Pure by Freakyhazeleyes

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Pure by Freakyhazeleyes

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


Starting off October the right way, here is a Lemony Treat for amgglekim's Trick or Treat
Halloween Contest. Bella and Edward's first date is at a Halloween party, but it escalates into a
Lemon Party! All Human One Shot!

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Looking at her self in the full length mirror in her bathroom, Bella groaned out loud. What had she
been thinking? She really should have taken Alice‟s advice and let the tiny pixie just buy her a
costume for the night. But no! Bella just had to stick to her principles about A) not letting her
friend spend any money on her and B) not looking like a complete slut, especially on their first


Ah yes, her date. A brief smile flitted across her face thinking about her date. Edward. They had
met at the beginning of the semester in their Biology Lab at the University. They had been
assigned as partners and had clicked immediately. The past two months they had been tentatively
dancing around their attraction for each other, but when Alice had told Bella about her plans for
her Halloween party, Bella had immediately jumped on the chance to ask Edward if he would like to
go with her. She had been very specific with him that she would like for that night to be a date,
surprising even herself with her forwardness. She had been both pleased and surprised when he

had accepted.

But, glancing at her self once again in the mirror, Bella was regretting her decision. All of her
decisions actually. First, in inviting Edward. Second, in not letting Alice at least attempt to give her
some sex appeal. And thirdly, for renting this utterly ridiculous monstrosity, that at the time, she
had thought would be a cute little ice breaker for them. And it would be a way for Edward to get to
know her; she was dressed as her favorite animal. Trying to feel the least bit sexy, Bella had her
favorite bra and panty set from Victoria‟s Secret on underneath; white lace against the skin always

did wonders for Bella‟s mood.

Hearing the knock at the door of her apartment, Bella felt her stomach clench in both nervousness

and embarrassment. The man of her dreams was about to see her looking very foolish.

She walked slowly to the door, trying to prolong the inevitable.

She attempted to plaster a smile on her face before opening the door. Her eyes met the nervous
green depths of Edward Cullen. There was a silent deafening pause as they both looked the other

up and down. And then they burst out laughing.

Bella had never felt so much relief in her entire life; she was falling against the door trying to hold
her self up because of it. Edward looked to be in the same shape as her, leaning against the door

frame, a tawny paw on his stomach.

Yes, Edward was dressed as a lion. The tan and orange fuzzy costume complimented his bronze

hair and his green eyes stood out all the more.

“I…ha-ha…I was so worried…” Edward admitted after containing his mirth at the situation.

“You?” Bella exclaimed pointing a black hoof covered hand at Edward. “Look at me!” And she
gestured to her costume that was all white and fluffy. The floppy ears that were on top of her head
fell into her eyes as she looked down her body encased in a lamb‟s outfit. It was her favorite


“What? I think you look cute.” He said with a small smile and twinkles in his eyes.

Bella blushed at that. She returned the smile and stepped out into the orange and black covered

hallway, shutting the door behind her.

“I think you look cute too.” She said in a shy tone.

Edward looked affronted at that. “I‟m not supposed to look cute!” He said lifting his chin, making
Bella giggle. “I‟m a lion. I‟m supposed to be ferocious.” And then he playfully swiped one of his paw

covered hands at Bella.

She tried dodging it, but ended up tripping over her feet. Edward caught her easily with a laugh at

her clumsiness.

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He towed her towards his Volvo and opened the passenger door for her, all the while ignoring the
looks they were receiving. Edward went around to the driver‟s side and got in next to her. Starting

the car, they went off towards Jasper‟s house, the location for Alice‟s party.

“So,” Edward began, “why a lamb?” He had an amused smile on his face and he briefly glanced

over her costume again.

Bella blushed scarlet. She tried not to look at him as she answered, “When I was little, the first
song I was able to sing all the way through was „Mary had a little lamb.‟ Since then, it‟s been my

favorite animal.”

Edward chuckled and he reached over and awkwardly took her hoof in his paw.

“I think it‟s very fitting. Pure, just like you.”

She blushed furiously at his words, but felt better at the contact and even through the thick fabric
of their costumes she could feel the heat from his skin and she tried not to concentrate on the
tingles now coursing through her veins.

Gaining her voice back, Bella turned towards him. “What about you? Why a lion?”

His cheeks turned pink and Bella just fell for him all the more.

“It‟s actually symbolic in a way…” He trailed off and ducked his head when they stopped at a red


“Go on.” She urged him with a prodding of her hoof.

