No Regrets by Kassanna

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Evernight Publishing

Copyright© 2012 Kassanna



Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Marie Medina


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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For my readers, thank you for buckling in and rolling with
me on this wild ride through my worlds.

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Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Azia tapped her foot to the beat, bobbing her head in rhythm

to the music flowing from the hidden speakers. Her friend Marie
bumped her shoulder and squeezed in at the small table, with drinks in
hand. She slid Azia’s drink across the laminated wood and picked up
her own. They tapped the glasses together.

“Here’s to stepping out.” Marie made the toast.
“Amen. To freedom,” Azia seconded.
They both fell quiet, each reflecting on her own situation.

Marie sighed, leaning back against the back of her seat she spoke.

“I spoke to David this morning. His platoon is being deployed

to Afghanistan.” She chewed on her bottom lip then continued. “He
wasn’t sure when he’d get another chance to talk to me, said he would
call back as soon as he could.”

“I’m sorry, honey.” Azia covered her friend’s hand and gave it

a gentle squeeze. “Did he get a chance to talk to the kids?”

“No, the boys had already left for school. I know that’s why

he stayed up late to call us so early, to talk to the kids. But he missed
them by a few minutes. The disappointment in his voice broke my

“It’s okay. Everything will be fine, you’ll see. David will get a

chance to talk with the boys. Come on, girl, cheer up. You dragged me
out the house so don’t turn glum on me now.”

“You’re right!” Marie smiled too brightly. Turning her hand

over, she gripped Azia’s hand. “Let’s dance.”

In unison they pushed back their chairs and rose to their feet.

The walls thumped from the bass of the reggaeton song. A couple
brushed past them and embraced at the edge of the dance floor. Azia

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and Marie cocked their heads and watched the man and woman as
they dry humped each other in public. They looked at each other and
broke out in laughter. Shaking her head, Azia raised her hands high
and moved her body in time with the music, pushing through the
crowd. Marie swung around and they twirled in the center of the
dance floor surrounded by throngs of gyrating people.

The songs rolled into one another and they stayed on the dance

floor twisting their torsos and rolling their hips to the barrage of house
music the DJ mixed. Azia stiffened for a moment, caught off guard
when a man’s hand slid across her ass. She spun away, glancing
briefly at the person that touched her before choosing another spot to
dance in. She saw Marie raise her head to look for her, moving her
way when she found her.

She grabbed her friend’s hand and tugged her from the dance

floor. They walked back to their table only to find it occupied.
Looking around for another deserted table, Azia saw two free seats by
the bar. Dodging partygoers as she crossed the room with Marie in
tow, they snagged the barstools.

“I haven’t danced like that in so long.” Laughing, Marie fell

against the bar.

“Yeah, it’s been a while for me too.” Azia waved her hand to

catch the bartender’s attention.

Marie glanced at her watch. “This is my last drink, girl, I have

to get home. The babysitter probably thinks I got lost somewhere

“Not me, I’m thinking I might stay a while. I booked a room at

the hotel next door. The kids are at their grandparents for the night
and I plan to take full advantage of my night out.”

The bar attendant arrived, standing impatiently in front of

them. Azia ordered a glass of merlot and swirled on her barstool while
waiting for Marie to place her order. Looking over the crowd she met
the chocolate gaze of the man that had tried to dance with her earlier.
He was gorgeous. His dark blond hair was cut close to his head. He
wasn’t muscular but he was nicely built, toned and tight. The man had
a mustache and beard trimmed close to his square jaw, high
cheekbones and piercing brown eyes. With the strobe lights
constantly flashing she wasn’t able to make out more. Too bad, she
did enjoy her eye-candy. She nodded and he smiled. Marie tapped her

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shoulder and she spun the stool around to find their drinks on the

“You’re drinking water?” Azia looked at the tall glass of clear

liquid and cocked a brow at her friend.

“Yeah, are you sure you want to stay here on your own?”
Hearing the concern in Marie’s voice, she tapped her glass

against the top of her friend’s. “Girl, don’t worry. Drink your water.”

“To deployed husbands. It’s a shame I didn’t get to meet Jason

before he left.” Marie lifted the bottle to her lips.

A popular song blasted from the speakers and the crowd


Azia leaned in so Marie could hear her above the growing

cluster of people at the bar. “Here’s to soldiers everywhere and the
spouses who support them.” She sipped her wine before adding, “I
miss him, Marie, and can’t wait for him to come home if you know
what I mean.”

“I feel that, Azia.” Her friend stood. “Well, come on, I need to

catch that cab.”

