

hand as he stumbled closer to Josef’s side.

“Josef?” Cole called out.
Josef used his head to wave his mate over to help him. Jensen

looked to be on the verge of passing out.

“Oh boy.” Cole rushed to Jensen’s other side and helped Josef

move Jensen toward the deck and into a chair.

When they got closer to Cole’s twin brothers, Jensen stopped and

stared up at one of the brothers. Josef couldn’t tell which one was
which, seeing as they were identical.

“You,” Jensen whispered as he stared up at one of the brothers.

His voice shook when he spoke, and his skin felt clammy to the touch.

Josef looked from the twins back to Cole. Cole wore the same

perplexed expression. He was about to say something when Jensen
fell like a ton of bricks and headed toward the ground. Before he
could move to catch the man, one of Cole’s brothers moved in and
caught Jensen.

“I got him,” the twin said as he cradled Jenson close to his chest.

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Josef pursed his lips as he stared at the faces around him. He had

just gotten home, looking forward to a long weekend away with his
mate and then all hell broke loose.

“Someone please tell me what the hell is going on here.” Josef

gritted out the words.

* * * *

“Josh?” Cole looked up to his brother as he held Jensen as if he

were the most precious thing in the world.

“Not now,” was all his brother said.
“I’ve haven’t got the faintest clue as to what’s going on out here,

but someone better start explaining and fast.” Devon’s booming voice
echoed in the backyard.

“We’re sorry for coming unannounced, Alpha,” Jake spoke up and

dipped his head down to rest his chin against his chest. It was a show
of respect without baring their throat to another alpha. Cole
remembered his father teaching them that when they were just kids.

“Okay.” Devon looked at him, and Cole shook his head,

indicating he didn’t know why they were there. “Why don’t we take
this inside?”

Josef grabbed Cole’s hand and led him up the steps to the back

door. Jake and Josh followed behind him. Devon held the door open,
and when Josh went to pass by, Devon let out a hard curse.

“What the fuck is Jensen doing here?” Devon shouted.
“My truck wouldn’t start, and he gave me a ride home. He was

coming in to say hi to everyone when the twin wonders over here
shifted right in front of his eyes.”

“Hey,” Jake snapped. “You can’t blame us for that. We had to

come here. We need our brother’s help.”

With all the commotion Cole pushed aside his brother’s words

about his father being missing. Now it was time to face the music and
see what needed to be done to find the old man.

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Cole led Josh to a nearby couch to lay Jensen down on. Viktor ran

upstairs to grab Josh and Jake some pants. Cole could tell Viktor and
Devon didn’t like that their mates were getting an eyeful of his naked
brothers. Viktor came running back down the stairs and tossed them
some shorts, and his brothers quickly pulled them on.

Josef sat down on the opposite couch then tugged on Cole’s hand

to sit next to him. Everyone else took a seat, and he looked over to
Josh when he saw his brother sit down on the floor in front of Jensen.
He found his brother’s reaction to Jensen curious, but now wasn’t the
time to decipher the connection between the two.

“You said Father was missing. What happened to him?” Cole got

the conversation rolling. Josh looked at him then darted his eyes in
Devon’s direction. “Josh, you guys can speak in front of Devon. This
is my new pack. They all are like family to me.”

Josh gave a stiff nod. “All right then.” Josh rubbed his hands

together. “Jake and I went for a run. Father was going off on one of
his tirades again, and we needed some space from the man before we
lost our fucking minds. We were heading back when we saw the
smoke. Jake and I pushed paw to ground and ran faster than we knew
was even possible. The closer we got the smoke rolled in black waves
all around us. Our house was engulfed in flames. It didn’t even
resemble a house anymore. It looked like a dancing demon blowing in
the wind.”

“Oh God no,” Cole mumbled as he moved forward to sit on the

edge of the couch cushion. His childhood home was gone. What
memories of his mother he had were all surrounded by that house. A
tear streaked down his cheek at the thought of never seeing it again.

“Was it an accident?” Josef asked when Cole couldn’t speak.
“It was no accident.” Josh punched his fist into his other palm.

“Remember that other alpha we told you about?” he asked Cole, and
he gave a short nod. “It was him along with some of our pack
members. They were carrying Father off. He was unconscious.”

“Why didn’t you attack?” Viktor asked.

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“Because by the time we reached the house they had already piled

into their cars and driving off. The smoke was so thick we could
barely breathe.” Cole saw the defeated look in his brother’s eyes.

The room grew quiet. Cole didn’t know about everybody else, but

he couldn’t wrap his brain around his larger-than-life father being
taken by surprise or that any of the loyal pack members he’d grown
up with would turn on their alpha.

* * * *

Devon sat back and thought about what Josh and Jake had just

told him. He didn’t know a lot about Cole’s home life before he came
to live with them, but from what Josef said Cole’s father was
domineering and demanding of his sons and pack members. But to
have his own pack members turn on him, the man must have been a
real piece of work.

“Do you know the name of the man, this alpha responsible for


“His name is Drake and don’t bother asking for a last name. We

never got one,” Josh answered none too kindly.

The man had a chip on his shoulder as big as a boulder. Josh’s

attitude was grating on Devon’s last nerve. He understood the man
must be overwhelmed with worry for his dad, but all Devon wanted to
do was help.

