Everlong by SydneyAlice COMPLETE

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by SydneyAlice

Edward Cullen leaves his family to search for his soulmate. Meanwhile, the Cullens grow close to
a brown-eyed teenager who they save from drowning. Could she be the one Edward is searching

Slightly OOC. Rated M for language and future lemons.

Disclaimer: All the Twilight stuff belongs to Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is


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"People are meant to go through life two by two. Tain't natural to be lonesome."

Our Town – Act II

**Five Years Ago**

"I don't understand why you're leaving now!" Alice whined for the hundredth time in the last

Yes, I'd been counting.
I sighed loudly as I continued packing my bags. I'd explained myself so many times during the
past few days. Everyone was disappointed that I was leaving. Even though I assured them that

this was just a break – a vacation – from the monotony that had become our life in Anchorage, I
couldn't ignore the sadness in their faces. The faces of the only family I'd ever known.
"Alice," I whispered. "I've explained this. I just need some time."
"Time to mope!" Alice exclaimed. "You can mope here! And if you don't like it here, you can

continue moping when we get to Washington. You know we're moving there in a few months."
"I'm not moping," I mumbled, although I knew it was just as good a word as any to describe my

current mood. "I'm just….searching. Don't you understand?" I tossed some CDs into my bag
before zipping it.
"But I've seen…." Alice's voice trailed off as her forehead crinkled in confusion. "I'm not sure
what I've seen, to be honest. But I just know that it involves you somehow. Something is going

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to happen, Edward. Washington is going to be life-changing for all of us. I can see it!"
I took an unnecessary breath and kissed her forehead. "I know you said that. And that's great.

You'll like Washington, and I'll join you there later. Save me a bedroom."
"When?" She grumbled sadly. "When will you come?"
My cold heart ached. How I hated making her unhappy. "When I've found what I'm looking for,
or at least until I finally give up and just come home. Whichever comes first."
"Don't you mean "who" you're looking for?"
I smiled wistfully. "She's out there, Alice. I have to believe that or I might as well crawl into a

corner, curl up, and beg to die. Don't you understand? Can you possibly understand the
loneliness I feel? You have Jasper. Emmett has Rosalie. Carlisle has Esme…." My voice trailed off

as the lines of my favorite play formed in my mind.
People are meant to go through life two by two. Tain't natural to be lonesome.
"You're thinking of that stupid play, aren't you?" Alice accused.
I suppressed a grin. She knew me too well.
"You're not going to find her in Alaska, Edward. That much I do know."
I nodded. That was true enough. If my soulmate, love of my life, whatever you wanted to call

her, was actually in this state, I would have found her by now.
She wasn't here.
And the loneliness was killing me.
"Which is why I'm not staying in Alaska," I explained patiently. I grabbed my bags and headed

down the stairs. I wasn't being rude. I knew she'd be right behind me.
"And just where are you going, exactly?" She accused as she skipped down the stairs.
"You tell me," I laughed in spite of her mood. "I'm sure you know my itinerary better than I do."
Alice rolled her eyes and growled as she leapt in the air and onto my back. I laughed in spite of

myself and allowed her to wrestle me to the floor.
Alice was lucky. She had found her soulmate (if you believe that we have souls), decades earlier

in a diner in Philadelphia. Poor Jasper didn't know what hit him. But from the moment his eyes
locked with the tiny pixie, he knew that he would be hers forever.
They found our family soon after. She and Jasper had come into our lives, stole my bedroom,
and happily settled into the Cullen household. Carlisle and Esme, as one would expect from such

loving creatures, welcomed the duo with open arms. Emmett was happy to have a new brother,
and Rosalie was elated to finally have a sister with whom she could shop.
I was thrilled, of course, to have a psychic in the family, especially one who could carry quiet
conservations with me. Our family members each possessed a special talent, but Alice's

clairvoyance and my telepathy connected us in ways that our brothers and sisters just couldn't
relate. If I had a twin on this planet, it was most definitely Alice.
Which is why it broke my heart to leave her behind.
But she has Jasper, I reminded myself as I grabbed a few books from my shelf. And Jasper's

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mission in life was to make and to keep Alice deliriously happy. She would be just fine.
I didn't want my family to think that I was leaving them because I was unhappy with the life

we'd built together. Nothing could be further from the truth. Carlisle had created a life for us
that others of our kind could only dream about. And we'd continue that life in Washington, in

whichever city Carlisle chose for us to make our home for the next few years.
But I was tired of going through the motions. I wanted my mate. I wanted the type of love that

my brothers and sisters shared. I'd roamed this planet for almost a century, and every few
decades or so, I would give up – assume that kind of love just doesn't exist for me. I'd then

wallow for a decade or so until the loneliness became so acute that I'd begin my search once
That's not to say there hadn't been offers. Tanya, a friend of the family from Denali, always
reminded me that she was the obvious choice. She'd certainly taken every opportunity to prove

her point. When we visited, she never failed to appear in low-cut, slit up to there pieces of fabric
that she liked to call dresses. She'd made her intentions well-known throughout the decades.
So, I apparently wasn't as lonely as I thought. You'd think a starving man wouldn't mind any dish
being offered on a silver platter.
But I wasn't interested.
I pulled Alice into a hug. "I won't be gone long, I promise."
"And you'll keep in touch?"
"I promise."
"And you'll call me if you see her before I do…."
I smiled. "If I see her before you do, you'll be the very first person I call. I'll need your insight to

know how it's all going to work out, afterall."
And with this assurance, she smiled.
"Forks?" Rosalie whined as we passed the sign at the entrance of the sleepy little town. "We're

living in a town named after an eating utensil?"
"It's a beautiful town," Carlisle patiently explained. "The rainiest town in the continental United

States. The sun hardly shines. We can almost be human here. You're going to love it."
Rosalie snorted, and I suppressed a giggle.
She is such a brat.
As Carlisle pulled into the driveway of what was to be our new home, Rosalie's previous disgust

with the little town quickly turned into delight.
"It's gorgeous!" She exclaimed as she jumped out of the car, leaving Emmett to carry all of their

bags. I helped Jasper pull a few of our bags from the car when, suddenly, my vision shifted.
I didn't recognize the setting. It was a river with a beautiful meadow along its shoreline. It was

the most beautiful place I'd ever seen. What should have been a gorgeous, comforting vision
suddenly turned frightening as I saw a little girl with beautiful brown eyes falling into the raging


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Screaming, I dropped the bag and grabbed Carlisle's hand. Without explanation and with no idea
where we were going, we jumped above the trees and flew through the forest.
"A little girl," I explained hastily. "We're looking for a girl."
"Which direction, Alice?" Carlisle asked. "What can you see?"
"A river," I whispered. "She's at the river. She's going to drown…"
"The Sol Duc? Callawah?"
I pondered for a second. "Whichever is closest."
"The Sol Duc," he confirmed. We raced through the dense forest until we came upon a clearing

– the meadow from my vision. The pale sunlight was streaming in, reflecting off the thousands
of tiny flowers laced through the grass. The sound of the river echoed, and both of us carefully

scanned the surface of the water.
I sighed with relief. We saw nothing.
Suddenly, Carlisle's nostrils flared.
"A human," he whispered.
We both turned to see the girl from my vision standing downstream, gazing down into the
beautiful water. She gingerly placed a bare toe into the water. We watched silently as she

repeated this movement, time and time again. The scene was so serene, I was beginning to
wonder if my visions weren't faulty.
Suddenly, a bird squawked overhead, breaking the comforting silence. The girl gasped and
quickly turned to run. I watched my vision become a reality as the girl's foot hit a large rock on

the shoreline, causing her to fall backwards and tumble down into the river below.
I couldn't hold back my scream as Carlisle instantly leapt into the water. Within one minute,

Jasper and Emmett were standing along the shoreline. Jasper took his hand in mine as he tried
to calm my fears. My frozen heart ached for the girl. She was definitely younger than me (or at

least younger than the eighteen years I was pretending to be), and I couldn't shake the feeling
that she was important, or would be important, to me. That could have been my best friend in

the whole world splashing furiously in the water, and I couldn't have been anymore upset.
Jasper's presence tried to relax me, but even his talents were having no affect on my panic.
Within seconds, Carlisle was holding the girl in his arms as he forced his way out of the water.
He carefully placed her on the sandy shore, and I raced to his side, kneeling next to her.
"Carlisle? Is she…..?" Jasper's voice was thick with the emotions surrounding him.
"Unconscious, but she's alive," he sighed and then instantly made the transition from rescuer to

physician. Checking her pulse, he seemed content with his findings before noticing her injured
"It's just sprained," I answered automatically. "But she hit her head on a rock when she fell into
the water. I'm guessing a concussion…."
"I think you're right," Carlisle agreed. "Let's get her to the house, shall we?"
"Be careful with her," I warned as Emmett and Jasper ran ahead to the house to prepare Esme

and Rosalie for our unexpected guest. "Watch her foot, Carlisle." I knew I was being rude. He
was a doctor, after all. But I couldn't see far enough into her future to know if she was going to

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be all right. I only knew that she had a concussion and a sprained ankle.
And, thankfully, she wasn't bleeding.
To say that I had a headache would be the understatement of the century.
I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in a beautiful bedroom that was completely unfamiliar to
me. I shook my head to try to erase my foggy thoughts and instantly realized this was a huge

mistake. The room began to spin into weird shapes and colors, so I snapped my eyes shut and
decided to do the only thing I could do without throwing up.
I screamed bloody murder.
"Damn, Alice, a little warning next time…." I heard a male voice say as my eyes settled on the

"Sorry," a sweet voice sighed. "I knew she was going to scream, but I didn't know it would scare

the fish. At least we know her lungs are in good shape."
"Where the hell am I?" I blurted out. "And who the hell are you?"
I instantly froze. Did Charlie hear me curse? We'd had many discussions about my language
since I arrived last…..when did I get here? I shook my head again, trying to remember, and

regretted the motion.
"Hi," the sweet, angelic voice whispered. "I'm Alice. What's your name?"
My eyes narrowed at the girl sitting next to me on the bed. She was beautiful and gorgeous and
too cute in her designer outfit. This wasn't the type of girl who would ever say two words to me

in school, so I was instantly cautious.
"I'm Bella. Isabella Swan. But everyone calls me Bella. Why am I here? What happened?"
"Bella….." she let my name roll across her tongue so beautifully that I thought she might burst
into song. I was instantly jealous because I was positive that such a beautiful girl would also have

a beautiful singing voice.
A man in a white lab coat walked slowly to my side. "Bella, my name is Carlisle, and this is my

wife, Esme. This is our family…"
He introduced them one by one, but I really didn't hear a thing he said. My eyes were fixated on

each of them. They were insanely gorgeous. Every single one of them.
And each of them was smiling at me like I was a lottery prize.
Carlisle explained that I fell into the river, hit my head, and sprained my ankle. They pulled me to
safety and brought me back to the house. I'd been here only for a day. It bothered me that I

couldn't remember anything about the accident, but Carlisle assured me that it didn't matter. I
was going to be just fine.
I noticed almost instantly that Alice was the most hyper of them all, and I quickly decided that
she needed a good dose of Ritalin. At least, that's what they gave the kids in my class when they

couldn't sit still. And Alice definitely couldn't stay put for very long. She introduced me to her
boyfriend, Jasper, who I noticed stood against the far wall and wouldn't dare come closer.
I tried not to be offended.

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"How old are you, Bella?" The big guy (I didn't catch his name) was smiling at me curiously as he
sat down on the bed.
I blinked rapidly. Man, he was hot.
"I'm 13….almost 14," I quickly replied and then snorted. Like adding that I'm almost 14 would

make a difference. He was too gorgeous, and I was probably jailbait in his eyes.
"How old are you?" I asked, crossing my fingers. Couldn't hurt to ask, could it?
He laughed loudly. "I'm 19, almost 20."
I sighed. Of course he is.
Suddenly, a blonde goddess appeared at his side and smiled cautiously. "I'm Rosalie. It's nice to
meet you, Bella."
"It's a shame Edward isn't here," Alice whined wistfully. "He'll hate that he didn't get to meet
Before I could ask any questions about this missing family member, I began to be interrogated
about every trivial aspect of my pathetic teenage life. I told them I was the police chief's

daughter, here on my annual torture-filled summer vacation. I learned long ago that summer
vacation was a chance for Renee to get rid of me for a few weeks while she chased after her

newest boyfriend. Charlie did his best. He just didn't know what to do with me.
But this was the life of a teenage daughter with divorced parents.
"And why were you at the river alone?" Carlisle asked.
My eyes fell into my lap. "I was bored. Dad was fishing with his friend Billy and I wandered off

alone." My voice cracked because it dawned on me that Charlie was probably worried sick and
had already formed the search party to find me.
Esme smiled at me. "We should certainly call your father, Bella. I'm sure he's worried."
"I'll do that now," Carlisle offered. "I assume he's the police chief in Forks?"
"Yeah," I groaned, dreading that little reunion. "He's going to be so mad. I'm going to be
grounded for life."
Carlisle smiled softly. "I'll ask him to go easy on you. We can't have you grounded for life. We
want you to be able to come back and visit with us."
Alice squealed with delight as she hopped onto the bed. "Bella, we are going to be best friends
this summer! We can go shopping and have makeovers and I can paint your toes, and we can

have slumber parties!"
I giggled as she continued to map out my summer. I couldn't help but become spellbound by her

enthusiasm. She was eighteen years old and willing to spend her summer being all girly with me.
It's a shame that I really wasn't that into nail polish and shopping, but she was cool, and Forks

was dead boring.
How bad could it be?
Three weeks later…
I gazed around the Cullen's living room as I wiped away my tears. What started out as a typical

boring Forks summer had quickly become the best summer vacation of my life.

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And it was coming to an end.
Charlie HAD grounded me, but I was allowed to spend my days (and some nights) with the

Cullens. I was thankful that he really didn't understand the true meaning of the word grounded
because that would have sucked for me. He tried to keep me home on the weekends, hellbent

on father-daughter time, but all Alice had to do was pretend to shed a tear, and my bag was
packed and tossed into the police cruiser, and I found myself holding on for dear life in the front

seat while my police chief father broke all speed limits leading to the Cullen house.
In my father's world, we couldn't have Alice unhappy. Ever. It was pretty funny how she had him

wrapped around her finger. I tried to use her techniques – smiling sweetly and giggling softly –
but he said I sounded like a hyena and I needed to give it up, already.
It helped that Charlie really liked Carlisle, too. Apparently saving your daughter from drowning
was proof enough that you were trustworthy. So Charlie was willing to let me stay with the

Cullens as long as they wanted me.
Luckily for me, they wanted me everyday.
I'd only known them for three weeks, but there was no doubt that they were now my family.
Carlisle and Esme were so wonderful for me. Everytime I walked into the house, the aroma of

chocolate chip cookies floated through the air. I ate the entire time I was there, and I was
convinced that Esme was a gourmet chef.
Emmett was my favorite brother. He started calling me Bella Bear that first day, and the
nickname stuck. He was still gorgeous, but I decided that it just wouldn't work between us, what

with the age difference and all, and it was best that I stop crushing on him and enjoy the fact
that I now had a big brother.
Plus, I was pretty sure Rosalie could kick my ass.
Jasper was really serious most of the time and kept his distance from me, but Alice told me not

to worry. He loved me, too. He just had a weird way of showing it.
They told me about the brother who was away. Edward. It was obvious they missed him very

much, and I was kinda pissed that he'd leave behind such a wonderful family who adored him.
But Alice assured me that he was beyond awesome, and that I'd meet him someday. She'd

shown me his picture, and naturally, he was just as gorgeous as the rest of them.
And then there was Alice. She'd kept her promise that she made that first night.
We were best friends.
She loved girly stuff, and I'd never been into make-up and clothes, but you just couldn't help but

want to make her happy. So I was her personal Barbie doll for the entire summer. We talked
about everything and were basically inseparable from the moment I opened my eyes after the

fall into the water. I still had nightmares about the river, and Alice was always right there when I
woke up screaming and crying. She never left my side, and I'm sure she hadn't slept a wink in

the past three weeks.
I loved them all. I'd never felt so loved and protected in my entire life.
But something was up. And it was major.
I opened my journal and glanced at my list. I kinda felt bad for keeping tabs on them. But they

were doing some weird things, and I really wanted to remember all of it so that I could figure

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out the big mystery once I was back in Arizona.
First, they never ate with me, a fact that I noticed pretty early but never questioned. Esme

would cook these huge meals for me, but they'd always say "we've already eaten" and I'd shrug.
But after two weeks of not seeing them take a single bite of anything, I decided that I just wasn't

buying it anymore.
And honestly, Emmett's huge. He had to be eating something.
There were lots of little things, too. Like the fact that Alice seemed to be psychic. And the fact
that, even though I'd slept there almost every night for the past three weeks, it was pretty

obvious that I was the only one sleeping in that big house. And then there was the fact that they
were "adopted," but it seemed like they really weren't. I mean, sure, they obviously loved each

other, but it was clear to me that Alice loved Jasper and Rose loved Emmett, and there wasn't
anything brotherly or sisterly about any of it.
But the really interesting thing happened last week at the mall.
After a full day of shopping, Alice and Emmett were carrying the fifty or so bags we'd

accumulated throughout our day. We were headed to Emmett's Jeep when suddenly we heard a
scream coming from the edge of the parking lot.
"Where's my baby? He was just right here!" The young mother screamed as everyone within
earshot frantically scanned the parking area for her child. Suddenly, Emmett uttered something

that sounded suspiciously like "holy shit!" and dropped the bags to the pavement.
Suddenly, it was only Alice and I with the bags as Emmett shot like a cannon toward the upper

parking area, snatching the toddler just as the bright red Hummer roared into reverse. The
mother was too overcome with joy to question anything as she placed sloppy kisses along her

toddler's face. Alice's head was crinkled with worry, and Emmett scanned the onlookers
curiously. His eyes settled on me, and I tried to pretend everything was cool, and I kept bragging

that he was a hero.
Hero was an understatement. I was convinced he was Superman. Who the hell runs that fast?
They rushed me to the Jeep and sped home, both stealing worried glances at me, waiting for me
to ask questions. I was definitely curious, but I could tell by the way they were acting that it was

probably best I pretend that I didn't notice that Emmett could leap tall buildings in a single
Breaking the silence, Emmett muttered to Alice, "A little warning would have been nice, sis.
Didn't see that one coming, did ya?"
Alice growled.
"Shut up, Em," she whispered. "We have bigger things to worry about now."
And I felt both sets of eyes turn to me.
"I'm not going to tell anyone," I whispered. And it was true. I didn't have a clue what had just

happened. I was curious, sure, but if my big brother was a superhero, I certainly wasn't going to
tell anyone.
Besides, who would believe me?
I sighed as I closed my journal, tucking it safely into my carry-on bag. Honestly, it didn't matter

to me. I was really just curious. I loved a good mystery, and this one was certainly going to give

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me a lot to think about on the plane. But in the end, I knew it didn't matter. They were my
family, and I loved them.
The ringing of the phone snapped me out of my daydream. I glanced around the room, but I
knew everyone was outside packing my things into Dad's car. It was amazing. I came to Forks

with one suitcase, and I was leaving with eight, thanks to Alice's shopping sprees.
I skipped to the kitchen and grabbed the phone. "Cullen Residence."
"Hello?" A velvet voice replied from the other end. "Who is this?"
"Who is this?" I mimicked, kinda rudely. I quickly reminded myself that this wasn't my house. "I

mean, this is Bella. Who is this?"
"Oh, Bella! We haven't met. This is Edward."
"Edward!" Oh my god, his voice! "It's nice to uh….meet you, sorta."
He laughed, and I decided I wanted to say something funny so that he'd laugh some more. "I've

heard a lot about you. Had a good summer?"
"I have," I sighed. "I'm headed home, though."
"That's too bad," he said. "I know Alice is going to miss you."
"I'll miss her, too," I admitted, and my vision glazed over with the tears I'd been holding in for

days. I'd dreaded his day all summer. How could I possibly leave my family, even if they weren't
really mine, for an entire year? What would I do without them?
Edward seemed to know that I was near hysterics, so he kept asking me questions about my
vacation. I continued babbling through my tears as Alice rushed through the door.
"Bella! Are you okay? I just saw…" and her eyes fell to the phone in my hand.
I almost dropped the receiver. "You just saw what, Alice? What's wrong?"
"Edward and…." Her voice was just a whisper; her eyes wide with shock.
"Yeah, he's on the phone. Do you wanna talk to him?"
Alice's eyes locked on mine. "Yes, I do," she said after a moment. "Why don't you go on outside
and wait in the car? Don't leave without hugging me goodbye."
She was freaking out, and I had no clue why. "It was nice talking to you, Edward. Here's Alice."
"Nice talking to you, too, Bella…." I heard that god-like voice ripple through the phone, making

my toes curl. I sighed and handed the phone to Alice before running out into the driveway.
"Edward!" She screamed into the phone, and I almost dropped the receiver.
"Nice to hear your voice, too. What is wrong with you, Alice?"
"Oh, Edward….." she cried. "I didn't see it. I didn't know….But, oh my God! This is great! Don't
you see? It's perfect. She's perfect. You're perfect. It's going to be perfect!"
I closed my eyes, knowing that if I remained patient I would finally get the entire story out of
her. "What's going to be perfect, Alice? What did you see?"
Alice's voice was thick with emotion. I swear if she could cry, I know I'd be hearing tears right

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now. "I saw her. And you! I saw you together!"
"Who did you see, Alice?" I whispered in awe.
I needed a name. I needed a picture.
"I saw her," she repeated, so softly I knew only I could hear. "I can't believe it. I can't believe I
didn't see it before!"
Relief flowed through my body. Her words felt like a life vest to a drowning man.
"Are you sure, Alice?" I couldn't stand the disappointment if she wasn't certain.
"Yes, only…"
Dejected, I sighed. "Only?"
"Well, the timetable is in question, but it's definitely her, or at least, it will be….I'll explain when
you get home!" The excitement in her voice was contagious, and I found myself smiling in spite

of my fears.
"Alice," I whispered painfully. "Please don't play with me. I can't handle it."
"Oh, I'm definitely not playing, Edward Cullen." Her voice was elated. "You can come home now.
I've found who you're looking for."
"You found who?"
"Her." Alice stated in a whisper, and I knew my sister was smiling from ear to ear. "I've found


Chapter 1 – Solitude

"Ooh, solitude

Forever me and forever you;

Ooh, solitude

Only you, only true."

"Solitude" - Evanescence

If it wasn't official before, it certainly was now.
I'm going straight to hell.
Sighing, I closed my eyes and absorbed the world around me. The raging river roaring through

the valley, the rustling of the leaves in the wind, the mouthwatering aroma of the three elk that
were roaming to the east, the sound of crackling thunder in the distance…
All comforting surroundings for a vampire whose lived in less peaceful areas of this world.
Carlisle certainly chose the perfect place to create a new chapter in our lives.
Moving was one of the necessary evils of our way of life. We couldn't stay in one place very
long. We'd try to blend in, become part of the community as much as we could, before people

began to notice the little quirks in our behavior. The fact that we never aged was naturally the
most noticeable, the one that could create havoc if we allowed ourselves to form relationships.

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It was definitely a lonely existence, this life of solitude. None of us had chosen this life. But, by
following Carlisle's masterful example, we were trying to, for lack of a better phrase, make the

most of it. We could only live among the human race because Carlisle taught us that it was
possible to survive without the taste of human blood. We knew of only one other coven who

abstained from human feedings, and that was our "family" in Denali. They were as close as we
could get to actually having friends in this world.
It was too dangerous to permit the luxury of human friends, to form bonds that could hold us in
one place for very long. It was too risky, to us and to those unsuspecting mortals who graced our

That was why I was so surprised to find that Alice had formed a close bond with a young girl this

summer in the tiny town of Forks. And it wasn't just Alice. My entire family, usually so careful
with their emotions, had fallen in love with this human they rescued from the river. Whenever

I'd call to check-in, I was always bombarded with stories of Bella Swan. She could be laughing at
Emmett, falling down the steps, snoring in my bedroom, eating cookies in the kitchen, or sitting

at my piano and singing in a surprisingly beautiful voice…it didn't matter what she was doing.
She had captured the attention of my family and was suddenly the most important creature in

their limited existence.
I couldn't deny I was jealous. I missed my family, and I wanted to be part of something so

monumental in their lives. It wasn't every day, or decade for that matter, that my family found a
human they cherished and loved – someone they wanted to keep close and protect no matter

what the consequences. I was floored that such a human existed at all. Not that my family
wasn't loving. Nothing could be further from the truth. But to become so connected to a mortal

being was completely out of character and something I found myself craving to comprehend. I
yearned for friendship outside of my family. I wished for a place to belong.
But most of all, I longed for the love of my life.
When Alice told me that she'd seen "her," I caught the first flight out of whichever city I was in (I

honestly couldn't remember the name of the town) and arrived at SeaTac the next morning. I
was greeted with hugs and kisses from my adoring family, and I felt completely at peace. I was

home, even though I didn't know the first thing about Forks. That didn't matter in the least.
I was with my family. And Alice had seen her.
I was prepared for anything. Hair color meant nothing. The shade of her eyes meant less. Her
name was unimportant. Just the fact that Alice had seen her in one of her visions was enough to

create a new feeling inside of me – one of complete and utter happiness.
So imagine my surprise and dismay when Alice revealed that my soulmate, the girl in her vision,

the one I was destined to love for all eternity, was none other than the brown- eyed girl who
had cast a spell on my family during the past three weeks.
"No wonder you've been alone for the past century," Alice had gently explained. "Bella wasn't
alive yet."
This did nothing to relieve my sadness.
Alice's visions weren't always trustworthy. She was the first to remind us that her sightings could

be altered, dependent on what others decided.
That's why I felt confident that I could change this one.

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My soulmate couldn't be this young girl, could she? Of course, she wasn't meant to be with me
now. But when she's older…could it really be her?
"You're telling me you can't be patient, Edward?" Alice had glared when I uttered my oath to
change the future. "You've waited almost a hundred years. You can't wait a couple more?"
She had a point.
For obvious reasons, this revelation disturbed me. Bella was thirteen years old. In a very short

period, she'd become the highlight of my family's very long existence. She was young and
innocent. She was already a beloved daughter to Carlisle and Esme, and an adored little sister to

the rest of the family. If they loved her so much, would they hate me for bringing her into this
life? Or worse….would they hate me for killing her?
I couldn't ignore that possibility. Bella was human, after all. Blood flowed through her veins. It
was instinctual to want to kill her. There were legends, of course, of vampires falling in love with

mortals. But it never ended well. Either the mortal was forced to join our dark world, or…..
I shook my head, trying to fight through the anxiety I felt. I hadn't even seen this girl. Alice kept

throwing pictures at me, but I refused to look. Being able to see Alice's thoughts wasn't helping
the situation, either, but I finally begged her to keep Bella's appearance out of my head, and so

far, she'd complied.
I just couldn't look at her. Not yet.
I felt wretched for even thinking about this young girl as the possible object of my affection.
Alice promised me I wasn't a creep, but I couldn't agree with her assessment. The entire

situation felt nothing short of sinister to me.
Naturally, we would have to tell the family. Bella had completely charmed everyone in the

house, and they already missed her desperately. I was going to be bombarded with thoughts
and visions of this girl until she visited again. So, it was best just to get the formalities out of the

way so that I could become familiar with the girl who had entranced my family and become so
crucial to my future happiness. Alice assured me that the family would be elated. I had my

This couldn't have been simple. That was just too much ask. I was a vampire. I was supposed to

find my mate in the form of another creature, preferably immortal.
But no, that would have been too easy.
I kicked a boulder and watched as the gray rock crashed into the river below. Disgusted with
myself, I ran back toward the house, hoping that everyone was still in the forest feasting on the

elk I let slip through my senses only moments earlier. As I approached the house, I was once
again struck by its beauty. Nestled in the woods, it was the perfect place for us. It was close

enough to town that we could be considered part of the community, but remote enough that
we could be ourselves without fear of exposure.
I sat on the steps and considered my options. Could I condemn this girl to my life? Could I expect
her to leave her human world behind in order to feast on animals and move every five years?

What kind of life could I offer her? And what about her father? As the chief of police, he most
certainly owned a gun. He'd most definitely shoot me, and when he saw that the bullet had no

affect on me whatsoever, he would take Bella and run screaming, hiding her from me and my

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They'd hate me forever, and I couldn't endure that.
I have to change the future.
"You're worrying about all of the wrong things," Jasper whispered, and I jumped at the sound of
his voice. He crashed onto the concrete step next to me.
"Snuck up on you. That never happens," he smirked. "Deep in thought, huh?"
I nodded and grimaced when I saw visions of a brown-eyed girl floating through his mind. I

closed my eyes, hoping without conviction that this would erase the vision from my memory.
"I see Alice can't keep a secret."
Jasper grinned widely. "Not from me."
We sat in silence for a few minutes before I finally asked, "What did you mean by that? That I'm

worrying about all of the wrong things?"
Jasper sighed loudly. "All of your concerns are valid, but they aren't really the most important

thing that you need to consider in this situation."
"And what would that be?" I asked, depressed to find that I had yet another worry to add to my

He closed his eyes, choosing his words carefully. "Alice is certain that Bella is your destiny,

"I know," I agreed dejectedly. "She's thrilled, isn't she?"
"That's an understatement," Jasper smiled brightly. "It's an amazing thing, really. The effect this
girl has on our family after such a short time. She really is quite wonderful. You'll see, Edward."
"I can't, Jasper. I can't subject this girl to our life. I won't be responsible for doing that to her. I
Jasper's voice was sad. "I don't think you really have a choice, Edward."
"There's always a choice," I growled. "I can change the future! I will!"
"Which brings us back to your biggest problem…."
"And that would be?"
Jasper placed his hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes. His gaze was so penetrating
that I was forced to look away. His voice was just a whisper.
"Once you meet her, you won't be able to live without her."
One year later…
"I have to leave, Alice. There isn't a choice to be made here. It's just for the summer."
Alice threw my suitcase at me, which I neatly dodged. I expected the tantrum. But I also

expected her to understand.
Silly me.
"This is completely and utterly ridiculous!" She screamed, the words echoing off the surrounding
walls. "You have to meet her sometime!"
Emmett laughed as he surveyed the destruction of my bedroom. "We'll have to really clean this

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place up before Bella Bear arrives. She should be here any minute now."
I couldn't help but marvel as Esme and Rosalie rushed into my room, stripping the bed I never

use and replacing the comforter with a blanket covered entirely with pink flowers and purple
"Is Bella really that girly?" I couldn't help but ask as Rose began replacing the pillowcases. I
watched with amazement as my plain drapes were ripped from the walls and replaced with the

same fabric that now covered my bed.
"Not at all," Esme confirmed my suspicions. "This is completely for our benefit."
"Did you know this is her favorite room in the house, Edward? She loves your books, your
CDs….." Emmett's voice dripped with laughter.
I pressed my fingers to my temples. If a vampire could get a headache, I was certain my head
would be throbbing.
"Yes, Em, you've told me several times how much Bella loves this room."
"It's a sign," he stated matter-of-factly. "It's fate, my brother."
"You don't believe in signs," I muttered as I zipped the last of my luggage. "And since when do
you believe in fate?"
"I believe in Alice," he stated firmly, and I could hear the pixie standing behind me clap with
unashamed glee. I rolled my eyes as I headed downstairs to say my goodbyes for the next three

It was decided before Bella's plane had landed in Phoenix that she'd be coming back to Forks

this summer. Hell, Alice had purchased the airline ticket before the teenager had even unpacked
her bags. Carlisle and Esme kept in close contact with Charlie throughout the year, and Bella's

letters, calls, and emails were a constant source of happiness in our home.
Telling the rest of my family about Alice's prophecy had been almost too easy. Nothing made

them happier than to believe that Bella, who'd already brought so much joy to their lives, would
someday (if Alice had anything to say about it) officially join our family. Carlisle offered his

support when he saw how disturbed I was by this vision, but even he couldn't hide his elation
that Bella would be a permanent fixture in the household, and Esme couldn't disguise her

delight that I had finally found my mate.
I was the only one being difficult.
Alice assured me that if only I'd stay in Forks this summer and get to know Bella, all of my
anxieties and fears would disappear. I would see how wonderful she is, and most of all, I'd

understand how Bella was so obviously meant for me. I tried to explain how I didn't want to see
my future in the eyes of a fourteen-year-old girl. The thoughts of having any feelings for this

teenager left me feeling like the proverbial dirty old man.
I just wasn't ready for that. Not yet.
My family waited for me at the door. Thankfully, Carlisle was on my side. I took a deep breath
and hugged him first.
"Thank you for understanding, Dad."
"I do understand," he confirmed with a pat on my shoulder. "In a few years this will all be

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I didn't tell him I hoped that Bella would find her destiny long before her fate intertwined with

mine. I could only hope that her teenage hormones would lead her down a different path – one
that took her far away from me.
"That's not going to happen," Alice snapped as she tiptoed to kiss my cheek. "She's going to love
you, too. You'll see."
"Maybe someday," I offered with a smile before hugging the rest of my family.
As I tossed my bags into the Jeep, I couldn't help but wonder what she would think of me.

Would she be upset that I wasn't here to greet her? That I was, once again, traveling around the
world and not here to meet her?
"I'll handle it," Alice assured me. "Maybe you could call again….I can make sure she answers and
you two could get to know each other…."
"No," I replied firmly, cutting her off before she became too excited. "This is for the best, Alice.
For now."
"For now." She nodded as I climbed into the Jeep. I waved goodbye to my family as Emmett
sped along the road headed out of town. Just as I was congratulating myself for getting out of

the house before she arrived, I noticed the police cruiser heading toward us in the next lane.
"Bella Bear!" Emmett screamed as he waved like a lunatic at the passing car. I heard the

cruiser's horn blast through the air.
Paralyzed with fear, I closed my eyes.

Chapter 2 – Your Guardian Angel

I will never let you fall

I'll stand up with you forever

I'll be there for you through it all

Even if saving you sends me to heaven

"Your Guardian Angel" - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

"Can I get you anything else, miss?" The stewardess smiled sweetly at me. We'd been in the air

for about forty-five minutes, and I was beginning to feel the effects of the insomnia that had
plagued me for the past few weeks. I stifled a yawn and tried to return her smile.
"No, thanks. I'm just going to try to get some sleep."
I unbuckled my seatbelt, wrapped the blanket around me, and snuggled deeply into the lush

chair. Airplane seats were notorious for being uncomfortable, but I was never more content
than when I was thirty thousand feet in the air. Of course, that could be because I was sitting in

my usual first class seat, something I would never get used to, but a perk that I was afforded
when Alice became my official travel agent just over two years ago.
Trying to convince her that coach seating was just fine with me always turned into an argument,
one she always ended up winning.

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I covered my mouth, trying to suppress the yawns that were finally taking over my body.
Amazing. I can't sleep at night, in my bedroom, lying in my bed all comfy and cozy.
But put me on an airplane, and I'm ready to crash within minutes after takeoff.
I hadn't slept well since the night of my 16th birthday party. Since then, my evenings had

become plagued with nightmares and screams, and even though I knew in my heart that they
were only dreams, my body couldn't ignore the adrenaline rush and my mind couldn't forget

that those frightening images could have become a reality if it hadn't been for him.
That's the only name I had for this person, the man who continued to guard my life and protect
me from myself.
Weird things started happening about a year ago, just after returning home from my summer in
Forks. As always, I had pretended to be visiting Charlie but spent the majority of my days and

nights with the Cullens. Luckily, Charlie wasn't the jealous type, and he was content enjoying his
fishing excursions without his teenage daughter, knowing that I was protected back at home.

The Cullens were crazy protective of me, but it wasn't the suffocating kind of love that most
teenagers rebel against. It was adoring and unconditional. I never felt afraid when I was with

them, even when Em drove his Jeep ninety miles an hour down the gravel road leading to the
river. Of course, that didn't keep me from screaming as I held on for dear life, but I knew I would

always be safe in Forks, no matter what.
But back in Phoenix, I was on my own. And that's when I realized I was being followed.
The hints were subtle at first. Just small coincidences. I'd run out of cab money, and then I'd
mysteriously find cash in my pocket. Or, after one uncharacteristically cool Phoenix night, I

awoke the next morning to find that someone had wrapped an extra blanket around me. And
then there was the morning that I drove to school with the gas gauge stalling just above the

empty mark. Running late as usual, I drove on to school, praying throughout the day that I'd
have enough gas to make it to the nearest gas station. When I climbed into my car later that

afternoon, my eyes widened in shock to find that my gas tank was now full.
I honestly thought I was losing it. I accused Mom of playing mind games with me while she

constantly denied her involvement. Of course, I didn't believe her – at least, not until my
research paper on the life and musical contributions of Claude Debussy mysteriously finished

writing itself one night after I fell asleep on my laptop. When she returned my paper, the
teacher praised my "attention to detail and syntax" and my "obvious grasp of the Impressionist

era." I then blushed five shades of crimson as she announced to the class that I was obviously
ready to attend the finest Ivy League college of my choice.
At that point, I realized I had a guardian angel, and he was a freaking genius.
It was the night of my sixteenth birthday that convinced me that someone was watching my

every move. After being subjected to the horrors of a Sweet 16 party at mom's favorite Italian
restaurant, I took some of my birthday money and escaped to my home away from home here

in Phoenix. The bookstore had become my hangout, a place where I could hide, sit in the floor
or on one of the loveseats, and get lost in a book for hours before finally purchasing the book

and taking it home. For months, I'd had my eye on a beautifully bound edition of Anne of Green
, and I decided my sixteenth birthday was the perfect opportunity to replace my old

paperback copy. I'd walked about a mile with my nose buried in the book, totally oblivious to my

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surroundings, when I suddenly heard horns blaring. My head snapped up quickly, and I realized I
was standing in the middle of 7th Street and staring into the headlights of a city bus.
I knew I had to run, but my body was incapable of movement as the screeching brakes of the
bus echoed through the air. I dropped my precious book and used my arms to shield my eyes,

stupidly thinking this might save me from certain death. The next second, I heard a mumbled
curse as I felt myself being lifted off the street and swiftly carried through the air to safety.
My savior cradled me as he lowered me to the sidewalk. I wrapped my arms around his neck as
he brushed his cheek against my hair and pulled me closer to him. I buried my face against his

shoulder and tried to hide the fact that I was near hysterics.
"Are you okay?"
My eyes snapped open. His voice was like velvet – beautiful and caressing. It seemed so familiar
to me. Without thinking, I huddled closer to the stranger and closed my eyes.
"I…..I think so?" I answered. Then I considered the fact that my arms were wrapped around his
neck like a vice. I was surely cutting off his oxygen supply, but I just couldn't seem to let him go.

"Are you okay?"
He laughed, and the sound vibrated through every inch of my body.
"I'm perfectly fine."
He continued holding me, asking if I was dizzy or in pain, and I knew that I should get a grip and

attempt to stand on my own two feet, or at least, find the will to remove my arms from the
stranglehold I'd placed around his neck. But I didn't see the rush, and he seemed perfectly

content with our current position.
So I didn't move an inch, and neither did he.
After several minutes of promising him that I wasn't going into shock, I finally opened my eyes
to look at the face of my rescuer. I was instantly disappointed. Not because he wasn't gorgeous,

as I highly suspected considering his voice was like butter.
I was disappointed because he was wearing a black hoodie and sunglasses. I couldn't see a damn

"Who wears sunglasses at night?" I asked suspiciously, fearing that my knight in shining armor

was really a bank robber in disguise.
"Corey Hart," he smirked, certain that I wouldn't catch the 80's pop music reference.
"I preferred "Never Surrender," but whatever floats your boat."
His smile was blinding.
After I assured him that I could stand on my own, he insisted on walking me home. Along the

way, we talked about everything – my birthday, my mom, Charlie, Forks, music, books….
I then realized that my copy of Anne of Green Gables was lying in the highway, probably

destroyed by now, and this finally caused my tears to flow. He seemed confused that a missing
book could cause me such distress, but almost being crushed by a bus seemed to have no affect

on me whatsoever. I finally calmed down when he took my hand and started asking mundane
questions about school. When I told him about my music teacher's comments concerning my

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Debussy paper, I could have sworn that I heard him snicker.
We were home before I knew it, and it dawned on me that I hadn't told him the address.
This seemed relatively unimportant considering I didn't even know his name.
"Who are you?" I whispered, turning so that I could face him. "You seem so familiar to me."
He stopped smiling and dropped my hand. "I do?"
I nodded.
Carefully, he reached up and brushed a piece of hair away from my cheek. The gesture almost
made my knees buckle.
He leaned closer, and I knew that I should be afraid. I didn't know anything about this man. I
didn't know his name. I hadn't even seen his face. This was a complete stranger and I should be

But I wasn't. Not at all.
His finger brushed along my lips so softly that I was afraid I'd imagined it. Without consciously
making the decision to do so, I felt my body lean closer to his and I closed my eyes…
And that's when Mom turned on the porch light.
Both of our heads snapped in the direction of the beam, and I was unashamed of my angry

"Bella! Is that you?" Mom's voice wavered through the air as her face peered through the

Kill me.
"It's me. I'll be there in a sec."
Totally embarrassed, I turned back to apologize for the interruption.
He was gone.
For the next few weeks, my days and nights were consumed with thoughts of my rescuer.
Mom didn't understand my rage toward her, and I wasn't in the mood to explain it. She laughed
it off as teenage hormones, but it was so much more than that.
I was terrified that I'd never see him again. And I was convinced that he had been watching over
me for months.
I needed to know why. I needed to know him.
I slept more than usual, basically because he always made an appearance in my dreams. But

after a few nights, I began having hellish nightmares of speeding buses racing toward me.
In these haunting dreams, there was no savior.
Insomnia was now my best friend and my worst enemy. Staying awake assured that I wouldn't
have nightmares, but by not dreaming, I never saw him.
It was a vicious circle.
My eyes flashed open as the pilot announced our arrival at SeaTac. Thanksgiving in Washington

was exactly what I needed. Even though I was thousands of miles away from the man who

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consumed my every thought, I was hopeful that now that I was in Forks, I might actually get a
good night's sleep. I glanced down to pick up my carry-on when I noticed something in the seat

next to me.
It was a beautiful, hardback, classic edition of Anne of Green Gables.
I watched from eight rows back as her hands softly caressed the hardback book. She thumbed

through the pages and I heard her gasp in surprise when she realized the book was a first
Her smile was dazzling.
Elated, I pulled the hood back over my head and slumped down into the seat as the airplane

came to a crawl. I flipped open my cell phone to see the expected text from Alice.
She loves it! I told you she would! You owe me $8500, by the way. We're at your gate. Love you!
I laughed as I flipped the phone shut. It was so good to be home.
Feeling brave, I followed Bella as she entered the airport. I watched with pride as my family

rushed to her side, embracing her in hugs and kisses. I'd never actually watched them interact
with her, and it was the most heartwarming scene I'd ever witnessed. Alice's whisper intruded

on my happiness.
"Sorry, Edward. We love you, too. We'll meet you at home."
"Take care of her, Alice."

Chapter 3 - "Building a Mystery"

You come out at night

That's when the energy comes

When the dark side is light And the vampires roam…

You're so beautiful

With an edge and a charm

But so careful

When I'm in your arms…

~Sarah McLachlan~

I closed my laptop with a loud snap, disgusted that I still couldn't get a wireless connection.
Yawning, I pulled back the blanket and climbed into the bed that had become my own in the

absence of the mysterious brother. I snuggled deep into the covers and wondered, as I always
did, if this was Edward's actual blanket or if Esme redecorated his room just for my visits. I

couldn't imagine an eighteen-year-old guy loving the pink and purple hearts that were draped
along the bed and cascaded from the windows. I could barely stand them, myself; it was just too

girly for me. But I knew it made Esme happy.
Maybe Edward just didn't like it in Forks, I thought dully to myself, although I couldn't imagine

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what could keep him away from such a wonderful family. I wondered again if it was me – if he
resented my stealing his room. Alice assured me that it wasn't my fault; Edward was just being

stubborn about some things, and that I'd meet him eventually.
Just another mystery to add to my list.
After spending the last three summers at the Cullens, you'd think I'd be accustomed to the
unexpected, to the little mysteries that I didn't question but never failed to keep me up at night.