“Yes, you do. I think I’ll hit the hotel bar and catch the R & B

show they were advertising on the radio.” Azia lifted the glass to her
lips and finished the drink.

Sliding off the high chair, she ran her hands down her hips,

smoothing her skirt. Picking up her purse she got a niggling feeling
between her shoulder blades. Placing her money on the bar she looked
over at Marie and smiled. Intertwining her arm with her friend’s, they
walked out of the club and Azia couldn’t shake the feeling someone
was watching them leave.

Jase watched the two women as they strutted out of the exit.

The blonde was cute but her friend was stunning. The woman’s skin
was the color of a Mocha Latte. Her short hair fell around her face in
dark waves. He picked up his beer and took a swig. Her body made
his mouth water. She had a bust that was just right for fondling, a
waist ideal for grasping and her hips…illicit images of his hands
twisted in her hair and her ass up slapping his abdomen, as he rocked
into her from behind, flooded his mind. Add to that, legs that looked
a mile long in the stilettos she wore, she was his idea of an absolutely
perfect package.

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He rose from his seat and trailed after the women. Jase hung

back watching from the alcove of the club as his mystery woman
hugged her friend and waited while she got in the taxi. His heart rate
sped up. Please don’t get in the cab. She bent and leaned into the cab.
He held his breath. She straightened and closed the car door, stepping
back on the curb to wave as the vehicle disappeared into the traffic.
The breath he released was audible and he looked around self-
consciously to see if anyone else was witnessing his apparent lunacy.

She looked around, tilting her head in his direction. He

wondered. Did she see me? Clutching her purse close to her hip, she
crossed the road and entered the large hotel on the corner of the street.
Giving her a few minutes to enter the building he trotted across the
thoroughfare and pushed his way through the revolving glass doors of
the same structure.

The lobby was decorated like any other hotel on the Eastern

Seaboard. The walls were awash in pastels and accompanied by
vibrant scenic picture groupings hanging in various areas. The
coordinated furniture was lush and inviting, strategically placed to
encourage intimate conversations. Jase turned in a complete circle in
an effort to locate the woman that had captured his attention.

He’d lost her.
He swallowed and forced himself to slow down. Taking in his

surroundings he noted the front desk on one side of the room and the
elevators directly across from the registration area on the other side.
He pondered, where could she have gone? If she was taking a room
she’d either still be standing at the desk or waiting for the elevator
cab. He wasn’t far behind her, so she couldn’t just disappear.

Turning he noticed the gift shop and his gaze lit upon the

marquee next to the glass enclosure. The sign advertised a Rhythm
and Blues show in the hotel bar and was dated for tonight. Bingo. Jase
rolled his shoulder and cracked his neck. Straightening his suit jacket
and pulling at the cuffs, he walked in the direction indicated on the
sign. The gleam of gold caught in the florescent lighting and he stared
at his wedding band.

Twirling the ring around his finger he debated. He’d never

done anything like this. He loved his wife but hadn’t seen her in
months. After getting his orders to return to his home base in the
states, he’d thought he’d surprise her. He was the one in shock when
he opened the door and discovered she was gone.

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Just a harmless drink, Jase told himself. That’s how he found

himself walking into a hotel bar and contemplating a plan of
seduction, all because a beautiful woman nodded at him. He left the
ring on his finger. He’d never lied about his marital status and he
wasn’t about to start. Walking to the far side of the lobby he pulled on
the chrome handle of the glass double doors and stepped over the

Tonight, he’d take his chances and if he was lucky, well, plans

were forming in his head and they involved a certain beauty that was
sitting somewhere in the tavern. He’d worry about the consequences

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Chapter Two

Azia stood by the bar and searched the room for a seat in a

good location. The room itself wasn’t small as much as long and
narrow. The dark stage was at the far end of the room and shrouded
by a red curtain. There was a small winding path between the tables
that lead to the platform. The wood paneled walls sported dimly lit
brass sconces every few feet. A single thick pillar candle illuminated
each table. She selected one in a secluded corner and picked up the
folded menu featuring appetizers. Her dress rode up her thighs when
she sat but she didn’t think much of it since she was the table’s only

The waiter approached her and flashed a toothy smile. “Good

evening. Can I get you a drink or food perhaps?” His eyes zeroed in
on her cleavage.

“A glass of your house red wine, please.”
When the waiter walked away, she set down the placard and

tugged at the deep vee, trying to pull the two parts of her top closer
together. She still hadn’t figured out how she let her mother-in-law
talk her into buying the dress. It wasn’t something she’d normally
buy. She was more conservative. Giving up on adjusting the plunging
neckline, she planted her hands in her lap. Azia stared at the dark
stage but was actually remembering the day Mary, her mother-in–law,
took her and the kids shopping.

