Dayana Knight Bestial Cravings (pdf)(1)

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Bestial Cravings

Bestial Cravings


Dayana Knight

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of

the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons

living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

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Bestial Cravings

Bestial Cravings


2008 by Sharon L. Connors writing as Dayana Knight

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner

whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press except in the

case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Contact Information:

Cover Art by Nicola Martinez

The Wild Rose Press

PO Box 708

Adams Basin, NY 14410-0706

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Publishing History

First Faery Rose Edition, 2008

Published in the United States of America


To my editor for her patience and guidance.

Natasha you are AWESOME!

Praise for Dayana Knight

"CURSE OF THE MARHIME was an awesome book…Niko had the right amount of heart

and strength to become one of those memorable heroes. I cannot wait for book two!"

Review by ~Megan, Bitten by Books

"CURSE OF THE MARHIME has instances that gave me tingling sensations down my

spine. I was completely drawn to the storyline and love the little dark moments. From the

shape-shifting, the gypsies, and the wolves, I found this an incredible read…If the first book

is this awesome, I can hardly wait for the others in the series."

Reviewed by ~Cherokee, Coffee Time Romance

"Dayana Knight's CURSE OF THE MARHIME is the first in her Roma Wolf Tales series.

With plot twists and turns aplenty, the ups and downs in the book make reading it an

intellectual rollercoaster...I just love a book that keeps me guessing and if the first is

anything to go by this series definitely will."

Reviewed by ~Valerie, Manic Reviews

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“…In this unpredictable novel of love, desperation, and triumph, Dayana Knight has woven

a thrilling and unpredictable tale. The pace is fast, descriptions clear, and the characters –

even secondary characters – are wonderfully developed."

Review by ~Snapdragon,

The Long and Short Review

It lay in wait, blazing eyes of amber piercing the inky darkness. Thunder rumbled and

lightning flashed electric fingers of white across the night sky. Rain pelted down in heavy

sheets. The force of the wind turned the droplets into sharp, icy needles that hurled past the

cave’s entrance and pierced deep into the animal’s thick fur. The creature scrunched itself

into a tiny ball at the back of the shallow cave, intending to wait out the tempest. The she-

wolf peered wide-eyed out into the raging storm. In human form, it had experienced many

such storms but…

Never had Vesta Johns imagined she could be anything other than a single woman of

twenty-eight doing what other women her age did: dating all the wrong men, going to the

gym, watching her weight, keeping up with the latest fashion trends and hanging out with

friends. That was until she began to feel…


Normally full of energy, Vesta noticed she’d become lethargic and weak. Nothing had

changed in her daily routine, yet her body constantly ached. A strain of the flu had made its

circuit at the gift shop, so she assumed that was the culprit, but the symptoms became even

more bizarre. Her appetite began to change, she began to experience ravenous hunger and

craved red meat—not her favorite food•and to top that off, she wanted it raw! Also, she

noticed a distinctive pulling sensation as if something moved within her, something trying

to get out. Not knowing where else to turn she made an appointment to see her doctor.


“Vesta, your blood workup is perfect. Heart and lungs are fine. I can’t explain why you are

feeling the way you are,” Dr. Sandra Cohen said. “Are you under any undue pressures at

work or home? Has anything changed recently?”

“No. Nothing.” Vesta shook her head. “I don’t understand what is happening to me.”

“Hmm...” The doctor tapped the pen against her chin and smoothed her straight black bob

with the other hand. Deep chocolate eyes turned distant, then cleared. “Perhaps we should

run a few obscure blood tests to see what, if anything comes up.”

“What would you be looking for?”

“Not sure. There is one more thing I’d like to investigate. No need for alarm, but it may give

us the answers we need.” She closed the file, ran a manicured pink nail along its edge,

placed the file in a drawer, then stood. Smoothing her full-figured skirt, Dr. Cohen ambled

toward the door. “Please, try to relax. We’ll get to the bottom of this. Might just be growing

pains.” She smiled.

Vesta stood and followed the older woman. “I’m a little old for growing pains, but okay. I’ll

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Dr. Cohen returned to the desk, pressed the intercom button and said, “Connie will you

draw a bit more blood?” and to Vesta, “I’ll see you next week.”


After Vesta left the office, Sandy Cohen dropped into her chair with a heavy sigh. She knew

exactly what ailed her patient. If her speculation proved correct, there would be an anomaly

present, a specific cell mutation. She needed to handle the study quickly. Vesta didn’t have

much time. Her change appeared to be in the last stages, and they would have to move

swiftly, if they were to save her. Some didn’t make it through, she would have to be

monitored, and she would have to have another to guide her.

Sandy picked up the phone.


Torrence heard the shrill ringing through the cascading water. Swearing at the

interruption, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Still dripping, he stalked

to the bedroom to pick up the handset.

“Yeah.” His voice rumbled deep with annoyance.

“Tor, Sandy. Did I interrupt something?”

“Nah.” His irritation vanished at the sound of her voice. “Just got me in the shower, doc.

What’s up?” He paced about the room knowing that a call from Sandy Cohen meant only one

thing. Rolling his massive shoulders, Tor tried to relax the tension building in them.

“I’m pretty sure I’ve got another one. She’s close. Not much time. She just turned twenty-

eight one week ago. The symptoms are all there. I need to check out the specimen under a

scope but its classic, Tor. We’ve got another shifter.”

“Give me her address. Have you told her anything?” Tor’s alpha instincts took control.