Life was strange, and some things just couldn't be explained. I'd accepted this long ago. I
snuggled into the pillow as I made a mental list of the things that I knew for certain about the

Cullen family:
They were all unbelievably cold to the touch.
Em was a superhero.
Alice was psychic.
They didn't eat. Or sleep.
Jasper adored Alice.
Rosalie loved Emmett.
Carlisle worshiped Esme.
They were all having sex.
That last tidbit I really didn't figure out until this past summer. I was a moron for not realizing it

before, but I blame it on my sixteen-year-old hormones. Apparently with age comes wisdom.
Besides, they were pretty loud, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.
And I knew that they knew that I knew.
Quite a list, no doubt about it. A normal, sane person might have just questioned them about all

of it. I was definitely curious, and when I was really missing them in Phoenix, I'd google or hit the
library, trying to tie the clues together to come up with an explanation, a special word to

describe my family. Unfortunately, I didn't like the words that would appear most often in my
research – words like "bloodsucker" or "immortal."
Or "vampire."
So I just didn't ask. I was afraid if I did that a) I might not like the answers; and b) they might not

want me around anymore. So I kept my mouth shut, and so did they. Besides, I knew I could add
one more certainty to my hefty list.
They loved me completely and unconditionally.
Because of that love, I accepted that I may never have my answers. I embraced the knowledge

that I'd just have to live without my solutions for now, and that was okay with me.
But when it came to the first edition of Anne of Green Gables that mysteriously appeared on the

seat next to me, I was ready to call the FBI.
Through my shocked haze, I'd glanced around the plane, wondering how I could have missed

someone placing the book next to me. When I asked the flight attendant about it, she just
smiled and said that she was told to make sure that I received it and to wish me a happy

birthday. I scanned the plane, looking for any familiar face, any sign that he might have been on

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the same flight.
Of course, I saw no one.
After I'd unpacked, I followed the family downstairs where I eagerly showed them the book.
They listened with the appropriate amount of excitement when I told them about the original

copy that I'd purchased, my mysterious savior, and the miraculous appearance of this edition on
the plane. They wanted to hear all about my sixteenth birthday party and my feelings for the

gorgeous stranger (which I was happy to share with as much detail as possible), but none of
them were eager to discuss the sudden appearance of this obviously expensive book. I wanted

to research the price of such a rarity - to see how many copies were even in existence and to see
if any books had recently been auctioned. But when I headed up the stairs to grab my laptop, I

was surprised to find Jasper waiting at the door of the bedroom, grabbing me by the hand and
telling me that the Internet was down due to a power surge earlier in the day.
"Some power surge," I muttered, glaring at my useless laptop.
Sighing, I threw back the blanket and turned on the lamp. My eyes took a few moments to

adjust to the light before they focused on the book lying on the nightstand. I picked it up
carefully, afraid that in my eternal clumsiness I'd accidentally rip a page or break the spine.
I'd never lived in a world where money was no object. With a police chief for a father and a
teacher for a mom, we were strictly middle class and I was proud of it. We had what we needed,

and I never wanted for anything. Even after the divorce, dad faithfully mailed a check to mom
each month. But we would never be considered wealthy.
So it was a real culture shock when I met the Cullens.
Carlisle was a doctor. Esme was an architect, although decorating was her passion. In a small

town, those two professions equaled money. They didn't flaunt the fact that they were rich, but
it was obvious by the designer clothes they wore and the beautiful cars they drove.
Money was no object when you had plenty of it.
I glanced down at the beautiful book in my lap. I knew it was expensive. Probably thousands of

dollars. And I couldn't imagine who would pay so much for a gift just for me.
Can't you? A voice in my head echoed. Who could afford to buy you a book like this?
I gasped.
That's when I realized the Cullens were somehow involved.
"You're a dumbass."
I glared at Em. "Why do you keep saying that?"
"Because it's true," he shrugged as we raced back from the meadow. "This beautiful, sweet,

wonderful girl is up in your bedroom. She likes you. You like her, and you're too afraid to go up
there and tell her."
"You're so grouchy when you don't get your way. Three bears weren't enough for you?"
He scoffed. "Yeah, well you cheated. And stop trying to change the subject. What exactly are

you waiting for?"

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It was a valid question. What was I waiting for? At first, I blamed my anxiety on our difference in
age. Not that she would ever be close to my real age, but now that she was sixteen, it would be

easier to explain our relationship when everyone outside of my family believed me to be
eighteen years old.
"How exactly should I approach her, Em? Hi. I'm Edward, and Alice says you're my soulmate?"
He shrugged. "She'd believe it. You should have seen her eyes light up when she talked about

you saving her in Phoenix. And the book! Oh, man, that book was a genius move…"
"She doesn't know that was me."
"And whose fault is that?"
He didn't shut up until we finally reached the house.
Thankfully, Rosalie was waiting impatiently at their bedroom window. Emmett stopped in his
tracks when he noticed her lingerie through the frosted glass.
Suddenly, my love life was very unimportant.
I was grateful for the escape as I made my way to the front of the house. I could hear music

coming from the living room, and it surprised me. We all had our special talents, but the piano
playing was usually reserved to Rosalie or me. I closed my eyes, letting the beautiful melody

take hold. I instantly recognized the piece. It was almost as identifiable as the sound of her
heart. I couldn't help but smile as I listened to both.
Clair de Lune. She plays beautifully, doesn't she, Edward?
Esme began to hum along, and I smiled. She did everything beautifully. Why should this be any

I'm going to be in the study. It is time, son. Go to her.
Taking an unnecessary but nervous breath, I opened the door and ambled quietly toward the
living room. That same breath caught in my throat when I saw her.
She was perched at my piano. Her mahogany hair flowed in waves down her back and her eyes
were closed, tight with concentration. I stayed out of sight. I tried to convince myself that this

wasn't cowardice; I just didn't want to interrupt her playing. But I knew I was lying to myself.
I just wanted to stare at her.
I'd struggled with Alice's vision for the past two years. Bella was too young, too innocent, and
too good to be subjected to this life with me. What I should have done was left my family, and it

should have been a permanent move. We'd fought unceasingly for the past two years. Alice
called me stubborn, but I wasn't trying to be egocentric. I was trying to be totally unselfish, and I

was failing miserably.
After Bella's fifteenth birthday, I found myself on the first flight to Phoenix. Keeping watch over

her was my full-time occupation. I was afraid that her well-meaning mother was too focused on
her new boyfriend to really be a parent to Bella. My fears were purely unfounded, however,

because Bella was very good at taking care of herself. When I saw that she was relatively safe in
Phoenix, I returned home until her next summer visit. I refused to discuss her with any of my

family. Alice would squeal with glee everytime the phone rang, and I'd have to leave the house
for days to avoid visions and thoughts of her.

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Carlisle was the most sympathetic to my situation, and as Bella's sixteenth birthday approached,
he suggested I go to Phoenix. He thought that it was time to test Alice's theory. He suspected

that I hadn't allowed myself to even contemplate having romantic feelings for Bella because of
her young age, and now that she was going to be, hypothetically, just two years younger than

me, he felt it was time to test the waters.
"How will I know?" I'd whispered. "I've never had feelings for anyone in my century of walking

this planet. I don't know even know what I'm supposed to be feeling. How will I know?"
He'd simply smiled.
"Trust me. You'll know."
I wasn't convinced. But I took his advice, and I followed her home. I trailed her, knowing I was

going to hell for it. I watched adoringly as she babysat the neighbor's kid and sang silly Barney
songs to him. I grimaced as she struggled with her research paper on Debussy until she finally

fell asleep while typing. I watched how she interacted with her mom and the few friends she
had at school. I learned that she was intelligent but struggled with Calculus. I gazed with wonder

as she'd get lost in old Austen novels, and I laughed when I heard her giggle while reading the
Sunday comics.
And I committed the sound of her heart to my memory while she slept at night.
Watching her sleep became my very favorite activity in the world. She talked in her sleep, which

quickly became my addiction when I realized I couldn't read her mind. For years, I'd hoped to
shut off the voices in my head. But this was the one time I desperately wished to hear a human's

thoughts, and she was completely mute to me.
This fact only made me more fascinated with her.
I longed to talk to her, but I wasn't expecting our first conversation to take place as I pulled her
from a busy highway, narrowly escaping death. I'd been walking along 7th Street, waiting for her

to leave the bookstore, when my phone rang. The text from Alice didn't sound that serious –
"Watch her" was all it said. But it was warning enough that I quickly scanned the area, searching

for anything that looked remotely dangerous.
That's when she walked out of the bookstore, her nose buried in a book, and into the oncoming

My phone buzzed again as I saw the bus careening toward her. I wasn't cautious. I didn't care

who saw me dart out into the middle of the highway at superhuman speed.
All that mattered was that she was safe in my arms. I was disguised of course, but that was of

little importance right now. She was alive, and I was holding her.
I walked her home, asking mundane questions, but I was eager to finally hear her voice. I knew

she loved music thanks to my scanning of her iPod, but I couldn't hide my excitement to learn
that she appreciated 80s music. We had that in common, at least. I panicked when she burst

into tears when she realized her book was missing, and I couldn't help myself when I grabbed
her hand. She didn't flinch at my cold touch, and I knew that was because she was used to the

feeling with my family. I was happy to see that I could calm her, and I couldn't stop myself when
I brushed a lock of hair out of her face. And my fingers moved of their own accord when they

softly traced her lips.
I had no idea how to do this. I didn't know if I could kiss her without breaking her.

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But I wanted to try.
And that's when Renee decided to play the role of concerned mother.
Like a coward, I'd fled. I tried to console myself by texting Alice with strict instructions to locate
the most beautiful copy of Anne of Green Gables that she could find. I hadn't taken Alice's

extravagant taste into consideration, but that didn't matter in the least, especially when I saw
the look of surprise on Bella's face as she noticed the book. But it was the beautiful smile that

followed that filled me with an insane desire to buy her an entire library.
I'd made her smile, and I vowed to keep that smile on her face for the rest of her days.
The last notes of Clair de Lune pulled me out of my reverie. Bella sighed, placed the cover over
the keys, and slowly rose from the piano bench. I tried not to notice how her sheer gown caught

the ray of moonlight as it streamed through the window. I tried not to imagine how it would feel
to run my fingers through her beautiful hair. And when she turned around to climb the stairs, I

tried not to imagine how, in mere seconds, her beautiful brown eyes would lock with mine.
And then they did.
And that's when I realized that you should always trust a three hundred year old vampire.
Because as I lost myself in her gorgeous chocolate eyes, wide with surprise, I realized that

Carlisle had been right along.
I knew.

Chapter 4 - Everlong


I've waited here for you


-Foo Fighters



It was the first time that I'd actually heard her say my name, and it made me gasp. My name on

her lips caused unfamiliar sensations to course through my body, feelings that only cemented
what I'd already knew to be true.
I was falling deeply in love with her.
"Hello, Bella," I managed to stammer before completely losing my voice. It was ironic. I'd waited

years to actually speak to her without needing a disguise, yet here we stood, and I was unable to
form a coherent thought.
All I could do was stare.
Many wordless moments passed before she finally broke the spell, her beautiful brown eyes

suddenly dropping to the floor. A faint blush crossed her cheeks as she noticed the transparency
of her nightgown in the pale moonlight. As beautiful as she looked, I willed my eyes to stay on

her lovely face. The last thing I wanted to do was add to her unnecessary embarrassment.

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"Welcome home," she whispered sweetly, her eyes locking with mine once again. The feeling of
contentment that washed over me when her chocolate eyes found mine was staggering.
"Thank you. It's good to be home."
Without dropping my gaze from hers, I slowly walked toward the piano. "You play beautifully.

Debussy is one of my favorites."
She blushed again. "You heard that? I'm really not that good, but I love to play."
"I think you're wonderful," I whispered, hoping she'd detect the hidden meaning behind those
words. Surprise flashed across her face, and I could hear the acceleration of her heartbeat.
I sat down on the piano bench and raised the cover, trailing my fingers along the keys. Closing
my eyes, I played the first few measures of Moonlight Sonata. I had played the song thousands

of times throughout my life, but never did it seem more appropriate than tonight. I was home
with my family, and I was playing piano for the most beautiful girl in the world.
Just when I didn't think the night could be more perfect, I felt Bella's body brush mine as she sat
down next to me on the bench. Her shoulder touched mine, and the feeling was electric.
As the song came to a close, I could hear the muffled sound of weeping. Alarmed, I opened my
eyes to see her cheeks wet with tears.
"Bella, what's wrong?"
She smiled, her eyes glistening. "Nothing's wrong. That was so beautiful, Edward."
"Don't cry," I whispered, lifting my hand to softly brush the tears from her cheek. She closed her
eyes and leaned into my touch. I felt her breath on my palm, and the sensation caused my body

to tremble. She gently laid her head against my shoulder, sighing contently.
"Play something else for me?" Her voice whispered in the darkness.
I could deny her nothing.
I couldn't take my eyes off him.
I'd recognized him at once, thanks to the family pictures that were scattered in frames

throughout the house. But the pictures didn't do him justice. All of the Cullens were ridiculously
gorgeous, but there was no doubt that he was the most beautiful of them all.
His eyes smoldered like fire, and it was impossible to look away. I began to feel self-conscious
about the sheerness of my nightgown, but I just couldn't tear myself away from him. Besides, he

was gorgeous and had probably seen his fair share of lingerie in his lifetime. I'm sure my body
wasn't a temptation for him. While this thought was meant to relax me, I couldn't help but feel a

little jealous. And then I felt silly for considering my rivals when I'd only known the man for a
couple of hours.
It seemed so natural to sit next to him on the piano bench. I felt like I'd known him for years.
The sense of familiarity was unnerving and calming at the same time.
He continued to play his piano for me, and I couldn't stop bawling like a baby each time he
began a new piece. Every song was perfect, every note precise. He played all of my favorites,

and at the end of each song, he'd brush his hand against my cheek to erase my tears. It was such
a simple gesture, but so sweet that I never failed to melt against his hand. My body tingled

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beneath his fingers, and I wondered if he could feel the way I trembled with each gentle touch.
"Bella?" His angelic voice whispered as I opened my eyes. "Did you fall asleep?"
"Almost," I lied, lifting my head from his shoulder. I'd never been more awake in my entire life.
"You should get some sleep." He smiled, causing my breath to catch in my throat. If I was going

to spend anytime around Edward at all, I was seriously going to have to get a grip on my
"Thank you for playing for me. It was so beautiful."
"You're very welcome, Bella. Sweet dreams."
"Good night," I whispered as I fumbled through the dark living room, praying that I wouldn't fall
on my face in front of this beautiful man.
"Oh!" I remembered as I stood on the stairs. "I'll move into Alice's room. I'm sure you'd like your
room back now that you're home."
He shook his head as he followed me up the stairs. "Of course not. While you're here, my room
is yours. I wouldn't want it any other way."
"Where will you sleep? That is, of course, unless you're like the rest of your family who seem to
never sleep at night."
His face flashed into a frown. "You've noticed that, have you?"
"Of course," I shrugged. "I've noticed a lot of things through the years. But that still doesn't

answer my question."
"I'll sleep in Emmett's room," he replied with a smile. "Don't worry about me."
"Hmm…Rosalie might have a problem with that."
He grinned. "You are perceptive, aren't you?"
"You'll see," I promised with a yawn. "This place is crazy at night. I try to sleep through it, but
"I know," he agreed as he placed his hand on my elbow and led me up the stairs. "Sometimes it
gets a bit distracting, doesn't it?"
Not as distracting as your hand on my elbow, I thought to myself. Instead of embarrassing
myself with such a confession, I simply nodded in agreement as he led me to his bedroom door.
"You'll be here in the morning?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound as desperate as I felt.
"I will," he promised. His face grew thoughtful as his eyes gazed into mine. "Will you be here in

the morning?"
"I will."
He smiled sweetly. "I'm glad. Good night, Bella."
"Good night."
The skies blackened overhead as I fumbled my way through the forest. I couldn't see anything
except for a lone bright light in the distance. I stumbled blindly through the trees, calling out for

help. My voice echoed through the valley but no one answered.

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Suddenly, the forest thinned and I found myself at the river. I knew that I shouldn't step closer to
the edge. I knew how dangerous the raging river could be, but I couldn't stop my body from

leaning over the rim. The water was so beautiful and blue.
A moment later, lightning crashed overhead, and the sound caused me to tremble, sending me

head first into the water below.
I screamed, knowing I was no match for the powerful current. My legs and arms thrashed, trying

desperately to keep my body afloat. I began to sink as my lungs filled with water. The pain was
overwhelming, and I found myself wishing to drown.
Suddenly, I felt my body being raised out of the water. I wrapped my arms around my rescuer as
he carried me to the water's edge. I was crying uncontrollably as he brought me to his chest and

snuggled me close. His touch was so loving and comforting, and I felt my body calming under his
I opened my eyes to thank him when I noticed he was wearing a black hoodie and sunglasses.
Gasping, I recognized my savior and slowly raised my hand to remove his glasses. I had to see

him. I had to thank him for saving my life yet again.
I pulled the sunglasses from his face and instantly recognized the smoldering eyes gazing into


Chapter 5 – Where I Belong

I am no Superman

I have no answers for you

I am no hero, oh that's for sure

But I do know one thing

Where you are is where I belong

I do know where you go

Is where I want to be.

"Where Are You Going" - Dave Matthews Band

I sat on the floor outside my bedroom, listening to the steady beating of her heart as she slept
softly. Closing my eyes, I took solace in the knowledge that she was finally getting a good night's

sleep, and I couldn't help but hope that she was sleeping so peacefully because she was in my
bed, with me and family nearby to protect her.
Her slumber had been so fitful lately; I suspected she'd been having nightmares for weeks in
Phoenix following the near bus crash, and Alice had confirmed my theory. It was so frustrating

having to rely on someone else to know Bella's thoughts and fears, but luckily, my spy was
reliable and trustworthy, not to mention completely giddy to have both of us in the same house.
It makes seeing the future SO much easier when you're both in the same town. I'm so glad you're
home, Edward. I think that first encounter went very well, don't you?
I was eager to pick Alice's brain. What did Bella think about me, now that she'd officially met
me? Did she feel the connection, too? Does she even want to get to know me?
You are such a worrywart, Edward. I'd tell you to come talk to me, but I can already see that you

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won't leave your spot outside her door. I'll be there in a sec.
I smiled in spite of my nerves; I'd have my answers soon enough.
The rest of the house was mysteriously quiet. Bella had mentioned that she overheard the, for
lack of a better phrase, nightly activities that shook the walls of our home. My family's loving

nature didn't seem to faze her, and for that, I was grateful. Hopefully, she had put her iPod to
good use during her nights in my room. It was her only prayer in drowning out the surrounding

sounds. Unfortunately for me, drowning out the noise was only part of my problem. When you
could read everyone's thoughts during these romantic interludes, it made my evenings very

uncomfortable, especially when you were the only one in the house not having sex.
"Why don't you just crawl into bed with her? It's your bedroom, too."
"Hush, Alice," I whispered as the pixie plopped down on the floor next to me. She laid her head
against my shoulder, and I lightly kissed her hair.
"Missed you," she smiled, her voice low in the darkness. "I don't think you need to leave
anymore. Everything is working out perfectly. Isn't she wonderful, Edward?"
"She is."
"And so smart. She's going to figure it out, you know…."
"Meaning?" I asked hesitantly.
"Meaning…" she replied. "She's going to make the connection between you and her savior in

Phoenix. Very, very soon."
I froze with panic.
"How soon?"
"Relax," Alice grinned triumphantly. "That's the easy part."
"Easy…." My voice trailed as I closed my eyes. There was absolutely nothing easy about any of
this. What if Bella hated me when she realized I'd been following her for all these years? What if

she was furious for keeping my identity a secret?
"You have to learn to trust me," Alice's eyes were bright with excitement. "If you'd seen the

things I've seen..."
I glared at her. "I could see the things you've seen if you'd stop reciting the national anthem of

Korea. You know I hate it when you purposely keep things from me, things that affect me. I need
to know everything, Alice!"
"No," she replied with conviction. "You aren't ready to see everything. Not yet. You'll just freak
out and leave again, and I'm not going to let that happen."
"But if there's a reason that I should have, don't you think it's best that I disappear now
"Before what?" She snapped a little too loudly. I grimaced, hoping she hadn't woke Bella.
"Before you fall in love with her? Before she falls in love with you? Too late, Edward. On both

counts. And that's all I'm going to tell you, so just be a good boy and do as I say. Keep your ass
here, get to know Bella, let her get to know you. And when you're ready to see everything, I'll let

you know."

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My eyes narrowed. "This is so….. Wait! She loves me, too? How do you know that?"
Alice giggled. "That's all you get."
"That is so unfair, Alice."
"It's for your own good. But at the moment, you have bigger issues to deal with."
Suddenly, I heard Bella's scream from behind the bedroom door. My eyes widened in fear as I
reached for the doorknob.
"Told ya," she smiled, grabbing my arm to hold me in place. I struggled against her grasp.
I growled. "Damn it, Alice, let me go!"
"Wait….wait for it…."
"EDWARD!" Bella's breathless voice bellowed throughout the house.
Alice smiled, loosening her hold. "Now you can go. And be sweet. She's going to be a little
freaked out at first."
I nearly tore the door off the hinges racing into the bedroom.
I clutched the blanket close to my body as I struggled to sit up in bed.
I am not drowning. It was only a dream. I am not drowning. I am safe in Forks. I am not

drowning. I am safe in Edward's bed.
And that's when I screamed his name and the door flew open.
"Bella?" Edward flipped on the light switch and rushed to my side. "Bella, what's wrong?"
I couldn't formulate the words I wanted to say, or ask the question I wanted to ask.
"Bad dream…." I whispered as my eyes tried to adjust to the light. "It was just a dream..."
"Maybe it'll help if you talk about it?" He suggested, and I craved to take him up on his offer. The

only thing holding me back was the fact that his eyes had been the ones staring back at me in
my nightmare.
I shook my head. "Too sleepy."
He smiled his crooked smile, and I was sure I was going to faint.
"Okay, try to sleep," he whispered gently.
I snuggled back into the blanket and watched as he walked toward the bedroom door. I was just

getting ready to tell him good night when he surprised me by turning off the light, closing the
door softly behind him. Very quietly, he pulled his desk chair closer to the bed.
"What are you doing?"
"I thought I'd stay with you until you fell asleep. Maybe I can keep the bad dreams away."
I was about to mention that he'd be very busy considering I had nightmares every night, but I
was too stunned by his glorious eyes to argue. It was absolutely ridiculous that I was this

mesmerized by a man who I hardly knew, not to mention when that same man was now
haunting my dreams.

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He pulled the chair closer to the bed and snaked his hand under the blanket. My breathing
stopped when I felt his hand grasp mine. His touch was as cold as the rest of the Cullens', but I

didn't care. His fingers laced through mine, and I couldn't believe how soft his skin felt despite
the coldness. I trembled from the sensations that vibrated throughout my body thanks to his

gentle touch.
"Are you cold?"
"No, I'm definitely not cold," I murmured.
He laughed lightly and grasped my hand tighter as I snuggled into the covers. My eyes never left

his as I felt my body relax into the mattress. His face was breathtaking, and I knew that I'd have
no problem staring at him all night if I could keep my eyes open. He stared right back, as if he

was memorizing every line in my face. I knew that he couldn't possibly feel this connection, this
sense of contentment and peace that I felt as I lost myself in his smoldering eyes. He couldn't

possibly feel the powerful sensations that flowed through each of my fingers as he softly trailed
his fingers against mine. He couldn't possibly be as attracted to me as I was to him.
He couldn't possibly…
He leaned closer, using his free hand to softly stroke my cheek. I closed my eyes, and just as I

had downstairs, I melted into his touch. I opened my eyes when I heard his ragged breathing.
"I've never seen anyone blush as beautifully as you do," he whispered.
"It's completely involuntary," I whispered, embarrassed and thrilled at the same time.
"I know," he smiled. "That's why it's so adorable."
I sighed sleepily and closed my eyes. I gripped his hand tightly under the blanket and willed my
body to relax so that I could get some sleep. He softly hummed, and I tried to remain calm as I

felt his hand pull mine out from under the covers.
Just as I was falling into a peaceful slumber, I felt his soft lips brush against my wrist.
Convincing the Cullens that I needed to spend Thanksgiving at Dad's was more difficult than I
had expected. Esme had insisted on cooking dinner for Charlie, but I gently reminded her that he

would definitely notice if he and I were the only ones touching the turkey and mashed potatoes.
After much heated discussion with Alice, they finally relented and agreed that it was probably

best that I go home to Charlie for at least one night.
As much as I loved all of them, I knew that I needed one evening on my own. I needed time to

process everything that had happened last night. I wanted to make sense of my feelings and my
thoughts before I drove myself completely insane. And that required some distance considering

I couldn't form a complete sentence in Edward's presence.
"Cranberry sauce, Dad?" I asked, as I finished setting the table with Grandma's Swan's dishes.

We only used them for special occasions, and I decided that this counted.
"Only if you want it, Bells," he yelled from the living room over the sound of the football game

on the television. "It smells great, kid."
Never one to interrupt a meal with unnecessary conversation, Charlie ate heartily, and I couldn't

help but smile at his eagerness. I didn't spend nearly enough time with him, and I did feel guilty
about that. Three months a year just wasn't enough to get to know your daughter, especially

when said daughter preferred to spend her time with another family.

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I grimaced with guilt, and Charlie noticed.
"What's wrong? It tastes great to me."
I shook my head. "It's not that. I was just thinking that I come home, but I don't spend enough
time with you when I'm here. I'll do better, Dad, I promise."
He smiled. "I know you love the Cullens. It's okay."
"I love you, too, and I should spend more time with you."
He stuttered with surprise. "Well, to be honest, I've been thinking about that, Bella. I've actually
mentioned it to your Mom a few times, but she always says that you're so happy in Phoenix, and

I wouldn't want to take you away from that…"
"Mentioned what?"
"You seem so happy here, Bells. And I know most of that is because of the Cullens, but I'd like to
think that some of it has to do with me. And what with Phil up for that promotion in Florida…"
"Wait….Mom and Phil might be moving to Florida? When the hell was someone going to tell me
about this?"
Charlie frowned. "Language, Bella."
I was seething. They couldn't make me move to Florida. Flying to Forks for the weekend would
be impossible, and I'd never get to see Charlie or the Cullens.
Or Edward.
This could not happen.
"So anyway," he continued. "I was thinking, if he gets that job….you'd be starting your senior
year in a new town anyway, so it might as well be in a town you know, where you already have

My face flashed with surprise. "Like Forks?"
"Like Forks."
I flew out of my chair and wrapped my arms around his neck, knocking the fork out of his hand.

Charlie and I had never been ones for displays of affection, but I felt this situation required a
hug. He laughed and patted my back.
"Please let me move here," I begged, tightening my squeeze. I'd move today if he'd let me.
Renee could live without me.
He laughed and loosened my grip. "I have no problem with it. You know I work a lot. I'm called
out at all hours of the night. You'd be on your own most of the time…."
"Yeah…" I whispered, a plan already formulating in my head for where I could spend those
nights. I instantly felt guilty for plotting.
"And I suppose as long as you came home to see your old man every once in a while, you could
spend those nights with the Cullens."
I grinned. He knew me so well.

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"But you're going to have to work it out with your Mom. I'm not getting in the middle of this.
I've offered. I'd love it if you lived here. But work it out with Renee."
I hugged him again before racing to the phone.
"YOU'RE MOVING TO FORKS!" Alice squealed as I hopped out of Dad's cruiser.
"How did she know that?" Charlie wondered aloud as he grabbed my bag.
I laughed. "Alice has her ways…." My voice trailed as two stone arms wrapped around my neck.
"C….an't bbbreathe, Alice."
"Oops!" But she didn't let go, or lessen the death grip. "You're going to love Forks High!"
"It's too bad you're out of high school," I murmured. It would have been nice to know someone
on campus.
Alice giggled. "Oh, you'll make friends." Then her eyes narrowed angrily. "But they'll never take
my place! I won't allow it!"
I laughed and ruffled her hair. "Of course not, Alice. They could never take your place."
Her smile was dazzling.
"Well, that's everything, Bells." Charlie announced as he slammed the trunk.
Alice grinned wickedly. "Charlie, you should meet my brother, Edward. He's home, you know.

Did Bella mention him?"
I bit my lip. I hadn't mentioned Edward to my father. Intentionally. For one thing, I didn't want

to discuss any boys with my father. But mostly, I didn't want to give my father an excuse to keep
me at home. He knew that Emmett and Jasper treated me like a little sister. Edward was already

a totally different situation.
I was going to kill Alice.
"It's fine," she whispered in my ear. "He's going to have to meet him eventually."
"Not if I can help it," I grimaced. But then Edward suddenly walked out the front door, and all of

my apprehension melted away. I'd only been away from him for a day, and I hadn't realized how
much I missed his handsome face.
His eyes locked with mine, and his frown instantly turned into a sweet smile.
"Charlie, this is my brother," Alice announced. "Edward, this is Bella's father."
I didn't want to give Charlie any reason to believe that this introduction made me nervous, so I
grabbed my bag and followed Alice into the house.
But that didn't keep me from sneaking a peek out the window.
After a few minutes, I watched with relief as Charlie's cruiser pulled away. I sighed and grabbed

my bag. I was heading up the stairs when I felt two hands encircle my waist.
"Your father asked me to tell you goodbye," Edward whispered against my hair. My heart was

jumping out of my chest as I grabbed onto the rail of the stairs for support.
"Umm…" I managed. All I could really focus on was the fact that Edward's hands were touching

me. I trembled and felt his arms tighten around me.

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"Careful," he whispered, his breath coming in short gasps as he pulled me closer against his
chest. His lips were cold against my ear, and I resisted the urge to turn my head so that I could

face him. His nose slowly trailed below my ear and down along my neck. My eyes closed with
the intensity of this new touch. Unconsciously, I arched my back against him, and a soft moan

escaped his lips.
Hottest. Sound. Ever.
"I really, really hate to interrupt this," Alice giggled from the top of the stairs, "but Jasper and I
have an announcement to make. Could you two pull yourself away from each other for, like, two

seconds and meet us in the dining room?"
My eyes snapped open, and I knew I had to be ten shades of red. Edward growled lightly but

didn't take his hands off my waist.
"We'll be there," he replied crossly, and I was thrilled to know that he was just as disappointed

as I was that we'd been interrupted.
"I'll see you in a bit," he whispered.
I could only nod as I floated up the stairs.

Chapter 6 – Full Moon

In the full moon's light I listen to the stream,

And in between the silence hear you calling me.

~"Full Moon" - The Black Ghosts

Look at the stars,

Look how they shine for you,

And everything you do,

Yeah, they were all yellow.

~"Yellow" - Coldplay

"You're going to love your dress!" Alice exclaimed as she tossed a bridal magazine to me. "It's
being shipped from Paris and should arrive next week. I can't wait for you to try it on! You're

going to look sooooo beautiful!"
My eyes narrowed. "I'm not the one getting married. Why do I need a dress?"
Alice gave me an exasperated sigh. "As my maid of honor, you're going to need a dress. Don't be
difficult, Bella."
It'd only been an hour since Jasper and Alice had announced to the family that they were getting

married. Naturally, in true Alice fashion, the ceremony was already planned with precision down
to the smallest detail. I tried to hide my surprise at the news, especially when I noticed how the

rest of the family reacted. There were hugs and congratulations all around. I offered my own, of
course, but I was amazed that they were actually taking this huge step – especially in a little

town like Forks.
"Aren't you worried about what people will say?" I asked as I flipped through the magazine full

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of princess-style wedding gowns with veils and cathedral bouquets that trailed to the ground.
"You worry too much, Bella. We aren't really related. Everyone knows that we're adopted."
"If only they knew…." I murmured, as my hands froze on a page filled with stiletto heels. My

eyes locked on a particularly dangerous looking pair. "You aren't going to make me wear these,
are you?"
Alice briefly scanned the page. "Hmmm…..no. Not high enough. I already have your shoes picked
out, anyhow. Don't worry."
I snorted, imagining how many body parts I could break if she forced my foot into one of those
death traps.
"Alice," I whispered. "Not that I'm not honored to be your maid of honor, but what about
"Rosalie will be playing piano."
"Really?" I didn't realize that she played an instrument. "You know, I could do that. I'll play, and

Rose can stand with you." In these death traps, I thought as I scanned the page again.
"You are my best friend," Alice explained patiently. "You're my sister. I want you by my side.

Edward is going to be Jazz's best man. Emmett is going to officiate. It's a total family affair. Case
closed." She kissed the top of my head and grabbed the magazine out of my hands. "Now stop

being difficult and go play with Edward. He missed you."
I couldn't ignore the butterflies in my stomach. He'd missed me.
"Umm, Alice? I've been meaning to talk to you about Edward."
With a squeal, she threw the magazine onto the bed and plopped down next to me, a

mischievous glint in her eyes. "Isn't he wonderful, Bella?"
I laughed. "Yes, he is. You could have warned me, you know?"
"Warned you?" She asked innocently. "Whatever do you mean?
My eyes narrowed. "What good is having a best friend with a crystal ball if she doesn't warn me

that I'm going to fall head over heels for her brother?"
Alice giggled. "Head over heels. He'll love that."
I groaned and collapsed against the bed.
"What did you see, Alice?"
Instead of answering me, she shrugged. "Bella, I fail to see the problem here. My brother is
absolutely crazy about you. Be happy!"
"What did you see?" I repeated impatiently.
She sighed unhappily. "He really doesn't want me to tell you that."
Like a spoiled child, I tossed a pillow onto the floor and pouted as I pressed my back against the
headboard. Pulling my knees close to my body, I replayed the last few days over in my head.
Edward and I had spent almost every waking moment together. We'd sit in his room and listen

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to his CDs or my iPod, comparing and discussing the various genres of music on our playlists. We
talked about everything: school, our family, music, books…I told him the story about the

mysterious first edition of Anne of Green Gables and became suspicious when he quickly
changed the subject. My curiosity piqued but was quickly forgotten when he took my hand in his

and began playing with each of my fingers. At that point, I had to concentrate on actually
breathing, and my questions were just going to have to wait.
At night, we'd play his piano, taking turns as we performed each other's favorite compositions.
And when I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, he'd take my hand and

lead me up the staircase to his bedroom. I slept peacefully every night, positive that it was his
keeping vigil at my bedside that kept the nightmares away.
He was a perfect gentleman, which was amazing considering the nightly activities that echoed
throughout the house. He did seem to have difficulty keeping his hands off me, which wasn't

really a problem at all considering how much I loved it. But it was all innocent. Just handholding
and the occasional stroke of my cheek, both of which was enough to make my blood boil. He

was so sweet and gentle. I'd never been so happy in my entire life.
It just seemed so fast, so completely unexpected, and the feelings unnerved me.
"I'm scared, Alice."
"Oh, Bella…" she whispered softly, placing her hands on mine. "Don't be afraid. He doesn't want

you to be afraid of him. That's his greatest fear."
I shook my head. "I'm not afraid of him. I've just….." I tried to make sense of the emotions

coursing through my body. "I've never felt this way before. Ever."
"Neither has he."
"Please, Alice," I scoffed. "He's gorgeous. He's wonderful. He could have his pick of anyone on
this planet…"
Alice's smile was breathtaking. "He wants you."
In spite of my fears, I couldn't help but smile at her words.
I stared silently at my empty bedroom; Bella's delicious scent permeated the air around me. I

closed my eyes, letting the fragrance consume my mind and body.
I missed her so much.
Everything in my bedroom reminded me of her. The CDs we'd listened to, the books we'd
discussed, her blanket and pillow on my bed….all reminders of the happiest weekend of my life.
This is just the beginning, Edward. She'll be back soon. To stay.
Carlisle's words, as comforting as he intended them to be, did nothing to console me as I

glanced around my vacant room.
Bella had flown back to Phoenix today, and for the first time, I wasn't following her.
I was beyond elated when Alice informed me that Bella was moving permanently to Forks. Phil
was going to receive his job promotion, and he and Renee were going to move to Orlando. It

was Charlie who had decided that Bella needed some security, something familiar for her senior
year of high school. As much as Renee hated the separation, she couldn't argue with him.

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So, Bella was going home to finish the rest of this semester, which ended a week before
Christmas. And because my darling sister is a genius, she suggested to Charlie that Bella should

just go ahead and move during the Christmas holiday since she was coming back for the
Valentine's Day wedding, anyway. She could finish her junior year at Forks High, make some

friends, and be ready for a fantastic senior year.
Charlie just couldn't say no to Alice, and I was overjoyed.
Bella wanted to concentrate on spending these last few weeks with her mom, so I decided it was
best that I stay in Forks. Of course, I could have followed her and disguised myself just as I did in

the past, but I decided to trust Alice. It was torture, especially when Alice slipped and let me see
Bella crying on the plane, but she promised to keep a watchful eye on her every step. Besides, I

couldn't deny her these last few weeks with her mother, and I knew that if I followed her to
Phoenix, there was no way I could keep my hands to myself.
Touching Bella, something I'd denied myself for so long, had now become my obsession. The
feel of her hand in mine was absurdly electrifying to my cold, dormant heart. Sliding my fingers

across her cheek as she blushed crimson never failed to bring a smile to my face.
But it was the episode on the stairs that had almost made me lose my mind.
I hadn't meant to get that close to her, to have her body pressed against me so tightly that I
couldn't control the urges that pulsed through my body. I'd simply grabbed her waist to keep

her balanced on the stairs; but the fragrance of her hair stunned my senses to the point that I
couldn't form a coherent thought. I'd brushed my nose along her neck, and I was ecstatic to be

this close to her, to have my lips so close to her skin.
Carlisle had worried that my close proximity to Bella was dangerous for her, but I'd never been

more in control of that side of my nature as I was when she was in my arms.
Instinctively, I should want to kill her. Any human was a temptation to us. But never once did I

hunger for her blood.
There were other hungers, however; feelings that I'd never encountered in all of my days.
And those desires were slowly driving me insane.
My brooding was interrupted by the vibration of my cell phone. I quickly flipped it open, and I

couldn't keep the smile off my face when I read the text.
~Hey. I've landed. How are you?
Miserable. Depressed. Lonely. But I was afraid the truth would sound too pathetic.
~I'm glad you arrived safely. I'm okay. How are you?
After what seemed like years, she finally replied.
~I wish you were here.
My heart swelled as my fingers flew across the phone.
~I wish I was there, too.
Standing on mom's deck overlooking the backyard, I leaned on the railing and gazed at the

moon overhead. This was my favorite part of the house, and I wondered if her new home in

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Florida would provide the same beautiful view of the night sky.
Sighing, I marveled at how much my life had changed in the past few days. During the course of

one weekend, I'd made plans to move to Forks and live with Charlie, I'd enrolled for the second
semester at Forks High School, and I'd been assigned maid of honor duties in the wedding

extravaganza of my best friend.
And I'd met my soul mate.
My feet had barely touched the ground before I had my phone out, texting him, just so that I
could see his words on the screen. I'd cried the entire flight home, knowing that the next three

weeks were going to be hell. I needed this time with my mother, especially since I was moving
away. But being away from him seemed….wrong. Like I couldn't breathe without him near me. It

was borderline obsessive. But I couldn't help it.
Just as I was about to start bawling again, my cell phone vibrated in my jeans pocket. The name

on the caller ID never failed to thrill me.
"Hey you."
"Couldn't sleep without me, huh?" His velvet voice flowed through me, and I felt my body
automatically relax at the sound.
"You caught me," I giggled. "What are you doing?"
Edward was quiet for a few moments before finally answering. "Honestly?"
"Of course."
"I'm staring at the moon and thinking of you."
I stopped breathing and glanced at the full moon in the Arizona sky. My eyes welled as a feeling
of complete and utter bliss swelled in my heart. He was too romantic; too perfect. There was no

way he was meant for me.
"How did you know?" I finally managed to whisper through my quiet tears.
I could hear his smile through the phone. "Sometimes, Alice puts her crystal ball to good use."
I sighed happily.
"I would have called anyway," he whispered. "I had to hear your voice one more time tonight."
"I'm so happy that you called," I admitted sheepishly. "I wanted to hear your voice, too."
"I'm glad."
I stole another glance at the sky. "Can you see the stars in Forks?"
"Just a few," he replied.
I smiled. "They're beautiful, aren't they?"
"They are."
We sat in a comfortable silence for a few more minutes, listening to each other's breathing. The

fact that we were both staring at the same moon was just too sentimental to comprehend, but
this was, without a doubt, the most romantic night of my life.
I laughed at the irony.

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"What's funny?"
"I was just thinking how ironic this is. Both of us looking at the moon.…this is, by far, the most

romantic thing that's ever happened to me. And you aren't even here."
He laughed softly. "Imagine how romantic it would be if we were actually together."
"I have been imagining…." I whispered.
"So have I," a voice behind me whispered.
I gasped as two icy hands encircled my waist. He pulled me gently against his chest, and I knew
that my heart was going to explode from joy. I laid my hands over his and melted against him.
"Surprise," he whispered against my ear.
I smiled as I pulled his arms tighter around my waist.
"I can't believe you're here."
He laughed lightly. "Your wish is my command."
"My wish?"
He let go of my waist, and I whimpered at the loss of his touch. I turned around to face him, and

he lifted his phone to show me the text message I'd sent him just hours earlier.
~I wish you were here.
Unbelievable. "Okay, I've changed my mind."
"Oh?" He placed his cell phone in his back pocket.
"This…" I whispered, taking his hands in mine, "is the most romantic thing that's ever happened
to me."
He smiled adoringly at me, and I lost myself in the deep pools of his eyes. "Well, Miss Swan, I'm
going to make sure that you have many, many more romantic moments. I have one in mind,

"Another one?" I was honestly afraid that my heart couldn't handle another sweet gesture.
"Just one more, for tonight," he smiled softly. "I'm afraid I do have a plane to catch, so we'll
have to save other romantic moments for when you return home."
I couldn't believe my ears. "You're leaving? Already?"
"Unfortunately, yes," he whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against

his chest. It was the first time he'd ever held me this close, and I decided instantly that it was my
very favorite place on earth.
"But I had to come see you," he continued breathlessly. "You wished for it, after all, and I can
deny you nothing."
I was about to explain that the feeling was mutual when he raised his hand to my cheek,
stroking his fingers slowly along my jawline. On cue, my cheeks flamed, and I felt my knees begin

to buckle beneath me.
"Bella…." He murmured softly, holding me tighter, his lips brushing softly against my cheek. I

closed my eyes at the contact. "Do you have any idea how long I've waited for you?"

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I couldn't answer; I couldn't breathe.
"How long I've searched for you," he continued, his lips trailing along my neck. "How many times

I'd given up hope, thinking you didn't exist…."
He removed his lips from my throat and pressed his forehead against mine. I was certain that I

was going to faint.
"Look at me, Bella."
I opened my eyes and felt his cool breath against my face. My body leaned in closer, my arms
wrapping around his neck. He hastily pulled me closer, and I softly moaned at the contact. I

could feel every line of his body against mine.
At that moment, I was absolutely certain that I was in love with this man; to ever be separated

from him would cause my heart to shatter like glass.
His hand brushed my cheek and my eyes closed without my permission. I felt his cool finger

trace along my lips, and the touch was electric.
"I had to come see you," he whispered against my lips. "I had to kiss you goodnight."
I felt him tremble as his lips softly brushed up against mine. It was sweet and gentle, just like I
knew it would be. I melted against him, eliciting a low groan from the back of his throat as he

pulled me closer. The sound vibrated through every part of me, and knowing that I excited him,
that I could make him groan, sent shivers down my spine.
He didn't stop kissing me until I finally gasped for air, and even then, his mouth continued its
exploration. He placed soft kisses along my face, against my eyelids, down my nose and along

my chin, against my neck… until, once again, his lips found mine.
Finally, the kisses slowed and his eyes gazed into mine. He pressed his forehead against mine as

we both attempted to catch our breath.
"Changed my mind again," I whispered breathlessly.
"Really?" His voice was trembling. "About what?"
"That was the most romantic thing that's ever happened to me."
He flashed the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen before crushing his lips to mine once again.

