Hidden Magic 3 Magically His Amber Kell

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A Total-E-Bound Publication


Magically His

ISBN # 978-1-78184-409-0

©Copyright Amber Kell 2013

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright July 2013

Edited by Stacey Birkel

Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination

and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or

places is purely coincidental.

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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs

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Published in 2013 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,

United Kingdom.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This

story has a heat rating of Total-e-sizzling and a sexometer of 1.

This story contains 81 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book

containing 5 pages.

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Hidden Magic


Amber Kell

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Book three in the Hidden Magic series

Kellum didn’t know escaping from his father would send him into the arms of the love of his life.

Drake Lender has always been alone. When he spontaneously decides to bring in an

untrained wizard, he’s unprepared for the danger to his heart. After centuries alone Drake

has discovered his mate in a young man floating above his bed. Unable to control his powers,

Kellum soon shows his ability is not only magical but he excels at stealing Drake’s heart.

Kellum Richards woke up to find his ceiling inches from his face. However, the man who

came to rescue him wasn’t anything like his idea of a powerful wizard. Afraid of bringing

anyone to his powerful father’s attention, Kellum tries unsuccessfully to keep Drake at arm’s

length. But love will not be denied and he soon succumbs to Drake’s sexy persuasion.

Will family problems and dangerous magic prevent the pair from making a proper bond, or

will Drake persuade Kellum to be magically his?

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To my fans, I hope you enjoy this new addition to the Hidden Magic Series.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following

wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction:

Playgirl: Playgirl, Inc.

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Chapter One

Kellum opened his eyes and a soft gasp left his lips as his sleep-drugged mind tried to

make sense of his surroundings. It took him a moment to recognise the popcorn texture of his
bedroom ceiling as it loomed inches from his face. Turning his head to look behind him, he
spotted his bed still where he’d left it even as his body floated several feet above his tangled

Huh. This was different. Weird things always happened around him, but after that last

ghoul attack he’d thought he’d seen the worst of it by now. Accidentally freezing the black
oozing creatures had given him nightmares for months. He still didn’t know if they were still
alive or if they’d ever defrosted.

A knock sounded on his bedroom door. Weird. Kellum thought he’d locked his front

door. No one should have been able to walk right in. A polite lockpicker?

Kellum cleared his throat. “Who is it?” Two could play the polite game. Maybe his

friendly intruder could help Kellum out with his current predicament…or run away
screaming. It could go either way.

The door swung open. Kellum twisted his neck to check out his visitor. His neck

crackled from the unnatural angle. If this kept up he’d have a perpetual crick.

Although his viewpoint made it difficult to judge the stranger’s height, Kellum was a

little surprised he didn’t have to duck to get through the bedroom door. The intruder’s dark
brown suit faithfully moulded across his broad shoulders revealing an impressive breadth
Kellum wouldn’t mind running his fingers across. Oddly enough, despite the stranger’s
carefully tailored clothing, his midnight hair curled at the ends like he hadn’t had time to
have it cut.

Time for the tailor, but not for the barber. Interesting.
The well-dressed man marched through Kellum’s door as if he had a right to be there

and planned to take charge of the situation. Kellum’s gaze eagerly roamed across the parts of
the man he could see from his elevated angle.

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Despite his precarious position, Kellum’s cock hardened in his thin sleep pants. Yum.

He’d invite the guy to his bed if he could ever return to it again.

Damn, he was fine.
Kellum hoped he wouldn’t drool. Dripping spit on Mr Gorgeous probably wouldn’t

make a very good impression. Then he wondered why he cared since the man was
essentially an intruder.

The stranger looked up, calmly assessing Kellum’s position.
“Hmm. You do seem to be having a problem, Mr Richards.”
Ice crackled up Kellum’s spine as fear took over intrigue. He’d never had a good

experience with a stranger knowing his name before an introduction. Who was this guy?

“Do I know you?” Kellum had an amazing memory so he knew he hadn’t seen the

intruder before.

“Not yet. I’m Drake Lender, the head of the Magical Council of Wizards. I’ve come to

take you in for testing.”

“Testing for what?” Kellum didn’t remember signing up for anything, certainly nothing

that involved having a gorgeous man wander into his apartment to collect him.

Lender scowled. “We’re going to test you for magic, of course.”
Kellum laughed until tears streamed from his eyes. He ended up hiccupping from

trying to laugh and cry at the same time.

“Is there something you find amusing, Mr Richards?” Lender raised an imperious

eyebrow. Kellum was certain Lender’s expression had probably scared more than one
magical entity straight. Unfortunately for Lender, it took a lot more than that to intimidate
Kellum. He’d been fighting ghouls since the age of fifteen and had seen more than one
person he loved ripped apart. An eyebrow lifting didn’t even ping on his radar of fears.

“Yeah, I’m floating in the air and you think I need a fucking test. I’d like to check a yes

next to levitation. Now get me the fuck down from here!”

Lender crossed his arms over his chest. “Perhaps you should learn some manners,

young man.”

“I’m getting manners lessons from a guy who broke into my apartment?” Kellum

asked. “Listen—if you can’t help, leave. I have no interest in your tests.”

“If you don’t take the test, we can strip you of your powers.”
“Really? Great! I’ll take option number two,” Kellum said with fake enthusiasm.

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Hell, if it would make his father leave him alone, he’d let his magic be taken away.

However, Kellum was pretty sure if he didn’t have magic—the one thing his father wanted
to strip away from him—his life wouldn’t be worth anything. His father would probably kill
him just out of spite. One of these days he’d be strong enough to hunt down his father just as
the man had stalked Kellum his entire life.

“Clear your mind.” Lender pulled Kellum’s attention back to him.
Kellum tried to focus on Lender’s instructions. “What do you mean clear my mind?”

He’d just woken up and was still caffeine-free—a condition he planned to fix as soon as he
peeled himself off the ceiling.

“Take a deep breath and close your eyes.”
Kellum obeyed Lender’s instructions. The man really did have the most soothing voice.

Maybe he could get the man to read him a bedtime story, one that ended in hot steamy sex…

Kellum shook his head, trying to refocus on emptying his thoughts. He didn’t know

why he kept having naked yearnings for Lender. In general, he had a low sex drive. At the
age of twenty-five, he only had a few quickies under his belt. Getting close to people had
always resulted in his father having them killed and Kellum didn’t want to be anyone else’s
death sentence.

“Focus!” Lender ordered.
“How do you know I’m not?” he asked sulkily.
“I can practically hear you thinking.”
Kellum breathed slowly in through his nose and out through his mouth.
“Think of the blackness of space,” Lender said in deep, sultry tones.
That was something Kellum could relate to even as he blushed over the gorgeous man

seeing what a big geek he was. Maybe the posters with planets and spaceships had tipped
him off to Kellum’s geeky status.

Taking another slow, deep breath, Kellum closed his eyes so they wouldn’t cross while

trying to ignore the ceiling inches from his face. He imagined the blackness of space. First one
star then another appeared in his inner eye. Kellum gasped as the air slammed out of his
lungs at the impact of him hitting his mattress.

He definitely needed to get a softer bed.
“Good job, pretty boy.”

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Kellum opened his eyes to stare at Lender in surprise. He’d been accused of many

things, but being pretty had never been one of them.

“Nice to meet you, Kellum. You can call me Drake,” Lender said, holding out his hand.
“You don’t look like a Drake.” Kellum said the first thing that leapt into his head.
Instead of taking offence, the stranger gave him a white-toothed smile that made

Kellum tingly inside. “What do I look like?”

Damn, he really needed to get a filter for his mouth. He wondered if his neighbour

knew of a mouth-filter store—she was a professional shopper, after all. A jolt went through
Kellum’s body as a familiar oily sensation crept up between his toes, slithered up his calves
and settled in his stomach.

They had to get out of there.
“We need to go.” Kellum cut Drake off from whatever he planned to say next. They

didn’t have time for chatting.

Reaching beneath his bed, he grabbed his backpack, wrapped his fingers around

Drake’s wrist then started dragging him through the apartment. Although Kellum might be
skinny, he had a black belt in karate and knew all about leverage. When he felt Drake start to
drag his feet, he snapped impatiently, “Hurry! They’re coming. We need to get out of here.”
He didn’t know how many more encounters he’d be able to survive. It would be better if he
weren’t even there to fight them.

“Who’s coming?” Drake asked. At least he’d picked up his pace a little. Kellum’s

alarmed tone must’ve begun to sink in.

Kellum shoved his bare feet into a pair of sneakers he always kept by the door and

threw on a jacket to cover his naked chest. He didn’t have time to change out of his sleep
pants, but at this point he didn’t care. If it would keep him away from the ghouls, he’d leave
bare-ass naked. Kellum still had nightmares where he relived them ripping apart his mother
and stepfather. They’d been hunting him most of his life and it was his goal to never be in
their clutches again. The one time they’d been successful in dragging Kellum to his birth
father it had taken him three days to escape after the guards had grown lax. He doubted he’d
have the same luck twice in one lifetime.

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He gave one last wistful glance around the apartment. He should’ve known his attempt

at normalcy wouldn’t last. Six months in the same place had made him careless.

The oily sensation twisted in his stomach. Kellum yanked open the front door and

looked both ways. The hallway was still clear. “Hurry!” he whispered. He didn’t want to
alert them to his location. Although ghouls had sharp hearing, they had poor vision. Kellum
had escaped more than once by being quiet on his feet.

“Kellum, who’s coming?” Drake asked again. The impatience in his voice had Kellum

turning around to scowl at him.

He tugged on Drake’s arm. “I don’t know what their official name is, but I’ve always

called them ghouls. Black, inky, big claws.”

Drake nodded. “That sounds like ghouls.”
“Glad we’re in agreement. Can we go now?”
Drake was delusional if he thought Kellum would stay put when he could feel them

coming. The increasing nausea swirling in his stomach and the hairs rising up on his arms
warned him of their impending arrival. They were close. They weren’t alone.

“I’m not going.”
Kellum sighed. Too bad he had to be attracted to a stupid hot guy.
“It’s your funeral, dude.” Fuck it! He’d warned Drake. It wasn’t like they were buddies

or anything. Kellum didn’t make friends. Not anymore. Not after the last time. Now he
stayed careful acquaintances.

“Kellum, you have to wait for me. I need to bring you back.”
Back where?
Kellum couldn’t imagine why Drake thought Kellum would agree to go away with a

complete stranger, but then he had already established that Drake wasn’t the sharpest pencil
in the classroom.

“Sorry, man, but I don’t know you and I’m not letting you take me anywhere. And I’m

definitely not standing around waiting for the ghouls.” As a child he’d called them creepers.
Oily black with nightmares in their eyes, they had oozed towards him. Their sibilant hisses
and waves of evil intent always preceded them.

It was too late. They were close. They’d reached Kellum’s floor. Carefully setting down

his pack, Kellum braced himself to fight only to have Drake move Kellum behind him and
hand him back his bag. “If someone is coming, I’ll take care of them. You’re too young.”

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Kellum laughed, a harsh bitter sound with no joy. He hadn’t been too young since at

the age of fifteen they’d killed his entire family and he’d narrowly escaped by stabbing one
of them with a silver butter knife. “I’m definitely not new to fighting.”

He tugged at Drake’s arm to get his attention. He didn’t want the man to die because he

had the idiot idea of being Kellum’s white knight. Drake didn’t know what he was getting

“Easy, boy, stand behind me.” Drake’s condescending tone put Kellum’s back up.
Kellum didn’t know whether to laugh or punch the guy in the head. He’d been

watching out for himself since his parents had been murdered. At fifteen, Kellum had
already had enough skills to watch out for himself. Now, ten years later, he had definitely
done more than his share of fighting street thugs, gay bashers and ghouls. Kellum never lost
because while other people fought with the intent to knock him around, capture him or rape
him, Kellum fought for survival. Any attack was met with a brutal, no-holds-barred defence.
Bullies quickly ran off and those who thought they were tougher eventually ended in the
hospital or morgue—Kellum rarely cared which.

Kellum had thought he’d lost the ghouls with his last move, but as usual his reprieve

had only been temporary. Good thing he’d signed a month-to-month lease and his apartment
had come fully furnished. His landlord wouldn’t think anything of him disappearing. Sadly,
that was the quality of his living.

Taking a deep breath, he centred his focus, not willing to abandon the idiot with

delusions of becoming Kellum’s rescuer.

Drake looked at the pretty kid’s fighting stance and had to admit Kellum appeared to

know what he was doing. However, for some reason the thought of Kellum getting hurt
made his heart ache. Walking into the bedroom and seeing the gorgeous creature floating
there had made him harder than iron.

It had initially been an investigation to hunt down an unregistered wizard. It had now

been turned into an extraction operation. Somehow this young man had escaped the wizard
recruitment squads, the ghouls and the magical killers-for-hire and lived successfully on his
own for years.

From Drake’s research on Kellum, he’d learned that unknown creatures had killed his

entire family when he was just a boy. With a cautious eye down the hall, Drake wondered if

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ghouls were truly responsible for the slaughter of Kellum’s family. Ghouls could only come
into being if they were raised by someone, and they stayed in a wizard’s control. The
creatures were made from mud, muck and magic. They came to life by the will of a magic
user and died the same way. If Kellum was the target of ghouls, someone wanted him badly.

Until Drake knew what they were facing he didn’t want to be caught unawares. He

couldn’t just go by Kellum’s word that ghouls were on the way. How did Kellum know that
anyway? Confidence was good in a fight. Cockiness could get him killed.

The chime of the elevator reaching their floor snagged Drake’s attention. He smiled and

shook his head. He’d never heard of ghouls taking the elevator.

He lost his amusement when the door slid open and dark creatures spilled out through

the open doors and oozed into the pristine hallway. Damn! Kellum had been right. There was
the only way Kellum could’ve survived two ghoul attacks and still wander the streets.
Someone wanted Kellum captured alive.

Watching five ghouls ooze into the hall chilled his soul. How had the slim young man

behind him not been accidentally killed by these things? Ghouls were single-minded in their
pursuit of their prey and not usually careful over how they captured it. Once created, the
creatures were given a single task and would pursue it unceasingly until they achieved their
assigned goal. After achieving their job they turned back into the earth or oil or whatever
they’d been formed from.

The stench in the air and the large black patches on the hall carpet had Drake

suspecting these ghouls had been formed from an oil spill or maybe a barrel of tar.

Loud howls filled the hall. The ghouls must’ve located Kellum with their finding magic.

Ghouls could locate anyone if they were given a personal item of their prey. Drake wondered
what belonging they had of Kellum’s.

Drake didn’t bother arguing or even trying to engage the creatures in conversation.

They weren’t capable of speech. They could, however, psychically communicate with their
creator, passing on any message given to them.

Drake stood tall and sent out tendrils of his magic so they could feel his power before

daring to attack. Ghouls were like feral animals—they had excellent survival instincts. “Go
back to your master and tell him Kellum is under the protection of Drake Lender. Any
capture or harm to him will result in immediate, fatal consequences.”

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The ghouls froze in place for a moment before one of them dared to slide closer. They

didn’t really have feet, more like limbs that ended in a goopy pile they dragged along with
them as they travelled.

“You were warned,” Drake said, already bored with the encounter. Ghouls were easily

thwarted with Drake’s level of skill. He hadn’t been harmed by a ghoul in over two hundred
years and then only because he’d been carelessly bragging to his friend about how easy
ghouls were to defeat and had wandered too close.

Shaking off the memory, Drake waved a hand and the ghoul in front flared a blinding

white for a brief second before it fell into a pile of ash. “Darn, one less ghoul to carry my
message.” He focused his gaze on the rest of the black blobs regarding him silently. “Give
your master my message. Tell him Kellum is off limits. Refuse and I will kill you all.”

He couldn’t make himself any clearer even to ghouls.
After a series of soft moans and some unpleasant squishy sounds, the creatures turned

around and shuffled back onto the elevator.

“That’s it? You just tell them to go away and they do?” The outrage in Kellum’s voice

had Drake turning around to face the younger man.

For the first time Drake really took a moment to examine Kellum’s face, and what a face

it was. He’d only called Kellum pretty to get his attention—the correct term would’ve been
beautiful. Kellum’s hair was deep gold that he wore in smooth layers. He had a hoop
threaded through his right eyebrow and there was a row of silver studs going up each ear
but strangely none in the lobe. Drake wondered if the kid had piercings anywhere else and
had an intense urge to do a full-body search to check for them.

Kellum’s eyes were a robin-egg blue, a striking combination with his blond hair.
Drake brutally fought back his unfortunate attraction. He was there to pick Kellum up

since all of his other agents were out on other jobs and Drake’s statistical analysis had
revealed Kellum would be on the move soon. He wasn’t there to hit on him.

His cock apparently hadn’t got the intra-body memo that Kellum, an untrained wizard,

was off the sexual menu as a possible entrée. His erection didn’t seem to care. He almost
wished he’d let the ghouls attack just so he could have burnt off some of the edgy need
flaring through his system. Drake was the starched shirt of his group of friends. He generally
went for men who were of the magical community and as uptight and rule-abiding as him.
Kellum didn’t look like the type to know the rules or even care that there were any to follow.

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“Drake,” Kellum snapped. “Let’s get out of here. That wasn’t the threat.”
“What? How do you know?” Drake sent out bits of his magic to see if it attracted

anyone, but nothing happened. “Listen, I’m sure you’re shaken from seeing those things
again, but I need to be the voice of reason.”

Kellum looked at him like he was insane. “Well, your voice of reason is about to get


The icy chill of death drifted through the hall and frosted up Drake’s spine.
Oh crap! Demon!
He made a silent vow to never doubt Kellum again.
“Fuck! Let’s go.” Kellum grabbed Drake’s arm and pulled him towards the exit sign at

the end of the hall. He bit back a surprised gasp at Kellum’s show of strength. Not everyone
could drag around someone of Drake’s size. Kellum didn’t appear to have any problem with

Drake rushed to keep up with the speedy pace Kellum set. His ego took a bit of a hit to

be treated as a bother rather than the man who’d come to save the day.

He knew they should probably stay and fight the demon, but his priority was getting

the kid out of danger. Whatever was coming to find them had an ancient power that set
Drake’s teeth on edge. The magic buzzed through his system and made his bones ache.

Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.
The creature coming wanted Kellum badly. Drake could feel the chill, hard bite of the

demon’s lust and knew if they didn’t get Kellum free of the building he might never leave it

Drake followed Kellum out of the door. As soon as they were clear of the hallway,

Kellum dropped Drake’s wrist. For a brief second he missed the heat of Kellum’s touch.