“I can’t wear that, Mary.” She’d eyed the little black dress and

shook her head.

“Of course you can, it’s sexy and every woman needs a little

black dress.” She thrust the dress into Azia’s hands.

“Exactly who am I being sexy for?”
“Jason, of course.” Mary pushed her towards the changing


“It looks way too short, besides Jason is not here to see it.”
“Uh-huh. Just put it on.”
That was an argument she hadn’t won that day. Whatever

possessed her to put the dress on tonight? If she received unwanted
attention that was her fault too. The waiter came back, stepping in
close to place her drink on the table.

“A beautiful woman like you shouldn’t be sitting alone.” His

smile was charming and smarmy at the same time.

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“I’m not.” Azia held up her left hand, wiggling her ring finger,

and her diamond studded engagement and wedding bands glimmered
in the candlelight.

The waiter looked around, searching the room. “I apologize. I

thought I saw you arrive alone.”

“I appreciate the compliment. Thank you.” She nodded

towards her wine glass.

He gave her a slight bow and backed away. Azia smiled into

her glass. She studied the growing crowd as people filed into the little
bar. The room buzzed with anticipation of the performance and the
tables filled quickly. She even recognized some of the people that
she’d seen in the night club. Her stomach growled. Picking up the
laminated menu she studied her options and pressed a palm against
her belly.

“Excuse me?” A deep male voice got her attention, flowing

over her like a glass of especially good wine, soothing.

“Yes.” She looked up and her pulse jumped.
The sexy man from the dance hall.
“Mind if I sit with you? The bar is full and I would really like

to see this show.”

Azia held up her left hand to show her ring. “Sorry, not

interested.” She continued to read the menu.

Placing his hand over the paper, he made sure to tap his ring

finger. “I am too. But I would really like to see this show, so do you
mind if I share your table?”

She looked up from his finger to his face and back, and pursed

her lips. “Where’s your wife?”

“She’s visiting with friends so I thought I’d hang out tonight.

And your husband? I find it hard to believe the man would let you out

“Excuse me?”
“That didn’t come out right. I mean, I imagine you husband

must be very secure in your relationship since you’re attending this
show unescorted?”

“Uh-huh, Jason is in the Army and he’s deployed in the

Middle East.” She placed the menu back on the table.

“Are you hungry? Allow me to buy you a meal or at least a

drink. It’s the least I can do to thank you for allowing me to share
your table.”

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“No, that’s not necessary.”
The stranger sat in the chair next to her, raised his arm and

crooked his fingers, summoning the waiter. The waiter glided over,
still smiling widely. His smile faltered when he noticed she was no
longer alone. He arched a brow at her companion. “Yes, sir?”

He picked up the pamphlet and perused the items. “We’ll have

the featured appetizer trio. I’ll have a beer and please bring the lady
whatever she’s drinking.”

Azia stared at the two men, listening to the exchange between

them. The waiter, who she’d dubbed Anton in her head, jotted down
his requests and slithered off. She turned in her seat to face her
unexpected guest and was taken aback by the desire she saw flared in
his eyes. They changed from dark brown to amber almost
instantaneously and a sensual smile skittered across his lips. She
blinked and just as quickly his expression became unreadable. He
stared at her with his brow furrowed and his lips formed a straight
line. She cleared her throat.

“As I was saying it wasn’t necessary, Mister…? I apologize. I

don’t know your name.”

“Sorry.” He smiled and deep brackets formed in his cheeks

while his eyes crinkled in the corners. “My name is Jase.” He offered
his hand.

She placed her palm in his and jumped when an electrical

current passed between their fingers. “I’m Azia Clemmons.”

He didn’t release her palm until she tugged it from his. A

flutter started low in her belly. Azia covered her mouth with her hand
to hide her smile. An attendant stopped at their table and placed their
drinks before them.

“That’s an unusual name.” He enfolded his hand around the

beer bottle and lifted it to his lips.

“I know. My mother prides herself on creativity.” She let out a

little laugh and wrapped her fingers around the stem of her glass.

He opened his mouth then closed it when the lights dimmed

and the curtain on the stage separated. Jase turned in his chair, toward
the entertainer stepping on stage. Azia stared at his profile and sighed.
Sitting here with a handsome man enjoying a light dinner and drinks
while experiencing and enjoying a concert should feel wrong. She
was married and should get up to leave. Instead, she leaned back in

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her chair and viewed the show. It hadn’t become a date. That’s what
she told herself until she lost herself in the music she grew up with.

