Hidden Magic 2 Modeling Death Amber Kell

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Table of Contents

Title Page
Note from the Publisher
Trademarks Acknowledgement
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
About the Author
Also by Amber Kell

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Hidden Magic 2

Amber Kell

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Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Editor: Devin Govaere

Modeling Death © 2011 Amber Kell

ISBN # 9781920501419

Attention Readers: This book uses US English. Thank you.

All rights reserved.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including

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purposes only; any person depicted in the Licensed Art Material, is a model.



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Note from the Publisher

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A special thank you to my fans who continue

to travel with me on my literary journey.

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Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks

mentioned in this work of fiction:

Post-it Note: 3M Company

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Chapter One

Jacob Richmond looked around the bar, searching among the moving bodies and flashing lights

for his cousin's familiar face. The pounding music pulsed in time with the migraine throbbing through

his skull. After a long international flight, exhaustion dragged his steps, and he could barely see

through the pain jabbing behind his eyeballs. If he hadn't promised David he'd meet him at the club,

he'd have checked into a hotel and called it a night, but David wanted Jacob to meet his friends, and

besides, Jacob needed to pick up the key to his cousin's apartment.


Jacob spotted his cousin's distinctive red hair through the crowd. Working his way through the

sea of people, Jacob headed towards where he thought he'd seen David, stopping several times along

the way to slap intrusive fingers off his body.

Apparently "no" was code for "grab my ass". It was an eye-opening experience for Jacob who

usually worked long hours and didn't have a lot of time for bar hopping no matter how many countries

he visited. It was never a good idea to show up for a modeling gig looking tired and hung over. Some

of his co-workers partied hard and came to work looking less than their best the next day.

There wasn't a quicker way to piss off a photographer.

Hoping to eventually work behind the camera instead of in front of it, Jacob tried not to alienate

any of the photographers or fashion designers he might want to work with in the future.

His reputation as an even-tempered model who always delivered the perfect picture served his

career well.

"Hey, David," he called out as he approached. Five other people sat around the crowded table

with his cousin.

They all stopped talking and stared.

Jacob tried not to feel too self-conscious. People usually stared. However, normally a camera

lens or a rope stood between him and any onlookers.

"Jacob." David jumped to his feet and rushed over to give Jacob a hug. "Sorry to drag you out

here, but I really wanted my friends to meet you," he admitted with a shy smile.

Jacob knew David wanted to show off his model cousin while desperately trying not to look

like it.

"I'm happy to meet your friends anytime." David was one of the few relatives who didn't drive

Jacob absolutely bonkers. He figured the least he could do was meet David's friends since his cousin

was letting Jacob crash at his place for a while.

"David, introduce me." A short, dark-haired kid gave Jacob a slow, skin-crawling once-over.

"Shane, this is my cousin Jacob. He's a fashion model."

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Shane's eyes widened. "I know you. You did that ad where you stood on the beach looking at

the water wearing that tiny, tiny swimsuit. I wore out my hand jerking off to that one."

"Um. Thanks." He tried to sound polite since he doubted Shane really wanted to know how

much his comment creeped Jacob out.

"No problem. I'd love to do it with you sometime in person."

David shoved Shane away. "Stop being a perv. You're going to freak out my cousin." He gave

Jacob an apologetic shrug. "Sorry. I'll pay you back for the cover charge."

"There was a cover charge?"

David laughed. "Probably not for you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. "Here.

I made you a copy."

"Thanks man." Jacob snatched at the key like it was the answer to his prayers. All he really

wanted was a pillow where he could lay his pounding head. "I appreciate you letting me crash at your

apartment. I'm so sick of hotels. I should probably look into getting a place of my own again, but I

hate paying for something I'll never use."

David slapped him on the back. "You look tired. Go ahead and get out of here. I know clubs

aren't your thing." David glanced to the left, over Jacob's shoulder. "But if you could put your arm

around my waist and pretend to be interested in me for about three seconds, I'd totally appreciate it."

Used to his cousin's odd ways, Jacob slid his arm around David's waist. Leaning over, he

whispered into his cousin's ear, "I don't care who you're trying to attract, I'm not kissing you."

David burst out laughing. "Deal." After a moment, he shoved Jacob away. "He's not paying me

any attention anyway."

It was probably for the best. David had an abysmal track record with men. Jacob had lost count

of the number of men moving in and out of David's life. Luckily for Jacob, his cousin didn't currently

have a live-in lover, so there was no one to object to him staying there for a few weeks.

"If you need a gimmick to get him to come over here, he isn't the one for you anyway."

"Easy for you to say." David rolled his eyes. "You just show up, and they trip over their


"Sometimes that makes it harder, not easier," Jacob confessed.

With the key in his pocket, he kissed his cousin's cheek and headed back through the mass of

dancers, trying to limit the groping as much as possible. He never did get introduced to David's other

friends. He wondered if they were all as bad as Shane.

Jacob spotted the exit sign glowing like a beacon, the door to freedom and migraine medicine

almost in his grasp. A large man with dirty-blond hair stepped in front of Jacob, blocking his path.

"Hello, gorgeous," the man said with a creepy smile. It made Shane's leer look almost angelic

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in comparison.

"Hello." Jacob moved to go around the stranger, too tired to put up with anyone's shit. His flight

from Paris had drained him, and he never did well with the time change. All he wanted was a nice

soft bed, a fluffy pillow, and no more people trying to grab his ass.

The stranger clamped one hand on Jacob's shoulder, holding him in place. "Why don't you let

me buy you a drink?"

Jacob shoved the man away. He really hoped he wasn't about to get into a fight. He didn't need

any bruises for tomorrow's shoot. Stepping to the side to avoid the other man, he almost growled with

frustration when the blond moved to block him, again. The stranger wrapped his meaty hand around

Jacob's arm in a bruising hold.

"Think you're too good to have a drink with me?"


"No, man, I just need to get home. I've got a shoot tomorrow."

The big guy smiled, tightening his vise grip on Jacob's arm. "Great, you can take me with you.

I'll make sure you get a good night's sleep."

Before Jacob could come back with a polite, but definite, no, a man even larger than the one

attached to his arm ripped away the other man's hand.

"The man said no." The new guy's deep voice rumbled so low Jacob could have sworn he felt

the vibration in his chest, rather than hearing it over the loud music. The new guy mumbled something

indecipherable to the dirty-blond haired jerk. Jacob's assailant turned pale and rushed for the exit,

trampling more than one too slow-to-move dancer.

Jacob found himself face to face with a big man in a tight t-shirt and painted on jeans. For a

minute the lights in the club reflected off the other man's deep blue eyes and made them look like they

were glowing, an eerie effect. Jacob shook off his nerves and held out his hand. If he weren't so

damned tired, he'd offer to dance with the man before him. It wasn't every day someone so big and hot

crossed his path. Most models Jacob worked with were in the tall and slim category. This man was in

a category all his own, more predatory animal then slick fashion clotheshorse.


"Thanks, man." Jacob smiled at his savior. "I'd hate to get punched in the face before a shoot.

Photographers are notoriously grumpy at having to cover up blemishes."

* * * *

Guy Franks couldn't have said a word if his life depended on it. His visit to the nightclub had

turned up nothing, as the victim's friend couldn't shed any new light on how the model ended up dead

with no marks on his body. However, the man before him proved coming here wasn't a total loss.

After two hundred and seventy-five years of searching, Guy had finally found his mate.

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Although the man was ridiculously good looking, Guy was more attracted to the other man's

blinding aura. His possessive side wanted to drag the stranger home and demand he never leave, but

Guy knew there were criminal charges waiting in the wings if he tried that approach. As an

investigating wizard and personal protector for the Wizard's Council, he'd vowed to uphold the law,

not break it. This man made him want to bend the rules until they snapped.

"So you're a model?" That explained the man's easiness in his skin. Guy doubted all the staring

in the bar even rated on the gorgeous man's radar.

"Yeah." Guy received a shy smile. He'd thought the man beautiful before, but now he glowed.

Glowed like a star in the midnight sky, bright and breathtaking.

"I could take you home," Guy offered.

The smile vanished entirely, leaving Guy reeling from its loss.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not the kind of guy who fucks at first meeting."

Guy watched in shock as the man of his dreams shoved past him and disappeared in the crowd.

True, Guy had thought to take the gorgeous stud home and fuck his brains out, but to hear his man

didn't have sex with just anyone increased his mate's attractiveness two hundred percent.

By the time he made it through the crowd, Guy had completely lost sight of his new love

interest. He whispered a soft tracking spell that quickly revealed the man had left the building, and

Guy still didn't have a name. He knew it wouldn't be a good idea to call every modeling agency in

town, much too stalkerish, so he went back to the first person he'd spotted with his future mate. David


David worked as an attorney in the non-magical division and was one of Guy's many

employees. David had no idea wizards even existed; he only knew Guy was the man in charge. Guy

would do anything in order to get the information he needed to claim his man.

As he approached the table, the group went silent. How nice he could still scare the crap out of

a bunch of kids. "Good evening, David."

"Mr Franks." David's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed nervously. "C-can I help you

with something?"

"The man who was just here. Who is he?"

To give him credit, David didn't try to pretend he didn't know who Guy was asking about.

"That's my cousin Jacob." He spoke in a shaky voice, flashing a look at his friends as if he were

certain Guy wouldn't do any true damage while David had witnesses. "He's staying with me while he

walks in New York Fashion Week."

Guy was pleased to hear Jacob had work. Of course, who could resist taking a picture of

perfection? He had no doubt Jacob had offers lined up and down the street.

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He pulled out his cell phone. "Give me his number."


Guy frowned at the kid. He could easily fire the brat without cause or snap him in two. His

magic surged, crackling in response to his ire. With difficulty, Guy resisted the impulse to grab

David's neck and shake him like a rag doll until he broke. He was almost certain Jacob would

disapprove of that sort of action.

"What?" He made sure his voice sounded low and mean. David paled, but stood his ground.

Guy felt a twinge of respect even as he wanted to strangle the little runt.

"L-look, I know he's gorgeous and all, but Jacob's the nicest man I know. I'm not going to hand

him over so you can make him one of your playthings. I've heard about your reputation, Mr Franks.

My cousin deserves better."

It was admirable really, the kid's protection of his relative. If Guy wasn't so irritated, he

might've admired his employee a little more.

"Fine. How about you tell me which agency he works for and I'll contact him on my own."

David stood quietly for a moment as if contemplating the arrangement. "Okay. But I'm going to

warn him about you."

Guy rolled the thought over in his mind. "You'd best stick to facts. If I find out you're poisoning

him against me, there's not a company in New York that'll give you a decent job." His connections as

a wizard would help him keep his vow. After waiting so long to find his mate, he wasn't going to let a

little thing like scruples stand between him and Jacob. He might be there to help the council with an

investigation, but no one was going to keep him from his mate.

The freckles on David's face stood out in stark contrast to his new pallor. "Fair enough."

David rattled off the agency where his cousin worked before warning Guy he didn't have their

number. "I always call Jacob on his cell."

Guy nodded before turning to walk away.

"Mr Franks," David called out.

Turning back, Guy pinned his employee with a look. "What?"

"I'm still employed, right?"

Guy smirked, more than a little tempted to let the twerp sweat a bit, but he knew it would

reflect badly on him so he let David off the hook. "Yes, David, you're still employed, and as much as

I want Jacob's number, I appreciate you're trying to protect your cousin."

David's worried expression relaxed, and he gave Guy a cautious smile, not as gorgeous as

Jacob's but nice all the same. "Cool. Just so you know, Jacob's picky about his dates. He won't sleep

with just anyone."

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"So I've heard," Guy said with a wry shake of his head.

He walked away, already dialing information.

* * * *

Jacob blinked his weary eyes when the alarm clock went off at five in the morning. He wasn't

due at his agency until seven, but he liked to get in an early morning jog when he had the chance. It

was the one exercise he could fit into his life no matter where he was working. Although most of the

hotels were equipped with a gym, sometimes Jacob just needed to feel the ground beneath his feet and

the air against his face.

He stayed in the areas David had pointed out as safe enough for a lone man to run. An hour

later, after a quick jog around the neighborhood, he re-entered his cousin's apartment, panting and

searching for juice.

"Fuck, Jacob. Don't be so loud." David stumbled into the kitchen, his eyes blinking owlishly.

"Sorry, man, I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm used to living alone." The loneliness ate at him

sometimes, but he'd rather be alone than in another bad situation. His last roommate was enough to

make him swear off sharing his space forever.

"That's okay. I wanted to talk to you anyway."

Jacob stared at his cousin, his heart sinking to his feet. Had he done something to warrant

David's serious expression? "Throwing me out already?" he asked, only partly kidding.

"What? No! I wanted to warn you; Guy Franks is after your ass."

"Want some juice?" Jacob shook the juice carton, happy to hear the heavy slosh.

David glared at him. "No, I don't want some damn juice. Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes." Jacob poured himself a glass and took a drink. The cold orange flavor burst across his

dehydrated tongue, tasting like heaven. He didn't stop until he'd drained the glass. Placing the glass in

the dishwasher, he turned to face his irate relative.

"It would mean more to me if I knew who you were talking about."

"Guy Franks, the man who runs the company I work for."

"Why would he be after me? I just got into town. I haven't even had time to meet anyone."

"Apparently you met him," David said with a snort. "He came to my table last night and

demanded your phone number."

A memory of the hot guy from the night before went through Jacob's mind. "Big guy with curly

black hair and pretty blue eyes?"

"I don't know how pretty his eyes are; they always strike me as cold, but that sounds like him.

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Did you meet him?"

Jacob shrugged. "I might have. Some guy was giving me a hard time last night because I turned

him down. Here comes Mr Knight-in-shining-armor to put him in his place. Then Mr Knight decided

he could just take me home and fuck me, so I shot him down. He might've been your guy."

"He's not my guy," David protested.

"Whatever, he might be the same one."

"Was he a little taller than you?"

"Yeah." At six feet, Jacob was average for a model, but the guy from last night had been bigger,

taller and broader, a nice hulk of a man. "I told him I didn't do one night stands, then I ditched him."

"Well, don't be surprised if you hear from him today."

"You gave him my number?" Jacob couldn't have been more shocked if someone had set him on

fire. David was extremely protective of Jacob, even though David was the younger of the two of


David gave him a shove. "Don't be an idiot. Of course I didn't give him your number, but I did

give him the name of your modeling agency, I figured that was safe enough."

Jacob nodded, relieved. Not that he didn't want to date the guy—because, damn, he was hot—

but he was pleased his cousin hadn't changed his ways.

"Tell me about him."

A strange look crossed David's face. "I don't know a lot. Rumor has it he's extremely rich and

he's known for having a different person on his arm, both men and women, at every major social

event. As far as I know, he's never had a long-term relationship."

"What's your personal opinion of him?"

David gave a bitter laugh. "He threatened to have me fired if I gave him a bad review or, as he

put it, 'poisoned your mind against him'."

"Would you have?" Jacob was curious about David's opinion, though with David's track

record, he wasn't the best judge of men.

David shook his head. "That's the thing. I don't think he's a bad guy. There's never been anyone

accusing him of abuse or sexual harassment. He's known to be a playboy, but word is he always tells

his lovers the score. Overall he's a good guy, if you're careful not to give him your heart."

"Threatening you is a big mark in my bad column." The guy sounded like a jerk. Jacob wasn't

eager to date any man who gave his cousin a hard time.

David shrugged. "I just wanted to warn you he might call. Be careful around him. If you piss

him off, he could make it so you don't work again."

"Do you think he's the vindictive type? If I don't go out with him is your job in trouble?"

David shook his head. "I don't think so. He's usually fair-minded, but I've heard it's not good to

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cross him."

Jacob sighed. "Thanks for the warning. I'll deal with him if he calls." He patted David on the

back. "I'm going to go get ready now. I'll catch up with you later."

"See you, cuz. I'm going back to bed," David muttered.

Jacob laughed as he closed the bathroom door.

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Chapter Two

Models Now, the premier modeling agency in New York, had represented Jacob since he'd

wandered in at a precocious fifteen years old and lied about his age. They pretended to believe him,

and ten years later, he was still thrilled over how they handled his career.

His agent, Mandy, smiled when he entered her office. She was one of those women of

indeterminate age. Over the ten years they'd worked together, her hairstyle had changed dozens of

times, but her face stayed the same.

"Jacob. How's my favorite model?" she called out as he approached her desk.

"Doing as well as all your other favorite models I suppose." He leaned over her desk so they

could exchange air-kisses. Mandy didn't get up to greet him. She'd broken her ankle in a car accident

a few days before.

