An Orgy Family Style

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PP-7285 An Orgy Family-Style by Donna Allen

Chapter 1

"No, Chuck, we really shouldn't."

"Jesus, Pam, sometimes you act like a virgin.

"Well, someone could see us. My mother could come out-"

"You ought to stop letting your mother control you." He lowered his lips to hers. "Honest, Pam, you're
not a kid any more. There are teenagers who fuck around more than you do."

"Oh, Chuck." The blonde touched her hand to the back of his neck and encouraged his kisses.

At first his kisses were gentle, but after a moment his lips became insistent. His arms held her tightly and
his hands fondled her tits.

"Give me your tongue," he said as he tried forcing his tongue into her barely parted lips.

She couldn't resist, and in a moment her pointed tongue was buried in his mouth. "Oh, Chuck, you
always do this to me," she said.

"Baby, if you'd go to a motel like normal women, we wouldn't have to do it in a car."

"I can't go to a motel with you." His hand was inside her bra, caressing her bare tit.

They were in the back seat of Chuck's car. He eased her down on the seat, his hard cock pulsating
against her thigh. As usual he took her hand and lowered it to his prick. Even through his pants, the feel
of his hard cock made her tremble.

Pam Rider was twenty-eight, single, and lived with her widowed mother. Maggie Rider still treated her
like a child, and in many ways she was one.

She had been going with Chuck for two years, and, although they fucked at least twice a week, she
never let him into her room. Since he lived with his mother too, the only alternative was a motel. Pam
couldn't shake off her mother's admonitions, so they usually wound up fucking in the back seat of his

Now Chuck groaned as she squeezed his prick through his pants. "Take it out," he said.

Her tongue streaked into his mouth. She glanced at her house and then at the one next door. Her
brother and his family lived next door. Not only did she have her mother watching over her, she had her
older brother Bob, too.

Even now, as Chuck squeezed her naked tit, she thought about her mother's warnings. Soon Chuck
would put his hand between her legs and touch her there. She could never resist that.

One day they'll see us doing it in the car, and mother will kill me, she thought. Bob and his wife Judy
had three children. Jimmy was the eldest, then Billy and Penny. Lately the teenagers had teased her
about being an old-maid, and maybe they were right. Chuck wanted to marry her, but she kept putting
him off. She liked him enough, but wasn't there more to life?

Her tits tingled as he manipulated her nipples. He had unbuttoned her blouse, and was in the process of
unhooking her bra.

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"Someone might see us," she whispered as he cupped her tits in his hands.

"You say that every time. If you'd marry me, we wouldn't have to worry about being caught."

"Oh, Chuck, don't start that again." She felt the warm wetness between her legs. At moments like this
she was tempted to agree to his marriage proposal.

The crotch of her panties had worked its way inside her cuntlips. She felt the friction on her clit and
wriggled around frantically.

"Why not get married?" he said.

"Because I can't leave my mother, and you know it."

He snickered. "Your mother lives next door to your brother. And besides, she's a pretty hip lady. She
can take care of herself."

"Just because she's so pretty and dresses so well doesn't mean she can live alone. She's really been lost
since my father died."

Chuck snorted. "Jesus, Pam, why can't you see what everyone else sees?

Your mother is a sexy chick who gets plenty of cock."

Pam stiffened. "Don't you talk about my mother like that!"

"Okay, okay, I won't, but I won't wait forever. One of these days your mother will find someone to
marry and then she'll leave you. By then you might not be able to find someone who wants you. You're
not getting any younger, you know."

Her body screamed for relief, but his words turned her blood cold. "Damn you, Chuck, we're making
love and all you can do is talk against my mother."

"Jesus, Pam, it's so damn uncomfortable here in the car. If you'd marry me we could get our own place
and do it on a nice comfortable bed."

"Comfort! Is that all you think about? Your comfort? What about me?"

"I am thinking about you." He yanked his zipper down and grabbed her hand. "Here. Squeeze it."

Angry as she was, she still couldn't resist taking his cock in her fist. "Well, don't nag me any more about

"Okay, honey. Jesus, that feels good when you do that. Touch my cockhead here. Yeah, use your
thumb on the ridge. Should I put it in now?"

"Not yet." Her pussy throbbed at the feel of his prick. She wanted it inside her, but she wanted to
punish him too. It would serve him right if she only let him finger her. Yes, that was what she'd do.
She'd give him a hand job. Then maybe next time he wouldn't nag her about Mother.

Old memories flashed through her mind as she pumped his cock. When she was a teenager her mother
had caught her in bed with a boyfriend.

"Slut!" Maggie had screamed. "You'll go to hell for this!"

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A week later, Pam had watched her mother getting her ass reamed. Maggie frequently brought men to
the house after her husband died, but she pretended to be a virtuous, mourning widow. All this had
affected the teenager. Now she was a grown woman with sexual hang-ups, still living under the thumb
of her mother.

"Can I put it in now?" Chuck panted.

"Why do you always have to ask?" she hissed.

"Jesus, I'm only trying to do what you want."

"Did it ever occur to you that you aren't aggressive enough?"

"I'm sorry, hon. Jesus, you sure know how to handle a cock."

"Let me pump it a little longer."

Her mind drifted back several years. "Boys have no respect for girls who are too easy," Maggie had

Pam had bitten her lip and said nothing. Maggie had brought men home and sometimes they stayed all
night. But mother and daughter never discussed it, and Maggie insisted she was living the life of a nun.

Now Chuck straddled her, using his knee to force her thighs apart. "Careful," she said. "Bob's car isn't
in the driveway. That means he's working late and might drive up any minute."

"Your brother knows you're a big girl."

He grappled with her panties, but she was still intent on teaching him a lesson. "Wait a minute, I'll do it,"
she said.

"Please, honey, let me put in inside you," he said.

"I think we better just use our hands tonight."

"Aw, shit, a hand job is for kids." Again he tried prying her legs apart and again she squeezed them

"What if my brother finds us like this? I'd be humiliated."

"Your brother knows the score. Aw, come on, hon. Let me put it in." He tried pushing his cock
between her thighs, but she twisted to the side.

"No, just your finger."

"Okay, if you insist."

She sucked in her breath when he touched his fingers to her slit. One of his fingers separated her
cuntlips and touched her slick folds.

"You're so wet, hon. Are you sure you don't want me to stick it in?"

When he began climbing over her, she pushed his hand away. "No. Just your finger. You promised."

Why do I do this to Chuck and more important why do I do it to myself? she thought. I want his prick
inside me. I want it all the time, not just a few times a week. If only ... oh, damn!

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"I feel your little clit, hon," he said. "It's like a little cock."

She lurched up, thrusting her cunt at his hand. "Just keep rubbing it like that," she urged.

His fingers slipped around her wet pussy. He pushed his index finger into her cunthole and rubbed her

"That's nice," she said.

"Can't I put it in?" he whined.

It was tempting, but she wanted to punish him. "No, only your finger."

Why do I let Mother rule my life? she thought even as Chuck frigged her. I'm a grown woman, not a
kid. Why do I make such a big deal about Chuck fucking me?

But she knew she was under Maggie's spell. That was why she continued going with Chuck. She saw
lots of men she found attractive, men whose eyes followed her on the street. But when they approached
her, she backed off. She was frightened and needy at the same time.

So here she was in the back seat of Chuck's car, about to come all over his fingers while Maggie was
getting laid almost every night. It wasn't fair.

Now Chuck moved a second finger into her snatch. "Is it good for you?" he said, his fingers
knuckle-deep inside her.

"Yes," she admitted grudgingly, bucking her ass.

"Won't you let me fuck you?" he pleaded.

Her long blonde hair tumbled around her face as she thrashed her legs in the air. "I said only your finger."

"What about me?" he said. "My balls are turning blue."

"Give me your cock." Fumbling around, she closed her fingers around his prick and started beating his

"You give the best hand-job in town," he said.

The blood and muscle comprising his prick pulsated in her fist. "How many girls in town have brought
you off?"

He flushed in the dark. "Aw, not many, Pam. You know you're the only girl for me."

By now his piss-slit was leaking, wetting her hand and weakening her resolve. It's not fair, she thought.
I'm taking my frustrations with Maggie out on Chuck. She squeezed his cock, moving his cockskin up
and down his pole.

"I want it inside me," she whispered.

He grinned. "You do," he said, beginning to mount her.

"But I can't let you do it tonight," she finished. "Move your fingers in and out faster. We can't stay here
like this much longer."

Frustrated, but blinded by love, Chuck corkscrewed his fingers in and out of the blonde's twat while his

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thumb flicked her clit.

Trembling, she pushed her cunt against his hand as each moment brought her closer to orgasm. While
he frigged her, she pumped his cock.

"Keep rubbing me," she panted. "Don't stop. Yes! Yes! Keep doing that!"

"Are you going to come, hon?"

"In a minute."

"Aw, baby, you're so juicy and hot down there. I can even smell you.

You smell so good and hot. Can't I even kiss you down there?"

"Not tonight."

She tilted her ass back as her excitement mounted. She fumbled in the darkness in an attempt to caress
his balls.

As her pulse quickened, her pussy spasmed around his fingers. The contractions in her gash took her
breath away and she cried out her passion.

"Oh, darling!" she hissed.

"Hon, keep pumping my cock!"

"Come on my hands," she said, pumping vigorously.

"Don't stop." His teeth clenched and his eyes were shut tight.

He bucked his ass as he came, drenching her hand. She was sorry now that she hadn't let him fuck her.
She loved it when he came inside her.

It was all Maggie's fault. Oh, Mother, you're ruining my life!

Some of his jism dripped onto her skirt. Maggie would be sure to see it and comment on what Maggie
called her school-girl crush.

"Don't get it all over me," she said.

"Jesus, hon, I can't help it," he said.

He collapsed on top of her, one leg on the floor and his face against her breast. "I can't breathe," she
said, but his warm breath on her tits felt good so she didn't push him away.

"Are you okay, hon?" he said.

"I guess so, but my skirt-"

He tried wiping the come from her skirt. "I'm sorry, babe. Maybe your mom won't notice it."

"She always examines my clothes after I go out with you."

"Jesus Christ, you're a grown woman."

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"Don't start that again." Using all her strength she pushed his head off her chest.

He sat back while she straightened up and proceeded to arrange her clothes. They were silent, each
wrapped up in their own thoughts.

"Saturday night a friend of mine is going out of town," he said after a while.

She hooked her bra and buttoned her blouse.


"We can use his apartment."

Old memories flooded her again. Maggie cautioning her not to be too easy. Maggie warning her that
girls who gave it away seldom got someone to marry them.

"I don't think so," Pam said now, patting the moist spot on her skirt.

"It just wouldn't be right."

"Aw, hon, we do it in the car all the time. What's so wrong about using a friend's pad?"

"What's wrong is that going to an apartment makes it all seem so planned."

"But, hon, we fuck all the time."

"But I'm just overcome, is all," she snapped. "I don't plan on doing it. It just happens."

Silence. "I don't want to fight with you, hon."

"Then don't," she said.

"I'm sorry about what I said about your mother."

Her affection for him overcame her anger. "Please be patient a little longer," she said, opening the car
door. "One of these days I'll be ready to marry you. Just give me a little more time."

He kissed the tip of her nose. "Just don't keep me dangling too long, hon. I love you and I want to take
care of you, but this car business is getting to me."

They climbed out of the car. Chuck began following her up the walk, but she stopped him. "Mother's
light is on," she said. "She doesn't like it when you come in at this hour."

In truth she knew there was a man with Maggie. A man by the name of Roger. But she had no intention
of telling Chuck.

"Goodnight, hon," he said.

"Goodnight, Chuck." She turned and began walking toward the house.

She fumbled in her purse for her keys as he drove off. Bob still hadn't come home. As she opened the
door she thought about her older brother. She looked upon him as a father figure as well as a brother.
At times like this she even admitted she found him sexually attractive.

Oh, Mother, you've really messed me up, she thought as she entered the house.

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It was quiet except for the sound of Maggie giggling upstairs. Roger never said much, but whenever he
spent the night Maggie giggled incessantly.

Weary, depressed and still horny, she climbed the stairs to her room. Her tits heaved as she breathed
deeply. Maggie treated her like a child, but Maggie had a very active sex life. It wasn't fair. Chuck was
right. Maggie was a hypocrite.

Maybe I ought to have a talk with Bob, she thought. Yes, Bob will know what I should do. He's so
wise to the ways of the world.

"Is that you, Pam, dear?" her mother trilled.

Pam paused outside Maggie's room. "Yes, Mother, it's me."

"Have you been out in the car with Chuck all this time? It's late, dear. You're going to ruin your

Pam heard Roger chuckle and she flushed. Biting her lip to keep from retorting angrily, she tossed her
hair back. "Don't worry about my reputation, Mother. I'm going to bed now. It is late."

"Goodnight, dear," Maggie called out.

"Goodnight, Mother," Pam said wearily. "Sleep well."

Chapter 2

Judy Rider settled down on the bed and lit a cigarette. She was bored with the late night television talk
show and restless.

From time to time she glanced out the window. Pam and Chuck were still grappling in Chuck's Chevy.
Poor Pam. Past thirty and still under the thumb of her mother.

Not that my life is so wonderful, Judy thought ruefully. Bob never seems to come home any more. I
wonder if he really is working late. If he doesn't come home soon and fuck me I'll go crazy.

She inhaled deeply, seething with a frustration that was becoming part of her everyday life. Knowing
Pam was probably getting fucked didn't help.

Still, she didn't envy her sister-in-law. Pam was almost an old-maid, although the term was no longer
used much. Even though Bob was neglecting her lately, Judy had to admit she still had a fine life. She
had two adorable sons sleeping nearby and a popular teenage daughter.

At the thought of her sons, the brunette's pussy twitched. She hated to admit it, it was much too
perverse, but as the boys grew older she was seeing them as males and not just as her children.

Now she snapped open the beer she'd brought upstairs and lit a fresh cigarette from the old one. It was
lonely being in bed without Bob. She couldn't help but remember the old days before the children were
born. Their sex life had been so good then. Why did things have to change?

Sometimes she resented living so close to Bob's mother and sister. When the children were young Pam
would help out by baby-sitting, but Maggie was always busy running around and getting fucked.
Everyone knew it, but no one talked about it. Bob's mother was a very sexy lady who pretended to be
pristine. What a joke. Judy sighed and sipped her beer. In the old days Bob couldn't get enough of
her. He had known how to make her come and always took care of her needs before he took care of

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his own.

When they were newlyweds his cock was inside her most of the night and every morning. She could still
feel the way it was in the old days when his shaft rested against her clit. He would stay inside her for
hours at a time.

She had been a hot-blooded teenager and although Bob wasn't her first lover he was her favorite from
the day they met. She had started fucking as a kid and met Bob when she was in high school. He had
satisfied her as no other boy had. Somehow he knew precisely how to take her over the brink to
ecstasy even as a boy.

She wondered if her sons took after their father.

Sometimes she thought about the first time she and Bob made out. Even now, after all these years, she
could still feel his lips on her pussy. He was the first boy who ever went down on her. He had tongued
her cunt until she wept.

Now she squeezed her thighs together as she thought about how his tongue had felt on her teenage clit.
The first time he licked her clit she thought she would go through the roof of his car. She could still feel
his tongue vibrating her little sex organ. She went out with other boys after that, but she was hooked on
Bob Rider.

Now her fingers automatically found her nipples. She pinched them until they stiffened with excitement.
It had been days since Bob had fucked her. Months since he'd fucked her good. Her pussy steamed
with frustration. Some women lost interest in sex after they had children. Her cunt was as wet as a
teenager's almost all the time.

Sometimes she considered cheating. After she and Bob had been married five years she had fucked
around for a few months. But Jimmy was a curious four year old and seemed to sense something. She
never cheated again.

