Unwinding by Freakyhazeleyes

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Unwinding by Freakyhazeleyes

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


Written for Jayeliwood's Sexy Edward Contest! Politician Edward in a lemony one shot! PART TWO
now added!

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Chapter 1. Unwinding

Senator Jim Downing of Washington State walked the halls of the offices of the U.S. senators. He
greeted the people he saw with a smile and nod of his head, but could not be persuaded to stop
and chat because he was on a mission. He was headed to the office of his protégé, newly elected
Senator Edward Cullen. Jim considered Edward his protégé because they had campaigned long and
hard together to get where they were. Edward, being the younger but passionate political
enthusiast from the same state had captured Downing‟s attention from the very beginning of his

campaign, and together, they had crushed any and all competition for the new Senator‟s position.

But lately, after observing Edward‟s first few days on the job, Downing had become worried that
the stress of the new job, moving to the capitol and being a newly wed were taking its toll on
Edward. He was only 32 years old, by far one of the youngest people to ever grace the senate, but

Edward had claimed he could handle it.

Shaking his head slightly, Jim approached the large wooden oak doors of Edward‟s office, and
quietly entered. „Poor man‟ Jim thought upon seeing the downtrodden physique of Edward Cullen.
Edward was slumped in his black leather swivel chair behind his large oak desk, black suit in
disarray; head slumped back on his shoulders. His mouth was open slightly and Jim could hear
small gasps coming from his throat. He looked positively ill with a sheen of sweat on his forehead

and his normally pale face flushed.

“Cullen,” Jim said as quietly as he could; if Edward was sleeping, he didn‟t want to wake him.

But Edward‟s green eyes snapped open and his head shot up. “Jim!” Edward said a little too

sharply, eyes still wide.

Oh God, poor guy looks about ready to crack!‟ Jim thought sadly to himself.

“How are you holding up Edward? I know this must be a big change from that little cubicle you had
back home in Washington, isn‟t it?” Jim asked with a smile, gesturing to the expansive office before


Edward just nodded his head sharply, swallowing thickly. Jim cocked his head to the right
observing the young man before him. Edward‟s hands suddenly gripped the desk in front of him,

crumpling a few papers in the process.

“Are you alright Edward? You seem to be in pain.” Jim questioned worriedly, stepping forward.

“Oh yes!” Edward stated in a shaky voice. “I‟ve never been be…ah…better.”

“Are you sure? You seem like you‟re just about to drop. You really should be at home if you don‟t

feel well.” Jim said, still not convinced Edward was telling him the truth.

Edward started laughing a bit hysterically. “Oh, I feel great!”

Jim nodded his head, still unconvinced. “How‟s your wife adjusting to the new atmosphere?”

Edward‟s face flushed again. “Oh, well Bella‟s…ah…she‟s amazing. We couldn‟t be happier!” Edward

said with a shaky smile, sitting up a bit straighter in his chair.

“If you‟re sure…” Jim said skeptically.

“Yeah,” Edward said running a shaky hand through his sweaty bronze hair. “We‟re doing …ah… just

fine!” Edward said gasping.

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“Okay,” Jim replied. “Would you care to come have a drink? Unwind a bit? I do have some
paperwork I‟d like you to look over. A new bill the Senator‟s from Florida and Tennessee would like

us to join in backing.” He smiled at Edward.

Edward again clutched some paper work from his desk and shakily brought it up to show Jim. “I

still have so much paperwork here. Can we reschedule please?” Edward pleaded with him.

“Come now, Edward.” Seeing Edward‟s eyes widen, Jim felt confusion before continuing. “Surely

your paperwork can wait.”

Oh, ah, fine, please just give me fifteen or twenty minutes.” Edward said, his head now cradled in
his hand, his shoulders heaving with an unknown strain.

Nodding his head, Jim replied, “Alright but if you don‟t come in twenty minutes, I‟ll be back down
here.” He told Edward with a smile.

Edward‟s wide eyes widened even more at that. “Alright,” he choked out.

Jim left Edward‟s office, more determined than ever to let Edward unwind when they met for their



Once the door to his office was firmly shut, Edward looked down at the laughing brunette that was

currently between his thighs, his erection still in her mouth.

“That was not funny.” Edward told Bella. “You should have locked the door when you came in; not

left it wide open for anyone, especially my mentor, to walk through!”

Bella took her mouth from his erection so she could laugh freely. “When he said „Come now

Edward‟ I thought I was going to lose it!” She said, falling against the side of his large desk.

“So did I!” Edward said through clenched teeth.

“Oh, don‟t be mad sweetie.” Bella said, climbing from under his desk. “You heard Jim; we only
have twenty minutes to make you come.” She said lifting her black skirt and lowering her lacy

black panties.