He quickly snapped out of his reverie as Kellum ran down the stairs, pausing at each

landing to close his eyes. Drake guessed the kid was using his magic to sense the demon’s
location—a surprisingly sophisticated trick for an untrained magic user. Drake knew full-
fledged witches who didn’t have as strong an ability as this untrained kid did naturally.

Kellum came to the outer door and pressed his hand to the metal.
“Clear,” he whispered. Those long fingers reached out to grab Drake’s wrist again as if

afraid of losing him.

“I’m right here, kid.”

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Blue eyes flashed him a death glare. “I’m not a kid. I just turned twenty-five.”
At his advanced age, Drake thought of everyone as a kid. He might look thirty, but he

was much older. “Sorry, my mistake,” he said with a grin. It was wrong to tease the stressed-
out budding wizard, but Drake just couldn’t seem to help himself. After six hundred years of
living, he really should have better control. However there was something about the young
man before him that made him want to act as if he were in his twenties again.

He let Kellum lead him down street after street, squeezing between buildings and going

down random staircases. After an hour of twists and turns, he had to ask.

“Where are we going?”
Kellum froze as if he’d just realised Drake was still following him.
“To get as far away from that thing as possible.” Kellum’s tone indicated he thought

Drake an idiot for asking about the obvious.

“Ahh.” Drake reached into his pocket, pulled out his phone then dialled his driver.

“Pick us up at the corner of Pike and Sunset,” he ordered.

He slid his phone back into his pocket and waited for Kellum’s interrogation. After only

having known the kid for a short time he could already anticipate the questions.

Kellum looked at him suspiciously. “Who’d you call?”
“My driver. I’m tired of randomly running down dirty alleys.”
“Well, excuse me, your highness. I was trying not to get my ass killed,” Kellum


Drake admired the kid’s attitude. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had dared

to yell at him. Drake’s job as head of the Magical Council of Wizards had most magic
wielders holding him in awe. To have a snippy kid try to take him down a notch almost
made him laugh.

However, despite his tone, Drake could hear the fear beneath the attitude. Giving in to

impulse, he pulled the kid into his arms. He ignored the little voice whispering how nice
Kellum felt there. The inner talker was obviously in a conspiracy with his cock, which perked
back up at the contact. “It’ll be all right, Kellum. I’m here and I’ll make sure they don’t get

A shudder racked the slender frame in his arms. “I’m scared.” The soft whisper reached

his ears. “I hate it when they come.”

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“I know, baby boy, I know.” Nonsense words poured from his mouth as he rocked the

young man back and forth. His previous lovers had always been fighters like himself—men
who were hardened through battle and magic. Although he’d occasionally tutored a new
wizard, never before had he made the mistake of falling for any of the newbies who looked
at him with innocent eyes and hopeful smiles. He might have bedded them after they’d had a
few years under their belts, but he never got attached. Like baby birds, newbie wizards
imprinted on the strongest magic user around in hopes of finding protection. For the first
time, Drake wanted to be that shelter for someone.

This young wizard—with more backbone than six trained fighters—made Drake want

to wrap him in bubble wrap and set him on a nice and safe shelf for the next three hundred
years. Until this moment, Drake’s belief had been, if you couldn’t take care of yourself, die,
because he didn’t have time to coddle anyone. It wasn’t an attitude that won him a lot of

This new obsession over a fledgling wizard wasn’t just concerning—it scared the crap

out of him.

The limo pulled up beside them. Thank the gods and goddesses and the tiny deities in


Kellum examined the vehicle for a moment. Drake released Kellum then quickly

grabbed his wrist. “Don’t even think it. I’m taking you back to the office and putting you into
a training program. It’s way past time you were taught properly how to protect yourself.”

“What kind of training are we talking about?”
“Wizard training. Now come with me and we can discuss the details.” Drake slowly

forced his unwilling fingers to release his captive. Kellum eyed the limousine warily as if it
might transform into a creature to bite him at any moment. With Kellum’s record, Drake
didn’t blame him for being extra cautious. Kellum didn’t really know Drake, after all. As far
as Kellum knew, Drake was a weird wizard who had wandered into his bedroom and talked
away the ghouls.

“Ready, sir?” His limo driver, Anvold, came out of the car to open their door. Long

used to his demon chauffeur, Drake had stopped wondering years ago if Anvold disturbed
others by his presence. The demon had needed a job and he made a damn fine driver despite
what people said.

“What kind of demon are you?”

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Surprisingly, Drake didn’t sense any fear coming from Kellum. Most people, especially

one being hunted by a demon, would be nervous meeting another one so quickly.

“A forest demon. I moved to the city when a lumber company razed my home. Mr

Drake offered me employment. I’ve been here ever since,” Anvold replied.

Drake spotted the shadows beneath Kellum’s eyes and wondered how long it had been

since his charge had had a solid night’s sleep. “Come on. You can at least get some rest. I’ll
watch your back while you nap. I give you my word that no harm will come to you.”

He gave a gentle mental push to Kellum to ensure the man felt his sincerity.
Surprisingly, after a long measured look towards Drake, Kellum climbed into the limo.

He watched as Kellum laid his head against the leather headrest at the other side of the seat.

“Come here.” Drake couldn’t stand the separation. He yanked Kellum to his side,

rearranging him until Kellum’s legs were crossed over Drake’s lap and Kellum was cradled
in his arms. “Much better.”

“You do know I just woke up, right? It’s not quite naptime yet.” Despite his words,

Kellum rested his head on Drake’s shoulder and snuggled in.

“You look like you need some rest,” Drake persisted. He wouldn’t back down—he

could tell Kellum probably hadn’t slept a full night in years. “When was the last time you
slept all night?”

“It’s been a while,” Kellum admitted in a quiet voice. “You’re kind of a bossy bastard,

aren’t you?”

“You have no idea,” Drake replied dryly. Bossy bastard was probably one of the kinder

names he’d been called.

It took Drake a moment to realise what was different about having Kellum in his arms

besides the feeling of absolute peace.

Oh hell.
The shaky, jittery feeling he fought every day in order to control his powers had

vanished with Kellum’s proximity. He felt completely at ease. Taking a deep breath, he
inhaled the citrusy smell of Kellum’s shampoo.

After six hundred years, Drake Lender had finally found his other half.
Cuddling the smaller man in his arms, Drake wondered how he was going to keep his

sweet newbie wizard from getting killed.

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Chapter Two

Kellum woke with someone shaking him. “Wake up, Kellum, we’re here,” someone

with a deep voice said.

“S-stop shaking,” Kellum protested batting at the evil hand trying to stir him from his

happy slumber.

“Let me see your pretty blue eyes,” the speaker coaxed.
Kellum snorted. “Not likely.” He snuggled in closer to the source of heat and comfort.
“Kellluummmm,” the annoying person spoke again.
“I am not carrying you over the threshold like a blushing bride, so wake the fuck up.”
Kellum sighed and lifted his head. “You were way cuter when you were strong and

silent,” he replied.

His life had been strange enough before. Now it was certifiably crazy. Although he

knew he had magical abilities, he’d never known a Council existed to track people with
abilities and train them. At least…he hoped Drake had told him the truth. He’d hate to have
to fight his way out of there.

Kellum had always known he was different. No one else seemed to be able to see the

creatures that followed him from place to place. Others didn’t sense them, smell their stench
or see the black oozing from their eyes. He was the only one who ever spied the weird and
scary things that walked the earth. Well…he and apparently this new guy, Drake. Kellum
resisted the urge to sniff the man even as a tempting scent teased his nose.

“What cologne do you use?” he asked abruptly. He didn’t know the fragrance, but he

was going to buy a gallon of it and spray down any guy who wanted into his bed.

Drake’s sexy mouth tipped up at the corners. “I don’t wear cologne.”
“Soap then.” It had to be his soap. Kellum lifted his chin and rubbed his nose along

Drake’s neck. “Hmm…” He hummed.

“I use unscented soap,” Drake growled.

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Drake’s cock hardened against Kellum’s hip. Oh yeah. He could definitely let Drake fuck

him in the back of the limo. With that brilliant idea firmly in mind, Kellum tackled Drake’s
belt only to have his wrists grabbed.

“What?” He gave Drake his best innocent look as if he hadn’t been caught trying to take

the goodies out of the cookie jar.

“We can’t fuck in the limo,” Drake said firmly.
Kellum perked up. That wasn’t a complete no. He saw the surprise in Drake’s eyes and

grinned. Drake hadn’t meant to say that. Interesting.

Deciding he’d have to take a more subtle approach later, Kellum lifted his hands. He

held them up where Drake could see them for a moment before sliding to sit beside Drake on
the bench seat. It took him a minute to realise Drake had been the one to put Kellum on his

His inner slut did a happy little back flip.
Keeping his eyes locked with Drake’s, he slid his tongue across his bottom lip. The little

catch of breath from Drake made him smile. “I’ll keep my hands to myself for a kiss.”

For a minute, Kellum thought Drake would deny he wanted Kellum at all.
“One kiss,” Drake agreed to Kellum’s surprise.
Kellum slid back onto Drake’s lap, straddling his hips. Grasping their erections in one

hand, he grabbed a fistful of Drake’s hair with the other and plastered their mouths together.

How had he lived for twenty years without knowing true bliss? Even full sex wasn’t as

good as the desire rushing through his body over the battle of lips and tongues and heated

Moans filled the limo, their sound and frequency echoing back to Kellum like a sex


He nipped at Drake’s lip, pleased at the whimpering sound he received in response.

Drake tightened his grip on Kellum’s hips as if worried he might try move away. One kiss
merged to two. They only broke apart when the door to the limo opened.

“Ready, sir?” The polite words didn’t hide the amusement lacing the driver’s voice.
Kellum blinked at the bright sunlight pouring into the vehicle. Anvold didn’t even try

to hide the smile stretching his face.

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“Where are we?” Kellum asked.
It occurred to him then that he didn’t know where he had been taken. Not only had he

allowed the sexy older man to lure him into his vehicle, but he’d willingly climbed onto
Drake’s lap like the world’s biggest slut while knowing nothing but the man’s name. After a
lifetime of caution, he’d apparently thrown it all away for a gorgeous man in an expensive

Kellum shrugged. Either Drake was going to help him or try to kill him. Kellum could

protect himself. And he was really only worried about Drake killing him through orgasm.

“My place,” Drake answered simply as if that should allay all of Kellum’s fears. Oddly

enough, it did calm some of them.

Kellum peeked out of the door. The building was tall enough to be lost in the clouds. “I

thought we were going to your office?”

“They’re in the same building,” Drake said.
“Handy,” Kellum said with little enthusiasm. Unease slid up and down his spine. He

knew if he set a foot in that building, his life would never be the same. Whether the change
would be for the better he didn’t know. “Umm. I think I’ll find someplace else to rest. Thanks
for the offer.”

Kellum carefully slid off Drake’s lap, grabbed his backpack then climbed out of the

limo. The driver backed up so Kellum could escape if he wanted. Kellum appreciated the

“No.” The tone left no room for questioning. Drake followed Kellum out of the vehicle,

grabbed Kellum’s wrist then dragged him towards the building. It was as if their positions
were reversed from when Kellum had been dragging Drake before.

Surprised at Drake’s actions, Kellum didn’t think to fight until Drake was stuffing him

into the elevator.

“I think it best if I kept an eye on you.”
Kellum could think of a lot of things he wanted Drake to keep on him—an eye wasn’t

one of them. Hands he could go for, however. Kellum stepped into Drake’s personal space
then placed his hands on either side of Drake’s neck. Two could play the entrapment game.
Drake’s larger form towered over Kellum. That didn’t stop him. Almost everyone was taller
or bigger than Kellum. At five foot nine, he wouldn’t be winning any contest for world’s
tallest man. His metabolism kept him lean and he worked out at his local gym to keep in

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peak physical condition. He never wanted to be captured by a creature because he couldn’t
run fast enough.

“Since it’s just you and me in this elevator, all alone, I think we should take advantage

of the situation.” Kellum let his voice slide into a deeper register, the one guys in bars always

Kellum went to his tiptoes and kissed Drake’s chin, sliding his lips down Drake’s neck.

The low rumble emitting from Drake made Kellum smile.

“I think this is a bad idea,” Drake protested weakly.
“Noted. I think you should know that right after a narrow escape, I like to fuck. Now,

you can either give in and be my bed buddy or I can go find someone else.”

Kellum yelped as Drake picked him up, spun them around then slammed Kellum

against the elevator wall. “If I find anyone else has touched you I will destroy them!” Drake

With anyone else, Kellum would’ve brushed off the threat as posturing nonsense, but

damn if the man’s eyes didn’t glow. The power pouring over Kellum only made him harder.

“Oh, man,” Kellum moaned. His hips twitched as if on their own accord as he tried to

rub off on the older man.

Drake pinned Kellum, stopping all motion, which only made him harder. “You are

mine from now on, Kellum Richards. Every inch of you belongs to me. No one but me will
ever touch you again.”

A possessive man bossing him around shouldn’t be so hot. Kellum opened his mouth to

refute Drake’s obvious slide into insanity. Drake kissed him. Not the exploring, tasting kiss
of before, but a singe-your-toes, fire-every-nerve, blow-your-head-off kind of kiss.

The ding of the elevator reaching their floor had Drake pulling slowly away and

allowing Kellum’s feet to drop to the floor. “When we make love it won’t be up against an
elevator wall.”

Kellum straightened his jacket. “I don’t know—that would be kind of hot.”
He didn’t see any reason to completely nix the elevator idea. After all, it could feed his

jerk-off fantasies for a while.

“Our first time will be in a proper bed without cameras watching us screw,” Drake said


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“Aww, you’re the shy type,” Kellum teased. He held back his laughter at Drake’s

startled expression.

“It’s not shyness to want to be discreet. I just don’t like the idea of the security guard

jerking off to the sight of me screwing you against the wall.”

Kellum shrugged. “Whatever. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” The idea of

having a voyeur was sexy, but Kellum figured the reality would be creepy.

“I brought you here to keep you safe, not to ravish you.”
Disappointment had Kellum yanking his arm out of Drake’s hold. He didn’t need a

babysitter. “Listen, big man, I’ve been looking out for myself for years. I don’t need you to
come by and protect me. If I wanted a sugar daddy, I could’ve gotten one years ago.”

There was no shortage of hot older men who’d be more than happy to pay to take care

of Kellum. However, the idea of what would happen to those men if the ghouls or demons
got hold of them kept Kellum’s bed perpetually empty and his sex life limited to dark clubs
with willing men. He never brought people home. He couldn’t afford to get too attached.
Until now. Drake wasn’t like the others. Kellum figured Drake could take care of at least
twenty ghouls and come out just fine from the battle.

“You need someone to watch your back or you’re going to get killed. Those things don’t

chase after people randomly. Someone wants you dead or captured, in which case you might
wish you were dead,” Drake argued.

“Not someone. My father.”
“Your father?” Drake stared at him like he’d grown a second head. “I thought your

father was killed when you were younger.”

“He wasn’t my biological father. My birth father is Jerome Mellon. He’s been trying to

capture me since I was fifteen,” Kellum explained.

He hadn’t known the man who raised him wasn’t his biological father until his mother

had sat him down to tell him the baby she was carrying would only be his half-sister.

The memory of her stomach ripped open still haunted him in his dreams. His father’s

sick fixation on Kellum had begun the attack. Kellum had only been able to escape because
he’d stabbed the ghouls with a silver butter knife. Silver poisoned ghouls, a fact he’d learned
from a paranormal kid’s book he’d checked out at the library. At fifteen he had still foolishly
believed what he read. Luckily, in that case it had turned out to be true.

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The knife, combined with the fact the ghouls had been sent to kill everyone but only

retrieve Kellum, had worked in his favour. Of course, no one would listen to Kellum when
he tried to tell people his father was a psychopath.

Unapologetic, he met Drake’s eyes. He refused to back down from his statement.
“Your father is the Vice President of the United States?” Drake’s disbelieving tone set

Kellum’s back up even as disappointment hit him. He’d hoped Drake would be different.
Foolish, he knew. Why should Drake believe what no one else would?

“I’m aware,” Kellum said.
Drake narrowed his eyes as he examined Kellum. Finally, he nodded. “I can see that.

You have his eyes.”

Relief had him smiling. He’d never had anyone believe him before. Although both he

and his father had brilliant blue eyes, few people noticed the similarity since Kellum took
more after his petite mother rather than his six-foot-two father.

“For what?”
“For believing me,” Kellum said honestly. “The few times I’ve tried to ask for help, no

one would.”

His adopted parents had paid for their disbelief with their lives.
Drake stepped forward and cupped Kellum’s face between his palms. “I will always

believe you.”

Kellum felt Drake’s vow all the way to his toes. He threw himself at Drake, wrapping

his arms and legs around him. Drake’s heartbeat thundered between them.

“Come, let’s get some sleep.” Drake rubbed Kellum’s back. “You need to come down

from your nerves.”

Kellum nodded, but he didn’t let go. He tightened his grip.
Drake’s laughter vibrated his chest. “I’m not going anywhere, my sweet boy.”
He slid an arm beneath Kellum’s ass to keep him in place as he walked down the hall.

Kellum ignored his surroundings in favour of clutching Drake tight and nuzzling his neck to
get more of that delicious scent.

“You smell so good,” he said dreamily.
“That’s because I’m yours,” Drake replied.

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His. Kellum liked that idea. That Drake belonged to Kellum as much as Kellum

belonged to him. It was foolishly early to speak like that. Kellum didn’t believe in fated
mates, but he did believe in instant attraction.

He’d be more than willing to warm Drake’s bed until they sated their need for each

other. With Drake’s erection pressed against his ass, Kellum knew it would be a good while
before he tired of the strong, handsome man carrying him down the hall.

“I need to set you down so I can open the door,” Drake warned.
Kellum laughed and dropped his feet to the floor. “I guess you don’t have to carry me

all the way as long as you show me your bed.”

He received a hard kiss on his cheek. Drake didn’t pull out a set of keys. Instead he

flicked open a wide portion of the moulding around his door. Pressing his hand into the now
empty space, Drake whispered a few words in a language Kellum didn’t understand. Light
glowed beneath his palm. With a soft click, the door lock disengaged.

“Wow, nice trick,” Kellum said. Kinda freaky but interesting. At least with Drake, he

knew the older wizard wouldn’t look at him strangely if something weird happened. After
all, the man had just used magic to open his friggin’ door.