Another shifter•the fifth in the last six months•meant the pack was growing. They were

gaining strength and number. Until recently, his fear had been the pack dying out. That his

suspicion was proving wrong translated to great news for him, but this change would be

rough on the girl.

The mutation seemed random, the gene too far back to trace in the shifter’s parentage, so

the carrier had no clue what was happening to them, and the shift could be deadly in


“No. I’ve told her nothing.” Sandy’s voice eased through the line breaking off his thoughts.

Tor grabbed a pen and wrote down both the girl’s work and home addresses. He would have

to approach her with care.


Torrence Simiene observed the petite brunette as she passed by him and headed toward the

counter of the local coffee shop. His libido had kicked into full throttle since the first time

he’d laid eyes on Miss Vesta Johns. Not only did he immediately rise to the occasion, but his

beast drew up and threatened to break free. Never had a female affected him this way. His

senses shot into chaos and her scent threatened to send him into sexual overdrive. He

shifted on the bench to ease the discomfort his erection caused in his already snug-fitting

jeans. Tor sensed the change coming within her, and it would be sooner rather than later.

He needed to get close to her and establish trust between them. Then he could help her

through the change that would wreak havoc with her body.

The moon would be full in three weeks time. That gave him little time to endear himself to

this beautiful stranger. But…

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Soul mate, she is mine.

Tor shook his head.

Where the hell did that come from?

Tor knew someday he’d mate for life but he’d yet to find that special someone. He needed a

mate to share his duties amongst the pack. A Lupa to match his Alpha. He’d found many

amazing sexual partners but never…

Love and mutual trust.

Most of the female Lychan only wanted the power of mating with an Alpha male. Human

females, though fun, just weren’t aggressive enough for him. Sex was the ultimate bonding

of one’s beast. The melding of two souls forever connected in mind, body, and spirit. That

was why wolves bonded for life, as did the Lychan.

Tor inhaled deeply. Her scent invaded his heightened senses, but this time, from close range.

“Mind if I sit here?”

He glanced up into twinkling midnight blue eyes that captured him and tossed him into a

sea of want and desire.

“Sure.” He scooted over on the bench to make room for her. Tor resisted the urge to scent

her up close and personal. What had Sandy gotten him into? Vesta would likely be his

downfall. Having her this close caused his beast to become restless. Who said a shifter

needed a full moon to change? He mentally beat back the restless entity within him and

willed his body to shun the change.

“Thank you,” she murmured around a sip of her coffee, mocha by the wafting mist that

surrounded them.

“No problem.” He said suddenly feeling awkward, shy. Me shy? No way! She just walked

right into your trap, you moron. Say something clever. Tor reached his hand out to her. “Hi,

Torrence Simiene, but call me Tor.”

She hesitated a moment but took his hand and gave it a firm shake. “I’m Vesta Johns. Glad

to meet you.”


Vesta wasn’t a shy person. She never considered herself overly aggressive either, but

something carnal drew her to this man. Compulsion and a deep sensuous desire to be near

this stranger forced her to his side. She didn’t fight the impulse. Instead, she chose to act

upon it. Vesta learned long ago to act on basic instinct, so ninety-nine point nine per cent of

the time she did just that.

She demurely gave the stranger a once over as she sipped her café mocha. God, but he’s hot!

Longish dirty blond hair and a smattering of five o’clock shadow on a sharply handsome,

angular face. He smiled at her, and she felt a quiver deep in her core. His eyes crinkled at

the edges and shone a bright hazel edged in amber. The rich, deep timbre of his voice

caressed her soul. He reached a hand toward her in greeting, and as their fingers touched, a

jolt shook Vesta to her core but oddly, she didn’t pull back. His eyes widened telling her he’d

felt it too.

Vesta reluctantly let go of his hand and sipped her coffee. He stood and gestured down the

promenade. “Would you like to take a walk?”

“Sure.” She stood and joined him, though for a moment she wondered why she’d consented

to a leisurely walk with a total stranger.


Tor relished the relief that walking afforded his very tight crotch. No matter what he tried

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to concentrate on, his insistent erection would not let up. He wanted to take Vesta’s hand

but didn’t dare for two reasons: one, it would probably seem awfully forward on his part and

two, Lord knew what the constant contact with her would do to his already overworked

libido. At this moment, all he could think of was pinning her sweet body to the wall and

having his way with her.

No! protect her, teach her, don’t take advantage of her.

Tor tried to burn the mantra into his horny brain.

“What do you do, Tor?”

Her soft voice beckoned him from his frazzled thoughts. “What?”

“What do you do for a living?”

“Oh, I’m a consultant. I work with…” What, a band of werewolves? Sure, she’ll just love to

hear that. “…with medical offices. I act as a liaison between doctors and patients afflicted

with rare illnesses.”

“Like a counselor?”

“Yeah, exactly.” He smiled down at her.

“And you? What do you do?”

“I own a small gift shop here on the island.” Vesta tossed the empty cup in a waste can and

walked to the water’s edge to gaze out over the misty ocean. “I love it here.” She took a deep

breath and sighed. “Don’t you?” Her midnight gaze pulled him in. Tor literally stepped back

to keep from bending down and capturing her luscious mouth with his hungry one.

“Yes, absolutely.” He turned to study the horizon. “The salt air is cleansing and the crash of

the waves seems to pulse into your soul, lull you into feeling a part of nature, in sync with

the earth.” He wondered if the crescent moon would rise tonight. His blood told him the tide

would rush to high soon and reminded him of why he was here. His gaze returned to Vesta,

her profile golden in the setting sun. “Would you like to join me for dinner, Vesta?” He

hesitated then said, “I know we just met, but I’d enjoy your company.”