“I suggest if you’re going to want our help, you lose the attitude

and cooperate.” He kept his voice calm.

“We never asked for your help.” Josh jumped to his feet.
“Maybe not but you two can’t do this on your own.”
“Two?” Josh let out a bitter chuckle. “There’re three of us.”
“That’s where you are wrong.” Devon glanced over to where Cole

sat. His head was down, and he looked a little pale. “Cole is a part of
my pack now, and I won’t allow him to go off on a suicide mission.”

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“I second that,” Josef said. “I know it’s your father, but I can’t just

let Cole go off like that. It’s too dangerous.”

“You think we would put our own brother in danger? We love

him. And excuse me for saying this, but this is a family matter, so butt
the fuck out.” Josh’s voice rose in volume.

“Family?” Josef started to laugh. “You’re joking right? Where

were you when your dad kept pressuring Cole to quit school? Where
were you when he took everything from Cole and sent him packing?
If that’s what you consider family then thank God I’m not a part of

“Motherfucker!” Josh started toward Josef, and Josef stood to his

full height.

Devon was just about to jump in to separate the two when Cole

finally snapped back to life.

“Stop, please,” Cole begged. “Josh, we’re all family here, even

you two. So please tell Devon what he needs to know. We’re going to
need their help getting Father back. If our pack has turned on Father,
then they’ve turned on us. If we go in there unprepared, we could be
ambushed and killed.”

“Fine.” Josh finally relented and told Devon everything.
Cole’s father had been receiving threats for the past three weeks,

and according to Josh, he’d been getting untraceable e-mails for
months before that. Apparently this alpha Drake wanted the land on
which Cole and his family lived, but that wasn’t all he desired. He
wanted Cole as well. Omegas were rare, and Drake wanted to add
Cole and his ability to the pack. When their father ignored the threats,
they seemed to stop, like a quiet before the storm as Devon was
seeing it now.

After hearing all the wolf had to say, Devon took a minute to

think about it all. They needed to find this Drake and take him out. In
this day and age it was unheard of to fight over land or over pack
members. Times had changed, and there wasn’t any need for that

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anymore. Werewolves were allowed to have free will. They didn’t
need to be a part of a pack to survive.

“He wanted me?” Cole’s eyes exposed his surprise.
Josh blew out a hard breath and scrubbed a hand down his face.

“Yeah, he did. That’s why dad wanted you to leave school. And when
you chose to leave he thought it might be for the best.”

“But he took away my access to all my money, my car,

everything. Why would he do all that if he was just trying to protect

“Less chance of Drake being able to track you. Father didn’t want

to be so cruel but he thought it best to keep you safe,” Josh explained.

“Do you know where to find this Drake?” Devon asked. He could

feel Josef’s stare on him, but he didn’t turn around to acknowledge his
friend just yet.

“No.” Josh hung his head. The man looked tired, and Devon could

relate. “The notes he left were handwritten with no return address, and
all the e-mails were untraceable.”

Fuck! Devon smacked his hand down on the armrest.
“Wait a minute,” Jake spoke up. The other twin had been silent

until now. “I got a license plate number off one of the cars.”

Devon smiled over at Jake. That’s all they needed.

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Chapter Thirteen

Cole hated feeling weak and showing so much emotion in front of

his friends, but his father had been kidnapped by a deranged wolf, and
said wolf wanted him. It was a lot for one man to take. Thank God
Devon agreed to do everything within his power to help him and his

“This better be good.” A young man came slamming through the

door. “I was on a date with a really hot guy. And all these cryptic
messages you guys kept sending were distracting as fuck.”

“Is everyone in this house gay?” Josh asked and Cole turned to

look at his brother.

“Only the cute ones,” Skyler answered. He looked a little

offended by Josh’s outburst.

Devon quickly explained the situation to the newcomer. His name

was Dominic. He looked way too young to be driving let alone
hacking into DMV records.

Dominic got straight to work typing away on his laptop. He said it

would take a few minutes, so Cole took the time to speak in private
with his mate.

“So what do you think?” Cole asked once they were alone.
“I’m worried,” Josef answered. “I don’t like the idea of you going

after a man who wants you. The man clearly isn’t right in the head,
and I don’t want you getting mixed up in all this.”

Cole nodded his head. He understood what his mate was saying

and why he was concerned, but in the end his father had been
abducted, and he couldn’t leave the man to an unknown fate. Plus
from what Josh told him earlier, his dad had been trying to protect

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him. It didn’t take away all the years of growing up in a hate-filled
house, but it showed that his father still cared about him.

“I understand, but it’s what I have to do. He’s my father.”
“I know, and that’s why I’ll be right by your side every step of the

way.” Josef pulled Cole into the warm embrace of his thick arms.
Cole soaked up the comfort his mate provided.

“Thanks, babe.” Cole moved forward and kissed his mate on the

lips. Touching Josef kept him grounded and helped relieve some of
the stress swirling around his body.

“I got it!” Dominic hollered, and Cole and Josef ran back toward

the office Dominic took up station in. “His name is Drake
Williamson, and he lives actually not too far from where you three
used to live before your house burnt down.”

Cole grabbed up the map Dominic had printed out and scanned

the location. “So what’s the plan?” He looked to Devon, the alpha of
his new pack.

