Behind Closed Doors by totallyobsessed82 COMPLETE

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Behind Closed Doors

by totallyobsessed82

Bella and Emmett are in a normal everyday realtionship with normal problems.
Emmett's cousin, Edward, moves back to town. What happens when Edward and Bella meet? Will
they be naughty or nice? Read on to find out!
AH,AU,OOC, Lemons!

Disclaimer: The characters of Twilight are owned by Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement

is intended.

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The Way We Are

Bella POV
Thank God this day is over! These patients families have really worked my nerves today. It was

finally seven o'clock and I was on my way home from a long twelve hour shift. My back and my
feet were throbbing.
I work as a nurse in the ICU for the local hospital here in East Point, Georgia. I've been an RN
for four years now. I love my job, most of the time. It's rewarding to know that I can help people

during the worst time of their lives. I always knew I wanted to help people and this was the best
career for that.
I reached over and grabbed my purse. I rifled through it in the passenger seat and I picked up my
cell to call Emmett. We've been dating for a few years and have lived together for about a year and

ninety five percent of the time it works. Of course, nothing is perfect and all relationships have
issues. We are no exception.
I dialed his number and was entertained by the sounds of Maxwell's This Woman's Worth while
waiting on him to answer. Sweet huh?
“Hey baby. What's up?” He said sounding frustrated and tired.
“Just got on the highway. Be home in about twenty minutes. You home already?”
“Yeah. Just got here a few minutes ago.”
“Okay. I'll be there soon. Love you.” Trying to sound enthusiastic.
“I love you too. See you in a few.” Then I heard him hang up the phone. I closed my phone and set
it in the cup holder.
I reached over to my iPod and started shuffling through the songs trying to find the perfect song
that would make me feel stress free. Here it is. I love this stupid song. I pressed play and cranked

up the volume. It was Madonna's Star Light Star Bright. It's such a cheesy song, but I can't help
singing along. And sing loud! My singing really sounds terrible, but when I'm in the car alone it

doesn't matter.
Em is a very attractive man. He's tall, muscular, kind eyes, warm smile, dark curly hair. It's like they

always say though 'looks aren't everything', but I love him more than I ever thought I would love a
man. I haven't had many serious relationships in my life. I know he loves m,e but I wonder just how

much he loves me and if it's enough to last. Only time will tell.
At first, Em and I couldn't get enough of each other. It felt as if there was this cosmic force that

drew us together. If we weren't at work, we were together. It didn't matter where it was or what
we were doing. We could even be doing laundry and as long as we were together it was fun. After

a couple years, things just kind of got comfortable. The newness and excitement began to wear off.
The butterflies in my stomach I once felt just by looking at him eventually vanished. The sex is good

when he puts effort into it, but even it's not what it used to be.
Our sex life was so exciting in the beginning. We would do it everywhere. Cars, balconies, movie

theaters, friends houses, bathrooms. It was that cosmic force that we couldn't deny. I never had a
problem reaching my climax, until we moved in together. I don't know if it's because I have to look

at him all day everyday or what, but getting me to climax is so much harder these days.
Finally I was home. Thank God! I'm so tired.
“Hey baby.” I heard him say as I walked in the door.

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“Hey sweetie. How was your day?” I asked him trying to sound interested.
He let out a deep sigh and said “It was alright. I'm just tired of having to do all the work around
there. It's like I'm the only one that actually shows up and does their job. This shit is getting old!”

Wow! More bitching. You hate your job. Big freaking shocker! If you would have some ambition
and go back to school you could get a job that you didn't hate.
I released a small sigh and said “I know babe. I'm sorry. It's always the people that actually work
who get stepped on by the lazy folks.” Can we please talk about something else now? I can't take

much more of your bitching everyday about the same shit.
Emmett was sitting on the couch drinking a beer. The first beer of many, I'm sure. If he followed his

regular routine he would drink about six before he went to bed. Problem number one.
While I was cooking dinner, I couldn't help but glare over to him sitting on the couch playing his

Xbox. Really? Are you fucking five years old again? Do something around here instead of playing
games. I'm not your servant.
I'm no saint, but he drinks everyday, no matter what. Then he passes out on the couch and doesn't
even come to bed. Problem number two.
If I wanted to sleep by myself every night I would've never moved in with him.
After I cooked dinner, I sat down next to Em on the couch to eat and watch one of our favorite

shows, House of Payne. Curtis is so funny that you can't help but laugh at him.
Once the show was over, I looked over at Em and noticed he was still drinking. God! Can't you take

one night off??? Sitting there in his t-shirt and work pants with a beer in one hand and the other
hand on his groin. Classic.
I tried to loosen the muscles in my face before I said “Em, how many beers have you had tonight?”
The whole 12 pack probably. I was attempting to sound like the concerned girlfriend and not a

bitch. I wasn't sure how well it was working.
He turned his face towards me with furrowed brows and creases in his forehead. “I don't know

Bella. Four maybe. Damn! What difference does it make?”
“I'm just wondering. It seems like you are drinking a lot lately. Like you can't do anything outside of

work unless you have a beer in your hand.” Oh and the sex sucks when you are drunk! I couldn't
use that card yet. Although, I really wanted to. If I used that it meant there was going to be a war in

this house.
He raised up off of the couch and turned his whole body towards me and said “Bella, what the

fuck? I work hard all day to help support us and I can't come home and have a few beers? This is
bullshit!” He threw his hands up in the air like he was confused.
I have a short temper and I don't deal well with people yelling at me. So I snapped.....
“No, what's bullshit is the fact that sex with you sucks when you're drunk!" Yep, I brought out the

big dogs with that comment. "You don't put any effort into it and you just wanna lay there and
shove your dick inside me like I'm a fucking rag doll. Why do you think I want to have sex right

when we get home? At least then you put enough effort into it to make me orgasm!” My whole
face was tense by this point but I managed to remain seated. I knew that was hitting below the

belt, but he needed to know the truth.
At this point Emmett was staring me down as if he were about to morph into a bear and tear me to

shreds. I could see by his reaction that I had struck a nerve with what I had just said. Oh shit!
Maybe I went too far with that one.

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I kept my eyes locked on his face while his breathing quickened. I could almost see the wheels

turning in his head.
“Fuck you Bella! If my sex isn't good enough for you, there are plenty of other women ready and

willing to take your place." He was now pacing around the living room. Using his hands to
emphasize his points. "So you just say the word and you don't have to worry about me or my dick

anymore. Is that what you want Bella?”He put his hands on his hips and tapped his foot, waiting on
my answer.
Are you kidding? Other women waiting? Go ahead! Those hoes are not going to be as good to you
as I am. You have it made and need to realize it and fast!
As I got to my feet, I looked at him and said “Wow! So that's how it's going to be? If you want other
women, go have them. I don't own you! Good luck with the new woman because all the women

that I've seen that want you don't have shit going for them!”
“That's not what I asked you Bella!" Pointing his finger at me and pursing his lips together. "Is that

what you want? Do you want me to leave and find another woman? Answer me damn it!” His
voice kept getting louder and louder.
"Don't fucking yell at me like I'm your dog Emmett!" You should be appreciating me. Not
demanding answers to some bullshit ass question.
We were standing directly in front of each other. Of course, he's a least a whole foot taller than I
am and I have to look up at him to make eye contact.
"Answer the question Bella!" He demanded very loudly.
“No Emmett I don't! I don't want you to leave. I want the man back that I fell in love with! The man

that didn't have to drink everyday of his life. The man that came home and helped me with dinner.
The man that was happy just being with me. The man that would spend hours on foreplay just to

please me! That's what I want!” The question is can you be that man again? Do you even want to
be that man again?
I could feel the emotions of the fight beginning to take their toll on me.
“I still am that man! You just can't see it anymore. Just because I have a few beers when I get home
doesn't mean I'm not happy being with you. I love you. I just can't take your nagging all the time.”

He sounded like he was trying to be sweet but calling me nagging wasn't going to make me feel
any better.
I looked up at him with a look of amazement and said “Nagging? Who the fuck is nagging all the
time? Me asking you a question about how many beers you've had is not nagging!” You think this

is nagging? You have no idea! With that I walked around him and went into the bedroom to sit on
the bed. I put my face in hands and began taking deep breaths to try and calm down.
He followed behind me and said calmly “Maybe not to you but it feels like it to me." He squatted
down in front of me and pulled my hand away from my face. "I don't think I can be what you want

me to be. I'm just gonna leave.” Here we go again. You do this shit all the time. Always just want to
up and leave as soon as we argue about something.
I saw him walk to the bedroom closet. When I saw him start to throw his clothes into a suitcase, I
couldn't decide if I wanted to stop him or let him leave. He was being so childish. When you really

love someone how can you just up and leave because of a stupid fight? I was dumbfounded.
Then I came to a decision. I love him. Don't let him leave.
I wiped all the anger off my face and just simply stated “You can't leave over a stupid fight like this,
Emmett.” You do realize how stupid you're being right?

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“I can do whatever I want to do Bella. You are obviously not happy with me anymore. So I'm

leaving. I'm done!” Still throwing his clothes in the suitcase. I had no clue what to say to him to get
him to stop packing and act like a reasonable adult again.
“Babe, come on now. You know I love you and I wanna be with you. We can work this out. We
always do. Come on, just stop packing. Please.” Great, now I'm crying. This happens every time he

threatens to leave.
He must have heard my crying because he walked out of the closet and looked at me.
“Bella. Quit crying.” He walked over to me and grabbed my hands from my face. He pulled me up
and snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me to him and hugged me tightly. “I'm not

leaving. I just want us to be like we used to be.”
I held my arms around his neck as tight as I could. “I know. We just have to work at it. We love each

other enough to make this work. Don't we, Em?” I pulled away slightly to look in his eyes.
"Yes. We do Bella." I could see that he meant it.
He grabbed my face with his big strong hands and pulled it up so my lips could meet his. He
pressed his closed lips against mine lightly. His lips were soft and warm. It was such a innocent kiss

that said "I love you and only you!" My hands grabbed the back of his neck to pull myself more into
We kissed for a long time only pulling away when we couldn't breath anymore.
“I love you baby. I don't wanna fight with you.” I said sweetly. I really don't but we gotta fix this.
“Me either Bella. I'm sorry.” You should be.
With that Em went back into living room and got another beer out of the fridge. Big Fucking

shocker but I'm tired of fighting tonight.
I decided I would give this an honest effort so I went into the living room and laid down with my

head in Emmett's lap. While we were watching TV I heard Em's phone vibrating. He picked it up
and looked confused.
“Hello?” he said.
“Oh damn! What's up cuz?” He looked so surprised.
Which cousin is this and what do they want? He has a huge family and they only call when they
want something.
“You're kidding?! I can't believe it! I haven't seen you in years. Yeah, just let me know when you get
in town. Oh and Edward I want you to meet my girl Bella so I'm gonna bring her too.” He was

basically jumping out of his seat at this point.
So this is the Edward? Why are you giddy like a five year old at Christmas?
I'd heard the name before but didn't know much about him other than the fact that he moved to
Chicago years ago after his parents died. The rest of their family didn't talk much about him or his

parents. I just figured it was a sore subject.
“Sounds good Cuz. See you soon.” Now he's involved me in the plans. God only knows what they

have planned.
He hung up the phone and had a huge grin on his face. “Bella guess what?”
“What honey? You want me to meet Edward?” I did just hear you on the phone.
“Not only that baby but he's moving back here! I can't believe it! He's been gone for like five years

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and now he's coming back.”
Could you act any more girly about this? Calm down!
“That's great. I can't wait to meet him. Why is he moving back?” I was asking because I'm nosey

and it's odd that Em gets this excited about anything.
“He didn't say. I'm just glad he's coming back. He's my favorite cousin. You're gonna love him!”
“I'm sure I will. If he's your favorite, he's my favorite!” I said sarcastically.
Em began to text people on his phone. I could only guess he was texting everyone that knew his

cousin to tell them about Edwards' return.
Your favorite cousin that I've barely heard about? How is he your favorite when you barely talk

about him? Why did he leave years ago and why is he back all of a sudden? Somethings up. I hope
we can get along because I have a feeling Emmett's going to make me see a lot of him.
He set his phone down and finally calmed down. We watched TV for a while and then I heard
Emmett snoring. I'm not even upset. This is what we have come to be.
I got up and went to the bedroom and figured it was time to call it a night. I was pooped from all
the arguing. I hoped the next day would be a better day for us.

Make It Work

I awoke to the sounds of Em blaring his rock music from the bathroom and him trying to sing over
it. I looked over at the clock to check the time. Wow! It's wayyyy too early for this.
Em loves to blare music while in the shower. He sings so loudly, I'm sure everyone in the
neighborhood can hear him. It makes me laugh because his singing is terrible but he doesn't care

at all. We are alike in that way.
I had decided that today was a new day. If we were going to try and make this work then I would

start out on a good foot. I would try to bring back the passion and desire that we shared before our
busy lives got in the way. New day, new attitude. Fixing our relationship would require work from

the both of us.
I got out of bed and slipped off my nightgown as I walked towards the bathroom. I opened the

door and felt the warm steam hit my bare skin. It felt nice. I stepped into the room and shut the
door behind me. Em was still singing, he hadn't even noticed that I entered the room. I giggled

under my breath as I pulled the shower curtain back just enough to see Em scrubbing the shampoo
into his scalp. He was dancing around in the shower and looked positively goofy. I had a plan. I

reached my hand into the shower and lightly pinched his butt. He jumped and turned around
looking completely startled. His reaction made me burst into laughter.
“Oh! You think that's funny huh?” With a devilish smirk on his face. Uh oh! This is not good.
I let out a small yelp as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the shower. He pulled me in so

quickly that I was barely able to stay upright. He took the remaining suds on his hands and spread
them on my breasts. His hands felt so good on my skin. He leaned down to my breasts and blew

away the suds. His cool breath hardened my nipples even more. He slid his hands down my
stomach and around my waist to cup my butt. He pulled me up slightly making it easier for him to

lick my nipples. He lightly flicked my nipples with his tongue while he massaged my ass. I let out a
slight moan and I dug my nails into his back. He brought his hands back up and cupped my breasts.

He pinched my nipples ever so lightly. My head fell back and I pressed my hands against the tile,
trying to brace myself.

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Em pushed me back against the tile and lifted my left leg up as he knelt down in between my legs.

He looked so sexy kneeling down completely naked with the water running all over his toned body.
He took a long hard look at my hot wet slit and then dove right in with his tongue. He quickly

lapped at my pussy. Taking long strokes. Licking from my opening up to my clit. My legs almost
gave out every time he flicked my clit. His tongue felt so good on me.
“Oh shit Em! It feels so good. I wanna feel you inside me.” Now.
He stood up and looked into my eyes. “Show me what you want.” He commanded as he lifted his

arms to press his palms on the tiles above my head.
I licked my lips and grabbed his hard thick cock. He was already hard for me. I stroked his length a

few times and told him “This is what I want.” I gently tugged on his cock and pulled him to me.
Guiding his cock directly to my entrance. I could feel the head of his cock brush against my clit and

it sent a heat wave through my entire body. He slid inside of me with ease. He then lifted my legs
to wrap around his waist. I grabbed the towel bar in the back of the shower to help gain some

leverage. As he pumped his cock into me I heard him say “Damn Bella.....”
As he continued to thrust into me, I knew I was close to my orgasm. I concentrated on every thing I

was feeling at that moment. The cool shower tiles against my back, the heat from the steam
relaxing my muscles, the feel of Em's strong hands gripping my ass, the feel of his cock pumping in

and out of my pussy. It was too much and sent me over the edge.
“Fuck Emmett! I'm coming......don't stop..... oh shit!” Wow, that was a good one. After that, I was

barely able to grasp the bar above my head. I was hoping he was close because I didn't have much
strength left in me.
I tightened my pussy walls around him and saw his eyes roll back in his head. It wouldn't be long.
“Come for me Emmett.” He loves it when I command him to come.
“ …... shit.....I'm.....coming........Bella......Fuck!” With that he
stopped his thrusts and rested his head on my chest. He gave me a quick kiss as he pulled out and

let me back down.
We quickly washed off and Em finished getting ready for work. He had to work a regular eight hour

shift today but I was off work for a couple days. As I stood there brushing my teeth, Em came up
behind me and kissed me on the neck.
“I love you Bella. I'll see you when I get home. What do you say we have a date night tonight?” He
asked with an eager grin on his face.
Really? We haven't had a date night in a long time. “That sounds great Em! What did you have in
mind?” I spit out the toothpaste and turned to look at him with a huge grin on my face.
“Just be ready to go at eight tonight. I'm not telling you where we are going. It's a surprise. Wear a
dress and heels.”
I kissed him on the lips and said “Okay baby. Can't wait! I'll be ready.”
He left for work and I ran some errands during the day. I decided to buy a new dress for our date.

New attitude. I wanted the night to be perfect. Em came home that night and we engaged in
casual conversation until we started to get ready for out date. Em was ready to go in no time. I take

a little longer than him, but I am faster than most women. I hadn't even noticed Em was gone
when I got out of the shower. I put on my dress and did my make up. As I was finishing my hair, I

heard a knock on the door. Who the hell is here?
I went to the door and opened it to see Em. “What are you doing babe? Why are you knocking?” I

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asked him. You live here crazy.
“I'm here to pick you for our date.” He then brought flowers around from his back. They were
purple orchids, my favorite. Aww, this is too sweet. He really is trying to make this work.
I was smiling from ear to ear. I reached out to grasp the flowers and hugged him. “Thank you
“You're welcome, honey. You look hot! You ready to go?”
“Yeah, let me grab my purse.” I quickly grabbed my purse and pulled the door shut and locked it

behind me.
Em held the door of the car open for me. He was being such a gentleman. I was already impressed

with his effort in date night. He still wouldn't tell me where we were going. I continued trying to
guess as we drove into Atlanta. I felt like a little kid asking “Are we there yet?” He never said yes or

no in response to my guesses. He just kept laughing at me. I was getting ill by that point. He could
have at least given me a hint, instead of just laughing. Then again, that's just how Em is. He has the

temper of a wild grizzly bear and the sense of humor of a ten year old pre-pubescent boy.
We finally arrived at our destination, Shout. We don't go there often but he knows it's my favorite

place. We pulled up to the entrance and the valet handed Em a ticket as he exited the car. He came
over and opened my door for me. The food there is great and the bar/club upstairs is the best part.

It has a rooftop bar that overlooks the city. There's a dance floor and a DJ that plays music until
two in the morning.
Dinner went well. We gazed into each others' eyes as we sipped our drinks and waited for our food
to arrive. We held hands on top of the table. It was almost like a first date. Date night was going

very well so far.
After dinner we went upstairs to one of the cabanas on the roof top. We ordered drinks and sat

and talked at first. Then the DJ started playing some great dance music, so we hit the dance floor.
We danced for hours. I was a little tipsy but not drunk. I happened to notice that Em was drinking a

lot and drinking very fast. By the time we left he was totally smashed and I had to drive home.
What a great ending to date night! And it started so well. The story of my life.
I was driving home when I looked over and noticed Em had fallen asleep. Fucking great. So much
for a new start. Back to the same old shit.
When we finally reached the house I got out of the car and went over to Em's side. I just looked at
him sitting there sleeping. How in the fuck am I supposed to get his gigantic ass out of this car and

in the house? I would never be able to get him out. He weighs at least twice as much as I do. I
would just have to leave him there. I rolled down the windows enough to let in some fresh air. I

walked into the house and changed clothes into my pajamas. I looked at the clock and noticed that
the sun would be coming up soon. Fuck me. Another night alone in this bed. This shit cannot keep

I tried to calm myself down enough to get some sleep. My body was so tired but my mind was still

racing. I was so mad at him for ruining date night by passing out drunk in the car. I can't be the only
one putting effort into this relationship.
I could not stay up all night stressing over this. I laid back in the bed and looked up at the rotating
fan. Instead of thinking about Em, I concentrated on the fans rotations. Not long after, I was fast


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You're Not Sorry

“Bella! Get the fuck up! Quit acting like you don't hear me!” Emmett was yelling at me as I awoke
from my peaceful slumber. What the fuck? Why is he yelling at me? He's the one that passed out.
I rolled over and saw Emmett standing over me and staring daggers at me. “Well good fucking
morning to you too.” I said sarcastically. I tried to get up from the bed to go pee but Emmett just

pushed me back down on the bed.
“Don't try to be funny Bella! Why in the fuck did you leave me in the car all night? It was hot as hell

out there.” The look on his face would have been terrifying if my mind was properly working.
I was still half asleep when I said “Quit yelling Em. It's too early for this shit. I need to go pee. Let

me up.” I tried once again to raise from the bed and was shoved back down. Are you fucking
kidding me? You are not Ike Turner.
“When you fucking answer my question you can get up. Answer me now! Why did you leave me in
the car?” He demanded.
“Em, in case you forgot you fucking passed out in the car. And in case you haven't noticed you are
fucking gigantic! There's no way in hell I would ever be able to lift you. There's your fucking answer.

Can I get up now Ike?” Fucking move. I was seriously pissed at that point.
“So you didn't bother to try and wake me up? You just left me out there in the eighty degree

“Emmett this is stupid. You know how you are when you are drunk and you were dead to the

world. Get the fuck over it and handle yourself better next time. I should be the one cussing and
yelling at you. You totally ruined date night and you're not even sorry. I'm starting to think that you

are doing this shit on purpose.” He finally let me get up from the bed and pass by him. I walked
into the bathroom and locked the door. This is gonna be one hell of a day.
I didn't hear anything else from the bed room while I was in the bath room. I was really shocked
that he didn't completely blow up and bust down the door. Maybe he actually realized he was

I cautiously walked back out into the bedroom. I wasn't sure what I would find. I saw Em sitting in

the chair across the room. He was as still as a statue with a blank look on his face. I wasn't sure
what was going through his head and it scared me. “Em.” I sad timidly. “Are you alright?”
He didn't even move. His expression didn't change at all. I was even more confused by that. “Baby?
What's wrong?” I asked.
“Bella, do you really think we are gonna last?” He sounded like a child who had lost his puppy. I
had no idea how to answer him. Yes, I loved him. Yes, I wanted to be with him. Would we be

together in ten years? I had no idea.
I sat down on the edge of the bed. “Baby, I don't know. I love you and I wanna be with you but I

can't predict the future.”
“I know. It just scares me that we are arguing all the time lately. What did you mean when you said

that you think I am doing this on purpose?” He still sounded so sad and confused.
“It seems like as soon as we decide to work things out, you do something to sabotage us. Date

night was going so well and then you passed out on me. What should I be thinking?”
“Bella, I love you. I'm not trying to sabotage us. I was having such a good time with you that I didn't

realize how much I was drinking.” He looked utterly confused.

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“It's not just last night Em. You are drinking all the time. Half the time you don't even sleep in the

bed with me because you're passed out on the couch.” I just want my man back.
“I'm sorry, Bella. Do you think we could work this out?” He sounded really sincere.
“We just have to take it day by day and try to make some changes. If we want it to work, I think we
can make it.” I said sincerely.
I walked over to him and sat down his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my
lips. “We gotta make this work, Bella. I love you too much.”
“We will baby.” At least I hope.
We sat in this position for what seemed like hours. It was so comfortable to be held in his big

strong arms. It felt like home. I knew we would at some point have to talk about those changes we
each needed to make but we were both so stubborn that it would not be an easy conversation. I

was attempting to delay the inevitable when I looked at his face, grabbed his chin with my hand
and turned his lips to meet mine.
The kiss was a desperate kiss. It wasn't filled with passion or lust. It was pure desperation. Wanting
to hang on to each other and to this moment. We were both trying to stop time. We knew that the

conversations over the next few days would be very tense and emotion filled. We were hoping that
kiss would lead to activities that did not involve conversation.
Our kiss deepened and the more he kissed me and the more his hands roamed my body, the more
my love for him became evident to me. He was still able to make me feel the love he felt for me.

Before I knew it, my clothes were practically non existent. I had been so wrapped up in my mind
and my feelings that I hadn't noticed he had removed all of my clothing except my panties. He

swept me up and laid me down on the bed. He raised up to remove his clothes and I watched his
well shaped form undress piece by piece. This sex wouldn't be rushed or hurried. It was going to be

very long and focused.
We used our hands to roam each others' bodies. Exploring them like we had never seen the other

naked. We kissed every part of each others' bare skin. Starting with our lips going all the way down
to our ankles. It was very intimate and sensual. He moved on top of me and I wrapped my legs

around him pulling him closer to me. He entered me slowly and easily. He felt so right inside of me.
He filled me completely. We didn't stop kissing the entire time we made love.
We came in unison. It was amazing. He and I had never done that before, I didn't think it was
possible. We just laid in each others' arms when it was over. We didn't want to leave the comfort

of the bubble we had created.
The next few days for us were very trying. Thankfully it was the weekend and we were both off of

work. We had decided that we wouldn't be separated until we had figured everything out. We
discussed everything. I told him all of the things that he did to bother me. All of the things I was

unhappy with in our relationship. He did the same with me. We discussed the future. The things
we wanted, the things we didn't want. There was a lot of crying. There was a lot of yelling but we

stayed focused and came to some decisions.
Em agreed to watch his drinking and slow down. I agreed that I would quit obsessing and nagging

him over the little things. He agreed to try and bring back the romance. I agreed that I would try to
step up our sex game. There were plenty of things that were agreed upon. As for our future, we

decided that we would try to make it work and work towards taking our relationship to the next
We both felt like a great weight had been lifted off our shoulders after everything had been
discussed rationally. I was sure we would be strong enough and that we loved each other enough

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to work through all of our garbage.
It was Sunday night when Edward called Em back. He informed us that he would be in town for
good on Thursday. He wanted all of us to get together Friday night for drinks. It sounded like fun

and I loved the area of town he suggested. There would be plenty to do if Edward and I didn't get
along. I would be able to sneak away and do my own thing.
The next week had went by pretty well and uneventful. Em and I worked and spent a lot of time at
home with each other. We were reconnecting. We cuddled a lot. We laughed a lot. We had lots of

sex. Our relationship was definitely the best it had been in quite a while.

When I Saw You

It was Friday and Edward had called to confirm our plans. He let us know exactly when and where

to meet. I was definitely looking forward to a night out and I was looking forward to meeting the
mysterious Edward. I hoped the night would go as well as Em wanted it to.
I took one last look in the mirror. My hair was in soft waves. I had on just the right amount of make
up. Not overly done but enough to make a statement. I had on a denim mini-skirt, blue halter top

and black strappy four inch heels. Perfect. I wanted to make a good first impression on Edward,
since he's Em's favorite cousin.
“Bella! You ready to go?” Emmett shouted from the front door.
Walking towards the front door, I said “Yeah. Let's go.”
I grabbed my purse off of the kitchen table and looked at Em. “How do I look?” I said batting my
eyelashes at him.
“You look hot baby! You know I love those shoes.” He said with a huge smile on his face.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. He looked into my eyes and leaned

down to plant his lips on mine.
As I pulled away I said “Come on Em, you know we have to go or we'll be late.”
With a sad puppy dog look on his face he said “Aww. I was hoping to get a little action in before we
I lightly slapped his arm. “Always so horny. Let's leave before we don't make it at all!”
We walked out the door and down to the car. Em started the short drive to Little Five Points. My

mind had been racing with questions about Edward all day. After dating Em for three years and
barely hearing about his 'so-called' favorite cousin, I had a ton of questions. Why did he leave

town? Why was he back now? Is he here for good? Does he have kids? A wife? Girlfriend? Where is
he going to live? So many questions. Slow down, Bella. You're gonna seem crazy if you just bust out

with all the questions tonight.
So, instead of bombarding Em with all of my questions at once, I began to ease into my line of

“Em, why did Edward leave after high school? Was it for college?” I asked casually, attempting not

to sound too eager.
He glanced over to me for a second, trying to keep an eye on the road and said “Well, his parents

died in a car accident on the night of his graduation. He kept blaming himself for it. About a month
later he just said he was leaving. He wouldn't tell us where.”

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Wow. I had no idea. That's so sad but why did he blame himself?
“Why do you think he was blaming himself for his parent's death? Was he driving the car?” I had to
“ He wasn't driving the car but he was following behind them. He saw the whole accident. They
were on their way downtown to celebrate his graduation. The car in front of my aunt and uncle

blew a tire and spun out. Carlisle tried to swerve to miss the car but he was going so fast that the
car flipped over five times. Edward kept saying that if he hadn't wanted to go downtown his

parents would still be alive.” His face looked very somber as he told me.
God. I cannot imagine seeing my parent's die right in front of me.
I didn't really know what to say at that point. I didn't want to keep questioning Em about his Aunt
and Uncle's death. So, I just let it go. Maybe Edward would answer my questions during the nights'

We pulled into Little Five Points and I started people watching. Little Five Points is an area in East

Atlanta that is only about a mile long and not even a mile wide but there is always so much going
on in that little area. There are three or four pretty famous bars where the Atlanta celebrities can

usually be seen on the weekends. There are a bunch of independently owned shops. There's
always someone painting something on the sidewalk or someone playing music on the street.

Every race and type of person can be seen there. Gothic, preppy, urban, rich, poor, homeless,
average, black, white, Asian, Indian. It's definitely a place that can keep your interest.
We were meeting Edward at one of the smaller bars. It has a nice patio and some of the best
original drinks in the whole city. Definitely a good place to sit outside and quiet enough to catch

Em parked the car and as I got closer to the door I saw a brand new silver Volvo. It was so shiny

and pretty. There was an Illinois license plate on the back. Nice car.
As we walked into the bar I heard someone call out “Emmett!” I didn't recognize the voice but it

sounded amazing. It was clear, deep and smooth.
We both looked to our left to see a tall well built man with perfectly imperfect bronze hair walking

swiftly towards us with a huge smile on his face. His outfit was perfectly put together. He wore a
Gucci button up shirt and jeans. His shoes were also Gucci. Nice shoes! His outfit must have cost a

small fortune. Must be Edward. Holy shit he's hot!
I could feel my jaw hanging down as he got closer. Pick your fucking jaw up off the ground Bella!
Emmett embraced him with a huge bear hug and an even bigger smile on his face. “Cuz!”
After a few moments I managed to pick up my jaw and they finally released from their embrace.

Edward looked over at me still smiling and reached his hand out to shake mine and said “You must
be Bella? I'm Edward. It's a great pleasure to meet you.”
I gave him my hand to shake and as his hand enveloped mine I could feel a shot of electricity shoot
through my hand and up my arm. What the hell was that? Trying not to smile too big I said “Yes, I

am. It's nice to finally meet you.” Get it together Bella. You can't just stand here holding his hand
smiling like an idiot all night.
I released his hand and finally quit staring.
“I got us a table out here on the patio. You guys ready for some drinks? This is my first night out
since I've been back so let's get to it! All drinks are on me tonight!” His voice sounded like velvet as

he spoke. I almost felt like I was in a trance just listening to him speak.
We got to the table and the waitress came to take our orders. I ordered a painkiller and Em

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ordered a Jack and Coke. The painkillers are the drink that made this bar famous. Edward was

already drinking a Grey Goose and pineapple juice. Nice taste in liquor, I see.
I was trying not to stare but as Em and Edward were conversing I continued to find my self fixated

on Edwards lips. They were shaped perfectly. They looked so moist. I couldn't bring myself to look
away every time he took a sip from his straw. What the fuck am I doing? My boyfriend is right here

and I just keep fucking staring at his cousin. Get it the fuck together!
I had no idea what they had been talking about. I wasn't really interested in their conversation. I

wanted to keep looking at Edward.
“So, Bella, Emmett tells me you're a nurse. How is that going?” I heard Edward say. I tried to get my

mind to work instead of letting his velvety voice make me zone out.
“Yeah. I'm a nurse in East Point. I like my job. I get to help people and I make pretty decent money.”

Somehow my mind worked enough to produce an actual sentence.
With a smile on his face he said “You must be pretty smart to be a nurse.”
Yeah but I feel like an idiot right now because I can't stop gawking at you.
“Yeah I like to consider myself pretty intelligent. I didn't exactly graduate at the top of the class but

I did pretty well.”
“Don't let her fool you. She's the smartest woman I've ever met. I'd trust her to save me any day.”

Em proudly said to Edward.
We all three continued in casual conversation for a while. The questions that had been racking my

brain all day were still unanswered. The more I looked at Edward the more I wanted to know about
him. I was completely intrigued.
Grow some balls Bella and just ask him what you want to know.
“So, Edward, I know I just met you and I don't want to seem nosy but can I ask you something?” I

said. Better to just spit it out than to keep racking my brain about it.
He looked at me with a slight grin on his lips and what I swear was a sparkle in his eyes and said

“Sure Bella. We are practically family. What do you wanna know?”
“Come on, Bella. Let's not give him twenty questions tonight. Let's just let loose and have fun.” Em

said to me. Shut up Em!
“No No Emmett. It's completely fine. The lady has an inquiring mind. Let's see what she wants to

know.” Edward said with that same smirk on his beautiful face.
“Thanks Edward.” I said smiling at him. “I was just wondering where you had moved to when you

left Georgia?”
“Well, I went to Chicago. Been there until I came back here.” He simply stated. He made it sound

like he hadn't disappeared from his whole family and was just right up the street.
Chicago! Shit! That's his Volvo. He must have a lot of money. Buying the drinks, that outfit and then

the nice car. Where is all his money coming from?
I couldn't think of where to continue after that. I wanted to ask about the money but that's rude.

Should I have asked why he left? Why he came back? I decided not to push my luck and besides my
mind was still reeling from the revelation I just stumbled upon.
We continued in casual conversation for a while longer. Edward paid for everything and I thought
the night would end there but then Edward asked us to go to a club not far away and keep the

night going. Em and I were up for anything and I also liked the idea of having more time to look at

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Edward. I hoped Em hadn't noticed that I had been staring basically all night. But then again Em

was so engulfed in his reunion with Edward that he barely paid me any attention anyways.
We arrived at the bar and got our drinks. We found a small booth and sat down to enjoy our

drinks. The fellas were talking again but the music was so loud I couldn't hear any of what they
were saying. Then I heard my favorite song come over the sound system.
“Oh shit!” I exclaimed. “This is my song!! Let's go dance Em!”
“I don't feel like dancing right now, Bella.” Em said. He probably just wanted to keep drinking for

free. Figures.
Ugh! What the fuck ever. I'll go dance by myself.
I got up out of the booth and I was half way to the dance floor when I felt someone grab my hand.
I thought I felt that same electric shock as before. It couldn't be Edward, could it? I turned to see

who it was and saw it was Edward. Oh shit. I was totally shocked. I didn't expect it to be him
holding my hand. I looked at his beautiful face and I swear I almost melted.
“I told Emmett it wasn't right for such a pretty woman to be dancing all alone and that I would
dance with you to keep an eye on you.” He winked. He fucking winked!
I couldn't help but smile and said “Let's do this!” Oh my God. Oh my God. Stay calm. Stay calm.

Dirty Dancing

We made our way on to the dance floor and I started swaying my hips to the beat. My heart felt

like it was going to jump out of my chest. My pulse was racing. Thank God I had my back to him
because I was certain my face was blood red. I felt Edward's hands on my waist gripping me firmly.

I could only imagine the amount of pleasure that those hands could do to my body. I pushed my
butt into his groin and began to bounce my booty on him. He was moving along with me and I

could feel him pressing his groin into me more and more. I wanted us to be doing this with no
clothing barrier in between our bodies. The electricity I felt from the first handshake was back and

every time he touched me it felt even stronger. The constant pressure from his hands combined
with the electricity made me shudder.
I'm gonna get in so much trouble for this. I hope Em isn't watching.
I looked over my shoulder to look for Em. I'm sure he thought it was just harmless dancing. Instead

of finding Em's face, I found Edward's. His lips were so close to mine. I looked right at them. They
were moist and smooth. I instantly pictured his lips kissing all over my body. I had to fight the urge

not to press my lips against his.
What the fuck am I thinking? You cannot kiss him! Look away, just look away already! Why am I

feeling this way? Damn it. Get it together!!!
I managed to look away from Edward's face and kept dancing. My pulse was still racing, my palms

were sweaty, my breathing was irregular. My panties were even wet. Fuck!! I really needed to
regain my composure before I did something really stupid. We continued to dance like that for a

few more songs. Every time I would try and leave his grip, he pulled me right back in.
Then I heard a high pitched female voice yell “Bella! Bella!” I looked over to my right and saw

Rosalie and Alice running towards me with huge smiles on their faces. Thank God for them. Just in
I smiled back and raced to meet them. Alice and Rosalie are my best friends. We've always looked
out for each other. They are like my sisters. I never had any siblings and we have been inseparable

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since childhood.
“Ladies! I'm so glad to see y'all! You didn't tell me y'all were coming here tonight!” I shouted over
the music.
“We didn't plan to it was just a spur of the moment thing.” Alice said.
“Yeah. We knew you and Em were going out tonight so we just decided to go dancing.” said

I felt someone walk up behind me, it was the electricity again. Fuck! Would you go back to the

booth with Em already? Then I heard Rosalie say “And who is the gorgeous man you were dancing
Shit! Why did he follow me over here. I was trying to get away before I got in trouble. Now I have
to introduce him.
“Oh ladies! This is Edward. He's Emmett's cousin that just moved back to town.”
“Hi ladies.” he stated as he extended his hand to Alice and Rosalie.
“Well hello Edward!” They exclaimed in unison.
Could y'all be any more obvious? Yes he's handsome but, come on, y'all are basically throwing

yourselves at him.
“Girls, come over to the booth where Em is and we can all sit and talk together.” I needed to get

back over to my man. Get my head back where it should be.
We all walked over to meet Em. Once we reached the booth where he was sitting I sat down next

to him and put my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. I could smell the liquor on
his breath but I didn't care. That was where I was supposed to be. Sitting next to my man not living

in fantasy land with Edward.
We drank and everyone talked about how we all met and all of the usual introductory garbage. I

could see that Rose and Alice really were trying to catch Edward's attention. Although, every time I
glanced at Edward, he was looking at me. I tried to focus all of my attention on Em. I had let my

mind wander in forbidden territory long enough for one night.
“Looks like the ladies have taken an interest in Edward, huh?” Em said looking at me.
Hell, I've taken an interest in Edward. Shit! I have to get my head out of the gutter.
“Yeah. It looks that way. Then again it doesn't take much for Rosalie to be interested in a man

wearing Gucci!” I said jokingly.
Em laughed and said “She is a bit of a brand whore huh?”
“You already know!”
When the DJ called for last call, Edward once again paid for everyone's drinks. Even Rose and

Alice's. That, of course, made Rose all the more interested in him. For some stupid reason I started
to feel angry that she was so obvious with her attraction to Edward. I couldn't blame her but I

didn't understand why I cared who liked him or who he liked. I should hope that my friends would
find a great guy and she might find it in Edward. There wasn't any way I could have him but she

We walked out of the bar and into the lot and I saw Rosalie give Edward her number. Instead of

being happy for them, I was angry and jealous.
Fucking get it together Bella. You have a man already. You cannot be with him so let one of your

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friends have a chance.
Over the five hours we were out, I only managed to finish three drinks and definitely wasn't feeling
anything from the alcohol. There was too much going on in my head to even think about getting

drunk. So, I knew I was okay to drive home. Edward and the ladies had definitely had more than
enough to drink and thought it was best to take a taxi home.
When the taxi arrived I gave Alice and Rose a hug and told them I would see them the next day for
our usual Saturday lunch. I overheard Edward and Em making plans to get together soon. Then

Edward came over and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a hug. I literally stopped
breathing for a few moments.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit. It was that damn electricity again. I needed to control my body and
emotions and cut that shit out. I pulled away and said “Thanks for a good time. We had so much

fun and it really was great getting to meet you. I hope we can all get together again soon.” Maybe
when I can act like an adult instead of a fucking school girl!
“Me too Bella. I'm glad Emmett found a great woman. I'm sure I will see y'all soon. Drive home
safely.” Again with that velvet voice.
Em and I got into our car and drove away. This night hadn't helped anything. Em and I were doing
well and then here came Edward. Totally screwing with my head. My questions were still

unanswered. Now, I had a million new questions to add to my list. Only, he couldn't answer these. I
had to figure out the answers.
What the fuck is this electricity bullshit?
Why do I feel like a teenager with a crush?
Why am I so attracted to my boyfriend's cousin?
I shouldn't be feeling any of this and yet I couldn't control any of it! I've got to figure this shit out

before I get myself in trouble. I'm so confused.
I felt like the car was on auto pilot because somehow the car was going in the right direction but

my mind was completely somewhere else. I could not stop thinking about Edward. I kept having
flashbacks of dancing with him. His lips continually popped into my head. I could still feel the

electricity from him on my hips. It was too much to handle.
We finally arrived home and we walked into the house. It was really late and we were both tired.