“I’ll show you how to control your powers,” Drake promised.
An odd calm poured through Kellum like a warm sea. As if maybe he’d waited for this

moment and this man his entire life. “I’d like that,” he managed to say.

Drake’s smile added to Kellum’s calm. Kellum let the larger man tuck him to his side as

they entered Drake’s apartment, like they were a couple coming home rather than Kellum
being a stray Drake had picked up on the side of the road.

“Wow!” Kellum stopped a few steps inside the doorway. He only moved forward when

Drake scooted him a bit so he could close the door.

Stretched out before him was an enormous living room with dark wood floors, bright

red accents of pillows and bits of art. The rest of the room was done in a soothing monotone
of shades of grey. “Did an interior decorator take over your life?”

Drake blushed. “I don’t know much about colour so I had a designer set up my


“I like.” Kellum squeezed Drake’s arm. “There’s nothing wrong about asking for help.

Everyone is good at something, you know. If decorating isn’t your thing, it’s good you
recognise that.”

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Kellum wasn’t going to tell about some of the disasters he’d seen, not to mention lived


Drake smiled. Kellum’s reward was a light kiss that almost had him wanting to say

more just for another brush of lips. “So what now?”

“Now, we have a light snack and take a nap. Once you’ve rested. I’m going to have you

tested to find out the base of your powers.”

He’d been about to tell Drake he didn’t need a damn nap when Drake’s words sank in.

Kellum froze. “What do you mean, base?”

Drake shrugged. “Everyone has a main ability. Charm, persuasion, something. I need to

find out what yours is so we can enhance it.”

The way he said the words as if he was just sending Kellum off for worker training had

Kellum laughing. “Do you know how long it’s taken me to find someone to listen? Now
you’re all, ‘Of course you have magical ability’, like it’s nothing and I haven’t struggled to
understand it my entire life.”

Kellum’s change in situation still hadn’t sunk in. How could there be two completely

different realities? One reality where everyone and their buddy knew about magic, and the
other where people read about it in stories?

Drake gripped Kellum’s biceps. “Listen to me. It is nothing short of a tragedy that you

weren’t trained when you were younger. You never should’ve been left to figure things out
alone. Someone should’ve sent you to wizard training when you were a child so you could
learn to accept your abilities and how to use them. Without knowing how to control your
magic, I’m impressed you’ve stayed alive as long as you have.”

Memories of his loved ones who hadn’t survived the attacks flashed in Kellum’s head,

but he shook them away. Instead he focused on Drake’s words.

“What’s your skill?”
“Mainly matchmaking,” Drake said. “I can see which people belong together,

sometimes from across the world.”

“Huh.” Didn’t sound like a badass power to Kellum. “So how were you going to defeat

the ghouls? Make them fall in love?”

Drake rolled his eyes. Holding out his hand, he took a deep breath. A spurt of fire burst

from his palm. Kellum jumped back. “Holy shit!”

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“I did say some people have minor powers. I believe yours is levitation,” Drake said

calmly, as if he hadn’t started a bonfire on his skin.

“Put it out,” Kellum demanded.
The flame went out with a soft poof. Kellum grabbed Drake’s hand and searched for

damage. None. No scorch marks, no burn blisters, nothing.

“Huh, that’s pretty cool. How far can you project a flame?” Curiosity had him

wondering more about the sexy man who’d dragged him home.

“About four feet,” Drake replied.
Kellum shivered. He’d never liked the ghouls that close to him. In his bag were dozens

of tiny silver stars he’d had specially made. It was a particularly gruesome way to die, but
Kellum didn’t care. They’d destroyed both sets of his parents—in his mind, they deserved no

Thinking on Drake’s words, Kellum searched his mind. “I don’t know if floating is a

skill. I mean, that’s the first time I’ve done that.”

“But you were really calm about it. I thought it might be a common problem.”
Kellum shook his head. “No. Weird crap is always happening to me. That was just the

latest.” There’d been that completely freaky day when Kellum had been certain the trees
were talking to him.

“Like what?” Drake’s intent expression told Kellum he was truly interested, but Kellum

had other things in mind besides his screwed-up head. Drake didn’t need to know what a
mess Kellum was inside. Kellum had plans for them.

He licked his lips and stepped closer to Drake. “I have a better idea of how to spend our

time together.”

Kellum didn’t know how much time they would get before the ghouls came after him—

it could be days, weeks or months. His father’s interest in him seemed to wax and wane,
fuelled by nothing Kellum could ever determine. The time he did have, he planned to spend
horizontal with Drake.

Drake pulled Kellum close. “I told you I could determine if people are mates. I am

yours. Never doubt that.”

Kellum didn’t want to fight. He wanted to fuck. Besides, he would never tell Drake he

didn’t believe in soul mates—that would be like telling Drake he didn’t believe in his powers.

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Kellum had had enough people talking down to him over the years to not want to do that to
anyone else.

“Enough talking.” Kellum needed skin to skin.
He shoved Drake’s suit jacket off his shoulders. Too many clothes were in the way of

his goal. That couldn’t be allowed.

“Don’t be shy, baby boy,” Drake teased.
“I’m not a baby.” Kellum needed Drake to see him as a man, not a delicate victim who

needed coddling. He’d faced evil more times than most people ever saw in their entire lives.
He deserved to be acknowledged as a fighter. He might not be big and muscled like Drake,
but he had his own battle scars, both psychological and physical.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean it in an offensive way.” Drake offered an apologetic smile

followed by a toe-tingling kiss.

Kellum would pretty much forgive him anything if he got more kisses. The fact that

Drake could defend himself against the creatures who stalked Kellum… So sexy. He pulled
off Drake’s tie, tossing it over his shoulder before ripping open Drake’s shirt. He ignored the
sound of buttons falling on the wooden floor.

“I liked that shirt,” Drake complained mildly.
“You’ll like this more.” Kellum yanked Drake’s shirt off his arms and removed Drake’s

undershirt. He had to stand on his tiptoes to get it over Drake’s head, but the larger man
docilely allowed its removal.

“Happy now?” Drake asked, standing bare-chested before Kellum.
“Mmm.” Kellum licked his lips at the sight of Drake’s six-pack abs. He didn’t know any

gay man who wouldn’t appreciate the beauty before him. “You’re gorgeous.”

Kellum yelped when Drake wrapped an arm around Kellum’s waist and yanked him

forward. Drake kissed him with the passion of a man intent on showing Kellum how much
he was needed. If this kept up it would make it extremely difficult to leave Drake when it
was time. Drake might be able to fight the ghouls, but Kellum’s father didn’t fight fair.
Kellum didn’t want to know what his father would do to someone who might be able to
stand his ground.

Drake pulled Kellum’s pack off his shoulders and carefully set it on the ground,

distracting Kellum from his thoughts. Kellum almost instinctively protested but knew he was

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being silly. However, he always kept his bag close. The nylon sack had a small arsenal, a
change of clothes and a few vials of poison for emergencies.

“Your bag will still be here after I finish fucking your brains out,” Drake said,

understanding glowing in his eyes.

Kellum swallowed back his instinctive retort. He nodded instead. “Thanks.”
“Shall we finish this in my bedroom or do you just want me to bend you over the couch

and screw you standing? I’m open to whatever you’d like.”

The sparkle in Drake’s eyes revealed how much he enjoyed sparring with Kellum.

Kellum couldn’t stop the whimper as he imagined himself ass up across the soft leather sofa
with Drake pumping into him.

“Oh hell.” Kellum yelped as his worldview shifted. His image of being ass up had come

true, but instead of the couch, he was draped across Drake’s back.

“I don’t care what I offered, I’m too old for living room gymnastics,” Drake growled.

“I’m putting you in my bed and if you’re lucky, someday I’ll let you back out.”

Kellum didn’t get a chance to mention his lack of interest in leaving Drake’s bed. He

clutched in vain at Drake’s back as Drake marched down the hall then unceremoniously
dropped Kellum on the bed.

Kellum bounced for a moment. He dared to look up as Drake stepped closer. “What if I

don’t want to leave your bed?” Kellum spread out, lifting his hands above his head like a
carnal sacrifice. “Hmm, you might be right. This is an excellent place for you to fuck my
brains out. I bet this mattress has a nice bounce.”

Wow! Flames flickered in Drake’s eyes, revealing a brief loss of control. Kellum hoped

Drake’s house was fireproofed.

“Words like that will get my cock in your ass,” Drake warned. “Are you ready for that,


“I’m not a boy!” Kellum growled. Hell, even as a child there hadn’t been anything

childish about him, not after watching his parents eviscerated. He had grown up quickly
after all that death. However, now wasn’t the time to discuss his past. Now was the time to
work on his immediate future. Hot sex with the flamey man.

Drake stripped off the rest of his clothing and Kellum concentrated hard on not

drooling. He didn’t think spittle translated into sexy unless his mouth was around Drake’s

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Kellum quickly reached into his pants and grabbed the base of his cock so he wouldn’t

shoot. The idea of sucking Drake off almost had him losing control before he’d even begun.
Seeing Drake naked had him gripping a bit tighter.

Really, no one should have the kind of body male models were airbrushed on

magazines to emulate. Hard muscles crafted Drake’s body into carved perfection. Kellum
wished he had a smidgen of artistic ability because the man’s beauty deserved to be paid
homage in pencil, clay or…hell, Kellum wouldn’t mind using finger paints if he could use
them on Drake. Edible ones. He made a mental note to pursue that line of thinking later.

“Are you going to just watch me and grab yourself or are you going to finish removing

your clothing?” Drake asked. His half smile drove Kellum mad with lust.

“Hmm, choices, choices,” Kellum muttered. “Maybe I can just have you walk around

naked for a few days while I make up my mind.”

Drake laughed. All the stress lines around his lips disappeared with his amusement.

His cock bobbed with the motion. Kellum whimpered. Oh yeah, he would make sure Drake
had plenty of things to laugh about in the future. The wizard needed to loosen up a bit.
Apparently, whatever he did for the council stressed him out if the tired eyes and tight
mouth were any indication. Kellum would have to work on that for as long as he was with

“I don’t think I have the patience to wait a few days until you finish whatever thoughts

are going through your head.”

Before Kellum could reply, Drake yanked off Kellum’s shoes and tossed them over his

shoulder, reminiscent of how Kellum had handled Drake’s clothes earlier. Before he could
comment Drake unzipped and jerked off Kellum’s pants.

Kellum laughed. “Not big on the slow build-up?”
“It’s been a long while since I’ve been with anyone,” Drake confessed. “A lot of people

are nervous over having sex with someone who can manipulate fire. Or my size intimidates

“Ah, well, bring it on, babe. I’m all yours.” Kellum wiggled his eyebrows at Drake,

trying to lighten the dark mood.

“Babe?” Drake appeared offended for a moment before he shook his head. Within

seconds the remainder of Kellum’s clothes were off him and puddled on the floor.

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“Oh, you’re beautiful.” The wonder in Drake’s voice almost had Kellum coming. Damn,

he’d never been so quick out of the gate before.

“Stop admiring and start fucking,” Kellum ordered.
Drake walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a glass bottle. The container had the

expensive look of lead crystal.

“Fancy,” Kellum teased.
“This is magically enhanced to protect you if I lose control,” Drake said.
Kellum tilted his head. “Fireproof lube?”
Drake shrugged. “Sort of. More magic-proof. It is commonly used by wizards because

sometimes we purge our system of magic when we come. Some people can’t handle the
power. Condoms can’t protect our partner from that, so unless we’re with humans, we don’t
use them.”

“No glove, no love, babe. I don’t know you well enough to know if you’re clean. Unless

you have test results…” Kellum trailed off.

“Wizards don’t transmit disease,” Drake argued.
Kellum crossed his arms. “Do you use that line with everyone?”
“I never use that line. I’ve never gone bare before. Humans are weird about that.”
“And other wizards?” Surely he didn’t just have sex with humans.
“I avoid sex with wizards. Too many expectations,” Drake explained.
“What about me?” Kellum’s cock was beginning to lose interest the more this

conversation continued.

Drake set the bottle on the side table and climbed up on the bed with Kellum, sliding

close until they were touching ankle to hip. Drake smoothed a hand along Kellum’s stomach.
“I want you to have expectations. You’re mine. Our magic is compatible.”

Kellum frowned. “What does that mean?” He could tell that statement meant a great

deal more to Drake than it did to him.

“It’s rare for magic to synchronise together. You are my other half. I will do anything

for you.”

The intensity in Drake’s eyes startled Kellum. He’d thought they were having a quick

bounce on the mattress. Drake was talking about a much longer commitment.

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“Are you saying you want to have a relationship?” Sweat beaded along Kellum’s brow.

He’d never thought to find anyone who could handle his weirdness. Now that he had, he
wasn’t certain what to do with Drake.

Drake kissed Kellum, pouring out his need, sharing his soul in that one embrace.
Kellum melted.
Oh, hell. Kellum couldn’t fight the attraction. It was as if Drake had ripped open

Kellum’s inner barriers, discovered all his deepest wishes and decided to grant them.

When Drake finally lifted his lips, Kellum was ready to agree to just about anything he

wanted. His body had awakened beneath Drake’s touch. He whimpered when Drake leaned
across him and grabbed the oil off the table.

“Normally I’d ask you what you thought, but I don’t really care. You are going to be

mine. Sex is your choice—belonging to me isn’t,” Drake announced.

He really meant what he said. Kellum stared at the man in surprise. Drake met his gaze

with a steady one of his own.

“You really want me?”
He’d had several people desire him in the past, but Drake’s words indicated a need far

deeper than mere sex. No one had ever really wanted him for long.

“Yes, I want you,” Drake said.
Kellum listened, really listened. He listened with his magic and what he heard warmed

him from head to foot. Drake not only wanted him, Drake needed him with a breath-taking
fierceness Kellum had never received from anyone else.

“Okay. If you’re sure about the condom thing.”
“I will never lie to you,” Drake said.
He couldn’t ask for more than that. Kellum nodded. “Go ahead. I’m yours.”
Drake’s smile, bright and warm, eased Kellum’s concerns. He might be the biggest idiot

in the world but right then, in that instant, he believed Drake.

“Want me on my back or stomach?” Kellum asked.
Some men had a preference to how they fucked.
“On your back. I need to see your eyes.”
Kellum smiled. Damn, this guy would be the death of him with his intent gaze and the

need he wore on his sleeve for Kellum to see.

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The lube Drake poured on his fingers emitted a strange scent like lemon and lavender

as if it couldn’t quite decide how it should smell. Kellum almost jumped when Drake
slathered it across his hole and the lube began to warm. “You didn’t tell me it was heating

Drake frowned. “It’s not.”
“It’s hot.” The liquid went from comfortably hot to burning. “Ow!”
“Oh hell, you’re allergic. Shh, babe, I’ve got you.”
Drake lifted Kellum off the bed and raced him to the shower. He quickly turned on the

taps before setting Kellum in the tub.

“Lean forward.”
Tears dripped down Kellum’s face.
“Shh, I’m sorry. I should’ve tested it. I’ve never had anyone react before. I’m so sorry,

honey.” Drake’s words comforted Kellum even as his ass burned.

“What the hell was in that stuff?”
“Nothing that should’ve hurt you.”
Kellum spread his ass cheeks to let the water rinse out the fluid. His cheeks wet, Kellum

burned with humiliation. “I feel like an idiot.”

“It’s not your fault. I’m the one who should’ve tested it. You must be allergic to one of

the ingredients. I’ll call the herbalist tomorrow so we can make sure you don’t encounter it

Kellum sighed. Not exactly the way to make a good impression on a new lover.
After the shower, Drake dried Kellum thoroughly. “Feel better?”
“Yeah.” Kellum nodded. “It’s not as burny.”
“It shouldn’t have hurt you at all.” Drake kissed Kellum’s forehead.
Instead of hot sex, Kellum got a remorseful lover wrapped around him. Exhausted from

the events of the day, Kellum tumbled quickly into sleep.

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Chapter Three

Drake woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee and an unnatural quiet.
He would understand if the kid had decided to make a run for it. His seducing skills

had never been so pathetic. The most important relationship in his life might have been
ruined before it even took off.

Panic had him pulling on his sweats and rushing out of the bedroom. If Kellum had

vanished, surely he wouldn’t have had time to go far.

He came to a sudden stop at the scene before him. Kellum sat calmly on the couch

drinking out of a mug, but it wasn’t the gorgeous sight of the younger wizard that had Drake
choking back a comment. His assistant Julian sat on one of the straight-backed kitchen
chairs…or rather, he was tied to the seat, his arms bound behind him with rope and his feet
bound to the chair legs.

Where did the rope come from?
Duct tape covered Julian’s mouth and he glared at Kellum, who looked back

undisturbed. The young man’s pose had a waiting stillness as if he were ready to snap into
action at any moment.

For the first time, Drake noticed a dagger sitting on the table.
He took a long, slow breath before speaking. “Is there a problem?”
Kellum took another sip of his coffee. “Not for me.” His tone had Drake reassessing the

dangerous quality of his mate that he’d brushed past before. Someone who’d survived
multiple ghoul attacks would certainly be a fighter. In his rush to have the perfect fantasy
match, he’d overlooked the fact that his mate was his own person with his own issues,
possibly psychological.

“Did Julian offend you in some way?”
The young wizard tilted his head to one side. “He entered here without knocking and

demanded to know who I was. Is he really your assistant?”

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Drake tried to look at it from Kellum’s point of view. In an unfamiliar place and used to

being attacked, he would subdue first and ask questions later. However, with Julian’s mouth
taped he couldn’t really answer questions.

“Yes. Is there a particular reason you taped his mouth shut?”
“He annoyed me. Would you like a cup of coffee?”
“Umm, sure.” Drake was over six hundred years old and completely out of his league.

His assistant gave him a wide-eyed panicky look. “Do you mind if I release Julian?”

Kellum shrugged. “He’s your assistant.”
Muttering an incantation, Drake dissolved the ropes and evaporated the tape covering

his assistant’s mouth. Ripping off the tape would’ve been quite painful. Julian stood up
carefully, his eyes completely focused on the young man pouring coffee. Drake couldn’t
blame him. Kellum apparently freaked Julian out.

“Would you like some coffee, Julian?” Kellum asked from the kitchen area.
“Sure.” Julian said loudly. He scurried over to Drake’s side. “He’s fucking crazy,” he

muttered in a low tone.