She smiled, not an inch of her face moving. Botox was scary. When he got older, Jacob was

going to let the wrinkles have their way. There was something freaky about skin that didn't move.

"Have a seat." She pulled a bottle of water out of the small fridge she kept under her desk and

handed the bottle over.

Jacob gave her a speculative look.

She only gave him water when there was serious money on the table and it would take awhile

to go over the details. Someone must've offered a nice wad of cash because generally she gave him

his schedule and pushed him out the door, already late for the next shoot.

Jacob never minded. Growing up poor, he appreciated the money she wrung out of each client.

Since the first day he'd walked up to her desk, he'd never gone to bed hungry. Even though male

models made a fraction of the money of their female counterparts, ten years of solid modeling

contracts had built up a nice nest egg. If something happened and he had to quit modeling, he could

live quite well on his investments.

He opened the water bottle and took a long swig, surprised to find he was thirstier than he


"Okay, spill it; who's got you drooling?"

Mandy laughed, a cigarette-induced throaty sound. "You're a clever boy. You know you're hot

and only getting hotter. The number of contracts we have popping up for you are amazing. Did you

know that on your last ad campaign they rearranged their shooting schedule so they could book you?

We've had several companies recently who want you for big campaigns. After years of steady work,

you're the new overnight sensation."

She mentioned the amount offered. Jacob's jaw dropped. "Really?"

"Absolutely. This is the prime of your modeling career, and we aren't going to give it away.

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How much longer are you thinking of modeling?" Mandy ran an experienced eye over Jacob. "God,

you still look eighteen. If you keep in shape, we can probably get another eight to ten years out of


"I'd like to get into photography," Jacob blurted out. Nerves had him stumbling over his words,

but he needed her to know he had future plans. He didn't want to model forever.

Jacob shifted restlessly beneath Mandy's silent gaze. Her opinion mattered to him. For most of

his teenage years, and all of his young adult life, she'd been like a second mother to him. A smoky,

perfume-infused mother, but at least she didn't do drugs like his real mother. That reminded him it

was time to call his birth mother again; her birthday was in a few days.

Jacob wasn't in a rush to stop modeling, but he could feel the burnout coming. His frantic

schedule spanned the globe, eating away at his energy and nerves like a river eroding rock. Jacob had

nightmares one day a spot would wear through and there would be nothing left of him. He wanted to

leave the industry while he still had good memories of being a model.

Mandy leaned forward, resting her hands on the desk. "How about we make a deal? I figure I

owe you since you've been one of my main breadwinners for the past ten years. You're the loyal type,

and I appreciate it. You could've dropped me for a higher profile agent years ago, but you didn't. Stay

booked with me for three more years and I'll make sure you only work with photographers willing to

show you the ropes. That way, when you finish your modeling, you'll have something to fall back on. I

like you, Jacob. I can't honestly say that about all of my models. I've never once had a client say a

word against you, and your percentage of repeat business is outstanding. That last shoot you were on

was with the meanest man in the business."

"Paulie?" Jacob couldn't hide his surprise. The gray-haired man had been a little surly, but

Paulie had a quiet sense of humor. They'd shared more than one lunch eating sandwiches and laughing

over stories of his grandkids.

Mandy laughed. "I think you're the only one who calls him Paulie. Everyone else calls him 'that

scary bastard'. He not only called me personally to say he wanted you to model for him at Fashion

Week, but he added an extra outfit so he had something suitable for you to wear."

"Wow. That was sweet of him."

"That's what I'm saying!" Mandy shouted. "He's not sweet. No one thinks he's sweet! He hates

everyone except his family, and apparently you. When I sent Gregor for a shoot, he called and told me

he never wanted that arrogant bastard on his set again, and asked if I knew he had a crooked nose."

Jacob laughed. Gregor's nose was perfect. The man was stunning even if he was a jerk. More

than once the two of them had competed for the same ad campaign; Jacob always won, which only

added to Gregor's animosity towards him. Unlike other models Jacob worked with, he'd never

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warmed up to Gregor.

Mandy was still ranting.

"He sent back fifteen of the twenty models I thought would be perfect for his show."

"But you found him guys, right?" Jacob didn't want Paulie's show ruined.

Mandy sighed. "Yes, I found him guys, girls too. That is my job," she reminded him with a

frown. "But you're missing my point here. My point is that Paul Sparrow isn't the exception; he's the

norm. Do you know how hard it is to find a nice model, who actually gets along with photographers

and designers?"

Jacob shrugged. It only made good sense to get along with the people who paid him. He

couldn't help it if some models shot themselves in the foot with their behavior.

Mandy's phone rang.

"Just a moment, sweetie," she said, grabbing the receiver. Never one to miss an opportunity,

she would probably answer her phone while meeting with the president.

After greeting the caller, she listened for a moment before turning her eyes towards Jacob.

"Yes, he's here. When did you need him by?"

Jacob watched as Mandy's fingers flew across her keyboard. "Yes, we can fit you in for an

interview between one and three today. He has a magazine shoot at four. Mmm hmm. I'll send you a

contract. Sign it if you want to take him on."

She hung up and stared at Jacob for a moment. "Do you want to explain to me why one of New

York's hottest new designers just called me?"

"Isn't that what they always do?" Jacob asked, puzzled.

"Yes, but they usually start with the cheap models. They don't call me and say they want Jacob

Richmond and no one else will do."

Jacob shrugged. "Maybe he heard about me from someone else?"

"She. Faith Danes."

Jacob searched his memory, but he came up blank. "Haven't heard of her. Maybe she can tell me more

when we meet."

"Well, she was most insistent on seeing you so she must have seen one of your ads." Mandy

scrawled an address on a Post-it note and slid Jacob's new portfolio across the desk. "Better hurry,

kid, or you'll miss your appointment."

* * * *

Guy sat on the corner of his sister's desk, swinging his heels.

"Would you tell me why I'm paying thousands of dollars for a kid I've never met?"

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Guy grabbed the clipboard from Faith, signed the contract, and held it out to her assistant. "Fax

this back."

The skinny kid grabbed the clipboard and scurried out of the room.

"Trust me, you won't be sorry. He's hot."

"And you think I should waste my hard-earned money to employ your new boyfriend, why?"

Faith glared at Guy. "From the amount they're charging, I don't think your new boy toy is hurting for


"Stop calling him that," Guy growled. "Or did you forget who financed your entire company?"

Faith raked her fingers through her hair. "Fine. I'm sorry."

Guy sighed. "No, I am. I financed your company because you're insanely talented, not so you'd

owe me a favor." His sister's magical affinity for fabric helped her create incredible designs, and

although she was two hundred and seventy years his junior, they were still close. "Faith, I've got to

meet this guy again; I can't get him out of my mind. I'm almost certain he's my mate." He gave her his

best imploring look.

"What do you mean you think he's your mate?" Faith sat up straight in her chair. "I thought you

knew him."

Guy shook his head. "I met him at Favors, the new club downtown. I'm looking into a murder

for the council. They thought one of their suspects might be there last night. I never saw the man I was

looking for, but I found Jacob." Guy sighed as he remembered how hot Jacob looked. "He's the most

gorgeous man I've ever seen, and he smells amazing."

"He's a model," Faith said in a dry tone. "They tend to be good looking." She examined her

brother's face and burst out laughing. "You're infatuated with this kid. You really are. I hope he is
your mate because I never thought I'd see the day when my cold-hearted brother mooned over anyone.
I'd hate for him to turn into one of your usual pickups. The family will be pleased you finally found
your other half."

"Yeah, maybe mother will stop calling then," Guy growled. "And I'm not mooning." He ignored

her comment about his pickups. It wasn't something he could deny. About a hundred years ago, he'd

all but given up on finding his mate and decided to settle for Mr or Miss Person of the Moment

instead of Mr Right. Abstinence didn't work for him even though his dates were starting to blur


Faith's assistant rushed back into the room. The kid's eyes were round like a child's at

Christmas. "Faith, there's an incredibly gorgeous model waiting by my desk. I'll work free for a month

if you let me dress him."

"Hands off," Guy snapped. He didn't even have to look to know who caused the silly twink to

drool. No one touched Jacob's naked body but him! His magic rose to the surface, ready to protect his

man from poachers, even as Guy knew realistically people touched Jacob all the time. The man

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couldn't model without a team of people getting him ready, but Guy didn't have to like it.

Faith stood up and rushed for the door. "Now I just have to meet him."

Guy scraped his fingers through his hair as he followed his sister out.

He almost slammed into her when she stopped in the doorway to catch her breath. "Wow, I see

why the mighty have fallen," she said in a low, breathless tone. "Are you sure he's gay?"

Guy growled as Jacob turned to face them.

"Hello." Jacob offered a tentative smile. "I was told to wait here." Jacob's eyes widened as he

caught sight of Guy.

Faith stepped forward, offering her hand. Jacob automatically took it and gave her hand a

gentle shake.

"I'm Faith Danes, and this is my brother, Guy Franks."

Guy stepped forward for his handshake and bit back a gasp as a jolt of electricity passed

between them when their hands met. Jacob took back his hand, rubbing it on his pants. Guy smiled at

the gesture. At least he wasn't the only one who felt the connection.

Faith gave all her attention to Jacob. "If you'd follow me please?"

Jacob followed Faith to the back work area, with Guy bringing up the rear. Guy glowered at

Faith's assistant until the kid made a squeaky noise and rushed back to his reception area. When he

joined the other two, he found Jacob standing in the center of Faith's design studio, studying the

mannequins dressed in Faith's designs.

"Could you take your shirt off please?" Faith said.

Guy pinched her arm.

"Ouch." She jerked out of his reach and glared at him.

Guy smirked.

He lost his amusement when the man, who wouldn't do casual sex, stripped off his shirt without

argument, revealing miles of waxed, tanned, and toned skin.

Damn, he's fine!

He'd never considered the benefits of a lover who waxed. If Jacob waxed everything, there'd

be no hair in the way when Guy sucked Jacob down. A slight moan broke from his throat.

Jacob's crystal gray eyes flickered to his, and Guy forgot how to breathe. "I heard you

threatened my cousin."

"He was being an ass."

Surprisingly, Jacob laughed. "He is rather protective."

"I don't mean your cousin any harm. I only wanted you to form your own opinion about me

without outside influence."

"Did you make up this job to get to me?"

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"No," Faith spoke up. "He did recommend you, but I won't hire you if you don't look good in my


Jacob gave Faith a charming smile, completely unlike the frown Guy had received. If he didn't

know Jacob was gay, Guy would've opened a black hole and shoved his sister through it.

"That's all right then," Jacob said. "I've gotten lots of jobs through recommendations, I just

didn't want you to be pressured to hire me."

Guy could tell his sister was thoroughly charmed. As a tough single mother of two, Faith rarely

found anyone charming. He felt a strange surge of pride over Jacob's considerate nature.

This one was a keeper.

Guy just had to figure out how to get that first date.

"Let's get you into a few things and see how you look," Faith said, taking on a businesslike tone.

"Come this way." She led Jacob back to the dressing area, picking up pieces of clothing as she went.

"Why don't you try these on then we'll have you walk for me."

"Sounds good." Jacob took the clothes with a smile and headed back to the curtained off

dressing area. As soon as he was gone, Faith turned to Guy.

"Oh. My. God."

"I know," Guy said with a smug smile. "Isn't he gorgeous?"

"Yeah," Faith's assistant said from the doorway, well out of Guy's reach.

"Danny, go man the front desk; you're going to scare off the talent."

"Fine, but if he needs help with a button, you come get me right away." The skinny kid stomped

back to the reception area.

Faith snickered. "I mean it, Guy. I interviewed a lot of models for my show next week. I don't

think any of them were even half as gorgeous as your man."

Guy would've commented, but the curtain opened and Jacob walked out. The linen outfit with

sapphire accents skimmed the model's body like a dream.

It took Faith two tries to find her voice. "If you could just walk for us."

Jacob flashed Guy a suspicious look. Guy returned it with what he hoped was an innocent

smile. Somehow he doubted he pulled it off since he wanted to tackle Jacob and lick him all over

with a need bordering on desperation.

Without a word, Jacob glided across the floor, back and forth, for Faith's inspection. His steps

were confident and sure, like a graceful dance.

"Do you have your book with you?" Faith asked.

"It's in the waiting room."

"Get dressed and let's have a look."

Jacob nodded and went to get his clothing.

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"What? Aren't you going to hire him?" Guy asked, indignantly.

Faith spun around. "Are you nuts? My clothes are going to sell like hot cakes with this guy on

my runway. I just want to see how he photographs. I've got an ad campaign coming up." Faith jabbed

him in the chest. "You may have introduced us, but this is business. Your new man is my dream

model. Maybe if you're nice I'll put in a good word for you."

How had he lost control of the situation?

Guy stared at his sister. All he'd wanted was to see the beautiful stranger again, fuck him, and

see if the man was his mate. Now, not only Jacob's cousin, but also Guy's own sister was getting

protective over the man.

"I'm not some kind of monster," Guy protested.

"I know you're not," Faith said, her eyes fixed on the curtained dressing room. "I also know

you're probably the most relationship-deficient person I've ever known. Don't break his heart until

after Fashion Week is all I ask. I need him happy until then; my career depends on it."

"Oh please, like I'd ever let you be thrown out into the street."

Faith still didn't know Guy had bought her mortgage. If anything happened to the company, she'd

still be in good condition. It was only her stubbornness that prevented Guy from taking care of her and

her kids completely. At twenty she'd hooked up with the wrong guy, and after ten years and two kids

together, he'd dumped her for a fresher model. Guy smiled at the memory of how thoroughly he had

destroyed Faith's ex when the bastard dropped his entire family to go and fuck a nineteen-year old

college freshman. The last he had heard, the guy was bankrupt and his teenager had dumped him.

* * * *

Jacob left the dressing room and found two pairs of interested eyes staring at him. A little

unnerved by their intensity, he waved a hand towards the other room to get the pair moving. "My

book," he prompted.

Faith led the way while Guy walked behind Jacob. He thought he felt the ghost of a hand on his

ass, but when he turned around, Guy gave him an innocent smile.

Damn, he's hot.

Jacob might be uncertain how he felt about Guy, but his body was all on board to do anything

the sexy man wanted.

They entered the reception area and found Faith's assistant going through Jacob's book.

"Danny." Faith held out her hand imperiously.

"I like the swimsuit photos," Danny said. He snapped the book closed and handed it over to the

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designer. Danny gave Jacob a shy look. "Let me know if you ever want to go out some time."

"He's busy," Guy growled.

Jacob spun around to face the big man. "What makes you say that?"

Guy gave him a smile of his own, more predatory than wistful. "Because I wanted to take you

out to dinner to celebrate getting the job."

Jacob frowned. "But I haven't gotten the job yet."

Guy nudged his sister.

"What?" Faith said, flipping through the pages of photos.

"Tell him he got the job."

"Oh." Faith looked up at him. "Of course you've got the job. Have you ever been turned down?"

Jacob shrugged. "It happens. Sometimes designers want a different look, maybe a blond or

someone built differently."

"Their loss," Faith said. "I'm sure you know you photograph beautifully."

"It does help with my modeling career." Jacob couldn't hold back the smile. She was really

cute. If he swung that way, he would've asked her out in a heartbeat. Instead, he was stuck with her

gorgeous, grumpy brother who pushed all Jacob's buttons in all the right ways. If only Guy wasn't so


Faith laughed. "You'd be surprised how many come by and have the worst books. Yours is

amazing. It looks like you've done ads for every major designer and perfume company."

"I've done my share," Jacob admitted. It was one thing to be proud of your work, but he was

never a fan of people who bragged. "If you're looking for me to do a print campaign, you'd best talk to

my agent. Mandy said there were a couple of companies who wanted me, and I don't know my

schedule yet or if they're asking for exclusives."

"I'll give her a call. I'd love to have you do some catalog work as well as the runway next


"Sounds good. Like I said, call Mandy. If I'm not already scheduled, she'll put you down."

Jacob gave her a smile. "I look forward to working with you."

He shook her hand, collected his book from her, and headed for the door, only to have a hand

hook around his arm.

"Where are you going?"

"Hmm." Jacob looked up into Guy's intense gaze. Guy's grip was firm but gentle, not allowing

Jacob to move forward but not tight enough to hurt. There was something unnervingly feral about the

other man's expression. "What?"

"Aren't you going to wait for me to ask you out?"

"Maybe later. I've got an underwear shoot to go to, and I need to figure out where it is."

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"I'll take you. My limo is parked outside."