Now she fingered her cunt and finished her beer. If only Bob would come home and fuck her. But he'd
be tired or pretend he was, which was the same thing. It was always the same lately. She almost had to
beg for it and then he'd throw her a quick fuck.

It wasn't as if Bob wasn't a virile man. His cock was as big and hard as ever when he was in the mood.
And at moments like this when she'd had a few beers she had to admit Bob's lack of interest wasn't her
only problem. Her gravest problem was her oldest son. Lately she thought about the boy more and
more. She thought about having sex with him.

Incest! Even the word made her cringe. Billy, her younger boy, was a horny teenager who made her
pussy twitch whenever he grinned, but it was Jimmy who made her cream her panties.

Incest. There was no denying she wanted to fuck her eldest son.

Admitting it to herself made her feel better in a strange way.

She sometimes wondered if women transferred their love from their husbands to their sons when their
marriages became routine. She certainly loved the boys more than she loved Penny. She loved Penny,
but in a different way. Her love for her sons was sexual, while in her daughter she saw her own fading

Sometimes she thought about Jimmy as a possible sex partner. She caught herself peeking into his room
when he undressed for bed. If he noticed her staring, he never said anything.

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Both boys were affectionate and ogled her tits constantly. Whenever they could, they would brush up
against her and cop a feel of her tits. She thought it was adorable and didn't discourage the caresses.

Now, her beer finished and her last cigarette snuffed out, she yawned and abandoned herself to her
thoughts. Bob was especially late tonight. Why shouldn't she play one of her favorite games? The
game was to wonder what it would be like to fuck Jimmy.

Actually she'd fantasized about fucking both her boys. Once she pretended she was wearing a sheer
negligee and Bob was working late. The boys had walked into her room without knocking and when
she turned to them she opened her negligee and revealed her naked tits.

How their eyes glittered! When she thought they were good and hot she would fall onto the bed and
wriggle her ass. Still wearing her nightgown, she fantasized she would open her legs and let them see her

They would gawk, approach the bed and whistle in unison. She would reach down and spread her
cuntlips apart. Then she would ...

Oh, God! The fantasy was making her so horny! She fingered herself imagining she was being touched
by her oldest son. If only she had his cock in her hand. If that was incest, so be it.

She found herself opening and closing her fist. From the many times she's glimpsed Jimmy's cock she
knew it was good and big. She stuck her thumb in her mouth and sucked. Jimmy, she thought. Come
to Mother and let me take your cock in my hand.

Oh, how she would make him feel! She would move her fingers lovingly up and down his horny teenage
dick. Boys his age were always hot. Why was it so wrong for a mother to help out her own sons?

Who ever said incest was wrong anyway?

She glanced at the clock, startled to find it was only eleven. From the silence in the street she was sure
Pam had gone in the house. She fondled her pussy and pinched her nipples. Bob probably wouldn't be
home for a few hours. Too late to fuck her and too tired. What the hell could she do but masturbate?

Her mind wandered again and again to Jimmy. From what she'd seen the boy had a big pair of balls as
well as a good-sized cock. If he was her lover she'd take his balls into her mouth and soak them in her
saliva. In her mind she flicked her tongue over his ball-bag and tasted the special flavor and aroma. She
worked her lips as she masturbated.

"Fuck me, son," she whispered. "Fuck your mother, honey."

The words startled her and she sat up. Her heart pounded and she was bathed in sweat. I must go and
see if he's all right, she thought. These thoughts are so evil. God might be punishing me through my
darling boy.

She closed the door behind her, clutched her robe to her chest and tiptoed down the hall. She stopped
for a moment to catch her breath. Where was she going and what was she doing? It was all so crazy.

She stood outside Jimmy's room. My own flesh and blood, she thought.

It was a momentous decision and her head ached.

Her pussy won out. It melted with hot desire. Surely it wouldn't matter if she just peeked into Jimmy's
room and looked at him while he slept. Surely it wouldn't be a sin to look down on his sweet face and

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maybe catch a glimpse of his strong young body. She was his mother, after all. Who had a better right?

She quietly turned the doorknob and stepped into the room. Her heart beat so fast she felt faint, but
there was no turning back. She was powerless to deny herself what she craved.

Closing the door softly behind her, she walked over to the bed where the sleeping teenager lay sprawled
out on his back. Moonlight poured into the room and she automatically reached out to touch Jimmy's

She flinched, pulled her hand back, and then let her fingertips graze his cheek. He stirred slightly in his
sleep and she froze.

When she was certain he was sleeping soundly, she sat down on the edge of the bed. She took his hand
in hers and pressed her hot lips to the palm.

Her pussy lurched. She gazed at him in the dim light and saw a man, not a child, and her pussy
responded. She let her free hand fall to his chest.

Without thinking, she drew the covers back and gazed hungrily at his young body. He wore no pajamas
and was still covered from the waist down. She thrilled to the touch of his smooth young skin.

My baby boy, she thought. She lightly stroked his nipples. My little man.

She stroked her way down to his waist and stopped, but she knew she had to see more of his body.
She hadn't seen him naked for several years, but who had a better right to see how he had developed?

Her hand rested on his belly. He stiffened in his sleep, but his breathing was regular. Did she dare push
the covers all the way down and peek at his cock and balls? She wanted to so badly.

As if moved by an alien force, she lifted the covers up and exposed his crotch. He was wearing shorts
and she let her hand slip inside the waistband.

She felt his bush and almost stopped breathing. She couldn't stop now. She had to see and feel
everything. She had to get a good look at his cock and balls or she'd never get to sleep.

Glancing over at the clock on the desk, she guessed that Bob wouldn't be home for a while. The horny
brunette carefully pulled the boy's shorts down and her eyes widened as she gazed at his prick.

It was leaning against his thigh and he must have been having a wet dream because it was throbbing and
half-hard. His shorts were down around his thighs now and she stared with hot eyes at his groin.

She knew she ought to stop right there and be content to just gaze at his cock and balls. But she wanted
more. She had to touch him, caress him, feel his cock pulsate in her hand. It was a sin, a taboo, but she
wouldn't sleep until she touched it.

She tried telling herself he was her son and she had a right, but still she trembled as she reached down to
his prick.

When her fingers touched him, touched his cockbush and shaft, a thrill shot through her. Dear God, she
wanted his cock in her mouth and her pussy! Just touching wasn't enough. It was never enough.

Closing her eyes to shut out the sight of him, she ran her fingers up and down his rod. He mumbled in
his sleep, but she left her hand where it was. If he awakened, so be it. She couldn't turn back now.

The hot-assed mother felt dizzy with excitement. Her pussy moistened, wetting her inner thighs.

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Excitement made her aggressive and she gently wrapped her fingers around his fuckpole and squeezed.

He groaned in his sleep, but still she fondled him, almost willing him to awaken. His cock lifted up in her
hand, no longer resting against his thigh. It was getting hard. Dear God, she was giving her own son a

She rubbed his jizz-slit with her thumb and distributed the juice over his cockhead. The longer she
fondled his cock the larger it grew.

Soon it was fully erect. She felt a rush of excitement and began moving her hand up and down his
silken-skinned shaft.

She wondered how often he jerked off. When her boys were little, they masturbated regularly. Now
that they were teenagers they probably beat their meat a half dozen times a day.

Do I dare take it in my mouth? she thought. What if Bob comes home and finds me in here?

She gazed down with loving eyes at her eldest son. She wanted to give him pleasure, the kind of
pleasure only a mature woman can give a young boy. Did she dare?

Was it possible to give him an orgasm while he was sleeping? Would he awaken and be shocked? Or
maybe he would be pleased. Billy was asleep in the next room and Penny just down the hall. Would
they hear if Jimmy cried out and would they rush in to see what was happening?

Despite the unanswered questions and the dangers involved, the hot-cunted mother continued
manipulating the boy's cock. It became so stiff she knew she wouldn't leave until she brought him off.
How could she leave him like this?

But even as her mind whirled she knew she wanted to taste him. She salivated at the thought of taking
his young dick in her mouth.

She loved giving head and Bob hardly seemed interested lately. Was he getting it somewhere else or
was he just losing interest in sex? It was hard to tell, but she had a gut feeling he had another woman, or

One thing she knew. She had to taste Jimmy's prick. Her pussy seethed, but she wasn't yet ready to
take that step. Sucking him didn't seem as perverse as fucking him.

Climbing to her knees over him, she bent down and moved her lips to within a few inches of his prick.
She hesitated, opened her mouth and stopped, her lips grazing his cockhead.

A drop of his pre-orgasm jizz clung to her lower lip. She licked her lips, tasting him. How delicious he

Come to Mama, she thought with a giggle. Come to Mama, baby boy of mine.

Squeezing his cockhead, she coaxed another drop of come out of his pisser. Raw desire driving her on,
she flicked her tongue out and licked it off. Closing her eyes, she savored the taste of him once again.

She wanted a mouthful of jism, but to achieve that she had to make him come without awakening him.
Her head swam at the prospect as she kissed the tip of his cockhead.

He grunted in his sleep, raising his ass and seemingly trying to thrust his prick into her mouth.

Just where I want it, she thought as she rubbed her moist lips over his mushroom-like cock-knob.

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She pressed her lips against his bush and his balls. She inhaled his man-boy aroma. Her fingers circling
his cock-root, she opened her mouth wide and took his cock deep inside.

He stirred violently, but didn't awaken. She thought she might faint when his cock plunged into her
throat. She scraped her teeth lightly over his cockshaft and tongued his pisser. His cock was actually
growing bigger and stiffer. What a joy he was.

She glanced at the clock and calculated she still had a few minutes before Bob came home. She had to
bring the boy off without awakening him. If nothing else she had to have a mouthful of come to put her
to sleep.

Driven by raw desire and motherly love, she began sliding her lips up and down his prick. She bobbed
her head up and down, fondling his balls as she sucked him.

At intervals he raised his ass and rammed his prick into her throat.

She thrilled at his aggressiveness. Even in his sleep he was all boy.

She cradled his balls in one hand and used her other hand to gently pump his prick. She sucked just the
tip, concentrating on moving just his cock-skin up and down his pole.

His cock and balls were wet with her saliva. On an impulse she moved a hand to his asscrack and
toyed with his asshole.

He flung a leg over, hitting her in the head and pushing her down over his crotch. She held his prick in
one cheek and then the other before letting it lodge in her throat.

She used her tongue expertly, making his cock jerk and throb. She gently inserted a finger in his asshole
while she fluttered her tongue up and down his fuck-stick.

Then she plunged down, clamping her lips over his hard-on and burying her nose in his cock-bush. He
groaned, mumbling something unintelligible in his sleep.

"Come!" she hissed. "Fuck Mother's face, darling!"

She prepared herself for the explosion she knew was moments away. She removed her finger from his
asshole and began frantically rubbing her pussy.

She came when he did and his jism was sweeter than anything she'd ever tasted. It filled her mouth to

At the end she stole back to her room and fell onto the bed. In less than five minutes she heard Bob
drive up. Her pussy still burning with horny desire, she pulled up the covers and feigned sleep.

Chapter 3

Penny Rider, still a virgin, tiptoed past the bathroom door and paused.

She heard the shower running and knew Billy was inside.

She heard him singing as she moved her ear to the door. If he was showering, he was naked. She liked
spying on her brothers when they were undressed. She licked her lips. She always watched them when
they thought she wasn't looking. It was her favorite game, spying on her brothers when they were naked
and sometimes even jerking off.

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It had been awhile, maybe as long as a year, since she'd seen Billy's cock. She wondered if it had
grown. Was it as big as Jimmy's? Had he grown more hair on his crotch and did his balls hang down
heavily, like Jimmy's?

Her virgin cunt twitched and felt hot and heavy between her legs. On an impulse she pushed the
bathroom door open slightly and peeked inside.

Billy chose that moment to shut off the shower and step out into her line of vision. He didn't see her as
he reached for a towel.

She saw all of him, however. Her eyes widened as she gazed at his prick. It was as big as Jimmy's and
he had indeed grown more hair on not only his crotch, but on his balls too.

The horny teenager held her breath. Both her brothers were turning into studs. How exciting!

Billy dried his crotch and hummed a tune as he examined his face in the mirror over the sink. She
squinted to see into the room. He was looking for signs of a beard on his chin. She almost giggled.

But what drew her attention was his prick. It was long and thick and dark pink. She became so
engrossed in his cock she failed to see him spy her in the hallway.

"I know you're out there," he said. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, Sis?"

When the door was pulled open, she fell forward, landing against the naked boy. She was too stunned
to speak, but his cock stabbed her hip and they both sprang back.

He quickly wound the towel around his waist, hiding his prick from her probing eyes. "Hey, get out," he

But Penny became bolder and grabbed the towel, yanking it down. "I like to see it," she said.

"Jesus Sis, you're crazy," he said, trying to cover himself. "Do you know what you're doing?" He jerked
the towel from her hand and tried unsuccessfully to tie it around his waist.

"Let me see," she giggled, grabbing the towel and pushing it behind her back. "You used to let me see
your thing. Why can't I see it now?"

"Oh, Jesus!"

It was true that as children they had played doctor and nurse regularly. Now as Billy gazed at his
younger sister he felt confused.

In a way he wanted her to look at his cock and admire him. On the other hand he knew it was wrong
because his parents had instilled certain values in all their children.

Penny clutched the towel and openly stared at the naked boy. "Your cock got real big," she said, her
eyes shining with admiration.

"Mom'll kill you if she finds out you're doing this," he said, suppressing a grin.

"Hey, it's lifting up," Penny said.

The boy felt a twitch in his balls. Damn it, he was getting turned on and by his own kid sister.

"Jesus, you better get out of here," he said.

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The little brunette let the wet towel drop to the floor. When Billy didn't reach for it, she moved closer.
"I like looking at your thing. It's sort of cute."

"Jesus, cute!" he groaned.

She moved closer, without thinking, reaching for his prick. "I don't mean cute," she said. "I mean horny
and masculine."

"Hey, cut that out!" He moved back, hitting the wall. "Jesus, Sis, you can't do that."

"Just let me touch it a minute," she said.

"You're crazy," he said, but he stood still while she touched his cock.

He had noticed in recent years that his sister was growing into a very pretty young lady. She was built
too. She had big tits like their mother and a nice round ass. He had wet dreams about her sometimes,
but it had never occurred to him that she was horny too.

"It feels funny, but it's nice," she whispered, lightly running her fingers over his fuckpole.

As she spoke she stepped back and gazed down at the prize in her hand. The boy stared at her
dumbly. He and Jimmy talked about cooze all the time, but they'd had little experience with sex. Now
here was Penny, his own sister, squeezing his prick. His confusion increased. It felt good, but he knew
he ought to make her stop.

"Are you a virgin?" he said.

"Yes, are you?"

"Hell, no." He lowered his eyes to avoid hers. He was a virgin, but he didn't want to admit it.

"Are you really not a virgin?" the young girl said.

"Shit, I've done it plenty," he said. Actually all he'd ever done was touch a girl's tits and french kiss.
Once a girl let him touch her, down there, but only for a minute.

"Jesus, what about Jimmy?" he said.

"He's been around too," the boy croaked.

The way she was touching his cock was driving him crazy.

"It's getting even bigger," she said.

He was beginning to forget that Penny was his sister. He covered her hand with his. "Touch it here," he

She touched the tip of her fingers to the rim under his cockhead.

"Here?" she said.

His cock rose up in her hand. "Yeah, that's okay."

"God, it's getting hard," she said, one hand cupping his balls and the other caressing his prick.

"Well, what did you expect?" he said. He was finding it difficult to breathe. Somewhere in his mind he

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knew he ought to stop her, but he was helpless. Her hands on his cock and balls felt too good.

"I watch you sometimes," she said, lightly stroking his prick.

"Yeah, when?"

"When you're getting out of the shower, like today, and sometimes when you're in your room."

"Well, I watch you sometimes too."

"Honest?" she grinned. "Did you ever see my pussy?"

"Yeah, once," he said.