“I’ve been talking with Josh, and here’s what we’re going to do.”
The plan was that Cole would approach the house in human form.

He’d keep the alpha distracted while the other wolves scoped out the
area. They needed to find out how many pack members Drake had.
Once they got a head count, the others would attack. It sounded
simple enough, but best-laid plans never go as they should.

“I hate that Cole’s being used as bait.” Josef’s face was hard set as

he looked at Devon.

“I don’t like it any more than you do, but it’s what we need to do

to get their father out of there. We also need to take care of this alpha.
He can’t be left alone to his own devices. If he gets away, what’s
stopping him from going after another pack? It’ll draw attention, and
the next thing we know we’re being overrun with hunters.”

“He’s right.” Cole nodded his head. “We need to end this guy no

matter what.”

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“I wish you would let me call my dad.” Aiden had been saying

that for the past hour. There was nothing more Cole would like than
to have extra backup, but it was too risky.

“Sweetheart, I’ve already told you this. Your dad and Brandon

would want to bring in backup to take care of this problem, and your
dad can’t protect us all. We need to handle this one on our own.”

“I understand, but it doesn’t mean I like it,” Aiden grumbled.
“Does anybody have any questions?” Devon asked. No one said a

word, and Cole started to feel the pressure of the situation. They were
about to head out to battle with another wolf pack, and he prayed they
all made it out alive. “No? Good. Aiden, I want you to stay here with
Erik where it’s safe. If I have you two out there, I won’t be able to

Cole thought Aiden would complain, but he didn’t. The two men

shared a look, and whatever passed between them didn’t need words.

“Okay, gentlemen, let’s go.”
They all piled into a large black Escalade. Night was upon them

and not a cloud in the sky. It would have been beautiful if they
weren’t heading smack dab into a fight. From the sounds of it, this
Drake didn’t seem like one to negotiate, and Cole hoped that
whatever happened, Josef and the others made it out safe. This wasn’t
their fight, and they didn’t deserve to suffer the consequences.

Two hours later they pulled up to the small town of Clayton. It

was about twenty minutes from Cole’s hometown of Smithville. He
couldn’t believe how close this pack lived to his family’s home.

“Don’t forget the plan.” Devon’s voice drew his attention. “Cole,

just walk up to the front gate. Look as nonthreatening as possible.
Keep Drake talking so we can do a quick recon of the area and get a
head count of the other wolves.”

“I got it.” Cole wiped his sweaty palms down his legs. He could

do this. He wasn’t like other omegas. Cole was tall and had plenty of
muscle to back up his punch if he had to use his fist.

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His brothers came over to him and gave him a hug. “Good luck,”

Josh said as he let him go.

“Cole.” Josef pulled him to the side. “If you get a hint of any

danger or if something just doesn’t seem right, shift and run as far as
you can.”

Cole wanted to smack Josef in the head for even bringing that up

as an option. “I love you, and you must know I can’t do that.” He
reached up and planted a kiss on his mate’s lips. “You’re my mate,
and this is our pack. We stand together and fight together. We are
nothing if we don’t have our loyalty to one another.” He couldn’t
believe how much he sounded like his father right then. A man was
only as good as his word and his honor.

“God you’re stubborn.” Josef flicked him on the nose. “But I

guess that’s why I love you.”

“Probably.” Cole shared one last kiss with his mate then let him


Cole took a couple calming breaths. He looked to Devon, and the

alpha gave him one stiff nod. Cole started walking up the road that led
to the two-story brick house this Drake guy called home. The closer
he got he could see the shine from the outdoor lights. A wrought-iron
gate ran along the property and in front of the house. He could see and
smell two wolves standing at the front gate.

Schooling his face to one of utter calm, Cole walked right up to

the men. He had to keep his face impassive as to not give anything

“Excuse me,” Cole called out. The men turned in his direction.

“I’m here to see Drake.”

One of the men smiled, showing off yellow stained teeth. “Well if

it ain’t the omega our alpha’s been looking for.” The man advanced
toward him, and Cole didn’t much care for the wild gleam in the
man’s eyes. He unmasked his scent and let his calming ability flow
through his body. Not every wolf was susceptible to his scent, but he
had to hope it didn’t fail him now.

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Cole watched as the man stopped walking, shook his head, and let

his arms fall to the side. “Let me call Drake down.” The man headed
for the gate and opened it up. “Please just follow me.”

The other man just dipped his chin in greeting as Cole passed, and

he figured he had overcome this one small hurdle. Now he had to see
if he could get Drake to succumb to him, but it wasn’t likely. Alphas
were mentally strong and not easy to manipulate.

He followed the wolf up through the yard. Lamp-styled lights

lined the driveway, and a spotlight attached to the house flooded the
open front yard. Cole narrowed his eyes, trying his best not be blinded
by the brightness.

The front door opened, and a large man came strolling out, letting

the screen door slam behind him. The man didn’t look the type to
commit arson and kidnapping. He had long wavy brown hair and a
beard trimmed close to his face. Cole thought the man had a rugged
quality that others would find attractive but not him. Cole knew what
Drake was capable of.

“I know you came for your father, but part of me would like to

think you came to meet me,” the cocky bastard said, giving him a
flirtatious grin. He walked up to Cole and held out his hand. “It’s a
pleasure to meet you, Cole.”