We got into bed and Em cuddled up behind me. He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around
me. “Good night Bella. Love you.” He said.
“Good night Em. Love you too.”
Em was asleep in no time but I couldn't manage to fall asleep. My mind was going non-stop

thinking of Edward. This shit could not happen again. A long while later I managed to finally fall

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

It was Saturday and I didn't feel any better than I had the night before. How in the hell could a
stranger send electric jolts through my body just by a simple handshake? Sure he was gorgeous but

he was Emmett's cousin. I should not have been feeling or thinking any of things that had been in
my head. He was all I could think about.
Edward's hand exploring my body. His lips pressed against my flesh. His tongue gliding over my

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nipples as he massaged my breasts. Working his way down my stomach to my hot, wet, pulsating

groin. His long fingers stroking my clit and then slowly pressing his fingers inside of me. Him licking
my clit as he pumped his fingers in and out of my pussy. Those emerald green eyes gazing up at me

while he sucked on my clit. “Bella! Hello? Did you hear me?” Emmett interrupted my fantasy. I
hadn't even noticed that my hand had begun to make it's way toward my groin. That would have

been fun to explain.
“I'm sorry baby. What's up?”
“Nothing. Your cell was ringing. It was Alice's ring tone. Aren't you ladies supposed to have lunch
today?” Oh shit! I was so consumed in my fantasy and confusion that I completely forgot.
“Yeah. I better start getting ready. You have any plans today?” I got up and started to walk to the
bathroom for a cold shower. I needed it after that day dream I just had.
“Not really. Edward had said something about coming over to hang for a little while.” Fuck! He's
gonna be in my house? And I'm not even gonna be here? Was he hoping I would be here? Damn! I

wish I could stay here for once.
I finished getting ready and texted the girls to see where we were meeting. We all decided on our

favorite Mexican restaurant. Edward hadn't arrived before I left the house. Thank God! It made it a
lot easier to leave without actually having to look at him again. When I arrived at the restaurant

the girls were already waiting on the patio with their drinks. I sat down and I swear the first thing
out of Rose's mouth was “So Edward is fucking hot!” Well no shit Sherlock!
This lunch was supposed to be a distraction from my Edward fantasies, not contributing to them.
“He's alright.” I said. I couldn't let anyone know how I was really feeling. It would definitely make

it's way back to him or Emmett.
“Alright?! He's the finest fucking piece of man meat I've ever seen!” Rose exclaimed. “I bet I can

get him to sleep with me.” You slut! You better not! Did I just call my best friend a slut? God! He's
already fucking up my mind!!!
“Yeah Bella. You have to be blind not to see how hot he is!” Alice agreed. She wasn't quite as crude
as Rose. Alice is a tad more reserved. I fucking see his hotness! Hell I even feel it! But I can't! I have

to block it out!
“So what do you know about him?” Rose asked.
I know that he had me so aroused from just dancing that I would most likely explode if he was to
actually penetrate me. Do you wanna know that? Ugh!
“I don't really know anything. Em doesn't say much about Edward's personal life and I just met him
last night.”
“No bitch! I mean does he have a girlfriend? Is he married? The good shit!” Rose was so blunt.
Alice just giggled while she sipped her drink. Your guess is as good as mine.
“I have no idea. He didn't mention one. So I'm guessing the answer is no.”
Please please Rose, new subject now.
I was so jealous of Rose actually being available to date him. She wouldn't be the slut of the town
for fucking her man's cousin. No one would think twice about Rose and Edward getting together.

No one but me that is. I don't think I could listen to the details of them having sex and Rose likes to
tell all the dirty details. I knew it would kill me. I would have to sit there and grin and bear it.
Rose wouldn't let the conversation about Edward die. I definitely tried more than once to change
the subject but she always found a way back to talking about him.

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One last attempt to change the subject. “So, Alice, how's the boyfriend search going?” Alice has

been single for a while and has been on a mission to find a new man.
“Oh! I didn't tell you! Before we ran into you last night I met the cutest guy! He has this blonde

messy curly hair and these beautiful blue eyes. He has a smile that could melt your heart.” Her face
was so serene as she spoke of him.
“So....what's his name? Are you gonna go out with him?” It sounded like she was really into this
“His name is Jasper and I don't know yet. We exchanged numbers last night but I'm waiting on him
to call. Freaking guys and their three day rule.”
“I'm sure he will call Alice. If not, he's a fool!” It was true. Alice is such a sweet girl and good
person, he would be stupid not to call her.
“So what do you think Bella? You think I should go for it? You think I should give him some?” Rose
asked. Back to this again. No! I think you should never ever think of him again!
“Well, if I had met Edward before I met Em, I would have gave him some.” What the fuck? Did that
just come out of my mouth?
Alice and Rose just looked at me totally shocked. Yep. I just said that. “You know what I mean! He's
attractive and seems to have money. If I were single, I'd do it.” I said calmly. I hoped they would

believe I was being hypothetical. Although, I was totally serious. Hell, I was thinking about giving
him some and I wasn't single.
“So what do we need to do to get him to really notice you?” Alice asked Rose.
“I gave him my number last night but you know how guys are, they wait forever to actually call.”

Please don't call her!!
I had to at least pretend to help her. Otherwise she would suspect something. “I'll talk to Em and

get some info for you on him. Then we can strategically plan out a pursuit.”
“Thanks Bella! I have to have him!” Rose exclaimed. She looked like I had just given her a present.
“Oh hell Rose! You have to have every good looking man you see!” Alice joked.
“I do not! It just so happens that rich attractive men like me!” Rose retorted.
“Right! And it has nothing to do with the fact that your ass practically hangs out of your shorts and
your boobs could pop out of your shirt at any time?” I was being sarcastic and honest at the same

time. She was right though. She usually got any man she wanted. I hoped this time she wouldn't.
We sat there for a while longer and continued to talk about pretty much the same thing. Edward. I

would have been better off staying at home. I was barely even listening to the girls talk. I was too
involved in my day dreams. If I wasn't dreaming about the dirty things I would do to him, I was

reliving last night in my head.
The way his body felt pressed against my back while we had danced. His hot, sweet breath on my

ear. His strong hands gripping my hips. His groin pressed against my ass as we swayed to the beat.
The electricity he sent through my entire body.
I was brought back into the real world when the waiter brought our checks. We paid our tabs and
said our goodbyes. I knew Rose would be making herself more present in the coming weeks. She

wouldn't let up until she got what she wanted.
On my way home Em texted me and asked me to pick up some beers for him and Edward. Fuck!

He's still at my house? Wonderful!

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When I arrived home I saw Em and Edward sitting on the couch completely engulfed in a Xbox

basketball tournament. Maybe they won't even notice I'm home. Maybe I can say a quick hello and
go to my room.
No such luck. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, they both looked up at me. “Hey!” They said
Uhhhh.....God he's fucking gorgeous and look at that smile. It fucking sparkles. “Hi fellas. Who's
winning?” I managed to spit out.
“Well your man here” pointing to Em “is kicking my ass! He plays this game a lot huh?” Edward
Yeah he can play the game and I'll play you. Stop it Bella!
“Yeah he does.” Please quit talking to me and just play your game. It's too much to have you here

in my house and looking so magnificent.
“Well, you boys have fun. Good luck Edward. No one has beaten Em, ever.” I said as I walked

towards the bedroom. I had to get away from him. I couldn't take anymore time with him without
jumping him. That hair, the sparkling fucking teeth, those biceps.....UGH! Fuck!!
I shut the bedroom door and threw myself down on the bed. I looked up to the ceiling talking to
God. Why are you doing this to me? I know it's wrong. I know I can't do this. But I want to SO bad! I

have to find away out of this.
I managed to calm down my raging hormones for a while. Then I heard Em shouting for me. “Bella

can you come out here?”
I walked into the living room. “What's up honey?”
“The tournament is over and yours truly is the victor yet again! Ha Ha! In your face Eddie!” Edward

looked like he didn't really give a shit about the tournament but when he looked towards me I
swear his eyes lit up. not look at me like that! I just put on clean panties for Christ's sake.
“So Bella, how are the ladies today?” Edward asked.
“They are good. We had a great lunch. I hope you know you have had some effect on Rose.”
“Oh yeah? Is that so?” He questioned. Don't act like you don't fucking know what you do to
“Dude quit fucking acting like women don't throw their selves at you daily!” Even Em knew it.
“So what did Rose say about me?” He asked.
“She said that she wants to get to know you better and that you should call her. Maybe y'all can
hook up sometime?” I fucking hope not. Please say drop dead gorgeous women aren't your type.

Anyone but my friends.
“I may just have to call her now that I know she's interested. I thought she may have just been

being nice last night.” Bullshit! You knew she was basically throwing herself at you.
“That sounds great. I'm not gonna tell her though. Just don't wait too long to call her.” I'm done

with the matchmaking! I want him too badly to help him hook up with my friends.
We all continued to talk for a little while longer but it was too much for me. Dealing with the

emotions of being so utterly attracted to my boyfriends' cousin and having them both in the same
room was too much too soon. I needed to go back to my room and chill. At least there I could

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attempt to block Edward out.
Em and Edward decided to go over a friend's house and when they came in to tell me they were
leaving, I pretended like I was sleeping. Edward was such a nice guy I was sure he would hug me

again and I didn't think I could take it. Once they were gone, I rolled over and stared at the ceiling
and my mind began to wonder again. I wonder if he feels the same way? Does he feel the

electricity too? Does he even like me? Does he want Rosalie? UGH! What the hell is wrong with


It has been a couple of weeks since I first met Edward. Luckily, there haven't been any more visits
from him. According to Em, he is too busy moving and getting situated in his new home. His

absence has been a good thing; it makes my life a lot easier. My relationship with Em is something I
promised to work on and put an honest effort into. Edward had been making that promise very

difficult for me. I have already invested so much time into Em that I can't just throw it away from
some stupid electricity. My priority is Em and our relationship.
Rose, Alice and I still have our weekly Saturday lunches. At the most recent one we had some
pretty interesting conversations.
“So Rose, did things get hot and heavy with Mr. Amazing last night?” Alice asked Rose inquisitively.
I had purposely avoided bringing him up. I didn't want to know anything about the date. Good or

“Don't you think if things had gotten hot and heavy I would've told you by now?” Rose stated as

she shoved another piece of food in her mouth. She looked really pissed and she only eats this
much when she's not getting her way. Hmm...Maybe that's good news for me!
“Really Rose? I was for sure you two would hit it off.” I had to at least act like I was supportive.
“Why don't you tell us what happened and we can see where it went wrong.” Alice said.
“Okay, so he picks me up and I, of course, looked amazing. We went to a fancy restaurant
downtown. He pulled my chair out and everything. We had good wine and good food. But every

time I tried to talk he looked like he was uninterested. So, I thought that if I could get him to come
to my house I could loosen him up. I mean who could resist me, right? He wouldn't even entertain

the idea of coming to my house and then he made some lousy excuse about his house being a
wreck from the move. So, we couldn't go there. Then when he dropped me off at home he didn't

even kiss me. He walked me to the door and just hugged me. Who the hell just hugs these days? I
have no fucking idea what's wrong with him.” Her whole face was tense. She's never really been

rejected. Maybe he does feel the electricity. Why else wouldn't he want Rose?
“Honey, maybe he's just a little stressed from the move. Maybe he's not ready to date yet. He

could have just ended a relationship in Chicago. I don't think it was you.” Alice tried to comfort her.
“Yeah, Rose. I'm sure he will change his mind. He will come around.” I said. Hopefully not. Maybe

talking about fashion isn't his idea of a good night and I'm sure that's all she was talking about.
Time to change the subject. “
So Alice, how is Jasper? Are you two still seeing each other?” I asked.
“I haven't even told you!” She literally almost jumped out of her seat at the opportunity to talk
about him. “Things are great! He's such an amazing person. I really feel like we are meant to be

together. He's such a gentleman. We actually have a date coming up! I'm so excited! It just feels so
right, being with him.”

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“That's great Alice. I'm so happy for you! I'm still waiting to meet him you know?” I reminded her. I

was truly happy for her and that the focus had shifted to something else. Rose just sat there like a
bump on a log, still eating.
We finished lunch and Rose didn't look any better. I was hoping she would meet someone to take
her focus off of Edward. I couldn't keep having him as the subject of all our lunches. I have to admit

that I was more happy than I should have been about her bad date. I couldn't help it though. My
feelings were obviously out of control.
I was back at the hospital for another twelve hour shift. I was checking the IV on one of my
patients when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I left the room once I was finished and

grabbed my phone. I had a new text message from a number I didn't know. I opened it.
Hey Bella. It's Edward. I need a favor. -E
How in the fuck did he get my cell number? My heart skipped a beat at the thought of what kind of
favor he wanted.
Hey Edward. How did you get my number. What kind of favor do you need? -B
Do you want the kind of favor that involves us naked? Fuck! Concentrate Bella!
I went to continue my rounds. I was unable to concentrate, I was unable to work with him in my
head. The last thing I needed to was to walk into a room and picture Edwards' face on one of my

patients. I would not check my phone until my rounds were done. I needed to give my patients my
full attention.
Once I was finished I went to the nurses' station to sit down. My phone had vibrated at least a few
times. The first one was from Edward.
Emmett gave it to me. Hope you don't mind. I need some medical advice. Can you help? -E
Fucking Emmett! Why would you just give my number to Edward?
No prob. What can I help you with? -B
While I was waiting for him to respond, I checked my other messages. I had one from Alice and one

from Em. Alice was asking where she should have Jasper take her on their next date. Em was
letting me know that he had given Edward my number. A little late there Em! I decided to let it

slide. If I made a big deal out of it, I would probably end up having to tell him about my feelings
towards Edward. Not worth the fight.
Edward finally texted me back.
My stomach is killing me. It feels like the inside of it is on fire. Cramps and shooting pain. What

do you think? -E
So it really was a medical issue. I thought he was just looking for an excuse to talk to me. Jumping

to conclusions.
It sounds like you might have an ulcer. You need to go to the Dr. ASAP. -B
I felt a small pain inside of my chest at the thought of him being in pain. What the fuck is wrong
with me?
My phone vibrated again.
Thanks Bella. I'll go as soon as I can get in. -E
No prob. Let me know what they say. -B
Maybe now there wouldn't be anymore texts for the day. I went back to work. Filling out charts,

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checking on patients, talking to families. Typical day at work.
I was finishing up my shift when, yet again, my phone vibrated. Damn! Can I get a fucking second
without this phone going off?
It was Edward. Again. My heart sped up at the thought of what the text would say. Was he okay?
Did he want something else?
B, no ulcer. Just a spasm. Gave me meds. Thanks again. I owe you. -E
You owe me? You bet your ass you do! You owe me a good long hard fuck.
Nonsense! U owe me nothing. Glad you are okay. -B
I was relieved to know that it was just a spasm that some simple medicine could cure.
Another text.
So, I gotta b honest. I wanted something else 2. -E
What else? My pulse instantly raced at the thought of him wanting more.
Um, okay. What else? -B
On my date with Rosalie she told me what you said about me. -E
You have got to be fucking kidding me? Bitch! I automatically knew what he was talking about.
What's that? -B
My mind was racing as I waited to see if he did indeed know what I had said.
That if you met me first you would have been with me. Is that true? -E
Holy fucking shit! He knew what I said. How in the hell am I supposed to be around him now? My

heart was beating out of my chest. By that time I was off work and on my way home.
It doesn't matter if it's true. Nothing can ever happen. -B
Way to go! End it before it really starts.
It does matter. I need to know. -E
Why do you need to know? To know that you are the king of all women? To know that everyone
woman on the planet wants to have sex with you?
It doesn't matter. Aren't you dating Rose anyways? -B
Gotta put the focus back on him and away from me.
Not dating. One date. She was trying so hard to have sex with me that it turned me off. -E
Ha! That's what you get Rose!
Sorry to hear that. -B
I had to at least pretend to be sad about it.
Back to my question. Is it true? -E
Should I be honest or lie? A part of me wanted him to know the truth but the other part of me

knew that it would only get me in trouble.
Yes. It's true. If I wouldn't get caught I would do it. -B
I couldn't believe I had really just told him that. It was the truth. I wanted him so badly. I knew it
was wrong but I couldn't deny the feelings I was having.

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Wow Bella. I would too. We can do it and not get caught. -E
Did he really just say that? Em's your cousin! I'm his girlfriend. We can't!
You would do that to your cousin?-B
Not normally. Just something about you. -E
Just something about me? He felt it too!
I'm home now. Gotta go. Talk later. -B
My head was totally spinning from the conversation that had just taken place. I could not believe

any of it had really happened. I deleted all of the texts from my phone. Couldn't chance Em seeing
them. I didn't know if it was a test. If Edward would go back and tell Em. I was completely

panicking but I couldn't let Em see that.
I walked into the house and sat down on the couch with Em. We had a casual everyday

conversation about our day at work. I was so tired from my shift and from all the thoughts that had
been running around my head all day. I simply fell asleep on the couch with my head in Em's lap. I

needed to give my mind a break.

I Wish You Knew

Edward POV
The last few weeks for me have been more than eventful. I finally made the move back to my
home town. I had been gone for five long years. No one in my family had any idea where I had

been or what I had been doing. I chose not to contact them, even though I missed them severely. I
had things that needed to be taken care of that only I knew about. It was something that I needed

to deal with, alone. I remember the last time I saw anyone in my family.
Edward, you can't just up and leave your entire family like this. You are confused and grieving.

Please don't leave. Let us all heal each other.” Aunt Amanda said to me. I knew she only wanted
what was best for me but she had no idea of my true feelings.
Aunt Amanda, you know you and Uncle James are my favorite and I appreciate the offer but I
have to go. There are things that I can't talk about right now but I have to go and figure this out on

my own. I'm sorry.” I really was sorry. I didn't want to leave them. They were grieving just as I was.
Sugar, what do you need to figure out? You know you are welcome to stay here if you don't want

to stay in that house alone? We love you and we are your family. I don't want to lose you too.”
Aunt Amanda began to cry. I was truly feeling like shit now. She just lost her sister and now she

thought she was going to lose me too.
I... I can't tell you all the details right now. I promise I will be back when everything is sorted out.

Please just trust me.” I reached out to hold her hand.
Alright then. If you have to go, you have to go. I expect you to keep your promise!” She said with a

slight smile.
I walked outside and gave Uncle James a goodbye hug. He understood that men just need to

handle business alone sometimes. It was a man thing. I then went to Emmett's room. I couldn't
leave without saying goodbye to him. He was like a brother to me and he was also hurt that I was

leaving. He gave me a big bear hug and told me if I didn't come back, he would come hunt me
down. Lastly, I hugged Aunt Amanda goodbye and told her that I loved her. As I walked out to my

car, I turned around to see her waving and crying. My heart broke even more. I hated to hurt her. I

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got into my car and started the long drive to Chicago.
I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate my homecoming other than to party with my favorite
cousin. I knew he was bringing his girlfriend but I didn't think anything of it. Then I saw her and it

hit me like a ton of bricks. I've never experienced anything like her. I've had a few girlfriends and
lots of short term involvements but none of that compared to what I felt towards her in that first

meeting. There was something different about her. I wasn't sure what it was yet. Yes, she was
beautiful. Yes, she was smart. She was funny and charismatic. She was breathtaking. I'll never

forget the look in her beautiful chocolate eyes when I first saw her. She almost looked like she was
in another world. I instantly wanted to be in that world with her. From the first touch I swear I felt

a shock run through my body. I had no idea what that was about. I didn't know if she felt it too.
Maybe I was just crazy!
I tried to maintain a steady conversation with Emmett that first night to keep my mind occupied.
So Emmett, what's been up with you since I've been away?” Easy conversation would be good.
Not much man. Just working at the tire factory. Spending time with Bella. No kids yet. We aren't
ready for a little Emmett to run around tearing up everything.” He said jokingly. He then bent down

to take a sip from his drink. When his eyes were down I took a quick glance at Bella. She was
playing with her straw with her index finger. She licked her lips and I could only imagine what they

would feel like against mine. Her eyes looked like and endless pool of amazement. I wanted to
know everything that was going through her mind.
I was interrupted when Em said “Oh and my mom said that if you don't come see her this weekend
she was going to whip you when she finally sees you.”
Ha ha. I miss your mom a lot. I'll make sure I go see her in the next couple days.” I needed to get
my mind back on my cousin. My Bella daydreaming wasn't going to sit well with him if I was

I knew I shouldn't have been attracted that way to my cousins' girlfriend, but she was a vision of

beauty. I hadn't planned to ask them to go to the second bar with me but I just wanted to be
around her a little more. I wasn't ready to let her leave yet. Even if I couldn't touch her, I could at

least be near her.
I couldn't believe that Emmett would let her go dance by herself. Did he not see how stunning she

was? In that skirt and those shoes, she would make any man want her. That was my one chance to
touch her and not have anyone think the wrong thing. So I took it. As soon as I grabbed her hand, I

felt the electricity again. It was stronger that time. I was sure she had to feel a little bit of it.
I told Emmett it wasn't right for such a pretty woman to be dancing all alone and that I would

dance with you to keep an eye on you.” It was true.
She looked completely surprised that it was me who had grabbed her hand. Even if Emmett would

let her dance alone, I would not. She would definitely get hit on by some scumbag.
As we walked to the dance floor I made sure to stay behind her. I held on tight to her hand. My eyes

wandered down her back to her beautiful behind. It was shaped perfectly. It was round and tight
and bounced just enough as she walked in her heels.
We began to dance and I simply moved with her. I would do whatever she wanted of me. I placed
my hands on her hips and felt her begin to bounce her beautiful behind against my groin. She

clearly had no idea of the effect she had on me or she wouldn't have done that. I tried to control
my erection but the more she bounced the bigger it grew. I never wanted her to stop.
She tried to walk away a few times but I couldn't let her go. I liked feeling the heat from her body. I

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liked feeling her move her body against mine. I liked the smell of her hair. I liked everything about

I was taking a deep whiff of her hair and it smelled like strawberries. As I was enjoying the scent

she turned her head. Was she mad at me? I didn't care, our lips were mere centimeters apart. I
wanted to taste her lips so badly. I was working up the nerve to lean in and kiss her when she

turned her head and spotted her friends.
She managed to get away when her two friends found her. I missed her heat as soon as she left my

grip. I missed the electricity. I wasn't sure if she wanted me to follow her but there was some force
that was drawing me to her. So, I followed her. Her friends were obviously interested in me. They

were so transparent. I was cordial to them and they were attractive but they couldn't hold a candle
to Bella.
As we all talked I continued to find myself stealing glances at Bella. Her and Emmett were in their
own conversation and I was a little jealous. I wanted it to be me that she was sitting so close to. I

wanted to be the one she was whispering sweet nothings to. I wanted to be the one to make her
laugh. Alice and Rosalie continued their pursuit. Well, not Alice so much but Rosalie was on

The night was over and when everyone was saying goodbye I had to touch her one last time. I

wanted more than a hand shake. I wanted to wrap my arms around her. When I did, it felt
amazing. I think she stopped breathing for a second. She had to feel the connection. Is this what

everyone means when they say that you meet someone and you just know that they are the one?
It has to be. I never imagined it would be like this. That it would be so instant.
All the feelings I had ever felt toward any other woman weren't even in the same vicinity as what I
was feeling for Bella. The whole night that night, I dreamed of her. She occupied every bit of my

mind. The next day came and I wanted to see her again. I had to see if Emmett had plans. Hanging
out with him would be the only excuse for me to see her. Luckily, he wasn't busy. When I arrived at

their house Bella wasn't there. My heart sank. I was disappointed. I decided to find any reason to
stay around until she came home. She would eventually have to come home.
Dude, Emmett, you gotta get a life! You obviously play these games too much 'cause you are
killing me!” I said to Emmett.
Bro, you're skills are just are just sorry. Don't blame me. You need to get some practice.” He said
jokingly. I knew he was joking but he had no clue why I was really there. I would lose these games

all day just so I could see her for a mere second.
He continued to as he says 'whoop my ass' in the tournament and then I finally heard what I had

been waiting on all day, the door to open.
My heart went into double time. I tried to remain calm so that Emmett wouldn't see how excited I

was by the mere thought of her presence. I caught a glimpse of her standing in the kitchen. It was
the best part of my whole day. She looked so beautiful.
I couldn't manage to actually speak words to her at first. When I finally was able to produce a
sentence I asked her “So Bella, how are the ladies today?” I was embarrassed by the fact that

sentence was the best I could come up with.
She almost looked insulted as she said “They are good. We had a great lunch. I hope you know you

have had some effect on Rose.” That wasn't hard to guess but I didn't want to talk about Rosalie.
Who really cared how I effected Rosalie. I wanted to know how I affected her. Normally, Rosalie

would be my type but after meeting Bella, I had no interest in Rosalie at all. But then, Bella said she
wanted me to call Rosalie. I would do anything for her.

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I suppose she was being realistic. Whether or not she felt the same way I did, we could never be. It

would hurt Emmett and he was too important to us both. I made the decision to at least attempt
to date Rosalie. It couldn't hurt. Maybe being with another woman would put my mind back into

the right place.
I had a lot of moving and paperwork that needed to be done. I needed to finish the paperwork on

my new house. I needed to get the movers to move all of the furniture in. I had acquired a lot of
things while I was in Chicago.
I went ahead and called Rosalie and set up a date for that next weekend. Go ahead and get it out
of the way. She was a nice girl. She just wasn't Bella. There was no electricity or force drawing me

to her. The bar had been raised and Rosalie fell short. Of course, Rosalie didn't see that. She
practically threw herself at me that night.
Edward, I see you appreciate nice clothes. What do you think of the new Dolce & Gabana
collection?” She looked really excited to talk about fashion. I couldn't believe she was serious. The

fact that I like quality clothing means I want to talk about fashion on a date? She was obviously
superficial. I didn't mean to come across as rude or uninterested in her conversation but my mind

was in other places.
Well, Rose, I don't really pay all that much attention to clothing or fashion. I simply go for what

looks good and feels comfortable.” At this point I knew the date was over. I raised my hand to get
the waiters' attention and asked for the check.
She clearly didn't get the hint and on the way home she said “So do you wanna come to my place?
We could have some wine and loosen up a bit?” as she used her finger to play with my earlobe.
This was getting bad. I don't even want to talk to you and you want me to come over to loosen up?
Not even close.
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to decline tonight. My house is a wreck and I have a million things
to do tomorrow. Is it okay if I drop you off at home?” I sincerely said.
I could tell she was mad and disappointed when her face fell blank and she said “Sure. Whatever.”
I didn't want to be rude but this couldn't end fast enough. I couldn't very well have sex with Bella's

best friend. It just felt wrong. Even if I couldn't have Bella.
I honestly had no idea what was going on with me. For the last few weeks she was all I could think

Then yesterday, I woke up and my stomach was killing me. I tried to take some over the counter

medicine but nothing helped. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I did, however, know
someone that would have an idea of how to help. I called Emmett and told him I needed some

medical advice and asked him if he could get in touch with Bella for me. Instead he gave me her
number. That wasn't very smart of him.
I texted her to ask about my stomach but I also just wanted to talk to her in any way possible. On
my date with Rosalie she had told me what Bella had said at lunch that day and I really wanted to

know if it was true or if Rosalie was just trying to be funny.
Bella told me to see the doctor and I did. Turns out it was just a stomach spasm and he gave a

prescription for an anti spasm liquid. I wanted her to know that I was okay and I wanted an answer
to my burning question. I couldn't think of a tactful way to weave it into the conversation so I just

came out and told her that I knew and asked her if it was true. To my surprise she said yes. I was
absolutely elated! Until that point, I wasn't sure if she felt the same as I did. Then I knew she at

least felt something. It couldn't be easy for her to admit that she was attracted to her boyfriends'

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cousin. Then I stupidly told her that I wanted to be with her and that we could do it and not get

caught. That was wishful thinking. I had no idea if we could pull it off and why did I assume that
she would even be willing to do it? I was hoping she would reciprocate my declaration but she

didn't. She had to get inside her home to Emmett.
I couldn't continue to text her. I didn't want her to have to explain why I was blowing her phone up.

My mind was spinning. I needed to know if had made myself look completely stupid or if she felt
the same way. Would she tell Emmett? Would she think I was a bad person? I was so confused and

had no way to get any answers until the next day. It would be a long night.


Bella POV
My head was still spinning from the conversation Edward and I had last night. I thought I had
pushed aside my feelings for him, at least a little. As long as he wasn't around me, I was doing well

suppressing the thoughts of him. Or maybe that was wishful thinking. It was out of hand and I
needed to regain control over my emotions.
I couldn't believe that I had revealed any of my true feelings to Edward. It was hard to believe that
we were both feeling the same thing. His feelings toward me had to be strong if he was willing to

betray his favorite cousin that way. I kept hearing it in my head 'We can do it and not get caught.'
How could we possibly do this to someone we cared a great deal about, and not get caught? Was

he used to cheating on his women? Is this something he did often?
This scenario was an odd place for me to be. Sure, I've cheated on someone in the past but like I've

said before, I've never been in a relationship this serious. There is no way I could be intimate with
Edward and then come home to his cousin and act like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. I

pride myself on being a really honest person. At least, until Edward came along. I'm not sure that I
am capable of doing something that devious. On the other hand, how could I deny the attraction

to him? Did the attraction only feel this strong because I knew it was wrong? That damn electricity
could not be denied though. I felt it in every fiber of being every time he touched me. I know he

had to feel it.
Thankfully, Edward hadn't texted me anymore since the last conversation. I wasn't ready for more

questions from him. I didn't have any answers to give him. My mind wasn't processing everything
What good could possibly come from the things we said? Nothing. Someone or everyone will end
up hurt if we acted on this. How much am I willing to risk for a man I don't even know?
Emmett, of course, woke up horny as hell. He always was. Especially, since he had cut down his
drinking. His libido was back in full force, which was good. I needed that intimate time with him to

keep my feelings for Edward repressed. We really do love each other and it feels good to be able to
express it. He couldn't get enough of me and I knew that I needed him. Even though it was for

reasons unknown to him.
“Bella, you up?” As he tugged on my panties.
“I am now.” Now that you're trying to rip my panties off of me.
My back was to him; he kissed me on the cheek and proceeded to pull my panties all the way off.

Morning sex doesn't usually last long enough for me to put any real effort into it. Usually, after a
good five minutes he was done. So, I reached into my night stand drawer and grabbed my vibrator.

He was getting his so I might as well get mine. I did just that, thanks to my trusty friend. He

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finished about the same time and all I heard from his was “Fuck you are hot this

morning......uuuhhhnnnnn!” Then it was over. Time to move on to the rest of the day.
As I was cooking breakfast for us, I heard my phone alert go off. It was Alice asking if her and

Rosalie could come over for some girlie pool time. I was off of work and I knew Em could find
something to occupy his time. So I told them to grab some margarita supplies and come over. Em

decided that he would go play basketball with some friends at the gym. We ate breakfast together
and about an hour later the girls showed up with lots of tequila and margarita mix.
“Hey ladies!” Em greeted the ladies as he opened the door for them.
“Hey Em! What's going on?” Alice asked him.
“Not much. Just heading to the gym for a little basketball with the fellas. I see you ladies have a full
day planned with all that liquor.”
“Ha Ha! You know us too well, Emmett. Bring some of those cute friends home for us okay?”
Rosalie replied.
“I thought you and Edward were dating?” Em asked her.
“Well, I'm not sure one date counts as dating. He's your cousin. You tell me!” She looked honestly

He doesn't like women that throw themselves at him! But that's all you know how to do.
“You must have done something to him to make him not want another date. What happened
when y'all went out?” Em looked like he really didn't care if they dated or not but was trying to be

“I didn't do anything to him. He wouldn't let me! I didn't even get a kiss. I didn't want to go home

but he wouldn't let me come to his house. I wore a really hot dress. I looked amazing. All the other
guys were checking me out. I don't k now what's wrong with him. Maybe he's gay.” She shrugged

her shoulders.
So, if a man doesn't want to fuck you on the first night, he's gay? He's definitely not gay. He wants

me. I just can't have him.
I needed to end this conversation. I didn't want to keep talking about Edward all day. I was sure

Rose would bring him up enough without it starting already.
“Alright, baby. Have a good time with the guys. Tell them I said Hey! I'll see you a later.” I kissed and

hugged him.
“Okay baby. You ladies have fun. I'll see you later. Love you.” He said as he shut the door behind

The ladies and I started making the drinks. We turned up the stereo to play outside and we all

grabbed our things and went outside. We sat in the chairs and started to sip our drinks. I loved
being out in the sun. This was one of our favorite things to do. It was so relaxing to just catch some

sun and hang out with my girls.
“So, Bella, I think Jasper and I are getting really serious.” Alice looked so giddy.
“That's great Alice. I'm glad you two are working out. When do I get to meet him? I'm beginning to
think you are hiding him! I keep asking but I never see him!”
“Well, next time we all go out I'll bring him. I really like him. He's such a nice guy and is always so
perceptive of my feelings.” She laid back and sipped her drink. I could really tell she liked him,

maybe even loved him.

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“This is bullshit!” Rose shouted.
“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked her. Here comes more Edward talk.
“You” pointing at me “have Emmett. Alice has Jasper. I went on one date with a guy that would

barely touch me! What the fuck is wrong with this picture?” She threw her hands up in disgust as
she laid back down.
Alice and I looked at each other, kind of shocked.
“Rose” Alice started “you will find your man too. It doesn't always happen when you want it to but

you will.”
“Yeah Rose. It just happens and maybe Edward isn't the guy for you. Maybe you just like the idea

of who he is.” I added. You should definitely give up on Edward because I'll never let that happen.
“I don't know y'all. I really like Edward. Bella are you sure he doesn't have a girlfriend? That would

explain why he was so apprehensive about that night.”
Just because he doesn't wanna fuck you doesn't mean he has a girlfriend. Maybe he just doesn't

like you!
“I really don't know if he has a girlfriend or not. I haven't seen him much and Emmett doesn't

really discuss Edward's personal life with me. Why don't you just call him?”
“Yeah Rose. Just call him. You are a strong woman. Go for what you want.” Alice added.
Not helping Alice! Just worry about Jasper!
“You're right Alice! I am a strong beautiful woman. I'm just gonna call him.” She looked satisfied

with that.
We continued in casual conversation. We talked about Alice and Jasper some more. We talked

about work and family and all the normal subjects.
We were pretty hammered by the time Em came home. We were laying on our floats in the pool

when Em walked outside. We were all singing a horrible version of the song on the radio.
“Well well. I see some ladies have had way too much to drink today.” He said jokingly.
“Hey baby!” I exclaimed.
“Hey Emmett!” They both greeted him.
“So, I take it the drinks were good?” He asked us.
“You don't see any left do you?” I said sarcastically.
“So good ole Emmett” Rose turned her float to face Em. “What's with Edward? HIV? Girlfriend?
Drug dealer? Mobster? Give me the dirt.”
I could not believe she was honestly asking Em these questions about Edward. She was already a
blunt type of person and especially now that she was drunk and frustrated. Could you fucking let it

go already?
“Rosalie, I am not going to sit here and discuss his life with you. If he wanted you to know he

would have told you. I'm sorry if he doesn't want to keep dating you. Just move on already.” He
looked pissed. “Bella, I'm gonna shower and meet Edward for some beers. I'll see you when I get

home.” With that he walked into the house. I could tell he was pissed that Rose only wanted to talk
to him about Edward.
We decided that we had been out in the sun long enough and it was time to go inside. After all the
liquor and the sun draining our energy, we needed a nap. I laid on the couch in the living room and

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quickly drifted off. When I woke up, I noticed that everyone was gone. The girls left a note that said

they didn't want to wake me and would talk to me the next day. I assumed Em was out with
I realized that I hadn't checked my phone all day since the girls had arrived. There were several text
messages. I was apprehensive to open them; afraid of who they were from. I wasn't sure I was

ready to talk to him again.
All of them were from Edward. He hadn't said anything out of line. I guess he was afraid that Em

would check the phone. I responded, knowing Em was with him, and asked him what he wanted.
He texted me back and said he just wanted to finish our conversation from last night. We

continued to text each other back and forth. Him saying he couldn't stop thinking about me. I was
saying the same thing but we could never be. I finally was fed up with us going back and forth and I

ended the conversation.
I was in the shower when Em came back home. “Hey babe. What ya doing?” He asked as he sat

down on the bathroom counter.
“Just showering Em. What did you think I was doing? Ending world hunger?” I replied jokingly.
“Funny funny Bella. What you got planned tonight?”
“Nothing much. Maybe watch a movie. Wanna watch with me?” I asked him.
“Yeah that sounds good.” He said as he left the room.
I finished my shower and got dressed. I then went to meet him in the living room. We decided on a

movie and sat down next to each other on the couch.
“Bella, I'm not being an asshole but could you tell Rosalie that I am not Edwards' keeper and if she

wants to know things about him then she needs to ask him?” I could hear the sharpness in his
“I'll tell her Em. I was sick of hearing that shit too. I'll take care of it.” Not that she would listen to
me but I would tell her.
I was watching the movie when I heard Em snoring.
I had been secretly contemplating all day if I would actually have the guts to go through with

seeing Edward. I couldn't even fathom being alone with him. Simply dancing with him made me
wet. It was hard to form complete sentences around him. How could I handle being alone with him

in a close proximity? I knew he was ready. I knew that sneaking away while Em was asleep maybe
the only chance I get. If I sneak out while he's sleeping he couldn't question where I was going. I

could come up with something later. I could tell him I was at a friends' house hanging out. He
would believe that.
I finally got up the nerve and texted Edward.
Can you meet me tonight? B
The message was sent now. There was no turning back. I couldn't believe I had really just sent it.
Are you serious? Where? What time? E
Fuck! I have no clue.
ASAP. You tell me where. B
If he couldn't make it tonight I wasn't sure that it would ever happen again. I may never get the
nerve again.

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Leaving in five. Hilton at the Airport. E
Wow....this is really gonna happen. I can't believe I'm doing this! Shit!
Okay. Text you when I get there. B
Now, I actually had to leave the house. My stomach was in knots. My pulse was racing. I was scared
of getting caught and I was excited to see him all at the same time. Can I really do this?


Here I was, standing at the front door. Could I really do this? My head was completely spinning. I
felt like I was going to vomit. I had one hand on the door knob and the other holding a small bag

with a nice bra and panties set inside. My breathing was irregular. I kept looking towards the living
room waiting on Em to wake up and catch me. He would definitely question where I was going

with a change of under garments.
I knew what I was planning to do was wrong. I knew how being cheated on felt and I didn't want to

do that to Em. I knew the rule was to break up with someone if you feel the need to cheat. All of
these things that I knew meant nothing at that time. The plan has already been set in motion. I

couldn't stop it now. I've fantasized about him for too long. Fantasized about his lips touching
mine. His hands roaming my body. The way he would feel on top of me. How his mouth would

taste. What it would feel like to run my hands through his hair. I wanted him. I wanted to do this.
I needed to hurry and walk out the door before Em woke up. The longer I waited, the harder it

would be.
I walked out the door and carefully shut the door behind me. I did it.
When I got to my car, I knew I would have to hurry and drive off before I either backed out or got
caught. My stomach was in knots. How in the hell am I supposed to look sexy when I can barely

keep food down?
I drove down the street and out of the neighborhood. I reached the gas station not far away and

pulled in. I put my head against the steering wheel and tried to control my breathing and wrap my
head around exactly what I was doing. I still couldn't believe I was going through with it. This is not

the type of person I usually am. I didn't know who Edward had turned me into. I was thinking bad
things towards Rose. I'm sneaking out of my house to meet my boyfriends' cousin. I feel like I'm

sneaking out of my parents' house again.
I managed to regain control over my body and walked into the restroom at the station. I needed to

change my underwear. I hadn't been wearing anything particularly sexy and I couldn't very well go
meet someone like Edward in plain panties and bra that didn't match. His standards were

obviously above cotton underwear. I'm sure even his underwear is Gucci.
So, I changed into my pink and black Victoria's Secret bra and thong. It looked really good on me.

My breasts aren't that big but this bra pushes them into some awesome cleavage. I was wearing a
black camisole type top and jeans that hugged my hips just right and my black 'stripper shoes' as I

call them. I needed to look my best. I was afraid if I didn't he would back out. Stupid! What guy is
gonna pay for a hotel room and then back out because my underwear doesn't match?
I knew it was

crazy but I obviously wasn't thinking rationally or I wouldn't be in the gas station restroom
changing my underwear.
I got back in the car and began the drive to the hotel. I lived far enough away that hopefully no one
would know me. Just my luck, I'd be walking to the room and see someone I knew. I couldn't think

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like that. I plugged in my iPod and turned on some slow R&B songs. Ease my mind a little bit.
I arrived at the hotel. It was about a thirty minute drive. It felt like it was three minutes. Time
seemed to be slipping away. I wasn't ready to be there. My nerves were still on high.
I parked in the back of the hotel. I couldn't have my car in the front for everyone to see. I needed
us to be as hidden as possible. We needed to minimize all chances for anyone to see us. Period.
I texted Edward to tell him that I had arrived.
Shit you're fast. I thought you would back out on me. Glad you didn't. Just around the corner. Be

there in the next ten minutes. -E
Fuck! This is really happening. I really never thought this would happen. Here I am sitting in my car

waiting on him. My fucking panties got wet just from the thought of being alone with him. I was
pretty sure at this point all he would have to do is touch me and I would orgasm all over myself.
I texted him back.
Ok. I'm in the back. See you soon. -B
My heart felt like it would literally beat out of my chest. My pulse was was racing. I couldn't
breathe. My palms were sweaty. I needed to regain my composure or he would definitely think I

was crazy. My mind never stopped racing the whole time I was waiting on him. Edward, sex,
kissing, lips, touching, hands, smell, taste, sensation, sex, cock, orgasm. Fuck! I needed to get it

Then I saw his car pull around the hotel. Fuck Fuck Fuck! I can't back out now. Breathe breathe. I

watched his car pull into the space just in front of mine. He sat inside his car for a few minutes. His
windows were tinted and I couldn't see what he was doing. What was he waiting for? I wasn't

going to get out until he did. Had he changed his mind now that he was here? I took these last few
moments to spray on a little perfume. Everything needed to be perfect.
I saw him open his door and I shut off my engine. I stepped out of the car and walked towards him.
His back was to me at first. I could see how broad his shoulders were. I could see the definition in

his arms. I could only imagine what those muscles would do to me. He finally turned around as I
walked toward him and the light hit his face. Oh God. He looks amazing. He's perfect. Those

sparkling eyes and teeth and that damn hair. It was completely messy but also perfectly in place.
He was dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a gray t-shirt. Even in casual clothes this man looked

amazing. When his eyes locked with mine I saw the most beautiful smile on his face. It alone could
melt my heart.
I finally reached him and even though it had only been about forty five seconds it seemed like forty
five minutes. Time completely stopped when I was looking at him. “You're really here!” he stated.