Chapter 7 – In Your Eyes

The light, the heat

I am complete

I see the doorway to a thousand churches

The resolution of all the fruitless searches

I want to be that complete

I want to touch the light, the heat

I see in your eyes

~"In Your Eyes" - Peter Gabriel

I took one last look around my empty bedroom. There were so many memories here – some bad

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- but overall, fond recollections of my youth. Sentimentally, I ran my fingers along the
thumbtack holes where my Evanescence poster hung proudly just a few years ago. My eyes

flashed to the bed that wouldn't be making the trip with me to Forks. I wondered if Mom would
just sell it or just leave it here for the new owners. They had a teenage daughter, too. If she

decided to keep the bed, I hoped that her nighttime dreams would be happier than mine had
been throughout the years. I thought about all of the nights I had tossed and turned, never

really comfortable…and then, when my body would finally succumb to exhaustion, I'd awaken
hours later from the nightmares that plagued my subconscious.
But I always slept peacefully in Forks.
Even before I met the Cullens, I'd always slept serenely in my bed at Charlie's house. Phoenix

was a loud city, and while we lived in the suburbs and away from the hustle and bustle, it could
never be as quiet here as it was in the seclusion of Forks. As a child, I'd found Forks to be

stale….boring. There was nothing to do, and the biggest city was an hour away. Forks held no
appeal to me at all. It was simply the town I was shipped to each summer to give Renee and Phil

some much needed quality time together, and to give Charlie some court-appointed bonding
time with his daughter. But regardless of my angsty feelings, I always slept like a log during my

visits. Dad said that it was a sign – that my body and mind just knew that I was where I
belonged. And, as the typical teenager who knew it all, I'd just roll my eyes and laugh.
But as I got older, I found myself longing for those summers in Forks. I'd grown up, and while
Dad and I still had issues relating to each other, I was happy to have some space and privacy.

Charlie didn't snoop, never asked questions about my life in Phoenix unless they were school
related. Mom, on the other hand, began her interrogation as soon as my plane landed, asking

endless questions about Charlie, his friends, his job…I finally became so frustrated with the
inquisitions that I told her if she was so interested in his life, perhaps she shouldn't have

divorced him.
That seemed to shut her up for good.
Mom had dated several different men since the divorce. She was eager to move on with her
love life, and she dated a lot, but always found something wrong with the guy– some minor,

unimportant quality that meant absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Then she met Phil, a successful sports agent, and decided she'd struck gold.
How wrong she'd been.
Sighing, I zipped the suitcase – one of the few things left in the room. Most everything else had

been shipped ahead and would be waiting to be unpacked when I got to Charlie's. I walked
toward the window, gazing at the neighbor's dog that always seemed to spend more time in our

yard than his own. I glanced at the rainy sky, so unusual for Phoenix, and it only made me more
homesick for Forks.
I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the sound of Mom's weeping through the bedroom wall. She
was going to miss me. And I her. But she'd made her choices in life, and I'd accepted and

endured all of them. But those days were over.
My phone vibrated in my pocket.
~ Are you okay?

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How strange. I quickly replied to her message.
~ Of course. Why?
I grew suspicious when she didn't instantly text me back, but I shrugged it off.
The Cullens were just a wee bit overprotective of me, and the sentiment had only grown

stronger since meeting Edward.
It'd been three weeks since he'd surprised me on the moonlit deck. Three lonely weeks since I'd

felt his stone arms around me. Three torturous weeks since he'd kissed me….
My toes still curled thinking about that first kiss. It had been perfect – sweet, innocent, amazing.

But then it became something more, something completely intoxicating that had consumed my
every thought since that glorious night. We'd spoken on the phone every night since then, but

hearing his voice only added to my restlessness, to my insatiable desire to be close to him.
I couldn't get to Forks soon enough.
I was still daydreaming when I heard my bedroom door slam shut and a loud voice echo in the
empty space around me.
"You're breaking her heart, you know. Don't you give a shit?"
I slowly turned from the window to see Phil staring me down, practically seething from across

the room.
I was so not in the mood for this.
I didn't say a word as I walked toward the bed, grabbing my suitcase in one hand and my laptop
in the other.
He blocked my path to the door.
"Answer me, you ungrateful brat." He stuck his finger in my face, and I unconsciously winced at

the gesture. He hadn't hit me in years, but I could still remember those slaps and curses, and my
body reacted defensively.
I took a deep breath. "Get out of my way, Phil."
With a murderous stare, he forcefully pushed me against my bedroom wall. I dropped my bag

and my laptop as the back of my head crashed into the wall, and I was dizzy from the impact.
"DO NOT talk to me like that! Your mother has done EVERYTHING for you. And this is how you

repay her? By leaving her? What a selfish bitch you are!"
The smell of liquor on his breath was gagging me. I closed my eyes, trying desperately to make

the room stay in place. The spinning was making me sick to my stomach. I could still hear my
mother's quiet sobs in the next room. I didn't pray for her to save me. I'd given up on that

prayer when I was twelve years old; that was the night that my new stepdad slapped me across
the face for making a C on a history exam.
The next day, Mom had the excuses all prepared – he'd been drinking, and he's under a lot of
pressure at work, etc.….I was twelve, but even I knew that was bullshit. My heart was broken,

and not because he'd slapped me. I could take that. It was the fact that my mother stood there,
making excuses for him, instead of kicking his ass out when he chose to put his angry hands on

her only daughter.

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That wasn't the only time he slapped me, and it wasn't a constant thing. But it happened
enough times that I knew, unless I was in Forks with my Dad and the Cullens, that I was totally

alone in the world.
But I wasn't twelve anymore.
"Go to hell," I whispered with an icy glare.
He smirked and wrapped his hand around my neck, raising the other hand into the air.
And for just a moment, I was that twelve-year-old girl again. I assumed the stance and closed my
eyes, ready to take whatever he dished out in his drunken rage. Knowing I didn't have a choice,

that screaming would do no good. But I took solace in the knowledge that this would be the very
last time he put his hands on me.
I had to endure it one last time. No one was going to save me.
Suddenly, I heard an ear-splitting crash, and Phil's hand was ripped away from neck. My eyes

shot open to see Edward throw Phil against the back wall. He landed with a thunderous crash,
his legs curling beneath him as he fell unconscious onto the floor.
Edward's hand stroked my hair softly. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"
I was too stunned to answer.
"Bella?" He whispered, placing soft kisses on my cheek. "Sweetheart, did he touch you?"
I shook my head no. My legs finally buckled beneath me, and I grabbed his shoulders as I

crumbled to the floor. He dropped to his knees and pulled me close to his chest.
"Shh, It's okay, Bella," he whispered, stroking my hair and kissing my forehead. "I'm here. I'll

never leave you alone again, I swear."
I blinked away the tears as I lost myself in his beautiful voice. I couldn't resist stroking his perfect

face as he gazed into my eyes.
And that's when I noticed his staring back at me.
His eyes were pitch black.
"Edward….your eyes!" I gasped.
He snapped them shut as I placed my hand on his cheek. His lips brushed my palm, and despite
my fear, I found myself relax with his touch.
"I'll kill him," he whispered, his face rigid with hatred as his body shook. "I'll rip him from limb to
limb for even thinking about hurting you."
"Look at me!" I placed my hands on each side of his face. His onyx eyes flew open, and I was
stunned at their intensity.
"Just take me home," I begged through my tears. "Please, just take me home."
His tortured eyes shot to Phil's body just as my stepdad fluttered his eyes, groaning in pain.

Edward's entire body trembled with rage.
"Your mom?" Edward whispered.
My face fell as I tried to blink back the tears. "She made her choice long ago." I grabbed both of
his hands. "Please…please take me home?"

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His face softened with my pleas. With one last glance at my stepfather, Edward lifted me into his
arms, rushing me out of the house and into the Arizona rain.
"Just a quick stop. One last time?"
I sighed as she pulled me by the hand and into her favorite bookstore. My only desire was to get
her out of this city and into the safety of our home. I wanted to take care of her, to protect her.

If I'd known what was waiting for her at her mother's house, I never would have let her return
without me.
I blamed myself. Granted, most of my visits in the past had seemed to coincide with Phil's
business trips, so I hadn't witnessed the monster that lived inside of him – the rage that would

ensue when he'd had too much to drink or had a bad day. And to find out that he had taken his
frustrations out on Bella shook me to the core.
She'd been quiet during the drive through town, and I was afraid that my temper had frightened
her. After a few silent miles, she began to quietly tell me about her life with Phil, and it took

every last bit of my self-restraint to keep myself from turning around.
I wanted him dead.
She grew silent, and I glanced at her beautiful face, looking for any sign of distress. Her
chocolate eyes were staring at me in wonder.
"Are you okay?"
I could only nod. I wasn't sure that I could control my voice.
"Edward, how did you know?"
"Alice," I stated simply.
It had been so close. Alice had been admiring her wedding dress for the thousandth time when
she suddenly dropped her veil, screaming at me to get on the first flight to Phoenix.
I didn't ask any questions.
Once again, I was indebted to my sister.
I had been so enraged with quiet fury that I hadn't noticed when I turned onto 7th Street. My
only concern had been getting to the airport as soon as possible. I didn't even realize where I

was until I heard a tiny gasp as she pointed to the bookstore.
Suddenly, I had a brand new concern. Would she remember the night of the bus crash?
Would she remember me?
After choosing a few books and a new journal, I took her by the hand and led her out onto the

busy sidewalk. She led me toward a bench at the corner and motioned for me to sit next to her.
"A new journal?" I asked.
"For new memories," she replied with a smile.
I glanced up at the sky. "Is it always this gloomy in Phoenix?" The rain had stopped, but the cold,

gray sky remained. And for that, I was thankful.
I could just imagine the conversation we'd be having if it had been a sunny day in Phoenix, and I

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just wasn't ready to broach that subject.
"No," she replied with a smile. "This is pretty unusual. Reminds me of Forks."
I turned slightly, grasping her hand gently in my own. She stared at me with such concern, such
worry, and I knew I had to be calm for her. But there was something I had to say, and she had to

believe me.
"No one will ever hurt you again. I won't allow it."
Her smile was so heartwarming that it left me breathless. She brought my hand to her lips,
kissing it softly.
"You're always saving me, aren't you?"
"I'll always save you," I vowed.
She dug her new books out of the bag, and we were flipping through them when a bus suddenly
appeared around the corner. I'd heard it coming, of course, but I was hoping she wouldn't

Of course, she noticed everything.
She didn't say a word as we watched the bus come to a halt at the signal light. I glanced out of
the corner of my eye as her expression teetered between confusion, contemplation, and finally,

"Edward?" She whispered as the bus pulled away.
"Yes, Bella?"
"It was you, wasn't it?"
"Here…on this street. You saved me from being crushed by that bus."
I couldn't look at her.
"You followed me," she continued with a whisper. "You wrote my Debussy paper."
I sighed in defeat. What was the point?
"It was always you."
I stared into her warm brown eyes, fearing that this would be the last time she'd let me gaze
into them.
"Yes, Bella. It was always me."
Surprise washed over her face and she grasped my hand tightly. Tears welled in her eyes, and I

ached to wipe them away. But I was too afraid to touch her. I was certain she hated me. I was a
stalker, always tracking her, following throughout the city. I'd followed her since she was fifteen

years old. She hated me.
She would never love me.
"Please say something," I couldn't stand the silence.
"Why me?"
"What do you mean?"

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Her voice was shaky. "Why was I so important to you?"
Feeling braver now that she was speaking to me, I carefully wiped her tears from her cheek.

"You are important to me, Bella. The most important thing in my entire world. Now and
I watched her face as she struggled to comprehend my words. Her breathing was erratic, and I
fully expected her to go into shock at any second. I'd put her through enough torture today.
"I thought you hated me," she murmured, looking down at our intertwined fingers. "You would
always leave when I came to visit…."
"I could never hate you," I replied shakily as I pulled her closer and onto my lap. I wrapped my
arms around her waist and buried my face in her neck. Sighing, she brushed her lips against my

earlobe, and I trembled as the warmth flowed through me.
"Bella, you're so beautiful," I whispered, placing soft kisses along her face. "So wonderful. So

perfect in every way. How could I possibly hate you?"
She pressed her forehead against mine and took a deep breath; I prayed that she would believe

Please believe me.
"I want to know what Alice saw," she declared.
My body tensed, but I knew that she deserved an explanation. I owed her that much after today.
"She saw you."
She nodded. "And?
"And me."
Her eyes flickered with comprehension.
"Together?" She whispered.
She simply nodded.
"I have about a million other questions, you know…."
I exhaled an unnecessary breath. "I know you do, but I'm afraid I'm not the one with the
Her eyes narrowed. "That's all she told you?"
"That's all."
She leaned down, tracing my bottom lip with her finger. I kissed it softly and was rewarded with
her beautiful smile.
"Then I think it's time you take me home so that we can get our answers."

Chapter 8 – Answer

I will be the answer at the end of the line

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I will be there for you while you take your time

In the burning of uncertainty

I will be your solid ground

I will hold the balance if you can't look down

"Answer" ~ Sarah McLachlan

"Bella Bear's a hottie!" Emmett whistled as I attempted the treacherous journey down the stairs
and into the living room. I blushed crimson as I firmly grasped the rail, exhaling with relief when

I actually made it to the landing.
"Bella's going to break both legs," I fumed as I tugged carefully on the fabric on the hem of the

bridesmaid's dress to expose one of the deathtraps. "Look at these!" I had practically
hyperventilated when Alice proudly displayed the "perfect" heels. She'd pinned me to the bed

as Esme strapped them onto my feet.
Rosalie laughed. "They are gorgeous, Bella. And you look absolutely stunning. Edward is going to

have a heart attack when he sees you."
I rolled my eyes. "Two broken legs and a heart attack victim. We'll be a perfect match."
"You already are," Rosalie whispered as she hugged me carefully. This surprised me. Rose had
always been nice to me, but we'd never really grown close. "I've never seen him so happy…so at

peace, and that's all because of you."
Her sweet words warmed my heart, but it was just one of the many sentiments that had been

expressed since Edward and I had returned from Phoenix. The Cullens had always been my
family, but our bond, already undeniably powerful, had only strengthened over the past few

I was positive that every member of the family had always known about Alice's premonition of

my future with Edward. Looking back now, I realized that they'd been preparing me for this
news for years. Whenever I'd come to visit, they'd always made sure to show me his latest

pictures, his newest CDs…they'd even encouraged me to read some of his journals, a proposition
that I never accepted. Some things were just personal, and considering I'd never met the man

and assumed he hated me, I didn't feel a violation of his private thoughts would be especially
The news of Alice's vision and the confirmation that Edward had been my savior in Phoenix
unnerved me a bit more than I conveyed. I wasn't necessarily upset with the entire group, but I

did feel that I'd been kept in the dark, and I couldn't help but wonder what else I didn't know
about this family whom I loved so much. I didn't mind keeping someone's secret. But if I was

going to be a part of the mystery in the future, I'd at least like to be trusted with the truth.
Was that too much to ask?
I'd been determined to get my answers from Alice as soon as we'd arrived. Edward was more
than eager to press the issue with her as well, considering she'd only given him pieces of our

Or at least, that's what he'd told me.
I hated not being able to totally trust him. He'd saved me more times than I cared to count and
almost committed murder to avenge my years of abuse at Phil's hands. While it thrilled me to

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know that he'd been my guardian angel all those years, it also irked me to learn that the entire
household knew it all and had never told me. Didn't they realize by now that they could trust me

completely? Heaven knows I'd been given plenty of reasons to be suspicious of them and their
behaviors, but I'd never questioned a thing. I loved them unconditionally, so I had never asked.
But now, I was tired of the secrets, and I wanted answers. I wanted to know everything.
The questions were endless. Why didn't the family eat? Why didn't they sleep? Why were they

always so cold to the touch? Why were they all amazingly beautiful? Why was Emmett so
strong? Why had Edward's eyes changed color from his usual gorgeous topaz to a deep deathly

onyx when he was ready to kill my stepfather?
But most of all, I wanted to know what was in Alice's vision of Edward and me and what it really

meant to him.
He looked at me like he adored me. He held me like he cared for me. He kissed me like he was

as infatuated with me as I was with him. But now I was worried.
Did he really want me, as obsessively and irrationally, as I wanted him? Or was he only

interested in me because Alice's vision told him to be? Was he just afraid to mess with fate, or
did he really, truly care for me?
He was completely perfect, and I was perfectly plain. What did he really see in me?
I had to know the truth before my heart was ripped to shreds.
When we'd arrived at the house, the entire family was ecstatic to see us. Edward had called
ahead and explained everything that had happened with Phil, and I was bombarded with hugs

and kisses before I even stepped foot through the door. Carlisle was adamant that we call
Charlie immediately, but I wasn't prepared to expose all of the hurt. Not just yet, anyway.

Luckily, Charlie was out of town until tomorrow, so I had a few hours to gather my thoughts and
try to figure out just how much I was going to tell him.
Alice knew she was in trouble, but she ignored my icy stare and pushed me up the stairs, eager
for me to try on my bridesmaid dress and shoes. This was just one of my many fittings, I was

informed, so I might as well suck it up and deal. So, I decided to let her have her fun. It was only
a matter of time before I began my interrogation, and I wanted her blissfully happy and ready to

Which is why I was now on display, risking my life in these contraptions that she called shoes.
"Where is Edward?" I asked, wondering if he'd like seeing me dressed up for a change.
Emmett laughed loudly. "As soon as Alice rushed you upstairs to play Barbie, her fiancé followed

through with her strict instructions for both of them to get as far away from the house as
"Oh," I mumbled.
"She wants both of them to be surprised when the bride and maid of honor make their

entrance," Rosalie smiled encouragingly. "She was afraid they'd sneak a peek."
"I don't know about Alice's dress," Emmett grinned. "But Edward is going to flip when he sees

you, Bella."
I rolled my eyes; all of this attention was getting to me.

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"Honestly." He smiled, more solemn than usual. I couldn't handle a serious Emmett. It just
wasn't normal.
"So pretty. But you always are." Rosalie confirmed. "Now go get changed before the boys get
"Don't fall down the stairs, Bella Bear!" Emmett giggled.
Sighing, I took a deep breath and began another dangerous trek up the stairs. I stumbled my

way to Edward's room to find Alice lying across the bed, flipping through one of his journals.
"What are you doing?"
"So what did they think?" Alice asked, placing the ribbon along the page, marking her place. "Did
they love it?"
I snorted. "You tell me. You're the psychic."
"They loved it!" She giggled enthusiastically. I sighed and motioned for her to unzip me. After

carefully placing it and the offensive shoes back in the closet, I grabbed a t-shirt out of Edward's
drawer and pulled it over my head. I ignored my jeans, hoping that I could just crawl into bed

and get some much needed sleep after this depressing day.
Alice noticed my nightgown and shot me a tortured glance.
"My clothes are at Charlie's," I shrugged.
"SHOPPING TRIP!" She squealed with delight. My eyes narrowed.
"Not until you talk," I offered, knowing those negotiating terms were right up her alley. A
shopping trip in exchange for info seemed a fair trade to me.
She sighed. "I know I owe you an explanation."
"Just one?"
"Okay, several," she amended. "But you can't process it all at once, so lets take one at a time,
shall we?"
"And I suppose you get to choose what comes first?"
She considered this. "That's negotiable. Is there one thing in particular that you'd like to

My face flushed. "Yes."
Alice smiled sweetly. "Yeah, that's what I expected. So here…" she tossed me the journal she'd
been reading earlier. "Everything you want to know is in there. But don't read anything before

the ribbon. Nothing important there. Pretty boring, to tell you the truth. But he really became a
prolific writer once he found out about you. I never knew my brother could be so sappy."
Sappy intrigued me, but I just couldn't do it.
"I'm not reading his journal, Alice."
"You want your answers…" she reasoned. "And what you want to know is in that book."
I glanced down at the leather-bound diary sitting in my lap. My fingers trailed over his initials on

the front cover.

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"It's not right," I whispered, shaking my head sadly. I couldn't invade his privacy like this.
"But you want to know how he feels, right? Since you don't trust yourself to believe that he

really wants you?" I gasped at her intuition, and her eyes grew soft. "How you can doubt his
feelings for you completely amazes me, by the way."
"Maybe he's just with me because you told him to be," I whispered, anxiety coursing through my
veins. What would I do if she confirmed my fears?
Sighing, Alice took the journal off my lap, running her finger along the edge until she found the
ribbon bookmarked page. Opening it, she carefully placed the book back on my lap.
"He adores you, Bella. Never doubt that."
I desperately wanted to believe her.
"Start reading," she sang as she kissed my cheek. Jumping off the bed, I couldn't help but laugh
as she pranced out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her.
"I admire your restraint," Jasper marveled. "Why didn't you kill him?"
I'd been asking myself the same question for hours. I stared off into the meadow, wondering if
my brother would think I was weak for letting that monster live another day.
"Bella begged me to bring her home," I said simply.
He nodded in understanding. "She belongs here."
"I know."
She didn't beg me to bring her home. I wonder when they're moving to Florida. Emmett and I

could hop on a plane, rip him to shreds, burn the pieces, and be back before dawn.
I couldn't help but smile at his tortured thoughts. I also knew that I couldn't let them make that

trip without me. To see Phil's limbs ripped from his body was a visual I'd clearly imagined since
we'd left Phoenix.
The rational side of me won out.
For now.
"It would upset her, Jazz."
He shrugged with acceptance. "It'd make me feel better, though."
"Me, too."
We raced through the trees, uncharacteristically ignoring the four deer that lingered nearby.

We'd decided to hunt once Alice banned us from the house so that she and Bella could have
their first fittings. Selfishly, I picked Alice's brain for any visual of Bella as her maid of honor, but I

was greeted with a constant stream of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, so I finally conceded
defeat and gorged myself on elk instead.
I've never seen you in such a hurry to get home, brother. It's….kinda sweet.
"Shut up," I muttered with a grin.
His laugh echoed through the trees as I jumped onto the front steps and through the door,

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anxious to see how Bella was feeling after her long day. It was late, and for a moment I hoped
she was sleeping. But I heard her rapid heartbeat echoing from my bedroom, and I smiled,

hopeful that she was waiting up for me.
I literally flew up the stairs, and quickly reminded myself that I was really going to have to be

careful about that. It was too easy to be myself when she was around, and if I wasn't more
cautious, I was going to be forced to make a speech to Bella that I was more than eager to put

off for as long as possible.
I tiptoed slowly toward my bedroom door and gently rapped my hand against it. Her heartbeat

accelerated, and I hoped it was out of excitement instead of anxiety.
"Come in."
I found her sitting with crossed legs on my bed, a book in her lap. Her chocolate eyes widened
with surprise as she struggled with the blanket to cover her bare legs, which were gorgeous, of

course. But that wasn't what took my breath away.
She was wearing my shirt.
"Sorry," she whispered, blushing as she followed my gaze to the t-shirt. "My clothes are at
Charlie's, and we rushed out of the house so fast that I didn't….."
"Shh, Bella," I whispered. I closed the door behind me, never taking my eyes off of her. "It's no
problem at all. It looks so good on you. You should wear it every night."
Her eyes fell as she smiled shyly. She had no idea how beautiful she was, and it only made me
more captivated by her. I sat down on the bed, and she slid over to make room.
"How was the fitting?" I asked, taking her hand in mine.
"I'm going to be in traction after that wedding," she sighed in despair. "You wouldn't believe the

heels that your sister is forcing me to wear. A person's foot just isn't supposed to arch like that.
It's not natural."
I laughed. "To Alice, heels aren't really heels unless they're five inches off the ground."
"She's nuts."
"Not to worry," I promised with a smile. "I won't let you fall down the stairs."
She bit her lip. "You'll be at the altar with Jasper and Emmett. This will be the one time you can't

protect me."
I stroked her cheek softly. "Bella, I will always protect you. Don't you trust me?"
Her beautiful brown eyes rose to meet mine, and I was stunned to see sadness radiating from
No. She doesn't trust you.
The realization felt as if someone had kicked me in the stomach.
"Bella…" I whispered, pulling her closer to me. The blanket dropped as I pulled her onto my lap. I
tossed her book aside and wrapped my arms around her waist. Wrapping her small arms around

my neck, she buried her face against my shoulder and exhaled a heavy sigh.
"This feels so good," she whispered, her lips tracing my collarbone. My eyes closed without

permission at the sensation of her mouth on my skin.

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"So good…" I repeated hoarsely, skimming my nose along her jawline. I didn't even realize what I
was doing until I felt the palm of my hand slide along her exposed leg. Her skin felt like satin,

and I heard her gasp as my fingers trailed along her thigh.
Boldly, she turned her head so that her lips were barely brushing against mine. I moaned, and

the sound only made her braver. She crushed her lips to mine, and I had to control the urge to
wrap her legs around my waist. With that visual now permanently etched onto my brain, I knew

that I had to stop touching her. Things were moving too fast, and I wanted her to trust me
whole-heartedly before things got completely out of control.
"Bella, sweetheart…." I whimpered, wanting so badly to continue, but knowing that I needed
more than just her body to make me feel complete.
I needed her trust. I needed for her to know that I would keep her safe, and that I would never
let anyone hurt her ever again. I needed her to know that I adored her, that her very existence

had given me a reason to smile each and everyday.
Had I told her these things? Had I made my intentions clear?
"Bella, look at me…."
Her bright eyes gazed into mine, and the conflicting emotions flowing from them were almost

too much to bear. Passion. Rejection. Confusion. And I knew in that moment that I'd assumed
too much. I'd assumed she knew how much she meant to me, that my actions had proven how

much I loved her.
But you've never told her.
I hung my head in shame, knowing that I'd failed her once again. I couldn't look into her eyes
knowing that I'd left too many things unsaid.
Instead of looking at her wounded face, my eyes fell upon the book she'd been reading. A ribbon
bookmark held its place, and I immediately recognized the cover.
"My journal?" I asked.
Her body tensed with anxiety. Refusing to let her live one moment with that kind of tension, I

softly brushed my lips against her cheek.
"No, sweetheart, it's okay. I don't mind if you were reading it."
She shook her head and took a steadying breath. "I wasn't reading it. Alice thought I should, but
I just couldn't invade your privacy like that."
"You should," I smiled, hoping to relax her. "Your name appears quite a bit in those pages."
Her eyes flashed with curiosity. "Really?"
I smiled sadly. Yes, I'd assumed way too much.
She stared at the book for a moment. "I just know how I felt when Mom read my journal last
summer. I mean, there was nothing exciting in there, but I was so pissed. I'd never do that to

someone else."
She was good to the core. I didn't deserve her.
But I wanted her.

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And I wanted her to know how much she meant to me.
I pushed myself back against the pillows and opened my arms. Without a second thought, she

pulled the blanket around her and rested her head against my shoulder. I wrapped my free arm
around her and kissed her forehead.
"Very," she whispered with a sigh.
Smiling, I grabbed the journal and turned to the bookmarked page.
"What are you doing?" Her eyes were wide with concern.
"I'm reading to you."

Chapter 9 – More Than Words

Now that I've tried to

Talk to you and make you understand

All you have to do is close your eyes

And just reach out your hand

"More Than Words" ~ Extreme

"You don't have to do this, you know."
Edward smiled down at me. "But I want to." He sighed deeply and leaned down, kissing my
forehead. Of course, my heart began fluttering like a bird's wings.
"Listen to your heart…" Edward grinned.
"You can hear that?" I was beyond embarrassed for him to have audio proof of how the mere

touch of his lips upon my skin caused my heart to stutter.
"I have excellent hearing." He smiled his beautiful smile, very proud of himself for eliciting such

a response in me.
It was so unfair.
"Well, you don't have to read everything," I offered, noting the thickness of the journal, and
hoping he wouldn't recognize the eagerness in my voice. Honestly, I wanted him to read the

entire journal to me, cover to cover. I wanted to hear every single thought he'd had during the
past two years.
"Hmm…" he scanned the bookmarked page. "Alice obviously thinks I should start here." He
pointed to the date, and I immediately recognized it as the date of my sixteenth birthday.
"She said everything before the bookmark was boring," I whispered, hoping he wouldn't be
Instead of being insulted, he surprised me by laughing. "She's right. Everything before that night
was boring." His eyes grew soft as looked down at the journal, his arm tightening around me.

"Not only was it boring, but it was pretty depressing. I wasn't a happy man, Bella."
"Why not?"

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He lifted my chin so that I was staring into his eyes. "Because I had yet to meet you."
My heart hammered in my chest as he leaned down to kiss the tip of my nose.
"I don't understand…" I admitted without elaborating. I couldn't believe that night had been as
significant to him as it had been to me.
His expression was sad. "I know you don't, and that is my fault. So why don't I read to you, so
that you can understand?"
I nodded, biting my lip nervously.
"You're going to hurt yourself doing that," he murmured as he leaned down, softly brushing his

lips against mine. After a few sweet kisses, he smiled a heartbreaking smile. "Now, where shall I
"At the beginning?"
His face turned into stone, and I could feel the tension radiating from his body. Confused, I

racked my brain trying to figure out what I'd done wrong.
He finally broke the awkward moment. "That would be…quite a few journals ago," he

whispered, glancing at the crowded bookshelf where several identical journals lined the ledge.
Anxiety etched his face, and I couldn't make sense of it.
"Why don't we begin on the day that Alice first told me about her vision?"
"Was that an important day?" I asked.
"Well," he mumbled, trying to find the words. "It was an….interesting day. But it will describe
my surprise and will probably give you some insight into my life before you came along."
"Sounds good," I whispered, snuggling deep into the blankets. I rested my head on his shoulder
as he flipped through the pages. I noticed his handwriting was beautiful, and I made the decision

to never allow him to see my chicken-scratch penmanship.
"August 5," he introduced, his melodic voice echoing in the quiet room….
"I never thought the day would come that I would bet against my darling sister, but that day
has arrived. Her vision has unsettled me. She'd always promised to tell me if she saw "her"

before I found her, but now I wish she hadn't kept that promise. I've searched unceasingly for
years for the girl of my dreams, the woman with whom I was meant to spend the rest of my

days, but I never dreamed that she would appear in the form of my sister's best friend, the
young girl that my family pulled from the river just weeks before. Besides the obvious issues

that this may present, the most glaring problem at this point is that the girl is thirteen years
He continued reading, but my mind froze as I tried to complete second grade math in my head.
Today, I am sixteen years old. Edward is eighteen. Which means, if Alice had her vision when I

was thirteen, wouldn't Edward have been fifteen at the time? And if so, why would he have
been searching for years for the love of his life, and why would be looking for her at such an

early age, and speaking so….eloquently….of doing so?
"You look confused," he noticed, glancing down at me.
"Umm…." I mumbled. "That's because I am."
He nodded, placing the bookmark in the journal and softly closing it. "What has you confused?"

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I'd lived in this house long enough to realize, with certainty, that something wasn't normal about
this family that I loved so much. I didn't understand most things, but I brushed them off,

deciding not to ask questions and just let things be.
I knew that this couldn't be one of those times.
But I also wanted him to keep reading, and to do that, I had to keep my questions to myself.
For now.
"Bella?" He asked. "What is it?"
I sighed nervously. "Can I reserve the right to ask questions after you stop reading?"
He chuckled. "Of course. But I hope you know that you can ask me anything."
"And you'll tell me the truth?"
I noticed he didn't answer immediately, and this made me even more anxious. They were
definitely hiding something from me, and it suddenly dawned on me that I needed to be sure

that I really wanted all of the details. Could I handle them?
His hand brushed against my cheek. "I want to tell you the truth, Bella."
I detected the distinction. He wanted to tell me the truth.
"But will you?" I whispered.
I stared down with amazement at the beautiful creature in my arms. She was too intelligent for

her own good. I'd only read one journal entry, and already, I could see that this had been a
gigantic mistake.
I wasn't ready to tell her everything about our world. I wasn't ready to admit that our family was
actually a coven of vampires. Creatures designed to kill fragile humans like herself. Monsters

who survived on the blood of other animals to survive. Soulless beings who had lost their ability
to age, to eat, to sleep, to die….
This was not a conversation I was ready to have with her.
I'd only meant to explain how I feel about her, to make her understand just how very much I

loved her. But she wasn't unintelligent, not in the least. Something I'd read had already made
her suspicious.
I scanned the page to see where I might have made my mistake. Choosing this day had seemed
safe enough…
"It's okay, Edward," she whispered into my shoulder. "You don't have to tell me anything."
I pulled her closer to my side, brushing my lips against her forehead. "Bella, there are so many

things I want to tell you. Things I need to tell you, and I promise, we will have those
I hoped that I wasn't lying to her.
"But for tonight," I continued. "I just want to concentrate on us….on making you understand

what I have failed to make clear so far. I don't want you to ever doubt how I feel about you. I will
always be truthful about that."

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Her eyes sparkled. "Always?"
"Forever," I murmured, and I was immediately stunned by my own sentiment. I was pulled out

of my reverie by her heartbreaking smile. She suddenly grew thoughtful, and I could tell the idea
of hearing my innermost feelings excited her.
"Then you should probably skip ahead a bit. And I promise not to interrupt again."
She was letting me off the hook, and for that, I was grateful.
"Your sixteenth birthday, then?" I began flipping the pages until I found September 13th.
She made a disgusted face. "That party was so horrible. All I wanted to do was escape to the

bookstore. But then I almost got myself killed, which turned out to be the most wonderful thing
that could have happened…."
I laughed at her adorable babbling. "Wonderful?"
"Very much so," she smiled up at me, placing her hand against my cheek. As usual, I melted into

her touch. "It brought you out of the shadows. Not to mention, I almost experienced my first
I couldn't keep the smile off my face. We had that in common, as well. "That would have been
your first kiss?"
"Yes," she admitted shyly. "I'm sure that sounds very….pathetic to you."
"Not at all," I whispered. "It thrills me beyond belief."
She eyed me curiously. Could I really admit that the thoughts of another man's lips on hers
made me want to rethink my entire stance on not murdering humans?
I softly brushed her lips with my fingertip and decided to just be blatantly honest.
"I wanted to be your first kiss."
And I prayed that I had been. Even though we'd been interrupted that particular night, I still
selfishly hoped that it was me. I wanted to know that I had been the only man who'd ever felt

the softness of her lips. That I was the only one who had ever made her moan and sigh and
make all of those other wonderful sounds that seemed to shudder through her whenever we

came in contact with each other's bodies.
"You were," she admitted sheepishly.
I couldn't contain the smile that flashed across my face.
"And you were mine."
Her chocolate eyes widened in disbelief, and then she completely surprised me by bursting out
laughing. My eyes narrowed. This wasn't the reaction for which I'd be hoping.
She tried to contain her laughter. "I'm sorry," she giggled. "I just don't believe that."
"No?" I asked, trying to hide my frustration. I grabbed the journal and flipped ahead to last
month. It was quite easy to find. It was the longest entry I'd made during the past two years, and

most definitely the longest entry of my existence.
"December 1st," I whispered, pulling her close to my side. I wanted to be sure she heard every

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word. If she doubted me after this, I really didn't know what I'd do. She snuggled against my
body, and I tried to ignore the feeling that coursed through me with her touch. Those emotions

would just have to wait.
She had to believe me. She had to understand.
"I never thought this night would come. When you spend your life searching for the elusive
"one," your soulmate….and when you fail time and time again, you begin to wonder if she's

really out there. Does she really exist? Is that kind of happiness possible for someone like me?
I doubted so many times. I'd given up more times than I cared to recall, and now it's obvious

to me the reason why I'd been so unsuccessful in my search for so very long.
I had yet to meet Bella.
My Bella.
I know I promised to stay away so that she could spend this time with her mother. I shouldn't

be selfish. I could survive three weeks without seeing her…without hearing her voice as I held
her…without seeing her blush scarlet whenever I touched her…I'd waited this long. I could

wait a few more weeks, couldn't I?
The answer was simple. No, I could not.
I didn't even realize what I was doing when I made the flight reservation. I ignored Emmett as
he laughed at me for not even taking the time to pack a bag. I hugged Alice when she told me

that Bella missed me just as much as I missed her.
On the plane, I promised myself that I'd just sneak a peek at her like I'd done all of those times

before. I thought that would somehow sustain me until she came home to me.
Home for good.
But then I saw her standing on her mother's deck, gazing at the moon, and I knew that just
looking at her wasn't enough. I'd spent years just looking, and I needed more. I needed her.
She was stunning, standing there in the moonlight. I know I mention it often, but she really
does have the most beautiful mahogany hair in the entire world. But even her hair isn't as

beautiful as her eyes – those gorgeous brown eyes that flash in my mind throughout every
second of everyday.
I just wanted to hold her. To tell her how much I missed her. And I could see the surprise, the
sheer happiness in her eyes, when I wrapped my arms around her. When she told me that my

arrival was the most romantic thing that had ever happened to her, I decided right then that it
was going to be the first of many. It is going to be my mission in life to make her feel

worshiped and adored for the rest of her days. She deserves that, and I pray that she allows
me the honor of doing so.
And then I decided that I wasn't leaving without kissing her.
It had to be perfect, and I honestly had no idea how to make certain that it was. In all of my

years of walking this earth, I'd never once had the desire to kiss a woman. I'd never had the
desire to even touch
a woman. But touching and kissing this woman is all I think about, and I

had to try. I had to see if I could keep control, if I could be this close to her without hurting
I'm pleased to report that I had nothing to worry about.

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It was magic. Instinct took over, and it was the single most wonderful experience of my very
long life. They say your first kiss can be awkward, that you aren't sure which way to tilt your

head or how to ensure that your noses don't bump. But none of that seemed to apply to us.
My first kiss, our first kiss, was perfection. It was heaven. And if there'd been any doubt

beforehand, I now know, with absolute certainty, that Bella is my soulmate. We belong
together. She is my life. She is my soul. She is the love of my life.
And I will love her forever."
I closed the journal and softly placed it on the nightstand next to our bed. I could hear the

muffled sound of her tears. She'd been crying since I called her "My Bella," but I had continued
reading, knowing that if I stopped I'd completely lose my nerve. She clung to me now, tears

streaming down her cheeks, and I could only pray that they were happy tears.
How I wish I could read her mind. I had to know if she believed me.
I pulled her closer, and she surprised me by climbing on top of me. My breath caught in my
throat as she climbed into my lap, wrapping her legs around my waist. She pulled herself against

me so that she could rest her head against my own. Her tiny arms wrapped around my neck as
she gazed those beautiful eyes into mine. I stroked her cheek, trying to wipe away her sweet

tears. She leaned back and slowly ran her hand across my chest, and I trembled beneath her
warm touch.
She moved against my lap, and I groaned as an unfamiliar wave of desire shot through me. We'd
never allowed ourselves to be this tempted by each other's bodies. I'd been too afraid, too

chivalrous, to attempt anything remotely this intimate. I'd never wanted anyone. I'd never felt
that insane longing that was depicted in great detail in books and in movies. I'd never

experienced that overwhelming yearning that a man feels for a woman.
The feeling was all consuming, and I had no idea how mere mortals could bear such intense

emotions when I, with all of my advanced capabilities, found myself unable to process it all.
She pulled herself impossibly closer, and I moaned in pleasure. She had no idea what she was

doing to me…that every move she made was driving me crazy.
"You love me?" She whispered as she placed her lips against mine. I struggled to keep my hands

still as hers roamed up and down my spine.
"I do," I murmured, placing soft kisses up and down her neck. She shivered at my touch, and the

feelings coursing through my body were beginning to make me insanely brave. I grabbed her
waist and pressed her tightly against me, and we both moaned at the contact.
Her forehead pressed against mine, and I ached to stare into her eyes – the only insight I had
into her heart and soul.
"Open your eyes, Bella," I whispered roughly, and her eyes snapped open in surprise.
As I gazed into them, I was thrilled to see so many conflicting emotions.
Acceptance. Desire. Love.
The combination was too much, too potent for a vampire who was prepared and designed to

endure anything. I was created to be unfeeling, cold, and devoid of emotion. Unloving and
unlovable. And in the past, those words had described me perfectly.
Those days were over.

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"Now do you believe me?" I asked, placing kisses along the side of her mouth. "Can you
comprehend how much you mean to me?"
She sighed contently as my lips continued along her jaw line. She braced herself against me, and
my arms unconsciously wrapped around her back. I couldn't get close enough, and as I detected

the sound of her heart beating against her chest, I grinned with satisfaction, knowing that she
felt the same way. The realization was dizzying.
"I want this," she whispered through her ragged breathing. I continued my exploration of her
soft neck, and I tried to refrain from growling as she arched into me. "Even if I don't understand

it, even if I don't have all of the answers, even if I can't see the future….." Her voice trailed off as
I kissed just below her earlobe. She whimpered softly and the sound sent shock waves down my

"I still want that future," she concluded breathlessly. "I want you. I love you…."
My head was swimming with her declaration. Without another word, I crushed my lips hungrily
to hers, and I was lost.
She wants me.
She loves me.

Chapter 10 – Never Tear US Apart

I was standing

You were there

Two worlds collided

And they can never tear us apart

"Never Tear Us Apart" ~ INXS

"No," he repeated, tension etched across the beautiful face that I loved so much. I hated that I
was the reason that his forehead was crinkled with worry. "Absolutely not. You are not going

I walked around Charlie's kitchen table and climbed into his lap. I placed my fingertips along his

forehead, trying desperately to relax the anxiety that lingered from our heated discussion. The
past month had been blissfully wonderful, and I knew that the calm happiness had made me a

little spoiled.
"Edward, I will be fine…" I whispered again, knowing that I was just going to have to be patient

with him. It wasn't that he objected to me visiting my mother in Orlando. His only objection was
me going without him.
He knew how much I missed my mom, even if she and I hadn't parted on the best of terms. But
Phil was going away for a week on business, and I wanted to spend some time with her. We

needed to try to repair our relationship. It was important to me. If the last month had proven
anything to me, it was to love with your whole heart, to not be afraid to let down your walls and

ignore your insecurities. No one was perfect. People had to make their own choices in life. And
while I didn't agree with hers, and her decision to marry Phil had placed me in danger at times, I

also knew that I loved her, and I wanted to repair our relationship.

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"No," he replied firmly. "You are not going."
His tone irked me. He had never spoken to me that way, and no matter how much I loved him, I

wasn't about to let him be a dictator.
I was just about to tell him so when Charlie walked through the kitchen door. He threw his

jacket on the table and trudged toward the refrigerator without saying a word to us. I winced as
he slammed the door shut.
"Bad day?"
Charlie opened his mouth to answer just as he noticed my position on Edward's lap. Edward

shifted uncomfortably, but I grabbed his hand and remained seated. Charlie could just deal with
"Long day…." He trailed off, noticing our linked hands. He stared wordlessly at us for several
uncomfortable moments. I heard Edward clear this throat, and I suppressed a giggle. Finally,

exasperation flashed across Charlie's face as he stomped toward the living room. Instantly, a
football game could be heard echoing from the room.
I laughed as Edward exhaled a long breath.
"He hates me," he muttered.
"Of course not," I replied, kissing his cheek. "It isn't you that he hates. It's the fact that he has a
teenage daughter who can't keep her hands off of her handsome boyfriend. That's what he

He smiled up at me. "Nevertheless, we should be more careful. I didn't even hear him pull into

the driveway. Arguing with you makes me completely unobservant to my surroundings."
Which reminded me…
"I am going to Orlando. Alone. You are not my father, Edward!"
His eyes were glaring. "If your father knew why I was so insistent about this, he'd agree with

me! But you know what? You're right." He pulled me off his lap and pulled me toward the living
room. "I'm not your father. So why don't we ask him?"
"Ask me what?" Charlie grumbled as he looked up from the television. He eyed Edward coolly,
and I almost laughed at the expression on Dad's face. He'd accepted that Edward and I were

dating. He'd even accepted that living at the Cullen house was putting me in close proximity of
my boyfriend. What he couldn't accept was me sitting in my boyfriend's lap at the kitchen table.
"What's up, Bells?" His eyes flashed between Edward and me.
I glanced up at Edward with pleading eyes. Against the Cullens' wishes, I'd kept quiet about the

recent events at Mom's house. Charlie and I weren't incredibly close, but we were getting there,
and I knew him well enough to realize that when he found out about Phil's abuse, I would be

expected to relive every one of those muttered curses and horrible slaps. I was also confident
that, once Charlie knew everything, he'd file for sole custody, and that would break my mother's

I wasn't ready to deal with any of it. I was happy, insanely happy, for the first time in my life.

And I didn't want it to end.
"Edward?" Charlie asked, concerned with my silence.