A sensuous tingle darted into her nether regions, awakening desires she’d only imagined

and her heart beat a rapid tympani at the thought of spending the evening with this hunk.

Her eyes traced every inch of him, from his boot-clad feet to his gorgeous face. Long, lean,

athletic with well-toned muscles. She could think of a few athletic positions she’d like to try

with him.

“Vesta?” he prompted in his sultry low baritone.

“Umm…yeah…I mean, sure. I’d love to have dinner with you.” Her blush simmered her

features and burned upon her cheeks. Turning away, she chewed her bottom lip and chided

herself for acting like an oversexed nymph. Though her perusal of him told her she wasn’t

the only one with sex on the brain—if the bulge in his pants was any indication.

“Where do you want to go?” She asked staring out to sea, smoothly changing the subject in

hopes of hiding her embarrassment.

“How about the Bistro down on Hammond? Or maybe Fontana’s Steak House on Fifth?”

“I think I’d like Fontana’s.” Saliva pooled in her mouth at the thought of a rare steak

swimming its bloody juices on the plate. Vesta mentally shook herself. Yuck! I don’t even eat

red meat. Why would I say that? A shiver of revulsion sent a tremor through her.

“Are you all right?” Tor asked as if he’d read her body language if not her mind.

“Yeah. Sorry, I think I changed my mind, Tor. Let’s go to the Bistro instead.”

“Okay, whatever you want, both are great.” He placed a hand on the small of her back and

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led her away from the beach and back to the promenade. The warmth of his palm burned

into her lower back like a branding iron, making Vesta very much aware of her desire to

have all of him.


Dinner passed with companionable conversation and delicious food. Tor walked Vesta back

to her place under starlit skies and a brilliant crescent moon. He stood quietly while she

unlocked the door. Sanity dictated he should say a quick good night and get the hell out of

there before…

“Would you like to come in?”

The soft-spoken invitation burned heat to his groin. Would I ever! He knew he should

decline the invitation but temptation weighed heavier than his common sense at the

moment. “Okay.”

He followed her sweet, tight, little denim-covered ass into a cozy living room with a huge

comfortable looking couch and a beautiful fieldstone fireplace. A million fantasies of what he

would do to her on that couch assaulted his mind.

“Have a seat, Tor. I’ll go put some coffee on.”

Tor sat and reached for her hand. “No, really I’m fine. Sit with me.” He patted the cushion

beside him.

She complied with some hesitation and placed her hands nervously in her lap. He smiled

and turned to her. “Do I make you uncomfortable?”

“No. It’s just…well…it’s more the opposite, really.” She gave him a sexy, little, side-glance.

“It’s like I belong with you. Like I’ve been waiting for you. But in the same token, the feeling

makes me question it.” She stared into the empty hearth for a long minute.

Tor wondered if she would say anything else. His lust for her became increasingly more

uncomfortable by the minute. He needed to get away from her but he also needed to taste

her lips just once before he left. He needed to feel her body against his, though deep down he

knew once wouldn’t be enough.

“I’d better go, Vesta.”

She turned towards him, disappointment tightened her lovely face as she stood. Tor

followed her lead as she walked toward the door.

“I had a really nice evening. Thank you,” She said softly with a sad little smile.

Impulse made him pull her into his arms.

“Why so sad, Little One?”

“I don’t want tonight to end.” Vesta whispered and pressed against him. His arousal pulsed

and sent a rush of heat through him. She turned her face up to him, and he bent to her lips

with a hunger he’d never known. His erection twitched and jumped. And the entity within

him thrashed. He couldn’t hold the beast much longer, the lust for her was too strong.

Tor ran his hands up her back and tangled his fingers in her hair pulling her head back.

“Vesta, I want to take you now, but we can’t do this. There are things you need to know


“I want you…”

“Vesta!” Tor set her away from him. “We can’t.”

“Why?” She turned heated eyes to him. “I know you want me.” She stroked her hand over

his cock. “I want to feel this inside me, Tor.”

He grabbed her hand from his throbbing crotch and moaned, “Oh God.” His breath swooshed

out, and he rolled his head back. I have to stop this now. “I’ve got to go. I’m sorry, Vesta. I’ll

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call you tomorrow.”

Tor opened the door and stepped outside. When he stood a safe distance down the sidewalk

he said, “I promise, Little One, you will understand soon enough.” Then he did the hardest

thing he’d ever done in his life.

He walked away.


Vesta shut the door and leaned heavily against it. Every part of her body burned with the

fire of lust but Tor’s sudden departure drenched it like a sudden downpour on a sunny day.

Common sense and embarrassment took the place of her carnal desires, and she felt tears of

frustration burn her eyes. What the hell is the matter with me? I threw myself at him, only to

be rejected!

Vesta slid down the maple door and hit the floor with a dull thud. She bent her head to her

knees and hugged herself, letting the tears flow. The last few months had been utter hell

and it seemed she got worse by the hour. Red meat, blood lust, weakness, edginess, now her

sexual desires had exploded totally out of control all over a man she’d met only today. The

doctor had no clue what was wrong with her and the last tests hadn’t come back yet. If

Vesta didn’t know better she’d think she was slowly going mad.

Sitting here isn’t going to solve anything.

She fought against torturous self-pity, pushed herself to a stand, then moved about turning

out the lights. After securing the house, she went to her room and prepared for bed.