Jase burrowed into the comfortable club chair. His fingers

tapped the table to the beat of the melody. The vocalist was good,
belting out popular songs from the eighties and nineties. He glanced
over at his companion, surprised by his good luck. He didn’t think she
would stay. The short black dress, which had caught his attention in
the club, now clung lovingly to her thighs. It inched up a little higher
every time he happened to take another glance at Azia. She crossed
her legs and the heel of her shoe slipped off her slender foot revealing
a sexy arch that dipped in and out from beneath the tablecloth. He
grabbed his beer and took a sip to moisten his suddenly dry mouth.
His gaze lingered on her bust. The incandescent candlelight cast
flickering shadows against the skin in the valley between her breasts.
His dick pressed urgently against the zipper of his jeans.

Dragging his attention to the performer, he let the beer bottle

slip from his fingers and hit the table with a thump as he was setting it
down. He looked at it and his wedding band glowed in the dimness,
reflecting the flame. Azia reached over and ran her fingers over the
back of his hand. Her ring finger rested next to his for a moment, and
Jase wondered when he’d lost his damn mind because he liked the
way their hands looked together. He resisted the urge to cover hers
with his own and looked up at her.

She leaned in. “Everything okay?”
Staring at the way her breasts swelled over the neckline of her

dress, he was confused for a moment. No, everything isn’t okay. He
wanted a woman and he was a married man. It didn’t help that the
woman he desired with every fiber in his being was married too.

“Yeah, everything is good. I was wondering where our food


“I bet with this crowd the kitchen is running behind. The

singer is great, isn’t she?”

“Yeah, I’m enjoying myself. How about you?”
“Actually I am. It’s been a long time since I’ve had an

opportunity to get out.”

Another attendant appeared by their table with a platter. After

delivering their order, the waitress disappeared through the crowd.
The first segment of the entertainment ended and the lights

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brightened. His eyes blurred as they adjusted to the brightness. Azia
rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. They looked at each other
and she giggled nervously. Jase picked up a fork, speared a piece of
Calamari and waited.

She peered at the food and forked a fried broccoli floret.

Swallowing, she asked, “You mentioned you just got back. If you
don’t mind my asking, where were you?”

“I’m in the Army Rangers. I’ve been in the Middle East. This

is the first time I’ve been in the states in almost a year.” He pushed
the morsel past his lips and picked a piece of fried vegetable next.

“Yeah, I thought I’d surprise my wife but when I got home she

was gone.” He picked up an egg roll and broke it apart, offering her
the other half.

“That’s rough.” Tilting her head, she smiled and took the food

from his fingers.

He chewed slowly, his gaze locked on her mouth. She didn’t

eat—she made love to food. Licking her lips before pushing the
morsel past them, she munched a few times. Then her little pink
tongue would make another appearance to swipe the crumbs from the
corner of her mouth. His chest constricted and a fine sheen of sweat
formed on his forehead.

“So, umm, what’s your story? How did you end up here?”

Jase’s voice was husky.

She picked up a paper napkin and wiped her mouth. “A friend

of mine is having a hard time with her husband being away. She
needed a distraction. I mentioned that it had been years since I’d been
out and she latched onto the idea of dancing. Like a dog with a bone,
she’s been hounding me for weeks and I finally gave in. I do feel a
little guilty about leaving my kids with their grandparents.”

“Really, how many kids you got?”
“We have three kids, two girls and a boy. Jak, our son, just

turned two.” Azia got a faraway look in her eyes. “Jason missed his

He reached out, putting a consoling hand on her thigh. “I

know what you’re going through, it’s hard to be away from your
loved ones when you’re deployed. I can only imagine what it’s like
for our spouses having to handle everything stateside.”

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She looked down at his hand and raised her head. “Excuse me,

I need to find the ladies room.” She rose and his hand slid down her
leg. Giving him a shaky smile, she ran her hands down her dress,
smoothing out the creases and turned on her heel, walking away.

He watched her push through the other patrons, quickly

crossing the room. Jase picked up the check the last waitress left and
reached for his wallet. Pulling out a couple of bills he dropped them
on the table. Grabbing his beer, he tipped it to his lips and finished it
in one swallow.

Running a hand over his hair, he sighed and went after her. It

was one night and they were both alone. Who would know if anything

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Chapter Three

Azia pushed the door to the women’s room with more force

than she intended. It hit the wall behind it with a clap, which echoed
through the small room, the door bounced and swung back her way.
She pressed a palm on the cool metal to stop its momentum. Her
departure was abrupt but she knew she had to get out of Jase’s
company, fast. Walking straight to the sink, she threw her clutch
down, placed her hands flat on the vanity and stared at her reflection
in the mirror.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” She berated herself. “Are

you that damn desperate that you’re willing to fall into the arms of the
first man that gives you a little attention? You are married, you took
vows. You have children! Are you really ready to give that all up if
you do what you’re contemplating?”