“Did you tell him you were my assistant?”
“He could’ve been anyone. You weren’t awake to confirm it.” Kellum must have the

hearing of a wild dog. He wandered back in with Drake’s black lacquered tray. Drake had
never actually used the thing, but Kellum had it organised with three cups of coffee, a
creamer of milk and a sugar bowl Drake had forgotten he owned.

Kellum set the tray on the table.
“Why didn’t you come get me?” Drake asked. It was the question preying on his mind.
Kellum looked up at him with wide eyes. “You were sleeping. I didn’t want to disturb


“You didn’t think it would disturb me more to find my assistant tied to a chair?” Drake

asked, more out of curiosity over Kellum’s answer than anything else.

Kellum shrugged, a casually graceful movement. “Only if he really was your assistant.”

He gave Julian a suspicious look. For the first time Drake examined the two men together
with an analytical eye. Julian towered over Kellum. The younger man was sleek and wiry but
couldn’t be more than five foot nine while Julian easily surpassed him by several inches and
about fifty pounds.

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“How did you get him tied to the chair?”
“I knocked him out.” Kellum took a sip of coffee, his gaze narrowing in on Julian as if

trying to decide if he needed to be beaten again.

“Julian has worked for me for the past three years,” Drake said.
“What does he do?”
Drake drank his coffee to hide his smile as the smaller man completely terrorised his

larger counterpart by sliding a dagger into the sheath tucked in the back of his pants.

“Julian is my second in command. He helps keep everything in order.”
“Hmmm.” Kellum looked unimpressed. “Well, now that everything is in order I can

take my leave.”

He set down his coffee and headed towards his backpack by the door.
“Stop,” Drake ordered.
“What now?” Kellum’s annoyed voice made Drake smile. It was like ruffling a cat right

after it had bathed.

“You can’t just leave. You are still hunted by your father.”
Kellum turned back to roll his eyes. “My father has been hunting me since I was a child.

It isn’t when he’s hunting me I get concerned.”

“When do you get concerned?” Drake asked.
“When he stops.” Kellum’s eyes held a haunted look. “That’s when he takes time to


The frightened voice held a myriad of memories.
“Stay with me and I’ll help you fight him.”
Kellum gave a broken laugh. “No one can fight him. I can barely survive him.”
“We can go to the authorities,” Drake persisted.
“You think I haven’t? You think any of those people he has in his pocket want to listen

to me?”

Drake cautiously approached the younger man, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I

believe you. I can talk to the council. I am the head. They will have to listen to me.”

Kellum cupped Drake’s cheek with his right hand. “You’re really sweet, but I’m betting

my father owns most of the council or they owe him favours. You’re probably the exception.”

Drake wished he could refute Kellum’s opinion, but he had a feeling the younger man

spoke from experience. Off the top of his head, Drake could only really guarantee that about

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three of the ten men on the Council were corruption-proof. The others, he had to admit,
could be in the Vice President’s pocket. The need for more power both politically and
professionally had led more than one good person down the wrong path.

He tried again. “Then stay and hone your skills. If we can teach you to access your

magic, you have a better chance of surviving whatever he throws at you. Besides, aren’t you
curious over what sort of power you have?”

Julian snorted.
“Do you have something to say?” Drake made sure his tone indicated that anything

other than helpful statements would have dire consequences.

His assistant paled. “No, sir.”
Kellum smiled at Drake. “I am interested in learning more about my abilities. How do

you test for that?”

“Don’t worry—it doesn’t involve anything painful.” Drake rushed to reassure his mate.
“What does it involve?” Kellum asked, his eyes bright with curiosity.
“We take you to the testing chamber and it reacts to whatever kind of magic it senses. It

is programmed to recognise biological magical signatures,” Drake said.

“Most people only have one type of magic. The more powerful the more additional

abilities you’d have,” Julian offered. His eyes darted back and forth between his boss and

Kellum nodded. “Okay.”
“You need to eat breakfast.” Drake noticed Kellum’s cheeks were hollow. He wondered

when the last time Kellum had eaten a full meal.

“I don’t like breakfast,” Kellum muttered.
“Tough. Julian, go get us some breakfast sandwiches from Lindi’s. Do you have food

allergies?” He wouldn’t make the same mistake.

Kellum’s mouth twitched as if he was having the same thought. “No. I don’t have any

food allergies.”

“Good. Bring two, one veggie and one ham, and something for yourself.”
“Are you going to tie me up when I return?” Julian asked Kellum sourly.
“Only if you ask nicely,” Kellum purred.
Julian stopped midstride.

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“Move it, Julian!” Drake ordered. He set down his coffee, walked over to Julian,

grabbed his assistant’s arm then dragged him to the door.

“Hey, I’m going,” Julian protested.
Drake lowered his voice so Kellum didn’t hear. “Don’t ever think you can touch

Kellum. If you so much as lay a finger on him, I will break every bone in your body before I
set you on fire.” Drake made sure his voice rang with sincerity so Julian knew he wasn’t
kidding around.

Julian’s Adam’s apple bobbed. “Yes, sir, I’ve got it.”
“Good, and you can spread the word. No one touches Kellum. He’s mine,” Drake said.
“Why?” Julian asked.
“Why what?” Drake didn’t know what they were talking about.
“Why choose him? I’ve been at your side for three years. Not once have you looked my

way.” Julian’s expression surprised Drake. He’d had no idea his assistant had a crush on

“Because he’s my mate. My magic bonded with him,” Drake confessed.
“Shit! I’ll spread the word.” Looking slightly ill, Julian headed out of the door.
Drake locked the door before heading back to the living room. Kellum sat on the couch,

calmly sipping his coffee.

“Did you explain to your love-struck assistant how poorly I’d take it if he touched

you?” Kellum asked.

“No, but I did warn him against touching you.”
“Jealousy is a two-way street,” Kellum said. “I need to know you are as dedicated to

this…whatever it is, as I am.” He waved a hand between them.

Drake straddled Kellum’s hips. “I am extremely dedicated to making you mine.”
He kissed Kellum’s mouth, licking at the stubborn line that had thinned at his words.

He bit Kellum’s plump bottom lip. “Open.”

Kellum did and Drake tasted heaven. He let the moan roll up from his throat. Kellum

should know how much Drake wanted and needed him. Drake might be known as the cold
aloof boss in charge of the magical division, but he had needs like any other man. Kellum
was his need and could quickly become his addiction.

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It took little time to unzip Kellum’s pants and pull down Drake’s sweats enough to

expose their erections. Drake fisted them together, wrapping his fingers around both shafts
as he pumped. The pre-cum dripping from the tips served as a lubricant.

“Oh yeah, babe, right there,” Kellum groaned.
Drake continued to squeeze and rub and he planted open-mouthed kisses along

Kellum’s throat, occasionally pausing to bite. Soon Kellum would look like he’d been mauled
from the number of biting bruises Drake left behind, marking his territory so no one else
would dare think Kellum could be theirs. Drake knew he was pushing his luck by trying to
have his lover come when they didn’t have a lot of time. However, he needed to have a
connection and sex was the quickest way to establish one.

“Oh fuck!” Kellum’s head tilted back as he arched into Drake’s touch.
“Right there.” Drake memorised which touches had Kellum groaning and dancing

beneath his fist. He wanted to know every sensitive spot Kellum had and hit them all. A full-
body shiver rocked Kellum. He almost bucked Drake from his seat on Kellum’s lap.

“Oh, that’s good,” Kellum moaned.
“Give it up, babe. Show me how much you enjoy my touch,” Drake coaxed.
“Oh, I enjoy it all right. Fetch the regular lube, I have some in my bag.”
Drake concentrated on Kellum’s bag. The duffel’s zipper slid open and a small

container of lube flew into Drake’s hand.

“I thought your power was fire?” Kellum asked staring at Drake with wonder.
“Primarily, but most wizards can do the basic spells.” Drake didn’t want to go into how

long he’d been around to master his abilities. He could probably sneak that little fact in once
they were closer. Right now he wanted to persuade Kellum that they were perfect sexual
partners. He could work out the magic part later.

“Show me later. Make me come now,” Kellum ordered.
For once, Drake didn’t mind following a command. Pouring a tiny amount of lube on

his hand, he then wrapped his fist back around their erections. This time the glide was easier.
No chafing important parts.

“Harder, faster,” Kellum growled.
Drake stopped his motion. “I’m sorry—did you want to do this?”
“No! Sorry,” Kellum apologised. “I just need you.”

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Drake tightened his grip and smiled when Kellum screamed and spurted between

them. Kellum’s hot spend between them triggered Drake’s orgasm.

“Oh,” he whispered. Energy whipped between them. Kellum’s contented sigh pleased

Drake bone-deep. The possessive part of him eased. By marking his lover, he knew those in
the magical community would now be able to see Drake’s signature on Kellum. Since they
were magically connected, their bond would tighten every time they had sex until their auras
meshed together and formed a new aura to indicate their mating.

For Drake, a combined aura couldn’t happen soon enough. He didn’t like the idea of

others seeing Kellum before they’d completed their connection. Drake’s inner possessiveness
had him wanting to keep Kellum away from others until they were completely bonded, but
he knew that wasn’t realistic.

“Let’s go take a shower,” Drake said. He wanted Kellum clean and happy before he ate

his meal.

After climbing off Kellum’s lap, Drake offered his hand to his mate then pulled him to

his feet.

“Thanks,” Kellum said. “Sorry about tying up your assistant, but I didn’t trust him.”
Kellum’s aggression towards Julian puzzled Drake. “Why?”
A frown marred Kellum’s smooth brow. “He feels untrustworthy.”
Concern had Drake turning to stare at his lover. “Why do you say that?”
Kellum shrugged. “Never mind. He just took me by surprise. It’s probably nothing.”
Even as Kellum said the words, Drake knew he didn’t mean them. “How often have

you been wrong in your hunches?”

“Never,” Kellum admitted. “They are always right. I can’t always pinpoint what’s

wrong, but my feelings have saved my ass more than once.”

Drake continued, heading to the shower, “I’ll change the passcode on the door to bar

Julian from entering after he comes back with breakfast. Don’t mention it to him, but I’ll
launch an investigation. I’ve had him with me for several years, Kellum. I hope you’re not

A sigh sounded loud behind him as they entered the bathroom. “I didn’t come to fuck

up your life, Drake. Maybe it would be better if I just left.”

“No!” Drake spun around and gripped Kellum’s shoulders. “I’ve waited centuries for

you. I’m not going to let you go now.”

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“Centuries? How old are you?” Kellum’s expression made Drake laugh.
“I’m over six hundred, but I’ve only actively wanted a mate for the past five hundred.

Unfortunately, you weren’t born yet so I had a long time to wait.”

“Oh man, that sucks.” Kellum turned on the water and hopped inside. Tilting back his

head, he let the water stream into his hair and down his body. Drake stared, enthralled by
the rivulets of water trickling down his mate’s skin.

Snapping out of his trance, he locked the door both physically and magically before

climbing into the shower behind his mate. “I think you were worth the wait.”

Kellum lowered his head and smiled. “That’s probably the most romantic thing anyone

has ever said to me.”

Drake grunted. “No one else better say crap to you if they don’t want my foot up their


Laughter filled the bathroom. Happy and relaxed, they lathered each other up then

rinsed off. If their fingers trailed a bit from time to time, it wasn’t enough to revive their
libidos. The comfort of a companion warmed Drake. He’d had sex before, but not a loving
friend. He didn’t allow hook-ups in his condo and he didn’t have long-time lovers because
none of them ever settled with his magic.

After five centuries, Drake finally had his man. Anyone who thought to take him had

best be wearing fireproof undies.

“Do you have any clothes or do we need to go shopping?” He didn’t know what all was

in the backpack Kellum had brought with him, besides the knife.

“No, I’ve got a few outfits. I can buy more once I decide how long I’m staying.”
Drake bit back the words ordering Kellum to stay forever. He couldn’t make the man

agree to be his—he could only try to persuade him to stay. “You wait in the bedroom, I’ll
grab your bag.”

Not waiting for Kellum to argue, Drake pulled on a clean pair of sweats and a T-shirt

before returning to the living room. Julian sat at the dining room table laying out the food.
“Kellum will be out in a minute.”

Julian nodded, but his mind was obviously on other subjects. “You really think he’s the


“I know it. You’ll know it too when it happens to you,” Drake said reassuringly.

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“Yeah, maybe.” Julian stood. “Listen, I’m going to go and leave you guys to have

breakfast alone. I’ll see you at the office in an hour or so.”

Relief had Drake nodding. He hadn’t looked forward to Julian and Kellum being in the

same room again. If Kellum didn’t trust Julian, it wouldn’t be a comfortable meal and Drake
wanted Kellum to be happy in his home. “Sounds good.”

Julian smiled. The expression lacked sincerity, but Drake let it pass. His assistant was

obviously under some sort of personal distress. However, Drake would take Kellum at his
word and do some background research on Julian. Kellum’s instincts weren’t anything to
ignore. If he found nothing, at least Kellum would know Drake took his concerns seriously.

He’d be the first to admit he lacked sensitivity to others. Hopefully Kellum could

balance him out. Unfortunately, Kellum tying Julian up didn’t scream people person. Drake
watched Julian leave then, to support his lover’s instincts, Drake changed the lock with a
wave of his hand. Now his assistant couldn’t wander in while Drake was pounding into
Kellum against the wall or bending him over the couch.

The image in his head of Kellum naked, ass up across the furniture revived his cock.

Drake gave his erection a sad shake of the head. “You’ll have to wait until later.”

He didn’t want Kellum to think his only purpose in wanting a mate was unrestricted

sex. That was just a bonus.

Snagging Kellum’s bag, he grunted at the heft of it. Kellum must be stronger than he

looked. The image of his lover’s lean muscular body didn’t help calm his erection. Not at all.

“Not bad for an old guy,” he said to his cock.
“Are you coming back with my clothes or are you too busy conversing with your

erection?” Kellum asked.

Drake grinned at his mate. “I was trying to convince it to calm down, but the thought of

you has gotten it too excited. We don’t have time for more sex. I’ve got to get to work and
you need to go to testing.”

Kellum’s gaze scraped Drake’s hard body with a hot look. “I’m sure we can do

something to make you even later.”

“Shush. Here.” Drake shoved Kellum’s bag at him. His heart pattered in his chest as if

he’d run a hundred miles and couldn’t catch his breath. It would be easy for Kellum to do the
one thing no one had ever been able to do before—utterly destroy him.

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Without another word, Kellum turned and took his bag back to the bedroom with him.

Drake followed his mate’s tight ass down the hall. The whimper might not have been manly,
but the smile Kellum shot him over his shoulder made it worthwhile.

They dressed quickly, each on their own side of the bedroom. Drake didn’t trust himself

to not grab Kellum if he was within touching distance.

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Chapter Four

As much as he’d enjoyed rolling around in Drake’s bed, riding the elevator up to his

office had Kellum’s nerves jittering. He wished he’d kept a weapon on him, but Drake had
patiently explained to him three times that it was considered bad form to take knives into the
office. Apparently a spell at the entrance would reveal any weapons so he couldn’t smuggle
them inside.

Kellum reluctantly gave up on the idea of grabbing his knife on the way out of the door.

He didn’t want his action to reflect poorly on Drake. Since Julian knew he was in Drake’s
bed, he had no doubt the assistant had already spread the word. Anyone who partnered with
the head of the magical division would need to be able to stand beside him and not be a
source of embarrassment. Although Kellum still hadn’t decided if he was staying, he
certainly wouldn’t ruin Drake’s life while he was there.

Drake entangled their fingers, pulling Kellum’s attention back to him. “Hey, don’t think

so hard. Everything will be fine.”

The reassuring smile eased some of the knots in Kellum’s stomach. “Sorry, I just don’t

want to embarrass you.” He couldn’t remember the last time he’d cared what anyone
thought. His mother’s and stepfather’s deaths had left him with a tidy inheritance. He was
careful how he spent it and he lived frugally so he wouldn’t have to worry about getting a
job that might put him in the public eye and under his father’s radar. At least this way, his
father had to put a little effort into finding him.

Kellum didn’t make friends because he never stayed in one place and he kept his

contact with others to a minimum. The ghouls could smell his scent on others so he made
sure to neutralise it whenever he went to the clubs.

Gripping Drake’s hand tight, he still tensed when the elevator doors slid open. Drake

stepped forward and pulled Kellum along with their linked hands. They stopped at the
reception desk where a sharp-eyed blonde examined Kellum as if he were a new specimen to

“Diane, this is Kellum Richards. He will need testing. Come find him in my office when

you have it all set up.”

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“Yes, sir.” Diane opened her mouth like she wanted to say more, but with a quick

glance at Drake, she snapped it shut again.

Drake nodded as if he had expected nothing less. Kellum held back his laughter at his

lover’s attitude. Drake walked Kellum through a sea of cubicles. Apparently, even magic
couldn’t hold back the tide of bureaucracy.

Julian nodded to them as they passed his desk and entered Drake’s office. Kellum let

out a low whistle at the luxurious space. At first glance, Kellum decided the same decorator
who designed Drake’s office had also done his condo.

Drake grinned. “Have a seat on the couch.”
Kellum plopped down and watched as Drake sat down behind his desk far away from

Kellum’s touch. Too far away. He couldn’t stop the sulk he knew turned down the corner of
his lips.

He slumped down on the couch.
“Easy, babe, you’re only here for a bit. She’ll come and fetch you in a couple of minutes.

She needs to make sure the room is available for your test.”

“What do I have to do for this test, again?” Kellum had never done well on tests.

Dyslexia made it difficult for him to study with the words swimming around on the page.
The idea of someone testing him didn’t soothe him in the least.

“Don’t worry.” Drake grabbed the piles of paper on his desk and began to review his

files. Kellum lay down on the couch, anxiety jittering through his system.

A soft knock had him sitting up quickly.
“Enter!” Drake shouted.
The door opened slowly. The man who walked in had the look of a soldier—buzz-cut

dark hair, liquid brown eyes and a square jaw. Kellum thought he belonged on a recruiting
poster or possibly a Playgirl magazine. Oddly, he didn’t feel the surge of lust a guy like that
usually caused. His libido didn’t stir even a bit.

“They’re ready for him in testing,” the man said in a deep voice.
Drake frowned and stood up. “Come, mate, let’s get you tested.”
“Mate? No one said we were testing your mate!”
Kellum smirked as the tough soldier paled.

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“It shouldn’t make any difference, should it?” Drake asked, a scowl marring his

handsome features.

“N-no, sir,” the soldier stuttered.
“Then let’s go.”
Drake motioned Kellum over. Drake’s touch immediately calmed Kellum’s nerves. He

took a deep breath and followed the soldier out of the door.