Edward‟s eyes glazed over and his hands went to her hips, helping lower her to his lap, not
entering her yet. He moved his hands over her still clothed body and went to remove her sweater.
Throwing it to the side he cupped her breasts between her tank top while she unbuttoned his white
dress shirt and kissed down his chest. Leaving a hand on her right breast, his left moved lower to
her wet center and began running his fingers over her. She shivered in response and lifted her shirt
over her head and tore off her bra. Edward attached his mouth to her left nipple and began sucking

and nibbling it.

He started rubbing against her, running the tip of his erection over her entrance, teasing her like
she had done to him. Bella was gasping, and clutching his shoulders through his suit jacket, trying
to get more friction then he was giving. Switching nipples, Edward gave in and pushed into her,
while Bella pushed down, allowing him to fully enter her. Grabbing hold of the navy blue tie around
his neck with her right hand, the left still on his shoulder, she started rocking back and forth while

he thrust upwards into her.

He could feel the burn against the back of his neck as Bella clutched his tie harder in between her
clenched fist, and that just added to his pleasure. He started thrusting upwards faster, clenching
her hips, rocking her with him. Bella‟s head was thrown back and Edward attached his lips to the
newly exposed skin. He could feel her begin to clench around his length inside of her and he sped
up his thrusts even more. He moved his hand up to one of hers that still had his tie in a vice grip
and gently removed it and clasped their fingers together. Bella lowered her head and looked at him

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with her passion filled brown eyes. Edward leaned in and their lips and tongues met and engaged
in dance. She was whimpering against his mouth now with the effort to keep going with him a bit
longer, but Edward was having none of that. He brought his other hand off her hip and with his
fingers, he tweaked her nipples against his chest; with a harsh gasp of “Cheater!” Bella came.
Feeling the overwhelming wetness and heat consume him, Edward thrust upwards once more and

came forcefully inside of her.

Falling back in his chair, Edward clutched his wife‟s body against his as they came down from their
high. Bella laid her head on his chest and she glanced at the clock on his desk and chuckled.

Bringing her head up to kiss his lips again, she rested her forehead against his.

“Congratulations on the new job Senator Cullen. This definitely is a step up from that tiny cubicle;

softer carpet for my knees and a much bigger chair.” She said with a mischievous smirk.

Chuckling softly, Edward too looked at his clock. “Five minutes to spare.” He said with a sigh of


Crawling off of him and putting her clothes back on, Bella watched as her husband zipped his
pants, buttoned up his shirt and tried to get the wrinkles out of his tie. Walking hand in hand to the
doors of his office, they left, shutting the light off. Before parting at the fork in the hallway, Bella
gave Edward a tight hug and whispered in his ear, “You should tell Jim I‟m the only one who gets
to unwind you.” And then she kissed his cheek and headed to the elevators. Edward watched her,

then turned and chuckled his way to Jim‟s office.

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Chapter 2.

Bella Cullen stood as still as she could in the elevator on the way up to her husband‟s new office.
She had a small smile on her face as she thought about the lovely surprise she was about to give
her husband; her way of saying congratulations on a job well done. Senator Edward Cullen. The
new title next to his name always made her shiver with pride and pleasure. He had worked so hard
for this; and she knew he above everyone else deserved the position. She would always be grateful
to Jim Downing for taking a chance on her Edward. Stepping from the elevator she turned down

the hallway leading to Edward‟s office.

Knocking softly on the door, she waited a little bit impatiently for him to grant her entrance.

“Come in!” Yelled the strained voice of her husband.

Entering as quietly as she could and closing the door behind her, Bella observed Edward behind his
desk. His green eyes were glaring at the couple pieces of paper he held in his hand and his
beautiful lips were pursed in a thin line. She heard him growl slightly in his throat and Bella
couldn‟t help but be turned on; it had been almost a whole week since she‟d heard that sound from


Closing his eyes in obvious irritation, he let out a frustrated sigh. “Well don‟t just stand there! What
do you…” he trailed off when his eyes finally saw her standing near the doorway. His entire face
changed. His eyes lit up like a fire, his mouth turned upwards to her favorite smile and his hands
immediately dropped the offending paperwork. He stood up from his chair and all but ran to where
she was, scooping her up in his strong arms in a breathtaking hug. Bella hugged him back with all
of her might; it had been too long for her without his touch. The long hours were something to get
used to and Edward had come home exhausted every single night for the past week.

“I was just thinking about you.” Edward murmured into her hair, pressing a light kiss on the top of
her head.

Giggling quietly Bella looked up into his eyes. “You were glaring and growling. What could I have
possibly done to make you do that?”