Cole wanted to cringe away at the other man’s touch but held firm

and shook his hand. “I can’t say the same, Drake,” Cole answered
honestly. He didn’t want to seem too accepting toward the man who
kidnapped his father and burned down his family home. “So what’s
your end game here?”

Drake let out a loud laugh and smacked his hands down on his

thighs like what Cole said was the funniest thing he ever heard. “I like
you, Cole. You’re feisty. That’s unusual for an omega. I can most
certainly get used to your openness to speak your mind.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Just tell me what we need to do

to rectify this. You want our land? It’s yours. Just give me back my

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“This goes beyond just wanting land.” Drake snapped his fingers,

and another wolf came running up to him. “Go and get our guest.”

Cole’s heartbeat quickened. This was it. He looked over Drake’s

shoulder toward the house, trying to see any sign of his dad.

“See, Cole, your father has been less than cooperative. He’s a real

dick if you don’t mind me saying.” Drake reached for Cole’s elbow
and pulled him along beside him. Cole’s teeth grated together. “I’ll
admit it was about land at first. You know, proving my dominance,
but then there was you.” Drake caressed his fingers down Cole’s arm.
“He kept your ability secret, but if you got money and power, you can
get anything you want, even people.”

“Is that what you offered my father’s pack members? Money?”

Cole’s fist clenched, and he wanted to punch this guy and every one
of his old pack members who betrayed his father.

“Well that and your father’s a mean bastard. It didn’t take much to

persuade them.” Drake spun around and took Cole off guard. The man
had Cole’s wrist pinned behind his back, and no matter how much he
struggled, the man’s hold wouldn’t budge. Drake leaned close to
Cole’s ear. “But I’d trade the whole lot of them if it got me you.” A
wet tongue flicked at his earlobe.

“But I’m not for sale.” Cole bit out the words.
“Did you know back in the day an omega didn’t have a choice in

what happened to them? They were the weakest members of the pack
and needed to be protected. They did as they were told.”

“As you can see I’m not like other omegas.”
“I know.” Drake snaked his tongue into Cole’s ear, and his body

jerked with disgust. “And I think that’s why I want you even more.
It’ll be fun when I break you,” the man whispered against his ear.

Cole was gearing up to argue back when the door slammed shut,

and two men carried his father out of the house. They were dragging
him, his knees skimming across the ground. When they got closer
Cole tried to go to his father, but Drake held him tight. The men threw
his father at their feet.

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“Father,” Cole said in a soft voice. His father was covered in

blood. Scrapes and bruises marred his face. He was almost
unrecognizable to Cole.

“Cole?” His father was able to croak out his name through

cracked lips. It was followed by a fit of coughing.

“See, old man,” Drake spat out. “I knew he’d come for you.” The

man pulled back his foot and kicked Cole’s father square in the jaw.

“Hey!” Cole fought to get free, but Drake still had a hold of his

wrist in one of his large hands.

“Calm down, my sweet.” Drake yanked on Cole’s hands, bringing

them chest to chest. “Maybe if you’re good I’ll let the old man live.”

Cole looked to the men standing around them, trying to implore

them to have mercy on his father. He recognized a few to be his old
pack members. They’d been living under his father’s traditional ways
far too long. The wolves thought they needed a controlling alpha like
this, but they didn’t.

He closed his eyes, urging his calming agent to fill the air. When

he opened them, the look in the other wolves’ eyes appeared to be
mellow, but they weren’t moving to help his father.

“Don’t worry, my sweet.” Drake ran his hand through Cole’s hair

and gripped the strands tight in his fist. “I’ll be real gentle with you.”
Cole didn’t have time to react before the man smashed his lips down
hard on his.

Cole tried to push the man off him, but it was useless. The cold

chills of desperation climbed along his spine. The man forced his
tongue at Cole’s tight-closed lips and Cole looked toward the woods,
pleading for some help. Drake was stronger than he anticipated, and
he couldn’t break the man’s hold.

As if hearing his silent pleading, Cole’s pack attacked. His eyes

connected with a pair of sparkling brown eyes for a heartbeat of a
second. The rest happened in fast forward. Josef and the others
charged forward in a chorus of barks and howls.

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Chapter Fourteen

Josef followed Devon up the back lot of the property. It was thick

with trees and wild growth of shrubbery. He could see the glow in the
distance of where the house sat. The closer they got, Josef expected to
see wolves patrolling the area, but there weren’t any. Josef had to
assume this alpha was overconfident, which was crazy. From the
actions this alpha had taken, one would think he would be preparing
for an attack, but the fact that he wasn’t was a good thing for Josef
and his pack. They’d be able to take the other men by surprise.

They shifted into their wolf form as soon as Cole took off toward

the house. He followed close behind Devon and kept his ears open for
even the slightest of sounds. Letting his mate go off on his own took
all the control he had. The danger of the situation screamed not to let
Cole go, but they had to see what they were up against with this
alpha, Drake.

Devon shifted back to human and waved his hands over his head.

Josef looked toward his friend, and Devon pointed toward the gap in
the trees. He held up three fingers, signaled for Josef and the others to
stay put, then shifted again and took off toward the other side of the
property with Viktor.