“This will be a simple process,” Drake said soothingly in Kellum’s ear. “Don’t stress.

The more relaxed you are, the better you’ll do.”

“Will you be there?”
“No. I’m not allowed in the testing room, but I will be watching through a one-way

mirror. If anything happens you don’t like, call my name and I’ll be right there.

Kellum took a deep breath and nodded. “I got it. Thanks.” He didn’t mention he’d pull

out his own nails before he asked for help. Kellum had always been self-sufficient. The
events in his life didn’t lend to him becoming dependent on anyone.

Their guide led them down a hallway and to a set of double doors that should’ve

starred in a sci-fi movie. Metal doors with yellow warning symbols and flashing lights. The
words ‘Training Room’ painted across the front in bright red letters had Kellum sucking in
his breath. Maybe now he could learn to understand his powers. His entire life he’d fumbled
through, trying to live from one day to the next without really understanding his abilities. If
these men could help him then he’d be better off.

Kellum didn’t know how long he could stay with Drake knowing he was putting the

man in danger. However, he wouldn’t do Drake the disservice of running off without saying

The soldier stepped to one side while Drake opened the door. Despite all the scenarios

running through Kellum’s head, an empty room hadn’t been in any of his daydreams. Sterile,
white and bigger than Drake’s living room, it contained not a single stick of furniture.

“Go on in,” Drake urged.
“Are you fucking kidding me? It’s like one of those horror movies titled The Room or

something where a mad psychopath tries to kill the innocently stupid victim who wanders
into the supposedly empty room.”

The soldier snorted beside him.

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Drake growled. “I would never put you in danger.”
“What about the room? Does it have good intentions?” Kellum asked. He could feel a

bit of hysteria nibbling at his subconscious. He knew he was being silly but really, it was like
one of those really bad science fiction or horror films.

“It’s just an empty room,” Drake argued.
“Says you.” Kellum glared at his lover.
Drake’s mouth tightened and Kellum saw the first signs of annoyance in Drake’s eyes.

Putting his hands on Kellum’s shoulders, Drake leant forward and kissed Kellum’s forehead.
“You are my mate. I’d never put you in danger. If at any point you’re scared, call out to me
and I’ll come. Understand?”

“What?” Drake asked.
“Just checking.”
Drake sighed. “Are you ready?”
Kellum swallowed back his nerves. Breathing in deeply, he absorbed the scent of his

lover. “Okay.” He could do this. He’d certainly fought scarier things than a single empty

He tilted his chin up and received the kiss he’d silently asked for. He whimpered a bit

when Drake lifted his mouth. Drake licked his lips.

“Now go and show us what you’ve got,” Drake said.
Kellum nodded. His senses still scrambled from the kiss, he wandered into the scary

white room. He turned as the door slammed behind him. A green light popped out of the
ceiling and began to flash, adding to the eerie feel.

“No kiss is worth this,” Kellum muttered.
A table rose from the middle of the floor. It stopped with a click when it reached about

the height of Kellum’s waist. “Yeah, that’s not creepy.”

Taking a deep breath, Kellum approached the table. Three squares glowed on the table

red, blue and green. The words ‘Pick one’ flickered across the top.

He was beginning to wonder when the white rabbit would make an appearance

because there were definitely shades of Wonderland happening here.

A chime rang. “Pick a colour, love.” Drake’s voice came over the loudspeaker.
Kellum randomly chose blue by tapping the square lightly.

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A loud grinding noise echoed through the room and water started pouring from the

walls and seeping from the floor. “I knew this was a trap.” Kellum closed his eyes and
visualised the water. His feet left the ground. He didn’t open his eyes to see how high he
he’d floated. As long as his feet weren’t wet, he didn’t care. Lifting his arms outward, Kellum
imagined the water stopping. A loud crackling filled the air. When the sound of rushing
water ceased, Kellum dared to open his eyes. Ice coated the floor and where water had run in
rivulets, icicles sparkled like a wintry Christmas morning.

Relieved he’d stopped the water, Kellum floated back down. Wow, he’d never been

able to control that before. He wondered if something in the room helped channel magical
energy. The table had risen with Kellum. Curious, he pushed the red button. Heat rolled
through the room. The warmth dissolved the ice until it turned into steam. Kellum rotated
the air around him, keeping the burning sensation away. He spread out his air funnel of
cooled wind across the room until the heat vanished and the entire room went back to an
even temperature. Puddles of water evaporated from the floor as the room returned to its
previous condition.

Still curious about the last button, Kellum inched a finger forward.
“No!” Drake shouted.
Kellum grinned and pushed the square. So far this had been kind of fun.
A low rumble echoed across the expanse of white. Trees burst through the floor and

spread their branches in woody ropes across the ceiling. Kellum took a deep breath.
Memories of home when he used to run through the forest filled his head. He’d almost
forgotten those times.

Grass sprouted across the tiles and flowers bloomed in spontaneous bouquets. Kellum

plucked one, wondering if it would hold in time for him to give it to Drake. So far the green
button had been the easiest.

Birds began to chirp and Kellum smiled at the song.
A low growl had him freezing in his tracks.
Ahh, now he’d found the catch. A giant wolf stalked through the trees and glared at

Kellum with its cold gold eyes.

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“Hello there,” Kellum said. He sniffed at the flowers as he thought over how to capture

the wolf without injuring him. He didn’t know if the animal was real or not, but he couldn’t
harm a living creature for defending its territory.

Another growl met his greeting.
With a little spurt of energy, the nearest tree answered his request. The big redwood

entwined a root around the wolf, then another until the beast lay in a wooden cage formed
from living roots.

A loud buzzer had Kellum wincing from the sound. Couldn’t they use a softer chime?

The trees vanished as if they’d never existed. To Kellum’s surprise, the wolf turned into a
human fully dressed in jeans and a white cotton shirt. The man’s eyes were still gold and his
hair unkempt.

“Hey, I’m Milton. Nice trick.”
“Thanks.” Kellum kept a grip on the flowers. They had surprisingly kept their form.

“Can I get out of here now?”

A loud click and the doors swung open. Drake ran in and swept Kellum up in his arms.

“Hey, the flowers…” Kellum protested.

Drake stared down in surprise. “How did you do that?”
“Do what?” This entire test had been strange. He didn’t know what they’d learned, but

Kellum knew what to do now in case of a random flood.

“Keep the flowers. They should’ve dissolved with everything else.”
“I wanted you to have them.” Kellum handed them over to Drake, who took them with

an expression of wonder.

Kellum held his breath but let it out when the flowers didn’t disappear. He’d never

given a man a bouquet before. He’d have been horribly embarrassed if they’d vanished.

Drake’s smile outshone the sterile white walls. “No one has ever given me flowers


“Good.” Kellum thought the men around here must be pretty lame if a man as beautiful

as Drake hadn’t been properly wooed. “What did we learn?”

He waved a hand to indicate the entire testing facility.
“That you are a rare nature wizard. The test is geared towards your speciality. If you’d

had an affinity for putting together cars, an engine would’ve appeared. The fact you had

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three different buttons is unusual. I’ve never seen more than two tests before and never has
the testing room pulled anyone from outside the room for the test. Sorry, Milton.”

The wolf shifter shrugged. “It was interesting.”
“You talk of the room as if it has a mind of its own,” Kellum said.
Drake nodded. “It kind of does.”
Kellum shuddered. “I told you it was like one of those horror movies.” After marching

past Drake, he continued out of the room, silently vowing to never return.

Drake laughed behind him. “If your father knows of your abilities it could be one of the

reasons he’s trying to have you captured. With you at his side, his power would be
exponentially greater.”

All of what Drake said made sense to Kellum. His power-hungry father would only

want a son who could help him in some way.

“What do I do now? Knowing why he’s after me isn’t the same as being able to stop


“We’ll deal with that. The important thing is we train you to protect yourself. He might

be thinking he can capture you and drain you of your magic. We need to make sure if he gets
hold of you, you aren’t defenceless. I want you to train with Milton to work on your skills.”

“You want me to train with a werewolf?” Kellum asked.
Milton flashed a fang at him. “I don’t exactly plan on spending the next few weeks

buried in a tree.”

“It’s not up for debate. Kellum, I want you to work with Milton on hand-to-hand

combat. If you are stressed, you might not be able to access your magic. If someone grabs
you, I need you to be able to defend yourself.”

Kellum crossed his arms. “I don’t know, love. It might just be easier if I leave. I don’t

want to bring you any trouble.” Even as he said the words, they twisted him up inside.
Kellum shoved them away. He hadn’t needed anyone since he was a child. He wouldn’t start

Drake wrapped an arm around Kellum. “You are never to mention that possibility

again. If you left, it would destroy me.” Drake kissed Kellum’s forehead and turned to
Milton. “Start tomorrow. I have you assigned as Kellum’s trainer for the next few months.”

Milton opened his mouth but he snapped it shut after a growl from Drake. Kellum bit

his lips to hold back a laugh as the werewolf narrowed his eyes at Drake.

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“I always wanted a puppy,” Kellum teased.
Milton snarled.
“Behave,” Drake said, but the amusement in his voice didn’t persuade Kellum he meant


Kellum’s head hurt. A sharp stabbing pain pierced through his skull. Kellum rested

against Drake with a pained noise.

“What’s wrong, love?” Drake immediately began to rub Kellum’s shoulders.
“My head. It feels like someone stabbed it with an ice pick.”
“Does anyone still have those anymore?” Drake mused, rubbing Kellum’s forehead.
“I bet he’s having magical backlash,” Milton announced. “No one has ever used that

much energy in the testing facility before.”

Drake swept Kellum off his feet. “Let’s take you to the doctor.”
“I hate doctors,” Kellum muttered even as he settled his head on Drake’s shoulder.
“He’s a really nice doctor,” Drake said, “and if he hurts you I promise to make him


“Okay.” Kellum could barely hold his head up. The pain travelled from his head, to his

neck then down to his spine. It had been a long time since he’d had a migraine this bad.

“Shh, honey, I’ve got you.”
Kellum didn’t have anything to say. Instead he closed his eyes and let Drake carry him.

He heard doors open and close around him, but he didn’t open his eyes again until Drake set
him down.

“Drake?” A tall dark-haired man in a white coat rushed to Kellum’s side.
“My mate has magical overload. Fix him,” Drake ordered.
“Easy, Drake,” the doctor soothed.
Kellum blinked up at the doctor. “Hi! You’re cute.”
The doctor had boyish features for such a tall person.
“I’m Dr Johns. I’m going to put a crystal on your chest and bleed off some of your

magic. I’ll then give the crystal to your mate for extra power if you ever need any.”

“You think that will work?” Drake asked.
The doctor shrugged. “I’ve never seen this amount of magical build-up in someone

before. Whether it will store in the crystal I don’t know, but it will help to bleed it off.”

“Then do it,” Drake commanded.

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“Take his shirt off,” Dr Johns said.
“Here—sit up, baby,” Drake coaxed. He put a hand beneath Kellum’s back and helped

him up. “Lift your arms.”

Kellum allowed Drake to remove his shirt before lying back down with a small


“Maybe you can just chop it off,” Kellum offered.
Drake chuckled. “We’ll get you all better.”
Dr Johns set the crystal on the middle of Kellum’s stomach. His stomach jolted from the

cold. “Icy!” he exclaimed.

“It’ll warm,” Drake said.
“Close your eyes and relax.” Dr Johns spoke in a low soothing voice.
Kellum sighed when Drake stroked his head. “Let it go, relax. Give up all your pain.”
Closing his eyes, he breathed slowly in and out, trying to calm his body.
“Oh, wow,” Dr Johns said.
Kellum opened his eyes. All the loose objects in the room were floating.
“Close your eyes again, love, let everything go.”
Kellum listened to Drake’s voice and relaxed. The cold crystal went from icy to burning.


“Shh.” Another kiss to his forehead. “It’ll be all right.”
“It hurts.”
Dr Johns lifted the crystal off Kellum’s stomach.
“I’ll take that.” Drake held out his hand for the crystal.
Dr Johns handed it over. “I was going to give it to you,” he said mildly.
“How do you feel?” Drake asked.
Kellum smiled. The headache had vanished and with the crystal off his stomach, he felt

surprisingly good. “Much better. Thanks.”

He sat up and grabbed Drake as the world spun around him.
“Get him some water,” Drake demanded.
A minute later a glass appeared in Kellum’s peripheral vision. He gratefully accepted it

and gulped the liquid down.

He handed the glass back.

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“Here’s your shirt, babe.” Drake helped Kellum get his shirt back on. “Did you want to

lie down again?”

Kellum took stock of himself. “I’m feeling better. I want out of here.”
He knew his voice sounded plaintive, but he hated doctors.
“Sure, you’ve had a rough day. Why don’t you come back to my office? You can lie on

my couch while I do some work then we can get some lunch?” Drake offered.

“Sounds good.” Kellum let Drake help him to his feet and together they returned to

Drake’s office.

Kellum lay down. He had so many questions to ask his mate, but right then, as he

closed his eyes, he didn’t have the energy to speak.

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Chapter Five

Drake tried to concentrate on his paperwork. Assigning agents, lining up people he

thought would be good matches and dealing with all the minutiae always sucked up his day.
It took longer than usual because he kept stopping to watch Kellum sleep.

Kellum only became more beautiful the longer Drake watched him. The young wizard

had curled up on his side and slept the hard sleep of someone who felt safe and secure.
Drake couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept that deeply.

Pride swept through him. He liked that Kellum trusted him to watch out for him.

Kellum didn’t understand how extremely rare his abilities were.

“I’ll watch over you, my love,” Drake promised. He knew if anyone else saw how

sappy he was over Kellum they’d fall over in shock. However, he would only get one mate
and the sheer relief Drake had over finally finding him made him smile. The only reason he’d
gone into Kellum’s apartment yesterday was because of an instinct he’d had when he passed
Kellum’s building. He’d remembered the address from the paperwork that had crossed his
desk. He’d had plans to send an agent out until that hunch had him pursuing Kellum
himself. Now he was very grateful that he hadn’t sent anyone else in for Kellum.

“Most of us don’t get to sleep on the job,” Julian said, glaring at Kellum as he entered.
“Back off, Julian. Kellum can do whatever he wants. He’s had a trying morning.

Besides, he doesn’t work here. He’s just here for testing,” Drake said.

He’d have to reassign Julian if his assistant insisted on holding a grudge. He wouldn’t

have Kellum uncomfortable.

Julian shrugged. “I came to bring you the information on the Vice President you asked

for. He’s married, no children and rumour has it he’s looking to dump wife number three for
mistress number five.”

Drake curled his lip in distaste. He hated cheaters. His own father hadn’t been faithful

to Drake’s mother. He’d lost track of the number of ‘aunts’ willing to take him to the zoo
over the years. Now his father was alone with no mate and a pile of bills that his mistresses
had left behind. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Drake stroked Kellum’s face with the back of his hand. “Leave it on the table.”

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He heard Julian’s steps to and from his desk. Julian stopped beside him. “I’m sure your

infatuation will fade with time.” Julian’s desperate tone had Drake looking up to see the
despair in his assistant’s eyes.

“No, Julian. He’s my mate. I will always find him fascinating.” Drake wanted to climb

onto the couch and cuddle behind Kellum, but he had duties to attend so he’d have to do the
cuddling later. Right now he was going to do extensive research into his mate’s father. Next
he’d see what they could do to annihilate the bastard.

“But why him?” Julian asked.
Drake pulled his gaze from his mate. “Julian, you know we are each fated to meet our

other half. You just haven’t found yours yet. I’ve been keeping an eye out for the signs, but
your mate is either not ready to meet you yet or not close enough.”

Julian stepped closer. “Are you sure we’re not mates?” Julian’s voice went to a low


Drake opened his mouth to comment, but a gust of wind swirled around them. Julian

flew through the air before slamming against a wall with a crunch. Kellum rose from the
couch, his eyes glowing with a green light, and Drake wasn’t certain his mate was aware of
his surroundings.

“Kellum, honey—” Drake began.
“He was going to touch you.” Kellum scowled as he stepped forward even farther.
“Don’t hurt him, babe. He wouldn’t ever be the one for me. I’m your mate.” Drake kept

his tone even and soothing, hoping his mate regained control of his abilities before Drake
would have to try subduing him with magic.

Julian struggled to his feet. He gave Kellum a wide-eyed stare. “I get it, he’s yours.

Fuck—don’t kill me.”

Kellum blinked and his eyes went back to their normal non-glowing blue. “Wow, I

don’t know what that was, something came over me. I couldn’t control it. Sorry, man.”

Pulling Kellum into his arms, Drake sought to reassure him. “He’s fine.”
Julian sighed. “Yeah, I deserved to have my ass handed to me anyway. I’m going to go

sort mail or something.” He waved a hand to indicate anything but being there.

“Good idea.” Drake didn’t bother to watch Julian leave. He kept his gaze on his volatile

mate. Running a soothing hand across Kellum’s back was more important than calming his

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assistant. Although he liked Julian, Drake would be destroyed if something happened to

“It’ll be all right,” he assured his upset mate.
Kellum trembled. “Drake, I just threw that guy across the room because he was about to

touch you. What’s happening to me?”

“You’re coming into your powers,” Drake explained.
“I’ve always known I had more ability than I could access, but this is unnerving.”

Kellum’s eyes were wide with fear.

“Shh. We need to get you training. The magical backlash will be less if you know how

to control your magic. The reason you had such a bad headache was because you were
throwing everything you had at the training room. If you were in control of your magic, you
would’ve only expended the power you needed.”

“So it happens often?”
Drake kissed Kellum’s forehead. “No. Most people don’t have enough magic for it to be

a problem. That’s why your father wants you.”

Kellum went to his tiptoes and kissed Drake. Unable to resist the allure of his mate,

Drake wrapped his arms around Kellum and sank into his embrace. He ended the kiss by
nipping Kellum’s lip.

“You just like marking me,” Kellum said. It didn’t sound like a complaint so Drake

didn’t bother defending himself.

“Yep.” He cuddled Kellum closer. “Why don’t you go to the cafeteria and get us some

food? I’ve got to get something done today. I usually have Julian get it, but I’ve got to talk to
him.” Drake had to make sure Julian knew Kellum’s place in his life wasn’t going to change
any time soon and the younger man would have to get used to it.

“What do you want?” Kellum’s stomach growled.
“Tell them my usual. You don’t need any money. The company provides food. I’ll have

Milton go with you so you know where it is for next time.” He didn’t want his mate to
wander anywhere by himself. A man as powerful as Kellum’s father would know how to
bribe someone to do his bidding.