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Edward's eyes gazed into mine, and I begged silently for him to let me do this my way, in my
own time.
I was thankful when he nodded slightly.
"It's nothing, Dad." I stammered. "I'd just like to go spend a few days with Mom."
"Oh," he replied, surprised that this conversation could cause such tension between Edward and
me. "That sounds good. But what about school?"
Edward released my hand and skulked back toward the kitchen while I explained that we had a
four-day weekend coming up. I glanced behind my shoulder as Edward mumbled under his

breath and grabbed his jacket. He stomped toward the kitchen door, slamming it closed behind
Charlie glanced toward the kitchen. "Is Edward afraid of letting you out of his sight for a few
"Something like that," I whispered, still staring at the door.
He surprised me by laughing. "Ahh. Young love. But don't get too wrapped up in your first love,

Bella. You're too young to be this…close… to a boy. I know Edward is a good kid and cares for
you. Just be careful. First love rarely lasts."
I prayed that wasn't true.
After an hour and a disappointing conclusion to the game, Dad climbed the stairs to bed. I

finished the dinner dishes and wondered if I should call Edward. We'd just had what would
constitute as our first fight, and I hated the feeling of emptiness our angry words had left in my

heart. I had to talk to him.
I'd been trying to spend more time with Dad, and I knew that heading to the Cullens this late

would only make Charlie suspicious. Sighing, I grabbed my laptop and trudged up to my
For a vampire, an hour is nothing. But these last sixty minutes had been torture.
Bella and I had never spoken to each other in anger. Ever. And I hated that I'd let my temper get
the best of me. Letting her go to Orlando without me was out of the question. I wasn't trying to

be a tyrant. My only concern was her safety. Even though Phil would be in Jacksonville on
business, I didn't trust the monster to stay away once he learned his stepdaughter was home.
I'd pledged that he would never hurt her again, and I intended to keep that vow.
She'd promised Charlie that she'd spend the night here, so I'd climbed through her bedroom

window, knowing that I couldn't let one night go by without apologizing.
Without telling her I loved her.
I honestly tried not to listen to their conversation, but it was impossible to tune out, especially
when Charlie declared "first love rarely lasts." I knew it wasn't personal. He wasn't crazy about

me, but I knew it was just because I was a teenage boy who had an unhealthy obsession with his
teenage daughter. But when he'd uttered those words, I couldn't help but feel like I'd been

kicked in the stomach.
Would she believe him?

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I'd been an unhappy observer of love throughout my existence, and I knew his words were true.
I'd seen couples in high school, totally captivated with each other, declaring their undying

affections…only to break up the next week. The girl would usually cry, and the guy would usually
act like a jerk, but ultimately, they'd move on to their next great love. And the cycle would

With vampires, first love was true love. The only love. When a vampire found his or her mate,

the connection was immediate and permanent. Unbreakable. Forever.
It was bound to make you a bit arrogant, knowing that your love was everlasting. But it was a

bond that couldn't be broken, and that realization brought peace.
But I wasn't in love with a vampire.
I knew I would love Bella for the rest of my days, and I truly believed she loved me. Right now.
But I also understood that she was human, ruled by hormones and emotions. Human

relationships change with the wind.
Would her feelings for me change? Would she meet a human who could offer her all of the

things that I never could? She deserved everything that life had to offer, and I'd only be taking
those options away from her. Most girls wanted the basics: marriage, babies, a career, and a

husband with whom she could grow old…
She deserved everything. And I was taking that away from her.
I was panicking.
It was a very long hour.
And then I heard her footsteps coming up the stairs.
She opened the door, and I watched silently as she placed the laptop on the edge of her desk.
Without turning on the light, she walked over to the dresser and pulled out a tank top and

pajama bottoms.
"Those are nice," I whispered from my position on her bed, "but I still prefer to see you in my t-

She screamed and flew around, placing her hand over her heart. I grimaced as I heard a break in

Charlie's snoring. After a few moments, his body relaxed and his snoring symphony continued.
"Shh…." I murmured as I climbed off the bed and reached out to her. I needed her to come to

me. I needed her to calm my fears.
I needed her.
"I was going to call you," she whispered, taking my hand and pulling herself against my chest. I
buried my face in her hair as I began whispering my apologies.
"Please forgive me," I mumbled. "I love you so much, and I couldn't survive losing you."
Her eyes softened at my words. "You'll never lose me. Nothing will happen. Phil will be gone."
"At least let me come with you?"
She shook her head. "Have you forgotten? My mother hates you since you beat up her husband.

Fixing that relationship is going to take some time."

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"And I'm sorry about that, but I will never apologize for protecting you when she wouldn't." I
immediately winced at my harsh words.
"I'm sorry. That was cruel."
"But true," Bella smiled sadly and tiptoed to kiss my nose. "Let me go change and I'll be right

"Of course."
As she changed, I took the opportunity to look through her books that lined the bookshelf next
to her bed. Nothing of surprise there. We'd discussed books so much that I felt like I'd read the

complete works of Jane Austen without opening one of her novels.
"I'm back," she announced softly, closing the door and locking it behind her. I couldn't help but

smile at the gesture.
She wanted me to stay.
"I don't even wanna know how you got in here," she grinned as she pulled me toward the bed.
"I'm just glad you're here."
"I had to apologize," I murmured as she pulled me down onto the mattress. She snuggled into
my arms, and I inhaled her sweet scent. "I'm sorry I was so rude to you. That was inexcusable."
"I'm sorry, too." Yawning, she carefully wrapped her arm around my waist. "And I love you. We'll
work it out somehow. We'll compromise."
"Compromise..." I was more than willing to negotiate, but there was no way I was letting her go
alone. That was simply out of the question.
"Yeah," she murmured sleepily. "Compromise was never Charlie and Renee's strong suit. That's
probably why they aren't together anymore."
I gazed down into her beautiful brown eyes, my earlier panic returning. "That will never happen
to us."
"Never," she whispered as she lost the fight with her eyelids and fell into a light sleep.
As I listened to her heartbeat and her shallow breathing, I couldn't help but stare at her

beautiful face. Every night that she slept in my arms was another night that I could hold her
close, memorize every inch of her, and wait for the inevitable moment when she would begin

talking in her sleep. It was my only insight into her precious thoughts, and I delighted in every
Staring into her perfect face, I brushed my hand along her cheek. Confident that she was
sleeping soundly, I trailed my fingertip along her eyes, down her nose, and along her lips, tracing

them tenderly. My heart had never known such happiness, and I knew that I'd never survive the
pain if I were to lose her. A lifetime of solitude would have been endurable if I'd known that she

was waiting for me.
Bella had definitely been worth the wait.
I thought to the future, and my earlier anxiety crept back into my mind. She deserved true
happiness, and I wanted to give it to her. But I knew I wasn't capable of giving her everything.

The thought angered me, but I refused to be upset while lying next to her. I pulled her close as I
vowed to make this work. We would make it work.

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There had to be a way.

Chapter 11 – I’m There Too

I see me in your eyes

And I'm the tears you cry

And when you fall apart

And are dying from a broken heart

I'm there, too.

"I'm There, Too" ~Michelle Featherstone

"You're going to hate the Florida sunshine," I warned her as we threw our luggage onto the bed.
I walked over to the window and pulled back the velvet drapes, ogling at the beautiful view of

the night sky over Orlando. The Grand Bohemian Hotel was spectacular, of course, but that was
to be expected when Alice was your travel agent.
"I don't plan on being in the sunshine," she reminded me. "There is soooo much to do in this
hotel! There's a live jazz club, a spa, an art gallery. Why do you think I chose it?"
"Hmm…" I murmured. I knew exactly why she'd chosen this particular hotel. It was gorgeous,
absolutely, and close to Mom's house. But I knew in reading the online brochure that the hotel

provided "uniformed security on site," and I was confident that at least a couple of those
security guards would be on the Cullen payroll this weekend.
"Compromise," Edward had reminded me with a grin when I became livid at the prospect of yet
another babysitter on this trip. Alice was more than enough. But the idea of armed guards

outside of our suite seemed to appease Edward to the point that he'd finally agreed to stay
Charlie had been impressed. He didn't know the reasons behind Edward's protectiveness, but I
could tell that dad was pleased to know that Alice and I would be safe while in Florida. He'd

laughed and said that if he and Mom had learned to negotiate and compromise then perhaps
they'd still be married.
Our flight arrived in Orlando at 11:00 PM, but that didn't stop Mom from meeting us at the gate.
She adored Alice instantly and they talked nonstop all the way to the hotel. Mom didn't flinch

when I told her that we preferred to stay at the hotel; I could tell she wasn't sure what to say to
me, either, and I think we were both glad to know that we'd have some space between us this

Even if that space was crawling with security.
"Would you like some more breakfast?" Mom asked as I gulped the last of my orange juice. The
kitchen table was adorned with scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, toast, and various

types of fruit. My breakfasts usually consisted of a Pop-Tart, so
this was definitely a tasty improvement.
"I couldn't eat another bite. But it was all delicious." I threw a couple of grapes into my mouth.
"Thanks, Mom."
"Of course," she smiled. We both scanned the Orlando Sentinel, trading sections and pretending

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to be interested in whatever we were reading. After the paper was tossed aside, we discussed
the weather, their new house, the hotel, my new school, the length of my hair…
Obviously, we were stalling.
I decided to be the adult. It wouldn't the first time.
"So, we should probably talk about what happened between Edward and Phil."
Mom bit her bottom lip, a trait that I'd picked up from her whenever I was nervous. She sighed

loudly and put down her coffee cup.
"Is that why you wanted to visit?"
I nodded. "That was part of it. But I missed you, too."
"I'm surprised he let you out of his sight long enough to come visit." She mumbled as she walked

over to the counter and poured herself another cup. "He's terribly protective, Bella. Almost
possessive. I don't like it."
My hands formed into fists.
I will stay calm.
"You don't even know him," I countered. "The first time you met him he was trying to protect
"Phil never would have hurt you."
I laughed as I threw my napkin on the table. "No, of course not. He would never hurt me." I took

a deep breath. "I didn't come down here to fight with you. I didn't come down here to place
blame on you."
Renee's eyes narrowed. "Then why did you come?"
I let out a frustrated sigh. "You're my mother. Do I need a reason?"
"When your overprotective, domineering boyfriend beats the hell out of my husband, then yes, I
think I deserve an explanation! And Phil deserves an apology!"
That did it.
"That bastard never once apologized for slapping me across the face!" I jumped up from the

table and grabbed onto the back of the chair. "Granted, it didn't happen everyday. It didn't even
happen weekly. But it happened more than once, and that one time should have been enough!

But no, you ignored it. You made excuses for him! You let him hit me! And you let him do it over
and over again."
She stared at me in stunned silence.
I sagged against the chair, the tears threatening to spill over. "I could handle the slaps. What I

couldn't handle was knowing you had chosen him over me."
Her hands were wringing the tablecloth. "It wasn't like that, Bella."
"Then how was it, Renee?"
Her eyes flashed with my use of her real name. She wiped the tears that had begun streaming

down her face. "Do you remember when you brought home that C?"

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Of course, I remembered.
"The first time he hit me."
She nodded. "When he slapped you, I was so….shocked. I was livid. Your father has his faults,
but being abusive was never one of them. I had no idea what to do. Did I leave? Did I kick him

out? I had no idea. But I did confront him."
This surprised me. "You did?"
"I told him that he was not your father, and that he was never to place his hands on you ever
I couldn't believe it. She'd actually stood up for me.
"I take it he didn't appreciate that."
"No," she laughed bitterly. "He punched me in the face, several times as a matter of fact, and
told me that I was never to speak to him in that tone ever again. I was his wife, and I would do

as he said, or he'd make sure I never saw my daughter again."
The tears that I'd been saving finally erupted. "He punched you? You never told me that. The

next day, you just made excuses for him. I don't remember seeing a mark on you."
"You didn't," she smiled sadly. "Make-up is an amazing product. Cosmetics and sunglasses have

served me well throughout the years."
And that's when I realized he'd hit her. And he'd hit her more than once.
"Mom…." my heart was broken for her. "Why did you stay?"
"Oh, Bella…" she whispered, pulling her chair close to mine and taking my hand in hers. "I was so

young. I'd divorced your father and moved us both to Arizona. I had to work two jobs just to pay
the rent. My parents were gone. I had no family other than you. And then I met Phil. And

Phil….." her voice trembled as she said his name. "Phil is a good provider. He's a hard worker
and he took care of us. I didn't have to work day and night; I could be home for you when you

came home from school. We were a family."
I was speechless. "So it was worth a few slaps? A few punches? Just for some security? Do you

realize how insane that sounds?"
"Yes," she agreed tearfully. "It does sound horrible. But when he threatened to take you away

from me, I knew that I'd have to learn to live with it."
I shook my head in disbelief. "How exactly did he plan on taking me away from you? I'm sixteen,

and even I can see how impossible that would be. First of all, Charlie would never have allowed
that to happen. And secondly, what judge would take a daughter away from her mother and

hand her over to her stepfather?"
"I didn't ask for details," she sighed tiredly. "I was too afraid to ask questions. I just knew that I

couldn't let that happen. So I made my choice."
She made her choice. She chose a life of abuse for both herself and her daughter. But I couldn't

be angry. I was much too heartbroken to be angry.
"You had no right to choose for me. You should have sent me back to Forks. You should have

done whatever it took to protect me. You basically gave him permission to hit me."

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"I made mistakes," she offered sadly. "I can't take them back." Her eyes narrowed. "But I can
keep you from repeating them."
My eyes shot up. "What the hell does that mean?"
"That means," she murmured. "that Edward is dangerous. Entirely too possessive. You've only

known him a few months and already he's so controlling. You'll end up just like me. Trapped
with an abusive dictator of a husband. Don't let him do it, Bella. Don't let him take advantage of

you. He obviously has a temper, as we both saw it in Phoenix. I don't trust him. Not at all."
I closed my eyes and willed myself to remain calm. It was true. Edward was protective, probably

more than someone as independent as me would like. And I could see where that might scare
her. She didn't want me to put myself, or my future daughter, into the same situation. I

understood that, and her concern was appreciated. Unfortunately, it was a little too late.
There is a distinct difference between Phil and Edward. Granted, I hadn't known him for very

long. But I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I was safe with Edward. He would never
mistreat me, never touch me in anger. He was so careful with me, always touching me so

tenderly and sweetly. Even when we'd argued, he hadn't made it an hour before he was
crawling through my bedroom window so that we could both make our apologies. So far, we'd

handled everything that had been thrown our way. And we'd handled it together. Without fear,
without anger, and with complete love.
"Mom, I'd like to tell you about Edward, and I want to explain to you why, regardless of how
protective he may be, there is a huge difference between Phil and Edward. And I would

appreciate it if you'd listen. Really listen."
Her eyes fell to her lap as I continued. "Do you know why Edward beat the hell out of Phil?"
"Yes," she whispered.
"Edward was doing what you have failed so many times to do – he was trying to protect me. He

was trying to take care of me. He would have killed Phil if I hadn't begged him to take me back
to Forks. The man was ready to kill for me. He loves me, completely and unconditionally. Yes,

he's protective. Yes, he's possessive. And while it drives me a little crazy, I know his only concern
is for me and my safety. It's not a power play."
"He's just…" I whispered with conviction, "he's just loving me. And it's not Phil's brand of love -
love with conditions and threats and punches. It's innocent and mature and completely

overwhelming. "
"That all sounds wonderful," she murmured. "He may be wonderful now. But it won't last.

Young love doesn't last, Bella."
And that's when I knew that I was wasting my breath. She didn't want to hear that I was happy.

She didn't want to believe that my life would be different. She'd made her choices. And now it
was time to make mine. For good.
"That may be true. Edward and I may not last forever…"
I actually doubted that, but I was trying to make a point.
"…But if we don't make it," I stated firmly as I stood up to grab my bag, "I know that it won't be
because I gave him permission to hit me and my daughter."
And with that, I stumbled out of my mother's kitchen and into the Florida sunshine.

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Alice didn't ask any questions, and for that I was grateful. As soon as I'd walked into the hotel
suite, she hugged me fiercely and handed me my bag. There was a car already parked out front,

and before I knew it, we were on the first flight back to Washington.
I vaguely remembered boarding the plane, and I sort of recalled hitting turbulence over the

Rocky Mountains, but I distinctly remembered the happiness I felt when our plane touched
down at Sea-Tac.
I was home.
Alice grabbed both of our carry-on bags and my hand as we walked through the gate. My legs

felt disconnected from my body as we tried to fight our way through the crowd. She pulled me
along as my bloodshot eyes tried to focus on the faces surrounding us.
I knew he was here somewhere. I knew he was waiting for me.
Alice pulled me toward the escalator and I stepped carefully onto the climbing steps. She

dropped the bags as she began texting furiously on her phone; I knew without asking that she
was talking to him, alerting him to our arrival and telling him exactly where to find us.
As we slowly approached the top, I noticed a head of tousled bronze hair and then his angelic
eyes locked with mine. My heart leapt in my chest as I let go of Alice's hand and sprinted up the

remaining steps. I made no apologies to the onlookers that I practically knocked down in my
dangerous trek to the top.
The escalator was just too slow.
I leapt into his arms immediately, and I'd never felt so protected. So loved. I wrapped my legs

around his waist as I buried my face in his shoulder. Suddenly, the tears I'd tried so hard to keep
contained erupted in waves, and within seconds his shirt was drenched. His stone arms felt like

a vice around me and his voice was shaky as he told me how sorry he was…how much he loved
me…how he would always take care of me and never let me go.
And then he carried me home.

Chapter 12 – Give Into Me

Love is a feeling

Cause I'm on fire

Quench my desire

Takin' me higher
Love is a woman

Give into me

"Give Into Me"

~Michael Jackson featuring Slash

Thanks to Alice's precision planning and flawless directions, this wedding was going to be the
most elaborate affair that the citizens of Forks had ever seen. It was too bad that none of them

were invited.
Alice loved attention, and she thought everyone should enjoy being in the limelight. One would

assume that her wedding day would be the perfect showcase for a bride. But interestingly

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enough, Alice had wanted to keep her wedding with Jasper a "small, intimate, family affair." No
invitations. No announcements. Just family.
Marriage was a rite of passage that most mortals approached with a mixture of excitement and
uncertainty. Licenses are signed, vows are spoken, and a minister proclaims you husband and

wife. If you were lucky, you'd be blessed with a long and happy life together. But human
marriages are all very legal and binding, which made it easier if, someday, one or both of you

decided that you'd had enough. And just that easily, your marriage could be dissolved. You
divided up your possessions and you moved on with your life.
For vampires, marriage is a bit different.
When a vampire meets his or her mate, the connection is immediate and powerful. It is

everlasting. "For as long as you both shall live" was literal and true. An actual wedding ceremony
between immortals is merely a formality, an opportunity to preserve and celebrate a facet of

our human life. Most vampires never bother with such a mortal sentiment, but our family was
the exception, as usual. Carlisle and Esme were married on a small island in the South Atlantic –

an island that was later purchased by Carlisle and renamed "Isle Esme" as a gift to my mother.
Rose and Emmett had been married at least once each decade since she'd found him in the

mountains of Appalachia. But Alice and Jasper had never expressed interest in an actual
wedding ceremony, which is why we were so surprised when they announced their

Later, when I'd asked Jasper the reason behind it, he simply shrugged and said, "Alice says it's

time, now that our family is complete."
Alice had been waiting for Bella, too.
Rosalie and Alice had always been close, but it couldn't compare to the relationship that Alice
shared with Bella. Their friendship was fascinating, loving, and protective. The entire family

adored Bella, but there was just something magical between my sister and the woman I loved.
And I was profoundly grateful for the bond they shared.
I wasn't surprised when Alice asked Bella to be her maid of honor. It seemed the natural choice,
especially in light of the fact that Jasper had asked me to be his best man. Emmett was beyond

excited to obtain his officiating license online so that he could perform the ceremony, which left
Rosalie with the responsibility of music and Carlisle and Esme in the role of the proud parents.
It was definitely a family affair.
The day of the wedding was predictably cold and rainy. This wasn't a surprise in Forks, but Bella

reminded us that rain on your wedding day was supposed to be a sign of good luck.
"I wonder if it was raining on Mom and Dad's wedding day…" She mumbled sadly as she gazed

at the candlelit altar which stood proudly in the living room. Smiling sadly, Bella gave me a quick
kiss before she journeyed up the stairs where Rose and Alice were waiting to help her get

She'd been so quiet and sorrowful since she'd returned from Florida, and my heart ached with

the knowledge that there was nothing I could do to lift her spirits. She was determined to spend
more time with Charlie, to hold on to at least one of her parents. As much as I missed having her

in our house, I knew that this was what Bella needed, so I tried to give her all of the space and
time she deserved. She and Esme had grown even closer during the past few weeks, and I was

grateful to my mother for stepping into that role. Bella had also spoken with Carlisle, and they'd

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had some lengthy discussions about emotional and physical abuse.
I felt completely worthless. I could offer her nothing but my shoulder to cry on and the promise

that I would always protect and love her. She assured me that this was enough. But I wanted to
give her more. I wanted Bella to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I would accept nothing

less than forever with her. But I also knew that it was too soon for that discussion. The wounds
of her parents' divorce and the hell of Phil's abuse hadn't provided very positive depictions of

married life. She needed time to heal, and I had nothing but time to offer.
I would happily wait for her.
"Are you ready?" Emmett slapped Jasper on the shoulder, breaking me out of my reverie. The
thoughts throughout the house were happy and joyful. After much begging from the bride, I

finally promised Alice that I wouldn't try to sneak a peek at Bella as they dolled her up for the
wedding. I'd never seen her in a dress, and I hated to admit how excited I was to finally get the

"I'm ready," Jasper replied confidently. "Is it time?"
"Almost," Rosalie murmured as she floated down the stairs and toward my piano. Her dress
was, in my opinion, inappropriately low-cut, but Emmett seemed to disagree with me as his jaw

hit the floor.
"Easy there, Reverend," Jasper whispered; I couldn't suppress my laugh.
"Whatever," he muttered, never taking his eyes off Rose. I was bombarded with images that I'd
preferred they both kept to themselves. Between the honeymooners and now Em and Rose,

Bella and I would definitely have to leave the house to find any peace tonight.
Happy with the attention, Rose simply winked at him before turning the page in the music book

and placing her hands on the keys. Canon in D flowed through the air as I took my place at the
altar with my brothers. Esme stood at Rose's side, and the smile on her face was infectious. I

noticed her staring at me, and I tried to focus on her thoughts.
Are you ready, Edward? She's simply gorgeous.
This didn't surprise me. Bella was always gorgeous.
I glanced up at the stairwell, and my breath caught in my throat. She was slowly walking down

the stairs, with one hand tightly gripped to the railing and the other holding her bouquet. The
dress was the most beautiful shade of blue and clung to her skin before it flowed freely down to

the floor. I was completely spellbound, and I didn't realize my mouth was open until Emmett
kicked the back of my leg.
She stared straight ahead until she finally made it to the landing. Turning slowly, she raised her
head and her chocolate eyes locked into mine. Her lovely smiled crossed her face, and I watched

with pure delight as she continued walking toward the altar. I knew she was proud of herself for
making it down the stairs.
I was proud of her because she was mine.
Bella found her spot opposite me, and our eyes never left each other's faces. She looked so

glorious, so happy, so perfect alongside my family. My heart swelled as I was overwhelmed with
emotion, and I knew if I was capable of producing tears that I'd be shedding buckets by now.
Edward, you're killing me. I'm already emotional as it is. Give it a rest, will ya?

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I smiled apologetically at the groom, but his eyes weren't on me. They were gazing at the
adorable pixie on the arm of her father as they made their way down the staircase.
Alice had never looked more beautiful. She'd debated about wearing a white dress. She argued
that she and Jasper were as untraditional as any couple could be, but she finally relented when

Esme found this particular dress in a boutique in New York. It was absolutely gorgeous and was
so perfectly Alice.
Emmett cleared his throat as he began the ceremony. Carlisle took his place with Esme, and my
eyes strayed back to Bella. As Emmett elaborated on the sanctity of marriage and the vows that

would be shared, Bella began biting her bottom lip nervously. I wanted to stand beside her, to
take her hand and keep her calm, but I stayed put, fearing my emotional state would only upset

her more. Her face was conflicted with emotions. At times, her face would flash with joy. Then
just as quickly, her eyes would brim with tears. I knew she was completely overwhelmed with

feelings for me, for her parents, for the rest of our family. Any human would be crying in this
moment. But she was the only mortal in the house, and I knew she was trying to put on a brave

face for the rest of us.
I prayed that she'd look at me, and I was thrilled when she finally glanced my way. I smiled at

her, hoping my face would be enough to relax her, to let her know that it was okay to cry. But
she smiled through her tears, and played her role perfectly.
I couldn't keep my eyes off her as Emmett pronounced Alice and Jazz husband and wife. Bella
was staring at me, too, and I wondered if she shared my thoughts. Could see us standing

together at an altar someday? When I found the nerve to ask, would she be too afraid of
marriage to seriously consider my proposal? I knew without a doubt that I wanted her to be my

wife. I'd known it for years. But would she want me as her husband, especially when she learned
all of our secrets?
I was going to have to tell her everything, and tell her soon.
The house was eerily quiet as I sat down at the piano. After the ceremony, Jasper and Alice had

left for their honeymoon in Europe. The rest of the family had decided to go hunting for the
weekend, leaving Bella and I alone in the house. This would have thrilled me except for the fact

that I knew why we'd been deserted.
I was expected to tell her the truth. It was time.
After the wedding, Alice had pulled me into the backyard. "You're ready to hear everything,"
she'd proclaimed.
I was speechless.
"Why now?" I'd asked worriedly.
"Because she deserves to know the truth," she'd whispered. "And so do you. And you can't give
her all of the details until I give them to you. Think of it as my wedding gift to you."
I'd laughed nervously. "I'm supposed to give you a gift."
"You already have. You're giving me Bella."
My eyes had narrowed in confusion. "I don't understand…."
"I know," she'd agreed with a glorious smile. "So watch…."
Alice and Bella were standing in a cottage just on the edge of the woods. A small piano sat in a

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corner next to two French doors, leading the way into a small garden with a bubbling fountain..
They walked hand-in-hand through the doors. Bella's hand shimmered like diamonds in the

sunlight, matching the translucent skin of her best friend. White on white. Pale on pale. Hearing
my approach, Bella turned toward me, and her blood-red eyes met mine.
My eyes flashed with stunned comprehension.
"She's going to be one of us," Alice confirmed with a triumphant smile. "I've known it since my

very first vision."
"Why didn't you tell me?" I gritted my teeth.
"Because you would have run away," she explained. "You were already freaked out by the fact
that Bella was thirteen years old. Imagine if I'd said 'oh yeah, you're going to turn her into a

vampire someday, too.' Really Edward, you would have run for the hills and never returned."
I couldn't deny it. Two years ago, I couldn't have imagined subjecting someone to this life. I

couldn't possibly be so selfish as to inflict this misery on anyone else. But as I thought of Bella's
beautiful face and her deep brown eyes, I knew that I was just that selfish. I could see me

begging Carlisle to change her just so that I could keep her forever. I could envision teaching
Bella how to hunt in the forest. And I could imagine making love to her without the fear of killing

her. All of those scenarios filled me with pure, selfish joy.
"Tell her," Alice had grinned as she kissed my cheek before grabbing her new husband by the

hand and waltzing out the door and into her Porsche.
Sighing, I softly began playing Canon in D. It was the only sheet music on the piano, and I was

too dejected to go looking for something else. I missed my Bella. She was just upstairs, but she
was too distant, and while I understood it, I couldn't help but hate it. I loved her, and I knew she

loved me. She was just trying to sort through her feelings, and I knew I had to be patient. I also
knew that our love scared her. I understood that it was overwhelming and irrational and all-

consuming. I could barely make sense of the emotions charging through me, so I could only
imagine how it felt to a mere mortal.
Bella was on the phone with her father, and I was trying to give her the privacy she needed. I'd
let her sleep alone tonight. I'd even take her home to Charlie's for the weekend if that is what

she preferred. I wanted her to feel peaceful and happy.
I heard the sound of her heels clicking on the stairs as she made her way down to the living

room. I continued playing, hoping the song would put us both at ease. I closed my eyes as I
heard her move closer to the bench, and I couldn't prevent the contented sigh from escaping my

lips as she wrapped her arms around my neck. My hands left the keyboard and automatically
latched onto her soft fingers. I turned to pull her closer to me when I noticed she was still

wearing her bridesmaid's dress. The blue fabric made her skin look even more exquisite, and I
was confident that I'd never seen anyone look as beautiful as she did in this moment.
"You're staring," she muttered nervously.
"I can't help it," I murmured, pulling her onto my lap. "You're simply gorgeous. I can't believe

you're mine."
Her eyes sparkled as she placed both hands along my face. Her hair was flowing down the back

of her dress, and I couldn't resist sliding my fingers through it.
"I am yours," she whispered as her lips inched closer to my shoulder. I pulled her tighter against

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me and lost myself in the scent of her hair as she placed soft kisses along my neck. "And you are
I growled with desire as I spun her around, pulling up the bottom of her dress and placing her
legs on each side of my waist. I pulled her roughly against me, and we both moaned as our

bodies came into intimate contact with the other. She wrapped her legs around me, and I could
feel the heels of her shoes as they grazed my back. Naturally, there was no pain, but the

sensation and the visual only caused me to groan louder against her lips.
Her eyes fastened on to mine as our foreheads touched. The electricity radiating between us

was staggering, and I knew I was close to losing control, to throwing caution to the wind and
making her mine in the truest sense of the word. She rocked against me, and I couldn't contain

the whimper that escaped my lips. I held her against me with one hand as the other roamed
slowly along her thigh and up along her ribs. Her dress felt like satin against my fingers, but I

longed to touch beneath the fabric, knowing her soft skin was waiting just beneath the silky
"Please touch me," she whispered breathlessly against my lips, and I was overjoyed to realize
that we'd been thinking the exact same thing. Her sweet words only excited me more and

encouraged me to be braver than I'd ever thought possible.
My fingers skimmed upward, and I felt her arch into me as my hand softly grazed the side of her

breast. I lingered there, loving the feel of her and rejoicing at the sounds that my cold touch
could elicit from her warm body. It was dizzying knowing that she wanted me to touch her this

way. She was as eager for my touch as I was to give it to her. She was entrusting me with her
heart, her body, and her soul. And it felt nothing short of miraculous.
Without consciously making the decision to do so, I ran my hand through her hair and along the
back of her neck until I found the straps of her dress. I pulled softly on the strings of the halter-

top and watched intently as the tiny bits of fabric slid down her shoulders. I nuzzled her neck,
deeply inhaling her intoxicating scent as she arched against me. Our chests were pressed

together tightly, and I was vividly aware that this was the only reason the top of her dress had
yet to fall. I kissed along her throat as I whispered how much I adored her…how much I wanted

her. She moaned and crushed her lips to mine. Both actions left me breathless and unprepared
for the ache of passion that rocketed through my body. I'd never wanted anyone like this, had

never felt powerless to control my body. And then she started rocking rhythmically against my
lap, and the last thread of my sanity unraveled.
With a low growl, I jerked the halter down to her waist. My eyes roamed her bare body as she
pressed harder into me, her ragged breathing mixed with the soft moans that I loved to hear.

She was beautiful perfection, and I ached to kiss every last inch of her. My fingers trailed along
the valley between her breasts, and I couldn't resist the urge to press my lips to her soft skin.

The taste was hypnotic, and I ground myself even harder against her.
And that's when I felt venom pool in the back of my throat.

Chapter 13 – It doesn't Matter

It doesn't matter what I want

It doesn't matter what I need

It doesn't matter if I cry

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Don't matter if I bleed

Feel the sting of tears

Falling on this face you've loved for years

"It Doesn't Matter" ~ Alison Krauss

The house was too quiet. Too dark. Too big.
I was all alone.
It was amazing how quickly things could change. Unbelievable how what started out as the most

incredible experience of your life could suddenly turn into the most embarrassing and torturous
heartbreak you'd never known.
I hadn't meant for things to get out hand. I hadn't planned on sitting in Edward's lap. I hadn't
expected him to tell me that he wanted me. I hadn't anticipated just how much those words

would excite me. And I definitely didn't expect things to become passionate right there on his
piano bench.
It'd seemed completely natural. Effortless. The way he'd kissed me, the way he'd held me…I'd
never been so turned on in my entire life, and I was absolutely positive he was just as excited as

I was. I was begging him to touch me. Every caress was electric, and I couldn't get enough.
As if he could hear my silent pleading, he finally untied the strings of my dress and kissed my

bare skin. That moment was the most intimate we'd ever shared, and I was in heaven.
Exactly one second later, I was in hell.
Through my haze, I stripped off my heels and threw them against the living room wall as I ran

through the house. I searched every room on every floor, and my voice echoed off the walls of
the empty house.
He was gone.
I walked back to the couch, my head clouded with confusion. I clutched my knees to my chest

and tried to make sense of it all. Had I been so crazed with lust that I didn't notice him carrying
me to the couch before he bolted out the door? What had I done wrong?
It was no secret I was inexperienced. I thought he'd expected that. I thought he would assume
that I didn't have the first clue as to how to be seductive or sexual. But even with the

disadvantage of my innocence, instinct had taken over and we'd melted into each other. I had
no idea what I was doing, but his breathless moans and frantic touches had given me the

confidence to believe that I was doing something right.
Obviously, I'd been wrong.
He didn't want me, and that realization literally brought me to my knees. I crumbled to the
ground, and I didn't care that the floor was cold against my bare skin. I prayed to fall asleep and

never regain consciousness.
Of course, because the world is just that cruel, I remained wide-awake. From time to time, I'd

jump slightly at every sound, thinking that maybe he'd returned. Maybe he was coming back for
me. He wouldn't leave me. He had promised to never leave me.

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But he did leave me, and I truly had no idea if he'd return. Maybe he'd finally realized that I
wasn't good enough for him and that I couldn't give him what he needed. Maybe he'd accepted

that I was woefully fragile. Broken. Undesirable. Unlovable. My own mother didn't love me
enough to protect me. Why should I expect anything more from him?
But I had expected more. I'd believed him when he said he loved me…wanted me…would always
protect me. During the wedding, he had gazed at me with his butterscotch eyes, and I was

entranced. I'd even daydreamed, envisioning myself in a long, white dress at an altar with
Edward by my side, standing in front of his family and promising to love each other forever.
Three hours passed before I finally pulled myself up off the floor. Without bothering to turn on a

light, I stumbled my way up the stairs. When I reached Edward's bedroom, I ripped the
bridesmaid's dress off my body. The fabric was already torn, further proof that I hadn't imagined

the urgency of his touches.
Realizing my truck was at Charlie's, I had no choice but to crawl into bed and wait for morning. I

didn't bother with a nightgown. I didn't care. I just crawled into bed and pulled the blanket tight
around my trembling body. I curled into a ball and sobbed.
I was a monster.
Carlisle had cautioned me. He'd been amazed when I told him that Bella's blood didn't tempt
me. I hadn't lied. I'd never been enticed by the mouthwatering scent of the blood running

through her veins. The aroma was luscious, of course, but never had I felt out of control. I'd
never wanted to taste her. To bite her.
Until tonight.
My lips had tasted the flesh beneath her dress, and my mind had gone numb. I'd wanted to

make love to her. I'd wanted to make her scream. I'd wanted to take her right there against my
piano. And I'd wanted to make her mine forever.
How easy it would have been to press my lips to her throat. Or her collarbone. Or her breasts.
She was completely innocent and vulnerable, and it would have been so easy to sink my teeth

into her flesh. She'd smelled delicious, and I'd briefly allowed myself to imagine how she'd taste.
But I wouldn't drain her, I'd reasoned with myself. I could never do that. But I could make her

mine eternally. I could inject her with my venom, allowing the toxin to seep into her veins as she
transformed before my monstrous eyes.
And then I'd imagined her bone-chilling scream as the poison engulfed her innocent body.
In a flash, I was running out the door. What must she think of me. Had I hurt her? No, I was sure

I hadn't physically harmed her. But emotionally? Was she scared? Did she feel rejected? Did she
hate me? My mind conjured images of what might have happened if I'd stayed with her. Those

visions shook me to my core, and that fear was keeping me from sprinting back to her. I had no
idea if I could control myself if I smelled her sweet blood again, and that thought petrified me.
I considered my options.
Option one. I could call Alice and ask what the hell she'd seen and was it safe to return to the

house; Option two. I could run back to the house and tell Bella the truth, praying that she'd

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forgive me; Option three. I could leave her. Forever.
The mere thought of option three made my knees buckle beneath me. A deep roar erupted

from my chest as I collapsed against the wet grass of the meadow. I heaved uncontrollably, and I
quickly realized that if just the thought of leaving was causing this type of reaction, then actually

removing myself from her life was out of the question.
I'd never survive it. I wouldn't want to.
I tried to control my erratic breathing and trembling body as I began walking back toward the
house. Option one was an easy choice, but it required a cell phone, something I didn't consider

in my hasty exit. And besides, Alice would just scream at me for not following her orders. I'd
been told to tell Bella the truth, and I'd allowed my desire for her body to get in the way of that

Option two it is.
Her beautiful face glowing in the moonlight is a vision to which I don't think I'll ever become
I was ecstatic to find her sleeping in my bed. The light from the moon was streaming through my
window and onto her still form. I was grateful that she was sleeping, but I was ashamed to

detect the scent of her tears on the pillow. I'd made her cry, and I vowed to never let that
happen again.
I allowed her scent to bombard my senses, and I was pleased to find that the bloodlust was gone
for now. I climbed on top of the covers and snuggled as close as I dared. I was afraid of waking

her. Afraid of scaring her. Of course, I couldn't resist touching her, and I softly stroked her cheek
with the back of my hand. Even in sleep she melted into my touch, and my palm cupped her

face. Her eyes flashed open, and my heart shattered when I saw the sadness radiating through
"You're here?" Her hand covered mine as if she needed tangible proof that I was really touching
"I'm here," I whispered in the darkness of the bedroom. "I'm so sorry, my love."
She struggled to sit up in bed, and as she moved, the blanket drifted down to her waist. It was

only then that I noticed that she was completely naked. I forced my eyes to remain on her face.
Desire coursed through me, and I took an unnecessary but steadying breath.
Focus, Edward.
If I was expected tell her my family's deepest secrets, I was definitely going to have to find her

some clothes. I leapt off the bed and pulled a t-shirt from my dresser.
"What are you doing?" she mumbled sleepily.
I crawled back into bed and carefully slipped the shirt over her head. "Bella, I need to talk to
you, and I can't do that while you're lying naked in my bed. You're too beautiful, too tempting,

for your own good."
Her face fell and stared at her hands in her lap. "You don't have to say that. It's okay, Edward. I

I tilted her chin so that her eyes locked with mine. "What is that supposed to mean?"

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Embarrassed, she looked away, and my worst fear was confirmed.
She felt rejected.
"Bella," I whispered softly, pulling her against my chest and cradling her head against my
shoulder, "Please listen to me. Please believe me when I say that I love you, that I want you, and

that I will love you and want you forever."
She shook her head against me, and I knew she didn't believe me.
I was so ashamed of myself.
"Sweetheart, look at me."
She bit her bottom lip as she gazed into my eyes. I stroked her cheek softly and pressed my lips
to her forehead.
"Would you believe me if I told you that I can't be without you? That the mere thought of not
having you in my life is excruciating?"
Her voice quivered as her eyes glistened with tears.
"Then why did you leave me?"
"Because I was afraid," I murmured, wiping a lone tear from her cheek.
"Of hurting you."
She snuggled closer to my body, and I couldn't help but smile at the trust she was giving me.

"You weren't hurting me at all. It was…..it was incredible. I wanted you so much, and we were so
"I know," I sighed, remembering the feel of her as she'd rocked against my lap. I closed my eyes,
willing myself to forget. "I wanted you, too. I still do. Even though I know there's a proper order

to such things, and your father would probably try to shoot me, I honestly didn't care at the
time. I love you, and I want you. Every part of you. And I'll never apologize for wanting to make

you mine."
Her eyes blazed with a mixture of confusion and hurt.
"Then why didn't you take me?"
"Because….I was afraid that I couldn't control myself." I shook my head sadly as uncertainty

flashed across her face. "I know that's confusing, but I need to explain. I have things to tell you.
Things about my family and me. Some unpleasant things."
"How unpleasant?" she bravely asked.
"So unpleasant," I whispered in fear, "that I'm afraid that you may not want me anymore."
Her face grew contemplative, and without reading her mind, I could guess what she was
thinking. What could possibly be so bad that she wouldn't want me?
"I know there's a family secret," she replied with an excited smile. "I've known it for a long time.
I wondered how long it was going to take before someone finally trusted me with it."
Good going, Edward. You can't read her face, either.

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"Well, it's time to trust you with it. It affects you now."
She tilted her head. "I think it's always affected me. But probably moreso now that Alice is

having visions about our future. I know this secret is huge, and I'm positive nobody would be
telling me a thing if it wasn't for the fact that you and I….."
"Are desperately in love with each other?" I finished for her.
Her eyes flashed, and I could tell she wanted to believe me.
"Is that what we are?" She whispered as she hid her face in my shoulder, and I was sure she was
remembering my earlier sin of abandonment.
I pulled her face up to meet mine. "I love you, Bella. More than anything in this world. Please
believe me. I'm so, so sorry for making you think otherwise, but I'm going to explain everything

to you, and I can only pray that you will still want to lie next to me when I'm finished."
Her eyes brightened.
"Okay, wait." She sat up straighter, a serious expression crossing her face. She grabbed both of
my hands, and the warmth was soothing. "I have to say something first. Something important."
I smiled at her courage. "Of course, love. Say whatever you need to say."
She took a deep breath and looked at our intertwined fingers. "I want you to know that I love

you. It's totally irrational, how much I love you. How much I need you."
My heart swelled at her confession, and I gripped her hand tighter.
"Earlier, when you left," she continued. "I was…..well, it wasn't a pretty sight. I'd convinced
myself that you didn't want me. That you'd finally figured out that you could do so much better.

And the thoughts of never seeing you again, never touching you again…it was unbearable. You
were only gone for a few hours, but I felt….incomplete. Empty. Abandoned."
Sighing, I let go of one of her hands so that I could stroke her lovely face. "Please forgive me. I
was only trying to keep you safe. I wasn't expecting to…"
I wasn't expecting to want to kill you.
"It doesn't matter now," she whispered gently, and I was grateful for the reprieve. "But it's

important to me that you understand that I love you, regardless of what you are about to say.
Nothing you could tell me would make me stop loving you or your family. All of you are a part of

me now. The biggest part of me. The most important part of my life. And nothing you say can
change that. Even if you tell me that you don't want me anymore." Her face fell to her lap.

