27.02.2014, Terminologia, A. Długosz
Będą sprawdziany ze słownictwa + Sprawdzian końcowy i ewentualnie krótka (2-3 minuty)
prezentacja jakiegoś terminu.
Knowledge of the word
1. Word meaning /znaczenie słowa/
o Denotation – the exact meaning /dosłowne znaczenie/
o Connotation – the association with the meaning of the word, np. nauczyciel – pozyt.; belfer –
o Sense relations (e.g. synonyms – big = large; antonyms small ≠ large)
2. Word usage /użycie słowa/
o Collocations (do research, access the Internet)
o Idioms (hit the books – zakuwać; throw the book at somebody – ukarać kogoś bardzo
surowo; in my book – in my opinion)
o Style and register (formal, informal, ironic, disapproving, literary, poetic, technical)
3. Word formation
o Part of speech /część mowy/
o Spelling /pisownia/
o Pronuciation /wymowa/
o Prefixes and Suffixes (np.
happy, friend
4. Word grammar
o Prepositions (information on/about)
o Regular/Irregular verbs
o Transitive/Intransitive verbs
o Countable /uncountable nouns
Active vocabulary / passive vocabulary
Active vocabulary
used in speaking and writing
Passive vocabulary
used in listening and reading
- General
- General
- Specialized
- Specialized
1. Monolingual General
1. Monolingual general
a. Cambridge Advanced Learner`s Dictionary
b. Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary
c. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
d. Macmillan English Dictionary
e. Merriam – Webster`s Learner`s Online Dictionary