“Handy.” Kellum smiled. “All right, I’ll see ya.”
Drake walked his mate out of the door. He nodded to Milton, who was standing guard,

to accompany Kellum. As not only Drake’s mate but the Vice President’s son, Kellum

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couldn’t go anywhere alone. Milton had been with Drake for sixty years. He was pretty sure
he could trust the shapeshifter.

As soon as the door closed behind Kellum, Julian slunk in.
Drake groaned at the expression on his assistant’s face. “What?”
“I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t know your mate had superpowers,” Julian said.
Laughing, Drake dropped into his chair.
“It isn’t funny. He tossed me like he was the big bad wolf and I was the straw house.”

Julian sat in the visitor’s seat with the pad of paper he’d brought with him.

“He’s sorry he lost control, but you need to be respectful of our mating or he might

really hurt you next time,” Drake scolded.

“Message received loud and clear,” Julian agreed. “If you found my mate, I’d have

something to keep me busy.”

“I’m working on it. In the meantime, we need to find out all the information we can on

the Vice President.”

“What?” Julian’s mouth dropped open. “Why?”
“Because Jerome Mellon is Kellum’s father and he wants to capture him and drain him

of magic. I don’t know how Kellum ended up living alone, but he’s been on the run a long

Julian frowned. “Poor kid.”
“That poor kid has withstood multiple ghoul attacks and escaped from his father on at

least one occasion I know of. He has good survival skills. We need to make sure he can hone
his battlefield abilities.”

Julian nodded. “Assigning Milton to him was a good move. He’s protective of cubs.”
“He’s not that young,” Drake snapped.
The familiar glint of laughter in Julian’s eyes eased Drake’s anxiety. If his assistant

could tease him about it, they were quickly on the way towards easing things between them

“Look into his father’s finances, his connections, everything you can find out. A lot of it

should be public record, but I need you to dig deeper. Recruit whomever you need to, but
dig down until you find something we can hold against him. If he captures my mate again, I
want him to know there are consequences,” Drake growled. The idea of his sweet mate in the
hands of that ruthless bastard made him ill.

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“I’ll get right on it. Did you sign the contracts I gave you?” Julian asked.
“Yeah, the only one I had questions about was the one to release Gil Stamson. I didn’t

think his parole was up already.” After almost getting his brother killed by a zombie master,
Gil had got off lightly because his brother William had spoken up for him.

“Will called the parole board and they reduced Gil’s sentence,” Julian said in

exasperation. “I’ve never met the man, but Gil sounds like a total pampered ass who’s lucky
his family rescues him despite his extremely poor judgement.”

“I want you to research Gil’s sentence and make sure everything is being followed

correctly,” Drake said, ignoring Julian’s statement.

“What about his release?”
Drake sighed. “I’m not going against the Stamsons. Will is the one who was wronged,

and if he’s all right with his brother’s early release, I’m not going to object. I might need
Senator Stamson’s goodwill to deal with the Vice President. If I piss him off about his son, he
might not be so willing to help me with Kellum.”

“Makes sense. I still think the stupid bastard should have to serve his full sentence.

Anyone else would have to,” Julian said, scowling.

Drake knew Julian was thinking of his own brother, who’d gone to jail for stealing

magical artefacts. “If William hadn’t escaped unharmed, Gil’s sentence would’ve been much

“No, it wouldn’t have been. Cash would’ve killed him,” Julian said more of his usual

humour coming back.

“True.” Drake laughed as he thought of his ex-enforcer. He’d sent Cash to scare Will

out of the house he’d purchased because it sat on a pool of magical power. Instead, however,
Will had charmed Cash into marrying him and Drake had lost one of his best enforcers.

The desk phone rang. Drake glanced at caller ID, surprised to see it was his security


“Mr Lender, this is Carl from Farlen Security. Unfortunately there has been a breach of

security at your house on Sixteenth Avenue. We have alerted the proper authorities who are
en route to your house,” Carl said.

“I’ll be right there.” Drake slammed the phone down.

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“Someone broke into the mansion. I want to know how they did that. My security is

some of the best.”

The thought of someone powerful enough to burst through his system made him more

than a little worried.

“Good thing neither of you were there,” Julian said.
“I wonder what they were looking for?”
“You mean besides your mate?” Julian asked dryly.
“Yes, besides my mate. We have no proof the two are linked,” Drake said, trying to

keep calm.

“True, but it’s an odd coincidence. You find your mate—who just happens to be the son

of the Vice President, who’s hunting him down. Yep, I’m sure one has nothing to do with the

“Sarcasm doesn’t become you,” Drake said.
“Yes, it does. I’m cute as a button either way. Speaking of cute, where’s your adorable

mate?” Julian asked. “Shouldn’t he be back by now?”

Drake frowned at the clock. “It’s only been twenty minutes. I’m sure he’s fine. Besides,

Milton is with him.”

Despite Julian’s agreement, he saw the glance his assistant gave the clock.
“I need to get going to the mansion, but I need Kellum to come with me.”
“Wouldn’t it be wiser to keep him here? Something could be waiting for him.”
“It could also be a ruse for me to leave him alone. At least that way I can keep an eye on

him. If someone tries something I can protect him.” Drake’s nerves were stretched tight. He
could feel danger hovering on the horizon, but he couldn’t quite pin it down.

Julian snorted. “From what you said about his test, I don’t think he’s the one who’s

going to need protection. Your cute little mate is a badass and if he can learn to control his
powers, no one will try to mess with him.”

A loud emergency siren pierced the air, the one they only used for hostile forces

invading building.

“Oh no,” Julian said, biting his lip.

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“Damn!” Drake realised he’d left Kellum with no weapons and no way to contact him.

Kellum didn’t have a cell phone, as far as Drake knew, and he’d had to leave his knife back at
the apartment.

Before he could fall into a full panic, Kellum walked in carrying a tray with Milton

hovering protectively. Kellum set it down on the table. “What’s going on?”

“We’re being attacked!” Julian screeched like a banshee. “And it’s all your fault!”
Drake’s jaw dropped as Julian went from calm and practical to hysterical. “Shut up,


“No, he’s right. If I weren’t here you wouldn’t be under attack. Ghouls are on their way

and I don’t have any weapons. It might be best to let them take me this time.” Kellum ran his
fingers through his hair and headed for the door.

Drake grabbed Kellum’s arm. “No. You aren’t going to be fodder for those monsters.

You are mine and I will protect you over everyone else. Not to mention you can use your
magic against them.”

Julian snorted. “I think you overestimate Kellum’s value.”
Milton smacked Julian in the back of the head. “And what do you think will happen if

the Vice President gets his son?” Milton scolded. “You think he’s not going to take over the
presidency? What’s to stop him from doing whatever he wants? It’s in our best interests to
keep this guy from top office.”

Drake could’ve kissed Milton.
“Sorry.” Julian turned an apologetic look on Kellum, but Drake didn’t see any thawing

in his mate. He couldn’t blame him. Julian kept blowing hot and cold.

“How much did he pay you?” Kellum asked.
Julian took a step backwards.
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“How much did my father pay you to keep an eye out for me? How long have you been

his eyes and ears?” Kellum scowled at Julian. His hands were raised as if he were primed to
blast Julian across the room.

Julian propped his hands on his hips. “You think I’m a spy?”
Drake looked back and forth between the men, torn between supporting his mate and

the man who’d worked for him for years.

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Milton sniffed the air. “I find it easy to believe you’re guilty when you smell of


Julian ran out of the open door. Milton gave chase.
“How far do you think he’s going to get? What’s his power anyway?”
“Milton won’t lose him,” Drake said confidently. He didn’t think the shifter had ever

lost anyone before. His confidence was proven right when the werewolf stomped back in
with Julian’s neck clamped in one tight fist.

“We don’t have time to interrogate him now. Put him in one of the holding rooms.

We’ll question him later,” Drake said.

“Wait… What if the ghouls get me?” Julian asked in a panicked voice.
“Then you’ll have learnt your lesson about being on the wrong side.” Drake had no pity

for the idiot. He had no idea how much information Julian had leaked to the Vice President
over the years, but some of it could’ve ended in agents getting killed. A few mysterious
deaths were beginning to make better sense now.

“I’m sorry,” Kellum said.
“About what?” Drake asked.
“That you lost your trust in another person.” From Kellum’s expression Drake had a

feeling it had happened more than once to his mate.

“Let’s get some weapons and see what’s going on downstairs.” Drake didn’t want to

discuss Julian’s betrayal—not now when it was really fresh in his mind.

“You have weapons?” Kellum asked.
Drake smiled. “Of course. It’s best to save magic for tight situations so you don’t use up

too much of your personal energy.”

“And get magical backlash.”
“Exactly.” Drake rubbed Kellum’s crystal in his pocket. If he needed to, he would use it

against Kellum’s father. “Let’s get down to the armoury.”

He headed for the stairway, uncertain whether the elevators were currently active. They

were usually the first things to go during an attack. This certainly wasn’t the first time the
magical headquarters had been assaulted. Luckily, the weapons were stored only one floor
below Drake’s office. Dozens of people were fleeing up and down the stairs. A quick glance
didn’t show any injuries yet. Drake hoped it stayed that way, but he doubted they’d be so

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lucky. His office was high enough up that the injured wouldn’t have made it that far. He
hoped the medic team remembered their drills.

Drake didn’t need to issue orders or commands. In case of attack, everyone had

assigned roles.

He reached the armoury and saw employees streaming out with weapons in their

hands. Drake acknowledged the fighters with a nod, pleased to see their orderly approach.
No one appeared to be panicking.

“Wow, that’s a lot of weapons,” Kellum said.
“It’s a big building.” Drake didn’t bother explaining that this was one of ten armouries

in the building. He’d share the details with Kellum later. Right now they needed to get their
weapons and get downstairs.

Drake entered the armoury, bypassing the desk where they dispensed weapons, and

went to a restricted area. He slapped his palm on the identification plate, popping open a

He grabbed the gun case that held his pistol and several cartridges of silver bullets.
“If you take me back to the apartment I can get my stars,” Kellum said.
“No time. Here take these.” He handed over a velvet sack. Right now they didn’t have

time for long conversations.

Kellum opened the sack and grinned. “These will do nicely.” He pulled out one of the

silver darts and surveyed it with admiration. “Very nicely.”

“Good, come on.”
It took them half an hour to work their way to the second floor. Along the way Drake

stopped to get status reports from his soldiers. Fighting had been contained to the bottom
floor. So far none of the ghouls had been able to make it through the lobby. Drake accessed
the cameras from the second floor security booth. Although the soldiers were doing a fine
job, through sheer numbers, the ghouls might take over.

“How the hell did they get so many ghouls?” Kellum asked.
“That’s a good question,” Drake replied. It took a great deal of power to bring one

ghoul to life. This was an army. How did you bring dozens of them from the earth? “I
suspect your father has been dabbling in some black magic.”

“Do you think?” Kellum asked sarcastically.
Drake laughed. “Come, love, let’s see what we can do to thin the herd.”

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Kellum sighed. “Let’s go.”
They made it to the bottom floor and with Drake’s authority were able to wade through

the soldiers. Drake was tempted to leave Kellum behind, but he knew his lover would never
accept that restriction. At least if Kellum was by his side he’d be able to keep him safe.

The ghouls rushed them as soon as they appeared. However, hampered by their wish to

capture Kellum alive, they quickly fell under the shower of silver bullets and darts sent their
way. Drake began to feel optimistic until a cold wind rushed through the lobby and he knew
their moment of success was over.

“Demon!” Kellum shouted.
Drake nodded. “I can feel him.” He knew from the frigid air swirling around the lobby

that the demon wouldn’t be easy to destroy.

The ghouls began an eerie chant that set the hair on Drake’s neck on edge.
“What are they doing?” Kellum asked. “They’ve never sung before.”
“They are calling to the demon.” Drake’s stomach swirled with nausea as the

ramifications settled in. “Whoever created them infused them with demon blood. They
consider him their father.”

Usually ghouls were only mud or oil with magic. When a wizard combined blood it

meant the dark arts were a certainty. Giving a ghoul blood made them extra vicious and
made them hunger for more.

“That can’t be good,” Kellum muttered. The lobby doors, pried open by ghouls,

exploded in a shattering of glass. “Not good at all.”

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Chapter Six

Kellum stood stunned as a brown leathery creature with enormous bat wings lumbered

into the lobby. Its wingspan spread across dozens of ghouls on each side. They cuddled close
as if trying to absorb more energy from the giant creature. It would almost be cute if they
weren’t all murderers.

The demon’s orange eyes zeroed in on Kellum. “Your father wishes to speak with you.

If you come with me, I will spare the others.”

Oh fuck.
Jerome Mellon knew exactly where to strike to get Kellum to do his bidding. If Kellum

did what his father wanted, all these people would be free to go on with their lives.

Drake’s grip on his arm turned brutally tight. “Don’t even think about it. You aren’t

turning yourself in. He’s a lying bastard. As soon as you agree, they will take you away and
slaughter everyone else. Have you ever fought a demon before?”

“No.” Kellum had always left before the demon came. He’d seen him while hiding and

hoping not to be discovered, but he’d never talked to him before.

“They are all liars,” Drake said. “Not an honest bone inside them.”
“Is that true?” Kellum asked.
“Yes,” the demon agreed. “We do lie.”
Kellum laughed. “Why would you tell me that?”
The demon frowned. “You share blood with my master. With blood I am bound, with

blood I will obey.”

Oh. He could work with this. “I want you to go back to your master and tell him I won’t

be his source of power. I am my own person and I refuse to be his puppet.” Kellum infused
his voice with as much command as he could, hoping it would work.

To his great surprise the demon nodded his giant head. “As you request. Oh…one more

thing…” Kellum held his breath as the demon turned. Before he could react, the demon
lashed out one claw and sliced through Drake’s jugular. “I’m not supposed to leave him


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Drake collapsed on the ground, blood spurting from his neck and spraying around him.
Fury filled Kellum. Lifting his hand, he lashed out. The demon flew through the air and

landed outside the building. Kellum watched helplessly as it flew away. He turned his ire on
the ghouls. Ice crystals formed in the air and settled across the dark figures until the lobby
was filled with frozen ghouls like dark statues in a demon’s garden.

Tears streamed down Kellum’s face as he dropped to his knees beside Drake. “Hey, you

can’t die. We’re supposed to be together.”

“Step away, Kellum. I can fix him.” Dr Johns joined him, quickly waving a wand over

Drake’s neck. The wound gradually vanished beneath his attention.

Kellum let out a sigh but didn’t relax. “What’s wrong?”
“He’s lost too much blood and he used a lot of his magical energy to stay alive. Do you

still have that crystal I gave him?”

Kellum remembered watching Drake put it into his pocket. “Yes.” He patted Drake’s

pockets until he felt the hard shape underneath. “Here.”

The doctor placed the crystal on Drake’s throat. “It should work since you are mated.”
Holding his breath, Kellum watched as the crystal began to glow. Slowly the colour

leached out of it and into Drake’s body. He could see the magic pulse across Drake’s skin.

A quick gasp of air had Drake convulsing.
Kellum grabbed him. Drake’s eyes opened wide. “You’re here. I was certain I’d dreamt

the demon had come for you.”

“No. It came, but my father wasn’t smart enough exclude me from giving it orders. I

sent it back to him.”

Drake used Kellum’s hold to help him sit up. He looked around the sea of frozen

ghouls. “I see you’ve redecorated the lobby.”

Kellum brushed away tears. “Yeah, I thought it needed a more monstery touch.”
“Hmm. Interesting approach,” Drake teased. “Come on, love, let’s get home. I think we

need to see how much damage they might have done.”

“None, they never made it to the upper floors,” Kellum said, confused.
“Not the apartment. I have a house. I only stay here when I’m going to be doing a lot of

late nights. My real home is about a hundred miles away. Right before the attack I got a call
from the security company that someone had been there.”

“Oh no! I hope it isn’t too bad,” Kellum said.

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“Let’s go see. I definitely need some time off,” Drake grumbled.
Kellum carefully helped Drake to his feet. “Yeah, maybe we can take a vacation to the

Bahamas. Sun, sea and sand?”

“It’s a date. Right after we kick your father’s ass,” Drake declared.
“Good.” Kellum had never had a vacation. He’d never gone away with a lover or had

anything approaching a normal relationship. Going on a trip with his lover sounded like an
amazing time.

Drake pulled his phone out of his pocket with shaky hands. Kellum heard him order a

car around. “Our driver should be here in a minute.”

Kellum nodded. “Is he going to be okay?” he asked the doctor, ignoring Drake’s

annoyed sound.

“He should be fine. Give him lots of fluids, food and make sure he rests. He’ll be back

to his usual cranky self in no time.”

“Hey!” Drake objected.
Kellum laughed. “Thanks.” He shook hands with the doctor.
Anvold approached, carefully weaving his way around the ghoul statues. “Nice work,”

he told Kellum.

Kellum sighed. He wondered if they were alive underneath all that ice. He felt a little

bad but remembering how they’d killed his family, he quickly regained his composure.
Wrapping an arm around Drake’s waist, he helped his lover through the lobby. “Come on,
let’s get you home.”

“No one was hurt too badly. I’ll corral everyone to clean this up. I’ll call if there are any

problems,” Milton offered.

Kellum could tell the building would have to be levelled before Milton would call.

Nodding his understanding to the shifter, Kellum followed Anvold to the front doors. Time
to check out his lover’s home.

“You know, you can come closer,” Drake teased.
Kellum shook his head. “You just want to debauch me. You need your rest.”
“You could use a good debauching,” Drake said. Since his head didn’t leave the back of

the limo seat, Kellum had doubts his virtue was in danger.

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“You could use a good nap. Once you’re rested and get something to eat, you can

debauch me to your heart’s content.”

“That sounds nice,” Drake said dreamily. “Promise?”
Drake fell silent. Kellum smiled as he realised Drake had fallen asleep.

* * * *

“Wow.” Kellum glanced around the mansion with wide eyes. “When you said you had

a house you didn’t mention it was a mansion.”

Kellum’s family had left him money but not enough to buy a house like this.
Drake shrugged. “Does it matter?”
“I guess not.” Knowing his mate had money didn’t change their relationship. “Do you

see anything wrong?”

“No. It’s like I said. They were trying to lure us here.”
“Umm…doesn’t that mean we should go? If they’re waiting for us then they will be

here eventually, right?” Kellum asked.