"Those words would destroy me, of course, but it still wouldn't keep me from loving you. "
"I will always want you," I murmured, kissing her tear-stained cheeks. "Never, ever doubt that."
She considered this with a smile. "As long as that's true, nothing else matters to me."
It was the longest speech she'd ever made, and I was overwhelmed with emotions. She was

beautiful. Passionate. Loving. Stubborn. Devoted. Patient.
I snuggled closer to him as he pulled the blanket around us. He seemed anxious, and I'd been

trying to calm his fears. He seemed content to hold me as he searched for the words that I knew

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would change my life forever. But it was change I welcomed wholeheartedly.
"I'm sure you've made some assumptions throughout the years," he offered, leaning down to

kiss my forehead. "It would be helpful if you shared those with me."
"Why?" Now I was nervous. I had done some research, but I wasn't sure I wanted to share those

findings with him.
He smiled. "Well, honestly, I'm breaking the rules by telling you anything. It'd be easier and,

most importantly, safer for everyone involved if you had somehow put the pieces together
yourself. And considering you are, by far, the most intelligent human I've ever known, I suspect

you have some theories. I'd like to hear them."
Where to start?
"You never eat." I offered, thinking that one was the easiest to explain.
He merely smiled, but didn't confirm or deny. Sighing, I decided to just go down my memorized

"All of you are cold to the touch. You're pale as ghosts. I've never seen any of you sleep. Emmett

is the strongest man I've ever known. Alice can see the future. You are so fast that I didn't even
notice when I was on your lap one minute and on the couch the next. All of you are hard as

He wrapped a lock of my hair around his finger. "Any theories about what might cause those

strange behaviors and qualities?"
"Yes," I whispered, my lips brushing his collarbone. I felt him shiver beneath me, and I giggled at

the irony. "That can't possibly make you feel cold."
"No, I wasn't shivering because I'm cold…." He grinned wickedly, and I blushed. He leaned down,

softly brushing his lips to mine. "But we need to focus, my love. Tell me your theory."
Focus. Right.
"So I googled," I continued.
He laughed. "Very sensible. And what did Google say?"
I took a deep breath. It took every ounce of my courage to formulate and verbalize the words.
"Immortal. Blood-drinker. Undead. Vampire."
His arms tightened around me, and I could feel the tension rolling off his body. Startled, I
glanced up at his face. His eyes were tightly closed, his face strained with emotion. My body

reacted to his anxiety, and I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks.
It was true.
This realization rocked me to my core, but I knew I had to be strong for him. Instinctively, I knew
that I had to protect him. I had to comfort him.
Not wanting to startle him, I tentatively reached up to stroke his perfect face. His eyes remained
closed but his features softened with my touch.
"Please don't be afraid of me," he whispered shakily, and my heart contracted with sadness.
Needing to be closer to him, needing to prove that I could never fear him, I struggled out of his

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arms and climbed onto his lap. Facing him, I pressed my forehead to his. He wrapped his arms
around my waist and pulled me closer, sighing heavily. His sweet breath caressed my face, and I

greedily inhaled his scent.
"What did I tell you?" I murmured, brushing my lips against his cheek. "It doesn't matter to me

what you are as long as you love me. I can live with anything as long as that's true."
His eyes slowly opened as he pulled me tighter against him. I didn't care that he could kill me. I

didn't care that I should be afraid of him.
'Bella, there are so many things that you don't know. Aren't you scared? Aren't you worried that

I could break you? Aren't you afraid that, instinctually, I want your blood?"
I tried to keep my face calm. Showing him my trepidation wouldn't console him.
"But you've always been able to control that, haven't you?"
"I had until tonight," he whispered miserably, and the evening's puzzle pieces finally fell into

He sighed. "Carlisle had warned me that my….craving….would someday rear its ugly head. But I
was arrogant. I had always been able to control myself around you. We're very practiced, you

see. We've grown very desensitized to the smell of human blood. It's the only way we could
have a home and a family."
My confusion must have been obvious on my face because he smiled. "We don't drink human
"Then how do you….survive?" I was sure that was the wrong word, but my mind couldn't
formulate another choice.
"Animals," he answered simply, waiting for my reaction.
"Hmm…" I managed, trying to keep my expression composed. "Google didn't mention anything

about that."
He laughed. "No, I imagine not. We're very rare, you see. We're only aware of one other coven

that substitutes animal blood for human. Our friends in Denali."
I nodded, remembering the tales of the "cousins" from Alaska.
"Tell me what you're thinking," he murmured, nuzzling my neck. "It's been insanity not being
able to read your mind. I hear every thought in this house, but your mind is completely silent to

"What do you mean?"
He smiled up at me, and I couldn't resist touching his lips with my fingertips. "You wouldn't
know this, of course. I can read minds. Alice is the psychic, and I can read minds."
"But not mine?" This bothered me. Was there something wrong with me?
"No," he replied. "And it's maddening. Carlisle has no idea why you're the one exception. You'd

think as connected as we are here…." He placed his hand over my heart, "that our minds would
be just as linked. But no, the only glimpse I get into that beautiful head of yours is when you're


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"No wonder you like lying next to me," I grimaced.
His angel eyes gazed into mine, knocking me breathless. "That's not the only reason." I fidgeted

against his lap, trying to hide my flushed cheeks.
"Bella, you really have to stop doing that," he whispered huskily.
"Blushing?" I asked. "Or squirming?"
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to make things hard for you," I replied seriously, and then instantly

regretted my words. His face broke into an evil grin and my face once again flushed crimson.
Way to go, Bella.
"That's not what I meant," I muttered, completely embarrassed. I hid my face against his chest.
He laughed, tilting my head so that he could nuzzle my nose with his. "I know. And I apologize

for embarrassing you. I can't seem to control my thoughts or my reactions to your body. This is
all new to me. It's going to take some practice."
"We have time," I smiled. I liked the idea of practice.
His face softened at my words and he stared into my eyes. "That's true. We do have time. Lots

of it."
I yawned involuntarily. "I have a million more questions."
He smiled. "I know you do. But you're tired. I've given you plenty to think about for tonight." He
kissed my hair as I slid off his lap and snuggled against his side. He pulled the blanket around

me. "Get some sleep, and I'll answer your questions in the morning."
"You'll stay right here?" I murmured drowsily. Exhaustion was taking over, and my brain felt

"Right here," he whispered, brushing the hair away from my face.
"I love you." I felt his smile as he nuzzled my cheek.
"My sweet, sweet Bella…" He kissed my forehead softly as I felt my body relax against him. "I

love you, too."

Chapter 14 – Good Enough

I've completely lost myself and I don't mind

I can't say no to you

"Good Enough" ~ Evanescence

The next few months passed in a blur as Edward and the rest of the Cullens embraced the

knowledge that I knew the truth. They seemed ecstatic, almost relieved, that they didn't have to

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constantly wonder if I was going to piece the clues together and inadvertently expose them.
I had a million questions, and Edward was unfailingly patient as he answered all of them.
He told me all about Carlisle's initial turning back in London in the 1600s and then carefully
explained how the rest of the family came to be. I was spellbound, hanging on to every word as

he told me the secrets of the family I loved so much. I was amazed to hear the history, freaked
out to hear how they hunted, and was saddened to hear how they'd already been in Forks for

too long. Usually, once the "kids" graduated high school, the Cullens would pack up and move to
the next city. They had lived all over the world, and this house that I'd grown to call home was

just one of the many homes they owned throughout the world. But staying in one place too long
and never aging would definitely spark talk in a small town and the threat of exposure was too

"What haven't you moved yet?" I'd asked one day. Alice and Edward had been out of high

school for over a year now.
"Because of you," Edward had answered simply. "We couldn't leave you."
This explanation had struck fear in my heart.
Edward explained that there were laws, or rules, in the vampire world that were established to

protect them from exposure and possible eradication. The law was complex in language, but the
gist of it was "keep your mouth shut and don't get caught." Which explained why I'd never been

told the secret. Telling me would put everyone involved in danger, but I'd been assured by
Carlisle that all was well.
"We didn't tell you anything," Carlisle had promised. "You guessed."
This didn't make me feel any better.
I didn't express my concerns to any of them. They seemed content that I was now in on the
secret, and I of course promised to keep it to myself. They had never really hidden things from

me, but I could tell that their guards were down just a little now that they didn't have to be so
careful. Emmett had even begged Edward for permission to take me hunting. Edward had given

him such a death glare that Em never mentioned it again. I wouldn't admit it, but at that
moment, I was glad that Edward was so protective. I just didn't think I could handle watching my

family sink their teeth into unsuspecting animals in the forest.
I soon began my senior year of high school, and I made a few friends outside of the Cullen

household. I'd been placed in enough advanced classes in my old high school that my senior
year at Forks was ridiculously easy. The only classes that were required were World History and

American Literature, so I filled the rest of my day with any music related class I could find. My
school day was over by 2:00, and I'd stop by the station to spend time with Charlie before

heading to the Cullens' for the rest of the afternoon. I always made sure to have dinner ready
for Charlie unless we decided to order out. I was determined to really know my father and hold

onto the one parent I had left.
My relationship with Renee remained non-existent. She'd email from time to time, but I didn't

reply. She'd made her decision and refused to accept mine. We were at an impasse.
Esme had happily stepped into the role of mother, and I loved her madly, but it wasn't the same.

We both knew that. But it was special, nonetheless, and I treasured our talks.
I loved this family, and I loved Edward, more than words could express. What would I do when

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they left me?
I couldn't ignore the situation. They'd stayed in Forks all of these years for me. To protect me

and to love me. They didn't say the words, but I knew that someday, they'd have to leave me.
Someday soon. Just the thought of being without them was so agonizing that I knew I'd never

live through the reality.
And that's when I knew that I had only one choice. The answer was simple.
But would Edward want to keep me forever?
"You're so restless tonight," I whispered against her ear as she curled into me. Since we'd
returned from Florida, she'd insisted on spending almost every evening with Charlie, and I'd

never dream of denying her the chance to grow closer to him. But I couldn't stay away from her,
even for one night.
"I can't sleep," she mumbled drowsily. Her body was tense against mine, and I wished for the
millionth time that I could read her mind. She'd had trouble sleeping for weeks.
"Something is bothering you, Bella. I wish you would talk to me."
It was the same speech I offered every night, and as usual, it was refused with a shake of her

head. She wouldn't tell me a thing. I was beyond frustrated and constantly worried that the
problem was me.
"Please, Bella…." I begged once more, placing a kiss on her forehead. She sighed and snuggled
closer against me. "Please let me help you."
"You can't," she whispered sadly, and my heart ached at the words.
"I refuse to believe that," I replied. Maybe I was arrogant, but I refused to believe that I couldn't

do something to ease her anxiety. Didn't she understand that I'd move heaven and earth for
She reached up to cup my face, and I winced when I looked down into her chocolate eyes. She
was so conflicted, so upset, and I was clueless.
"You're going to leave me," she blurted, her eyes flashing with fear and sadness.
I was stunned. "What are you talking about?"
Sighing, she raised herself up and sat back against the headboard. "You have to leave me. It's

not safe here anymore. You've been here too long."
I finally understood.
"I'm not leaving you, Bella," I whispered, placing both of my hands against each side of her face.
I stroked her cheek softly as I brushed my lips against her nose. "I told you I'd never leave you."
"But you have to," she argued as she shook her head. "And I understand that. Carlisle explained
it all, and I know you've stayed in Forks longer than you've lived anywhere, and that's because of

me. But it can't last forever. You can't stay."
I couldn't deny that. Five years was our limit and that anniversary was fast approaching.

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"Leaving you is not an option," I explained sincerely. "We'll figure something out."
Bella just shook her head. "The rules are simple. The longer you stay increases the risk of

exposure. I understand that." She wiped away the tears that threatened. "I'm just trying to
figure out how I'm going to live without you. Without all of you."
With her words, Alice's vision of the future danced in my head. My Bella. Pale white with
crimson eyes. While the vision was both frightening and comforting to me, I wondered how

Bella would react to the visual. I still wasn't convinced that changing Bella was the answer, but
the last few months had proven to me that I was just that selfish. Had the idea even crossed her

mind? Would she even want to join my family that way? Was I brave enough to ask, knowing
she might say no?
Tonight was not the night to find out.
"Shhh, sweetheart," I murmured, pulling her close to me once again. "I promised you I would

never leave you. And you couldn't keep my family away if you tried. We will figure it out."
"When?" She snuggled closer, and I smiled when I saw her eyes begin to droop.
"Soon," I promised.
And I knew it was true. A decision would have to be made soon.
"I can't believe you're nervous about this. You worry too much. That dress looks darling on you,

by the way."
I rolled my eyes as Alice continued wrapping my hair in the rod of the curling iron. She'd

primped me for the past two hours, and I was seriously sick of the attention. I was nervous
about this visit, and I was self-conscious about the low-cut dress. None of these things seemed

to matter to Alice as she continued styling my hair.
"The Denalis are family," she explained once again. "They are going to love you."
"Then why are you spending so much time dressing me up like a Barbie doll?" I wondered aloud.
She stifled a giggle.
"Because Tanya is going to be crazy jealous, and I want her to get the full effect."
My eyes narrowed. "Tanya would be jealous? Why?"
"Edward hasn't told you?" Then she laughed. "Of course he hasn't. He was so oblivious to
everything before you came along. I'm honestly surprised he's survived for a century. The boy

paid attention to nothing before you."
"Alice….." I threatened.
"Fine, fine." She mumbled as she sprayed my hair. I closed my eyes, trying to protect my corneas
from the massive fumes. "Tanya has the hots for Edward. She's wanted him for decades."
My eyes flashed open as I considered the immortal rival I never knew existed. "Great. She's
beautiful, right?"
"Eh," Alice waved her hand as she grabbed the lip gloss. "She's just like the rest of us."
"Hmm…." This did not pacify me. The jealousy and fear that was coursing through my veins,

combined with the hairspray fumes, was making me a little dizzy.

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"Quit being silly," Alice complained as she grabbed my left foot and slid the stiletto onto my
feet. "Edward has never expressed the least bit of interest in her, and believe me, she's tried."

She grabbed the second heel and strapped it to my right foot. "And he loves you, Bella. There is
no competition. He only loves you. Now stand up."
Sighing, I attempted to find my balance in the deathtraps as she pulled me along to the
staircase. I looked down to see Edward waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. He smiled up

at me, and for one second, I forgot about the vampire vixen who wanted my boyfriend on a
silver platter. Taking a deep breath, I trudged my way down the stairs.
"You look stunning," he whispered into my ear before kissing just below the lobe. "Don't be
nervous. I've told them all about you, and they can't wait to meet you."
I smiled half-heartedly as he pulled me to the living room. The beautiful group was gathered
around the piano. Rosalie smiled up at me as she continued playing. Normally, the soothing

sound of classical piano would calm me, but not today.
"Everyone, this is my Bella." Edward introduced me to each of the Denali clan. Carmen and

Eleazar smiled at me warmly, and each offered their hand. I liked them immediately.
I could feel a pair of eyes on me; I turned toward the piano and found myself staring into the

golden eyes of a strawberry blonde supermodel.
My stomach lurched.
"Bella, it's nice to meet you." Tanya smiled, walking toward me and offering her hand. I returned
the smile and placed my hand in hers. She was insanely beautiful, and I found myself doubting

that Edward hadn't found her attractive. He was a man, after all.
Conversation lasted long into the night and I found myself very comfortable with the Denalis.

They included me in the discussion and were very interested to hear all about my life and my
senior year in high school.
"Do you plan to go to college?" Carmen asked excitedly.
I felt Edward stiffen next to me, but when I looked up at him in concern, he simply squeezed my

hand. "Umm, I haven't really decided yet."
"You should consider your future," Eleazar smiled gently. "Your human years are so precious.

What do you want to do with your life?"
Of course, I had been asked that question many times throughout the years. Which college did I

want to attend? My major? My career? Suddenly, these things seemed unimportant.
There was only one thing I wanted to do with my life.
I glanced over at Edward and he had a sad smile on his face. He raised my hand to his lips and
kissed it softly.
"Eleazar," Edward asked. "How many degrees do you hold now?"
I gave his hand a squeeze, thanking him for diverting the attention from me. The conversation

drifted into a pissing match between Carlisle and Eleazar to see who held the most doctorates.
As they battled, I leaned over to kiss Edward's cheek. "I'll be right back," I whispered. "Just going

out for some air."
"I'll come with you," he offered.

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I shook my head. "Stay here. You don't get to see them nearly enough. I'll be right back."
I felt his eyes on me as I grabbed a sweater and walked out into the crisp evening air. The

Cullens' deck was one of my favorite parts of the house. Overlooking the forest and the Sol Duc
River, it offered a beautiful escape to the sometimes noisy house. I leaned over the ledge,

inhaling the scent of the forest and the rain.
"Edward was right," Tanya's voice drifted toward me. I turned to see her smiling at me as she

walked toward the ledge.
"He usually is," I admitted with a grin. "Or at least, he thinks he is."
Tanya laughed loudly. "Well, I assure you that this time he was correct. He said that you were
beyond lovely, and you are."
I couldn't help but blush. I also didn't believe a word she was saying, but that didn't keep my
face from flushing.
"Edward is very biased," I sighed as I gazed up at the starless sky.
"I've never seen him so happy," she whispered in wonder. "Heaven knows I tried to bring a smile

to that handsome face." She then murmured, "Many, many times…."
I found myself gripping the wooden ledge. I bit my lip nervously, trying to control the jealousy

that was threatening to explode. I glanced through the glass doors to see Edward eyeing us
"Oh, I'm sorry, Bella," Tanya whispered, noticing my discomfort. "I'm not trying to make you feel
uncomfortable. That's not why I came out here."
"It's okay," I tried to smile at her. "Alice told me that he never….."
"Never reciprocated my feelings for him?" She smiled sadly. "That's very true. He was always a

gentleman, of course. He'd tell me I was beautiful, but I just wasn't what he was looking for.
You'd think after sixty years, I would have taken the hint, but no…I practically attacked the poor

boy everytime the Cullens would come to visit."
I finally lost my composure. "Tanya, why are you telling me this?"
"Because I'm jealous," she shrugged. "Not that you aren't lovely, Bella. Of course you are. But
you're human, and I just wonder what he sees for your future."
I wondered about that, too, but I wasn't about to admit it to the vampire who wanted to get
into my boyfriend's pants.
"You know it can't work," she whispered sadly. "A human future. He loves you now, anyone can
see that. But you'll die someday. You are mortal after all. And then he'll be alone."
"And then you can swoop in?" I accused, my temper finally in full swing. "You'll be there to pick
up the pieces of his broken heart?"
Her eyes flickered in the moonlight. "Bella, you misunderstand. I'm concerned for you."
"Don't be," I muttered, turning back toward the forest. "He promised me we'd figure it out.

We'll find a way to make this work."
She laughed quietly. "I'm sure he did. But don't you see, Bella? Don't you understand what you'll

be giving up if you stay with him? Don't you want to get married? Have children? Grow old with

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someone? Isn't that what most mortal girls dream of?"
And I couldn't deny it. But I'd understood through my discussions with Carlisle that children

would never happen, and I was fine with that. I'd never really thought much about having kids,
and giving up that chance in exchange to spend my life with Edward seemed an easy

"Bella," she murmured silkily. "Edward should be with one of his own kind. And so should you.

This will never work. At least, not as long as you're human…."
My eyes flashed to hers.
Not as long as I was human.
"What are you doing, Tanya?" Edward growled as he walked onto the deck and wrapped his arm

around my waist. Tanya noticed the sweet gesture and I could see her gold eyes flash with envy.
"I was just getting to know Bella," she smiled smugly. "I think I've given her quite a bit to think

He glared at her. "Yes, I heard. What the hell is your problem?"
She seemed shocked by his rude tone. "I just think the girl should know what she's getting into,
and what her options are…." Tanya smiled sweetly. "Please, Edward. Don't tell me you haven't

considered it. I see the way you look at her."
I glanced up at his face. Had he considered it?
"This is none of your business, Tanya," he glowered. "You should go inside and say your
goodbyes. I think Carmen and Eleazar are getting ready to leave."
"Of course," she replied with a grin. "It really was nice to meet you, Bella. Think about what I
Edward pulled me closer to his side, and I relaxed against him.
"It was nice to meet you, too."
After saying our own goodbyes, Edward pulled me up the stairs and into his bedroom. He closed
the door behind him as I slipped off the offensive shoes and tossed them into his closet. I knew

Alice would grimace at my lack of care for the extravagant shoes, but I just couldn't bring myself
to care. I kept my back turned to him as I fidgeted with my zipper. Suddenly, his icy hands were

on my shoulders.
"Here," he whispered against my ear. "Let me help with that."
My body trembled as his cool finger slowly undid the zipper of the dress. I held my arms against
my chest, preventing the dress from falling into a heap onto the floor.
"Would you like one of my shirts?" He murmured, pulling my hair to one side before sliding his
lips along my bare shoulder. I shivered and pressed my back against his chest.
"Or…" he whispered huskily, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me tighter against
him. His lips made a trail along my neck, and I moaned softly. "You can wear nothing at all and

we'll take the opportunity to practice."
The idea of practicing thrilled me, but I knew we needed to talk. And I knew he was trying to

distract me.

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I turned toward him and let my dress fall to the ground.
His eyes glazed as they traveled down my body. I was too worried about the future to be

embarrassed about my present situation. Let him see me naked.
Pleased to see that I'd rendered him speechless, I walked over to his dresser and grabbed one of

his t-shirts. I tossed it over my head and grabbed his hand as I pulled him toward the bed.
"Talk first," I negotiated. "Then maybe we'll practice."
Sighing, he allowed me to pull him onto the bed. I snuggled into the covers and placed my head
on his shoulder. He leaned down to kiss my forehead and brush the hair away from my face.
"She's right," I whispered against his shoulder. "You should be with one of your own kind."
He tensed beneath me before pulling me closer against him. "I don't want to be with anyone but

I pulled his face closer to mine. "For how long?"
"Forever," he murmured as his lips softly brushed against mine. Desire coursed through my
veins with the tenderness of his touch. He hitched my leg around his waist, and my body

trembled as he pressed into me.
"Forever is a long time," I whispered against his lips as I tried to keep my voice under control. I

couldn't allow him to fully kiss me or this would be a very short discussion. He groaned as I
pulled my mouth away from his.
"Please let me kiss you," he begged in a whisper, pulling my face to his once again. I allowed him
to briefly touch my lips with his before lowering my head to nuzzle his neck.
"Edward, we need to talk…..about forever."
Sighing, he placed a finger under my chin and tilted it close to his. He stared into my eyes for

what seemed like hours before finally whispering, "You're right, my love. We do."
We both sat up against the headboard. He opened his arm to me, but I shook my head.
"That's probably not a good idea. We tend to get distracted when we're touching."
He laughed before pulling the blanket around my bare legs. "You're probably right."
We sat in silence for a few more minutes before he finally reached for my hand. I couldn't help
but smirk.
"Sue me. I can't keep my hands off you."
I giggled as I watched his fingers intertwine with mine.
"This isn't how I wanted to do this," he murmured after a few moments of silence. "Of course,
we need to talk about it. I just don't want to scare you. Or pressure you. Or make you feel like

you're being forced into something."
"So you have thought about it," I confirmed. Instead of feeling frightened, I was completely

"I think about it everyday," he whispered, bringing my hand to his face and pressing it to his

cheek. I snuggled into his side and couldn't help but smile as he wrapped his arm around me. "I
didn't realize you'd been thinking about it, though."

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I nodded. "It's the only answer."
"No," he argued. "You can always stay human. You can go to college and have a career. You can

get married and have babies and grow old with someone. I want that for you, Bella. I don't want
you to miss out on anything. I want you to be happy. I want you to stay human."
My breath caught in my throat as a tear slid down my cheek.
"You don't want me…." I whispered sadly.
His eyes narrowed. "Of course I want you. Why are you doubting that?"
"But you just said…"
"I said I wanted you to stay human," he murmured gently. "And I do. Only because I want you to
have all of those things. I don't want to take anything away from you."
"I don't care about kids," I offered.
His face softened. "I do. I wish we could have a hundred babies, all with deep, warm eyes like

their mother." He shook his head sadly. "But I can't give you that, Bella. And if children are
important to you….."
"They aren't important to me," I replied seriously. "I'll give up everything if it means I can be
with you forever."
"I don't want you to have to give up things!" He growled. "I want to give you things. Anything
you could ever dream of. But I can't, Bella." He placed his hands along the side of my face and

gazed into my eyes. "Another man can offer you the world. All I can offer you is….."
"An eternity with you," I completed his sentence. He had no idea that this was all that I required

for a happy life.
He bowed his head. "I want that more than you can possibly imagine."
"I want that, too," I whispered through my tears. "But, are you sure? I mean, are you really sure
that I'm what you want? Forever is a long time, Edward. And I'm clumsy and silly and…."
"Bella Swan…." he murmured, taking my hands in his. A sweet smile spread across his face, and I
just cried harder. "I have waited for you for a century. I searched every continent and never

found what I was looking for. The day Alice told me to come home….the day she had her vision
of us…..that was the happiest day of my very long life. Because I knew I'd found her. I'd found

He wiped my tears away, and I melted into his touch. "That was the happiest day of my life up

until that point. But I've had so many happy days since then, and that's because of you. And I
want to make you happy for the rest of our lives, Bella. There's nothing I want more."
"Then change me," I whispered urgently. "Do it. Do it tonight."
"No, Bella," he smiled softly. "It can't be tonight, sweetheart. Plans have to be made. We need

to speak with Carlisle and the rest of the family. You don't really understand the actual
mechanics of it, and that's because I've kept that information from you."
"I have my reasons," he replied. "And I'll explain them to you very soon. But I want you to really

think about this, Bella. Really consider this before you agree. You'll be giving up your entire life.

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Your mom, your dad….You'll be turning your back on everything. I'm not worth that."
"You're right," I replied wholeheartedly. "You're worth much more."
He placed a soft kiss on my forehead as he whispered, "Bella, I want to change you. I do. I want
it more than anything. I'm a horribly selfish creature, and I want you with me forever. I want to

hunt with you, make love to you without fear of killing you…live with you and our family for the
rest of our days. I want it desperately. But I want you to be sure. I will not change you unless I'm

absolutely positive that you want this, too."
"I promise to consider every aspect," I lied. I didn't plan on considering anything. My decision

was made.
"I love you," Edward whispered, kissing my forehead softly. "Get some sleep now."
I yawned drowsily and snuggled against him. He wrapped the blanket around my body so that
his body wouldn't chill me. I smiled at the gesture.
"You take such good care of me," I murmured through my drowsiness. "I don't deserve you."
"You're right." He brushed my cheek softly with his fingers. "You deserve better."
I had almost dozed off when I remembered our deal.
"We didn't practice….."
All I remember was his soft chuckle before I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Chapter 15 – Possession

And I will be the one to hold you down

Kiss you so hard

I'll take your breath away

And after, I'll wipe away the tears

Just close your eyes, dear.

"Possession" ~ Sarah McLachlan

I knew it must be the middle of the night, and I knew the house was unusually quiet. But that
was all I could focus on because Edward's lips were kissing my bare stomach.
His lips felt like ice against my burning skin. Very softly, his tongue traced patterns on my
stomach and I couldn't stop the soft moan that escaped my lips. His hands reached under my t-

shirt, cupping each of my breasts, and my back arched as his fingers lightly brushed against my
nipples. They hardened instantly, and I moaned louder.
"I didn't mean to wake you," he murmured huskily as his hands trailed down my body to stroke
my thighs. My hips rose instinctively, and I remembered that all I was wearing was his t-shirt.

"But you were talking in your sleep, begging me to touch you, and I couldn't refuse you
I usually remembered my dreams with vivid detail, especially the good dreams that had become
a nightly occurrence since that incredible practice session on the piano bench. But I couldn't

recall this dream.

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Apparently your memory fails you when your dreams become reality.
"Wh….what was I saying?" I muttered breathlessly as his fingers trailed up and down my leg. He

lowered his body, placing soft kisses along my thighs. I squirmed beneath him as his lips very
softly made a trail up along my rib cage.
"You were begging me to touch you," he whispered against my skin. "Begging me to make love
to you. Begging me to be inside of you." He moaned as he tugged my t-shirt up and his lips made

their way to my breast, using his tongue to tease my nipple until it hardened with his touch. I
whimpered softly, and with a growl that rocked me to my core, he lifted me onto his lap.
"Wrap your legs around me," he groaned breathlessly as he pulled me roughly against his lap.
That was when I realized he was only wearing boxers and I was wearing nothing at all. We

simultaneously moaned at the contact and he caught my lips in a kiss that set my body ablaze.
"I'll beg again, if you'd like….." I whispered as he ran his tongue along the side of my neck. I

trembled against him as I rested my arms on his shoulders. My fingers wound through his hair,
and I tugged his head roughly toward me. He hissed and shifted beneath me as his kiss

swallowed my moan.
"Can you feel that?" He groaned as he pulled me tighter against his lap. I ground my center

against him, and he shuddered. "You do that to me, Bella. Only you can do that to me."
I felt powerful. It was an incredible feeling knowing that I could excite him. That I could turn him

on this much. The realization was dizzying.
"Bella, tell me…." he breathed heavily against my lips. "Tell me exactly what you want me to do

to you."
That was when I realized that I could finally convince him to do more than just practice tonight.
"I want you to take my t-shirt off, for starters," she purred seductively, and her voice shot pure

desire throughout my body. "I want to be naked against you."
Within seconds, the shirt was ripped from her body and I wrapped my arms around her back,

pressing her chest into mine. I knew we were taking a huge risk. I knew this could be dangerous.
I knew she'd probably have bruises tomorrow from the pressure I was applying to her bare back.

But I was beyond caring. I wanted her. I was tired of practicing. I was tired of ignoring her sexy
pleas, night after torturous night, as she begged for my touch. I'd tried my best to ignore them.

Every single night since our first practice session, she'd writhed against me while she slept,
whispering bold pleas of lust that had made me ache to my core. Somehow, I'd kept my hands

to myself.
No more.
With the sexiest smile I'd ever seen, my innocent, beautiful girl crawled down the length of my
body. Grabbing my underwear, her chocolate eyes remained transfixed on mine as she pulled

the boxers down to the ground. The sight of Bella on her knees in front of me was the single
most erotic visual of my very long life. Her gaze never wavered from mine as she ran her hands

up my legs, finally resting on my thighs. I couldn't look away from her face as she slowly pulled
my legs apart, her eyes finally drifting as she stared at my naked body, my arousal more than

evident. She lowered her head, placing soft kisses along the inside of my thighs, and I hissed at
the contact. We'd never been this intimate, this close, and to have her mouth so close to me

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was quickly driving me mad. My hands wound through her mahogany waves as her lips traveled
closer, and I growled as she blew her sweet breath along the length of me.
"Bella….." I took an unnecessary but ragged breath. I had to stop this. She was too close to me,
and I was too crazed, too…..horny, to let this continue. We'd practiced certain positions and

touches, but we'd never prepared for this scene. Fear coursed through my body, and I was
suddenly afraid to feel her mouth on me. I ached for it desperately, but the fear of my reactions

was overriding that monumental desire.
"Shhhh….." she whispered, running her hands up along my stomach and blowing another stream

of warm air along my cock. My hips thrust instinctually as my eyes locked with hers. I knew I had
to stay strong. We weren't ready for this. I couldn't handle this. Not yet. Maybe with more

And then her sultry voice whispered into the darkness. "Please let me try. I want to taste you.

Please let me…."
And with that breathless plea, my will crumbled.
The words escaped my lips despite my innocence. I didn't have time to be embarrassed before

he growled and pulled my head closer to him. He was magnificent. There was really no other
word to describe his naked body. I had no idea what I was doing. Had no experience

whatsoever. But with our practice sessions, I'd learned his sounds. And with our passionate
touches, I'd found places on his body that led him to arch into my touch. But we'd never

attempted this level of intimacy, and I was hellbent on trying. I'd wanted to try since the first
time we'd exposed ourselves to each other, and I'd seen him standing in all of his beautiful,

naked glory.
Reaching up, I grabbed each of his hands, and our fingers intertwined perfectly. Our hands were

made for each other, and I took a secret satisfaction in knowing that my body was designed for
his. Every part of me ached for him, and I knew I could live a thousand years and I'd never get

I leaned in and lowered my head over his cock, licking my lips in anticipation. He whimpered,

and that's when I realized that he was watching my every move. I gazed into his eyes and was
gratified to see that they were heavy with lust and need.
"Are you going to watch?" I murmured softly, suddenly feeling self-conscious and turned on all
at the same time.
"You better believe it," he panted huskily.
With a wicked smile, I lowered my eyes. Taking the flat of my tongue, I slowly licked the length

of him, beginning from the base and dragging my tongue to the tip. I groaned at the taste, and
he roared, fisting my hair through his hands. Taking this as a good sign, I repeated the motion,

but this time, I allowed my tongue to flick the very tip of his cock. I was mesmerized to see liquid
seeping from the tip, and I couldn't resist licking it away.
"You taste soooo good," I groaned against his flesh. His hips bucked against my face as he
moaned my name, and I knew I was addicted. I continued my exploration as I ran my fingernails

lightly against his balls. I looked up to see his eyes roll back into his head.
"Does that feel good?" I wondered aloud. He'd lived a century without this type of gratification,

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and I couldn't help but be curious. He seemed to love it; his body was trembling and his
breathing was erratic. I'd never seen him so vulnerable. But I needed to hear it. I needed the

reassurance that I was doing this right.
"Oh my God, Bella….." he whimpered as I continued my exploration with my tongue. "You have

no idea how good that feels. Your tongue….it's so warm on me…."
"Imagine how my mouth is going to feel," I murmured. His cock twitched against my tongue, and

I couldn't keep from smiling as he groaned loudly.
"Proud of yourself?" he mumbled thickly, and I realized he was watching me again.
"You better believe it," I repeated his earlier words. His hands wove through my hair again, and I
couldn't resist looking up at him. His mouth was wide open, his eyes lust-filled, and I was

beyond giddy that I'd rendered him senseless.
Emboldened, I dropped my gaze and wrapped the very tip of him around my lips. With a low

growl, his hands pushed my head down, and I could feel his legs trembling around me. I slowly
slipped him further into my mouth, inch by beautiful inch. I finally bowed my head, taking him

completely into my mouth.
The roar that erupted from his chest was deafening.
I gripped his hips as the tip of his cock touched the back of my throat. His hands grabbed my
shoulders as I pulled my lips up his length, making a popping sound as he escaped the confines

of my mouth. He whimpered at the loss of my heat, and I quickly slid him into my mouth again,
this time bobbing my head slowly up and down his shaft.
"Feels….. so…. good…" he murmured shakily as I increased the tempo, driving him harder into
my mouth over and over again. I found a rhythm that seemed to correspond with the way his

hips were thrusting into me and with the guttural moans that were escaping his lips.
He finally begged me to stop, and I couldn't contain my disappointment when he tilted my face

up to his. His breathing was out of control and his voice was thick with emotion.
"I had to stop you," he mumbled breathlessly, pulling me up his body and laying me back onto

the bed. "I didn't want to stop….but I was going to…" his voice trailed off as his eyes glazed. "Oh,
my God, Bella. It was….. incredible. You have no idea how good that felt….." His eyes hungrily

roamed my body and my stomach tightened. Feeling vulnerable, I shyly pulled the blanket
toward me.
"Don't you dare." He jerked the blanket onto the floor and gazed at me adoringly. "You are so
beautiful, Bella." He placed his hand against my cheek, stroking my skin softly.
"Don't ever hide yourself from me."
With his words, I relaxed against his touch. He trailed his finger along my jaw line and down my

throat, making a path down to the valley between my breasts. I shuddered as his hand cupped
one, stroking it softly, and then running his finger along my nipple. He watched in awe as it

hardened instantly. He repeated the pattern with the other breast, and I couldn't stop myself
from moaning with each feather touch. He took one peak in his mouth and licked it softly while

gently massaging the other with his hand, and I was sure that I would explode from the
"Please…" I begged. I had no idea what I was pleading for. I didn't know what to ask for. I just

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knew that I needed him to touch me everywhere.
"What, sweetheart?" He murmured against my flesh. "Tell me what you want." His voice was

like velvet and I felt an ache deep in my core. "You know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you.
Nothing I would deny you. I love you so very much, Bella." His lips traveled down along my

stomach, and I shuddered with anticipation. Raising my knees, I opened my legs slightly and felt
the familiar ache that always seemed to make its appearance whenever Edward was touching

me so intimately. Only this time, the ache was painful. Throbbing. Begging to be touched.
Screaming for release. His lips grazed my stomach and along my rib cage as his hand roamed

along my thigh.
"Edward…" I whimpered incoherently.
"Tell me, my love." His lips traveled further until they rested just above the one part of my body
he had never explored. The part of my body that was screaming for his touch.
"Lower," I whispered boldly. "Please touch me. You have to touch me…."
"Oh, Bella….." His voice was thick with desire as he looked at me. "You have no idea how much I

want to touch you…..to taste you…."
"Oh, my God, yes…..pleaseeee….." I didn't care if I was begging. I was beyond caring. He dropped

his head and ran his tongue along my navel. With a loud moan I squirmed, allowing my legs to
fully open. "Please, Edward….please touch me….."
"With pleasure….." He lowered his head and allowed himself his first intimate view of me. He
sighed reverently. "So gorgeous…" I groaned his name as I felt his cool breath settle over me. He

placed a soft kiss on my folds, and I whimpered with need. Then, his icy finger stroked along my
slit, and a tremor shot through my core.
"I…..need…." I couldn't even form the words.
"I know what you need, my love." He continued running his finger along my opening, and I

bucked against his hand. "You're so wet….my God, you're so beautiful….."
I moaned at his words, and his touch remained torturous and soft. My body tensed with

anticipation as his finger continued its exploration. My hips thrust against his hand as I begged
him to stop teasing me. With a growl, he lowered his head and slid his tongue along my slit. The

coldness of his tongue against my folds shot electricity through my body, and I couldn't lie still. I
bucked against his mouth, whispering his name, groaning for more. He swirled his tongue

around my clit and pushed against it. Desire pulsed through me, and my scream echoed off the
"Bella?" I was terrified. Had I hurt her?
"Don't stop touching me!" She whimpered as she writhed against the bed. "That… was a good
scream. If you stop, I swear I'll find a way to kill you….."
Relief consumed my body. "I would never dream of stopping. You are too beautiful, too
desirable….too tempting for me to stop now."
"Please kiss me….." she whispered breathlessly, pulling me up toward the headboard. "And
touch me…..and let me touch you…."
So many dizzying requests, and I vowed to fulfill them all.

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I lay by her side as she turned toward me, grabbing my neck and capturing my mouth with hers.
I growled as her hand wrapped around my cock, sliding her hand up and down the shaft. My

hand traveled to her wet center, and she groaned as I pushed my fingers against her clit. She
began to pump me furiously, and I matched her strokes as I rubbed her warm center. We found

a perfect rhythm with our mutual touches and our frenzied kisses. It was heaven.
"You feel so good….." I groaned as I buried my face in her neck. My words only excited her more

as she pumped me frantically, her chest brushing against mine. Greedily, I ran my free hand
along her breast, pinching her nipple softly. She bucked wildly against my hand, and I knew she

was close. I pushed myself harder against her hand as my erection ached for its own release. Her
fingers were like soft satin, pumping wildly around me. I growled with pleasure.
"You are mine, Bella…..now and forever….."
"Yours….." she panted breathlessly, her body tensing as she teetered close to her own release.
"I'm the only one that can ever touch you this way….." I moaned into her neck, digging my hand
deeper against her core. "Say it….."
Gripping my cock firmly, she whimpered, "Only… you…."
With a roar, I pulled her against me as she screamed my name. She shattered against my hand

as I exploded against hers, our orgasms rocketing through our bodies as we clung to each other.
We moaned together as we both rode out the single most powerful experience of our lives. My

beautiful girl collapsed against me, and I held her close, nuzzling her neck…whispering how
much I loved her, how beautiful she was, and how I would want her everyday for the rest of our

"That…..that was incredible," she whispered, trying to catch her breath. "Perfect….." She curled

into my body, and I pulled her close. "And you didn't lose control. Not once."
I smiled, supremely proud of myself. I hadn't hurt her. I didn't once think about biting her. Never

once did the venom pool in my mouth to the point that I freaked out on her.
"All that practice paid off," I laughed, running my fingers along her cheek. "And this was just

another practice, one with amazing results….." I softly ran my lips along her neck. She trembled
beneath me. "Imagine what it will feel like when we finally make love…." She moaned as my lips

traced patterns along her chest.
"I have imagined. I think we should definitely practice that scenario….." she groaned

breathlessly as my lips found hers again.
"We will," I murmured as I reluctantly pulled away. "I promise, my love. Very soon." She sighed

as I reached down to grab the blanket from the floor. "Would you like me to find you another t-
shirt? I'm afraid the one you were wearing tonight was destroyed in my haste to see you naked."

I lifted the ripped shirt as proof, and she giggled.
"No," she mumbled as she reached for me. "I just want you to wrap me in this blanket and hold

me all night long."
"As you wish," I whispered, surrounding her with the blanket and pulling her to my side. "I love

you, Bella. I can't believe you're mine." She nuzzled her face into my neck, and I closed my eyes,
inhaling the sweet scent of the most beautiful girl in the world.
"Yours forever." She whispered sweetly, and I thought my heart would explode with the love I

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felt for this woman. My life and my soul were lying next to me, curled against my side. Now that
I was confident that we could make love, I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that she was my

future, and that I could make her happy. And very soon, she would be joining my family.
For eternity.

Chapter 16 – Broken Wings

Take these broken wings

And learn to fly again, learn to live so free

When we hear the voices sing

The book of love will open up and let us in.

"Broken Wings" ~ Mr. Mister

"I'll miss you," I pouted as I curled myself against him. It was six in the morning, and I couldn't
believe I was awake this early on a Saturday. Worse, I couldn't believe I had to say goodbye to

him for three days.
"I know," he whispered, kissing my forehead. "I hate going so far away, but Carlisle had

promised Eleazar months ago that we'd come for a visit. I still wish I could talk you into coming
with us." He pulled my body against his, and I couldn't keep from moaning at the contact. "Isn't

there anything I can do to change your mind?" He placed soft kisses along my throat, and I
groaned in frustration.
"This is blackmail," I whimpered as his hand grazed my breast. I arched into his touch, and a
mischievous smile spread across his face. "You know I can't resist you when your hands are….."

His finger brushed across my nipple, and I almost hyperventilated. "…there."
His lips brushed mine softly. "I'm sorry, my love. I just can't stand the thoughts of leaving you for

three days. I can just imagine the trouble that can find you with my family thousands of miles
away. I hate leaving you, even for a few hours. I can't imagine leaving for days." He grew

thoughtful as I snuggled closer. "Maybe I should just stay."
"No," I shook my head defiantly. Honestly, this was exactly what I wanted. I didn't want him to

go. We'd never been separated, except for the occasional short hunting trip, and this would be a
huge test for us. Carmen had insisted I join them, but I needed to spend some quality time with

Charlie, especially with graduation quickly approaching. This was the perfect opportunity to
spend the weekend with Dad. Besides, I knew that Edward was excited about the assortment of

bears and wolves that awaited him, and I couldn't deny him his fun.
"I'm graduating in a few months," I whispered gently, running my fingers through his tousled

locks. "Then we'll be moving since Charlie thinks I'm going to college. It won't be long before I'm
unable to spend any time with him. Jasper explained it clearly. When I'm a newborn, I'll be too

dangerous to be around Charlie, at least for a little while."
Edward tensed against me, and I stroked his face, trying to calm him. It wasn't that he was

against my becoming a vampire. But the fact that I was going to be without my father for any
substantial amount of time was causing Edward to feel needlessly guilty.
"Don't be sad," I murmured. "I want this. My decision has been made. But I would like to give
Charlie as much of my time as possible before I disappear. I owe him that. And this is the perfect

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weekend to do it."
He sighed wistfully and pressed his forehead to mine. "You're so rational. So beautiful. How did I

ever get so lucky?"
"You didn't have a choice," I shrugged with a smile. "We belong together. Luck had nothing to

do with it."
And I knew it was true. There is no doubt in my mind that with Edward is where I belong. Very

soon, I would be joining his world. The date wasn't set in stone, but I knew it wouldn't be much
longer. We both wanted it too much.
I admit, I had been petrified when Carlisle sat me down and described, in great detail, the
painful story of his turning. Jasper then explained the life of a newborn vampire, and the

thoughts of being wild and crazed and thirsting for my own father's blood had caused me to
have quite a few nightmares. But after much discussion, and a quick call to the Denalis, it was

established that I'd be attending the University of Alaska in the fall. It was the perfect cover
story for Charlie and Renee and offered enough untamed wilderness and seclusion to get me

through my newborn year. But it would be worth it. I could handle the pain and the isolation if it
meant that I could be with Edward forever. That was all that mattered.
"You're so quiet," he whispered gently as he brushed his lips against my temple. "Where did you
I smiled brightly. "I was just thinking about our future."
"That's a wonderful thing to think about."
"Mmm…." And that was all I could vocalize because his lips met mine in a hungry goodbye kiss.
I'd been so excited about our father/daughter weekend. I'd planned to take him to a concert to

hear a country band that I couldn't stand, but I knew he loved. And I'd planned our dinners and
even offered to go fishing at the lake and bait my own hook for a change. But it just wasn't

meant to be.
"Bella, I'm really sorry," Charlie had stammered as he grabbed his suitcase and began tossing

clothes haphazardly into it. "The sheriff in Sequim just lost one of his deputies and the funeral is
tomorrow. He needs us to help patrol during the service. We're a brotherhood, Bella. We're

needed. I don't have a choice."
This sad event had given me the opportunity to take a good, long look at this man who was my

father. Renee had always spoken of Charlie's occupation as if it was this terrible, nasty
ingredient in their marriage. Long hours, low pay, dangerous as hell, and a chance for Charlie to

clean his guns. That's how it had always been described to me. She never took it seriously, and
in turn, I'd never taken it seriously. I'd never taken the time to ask my father about his career

and why it mattered so much to him. And now I wish I had, because as I watched him pull his
pressed formal uniform out of the closet, I could see that his heart was broken for the deputy's

family and for the police force that had lost one of its own.
"I understand, Dad." I'd told him, and I'd meant it. Even though he didn't personally know the

deputy, the fallen officer was still family. Family didn't just consist of blood relatives. I
understood this better than anyone.
So now, I had an entire weekend with nothing to do. I'd texted Edward, which had been a
mistake, because he immediately wanted to book a flight home. But somehow, I'd convinced

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him to stay in Alaska with his family. I promised to study, do some laundry, and maybe even call
my friend Angela to see if she wanted to go to the concert. Or maybe I could just sell the tickets

and hit the movies instead.
I grabbed my laptop and headed to the kitchen table. I checked the movie listings in one window

while I checked my email in another. I scanned my messages and realized my spam filter wasn't
doing its job as I quickly deleted offers for penis enlargements and credit cards. And then I

gasped when I saw Renee's name on my screen.
We hadn't spoken since my trip to Florida. She'd emailed and texted a few times, but I deleted

them without reading them, and eventually, she just stopped trying to contact me. This message
was sent last week, and the one-word subject line intrigued me.
Subject: Apology
Dear Bella,
I want to apologize for the way I acted when you visited. You are my daughter, and I love you. I
miss you terribly. I know I've made mistakes in my life, and the last thing I want to do is see you

repeat them. I'm playing the hand I've been dealt, and I accept that. But it was unfair to subject
you to my bad choices, and for that, I am sorry.
I hope you would consider visiting this coming weekend. Phil is going to Tampa for a convention
and will be there until next Wednesday. It'd give us a chance to catch up, and you can tell me

more about Edward. I realize I was unfair to judge him so quickly. As you said, he protected you
when I didn't. I would love to get to know him better. He is obviously important to you, and

therefore, he's important to me. He is invited, as well. Let me know what you decide.
I exhaled the breath I didn't realize I was holding and stared blankly at the computer screen. My

mother had been on my mind a lot lately. Edward had mentioned that I'd been saying her name
in my sleep. It wasn't surprising. I was feeling very sentimental since Edward had agreed to

change me. I had been devoting so much time to Charlie, and naturally, that relationship made
me ache for my mother. I'd often considered calling her, just to make sure she was okay. But the

last thing I wanted to do was fight with her, and I certainly didn't want to risk catching Phil, so I'd
always chickened out.
But in a few months, I'd be out of chances. My last memory my mother would have of me would
be our disastrous fight in her kitchen, and I didn't want that. I wanted to make amends. And

here was my opportunity. I had just finished booking the flight and texting Renee with the
details when my phone buzzed.
~ I don't like this, Bella. Please wait so I can go with you.
I sighed. Obviously the pixie's crystal ball worked in Alaska, as well. I was just getting ready to

text him back when my phone rang. I didn't even need to look at the caller ID.
"You're not coming home," I answered.
Edward sighed. "Bella, I can be there in five hours. Wait and I'll go with you."
"Edward," I reasoned. "My flight leaves at 2:00. I'll be lucky to make it on time as it is. I will be

fine. Phil is gone until Wednesday. I need to do this, Edward. I need to see my mother."

