Songbird by SydneyAlice COMPLETE

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by SydneyAlice

On the eve of a wedding, a chance encounter in a piano bar leads to a weekend of passion.

When faced with the consequences, will Bella and Edward overcome their differences and focus

on what's really important in life?

AH. Rated M.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their

respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or

producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Once you’ve read and enjoyed this story, why not show the author some love, and review!

Chapter 1 - A Storm Bubbling Up From the Sea


The red neon numbers of the alarm clock were taunting me.

1:15 AM

I sighed heavily and rolled onto my back, frustrated and jet-lagged and trying to remember why I

ever agreed to this.

Alice and I had been ten years old when we sat in my tree house and promised to be each
other's maids-of-honor on our respective wedding days. I think we even pinky swore.

Are pinky swears admissible in court?

I threw back the satin covers and walked over to the massive French doors that opened out onto

the terrace. I didn't bother opening the doors, knowing the frigid Seattle air would rattle my
bones. Instead, I looked through the glass and out across the vista of the Seattle skyline – the

majestic Space Needle dazzling in the distance. It was truly a beautiful attraction – especially at
night – and I was ashamed that I was a permanent resident of Seattle and had never once visited

the landmark. Maybe I could rectify that situation this weekend.

I was wide awake despite tonight's late rehearsal dinner, which had gone according to plan
except for the rogue groomsman. Jasper's cousin had failed to show to either the rehearsal or to

the family dinner, and while I would have been pissed, the groom had shrugged off his
disappearance as nothing out of the ordinary. Jasper had assured the bride that his cousin

would be there tomorrow, and I was once again impressed that Jasper Whitlock was so efficient
at taming Alice's Bridezilla tendencies.

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He was good for her, and watching them together throughout the night only served as a

reminder that I had chosen my career over everything else, and it was my fault that I was alone.

I was too restless to go back to bed, so I ran a brush through my hair, threw on some clothes,
and decided to get a drink at the piano bar downstairs. I grabbed my room key and wallet and

shoved both into my back pocket as I shut the door behind me. I ignored the elevator and
decided to walk the spiraling staircase that was the focal point of the Fairmont Olympic Hotel.

Chandeliers hung gracefully from the ceilings and the walls and furniture were adorned with rich
hues of gold and red. Simple yet splendid. Classic yet sophisticated.

It was totally gorgeous and totally Alice.

When I pinky swore all those years ago, I was pretty sure I imagined myself as the maid-of-honor

in a much cozier setting. A small country church. A lush, green park. Or, better yet, someone's

Had I known that this had been Alice's wedding plan, I would have kept my pinky to myself.

Alice knew better than to put me through this. She knew I was a nutcase. I was awkward and

clumsy and the shoes she chose were about five inches taller than I was completely comfortable
with. I hated crowds, and I certainly hated having eyes on me. This is why I worked as a reporter

at the Seattle Times. I could hide behind the byline and never have to show my face. Thankfully,
Alice is drop dead gorgeous, so all eyes will be on her tomorrow. However, I was pretty sure that

I would fall at least once in those hooker heels, and then someone's eyes would invariably find

But I loved her, and for her, I would endure the looks and the heels and the fancy hotel.

The piano bar was fairly empty, which wasn't surprising given the late hour. I was disappointed

that the piano player had obviously called it a night. Soothing music was exactly what I needed
to relax me. I ordered my drink from a bartender who looked exhausted, but still managed to

find the strength to blatantly flirt with me. I laughed and batted my eyelashes, all in a veiled
attempt for access to free drinks and to the sterling white piano that was nestled in the corner

of the bar. It took three martinis and my phone number (which was actually Alice's…the bitch
owed me after all), but finally, I found myself sitting on the piano bench, my fingers drifting

aimlessly across the keys.

This wasn't like me at all. With my aversion to the public eye, you'd think that I would have been
nervous about performing in a piano bar at one in the morning. But the place was practically

empty…and my loneliness, my exhaustion, and my three martinis made me bold. I turned on the
microphone, and began playing the opening verse of Fleetwood Mac's "Songbird," the very first

song I had ever learned to play on piano.

"For you there'll be no crying
For you the sun will be shining

Cause I feel that when I'm with you
It's alright, I know it's right…"

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I closed my eyes, allowing the music to soothe my tension. I had made it to the final chorus

when I felt someone's eyes on me. It was the most incredible sensation – instinct alerting me to
the penetrating stare of some stranger in the darkness of the bar. I slowly opened my eyes, and

my fingers slipped off the keys as gleaming emerald eyes locked with mine.

He was seated at a table just a few feet away from me. The tie of his suit was undone, as were
the first couple buttons of his shirt. He was sex personified – tousled bronze hair, chiseled jaw,

and devastatingly handsome. I watched as his long finger lazily trailed across his glass, his eyes
never leaving mine as I struggled to remember the notes and the words to a song that I had

played since I was five years old.

His stare was unnerving.




Suddenly, he rose from his seat – his eyes never leaving mine as he picked up his glass and
walked over to the piano. I broke the spell, willing my eyes to concentrate on the keys beneath

my fingers. His scent washed over me, stunning my senses and clouding my mind. Without a
word, he sat down on the bench. Somehow, instinct took over, and I was able to finish the song.

Silence hung in the air between us, and I inhaled sharply as his hand brushed my hair away from

my shoulder. He leaned in closer.

"Sing something else," he whispered – his voice velvet and smooth against my ear. His hot
breath caused goosebumps to erupt on my skin, and I trembled as his fingers brushed across


So I sang, paying no real attention to the words, as we gazed at each other – completely
mesmerized and spellbound – neither of us willing to look away. I had no idea how long we sat

there while I sang and played, but it was apparently too long for the suffering bartender, and he
bitterly announced last call.

The man stood up from the piano bench and offered me his hand. I tore my eyes away from his

face long enough to look at his hand. I was too captivated, too lonely, and probably a little too
drunk to accept this man's outstretched hand.

Instinctively, I knew this.

But I was powerless to stop it.

Like a moth to a flame, I slipped my hand into his – and with that initial contact I felt a shock of

electricity that stunned me beyond all rational reason. It was potent – the feel of his skin against
mine – and suddenly, I wanted his hands on me….everywhere.

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"Come with me, Songbird," he coaxed softly.

And so I did.


I was proud of myself. I waited until I got the girl into her hotel room before pushing her against

the wall. It had taken all of the self-restraint I possessed not to take her in the elevator. Or on
top of that piano.

She was fucking gorgeous with deep brown eyes and long wavy brunette hair that was just

begging to be wrapped around my fingers. She was dressed appallingly in some thin 80s t-shirt
and skinny jeans. This woman should be in satins and silks, all of which should be lying in a pool

at the bottom of my bed.

She moaned when my mouth crashed against hers – possessive and hungry – as I pressed my
erection against her. I had been hard for over an hour now, and she needed to know that it was

her fucking fault. Her eyes…her hair…her smell. All seemingly innocent and insignificant
qualities. But when combined with that voice – her sultry voice that dripped with honey – I was

sure that the universe had sent her just to torture me into submission.

Not fucking her was not an option.

I couldn't keep my hands off her, not for a single second. If I wasn't kissing her, I was sucking on
her neck. The pressure against her skin was sure to leave a mark, and the notion made me

fucking insane. I was marking her…leaving a visual reminder that – for this one night – she was

Her head fell back against the wall as I tugged her t-shirt over her head. Her breasts were

sheathed in the black lace of her bra, and I cupped them, trailing my fingers along her nipples
until they elongated beneath my touch. Her soft moans were hypnotic as I palmed her roughly

with one hand, using the other to unsnap and unzip the denim that was the final barrier
separating my skin from all of hers. I tore my eyes away from her face just long enough to push

her jeans onto the floor, and her matching black lace panties fucking taunted me, covering the
one piece of flesh I wanted most of all. I grabbed them roughly, and she groaned as I palmed her

through the fabric.

"You're so wet, Songbird," I hissed against her mouth. She made that little groan again, and with
a flick of my finger, the lacy panties fell in tattered pieces onto the floor.

"Those were expensive," she panted, her hands roaming through my hair. She tugged gently as

she arched against me, harder this time, and I nearly came in my pants.

"I'll buy you a new pair," I grunted as my mouth crashed against hers once again. Her mouth was
warm as I probed it with my tongue, sliding mine against hers as she arched against me once


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"You're entirely too overdressed," she breathed as her talented hands made quick work of my
shirt. Her fingernails grazed along my chest, and I growled low in my chest.

"You should do something about that," I groaned as her hands slid the jacket and shirt down my

shoulders and tossed them onto the floor. Her fingers were like little bolts of electricity against
my skin, and I buried my face in her neck, licking and sucking the skin, as her hand trailed down

my stomach. Her fingers fumbled against the button of my slacks before pushing them, along
with my underwear, down into the pool of clothes surrounding our feet.

Swiftly, I lifted her against the wall. This was going to be hard and fast and I nearly exploded

when she wrapped her shapely legs around my waist. I positioned myself at her entrance, and I
swallowed her cries with my mouth as I buried myself inside of her. She was warm and tight,

and I felt her clench her muscles around my dick. I moved my hips in a punishing rhythm as our
bodies thumped against the wall.

"Open those eyes, Songbird," I panted hoarsely. "I want to watch you."

Her doe eyes opened as I continued thrusting into her, pounding and ravaging, and for a brief

moment, I actually worried that I was being too rough with her. The sounds emanating from her
body assured me that this was not the case, and I palmed her ass, pulling her closer and allowing

me to drive deeper. Our hips synchronized in perfect rhythm as her head beat against the wall. I
brought one of my hands up to cradle the back of her head, and I wrapped my fingers in the

silky strands of her mahogany hair as my tongue invaded her mouth once again.

"God, yes….right there…" she whimpered against my mouth as I plunged deeper. That voice was
like melted gold, and I ached to hear it once again.

"Let me hear you, Songbird," I whispered breathlessly against her skin. I licked the perspiration

off her neck as I drove deeper. "Come for me…!"

Roughly, I shifted my hips one last time while biting down onto the soft skin of her neck. Her
deafening moan reverberated in my ears as her hands gripped my shoulders, and she clung to

me as she rode out the wave of her orgasm.

"Fuck yes," I grunted as I spilled inside of her, the sensation so powerful that I could see tiny,
white flashes of light dancing behind my eyelids. She tugged on my hair, forcing my mouth to

hers. We kissed – the intensity of our kisses lessening as both of us came down from the high of
our climax. By the time I lowered her to the ground, our kisses had become tender and sweet. It

had been a long time since I'd kissed any woman as softly as I was kissing her now, and I
wondered if I would even be capable of such tenderness with anyone else.

I knew the answer was no.

I didn't do tender. I didn't do sweet. But for the gorgeous girl in my arms, I made an exception.

Just this once.

"Come to bed, Songbird," I whispered as I lifted her into my arms. She snuggled against my

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shoulder and closed her eyes. I carried her over to her unmade bed, bringing the blanket around
her. I laid down beside of her and adjusted the covers against her creamy skin. I watched as she

snuggled against the pillow, her heart-shaped face relaxing into a peaceful sleep. Her lips were
slightly swollen from my assault, and I gently traced her lower lip with the tip of my finger.

She really was a beautiful woman.

I looked at her left hand and saw that her ring finger was bare. I probably should have looked

there before I fucked her senseless, but it seemed a moot point now. Was she single? I found
the prospect to be unbelievable, but she was obviously alone tonight. I wondered if – like me –

she'd had trouble sleeping, and the bar had been a welcome distraction in the middle of the

She sighed softly in her sleep, and I was reminded of what an alluring distraction it had


The night had been complete shit. I'd been stuck at the courthouse much longer than I'd
expected, and I'd missed the fucking rehearsal dinner. It was times like these that I was happy

that Jazz had chosen Emmett his best man. I was unreliable and irresponsible, and I couldn't
blame the guy for granting the best man distinction to someone else. It was ironic that he'd

chosen my brother considering how big of a prick he could be and how immature he was at the
dinner table. But, obviously, Jasper had made the right call, considering I couldn't even make it

to the hotel on time. I felt like a bastard for letting him down. I'd apologized, and he'd shrugged
it off. I assured him I'd be there tomorrow – when it counted the most. I'd checked into the

hotel and immediately made my way to the bar.

I gazed down at her sleeping form, realizing that she had been – without a doubt – the very best
part of my night. It was sad that I hadn't even asked her name, and it was a fucking shame that

I'd never get the chance.

"Sweet dreams, Songbird," I whispered softly, brushing my lips against hers one more time.

I dressed quietly in the darkness of the room, and as I zipped my pants, I noticed the torn fabric
of her panties. I'd promised to buy her another pair, and I felt guilty that I wouldn't get to keep

that promise. It was hard to send someone a gift when you didn't even know their name.

I granted myself one final look at the beautiful girl before opening her door, letting it close softly
behind me.


The alarm resonated in my head, and I slapped blindly at the offensive clock as I rolled over onto

my side. I winced as I stretched my arms above my head. My head was pounding, and my thighs
were aching.

My eyes flashed open as images from the previous night flooded my mind.

I remembered three martinis.

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I remembered the piano.

I remembered green eyes.

I slowly turned my head, expecting to see those same green eyes staring back at me. Or, at least

snoring next to me.

The bed was empty.

Needing visual proof of the previous night's events, I raised myself onto my elbows. My favorite
La Perla panties were lying in tattered pieces right next to my jeans. I squinted my eyes as I

looked at the wall…back to my clothes…and back to the wall once again.

Had he really fucked me against that wall?

The dull ache between my legs confirmed that he had.

I slowly climbed out of bed and turned on the hot water of the shower. I stepped in and allowed
the water to sting my body and wash away the remnants of the night. As I washed my hair and

shaved my legs, I couldn't help but feel ashamed. I didn't do one night stands. Ever. I wasn't
innocent, and I wasn't a prude, but I felt strongly that I should at least know the name of the

man whose dick was inside of me. It was a definite prerequisite.

I didn't know his name. I didn't even know if he'd used a condom.

As I let the scalding water flow across my skin, my shame swiftly turned to disbelief. This
gorgeous, beautiful man had fucked me against a wall. I could remember the desperation of our

kisses. I remembered his hands being all over me and causing little spikes of electricity to flow
through my skin. Above all, I remembered the intensity of my orgasm. The most explosive

orgasm of my life.

After that is when things started to get fuzzy.

I vaguely recalled being carried to bed, so I had to assume that was him. I remembered him
calling me something. Not my name, obviously, but it was something sweet…

And then my disbelief turned into rage.

It was the ultimate fuck-and-duck. This man had ravaged me senseless and then just….left?

What kind of cold, heartless bastard does that?

Thankfully, I'd never have to see him again.

I was still wallowing in my stupid lack of judgment as I made my way down to the bridal suite.
Alice and Jasper had ignored all traditional beliefs, opting to spend the night together and treat

everyone to something she deemed the "Bridal Breakfast." It was just like the rehearsal dinner…
only at an ungodly hour and with scrambled eggs.

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"What's wrong?" Alice's voice barked at me as I walked through the door leading into the suite.

Jasper immediately handed me a coffee, and I attempted a smile in thanks.

"Good morning, sunshine," I murmured tiredly. "Please don't yell. What makes you think
something is wrong?"

"Maybe because you look fucking exhausted," Jasper's best man quipped from the far side of

the table. His plate was overflowing with eggs and bacon, and the smell was revolting.

"Rough night," I muttered as I sat down next to him. I grabbed a piece of toast from the tray and
attempted to chew it.

"You too?" Emmett laughed, and I closed my eyes as the booming sound of his laughter caused

my head to pulsate. Normally, I really liked Emmett. He was fun and cursed like a sailor. This
morning, however, I might just kill him. I picked up the butter knife and eyed it longingly before

using it for its intended purpose. The buttered toast settled my stomach immediately.

"What is it with the members of my wedding party thinking it is okay to get totally smashed
before the most important day of my life?" Alice whined as she flitted around the room. Jasper

caught her in his arms, and it reminded me of a net catching a butterfly. He whispered
soothingly in her ear as she buried her head against his chest.

I turned toward Emmett who was watching the scene unfold, and while we loved them both,

neither of us could resist rolling our eyes in disgust.

"I didn't get smashed," I mumbled at Emmett. "I remember most of it…almost all of it…"

"Hmm," Emmett mused as he chewed his pancake. "Did you get laid?"

I grimaced at the memory. "Laid as in I was horizontal when it happened?"

Emmett raised an eyebrow, and I could see that he was intrigued. "Not necessarily. Vertical
works, too."

"Then yes, I got laid," I admitted with a disgusted sigh.

"Well, well…" Emmett chuckled as he finished gulping his juice. "I had no idea you were such a

slut, Bella baby, and I mean that as a compliment."

"I'm not, usually…" I argued pathetically.

Emmett laughed as he poured himself another glass of juice. "What is it about this hotel? My
brother – he's the groomsman you've yet to meet – also found himself in the same predicament

last night."

"Ahh yes," I muttered as I took another bite of toast. "The rogue groomsman. Where is he this

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"He's on his way. He's apparently having trouble recovering from the fuck-hot sex he had last

night. His words, not mine. Lucky fucking bastard." He grumbled as he wiped his face with his
napkin. "This hotel is the shit. I wonder if I'll find something at the reception that will satisfy my

taste buds."

I was pretty certain he wasn't talking about the dinner.

"Bella…" Alice smiled adorably in my direction. My radar instantly registered that this involved
me doing something I really didn't want to do. It was easy to tell with Alice. She was normally a

sweet person in general, but when she wanted you to do something, the manipulation was
masterful. "I was wondering if you'd try on your dress – just one last time?"

Emmett chuckled and I glared in his direction.

"Today is your wedding day, Alice," I reminded her sweetly. "If the dress doesn't fit me by now,

it isn't going to fit. Besides, I tried it on yesterday, and it was fine. You said so yourself."

"But I didn't see it with the shoes," Alice whined. "Please please, Bella…."

I could not wait until this damn wedding was over. I threw my napkin onto the table and
groaned, "Fine. Where is it? And where the hell is Rosalie?"

"Rosalie is dealing with the hotel wedding planner. Apparently, there was a problem with the

music, and Rose offered to go kick someone's ass," Emmett explained, a note of awe in his
voice. "Hey, is Rosalie single?"

I rolled my eyes as Alice led me to the changing room. The room looked as if a wedding

superstore had exploded in this tiny space. It was full of dresses and tuxedos, and I wondered
idly if the wedding party would be watching each other get dressed today.

"Just come out when you're ready," Alice grinned happily, closing the door behind her.

This would be the tenth time that I tried on this dress. At least it was pretty. It was an ice-blue

halter dress that clung to me, accentuating what few curves I possessed. It made me feel sexy
and powerful.

Powerful, that is, until I strapped the hooker heels onto my feet. They were pretty, too, I

supposed. I was just scared shitless to walk in them, and my best friend was forcing me to wear
them in public.

I really hated her today.

I looked at myself in the mirror and pulled my hair into a twist, just to get the full effect. It was

then that I noticed the small bite mark on the side of my neck. I gasped as my finger ghosted
along the purplish bruise.

The bastard had marked me.

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The bride was going to be so pissed.

I dropped my hair as I made my way back into the bridal suite. "Alice, I'm going to need some

concealer, I think."

I heard the distinct sound of a fork crashing loudly against a plate. Every head in the room
turned toward the table, and I stopped breathing when I saw the blazing green eyes of the

rogue groomsman.

Chapter 2 A Promise Not Forgotten


Surely I was hallucinating. I'd had three hours of sleep, after all, and I was sporting a slight
hangover. Visual disturbances were common in such conditions, right?

I blinked rapidly and dropped my fork against my plate. Every head in the room turned toward

me as I cleared my throat, trying to act nonchalant – as if the sudden tightening of my jeans had
nothing to do with the girl standing in the doorway wearing ice-blue satin and a pair of fuck-me-

heels. She was glaring at me with those big brown eyes, and it would have been hot…except for
the fact that she looked completely pissed.

I rocked her world last night. What the hell did she have to be pissed about?

I smirked at her as I picked up my fork, never breaking eye contact as I stabbed at my eggs. I

raised my fork, and I had the satisfaction of watching her eyes glaze over as I brought the fork to
my mouth.

My brother – usually so unobservant of his surroundings – finally faked a cough, effectively

breaking the trance. I shot a glance in his direction, and his face was smug.

The bastard knows.

"Why do you need concealer?" Alice asked as she surveyed the girl's face. "I don't see anything."

"Do you want me to wear my hair up?" She asked softly.

God, that voice.

"Yes….." Alice replied hesitantly.

"Then I'm going to need some concealer. It seems that I have a….blemish….on my neck," the girl
mumbled quietly. I chuckled, and her head whipped around in my direction. It was very Linda

Blair a la The Exorcist and I couldn't help but laugh aloud.

I watched as the girl grabbed Alice's arm and pulled her into the adjacent room. I sniggered
before pouring myself a glass of juice. Jasper made his way over to the table and sat down next

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to me, effectively sandwiching me between him and Emmett. I happily continued eating my
breakfast as I pretended to ignore the knowing glances coming from each of them.

"You fucked Bella," Emmett stated matter-of-factly.

"Is that her name?" I replied lazily as I popped a strawberry in my mouth. How appropriate.

Beautiful Bella.

Jasper groaned as he held his head in his hands. This wedding had turned him into such a pussy.
Brandon was a sweet girl and cute as hell, but I wasn't sure that any woman was worth my balls.

"Alice will fucking kill you," Jazz moaned through his hands. "Why, Edward? Why her? Why

today? Now shit's gonna be awkward, and I'll have to deal with a pissed off bride."

I shrugged in defense as I grabbed another strawberry.

"You're a hotshot attorney, and all you can do is fucking shrug?" Emmett cackled. "Dude, you
banged the maid-of-honor….vertically, from what I understand. Surely you have something

eloquent and poetic to say?"

My shitty morning had just improved substantially. Not only did I get to see the girl wearing a
sexy dress and stilettos, but she had obviously mentioned our escapades to my brother.

"Hmm…" I mused as I swallowed the remainder of my juice. "You know me. I never kiss and


Emmett nearly choked on his bacon. "Since when?"

Jasper was rubbing his temples with his fingers.

"Would you relax?" I muttered in his direction. "The fact that I slept with the maid-of-honor –
and quite thoroughly enjoyed it, I might add – has absolutely nothing to do with your precious

wedding. I didn't even know she was in the wedding."

"You might have known if you'd bothered to show up to the rehearsal," Emmett grumbled
between bites.

"True," I muttered guiltily, but I also knew the fact that Bella was Alice's best friend wouldn't

have stopped me from trying to get into her pants. The girl was entirely too fuckable for her
own good.

Of course, I didn't admit this aloud.

"Besides, I'm a groomsman," I argued. "Aren't hook-ups within the wedding party fairly


"Yeah, but that shit doesn't usually happen until the reception…"

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We heard a door slam, and Emmett's voice trailed off as a tall, busty blonde suddenly appeared
in the entryway. My brother's face suddenly brightened as he openly gawked at the voluptuous

bridesmaid. She was spilling out of the top of her blouse, which was nice to look at but seemed
a little desperate to me. Emmett, however, was loving the view.

"You know, Em..." I smirked. "There's this story about pots and kettles and how they're black..."

"I haven't fucked her yet," Emmett murmured with anticipation. "But I'd love to. Vertically,

horizontally, diagonally, upside-down…"

"Where are the girls?" She snapped angrily.

"Looking for concealer," Jasper whispered softly as he pointed toward the door. She narrowed
her eyes in confusion before stomping out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"She seems fun," I noted as I threw my napkin onto my plate and rose from the table. "So,

what's the agenda? Do I have time to get a massage before we do this thing?"

Jasper's eyes were wide with fright. "Please, for the love of God, don't be late. I'm begging you,

I rolled my eyes. "Dude, I'm just going to get a massage. I won't even leave the hotel. What time

do you want me here?"

"Pictures are at four," Alice said as she breezed back into the room. To my great
disappointment, she was alone. "You need to be here at three to get dressed. If you are late, I

will hunt you down and kill you. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," I grinned as I walked over and kissed her cheek. Either I was forgiven for the hickey, or
Bella had kept her mouth shut. I suspected it was the latter.

"I'll come with you," Emmett said as he tossed a grape into his mouth. "How about it, Jazz? You

look like you could use a massage. Maybe relieve some pre-marital tension?"

Seeking permission, Jasper turned toward the bride.

"Fine, just don't be late." Alice sighed heavily as she turned toward the sofa and unzipped a
massive bag. "I have to find some concealer. My maid-of-honor allowed some bastard to put a

massive hickey on her neck. She may have to wear her hair down after all." She pulled a lipstick
tube out of her bag and twisted it. Alice scrutinized the shade and immediately tossed it back

into the bag. "Can you believe it? Of all the nights for Bella to get laid. She said it was pretty
good, though, so I guess that's all that matters…"

My head shot up in disbelief.

Pretty Good? She said it was pretty good?

"It was fucking amazing," I muttered under my breath. Jasper's eyes widened and Emmett

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cackled loudly as they each grabbed me by the arm and rushed me out of the suite.


I was sipping a Sprite, desperately wishing it was something stronger but vowing to never drink
another drop of alcohol for as long as I lived. Alec, my hair stylist, was standing behind me,

wrapping strands of my hair around a curling iron. I watched in fascination as he unwound the
iron and the curl bounced right into place.

I could never make my hair do that.

The concealer had done a decent job of hiding the mark, but I still wasn't comfortable with the

up-do that Alice had requested. It only took thirty minutes of groveling to convince her

"I want a name," Rosalie said as she flipped through a magazine while her own stylist worked

her magic. In a show of solidarity, Rose had decided to wear her hair down, as well. Of course,
she had supermodel hair – all blonde and wavy and shiny. Mine was brown and flat and blah.

"No, you don't," I muttered tiredly as I glanced at Alice. She was across the room in the pedicure

chair and well out of earshot. "It's just too embarrassing."

"Fine," Rose mumbled. "But at least give me details. You haven't been fucked properly in…how
long has it been?"

"If last night was any indication, I had never been fucked properly," I sighed.

Rosalie arched a perfectly sculpted eyebrow in my direction. "It was that good?"

"It was that good."

Rosalie snorted. "It must have been good if that badass hickey on your neck is any indication."

My forehead creased as I gently caressed the mark. "You'd think I'd remember that happening,

wouldn't you?"

Rose shrugged. "Not necessarily, and stop touching it. We almost used the whole tube of
concealer to cover it the first time."

I quickly dropped my hand down to my lap.

"Well, at least you have a date for the wedding," Rosalie remarked. "I'll be stuck dancing with

one of the Cullen boys."

At least now I knew his name.

Edward Cullen.

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I had been thoroughly fucked by the rogue groomsman.

"I don't have a date," I said with a shake of my head, earning me a glare of disapproval from

"He won't be at the wedding?" Rosalie asked.

"Oh, he'll be at the wedding," I muttered miserably. Wasn't it enough that I had to endure, not

to mention wear, the shame of my one-night stand? Did I really have to look at him all night

I could tell that Rose was curious, but she didn't ask. That was the great thing about Rosalie. She

rarely pushed for details. The hickey on my neck was just too odd of an occurrence to
completely ignore, but at least she wasn't pressing for specifics.

Three hours later, we were all perfectly primped and ready for pictures. True to their word, the

boys were on time, and I faked a call out on the balcony just to avoid him. I could only imagine
how hot he'd look in his tux, and I knew I'd completely lose my shit if I looked into those blazing

green eyes. Instead, I concentrated on deep breathing and not falling in the death traps that
Alice called shoes.

The elevator ride down to the Spanish Ballroom was awkward, but still, I remained strong and

didn't once look his way. But I knew he was staring at me. I could feel his eyes on me, and I was
ashamed to admit how much that excited me.

Pictures were pure torture as the photographer placed us in some of the most ridiculous poses.

Thankfully, I was never close enough to Edward to have to look his way or make idle chit-chat.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Rosalie whispered when the photographer finally released
us. "You look like you're ready to vomit."


"It's time," Gianna, the hotel's wedding planner, announced. She was speaking quietly into a

headset and herding us into an adjacent room just to the left of the ballroom. I chanced a glance
at the seated guests and tried to quickly count the number of heads in the crowd. I'd counted all

the way to sixty when I felt a hand on the small of my back. It was that same tingly electric jolt
that I felt last night, and I jumped in surprise.

"Aren't you even going to say hello?" His voice was soft and hypnotic, and I trembled as his

breath tickled my ear. I bit my lip and stared straight ahead, ignoring him completely.

"It's showtime!" Emmett clapped his hands. "All boys to the front!"

I exhaled a shaky breath as his hand disappeared, and I resumed my counting of heads just to
keep my mind occupied and my breathing under control. Suddenly, the music started, and Rose

made her way down the aisle.

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"Bella!" Alice's frantic whisper interrupted my inner turmoil, and I suddenly remembered my

"What?" I asked softly. Rose was almost to the altar.

"I'm doing the right thing, right? I mean, I love Jazz…and I know he loves me. But…is this right?"

Frankly, I was a little panicked. Not once in all of the years I'd known Alice had she ever

questioned her relationship with Jasper. They'd been together so long that it was hard to
remember a time when they weren't Jasper and Alice.

"Bella, you're up," Gianna whispered with a smile as she pointed toward the ballroom.

"Back off, bitch!" Alice snapped irritably as she grabbed my hand. "I am having a moment, and I

need my best friend."

Gianna slinked back into the shadows, muttering frantically into her headset.

I took a deep breath and pulled her out of view of the wedding guests. "Alice, look at me. Are
you listening?" Her eyes were darting around the room, and I feared she was looking for the

nearest exit. "Breathe, Alice. You're just nervous."

"Tell me this is right," she begged softly.

I was no expert on relationships. My parents had divorced when I was twelve, so that pretty
much skewed my views on love and marriage. My own relationships – what few I'd had – had

been purely physical with absolutely no emotion behind them. What did I know about happy
ever after?

But I did know my best friend, and I knew how much she adored the man standing at the altar.

So I did what any good reporter would do. I plastered a smile onto my face and made it up as I
went along.

"Alice," I whispered softly. "Jasper loves you. He worships the ground you walk on, and I know

you feel the same. I can't think of any other couple who are more right for each other."

"Really?" Her voice was shaking with relieved emotion.

"Really," I smiled softly. "And he's waiting for you. He's ready to make you his forever. Isn't that
the most incredible feeling in the world – knowing that that man is going to love you until the

day you die?"

She sniffled quietly. "It is…it's incredible."

"So let's do this," I smiled. Suddenly, her face split into the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen,
and just like that, my sweet Alice was back.

I nodded to Gianna, who sighed with relief as she ushered me through the door. I ignored the

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confused but smiling faces that watched me as I made my way down the aisle. I was so
overjoyed with my ability to walk a straight line that I made the mistake of looking toward the

altar, and when I did, I found myself staring into the ravenous eyes of Edward Cullen.

I should have reminded myself that this man was an arrogant ass. I should have looked away. I
should have focused on anything but him. But the intensity of his expression actually grounded

me, and for the first time today, I felt blissfully calm.

I did force my eyes elsewhere when the wedding march began, but as soon as Alice placed her
hand in Jasper's and everyone had taken their seats, I was once again swept into the web that

was Edward's steely gaze. His eyes raked over my body, and I felt my stomach tighten in want.

Vows were spoken. Rings were exchanged. Jasper kissed the bride.

I'm sure it was all very beautiful.

Sadly, I couldn't remember a moment of it.


The wedding flowed effortlessly into the reception, and before I knew it, it was time for me to
give the toast. I was a writer, so naturally, I'd written my speech well in advance and I'd

practiced it in the car on the way to and from work for the past week. It was a little humorous
and a little sappy, and I rarely did sappy. But I could appreciate the fact that this was a day that

warranted it, and I loved them both, so I sucked it up and wrote something sweet for my best
friend and her new husband.

The DJ handed me the microphone, and I nervously rose from my seat, willing my eyes to

remain on Alice's face as I delivered my speech to the crowd.

"When Alice and I were ten years old," I began, "she and I made a pinky promise that, someday,
she would be my maid-of-honor and that I would be hers. However, if I'd known that she'd

planned to strap me in five inch stilettos when that day arrived, I probably would have found a
new best friend."

"They aren't five inches…" Alice muttered, but her face was beaming with happiness. The crowd

chuckled, and there were even a few whistles – the loudest of which came from the head table.

When I wasn't looking at him, it was so much easier to ignore him.

"A few years ago, Alice and I were watching a movie where the maid-of-honor had to give a
toast. She said that "true love is the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another." At the

time, I remember thinking that the line was incredibly cheesy, but it was apparently
unforgettable because it was the very first thing I thought of when I sat down to write my toast.

That statement personifies Jasper and Alice and their devotion to each other. I've seen very few
instances of true love in my life, but trust me when I say that Jasper and Alice have found it in

each other. I love you both. Congratulations."

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After the applause, everyone raised their glass to toast the happy couple, and I fell back against
my seat in a relieved slump while Jasper and Alice shared their first dance. Forgetting my no-

alcohol stance, I took a sip of my champagne and glanced at Rose – whose head was close to
Emmett's. She had a sly grin on her face, and his arm was around the back of her chair. He was

whispering against her ear, and she giggled.

Rosalie never giggles.

That's when I knew I was screwed. I had been counting on Emmett when it came time for
dancing. I watched in despair as he and Rose made their way to the dance floor, leaving me and

Edward alone at the head table.

Thankfully, he was way down there.

"Honey, please explain to me why you are sitting here looking pitiful when there is a fine piece
of male specimen at the far end of the table eye-fucking the shit out of you."


Jake was an entertainment reporter for the Times and my very best friend at the office. He was

cute and funny, but he was also one of the few male reporters who didn't hit on me. These were
all pluses in his favor, so I was happy to call him my friend.

"Jake, dance with me!" I begged pathetically as I grabbed his arm. He chuckled and downed his

glass of champagne.

"Can't," Jake quipped. He pointed to the open bar where his boyfriend – a photographer by the
name of Seth Clearwater – was standing proudly. They were both entirely too handsome.

Why were all of the decent guys married or gay?

"Fine, desert me in my hour of need," I grumbled as I took another sip of my champagne.

"Oh, I don't think you're going to be deserted for long," Jake grinned mischievously, and I sighed

heavily as I felt someone sit down in the chair next to me. "I think I need a refill. Have fun,
honey." And with a wink, he was gone.


I felt his arm along the back of my chair as he leaned closer to my ear. "You can't ignore me all

night. It's actually quite rude."

My temper flared, but I still refused to turn my head in his direction since, obviously, I was
unable to look into his eyes without losing my damn mind.

"You would know all about rude behavior," I snapped angrily.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Edward asked.

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Hate was radiating from me. I prayed it was enough to keep me coherent because I was

obviously going to have to face him at some point. With a resigned sigh, I turned my head.

I really wasn't expecting his face to be that close to mine. His eyes were piercing and his breath
was sweet against my face.

I took a deep breath and steeled my resolve. "Marking me and leaving me without even the

courtesy of a goodbye would qualify as rude behavior, don't you agree?"

A slow smile crept across his face. "I wanted you to have something to remember me by.
Besides, you loved it. Those sexy moans are still echoing in my ears."

"You're a pig," I muttered as I grabbed another glass of champagne – probably Rosalie's. I

downed it quickly before placing it back on the table.

"And you're sexy as hell. Come dance with me."


He leaned closer to my ear, and I shuddered. "You let me fuck you against a wall, but you won't
share a slow dance with me?"

"I was drunk," I replied lamely.

He snorted. "You weren't that drunk."

"There are literally hundreds of beautiful women in this room," I said as I waved my hand

toward the crowd. "Take your pick."

"But I want to dance with the most beautiful woman in this room, and that's you."

Truly, he was a smooth bastard.

"I think that's a really bad idea," I replied shakily. His hand had made its way to the back of my
neck, and my skin tingled beneath his touch.

"Just one dance, Songbird," he whispered softly, his nose trailing against my cheek.

It was the name he'd christened me last night. The name he'd used to coax me away from the

piano. The name he'd growled when he made me come.

And it was that name that prompted me to place my hand in his, and with a sexy, triumphant
smile, he led me onto the dance floor. His fiery eyes were locked with mine as he pulled my

hand close to his chest while his other hand found the small of my back. He pulled me close, and
our bodies swayed to the slow beat of the music.

"I know it's a moot point now, but I'm Edward." His smile was crooked and his eyes were

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dancing with mischief.

I glanced anxiously around the room. "I'm Bella."

"So you're pissed about last night?" Edward whispered curiously. At least he had the decency to
keep his voice low.


"May I ask why?"

I took a deep breath. "Because I don't do one night stands….ever."

He smirked as his eyes danced with joy. "I see. Well, if that's all that's bothering you, then I'm

sure I could be persuaded into a repeat performance. I wouldn't want you to feel unnecessarily
guilty when it's so easy for me to make it right."

I rolled my eyes. "You're such a prick."

"I am," he admitted softly. "But that doesn't change the fact that I want you. That dress and

those heels are fucking killing me."

"You don't want me," I muttered. "You want to fuck me. There's a big difference."

"Not to me," Edward shrugged. "Either way, we both get what we want."

I narrowed my eyes. Was he seriously this arrogant? "What makes you think that I want you?"

Edward flashed that crooked smile at me. "Because the sex was fucking fantastic."

I couldn't deny it.

"It was so fantastic that you couldn't be bothered to say goodbye?"

He eyed me curiously. "Bella, you literally fell asleep ten seconds after you came."

Had I? I honestly couldn't remember much after the mother of all orgasms.

"Well then, what about the hickey?" I continued my rant. "What are you, sixteen?"

"But that hickey made it possible for you to wear your hair down tonight – which I love – so I
can't apologize for that, either." He wove his hands through my hair and pulled me tight against

his body. Slyly, he shifted his pelvis against mine, and I gasped as I felt his erection against me. I
glanced nervously across the room, and my eyes locked with the bride's.

Alice's expression was livid.

"We can't," I whispered.

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"We can," Edward murmured against my ear. "And if it's that important to you, I promise to say

goodbye this time."

I trembled in his arms, and he pulled me tighter against his body. I gazed into his fiery eyes, and
they were swimming with hunger. His mouth hovered close to mine, and I watched –

mesmerized – as his tongue moistened his bottom lip.

"Say yes, Songbird," Edward murmured as his mouth teased the corner of mine.

I could do this. For one weekend out of my lonely life, I could allow myself this. He was
gorgeous, and for some unknown reason, he wanted me in his bed. It would be meaningless and

awesome and then he'd walk out of my life for good. He and I would go back to our corners of
Seattle, and I'd never have to see his handsome face again. The only reminder of this weekend

would be the mark that he was sure to leave on my body.

"One condition," I whispered.

Edward's eyes glowed in triumph. "Anything."

"Leave your mark where only I can see it."

He growled softly before pulling me by the hand and leading me through the maze of the
crowded dance floor. We rushed through the lobby until we found an elevator, and the doors

had barely closed before he pushed me against the wall.

"You smell so fucking good," he breathed as he buried his head in my hair and grabbed onto my
waist. I moaned as he ran his hand down my leg, pulling it up and hitching it around his hip. I

arched against him – pressing firmly against his dick – and he groaned against my neck. I tugged
on his hair and brought his mouth to mine. He growled as he thrust his tongue into my mouth,

and our lips molded to each other. His hand had just made its way under my dress when the
elevator doors flew open.

Luckily, they opened right in front of his room.

Edward pushed me against the door and pressed his forehead to mine as he fumbled in his

pocket for his room key. His eyes were burning with desire when the door finally opened. I
stumbled backwards, but his strong arms caught me as he wrapped me in his embrace and lifted

me off the ground. Our foreheads touched again, and we were both breathless as he held me in
his arms.

Now that we were in the room, I could see that tonight was different. He was different. Gone

were the passionate kisses and wild groping that encompassed our first night together. Tonight,
he was being tender…and it confused me and thrilled me all at the same time. Very slowly, he

carried me over to his bed and sat me on the edge.

I watched as he dropped to his knees in front of me. Never breaking my gaze, his hand crept
along my leg before slipping one heel, and then the other, from my feet. His hands trailed up

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each of my legs…under the satin fabric of my dress…tugging the material up until it was bunched
around my waist. He spread my legs and watched me hungrily as one finger slipped along my

soaked panties. I arched my body and leaned my head back, moaning loudly as he pressed my
clit through the thin fabric.

"You are so sexy," Edward murmured. I leaned forward and untied his tie, tossing it over my

shoulder. He smirked as I unbuttoned his vest and then his shirt, and I kissed his bare shoulder
as the clothes fell onto the ground. Edward reached around me and untied my halter, and he

groaned when his hands found my breasts. I whimpered as his soft hands caressed the bare

"Lay back," he ordered softly after he'd finished undressing me. I heard his zipper, and within

seconds, he was hovering over me. I ran my hands along his chest, and he shuddered beneath
my touch.

He lowered his head and I trembled as his lips gently brushed against my collarbone. He slowly

kissed down to my breasts, his tongue making lazy designs around each nipple. I moaned loudly
when he began sucking forcefully against my skin.

Edward was keeping his promise - marking me where no one else could see.

"There," he murmured in the darkness of the bedroom. He brushed his lips softly against the

skin, and the tenderness behind his voice and the sweetness of the gesture nearly broke me.

"Don't do this," I threatened.

Edward raised his head, confusion etched across his lovely face. "Don't do what?"

Don't make love to me, I wanted to beg him. Getting attached to this man was the very last thing
I needed to do. I could handle the hot, scorching sex from the night before. What I couldn't

handle was tonight's sweet caresses and gentle kisses when I knew that this would be the very
last time I would ever see him.

"Don't be sweet," I plead softly. "Just fuck me."

Something flashed in his eyes, and I couldn't determine which part of my statement had

affected him the most. He looked equally frustrated and aroused, and I didn't know him well
enough to distinguish between the two.

"Whatever you want, baby," Edward whispered as he positioned himself over me, and with one

quick thrust, he entered me. I moaned loudly as I wrapped my legs around his waist. His mouth
found mine, and we kissed hungrily as he pounded into me…his body slapping against my skin as

I braced my legs around him. It was fast and hard and furious, making my muscles clench around
him. He groaned as he buried his face against my neck.

"You're mine," he growled against my skin as he drove deeper inside of me. "You're mine…"

"I'm yours," I whimpered softly, because it was true.

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For tonight, I was his.

I grabbed his shoulders as my orgasm overtook me, and he moaned my name…thrusting one

last time before burying his face in my neck and exploding inside of me.

I awoke the next morning, feeling well-rested for the first time in months. A quick glance at the

alarm clock explained why.

It was noon?

"Edward, it's late," I murmured as I patted his side of the bed. My eyes snapped open when I felt
nothing but cold sheets. I turned over, but all I found on his pillow was a white rose lying against

a card. I sat up against the headboard and brought the rose to my nose. I closed my eyes and
inhaled deeply. Sighing, I wrapped the sheet around me, letting his smell completely surround

me as I opened the note with fumbling fingers.

Goodbye, Songbird….was all it said.

Chapter 3 The World I Know


It was Monday morning, and as usual, the newsroom was buzzing with excitement. There was
an overnight restaurant fire down on Pike Place, an impromptu afternoon visit from the

governor down at the Woodland Zoo, and an upcoming charity auction for the Children's
Hospital. I watched in dismay as my colleagues scurried around the room – synchronizing

itineraries and negotiating for the best cameramen. I sighed wearily and dropped back down
into my cubicle. Grabbing my coffee, I drank slowly while I blinked at my computer, trying to

manipulate the words on my screen to make it sound like I really gave a shit about the
community college production of The Sound of Music that I had been forced to watch last week.

The play was good.

Pulitzer Prize journalism at its finest, wouldn't you say? No wonder I was stuck in a cubicle.

Growling, I angrily pressed the backspace key while glancing around my tiny workspace. Hanging

on the wall was my Journalism degree – taunting me in its black frame.

I wasn't naïve. I understood that I had to pay my dues in the world of journalism. What
frustrated me was that I had been working for the Times for six months, and never – not once –

had I been given anything substantial to cover. How could I pay my dues with bullshit
assignments like these?

I minimized the screen and opened my work email. It was heavily monitored, so I was surprised

to find an email from a honeymooning Alice in my inbox. I clicked the message and immediately
wished I hadn't.

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Hi Bella!

I am currently lying on Lanikai Beach watching as my husband (my husband!) windsurfs! I

have decided there is nothing sexier than my handsome hubby riding a wave. I am taking lots
of pictures and can't wait to show them to you! Speaking of pictures, I am attaching a few

candid shots of the wedding that were sent to us by one of Jazz's cousins. One picture will be
of particular interest to you. Don't think that I've forgotten how I was deserted during the

reception by my maid-of-honor, and I am expecting a heartfelt apology and a fully-detailed
explanation when I get home!

Hugs and kisses!

Mrs. Jasper Whitlock

Since checking out of the hotel yesterday, I had tried to immerse myself with work so that I

wouldn't have the chance to feel shame or regret for my ridiculously reckless weekend. I had
been so stupid, and I wasn't accustomed to feeling stupid.

I wasn't innocent by any stretch of the imagination. I'd lost my virginity to Mike Newton when I

was seventeen years old in the basement of his parent's house during a rowdy graduation party.
It had been quick and unfulfilling, but truthfully, I was just grateful to have that particular

milestone behind me. Thankfully, Mike hadn't been clingy, and we'd parted as friends before I
left for college. I hadn't seen him since graduation, and that was just fine with me. Since him, I'd

had a few boyfriends, but it had always been casual and physical. A relationship was the furthest
thing from my mind. Becoming a journalist was my first priority, and I wanted nothing – or no

one – to get in the way of my career goals. Still, I was usually much more level-headed when it
came to sex, and it unnerved me that I'd been so easily persuaded by a man's handsome face

and his blazing eyes.

Especially a man with a reputation like Edward Cullen's.

Last night, in a moment of weakness, I had googled his name. I had ignored the images of him – I
really couldn't be trusted to see his face – but I had read his bio on his law firm's website. He

was really quite accomplished, with his Yale law degree and his many charitable foundations.
From there, I perused news articles and found that – along with his humanitarian efforts – he

had quite the reputation as a womanizer. This hadn't surprised me considering how easily he'd
charmed me.


The fact that it was the best sex of my life did nothing to alleviate my shame.

It was our second encounter that had affected me the most, and I knew it was because he'd had

the decency to keep his promises. I'd asked for two, and he'd fulfilled both.

The hickey was visible only to me and the rose and goodbye note were lying on my nightstand. I
knew that two of those mementos would naturally disappear with time, and the note could be

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ripped to shreds. So, I was thankful that I would not be subjected to any lasting reminders of my
wild weekend.

Unfortunately, I clicked on Alice's photo attachment, and suddenly, I had a visual reminder. It

was a photo of Edward and I, dancing at the reception. I was in his arms, and he was gazing
down at me with those bright green eyes. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I recalled the

intensity of his stare.

"Please tell me you tapped that," Jake's voice boomed behind me, causing me to jump in my
seat. Quickly I closed the window and pretended to work on my article.

"What are you talking about?" I replied shakily. I couldn't face him. I was positive that my face

was red as a beet.

"Edward Cullen? You know, the hot groomsman? The one you were just drooling over?"

"I wasn't drooling," I argued quietly. "Alice sent me some pictures from the wedding, and it was
just the first link that opened." I finally found the nerve to look his way. "And how do you know

his name?"

"Everybody knows Edward Cullen," Jake explained as he rolled his eyes.

"I didn't," I muttered helplessly. "Not until this weekend."

Jake's eyes lit up. "Please tell me you got laid by this beautiful man. Please allow me to live
vicariously through you…."

"You'd have to because I can assure you that he isn't gay."

"Oh my GOD!" Jake clapped his hands wildly. "I want details, honey. Every single, sweaty, sexy



He actually pouted. "Nothing?"

"There's nothing to tell," I hedged carefully.

Jake snorted. "Isabella Swan, you are a terrible liar."

"FINE!" I gritted my teeth. "Yes, we slept together. Yes, it was stupid. Yes, it was irresponsible.
No, it's never going to happen again. Now, would you please drop it?"

Jake's smile widened as he whispered, "Was it good? It was good, I can tell."

I rolled my eyes. "How can you tell?"

"Because you're blushing," Jake observed with a shrug.