Tor walked for more than two hours in the cool evening air. He needed a dip in a nice ice-

filled tub but his plan was to allow total exhaustion to quell his bestial cravings for Vesta.

He entered his apartment and headed straight for bed. No shower tonight. Hot or cold water

at this point would just wake him from his stupor.

He lay staring into the darkness. What was it about Vesta that took him to the brink? Why

did this girl drive him so hard—literally? Legends told of great loves and a timeless reunion

of souls. Could he and Vesta have lived in another time? Could they have loved so

completely that they continued to find each other in other lifetimes? Just thinking about

her, the soft mane of golden brown hair that cascaded down her back, her silken skin, her

breasts beaded and taut for him, the way she’d thrust herself against him when she’d

realized his lust for her, made him hard all over again. He turned on his side.

Gotta stop thinking about her.

There’s no way he could even think about having her until she realized the scope of what

she was. He smelled the change coming. Her beast’s scent only helped to tease him more

and heighten his desire.

Tor knew she had experienced some weird and puzzling symptoms already because Sandy

Cohen had filled him in. She’d also shared Vesta’s test results. The anomaly Sandy had

been sure would be there, was. Vesta would, without a doubt, shift on the next moon. He

blew a heavy sigh. That was still three weeks away. How the hell would he survive his lust

until then?

I’ll have to stay away from her. But how? I need to tell her and prepare her for the change.

Tor beat a fist into the pillow.

“Why me?” he shouted into the darkness.

Only silence answered.


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A week and a half later found Vesta cranky and more exhausted than she’d ever been in her

life. She couldn’t wait to get home, so much so, that she rushed through her normal closing

routine. Instead of depositing the day’s profits into the bank, she tossed the bag in the safe,

locked up as fast as she possibly could, and dashed out the door.


This had been the week from Hell. Vesta stepped into the shower thinking a nice long hot

shower would help to re-center her. Her health and mental state continued to worsen and

when Dr. Cohen had finally called, she advised Vesta she should make another appointment

to discuss the lab results. Depression slid over her like vultures settling upon road kill.

Tor had called her the day after he’d practically run from her house, but embarrassment

wouldn’t let her pick up the telephone. Instead, she listened to him as he’d left a message

saying he would be out of town for the next several days and would call when he returned.

Just the sound of his voice made her shiver with desire and left her silk panties moist. She

hugged herself and trembled at the thought of his erection pressed against her the other

night and his lips devouring her mouth.

That wasn’t enough.

She gorged herself on red meat cooked so rare it bled and then vomited for hours afterward

until she could barely breathe from the pain in her ribs.

Then twice, she’d awoken so aroused from dreams of Tor that she had to literally bring

herself to orgasm because she throbbed with such desire it hurt. Vesta had no idea how

much longer she could go on like this.

Pulling her thoughts from the past, she massaged soapy hands over her breasts as she stood

under the spray of warm water from the showerhead and felt the insatiable hunger for

release eat at her once more. Her nipples beaded, and she dropped her head back as her

vulva swelled with desire. She imagined Tor trailing kisses down her throat and across her

breasts. Her finger pinched the taunt nipples, and her moan escaped on a sigh. Vesta

envisioned wrapping her soapy fingers around his long, thick erection and sliding her hand

teasingly up and down its length. Panting, she slid a hand down her abdomen, between her

legs, and rubbed herself. Thrusting her fingers deep inside, she frantically pumped them in

and out, seeking release that finally came in a rush of pulsing twitches. She grasped herself

to quiet the spasms and leaned against the wall for support.

When Vesta finally caught her breath, she rinsed, and shut the water off, then realized the

telephone jangled for attention. She grabbed a towel off the rack and ran to answer it.


Tor listened to the phone ring, his impatience and disappointment mounting. When he

finally decided to hang up her breathless voice hailed from the line. “Hello?”

“Vesta, hey, hi, it’s Tor. I was just about to give up.”

“Hi, Tor.”

“Why so breathless? Did I catch you at a bad time?”

A brief hesitation and her soft voice eased through the line. “No, I was in the other

room. Where are you?”

“Montana. I’ll be back east tomorrow.” He fiddled with the cord then said, “I’d like to see you

if it’s all right.” He grimaced and waited.

“Sure! When did you have in mind?”

No questions about why I’m in Montana hmm… I like that.

His face cut a huge smile, and he breathed a sigh of relief. “Great. Say seven tomorrow

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“Okay, I’ll make us dinner.”

“Sounds good, see you soon.” He placed the handset on the receiver and did his own

rendition of a happy dance.

“Tomorrow we iron this entire thing out if it kills us. And it very likely might.” Tor said to


Montana had been good. He’d welcomed a Romanian alpha into the mix who had just flown

in with his American Lupa.

Soul mates…

Tor liked the sound of that.

Seems like he may have just found his.


Frazzled nerves dictated what Vesta planned for dinner. She’d picked up some exquisite

coconut and herbed tilapia from the local market that now baked in the oven, along with

couple of broccoli and cheese stuffed potatoes lending a heavenly scent to the kitchen. A

salad tossed together earlier chilled in the refrigerator. Easy with not much concentration

required. Can’t get much better than that. She fumbled through the table setting and laid

out her best bone china, crystal goblets, and tall tapers set in elegant candleholders. All

together, it set off the snowy white linen tablecloth, and lent an elegant atmosphere to the

night. A spray of wild flowers added a colorful centerpiece. She set a box of matches beside

the candles and stepped back to inspect the scene.

Satisfied with her handiwork she went off to take a quick shower and dress.