He sighed and his shoulders slumped. “I‟m the Cowardly Lion.” He said and stepped on the gas as

the light turned green.

“A character from The Wizard of Oz?”

“No. Well, yes, but that‟s not why I‟m dressed like a lion. I…well…I was too much of a coward to
ask you for a date first. I was afraid you‟d say no.” He said in another quiet voice that just about

broke Bella‟s heart.

Bella smiled softly and brought her hoof covered hand up to his cheek and…well, tried to rub it.

She more nudged it, but Edward smiled in return to the gesture.

Edward parked down the street from Jasper‟s house, already crowded with people. They walked
side by side up the steps towards the entrance, Edward‟s paw on the small of her back the entire


When they entered, their senses were bombarded by the flashing lights, the loud music, people

dancing, and the smells of food. Alice knew how to throw a party.

Edward looked around the crowded rooms, Bella at his side. “Oh, I see Jasper.” He pointed towards

where the drinks were being handed out and began making their way over to him.

Jasper was leaning morosely against the wall, watching as the party went on around him. Bella

tried concealing her laughter as she got a good look at his costume. Alice had done well.

He was wearing all black, from the button down shirt to his shoes. On his back was a black cape,
the inside lining was red. Alice had managed to slick his blond hair down giving him the suave
debonair look. She had also gotten some make up on him as well; his skin looking extra pale in the

flashing lights around the room.

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Edward was outwardly chuckling next to her. Jasper just crossed his arms over his chest and said
nothing, glowering at Edward.

“Oh come on Jasper. It‟s a party, lighten up.” Edward then got a mischievous smile on his face.
“Let me see „em.” And he gestured to his mouth.

Jasper closed his eyes and sighed. Then he bared his teeth for them, showing off every sterling
white tooth, fangs and all. This Southern boy loved Alice very much if he allowed this type of

treatment to be done to him.

Edward and Bella laughed at the vampire Jasper made, even drawing an annoyed smile from
Jasper in the process.

“Nice tail.” he dryly remarked to Edward, who stopped laughing long enough to glare.

“So did you two plan your costumes or something?” Jasper said gesturing to Edward and Bella.

“Nope. Pure coincidence.” Edward said wrapping an arm around Bella‟s waist.

Jasper was about to reply, but looking over Bella‟s shoulder his eyes lit up instantly and a real

genuine smile appeared on his face.

Bella didn‟t have to turn around to know that Alice was within his line of sight.

“Bella!” The enraged and horrified tone of Alice sounded over the music. Bella turned and saw Alice
standing there in…practically nothing. The blood red corset barely covered her chest, and the
crimson matching skirt could only be constituted as piece of cloth covering the very tops of her
thighs. Bella could see the strategically placed black garters on both of her legs, fingerless black

gloves running up her arms and a tiny black top hat over her black hair.

“What are you wearing?” Alice complained eyes wide at her friends‟ appearance. Alice‟s fangs

glinted off the lights in the room.

Taking pity on Bella, Jasper intervened and dragged Alice to the dance floor. Edward turned to

Bella and grabbed her wrist, dragging her to the floor as well.

“You‟re leading me to the slaughter, you know that right?” Bella said trying to resist.

“It‟s all in the leading.” And with that, Edward lifted her white covered arms to his shoulders, and

put his hands around her waist for the slow song that had just started.

Bella knew for sure her face was stained crimson and she was beginning to feel a bit sweaty under
the lamb costume. Her senses were overwhelmed with his nearness and the feel of his hands on


“We must look quite a sight.” Bella murmured looking around at all of the couples; the women
scantily clad in what was really just lingerie and some form of animal ears. Their dance partners

however were eating it all up. The men couldn‟t take their eyes off them.

Turning back to Edward she realized the same was true for her. Edward had never once taken his

eyes from her.

“It‟s okay if we‟re not like them. I much prefer you like this anyway. Don‟t get me wrong,” Edward
rushed to assure her, “I think, well, I think you‟re very sexy Bella. I like everything about you. The
clumsy, blushing, wide eyed biology nerd who is my lab partner. I think if you had dressed up like
that,” He said gesturing to Alice, “I would have had a heart attack. But this,” he ran his hands
down the fabric covering her back, “is much more in character with the Bella I know and love. And
that makes you sexier in my eyes.” His voice rang with such sincerity and intensity, that Bella had

no choice but to believe his words. But then something caught her attention.

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“Love?” Her eyes widened at his use of that word.


“You said that you love me.” Bella was positive that that‟s what she‟d heard him say.