Josef edged closer, but still keeping a good amount of distance

between him and the house. He couldn’t allow for the other wolves to
catch his scent. He settled down into a spot and watched as his mate
walked up toward the house. The look on Cole’s face disguised the
turmoil Josef knew was eating at the man.

The front door slammed shut, and Josef tore his eyes away from

Cole. Drake came walking out of the house with a cocky swagger like

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he didn’t have a fucking fear in the world. Well, Josef would soon
show the man that his confidence wasn’t a good thing.

The sound of grass crunching under foot drew Josef’s attention

away from the display in the front yard. Devon had come back, and he
shifted to human form once he was within distance.

“I only counted eight wolves on the outside of the house. Not sure

how many are in the house, but we’re going to have to take the chance
and hope that there aren’t any.” Josef looked back to the house then
back to him. “If we can take out Drake, the other wolves will come to
heel. We just need to get to the man first.”

Josef nodded his head but didn’t make a sound. The plan they

came up with was dangerous, but this had to be dealt with. Drake
attacking their pack next was a very real possibility.

He heard Cole shout, and Josef snapped to attention. Drake had

his mate’s arms pinned behind his back. Another door slammed, and
he watched as Cole’s dad was being dragged out of the house. Once
the man lay at the alpha’s feet, the man kicked Cole’s father. Cole
cried out, but then his cries were drowned out when Drake kissed
him. Josef’s lips curled back into a snarl, and Devon gave one sharp
yelp, and they all took off.

When they came into view, Drake pushed Cole to the ground and

shifted. A brown-and-black-colored wolf stood where the man once
had. Josef didn’t stop until he tackled the other wolf square in the

Drake snarled and used his legs to propel Josef off of him. Before

Josef could stand up, Drake was all over him. The sharp sting of teeth
in his neck caused him to howl out in pain. The alpha shook his head
with Josef still clamped between his jaws. He clawed and pushed,
trying to dislodge the man from his neck, but it was useless. The
warm trickle of blood matted down his fur, and he snapped his teeth
together trying to catch any part of the other wolf.

Just as the fight started to seep out his body, Drake let go. Josef

fell to the side and watched as Cole grappled with the other wolf. He

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tried to move. He had to protect his mate, but his body wouldn’t

Josef laid on the ground in a pool of his own blood helpless as his

mate fought the alpha.

* * * *

When the wolves attacked, Cole fell to his father’s side. The

man’s eyes were swollen, but he was able to crack open the left one
just a bit. A small smile started to work its way across his face, and
his lips cracked open, and blood dripped from the gash.

“Cole.” His father’s voice was barely above a whisper.
“Father, we’re going to get you out of here,” Cole promised. His

dad and he may have had their differences, but what Drake had done
to him was cruel and uncalled for.

“Thank you, Son, for coming for me.” His father started to cough

again, and Cole cradled his father’s head in his lap.

“You’re my father, of course I’d come for you.” Cole brushed the

blood-matted hair from his face. “Josh and Jake are here, too. They
saw Drake and his men drag you off, but they were too far away to
react in time,” Cole confessed in a rush.

“It’s okay, Cole. They fooled me, too. I guess all my pack

members weren’t as loyal as I thought.” His father tried to laugh, but
all that came out were wheezing coughs.

Cole opened his mouth to comment on what his father had said

when a howl ripped through the night. The sound so very familiar to
him. Cole turned around to see Josef being shaken from side to side
by Drake. Drake had a hard grip on Josef’s neck with his large
canines. The alpha was trying to wrench the life from his mate.

“Father, stay put.” Cole laid his father’s head back on the ground.

He pulled off his shirt and laid it under his head. “I need to help my
mate.” Cole didn’t wait for his father to comment before shifting into
his wolf and charging the alpha.

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Drake yelped and released Josef from his meaty jaws when Cole

hit his side. The alpha tried to turn around and catch Cole with his
teeth, but Cole was faster. He bit down into Drake’s back leg right
around the thigh and pulled. Skin and muscle ripped from the alpha’s
body, and the man howled in pain, but Cole didn’t stop. He spat out
the chunk he tore from the man’s body and went back for seconds,
being sure to stay clear of the alpha’s mouth.

He struck again and again going around in circles with Drake. The

alpha faked left and went right and spun on Cole quicker than Cole
would have imagined with all the bite wounds. Drake bared his teeth
and growled. The man walked slowly toward the left, and Cole
countered his movement, going right. They walked in a circle,
snarling and snapping at one another.

Cole knew the instant the alpha was about to break free and

charge. His right paw scratched at the ground as if he were getting a
running start. Cole’s body tensed for a split second before he charged
forward, beating Drake to the punch. The distance between them grew
shorter, and he was just about to be nose to nose with Drake when
shots rang out.

“No!” his father shouted as he knocked Cole to the ground. He lay

trapped under his father’s heavy weight.

“Caleb, hold your fire.”
Cole could hear shouting and more gunfire, but he couldn’t follow

along. He managed to wiggle out from under his father and shifted.

“Oh, God no. Dad!” Cole cried as he pushed his hands to the

sopping-wet wound in his chest.

His father’s eyes blinked open. “I can’t remember the last time

you called me dad.”

Cole let out a short laugh. “It’s been awhile.” Tears burned his

eyes, and he couldn’t stop them from running down his cheeks.