Drake sighed. “Kellum, wherever we are, they are going to find you. They’ve already

proven that. It’s important that we are ready for them when they show up. We need to make
sure your father isn’t able to grab you or if he does it’s because we want him to.”

“Why would we want that? Wait, am I the bait?” Kellum glared at his mate. “So after

fighting years to keep away from him, I’m now going to wander into his apartment and
what? Proclaim missing him or something? No way.”

“Easy, love.”
“Love? What do you know of love? You want me to be in my father’s clutches.”
Drake marched over and grabbed Kellum. “No, my love. You are the only thing I care

about. I want to keep you safe. If we set your father up, we can prove he’s trying to control
you. No one will believe us if we just announce he’s an evil wizard. You think the President
will take your word over his?”

“No,” Kellum admitted. “I couldn’t even get the police to take me seriously and they

were magic users too.”

“Exactly. We need proof,” Drake insisted.

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Kellum sighed. He knew he hated this idea, but he damn sure didn’t have a better one.
“Where are your servants?” A house this big didn’t take care of itself.
“They are day workers. I don’t need to be tripping over people all night so unless I’m

having a party, they clean and cook during regular working hours. They are going to love

“I hope so.” Kellum wanted to be part of Drake’s life, he just didn’t know if it would

work out between them.

“I know so.” Drake moved faster than Kellum would have given him credit for. He

wrapped his arms around Kellum and feasted on his lips. “Come. You promised me sex and
I plan to collect.”

Kellum laughed. “We are probably going to be swarmed by ghouls and demons and

you want to have sex.”

“Yes.” Drake nodded. “Absolutely.”
“What about the oil? You haven’t had a chance to call your supplier.”
“I have some regular for jacking off. Let’s try it. You can top until I can call.”
Kellum swallowed the bit of moisture in his mouth, hoping he hid his apprehension

well. “I’ve never topped before.”

“Then it will be a new experience. I rarely bottom so we should be a good match,”

Drake said light-heartedly.

“I guess it will.”
Kellum’s nerves had settled down by the time they reached Drake’s bedroom, which

was apparently located on the far side of the moon. “I might need a map and a Sherpa to find
my way around.”

Drake smiled. “I’ll see what I can do.”
The double doors were made of beautiful carved wood. “Why did you buy such a big

house?” Kellum asked.

“It’s a family place. I grew up here. When my parents died I got the house. I hated the

idea of getting rid of it and the size comes in handy when there are big meetings between
factions. I have large groups here about once a month so the space does get used,” Drake

“Hey”—Kellum raised a hand—“I didn’t mean to sound critical. I just asked.”

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Drake dragged a hand through his hair. “Sorry. I get that question a lot. I guess I’ve

gotten used to defending my home.”

“There’s no need to defend it from me. I think it’s a really nice place. Now, am I going

to get to see your bedroom?”

“Put your hand here.” Drake grabbed Kellum’s wrist and pressed his palm to the front

of the door. He muttered a bunch of words Kellum didn’t understand. The door pulsed a
white light before fading back to brown.

Kellum yanked his hand back. “What did you do?”
“Gave you access to the bedroom. Now you can get in whenever you need. The

mansion has a series of protections to keep me safe. It now will give you the same access.”
Drake’s intent expression melted Kellum’s heart.

“Thanks.” He went to his toes to kiss Drake. The wizard had a hard shell, but for

Kellum he was squishy soft inside.

Drake lifted Kellum off his feet. The door swung open without a touch. Apparently

knobs were for regular people.

Kellum grabbed Drake’s shoulders, not in the least worried his mate would drop him.

He’d never had anyone adore him like Drake did. The mate bond Drake insisted on still
made him nervous. What if a week from now Drake told Kellum he’d made a mistake?
Could Drake want a mate so badly after all this time that he’d take the first unattached
wizard he found attractive?

“Stop thinking,” Drake said, dropping Kellum on the bed. “It’s time to feel.”
Kellum laughed. “Does that approach usually work?”
Drake pretended to think about it. “Yes.”
Deciding to leave his worries for another day, Kellum smiled when Drake almost

became tangled in his shirt. For a centuries-old wizard Drake had a sweet vulnerability about
him. Kellum wanted to wrap Drake in his arms and protect him from the world, especially
his father.

He didn’t think Drake understood the Vice President’s ruthless spirit, but Kellum

would protect him. He’d fought his father this long—now he had more reason to stop him.

Drake licked his way up Kellum’s leg, lapping at his skin, nipping at sensitive bits on

the way to his ultimate goal.

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“Oh fuck.” He knew Drake would bottom for Kellum’s safety but never did he think

he’d swallow him down.

Drake’s hot mouth pulled noises from him he’d never made before. Suction and heat

almost brought him over the edge. He grabbed Drake’s hair and yanked.

“Ow,” Drake said after lifting his mouth.
“If you want me to be in any condition to top you, you’d best stop that,” Kellum

argued. He didn’t have the stamina to hold out against Drake’s persistent seduction.

Drake rubbed his scalp. “You could’ve said something.”
“Tell you what—I’ll suck your cock and you can see if you can gather enough words to

make a full sentence,” Kellum dared.

Drake flipped over onto the mattress. “Deal.”
Kellum laughed. Sliding down, he rubbed his hands across Drake, enjoying the heat of

his lover’s skin—warm, silky and with just enough hair to add an interesting texture beneath
his palms.

“I thought you were going to suck,” Drake complained.
“Patience. Shouldn’t you be more patient? Being so old and all,” Kellum teased.
“You know you’re going to pay for that later, right?” Drake asked conversationally. His

tone indicated he wasn’t truly offended.

“I’m looking forward to it.” Kellum lapped the tip of Drake’s cock, enjoying the taste of

his lover. He glanced up to see Drake’s eyes pinned on him, lust bright and brilliant. Kellum
lifted his mouth. “Is it safe to swallow?”

“Best not. I don’t know if my magic will affect you. The purpose behind the lube is to

neutralise any effect my cum might have. Until it’s been proven that you’re immune, I don’t
want to take any chances.”

“Wait! What about me? If it’s dangerous for me, what about you?” Kellum wouldn’t

hurt Drake for the world.

Drake cupped Kellum’s cheek. “Honey, I’m six hundred years old. You can’t hurt me.”
Kellum almost argued, but he could tell nothing he said would convince Drake. “I’d

offer to use your lube, but I’m not putting that stuff on my cock if it hurt that much on my

Reaching into his drawer, Drake grabbed the plain lube and handed it over. “Prep me!”

he demanded.

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“But I haven’t driven you out of your mind yet,” Kellum said.
“Trust me, you make my day just by being here.”
A lump settled in Kellum’s throat, he swallowed hard. “Thank you.”
This dear sweet man would do anything for him. Kellum wanted to hold him tight and

keep him. Instead he spread lube across his fingers and carefully loosened Drake up,
prepping him for his cock. “Damn, you’re tight.”

“It’s been a few centuries since I bottomed,” Drake admitted.
Kellum froze. He often forgot Drake’s age because his lover looked about thirty and had

the vitality of a much younger man. “Then I’ll be really careful,” Kellum vowed.

Although he’d never been with a virgin, Kellum was willing to bet big money that

Drake was tighter than one. Drake’s hole tightened around Kellum’s fingers with each slow

“Fuck me!” Drake demanded.
“No. You aren’t ready,” Kellum argued.
Kellum smiled at his lover’s impatience. He took another couple of minutes to carefully

prep his lover before he slicked up his cock. “It might be easier on your stomach.”

Drake nodded. “I’d prefer to see you, but I think you’re right.”
Tension eased out of Kellum at Drake’s capitulation. Without Drake’s sharp eyes

examining his every move, he relaxed. Not that he dreamt Drake would criticise, but the
pressure of pleasing his mate had made him tense.

After Drake rolled over, Kellum added more lube.
“If you don’t fuck me soon I will take control,” Drake warned.
“Pushy bottom,” Kellum scolded.
Drake laughed. “I think you’re the only person who’d dare say that to me.”
“Good.” Kellum didn’t like the thought of anyone else being familiar enough with

Drake to tease him in that manner, especially about sex.

Drake looked over his shoulder and pinned Kellum with his stormy eyes. “You know

you are the only one for me from now on, right? There can’t be anyone else for either of us.”

“I know.” Kellum didn’t know if he truly believed the magical soul mate concept, but

time would tell and Kellum didn’t have anywhere else he needed to be except in Drake’s
arms. Stupid since they’d known each other less than twenty-four hours.

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Kellum carefully line up his cock and pushed inside. Drake clenched around him.

Kellum slapped Drake’s ass. “Relax!” he ordered.

Drake laughed, a strange sensation with Kellum halfway inside. “You are enjoying this

way too much,” Drake said. “Once we figure out the oil, I’m going to fuck you into the
mattress until you forget your name.”

“That’s a goal I can get behind,” Kellum said.
Drake groaned at the pun. “Do your job, Mr Top.”
“Yes, sir,” Kellum said cheekily.
After that there were few words. Instead of vowels and consonants, there were sighs,

grunts and moans. Kellum clumsily reached around and wrapped his fingers around Drake’s
erection. “Come, babe, we need to do this together.” He gasped Drake’s name as he poured
his seed into his lover.

“Oh fuck,” Drake whispered. His cum splashed across Kellum’s hand in a wet, sticky


The two men collapsed together. Kellum sighed against Drake’s back. “That was great.”

He slowly slid out, mindful of his lover’s discomfort.

He lifted his hand and idly licked at the cum decorating his fingers.
“No!” Drake shouted.
Kellum jolted from the noise. “What?”
“Are you sick? How do you feel?”
Heat pooled in Kellum’s stomach followed by a surge of energy. Kellum gasped as

magic surged through his body like an electric jolt, tingling his fingers and toes. He could feel
the roots of his hair static with power.

“Like I was a bit electrocuted,” Kellum admitted. “Not bad, but weird.”
A bright light flashed in the room. Kellum watched with awe as two balls of energy

spun around each other in the air before slamming into Kellum and Drake.

“Oh shit!” Kellum screamed. Gasping for air, he clutched at the sheets as a wave of

energy sizzled through him. He heard Drake shouting beside him.

The world whited out for a moment before everything changed again, flashing back in

brilliant colour.

Kellum let out the breath he’d unconsciously held in his lungs. Blinking to focus his

spotted vision, he turned his head to see Drake. “What the hell was that?”

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“The energy exchange. I’ve heard stories of that happening when people are completely

magically compatible. I’ve never met anyone it happened with before.”

“What does it mean?” Kellum asked. He was almost afraid to ask. Nothing good ever

happened to him—except Drake. Drake was the best thing Kellum had ever had in his life
and he’d do anything he had to in order to keep him.

“It means our lives are now bound together,” Drake explained.
Kellum might have doubted their bond before, but now he couldn’t deny their

connection. He could almost hear the connection thrumming between them.

Drake’s voice echoed in his head.
“Hello?” Kellum concentrated on sending the thought back.
Drake laughed. “I heard you.”
“Huh, that’s weird. I don’t know how I feel about you being in my head,” Kellum


“I don’t think I can hear you unless you project to me. I can’t hear your casual thoughts.

On the plus side, if we’re soul bonded there’s no way my cum can hurt you,” Drake said
with a satisfied air.

“True, let’s go clean up,” Kellum said. He didn’t try to hide his relief at not sharing all

his thoughts. He wasn’t trying to hide anything, but surely a person deserved some privacy.

Drake stood beside him and held out a hand. “Come on, love, let’s take a shower.”
Shoving his worries aside, Kellum took his mate’s hand and let Drake pull him up.

He’d worry about his father another day.

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Chapter Seven

“Tell the contractor to get their ass in gear or I’m going to come down there myself!”

Drake shouted into the phone before slamming his phone down.

“Problems, love?”
Drake turned his attention to the doorway and his irritation melted like ice beneath the

summer sun. After a week at the mansion, he still never tired of seeing Kellum enter a room.
He’d chosen to work from home until they discovered what Kellum’s father was up to.
Unfortunately, the Vice President had yet to make a move.

“The contractors are giving us overpriced bids for the marble in the lobby and dragging

their feet on repairs. I even had the ghouls removed. What more do they want?” Drake

Kellum laughed. “Where did you put them?”
“I had them dropped off at your father’s mansion. Apparently the media is having a

frenzy over what it might mean for the presidency if the Vice President is embroiled in black
magic.” Drake gave a satisfied smile. “At least one thing went right with your father.”

“You know he’ll retaliate, don’t you?” Kellum asked, frowning.
Drake stood and walked to his mate. Wrapping Kellum in his arms, he gave him a tight

hug. “We know he’s going to do that anyway. If he hasn’t given up on capturing you after all
this time, he’s not going to change his ways all of a sudden.”

“True,” Kellum agreed. He snuggled into Drake’s embrace, making Drake feel ten feet


Before he’d bonded with Kellum, Drake had been content with his life—bored, but

content. Now he knew what true happiness meant. Happiness was Kellum.

“We’ll think of something to hold over him and keep him from coming after you.”
Kellum snorted. He stepped back, forcing Drake to let him go. “Who do you think

you’re kidding? He’s shockingly discreet. I doubt he’s ever going to let me go, not if it means
possibly giving up more power.”

“We’ll find a way,” Drake said stubbornly. “I’ve got a few more hours here. Are you

done training with Milton?”

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The werewolf came once a day to help Kellum develop his powers. The sessions helped

both of them since Milton got to stretch out his wolf and Kellum was able to work on his

Kellum nodded. “I’m going take a shower then maybe settle in the library for some

reading. I’ve barely made a dent in that stack of books you gave me.”

Drake had grabbed a collection of books on basic spells, symbolism and the different

levels of demons from his library for Kellum to read. Because of his upbringing, Kellum
lacked the basic knowledge of magic all other wizards learned growing up.

After a few of hours of physical training, Kellum always settled down by the fire in the

study and read. The cook had taken to leaving Kellum little treats to eat while he read. The
staff adored Kellum. He’d won them over with his sweet smile and polite ways.

Smiling with thoughts of his lover, Drake went back to yelling at contractors and

ordering his agents around. Before he knew it the sky had darkened.

Kellum must’ve got enthralled in his reading. Usually he came and found Drake to lure

him to dinner by now. Checking the clock, Drake saw it was past eight at night.

“Time to eat, love,” he sent to Kellum.
Amusement shifted to concern. Drake’s steps went from walking to running. “Kellum!”

he shouted.

He came to a sliding stop at the den doorway. Catching his breath, he rushed into the

room only to find it empty.

No sign of struggle didn’t reassure him at all. Where was Kellum?
He yelled and sent psychic shouts but nothing. Drake pulled the cell phone out of his

pocket and dialled.

“What’s up, boss?”
“Do you have Kellum?” There was a tiny chance that Kellum might have gone back to

train some more with Milton. The werewolf quickly dashed Drake’s hopes.

“Not since this afternoon, why?”
“I think he’s been kidnapped,” Drake said. His stomach swirled with nausea.
“How did they get him without you knowing?” Milton asked reasonably.
Drake wanted to shout at Milton. “They must’ve put a dampening spell around my


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“Maybe. Are you sure he didn’t leave voluntarily?” Milton asked. Drake could hear the

caution in the shifter’s voice.

“Of course he didn’t leave on purpose. He told me he was going into the den to read.

His books are there. He’s not and he’s not responding to my calls.”

“We’re bonded, Milton. You don’t walk away from the other half of your fucking soul!”

he screamed into the phone.

“Pull it together, Drake,” Milton ordered. “We can’t help him if you fall apart. Where

would his father have taken him?”

“I don’t know. Check in with the watchers we have on Kellum’s father. Interrogate

Julian if necessary. We need to find my mate. The only way he isn’t responding is if they
drugged him somehow.” Drake had never panicked in his life. He was panicking now.

“I’ll call around. You keep trying to contact Kellum.”
“Call me in thirty,” Drake ordered, regaining his composure. Milton was right. He

wasn’t doing Kellum any favours by falling apart.

He spent the next half hour torn between trying to reach Kellum and investigate the

Vice President in equal measure. Drake didn’t turn up anything he didn’t already know
about the VP, and Kellum didn’t respond.

The phone rang.
Drake snatched it up. “What did you learn?”
“We think we know where they took him,” Milton said.

* * * *

Kellum came awake with a jolt. He gulped air into his lungs, trying to regain his breath.

Where was he?

Drake’s voice echoed in his head, a loud stringent sound. His beloved sounded panicky.

That couldn’t be right. Drake never became upset like that. Angry yes, frantic no.

“Where are you?”

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Kellum glanced around the room. It had the sterile feel of a hotel, but what hotel, he

didn’t know. He searched the table beside him. Snatching up a pad of paper, he repeated the
hotel address to his mate.

“Be careful, love. It might be a trap.”
He didn’t trust the ease with which he’d discovered his location. His father wasn’t a

careless man.

Curious, Kellum walked over to the door and turned the knob. Unlocked. Hmm… What

the hell was going on here? The last time his father had captured him he’d dragged him to
his study and tried to magically take over Kellum’s body. Fortunately for Kellum, he was
stronger than his father had given him credit for. When the magical backlash had hit, the
Vice President had been knocked unconscious, allowing Kellum to get away.

Had his father taken him again, and if so, where was he?
Kellum pulled the door open and peeked down the hall. There. A shadow demon

detached from the wall and pierced Kellum with his greenish-yellow eyes.

He slammed the door shut.
Sitting back on the bed, Kellum wrapped his arms around his legs and waited. He knew

if he went out there the demon would stop him from going far and his father wasn’t stupid
enough to leave the window unwatched.

“I guess I really am the dude in distress,” Kellum said whimsically to the room.
Kellum watched the clock on the desk as he waited. Every once in a while Drake sent

him a reassuring message, but Kellum didn’t want to distract his mate from his grand rescue.
After all, he was pretty sure Drake would enjoy playing the hero. Kellum would definitely be

Ten minutes passed before a knock at the door heralded the arrival of his father. Jerome

Mellon entered the room with a smug smile and a cloud of expensive cologne. Kellum
sneezed. The cologne must be to try and hide the stench of black magic following the Vice
President around. Humans wouldn’t know what they smelt, but another wizard would be
aware of Jerome’s vices.

“What a pleasure to see you, son,” Kellum’s father said. He had dark hair and the same

colour eyes as Kellum. The polished charm of a politician showed in his look from the snowy
white smile to the meticulously cut hair.

“I wish I could say the same,” Kellum replied just as pleasantly.

