Relax by Freakyhazeleyes

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Relax by Freakyhazeleyes

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


All Human lemon one shot. Bella needs help relaxing and Edward's the one who helps her.
Requested by and Dedicated to damnprecious124.

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“Bella, you really need to learn how to relax.” Alice chided Bella gently. They were currently in the
large library of Bellevue University in Washington studying for exams that began the next week.
Bella, who always showed up for classes, did the homework, took a plentiful amount of notes and
even received extra tutoring, was not such a great test taker. She always felt anxiety when she
had to take a test, but for first year final exams, she was about doubling over from the
overwhelming unease she felt. She was panicking and hyperventilating at every turn. She was
drinking great quantities of coffee, which in turn made her need to use the bathroom a lot, which
cut into her studying time, so she ended up taking her notes and books with her into the stalls.

Bella was a big believer in the whole concept of „waste not, want not.‟

“Alice I really don‟t have the time to relax.” Bella said, not lifting her head from her notes spread

across the table in front of her.

“Bella, you‟ve been over the material about five thousand times. I think you‟re set.” And then Alice
tried to take some of the notes away, but Bella slapped her hands and gave her a look that said

“Don‟t you dare!”

“Are you sure all of this just isn‟t an attempt to sound all intellectual to Mr. Sexy T.A.?” Alice asked

Bella with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

“Shut. Up.”

Sighing, Alice went back to her own scribbled notes in her spiral. She absentmindedly clicked her
pen and received glares from a few other students close by. Rolling her eyes and tossing the pen
down to the table, Alice grabbed her planner from her purse and flipped it open to her monthly
schedule. Quirking her lips as she saw what she had written for the next week, she observed Bella

across from her. It was the perfect opportunity.

“Hey Bella.” Alice began in a light conversational tone.

Bella huffed in annoyance and raised her head to look at Alice, after slamming her finger down on

the paper to keep her place.

Ignoring that, Alice went on. “What do you have going on the day before finals?”

Bella snorted. “Besides cramming everything I can into my tiny tiny brain, nothing.”

“Well, what would you say to taking my massage appointment off my hands for me? Jasper wants
to take me out that night and you know… congratulate me for making it this far in college.” Alice

had the grace to let her cheeks redden.

“We‟re freshman. It‟s not that great of an accomplishment to finish the first year.” Bella told her in

a hushed incredulous voice.

“Yes it is!” Alice argued back. “A lot of people either drop out the first year or have to retake it

because of poor grades or something. You and I are not like that.”

“Then why isn‟t Jasper taking me out too?”

Alice‟s eyes narrowed. “Will you just take the goddamn appointment?” She said in a louder voice,

attracting attention to their table. People began shushing them and Bella felt her cheeks go red.

“Fine.” Bella said reluctantly; if Alice was swearing then she must be adamant that Bella go to this

appointment for her. She sighed and grabbed her planner opening it to the correct page.

“What day is it?” She asked sullenly.

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Alice‟s face had brightened. “Next Monday at 3:00. It‟s in Olympia,” Bella made a horrified squeak
at that, “the Massage Envy on 2325 4th Avenue West Suite 106. The Westfield Capital Mall

Promenade. You know; close to the Borders and Bed, Bath and Beyond.”

Bella sighed and wrote the directions down. That was a long drive just for a massage. It must be a
really good place if Alice kept going to the monthly appointments of hers. Tossing the planner back
in her bag, Bella went back to her notes, highlighting key things she should know, while Alice sat

back in her seat with a smug smile gracing her pixie like features.


After a stressful weekend of cramming and trying to make up for the fact that her time for studying
that Monday afternoon would be cut, Bella was actually looking forward to a massage. She usually
didn‟t find the prospect of some stranger‟s hands on her too appealing, but she hoped it would help

her be able to sleep that night.

Not knowing what one wears to a massage appointment, Bella kept it simple. She put on a pair of
old faded jeans and a plain loose white tee shirt. She had filled up her gas tank the previous day

for the trip to Olympia.

The drive was uneventful, so Bella allowed her mind to travel to her current romantic interest.
Edward Cullen. He was the teacher‟s assistant in her Calculus class and he was…amazing. How
Bella wished she could brush her fingers through that glorious mop of bronze hair, kiss those
deliciously pink lips of his and just gaze into his beautiful green eyes. But he was a first year Grad
student; there was no way he would be interested in her, a lowly freshman. It didn‟t matter how
much her heart raced when he was in the classroom, or how she felt the heat from his body when
he was near. At first, she had thought he was interested too; he had sometimes come over to her
desk and would spend minutes helping her with some of the problems on the syllabus. He would
always place a warm hand on her back when he was explaining something to her. But then he
stopped. He must have been able to feel her pounding heart. Or she must have just imagined that

he had an interest in her.