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"It was good," I confirmed with a nod, but my head was screaming at me, obviously offended

that I'd chosen such a lackluster adjective.

Jake seemed to notice my internal battle. "Just good?"

I glared in his direction. "It was the best sex of my life. There is that better?"

Jake leaned back in his chair and sighed wistfully. "Ahh, to be single again. I am so proud of you,
girl! Sure, he's a manwhore, but hell, as long as you wrapped it before you tapped it…"

"Wrapped it….what?" I shook my head. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You know," Jacob murmured softly. "Wrapped it up? A condom?"


My face dropped as I spun around in my seat to avoid his gaze.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jacob seethed quietly. "Bella, that man has fucked half of


"Says who?" I grumbled.

"Say the photos!" he shouted. Luckily, the newsroom was too busy to notice. "That man is
pictured with a different babe every night. Not that I don't admire that kind of stamina in a man,

but come on, Bella…"

"I'm on the pill," I noted quietly.

Jake scoffed. "A baby would be the least of your worries!"

I sighed tiredly. "Look, Jake. I haven't slept. I'm emotional. I'm ashamed. I know it was stupid. I
will get tested as soon as I can get to the doctor."

"Promise me," Jake murmured softly. He really was such a good friend.

"I promise."

Thankfully, five o'clock arrived, and I gratefully carried my tired ass home. I picked up some

take-out along the way, and after dinner, I snuggled into my favorite pajamas and curled up in
front of the television with my favorite treat – a banana Popsicle.

I had become addicted to banana Popsicles during my summer vacations with my dad, Charlie.

After he and mom divorced, my summers had been spent with Dad in our little hometown of
Forks. Renee, my mother, had never allowed sugary snacks in the house, but Dad insisted that

kids should be kids, and the freezer was always stocked with Popsicles whenever I'd come to
visit. It was a tradition I continued in my own freezer to this day.

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I was dreaming about popsicles and summer when I was jostled out of a deep sleep by the

ringing of my cell phone. Afraid it was the office, I jumped off the couch and grabbed my phone
out of my bag.

"Bella Swan."

"You're alive," Rosalie's voice was low. "I was beginning to wonder if Emmett's brother had

kidnapped you. I haven't seen or heard from you since the reception."

"Sorry," I replied softly. "No, I'm fine. Just checked-out early and then worked Sunday night."

"You never work Sunday nights," she commented.

"I did this Sunday night," I grumbled as I grabbed the remote and turned off the television. Upon
checking out of the hotel, I'd driven straight to work and spent the rest of the night trying to

work while desperately trying to forget my weekend.

Instead, I'd googled Edward Cullen and memorized his professional bio.

"Well, I appreciate you ditching me at the reception," Rosalie said, although I noticed she really
didn't sound that upset about it.

"I'm sure you were well taken care of," I mumbled sleepily, remembering the way she'd been

giggling with Emmett.

"I was," Rosalie replied, and I could literally hear her grin. "We had a good time. We're still
having it, actually. He's in the shower right now."

"Did you call to brag?" I mumbled.

"No, I called to check on you," Rosalie said. "I know it was Edward that put that hickey on your

neck, and I know you left the reception with him. You know I'm not usually one to pry, but what
the fuck is going on between you two?"

"Nothing," I replied honestly. "There is absolutely nothing going on beyond what happened this


"Yeah, that's what Edward said, too," Rosalie replied, and for some reason, I felt my stomach
turn. "At least, that's what he told Emmett this morning over breakfast. But I know you don't

usually….do that sort of thing…" She took a deep breath before continuing. "He didn't force you,
did he, Bella? I mean, I know he's a smooth bastard."

"No, Rosalie," I promised her. "I knew exactly what I was doing, and for the first time in a very

long time, I chose what felt good instead of what felt right."

"And you were careful," she commented matter-of-factly, because she had no reason to assume
otherwise since I was always the responsible one. I didn't want another STD lecture, so I allowed

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the comment to hang in the air.

"I'm really sleepy, Rose. Have fun, and tell Emmett I said hi."

We hung up as I made my way into the bedroom. I hadn't taken the time to unpack last night, so
I took a few minutes to toss my clothes in the hamper and empty my suitcase. I put my

medications – my morning vitamins and my birth control pills – on my nightstand. Lying beside
of them was Edward's card and the white rose.

"I'm such an idiot," I mumbled tiredly as I climbed into my own bed for the first time since

Thursday. I'd been so exhausted last night that I hadn't even made it to the bedroom before
collapsing against the sofa and sleeping until my alarm went off on my phone at six this

morning. I had missed my soft bed, the one big splurge I'd insisted upon when I bought the
apartment. I reached over and set my alarm before grabbing my bottle of water and opening my

pill pack.

My hands froze as I glanced down at the pack. With trembling fingers, I gingerly touched the
pills labeled Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The pills were there – staring back at me – reminding

me that not only had I been reckless this weekend, but I had also been forgetful.

So very, very forgetful.

Three weeks later

I tightened my tie around the collar of my shirt and took one last look in the mirror. There was

just enough of the sunrise reflecting through the bedroom window for me to get dressed
without having to use the light. I was grateful, because the last thing I wanted to do was wake

her up. God knows she'd want another round, and I just couldn't stomach it.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

While it was true that I enjoyed spending my time with beautiful women, I wasn't quite the
playboy that the tabloids made me out to be. It was true that women seemed to fall at my feet,

and like any healthy, straight male, I took full advantage of the opportunities whenever they
presented themselves. However, I was picky. These women weren't whores by any stretch of

the imagination. These were well-educated, professional women who enjoyed having hot, no-
strings-attached sex. Friends with benefits, if you will. We were always safe and always discreet.

Sure, I'd have my picture taken at a benefit or some equally boring affair with a woman on my
arm, but more times than not, I came home alone. This was exactly how I wanted it to be. If I

wanted to be partner at the firm by the time I was thirty, it was imperative that I stay focused
on nothing but my career.

I glanced back at Tanya, who was lovely with her long strawberry-blonde hair and her creamy

skin. Last night's benefit had been particularly boring, and we'd escaped to her room where
she'd promptly unzipped my pants and dropped to her knees.

It was really a shame that I hadn't enjoyed that.

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Law and sex. One was logical. One was physical. These were things I understood. What I didn't

understand was why all of a sudden the sexual part of my life seemed so boring, which in turn,
was keeping me irritable and frustrated. In the past, it had been so easy. Getting off was enough

to consider the night a success. But now…

I couldn't explain it.

I noticed a difference right after Jasper's wedding. Since then, I'd had three different partners,
including Tanya. I hadn't even really wanted them. I'd just wanted to see if I could break myself

out of the sexual funk in which I'd been living for almost a month. These were beautiful,
desirable women. There was no reason I shouldn't be enjoying myself.

But I wasn't, and it was seriously beginning to piss me off.

I was still contemplating my uncharacteristically shitty sex life as I made my way into the office.

"Good morning, Mr. Cullen," Lauren smiled at me from behind her desk. "Here are your

messages, and you have a breakfast meeting with Ben Cheney from Cheney Communications in
the conference room at nine."

"Good morning, Lauren," I murmured in greeting. Lauren Mallory was another beautiful,

desirable woman in my life, except this one was my administrative assistant, and I never mixed
business with pleasure. She was hard-as-nails and kept me in line, which was exactly what I

needed. During her initial interview last year, I'd inadvertently called her "sweetheart" and she'd
promptly threatened to kick my ass and file a sexual harassment suit against me. I had been

impressed, and I'd hired her on the spot.

"Pastries are on the way, and the rest of your day is on your Blackberry."

"Thank you," I smiled at her before making my way into my office and closing the door behind
me. I was grateful that I had two hours before my meeting with Cheney. It would give me the

chance to catch up on some files that had been piling up for the past few weeks because of my
shitty attention span. I flipped open the first file, looked at it with disgust, and promptly shut it.

Beyond frustrated, I powered up my laptop and checked my web-based email account, my

private email address that couldn't be monitored by the firm.

"Fucking spam," I growled as I promptly deleted fifty of my seventy-five messages. With that shit
out of my way, I continued checking my inbox and noticed that I had three emails from my

brother – all with interesting subject lines describing particular features of the female anatomy.
This wasn't at all unusual since Emmett loved to send me porn – thus, my need for the private

web-based email address.

To: ECullen
From: BigDogEm

Subject: Legs!

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Dude, check out these pictures from the wedding. What a weekend, huh?

I opened the attachment and saw a picture of Jasper with Brandon's garter between his teeth.

The fucker looked so happy, and Alice did have great legs.

To: ECullen
From: BigDogEm

Subject: Tits!

This picture, of course, featured the new object of my brother's affection. Rosalie still came off

as a little desperate to me, but Emmett really seemed to like her, which was strange for him. He
wasn't quite the womanizer that I was depicted to be, but he had his fair share of women.

To: ECullen

From: BigDogEm

Subject: Eyes!

I clicked the attachment, and I inhaled a sharp breath as a pair of chocolate eyes stared back at
me from the screen. She was walking down the aisle, her hair hanging down her shoulders in

wild, mahogany waves. My hand twitched as I recalled how the strands had felt between my
fingers. Without thinking, I lifted my hand and ghosted my finger along her face on the screen.

My memory didn't do her justice. Bella Swan was the sexiest creature I'd ever seen. The

luminous eyes. The silky hair. The gorgeous body. The sultry voice. The mind-blowing sex.

She was stunningly perfect.

There had been a brief moment during the weekend when I thought that I might actually feel
something for the girl – something that went a little deeper than just intense sexual attraction.

But, luckily, she'd snapped me out of my madness when she'd begged me not to be sweet. It
was just the reality checked I'd needed in the heat of the moment, and we'd both fallen asleep

soon after we came. I awoke in the middle of the night with her wrapped in my arms, and I felt
an inexplicable urge to watch her while she slept. So that's what I'd done. I held her in my arms

and watched her sleep until the sun rose in the eastern Seattle sky.

Bella had only asked for two things from me – a concealed mark and a proper goodbye. So, I'd
carefully climbed out of bed and scribbled a goodbye note, placing it against my pillow. Sensing

that it needed something more, I quietly called guest services and asked for a single white rose.
After it was delivered and was lying with the note, I gently pulled the blanket away – and there,

nestled in the valley between her breasts – was my hickey. It was hidden, just as she'd asked.
Unable to resist, I'd kissed it – and her lips – one last time before walking out of the room.

I felt a strange sense of satisfaction, knowing that I had kept my promises to the gorgeous girl.

The next day, I'd met Emmett for breakfast, and he'd begged me for details about my weekend.
I confirmed to him that I'd slept with Bella – twice – and that it was amazing but would never

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happen again. He'd seemed almost relieved, muttering something about Bella being a sweet girl
and far too innocent for me. I thought it was odd that he'd made those assumptions considering

I could vividly recall the way she'd wrapped her legs around me as I'd fucked her against the
wall. But I'd decided to just let it go, and I assured him that it was a one-time thing.

The rest of my day was a blur of boring-ass meetings and more paperwork, and I was happy to

leave the office around seven. I drove home, changed clothes, and immediately went for a run
in the park, hoping the exercise would relieve some of my tension. I was feeling pretty good

until I saw another runner in the distance with a long, mahogany ponytail. Like an idiot, I ran
toward the woman – only to realize that it wasn't her. So I ran another five miles, just to punish

myself for being such a dumbass. When I went to sleep that night, I didn't have one dream
about brown eyes or songbirds.

For the first night in three weeks, I didn't dream about Bella Swan.

Chapter 4 All That I Know is I'm Breathing


"Bella?" Rosalie's voice was unnaturally soft as she knocked on my bathroom door. "I hurried as

fast as I could. I ran three red lights and had to flirt my way out of a ticket, but I'm here. Are you
okay? Can I come in?"

"Yes," I whispered shakily. The door opened and Rose's eyes immediately found mine. Her eyes

narrowed as she surveyed the scene. I was sitting on the edge of my tub, gently rocking back
and forth. Surrounding me were open boxes and various brands of pregnancy tests.

"How can they all be positive?" I murmured anxiously, dropping my eyes to the floor as I rocked

back and forth. "How can ten different tests all say the same thing?"

I heard Rose's heavy sigh as she made her way toward me. She kneeled to the ground, lifted my
chin with her hand, and smoothed my hair out of my face. Her expression was sympathetic.

"Oh, Bella…."

I sniffled quietly.

"Did you seriously piss on ten different sticks?" Rose asked, her eyes wide with concern.

I shrugged helplessly. "I thought that if I kept peeing, I'd eventually get a different result."

She heaved a sigh as she sat down on the tile floor. Despite my embarrassment and fear, I could

appreciate the fact that the normally outspoken Rosalie was trying to keep a tight grip on her
inner bitch.

"How did this happen? Aren't you on the pill?"

"I was," I replied softly. "But I…got busy…and stupid…and I forgot to take them for a few nights."

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"You forgot…" Rosalie mused softly as she leaned back against the wall. "Bella, I didn't realize

you were sleeping with anyone."

"I'm not…." I groaned as I covered my face with my hands. "I haven't since…."

I couldn't finish my sentence, because no matter how terrified I was of accepting that I was
pregnant, nothing could compare to the sheer terror I felt in confessing the father's name. The

bathroom was dead silent as my rocking became frantic. After what felt like forever, Rosalie
finally gasped.

"Edward?" She whispered softly. "Edward Cullen is the father?"

She said his name, and I instantly dissolved into tears.

Deciding she couldn't handle my breakdown without assistance, Rosalie called Alice – who

showed up an hour later with a pint of Ben and Jerry's and three spoons. They pulled me out of
the bathroom and hugged me tight before leading me to the living room. The three of us

snuggled on the couch and wrapped ourselves in my favorite blanket as we took turns taking
bites of Triple Caramel Chunk. In between mouthfuls, I tearfully confessed every scandalous

moment of my weekend with Edward. They gasped and giggled appropriately, and Alice even
sighed wistfully when I told them about the rose.

"Forgive me if I'm not bowing at his feet for leaving a flower. He left her – twice," Rosalie

commented dryly.

"But he said goodbye the second time," Alice reminded her.

"No, he left a note. You don't think two nights of fuckhot sex warranted more than a goodbye
note and a flower? The man couldn't be bothered to spend the night?"

"Stop it," I grumbled. "He owed me nothing. I knew exactly what I was doing, and now I'm

paying the consequences." I angrily jabbed my spoon back into the ice cream carton. "Maybe a
note was all I deserved. I mean, just because I thought the sex was fantastic doesn't mean that

he did."

"I happen to know for a fact that's not true," Rosalie said and then immediately covered her
hand with her mouth. "Shit."

"You know something!" I glared.

"I know nothing," Rosalie lied unconvincingly as she attempted to shove her spoon back into the

ice cream.

"Take her spoon!" Alice squealed, and I quickly snatched the spoon out of Rose's hand.

"What the hell?"

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"Spill," I smirked as I waved the spoon in her face. She narrowed her eyes at me before exhaling
a deep breath.

"Fine," Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Emmett spoke with Edward right after the wedding and he said

that his brother couldn't shut up about how gorgeous you are. However, he wouldn't give any
steamy details, which, according to Emmett, is very unusual. Edward is usually a big bragger

when it comes to women."

This news shouldn't have made me happy, but it did.

"Anything else?" Alice asked excitedly.

Rosalie shot me a look and smirked. "Apparently little Miss Bella here rocked his world. Edward
said the sex was incredible."

Alice squealed as she bounced on the couch. "Incredible?"

"Amazing," Rosalie specified.

"What does that mean?" Alice asked softly, and I promptly handed back Rose's spoon. We both

shrugged before plunging our spoons back into the carton.

"Bella," Alice whispered as she draped the blanket over her legs. "What are you thinking? How
are you feeling?"

I swallowed my chocolate. "I'm overwhelmed. I'm scared. I'm clueless. I'm devastated."

Alice smiled thoughtfully. "But are you excited at all? I mean, it's a baby. Are you a little happy?"

"I'm too freaked out to be happy," I admitted sadly. "That's bad, isn't it? I'm going to be a

terrible mother."

"It's not bad," Rosalie muttered. "It's completely natural to feel all of those things. I think you
should take a few days…see a doctor…and consider your options."

"And you should tell Edward," Alice reminded me gently.

Fear clenched my stomach. I couldn't imagine making that phone call. Would he even speak

with me? What would he say? Would he even care that I was carrying his child?

Rosalie shot her a look. "She should get confirmation from a doctor first. Then, she can tell

Alice was shaking her head. "Perhaps she wants Edward to go with her to the doctor?"

"Perhaps she's independent and doesn't need him to hold her hand!" Rosalie shrieked.

"Perhaps she wants him to hold her hand!"

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"She is right here!" I yelled as I tossed my spoon in the carton and swiftly rose from the couch.

My head was pounding and my stomach was nauseated beyond belief. "Thank you for the
intervention, but I am fine. I will call the doctor first thing in the morning and make an

appointment. Alice, I cannot ask you to keep a secret from your husband, but I would appreciate
if both of you would keep this to yourselves until I can figure out what the hell I'm going to do."

"Of course," Rosalie assured me.

"Absolutely," Alice promised.

"Thank you," I sighed softly. "Now I'm tired and emotional and cranky, so I'd like to go to bed."

My friends enveloped me in their arms and promised me that everything was going to be okay

before they headed home. They were lucky. Alice was going home to her husband, and Rose and
Emmett were practically living together these days.

As usual, I was alone.

I drifted my hand along my stomach. Could ten pregnancy tests be wrong? Honestly, I'd had no

weird cravings or bouts of nausea – except for these brief moments of vomit-inducing terror. My
only clues were the fact that I'd skipped my pills and my period was nine days late.

Could it be possible that I wasn't pregnant at all?

I allowed myself the tiniest glimmer of hope before falling into a fitful sleep.

I didn't even bother to open my umbrella as I made my way out of the doctor's office. The rain
falling on my face would mingle with my tears, and no one would be able to tell that my world

had just fallen apart.

My gynecologist confirmed what I already suspected. My crying alerted him to the fact that this
wasn't happy news, and he'd spent the next hour discussing my options. He sent me home with

pamphlets and a reminder of my next appointment.

I drove around the city for the next two hours, considering my options and wishing divine
intervention would intercede so that I would make the right choice. This hadn't been in my plan

at all. I wanted to write. I wanted to win a Pulitzer. I wanted to accomplish my career goals, and
only then, would I consider having a family of my own. I had remained steadfast and focused

until that weekend, and that one weekend was going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

I laughed bitterly as I remembered my desire for no lasting reminders of my time with Edward.
The hickey had long since faded and the flower was dead. All that remained was the card...

….and now a baby.

It was times like these when a girl needed her mother. However, my mom would be horrified

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that I'd allowed something like a one-night stand (or in this case, two nights) to derail my career
plans. Mom had married young because of me, and therefore had instilled in me her belief that

smart girls were careful when dealing with the opposite sex. Smart girls didn't allow their
hormones to override common sense. Smart girls didn't get knocked up by boys they had just

met and had no intentions of ever meeting again.

Clearly, calling my mother was not an option.

I was pulling into my parking garage as my phone vibrated in my hand. A quick glance at the
caller ID told me that it was my editor. Damn it. Today was supposed to be my day off. I needed

to have my panic attack in peace. But guilt won out, and I flipped open my phone.

"Bella Swan."

"Bella, I need you to cover tonight's charity auction," Harry said gruffly.

My head was swimming. "Charity auction?"

"Seattle Children's Hospital?"

"Right, right! Umm…I thought Angela was covering that."

"Angela has the flu. You keep bitching that you want me to give you a shot, so here's your shot.
It's formal, so dress accordingly. Interview some members of the hospital administration, a few

benefactors…maybe even a parent or two if they're willing. I need copy on my desk by midnight
in time for the morning edition. Stop by the office and get your press pass. Seth will be your

photographer, and he'll meet you at the ballroom at six."

Grateful to have a break from my messed up personal life, I quickly dialed Alice's number.

"So?" She answered breathlessly.


She squealed as if this was wonderful news.

"What are you going to do?"

"Nothing right now," I muttered. "I have a…somewhat more pressing issue…if you can believe

Alice listened with rapt attention as I begged for a dress. I owned nothing formal, and while she

and I weren't even close to the same size, she had lots of friends in some of the best stores in
Seattle. I gave her a budget, and she promised to have a dress delivered to my house within


As I made my way into the apartment, I called Rosalie, who wasn't nearly as excited as Alice
about my baby news. I was thrilled, however, to learn that she would be accompanying Emmett

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to the charity event. Even though I'd be working, it'd still be nice to know she was somewhere in
the room. Apparently the Cullens were longtime benefactors of the hospital, donating millions

of dollars to cancer research, specifically in the area of childhood leukemia. The family always
attended the event, but she assured me that Edward was out of town on business, and I exhaled

a sigh of relief. I knew I'd have to face him eventually, but tonight was way too soon, and I was
thankful to be able to avoid that confrontation for at least a little while.

As promised, the dress arrived – a Grecian inspired black gown with keyholes in the front and

back and beading around the waist. It was classic and simple, and I loved it. I did very little with
my hair, opting for an easy up-do, and I applied minimal make-up to my face and tiny diamond

studs to my ears. I added a small black clutch – just big enough for my recorder and some cash.
By five, I was out the door and headed to the office to pick up my press pass. Harry barked some

last minute instructions as I raced out the door, and forty-five minutes later, I was walking into
the Century Ballroom.

"Damn, girl," Seth grinned as I made my way toward him. He was standing just inside the

entrance, leaning casually against the wall and holding his camera. He was all decked out in his
tuxedo. "You look hot. Too bad you're not my type."

"Thanks. Maybe we should have color coordinated," I smirked as I pointed at his gold tie.

"This isn't the prom, Bella," Seth rolled his eyes as we flashed our passes and made our way into

the ballroom. "However, I do hope someone has spiked the punch. Come on, let's get a drink."

"We aren't here to socialize, Seth," I reminded him as he steered me toward a waiter. Seth
winked at him before taking two glasses of champagne from his tray.

"You are such a slut," I grinned as he watched the waiter's ass make its way through the crowd.

"Jake and I have our rules," Seth replied, as we made our way toward the press room. "We can

look, but we can't touch."

I rolled my eyes just as I saw Rosalie and Emmett waving at me from across the room. She
looked stunning, of course. Her dress was white and flowing, and I noted that it wasn't nearly as

form-fitting as she usually preferred. We made our way toward each other, and she frowned
when she noticed the drink in my hand.

"What the hell is that?" Rose snapped as she glared at my glass.

"Umm…champagne?" I glanced at Emmett, who was grinning from ear-to-ear. "Hey, Em."

"Hey, you," Emmett grinned wickedly.

"I know what it is," Rosalie interrupted our greetings and whispered angrily. "Why is it in your


I narrowed my eyes in confusion before realization dawned.

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"OH!" I cried as I quickly handed her the glass. For an entire thirty minutes, I had actually
forgotten that I was an unwed mother. "I didn't take a drink, I swear."

Emmett glanced curiously between the two of us but remained silent.

"Oh, good. You scared the hell out of me," Rosalie murmured lifting the glass to her lips and

downing my drink.

How unfair.

"I know someone who is going to be very happy to see you tonight," Emmett smirked at me. I
glanced nervously at Rosalie who seemed to be looking for another waiter.

"Yeah, about that…" Rosalie mumbled. "Bella, come with me to the ladies' room." She grabbed

me by the arm and led me down a long hallway until we found the restrooms. Unbelievably,
there wasn't a line, but it was crowded.

"Edward's coming," she announced softly when we finally found a quiet corner. My eyes grew

wide, and I gripped a nearby counter for support. "He was out of town, but apparently, this is a
family thing and he's expected to be here. I'm so sorry."

I closed my eyes and sighed dejectedly. "It's okay. I mean, this is work. I'll just do my interviews

and get out of here before he sees me. It's a big ballroom, and I'm sure he'll have a date.
Besides, it was over six weeks ago. He probably won't even recognize me."

Rosalie didn't look convinced as we made our way back into the ballroom. We quickly found

Emmett, who was seated at a table with a beautiful woman with Snow White skin and shiny,
black hair. By her side was a man whose handsome face would parallel any movie star's.

"Fuck, it's the parents," Rosalie groaned. My eyes widened as I suddenly came face-to-face with

my unborn child's grandparents.

"There you two are," Emmett smiled as he rose from the table. His father followed suit as the
mother looked at each of us with a sweet smile on her face. "Mom and Dad, this is my girlfriend,

Rosalie Hale and her best friend, Bella Swan. Ladies, these are my parents – Carlisle and Esme

"How nice to meet you both," Esme rose before taking both mine and Rosalie's hands. "And

don't you both look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you," we both whispered in unison. I could just imagine the deer-in-the-headlight looks
that were etched across our faces.

"It's a pleasure," Carlisle smiled warmly at each of us. "Won't you join us, Bella?"

"No, thank you," I smiled, thankful that I actually had an excuse to escape before their other son

made his appearance. "I'm actually working tonight."

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"Bella works for the Times," Emmett explained as he led Rosalie to her seat. She promptly
downed another glass of champagne.

I hate her.

"Yes," I smiled at them. "My photographer is probably wondering where I've disappeared to

since I should be conducting some interviews, so if you'll excuse me…"

"You could interview our dad," Emmett offered, ignoring Rosalie's discreet kick from under the
table. "He worked at the hospital for years and he's a major benefactor." Emmett's eyes were

sparkling with mischief. Couldn't he see that I was trying to get the hell away from this table?

"Oh, that would be lovely," Esme smiled brightly. "The hospital is very near and dear to all of our
hearts." There was hint of sadness behind her soft smile that confused me.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose," I murmured nervously. "You're here with your family…"

"Not at all," Carlisle insisted as he motioned toward the empty seat next to him. Rosalie shot me

a sympathetic look while Emmett looked positively pleased with himself. I took the offered seat
and fumbled with my recorder until it was resting on the table.

I could do this. I could interview my unborn child's grandfather without vomiting. I'd get Seth to

snap a few pictures, and I'd escape before Edward even realized I was in the building.

For the next twenty minutes, Carlisle Cullen gave me a brief account of his career and his time as
a surgeon at Seattle Children's Hospital. He specialized in pediatric cardiology, but in his later

years, he became obsessed with childhood leukemia research. I noticed a distinct shift in the
atmosphere when he mentioned this, and I glanced around the table. An unusually subdued

Emmett was bowing his head and Esme was wiping her eyes. Everyone's mood brightened as he
delved into the advances in leukemia research, and it was obvious that the entire family was

passionate about the cause. It was very easy to see that Carlisle and Esme Cullen were very
compassionate individuals, and I couldn't help but wonder if they'd be as kind to me when they

realized I was carrying their grandchild.

"Thank you so much," I smiled as I deposited the recorder back into my bag. "If you don't mind,
my photographer would like to get a few pictures."

"Of course," Carlisle smiled warmly, "We should wait for Edward, though. Heaven knows his face

isn't in the papers enough."

Everyone laughed light-heartedly, but I could tell the laughter wasn't malicious. The Cullens
genuinely loved their children and seemed to be a very close-knit family.

"I should go find Seth," I murmured as I stood up from my chair.

"It was so nice to meet you, Bella. Please come back and join us for a drink," Esme smiled at me.

"And you must meet our son, Edward."

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"We've met," a velvet voice echoed behind me, and I closed my eyes in defeat. When I opened
my eyes, my unborn child's uncle was grinning like a fool.

"Oh?" Esme's eyes twinkled, and I bit my lip nervously. "Edward, you hadn't told us that you'd

met such an enchanting woman."

"Enchanting is the perfect word," Edward murmured. Suddenly he was by my side, and I had no
choice but to smile at him.

"It's nice to see you again, Edward."

His burning green eyes swept over me, and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"The pleasure is all mine, Bella," Edward whispered softly, and I was momentarily stunned by his

crooked smile and blazing eyes.

"I should go find my photographer," I mumbled. I turned quickly and found Seth making his way
over to the table.

I introduced him to the family, and Edward took his seat as the family leaned close together to

allow Seth to snap a few photos. I could feel Edward's eyes on me throughout the impromptu
photo shoot, and I was relieved when Seth finally announced that we had enough.

"Thank you again," I smiled at them before grabbing Seth by the sleeve and steering him away

from the table and back toward the press room.

"What the fuck is going on between you and Edward Cullen?" Seth squealed as my eyes darted
around the room, seeking out the nearest exits.

"Nothing," I growled impatiently. "There's nothing going on."

"Bitch, please…" Seth smirked. "That man's eyes didn't leave your body for a second, and you're

all fidgety and nervous."

"Shut up and find me someone else to interview so I can get the hell out of here."

He finally relented as I was introduced to the hospital CEO. I interviewed him along with a few
other benefactors before Seth announced that we'd better get back to the office so that we'd

meet Harry's midnight deadline. I had almost made it out the door when I felt a hand against the
small of my back.

"Don't leave," Edward whispered softly against my ear. I gasped softly as his hand trailed along

my zipper.

Seth noticed our exchange, and he smirked knowingly. "I'll see you back at the office, Bella.
Don't be late, or we'll both get fired."


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I took a deep breath and turned to face the music. I would have to deal with him eventually. I

knew this. I had just hoped that I could escape without having to deal with this shit tonight.

"You're stunning," Edward murmured as he moved closer to me.

"Thanks," I whispered. "Edward, I really have to get back to the office. I have a deadline…"

"Just one dance, Songbird…" he grinned, and he looked so hopeful that I giggled in spite of my

"I've heard that before," I smirked.

Edward chuckled as he ran his fingers through his hair. "That was some dance. I think that

worked out pretty well, don't you?"

I ghosted my hand along my stomach.

"Edward, about that night…."

His eyes darted around, and suddenly, he was pulling me toward a darkened entrance just
outside of the ballroom.

"That night was amazing, wasn't it?" He whispered gently as he leaned close to me. I felt my

back press against the wall, and suddenly, his face was just inches from mine.

"Edward, we really need to talk about what happened that weekend," I murmured.

"I'd love to talk about it, and I'd fucking love to recreate it," Edward's voice dripped with honey,
and it was all I could do not to hitch my leg around his waist.

"Don't you have a date?" I asked, my eyes darting over his shoulder. That's all I needed – a crazy

girlfriend trying to kick my pregnant ass.

"No," he whispered, his lips softly brushing my cheek. "I haven't really dated a lot lately." I
trembled, and his hands wrapped around my waist.

"Why not?" I murmured, gripping his shoulders for support.

"I don't know," Edward admitted softly as his nose brushed against mine. I shuddered as his

hands ghosted along the side of my breasts. "Maybe you've just ruined me for other women. Is
that possible?"

"I…I don't…know…" I stammered as he pulled me closer against him.

"Come dance with me," he whispered pleadingly, his mouth brushing against mine. I moaned

softly and shook my head.

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"I have a midnight deadline," I repeated. "If I miss it, I'm screwed. Please, Edward…"

Sighing, he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against mine.

"Then I'll come see you," he whispered gently. "Call me when you get home, and I'll come right
over. Please…I've missed you, Songbird."

I was too relieved to have an option to escape, that I didn't fully consider the motives behind his

frantic pleading. I just nodded and gave him my address. He handed me his business card with
his cell number listed on it, and I promised to call him as soon as I was finished at the office.

It didn't dawn on me until hours later – as I was unlocking my apartment door – that Edward

Cullen was coming to see me tonight, and he was expecting to get laid.


It was suddenly so clear. The sleepless nights. The zero sex drive. The agitation and restlessness.
All of the irritation that had consumed me for weeks suddenly made perfect sense.

I had been missing her.

I had never missed a woman in my entire life.


What the hell was wrong with me?

This startling reality probably would have knocked me on my ass, had it not been for the fact

that she'd been standing right there talking to my family. I was too overwhelmed to concentrate
on the fact that I had turned into a complete pussy over a girl I'd fucked twice in my life. I'd

obviously forgotten how beautiful she was, and it was a natural beauty – not the superficial kind
that could only be found in a plastic surgeon's office. And when she smiled at me, every ounce

of frustration that had filled me for the past month had suddenly dissipated as if it had never

Surely that couldn't be normal.

I had practically begged her to stay with me at the charity event. I hadn't brought a date, and I

knew it was only a matter of time before Emmett or my mother tried to hook me up with some
gold-digging tramp. They were rampant at these types of events, and the news that Edward

Cullen was alone would spread like wildfire throughout the ballroom. Unfortunately, the only
woman I wanted had to go to work, so I spent the next two hours fielding questions from my

mother as to how I was introduced to Bella. I recognized that sparkle in her eye, and I hated like
hell to disappoint her. She was always on my ass about meeting a nice girl and settling down,

but nice girls were few and far between, and anyway…who wanted a nice girl?

Certainly not me.

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Nice girls wanted the picket fence. Nice girls wanted wedding vows. Nice girls wanted a

The very last thing I needed right now was anything that remotely resembled a commitment.

When Bella finally called around one, I was more than ready to get out from under my mother's

hopeful stare. I quickly made my donation to the hospital and raced toward the exit when I was
suddenly trapped by my brother and a furious Rosalie Hale.

"We need to talk," Emmett mumbled seriously.

"Can't," I grinned at him, but then I noticed the fire shooting out of Rosalie's eyes, and my smile

fell. "It was nice to see you again, Rosalie."

"Listen to me, and listen to me good," Rosalie growled, and I stumbled back under the intensity
of her glare. "If you hurt that girl…if you make her cry…if you do anything to upset her, I swear

they'll never find your body."

"And I'll help her dig," Emmett muttered.

I narrowed my eyes at both of them. "What the fuck are you two talking about?"

"You're going to see Bella?" Rosalie snapped.

"Not that it's any of your damn business, but yes I am."

"Oh, it's my business now," Rosalie assured me with a sneer. "It wasn't my business when you
put that hickey on her neck. It wasn't even my business when you left a fucking flower and card

on your pillow to serve as some bullshit goodbye. But it is most certainly my business now, and
if you upset her…"

"Why the hell are you assuming that I'm going to upset her?" I asked angrily.

"Dude," Emmett murmured sadly. "Just…don't be a douche tonight, okay? And call me in the

morning, because I'm pretty sure you're going to need to talk to somebody."

What the hell is this?

"Fine!" I growled, willing to agree to anything if they'd just get the hell out of my way. "I won't
make her cry, and I'll call you in the morning. Is everyone satisfied?"

Rosalie narrowed her eyes at me. "For now, yes."

"Fantastic. Have a good night."

Traffic was hell, but I finally made it to Bella's just after two. I knocked impatiently on her

apartment door and ran my fingers through my hair as I waited for her to open the door. I was
anxious and frustrated, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on her. Maybe she'd be wearing

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some naughty lingerie. Maybe she'd be naked. Either way, I'd be a very happy man.

Imagine my surprise when she opened the door in a pair of jeans and a hoodie.

"Hey," she whispered as she stepped away from the door to let me inside. Her eyes were red
and her face was pale as a ghost.

"Hey," I replied as she offered to take my coat. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," she sighed softly as she motioned toward the couch. Was she sick? She looked a

little sick, and I instantly wondered if I should call my dad.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"So, umm…" Bella's voice was soft as we made ourselves comfortable on her sofa. "I know you
probably have some plans for us…for tonight…but that won't be happening tonight."

"Oh." Disappointment flooded me.

"But we need to talk, so I'm glad you're here. I have some things to say about that weekend, and

it's important that you hear them." Abruptly, she jumped to her feet. "Do you want something
to drink?"

I couldn't tell if she was being hospitable or if she was just stalling, but I told her that a beer

would be great. I'd had zero alcohol at the party, and I was apparently going to need something
to make it through the rest of this night.

I sighed softly as I leaned back against the seat. I hadn't pegged her for one of those girls that

needed to "talk about our feelings." Truthfully, we hadn't talked much about anything. Our
conversations had consisted mainly of dirty sex talk.

Too bad we won't be revisiting those conversations tonight.

"Here you go," Bella handed me the bottle. I noticed she only brought one.

"You aren't drinking tonight?"

"Unfortunately, no…" Bella whispered softly as she curled back onto the couch. "I won't be

drinking for a while."

"Alright, what's going on?" I muttered, as I sat my bottle down on the coffee table. "My brother
and his girlfriend threatened to chop off my balls if I made you cry. Something's obviously on

your mind because you want to talk instead of have sex."

Her forehead creased with confusion. "That's unusual? Don't you ever just talk to girls?"

"Not if I can avoid it."

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She stiffened. "Why not? The girls you usually date don't have enough intelligence to carry on an
actual conversation?"

I laughed loudly. "Like I told you, I haven't dated in a while. Actually, I never date."

"You just do what we did," Bella whispered wistfully.

"It's worked so far," I shrugged, as I took a sip of my beer.

"Are you usually…careful?"


"Safe," Bella explained cryptically. "We didn't use protection, so I was just wondering if you

were usually careful."

"I'm always careful," I promised her. I felt like shit for not using condoms that weekend, but holy
hell, I hadn't been expecting it, and truthfully, condoms had been the very last thing on my

mind. "I'm also tested regularly, and I'm clean."

"So am I," Bella nodded, and I heard her exhale a sigh of relief.

She seemed a bit more relaxed after that conversation, and I was glad. Maybe – just maybe –
this night wouldn't be a complete fail after all. I slid closer to her on the sofa, but she lifted her

hand in warning.

"We aren't finished."

I groaned and leaned back against the couch.

"Edward," Bella whispered, and the sound of my name on her lips did crazy things to my
dormant sex drive. "Something happened that weekend, and I need you to listen and be serious

for, like, five minutes. I'm almost positive you won't want to fuck me after you hear what I'm
about to say."

"I seriously doubt that," I chuckled.

"I don't," she whispered. "I want you to know up front that I don't expect anything from you. It

was a mistake, and I'll have to deal with the ramifications of that. I don't know what I'm going to
do at this point, but I thought it was important that you be told. So I'm telling you."

I was completely confused. "What exactly are you telling me?"

"I'm pregnant," she blurted quickly, and I watched in amazement as her eyes flooded with tears.


I felt like someone had just punched me in the fucking stomach. This could not be happening. I

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stared at her and she stared at me, and I watched her face, hoping that at any moment she
would burst out laughing.

She wasn't laughing. She was fucking bawling.

"Why are you telling me?" I asked defensively.

Bella wiped her eyes with a tissue. "Wh…what do you mean?"

I shrugged indifferently. "You're assuming it's mine?"

Her eyes grew cold. "Of course it's yours."

I chuckled darkly. "Really? How can you be so sure? Maybe it was that bartender in the piano

bar? Or maybe it was that guy at the reception? Or maybe – just maybe – it was that
photographer you were with tonight. You two seemed pretty close…"

Even as the words escaped my mouth, I knew I was completely full of shit. Her face was too

furious…too heartbroken…and Emmett and Rosalie's words echoed in my brain.

If you hurt that girl…if you make her cry…if you do anything to upset her, I swear they'll never
find your body.

Don't be a douche tonight.

Too late.

Suddenly, Bella stopped crying, and her chocolate eyes flashed with anger two seconds before

she slapped me across the face.

Chapter 5 Finding Strength in the Struggle


"Oh good, you're already dead. That'll save me the trouble."

I groaned as bright sunlight infiltrated the room. Since when does the fucking sun shine in
Seattle? I covered my face with one arm and loosened my iron grip around the bottle in my


How much did I drink?

"What time is it?" I moaned as I struggled to open my eyes. The damn sun was blinding, and I
immediately snapped my eyes closed as the living room began to spin.

"Don't you mean what day is it?" Emmett snapped. I felt the toe of his shoe in my rib, and I

winced. "Lauren called to say that you hadn't been in the office. Why the hell are you on the

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I'm on the floor?

"Fuck if I know." With a loud groan, I turned over onto my back.

"Get your sorry ass up," Emmett growled as he kicked me in the ribs again. "You've had two days

to wallow in your self-inflicted misery. Now get the fuck up and be a man for once in your life."

What the hell is his problem? And why is he screaming?

"What the hell are you talking about?" I stammered as I struggled to my feet. I looked down at
the floor and then to my clothes. I was wearing a tuxedo – a very wrinkled and whiskey-stained

tuxedo. The room began its spinning again, so I dropped the empty bottle onto the floor and
immediately crashed against the couch. The hasty motion made my head pound that much


Emmett sighed heavily and sat down next to me. "You promised you wouldn't make her cry, and
you promised you wouldn't be a douche. You fucking lied."

I squinted in the rays of the bright daylight as I tried to focus on his face, and suddenly, my

already pounding head was suddenly inundated with memories of the past two days. Some
moments were a little fuzzy, and some didn't make sense at all. But there was one blinding

memory that was clear as a bell.

Bella is pregnant with my child.

"I was a douche," I admitted quietly, as I leaned my head back against the couch.

Emmett listened quietly as I recalled the last two days of my life. After questioning the paternity
of her unborn baby by basically calling her a slut, Bella had slapped my face and told me to get

the hell out of her house. I'd been more than happy to oblige, and I'd made my way to the
nearest bar. I could recall that the bar was seedy and not my kind of place at all, and I distinctly

remembered the blonde who had lured me back to the billiards room and stripped down to
nothing before lying across the pool table. I remembered really wanting to fuck her because I

was desperate to purge my head of any and all emotion, but my body just wouldn't cooperate.
Just like all of the other girls I'd encountered in the past few weeks, this girl was all wrong. She

didn't have long brown hair and wide doe eyes, and she didn't smell like strawberries.

So, instead, I'd taken a cab home…where I apparently drank myself into a stupor and passed out
for two days.

"Let me see if I understand," Emmett chuckled darkly. "Are you saying that for the first time in

your life, your dick has decided to play favorites?"

"It's not funny, Emmett," I frowned.

"Oh, I beg to differ," Emmett laughed loudly. "I find it fucking hilarious that you can't get it up
for anyone but Bella."

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"It's not that I can't," I muttered low as I carefully chose my words. "I just…don't… want to? It's

fucking hard to explain."

Emmett examined me carefully. "Well, that's not good. That pretty little girl hates your guts
right now. I'd say good luck, but when Rosalie finds you, you won't have a dick left. Problem


I buried my head in my hands. I really couldn't deal with Emmett's crazy-ass girlfriend right now.

"Bella's pregnant," I muttered hopelessly.


"I'm the father."

"It would seem so, yes."

I sighed tiredly. "Look, I get that I handled this badly. But, damn, Em…it was a gut reaction. I
don't know this girl at all. I'm just supposed to just assume the kid is mine because she says so?"

"No," he hedged carefully, "but you also shouldn't accuse her of being a whore, which is what

you did. That's your problem, Edward. You are a brilliant attorney who can convince a jury into
acquitting a murderer if you turn on enough charm, but outside of the courtroom, you never

think before you speak. Did you stop to consider for one moment that this woman could be the
mother of your child?"

No, I hadn't considered it. Not for one second had I considered it. If I was forced to consider it,

then that would mean that I would be forced to accept that it was a possibility.

"I can't be a father, Emmett."

"Yeah, well, it's not like you get a choice," he replied softly. "Look, of course I have a biased
version of Bella because she's Rosalie's best friend, but she's a sweet girl, and if she says the

baby is yours then I'm betting it's true. Rose says that Bella isn't one to sleep around and that
she hadn't had sex since the wedding."

"What about before the wedding?" I asked, hanging on to the last thread of hope I could find.

Not that I wanted to imagine another man's hands on her, but I was desperate.

"I don't think so," Emmett said. "The doctor says she's about six weeks pregnant."

I groaned as I buried my head in my hands once again. "What the hell am I going to do?"

"You're going to be a man," Emmett announced. "You're going get out of that nasty ass tuxedo,
take a shower, get dressed, and go over to Bella's apartment and knock on her door."

I swallowed nervously. "No, I'm not."

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"Oh yes you are," Emmett chuckled, "and if she doesn't shoot your ass on sight – which I have to

say is highly probable – you are going to get down on your hands and knees, beg for forgiveness,
and tell her that she can count on you for whatever she needs. Rose says that she's scared to

death, man. That's where you need to come in. You're going to apologize for your dumbass
remarks. You're going to tell her that you don't know how to be a father, but you're going to try

because you want to do what is right for her and your baby."

Just like me, Bella was scared shitless. Of course she hadn't planned on this, either. She'd been
so strong in telling me, and what did I do? I'd insulted her and left her in tears. I had hurt this

beautiful girl who had occupied my dreams almost every night for the past six weeks…this
incredible woman who occupied my every waking thought…this amazing girl who had made it

impossible for me to be sexually attracted to any other woman because they weren't her.

Could I fix the mess I'd made?

Would she let me?

Did I even know how?

My stomach clenched in terror as the panic seized me. What the hell did I know about raising a
baby? I didn't even like kids. Kids were loud and messy and annoying. I was a selfish and

arrogant bastard, and I was sure to completely fuck this up. What did I know about being a

"Em, what if I don't want to?"

Emmett cocked his head to the side. "Want to what?"

"Be a father."

He actually cackled. "Dude, didn't you hear me? You don't get a choice. It's not like you can say

'not my problem' and just walk away."

"Really?" I asked pathetically. "Fathers do it all the time."

"This is true." His tone was sarcastic. "You would know considering you've prosecuted several
deadbeat dads in the past. Come on, Edward. You don't seriously want to join that elite club, do

you? Besides, there are other important points to consider here."

I gritted my teeth. "Such as?"

Emmett grinned evilly. "Your mother, for one. Please make sure that I'm in the room when you
tell Esme Cullen that she has a grandchild on the way and that you don't want to be a part of its

life. I can't fucking wait to see how hard she bitch-slaps you."

I glared in his direction as he continued laughing at my expense. Esme had been begging for
grandchildren for years. We'd all placed bets, and I'd been happy to participate, because I had

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been certain that Emmett would find himself in this predicament long before me.

"But most importantly," he continued quietly, "there's Bella."

The mere sound of her name filled me with shame.

"What about Bella?" I asked quietly.

Emmett smiled sadly. "You've broken the heart of the only girl that you've ever wanted."

I snorted, but I couldn't look him in the eye. "I've wanted lots of girls, Emmett."

"I think Bella's different, isn't she?" Emmett mused. "Pregnant or not, Bella has gotten under
your skin. I saw it at the wedding, and I saw the way your eyes glazed over when you saw her at

the auction."

I knew he was right. I could deny it all I wanted, but there was something about her that was
unforgettable. Seeing her at the charity auction had solidified it. Bella was beautiful and smart

and intriguing. And the sex

Then I remembered that sex was the reason I was going to be a father, and that's when I
vomited on my shoes.


Thankfully, the banana Popsicle was soothing my stomach. Whoever coined the phrase

"morning sickness" was a complete liar. Either that, or I was a freak of nature, because my
morning sickness was of the twenty-four hour variety. Morning. Noon. Late afternoon. Night.

My body had no internal clock when it came to worshipping the porcelain god that was my
toilet. According to the baby bible, I would probably be enjoying my morning sickness

throughout my first trimester.

That's what it said - enjoying my morning sickness.

I nibbled on my ice cream and glanced wearily at the book in my lap. The chick at the bookstore
said it was the most popular book for new mothers, so of course I grabbed it. With my own

mother thousands of miles away, I needed a survival guide of sorts.

After my post-Edward breakdown – which consisted of three days of tears and numerous ice
cream interventions with Rosalie and Alice – I decided it was time to get a grip. I'd been reckless

and careless, but there was no reason for an innocent baby to suffer because of my lack of
judgment. I didn't need Edward in my life to raise this baby. I didn't even need his

acknowledgement of this baby's existence. All I needed was me. Was I scared to death? Of
course. Did I have a clue? None at all. But I was determined to figure it out. Single women raised

babies everyday. I would be one of them.

With that in mind, I decided to attack this whole pregnancy thing with the same commitment
that I'd reserved for final exams in college. When I wasn't working or throwing up, I was reading

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pregnancy books. When I wasn't reading, I was on the Internet. I was like a woman possessed,
eager for any and all information that could get me through these nine months. Once I gave

birth, I'd have to buy more books and do more research because I'd need to figure out how
exactly to raise the baby. But for now, I was focusing on just being pregnant, and I was

determined to make it through this period in my life without any further emotional breakdowns.

I had shed my very last tear for Edward Cullen.

A knock at my door interrupted my reverie, and I carefully laid the book on the couch as I made
my way to the door.

"Who is it?" I yelled.

"It's Uncle Emmett!"

I groaned inwardly as I peeked through the peep hole. Sure enough, Emmett was standing there,

smiling like an idiot and carrying a myriad of colorful bags.