"Did you notice all the hair I've got now?" His cock jerked in her hand. "Yeah, I noticed."

She pumped his prick until the skin pulled tautly over his hard-on.

She breathed rapidly and felt the oozing moisture between her legs.

"Are you gonna come?" she said.

"Maybe," he gasped.

"Are you gonna come on my hand?"

"Yeah, if you let me."

"I'd rather you fucked me."

"Huh?" Sweat poured down his temples.

"Honest, I'd really rather you fucked me than come on my hand."

He groaned but didn't speak. He was filled with mixed emotions. He wanted to fuck her. God, how he
wanted to fuck her. He was dying to lose his cherry and tired of jerking off. But she was his kid sister.
If his folks found out they'd skin him alive.

"Please," the teenage girl whispered.

"Let me think a minute," he said, his cock jutting out from his crotch.

"You know you want to," she said.

"I gotta think."

His balls ached. God, they must be turning blue. He had to give her an answer soon or he'd dump his
load on her hand.

Then Penny did something that took the decision out of his hands. She dropped to her knees on the
bath mat, opened her lips and took the head of his prick into her mouth.

"Jesus, Sis!" he hissed. He used every ounce of control he could muster to control his orgasm.

She only held his cockhead in her mouth a moment, but it was long enough to convince him he had to
fuck her.

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"Okay, Sis, but you better stop or I'll come in your mouth."

Giggling, the teenage girl defiantly licked her tongue over his cockshaft. "You better not," she said.

But she was wise enough to know his orgasm was close. She gently cupped his balls with one hand and
licked his cockhead. She tasted his pre-orgasm jism and shivered. Is this what jism tastes like? If so,
she wanted him to come in her mouth.

Suddenly he pushed her head back and grimaced. He pulled her to her feet and backed her against the
wall. "Sit up there on the sink and I'll fuck you," he said.

She was very turned on, but the thought of fucking here in the bathroom didn't appeal to her. "How can
we fuck if I'm sitting on the sink?"

"Then get down on the floor."

She felt her knees give out under her as she sank down onto the bath mat. She spread her legs and for a
moment Billy gazed down at her pussy.

She wore a short skirt and no panties and her pussy aroma was strong in the small bathroom. Billy
struggled to breathe as he hovered over her. The pink lips of her cunt winked open in invitation. The
light sprinkling of dark hair made him groan with raw desire.

He'd seen a few pussies in magazines and one of his girlfriends once showed him her cunt. But his balls
ached as he moved down over his sister to touch the vulnerable-looking slit between her legs.

As he touched her cunt she reached for his cock. Her eyes were wild and glittering. She wanted his
cock inside her breaking her cherry and bringing her off.

"Hurry!" she said. "I'm so hot!" The floor was like marble on her back, but it didn't matter. All that
mattered was having his prick inside her.

The boy muttered as he fell over her. His cock wedged between her round thighs, missing her cunt, but
hitting her hairy mound.

"Stick it in," he said.

"I can't, you stick it in!"

"What if I hurt you?"

"You won't hurt me."

"But your cherry."

"Will it hurt?"

"I think so."

"Oh, God, I don't know ..."

She tried closing her legs, but it was too late. Billy held his prick against her cunt and tried pushing in.

"Let me stick it in," he said.

"Can you do it?"

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"Yeah, if you stop wiggling around."

She lay perfectly still. "I'm not moving," she said.

He pushed forward. Her cunt felt hot and wet on his cockhead. He shut his eyes and grimaced. Just
the feel of her gash on his cockhead made him want to let go and come.

"Don't hurt me," she said.

His heart pounded with passion, but he hesitated. "Jesus, Sis, you're a cherry. It's bound to hurt." How
he wanted to feel her pussy wrapped around his cock!

She pulled her knees back to her tits as his cockhead lodged between her cuntlips. "Push it in!" she
whimpered, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He lurched forward, driving his prick into her virgin snatch and ripping her hymen. "We're fucking," he

"Is it in?" she said, relief flooding her. It didn't hurt a bit.

"Sure, it's in. Jesus, your cunt is tight."

Neither youngster had to be told what to do now. Their bodies took over and Billy began pumping his
cock in and out of her swampy depths.

Penny was in heaven. With every thrust his cock seemed to rub against her clit. Her clit was sensitive
from years of masturbating, but she'd never felt anything like this. Having a cock inside her was the most
thrilling thing to ever happen to the teenager.

"Your cock is rubbing my clit," she breathed.

"Yeah, do you think you're gonna come?"

"If you can do it long enough I will. Oh, God, Billy, I love fucking!

Don't you?"

"Yeah, it's great." He pushed in very deeply, causing his balls to slap her asscheeks.

"How many times have you done it?" she said, her teeth chattering with excitement.

"I don't remember."

"Oooooooooh, I feel so filled up with your cock."

"Jesus, your pussy's grabbing my cock."

The pulsating bar of male meat inside her stretched her insides deliciously. Everything felt wet and tight
and wonderful. She had never oozed so much juice from her cunny. His cock, big as it was, streaked in
and out with ease.

"We're really fucking," she said.

"You better not tell," he said.

"I won't. Oh, God, Billy, keep doing that!"

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"I don't know how long I can keep it up."

"I just love it."

"Me too."

They were both perspiring freely. His belly slapped hers and at one point she raised her legs and
wrapped them around his back. Each time he thrust into her, she came that much closer to coming.

The little brunette had never felt so turned on. This was so much better than masturbating. Her body felt
alive and tingling and urgently in need of release. Her orgasm was a hairsbreadth away and when it
came she knew it would be intense.

"Fuck me, Billy," she moaned.

"Jesus, you drive me crazy when you say that."

His cock rammed into her. "Fuck me hard like that," she cried.

Her pussy gripped his prick and her words inflamed him. The fire in his groin became almost
unbearable. Clenching his teeth, he held his breath in an attempt to delay his orgasm.

"A man is supposed to satisfy a woman first," his father had said to his sons when they began developing
sexually. "A real man never comes until the woman is ready. Remember that, boys, and you'll be okay."

Billy remembered his father's words now. "I'm ready, are you?" he said to his sister.

"Yeah, almost," she said. "God, you're in so deep."

"Tight snatch!" he muttered, pounding her cunt with every ounce of his strength. "Such a tight snatch!"

He forgot his father's teachings as the fire in his loins erupted.

"Gonna tear you apart," he rasped.

"No!" she shrieked. "Don't hurt me!"

He stopped thrusting. "Jesus, I'm sorry, Sis! Should take it out?"

She tightened the grip of her legs on his back. "No. Fuck me hard again. I'm going to come soon."

She tossed her head from side to side as the glory of her orgasm surged through her. Billy groaned,
gazing down and watching her ecstatic face.

"I'm coming, Sis!" he cried, stabbing his erupting prick into her spasming cunt.

The girl cried out when the first spurt of jism exploded inside her. His cock streaked in and out of her,
drenching her and bringing her off again. At the end he thrust more slowly, shivering and shaking as his
orgasm abated.

They lay together on the bare tile floor. Somewhere along the way the bath mat had become wadded
up. Penny's skirt was bunched up around her waist and her blouse was open. Her tits were out,
heaving up and down as she struggled for breath.

Billy's weight was heavy on her, but she wanted him to stay inside her. Even though his prick was limp it
still felt good to the horny teenager.

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Penny was the first to recover her breath. She hugged her brother to her breast. "Can we do it again?"
she said.

He lifted his head, groaned and dropped his face down to her tits. "Jesus, Sis, a guy can't do it again
right away. A guy's got to rest before his cock gets hard."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Billy raised his head and grinned. "Jesus, Sis, you're too much."

Dropping down, he nuzzled her tits with his lips. She felt his cock stir inside her and hugged him.

"Well, I guess I'm not a virgin any more," she trilled.

He sucked her nipple into his mouth. Me either, he thought. Jesus, we're neither of us cherries any

Chapter 4

The next few weeks passed slowly for Pam. She lived in a permanent state of horniness. Chuck bored
her and her pussy ached for new adventures. But her mother kept admonishing her to be chaste even
while she brought her own lovers to the house.

Then one day when Pam dropped in at her brother's house she found him home alone. Judy and the
children were out for the day. This was her perfect opportunity to talk to Bob about her problems with
their mother.

As they sat in the den and chatted, Bob made them both drinks. They spoke openly and honestly about
Pam's troubles. Bob advised her to move out and get her own apartment. Pam promised she'd think
about it.

The scotch filled her with a warm glow. After an hour she forgot about Maggie and her thwarted sex
life. Then suddenly she became aware of Bob's leg pressing her thigh and the warm glow spread to her

It seemed like a harmless gesture. Bob had never made a pass at her. How could he? He was her
brother. And yet, why not? Who could say how many siblings engaged in incest.

"Mom's made you uptight," Bob said now. "You're a very good-looking woman, Sis. You really ought
to get out more."

"I'm going to take your advice," she said. "I'm going to look for a place of my own. I'll look next week."

He stroked her hair and sipped his drink. "That's the girl. Maggie's a tough lady, but you can handle her
if you try."

"Can I be perfectly honest with you?" she said.

Bob cocked an eyebrow. "How can you even ask?"

"Chuck bores me to tears sometimes."

Bob reached for his drink. "Does he want to marry you?"

"Yes. He asks me all the time."

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"I think you need a whole new start with a new man. Get rid of Chuck and find yourself a guy you can
really dig."

She shrugged. "I don't know how to do that. Mother keeps me so intimidated."

Bob took her hand. "Listen, Sis, you're a big girl. It's now or never."

He continued holding her hand. She felt warm all over. Sexually warm.

"Oh, Bob, I feel better just talking to you."

"More scotch?"

"Sure, why not?"

He released her hand and they continued chatting. "Sometimes I get bored with Judy," he said.

For some reason that statement excited Pam. "You don't have to answer this if you don't want to," she
said, "but do you ever ... you know ... oh, don't mind me."

"You mean do I ever cheat on Judy?"

She reddened and nodded. "I know it's none of my business."

He draped his arm around her shoulder and sipped his drink. "You're my sister. I'm glad I can talk to
you about these things. Sure, I see other woman occasionally. A guy's got to have some diversion. I
guess it's hard for you to understand because women are different, but guys need variety."

"Oh, but I do understand," she blurted. "Really I do."

Bob drained his glass and took her hands in his. "I believe you do, Sis. Maybe it's because we share
the same blood, but I feel closer to you than I do to Judy or the kids sometimes."

Suddenly he pulled her against him. Her arms hung limply at her sides as his lips moved close to hers.
Her breathing quickened. Then they were kissing and Bob was plunging his tongue into her mouth.

She automatically began pushing him away. "Mmmmmmmmm," she sputtered, but he kept his lips
plastered to hers.

She stopped struggling and returned his kisses. It was crazy and wrong. She had come to her brother
for advice and now he was kissing her. Would he go further? She had fantasized about this moment for
years. Was it really happening or was she dreaming?

It was really happening. She was certain of that when Bob moved a hand between her legs.

"What are you doing?" she murmured, his lips still pressed against hers.

"We both need it, Sis," he said.

Pleasure such as she'd never felt radiated all over her body, but centered in her pussy. He was right.
They did need it. And why not enjoy each other? They were kin, weren't they?

Yet when he began opening her blouse she knew she ought to stop him. She made no protest when his
fingers moved under her bra and touched bare tit-flesh. When he found her nipples, she sighed and
leaned against him heavily. Waves of desire surged through her as he fondled her quickly stiffening

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"Oh, Bob," she sighed. "I just can't help myself."

"Me either, Sis."

She giggled even while he frenched her. "What would Mom say?"

"She'd probably be jealous and want to get in on the action."

She let her legs fall open as his hand explored her bush. He fondled her through her panties. Her wet

"Mmmmmmm, that feels good," she said.

"Let me touch you here," he said and she opened her legs wider.

He slipped a finger inside the crotch of her panties and felt her moist fur. Suddenly she wanted to feel
his cock in her hand and she groped around his lap.

"Take it out," he said.

"Should we get undressed?" she panted.


"Maybe we should go somewhere else."

"Why? We have the house to ourselves."

"But what if ..."

"Ssshhh, don't spoil it."

She threw her head back, closed her eyes and waited. "Well?" she said after a moment.

"Well, what?"

She opened her eyes. "Aren't you going to undress me?"

He snickered. "Is that what Chuck does?"

She blushed, turning her head to avert her eyes. "You must think I'm such a baby."

She took a deep breath, thrusting her tits out. He took her chin in his hand and kissed her lips while he
caressed her boobs.

"You'll learn," he said. "I'll help you."

"Will you teach me, Bob?" she said. "I want to learn all about sex so I won't be so uptight."

"Jesus, Sis, I'll teach you whatever I know." He finished unbuttoning her blouse and pushed it off her
shoulders before reaching around and unhooking her bra.

When he peeled her bra away from her tits, he groaned. Her pink-tipped melons swung heavily. She
blinked shyly and tried to cover them up with her blouse, but he took her hands in his.

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"Don't do that," he said. "They're beautiful."

"Oh, Bob," she said as he lowered his head and kissed first one tit and then the other.

"They're sensitive, aren't they?" he said, munching her nipples and squeezing her resilient tit-flesh.

"Yes, very."

"How about here?" He briefly touched her cunt through her panties.

She giggled girlishly. "There too."

Her tits trembled with excitement and her pussy lubricated. As he kissed and licked her nipples he left
them wet with his saliva.

She laced her fingers in his hair and drew him against her. His lips and tongue and teeth devoured her.
Her modesty disappeared as her excitement mounted. My brother is making love to me, she thought.
Dear Lord, I'm sinning, but I can't help it.

Suddenly he was pulling her panties down and moving his fingers over her pulsating pussy. She helped
him by rising up and stepping out of the flimsy garment. Then she sat down again and now his fingers
were wet with her juices.

"Oh, Bobby," she murmured.

"You haven't called me that in years."

"I never felt this way before."

"I'm going to make sure you get all the loving you need, Sis."

Maggie would die, she thought with glee.

His fingers crept inside her cuntlips and touched her petal-like folds. He kissed her, tonguing her deeply
while he inserted a single finger into her cunthole.

She bucked her ass and moaned. "Oh, Bobby, I love when you do that."

Her strong reaction delighted Bob. He fingered her until she came, her pussy clasping his finger tightly.
She clung to him, covering his face with kisses and keeping his finger inside her. She writhed around
wildly until her orgasm subsided and then she leaned against him panting.

"You made me come," she said.

Her sexuality overwhelmed and excited him. "If you came that hard with just my finger, just wait until I
fuck you."

She blushed and hid her face in his shoulder. "I'm so embarrassed," she whispered.

"No, don't say that," he said. The thought of her snug pussy wrapped around his prick made his knees
weak. There was nothing he liked better than a tight cunt sucking on his dick.

They began tearing at their clothes. Pam was naked first and she tried throwing herself at her brother,
but he held her back.

"Let me look at you, Sis," he said. "My God, you're lovely."

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The young blonde trembled as his eyes swept over her. She felt no self-consciousness. She felt proud
and happy that her brother, the one man in the world she adored, was drinking in her curves.

As for Bob, he was amazed at his luck. He'd had the hots for his kid sister for years, but their mother
was overly protective of Pam and he never thought he had a chance to get in her pants. Now in a few
minutes he was going to shove his aching prick into her almost-virginal cunt. Christ, when she comes
around my dick I'll go through the ceiling, he thought.

They fell down onto the sofa and embraced. "Jesus, Sis, you feel as good as you taste."

"Thanks, Bob," she said hoarsely. Her hands were all over him. It seemed that after all the years of
inhibiting her sexual needs she was finally letting go.

He still wore his shorts. Pam wasn't daring enough to take his cock out, but she stared at the bulge in his
crotch and even stroked it briefly.

"Is it hard enough?" she said, with childlike candor.

She cradled his head when he buried his face against her pillowy tits.