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"I don't disagree with that," Edward replied softly. "Just wait for me and we'll go together. I
don't want her upsetting you again."
"Aren't you having a good time?" I smiled as I climbed the stairs and tossed clothes into a bag. I
was reminded of Charlie's messy packing, and I realized I came by it naturally.
"I miss you," he whispered. "But otherwise, yes, I'm having a good time. I still wish you'd wait for
"But you aren't insisting, which means you've already asked Alice, and she foresees no trouble,
"Right," he agreed with a sigh. "But things can change, Bella. So quickly."
I zipped my bag and galloped down the stairs. Grabbing a pen, I jotted a note for Charlie and left

it on the fridge. "And if things change, you'll call me."
I smiled as he sighed in defeat. "I love you, Bella. Please be careful, and will you please call me as

soon as you arrive?"
"I love you, too. And I'll call as soon as I land. Promise."
I hailed a cab and gave the driver the directions to Mom's house. Orlando was just as hot and
humid as I remembered, and apparently, the cab's AC wasn't working. It was a very long ten

miles. I spent the entire cab ride talking to Edward who wanted to hear every detail of my flight,
which included me taking a very long nap and reading a book. I promised to call him before I

went to bed, and we exchanged "I love you's." Every single phone conversation ended with
those words. It was sappy and sweet, and it never failed to bring a smile to my face.
Happy to be out of the hotter than hell cab, I quickly paid the man as I grabbed my bag and shut
the door. I turned toward the house and noticed the flowerbed along the sidewalk. Mom always

loved her flowers, while I killed everything I ever planted. We'd spent hours working in her
flowerbeds in Phoenix. It was nearly impossible to get plants to grow in the Phoenix sun, but

Mom always found some obscure plant that seemed to thrive in 100 degree heat.
Renee met me at the door with the biggest smile on her face. She looked happy and healthy.

She pulled me into the living room and wrapped her arms around me. The tension dissolved
between us instantly and I felt like I was home. I told her about Edward's family vacation and

Charlie's sad trip to Sequim. She listened with interest to both stories, and I was glad to have
something to babble about that didn't require me to lose my temper.
We talked for hours, and she asked very pointed questions about my relationship with Edward. I
smiled like an idiot when I confessed that we were in love and were planning to go to college

together. I blushed and stuttered as I confirmed that, yes, I was still a virgin. I almost said
"unfortunately," but I just wasn't ready to have that conversation with my mother. She was

surprised to hear that were going to college in Alaska, and I gave her the same excuses I gave to
Charlie. The tuition is cheap, and I've been accepted. She didn't dig deeper, and for that, I was

thankful. She didn't mention Phil at all. I wanted to know if she was happy. I wanted to know
that he was being good to her. But she didn't offer, and I didn't ask. We had a nice, relaxed

conversation, and I realized just how much I'd missed my mother.
After a very late dinner, I hugged her goodnight and climbed the stairs to the guest room. It was

after two in the morning when the time difference finally caught up with me. I was totally
exhausted. I decided to call Edward one more time before taking a shower and climbing into

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"Hmm….." I muttered as I searched for my phone. "Must be in my bag." I grumbled as I dumped

the contents onto the bed. I checked my pockets. In a panic, I ran to the top of the stairs. "Mom,
did I leave my phone down there?"
Silence filled the air. Maybe she couldn't hear me.
"Think Bella," I stammered, mentally retracing my steps. "When did you last use your phone?"
In the cab.
He was probably already on a flight to Orlando. I hadn't checked my phone in almost six hours,
and I knew there was no way he was still in Alaska. Hoping I could catch him, I flew down the

stairs. I was just getting ready to ask Renee for her cell phone when I heard a loud crash echo
from the kitchen. I rounded the corner just in time to see Phil slap my mother across the face. I

gasped and his head whipped around.
"Well, well….." he smirked as his arm gripped my mother's shoulder. She whimpered loudly, and

my stomach lurched. "If it isn't my beautiful stepdaughter. Welcome home, Bella."
My mother grabbed him by the shirt. "Don't touch her! You don't get to touch her ever again!"
With a growl, he shoved her against the kitchen table. I screamed as her head slammed against
the oak slab. She fell onto the linoleum floor, and blood began to ooze from her temple. I flew

to her side, screaming her name through my tears.
And then everything went black.

Chapter 17 – Fix You

Tears stream down your face

I promise you I will learn from my mistakes

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

"Fix You" ~ Coldplay

He was a dead man. He would beg me to spare his pathetic life. He would scream prayers of

mercy. He would shriek in terror when he realized there was no escape. He would die with the
sound of my maniacal laughter echoing in his ears.
These were certainties.
What was unclear was my means of brutality.
The options were multiple, but all of them seemed a little too humane. Anything short of a slow
and painful demise would fail to appease me. He deserved nothing less than complete and utter

agony as he entered the gates of hell.
"You're changing paths so quickly, Edward. My head is going to explode." Alice whispered as she

pressed her fingers to her temple, her knees pulled tight against her chest. I'd never seen my

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sister in so much pain.
As if I needed another reason to destroy him.
We'd been hunting in Glacier Bay when Alice had suddenly fallen to her knees, gripping her head
in spasms of pain. Nothing could console her, not even Jasper's touch and subtle gift. He'd

carried her back to the house as she began mumbling Bella's name. Emmett immediately dialed
Bella's cell phone and reached a young girl by the name of Ashlee who had found the phone in a

cab and decided to claim it as her own. Emmett then tried calling Charlie, but his phone was
turned off.
"Why the fuck would a sheriff turn off his phone?" Emmett had bellowed in despair.
Carlisle explained that Charlie was probably at the funeral, and Esme suggested that we should

take the first flight to Orlando and rushed to make arrangements. I agreed, but that was the last
of my rational thoughts because, at that moment, I could see the vision forming in Alice's mind.
My life, my Bella, crumpled on her mother's kitchen floor.
Bloody and battered.
I've lived a long time, and I've felt excruciating pain. I thought my turning was the most painful
experience of my life. But even that paled in comparison to the image of Bella's beautiful face

streaming with blood and caked with bruises.
I'd erupted with a roar and fell to my knees.
"You've waited too long, Edward," Tanya had smirked. "You left her your fragile little human for
too long."
Like a raging cyclone, Rosalie flew down the stairs and wrapped her hands around Tanya's
throat. A shocked Tanya made a gurgling noise as she struggled against my sister. "You jealous

bitch. Even if he didn't love Bella, Edward would never touch you. You're a disgusting succubus
who can only fucking dream about finding her mate. You are so jealous you can't see straight.

Shut the fuck up and be our family like you claim to be."
I was grateful to all of them because I was rendered useless. They'd made all of the

arrangements and had all but carried me to the airport. We'd been in the air for over three
hours when Emmett finally announced he'd found Charlie. He handed me the airfone and I

proceeded to tell my future father-in-law everything that I'd promised to keep a secret. Bella
would have to forgive me. Charlie could use his contacts in law enforcement and maybe, just

maybe, we could save her. So I told him everything. The slaps. The curses. My fight with Phil in
Phoenix. Bella's fight with her mom in Orlando. Bella begging me to keep it a secret. Bella

making the trip this weekend. Bella losing her cell phone. Phil's unexpected arrival home. I told
him everything except the image of Bella in Alice's vision. I would spare him that, for now. One

of us had to stay sane, and my lunacy was at a fever pitch. He was taking the first flight out of
Seattle, and with that flight taking six hours, we'd all be reaching Orlando around the same time.
I wallowed in my misery, and I could find no comfort in my sister. My Alice, always so joyous and
faithful, was simmering in her own anguish and self-disgust. She'd seen nothing suspicious for

the weekend and I'd allowed that peaceful premonition to keep me in Anchorage. She'd
watched Phil's every move, of course, and fell to her knees when she realized he was headed

home early. The convention, usually littered with prostitutes and booze, was woefully boring
this year, so he'd made the snap decision to head home. By the time his decision was made, it

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was too late. Alice had loved Bella longer than any of us, and she was more than her best friend.
She was her sister. Alice was scared. And that scared the hell out of me.
"What do you see, Alice?"
Alice squinted her eyes. "Same as before. She's alive. He won't kill her. He figures it'll bring you

out of hiding. He wants revenge. He thinks he can kill you. That's all I'm getting." She closed her
eyes once more, willing herself to concentrate despite her pain.
I knew I should ask about Renee, but I couldn't find enough generosity in me to form the
question. Renee is not my priority. She is not my life.
"An officer has found them. He's taking them to the hospital."
Relief washed through me. These were the first words she'd uttered in hours.
"And Phil?" Carlisle asked.
"On the run."
"That's good," Emmett grinned. "I want to hunt him down like the dog he is. He's a dead man,
and he knows it. Let him run. We'll find him."
"And when we do, he's mine," I growled.
Carlisle simply nodded. I didn't need his permission, but it was nice to know that he supported

my decision. It'd been a long time since I'd killed a human. I was still contemplating how best to
render my sentence when the captain announced we were landing in Orlando.
As soon as the plane touched down, I grabbed my phone to check for messages from Charlie. I
had five voice mails, all repeating that he'd landed and was at Orlando Regional. Both Renee and

Bella were alive. Bella was unconscious. Renee's arm was in a cast, but otherwise, was in good
health. Both pieces of news enraged me. Part of me realized that I should feel ashamed for

wishing that her mother was lying in Bella's place, but I couldn't quite bring myself to feel bad
Renee is not my priority.
As if fate was on our sides, we'd landed in the city just as twilight was falling on Orlando. My

wonderful and devoted mother had enough insight to rent two cars when she booked our
flights, so transportation wasn't an issue. I grabbed the keys to one of the cars and wasn't

surprised to see Alice and Jasper racing behind me as I made my way to the parking lot.
"We're with you," Jasper announced. "Alice wouldn't have it any other way. And she says I

should drive."
"Just get me to Bella," I pleaded in a strangled voice as I tossed him the keys. I was very quickly

losing what little sanity I had left.
Within fifteen minutes, we pulled into the emergency room parking lot of Orlando Regional. I

didn't even wait for Jasper to park the car before I opened the passenger door, leapt out onto
the pavement, and raced through the sliding doors. I ignored the muttered curses and shouts of

the people lined along the corridor as I focused on finding Charlie's thoughts or Bella's scent. I
was greeted with both as I turned the corner, and her sweet fragrance nearly brought me to my

knees. But the image of her father on his own knees stopped me in my tracks.
"Charlie?" I whimpered. The man looked as if he'd been set on fire. My stomach lurched. To see

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this strong man brought to his knees was more than I could stand. Alice's sweet thoughts
trickled in my mind.
She's okay, Edward. He's just worried because she's still unconscious.
"She won't wake up…" he whispered through gritted teeth. "She's shaking uncontrollably and

the doctors say they've done everything they can do. Shock or something. They promise me she
isn't in pain, but I just don't believe…." His voiced trailed off as he struggled to catch his breath.

"She has to be in pain, doesn't she? Why else would she be trembling?"
'Charlie, it's okay," Alice rounded the corner and fell down to the floor, grabbing him by the

shoulders and hugging him tightly. He'd have bruises tomorrow. "She's going to be okay. Go
Edward…." She motioned toward the door.
Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and turned the knob.
The tiny room was echoing with the constant beeping of her heart monitor and the sound of the

oxygen tank next to her bed. Her smell permeated the air, and my heart finally unclenched. She
was alive. She was here. She was going to be okay.
And then I opened my eyes.
Bella was lying flat on her back, and I instantly wished that I could adjust her position. She

despised lying on her back. She preferred to lie on her side, or in my arms, but never on her
My heart sank and rage engulfed my mind as I saw my Bella, bruised and battered. Bandages
had been placed on her forehead, along her chin, and along her right cheek. A cast was on her

right foot. And just as Charlie had described, she was shaking uncontrollably. Her head was
thrashing from side to side and it was a movement with which I was familiar. It was the same

movements she displayed whenever she was having a nightmare.
"She's been doing that for hours," a woman's voice echoed behind me. "The doctors think she's

in shock." She took a steadying breath. "Hello, Edward."
I didn't bother to turn around. "Hello, Renee."
Without any further acknowledgement of the woman standing behind me, I leaned over the
hospital bed. I had no interest in formally greeting the mother of the woman I loved. Renee was

unimportant right now. Calming Bella was my only concern.
Her body twitched as I very gently grasped the tiny hand that was peeking out from under the

blanket. Her hospital identification bracelet was wrapped around her wrist.
"Bella…." I whispered gently. "I'm here, sweetheart. Everything's going to be okay." I leaned

closer and brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes. "Everything's okay now. You're safe. I'm here."
I continued whispering her name and telling her that I loved her as I softly stroked her cheek.

With my voice and my touch, her heartbeat began to decrease and her body began to relax. I
slowly pulled her hand to my mouth and brushed my lips across her bruised knuckles.
"Open those beautiful eyes, Bella," I murmured softly. "I've missed seeing them so much. Open
your eyes, sweetheart." I continued mumbling to her as I placed soft kisses along the few parts

of her face that hadn't required a bandage. A soft sigh escaped her lips, and the sound was
glorious. I heard Renee gasp behind me, her thoughts a jumble of disbelief and excitement. She

then flew out the door to find Charlie.

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I was persistent with my whispers as I reminded Bella that she was my life, my world…and that
everyone who loved her was just outside the door, just waiting for her to open her eyes. I

intertwined my fingers with hers, and I was gratified to feel her slightly grasp my hand. Within
minutes, her trembling had subsided and her breathing was normal. "That's right, my love. Slow,

easy breaths. Come back to me, Bella."
I vaguely noticed Charlie and Renee's footsteps as they crept through the doorway. His thoughts

were still anxious, but her relaxed posture and breathing was giving him the opportunity to
believe that perhaps she was going to be okay.
"She's going to be fine," I whispered for his benefit.
He sighed in relief. "She already looks better. The trembling has stopped…"
I heard Renee laugh quietly. "The doctors couldn't do a thing for her. She'd torn her IV out twice.
We've been trying to soothe her for hours. We didn't know what to do for her. Didn't know

what she needed…" her voice trailed off in despair for her daughter. "And then Edward walks
At that moment, Bella whispered my name, and sweet relief flowed through every cell in my
body. It was a mere whisper, but it was heavenly to my ears. I stroked her cheek with my

fingers. "I'm right here, love. Open your eyes."
Carlisle and Alice floated into the room, and it was all the confirmation that I needed. She was

coming back to me.
Her eyes fluttered softly, glazed with confusion and exhaustion. She gripped my hand tighter,

and I was thrilled with the strength she was exhibiting. It was a feather touch to me, of course,
but it was strong. She blinked a few times before finally locking her gaze with mine.
"There's my beautiful girl," I smiled, bringing her hand to my lips. She sighed peacefully and
relaxed against the mattress. I kept my eyes on her face as her parents whispered their hellos

and kissed her forehead. Alice gave her a soft hug as Carlisle took the opportunity to flip through
her chart. I'd been too preoccupied to realize it was there, but Carlisle confirmed that she'd

been suffering from shock; the most serious of her injuries was the broken foot. She would be
just fine.
"Mom, are you okay?" Bella whispered gently.
"I'm fine," Renee murmured, and my mind absorbed the mental images flashing through her

memories. I closed my eyes, unwilling to let the visions flood my senses. I would deal with them
"Where is he?" Bella wondered aloud.
"We'll find him," Charlie snarled, and I was satisfied to see that his murderous thoughts

mirrored my own. "Now that you're awake, the Orlando PD is going to want a statement. I wish
it could wait, but Renee was unconscious, so you're the only witness. And the quicker we get

your statement…."
"The quicker we find him," I finished his thought, and his eyes locked with mine. His eyes were

ablaze with fury and revenge, and I knew my onyx gaze echoed his desires.
He's decided to go back to the house.
Alice's voice fills my head, and I attempt to keep my expression clear as she whispers frantically

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to Carlisle.
Edward, I think it's best that you don't listen as she makes her statement. It will only infuriate

you more, and perhaps this would be a good time to follow Alice's lead?
I am grateful for Carlisle's suggestion. He realizes the only thing that could tear me from Bella's

side is the opportunity to render my punishment. I nodded in agreement.
"I love you, Bella." I leaned over the bed to softly kiss her forehead.
"I love you," she whispered tiredly.
I smiled. "While you're making your statement, I'm going to go with your father to Renee's

house. I want to see if we can find any clues to Phil's whereabouts." I glanced at Charlie and his
eyebrows rose in surprise. I nodded at him before turning back to her. "Your mom is here. Alice

and the rest of the family are right outside the door. We won't be gone long."
"Edward," she whispered anxiously as she grasped my hand. "What are you going to do if you

find him? Promise me you'll let the police handle this."
Her eyes locked with mine, and I ached with sadness. I wished I could make that promise. I

wished I could assure her that, when we find him, we'll hand him over to the Orlando PD where
he'll be placed in a jail cell and await trial. I know this is what she wants to hear. I gazed into her

wide chocolate eyes, and my heart broke with the knowledge that I cannot give her what she
wants. Not this time.
"I love you, Bella."
Noticing I didn't promise, her eyes narrowed as she glanced at her father and back to me. Our

expressions must have been reflective of our homicidal thoughts because, at that moment, her
heart rate began to increase.
"Shhh, Bella….." I murmur as I kiss her cheek and lean down next to her ear. "I will take care of
your father. I promise that we will both come back to you, safe and sound."
"Miss Swan, do you feel up to answering some questions?" Renee led the detective into the
room. I squeezed her hand and kissed her forehead before grabbing the car keys from Alice and

pulling Charlie out the door.
"Why are we going to the house?" He asked in confusion as we raced out the hospital doors and

toward the rental car. I sped down the highway and I heard Charlie's heart accelerate as I quickly
exceeded the speed limit.
"Because he's there."
Charlie growled in fury. "And you think I'm just going to sit back and watch you kill him?"
"You don't have to watch," I shrugged indifferently. Perhaps bringing Charlie had been a bad
idea. Maybe I had misinterpreted his anger.
His voice was a dead whisper. "I can't let you do that, Edward."
My furious rage threatened to send the vehicle careening off the road. "I'm not asking for your

permission, Charlie."
He sighed. "Edward, my daughter loves you. She needs you. Today, you were able to do what

her doctors, her parents, and all of the damn medications couldn't do. You calmed her. You took
care of her. She'd been shaking like a leaf for hours, and all you did was hold her hand and tell

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her you love her. That's all it took. She needs you, and I can see that you love her. She will need
you when I'm no longer around."
I failed to see his point. "He's a dead man, Charlie."
"Damn right. But you won't be the one who kills him."
Charlie unzipped his jacket and pulled his handgun from the confines of his pocket, the chrome
of the handle reflecting off the lights of the highway. He then reached into another pocket,

retrieving his badge. His fingers stroked the silver shield.
My eyes flickered with understanding.
"Charlie, you're a police officer…."
His eyes locked with mine before tossing the shield into the glove compartment, closing it with

his clenched fist.
"Not tonight," he whispered with determination, his eyes ablaze. My eyes flashed back to the

road as I pulled into the driveway of Renee's house.
"Tonight, I'm a father."
Phil's stench permeated the house. It was dark inside, but finding him would be simple. His
beating heart was all that was required to pinpoint his exact location. We tiptoed through the

house, careful to avoid any noise that would alert Phil to our arrival. Charlie's police training
gave him a naïve sense of direction and procedure, but it was obvious he was well-trained and

serious about his profession. He suggested we split up, and I agreed to indulge him. His thoughts
were intent on keeping me as far away from Phil as possible, and I had allowed him to believe

that I was content with this plan. But I knew that I had to keep Charlie safe, if for no other
reason than for the sake of Bella's sanity. Back at the hospital, her eyes reflected her fear for

both of us, but she knew that Phil couldn't actually hurt me. But he could hurt her father, and I
had to ensure his protection. It was imperative that I find Phil before Charlie had the chance to

release the safety on that gun.
Phil was hellbent on revenge. His ego had been severely bruised after our fight in Phoenix, and

he stupidly thought he could put me in my place. I was certainly going to allow him the
opportunity. And I'd try to contain my laughter before I ripped out his throat.
Suddenly, a steady heartbeat echoed below my feet. Realizing there must be a basement, I
searched for an interior door that would provide me with a descending staircase. I found that

door in the kitchen. I opened the door swiftly, hoping he heard me. I was rewarded with a sharp
increase in his heart rate and a quiet groan. His thoughts bombarded my mind. He assumed I

was the police. I couldn't resist smiling as I made my way down the stairs, closing the door
behind me. His stench was easy to find, crouched in the corner behind the water heater,

covered with a blanket. With a growl, I ripped away the cover and found him curled into a fetal
position on the basement floor. His eyes locked with mine, the relief evident on his face as he

Fucking punk. Thought he was the cops. This is absolutely perfect.
"I couldn't agree more," I murmured lazily. "This is perfect."
Stunned that I could vocalize his inner thoughts, his eyes narrowed as he slowly rose to his feet.

I bared my teeth with a growl and almost laughed as his heart thumped wildly. I'd have to be

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better at controlling my natural instincts. I certainly wouldn't want him to have a heart attack
before I had to chance to kill him.
His thoughts were a twisted mess of fear, arrogance, and calculation. We circled each other, and
I was enjoying myself, allowing him the naïve assumption that he actually had a chance of

surviving this encounter.
"This dance is ridiculous," he finally muttered, charging toward me. Instantly, I had my hand

wrapped around his throat. He sputtered for air before I kicked him in the stomach, sending him
spiraling against the staircase.
"What the fuck?" He groaned in pain as I crouched in front of him. I could afford to let my
defenses down for a few moments. It wasn't as if he was going to live long enough to form any

opinions about my behavior. I pounced again, grabbing him by the torso and throwing him
against the far wall of the basement. His limp body fell against the washing machine.
Unfortunately, his heart was still beating.
I roared, the sound echoing off the concrete walls. "You will never have the chance to touch

Bella ever again. I spared your life in Phoenix. I won't be as merciful this time."
"Please….." he whimpered as I sailed through the air, landing at his feet. "Please don't kill

With a growl, I grabbed him by the throat and lifted him into the air. Pushing him against the

wall, I brushed my marble lips against his pulsing neck. His legs dangled furiously in the air as I
revealed my personal weapon of choice. He screamed in horror as his eyes locked on my teeth. I

roared in anticipation, tossing his body swiftly across the room and against the staircase once
again. I was crouched and ready to pounce when an ear-splitting gunshot erupted from the top

of the stairs. The bullet sailed through the air, lodging itself in Phil's temple. The ceasing of his
heartbeat confirmed the accuracy of the shot, and his dead body dangled along the railing of the

staircase. I leapt to the landing, and my gaze traveled to the top of the stairs.
Renee was standing at the door with Charlie's gun in her hand.

Chapter 18 - Independence Day

Let freedom ring; let the white doves sing

Let the whole world know that today

Is a day of reckoning

Let the weak be strong; let the right be wrong

Roll the stone away; let the guilty pay

It's Independence Day.

"Independence Day" ~ Martina McBride

Her eyes were glazed. Emotionless. Cold.
And then she smiled.
"I've still got it," she murmured as she walked gingerly down the steps, the gun still aimed in

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Phil's direction. "Charlie always said I was a good shot."
"Renee…." I repeated, recognizing the chrome handle of Charlie's revolver. Had she shot him,

too? I searched her mind and sighed with relief. No, he was fine.
"Hand me the gun, Renee." I climbed over Phil's lifeless body and extended my hand. "It's all

over now. You're safe. Bella is safe. He's gone."
"Yes," she smiled, her grip on reality completely unhinged. Her wide eyes remained fixated on

her husband's body as she crept down the stairs. Blood seeped from his temple. I was surprised
at the lack of venom in my throat. Ironic. Even my body recoiled at the scent of that bastard's

"Seems almost merciful, though." Her voice was raspy. "Just one shot? What's the fun in that?"
"Renee…." I whispered, extending my arm once again. "Please give me the gun. I don't want you
to hurt yourself."
She laughed, but the laugh was cold. Dead. "I've done nothing but hurt myself and my daughter
for the past seven years. I should really save a bullet for myself, don't you think? Just one…"
"No…" I urged softly. Her thoughts ranged from frantic to subdued. "Bella needs you, Renee. She
loves you. She forgives you. Don't do that to her. Don't leave her without a mother."
An image of a teenage Renee at a funeral. The name on the gravestone revealed "Marie
Bella's namesake. Her grandmother. Renee had witnessed her mother's funeral.
I was relieved when she finally nodded. "I know. I wouldn't do that to her. Burying your mother

isn't a childhood memory you wish to have. I should know."
More memories. A young Renee watching as her father unleashed his fury on her mother.
"It's a vicious cycle, and it stops here," she proclaimed with finality. Her eyes locked with mine.
"Edward, please step away from his body. I'm still a pretty good shot, apparently, but I don't

want to take any chances. You're too important to my daughter's survival, and I don't want to
cause her anymore pain."
Her thoughts were murderous. Vengeful. Her eyes gazed at Phil once again, and with once last
glimpse into her head, I nodded and stepped away. I couldn't refuse her. I wouldn't deny her the

chance to feel that she deserved her daughter's forgiveness. I wouldn't try to stop her. I didn't
want to.
With a wicked smile, Renee leaned over the body and fired. Once. Twice. And then again. Twice
more, until every last bullet ravaged his body. The clicking of the empty chamber was the

corpse's only refuge as it lay mangled at the bottom of the stairs.
The gun finally ceased its usefulness, and she tossed it to the floor. I looked at her face, and I

couldn't help but smile at the tranquility reflecting from it.
She was finally at peace.
I offered my hand. Without another look at his body, she accepted my hand and I pulled her into
my cold embrace.
"I can't believe I endangered her life. Again. I invited her to my home, confident that Phil and his
monstrous hands would be out of town, and I could take the opportunity to mend fences with

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my daughter. My only daughter. The only person I love in this entire world.
Shame has been spiraling through my veins for years. I've hurt her repeatedly throughout her

life. My abuse had begun the day my marriage to her father ended with the flick of the lawyer's
pen. I'd packed her bags and moved her to Phoenix – away from her father, her elementary

school, her friends, and the only home she'd ever known.
My cruelty continued when I introduced her future stepfather into her life. To be fair, I had no

idea that Phil could be violent. Our romance was whirlwind and spontaneous, the type of love
story that I'd always read about in my collection of Harlequin novels. Wild and untamed.

Passionate. Exactly the type of relationship I'd wanted in all my years with Charlie. But Charlie
was blue-collar and serious. Phil was glamorous and fun. He rubbed shoulders with and

represented some of the top professional athletes in the world. His career was skyrocketing, and
I was thrilled to play my role as the happy homemaker and mother while my every want and

need was satisfied. We'd married quickly, and from that day forward, I'd never had to worry
about paying the bills, buying groceries, or holding down a job. We weren't wealthy thanks to

the enormous debts Phil brought into the marriage, but his salary more than tripled mine, so it
was decided very early that I would stay home with Bella, something I'd always dreamed of

being able to do.
Phil hit me for the first time on our one-year anniversary. Over our celebratory dinner, I'd

casually mentioned that I'd love to accompany him on his next business trip. He refused, and I
persisted. When I wouldn't drop the issue, he grabbed me by the elbow and led me out of the

crowded restaurant, waiting until the valet had walked away from the car before slapping me
across the face.
I was stunned. He'd never lost his temper. Had never raised his voice. And something so silly had
set him off. The next morning, as I was searching for make-up to cover the mark on my face,

he'd apologized profusely and promised to never let it happen again. I'd simply nodded as I
rubbed the concealer along my bruise, just as I'd watched my mother do countless times when I

was a little girl. She'd been right. Applied slowly and carefully, you could hardly see the blemish.
This was important, as I could never let Bella see the evidence.
Time passed, and Phil's temper was affected by his successes or failures at work. The violence
continued, of course. I'd learned long ago that abusers rarely keep their promises. But he'd

never touched Bella, and I was willing to play my role as long as that remained true.
Then, one day, she brought home a "C" on some exam. He'd been drinking, and he slapped her.

My blood had run cold, and I shipped her off to her father's house. Phil beat me repeatedly that
weekend, and the lies and threats were the stereotypical abusive garbage. He'd kill me. He'd kill

her. He'd take her away from me. He'd leave me alone and penniless. I was petrified of losing
my daughter. I knew his threats were ridiculous – what judge would take a daughter away from

her mother and hand her over to an abusive stepfather? But I was naïve and stupid. And Phil
had friends. Powerful friends. Friends who could create problems when needed, or sweep issues

under the rug when necessary. Keeping arrogant, overpaid athletes out of jail was Phil's niche,
and he'd made friends with crooked cops, ruthless lawyers, and corrupt judges throughout his

career. I was assured a simple custody case would be easily handled. And I would not win.
I realize I should have forced her to live with Charlie. I did seriously consider this. But Charlie

worked crazy hours and she wasn't even a teenager yet. She'd be alone in Forks, and that wasn't
safe, either. It would have been safer than bringing her home to Phil. I realize that. But in my

convoluted mind, I convinced myself it was better for her if she was in the house so that I could

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protect her. But that was a lie. It was only better for me in that, by keeping Bella in the house, I
had someone who loved me. I convinced myself that I could take the harsh beatings if he only

slapped her around occasionally. He never hit her like he hit me. And I somehow used that
knowledge to justify my selfishness.
Just like my mother before me.
And just like my mother, I had failed my daughter.
I won't deny I was jealous of your family, Edward. She instantly fell in love with all of you, and I
could feel her slipping through my fingers. Charlie assured me that she was loved and protected

in your home, and that knowledge gave me peace. That's why I never complained when she'd
beg to stay a few extra weeks, or to make a surprise trip through the school year. If she was in

Forks, she was out of Phil's reach. And since Charlie condoned it, Phil never argued. Phil never
wished to tangle with Charlie. I realize that is something I could have used – should have used

to my advantage. But the tangled web of abuse is rarely rational.
You're so possessive of her, Edward. So fiercely protective. Your eyes are always observant,

taking in her surroundings, ready to save her. You even anticipate when she's going to trip over
her own two feet. But you had roared through our house in Phoenix, and I'd found Phil lying

unconscious on the floor. I misread the signs. Phil was protective of me, too, anticipating my
every desire, and I saw where that devotion led. I couldn't subject my daughter to that. The

cycle had to be broken, once and for all.
So we argued, and she left me standing in my kitchen. She has her father's fighting spirit, and I

refused to listen. The last couple of months have been hell. She wouldn't answer my calls or
return my emails. I knew Charlie had no idea what had happened between us. I'd call once a

week to check on her, and he'd offer the standard answers. I could tell that she'd said nothing to
him, and I was both relieved and saddened. It was as if the fight didn't matter to her. My little

girl had grown up, and she'd realized that I'd failed her. So I was elated when she accepted my
invitation to visit. It was like old times, and everything was perfect until Bella went upstairs and

Phil walked through the front door.
He heard someone upstairs. Assuming I had a man in my bed, he'd slapped me across the face.

And then Bella appeared, and I saw his face light up. I screamed that he'd never touch her again,
and he pushed me against the table. I remember hitting my head and hearing Bella's scream.

That's all I remember until I woke up in the hospital with Charlie standing over my bed. I have no
idea what he did to Bella while I was blacked out, and that lack of knowledge will plague me for

the rest of my days. She's strong, you know. I doubt she'll ever tell me. She'll want to spare me
that grief. She'll want to protect me. She'll want to do for me what I should have done for her.
I realize what a fool I've been. My daughter was lying in that hospital bed, hooked up to
machines, bruised and battered, and shaking uncontrollably. We'd pleaded with the doctors to

help her. The worst case of shock they'd ever seen, they whispered, as she ripped out another IV
with her trembling. Charlie just stared at her and cried. I'd never seen Charlie cry, not even

when we buried his father, or when our divorce was final. He was always so emotionless. But
the sight of his daughter in that bed brought him to convulsions.
And then you walked in, Edward. You knew what she needed. You knew how to take care of her.
You simply stroked her face and told her you loved her. You told her she was safe. So simple, but

the transformation was unbelievable and immediate. I could literally see her body unclench
when she heard your voice and felt your touch. It's obvious that she belongs with you. You love

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her. And I know that "love" isn't a strong enough word. You adore her. You worship her. And she
feels the same about you.
But when you looked at her bruises, I saw the murderous gleam in your eye. I saw the same rage
in Charlie's face. If either of you found Phil, you'd kill him. It was a simple fact. And I knew he

deserved it. But I also understood that neither of you should be responsible for his death. I'd
made this mess, and it was my job to clean it up.
I recognized the nod between the two of you, and I knew that you'd located Phil. I didn't know
how you figured it out, and I didn't care. I knew you weren't coming to the house to search for

clues. He was here. I was absolutely sure of it. So I followed you.
Bella needs her father. And you. She would never be able to live without you, Edward. One or

both of you would go to prison, and I knew I couldn't let that happen. She deserves happiness. I
owed her that much. I could give that to her. Finally.
I found Charlie upstairs. I was surprised to see that you had split up. He was searching in my
bedroom closet when he whirled around, his eyes wide with shock at seeing my face. And then I

hit him over the head with the vase of flowers I'd grabbed from the nightstand. Roses that Phil
had given me just before he left town. As if fate was on my side, Charlie's revolver dropped out

of his hand as he crumpled to the floor. I checked his pulse. It was steady and strong. I kissed his
forehead and apologized before grabbing the gun and making my way downstairs.
The sounds coming from the basement were deafening. I could hear Phil's whimpering as I
opened the door leading down the stairs. I heard the roar of an animal, and I listened intently as

Phil begged for mercy. It was a sweet sound. I couldn't find it in my heart to feel pity for him as I
heard his body being tossed around like a limp dishrag, his screams intensifying with each of the

animal's snarls. I had no idea what type of monster was in my basement. And while I felt
appreciative of its involvement, I once again reminded myself that this was my mess to clean up.

My problem to fix.
So I stepped down onto the first step. It had been a long time since I'd shot a gun. Charlie had

insisted I take lessons and get my permit way back before Bella was even born. But I'd always
been a good shot. I had a great eye, the instructor had praised. I remember how proud Charlie

had been. At the time, I found it funny. What a strange thing to be proud of – that your wife had
the accuracy of a sniper. But that was Charlie.
I raised the gun just as the beast that was tormenting my husband tossed him against the
stairwell. I couldn't see the animal. I didn't look closely. I just aimed.
One shot. That's all it took. But it wasn't enough. Not nearly enough. I knew it wasn't necessary,
but that mattered very little to me. I was free. My daughter was free. And the two most

important people in her world, you and Charlie, will be there to love her and keep her safe while
I am away."
Her tired, peaceful eyes finally turned to me as she ended her confession.
"Edward, promise me that you'll take care of her. That you'll always love her. I know that you

will. I just need to hear it."
I took her hands in mine, and I wasn't surprised when she didn't flinch at my cold touch.
Like mother, like daughter.
"Renee, I promise that I will always love and protect your daughter. She will always be adored

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and cared for. You have my word."
"Thank you." And for the first time, I saw Bella's smile reflected in her mother's face.
"She has your lovely smile."
She nodded. "And Charlie's beautiful brown eyes. And you have her precious heart."
"As she has mine," I whispered.
"Go to her."
"Yes, go to Bella," Charlie's voice echoed from the top of the stairs, gazing on the scene below
him. Of course, I'd known he was there. He'd been there since Renee finished emptying the

contents of his gun into Phil's tortured body. I had merely ignored him. He'd needed to hear the
story, too.
"Alright," I was relieved. I missed her terribly. I smiled before taking Renee's hand in mine.
"Thank you, Renee."
Her eyes narrowed in confusion. "Thank me? For what?"
"For her."
Her eyes glistened with tears as I squeezed her hand and made my way up the stairs. Charlie
shifted to let me pass. Without a word, he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into a fatherly

"Thank you," he stammered. "Thank you for protecting my daughter."
"I will always protect her," I vowed.
"I know." He squinted his eyes at me. "You know, she's going to have a lot of questions. What

are you going to tell her?"
"The truth," I explained. "I won't lie to her."
He nodded. "Agreed. But can we hold off until we get back to Forks? We have…." He glanced
down at Phil's dead body. "…..we have some things to clean up here. And I want to make sure

that we have our stories straight." I could hear the scenarios running through his head, all of
them plausible. Our alibis. The body. Renee. The gun. The car. At that point, his years of police

experience kicked into overdrive. His ideas were solid. He was a fine policeman. But right now,
Charlie was still being a father.
I agreed to wait until Forks before revealing anything to Bella. Knowing he'd need them, I tossed
him the keys to the rental car before running out the front door and into the black Orlando


Chapter 19 – Home

I'm going home

To the place where I belong

Where your love has always been enough for me

"Home" ~ Daughtry


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"The house looks just the way I remember it," Mom whispered as she made her way through
Charlie's kitchen. I stumbled behind on my crutches, while Charlie and Edward carried our bags

"Are you hungry?" I asked, doubting if there was actually any food in the house. "We could

order a pizza or something."
"Sweet Bella," Mom smiled, pulling me into an awkward hug thanks to my crutches. "Always

taking care of me."
"Always," I whispered. I would not cry again. I've cried enough during the past three weeks. This

was a time of healing. For all of us. My family was safe and, for the first time in six years, we
were together in this kitchen.
She smiled tiredly. "I'm just going to go upstairs and get some sleep. That's a long flight from
Orlando, isn't it?"
"It is." I agreed and bit my lip nervously. Best just to get this out of the way now. "Mom, I hate
to desert you. But you'll need your own room, and since I can't maneuver the stairs, I'm going to

spend the night with the Cullens. I hope that's okay."
"Of course it is," she smiled genuinely. "They are such good people, aren't they? And

Edward….Oh, Bella… he's wonderful. He loves you so much. I'm so glad you've found him."
"I'm so glad you've gotten to know him," I whispered. "He's important to me. You have no idea

how important…"
"Oh, I think I do," she smiled sweetly. "Goodnight, sweetheart."
And I knew that's all she'd say about it. She and Edward had become close since the night of
Phil's death. I'd even seen my dad pull Edward into a fatherly hug more than once over the past

three weeks. I was thrilled of course, but I was still trying to fill in the blanks of everything that
had happened since that night. And no one had seemed eager to tell me.
That was all going to change tonight.
I didn't have to read Bella's mind to know that she was going to demand answers tonight. It was
written all over her face, and honestly, I was glad the night had arrived. Charlie had made me

promise to wait until we returned to Forks, and I'd agreed, but I'd hated every moment of it.
Seeing her face twisted in confusion for the past three weeks had been agony. The last three

weeks had been hell for everyone involved.
"Let me carry you to bed," I offered after we'd said goodnight to our family. She didn't argue,

and I was glad. She nestled her head against my chest as I climbed the stairs. I kicked the
bedroom door open and sat her down on the bed, trying to avoid her broken foot. I kneeled

before her and took both of her hands in mine, kissing each one as I stared into her eyes. With a
sweet smile, she raised her hands above her head, and I pulled the hem of her shirt up and over

her head. She unbuttoned her jeans, and I slowly pulled them down to the floor.
"You're so beautiful," I whispered gently, caressing her cheek with my fingers. "But it's cold. Let

me get you a t-shirt."
"Give me this one," she smiled, pointing at the shirt I was wearing. "It already smells like you."
I quickly pulled the shirt over my head and slid it through her arms. She leaned back against the

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pillows as I pulled the blanket around her.
"I know you have questions, and I'm going to answer all of them," I whispered as I lay down

beside of her. "But you're so tired. Why don't you sleep tonight, and tomorrow, we'll spend the
whole day talking. I'll explain everything."
"No," she whispered stubbornly. "I'm tired of waiting for an explanation. I deserve to know
exactly what happened the night of Phil's death, and everything that's happened since then. I'm

so tired of everyone trying to protect me…." Her voice was exhausted and weak, and my heart
broke, realizing my silence had added to her pain.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart." I answered earnestly. "I hated every moment of that. I wanted to tell
you everything from the start. But…."
"I know," she murmured, placing her hand against my cheek. I turned my head to kiss her palm.
"It was a gigantic mess, and things had to be settled. I know. And now that things are settled, I'd

like the whole story."
"Of course," I whispered, kissing her temple softly. I pulled her against my chest and held her

close and I began to fill in the blanks of the night of Phil's death. Our fight. Renee's shooting
rampage. Her confession at the bottom of the stairs.
"And then Mom was arrested," she concluded.
"Yes. Charlie and I had actually considered disposing of Phil's body, but your dad was afraid that

tampering with evidence would just make things worse for Renee. Besides, Renee insisted on
confessing. She wanted the lies to end. So Charlie called a friend of his on the Orlando police

force, and Renee confessed everything."
"Everything?" Bella's eyes were wide.
"Yes," I explained. "The years of abuse in Phoenix, for starters." Bella's eyes grew wider as I
recounted Renee's confession. She began weeping when she realized that Renee's years of

abuse had been worse than she had originally thought.
"So Mom was arrested…." Bella wiped her tears as she prompted me to continue the story.
"Yes, but you already know that part of the story. She was booked and spent the night in jail
until her preliminary hearing the next afternoon."
She nodded. "And the DA was lenient…."
"Very. We were never more surprised than when Alice saw that, due to the years of emotional

and physical abuse, the DA had decided to ask the judge to set bail. That can be extremely rare
in murder cases. Renee was very lucky."
As soon as Alice had her vision, Carlisle had contacted the bank in Forks to wire the funds to
Orlando's First National Bank. Charlie had offered to take out a second mortgage on his house to

help Renee make bail, but my father had begged him to let us do this…if not for Renee, then for
Bella. At that moment, I'd never been more grateful to my family.
"How much was bail?" She asked.
"Bail was set at $250,000."
Her eyes narrowed. "And she was expected to come up with 10% of that, right?"
"How did you know that?"

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She shrugged. "Dad's a cop. I get stuck watching a lot of Law and Order when I'm at his house."
I laughed and kissed her forehead. "You're right."
"So $25,000…." She marveled. "Dad doesn't have that kind of money."
I pressed my lips to her temple. "It was taken care of. Don't worry."
She nodded, and I was grateful when she didn't ask any further questions about the money.
Bella had never been one to accept extravagant gifts, especially from me or my family. The first

edition of Anne of Green Gables was, to date, the most expensive gift she'd ever accepted. I
tried to suppress my grin as I thought about my mother's wedding ring and its value. I knew I

would have to forever hide the worth of that particular piece of jewelry from Bella.
Just as soon as I get it on her finger.
"So Mom made bail…" she prompted me to continue.
"Renee made bail, and the District Attorney shocked us even more by deciding not to press

charges. She told the judge that Renee had suffered enough, and this particular night, she was
acting in self-defense."
"And you were an eyewitness to that…"
I nodded. "That's where things became a bit tricky and we had to get our stories straight.