Edward‟s cheeks tinted pink and he looked down. “I‟m sorry. I wasn‟t thinking when I said that. I
mean it‟s true, but I know it‟s way too soon. I mean, this is only our first date for God‟s sakes. I‟m

so sor-”

But his mouth was busy being kissed by Bella. They were just getting into it when Edward‟s mane
brushed against Bella‟s cheek, making her giggle, and one of Bella‟s floppy ears fell onto Edward‟s


Leaning away from him, Bella nervously bit her bottom lip. “We can go somewhere…more private

and continue.”

Edward‟s eyes lit up and he escorted them up the long staircase to the second floor.


They had made their way to a guest room at the other end of the house, away from all the noise of
the party. Upon entering the room, Bella and Edward had lowered the animal ears and manes and
resumed their kiss. They had walked backwards until Bella‟s knees had hit the edge of the bed and

they toppled on top of it, lips and chests still connected.

As their tongues battled in each other‟s mouths, Bella found it increasingly difficult to hold onto
Edward with her hooves on. Edward‟s lips trailed along her jaw and she took that opportunity to
yank them off. Her fingers finally free, Bella ran them through the bronze hair that was softly

brushing her neck and cheeks.

Underneath the fabric, Bella could feel that ache in between her legs demanding attention and she

tried to rub against Edward, but it didn‟t feel right with their costumes still on.

She gently pushed him back, so she could catch her breath.

Edward was looking at her with naked lust and questions in his eyes. Bella smiled reassuringly at

him and cupped his cheek. She gently kissed his lips.

“How‟s your heart?” She whispered against him looking up at him with wide brown eyes.

His brow furrowed at her question but answered anyway.

“It‟s fine.” He tried reaching for her again, but Bella maneuvered around him and stood from the


She turned to face him and he sat down facing her. She knew they were rushing, but she didn‟t
care. All she knew was that her body ached for him. She wanted this with him, had wanted this for

almost as long as she had known him.

Her fingers shakily went to the side zipper of her costume and she heard Edward‟s breath catch in
his throat. That giving her the confidence to continue, she lowered the zipper all the way down, so

the side of her chest and the top of her thigh was exposed.

Slipping her arms through the sleeves, she allowed the white fluffy costume to slide slowly from

her body and pool at her feet and she stepped out of it to the cool hard wood floor.

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She was so nervous; her cheeks were on fire as she felt Edward‟s gaze brush over her skin. She
felt on fire in that moment, exposing her self to him. No one had ever seen her with so little

clothing before and she was both terrified and exhilarated.

She had no idea the turn on one could get just from allowing someone to look. And she was

desperately hoping Edward would like what he saw.

She didn‟t have to wonder what he thought for long. Hearing the hastily lowered zipper of his own
costume being lowered, Bella lifted her eyes back to him. He was standing a few feet away from

her, clad only in a pair of black boxers.

He was looking at her hungrily, like a predator stalking his prey.

He came towards her, pale skin seemingly glowing in the shadows of the room.

He stopped when they were only inches away; Bella‟s labored breathing allowing her chest to touch

his with every exhale.

Edward‟s fingers came up to the strap of her white lacy bra and lightly ran down over the tops of

her breasts and over to the other strap.

“You should have warned me that this was underneath that.” He whispered to her, leaning forward

to smell her strawberry scented hair.

Bella struggled to take in enough air to answer. “I did ask how your heart was.”

“Mmmmmm.” Edward hummed as his hands ran smoothly down the skin of her back and over the

top of her lacy panties.

Sparks erupted over her heated skin and she struggled to keep her eyes open. The wetness and
ache only intensified as his hands began brushing lower and lower. He was placing gentle kisses on
her cheeks, nose, closed eyelids and forehead, and she felt his fingers cup her center and start

rubbing her through the soaked material.

Bella was gripping his shoulders and standing on her tip toes, trying to arch and twist her body to

get closer. She wanted more friction down there, but Edward seemed content just to tease her.

He slipped his thumbs into the top of her panties and at an achingly slow pace, lowered them down
her legs, brushing her thighs and calves on the way back up. He lowered himself to his knees then

and began circling a finger around her clit.

He brushed his thumb over and around that bundle of nerves making Bella whimper and she thrust
her hips down. He ran his tongue slowly up her slit, tasting her and the inserted two fingers inside
of her, his tongue flicking over her clit.