“I saw what bought yesterday…and you have no idea what the thought of you wearing them was

doing to me.” Edward told her in a husky voice.

With a sexy smile, Bella lowered his hand that was on the small of her back to her bottom. “I‟m
wearing them right now.” She whispered against his lips, her fingers coming up to brush through
his hair. Edward groaned loudly against her mouth and then pushed his lips against hers, his hands
pulling her against him. They quickly made their way back to his desk and Edward, with his hands
on her bottom, picked her up and gently plopped her on his desk, scattering some paperwork.

Edward‟s lips left hers and trailed down her neck, his hands massaging her sides lightly.

“I swear we are never going almost a week without sex again. I don‟t care how tired I am.” Edward
whispered against her skin, making Bella giggle. She gently took his hands from her sides, kissed

his knuckles and pushed him back into his black swivel chair.

Standing from the desk, she bent to kiss him. “But you are tired. So I just want you to sit back and
enjoy Senator.” She purred against his lips. She kissed her way down his chest still covered by his
white button down shirt; she teasingly tugged on his navy blue tie with her teeth and moved it out
of her way. Using her hands she undid the button on his black slacks, but used her teeth to lower
the zipper. Edward‟s breathing had picked up, what with her mouth so close to his clothed erection.

By this time, Bella was on her knees before him, the carpet making her feel a little bit comfortable.
She had to pull his chair further towards her so she could rest more easily underneath his desk.
She reached down his open pants and through his boxers bringing his erection before her. Looking
up at him, she noticed his head had fallen back on his shoulders, his hands gripping the arm rests
of his chair. His cheeks were flushed and he looked so damn sexy, Bella could hardly contain her
self. She ran her hand over his heated flesh and she felt him shudder. Smirking at her power over

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him, she bent her head and gently licked the precome on the tip. Edward was making small little
gasps in his throat which only turned Bella on even more. She started twirling her tongue over the

head before closing her lips around it.

“Cullen,” she heard a voice say quietly. Both she and Edward stiffened. She placed a hand on

Edward‟s leg in a silent warning to not give anything away.

“Jim!” Edward said in a tight voice. Bella rolled her eyes; and he said she couldn‟t act.

“How are you holding up Edward? I know this must be a big change from that little cubicle you had
back in Washington, isn‟t it?” Bella silently agreed to that whole heartedly; her knees didn‟t hurt
one iota.

Her mouth still around Edward‟s erection, she decided it couldn‟t hurt to have a little fun. She was
still slowly running her tongue around the head, but then she swiftly deep throated as much of him
as she could and then drew her mouth back to the tip. She heard Edward‟s hands clutch at his desk

and she held back her laugh. It wouldn‟t do to be caught now.

“Are you alright Edward? You seem to be in pain.” At that Bella began chuckling again around the
flesh in her mouth. He was getting harder and harder in her mouth; oh, that‟s right, he said the

vibrations of her mouth always did it for him.

“Oh yes!” Edward stated in a shaky voice. “I‟ve never been be…ah…better.” She took him all the

way in her mouth again. Bella really liked this power she had.

“Are you sure? You seem like you‟re just about to drop. You really should be at home if you don‟t

feel well.”

Bella reached one her hands up and began fondling one of his testicles, while moving her mouth up
and down in a steady rhythm. Edward started laughing a bit hysterically. “Oh, I feel great!” He had
started moving his hips up into her mouth slightly and she placed her hands there so he wouldn‟t

give them away.

“How‟s your wife adjusting to the new atmosphere?” Bella raised an eyebrow up at Edward,

knowing he couldn‟t see her.

“Oh, well Bella‟s…” at his pause, Bella gently but forcefully used her teeth against his erection and
her hand cupping his testicle tightened ever so slightly. “ah…she‟s amazing. We couldn‟t be
happier!” Satisfied, Bella loosened her teeth and her grip. She used her tongue to sooth any bite

marks her teeth would have left on him.

“If you‟re sure…” The hesitancy in his voice irritated her; she wanted to be alone with her husband.

“Yeah, we‟re doing…ah…just fine.” Bella‟s mouth was now only on the head while both of her hands

were running up and down his shaft.

“Okay, would you care to come have a drink? Unwind a bit? I do have some paperwork I‟d like you
to look over. A new bill the Senator‟s from Florida and Tennessee would like us to join in backing.”
One of Bella‟s hands went back to his testicles in a warning to him; if he left her now, he wouldn‟t

get any for another week.

She heard some papers being shuffled above her. “I still have so much paperwork here. Can we

reschedule please?” „Good boy‟ Bella thought as her hand massaged him again.