He really looked shocked. How could I not be here? Has any woman ever turned you down?
“I know right?! Who would've thought?” God I sound like an idiot. That's the best I can come up

with? Stupid!
We started to walk toward the back door of the hotel. How in the hell are we supposed to get in

this door? Do you come here often?
As if he read my mind, “I have a friend that works the desk. She unlocked the door for us.” You

haven't been back but like a month and you already have the hook up at the hotels? You must
come here a lot. Or be fucking the desk clerk.
None of that mattered. He was here with me and

that's what I needed to concentrate on. My heart was still beating furiously.
“Oh, well excuse me big baller!” I was joking hoping to break the tension. He didn't seem to feel it

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as much as I did. Guess he did this type of thing more than I did.
We walked in the hotel and went to the elevator lobby. I was waiting on my legs to give out at any
The hotel was absolutely silent. You could hear a pin drop. He could probably hear my heart beat.
I couldn't even look at him at that time. I really was afraid that I would faint. I just stood there

staring at the elevator doors like an idiot. What the hell am I doing? I should leave now. I can't
leave. Look at that man next to you. He's fucking gorgeous. Ugh!!!
The elevator finally came and he allowed me to get on first. A gentleman too. He got on and
pressed the button for the top floor. The top floor? That's where the suites are. He wouldn't have?
I didn't say anything about what I was thinking. I didn't want to assume that he had spent that
much money on a room that no one would be spending the night in. Did he think we were

spending the night here? He couldn't! He knows I have to go home.
The elevator doors opened at the top floor and we exited. He let me off first but I had to stand and

wait for him to tell me which way to go. He took the room key out of his pocket and pointed to my
left. “The room is this way Bella.” We started to walk down the hallway. I felt his hand press against

my lower back. Ohhhhh! That fucking electricity again.
“Are you okay Bella?” He asked.
I think I am. I'm breathing but not very well. I have a pulse but it's off the charts.
“Yeah. I'm alright. Just a little scared.” I admitted.
We reached the room and he unlocked the door and opened the door for me to enter. I walked
inside and my breathing stopped. This room was amazing. It wasn't just a room though, it was a

suite. I'm sure it cost a lot of money.
I entered into the living room with a couch, chair and coffee table that looked almost antique. The

furniture had beautiful cherry wood arms and burgundy upholstery. I then entered the bedroom
where there was a mini fridge in the bottom of the entertainment center and a huge flat screen TV.

The carpet was plush and flawless. There was a huge king size four poster bed in the center of the
bedroom. The bedding was chocolate and blue. I could tell it was pricey. Even the lighting looked

amazing. The bathroom was gigantic. It had double sinks with black marble counter tops. There
was jacuzzi tub and a stand up shower. This was the most amazing hotel room I had ever been in.
After I was done exploring the room. I walked back into the bedroom. I wasn't really sure how to
go about this. I've been with Em so long that I don't know how to go about a first kiss anymore

much less anything beyond kissing. Do I attack him? Do I sit and wait? Do I make small talk? What
the fuck! This is a mistake. I have no idea what I'm doing.
I saw him set his small bag on the dresser and walk over to close the curtains. I wondered what
was in that little bag. Condoms, lube, toys. I decided to sit on the edge of the bed and wait for him

to make the first move. My mind was still racing. I couldn't even process all of the thoughts that
were going through it. Am I really gonna be able to be naked in front of him? Will he really go

through with it? Is he gonna tell Em? Is he gonna think of me differently after this? What happens
after this? How can we be around each other again? UGHHHH!!!!
I had to stop thinking

I looked up at him as he turned around to face me. He had a slight smirk on his face. Even his

fucking smirks turn me on. He walked over to the bed and leaned down. He grabbed my shoulders
and looked in my eyes and said “What are you doing here?” My heart instantly sped up from his

touch. The freaking electricity.

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What the fuck do you mean what am I doing here? What do you think? What are you doing here?

Can you not question me? I might back out. I might lose my nerve. Just hurry and kiss me already.
I was staring longingly into his eyes and waiting on him to lean down and press his lips onto mine

when I felt my phone vibrate. Who the fuck is calling me now?

That's What It's Made For

Why is someone calling me right now? What the fuck?
“I'm sorry. I need to see who that is.” I hesitantly said to Edward. He released my shoulders from
his grasp and I immediately missed his touch. I reached in my purse and grabbed my phone.

Fucking phone! I looked at the screen and it was Rosalie. Well isn't this interesting. You're calling
me and I'm in a hotel with the man that you can't get. Ha Ha!
I hit the ignore button. There was no

time to talk to her now. She could leave a voice mail. I contemplated turning my phone off
completely but if Em called he would think something was wrong if it didn't at least ring.
I looked back up at Edward who was still standing right in front of me looking down at me. Oh God!
Where were we?
My pulse was racing again.
He didn't say anything. He just looked at me with his glistening emerald green eyes. I could get lost
in his eyes. He then licked his lips and reached out his hand for mine. Without breaking our locked

eyes, I slid my hand into his. It felt nice and sweet.
He lightly pulled on my hand; silently asking for me to stand up. I complied, hoping my legs

wouldn't give out. I was so nervous and would be really embarrassed if I couldn't at least stand. He
then reached for my other hand, I again gave it to him. He was rubbing light small circles on the

tops of my hands with his thumbs.
He lifted my hands up to his neck and placed them on the back of his neck. He then released his

hands and slid them down my arms. A slight shiver went through my entire body. Mmmmmmm.
He rested his hands on the small of my back and gently pulled me into his body. Oh God! I can't

handle being this close to him. It was what I wanted but never thought I would get.
As our bodies touched, he bent his face down to mine. Our eyes still locked. Oh my God Oh my

God he's really gonna kiss me.
His lips finally touched mine. I couldn't breathe; my heart almost jumped out of my chest. The

electric current was stronger than it had ever been. It warmed my whole body. His lips were so soft
and smooth. The kiss started out soft and slow. I kept my eyes closed. I wanted to stay in this

moment forever.
The kiss began to grow. I could feel him put more force behind his lips. He then licked my lips

asking for entrance into my mouth. I couldn't deny him. I wanted him too badly. My God his mouth
tastes good! It's like peppermint and fruit.
Our tongues began to dance with each other. Circling

and stroking the other. His teeth lightly grazed my tongue and he began to gently suck on my
tongue. I weaved my fingers into his hair and pulled him closer to me. It was the most amazing kiss

I've ever had. I could kiss him all day.
He lifted his head and looked down at me almost dazed. I didn't know if it was good or bad. Is he

changing his mind? Was the kiss not good for him?
He then grabbed my hands and pulled them to his chest and placed them over his heart. “Do you

feel what you do to me?” I nodded. “You make me feel like my heart is going to explode. I've never
felt this way after a kiss.”

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What? Are you really telling me this? You are Edward Cullen, I'm sure you've had better kissers

than me.
“You're just saying that.” I said softly.
“No, Bella, I'm not. I've never been more serious. It makes me crazy. I don't understand it.”
“You do the same thing to me. I've tried to fight it but I can't. You're all I think about.” I was totally

honest and I couldn't believe I was telling him these things.
He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into him for another kiss. I gladly hopped up into him

and kissed him with every ounce of my body. He walked the few steps to the bed and laid me
down on my back while he stayed on top of me, never breaking our kiss.
He slid his hands down the sides of my abdomen to the hem of my shirt. He slowly lifted it up and
over my breasts. It was almost like he was waiting on me to stop him. Do whatever you want to

me. I won't stop you.
I pulled him into my mouth more to let him know it was okay. I felt his palms run across the top of

my bra and my nipples quickly responded to his touch. He broke our kiss and pulled my shirt over
my head. As soon as the shirt was over my head, his lips crashed into mine. I've never enjoyed a

kiss this much.
His hands made their way back down to my bra. He gently massaged my breasts through the

fabric. Oh God. Take off the bra now. I want to feel your hands on me. He slid my bra up and over
my breasts. He pulled away from the kiss and looked down at my breasts as his hands cupped

them and said “They are so beautiful.” He then slid his body down and positioned his mouth
directly above my right breast. I could feel the heat from his breath on my nipple. Please please

put your mouth on my tit. I need to feel it. Now.
As he returned to massaging my breasts, he slid his tongue out of his mouth and slowly licked my

right nipple. Uuuhhhhnnnn. Oh God! My breathing became more shallow and my pulse again was
racing. He continued to lick my nipple in slow circles and then took it into his mouth. Shit! I looked

down at him. I wanted to actually see him doing this to me. I was still in disbelief. He didn't look up
at me. He must have been enjoying himself.
He then moved over to my left breast and began licking my nipple. Again, he moved his tongue in
small circles around my nipple before taking it in his mouth. He lifted up and looked at me. Our

eyes locked but nothing was said. There were no words that needed to be said right now. Even
though we knew it was wrong; it was feeling so right.
He moved his body farther down to rest his knees on the carpet at the foot of the bed. His palms
slid down my abdomen as he placed light kisses down the center. His hands reached the button of

my jeans and he looked back up to me as if to ask permission. You can have whatever you want.
Just fucking do it!
I nodded to him.
He undid the button slowly. Then he slid my jeans down my bottom and off my legs. I was then
laying there in nothing but my pink and black lace g-string. What is he thinking?
He ran his hands from my feet up to my knees and kissed the insides of them. He then slid his
hands all the way up my thighs until he reached my butt. Placing gentle kisses on the insides of my

thighs; he massaged the back of my thighs. He made his was closer and closer to my hot wet
center. Fuck!!! Lick it already!!!
He pulled back and grabbed the sides of my panties and pulled them down. I was totally naked in
front of him. Oh shit! I can't believe this is about to happen. He leaned in to lightly lick my slit. Fuck

fuck fuck!!!! The electricity amazingly grew in intensity and continuous currents ran through my

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body. He continued to lick the length of my slit. He slid his tongue in between the lips of my pussy

and then he flicked my clit with his tongue. “Uuhhhnnnn!!! I'm so close.” It wouldn't take him long
as excited as I was.
He slid his tongue inside my pussy and gently moved in and out. Then as he slid his tongue back up
the length of my slit; he kissed my clit and then sucked it into his mouth. With that, my orgasm

erupted through me as my whole body shook I yelled out “Oh shit Edward! Oh my God! Oh Oh
He pulled back and looked up at me pleased with his achievement. I couldn't do anything other
look at him and pant as I tried to regain control of my body. After a few seconds, I sat up and

leaned in to kiss him. I didn't care if he tasted like me, I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to feel his
tongue in my mouth. As we kissed I reached down to grab the hem of his shirt and pull it over his

head. It broke our kiss but I got to see his beautifully sculpted chest. He was so beautiful.
He stood up and I ran my palms over the tight muscles in his chest. As I slid my hands down his

abdomen, I leaned in to place light kisses on his chest. His skin smelled so good. It was a mix of
clean cotton and slight musk. I ran my tongue over his left nipple and a slight moan escaped from

his mouth.
I looked up to him and his head was thrown back. He rested his hands on my shoulders and

massaged them gently. I ran my tongue down the center of his abdomen as I began to unbutton his
jeans. I slid them down to the ground. He really was standing in front of my in his boxer briefs.

Gucci, of course. Fuck! His dick is big!!
I could see his erection straining against the fabric. I grabbed the elastic band and pulled down his

boxer briefs and his erection sprang free. Automatically my hand went to grab it. Even his dick is
His cock was thick, long and smooth. It was flawless. My mouth watered at the mere

sight. I pumped his cock with my hands a few times; licked my lips and leaned in to lick it.
I slowly and lightly licked the small slit on the head. “Oh God Bella.”
I ran my tongue up and down the length and sides of his cock. Making sure it was covered in my
saliva. I then took in my mouth as much of his cock as I could. The head pressed against the back of

my throat. Your dick fucking tastes good! Fuck! I continued to pump his cock with my hand and my
mouth. He weaved his fingers into my hair and began to set the pace for me. I lightly grazed his

cock with my teeth. When I moaned against his cock, he pulled my head back, looked down at me
and said “Fuck, you can't do that. I don't want to come yet. I want this to last longer.”
He then pushed me back on to the bed and climbed on the bed in between my legs. As he leaned
down I could feel his cock pressed against my pussy. Ohhhh fuck!!!! Just put it in now!!! I can't wait

any longer!!!
He began grinding his cock against my pussy and I thought I would explode again. He kissed me

with so much passion. It was no longer light and gentle; it was now forceful and strong. Then I felt
his cock smoothly slide into my pussy. The electricity was magnified a thousand times. The current

now ran from inside of me out. Oh God Oh God it feels so good. Wait....he's not wearing a condom.
What the hell?
I wanted to stop him and ask him why but I couldn't bring myself to pull away from his kiss. Thank
God I'm on the pill.
I ran my hands up and down his back as he slowly pumped in and out of me.

His cock felt so amazing inside of me. It felt right; like this was where we were meant to be. Like a
puzzle, the pieces fit so well together.
I opened my eyes to sneak a look at his face. I wanted to see what he looked like while he was
making me feel like this. To my surprise his eyes were also open. Could we really be this much

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alike? We continued to look at each other, never breaking the kiss. I knew I wouldn't last long.
He grabbed my arms and pulled them above my head and held them down with his hands. He slid
his mouth over and kissed my cheek. He kissed all the way over to my ear where he licked my

outer ear lobe. “Ohhhh God Edward! What are you trying to do to me?”
Continuing his thrusts he replied “I'm trying to make you feel good. Do you feel good?” You fucking

joking? I feel amazing!!!!
“It's more than good. Edward....... I...... I......I'm gonna come again! Oh shit!! Fuck fuck fuck

Edward!” I shouted.
He held my arms down on the bed and my whole body shook and became flushed. I was now

panting and my muscles were completely useless. I looked at him and eyes were wide as he looked
at me.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I was slightly embarrassed and felt a little bad. I had two
orgasms already and he hasn't had one.
“You look so beautiful when you come.” He said sincerely. Wow! That's a compliment I don't get
“Ohhh, there's the hot spot. Fuck, Bella. Your pussy is so hot and wet. I'm not gonna last much
“Come for me Edward. I want you to come.” I wanna see the look on your beautiful face.
He quickened his thrusts and a few moments later he rested his forehead against mine and pulled

his cock out and said “Fuuuucccckkkk! Bella, Oh God!” His whole body shook against mine. A few
drops of sweat fell from his face. I reached up to wipe the rest of them off.
When he stopped shaking he pressed his lips against mine and rolled us over on to our sides. I
pulled away and looked at him. I didn't know what to say. What can you say at that point? Thanks

for the orgasms, bye! You k now we shouldn't but let's do it again. That was amazing. Your cock is
They all sounded stupid. We laid there staring at each other for a few moments and he

finally said “Bella, I can't even describe that. What you just did to me.” I felt the same way.
“I know. Words aren't good enough.” I replied.
“I don't want to get up but we should clean up.” He began to roll of the bed and I started to get up
when he said “No. You stay. I'll be right back.”
“Umm, okay.” What the hell is he gonna do now? I need to wash off.
I watched him walk his beautiful ass into the bathroom. His ass was very toned.
I heard the water running and after a few seconds he returned to the bedroom with a wet
washcloth in his hand. He walked over to me and began wiping his come off of my stomach with

the warm cloth. You're so thoughtful. What man comes to clean up his own come?
When it was all gone he reached for my hand and said “Now, you can get up.” I gave him my hand

and climbed off the bed. We both walked into the bathroom. As we cleaned ourselves up I kept
looking at him in the mirror. Watching the way his muscles moved and flexed as he washed himself

off. This man was sexy doing anything.
He caught me looking at him and laughed and said “Don't feel bad. I didn't close my eyes the entire

time.” I was totally shocked. “I wanted to memorize how your face looks during sex.” Whoa!
I set the rag down on the edge of the sink and walked over to him. I put my hand on my hip and

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looked up into his eyes and said “Well, did you like what you see?”
He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him and said “You know I did. I just told you how
beautiful you are when you come. Don't act crazy!” He then leaned down to kiss me again. I

wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. After a few moments, he released me
from his grip and tapped me on the butt and said “You better get out of here before you get in

trouble.” Was he serious? Did he want me to leave already?
I sadly walked into the bedroom and put on my bra and panties. As I reached for my jeans he

grabbed them from me. “What are you doing?” He asked.
“You told me to get out of here.” I said softly.
He laughed under his breath and said “I meant get out of the bathroom before I had to take you
right there. Not get out of the hotel.”
Stupid! “Oh.” I said as I looked down at the ground.
“Come here crazy” he said laughingly. He pulled me onto the bed with him. We laid for a while just

touching and looking at each other. We didn't say anything. We didn't need to say anything. Our
actions had said it all. Even my mind was silent. I was simply trying to take it all in. To etch every

part of him into my mind permanently.
Edward finally broke the silence and said “Bella, I know it's late and you probably have to go but

would it be greedy of me to ask for one more time?” Greedy? Hell! I'd be the greedy one. Of course
you can have it again. Who knows if this will ever happen again.
“You don't have to ask Edward. You can have me as long as you like.” He reached over kissing me
again. This time didn't take as long to get started. He reached around and unhooked my bra. He

then slid my panties off as I pulled down his boxer briefs. I grabbed his cock and stroked it. He was
already hard. He reached his hand down and stroked my pussy. I was already wet from the

touching we had been doing.
I rolled him onto his back and straddled his waist. I took his cock and impaled myself on it. He

rested his hands on my hips and let out a small moan. As I rocked back and forth I placed his hands
onto my breasts. “Mmmmmmm Edward your hands feel so good on me.” He massaged my breasts

and I began to rock quicker against him. I could feel my orgasm quickly approaching. He then rose
up and sucked on my right breast. That was all it took for my orgasm to overcome me. I threw my

head back and shouted “Shit..... Edward.....Oh God... I'm gonna come....... Fuck.....Edward!”
He laid back down and started rocking against him as fast as I could. I wanted him to come again. I

wanted to see that look on his face one more time.
“Bella....... you' shit Bella!!!” He yelled as he firmly

grasped my hips and pumped his come inside of me. Oh shit! He didn't even pull out. Fuck!
When he loosenedd his grip I rolled on to my side and stared at him. I couldn't believe he just did

“I'm sorry Bella. You just felt so good and I didn't want you to move. Are you mad?” Am I mad? I

take my pills religiously so I highly doubt I would get pregnant.
“No. I'm not mad. We just can't do that anymore. I'm on the pill but ya know it's not one hundred

percent effective.”
He kissed me and said “Oh thank God. I won't do it anymore. Does that mean you want to do this

again?” He asked.
Fuck! I don't know. I want to but I have to see if I can get away with this one.

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“We will have to play it by ear. I want to but who knows if we will get the chance again.”
“You're right. I really hope we can though.”
We both got up and went to the bathroom to clean off. When we were done washing off I noticed

that it had gotten to be really late. I needed to get home before Em woke up and got worried
about me. I was surprised that he hadn't called yet.
We got dressed and gathered our stuff. I changed back into my original panties and bra. We left the
room and headed back down the elevators to the lobby. I feel like such a slut. Who leaves hotels

this late other than hookers? Fucking walk of shame.
We reached the lobby and exited through the back door. He walked me to my car and said “Bella, I

can't believe this finally happened. I've wanted you since I first met you.”
“Really? I feel the same way.” He leaned in to kiss me and after a few glorious moments it was over.
“Let me know you're home safe, okay?” He asked.
“I will. Drive safe.” He opened my door for me and once I was in he shut it behind me. I started the

engine and rolled down my window. He reached in and kissed me one last time. I didn't want it to
end but I knew I had to get home. He turned and walked away. I watched him reach his car and get

I sat in the car for a few minutes just thinking. I needed to get my head together before I went

I really cannot believe I just did that? This is not the type of person I am. What has he done to me

already? How can I go back home and act like nothing happened? Could we, would we do this
again? How the fuck can I be thinking about that already? Ugh! Fuck!
I took a few deep breaths and turned on my iPod. I put on some upbeat music that always puts me
in a good, carefree mood and put the car in drive.

Tell Me It's Real

Edward POV
I was sitting on my couch watching a little TV when my phone alerted me to an incoming text

message. I had talked with Bella earlier but it didn't go as well as I wanted. I simply wanted to
make her understand that she was all I could think about but somewhere it went wrong.
Emmett and I were having a few beers talking about typical guy shit. Sports, women, guns. I was
just trying to relax a little but I couldn't get her off of my mind. I had to talk to her somehow, even

though Emmett was sitting right next to me.
Hey Bella. What you up to today? E
Why isn't she responding to me? Did it not go through? Did she not want to talk to me anymore?
Had I crossed the line? Is she okay? It sure has been a while since I sent the text to her.
Emmett and I continued in our conversation. “You think the Falcons are gonna be any good this
season?” I asked him. I hadn't kept up with football lately and I knew it would keep his mind

occupied for a while.
Well, Cuz, I think they will be decent. Did a good job last season with a rookie quarterback..” He

continued talking but I tuned him out. I couldn't help thinking of Bella. Why hadn't she responded

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Finally, Hey Edward. Not much today. Just hanging at the pool with the girls. You still with Em? B
Whew! Maybe she hadn't written me off completely.
Yeah, just having a few beers. I just wanted to you to know I can't stop thinking about you. E
Was that being too forward? I have no idea. Never went behind someone's back like this. She
needed to know the truth though.
Really? Me too. It's so weird to think of someone all day that you can't have. B
Wow! Could it be true? Was she just fucking with me? Did she really think of me all day? My pulse

raced with just the thought of her thinking of me.
I know the feeling but I told you we can do this and not get caught. E
No, Edward, we can't. It's wrong. It will cause too much pain. B
Did she really believe that? I would make sure we never got caught! Anything for her.
Bella, I can promise you we would not get caught. No one will ever know. Our little secret. Just
one time. E
Edward, I can't continue to debate this with you. The answer is no. Period. B
She couldn't mean that. I would have to find a way to make her see.
Dude, what ya got going on over there? One of the chosen few hot chicks you're hooking up
with?” Em asked me jokingly.
Nah, just an old friend. Not really hooking up with anyone. I had a girl back home but we broke up
right before I left and now she's trying to get me back. Between all her dramatic shit and the move,

I haven't really had the energy to hook up with anyone.” I hadn't told anyone about Tanya but I
figured it was time someone knew. I didn't tell Emmett at first, since we had broken up but now she

was trying really hard to get me back.
Emmett didn't ask anymore questions about Tanya. He was always a good person to talk to. He

didn't pry, he would always let me tell him things in my own time. I felt bad for not telling Bella
about Tanya but we weren't together and she never actually asked. I wanted her so badly and

couldn't take the chance on her looking for a reason to say no.
I dropped Em off a few hours ago. I didn't want him to risk driving after drinking. I only had two

beers the whole time we were there but he had at least five or six. I was still trying to figure out
how I could convince Bella to meet me. How I could show her that I would do anything for her;

that I would never let her get caught with me. I would sneak around with her as long as she would
let me. I couldn't ask her to give up her relationship for something with someone she barely knew.

I couldn't ask that of her.
Can you meet me tonight? B
Oh shit! Is she serious? Is she playing with my head? I had given up hope for even speaking to me
for at least the rest of the night. Of course I would meet her tonight. I'd meet her in hell if it meant

I could touch her again.
Are you serious? Where? What time? E
No fucking chance I would pass this up. My heart was already beating through my chest just from
the thought of her wanting to meet me. I jumped up and raced upstairs to take a quick shower and

change clothes.
ASAP. You tell me where? B

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ASAP! Yes!!! Where could we go? Somewhere not close to her home, somewhere nice.
Leaving in five. Hilton at the airport. E
I knew the Hilton well. It had very nice suites and the girl that worked the front desk was an old

friend of mine. I called her and got her to book me in one of the suites. I gave her my debit card
number and said she would have my key waiting for me at the desk.
Okay. Text you when I get there. B
I was really hoping this wasn't a joke. I've never been this excited over a girl and it would not be

cool if she was just fucking with my head.
My mind was racing as I got in the car and drove to the hotel. How was she getting away from

Emmett? She would obviously have to lie to him. She couldn't exactly tell him she was coming to a
hotel to meet me. What had made her change her mind? Why now?
It was only a twenty minute drive to the hotel. I needed to calm the fuck down before she saw me.
She would think I was fucking idiot and would turn around and go home immediately.
I was almost there when my phone alerted me again.
I'm pulling in now. B
Fuck! She's really there! I honestly expected her to back out on me. My heart jumped.
Shit you're fast. I thought you would back out on me. Glad you didn't. Just around the corner. Be

there in the next ten minutes. -E
Is she as nervous as I am? I tried to relax and gather my thoughts.
Ok. I'm in the back. See you soon. -B
I pulled into the front of the hotel and walked in to meet Giana. I walked up to the desk but no one

was there so I tapped the bell. Giana walked out of the door behind the desk and smiled to me and
said “Hey Edward. I got your key right here. Your room number is 1711. It's a really nice suite. I

think you will like it.”
“I can't thank you enough Giana.” I handed her a one hundred dollar bill for being so helpful on

such short notice.
“Oh and I unlocked the back door for you. In case you want a little privacy.”
“Thanks again.” I said to her as I walked towards the front doors.
I got back in my car and drove around the back of the hotel. I spotted her car as soon as I rounded

the corner. She's really fucking here! I cannot believe it!
I backed my car into the spot in front of hers. I sat inside my car for a few minutes still trying to

compose myself. I needed to look calm and collected when I saw her. She must have been waiting
on me to get out of the car because I didn't see her move until I opened my door. As I stepped out,

I popped a piece of gum into my mouth. I wasn't going to turn around to look at her until I knew I
didn't look like a fucking retard. I heard her heels hitting the concrete on her way towards me and I

finally turned around and she was right there in the beautiful moonlight looking like the most
amazingly beautiful sexy angel on Earth. I couldn't help but to smile at the sight of her.
She looked nervous and I didn't want her to feel that way. I wanted her to know that she would
always be safe with me. I would never let anything happen to her. She finally reached me and

being the shocked fucking idiot I am; all I could spit out was “You're really here!” Real eloquent.
She shrugged her shoulders and said “I know right?! Who would've thought?” Not me. That's for

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sure. I was sure you would never be here.
I didn't really know what to say to her so I just started walking towards the back door, hoping she
would follow me. She did and she looked a little confused as to why we were heading to the back

door . I told her that I had a friend that worked here. She made some joke about me having a lot of
money. I just hoped she didn't think I had been here with other women.
The hotel was quiet as we walked in. We stood waiting for an elevator and I could hear her taking
short breaths. I wanted to calm her down but didn't know what to say. The elevator finally arrived

and I held the doors open for her to enter first. I entered behind her and pressed the button for
the seventeenth floor. I stepped back against the rail and looked at her. She was so beautiful and I

wanted to touch her so badly but I wanted her to be comfortable first.
The doors opened and I let her off first. She stopped after exiting, not knowing which was the

room was. I pulled out the room key and pointed to our left and told her which way to go. I
pressed my hand against the small of her back as we walked and I instantly felt the surge of

electricity I had been missing. I asked her if she was okay. I wanted to make sure that everything
was absolutely perfect. I unlocked the door to the suite for her and held the door open for her to

She looked like a child as she took in the suite. I could tell she had never been in a room this nice. I

walked behind her as she toured the room. I could watch her all day. Even if we weren't going to
get physical tonight, I would take what I could get.
I sat down my small black bag on the dresser. I always carried this bag in my car. Never knowing
when I would need soap or washcloths and I always kept a few condoms in there. Better safe than

sorry. I walked over to close the curtains. I needed this to be between only us.
I turned around to look at her, I still couldn't believe she was really here with me. She was sitting

on the edge of the bed and I walked over to her. I grabbed her shoulders and looked in her eyes.
“What are you doing here?” She continued to stare into my eyes. Was she confused by the

question? I just wanted her to tell me what made her finally come here but maybe I didn't word
the question right. Stupid!
Before I could say anything else I heard her phone vibrate. I really hoped it wasn't Emmett. She
would surely leave after that call. I was certain it would break the mood. I couldn't let this

opportunity pass. Fate has to be on my side this time. I released her shoulders and she looked at
her phone and must have ignored the call. That had to mean it wasn't Emmett. Thank you God!
I wanted tonight to be different from anything I had ever done. It already was different, I've never
wanted to have sex with one of my cousins' girlfriends before. I wanted this night to be special. I

may only get to have her one time and I was determined to make her see how unique she was and
see just what she meant to me. She was the center of my universe and didn't even know it.
She put the phone down and looked back up at me. She took my breath with a simple look. I could
tell she had never done this type of thing before. Her deep chocolate eyes looked up at me for

guidance. So, I reached for her hand and pulled her up. I began rubbing small circles on the tops of
her hands and I was instantly relaxed. Her touch had those types of effects on my body.
I lifted her hands to my neck and gazed into her eyes and I knew then that I had to kiss her. I had
waited long enough and it was now time. I leaned down and towards her slowly. I could feel her

breath on my lips as I became closer. Finally, my lips pressed into hers. She tasted like strawberries.
Her lips were soft and moist. I tried to resist the urge to deepen the kiss but I had to taste her

tongue. She allowed me entrance to her mouth and our tongues began to dance with each others'.
My pulse raced with us being this close and her tongue in my mouth. It was the best kiss I've ever

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experienced. I'm not big on kissing but I would be happy if this is all I could get from her.
I had to express a small piece of it to her. She had to know. I pulled back from the kiss and gazed
down at her face. I took her hands and placed them on my chest above my heart and said “Do you

feel what you do to me? You make me feel like my heart is going to explode. I've never felt this way
after a kiss.”
She didn't believe me but I continued to explain to her just how crazy she makes me feel. Then she
finally told me that she felt the same way. I felt like I was on cloud nine; like I was invincible just by

her words. I kissed her again and this kiss was much more passionate. We had put our feelings out
there and now it was time to act on them.
I laid her on the bed and started to pull her shirt up. I didn't want to push her so I looked at her for
approval. I wanted her to know that she could tell me no and I wouldn't pressure her. She kissed

me and I knew it was okay to proceed. I massaged her breasts through her bra and even through
the fabric they felt so soft and tender. I finally removed her shirt and came back in to continue our

kiss. She was an amazing kisser. Did she know how good she was at it?
I wanted to look at her breasts as I massaged them. I slid her bra up and over her breasts and

pulled out of the kiss. I told her how beautiful I thought they were and slid my body down so I
could taste them. I massaged and licked and sucked on both of them. I could tell she was enjoying

it as she arched her back and grasped the comforter. I looked up at her to see the joy I was bringing
to her. Our eyes locked again and I knew she was truly enjoying this.
I've only went down on a few girls in my lifetime and I wasn't very fond of it. The girls seemed to
enjoy it but it wasn't at the top of my to do list. She made me want to do it to her. I wanted her to

get every bit of pleasure she could out of me. I kissed her ankles and her knees and finally made
my way to her pussy. It was beautiful. It was wet, smooth, hairless and I wanted to dive in and

taste if she was as sweet here as the rest of her body was. It was. It was better than any dessert I
had ever tasted. I could stay down here all night.
She told me how close she was and I could feel it as she tightened her walls around my tongue.
Finally, her body erupted and I drank all of it in. I kept my eyes on her as her body became flushed

and shook. She was even more beautiful during her orgasm.
Her juices were covering my face but she rose up and kissed me anyways. She then pulled my shirt

off and ran her hands across my chest and stomach. Her kisses felt like small fires as she placed
them down the center of my abdomen. She then undid my jeans and pushed them to the ground. I

knew my dick was a pretty good size but when she saw it through my boxers she looked shocked.
After she released me from my boxers she slowly began to lick the head of my dick. It felt more

amazing than I thought possible. My head fell back and I knew as she licked my cock that she
would slowly kill me with her mouth. She licked and sucked my cock and I managed to hold back

my orgasm but when she moaned around my cock I knew I had to stop her. I wasn't ready to come
yet. I needed this to last longer.
I knew then that I had to have her immediately. I laid her back on the bed and positioned myself
above her. I had condoms with me but it didn't occur to me to actually use them. I wanted to feel

her wrapped around me. I wanted to feel every ounce of her body. I pressed my cock into her and
she didn't stop me. She felt like satin wrapped around my cock. She felt so right. Like she was the

missing piece I never knew I had been missing.
I didn't close my eyes the whole time. I wanted to remember every detail of her as I made love to

her. I wanted it engraved in my memory permanently. I managed to stop kissing her and kissed her
cheek over to her ear. When she asked me what I was trying to do to her, I couldn't very well tell

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her that I was trying to make her fall in love with me. That I wanted her to feel the same as I felt.
She came again and she literally looked like an angel. I took a mental picture of that moment so I
could always have it with me. I told her how beautiful she looked when she came and she seemed

surprised that someone would think of her that way.
I knew I couldn't hold back my orgasm any longer when she commanded me to come. It was all I

needed to finally push me over the edge.
I wanted to lay inside of her all night. She felt like home to me. I haven't felt like I had a home since

my parents' died. Being here with her just felt right. I laid on my side and just took all of her in. I'm
usually not such an open book when it comes to my feelings but this whole situation was different

and I needed to her to know everything. “Bella, I can't even describe that. What you just did to
I knew there was no possible way she could honestly feel the same way about me. She doesn't
really know me. I don't really know her but I felt like I've known her for a lifetime. Then she spoke

“I know. Words aren't good enough.” She was right. There were no words that could ever truly
describe what had just taken place; not only between our bodies but in my soul. The electricity I

felt from her touch was magnified infinitesimally. It radiated from inside of me now.
I wanted to take care of her and care for her. So, I brought her a warm rag and wiped my own come

from her body. She shouldn't have to clean that off. Once I had it all wiped off, I helped her off the
bed. I could see her out of the corner of my eye while we were cleaning up. Who was I kidding? I

couldn't take my eyes off her if I wanted to. I teased her a bit and then I had to kiss her again. My
lips were already yearning for her.
After a deep intense kiss I knew I would take her right there in the bathroom and we needed a
slight rest before I chanced round two. I pulled away from her mouth and she looked hurt. I told

her that she needed to get out of there before she got in trouble. I meant for her to go back to the
bedroom but she must have taken it wrong. When I came out of the bathroom I saw her grab her

jeans. I didn't mean for her to leave the suite. Did she really think I would tell her to leave after
what just happened? I would stay here with her forever.
I explained to her what I had meant and I could tell she was embarrassed. I wanted to relax her, I
only wanted her to feel love when she was with me. I laid her down on the bed with me and

looked into her chocolate eyes and let me hands roam her body. It was as if I were a blind man
trying to memorize every curve and inch of her body. I knew it was getting late and she would

inevitably have to go home soon. I knew she couldn't stay with me all night. I felt like a greedy
bastard when I asked her if I could have her again. She had already given me much more than I

ever deserved from her. To my surprise she agreed.
This time was much more intense than the first time. We were both more comfortable with each

other and the anxiousness was now gone. It was sheer ecstasy this time. I didn't expect her to
want to ride me but sure as hell wasn't going to say no. She felt so good on top of me and I didn't

even feel how quickly my orgasm was approaching. Before I could tell her to get up, I came inside
of her. After the joy of my release had passed I felt so bad for not warning her. I quickly apologized

to her, although I was sure she wouldn't forgive me. Why would she? I completely took advantage
of her.
Amazingly, she forgave me and said she was on the pill. I was instantly relieved. The last thing we
needed was a small trophy of our night together running around.
I wanted to know that this would not be a one night thing. I wanted to know for certain that I
would see her again. She couldn't give me the answer I wanted. I knew she wouldn't be able to.

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She still needed to see what happened when she got home. She needed to see if I could deliver on

my promise that we would not get caught.
Our night had finally come to an end. It was extremely late and for her sake I hoped Emmett was

asleep when she got home. I didn't want her to have to explain why she was coming home so late.
I had no clue of what to say to her as we exited the hotel. I was thankful that no one was there to

see us leave. I didn't want to her to feel bad about what we had done. What just happened in
room 1711 was purely and utterly amazing.
I walked her to her car. This isn't exactly the safest part of town and I needed to know that she was
safe. I was too involved now. I, again, was pouring my soul out to this stunning angel and somehow

she was feeling the same way towards me. How could I be so lucky?
I opened her car door for her and closed it behind her. I poked my head in and went in for one last

kiss. I needed to have one more before I let her go for the night. I finally had to pull away and I
turned to walk to my car. I wasn't leaving until she did. Once we were on the highway I knew she

would be okay to make it home.
My mind was completely boggled. I couldn't believe this night really just happened. I felt like I was

going to wake up and find it was all a dream. It would be the best dream I've ever had but I would
be disappointed that it wasn't real. She wasn't just in my thoughts now, she was in my heart.
I saw her pull out of the parking spot and followed behind her the whole way to the highway.
There we had to go different directions. I watched her car go South and I whispered to myself “Bye

my love. Good night.” I started my journey North.
Does she have any idea what she means to me? How did I let her get to me so quickly? I've never

really been in love but when in the hell did I become such a fucking softie? I've always been the
player; love them and leave them. Now, I couldn't think of anyone other than her. Yet, I can't tell

anyone about her or what we just shared. I had to keep this secret; for her sake. I could deal with
Emmett being mad at me but I could not let anyone bad mouth her.
This is going to be a tricky situation. We are going to have to always be on guard. I hope she can
handle it because I can't let her go now.
I arrived home and went to lay down in my bed. My mind was still with Bella. I couldn't get her out
of my head.
I was startled by the sound of my text message alert. I opened my phone to see that it was Bella
letting me know she had made it home safely. I then realized I hadn't even checked my phone

since I had been with her. I noticed I had new voice mail messages. I decided to go ahead and
check them before I went to sleep.
As they started to play in my ear I recognized the voice. It was the same voice in all of them. Tanya.
She brought me out of my bubble of ecstasy I had created with her whining into my ear. I didn't

even finish the last few and just deleted them. I didn't need to hear anymore of what she said. I
threw the phone across the room. There was not a snowballs chance in hell that I was calling her

back tonight. I rolled over and buried my face in the pillow and let my thoughts of Bella return and
carry me to sleep.

A Beautiful Lie

Bella POV
I pulled in to the drive way. The ride home seemed a lot shorter than it should have been. My mind

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had been flooded with thoughts of Edward and our night together. I couldn't get the thoughts of

his beautiful body out of my head. I kept imagining that his hands were still touching me. I barely
remembered any of the turns that led me home.
I noticed that the whole house was dark, except for our bedroom. I could see that at least the TV
was on, which meant Em was awake. He never sleeps with the TV on. Fuck! How in the hell am I

gonna explain this? How can I walk in there and act like nothing has happened? How can I look at
him knowing what I just did with his cousin?
I knew what we had done was wrong on so many

levels but I honestly felt helpless to stop it. It felt like the universe was working to bring us
together. It felt like more than just a lustful attraction.
It was honestly the best sex of my life. The orgasms were amazing but his attentiveness and care
were the elements that made it extraordinary. How can I go back to a normal self centered man

now? I felt like I was a child who had her favorite doll taken away from her and was told to act like
it never existed. How can I keep this to myself? I want to scream to the world how amazing I think

this man is.
I sat in the car for a few moments, trying to gather my thoughts. I would have to hide my little

'secret' bag under my seat and take it out when Em wasn't around. There was no way I could walk
in the house with it. I took a few deep breaths and decided to just get it over with already. I got out

of the car and walked to our front door. I put my key in and slowly turned it to open the door. I set
my purse on the table and walked back to the bedroom. The door was open but I didn't hear Em

making any noises. Did he fall asleep watching TV? No way I'd be that lucky.
I walked in the bedroom and saw Em wide awake watching TV. “Hey babe. Where ya been? I was

starting to get worried.” He said calmly.
“Hey sweetie.” I said as I started undressing to get ready for bed. “I was just hanging out with the

girls. Rose is a little upset about being rejected, so Alice and I decided to cheer her up with a girls
night in. I didn't mean to worry you. I just assumed you were still sleeping.” I was done undressing

and started to get into the bed. I hope he bought that.
I could feel Em shift his weight and sit up in the bed just as I was trying to lay down. “Well, damn

Bella, you could have at least left a note or something. You don't usually stay out this late without
letting me know you are okay.” He sounded a bit mad.
“I know Em but you were asleep when I left and I just assumed you'd be asleep until morning. I
didn't want to call and wake you and I didn't feel the need for a note since you were already

asleep.” I said as I was still facing away from him.
“I understand, just next time leave a note or text me or something. I just wanna know you're safe. I

know the girls need you.” He sounded sincere. I was really hoping he bought my lie.
I hated lying to him but there was no way I could ever tell him what happened. I was going to make

sure that he never found out what really happened. It would cause him more pain than necessary.
Tonight would more than likely be a one time thing. I couldn't very well spend all my free time

sneaking around with Edward. For all I know, he probably just wanted to see if he could get me into
bed and now that it's out of his system he would move on.
I needed to just relax and get him out of my head. I needed to focus on Em before I made a
I felt Em slide back down in the bed and cuddle up behind me. He wrapped his arm around my
waist and snuggled his nose into the back of my neck and all I could think about was how it felt

when Edward touched me. The feel of his hands on my bare skin. Lightly touching my stomach and
sending heat waves surging through me. The way his mouth felt on my breasts. The way his tongue

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worked his magic all over my body. The way his eyes peered into my soul.
I don't know if Edward being attentive and telling a girl that he'd never felt that way, was all a part
of his game but it worked. I really wished it wasn't a part of his game because he was now in my

soul. It would hurt like hell if this was all a game.
“Bells?” Shit, what now? I'm worn out and ready to sleep. He only calls me Bells when he wants

“Yeah baby?” I replied reluctantly. I really hope you don't wanna have sex. I haven't recovered from

what your cousin did to me tonight.
“Are you really tired?” He asked quietly. Yes! I'm fucking tired. I used all of my energy earlier.

Nothing left for you. So sorry!
“Kinda. Ya know I didn't sleep the whole night away like you did.” I said sarcastically. I really had no

desire to have sex with him. I knew I would have to eventually but I didn't want to do it so quickly
after Edward. It just didn't feel right.
“Too tired to play?” Really Em? It's almost four in the morning and you're trying to be playful? I
want to fucking sleep!!!
“I guess not.” I replied hesitantly. He didn't even wait two seconds before he was pulling down my
underwear. What the fuck is my life coming to? I am not going to enjoy this at all. Maybe he will

just hurry up and go back to sleep.
He didn't bother to pull off my tank top. He just pushed it up above my breasts. He slid off his

boxers and grabbed one of my legs and lifted it up onto his shoulder. He grabbed his cock and I felt
him press it against my entrance. “Damn baby. You must not be too tired. You're wet as hell.”