"What do you want?" I asked skeptically.

"I come bearing gifts!" Emmett cackled. "Come on, Bella. It's just me."

I sighed as I opened the door. He didn't wait for an invitation. He just barreled through the door,
hitting me with one of the gigantic bags on his way to the couch. When he was finally settled on

the sofa, he glanced up at me.

"Nice popsicle."

"Thanks," I smirked as I finished the ice cream and walked over to my desk, tossing the stick in
the wastebasket. "They help with the nausea."

"Ahh," Emmett nodded as I made my way over to the couch.

"So, what's all this?" I asked.

"This," Emmett motioned with his massive arms, "is for my nephew."

I fought back a smile. "Your nephew, huh?"

"Yep," he grinned, patting the cushion beside of him. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the


"You realize that your nephew – or niece – is the size of a raspberry right now, don't you?"

He shrugged. "Doesn't matter. Babies need toys." He handed me a small blue bag. "Open this
one first."

His enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but grin as I glanced down into the bag,

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finding a tiny Mariners' baseball hat and matching onesie. Thanks to the book, I could identify
that particular piece of baby clothing by name.

"Aww, that's kind of cute, Em. Thanks."

"Oh, but there's more!" Emmett chuckled as he tossed me another bag. I couldn't help but

notice that there was a pattern in the gifts. They were all very boyish and all very blue.

"You know, Emmett, there's a distinct possibility that this baby's a girl. I'm pretty sure it's a
fifty/fifty shot at this point."

"Not happening." Emmett nodded stubbornly. "There hasn't been a Cullen girl in over twenty


"Hmm…." I didn't have the heart to tell him that this baby was a Swan. He'd brought lots of gifts,
after all, and I didn't want to rain on his parade. "This is all really nice. Thanks, Emmett."

"You're welcome," he replied quietly before taking a deep breath. "Listen, I want to talk to you

about Edward."

My entire body bristled at the sound of his name. "I don't want to talk about Edward."

Emmett nodded in understanding. "I get it, I really do. He was a complete asshole and he
deserved that smack across the face and more, but he's coming to terms with things, and he's

going to try to make things right."

My forehead creased. "What exactly does that mean?"

"Umm…" Emmett cleared this throat nervously. "…I kind of convinced him to come over here
and beg for forgiveness."

I chuckled. Was he serious? "Well, you might as well tell him not to bother because I'm not in a

very forgiving mood where Edward Cullen is concerned. Is that what prompted this frightening
display of gifts? You're trying to butter me up?"

"Not at all," Emmett whispered sadly, and I instantly felt bad for jumping to that conclusion. "I

really just wanted to bring my nephew some toys."

"I'm sorry," I murmured, "but honestly, Emmett, what's the point? He made it very clear that he
wants nothing to do with me or this baby. I don't need or want his money. I don't need or want

his help. He's convinced that this baby is just some random guy's child, and that's fine because I
don't give a shit what he believes. I did the right thing. I told him the truth, and he threw it back

in my face and called me a tramp. So, you can tell your brother to save his apologies and that he
can kiss my ass."

Emmett grimaced sadly. "You have every right to be pissed, Bella…but please, just hear him out.

He really likes you. I have never seen him look at a woman the way he looks at you, and I've
seen Edward with a lot of women in my time."

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"I'm sure you have," I muttered bitterly as I clutched my stomach. "I think I need another


"I'll get it," Emmett offered, and I watched as he made his way to my fridge. He returned quickly,
actually taking the time to unwrap the ice cream for me. I leaned back against the cushion and

nibbled slowly.

"Bella, the last thing I want to do is upset you. Let him apologize. Please let him try to make this
right. I really want to know my nephew, and my parents are going to be thrilled when they find

out that they have a grandchild coming into this world. They're good people. Edward's a good
person, too, underneath that mask of immaturity and superiority."

"I would never shut you out…any of you," I promised him. "Just because Edward is choosing not

to be a part of this baby's life doesn't mean that the rest of you should suffer. I'm not that

Emmett smiled sadly. "I don't think Edward really made that choice. He just freaked out. A baby

just wasn't in his plan, you know?"

"You think it was in mine?" I asked incredulously. "I don't know what I'm doing. I'm throwing up
all the time, I cry at the drop of a hat, and I'm scared out of my mind, but, unlike Edward, I don't

have a choice." I pointed to my stomach. "There's a baby growing inside of me. I can't just throw
a temper tantrum and ignore it."

"I know," Emmett nodded seriously. "I know he threw a tantrum, but I don't think he's going to

ignore it any longer. He cares about you, more than I think he's willing to admit. I think he's
scared to death of you, and not just because you're carrying his child."

"Scared of me?" I asked softly. "Why would he be scared of me?"

Emmett flashed me a grin. "I think he needs to tell you that himself, and I really hope you give

him the chance." Em reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. "Listen, here are all of my
numbers. I want you to call me, day or night, if you ever need anything. More ice cream…more

toys…a shoulder to cry on. Anything."

I smiled softly as I took his card. "You're really sweet, Emmett. Thanks. And thanks again for all
of the presents." I took another look around and frowned slightly. "I really hope for your sake

that it's a boy."

"It's a boy," he chuckled as he stood, and I followed him as he made his way toward the door.
"Will you think about what I said about my brother?"

"I just need some time, Emmett," I whispered. "I'm still too furious to be objective about him

right now. I just want to concentrate on my baby and ignore any and all drama. He made it very
clear to me that he wanted nothing to do with this. I won't beg him, and we'll be just fine

without him."

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"I understand," Emmett nodded, "but I think he needs to beg you." Emmett's face suddenly
flashed with mischief. "I'm not saying forgive him right away. Make the bastard work for it a

little, but when he does start begging, I want you to take video because I would really hate to
miss seeing that."

After he left, I took all of the toys and clothes and placed them in the guest bedroom. I'd never

really decorated in here because I never had guests. Right now, the walls were stark white and a
full-sized bed was nestled in the corner. Obviously, that would have to go. I tried to imagine

what a nursery might look like. I didn't know exactly what a baby would need – I had yet to
make it to the furniture portion of my research – but I knew the basics…a crib, a changing table,

a dresser, a rocker. And, of course, a book shelf full of books because my kid was going to be a

Deciding I could probably handle some lunch, I grabbed my bag and my book and made my way

down to the Cherry Street Coffee House. It was my favorite place to eat in Seattle because it was
close to my apartment and they had the best veggie burgers in town. I waved at the owner and

ordered my lunch before making my way to my cozy corner booth. I was deeply involved with
my burger and the chapter titled "How to Break the Happy News to the Family" when I felt

someone standing next to me. I glanced up, and my eyes widened as I recognized Esme Cullen's
lovely face.

"Bella!" She smiled widely. "I thought that was you. How are you, dear?"

I quickly shut my book and swallowed nervously. "Mrs. Cullen, it's nice to see you again."

"Please call me Esme," she smiled warmly. "I was just in the neighborhood doing a little

shopping. Carlisle loves this place, so I thought I'd take him some lunch. He really loves their
veggie burgers."

I laughed lightly as I pointed toward my plate. "So do I."

"May I?" Esme nodded toward the empty seat across from me. I nodded, and I felt my stomach

flip-flop. First the uncle and now the grandmother? All I needed was the father to show up and
I'd be sure to upchuck my lunch.

"You look a little pale, sweetheart," Esme murmured softly as she patted my hand. "Are you

feeling okay?"

"Umm…no, actually." I couldn't exactly lie to the woman. She was really sweet and warm, and I
found myself wishing that she was my mother. Plus, she had Edward's green eyes. They weren't

as brilliantly emerald as his, but they were still beautiful…and I caught myself wondering if my
baby would have his eyes.

"A stomach bug?" Esme asked with concern.

"Not exactly," I mumbled, desperately wishing she'd change the subject. Obviously, neither

Edward nor Emmett had told her about the pregnancy. Was I expected to do this shit all by
myself? I hadn't even told my own mother. Or my father.

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Those are going to be fun conversations.

"What is that you're reading?" Esme asked gently as her fingers hovered over my book, and I

mentally kicked myself for not throwing my baby bible in my bag. I bit my lip as she read the
title, and I watched as her eyes softened. "Oh! Well, that certainly explains the nausea.

Congratulations, Bella."

"Thanks," I whispered as I stared down at my sandwich. My appetite was long gone.

"I know this is none of my business, dear, but I'm assuming by the look on your face that this
wasn't a planned pregnancy. How far along are you?"

It's actually very much your business.

"About six weeks," I whispered. I could not lie to this woman, but I certainly wasn't about to tell

her that I was carrying her grandchild.

"I see," she finally murmured. "Are you okay? Do you have a good doctor?"

"I will be okay," I replied softly but firmly. "The morning sickness is the worst so far, but I have a
great doctor. I'm just trying to figure it all out, you know?"

Esme nodded. "And the father…is he supportive?"

I laughed darkly.

"Not exactly, no." I sighed heavily as I picked at my burger. "It's a really long story, but he wants

nothing to do with the baby, and that's fine with me."

"He said that?" Esme asked almost angrily, but she recovered quickly and gently took my hand in

"Yes, Ed….I mean, he made it very clear."

Anger flashed in her eyes as mine welled with tears.

"Esme, I really can't discuss this with you," I whispered faintly. "Not just yet, anyway."

"Bella," she murmured gently, her voice sweet but coaxing. "Is there something I should know?"

I bit my lip nervously as my stomach began to roll. "I can't lie to you, Esme. You're sweet and

wonderful…and I just can't sit here and discuss this with you. You really need to talk to your son.
Please excuse me…."

I grabbed my stuff and ran toward the restroom. I slammed the stall door and dropped my bag

to the floor as I emptied the contents of my lunch. I didn't know if I could blame this particular
moment on morning sickness or on the fact that I'd just outted Daddy Edward to his mother.

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Either way, it sucked.

I washed my mouth out before grabbing my stuff and making my way back into the restaurant. I
breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that Esme was gone. Deciding I better warn at least one

brother, I dug into my bag and found Emmett's card. I plopped down into my booth and quickly
sent him a text. It was only two little words, but I knew he'd understand my cryptic message.

Grandma knows.


I looked at myself in the mirror as I fixed the collar on my polo. My hair was its usual unruly pile

of shit and I looked like I'd been hit by a truck. That's how I felt, too, so I thought the description
was fairly accurate. I tied my sneakers and took a deep breath as I poised myself to actually get

off this couch and walk out the door.

No matter how much of a dick I'd been, I knew that I had to try to make it right. I didn't know
Bella that well, but I got the sense that she was a strong and independent woman. That slap

across the face had hurt like hell, but I'd deserved it. It bothered me a great deal that I'd upset
her so much, and at the very least, I had to apologize for that. I was a notoriously selfish bastard,

but I could also recognize when I'd crossed the line, and with Bella, I'd done more than cross it.
I'd completely ignored it and showed her what a truly arrogant prick I really am.

After Emmett finally left, I stared out my bedroom window and really contemplated our

situation. I could ignore it all I wanted, but I was going to be a father. Bella was pregnant, and I
was responsible for that. I had been careless that weekend, and that recklessness had brought

us here.

The thoughts of being a father scared the living shit out of me, and it was a little comforting to
know that she was scared, too. I didn't want her to be scared, but it was nice to know that I

wasn't the only one. It was ironic that I'd been given that sense of peace considering I hadn't
afforded Bella the same. I left her there with tears streaming down her face. I left her alone,

knowing she was upset and scared. My words hurt her deeply, and in my selfishness, I'd walked
right out the door. Of course, she'd told me to get the hell out, but I shouldn't have left her like

that. I needed to apologize for that, as well.

I just had no idea what I was going to say.

I had actually placed both feet on the floor when my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I glanced
down at the screen and immediately fell back onto the couch.

Grandma knows. You're a dead man. - Emmett

Just then, I heard the distinct pounding of a fist against my door, following by the furious voice

of Esme Cullen.

"Edward Anthony Cullen, open this door right this minute!"

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Fuck me.

I heaved a sigh as I made my way over to the door. I'd barely opened it before I was knocked
backwards by the force of my tiny mother barging through it. She looked completely pissed, and

suddenly, I was a six year old boy cringing under his mother's livid stare.

She gazed intently at me. "Why are you on the floor?"

I rolled my eyes. "Because you knocked me on my ass."

"You deserve to be knocked on your ass," my mother huffed as she stepped over me on way
over to my couch.

"Actually, I was just on my way out…."

"I don't care. You are going to tell me why I just saw a visibly upset Bella at the coffee shop…."

"You saw Bella?" I asked excitedly as I pulled myself up from the floor and quickly made my way

over to the couch.

Esme regarded me coolly. "Yes, I saw Bella. She looked positively pale and was reading a baby
book. When I asked if she had plenty of support from the baby's father, she told me a

particularly horrifying story about the father of the baby and the fact that he wanted nothing to
do with his child."

I swallowed anxiously but kept my mouth shut.

Mom noticed my anxiety and promptly ignored it. "You know that I'm rarely one to pry," she

said, "but Bella looked so scared and alone, so I asked a few more questions before I was told
that she couldn't discuss this with me and that I needed to talk to my son. Now, I am assuming

by the way that you were completely captivated by her at the auction that Emmett isn't the one
I should be calling."

I bowed my head in embarrassment.

"Bella's pregnant," I whispered.

"I know that part," my mother snapped.

"The baby is mine."

A deathly silence hung in the air. Finally, Esme sighed deeply and placed her hand along my face.

"Edward, did you really tell her that you wanted nothing to do with the baby?"

I sighed miserably as I leaned back against the couch. "Not in so many words, no, but I can see

where she'd come to that conclusion."

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I spent the next hour spilling my guts to my mother. I left out the more graphic moments of the
wedding weekend, but by the end of the hour, my mother knew everything that I knew about

Bella Swan and everything that'd gone down in the past six weeks. My mother listened intently
and didn't once interrupt…that is, until I mentioned that I hadn't been able to get Bella out of


"You like her," my mother announced calmly, but I could hear a hint of awe in her voice. "I could
tell at the auction that you were completely smitten with her."

"It doesn't matter," I whispered sadly. "I have completely fucked it up."

"Then you're just going to have to fix it," Mom murmured gently as she stroked my cheek.

"I don't know how."

"You apologize, for starters," Esme whispered calmly. "You tell her that you're an idiot, and that

you will spend the rest of your life making it up to her. You tell her that you are going to be a
father to that child, and that she can rely on you for anything."

"The rest of my life?" I chuckled nervously.

Mom searched my face. "You really don't understand, do you? You may not be romantically

committed to her just yet, but you have created a child with this woman. You will be linked to
Bella for the rest of your lives. She needs to know that she can depend on you, Edward. If

nothing else, you are and always will be this baby's father. That needs to be your first priority
right now."

I nervously ran my hand through my hair, pulling the ends harshly. "I'm scared, Mom."

"I know you are," my mother whispered softly, "and I don't mean to dismiss that, but think

about how scared you are right at this moment, and then multiply it by a thousand. That's how
scared Bella is right now, and that fear isn't good for Bella or the baby."

"She hates me," I whispered sadly.

"Can you blame her?"


My mother smiled softly at me. "Go fix this, Edward. Do whatever you have to do to make her

feel safe. Go now."

Esme kissed me on the cheek before taking my hand and leading me toward the door. I grabbed
my jacket and closed the door behind us. I was just locking my door when Mom squeezed my


"Oh, and Edward?"

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"She'll probably tell you to go away," Mom murmured gently as she smiled at me.

"I know," I whispered. "I'm prepared for that."

"What will you do?"

I looked down into my mother's soft green eyes.

"I'll beg to stay," I whispered firmly.

Chapter 6 Cleaning My Soul


After my disastrous lunch and frantic text to Emmett, I'd stopped by the office to check the
assignment board. I was happy to see that I'd been given an assignment to interview one of the

city's mayoral candidates for next week's edition. I smiled happily as I made my way to my
cubicle. Jake waved at me from his own desk, and I was thankful to see that he was on the

phone. Jake had an uncanny ability to detect when I was lying, and I wasn't ready for him and
the entire office to know that I'd faked the stomach flu.

While my personal life was in complete upheaval, my professional life couldn't have been

better. Harry had emailed me regarding my article, and he'd been impressed that I'd scored an
interview with Carlisle Cullen. As I expected, Harry noticed the family's passionate interest in

childhood leukemia. There's a story there, Harry hinted more than once, but I refused to take
the bait. I was carrying a Cullen grandchild, so I was pretty sure my digging into their personal

affairs would create a massive conflict of interest. Despite my reluctance, Harry complimented
me on my piece and told me to check the assignment board when I was feeling better. I was

thrilled that he was finally giving me the chance to cover important news instead of the fluff
pieces I'd been assigned for the past six months.

After I escaped the office undetected, I made a quick stop at the store. I was running

dangerously low on Popsicles, but I also knew that I couldn't survive on ice cream alone. I had to
find something that I could keep down, so I grabbed ingredients for soup, thinking Grandma

Swan's chicken noodle soup might do the trick. This baby and I really needed to work out a food
menu, because Mama was starving.

I finally made my way to my apartment door and was fumbling with my keys when a velvet voice

startled me, causing me to drop one of the bags of groceries.

"Sorry," Edward whispered as he kneeled to the ground to pick up the contents of the bag.
Stunned that he was actually here, I watched wearily as he picked up my ice cream and the box

of crackers and placed them back in the bag. He rose to his feet and regarded me cautiously. "I
didn't mean to scare you."

He was actually here, standing in front of my door, holding my Popsicles.

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"Let me help you with those," he murmured, nodding toward the bag in my hand.

Wordlessly, I extended my hand. With a sigh, he handed me my bag of dropped groceries. I

walked around him and placed my key in my lock.

"Bella…" he whispered as I pushed the door open with my foot. Without turning around, I kicked
the door closed – right in his handsome face.

I ignored his incessant knocking as I put away the groceries. After half an hour, I finally put my

iPod buds in my ear and started opening the ingredients to make my soup. At the end of each
song, my ears would automatically detect the sound of his persistent knocking.

I filled my bowl with soup and made my way to the living room. The knocking had ceased after

an hour, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I was just turning on the television when I felt my cell
phone vibrate with a text message. I glanced down at the screen, and I nearly screamed.

I'm not leaving.

How the hell did he get my number?

I tossed my phone onto the couch and ignored his text. He didn't continue knocking, but I heard

a distinct thump, leading me to think that his legs had finally given out and he was now propped
against my door. I ignored the thump and ate my soup.

A few moments later, my phone vibrated again. This time, I waited an entire fifteen minutes

before glancing at the screen.

I know I'm a bastard. I'm sorry.

I stared at the screen, wondering what he was sorry for. For being an arrogant ass since the first
moment we met? For getting me pregnant? For dismissing me as if I was one of his cheap

whores? For pounding on my door for over an hour?

My fingers ghosted along the keys, eager to ask for which transgression he was apologizing.

You aren't speaking to him, remember?

I swiftly closed my phone. I'd just turn it off if I wasn't afraid that I'd miss a call from work.
Almost instantly, there was another message.

Please talk to me.

I smirked as I realized he had resorted to begging.


By nine, the texting had stopped, and I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that he'd finally given

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up and gone home. I quickly cleaned up the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher before grabbing
my baby bible and heading to my bed. I climbed under the covers and snuggled against my

pillow, looking forward to reading the section on relaxation techniques for a stress-free

Before I could even flip to the page, I was fast asleep.

I woke up feeling relaxed and well-rested…and starving to death! Excited that I wasn't hugging

my toilet this morning, I ran to the kitchen and made a breakfast of eggs and bacon. I'd barely
given the eggs time to touch the pan before I was flipping them onto my plate and devouring

them. I'd always preferred scrambled eggs, but today, I was craving them just like this and they
were fucking delicious.

Note to self – baby likes sunny side up.

Thrilled that I was nausea-free at least for the moment, I finished my breakfast and quickly took

a shower. I was feeling so good that I decided to dress-up a little today, so I grabbed a cream-
colored blouse and a navy knee-length skirt to wear with a pair of pumps. I pulled my hair back

into a sleek ponytail and grabbed my bag and phone. Just as I was opening the door, a man's
body – and his head – fell at my feet.

I was too stunned to speak. I merely stared down into his scorching green eyes as he smirked up

at me.

"Good morning, Songbird."

"What the hell are you doing here so early?" I blurted incredulously.

His smiled brightened as he made his way to his feet. "You're actually acknowledging my
existence? I'm honored."

Shit. I snapped my mouth shut and turned around to lock my door.

"And for your information," Edward continued rapidly. "I never left. I told you I wasn't leaving."

He'd been out here all night?

I couldn't decide if he was being sweet or if he was just insane. Deciding I wasn't quite finished

being pissed off, I chose the latter.

"Please just talk to me," Edward whispered softly as he leaned closer. "I know I was an asshole,
and I want to apologize for that. Please talk to me, Bella." He was staring at me with those green

eyes, and I could feel it…whatever it was that kept drawing me to him no matter how hard I
tried to resist. It unnerved me to be so close to him.

"I'm going to be late for work," I whispered.

"Will you meet me for lunch? Dinner? Whatever you want, Bella."

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I shook my head as I stared at my shoes. "I can't do this, Edward. You made it very clear how you

feel. Why are you here?"

Edward sighed softly. "That's not how I feel, and I'm here because this is where I should be. You
have to let me apologize, Bella."

He was the most infuriating man I'd ever met. How dare he camp out at my front door all night

long and make me feel sorry for his arrogant ass.

"I don't have to let you do anything, now please get out of my way. I'm going to be late for

Edward groaned sadly. "Of course, you don't have to do that. I'm sorry, but would you at least

let me try to apologize to you?"

"I neither want nor need your apology," I replied firmly as I held my head high and stared into
his eyes. "Now leave me alone."

I held his gaze, and he held mine, neither of us willing to let the other get the upper hand.

Edward Cullen was used to getting his way. He was a high-priced attorney who could charm his
way out of any situation if he used the right words. He was playing me – looking at me with

those emerald eyes and begging to make a heartfelt apology. Six weeks ago, I would have fallen
for it. I had fallen for it. Twice.

Never again.

"I'm going to work," I repeated firmly. "If you are here when I get back, I'll call the police."

Edward's eyes flashed with aggravation, and I took pride in the fact that I was pissing him off.

"You can call the National Guard for all I care. I'm not giving up, Bella."

"You don't have a choice, Edward."

With that, I stepped around him and made my way to the office.


My delicious breakfast and my clash with Edward kept a smug smile on my face throughout the

morning. How dare he think he could bully me into accepting his apology? Did he really think
that living outside my door was going to make me forget the horrible things he said? Did he

really think that sending a few text messages was going to grant him forgiveness?

The morning passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. Thrilled that the baby
was still happy with its breakfast, I excitedly logged off my computer and tried to decide what I

wanted for lunch. Just as I stood up from my chair, a flash of copper hair could be seen from the
stairs. I watched in disbelief as Edward accosted one of the copy editors. They both turned in my

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direction as she pointed my way, and I groaned when his eyes found me. I rolled my eyes and
ducked back down into my cubicle. Of course, it was too late, and I wasn't at all surprised when

he made his way to my side just moments later.

"You're far too pretty to be hiding in a cubicle."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you deaf? I told you to leave me alone.

"I told you I wasn't giving up," he murmured.

I was furious. "And I told you that you didn't have a choice!"

Edward ran his hands through his hair, and I wondered if he was trying to look sexy or if it was
just a nervous habit.

Not that he looked sexy or anything.

"You are the most frustrating woman I've ever met."

"Yeah, well, you can blame it on the mommy hormones," I snapped impatiently. I grabbed my

bag and jacket. "Now, leave me alone. My child is hungry."

Edward's eyes danced with something that vaguely resembled….joy?

"Our child," Edward whispered as he leaned against my desk. "Let me take you and our child out
to lunch, Bella."

"My child," I emphasized through gritted teeth, "and no."

Just then, Jake suddenly appeared at our side. He took a long look at Edward before turning his

attention to me. "Everything okay here?"

Edward's eyes narrowed as Jake wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Everything is fine," I smiled sweetly at my friend. "Would you please take me to lunch?"

"I'm taking you to lunch," Edward growled quietly. I noticed that his eyes remained glued to
Jake's hand on my shoulder, and I almost giggled at the absurdity of the situation. Edward

obviously had no gaydar, so I used that knowledge to my advantage and snuggled into Jake's

Yes, it was immature.

No, I didn't care.

Thankfully, Jake got the hint. "Sure, Bella. I'd be happy to take you to lunch."

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I glared one more time in Edward's direction, and if I had any feelings for him at all, I might be

concerned that he was having a stroke. His face was fire-engine red and his eyes were
murderous as he kept his steely gaze on Jake.

Yeah, it's a good thing that I didn't have any feelings for the man.

"Good, I'm starving," I said, and I didn't look back as Jake and I walked up the stairs and out of

the news room.


"Honey, you've lost your mind, you realize this, right?"

I had spent my lunch hour spilling my guts to Jake, who had clapped excitedly when I announced
I was pregnant with Edward's child. After that fun confession, I was now happily nibbling on my

chicken salad sandwich and watching the birds flutter around the park fountain.

"Why do you say that?" I asked in between bites.

"That man wants you," Jake grinned as he stabbed at his salad. "I'm surprised I made it out of
there alive. You know I'm a lover and not a fighter. What would Seth say if I came home all

mangled and broken because I was helping you make your baby-daddy jealous?"

"Stop calling him that," I muttered, "and he's not jealous. He just thinks he has some claim to me
because he knocked me up."

"Not true," Jake argued. "I saw the way he was looking at you at that reception. Edward Cullen

wants you, whether you're pregnant or not."

"He hurt me, Jake," I whispered softly. "I can't just forget that."

"You shouldn't forget it," Jake agreed as he tossed his lunch into the trash can next to our
bench. "But don't you think you owe it to your child to at least hear him out?"

"No," I stated flatly. "He made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with this child. He even

accused you of being the father! Well, one of the fathers…"

Jake shuddered. "No wonder he was ready to kill me, but regardless, he looks like he's changed
his mind about that. He's being pretty persistent for someone who doesn't care, and you aren't

without blame here, Bella."

My eyes snapped to his. "What do you mean?"

"Two people were irresponsible that weekend," Jake reminded me softly. "Two ambitious, hard-
working, power-driven people who have just found out that they made a baby together. You

really know nothing about each other. If the situations were reversed, wouldn't you have
questioned him?"

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"Well, of course!" I exclaimed. "You said that he's one of the biggest manwhores in Seattle."

"Allegedly," Jake stressed. "Allegedly one of the biggest manwhores in Seattle…"

"You never said allegedly," I glared in his direction.

"Anyway…" Jake sighed, "…the point is you would have questioned him. He doesn't know you at

all, Bella. Why should he just assume you're telling the truth?"

"That's…valid," I agreed with a mutter, "but it was the way he questioned me…"

"He was wrong, entirely and completely wrong, but shouldn't he get the chance to apologize for
that? He seems to really want to. If all he wanted was sex, a man like Edward Cullen wouldn't

have to sit by your door all night long or stalk you at work. He could get that anywhere. He
seems to honestly want to make amends. Shouldn't you let him try?"

I was back in my cubicle and still pondering Jake's question when I heard my name being called

from the stairs.

Good grief, what now?

Slowly, I glanced over my cubicle wall and saw a delivery guy standing there with a gigantic
bouquet of white roses.

White fucking roses.

"I'll take those," I heard Jake say as he tipped the delivery boy. "Oh, Bella…that horrible, terrible

manwhore has sent you these beautiful flowers!"

I rolled my eyes and dropped back down into my chair. Jake slowly placed the vase on my desk.

"Wow, a whole dozen this time," I muttered bitterly, ignoring how good they smelled and how
pretty they looked.

"No, honey, that's two dozen."

"You counted?"

"Of course," Jake grinned as he waved something in the air, "and there's a card."

I snatched the card out of his hand. "Like I wouldn't know who they're from?"

Jake laughed as he made his way back to his cubicle in the corner. I slinked back down into my

chair and slowly opened the card.

You look so beautiful today.

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He was either completely full of shit, or I was in serious trouble.

I had my answer when I went home late that afternoon and found him sitting against the door
of my apartment.

"Hi," Edward whispered as he rose to his feet. "Oh, you got them." He nodded to the flowers in

my hand. I was forced to bring them home considering they took up all of the space on my very
small desk.

"Yes," I managed softly. "They're beautiful."

"Like you," Edward murmured softly.

He sounded so sincere, and that was only reason I was able to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

Edward moved to the side as I pulled my keys out of my jacket and opened my door.

"Thank you for the flowers," I whispered, and then I closed the door.

The next four days were just the same. Every morning, he'd be waiting outside my door. Each
day at noon, he'd stop by the newsroom and ask if he could take me to lunch, to which I'd

always say no. Everyday around three, the poor delivery boy would arrive with another bouquet
of white roses. And each afternoon, I'd go home to find him sitting next to my apartment door.

I'd thank him for the flowers, and I'd close the door in his face.

Each day was the same. Only the cards were different.

Throughout the rest of the week, the handwritten cards had become more heartfelt. Instead of
saying something flattering about me, he'd say something completely unexpected about him.

After opening each new card, I would take all of the tiny cards out of my desk drawer and line
them up side-by-side, trying desperately to read between the lines.

You look so beautiful today.

I want to take care of you and our baby.

I can't stop thinking about you.

I dream about you every night.

It was today's four dozen roses and accompanying card that hit me the hardest. In Edward's

perfect handwriting, he'd written the second verse of the song that I'd sang for him in the piano

To you, I'll give the world

To you, I'll never be cold
Cause I feel that when I'm with you,

It's alright, I know it's right.

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Please forgive me, Songbird

No matter how much I wanted to deny it, I couldn't ignore the fact that I was drawn to him on
some deep, elemental level. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones surging through me, or

maybe he was just wearing me down with all of the sappy notes, but it was getting harder and
harder to close that door in his face each night.

"Tell me what to do," I begged Rosalie as she walked me home that evening. She'd been

uncharacteristically quiet throughout this entire ordeal. I relied on her to be my voice of reason
since she was so good at keeping emotion and logic separate.

"What does Alice say?" She asked gently as we walked arm-in arm.

"You know Alice. She's a romantic at heart."

"She thinks you should forgive him," Rosalie mused.

I shrugged. "She thinks I should at least have a conversation with him."

"Hmm," Rosalie murmured as we finally made our way to my apartment building. We sat down

on the steps and looked out at the steady stream of traffic passing by.

"You know I'll hate him forever for upsetting you like he did," Rose whispered, "but I do believe
that he's sorry. Emmett says he's a mess, and Esme is worried to death about both of you. All of

this drama isn't good for the baby."

"So I should forgive him?" I asked cautiously.

Rose sighed. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Alice. I think you two need to have a
very long conversation."

"Emmett has made you such a softie," I grinned at her before looking up at my building. "Fifty

bucks says he's at my door right now."

"I'm not taking that bet," Rosalie smirked. "He's been camped out at your door for the past five
days. I'm sure to lose."

"Want to scare the shit out of him and walk me to my door?"

Rose's grin was evil. "Yes!"

We were giggling as we made our way up the stairs and onto my floor. As predicted, there was

Edward – in his suit and tie – sitting next to my door. His eyes widened when he saw Rosalie,
and I could have sworn I heard him whisper an expletive under his breath. I bit my lip to avoid


"Hello, Edward," she grinned sweetly.

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He looked stunned that she was being so civil. "Hello, Rosalie."

"Don't you have a home?"

Edward cleared his throat and rose to his feet before staring straight at her. "Yes, I do. My home
is wherever Bella and our child are."

Rosalie glanced at me, and I shrugged helplessly. He'd been saying sweet shit like that all week.

"Wow," she muttered appreciatively, "you are either the smoothest fucker I've ever met or

you're absolutely crazy about her."

I walked around both of them and unlocked my door, pushing it and leaving it wide open.

"Which do you think it is?" I heard him ask softly.

I turned around and stood in the doorway, watching my best friend and the father of my child in
an old-fashioned stare down. It was really quite impressive to witness.

Suddenly, Rosalie grinned at him. "I'm going to let Bella decide. Try not to fuck it up this time."

Rosalie waved goodbye, and Edward turned toward me – excitement etched across his

handsome face. His eyes were sparkling with anticipation, and it was mind-boggling to think that
I was the reason he looked so hopeful.

"Did my delivery boy fail me today?" Edward asked softly as he leaned against the wall outside

my door.

He noticed I wasn't carrying any flowers today.

"Oh no, he delivered them," I assured him. "I just couldn't carry four vases home. They're all in
the newsroom on various desks throughout the office. One of our advertisers walked in and

thought he'd entered a florist."

Edward laughed lightly. "Did you at least read the card?"

"Yes," I whispered. "I've read them all. We should probably talk about those."

"Okay," Edward murmured as he looked down at his shoes. I sighed heavily and braced my
hands on the door for support as I uttered the words I thought I'd never say.

"So are you coming in or what?"

Edward's head snapped up, his eyes beseeching mine. "Really?"


Happy but hesitant, he slowly walked into my apartment, and I closed the door behind us.

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"Have a seat," I mumbled as I made my way over to the desk and tossed my bag and jacket on

the chair. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Yes, but you can't drink, so…"

I grinned softly. "I have water, juice, soft drinks…"

"Juice is fine," Edward whispered. I could feel his eyes on me as I made my way into the kitchen.
The open layout of the apartment was what had attracted me to it, but right now, I could have

used a wall to give me a few minutes to gather myself. Instead, I ignored his penetrating stare
and made myself a sandwich.

"Sandwich?" I offered as I opened the mustard. The aroma of the condiment – a scent I usually

love – was really wreaking havoc on my tummy. Blaming it on my nerves, I shrugged it off and
finished coating the bread. I really didn't want to eat in front of him – especially when we were

getting ready to have a serious conversation – but I was starving.

"No, thanks."

I carried two juices and my sandwich over to the couch. I plopped down next to him and offered
him a bottle.


I nodded as I curled my feet under me and dug into my sandwich. He was still watching my every

move, and he looked petrified, so I decided to put him out of his misery.

"You can relax," I mumbled between bites.

"I just can't believe you let me in," Edward murmured.

"That makes two of us," I replied as I took a drink of my juice. "You kind of wore me down with
all of the stalking and flowers and sappy cards. You can stop sending them now, by the way…

although I'm sure the florist will miss you terribly. He can probably go on an extended vacation
thanks to you."

Edward laughed. "It was worth every penny if it means you'll talk to me."

"I'm not talking to you because of the flowers," I whispered. "I'm talking to you because a very

good friend reminded me that if our situations had been reversed, I probably would have
reacted the same way, except I hope I wouldn't have been as rude."

"What's your friend's name?" Edward grinned. "I'd like to send her some flowers of her own for

helping me out."

"His name is Jake Black. You met him, remember?"

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Edward's eyes darkened, and I stifled a giggle.

"I remember," he muttered irritably.

I finished the last bite of my sandwich and placed the plate on the coffee table. "I think he likes
tulips. Oh, but you may not want to put your name on the card. His boyfriend, Seth – who you

met at the auction – might get a little jealous."

Edward's eyes narrowed. "Wait. Jake and Seth are gay?"

"That's right," I replied as I took another sip of my juice.

"And I accused you…"

I nodded.

Edward's gaze fell onto his lap. "So I'm an ever bigger dick than I thought."

I didn't agree or disagree, because I knew neither would be productive to the conversation.
"Jake reminded me that you didn't know me at all, so your reaction was understandable."

"I just panicked," Edward admitted quietly, "but that doesn't excuse what I said to you. I'm so

sorry, Bella. I was expecting to come over here and…well, you know what I was expecting…and
instead, you told me that you were pregnant, and I just went into defense mode and…"

"I understand," I whispered softly, my voice breaking.

Please God, don't let me cry in front of this man.

"No, you have to let me do this," Edward said urgently as he climbed off the couch and fell to his

knees before me. I gasped as he grabbed my hands and gazed up at me with pleading eyes. Just
like before, his touch sent tiny jolts of electricity through me. "You have to let me say these

things to you because you may never give me another chance."

He looked down at my fingers, and my breath hitched as he slowly laced his fingers with mine.
His hands were warm and he was gazing at me with so much emotion that I was sure I was going

to cry. I'd been so strong these past few days, but being this close to him when he was being so
sweet and repentant was finally going to break me.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that I made you cry. I'm sorry that I made you feel like you

were all alone. I was so scared, and I'm still scared, but I know you're scared too, and I just want
the chance to make this up to you. I have never begged for anything in my life, but I will beg for


"Why?" I whispered softly. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because this is my baby, too," he murmured gently, "and I want to be a part of its life… even
though I'm fairly positive I'll be the worst father ever…but I really want to try."

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He let go of one of my hands and brushed a strand of my hair out of face. "I want you to trust

me, but I know that I have to earn it. Please let me try."

He wasn't asking me to forgive him. It was as if he knew that I wasn't ready to do that just yet.
He was just asking me to give him a chance to deserve it.

Could I do that?

"Tell me about the cards," I whispered softly.

"Which one?" Edward smirked.

I pulled my hand out of his and rose from the couch. I made my way over to my bag and pulled

the cards out of my wallet. He was still kneeling on the floor when I returned to my place on the

"You don't have to beg on your knees, you know" I smiled softly.

Edward's face was grim. "Yes, I do."

Sighing, I climbed down onto the carpet next to him and leaned my back against the couch. He

sat down and turned to face me. Our bodies were barely touching, but it was enough to remind
me of all kinds of things that I shouldn't be remembering during this very important

conversation. I took a deep breath and handed him the five cards.

"This one," he pointed toward the very first card he'd sent me, "was the day you wore that
blouse and skirt. I thought you looked gorgeous, so I told you so."

I blushed slightly as he flipped to the next card. "This one is fairly self explanatory. I know you

don't need my help, but I do want to take care of you and our baby."

I bit my lip nervously as he made his way to the more sentimental cards.

"I think about you all the time," Edward whispered softly, his eyes gazing into mine. "I've done
nothing but think about you since Jasper's wedding. I can't even look at another woman without

thinking of you, so I finally just stopped trying."

"You don't date anymore?"

"I never date," Edward smirked, "but no, there's no one else."

"You don't seem like the kind of guy who likes to be alone," I remarked quietly. "Why are you
alone now?"

Edward gazed at me intently before taking a deep breath. "It's really hard to explain, but it's kind

of connected to the next card."

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I dream about you every night.

"Is that true?" I asked shakily.

Edward nodded soberly. "Every night since the wedding. Well…there was one night that I didn't,
but it was because I'd run ten miles just to try to get you off my mind. But yes, I dream about

you every single night, and that's why I can't be with anyone else."

He stared into my eyes, and I had to lower my head just so that as I could process these
revelations. Suddenly, his finger was along the bottom of my chin and tilting it toward his face.

Somehow during our conversation, we'd moved closer, and his face was inches from mine.

"No one compares to you, Songbird."

His fingers crept along my face, and I felt it…the inexplicable force that always drew me to him.
His finger trailed to my bottom lip where it softly traced the outline of my mouth. His burning

eyes fell to my mouth, and I felt my body responding to everything…his sweet words, his
closeness, his fingers that were moving so gently against my lips…

"I shouldn't kiss you," Edward whispered roughly, "but I want to kiss you…so much."

"You shouldn't kiss me," I murmured quietly, but there was absolutely no conviction in my voice,

and I did nothing to discourage him. He was so close to me that I could smell his sweet breath,
and it was driving me absolutely insane.

"Bella," he whispered tenderly, and like a moth to a flame, I closed my eyes.

Chapter 7 A Perfect Prayer in a Desperate Hour


I fidgeted nervously with the sleeve of my jacket as I waited for Bella to come home. A few of

her neighbors had given me wary looks as they made their way to their own apartments, and I
fervently hoped they wouldn't call the police.

I had no idea what I was going to say to her. I'm sorry didn't seem to be a strong enough

sentiment. Begging for forgiveness was an option, although I wasn't sure she would give me the
chance. Emmett said that she hates my guts, and I really can't blame her, but damn it, this was

my child, too. I deserved the chance to redeem myself.

My child.

Those words still fucking unnerved me. I hoped I became more comfortable with the term
during the next nine months. I hoped she gave me the chance.

I jumped to my feet as I heard a rattling of keys and a flash of chestnut hair make their way

around the corner. Bella was carrying two bags of groceries. I whispered her name, and I
watched in dismay as she dropped one of the bags onto the floor.

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"Sorry," I whispered as I knelt down to collect the items. The girl obviously had a serious

addiction to Popsicles as I was holding a box of twenty-four banana flavored pops in my hand.
Was it one of those pregnancy cravings?

"I didn't mean to scare you," I murmured as I offered to help her with her bags. She was staring

at me – mouth wide open – as if she couldn't believe I was actually here. Her expression was flat
as she held out of her hand, and I sighed as I handed her back her groceries. She walked straight

through her door and slammed the door in my face.

She's going to make you work for it, Cullen.

I sighed wearily as I began knocking on her door. I had no idea how long I stood there looking
like an idiot, saying her name over and over again. Surely she'd let me in eventually, right?

An hour later, I was still knocking.

Desperate, I grabbed my cell phone and called Emmett, begging for her cell number.

"She hasn't let you in?" Emmett cackled. "What are you doing? Standing outside and knocking

on her door like an idiot?"

"Yes," I muttered as another neighbor passed by, gazing at me suspiciously. "That's exactly what
I'm doing. Eventually, a neighbor will call the cops and they'll arrest me and put me out of my


His laugh was grating on my nerves. "That girl hates you, man."

"I'm aware."

"I mean, she even let me in the house."

"You were in her apartment?" I asked irritably. How fucking unfair was this?

"Yes, Uncle Emmett brought the kid some kickass toys," he replied proudly. "Hey, maybe that's
what you're doing wrong. You need gifts, man."

"Just give me her number so that I can call her," I groaned. "I'll worry about gifts later."

Thankfully, he gave me her number and I quickly typed out a message.

I'm not leaving.

I waited.

And waited.


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I collapsed against the doorframe and buried my head in my hands. After a few minutes, I

decided that if this was the only communication I had with her, I would use it to begin my

I know I'm a bastard. I'm sorry.


Fucking frustrated, I tugged at the ends of my hair. This woman had to be the most frustrating

female I've ever met in my life. What the fuck? Did she really expect me to beg? Edward Cullen
doesn't beg anyone for anything.

Two minutes later, I was fucking begging.

Please talk to me.

No reply.

Sometime later, I noticed the light dim beneath Bella's door. I glanced at my watch and noticed

it was just after nine. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the door. I'd told her I wasn't
leaving, and I meant it. Even if that meant that I would be spending the night outside in this

drafty hallway.

She had to talk to me eventually.

I imagined her undressing and climbing into her bed, and my breath hitched as I recalled how
beautiful she'd looked lying against my sheets. She truly had the most beautiful, porcelain skin

I'd ever seen. It was creamy and soft and just one of the many things about the girl that
absolutely drove me insane. The list was endless, and I found myself recalling them – one by one

– as I drifted off to sleep.

At some point, I was jarred out of my sleep when Bella's door opened and I fell abruptly onto
the floor. My eyes struggled to focus, but then they did, and I realized my head had fallen

between Bella's feet – giving me a gorgeous, upside down view of her legs…and up her skirt.


"Good morning, Songbird," I managed to smirk.

"What the hell are you doing here so early?"

Excited that she was actually talking to me, I jumped to my feet. "You're actually acknowledging
my existence? I'm honored. And, for your information, I never left. I told you I wasn't leaving."

She just stared at me with those big brown eyes that haunted my dreams, and I couldn't help

but notice how beautiful she looked today. The cream blouse against her skin clung to her
curves and her legs looked so sexy in that skirt. Her hair was pulled back, and my eyes lingered

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on the curve of neck, recalling how soft the skin was there. As always, I was finding myself
completely intoxicated by her. Still, I knew I only had a few seconds before she told me to go to

hell, so I decided to take advantage of her speechlessness.

"Please just talk to me," I whispered as I leaned closer to her. "I know I was an asshole, and I
want to apologize for that. Please talk to me, Bella."

Her strawberry scent flooded my senses as I struggled to keep a tight reign on my hormones. I'd

been so captivated by her from the first moment I laid eyes on her, and I couldn't deny that the
feeling was new to me. Throughout my life, I'd found many women attractive, but with Bella,

the attraction was…different. It wasn't just a sexual attraction, and that realization frightened

"I'm going to be late for work," Bella whispered.

"Will you meet me for lunch? Dinner? Whatever you want, Bella."

"I can't do this, Edward," she mumbled. "You made it very clear how you feel. Why are you


Because I can't stay away from you.

"That's not how I feel, and I'm here because this is where I should be. You have to let me
apologize, Bella."

Her eyes flashed with annoyance.

Shit. What'd I say?

"I don't have to let you do anything, now please get out of my way. I'm going to be late for


"Of course, you don't have to do that. I'm sorry, but would you at least let me try to apologize to
you?" I groaned.

"I neither want nor need your apology. Now leave me alone." Bella announced sharply, and I

watched as my sweet Songbird became feisty and determined. It was really quite sexy. We
stared at each other, both of us seething and neither backing down before she finally

announced that she was leaving. "If you are here when I get back, I'll call the police."

I chuckled lightly. Did she really think the police could keep me away from her? This woman was
carrying my child, and I deserved to be a part of its life. "You can call the National Guard for all I

care. I'm not giving up, Bella."

"You don't have a choice, Edward," she glared angrily as she straightened her shoulders and left
me standing in the hallway.

Pissed and exhausted, I hauled my ass to my apartment and showered and changed before

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heading to the office. Lauren regarded me with a smirk as she held a pile of messages in both of
her hands. Thankfully, she took pity on me and offered to weed the non-essential ones, and by

the time she was done, I only had about twenty phone calls to make.

I buried myself in my office and checked my email, groaning when I saw that I had about two
hundred messages to sift through. Damn, can't a man disappear for a few days without the

world going to hell? I hastily pushed a button on my phone and begged Lauren to work her
magic on my email inbox, as well. Within ten minutes, I only had about fifty emails that needed

my attention.

I spent my morning replying to clients, thankful to have something to concentrate on besides
Bella and our baby. I glanced up at the clock and noticed it was around noon, and I wondered

what time Bella ate lunch. What does she like to eat? Was she having any weird pregnancy
cravings? These were things I needed to know.

I fired off the last of my emails before grabbing my jacket and rushing out of my office.

"I'm going to lunch," I announced to Lauren who looked up in surprise. I rarely took a lunch,

unless it was a business meeting.

"Very good, Mr. Cullen. Is there anything I can do for you while you're out?"

"Actually, there is," I whispered, recalling Emmett's mentioning of gifts. "Lauren, what kinds of
gifts do women prefer?"

She glanced up from her computer screen. "You've never purchased a gift for a woman?"

"Does my mother count?" I wondered aloud.

"That depends," Lauren noted.


"What kind of gift you need," she explained patiently.

I considered this for a moment. "I need a gift that says I'm sorry I was a heartless bastard when

you told me that you were pregnant with my child, so please forgive me….kind of gift."

Lauren's eyes grew wide but she remained stoic. "I see. Then no, purchasing a gift for your mom
doesn't count."

"I didn't think so," I groaned. "So, yeah, any ideas you might have would be helpful."

Lauren regarded me warily. "May I ask a question?"


"Just how big of a bastard were you?"

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Lauren had been my assistant for a while, and she was fully aware of my bastard tendencies.

"It was fairly epic," I mumbled.

Lauren nodded. "Well, I suppose you could start with flowers…"

"White roses," I murmured, remembering the white rose I laid across my pillow that morning.

Would Bella understand the significance?

She would.

Lauren's forehead creased as she took note. "Why white?"

"She'll understand," I replied without further explanation. "A dozen?"

Lauren contemplated this as she tapped her pen against her chin. "You were an epic bastard?"

I nodded.

"Better make it two," Lauren replied dryly. "I'll call the florist. What would you like on the card?"

I had no idea what to say, but I did know that I couldn't trust a florist to deliver the message. "I
think I should probably write the message, don't you?"

Lauren nodded. "That would be nice, yes…more heartfelt. I could call the florist and ask them to

have the bouquet ready for delivery and that you'll stop by to take care of the card?"

"Perfect," I smiled. "Thank you, Lauren. Remind me to give you a raise."