Vesta stared into the mirror a moment and considered changing the revealing little black

number she’d slipped on. It definitely left little to the imagination. And it shouted what kind

of mood she entertained tonight. She twisted her long hair loosely and clipped it up, leaving

tendrils to fall freely around her face.

I’m going for it. She smoothed her hands down the front of the form-fitting mini dress,

winked into the mirror, then turned and glanced at the clock on the nightstand.

Six forty-five!

Her stomach flipped. She took a deep breath, and left the room as the doorbell chimed.


Tor rang the bell and turned to glance into the ebony darkness. Stars twinkled like

diamonds on a velvet backdrop. The half moon peeked from beyond the treetops as it made

its nightly ascent.

Not much time left, I need to

The door swung in and the sight of her just about knocked him off the porch. His eyes

roamed from her beautiful face over her full creamy cleavage, down her flat abdomen,

rounded hips, and finally skimmed the long length of shapely legs to her stiletto covered

feet. His hands itched to take the liberty his eyes had been granted, and he shifted as the

swell of his erection took all available space within his trousers.

“Hi, Tor. C’mon in.” She moved aside to allow him to pass.

He stepped into the entry pulled her into his arms as he kicked the door closed. “You look

absolutely tasty,” he whispered into her hair. “Are you on the menu tonight?”

Vesta dropped her head back to answer, but Tor captured her mouth in a deeply sensuous,

tongue-lashing kiss. He meant only a soft, friendly kiss but lust drove him, his beast within

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awoke, as well. The tightness in his loins needed release. She trembled against him, and he

deepened the kiss. Her arms snaked up his back and held tight to his shoulders. Tor slid a

hand down to her ass and pressed her tightly against his throbbing cock. She didn’t fight

him, in fact, the vixen seemed to ride him. His control threatened to topple. I need to stop

this now!


Vesta melded against him losing all thought except for the throbbing heat between her legs.

She gyrated her pelvis against his hardness. His breath whooshed out while his tongue

captured hers in an erotic dance of twists and suckling. Her dress rose higher and higher,

up her thighs, and her panties became moister by the moment. The kiss ended and if he

hadn’t been holding her to him she would have collapsed to the floor.

“Tor…” The throaty sound unfamiliar to her.

“We can’t…do…this.” He tried to stabilize her on her feet and step back but Vesta clung to

him trying to catch her breath.

“Why? It’s obvious we want one another.” She turned pleading eyes on him, knowing full

well she begged, but unable to stop herself. Her body trembled with need.

“Vesta, we need to talk. It’s complicated.” Tor stepped away from her and walked into the

living room. “Come.” He reached his hand out to her.

She smoothed the dress down over her thighs and took his hand. Vesta knew he burned for

her as she did for him, but she had no idea why he kept pulling away.

“You know, I think we might want to get the food on the table before it is ruined,” she said

in an attempt to bring down the suffocating heat level and get her mind off the ever-present

lust she felt around him. Something else stirred within her but she couldn’t put a finger on

it. At the height of her desire, she’d felt as if her very core had shifted. Odd choice of words,

she thought as they headed into the kitchen.


Tor thanked the Wolf Goddess, the Pagan Mother, and whatever other entity had given him

the strength and will to pull away from the overwhelming lust and keep his beast at bay. He

and Vesta treaded dangerous waters, and he needed to keep control from this moment

forward or who knew what would happen should their beasts•

“I hope you like coconut and tilapia, for that matter,” Vesta commented as she pulled the

tray of fish out of the oven.

“I would enjoy anything that you make for me. Let me help you.” He reached for a potholder,

took the tray from her, and deposited it on the stovetop.

“Thank you.” She grinned. “Go. Have a seat. I don’t have much more to do.”

Tor sat and watched Vesta a moment while he gathered his thoughts. She put the finishing

touches to the plates, turned smiling, and brought them to the table.

As she sat across from him, Tor took her hand. “Vesta, I can explain some of the strange

things that you are experiencing lately and perhaps even the incredible attraction we have

for one another.” He held her eyes and hesitated a moment. A steady thrum ran between

them through their joined hands. “Some of what I have to say may come as a shock to you

but please try to hear me out before you react or throw my ass out of here, okay?”

She glanced from their joined hands to his face and back to their hands, moving hers

slightly. “What do you mean strange things? How would you know what’s been going on in

my life?”

Tor released her and said, “Remember I told you I was a medical consultant for rare medical

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She nodded.

“Well, Dr. Cohen contacted me about you. Your issues are rare but not uncommon in our


Vesta shifted a little further away from him. “What world is that, Tor?”

He felt her fear and distrust. “Let’s try to enjoy this amazing food you’ve prepared, and I’ll

fill you in on everything I can.” He picked up his silverware to prompt her to do the same.

“You just tell me that my doctor has given you a run down on my confidential medical

records and you want me to sit back and eat dinner? Who are you?” She moved to leave the

table but Tor gently held her in place.

“I’m sorry I seem to be speaking in riddles at the moment but I promise to clear all this up

for you, Vesta. I am not trying to frighten you, just inform you. There are things you need to

know about yourself.” He met her puzzled stare with gentleness. His hand rested against

her forearm, and he stroked her skin, hoping to calm her. “Come let’s try to eat.”

“Okay, but would you mind starting with the weird pulsing sensation when we touch?” She

asked as she took a bite of the fish.

Tor chuckled and nodded as he placed a portion of the fish into his mouth. He loved the

offhand way she handled humor in a stressful situation.