Jacob could've pulled the pride card, but it was fucking hot outside, and he would have

preferred a cool limo to a stinky cab ride any day. He'd bet his modeling career that Guy's limo didn't

smell of old garlic and questionable hygiene.

"Sounds good. You can sell me on the benefits of a date and indulge me with a glass of water?"

He batted his eyes hopefully at Guy, whose stern mouth quirked up on one side.

"I can see you'll be a pricey boyfriend."

Jacob's heart fluttered at the term "boyfriend", but he played along. "Yep. I like that expensive

water too. No tap water for me. I want it collected by virgins and bottled by nuns."

Guy threw back his head and laughed.

"I'll see what I can do." He wrapped an arm around Jacob's shoulders and led him outside.

Just as they exited the building, a sleek limousine pulled up to the curb.

"Classy driver."

"I'm glad you approve. I'll be sure to share that with Joel."

"You do that."

Guy opened the door for him, not waiting for the driver to get out. Jacob scooted into the limo

and wasn't the least bit surprised when Guy slid in right beside him. In the spacious vehicle,

apparently the only spot available was next to Jacob, though it was difficult to mind with Guy's rock

hard thigh rubbing against Jacob's.

Jacob's cock was definitely interested.

"Anything I can help you with?" Looking up, he saw Guy's eyes were fixated on Jacob's



"No?" The astonishment in Guy's voice was almost worth the discomfort.

"No. I still don't know you well enough to let you touch my dick. Two encounters does not a

relationship make."

Wow, you really could hear a person grinding their teeth. He'd thought it was just an


"I can't believe you're playing hard to get," Guy growled.

Jacob's mouth dropped open in astonishment. "I'm sorry if not letting you fuck me after a brief

acquaintance is considered hard to get in your world, but I see enough casual sex in my line of work
to know how it can ruin people's lives. So don't let me stop you if you'd rather fuck some guy who
jumps when you crook your finger. You can just let me out now. I 'm sure I can take my cock-teasing
ass to my shoot by cab."

Jacob crossed his arms and leaned against the seat, anger churning his stomach.

"Give me the address," Guy demanded after a moment of silence.

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Jacob almost didn't, but one look at Guy's implacable blue eyes and he handed over the little

sheet of paper where Mandy had written the address.

Guy pressed a button and the privacy screen descended.

He rattled off the address to his driver before raising the screen again. Reaching across the

limo, he pulled a bottle of water out of a hidden mini fridge and handed it over. "I can't verify the

virginity or the nuns, but it is bottled."

Jacob gave a sniff as he took it, to let Guy know he wasn't impressed.

Nevertheless, he opened the bottle and drank it down. His throat was grateful for the cool

liquid. He'd learned over the years to take sustenance where he could find it, because photographers

sometimes forgot you were human and not inanimate objects to be moved at their whim.

Minutes later, they pulled up to the building.

The driver parked the limo illegally in the fire lane and opened the passenger door.

"Here you go, Mr Franks."

"Thank you, Joel. How long will this thing take?" Guy asked Jacob.

"Several hours. I can catch a cab home."

"Nonsense. I want to take you to dinner. I've got my computer and my phone. I can work

anywhere." Before Jacob could argue, Guy pulled out a computer bag from a pocket in the limo door

and exited the vehicle.

Jacob shot a nervous grin to the driver. Exiting, he wondered how he got himself into these

kinds of situations. Luckily, upon entering the studio, he saw his favorite photographer behind the

large digital camera. At least one thing was going in his favor.

"Jacob, my boy." Catching sight of him, Pablo Garza gave Jacob a big smile.

"Pablo. Long time." Jacob leaned forward to kiss the photographer on the cheeks, only to be

yanked back by Guy. "What are you doing?"

"Watching you kiss someone when you haven't even kissed me yet. I don't think so."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "I'm so sorry you can't stay," he said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, I'm staying," Guy said, his blue eyes narrowing. "I'm not going to miss a chance to see you

in your underwear."

"Keep it up and it will be the only time you see me in my underwear," Jacob vowed.

Pablo was in his forties, but in amazing shape. He glared at Guy, sizing the other man up. "Is

there a problem here?"

"I'm not letting Jacob out of my sight. We have a dinner engagement planned."

"You can pick him up in six hours," Pablo said in a dismissive tone.

"I don't believe we've met." Guy's voice should've frozen the air with its icy edges. "I'm Guy

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Jacob wouldn't have thought the Spaniard's olive skin could turn that pale.

"Try not to get in the way of my shot," Pablo said, giving Jacob an uneasy look. "Jacob, I'm

sending you to hair and makeup, then I want you to get into the underwear. For your first shot, you're

going to stand on that platform, which we'll set on fire. It will be a fabulous backdrop against your


Jacob looked over the scene. "Cool." He leveled an even stare at Guy. "Sit over there and don't

disturb anyone. If you're a good boy, I'll let you take me to dinner. I make no promises for after."

"I'm beginning to think I'll have to marry you to get into your pants," Guy growled.

Jacob laughed. Guy was so adorable, looking all disgruntled. "That's right. I'm the type to wait

until the wedding."

Still laughing, he headed to the dressing area.

* * * *

Guy watched Jacob's tight ass as he walked away.

"If you hurt him, I will find a way to get even with you," the photographer said. Guy turned to

meet the photographer's unfriendly glare. Guy could feel the magic pulsing from Pablo. The man had

old magic, but Guy was stronger.

"You got designs on him yourself?" There was a hint of otherkind about the photographer, but

as he didn't sense Jacob felt attraction towards Pablo, Guy dismissed the photographer as possible


Pablo shook his head. "I have a long time partner, but Jacob is dear to my heart. I've been

shooting that boy since he was a newbie who didn't know how to position his body. Even then I knew

Jacob was special. Even if he wasn't charmed, he'd be stunning."

Something about the way Pablo said charmed made Guy stop. "What do you mean charmed?"

Pablo laughed. "You mean you haven't figured it out yet? I've never met a man who had stronger

charm magic than Jacob. He doesn't even know he's using it. From what I've squeezed out of him over

the years, his father left before he was born and his mother became a drug addict to cope with his

father's desertion. I've always thought his mama slept with something not human and went insane after

Jacob's birth. Listen to him talk about his childhood some time; it's heartbreaking. She's one of those

earth worshippers and swung from total obsession over Jacob to barely acknowledging his existence.

She has serious issues, and I know he still sends her money every month to keep a roof over her


Although he appreciated Pablo giving him insight into Jacob's childhood, Guy took a moment to

give a warning of his own. "Thanks for telling me about Jacob's mother, but you should know, if you

singe even one hair on his head, I will make sure you go out of business. Do we understand each

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"Perfectly." The photographer relented a little at the look in Guy's eyes. "It will be a controlled

flame along that track, but in the photos, it will look like the entire stage is on fire. I wouldn't risk one

of my models, especially not Jacob. Besides, you haven't seen him in action. Even if the entire stage

caught on fire, he would walk out unscathed. We had a catwalk collapse last year. Three models

broke their legs. The only other one who fell was Jacob. There wasn't a scratch on him."

"Let's not test that theory again." Guy nodded to Pablo, only partly mollified. He didn't care if

Jacob's magic rendered him safe. He didn't want to take the chance. Magic wasn't always reliable.

Guy carried his laptop over to a quiet corner to work. He needed to send his status report to the

council and do some research on the murder victim. Despite his backlog of work, his gaze repeatedly

scanned the room to look for the one man he knew deep inside was his mate.

A fluttery man in a pair of black jeans and a red pirate shirt rushed around, ordering people

here and there. He kept running from model to model, adjusting this and that until Jacob walked out

and everyone stopped in their tracks.

Black boxer briefs had never looked so good.

Even after seeing Jacob's chest only a few minutes before, the impact of seeing Jacob's body

again made Guy harder than steel. If things stayed on track, soon he would see all the delicious bits in


Guy's nerves kicked in when they set the stage on fire and Jacob stepped on top of it.

It was ridiculous the amount of worry caused by a man he barely knew.

He watched with amazement as the beautiful, but unassuming, man he'd met last night became a

creature of complete sensuality, a being of fire.

He'd meant to do some work while he waited for Jacob, but Guy couldn't tear his eyes away

from the scene.

A soft voice spoke beside him. "He's amazing, isn't he?" Guy turned to see a handsome man at

his side. The other man had dark hair, blue eyes, and wore nothing but a pair of blue-striped boxers.

If he hadn't already met Jacob, Guy would've thought this new man was stunning, but Guy's magic

didn't even spark with interest.

"Yeah, he's amazing," Guy agreed.

"Nice too," the other man said, but his tone had a sneering quality Guy didn't like.

"Yes, he is," Guy growled.

"I'm a better lay though. Jacob keeps his knees locked tighter than a virgin on her wedding

night. I'd be a better bet if you want a wild time tonight."

Anger burned through Guy's system. No one belittled his Jacob. Magic crackled through Guy's

body, stinging his skin. It took effort to hold it back and not fry the bastard where he stood.

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"Who are you?" he demanded.

The man preened a bit. "Gregor Natali."

"Well, Gregor, if you ever want to work again, I'd suggest you don't speak poorly about my

future husband." He made sure to add a threatening tone to his voice; a man protecting his mate didn't

mess around. Gregor may be hot shit in the modeling world, but in the real world, he was a punk who

threatened Guy's man. It took Guy a moment to realize his magic had already accepted the young

model as his mate.

The smug man lost his smile. "What is it about that guy?" he asked in disgust. "He's just another

pretty face."

"No," Guy said, letting magic trickle into his eyes until he could feel the power burning his

pupils and knew they glowed. He'd done the same trick many times to good effect. "You're just
another pretty face. Jacob is mine."

Gregor's eyes went wide with fear.

"Gregor, get your ass over here," Pablo yelled. The photographer's voice lacked any of the

affection he lavished on Jacob. Guy could see why that would grate on the other man's nerves, but it

didn't excuse Gregor from being a jerk.

Gregor rushed to leave Guy's side and went up on the stage to stand where directed.

"Jacob, honey, put your hand on Gregor's shoulder and give me that same hot look you had a

minute ago." The man in the black pants was apparently the designer. That didn't make Guy feel any

better about the man touching Jacob's bare skin to position him. He thought there was more contact

than necessary.

Guy smiled at the look in Gregor's eyes.

The other model scowled at Pablo, while Jacob, the consummate professional, put his hand

where requested and delivered the shot.

"Gregor, stop frowning, unless you can do it sexier. You're ruining my shot," Pablo shouted.

The man in the black jeans stepped forward and repositioned both men.

"Yes, that's perfect. Lean forward, beautiful."

Both men looked at him.

"Sorry. I meant Jacob. I think of you more as handsome, Gregor."

Neither man looked pleased with the assessment. Apparently, even models were sensitive

about their looks, maybe especially because they were models and it was their trade.

After hours of photographs, both together and apart, and what felt like millions of wardrobe

changes, the men were excused to leave.

"Jacob, my boy," Pablo called out. "Get dressed and come see what I've done."

Jacob gave Pablo a wide-open smile, an expression Guy doubted the camera ever saw. It didn't

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take Jacob long to change and, from the look of the wet hair dampening his collar, rinse off all of his


Jacob ignored Guy as he went over to the photographer and the two of them started discussing

camera angles and lighting. It was apparent they shared a love of photography.

"Mandy told me you wanted to get into photography. When you're done posing in front of the

camera, you come see me," Pablo said in his thickly accented voice. "I will teach you. You must not

go to another."

Jacob's pleased smile told Guy what the offer meant to him. "I wouldn't dream of it, Pablo."

Jacob patted the photographer on the back.

Not to be neglected, Guy linked his arm through Jacob's, both to get his attention and stake his

claim. "Come on, sweetheart, I'm starving." He placed a kiss on Jacob's forehead and shot a glare at

the photographer, who looked more amused than threatened. He obviously needed to work on his

intimidation tactics.

"I'll see you later, Pablo. I'm glad you liked the shots," Jacob said, heading towards the door.

The designer rushed over, intercepting their exit. "Jacob, honey, you did an amazing job as


"Thanks, Chris." Jacob gave the designer his professional smile. Guy was beginning to tell the


"I'll be sure to tell Mandy I want you on my runway next week."

"You do that," Jacob said, shaking the designer's hand.

Guy extricated Jacob from the other man and herded him outside. He'd called the limo when he

saw them wrapping things up.

Jacob let out a sigh, settling against the limo's leather seat. "I really hate Gregor. I saw him

hitting on you."

Guy smiled at the unspoken question in the air. "Yes, he did." He tucked a strand of Jacob's hair

behind his ear, stroking the silky skin beneath. Unable to resist the lure of hot flesh, Guy cupped

Jacob's face between his hands. "I'm going to kiss you. If you want me to stop, better tell me now."

Jacob gave him a wicked grin that kicked Guy in the gut. "I thought you'd never ask."

With a groan, Guy leaned forward and kissed him, a soft slide of lips against lips, a testing


Jacob plunged his fingers into Guy's hair and opened his mouth to Guy's invasion. Guy knew in

that moment that whatever idea he had of being in control was an illusion.

Fuck, he wanted this man.

His cock hardened quickly as Jacob slanted his lips and licked inside Guy's mouth. Heat

flashed through his body, hotter than the flames surrounding Jacob's stage earlier.

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The limo slowed to a halt. Guy recognized the movement enough to pull away from Jacob. His

breath came in raspy pants as he tried to regain his equilibrium. All he really wanted to do was strip

the man down and devour him. Luckily, by the time Joel came around to open the door, both men

looked more presentable.

That didn't stop the driver from giving Guy a knowing smirk.

"Be nice, Joel," Guy whispered as he stepped out of the vehicle. "This is my future mate."

Joel was one of the few servants Guy brought with him when he came into the city. Joel wisely

didn't say a word as Jacob exited the limo.

They'd stopped at Guy's favorite Italian restaurant.

"Reservation for Guy Franks," he told the receptionist. She didn't respond for a moment as she

stared past him to Jacob.

"Mr Richmond," she said with a delighted smile, "I'm pleased to see you've come to visit us


"I can't stay away from Milo's lasagna."

It was disconcerting to be outshone by his date, especially since Guy owned half of the

restaurant. For a brief moment, he understood how Gregor felt. Just for a moment, though, because a

second later, Jacob turned to him with a smile and Guy basked in his date's attention.

"Come this way. Is anyone else going to join you?" the hostess asked.

"No," Guy said. "It's just us."

She gave Guy a menu and a wine list. "I'll tell Milo you're here. Let me know if there's anything

else you might need." The last was said with a great deal of eyelash fluttering.

"I'm sure we will," Guy said in a dismissive tone.

* * * *

Jacob bit back his laughter. It was cute how possessive Guy acted. For a moment, Jacob

thought his date was going to strangle Julie, the hostess. He didn't worry about ordering. He never

ordered anything off the menu. He didn't even know what was on it. Milo would send him out

something good as soon as he heard Jacob was there.

"Good evening, Mr Franks, Mr Richmond," the waiter said, greeting them with a slight bow.

"Mr Franks, the specials are a lovely lobster ravioli or a clam linguini with a garden salad. We also

have a nice red wine."

"What are you going to have?" Guy asked him.

Jacob shrugged. "Whatever Milo makes me."

"Have Milo make two of what he's making for Jacob and bring us a couple of glasses of wine

that will complement the meal best."

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The waiter left, and the interrogation began.

"How do you know Milo?"

"He's my agent's cousin. We roomed together for four years when I first came to New York.

We've kept in touch. Whenever I'm in town, I drop by for a bite. How do you know him?"

"I financed this restaurant for half of the profits."

Jacob looked around the restaurant. "Looks like a good bet."

Guy shrugged. "Most restaurants aren't a good investment, but I tried Milo's food first."

Jacob laughed. "He's amazing, isn't he?"

"Jacob!" Milo came barreling out of the kitchen, his arms held out. Jacob stood to accept his

friend's welcoming hug. The familiar embrace gave him a warm feeling. For Jacob, Milo would

always be the big brother he never had. "Alice is going to be disappointed she missed you."

"I'll be sure to give her a call," Jacob promised. Alice was a sweet, quiet girl, the perfect foil

for her exuberant husband.

"I have a shrimp risotto with truffles that I'm going to prepare for you. Just sit tight and I'll send

out appetizers and a salad so you don't starve. Is this your date?" Milo turned and Jacob heard his

friend gasp. "I'm sorry, Mr Franks. I didn't know you were here."

"That's because your staff was far more interested in my date." Before Jacob could argue, he

was smoothly removed from Milo's arms and tucked beneath Guy's shoulder in a proprietary move.

Milo looked at the pair for a moment. "You look good together." He lowered his voice. "Jacob,

have you talked to your mother lately?"