"I will," Lauren smirked. "Have a nice lunch, Mr. Cullen."

I quickly stopped by the florist and scribbled a note on the card. I had no idea what to say to her,
but I knew it needed to be honest. I recalled how beautiful she looked this morning, so I decided

to say so on the card. The florist assured me that they'd be delivered that afternoon.

I quickly made my way down to John Street and toward the Times office. Once inside, I asked
the receptionist for directions to the newsroom, and she directed me to the second floor of the

building. I grabbed the first person I could find and asked for Bella, and she pointed me toward a
smallish cubicle in the corner of the room. Bella was standing there, looking completely

shocked, and our eyes locked briefly before she dropped down behind the cubicle. With a smirk,
I made my way over to her desk.

"You're far too pretty to be hiding in a cubicle," I murmured.

Her eyes were flashing with annoyance.

"Are you deaf? I told you to leave me alone," she snapped.

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"I told you I wasn't giving up."

"And I told you that you didn't have a choice!"

"You are the most frustrating woman I've ever met," I grumbled as I ran my hand through my


"Yeah, well, you can blame it on the mommy hormones. Now, leave me alone. My child is

"Our child," I whispered, and I couldn't deny the surge of happiness that shot through me. This

was really happening. This infuriatingly sexy woman was carrying my child. "Let me take you and
our child out to lunch, Bella."

"My child, and no."

Suddenly, a stocky dark-haired man was by her side, asking if everything was okay. He looked

vaguely familiar. Wasn't he at the wedding? I almost asked him if we'd met before, but then he
wrapped his arm around Bella's shoulder, and suddenly, I didn't give a shit about his name. I just

wanted to rip his fucking head off.

"Everything is fine," Bella smiled in his direction. "Would you please take me to lunch?"

"I'm taking you to lunch," I growled as I stared at his arm on her shoulder. How dare he touch
her? Didn't he know that she was mine? The man obviously had a death wish because I heard

him say that he'd be happy to take her to lunch. I was fucking furious as I watched them walk
out of the newsroom.

Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out of my pocket, grimacing at the

name on the caller ID screen. It was a gentle reminder that I needed to explain myself to one
more family member.



We were sitting his study, and I was nursing my second whiskey as my father stared pensively

out the window.

"Bella seems like a very charming young woman," Carlisle commented softly. "Your mother and
brother are especially fond of her."

"I know," I murmured. "My entire family is in love with her."

My father turned away from the window and gazed at me. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

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"Are you in love with her?"

I stared intently at the ice in my drink. "Is that even possible?"

Carlisle walked around his desk and collapsed onto the couch beside of me. "Oh, I think anything

is possible, Edward. You are going to be a father. I would be willing to bet that Satan himself is
wearing a parka because hell has definitely frozen over."

I chuckled softly. "True. At least Esme will get that grandchild she's always wanted."

"Yes, that will be quite a thrill," Carlisle smiled, his eyes twinkling with happiness. "It's about

time something wonderful happened to this family, wouldn't you agree? We've been sad long

I nodded gently as I sloshed the ice around in my glass. "So you think this is a good thing."

"I think it's a wonderful thing," my father sighed softly. "It will be even more wonderful when

Bella finds it in her heart to forgive you."

"When?" I laughed as I finished my drink. "My father the eternal optimist."

Carlisle smiled at me. "Bella seems to be a very intelligent, compassionate woman. You need to
make amends…make her feel special…make her feel protected. That's what she needs right

now. I'm sure she's terrified, even more so than you."

"I don't see how that's possible," I mumbled.

"Well, consider this," Dad whispered. "You can walk away. You can make the decision to wash
your hands of the entire situation and pretend it never happened. Bella doesn't have that


"I won't do that," I whispered solemnly.

"I'm very happy to hear that," Carlisle smiled. "She needs to hear that, too. Give her some time,

"I'm not a patient man," I groaned softly, and my father laughed.

"I'm well aware," Dad grinned. "Think of it as practice for the future. You are going to need loads

of patience to be a father. It's really quite exhausting."

I laughed. "I imagine so. I'm sorry that I'm always testing that patience."

"Edward," my father sighed as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "You have never been a bad
son. You've handled your heartache the best way you knew how, just like the rest of us. I think

Bella and the baby will be wonderful for our family, but especially for you. You finally have the
chance to look forward to the future instead of always focusing on the past."

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"I don't want to forget," I whispered softly as I bowed my head.

"You never will," Carlisle assured me as he patted my back, "but don't you think it's time to be

happy? Jane would want you to be happy, Edward."

"I am happy," I argued unconvincingly.

My father just offered me a sad smile. "Success doesn't always equate to happiness. You are
quite accomplished and determined, and those are wonderful qualities. But there is more to life,

and you have the opportunity here to embrace it. Don't let it slip away."

I was still pondering his words as I sat against Bella's apartment door later that afternoon. I
glanced at my watch as my impatience grew. I was so eager to see her, and I didn't understand it

at all. But then she was suddenly there, carrying a huge bouquet of roses, and I felt my chest
loosen as she made her way closer to the door.

"Hi," I whispered. "Oh, you got them."

"Yes," Bella whispered. "They're beautiful."

"Like you," I whispered softly, because it was true.

She slowly took her keys out of her jacket and opened her door.

"Thank you for the flowers," Bella whispered, and just like yesterday, she closed the door in my


Undeterred, I settled myself against her door – my personal residence for the rest of the week.

The rest of the week followed a similar pattern. Each morning, Bella would find me waiting
outside her door. I'd head to the office to work until noon when I'd make my way to the

newsroom and invite Bella to lunch. After she turned me down, I'd go to the florist and order
today's roses, writing something different on each day's card. I decided the cards needed to be

more about the way she made me feel, instead of just how much I liked the way she looked.
Because of that, my cards became sappier, and I sincerely worried that they were too cheesy

and she'd never believe them. But I was always honest, and when Bella brought home each
bouquet, I could see it in her chocolate doe eyes that the wall between us was crumbling with

each passing day.

As the week progressed, it was impossible to ignore the fact that I had feelings for this woman.
This realization came with the help of my mother, who was more than happy to point out the

fact. I had always been able to tell my mom anything, and each day, she called for a progress
report on my efforts with Bella. Instead of focusing on the failed attempts of each and every

day, I chose to concentrate on the good things. Like the way Bella's eyes sparkled each morning
when she'd open the door and find me standing there…or the way she'd take her time closing

the door in my face each night…or even the soft smiles that would cross her lovely face each
afternoon when she'd find me waiting at her door. I got excited about the smallest, most

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inconsequential things, but I lived for them. They were seemingly unimportant events, but to
me, they were signs of progress and they gave me hope. During those conversations with my

mother, she always pointed out the fact that I sounded completely smitten, whatever the hell
that meant. At this point, I was pretty sure it was teetering close to obsession.

On the fifth day, I decided it was time to make a grand gesture. I ordered double roses and

wrote a verse of the song that she'd sang to me that first night. I had downloaded the song to
my iPod, thinking maybe Christine McVie's voice would soothe me to sleep at night when I was

propped up against Bella's door. It never worked, because it was Bella's voice I wanted to hear.

Something had to give, because I was exhausted from trying to sleep in her hallway each night
and my caseloads were piling up because I couldn't fucking concentrate on work long enough to

get anything done. I couldn't eat. Couldn't sleep. Couldn't think about anything but her and how
much I missed her when I wasn't around her. I had no idea how she was feeling. Was she having

morning sickness? Weird cravings? Was she sleeping at night? Did she think about me at all? I
fucking lived for those brief minutes in the hallway each morning and afternoon, but I was

completely losing my mind.

I was seated in my usual spot on that fifth day, waiting for her to come home, when I heard
giggling coming from the end of the hallway. I couldn't help but smile when I saw Bella's face

turn the corner, and I felt my body relax as it always did whenever she was close to me.
Unfortunately, she wasn't alone.

"Fuck me," I muttered under my breath.

"Hello, Edward," Rosalie grinned.

My eyes widened at her politeness, and I said hello.

"Don't you have a home?"

I rose to my feet and looked her straight in the eye. "Yes, I do. My home is wherever Bella and

our child are."

Bella walked around us and opened her door. I kept my gaze on her best friend who wanted to
kick my ass.

"Wow, you are either the smoothest fucker I've ever met or you're absolutely crazy about her."

One of those is entirely accurate, Miss Hale.

"Which do you think it is?" I asked.

Something flashed in Rosalie's eyes, and she smiled. "I'm going to let Bella decide. Try not to

fuck it up this time."

This time?

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Excitedly, I turned toward Bella's door. It was then that I noticed that – for the first day all week
– she wasn't carrying my flowers.

"Did my delivery boy fail me today?"

"Oh no, he delivered them. I just couldn't carry four vases home. They're all in the newsroom on

various desks throughout the office. One of our advertisers walked in and thought he'd entered
a florist."

I laughed. "Did you at least read the card?"

"Yes," she said quietly. "I've read them all. We should probably talk about those."


I would love nothing more than to talk about those cards…and our baby…and how sorry I

am….and how I think about you every single second.

"So are you coming in or what?"

And with those beautiful words, the wall that had been erected between us finally crumbled.

I slowly followed her into her apartment, and she immediately sprang into hostess mode. I
watched as she made herself a sandwich, and I wondered idly what kind of sandwich she

preferred. Bella brought me a juice and I sipped it slowly as she made herself comfortable on
the couch.

"You can relax," she said between bites of her sandwich. It looked like turkey and smelled like


"I just can't believe you let me in."

"That makes two of us. You kind of wore me down with all of the stalking and flowers and sappy
cards. You can stop sending them now, by the way…although I'm sure the florist will miss you

terribly. He can probably go on an extended vacation thanks to you."

I couldn't help but grin. "It was worth every penny if it means you'll talk to me."

"I'm not talking to you because of the flowers," she whispered. "I'm talking to you because a
very good friend reminded me that if our situations had been reversed, I probably would have

reacted the same way, except I hope I wouldn't have been as rude."

"What's your friend's name?" I grinned. "I'd like to send her some flowers of her own for helping
me out."

"His name is Jake Black. You met him, remember?"

"I remember," I muttered as murderous rage shot through me.

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"I think he likes tulips. Oh, but you may not want to put your name on the card. His boyfriend,

Seth – who you met at the auction – might get a little jealous."

His boyfriend?

"Wait. Jake and Seth are gay?"

"That's right."

Holy shit. "And I accused you…"

Bella nodded.

Shame filled me. "So I'm an ever bigger dick than I thought."

"Jake reminded me that you didn't know me at all, so your reaction was understandable," Bella
said softly.

"I just panicked," I admitted, "but that doesn't excuse what I said to you. I'm so sorry, Bella. I

was expecting to come over here and…well, you know what I was expecting…and instead, you
told me that you were pregnant, and I just went into defense mode and…"

She told me that she understood, but I could hear the heartache in her voice…the heartache I

had caused by my thoughtless words and horrible reaction. I hastily climbed off the couch and
fell to my knees right in front of her. Without thinking, I grabbed her hands in mine, and I felt

it….that electric shock that always accompanied her touch.

"No, you have to let me do this. You have to let me say these things to you because you may
never give me another chance."

I looked down at our entwined fingers and couldn't believe how perfectly her fingers fit with

mine. Bella was so warm and soft, and she had no idea how crazy she made me with just the
touch of her skin, but I couldn't concentrate on any of those things right now.

It was time to beg.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that I made you cry. I'm sorry that I made you feel like you

were all alone. I was so scared, and I'm still scared, but I know you're scared too, and I just want
the chance to make this up to you. I have never begged for anything in my life, but I will beg for


Bella's doe eyes were wide. "Why? Why are you doing this?"

I chose the easy answer….the safe answer.

"Because this is my baby, too," I murmured gently, "and I want to be a part of its life… even
though I'm fairly positive I'll be the worst father ever…but I really want to try." I took a deep

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breath and brushed her hair out of her face. "I want you to trust me, but I know that I have to
earn it. Please let me try."

Her beautiful face was tortured, and I knew it was because she was trying so hard to believe me.

"Tell me about the cards," Bella whispered softly. She leapt off the couch and returned quickly

with my handwritten cards in her hand.

"You don't have to beg on your knees, you know." Bella smiled softly as she made her way back
to me.

"Yes, I do," I whispered firmly.

Bella sighed and sat down in the floor next to me, so I turned in her direction. Our bodies were

barely touching as she handed me the cards.

The first two were easy enough to explain, but it was when we came to the card from day three
that I knew I had to keep my emotions in check. My fingers drifted along the card.

I can't stop thinking about you.

"I think about you all the time," I whispered as I stared into the pools of her brown eyes. "I've

done nothing but think about you since Jasper's wedding. I can't even look at another woman
without thinking of you, so I finally just stopped trying."

"You don't date anymore?"

"I never date," I chuckled, "but no, there's no one else."

"You don't seem like the kind of guy who likes to be alone," Bella whispered. "Why are you

alone now?"

Because you're the only one I want, Songbird.

"It's really hard to explain," I whispered, but to prove my point, I then showed her the next card.

I dream about you every night.

"Is that true?"

I nodded. "Every night since the wedding. Well…there was one night that I didn't, but it was
because I'd run ten miles just to try to get you off my mind. But yes, I dream about you every

single night, and that's why I can't be with anyone else."

Bella dropped her gaze from mine, and I nearly whimpered at the loss. I had to look into her
eyes. It was the only way I could really decode how she felt.

I gently lifted her chin.

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"No one compares to you, Songbird."

Her face flickered with emotion as I gently stroked her cheek with my finger. To be this close to

her after so many torturous days was making me bold, and I let my finger ghost along her

"I shouldn't kiss you," I whispered as I gazed at her mouth, "but I want to kiss you…so much."

"You shouldn't kiss me," Bella whispered, but she didn't sound convincing at all.

"Bella…." I murmured as her eyes closed. I wrapped my hand around the nape of her neck and

pulled her face closer to mine. Just as our lips were getting ready to touch, her eyes suddenly
flew open in shock.


Her hand quickly covered her mouth, and in an instant she was out of my arms and rushing

toward the back of the apartment. I jumped up and followed her down the hallway and into the
bathroom where she was kneeling over the toilet. I rushed to her side and pulled her hair away

from her face.

"Go away," she whimpered as she grabbed a towel off the wall rack.

"Not a chance," I said softly as I held her body against mine. She was sick for a few more
minutes before she finally stilled, wiping her mouth with the cloth.

"I thought it was over," she panted softly as she pulled herself out of my arms and made her

way to the sink. She washed her mouth out and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I thought morning sickness was just…in the mornings?"

"Not mine," Bella mumbled as she reached over to flush the toilet. "I'm okay. Please go back to
the living room."

"Are you sure you're okay?" There was no way I was leaving her if there was the slightest chance

she would get sick again.

"I think so," she whispered. "I just need a minute."

I nodded slowly and made my way back to the couch. Did that happen often? Had she been sick
all of these nights with me right outside the door?

Bella came back into the living room a few minutes later. Her hair was now in a pony tail and

she'd changed into a t-shirt and sweats. She looked completely adorable, despite the fact that
her face was pale. She walked straight to the fridge and pulled a Popsicle out of the freezer.

"Do those help?" I asked as she made her way over to the couch. I wanted to pull her into my

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arms, but I didn't know how she'd react to that after vomiting right in front of me.

"They do," she whispered as she nibbled gently on the ice cream. "I'm sorry about that. I hadn't
thrown up in days, and I was really hoping it was over. The baby bible says it could last up to

three months."

"The baby bible?" I asked, desperately trying to ignore the way her mouth was nibbling on that
Popsicle. She had absolutely no idea what she was doing – and I felt like a complete pervert for

even thinking such things – but holy hell it was hot.

Bella climbed off the couch and walked over to her bag, pulling out what I could only assume
was the book.

"Here," she said as she settled herself against the cushions. "It's supposed to be the most

thorough book out there. I've been doing a lot of reading and research."

I smiled ruefully as I flipped through the pages, glancing at the title and making a mental note to
pick up a copy.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as I handed the book back to her.

"I'm okay now," Bella smiled softly, an honest to God smile that thrilled me. She was so pretty,

even after vomiting in a toilet. "Thank you for holding my hair."

"Thank you for letting me."

"You didn't really give me a choice," Bella smirked as she finished her ice cream. I was thankful it
was gone because damn there was only so much provocation a man could take.

"I just want you to know that I'm not going anywhere," I whispered softly as I took her hand in

mine. "Vomiting. Weird cravings. Mood swings. Best friends who want to kick my ass. Nothing is
going to keep me away."

"You really want this?" Bella whispered softly.

"I really do."

Bella nodded. "I have a doctor's appointment in three weeks."

"I want to be there," I murmured softly.


We talked for a few more minutes before I noticed that her eyes were beginning to grow heavy.

"You look tired, Songbird."

"I am," she grinned sheepishly.

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"Come on," I smiled as I stood up from the couch. I pulled her by the hand and led her down the

hallway. The bedroom was easy enough to find, and I brought her over to the bed and pulled
the covers back. Bella reached into her hair and pulled her ponytail down before climbing under

the covers and snuggling against the pillow. I sat down on the edge of the bed and tucked the
blanket around her.

"Don't sleep outside tonight," Bella whispered softly as she gazed up at me, "and don't send

anymore flowers."

I grinned as I played with a strand of her hair. "Okay, I won't."

"It's late," Bella murmured sleepily. "You could just sleep here tonight."

"Really?" I whispered hopefully.

"Why not?" Bella shrugged as she struggled to keep her eyes open. "It's not like you could get
me pregnant or anything."

I laughed gently as I caressed her face. "That's true. Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," she whispered softly.

I quickly rose from the bed and walked to the other side, loosening my tie and taking off my

jacket in the process. I laid them on a chair in the corner of the room before deciding to leave
my shirt and slacks on. We'd made so much progress tonight, and the last thing I wanted to do

was to give her the impression that there was an ulterior motive in my accepting her invitation
to stay. My reasons – for the very first time in my life – were completely innocent and easy to


I was exhausted and her bed looked comfortable, but most of all, I just really, really didn't want
to leave her.

I slipped under the covers and resisted the urge to pull her against me. I could remember with

startling clarity the way she'd felt in my arms that last night at the hotel, and I was aching to
touch her. But I knew I had to be patient and not fuck this up. If Bella woke up in the middle of

the night with me pressed against her, she'd jump to the wrong conclusion, and I couldn't risk

I sighed heavily and lay on my back, closing my eyes and willing my body to ignore the beautiful

woman lying next to me.

"Edward?" Bella's voice was soft in the darkness.


"I'm sorry I interrupted our kiss."

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I smiled.

"That's okay, Songbird. Maybe you'll give me another chance someday."

She giggled softly. "Maybe."

"A man can dream," I murmured softly.

"Do you think you'll still dream of me, even though you're sleeping right next to me?"

I couldn't help but smile. "I don't know, Songbird. I'll tell you in the morning."

Suddenly, I felt her soft hand gently brush against mine. I sighed as I laced my fingers with hers,
and I listened to the steady rhythm of her breathing until I fell into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter 8 Taking You Home


I awoke the next morning feeling warm and comfortable as strong arms encircled me. Without

opening my eyes, I nuzzled my head against his shirt and listened to his heartbeat…strong and
rhythmic as it beat against his chest. That peaceful sound, combined with his soft snores and his

warm embrace, lulled me between various stages of consciousness before my mind finally
alerted me to the fact that Edward was in my bed, and I was lying in his arms. I could vaguely

remembering asking him to stay, and I could somewhat recall each of us lying on each side of
the bed as we tried to go to sleep. What I was failing to remember was how I'd ended up in his


Not that I was complaining. In fact, it was very, very nice.

I pressed my nose against his chest and his arms tightened around me while he continued softly
snoring. Yes, we'd had sex twice at the hotel and I was now pregnant with the man's child, but

this was the very first morning that I awoke in Edward's arms.

The irony was not lost on me.

And to think – this time yesterday I was still mad at him.

What a difference a day makes.

For the past week, Edward had done and said all of the right things. The cards, the flowers, the
stalking…it'd all been overwhelming and sweet. He'd even held my hair while I vomited. He

seemed to really want to be a part of this baby's life.

Could I trust him?

The Edward Cullen that was holding me in his arms right this moment was an entirely different
creature than the one who'd taken me against that hotel room wall. This man was warm,

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tender, and sweet. Which one was the real Edward Cullen? Which one would wake up with me
this morning?

I really hoped it was the Edward from the night before.

He had intimidated me and excited me so much when we'd first met. Those nights, I had been

trapped in the most intricate web of his smoldering eyes and his fiery touch. It was just pure
passion without the realities of everyday life. For me, being with Edward had been something a

little dangerous and totally out of character - something fun and daring to break up the
monotony of my life. For him, I was probably just another notch on his bedpost. But I had

understood that, and I'd slept with him anyway. Never in a million years would I have dreamed
that the weekend would lead to all of this – with my being pregnant and him holding my hair

while I puked. And after the way he'd reacted to the news, I never, ever expected to be waking
up next to him this morning.

Could I trust him? And, most importantly, could I trust myself not to totally fall for him in the


"What are you thinking about?" Edward's voice whispered softly against my hair.

I grinned as I looked up at him through my lashes. "What makes you think I'm thinking about

"Because I've been watching you for the past few minutes," Edward murmured, "and you're


I giggled as I struggled to remove myself from his grasp, but his arms tightened around me.

"Stay," he whispered, "just for a few more minutes."

I smiled as I cuddled against his chest and closed my eyes. "So how did this happen?"

"You asked me to stay."

"Not that," I replied softly as I squeezed his waist with my arm. "This….I don't recall being in your
arms when I fell asleep last night."

"You weren't," Edward said quietly, and I felt his hands stroking my hair. "I don't really know

how this happened. Do you hate it?"

"No," I whispered as I snuggled closer. "I don't hate it."

"Good. I don't hate it, either." Very gently, his nose pressed against my hair. "God, you smell
good even first thing in the morning. How is that possible?"

I grinned against his chest but said nothing. We laid there in a comfortable silence, which was so

strange because we shouldn't have felt comfortable at all. We were virtually two strangers who
had found ourselves in this completely unexpected situation. I'd shed more tears than I was

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willing to admit over this man and his reaction to the baby, but here we were – wrapped around
each other as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

It felt natural – as easy as breathing.

That realization caused me to tremble.

"Are you cold?" Edward whispered as he pulled the blanket tighter around us. I was nestled in

the cocoon of his embrace, and I'd never felt more protected and warm.

"No," I replied softly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," I whispered as I lifted my face toward his. He was gazing down at me, his
face etched with concern. "That's what's so strange. I was just thinking that this is far more

comfortable than it really should be. I mean, we hardly know each other. Shouldn't this feel a
little awkward?"

Edward chuckled softly. "I guess it should." He lifted his hand and pushed my hair away from my

forehead. "Does it feel awkward to you?"

"No," I murmured gently.

"I'm glad," Edward whispered, his glowing eyes gazing into mine. "It doesn't feel awkward to
me, either."

His eyes flickered to my mouth, and I gasped as his finger softly traced my bottom lip.

"Don't bite your lip," Edward whispered softly. "You'll hurt yourself."

I grinned. "It's a nervous habit. I've done it all my life."

His smiled faded. "Do I make you nervous?"

"No," I said softly, because it was the truth. He didn't make me nervous. It was my reactions to

him that made me nervous.

"Good," Edward smiled softly. "How are you feeling this morning? Do you feel like breakfast?"

"Pancakes," I nodded seriously, "and bacon."

Edward laughed. "Pancakes and bacon, it is. I'll even cook for you."

"You cook?" I asked teasingly.

"Rarely, but I'll cook for you."

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I smiled at him. "Don't you need to go to work?"

"It's Saturday," Edward shrugged happily. "Do you need to go to work?"


"Good. Do you have plans for today?"

"I thought I might call my mom," I mumbled. "I think it's probably time I told my parents."

"Do they live close by?"

"Mom lives in Jacksonville," I sighed, "but she's in Seattle for a few days. Not to see me, of
course…but for something work related."

Edward's forehead creased. "What do you mean 'not to see you'?"

I shrugged. "She and I aren't very close. My parents divorced when I was twelve, so I split my

time between them. Mom got remarried when I was sixteen, and she and Phil wanted to travel
and do all sorts of things that I didn't want to do, so I made the decision to move back to Forks

with my father. She's been bitter ever since."

"Oh," Edward replied thoughtfully. "That's unusual. Daughters usually want to stay with their

"They wouldn't if they had Renee for a mother," I mumbled as I sat up in bed, pulling my knees

to my chest. "My mother is bitter and opinionated. She and my father were both eighteen when
she got pregnant with me. They got married because her father absolutely insisted on it, and

she was miserable from the day she said her vows. Because she'd missed out on college, she had
very high expectations for me…so high that it was suffocating. I had to be perfect, and I was far

from it, so we clashed a lot. I was playing piano by the time I was five and speaking Italian by the
time I was eight."

"Wow," Edward breathed. "That's incredible."

"I guess so," I shrugged. "As I got older, the expectations just got bigger and bigger, and I just

wanted to be a kid. I used her travels as an excuse to move back to Forks, but really, I just
wanted away from her. My dad – his name is Charlie – was always laid-back and cool, but not so

cool that I got away with murder. With Charlie, my grades didn't have to be straight A's. He
could handle the occasional B, and I had a ten o'clock curfew on school nights."

"What was your curfew with your mom?"

"I had no curfew," I shrugged, "because I wasn't allowed to go out."

"Not at all?"

"No," I replied quietly. "Mom was convinced that I'd get pregnant and end up like her."

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I watched Edward's face as my words began to sink in.

"Oh, she's going to fucking love me," he groaned.

I smiled sadly. "I won't put you through that. I'll tell her. Trust me, she won't want to have

anything to do with this baby."

He shook his head as he reached over to play with a strand of my hair. "No, we'll tell her
together. I won't let you go through that alone."

There was no way I was introducing Edward to my mother, but I decided to let it go for now.

What could she really say? I was a grown woman with a career. If I wanted to have a baby, I'd
have a baby.

"I'm going to shower," I announced as I climbed down from the bed. "Unless you'd like to go


"Nah," Edward grinned. "I'll make breakfast while you shower."

"Edward, you don't have to…"

"I want to," he whispered firmly, and I couldn't help but giggle as he flashed me his crooked grin
before heading toward the kitchen.

He really was kind of cute when he was trying to be all authoritative.


"I think that's the most I've eaten in weeks," I groaned as I licked the syrup off my fork. I'd eaten

four pancakes, three slices of bacon, and two glasses of juice. "That was delicious. Thank you."

"Anytime," Edward grinned as he finished the last of his juice. He placed his own fork on his
empty plate and smiled at me. "So, now that you're fed and happy, I wanted to ask you a


"Hmm," I glared in his direction. "Coercion through pancakes, I see how you are."

"Not at all," he smirked. "You can say no, but I don't think you'll want to."

"We'll see," I muttered. "What is it?"

"How do you feel about having lunch with my parents and Emmett?" Edward asked quietly. "It'd
just be really casual at the house."

I leaned back in my chair and studied him carefully. Of course, I'd met his parents, so this was

really no big deal. But I hadn't met them as the mother of their grandchild. What would they
say? Would they completely hate me?

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"I should probably tell you that they're very excited about the baby," Edward's voice was awed.

"Overjoyed is probably a more accurate description. Oh, and they absolutely love you. You have
nothing to worry about."

I blinked rapidly. "Really?"

"Really," Edward smiled warmly, "and you should call your mom and see if she'll meet us since

she's in town. I'd like to meet her."

"I'd rather you didn't," I muttered under my breath. "And I think I'd rather tell her when there's
three thousand miles separating us."

Edward laughed. "I think we should do it face-to-face. We should make plans to go to Forks and

tell your father, too."

I stared at him, unbelieving that he was willing to put himself through all of this. "You're very
brave. My dad is the Chief of Police, you know. He has guns and stuff."

"It's not bravery," Edward murmured with a grin as he took my hand in his. "I just refuse to be

ashamed of the fact that we have a baby on the way. We're adults. So, we should be adults and
tell the grandparents. How they react to the news is up to them. I promise my parents are over

the moon, so no worries there."

"Well, that's wonderful, but I can assure you that my mom won't be," I grimaced. "Charlie will
be…well, I don't know what Charlie will be, to be honest. But you're right. We should tell them

the news. I'll deal with whatever fallout comes our way."

"We will deal with it," Edward whispered as he squeezed my hand.

"Okay," I smiled.

After we'd cleaned the kitchen and Edward had gone home to shower and change, I decided to
throw caution to the wind and call my mother. She was staying at her usual downtown hotel

while she met with some of the city's art dealers. Renee owned her own art gallery in
Jacksonville and was always searching for rare artifacts to add to her collection. She came into

town once every few months to check on me, and while she was here, she was always sure to
make contact with the dealers in the area.

She answered on the second ring, and she was as cold and stoic as usual. We made idle chit-chat

until I finally got the nerve to invite her to dinner.

"Sweetheart, I'm afraid I can't make dinner," Renee purred in her mechanical way that grated on
my nerves. "But I'm close by now. What about a late brunch?"

"I've just eaten breakfast, and I have plans for lunch," I explained patiently.

"Well, I'm in the area now. Why don't I just pop in?"

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I glanced around the apartment. It didn't look too bad. "Okay, give me about an hour? There's

someone I want you to meet."

"Oh," Renee's tone immediately brightened. "A man?"

"Yes, a man."

"No one too serious, I hope," Renee muttered.

I chose to ignore that. "I'll see you in an hour."

I quickly texted Edward to tell him that my mother was on her way. Suddenly very anxious, I
busied myself by making the bed, starting the dishwasher, checking my email, and picking up a

little around the living room. I was just fluffing the pillows on the sofa when a knock on the door
made me jump.

"It can't be," I muttered under my breath. I peeked through the peep hole and sure enough, my

mother was standing there, looking prim and proper as usual.

I sighed heavily as I opened the door.

"You're very early," I offered in greeting as she swept through the door.

"It's good to see you, too," Renee smiled and kissed my cheek. "I was in the area, and you know
how I feel about killing time, so here I am."

"Here you are," I muttered as I closed the door behind me. She was fifty minutes early. As her

eyes roamed my apartment looking for any imperfections, I quickly texted Edward to alert him
that she was already here. He replied that he was less than five minutes away, and I breathed a

sigh of relief.

"Would you like something to drink?" I offered as I made way toward the chair where she'd
seated herself.

"A glass of wine would be lovely, dear."

I glanced down at my watch. "Mom, it's ten in the morning."

"I'm still on East coast time," Renee smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm sorry. I don't have any wine in the house. How's juice?" I didn't wait

for her reply as I quickly made my way into the kitchen. I poured slowly as she rattled on and on
about the fine pieces of art she'd acquired during her visit. Suddenly, she stopped mid-sentence,

and I peeked above the fridge to see what had caught her attention.

It's probably a dust bunny.

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"Isabella?" My mother snapped irritably as she held my baby bible in the air. "What is this?"


My hands trembled as I placed the pitcher of juice back into the fridge and closed the door. Very
slowly, I made my way back into the living room and placed her glass on the end table. I had just

opened my mouth to speak when I heard a knock on the door. Quickly, I rushed to the door and
threw it open. Edward's eyes widened when he saw the expression on my face.

"What's wrong?" He mouthed as he walked through the door. I shook my head and pulled him

by the arm and sat him down on the couch next to me. My mother was still holding the baby
book in her hand and staring at Edward like he was a science experiment.

"Mom, this is Edward Cullen," I whispered softly. "Edward, this is my mom, Renee Dwyer."

I watched as Edward attempted to pour on the Cullen charm. "It's very nice to meet you, Mrs.

Dwyer. I've heard a lot about you."

Mom was eyeing him up and down, and my breakfast began to rumble in my tummy. "Is that
so? I've heard absolutely nothing about you."

Edward nodded slowly and leaned back against the couch. He surprised me by taking my

trembling hand in his, and my mother's forehead creased as she watched our fingers lace

"You're pregnant," she muttered quietly as she dropped the book onto the floor. It wasn't a

question, so I didn't feel compelled to confirm or deny. The lawyer, however, had other ideas.

"That's right," Edward smiled as he squeezed my hand reassuringly, as if this was just the most
wonderful news in the entire world. I watched my mother's face turn various shades of red

before she finally found her voice once again.

"And you're getting married?" Renee asked as she examined our clasped hands.

"Umm…no," I answered truthfully. I felt Edward stiffen next to me, but what the hell did he
expect me to say? Of course we weren't getting married.

"I see," Renee glowered in Edward's direction. "And how far along are you?"

"About seven weeks," I muttered.

Renee's face brightened. "Oh! Well, this is easily taken care of."

"What do you mean?" I whispered anxiously.

"You'll have an abortion, of course."

Edward growled low in his throat as I gasped. Squeezing his hand, I took a deep breath and

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looked my mother in the eye.

"I am not getting an abortion," I declared emphatically. "I want this baby."

"Bella, be reasonable," my mother spat angrily. "Your career is just now taking off. They won't
send pregnant journalists across the globe for news stories. And this man…" Renee glanced over

at Edward, "….won't even marry you."

"I don't want to get married," I replied firmly.

Renee laughed bitterly. "You're going to end up alone, you know that don't you? You'll be alone
in the big city without anyone to help you raise this child."

"Mrs. Dwyer, with all due respect…"

"Excuse me," my mother interrupted him with a steely glare. "You have knocked up my

daughter and have no intentions of marrying her, so I really have no interest in what you have to

"Stop it, Mom," I snapped angrily.

Renee laughed. "He won't stay with you, Bella. Trust me when I say that having an abortion is

the right choice here. Later in life, you can settle down and start a family if that's what you want.
Now is not the time. Please don't let this baby ruin your life like…"

"Like I ruined yours," I whispered softly as angry tears formed in my eyes.

"Alright, that's enough!" Edward announced furiously as he glared at my mother. "I won't have

you upsetting her."

"Who the hell do you think you are?" My mother's voice was cold and fierce.

"I'm the father of this baby," Edward replied calmly, "and I won't have you upsetting Bella.
You're going to be a grandmother. Congratulations. The choice is yours if you want to be a part

of its life."

"Bella, you're making a terrible mistake. This man and this baby will ruin your life!"

"Just get out," I whispered as I wiped the tears away from my cheeks. "Go back to Jacksonville
and Phil and your gallery and forget about the daughter who ruined your life."

"Bella…." Renee pleaded.

"Bella asked you to leave," Edward said firmly as he let go of my hand and walked toward the

door. I kept my eyes on the floor as my mom grabbed her bag and swiftly rose from the chair.

"You're just going to hurt her," I heard my mother grumble.

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"I'm going to try very hard not to do that," Edward replied softly. "But I can guarantee that I'll
never hurt her as much as you have today. Goodbye, Mrs. Dwyer."

I didn't even bother to say goodbye to my mother. I flew off the couch and raced toward my

bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

To Edward's credit, he left me alone. I was lying face down on my bed, trying to control my

tears. I needed time to process everything and get a handle on my emotions before I faced him.

Of course, I had known that having an abortion was an alternative. So was adoption. But neither
scenario had been options for me. This baby was unexpected and unplanned, but I had never

considered for one second that I didn't want to keep it. Even after Edward reacted the way he
did, I never once thought about giving up my baby.

My mother's words cut through me like a knife. I had expected her reaction, but I wasn't at all

prepared for it. She had been cruel, and while this wasn't new for Renee, it was on an entirely
new level for me because, this time, she was talking about my baby. I was well aware that my

unforeseen arrival in this world had ruined her life. She'd certainly told me enough times. But I
was older, and I had a career. I was scared shitless, but I was more than capable of raising this

baby with or without Edward.

He'd been so protective of me throughout Renee's attack, but I knew she was right. No matter
how comfortable we'd been this morning, I knew that I couldn't completely rely on his support. I

barely knew him, and Edward Cullen was used to wild sex and beautiful women. Very soon, I'd
be grumpy and fat and highly unattractive. There would be nothing about me that would hold

his interest, and he'd be gone. He seemed adamant about being part of the baby's life, but what
if he changed his mind? Or, what if he didn't change his mind, but played a very small role in our

child's day-to-day life?

I was on my own. I needed to remember that.

"Bella?" He rapped gently on the door. "I've tried to give you some space, but I'm going crazy
out here. Can I come in?"

"Yes," I whispered faintly, quickly wiping away my tears. I didn't bother getting up, though. I just

buried my head against the pillow and tried to take big, cleansing breaths.

"Hey," Edward whispered as he climbed onto the bed. He didn't say anything else. He just pulled
me into his arms, and I went happily, hoping to recreate the comfort of the morning when I'd

felt so warm and secure in his arms. He stroked my hair as I clung to his shirt, and at one point, I
felt him kiss the top of my head.

"Bella, I'm sorry," he murmured gently. "I'm sorry that I made you go through that. I had no idea

she'd react as strongly as she did."

"I knew she would," I whispered against his chest. "But it was the right thing to do. At least she
knows, and it's over."

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Edward sighed softly. "Bella, look at me."

I opened my eyes and raised my head so that I could see him. I blinked away my tears, and his

finger drifted along my tear-stained cheek. He was gazing down at me with so much compassion
that I nearly burst into tears all over again.

"About what she said," Edward whispered soberly. "I'm not leaving you, Bella. I'm going to be

right here, every step of the way. I know you probably don't believe that, especially after the
way I treated you. But I promise…I swear to you that I'm going to be right here through it all."

"Don't promise me anything," I murmured softly as I lowered my eyes. He gently trailed his

finger below my chin and lifted my face toward his once again.

"I promise I won't leave," Edward whispered forcefully. "Don't you understand, Songbird? I can't

"You can leave," I mumbled softly. "I'm not expecting anything from you, Edward. I hope that

you want to be a part of this baby's life. I mean, you seem like you do, and I'm glad. We'll work
out schedules and stuff, and it'll be fine."

Edward was shaking his head. "I know you're scared, Bella. I am fucking scared to death. I have

never, ever felt…." His voice trailed off, his burning eyes gazing down at me as his fingers traced
over my face. "….I can't even explain it."

"It's okay," I whispered nervously. "You don't have to…"

"I do," Edward murmured as his finger drifted along my mouth. "I do have to explain it, because

I can see that you believe what your mother said. You don't believe me when I say that I won't

"Please don't," I whispered sadly. I would literally lose my sanity if he held me in his arms and

made any promises to me. "Please don't….please don't promise me anything."

Edward's face was tortured as he contemplated my words. "But I want to, Bella."

"Don't," I begged softly as the tears began to stream down my face once again. "Let's just….let's
just get through one day at a time, okay? I can't handle more than that right now. My emotions

are all over the place, I'm totally clueless and scared to death, and I just want to get through the
morning sickness and the crying and try to figure out how to be a good mom. I have absolutely

no frame of reference because….well, you saw the complete nutcase Renee is, and I really don't
want to be like her…."

"Shh," Edward whispered as he pulled me closer to his chest. "You need to relax. All of this

crying can't be good for you or the baby."

I nuzzled his chest as his arms enveloped me, and my body finally began to relax as he stroked
my hair and whispered over and over that we were going to be okay. I closed my eyes and let

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the steady beat of his heart ground me and calm me.

"Are you always going to be this protective?" I whispered softly.

Edward laughed softly. "Yes, I am."

I tilted my face toward his and smiled teasingly. "That might be a problem. I'm used to being

"I know," Edward whispered softly as he gazed down at me. His eyes flickered over my face.

"But you aren't alone anymore, Bella. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

I could see in his eyes that he truly believed those words. So I took comfort in the fact that – at
least for today – he was telling me the truth.

"You still don't believe me, do you?" His fingers drifted along my cheek before his hand cupped

my face, and I closed my eyes as I leaned into his touch. "I'm going to spend each and every day
trying to convince you."

"More convincing?" I grinned sheepishly as I looked into his fiery eyes. "Aren't you tired of

having to work so hard?"

"It's worth every second," Edward whispered sincerely. He leaned down and tenderly kissed my
forehead. "Feel better?"

"Yes," I smiled softly. "Thank you, Edward." He leaned down and kissed my forehead again, and I

caught myself vehemently wishing he'd move his lips lower.

"I'm glad to hear that," Edward smiled, "because it's time to introduce you to the best parents in
the whole world."

I rolled my eyes as I struggled out of his arms and climbed off the bed. "I've met them,


He chuckled as he stood quickly, pulling me by the hand toward the living room. "Yes, but this
time, you're meeting them as the mother of their first grandchild. Trust me when I say that

they're a little excited."

Were they really happy about this? Surely they had their doubts about me, didn't they?

"How excited?" I mumbled nervously as we made our way to the living room door.

Edward stopped and slowly turned his scorching green eyes toward me. He lifted my hand and
brought it to his lips, placing a soft kiss along my knuckles.

"Almost as excited as I am to take you home," he whispered tenderly.

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Chapter 9 If I Love You a Little More Than I Should


Her blonde pigtails whip in the wind as I push her in the swing on the crowded playground. She

always gets mad when I push a little too hard, but sometimes, an eight year old boy just doesn't
know his own strength.

"Edward, it's too high!" She protests loudly, and I bring my hands up to grasp the chain-linked

swing to slow it down.

"Better?" I ask gently. I never want to scare her. It's my job to keep her safe.

"Better," Jane smiles softly, and with that smile, I can breathe once again.


Her picture reflected through the glass, and with her image, I'd been bombarded with
memories. This picture, specifically, always calls to me when I visit my parents. Of course, she

was smiling in this picture. She was always smiling, even when she was pale and lifeless, but
what I really loved about the picture was that she'd absolutely insisted on me being in the shot,

as well.

It was the very last picture we'd take together.

There were thousands of others, of course. Years of memories were protected in frames, in
albums, and in school yearbooks. Those pictures would withstand time.

My memories, however, were beginning to fade.

I remembered the important milestones, of course. Birthdays…holidays…family vacations. But it

was the little moments that were beginning to slip away from me - the silly, inconsequential
snapshots of our life together that would seem unimportant to anyone but us. Like how she

always loved to lie in the grass and find shapes in the clouds. Or, how she worshipped Hootie
and the Blowfish and wouldn't let me sleep until I learned to play "Let Her Cry" on the piano.

I still couldn't stand to listen to that song, and I'd destroyed the CD long ago.

I heard Bella's sweet laugh coming from the kitchen, the sound effectively snapping me out of

my reverie. My parents had pulled her away from me as soon as we'd walked into the foyer, but
I didn't mind too much. We'd had a hell of a morning, and I was happy that she was happy.

The tranquility of our morning had been shattered by her mother's bitter reaction to our news,

and I found myself hating the woman. My own reaction had been horrible, but I knew that it
was her mother's response that had affected Bella the most. I felt sick for forcing her to tell her

mom the truth, but Bella had assured me over and over that we'd done the right thing. I just
couldn't see how it was right when it had obviously hurt her so deeply, but Bella had simply

shrugged it off, saying Renee had never been known for her tact. Regardless, I despised the

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woman. I knew it was hypocritical considering my initial reaction, but at least I was trying to
make it right, and thankfully, Bella was letting me try.

I hesitantly sat down at the family piano, but I didn't bother lifting the cover off the keys. It

wasn't as if I was going to play, I hadn't played in thirteen years. My eyes roamed the picture
frames along the top of the piano, and I was once again reminded of happier days.

Today had started as a happy one, and the morning had been the best one of my life. I had no

idea when or how we'd wrapped ourselves around each other during the night, but I fucking
loved waking up with her in my arms. For the past decade, I'd made it a habit to never wake up

next to a woman. Mornings were always tricky, and sometimes, the sex kittens from the night
before would turn into clingy, emotional strangers the next morning. But with Bella, it felt

natural and just…right. I couldn't explain it, and I really didn't want to try. I was going to follow
her advice and just take one day a time.

"Bella's lovely," I heard my father say from the doorway. I looked away from the pictures and

smiled at him.

"She is."

Carlisle nodded as he made his way over to the piano and sat down on the bench next to me.
"Strong, too."

I nodded. Bella was strong, but I had witnessed the woman who'd been broken by her mother

this morning, and I knew that even her strength had its limits.

"Does Bella know?" Carlisle nodded toward the picture frames.

"No," I whispered softly.

"It's probably time to tell her," my father murmured gently.

"Tell me what?"

Our heads turned toward the doorway, and I couldn't help but grin. Bella was wearing my
mother's favorite apron, and it was covered with flour.

"I see my mother has you baking," I grinned.

Bella glanced down and laughed as she untied the apron. "I was told that someone likes peanut

butter cookies, so we've been experimenting."

I did love them. My mom's peanut butter cookies could bring peace to the Middle East.

"Well, they smell delicious," my father grinned as he rose from the bench. "I think I'll go steal a

He offered to return the apron to the kitchen for her, and I watched as my father softly kissed

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Bella's cheek and whispered something in her ear. I couldn't hear a thing, but whatever he said
made her blush.

"Your parents are wonderful," Bella murmured as she made her way toward the piano. She sat

down on the bench next to me and ran her fingers along the sleek wood. "Do you play?"

"I used to," I whispered. "You play much better than I do."

"I doubt that," she smiled softly. "Play something for me. It's only fair."


"I've played for you," Bella reminded me quietly, and then her cheeks flushed with color. I
chuckled lightly as I tried to ignore my body's natural reaction to that memory.

"That's how I know that you're better," I murmured. "I have to watch my hands when I play. I

don't think you looked at your hands at all."

"I couldn't," she whispered softly, and I was unable to contain my grin as her blush grew deeper.
We'd been too fascinated with each other that night for us to pay attention to anything else.

"Your mom is great," Bella smiled gently as she raised the cover away from the keyboard. I

watched as her fingers drifted along the ivory keys. "My mom never taught me how to bake
anything. I remember she had this hideous blue apron that she always wore when she cooked."

Soft piano music filled the air as Bella pressed the keys. It was a soft, haunting melody that I

didn't recognize.

"When I was six years old," Bella whispered over the music, "my teacher asked us to draw a
picture of ourselves showing what we wanted to be when we grew up. I drew a picture of me,

standing in a kitchen making cookies. My apron was blue, just like my mom's."

She continued playing as I brushed her hair away from her shoulder, watching as the tendrils
slipped through my fingers and down along her back. She was so pretty, and I prayed that our

child would look just like her, with big brown eyes and chestnut hair.

"I was really proud of that picture," Bella whispered. "At the bottom, I'd written Bella wants to
be just like her mom
." She didn't stop playing as her eyes found mine, and she smiled sadly at

me. "I was just six. I didn't realize my mother was different from other mothers. I thought the
sun rose and set on her."

I stroked her cheek, and she tilted her head against my palm.

"I brought the picture home to show my mom," she whispered sadly. "Renee took one look at it

and ripped it to shreds right in front of me."

It was official. I hated Renee Dwyer.

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Bella dropped her head and closed her eyes as she continued playing the somber song. Sadness
was etched across her porcelain features, and it killed me. I needed to say something, anything

to erase the sorrow from her face. I leaned closer and wrapped my hand around the nape of her

"You're not her," I whispered softly against her ear. "You're going to be such a good mom,


She sighed softly as she tilted her face toward mine. Our eyes met – her somber brown to my
green – and I was unable to stop myself before I placed a soft kiss against her cheek. Our bodies

were so close, and her breath hitched as my lips caressed her skin. I could still recall with
startling clarity how her lips had felt against mine, and I wanted desperately to feel them again.

Honestly, I wanted to do more than just kiss her. I could remember her taste…her sounds…the
way she'd wrapped her legs around me…the way she'd screamed my name that second night as

I'd brought her to the edge. If she was any other woman, I would have fucked her last night
instead of just lying in bed and holding her hand. If she was any other woman, I'd lay her across

the top of this piano.

But we were at my parent's house, and this wasn't just any woman.

I sighed heavily and pulled myself away from her, rising from the bench and walking over to the
fireplace to stare at the pictures on the mantle as Bella continued playing her song on the piano.

Since Jane's death, I'd built a wall to protect myself from any kind of connection that would put

me at risk of feeling that kind of despair ever again. The day they lowered Jane into the ground
was the day I vowed that I would never again be so permanently bound to another human


Stupidly, I'd tried once. I'd played the role of the tender, sweet, and loving boyfriend to a
woman who saw right through me. She knew my heart wasn't in it, and it was because I feared

forging any kind of bond with another living soul.