“This is delicious,” Tor said as he scooped more tilapia onto his fork.

“Thanks, it’s a favorite of mine.”


They ate in silence for several minutes, then Tor cleared his throat. “Vesta, I assume you

have figured out that you are…different. Meaning, from other people. Or at least wondering

why some strange things have been happening to you, lately.”

She set her fork down, fumbled with the napkin in her lap a moment, then met his eyes.

“Yes, things have been weird the last few months. I went to my doctor because I began to

think something was really wrong with me, but she said there is nothing medically wrong.

Problem is, I’m still having weird symptoms. I don’t eat red meat, yet I crave it and want it

practically raw!” She scrunched up her face in disgust. “My energy level has changed and

sometimes I double over with pain but it’s not a normal type of pain like a stomach ache or

something•it’s a strange sensation. Almost as if my body is tearing from the inside. And

then…” She looked down at her plate and mumbled, “my…well…the way I act when I’m

with you. That isn’t normal at least not for me. I mean I’m not prudish or anything by

nature, but I’m not sex starved either.”

Tor reached across and took her chin in his palm. “Vesta, there is an explanation for all this.

It’s going to be a little hard getting used to but I promise I will help you through it if you’ll

let me.” He smiled to ease her obvious embarrassment.

“Now you’re scaring me.” Her eyes grew wide as she worried the napkin to a shredded mess

upon her lap.

“Relax. Let me start with the thrum we feel when we touch. Okay?”


Tor sat back and pushed his plate away.

“Are you finished?” Vesta reached for his plate. “Maybe I’ll cleanup while you talk? I can’t

eat anymore, anyway.” Vesta stood and began gathering the dishes.

“Good idea. Yes, I’m done. Let me. All right, here goes,” he said as he brought the dishes to

the sink for her. “I spent some time in Montana, as you know, and I met a really interesting

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couple. It seems that these people, Pita and Nicolae Ionesciu, were drawn together pretty

much in the same fashion we have been. They too, experienced a strong pull and lust for one

another. The reason I bring them up is because they parallel us in every way. We are all of

the same clan, pack really.” Vesta crinkled her brows in confusion, and he put his hand up

to hush her. “Let me finish. It will be easier.” He reached out to her and pulled her away

from the sink to embrace her. He felt her body immediately heat and press closer. Tor’s

pants tightened in record speed.

“Big mistake.” He groaned and set her away from him once again. “If we are going to get

through this, we’ll need to sit at separate ends of the room.”

Vesta grinned, which made him feel much better and less stressed. He moved to put some

distance between them and sat down at the table. She returned to washing the dishes.

“Go on,” she said, her back to him. He admired her luscious, tight ass as she scrubbed a pot.

Mentally shaking himself, he concentrated on what he needed to explain to her, rather than

the throbbing hard-on he needed to calm.

“First, I need to explain why we are linked and the pulse of power that moves between us.

We are a race of shape shifters, Vesta. You haven’t actually come into your shift yet but will

very soon. What this means is, you will shift into a wolf.” He waited a beat for her reaction.

He saw her back stiffen and her hands still in the dishwater, though she didn’t turn around.

Staring out the window into the gathering darkness, she said, “What does that mean? I’m to

believe I will change into an animal?” She shook her head vigorously. “Tor, are your crazy?”

She turned to face him.

“No, what I am telling you is fantastic, even unbelievable to many, but quite true.” He met

her blue—eyed gaze. “I can show you if you need proof, Vesta.”

“Show me?”

“Yes. I will shift here in front of you, if necessary to prove my point. This is what will

happen to you on the next full moon. It’s very dangerous for a female. You have to believe

what I say is true and trust me to help you through.” He stood to approach her. The color

drained from her face, and she leaned heavily against the counter, holding up her hand as if

to ward him off. “Come, sit.” He caught her as her knees began to buckle.

“No. You’re insane. People don’t change into wolves or any other animals.” She pulled from

his grasp and backed away from him, fear twisting her beautiful features. “I think you

should leave.”

“Please, Vesta.” Tor beseeched her. “You need to process this. Sit down, and I will prove to

you what I say is true then I will leave and let you think about what I have told you. Okay?”

He held his hand out to her but did not move closer. “Come, let me take you to the sofa, and

I will show you the wondrous thing that you will also be able to do. It is a gift not a curse,

Vesta. We are blessed. The Goddess has blessed us to share the pack as well as our human



Tears ran down her cheeks and shock made her entire body to tremble with fear. This man

was nuts, insane. Would he kill her? How was she going to get him out of her house? Could

she escape? Maybe if she could get into the vicinity of the front door…

Adrenaline kick in. Her eyes darted from Tor to the distance between the kitchen and the

living room. She would have to get past him. The table sat between her and escape, Tor

stood beside it, hand extended. He blocked her path to safety.

Then another idea jarred her frenzied mind…

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Play up to him. Let him think you will listen to him.

She hesitantly took his hand and felt the ever-present jolt as they touched and her desire for

him build.

Even through the fear, her body betrayed her.

He led her to the couch and moved away as she sat. Mesmerized she watched his hands

move to remove his shirt. As he lifted it over his head an idea popped into her head. Her

eyes moved from him to the door and back to him. Sorrow flit through her mind that a man

this beautiful could be so totally insane ebbed in to replace some of her fear. Rising from the

couch, she stared at the perfect contours of his chest and tight six-pack abs as the shirt

moved to cover his face. A light smattering of chest hair covered his pecs and moved to a

slim line disappearing into the waistband of his trousers. It’s now or never! She moved to

dart towards the door and escape but faster than she thought possible, the shirt fell to the

floor. His large, capable hands moved to unzip his pants and they, along with whatever

underwear he wore, slid to the floor in unison. Stepping out of them, he dropped to all fours.