"Why not find out for yourself?" he said as he nibbled her tits.

"Oh, Bob," she giggled.

He guided her onto her back on the sofa. Her legs were spread to accommodate him and she arched
her back to encourage him to resume sucking her tits.

Chills ran up and down her spine as he kissed and licked and sucked her tits. Her nipples were very
hard and swollen. They ached with arousal, but even the slight pain was erotic.

Fuck me, Bobby, she thought. Please, fuck me.

She had never felt more aroused. When she was with Chuck she usually had to fantasize because in
truth he left her cold. But Bob turned her on completely.

Oh, yes, now he's about to do it, she thought when his hand began exploring her cunt. She eagerly
spread her legs and felt his fingers slip and slide around her pussy.

"Oh, Bobby," she moaned.

He found her clit and rubbed relentlessly as she jerked her hips wildly. "Can you take two fingers, Sis?"
he said, shoving two fingers knuckle-deep inside her twat.

"Yes!" she gasped, raising her ass and clutching his fingers with her cunt. "Three. I can take three.

When he shoved a third finger up her gash, she bit down on his upper arm. Soon he was finger-fucking
her so hard she soared toward orgasm.

"Oh, Bobby, don't stop!" she cried, thrusting herself at his fingers. "Oh, God, you're making me come
again! Oh, God, fuck me, please! Oh, God, it's so good!"

She tried pulling him down on top of her, but he held back. She turned on her side and faced him when
he stretched out next to her. She greedily reached for his prick.

"Take it out," she said in a strangled voice. "Please, take your cock out."

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Finally his shorts were off and she found herself holding his cock. My God, I've got my brother's cock
in my fist, she thought with a flash of panic.

Bob saw the look in his sister's eyes. He knew he had to relax her before they went any further. It was
obvious she was feeling guilty as hell.

"It's all right, Sis," he said, covering her hand with his as she squeezed his dick. "It's right and good and
you're beautiful. Honest."

But despair flooded the young woman and she hid her face in his chest.

"What if Mother finds out?" she said.

He held her close, noticing she hadn't released his cock. That was a good sign. "You know Mom fucks
around a lot," he said, patting her hair. "It's time you had a little fun too. Remember? You promised
you'd make changes in your life."

She lifted her head and smiled wanly. "Yes, I did, didn't I?" As if for emphasis, she began pumping his
near-rigid fuckpole.

Suddenly he climbed down until he crouched between her legs. "Let me make love to you first," he
said. He knew eating her would drive her crazy. Women loved having their pussies licked.

"You don't have to do that," she protested weakly.

"I want to, Sis."

In truth Pam was primed for fucking. She wanted his cock in her pussy more than she wanted his mouth
between her legs. But he seemed so eager to please her, she didn't want to disappoint him. Almost
resignedly she raised her legs and draped them over his shoulders.

In only a matter of moments she was glad she had. Bob had a mouth that was made for cunt-lapping.
She moaned as his powerful tongue flicked up and down and around her over-stimulated slit.

"Oh, my God!" she yelped when he pushed her thighs back and slavered over her snatch.

She lost all sense of time, place and reality. Maggie was just a name to her now and incest just a word.
Bob's mouth was like nothing she'd ever felt. The way he licked her clit was pushing her over the brink
to a wild and wonderful oblivion.

She bucked her ass at his sucking mouth. She tossed her head from side to side and her normally neatly
combed blonde hair flew wildly over her face.

Bob's tongue vibrated over his sister's cut, but he stared upward over the soft bouncing curves of her
tits. Jesus, how he wanted her! Man, oh, man, when he finally shoved it to her he'd see stars.

Still licking her clit, he moved his hands up and cupped her tits. He stroked and fondled and caressed
her boobs while he devoured her lust-swollen gash.

The horny young woman shrieked when he shoved his tongue into her cunthole. "Your cock, Bobby,"
she said. "Please, give me your cock."

She gasped for breath, but Bob continued sucking and licking her cunt.

For some reason he was hesitant about actually fucking her.

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He enjoyed eating her. Every time she squirmed and squealed he felt his power increase. A hot woman
made the best fuck and he wanted her very hot.

Still, his cock ached for release. When she was at the brink of orgasm, he stopped sucking and climbed
on top of her.

"Now, Sis, I'm gonna fuck your brains out," he said.

"Yes! Yes!"

He fell on her hungrily, guiding his prick into her cunt with ease. Once he was in, she locked her legs
around his back as he thrust in and out as far as his cock would go.

"Oh, my God, you're in me!" she sighed. "Oh, my God, fuck me, darling!"

Bob slid his hands under her asscheeks, lifting her up and corkscrewing his dick into her soft buttery
depths. After all the foreplay Pam was more than ready.

At the moment of orgasm he kissed her gently. Without a word his cock began to spit into her snatch,
igniting her own climax.

Jesus, she's got a snapper, he thought as his pleasure overwhelmed him.

My kid sister's got a snapping pussy.

Chapter 5

Pam remained confused. Bob seemed distant after their lovemaking. She told Chuck not to phone, said
she needed time to think. She gave up all plans for finding her own apartment. Maggie criticized
everything she tried to do and the blonde became more depressed than ever.

One day she decided she had to talk to Bob again. If he was angry at her, she wanted to talk about it.
If he felt guilty because they'd committed incest, she wanted a chance to convince him that what they did
was good and beautiful.

When she arrived next door, Judy greeted her warmly with a kiss. "I'm so glad to see you," Judy said.
"Come on in and let's talk. We have the house to ourselves."

Ever since the night Judy stole into Jimmy's room and sucked the boy off she'd been eager for more
sexual adventures. She still wanted to fuck Jimmy, but the opportunity hadn't arisen. The boy had no
inkling of what happened to him that night, but once or twice she thought she saw him blushing when she
kissed him.

Now the two women sat down in the den and began chatting. Pam deliberately kept the conversation
centered around clothes and hairstyles. Judy waited for a break in the conversation and changed the

"Bob tells me he encouraged you to find your own place."

Pam reddened, remembering the night the conversation took place.

"Well, yes, but Mother really needs me."

"Bullshit," Judy said calmly. "You really should find a good man and get married."

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"Chuck wants to marry me."

"Chuck's a bore and you know it."

"Is ... Bob coming home soon?" Pam said in a small voice.

Judy looked suspicious. "No, he's playing poker. Why? Don't you want to talk to me?"

"It's not that. It's just that ... I don't know ..."

"Listen, Pam I think what you need is a good fuck." The brunette grinned crookedly as she gazed at her

"Oh, Lord, you never used to talk like that."

Judy moved closer, planting a kiss on Pam's cheek. "Maybe I need a good fuck too."

"Well, I guess I'll go and when Bob comes home you can have your good ... uh ... fuck."

Judy laughed throatily, drawing Pam into her arms and kissing her on the lips. "What's the matter? Am I
making you nervous?"

In truth the blood pounded in Pam's ears. Amazing as it seemed, she had a feeling that Judy was flirting
with her. "Of course not," she said.

Judy had been joking, but after kissing her sister-in-law on the lips she realized she was getting
turned-on. I'm no lesbo, she thought, but it might be a kick to try it once.

"Well, you're making me nervous," Judy said, holding Pam's hand and kissing her full on the lips again.

This time her mouth was open. Pam froze when she felt Judy's tongue in her mouth and she quickly
expelled it.

"Don't," Pam said. "What are you doing?"

"Don't push me away," Judy said. "Just because we're both women doesn't mean we can't make each
other feel good."

Pam was torn between her need for sex and her fear of the unknown. It was true she was afraid to let
another woman kiss her, but it felt good. Something deep inside her wanted it. She had a yearning to
have Judy's lips and tongue and body to blend with hers.

She realized suddenly that Judy wore no bra. She felt her tits under her blouse and the stiffness of her
nipples. "I'm scared," Pam whispered.

"So am I," Judy said, peppering her face with kisses.

"I don't think I can do this ..."

"Sure you can."

Judy hadn't planned it, but now that it was happening the idea of lady-love excited her to the core. And
it was a good way to get even with her mother-in-law. Judy hated Maggie. She thought Maggie was a
hypocrite and ruining Pam's life.

"It would drive your mother crazy," she hissed in Pam's ear.

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That was all Pam needed to hear. "I know," she said, grabbing Judy and kissing her back.

Judy retained control and soon Pam was like a whimpering child as the two women kissed and caressed
and clung together. Judy stroked Pam's cheeks and long blonde hair and kissed her eyelids.

"I've never done it either and I'll probably never do it again, but I want you," Judy said.

Pam opened her mouth to answer, but Judy kissed her deeply instead and Pam's words were cut off in a
blaze of passion.

The blonde parted her lips and plunged her tongue into Judy's wide-open mouth. She tasted her warm
breath and her saliva and it was good. Excitement raced through her as their tongues dueled. Both
women trembled with excitement.

Judy moaned deep in her throat. "My life hasn't been a bed of roses you know. Your brother is no

Pam thought about what Bob had said about other women. "Well, you've been married a long time,"
she said lamely.

Judy suctioned Pam's tongue into her mouth.

"Let's just say I need more fucking than he's willing to give me."

"You won't tell about this, will you?" Pam said.

Judy laced her fingers in Pam's silken hair. "No way," she said.

"Listen, who am I to talk?"

They kissed again, tongues meeting and teeth clicking. "You never did this before?" Pam murmured.

Judy shook her head. "No, never, but I've been married so long, I've missed a lot of things."

"Have you ever ..." Pam shook her head. "No, it's none of my business


"You're right, it's not," Judy said, nibbling her lips, bruising them deliciously.

Suddenly they were stretched out on the sofa, the same sofa Pam had lain on with Bob. It was strangely
erotic to be kissing Bob's wife and feeling the heat from her body.

Now I just have the boys and Penny to fuck around with, Pam thought with a giggle. Oh, God, what am
I thinking?

Judy smoothed Pam's hair back as they continued french-kissing. Kissing another woman was so
different from kissing a man. Pam's lips were so soft and tender and her body was so pliable and
round. She had no beard on her chin and no thick muscles on her arms. And her tits. Those round
mounds of lowliness. How good it will taste to have one of those tits in my mouth.

Pam bit Judy's tongue, bringing her back to reality. "Ouch," Judy giggled. "Take it easy ... mmmmmmm,
I thought you'd never ask. You're touching my tits ... wow, that's okay ..."

Judy quickly touched Pam's tits, rubbing her nipples through her clothes and blowing into her ear.

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"You have lovely boobs," Judy breathed. "I've always admired them."

"Yours are lovely too."

"Why don't you take your bra off?"

"Oh ... okay ..." Pam said hesitantly.

Both women sat up and glanced at each other. They burst out laughing.

"You look like you've been through the wars," Judy said.

Pam tried fixing her hair. "You should talk. Your lipstick's all smeared."

Judy touched her mouth. "I guess we're just two horny women."

"I guess so."

Both bosoms heaved. "Should we get into bed?" Judy said.

"I guess so."

In the bedroom they sat down on the bed. Pam averted her eyes, but Judy took her into her arms.
"Come on, let's have a good time," she said.

Pam's eyes smoldered. "I want to," she said.

Judy deftly unbuttoned Pam's blouse. "Let's get this thing off and suck some tit. I've never done it and I
want to see what it's like."

As she undressed her, Judy kissed Pam's throat and ears and lips. When she dropped her face down
and nuzzled her tits, Pam moaned. Pam began shaking uncontrollably. The feel of Judy's delicate lips
and warm breath on her tits made her dizzy.

Suddenly Pam's bra was off and Judy was licking her tits. Pam felt herself being guided onto her back
and floating around in space.

"What are we doing?" she moaned.

"If it feels good, why fight it?" Judy said, kissing and squeezing her boobs.

Instinctively Pam stroked Judy's hair, but in actuality she was holding Judy's head in her arms. Judy
finally lifted her head. Her eyes sparkled and her lips were moist.

"Remember," Judy whispered as she nuzzled Pam's tits with her lips.

"This is one way of breaking free from your mother's grip."

"Yes, I have to remember that."

Judy kissed Pam's lips again and again. Her mouth pressed down lightly and then more firmly and her
tongue darted in and out of the blonde's mouth.

The bedroom was dark, the blinds were shut and the smell of perfume permeated the air. As they
kissed, Judy pulled the covers back and ran her hands over Pam's body.

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"My God, you're soft," Judy said.

"So are you."

"But you've barely touched me."

Pam bit her lip. "I want to. It's just that I'm afraid."

Judy hovered over her, closing her hands over Pam's tits and pinching her nipples. "That's okay.
Actually, I'm enjoying myself. Are you really hot or are you faking it?"

Pam giggled. "Why would I fake it with you?"

"Yeah, we only fake it with men," Judy said, running her hands down Pam's belly and hips and ass.

Suddenly Judy moved back, removed her blouse and let her naked tits bounce free. Her tits hung down
heavily, her nipples dark with lust.

She swung her tits over Pam's face. Hesitating only a moment, the blonde opened trembling lips and
began sucking one of Judy's nipples.

Judy trembled violently and lowered the trunk of her body over Pam's.

"Oh, God, I love it," Judy sighed.

"You feel good too," Pam said. "You've got a nice ass, did I ever tell you that?"

"Jesus, let's get naked."

When both women were naked, they resumed their positions in the middle of the bed. Judy squeezed
Pam's ass and toyed with her bung. Pam played the passive role, but her hands were all over the other
woman's body.

She captured one of Judy's tits in her mouth and bit it playfully. When Judy thrust her finger
knuckle-deep into Pam's asshole, the younger woman chewed greedily on her nipples.

Raw sexual need raged through Pam. She opened her legs and welcomed Judy's finger in her shitter.
As she nursed on Judy's tits, she thought about her mother. Her clit throbbed with need as she pictured
Maggie's face.

"Remember to always be a lady," Maggie would say again and again even as she brought yet another
man into her bedroom.

Damn you, mother, Pam thought. I've got a right to live too.

Now Judy pulled her finger out of Pam's ass and moved her hand between Pam's legs. "Wet and wild,"
Judy giggled, touching Pam's cunt.

Pam raised her legs and pushed her crotch against her sister-in-law's hand. Judy fingered her once, then
twice, and each time she thrust her finger into her pussy, Pam moaned.

She added a second finger, stroking more deeply into Pam's snatch.

"Are you close?" Judy said.

"I ... uh ... think so."

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Judy stared at her for a moment. "Are you as innocent as you pretend to be?"

Pam thought about the time her brother fucked her and blushed. Judy giggled and moved her fingers
around Pam's velvet-lined pussy.

"Don't answer that," Judy said, jerking her fingers in and out of Pam's slit. "It's none of my business."

Pam pushed her cunt at Judy's fingers with all her might. She felt pressure on her clit. Judy was using
her free hand to tease her highly sensitized sex organ.

"Please," Pam moaned. "Please."

"Please what?" Judy's eyes shone expectantly.

Pam rolled her head to one side. "Please make me come."

Reluctantly, Judy withdrew her fingers from Pam's snatch. Although she was the aggressor, she wasn't
sure she'd be able to actually go down on her.

Still, she was very excited. There's nothing like passion to make decisions for you, she thought.

"Okay, just lie there a minute and I'll make love to you," Judy said.

Pam's eyes followed her to the bathroom. Judy took a moment to pee and glance at her own distended
clit. I can do anything once, she thought as she wiped herself and returned to the bedroom.

Under the covers, Pam felt feverish. She parted her thighs when Judy returned to the bed. She
automatically began playing with her cunt as she waited for Judy to climb onto the bed.

Judy seemed to be in no hurry. She took the rest of her clothes off and lit a cigarette. She offered Pam
a puff and when Pam refused she blew smoke over her tits.

Pam found herself wild with desire. How long would Judy make her wait?

"Okay, lie back," Judy said when she had finally snuffed out her cigarette.

Pam closed her eyes and felt Judy climb between her legs. She sensed, rather than saw, Judy's mouth
approach her cunt.