Parking in a space across from the massage clinic, Bella locked her truck and walked inside. She
heard new age music in the background and tried to conceal her laughter at the strategically
placed fountains around the reception area. Approaching the desk, she smiled at the woman sitting

behind the computer.

“Hi,” Bella said, now inexplicably nervous. “I‟m here in place of Alice Brandon for her 3:00
appointment.” Bella said the last part as a question and the woman scanned her computer and

then smiled at Bella.

“If you‟ll come this way then.” And she gestured towards the door to Bella‟s left. Entering, Bella
was now in a long hallway with numerous doors. The woman led her down the hall and turned to

the right, leading her to the last door.

“There‟s a space for your clothing and a cloth on the table to cover yourself with. Then when you‟re

ready a masseuse or masseur will be right with you.”

Thanking her, Bella stepped into the room. There was the long cushioned table with a folded white

cloth next to it. The same soft hypnotic music was playing and Bella began undressing.

After folding her clothes and setting them in the indicated place, she wrapped the long white cloth

around her body and sat on the table, her legs dangling off the side.

She heard the door open and she turned her head. Her mouth dropped open in shock.

There in the doorway was Edward. He was dressed in black trousers and a white polo with the
Massage Envy logo at the left side under the collar. When he saw Bella sitting on the table, he

crossed his arms and leaned against the door.

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“You‟re not Alice.” He said with an amused tone and a smirk gracing his features.

Bella didn‟t know what to say. Her mind was racing about a mile a minute. How could Alice not

have told her?

“I didn‟t know you worked here.” Bella said a little breathlessly.

“It‟s just a way to make money. And I‟ve always been good with my hands.” Bella felt her face


Edward stepped fully into the room and closed the door. He then came to stand next to her and

she scooted further back on the table.

“Let me guess; first time here right?” Edward asked her.

All Bella could do was nod. He smiled genuinely at her and gestured for her to lie down on the


Clutching the cloth to her body, Bella put her face in the opening at the top of the table. She

jumped when Edward lowered the cloth to the small of her back.

“It‟s okay,” He reassured her with a soothing rub. “I‟ll go really slow.” He said in a velvet tone.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I‟m going to start off with something simple.” He said

in a hushed voice. She felt his hands begin gliding over her skin and her eyes fluttered close.

“The Swedish massage is a way of relieving tension in the muscles by stroking them in the
direction that blood flows to the heart.” His voice was barely above a whisper and Bella could feel
her skin heating up. She felt a dull ache begin to throb in between her legs and she inconspicuously

crossed one ankle over the other.

His cool fingers were rubbing her muscles gently and Bella began to feel the tension from the past
few weeks leave her body. Oh yes, Edward was very good with his hands. Bella tried to keep her
breathing under control as his hands ventured further and further down her back, but she then felt

the wetness begin gathering at her center.

His fingers would occasionally stop around a knot in her back and gently work out the tension

before moving on.

Suddenly his fingers were gone from her back, but she felt him sweep her hair off her neck and he

resumed the massage up near the back of her head.

“Craniosacral Therapy helps with the movement of the spinal cord and alleviates any tension or

stress you might be feeling in those areas.” His voice was like honey that flowed through the room.

Trying to unfog her mind, Bella latched onto to what he had said. “How do you know I‟m stressed?”

Even to her, her voice sounded unusually high.

He chuckled softly and Bella realized how close he was when she felt his breath on her neck.

“Besides the knots in your entire body you mean?”

She chuckled with him.

“Well, Alice is very vocal when she comes in every month. She loves telling me about

everything…you included.”

“Alice talks about me?” Bella was about to lift her head to look at him, but he gently held her

down, his hands now going to base of her neck, where the spinal cord met her shoulder blades.

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“More often then not. She worries about you. Worried that you‟re going too fast; not slowing down
enough to just let things slide. And, now that I‟ve felt your back,” He gave a tiny gentle squeeze, “I

couldn‟t agree with her more.”

Bella shivered at his tone. He sounded displeased with her and Bella felt ashamed with her self.