Jacob shook his head. "I was going to call her in a couple of days for her birthday."

"Call her sooner. She called my place and told Alice she was coming to New York to visit you

as a surprise. She seems to think we still live together."

"I'll talk to her." It had been years since he and Milo had shared a place. He wondered if his

mother was losing her grip on reality again. She tended to go through cycles; this sounded like one of

her bad ones. "How did she get your number?"

Milo shrugged. "Probably from the phone directory. We're not unlisted."

"True." Milo was the only person Jacob knew who didn't have an unlisted number. He refused

to bow to the phone company and pay extra.

"I have to get back to the kitchen. Jacob, call me next week and we'll talk." Milo's eyes said

they had a lot to talk about. Jacob nodded obediently. He didn't want Milo to worry.

"You have a lot of people looking out for you," Guy commented. He pulled out Jacob's chair

and seated him like a gentleman. Jacob kissed Guy on the cheek, charmed when his date blushed.

"Things like that won't help me concentrate on Milo's food."

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"Shame, since it's so good here," Jacob agreed.

Just as Guy sat, a bowl of fresh bread and two spinach salads were presented with a flourish.

The waiter set a glass of white wine beside Guy's plate and a glass of water before Jacob's. "The

chef thought this would complement your dinner."

"Thank you," Guy said, not taking his eyes of Jacob. "Don't drink?"

Jacob shook his head. "I hate losing control. My mother was addicted to alcohol and drugs

when I was growing up." As Guy continued to stare at him, Jacob felt a blush staining his cheeks.

Weird, he rarely blushed, but there was something about the intensity of Guy's stare that made him

self-conscious. The other man's gaze was intense, as if he wanted to know everything about Jacob and

had sexy ways of finding out.

"I think it's a miracle you've done so well for yourself."

Jacob shrugged off the compliment. "What is it you actually do?" Jacob asked. He wanted to

divert attention away from himself but also satisfy his curiosity about the man sitting across the table.

"I do a variety of things. I own some businesses, dabble in the stock market, run an

investigation firm." Guy shrugged off the question as if he didn't want to talk about himself, strange

since Guy didn't strike Jacob as the shy type. "This restaurant is one of the few things I went into with

a plan to sell to my business partner. Milo will buy me out in a few years, and I've already gotten an

amazing return on my investment."

Jacob ate his salad as he listened to Guy talk. After a bit, Jacob reciprocated by sharing some

of his more entertaining tales about the modeling world until the waiter brought out their food. Jacob

enjoyed everything about dinner, the food, the company and, most of all, the sexual attraction

crackling between them. If he asked, Jacob knew he'd let Guy take him home.

Watching Guy's lips as he talked brought up memories of their kiss. The older man definitely

knew what to do with his mouth. He wondered if Guy liked to use it on his lovers' bodies as well.

Jacob didn't understand men who didn't like to suck cock. He definitely wasn't one of them. Although

Jacob wasn't an easy lay, he loved pleasuring his lover with his mouth.

The power of bringing a man to completion excited Jacob like nothing else.

"What are you thinking about?" Guy asked, dragging Jacob out of his thoughts.

He answered without thinking. "Hmm. I was dreaming about sucking you off."

* * * *

There was no doubt in Guy's mind that Jacob planned to drive him completely and totally

insane. Just the thought of Jacob's mouth on his cock made Guy harder than granite.

"Tell me you're not teasing!" Guy demanded. He wondered briefly if Jacob was going to be his

downfall, but the image of Jacob on his knees made Guy not really care.

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"I'm not teasing. Just because I wouldn't let you fuck me when we first met doesn't mean I can't

change my mind after we've gotten to know each other."

Guy didn't understand Jacob's reasoning, but he wasn't going to argue with the man.

He raised his hand. "Check please."

The limo pulled up as Guy and Jacob left the restaurant. Joel got out and relieved Jacob of his

enormous bag of food. Apparently, Milo always sent Jacob home with extra food, a habit from when

they both subsisted on whatever restaurant leftovers Milo could get.

"Milo looks out for me," Jacob said with an enchanting smile. Guy thought Milo looked a little

too appreciative at Jacob for someone who was supposedly married, but who was he to judge?

"We'll make sure your food gets refrigerated when we get to my place." No way was he going

to let Milo's excellent cooking go to waste. If tonight went like he hoped, maybe they could share the

feast for breakfast tomorrow.

"Sounds good." Jacob leaned his head against the seat, flicking a gaze over Guy's body. At

Jacob's steamy look, Guy became harder than granite.

The trip to Guy's brownstone and up the short flight of stairs was fast, but not quick enough.

The magic inside Guy crackled insistently to take the delicious smelling man down and mark him as

his own. He wanted Jacob badly, but the model refused to touch him inside the limo. Jacob had the

strange idea Joel would peek at them. Apparently, while Jacob could pose confidently in his

underwear with dozens of people watching, he was shy.

Who knew?

As soon as the door slammed behind them, Guy rushed to the kitchen, opened his refrigerator,

and stuffed the bag of food inside, completely ignoring the sound of things tipping over.

He didn't have attention to spare for anything except the handsome model standing before him.

"Does this blowjob come complete with naked model?"

Jacob licked his lips, and Guy almost ruined the anticipation by coming from that sight alone.

"It most definitely does."

* * * *

Jacob wanted Guy more than he could remember wanting any man. Granted, it had been a while

since he'd had the time and energy to let someone catch him, but he still remembered all the right

moves to drive a man insane.

Giving Guy his best seductive look, Jacob sank to his knees, unsnapping and unzipping on the


"Fuck, I've had sex not as good as watching you go to your knees," Guy said in a deep, guttural


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Jacob laughed. Leaning forward, he inhaled Guy's aroma through his black mesh underwear.

"Delicious," Jacob purred, breathing in Guy's musky scent. His date smelled better than any

man he'd ever been with before. Jacob's mouth watered as he slid his thumbs beneath the elastic

waistband and pulled the underwear down, exposing a thick, meaty cock for his enjoyment.

"Yum," he whispered as he swiped the weeping head with his tongue.

"Fuck!" Guy slid his hands into Jacob's hair and yanked him to his feet.

"Ouch." Jacob's scalp stung from the pull.

"Sorry, sweetness. We need to take this to the bedroom before I collapse on the floor. I'm

getting too old for rolling around on the tile."

"You could've just said that," Jacob complained, rubbing his scalp.

Guy placed a soft kiss on Jacob's lips. With lust in his eyes, Guy pulled up his pants with one

hand and grabbed Jacob's wrist with the other.

"Then you shouldn't have made me speechless," he grumbled, before dragging Jacob down the

hall and into the bedroom. Jacob's eyes were locked onto what was important, getting a chance at that

ass. As soon as they entered the bedroom, both men stripped. Jacob didn't give the room more than a

cursory glance before joining Guy on the bed. He didn't care what the place looked like as long as it

had the proper supplies.

"Lube and condoms?"

"Top drawer." Guy pointed at the bedside table. Jacob lunged for it, ripping open the drawer

and fumbling to tear a condom off the strip he found inside. Finally successful, he grabbed the lube

and slammed the drawer closed.

"That's an expensive piece of furniture," Guy protested.

"Then next time leave them on top of the nightstand."

Guy laughed. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Top or bottom?" Although Jacob desperately wanted to sink into Guy's tight ass, he wouldn't if

Guy wasn't into bottoming. Jacob liked sex both ways, but he knew some men didn't bottom.

Guy's blue-eyed gaze burned with need. "I want you inside me, this time. Next time, I'll fuck


"It's a date." Despite how much he might try to deny it, Jacob felt a bond with Guy. The man

might've been a stranger before last night, but after spending only a few hours together, Jacob felt a

connection to Guy he'd never felt with another man.

Unable to resist the pull of Guy's attraction, Jacob leaned down and gave him a demanding kiss.

Slipping his tongue inside Guy's mouth, he tasted rich wine, creamy sauce, and hot male. With their

hard erections pressed between them, Jacob couldn't resist the urge to slide across Guy's warm skin.

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A moan filled the air. In that moment, Jacob couldn't swear who it came from, and he didn't

really care. He was willing to remain kissing and touching Guy for hours. Guy had other ideas.

Grabbing Jacob's head between his large hands, Guy separated them.

Jacob gave a soft whimper as he opened his eyes to meet Guy's gaze.

"Inside me. Now!" Guy said in a commanding tone.

Jacob didn't rush to do as he was told. Instead, he leaned down for another kiss, purposely

rubbing their bodies together. Guy gave a growl as their lips met.

Despite his protest, Guy's kiss had all the heat and need Jacob could want before he was

ruthlessly separated again. This time Jacob let out a small growl of frustration.

"Inside me now."

"You're not much for foreplay, are you?"

Guy's smile lit up his harsh features. "For you, I'll do any kind of play, but if you don't want to

miss the main event, you'll stop wiggling your sexy ass and concentrate on taking mine."

With a put-upon sigh, Jacob found the lube where he'd dropped it on the bed during their last

kiss. "All right, but you owe me about a million kisses."

"Deal. Now fuck me."

Jacob burst into laughter. "You sweet talker, you."

After slicking up his fingers, he slid in one and then the other, slowly opening Guy's tight hole

for his passage. "When's the last time you bottomed?" he asked. The man was damn tight.


Jacob froze.

"What do you mean never?" Guy had to be at least in his thirties.

"I mean you're the first person to be inside me."

Jacob's hand shook as he withdrew his fingers. "Maybe we should talk about this." A man

didn't randomly decide to give himself to a virtual stranger, not if he'd been saving his virginity for


Guy shook his head. "I don't want to talk. I want the most beautiful man I've ever met to fuck my

lights out. Now get busy."

Jacob saw the determination in Guy's eyes and made the call. "All right; you should be on your

hands and knees. It's easier that way."

Guy shook his head. "I want to see you. I don't want some nameless, faceless stranger behind me,

when I have someone inside me for the first time. I want to see you."

The look in Guy's eyes said more than they should for someone Jacob had known for less than

twenty-four hours. "If you're sure…"

"I'm sure." Guy pressed his mouth into a stubborn line, but Jacob didn't miss the flash of

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nervousness in Guy's eyes.

"We're going to take this slow."

Guy started to shake his head.

"No!" Jacob cut Guy off before he could talk. "We are going to take this slow whether you want

to or not. I don't want to hurt you, because you're too impatient. I want your first time to be amazing."

"It'll be amazing because it'll be you." Guy spoke so quietly Jacob thought he misheard him, but

there was no mistaking the look in Guy's eyes. Now Jacob was the nervous one. Swallowing to regain

moisture in his suddenly dry mouth, Jacob slicked his fingers again, making sure they were extra slick

with lube.

With torturously slow movements, he slid his fingers back into Guy's tight hole, a finger at a

time until each addition slipped in as easily as the last. Guy reflexively tightened.

"Shhh, none of that." Leaning down, Jacob licked at Guy's lips until they spread and welcomed

him in. While using his fingers to loosen Guy up, Jacob plundered that amazing mouth. Moans filled

the air as they gave themselves up to passion and became lost in the act. Jacob tried to multi-task, but

it was difficult to remember to move his hand while his mouth explored his lover.

Guy broke away. "I don't want to come with your hand!" he protested.

"Soon," Jacob promised in a soothing voice. When he was certain Guy was about to come, he

slipped out his fingers. "Ready?"

"How much more ready do I need to get before you fuck me?"

"Relax, baby," Jacob whispered into Guy's ear. "You have to relax."

Quickly slipping on a condom, Jacob lined himself up and slid in slowly, giving Guy's tight

hole time to adjust before he pushed in farther. When Jacob was fully seated, he paused.

"Yes," Guy sighed. The pushy man tried to fuck himself on Jacob's cock. Jacob grabbed Guy's

hips, holding him still. He wasn't going to ruin what might possibly be his only chance to fuck the sexy

older man.

"I'm in charge," Jacob said, slowly easing into Guy.

Guy let out a groan. "Then stop fucking around and fucking fuck me."

"How are you doing?" he asked in Guy's ear. Breathing slowly, he stroked his hands up and

down Guy's muscled back to help his partner relax further. Jacob wanted it to be good for Guy.

"Full. So full." Guy gasped. The man was beautiful in his need with his head thrown back and

his body shifting restlessly beneath Jacob. "Move!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, fuck me, gorgeous. Fuck me like you mean it."

Despite Guy's demand for hard sex, Jacob didn't want the other man to have any regrets or an

overly sore ass in the morning. He pulled out slowly, adjusted his position, and slid back inside Guy's

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hot, tight hole. When the man beneath him began moaning, Jacob knew he'd found the magic spot,

smiling as he nailed Guy's prostate over and over.

Damn, he's tight!

Jacob cupped his hands around Guy's ass and lifted him higher so Jacob could get the perfect


"Yes!!" Guy shouted. Before Jacob got the chance to touch, Guy let out a cry, his body

tightened, and he brutally yanked Jacob into an orgasm along with him.

Jacob collapsed against his lover for a moment before summoning up the energy to pull out,

careful to slide out slowly and keep a hand on the condom so he didn't lose the fluid trapped inside.

Stumbling to the bathroom on wobbly legs, Jacob threw away the condom and brought back a

warm, wet washcloth to clean off his lover.

His steps slowed after returning the washcloth to the bathroom, and he hovered beside the bed

unsure if Guy wanted him to stay or if he should just go get his clothes and make a run for it. He didn't

have much luck with relationships. Most of them were based on his looks, and when it turned out he

wasn't as perfect a person as his physical appearance implied, his boyfriends faded into the


Sliding to one side, Guy beckoned Jacob closer.

"Spend the night with me."

Jacob bit his lip as he thought the decision over. "I need to be at a shoot by seven."

"I leave at six."

Relief filled him. "Perfect."

Without another word, he slid under the covers and let Guy spoon around him. Feeling relaxed

and protected, Jacob fell asleep.

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Chapter Three

Guy woke in slow increments, the soft humming in his brain a pleasant, soothing noise.

Curiosity had him waking to find its source. First, he blinked from the bright morning light, then he

became aware of the soft sheets, firm mattress, and the warm body beside him.

Warm body?

Blinking slowly, he looked at the tousled dark hair and the previous evening's events came

rushing back, along with the ache in his ass. Now he knew why he'd heard the hum; he'd bonded with

his mate. Their mating bond crackled with power. He'd heard of that happening before but had thought

the bond a more conceptual idea than physical reality.

The scent of sex filled the air, and besides the usual smells of musk and cum, there was another

smell he'd thought he'd never have.


Jacob's scent, appealing before, now smelled like home. As if the man belonged to Guy. In a

room full of strangers, he knew from this day forward he'd always be able to pick out his lover. A

warm glow of delight filled Guy. He'd finally found his other half after so many years of looking,

when he'd just been about to give up. His happy rush vanished as panic gripped Guy's chest like an

iron vise. What if Jacob didn't plan on keeping him? As far as Guy could tell, Jacob knew nothing

about his true nature or anything about magic. Guy brushed his worries away. Jacob would learn soon

that Guy wasn't going anywhere.

Snuggling his lover closer, Guy relished lying in bed with someone in his arms.

"Morning." Jacob's sleep roughened voice broke the silence.

"Morning, gorgeous," Guy responded, automatically tightening his grip.

"You're going to have to let me go so I can use to the bathroom," Jacob muttered.

"Sorry." It took more effort than it should have to release the other man.

The insistent ringing of his phone brought Guy out of his admiration of Jacob's ass as he walked

to the bathroom.

Scrambling for his cell, he glanced at the screen.


"What's wrong?" Guy asked into the phone, brushing aside the normal greetings.

Cash wasn't social enough for casual conversation. As far as Guy could tell, the only person

Cash gave a crap about was his mate, and that man could wrap Cash around his finger so fast it was

head-spinning to watch.

"Have you gotten any leads on that murder?"

"No. The suspect wasn't there. I've got some meetings with my crew this morning, and then I'm

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going to go out again tonight." Shit! How was he going to explain to Jacob he was going out to

nightclubs, and more importantly, what if Jacob didn't care?

"There's been another murder. I've sent Niles to come help you search. We've got to catch

whoever or whatever is killing people. We think the killer is targeting people with untapped power.

Right now, he's fixating on models. The last three have been runway models. All men, and the last

two were found together."

Guy could practically hear the blood in his veins crackle with the sudden icy chill whipping

through his body. "Why didn't I hear of this connection before?"