Azia turned on the faucet, cupping her hands under the cold

water. Bending over the sink she threw the water up on her face. The
cool fluid splashed against her heated skin, sending tendrils of
awareness down her limbs. She’d been so close to falling into his lap.

She leaned forward until she was almost nose to nose with her

image in the mirror.

“So what if the man touched you and your body hums? Pull

yourself together, find a cab and make your way home. Hell, hide
under the covers until sunrise. Whatever you do, don’t go back to that

She nodded to herself. Pulling a few paper towels from the

dispenser, she dried her face and wiped her hands. Throwing the
damp mass in the trashcan, she wrapped her hands around the handle
and pulled the door open.

Jase stood there, his hand in mid-air. He looked her in the eye

and murmured, “I’m sorry.”

That was all she heard before he reached out and cupped the

back of her head. She wasn’t sure if he dragged her into his arms or if
she walked into his embrace. Regardless, he was there, his mouth on
hers. His tongue probed the seam her lips created, demanding
entrance into her mouth. She opened her mouth on a sigh and allowed
him entry into the deeper recesses of the moist cavity. He wrapped his
other hand around her waist, and he walked her backwards, back into
the lavatory. The door closed with a swish behind them.

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His tongue skimmed along her teeth, before pressing deeper.

She pushed hers against his, seeking admission between his lips. She
placed her palms on his chest and curled her hands into fists. His shirt
bunched in her grip. Azia pulled him up against her. Sliding her hands
up along his shoulders, to tangle her fingers in the soft short hairs at
the back of his head.

She broke the kiss and her head fell back as he pressed kisses

to her chin and throat. The hair around his mouth scratched her skin,
and she moaned. He sucked the sensitive skin at the base of her neck
and she dug her nails into the soft fabric covering his back. Her
nipples pressed against the fine material of her dress, rubbing the
sensitive buds.

Jase’s mouth dipped lower.
He ran his tongue along the swell of her breasts, and worked

his way down the valley between her tits. Azia couldn’t catch her
breath. She slid her hands down to grasp his upper arms as he bent her
further backwards. Jase moved across her body and he latched onto
her erect nipple through the thin fabric. Wrapping his tongue around
her taut nub, he shifted and placed a muscled thigh between her legs.

Her pussy clenched, and her core quivered. He slid his hand

down over her hip before slipping it under the hem of her dress. His
calloused palm climbed up her soft skin, leaving a trail of goose
bumps in its wake. He splayed his hand on her ass and pulled her
closer, forcing her to move up his leg. The pressure against her pussy
pushed the small triangle of her G-string between her nether-lips and
tight against her clit. The rough material of his jeans abraded the
delicate lips of her cleft. She rolled her hips on his leg and her eyes
drifted shut.

He nipped her nipple before releasing the hard bud and

dropped minute kisses along her collarbone as he kissed his way to
the other side of her neck. He tugged her earlobe between his teeth.
Cream flooded her folds and she cried out as mini-spasms glided
along her nerves.

Pressing his lips to the sensitive spot below her ear, he spoke.

“Spend the night with me.”

Azia opened her eyes and peered into his. Could she share one

night of passion with him and come morning, walk away? Her mind
screamed at her, it’s wrong! But her body yelled back, I’m alive and it
feels so good! Do it!

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He pulled his leg from between hers and stepped back,

releasing her. He searched her face, studying her. She got the
impression he was committing her to memory. Her hands fell to her
side and she closed her eyes against the prick of tears. A tear escaped,
and blazed a wet trail down her cheek. The feel of his palm cupping
her chin had her turning her face into his hand. The rough pad of his
thumb brushed the drop away.

Azia covered his hand with hers and slipped her fingers

between his. Dragging his hand from her face she grazed her lips
across his fingertips. Pushing away from the wall she swept past him
towards the door, then stopped and glanced over her shoulder.

“Only one night. I have a room, tenth floor.”
The smile that lit up his face sent shivers down her spine. He

lifted her knuckles to his lips and pressed a kiss on them. Jase strode
past her, catching her by the waist, and pulled the door open.
Squeezing her to his side, they traversed the lobby swiftly, her heels
tapping out a furious staccato as she walked. At the elevator his finger
hovered at the up button.

“Are you sure?”
She nodded before she found her voice, squeaking. “Yes.”
He pushed the button.
The doors slid open to reveal an empty elevator cab. His hand

skimmed down to the small of her back and he gave her a gentle push.
She stepped over the threshold and took a position to the back of the
small metal box.