Of course, I knew the connection could never be exactly the same. Jane and I had been true soul
mates, perfectly in tune with our sixth sense and our uncanny ability to finish each other's

thoughts. Our bond had been unbreakable, until life proved that there was no such thing. I had
died that day, too, and I had never wanted to come back to life.

As I gazed into Bella's chocolate eyes, I found that I wanted to live again.

It terrified me beyond all reason, but I wanted her. I wanted her because she was beautiful and

forgiving. I wanted her because she was carrying my child. I wanted her because – for the first
time in thirteen years – I was happy.

Jane would want me to be happy.

I gazed up at a picture of us when we were ten years old. The emerald frame perfectly matched

our Halloween costumes and the color of our eyes. That was the year she'd talked me into being
Peter Pan to her Tinker Bell. I smiled at the memory. She really could talk me into anything.

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"That's a cute picture of you," Bella whispered as she nodded toward the picture frame. I had

been so lost in my memories that I hadn't noticed that she'd stopped playing.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked gently as I traced the glass on the frame.

"I could tell by your eyes," Bella smiled at me before gazing back at the picture. "She has your
eyes, too."

I nodded gently as my mother yelled from the kitchen, announcing that lunch was ready. Bella

was gazing at the pictures of Jane along the mantle, but she didn't ask any questions as I offered
her my hand and led her toward the kitchen.

"Mama Bella!" Emmett yelled from the head of the table, and swiftly, he was on the floor and

lifting her in the air. Everyone laughed loudly, except for me.

"Hurt her and I'll kick your ass," I warned him as I made my way to my place at the table. Mom
had kept it simple with just soup and sandwiches…and of course, my peanut butter cookies. As

customary, I ate two of those before touching my actual lunch.

"Wow, you really do like cookies," Bella commented with a grin as she grabbed a sandwich off
the tray.

"Mom, these have mustard!" I groaned. "I told you she can't eat mustard."

"Oh, Bella, I'm sorry," Esme offered her a smile. "He did tell me, and I completely forgot. Let me

make you something else."

"No!" Bella squealed as she glared at me. "It's fine, Edward."

"It is not fine," I complained as I leapt from my seat and headed to the fridge. "I don't want you
to be sick. Mayo?"

"I won't be sick," she whispered softly. "This is fine."

I ignored her and made her a new sandwich with turkey and mayo. I ignored Bella's menacing

glare and Emmett's hearty laughter as I made my way back to the table with her new sandwich.

"Wow, brother. I've never seen you so…domestic."

"She can't eat mustard," I muttered unapologetically.

Bella sighed heavily as she totally ignored the sandwich and focused on her soup. Esme and
Carlisle were looking at me as if I'd sprouted wings, and Emmett was still cackling as he bit into

his sandwich.

The rest of the meal went fine. Everyone was eager to talk about the baby, and I was surprised
to learn that Emmett had already bought it some clothes and gifts.

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"They're all blue, though," Bella grinned. "Emmett is convinced the baby is a boy."

"The baby is a boy," Emmett declared emphatically.

"It could be a girl," Carlisle smiled softly. "You never know."

"Holy hell!" Emmett screeched excitedly, making Bella jump. "I just thought of something. What

if it's both?"

"Both?" Everyone at the table shouted in unison.

"Not both," Emmett glared at us. "You know what I mean. What if she has twins?"

Bella dropped her spoon against the bowl and glanced nervously around the table before her
eyes settled on me.

"Is that possible?"

"Are there twins on your side of the family?" Carlisle asked softly.

"Not that I know of," Bella mumbled, her forehead creased with confusion. "I guess I should


As my family continued discussing the odds of multiple births, I leaned close to Bella's ear. "You
aren't eating. What's wrong?"

Bella's eyes widened as she looked down at her bowl. "I'm eating."

"Five spoonfuls of soup isn't eating," I commented dryly.

Her head whipped toward mine. "You're counting?"

"Yes," I shrugged.

"What is it with you and food?" She whispered angrily. "First, you yell at your mother for putting

mustard on my bread, and now you're counting my spoonfuls of soup?"

"I'm just taking care of you," I murmured.

"Well, stop it."

I sighed deeply as I grabbed another cookie. Bella didn't speak to me or look my way throughout
the rest of lunch, but I still counted the spoonfuls – sixteen in all. She completely ignored the

sandwich I made for her.

After everyone had finished, Emmett and my father pulled Bella into the living room while I
helped my mom clean up the kitchen.

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"I'm sorry about the mustard," Mom smiled softly at me as she handed me a plate to put in the


I sighed. "I'm sorry I yelled."

"It's okay," Esme smiled. "You're very protective of her."

"She's mad," I muttered as I placed the glasses on the top rack. I was already calculating how
many vases of roses it was going to take to get back into her good graces.

Esme laughed softly. "Edward, she's been on her own for a long time. It's going to take some

getting used to."

"She's so stubborn!" I groaned as I pointed toward the turkey and mayo sandwich. "Look at this.
She didn't even touch it."

My mom chuckled as she closed the dishwasher. "Yes, you're both strong-willed. Your child has

absolutely no chance whatsoever."

I smiled before pulling my mother into a hug. "You're excited about this baby, aren't you?"

"Thrilled," Mom grinned up at me.

"Thank you for being so cool about this. I know it's not the best of situations, but I thank all of
you for accepting her and this baby so easily. Her mother was…less than accepting."

My mother's face darkened. "Yes, she told me about that while we were baking cookies. What a

wretched woman."

"She is," I agreed quietly.

"Something else is bothering you. What's wrong?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm just scared, Mom."

Mom patted my hand and led me over to the table. "What are you scared about?"

"Everything," I muttered as we sat down.

"Well, let's start with the obvious fear," Mom smiled warmly. "A new baby is sure to cause some

"A bit," I replied sarcastically, and she laughed. "I'm going to be a father. Do you know how

unbelievable that sounds to my own ears?"

"I think I have some idea," my mother grinned. "It's not the ideal situation, for sure, but it is
what it is. I have to say if you were going to get anyone pregnant, I'm glad it was Bella. She's

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really wonderful, Edward, and I think she's good for you. I haven't seen you this protective since
you were a child."

"I know," I whispered solemnly. "That's something else I'm nervous about. I've never really

talked about Jane…outside of the family, that is."

Esme smiled sympathetically. "I know you haven't, but it's time, and honestly, Bella is part of our
family now."

I nodded slowly. "What I feel for her frightens me."

"What do you feel?" My mother asked quietly.

"I don't know," I muttered. "I feel lots of things. I feel protective. I feel jealous. I feel happiness. I

feel confused. I feel…connected. It all scares the hell out of me."

"You feel love," My mother whispered softly as she patted my hand. "You love her, Edward."

I bowed my head. "It's too soon for me to feel that…isn't it?"

My mother lifted my chin with her finger. "You know how your father always tells that story
about how we met? It was the first day of our freshman year of college, and we were in the

same Sociology class."

"Yes," I replied hesitantly, "and he saw you across the room, your eyes locked, and he knew that
you were going to be his girl."

My father had been telling that story for years, and I'd always believed it to be bullshit. Love at

first sight didn't exist in the real world.

"I knew, too," Esme replied thoughtfully, "and look at us. Still together after all these years. So,
is it too soon for you to be in love with her?" Mom shrugged her shoulders as she tried to tame

my unruly head of hair. "I think the heart wants what the heart wants and it totally ignores logic.
What does your heart want, Edward?"

Her. My heart wants her.

I smiled softly at my mother, and she smiled in return. Just then, hearty laughter could be heard

coming from the living room. Bella's lovely giggle was surrounded by the loud cackling of my
brother and father.

"God only knows what that's about," Mom grinned.

I sighed softly. "You know, I could really fuck this up."

"You could," Esme laughed, "especially if you don't calm down about her eating habits. I don't

know about her dad, but Bella's mother has always been too overbearing. Bella is naturally
going to resist any kind of attention that suggests that she's being controlled."

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"I'm not trying to control her," I argued quietly. "She threw up the last time she ate mustard,

and sixteen slurps of soup isn't enough for anyone, especially for someone who is pregnant!"

Esme bit her lip to keep from laughing. "You counted?"

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. "Yes, I counted. Sue me."

"Not a chance," Esme giggled as she rose from the table. "You'd represent yourself and I'd lose."

I laughed and pulled her into a hug just as Carlisle, Emmett, and Bella made their way back into
the kitchen. I watched as my parents hugged and kissed Bella, welcoming her into the family.

She blushed, of course, and then she squealed when Emmett pulled her into another hug that
lifted her off the floor. I growled softly, and Bella's eyes shot toward me, daring me to make a


Yep, I'm going to need lots of roses.


The afternoon had been quiet, but it wasn't a peaceful calm. It was a silence filled with loads of
tension because my baby's father was apparently a controlling, protective Neanderthal and I

wanted nothing to do with him. Luckily for him he seemed to sense my aggravation, because
he'd stopped apologizing for his barbaric behavior about two hours ago and was currently

pouting on the couch pretending to watch the news. I was pouting at the kitchen table and
pretending to work on my laptop. Every few minutes, I'd catch him looking at me, and we'd both

divert our eyes and pretend we didn't notice.

Not only had he been inexcusably rude to his awesome mother, but the man had the nerve to
count my servings of soup. Who did he think he was? I had survived on my own for quite a while

now, and I certainly didn't need him managing my portion sizes. I had helped to make those
sandwiches, and I'd purposely left mustard off one of them just for me. And he'd actually

growled when Emmett lifted me off the ground. Growled!

He's just being protective, my mommy subconscious whispered to me. She was doing that a lot
lately, but I ignored her this time because she was getting on my nerves. I didn't need his

protection. I was quite capable of taking care of myself. Who did he think was?

Your baby's daddy, she whispered again, and I sighed loudly as I tapped my fingers against my
laptop keys. Bitch was really getting on my last nerve.

I sat up straighter when I heard him come into the kitchen, but I ignored him as he headed to my

fridge as if he owned the place. I opened a window on my browser and pretended to do
research for my upcoming interview with one of the mayoral candidates. The website of Seattle

real estate developer James Miller was full of pictures and biographical information. He looked
like he was an arrogant ass, and I was tired of dealing with arrogant asses.

Suddenly, my arrogant ass was waving a banana Popsicle in my face. The sly, overprotective

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bastard had even taken the wrapper off for me.

"Truce?" Edward whispered hopefully.

I glared at the yellow Popsicle. This was coercion…pure manipulation. I was holding strong until
he used the one word that was always made me melt.

"I'm sorry, Songbird."

Damn him.

Sighing, I took the Popsicle out of his hand and took great satisfaction in watching his eyes glaze

as I took a very long lick of it before placing it in my mouth.

"Jesus, Bella…" He groaned as he sat down in the seat next to me.

"Frustrated?" I asked innocently.

"You have no idea," Edward murmured darkly as he continued staring at me, his green eyes
blazing. I continued my research and enjoyed eating my Popsicle. Honestly, I wasn't even being

pornographic with it now, but that didn't seem to matter because within a minute he swiftly
rose from his seat and muttered, "Yeah, I can't watch you eat that."

I stifled my giggle as he stomped his way back to the living room. The man frustrates the hell out

of me so it was good for him to suffer a little. I found myself wondering how long it'd been for
him. Chances were good that he'd had sex at least a few times since our encounter at the

wedding. I, on the other hand, had not. The baby bible said that my sex drive would begin to
increase, and I really dreaded that day. It was going to be hard to keep my hands to myself if he

insisted on spending every waking moment with me.

Twenty minutes later, I decided to have pity on the man. I grabbed my laptop and headed to the
living room. He was sitting on the chair, so I collapsed against the couch. I placed the laptop on

my thighs and continued compiling my questions for the interview while he watched some CNN
anchor gripe about Obama's foreign policy.

"Did you ever want to do broadcast news?" Edward asked quietly, his eyes glued to the screen.

"Nope," I answered. "To be on television you have to be eye candy and good at public speaking.

I am neither."

His head turned toward me. "You don't think you're pretty enough to be on air?"

"I know I'm not pretty enough," I replied as I minimized the window and checked my email.

"You're wrong," Edward murmured low, but I ignored it and opened the first of my ten
messages – the first being from Alice.

Why would a bartender from the Fairmont Olympic have my phone number?

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Oops. It'd certainly taken him long enough to call. I quickly typed out my apology and clicked

send. Of course she'd forgive me. I glanced over my computer at Edward, who was staring at the
television and pretending to care about what was on screen.

Of course I'd forgive him, too.

Sighing, I closed my laptop and placed it on the end table. I stared at him for a few minutes

before I climbed off the couch and walked over to his chair. His eyes found mine, and they
darkened as I climbed into his lap and straddled him. His hands gripped my hips as I ran my

fingers through his hair.

"If our baby is a boy, I hope he has your hair."

Edward grinned as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to his chest. "That's
funny. Today, when we were sitting at the piano, I was hoping our baby would have your hair

and your brown eyes."

"Your eyes are prettier," I replied softly.

"Yours are," Edward whispered as he stared up at me. His hands were stroking my back, and I
couldn't deny how good it felt to be held. He'd held me this morning, of course, but this position

was far more intimate and much more enjoyable.

"Compromise?" I murmured as I pressed myself closer to him. "Your eyes and my hair."

"Agreed." Edward's eyes flickered down to my mouth as I pressed my forehead against his. "See,
we can get along."

"So it would seem."

He shifted, pulling me tighter against him, and I gasped as I felt his erection press against me.

Right there. He grabbed me by the hips and pulled me even closer, and my body arched against
his as he moaned. My hands fell to his shoulders as one of his hands made its way to the nape of

my neck, drawing my face to his. His breath was sweet as it washed across my face, and I panted
as his other hand made its way beneath my shirt. He gently stroked the skin along the small of

my back, and I moaned softly.

"Fuck, I've missed that moan," Edward murmured against my cheek, and I shuddered as his
hand cupped my ass.

"We're supposed to be apologizing," I whimpered as he gently brushed his lips against the side

of my neck before staring at me once again with his scorching eyes. His hand cupped the back of
my head as he trailed his nose across mine.

"I'm sorry for being an overprotective asshole." His lips were just inches from mine. I was

absolutely aching for him to kiss me.

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"I'm sorry for being an oversensitive bitch," I replied softly.

"Apology accepted," Edward whispered roughly.

"Apology accepted."

With a groan, he hungrily crushed his lips to mine. I whimpered as he pulled me flush with his
body, and our arms wrapped around each other as we kissed fervently. Our hips were joined,

and even through the denim of our jeans I could feel his hardness. I shifted my pelvis against his,
and he growled as he continued his assault on my mouth. Our tongues joined, and only then did

we slow down, taking our time to savor and remember. His kisses still drove me wild, and his
touch still sent jolts of electricity through my veins.

He broke our kiss and pressed his forehead against mine. We both tried to catch our breath as

we stared into each other's eyes. His gaze was reverent, and I nearly whimpered at the emotion
I saw within his shining, green eyes. I slowly stroked his face, and his eyes closed as he pressed

his cheek against the palm of my hand.

"Bella…" Edward whispered hoarsely as his hands tightened around me. His eyes were
beseeching me, begging me…his unspoken plea hanging in there. He didn't have to ask. He

didn't have to beg.

"Yes," I murmured softly. He groaned as he tightened his arms around me and pushed himself
off the chair. I wrapped my legs around his waist and his mouth found mine again as he carried

me toward the bedroom.

Chapter 10 Gravity Pulls On You and Me


Edward's fingers trailed softly over my face as he hovered above me, his expression unreadable
as he gazed down at me with his piercing jade eyes. I noticed that they were darker than usual,

but still so beautiful. The emotion shining from them left me speechless.

I couldn't remember him undressing me. I couldn't remember undressing him. I could vaguely
recall being carefully carried to my bed. I'd been so consumed by his kisses and the way he was

pressing against me that it was impossible to focus on anything else. Yet here we were – naked
and breathless and waiting for the other to finish what we'd both started. I had no idea if my

pregnancy hormones were kicking in, but I was growing impatient.

"I want you," I whispered boldly, and I pulled his mouth to mine, kissing him hungrily. His soft
moan resonated as his body covered mine, and I arched as his erection slid against my clit. He

shifted against me, and I whimpered loudly as he buried his head in my hair. Running my hands
along his shoulders, I could feel the tension there as he struggled to control his motions. I

arched against him once again, and he groaned as I felt him twitch against me, but he remained

Why is he holding back?

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I slid my hands along the planes of his chest, and he shuddered as his mouth captured mine

once again. If it weren't for his frantic kisses and his raging hard-on, I'd wonder if he wanted me
at all. Perhaps I hadn't been clear enough.

"Edward, I want you inside of me," I panted against his mouth. He moaned desperately as his

hand cupped my breast, teasing my nipple and pinching it gently. Groaning, I arched my hips
toward his, but he still didn't move as he dropped his mouth to my breasts, sucking gently on

the skin. Suddenly, I felt his hand move down my body, teasing my belly button until he gently
brushed against my core. He pressed his finger firmly against my clit, and – despite my irritation

– I moaned loudly. But it wasn't enough.

"Why won't you fuck me?" I whispered frantically. His movements stilled as his eyes popped
open, his face tortured and pained.

"I can't fuck you," Edward murmured softly. "I just can't do it, Bella."

He groaned as he collapsed against the mattress, shielding his eyes with his arm. Stunned, I

stared up at the ceiling as I tried to make sense of it all. He obviously wanted me, didn't he? He
was hard as a rock and kissing me as if his life depended on it. What had I done wrong?

Insecurity flooded me as I pulled the blanket around my naked body and turned onto my side,

facing away from him. His body indicated that he'd wanted me, but obviously, his mind had
other ideas. He didn't want me. Not at all. It had been okay to fuck me against a wall the first

night we met – when he didn't have to worry about attachments or consequences – but now
that we were growing closer and I was pregnant with his child, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

It was completely fucked up and humiliating.

A tear trickled from my eye, and I angrily swiped it away. I would not cry in front of this man.

"Bella," Edward whispered as he rolled closer to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and

pulled me against his chest. "Please don't cry. I'm sorry."

"I'm not crying," I whispered, but my sniffle totally gave me away.

"Baby, I want you so much," he murmured softly against my ear. I felt his arm drift across mine
until he found my hand, and he laced his fingers with mine as he nuzzled my hair. "God, you're

all I want..."

I didn't trust myself to point out that he was obviously mistaken, so I just kept quiet.

"Everything about you turns me on," Edward whispered roughly as he pulled the blanket down
and kissed my bare shoulder. "Your giggle…your touch…your smell…your voice. You drive me

wild, Bella. My every thought…my every dream…encompasses you."

I closed my eyes as his teeth gently nipped at the skin along my shoulder. "Then why did you

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Edward sighed as he stroked my hair, pinning it behind my ear so that he could kiss the side of

my neck. "Because I don't know how to be tender. What if I'd hurt you? Or hurt the baby?" He
squeezed our entwined fingers as his nose grazed my ear.

"You're being tender now," I whispered quietly.

He chuckled softly. "I'm trying to be. This is all new to me, Bella. I don't know what the fuck I'm

doing, but if I was to ever hurt you or the baby because I wasn't being careful enough…"

Swiftly, I turned around in his arms and gazed up at him. His expression was so etched with fear
that it instantly thawed my heart.

"Edward, our baby is like the size of a grape right now and it's protected by amniotic fluid. You

can't hurt it."

He wasn't about to be deterred. "What if I was too rough with you? The first time we met, I
fucked you against a wall."

The tortured expression on his face broke my heart. How dare he feel guilty about that night!

That night had been the most incredible sexual experience of my life. That night had led us here.

"You were never too rough with me," I promised him. "You were just…passionate. I loved it,
Edward." I trailed my fingers along his strong jaw, and his eyes closed as he leaned into my

touch. "I've never felt that way before, and I want to feel it again."

Edward's smoldering eyes locked with mine as he cupped my face. "I want to feel it, too. Your
moans haunt my dreams, I swear, but I can't just fuck you, Bella. Not now. It wouldn't be just

fucking for me…"

"What would it be?" I whispered gently, tracing the outline of his lips with my finger. I was being
so unfair, asking him to declare his hand before I even hinted at mine, but I needed to know.

Edward sighed softly as he let go of my hand and trailed his fingers along my face. He gently

brushed my eyebrow before ghosting his finger down the bridge of my nose and down along my

"I'd be…making love to you," he admitted softly. "I've never done that before."

"You tried," I murmured shamefully as I dropped my head. "The second night we were together.

The tender kisses…the way you were looking at me…"

Edward nodded as he tilted my face toward his. "You told me not to be sweet."

"I know…"


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"Because I felt…" Unable to find the words, I closed my eyes and buried my face against his
neck. He sighed heavily and held me close as he ran his fingers through my hair. It was so

soothing – his bare skin pressing to my flesh and his arms encircling me.

"I felt it, too," Edward whispered against my ear.

"I was too afraid to feel it," I murmured against his neck, "because I didn't think I'd ever see you

His arms tightened around me.

"I never expected to see you again," Edward admitted quietly as he smiled at me. "I think fate

had other ideas, Songbird."

I had never believed in things like fate and destiny, but I couldn't deny the chaotic series of
events that had brought us here.

"Do you believe in fate?" I asked softly.

"I didn't used to," he murmured as he pressed a kiss to my forehead, "I think I do now."

He kissed me then, a sweet, toe-curling kiss that sent me scrambling into his lap. He gathered us

in the blanket and held me close, his mouth nipping and tasting my lips.

"Please Edward," I begged against his mouth. "Please make love to me."

He groaned as he kissed me once again, but I could tell he was still holding back. Sighing, I broke
our kiss and laid my head against his shoulder.

"Did you ask the doctor about sex?" Edward whispered breathlessly.

"No," I confessed begrudgingly. "It wasn't really a priority at the time."

Edward laughed and hugged me close. "Thank God for that. I'd hate to have to kill some fucker

for putting his hands on you."

I couldn't help but grin, but his caveman tendencies were going to take some getting used to.

"Bella, I'd just like to wait until we talk to the doctor. I couldn't bear it if I hurt you or the baby."

Defeated, I sighed resignedly. "You know that's almost three weeks away."

"I know," Edward frowned slightly, "but there are other things we could do." He pulled me
closer and buried his face against my neck. I moaned as he began licking and sucking the skin


"God, that feels good," I groaned as I pressed myself closer against his chest. It was so tempting,
but I didn't want to just feel good. I wanted to feel him…all of him.

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"No," I whispered firmly as I pulled away from his lap and settled back against the mattress. "We

can wait."

Edward sighed loudly as he ran his fingers through his hair. "We can?"

"Hey, this was your idea," I reminded him. "I am confident that it's totally safe for us to have sex.
But, if it's that important to you that we wait until we get the okay from the doctor, then I think

we should wait for everything."

His face fell. "Everything? I was thinking we could…"

"Everything," I smirked. I could see that he was still sporting a massive erection and his
breathing wasn't entirely regular, but if this was how he wanted to play it…

Edward searched my face for any sign of concession. He apparently found none because he

nodded. "In that case, you really need to get dressed. I can't be expected to keep my hands off
you while you're wrapped up naked in that blanket."

"Too tempting for you?" I grinned.

"Baby, you have no idea," Edward muttered darkly.


Very deliberately, I slowly slipped the blanket off my body, and I heard his quiet growl as I took

my time searching for pajamas in my drawer. I chose a pale blue tank top and a matching pair of
boy shorts, and I slowly slipped them on. They weren't really that revealing, but they were

skimpy. It wasn't unusual for me to wear this around the house, but then again, I was used to
living alone.

Which reminded me…

I turned slowly to face him, and I was satisfied to see his eyes roaming hungrily over my body.


His eyes continued its exploration, and I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

"I think you should go home tonight."

This got his attention.


"I wouldn't want you to be too tempted," I grinned evilly. He playfully growled, and I couldn't

help but giggle as I sprinted from the bedroom.

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Edward did go home that night. He actually went home every night for the rest of the week,

much to my dismay. Operation Seduce Baby Daddy couldn't commence when the daddy refused
to play along. We would meet every night for dinner at my house, and each night ended with a

heavy make-out session that left us both frustrated and horny. It would have been easy to
relieve the tension, but I was a greedy bitch. I wanted the full experience.

"I find it ironic," Rosalie declared as she took a bite of the peach crisp we were sharing for

dessert. "You slept together twice that weekend – once when you didn't even know each other's
names – and now he won't touch you."

"Oh, he touches me," I said. "He's insanely affectionate. He just won't have sex with me."

"I think it's sweet," Alice concluded as she dropped her fork, indicating she was finished. "Jasper

says that you and the baby are all he talks about."

"Emmett says the same thing," Rose grinned. "I do believe our girl Bella is taming the manwhore
that was once Edward Cullen."

I took a bite of our dessert and was thankful when Alice changed the subject. The last thing I

wanted to discuss was Edward's torrid past. I'd never asked because it was none of my business.
Still, I didn't want to hear about it.

Lunch with my girls was a tradition. The three of us tried to get together at least once a week at

the Metropolitan Grill, and I had inhaled my grilled chicken sandwich with fries and had eaten
half of Rosalie's grilled salmon. At this rate, I was going to gain a hundred pounds with this baby.

Alice was babbling about the joys of being a newlywed when I felt my cell phone vibrate. I

glanced down at the screen and couldn't help but smile when I noticed the message was from
Edward. I opened the text, and my smile grew wider.

I miss you.

I noticed it was close to one, and he was supposed to be in a meeting with a client.

How's your meeting?

Boring. Entertain me, please.

You should really focus on your client, Mr. Cullen.

I'd rather focus on you, Miss Swan.

I giggled, and I heard Rosalie clear her throat. My head snapped up, and my two best friends

were smiling at me with shit-eating grins stretched across their faces.

"You make me sick," Rosalie smirked.

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"I don't give you shit when you get all girly around Emmett," I reminded her with a glare.

"You're actually blushing!" Alice sang happily. "I've never seen you so…"

"…girly," Rosalie finished for her.

"It must be all of those mommy hormones surging through me," I replied quietly as I reached
down into my bag and pulled out some cash. "Love you both, but I have to go. I have an article

to write."

I had barely made it out the sidewalk before my cell phone was ringing.


"You left me hanging," Edward murmured gently.

I grinned as I made my way down the sidewalk and back toward the office. "I was having lunch
with the girls, and your client isn't paying you to sit there and text with your…whatever I am…"

Edward chuckled. "That's a good point. We should probably give you an official name or


I crinkled my nose in disgust. "If you start calling me your baby mama, I would have to seriously
reconsider our weekend plans."

"Do you call me your baby daddy?"


"Of course not," I lied smoothly.

Edward laughed. "Well, I think we should give it some thought. Your father would probably

appreciate an explanation as to why I'm there."

This entire trip was making me just a bit anxious. Because he was much more laid-back, I
expected Charlie's reaction to be the complete opposite of Renee's, but I still wasn't sure how

thrilled he was going to be to find out that he was becoming a grandfather.

"Don't be nervous," Edward murmured softly. It was a little frightening how astute he was
becoming to my moods.

"I'll try not to be," I promised him.

We talked about our day so far, and we made dinner plans before hanging up. It was frightening

how natural all of this seemed, as if we were just any normal couple, when we were anything
but. We were still getting to know each other, and while it was too soon to have a conversation

about the future, I sensed that Edward was serious about making this work. He was attentive
and sweet, and I saw a sentimental side to him that I was sure very few had ever witnessed. He

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was passionate about law and he adored his family. We had talked some about our childhoods,
and I could always detect a sadness coming from him that I couldn't quite comprehend. I didn't

know if it was my reporter's instincts or just woman's intuition, but there was something there. I
was certain he'd tried to tell me a few times during the past week, but something would always

interrupt us, and I had a feeling it was a conversation that would require undivided attention
from both of us. I had never pushed, because I knew he'd tell me whenever he was ready.

I spent the rest of the afternoon working on a news article and preparing my questions for my

interview with the mayoral candidate. It was a feature interview, and I was so thankful to Harry
for giving me the chance. I was just finishing up when I heard my name being called from the

stairs. I looked over the cubicle wall to see Edward's regular delivery boy, holding a vase of
flowers. He'd stopped sending the flowers once I'd finally let him in the door, so this was a

definite surprise. I guiltily waved at the boy – I'm sure he was sick of seeing my face – and he
dutifully walked toward my desk.

"Hey," I blushed as I inhaled the sweet scent of the white roses. "I'm sorry about this."

"Don't be," he shrugged happily. "Mr. Cullen tips really well. Have a nice day, Miss Swan."

I thanked him as I grabbed the card, and I couldn't help but giggle as I read his message to me.

I think your official name should be "girlfriend."



"That's a dog," she giggles as we lay on our backs looking up at the clouds.

I squint my eyes against the sunlight. "That's not a dog…."

"Is too. See the tail?"

I try really hard to see a tail, or anything else that resembles an animal. All I see are clouds. But I

pretend to see a dog, because it makes her happy.

"What's beyond the clouds?" Jane asks.

"Space," I murmur. The grass is scratchy against my back.

"And then what?"


"We'll go there someday," Jane smiles. "We'll go together."

I smile, too, because I have no reason to doubt her. We do everything together.

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I glance up at the sky and notice the differing shapes of clouds. She would have loved today. She

loved the simplest things in life, and cloud-watching was one of her favorites.

I lowered my head and allowed my gaze to linger on her carved name on the polished rock.
Kneeling on the earth, I placed the white rose on Jane's tombstone and traced my fingers over

her name.

Jane Amelia Cullen


"Hey," I whispered soberly as my fingers ghosted along the curves of the letter embedded into

the marble. I sat down on the grass and looked up at the sky. The clouds were beginning to roll
in. "I know it's been a while since I've visited you. I could make all kinds of excuses, but what

would be the point. You always knew when I was lying."

I smiled sadly as I focused on the white rose. "I've been buying a lot of white roses lately. I think
maybe that's why I chose white, because you loved them. You always said that red roses were

so universal and common. But, if you gave someone a white rose, that meant that you'd really
given it some thought."

A soft rain began to fall from the sky, and I stared up at the heavens.

I sighed softly. "I've met someone, Jane. Her name is Bella, and we're going to have a baby. She's

beautiful and sweet, and she has the sweetest laugh I've ever heard – besides yours, of course.
She doesn't put up with my crap, and she makes me want to be better. A better lawyer. A better

son. A better brother. We've only known each other for a short time, but I haven't felt this kind
of connection to anyone since you passed away. It scares me Jane. It scares me so much


It had been thirteen years since I'd cried, and I was surprised to feel a lone tear streaming down
my cheek.

"…I am so in love with her, and it scares me to death. I've spent the last thirteen years avoiding

any kind of connection with another living soul just so that I would never have to feel that kind
of pain again. It's a fact of life. We live and we die. It's the how and when that is yet to be

determined. But it will happen, and I know this. So I had shut down in an attempt to avoid any
kind of bond with anyone besides our family, and this girl…" I smiled as I remembered how

beautiful she looked in that piano bar. "This girl appeared out of nowhere, and she consumes
my every thought."

"Can I do this?" I whispered softly. "Can I love this woman and be a good father to our baby, and

can I do it whole-heartedly, without living in constant fear of losing them?"

The rain began to diminish, and a slight ray of sunshine filtered through the clouds. I laughed

"I'm taking this as a sign, baby sister," I whispered softly. I was exactly five minutes older, and it

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was for that reason that I always considered myself her big brother – her protector – while she
was always my conscience. Her joy in life had been finding the beauty in things that weren't

obviously beautiful upon first glance. Things like misshaped clouds…white roses…a band named
Hootie…and a twin brother who was far from perfect, and didn't go to heaven with her like he

promised he would.

As always, I placed a kiss on my finger and lightly traced it over her name before pulling myself
off the ground. After a visit to the cemetery, I usually felt dead inside. Today was different. I felt

lighter…and happier.

My cell phone vibrated, and I pulled it from my jacket pocket. I quickly glanced at it, and seeing
her name on the screen reminded me as to why I was such a happy man.

Your baby misses you.

I couldn't help but smile as I typed back my reply.

Which baby?

Both of us.

I miss you, too. I'm on my way home.

And for the first time in thirteen years, I truly believed those words.

Chapter 11 That's My Daughter in the Water


During the past week, I learned some important things about Bella Swan.

First, I admitted to myself that I was in love with her – head over heels, out of my mind,

completely in love with this girl. If I was being completely honest with myself, I'm pretty sure
that I fell in love with her during our very first weekend together. It would certainly explain why

I'd been unable and unwilling to perform in a particular area where I had zero previous
problems doing so. I was thinking about the cheesiest shit – like how beautiful she looked first

thing in the morning…how her eyes were deep and brown and saw straight through me…how I
couldn't wait to see her round with my child. I would have busted anyone else's balls for having

such ridiculous thoughts about their woman, but I was incapable of stopping myself from feeling
this way. I thought about her from the moment I woke up until the time I fell asleep, and even

my dreams were consumed by her. It was unbelievable and scary as hell, but somehow, I had
fallen in love with this woman.

Another thing that I learned this past week was that this goddess was an absolute sex kitten –

one who was quite creative and persistent when she was horny. While this fact wasn't nearly as
scary as the falling in love predicament, it was definitely an issue because, for the first time in

my life, I was trying to be the responsible one when it came to sex.

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That's something else I learned this week – being responsible sucks.

Because of my own deep-seated fears, I was scared to death to have to sex with Bella until we
got the clear from her doctor. Of course, he was on vacation this week, but the nurse assured

Bella that sex was perfectly fine during pregnancy as long as there was no discomfort. Bella had
seen this as a gigantic green light, but I figured she was too horny to really be trusted. She'd

never tell me if she was uncomfortable, so instead, I made myself scarce, thinking if I spent
nights in my own bed I would be less tempted.

That lasted for about a day.

I was in the middle of negotiations with a corporate executive when I got the first text. It was

innocent enough, just telling me how much she missed my kisses. Before I knew it, the
conversation took a heated turn, and by the end, I had to excuse myself from the meeting out of

fear that everyone would notice the massive erection I was sporting. The next day, she
continued her torture – moving on to visual images. My inbox was flooded with pictures of her

wearing that skimpy blue tank top and boy shorts outfit that I loved so much. When I ignored
the text, she sent me another one – and this time she was completely nude. She was relentless,

and each night, I'd leave her panting and breathless on the couch as I made my way out her
door with the biggest case of blue balls known to mankind. She absolutely refused to give either

of us any type of release, and it was easy to figure out why. She figured I'd cave eventually. She's
probably right, because the girl is fucking killing me and there's only so much provocation a man

can take.

The drive to her father's house was a long one, and I had been hopeful that her anxiety
regarding her father's reaction to our news would squelch any mention of sex.

But no…

"Sex during pregnancy is wonderful…" Bella's voice raised an octave higher than usual as she

scanned the page of the baby bible. "You can continue to have sex as far into pregnancy, right
up until birth, as you and your partner are comfortable. This includes orgasms." She turned her

beautiful brown eyes to me. "Did you hear that, Edward? Orgasms. Doesn't an orgasm sound
really good right now?"

I groaned, and she shot me a triumphant look as I made my way onto Highway 101. I just rolled

my eyes and kept driving. She'd only been reading from that baby book for the past three hours.
There was actually a lot of information in there regarding pregnancy sex, and some of it was

quite education. A lot of it was gross.

My beautiful baby mama was not to be deterred as she eagerly flipped the page and continued
reading. "Your baby is fully protected by the amniotic sac, a thin-walled bag that holds the fetus

and surrounding fluid, and the strong muscles of the uterus. There's also a thick mucus plug that
seals the cervix and helps guard against infection. The penis does not come into contact with the

fetus during sex."

See? Gross.

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Educational, but gross.

By the time we made it to the Forks city limits, I was infuriatingly aroused and her little hand on
my thigh wasn't helping matters at all. I turned off onto the first partially deserted road I could

find and slammed the gear shift into park.

"You're killing me, you realize this, don't you?"

Bella giggled as she swiftly unbuckled her seat belt and climbed into my lap. I pulled the lever on
the chair, pushing it back to give us as much room as possible as she straddled me. It was

heaven and hell all wrapped up in one gorgeous, sexy brunette package that knew exactly what
she was doing when she leaned forward and took my earlobe between her teeth.

"I want you so much," Bella whispered sultry against my ear. My hands gripped her hips and

pulled her tighter against me as she continued whispering naughty words that shot straight to
my groin.

"I want you too, baby," I murmured against her neck. My hands drifted along her back and up

along her shoulder blades until my hands drowned in the mahogany waves of her hair. I gently
grabbed her by the nape of the neck and brought her lips to mine. She groaned low in her throat

as I poured every ounce of frustration and craving into that kiss. I wasn't having sex with her
today, but I was adamant that she never take my refusal as a lack of desire for her.

I kissed her until she was breathless, and I followed it up with soft kisses along her cheek as we

both struggled to catch our breath. She looked a little dazed when I whispered that her father
was expecting us to pull into his driveway in ten minutes. Wordlessly, she climbed back into her

own seat and buckled her seat belt without any prompting from me.

I had finally kissed her speechless.

I couldn't keep the smug smile off my face as we made our way down the two-lane road that led
to Charlie Swan's house. Bella quietly gave me directions, and I drove slowly toward her

childhood home. He'd been welcoming enough when she'd called. Bella had told him that she
was bringing someone home, and while he'd seemed surprised, he was eager to meet me. I

couldn't help but wonder how eager he'd be if he knew what I'd done to his daughter in that
hotel room, but I decided to ignore that fear for now. We had bigger worries – like how he was

going to react to the news that he was going to be a grandfather.

"We're half a mile away and now you're driving the speed limit," Bella smirked. "You aren't
nervous, are you Mr. Cullen?"

"Not at all, Songbird," I lied. What did I have to be nervous about? I mean, this was the first

fatherI've ever met, and the man owned guns and had authorization to shoot them. He may be
two years away from retirement, but I doubted that Charlie Swan missed many targets on the

firing range. I also instinctively knew that his approval was important to Bella, which made his
approval important to me.

Hell yes I was nervous.

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"It's the white house just up on the left," Bella whispered softly, and I reached across the

console and took her hand in mine as I pulled into the driveway. I didn't want her to be nervous,
but it was nice to know that we were both a little freaked out.

The house looked homey and well-kept, which shouldn't be surprising considering I'm a

bachelor, too, and I like my apartment to be in order. The lawn was freshly cut with a row of
hostas lining the concrete sidewalk leading to the steps. There were two cars parked in the

driveway – one a squad car and the other a red four-door sedan.

"I wonder who's here…" Bella whispered gently as I turned off the ignition.

"Only one way to find out," I grinned as I squeezed her hand. She really did look pale, and I
hoped it was just nerves. "Ready?"

"You know none of this matters," Bella murmured gently, her brown eyes staring into mine.

"Whether he approves or not is irrelevant."

I smiled softly. "Irrelevant, but still, it would be nice."

Bella nodded, and I squeezed her hand once more before we each opened our car doors. I
grabbed each of our overnight bags and met Bella on the sidewalk. With my free hand, I took

hers as I led her up the path.

"Umm, maybe you should wait out here," Bella whispered shakily. "Let me butter him up first."

"Bella…" I started to argue.

"Please?" Her voice quivered as we walked up the steps. "Just stay out here on the porch for a
few minutes. Let me gauge his mood. I mean, Charlie is usually pretty laid back, but I'd still like

to know what we're dealing with before I throw you to the wolves."

I rolled my eyes as I sat down on the wrought-iron bench just outside the front door. "Fine,
baby. Go gauge his mood."

She leaned down and kissed my cheek before turning the knob of the front door and walking in

unannounced. I stared out at the surrounding houses and noticed that the neighborhood was
really quiet and peaceful. I bet she loved her summers here, away from her crazy-ass mother. I

noticed a next-door neighbor carrying a bag of garbage toward the road, and he waved at me as
he tossed it into the can. I waved in return, and I found it interesting that a complete stranger

had taken the time to be friendly. You don't see that in Seattle.

Suddenly, the front door opened, and an ashen Bella stepped out onto the porch. She softly
closed the door behind her and slumped onto the bench next to me. She looked straight ahead

– her face much paler than before – looking as if she'd just seen a ghost.

"Bella, what's wrong?"

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She just kept shaking her head – her eyes wide with shock. Moments later, a petite woman with
short brown hair made her way out the door. Behind her, a man with Bella's big brown eyes

appeared, and he looked apologetic and a little embarrassed. His eyes ghosted over me, and I
offered him a concerned smile.

"It was nice to see you again, Bella," the woman whispered, her face bright red with


Bella simply nodded as she continued staring straight ahead. "You too, Sue. I saw…much more
of you than I ever thought I'd see…but yeah, it was good to see you, too."

Charlie coughed nervously as Sue nodded to me. I nodded in return, and we watched as the

chief walked the woman to her car.

I couldn't take it any longer. "What the hell is going on?"

Bella sighed heavily as she whispered, "I just walked in on my father and Sue Clearwater having
sex on his couch. That woman was straddling my father, much like I was just straddling you in

the car, except she was naked and they were very much having sex. You don't have to worry
about me trying to jump your bones for the duration of this trip. Maybe ever. I think I am

traumatized for life."

I couldn't contain the cackle that erupted from my chest. Bella's wide brown eyes flashed to me,
and I bit my lip in a futile attempt to control my laughter.

"Stop laughing," Bella muttered as we watched Sue backing out of the driveway. Charlie Swan

looked up at the porch, took one long look at this daughter, and proceeded to burst out

I liked him instantly.


I was obviously having an out-of-body experience, and I was in desperate need of bleach to burn

my retinas. Instead, I was sitting at the kitchen table (I was avoiding the couch) and watching my
father and my baby daddy laughing as if they'd known each other for years.

It was true what they say. Men really do stick together.

They were both drinking a beer while I sucked on a banana Popsicle and pretended to listen as

they made plans to go fishing later this afternoon. I didn't even know that Edward knew how to
fish, but he was discussing the difference between a treble hook and a weedless hook, and I

could tell that my dad was impressed. They made quick plans to go down to Olympic Sporting
Goods and purchase Edward a one-day fishing license. It seemed silly to me to have to buy a

license for an afternoon of male bonding and ass-kissing, but what did I know?

"Bella never liked to fish," my father grinned in my direction, "but she loved to bait the hook."

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"Really?" Edward smiled at me. I simply shrugged and continued licking on my Popsicle. I had
the satisfaction of watching his eyes darken as my tongue wrapped around it. My father, still

clearly satisfied thanks to his own afternoon delight, didn't notice as he quickly stood up and
tossed his can in the garbage. I took the opportunity to become overtly offensive with my snack.

Edward shifted uncomfortably in his chair, and I smiled sweetly.

That's what you get for making me suffer, Cullen.

After purchasing Edward's license, Charlie drove us to his favorite fishing spot on the outer edge
of the Sol Duc River. It was one of my favorites, too. When I was younger, Charlie would bring

me here and he'd fish all day while I walked along the river's edge in my bare feet. Sometimes
we'd go out on his boat, but I always preferred watching him fish on the shore. It made escaping

and exploring so much easier.

I watched in morbid fascination as the two most important men in my life sat down on the
riverbed and checked their reels.

"Are you baiting, Bella?" Charlie called out.

"Yep," I said as I made my way to their side. I quickly and expertly baited my father's line, and he

offered me a happy smile before I turned toward Edward's reel. He watched me carefully, and
when I was finished, he reached over and kissed my cheek. Out of the corner of my eye, I could

see my dad watching our exchange, and I saw him smile.

I hoped he was still smiling when he found out that I was having Edward's baby.


As an attorney, I was a cynic by nature. I prepared for the worst and hoped for the best, which
was pretty much how I'd approached this meeting with Charlie. I wasn't a father (yet), but I

could see how this might look to a dad. His daughter was bringing home a man she'd known for
eight weeks and announcing they were having a baby. Of course, we hadn't mentioned the baby

yet, but that was the entire purpose of this trip, so it was bound to happen soon enough. But –
minus Bella's eye-opening experience with her father and his girlfriend – this afternoon couldn't

be going better.

I had only been fishing a few times in my life, but Charlie was impressed with what little I knew,
and I was eager to learn. I would do anything to make this man accept me, and if that meant

throwing a reel in the Sol-Duc for an afternoon – well, that was a small price to pay.

Besides, there was little to do while fishing except chat and watch your line, but I was having
difficulty doing either because Bella was standing downstream with the legs of her jeans rolled-

up to her knees. She was walking carefully through the water, looking down at the bubbling
stream and then up at the sky. She looked so content and peaceful, and I really wished I'd

brought my cell phone just so that I could take a picture. Her hair was glistening in the sunlight,
and I'd never seen her look more beautiful. She must have felt my eyes on her because she

suddenly stopped walking and looked my way. She smiled shyly, and I couldn't help but smile in

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"You could have a fifty pound steelhead on your line, and you'd never notice," Charlie smirked

at me.

I laughed, unable to deny it. "No, I wouldn't."

Charlie looked at his daughter wading in the water, and he sighed quietly as he turned his
attention toward his pole once again.

"You're in love with my daughter."

Just like that. No fanfare. No threat of bodily harm. No rifle pointed in my face.

"I am," I admitted softly, because I refused to lie to this man.

Charlie nodded. "Does she know that you are?"

I shifted uncomfortably on the ground as I pretended to suddenly be very interested in my reel.

"I haven't actually said the words, no…"

He stared out across the clear, blue water.

"Don't you think you should tell her?"

"I'm not sure she's ready to hear it," I murmured gently. I couldn't be sure of this, of course.
Perhaps I just wasn't ready to say it.

"I see," Charlie grunted quietly. "So it's okay to get her pregnant, but it's not okay to tell her that

you're in love with her?"

Holy shit.

Charlie glanced over his shoulder at Bella before turning to me and grinning. "I got a very
interesting phone call a few days ago from Renee."

I groaned. Fucking Renee and her big mouth.

"I don't mean to be disrespectful, but that ex of yours is a piece of work."

"You're telling me," Charlie agreed with a nod. "Why do you think she's my ex-wife?"

He was waiting for me to continue, but I didn't know what the hell to say. I mean, the man was

fucking his girlfriend on his couch just a few hours ago, so he was obviously cool with premarital
sex, but I figured his outlook on the rules might be different when it involved his daughter.

"Bella's mother was…difficult," Charlie said charitably. "We got pregnant and married very

young, but back then, that's what you did. If you got a girl in trouble, you married her. No
questions asked. She was pissed and bitter, and she stayed that way until the day we divorced.

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She was unimaginably hard on Bella – putting those bullshit expectations on her and expecting
her to be this little adult when she was just a little girl. I understood the reasoning behind it. She

wanted more for Bella. She wanted Bella to have choices, a career, and a bright future. That's
what all parents want. So, yeah, I understood the logic. I just hated the way she went about it."

"I understand that," I admitted quietly, "but she was inexcusably rude to Bella when we told her

the truth. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to forgive her for that."

"Which just proves to me how much you love her," Charlie remarked with a grin. "Don't worry
about it. Renee rarely shows her face, and when she does it's like a tornado – fast and furious."

"That shit's not fair to Bella, though."

He couldn't argue with that. "No, it's not, and that's why I'm relying on you to take care of Bella

when it happens. It won't happen often, but it will happen. Can you handle it?"

I looked across the water and noticed that Bella had waded out into the river, but she was still
close enough to the edge that I wasn't completely panicked. Not yet, anyway.

"I can handle Renee," I promised him, "but your daughter is fiercely independent. She rarely lets

me help her with anything."

Charlie laughed loudly, and I'm sure he scared away any of the fish in our vicinity of the river.

"She is headstrong," Charlie smiled fondly as he pulled his reel from the water. "Bella was
determined to move to the city, and I couldn't stop her. It's very hard on a father to have your

child so far away. Of course, it's not nearly as far as Jacksonville, so that's good."

I nodded as I brought my own line out of the water. Of course, the bait was gone. Each of us re-
baited our lines and threw them back out into the water.

"I could give you the whole 'what are your intentions toward my daughter' speech," Charlie

smirked as he gazed out across the water. "I heard it from Renee's father, and I remember every
last word of it. But times have changed, and I don't think Bella would marry you right now even

if you begged."

"No, I don't think she would," I whispered softly as I watched her legs disappear deeper into the
water. Charlie must have detected my unease because he looked downstream and turned back

to me with a grin.

"She's okay," he explained calmly. "The water is shallow there."

I sighed with relief, and Charlie laughed softly.

"You're very protective," Charlie noted. "I bet she just loves that."

I grinned. "She hates it, but I can't help it."