Pam opened her eyes and watched Judy reach for her tits. Judy's hands slid from Pam's tits to her ass.
Then Judy took a deep breath as she slid her hands under Pam's asscheeks.

"My God, I never realized a pussy could be so beautiful," Judy said.

She touched Pam's cunt, sniffing it and bringing her mouth to within an inch of her hairy lips. But instead
of kissing it, she used her finger on Pam's swollen clit.

Pam responded instantly. Her entire body trembled and she lifted her hips and swayed back and forth.
Her cunt quivered and lubricated as she came.

"Suck it," she cried as the explosion rocked her senses.

Judy flicked her tongue up and down Pam's slit. Pam moaned hoarsely and clamped her thighs around
Judy's head.

Judy growled as she licked Pam's clit. She touched the tip of her tongue to the tip and flicked her

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tongue against Pam's cunthole. Then slowly and deliberately she forced her tongue inside Pam's body.

Pam's hips jerked upward as she writhed helplessly beneath the other woman. "Lick it, please," she

By now Judy was getting off on the cunt-sucking. She no longer hesitated. She was having too good a
time. "I'm eating as fast as I can," Judy gasped, her tongue all over Pam's gash.

"Oh, yes, that's good," Pam moaned, holding Judy's head in her hands and wriggling her ass. "Oh, there,
yes! Oh, God, you don't know how good that feels."

Judy went berserk after that. She used her tongue like a vibrator, like a man who really loves pussy.

"My God!" Pain cried as yet another orgasm surged through her. "My God, I'm coming again!"

Chapter 6

Jimmy leaned across his sister and switched off the bedside lamp. He fell back on the pillows, pushed
the covers back and reached out for Penny.

Giggling, the little teenager snuggled close to her brother. She wriggled down until her face was in inch
from his prick. He snickered as she made a grab for him, but didn't object when she pushed her face
against his cock and balls.

In the weeks since she'd lost her cherry, brother and sister had been fucking regularly. Penny enjoyed
fucking Billy, but she preferred Jimmy. The two years difference in their ages made a difference. Jimmy
was more mature somehow.

Now he lay very still, eyes closed and hands folded on his chest. Both youngsters froze when they
heard the voice in the hall. Penny scooted under the covers when the door opened a crack.

For a moment panic gripped the boy. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, then changed his
mind. "Hi, Mom," he yawned when Judy poked her head in the room.

"Sleeping already?" she said.

"Yeah." He rubbed his eyes. "Have a good time tonight?"

"It was okay." Judy had been to a neighbor's open house. "I missed your father though."

"Dad working again?"

Judy's lips tightened. "Yes."

The blanket stirred and the boy quickly sat up. "I guess I'll read a while."

"Is everything all right, Son," Judy said softly. She still craved her son. He never knew she'd sucked him
off in the still of the night and she still ached to fuck him.

Penny squeezed his cock under the covers.

"Yeah, fine, fine," he said, feeling his face redden in the dark.

"Are you sure?" Judy said, opening the door wide and approaching the bed.

Jimmy sat up and widened the spread of his legs to hide the outline of his sister under the blanket.

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"Yeah, I'm okay, but I'm bare-assed under here."

He grinned so adorably that Judy creamed her panties. She hesitated.

"I just stopped in to see if Penny was sleeping and she's not there.

Do you know where your sister is?"

At the moment Jimmy's cock was inside Penny's mouth. He stifled a groan. "I think she's at her
girlfriend's. She said something about a pajama party."

"Oh, was it tonight?" Judy mused.

"Yeah." When Penny bit his cock, he almost jumped. "Well, goodnight, Mom," he croaked.

Judy felt annoyed. He obviously wanted her to leave. She forced a smile. "Goodnight, Son."

As his mother left, Jimmy breathed a sigh of relief. He held Penny's head under the blanket until he was
sure she wasn't coming back. Then he whistled softly and threw the covers back.

"You can come out now," he said.

Penny giggled as she eagerly licked his cock. Her hands were all over his balls. She was a horny kid
for her age. Man, how she loved to fuck.

"I thought she'd never leave," she said.

Jimmy couldn't believe his good luck. The first time Penny approached him he was horrified. But she
managed to get his clothes off and the rest was history. Why fight a good thing?

Now she was sucking and licking his hot rod like there was no tomorrow.

She liked sucking almost as much as she liked fucking.

For a kid she gave very good head. She could take his cock all the way into her throat without gagging.
Most girls her age couldn't do that.

Now she clamped her lips around his cockhead. He barely breathed. It felt good, but he felt very
vulnerable. Jesus, be was getting hard! His cock was swelling up and getting big.

"Jesus, Sis, what're you doing?" he hissed.

She had one hand inside his asscrack, exploring his shitter. He shuddered violently when she flicked her
tongue against his bung.

"Do you know what you're doing?" he said.

"Sure I do," she said. "I'm licking your asshole."

"Jesus, I just shit before."

"I don't care."

"Take my cock in your mouth again."

"Yummy," she said, hungrily sucking his cock into her moist pink lips.

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"Mom was looking at the bed sort of funny."

"I never moved."

"You sure did. You were licking my cock all the time."

"Well, she didn't see me. I'm at a pajama party, remember?"

He chuckled. "Jesus, Sis, for a kid you're a wild one."

She squeezed the base of his prick and licked his balls. "For a kid you've got a neat cock."

She loved the taste of his balls. She licked them thoroughly, wetting down the hair on the underside of
his ball-bag. She liked the taste and feel of his nuts. She liked when they filled up with spunk and she
liked feeling the little hard things inside.

But she liked sucking his cock too much to lick his balls for long. Balls were good and assholes were
delicious, but the main course was cock. She loved it.

Turning a boy on excited her. She felt a sort of power when she gave one of her brothers a hard-on.
Her pussy felt wet and slimy. She squeezed her legs together tightly to savor the feeling engulfing her.

By now Jimmy's cock was rock-hard. She slid her lips up and down the shaft and used her fingers on
the base. It had been very exciting when her mother walked into the room. She loved fooling Judy.
She almost wanted to be caught in her brother's bed.

Now Jimmy lurched forward, sending his cock soaring into her throat. She sputtered and spit half of it
out, but dug her fingers into his asscrack.

She wondered if her father cheated on her mother. Sometimes her father stared at her in a funny way.
She wondered if he found her sexy. Fathers and daughters sometimes made out. She'd heard stories
from her friends.

She felt herself salivating at the thought. She tugged on the little piece of skin on the underside of
Jimmy's cock. He dug his fingers into her head. God, he was horny.

Still sucking his prick, she began masturbating. Her little clit was on fire. Fuck me, Daddy, eight to the
bar, she thought with a giggle.

She kept sucking Jimmy's prick and masturbating, but after a while he pulled her on top of him. "Want
to fuck?" she said with the innocence of a child.

"Yeah, but you can stay on top," her brother said.

"I can? You mean like this?" As she spoke she swung her leg over him, straddling his prick.

"Yeah, sit on it," he said.

Grabbing his cock, the teenager lowered her ass until her pussy touched the tip. "Now what?" she said.

"Stick it in."

Breathing rapidly, she came down hard on his cock, stuffing it into her almost-virgin twat. Both
youngsters gasped as she began riding him.

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Each thrust of his prick inside her brought her closer to orgasm.

Leaning forward, she deliberately swung her tits over his chest.

Even though she was on top he did most of the work. He held her around the waist and thrust mightily
into her eager snatch.

He was close to coming. His teeth were clenched and his eyes on his sister's bouncing tits. He felt the
pressure in his balls and used every ounce of control to keep from coming.

He loved his sister and wanted her to come before he shot off. "Always make sure a woman comes
before you come," his father's words were chiseled into his brain.

Penny was almost there. "You get on top now," she said, flopping over onto her back.

As quickly as his cock slipped out of her, he rammed it back in. Now he thrust forcefully and she felt his
balls on her ass with every stroke.

"I'm almost there," she whispered.

Jimmy nodded encouragement. Jesus, please come, he thought.

Penny bit her lips to keep from crying out. Grimacing, but silent, she climaxed. A moment later she felt
Jimmy's thick jism splatter into her pussy as his cock exploded.

* * *

Judy couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned and after a while she switched on the bedside light.

Midnight and Bob still wasn't home. Damn him, she thought as she reached for a cigarette.

She switched on the television and tried concentrating on the movie. It was no use. Jimmy had looked
so adorable. He was naked under his covers. Naked and probably horny. God, how she wanted him.

Why didn't I just get in bed with him? she thought.

Because you're scared, she answered herself.

Don't be a sap. You already sucked him off once. Why not go all the way? You know you want to.

She pulled her knees back and hugged them to her chest. It was true she wanted him, but how to
approach a young boy in the middle of the night? A boy who just happened to be her son?

I'm his mother, for God's sake. Isn't anything sacred?

Oh, come on, honey, a voice inside her head said, what's the difference between sucking and fucking?

But he had been sleeping when she'd sucked him off.

Give me a break, she thought. You're gonna do it eventually. Why wait?

Swallowing hard, Judy glanced at the clock. Bob wouldn't be home for hours. She didn't believe for a
minute he was really working late, but she didn't much care any more. They both needed more than they
were getting from each other. She reached for her slippers.

The next hour was a blur. She knocked on Jimmy's door and before he had a chance to answer she

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This time he didn't pretend to be sleeping. Sitting up, he smiled at his mother. "Still up, Mom," he said.

She hurried over to the bed and sat down next to him. "Honey," she said, taking his hand. "I'm feeling
so lonely."

His eyes widened when she pushed his hand aside and reached under the covers. "Jesus Christ!" he

"Oh, don't be so bashful," she murmured with a smile. "Let me see it."

Jimmy opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. If his mother wanted to see his cock, well
okay, women were funny sometimes, especially at that time of the month. But after fucking Penny his
cock was limp. He was embarrassed to show his mother a soft prick.

"What's the matter, honey?" Judy said bringing her legs onto the bed and stretching out next to the
teenager. "Are you frightened of something?" She brushed her lips over his cheek.

"No," he said.

"Then why not show me what you've got?"

"Jesus, Mom, I would, but I don't think ... oh, shit!" He hid his face in his hands.

He just jerked off, Judy thought. Oh, damn, he just blew his wad. Aloud she said, "I just want to see it,
honey." She kissed his mouth hotly. "It's been so long since you let me see it."

Suddenly he grabbed her and kissed her.

"You can do whatever you want, Mom," he said.

A thrill shot through the horny mother. She would get his prick hard again and finally get what she
wanted. "Oh, yes, darling," she breathed, returning his kisses. "And I'll make you feel good, too."

He was naked under the covers. Judy slipped out of her robe and climbed over him. Spreading her
legs, she enveloped him with her tits and thighs. Lowering her cunt to his prick, she rubbed up against

"Were you jerking off when I walked in before?" she said.

Jimmy thought of Penny and blushed. "Yeah."

Judy nuzzled his neck and thrust her beaver against his limp dick. "That's all right, baby. I feel your
cock getting hard again. Oh, baby, I think I want you to fuck me!"

Jimmy winced as she tried taking his still-limp cock into her cunt.

"I'll try," he croaked.

Judy was relentless. She used her cunt to arouse him. Soon his shaft stiffened and her pussy gobbled
up his cockhead.

"See, I told you it'd get hard again," she said. "Now stick it in and fuck me, Son."

Jimmy thought it was strange that his mother wanted him to fuck her, but he didn't argue. If she needed

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fucking, he'd be happy to oblige.

Now he gripped her hips and thrust his ass up off the bed. His cock shot inside her and his confidence
returned. "It's getting hard, Mom," he said.

"Oh, baby, I know," she breathed, bouncing up and down.

Jimmy thrust upward again and again, sinking his entire prick into her pussy. She threw her head back
and laughed. Gotcha, she thought. Oh, baby, I gotcha.

"Jesus, Mom, you're as tight as a virgin," he said.

She leaned forward and dropped one of her tits into his mouth. "Suck, honey."

He sucked and she fucked. Jimmy was confident of controlling his climax. He held back easily,
enjoying the way his mother was wiggling around.

At one point he thrust his prick balls-deep into her snatch. He left it there a few moments and they both
enjoyed the throbbing sensations. His cock expanded and contracted and quite unexpectedly exploded.

"Oh, Jesus!" he muttered as his come squirted into her gash.

Judy rubbed her clit against his cock-bone until she came. Afterward she collapsed on top of him,
breathing hard.

"Oh, Jimmy, you don't know how I needed that."

"It was great, Mom."

She sat up, leaning on her elbow and toying with his chest-hair. "Can we do it again?"

Jimmy's lower lip quivered. "I'll try."

"We'll both try." She climbed between his legs and hungrily sucked his cock into her mouth.

She held his cock with one hand and jerked him off while she sucked the knob. When it began to
harden, she slid her lips down to the root and nuzzled her nose against his cock-bush.

When it was hard again, she knelt on her hands and knees. "Fuck me in the ass, Son," she said.

Jimmy froze. "Are you kidding?"

She pulled her ass-cheeks apart and wiggled her butt. "No. Dick my ass when I tell you to."

With a groan of surrender the boy crouched behind her and pushed his cockhead against her shitter.
She craned her neck to gaze back at him. Their eyes met and he hesitated.

"Are you sure you want this, Mom?"


He pushed the tip of his dick into her stretching asshole. She took a deep breath and remained
motionless, but again he stopped.

"Won't it hurt?" he said.

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"No, just do it!" she said impatiently.

And he did. He howled as he rammed his prick into her bung. An incredible blast of pleasure engulfed
her. Reaching underneath, she grabbed his balls and held them against her wide-open cunt.

"I'm coming, Son!" she shrieked. "Fuck my asshole!"

* * *

"Hey, hon, wake up," Bob said, tugging at her arm. "You're having a bad dream."

Sitting up abruptly, Judy's heart pounded. She was naked and soaked with perspiration. She looked
around and saw she was in her own bed. She glanced at the clock. It was two o'clock in the morning
and Bob had just arrived home.

She lay back and tried hiding her anguish. It was all a dream. Jimmy was probably sound asleep and
she had dreamed about the lovely ass-fuck.

She heard Bob brushing his teeth in the bathroom. "Why were you so late?" she called out.

"The whole office had to work late, hon. You know how the boss is."

She turned over onto her belly and hugged the pillow. Bastard, she thought. Why'd you have to spoil a
good dream?

But she knew in her heart that it had not been a dream.

Chapter 7

Maggie Rider finished combing her long, red hair and stood back from the mirror. Not bad for an old
bag, she thought. She examined her throat. No one would guess she had a son Bob's age. She didn't
look a day over forty and she knew it.

Pam had left for work. Maggie had just showered and dropped the towel on the floor. Poor Pam. So
shy and withdrawn. Only able to attract a jerk like Chuck. Poor child.

Still naked, her generous tits spilling down, Maggie dabbed perfume between her thighs and over her
thick bush. Even though she pretended to mourn her dead husband she didn't really miss him. She had
more men than she knew what to do with.

Except that today she had no plans and she was horny. Pity, she thought, pausing for a moment in front
of the mirror.

Slowly, she turned around and gazed at her ass. It was a bit big and not as high as it once had been.
But her waist was small and her belly flat. Well, almost flat. And her tits didn't sag much. Judy's sagged

She knew her daughter-in-law hated her. She didn't care. Bob adored her. Men loved their mothers
no matter what. Judy could go fuck herself.

My body is stiff irresistible, she thought, rummaging in the drawer for a pair of black bikinis and a
matching bra. Then, on an impulse, she tossed them onto a chair and climbed back into bed.

She pressed her fingers against her pussy. She moaned softly as the pressure began on her clit. The
little organ began stiffening immediately. What I wouldn't do for a good cock right about now, she

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Too bad Roger's away. Mmmmmm, that feels good. A cock would feel better, but a finger's better
than nothing.