That's not from you Em. That's the leftovers from Edward. I hadn't been able to get him out of my
mind so I knew that was why I was still wet. I was even thankful for it. Otherwise, he would've

been trying all kinds of shit to get my wet.
I felt him finally push through my skin and inside of me. It felt good but also made me a little

queasy. I had never been the type of girl to sleep with two men in one night and now I was
sleeping with two family members. It was enough to make me sick. I couldn't have told him no

without a good reason and I didn't have one.
He started his thrusts and got into his rhythm. He began to massage my breasts with his hand and

kiss the back of my neck. Normally, this would feel great to me but tonight my mind wasn't
focused. I was ashamed of myself and I needed to think of something else.
He quickly had his release and I was glad he had made it quick. I got up to wash off in the
bathroom and I literally felt like I was going to vomit. Thankfully, I didn't because that definitely

would've been a bad conversation.
We both got back into bed and said our good nights. Before I knew it Em was back to his normal

snoring and I was staring at the ceiling. My mind was so clouded. I had crossed such a big line and
felt like a complete fucking slut. Em didn't deserve this but I have no idea where to go from here. I

eventually drifted off to sleep.
The next day I woke up and realized that I hadn't even checked my voice mail from Rose. I had no

idea what she wanted but I needed to find out before she just showed up and totally busted me in
my lie to Em.
I walked into the kitchen to grab my phone and get a glass of water. Em was already out at the pool
swimming laps. I dialed my voice mail and listened to her message. “Hey B! I wanted to say I'm

sorry that I keep bringing up Edward. I know everyone is sick of hearing about it. I was just sitting

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here drinking some wine thinking about you. I love you and I promise the days of me sulking over

Edward are over! Call me when you get this. Love you.”
I was thankful that she was finally going to let it go. I also wondered if she was a little drunk when

she left that message. She said she was drinking and it was a little late. Oh well. Maybe she was
being serious.
I walked into the back yard to the pool. I sat down on the edge of the pool and put my feet in,
waiting on Em to finish his laps. He swam over to me when he noticed I was there.
“Morning Bella.” He said as he kissed my knee.
“Morning honey. I didn't even feel you get up today?”
“You looked so peaceful, I just thought I'd swim a little before you got up.”
“I was sleeping pretty hard huh?” That's because Edward took all of my energy. I would happily do

it again today if I could. “It's okay. What you doing today? Any plans?” I asked him.
He shrugged his shoulders and said “Not really during the day. I thought maybe you and I could

hang out. Maybe do a little shopping or go have a nice lunch?” Really? Now you wanna spend
time? Ugh. I am a terrible fucking person.
“That sounds great baby. It'll be good to spend some time with just you. I'll go get some breakfast
going.” I said as I pulled my feet out of the pool.
“Okay. I'll be in soon.” I nodded to him as I went inside.
I started to fix his favorite breakfast. I had the bacon and eggs on the stove. The biscuits were in

the oven. Everything was just about ready when I heard his cell phone ring.
I grabbed it and took it out to him. “You're phone was going off and breakfast is almost ready. So,

come in.”
He walked in the house a few moments later. “That was Edward.” My fucking heart stopped

beating when those words came out of his mouth. Why in the fuck is he calling Em this early? He
hasn't even texted me or anything. Oh God Oh God. I knew it was a fucking set up. The whole

fucking thing was a set up! I am totally screwed. There is no way I can talk my way out of this one.
He probably has fucking pictures and everything. Em was just pretending to be nice and believe

I couldn't breath. My mind was pounding, My heart stopped. Time fucking stood still as I waited on

the next words to come out of Em's mouth.

Nobody Knows

Oh my God! This is it. I should just tell him what happened. I was a fucking idiot to honestly think I

could get away with this. I should've fucking known better than to trust Edward. This is what you
get when you do bad things. Fuck fuck fuck.
“Edward said he wants all of us to go out tonight. He wants to invite the whole crew, even Rosalie.
He says everything is on him tonight. You wanna go?” Seriously? That's all Edward wanted?
I let out a huge sigh of relief. Edward and I are gonna have to talk about some things. He can't do
shit like that. He needs to let me know first so I don't freak the fuck out again.
“Yeah baby. That sounds like fun. What time and where are we supposed to meet him?” I asked as
I removed the biscuits from the oven and started fixing our plates.

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“We are meeting him at ten tonight at Makkos in Buckhead. Do you wanna call Rose and Alice? Tell

Alice to bring Jasper, since none of us have actually gotten to meet him yet.”
“That sounds like a plan. We haven't been to Buckhead in a while. I'll call them after breakfast.” We

grabbed our plates and sat down on the couch to eat and watch a little TV.
Why does he want Rose there? He clearly told me he wasn't interested in her. Maybe he's just

trying to be nice and include her since she is our friend. I wonder if he's bringing a girl with him?
Why else wouldn't he have at least told me about it first? I really hope he doesn't bring a girl with

him. I don't know if I can stand to see him with another woman. Fucking breathe Bella. You are
totally over thinking this.
After breakfast, I called Alice and Rose. They both agreed to come and were very excited. I could
basically hear Alice jumping up and down with excitement about everyone finally getting to meet

Jasper. Rose was hesitant at first but once she found out Edward was paying for everything she
Em called Edward back and let him know that everyone agreed to go. Em and I got ready for our
day together. Yipee! We went to the mall first. We decided to get some new clothes for tonight and

we've also been looking for some new things for the yard. After looking all over the mall we found
everything we had been looking for.
We then went to grab a light lunch. We sat and talked and laughed. I was really enjoying this time
with Em. It was like old times. We weren't fighting or arguing. Just he and I enjoying one another's

company. Em also managed to keep my mind off of Edward for most of the day. I loved my
daydreams of him but it was nice to escape it for a while.
“I have something to tell you Bella. I didn't want to say anything until I was certain. I am certain
now so I want to tell you.” He said as he glanced down at his food and shifted it around the plate

with his fork. He's nervous. What does he have to be nervous about? He knows he can tell me
anything. I should be the nervous one. I've never lied to you before and now I'm having to lie about

so much.
I reached over the table and grabbed his hand. I squeezed it lightly to let him know it was okay to

say what he was thinking. He looked up at me and said “I got accepted into the motorcycle
mechanic program that I was looking at few years ago.” He said as his face lit up.
“Em, that is so awesome! I'm so proud of you! I didn't even know you were looking back into it! I
can't believe you didn't tell me.” I said as I moved around the table to give him a hug. I still don't

know why he was so nervous about telling me that?
“Well I didn't want to get your hopes up until I knew I had been accepted. I've been thinking about

it for a while and when we decided to work things out; I knew it was time to do something more
with my life.”
“I'm so happy for you. I know you will do good in school and once you graduate you will actually be
doing something that you love. I love you baby.” I said as I leaned in and kissed his lips.
We finished lunch and went back home. We went out to the yard to put out our new purchases.
We put the new fire pit on the patio and the new tiki torches around the edge of the pool. Em and

I decided to stay outside for a while and enjoy the nice weather.
We sat on the edge of the pool with our feet in the water like children. We talked about Em's new

journey back to school and about how he was going to be able to work and go to school. I hadn't
worked while I was in nursing school and I didn't think it was fair for him to try and do both. We

had enough money in savings to last us for a while and I made enough money to make up for the

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It was starting to get late and we needed to get ready to leave for the bar. I hadn't talked to Edward

all day. I was sure I would at least get a text from him but I got nothing. When Em was in the
shower I took advantage of the opportunity and texted him.
Why didn't you tell me about tonight first? B
I didn't get a response from him at first. Maybe he's just busy getting ready for tonight. Or maybe I

was just an idiot to believe that we had something more than a one night stand.
I continued getting dressed. My phone alerted me to a new message.
Sorry. I didn't k now you wanted to know first. Just thought it would be fun for all of us to go out
together. At least I can see you this way. E
Okay maybe I had been over reacting a bit. Maybe he was telling the truth.
Well I kinda freaked out when I didn't know anything about it and Em comes telling me that you

called him. I suspected the worst. B
Sorry you freaked out. I will let you know first from now on. I'm really looking forward to seeing

you tonight. E
My heart fluttered a bit when I read the excited me to know that he had been thinking of me.
Me too. I'll see you soon. B
Em and I were finally dressed and ready to go. My dress was metallic blue tiered laser cut that fell

right above my knee. I wore silver metallic Calvin Klein heels with straps crossing over the tops and
a strap around my ankle. Em had picked out a slim fit black camp fit shirt. Guess he's trying to

show off his muscles tonight. He put on a pair of nice jeans and and black low cut riding boots. His
whole outfit was by Calvin Klein. He hated dressing up so this is as close as he would get. He really

looked very handsome in his new outfit. I wished he would dress like this more often. This looks like
the man I fell in love with.
I walked into the living room and asked him “You ready to go baby?”
“Damn Bella! You look so hot in that dress! How am I supposed to keep my hands off of you

tonight?” He said as he walked over to me and grabbed my waist. He pulled me into his body and
placed a light kiss on my lips.
“You are such a perv Em! We have to go or we will be late!” I said as I lightly swatted his arm.
“Fine but you better be ready when we get back home!” he said slapping my butt.
We made it to the car and started our drive to Buckhead. It was a nice ride. We listened to music
and joked with each other. I was trying to diffuse the tension that began building in my stomach.

This was already a touchy situation and now I had to be near him in front off all of our friends and
pretend like last night wasn't the most amazing night of my life. Fucking fantastic! I figured I would

have to do it one day but I wasn't expecting today.
We arrived at the bar and parked the car down the street. The closer we walked to the bar the

more nervous I became. My knees felt weak. My pulse was racing. My palms were sweating. I
could hear Em talking about something but my mind was moving to fast to actually pay attention

to what he was saying.
We made our way through the line and into the bar. We looked around for everyone and we finally

spotted Edward at the bar to the left of the dance floor. He was talking to the bartender as she
handed him a drink and a shot. We made our way over to the bar and Em walked up to Edward

and slapped him on the back before Edward even noticed we were there.

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“What's up Cuz!” Em said to Edward.
“Oh shit man! I didn't see you there. How long have you been here?” He asked Em as he turned
around. He didn't see me at first since I was standing behind Em. I walked around to the side of Em

waiting for Edward to notice me. It almost looked as if his face lit up a little. When I saw his
beautiful face I couldn't help but smile. So fucking handsome. Take your clothes off now! Oh shit!

Get some control Bella!
“Hey Edward! How are you?” I asked him as I reached out my hand to shake his.
“I'm great. Glad you could make it. And we are practically family; we don't shake hands, we hug!”
He then pulled me in for a tight hug and I stopped breathing. The electricity that I hadn't felt all

day was finally coursing through my body again. Yeah Edward. We do a lot more than fucking hug.
“Hey now! Edward all these women are drooling over you! Get your hands off my woman!” He said

jokingly. Poor Em. He has no idea exactly what Edwards' hands were doing to me last night.
We ordered a few drinks and talked for a while, waiting on the rest of the crew to show up. Finally

Alice, Jasper and Rose showed up.
“Everyone, this is my Jasper!” Alice said. Their hands were interlocked and they looked very happy.
“Jasper, this is Emmett, Bella and Edward.” She introduced us all and we all greeted Jasper. I could
see why she was attracted to him. He was a very handsome man.
“Jasper, it's great to finally meet you. I'm glad you decided to come out with us. We don't bite, not
too hard anyways.” I said jokingly to him.
“I'll keep that in mind! It's good to finally meet you guys too. Alice has told me all about you guys.”
Rose automatically went straight to Edward. I thought you were done worrying about him? Guess

not. He's still not gonna want you Rose. I rolled my eyes at her as she sat on a bar stool next to him
and was doing her best 'come and get me' routine of batting her eyelashes and sticking her boobs

out. It almost made me sick.
I looked at Edward and at first he didn't looked interested in what she was doing or saying but then

they got up to go dance. What the fuck? He said he didn't want her! Why is he dancing with her?
He's just leading her on. Maybe he's just leading me on. Maybe I'm the idiot.
I sat on a bar stool next to Em and ordered a couple more shots. If I have to sit here and endure
the monstrosity of Edward and Rose flirting; then I'm going to get trashed.
I quickly downed the

shots and began sipping my drink. I turned around in my stool to see Rosalie grinding her ass
against Edward's groin. The worst part is that he actually looked like he was enjoying it. What kind

of fucking sick game is he playing with me? I can't take this much longer. Just last night his hands
and mouth were giving me the greatest pleasure of my life and tonight his hands are all over her

I turned back around to notice that Em, Jasper and Alice were all talking about something. I hated

to be rude but I didn't really care what they were talking about.
“Em” I said as I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him out of the chair. “Let's go dance.”
“Fuck! Okay.” He said walking behind me to the dance floor.
I made sure to get close enough to Edward so that he could see us but stayed far enough away that

it didn't look obvious. I pulled Em up behind me and began to grind in to him with the beat of the
music. His hands started on my hips but gradually made their way to my butt and then up my

stomach and around to my breasts. I usually wouldn't let him grope me this much in public but I
was trying to make Edward jealous.

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“You look so fucking sexy in this dress Bella. I wanna take you right here on the floor.” Em

whispered in my ear.
I glanced over at Edward and Rose. She was too involved in what she was doing to even notice I

was there. Edward's whole face tensed up when he saw Em's hands on my breasts. Good! Now you
fucking know how it feels. It's not fun to see this is it?
I turned around to face Em and put my arms around his neck. He pulled me in for a deep kiss. I
wasn't trying to take it that far but I had obviously excited Em. I knew I had proved my point to

Edward and was ready to go back and sit with everyone else. “Em, I'm gonna go back to the bar.
I'm thirsty.”
“Okay, I'll come with you.” He said as he grabbed my hand and guided me through the massive
crowd. We made it back to the bar and started to take more shots with Alice. She really could drink

for her small size. I noticed that Jasper wasn't drinking.
“Alice, what's up with Jasper? He doesn't drink?”
“No. He says it's not really his thing. At least we have a designated driver for tonight!”
“Thank God because I'm not gonna be able to drive.” The bartender handed us three more shots of

tequila. Em, Alice and I all clanked our glasses and downed the shot quickly. I was really starting to
feel the effects of the liquor. I lost count of how many shots I had taken. I was hoping the liquor

would drown out my jealous feelings. Edward knew I couldn't express my feelings in front of
everyone and it felt like he was toying with my emotions.
I spun around on my stool and noticed that Rose and Edward were seated on the other side of Em.
They were looking very cozy. Edward was facing Rose and smiling as he sipped his drink. I couldn't

see Rose's face but I could see her hand touching his chest. That fucking beautiful chest and she
has her paws all over it. Fuck I need to get this under control. I just need to accept that it was a one

night fling and that he is moving on. My heart hurt at the thought of him actually making love to
her. Time for another shot.
I refused to look over at them anymore. It was only making me miserable and I wasn't going to
continue to subject myself to that torture. The music was so loud that we couldn't really have any

in depth conversations. We all pretty much just sat around and drank.
I would often glance at Alice and Jasper. He would be whispering in her ear and she would laugh

like he had just said the funniest thing in the world. It was nice to see them so obviously in love. I
was very happy for them. Alice deserved to be happy and it definitely looked like Jasper was the

man for that.
The DJ called for last call and I made sure to order three more shots. He was paying the bill and I

was taking advantage of it in my jealous drunken stupor. I was severely jealous and pissed off at
how the night had gone.
I downed the shots and turned to Em. “You ready to get outta here baby?” I managed to slur out of
my mouth. My eyelids were heavy and my heart was aching; I was ready to go.
“Yeah. Let me just tell Edward thank you.” I refused to go over there with him. I went to the
bathroom instead. I hadn't used the bathroom all night and it felt like I was sitting on the toilet

forever. I took a look in the mirror on my way out. Wow! I am totally smashed! My eyes are so red.
Oh well. It's not like I'm here to impress anyone anyway.
I ran into Alice and Jasper on my way to the exit.
“Bella, you and Em want a ride? Jasper said he'd be more than happy to drop you guys off.”

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“Sure Alice, that would be great. Let me just find Em and we can go.”
Em walked up behind me and grabbed my hand. “There you are baby! Alice and Jasper are gonna
drive us home. We can come back and get the car tomorrow.” I said as I leaned my head on his

chest. The alcohol was starting to make me sleepy.
“Okay. Let's go.” He said.
“Well, we have to wait on Rose. She's staying the night with me.” Alice stated. Fuck me! Now I
gotta ride home with her and hear her talk about Edward the whole way. This fucking sucks. I'm

going to sleep as soon as we get in the car.
Rose finally came over and was rambling on about some shit with Edward. I completely tuned her

out. There was no way I was listening to any of that shit. Jasper pulled the car in front of the club
and we all got in. I made sure to sit next to the window and have Em on the other side of me. I

didn't want Rose anywhere near me. Why am I so mad at her? It's not like she knows what we did.
I need to quit being a jackass.
I laid my head on his chest and slowly started to drift off to sleep. I could faintly hear Rose still
talking about something. It occurred to me right then that I hadn't even said thank you or goodbye

to Edward. Oh fucking well. You can't tell me you're not interested in her then have sex with me
then go back and flirt with her all night.


Edward POV
“Can I get my tab? Please?” I frustratedly asked the bartender. I pinched the bridge of my nose

with one hand and pulled out my wallet with the other hand. Tonight had not gone the fucking
way I wanted it to, at all.
“Here ya go. Let me know when you're ready to pay.” The bartender quickly said to me.
I picked up the bill and wasn't really shocked at how much it was; almost four hundred dollars. We

all know Emmett can drink his weight in alcohol. Alice can drink more for her size than you would
think. Rosalie had been drinking like it was water. I didn't see Jasper drink anything but soda. Then

Bella. My Bella. She had gotten entirely too drunk. I didn't like to see her that way.
My only intention for the whole night was simply to see her and be around her. I knew the only

way I could see her was to have a group outing. There was no way we could meet again. Not two
nights in a row. I thought it would be a nice gesture to treat everyone to a night out. They had all

welcomed me into their group of friends so easily. I didn't want to invite Rosalie but I knew that
would be rude. She is friends with everyone. Hopefully she could get over our failed date and we

could be civilized to each other. Then she gets here and is basically shoving her tits in my face.
Could she really think she still had a chance?
I wanted to tell her 'Move the fuck on bitch. You are not Bella.' but I could never say that out loud.
So I sat there and listened to her ramble on about nothing when all I wanted to do was sneak

glances at Bella. She looked so beautiful in that dress. That shade of blue looked amazing against
her complexion. Every time I looked past Rose and over to everyone else, Bella had her back to me

and at the time I couldn't understand why. Why wouldn't she look at me anymore? It was seriously
fucking with my head. Last night was a night I would never forget. She had to know that. How

could she not know that?
“Here ya go. Keep the change. Thanks for everything tonight.” I handed her the cash and turned to

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walk out of the bar.
Everyone had already left. Jasper had volunteered to take everyone home. I told him that I would
get my own ride. I didn't want to be stuck in a car with Bella and Rosalie. I could see it now. Bella

sitting with Emmett and his hands all over her while Rose was damn near trying to rape me. I
didn't want to see that at all. The thoughts of Emmett's hands on Bella was very unsettling. I knew

she would have to continue with a sexual relationship with him but I didn't want to see it or think
about it.
I called for a cab and sat on a bench outside of the club while I waited. I couldn't stop thinking
about Bella. I knew what was bothering her, the fucking dancing. Did she think I wanted to dance

with Rosalie? I only danced with her because she basically pulled me out to the floor. I wanted to
be decent to Rosalie and I didn't think Bella would take it personally. After all she was here with

her boyfriend; my cousin. What the fuck was I supposed to do? Tell Rosalie that I couldn't dance
with her because I had just had amazing sex with Bella last night? No fucking way.
I couldn't believe Bella brought Emmett out on the floor to dance. It didn't bother me at first. Then
I saw Emmett's hands grabbing Bella's tits and I wanted to rip his hands off. I've never in my life

been jealous of another man but in that moment I was completely jealous and envious of Emmett.
He had her all day everyday and the best I could hope for was a few hours here and there. I

couldn't take her on dates or on vacations or even spend the whole night with her. He could do all
of those things with her and was completely taking it for granted.
It was in that moment that I decided I had to let her go. I had to make her see what an asshole I
really am. Make her see what a player I am. Make her think last night was a one time thing. It was

for her own good. She loves Emmett and he loves her. The best thing for me to do is to make her
hate me. So, I started to pretend to enjoy myself with Rosalie. I let her grind on me and touch and

rub on me. I needed Bella to see it and decide that I was no good for her.
It was clear she was trying to make me jealous and it worked but I could not sit around and play

childish games with her. The dance with Rosalie started innocently but I made it seem like there
was more to it when Bella began her drunken games.
I was sacrificing my own wants and desires for her peace of mind. Without me should could go
back to her happy little life with Emmett and not have to lie to him.
I thought I was doing the right thing until last call came and she drank three shots back to back and
then disappeared. Emmett came over to say thanks but Bella never did.
I thought she would come tell me goodbye and I could at least get one last hug. One last smell of
her hair. One last shot of electricity. It wasn't until I saw everyone walk out the door that I knew I

had made the wrong decision. I wasn't helping her; I was hurting her. Deep down I didn't want her
to think she was just a fling or that she didn't mean anything to me.
The truth was she had made me feel more alive on the inside than any other woman ever had. I
needed to talk to her and let her make the decision for herself. She needed to decide if she wanted

to see me or not. I thought if I made her not want me it wouldn't hurt as bad. I was wrong. It hurt
like hell.
When in the fuck did I become incapable of making a fucking decision? Make her hate you; no
make her love you. Love her; leave her. Why does she do this to me? I barely know her and I swear

I can't live without her. What the fuck?
I sat there on that bench for what seemed like fucking endless hours. In reality it had only been

about twenty minutes. I couldn't make a fucking decision on what to do about her. I want her so
badly but I don't want to hurt my cousin. I never should've fucking started this shit. I should've just

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ignored the attraction.
Finally, the taxi arrived. I climbed in and gave my address to the driver. It was late and I was
confused. I was hoping to get home and get some sleep and wake up with a new perspective in the

morning. Maybe Bella would text me and let me know what she's thinking. Probably not but I had
to hope.
The driver pulled into my neighborhood and as we turned the corner onto my street I noticed a car
in front of my house. It was a car I didn't recognize. As we got closer to my house I noticed a sticker

on the back of the car that indicated it was a rental. Who the fuck is at my house at four in the
morning in a fucking rental car?
We pulled into the driveway and I paid the driver. I exited the car and walked down my driveway to
the unknown car.
My heartbeat was racing. No one even knows where I live. I couldn't fucking fathom who would be
in the car.
I approached the car and noticed someone laid back in the drivers seat with a coat over their head.
I tapped on the drivers side window. I wasn't gonna have random people sitting in front of my

After a few taps on the glass the coat began to move.
“Who the fuck are you and why are you in front of my house?” I shouted at the car.
Finally the coat was removed and I couldn't fucking believe who it was. Motherfucker! This is a

fucking joke? Right God? You can't be serious!
“Edward? Oh my God! Where have you been all night?” Tanya squealed at me as she started to get

out of the car.
I moved out of the way and let her exit the car. She immediately wrapped her arms around me and

kissed my cheek. I just stood there in complete disbelief.
She finally released me from her embrace.
“What are you doing here Tanya?” I asked roughly.
“I missed you. I wanted to see you. Is that a crime?” She had the biggest shit eating grin on her

I couldn't believe she was really here. Why would she come down here when I won't even answer

her calls? Women are really fucking baffling me lately.
I couldn't deny that she looked good but then again I haven't been away from her that long. The

last time I saw her was when we broke up in Chicago.
“It's late as hell Tanya. You should've told me you were coming.” I said as I started to walk towards

my front door.
I heard her following behind me. “I did tell you. I left you a message.”
Fuck! That must have been the messages I didn't bother to listen to. I'm gonna have to actually
start listening to those damn things.
“Oh.” I said as I opened the door to my house. She walked in right behind me. “Well come on in
Tanya. Make yourself at home.” I said sarcastically.
“Wow! Eddie, this is a beautiful house. If I had known...” She began to trail off as she visually raped
my house.

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“If you had known I was gonna have such a nice house, you would have wanted to move with me?

Right?” I interrupted her as I sat down on the couch.
“Well, maybe.” She responded as she started to walk towards me.
Tanya definitely works my nerves but she was the closest thing I had to love; before Bella. I didn't
think I still had feelings for her. She really changed my view of her when we broke up.
She stood in between my legs, looking down at me. She bent over and ran her hands up my thighs.
I quickly pushed them away.
“What are you doing Tanya? You didn't want to uproot your life for me remember? Don't act like
you want me now.”
She looked hurt. “I've always wanted you Eddie.”
“Don't call me Eddie. You know I hate that shit.” I really did hate it but I was also trying to be a hard

ass. She had hurt me by refusing to move down here with me and I refused to let her back in so
She again started to run her hands up my thighs. “Edward, you know I still love you. I loved you
then. I love you now.” She was now eye to eye with me. “I thought I could let you go. That my life

in Chicago was too important. I didn't realize that I don't have a life without you. This time without
you has been terrible.”
It's too late now. Bella has shown me the light and you are not in it.
Who the fuck am I kidding? Bella has a boyfriend. Has been with him for years. Why did I think she

would leave him for me? Why did I think I could ever be more than a fling for her? Maybe it was all
lust. Maybe Tanya is who I should be with.
She straddled my hips and ran her fingers through my hair as she leaned in to kiss my neck. I
couldn't deny that it felt good.
I could do all of the things with Tanya that I couldn't do with Bella.
It would never work with Bella anyway. We couldn't be together even if she dumped Emmett.

Everyone would know that we had been lying.
“Tanya, you can't just show up here and expect me to welcome you with open arms.” I said as she

continued to place light kisses along my neck line.
“I know Edward. I'm going to show you how much you mean to me. I'm going to be the woman

you want me to be. Just give me another chance. Please?”
Fuck me! What that fuck do I do now? I thought I was confused before. Now I have no fucking clue.

I thought Tanya had forgotten about me. I didn't know she would show up out of the fucking blue.
“Tanya, even if I wanted to give you another chance. How would it work? You still live in Chicago. I

live in Atlanta. We gonna do a long distance relationship?”
She sat up and looked into my eyes; still running her fingers through my hair. “Baby, we can make

this work. I will do whatever needs to be done to fix this.”
Really? She really wanted to do this? Could I even do this?
“You have to realize that I am not moving back to Chicago. This is my home. Chicago was
temporary. If this works, are you going to move down here?” She didn't want to leave Chicago

before and I needed her to know that I wouldn't be coming back to Chicago. I had been without
my family long enough. This was my home.

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“I know. I know. I promise if you give me another chance, when the time comes I will make the

move. For you. For us.” It almost sounded as if she was pleading with me.
“I'll think about it Tanya. I need to sleep on it.”
“Okay. That's acceptable. I understand. Thank you.” Then she kissed my lips.
I was unsure of how to react but it felt nice. It felt comfortable.
I pulled out of the kiss. “Do you have a hotel room?” I asked her.
“Well, I was sort of hoping to stay with you.” She said shyly.
Fucking fantastic.
“Speaking of, how did you know where I live?” I asked her. I really wanted to fucking know.
“You know I have my ways. The internet is a very useful tool.”
“Figures. Well it is late and I'm tired.” I said as I pushed her to the side of me and onto the couch. “I

am gonna go to bed but there is a spare room on the second floor. You are welcome to use it.” I
couldn't let her drive around in a new city at five in the morning.
I began to walk up the stairs. My room is on the third floor and I didn't want her in my bed tonight.
My mind was too clouded and she would only try to have sex with me.
“Okay. Good night Edward. I love you.”
I didn't even respond. This night had been more than I fucking bargained for and although I do still

have feelings for her, I wasn't going to tell her I loved her.
I made it to my bedroom and locked the door behind me. I removed my clothes as I walked toward

the bathroom. Leaving my clothes lying all over the floor. I needed to take a shower and relax my
body for a while.
I started the shower and when it was warm I climbed in. I let me head fall back and felt the water
run down my tense muscles. I sat down on the bench in the back of the shower and let the steam

surround me.
What am I going to do now? Was Tanya serious? She was dead set against coming to Atlanta and

now she wants to do whatever I say? This wasn't her. She wasn't the type to do what I wanted. She
always did what she wanted.
Could I get back together with her and forget about Bella?
She couldn't expect to me to sit around and wait for her; could she? Would I if she wanted me to?

Do You Want To

Bella POV
What the fuck! Why does my damn head hurt so bad? Fuck, that's right, too much tequila.
I awoke to a throbbing headache and I felt like the sun peeking through the blinds was burning my
skin. My whole body ached and I felt like I could vomit at any moment. Exactly how much tequila

did I have last night? Why did I think it was a good idea?
I was having a difficult time recalling the events from last night. The later part of the night was just

a blur. The last thing I really remember was seeing Rose with her hands all over Edward's chest.
Just the thought of it still made me nauseous. I didn't understand any of what happened between

those two. I couldn't be mad at Rose. She had no idea of what was between Edward and I. She was

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just being her typical self. I could, however, be mad with Edward. He should've known better. I had

no choice other than to show up with Emmett. He made a conscious decision to do those things
with Rose.
Edward was thoroughly confusing me. One day he doesn't like Rose. The next day he's with me.
Then the next day he's letting Rose have her way with him. How in the hell can I not be confused?

His words were not matching his actions.
I needed to move on. I could not interrupt my life for a man who has no clue what he wants. I

don't even know anything about him, really. I don't know his birthday, his shoe size, how he likes
his steak cooked. Fuck! I damn sure don't know if he has a girlfriend. That should've been one of

my first questions but it seemed Edward and I skipped the questions and answers session. We
went from strangers to sex in no time.
I rolled over to see that Em had already woken up and was out of bed. I noticed a note on the night
stand that said he had gone to the gym and would be back soon. Guess he didn't have as much

alcohol as me.
I made my way to the kitchen to get some aspirin and water. At least the aspirin could fix my

headache. The confusion would only be cleared with time and conversations that I didn't want to
I decided to go back to bed. I needed to escape the pain in my head and my heart.


It's been over a week since the notorious 'club' incident. In my mind I had moved past it. I made
the decision not to dwell on someone who could push me aside so easily.
I had gone against everything I had prided myself on in my life for one night with this man and
then karma slapped me in the face for it. I was no longer the honest person I had always been. I

was thankful that Em trusts me so much. He wouldn't go behind me to ask my friends if we were
really together that night. He never had any reason not to believe me. That was, until now.
My mind had been tainted after my night with Edward. So many things would trigger my thoughts
of him. One slight touch would remind me of his soft hands. One scent of a passing stranger would

take me back to that night. He was everywhere and it took a great amount of strength to block it
I was back at work and concentrating on my patients. My patients need me. He doesn't, clearly.
I haven't heard from him since that night. I wasn't sure if that night was his way of ending things

with me or if something else was going on in his life. I'm sure he had other things going on in his
life. He probably was still getting things situated after the move.
After finishing the rounds, I made my way back to the nurses station to finish up some chart
documentation. As I was finishing up, I felt my phone vibrate. What does Em want now?
I flipped open my phone to see that it was a message from Edward. What.....what does he want? I
hesitated for a few seconds before I opened the message. I had no idea what he would have to say.

Would he apologize? Would he tell me to fuck off? So many reasons he could be contacting me.
B, I'm sorry. E
Well that's fucking vague. It's not gonna be that easy. I need specifics. I need you to say the words.
I'm not sure what you're talking about. Sorry for what? B
I sent the message and sat back in my chair. Feeling a little smug. He had hurt me after I had taken
such a risk for him and I wouldn't let him get off the hook so easily.

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I'm sorry for how I behaved at the club. I'm sorry I haven't contacted you for so long. Can you

forgive me? E
Wow, maybe he really was sorry. Maybe I overreacted. Can I forgive him?
I didn't respond immediately. I needed to think about this for a minute. If I forgive him what's
going to happen? Will we go back and sneak around? Could we continue to be out in public and act

like nothing ever happened? He and I would definitely have to sit down for a long talk.
I accept your apology but I don't know if I can forgive you just yet. I was really hurt. I think we

need to talk. B
That was good right? I couldn't give in just yet.
Okay. I'll take what I can get. When can I see you? I miss you. E
I miss you too. I just can't tell you.
I have to work until 7 tonight. Wanna meet me before I go home? B
There will be no sex tonight. Just talking. You need to see that you can't always get what you want.
Yes! 7:30 same place as last time? E
If you wanna spend that much money for a little conversation, be my guest. We would have to keep

meeting in hotels. We couldn't go and sit for coffee. I know someone would recognize one of us
and then it would get back to Em.
That's fine. See you then. B
Thanks Bella. You won't regret it. E
I already regret it.
The rest of the day passed by relatively quick. As much as I tried to fight it, the thought of seeing

Edward tonight was exciting me.
Seven o'clock came around and I clocked out. On my way to the parking deck to get my car, I texted

Em to let him know I had to work late. He never questioned my working late. He knew that we
were understaffed at the hospital and he sure as hell enjoyed the overtime pay afterwards.
I drove to the hotel. It wasn't far from work. I pulled around to the back of the hotel and noticed
that Edward's car was already there. Maybe he's eager too.
I parked behind him and gave myself a quick look in the mirror. Today he would see me as average
Bella. No fancy clothes or fixed hair and make up. Today I had on plain blue scrubs, my hair was in a

ponytail and my make up was minimal. He's never seen me like this before.
I felt like I was in charge of this meeting. I wasn't going to let him take charge and have his way. He

was the one that fucked up and he was the one that now had a debt to pay.
I exited my car and walked up to his drivers' side door. He opened the door just as I reached it. I

shot him a look of annoyance. He didn't need to know I was excited. He needed to believe that I
was taking time out of my life to meet him when he didn't deserve it.
“Hey Bella.” He said as he exited his car and shut the door. He opened his arms to me and leaned
into me for a hug. I quickly pushed his arms away and shook my head at him.
“Oh.... uh..... I'm sorry.” He said with a look of confusion. “Let's get upstairs so we can talk in
“Okay.” I said as we started the walk to the back door of the hotel.

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We reached the door and it was unlocked again. “So, are you fucking the desk clerk or do you own

the hotel? How is this door always unlocked for you?” I said sarcastically. I was not being the nice
Bella he had come to know. I was being bitch Bella that wasn't taking his shit today.
His face really looked like he was thoroughly confused. “Well don't fucking beat around the bush or
anything. No I'm not fucking the desk clerk. She keeps my card on file for us and I call her when I'm

coming and she unlocks the door.”
Well aren't you Mr. Big Time?
“Oh okay.” I replied as the elevator opened to let us on. We both got on and he didn't try to touch
me again. I guess I had broke his confidence by refusing his hug.
We didn't say anything else until we reached the room and entered. He had, again, gotten the
suite. I was really gonna have to figure out where he was getting all this money from.
I didn't even go to the bedroom. That would have been too easy for him to assume we would be
having sex. I automatically sat down on the chair in the living room. I crossed my arms and legs and

looked at him expectantly.
He sat down on the couch as close to me as he could get. He looked really anxious. I saw him open

and close his mouth a couple times without actually saying anything. Ha ha. That's what you get.
That's how I felt.
“Are you going to actually say something? Or did we come here to stare at each other?” I asked
“Damn, why are you being so mean?”
“This isn't me being mean, Edward. Being mean would be to have your best friend right here with

his hands all over me. That would be mean, Edward.”
“Oh! I see what's going on. This is how it's gonna be between us?” He asked.
I maintained a straight face and said “Yes, Edward. This is how it's gonna be.”
“Okay. Bella, I'm sorry. Really. I know that I hurt you. I wasn't trying to hurt you though.” He

He stopped and looked at me. Why are you stopping now? Continue. I nodded my head to him for

him to continue.
“I didn't want to dance with Rosalie. She drug me out to the dance floor. I didn't want to insult her

and tell her no. I wasn't even enjoying myself. When you and Emmett came out there, I was so
jealous. You let him grab your tits right in front of me. That was mean Bella.”
“I only let Em do that because you and Rose were all up on each other. I couldn't take it.”
“We were not all up on each other, Bella. We were just dancing. Then I figured you were better off

without me so I let Rose touch me more than I should have. I thought I was doing what was best
for you. I didn't know I was hurting you and making things worse.” He said as he looked at his

hands in his lap and shook his head.
“Well it looked like there was more to it than just dancing. So, I'm sorry I let Em do that in front of

you. Why are you trying to make decisions for me? You didn't think to ask me what I wanted before
deciding what's best for me?”
“Bella, I'm sorry that things got out of hand. I'm sorry that I was making decisions about your life
with out asking you. It was just a big misunderstanding.”
“I guess it was. We just should've talked about some things first. There are things I need to know

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about you and we need to set some rules for being in public together.” I said as I reached over to

touch his knee.
“I think so too.” he said as he took my hand in his. “First rule, no making out with Em in front of

me. I can't watch that.”
“Okay. I think I can manage to keep him at bay. Rule for you, no heavy flirting or heavy touching

other girls in front me. It makes me want to vomit.”
He chuckled. “Fair enough. Just remember that I will have to talk to women or else people are

gonna start to wonder what's wrong with me.”
I looked at him skeptically. “Deal. Now I have a question for you.” He nodded his head. “Do you

have a girlfriend? Kids? I just need to know how much wrong I am doing.”
“No, that's understandable. I would've asked you the same questions but I already knew the

answers. I had an unfair advantage. No and No.” He said confidently. I felt a small bit of relief from
his answers.
“That makes me feel a little better.”
“I'm glad.” he said as he got up to close the small distance between us. He opened his arms again,

asking for another hug. I stood up and entered his arms. He closed them around me and hugged
me tightly.
I had to admit that it felt really nice to have him hold me again, to feel his touch. He lightly kissed
the top of my head as he held me against his chest.
“I like seeing you in your scrubs. It's kind of hot.” He whispered in my ear. I felt his warm sweet
breath on my ear and it made me shudder slightly. I took a deep breath and inhaled his delicious

“Don't even try it, Edward.”
“Try what, Bella?”
“Try to seduce me. It's not going to work.” I said as I pulled myself out of his embrace.
“I'm not trying to seduce you. I've missed you. I've missed your touch, your smell, your lips.” He
said as he leaned down to capture my lips with his. Don't let him. Don't let him. Stay strong.
I couldn't deny him. I had missed his lips just as much as he missed mine, if not more.
I felt that wonderful jolt of electricity as his lips met mine. After a few moments I felt his tongue

slide against my lips. I opened my mouth to him and felt his tongue begin to dance with mine. Pull
away. Pull away. Fuck! I can't.
I knew then that I could not control my desire for him and there was no use in fighting it. There
was a force beyond my control that was bringing us together.
He finally pulled out of our kiss. His eyes were still closed and he leaned his forehead against mine.
“Damn Bella. I've missed you so much. I'm sorry I acted like an idiot.”
“Ditto.” I replied.
He grabbed my hands and led me into the bedroom. I followed behind him hesitantly. When we

reached the bed he turned around and released my hands. He looked deep into my eyes and
brought his hands up to my neck. He lightly massaged my neck for a few moments and then moved

down my arms. He then grabbed the hem of my top and slowly began to lift it over my head. He
then ran his fingertips lightly down the front of my chest and over my breasts.

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He then bent down and took of my sneakers before reaching up to the elastic at the top of my

pants. He slid a few fingers in between the elastic and my skin and he slowly pulled them down
and off of me. He ran his hands up my legs and over my butt. He lightly kissed my stomach before

standing up. He spun me around and laid me down on the bed.
He stood back up and slowly began to undress for me. His body looked so amazing. He really

looked like he had stepped out a Roman museum. I would never tire of watching his naked body.
Once he was completely naked, I met his eyes and reached out my hands for him. “Come here,

Edward. I need to feel you now.”
He simply smiled and crawled on the bed in between my legs. I could feel the heat emanating from

his body. He bent down over me and captured my lips with his again. I could feel his erection
pressing against my wet slit. I wanted him to enter me so badly. I couldn't wait anymore.
I grabbed his butt and pushed his hips into me. I finally got what I wanted, when I felt his erection
slide inside of me. It filled me completely and I felt like I was whole.
He continued to thrust into me as we kissed with our eyes open. I couldn't bring myself to close my
eyes. I wanted to watch him.
I knew it wouldn't take long for my orgasm to overtake me. I was so easily excited by him that
having an orgasm didn't take much time or effort.
“Edward.... you feel so good.....inside of me.”
“Bella...... you are......amazing.”
I felt my whole body warm and felt the surge build inside of me. My orgasm quickly over took me
and I shouted “Edward......Edward......Oh My God....... Shit!” I rode out my glorious orgasm and it

seemed to make me forget every bad thought I had towards him.
“Damn Bella, I'm not gonna last much longer.” He said as he continued his thrusts.
“Come for me baby.”
After that, he increased his speed and soon he his body was shaking, he was grunting into my hair.

He laid on top of me for a few moments before he kissed my lips again. He rolled over on to his
side and stroked my cheek gently.
I didn't know where we would go from here. I knew that if we continued our relationship like this,
that I would be incapable of ending it. I had truly gotten myself in over my head. And I loved it.

My Little Secret

BGP- Why are we always meeting in hotels when you have a whole house to yourself?
Edward and I have upgraded our daily conversations to instant messaging over the past few

months. Our texting had gotten totally out of control. It became quicker and easier to instant-
message each other on our phones. We couldn't actually talk on the phone for fear of other

people hearing. Our conversations aren't always G rated and were definitely not work appropriate.
We have gotten to the point where we talk to each other every day for one reason or another.

Sometimes, it's just to say 'hi' and other times it's to figure out if we can meet.
He has become such a part of my life that I'm not sure I can be without him now. It seems odd to

say that I have two totally different and great relationships with two different men at the same
time. I have days where I feel really bad for cheating on Em and I can't even attempt to rationalize

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it. I just know that, at this point in my life, I need both of them. I know it's selfish but it's the truth.