“Well, I’d venture to say that was due more to my fault than your

own.” His dad coughed, and it sounded wet, as if he were fighting for

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every breath. “Did I hear you say mate earlier? When did this

Cole smiled through his tears. “Yeah, Josef, we met when he hired

me for a job.”

His father struggled for his next breath, but Cole could see the old

man grinning up at him. “Congratulations, Son.”

“Thanks,” Cole whispered. His throat ached from holding back his


“Father.” Josh’s voice broke through the quiet bubble Cole felt

like he was sitting in. His brother rushed toward them, and Josh slid in
on his knees, getting to their father. Jake followed suit and knelt next
to Josh. “It’s going to be okay, Father,” Josh said as he clamped his
hands over Cole’s where they rested on their father’s chest.

“Son, it’s okay.” His father reached up to rest a hand on Josh’s

arm. “I want you boys to know…” His words trailed off as a bout of
coughing took over. Blood dribbled out the corner of his mouth, and
Cole knew it was bad. “I want you to know that I love you all. I won’t
lie. I’ve made some mistakes along the way, but my love never

“We love you, too, Dad,” Cole said.
His father turned to look at him. “Don’t make the mistakes I did.

Loss is a part of life, but you can’t let it consume you. I want you
boys to be happy.”

“We are, Father, we are,” Jake said through his tears.
“Did you boys know your brother has a mate? A man named


“Yes, Father, we know. Josef and his pack are the ones who came

to help rescue you,” Josh offered. “He’s a good man, Father. You’d
be proud.”

“I am proud of all three of you. Don’t ever forget that.” His

father’s voice started to falter, and his skin became pale. “I love you.”

Cole watched as his father’s eyes fell shut and his chest ceased to

move up and down. He shook his father’s shoulder. “Dad.” He shook

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again. “Dad!” he screamed. “No, no, no.” It wasn’t fair to lose his
father now. This could have been their new beginning, but it was gone
and for what?

“Cole.” Someone pulled at his shoulders. “Cole!”
“What?” He looked over his shoulder to see Josef. His skin was

ashy, and he had a hand held to his neck. Cole could see the drying
blood on his skin.

“He’s gone, baby,” Josef said softly and with compassion in his


Cole looked back down to his father, and he lost his grip on his

emotions. He cried and cried. Tremors raked through his body for a
man he barely knew but still was one of the most important people in
his life.

He could faintly hear his brothers’ sobs over his own, and time

seemed to stop. His eyes were open, but he wasn’t seeing. He couldn’t
feel anything. It was as if his body didn’t belong to him anymore. He
was beyond thankful his mate was okay, but it didn’t replace the pain
of losing his only living parent.

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Chapter Fifteen

Viktor went back for their SUV and drove it up the driveway of

Alpha Drake’s house. Josef, with the help of Viktor and Shane, got
Cole and his brothers into the backseat. They all looked to be in
shock. Once he had Cole in the back seat, he kissed him gently on the
lips then shut the door.

Josef spun on his heel and marched toward where Devon stood

arguing with Aiden’s father, Phillip.

“What the fuck happened?” he demanded.
The men stopped talking and looked at him. Behind Phillip was a

man who had his head dropped down to his chest.

“It was an accident, Josef,” Devon answered. “Aiden was worried

for our safety and called his dad to come help. He made him promise
to not bring council backup, and he didn’t. He just brought Brandon
and a new recruit, Caleb.” Devon shook his head. “He didn’t mean to,
Josef, he didn’t mean to.”

Josef walked forward and didn’t stop until he was toe to toe with

the other man. Devon and Phillip moved to stand between them, but
Josef glared down at the man over their combined shoulders.

“Man, I’m sorry. It was an accident.” The newcomer, Caleb,

pleaded. “I swear I was aiming for the alpha.”

“You’re sorry?” Josef narrowed his eyes at the man. “It was an

accident? That doesn’t cut it.” He spat the words out. “You took an
innocent man’s life tonight. But I guess it doesn’t matter to you
hunters. One dead wolf is as good as the next.”

“Hey!” Phillip shouted then pushed at Josef’s shoulder. “You

know I no longer see it that way, and you know for damn sure neither

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does Brandon. Do you really think I’d bring just anybody in on this?
My son is the most important person in my life. I would never allow a
hunter in our inner circle if I couldn’t trust him.”

Josef’s anger started to subside, and he felt like a shit for saying

what he did. Phillip had done nothing but help them, and he had to
agree that Phillip wouldn’t just let anyone in on their arrangement.
But it didn’t take away the fact that this man just killed his mate’s

“I know that, Phillip.” Josef ran a hand through his hair. “But

what do I tell my mate and his brothers?” He really wanted Phillip to
answer him. Aiden’s father was the only man he could look up to like
a father figure, and he needed some advice.

“You tell them their father died a hero.” Phillip rested a hand on

his shoulder. “Caleb was aiming for Drake, but Cole got in the way.
His father took the bullet that was whirling toward your mate. He
sacrificed his life to save his son. It’s something any father would
have done.”

“Nothing I can say will change what happened, but I’m so sorry,”

Caleb said. “I would never hurt a wolf.”

Josef nodded his head. His throat had gone raw with emotion, and

he couldn’t form any words to speak. It was an accident, and Josef
could see that, but would it be enough for Cole and his brothers?