Vesta gasped, collapsed onto the couch, and watched in awe as his human appearance

melded and stretched into a large, beautiful, charcoal-gray wolf with bright amber eyes. The

change was so swift she hadn’t even had much time to fully comprehend the shift. And

though he’d emitted a couple of low grunts then growls, the change seemed almost natural.

She stared at the wolf then trailed her eyes to the pile of clothing on the floor beside it.

Vesta, you are one of us. You will change but it will not be as swift for you at first.

She jumped at the voice in her head, eyes darting back to the wolf that had once been Tor.

“How can you speak in my head?”

Because we are linked. We are soul mates, Vesta. That is why our desire for one another

supersedes everything. I can smell your lust though your fear me, and what is happening. We

are destined to bond and when that happens it will be for life as in the world of the wolf.

“Tor, please change back. I believe you. But I don’t understand how I can change. Why have

I never before? Why now?”

The wolf turned its back to her and the next moment Tor stood before her reaching for his

clothing. Even through her shock, his perfect back and smooth, muscular ass revved her

libido. Her breasts hardened and her core burned with need, causing her change position.

Tor finished dressing and approached but did not join her on the sofa. He sat in a wing chair

facing her. “You have come to your shift. In less than two weeks time, the moon will prompt

the change. It will be rough on you the first few times. You will need someone with you. I

want you to understand what you are, Vesta, and I will be here to guide you through. All the

signs are there. Your body has been giving you the signals.”

“But how? My family aren’t a pack of wolves. They have never shifted. Why me?”

“Somewhere in your lineage the gene is present. It is possible to skip several generations.”

“But how is it we happen to be together? How is that we conveniently stumbled upon each

other at this precise time?” Vesta could not help the mistrust in her tone. She remembered

his friends he’d been with, prompting her to ask, “And how do the people in Montana have

anything to do with me?”

“It is no coincidence that we came together. Remember, I told you that I am a consultant?”

“Yes.” Alarms sounded in her head. Special tests, yet no definitive results? Isn’t that what

her doctor had told her?

“Your doctor called me when the mutation showed up in your blood. I am the Alpha of the

pack here in the States, Vesta. When newbies are discovered, I am the one to go to them and

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help them through the change. So few are left of the pack. We feared the Lychan were dying

out. The couple I spoke of in Montana is from Romania, and the male is the Alpha of the

Romanian pack. They have a similar story. His wife was born in Romania but due to the

need to protect her, she was brought back to the States and raised by an American couple.”

“I still don’t understand what that has to do with me or us for that matter.” Restless, Vesta

got up and paced the room.

“She was destined to be his Lupa, his mate, as you are to be mine. Don’t you feel it?” He

caught her eye as she turned to stare at him. He rose but Vesta put her hand up to stop


“Don’t, Tor. I need time to process this. It’s all too weird. I know I am drawn to you, and I

still want nothing but to know you in my bed, but I need time.” She turned from him,

dismissing him. Hoping against hope he would just go before she ran to him and clung to

him, forcing him to make love to her. Even though she feared everything he’d just told her,

she still wanted him. Why had Dr. Cohen not told her of this? Didn’t she have a right to

know she was… What? A mutant?

Tor’s voice broke her thoughts, “I will go because it is what you want, but please if anything

happens, promise you will call. You cannot be alone through the shift.”

She didn’t answer or turn to him. Silent tears trailed down her cheeks. The soft thud of the

door closing told her he had left.

Vesta dropped to the chair he had vacated and lost in the scent of him, cried.


After more than a week of Vesta not answering his calls, Tor could wait no longer. He

needed to know she was all right. He needed to make her understand. He needed her more

than he’d ever needed anything in his life.

Tor raised his arm to rap upon the door when he heard the muffled scream from within. He

tried the knob.


He back pedaled several steps then rammed the door with his shoulder. The wood splintered

and the door gave slightly. He backed up once more, kicked the center, exploding the door

inward, and ran toward the screams.

He found her on the floor of her bedroom rolled into a fetal position, whimpering, slicked in

sweat, and writhing as the pains wracked her small body. He picked her up into his arms

and whispered soothingly in her ear as he ran from the house.


Vesta felt strong arms place her into the backseat of a vehicle. The sense of bones breaking

then remodeling almost shocked her into unconsciousness, but suddenly the pain ebbed

leaving her exhausted and panting as the vehicle skidded to a stop. The door opened and a

deep resonant voice coaxed her gently.


“Vesta, it’s Tor. Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you, my love.” His large hand stroked her



Vesta raised her head and blinked. Her vision appeared much like heat-sensitive

Thermography. Reds and blues in negative. Tor smiled and continued to caress her fur.


“We have much to share, my little wolf. I have so much to show you.” Then he shifted and

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prodded her to follow him. Run free, my love.

She stood with some hesitation then followed him as if she were a natural, as if she done

this a many times before.

I am wolf…

Her muscles bunched and released as she trotted and then ran through the fields and forest.

Such freedom.

She raised her snout into the wind, amazed at all the scents she identified. A million sounds

assaulted her but she could differentiate and choose what she wanted to hear. One sound or



Isn’t it? Tor’s deep timbre slid into her head.

You can hear my thoughts? She glanced over her shoulder at him.