She moved her finger in a circular motion around her clit. Her pussy became wetter. Some of her
friends complained of dry-cunt, but not Maggie. She was as wet as a young girl. Well, almost as wet.

Now her nipples began tingling and swelling. She touched one. Just when she needed a man there was
no one around. She pulled her nipples. She was a horny broad, there was no doubt about that.

Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on Pam, she thought as she fingered herself. Maybe I ought to encourage
her to get out more.

As she fingered her cunt and toyed with her tits, she thought about her daughter with a rush of guilt. Did
Pam think she was a hypocrite? Did the whole family think she was strange?

She thought about her son and felt a wild pulsation in her cunt. She wondered if Bob was a good fuck.
He and Judy had been married so long their sex life was probably rotten. Poor guy. He had to
scrounge around for cooze just because he was married to a little bitch. If I could only get my hands on
him for an hour I'd show him what a real woman is.

She took one nipple in her fingers and twisted it around. Her clit throbbed with need. She thought
maybe she was competing with her daughter-in-law for her son's affections. If it was true, she didn't
care. The hell with it.

After one minor orgasm she jumped off the bed and slipped into her bikinis and bra. Her bra was lacy
and low-cut. Her tits bulged out. Any normal man who caught a glimpse of her cleavage would get a

Wrapping herself in a silk robe, she went downstairs to the kitchen for coffee. Pam had left some
warming on the stove. She poured a cup, thought with a surge of guilt about her daughter, and glanced
out the window.

Just then the doorbell rang. My, I wonder who that is? she thought, going to the door.

When she gazed out the window, she saw it was Bob. Then she remembered she'd asked him to stop
by and fix the drain in her sink.

"Hello, darling," she trilled. "You've come to fix my plumbing, haven't you?"

Bob kissed her dutifully and stepped inside. Actually he had come over to discuss Pam, but when he
caught sight of his mother's outfit he flushed like a teenager.

"Yes, but I want to talk to you too, Ma," he said. He tried averting his eyes. "Jesus, Ma, why don't you
go put something on?"

Maggie blushed prettily and pulled her robe more tightly around her.

Her tits still spilled over and she gave up.

"Don't make me feel shy, darling," she said. "I'm your mother. You used to suck these milkers and
don't you forget it."

She handed him the tool kit. He grinned as he took it from her hand.

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Maggie sipped her coffee as he went to work on the sink.

"You're pretty distracting, Ma," he said, one eye on the sink and the other on her tits.

"Oh, go on," she giggled, but when her robe fell away from her knee and showed her thigh she didn't
adjust it.

Bob had always found his mother sexy. He knew she fucked a lot of men, but he never considered her
as a possible sex partner. But today she was coming on to him. He was certain of that. And if she was
selling, why shouldn't he buy.

Maggie felt a familiar throbbing between her legs as she gazed at Bob's muscles as he worked. She
forgot he was her son, her flesh and blood. She pretended he was a handyman who'd come to fix the
sink. A rugged, hard-cocked man who would relieve the itch in her pussy.

"You're not really embarrassed to see me like this, are you, Son?" she said.

"Ma, for a broad your age you're sure built."

"Have you ever had any fantasies about me, hon? Like when you and Judy are ... you know ... in bed?"

He seemed to be thinking. "Not as I can remember." Maggie frowned. "But when I was a kid I was
dying to get into your pants," he said quickly.

The redhead brightened visibly. "Oh, all boys feel that way about their mothers. I'm just an old woman.
Who'd be interested in a hag like me?" As she spoke she swung her foot back and forth, opening her
robe further.

"You may be getting up there, but you know you're a damn good-looking woman," he said. Finished
with the sink, he straightened up and sat down next to her. "Got some more of that?"

She poured him some coffee and sat back down. "Thanks, hon. It makes me feel good to know there's
still a man around who thinks I'm attractive."

"But, Ma, you've got lots of boyfriends."

Her lips became two straight crimson lines. "If you're referring to my gentlemen friends, be assured we
simply play cards together." She pursed her lips and brought her knees together.

"Hey, Ma, are you trying to tell me-"

Maggie giggled. "Ssshhh. Let's not talk about silly stuff. Let's talk about pleasant things." Her heart
pounded harder than it had in years. She felt warm all over and her juices flowed. If only he would ...
but that was too much to ask.

Bob realized she was embarrassed. "Hey, Ma, whatever you say." He glanced around. "Got anything
to go with this mud?"

Maggie rose up and began fixing him breakfast. "Pam makes horrible coffee and Judy sends you out
without breakfast. It's a good thing you've got a mother who loves you."

Bob reached over and took her wrist. He kissed the back of her hand and proceeded to eat. "You're
my favorite girl, Ma, and you always will be."

Maggie pulled her chair closer to his and placed his free hand on her knee. Parting her thighs, she

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watched him shovel food into his mouth.

Without thinking, she moved a hand between her legs and began stroking herself. When Bob noticed,
his jaw dropped.

"What are you doing, Ma?"

She drew her hand up to her cheek and blushed. "Oh, my, I guess your mother has a little, uh, itch."

Bob pushed his plate away, turned to her and cleared his throat. He'd made up his mind about what he
wanted to do. "Let me help you out, Ma."

With a rush of excitement she parted her thighs and let him caress her. Then with a grunt, he leaned over
and slipped his tongue into her eager mouth.

All the pent-up passion within her spilled out and she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and
pulled him against her.

"Kiss me," she hissed, opening her mouth and sucking his tongue inside.

"Jesus, Ma, you're giving me a hard-on."

"I need you, darling," she said. "I don't know what's come over me, but I need you so."

She broke the kiss, running her lips over his face, his eyelids and his neck and ears. He slipped her robe
from her shoulders and made a grab for her tits. He rolled the huge globes around with his hands.

Leaning back in her chair, the redhead closed her eyes and drank in the heady excitement. "I could
come right now," she giggled.

"I can do better than this, Ma," he said.

They rose up and moved swiftly to the den. "Take me, Son, before I come to my senses."

When they sat down on the sofa, he took one of her tits in his mouth and ran his tongue over her nipple.
This was the same tit he'd nursed on as an infant. Now it stood out, big and firm and stiff as a jelly
bean. And he still loved it and always had.

Meanwhile his relentless licking brought chills to Maggie's spine. My own little boy, she thought with a
giggle, stroking the back of his neck. My own little boy is licking my titties.

She arched her back, cradled his head and pushed her tit further into his mouth. His nose pressed her
soft flesh and his warm breath engulfed her.

"Oh, darling, that feels so good. Now do the other one. Oh, yes, that's lovely."

As he licked and caressed and sucked her huge boobs his hand was busy exploring the furry cleft
between her legs. He made smacking sounds with his mouth as he ran the tip of his tongue all around
her tits and let his fingers comb through her cunt-bush. He loved the roundness of her belly and the
pillowy warmth of her inner thighs. Each time he explored a new area of her body she moaned and
wriggled her ass.

It wasn't long before she was totally turned on. She held his head in an iron grip and pushed her tits
more firmly into his mouth.

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Stretched out on the sofa, the redhead opened her legs and welcomed her son. "Hurry and take your
clothes off," she said. "I want your cock inside me.

Out of his mind with excitement, Bob rose up, tripped and almost fell on top of her. They laughed as he
ripped his clothes off. He stood before her wearing only his socks and was about to mount her when
she stopped him.

"Take those things off," she said, pointing at his feet.

His cock swayed as he pulled his socks off. "Okay?" he said, his eyes eager and boyish. He had never
seen his mother more beautiful.

The way he was staring at her made Maggie lubricate. According to society what she was doing was
wrong, but she didn't care. She wanted her baby boy to fuck her. She wanted him to stick his cock so
deep inside her cunt it would come out her mouth. And she wanted it now.

"Okay, darling," she said. "Give Mother that lovely cock before she goes crazy."

He climbed over her, adjusted his weight on his arms and nestled his prick between her thighs. He felt
like he'd come home after a lifetime of searching.

"My little boy," she said, hugging him to her. "You're so beautiful and strong. You have such a lovely
cock. Oh, darling, I want you to fuck me a long time. I want you to ride me until I'm bowlegged."

"I'll sure try, Ma," he said, kissing her throat and ears and tits and pressing his prick against her snatch.

She twisted around, expertly wrapping her legs around his back and reaching for his prick. She took it
in her fist and pumped it while he nuzzled her tits.

Why is he taking so long? she thought. Doesn't he want to fuck me?

She scratched his shoulder. Hard. "Darling, why are you making Mother wait?"

"I want it to last," he said through a mouthful of tit-flesh.

"Oh, darling, that's wonderful," she trilled.

His mouth was moving down, down, down and his tongue darted over the roundness of her belly.

He glanced up at her, winked and grinned and proceeded to poke his tongue into the tangled mass of
her beaver.

"I guess this is where I came from and now, I'm back," he said.

"Oh, darling," she moaned, straining to capture his tongue inside her slit.

"I can't wait to make you come," he said.

"Me either," she gasped. "What are you waiting for?"

"Aw, Ma, you taste so good. Don't make me stop."

He sounded like a ten year old boy at that moment and Maggie didn't have the heart to reprimand him.

Lifting her legs up, she encouraged him to kiss her gash. But when he saw the gaping hole between her
legs he raised up and placed the head of his dick against it.

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"Hey, Ma, I'm gonna fuck your brains out," he said.

"Do it, Son," she said. "Do it."

She had the feeling she was about to get the fuck of her life. Her heart pounded so hard she thought she
might pass out. She could think of nothing but getting his big cock inside her. That beautiful cock she'd
known so well when he was a boy.

Now with one smooth motion of his hips he sent his prick soaring inside her pussy. His movement was
graceful, but he hit his target and she cried out with abandon.

"When you fuck, you fuck," she shrieked. "Ooooohhhhh, you're in so deep! My God, I can feel it in my

He pumped in and out a few times. His cock almost slipped out once, her cunt was so wet and juicy.

They quickly found a rhythm. Arms and legs entwined they strained against each other. Maggie
thought he would split her in two, he was fucking her so strenuously. And his balls! How wonderful his
balls felt as they slapped against her ass.

She held her tits out to him and he dropped his mouth down to suck them. She knew that any moment
she would explode, but she wanted to be aware when he came. She wanted to see his face when he
dropped his seed into his own mother's cunt.

"I'm coming, darling," she cried, wriggling around madly.

A moment later Bob felt the vise-like grip of her cunt around his cock as she climaxed. When she
opened her eyes, he sent a gusher of fuck-cream into her body.

"You're beautiful when you come!" she screamed. "So beautiful!"

She wrapped her legs more tightly around his back and squeezed her cunt around his pulsating prick.
She squeezed and released. Squeezed and released. Again and again he grunted, panted and gasped
as she drained his balls.

They continued rocking together. He brushed a few loose strands of hair away from her eyes and she
kissed his arms and hands and worked her cunt around his dwindling cock.

Suddenly Bob knew where Pam got her snapping pussy. It was passed down from mother to daughter.
He smiled and buried his face in his mother's neck.

"Jesus, Ma, what a fuck," he murmured.

Chapter 8

One day Penny stayed home from school. She felt bored and restless and horny. She was annoyed at
her brothers. They were both acting silly lately and their lovemaking no longer excited her. She was
ready for the big league, an older man, but she didn't know how to go about meeting one.

She spent the morning in her room, waiting for her mother to go out.

Before she left, Judy entered the room and gazed at her daughter.

"I'm going now," Judy said. "Are you sure you're sick? You look okay."

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"My throat's sore."

Judy continued staring as she clutched her car keys. "Well, okay, but eat something. You'll feel better."

"Don't be such a professional mother." Judy grimaced.

"So long. Starve for all I care."

When she heard her mother's car drive off, the teenager sprang up from the bed. She went to the
window, looked out and saw her father in the yard.

"What are you doing home?" she yelled out.

"I'm going in late today," Bob replied. "They owe me some time."

"I think I'll come down and eat something," she said. "Have you had lunch?"

Bob gazed up at the sexy teenager. "Yeah. I'm enjoying the sun."

"I'll come down there," the girl said eagerly.

"Feeling better, honey?" Bob said a few minutes later after his daughter had joined him in the yard.

She grinned. "I'm not sick."

"I didn't think so. Fooled your mother, though, didn't you?"

She crinkled her nose. "Oh, Dad, you know how it is."

He reached over and pinched her cheek. "Oh, Dad, I sure do," he mimicked.

It was quiet in the yard. The neighborhood children were all in school. An occasional dog barked, but
outside of that intrusion the Rider yard seemed far away from the cares of the world.

"Is Maggie home?" Penny said, gazing over at her grandmother's house.

"No, she's at her sister's for the day."

"Good," Penny said firmly.

Bob smiled. "What's the matter? Your grandmother giving you a hard time?"

"Sometimes I feel like I've got two mothers, Daddy. I love Maggie, but she can be a drag."

She moved her glider closer to her father's and toyed with the grass.

He rolled onto his side facing her and nodded.

She was wearing a tight T-shirt and cut-offs. He marveled at how grown up she'd become. She had big
tits like Judy's and an ass that could make a man's balls ache.

"Those cut-offs sure don't leave anything to the imagination," he said after a while.

"All the girls wear them tight."

"Is it true you buy them two sizes too small?"

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She giggled. "Three."

He whistled softly. "You're a very pretty girl, honey. You shouldn't tease men too much. They might
get ideas you're not ready for yet."

She gazed at him meaningfully and her heart skipped a beat. "Do you really think I'm pretty?

"Don't fish for compliments."

He glanced at her tits. They wobbled slightly when she sat up. She looked down at them and smiled

"I'll bet you're thinking I don't have a bra on."

"As a matter of fact-"

"Oh, Daddy, they're only boobs."

"As long as you don't go out like that."

"But none of my friends wear a bra."

"Have your friends got boobs like yours?" He nodded toward her tits.

She covered her face with her hands. "You're embarrassing me."

"Bullshit. You don't get embarrassed."

Giggling, she flopped onto her back and let her legs fall open. "I can't fool you. You know me so well."

"You're my only daughter, honey, and no man will ever know you the way I do."

A warm liquidy feeling gripped her. "I know it," she said softly.

"And you'll always be my main man."

"Oh?" he said, his eyes returning to her boobs.

She sat up and planted her feet far apart so he could get a good look at her crotch. "You know what I
mean." She glanced around. "I think I'll go in now."

Bob sprang up and put his arm around her shoulder. "I'll go in too."

Her heart pounded as they went into the kitchen. His arm still around her, she turned to him and kissed
his cheek.

"Still hungry?" he said in a strangely husky voice.

"Not really," she said.

They faced each other like two animals stalking each other. She was the first to blink. "You can kiss me
if you want to," she murmured. "I'd like to make it with you, if you want. I don't care what people
would say. I've wanted to do it with you as long as I can remember."

"Jesus!" he muttered, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her closer.

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She didn't remember going upstairs to her room, but the next thing she knew they were there. They sat
down on the bed and he took her hand and kissed the palm.

He thought of Pam and Maggie and Judy. He decided that since he'd already fucked all the women in
his life with the exception of his daughter, he might as well go all the way.

"I want to fuck you, honey," he said.

"I know you do, Daddy."

She trembled all over as he kissed her. "You're not a virgin, are you?"

"Not for years," she exaggerated.

"Good, baby, I wouldn't want to take your cherry," he said, his hands all over her.

She was filled with a mixture of fear and anticipation. How exciting to fuck her own father! All her
experience had been with her brothers and a few boys she dated. But they were all so young and silly.
So different from her handsome father.

"Do you like sex?" he said.

"I love it."

"Is your little cunny nice and tight?"

"I think so."

He stroked her thighs and tits. "Do all the boys tell you you're a good fuck?"

"Yes, they do."

"I'm a grown man, honey. You'll find it's different balling with an older man."

"I'm looking forward to it," she said, voice quavering and heart pounding.

"It'll be our secret, little girl."