I know that I am confused and that it's not fair to either of them and I've wrecked my brain trying
to make a choice and I just can't. There's a small part of me that wishes Em would meet someone

new and just leave me. That way I wouldn't have to be the bad guy.
EMGD- What are you talking about? I thought you liked the hotels? You know I'm not big on

having guests at my house.
I'm a guest now? You've been fucking the shit out of me for the past damn near four months and

now I'm a guest?
BGP- I do like the hotels but that has to get expensive. Wouldn't it just be easier to do it at your

He is so weird sometimes. I don't understand why a single man would continue to pay for hotels

when he could just have me come to his house and save some money. I understand that we are
limited in our choices of meeting locations but I know those hotels aren't cheap. The man never

chooses the cheap hotels, it's always the four and five star hotels.
EMGD- It would be easier but I always felt like hotels were neutral places and you would feel

I'm comfortable anywhere Em doesn't know about. It's weird that Edward hasn't invited Em over to

his house yet. I really figured he would have by now but it seems that Edward would rather come
to our house and hang out. Weird tendencies.
BGP- I was just trying to look out for you. I feel like you are spending so much money on hotels
that are unnecessary. Are you scared for me to know where you live? You should know you can

trust me by now. You're not hiding national secrets in your house are you?
EMGD- Funny Bella. If I was worried about the money, I would've said something already. I'm

not scared for you to know where I live and I know I can trust you. Do you want to come over
that bad?
BGP- Yes! I do! I wanna see where you are everyday. I wanna see what your bedroom looks like.
EMGD- We are supposed to meet tonight. Do you wanna come to my house instead?
What? Wow! He really invited me over. I didn't think this day would ever come.
BGP- YES!!!! The same time we were gonna meet at hotel?
EMGD- Yes, I'll see you then. Have a good rest of the day.
Fuck! I still have three hours to work.
I had already told Em that I was working a few extra hours tonight. I had gotten a pay raise not long
after Edward and I started regularly seeing each other; which meant that Em hadn't noticed the

difference in my pay because it was basically the same as before.
I finished my rounds and the rest of the three long hours at work. Just as I was getting to my car in

the lot, my phone alerted me to a new IM.
EMGD- Here's the directions to my house. 285 North to South Atlanta Road exit. Take a left off of

exit. Take a right at the 2nd light. 1st street on right, 2nd street on left and 4th house on left. I
can't wait to see you. Be safe.
Such good timing. It's like he read my mind.
BGP- Thank you. Me too. See you soon.

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I began the short drive to his house. I am always paranoid when I'm on the way to meet him. I'm

always thinking of the worst things possible. What if my car breaks down or I get a flat tire? What
if I pass Em on the road? What if Em has an emergency and needs me?
Somehow, none of those

things have ever happened.
There was one time when we thought we had been caught. We were getting ready to leave the

hotel and I was looking out the window to make sure no one we knew was out there. I saw a truck
in the lot that looked just like one of Em's friends' trucks. I was so paranoid that I made Edward sit

in that hotel with me for an hour until I saw the person come out and get in that truck. Thankfully,
it wasn't the guy I was thinking of but I was really scared. I knew then that we couldn't stay in

hotels forever. No one knows where he lives and it would be easier for us to meet there.
EMGD- Are you almost here? I'll open the garage for you to park in.
BGP- I'm turning into the neighborhood now.
Sure enough, when I pulled into the driveway the garage door was open and my pulse raced with

the sight of Edward standing at the door connecting to the house. His house is huge! Damn, this is
a nice house.
The garage was on the back side of the house. The house was a beautiful three level,

Craftsman style home. The chimney was made of stone. It looked like it belonged in the
mountains, not in the city.
The effect he has on me hasn't dulled one bit. Every time I saw him was like the first time. I've
become addicted to that feeling. It was like a drug to me. If I haven't seen him for a few days, I start

to feel almost empty.
I pulled into the garage and he hit the button to shut it behind me. He walked over to my car and

opened it for me.
“Bella! I didn't ever think you would get here.” He exclaimed as he held out his arms to me.
“I came straight here, crazy.” I replied as I entered his arms and hugged him tightly.
“Mmmm. This is where you always need to be.” He whispered into my ear.
“I agree.” I said as I pulled out of the hug and looked up into his eyes and pulled myself up to his
mouth. I needed to feel his lips pressed against mine. I instantly relaxed when I felt his moist lips.
He lifted his head and said “Now, that's a proper greeting.”
“I know, right? So, give me a tour of the castle.”
“Okay. Follow me.” He stated as he began to walk back into the house. I followed behind him and
was stunned by the beauty of this house. I expected it to be nice but not this nice.
He took me through the house one room at a time. We started on the first floor, then went to the
backyard and deck. We made our way through the second floor and then he ended it there. He

acted like the third floor, that I could clearly see the steps to, didn't exist. He simply turned around
and started to walk down the steps to the first floor. Of course, this makes me even more curious

as to what is on the third floor but he clearly didn't want to tell me.
“Edward” he turned to look at me. “What about up there?” I said as I pointed towards the

ascending stairs.
“Umm” he said as he turned to walk back down the stairs. “There's nothing up there yet. I haven't

furnished it yet. So, there's nothing to see.”
I followed him down the stairs but I was at a loss of words. How can I ask to go up there without

sounding like a nosy bitch? If he doesn't want me to see it, he just doesn't. What's up there? The
man has lived here for a while now and the rest of the house is beautifully decorated and

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completely furnished. He expects me to believe he just stopped with the third floor? He's probably

manufacturing drugs up there or something. Maybe that's where all his money is coming from?
Maybe he's making counterfeit money? Maybe that's where his girlfriend keeps her stuff? Fuck! I

need to chill out and just enjoy being here. This is probably the reason he didn't ask me over
Edward and I sat on the couch in the living room and watched TV for a little while. It's nice to be
with him in his own personal space. He laid his head in my lap and I ran my fingers through his silky

hair. It's not often that we get time to just be together and I decided to take advantage of it. I still
haven't found out exactly what happened the night his parents died. I didn't want to bring it up

during our times together because I wanted those times to be fun and loving not depressing.
I've been pressing my luck all day with my requests and questions so why stop now?
“I wanna ask you about something but if you don't want to talk about it, just say so. Okay?”
“Okay.” He replied as he sat up on the couch. I became nervous as he looked straight into my eyes.

“Well... I... was just wondering if you would tell me about the night your parents died? No one in

your family ever talks about it.”
He sat quiet for a few moments and looked down at his hands. He was deciding whether or not he

was going to tell me. I didn't want to pressure him into telling me. I just wanted to know these
things about him. I wanted him to share all his stories with me. I wanted to know everything that

made him the man that he is today.
“Well, it was the night I graduated from high school. My parents drove separately from me since I

had to be there early. After the ceremony was over I met them in the bleachers for pictures and
congratulations from the family. There was a big party that I wanted to go to but they wanted to

take me to dinner first. I gave in and agreed to dinner. They wanted to take me somewhere nice.
We decided on Justin's in Atlanta. I was in such a rush to get dinner over with and get to the stupid

party, that I drove like a mad man to get there. We were almost to the exit and I could see Dad
struggling to keep up with me. Then I heard screeching tires behind me and I looked in my rear

view mirror to see my parents' car flying through the air.” He hesitated to continue. I could see his
eyes getting glassy and I knew it was hard for him to finish the story.
“I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked you. I should've waited for you to tell me when you were
ready. I'm an idiot.” I stated as I shook my head.
“Bella, you're not an idiot. I didn't think you ever wanted to know about this. I can finish.” He took
a deep breath and looked back down at his hands. “I saw their car flying and flipping through the

air and I slammed on my brakes and stopped the car right in the middle of the interstate. Luckily,
there wasn't much traffic out that night because I ran out of my car and over to my parents' car. It

had finally stopped flipping and was just laying there upside down on the side of the road. I tried to
call out to my parents but they never responded. I couldn't get to them to try and pull them out.

The paramedics and fire department arrived shortly after the crash. They had to use the Jaws of
Life to even get to my parents. I knew they were gone as soon as I saw them. The doctors said that

they died on impact. I don't know if I believe them but it does make me feel better to know they
didn't suffer.” I saw tears begin to fall down his face. God! I am so stupid for even bringing this up!
“Edward, it's okay.” I grabbed his hands and started rubbing soothing circles on them with my
thumbs. “I'm so sorry about your parents. I'm sorry you had to go through that.”

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“Bella, it was all my fault. If I hadn't been in such a fucking rush, they would still be here. I killed

them. It's my fault.” He was now sobbing hard.
“You can't blame yourself, Edward. It was not your fault. Everything happens for a reason. You can't

carry that guilt with you.”
He continued to sob and it broke my heart. I felt like the worst person ever for asking him to talk

about it.
I hugged him while he cried. I wanted to comfort him. I wanted him to know that I was here for

him. I wanted to make all his pain go away. I wanted to take the guilt from him.
After a while he released me and took a deep breath. “Bella, I didn't mean to break down like that

in front of you.”
“It's fine. I'm sorry I brought it up.” I said timidly.
“No, don't be. I haven't talked about them in a while. Maybe next time I can tell you some of the
good stories of them.”
I smiled knowing that he actually wanted to open up to me and that he wanted me to know about
his parents. “That would be great. I'd be honored.”
“How much longer do you have before you have to go home?” He asked me.
“I have a few more hours. Why?”
He grabbed my hand and stood up from the couch. “Will you come upstairs with me?”
“Of course.” I stood up and followed behind him. He led me up the stairs and into the room he had

earlier said was his bedroom.
He led me over to the bed and he laid down and patted the bed asking me to lay next to him.

There was no way I could deny him anything after the break down he just had.
I laid down on the bed next to him and he pulled me against his chest and lightly kissed my lips. I

was certain he was going to start undressing me but he never did. We laid there snuggled against
each other , listening to our breaths, and inhaling our scents for what seemed like hours. We have

never done anything like that. Our relationship has always been so sexual and I wasn't sure if we
were even capable of doing something like this.
“Thank you.”
“What are you thanking me for?” I ruined this whole day. What would he have to thank me for?
“For just being you and being here with me. Just holding you comforts me.”
“You're welcome. I enjoyed it.”
“Me too. Are you hungry? I'm starving.”
“Yeah, actually, I am. Guess I'll grab something on the way home.”
“No. We still have some time. I'll cook you something.” He rolled off the bed and I did the same. I
walked with him down the stairs and into the kitchen.
“You worked all day. Have a seat on one of the stools by the island. What would you like to eat?”
“Hmmm... tough decision Chef Edward.” I said jokingly trying to lighten the serious mood we had

created. “I love French toast and haven't had any in a while. Can you make that?”

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“I most certainly can, Queen Bella.” He said as he bowed to me. I was glad he saw what I was trying

to do and went with it.
He cooked the French toast and it was the best I've ever had. I was really starting to believe I had

made this man up in my head. He was sensitive, caring, gentle, great in bed, amazing cook,
obviously wealthy, built like a Roman god. There had to be some flaw in him that I just didn't know

of yet.
By the time I was done eating, it was time for me to leave. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay

with him all night. I wanted to see what he looked like in the morning. I wanted to wake up and
look in his eyes. We were starting to journey into new territory and I didn't want to chance losing

it. He was opening himself to me. We had spent a whole meeting with our clothes on. He had
allowed me into his house. He had cooked for me. These were things that I never thought would

happen. I assumed it would always just be a sexual relationship.
“I guess I have to go.” I said reluctantly as I stood at my car door.
“I guess so.” He shrugged his shoulders with a somber look on his face. “I hate to see you go. I had
a great time with you today.”
“I did too.” I said as our eyes met and he bent down to capture my lips with his. It was a sweet
chaste kiss. There was no tongue involved. We knew that if we involved the tongues that I

wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.
“Drive safely. Let me know that you made it home, okay?” He asked as he held me face in his

“I will. I always do.” I opened my door and sat down into the seat. He closed the door behind me

and walked over the button to open the garage door. I blew him a kiss and put the car in reverse.
He smiled and blew me one in return as I backed out.
I pulled away from his house and felt instantly saddened. I was so happy when I was with him but I
always felt sad when I left.
I always feel like the worst person on the planet when I'm driving home to Em after being with
Edward. I really do love him and I always feel like shit for doing this to him. I know I should just

break up with him but I can't. I know he deserves someone that won't lie to him and that will treat
him like the good man he is. I always worry that I am going to forget to clear out my phone or that I

will slip up and say something to give me away. I don't want Em to ever know what Edward and I
do. It would devastate him to know that both his girl and his cousin had been lying to him and

sleeping with each other behind his back. I have to make sure that he never finds out the truth. If
we eventually break up, I would have to leave out the Edward part. He would be hurt enough to

know that I was cheating, it would only make it worse to know the whole truth. Just thinking about
Em finding out makes my stomach hurt.
I needed to calm down and think happy thoughts about Em. He loves me and I love him and I need
to remember that.

What's A Man To Do

Edward POV
What the fuck is touching my leg? What the hell? I awoke completely startled and having no idea

what the fuck was moving up my leg. My head was under the covers, so all I could see was pure
darkness. I could feel the covers touching my bare skin, since I only sleep in my boxers. I kicked my

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leg trying to shake off what ever the fuck it was that was touching me. When I did, I hit something

hard and heard a light 'yelp'. Fucking Tanya. She's about to end this shit before it even gets started
“Tanya, how the fuck did you get in to my room?” I yelled as I tore the covers from my body.
She stood up looking completely shocked. Like she couldn't believe I had just fucking questioned

her. I fucking said I would think about it! Not that you could do what ever the fuck you wanted to in
my house.
I tried to calm down, so I didn't go completely ballistic on her. She remained standing there beside
my bed looking fucking hurt and innocent in her small red camisole and boy shorts. If she hadn't

ruined the great dream I had been having, her outfit may have made my dick twitch.
“Are you gonna answer me, Tanya? I know I locked that fucking door. How did you get in my

fucking room?” I repeated in a lower tone.
She looked down at her hands and timidly said “I just wanted surprise you this morning.”
“Tanya, you have done nothing but surprise me. You show up here out of the blue. Then you tell
me you want us to get back together and now, when I'm trying to have some peace and quiet, you

decide to break into my room and get in my bed. Are you even fucking thinking? You know I do not
go for this type of shit.” I stated to her as I got out of bed and threw on some jogging pants. I was

seriously frustrated with her behavior and she had to see it. The stunts she has pulled this
weekend are not getting her anywhere close to being back in my good graces.
I walked past her and out of the door, heading down to the kitchen. I didn't hear her footsteps
behind me but she would follow me if she knew what was good for her. I was in desperate need of

some caffeine, soon. Otherwise, I wasn't sure of how calm I could keep myself around Tanya. I
started the coffee machine and turned around to see Tanya sitting in one of the stools at the

She didn't say anything. She just looked at me. I'm not sure if the look she was attempting to give

was supposed to be sexy or sweet but it wasn't either. It was just pissing me off. She interrupted
my peaceful slumber and I was still upset about it.
“Tanya” I said and he face instantly lightened up. “How long are you planning on staying? I do have
a life, you know, and I can't just stop everything for you.”
“I know you have a life. I want to be a part of your life here. I have to be back at work tomorrow, so
I'm leaving tonight.”
I hate to sound like an asshole but that was the best news I've heard yet. Shit down here was
getting complicated enough without having Tanya here. Before I could make a decision on my

relationship with her, I needed to figure out what was going on with Bella.
“Okay. Well what did you have planned to do today?”
“Nothing. I wasn't sure what would happen with you. You are the whole reason I came down
So now I have to entertain her all day. Great!
The coffee was finished and I grabbed two mugs and poured us each a cup. We sat in silence for a

few minutes while we sipped our coffee. I might as well make the best out of today. I obviously
can't talk to Bella today.
“I don't have any concrete plans for today. What would you think about going into the city and
seeing some of the fun things Atlanta has to offer?”

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“Oh Edward! That would be great!” She exclaimed with a huge smile on her face.
She and I got ready for our day in the city. We hopped into my car and made the quick drive into
downtown Atlanta. I took her to see the Georgia Aquarium and the Coca-Cola Factory. After that

we were pretty hungry, so I took her to eat at a place I knew she had probably never heard of. It
wasn't a fancy restaurant with a long wait. I took her to The Varsity. She looked completely

disgusted at first but once she actually tasted the food, she loved it.
It was getting late and I needed to get her back to my house so she could get her bags and get to

the airport. We, actually, had a great time. It was almost like old times. It was almost like before I
got the money. She was a totally different person back then, I missed that person.
I didn't need to drive her to the airport since she had the rental car. We said our goodbyes in the
driveway. I gave her a warm hug and a chaste kiss and then she drove off.
I knew she had wanted sex. She thought if we had sex, that I would want her back. I wasn't giving
into her.
Bella was on my mind. As always. I needed to talk to her. To make sure that she and I were okay. I
just had no idea of what to say to her. She looked so hurt the last time I saw her. Maybe, I just

needed to give her some time to cool down.
I spent the remainder of the night laying on the couch with my mind going in circles. I wanted to

do something but had no idea of what to do. Did I want to get back with Tanya or let it go for
good? Did I want more with Bella or could I live with just sex?
The following week, I didn't really talk to anyone. Some paperwork at the bank had gotten messed
up and it was taking all of my time and concentration to correct the mistakes that had been made

by my accountant in Chicago.
Tanya called, a lot. I had no time to talk to her. She didn't want anything important and I knew it.

Bella never called. I assumed she was waiting for me to contact her. I felt bad for not doing it
sooner but I had to take care of business.
I had put it off long enough and it was time to right my wrongs with her. I apologized and,
surprisingly, she accepted. I knew I would have to make it up to her. I knew she wouldn't just let

me back in easily.
We met at the hotel and I was really confused when she refused to even hug me, but I understood.

We talked and got everything out in the open. We discussed things that we should have in the
beginning. It felt like we were starting on a new page and I felt relieved that she knew how I felt. I

was conflicted on whether or not I should tell her about Tanya. I wanted to be honest with her but
I wasn't sure of what I was going to do about Tanya. Why would I tell her about someone that may

not even interfere with what we have? Our situation is already difficult enough and I didn't want to
complicate it further for something that was just a possibility. I would tell her the truth when the

time was right.
I hadn't planned on having sex with Bella that night. I knew that our relationship was based on sex

but I didn't want her to think sex was all we could have. Things between us went so smoothly that
it only seemed right. I wanted to show her how I felt about her. I wanted to show her that it was all

about her. That it's always about her.
The sex was amazing but, then again, it was always amazing with her. After being with her, I'm sure

sex with anyone else would feel strange, almost wrong. I've only been with Bella since I moved
back. I've had no need or desire for another woman.
That night ended too soon. All of my nights with her end too soon. It was time to come back to

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Over the next couple of months Bella and I had been seeing each other pretty regularly. We had
worked out a schedule that didn't cause too much suspicion and if anyone knew about us, they

didn't say anything. I liked our routine. It was comfortable. I looked forward to days I knew I would
see her. We managed to see each other at least once a week and, sometimes, even two or three

times if we were lucky.
The days when Bella didn't work were the hardest. We couldn't talk when she was home with

Emmett because that would be too risky. I'm always jealous of Emmett on those days. He gets to
spend the whole day with her doing whatever they want. He gets to wake up to her face every

morning. He gets to see her smile everyday.
I always wondered about her on the days she didn't work. I hoped Emmett was being good to her

and hoped she was having a good day. I wondered if she was thinking about me or looking at the
same stars as I was at night. I've turned into a fucking sap, I know.
Then there was Tanya. She and I talked at least a few times a week. She began making weekend
trips to Atlanta once or twice a month. Things between us were nice. They were getting back to the

Tanya I liked. Her visits were a welcome escape from the mind torture that was Bella.
I was even more conflicted now. Betraying Emmett was taking its toll on me mentally. Now, not

only was I lying to Emmett but I was lying to Bella and Tanya. Neither one of them knew about the
other. I couldn't tell Tanya about Bella or she would go fucking nuts on me and ruin everything I

have with Bella. I could tell Bella about Tanya but I was afraid that she would say she didn't want to
be with me anymore. That she would say it was too much of a complication.
When Tanya was in town, I would take her to all of the local hot spots. We would go to dinner or
sometimes we would just stay in and rent a movie. I enjoyed my time with Tanya but she wasn't

Even though I felt bad about it, I couldn't sit around and wait and hope that Bella would leave

Emmett. She didn't seem any closer to making that decision than she had been when we first
started this affair.
On Tanya's last trip here, we had a very big discussion. It seemed as if our relationship had began
to progress. She had managed to once again be the woman I met and cared for. I wasn't sure if

Bella had opened the flood gates to my heart or what but I was feeling like I could actually love
Tanya. As long as she remained the nice, caring person she was before the money came.
Edward” Tanya began as I looked over at her. “How do you feel about me? I've been really
enjoying our time together and I still really miss you when you aren't around. I just want to know

where I stand with you.”
I've been enjoying our time together too. It's nice to have the old you back. I was really hurt when

you wouldn't move down here with me and I was sure I would never see you again. I wasn't even
sure if I could take you back after you showed up on my doorstep. After these last few months and I

am really feeling like things could move forward with us. Feelings that I thought were gone are
returning, little by little.”
I didn't realize what a big mistake I was making by not moving down here with you. I'm thankful
that you decided to give me another chance. How would feel about me wanting to move down

here now? Is that completely out of the question?”
No, Tanya, it's not out of the question but what about your job?”
I would have to train my replacement but I'm sure it wouldn't take any longer than a month. Are

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you sure there is room for me in your life here?”
I'm positive. Take all the time you need. I'll start getting some things moved around in the house
to make room for your stuff.”
You really mean it Edward?”
Yes, I really mean it.” She jumped up and into my arms and repeatedly kissed my cheek.
I can't believe it! I'm so happy! I'm gonna make you so happy. You'll see!” She exclaimed as she
jumped up and down.
That was a few weeks ago and Tanya has been slowing making the move to Atlanta. Every couple
of days, I get a knock on the door with more boxes she had shipped to my house. I set them in one

of the spare rooms until she would come down and could arrange her things exactly how she
I cleared out one of the closets in the master bedroom for Tanya's clothes. I cleared off one side of
the bathroom vanity for her. Making room for her in this home was oddly relaxing. It was a

welcome distraction from always waiting on Bella, which seemed to be what I spent most of my
time away from Tanya doing lately.
Today, of all days, Bella decides she wants to come to my house. I knew this day would come
eventually but I wasn't prepared for it yet. I knew it was impossible for me to deny her anything.

She has that crazy power over me. I reluctantly agreed. She and I had already arranged to meet
tonight so, I just needed to call and cancel the room at the hotel.
I inspected my house before Bella came over. I needed to make sure that there wasn't any
evidence that another woman had been here. I wasn't sure why I was trying to so hard to cover up

the truth but I just wasn't ready to tell Bella. Technically, she didn't have any reason to be mad at
me even if she did find out. I was betraying my cousin for her. Tanya isn't anything to her. Still, I

wasn't ready for the possibility that Bella would end us.
I contained all evidence of Tanya's existence to the master bedroom on the third floor. I could hope

Bella wouldn't ask to go up there.
Once, the house was cleared for Bella's arrival, I called Tanya. I wanted to go ahead and get it out

of the way. That way there would be no interruptions during my time with Bella. I wanted us to be
able to focus all of our attention on each other for the entire time I had her here.
When Bella was here, there were no thoughts of Tanya. When I felt her in my arms, it felt right. It
felt like she belonged there. Did she know that? Could she feel it too?
Bella, of course, asked for the tour of the house. What had I thought she wouldn't? I gave her the
tour of the first floor and the second floor and then I attempted to pretend that the third floor

didn't exist. She wouldn't let me get away with it that easy though. She is too inquisitive for her
own good.
I panicked in my mind when she asked what was on the third floor. I had no idea what to tell her. It
was my chance to tell her the truth and I couldn't man up and do it. So, I lied and told her that it

wasn't furnished and there was nothing to see. I could see in her face that she wasn't believing me
but she didn't question me again. She just followed me back down the stairs. I breathed a sigh of

I will tell her the truth, just not today.
We were sitting on the couch just being together and hanging out when Bella asked me about my
parents. It had shocked me that she wanted to know about them. I didn't know how much Emmett

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had told her. Knowing him, he didn't tell her too much. He usually lets people tell their own stories.
I wanted to open up to her. I wanted her to know what had happened to my parents but I haven't
talked about them in a long time. I wasn't sure I could even get through the whole story without

breaking down. I have tried not to think about that night for a long time.
I manned up and told her the whole, horrid story of my parents' accident and how it was all my

fault. I completely broke down in front of her, which is exactly what I didn't want to do. I felt like
such a pussy. I'm a grown man sitting here crying about my parents' accident that happened years

Bella didn't make me feel like any less of man. She was compassionate and caring. She listened and

comforted me when I needed it. She didn't laugh at me. She let me cry while she held me. This is
why I love her.
I didn't want her to think that she had ruined the day but after opening up like that, I didn't want
to have sex. I wanted to be with her in a way that we had never been before. This whole day was

new territory for us and I wanted to take it a step further.
As sexy as she always is to me, I resisted the urge to undress her and have my way with her in my

home. I laid there with her, in the bed she assumes is my bed, and technically it is because I paid
for it. We laid there and simply held each other in peace, in glorious peace.
I thought about asking her what she was thinking but I decided not to ruin this moment by asking
questions that could wait.
I knew she would have to be going soon and it was late. There was no way in hell I would make her
stop to get food when I was perfectly capable of making her something here. She had to be hungry

by now. Fortunately for me, I was really great at home-made French toast. So, I was eager to make
that for her. I knew she would love it and I was attempting to make up for not showing her the

third floor.
I was sad to see her leave. I was always sad to see her leave. I hated that she had to drive home at

such a late hour but there wasn't anything I could do about it. I thought about following her home
to make sure she made it safely but that would be creepy.
I watched her back out of my driveway and it felt like a small piece of me left with her.
I walked back into the house and went up to my bedroom... wait, mine and Tanya's bedroom as it

would be known soon. I laid down on the bed and attempted to relax. It didn't happen. I couldn't
relax when I had so much inner turmoil going on.
I know that I love Bella but I can't have all of Bella. I think I'm growing to love Tanya but she's not
Bella. Bella wants me but doesn't want to leave Emmett. Tanya is leaving her comfort zone to be

with me. Didn't I owe it to Tanya to give it an honest try? She was after all uprooting her entire life
for this relationship. I was more confused than ever and had no idea what to do about it.
The only conclusion I could come to is that I am a greedy bastard that can't make a fucking decision
and that I'm going to end up hurting everyone I care about. Yet, I'm too much of a fucking idiot to

do anything to stop it. What the fuck have I really gotten myself into? I'm gonna end up with alone
and stupid.
Tanya's move would be complete in a week or two. What would I do then? Would Bella want to
come here all the time instead of hotels? I knew Tanya would find a job down here. She loves

money but is not the type to sit around on her ass all day. Maybe I could arrange for Tanya to be
gone when Bella is coming over. I could send Tanya shopping or something to occupy her time. I

will have to find a way to make this work.

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Emotional Rollercoaster

Bella POV
“Good morning, babe.” I heard as I felt Em kiss my neck lightly.
“Is it morning already?” I mumbled as I rolled over to face Emmett. “Good morning.” I pressed my
lips against his lightly.
He had a look of content on his face. “We have all day together. What do you wanna do today?” He
said as he lightly rubbed my lower back.
“I haven't really thought about it. What did you have in mind?”
“I don't really know. Why don't we just go get some movies and hang out at the house?”
That actually sounded really nice. I could use a day to just sit back and chill. Maybe the movies will
keep my mind busy and I won't wonder about Edward
. “That sounds nice Em. We could use some

alone time together. Between work and you going to school, we never get to just hang out
We went to the video store and picked up a few movies and some snacks. We decided to get a
variety of movies since we couldn't agree on a just one. We got a comedy, an action and a horror.
On our way back home, my phone alerted me to a new text message. Please don't be Edward. He
knows I can't talk today.
I opened the message and saw that it was from Alice. I feel so bad. I have been neglecting my
friends ever since this thing with Edward started.
Hey Bella! I miss you so much! How are you? A
Hey Ali! I miss you too! I'm good. How are you? Oh, and better yet, how is Jasper? B
They are so cute together. I hope they are still going strong. I'm sure she would've called me if
something had happened.
He is great. I am great. WE are great!! I love him so much! He's the best thing that's ever
happened to me. A
Aww, Alice. I'm really happy to hear that. We need to get together soon. B
I really do miss her most of all. She has always been a great friend to me. I'm really happy that she

has Jasper in her life.
Definitely! I'll call you soon to set up a date. Tell Em I said Hello! Love ya! A
Love you too! B
I'm really glad to hear from her. I'm gonna have to make it a point to keep in touch with her better.
We stopped to get some wine. This way we wouldn't have to leave for the rest of the night.
“What's been going on with fellas? I haven't heard any crazy stories lately. Are they behaving?” I

sarcastically asked Em as I grabbed the bag of movies to take into the house.
“Are they ever really behaving?” He said with a small chuckle.
“No. Not really. What are they all up to though?”
“Well, Laurent's baby's momma is driving him crazy as usual. I don't know how he deals with that

woman. Jacob just got a new job at the airport. Oh and Edward's girl from Chicago just moved in
with him. That's pretty much it.”

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What the fuck? Edward's what? My fucking heart literally stopped beating when I heard him say

that about Edward. I dropped the bag I was holding and loudly gasped. What the..? When did..?
How did..? I fucking specifically asked him this question. He fucking lied to me!
In a matter of ten

seconds, my moods had shifted from happy to hurt to angry. I still didn't really understand how
this man was able to affect me so much.
“Bella! Are you alright?” Emmett shouted as he ran over to me.
“Uhhh... yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I just thought I saw a snake over there.” I managed to spit out as I

picked up the bag.
“Damn woman! Don't scare me like that.” He said as he let out a sigh of relief.
“I'm sorry, Em. Didn't mean to scare you.” Don't scare you? You have just fucked my whole day.
Ugh! Fuck me! How in the fuck did I not know this?
We walked into the house and sat down on the couch. Em put in one of the movies. Honestly, I was
too upset and mad and in my own world to even fucking worry about what movie he put in.

There's no way I'd be paying any attention to the movie anyways. My fucking mind was racing and I
knew that it wouldn't stop until I actually talked to Edward.
I am so fucking mad right now. I am mad at him. I am mad at me. I am mad that I fucking got
myself in this situation. I am mad the he fucking blatantly lied to my face. Why in the hell would he

lie? I live with his cousin, what could I say to him about having a girlfriend? The least he could've
fucking done was be honest with me. Did I not deserve that much? I have risked everything to be

with him and this is how he repays me? What the fuck was I thinking?
I sat through the movie and couldn't tell you a single thing about it. However, I managed to drink

almost the whole bottle of wine by myself.
My head hurts. My fucking heart hurts. I feel betrayed. I feel naive. I feel stupid.
I knew that I wouldn't be able to talk to Edward until I went back to work the next day. So, I did
what most people do. I drowned out my sorrows with alcohol. I was hoping that I would soon just

pass out and wouldn't have to think anymore.
I felt bad for Em. Our day together was shot to hell and he had no idea why. I was a shitty fucking

girlfriend but my heart was in so much pain that I couldn't even put a fake ass smile on my face.
Em deserves someone better than me and I know it. When would he realize it?


Ow! Fuck! My head! That bottle of wine was not a good idea.
I managed to get out of bed. I reeked of alcohol and my whole body was in pain. I needed a shower
and fast. I walked into the warm spray of water and let it cover my body. The heat was slowly

easing the ache in my muscles but it wasn't doing shit for my heart. I needed to get out of this
house quickly. I needed to talk to him, like yesterday.
I threw on some scrubs and brushed through my hair and threw it in a ponytail. I felt like pure shit
mentally and physically and I didn't give a fuck what I looked like.
Em was still asleep and I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before I left.
Once I was in the car, I had to text Edward immediately. I knew there was no way I could function

properly at work without some type of resolution. I would be of no use to the patients' in my
current mind frame.
We need to fucking talk ASAP! B

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I've never really cussed at him but I didn't care. He had truly fucked up this time. I was shaking as I

waited for his response. I couldn't even grip the steering wheel properly.
Are you ok? What's wrong? What do you need to talk about this early in the morning? E
Fuck you and being this early in the morning. What's wrong is you're a fucking sack of shit liar! No
I'm not okay.
I'm not talking to you about it over texts. You need to meet me somewhere. Now! B
Either he's playing stupid or the dumb ass really is fucking stupid.
Damn. Ok. Where? E
Starbucks by your house. B
I no longer gave a shit about being out in public. This relationship clearly wasn't going to continue
if Em was telling the truth about Edward.
I called into work. I told them I had a stomach virus. Little did they know the virus' name was
Edward Cullen.
My pulse was racing the entire drive to meet him. I felt so betrayed that I wanted to cry but I
wouldn't let myself cry over someone that clearly didn't give a shit about me.
I pulled into the parking lot and saw Edward's car. I tried to compose myself before I went into the
cafe. I didn't want to make a complete scene.
I got out of the car and went into the building. I saw him sitting at a table and walked over to him.
My heart was racing. I was so angry at him and seeing his face made it even worse. I sat down at

the table and stared at him intensely while I tried to control my erratic breathing.
“Bella, are you alright? You don't look well?” He said as he reached across the table for my hand
“I don't look well? Am I alright?” I said harshly as my brows furrowed and I rapidly pulled my hand
away. “No, I'm not fucking alright. I heard a little story. You wanna know what that fucking story is?

Huh? Do you?”
“Uhhhh, yes?” He looked very confused.
“I heard a little story from my boyfriend that that his cousin, who I have been fucking for the last
four months or so, just had his girlfriend from Chicago move in with him. This girlfriend that I knew

nothing about and that I specifically asked you about? How's that for a story?” His face went blank
and I knew then that Em was right. I couldn't fucking believe it. I had secretly hoped Em was just

making it up.
He sat quiet for a few moments. He just kept looking down at his hands. Your fucking hands don't

have the magic answers.
“Bella” he started “I... I... don't really know what to say other than I'm sorry.” As he shrugged his

I raised my eyebrows at him in a look of shock. “Sorry? That's all you have is sorry? I've risked my

whole relationship for you and I get a sorry?”
“What else can I say Bella? I am fucking sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.” He almost sounded like

he was in defense mode.
“Then why did you lie to me? What did you think I was gonna say? I have a boyfriend. I couldn't be

mad at you for having a girlfriend but you should have told me. Now I can't trust you at all.”
He looked into my eyes for a moment before he spoke. “I know I should've told you. I just felt like if

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you knew about her that you would leave. I was an idiot.”
“You're fucking right you are an idiot. If you had told me the truth, could've worked through this
but you lied and now I'll never trust you again.” As I sat back in my chair and shook my head at

He cocked his head to the side and raised his eyebrows. “Bella, I'm sorry, but do you know how it

feels to be in love with the same woman as your cousin? It fucking makes me sick. She's nothing to
you. He's my cousin. It's a lot harder for me.”
“What the fuck does that have to do with it?" I said roughly as I threw my hands up in the air. "You
still lied to me. That's the fucking point, Edward. And you're not in love with me or you wouldn't

have lied. So don't even try to play that card.” I spat at him. I really didn't believe that he loved me.
I only believe he's in love with himself.
He looked really hurt by what I had said and looked back down at his hands that were gripping his
cup of coffee. “I know that lying to you was wrong and I'm really really sorry but I'm not the only

one lying to you.”
I looked at him quizzically. “What does that mean? Who are you talking about?”
“I'm talking about your precious Emmett.” He said sarcastically as he looked up at me.
I was utterly confused. “Emmett? What is he lying to me about?” I really didn't know what he was

trying to say. Quit trying to take the focus off you.
“I was on your side of town the other day to run a few errands. I went into the mall to pick up a

few things and I saw Emmett being way to friendly with another woman.” He sat back in his seat
and crossed his arms and had a smug look on his face.
“And? He has female friends.”
“They weren't just hanging out. They were definitely more than friends.” He said confidently.
I sat silent for a few seconds. I wasn't comprehending anything anymore. Both of the men in my
life are lying to me. Edward, I know for certain had lied to me. Was Em really lying to me? Was he

really cheating on me and with who? Fuck my life! This shit gets worse everyday.
I furrowed my brows at him.“Quit trying to change the subject, Edward. You don't need to worry

about Em. You need to worry about yourself.” As I pointed my finger at him.
“Well, he is telling you my business. I might as well tell you his.” He said in a nonchalant way.
“Nice fucking attitude. It's time for me to go." I grabbed my purse and keys. "I can't sit here and
listen to you evade the subject all day.” I turned in my chair and started to rise out of my seat.
“Bella, wait.” I turned to shoot him a frustrated look.
“What?” I said sharply.
His face looked so sad and hurt. “Don't leave like this. Please. What about us?” He quietly asked.
Are you fucking serious? Did you not hear anything I just said?
“Edward, at this point, there is no us. You lied. I'm done. End of story. Have fun with your
girlfriend.” I said flatly as I rose from my seat and headed towards the exit. I pushed open the door

and took one last look at Edward. He looked so hurt and sad. Almost like he was about to cry. I
almost felt sorry for him. Then I remembered that he lied to me. I had never lied to him. It was

time to keep walking.
I would miss him but if he couldn't at least be honest with me, then we were wasting our time.

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I got in my car and pulled out of the lot. My head was spinning and I felt like crying. I wanted to cry

for all the lies I had told. Cry for all the lies I had been told. Cry for the person I thought I was and
the person I would never be again.
I got in my car and I drove around the city for the longest time. I didn't want to go home. I didn't
want to look at pictures of Em. Every time I even thought about Em, I got sick to my stomach.

Thinking about him and another woman having sex made me feel like my heart was physically
ripping. Before today, I didn't think Em cheating would hurt that bad. After all, I was doing the

same thing.
Thinking of Edward and his girlfriend was even worse. That man had done amazing things to me

and made me feel things I never thought I would feel. Now, he was doing those things to another
Is Edward's girlfriend the reason I couldn't go on the third floor? What a fucking asshole.
There is no way I can confront Em about this other woman. He's gonna want to know how I know. I

can't tell him the truth. I'm gonna have to fucking sit there and act normal. Like I don't fucking
know anything. How the fuck can I say something to him about fucking another woman when I'm

fucking his cousin? Cousin is worse than a stranger, any day.
This fucking situation gets shittier everyday. I've gotten in way fucking over my head and I have no

idea how to get out of it. Other than to say fuck both of them and move on completely. I don't
know if I'm strong enough for that.
I drove to a park in the city and sat on a bench for hours. I had no idea where I wanted to go. I
didn't want to go home yet. I couldn't go to Edward's. I couldn't go to work. I just fucking sat there

like a bump on a log, feeling completely shitty and worthless.

Ring The Alarm/Don't Take Your Love Away

Bella POV
I finally forced myself to come home. I knew I couldn't just sit there in the park and avoid Emmett
and Edward forever. I couldn't wrap my mind around what Edward had said about Em. Could he

really be cheating? He says he's in school everyday, I wonder if that's the truth. I felt like I was on
an episode of Cheaters. Like I would come home and find Em and some woman having sex in my

Em hadn't acted any differently lately towards me. Was I just too wrapped up in my situation with

Edward to see what was really going on with him? Had I neglected him that badly? The more I
thought about it, the more I felt like a piece of shit.
I should've just fucking ended it with Emmett when I started the affair with Edward. I fucking knew
better than to do this shit to someone. Karma was really paying me back for what I had done. He

doesn't even know what I did to him but the universe does and it's laughing in my face right now.
I love Em and I should be fair to him. I should just tell him that I met someone else and that I don't

think we should be together anymore. I had no intention of ever telling him who it was that I had
met. It was unnecessary for him to know that two of the biggest people in his life had gotten

together and fucked him over.
I walked into the house and went into the bathroom for a long hot bath. I really needed to relax

after my mind had been overloaded with information and accusations lately. Em wasn't home yet.
He wouldn't be home for about another hour. Thank god I have a little time to chill before he gets

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I removed my clothes and threw them in the hamper next to the bathroom door. I felt the cool tile
against the bottoms of my feet. I started the water and adjusted it to the right temperature. I

added some bath salts as the water filled the tub. I turned the lights off and lit some candles
around the tub. I climbed in the warm water and tried to let me body relax and let me mind escape

this shit hole of a reality called my life.
Somehow, I managed to fall asleep in the water. I awoke when I heard the front door close. The

water temperature had dropped due to the amount of time I had spent in there. I was stepping out
of the tub and drying off when I saw Em open the door to the bathroom.
“Hey baby, what are you doing home?” He asked with a surprised look on his face.
“I do live here Em.” I said flatly.
“I know that. I just meant that I thought you had to work today?” He said defensively.
“I wasn't feeling well. So, I left early.” I said as I wrapped the towel around me and stepped around

him and into the bedroom.
He followed behind me. “Oh, I'm sorry. Anything I can do to make you feel better?”
“Nah, not really. Thanks though. How was your day? How was class?” I sincerely asked him. I did
truly want to know about his classes but I also wanted to see what he would say. I have to start

paying more attention to what he says so I can see if he's really cheating.
Em told me about his classes and what they had been learning. He was, of course, using all these

big mechanic words that sounded like a foreign language to me. I guess that's how he feels when I
start with all the medical terminology. I was very proud of him for going back to school but I was

also questioning if he was at school for the entire amount of time that he claimed. Maybe I was
being fucking paranoid but hell I was lying to him all the time and he had no clue.
I had to learn to chill out or I was going to make myself crazy.
That night when Em went to sleep I did something I thought I would never do. I went through his

cell phone. I didn't want to but it's like the old saying 'curiosity killed the cat' and the curiosity was
damn sure killing me.
I went through his recent calls list and there weren't any odd names in there. If he was smart he
would put it under a guys name to throw me off. I wasn't going to go completely crazy on him and

actually call the people in his phone. That would definitely start a whole lot of shit. I went through
his text messages and, again, nothing out of the ordinary. Em was either really smart and deleted

everything or he really wasn't cheating.
Did Edward plant this idea in my head just to throw me off? Did he do this just to take the focus off

of him? Why would he lie about his favorite cousin? Did he think I would just up and leave Em so
easily? Maybe I would have before I found out about Edward's girlfriend. Definitely, not now.
I put Em's phone back in his pants pocket where I had taken it from. I felt like such a hypocrite and
a bitch for going through his phone when the only evidence I had was an accusation from Edward. I

would never have gone through his phone before. I felt like a totally different person than I was
before Edward arrived.
I sat down on the couch and enjoyed the silence in my home. I had a lot of thinking to do. I knew I
had major decisions that needed to be made.
I'm not ready to be alone. I love Em but I don't think I'm in love with him anymore. Is that
something we can get back? Can I fall in love with him again after I've done him so wrong?