Yes. We are linked. You can shield your thoughts if you choose. This too, I will teach you. He

nuzzled her behind the ear, and she sensed the gesture to be affection. Come. I will show

you life from the pack’s point of view.


Hours later, exhausted, they finally arrived back at her apartment. Tor had shared his

clothing with her because when she’d shifted her own clothes had shredded. Knowing all she

wore was his shirt had his cock hard and pulsing. They’d done what they could to repair the

damage to the door for the night and settled in the living room with the soft strains of

classical music low in the background.

“That was truly amazing,” Vesta said in awe. “Not so comfortable getting there and back but

the wolf part was awesome.”

“It will become easier with each change. You may shift at anytime during your first moon

cycle but eventually you will be able to control it.” He pulled her into his arms and cupped

her chin in his palm. “I want you, Vesta. Now. Forever.” She met him as he bent to kiss her,

easing her mouth open at his prompt, tongues entwining in a slow erotic dance. His breath

heightened as his heartbeat sped up. She slid her hand down his chest over his abdomen

and massaged his pulsing erection through the fabric of his trousers. His fingers tangled in

her hair and pulled her head back to gaze in her lust-filled azure pools. “If we make love it

will initiate the bonding of our beasts, Vesta. It will mean we will be bonded to one another

for the rest of our lives. You will be mine only, my Lupa, and I will be yours.” His breath

hitched as she unzipped his pants. Her hand closed around his engorged cock.

“I understand.” She whispered as her head dipped and her hot tongue tasted the pearl of

liquid pre-cum, then licked the length of him slowly.

Tor’s head dropped back. He groaned. “God, Vesta.”

She took all of him in her mouth and sucked, sliding her hot, wet mouth up and down his

shaft. Her tongue drove him mad. His hands clasped her head and held her still. She

released her hold and moved up to straddle him. He captured her hips just as she lowered

herself to him.

In one swift motion, he flipped her onto her back and kneed her legs apart with a gentle

nudge. “Now I will taste you, my Lupa.”


Tor kissed her lips gently then moved along her neck his hot tongue licking and nipping a

trail to her breasts. He took one taut nipple into his mouth, nibbled, then ran his tongue

back and forth across the hardened nub sending fire into her groin only to torture the other

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as well. His cock lay between her legs long, thick, and hard teasing her opening

unmercifully. She pressed her pelvis forward to force entry but he drifted further down her

body licking and kissing until suddenly his teeth caught her nether lips between them. She

arched and cried out as his tongue worked at her clit, sucking and laving in turn. He

inserted a finger into her, moving it in and out, taunting, and then inserted a second and a

third gently stretching her while pushing her nearer the edge.

She twisted and pressed into him and matched his rhythm. “Please, I need to feel you inside

me now.” Whimpering, she repeated his name over and over.

He felt her tighten and pulled his fingers out, shifting so that his cock rested at her

entrance. It pulsed and jumped as he rubbed it back and forth, gathering her wetness. He

pushed the head in only to pull back. Tor repeated the slow erotic torture several more

times then thrust deeply into her with a growl.


Vesta wrapped her legs around him, meeting him thrust for thrust. A sweet, hot tightness

began to build within her along with a totally alien feeling. It seemed as if her very soul

danced and moved to leave her body. Tor captured her mouth at the same moment in a

deep, searching kiss. An entity began to glide in and then out of her body, fear stiffened her

but Tor’s voice slid into her mind. Relax; go with it, my Lupa. It is the bonding of our beasts.

They dance and sway outside our bodies. Open your eyes. Witness the joining, my love.

Vesta did.

Their eyes, his amber-colored, met as they shifted to focus above. She followed his gaze and

saw the golden glow of two shadows ebb and flow as one, separate then meld once more.

Tor moved within her in the same rhythmic motions as the shadows that danced above, and

she matched his lead. The sudden build of sweet tension overtook her. Her insides tightened

and clenched. She felt Tor’s final thrust. Her spasms began and his hot seed exploded within


The golden shadows embraced one last time, then melded each into its own host once again.

On a dance and a sigh, the joining of the beasts had commenced.


Tor held Vesta to him and kissed the top of her head. “You are mine forever. I have found

my soul mate.”

She smiled as she kissed his chest. “And I have found you, my soul mate, and my true

destiny among the pack.”


Now hunkered down in the tiny space of the cave, Vesta heaved a contented sigh as she

scooted aside to allow her love, her Alpha, shelter from the raging storm outside.

Tor settled his massive body beside her and nuzzled just below her ear. Her uneasiness of

the tempest eased because he was close. Though her new life seemed fantastical, she

welcomed the amazing growing experience and looked forward to sharing her life both in

human and canine form with this strong and loving man.

Are you okay? Tor’s sexy baritone rumbled within her mind interrupting her thoughts.

Yes, though you know what I am thinking… She gave him a shy wolfish grin.

Tor shook his head. No, actually your thoughts are your own. Though I will teach you to

block them yourself, I can also choose to not invade them.

Will the storm last much longer? Vesta settled her head on her paws and glanced outside.

Not much longer. Is there some reason you’re in a hurry to get home?

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Vesta gave a low grumble, curling up her lip in a half doggy smile. I am definitely thinking

of one very good and enticing reason.

A strange rumbling chortle emitted from Tor, which Vesta recognized as a wolfish chuckle,

then his voice rumbled into her head. You are incorrigible, my love.

Thank you for purchasing this Wild Rose Press publication. For other wonderful stories of

romance, please visit our on-line bookstore at


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