"The first death appeared random, and the victim had only done a few photo shoots. It wasn't

until we learned of the other two that we started putting it together. Think about it, models are easy

victims if you have a good cover story. Hell, you can even have them come to you if you call a

modeling agency with a possible job. The last two vanished after a shoot they were supposed to do

together. Their manager contacted us because she used to be one of our agents. She said both models

had strong untapped power."

"Who's the agent? I'll start with her."

"Mandy Gates at Models Now."


"What's wrong?"

"That's Jacob's agent!"

There was silence on the line. "Who's Jacob?"

"My mate."

Guy held the phone away from his ear at Cash gave a loud shout of excitement.


Guy couldn't hold back the feeling of smug satisfaction, though he was surprised at how excited

Cash was for him. He didn't think Cash cared enough about him to share in his joy. Finding his mate

had changed Cash in more ways than one.

"Oh shit!" Cash muttered. He must have realized what Guy meant.

"Yep, Jacob has a megaload of untapped power too."

"What's his strength?"


Guy held the phone away from his ear when the hysterical laughter got too much.

"Done yet?"

"Hell no. I'm going to be laughing about this for years. The hardass wizard is stuck with a

charmed mate."

"Yeah, well, I'm surprised you were allowed to make a phone call. Are you done rubbing your

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mate's feet?"

"Yep, he let me off for good behavior." Cash's voice held nothing but good humor. "If I'm really

nice, he'll reward me with a blowjob."

Guy laughed. "Too much information, Cash."

"Tell me about your mate. He's a model with the same agency?"

"Yeah. And forget it; I'm not using him as bait."

"Come on, Guy, you know it won't be easy getting someone else into that position."

"How about we use your William. He's pretty enough to be a model," Guy taunted.

"Too short," Cash pointed out.

"You wouldn't use him anyway," Guy said, daring him to disagree.

"Nope. What's your mate's name anyway?"

"Jacob Richmond."

There was a long silence.


"Why, you know him?"

"There's a fucking signed picture of him in my mate's office. They met at some charity event.

We just had a fight about whether or not to invite him to our wedding. Does he really look like his


"Nope, he's prettier," Guy taunted. "Wait, what wedding?"

"Will's parents are teaming up to get Will married off, and according to them, if I'm lucky,

they'll let me be the one who marries him."

"Do they actually think they can replace you?"

He'd never heard the Stamsons were stupid, but they were downright idiotic if they thought they

could separate Cash from his mate.

"The Stamsons don't believe in mates."

"What about Will? Does he believe in mates?" It would be catastrophic if Cash lost his mate.

Cash was almost as powerful as Guy, and a bastard if crossed. If the Stamsons thought they could

brush Cash aside, Guy hoped they were prepared for the fallout. Cash in a good mood was dangerous.

Cash pissed off made for a good time to leave the country, maybe the continent.

"Will believes in me, and he's talked his mother around. His father is kind of a bastard, but he's

willing to play nice to make up for Gil."

Guy could believe that. When Will's older brother, Gil, endangered Will's life, it shook up the

entire Stamson family.

"I can't believe they let him off so lightly." After a great deal of debate, the council let Gil off

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with only a light wrist slap; three years of living without magic. "He didn't even get jail time for

attempted murder."

"That was Will's fault. He refused to testify against his brother." He could hear the anger in

Cash's voice.

"Well, to be fair, from what you told me, I think Gil was as shaken about the whole thing as


"The fact that he's sorry wouldn't have brought my mate back if he were killed."

"True. When's the big day?"

A low heartfelt sigh came over the phone. "There are two."

"Two?" Guy found it difficult to believe Cash got talked into one much less two ceremonies.

"One for family and friends, and one for the media circus."

"Which one do you want me at?"

"You want to come?"

"Not if you don't want me to."

Cash growled his frustration. "That's not it. I didn't think you'd want to come to this thing. You

always avoided everyone else's commitment ceremonies."

"Ah, but now I've got a man of my own, and I know for a fact you don't want him there. It's a

like double bonus."

Cash laughed. "I won't care now that he's attached to someone, but, hell, in this picture, he has

his arm around my man and he's not wearing a shirt."

Guy's cock hardened as he remembered Jacob's naked body. "Listen, I'll go meet with Jacob's

agent and find out what she knows. Maybe she'll have some leads she didn't think of before."

"Sounds good. Hey, does Jacob know you're his mate?"

"Not yet." Guy grinned. "But he'll learn soon enough I'm not so easy to get rid off."

"Well, let me know if you learn anything from his agent. Since I can't do active work anymore,

they have me doing stuff behind the scenes."

"Does it bother you?" Guy wondered how Cash was really doing. After working as one of the

best operatives for years, to suddenly stop going on missions and stay at home must be a hard

transition. Guy wondered how he would cope. Soon he would have his answer. The Council didn't let

mated wizards stay in active duty. It was a good rule because if one wizard died, so would his mate.

Cash laughed, a warm, relaxed sound he'd never heard from the other man before. "You let me

know when you're sitting on the council seat sending operatives out on missions. The other council

members are going to be excited when you tell them you've found your mate." The Wizard Council

had held a spot open for Guy for the last hundred years.

"I'll let them know after this case. I can't let this go if the bastard is after models. Jacob could

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be in trouble."

"I won't mention it. Niles should get there tomorrow. If this bastard isn't afraid to take out two

models at a time, he might be using magic. You shouldn't confront anyone by yourself."

"I'll be careful. I'll call you later with an update."

Disconnecting, he looked at the clock.


"It's six-thirty. The alarm didn't go off," Guy shouted.

Jacob was going to be late for his shoot after Guy had assured him there wouldn't be a problem.

He speed-dialed Joel and told him to wait for them downstairs. Rushing to his closet, he found a shirt

he'd bought that was too tight on him but he was too lazy to return. He could take a shower later;

besides, he liked smelling like Jacob and knowing others of the supernatural set could smell that he

was mated too.

"How late am I?" Jacob asked, rushing back into the room. His hair was wet, attesting to the

fact he'd taken a quick shower while Guy was on the phone. Jacob gave him a shy smile. "I hope you

don't mind I used your shower. You were on the phone, and I didn't want to bother you."

"Honey, you can always bother me if it involves you naked in water."

Jacob laughed. "I'll remember that. What time is it?"

"You're not late yet," Guy replied, "but we're cutting it close. You can wear your pants from

yesterday, but see if this shirt fits you." He tossed it over to Jacob and went back into his closet to

find something to wear. Since they would redress Jacob at his shoot, he didn't think it mattered too

much what the model wore, but he didn't want Jacob to look like something the cat dragged in either.

After all, Pablo had seen Jacob yesterday.

"It's not too bad."

Guy turned around. "Oh fuck, you're fine," he blurted out. He immediately wished he hadn't

when Jacob blushed and looked away. The guy probably was sick of people commenting on his

looks. Guy cleared his throat. "Are you at the same location as yesterday?"

Jacob nodded. "Pablo is using a full day today and tomorrow to wrap up the shoot."

"Great, Joel is waiting for us. You won't be that late."

The men scrambled for their shoes and raced to the elevator. Minutes later, they were rushing

to the limo.

Once they got seated, Jacob's stomach growled.

"Damn, I'm sorry we didn't have time to eat," Guy's heart ached. Jacob was going to work

starving. Who knew when anyone would think to feed the poor man? Guy sucked at taking care of his


"It's all right." Jacob patted Guy's knee. "I'll grab something. They usually have a table of food

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The rush of relief Guy felt was ridiculous. He had it bad, and he still had no idea how the

model felt about him.

Jacob leaned over and kissed Guy on the cheek, sending a wave of heat through his body.

"Thanks for last night. I had a great time."

"Me too." Guy couldn't have stopped his smile if he wanted to, though breathing appeared to be


His heart and entire future were in jeopardy, but he couldn't make himself care. As long as he

could keep Jacob, everything would be fine.

* * * *

Joel pulled up outside the building of Jacob's shoot and came around to open the door. "Will

you be all right?" Guy asked.

"Yes, Dad. I can even cross the street these days all alone," Jacob said, a teasing sparkle in his


"Funny." Guy resisted the urge to give Jacob money to make sure he got a proper lunch. The

man was a successful model, not a stray Guy had picked up off the street. He was certain any money

handed over would be taken in the worst possible light. Guy let Jacob go with a kiss and a wave,

even though his instincts screamed to grab the gorgeous man tight and never let him out of his sight.

He saw Joel give Jacob his card as the driver held the door for Jacob. He hoped the proud man

would use it when he finished work for the day.

Shaking his head at his own foolishness, Guy waited until Jacob was out of sight before he

signaled Joel to move on.

He wasn't going to become some crazy stalker.

He wasn't.

* * * *

Jacob all but danced up the stairs to the door. He really liked Guy, and he had a feeling Guy

liked him back. There was no disguising the look of affection the other man gave him.

With a wide smile, Jacob glided through work. The tedious measuring, the makeup discussion,

and the boring endless fittings didn't touch his good mood.

"How's the new guy?" Gregor popped up beside Jacob's chair, his blue eyes sparkling with an

expression Jacob couldn't read.

"Wonderful. Don't think I didn't see you hitting on him."

Gregor shrugged. "I was just testing to see if he was only looking for a pretty face." He gave

Jacob another weird look. "He wasn't. He's really into you."

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"You think?" Jacob couldn't hide his eagerness, even though he doubted Gregor was being

helpful for no reason.

The handsome model stared at Jacob. "Shit, what is it about you that everyone always likes?

You aren't any better looking than I am, yet I only get booked for the jobs you're too busy for or if they

want a second person. I probably make a fraction as much a year as you do, and now you have some

rich guy who's all gaga over you. You didn't see him jump to your defense. I thought I was going to

have to call security. One day you're going to fall on your ass, and I want to be there when it

happens." Gregor stormed off, leaving Jacob to watch him wide-eyed.

Where the hell did that come from?

* * * *

It was late when Jacob made it back to David's apartment. The shoot had gone long, and he was

bone tired.

"I see you weren't mugged and left at the side of the road," David said from his spot on the

couch. His eyes remained glued to his television as he spoke. His feet were propped up on the coffee

table, and he had a beer in one hand and a bowl of popcorn in his lap.

"What are you talking about? I texted you."

"Last night. I didn't know where you were all day."

"I was working. I had a shoot. I'm exhausted."

"Dinner is in the fridge."

Jacob stared at back of his cousin's head. "You didn't have to make me dinner."

"I didn't. Some guy in a uniform brought you food."

"Did you see what it was?"

"No. I just stuffed it in the refrigerator and ate my sandwich. We don't all have wealthy

boyfriends panting to take care of us."

"Not you too?"

"What do you mean?" Dave stood up and joined him in the kitchen.

"Gregor was harping on how people always like me and how I have a rich boyfriend. Just for

the record, Guy isn't my boyfriend. We had a one-night stand. The sex was great, but I'm gone too

much to have a steady man in my life."

"Well, I think your one-night stand wants to become a permanent fixture." David leaned against

the counter to watch Jacob open his dinner.

Jacob pulled out a huge platter covered in foil. Setting it on the kitchen island, he peeled back

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the aluminum and let out a laugh. An array of tropical fruits and slices of cooked chicken were

arranged in the shape of a heart.

David's face turned serious. "You'd better give your mother a call. Since Milo didn't have you,

she suspected you were with me."

Jacob piled some food on a plate. "Did she sound sober?"

"It's hard to say. She said she's coming to New York, but the background noise sounded like she

was already on her way."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, she lives in a small town in the middle of nowhere, and when she called, the

background noise was so loud I could barely hear her."

Jacob nibbled on a piece of fruit. "What kind of noise?"

"I would say train, but it sounded more muffled, maybe a subway. But why would she call and

say she was coming if she was already here?"

"She told Milo she wanted to surprise me."

"Huh. Well, you know she freaks me out." David snagged a piece of fruit off Jacob's tray.

"Warn me if you think she's going to show up."

Jacob nodded. "I'll call her now."

Dialing his mother's number, he was surprised when it went directly to voice mail. "Mother,

it's Jacob. Call me. I hear you're coming for a visit." As he hung up, he hoped he'd hidden the dread in

his voice.

"Not answering?"

"Nope. I'm hoping that's not a bad sign." Without talking to his mother, he didn't know where

she might be. Although he sent money home to his mother every month, he only visited her at

Christmas, and he was more than ready to leave her company after a few days.

David gave him a sympathetic look. "Let's hope she was only talking. Why don't you call your

rich boyfriend and have him ease your worries?"

Smiling, Jacob pressed the speed dial button. Guy had programmed his number into Jacob's

phone the night before.

"Did you finally get home, darling?" Guy purred over the speaker.

Jacob took a deep breath to calm the insane urge to track down the sexy man and have his

wicked way.

"Yeah, thanks for the food. It was a long day."

"I'm glad you like it. My sister is looking forward to working with you. She was able to

squeeze in some time through your agent."

"That's great. I look forward to working with her too." Jacob really did; she'd seemed like a

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sweet woman and a talented designer.

"Get some rest, Jacob. I'll call you tomorrow."


As he hung up, Jacob felt lonely, as if there were an aching whole in his chest. He missed Guy

desperately, strange, since he barely knew the man.

Jacob's phone rang. Looking at the caller ID caused a big smile to cross his face. Here was

someone who always made him smile.

"Hey, man."

"Jacob, it's so good to hear you," William Stamson said on the other end. Jacob had met Will

when he was modeling in Paris for a charity event. Will had bought the designer's entire collection

for his personal use. "I called to give you the good news."

"What news is that?"

"Cassius asked me to marry him."

Joy filled Jacob at the happiness in his friend's voice. "Congratulations."

Jacob hadn't ever met his old friend's lover. In fact, it had been a while since the two friends

had a chance to connect. They hadn't seen each other since Will met his new man. From the happiness

in William's voice and his constant praise, Jacob got the feeling that William and his partner were a

very good match. Not everyone could take Will's approach to living. Last he'd heard, the man still

hadn't learned how to wash his own clothes or cook a single thing, but Will still somehow ended up

on the bestsellers list with every book he released. Will might be a trust fund baby, but he was a great

guy too.

"I was hoping you could be my best man."

"What about your brothers?"

"Umm, we've had a disagreement of sorts." From his friend's tone, Jacob didn't think he wanted

to know the details.

"How does that work exactly when two men get married?" Jacob had heard of two men getting

married before but hadn't attended any ceremonies.

"I'm sure it works differently for everyone, but Cash and I are each going to pick someone to

stand beside us on our big day. I'd like you to be by my side, but I have a bit of a problem."

"What sort of problem?"

"Cash saw pictures of you."


"And he's worried you'll try and steal me away."

Jacob started laughing so hard he had to clutch the counter so he didn't fall down. "Is he crazy?"

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"Thanks for your support," Will said in a dry tone. "I told him we had never been like that, but

he saw that picture we took in Cancun, and you look amazingly gorgeous and shirtless; he's worried. I

told him it was nothing, and I just know you're going to love Cash even if he's a jealous bastard. He's

not the abusive jealous, just the growly jealous, so you can stop worrying."

The problem with old friends is that they know you too well. Jacob let out a laugh. "When are

you getting married? I have fashion week next week so I can't get away before then."

"I know. I know. Another reason Cash is a little angry with me. I organized the wedding around

fashion week. I didn't want you to be unable to come. I really want you there, Jacob. Please!"

"You can't really blame him." Jacob would be furious if his groom were considering the

schedule of another guy to plan their wedding.

"I know, but I'm not budging on this. I needed more time to organize the wedding anyway. I was

just unwise enough to mention our first date conflicted with Fashion Week. He hates the idea that I'm

friends with a fashion model."

Jacob sighed. This wasn't the first time it had been a problem in their relationship. Will tended

to attract possessive people, and most men didn't like to be measured against the standards of a

model. Another reason the two of them usually had meals without Will's current significant other. Not

that any of them held Will's attention for long, but they were possessive of the beautiful rich man for

the short time he agreed to be on their arm.

"The wedding is in three weeks. Do you think you can fly to Seattle by then? I want to have the

informal ceremony at our house and then Father can oversee the more formal version we're having in

Victoria. You don't have to go to that one. I think Father is going to insist my older brother is by my

side for that one. Unity for the press and all."

"I'd love to see your house and be part of your ceremony," Jacob agreed. "I'll make sure to get

my calendar moved around. I think I'm supposed to be in Spain, but I'll see if I can shift things."

"Thanks, Jacob. I know it's really short notice, but my family is being relentless. I'm afraid if I

don't commit to Cash soon they'll come up with a reason to separate us, and I don't want Cash to have

to find creative places to hide their bodies."

Jacob laughed even though Will's tone didn't indicate Will was completely kidding. "I'll be

there, and I'll make sure to bring a date." He was almost positive he could convince Guy to go with


"Who?" Will asked. "Are you dating someone?"