Jase looked around the foyer before stepping in behind her. He

reached out and tapped the number ten etched in the metal plate. The
numbers lit up, then the cab jerked and started its slow crawl up.
Azia’s hands slipped around him from the back and she pressed her
face on his back between his shoulder blades. He pushed her hands
down his body to rest on his hard cock.

“I’ve had a perpetual erection since I saw you in the club.”
Her hand closed over the bulge in his pants. “Is that a bad


He chuckled. “Not tonight it’s not.”
“What are we doing, Jase?”
He turned in her embrace. Lifting her, he took the few steps to

put her back against the wall. Jase leaned in, holding her in place with

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his body. He buried his face in her neck, enjoying the faint scent on
her skin as he trailed his tongue up her throat. His hand moved over
her hips and his fingers dug into her ass, lifting her higher.

He spoke against her lips. “No regrets.”
Azia enclosed her legs around his waist, soft thumps sounding

as she kicked her shoes off and dug her heels into his back as she
locked her ankles. She flexed, pulling him into the niche she created
with her legs. His cock jerked, straining for release from its
confinement. She placed her lips next to his ear.

“No regrets,” she whispered. Her purse fell to the floor with a

dull thud.

He ground his hips into hers, motivated by the soft mewls she

made. She folded her arms around his shoulders and pushed her
breasts against his chest.

The bell dinged announcing their arrival at a floor. The door

swished open before he could let her down. The shocked gasps behind
him told him he wasn’t necessarily on the right floor. He looked at
Azia. Her eyes widened and a red hue flushed her face before she hid
in the crook of his neck. Jase twisted his body.

“You don’t have to move, sweetie. We understand. We were

young too, once upon a time.” A kind voice spoke.

His gaze traveled down to the source of the words and

encountered an elderly couple staring inquisitively at him. The petite
woman with her white hair pinned in a bun atop her head patted her
husband’s hand.

“Yes, ma’am.” Jase was at a loss at what else to say.
“Son, the secret to a good marriage among other things is

great sex.” The wizened man winked at Jase. “Especially make-up

Jase felt his skin heat. “Yes, sir.”
Azia burrowed into his body. He could hear her saying “oh

no” again and again like a mantra. He pressed his lips together to keep
from barking with laughter at the absurdity of their situation.

The female half of the timeworn couple stared at her man.

“Harry, you’re embarrassing them.” She turned and looked at Jase.
“We’ll be out of your hair in a moment, dearie; we got off on the
wrong floor earlier.”

On cue the cab stopped, and the ancient couple looked up to

check the floor then looked at each other and nodded. They stepped

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into the corridor but before the doors closed on them the old man
turned toward them and tapped the floor with his cane. “Alrighty then,
you two continue on.”

Jase kissed the top of Azia’s head. “You okay?”
She lifted her face, merriment in her eyes and her lips split

wide. “That was bizarre.”

“Yes, it was.” He kissed her cheek. “Now, where were we?”
We will be behind closed doors.” She giggled even as she

unlocked her legs and pushed him away. She crouched down to pick
up her small clutch purse and put on her shoes.

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Chapter Four

Azia pulled the keycard from her purse and inserted it into the

locking mechanism. She stared at the shiny brass numbers while
waiting to hear the quiet click that would allow her to open the door.

Jase reached past her and turned the knob, pushing the door

ajar. They stood at the threshold of her darkened room.

She turned and lifted her chin, her heart thumped so hard she

was sure he could see the way it banged against her ribs. Azia pushed
her fingers through the belt loops of his pants and took the few steps
walking backward into the dark. She saw him kick the door closed.

Gripping her by the arms, he pulled her to him. He buried his

nose into the hollow of her throat and nuzzled her fragrant skin.
Nipping and lapping, he ran his tongue up the column of her neck.
Jase covered her mouth with his, taking her moans into his body. She
captured his bottom lip with her teeth, gently biting down before
releasing it to lick the sting away. Their tongues wrestled for
superiority. He swung her around and pinned her to the wall. She
groped the wall for the light switch until her fingertips grazed a
protrusion in the wall. Azia flipped the switch and light flooded the

Jase lifted his head and blinked a couple of times. She traced

his moustache with her index finger. “This little line of hair is so

A corner of his mouth kicking up, he dipped, slipping an arm

under her legs, and picked her up. He walked across the room and
dropped her on the bed. She bounced lightly on the king sized
mattress. Kicking her shoes off, she rose up on her knees and faced
him. He gripped the hem of her dress and slowly eased it up, exposing
her body inch by excruciatingly slow inch. The fabric rasped her hard
nipples, sending spirals of sensations along her nerves. She raised her
arms and he pulled the flimsy dress over her head. He dropped the
clothing on the floor next to him.