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"I think it's a good thing," he murmured hesitantly, "just be sure to give her some space, too.
Renee's child-rearing has made Bella very sensitive. If she thinks you're being too controlling…"

"I know," I replied, recalling the shitstorm that had erupted when I made her a new turkey


"So I won't ask your intentions," Charlie continued gruffly as he turned his steely gaze to me.
"But I will say this. If you hurt my daughter, Renee will be the least of your worries. You take

care of her, and you take care of that baby, and you and I will have no problems."

I nodded firmly just as Bella started making her way toward us. I couldn't keep from smiling as
she caught my eye and gave me a questioning look. I just shook my head and messed with my


"Are you boys having a nice chat?" Bella asked as she made her way to my side. She pulled her
knees up to her chest, and I watched her toes wiggle in the sand. It was quite possibly the cutest

thing I'd ever seen.

"We have been," Charlie replied as he reeled in his line. "I think I'm going to move up stream a

We watched him walk along the sandy shore of the river and cast his line into water.

"What was that about?" Bella whispered as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I think he's just giving us some privacy while I deliver the big news," I teased as I reeled in my

line. I had absolutely no interest in this, and now that Charlie had moved, I didn't feel the need
to continue the facade.

Bella's head shot up. "I found my father on the couch with Sue Clearwater. I'm not sure I can

handle more big news."

"Well, this is kind of important," I explained quietly as I played with a strand of her hair. "Charlie
knows you're pregnant."

Bella's eyes flashed with fear as she turned her head toward her father and then back to me.

"He knows?"


"You told him?"

"Nope," I shook my head. "Renee beat us to it."

Bella sighed softly as she stared across the sparkling river. "Well, he brought you to his favorite

fishing spot, and he didn't throw you in, so I'm assuming he's okay with it."

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"I think so," I nodded thoughtfully. "He didn't pull out his revolver, at least."

Bella giggled as she picked up a pebble and tossed it into the water. As usual, the clouds began
to darken, and Charlie shouted that a storm was on its way. We quickly packed our gear, and

Bella took my hand in hers as we made our way back to Charlie's truck.

The rest of the night was as nice as the afternoon. Bella cooked spaghetti and meatballs for

dinner, and we'd sat around the table as Charlie shared stories of Bella's summer escapades. It
was easy to see that he adored his daughter. They were very close, and I was glad that our news

hadn't spoiled that. We talked until around midnight, at which time Charlie announced he was
headed for bed. It was assumed that I would sleep on the couch, and I was fine with that. Bella

was still in sex kitten mode, and I figured the last place I needed to take advantage of that was in
her childhood bedroom with her father just down the hall. Because of Charlie and Sue's

afternoon tryst, Bella absolutely insisted on covering the sofa with a sheet. We said our
goodnights and I had stolen a few kisses from Bella before everyone made their way to their

respective beds.

The rain was torrential as it beat down on the metal roof of the house. While that sound was
soothing, it was still a strange house and an uncomfortable sofa, so I found myself staring at the

ceiling for hours. It was around two when I heard movement coming from the stairs. I rose from
the couch to find Charlie dressed in bright yellow rain gear.

"Didn't mean to wake you," he murmured in the dark. "There's been an accident out on Willow."

"Nothing serious, I hope."

"Me too," Charlie grunted as he turned the volume down on his radio. "Who knows when I'll be

home, but I'll try to call at some point. Bella tends to worry when I'm out all night."

I smiled softly as I leaned back against the pillow. "Be careful, Charlie."

"I will," he nodded as he grabbed the rest of his gear. "It's ridiculous that you're down here on
the couch. I mean, she's already pregnant…"

I laughed quietly.

"Hundred bucks says you won't be on that couch when I get home," Charlie smirked as he made

his way toward the kitchen. "Good night, Edward."

"Good night, Chief," I grinned, and I heard him close the door. I brought my feet to the floor and
reached over to the coffee table to grab my wallet. Thankfully, I had a hundred dollar bill

stashed inside.

It took me approximately six seconds to make my way up the darkened stairs.


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The creaking of her door couldn't be heard over the thunderous rainfall hitting the roof, and she
didn't move as I made way to the empty side of her bed. I carefully pulled the blanket away and

crawled beneath it, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her back against my chest.

"You're a brave, brave man," Bella whispered in the darkness. I grinned as I nuzzled her hair with
my nose.

"I didn't mean to wake you," I murmured softly. "I just missed you."

"I wasn't asleep," Bella said as she grabbed my hand from her hip and laced her fingers with

mine. "I was missing you, too."

I kissed the skin along her shoulder, and she sighed softly as I ghosted my lips along the shell of
her ear.

"Your father got called out," I whispered quietly.

"I'm not surprised," she murmured, squeezing my fingers with hers. "The weather is terrible."

I nodded as she turned around in my arms and snuggled closer to my side. The lightning in the

window illuminated her face, and I could see that her eyes were closed and her face was
peaceful. I couldn't resist leaning down and kissing her softly, letting my lips linger tenderly

along the corner of her mouth. I gently caressed her face as her hands wove in my hair.

"And you said you couldn't be tender," Bella whispered, and I laughed lightly.

"I'm learning."

"I don't think you're learning," Bella said as she stroked my cheek. "I think you've been tender all
along. You just hide it well."

"I have been hiding for the past thirteen years, Bella." I leaned down and kissed her softly, and

she sighed against my mouth. "I was content with hiding until I met you."

Her finger traced softly along my lips. "You don't want to hide anymore?"

"Not from you," I smiled down into her beautiful face. It wasn't the most ideal setting for a
heavy conversation. It was the middle of the night and there was a torrential downpour

battering the house. But she was smiling up at me, her eyes hopeful and alive, and I found
myself eager to tell her every blissful and heartbreaking detail of my life.

"It's time to tell you about Jane," I whispered softly.

Chapter 12 I Want the World to See You Be With Me



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With the lightning flashing through the window, I could see the confusion on her face. I smiled

softly as I played with a strand of her hair.

"Jane was my sister."

"Oh," Bella's voice was tinged with surprise. "I didn't realize you had a sister."

"Twin sister, actually," I murmured.

"What happened to her?"

"She died when we were fifteen."

Bella's face flickered with shock and surprise. "Oh…Edward, I'm so sorry. Was she the girl in the
picture? Tinker Bell?"

I nodded. "That was Halloween, and we were ten years old. I got beat up at school the next day

for wearing that Peter Pan costume. I didn't care, though. It was worth it to see the smile on her

Bella smiled softly. "Will you tell me about her?"

I pulled her close to my side, and she laid her head against my chest. Her fingers ghosted along

the front of my t-shirt as my hand drifted along her spine.

"She loved Madonna," I murmured in the darkness. "She thought Michael Stipe was a genius,
and she made me learn how to play Hootie and the Blowfish on piano. I fucking hated that


Bella giggled softly as I continued.

"Jane had my mother's bright green eyes, and she had dad's blonde hair. She loved to take
pictures, and she had this cheap-ass camera that took really shitty pictures, but she loved it so

much. Mom and Dad were always offering to buy her a better camera, but hers was cute and
pink and she just refused to replace it. She would take pictures of the most ordinary, mundane

objects and make them look beautiful."

Bella's hand found mine in the darkness, and she squeezed it gently. "Did you guys have that
twin connection – you know, reading each other's minds and finishing each other's sentences?"

"We did," I whispered softly. "Her happiness depended on mine, and vice versa. She was my

very best friend.

I fell silent then as the rain crashed against Bella's window. Suddenly, a flash of lightning and a
deafening crash of thunder erupted, and the alarm clock on her bedside table went dark.

"We've lost power," I whispered gently. Not that it mattered. I was content to lie in the dark

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with her in my arms.

"I'm not surprised," Bella murmured against my chest. I pulled the blankets around us and held
her tight.

"What happened to her?" Bella whispered softly.

I sighed. "Jane loved to dance, and she took ballet lessons for a while. When she was thirteen,

she started complaining of pain in her joints. We just assumed she was just overdoing it in class,
but it wasn't long before we started to see other symptoms. She began to bruise really easily,

and she kept getting colds that never really went away. She started losing weight because she
had zero appetite…"

"Cancer?" Bella asked softly.

"Leukemia," I whispered. "How did you know?"

"After I interviewed your dad at the charity gala, I did some research," Bella explained. "I

remember reading about the symptoms. That explains why your family is so devoted to cancer

I nodded. "Jane was diagnosed with leukemia a week before Christmas. I felt like I had been

punched in the stomach. My sister was always so lively and happy, and suddenly, she was just
pale and fragile. She was a strong little thing, and she suffered through all of the doctors and

treatments, but nothing made a difference. The disease was just too advanced, and I watched in
agony as my sister just wasted away…"

I felt Bella squeeze my hand, and I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I felt so guilty," I whispered thickly. "I was her brother. It was my job to protect her." I took a

steadying breath as I continued. "She died two years after her diagnosis. After that, our entire
family just fell apart. Emmett started getting into fights at school. My father stopped practicing

medicine and became obsessed with cancer research. I buried myself in my room with my
broken heart and my memories, and my poor mother desperately tried to deal with her own

grief while trying to hold our family together."

Bella leaned on her elbow and gazed up at me. "Your family is so strong now."

"In many ways we are," I murmured. "Time has a way of dealing with grief, I suppose. Dad
channeled his grief into his research, and Mom is always volunteering at the hospital. Emmett

became a cop…"

"And you're a successful lawyer," Bella whispered.

"I'm a lawyer," I shrugged, "but I'm far from successful, Bella."

"What do you mean?"

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I sighed heavily and nuzzled her hair. "Losing my sister changed me. It really altered how I view
the world. The day they lowered her into the ground was the hardest day of my life. I felt like I

died that day, too, and I swore I would never get close to another soul for the rest of my life. I
had no choice when it came to my family, but I refused to allow myself to feel anything for

anyone else. Never again would I allow myself to love someone so much that it would destroy
me if I lost them. So, I became the man you found the first night we met. That's the man I'd

been for thirteen years. Cold. Distant. Gone before the sun rose the next morning. I didn't want
more than that. I was careful in my conquests, if you could call them that. I chose women who

were like me – professional women who wanted no strings attached sex. That was me."

Bella softly caressed my face. "When you saw me in that piano bar, did you think that was me?"

"I didn't think anything," I whispered softly. "I simply didn't care. You were so beautiful, and
your voice…" I closed my eyes as I remembered the sweetness of her sultry voice. "I just wanted

you so much, Songbird. I wanted you so much that using a condom never even entered my
mind, and I was always careful. Always."

Bella snuggled back into my arms, and I closed my eyes as her sweet fragrance overwhelmed

me. "I was always careful, too. I was actually on the pill at the time. Someone just distracted me,
and I didn't take a pill all weekend long."

I grinned. "It was quite a lovely distraction."

Bella giggled. "It certainly was."

"Now look at us," I whispered teasingly. "We're having a baby. I've met your father. He knows

you're pregnant, and he didn't shoot me."

"It's a miracle," Bella laughed softly.

I kissed the top of her head as I slid my fingers through her hair. "I'm still afraid, Bella. I never
wanted to be close to anyone, but I don't have a choice now."

"I don't want you to be with me out of obligation," Bella whispered sadly, and I gently turned

her face toward mine.

"That's not what I meant," I murmured. "I meant that I don't have a choice because I'm so crazy
about you, and I was crazy about you before I even knew you were pregnant."


"Really," I breathed. "I couldn't get you out of my head, no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't

even look at another woman without thinking about you. So please never think that I'm here
just because of the baby. I want to be with you."

"I want to be with you, too," she whispered quietly as she tilted her face toward mine. I brushed

her lips gently with my own, letting my hand drift down to the small of her back as I pulled her
flush against my body. We kissed gently…teasingly…until I pulled away and gazed into her deep,

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brown eyes. The lightning from the window illuminated her face, and I was certain I'd never
seen anything more beautiful.

"Do you know what you mean to me?" I whispered softly, and she moaned softly as her mouth

crashed against mine once again. Before I could stop myself, I was pulling her on top of me, and
I groaned as the heat from her body collided with mine. Her hair fell down around us, and I

brought both of my hands to the back of her neck as I held her against me, kissing her
frantically. In the back of my mind, I knew that I should put a stop to this. But the house was

empty…and she was so warm…and her kisses were driving me insane…

"Bella, we should stop," I panted against her lips.

"You don't want to stop," she murmured. I groaned because I couldn't deny it. While my mind
was intent on waiting until we talked to her doctor, my body obviously had other ideas. It didn't

help that she was grinding against me, and my hands found her hips, pulling her tight against me
as I kissed her hungrily. I was just sliding my hands beneath her shirt when she suddenly pulled


"What's wrong?" I panted against her neck.

"What's that noise?" Bella asked urgently.

"It's your father," Charlie laughed from the hallway. Thank God I'd remembered to close the
door. "Someone owes me a hundred bucks. I'll be expecting that, along with eggs and bacon,

over breakfast in the morning. Good night, you two."

We waited until we could hear the slam of his bedroom door before throwing the blanket over
our heads and laughing hysterically.


I awoke around nine, the blinking of the bedside alarm signifying that our electricity was back.

The storm had finally passed soon after Charlie returned home, and Edward and I had fallen
asleep in each other's arms. Carefully, I turned in his arms and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He

mumbled my name in his sleep, and I couldn't help but smile when his arms tightened around
my waist. I pulled myself away from his grasp and climbed out of bed. I dressed hurriedly and

rushed down the stairs, eager to pay my penance for our late-night make-out session.

This weekend couldn't have gone better. My father loved Edward, and last night, Edward had
shared his deepest, darkest pain with me. The story of his sister certainly explained his family's

devotion to cancer research, and I knew now that Edward's protectiveness wasn't just a
misplaced need for control. He was truly afraid of losing me, and now I could understand why.

As I scrambled the eggs and fried the bacon, I couldn't help but wonder about our baby. My

hand that was holding the spatula began to shake. I couldn't even imagine having one baby…but
two? Was it possible that I could be carrying twins? I'd have to research that, or at the very

least, discuss it with Carlisle. I also wondered if leukemia could be genetic, and if so, what that
might mean for our baby. Or babies.

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I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Edward sneak up behind me. I jumped as he rested his

chin on my shoulder.

"Baby, does your father like extra crispy bacon?"

I quickly glanced down at the frying pan, and I groaned before hastily tossing the nearly
blackened strips of bacon onto a plate. Thankfully, the eggs looked much better. Edward

laughed and offered to pour the juice as I piled everything on a platter and carried it to the

"Smells good down here," Charlie grunted as he made his way into the kitchen. He glanced

down at the table and smirked.

Next to his plate was a crisp one hundred dollar bill.

I still didn't know what that was all about.

After breakfast, I offered to clean the kitchen while my father and Edward found a football game
on television. It was scary how comfortable they were around each other, but I was so thankful

that they seemed to really get along with each other. Charlie was such a contrast to my hateful
mother, and it was easy to see why their marriage hadn't survived. They had clearly married

each other out of obligation to me, and that was the very last thing I wanted for my relationship
with Edward. Not that we were talking marriage or anything remotely close to that, but still…

"You're very quiet today," Edward whispered in my ear as I finished washing the dishes.

"You keep sneaking up on me," I grinned over my shoulder. He pressed a kiss to my neck and

wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry," he murmured against my ear. "It just dawned on me that I hadn't properly told you
good morning."

I giggled and turned off the water before turning around in his arms. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Songbird." Edward lowered his head and gently brushed his lips against mine.

"Thank you for breakfast."

"You're welcome," I grinned. "So what's with the hundred bucks?"

Edward laughed. "I'll tell you later. I think your father would like to spend some time with you
without the boyfriend around, so I'm going to invent an excuse to drive into town."

I couldn't help but grin. "The boyfriend, huh?"

He laughed nervously before pressing his lips to my forehead. "Is that okay?"

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"It's great," I murmured softly.

Edward's blazing eyes gazed into mine. "Really?"

"Really," I whispered.

Suddenly, the most beautiful smile stretched across his face. He looked so happy and boyish,

and all I wanted to do was kiss him until I couldn't breathe. Unfortunately, my father chose that
moment to decide to refill his coffee cup, effectively derailing my plans. Edward laughed lightly

and kissed my nose before excusing himself and heading out the door.

"He seems like a good man," my father said, as he sat down at the kitchen table. "Kind of
surprised at how fast you're moving, though."

I smiled sweetly at my father. "Right back at ya, Dad. I had no idea you and Sue Clearwater were

such good friends. Wait until I tell her son."

My father's ears reddened. "I really am sorry about that. Bella. Time just…uh…got away from us,

I laughed as I sat down at the table. "It's okay. I hope you're happy, Dad. You deserve it."

"So do you," he grinned. "I can't believe you're making me a grandpa. How do you feel about


"It was a surprise," I admitted with a sigh. "But a happy one, I think."

"I hear your mother wasn't very supportive."

I grimaced as I played with the edge of the table mat. "Is she ever?"

He grunted in agreement. "Bells, when you were growing up, I always tried to say nice things
about your mom…because she's your mother. But you're a grown woman now. You're getting

ready to have a baby of your own, and I think it's important that you understand some things
about your mom."

"Such as?"

Charlie took a long sip of his coffee before continuing. "She loved you. It was me she hated. She

blamed me for getting her pregnant. She blamed me for ruining her life. Her greatest fear in life
was you having to give up your dreams because of an unplanned pregnancy."

"My situation is different," I countered. "I'm older. I've graduated college…"

"But you're still unmarried," Charlie reminded me.

"You know this is 2010," I snapped. "Women have babies all the time without getting married."

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Charlie raised his hands. "I know, and trust me, the last thing I would want is for you and Edward

is to rush into marriage just because you're pregnant. I'm just saying this situation is your
mother's worst fear, and I'm not at all surprised by her reaction."

It made me sick that he was trying to defend her. "She wanted me to get an abortion. Did she

tell you that?"

The furious expression on my father's face was all the answer I needed, and that was the end of
the Renee discussion.

We spent the rest of the afternoon in the living room watching movies. It was a true testament

to Charlie's love for me that he was willingly sitting through The Notebook. The movie made me
miss Edward, and I cried like a baby when Noah and Allie died in each other's arms. In

retaliation, I was forced to sit through some old Clint Eastwood western, but I did it gladly
because my dad was awesome.

I fell asleep at some point, because my phone scared me awake as it vibrated in my pocket. I

looked across the room and saw that Charlie was sound asleep in his chair. Groaning, I pulled my
cell phone out of my pocket and glanced at the message on my screen.

Do you know how happy you make me?

And just like that, I was bawling again.

I could blame the tears on my hormones, or the sappy movie, or the nice afternoon with my

father. I could even blame it on the great weekend or the fact that we had my father's support.
But I knew – deep in my heart – that I was really crying because I was so happy, and the reason I

was so happy was pulling into the driveway.

I raced through the kitchen and flung open the door just as Edward was making his way up the
steps. His eyes widened when she saw me.


Without a word, I leapt into his arms and buried my face in his neck. I felt his arms encircle me

as he carried me over to the table. He sat down in a seat and gathered me in his lap, holding me

"Baby, what is it?"

I wiped away my tears and gazed into his handsome face. There was so much I wanted to say to

him, but I wasn't sure that I was brave enough to say the words. Instead, I ran my hand through
his hair and caressed his cheek.

"You make me happy, too," I whispered softly.

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Chapter 13 An Object to Crave


I had heard about crazy pregnancy hormones. Mom had even warned me that as time passed,

Bella's mood swings would fluctuate between euphoric happiness to heartbreaking melancholy
within the blink of an eye for no apparent reason. I thought I was prepared; I really thought I

could handle it.

I was wrong.

Nothing could have prepared me for the welcome I received when I walked through Charlie's
door. She was clinging to me, her eyes wide and brimming with tears, and my first instinct was

to kill whoever put that heartbroken look on her face. Imagine my surprise when I found out
that it was my fault – all because I sent her a sappy text message, asking if she had any idea how

happy she made me. Somehow, Charlie slept through the entire emotional breakdown, which
was probably a good thing considering I was now kissing the shit out of his daughter right here

at this kitchen table.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, baby," I whispered softly against her lips. "I just wanted you to

Bella sniffled softly, and her face broke into a sweet smile. "I don't know why I'm crying."

"It's those pregnancy hormones surging through your body," I teased as I lightly kissed her nose.

"My mother warned me about them."

"Oh yeah?" Bella grinned as she shifted her position and turned around in my lap, causing me to
groan softly. She took my groans for encouragement and smirked, rocking gently against my


"You fight dirty," I growled quietly.

"I could be very dirty," Bella whispered mischievously, "but somebody's a worry wart."

"Anyway, what did your mom say?"

"Oh, she was full of information," I grinned as I tightened my arms around her. "She said you
could be happy one minute and crying the next…." Bella giggled as I kissed the corner of her

mouth. "She also mentioned that, once the morning sickness passed, pregnant women tend to
be pretty horny."

Bella eyes widened as she looked behind her shoulder. We were safe – Charlie's snores could be

heard shaking the rafters.

"Your mother actually said that?"

"She did," I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively. "She said I would be a very happy man when that

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day arrived."

Bella rolled her eyes. "You could be a very happy man, but you keep saying no."

I sighed. "Songbird, I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you or the baby."

"I know," Bella murmured as she pressed a kiss to my cheek, "and I understand why. I really do.
But I think you're worrying for nothing."

"Maybe," I whispered softly. "I just can't take the chance, baby. Maybe by the time we get back

into Seattle, your doctor will be back from vacation."

Bella giggled. "And then you'll stop making me suffer?"

She really was adorable, and she was still shifting in my lap. The girl was going to be the death of

"I promise, now please stop wiggling," I groaned quietly.

She grinned but thankfully stilled her movements against my lap. "So where have you been all


"I just drove around," I shrugged. "There's really not that much to see."

"That's true," Bella giggled. "I saved you some lunch. Would you like some?"

"I'd love some," I murmured with a smile. She jumped off my lap, and I couldn't resist smacking
her cute ass before she headed to the fridge.

Forks was a quaint little town with nothing more than a few locally-owned stores and

restaurants. It had been hard to find enough places to occupy me for an entire afternoon, but I
knew how rarely Bella made it home and I wanted to give them some time to catch-up without

my intrusion. During my very short journey through downtown Forks I had managed to find this
little jewelry store. It was owned by a grandmotherly looking woman by the name of Shelly Cope

who flirted and batted her seventy year old eyelashes until I felt compelled to buy something.
Like most jewelry stores, the prices were ridiculously jacked up, but she was a sweet old lady

and she convinced me that a pretty piece of jewelry was "sure to put a smile on the face of the
girl I loved."

Unfortunately, I was certain that the pretty piece of jewelry would just make her cry, so it was

staying in my pocket for now.

After Charlie awoke from his nap, the three of us took a drive down to LaPush, a Quileute
reservation with some of the prettiest beaches I'd ever seen. Once we finished sightseeing,

Charlie drove us to the home of Sue Clearwater, who I found out was the mother of Bella's
photographer friend, Seth. She invited us to stay for dinner and we accepted, and Charlie and I

were banished to the living room while Sue and Bella happily cooked in the kitchen. While the
situation could have been awkward for both women, Charlie and I could hear the sounds of their

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laughter streaming over the television. I noticed when he exhaled a relieved sigh, and I bit my
cheek to keep from laughing.

Later that night, while we were lying in her bed, I asked Bella what the two of them had been

laughing about.

"Sue has a tattoo on the small of her back," Bella giggled in the darkness. "I was telling her that
I'd never again be able to look at a butterfly and not think of her."

The next morning, Bella made a big breakfast and we enjoyed our last few hours with Charlie.

Watching them interact was fascinating. They were both opinionated and stubborn, but it was
easy to see how much they adored each other. I found myself thanking God that Bella was just

like her father because the alternative was just unthinkable.

"It was nice to meet you, Edward," Charlie smiled at me as I made my way downstairs with the
last of our luggage.

"You too," I smiled as I extended my hand. His grasp was serious and firm – in a 'hurt my

daughter and I'll hurt you' sort of way.

Message received, Chief.


"You look happy," Jake smirked as I made my way downstairs into the newsroom.

"I am happy," I smiled as I walked to my desk and turned on my computer. Jake was right on my
heels, wanting the scoop.

"So, I take it your father didn't shoot him…" Jake grinned as he leaned against my desk.

"My father was awesome," I replied. "He absolutely loved Edward."

"Seth says you got quite a welcoming," Jake snickered as I began to check my email. I had sent a

text to Seth to let him that our parents were hooking up. Apparently, I had been the last to
know because he hadn't seemed at all surprised or embarrassed to learn this information.

"It was appalling," I groaned. I would like to think that I was a pretty liberal chick, but seeing my

father being straddled by a woman isn't something I was likely to forget. "Nice tat, though.
Makes me want one."

"Seth volunteered to go with you today," Jake muttered. "He thinks James Miller is hot."

"I don't think James is gay," I mumbled as I printed out my interview questions. "You have

absolutely nothing to worry about."

"I know," Jake nodded, "but still, it sucks knowing that other people can get in his head. How
would you feel if Edward found another woman attractive?"

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"I would assume he had a pulse," I shrugged as I checked the batteries of my recorder. "I'm sure

he finds many other women attractive."

"That doesn't bother you?"

"Edward and I are still getting to know each other," I explained softly. "If he flirted with
someone right in front of my face, then sure, that'd probably piss me off. But I'm sure he finds

other women attractive. He's a man, Jake. I mean, I find other guys attractive. What's the

"I guess there isn't one," Jake decided. "Or maybe I'm just a jealous prick."

Smiling, I turned off my laptop and grabbed my bag. "You have nothing to be jealous of, Jake.

Seth is devoted to you."

"I guess so," Jake shrugged, but I could tell that something was eating at him. Unfortunately, I
was running late, so I kissed him on the cheek and told him I'd call him after the interview.


The campaign headquarters of James Miller was decorated with red, white, and blue streamers.

It was just cliché enough to make me roll my eyes, but I tried to remain professional as Seth and
I were led to his office. His campaign manager, a fiery redhead by the name of Victoria Simmons,

reminded us not to ask personal questions. Mr. Miller had a penchant for young, leggy, fair-
skinned girlfriends, and I was certain this Victoria was his latest conquest. The eyes they made at

each other when we walked through his office door only confirmed my suspicions. He was
attractive, I supposed. Thanks to my research and his press kit, I knew that he was a thirty-two

year old real estate developer who had been born and raised in Seattle. He'd never been
married and had no children. The rest of the information from the kit was sadly typical of the

propaganda you see during an election campaign. He promised to bring jobs to the city, increase
educational funding, and ramp-up the police force – and he was going to do it all without raising


Yeah right.

"James, this is Bella Swan from the Times," Victoria announced crisply. I extended my hand and
gave him my best, professional smile. His eyes ghosted over me, and I immediately felt


"Thank you for making time for us, Mr. Miller," I replied as I pulled my hand away. "This is my
photographer, Seth Clearwater."

Mr. Miller's eyes never left my face, his piercing blue eyes raking over me. Victoria cleared her

throat, effectively breaking the spell.

"Please call me James," his voice murmured. "Won't you have a seat?"

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I thanked him and promptly set up my recorder. "I prefer to record, if that's alright with you."

"Of course," James smiled. I'm sure he meant the smile to be warm and friendly, but I could feel
the intensity behind it as his eyes burned into mine, and I decided to try to ignore his gaze and

just ask the damn questions. Victoria offered to give Seth a tour of the headquarters, but my
friend either detected my discomfort or noticed the look on James's face, because he refused

the offer and swiftly sat down in the chair next to me.

The interview took about twenty minutes, and James's answers were well-rehearsed and
articulate. He was like most politicians and answered his questions in a non-committal way, just

so that his responses didn't come back to bite him in the ass, on the off-chance he was elected
to the mayoral office.

"A few pictures?" Victoria asked at the conclusion of the interview, and James nodded as he

rearranged some files on his desk in an attempt to make it look neater, I supposed. I stepped
back and let Seth do this thing, dropping everything down into my bag as I waited for him to

finish up.

"Would you like a quick tour of our offices?" James asked as Seth and I made our way to the
door. I felt James's hand on the small of back, and I resisted the urge to cringe.

"We've taken enough of your time," I smiled. His eyes widened as he took in my smile, and I

noticed him lick his lips.

"When should we expect to see your feature?" Victoria asked crossly, and I could tell she wasn't
a bit happy with the attention I was being shown.

That makes two of us.

"In Friday's edition," I explained. "He'll be included with the rest of the candidates in our special

election coverage."

"I look forward to reading it," James murmured, his eyes burning as he looked down at my legs.

Note to self: No more skirts.

"Once again, thank you for your time," I said, and I felt Seth grab my elbow and usher me out
the door. I heard Victoria's shrill voice laying into James before she slammed the door.

"Holy shit, he's a creepy bastard," Seth mumbled as we made our way to the elevator.

I nodded as we made our way out into the cool Seattle air as we made the short walk back to

the office. "Thankfully, I'll never have to see him again."

"I wouldn't count on that," Seth complained. "He's leading in the polls. He may just be our fair
city's next mayor."

"I'm not voting for him," I said, crinkling my nose. "That man is slime."

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"I wouldn't tell Edward," Seth smirked. "If anyone looked at my man the way he just looked at


"You'd be jealous?" I asked, remembering my earlier conversation with Jake.

"I'd be pissed," Seth replied. "And yeah, probably a little jealous."

I smiled. "I think you should tell that to Jake."

I said nothing else as I offered to buy him a quick lunch. We stopped at the sub shop and quickly
placed our orders. For some reason – out of all of the condiments on the counter – I could

distinctly smell the mustard. Instead of making me sick, I found that the aroma was mouth-
watering, and I asked for extra mustard on my sandwich and – for the first time in my life -

banana peppers.

Stupid cravings.

"Wow," Seth muttered as he took a sniff. "That sandwich will clean out your sinuses."

I was starving by the time I made it to my desk, so the very first thing I did was eat my sandwich.

"What's that smell?" Jake asked as he peeked over my cubicle.

"Turkey with mustard and banana peppers," I grinned happily. Jake rolled his eyes and mumbled
something about fucked up cravings as I continued devouring my lunch. Moments later, I heard

my name being called from the entrance of the news room. I quickly wiped my mouth and
glanced over the partition. Standing there was a teenage boy holding a vase of wildflowers. Jake

shot me a glance, and I shrugged as I waved the boy over to my desk. He wasn't Edward's usual
delivery guy, and these weren't Edward's usual assortment of flowers.

"Thanks," I said to the guy as he placed the vases on my desk. I peered closely at the card, and I

felt my stomach lurch.

Looking forward to reading your interview. Perhaps next time we can talk about you. Dinner
on Friday?



Something told me that I was really going to regret those banana peppers.


I was still pondering the invitation later that afternoon while I was sitting on the couch
pretending to watch the news. Edward was down in the floor with his back pressed against the

sofa as he checked his email. My fingers wandered aimlessly through his hair as I tried to come
to terms with the fact that a prominent mayoral candidate had flirted with me today and within

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half an hour had sent me flowers and asked me to dinner. I wasn't considering the invitation.
Not at all. What I was trying to decide was if any of today's information was important enough

to share with Edward. Would he laugh it off? Would he be jealous? Would he be pissed? Jake
was pretty sure he'd be pissed, and if that was the case, then it was probably best that I didn't

tell him. Seth disagreed, explaining that the truth always comes out eventually, so it was best I
just tell Edward the whole truth from the very start.

"How was your interview?" Edward asked as his fingers typed on the keyboard. "Is James Miller

still a jerk?"

"Yes," I muttered.

He immediately stopped typing and turned toward me. "What happened?"

How did he know?

"Umm…" I hedged. "He was just really arrogant and avoided any potential controversy with his

Edward eyed me carefully. "Is that all? I've met him at a few functions, and he can have a

problem with keeping his hands to himself."

I grinned, because not so long ago, the same could be said for the man currently sharing my bed
at night. "You know what they say about you bachelors."

"Completely different," he explained. "I was at least nice to the women I fucked. James was a


I bit my lip nervously as he continued sorting through his inbox.



"Are you the jealous type?"

Edward stopped typing and promptly closed his laptop. He sat it on the coffee table before rising
from the floor and making his way to the couch. He wrapped an arm around me and I snuggled

against his shoulder.

"I never have been," Edward murmured. "Of course, I've never really been in a real relationship
where I actually cared enough to be jealous, so I can't say for sure."

So he doesn't know. Should I chance it and find out?

"Let's say – hypothetically – that someone hit on me. Would that bother you?"

Edward's eyes darkened. "Did James Miller hit on you?"

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"This is hypothetical…"

For now, anyway.

Edward sighed as he pressed his lips to my forehead. "You're an incredibly beautiful woman. I

wouldn't like it, but I can't say that I'd be surprised if it happened."

I nodded, not because I agreed with him that I was beautiful, but because that's exactly how I
felt about him. In my eyes, he was the most handsome man on the planet, so it was only natural

that other women would see him the same way.

"As long as you're not uncomfortable with the attention, and as long as no one crosses the line,
then I suppose I can live with it."

"You suppose?" I teased, and he tickled my ribs, causing me to yelp loudly. Suddenly, our faces

were very close together, and he stopped tickling as he stared into my eyes.

"I don't want anyone looking at you that way," Edward whispered softly. "But I'm too pretty to
go to prison, so it's probably not a good idea for me to kill every man on the planet."

I grinned. "Who would help me raise this baby?"

"Exactly," he murmured with a smile as he laced his fingers with mine. "However, if someone

ever makes you feel uncomfortable, I want you to tell me. I won't let anyone hurt you, Bella."

I gazed up at his face, and his eyes were burning with emotion as I slipped my hand around his
neck and pulled his lips to mine.

"Gag, baby," Edward groaned as he pulled away. "Since when do you eat banana peppers?"

Oops. I probably should have brushed my teeth after lunch.

"Seth and I grabbed a sandwich for lunch, and your child just demanded them," I explained with

a grin. "They were delicious! Your baby was very happy."

"I want to keep both of my babies happy," Edward whispered softly. He pressed his forehead to
mine, and I sighed softly.

"We are happy," I promised him as I stroked his cheek. "Blissfully and completely happy…except

for one tiny, little thing…"

His face grew serious. "What tiny little thing?"

"You'll figure it out," I winked. I quickly kissed him before leaping off the couch to go brush my

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The next morning, I was awakened by the feel of soft, wet lips placing tender kisses against the
back of my neck. I moaned softly as warm hands found their way beneath my shirt. He gently

cupped my breast in his hand as he trailed his kisses up along my neck, stopping at my earlobe
and giving it a gentle tug with his teeth.

"Edward…" I panted breathlessly. "What…"

"Shh," he whispered against my ear, and I whimpered when his tongue flicked across the shell of

my ear and his hand dipped lower. "I'm taking care of my baby."

He figured it out.

But I didn't want him this way! I wanted to feel him inside of me. I wanted…

"Oh God…" I moaned as his finger drifted across my clit. I felt his hardness press against my
panty-clad bottom, and he hissed in my ear as I pushed back against it.

"I want to touch you, too," I whispered urgently. His mouth latched onto my neck once again as

his finger continued its torturous exploration. I reached back and grabbed onto his hip, pulling
him closer against me as I wiggled my bottom against his erection.

"What you're doing is perfect," Edward murmured huskily in my ear. His breath was coming out

in gasps against my ear as I moved frantically against him. It had been so long since he'd touched
me, and I could feel my stomach tighten as he brought me closer to the edge with each stroke of

his finger.

"Do you know how much I want you?" Edward chanted in my ear as the speed of his finger
increased against my clit, causing me to moan so loud that I was afraid I'd wake the neighbors.

"How much I want to be buried inside of you? I want to feel you wrapped around me, and I want
to feel you come all over my…"

He didn't have the chance to finish his naughty train of thought before I exploded. He grunted

against my ear and thrust once more, and he buried his face in my shoulder as he came. We lay
panting in each other's arms as Edward gently brushed his lips up and down my shoulder.

"How's my baby now?" He whispered softly.

I smiled lazily as I turned around in his arms. He brushed his nose against mine before kissing me

gently on the lips.

"Your baby is just perfect," I sighed happily as I snuggled against his chest.

"Yes, you are," Edward murmured sweetly before pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

He quickly leapt out of bed, and after a quick trip to the bathroom and a change of pajama
bottoms, he snuggled back under the covers with me. We must have fallen back to sleep

because - not long after that - a loud banging on the door sent us both jumping out of bed.

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"I'll go, I'm…partially dressed," I grumbled as I looked down at my bare legs.

"Put on some jeans," Edward groaned as he slapped at the alarm that decided to go off right at
that moment. I struggled into my jeans as the pounding on the door continued.

"I'm coming!" I yelled as I ran through the living room. I didn't even bother peeking before I

swiftly pulled the door open.

"Good morning, Miss Swan."

It was the flower delivery boy from yesterday, and he was holding a monstrosity of a vase – this
time, overflowing with pale pink roses.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"It's seven in the morning!" I growled. "Why the hell are you beating on my door at this hour?"

"Just following orders, Miss Swan," he explained.

"I don't want them," I replied icily. "Do not deliver any more flowers to me. Do you


"You will have to discuss that with Mr. Miller," the boy said nonchalantly. "I'm just the delivery

"Take them back," I declared emphatically, looking over my shoulder. Edward was rubbing his

face as he made his way through the living room. I inhaled a sharp breath as his eyes took in the
large arrangement of flowers in the boy's hands.

"Miss Swan, I can't take them back," the guy said softly. "I'll get fired."

"I don't want them," I whispered urgently.

Edward leaned against the open door and stared dubiously at the flowers before extending his

hand to the delivery guy. The boy promptly handed off the vase before running back toward the
elevator. Edward turned, taking the flowers to the living room and placing them on the coffee

table. I kicked the door shut and counted to one hundred before turning to face him. His face
was grim as he examined the card he was holding in his hand. I walked toward him and gently

slipped the card out of his hand, and I couldn't help but groan as I read the handwritten note.

Hope you enjoyed the flowers I sent yesterday. I look forward to seeing you at dinner on


I lifted my face toward his, and I inhaled a sharp breath as his blazing eyes gazed into mine.


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"I was wrong," he whispered.

My eyes tightened with confusion. "Wrong?"

"I am most definitely the jealous type," Edward murmured darkly.

Chapter 14 Every Breath You Take


I had been jealous a few times in my life. I was envious when Jasper scored two points higher
than me on the LSATs. When I was nine years old, I had been resentful when we'd found a stray

dog and the mutt preferred Emmett to me. And I was always pissy on the rare occasion I lost a
court case.

None of those situations compared to the intense fury I was feeling right now. It was unnerving,

and I didn't understand it at all. I was flooded with this powerful, Neanderthal urge to find
James Miller and punch him in the face for even thinking that he might have a chance with my


That's right. She's my girl.


"Edward," she whispered gently, as if she was talking to wild, caged animal. Which was ironic,
because that's exactly how I felt.

"Edward, look at me," Bella tried again as she pried my fingers loose from my hair. I'd been

painfully tugging at the ends, but I hadn't felt a thing. Apparently, a blind, jealous rage overrides
all other emotions and feelings. I allowed her to push me onto the couch and she climbed into

my lap. Taking my hands, she placed them on each side of her face. She framed my face with her
own hands, forcing me to look into her beautiful brown eyes. Under the intensity of her stare, I

felt my rage begin to ebb. She must have felt the tension leaving my body, because her body
relaxed against mine.

"Better?" Bella whispered softly.

I nodded slowly, not trusting myself to speak.

"So I guess you are the jealous type," Bella murmured with a sigh. "I was afraid you would be."

Suddenly, it was all clear. This was why she'd asked me just last night if I was a jealous man.

"Tell me," I whispered roughly.

Bella sighed as she caressed my face with her fingers. "James Miller is a sleazy bastard who kept

staring at me yesterday as if I was something to eat. Seth even noticed it, and he refused to
leave me alone with the man. He didn't make any verbal advances, and he didn't touch me. But

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he stared…a lot…and his eyes were just creepy. I tried to ignore the looks long enough to finish
the interview. An hour later, flowers were delivered to me at work. They were from James, and

on the card, he invited me to dinner on Friday. I gave the flowers to our sixty-year-old volunteer

"Where's the card?" I asked quietly.

"In my office desk."

My forehead creased. "Why did you keep it?"

"I'm a reporter," Bella explained softly. "I keep everything, especially something that could be

considered incriminating evidence in a sexual harassment suit against our new mayor, if the
situation ever arises."

"It won't get that far," I murmured as I glanced at the flowers. "I'll kill him first."

Bella smiled. "We've discussed this. You're too pretty for jail, remember?"

"I don't care."

"Edward, he didn't do anything," Bella explained calmly. "He didn't touch me. He's sent me two

vases of flowers and is a persistent bastard, but really, he's done nothing wrong. I thought
ignoring the card would be sufficient, but apparently not. I will send him a message to thank him

for the flowers and to decline the dinner invitation. Problem solved."

She sounded so convinced, as if a mere message would put an end to his perseverance.

It wouldn't have stopped me.

I could remember the first night we met, and how I'd debated approaching her at the piano. As
soon as she started singing, my internal battle ended as quickly as it had begun. From that

moment, I was determined to get her into bed. If she had refused, I would have persisted
mercilessly until she'd finally given me what I wanted. I didn't know James Miller very well, but I

knew his type. I used to be his type. Of course he'd be attracted to Bella. Of course he'd want
her. She was intelligent, enchanting, and beautiful.

No, a message wouldn't be nearly enough to deter him.

"I have to get ready for work," Bella whispered softly.

"Me too," I nodded. "Listen, I don't want you to see him, okay? Send him an email, call him,

whatever…but do not talk to this man in person."


"No," I murmured gently, immediately regretting the word and bracing myself for the fight that
was sure to come.

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"What do you mean no?"

"I meant please don't," I recovered quickly. "Please don't talk to James in person. I am

apparently a jealous man. If he laid a finger on you, I'd have to break his hand, and I'm pretty
sure he'd press charges."

"You have no reason to be jealous," Bella whispered gently as she leaned closer to me, pressing

her lips against mine. "I'm all yours."

"All mine," I murmured as our lips gently teased each other. I closed my eyes and let her sweet
touch consume me, taming the jealous beast who had made such an unexpected appearance in

an otherwise incredible morning.

"I won't lie," Bella teased as her lips made a path to my earlobe. I grabbed her hips and pulled
her tight against mine as she nipped at the skin, causing me to groan. "You're really sexy when

you're jealous. I knew you were crazy about me."

I opened my eyes and tilted my face toward hers, my hand cupping along the side of her cheek.
"You have no idea how crazy I am about you."

Her eyes searched mine, and she sighed softly, pressing her forehead against mine. "I'm crazy

about you, too. I think about you all the time."

I smiled widely. "I think about you all the time, too. What do you think about?"

"I think about the future," Bella admitted quietly.

"So do I."

"You do?"

"Of course," I whispered against her cheek. "Speaking of which, I have something for you."

She shifted onto the couch, and I raced toward the bedroom, digging in my jacket for the box
tucked securely inside the pocket. I rushed back into the living room, and Bella's eyes widened

when she saw the Cope's Jewelry logo on the box.

"Oh my…" Bella smirked as I pulled her into my lap once again. "I bet Shelly Cope had dollar
signs in her eyes when you walked into that overpriced store."

"Just open it," I murmured. Bella took a deep breath and lifted the lid. She gasped softly as her

fingers drifted along the aquamarine stones of the sterling silver bracelet.

"It's the baby's birthstone," I whispered in explanation. "I know you don't wear a lot of jewelry,
but this is small, and I just wanted to give you something to show you how much you mean to

me…and something that symbolizes our future."

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"It's so pretty," Bella whispered, tears filling her eyes. "It's too much, Edward…"

"It's not nearly enough," I replied as I brushed my lips against her forehead. How could a tiny,
overpriced piece of jewelry adequately describe just how much she meant to me? I gently

removed the bracelet from its box and fastened it to her wrist.

"You're different," Bella replied softly as she gazed down at the sparkling bracelet. "That first
weekend we were together, you were so intense. I never would have dreamed that the man I

met that weekend could be this sweet and romantic."

I pulled her against my chest and tucked my chin against her head as I cradled her close. "You've
made me this way, baby."

Bella sniffled quietly before tilting her face to mine. "I don't believe that. I think you've been this

way all along."

"Maybe," I conceded as I grinned down at her. "Maybe I was just waiting for you." I kissed her
softly, and she smiled.

"So, you'll let me handle James?"

"Send your message," I sighed, but I knew that wouldn't be the last she heard from him. "But I

want to know everything that happens. Any small, inconsequential contact he makes with you…I
want to know about it. Understand?"

"This will be the end of it," Bella replied, "but yes, if he contacts me again, I will let you know."

"Good," I whispered softly as I traced my finger along her cheek. "See, we can compromise."

"I think we should compromise one more time before we leave for work," Bella grinned as she

climbed off my lap and pulled me by the hand until I was standing beside of her.


"Yes, I think you should shower with me," Bella winked, and she giggled as I chased her into the


After a busy morning in the newsroom, I was ready to escape for lunch. That turkey, mustard,

and banana pepper sandwich was so good yesterday that I decided to have another. I found a
bench in a quiet corner of my favorite park, and watched the ducks on the water, as I devoured

my sandwich and thought about my morning.

I had spent the morning finishing the feature on James, and it was now awaiting Harry's
approval. As soon as it was finished, I crafted a very simple note to James, thanking him for the

flowers and declining his dinner invitation. Seth offered to take the note to his campaign
headquarters, and I let him – keeping my promise to Edward that I wouldn't speak to James in

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person. It seemed important to him, and while I didn't really understand why, I could appreciate
the fact that he was trying to control his jealous tendencies and let me handle this situation

myself, so I was glad to compromise. Besides, I wasn't really interested in having to face James
again, and I made a mental note to vote against him on Election Day, just so that I would never

have to face him again. Otherwise, I might have to endure some awkward press conferences in
the near future – a fact that would do nothing to soothe Edward's jealous nature.

As I checked my messages on my phone, I couldn't help but notice the sun reflecting off my

aquamarine bracelet. It was so simple and pretty – something I would totally have picked out for
myself. I was never one to wear a lot of jewelry, but this was a beautiful gift from Edward and a

visual reminder of the little person growing inside of me. Edward and I were still learning little
things about each other, but I was constantly surprised at the differences I saw in him since our

first encounter. Never in a million years could I have predicted the man that I would find behind
the mask, and I was sure that I was falling in love with him.

No. Not falling.

I am in love with him.

I had never been in love before, but there was no doubt that what I felt for him was love. He

made me happier than I've ever been. When I'm around him, I feel worshipped and adored. This
bracelet was just another example of his tender side, and I loved discovering that side of him.

Because of his grief, he'd hidden that part of him, and it was such a shame because he was truly
the sweetest man I'd ever met. While his protective tendencies drove me crazy, I found myself

being more tolerant of them since he'd told me about his sister. I was learning that his
overprotection wasn't an attempt to control me. It was his way of protecting me, and he was

protecting me because he cared.

Did he love me? I didn't know. There were times when he'd hold me and it certainly felt like he
loved me. There had been times when he'd looked in my eyes and I could literally feel the love

radiating from them. But until he said the words, I really couldn't be sure.

Suddenly, I felt someone's eyes on me, and I quickly glanced around the park looking for any
familiar face. There was a runner and a lady walking her dog, but other than that, the park was


"Your mommy is losing her mind," I whispered as I placed my hand over my tummy. It was still
too early to feel a baby bump, but I'd found myself touching my stomach a lot lately. I smiled as I

lightly ghosted my finger along the gemstones of my silver bracelet.

"Your daddy is a sweetheart," I whispered to the baby. "I can't wait for you to meet him, and I
can't wait for him to meet you."

It was such a mild day that I decided to walk back to the office. Once again, I felt my skin prickle

as if someone was walking behind me, but when I turned around, no one was there.

"I'm losing it," I muttered. Feeling anxious, I decided to use my Baby Daddy as a distraction. I
prayed that he wasn't with a client just as I hit send.

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"I was just thinking about you," Edward offered in greeting.

I smiled as I took the crosswalk that led across the street. "Oh yeah? What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that I'd love to take you to lunch."

"Oh, I just ate. I'm headed back to the office now."

"Did our child demand another one of those rancid banana pepper sandwiches?" Edward asked

with a chuckle. "If so, I'm afraid I'm going to have to require that you brush your teeth before I
kiss you."