“But I think it‟s good in a way that you‟re so focused.” He continued, allowing his fingers to run
back and forth over her shoulder blades. “The first year in college is always the hardest.”

Bella sighed and his fingers resumed their previous pattern of stroking her muscles. She let her
eyes close again and her mind wandered. She let her imagination sweep her away to a place where
Edward was still massaging her, but he wasn‟t holding back with his hands. He was holding her

tightly as his hands ran down her body and his lips kissed her face.

Bella sighed in contentment. Then her imaginary Edward lowered his lips to her back and kissed

her gently.

Bella‟s eyes sprang open. That kiss felt too real. She then felt hot air on her back, right above the

place she‟d imagined he had kissed her.

Bella lifted her head and looked behind her. Edward still had his hands on her back and his cheeks
looked a little pink. His green eyes gazed hungrily into hers and Bella‟s breath caught in her throat.

He had kissed her; granted on her back, but still it was a kiss.

“Bella.” Edward whispered and then he moved further up her body, cupped a hand to her face and

brought his lips to hers.

She lay there all twisted in the cloth as he moved his lips against hers. It felt incredible and she
began to kiss him back. She felt his tongue swipe across her bottom lip and she gasped, allowing

him to plunge his tongue inside of her mouth, deepening the kiss.

He was leaning over her and her arms came up to wrap around his neck, fingers running through
his hair. He moaned, a low deep sound from the back of his throat and the vibrations it caused sent

thrills all the way down to the now prominent ache between her legs.

His hands were still gently caressing her back and he lifted his lips from her mouth to run the along
her cheek to her ear. He gently kissed the lobe and licked the shell of her ear before whispering to

her, “You have no idea how long I‟ve wanted to kiss you.”

He brought his head away from her and planted his forehead against hers gazing into her brown
eyes. Bella swallowed against the lump that was now in her throat. She hadn‟t been imagining

things in class then.

She reached a hand up to his cheek and ran a thumb across it. “I‟ve wanted you too.” She

whispered back.

His eyes closed she felt a shudder go through his body. “You really shouldn‟t say things like that

Bella.” He whispered, eyes still closed.

Smiling slightly, she decided to tease him. “Why not?” She began rubbing her hands down his arms
and over his polo clad torso. Her fingers began outlining the muscles on his chest and the tips

danced over his nipples.

He was breathing heavily and his hands suddenly gripped her sides and brought her back down on

to the table. He was already yanking his polo off his head and working on the buckle of his pants.

Bella ran a hand through her hair and tried to calm down. She couldn‟t believe this was happening.

She wanted it; oh yes she wanted it. She just couldn‟t believe it.

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Edward was back next to her clad only in his black boxers, and Bella could see the bulge in
between his legs. She felt an odd sense of pride that she was able to affect him like that.

He gently grabbed the cloth covering her body and drew it back, exposing Bella to him. He sucked
in a deep breath, taking her in. She tried to stay still as he looked over her body.

He ran his hands along the sides of her stomach, her breasts, hardening her nipples, and back
down to her legs.

“Beautiful.” He whispered before lowering his lips to her legs and placing kisses along her calves
and going up. He reached her thighs and gently nibbled and sucked the skin there. He kissed up
the inside of one thigh, but bypassed where she wanted his mouth the most and went to the other.

Bella whimpered in frustration and her fingers dove into his hair, trying to guide his head back. She
felt him chuckle and the vibrations made her wetter for him.

He gave one last lick to her thigh and then went to her center. He locked his eyes with hers and
gently ran his tongue over her slit.

He closed his eyes and prodded the wetness a bit harder. “I thought you smelled good, but the way
you taste…” He trailed off and went back to licking at her center.

Bella‟s head was thrashing around at the top of the table and her hands were desperately clutching

Edward‟s head. When his lips closed around her clit, her back arched off the table.

“Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh.” Was all she could muster in a breathy little whine.

His tongue kept flicking over her clit and he used a finger to trace her opening.

Bella‟s hips were rising off the table, trying to get that finger inside of her. His lips closed over her

once again and he pushed two fingers inside of her.

She started chanting his name and lifted her left leg over his shoulder as he continued to pump his
fingers. Bella felt her self clench around him but he withdrew. She whined at that, and Edward
chuckled. He placed a kiss on the lower part of her stomach and licked his fingers, moaning at the

taste of her. He lowered his boxers, hissing at the feel of the cold air on his erection.