“Come now, Edward.” Bella almost choked around her husbands‟ erect penis. They were her
thoughts exactly, but to hear them fall from the lips of middle aged senator was too much for her.
Her shoulders were shaking with the effort not to burst out laughing and she could only imagine

what Edwards‟ face must look like.

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“Surely your paperwork can wait.” Okay Bella was getting irritated again. She was on the brink of
just revealing herself and kindly throwing Jim out of the room so she could have her wicked way
with Edward, but she felt one of his hands on her head, smoothing her hair a bit, and she relaxed;

his touch always made her relax. She lightly ran her tongue along his length again.

Oh, ah, fine, please just give me fifteen or twenty minutes.” Bella smiled; that gave them plenty

of time, she didn‟t want it to be slow.

“Alright but if you don‟t come in twenty minutes, I‟ll be back down here.” Trying to stifle her

laughter yet again, Bella ran her hand up and down Edward‟s erection again.

She felt Edward‟s whole body stiffen again as he choked out, “Alright.”

Hearing the door closed, Bella finally burst. She was laughing so hard her sides began to hurt with
the effort. She felt Edward pull away slightly and she looked up and saw him glaring at her, which

only increased the humor she felt.

“That was not funny.” Edward told Bella. “You should have locked the door when you came in; not

left it wide open for anyone, especially my mentor, to walk through!”

Bella released his erection so she could breath easier and laugh some more. “When he said „Come

now Edward‟ I thought I was going to lose it!” She said, falling against the side of his large desk.

“So did I!” Edward said through clenched teeth.

Crawling out from under his desk, Bella smiled at him. “Oh don‟t be mad sweetie. You heard Jim;

we only have twenty minutes to make you come.” And Bella did not plan to waste a minute of it.

Lifting her skirt to her waist Bella revealed the lacy black panties she knew Edward had been
eyeing in one of her Victoria‟s Secret catalogues for a few weeks. For some reason he loved her in
lace, but at the same time he loved her even more out of it. She lowered them off her legs and saw
her husband‟s glazed over expression. His hands gripped her waist and lifted her to his lap. She
gasped as the tip of his erection brushed over her wet center. He removed her sweater and rubbed
his hands over her breasts, knowing how it drove her crazy. He moved one hand to her center and
began gently rubbing the wetness he felt. Shivering in response, Bella lifted her tank top over her
head and tore off the matching black lacy bra. Edward‟s lips moved to her nipples and began

sucking and nibbling them.

She knew he was teasing her, rubbing against her the way he was. She was grasping his
shoulders, trying to move her hips against the hardness rubbing her, but he wasn‟t giving in so
easily yet. He switched his mouth to her other nipple and then he thrust upwards into her while she
pushed down, making them both groan. Bella grabbed his tie for some leverage as she began

rocking her hips up and down while he thrust into her.

As the tightening in her stomach grew, Bella clutched his tie tighter in her fist, pulling him closer to
her, their chests rubbing against each other. Edward‟s hands were on her hips, holding her steady
and his thrusts sped up, as his lips attaching themselves to her exposed neck. His hand found hers
and removed his tie from it and they locked fingers. Bella lowered her head to his and their lips
met in an open mouthed kiss, tongues exploring mouths, making her whimper slightly. She wanted
it to last; it had been a very long week. But her time conscious husband wasn‟t having it. She knew
what he was doing but she couldn‟t help it. His skillful piano fingers knew exactly where and how to

manipulate her body. He tweaked her nipples and her body betrayed her.

Cheater!” She gasped as her world exploded in pleasure. She felt Edward stiffen beneath her and

he came forcefully inside of her with his own grunt of ecstasy.

They fell back in his chair, both spent. As her breathing returned to normal she looked at his clock.
They could have gone for a few more minutes. Chuckling at her thoughts, she lifted her head and

kissed him.

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Resting her forehead against his, she told him, “Congratulations on the new job Senator Cullen.
This definitely is a step up from that tiny cubicle; softer carpet for my knees and a much bigger

chair.” She smiled at him.

Edward chuckled as he too looked at his clock and sighed. “Five minutes to spare.”

Bella crawled off of him and gathered her discarded clothes and dressed her self again. She
watched as Edward zipped his pants, buttoned his shirt and tried, unsuccessfully, to get the
wrinkles out of his tie. Smiling at her handiwork, she took his hand as they walked to the door.
When they reached the fork in the hallway, Bella gave Edward a tight hug and whispered in his ear,
“You should tell Jim I‟m the only one who gets to unwind you.” She kissed his cheek and then
turned towards the elevators, a large smile on her face. She heard Edward chuckle behind her and

when she stepped into the elevator she couldn‟t help but think, „Yes, a job extremely well done!‟



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