Bella‟s head had fallen back and her mouth was open as loud groans tore from the back of her
throat. Edward was rhythmically pumping his fingers in and out, but she wanted him to be deeper.

Her hips were moving with him, but it still wasn‟t enough.

Her chest felt tight as he continued and she hurriedly yanked her bra off her body and tossed it

somewhere next to her.

Edward‟s mouth was now firmly attached to her clit repeating a sucking motion that had her knees
trembling. Her hands were buried in his hair, holding his face firmly in place. She felt her self begin
clenching around the fingers inside of her, and the flames that she had so far held at bay were now

beginning to lick her skin and course through her veins.

She was laboring for every breath and she was so close…

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And then Edward gently used his teeth to nibble on her clit and that was it. She was screaming his
name as the tightly held coil in her stomach sprung loose and she was coming.

Edward stayed below, licking up all of her juices and Bella had to grip his shoulders so she wouldn‟t
fall over from the force of her orgasm.

Edward stood back up and captured Bella‟s lips in a searing kiss and gripped her legs, bringing her
up to wrap around his body. Tasting her self on his lips and feeling his still covered erection made

her wet for him again.

He carried her to the bed and gently lowered her down to the mattress and he lowered his boxers
off his hips and down his legs.

He lowered himself on top of Bella and lined his erection up with her wet center, but only rubbed
against her.

Bella whimpered and lifted her legs to wrap around his waist again, but Edward just cupped her
face in between his hands. He looked like he was fighting for control and he opened his mouth to

say something.

“You never told me…” He sounded out of breath and shaky.

“What?” Bella whined; she was still trying to tug him down so they could continue.

“You never told me if you love me too.”

Bella‟s eyes widened and then she smiled at him. She reached her mouth up to his and kissed him

gently. She ran her tongue over his cheek and around the shell of his ear.

“I love you Edward Cullen.” She whispered into his ear.

He groaned and then gripped her legs harder around his waist and gently thrust inside of her.

When he was seated fully inside of her, he waited until she was ready to keep going.

Bella was gasping for air and she was giving tentative thrusts upward into him and he began
meeting her. His thrusts were long, hard and deep, making Bella arch her back off the bed, her

head pushing back into the pillow behind her.

Edward‟s hands gripped her hips, bringing her up to meet him in the sweetest friction either of

them had ever felt.

All Bella was capable of yelling was yes, yes, and oh, oh, peppered with his name.

Edwards‟ mouth attached to one of her nipples, sucking and nipping at it as he increased their


Suddenly his hands were holding her back and he hoisted them upwards into a sitting position,

with Bella on top of him.

He was still thrusting into her, lifting his hips to meet her as she ground into him. Her knees were

locked on either side of him and she felt her self tipping dangerously close to the edge.

Edward cupped her chin and brought their lips together and his thumb went back to rubbing her
clit. With one last powerful thrust inside of her, Bella clenched almost painfully around his cock,

milking the orgasm from him.

They swallowed each others screams and moans, arms locked around each other.

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Edward‟s mouth went back to her neck and he gave a few licks as he lowered them back to a
laying position on the bed.

Bella brushed her sweaty hair off her face and neck as she attempted to catch her breath. She
tried but failed miserably at thinking clearly with Edward still inside of her.

Edward placed his head over her still racing heart and wrapped his arms more tightly around her,
holding her hostage in between his arms, but she didn‟t mind. Her fingers gently stroked his hair

and after a few moments, they both fell into a deep sleep.


Yawning widely and loudly, Alice tied the rope around her robe tightly and grabbed the coffee pot,
pouring a liberal amount into the large mug on the counter. Bypassing the creamer and sugar, she
made her way over to the table, still littered with plates and cups from the party. Alice gave a tired

smile; she was pleased with herself. The party had been a success.

Hearing muffled whispering and a creaking on stairs, she turned her attention the entrance into the

living room, thinking it would be Jasper coming to join her.

Seeing two people, dressed as a lion and a lamb enter the living room, Alice closed her eyes in

irritation. Bella really should have let her buy her a costume.

Edward and Bella were carrying their animal ears and trying to be as quiet as they could, making
their way to the front door, not yet aware of Alice‟s presence in the other room.

She waited until they were close to the door. “You know,” she called, seeing them freeze, Edward‟s
hand on the handle, “doing the walk of shame dressed as animals is one thing, but to not even say
thank you for what looks to have been a great night for the two of you is just very insulting.” And
she brought the mug to her lips and took a delicate sip of the coffee, enjoying the blush that

spread across both Edward and Bella‟s faces.



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