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I hoped I could fall in love with Em again and I was definitely going to try. I owed it to both of us to

at least try.
The thoughts of him cheating weren't completely out of my mind but he deserved my trust. As far

as I knew, Edward had made the whole damn thing up. I decided then to push my thoughts and
feelings for Edward aside and concentrate on Em.
Everything that happens in the dark will eventually come to light. I know if Em is cheating, it will
eventually come out. I felt lucky that what I had done in the dark hadn't come to light yet. Maybe it

never would.


It has been a few months since I saw Edward. I hadn't spoken to him at all since the day in the
coffee shop. I had no need to focus on someone that couldn't be honest with me. I honestly felt

like he had blatantly lied to my face about more than a few things.
He hadn't told me about his girlfriend. I would have dealt with him having a girlfriend if he had just

told me up front. In the situation he and I were in, we needed to be able to have complete trust in
one another in order for it to work. When he quit being honest, I quit the relationship.
He had totally fabricated the lie about Em cheating. I have been analyzing everything Em has done
for the last few months and I never once felt like he was lying to me about anything. I even left

work early one day to go and spy on Em. I wanted to make sure that Edward wasn't right. I left
work and drove over to his school. I saw his car and parked far enough away that he would not

notice me. I waited until he came out of the building and he was walking to his car talking with a
bunch of guys. He reached his car and waved goodbye to the other men. He entered his car and

then drove straight home. He thought I was working late and it would've been a perfect
opportunity for him to sneak away and meet someone. He didn't though. He went home and

waited on me.
After that day, I never questioned him again. I had no need to.
I was back to focusing my attention on the man that had been there for me for so long. We were
spending lots of time together and doing lots of things as a couple. We went out for dinner and

drinks a few times with Alice and Jasper. They were more in love with each other every time I saw
them. It was really good to see them so happy. The complimented each other well and seemed to

always be in their own bubble.
I hadn't heard much from Rose. That was partly my fault. She reminded me of Edward and I didn't

want to be reminded of him at all. I was being a shitty friend to her and I felt really bad about it but
I couldn't bring myself to be around her when I knew she would talk about him the whole time.
Edward hadn't been over to our house at all. I assumed he was either scared of how I would react
with him in my home or he was too busy with his girlfriend. I was happy that he hadn't called or

visited. It made my life so much easier. His absence was confirming that I had made the right
Knowing I made the right decision didn't make it any easier not to think about him. There were
times at night that I would lay there trying to fall asleep and I would find myself wondering what

he was doing. If he was happy, if he was still with her. Or maybe I was fooling myself into thinking I
had made the right decision.
Edward POV
“Tanya, we cannot keep having this same fight everyday!” I shouted. It was the truth. This was not

what I had in mind when I agreed to let her move in. She's lived here for three months and it has

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progressively gotten worse. I should have known that she was putting on an act when she was

trying to get back together with me. I suppose I was hoping my feelings for Bella could be
transferred to Tanya but that was obviously not working.
“I know that, Edward.” She said sarcastically with her hands on her hips. She was giving me an 'eat
shit' look and it didn't phase me at all. “I hate it here. It's fucking hot all the time. This humidity

fucks up my hair everyday and I don't have any friends here.”
“You don't have any friends here because you don't give any one a chance. You don't want to like it

here. You want me to come back to Chicago with you and I told you that wasn't going to happen.
You are making up bullshit excuses for not liking it here. If you wanna leave, you can leave but you

will be leaving alone and I swear there will be no going back this time. So, think long and hard.” I
firmly stated to her as I walked up the stairs towards the bedroom.
“Edward, don't walk away from me!” She shouted. I just threw my hand up to her and kept
I heard her footsteps behind me. I reached the door to our bedroom and walked in. I laid down on
the bed and ran my fingers through my hair as I stared at the ceiling. I saw her walk in front of me

holding a piece of paper in her right hand and shaking it at me.
“What do you want?” I asked her.
“I know there is someone else, Edward.” She said calmly.
I honestly didn't know what she was talking about. I hadn't been with Bella, or even talked to her,

in months. I wasn't really worried about her finding out about Bella, anyways. I guess I was hoping
that would make her leave if she found out.
“What the fuck are you talking about? My fucking head hurts from arguing, just get to the point.” I
replied roughly.
She threw the paper at me. “That's your fucking bank statement. I saw all the charges for the
hotels. Why else would you being going to the hotel that often? Don't treat me like I'm stupid.”
I took the paper in my hand. Sure enough, it was my bank statement from the last few times Bella
and I had been together. The funny thing is I wasn't sad that Tanya found it. I was sad because it

reminded me of Bella. I missed her more than I cared to admit. I hadn't contacted her because I
felt she was better off without me. I felt that if she felt she could forgive me, then she would

contact me. I had already complicated her life enough.
I was, however, mad that she had obviously been going through my things. These papers didn't

have her name on them and she had no right to go through my stuff.
“Where the fuck did you get this from?” I said as my brows furrowed and I stood up from the bed. I

was looking her directly in the eyes.
She had a smug expression on her face. “I was looking for some other documents and happened to

stumble on them.”
“That's bullshit and you know it. You want to leave and you are looking for any reason to make it

my fault this time. I can't deal with this shit. It's time we went our separate ways. For good. I think
you should make arrangements to move out as soon as possible. I can't stand to look at you

anymore.” I said calmly as I walked out of the bedroom. I was going to sleep in one of the spare
rooms. I didn't want to be anywhere near her.
I was relieved that this was over. I would no longer have to endure Tanya's daily bitching about life
in Georgia. She could go back to Chicago and live happily and bother someone else.

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Over the next few weeks, Tanya had began to pack up her things and start moving them to

Chicago. She would be moving back in with her family until she found a new place and a new job. I
felt guilty for even letting her move down here to begin with but she was dead set on it and I knew

she wouldn't have stopped until she got what she wanted. She had to see for herself that it was
over between us.
Things in the house were tense to say the least. We only spoke to each other when absolutely
necessary. She never questioned me about who I was with in the hotels. Maybe she didn't care.

Maybe she just wanted out. I didn't care if she blamed it on me this time. She could tell those
people in Chicago what ever she felt like. The only person I cared about in Chicago was dead.

Everyone else there could kiss my ass.
My feelings for Bella were back in full force. Now that I wasn't focusing on Tanya anymore, the

repressed feelings for Bella were making themselves known. I missed her, too much. I missed her
smile, her laugh, her walk, he facial expressions, her hands, her mouth, her body. I just missed her.
I was an idiot to lie to her. I was stupid to think she wouldn't understand. I would stupid to think
Tanya and I would work out. I had royally fucked up everything and it was time to fix it. Or, at least,

attempt to fix things with Bella. She deserved to know the truth about everything. I had to find a
way to get her to listen to me. I was tired of lying and I was tired of living without her. She was my

drug and I had to find a way to get her back.
I no longer knew Bella's work schedule so I had no idea when she would be able to talk to me or if

she would even want to.
On a Saturday when Tanya was in Chicago, I decided to text Bella. I didn't want to call her and her

be around Em. Hell, I didn't even know if her and Em were together anymore. I had completely cut
off that part of my life.
Bella, it's Edward. Can we please talk? E
I pressed send. I couldn't take it back now. What would I do if she said yes? Would she believe me

when I tell her everything? My heart was racing in anticipation for her reply.
My phone alerted me to a new message. I opened it and my heart skipped a beat when I saw her

What do we have to talk about? B
It was short but it was something. At least she didn't ignore me.
A lot, actually. Will you please meet me somewhere so I can tell you in person? Please? E
Yes, I was begging and I didn't care. I had lied to her when she had been nothing but honest to me.
I could do a little begging for her.
I guess I can meet you but you are meeting me where I choose. Meet me at Johnny Rocket's at
Underground in a hour. B
I couldn't believe she actually agreed to meet me. Now I had a hour to try and get my thoughts
together enough to try and make her believe me.
Ok. I'll be there. Thank you. E
I took a quick shower and dressed. I got into my car and drove to Underground Atlanta. I parked

the car and walked into the restaurant. The anticipation was killing me.
I didn't see her so I got us a table. I looked at my watch and I was still a few minutes early. I

wondered if she was testing me. Maybe she was playing a game with me. Maybe she was trying to
pay me back by making me sit and wait when she never had any intention of coming.

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I finally saw her enter the restaurant and my heart fluttered at the sight of her. She was the most

beautiful creature I had ever seen. I don't know how I ever let myself fuck things up with her. I
stood up from the table as she walked over. Her face was very serious and straight. She didn't smile

at me but, then again, why would she?
She sat down across the table from me without saying anything. Her expression never changed. I

knew I had a goofy ass grin on my face but I couldn't help it. I was truly happy to see her and happy
to get this all out in the open.
“Bella I.....” I began before the waitress came over and interrupted me.
“My name is Jessica, I'll be your server today. Can I get you something to drink?” She asked

I looked to Bella for her to order first. She looked at the waitress and said “I'll just have a Cherry

Coke, please.” It was like hearing angels sing to finally hear her voice again. Sappy, I fucking know
but it was the truth.
“I'll have a Coke. Thanks.”
The waitress walked over to get our drinks and I started my sentence again. “Bella, I know lying to

you was wrong and I am more sorry for it than you will ever know. I know it was stupid of me to
assume that you wouldn't understand. I should have just told you. I am only human though and I

make stupid decisions sometimes.” I said sincerely to her.
She sat there staring at me with a blank face for a few moments. I wasn't sure if she was actually

going to speak to me today or if I was going to have to do all the talking. Was she seeing how far I
would go with begging and apologizing? If so, I could go all day. She deserved it. She had said last

time I saw her, that she didn't believe I loved her. She was wrong.
The waitress brought our drinks over and asked if we wanted to order any food. We politely

declined. I didn't want to think about eating. My stomach was already doing flips. There was no
way I could keep any solid food down.
The waitress left us to ourselves and I looked at Bella again. I was at least hoping her facial
expression would change but it never did. She sipped her drink and kept her hands folded in her

lap and blank eyes focused on me. I guess I am going to have to continue the speech.
“I wish I could take it all back. I would never have let her move in with me. I would have told her to

stay in Chicago. I'm so sorry. I....”
She interrupted me. “What's her name?” She asked calmly, still maintaining her blank stare.
Did she really wanna know her name? What difference does it make? She's leaving.
“Tanya.” I simply stated.
“Why are you here, Edward? Why aren't you with Tanya?” She asked.
I was completely taken aback. I didn't expect her to just come out and ask me that.
“Well, uhhh....” I stuttered.
“Spit it out Edward. I don't have all day. You asked me to come here, I'm here. Tell me something

worth my time.” I wasn't used to her being so expressionless. I didn't like it. I liked the animated
Bella. This Bella is pretty fucking scary.
“Okay. She's leaving. She hates it here and wants to go back home. She found some old bank
statements with the hotels on them. She knows there is someone else. Most importantly, I...

uhhhh... I can't live without you.” I watched her face as I said the last part. Finally! Her facial

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expression changed. The blank stare was gone and her face finally lightened up. Her eyes looked

slightly softer. I hoped she believed me. I wasn't just saying this to get her back.
“You what?” She said softly.
“I can't live without you.” I said confidently.
“I don't believe you.” The blank stare was back. Fuck!
“You don't believe what?” I asked her. I was confused. I thought I was making progress with her.
“I don't believe that she's leaving. I don't believe you can't live without me. I think this is all a sick

game you are playing and I'm done with it. I thought you wanted to talk to me about something
real but instead you are telling me more lies.” She said sternly.
She started to gather her things together. She couldn't leave already. Fuck! She can't leave like this.
Bella POV
Is he fucking serious? He interrupted my day for this bullshit? More fucking lies. I'm outta here.
“Bella wait!” He said as he reached for my arm as I stood up from the chair.
I looked at him with my death stare. “Take you hand off of me, now.” I said harshly. You're gonna
fucking grab me like a caveman?
I was really starting to get pissed at him. First, he continues to lie.

Then, he wants to manhandle me. He was really not helping himself out at all.
He released my arm. “I'm sorry. I just don't want you to leave. I want to explain myself to you.

Please stay.”
Explain what? You're fucking explanations aren't helping you. You're making me dislike you more.
I sat back down. “Edward. You have five minutes and I'm outta here. If I feel like you are lying, I'm
leaving.” I said firmly.
“Okay. I'm not playing games. She's really leaving. I promise. Ninety percent of her stuff is gone
already. I never really wanted her. I wanted you but I couldn't have you. I want you now. I miss you.

I love you. Please come back in my life. I need you in my life in some way. I feel more for you than
I've ever felt for anyone. I want to do things with you that I've never wanted to do. Please believe

me.” I said quickly and sincerely.
Seriously? I can't believe your words. You also told me that you didn't have a girlfriend and that

was a lie. I don't know what to believe. I want to believe him because I still have feelings for him
but I just don't want to be hurt by him again.
I looked at him with soft, open eyes. I reached out and took his hand in mine. “Edward” I said
softly. “I'm sorry. I can't do this with you. I don't know what to believe. Your words don't meet

much to me anymore. You don't know what you want. I don't trust you.”
I released his hand and looked at his face. His face was completely stunned and hurt. I could see he

didn't expect me to say what I had said. I needed him to understand that I was serious about this.
He would have to do more than just talk to make me believe him.
I stood up from the chair. “Goodbye, Edward.” I said as I walked away from him.
He had done too much damage to my heart already. I needed concrete proof that Tanya was gone

before I would even consider getting back into our relationship. I had no idea if I would ever be
able to trust him again. I needed to be able to trust him and I couldn't. It would be a long road to

bring us back.

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Sweet Dreams

Bella POV
“Bella. Please stay. I love you.” On his face was a look of complete love and adoration. I wanted to

lightly stroke his strong jaw with the back of my hand. I wanted to feel his stubble against my
fingers. I wanted to feel the warmth that was radiating from his skin. I wanted to feel him lean his

face into my hand.
I lifted my hand and moved it towards his face. His face was so close that I could already feel the

What the fuck? Oh! Dammit! It was just a fucking dream, again. I awoke completely pissed off. My
subconscious has been betraying me ever since I said goodbye to Edward. Now, not only was the

universe plotting against me, so was my mind. I have been having some variation of the same
dream every night.
It was always Edward begging me to stay but the locations varied. Sometimes, we were in his
house. Other times, we were in a park or restaurant. One time, it was like that movie Say Anything

and Edward was standing outside of my house blaring some cheesy love song. Of course, the last
one would never happen because of Em. That would be a dead give away.
These dreams were really starting to fuck with my head. When the dreams first started I would
wake and feel like it had been a nightmare. I didn't want him to beg me to stay. I wanted to leave.

After having the same dream every night, I started to look forward to them. I began to look
forward to seeing his face. To see what he would have to say each night. Either way they were

sweet dreams and beautiful nightmares. Depending on the way I felt when I woke up.
I hit the alarm clock to push it into snooze mode. I wasn't ready to get up. I wanted to go back to

sleep and see Edward again, and I hated myself for it. These dreams were my guilty pleasure. It
was my way of having him back without him or anyone else knowing it.
Days like this, I would wake up and feel a complete warmth encase my body. It felt like he was here
with me. Fucking crazy, I know. This shit is out of control.
I rolled over in the bed attempting to bury my face from the rising sun. I could hear Em in the
shower already. Now that he was going to school, there are days when he has to wake earlier than

me. I could hear him singing. Instead of finding it funny, like I used to, I now found it annoying and
wanted him to shut up.
I've been trying to focus all of my attention on Em, ever since I ended it with Edward. I wanted to
give our relationship the best possible chance to survive. However, it had not been going so well.
We were arguing a lot lately. We had basically quit doing anything as a couple. I was always
working. He was either in school or studying. There was no 'us' time. We only saw each other in

passing or when it was time to go to sleep. I missed him but it felt like I was missing my friend, not
my partner and lover.
The thoughts of him cheating, still ventured in my head occasionally. Once that seed is planted, it's
hard to forget. I still didn't have any proof or reason to think he was cheating, other than his

favorite cousin saying it. I didn't do any crazy spying again or going through his phone. I wasn't
going to resort to those tactics again.
Em came out of the bathroom and got dressed. I, of course, couldn't go back to sleep. I was wide
awake lying in bed when he saw me.

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“Good morning, babe.” He said cheerfully.
“Good morning. What has you so happy this morning?” I asked him.
He was brushing his hair and looking at himself in the mirror. “Nothing in particular. I just have a

feeling today is going to be a good day.”
I started to rise from the bed. “Oh yeah? Why is that?” I asked inquisitively as I raised my eyebrows

at him.
“We have a pretty easy day at school. Then I was going to meet Jacob and Laurent for a few beers

after class. Do you have plans tonight? Wanna go to dinner with me?” He asked as he turned
around and grabbed me by my waist.
“I get off at seven but I don't have any plans after work. Where do you wanna go?” I asked him.
“I'll text you at work and let you know. Okay?” He said as he lightly kissed my lips.
“Okay. Have a good day.” I said to him as he turned to leave.
I started my routine for getting ready to go to work. Nothing fancy. Shower, scrubs, hair in ponytail,

little to no makeup, tennis shoes, brush teeth and out the door.
The rides to and from work especially made me miss Edward. I would think about all the days I

would talk to him while I was driving. All the times we would make plans to see each other and I
would look forward to it all day. The thoughts of seeing him at the end of the day would always put

me in such a good mood. Now my mood, generally, sucked ass. I was short and snippy with my
coworkers. I didn't do anything above and beyond for my patients. I wasn't nice to Em when I came

home at night. I didn't really hang out with any of my girlfriends anymore. I was no longer fun
loving Bella. I was sad Bella that just wanted to get the day over with as soon as I could.
I felt the worst for treating Em like I did. He didn't need to pay for Edward's mistakes. It wasn't fair
to him. Maybe, I could start fixing that tonight.
I made it to work and I made it through the day. That was the major gist of the whole day. I would
often think I was feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket and I would quickly pull it out only to see

that I had imagined the whole thing. No messages or calls from anyone. I had alienated everyone
in my life. No one wanted to talk to me now that I was in such a foul mood all the time. It made me

sad to think of what I have become. I turned myself into a lifeless robot that simply was going
through the daily motions.
I was on the way home when I realized Em never texted me to tell me where we were having
dinner. That wasn't like him.
I hope you are alright. We still on for dinner? B
I didn't know if class had ran late or if he was still with the guys. I made it all the way home and still

no word from Em.
I walked inside the house and looked for Em. I had thought maybe he came home and fell asleep

but there was no sign of him at all. I was really getting worried about him. It wasn't like him to not
call or show up, especially when we had plans.
I changed clothes and grabbed a drink from the kitchen before sitting on the couch and turning on
the TV. I didn't want to blow up Em's phone with text messages but I just needed to know he was

Em, I'm really worried. Please let me know you are ok. B
Sit back and wait some more. I continued to open my phone, just to make sure it was working. It

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I eventually drifted off to sleep while I was waiting on Em to call. He never did. I woke up to find it
was three in the morning. Still, no Em.
I got up and put my shoes on, grabbed my purse and phone and walked out to my car. I was going
to start calling around to hospitals and jails and driving around the streets looking for him. I would

never forgive myself if something bad had happened to him and I was just sleeping at home.
I knew I didn't love him like I should anymore but I was still his girlfriend and would be there if he

needed me.
I called all the local hospitals as I was driving around like a mad woman. I called all of the jails.

Emmett wasn't anywhere to be found. It hit me right at that moment, at three AM as I'm driving
around in my pajamas looking for a man that was more of my friend than my lover, that he was

cheating on me. He was with a woman somewhere and there was no use in me being out this late
at night to look for someone that doesn't want to be found.
The flood of emotions surprised me as I drove home. One second, I was crying. The next, I was
angry and cussing. The next, I was calm. It was completely crazy.
I got back home and laid in the bed. My head was still spinning and my emotions were over
flowing and there was no way I was getting anymore sleep.
I cleaned every inch of the house that morning while I waited on Em to come home. He would
eventually have to come home and I couldn't wait to hear his excuses.
It was ten in the morning when I finally heard the front door open. My heart began to race. My
breathing increased. I knew there was about to be a big argument and I was ready for it. He walked

into the living room and he looked totally shocked to find me sitting on the couch.
“Good morning, Em.” I said in a sarcastic tone while I flipped through channels.
“Uhhh... Morning, Bella. I.... uhhhh.....” He stammered trying to find a good excuse for why he had
stood me up and not come home.
I looked at him with my brows raised and head cocked to the side. “You uhhhh......what, Em?” I
was being a sarcastic bitch but he had done something last night that I had never done to him. I

had never once stood him up. Nor had I ever stayed gone all night. In all honesty, I wasn't mad at
him for cheating. After all, I had been cheating on him too. I was mad because he didn't even have

the decency to call me. I had always made it a point to call him.
The look on his face was priceless. He was trying so hard to think of something to say but his brain

wasn't working fast enough.
“I.... uhhhh.....” He tried again.
“Fucking hell, Em. Just spit it out already.” I said harshly to him as I got up from the couch and
walked over to him. “You stood me up. You didn't answer your texts. You stayed out all night. You

had me out in the middle of the night calling and looking everywhere for you. And all you can say is
'I ….. uhhhh..' come on, Em. You could've at least thought of a good lie while you were out all

night.” I said as I walked past him to the kitchen.
He turned and followed behind me. “I drank too much with the guys and had to sleep at Jacobs

house. I didn't wake up until about an hour ago.” He said quickly.
“You expect me to believe that Em? Come on. I know you better than that. You were too drunk at

seven o'clock at night to text me back? I'm not stupid. I know you were with another woman.”
I wanted to tell him just to admit it. That he had been caught. But how can I say that to him when I

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had never admitted what I had done to him. I deserved what I was getting but that didn't mean it

didn't hurt like hell. Yes, I was being a hypocrite but I couldn't help it.
He slammed his fists down on the kitchen counter. “Dammit, Bella. Yes, I expect you to believe it

because it's the truth. I'm sorry you were out looking for me and I'm sorry I didn't call back. I didn't
mean to worry you.” He said as he ran his fingers through his hair.
I don't fucking believe you because I was doing the same thing for a long time. I know more about
this cheating shit than you will ever know. That's why I don't believe you.
This fight continued on and on for almost an hour. We constantly went back and forth. He would
never admit to being with another woman. I wouldn't believe him. He would stick to his story. I

would tell him to give up the story already.
The fight eventually ended when he stormed out of the house again. Saying he couldn't stand to

look at me anymore because I was accusing him of something he hadn't done. That all sounded
well and good but there wasn't anything he could say to make me believe him.
I was hurt and sad, both at myself and at him.
I was mad at myself because I had let this turn into such a mess. We were all a big ass group of

cheaters and none of us should be trusted. I was completely honest with Edward but kept a million
lies from Em. Em was lying to me. Edward was lying to Em. It was a big, vicious fucked up cycle of

I had no idea where Em had went to when he left. I didn't really care. This relationship was ending

and I could feel it. This incident was the catalyst that finally blew it all up.
Em would always be special to me. He was my first love and my first real relationship. He was the

first man I shared a home with. The problem was I wanted Em as my friend, not as my lover
anymore. I just wasn't sure how to end it.
Part of me thought that he would eventually come home and one of us would decide that the
other should move out. The other part of me thought that he would come home and we would act

like today never happened.
I wanted him to end it but I didn't think he would. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that

he liked having me at home and his little sex girl on the side. After all, I had enjoyed doing the
same thing for quite some time.
My mind was all over the place and I needed to relax. I wasn't going to get anywhere by driving
myself crazy. I grabbed the bottle of wine from the cabinet and a wine glass. I put on my swimsuit

and went out to the pool. I grabbed my big comfy chair float and threw it in the pool.
I wasn't sure if I would be the one to have to move out but I was going to enjoy my pool as long as I

could. Ridiculous and shallow, I know.
I sat there in the pool with my bottle of wine, just floating around, trying not to think too hard. It

wasn't working so well, though.
I finished the whole bottle by myself and was pretty drunk when it was gone. I managed to get out

of the pool without drowning. I laid down on my bed and began talking to God in my head.
What do I do Lord? You have to tell me. I've gotten myself into a bad situation that is going to hurt

a lot of people and I need your help getting out. I love Em but I'm not in love with him. I love him
like a brother. Edward on the other hand, I really think I'm in love with him. Why else would I be

having these dreams about him every night? It's a sign, right God? Was Edward telling me the
truth about only wanting me and that Tanya was leaving? Was I too stubborn to see he was being

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Then as I sat there in my drunken stupor, it came to me. I can't live without him. I have to fix this
but how? I was hurt so badly. Can I believe him and trust him? I can't just go running back to him.

He still needs to see that he was wrong.
I needed to talk to him.


Edward POV
“Goodbye Edward.”
Those were the last words she had spoken to me. Those two words broke my heart and shattered
my world. I sat there and poured my heart out to her and she didn't believe me. She looked me in

my eyes and walked away. I didn't understand how she couldn't see my sincerity and honesty. I've
never been more honest and serious in my life.
I've never had to work to get a woman back. Hell, in all honesty, I've never wanted any of them
back. This was all new to me. I wasn't sure how to do this. How to make her believe me. She had

said that my words didn't have meaning to her anymore. I understood what she was saying. I had
lied to her when she had been nothing but honest with me. I was going to have to do more than

talk to get her back. I was going to have to prove it. I would have to show her that Tanya was gone
and show her how much I love her and want... no, need her.
I've been miserable without her. I've been having nightmares again about my parents' accident. I
wake up screaming in the middle of the night. Then, I started seeing Elizabeth in my dreams. She

was always telling me to show Bella how much I love her and to prove my love. She would hold my
hand and tell me to not give up; that true love always wins.
I had never dreamed of Elizabeth before now. I wondered if that was my mind's way of telling me
to quit being a pussy and get my woman back already. She was with the wrong man and I didn't

know how she hadn't figured that out already.
I couldn't even bring myself to really care when Tanya finally moved the last of her things. She

came down here almost like she was expecting me to, miraculously, want to go back to Chicago
with her. I just figured she would hire some more men to come in and grab her boxes and load

them up, like she had the last few times. I was completely surprised when she showed up.
I was in the living room, laying on the couch. This had become my new resting spot since Bella had

walked away from me. I couldn't sleep in my bedroom because it reminded me of Tanya. I didn't
want to sleep in the guest room because it reminded me of Bella. I couldn't even bring myself to

open the door to the guest room. I didn't want to see that bed and remember that day with Bella.
The day when I had broken down and let her see inside of me. The day we had officially moved

past sex. It was one of the best days I've ever spent with a woman and that's saying a lot
considering there was no sex involved.
I was watching my usual, CSI, when I heard the door open. I had forgotten to get Tanya's key back
from her. I was just so happy she was leaving and didn't even think about getting her key back. I

didn't even bother to move or to greet her.
I looked like hell. I hadn't shaved in days. I couldn't tell you the last time I took a shower. I wasn't

even bothering to eat.
I heard the clicking of her heels against the wooden floor as she walked closer to me.

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What the fuck has happened to you?” She scolded as she stood in front of me.
Move, Tanya. You are blocking the TV.” I said with no life or expression.
She stood there and looked at me for a few moments without moving and I was getting more and

more pissed at her.
Tanya! Fucking move!” I yelled.
So, Edward, this is what your life has come to? Are you that upset that I left? You know you can
come with me.” She said as she finally moved to the side.
Not even close. I'm actually very happy that you left and I told you before that I am not going
back to Chicago. Why are you here anyway?” I hadn't looked at her then entire time. I couldn't tell

you what she was wearing or if she even looked decent. Although she was standing directly in front
of me, I was looking through her and past her.
If you are so happy, why do you like like shit?” She said sarcastically.
None of your business. Again, what are you doing here?” My temper was getting shorter by the

second. If she didn't hurry up and get the hell out of my house, I would probably hurt her.
Damn, Edward. You are such an asshole. I'm here to get my last few boxes. I thought I would do it

personally.” She said in a sultry voice as she tried to stroke my head.
I moved away from her and sat up on the couch.
Don't touch me Tanya. Your boxes are in the

dining room. Leave your key on your way out.”
Was she really not getting the point that I wasn't interested in anything she had to say anymore?

She really was more clueless than I had thought.
I heard the click of heels again but this time she was walking away from me, thankfully. I heard her

mutter a 'asshole' under her breath as she walked toward the dining room. I felt a small twinge of
happiness inside of me, knowing that I had succeeded in pissing her off.
I didn't offer to help her pick up the boxes or move them. I continued to sit on the couch and watch
TV like she wasn't even there. After about and hour of hearing her go in and out of the my house, I

heard her walk back over to me.
She sat her key on the coffee table and then leaned down and in towards my face. Was she going

to fucking kiss me? She has to be joking.
I put my hand in her face and pushed her away without saying a word to her. I heard her huff and

then I finally heard her walk towards the door and then heard it click close behind her. She was
finally gone.
That one day was the only bit of happiness I've had lately. I needed to get my shit together and
start working on a plan to get Bella back. I couldn't sit around on my ass anymore and feel sorry for

myself. That wasn't going to prove my love for her. It was making me look and feel like a fucking
chump. I am a man and men do ridiculous things to get women back.
But what the fuck do I do? Who the fuck could I ask about this? I don't know anyone that has been
in the shitty of a situation. I am on my fucking own with this one. There isn't anything I wouldn't do

for her. Hell, I would tell Emmett to his face what we had done if she wanted me to. I would put up
a fucking billboard proclaiming my love for her if she asked. I was fucking shameless and I knew it.

She had me whipped and she didn't even know it.
I needed to share something with Bella that I had never shared with anyone else. The only other

person that knew the real reason I moved to Chicago was dead. I needed to tell her why I had
moved there. I needed to tell her where my money came from. I knew she was curious about it.

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Who wouldn't be? I obviously don't have a job but I always have money and then I bought this big

ass house. She was too nice to just come out and ask. I needed to tell her my family secrets. Things
I wouldn't even tell the rest of my family.
But I couldn't just call her up and tell her. I had to make it special. I knew what I needed to do. I just
hoped she would agree to meet me.
I didn't know if she would want to talk to me but I had to take that chance. So, I did what we do. I
texted her.
Bella, If you don't want to talk I understand but I didn't do a very good job of explaining myself
last time. Will you please give me another chance? I promise this time I will make it worth your

time. Please? -E
Bella POV
I was sitting at the house, alone. Em hasn't been back since our fight yesterday. I didn't really
expect him to but we needed to figure things out. I wasn't looking forward to that conversation but

it needed to be had. We needed to decide what we were going to do about the house and our
belongings. We had accumulated a lot of stuff in our years together. I was giving Em his space.

Letting him figure things out for himself.
I was a little startled when I heard my phone alert go off. I wasn't sure who it was and if it was Em, I

wasn't sure if I was ready to hear what he had to say.
I opened my phone and saw that the message was from Edward. What does he want? Did he not

remember how our last conversation ended?
I read the text and I was completely stunned. I was experiencing a mixture of emotions. I was

happy to hear from him and I was pissed that he clearly didn't take seriously what I had said last
I re-read the message a few times before responding. I wanted to make sure that I read it right.
Edward, I agree. You didn't do a good job at all. It wasn't worth my time last time. Why should I

believe this time will be different? -B
I felt bad for being so harsh but he needed to get in through his thick skull that I was tired of

hearing him talk and lie. I needed to physical proof.
Because I understand what you said last time and I'm going to prove it to you if you will just give

me the chance. -E
My heart skipped a beat at the fact that he had actually listened to what I had said and was taking

it seriously. I wanted to run back to him but I knew that if I didn't stand strong this time, that he
would walk over me in the future. It was now or never.
That all sounds good but I've had a shitty past 24 hours. Whatever you have planned is going to
have to be spectacular, if I come. -B
That sounded really bitchy but it was the truth. Hell, I just found out that Edward was right about
Em. He was cheating on me. I had been out in the middle of the night searching for him. He came

home and lied to me about it and then hasn't been home since.
I wanted to be alone and do this on my own but I wasn't sure how many times Edward would ask

me back if I kept turning him down.
It is spectacular. I promise. Will you meet me at my house at 7 tonight? -E
Part of me wanted to say no but the part that missed him and wanted him back was much larger.

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I guess so. I'll be there. -B
I couldn't sound too excited. I couldn't let him know that inside my heart was jumping for joy that
he hadn't given up.
Thank you! I can't wait to see you. -E
I had two hours to get ready and to get there. I jumped in the shower and then got dressed. I fixed

my hair and put on a little make up. I threw on my favorite jeans, tank top and sneakers. I didn't
want to dress up. Then he would know how excited I was and think he didn't have to work to get

me back. I had to play hard ball.
I made my way to the car and started the drive to his house. I took my time getting there. Maybe I

would intentionally be a few minutes late. Let him sit and think for a while. Let him wonder if I was
really coming.
My mind was racing the whole ride. What am I going to say? I wasn't this excited to see him last
time. Am I gonna be able to stay strong and not give in? What did he have planned? What is he

planning that is going to be worth my time?
He didn't know that I would've probably come anyways but the fact that he was basically begging

me helped.
It was a quarter past seven when I pulled into his driveway. I was all of a sudden very nervous. I felt

like it was my first time meeting him. My stomach was doing flips. My breathing was erratic.
The garage door was open, again. I pulled in and turned off the engine. I sat there for a few

moments before getting out. I needed to get my head together and calm down. I needed to stay
strong and show him that I was in control. I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes. You are

in control. You are strong. Don't give in. Make him prove it.
I opened the door and exited my car. As I stood up I felt my legs give out a little. I was very thankful

that I didn't wear heels. I would've definitely fell down.
I put my keys in my purse and put my purse on my shoulder. I took another deep breath and rolled

my shoulders back. Strong. Stay strong.
I looked around the garage and didn't see Edward anywhere. Am I supposed to just walk in the

house? Where is he?
I noticed a red envelope attached to the door that lead into the house. Oh my God. What is that?

What is he doing?
I walked over to the door and saw that the envelope had something written on it. It said “Bella,

Open me.”
I removed the envelope from the door and opened it. I found a handwritten note inside of it. I

pulled it out and read it.
Thank you for coming. I promised tonight would be worth your time. I am going to prove to you
just how much I love you because I do love you. More than I've ever loved anyone. Open the door

and follow the instructions.
All of my love,
My heart practically burst as I read his words. I never would have thought he would be so

romantic. I couldn't wait to see what was inside. I wasn't sure how much longer I could remain

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strong. I was already weak when it comes to him and now that he's doing this type of thing, I was

sure I would just melt when I saw him.
I took one last deep breath and turned the knob.

Open Arms/Realize/On Bended Knee

Bella POV
I pushed open the door and stepped into the kitchen. My heart immediately fluttered and my

breath was taken away from the sight before me. The room was entirely dark and it looked as if the
whole bottom floor was dark as well. I gazed around the room and noticed all of the work that

Edward had put into this night.
On the island there were red candles in the shape of a heart that were illuminating the room. The

invigorating scent from the candles filled the room and surrounded me. The scent was heavenly. It
wasn't over powering but it was the sweet smell of strawberries and cream. The counter tops were

lined with more small candles. On the floor was a line made of pink rose petals. In the center of
the heart was a small red envelope with a small blue box on top.
I let out the breath that I hadn't realized I was holding. My hand was covering my open mouth. I
was in complete shock. I couldn't believe he had honestly done all of this. I had no idea that he

could be this romantic. I knew that money was no object to him but if the rest of the house looked
anything like this, I could only imagine how much money he had spent. I continued to look around

the room. I was searching for him, for his face but I never saw him. Then I glanced back at the
letter in my hand and remembered that he had asked me to follow the instructions. I had been so

caught up in taking everything in that I hadn't even looked for instructions.
I shut the door behind me and slowly walked over to the island. I grabbed the blue box and

envelope. Tiffany's. Nice. I opened the envelope first. Another hand written note.
Everything I've done in this room is because of you. Every piece reminds me of you in some way.
The strawberries and cream candles remind me of the smell of your hair. The heart formation is

because you have my heart. You've always had it. The pink rose petals remind me of your beautiful
cheeks when you blush. Open the box.
Love you,
My eyes started to tear up but I couldn't start crying already. It was too early to start that. I opened
the blue box and saw a folded up note. I lifted the note to open it and saw a small silver heart

shaped locket that said “I Love You.” I gasped at the sight of it. It was beautiful and I couldn't
believe he had bought it. I didn't know when he had bought it. How long has he been planning

this? He hasn't had time to buy it since he asked me to come over. He must have been planning this
for some time.
I held the box in my hand and unfolded the note.
I told you that you have my heart. Here it is. It's locked because only you have the key. No one else
has been able to open it the same that you have. Please, follow the line of rose petals.
Loving you always,

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I began to follow the line. I was breathing in the scents and taking in the room as I walked. I had
never had anything like this done for me before and I didn't want to miss anything. I wanted to

savor every moment.
I had a feeling that after tonight nothing between us would be the same.
The line led past the end of the island, through the hallway and into the living room. It stopped at
the coffee table in the center of the room. There were more candles on the coffee table but these

were white and smelled of vanilla. The candles formed a circle around another red envelope with
another blue box on top.
I leaned down to grab the box and envelope. I opened the envelope first.
I hope you like what you've seen so far. The vanilla candles are for the way your breath smells
when your mouth is so close to mine. The circle is never ending and that is a symbol of my love for

you. It will never end.
My eyes were seriously tearing up and it was hard to control my emotions. All of this was so

thoughtful and loving. I took a few deep breaths to get my emotions in check. I opened the box.
Inside was a note and small silver charm in the shape of a crown. I unfolded the note.
You are my queen. There's a ribbon on the other side of the table. Follow it please.
Loving you more,
I set down the boxes and envelopes. I didn't know where the ribbon was leading or what it was

leading to and I didn't want to drop anything. I finally set down my purse on the couch as I walked
over to the beginning of the ribbon. I followed it with my eyes first. I led up the stairs to the second

floor. I walked up the stairs and curiously looked around for Edward. Where is he? How much more
can there be?
Still, no Edward. I reached the top of the stairs and looked around. There was a line of the
strawberry candles on the small table against the wall. Behind the line of candles was another blue

box and red envelope. I reached for the envelope.
The candles are standing in a line to represent the way that I will always stand here and wait for
So in love with you,
A single tear managed to escape after that note. I was just so surprised and never realized how
much he really felt for me. Maybe, I never allowed myself to see it but I was definitely seeing it

I opened the box. Another note and this time it was a bracelet with a small silver heart with

diamonds in it.
This bracelet reminded me of you. It's strong, delicate, classy, beautiful and the diamonds sparkle

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like your beautiful eyes.
Yours always,
He has put so much thought into every one of these gifts and I had no idea he even thought about
things like this.
There were no instructions in the note. I looked around the floor. To my left I saw another line of
pink rose petals. I followed the petals to the door of Edward's bedroom. I opened the door and

stepped inside. There were more of the vanilla candles on the dresser. They were in the shape of a
star. In the center was the infamous red envelope and blue box I had come to love.
This was the room where our relationship had advanced to the next level. This room will always be

special to me because of that but I have a confession. This isn't my bedroom. I'm sorry I lied to you
but I am promising to tell you the truth about everything tonight. You are my star.
Always my love,
I was a little upset that he had lied about something as trivial as his bedroom but we were starting
on a new page tonight and as long as he told me the truth I wouldn't get mad him.
I opened the box. There was no note but a set of diamond earrings in the shape of a star.
I was getting so anxious to see Edward. I wanted to jump him and kiss him and hug him. Tell him

that I love him too and thank you and I'm sorry.
I looked around the room for the instructions. I saw a note taped to the back of the door. I walked

over and pulled it off the door.
You are almost done. I promise. I wish I could see your face right now. I bet you look so beautiful.
Exit this room and go to the stairs leading to the the third floor. There will be a ribbon waiting for

Te Amo,
I did as he instructed. When I reached the stairs, I saw the red ribbon along them. I followed the

ribbon to the top of the stairs. The area was dark just like the rest of the house but this time there
were big three wick candles leading to a door on the left side of the hallway. I followed the candles

to the closed door. There was another red envelope taped to the door. I pulled the envelope down
and opened it to find another hand written note.
Thank you for trusting me to guide you tonight. I'm happy that you still have a little faith left in me.

This is the last note. I hope that you have seen a small glimmer of my love for you tonight. I don't
know that I can ever fully express the depth of it but I promise to never quit trying. There's one last

gift in this envelope. There is a silver key. It represents the key to my heart. I'm giving it to you.
You've had it ever since I met you, you just never knew. I hope that you will take it and care for it.