Clad only in her G-string, Azia sat back on her calves. “Strip

for me, Jase. I want to see all of you.”

He flexed his shoulders and pulled his suit jacket off, letting it

fall to the floor. Unbuttoning the top three buttons on his polo, he
grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled the shirt over his head,
exposing a smooth chest and thick biceps. Azia gazed at the thick

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strip of blond hair that ran from his belly button down only to
disappear beneath the waistband of his jeans. She swallowed. Sliding
his hands across the front of his pants, he released the snap and
grabbed the tab to the zipper. She ran her tongue along her teeth in an
effort to build up moisture in her dry mouth. Her eyes riveted to the
metal teeth coming undone before her. He hooked his thumbs on each
side of his pants and tugged. They fell, leaving him standing only in
boxers. His shaft angled up, tenting the cotton of his underwear.

Jase stared at Azia, meeting her gaze. “You’ll have to remove

the rest.” He spread his arms wide.

She leaned forward and crawled to him on all fours. Stopping

at the foot of the bed, she anchored herself on her knees and placed
her hands on his waist. She ran her hands across his hips and up his
stomach. His muscles tensed under her touch, but she continued her
perusal, sliding her fingers across the roped muscles of his chest and
along his shoulders. His back flexed when he lowered his arms. His
hands covered hers when he stopped her explorations. Never breaking
eye contact, he pushed her hands back down his body and stopped at
the waistband of his boxers.

She slipped her fingers under the elastic strip and pushed the

material down. She noticed the outline of a tattoo wrapped around his

“What’s this?” Azia traced a finger around the marking.
“The continent of Asia.” Jase toed off his shoes and stepped

out of the clothes pooled at his feet.

“That’s different.” She eased back into a sitting position.
“I got it for my wife.” He climbed onto the bed.
“To show her, no matter where I’m at, she is always with me.”

He crawled to her.

The bed dipped and creaked as he moved closer. She felt his

breath against her skin as he crept up her body. He planted a leg on
the outside of her thighs, pinning her down. Jase leaned forward,
placing his hands on both sides of her head. He kissed her forehead
and her eyelids fluttered shut. He brushed his lips against each eye,
her cheek and then pressed his mouth to hers. Working his way down
her body, he dropped butterfly kisses on each tight nipple then along
her rib cage. The rough hair on his chin tickled her belly. He ran his
tongue along the line of her panties below her belly button. Azia

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arched her hips as his fingers slipped under the elastic, pulling the
scrap of satin down to her knees.

He scooted lower down her form. Kissing the inside of her

knees he pulled the wisp of underwear from her body. He pressed his
open mouth on her thigh and sucked. Her hands twisted in the bed
covers and she wiggled her hips. He positioned himself between her
legs and dipped his head. Pulling her moist folds apart, Jase ran his
tongue along the lips of her pussy, up and down. Pressure built in the
pit of her belly. He sucked her clit between his lips and rolled the hard
bud over his tongue. Her thighs shook with the urge to close and lock
his head between her legs. He maneuvered his shoulders to keep her
thighs wide while pulling gently on her clitoris with his teeth. Then he
sucked it deep to sooth the mild sting. The fluttering in her stomach
grew and her limbs began to tingle.

She grabbed his ears and tried to pull him away, when she

could no longer take the pleasure. Jase placed his arms around each of
her legs, holding them apart, and pressed his tongue deep into her
honey pot. Sliding his tongue in and out of her soaked channel, he
splayed his fingers along the top of her mound and pushed his thumb
against her nubbin. She bucked her hips against his mouth and hand.
Her world exploded.

Azia’s body shook and she thrashed her head. Her heart

bounced in her chest too fast. He didn’t stop. He moved her legs over
his shoulders and continued licking her pussy. Her body bowed off
the bed as another orgasm rolled through her, leaving her limbs
uncoordinated and her body uncooperative when she tried to move.

Jase lifted his head and crawled up her body. He kissed her

stomach, drawing circles around her navel with his tongue. He
continued upwards at her ribcage leaving a wet trail. Stopping at her
breasts, he wrapped his lips around one nipple while yanking the
other between his thumb and index finger. As he alternated between
tits, she whimpered. He continued his migration higher, kissing her
neck and sweeping his lips across hers.