"Our child did demand it, and it was delicious," I smiled. "But I assure you that my mouth will be

minty fresh when you get home."

"I'd kiss you anyway," Edward murmured softly.

"I know you would," I grinned. "I'm that irresistible."

"You are irresistible," he muttered. "Speaking of, have you heard anything from your doctor?"

I grinned as I made my way up the steps of the Times. "Now who's eager, Mr. Cullen?"

"I've always been eager," Edward chuckled lightly.

I waved at the receptionist, and I shivered when I saw James's wildflower bouquet displayed
proudly at her desk.

"No, I haven't heard from him," I whispered shakily. "But I'll give him a call when I get into the


"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your voice changed," Edward murmured softly.

It was frightening how well he could detect my mood, even through the phone lines.

"You really need to relax," I muttered.

Edward sighed. "I know. I just worry about you. I don't like it when you're so far away from me."

His words thrilled me, but I managed to downplay them with a giggle. "Edward, I'm just across

"That's too far," he replied softly. "A mile is too far. An inch is too far…"

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"I get it," I laughed. He offered to bring dinner home from our favorite pizza place, and we said

goodbye just as Seth made his way over to my desk.

"How did it go?" I whispered.

"Message delivered," he announced quietly.

I exhaled a relieved sigh. "Thanks, Seth."


"Good article, Bella," Harry complemented me. "I'd like for you to cover the debate tomorrow
night. You and Seth seem to work well together, so take him with you."

I nodded excitedly. "Awesome, thanks Harry."

"One thing," Harry cautioned me. "Be sure not to let your personal opinion affect your writing.

You aren't writing editorials."

"I don't know what you mean," I admitted with a frown.

"It was subtle," Harry commented, "but I could tell that you weren't really impressed with James
Miller. Now, I don't care why, all I ask is that you remain neutral when it comes to reporting the


I thought I had been neutral when writing the feature, but apparently my disdain for the man
managed to seep into my writing.

"Do I need to edit?"

"Nah," Harry replied as he checked his Blackberry. "Like I said, it was subtle. Just be careful."

"I will," I promised him. Harry was giving me the chance to cover actual news, and the last thing I

wanted to do was screw it up.

"Oh, Harry," I muttered hesitantly. "I was thinking that I should probably tell you that I'm…

"Pregnant. Yeah, I know." Harry chuckled as he tapped furiously on his computer. "The whole

damn office knows after that revolting sandwich you brought in here yesterday. Black was
muttering about freakish pregnancy cravings, so yeah…"

I thanked Harry and hastily made my way back toward my desk. I just didn't get it. The

sandwiches absolutely made my mouth water, so I couldn't understand why they smelled so
horrible to everyone else. I was still pondering this dilemma when my cell phone vibrated on my


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"Bella Swan," I muttered.

"Miss Swan, this is Dr. Molina's office returning your call. He can see you tomorrow at eleven. Is
that time good for you?"

I excitedly checked my calendar. "That time is great. Thank you so much."

With a huge smile on my face, I quickly sent Edward a text.

Clear your schedule. We have a date with Dr. Molina at eleven tomorrow morning.

Hell yes! I'll clear the whole day, just in case he tells me what I want to hear.

I couldn't stop giggling. I was such a girl.

I can't clear my entire day. I have to cover the debate tomorrow night.

The mayoral debate?

Shit. I hadn't even considered the fact that I'd have to face James. I braced myself for the shit



I'm going with you.

Seth is going with me.

Great. He can ride with us.

I sighed softly as I contemplated how to handle this. The debate would be crowded with
spectators and journalists, so the chances of James cornering me were slim. This was work.

Edward was just going to have to ignore his caveman tendencies for one night and let me do my

I was poised to type all of that out just as my phone vibrated.

Don't even try to think of possible ways to talk me out of this. You are not going without me.

End of discussion.

What the hell? End of discussion? Was he serious? He is not my father!

I didn't even bother with a reply. With a furious huff, I glared at the screen and turned off my


I was prepared for a fight when I walked through my apartment door later that evening. Instead,

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I found Edward sitting on the couch, looking forlorn and lost as he gazed at a bouquet of orange
tiger lilies that sat prominently on the coffee table.

"What the hell are those?" I asked as I dropped my bag onto the floor.

Edward's eyes ghosted to me. "Did you have lunch with James Miller today?"

"What?" I asked, incredulous. "Of course not! Why would you even ask me something like that?"

Edward nodded soberly. "Believe it or not, I was hoping the answer was yes."

"I'm confused," I muttered as I made my way over the couch. I sat down next to him and

chanced at glance at the flowers.

"Did you see James today?" Edward asked quietly.

"I promised you that I wouldn't see him, and I didn't," I sighed. "Apparently, my note failed to do
its job."

Edward reached toward the flowers and lifted the card out of the bouquet. His face was ashen

as he handed it to me.

You looked lovely today. I love banana peppers, too.

Chapter 15 I Never Thought There'd Be You


I had no idea how long I sat staring at the vibrant tiger lilies that were prominently displayed on

my coffee table. After I told Edward that I'd felt as if I'd been followed today, he had
immediately grabbed his cell phone. He paced the living room while talking to someone, barking

orders and speaking in hushed tones. Every few minutes he would stop his frenzied pacing and
come to my side. He'd squeeze my hand, or kiss my head, or cup my cheek…all in an attempt to

console me. I had gone through a myriad of emotions, but after a while, I had finally settled on
one overriding feeling.


But I wasn't afraid for me.

My hand ghosted over my stomach as I silently promised my baby that I would keep him or her

safe. I'd never felt such an intense, protective, intuition. I idly wondered why it was so
overpowering for me this early in my pregnancy, when my own mother seemed to lack that

same mothering instinct in her chemical makeup. It was so consuming…so overwhelming…this
instinctual desire to protect my child from harm.

I would do whatever it took to protect my child.

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Edward dropped to his knees in front of me as he spoke in a quiet whisper to someone on the

other line. His burning emerald eyes locked with mine, and he reached up to wipe a stray tear
away from my cheek. He closed his eyes as he flipped the phone shut, and I watched as he

leaned close to my tummy. I felt his trembling fingers lift the hem of my shirt, and I lovingly
stroked his hair as he lowered his head and placed a soft kiss on my stomach.

"I will protect both of you," Edward whispered against my skin.

"I know you will," I smiled through my tears as I gazed down at him. If there was any doubt that I

was in love this man, this moment just cemented it.

A knock on the door made me jump.

"It's just Emmett," Edward said as he leapt from the floor and rushed over to the door. But it
wasn't just Emmett. Walking in behind him was a man that had to be close to Emmett's

immense size but slightly broader in the shoulders. He had to duck his head to keep from hitting
it against the top of my door frame. I watched the guys shake hands before they all turned their

attention to me.

"Bella, this is Felix. He's a former Navy SEAL, and now works in personal security."

The towering man nodded at me and extended his hand. "Miss Swan, it's nice to meet you."

"Please call me Bella," I murmured. I was a bit afraid to actually put my small hand in his, but his
grip was surprisingly gentle.

"Bella," Emmett whispered as he pulled me into his massive arms and hugged me tight. "I don't

want you to worry. We are going to take care of you."

My forehead creased as I pulled out of his embrace. "What do you mean?"

"I've hired Emmett and Felix for your protection," Edward explained softly. "One of them will be
with you every time you leave the apartment."

"But you're a cop," I whispered to Emmett. "Don't you have to work?"

Emmett nodded. "When I'm at work, Felix will be your bodyguard."

My eyes flickered to Edward, and he slowly walked over to me, looking as if he was steeling

himself for my fury.

"Please don't fight me on this, Bella," Edward whispered as he cupped the back of my neck and
brushed his lips against my ear. "James Miller is either following you or having you watched. I

cannot leave you unprotected, not for a second. Please don't fight me – not on this. Let me take
care of you."

The independent woman in me – the one who was always ready to roar that she could take care

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of herself – was being overshadowed by that all-encompassing mothering instinct inside of me,
desperate to protect her unborn baby. I had no reason to believe that James could be violent,

but Edward was right. I was being followed, which meant my baby was also being watched. That
alone was enough to convince me not to argue with him.

"Okay," I whispered, and he exhaled a relieved sigh as he leaned down and softly kissed me. I

then watched as he unceremoniously made his way over to the orange tiger lilies and then
carried them to the trash.

Dr. Molina's office was freezing as usual, and Edward wrapped his arms around me in an
attempt to keep me warm. I sat calmly at his side as Edward quizzed the doctor on everything

from my weird banana pepper cravings to my slightly elevated blood pressure.

"But that can't be good, right?" Edward asked the doctor.

"We'll monitor it," Dr. Molina promised him. "Are you feeling particularly stressed today, Bella?"

I'm being stalked by a crazy mayoral candidate. So yes, doctor, I'm a bit on edge.

"A little," I replied softly, and Edward squeezed my shoulders.

"Your blood pressure is a little higher than we prefer, so come back next week just for a quick
nurse's visit. Let us check it again."

"Okay," I agreed.

"I understand you have some questions for me," Dr. Molina smiled brightly at both of us. I

suppressed my giggle as Edward cleared his throat.

"Yes," Edward nodded. "We were curious about sex during pregnancy."

Dr. Molina looked concerned. "Bella, are you feeling any discomfort during or after sex?"

"I wouldn't know," I smirked at Edward.

"I don't understand," the doctor frowned.

"Edward is concerned that sex during pregnancy would be dangerous for the baby, so we've

"Ahh," Dr. Molina smiled warmly. "You don't sound very happy about that, Bella."

"Yeah well," I muttered. "You know what you told me about increased libido…" I hated to admit

that I'd been hornier than I've ever been in my entire life.

"Yes," the doctor nodded as he turned his head toward Edward. "Let me assure you that sex
during pregnancy is completely safe. Of course, if Bella feels any discomfort, or if there's any

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bleeding or cramping, you should call me immediately. Otherwise, sex is perfectly safe. We'll get
you some information regarding pregnancy sex, just to set your mind at ease."

"Thank you," Edward replied as he squeezed my hand. I couldn't resist smirking at him. Told you

so. I moistened my bottom lip with the tip of my tongue, and I watched his eyes darken as they
focused on my mouth. My stomach muscles tightened in want, as I struggled to pull my

attention back to the doctor, and reminded myself that we were in a public place.

"Dr. Molina, there are a couple of other things we'd like to discuss," I murmured softly. "Edward
is a twin. What are the chances that I'm carrying two babies?"

"The twin gene is carried by the mother," Dr. Molina explained, "so the fact that Edward is a

twin is irrelevant. Do twins run on your mother's side of the family, Bella?"

"Not that I know of," I admitted. "I mean, I know my mother isn't a twin. Beyond that, I'm not

"That would certainly increase your chances," Dr. Molina explained. "An ultrasound can detect if

you're carrying multiples as early as eight weeks into the pregnancy. We could certainly
schedule an ultrasound for your next appointment, if you'd like."

"That would be great," I nodded.

"What about the sex of the baby?" Edward asked hopefully.

"Usually sixteen to eighteen weeks into the pregnancy is the most reliable time to determine

gender. Even then, it all depends on if your baby is feeling cooperative," Mr. Molina replied with
a laugh. "If your child is feeling shy during the ultrasound, then we'll have to wait until your next

visit and try it again."

"Dr. Molina, my twin sister passed away due to leukemia," Edward's voice was soft. "To our
knowledge, this is the first occurrence of leukemia in our family. What are the chances…"

"I was expecting this question," Dr. Molina smiled softly. "Your father is an excellent doctor and

a champion of leukemia research. We know very little about what actually causes leukemia, but
naturally, if a family member has cancer, your chances increase. But truthfully, anyone can

contract the disease, so I'm afraid I cannot offer you any real reassurance regarding this. For
now, let's focus on a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery."

I squeezed Edward's hand reassuringly. He tilted his head in my direction and smiled.

"Do you have any further questions?" Dr. Molina asked, and we shook our heads no. "My nurse

will give you that information. Are you reading your recommended baby books, Bella?"

"Everyday," I assured him, and he smiled.

"Good. Edward should probably read them, as well. I've learned that many first-time fathers
appreciate the information. Bella, I have to caution you not to get too upset with Edward if he

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becomes a bit protective after reading them."

I stifled a giggle. Becomes a bit protective?

"I'm afraid I'm already a bit overbearing," Edward admitted sheepishly.

"It's wonderful to see a father so invested in the well-being of the mother of his child," Dr.
Molina replied. "You'll be a wonderful father to that baby."

I chanced a glance at Edward, and he was smiling wistfully.

We picked up the information from the nurse and confirmed my next appointment before

making our way out of the office building. Instead of walking toward the car, Edward abruptly
grabbed me by the hand and pulled me around the edge of the building, pressing my back

against the wall. His eyes were wild as he stared into mine. He gazed at me with a look so
possessive and adoring that I nearly whimpered, but before the sound could escape my throat,

Edward captured my mouth in an explosive kiss. His tongue invaded my mouth, and I moaned as
memories consumed me, reminding me of the weekend that had changed my life forever. We

had kissed many times since then, but he'd always been so reserved and sweet. Apparently,
being given the green light from a medical professional was all Edward needed to unleash the

full fury of his pent-up desire, and I was breathless when he finally pulled away.

"I want you," Edward whispered roughly against my ear.

"Take me home," I whimpered softly. Edward's eyes gazed into mine as kissed me once more
before taking my hand and tugging me toward the car.

The drive home was filled with tension, but it was a good kind of tension – the kind of tension

that excited you and filled you with anticipation. Edward was gently stroking my knuckles with
his fingers as I wiggled in my seat, unable to contain my enthusiasm. I glanced at his back seat,

trying to decide if it would be totally uncomfortable back there if we were unable to actually
make it to my bedroom.

Edward saw my backward glances and he smirked knowingly.

"Baby, don't tempt me."

"I want to tempt you," I whispered softly.

"You always tempt me," Edward groaned as he pressed down on the gas pedal, causing the car

to lurch forward. I didn't have to glance at the speedometer. I could tell by the blur in my
peripheral vision that we were breaking all sorts of speed limit laws. As the daughter of a sheriff,

this should have been distressing to me. Instead, I found myself wishing he'd drive faster.

"I don't mean to," I murmured as I bit my bottom lip.

Edward chuckled. "I know you don't. That's what's so amazing about you. Everything about you
drives me crazy, and you don't even realize it. Your voice, your smell…the way you walk in and

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out of a room. The way you chew on the end of your pencil when you're lost in thought. The
way you look when you wake up in the morning. It's the simplest little things about you – things

I've never noticed in any other woman – and it's those things that make me…."

"Make you what?" I whispered softly. I could feel my heart thundering my chest as he pulled the
car into the apartment parking lot. He swiftly turned off the ignition and turned his penetrating

eyes toward mine.

"I'll tell you," Edward promised as he gently stroked my cheek. "But right now, all I can think
about is getting you upstairs."

I didn't even wait for him to open my door before I jumped out of the car.


My fingers fumbled with the door keys as I struggled to unlock my door. Edward's chest was

pressed against my back and he was kissing my exposed shoulder, so I was having some
difficulty concentrating on my task.

"Unlock the door, Bella," Edward whispered against my ear. He grabbed me by my hips and

gently pulled me back against him, and I could feel his erection brush against my ass.

"Holy shit," I whimpered as his hands found their way beneath my shirt. Finally, I managed to
get the key in the lock, and I turned it forcefully. We'd barely pushed our way inside the door

before Edward was kicking it shut and lifting me into his arms. I dropped my bag to the ground
and wrapped my legs around his waist as he pushed us against the living room wall.

"Déjà vu," I whispered with a grin as he pressed his forehead to mine. With a low growl, his lips

found mine and I moaned, reveling in the delicious feeling of having him pressed against me, as
our mouths parted. The open-mouthed kiss allowed our tongues to meet, and it was the most

erotic kiss of my life. I arched against him as he pressed his erection against my center, and I
cried out with pleasure.

"I'm sorry baby," Edward murmured against my lips, "but we aren't going to make it to your

bedroom. I want you too fucking much."

"Take me," I whimpered against his mouth. "Right here, just like that first night. Right here
against this wall."

He groaned as my legs tightened around his waist, and he kissed me frantically as I pulled at the

hem of my shirt. He held me against the wall as I pulled my shirt over my head and dropped it to
the floor.

"No," Edward groaned as he dropped his head. "It's too rough. We need to slow down…"

"Don't slow down," I groaned. "Be rough. We've waited so long. Please…"

"Shh," Edward whispered as he pressed his lips to my cheek. "Just let me carry you to the

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I wrapped my arms around his neck and peppered his face with kisses as he carried me to my
bed. He slowly lowered me to the edge as he dropped to his knees before me.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered as his fingers trailed along the lace of my bra. I reached

around and unhooked my bra, letting it fall down my shoulders and onto the floor. Edward
swiftly pulled his shirt over his head, and my hands couldn't resist ghosting along his broad

shoulders. His hand made its way to my jeans, and he pulled the denim down my legs. He stood
then, and I slowly unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his fly, pushing them, along with his

underwear down to the floor. His eyes were blazing as he pushed me back against the mattress
and crawled between my legs. His lips made a trail up my legs, and I felt goosebumps erupt

along my skin. His kisses continued until he met the apex of my thighs, and I moaned loudly
when his mouth brushed against my core, causing me to arch off the bed.

"Please," I begged, with no real knowledge of what I was begging for.

"I love your body," Edward whispered softly as his lips continued their exploration. "I love the

sounds you make when I do this…" He gently nipped the sensitive skin of my clit, and I
whimpered. His finger trailed along my opening, and I closed my eyes in pure contentment. "I

love how wet you are, and I love that it's for me."

His kisses traveled toward my stomach, and I ran my fingers through his hair as he reverently
placed soft kisses along my tummy. "I love that you're pregnant with my child. I love that there's

this little person inside of you – a person who is the very best parts of you and me. And I don't
care if it's a little girl or a little boy as long as he or she looks just like you."

"Your eyes and my hair," I breathed softly as his lips ghosted up along my stomach and around

my breasts. He gently fondled one while kissing the other, and I moaned at the dual sensations.
Every touch was magnified…every kiss was intense…and when he took my pebbled nipple into

his mouth, I nearly arched off the bed.

"I love your porcelain skin," he sighed as he made his way to my collarbone. "I love how soft it
feels." Edward's mouth settled against my neck and I wrapped my arm around him as I felt his

arousal nestle itself just where I wanted it to be. I shifted my hips in quiet invitation, and Edward
lifted his head, his jade eyes burning with intensity and desire as he gazed down at me.

"I love your eyes," Edward murmured as he pressed against my core. "They are beautiful

windows into your heart and soul. I could stare at them for hours and never look away."

Slowly, he pushed himself into me, and we both moaned as he grabbed my hands and entwined
his fingers with mine. His eyes never left my face as he stilled his movements.

"But out of all of those things that I love about you, none of that compares to how much I love

you. I love you, Bella. I love you so much, baby."

I gasped as his mouth hungrily crashed against mine, and I moaned as his movements became
frantic. I squeezed his hands as he drove harder, and my legs wrapped around his waist in an

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attempt to bring him closer and deeper. He buried his face in my neck as our bodies collided,
and my body began to tremble with each rhythmic thrust.

"You feel so good," I moaned. "Too good…"

"No such thing," Edward whispered against my ear. "Don't hold back, baby. Feel it…feel me…

your body was made for mine."

He shifted his pelvis, and the sensation was so intense that I nearly wept. He let go of my hands
and I wrapped my hands across his back, pulling him impossibly closer to me.

"Come for me, baby," Edward murmured against my mouth. His tongue softly traced along the

outside of my lip before invading my mouth once more. It was too much…too fast…and I was
unable to control my body's reaction to his. I screamed his name as my orgasm overtook me.

"Baby…" he whimpered as he buried his face in my neck, and I felt his body tense above me as

he found his own release.

"I'm sorry," I whispered breathlessly as I pushed his sweaty bangs away from his eyes.

Panting, Edward lifted his head from my neck and gazed down at me. "Why are you

"It was so fast…" I whispered sheepishly. "I'm sorry."

"It was perfect," Edward grinned down at me before brushing his lips against my cheek. "God, it

was so perfect. Just as perfect as the very first time."


"Really," he promised me as he shifted above me.

"Don't," I whispered pleadingly as I grabbed onto his hips. "Just stay here for a few more

His eyes softened as he gazed down at me. "Okay."

We stared at each other for the longest time before I finally found my courage.

"Did you mean it?"

Amazingly enough, he needed no further elaboration.

"I meant it," Edward whispered solemnly. "I love you, Bella."

I smiled as I let my fingers drift along his chiseled jaw. His eyes closed as I caressed the soft

contours of his face. He was truly the most handsome man on the planet. We had so much to
learn about each other. I didn't know his favorite color or his favorite book. I didn't know if he

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was a Democrat or a Republican. I didn't even know his middle name.

But I knew that he loved me.

"I love you, Edward," I whispered softly. His eyes burst open, and the most beautiful smile I'd
ever seen crossed his features.

And now he knows that I love him, too.

Chapter 16 The Clouds Will Break


Was there a happier man in the world than me?

I truly doubted it.

Of course life wasn't perfect. Bella and I had our issues to handle, but there's just something

about spending the afternoon in bed with the woman you love, that makes all of those
problems seem so inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.

Bella loves me.

It was the first time I'd ever heard those words from another human being – besides my family,

of course. It was amazing how those three little words had filled me with such ecstatic joy.

She slept peacefully in my arms as I gazed down at her, marveling at her creamy skin and heart-
shaped face. She had altered me so irrevocably in such a short amount of time. I thought about

Jasper and the hell I'd put him through when he'd announced his engagement to Alice. No
woman could be enough for a man for the rest of his life. No woman could be worth the hassle.

No woman could be worth the inevitable headache and heartache.

I owe Jasper an apology.

"What are you thinking about?"

Warm brown eyes were staring up at me. I smiled softly down at her and brought her hand to
my lips, kissing it softly. I then pressed her hand against my beating heart.

"Do you feel that?" I whispered.

Her gentle fingers flexed along my bare skin. "Yes."

"Il mio cuore batte per te," I murmured in perfect Italian – because I'd been practicing the

phrase repeatedly in my head for the past hour. "Solo per te."

Bella gasped as her eyes filled with tears. "I didn't know you spoke Italian."

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"I don't," I grinned sheepishly, "but I know you do."

"Those are beautiful words," Bella whispered as she ran her fingertip along my jaw line.
"Regardless of the language."

"They're true," I promised her as I placed soft kisses along her face. "You and our baby are my

life now."

Bella sighed contently as she snuggled against my chest. "I love you, Edward."

"I love you, baby."


"I have more bodyguards than the mayoral candidates," Bella muttered, as we made our way
into the convention center.

I couldn't deny it, as Felix and Emmett flanked us on each side, while we wound our way

through the hall and found our seats. The stage had a blue backdrop with two podiums. The
moderator welcomed us to the debate and introduced each of the candidates. John Eleazar

made his way to the stage, followed by James Miller. They took their places at the podiums and
the moderator informed the candidates of the etiquette and rules of the debate. My eyes

narrowed as I examined the fake smile he offered the crowd, and Bella squeezed my hand
reassuringly before opening her laptop to record her notes.

As the debate flowed from question to question, I tried to soothe the beast inside and give

Miller the benefit of the doubt. Truthfully, he may have no idea that Bella and I were involved,
and he probably has no inkling that she's pregnant with my child. She's a beautiful, sexy woman,

and James – like most politicians – is a determined man. The fact that he was having her
followed was creepy, but again, I'm not sure that the old Edward Cullen could have blamed him.

I would have followed her, too. I'd like to think I wouldn't have sent cryptic, creepy messages,
but it was common knowledge that the girl made me insane. Luckily for me, she was crazy about

me, too.

Perhaps an old-fashioned man-to-man chat was just what was needed to clear the air – to make
it clear to the bastard that Bella was mine.

At the end of the debate, I watched as the candidates left the stage and made their way into the

crowd. I leaned over and brushed my lips against her temple.

"I'll be right back, baby."

Bella's eyes flashed to mine. "Where are you going?"

I smiled at her calmly, "I just need to take care of something."

Her forehead creased, but she didn't ask any questions as she focused her attention back on her
screen. I nodded to Emmett who tilted his head to Felix, and both men surrounded Bella as she

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continued typing her notes.

James wasn't hard to find. He had his hand on the back of a busty blonde near the entrance of
the hall. If there was one thing I knew about James Miller, it was that he would never be found

in the presence of an unattractive woman. My dealings with him had consisted of stuffy charity
events where I'd had the displeasure of watching him treat women like material possessions. Of

course, I saw no problem with his attitude at the time because I had been no saint, but I'd at
least been respectful to the women who'd graced my arm.

I made my way to his side, and his eyes brightened as he extended his hand toward me.

"Edward Cullen. It's been a long time."

"It has," I nodded as I shook his hand. "I was wondering if we could speak for a moment."

"Of course!" James agreed, probably thinking he could pump me for support. Thanks to Carlisle,
the Cullen name was synonymous with class. No doubt James thought that a photo-op with me

could only do good things for his campaign. I watched as he whispered in the blonde's ear, and
her giggle grated on my nerves. His security team then led us out of the crowded hall and

toward a small meeting room at the end of the floor. His bodyguard closed the door behind him
just as James waved me toward one of the chairs surrounding the table.

"What can I do for you, Edward?" James asked politely. "I haven't seen you in months. Charity

events aren't your scene anymore?"

"No, I've found a new scene," I explained calmly as I folded my hands on the table. "That's what
I'd like to talk to you about."

James smiled kindly as he waited for me to elaborate.

"I've fallen in love with a wonderful woman," I said quietly, "and we're expecting a child."

James' eyes rose in surprise. "Seriously? Edward Cullen is settling down?"


He loosened the knot in his tie and leaned casually back in his chair. "Well, I never thought I'd

see the day. Congratulations, I guess, if that's what makes you happy."

"Thanks, I'm very happy."

"Wow," James mused with a grin. "Cullen is settling down. This girl must really be something."

That's what I wanted. Confirmation that he had no idea that Bella and I were together. It gave
me a sliver of hope that he wasn't tailing her 24/7.

"She is," I murmured quietly. "Her name is Bella Swan."

I watched as James' face turned ashen.

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"I would appreciate it if you would stop having her followed," I stated calmly. "She will not be

accepting your dinner invitation. The flower deliveries can end, as well."

James finally found his voice. "I haven't been following Bella."

"No, I'm positive you don't have time to stalk her and run an efficient mayoral campaign," I said,
the venom dripping from my voice. "But you are having her followed. Your last note confirmed

that. I am politely asking you to let it go."

James grinned. "She's a beautiful woman, Cullen."

"She is."

"You aren't up for a little healthy competition?"

My eyes tightened as my temper finally flared. "There would be no competition. She's pregnant
with my child. Have a little class, James. You're scaring the woman I love, and I won't let it

continue. You know she works for the Times. You're running for mayor. The last thing you need
is for your harassment to make front-page news. Don't turn this into a pissing contest with me

because you will not win."

"You're bluffing," James sneered. "You can't prove a thing."

"I have the evidence, right down to the banana peppers reference," I replied firmly. "You do not
want to test me. I will ruin you. Stay the fuck away from her. Are we clear?"

James regarded me coolly before nodding his agreement.

"Contact her again and I will call the police," I said as I swiftly leapt from my chair.

"You seem to forget that I'll be in charge of the police when I'm elected mayor," James grinned

cockily as I made my way to the door.

"Fine. Contact her again and I will kill you," I retorted. "Better?"

Something flashed in James' eyes, but he nodded.

"I'm glad we understand each other," I replied, and I quickly made my way out the door.


Bella's next doctor's appointment went well, and her blood pressure was back in the safe zone.
Dr. Molina told us that we may get to hear the baby's heartbeat at our next appointment, and

neither of us could keep the smile off our faces, as we considered the possibility that we'd
actually have audio evidence that our child was in there.

The following weeks were exciting for me because I could actually see physical signs that Bella

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was carrying my child. There wasn't a true baby bump just yet, but she had gained some weight.
Each time she moaned that she felt fat, I was right there telling her how beautiful she looked.

Her breasts were a little fuller (which I loved) and a dark line was beginning to form below her
navel. Unfortunately, she was unable to share my excitement because the changes were really

fucking with her emotions. She was eating her banana Popsicles even more than usual, as they
seemed to ease the chronic heartburn. We'd begun to read to each other from the baby book as

we'd lie in bed at night, and she'd actually cried when we found the paragraph warning against
eating eggs sunny side-up. The next morning, I painstakingly prepared scrambled eggs and

brought her breakfast in bed. This gesture seemed to console her until she began to dress for
her day, and I had asked her not to wear her high-heels because – according to the book – this

could cause strain to her back, and I didn't want her to fall. This request brought a fresh torrent
of tears, and I spent the rest of my day feeling like shit for making her cry. Anything I said was

wrong, and what made her happy one day could make her furious the next.

The banana peppers craving had ended as quickly as it started, and the mere mention of
mustard made her nauseated once again. The return of the nausea, and the mood swings, had

brought our amazing sex life to an abrupt halt. She didn't feel pretty, and I knew enough about
women to understand that if they didn't feel beautiful, then sex was going to be the very last

thing on their minds. It had been three weeks since the last time we'd had sex. Three very long
. So the lack of sex, combined with gauging her emotional state, was giving me whiplash.

But I'd take it. I'd take the wild mood swings and the tears and the lack of sex. I'd take it all
because she was carrying my child and I loved her more than life.

After a crappy day at the office, I decided that both Bella and I could use a nice, relaxing night at

home, so I decided to cook her favorite dinner. Of course, her favorite dinner could have
changed since yesterday, but I decided to take my chances. I called my mother for an easy

mushroom ravioli recipe, and after stopping at the store for ingredients, I finally headed home.


During the past month, Bella's apartment had become my home. She had even given me a key.
However, she'd yet to officially invite me to move in with her, and while it seemed the next

logical step, I wasn't going to be presumptuous. Just because I had spent every single night there
during the past month didn't mean that she was ready to cohabitate with me. I was saving that

discussion for the future – or at least, for a time when she wasn't moody or crying. Our lives had
changed so much, and for Bella's sake, I was hesitant to add one more life-altering event to the


I could be patient and content.

I kicked the door shut behind me as I made my way toward the kitchen. I quickly put away the
ingredients and listened intently, trying to gauge if she was home. I could distinctly hear soft

crying coming from the bedroom, and like a man possessed, I rushed toward the sound.

Lying across the bed was my beautiful girl, crying softly into her pillow.

It had apparently been a bad day.

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I sighed softly as I made my way to her side – slowly crawling across the mattress until I could
reach her. I pulled her into my arms and closed my eyes as she buried her face against my neck.

"Shh," I coaxed softly as I rubbed tiny circles across her back. "What's wrong, baby?"

Bella sniffled quietly as her eyes met mine. They were swollen and red, and I gently brushed her

tears away with my thumb.

"I'm ugly," she whispered.

We had this same discussion at least three times a week.

"You are not ugly," I promised her, smiling softly into her shining brown eyes. "You are the most
beautiful girl in the whole world."

"I've never been this shallow," Bella murmured as she wiped her eyes. "I've never felt drop-dead

gorgeous, but I've always thought I was okay."

"You're more than okay," I whispered as I kissed her cheek. "You are so pretty. I thought so from
the first moment I saw you."

She shook her head. "I'm fat. My boobs hurt. I have a zit!" She pointed to her forehead, and sure

enough, a very small pimple was gracing the skin. "I haven't had a zit since high school!"

"The book said that your skin goes through changes, and that pimples were a possibility," I
reminded her.

Bella frowned. "I hate it. This whole pregnancy thing sucks. They say you're supposed to be

glowing and happy, but all I feel is undesirable and moody. I have to pee all the time. Harry sent
me home from work because I was being such a bitch to the copy editor. I'm being a bitch to


"Bella," I whispered softly as I pulled her close to me and kissed her forehead. "You are not
being a bitch. Your body is just adjusting to the fact that there's a baby in there. Dr. Molina

warned us that these things were normal. It won't last forever."

"Why do you put up with me?" She whispered sadly as she gazed into my eyes. "I'm not the
sweetest person to be around right now. I'm crazy moody and sex is the very last thing on my


"I love you," I murmured softly. "I'm not worried about your mood swings or sex. As long as you
and the baby are healthy, I am a happy man. You'll be happy, too. Just try to have some


Bella sighed and closed her eyes, and I kissed her tenderly.

"I'm going to make us dinner tonight," I announced softly. "Does ravioli sound good?"

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"With mushrooms?" Bella grinned hopefully through her tears, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Of course, sweetheart."


The man was a saint.

Not only was Edward putting up with my crazy ass, he was actually being sweet about it. He
never lost his temper…never made me feel anything less than beautiful and loved. I knew that I

wasn't the easiest person to live with right now. I was being a bitch to everyone (Jake had told
me so), but Edward just took it all in stride and smiled happily at me as if I was the most

precious thing on the planet. At night, we'd read from the baby book, and lately, he'd taken to
lying with his head close to my tummy and reading aloud to the baby.

It was the sweetest thing ever.

Truthfully, this past week had been a little better. I wasn't feeling nearly as moody, and my

crying jags were few and far between. I still didn't feel like myself, but at least I could walk into
the newsroom and smile at my colleagues. I was still peeing every hour, but at least the zits

were gone.

Work was crazy busy thanks to next week's election. Our city was going to have a new mayor,
and I prayed that John Eleazar could pull off the upset. I could not imagine having to follow

James Miller for the next four years. I suspected that Edward had threatened the man with his
life, because the flowers had stopped, and I'd begun to see less and less of Felix. He still took me

to and from work, but his hand wasn't permanently attached to the gun in his holster, so I knew
that things had calmed down considerably.

"You look lost in thought," Jake murmured as he leaned over my desk and offered me a

doughnut. I happily took a chocolate one and munched contently.

"Just thinking that I've been a real bitch," I commented with my mouth full.

"You won't hear any argument from me," he grinned, "but since you're pregnant, I can forgive

"Thanks," I smirked. "But I was thinking more about Edward. He's been so sweet, and I was just

thinking that I needed to find some way to thank him."

Jake swallowed his doughnut and frowned at me. "Surely you aren't having trouble thinking of
ways to show gratitude to that gorgeous man of yours."

"I was thinking a romantic dinner," I mused quietly. "Maybe a weekend away, now that I'm

feeling a little better…"

Jake was shaking his head. "You're over thinking this, Swan. We men are simple creatures.
Straight or gay – it doesn't matter.

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"Sex," Jake announced, causing heads to turn in the news room. "Thank him with some fuckhot

sex. That boy has earned it."


I frowned as I studied my desk calendar. "Wow."


"It's been four weeks," I whispered.

"FOUR WEEKS?" Jake bellowed, and this time, even Harry stuck his head out of his office to see
what the fuss was about.

"Shhhhh," I groaned as I buried my head in my hands.

Jake's eyes were crazed. "You've been sleeping next to that sexy man every night for the past

four weeks and you haven't fucked him?"

I blinked at him. "I just haven't been in the mood, Jake. I've felt like shit, and I've been such a
bitch. It's not like he's tried…"

"Well, of course he didn't try!" Jake moaned. "You've been such a raving bitch, the pretty man

was probably afraid you'd slap his beautiful face."

"I haven't been a raving bitch," I muttered, but Jake wasn't listening. He was powering off my
laptop and grabbing my jacket. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"You are leaving," Jake explained rapidly. "You are leaving right this minute, and you are going to

that man's law firm and you are fucking him right there in his office. Do not make that fine
specimen of a man wait one more second."

"I am not going to his office," I rolled my eyes as he tossed my bag my way. He immediately

pulled my hair down and ruffled it with his fingers. "Did you become a hair stylist while I was off
being a raving bitch?"

"The skirt is an indecent length, which is very good," Jake nodded approvingly. "Hooker heels

would have been preferable."

"Edward won't let me wear heels," I admitted dryly. "The baby book says not to, and in Edward's
world, that book is the Gospel."

Jake's face softened. "He really loves you, Swan."

"I know," I smiled.

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"GO!" Jake exclaimed as he pulled me by the arm and led me to the stairs. "And I want details!"

"Not a chance," I grinned as I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thanks, Jake."


"Hello Bella," Lauren smiled brightly at me as I made my way toward the reception desk.

I was surprised that she knew my name. We'd spoken on the phone a few times, but we'd never


"How did you know it was me?"

"Your picture is on his desk," Lauren winked. "Not to mention on his screensaver. I think I can
speak for the entire office when I say thank you for making him so happy – although he's been a

bit ill-tempered the past two weeks."

I cringed. "Yeah, that's my fault. These pregnancy hormones are really screwing with my moods.
I'm sorry he's taking it out on you."

Lauren offered me a sweet smile. "He's been tolerable. He really is so much happier now that

he's found you."

I smiled happily. "Is he busy?"

"He just buzzed me for a cup of coffee. I was just getting ready to take it to him before I headed
to lunch. Would you like to do the honors?"

I looked around the otherwise deserted office. "Lauren, I umm…I was wondering…how long is

your lunch?"

"An hour."

"An hour…" I mentally calculated, wondering if an hour would be long enough to work on that
ill-temper of his.

"Unless you'd like me to take a longer lunch?"

Her eyes were twinkling, and we shared an understanding smile. After she left, I softly knocked

on his office door. He muttered something unintelligible, and I took a deep breath as I made my
way through the door.

"Lauren, forget the coffee!" Edward snapped as he tapped away on his keyboard. His voice was

frazzled. "I think I'll just go to the gym for lunch – work off some steam. Call the gym and see if
my trainer is available."

I suddenly felt like such selfish bitch. Edward looked so stressed out, and it suddenly dawned on

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me that this wonderful, sweet man who had been so calm and patient with me over the past
few weeks, was actually at his wit's end. He had hidden it so well from me, and I felt ashamed

that I'd never taken his feelings into consideration.

"I can think of a much better way to work off that steam," I whispered as I leaned against the
door, and his head snapped to attention. I locked the door, and his eyes never left mine as I

made my way over to his desk.

"Hi baby," he murmured softly. It was amazing how much his entire demeanor changed. "I'm
sorry, I thought you were Lauren."

"I know," I nodded as I turned his leather chair around. Very slowly, I peeled my jacket away

from my body and tossed it onto the floor. "Lauren is gone to lunch. A very long lunch."

"Oh?" He whispered as my hands slowly unbuttoned each of the buttons of my blouse, exposing
my pale pink bra. I watched his eyes glaze as I stripped slowly, letting his penetrating eyes burn

my body with their intensity. "Why would she be taking a long lunch?"

I unbuttoned my skirt and let it fall before climbing onto his mahogany desk. His eyes raked over
my body, and for the first time in weeks, I didn't feel fat or unattractive. I felt beautiful and

desired, and it was making my blood boil.

"I asked her to," I whispered softly as he rose from his seat and leaned close to me. His lips
gravitated toward mine, but I dodged his kiss in order to make quick work of his buttoned-down

shirt and slacks. "I thought you and I needed some privacy."

"The only thing I need is you," Edward groaned as my hand found his erection.

I smiled as I leaned back on my elbows, and I moaned as his hands pulled my panties down my
legs. "Have you ever fucked anyone on top of your desk?"

"No." His voice was rough.

"Do you want to?"

I thought he might refuse me. He loved me, and I knew he tormented himself with his fear of

being too rough. His need for me must have overridden that fear because suddenly his mouth
was devouring mine as he pulled me to the edge of his desk. I wrapped my legs around his waist,

and with one quick thrust, he was inside me.

"Oh God," I panted against his mouth. He withdrew quickly and filled me once again, and I
nearly came with the intensity of the contact.

"I love you, Songbird," Edward whispered breathlessly against my lips. "I've missed you." I

moaned as he swallowed my sounds with his desperate kisses. Suddenly, my back was pressed
against his desk as he hovered above me, our bodies rocking against each other in a fast and

furious rhythm.

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"I love you," I moaned breathlessly, and his strangled groan echoed in my ear as he pushed
deeper, my walls clenching around him. I grabbed onto his shoulders and held on tight, letting

my mind and body become completely consumed by the intensity of my love for this man. I was
so lost in sensation and emotion that my orgasm surprised me, and I screamed his name as his

mouth swallowed my cries. He pulled me to him as his body stilled, and he whispered my name
as we both rode out the power of our orgasm.

Minutes later, we were both still panting as he pressed his forehead against mine.

"Holy hell," he whispered shakily.

"I know."

"Will it always be like this?" Edward murmured breathlessly.

Would it be? Would we always love each other so fiercely? Would the physical side of our

relationship always be this intense?

"I hope so," I whispered.

"Me too, baby," he smiled as he kissed me softly. "Me too."

Il mio cuore batte per te. Solo per te: My heart beats for you. Only for you.

Chapter 17 My Heart's Desire


I leaned my elbows on my desk and pressed my fingertips to my forehead, massaging gently in a

vain attempt to soothe away the stress and noise that surrounded me. The newsroom was
abuzz with every available reporter on the phone, chasing precinct numbers. Voter turnout had

been high, and according to exit polls, the mayoral race was much tighter than anyone had

"You need caffeine," Jake said as he offered me a cup of coffee.

God, how I needed caffeine, but I shook my head. "Baby book says no caffeine."

"What is that book?" Jake scoffed. "A big list of things not to do?"

"Pretty much."

"Well, thank God office sex isn't on that list," Jake winked. Not that I'd given him any details of

that amazing day in Edward's office, but he could pretty much tell that the lunch hour had been
a success when I'd returned to work, contented smile and horrible sex hair in place.

"Eleazar's numbers are slipping," Harry bellowed from the corner of the newsroom. He had two

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cell phones pressed to each ear. "We're waiting for a few more precincts to report, but it looks
like James Miller is going to be the next mayor of Seattle."

Furious typing could be heard throughout the newsroom, which was a good thing, because that

meant they couldn't hear my miserable groan.

"Tomorrow is an important day," Edward murmured softly to my tummy. His head was lying

gently against my stomach, and I slowly slipped my fingers through his hair. My stomach was
getting bigger – my baby bump much more pronounced. As my waistline grew, so did Edward's

love for my protruding tummy. Each and every night, he either read to or sang to the baby.

Tonight, he was bribing the baby.

"Tomorrow we can find out if you are a boy or a girl," Edward continued whispering. "Now, it's
very important that you aren't shy tomorrow."

"Edward…" I giggled.

"Hush," he looked up at me and winked. "I'm talking to our child."

I stifled my laughter as he promised to buy our unborn child a car for his or her sixteenth

birthday, if only they'd cooperate tomorrow. I loved seeing him so happy and so in love with our
baby, so I let him continue his silly negotiating until I finally fell into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning, Edward's leg was jumping excitedly as Dr. Molina measured me.

"Looks good," Dr. Molina smiled at each of us. "Right where we should be." He then noticed

Edward's impatient leg and couldn't keep from laughing. "Edward, you seem a bit jumpy today."

"We can do the ultrasound today, right?" Edward rambled excitedly. "The book says we could
learn the sex of the baby this month. Can we do that?"

"Well," Dr. Molina mused, and I swore I could see a little twinkle in his eye. "We can certainly

try. If your baby is feeling particularly shy, I'm afraid we'll have to wait until the next visit…"

"Our baby won't be shy today," Edward announced firmly. "We had a very long discussion last

Dr. Molina looked to me. "A discussion?"

"With the baby," I clarified. "Edward likes to talk to the baby at night. They apparently made a

bargain. The baby gives us a peep show today, and Edward buys it a car when it turns sixteen."

Dr. Molina laughed. "I love it!"

"Is that a yes?" Edward asked hopefully.

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"It's a bit sooner than I normally do ultrasounds to determine gender," Dr. Molina said, "but
sure, we'll certainly try. Let's get started."

Minutes later, Edward was excitedly squeezing my hand as I shivered. The gel was cold as Dr.

Molina slid the transducer along my stomach, and all three of us were watching the blurry
screen with anticipation.

"There's the heartbeat," Dr. Molina said as he pointed to a rhythmic thumping on the screen.

"Just one heartbeat, by the way."

Secretly, I was thrilled. Just thinking about one baby was overwhelming enough.

"Due date seems accurate," the doctor continued as the transducer moved along my tummy.

"What's that thing that looks like a long string of pearls?" Edward asked softly.

"The baby's spine," Dr. Molina explained.

I didn't trust myself to speak. I simply stared at the screen and watched as our baby moved
within me.

"So that's the leg," Edward murmured, as he stared at the screen. "Which means…"

Our eyes followed the shape of the leg until we found – or didn't find – what we were looking


"I guess someone's getting a car when she turns sixteen," Dr. Molina grinned. "Congratulations."

Tears swam in my eyes as we watched our daughter on the black and white screen. Edward
sighed contently as he pressed a kiss to my temple.

"Look at her, Songbird."

I was looking. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. Of course, I'd come to accept that I was

carrying a baby inside of me, but to see visual proof – to actually see the curve of her spine, to
see her heartbeat, to see her

"She's ours," I whispered faintly.

"She is," Edward's voice was full of emotion.

We totally ignored Dr. Molina as he made notations on his chart.

"Can I do this?" I whispered, a brief moment of fear gripping me. She was tiny and defenseless,

and I certainly didn't have a good role model in terms of mothers.

"Of course you can," Edward murmured softly. "You can do anything, and we can do anything."

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"Why aren't you scared?" I asked softly. How could he be so optimistic?

"I'm petrified," Edward admitted with a weak laugh. "I don't know the first thing about being a
father. But we'll figure it out."

"We will?"

"We will," Edward promised me, as he leaned close to my cheek and nodded toward the screen.

"Look at her. She's ours, Bella. We'll love her and protect her, because that's what good parents
do. We'll figure it out. I can't wait to figure it out."

I marveled at the sincerity in his voice. He was so positive that we could do this, but what if I was

a terrible mother – just like my own?

"Stop that," Edward murmured, pressing his lips to my cheek. "You're nothing like her."

Edward Cullen was the man of my dreams and a mind reader.


Now that the gender was determined and happily announced to anyone within earshot, Edward
insisted on hitting the baby superstore in town.

"Do we really need a bassinette?" I asked as Edward examined the cradle. This particular piece

of baby furniture actually played music and vibrated. "I mean, isn't the crib enough?"

"Well, the good thing about the bassinette is that it can be carried from room to room," Edward
explained, as he'd obviously taken detailed notes on the furniture chapter of the baby book. "So,

if the crib was upstairs but we were downstairs, we wouldn't have to carry the baby upstairs just
so she could take a nap."

"But we don't have stairs," I reasoned.

Edward grew quiet as he examined every inch of the bassinette for any imperfections. "We

might someday…"

I looked up at him in surprise. "Oh really?"

He shrugged nonchalantly as he walked around the display. "You never know. Shouldn't we be
prepared just in case?"

"You don't like my apartment?"

Edward's eyes ghosted over a car seat that had so many contraptions and buckles that I was

pretty sure that it could be used in the cockpit of the space shuttle.

"I like your apartment just fine," he murmured softly as he fastened one of the buckles into
place and tugged firmly to check its security. "I was just thinking we might want to look at

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houses someday."

"Oh." I was surprised. We'd never really talked about officially moving in together. I supposed it
was assumed – he had been living with me for weeks now. Did I want a house?

I think I do.

Happiness surged through me as Edward tossed various baby products into our cart. The cart

was a big glob of pink. We had pink clothes, pink bottles, pink blankets…Poor Uncle Emmett was
going to be pretty pissed when he heard the news.

"I don't think we need teething rings just yet," I grinned at him as he tossed the rings, along with

more bottles and pacifiers, into the cart.

"What do you think about breastfeeding?" Edward asked as he nodded toward a breast pump.

"I think it sounds incredibly painful," I grimaced as I examined the contraption. Did I even want
to breastfeed?

Edward just nodded as he put the box back on the shelf and continued pushing our cart down

the aisle. We rounded a corner and suddenly, we were standing on the edge of a collection of
baby cribs and bedding, all arranged by theme. My eyes brightened, and Edward must have

noticed my excitement, because he steered the cart straight toward the cribs. Each "room" was
arranged according to nursery theme, complete with bedding, change table, dresser, rugs, and

rocking chair.

"That's a lot of pink," I muttered as we examined the first room, called Pretty in Pink.

"You don't like pink?"