His face nuzzled her still covered tits. She barely breathed. "Yes, Daddy, yes."

"If anyone found out they wouldn't understand."

She didn't understand why he was talking so much. Her brothers hardly talked at all when they fucked
her. They were always in such a hurry.

Now he french kissed her for the first time. His tongue was an unexpected prize in her mouth and she
sucked on it hungrily.

He guided her onto her back and stroked the tender warm mound between her legs. "Oh, baby, you're
so sweet," he said, his tongue darting over her lips and teeth and into her mouth.

"You're making me so hot," she sighed breathlessly.

Then her cut-offs were off and he was fingering her cunt. A jolt of fear shot through her. What if
someone finds out? she thought. But he seemed to sense her fear and responded by fingering her clit.

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"Does this feel good, honey?" he said.

"Oh, Daddy, you know it does."

"You're a hot little pussycat, you know it? Your clit is hard. Big too. Oh, baby, do you want Daddy to
suck it?"

"Would you?" She felt weak with excitement.

"Sure, I'll suck it, baby." His fingers expertly explored her cunt-folds. "In a little while I'll suck you and
kiss you all over. So wet. So sweet."

"Oh, Daddy!"

Suddenly he thrust a finger high inside her cunthole. He frenched her, pushing his tongue into her mouth
as he pushed his finger into her pussy.

All shyness left her as she responded. As they kissed and fondled he took the rest of her clothes off.

She watched her father undress. When his cock came into view, her eyes widened. He was excited.
His cock was stiff, swaying from side to side as he finished undressing. And she had made it hard. She
had excited him.

When he sank down on the bed next to her, she reached over and took his prick in her hand. He
chuckled when she began pumping it.

"Don't treat it like a piece of salami," he said, guiding her fingers.

"It's a cock. Move just the skin, baby. Like this."

He showed her how to move the skin over his hard male-muscle. He showed her the sensitive areas of
a man and how to drive a man crazy with her fingers. After fifteen minutes his cock was hard as steel
and her cunt was sticky with juice.

As she stroked his dick he leaned over and swiped his tongue over her tits. She toyed with his hair
when he captured one of her nipples between his teeth.

"Should I bite it off?" he teased.

"You better not."

He touched her pussy with the tips of his fingers. At intervals he finger-fucked her.

"Don't stop," she pleaded when he began rubbing her clit.

He sucked hard on her tits and entered her. She raised her legs up at the unexpected penetration. Then
she let her breath out with a long ecstatic sigh and her cunt opened up to accommodate him.

"I'm in, baby," he said.

"Oh, yes!"

She hugged him to her chest and closed her eyes as he fucked into her. For a moment he lay still, his
cock unmoving inside her. Then he fucked again and she opened her mouth and accepted his kisses.

"Sweet, tight, pussy," he said, nibbling her lips.

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"You're in so deep, Daddy."

"You're a sweet baby." He moved his hands under her ass and fucked more forcefully.

Now, each time he stroked, his cockshaft rasped against her clit. His fingers dug into her butt as they
exchanged saliva and tongues.

"Dad, I think I've wanted this all my life."

"Me too, babe."

Her breath quickened. When he left his prick imbedded inside her, it pulsated hotly. "You're filling me
up so. I never felt so filled up."

He licked the corners of her mouth. Of all the Rider women, Penny was the sweetest fuck of all.

"I'm giving you everything I've got."

"Oh, Dad!"

He noticed she was no longer calling him Daddy. Suddenly she seemed more grown-up. More like a
woman than a child.

"I want you to fuck me in the ass," she blurted.

Raising up, he let his prick slip out of her cunt. "What did you say?" he said.

She reached for him, pressing her hot cheek against his cunt-juice-drenched cock. "I said I want it in the
ass," she repeated.

"Jesus, baby, I don't know. Lots of women hate it."

"I'm not scared. I read about how ... oh, you know. I'm dying to try it. Please."

She sounded like a small child again. He lay on his side next to her and kissed her.

"It's bad enough I'm taking advantage of you, babe. How can I fuck you in the ass? You're only a kid."

"I'm old enough to take anything you can dish out."

"Oh, Jesus!"


He met her eyes, "Well, okay," he said reluctantly. "But first I'll stick my finger in. If it hurts for sure I
won't bugger you."

"It's a deal. What should I do?"

"Get on your hands and knees."

The teenager crouched on her hands and knees, her ass stuck out and her tits hung down. She turned
her head as he touched her ass.

"Stick your finger in, Dad."

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He knelt behind her, wetting a finger to the knuckle and thrusting it into her asshole. "Does it hurt?" he

"No, I like it." She loved the sensation and more than ever wanted his cock in her bung.

"Let's see how you take two fingers," he said, wetting down his index finger with her cunt-juice and
thrusting two fingers into her shitter.

She fell forward, hugging her tits as he churned her bowels. She wiggled her ass in open invitation.

"Give me your cock, Dad," she said.

"Here, honey," he said, steadying her with one hand while he penetrated her cunt.

"Ooohhh, that's good. Ooohhh, Daddy, you sure can fuck. But why don't you stick it in my can?"

"I will, hon," he said. He pumped all the way into her snatch, filling her with his fuckpole and expertly
masturbating her.

"Oh! Oh!" she yelped.

When she thought she'd lose her mind with excitement, he pulled out and nestled his prick inside her
asscheeks. She thrust her ass back at him.

"Baby, you took my fingers, but I don't know. A cock's lots bigger than fingers."

"I don't care. I want it."

"Okay, baby, but if it hurts you just holler and I'll take it out."

Holding her asscheeks apart with one hand, he carefully pressed his cock-knob into her widely
stretching asshole.

"Oh, God!" She shrieked as she fell forward on her belly.

"Easy, baby, easy."

She got back on her knees and hugged her tits as he thrust a little more of his prick into her asshole. The
pain soon dissipated.

"More," she gasped. "Give me all of it."

"Oh, baby." With a smooth lunge, his cock was inside her.

"Oh, Daddy!" she shrieked.

After that everything was a haze. With every stroke his balls caressed her cunt. She came quickly.
There was no more pain. There was only a special kind of pleasure that would forever after make her
partial to ass-fucking.

Bob had never exerted more control. Giving his daughter pleasure was more important than relieving

But the next time she came he came too. He fucked her ass in a frenzy as his balls erupted. He
pistoned his prick into her asshole, slamming into her with such force her teeth rattled.

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Finally she flattened out on her belly and for a moment he collapsed on top of her. Then he rolled over,
took her into his arms, and kissed her.

"Can I suck your cock now?" she said after she caught her breath.

Bob blanched and kissed her hard on the lips.

"Next time, baby." he said. "Save something for next time."

Chapter 9

"Someone's out there!" Pam hissed as Judy stroked the tips of her nipples.

The two women were in bed, enjoying a matinee. Despite Pam's alarm Judy continued fondling her tits.
She wasn't concerned about someone being in the hall. If it was one of the kids they wouldn't dare
intrude on their mother. And it couldn't possibly be Bob. He was safely out of town on business.

"It's probably Penny," she said to her sister-in-law as she pushed a hand under her ass.

"Why don't we wait until whoever it is goes away?"

"The door's closed. The kids won't dare barge in." She squeezed her sister-in-law's butt and licked her
tit. Pam sighed and seemed to relax. Pam loved having her tits licked.

"Well, okay, if you think it's all right."

Sighing with pleasure, Pam allowed Judy to pepper her tits with moist kisses. Judy wrapped her arms
around Pam's ass and held her tight.

Judy felt herself heat up. She kissed the underside of Pam's tits and snaked her fingers into Pam's
asscrack. When the door opened, she craned her neck and gazed with alarm at her husband.

"What the fuck's going on here?" Bob glared, slamming the door behind him and striding into the room.

"What are you doing here?" Pam cried.

"You're supposed to be out of town," Judy gasped.

"Well, I came home early and look what I find? My wife and sister balling each other like two dykes."
He glared at the two women who cowered on the bed. "I ought to whip both of your asses."

"We can explain!" Pam wailed, tears welling in her eyes.

Judy regained her composure quickly. "Oh, don't make a big thing out of it," she said. "We're not the
first women to try it and we won't be the last."

Bob glared, but Judy could see he wasn't really angry. She rolled onto her belly and stuck out her
tongue. There was a bulge in his crotch. He was getting a hard-on, for God's sake.

"Hey, honey, maybe this was what we needed to put some zip back into our love life," she said.
"Wanna make it a threesome?"

Bob move closer until his crotch was before her face. He glanced at Pam and winked. She smiled

"If Pam's willing, I am," he said.

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Pam nodded slowly, remembering that she was having an affair with her brother and Judy didn't know
it. "I'll do whatever you two want to do," she said.

"What the hell, why not?" he said. "Why be a hypocrite?" He turned to Judy. "Pam and I are balling
and I think you ought to know it."

Pam looked horrified. "Bob!" she cried.

Judy started to speak, but nothing came out. She glanced from Pam to Bob and back to Pam. She
shook her head and smiled wanly.

"How come the wife is always the last to know?" she said. But deep down she knew she had no right to
be angry. She, after all, was no angel either.

Bob leaned down and kissed his wife. "What the hell, it's only sex," he said.

Judy stroked his crotch. The situation had excited him. His cock was hard. "And we're keeping it in
the family, aren't we?" Judy said softly.

Pam was glad everything was coming out in the open. Deceit bothered her. But she was also
frustrated. They were ignoring her. Normally she would have remained quiet, but she was too
turned-on to be passive for long. She moved closer to Bob and began stroking his inner thighs.

"Let's all fuck," she said.

Bob and Judy turned to stare at her. "My God, is that my inhibited kid sister talking?" Bob smiled.

Pam fingered her pussy and wantonly waved the finger in Bob's face.

"Yes, and I'm horny too."

"If that's the case," he said, "how about you two going on with what you were doing. I must admit it
intrigues me. I've never seen two chicks making it except in one of those fuck-films."

Pam giggled. Judy flushed. Both women moved toward each other and kissed. "Should we?" Judy

"Yes, let's," Pam said.

They were on their knees, arms around each other. Their tits mashed together and their tongues dueled.

Bob stripped as he watched. He was fascinated at the sight of his wife stroking his sister's ass. And
relieved. He was beginning to feel guilty about cheating with his sister and mother and daughter. Now
he knew that Judy fucked around too. If she was fucking around with Pam she might even be fucking
around with others. Maybe even the boys.

Now he watched Pam pull Judy's panties down and grab hold of her ass. Incredibly, Pam was more
aggressive than Judy. Maybe his talk with her had helped bring her out of her shell after all.

Unable to remain a spectator, Bob stretched out next to them. Lying on his side and fondling his prick,
he watched the two women french kiss and touch each other.

Now Pam lay on her back and Judy hovered over her. Judy stroked Pam's beaver and dipped her
fingers into Pam's slit.

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Bob squeezed his prick-root and watched the drop of whitish cream ooze from his pisser and drop to
the sheet. He pumped his cock more forcefully as he watched his wife pry Pam's cuntlips open and
thrust a finger inside her. He caught the expression in Judy's eyes. She was obviously very excited by
the lesbian act.

Now two of Judy's fingers disappeared inside Pam's cunt. He became even more aroused when his
sister reached up and squeezed Judy's tits.

Releasing his cock, Bob leaned over and captured one of Pam's tits in his mouth. "I've got to get some
of this too," he said.

Judy slipped away and let Bob take her place. He straddled his sister, pushed her thighs apart and
quickly entered her. She rolled her head back and forth on the pillow as he plowed into her.

"Give it to her, honey," Judy said, legs wide open and fingers clawing at her pussy.

Bob thrust in and out, breathing shallowly to control his ready-to-explode cock. Pam's pussy snapped
shut around his prick with every thrust. She writhed and twisted each time his cockshaft rubbed against
her clit.

"This is wild," Judy said, finger-fucking herself as she watched. With her free hand she grabbed hold of
her husband's balls.

"Yeah, baby, lick 'em if you can," he said.

Judy flopped over onto her belly, shoved her head under his ass and swiped her tongue over his balls.
She tasted Pam's cunt and licked the base of Bob's shaft each time he came out far enough. At one
point Bob pulled all the way out of Pam and dipped his prick into Judy's mouth. Then he continued
fucking his sister.

He concentrated on bringing Pam to climax. He directed his prick over her clit as he corkscrewed into
her. She screamed with lust as she came, but he pulled out. He had no intention of dumping his load
this soon.

When she stopped spasming, he continued fucking her. He ground his cock-bush against her mound.
She rammed herself at him in an attempt to achieve another orgasm.

Suddenly a shadow fell over her face as Judy sat down on her mouth and forced her to lick her cunt.
She happily complied by tonguing her sister-in-law's pussy and rubbing her nose against her clit.

Judy cried out hoarsely as Pam licked her gash. She cursed and yelled as she ground her pussy down
on Pam's mouth.

Pam managed to work her thumb into Judy's asshole. Judy shrieked at the double penetration since
Pam had already snaked her tongue into Judy's cunt.

After Judy crashed through an orgasm, Pam licked up the thick cream that gushed out of her snatch.
Then Judy climbed around, pushed Bob over onto his back and took his cock into her mouth.

He groaned when she began sucking his cock. Now Pam lay still and watched. She was in awe at how
much of Bob's cock Judy was able to take in her throat. She was fascinated by the sight and happier
than she'd been in years.

* * *

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With Bob's knowledge, support and encouragement, Judy finally began an affair with their oldest son. It
happened soon after Bob walked in on Judy and Pam in bed. Jimmy had been delighted to learn his
mother wanted his body and Judy's craving was satisfied for the moment.

After the first time, she told Bob all the details. After that she periodically brought him up to date on the
illicit affair.

Her juices flowed whenever she related a sexual escapade to her husband. One morning she became
turned-on as she told Bob how Jimmy had fucked her in the ass. Bob became turned on too and nearly
fucked her into the floor.

Now she sat in the kitchen alone, sipping coffee and thinking about Jimmy. The boy was a cocksman,
that was for sure. He had the staying power of his father and the randiness of a teenager.

When the back door opened, she jumped up and ran to see who it was. Who could it be at this time in
the morning? She hoped it wasn't Maggie. Her mother-in-law sometimes dropped in on her for spite.
She hoped that wasn't the case today.

It was Jimmy. She relaxed and kissed him. He was smiling and blushing and she knew instinctively why
he was home.

"Are you cutting a class?" she said, kissing him full on the lips.

"It's not anything important-"

She cut off his words with her hot lips.

"I'm not going to scold you," she said. "I'm glad you're here. I'm very horny this morning."

They ran upstairs and climbed into bed. She still wore her robe. She unbuckled his belt, pulled down
his jeans and shorts and yanked his clothes off.

"Now we can get down to business," she said, pressing her open mouth to his.

He chuckled, took her hand and placed it on his prick. "Jesus, Mom, hold it, will you?"

She held it. Lord, it felt good. Her cunt was buttery soft with arousal. She couldn't wait to tell Bob all
about it.

She pumped Jimmy's prick as she thought about Bob. It occurred to her that she enjoyed telling Bob
about her affair with Jimmy as much as she enjoyed fucking the boy. Life was so complicated.

"I love when you squeeze my cock, Mom," Jimmy said.

"And I love squeezing it, darling."

He grinned. "Do you like squeezing it more than you like sucking it?"

"I think it's a draw," she giggled. "Anyway, I love when you fuck me best of all."

"Did you ever fuck Billy?"

"Whoa, there, I don't think that's any of your business."

"Aw, Mom, I think it'd be okay if you fucked the kid."

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She stared at him. "You mean it?"

He nodded. "Yeah, why not give the kid a break?"

The kid was only a year younger than Jimmy. Judy smiled at her eldest and moistened his cockhead
with his spunk.

"Maybe I will."

His cock responded to her caresses. She loved when the tiny veins on his shaft popped out. She loved
when his big dick jumped around in her fist.