"I've dated a guy a few times, but I'm pretty sure he'd go with me if I asked."

"Fabulous, but don't bring some bum to my wedding."

"I won't; I promise."

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"What's his name?"

"Guy Franks."

Will gave a gasp. "I know him. He's a friend of Cash's. I had no idea he was seeing anyone, but

then I only met the man once. I'm going to have to talk to Cash about holding out on me. Guy is invited

to the wedding too, so I'll put you two down together."

"It's a new relationship so Cash might not have known we're together. Anyway, I'll be there. Put

me down as a definite yes."

"Great! I'll email you the details. I didn't want to email you the invite; that's so tacky. I'll

overnight it to you tomorrow."

Jacob laughed. Only Will would think overnighting wedding invitations was a reasonable thing

to do. It would cost him a fortune, but then, that probably wasn't a concern for him. "I'll see you then."

Still smiling, he hung up the phone. He wondered if Guy knew he was going to a wedding.

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Chapter Four

Jacob went bright and early to see his agent, Mandy.

"Hey, superstar, what are you doing here?"

Jacob sat down and told her what was going on with the wedding. "I really need that weekend


Mandy stared at him for quite a while before letting out a sigh. "You know I'd give anyone else

crap for trying to change their schedule."

"I know." Jacob ran his fingers through his hair as he waited for the verdict.

"I'll see if they'll change their dates, but if not, I'll have to give the account to another model.

Maybe Gregor." He could see by the evil glint in her eyes she was trying to push his buttons.

"Give it to whoever you want to, Mandy. I'd like to do the shoot, but I understand if I have to be

replaced. Not missing the best day of my friend's life is more important to me than a modeling


Mandy pulled a sheaf of papers out of her desk and looked them over. "We're in luck. This one

doesn't have your name specifically listed. We can give them the option."

"Thanks, Mandy. I really appreciate it."

Mandy stood up to shake his hand. "You've been a good trooper all these years Jacob, the least

I can do is cover for you once in a while."

Jacob left the agency with a lighter step. Things were falling into place; he just had to make one

more phone call.

* * * *

Guy was in the middle of a meeting, looking over the photos of another dead model, when his

phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, he saw it was Jacob and excused himself. Jacob might need him.

Everyone else could wait.

"Hello, gorgeous. How are you doing this morning?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to Seattle with me."

"Sure, when do you want the plane ready?"

Jacob laughed. "Perhaps I should give you more details."

Minutes later, Guy was roaring with laughter. "So let me see if I get this straight. You, the

international gorgeous fashion model, need me for arm candy? You know Cash will never let me live

this down. We've known each other for years."

"Does that mean you will or won't go as my date?"

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"Do I get to pull out all the stops of an adoring boyfriend? Take you in my private jet, arrive in

a limo?"

"Now don't get carried away," Jacob warned.

"Oh no. If I'm going to be your boyfriend, I'm going to enjoy myself."

He smirked when Jacob groaned over the phone. "You're going to be out of control, aren't



"Will you do it?"

"Definitely. I'll clear my calendar."

"Thanks." He could hear the relief in Jacob's voice. He felt almost guilty for not telling his mate

he planned on going anyway. It was more fun to be asked.

"This really means a lot to you, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, Will's been a good friend. I'd like to be there for him, and if his future spouse is

unhappy because a model is attending, then he's not going to enjoy his own wedding. Hopefully, you

can help squash any speculation."

"Don't worry; once Cash sees us together, he won't be upset any more." When Cash saw the

bond between them, he would let his jealousy go.

Guy was still smiling when he entered the conference room. He was going to a wedding with

his hot new boyfriend.

The investigation unit he'd pulled together looked at him when he re-entered the room. Guy's

fortune had come from investing for hundreds of years, and he used a great deal of that money to run a

private investigation and security firm on contract to the Wizard Council. Guy directed hundreds of

operatives, and the only reason he was even here to do this particular investigation was because he

was the only supervisor currently available. With an outbreak of magical crises lately, all hands had

to pitch in. Guy had never been so glad of anything in his life. If he hadn't been investigating the

murders, he'd never have met his mate. Fate was playing a heavy hand, and Guy couldn't be happier.

He looked over at his staff. "We need to backtrack and check up on who the models met with in

the last few weeks. See if there is a definite pattern. Mandy emailed me the schedule of her models,

but nothing popped up. Maybe they were all conned into doing a job on the side. Look through their

emails and comb their apartments. We need to find out what happened before there are any more

fatalities. Also, put out the word that we're looking for rogue magic users. Has anyone seen anything

suspicious lately, any odd spikes of magic or unexpected sightings?" Despite the severity of the case,

Guy couldn't stop smiling. "Niles, I want you to check out fashion shows and photo shoots. Talk to

any other models they've worked with."

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"Will do." Niles looked at Guy in surprise but didn't say anything. Niles was still feeling out

his position. Niles actually worked for Cash but under Guy's direction. Guy's secretary wasn't as


"How is Jacob this morning?" Sheryl asked, smirking.

"He invited me to a wedding. He said I can be his arm candy."

The open-mouthed surprise of Niles and Sheryl was worth the unprecedented sharing of his

love life.

"What kind of guy calls you arm candy and you let him get away with it?" Niles asked.

"Have you seen that new billboard on Fifth?" Sheryl asked.

Niles blushed. "Uh, yeah. It's hard to miss. All the guy is wearing is that tiny, tiny bathing suit."

"That's the boss's new boyfriend."

"No shit!" Niles smiled Guy. "Nice going."

Guy felt the blush rise on his own cheeks. For a moment, he completely understood why Jacob

might want to move behind the camera. The constant staring must be a special kind of hell.

"Anyway, let's get back to business."

Guy was still thinking of his lover later that day as he wrapped up his final meeting. He had his

personal assistant send Jacob flowers to David's apartment. He wanted to make sure his lover didn't

forget him. It wasn't until after they were sent that Guy realized he didn't know if Jacob was allergic

to flowers.

His phone rang as he was leaving the building. "Hello."

"The flowers are beautiful," Jacob said.

"Not as beautiful as the recipient." Relief swept him as Jacob didn't mention any allergies.

Jacob laughed. "Did you practice that line?"

"Maybe a little. Are you available for dinner?"

"Sure, when are you coming?"

"I'll swing by on the way home. You can eat at my apartment."

Jacob's laugh was low and sexy. "I can think of all kinds of things I would like to eat at your


"Tease. I'm on my way. Don't forget to look pretty for me."

He hung up as Jacob was telling him in colorful terms what he could do with his look pretty


Laughing, he told Joel to go by Jacob's apartment.

Minutes later, he was holding his beautiful man. At least he thought of Jacob as his man. He

didn't know how Jacob viewed their relationship, but at least he knew the model was looking at them

being together for at least three more weeks.

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After all, they had a wedding to go to.

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Chapter Five

Guy hoped Jacob didn't see him skulking around the runway. He'd used his magic to convince

the person checking invitations that he was authorized to enter. It was a surprisingly easy magical

push, which made him suspicious the murderer might be using the same technique.

With a few muttered words, Guy changed his appearance so anyone looking at him wouldn't

recognize him. His dark hair lightened to a distinguished gray, his blue eyes deepened to a dark

brown, and his height shrank approximately two inches. Although he knew Jacob would be pleased to

see him in the crowd, this was one time it was better not to stand out. If the killer was around, he

didn't want him to recognize Guy. He needed to keep a low profile.

Hiding by the back wall of the tent, Guy waited in the shadows as the models came out. He

watched the crowds. Most of them had their eyes glued on the stage watching the female models strut

their stuff on the catwalk, but a few were watching the audience checking out who was attending.

Focusing on the crowd, Guy sent out tendrils of his magic to brush against the audience, seeking out

any negative energy. After twenty minutes and way too many models with bouncing boobs coming

down the runway, Guy decided the killer wasn't in this tent.

Ducking out the back, he called Niles. "Any luck?"

"Nope. But I saw a really hot model I think I'm going to ask out."

Guy laughed. "As long as it's not my model, go for it."

"No, I saw yours and can I say wow? His magic must be off the charts. He all but glowed when

he walked down the catwalk."

A chill went down Guy's back. "Did you see anyone watching him?"

"Everyone was watching him. One of the other models had negative energy, but it felt more

envious than murderous."

"Okay, keep an eye out."

The damn thing was an all day event, and the killer could be anywhere.

After spending the day watching more women in barely there clothing than he'd seen in his life,

Guy was ready to grab his man and take him home. Quickly dispensing with his disguise, he went to

the tent where he knew he could find Jacob.

"Hold it." The security guard came from the right. The man towered over Guy's six foot two

frame and appeared twice as broad. "Do you have a pass?"

"I'm here for Jacob Reynolds."

The guard smirked. "I just bet you are."

"Fred, it's all right." Jacob came from out of the tent and patted the guard on the shoulder.

To Guy's surprise, the guard gave Jacob a cheery smile. "If you're sure, Jacob. If he's bothering

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you, I can get rid of him."

Jacob laughed. "No, man. He's my boyfriend."

The guard gave Guy a careful examination, as if trying to decipher why someone with Jacob's

looks would be seen with Guy.

"Really?" Fred looked like he wanted to protest.


Fred shrugged and made no further objection to Jacob leaving. Guy felt the guard's eyes on

them as they walked away. "Is he always like that?"

"Fred? Yeah. He's really protective. I think he's got a bit of a crush. He's at most of my fashion


"Hmmm." Guy would have the guard checked out tomorrow when he went back to his office.

"So, what are you doing here? Got off work early?"

"We need to talk." He would have to confess to Jacob what he really did. Not a conversation

he was looking forward to, but he couldn't lie to his mate any more.

* * * *

Jacob felt his heart sink in his chest. He'd thought they were doing so well. True, it hadn't been

a very long relationship, but he'd felt a connection between them. He'd thought Guy felt it too. "A-all


Guy didn't say another word as he slid his hand across Jacob's back and helped him into the

limo. His heart breaking, Jacob braced himself for Guy's talk. It wouldn't be the first time he was

dumped. Other men had dumped him before, but surprisingly, this was the first time it really hurt. This

time part of his heart would be left behind.

"Stop looking so scared," Guy admonished. Before Jacob could comment, he was pulled across

to sit on Guy's lap, an awkward position since they were almost the same height.

Jacob slid off and sat beside Guy. "I'm not into the whole sitting on a lap thing."

"Anti-cuddling?" Guy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, anti-lap sitting. I feel stupid sitting in another man's lap. I'm not a baby."

Guy shrugged. "Fine." He wrapped his arm around Jacob and pulled him close. "I don't know

what's going on in your mind, but you're wrong."

"How can I be wrong if you don't know what I'm thinking?"

"Because you wouldn't look like I just killed your puppy if you knew what I was going to say."

Jacob took a deep breath. He could do this. He could face whatever Guy wanted to tell him.

"This might be easier if you sat across from me."

"O-okay." The man couldn't be satisfied. First, he wanted Jacob in his lap, then beside him.

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Whatever his confession, Guy didn't want to give it any more than Jacob wanted to hear what Guy had

to say.

Jacob wasn't going to hyperventilate, he wasn't. He slid over to the other side of the limo. The

distance between them felt farther than it had ever felt before. He could feel sweat pooling at the base

of his spine as he worried over what Guy would say.

"I'm a wizard."

Jacob stared. "Of course you are." Guy's expression didn't change. He watched Jacob as if he

were waiting for his words to sink in. "You're serious."


"Um. Where's your wand?"

Guy made a disgusted scoffing sound. "Wizards don't use wands. That's the stuff of stories and

fairy tales."

"Oh, excuse me. I didn't realize we were talking about reality here. Do you have a pet dragon?"

Guy crossed his arms over his chest. "If you aren't going to take me seriously, I'm not going to

talk about it."

"I'm sorry if I have problems taking your wizardness seriously. I'm two seconds from throwing

myself out of the car because I'm falling for a wacko."


He hadn't meant to say that.

"You're falling for me?"

Jacob looked out the window. Maybe if the limo slowed, he could jump out.

"Don't even think it," Guy said.

"What? You can read minds now?"

Guy laughed. "I don't have to be a wizard to see you want to get the hell out of here. If it makes

you feel any better, you have magical ability too. You're just not trained."

Jacob's laughter had a hysterical edge even as his stomach churned. He was going to spew the

yogurt he'd eaten earlier all over the limo.

"Hey." Guy slid down on his knees, pushing his body between Jacob's legs. "Honey, focus."

Jacob blinked down at the man he was coming to love. "Y-you're insane."

"Would it help if I did some magic?"

"Sure," Jacob laughed again, a nervous broken sound.

Guy cupped Jacob's cheeks before giving him a soft kiss.

"I know this sounds bizarre, but have you been hearing a soft humming sound since we made


Jacob nodded. "Yeah, I thought I was coming down with a headache or something."

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"All the people I've talked to said the sound either fades or you get used to it."

"What is it?"

"The bond. When we made love, we formed a bond. With wizards, it's a soul bond. You are the

only man for me… ever."

Jacob jerked back, yanking his face out of Guy's hold.

"What are you talking about?"

"We're mated. You and I will always belong together, just like Will and Cash."

"Will is not magical." There was no way William Stamson had magic. Will would've told

Jacob years ago. If Will had been lying to Jacob all this time, he didn't know what he was going to do.

Guy smiled. "No, Will is like the anti-magic. He doesn't have any magic at all. Cash, on the

other hand, is a powerhouse."

"I haven't met Cash." Jacob didn't know if he wanted to if Cash was also crazy.

"Hey." Guy's voice jerked Jacob's attention back to the man crouched at his feet. Damn, he

looked hot there. "I'm not crazy. See… watch."

Guy placed his hands a foot apart. As Jacob watched, a blue swirl of light coalesced between

his hands. The glow tightened until, after a moment of time, a blue glowing heart made of light and

smoke floated between Guy's hands.

"Shit." Jacob threw himself back against the limo seat. Maybe it wasn't Guy at all; maybe Jacob

was the crazy one.

The heart disappeared when Guy grabbed Jacob, lifted him, and settled him back on his lap.

"We talked about the lap sitting," Jacob said, resting his head in the crook of Guy's neck.

"Humor me."

Jacob was too drained to argue.

"What kind of magic do I have?" If his lover was going to be crazy, maybe Jacob should join


"Charm. You are one of the charmed. It's kind of rare. What are you parents like?"

"I was raised by a single mother who has an addictive personality to both drugs and alcohol. I

think she's bipolar, but I can never get her to see a doctor. She drifted through most of my childhood."

"Ahh, your father was probably fae then. They sometimes leave behind the fae struck. Your

mother is probably trying to balance out her addiction for your father. He must not have known she

was pregnant."

Jacob lifted his head. "Why do you say that?"

"Because the fae are desperate for children, even half breeds. Trust me. If your father knew

about you, your life would've been different."

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"Huh." Jacob settled his head back down on Guy's shoulder. Despite a childhood filled with

neglect, his mother had never abused him, even when she remembered he was there. However, if he

hadn't been desperate to get out of the house, he probably wouldn't have become a model at the age of

fifteen. "My life wasn't all bad." He wasn't even going to go into the fae thing. If he was uncertain

about wizards, he was definitely uncertain about being only partly human.

Guy rubbed Jacob's back. "It'll be all right. We'll figure things out. I can look into finding your

father if you'd like."

"Maybe." Jacob was still registering the change in his reality. "So if wizards bond during sex,

why are Cash and Will getting married?"

"Because Will's family wants a more ostentatious display of their bond. Once bound, wizards

can't be separated except by death."

Jacob sat up straight. "So you're telling me I'm not only magical, I'm married!" Damn, his voice

was shrill. Jacob was going to be ill.

* * * *

Shit! This isn't going well.

Guy watched Jacob turn pale over the thought of bonding to Guy for the rest of his life. Guy

guessed since Jacob hadn't waited centuries to find the perfect man, Jacob wasn't as excited as Guy

about their bond.

Guy raked his fingers through his hair as he looked at the beautiful man still sitting in his lap,

unconsciously still seeking comfort from Guy. Without magic, Jacob would stop people in the streets.

With magic, it was a miracle cars didn't crash while their drivers stared.

"Jacob. I don't want you to feel obligated to me. We can let this develop like any other

relationship. We just have a special bond."

Guy would die if Jacob left him. He'd waited too long to find the perfect mate, but he wasn't

going to mention that to Jacob. The poor man looked stressed enough.

"Guy, you don't just tell a person you married him and then say let's date." Jacob peered

suspiciously out the window. "Where are we going anyway?"