He kept a grip on the leg over his shoulder and hoisted him self up on the table in between her
legs. Edward lined himself up with her entrance and lowered his chest on top of her, rubbing

against her nipples.

He captured her lips in a fiery kiss and then slowly entered her. Her hands scrambled for purchase
on his shoulders and she gripped him tightly. He swallowed the groans that came from her mouth
and once he was fully sheathed, he rested, allowing her to get used to him.

Bella brought her leg down to wrap around his waist and she twined the other around his legs. She
was breathing heavily and trying to get control over the intense throbbing coming from where they
were joined. All she wanted was to clench around him, but wanted to draw this out for as long as


Edward was still waiting for her, looking at her through lust filled green eyes and she began moving
her hips up to meet his in tentative thrusts. Taking the lead, Edward began giving more even, long,

hard and thorough thrusts into her.

“Oh God,” Edward grunted, lowering his head to the crook in between her neck and head. “You
feel…so…much better…than I ever…ever…thought you could.” His breath was hot on her neck and

she tightened her legs around him, wanting him to hold her tighter.

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Bella‟s eyes were closed and the waves of pleasure were coursing through her shaking body. Of
course, she‟d had sex before, but it had been all fumbling and awkward when they had finally
gotten to the good stuff. She‟d barely been able to reach an orgasm before her jackass of a prom

date had passed out on top of her.

But this, with Edward, was fucking amazing! He knew just exactly where to aim his hips so his cock
would reach places she‟d only dreamt someone would reach. He was holding her in just the right
way, kissing just the right places that sent tingles shooting all over her heated skin. Every sound

out of her mouth was a moaning of his name.

Edward began to speed up thrusting into her when he felt her begin clenching around him. He
gripped her hips, pulling her up to meet him, every thrust now shooting sparks through their


He gripped the back of her head and pulled her lips to his and with one more hard thrust, they

swallowed each others screams as they came together.

Bella‟s legs remained clenched around him, holding him in place. Edward left her lips and trailed

kisses down her chest as her head fell back and she attempted to catch her breath.

Edward placed a sucking kiss on one of her nipples, and then ran his mouth back up to her neck,

kissing the slowing pulse point.

Bella wrapped her arms back around him and he lowered his forehead back to hers.

She opened her eyes and gazed into his. Quirking her lips into a smile, she ran a hand through his

hair. He closed his eyes and leaned into her palm, a small sigh of contentment reaching her ears.

“You really are good with your hands. I think that brought a whole new meaning to the phrase „full

body massage.‟

He brought his lips to hers again and chuckled against her mouth.


With a small smile attached to her face, Alice sat back on the bench in the courtyard of the
university as her thoughts returned to the previous night. Jasper had taken her to dinner, acting
the perfect part of a Southern gentleman. Then had taken her back to his place and acted the part
a Southern stallion. Good lord but that man new his way around her body! Feeling her body heat

up, Alice slightly shook her head. This was not the time or the place for those kinds of thoughts.

She gazed around at the milling students hurrying off to their classes as the day began its first
round of final exams. Hearing the approaching pair of footsteps, Alice turned to her right and saw
him sit down next to her. He had this calm and relaxed expression on his face, telling her all she

wanted to know, but she asked anyway.

“Did she show up?”

Edward nodded his head, a dreamy smile coming onto his face. “We have a date for after exams.”

He said with a smile appearing on his face.

Alice was glad for her two friends, she really was, but right now she had a more pressing matter to

attend to.

“Did you bring it?” She held out her hand to him.

“Oh yeah!” And he withdrew a two pocket folder from his backpack. He flicked it with his index and

middle finger before handing it over to her. “Hot off the printer this morning. A guaranteed „B‟.”

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Alice smiled as she clutched the English essay to her body. She felt a twinge of guilt, but only
slightly. Edward was the one who had come to her after all. He had been desperate to find a way to
be with Bella after pining over her for months and months. A passing grade in English 102 had
been Alice‟s price. She had worked out all of the details; number one getting Bella to take her
appointment, but it had been up to Edward to do the rest. She had decided against just telling
Edward of Bella‟s feeling‟s for him, because she needed to pass English about just as much as Bella

needed to get laid.

Edward and Alice stood from the bench together and she felt the sudden urge to shake his hand;

but didn‟t.

“Thank you.” She said with a smile on her face as she walked past him.

“No,” Edward called after her, beginning to walk the other way. “Thank you.”



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