She bent her knees. His shaft rubbed on her clit and waves of

pleasure rolled through her. In one swoop, he drove his cock deep into
her passage. Azia pushed her head back into the pillow as his mouth
covered hers. He licked the inside of her mouth, playing with her
tongue as he thrust into her body, completely burying himself inside
the warmth of her body again and again. They developed a timeless

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rhythm and she matched his every stride, grinding her pussy up
against his cock on each stroke.

Spasms skittered along her limbs. On the cusp of another

orgasm she opened her eyes and met his look. She lost herself in the
black hole that had become his dark eyes. His hips moved with
piston-like speed as he plunged into her pussy. Tremors rocked her
body as she fell into the chasm screaming out her fulfillment. He
rammed deep, touching her womb, and yelled out, his body shaking
as he came.

He collapsed, falling to her side and pulling her up against


Jase burrowed in the pillow, shying away from the bright light

shining in his face. He cracked an eyelid, turned over and sat up. He
untangled his legs from the sheets and stood. Jase was alone in the
suite, with no evidence that there had been anyone else there but him.
He checked the bathroom on a whim. She was gone.

He sat on the edge of the bed and rested his elbows on his

knees. Staring at the floor, he realized his clothes were gone. Jase
swiveled his head looking for them. The side of his mouth lifted in a
smirk when he saw them neatly folded on the table in the corner.
Grabbing them on the way to the bathroom, he headed for a shower.

After dressing, he checked the room to make sure he’d left

nothing behind. Taking one last look at bed, he closed the door behind
him. The hot shower had done him some good, cleared his head.
There was a sudden urgency to get home. He needed to see his wife.
He walked out of the hotel and trotted over to the parking garage
where he’d left his truck.

The drive had been unremarkable. He hadn’t really paid any

attention to his surrounding, his sole focus, to get home. Pulling into
the driveway of his home, he sat in the truck’s cab staring at his
house. The front door opened and kids poured out of the house. Two
of them were his and he couldn’t help but smile at the fact that they
looked like their momma. He ran his hand over the staring wheel and
his ring gleamed in the sunlight. He looked at it. The knock on his
vehicle’s window startled him and he looked up into his wife’s face.

Reaching for the handle, he pushed the door open. She stepped

back, giving him room to leave the SUV. He slammed the door closed
and leaned back. The kids noticed him and his oldest daughter

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screamed “Daddy!” running to his side and launching herself into his
arms. His other little girl wrapped her arms around his legs. He
smiled, taking full inventory of his two girls. They both spoke at the
same time, crying.

“Hey…hey it’s okay, I’m here.” He put his daughter down and

crouched, catching them both in a bear hug. “Where’s your brother?”

His eldest girl hiccupped. “He’s inside with grandma.”
Jase hugged them again. “Listen, why don’t you let grandma

know I’m here and see if you can get your little brother to come out
the house?”

“Okay!” They took off running toward the structure.
“Well, that’s an effective way to get the kids to leave for a

bit,” his wife said dryly.

“I wanted to talk with you alone.” He rose from his crouch and

opened his arms.

She jumped into them, enfolding her legs around his waist and

pressing her mouth on his to kiss him deeply. He locked his arms
under her ass to keep her in place and pulled his torso back to look at

“I came home last night and you were gone.”
“But you found me. I have to admit you threw me for a

minute. You’ve bulked up a bit and the moustache-beard combination
is new. I like it.” She narrowed her eyes. “How did you find me

“How do you think?” Jase patted her on her butt. “I hope you

only reserve wearing that dress for me.”

“Of course!” She pressed her forehead to his. “From now on.”
“I missed you, baby.”
“I know. The tattoo was nice. I got a warm and fuzzy feeling

when you said you got it for me. I missed you just as much.” She
dropped her legs.

He let her dangle in his embrace for a moment, enjoying the

feel of her body on his. He let her slide down his form. They turned
toward the house and he draped an arm around her waist.

“I’m thinking, deployment might be worth it if I’m going to

get that kind of welcome back.”

She giggled. “I wanted to ask. When you said you were sorry

last night. What for?” She turned her head to look at him, eyes

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“For not finding you sooner. My turn. Why did you leave this


“Ah, okay. To answer your question. I knew if I woke you up

to come home, the kids wouldn’t let you rest. I figured on your first
day back you needed a break.”

The door to their home squeaked and his mother Mary walked

out on to the porch, her grandson Jak locked on her hip.

“Azia, you had plenty of time last night to welcome Jase

home. Jason Montgomery Clemmons, get up here and give your
momma a hug.”

They laughed together as they walked, arms around each

other, up the path to their home.

The End

Other Books by Kassanna:

Whip Me Real Good

Keep Me Satisfied

Keyboards and Kink

Tell Me, Touch Me, Feel Me

Evernight Publishing


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