"I thought it would be best to take you to my workplace. That way you can meet other wizards

and learn more about magic without me freaking you the hell out, or I can take you back to David's if

you'd prefer."

Jacob rubbed his hands across his face. "No. I-I think it would be good to meet others."

It was a good thing Jacob agreed because they were pulling up to the building as he finished


Joel opened the door. Guy stepped out first before reaching back in to pull Jacob out of the

limo. He had the uneasy feeling if he let Jacob go he'd never see the other man again.

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The lobby was empty this time of night, but he knew his partner would still be upstairs


Glancing over at Jacob, he gave into his urges. Guy had been too long without the feel of his

mate, and his body ached for the contact. Pressing Jacob up against the wall of the elevator banks,

Guy held Jacob in place with his body.

"I thought we were going to talk about my break with sanity."

"You're not insane, Jacob, you're mine." The expression in Jacob's gray eyes almost broke his

heart. His expression begged for reassurance.

Jacob's lips were soft beneath Guy's kiss. Reluctant at first, soon Jacob was kissing Guy back

with the same passion he'd shown before. Jacob clawed at his back while Guy pressed to get more

friction between them.

"Were you planning on going up?"

Niles's voice broke into Guy's haze of passion. Blinking, he tried to focus on the other man's


"Uh, yeah." Guy licked his lips, savoring Jacob's flavor. "Niles, this is Jacob Richmond. Jacob,

this is Niles Weathers; he's my partner for this investigation."

"Actually his right hand lackey." Niles's cool blue eyes took in Jacob as if he were memorizing

him for a test later. Niles held out his hand.

Guy moved between them. "I don't think so."

The elevator dinged, and the trio stepped inside.

"Why can't I shake his hand?" Jacob asked.

Guy gave Niles a cold look. "Niles's primary skill is he can read a person's mind if he touches

their flesh."

"Oh." Jacob moved closer to Guy, who put a protective arm around him. Guy didn't miss the

admiring gaze Niles gave the model. "Just so you know, Niles, Jacob is my bonded mate, and if you

touch him without permission, you'll need to use your finding ability to collect your teeth."

Niles swallowed, audibly. "Got it."

Jacob rubbed Guy's back in a soothing motion as if Guy were a wild beast he needed to tame.

Despite his best efforts to hold onto his anger against Niles and his frustration at Jacob's disbelief, he

wasn't strong enough to hold out against Jacob's touch.

The man was magic in more ways than one.

Guy led Jacob to the conference room where Guy's assistant, Sheryl, was standing by the


Jacob sucked in his breath when he saw the photos of the bodies.

"Oh!" Jacob stepped forward and touched the cheek of one photo, slid down the nose of the

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other. Guy noticed Jacob's hand shaking as he brushed his fingers across the pictures. "I know these

people. What happened?"

A cold chill went up Guy's back. "You know all three?"

Jacob nodded. "I did a perfume commercial with Jim." He pointed to the blond lying still as

death, but still obscenely handsome. "A jeans ad with John." Jacob pointed to the dark-haired male.

"And with Vince, I did an underwear ad."

"When did you last see the victims?" Niles asked, stepping up to Jacob and pulling out his


Jacob paled. "Last week. I saw Jim, John and Vince at a go-see."

"What's a go-see?" Niles asked.

Jacob's eyes were glued to the photos of the dead models. "Umm, when you go to clients'

places of business and let them look you over." He turned to Guy. "Sort of like I did with your sister."

Guy nodded. "And you were all at the same one?"

Jacob nodded.

"Who was it for?"

Maybe now they were getting somewhere. This was the first time anyone had identified a link

between where the three of them might have been.

"Umm…" Jacob's gray eyes grew distant as he drew up memories of the day. Guy could almost

hear Jacob's thoughts going through his head. Jacob snapped his fingers. "Paulie. He's an amazing

designer, but he didn't like these three."

"Who did he like?" Niles asked.

"Besides me?" Jacob shrugged. "I don't know. I left after I did my walk. He said he was going

to call Mandy and set up a time. I'm walking for him tomorrow."

"If he is our guy, we can catch him," Niles said. "We just need to get close enough to look at his


Guy wanted to grab Jacob and protect him from the world, bodily if needed.

"I can help!" Jacob said, turning to Niles. "What do you need me to do?"

"Call in sick," Guy said before he could stop himself.

"No! I want to help. I don't think Paulie is involved. I mean he's a nice old man. What could he

do to kill three vibrant young men?"

"You'd be surprised," Niles said in a cold tone.

"You are not going to use Jacob for bait." Guy wouldn't stand for it. Jacob was his. He'd waited

far too long to let his beloved be endangered from some asshole killer.

"I want to help." Jacob turned his gray-eyed gaze towards him. Guy could feel his will bending.

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Even though he knew it was Jacob's charm working against him, he couldn't stop from agreeing.

"Fine, but you can't go anywhere alone. If Paulie wants you badly enough, he'll try to get you by

yourself. Make sure you have someone with you at all times. I'm not going to lose you."


"Did you want the others to show you their abilities?"

Jacob shook his head. "I'm tired; take me home."

Guy nodded. "Come on. I'm sure David is worried since you didn't call."

Jacob wrapped a hand around Guy's arm. "I'll call him from the limo. I want you to take me to

your home."

For the first time since he told Jacob he was a wizard, Guy felt hope.

The pair made it back to the limo, and Jacob happily informed Joel they were going to Guy's


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Chapter Six

Jacob made his phone call to David quick. It occurred to him that his mother still hadn't called

back, but a fast call only sent him to voice mail again. Frowning he turned off the phone and went to

find the man who was essentially his husband. As much as he wanted to deny the magic stuff, Jacob

now believed. Guy's own example and the energy that poured off his co-workers forced Jacob to re-

think a lot of things about his life.

Now that he had a man of his own, maybe it was time to leave the modeling industry a little

earlier than he'd planned.

"I'm going to quit modeling after my contracts are up," Jacob announced.

"Really?" Guy's eyes widened as they looked at him. "Why?"

"I don't want to travel any more. I don't want to be away from you." Then it struck him. "Your

job is dangerous. You're like a magical cop?"

Guy smiled. "Right now, yeah. However, since I found my mate, I'll be removed from active

duty and take my place on the Magical Council. They review magical case law and send out other

people to investigate crimes."

"Won't you miss it?"

Guy gave him a smile so tender Jacob's throat clogged with suppressed tears. "Jacob, I've been

looking for my other half for years. I've never been happier to give up a job in my life."

"Oh." How could he reply to that when Guy's heart was reflected in his eyes? He found he

couldn't. Jacob slid to his knees and crawled across the limo to push his body between Guy's thighs.

"What are you doing?" Guy asked as Jacob reached for his belt.

"I would've thought that was obvious. I'm giving you a blowjob."

"Um… d-don't you have more questions?"

"Millions of them," Jacob agreed. "They can all wait."

Jacob had other things to concentrate on. More important things, like rediscovering Guy's


After unbuttoning Guy's pants, Jacob slid down Guy's pants and underwear until Guy's ass was

fully exposed.

Jacob made a happy humming noise. Pressing his cheek against the soft and silky skin, he

rubbed against the hard rod standing up straight for attention.

Letting out a soft moan, he captured Guy's cock in his mouth and started sucking it like a

lollipop. Jacob wrapped his hand around the base of Guy's shaft to hold it still while he tasted and

savored his lover's flavor.

"Mmm hmm." Guy bucked in Jacob's mouth, words spilling from him like a torrential

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downpour, telling Jacob he was beautiful and fine, and how he'd waited for him for centuries.

Jacob popped his mouth off.


Guy groaned. "Can we discuss this later?"

The limo rolled to a stop in front of Guy's building. Jacob tucked Guy back into his pants with a

look promising more later. He craved Guy like a drug he couldn't get enough of, a dangerous need for

someone who had never needed anyone before. Even as a child, Jacob took care of himself.

They walked in silence to the elevator and to Guy's apartment. Once inside, Guy wrapped his

arms around Jacob and pulled him close. "Baby, I don't want to scare you off."

Jacob pulled back, scowling at Guy. "I'm not a baby."

Guy gave a soft chuckle. "Honey, next to me, you practically are."

"How old are you?"

"A wizard never confesses his age. Let's just say I've seen the century mark more than once."

Jacob couldn't even conceive of living that long. Then it occurred to him. "Will I live that


Guy nodded. Leaning closer, Guy kissed Jacob's cheek, a tender brush of lips that branded

Jacob more than any full mouth-to-mouth contact. Jacob didn't know how to deal with a gentle lover.

The men in his past hadn't been given to tenderness; they were more hot sex and never call in the

morning. Tears burned behind Jacob's eyes as he imagined a lifetime with this overwhelming, gentle

man who appeared to want to do nothing but cherish Jacob for the rest of his life.

"Your life is now intertwined with mine." Guy placed his hand over Jacob's mouth. "I know it

wasn't fair of me to bind us without your consent, but I need you."

Jacob licked Guy's hand. "Hey." Guy laughed, yanking his hand away.

"What you did is wrong Guy." Jacob tilted Guy's head back towards him when Guy turned

away. "But I can understand why you did it. If I'd been looking for a long time, I can't say I wouldn't

do the same thing too. I can't promise our relationship will work out, but I promise to try."

Guy gave Jacob a hot smile. "I'll make it as difficult as possible for you to turn me away."

Jacob laughed. "You already do."

That was the last word he got out before Guy devoured Jacob, kissing, licking and touching.

The feel of Guy's hands rocked Jacob's world. Heat burst through his body as Guy bit Jacob's neck, a

hot spot that turned supernova with the right man.

"Oh, r-right there."

Jacob rubbed against Guy frantically, trying to get just the right spot to relieve the painful ache.

Guy chuckled, and his warm breath against Jacob's throat sent shivers down Jacob's spine.

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"Let's take this to the bedroom," Guy whispered in Jacob's ear, a low husky sound that almost

made him come in his pants.

Jacob wasn't certain he could walk with his legs full of jelly. Taking a deep breath, he stood up

away from the wall. He'd only taken two steps when Guy's phone rang.

Guy pulled it out of his pocket. Jacob knew it was the office when Guy pressed the connect

button. "What's happened?"

Jacob couldn't hear the other caller, but from the frown on Guy's face, it was bad.

The thought of another murder doused Jacob's desire faster than a bucket of cold water.

Guy hung up after a few minutes. "I've got to go back to the office. There's been another


"Is there anything I can do to help?" Jacob wasn't an investigator, but he wanted to help stop

this bastard who was killing people he knew.

Guy stared at him for long moment. "Actually, yes. You can come and see if anything looks odd

at the work site. You'd be able to spot anything out of place easier than we can."

"O-okay." He didn't want to ask; he really didn't. "Wh-who died?"


"Oh." The room spun, and when it stopped, Jacob found he was sitting on the floor.

"Take deep breaths."

Spots sparkled before his eyes. As much as he felt bad for the other models, he hadn't worked

with them more than once and didn't have any personal connection. As much he disliked Gregor, he

hadn't wanted the other model dead.

"It's okay… shh." He dimly heard Guy's reassuring noises as Jacob concentrated on not puking

all over Guy's floor. Guy rubbed Jacob's back with his large hands. After several deep breaths and

leaning against Guy's warm, strong body, Jacob felt better.

He gave Guy a wan smile. "I don't know that I'd be of any use in an investigation."

"They've already removed Gregor's body so you won't have to worry about that."

"Okay." Jacob nodded. He barely held it together, but he wasn't going to embarrass Guy by

passing out on the floor.

With a heavy step, Jacob followed Guy back down to the limo.

* * * *

"They were shooting a commercial or something with a big television camera," Jacob said,

pointing to the marks on the floor. "The tripod marks are too large to be for a camera. Unless they

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were shooting from above, which is possible."

Guy took in Jacob's pale face as he looked at the spot where Gregor's body was outlined.

Rushing to his lover's side, Guy wrapped an arm around him. "It's all right, love, we'll get the


"But why kill models? We don't do anything but sell clothes, perfume and jewels."

"And you're beautiful," Guy couldn't help pointing out. Some people are filled with hate and

envy. "You can't always figure out the motive of a killer."

Jacob turned a sad-eyed expression to Guy. "What if I'm next?"

"I'm kind of counting on that." Niles entered the studio, his sharp gaze sweeping the area.

"You are not using Jacob as bait," Guy said through gritted teeth.

"No! That's a great idea. I want this bastard caught," Jacob said, turning to Niles. "I want to

help. These people didn't do anything wrong. They didn't deserve to die. But at least we know it's not


Jacob frowned. "How do we know that?"

"Paulie's in Milan until tomorrow. He told me he's going to be cutting it close, but he had to go

see a distributor in person."

Niles nodded. "A wizard in Italy verified that information for us."

Wrapping a protective arm around Jacob, Guy held his lover tight. He didn't like the thought of

his lover caught in a killer's trap. "I don't like this."

"You don't have better options. If they are going after models, I'm the perfect bait," Jacob said.

Guy shook his head. "The killer is going after models with raw power. I don't want you

anywhere near the bastard."

"But you said you knew what my magic was."

Guy smiled. "That's because you use your magic. You might not realize it, but you're constantly

using your charm on people. It's why you're so successful as a model."

"Huh, and I thought it was because I'm gorgeous."

Guy laughed as Jacob rolled his eyes at him. "You are a pretty, pretty man, but your magic

gives you that something extra."

"Did you talk to Mandy about the murders?"

Guy nodded. "She says they must have been doing work on the side."

"Maybe. Sometimes models try to make a little extra money without their agent taking a cut."

"Have you?"

"Taken a job on the side?"


Jacob shook his head. "Mandy has taken good care of me, I wouldn't do that to her."

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"How well did you investigate Mandy?" Niles asked. Meeting Niles's eyes, Guy knew they

were both thinking the same thing.

"Not as well as I should have. Go pull up everything you can find on her; I'll meet you back at

the office."

Jacob's mouth dropped open. "You don't think Mandy is responsible for this, do you? Why

would she kill people who brought her so much money? Especially Gregor, he's one of her top


"But you are the top model she has. She went on and on about how loyal you are. What if she

found out Gregor was taking jobs on the side? What if they all were? She might take it as a sign of
betrayal. All the models had a connection to Mandy, and there is no confirmation where she was the
nights of the murders."

"That could be anyone," Jacob protested. "Hell, you just met me. How do you know I didn't do

it? And how would she have killed them? Did you sense any magic?"

Guy nodded. "When I talked to her, she had dark smudges on her aura and was evasive. I

suspected something was wrong with her."

"I took a sampling of her magic when Guy told me he was suspicious." Niles scanned the room

as he spoke. "Her magic was here, along with someone else's, but I don't recognize the other person's

magical signature. If it's Mandy, she's a siphon." Niles's soft curses filled the room.

"Hell." Guy frowned at his co-worker. "This gets more and more complicated."

"What's a siphon?" Jacob asked.

"A person who can drain another person of all their magic. That's why there weren't any marks

on the bodies and they still looked perfect."

"Can't a person live without magic?"

Guy shook his head. "Not if you have it in the first place. When a person is born with magic, it

binds to their life force. When the killer drained them of magic, they sucked out all their energy."

Jacob's eyes went wide. "That's why she always looks so young! I thought it was Botox."

Guy rubbed his forehead. "Stealing energy might make her younger. I've only heard of this

practice once before. The last siphon was killed six years ago by one of her victims. The person

managed to fight back enough to kill her but not survive. If Mandy only recently started killing

models, she won't be able to stop. She'll get addicted to the rush, and anyone, not just those that

betrayed her, will be a target."

"That's all the more reason to let me help trap her. Like you said, I'm her most lucrative client.

If we're right, and she thinks I've betrayed her, she'll snap."

"How are we going to get her to think you really betrayed her?" Guy asked. It would take a lot

of convincing for Mandy to believe Jacob was cheating her.

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"Pablo," Jacob said. "He can set up a shoot and let it slip I'm doing some work for him. She'd

believe I'd do some work on the side with him in exchange for learning more about photography. I

already told her I wanted out of modeling. She'll think I moved my timeline forward when I got the


"It's perfect," Niles agreed with an admiring look at Jacob.

"It's dangerous," Guy protested.

"She has to be stopped." Jacob's expression said he wouldn't be deterred.

"Fine; let's call Pablo."

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Chapter Seven

Pablo turned out to be the perfect accomplice. The man apparently had never liked Mandy and

had only worked with her to get his hands on Jacob.

"She's a bitch," Pablo said, his dark eyes hard.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Guy asked.