Actually, your mother was never in danger. I never would have let him touch her, and besides,
Phil was nearly dead by the time she shot him. But she fired the gun, and he died instantly. And

then she shot him five more times, which would probably lead to a trial and an insanity plea.
Charlie thought the cops wouldn't dig too deeply if we said it was self-defense, and she had the

marks on her face to prove it."
"So you lied to save my mother…"
"We stretched the truth. Regardless, we still expected jail time. We were just hoping it wouldn't
be a life sentence. She shot him six times, after all. We got very lucky with the DA. She has a soft

spot for domestic abuse victims."
"What was that like?" She wondered, stroking my cheek softly. "Watching my Mom shoot him,

over and over again?"
"Honestly? I was jealous," I admitted, unashamed. "I wanted to be the one to kill him. I wanted

to rip him to shreds, one piece at a time, for every scratch or bruise on your body." She closed
her eyes as I softly traced her jaw with my fingers.
Bella's face grew thoughtful. "How will I ever repay you for protecting me and my family?" Her
eyes filled with tears as her face dropped.
I tilted her chin so that she'd have to face me. "There is no repayment necessary. Don't you
know that by now? I'd do anything for you. Anything to protect you. Anything to make you

"Anything?" She whispered, a lone tear trickling down her face.
She smiled sweetly. "I love you."
"I love you."

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Her face twisted into a wicked smile. "You know, Carlisle says the cast could come off in a couple
of weeks…." She leaned close, placing soft kisses along my chest. I shivered in response, pulling

her closer.
"A couple of weeks…." I mumbled incoherently as her tongue traced patterns along my chest.
"And I was thinking….in a couple of weeks….." Her hand snaked along my stomach muscles, her
warm touch slowly driving me insane. "We could practice…"
"We could practice now…." My hand gripped her waist before trailing down to her exposed
thigh. "That cast is actually pretty sexy…"
"No, I mean really practice," she murmured softly as her hand slipped along the fabric of my
jeans, her fingers trailing lazily along the zipper. I closed my eyes and stopped breathing. We'd

gone without each other's touch for too long. It's difficult to be overly romantic when both sets
of parents are in the next room. This was the first time we'd been alone - completely alone - in

three weeks.
"I would love to really practice," I whispered against her lips. Her tongue snaked out, softly

outlining the shape of my mouth, and I nearly lost my mind.
"You're not afraid?" She mumbled as her lips made a trail along my throat. "We can really try?"
"As soon as your cast is off," I vowed, tilting her face to mine. "I don't want there to be any
distractions when we finally….. " She crushed her lips to mine, and I pushed her back against the

pillows. My fingers tangled in her hair as our kisses became feverish. She arched against me as
one of my hands trailed down her face and along her throat.
"But until then….." she whispered as she unbuttoned my jeans. Her hand plunged into my pants,
her fingers wrapping around me. I couldn't quiet the moan that escaped my lips as her soft hand

began stroking me.
"Bella…..." I groaned against her lips as my hand slid under her shirt, grasping her breast and

grazing her nipple until it became hard beneath my touch.
"I've missed you," she moaned, running her fingers along my shaft. "I've missed the sounds you

make when I touch you like this….I've missed your touch…."
Growling, I ran my hand along the fabric of her underwear. She whimpered against my lips as

her hand began pumping me. The desire to rip her panties off was overwhelming as I trailed my
finger along her slit. Up and down, letting the fabric of her panties cause the sweetest friction

against her folds. I teased her, sliding two fingers along her center. She bucked against my hand.
She was so wet, and I was already so close….
"Rip them off…" she growled, and the animal in me rejoiced. With a flick of my finger, her
panties ripped to shreds. My palm pressed against her core, and she nearly arched off the bed. I

slipped my thumb against her clit as her hand stroked the length of me, and we both groaned
against each other's lips. Our hands were frantic as we brought each other to the edge. Bella

wrapped her free arm around my neck as she begged me to make her come, and the naked
desire in her voice was my undoing. I pressed my thumb hard against her clit as our tongues

met. We swallowed each other's screams as we came together, holding onto each other for dear
life as we rode out the power of our climax.
"My God, I've missed you….." I whispered softly as she nuzzled my neck. She leaned back against
the pillows, her lips swollen from our heated kisses, and a blissful smile on her face.

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"I missed you, too," she murmured. She took my hand and placed it over her rapidly beating
heart. "Do you feel that? It's all yours. Every last beat."
I smiled down at her beautiful face. "And I will cherish it for the rest of my days."
She sighed happily and snuggled into my side. I brushed her bangs away from her forehead

before placing a soft kiss there. Within minutes, she was sleeping peacefully, the first tranquil
night of sleep she'd had in weeks.
Bella slept soundly through the night, and I was completely content to just gaze at her. She
always wondered how I kept myself entertained through the night, and she couldn't quite

understand that I loved lying next to her just so that I could watch her sleep and dream. It was
my heaven. It was during these hours that I contemplated our future. I'd think about making

love to her for the first time. I would imagine the look on her face as I asked her to be my wife.
I'd visualize Bella in her wedding gown as she walked down the aisle. And then I'd listen to her

heart and try to imagine the day that I would no longer be able to hear it. But it was a small
price to pay when its disappearance meant that I would have Bella - heart, body, and soul -

Around six in the morning, I placed a soft kiss to her cheek before carefully climbing out of bed. I

pulled on my jeans and another t-shirt and slipped on my shoes. It was early, but there was
something I needed to do. Someone I needed to see.
I just hoped Charlie was awake.

Chapter 20 – I’m Yours

I won't hesitate no more, no more

It cannot wait

I'm yours..

"I'm Yours" ~ Jason Mraz

"I'm going to pretend to be surprised," Charlie grinned as he sipped his coffee. "I knew I'd have
to deal with this soon enough. I just didn't think I'd have to deal with at six in the morning."
I grimaced, hoping my interruption of his sleep wouldn't deter him from giving us his blessing.
But I was relieved to hear that his thoughts were calm, resolved, and for the most part,

"You love her…."
"More than anything." I replied earnestly. How could he possibly doubt that after these past few
"That wasn't a question," he smirked. "I know you do. And she loves you. And you've certainly
proven that you'll protect her."
I sat patiently while he attempted to find a reason to say no to my request. The usual excuses
were swimming around his head. Bella was a week away from being a high school graduate. We

were too young. We were just a couple of kids. It was too soon.
"What would you do if I didn't give you my blessing?"

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I'd already considered that possibility, and I wouldn't lie to him. "I'd be disappointed, and I'd ask
why you didn't feel like you could offer your consent. I'd listen to your reasons, and then I'd try

to calm your fears and promise you that I will love Bella for the rest of my life. And that I will
protect her, and make sure she never wants for anything."
"And if that didn't convince me?" But I could already tell that he was convinced. He just wanted
to make me work for it. Plus, he always did like trying to make me sweat. This is his only

daughter, after all, and I wanted to steal her away.
So I decided to play along.
"Then I'd beg," I replied. "And if that still didn't work, I'd thank you for your time, shake your
hand, and walk out of your kitchen."
This surprised him. "You'd just leave?"
"Yes," I nodded solemnly. "And then I'd walk straight to Bella, drop to one knee, and ask her to

be my wife." His eyes flickered, but his thoughts let me know that he didn't consider my
comment to be disrespectful. "I can't live without her, Charlie, and I only pray that she feels the

same about me. Your opinion is very important to Bella, and your blessing is very important to
me. But what's most important to me is sharing the rest of my life with your daughter. So yes, I'll

propose to her, regardless of your answer. And if she accepts, I'll spend the rest of my days
trying to earn your approval."
He considered my words before erupting with laughter. "Good answer! But you already have my
approval, Edward. I was just giving you a hard time." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Of

course, you have my blessing. I won't lie. I wish you'd both go to college before settling down,
but really, what's the point in waiting? She's never going to look at another man the way she

looks at you. And you completely worship the ground she walks on. You've more than proven
yourself. As a father, that's all I can ask for."
"Thank you," I whispered gratefully.
Graduation is supposed to be a time of celebration. Closing a chapter of your life and embarking
on a brand new journey. As I looked around at my graduating class, I couldn't help but smile at

their excited faces. Some of the faces I recognized from my classes. Some I could actually call by
name. But there were countless others who were complete strangers to me. I'd never really

made an effort to "fit in" at Forks High School. It was merely a year and a half of my life that had
to be endured before I could move on to my life with Edward. I'd made perfect grades, basically

because my senior year was a joke as far as curriculum. I would be forever grateful to my former
high school for placing me in the advanced placement program. It had ensured that I had plenty

of credits for graduation. That had been the only reason Charlie had allowed me to stay in
Florida for the past three weeks. He'd called school and spoken with the counselor, fearing that

my missing that much school would jeopardize my diploma. The counselor had taken one look
at my transcript and laughed, stating that I could have missed the last three months and it

wouldn't have affected a thing.
As the keynote speaker continued his speech, I glanced down at my feet. It was so strange being

without the crutches. As a graduation gift, Carlisle had allowed my cast to be removed. I would
be eternally grateful that he'd feared that my attempting the graduation stage with crutches

would probably cause me to break my other foot. Or both legs.

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I looked down at my gold graduation gown and couldn't help but laugh. Alice had been so
mortified when I'd arrived in my jeans and a blouse. I knew I was wearing the mustard yellow

robe, so who would care what I was wearing under it? Alice cared, and I'd been hustled to the
bathroom and swiftly stripped of my clothes, and her tiny arms slipped a midnight blue satin

dress over my head. Thankfully, she really does love me, so she allowed me to wear flats instead
of the fuck-me heels that she feels are so essential to my wardrobe. Only Edward would be

disappointed. He'd become a big fan of seeing me in Alice's killer shoes.
I looked to my right and up into the stands until I found the faces of my family. Mom and Dad

were sitting right next to the Cullens. They were all here, and as my eyes focused on each face, I
knew that I was the luckiest girl in the world.
My parents were back together, even if it was just for a short period. Renee needed a fresh
start, and she decided to spend some time with me in Forks before making a decision about the

next stage of her life. Charlie had been welcoming, and I could tell he was happy to have her in
the house again. I didn't allow myself to hope, though. Those wounds ran deep, and it was

wrong of me to place hope on that relationship. As a teen, I'd always wanted to see them fall
back into love. But I was older now, and I knew that, sometimes, love just wasn't enough.
The rest of my family sat patiently, each of them beautiful and perfect in their own way. Alice
was my sister. My best friend. Emmett and Jasper were my big brothers, both fiercely protective

and loving. Rosalie was still a bit distant to me, but I knew that she cared for me. Carlisle and
Esme – my second parents – had taken me into their home and loved me completely. And then

my eyes focused on Edward, and naturally, he was staring right at me. He was my life. My
soulmate. Plain and simple. Despite his insistence that I be sure of my decision, I knew that

there was no decision to be made. I was going to join his family. I was going to become a
vampire. I wanted him. Always. One lifetime wasn't enough. And luckily for me, he felt the same

I vaguely noticed when my row stood, and I followed behind Jessica Stanley, a girl from my

history class, as we made our way to the stage. I heard my name, and I shook the principal's
hand as I accepted my diploma. I then made my way to the end of the stage where, as prompted

by the usher, I grabbed my tassel and moved it to the other side of my cap. I caught a glimpse of
Edward as I made my way back to my seat, and his smile was brilliant. So was mine, as I could

just imagine my cap and tassel joining his family's collection of framed hats that hung proudly on
the wall in Carlisle's study. The Cullen children had participated in many graduation ceremonies

throughout the decades, as was evident by the number of caps in that huge frame. And I was
proud that I would be contributing to the display.
The principal congratulated us all, and a sea of mustard yellow hats sailed through the air. I took
mine off, but didn't throw it. I didn't want to chance losing it in the massive sea of gold.
"Congratulations," Edward's arms wrapped around my waist as he whispered in my ear. I melted
against his chest.
He gripped my waist. "Alice tells me there's a dress under this gown that will bring me to my

I couldn't keep from laughing as the puzzle pieces fell into place. "I wondered why she was

dressing me up…"

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"All for me," he grinned. "I have big plans for you tonight."
My heart thumped wildly against my chest. Surely he wouldn't force me to endure a graduation

party. Would he?
No, he wouldn't.
But Alice might.
"See that wasn't too bad," Edward smiled as we sat at his piano.
"I should have known she'd plan a graduation party," I groaned as my fingers softly trailed along
the ivory keys.
Thankfully, Alice's party consisted of family and a few of my friends from school, so it turned out
to be a little fun. But only a little. Charlie and Renee had disappeared as soon as dinner was

over. Charlie liked a party just about as much as his daughter did. But Esme had cooked all of his
favorites, and Dad had never been one to turn down a good meal. I noticed throughout the

night that Charlie's hand would rest along Mom's shoulder, or her lower back, or her hand.
Simple gestures, but now that I was a girl in love, I knew that those touches were significant.

And it gave me hope.
"Alice loves you," Edward whispered as his left hand gripped my waist and his right hand began

to play the melody of "Clair de Lune." My left hand joined his on the piano, and we played a
duet. We'd played for each other, but had never attempted to play at the same time. It was

fascinating to watch as our hands roamed along the keys, sometimes slightly brushing against
each other, playing in perfect harmony. His hand gripped my waist tighter as we played the last

measure, and as our fingers hit the final notes, Edward's face turned toward mine. His eyes were
deep pools of onyx, and I'd learned from experience that this meant he was one of three things

– hungry, pissed, or horny.
He'd hunted with Jasper just yesterday, and we'd just played a very beautiful song on the piano,

so there was no reason to be upset.
This was a no brainer.
"Hmm….." I murmured, as I inched my lips closer to his mouth. "Remember when you asked me
what I wanted for graduation?"
"Yes..." he whispered breathlessly. "And you told me that you didn't want a thing."
"I said that." I ran my lips softly against his cheek as he pulled me closer against him. My hand

snaked along the front of his pants, and I was gratified to realize that I'd drawn the correct
conclusion regarding his eye color. "I've changed my mind, though."
He softly moaned as my fingers pressed softly against his zipper. "Wh…what would you like?"
I pressed my forehead against his. "You."
And with that, Edward swept me into his arms and out the front door.
Edward didn't stop running until we were deep in the forest, his steps slowing as we approached

a clearing.
"Can you see it?" He whispered excitedly.
"See what?" I squinted my eyes, trying to find some shape in the foggy darkness of the canopy
of trees.

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"There," he murmured. And I could finally make out the shape of a little cottage. It was nestled
deep against the backdrop of the mountain, and I couldn't believe I'd never noticed it before. I'd

practically lived in these woods as a kid and would definitely remember this house.
It was gray with soft blue shutters and a cobblestone path leading to the front door. Two lights

illuminated along each side of the front door. Flowers lined the pathway and the air was
permeated with the smell of freesia and orange blossoms. It was tiny and perfect, and I ached to

go inside, just so that I could tell the owners what a beautiful home they possessed. Edward
unlatched the gate and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me to the front door.
"What do you think?"
"It's so beautiful," I whispered adoringly. "Whose is it?"
"You really love it? It's not too little?"
"No," I shook my head. "It's absolutely perfect."
He smiled brightly, his eyes gazing into mine. "Would you like to go inside? I have the key."
I simply nodded as he pulled the key out of his pocket and into the doorknob. Twisting the knob,

he pushed the door open, and I couldn't help but gasp.
The house was decorated with simple furniture and a few framed drawings that I instantly

recognized as Esme's sketches. My eyes fell onto the roaring fireplace, and as Edward inched us
closer to it, I noticed picture frames along the mantle, displaying the smiling faces of Charlie,

Renee, and the Cullens. The next picture was a shot of Edward and I dancing at my graduation
party. The final picture was a shot of the two of us, sitting at his piano, obviously taken just

moments ago.
"I'm confused," I whispered as my hand trailed along the picture frame. "Whose house is this?"
His smile was breathtakingly beautiful.
"It's ours," he murmured. "Well, technically, it's yours. A graduation gift from the family. It's

actually been on the property for years. It had been abandoned decades ago and was
completely falling apart when Esme decided that she wanted us to have it. So this has been her

little project for the past few months."
"Yes," he whispered, kissing my cheek softly. "Come on. Let me show you the rest of it."
He carried me through the living room and toward the back of the house.
"How many bedrooms?" I asked excitedly.
"Two." His face fell, his expression indescribably sad. He recovered quickly. "I thought we could

use one for a library…put a piano in there if you like…." His voice faltered.
My hand rested on his cheek. "What is it? Why are you sad?"
"It's nothing," he whispered gently, kissing my lips softly. He turned us toward the next room.
"Here's our bedroom…"
In the middle of the room was the biggest bed I'd ever seen, draped in white. It looked so
comfortable, and I found myself wishing he'd forget the tour and lay me down against the

pillows. He had other ideas, as he turned and motioned toward the double doors of what

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appeared to be the biggest room in the house.
"That can't be a closet," I mumbled.
He grinned. "Alice plans to take you shopping so that you can adequately stock the monster
closet she designed just for you. She's quite proud of it."
"This is all so…..overwhelming." It was the only word that seemed to come close.
He nodded. "I know it is. My family loves you. We don't know how long we'll be able to stay

here, once you've become one of us. But they knew we'd want our own space, and Esme is
always itching to design, so…."
My mind flashed to a vision of Charlie's face. Dad had been pretty lenient about my sleepovers,
but I wasn't sure how he'd react to hearing that his daughter was shacking up with her

boyfriend, no matter how much he approved of him.
"What are you thinking?" He asked as he sat me down on the bed. His fingers laced with mine,

and I didn't quite know how I was going to turn this down.
"Dad will never go for this," I whispered. "He'll never allow it."
Edward grinned, his eyes sparkling with understanding. "You don't think he'll approve of us
living in sin?"
"Definitely not," I mumbled. "But I'll be eighteen soon. There really isn't anything he can say
once September comes. It's just a few months away…." My face fell to my lap. The last thing I

wanted to do was disappoint this man. I loved him so much.
"Hmmm." He stood in front of me, taking each of my hands in his. "I can't wait until September,

My eyes flashed up to his, my heart constricting in my chest. This was it. He'd figured it out. I

wasn't worth the trouble. I wasn't worth the wait.
"I understand," I whimpered, tears brimming in my eyes.
"What's wrong?" He fell to his knees in front of me, letting go of my hands and stroking each
side of my face.
"You won't wait….." The tears were now streaming down my face, and it was good that I was
seated. My legs felt like they were disconnected from my body.
"Bella….." he whispered gently, running his fingers along my tear-stained cheeks. "Don't cry. I
said I can't wait. And it's true. I can't wait any longer to do this….." His hand reached into his

pocket and pulled out a black square box. Through my tears, my eyes tried to focus on the
object. His eyes bore into mine as he gently lifted the top of the box. Nestled in the velvety box

was the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen.
"Oh!" I gasped in surprise. The ring was shaped into an oval with shimmering diamonds and a

gold band. It was both simple and intricate, and my fingers absentmindedly trailed along the
shape of it.
"Do you like it?"
"Edward, it's beautiful. I've never seen anything like it."
"This was my mother's wedding ring," Edward replied. "She gave it to Carlisle for safekeeping

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just before she died. She made him promise to give it to me, with strict instructions."
My heart was hammering in my chest. "Instructions?"
"Yes," he murmured. "She said that this ring belongs on the hand of only one girl. And when I
found her, I was to beg her to be my wife."
"Th….That sounds simple enough," I whispered. My head was spinning.
"It is," he smiled sweetly. "It is just that simple." He placed his finger under my chin and tilted it

so that the full force of his stare was gazing into mine.
"Bella Swan," he whispered. "You are my life and my soul. I have waited for you for almost a

century. This ring is yours. It was never a question. I just had to find you. I will spend everyday
showing you just how much I adore you. Will you marry me?"
I blinked back the tears that had been streaming since he'd opened the box. I was determined to
see his beautiful face when I answered him. I couldn't contain my smile.
He sighed with relief as he pulled the ring out of the little box and took my left hand in his. He

gently placed the ring on my finger.
"See," he whispered, his smile bright. "I told you this was your ring. It's a perfect fit."
I giggled with happiness as he pushed me back against the pillows, capturing my mouth with his.

Chapter 21 – Rush

Is it me or is everything spinning

I'm wide awake, but I must be dreaming

It's like you're some kind of drug

I try to catch my breath to see if I'm still breathing

Touch my heart and make sure it's beating

It's like I'm falling in love

It's a rush I can't explain

Like you've something crazy into my veins

And I'm ten feet off the ground

And I don't wanna come down.

"Rush" ~Ferras featuring Katy Perry

The bubbles shimmered against the soft candlelight that flowed throughout our tiny bathroom.

It had seemed tiny, that is, until Edward opened the double doors and nodded toward the far
wall. I'd gasped when I saw it, nestled beneath the window. I'd always joked that my one

requirement for the perfect bathroom was a garden tub, and naturally, he'd remembered.
I leaned my head back and sighed contently, gathering the bubbles and bringing them against

my chest. For the thousandth time since Edward had placed it on my finger, I stole a glance at
my ring. It was simply gorgeous, and I couldn't believe it was mine. We'd discussed marriage, of

course. But we'd spent more time talking about my….transformation, so I had been completely
surprised when he pulled that little box from his pocket. He already had me forever. This was

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just a symbol of that promise, and I was astonished to find how much it pleased me and how
eager I was to accept it. I'd never been one to accept gifts easily, especially from the Cullens

because of their expensive tastes. I was afraid to even imagine how much this ring was worth,
but I also knew that it wouldn't matter if it were valued at one dollar or one million dollars. It

had been Edward's mother's wedding ring, and he'd placed it on my finger. And that made it
I could hear him shuffling in the bedroom, and I smiled as the smell of lavender filled the air. As
soon as he'd finished proposing and kissing me until I was dizzy, he'd carried me in here,

requesting I take a bubble bath and enjoy the tub while he made preparations for the rest of my
graduation gift. I'd begun to argue, insisting that the house and the proposal were beyond

sufficient, but he'd just smirked and kissed me feverishly, and I realized my final gift for tonight
wouldn't be a material possession.
"How's my beautiful fiancé?" His velvet voiced echoed as he walked into the bathroom, placing
something on the sink. He then sat carefully on the edge of the tub, and I tried to hide my grin

as he attempted to keep his eyes on my face. There really weren't that many bubbles left in the
"I could get used to that name," I smiled as he dipped his hand into the lukewarm water. "Thank
you. This tub is incredible. But I'm beginning to turn into a prune. Are you finished with your

He nodded. "I am, but there's one more gift you need to open. I was given specific instructions

that you were to open it alone."
"Hmm…" I murmured. "Sounds mysterious. Who is it from?"
"There's a card under the bow," he nodded toward the sink. "I've left it for you." He smiled
before finally giving up and taking a peek of my body lying in the deep water.
The bubbles were practically non-existent by this time, and his breathing became ragged.
"I'm going to need a towel," I whispered, my face flushing beneath his penetrating glare.
Edward cleared his throat and walked toward the linen closet. He laid the towel against the
edge of the tub, and without another word, walked out of the bathroom, closing the door

behind him.
He was nervous.
I was nervous.
I climbed out of the tub and draped the towel over my body as I dried myself from head to toe.

It then dawned on me that I'd brought no clothes into the bathroom. Hell, I didn't have any
clothes in this house except for the blue graduation dress that Alice had forced upon me.
I wrapped the towel around me and grabbed the shiny package from the sink. I noticed Alice's
dainty handwriting as soon as I opened the card.
Put this on. Don't be a baby. You can thank us later.
Alice and Rosalie

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More clothes.
With a sigh, I pulled the ribbon from around the package and lifted the lid.
Nope, not clothes. In no part of the world would this scrap of fabric be referred to as clothing.
The top was black lace. The rest was completely transparent. And there were a couple of straps

and strings that I could only assume held the thing together. That was the extent of it. In the
bottom was what I could only assume was a G-string. The gown was pretty, however, and since

my choices were limited to this or walking out naked, I chose Option A.
Moments later, I stood before the full length mirror, trying to decide if walking out naked would

really be that much different. I'd never worn something this revealing in my entire life. I took a
deep breath and tried to decide if I liked my reflection.
I did.
The girl in the mirror was happy. That was obvious by the smile on her face. And she had to

admit that the sheer lingerie clinging to her body made her feel sexy, and desirable, and brave.
And then her eyes caught the reflection of her engagement ring in the mirror, and her smile

turned radiant.
This year, so much had happened to her. She'd moved to Forks, grown closer to her father,

fallen in love, confirmed her family was a coven of vampires and decided to join them, stood by
her mother's side as she escaped an abusive husband, graduated high school, had been gifted a

house, and had just become engaged to a man who loves her completely and eternally. And that
man was waiting just behind this door. Waiting for her.
Waiting for me.
Taking a deep breath, I opened the door.
Our bedroom was illuminated with lavender candles. My eyes took a few moments to adjust to
the minimal light when I saw him, facing the glassed French doors that I could only assume led

out into the backyard. He was shirtless, and the flickering of the candles seemed to make his
skin translucent. He didn't turn around as I softly walked toward him, reaching my hand out to

brush against his shoulder. His skin was faintly warm, and I understood that this was because he
was a combination of excited, happy, and anxious.
I brushed my lips across his back. He sighed with my touch, and I took that as a good sign. I
trailed my lips along his spinal column and up along his shoulder blades. I felt him tremble as my

hands ran along the back of his slacks and along his waist.
He slowly turned to face me, and I was gratified to hear a gasp escape his lips as his eyes raked

over my body.
"A gift from Alice and Rose," I murmured with a blush. "They assure me that we'll thank them

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "I will be sure to do that. Much later."
Before I could even blink, he'd pulled me into his arms and carried me to the bed. He laid me
down softly against the pillows and snuggled next to me. I sighed as his fingers began a trail,

beginning with my eyebrows and along my face until finally reaching my lips. He traced them
slowly, and my lips parted beneath his hand. His eyes locked with mine as I allowed my tongue a

taste of his finger. He groaned and let the finger slip into my mouth. I sucked on it gingerly,

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never letting my eyes escape his lustful gaze. He removed his finger and continued trailing down
my chin and along my jaw line. I closed my eyes as his hand ran along my throat and pressed

softly against my pulse point.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered softly as his hand made its way to my breast. He massaged

one and then the other, taking time to softly graze my nipples until they hardened with this
touch. My body arched off the bed as his hand trailed along my stomach and under the sheer

fabric of my gown. The fabric was so translucent in the candlelight that I could actually watch his
hand as it traced my over my stomach. His hand then found the thin strap of the g-string and I

gasped as his icy finger trailed along the band. The gentle touch was unbearably sweet, but it
wasn't nearly enough.
"Edward….." I whimpered. "Please….." I couldn't formulate the words, but I also knew I didn't
have to. He knew my body so well. And he knew I'd beg if necessary if he made me wait much

"Anything, my Bella…." He murmured as his hand softly traced my thigh. He was carefully

avoiding the one place on my body that was aching for his touch, and he knew it was driving me
"Touch me," I whispered breathlessly.
"Where?" He asked innocently. "Take my hand, Bella. Show me."
My eyes gazed into his as I grabbed his hand, forcing him to cup my core. My relieved moan
echoed off the walls of the bedroom as he pressed his hand against me.
"You're so wet," he marveled, pushing harder against the fabric of my panties. My back arched
again as his palm continued grinding into my center, his fingers pulling the fabric out of the way

to expose my folds. He slipped a finger against my clit, and I screamed as his mouth finally
crushed against mine.
I reached for the button of his pants, and in a flash, he had removed the last of his clothing,
tossing both his slacks and his boxers against the far wall. My eyes lingered on the proof his

arousal, and I unconsciously licked my lips. Edward groaned as he watched my mouth. His gaze
then lingered to my gown, and I could see the internal battle wage in his eyes.
To remove or not to remove.
I didn't give him the chance to decide as I sat on my knees and reached for one of the straps and

slid it down my shoulder. His hungry eyes watched as I continued to the other side, until the
gown fell, revealing my breasts to him. My stomach tightened as his hand reached for the fabric,

and with one gentle tug, Alice and Rosalie's gift was ripped to shreds. His hand them trailed to
my panties, pulling on the tied strings until they fell away from my body.
I leaned back against the pillow on my elbows, opening my legs in invitation to him. He climbed
between them and pressed his body against mine. Every cell in my body was screaming for

release, but I knew I had to be patient. It wasn't a matter of desire. I knew Edward wanted me.
But this was new territory for both of us, and while I was just as nervous as the next virgin, I

knew that Edward's anxiety stemmed from a much deeper fear. I trusted him. But he had to
trust himself. He had to have complete confidence in his self-control. So I remained still,

allowing him a moment to gauge his body's reaction against mine. He gazed into my eyes, a soft
smile forming on his lips.

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"You love me," I whispered, pressing my forehead against his, hoping my faith in him would give
him serenity. "You would never hurt me. You love me too much."
His eyes closed as my lips softly kissed his cheek and down along his throat. His hand tightened
around my waist, and I took the opportunity to press my hip against his. He moaned at the

"I love you," I murmured, continuing to soothe him as I stroked his face. He nuzzled his nose

with mine, and I could feel him relax against me. "I belong to you. You belong to me. And I will
love you forever."
I moaned as his lips found my neck, his chest pressing against mine. I wrapped my arms around
his back and pulled him tighter against me. He groaned with need as I pulled his mouth to mine.

The kiss began like all of the others, sweet and tender. But then his hips pushed into mine, and
his cock pressed against my wet folds. And our kisses became feverish. I knew his throat was

burning. I knew the venom was probably pooled in his throat. But if it bothered him, he didn't
seem to care because his mouth opened, inviting me inside. He whimpered with pleasure as my

tongue found his.
Gasping for air, I trailed my lips along his neck and along his ear, nibbling softly on his lobe. He

pulled me tighter against him, still cautious as his hand gently massaged my breast. His cock
pressed against my core, and my body was screaming for him to just fuck me. My hips

instinctually shifted against him, and I almost shouted those exact words. But I knew those
weren't the words he needed to hear. Not this time - our very first time together.
I pulled his head down and pressed my forehead against his. His breathing was ragged, and his
jaw was clenched in restraint. His body was shaking as he struggled to find a happy medium

between his long dormant male desires and his animalistic instincts. I stared into his black eyes
and lost myself in the power of his gaze. He loved me. He wanted me. He would never hurt me.

We both knew this. But he needed to hear it. He needed one last reassurance that I was his. And
that he was mine. And suddenly, I knew exactly what to say.
"I can't wait to be your wife."
That did it.
With a glorious moan, he rocked his hips against mine, pressing his cock against my entrance.
His eyes locked with mine, our foreheads still touching, as he ever so slowly pushed into me.
"My wife…" he whispered, his voice thick with emotion, and I was sure my heart was going to
burst. "Bella, I love you. I have always loved you. And I will always love you." His body quivered

as he pressed deeper into me, and I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming as waves of
pleasure shot through my core. With one final thrust, a guttural roar erupted from Edward's

body as he slid completely inside of me.
His body was still as he stared into my eyes, trying to gauge if he'd hurt me. Honestly, it did hurt

a little, just as I'd expected. But it only hurt for a moment. I held his gaze and kept my face
relaxed, refusing to let him see an ounce of discomfort on my face. Bravely, he pulled out slowly,

and pushed into me once more.
"You have no idea how good that feels….." he hissed as I arched off the bed, desperate to pull

him closer. It wasn't close enough. I wrapped my legs around his waist, bringing him deeper into
me. We moaned against each other's lips at the feel of this new position, and I rocked against

him, coaxing our bodies to find their pace. Edward's hips jerked against mine, and we both

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groaned wildly as he began to increase the tempo of his movements. His lips crushed against
mine, and I tightened my legs around his waist as our bodies finally found their rhythm.
"God, Bella….." he whimpered, driving deeper into me. I held on to him, wrapping my arms
around his neck as he pumped into me. I screamed his name, and that did nothing but

encourage him to move faster, deeper, until I was positive I was going to lose my mind. Every
nerve ending in my body was on fire with conflict, begging for release, but never wanting this to

end. The two desires were staggering, and I was happy to lose myself in their battle as long as it
meant that I never had to leave the arms of this man.
"I want to straddle you," I heard my voice rasp, and the growl that escaped his lips echoed
against the walls. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me on top of him, and I could instantly

tell that this would be my very favorite position. I rocked against him, leaning down to kiss his
lips. I leaned back and arched my back, helping him thrust deeper and harder inside me.
"Yes…." I whimpered as his hands grabbed my breasts, massaging them and rolling the nipples
between his fingers. Our rhythm became frenzied as he grabbed each side of my waist, pulling

me harder against him as I rocked frantically against him. Suddenly, he rose up, driving me hard
against his lap, and I wrapped both legs around his waist.
"I love you…" he whispered against my neck. The simple words sent shivers down my spine.
"As I love you."
"You're mine….." his voice ached with emotion as I felt my muscles clench around him.
"Forever….." I moaned, and with a feral grunt, Edward exploded inside of me. His growl was all I

needed, and I screamed his name as my entire body shuddered against him. We clung to each
other, our mouths swallowing each other's groans, as wave after wave of pleasure flowed

through our bodies.
My head collapsed against his shoulder as he held me close, whispering how much he loved me.

I ached for him as soon as he pulled away, but the separation was a short one because he
quickly pulled me down into the bed and into his waiting arms.
We kept whispering to each other throughout the night. Words of love and hopes for the future.
I was just about to doze off when his hand grabbed mine. I opened my eyes to see him softly

place a kiss against the sparkling diamonds of my engagement ring.
"I meant it," I murmured in the darkness.
"Meant what?"
"I can't wait to be your wife."
His smile was breathtaking. "And I cannot wait to be your husband."
With a sleepy smile, I snuggled against his stone chest, falling into a deep and peaceful slumber.

Chapter 22 – Anywhere

Take my hand

We're leaving here tonight

There's no need to tell anyone

They'd only hold us down

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So by the morning light

We'll be halfway to anywhere

Where love is more than just your name.

"Anywhere" ~ Evanescence

"The University of Alaska?" Charlie scowled. "Why so far away?"
I took a deep breath. I'd never been a good liar. But I was going to be a Cullen. A vampire. So
perpetuating the lie was something I had to work on. This was a good first test.
Lie #1
"They've offered me a full scholarship and a year long internship with the Anchorage Symphony

Orchestra. It's the chance of a lifetime, Dad."
Charlie grunted. Renee beamed.
"Bella, that's wonderful! What an opportunity for you." Her gaze flickered down to my
engagement ring. "I'm assuming Edward will be attending the same college?"
Lie #2
"Yes," I replied. "He's decided on Pre-Med."
I didn't add that Edward already held several degrees, and that his only class this coming
semester would be Newborn Vampire 101 - Keeping Bella from murdering the city of

Carlisle and Jasper had explained it clearly. My first year as a vampire would be far too

dangerous to stay in Forks. Human blood would be too tempting. I'd be too wild. Too crazed. I
needed to exist in an area with few humans and plenty of wildlife. So Alaska wasn't a lie. The

scholarship and internship, however, was my cover story. The "internship" would require me to
stay in Anchorage for a full year. As long as Renee and Charlie didn't make a surprise visit, they

should be safe.
Safe from me.
I wanted to be a vampire. I wanted to join Edward and live happily ever after. It's a definite twist
on the fairytale, but I had no doubts that my decision was right. I could get used to the red eyes

that I was assured would change color within a few months. I could probably handle the
separation from my mother and father, knowing that there really was no choice in the matter.

But I did worry about my newborn tendencies. Would the transformation be as painful as
Edward envisioned? Would I be as out of control as Jasper described? Would I desire nothing

except the taste of blood? Would I be so crazed that the only thing that mattered to me was the
Would I still be me?
I sat in the middle of the empty second bedroom of the cottage, trying not to think. My fingers
played with the carpet as I failed miserably, contemplating our future.
Bella was going to be my wife. She'd said yes, and I could never have imagined how utterly
happy that one word could make me.

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So simple, yet so meaningful.
And then we'd made love for the first time. It'd been so much easier than I'd expected. My
mouth had pooled with venom, but honestly, my desire for her body had far exceeded the

desire for her blood. There was no comparison.
The night had been so perfect. She'd loved the house. She'd accepted my proposal. We'd made

love. And this morning, as the sun was rising just outside of our bedroom window, she'd crawled
on top of me, and we made love again.
An hour later, Alice was beating down the cottage door, demanding to see the bride-to-be. And
I'd tried to contain my laughter as Alice tossed bridal magazines at Bella, exclaiming that we

needed to set the date so that the perfect dress could be designed, fitted, and shipped. My
beautiful girl took it all in stride, and I was amazed at how agreeable she was being toward the

crazed but well-meaning wedding planner. When Alice finally left, Bella turned to me and
whispered, "Vegas." I nodded in agreement just as my sister's "Don't even think about it!" rang

through the trees.
I should be the happiest creature in existence. And for the most part, I was just that. But I was

overwhelmed with emotion as I considered all that I'd been given in a very short period of time.
I'd given up on love. I would never describe to my family how lonely I'd been all those years.

Waiting for her. Watching my mother and father, and my siblings, fall more in love with each
other with each passing day had been beyond excruciating. But now I had her. She was going to

be my wife.
And I was going to turn her on our wedding night.
I'd never been more surprised when, while making love this morning, she'd whispered that she
wanted me to be the one. And she wanted it to be on our honeymoon. The exchanging of rings

was a symbol of our marriage. My changing her would be a symbol of our commitment – sealing
our fates and forever uniting us as husband and wife. This was what she wanted, and she'd

learned long ago that I could deny her nothing.
I was both thrilled and terrified.
My eyes swept the room as I tried not to imagine the things I'd be taking from Bella. Her
parents, at least for a while. Her chance at motherhood. Her opportunity to grow old with

someone more suited for her. A normal existence.
And then there was the pain of the transformation. I didn't remember many details of my

human life, but I remembered the burning. That memory would stay with me for the rest of my
days. Would I go mad watching Bella writhe and scream as the fire consumed her?
Could I change her without killing her?
As conflicted as I felt, I couldn't keep from smiling as I heard the sound of her heart beating as

she approached the cottage. It was my favorite sound in the entire world. Something else I'd be
taking away from her.
I pulled a little too hard on the rug, and the rip echoed against the empty walls.
"Hmm, I guess we'll have to replace the carpet.…." She whispered as she sat down next to me,

pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. "What are you thinking about that's causing you to destroy the

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"I'm making a list of all of the things I'm taking away from you," I mumbled miserably.
She sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head. "Edward, we've
talked about this…."
"I know."
"I don't feel deprived of anything."
"Not yet," I whispered. "What about in five years? Ten years? What if you want kids someday?
We'll never have a little girl with your beautiful face or a little boy with your beautiful brown

Bella's face grew thoughtful. "Is that why this room depresses you? Because you think it'd make

a great nursery?"
I nodded. "It was the first thing I envisioned when we walked through the cottage. I'd never

thought about wanting children. I'd never allowed myself to even grieve for the loss because it
was never an option for me. But it's possible for you, Bella. How can I deny you that?"
"I would only want your child," she whispered somberly. "So if it isn't possible for you, then it's
impossible for me, too."
"It doesn't have to be that way."
"Yes, it does," she argued. "Look at me." She pressed her hand against my cheek. "I love you. I

want to marry you. I want to be with you forever. I would love to have your baby. But it's not
possible, and I accept that. I would never want another man's child, so being all selfless won't do

you a bit of good. You can't get rid of me that easily."
Her words rocked me to my core. "I would never want to get rid of you," I whispered. "I just

don't want you to regret this."
"Do you love me?"
"You know I do."
"Do you want me forever?"
"Forever," I murmured.
"Good," she whispered as she placed a soft kiss against my lips. "Stop being all depressed and

enjoy being engaged to a woman who wants nothing more than to spend the rest of her life
with you."
"And the pain?"
Her face grimaced. "Okay, I'm not looking forward to that. But you'll stay by my side throughout

the entire process, right?"
"Of course," I vowed, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes. "I'll be right there."
She smiled. "I can deal with anything as long as that's true. So please stop moping."
She never failed to amaze me.
"I think I can handle that."

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Her eyes locked with mine as she began to unbutton her blouse. My breathing hitched as she
allowed the shirt to fall onto the floor. She crawled into my lap and placed soft kisses along my

"But right now, your future bride wants nothing more than to make love to her fiancé on this

ripped carpet. Can you handle that?" Her teeth grazed my earlobe, and I couldn't contain the
growl that erupted from my chest.
"Come here…" I murmured as her lips crashed into mine.
Two months later….
My eyes glazed as I listened to Alice's rant. I had to pick a veil. I had to choose the font and color

for the cocktail napkins. I had to decide on invitations. I had to go to my second fitting for my
dress. I needed to choose my heels. I had to go to the bakery and make a selection from the

cake samples. What music did I want? Did I want to play piano? Did Edward want to play? How
many guests do we want? Has our honeymoon flight been booked?
The last two months had been exactly like this. The steady stream of questions and long lists of
things-to-do in preparation for our wedding was beyond annoying. I loved Alice. She was my

best friend. She was my wedding planner. But I'd asked for simple. And she was driving me bat-
shit crazy.
I snapped.
I took a long steadying breath and silently marched out of her bedroom and straight down the

stairs into Edward's waiting arms. His embrace was so comforting, and I tried to hide the tears as
two words squeaked from my tight throat.
"Vegas. Tonight."
His eyes gazed into mine, trying to determine if I was having a nervous breakdown. He decided

that I was.
"Sweetheart, I'll go talk to her…."
"I want to marry you tonight," I whispered urgently into his ear, knowing my whispers were
meaningless with all of the vampires in the house. My arms locked around his neck, and he lifted

me into his arms, his forehead pressed against mine.
I was sure he'd say no. That he would tell me to relax and that he would take care of everything.

He would simply talk to Alice and ask her to back off. We could have the wedding we wanted
without the fuss.
I was thrilled when he proved me wrong.
I squealed as Edward threw me over his stone shoulder and ran like the wind to his Volvo. His

cell phone was buzzing before we even pulled out of the driveway, but he ignored it. He didn't
even glance at the caller ID. There was no need. He sped through town, and I couldn't contain

my laughter. As we raced past the Forks city limit sign, he grabbed my hand.
"Are you sure?" He whispered gently.
I squeezed his hand. "Absolutely."
He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it softly before letting go to grab his cell phone. I

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listened in complete and utter happiness as he called the airline and booked our flight to

Chapter 23 – Then

We'll look back someday

At this moment that we're in

And I'll look at you and say

"And I thought I loved you then…"

"Then" ~ Brad Paisley

The Las Vegas moonlight was streaming through the curtains – the only light visible in the

darkness of our beautiful honeymoon suite. Bella slept soundly on her stomach, the satin cover
from our bed nestled low against her hips. Her facial features were soft. Relaxed. Breathtaking.

Her skin, already fair, was seemingly translucent through the moon's rays. My fingers trailed
along her spine as I marveled at her creamy skin. The soft glow of the moon fell onto her face,

and for the millionth time tonight, I found myself unable to comprehend that this woman was
truly mine.
As they had so many times tonight, my eyes gazed at the ring on her finger. When she'd
accepted my proposal and allowed me to place it on her finger, I was certain that nothing could

make me happier than seeing her wear my mother's ring. Nothing else on this planet could fill
me with that kind of joy. I couldn't imagine ever being more ecstatic than I was in that particular

How silly of me. Nothing could compare to today.
I laughed softly and grasped Bella's hand as I recalled the last forty-eight hours of our lives.
Naturally, it hadn't been easy. Nothing was ever simple for us. We'd been attacked with text

messages as soon as my Volvo pulled out of the driveway. We had chosen to ignore the texts
completely. There was no reason to even glance at our screens. We knew from whom they were

sent. We simply didn't care. Once we were at the airport awaiting our flight, we finally checked
our voicemails and texts and laughed at the threatening messages from my darling sister.
You'll both regret this someday.
You'll wish your family had been there.
Charlie will shoot you, Edward.
Don't do this to me! I'll be good, I promise!
Edward, you will forever regret not seeing Bella in her wedding dress. And in her shoes!
I admit that particular message did give me pause. I'd envisioned Bella in her wedding dress ever

since she'd accepted my proposal. I could tell it didn't affect my bride-to-be in the least. She
simply shrugged and said that at least she wouldn't have to push her feet into the ridiculous

stilettos that Alice had chosen for her. The man in me whimpered pathetically at the loss of such
a vision.
But we held firm. This was just for us. We could have a monstrous wedding another time. For
tonight, it was just me and Bella, and by this time tomorrow, she was going to be my wife.