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“But think how much fun it will be to announce our reunion to the media,” Jerome

continued. “Lost son reunited with his father. They’ll eat it up for my presidential race.”

“I have a different headline in mind,” Kellum said. “Psychotic Vice President kidnaps

son to practise his black arts.”

The Vice President’s face flushed with anger. “But you won’t be telling anyone

anything like that. Once your lover comes, we will capture him and we both know you
wouldn’t do anything to harm him. You care too much for your sugar daddy. Not that I can
blame you—you have a nice setup. A mansion and a guy who obviously dotes on you. I’d
hate to ruin such a good thing. After all, you did get your silver tongue from me. All I ask in
return for your lover’s continued health is a little of that magic of yours. We both know you
have enough for a dozen wizards.”

Kellum uncurled from his spot on the bed and stood up to face his father. Not that

standing helped—he still only came to the Vice President’s chin. “I don’t think you
understand the situation here, Daddy dearest, but when my mate comes here, he’s going to
ruin you. Nothing will save you.”

His father laughed. “It’s really sweet you think that, but I’ve put a few things into effect

that will take care of your powerful mate. Demons will always work for you if they know
they can get more power. Like I said, work with me and I won’t kill your mate.”

“And what if I kill you?” Kellum asked casually. For the first time the smug smile

dropped from his father’s face.

“You can’t do that. I’m the Vice President.”
“Where are your Secret Service, Mr Vice President?” Kellum asked.
“I told them I was turning in. They are ridiculously easy to fool.”
“Then it won’t come as a surprise when they find you dead. After all, if you sneak away

all the time who knows what sort of nefarious acts you do on the side. Especially after I plant
the drugs. The scandal will be huge.” Kellum smiled. “Don’t fuck with me. If you hurt Drake
nothing will stop me from killing you.”

“But I’m your father!”
“You are the sperm donor. My father died when you sent your ghouls to fetch me. He’s

the one who raised me. You ditched my mother after she was pregnant because she didn’t
suit your political career.”

“Told you that, did she?” Jerome sneered. “Your mother was a lying whore.”

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Kellum didn’t even think. Pure reflexes had him pushing air at the Vice President.

Jerome’s head snapped back and blood dripped from his nose.

“Perhaps you don’t understand your situation. You are alone in a room with a person

you threatened and who could slowly break every bone in your body. You might not think
so, but I’m pretty sure I can completely and utterly destroy you without even breaking a
sweat. I’m no longer a scared little boy hiding in my closet from ghouls. I’m a man who’s
angry enough to kill you. My mother wasn’t a whore. She showed me your callous letter and
gave me every penny you ever sent her. She was a young girl charmed by a sweet-talking
man who wanted into her pants. A man who later couldn’t have any more children, and do
you want to know why?” Kellum asked with great enjoyment. He’d been waiting to share
this little tidbit for fifteen years.

“Why?” The politician narrowed his eyes at Kellum as if daring him to tell him the


“Because that sweet little girl had a voodoo queen for a grandmother and she cursed

you. No matter how many women you lie with you’ll never have another child to carry on
your name.”

“No!” Jerome shouted. “That can’t be true.”
“It is. My Grandma Lily told me on her deathbed.” Kellum’s grandmother had only

outlived her granddaughter by a few days. With Kellum’s mother dead, she’d lost her will.

“So you truly are the only child I have.” Jerome sat down hard in the visitor’s chair, all

the vigour drained out of him.

If he hadn’t known the character of the man before him, Kellum would’ve felt a spurt of

sympathy. As it was, he had to resist the urge to kick him.

“What are you going to do?” Kellum asked.
Before the Vice President could answer, the door slammed open and Secret Service

swarmed the room.

“Mr Vice President, are you all right?” A burly man wearing a tailored suit approached.

“We heard you were kidnapped.”

Kellum started laughing and couldn’t stop. He sat down on the bed to wipe his tears.
“I wasn’t kidnapped, Vance,” Jerome snapped in annoyance. “I was spending time with

my son.”

“Your son?” Vance turned to examine Kellum.

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Before Kellum could say anything snide, Drake rushed into the room. He immediately

marched over and wrapped Kellum in his arms.

“Oh, I see,” Vance said. “You wanted to hide the fact your son is gay.”
Kellum immediately nodded. “Father is ashamed of me.” He threw in a pitiful look as

he leaned gratefully against Drake.

“Shhh, go with it.”
Vance turned a disapproving eye at the Vice President. “Sir, you shouldn’t hide your

son because of his sexuality. If that comes out, the liberals will eat you for lunch. Just look
how well Senator Stamson is doing with his gay son.”

Kellum bit his lip trying to hide his amusement at his father’s expense.
“I think it’s time for us to go.” Kellum cast his father a regretful look. “I understand

your stance, Father. Maybe one day you won’t be ashamed of me.”

Vance gave Kellum an encouraging pat on the back as he passed.
Kellum nodded to the demon driver who opened the limo door. When he sat down he

met Drake’s eyes and burst into laughter. They chuckled until tears dripped from their eyes.

“Oh. My. God. Did you see his face? Oh damn.” Kellum wiped his face with his palms.

Drake chuckled along with him.

After several minutes of laughter they finally sobered up.
“We’re going to have to do something about your father. We sent Julian to work in your

father’s office. Sort of a return to sender program.”

“What are we going to do? He’s sort of right. If we kill him, we’ll be the ones

prosecuted. No one will believe the Vice President dabbled in black magic and consorted
with demons.”

“I have some ideas.” Drake kissed Kellum, clearing his head of any thoughts.
“Can we make love in the back of the limo now?” Kellum asked.
“Yes. We’ve got about an hour until we get home and we need to use up the time


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Kellum smiled at Drake across the table. The morning paper glowed on the digital

reader he set on the table. “Sad to hear about the Vice President. Poor man was caught in a
compromising position with a lust demon.”

Drake took a bite of eggs, humming over the flavour. “Yes, that is a shame. He claims

he was set up.”

“Really?” Kellum raised a brow. “A political leader framed in a sex scandal? Well, he

could try that approach, I guess. I doubt the public will fall for it. I mean, they always declare
their innocence, don’t they?”

“True.” Drake smiled before he took a sip of coffee. “The President is very


“Mm-hmm, it doesn’t reflect well on him.”
Drake remembered the meeting Senator Stamson had arranged for them. Turned out

the President had long suspected his Vice President of doing something underhanded. He
was more than willing to help them frame Jerome.

“I think the President can weather the scandal. After all, he’s supportive of the poor gay

son his Vice President tried to brush under the carpet.”

“Most understanding of him,” Drake agreed.
Kellum’s warm smile had Drake setting down his mug. “Now that we know your

father won’t come after you anymore, what do you want to do with your life?”

“You mean, besides spend it seducing you?” Kellum asked.
“I’d like to work with young wizards to help them develop their abilities. I don’t want

anyone else to grow up unaware of their powers.” The sincerity in Kellum’s gaze made
Drake’s heart ache with love.

“I think that’s a great idea.” It also kept Kellum out of the agent department where he

might get injured.

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Kellum stood up and walked around the table to kiss Drake. He climbed into Drake’s

lap. Drake wrapped his arms around Kellum to hold him in place, happily taking his mate’s
slight weight.

“Do you think Jerome will truly give up?” Kellum frowned.
“I think so. The ghouls are afraid of you so they won’t come again. The demons have

signed a peace agreement with the President to stay away from innocents so they can’t attack
you either. The Secret Service and our agents are watching him, so if he changes his mind
and goes to attack we’ll have plenty of warning. Relax. Now it’s time to focus on us.”

“I like to focus on you,” Kellum said. Drake sighed against Kellum’s mouth before

taking the kiss.

“You can focus on me as often as you want,” Drake assured him. After so many years

alone he couldn’t now imagine a day without Kellum in it.

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Supernatural Mates: More Than Pride

Amber Kell


Chapter One

Dillon sat on the back porch enjoying the cool evening breeze with a cold Mason jar of

sun tea in his hand. He yawned, tired after his long day of helping clear out the west garden
for spring planting. He generally didn’t mind pitching in—a pride was only as strong as its
weakest member and Dillon had decided long ago that he wouldn’t be the weakest. He
might have been born the runt of the litter but time dedicated to building up his body and a
late growth spurt had helped him rise to the second strongest of the pride. Now only the
alpha pair was stronger than him…and Adrian didn’t really count because Dillon had met
few people as vicious as Talan’s sweet wolf mate.

Sighing, Dillon pushed at the deck with his foot, sending the wooden swing tilting


His life should’ve been just about fucking perfect. He had a good job as overseer of the

pride’s work teams and sometimes as a representative for their alpha. Talan trusted him to
negotiate treaties and represent him when he couldn’t get away. Why, then, did he feel
hollow inside? The last few days it had taken effort to even drag himself out of bed. Nothing
seemed to bring him joy anymore. Not even the cubs running around the house could bring
out his usual smile. Now that both Kevin and Talan had mates, he longed for one of his own.

A sigh ripped through his chest. None of the local lions appealed to him, and although

he’d started to take a look at Adrian’s pack for potential mates, he hadn’t found a wolf

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partner who appealed to him either. Was it too much to hope to find one perfect man? Hell,
he’d even take a woman if she made his heart beat faster.

The tiny sound caught Dillon’s attention. He stopped the sway of the swing to peer into

the darkness. A large tabby cat pranced through the high grasses, attacking dandelions as he
crossed the field.

Walk. Walk. Pounce.
The animal followed that pattern over and over as it approached. Dozens of hapless

dandelions lost their fluff as it moved closer.

“Hey there, little fella,” Dillon said, keeping his voice low and soothing. What a cute

cat. However, Dillon needed to get the small creature off the pride lands before he became a
lion snack. “Come here,” he cooed to the pretty cat.

An owl’s screech made the hairs on the back of Dillon’s neck stand up straight. He leapt

off the porch and ran towards the tabby as a great horned owl launched off a nearby tree.
The bird zeroed in on the cat, and, before Dillon’s horrified gaze, swooped down and
grabbed the feline in its claws.

“No!” Dillon screamed. He scooped up a rock off the ground and threw it at the bird.

His stone hit its mark, striking the avian on the wing.

The owl screeched, releasing its grip on the small animal. To Dillon’s surprise, the tabby

flipped midair and transformed. Fur changed to smooth, muscled skin and red-gold hair
flowed across a well-shaped skull. Instead of a fluffy cat, a naked man landed on his feet in
the grass. The cat shifter crouched down like a feral creature afraid to be out in the wide
open. His brilliant hair shone in the moonlight and even in human form the man’s eyes
shimmered reflectively.

Another cry came from the owl. It landed several feet away and transformed into a tall

muscular man with brown and white speckled hair. Bruises covered him from face to torso.
His ribs stood out in sharp relief against his battered mocha-coloured skin.

The owl man swayed for a moment before his eyes rolled up into the back of his head

and he collapsed onto the ground.

Why the hell were a cat and an owl intruding on lion land? Concern for the injured

shifter had Dillon moving towards the avian first.

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“I hope you two have a good reason for being on our land. I’d hate to have to kill you,”

Dillon muttered as he reached the owl shifter’s side. He brushed the stranger’s bruised skin
with gentle fingers, carefully feeling around for any deeper injuries. As far as he could see, all
the bad wounds were on the surface, nothing broken. He didn’t know if it was because the
man had shifted several times already or because there truly wasn’t more damage—though
the fact that the bruises had survived the shift told Dillon they must’ve started out quite

He hoped the owl shifter woke up with a good excuse, or Talan was going to have

puppies at this show of such blatant disrespect. Any proper shifter should know better than
to intrude on a lion’s pride land and expect to survive the encounter.

Dillon leant down and picked up the collapsed shifter, even though he had at least an

inch on Dillon in height. The owl’s human mass wasn’t anything near a lion’s weight.
Turning back towards the pride house, Dillon almost ran into the cat shifter.

“What are you doing here?” Dillon glared at the stranger. It was difficult to keep his

gaze above the man’s neck when a quick downward flick of his eyes revealed the man was
golden everywhere. Dillon tried to keep his look steady. Shifters might be comfortable with
nudity but it was still considered rude to stare.

“I-I’m s-sorry to be on your territory,” the cat shifter stuttered.
Dillon could smell the terror rolling off the smaller man. A long scratch crossed his right

arm from where the owl’s claws had grabbed him.

“Who are you?”
Dillon waited for more but the stranger stood there staring at him without speaking.

Deciding he needed to get the owl shifter inside, Dillon brushed past Chester and trudged
towards the house.

“And you’re from?” he asked without glancing at the other man.
The sudden silence had Dillon breaking his determination not to look at the pretty man.
Chester stood two feet away nibbling on his bottom lip. Dillon strove to ignore the urge

to bite Chester’s mouth himself and see if he tasted as sweet as he looked.

“I’m not really from anywhere,” he said at last.

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Before Dillon could comment on that strange statement, the cat man draped across his

shoulder spoke.

“Sorry about trying to eat you—my owl was just really hungry,” the bird shifter


Rough and deep, his tone settled in Dillon’s balls and made his cock rise up to pay


“You can set me down now.”
Chester gave the birdman a quick look from beneath his long, golden lashes. “That’s

okay.” He rubbed his quickly healing wound and took a baby step away from the other

Dillon carefully placed the man on his feet, keeping an arm around his waist for

support. Despite the strength in his voice, the owl shifter swayed a bit.

“Thank you.”
Between the pretty kitty and the sexy bird, his dick wanted to come out and visit. After

all, the other two were naked…why didn’t it get to play? Dillon shook his head to banish his
inappropriate thoughts. He needed to represent the pack, not indulge in a quick three-way.

“I’m Evin.” The owl’s gaze challenged him, but Dillon didn’t look away from anyone

except his alpha. He let a low growl roll up his throat until Evin broke his stare.

“Sorry.” Evin examined the ground with great interest.
“Uh-huh. So why are you two here?” He folded his arms across his chest as he waited

for their answers.

“I’m lost,” Chester blurted out. He hung his head as if he were confessing a great sin.
Dillon felt a strange urge to cuddle the lean man to his chest and keep him close, but he

resisted because he could hear a thread of a lie in the kitty’s words.

“I need to meet with Talan,” Evin stated. His cool tone and powerful presence made

Dillon’s inner cat want to purr and roll over for a belly scratch.

“Why?” Dillon didn’t budge. Just because someone showed up and wished to speak to

their alpha didn’t give them automatic access.

The back door opened. “Hey, Dillon, you want a cookie?”
Dillon’s heart skipped a beat as Adrian sauntered out onto the porch. With a powerful

bound, he leapt in front of the alpha mate, protecting Adrian with his body.

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Adrian peered up at him. “What’s going on?”
To Dillon’s surprise, Evin gave Adrian a low bow. “I have important information I need

to share with you and your mate.”

Dillon watched with amusement as Adrian gave the intruder a careful examination.

Adrian may come across as a nice man without an ounce of malice in his body, but Dillon
had seen the colder side of the alpha mate and did his best to make sure Adrian’s ruthless
wolf half rarely needed to come out and play. Adrian’s baking skills might have won him the
pride’s affections, but it was his more lethal abilities that had earned him the pride’s respect.
Dillon had no doubt that, if someone tried to attack, they’d only get halfway through a shift
before Adrian killed them with his poison-tipped claws.

Still, his lion instincts urged him to protect the smaller member of his pride.
Adrian bit into a snickerdoodle as he regarded Evin with a cool assessing gaze. A

delicious-smelling assortment of cookies covered the tray that Adrian balanced easily in one
hand. Dillon resisted the urge to grab a pastry, waiting until the alpha mate’s safety was

“Why do you need to talk to him and how do you know who I am?” Adrian asked.
Dillon shook his head. “Everyone knows who you are, Adrian. Talan’s the only lion

alpha without a lion mate.”

“Really?” Adrian’s surprise made Dillon laugh despite the odd situation. Sometimes the

wolf had no clue of politics outside of a pack.

“Yes, really.”
“The hunters are heading this way,” Evin said. “My brother, Tilden, made a deal with

them in exchange for the pride lands when they take out the lions. Tilden is crazy. After the
wildfires last month destroyed our habitat, the owl shifters are becoming increasingly
displeased with Tilden’s handling of the crisis. When I protested, he had me starved and
beaten. They only left me alone because they thought I was too injured to fly.”

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About the Author

Amber is one of those quiet people they always tell you to watch out for. She lives in

Seattle with her husband, two sons, two cats and one extremely stupid dog.



Amber loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and

author biography at



Also by Amber Kell


Back to Hell

Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Switching Payne

Supernatural Mates: From Pack to Pride

Supernatural Mates: A Prideful Mate

Supernatural Mates: A Prideless Man

Supernatural Mates: Nothing To Do With Pride

Supernatural Mates: Talan’s Treasure

Supernatural Mates: More Than Pride

Cowboy Lovin’: Tyler’s Cowboy

Cowboy Lovin’: Robert’s Rancher

Dangerous Lovers: Catching Mr Right

Dangerous Lovers: Accounting for Luke

Yearning Love: Taking Care of Charlie

Yearning Love: Protecting Francis

Planetary Submissives: Chalice

Planetary Submissives: Orlin’s Fall

Planetary Submissives: Zall’s Captain

Magical Men: Keeping Dallas

The Under Wolves: A Gamma’s Choice

Mercenary Love: Tempting Sin

Mercenary Love: Testing Arthur

Mercenary Love: Teasing Jonathan

The Thresl Chronicles: Soldier Mine

The Thresl Chronicles: Prince Claimed

The Thresl Chronicles: Politician Won

Hidden Magic: William’s House

Hidden Magic: Modelling Death

Heart Attack: My Subby Valentine

Scared Stiff: Protecting His Soul

Unconventional at Best: Convention Confusion

Unconventional in Atlanta: Blown Away

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With RJ Scott

End Street Detective Agency: The Case of the Cupid Curse

End Street Detective Agency: The Case of the Wicked Wolf

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Amber Kell Protecting His Soul
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Amber Kell Banded Brothers 4 To Bait A Bear
Amber Kell Killers & Thorns 1 Twisted Rose
Amber Kell Supernatural Mate Series 2 A Prideful Mate
Amber Kell Moon Pack 04 Denying Dare
Amber Kell Nothing to do with Pride
Amber Kell Matchmaker, Matchmaker
Amber Kell Banded Brothers 02 To Catch a Croc
Amber Kell & Stephanie Hecht The Cob Brothers 1 Ash Swan
Amber Kell [The Cob Brothers] 1 Ash Swan [MM]
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