I'm just behind this door. I can't wait to see you.
Forever yours,

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I looked in the envelope and pulled out the silver key with a heart at the top. It was beautiful. It
was the key to his heart and he just handed it over to me. It meant more than he could imagine.
My heart began to race and my breathing was erratic, once again, with the thought of Edward
standing on the other side of the door waiting on me. I had been looking for him in every room but

knowing he was just that close to me, made me a little nervous. Seeing him after all of this, was
going to be like seeing him for the first time. I was seeing him in a new light. I was seeing the

Edward that wasn't afraid to show his love. The Edward that wasn't afraid to be vulnerable. He was
putting himself out there tonight and was trusting me not to shut him down again. There was no

way I could shut him down after all of this. I wanted to be here with him just as much as he wanted
me. He just didn't know that yet.
I took a couple deep breaths and rolled my shoulders back. I grasped the door knob and turned it. I
was going into this room to get my man. This was a new start for us and I wasn't going to let either

one of us mess this up, again. I had pretty much already made my decision. I wasn't sure how I
would do it but the fact that Em was cheating on me, only aided me in making the decision. I

would end it with Em, as soon as possible.
I pushed the door open to the room. I stood still for a second taking in everything in the room. It

was stunning and more than I could ever ask for.
Edward POV
My mind was racing as I sat on the edge of my bed. It felt like I had been up here waiting on her for
days. I had only came upstairs when I saw that she was pulling in the driveway. In all actuality, it

had only been about thirty minutes. I couldn't control my thoughts. Did I go too far with all of this?
Was is too much too soon? Would she think I was trying to buy her love? Would she think that all I

have is money to throw around? Would she think I was that shallow? Would she believe me when I
told her all of these things tonight? Would she walk out on me again?
Until this night, I've never been insecure about anything in my life. I've never been so afraid of
being rejected but the fact that she has rejected me twice before was killing my self esteem.
I need her to know how much she means to me. I need her to understand that I will do anything
for her.
I need to her to know that I realize I was wrong and that I want to make it right. I want her. I want
her all to myself. I want her without Emmett. I want to wake up with her everyday. I want to spend

everyday showing her how much I love her.
I had to calm myself down. I knew she was here. I had heard the doors opening and closing and I

knew she was following the notes. She hadn't given up on me yet.
I finally heard her footsteps getting closer to the door. My heart beat instantly raced when I heard

her pull down the last note on the front of my bedroom door.
I stood up and closed my eyes. I inhaled a few deep breaths and attempted to relax. I needed to be

calm when she opened the door. I needed to be able to say everything I wanted to say calmly.
I heard the knob begin to turn and I turned to face the door. My pulse was racing as I waited to see

her face. Once the door was fully open I could see what I've been missing for so long. The soft light
from the candles in the room was just enough for me to see her striking features.
She hadn't seen me yet. She was looking around the room. She was looking at the dozens of red
and pink roses that lined the room. She was seeing the huge candles that I had strategically placed

in the room. She finally noticed the small table and two chairs I had set up towards the back corner

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of the room. There were two plates filled with honey glazed salmon on a bed of rice. There were

two champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne in the center.
I stood behind the table with my hands clasped behind my back. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

It was like seeing her for the first time. She was so beautiful without even trying. She didn't need
the fancy clothes or even make up. She was naturally stunning in a pair of jeans and a shirt.
She finally noticed me standing behind the table and I heard her gasp. I automatically wondered if
it was a good gasp or a bad gasp. Her hand went to cover her mouth and the other hand went to

her stomach. My eyes met hers and her eyes looked glassy. Like she had been crying. I didn't want
her to cry. I was trying to make her happy.
I walked over to her without breaking our eye contact. I reached out my hands to her, hoping she
would allow me to embrace her. At least, hoping she would hold my hands. After a few seconds,

she removed her hands from her mouth and stomach and put her hands inside of mine. I
immediately felt the electricity that I had been missing. It was amazing that something as simple as

hand to hand contact could bring me so much comfort.
We continued to look into each others' eyes for a few moments. I didn't want to turn away from

her. I didn't want to look at anything else. Nothing else compares to her. She is all I would ever
I gently rubbed small circles on the tops of her hands with my thumbs. I wasn't sure if I was trying
to comfort her or myself.
I managed to finally start the speech I had been rehearsing in my head. “Bella, I can't thank you
enough for coming tonight. You didn't have to give me another chance and I'm so grateful that you

have.” I paused for a second. Continuing to gaze into her eyes. She was biting her bottom lip as if
she was trying to restrain herself. I licked my lips and continued. “The gifts tonight were small

tokens of my love. They all represent the beautiful and amazing woman that you are and all of
your wonderful qualities. They say that you don't realize what you have until you've lost it and they

were right. I took advantage of you. You were always honest with me and I lied to you out of fear
of losing you. I'm sorry for that. I would take it back if I could. I would never have let her even into

my house if I had known that I would lose you for one second. I was so in love with you that I
thought I could make myself fall in love with her and be happy with her since I couldn't have you.”

She closed her eyes and began to shake her head. I couldn't understand why. I wasn't done yet.
There was still so much I wanted to tell her and she was shaking her head 'no' at me. “I.. am...” She

interrupted me.
“Stop, Edward.” She said as she was still shaking her head at me. “Edward...” She started as she

finally opened her eyes and looked at me. I saw a few tears escape from her eyes. “I know why you
lied. I understand it. It doesn't make it right, but I understand. This whole situation has been tough

and we've both made mistakes. I'm sorry I didn't believe me when you told me you loved me. I
realize now that you do love me. You don't have to explain it all to me.”
I released her hands from mine and brought them to the sides of her face. I held them there for a
moment before I started to talk again.
“Thank you Bella. Thank you for understanding but I do need to explain a few more things. Will you
sit down with me and allow me to finish?”
She brought her hands up to mine and nodded her head. I took her hand and led her to her seat at
the table. She sat down and I went to my seat across the table but it seemed so far away now. I

didn't want to be that far away from her. I picked up my chair and moved it to sit directly next to
her. I turned towards her and took her hands in mine again.

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“The first thing is that I lied to you about my bedroom. It was something so stupid to lie about but I

didn't want you to see any of her things and they were in this room. That is why I wanted tonight
to be in this room. I wanted to open it to you and show you everything. This is my bedroom. I've

pretty much replaced everything so that there are no more reminders of her in here. I want to
make new memories in here with you. I don't want anything to be off limits to you.” I swallowed

hard. Her face seemed so understanding and loving. She didn't look angry at all.
“The second thing is something I want to share with you. It's something that no one else on this

Earth knows. I don't want any secrets between us and if we are going to start fresh, then you
should know all of this.” I stopped for a second and realized that she was now the one rubbing

soothing circles on my hands. How could she know how hard this was going to be for me to tell
I licked my lips and started again. “I didn't know until after my parents died that Esme wasn't my
real mother. Carlisle had lived in Chicago to do his residency after he graduated from medical

school. He was working at the University of Chicago hospital before he met Esme. He met a young
nursing intern during his third year of residency. Her name was Elizabeth. They were very taken

with each other and began to see each other romantically. The residents and interns were not
supposed to date so they had to keep it a secret. They continued to see each other for quite some

time. While they were still involved, Carlisle met Esme and immediately fell in love with her. He
broke things off with Elizabeth at that point. He and Esme were married only a couple of months

after they met. Soon after the wedding, Elizabeth told my dad that she was pregnant with me.” I
stopped and tried to regain my composure. This was harder than I thought.
“Esme hadn't known anything about his relationship with Elizabeth. Elizabeth was young and had
little to no money. She had used all she had on school. Carlisle told Esme about Elizabeth and the

pregnancy and Esme took it surprisingly well. My mom and dad knew that dad was destined for
greatness. He had been offered a great job in Atlanta when his residency was completed and knew

that he would advance quickly. He didn't want to leave me behind. He wanted to raise me.
Elizabeth knew she couldn't support me on her own. So, they made a deal. If Elizabeth agreed to

keep quiet about their affair and to let Esme and Carlisle raise me as their child, they would send
her a substantial amount of money each month.” I looked down at my hands as my eyes began to

tear up at the thought of my mother basically selling me to my father. I knew she thought it was
best for me but it still fucks with my head sometimes.
“Edward, it's okay. You don't have to tell me the rest.” She said lightly.
“No, I want to finish. I want you to know.” I looked back into her beautiful eyes. “When I was a few

months old, my mom and dad moved back to Georgia and away from Elizabeth. Elizabeth told the
few people she knew that she had decided to give me up for adoption since she couldn't support

me on her own. None of my family down here ever knew that Esme wasn't my mother. They
continued to send Elizabeth a monthly check and pictures of me up until their death. When they

died, I had to sort through all of their financial documents and wills. That's when I saw the bank
statements and cleared checks with her name on them. I couldn't believe it when I first saw it. I

had no idea who Elizabeth Masen was and why they would be sending her all that money. I did
some research and found out where she lived. I called her and asked her about the money and my

family. She told me about everything and I was completely stunned. I had a birth mother that I
knew absolutely nothing about. She invited me to come see her and get to know her. When I got

there, she told me that she had saved fourteen years of the money for me. She hoped that I would
find her one day and if not she had planned to leave it to me in her will. When I met her, she had

just been diagnosed with cervical cancer. I couldn't believe that I had just met her and was about
to lose her also. I decided to stay with her and get to know all of her that I could.” I stopped again.

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Bella never faltered. She never interrupted me and let me tell this story at my own pace.
I took a deep breath and started again. “She told me all about her and how after she had finally
gotten on her feet, she didn't feel right using the money from my father and that's why she saved it

for me. She never married or had any kids. She never felt like she deserved any more kids after she
had let me go. She died a few months before I moved here. I didn't feel the need to stay there after

she was gone. It was time to come back home. So that is where I've gotten my money from. Part of
it was left from my parent's life insurance policies and the rest of it was what my mother had saved

for me. It all added up to be about three million dollars. I used some of it to live off and invested
the rest. Now, you know everything. No secrets.”
“Edward, thank you for telling me. I can't explain how much it means to me that you would trust
me with this.”
“Bella, I just wanted you to know everything about me and how much you mean to me.” I said as I
continued to gaze into her eyes. She took my face in her hands and pulled herself closer to my

face. She licked her lips and closed her eyes and I closed the distance between our lips. I finally felt
the warm gentle caress of her lips against mine. It felt so perfect. Our lips moved together and I felt

her tongue slide against my lips.
I couldn't believe she was the one advancing our kiss. I was amazed in a good way. My heart

swelled at the thought of her wanting me like I want her. I opened my mouth and allowed our
tongues to dance together. The taste of her was so sweet and it was something I wanted to taste

all day everyday.
We continued our kiss until we could no longer breath. She released my mouth and I pressed my

forehead against hers as I panted. “Bella... thank you.” I whispered.
“You don't have to thank me for doing what I wanted to do.” She replied.
My heart continued to grow with everything she said. I didn't think it was possible to love her
anymore than I already did but she was proving me wrong.
I lifted my head from hers and looked into her eyes. “Bella. We should eat before it gets too cold.”
She chuckled a little. “I forgot all about the food. I guess we should eat. It looks so good.”
I moved my plate over to where I was now sitting. I opened the champagne and poured us both a
glass. I held up my glass to her and started to talk. “To second chances and new beginnings.” She

smiled as she clinked her glass against mine.
We took a sip of the champagne and began to cut into the salmon. I didn't even want to take my

eyes off of her to cut my food. I felt like I hadn't seen her in years and I didn't want to look at fish. I
wanted to look at the beautiful, forgiving woman in front of me. I managed to eat a few bites of

the food but finally gave up. I sat my fork down next to my plate. I sat back in my chair and
watched her take a bite of her food.
She smiled shyly and said “What are you doing, Edward? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I took looking at you for granted and I promise not to ever again. Finish eating. I just want to look

at you.” I said as I grasped my glass and took a sip of the champagne.
She swallowed her food and licked her lips. She turned in her seat to face me. “Edward, tonight has

been so amazing. I had no idea that you had it in you to do all of this. Thank you.”
I sat my glass down and reached for her hands. She placed her hands inside of mine and I looked

into her eyes. “Bella, you are more than welcome. The night isn't over yet, though. This is just the
half-time show.” I leaned in to her to kiss her lips again. I couldn't get enough of her.

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“Edward” she started. “Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything.”
“When did you get all of the gifts? You didn't have time after you texted me to set everything up

and buy all the gifts.”
I looked at her for a second. It was a good question. It was true, I hadn't had time to do all of it.
“Bella, I've been collecting these things ever since I met you. I was just waiting on the right time to
give them all to you. There was never an appropriate time until now. The last one I bought just a

few days ago, the key. I saw it and knew that if you ever gave me a second chance, that I would
give it to you.”
Her eyes started to become glassy again. “Edward, they are all so special. I can't believe you never
gave up.”
Could she really think that I would just give up on her?
“I would never give up on you or us. I told you before, I've never felt this way about anyone and I

wasn't going to let you go so easily. I love you, Bella.” I said sincerely as I took her face in my hands.
A few tears escaped her eyes and she sighed. “Edward I'm so sorry. I've not been the same since

we've been apart. I didn't realize how much I loved you until you weren't there.”
“Bella, don't apologize to me. I was the one that lied to you. I'm the one that's sorry.”
“You don't have to apologize anymore. I know that you are sorry and I know that you love me. It's
time to move forward. We can't dwell on the past.”
She was completely right and I was happy that she understood me. I leaned into her for another
kiss. I pressed my lips against her and her hands went to my neck. I could feel the urgency between

our lips. I slid my tongue against her lips and deepened our kiss. Our tongues danced and swirled
around each other in perfect harmony. This woman was everything I could ever dream of having.
We finally broke our kiss after what seemed like hours. I pulled back and looked in to her eyes.
“Fuck the food.” She said simply.
I chuckled a little. “I couldn't agree more.”
We stood up together and I took her hand again. I led her over to the bed and turned around to

face her. She looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and lifted up on her toes to kiss me.
I met her halfway and pressed my lips to hers. I grabbed her waist as she weaved her fingers into

the hair at the nape of my neck. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist, never
breaking our kiss.
I sat down on the bed, still holding her against my waist. We continued to kiss as I felt her hands
grasp the hem of my shirt and begin to pull. I hadn't imagined having sex with her tonight. I

definitely wasn't going to argue with her about it though. I released her waist and lips long enough
to allow her to lift my shirt. I didn't want to break our kiss again so, I went ahead and removed her

Our lips immediately found each other again. It was like they were magnets drawn to each other. I

reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. It fell from her arms and I could feel her breasts
pressed against my chest. The skin to skin contact was almost too much to bear. My erection felt

like it would explode at any second. I had been without her for so long.
I lifted us from the bed and turned around. I laid her on the bed and continued to assault her

mouth with mine. My hands grasped the button on her jeans and quickly unbuttoned them and

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the zipper. I grabbed the sides of her jeans and gently pulled them down and off of her. She

opened her legs again to allow me to rest in between them. As I lowered myself back on top of her
I felt her hands go to the button on my jeans. She removed them as quickly as I had removed hers.
Once they were gone, I finally situated myself on top of her. It felt so right to have her legs
wrapped around my waist. The only thing separating us now was our underwear. I couldn't control

myself with her as I began to grind my hips against her center. I wanted her so badly.
I felt her hands on the waistband of my boxers as she began to slide them off. I allowed her to slide

them off of me and I quickly went to remove her panties. There were no barriers now.
I pulled back from our kiss and looked into her eyes as I stroked her cheek. Her eyes looked so

warm and open. I could feel her warm, sweet breath against my face. I could feel the rhythm of her
heartbeat against my chest. This was where I belonged. We were made for each other.
“You know we don't have to do this tonight. I love you and I will wait.”
She shook her head at me. “No. I don't want to wait anymore. Being with you is what I want. Don't

make me wait. Please.” It almost sounded like she was pleading with me. She didn't have to plead.
I just didn't want her to feel pressured.
“Your wish is my command.” I replied simply before pressing my lips to hers.
Bella POV
I could feel his erection pressed against my entrance and I just wanted him inside of me. I wanted
to feel all of him. Our kiss continued and I grabbed his butt with my hands and pulled him into me.

His cock slid inside of me with ease.
This was where I belonged. How did I not see it before? How did I not see that I was with the wrong

person? How did I think I could deny myself this amazing man?
Being with him was so right and made me feel so complete. My body had been aching for him and

I knew that it wouldn't take me long to reach my orgasm. He slid in and out of me in a wonderful
rhythm. I was so close.
He wouldn't release my lips from his assault long enough for me to tell him I was about to come.
All I could do was murmur it into his mouth. He pulled back from my mouth just as my orgasm

began to over take my body.
My whole body began to writhe and shake underneath him. “Edward... oh god... Edward!” I

shouted. I opened my eyes to see him gazing at me like he usually did.
“You are more beautiful every time you come.” He said before he began to kiss my lips again. He

continued his rhythm for a little longer until I could feel his body begin to tense up.
A few more strokes and I felt his body go rigid.
He finally rested on top of me as he panted. I stroked his hair and looked into his eyes.
“That gets more amazing every time.” He whispered into my ear.
“I know.” I said before I lightly kissed his lips.
He rolled over on to the bed and continued to gaze into my eyes. I didn't want to get up. I didn't

want to leave the bubble we had created. Everything was so perfect. We laid still for a few
moments. I was relishing in every moment.
He finally got up and went into the bathroom. I followed behind him and found him standing at the
sink. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I didn't want to ever let him


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“What are you doing in here?” He asked. I was confused. I had to clean up. “You know you are

supposed to let me come and clean you up.”
I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. “I forgot. I missed you.”
He turned around to face me and lifted me up. He swung me around and sat me on the vanity. He
pressed his lips against mine once more. I could never tire of tasting this man.
He wet the rag with warm water and proceeded to wash me off before he washed himself off. I
watched him clean himself off like a little girl watches her father shave. Nothing but love and

adoration in my eyes.
Once he was completely clean, he situated himself in between my legs as he rubbed my thighs.
“Bella, I have a request.” He asked timidly.
I would give him anything. He didn't need to be apprehensive about asking me.
“Anything.” I replied.
“I don't want to live without you anymore. I want to be with you every day. I don't want to share

you. I love you too much to share. Will you leave Emmett? Will you stay with me?” He asked as his
eyes dropped to his hands.
I placed my hands on the sides of his face and lifted it to look at me. “You don't even have to ask. I
was already going to leave him. I am all yours. You don't have to share any longer.”
His face lit up as he smiled. It was the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face. He pulled me into
him and kissed my lips.
“That's the best news I've ever heard. Thank you.”
“You don't have to thank me.”
“Let's get out of the bathroom.” He said as he grasped my waist and lifted me off of the vanity. He
carried me into the bedroom and laid me down on the bed.
He laid next to me and we simply laid there gazing at each other, as if this was all new. I had
forgotten all about Em until he mentioned him. I knew that after the stunt Em pulled and after

tonight, there was no way I could go back to him.
“I don't know how to end it with Em.” I started. “I can't tell him about us. It will only cause more

drama and pain. I'm sure he's cheating on me. What should I do?”
He stroked my cheek before he answered. “Don't tell him about us, you're right. Just tell him that

you know he's cheating on you and that you don't want to be with him anymore.”
It all sounded so simple but I knew it was definitely not going to be easy. “I hope it will be that

easy. I don't have anywhere to live though. The house was his first. I'm gonna have to find a new
place. That's gonna be fun.” I said sarcastically.
“Bella, don't worry about a place to live. This house is too big for me. You can stay here with me.
Didn't you just hear me ask you to stay with me?”
“I did hear you but I didn't think you meant for me to stay in your house with you. I don't know
about that.” I wasn't sure that I was ready to move in with him yet.
“Bella, what is there to not know? I love you and you love me. I don't want to be without you any
more. It would be my honor to have you live with me.” He sounded so sure of himself and what he

was asking me to do.
“I'll think about it. Is that okay?” I asked him.

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There was small bit of disappointment in his eyes. “It's okay. I understand. Just please know that I

want you here, always.” He said as he leaned in to press his lips to mine, again.

Already Gone

Bella POV
I awoke feeling fully refreshed and like today was the first day of a new life. I was still embraced in
Edward's strong arms. We were laying with our limbs completely entwined with one anther's. His

right arm was under my neck and his left arm was resting around my stomach. My arms were
wrapped around his waist and my face was nuzzled against his chest. My right leg was draped

across his hips as his left leg sat in between my legs.
I inhaled a deep breath, wondering if he smelled as good in the morning as he did when we went

to bed. He did. I placed a light kiss against the center of his chest before pulling my head back and
looking at his beautiful face.
He looked so peaceful in his slumber. I could feel his breath on my face as he exhaled. This was
how I wanted to wake up everyday. I wanted to be able to look at his face and feel his arms

wrapped around me every morning. This was where I belonged, with him.
I didn't want to wake him, so I sat there a while longer and rubbed his back while he slept. My

mind was still reeling from last night. I, honestly, felt like I was in a dream. I had never imagined
that anything like that would happen to me.
It wasn't about the gifts, although they were beautiful. It was about the thoughts behind them.
The fact that he had been buying things that reminded him of me, not knowing if he would ever

actually be able to give them to me.
I still couldn't process everything he had confessed to me about his family. I felt honored and

privileged that he trusted me with that information when no one in his family knew. I couldn't
imagine how hard it was for him to lose both of his parents and then to find out such a huge secret

and not be able to tell anyone. He was brave for moving to Chicago to meet Elizabeth and to get to
know her. I can't imagine spending five years with her and then to have her die too.
No wonder he hadn't opened his heart to a woman, everyone one he truly loved in his life had
died. It made me grateful that I was the one he chose to open his heart to. I would make sure that

he knew just how much a woman could love him and how happy two people can be.
We just had one gigantic hurdle to get over before we could start our new life. Emmett was that

hurdle. Edward made it seem like breaking up with Em was going to be simple. Like I could just
walk in the house, pack up my shit and say “Em, I'm leaving. Have a nice life.” Like there would be

no questions or arguing. Did he not know how Em is?
I wanted to end it right. I wanted Em to know that I love him. I'm just not in love with him

anymore. It's not even about the fact that both of us cheated on each other. Although, that only
solidified that the relationship was definitely over. It was about the fact that we were more like

roommates that occasionally had sex with each other.
I found the person that is right for me and I know there is some one out there that is right for him.

Maybe that's who he is cheating with. Maybe she is making him see that he is with the wrong
I only hoped that he was in some way planning to end the relationship too. That we could in some
way be civilized to each other and not make too big of a scene.

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I felt Edward's warm lips against my forehead and was brought out of my thoughts.
“Mmm. Good morning, Love.” He whispered against my skin.
“Good morning it is.” I replied as I tilted my face up to press my lips against his.
“Did you sleep well?” He asked as he gazed in my eyes and ran his fingers through my hair.
“Well doesn't describe it. It's more like amazing.” I saw a huge beautiful smile form across his face.

Would looking at him ever get old? Would I ever get tired of him kissing me? I can't ever imagine
when I would.
“I know. I love waking up with you in my arms. I've waited so long for this moment. I don't want to
move one inch.” His thumb was rubbing light circles on my cheek as he pressed his lips to mine was

In all of my mornings with Em, none of them had ever been this enjoyable. This was new territory

and I was loving it.
We laid in bed for a while simply kissing, rubbing and looking at each other. It was as if we were

both trying to make that moment last. Neither one of us wanted to leave the little world we had
created in his bed.
“Are you hungry?” He asked.
“Then let's go downstairs and get some breakfast.” He said before pressing one more kiss against
my lips.
“Okay. Let's go.”
We both got up and put our underwear on. He slid on some jogging pants and his house shoes. I

realized that I didn't have anything other than the clothes I wore over here. I stood there in my
underwear watching him move around the room. Watching the muscles in back contract. His

beautiful body always amazed me.
I guess I kind of zoned out because I hadn't even realized he was talking to me.
“Bella, hello?” I heard faintly.
“Oh, what? I'm sorry.” I managed to spit out as I snapped out of my trance.
He chuckled a little. “I asked you if you wanted a shirt or a pair of my boxer shorts to put on?”
“Oh, that would be great.” I reached down to grab my bra and put it on.
He turned around from his dresser with a t-shirt in his hands. “No no no.”
I looked at him questioningly. “No, what?”
“No bra. Not this morning. Please.” As he walked over to me and handed me the shirt.
I let my bra fall from my hand down to the floor. “Okay. If you say so.” I said jokingly.
I put the shirt on and saw that there were no shorts in his hands. “Where are the shorts? Or do
you want me to walk around in this shirt and my thongs all morning?” I said sarcastically.
“Shirt and thongs.” He said simply as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him.
My arms went up and around his neck as he kissed me. His lips felt so perfect and the way our lips

moved with each other was like they were made for each other.
I felt his tongue slide against my lips and his hands slide down to cup my ass and pull me up. I

opened my mouth to him and felt his warm smooth tongue press and circle my own.

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After a few moments I felt him pull his mouth away. “Let's go downstairs before we get distracted.”

He said laughingly. He was right, though. I wasn't sure how long I could kiss him with him gripping
my ass and not want to rip his clothes off.
He released the rest of my body and took my hand as he turned around to walk out of the room. I
held onto his hand as we walked into the hallway. I noticed that all of the candles were still there. I

knew he had gone to blow out the candles last night after our second round of love making. We
didn't want to burn the house down just because we were in our love bubble. Seeing all the

candles and rose petals brought back all of the emotions from last night and reminded me just
how much this man loves me.
I followed behind him until we reached the kitchen. He walked to the sink and began to wash his
hands while I went to the refrigerator to gather the ingredients for our breakfast. I was reaching

inside of the refrigerator to grab the eggs when I heard Edward begin to speak.
“Bella, what are you doing?”
“I'm getting the eggs. Why?” I grabbed the egg carton and shut the door. I turned around to find
him walking towards me with his hands out.
He shook his head and laughed as he took the carton from my hands. “Haven't you learned
anything yet? I'm doing the cooking. Have a seat, please?” He said in a sweet tone.
“Ummm, okay. Well can I at least make the coffee? I don't want to sit here and do nothing.”
“If you must.” He said with a small chuckle.
I started the coffee and he began cracking the eggs and making our omelets. Once he was finished
we sat at the island and ate the food in silence.
We didn't always need to fill the silence with words. That was part of the glorious nature of our
relationship. I was content with simply looking at him.
“I don't want to do this today.” I said in almost a whisper.
“Do what today?” He asked as he looked at me confused. Did he forget so quickly that I have to

end this with Em?
“You know what I have to do today, Edward. I have to break up with Em.” I said as I grabbed our

dishes and put them in the sink.
“Oh. I guess I forgot. You know you don't have to go today. You can stay here with me and go

tomorrow. Or better yet, you never have to go. We can buy you new clothes and anything that you
need.” As he turned on the stool to look at me.
I walked in between his legs and wrapped my arms around his neck. I placed a small kiss on his lips.
“I have to go at some point. It's not about the clothes. After all these years I can't just disappear.

He deserves for me to at least end it in person. And the longer I put it off the harder it's going to
be. I need to just get it over with. That way we can move on.”
“Okay.” He simply replied as he rubbed my lower back.
“I should go take a shower and get dressed. Get this over with already.” I turned to walk up the

stairs to his bedroom.
I made my way to the bathroom attached to his bedroom and found the towels. I started the

shower and began to undress. My stomach was in knots thinking about what I was going to have to
do shortly. I had no idea what I would say to him or how he would react. I didn't want him to hate

me once it was over. We had been together too long for us to hate each other. Not that I thought
we could be friends but I hoped one day we could at least be around each other without him

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giving me evil looks.
I stepped in the warm spray and felt the water rush over my skin. I was slowly relaxing in the steam
and water. My muscles becoming less tense with each minute. I was only in the shower for about

five minutes when I heard the bathroom door open.
I looked to the door of the shower and saw Edward's head pop in. “Do you want some company?”

He asked with a sly smile on his face.
“You are relentless. You know that? You do know that if you get in here with me, nothing will get

washed and I'll never actually get the nerve up to leave?” I asked him as I reached for the wash
“I don't see the downside in that scenario. How about I just wash you off. No sex. I promise.” As he
gave me his puppy god eyes.
“Fine but I can't promise I won't touch you.” I said to him as he closed the door to the shower and
removed his pants. He quickly stepped back in the shower and I could see his perfect form and

clear erection. No sex but your dick is already hard? Right.
He took the washcloth from me and squeezed some body wash on to it. He then sat on the bench

in the back of the shower and began to wash the front of my body. I allowed my head to fall back
and just relish in the feeling of having this man take such care of me.
“Turn.” He commanded. I turned around let the spray wash the soap off of me as he washed my
backside. I was getting so turned on. I could feel myself begin to get wet.
Then I felt him push the wash cloth in between my legs and rub my center. I almost collapsed.
I then felt his hands begin to rub up and down my thighs. He knew what he was doing. He knew I

wouldn't be able to take it. The water, the heat, the sensations of him washing me was making it
too hard to deny him.
I turned around to face him and his hands went to my stomach. His mouth instantly found my right
breast and he began to suck my nipple. I was going to explode without him actually penetrating

He continued for a while before I felt him drop to his knees and lift my right leg over his shoulder. I

felt his tongue slide inside the folds of my pussy. He felt so good. Everything this man did to me
was amazing.
“Edward..... I'm not..... gonna.... last....shit!” I panted as I tried to find something to grab a hold of
to balance myself on.
“You don't have to. It's all about you.” He said before he dove back in to me.
That was all I needed to quit fighting my orgasm. I relaxed and let it overtake me. I felt the warmth

rush through my body and my muscles clinched and twitched. “Oh God...... Edward....
He placed one last kiss on my clit before he stood up. “Now that's a good breakfast.” He said as he
kissed my lips.
“You are crazy.”
I switched places with him in the shower and stepped out. I dried off and put on the clothes from

the day before. As I was putting on my sneakers I saw him step out of the bathroom in nothing but
a towel draped around his waist.
I walked over to him and kissed him one last time. “I have to go. I will call you when I'm done.”

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“Okay. Bella, please believe me when I say that I want you here with me, always. I'm dead serious. I

want to share everyday with you. I love you and if you need me while you are there, just call and I'll
be right there. And I know you are probably going to be upset afterward, so I want you to come

here. Let me take care of you.” He said as he pulled me in for a hug.
“I love you too and I believe you. I'll call you soon.” I took one last look in his eyes and released

him. I turned to walk away. I couldn't look back or I would never leave.
I grabbed my purse from the couch and walked out to my car. I started the engine and put the car

in reverse. I started my iPod and tried to find some light music that would ease my mood a little. I
needed to relax and quit being so nervous. This was going to have to happen and it would be

easier if I could think clearly.
I finally reached the house and saw Em's car in the driveway. I pulled next to it and cut off the

engine. I sat in the car for a few moments taking deep breaths. It's now or never. Just do it and get
it over with. You can do this. You have to do this.
I opened the car door and stepped out. I shut the door behind me and walked to front door of the
house. My heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to explode. I was not as ready for

this as I thought. I turned the knob and walked in. Em wasn't in the living room or the kitchen. I
walked towards the bedroom and heard the radio playing. He's in the shower. Damn.
I walked to the closet and grabbed my suitcase. I started grabbing some clothes and shoes and
stuffing anything I could into the suitcase. I heard the water cut off and I knew he would be out

here soon and the war would begin. I continued throwing things into the suitcase. I was getting
more frantic and nervous by the moment. My stomach was twisted into so many knots that I felt

like I was going to be sick.
I finally heard the door open. After a few seconds, I heard Em say “What the fuck?” Then I saw him

standing in the doorway of the closet. Fuck! This is it. This is the beginning of hell.
I froze right in the middle of throwing clothes into my suitcases. I didn't even want to look at him. I

didn't want to see his face and see his anger. I quit breathing and I swear my heart stopped.
“Bella! What the hell are you doing?” I heard him say as he walked over to me and grabbed my

wrists. The force from him squeezing my wrists made me drop the clothes and they fell to the floor.
Fuck fuck fuck!
“Bella, why are you packing everything up? What's going on? Fucking talk to me!” He shouted at
I finally brought my head up and looked at his face. His eyes were wide and his brows were
scrunched. His mouth was in a tight straight line. His hands were squeezing my wrists so hard that I

lost the blood flow to them. If looks could kill then I would have been dead.
“Em, let go of me.” I said harshly. Today was definitely not going to be as easy as Edward thought.
“Fine.” He said as he released my wrists. “Tell me what is going on. Are you leaving me?” He asked
with a hurt and confused look on his face.
“Fine. Let's talk. Get dressed first. I'll meet you in the living room.” I said as I walked around him
and out of the bedroom.
“Uhh. Okay.” I heard him say under his breath.
I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. My mind was racing. I had no idea how to start

this conversation. He was already pissed and confused. Could he really not see it coming? Was he
really that oblivious to everything? Did he think our relationship was working the way it was?

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After a minute, he walked into the living room in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He walked over and

sat in the chair across from me. I stared at him for a few moments trying to figure out what to say
to him.
“Bella, just tell me. Are you leaving me? Just be honest.” All the anger was gone from his face. He
now looked sincere and concerned.
I took a deep breath before I started. “Yes, Em. I'm leaving. I'm sorry.” I said quietly as the tears
began to fall down my cheeks. I knew my emotions would get out of control.
“You know why, Em....” I said as I looked down at my hands and wiped away the tears. “I love you

but I love you like a brother. I feel like we are room mates that occasionally have sex. We just can't
go on like this anymore.”
“Bella, we can get it back. I know we can. Don't leave. Please. I love you. I wanna be with you.
Please don't leave me.” He was pleading and his voice sounded so broken. In all the time I've spent

with him, I've never heard his voice sound like this.
I was, surprisingly, pissed by what he said. “Em, we've tried to get it back. How much can you want

us or me when you don't even come home at night? You stood me up on a date that you planned!
I've never stood you up and I've never ever stayed out all night. It was unacceptable and you know

it!” I shouted at him harshly. I wasn't trying to place blame on either of us. We both screwed up
royally and we were both to blame for ruining our relationship.
“I explained all of that to you. I'm sorry. I do want us. I want you.” I looked up to see his face and he
looked as if he was about to cry and it broke my heart. Looking at him made my tears fall even

“Em, it's just over. You know it and I know it. We've just been hanging on because we've been

together for so long. I can't do that anymore. It's time we go our separate ways and find the person
that's right for us. I'm sorry.” I stated as I got up from the couch and walked over to him. I bent

down in front of him and placed my hands on the sides of his face. I placed a light kiss on his
forehead. “I'm sorry.” I turned and walked toward the bedroom. My tears were still flowing, my

breathing was all over the place, I was a mess. I hated doing this, but I knew it was for the best, I
was in love with someone else. I needed to do this for both of us, do what was best for me.
I went into the closet and continued packing my things. I wanted to get the majority of my clothes
so that I wouldn't have to come back anytime soon. I could come back when he was gone and get

my furniture.
I was almost done when I heard Em walk into the room. I looked over to him. “Bella, I don't want

you to leave, but if you have to, then you have to. I don't know what I'm gonna do without you.”
“Em, you are a grown man, you will be fine. I know there is someone out there that is more right

for you then I am. I'm sorry but I promise one day you will thank me for letting you go.”
It was true. Em wasn't a bad guy. He just wasn't the right guy for me. It was time we both moved

on in our lives.
I closed my suitcases and wiped the tears from my eyes. I had gathered all I could manage and it

was time to finally walk out the door. I had to find the strength to take the final step and walk out
of the door. I grabbed the suitcases and started to roll them towards the door. I passed Em and

started to cry again.
I made my way to the front door and opened it. I put the suitcases on the porch and turned around

to take one last look at the house. I was met with Em's face instead.

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“I... I... guess this is it.” I stammered. I was unsure of what to say to him at this point. What could I

say? He looked so hurt and I doubt there was anything I could say to make him feel better.
“I guess so.” He said softly. His eyes were glassy and his face was filled with so much hurt.
“Bye, Em.” I said somberly as I looked his face one last time and broke into tears, again.
“Bye.” He whispered.
I turned and walked out of the door. I grabbed my suitcases and rolled them out to the car. As I
opened the trunk to load the suitcases, I looked at the front door and saw Em still standing there

looking at me in a daze. I felt so bad for what I had just done but I was thankful he didn't know
about Edward. It seemed as if he was hurt enough by me leaving; I didn't need to add insult to

I finished loading the car and got in and shut the door. I started the engine and backed out of the

driveway. As soon as I was out of the driveway, I lost it. I began sobbing so hard that I could barely
breathe. I wasn't crying for myself. I was crying because of what I had just done. I was crying

because the man I had spent the last few years with was no longer a part of my life.
I pulled over on the side of the road to call Edward.
“Bella, are you okay?” Edward answered.
I couldn't even respond. I just kept sobbing into the phone. I didn't know where I was going. I knew

Edward wanted me to come there but I still wasn't sure about it. At this point, it was either a hotel
or Edward's. I thought the decision would be clear but it wasn't. I wasn't sure if was ready to live

with another man so soon. But this isn't just any man, it's my Edward. The Edward that had
opened his entire world to me.
I had a tough decision to make. Where do I go now?

I Will Be

Bella POV
“Bella? Bella? Please answer me. Are you okay?” His voice was full of worry but I couldn't manage
to actually produce words. All I could do was sob. “Bella, say something. Anything. Where are you?

I'll come get you?”
I never imagined that I was going to be this emotional about leaving Em. I knew it was coming and

I was the one that had made the decision to end it but it clearly wasn't making it any easier. I felt
like such an idiot. I was sobbing like a five year old, in my car on the side of the road. Could I not be

an adult and control my emotions?
“Bella? Where are you?”
“I....I....” I stuttered. I didn't want to seem this weak. I wanted to be strong and handle all of this
like a real woman would.
“I …. I am on the side of the road. You don't have to come get me. I...I...I'll be fine. Just talk to me.
Please.” I took a few deep breaths and tried to regain my composure.
“Thank God. I didn't know what had happened to you. Are you sure you don't want me to come
get you?”
I ran my hand through my hair and leaned my head back against the headrest. “No. I'll be okay to
drive. It was harder than I thought it would be.”

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“I'm sorry Bella. I'm sorry you had to go alone. I've been so worried about you. He didn't do

anything bad to you, did he?” He questioned. I could tell he was only concerned about my well
“No, he didn't. It was just hard to tell someone goodbye that you've spent everyday with for the
past few years. At least it's over with. Now we can move forward.”
“I know it was hard, Baby. I love you.” The smooth sound of his voice never seemed to get old.
“I love you too. I guess I need to start driving and get off the side of the road.” I said as I lifted my

head up and grasped the steering wheel.
“Are you sure you're safe to drive?”
“Yeah, I'm okay now. I'm just not sure where I'm going to be driving to.” I know he wanted me to
come there but I just wasn't sure yet. I didn't want Edward to be the rebound guy. I wanted to

make sure that I was ready to fully be with another man. He seemed so sure that everything would
work out with us. I wasn't sure how he could be so certain. Did he know something I didn't?
“Bella, what are you talking about? I thought you were going to come here?” He sounded hurt.
I sighed to myself. “I'm just not sure Edward. I don't want to mess things up with us just because I

don't have a place to go right now. I'm sure I can call Alice and stay with her for a while.” I knew
where I wanted to be but I just wanted to make the right decision.
“You don't need to go to Alice's. She's going to want to know what happened and do you really
want to tell her the whole story so soon? Please just come here. If you don't want to stay here we

can figure something out. Please.”
He was right. I loved Alice but she would surely want to know the details and I wasn't ready to tell

that story yet.
“I'll just go to a hotel for a few days then.” I tried to negotiate with him.
“Bella, please quit being so stubborn. Just come here for now and we can talk about this later.”
I put the car in drive and pulled back on to the road.
“Okay. You win. I'll be there soon.”
“Thank you. Please be careful. I love you.” He was so open with his feelings now and it almost

made me melt every time he said those words.
“I will be. I love you too.” I said as I shut my phone.
I drove to Edward's and my mind was boggled the whole time. I was thinking about Em and how
hurt he looked when I left. I was thinking about how in the hell I was going to explain this to

everyone. I was thinking about what things would be like if I decided to live with Edward. I wasn't
worried about what everyone else would think but I didn't want Edward to think I was only with

him because it was convenient.
I've never felt for anyone the way I feel for Edward. He deserved to know it and feel it. He had

made me feel so special and he deserved to feel the same way.
I pulled into Edward's driveway and saw the garage door open and him standing behind it. The

closer I got to the garage the more I could see just how concerned he was for me. He looked like he
couldn't get to me soon enough. I wanted to forget the car and jump out into his arms. I wanted to

have his strong arms wrapped around me, making me feel safe. I didn't want to cry about Em
anymore. I wanted to move past it and be happy with Edward.
I pulled into the garage and before I could put the car in park, Edward was opening my door.

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“Bella, I've missed you so much.” He said as he bent down to reach for my face. “I'm so happy you

are here.”
I was taken aback from just how concerned he was. I couldn't believe that he loved me that much.