An hour later they were driving back toward Nehalem. His body

ached from the earlier fight and from the sadness he could sense
coming off of his mate.

Aiden’s dad and his men helped dispose of the dead wolves.

There were only eleven in total who were on Drake’s property, and
the ones that didn’t run away in fear when the fight broke out died in
the battle including Drake.

Devon made arrangements to have Cole’s father’s body driven

back to their house. They didn’t have the heart to ask the brothers
what they wanted to do with his remains. It was still too soon.

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When they got back to the house Josef carried a sleeping Cole up

to their room. He tucked his mate in and headed back down stairs.

“Where’s Jensen?” he asked when he walked back into the living


“He left,” Aiden answered. “When he woke up he seemed calmer

and I explained everything to him. He took it all really well. The only
odd thing was that he said he needed to leave before Josh came back.”

“That’s weird.” Josef plopped down on the couch letting his head

rest on the back cushion.

“Josef.” Aiden sat next to him. “Devon told me what happened.”

The younger man nibbled on his lower lip. “I had no idea that would
happen, but I was so worried about you guys. And Devon is my mate.
I’d do anything to keep him safe.”

Josef could relate to what Aiden had done. He was just trying to

help his mate and keep him from getting killed. And there was no way
Aiden could have known Cole’s father would be killed. It was an

“It’s okay, Aiden.” Josef patted Aiden on the knee. “I’m just glad

Cole and his brothers got the chance to say good-bye. That makes a
big difference.”

“I’m sure it does, but it will never take away their pain.” Aiden

hung his head down. “I hope Cole can forgive me.”

“He will. If not right now, he will in time. You didn’t pull the

trigger, Aiden. And Cole’s father died protecting his son. It was a
noble sacrifice.”

The sound of the front door opening and closing had Josef looking

up. Devon, looking worn and ragged, came walking into the room.
His handsome features looked pinched, and he looked ten years older
than his thirty years.

“Everything okay?” Josef asked.
Devon looked up as if he just noticed him and Aiden in the room.

“Yeah. Mr. Weathers’s body just arrived. I had them store him in the
barn for now.” Devon sat down on the couch next to his mate. “We’ll

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need to know soon what the brothers want to do with their father’s
body. It’s summer, and the body will decompose fast.”

“I know.” Josef swiped his hand over his mouth. He felt so

helpless, and yet he couldn’t make these decisions for his mate and
his brothers.

“I don’t want to pressure them, but we need to know soon.”

Devon cursed under his breath. “This is a shitty situation.”

Aiden hiccupped, and Josef looked to see tears streaming down

his reddened cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Devon. I never meant for any of
this to happen.”

“Baby.” Devon pulled Aiden close and hugged him to his chest.

“No one blames you. In fact your father, Brandon, and even Caleb
helped us out majorly. We were outnumbered, and things weren’t
going in our favor. You did good, baby.”

Josef had been so wrapped up in trying to kill Drake he wasn’t

aware of the danger all around them. His friends fought and fought,
but Drake had numbers on his side, and those wolves fought dirty.
Devon told him afterward that if it hadn’t been for Phillip’s help
Skyler and Shane would have died.

He sat for a bit longer and talked to his friends and tried to make

the arrangements they could for Cole and his brothers. Devon also
tried to call Jensen, but it went straight to voice mail. Josef had to
guess the poor man had enough shocks for one night and needed some

Josef went up to his room. He turned the knob softly and stepped

inside. Darkness surrounded him with only a small amount of light
spilling down from the moon and stars in the sky. A dark figure stood
blocking the view out the window and Josef wasn’t surprised to see
that Cole had woken up.

“Cole.” Josef slowly made his way toward his mate. Cole turned

to look at him. His face looked indifferent, but his body tensed and
posed to attack.

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Before he could say anything else, Cole pounced, tackling him to

the bed. Josef didn’t fight his mate. The faraway, lost look in his eyes
told Josef his mate didn’t know what he was doing. The stress of the
night had taken its toll, and his mate needed to release his anger.

Cole used his claws to shred Josef’s shorts from his body then

shoved his thighs apart and moved in between them. His thick
cockhead probed for entrance at Josef’s back door. Cole grabbed
Josef by his wrists and pinned them to the sides of his head. Josef
gasped out loud when Cole dropped forward, planting a demanding
kiss on his lips. It was all teeth and tongue. A faint trace of blood
trickled across Josef’s tongue, but he didn’t pull back. Cole needed

The hard length between his cheeks became more persistent. Josef

cried out when Cole thrust forward, and the crown broke through his
resistant muscles. It was dry, and the stretch brought tears to his eyes,
but he didn’t say a word. Cole needed to let loose, and Josef preferred
his mate did it on him than someone else. Josef could take anything
his mate could give him.

Even through the pain, Josef’s cock thickened and rubbed along

Cole’s washboard abs with every inward movement. Cole’s hips
picked up the pace and slammed into him. His cock leaked clear
juices, smearing between his and Cole’s bodies. He was close. His
balls tingled, and a swirling pressure shot up from his balls and out
his dick. The orgasm raked through his body, having him screaming
out his release.