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We'd arrived in Las Vegas just before dawn. We'd checked into the hotel, and I carried my fiancé
to the honeymoon suite of the Bellagio. We'd collapsed against the gigantic bed, basking in our

insane spontaneity, just as my phone buzzed once again. I had turned on the speakerphone so
we both could laugh at Alice's threatening pleas.
But it wasn't Alice this time. And it was that final voicemail, the one from Bella's father, which
finally had us admitting defeat.
Good morning, Edward. I'm not sure if you've checked the legal marrying age in Nevada, but
unless the law has changed, Bella has to be eighteen years old to get married unless a parent

gives consent. And since Renee and I are still in Forks….
I didn't listen to the rest of the message because the woman I loved more than anything in this

world had suddenly burst into tears.
Bella was still seventeen. She would be seventeen for two more months.
My cold heart was broken, but I'd assured her it was fine. We would still elope. We'd just come
back in September. But she'd continued crying, whispering that it wouldn't be the same because

it wouldn't be spontaneous, and two months was plenty of time for Alice to place the mother of
all guilt trips on us and find a way to force us into the wedding of the century. I'd promised her

that I would take care of Alice, but my promises fell on deaf ears as she cried herself to sleep in
my arms.
I'd asked Bella, countless times while on our way to Nevada, if she was sure about this. She'd be
giving up a true wedding ceremony. Her father walking her down the aisle. The dress. The veil.

Our families. Was she sure she wanted to give up everything just for a whirlwind wedding day?
She assured me that she'd never been more certain of anything in her life. She wanted to return

to Forks as Mrs. Edward Cullen. I'd also reminded her that her fantasy of being turned into a
vampire on our wedding night couldn't happen if we eloped. It was simply too dangerous to

change her before we arrived in Anchorage, and I was certainly not taking any chances without
Carlisle around. She'd accepted this, as well. All she wanted was to marry me. I'd stared into her

deep chocolate eyes, and I'd whispered that that was all I wanted, as well.
I couldn't deny her this. So, I'd kissed my sleeping love's cheek and I pressed the button on my

phone. Charlie was laughing as he answered, certain that he'd brought our elopement to an
abrupt halt. He stopped laughing when I asked him to put me on speakerphone so that Renee

could hear me beg. And then I pleaded with the mother and father of the woman I love to join
us in Nevada so that she and I could get married. I told him that I knew that Bella would be

happier if her father could walk her down the aisle. I loved her. She loved me. She'd cried herself
to sleep because we couldn't get married tonight. This is what she wants. My voice broke as I

begged him to give us his consent.
I sighed with relief when I heard Renee screaming in the background that they'd be taking the

first flight out of Seattle.
Before I could even press the speed dial, my phone was buzzing. My psychic sister informed me

that our entire family was on their way to Vegas, with Bella's wedding dress and shoes in tow. I
told Alice I loved her, and that we would wait for everyone to arrive. I searched the hotel

directory and found a listing of wedding chapels close to the hotel. Reservations were made for
later that night.
Twelve hours later, our families had descended upon the Bellagio Hotel, and my sisters, Renee,

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and Esme were primping my bride within an inch of her life. Her face was radiant when I told her
that we were still eloping - it was just inevitable that we'd have to include our families. I could

tell by the look on her beautiful face that she was honestly thrilled that they would be there to
share this day with us. The smug look on my sister's face was easily understood. Alice always

gets her way. Charlie, Carlisle, and I were each handed our tuxedos and shoes. And then we -
the men – had been dismissed.
We had arrived at the wedding chapel just as the sun was setting overhead. Charlie and I found
the minister and finalized the arrangements. I waited until after he signed the consent form

before grabbing him in a massive hug. He'd probably have bruises tomorrow.
An hour later, Jasper and Emmett ushered in the mothers. Even though there was a middle aisle

in the chapel, Renee and Esme clung to each other and sat side-by-side.
I had smiled with pure happiness as the simple gesture flooded my senses. There was no bride's

side or groom's side. It was our side. We were family.
The minister had allowed Rosalie to play piano, a duty normally provided by the preacher's wife.

We asked her to take pictures instead. Just to be safe, Alice had forced both Jasper and Em to
bring their cameras, and all three amateur photographers were poised and ready.
Rosalie began playing as Alice pranced gracefully down the aisle. I glanced at my best man – my
father. His smile was beaming as he placed a hand on my shoulder, whispering that the world is

just as it should be. I couldn't have agreed more, because at that moment, Charlie had walked
down the aisle with my bride on his arm.
Alice had been right all along. I wouldn't have wanted to miss this for anything in the world.
Stunning didn't even begin to describe her. I had heard through Alice that the white lace was

imported and the veil was vintage, but otherwise, I'd had no idea what to expect. Bella was
beyond beautiful. She was glowing. And she was mine.
We exchanged traditional vows, promising to love each for as long as we both shall live. Bella
cried throughout the ceremony, and I found myself yearning to participate in that display of

human emotion. I'd wished to cry many times throughout my vampire life, but never before had
I wanted to shed tears of happiness. This was that day.
I'd placed the wedding band on her hand, and to my surprise, Bella produced a wedding band of
my own. With a sweet smile, she slipped it on my finger. And with that symbol, my heart – cold

and lonely for far too long – finally found its home. Overcome with emotion, I'd tried to kiss her,
but she'd giggled and said I had to wait. I'm sure I glared at the nice minister who laughed and

finally declared that I could kiss my bride.
After many kisses and hugs, we were shoved into an awaiting limo and deposited back at the

hotel. I'd carried her through the lobby and didn't let her go until we reached our honeymoon
suite. As soon as my feet kicked the door closed, her veil was out of her hair and I began

unzipping her gown. We made love with wild abandon, and it was the most erotic experience of
my life. Our previous practice sessions, as glorious as they had been, couldn't compare to this

Today was, without a doubt, the most wonderful day of my very long existence.
"What are you thinking about?" Bella whispered as she grasped my hand tightly. I'd been so
enthralled in memories that I hadn't noticed her awakening. A tiny worry line had formed

between her eyebrows, and I softly ran my finger along it, trying to erase its presence.

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"I was thinking about the most wonderful day of my life."
She giggled in the darkness. "That's funny. I was just dreaming about the most wonderful day of

I grinned. "Perhaps they're the same day?"
"Today," she murmured sleepily. "And tonight. Everything was so….."
"Perfect," I finished for her. She nodded happily, leaning toward me and brushing her soft lips

against mine. My lips slipped to her collarbone, and I felt her yawn against my shoulder. I
chuckled as I felt myself harden just from the taste of her lips, which was entirely unfortunate

because my very human bride required sleep.
"Sleep, sweetheart."
"No….I feel terrible about sleeping," she complained drowsily. "It's so unfair to you."
I pulled the blanket to her. "I love to watch you sleep. You know that."
"Still…." She shook her head as she pulled herself up from the bed and crawled toward me. Her
beautiful face smirked as she climbed onto my lap, straddling my waist. "It's still our wedding

night, isn't it?" She ground against me, and I moaned with pleasure.
"Actually, it's about four in the morning, so technically…." She interrupted my explanation when

her hips lifted so that she could position herself onto me. We both groaned as I filled her.
"It's still our honeymoon," she whispered seductively as she rocked on top of me. My hands

massaged her breasts as our soft moans filled the darkness of the suite. My eyes tried to close
as pleasure consumed me, but I forced them to remain open. There was nothing sexier than

seeing my wife…my wife….on top of me.
Very quickly, our orgasms crashed over us and Bella collapsed against my chest. I stroked her

hair softly, and after a few moments of kisses and sweet words, she once again fell asleep
against my chest.
Vampires are lifeless. Cold. Unchanging. One could even argue that they are devoid of emotion,
but I knew that simply wasn't the case. When a vampire finds love, he is forever altered. I fell in

love with Bella very quickly. After my initial fears of Alice's vision, I allowed myself to imagine
Bella as an older woman. I tried to envision my life with her by my side. When we'd kissed for

the first time, I didn't think I could possibly love her anymore than I did at that moment. I
thought I loved her completely from the very beginning. But with every kiss, every touch, every

sweet word, I fell more in love with her a little each day. And when we made love for the very
first time, I had thought that I couldn't possibly love her more. I thought I had a handle on the

depth of my emotion for this girl. But today, our wedding day, solidified that I truly had no idea
how very much she was essential to my existence.
I would love her a little bit more, each and every day, for the rest of my life.

Chapter 24 – Fear

But I fear

I have nothing to give

I have so much to lose here in this lonely place

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Tangled up in your embrace

There's nothing I'd like better than to fall

"Fear" ~ Sarah McLachlan

The first month of our marriage was both hectic and exciting. Edward and I settled into domestic
bliss in our cottage. I knew we didn't have much time left in Forks, and I spent the majority of

that time with Charlie and Renee. But every night, I came home to my husband and our little
Throughout the rest of summer, Edward became overly preoccupied with our plans. I wasn't
sure what he was so anxious about. Carlisle and Esme already owned a home in Anchorage and

had graciously offered it to us for our first year of "college." Our cover story was solid and had
been accepted by Charlie and Renee. We would be moving to Alaska in August, and as soon as I

could talk him into it, he would be turning me.
I was joyous. He was stoic.
I could see worry etched all over his face. Of course, I'd asked many times what was troubling
him, but he'd always forced a smile and explained that he was just getting things in order. I'd

reminded him that we were married now. He wasn't expected to shoulder these responsibilities
on his own. But he'd just kiss me and tell me that this particular task was his sole responsibility,

and that I shouldn't worry about a thing. It was beyond frustrating.
Last night, I awoke to the sound of Edward flipping through our wedding album. I cuddled close

to him as we glanced through the pictures of the happiest day of my life.
I had most definitely been the blushing bride. Edward would grow thoughtful at times and gaze

at the individual pictures of me, letting his fingers linger across my scarlet face. And then
suddenly, he'd snapped the album shut and attacked me with feverish kisses, whispering how

much he loved me and how he never wanted to hurt me. We made love twice last night. The
first time was wild and possessive – almost as if he was afraid I was going to disappear. Just after

dawn, we made love once more, and this time was more tender and sweet.
Today, Edward had remained by my side constantly. Normally, I wouldn't mind his closeness,

but I couldn't keep from thinking that something had spooked him to the point that he was
afraid to let me out of his sight even for a minute. Around dusk, Jasper and Emmett finally

persuaded him to go hunting, and I took the opportunity to interrogate Alice.
"Spill it, pixie," I'd muttered as she floated down the stairs into the Cullen's living room. "What is

my husband stressing about?"
"Of course he wouldn't tell you," Alice grimaced. "He doesn't want you to worry about this. I

keep telling him it's going to be fine, but he's petrified." Her eyes suddenly sparkled. "But it is
going to be fine, Bella. Just wait and see."
This did not pacify me. Alice kissed my cheek and floated back up the stairs.
"She's not very helpful is she?" Carlisle smiled as he motioned toward the sofa. "May I?"
"Of course," I smiled sadly, scooting over to allow him room. "I'm just so confused, Carlisle. Is
Edward having second thoughts about our marriage? About me?"
Carlisle's eyes narrowed. "Why would you jump to that conclusion?"

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I shrugged. "I keep waiting for the day when he looks at me and realizes I'm so not worth the
"Ahh, Bella…" my father-in-law patted my hand. "I'm going to have to have a long discussion
with my son. He's apparently not being a very good husband if you believe he's having second

thoughts about your marriage. Nothing could be further from the truth."
"No, no," I argued. "He's a wonderful husband. I just wish…."
"He'd tell you what's bothering him?" Carlisle finished. I nodded. "You're so smart, Bella.
Naturally you notice that something is making him anxious."
"And he refuses to tell me anything."
"That's because he doesn't want to frighten you."
"I don't understand…" I whispered lamely.
"I know you don't, but it isn't my place to explain things to you. But I promise that I will

encourage Edward to talk to you. It concerns you, after all. Literally and figuratively."
My forehead wrinkled. "What do you mean?"
He smiled warmly. "I think you'll have your answers tonight. I'll speak with Edward." Carlisle
wrapped his stone cold hand in mine. "Bella, my son loves you more than you know. Please

never fear that he is second-guessing his love for you. You are in his every thought. His every
decision. His every wish for the future. You are his life, and he is terrified of losing you."
"But why would he lose me…."
Carlisle kissed my cheek as he rose from the sofa. "Edward will explain tonight. Please don't

With a sigh, I walked back to our cottage.
"I am a terrible husband."
"Of course not," Carlisle argued with me. He stood up from his desk and walked over to the
window where I'd been gazing through the trees in the direction of our cottage. "You're a

wonderful husband, Edward. However, you have accepted the dubious task of trying to protect
her from anything that might cause her an ounce of worry or pain."
"And this is bad? Isn't that what a husband is supposed to do?"
Carlisle smiled. "A husband can try, but it's impossible." He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Edward, I know you're concerned about the future, and those concerns are valid. But her
decision is made. I have faith in you. Alice has faith in you. And most of all, your wife has faith in

you. But you are hurting her more right now by not sharing your fears with her. You are not
being honest with her, and that's not fair to either of you. Don't shut her out, son."
I bowed my head in shame. "That wasn't my intention."
"I know that," Carlisle smiled. "But she doesn't. She's jumping to conclusions – assuming you are

regretting marrying her."
My head snapped up. "How could she possibly think that!"

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"Because you haven't given her any reason to believe otherwise," he whispered sadly. "Bella is
strong, but she needs reassurance. She has no idea what is bothering you, and since you won't

explain yourself…"
"She assumes it's her fault."
Carlisle nodded. "But this is easily fixed, Edward. Go home to Bella."
I hugged my father before rushing out the door, debating how to explain myself to my wife. I

thought I'd been keeping my emotions in check. But Bella was as attuned to my spirit as I was to
hers, and I'd been a fool to believe that I could hide my anxieties from her.
How could I find the words to admit that I was afraid to turn her?
I'd been overjoyed when she'd admitted that she was ready. But as time grew closer, the

enormity, the finality, of the decision had driven me into a complete panic on a daily basis. I'd
been confident at first, assuming that Carlisle would be the one to complete the transformation.

He had the vast experience, afterall, and would be completely in control of himself. But Bella
later admitted that she wanted me to be the one, and in all honestly, the thoughts of marking

her as mine did thrill me. But the more I considered the situation, the more panicked I'd
This was not something I felt I could share with my wife.
How could I admit that I was afraid that I would do something wrong? That I was petrified that I

would kill her? I had never turned anyone. I had zero experience in this area. The agony of
watching her lie in misery for three days was enough to cause my heart to break, but I thought I

could endure that if I knew with certainty that she'd be coming back to me. I had complete faith
in Carlisle. Our family was a walking testament to his control. He would ensure that Bella

returned to me. But if I performed the act, I could not guarantee that she would survive. And it
was that lack of faith that was quickly driving me mad.
She was already asleep by the time I stepped softly into our bedroom. The lamp on the bedside
table was aglow, and I noticed our wedding album lying open across her chest. I carefully pulled

the book away and glanced at the page that had been pressed so delicately against her heart. It
was my very favorite picture of us from that glorious day. I was looking at her; she was looking

at me, and it would be obvious to any stranger who happened to see the picture that we were
desperately in love with each other.
I laid the book aside and removed my clothes before climbing into bed and pulling her to my
chest. She murmured in her sleep as she relaxed against me. I could hear her heart – so strong

and loud – resonating from her chest. I stroked my fingers through her hair and her soft sighs
sent butterflies to my stomach. I kissed her forehead, and her eyes flashed open.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," I whispered.
She snuggled against my chest. "It's okay. I'm glad you're home." I smiled as her hand found

mine. She placed soft kisses along each finger, and I trembled beneath her touch.
"I love you, Bella. More than you can possibly comprehend. I'm sorry that I've been….distant. It

was never my intention to make you worry."
"What has you worried?" She asked with concern. "Please let me help you." She pulled away

from me and laid her head against the pillow. I shifted so that we were facing each other. Her
sweet breath fanned across my face, and I inhaled the scent of her. She pulled my hand to her

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heart, and I allowed the rhythm of her heartbeats to anchor me.
I took a deep breath and poured my heart out to her. Every fear. Every concern. Every last bit of

anxiety and dread. She remained silent until the very end.
"I wish you'd told me," she whispered gently. "Edward, if you're this concerned, maybe it's

better to let Carlisle do it."
"But you want…"
"I do want you to do it, but it's for purely selfish reasons." My eyes narrowed as I tried to
understand. "I don't want anyone else's venom to flow through my veins. Marking me. Branding

me. Forming a bond that could never be broken. Something that you gave to me, and only to
me. Why would I want to share that with anyone but you?"
Hadn't I wanted the same thing? I nodded in understanding.
"But I see now that that was selfish of me. I'm asking you to essentially kill me, and even though

the aftermath would be worth it, I never considered what the actual act might do to you. I have
faith in you, but I never stopped to consider your fears. And I'm sorry."
"I desperately want to give this to you," I whispered urgently. "You have no idea how much…"
"Maybe there's a compromise," she offered sheepishly. "We're good at that."
"We are," I agreed, smiling at the hope in her voice. "What did you have in mind?"
Her eyes grew thoughtful. "Would it make you feel better if Carlisle was there when

you….change me? He could be right in the room with us, and could handle anything that might
go wrong."
"You wouldn't be opposed to that?" I asked, my heart swelling with assurance. Perhaps that was
all I needed. To have Carlisle by my side.
"Not at all," she smiled. "Anything that gives you confidence – that calms your fears - is fine with
me. Let's ask him."
I smiled. "We will, my love. Tomorrow. Why don't you go back to sleep? It's getting very late."
She shook her head. "No, I want this resolved tonight. I don't want you to spend one more

minute worrying about this." And with that, she jumped out of bed and climbed into a pair of
jeans. She grabbed my discarded t-shirt from the floor and slipped it over her head. I whimpered

pathetically. Her eyebrows rose.
"You really expect me to let you out of this bedroom while you're wearing my shirt? You know

what that does to me…"
She winked at me. "Stop being a horny boy and carry me to the house. Let's talk to Carlisle, and

then we can come right back to bed and you can rip this shirt right off me…"
And with that beautiful promise, I threw her onto my back and flew out the cottage door.

Chapter 26 – Your Passion, Your Promise, Your


Come feed the hunger and the thirst

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Lay it down, the beast will die

Never to question again

For I am your passion, your promise, your end…

"Yes I Am" ~ Melissa Etheridge

I really, really hate goodbyes.
Farewells have always been tough on me, especially after I'd had to say goodbye to my father
and to Forks when Mom and I moved away after their divorce. To me, goodbyes were always

sad. They signified an ending. A finality to some chapter in life but laced with the promise of a
new journey ahead.
This goodbye was just as bittersweet and just as final.
In more ways than one.
Edward and I had been sitting around Charlie's kitchen table for hours. My husband was holding
my hand, and each time I'd be close to bursting into tears, he'd somehow sense my emotion and

squeeze my hand in reassurance. Each gentle touch sent a jolt of love to my heart, giving me
subtle reminders as to why I had made this decision. He and his family had repeated, more than

once, that this had to be my choice. They were happy to spend my human years with me. We
would definitely have to move away, but we could make it work somehow. The last thing

Edward wanted was for me to feel forced into this decision. But as I'd reminded them on
countless occasions, there was no decision to be made. I had no choice. I loved them. I loved

him. And I wanted to be with him forever. My life and his were intertwined into one long
beautiful thread. He was my fate. He was my life. Becoming a vampire was a remarkably easy

decision. I'd suffer through the pain. I'd drain the blood of mountain lions. I'd be a wild
newborn. I'd forego humanity. I'd endure it all if it meant that I could keep him forever.
Now I would just have to find a way to survive saying goodbye to my parents.
They couldn't see me, of course. I'd be savage, and the temptation of their blood would be too

much for me to handle in my first year as a vampire. Even if their lives weren't at stake, I'd still
have to keep my distance for a while. I was assured that I would look different. Alice described

me from her vision, and the girl she depicted would be beautiful and graceful (both of which I
had trouble believing). I would have long flowing hair with pale white skin and bright crimson

eyes. The eyes alone would make me stand out in a crowd, and my new appearance would
require some sort of explanation to my parents. This was a conversation that could not take

place. Maybe, in time, I could come up with a good lie to explain the change in my physical
features. Maybe someday I could see my parents again.
Sensing my sadness, Edward squeezed my hand once more.
"I love you both," I whispered urgently. Our family had never been one for outward displays of

affection, but I decided that this situation warranted it. Who knew when I'd be able to say it
"Love you too, Bells." Charlie mumbled, and I was sure he was going to cry. My heart couldn't
take that. "Why do I get the feeling you don't expect to be home for Thanksgiving? Or

Because I am your daughter, and you know me too well.

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"Because I won't be."
I took a deep breath and gripped Edward's hand tighter. "I won't be home for a year. Remember
the internship, Dad?"
Charlie scowled. Renee was much more accepting. "Of course we remember, Bella. It just seems
strange that you won't be able to leave school at all. But if that's how it has to be, maybe we can

come visit for the holidays?"
Another squeeze.
My fingers were growing numb from the grip, but I wasn't about to let go. "Maybe. We'll work it
out later, okay?"
"Okay," Mom smiled brightly. I could just imagine the ideas she had for an Alaskan Christmas. Of
course, I knew I'd have to find a way to deny them that invitation. But that would come later.
"Our flight leaves in a couple of hours. We better get to the airport," Edward whispered gently.
I nodded and rose from the table. My parents bombarded us with hugs and kisses, and I allowed

Edward to let go of my hand just long enough to hold onto both of them for dear life. My only
solace in leaving them was knowing that, in my absence, my parents were going to find their

way back to each other and try to work out the problems that plagued my childhood. I'd already
suspected as much from the subtle touches and slight smiles I'd seen them exchange

throughout the last few months, but Alice had confirmed my impressions. Charlie planned to ask
Renee to stay with him, and my mother was going to say yes.
As we walked out the door, Edward abruptly stopped on the front steps and turned once again
toward my parents. His face was determined. This time, I grabbed his hand.
"I want you both to know how much I love your daughter," he whispered sweetly. "I will always

take care of her. I will always put her first. I will love her forever, and I will never, ever give you a
reason to regret blessing our marriage. I promise you."
And with that solemn vow, the fragile humans began to weep.
The Cullen homestead in Alaska was just as breathtaking as the house in Forks. Nestled in the

heart of the Denali wilderness, the home was the focal point in an otherwise desolate
We had spent the first week alone, allowing this trip to serve as our real honeymoon. Almost all
of my waking moments were spent in bed with my husband, both of us realizing that our

lovemaking days were numbered. Soon, my only desire would be the taste of blood. Edward
assured me that the bloodlust would become tolerable with time and practice, but I was secretly

arrogant enough to believe that my newborn experience could be different. I just couldn't
imagine a time when I wouldn't want my husband above all other things.
We would find out soon enough.
Carlisle and the rest of the family were on their way.
Last night while I was eating dinner, I'd whispered to Edward that I was ready. He hadn't
questioned me. He had simply nodded and picked up the phone. After arrangements had been

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made, we had spent the rest of the night making love on every flat surface of each floor of the
house. We found our way to the bed sometime around dawn.
"We should probably get dressed," Edward whispered as he stroked my hair. It was almost
noon. "The family will arrive any minute now."
He quietly dressed, and I decided to shower while Edward headed downstairs. I was surprised.
He hadn't left my side for a moment throughout the week, and that included our precious

shower time. When I was finally dressed, I flew down the stairs to find a buffet awaiting me in
the kitchen.
"I guess this is the last supper?" I joked, hoping he'd laugh.
He didn't.
"Well, at least until you teach me how to hunt," I continued, hoping my flippant attitude would
relax him. He remained stoic as I gobbled down the bacon and eggs. "What do you think for my

first time? Deer? Mountain lion? Grizzly bear?"
He just stared into my eyes, his expression grim.
I sighed just as Alice burst through the living room door. The pixie flew to my side and kissed my
"I think elk for your first time, Bella. Much easier."
Jasper made his way into the kitchen, and he grimaced at the tension in the air. He looked at me

with a raised eyebrow. I nodded toward his brother.
"Edward, it's going to be fine," Jasper assured him. "Alice is certain."
"Of course it will be fine," Carlisle smiled as he brought the luggage into the kitchen. He dropped
the bag and placed a hand on Edward's shoulder. Rose, Em, and Esme followed him, each

carrying their own suitcase.
"I didn't realize all of you were coming," I smiled happily at their lovely faces. I thought only

Carlisle would be making the trip. Edward kissed my cheek as he and his father walked side-by-
side up the stairs.
"We wanted to be here. For you. And for Edward," Alice whispered. "The next three days will be
terrible for you, Bella. But you know that already. And for Edward…." Her voice trailed off. "My

reassurances are of little importance to him right now. He is so worried about you. He's more
confident in himself. But he's still struggling with watching you endure the pain."
"Don't let him watch," I urged in a whisper. "Alice, promise me you won't let him see me like
Rosalie laughed, but it wasn't a happy sound. "Do you seriously believe he'll leave your side for
even a minute?"
"No," I admitted. "I know that he won't."
"As long as Alice sees a positive outcome, I think he'll be okay," Emmett murmured. "I'll take

care of him, Bella."
"We all will," Esme promised as her stone arms wrapped around me. "And we'll take care of


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Throughout the rest of the evening, Edward remained by my side, his fingers intertwined with
mine. He would smile down at me from time to time, but when his eyes weren't on me, his

expression was always grim. He was deathly quiet, and it was around midnight when I finally
decided to end his suffering.
"Let's do this," I announced to my family. Seven pairs of eternal eyes stared back at me.
"Bella, it doesn't have to be tonight," Edward whispered gently, his hands gripping mine tightly.

His face was etched with fear. My heart couldn't handle seeing his beautiful face twisted in
panic for one second longer. Putting off my transformation was only ripping him apart, and I

refused to let it continue.
So I took a deep breath and uttered the words that I knew with certainty would break his

"Please, Edward. Please turn me tonight."
His eyes closed in quiet acceptance.
Bella lay against the bed, her mahogany hair splayed across the pillow. She was beyond
perfection, completely exquisite, and moments away from willingly becoming a monster like

"Don't think about it," she whispered in the flickering candlelight. "You love me. I love you. And I

want this. I will see you in three days."
I nodded solemnly. She was my angel. Minutes away from excruciating pain, but trying to

reassure me. I didn't deserve her. I could never deserve her.
"I can't believe you're doing this for me," I murmured in awe.
"I would do anything for you," she smiled up at me, her warm hand cradling my face. I melted
against her touch. "I would do anything to be with you. And I will spend the next century

reminding you of that fact."
"Promise me you'll come back to me," I whispered urgently, pulling her against my chest.

"Please, Bella….." Her chocolate eyes filled with tears as she gazed up at me. Her hand trailed
along my lips, and I couldn't resist kissing the tip of her fingers. "Promise me, Bella. Promise me

you'll come back…"
"I promise," she vowed with determination. "I will always come back to you. Never doubt that. I

will always come back." She brushed her lips softly against mine. "I need a promise, too…"
Her hand stroked my cheek. "I asked Emmett to take you away so that you won't see me…go
through the process…but I know that you won't leave me…"
I nodded. There was no way in hell I was leaving her side – not for a moment.
"So just promise me that, no matter how much I scream or struggle…promise me that you will

think of nothing but happy things. Promise me you'll think about our future. Think of all the
ways you're going to worship me, and I you, for the next thousand years. Visualize only good

things, and let your family take care of you until I wake up. Please do that for me?"
"I promise," I vowed.

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"I love you, Edward."
"I love you, Bella….forever."
She smiled serenely. "Forever is exactly what I want. I want to be yours forever."
I'm just outside the door, son. And I have the morphine. Whenever you're ready….
Everything is going to be just fine, Edward. I see her clear as day. Everything is going to be just
I allowed the comforting thoughts of my father and sister to bombard my mind as I kissed her
warm lips one last time. The next time I kissed them, they would be marble and smooth. I gazed

into the depths of her chocolate eyes, and my heart ached knowing that I'd never see them
again. I leaned back and stroked my fingers along her face, allowing myself one last look at the

beautiful blush that had always brought me to my knees. I then placed my ear against her chest,
memorizing the sound of her heart – my most favorite sound in the universe. A sound I would

never hear again.
I wrapped my arms around her waist. I was losing so much. Taking so much away. I wasn't sure

how I was expected to go through with this. How could I do this to her? How could I be so
selfish? I began to tremble in absolute terror.
Because my Bella knows me so well, she grabbed my face and pressed her forehead to mine.
"Make me yours forever," she whispered against my lips. My eyes flashed to hers, and in her

words, I found my confidence. I found my strength.
"Mine forever," I whispered.
Her smile was breathtaking. Triumphant. She tilted her neck to the side, and I softly brushed her
hair away from her shoulder. I whispered how much I loved her as my lips brushed across the

creamy skin of her neck.
A single tear fell from her eye as I pressed my teeth against her throat.
Bella's body lay peacefully against the pillows. She was too still. Too calm. Too quiet.
"She is just fine," Carlisle proclaimed once again. "Everything is just as it should be. The

morphine is having an amazing effect. She hasn't moved a muscle."
"This isn't normal…." I mumbled urgently. "She should be writhing in pain. She should be

screaming…." I wondered once again if she was willing herself to remain still for my benefit. I
grasped her hand in mine. Her skin, always pale, was more translucent today – the second of the

most horrible three days of my life.
"Surely you don't prefer that visual to this one," Carlisle murmured softly. "She's an angel,

Edward. Look at her. So peaceful. So tranquil. So beautiful."
I had done nothing but look at her for the past forty-eight hours.
"I miss her so much," I whimpered as I climbed into bed next to her. I stroked her hair softly and
whispered over and over how much I loved her. How much I needed her. Begging her to come

back to me.
"Patience, son. She'll wake up soon, and then you'll have her for the rest of your life." He smiled

warmly before walking out of the room.

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"It would never be enough," I whispered against her cheek. "Forever isn't long enough…" I held
her hand and let my fingers slide along her wedding band. I stared at her ring in wonder. I

thought that had been a commitment. But this….giving up her humanity just to be with me….I
would never be able to repay her. But I would spend eternity trying to do just that.
I could feel a warm finger encircling my wedding ring. A warm body lying next to mine.
A soft angelic voice whispering in my ear.
Now that the burning had thankfully ceased, I wondered if I was brave enough to move. To

speak. Did I dare? Would I scream? I'd wanted to scream so much during the past…how many
days has it been? But I knew the screams would do no good. And I knew my screams would only

send Edward into hysterics.
Best not to chance it.
Now that I could concentrate on something besides the flames, I tried to listen intently to
Edward's voice. I knew it was his body lying next to mine. I knew he wouldn't leave me for a

"Come back to me, Bella…." he whispered gently. "You promised you would come back to me."
He sounded so sad. So alone. So scared. How long had I been lying here? Had the process taken
longer than we'd expected? Where was the rest of the family?
I forced myself to focus on his voice as he whispered how much he loved me. How he would find
a way to thank me for bringing so much happiness and love into his life. How we would travel

the world and make happy memories. How he would spend every single day of forever simply
adoring me.
His voice whispered excitedly as he recalled our love story. Alice's first vision. Watching me grow
from a teenager into the woman he loved. Playing piano for each other. Our first heavy make-

out session on that same piano bench. Our first kiss on that moonlit deck in Phoenix. Our nights
of "practicing." Me wearing his t-shirt. Our proposal. My ring. Our cottage. The first time we

made love. Our wedding day. Our wedding night.
And that's when I realized that he was keeping his promise. He had vowed to only think of

happy things while he waited for me. He had fulfilled his promise. It was time I fulfilled mine.
I slowly opened my eyes and focused on his beautiful face.

Epilogue – Part 1

In her eyes I see the sky and all I'll ever need

In her eyes time passes by and she is with me.

"In Her Eyes" ~ Josh Groban

I'll still be me

Just a normal girl from small-town nowhere

I'll still hold your hand and wear this ring

If you can count on one thing – I'll be here

The same girl that you've known for centuries…

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"I'll Still Be Me" ~ Martina McBride

Bella – The Newborn Year
I had learned long ago to expect the unexpected in life. As the anniversary of my first year
quickly approaches, I have also realized that, along with the unexpected, there is always hope

for the future.
Like most mortals, my human life had been riddled with heartbreak, drama, and love. Breaking

ties with my parents was, and still remains, the most difficult part of my decision in choosing this
new life. It is the only downside in an otherwise perfect existence. But that separation is almost

In one hour, Edward and I will be landing in Seattle. We are returning to Forks to live in our

cottage and to watch as my mother and father remarry. Time has truly healed us all.
Edward assures me that the passage of time will mean very little as I grow more accustomed to
this life. In Edward's first century as a vampire, he says that the hands of time only served as a

constant reminder of his solitude. He had his family, of course, but they could not fill the gaping
holes in his heart. As the calendar turned and each decade passed, he had continued his futile

search for me. Something as simple as the changes in the colors of leaves only served as another
reminder that he was spending a new autumn without me by his side. But he says that he no

longer anticipates the start of a new year or the change of seasons with trepidation. He now
savors each passing day because he says it is just one more day that he can spend loving me.
Despite my longing for my parents, my newborn year has passed swiftly and happily. My
transformation was a short one. I awoke two days later. Carlisle was stunned when I opened my

eyes for the first time. None of his turnings had taken less than three days, so I was, in his
experienced eyes, a modern miracle. He suspected that it might have had something to do with

my peaceful resolve in my decision. He'd never known anyone who had asked to be changed, so
he contemplated that perhaps it was that fact that led to my quick transformation. Then again,

he reasoned, maybe the morphine had made all the difference, considering I'd been so still and
quiet during my change.
Those were all possible theories, but I knew the truth. My transformation was quicker than
expected because I could not let Edward spend one more day in agony, wondering if I was going

to return to him.
When I had opened my eyes for the first time, everything was sharper. Clear. Defined. Like I'd

just placed a new pair of contact lenses in my eyes, free of clouds and clutter. There had been so
much to see, but the only thing I could focus on was my husband's face. His features had been

strained. Tired. Frightened beyond belief. I had whispered his name, and his eyes met mine, and
the look of relief and love that flowed through his expression was one I would never forget. I

knew if tears were possible, he would have been sobbing.
My family had quickly surrounded me – tentative and hopeful. Jasper was a constant by my side,

but his presence wasn't necessary. I had never felt out of control. Overwhelmed, for sure, but
never wild. Never savage. My thirst had been only a mild craving, but Edward insisted we hunt

as soon as possible. Hunting for the first time had been exhilarating, and watching my husband
sink his teeth into the neck of a mountain lion was almost too erotic for words. Elk and deer

were the easiest for me, but I soon grew bored with the ease of attack, and Emmett had been

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thrilled to present me with my very first grizzly. Bear quickly became my favorite meal due to
the hunt and the taste. Emmett had never been prouder to call me his sister.
I was still becoming accustomed to my strength and appearance. I'd gone from a clumsy girl -
who couldn't walk across a flat surface without falling - to a strong, graceful woman who could

wrestle bears and outrun her brothers. The woman in the mirror was still me – but I had to
admit Alice had been right. I was pretty. Of course, all vampires are beautiful. It's part of their

allure. But Edward assured me, in his very unbiased opinion, that I was the most beautiful vixen
he had never seen. My hair had lengthened during my two-day slumber, and it hung in

mahogany waves almost to the middle of my back. My arms and legs were toned. My skin was
pale white, but to my enormous relief, I did not sparkle in the sunlight. Again, we had no

explanation as to why.
My control was baffling to all of them. On our third hunt, we had encountered fishermen near

the river, and my throat had felt like a fire had been ignited within it. I had run away so fast that
even Edward had trouble keeping up with me, and he'd been amazed that I was rational enough

to just leave them….and leave them alive. They did smell delicious, but it was tolerable, and
Jasper and Carlisle spent the rest of the night marveling at my self-control.
The most amazing surprise so far was my eye color. For the first three months, just as
anticipated, my eyes had been crimson. We had expected the animal blood to dilute the hue

and eventually turn them to the same topaz shade as the rest of my family. But we'd never been
more surprised when my eyes returned to their original chocolate brown.
I will never forget the look on Edward's face, or the night of passion that followed, when his
gaze had locked with mine for the first time after my eyes reverted to their original color. At

least that small part of my humanity remained.
Our lovemaking had always been powerful, but now that he didn't have to be careful with me,

Edward had become insatiable. Em and Rose declared that we even put them to shame. The
family had actually packed their bags and sprinted to Carmen and Eleazar's house for two

months just to give us some privacy. Two months hadn't been long enough, however, and once
my self-control had been established, and Alice had seen nothing but blue skies in our future,

the family had kissed us goodbye and had flown back to Forks. Edward and I had remained in
Alaska to continue testing my control. I certainly didn't want to return home until I knew for

certain that my parents were safe. But in all honesty, Edward and I were just being selfish. We
wanted this time to ourselves.
We had spent our days reading, hunting, playing piano, and making love. Blissful did not even
begin to describe our life together. It had all been so much easier than we'd expected, and with

my amazing control, normal eye color, and non-sparkly skin, we were confident that we could
return home for at least a little while. I was excited to go home. Alaska had been beautiful, but

we missed our home and our family. Of course, we wouldn't be able to stay forever, but we
would enjoy the time we had.
As our plane descended onto the runway, Edward softly stroked my cheek. I knew he missed my
blush. But he assured me that my chocolate eyes more than made up for the absence of my

flushed cheeks.
"Are you ready, Mrs. Cullen?"
I would never grow tired of that name – not if I lived for a thousand years. I smiled excitedly and
grabbed his hand.

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"Take me home, Mr. Cullen."

Epilogue – Part 2

If everything could ever feel this real forever

If anything could ever be this good again

The only thing I'll ever ask of you

Gotta promise not to stop when I say when…

"Everlong" ~ Foo Fighters

Fifty Years Later
"Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust…."
The minister's words were meant to provide comfort to the weeping mourners. For me, they
only served as a reminder of my immortality. I had attended several funerals throughout the

years, and I would always gaze with longing as I watched the coffin find its home in the grave.
But for the very first time, I did not envy the human body nestled in the soil. I was truly happy

and content with my life. And the reason for that complete and utter joy was sitting next to me
under this tall oak tree, grasping my hand in hers as we watched her father being lowered into

the ground.
There were moments, of course, when I still yearned for my mortality. I glanced ahead at the

third row and gazed at the toddler sitting on his mother's lap. Being a father was a pleasure I
would never know. I had accepted that fact long ago, and I thought I had found peace with it.

But the woman sitting at my side had opened my heart – my soul – and I found myself, fifty
years later, still aching to see her round with my child. An impossibility, but the visual remained

etched in my soul.
Just as I had promised her during her transformation, we had spent the last fifty years traveling

the world. We would soon embark on round three of that journey. As decades passed, there
were always new and exciting things to explore, and we intended to see them all. We had

nothing but time, after all, and I still ached to spend every moment with my Bella.
After her newborn year, which had turned out to be much easier than anticipated, we'd come

home to Forks to attend the wedding of her parents. Because Bella had somehow avoided the
sparkling skin and topaz eyes that characterized our species, she had no trouble adapting to this

new life while still retaining her status as a daughter. Citing homesickness, we had transferred to
the University of Washington to be closer to our families. Bella had graduated three years later

with a degree in Music Education and taught at Forks Elementary School while I continued
working on my medical degree. By that time, our family had lived in Forks for seven years.

Deciding they had risked exposure long enough, the family left Forks with heavy hearts. Bella
and I stayed in town for a few more years until it became too dangerous to do so. We said

goodbye to Charlie and Renee and moved to Europe with the rest of the family. We lived
together as a family at times; otherwise, we traveled the world and just lived as Edward and

The only heartbreaking moment in our marriage had been the day we decided to sever all ties

with Bella's parents. We had debated telling them as much as we could about our world, but
Bella was confident that neither Charlie nor Renee would rest until we confessed the entire

story. For their safety, Bella decided the best option was for us to fake our deaths. This was the

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saddest day of her existence and the only day since her turning that I regretted bringing her into
my world. But it was inevitable, and ten years after leaving Forks, Bella and Edward Cullen died

in a plane crash just off the coast of Australia. Our bodies were never found, and a memorial had
been placed in our honor in Forks Cemetery. Bella never once made me feel guilty, but I would

catch her staring off into space from time to time, and I knew with certainty that she was
thinking of her parents.
Thanks to Carlisle's connections at the hospital, we had been able to keep up with Renee and
Charlie throughout the years, and the fact that their marriage lasted for fifty years was a source

of great joy and comfort to us all. Renee had battled cancer throughout her later years, and her
body finally succumbed to the disease just three months ago. Even though he was ninety years

old, Charlie's passing last week had been unexpected. The autopsy report declared "natural
causes," but both Bella and I knew he had died of a broken heart. His wife and daughter were

gone, and he didn't want to walk this Earth without them.
I understood.
The preacher offered a prayer, and the mourners sang a hymn. Moments later, they drifted
away. Carefully disguised and lurking in the shadows in the very last row of chairs, Bella and I

watched quietly as the crowd dissipated. I stood and offered my hand. Bella placed her hand in
mine as we walked toward the gravestones. As we approached the fresh dirt, we both glanced

at our names on the memorial gravestone in the adjacent plot. Naturally, Charlie and Renee had
made arrangements to be buried together, right next to our monument. The sentiment filled me

with love.
Together forever. Even death could not separate them.
Bella's fingers traced the freshly engraved letters of her father's name on the tombstone. She
kneeled to the ground and I drifted toward her, dropping down to the grass so that I could be by

her side. I knew she had so much to say to them. I gazed at my wife, so beautiful and loving, and
I hated that this was the one heartbreak from which I couldn't protect her. She inhaled the air

around us, checking, I was certain, for any movement – any sign of human life. Confident that
we were alone, she took an unnecessary breath. I watched as she bit her bottom lip nervously.
"May I?" I whispered.
She simply nodded.
"Hi, Mom and Dad." I murmured to the gravestone standing before us. I was more accustomed
to the passing of human life, but I found that even my heart constricted at the sound of the

names they had insisted I call them as soon as Bella and I had been married.
"I hope you can forgive us for lying to you. I am sure you've both realized by now that we aren't

up there with you. I'm sure you were eager to see her, and she certainly deserves Heaven…" My
voice cracked, and Bella brought her hand to my cheek. The gesture filled me with courage and

determination. I stared into her deep chocolate eyes and continued. "But I cannot regret the
choice she made. The choice I made. And if you could see how happy we are – how completely

and eternally in love we are with each other – you would understand."
My eyes closed. "I want you to know that I've kept my promise to you. I promised to love her

forever, and I will do that. And I love you both. Thank you for allowing me the honor of being
your son-in-law. Thank you for her."
I opened my eyes and gazed at my wife. She smiled sweetly as I brought her hand to my lips. I

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nodded in encouragement.
"Hi, Mom and Dad," Bella whispered. "I want to apologize for the lies. Please know that it was

the hardest thing I've ever done, but it was for your protection, as well as the protection of
Edward's family. I could not live without him. I didn't want to try, and this was the only way. It's

not a terrible existence. It's wonderful, actually – full of love and joy. My only regret was leaving
you behind. But that is truly my only regret. I could never regret choosing this life. I will never

apologize for joining his world. This is where I belong. I am his, and he is mine. And neither of us
could have survived without the other. You both knew that, of course. You knew how much we

loved each other. But there was no way you could have understood the absolute commitment
involved. It's so hard to explain because there are no words….no words could describe how

essential he is to my existence…"
I pressed my lips to her cheek. "As you are to mine…."
She smiled at me before continuing. "So, you are together now. Dad couldn't live without you,
Mom. He didn't want to…." Her eyes brightened. "So maybe you do understand….because if

Edward died tomorrow, I'd follow right behind him. And I'd go gladly."
She rose to her feet. I stood proudly next to her, holding her hand in my own. She never failed

to amaze me. Her strength and her loving heart always overwhelmed me.
"I love you both, and I'm so glad you're together now. Eternity is a long time, so take care of

each other up there. And we'll take care of each other down here. We love you." She placed a
kiss to her fingers and trailed them along her parents' names. I did the same.
She smiled happily at me and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you for bringing me. I know it was a
"It was worth it," I whispered as I stroked her hair. "They deserved the truth, and you deserved a
proper goodbye."
She stole one last glance at the gravestone and then smiled at me once again. "I love you more
with each passing year. Thank you for giving me this life."
"Thank you for being my life," I murmured gently. "I love you, Bella."
We turned toward the forest. The autumn leaves were various shades of orange and red, and I

sighed in reverence at the sight. Another change in season.
Another year with my wife.
"Take me home, Edward," she nodded toward the trees.
"Our cottage awaits," I whispered with a smile.
I reached for her.
She took my hand.
And we ran….

~The End~


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