She was amused that he wanted her to fuck Billy. She had given it some thought and had every intention
of seducing the boy. She had discussed it with Bob and he was all for it. In fact he was dying to hear
the details. When they discussed it, Bob got so excited he came all over her hand.

Now her pussy throbbed with need and anticipation. Taking Jimmy's hand, she moved it between her
legs and imprisoned it with her thighs.

"Do you like my pussy?" she said.

"You know I do."

She opened and closed her legs around his fingers. "Do you love it?" she teased.

"Jesus, Mom, if you don't stop that I'll fuck you right now."

She reached for his cock. "I wish you would, baby," she said with a groan.

Stretching out on top of him, she ran a series of kisses over his face and rubbed against him. Her pussy
ground down on his prick. Her clit was inflamed.

"Stick it in, Son," she said.

He climbed over her, thrust two fingers into her snatch and wiggled them around. "I want you good and
hot," he said.

She giggled. "You do, do you?" She couldn't wait to tell Bob.

"Your cunt is grabbing my fingers."

"Oooohhhh, baby, that feels so good."

"I've got two fingers in there, Mom."

"Try for three."


His three fingers felt like a cock and he used them like a cock. He thrust them in and out and used his
thumb on her clit. She had taught him that the first time they fucked. He learned well.

Meanwhile she played with his cock. She stroked, squeezed and released. Stroked, squeezed and
released. God, it was hard! Just the way she liked a cock. Hard and big. It would fill her up, just the
way she liked it. Fill her up and make her come like a bunny.

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"Fuck me now, Son," she said.

He climbed on top of her, took his prick in his fist and pressed it against her twat. "Here it is, Mom," he
said, thrusting forward and slamming his cock into her.

She squealed with pleasure as his prick pulled her cunt-folds back and forth with every stroke. "Oh,
darling, you know how to fuck your mother so good," she said.

"Pull your legs up," he said.

She obliged by draping her legs over his shoulders. "Like this?" she said. When he nodded, she held
her tits in her hands. "Your father likes to fuck me this way too."

At the mention of his father the teenager's prick shriveled inside her.

"Jesus, Mom, why'd you have to say that?"

"No, Son, it's okay," she said, quickly squeezing her cunt around his prick. "Your father doesn't,
wouldn't mind," she said quickly.

"Jesus, Mom, you're squeezing the come out of my balls."

"That's the idea, Son."

Judy pulled the boy down and rolled over on top of him. Her tits bounced around over him and he
sucked one into his mouth. The conversation about Bob had ended without any real damage.

"Come in me," she said. "I'm ready."

Jimmy's cock twitched and jerked inside her. He thought about what his father had said, about making
sure the woman is satisfied before you come. "Are you ready, Mom?" he said.

"Yes, I'm ready, Son."

The teenager thrust his ass up, sent his cock soaring inside her pussy and came. She came the moment
his jism shot into her. They fucked like two animals at the moment of climax and when it was over the
lovely sensations surged through her for a long time.

Jimmy's cock dwindled, but remained inside her. She snapped her pussy around it and it quickly began
stiffening. It didn't get hard, but she was able to keep it inside her and bring herself off again.

"Jimmy, darling, you're a wonderful cocksman," the happy mother said.

"I love you, Mom," he said shyly.

"Did you mean what you said before about not caring if I fucked Billy too?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I won't mind. Especially if I'm still your favorite."

She hugged him. They all want to be my favorite. Aloud she said, "Whatever happens with Billy, I'll
always want to fuck you, Son."

Chapter 10

Bob opened the door a crack and saw his wife in bed with their youngest son. Billy spit his mother's tit
out, sprang up and fell to the floor.

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"Don't get in a sweat, Son," Bob said as he closed the door behind him.

Judy giggled as she helped the teenager back into the bed. "Dad's not mad," she murmured. "It was his

Billy looked perplexed. He hid his face in his mother's breast. She motioned to Bob to sit down while
she comforted the teenager.

"She's a good fuck, isn't she, boy?" Bob said.

"Jesus!" Billy muttered against Judy's chest.

"Bob, don't," Judy whispered.

"Fuck that," Bob said, rising up and undressing. Billy's jaw dropped when Bob took Judy into his arms.
"Let's show the kid how it's done in the big time."

Bob kissed her, his cock poking her belly as his tongue shot into her mouth. She had suspected that
Bob would join them. Now that they were together she was both excited and scared.

"It was her idea." the teenager whined.

"Don't explain, boy. Your mother and I know the score."

Billy huddled under the covers. His eyes darted all around, as if looking for a way to escape. At the
same time he appeared fascinated by the sight of his naked parents out in front of him.

"I'm going to fuck your mother now," Bob said. "And I want you to watch."

"Honest, Dad?" the boy said, visibly brightening.

"Get on your hands and knees babe and I'll come in from behind." He gazed at his son. "And you
watch, you hear? You might learn a thing or two from your old man."

Actually Bob was delighted to be performing for his son. He thought sex was to be enjoyed and not
hidden away in the dark. He was enjoying himself immensely and knew that Judy was too.

Now Judy crouched on her hands and knees, her legs apart and her eyes on Billy. "Are you watching,
baby?" she said.

"Yeah, Mom, I'm watching-"

Billy stared as his father positioned himself behind his mother.

Holding her hips, Bob pressed his prick against her ass.

"Are you gonna stick it in her ass?" the teenager asked.

"Maybe," Bob said, guiding his prick into his wife's snatch.

"Oh, God, you're in," Judy hiccuped.

Billy's hands were soaked with perspiration. He jerked off as he watched. When his mother motioned
for him to move over, he understood what she had in mind. Perspiring heavily, he wriggled around until

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his prick was inches from her face.

Judy took hold of his prick, but threw her head back when Bob entered her twat. "I love when you do
that, darling," she said.

His cock split her in two. He left it inside her a moment without moving and reached underneath to
squeeze her tits.

"That's your kid's cock over there," he said.

"I know. Isn't it crazy?"

Bob began stroking and she used her well-oiled cunt-muscles to caress his prick. The beginnings of an
orgasm began to invade her. She salivated and briefly lapped her tongue over Billy's upthrust cock.

Her pussy creamed and wet down Bob's dick. His balls whipped her ass as he soared into her. As
close as she was to coming, the presence of Billy inhibited her.

Bending over her back, Bob tried to help by rubbing her clit while he fucked her. She was wildly
turned-on. How could she tell him their son's presence was making her uncomfortable?

Now Bob fucked her harder and faster. He thought she wanted and needed harder reaming. The bed
shook as his strokes became frenzied. Her pussy was sore, but still she didn't come.

But Bob did, and his jism filled her pussy as his cock pulsated inside her. She fell forward, capturing
Billy's cock in her mouth and biting down on the tip.

As she nursed on Billy's cock, Bob's jism dribbled down her thighs and wet the sheet. She was about to
settle down and mouth-fuck the boy to orgasm, but Bob had other ideas and he pulled her away from
the teenager.

"Why'd you do that, Dad?" Billy whined.

"Here she is, Son. Fuck her good. Your mother needs lots of fucking."

Judy burst out laughing. "You two," she giggled.

She lay on her side with her legs apart. Billy lay down facing her.

He moved his prick into her slit, rubbing the moist tip up and down.

"Can I stick it in your ass?" the boy said, his eyes glittering with excitement.

"I guess so," Judy said.

"Do it, boy," Bob said.

Judy rolled onto her hands and knees, stuck her ass in the air and waited. In a moment Billy's cock
poked her asshole, but it wasn't wet enough and it wouldn't go in.

"Spit on it," Bob said, and the teenager spit on her asshole. He rubbed the saliva around her bung, thrust
a finger inside and opened her up.

"Yes, fuck me," Judy moaned.

"I am, Mom," the boy grunted as he forced his cockhead inside her.

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The pain made her shriek, but she knew the worst of it was over.

"More," she moaned. "Give me all of your cock."

His eyes on his mother's profile, Billy thrust his hips forward and sent the rest of his prick inside her
bowels. She shuddered violently, but seemed to enjoy it.

With strong arms, Billy lifted his mother up by her tits until her back was arched. Then he began
thrusting in and out.

Judy felt weak with passion. Bob was jerking off as he watched. She wondered if all families were so
crazy and then decided it didn't matter. Crazy families were happy families. She was certainly happier
than she'd been in years.

Still gripping her tits, Billy stroked in and out of his mother's bung.

She grunted with pleasure each time his balls banged against her pussy.

Suddenly Bob's cock bobbed in front of her face. She opened her jaws and he pushed it deep inside
her mouth.

She tasted her husband's essence while her son banged her from behind.

She wished Jimmy was with them, but maybe some other time.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Billy's cock began pulsating wildly inside her asshole. He groaned
softly and fell forward when he came.

She loved the come-enema and she came too when his spurting cock spasmed inside her. She slid the
ring of her lips up and down Bob's fuckpole while she convulsed again and again.

"Oh, darlings, I love it," she yelled.

"So do we," Bob and his grinning son said in unison.

* * *

"I'm hungry," Judy said.

Bob chuckled. "I know that look. When you say you're hungry, your eyes say you're horny too."

The couple were in bed watching television. Judy hugged his arm and kissed his cheek. "This time I
really am hungry. Let's go downstairs and have a snack."

"Okay, okay, you won't give me any peace until you get what you want."

Down in the kitchen, Judy put out plates of cheese and crackers and soft drinks. As they ate they
chatted and soon the conversation turned to sex.

"Our sex life has really gotten better," Bob said.

"Speaking of sex, I wouldn't mind a little piece right about now."

"Here in the kitchen?"

"Why not? You've done it before."

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"Yeah, but that was in the morning when the kids were in school."

She opened her legs and showed him her gash. She lewdly fingered herself as she rolled her eyes. "I
think the boys have seen everything there is to see."

He moved his hand over her thigh and touched her. "How come it's always so wet?"

"Because I'm a horny bitch."

He laced his fingertips in her beaver. "That's the truth."

"I'm glad Pam finally got her own apartment."

"You mean you're glad you don't have the competition anymore."

"Fuck you," Judy giggled. "Any time you want to fuck her go right ahead."

"My, how liberal we've become."

She rose up, walked behind Bob's chair and threw her arms around his neck. "How liberal we've all
become," she mused.

"Come here." He pulled her down on his lap and kissed her.

In a moment his cock was out. She took it in her hand. "I see I'm not the only one who's horny."

He dug his fingers into her ass. "Wanna sit on it?"

"Yeah, but let's get into bed."

When they went upstairs and passed Penny's room, they saw the light was on. Judy swept past, but
Bob stopped.

"Hey, the door's open," he said.

"Leave her alone and come on. We've got better things to do than see what Penny's up to."

Bob peeked into the room and grinned. "Don't be too sure of that," he whispered. "Come here and

When Judy gazed into the room, she stifled a gasp. Jimmy was in bed with Penny and he was fucking

"You're in so deep!" Penny squealed, her legs thrashing awkwardly.

"Look at that little cunt," Bob murmured, taking Judy's hand and folding her fingers around his prick.

"Oh, God, should we stop them?" Judy said.

"Shit, no," Bob said.

His cock stiffened in Judy's fist. They were both getting turned-on.

"Look at the way his cock is ramming her," she said.

"That's my boy," he said proudly.

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Judy giggled softly. "She's no slouch either. See the way her pussy is gripping his prick?"

"Yeah, she takes after you."

Judy clutched his prick and squeezed it hard. "They're nice kids, aren't they?"

"They sure are."

Now they watched as Penny squeezed her tits and wiggled her ass. Jimmy thrust hard into her twat and
the teenage girl seemed to be enjoying herself immensely.

"Suck my tits," Penny said.

Jimmy leaned down and swiped his tongue over her boobs. "You almost there?" he said.

"No, I'm just beginning."

Bob moved his hand inside Judy's robe and fondled her tits. "You almost there?" he hissed.

"Hell, no, I'm just beginning," Judy giggled.

She clung to Bob's prick. She was fascinated by the scene in her daughter's room, but anxious to get
laid. But when it came to the choice, she decided to watch the children. It wasn't every day a mother
got to watch her kids fuck.

Her pussy throbbed with need. She took Bob's hand and moved it between her legs. There, that's
better, she thought.

"Billy's the only one left out," Bob said. "But what can we do?"

Judy rubbed her clit and thought about her youngest son. Bob grabbed her hand and forced her to stop
pumping his cock.

"Careful," he said. "You're liable to open the floodgates."

Judy leaned against him, still rubbing her clit. If only she and Bob could join the kids. Of course they
didn't dare, but it was fun to fantasize anyway.

On an impulse she dropped to her knees and pressed her lips against Bob's prick. He grunted, but
didn't object when she swirled her tongue over his cockhead.

"Come on," he said. "Let's go fuck."

"And stop watching?"

"Yeah, come on. Let's leave the kids alone."

"I like watching."

"Maybe you'd like to get in bed with them?"

"I wouldn't mind." She was half serious and half joking.

"Well, I don't wanna inhibit them. Come on back to bed."

"In a minute." To assuage him, Judy opened her jaws wide and took his cock into her mouth.

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"Christ, you know how to get to me!"

She tongued the flared rim under his knob.

"I love sucking cock."

"Oh, baby, that's good sucking."

Judy's knees shook as she slid the ring of her lips halfway down his cockshaft. She watched her son
thrusting his prick into his sister's snatch while she nibbled and licked Bob's prick.

Penny began moaning and heaving up to meet Jimmy's strokes. "Give it to me," she cried. "Make me

"What's going on here?"

The older couple turned to see their younger son walking down the hall toward them. Billy pushed past
them and opened the door wide to reveal Jimmy ramming his spurting cock into Penny's cunt.

"What the hell ..." Bob sputtered.

"Children!" Judy said shrilly, quickly tying her robe.

"Did you know they were watching you?" Billy snickered.

Penny struggled to shove Jimmy over, but he was still pounding away.

"Stop it!" she cried. "Get off me. The folks are here."

"Yeow!" Jimmy yelled again and again. "Yeeeeeooooowwwwww!"

Somehow in the course of the melee the whole family wound up in bed together. They laughed until they
cried and everyone talked at once.

"How long were you out there?" Penny said.

To diffuse the awkwardness of the moment, Judy deliberately touched her slit. "Oh, not long," she said
with a smirk.

"Mother!" Penny cried.

The boys shouted her down. "Go for it, Mom," Jimmy said.

"I'll do it for you, Mom," Billy said.

"We'll all do it for her," Bob said, beaming.

Billy was quicker than the others. He climbed over his mother and kissed her. They rolled around the
bed and he removed her robe while the others moved back.

"Fuck me, Son," Judy said, squeezing the boy's prick.

"Get on top, Mom," Billy said.

Climbing over him, Judy squatted down and positioned her cunt over his cock. She pushed in, his cock
entered her and she ground down.

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"Oh, baby," she said, kissing him while she raised and lowered her ass.

Someone climbed onto the bed behind her and stroked her hair. Someone else fondled her tits and
someone else caressed her ass. She had no idea who was doing what, but the end result was a feeling
of total love and sensuality.

When she began gyrating her hips, she noticed that Bob was fucking Penny. The girl was on his lap and
he was holding her ass and moving her up and down.

Jimmy was jerking off as his eyes darted from one couple to the other.

"What a family," he muttered. "What a fucking A-okay family."

Judy straightened her body out, holding Billy's cock inside her and thrusting slowly. She was fascinated
by the sight of her husband fucking their teenage daughter. The girl was adorable and obviously loved

"Will you suck my cock, Mom," Jimmy said.

"Of course, dear. Come here and kneel next to me."

In a moment Judy had Jimmy's prick in her mouth and Billy's in her pussy. A foot away, Bob was
guiding Penny onto her hands and knees and preparing to fuck her in the ass.

All we need now is Pam and Maggie, Judy thought with a giggle. And I'm sure that'll happen before
long. In this family anything can happen.

The End


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