Cole struck hard and fast, sinking his teeth into Josef’s shoulder,

taking his blood while his cock took his ass. Josef was at Cole’s
mercy and turned over all his control to his mate. Cole pushed
forward two more times, then hot, wet heat bathed his insides, and
Cole stilled over him.

Time seemed to stop as his mate held on to him. Tears damped

Josef’s neck and sobs started to shake his mate’s body. Josef held
Cole tight and cooed soft words to him. Cole needed to let go of his

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hurt and pain. The feeling of loss would never go away, but Cole
needed to start the healing process.

“It’s okay, Cole.” Josef combed his fingers through Cole’s short

blond hair. “Just let it all out.”

He could feel Cole opening and closing his mouth against his

skin. “I just can’t believe he’s gone.”

Josef continued to caress his hands up and down Cole’s back. He

had no words of advice for his mate. Life wasn’t easy, and people
died, and there was nothing that he could possibly say that would ease
that brand of pain.

Cole shifted, and his softened cock slipped out of Josef’s stretched

hole. He cringed. His ass ached with sensitivity.

“Oh, Josef.” Cole sat up and looked down at his mate, his fingers

touching his most intimate location. “I’m sorry. You must be so sore.”

Josef pushed his fingers away and yanked on Cole’s hand to come

lay back next to him. “I’m fine.” He kissed Cole gently on the lips,
just a brushing of skin. “All I care about it how you are feeling.”

“It aches right here.” Cole rubbed a hand against his chest right

above his heart. A small smile tugged up at the corners of his upper
lip. “I can’t believe it took him dying to finally admit how much he
loved us, stubborn bastard. He always had to do things the hard way.”

Josef kissed Cole on the top of his head and held him close. “But

at least you know how he felt.”

Cole sat up. “True. In this fucked-up situation, it feels really good

to know that. I never wanted my father to die, but it helps knowing
how much he loved us.”

“I’m sure it does. But I really think he felt it the entire time but

was too blinded by his fear and hatred to admit it. It doesn’t matter the
reason just as long as you know.”

“I agree.” Cole tucked his head into Josef’s neck. “And I’m glad I

got to tell him how much I loved him,” he whispered.

Cole didn’t say anything more, and Josef didn’t push him. It’d

take time, but he knew Cole would be fine. His mate was strong and

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would learn to live with his loss and come to see the man who he
called father did truly care about him all along.

* * * *

The next morning Cole woke up in Josef’s warm embrace. He

woke his mate with soft kisses and took the time to love on his body
one more time the right way, with plenty of prep and lots of lube. Last
night he just couldn’t control himself. He needed an outlet for his pain
and Josef was there for the taking.

When they went down for breakfast Devon, Aiden, Erik, Shane,

Viktor, Skyler, Dominic, and Jake were sitting at the table. Josh was
nowhere to be found. Jake said he left sometime in the middle of the
night. Out of the three of them Josh had been the closest to their father
or as close as anyone was allowed to be.

Devon told them that their father’s remains were in the barn and

they needed to decide what to do with him. Jake had never been one
to make decisions. That had been Josh’s job. But Josh wasn’t around
at present, so Cole made the big decision to have his father’s remains
cremated. Devon nodded and called in to have it done immediately.

The fire investigators also contacted Cole and informed him that

his childhood home was a total loss and it appeared to be arson. Cole
also spoke to the insurance company and the agent said they had a
choice to have a check cut to them or to rebuild. It was up to him and
his brothers.

Jake didn’t know what he wanted to do, and Devon made the offer

to have Jake join their pack. With no Josh in sight, Cole urged his
brother to stay. They could be a family together here with Josef and
his pack. Jake agreed, and Cole breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted
what remained of his family to be close to him, and he really did
believe Jake would like it here. In time he hoped his brother would
find his own voice.

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Later that evening Devon pulled him aside and made it clear the

same offer extended to Josh as well. Cole thanked the alpha for all
he’d done for them. Devon just smiled and brushed off the praise. He
simply said they were family and that’s what family did for one

After dinner Cole went out to stand on the back porch. The fresh

night air helped calm him along with the sounds of nature that
surrounded them. Here in the great outdoors he felt free of his pain.

“Whatcha doing?” Josef said in a teasing voice and bumped

shoulders with him.

“Ah, nothing. Just enjoying the nice night.” He looked over at his

mate. “How about you? What are you doing?”

“Just wondering how I got so lucky.”
Cole’s heart warmed at the bright smile his mate aimed his way.

“I feel the same way, my mate.”

“Good, then we can both agree we’re extremely lucky and can be

deliriously happy together.” Josef inched closer, and Cole met him
halfway. When their lips connected Cole saw the bright lights of
fireworks spark to life behind his eyelids. Being with his mate was his
heaven, and he knew there wasn’t anything he couldn’t accomplish as
long as he had Josef in his corner cheering him on.



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AJ Jarrett currently lives in the Midwest with her husband and

four children. A lover of M/M romances, she has started writing her
own stories for others to enjoy. She loves her characters to be
antagonistic toward one another but ultimately find their happy ever
after. She believes love can be found in the craziest of places and a
little humor along the way never hurt. To her, there’s nothing sexier
than two men finding their soul mate and falling in love. When she
isn’t chasing around her kids, she can be found sitting on the couch
with her trusted laptop giving life to the voices in her head.

For all titles by AJ Jarrett, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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