I released the steering wheel from my grip and looked at his face. I managed to hold back the tears
but I'm sure my face was showing my sadness and apprehension.
He leaned in and kissed my forehead lightly. I couldn't manage to actually produce any words even
though my mind was screaming 'I love you. Please hold me.'
He looked deep into my eyes, searching for the answer to a question I knew was coming.
“Bella, are you alright?”
“I will be.” I said simply as I looked into his eyes.
“Let's get you in the house where I can take care of you, properly.” He said before he scooped me

up and carried me into the house. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my nose into
his chest. I wanted to inhale his delicious scent. I wanted to hear his calming heart beat. His

encompassing love was my home and I wanted to be wherever he was. I knew then that I didn't
care what anyone else would think about our relationship, when we finally revealed it. All that

matters is us and our love.
He carried me to his bedroom and laid me on the bed. I was fighting extremely hard to contain my

emotions and hold back the tears. I just felt like I needed to get them all out before I could truly
move on. My eyes were closed when I felt Edward lean down and lightly kiss my cheek before

whispering in my ear. “I love you, Bella. Just try to relax while I pamper you.”
The past twenty-four hours had been so amazing and I could only imagine what he had in store as

far as pampering me.
I felt him pull off my sneakers and socks. He moistened his hands with some lotion and began to

massage my feet. A small moan escaped from my lips as I started to to relax. His hands were like
magic as he pressed his thumbs into the soles of my feet.
He then pushed up the legs of my jeans and began to massage my calves. I couldn't believe how
relaxed I was becoming. I wasn't sure if my love for this man was overwhelming me or if it was

honestly the massage.
He stopped for a second before reaching up and unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them down. I

allowed him to pull them down without hesitation. I would let this man do anything he wanted to
He slowly and methodically massaged my thighs. He came closer and closer to my center with each
pass of his hands and I thought I was going to explode. I wasn't even thinking about sex at first but

I couldn't control myself when he was being so loving and his hands were so close to my center.
He lifted up and brought his mouth to my ear. “Bella, Do you trust me?”
Did he really have to ask? “Yes, Edward, I do.”
“I'm happy to hear that. I'm not done pampering you. Stay in the zone, baby.” He said as he cradled

me and lifted me up into his arms.
He carried me into his bathroom and sat me on the vanity before pressing a light sensual kiss on

my lips. He turned around and started the water in his garden tub. He dropped in a scoop of the
bath salts. What man has bath salts? Oh well, I don't care. He tested the temperature of the water

before turning back around to me.
He gazed into my eyes and pressed his lips against mine, once again. Thoughts of Em were slowly

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drifting from my mind. Every second I spent with Edward confirmed that I had made the right

He grasped the hem of my shirt and slowly pulled it over my head. He reached around and opened

the clasp of my bra; releasing my breasts as my bra fell off my shoulders. I could feel the steam
from the hot water begin to settle in my muscles and release some of the tension.
He slid his fingers down the sides of my panties and began to pull them down. I raised my butt off
of the counter so he could remove them without any problems. He, once again, scooped me up

and sat me down inside the warm relaxing water.
I allowed my head to fall back as Edward lit a few candles and turned off the lights. I closed my

eyes and the water wash away all of stress from the day. I couldn't dwell on the past. It was time
for the future.
I felt Edward's hands on me as he began to knead the muscles in my neck and shoulders. This was
truly heaven on Earth and I wasn't sure I would ever want to leave this bathroom. I'd never had any

man do the things Edward had done in the last day. He was amazing me more and more every
minute. I didn't know what I did to deserve this man but I was certain I wasn't going to let him go.
I drifted to sleep for a minute while I was still in the tub before I felt Edward press his warm lips
against my temple.
“Love, it's time to get out. The water is getting cold.”
“Okay.” I said as I stood up. Edward held out a towel to wrap around me. The best part wasn't the

towel being wrapped around me, it was having Edward's arms wrapped around me. I would never
tire of him. It felt like we were made for each other.
I fell asleep in his arms that night. I honestly couldn't bring myself to let him go.
I awoke the next day and felt like a new woman. Today would be the first day of the rest of my life.

My new life with Edward. I looked at the peaceful, beautiful, sleeping man that laid next to me. I
softly stroked his cheek with my hand. I just needed to feel him.
I continued to watch him sleep. He deserved his rest. He had put my needs before his own and
taken care of me and shown me just how much he loved me.
We still had a lot of things to work out. When would we reveal our relationship to our friends and
family? Would we tell everyone the truth? That we had been cheating liars or would we tell them

that we started our relationship after I broke up with Em? I didn't want to lie to everyone or to
hide but I just wanted to live in our perfect bubble for at least a couple more days.
I decided to get out of bed before he woke up. Sometime during the night he had managed to put
one of his t shirts on me and a pair of his boxers. I made my way down stairs and into the garage to

get my purse and at least my toothbrush and some clothes. As I walked back into the house, I
reached for my phone inside of my purse. I needed to call into work. I was scheduled to work for

the next few days but I knew there was no way I could make it. I told my boss that I had come
down with a fever and couldn't make it in for my shift and would let her know when my fever was

I ended the call and noticed I had a missed call from Alice. I listened to my voice mail as I say my

bags down in the kitchen. I didn't want to assume he wanted my things in his room so I thought I
would leave them here until he moved them where he wanted them.
Hey Bella. I miss you, a lot. I heard what happened with Emmett. I'm sorry. I'm here if you need me
or just want to talk. Where are you anyway? I love you. Please call me.

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I would call her soon but I just wasn't ready, yet. How did she know already? I hadn't told anyone.

Em must be telling people. Great.
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and soon Edward was within my sight. The man looked

amazing, even with his crazy and unruly hair.
“Good morning, Mr. Amazing.” I said as I reached my arms out for him.
“Mmm, Good morning to you, love.” He responded as he kissed my lips sweetly.
That morning Edward and I sat around the house and kissed and talked and then kissed some

more. We decided to keep things our secret for a while longer. We made the decision that we
would know when the time was right. I didn't want to avoid my friends for much longer, although I

wasn't sure if I could even call Rose my friend anymore since I hadn't seen her in forever.
After that day, we settled into a fairly regular routine. He convinced me stay, which wasn't hard. I

wanted to stay more than I wanted to leave.
I would wake up in the morning and fix a pot of coffee. Before the coffee was ready, Edward would

come down and fix a ridiculous breakfast for us. I would go to work and he would send me sweet
little text messages throughout the day. He would often send flowers or candy to the hospital. He

was continuously doing thoughtful things for me. I fell more in love with him everyday.
I would come home and cook dinner for us. He always had a glass of wine waiting for me when I

walked in the door. We would fall asleep watching movies on the couch or just laying in bed and
talking. It was amazing how easy it was for us to be together. He always seemed to anticipate my

needs or desires, like he was reading my mind.
Alice continued to call and send messages and after talking to Edward about it, I finally agreed to

meet her for lunch on the weekend. I couldn't avoid her forever and she deserved for me to at
least talk to her. Although, I may not tell her everything she wants to know.
Last night, I came home to find out that Edward's Aunt Amanda had called to tell him that the
family reunion was coming up the next weekend. I had only been to the reunion with Em once. I

wasn't sure how I felt about going but Edward had said that he would only go if I felt comfortable.
He didn't want to go without me, although he wanted to see his family.
It was a tough decision to make and it was one that I couldn't decide overnight. I love Edward very
much but I wasn't sure I was ready to flaunt it in front of his family.
“Oh my God, Bella!” I heard Alice squeal as I walked into the restaurant. I suddenly felt her small
arms wrap around my neck.
I embraced her in a tight hug. “Hey Alice. It's so good to see you!” I hadn't realized how much I
missed her until I saw her.
We continued our embrace until her tiny arms caused me to be unable to breathe. “Alice, I can't
She giggled as she released me. “I'm sorry. I'm just so happy to see you.”
We both had ridiculously large smiles on our faces. She took my hand as she said “I have a table

over here. Let's sit down and talk.”
We sat down and the waiter came over to get our order. We of course ordered two fish bowl

margaritas. Hopefully, I wouldn't get drunk and spill everything I had been hiding. I wanted her to
know the truth, just not all of it.
“So,” Alice began “Are you doing okay?”

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“Yeah, ya know.” I said shrugging my shoulders. “It was hard at first but I have pretty much moved

past it now.”
“That's great to hear. I thought it would take you a little longer to get over it but I guess it wasn't

that traumatic since you broke up with him.”
If only she knew. “Yeah, I cried a lot at first. It was just the right thing to do. We were more friends

than lovers. I felt like we were together for appearances, not for love.” As I took a sip from my
“I understand. I know you left him the house. I was pretty shocked to hear that. Where are you
living now?” She questioned.
“Well, I.....” I stammered. I wasn't sure of how to tell her I was with Edward. “I... I'm seeing
someone and I've been staying with them lately.” I couldn't look at Alice in the face. I had to look

down at the table. I didn't want to see the judgment in her face.
“Really?” She sounded surprised.
“Well, that was fast. Who is he? He must be pretty amazing for you to be spending so much time

with him so soon.”
I looked up at her. There was no way I could tell her that it was Edward. I would warm her up to the

idea of me being with someone and tell her how great he is and then after a while tell her who he
“I'd rather not tell you, just yet. Things are going so well with us that I don't want to jinx it.”
“Oh, I see. You are keeping secrets now, huh?” She responded with one eyebrow cocked.
“Not really. I just don't want to screw it up so soon.”
“Yeah yeah, blah blah blah. If you won't talk about your great new relationship, I'll talk about

“Okay, let me guess. Jasper is still amazing and you guys are better than ever?”
“Of course but the big thing is that I think he's going to ask me to marry him! I can't wait for him to
ask me. It's like he's dragging it out.”
“That's great! I'm so happy for you. I can't wait for your fabulous wedding.”
She was pretty much jumping out of her seat with excitement. “I know! It's going to be the event

of the season. I want you and Rose to be the bridesmaids.”
“I'd love to! Speaking of Rose, have you talked to her recently?”
“No, she's been kind of distant lately. She, like you, is dating some new guy that she won't tell me
anything about. I'm getting really tired of you two keeping secrets from me.”
Rose was never one to hide any of her men. She loved to make people jealous with her handsome,
rich men. I couldn't imagine why she was hiding this one and especially from Alice. Then again, I

was keeping the same secret. Interesting.
The rest of the lunch continued in the same manner. Alice talking about wedding plans and I was

daydreaming of Edward. After a couple hours, we said our goodbyes and went in separate
directions. I loved Alice for not scolding me on how wrong it was to be staying with a man so soon.

I only hoped she be as understanding when she found out it was Edward.
Once I was on my way home to Edward, there was a mixture of emotions inside of me. I was still

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worried about going the family reunion. I wanted to go because I knew how much he wanted to

see his family and I wanted to be there for him like he was for me. I was curious about the secret
man that Rose was seeing. I was excited to see Edward's handsome face when I got home.
This man had done so much for me and there was no way I could deny him a chance to see all of
his family at one time. If he wanted to go as a couple, then I would go.

What Are We Gonna Do

Bella POV
I stood in the middle of the closet and stared at my clothes. What the fuck am I supposed to wear

to a family reunion? Especially when I'm showing up with a different family member than I did last
time? Ugh!
I dropped my head into my hands. I honestly had no idea how I was going to get through this even
without looking like the family slut. No matter what story Edward and I decided to tell everyone,

they would still think it was wrong for us to be together. I didn't care what everyone thought about
me but they were Edward's family and I didn't want them to think he was a bad guy. We never

intended for this to happen. We never expected to fall for each other the way we did. The best we
could hope for is that over time they would see how perfect we are for each other and not judge

“Love, are you ready to go?” Edward shouted from the bedroom. No I'm not ready to be judged by

your whole family.
“Almost, honey. I just have to find the right outfit. I have no clue what to put on.”
Almost instantly, Edward appeared in the doorway of the closet. “Wear whatever you want to
wear. You look beautiful in anything.”
“Don't try to be sweet. I'm serious. Do I go for cute and chic or do I go for casual? I don't want
them to judge me by my clothes. They are already going to be judging us for being together.”
He walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me into his body and
spoke into my ear. “I promise they aren't like that. They will see how happy we are and will support

us. Why don't you wear that pink sundress right there?” He said pointing to my pale pink strapless
tube dress.
“You're right. I'll wear that.” I said as I grabbed the dress from the rack.
“Edward” I started as I turned around to face him. “What are we going to do about Em? Have you

talked to him? Is he coming?” That question had been in my mind ever since I found out about the
reunion. I just hadn't asked Edward yet, I was hoping he would tell me without me having to ask.
He brushed a stray hair away from my face and feeling his fingertips against my face made my skin
tingle. “I don't really know if he will be there or not. I haven't talked to him. When I talked to Aunt

Amanda, she didn't say anything about him. We will deal with him when we see him. Don't stress
out about, love.”
“I'll try.” I said as I pulled myself up to press my lips against his. His kisses always seemed to calm
me down.
I finished getting ready and Edward loaded the car with the food and drinks we were responsible
for bringing. I grabbed the directions to the park and my purse as I walked out the door to meet

Edward in the car.

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I reached the car just as Edward had closed the trunk. I looked at him and took a deep breath. I

didn't want him to worry about me but I was so nervous about this whole reunion. I didn't want
everyone else's judgments ruin what we have. I felt like I had finally found the man I was supposed

to be with and I was so scared that something would mess it up.
He grabbed my shoulders and began to rub them. “Bella, I told you, relax. We wouldn't be going if I

thought my family would be judging us.” He bent down and kissed my forehead lightly.
I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. “I know. I'm trying to relax.”
We got into the car and Edward started the drive to the park. The location wasn't anymore than a
twenty minute drive from the house. We didn't talk much during the drive. Edward put on some

relaxing music and I was very appreciative. I just wanted to get there and get it over with and go
back to the house and live in our little love bubble, again.
We pulled into the park and as Edward drove around looking for a parking space, I couldn't help
but look for Em's car. I was hoping he wasn't there yet. That way I wouldn't have to deal with his

stares as we walked towards everyone. Knowing me I would probably fall right in front of everyone
and look like a complete idiot.
Edward finally found a place and I never saw Em's car. I took a few deep breaths and got out of the
car. I walked around to the trunk to help Edward unload the food. We grabbed the food and drinks

and as we started to walk to the pavilion where everyone was gathering, Edward looked at me with
his loving eyes and said “Love, it's gonna be fine. I promise. Just relax. If you feel uncomfortable tell

me and we will leave.”
“It's okay. I'll be fine. Just don't venture to far away from me, please.”
“You got it.” He said with a smile.
I made it to the pavilion without falling on my face or passing out. There were a few people I

recognized from the last reunion and they all kind of looked at me and Edward like they were
confused. It was like they expected Em to walk up at any moment and put his arms around me.

Edward introduced me to everyone even though he knew I had already met them. It made me feel
good that he was introducing me as his girlfriend. Which seemed to confuse everyone even more.
There were a couple times I fully expected someone to say something about it but they never did. I
was grateful that I wasn't having to endure the questioning but I still felt out of place. I knew if

Edward and I were to stay together we would have to endure this scenario at least once and
maybe it was better to get it out of the way now.
The worst was when we made our way over to Em's mom, Amanda. I had intentionally not made
eye contact with her yet. I wasn't sure how she would react to us or how I would handle her

reaction. She was always so nice to me when I was with Em. She always treated me like a part of
the family. I looked at her as a second mother and I wasn't sure what Em had told her about our

break up. I was sure he had told her that we were no longer together but she couldn't have any
clue about me and Edward.
I looked at Amanda and she also looked confused. “Hey, Amanda. How are you?” I said to her
She looked at me for a second and then pulled me into a hug. “I've missed you. I was sorry to hear
about you and Emmett. I understand though. You have to be happy.” She whispered into my ear.
I hugged her back. I was completely shocked at her gesture. “I've missed you, too.”
She released me and looked over at Edward and pulled him in for a hug, too. “And you, what am I

gonna do with you?”

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Edward hugged her back as he laughed.
“Now, you two, sit down and talk with me.” She said as she patted the seats of the chairs in front of
her own.
We sat down and glanced at each other quickly. I wasn't sure of what she wanted to talk about but
she didn't look too upset to see us together.
“So when did this” as he pointed to us, “happen?” She asked curiously.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to answer it. They were his family and he could tell them

what he wanted. I looked at him and motioned for him to answer.
“Well, I met Bella when we all went out to celebrate my homecoming and I thought she was a

wonderful woman. So, when I broke up with Tanya, I found out that Bella and Emmett had broken
up too. I called Bella and we talked and realized we were both attracted to each other and it just

kind of developed from there.”
That was a good enough explanation. They didn't need to know the whole truth. It would only

make them judge us.
Amanda looked pleased. “Well, Bella, as much as I hate that you aren't with my son, I am happy

that you found another good man.” She said as she patted his knee. “I know you will be happy with
Edward. You two look so in love, already.”
“That means a lot to me. Thank you.” I said sincerely as I took Edward's hand in my own.
He looked to me and smiled. “I told Bella that you guys would support us being together. I know if

you can accept it then anyone here should be able to.”
“As long as you two are happy and treat each other well, we will support whatever choice you

make.” She was so sweet and hearing her say that made me relax a little more.
We chatted with her for quite a while. She was very excited to spend time with Edward and he

seemed just as excited to talk with her. I excused myself from the conversation so that I could get
something to drink.
I walked over to the tables full of food and drinks and grabbed a bottled water from the cooler. As I
opened the water and took a sip, I saw Em walking towards the pavilion with Rose. I instantly

dropped the bottle out of shock. My heart damn near stopped beating as I stood there unable to
move. I knew Alice had said Rose had a mystery man, but I had no idea it would be Em.
All kinds of thoughts were going through my mind. At first I was angry because they had clearly
been lying to me but then I had to push past that because in all actuality I had been lying to

everyone, too. I had no right to be angry with them. Em sleeping with my best friend wasn't any
worse than me sleeping with his favorite cousin. How long had this been going on? Were they

doing what Edward and I had been doing? It was pretty clear that they had been sleeping together
while Em and I were still together. The night Em stood me up and stayed out all night, he had to be

with her. It all made since now. Rose's distance from me and Em always denying that he was
cheating. I guess they didn't want to hurt me just like I didn't want to hurt Em but it was too late. I

had already put everything together and knew that they didn't just get together after we broke up.
As Em and Rose came closer to the pavilion, Edward came up behind me and put his arms around

my waist. “Are you okay?”
“I... uh... yeah. I'm alright. It's just weird. Why didn't you tell me it was Rose that you saw him with

that day?” I said as I turned around to face him.
“Bella, he was cheating on you and I knew that they woman was Rose but I felt like it would only

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hurt you more to know that it was your friend.” He said as he stroked my cheek with his fingertips.
I knew he was only trying to protect me from unnecessary pain even back then but I wish he
would've told me. That was I wouldn't be standing here looking stupid.
“I understand, I'm just so shocked. I never pictured them together and I know that we have no
right to say anything about them being together but it's still hard to see.” I confessed.
He bent down and kissed my forehead. “I know, love. They are really close so let's just act like it's
okay, alright?”
I nodded my head and turned around to see Em and Rose practically face to face with me.
“Uhhhh... hey Bella, Edward.” Em said hesitantly. He looked just as surprised to see us together as I

was to see them.
“Ummm... hi.” I managed to spit out. I felt Edward lightly squeeze my hip, trying to snap me out of

my shock.
“Hey Em, Rose, how are you guys?” He asked them in such a nice tone. I was thankful that he could

at least be cordial to them but after all, he had known about them for a while now.
“Hey Bella.” Rose said timidly. I wasn't sure what could've been going through her head. Was she

as nervous about coming to this event as I was? How did she think I would react to seeing one of
my best friends with the man I spent the last few years of my life with?
“Hey, Rose.” I said in almost a whisper.
“So this is awkward, huh?” Edward said with a light chuckle. Was he seriously making jokes right

now? Hell he might as well. In this type of situation you either have to laugh or cry and I definitely
wasn't going to cry.
“Awkward is putting it lightly.” Rose replied.
“Why don't we all sit down and talk this out? I think it would be best.” Edward suggested. I guessed

he was right. We might as well get it all out into the open and maybe we can move on and be
decent to each other.
Rose and Em sat down the cooler and supplies they had brought. Edward took my hand and led me
over to a picnic table that was empty. We sat down and he looked at me for a second before Em

and Rose made it over. “Bella, it's going to be fine. Stick with the story we told Aunt Amanda and
just know that no matter what they have done, you made the right decision. They can't hurt us

now. Just remember how much we love each other and it will be fine.”
His words calmed me down a little and he was right. Nothing they could say or do could ruin what

Edward and I have between us.
They made their way over and sat down in front of us.
Em looked at Edward and I as he began. “So, how long has this been going on between you?”
I almost got angry at his question but I needed to control my anger and remember that what I had

done was much worse.
“Well, after Tanya and I broke up, I found out that you and Bella had broken up, also. So I called

Bella to check on her and just talk and we realized that we had feelings for each other and it just
took off from there.” Edward replied in a calm tone. I was thankful that he was telling that story

because he was much better at it than I would be.
“Really?” Em questioned.

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“Yes, really Em.” I replied in a sarcastic tone. “What about you and Rose? How long has this been

going on? Were you with her the night you stood me up?” I was a little surprised at what I had
said. I didn't expect for all of that to come out but I wanted to know.
Edward looked at me out of shock at my questioning. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders.
“Well, it just kind of happened.” He said as he looked to Rose. “Rose and I just seemed to keep

running into each other over and over. One day we ended up at the same coffee shop and decided
to sit down together and we talked and I guess like you guys, it just developed.” He said it like it

was so simple. I kept getting more and more angry because I knew he was lying but I had to
remember what Edward had said. I didn't need to let them get to me. It didn't matter if they were

lying or not. We were lying to save Em some pain so I assume they were doing the same thing. I
needed to just let it go.
I didn't say anything in response to Em's explanation.
“I guess we all have our secrets. Now that we are out in the open, do you think we could all be

civilized?” Edward asked.
I didn't respond until I saw Em and Rose nod their heads. They all looked to me for a response and

I nodded my head.
“Now that we have that settled, let's go get some food.” Edward suggested. I started to get out of

my seat and I heard Rose speak.
“Bella, can we talk for a second?” She asked.
“Uhhh... sure.” I looked to Edward. “I'll meet you over there in a few minutes.”
“Okay.” He replied.
I sat back down and looked at Rose, waiting for her to begin.
“Bella, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about this before. I just didn't know how to tell you and I

didn't want to hurt you.” As she looked down at her hands.
“Rose, I have to admit, it hurt a little to see you two walk up together, but I'm fine with it. I'm with

Edward and that has to be even more weird for Em. I can't really be mad at you.”
“Do you think we can still be friends?” She asked sheepishly.
I thought a for a few moments before answering. I honestly didn't know if I'd ever be able to truly
be friends with her again. I seriously doubted that Em and Edward would ever have the same

relationship after knowing that Edward and I were together.
“I'm not sure Rose. We will just have to see. That's the best answer I can give you right now.” I said

as I stood up and began to walk away. I was tired of talking about it. I wanted to go back and be
with Edward.
I made it over to where Edward was sitting and sat down next to him. He, not surprisingly, had
fixed me a plate of food.
“Thank you, baby.” I said as I kissed Edward's cheek.
“Anytime, love. Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, I will be. It's time to move forward. I can't worry about them anymore.” I said as I reached
down to grab my hamburger from my plate.
After that, we ate in silence. We simply listened to the rest of the family tell crazy jokes and
embarrassing stories about everyone.

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Em and Rose kept their distance from us for the rest of the day and I was happy that they did. It

made it a little easier to get through the day. I was happy as long as I had Edward by my side.
The reunion was over and no one had gotten into any fights or arguments and it seemed like

everyone was accepting our relationship. We said our goodbyes and got into the car.
Edward started the engine and looked over at me. “See, that wasn't so bad was it?”
“No and at least everyone knows about us now. We don't have to hide anymore.” I replied.
“And at least you don't have to feel so bad about our relationship. We aren't the only ones that

had secrets.” He said as he reached for my hand.
He enveloped my hand with his. “It's time to truly start the rest of our lives together and without

any regrets.” I said confidently.
“I couldn't agree more.” He said before leaning over to press his lips against mine.
His lips left mine and he smiled at me as he put the car in reverse. I leaned back into the seat and
looked out the window as we pulled away from the park.
I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders, yes we would be okay. We could move
on together.


4 Years Later
“Isabella, Edward, the doctor will see you now. Please follow me.” Dr. Harrison's assistant said as

she turned to walk down the narrow hallway. This was one of the most elaborately decorated
doctor's offices I had ever been in. Of course, for the twenty-five thousand dollars each of the

patients paid, it should have been lined with gold.
I felt Edward hold my hand, and I was instantly comforted. It was amazing that after four years his

touch was still able to comfort me.
“No matter what the news is we will be great. We have always been great, and we will always have

each other.” He whispered softly into my ear.
A small smile came across my face. He always knew exactly what to say to me.
“Dr. Harrison will be in momentarily. Please have a seat.” As the assistant directed us to the two
leather chairs in front of the doctors desk.
Edward never once let go of my hand. He would squeeze it gently every so often, and continuously
rubbed small circles on the top of my hand with his thumb. I felt bad that I couldn't comfort him at

this time, but he had always been stronger than me.
He had always gotten me through the tough times, and always made the good times great.
2 Years Prior
“Bella! You look so beautiful! I can't believe it's finally time!” Alice exclaimed as she practically

jumped up and down.
“Me either. I can't believe I'm really standing here in this dress. Have you seen Edward? He hasn't

backed out has he?” I felt like I had been living in a fantasy land, and that any minute I would wake
up, and Edward would be gone.
“Please! He isn't going anywhere. Jasper wouldn't let him. Just relax. This is your day to shine!” I

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couldn't decide which one of us was more excited about this.
I had let Alice pretty much plan all of the wedding details. She was much better at it than I was.
She had such great taste, and I agreed with every minor detail she had decided on.
Edward and I opted for a small, but intimate wedding. We only wanted our close friends and family
in attendance. We didn't want to make a big production out of our wedding.
Alice was my maid of honor. Emmett was Edward's best man. Despite what had happened
between all of us, Emmett was his family. It took a little while for them to get their friendship back

on track, but they did.
Rosalie and I hadn't been so fortunate. Not long after Emmett and Rosalie made their relationship

public, they had finally told us that in fact, Emmett had been cheating on me with Rosalie. While
that made me feel slightly better about my cheating with Edward, it made me feel pretty shitty

that it was with my best friend. But after all, who was I to judge?
Rosalie and I were decent and cordial to each other, but the trust in the friendship was gone.
Edward and I never divulged the true details of our relationship to anyone. The details were
unimportant. Everyone seemed to be happy with how things worked out, and we didn't want to

ruin that.
All things aside, Emmett and Rosalie seemed to be a great fit for each other. Their interests were

the same, and they got along better than he and I ever had.
Rosalie and Jasper were keeping each other company at the wedding, since their respective other

halves were in the wedding.
Aunt Amanda and Uncle James were in attendance. Also, my mother, stepfather and father were

there. That was pretty much it. All of Edward's parents had passed away, and we didn't have any
It was small but comfortable, and that was how we wanted it.
My dress was white satin, strapless with an empire waist and a chapel train. I didn't want a veil. I

was already pushing it by wearing white and adding the veil would definitely be too much.
Everyone knew I was far from innocent. So, I opted for a diamond-encrusted tiara. My hair was half

up with soft waves cascading down my back.
My something new were the diamond drop earrings from Edward. My something old was my

mother's diamond necklace. Something borrowed was the bracelet from Alice, and something blue
was the garter belt under my dress that was from my favorite college.
“Okay, it's time to do this! You ready?” Alice asked.
I took one last deep breath, and bent down to grab my bouquet. “I'm ready.”
I turned to follow behind Alice to the double doors that led to the chapel. I saw my dad standing at
the doors fidgeting with tuxedo jacket and staring at the ground. He looked a little nervous, and I

didn't know why. All he had to do was walk.
As I walked closer to the doors, I noticed Emmett. He looked at me, and it made me a little uneasy.
It was odd to say the least.
The man that everyone thought I would end up marrying was now the best man to his cousin and I

was actually marrying him. Jerry Springer would have a field day with this, and it looked like
Emmett was in the midst of a Twilight Zone Moment.
It was strange for all of us, so it had to be weird for him too.

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I wasn't going let anything ruin the high that I was feeling at that moment.
“Bella” Emmett began “You really look beautiful.”
“Thank you Em. You look pretty handsome yourself.”
“Thanks, but it's not about me today. I'm just an accessory.” He bent down to hug me. “I'm glad he
makes you happy. Welcome to the family.”
I started to tear up. I knew it took a lot for Emmett to actually say any of those things. He was
never the type of guy to get sentimental. He was always the tough guy.
“Thank you, Em.” I responded as I embraced him.
“Oh God! You guys are gonna make me ruin my make up. Stop it!” Alice exclaimed.
Em released me from his huge arms. “Alright, Pixie, you ready to stroll?” He asked as he held out
his elbow for her.
“Enough with the pixie comments!” She spat at him as she punched his arm.
Em chuckled lightly. “Whatever you say, short stuff.”
“I swear Emmett!” Alice warned him.
I saw the doors open, and I could see Edward standing at the altar looking very handsome in his

tuxedo. His green eyes were shining like stars, and his bronze hair was messy like always, but it did
look a bit more managed.
As Alice and Emmett began to walk down the aisle, I heard a song come over the sound system
that was definitely not the wedding march. Although, I knew exactly what the song was.
Couldn't Love You More by Edwin McCain.
For a split second I was angry with Edward. This wasn't how we had rehearsed it. Although, I

should've known he would do something to surprise me.
That was our song. Better yet, he had always said it was his song to me.
As Alice and Emmett reached their spots, I looped my arm through my dad's, and we began to
walk. I couldn't stop smiling the whole way down the aisle. Every time I would listen to the words

of the song, I had to fight back tears.
And they said I couldn't love you
That it would never last

He's just a crazy boy
Just look at his past

And they said I couldn't love you
But that was just a lie

I couldn't love you more if I tried
As I maintained eye contact with Edward, I noticed that he too looked to be fighting back tears. He
was always so strong, and I couldn't believe he was getting emotional.
I completed the short walk to the altar, and to Edward. The song ended, and although the minister
had began the ceremony, we couldn't keep our eyes off each other.
“Who gives this woman to this man?” He asked.
“Her mother and I.” Charlie responded.
With that, I turned to my father, and he kissed my cheek. “I love you, Bells.”
“I love you too, Daddy.”

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He then turned to shake Edward's hand. As my father sat down, Edward held my hand lightly and

led me the rest of the way to stand in front of the minister.
I know we were supposed to look at the minister during the ceremony, but there wasn't a

snowballs chance in hell that I was going to break my eye contact with Edward.
I don't even think I heard all of what the minister was saying.
The next thing I heard was “If anyone sees any reason these two should not be joined in holy
matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
I almost expected someone to say something, but I knew deep down no one would.
“Please turn to each other and hold hands.” I handed my bouquet to Alice and turned back to

“Do you, Edward, take Isabella to be your lawful wedded wife, and do you promise to be her

faithful, loving and devoted husband, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in want, in joy and in
sorrow, as long as you both shall live?”
“I do. Always.” He responded with a huge smile on his face as he continually rubbed circles on the
top of my hands.
“Do you, Isabella, take Edward to be your lawful wedded husband, and do you promise to be his
faithful, loving and devoted wife, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in want, in joy and in

sorrow, as long as you both shall live?”
“I do. Forever.”
“The couple has chosen to write their own vows. Edward, if you please.”
He took a deep breath before beginning. “Bella, I never thought I would meet my soul mate, the

one person in this world that I was destined to be with. My life had been filled with pain and loss
until I met you. You brought a light into my world that I had never seen before. You made me feel

things that I thought didn't exist. You opened my heart to love when I had locked it away. You
brought meaning to my life. I promise to never take advantage of a single day with you. I promise

to cherish you like the amazing woman you are. I promise to remind you every day why you fell in
love with me, and I promise to show my appreciation everyday for making my life better.”
I started crying with his words. I knew he loved me, but to hear him profess it in front of everyone
made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
“Don't cry, love.” He whispered as he wiped a tear away for me.
“Bella.” The minister continued.
“Edward, I love you more than I thought I could ever love anyone. I never believed in true love or
soul mates, until I met you. You have been my rock. You have always been the one I could lean on,

and the one who understand what was going on in my head without it being spoken. I never
believed there was another half out there to complete me, until you. You changed my whole

outlook on life. You made me want to live life, and not just watch the days pass by. I promise I will
always make you happy that you chose me as your wife. I promise to always cherish you for the

amazingly strong and sensitive man that you are. I promise to love you and to do everything in my
power to make you happy for the rest of my life.”
“From the earliest times, the circle has been a symbol of completeness, a symbol of committed
love. An unbroken and never-ending circle symbolizes a commitment of love that is also never-

ending. As often as either of you looks at this symbol, I hope that you will be reminded of the
commitment to love each other that you have made today. As a token of mutual fidelity and

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affection the rings will now be given and received.”
Alice and Emmett had been holding our rings since there weren't any small children in our small
I turned to Alice to receive Edward's ring, and Edward did the same.
“Edward, place the ring on Isabella‘s finger and repeat after me: I, Edward, give to you, Isabella,

this ring as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, and respect you.”
He repeated after the minster, and I swear I felt my heart burst with joy. This amazing man was

truly going to be mine forever.
“Isabella, place the ring on Edward‘s finger and repeat after me:I, Isabella, give to you, Edward ,

this ring as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, and respect you.”
I quickly repeated the words after the minster, and I could almost see every tooth in Edward's

mouth. His smile was electric, I could feel the emotions he was trying to hold back. He was just as
happy as I was about this.
“Now, because you have chosen one another, honored each other with the precious gift of your
rings, and pledged to love and care for each other for all the days of your lives, it gives me great joy

to pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
I didn't think he was ever going to get to that part. Edward brought his hands up to cup my face

and quickly licked his lips. I grasped his neck and pulled myself up to him as he bent down. Finally, I
felt his soft, strong lips against mine. As much as I wanted to deepen the kiss, I knew we were in a

house of God, and I didn't want to get too obscene. He lightly swept his tongue across my bottom
lip, and sucked it into his mouth.
After a few moments, he pulled away and left me breathless.
“It gives me great pleasure to announce for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen.” With

that we turned to the audience that I had honestly forgotten about, and walked back down the
aisle hand in hand.
I was Mrs. Edward Cullen.
I had never been so happy in my life.
As Edward and I made our way through the double doors. He turned to me and hungrily kissed me
“Mmm, Mrs. Cullen. I like the way that sounds.”
“Me too.” I responded.
We had a small reception where we danced, and ate cake. After all of the congratulations, we were
carried off in a stretch limo to our hotel for the night.
I should've known Edward would take me to where it all began. The Hilton at the airport. He
reserved the same room, but had it completely fit for us. There were champagne bottles, and rose

petals covering almost every inch of the room.
The next day we were on our way to Capri, Italy. It was somewhere I had always wanted to go, and

it was absolutely breathtaking. We spent a week in Italy before I had to come home and go back to
work. Edward assured me I no longer had to work, but I wanted to work. I wasn't going to sit

around, and live off of him for the rest of my life.
“Love, are you alright?” Edward asked and brought me out of my daze.

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I turned to him. “Yes, honey, I'm fine. I was just remembering our wedding day. We were so

“We still are so happy. We will always be us. No matter what the doctor says.” He assured me, and

I knew he was right. He was almost always right.
“I know. Thank you.”
Being in this depressing doctors office and knowing I was most likely going to hear news that
wasn't good, only made me want to live in my memories for a little while longer. Like when Edward

proposed to me. The man always had to make a spectacle of everything. He was very much into
grand gestures, and making a scene.
He had taken me to the bar in Little Five Points where we met, The Brewhouse. It wasn't the most
romantic place but it held meaning for us. It was the first place we saw each other, and the first

place we felt the electricity.
He had gotten us the same table on the patio, and ordered us the same drinks. I wasn't thinking

anything of it. I just figured it was another night out for us, until he had them play our song over
the stereo system, and had the entire patio cleared of people.
I looked around and all the people walking on the street had stopped and were staring directly at
I turned to him, and saw him down on one knee with diamond ring in his hand.
I gasped, and my heart started racing. I couldn't believe he was asking me to marry him.
“Bella, I know we didn't start in the most conventional way, but I love you more than anyone I've
ever known. Will you please make me the happiest man on Earth, and marry me?”
I was practically bouncing in my seat as I responded with a very loud and high. “Yes yes yes yes!”
He placed the ring on my hand, and stood up to hug and kiss me. The crowd in the bar and on the

streets burst into a loud fit of cheers and clapping.
Shortly after our wedding, Alice and Jasper were married. We all knew they were made for each

other, and no one could figure out why they waited as long as they did.
Rosalie and Emmett were living together, and she was seven months pregnant. They hadn't gotten

married yet, for reasons that were unknown to me.
They were having a little boy, who I was sure would turn out just like Emmett. I was jealous that

they were having a child and I wasn't. I knew Edward would be very close with Emmett's son, and
in turn I would be close to him also.
I needed to get past my beef with Rosalie, all in all she hadn't done anything worse than I had. I
just couldn't tell her that.
I heard the door open, and turned to see Dr. Harrison walk in. She was tall, thin, beautiful, and
blond. She looked more like a model than a doctor. We had seen her multiple times, and we were

here today to get the results of some tests.
“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. How are you today?” As she held out her hand to each of ours.
“Just a little nervous.” I confessed.
“I understand. Let's get down to business then. I won't keep you waiting any longer.” She stated as

she opened my chart. With that small motion, I felt like I was going to vomit. I felt like the rest of
our lives were contained in the folder, and she could make or break our futures depending on what

she read.

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“Bella, with your history of pre-cancer cells on your cervix, we knew that the effectiveness of this

procedure was a huge question.”
In that one sentence, I was taken back to the day the my gynecologist had told me I had pre-cancer

She explained that eighty five percent of the cases simply clear up on their own, but that the other

fifteen percent mutate into cancer.
My whole core was rocked with that news.
Cancer? Pre-Cancer?
I was a nurse; I knew what cancer meant, but hearing it for yourself was completely different.
I drove home as quickly as I could. I had to get to Edward. He was the only one that could've
comforted me at the time.
I ran into the house, and fell into his lap as he sat on the couch.
“Bella, baby. What's wrong? Are you hurt? What's going on? You're scaring me.” It wasn't long

after we were married that we found out. I sat there sobbing into his lap like a baby for the lonest
time. He simply rocked me, and whispered into my ear that everything was going to be okay.
I finally found the strength to tell him. “Edward, my doctor told me I have pre-cancer cells on my
“Pre-cancer? So that's not cancer yet, right?”
“No, not yet. About fifteen percent of the cases turn into cancer.”
“So, there's an eighty five percent chance that you won't have cancer?”
“Then there you go, love. You are going to be fine. I just know it.”
“It may also mean that I won't be able to have children.” I knew how much he wanted children. He

was going to be a great dad, and the possibility that I may not be able to give him children made
me feel less of a woman.
“With or without children, we will be great.”
That man always knew what to say to me. He always made me feel like things weren't as bad as I

made them out to be.
“We implanted eight embryos in the hopes that at least one would survive and result in a

pregnancy.” Dr. Harrison stated. “Unfortunately, none of your embryos have been successfully
My heart dropped, and I gasped for air. I felt the bile rise up in my stomach. I was going to be sick. I
had to fight back the urge throw up.
It was exactly the news I did not want to hear. Edward was being the strong man as usual; rubbing
my back, and telling me it was all okay.
“I'm very sorry that I couldn't give you better news. Please take some time and talk things over. Let
us know if you would like to try again. Take all the time you need here. I'll leave you alone.” Dr.

Harrison stood up from behind her desk, and exited the office.
I saw Edward kneel down next to me. “Love, everything is going to be fine. This isn't the end of the

line. We can always try again.”

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“I am not trying again. We paid twenty five thousand dollars for nothing! We've been trying to get

pregnant for two years, Edward. Two years! I can't keep putting myself through this. The
excitement of thinking I'm pregnant only to be let down again, is killing me emotionally. With the

hormones and the shots, and the waiting, it is more than I can take or expect you to have to deal
with. Maybe it's not meant for us to have kids.” I cried out, as I rested my head in my hands.
“I know baby, I know. Let's get out of here, and go home.” Edward stood and held out his hand for
mine. I gave him my hand, and he helped me stand up.
We walked out of the doctors office hand in hand, just like we walked in. Edward was right about
thing-We were still us, and we would still be great.
This wasn't going to break us.
We made it home, and Edward carried me upstairs and into our bedroom. I had exhausted myself

by crying so much that there was no way I could make it up all those stairs.
He laid me on the bed, and began to take my shoes off. He then covered me with the comforter,

and got in the bed next to me. He lightly kissed my forehead, and rubbed my arms.
“Baby, we can do this. I'm here for you. It's your body. I'll do whatever you want. I just want my

wife. Everything else is secondary.”
“Thank you, but I know how badly you want kids. I hate that my body can't give them to you.” I

responded through my tears.
“As long as I have you, I am more than happy. Please don't ever doubt that. If God wants us to have

children, we will have children one way or the other.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.” He responded confidently.
I snuggled into his chest and quickly drifted off to sleep.
I awoke the next morning, still in Edward's embrace. He loved me more than I thought was
humanly possible, and I had no idea how I had gotten so lucky to have him as my husband.
I lightly kissed his chin, and he began to stir.
“Good Morning.”
“A good morning it is.” As he kissed my forehead. “How are you feeling today?”
“A little better.”
“Good. Anything I can do to help?” He asked.
“You're already doing it.” I knew there was one option we hadn't been exploring because we were

trying to have our own biological children; adoption. “Edward?”
“What about adoption?” I said timidly.
“I'm open to it. You?”
“I am too. There are plenty of wonderful children out there that need a good home. We have a
great home with two people that love each other very much. What more could they ask for?”
“I agree.”
The adoption process was long and hard. The agency notified us of a teenage girl that was

pregnant with a baby girl. The mother was in perfect health. She was just too young to raise a

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Edward, of course, insisted that we pay all of her medical bills, and we agreed to send pictures of
the baby as she grew.
The young girl's name was Madeline, and she decided that she didn't want to have visitation rights
with the baby. She just wanted to know how she was doing. She wanted the baby to grow up

Elizabeth Esme Cullen was born on June tenth, and was amazingly beautiful. We named her after

both of Edward's mothers. We wanted her name to have meaning, and both of his mothers were
very dear to him.
Of course, Edward being the Southerner that he is, calls her Lizzie-Mae. It's cute, and she seems to
like it. But then again, she likes everything her father does.
He never hesitated to get up in the night when she cried, or change a dirty diaper. It was like he
was made to be a dad. He was loving, and attentive.
Lizzie-Mae almost could've passed for Edward's biological child. She had his fair skin, and green
eyes. Although, her hair was much darker than his.
Edward doted on her, and made sure she never wanted for anything. She was spoiled rotten to say
the least.
It was amazing to watch those two interact. They were so in love with each other, I was almost
jealous. Until I remembered, he was the same way with me.
Rosalie and Emmett had their son. Emmett Junior of course. Everyone calls him E.J. He came out
looking just like his father, but with bright blonde hair like Rosalie's. He was a beautiful baby.
It seemed as if the whole gang had finally found their places in life. After all the tragedies and loss,
a new generation of Cullen's were coming into the world. I couldn't be happier about the way it

turned out. I had the two loves of my life together.



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