"Because as much as I don't like her, she did well by Jacob. I watched over the years, and as

much of a bitch as she was to everyone else, she treats Jacob extremely well."

Jacob nodded. He still felt a hole in his heart at the thought of Mandy being a killer. He was

currently batting a zero in the mother department.

The group stood around as they waited for equipment to be set up. Pablo's price for helping out

was to get a real photo shoot with Jacob because as he said, "If I have to lug all the equipment over

there anyway, I might as well get some amazing shots."

Jacob's scalp itched from hair product, and his leather pants were binding in places no clothes

should ever go, but he was used to the discomfort, and all of it was nothing next to Mandy's apparent

betrayal. He still didn't think she was responsible. They only had circumstantial evidence.

After four hours of shooting, Jacob was convinced they'd gotten it all wrong. Relief swept him

as he imagined a different killer out there, one not connected to him in any way.

The door to the warehouse banged open. Mandy stomped through the doorway in a pair of

stiletto heels. Jacob was surprised since her ankle had supposedly been broken just a few days

before. Maybe sucking people's souls healed all wounds.

"What the hell is going on here?" she demanded. Her eyes pinned Jacob on stage, and for a

brief moment, he was overwhelmed with guilt. Before he remembered she was, in all likelihood, a


"Nothing that concerns you," Pablo said in his thickly accented voice. "Jacob is merely doing

me a small favor."

"All his schedules go through me," Mandy snapped. "Jacob, come down here. I need to talk to

you. I've been looking around for you all afternoon."

Jacob looked at Guy, hidden behind the covered scaffolding on his right. He got a subtle nod.

Okay, okay he could do this. Nerves bouncing around like a ping pong ball, Jacob came down the

metal stairs. Mandy waited at the bottom.

"Hey, Mandy." He flashed her his best smile, and for a moment, her disapproving look


"We need to talk, Jacob."

Jacob sighed. He'd promised not to leave the warehouse with her, but he let her lead him a few

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feet away to hear her out. "Did you hear Gregor died?"

"Yes." Her face showed a flash of guilt, sending Jacob's stomach churning. Gregor might have

been an ass, but no one deserved to be sucked of all energy.

"You're not going to like what I have to say, but you need to know. I tried to stop her. I came to

warn you before going to police because I didn't know who you were shooting with."

"What are you talking about?"

From the corner of his eye, he saw Niles step behind Mandy.

Mandy ranted, still not making sense. "She called me and told me to stop giving you shoots with

other people. She said you shouldn't have to share the limelight, that you were too good to be on the

same page as those other people. I swear I didn't know she was killing people until Gregor was dead.

I only wanted to protect you, Jacob. You're like a son to me."

"Protect me from what?"

Cold laughter filled the warehouse. "From me!" Jacob turned at the familiar voice.


His mother stood in the doorway. Her hair stood on end, her eyes, the same color as Jacob's,

were wide with madness, and the expression on her face more maniacal than he'd ever seen before.

"Don't worry, baby boy. I took care of those others. They thought they could take away some of

your shine."

"What did you do?" Jacob felt queasy. "You killed those men."

"They tried to take away the spotlight. I stopped them."

She looked so proud of herself.

"I tried to stop her, Jacob," Mandy whispered behind him. "I couldn't stop her in time. I wanted

to protect you from that monster."

"I'm a monster? I should've killed you when you sent those others to take Jacob's place."

"I sent what the client asked for," Mandy shouted. "It didn't mean you had to kill them."

"You're no good for him. You were encouraging him to take photos!" Jacob's mother screamed.

"You don't understand. He's meant to be seen. If his father sees him, he'll come back."

It was clear to Jacob in that instant that this wasn't about him. This was about his mother trying

to bring his father back.

"You are still waiting for father." He didn't make it a question; he knew it as a fact.

"He'll come back," she said in a sing-song voice. "He'll come back when he sees you."

You have magic.

Hadn't Guy told him he had untapped powers? If he used it accidentally all the time, would it

work if he tried to use it on purpose? "You don't want to hurt anyone," Jacob said, pushing his belief

into every syllable.

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"I don't?" His mother's eyes turned foggy.

"You want me to take you home instead." Jacob took a step forward and, surprisingly, Guy

released him. He'd thought Guy would be his biggest obstacle, but apparently Guy knew what Jacob

was doing.

"I've always wanted your father, Jacob, but I didn't know how to tell him you were born. Now

that you're famous, he's bound to see you in an advertisement and come back to me. You look so much

like him, even if you have my eyes."

"I'm sure he'll come." Jacob used the low soothing voice he saved for children crying on the

set. "Mandy says I've got a few really big ads coming up."

His mother's eyes lit up. "Yes, then you'll see. You'll get to meet him."

Jacob watched dispassionately as Niles snuck up on his mother. He saw the wizard's mouth

move. Seconds later, she collapsed on the floor in a crumpled heap.

Tears filled his eyes but he blinked them back.

"I told her," Mandy whispered behind them. "I was so mad I told your mother you were here.

I'm so sorry, Jacob."

Guy unlocked her handcuffs.

Jacob walked up to the woman he'd always thought of as a second mother. "I'm only here as a

trap. We thought you were involved."

Mandy gave him a shaky smile. "I guess indirectly I was."

He watched sadly as Niles picked up his mother and carried her from the warehouse.

Pablo approached. "Sorry, Mandy. I supported their belief you were guilty."

Mandy gave a laugh as she rubbed her wrists. "I would've accused me too. They were all my

models, after all. Maybe it's time I retired. After this, my reputation is shot anyway."

Jacob walked over and gave her a hug. "You let me know. If you leave, so will I."

Mandy gave him a pat on the back. "Deal."

* * * *

Nothing like a life-changing experience to make a man horny. After a traumatic afternoon, he

needed reassurance from the man he loved. Jacob barely waited until they'd cleared the door to strip

off Guy's shirt. Stumbling and unfastening buckles, snaps, and buttons as they went, both men were

laughing as they finally hit the mattress, more or less unclothed.

Jacob tore off Guy's underwear before throwing himself on the mattress. "Your turn to fuck


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Guy laughed. "If you insist."

Jacob stroked himself as he watched Guy's fine ass leaning over the bed.

Unable to resist, he sank his teeth into one tight cheek.


"I told you to keep things where they are easy to reach."

Guy looked over his shoulder with laughing blue eyes. "You didn't say the penalty was a butt


Jacob shrugged. "Penalties have to be paid."

"Uh, huh." Guy didn't sound convinced, but he did retrieve the condom and lube. "Do you want

to be on your back or hands and knees?"

Jacob rolled over. It wasn't that he didn't want to see his lover, but he knew Guy could get a

better angle in this direction.

The feel of wet lube being pushed into his hole had him shoving back against the invasion. He

could feel Guy spreading him with his thick fingers.

"More," he moaned.

"Easy," Guy said, kissing Jacob's shoulder. "We'll get there."

"Get there faster."

A soft chuckle was his response.

Jacob let out a groan. Guy wouldn't be hurried.

Just as he was about to flip around and tackle his lover, Guy slid inside, causing Jacob to

moan. "Yes."

"You feel so amazing," Guy whispered, sliding in and out with excruciating slowness.

"Yes, right there." Jacob shifted so Guy's cock hit his prostate over and over. Wrapping his

hand around his own length, he was shocked when Guy smacked him on the ass. "What!"

"That's mine," Guy growled.

"You can play with it later. Fuck me."

Laughter was his lover's response as Guy pounded into him. Jacob desperately pumped his

shaft, seeking relief. Before long, the scent of spunk and the sounds of groans filled the air.

The men collapsed on to the bed together.

"I'm never leaving your ass," Guy murmured against Jacob's shoulder.

"It might be hard to find pants that fit."

Guy's laughter, while still deep inside him, made Jacob tingle. Before he could get used to the

sensation, his lover pulled out. "I'll be right back."

Jacob watched while Guy headed for the bathroom.

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"I thought he'd never leave," said a voice.

Jacob yelped as a man appeared by the foot of his bed. Quickly covering himself, Jacob glared

at the intruder.

"You really should start keeping something by the bed to clean up with," the man said.

He was about to ask who the man was, but the words died in his chest. The man, or whatever

he was, looked just like Jacob.

"Hello, son."

The words shook Jacob. He'd never thought he'd have any man call him son.

"Um, hello."

"Sorry to interrupt like this, but I just learned about you." He gave Jacob a wry smile. "I guess

there won't be any grandkids, huh?"

Jacob shrugged. "I wouldn't completely rule it out. If I'm going to live as long as Guy says, I

have plenty of time to find a surrogate. What's your name anyway?"

"Oh sorry. I'm Denius, and as I'm sure you've noticed the resemblance, I'm also your father. I

didn't know you existed until a friend showed me this magazine and asked when I'd posed." Denius

held up a copy of the latest fashion magazine with Jacob on the cover. "You are really stunning."

Jacob laughed. "You should know." It twisted the knife in his chest to learn his mother had been

right. His father had come back when he learned about Jacob.

Denius smiled. "Yes, I should. I'll leave you now. I know this isn't the best time. Maybe we

could get together next week for dinner? You can bring your mate. I wasn't there for you as a child,

but I'd love to be there for you as a man."

"I'd like that too."

Jacob didn't miss the longing in Denius's expression. He'd withhold his opinion of the man until

he got to know him better, but it would be nice to see if they could at least be friends.

Denius's eyes glowed for a moment. "I programmed my number into your phone. Call me next

week when you have time."

"I will." Jacob really meant that too. The man appeared sincere, but time would tell. He didn't

bother telling his newly-found father about his mother. They needed to get to know each other before

he unloaded the anger he had over his father's abandonment.

Before he could say anything else, Denius vanished. Guy walked back in. "That was weird. The

bathroom door wouldn't open."

Jacob laughed. "It was probably my father." He went on to tell Guy all about his father's visit.

Guy smiled. "I'm glad he contacted you." He lost his carefree expression a moment later. "I

wouldn't tell your mother about that just yet. She has some healing to do first."

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Jacob shook his head. "I'm not planning on telling her." The Council had recommended

incarceration and therapy for his mother, with visitation by Jacob at least once a month. They

believed he could help ground her, but only time would tell.

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Jacob couldn't believe it when the helicopter touched down behind William's house. Who kept

a helipad in their backyard? Jacob laughed at himself. Who was he to criticize? After all, he was

arriving at a wedding in a helicopter. Shaking his head, Jacob stepped out of the helicopter and into

the arms of William Stamson.

"I'm so glad you're here. You need to convince Cash to wear the tuxedo I picked for him."

Jacob released William. "If you can't win him over with your persuasive techniques, I don't

think I have any hope."

"What do you know about his persuasive techniques?" a deep voice asked.

Jacob looked up to see a dark-haired man with black eyes regarding him with suspicion.

"You must be Cash." Remembering the tips his father had given him over dinner the other night,

Jacob flashed him his best smile. "I'm so pleased to meet you."

Cash took Jacob's hand, his pupils dilating. Damn, maybe he'd overdone the whammy a bit.

"I hear you're going to look amazing in your new tuxedo." With a wink to Will, Jacob turned

Cash around and headed him back towards the house, still talking about how great he'd look if he

wore the outfit Will picked for him.

* * * *

"He's really improved," Will said, watching the interaction with wide eyes.

Guy laughed. "Yeah, the only person it doesn't appear to work on is me."

"Are you sure?" Will said, quirking a brow. "Maybe it doesn't work because you already give

him everything he wants."

"Maybe." A burst of pride made Guy walk taller. "He's the most amazing person."

"Yeah, did he ever tell you how we met?" Will started walking back towards the house, and

Guy unconsciously followed.

"He said you bought a bunch of clothes at a charity walk."

"Yeah, did he mention he didn't get paid for the event, and afterwards, he anonymously gave

them several thousand dollars?"

"No," Guy mused, watching Jacob lead Cash back to his own house.

"Jacob is more than just a pretty face. Remember that." Will's tone had Guy ripping his gaze

away from Jacob's ass to face Will.

"Is that a threat?" he asked in amusement. "Because if it is, you have to stand in line. His

cousin, David, threatened to infiltrate my computer system and set flags for the IRS, his manager

Mandy threatened to break my kneecaps, and his father told me he knew how to make someone

disappear. I don't think I'm worried about one more threat."

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Will laughed. "Maybe not, but consider me on the Jacob Protection Team. If anything happens

to him, I have a vortex with your name on it." Despite his teasing tone, Will's eyes told the true story.

Hurt his friend and suffer the consequences.

"Huh." Guy looked at the smaller man. "Somehow I think I find you the scariest."

Will's smile wasn't the least bit reassuring. "Then you are a very smart man. Now that you've

had the requisite threat, tell me the details. How did you two meet?"

Guy rubbed his forehead. "To tell the truth, it's a wonder we haven't met before. I mean, you are

a friend of Jacob's. Milo roomed with Jacob while I invested in his business, and Jacob's cousin

works for my company."

"There is a reason you're called fated mates, Guy. Fate meant for you to get together; it just took

a while before you were both ready. Now that you found him, what do you think?"

"I think I'm a very lucky bastard," Guy said with a satisfied grin.

They reached the house, and Cash turned to William. "I really like that tuxedo you picked out

for me."

Will flashed Jacob a grateful smile. "I know, honey. Why don't you go try it on?"

Cash left to try on his outfit, and Will quickly followed.

"Aren't you the least bit ashamed of yourself?" Guy said, frowning at his mate.

Jacob smiled. "Nope. I didn't persuade him a bit."

"What do you mean?"

"As we were heading to the house, he told me to save my magic. Cash was only fighting

wearing the tux because he wanted to give William something to focus on and not freak out about

getting married."

Guy threw back his head and laughed. "They are the perfect couple."

Jacob wrapped his arms around Guy. "No, we're the perfect couple, but we'll let them be

second place."

Guy smiled and kissed his mate, letting him know without words how happy he was to finally

have found his perfect mate.

The End

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About the Author

Amber Kell is a dreamer who has been writing stories in her head for as long as she could remember.

She lives in Texas with her husband, two sons, two cats and one very stupid dog. To learn more about

her current books or works in progress, check out her blog at http://amberkell.wordpress.com. Her

fans can also reach her at amberkellwrites@gmail.com.









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Also by Amber Kell:

Available at Silver Publishing:

Blood Signs

Xavier's Xmas

Soldier Mine (Aug 20)

Blood Signs 2: Samhain's Kiss (Oct 15)


Jaynell's Wolf

Kevin's Alpha

Kellum's Wizard (Nov 26)


William's House

Modeling Death


Mate Hunt

Mate Test (July 23)

Mate Dance (Nov 5)

Mate Healer (2012)


A Guitarist in the Fae Queen's Court (Sept 17)


Attracting Anthony

Baiting Ben

Courting Calvin

Denying Dare

Enticing Elliott

Finding Farro

Getting Gabe (July 9)

Hunting Henry (Aug 6)

Inflaming Inno (Sept 3)

Judging Jager (Oct 1)

Available at Total-E-Bound:


Taking Care of Charlie


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Tyler's Cowboy

Robert's Rancher


From Pack to Pride

A Prideful Mate

A Prideless Man

** Please Note: All dates given are tentative **

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Literary Nymphs Reviews gives Jaynell's Wolf 5 Nymphs!

Jaynell Marley arrives at Mayell Wizard Academy to complete his training. Jay had already

had years of advanced private tutoring, therefore his school enrollment is more to honor his father's

wishes. Joining his new dorm roommates for pizza, Jay literally bumps into werekin Thomas Sparks.

A sniff at Jay's neck has Thomas proclaiming that Jay is his mate.

Jaynell's Wolf is the first book in the Wizard's Touch series. The plot is well written plus

vastly entertaining. The main characters are impressive, along with amusing secondary characters.

Jaynell is a powerful wizard who wonders why his father insisted that Jay attend a school when it is

clear Jay surpasses everyone in magical skills. However, Jay has an unpretentious personality.

Thomas is a considerate protector, as long as others keep a respectful distance from Jay. The

secondary characters include Gnomes, dragons, half elf, wolf pack in addition to a variety of wizards

in training. I thoroughly enjoyed Jaynell's Wolf. Amber Kell has created a fantastic flight of the

imagination that is laugh-out-loud hilarious, interwoven with heartwarming moments as well as

rousing scenes of intimate passion. I look forward to the next addition to the Wizard's Touch series.

* * * *

Lisa at Joyfully Reviewed — "Blood Signs is captivating"

"Deliciously dark at times and delightfully wicked as well, Blood Signs is pure entertainment…

[T]he plot will hold you, the characters are engaging, and Blood Signs is hard to put down once you

start. Blood Signs is captivating.

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