"I…don't know?" Were there rules in babyland? Was I required to deck-out my child's nursery –
not to mention her body – in pink, just because she was a girl?

"There's pink and brown," Edward motioned to the next crib. "And pink and purple…"

"I like purple," I whispered. Edward smiled and steered us down through the pink haze until we

stopped in front of a theme called "Chloe's Garden." The bedding had big pink and purple
flowers. It was girly and cute, but it wasn't Pepto-Bismol pink.

I loved it, and I told him so.


"Yes," I smiled.

Edward nodded at a store employee who quickly jumped to attention and made her way to our


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"Excellent choice," she grinned, more so at Edward than at me. Edward didn't even notice as he
instantly asked about the safety stats of the crib. I took the opportunity to check out the price

tags on each and every item, and I almost fainted.

"This is a convertible crib," the store associate explained. "When the baby becomes a toddler, it
converts into a toddler bed. Later, it converts into a full-size bed. It's a great investment. It

comes in cherry, oak, or pearl white."

"Bella?" Edward asked.

"Umm…I like the cherry," I whispered. Were we really buying all of this today? I mentally
calculated how much money we would need and quickly compared it to my bank account


The sales associate turned to me. "And would you like all of the pieces in the collection?"

My eyes glanced over the rocker, the changing table, and the dresser. It was all beautiful, but
could I really afford everything today? Edward must have noticed my apprehension because he

asked the girl to give us a minute.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he pulled me toward the rocking chair, and I settled myself onto
his lap.

"It's just a little overwhelming," I admitted quietly. "I mean, it's all beautiful, but I just thought

we'd pick out some clothes, maybe some diapers…"

"We'll need all of these things eventually," Edward said quietly.

"I know," I nodded. "I'm just not sure if I can afford it all today."

Edward's forehead creased as he brushed my hair away from my shoulder. "Bella, I never
expected you to pay for any of this."

Realization dawned.

"Edward, you can't pay for all of this yourself."

"Of course I can," Edward nodded. "I want to, Bella."

"But that's….that's not how it should be," I stammered. "We're supposed to be


"And we are," Edward murmured softly. "Bella, don't you understand? Everything I have is

I couldn't believe my ears.

"That's not true, Edward. It shouldn't be true. We aren't…"

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I couldn't even say the word. I could barely think it.

"It is the truth," Edward replied tenderly. "I love you, Bella, and you are having my baby. Don't

you think I should be allowed to give you anything your heart desires?"

He just didn't understand. Edward grew up in a gigantic house with a doctor as a father. My dad
was a cop and Renee was forced to stay home to raise me. Money wasn't something to which I

was accustomed.

I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. "It's too much, Edward."

"Nothing is too much for you…" he murmured softly as he kissed the hollow below my ear. "…or
for our daughter."

"I want to pay for half," I replied, prompting Edward to sigh.

"Today has been such a happy day," he whispered. "Please, Bella."

Yes, today was a happy day, but it had also been completely overwhelming. Not only did we see

our daughter, but, now, Edward was talking houses and wanting to buy thousands of dollars in
baby furniture. My life was on this constant roller coaster, and while most of it was wonderful, it

was also scary as hell. Would I ever just feel settled and calm?

"Baby, talk to me," Edward pleaded softly.

I gazed into his brilliant green eyes, looking at me with so much concern and love that it nearly
brought me to tears.

"You're so wonderful," I whispered. "You're so good to me."

"I love you," Edward murmured simply, as if that explained everything.

Maybe it does.

"Just feeling overwhelmed, I think."

"I understand," Edward nodded as he brushed his knuckles across my cheek. "It's been a

stressful couple of weeks. We should take a mini-vacation or something."

That sounded nice. "Where would we go?"

"Where would you like to go?"

Would I ever get used to his ability to grant my every wish?

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"Surprise me," I said, and he smiled.

"I can do that." Edward kissed me softly before glancing back toward the furniture. "Why don't
we wait on all of this? We still have some time."

I took a deep breath and looked over the beautiful nursery. I really did love it. It was only the

price – and my feelings of inadequacy – that made me hesitant.

"We're already here," I shrugged. "We might as well make a decision."

"I know it's expensive," Edward whispered. "Let me buy this for our baby. Nothing would make
me happier."

"You can buy the furniture," I compromised. "I'll buy the accessories."

Edward smiled brightly. "Deal."

After making the sales associate's day, we decided to order pizza for dinner and spend a quiet

night at home. Edward was unusually subdued as we watched the news that night, and I knew
some of that was thanks to the story on James Miller and the changes he was making within the

mayor's office. He had already named new administrative assistants and had pissed off most of
the members of city council. It was a pretty impressive feat for a man who wouldn't take office

until the first of September.

While it was easy to fault James for Edward's mood, I also knew that I had to accept my share of
the blame. He'd been so happy after leaving the doctor's office, and I'd had to sour our day with

my independent streak. I'd relented, but still. I had taken a fun shopping excursion and made it
harder than it had needed to be, and at the end of it, all I'd done was point out the obvious. We

were two very different people with completely different upbringings who were having a child,
but were we really that different from anyone else? Sure, this was a crazy situation, but were we

really all that different from other couples who'd fallen in love with each other? Didn't everyone
have problems to work through?

Edward was still quiet when we finally made our way to bed later that night. My back was

pressed to his chest, and he held me tight as I ran my fingers along his arm. His soft rhythmic
breathing against my ear had nearly soothed me to sleep until this voice whispered in the




"About what we were discussing in the store," he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. "You are
my equal, Bella. I just don't believe that being equal has anything to do with money."

I began to trace patterns on his arm as he continued.

"Money doesn't buy happiness," Edward murmured. "If that were true, my sister would still be

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I closed my eyes as a single tear trickled down my cheek. His arm tightened around me as he
pressed a kiss to my hair.

"I never thought I'd be this happy," he said softly.

"Me neither," I replied timidly. "You make me happy – happier than I've been my whole life. My

emotions are just all over the place, and I'm having such a hard time keeping up with them. So
much is happening so fast."

"I know."

"I have a very hard time letting you buy things for me," I admitted quietly. "I'm just stubbornly

independent. I always have been."

"But this is for our baby," Edward reminded me. "I need you to accept that I'm going to want to
do things for her, and that includes buying whatever she needs – and probably a lot of things

she won't need at all. She is going to be completely spoiled, and I promise you, if you and I don't
spoil her, the grandparents certainly will."

I couldn't help but giggle. It was so true. Even Charlie had called to let us know that he'd started

a baby fund for his grandchild. He'd actually deposited the hundred bucks he'd won from
Edward into the account.

"I'm a successful lawyer, and I've made good investments through the years. Money is never

going to be an issue for us."

"But that's just it," I whispered. "That's your money. I'm not completely destitute, but
newspaper reporters aren't wealthy. I have to manage my money. I always have."

"It's our money," Edward argued softly. "What's mine is yours."

"We aren't married," I reminded him, finding the courage to actually verbalize the word. His arm

tightened around me but he remained quiet as I closed my eyes. I was nearly asleep when I
heard his voice in my ear.

"I want to marry you, Songbird."


"Crazy man," I muttered as I tossed a piece of my sandwich toward the ducks. I was having lunch

at my favorite park, and the ducks had made their way to land in search of food. "Who does he
think he is? He knows I'm an emotional mess right now, and he whispers that in my ear at two in

the morning?"

Obviously, Edward had thought that I was asleep because there was no mention of his nighttime
confession over our breakfast this morning. Me, the chicken that I am, refused to even

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acknowledge the possibility that he had been serious, so I'd kept my mouth shut.

It was a beautiful afternoon, and I closed my eyes and raised my face toward the sun, willing its
warmth to soothe my frazzled nerves. Suddenly, I felt movement at my side, and I opened my

eyes and nearly jumped out of my skin when I noticed James Miller sitting next to me on the

"Hello, Bella. It's nice to see you again."

I had to resist the urge to run, so I struggled to control my breathing as I tossed small pieces of

my sandwich toward the ducks.

"I would like to apologize," James murmured cautiously. "I understand that I came on a bit too
strong, and for that, I am sorry. I had no idea you were involved with Edward, and I certainly had

no idea you were pregnant with his child. I saw a beautiful woman, and I was attracted to her.
I'm sorry if I frightened you."

I remained silent as I watched the ducks nibbling on my breadcrumbs.

"I must say that I'm surprised," James continued. "You aren't Edward's usual type."

"What is Edward's usual type?" I found myself asking.

"Wealthy. Beautiful." James shrugged. "Not that you aren't beautiful, Bella. You most certainly



"Money doesn't buy happiness," I repeated Edward's words from the night before.

"How true," James nodded appreciatively. "It does, however, make life a little easier, don't you

I took a deep breath. "I wouldn't know."

"No," James agreed. "A reporter for the Seattle Times couldn't know much about that. That's

why I have a proposition for you."

"A proposition?"

"Yes," James smiled. "As you can imagine, I am doing some employee reviews, and I have felt
the need to replace some of the previous mayor's staff. I find myself in need of a press

secretary. Your work is exemplary, and I think you would make a fine addition to my
administration. Interested?"

If it was for any other mayor-elect, the answer would be a resounding yes. But this was James

Miller, and he was a creep.

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"Before you say no," James explained, "I think you should know that the base salary is triple

Triple figures?

"Give it some thought," he said as he handed me his card. "You can call that number and get

more detailed salary and benefit information from my secretary."

I stared at the card in my hand as he swiftly rose to his feet. "I hope you can accept my apology,
and I hope you give serious consideration to my offer. I look forward to hearing from you."

And with that, he was gone.

Dumbfounded, I stared at his card until my eyes finally crossed. With a heavy sigh, I tossed the

card in my bag before placing my hand over my baby bump.

"Baby girl, your mommy is on a roller coaster ride that never ends."

I couldn't concentrate on a thing the rest of the afternoon except for Edward's confession and
James' job offer. I didn't even bother asking Edward for his thoughts on the proposition. He

would be livid to know that James had even contacted me. The man was a creep, but he'd
seemed genuinely sorry. He'd even offered me the job of my dreams. Who wouldn't want to get

out of a stuffy newsroom and work in the mayor's office? Not to mention, my salary would more
than triple.

I could truly be Edward's equal. I could bring something to the relationship besides our baby and


Because I was a glutton for punishment, I hit Google and typed "Edward Cullen's girlfriend" into
the search box. Just as I'd feared, a picture of him with his arm around a strawberry blonde filled

my screen. The picture was taken at a benefit, dated about a month after Alice's wedding. Of
course, she was drop-dead gorgeous. I scanned the article for her name and immediately

googled her.

Tanya Denali was an attorney in a law firm in Olympia. She graduated from Harvard Law, and
was obviously intelligent, certainly beautiful, and most definitely wealthy.

Jealousy filled me as I closed the window.

You're being irrational. He loves you. You are pregnant with his child. He said that wants to

marry you.

But do I deserve him?

Chapter 18 My Beloved Was Weighed Down


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"Hell no. Absolutely not. Have those pregnancy hormones deprived you of your common sense?
You cannot work for that man."

I sighed heavily as I dipped my spoon into the ice cream that Rose and I were sharing.

"It's a good offer, Rose."

"If it were any other mayor-elect, I'd probably agree with you. But this? This is a terrible offer,

and to be quite honest, I'm having a hard time believing that you don't see that it's a terrible
offer. The man stalked you, Bella. Stalked you! Something is clouding your judgment, Bella

Swan, and I'd like to know what it is."

Rosalie's world was very black and white. I would never make her understand.

"He's blackmailing you, isn't he?"

"What?" I blinked at her. "No! It's nothing like that."

"Then explain it to me," Rosalie begged. "Give me one good reason why accepting this job offer
would be a positive thing for you."

I can give you one hundred thousand good reasons.

"The money is good," I shrugged nonchalantly.

"This is about money?" Rosalie shrieked, causing heads to turn in the restaurant. "Have you

forgotten that your boyfriend is a millionaire?"

I knew he was wealthy, but I wasn't sure of the actual dollar amounts. "He is?"

"The whole damn family is filthy rich, Emmett included."

"Doesn't that intimidate you?" I asked hopefully. Perhaps she might understand after all.

"No," she replied thoughtfully, and just like that, my hopes were dashed. "The Cullens are good
people. Yes, they have a gorgeous house and are obscenely wealthy, but you'd never know it.

They've welcomed both of us with open arms, and I know for a fact that they absolutely adore
you. Edward is apparently a changed man now that he's found you, and they are praising your

name, and you're giving them their first grandchild…you're a saint to them, Bella."

I grimaced as I stabbed the ice cream. "But I'm bringing nothing to this relationship."

Rosalie eyed me skeptically. "You're bringing nothing? You're bringing yourself and a baby. What
else do you need to bring?"

"I can't be dependent on Edward," I whispered softly. "You should have seen the baby furniture.

That shit is so expensive! But of course, it was top of the line and beautiful, and he wants the
baby to have the very best."

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"The nerve of the man," Rosalie rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"I want to be his equal, Rose."

My best friend regarded me wistfully before finally dropping her spoon onto her napkin. "Has

Edward made you feel less than his equal?"


"Do you love him?"

"I do," I whispered.

"Are you carrying his child?"

I rolled my eyes and pointed to my swollen belly.

"Just answer the question, Swan."

"Yes, I'm carrying his child," I sighed.

"You will never be his equal," Rosalie concluded, "and he will never be your equal."

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "Meaning?"

"Don't you see?" Rosalie asked softly. "You are bringing his child into this world. That's
something he can't do, Bella. So instead, he buys the baby an expensive nursery and worships

the ground you walk on. In return, you carry and nurture the child that's growing inside of you,
and you love Edward with your whole heart."

I allowed her words to sink in as I wiped a stray tear from my eye.

"Money will never make you equal," Rosalie murmured. "Love makes you equal."

I nodded gently. She was right, of course, and I was surprised by Rosalie's gentle demeanor. She

was never this philosophical and soft-spoken. It was sort of nice.

"Regardless, this is all moot," Rose said. "Edward would never let you take this job, and before
you protest that he can't tell you what to do, let me remind that you that a good man would do

just that. He would protect the woman he loves and protect his unborn child. And a good
mother would not make dumbass decisions like putting herself and her baby at risk by accepting

a job offer from a complete asshole like James Miller. And if you seriously consider this
proposition, I will run right to Edward and tell him to lock you in your apartment until you come

to your senses. Are you fucking crazy?"

Just like that, the real Rosalie had returned.

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After my verbal lashing from my best friend, I was in desperate need of relaxation, so I decided
to take a walk to clear my head. Autumn was nearly over, and the stores were already

decorating their windows with Christmas themes. The clear lights and frosty windows brought a
smile to my face, and I wondered how the Cullens celebrated the holidays. Did they open

presents on Christmas Eve, or did they wait until the next morning? Did they like turkey or ham?
Did the guys surround the television and watch football, and did Esme love to bake homemade


These weren't my Christmas traditions, of course. My Christmas traditions weren't nearly as
picturesque and serene. My childhood Christmases had been spent on airplanes, flying between

Forks and Jacksonville thanks to the shared custody agreement that took me years to rebel
against. I'd never been more thankful than when I'd been allowed to stay with Charlie on a

permanent basis and we had the freedom to start our own traditions. We opened gifts on
Christmas Eve just so that we could sleep in the next day. We made snow angels in the backyard

and snowmen in the front, and in the afternoons, we watched a football game and drank hot
chocolate. It actually felt like Christmas, and it had nothing to do with the gifts under the tree. It

had everything to do with a sense of family and home.

That's what I wanted for our child. I wanted everyday to feel like Christmas. I wanted her to
have the security that I never really had, and I knew that with Edward and the Cullens, she

would have that. Our child would be spoiled and adored, and she would never be forced to live
with me in one city and Edward in another because we would never let that happen. Even if

things didn't work out between us, we would stay close for the sake of our child. Of this, I was

I wished I could be as certain about everything else in my life.

"Hi, sweetheart," Esme's voice startled me. "Doing some window shopping?"

I turned toward her sweet voice and saw that her hands were full of shopping bags. She was

smiling brightly at me, and I couldn't help but smile in return.

This was a good mother.

"Just taking a walk," I said. "I see you've had a busy day, though."

Esme laughed - a warm, motherly laugh that curled my toes and made me ache for my own
mother who had never laughed that way. "Well, rumor has it that I have a granddaughter on the

way. I hope you don't have an aversion to pink."

"Pink is great," I smiled.

Esme searched my face for several minutes before finally whispering, "You're emotional today."

I chuckled as I glanced back at the window. "You might say that, yeah."

"What can I do?" She asked kindly, as if she could just snap her fingers and make all of my
insecurities go away.

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I sighed heavily. "You can take me home."

Esme smiled and offered her arm, and I took it as we strolled slowly to her car. I hadn't needed

to clarify which home, and within a half hour, we were sitting at her kitchen table. She was
sipping her tea while I drank a glass of milk and ate three peanut butter cookies.

Her kitchen smelled like home, and I prayed that my own daughter would be this lucky.

We talked about the baby, and she listened with rapt attention as I told her all about Edward's

bargaining tactics with our daughter. Her eyes twinkled with happiness and pride was radiating
from her.

"Life sounds pretty wonderful," Esme murmured softly. "So why isn't Mommy happy?"

"Because Mommy is feeling inadequate and undeserving," I admitted quietly.

To my immense surprise, she nodded in understanding. "It's overwhelming, isn't it? You have

this beautiful baby growing inside of you, and a man who would move heaven and earth to
make you happy."


"I felt that way, too," Esme admitted with a smile. "Carlisle and I found out that we were

pregnant, and then on top of that, we learned that I was carrying twins. By that time, he was
through medical school and had started working at the hospital. So – not only was I having twins

– I was alone most of the time because he had to devote so much time to his patients. His family
was wonderful, though. Once Edward and Jane arrived, they moved closer just to help us out.

They were retired by that time and had nothing better to do than to dote on their

"I'm sure that was a relief to you," I said.

"It was," Esme nodded. "Carlisle's parents were wonderful people, but it took me some time to

feel comfortable around them. I had grown up without the luxuries that Carlisle had always
known, and while his parents were warm and wonderful, I went through my bouts of


Esme rose to pour herself another cup of tea and offered me more to drink. I swallowed
nervously as she rummaged in the refrigerator.

"Esme, how did you overcome that?"

"The insecurity?"

I nodded, and she made her way back to the table and poured me another glass of milk.

"I had to accept that just because we came from different backgrounds didn't mean that I wasn't

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worthy of his love. He was my husband, and I was his wife, and we had beautiful children. Being
a good mother and a good wife was all that I needed to be. In the grand scheme of things, that

was really all that mattered."

The phone rang from the living room, and she excused herself to answer it. I was still pondering
her words as I wandered through the house. I found myself in the room with the piano, and I sat

down on the bench and slowly lifted the lid. My fingers drifted across the keys, and I began to
play. Of course, my mood dictated the movement of my fingers, and the melody was haunting

and sad.

I glanced up at the picture frames that adorned the top of the piano, and my eyes instantly
rested on a picture of Edward, decked out in a graduation cap and gown. He looked young, so I

could only assume it was high school graduation. Most graduates were all smiles, but not him,
and it was easy to figure out why. He had graduated without his sister at his side – a fact that

was sure to sour the otherwise happy occasion. He was devastatingly handsome, with the green
eyes I loved so much reflected back at me from within the glass. Unconsciously, my fingers

drifted into another melody, and my voice was soft as I began to sing.

Love, I get so lost sometimes
Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart

But my heart wasn't empty. It was filled with more love than I'd ever known. It was only my self-

doubt that was casting a shadow on my happiness. I continued singing as I stared into the face
that I loved so much.

In your eyes

The light the heat
I am complete

I see the doorway to a thousand churches
The resolution of all the fruitless searches

I see the light and the heat
Oh, I want to be that complete

I want to touch the light, the heat I see
In your eyes

Tears were spilling down my face as I finished the chorus, and suddenly, warm arms were

encircling my waist and lifting me from the bench. I didn't need to open my eyes. His smell
engulfed me, and I buried my face in his neck as he carried me up the staircase.

I finally opened my eyes when he laid me down against the mattress. My eyes found his, and he

was gazing down at me – his expression a mixture of love and fear. I gently brushed my fingers
across his face as he began to slowly undress me. The air was cool against my naked skin, and I

watched as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Within moments, he was
pressed against me, skin-on-skin, and it was like coming home.

Edward settled himself between my legs as he kissed me gently, pouring every ounce of love

and emotion into our soft caresses. He entered me slowly, and I arched against him as he pulled
me into a sitting position against his lap. His fingers threaded through my hair as I clung to him,

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and we made love unhurriedly. The only sounds that could be heard were the squeaking of the
bed and our soft moans. He held me tightly with his hands against my hips as we moved, our

noses brushing against each other in an attempt to be as close as we possibly could be. His
blazing eyes burned into mine as he whispered how much he loved me, and he groaned as my

tongue invaded his mouth. His arms crushed me to him as I moaned his name, and we held each
other tightly as our orgasms washed over us.

He kissed me sweetly as our breathing slowed, and he finally fell back against the mattress,

pulling me onto his chest. I could hear the rapid beating of his heart, and I closed my eyes in
contentment as his fingers drifted through my hair.

"I hope this was your bedroom," I giggled.

"It was," Edward whispered against my hair. "God, I was so scared, Bella."

I lifted my head. "Why?"

"Because I got a call from Felix," he murmured gently. "I'm sorry that James got that close to

you, baby."

I stiffened in his arms. So Felix was still watching over me. Edward must have felt my tension
because he hugged me closer to his chest and kissed the top of my head.

"Edward, I need to talk to you about James."

"Bella, he won't bother you anymore."

"He wasn't bothering me," I whispered softly. There was honestly no way that I could keep this

from him. We had been so careful about being honest from the very beginning, and I knew that I
couldn't start hiding things now. I sat up on the bed so that I could see his face. "He offered me

a job in his administration."

Edward's eyes rose in surprise. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

"As his press secretary."

"The nerve of that fucker," Edward growled. "What was his reaction when you told him to go to

I stared down at my knotted fingers. "I didn't tell him anything."

The bedroom was deathly quiet. After a few moments, I felt his finger below my chin, and he

gently lifted my face.

"Don't tell me you're seriously considering this."

I swallowed. "My salary would be tripled."

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"I don't give a fuck if it's quadrupled!" Edward bellowed. "There's no way in hell you're working
for that bastard."

"Don't scream," I whispered. "Your mother is downstairs."

"No, my mother left as soon as I arrived. She called me because she thought that I needed to

know that you were upset about something, and now I find that it's because you're seriously
considering a job offer from that fucker. He had you followed, Bella. Are you insane? Don't you

see what he's doing?"

He would never be able to understand. "I don't suppose there's any way that we could talk
about this calmly and rationally?"

"Hell no!" Edward growled. "There is nothing to discuss. Have you forgotten how scared you

were when he kept sending those flowers? How your only thought was on the security of our

"That's all that I'm thinking about now," I whispered lamely. "The security of our child."

"I will take care of our child," Edward shrieked. "This is about the fucking money, isn't it? You

think that just because Miller is willing to pay you a triple figure salary that your life will be
happy and secure? He's a maniac, Bella. He wants you, and he doesn't give a fuck that you're

mine and that you are pregnant with my child!"

"I'm not yours," I whispered. My heart was his, but I didn't belong to anyone.

"The fuck you aren't," Edward murmured. "You are mine, body and soul, and you know it. I love
you. I fucking love you so much that I can barely breathe. Did you honestly believe for one

second that I was going to allow you to put yourself and our baby in danger by working for that

"I don't want to fight with you," I whispered softly. "I didn't want to keep this from you. I'm

simply telling you that he made me an offer, and I'd be crazy not to consider it."

Edward leaned back against the headboard and watched me carefully. His eyes were blazing and
penetrating, but I looked right back into those green eyes and held strong.

"Over my dead body," he murmured darkly.

He was too pissed to be rational. I climbed off the bed and quickly dressed. I felt his eyes on me

as I buttoned my blouse, and I ignored his penetrating gaze as I zipped up my jeans.

"I love you," I whispered to him as I wrapped my hand around the door knob. I couldn't look at

"Do you?" His voice trembled, and I nearly wept. How could he doubt that?

"Yes," I replied, "but I've been making my own decisions for a very long time."

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"Things are different now," Edward reminded me quietly. "It's not just about you anymore."

I nodded as I fumbled with the door knob. "I know that."

"Don't walk out on me," he whispered softly, tearing my heart in two.

"Don't treat me like a child."

"Don't act like one."

I brushed my tears away as I stepped out, closing the door behind me.


"A double," I slurred, placing the cold glass against my temple. The bartender shot me a look but

poured the drink anyway. My fucking head was pounding and the bright lights of the club
weren't helping. Shit was sliding in and out of focus, but that was preferable to the hell that was

playing in a continuous loop inside of my head.

It had been twelve hours since she'd walked out of my bedroom. Twelve hours since I'd yelled in
her face. Twelve hours since the girl I loved more than anything turned into a complete stranger

right before my eyes. I figured if I drank enough, then eventually I would be able comprehend
what the fuck had happened.

Considering Miller's job proposal was fucking insanity. Hell, I was drunk off my ass, and even in

my deeply inebriated state, I could still see what the fucker was doing. Obviously, I hadn't been
clear enough when I'd told him to stay away from her.

I would rectify that – just as soon as I could walk out the door.

Bella had walked away from me, and I had let her. I wasn't chasing her – not this time. She could

bat those beautiful doe eyes and flutter her eyelashes, but this was one time when she wouldn't
get her way.

There was no way in hell she was working for that man.


It was the root of all evil…the death of so many marriages.


I had actually told the girl that I wanted to marry her. Had she even heard me? And if so, did she

even care?

Surely, she wasn't this shallow. She'd never been preoccupied with money before. She'd always
seemed completely oblivious to the fact that my family was wealthy. Of course, we never really

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talked about it.

Obviously, we hadn't talked about a lot of things.

I downed my drink, and the bartender finally cut me off. It was just as well. There wasn't enough
alcohol on the planet to make this shit many sense.

"You look like shit," a smooth voice whispered in my ear. "Rough day at the office?"

I inwardly groaned. At least, I hoped it was inwardly. Tanya always did have trouble deciphering

between my sounds, and the last thing I wanted to do was give her false hope.


I glanced at her, and she smirked as she ordered herself a drink. She looked like sin, of course.
Skin-tight white blouse with the top two buttons undone. A long pencil skirt and stilettos. She

was every man's fantasy.

Every man, except for this one.

"How much have you had to drink?" Tanya asked curiously.

"Not nearly enough," I muttered, pushing my rock glass away. "What are you doing in Seattle?"

"Finalizing that bank merger," she shrugged as she sipped her drink. "Remember, I told you all
about it."

I didn't remember, but I pretended that I did. We made small talk for a while before I finally

began to feel the effects of the alcohol in my system.

"You looked tired, baby," Tanya cooed in my ear. "I'm in town for the next two days. Why don't
you and I call ourselves a cab and book a room at the Hilton? My treat."

I glanced her way, and when I was finally able to focus on her face, I was reminded at how

effortless it had been between Tanya and I. No strings. No expectations. No feelings. No

If Bella could consider dumbass moves, why couldn't I?


Twenty-four hours later, I was nursing a hangover from hell when I heard the vibration of my

cell coming from my nightstand. I groaned as I rolled over, opening one eye to notice the name
on the screen.

"This better be good, Em," I muttered as I leaned back against the pillow.

"Get to the hospital," my brother said, his voice stricken with panic. "I don't know what's wrong.

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I just know that Bella called Mom, Mom called Dad, and Dad insisted we get her to the hospital.
Why the fuck haven't you been answering your calls?"

"Wait a damn minute!" I yelled as I bolted out of bed. "Dad insisted we get who to the hospital?"

"Bella," Emmett whispered.

Chapter 19 Forgive Me


He isn't coming home.

I stared at my alarm clock – the red letters taunting me, reminding me that with every passing

minute, I was all alone. I had walked out on him, and he hadn't chased after me.

I had expected him to chase me. I had expected texts and flowers and sweet love notes, because
as mad as I was at him, and as mad as he was at me, I still believed that he loved me. I still

believed that he'd come home to me. I still believed he would come home to us.

He isn't coming home.

I had been awake for two days. I couldn't eat. I couldn't think. I couldn't believe that I had
pushed him away. I couldn't believe that my desire to be an equal provider for our child had led

us to this place – to this cold, dark place that was threatening to suffocate me.

No amount of money was worth this.

I wouldn't take that job. I would even quit my job at the newspaper and I would be a stay-at-
home mother if that's what he wanted. I would do anything he asked, if it meant that he would

come back to me.

So much for being an independent woman.

Fuck independence. It was my independence that had driven him away. It was my independence
that made me consider a job offer from a man who made my skin crawl. I had been such an

absolute fool in thinking that, somehow, this job offer was a good one. James Miller was a
stalking lunatic, and I had actually considered working for him? I knew Edward would hate the

idea and I still considered it?

I sat up in bed, pressing my back against the headboard and pulling my knees to my chest. I
wrapped my arms around my legs and rocked frantically, trying to rock away my tears and

anguish. I had done nothing but cry.

Earlier, I had given the delivery boy from the baby superstore a heart attack when I had signed
for the nursery furniture. He had pushed the unassembled crib into the nursery, and I had

instantly begun to bawl.

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"Mr. Cullen wished to assemble the crib himself," the boy muttered as he noticed my anxious
reaction. The fact that the crib was unassembled wasn't what was bothering me. It was the fact

that I would have to assemble it all by myself that was causing me to panic. I had quickly and
loudly slammed the nursery door as soon as the rest of the furniture was in the room.

It was so beautiful, but I just couldn't look at it.

My rocking became frantic as I allowed myself to be consumed by the voices that were running

through my mind. I could hear my mother, warning me that I would end up alone. I could hear
Rose, cautioning me that Edward would react this way. I could hear Edward, screaming at me

and calling me a child.

My chest tightened and my heart began to beat rapidly as their taunting voices mingled, and I
heard myself scream for them to stop. I was panting and my hands were trembling. Why are my

hands shaking? Why can't I breathe?

Something's wrong with me.

Something's wrong with the baby.

The room was spinning in and out of focus. I closed my eyes and fumbled for my phone lying on
the nightstand and hit one of the speed dials. I had no idea which one until I heard Esme's voice

on the other end.


"I can't…breathe," I stammered – my hands shaking so badly that I nearly dropped the phone.
Thankfully, she didn't ask anymore questions, and the next thing I knew, Esme and Carlisle were

in my bedroom, and my daughter's grandfather was cradling me to his chest and carrying me
out of my apartment.


I've never been a religious man, but during my frenzied drive to the hospital, I found myself

bartering my soul.

"Please let them be okay," I whispered tearfully. "I'll do anything…give anything…just tell me
what you want. Tell me what I need to do…"

Traffic was creeping on the freeway, and I angrily wiped away my tears. Surely God wasn't this

angry with me. Surely he wouldn't take them away from me. Surely he wouldn't rip my soul out
of me. Surely he wouldn't do that – not again.

I wouldn't survive it again.

Divine intervention must have led my car to the hospital, because when I finally focused on my

surroundings, I was there. I rushed through the emergency room doors and immediately
crashed into my brother's iron chest.

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"Whoa, whoa…" Emmett grabbed my arms and held me steady. "Calm down, Edward."

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I replied through gritted teeth. "Where is she?"

"You have to calm down first," Emmett coaxed me as he pulled me toward the waiting area.

"You can't see her like this."

"For the love of God, please tell me where she is," I whispered painfully. Tears were streaming
down my cheeks. The last time I had cried was thirteen years ago. It wasn't the same hospital,

but the smell was the same. I fucking hated the scent of hospitals – that medicinal aroma that I
would forever equate with the most heartbreaking day of my life.

Why the fuck wouldn't he let me see her?

"She's sleeping," Emmett murmured as he pulled me down into one of the waiting room chairs.

"The girl is absolutely exhausted."

"Tell me she's okay," I begged softly.

"She's okay," he replied.

I exhaled a shaky breath. "And the baby?"

Emmett nodded. "The baby's fine."

Relief flowed through me as I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall. "What the
fuck happened?"

"Carlisle says she had a panic attack," Emmett murmured softly. "The panic attack made her

blood pressure spike. I don't know the fucking difference between a systolic or a diastolic, but
apparently, her numbers were off the chart."

Guilt flooded me, and I buried my head in my hands. "It's my fault."

"Why would you say that?"

"We had a fight," I whispered softly. "It was so bad. God, I screamed at her, and then I let her

walk away from me. I didn't go home…"

"Speaking of that," Emmett interrupted. "Where the fuck have you been? We've been trying to
call for hours."

"I was asleep."


I looked him in the eye. "Fine, I was passed out drunk."

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Emmett exhaled sharply. "You're a fucking idiot."

"I know."

"No, you don't know!" Emmett's voice echoed down the hall. "The mother of your child fucking

needed you! I thought you'd grown up. I thought being a father and falling in love would
straighten your ass up. But you're still the same irresponsible, arrogant ass you've always been!"

"That's not true," I whispered.

I am a changed man. Tanya Denali can attest to the fact.

Tanya would probably never speak to me again, and I was fine with that. She never did like to be

ignored or denied, and I'd shattered her ego by refusing her invitation. It would have been so
easy to have said yes, but she wasn't carrying my baby, and she wasn't my girl.

I only wanted my girl.

"Couples fight," Emmett sighed heavily. "If you get drunk each and every time you two have a

fight, you're going to be a raging alcoholic. Grow the fuck up, Cullen."

"Don't preach to me. Just tell me where she is," I pleaded. "I need to see that she's okay."

"Room 212," Emmett murmured. "If you upset her, I swear I'll kick your ass."

I quickly rose to my feet. "If I upset her, I'll let you."

I tried to ignore the familiar smells of the hospital as I made my way to the elevator and onto
the second floor. I found her door and pushed it quietly, praying to God I wouldn't wake her. I

saw my mother first, keeping vigil next to the bed. Bella was lying against the pillow, her hair
splayed across the stark white pillow case. She looked so exhausted, and I was grateful to see

that she was sleeping. My mother's fingertips were softly brushing across Bella's forehead –
soothing and reverent.

"Please let me do that," I whispered softly. My mother smiled at me and rose from her seat. I

leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Bella's cheek. I gently pulled back the blanket and placed a
kiss against her stomach, and I heard my mother sniffle quietly from the other side of the room.

Pulling my chair closer, I softly ran my fingers across Bella's heart-shaped face, and she sighed in
her sleep. With that sweet sigh, I felt my own body relax.

"I love watching you with her," Esme whispered. "She's brought you back to life."

I nodded, too afraid to speak. Bella was resting so comfortably, and the last thing I wanted to do

was disturb her. Instead, I just stared at her and listened to her steady breathing, letting her
close proximity ground me and soothe me.

Time slowly passed. At some point, Dr. Molina came into the room and whispered that Bella's

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blood pressure was much better and that the baby was perfectly fine. He wished to keep her
overnight for observation, just to be safe. He also mentioned something about possible bedrest

if her blood pressure continued to be an issue. I promised him that I would do everything in my
power to keep her calm. He had smiled kindly and reminded me about visiting hours, but he

must have seen the panicked look on my face, because he immediately assured me that the
staff would be bringing me a cot.

There was no way I was leaving her side. I was glad he understood.

Hours later, Bella finally began to stir in her sleep, and I felt her fingers tighten around my hand

that was holding hers.


"I'm right here, Songbird," I whispered softly. Her eyes fluttered open, and her beautiful brown
eyes settled on me.

"Is the baby okay?"

"The baby's fine," I promised her.

She sighed softly as tears filled her eyes.

"Are we okay?"

I smiled softly and pulled her hand to my lips. "We're perfect. Everything's going to be just fine."

"You have to forgive me," she whimpered, her eyes wild with fear.

"Shhh…" I whispered, pressing each of her fingertips to my lips as I placed a soft to kiss to each

one. "There's nothing to forgive, baby."

"I was so stupid," Bella moaned softly. "I'm so sorry…"

"I was stupid, too, and I'm sorry," I murmured, wiping her tears away with my knuckles. "I'm so
sorry that I yelled at you, and I'm so very sorry that I upset you so much. I swear it will never

happen again."

"Please forgive me," she whispered anxiously. "Please don't leave me. Not ever…"

I quickly rose from my chair and pulled back the blanket. The bed was small, but I'd be damned
if I was going to sit here and watch her cry herself into another panic attack. I laid back against

the pillow and pulled her close to my chest, letting my fingers slide through the silky tendrils of
her hair.

"There," I whispered as I felt her relax against me. "You have to stay calm, sweetheart. It's not

good for the baby for you to be so upset."

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She sniffled quietly as she raised her face toward mine. "Say you forgive me."

I smiled down at her and softly kissed her nose. "I forgive you, Songbird. Do you forgive me?"

"I forgive you."

"Thank you," I whispered. Her eyes closed, and I brushed away her tears before pulling her close
to my chest. "You're my whole world, Songbird."

"And you're mine," she whispered softly.

We had so much more to say, but it could wait. I pressed my lips to her hair and held her close,

and we both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


The next morning, Bella was discharged from the hospital under strict orders from her doctor to
stay relaxed and calm. He wanted to see her in his office each week for a blood pressure check,

and he requested that she cut back on her hours at the newspaper.

I promised to do my best to keep her calm, and the first step in that endeavor was to accept
Carlisle and Esme's offer of a weekend getaway to their cabin in Mt. Rainer National Park. The

timing was perfect, the drive was a quick one, and the location was serene. I wanted to get Bella
away from the city and just take some time to reconnect. We needed to talk through our issues

before we could move ahead, and the cabin would give us the seclusion we both desired.

We were both still exhausted from the last few days, so it was a quiet drive as we traveled south
toward the park. We held hands the entire time and Bella played with my iPod, and when we

did talk, it was about the scenery or the music floating from the speakers. We had some heavy
shit to deal with, but we seemed to have an unspoken understanding that we'd save those

topics for the cabin for when we could really concentrate on each other.

The cabin was just as beautiful as I remembered it, and Bella seemed in awe of the vaulted
ceilings of the living room. The cabin was rustic, but the accommodations were anything but.

The kitchen was fully stocked and the fireplace was roaring in the living room. We walked
through the rest of the downstairs and out onto the back deck where Bella gazed wistfully at the

Jacuzzi. I suddenly remembered that the baby book forbid them. I smiled softly at her and
offered her my hand, and we walked together up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Her

eyes immediately gravitated to the double French doors that provided a majestic view of the

"Wow," she whispered.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

She nodded as I placed our suitcases on the bed. Quietly, we unpacked, moving around each

other carefully. As we moved around the room, our bodies would inevitably brush against each
other, and we'd smile shyly and continue with our tasks.

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"Starving," she smiled at me. "I'm guessing you aren't going to let me cook tonight."

Truthfully, Bella was a much better cook than I could ever be, but I had planned on forcing her

to sit on the couch while I cooked dinner for the two of us. However, this weekend was about
new beginnings, honesty, and compromises.

"Would you like to help me cook?"

Her eyes twinkled. "I would love to help you cook."

Bella moved around the kitchen as if she'd lived here her entire life. My assigned tasks were to

butter the bread and to chop vegetables for the salad, but I couldn't do either of those things
because I was too busy watching her. She was wearing a bulky sweater and yoga pants that

showed none of her curves and not a trace of skin, and still, she was the most beautiful girl I'd
ever seen. Her hair was pulled tightly in a ponytail, allowing me a beautiful view of the curve of

her neck. I was suddenly overwhelmed with the sheer need to touch her – just to make sure she
was real. Just to prove to myself that she'd forgiven me, and that she loved me, and that we

were okay.

You could have lost her.

The enormity of that truth made the knife tremble in my hand.

"Are you okay?" Bella asked, her voice laced with concern. She had just finished grilling the
chicken and had placed each piece on a plate.

I offered her a smile. "I'm fine, baby."

She went back to the stove, and I tried to focus on my tasks without chopping off one of my


Dinner was delicious, and after we finished loading the dishwasher, we made our way into the
living room.

"Would you like to watch a movie?"

She bit her bottom lip. "I'm kind of tired. Could we watch television upstairs?"

"Of course," I smiled, and once again, I offered my hand and led her up the staircase. There

were three bathrooms in the cabin, so we parted ways just long enough to shower and get
ready for bed. Bella was already lying in bed by the time I made my way back into the bedroom,

and she was impatiently flipping through the channels.

"There's nothing on."

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I laughed as I collapsed against the pillows. "Bella, there are eight hundred channels."

She sighed and finally just turned off the television. "Could we just talk about the things we
need to talk about so that we can enjoy our weekend?"

I couldn't help but grin. My Songbird had zero patience.

"Sure, let's talk."

Bella climbed into my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. I nuzzled her nose with mine

as I ran my fingers through her hair, now free from the confines of her ponytail.

"Before we begin," I whispered. "I think it's very important that you know that I love you with all
my heart."

She smiled, her brown eyes warm and soft. "I love you just as much. I was so afraid…so afraid I'd

never get to say those words to you ever again."

"I was just giving you some time," I murmured. "You left me…"

"I'm sorry," Bella whispered guiltily. "I just thought we needed to cool off. You were so angry
with me."

"I was scared for you," I said softly. "Why Bella? Why would you want to work for him?"

Bella sighed. "I didn't want to work for him. I just wanted the salary he was offering. I had this

crazy idea that we needed to provide equally for our family, and I'd never be able to do that
while working for the paper."

"You've never been fixated on money," I reminded her.

"No," she agreed. "But growing up, we always struggled with money, whether I was living with

my father or Renee. I don't want that for our baby. I know you and your family are wealthy, but I
want to be a good provider, as well."

"I understand that," I whispered, "but working for James wasn't the answer. You had to know


"I did," Bella nodded. "Truthfully, I was just considering it. I don't think I would have accepted
the offer. But the fact that you were so against it – the fact that you wouldn't even discuss it

with me – just sent me over the edge. I want to be able to talk to you about things, even if it's
stupid things. I need to know that even if I make mistakes, you'll still love me."

"I can accept that," I agreed. "As long as you accept that if I think you're going to be in danger,

I'm going to do everything in my power to prevent it…and that you'll still love me even if I'm

"Agreed. But sweetheart, you can't protect me from everything."

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I kissed the tip of her nose. "Watch me."

She giggled as she nuzzled my cheek. "Okay."

I snuggled her close to me. "Have you had panic attacks before?"

She nodded. "Yeah, when I was younger – back when Renee and Charlie were going through

their divorce. I saw a counselor at school, and she taught me how to control them. I hadn't had
one in so long that I didn't really recognize what was happening to me. It was scary. I

immediately thought something was wrong with the baby."

"Why didn't you call me?"

"I just grabbed my phone and hit a speed dial button. I had no idea who I'd called until your
mother said my name, and then suddenly, they were there."

"My parents?"

"Your dad carried me out of the apartment," Bella whispered.

Guilt overwhelmed me. "I'm sorry I wasn't there, baby."

"I left you, remember?" Bella shrugged. "They tried to call you once I was admitted. Where did

you go?"

I sighed heavily. "I got drunk and crashed at my apartment."


I took a deep breath. "As long as we're being honest, I should probably tell you something that
happened at the bar."

She stiffened in my arms. "Okay…"

"I ran into one of my old…whatever you want to call her. I never really had girlfriends…"

She nodded.

"Umm…she invited me back to her hotel. I declined, of course, and she called me a cab and sent

me home. So absolutely nothing happened. I just thought you should know."

Bella nodded slowly. "Was it Tanya?"

This surprised me. "You know Tanya?"

"I googled her," Bella admitted. "Actually, I just googled your girlfriends, and she popped up."
She stared down at her knotted fingers. "She's very pretty."

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I shrugged. "She's my past."

"Why did you turn her down?"

"Because she wasn't you," I whispered. I trailed my fingertip from her temple to her chin, and

she closed her eyes. "All I want is you, Songbird."

She opened her eyes, and they were shining. "I have a confession, too."


"I heard you tell me that you wanted to marry me."

I grinned. "I wondered if you heard that."

"I did."

I brought her hand to my lips. "What do you think about that?"

She watched as I placed a kiss to each of her fingers. "I think you should know that I'm not
opposed to living in sin."

I chuckled. "I bet your father would have other ideas."

"Please, I recall a hundred dollar bet between the two of you." Then she grimaced. "Besides,

that man owes me. Seeing Sue Clearwater's naked ass riding my father has given me years of
ammunition against Charlie Swan."

"Very true," I conceded. "But still, are you saying you wouldn't say yes if I proposed?"

She considered this. "Did you know that two out of three marriages end in divorce?"

"I'm well aware," I nodded. "Why do you think I'm such a successful attorney?"

"Hmm…" Bella mused, turning her eyes away from me and gazing out the window. After a few

quiet moments, she turned back to me. "I don't want to end up like my parents."

"We won't," I whispered tenderly. "We'll end up like mine."

Her chocolate eyes sparkled. "We could have fucked it up so badly. Yet here we are."

"Here we are," I murmured against her cheek. "You are the love of my life, Songbird, and I will
propose to you someday. You need to be prepared for when that day comes, so that you'll

answer with the correct response."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck once again. "And the correct response would

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"Yes," I whispered. "The correct response would be yes."

Bella giggled, and I leaned close, kissing her softly. I should have pushed her off my lap, pulled

her to the edge, and dropped to both knees, begging her to marry me. But I didn't have a ring,
and we were just coming off of an emotional few days. I didn't want to propose without a ring,

and I didn't want her to think that I was proposing just because we'd had a fight. The timing
wasn't right, but it would be someday.

Someday the timing would be perfect.

We made love, and it was careful and sweet and just what we needed to cement our

commitment. Later that night, as I held her close to me, I whispered a silent prayer, thanking
God for everything he'd given me. I thanked Him for my family, and I thanked Him for protecting

the two most precious souls in my life.

I'd never been a religious man, but tonight, I was.

Chapter 20 You Make It Real For Me


The cemetery was peaceful and serene, just as you'd expect a cemetery to be. It was beautiful,
with pink and yellow wildflowers growing between the marble stones. Edward had planned out

the entire day, and while this stop along the way had been a definite surprise, I could see by the
expression on his face that this moment was important to him. Therefore, it was important to


Today, I was meeting Jane.

During the past month, Edward and I had fallen back into our comfortable routine. The weekend
getaway to his parents' cabin had been the perfect setting to reconnect and talk through our

issues. We had returned to Seattle with gigantic smiles on our faces and with renewed purposes
in our hearts. The number one priority on Edward's list was to keep me calm at all times. The

blood pressure scare had frightened both of us, so I was more than willing to follow the rules,
which included part-time hours at the newspaper during the day, meditation and yoga in the

afternoon, and early bedtimes with Edward at night. We also made an effort to spend more
time with his family who had been nothing but wonderful to me during my breakdown.

The only slightly nerve-wracking event that was currently happening in our lives was that we

were now on the search for the perfect house.

The house hunting hadn't been a priority until we realized – after close inspection of the baby
furniture – that there was really no way to make it all fit in the room we'd deemed the nursery.

Besides, after much discussion, we'd both realized that we wanted a house in which to raise our
daughter. Not that my high-rise apartment in downtown Seattle was slumming it, but there was

just something about having a house that filled me with so much happiness. Edward had
immediately called some realtors, and we had checked out a few houses throughout the past

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few weeks. None of them really had everything we were looking for, so the hunt continued. We
had a couple of appointments scheduled for this afternoon, and we were excited to see the

places the realtor had chosen for us.

But, as exciting as house hunting could be, this stop along the way was much more important
and meaningful.

Edward gazed down at the grave maker, and I watched as he silently traced the letters of her


"This is Bella," he announced softly, and I could hear the pride in his voice. "I wanted you to
meet her…officially."

He held my hand in his as he spent time with his sister, and as much as he loved me, I couldn't

help but feel that I was intruding on a sacred moment between a brother and a sister. But
anytime I tried to step away, Edward just held my hand tighter. There were a few instances

when I saw him wipe away a tear, and it just shattered my heart. I'd seen Edward emotional, but
this was a side of him that I'd never fully comprehended – the tortured brother who ached for

his sister so much that it brought him to tears.

It only made me love him that much more.

He was quiet as we made our way down the highway and toward the first of three houses we
were to view today. It wasn't an awkward silence; it was merely a man lost in his thoughts, and I

was content to let him have this time to himself. He still held my hand tightly in his, and
occasionally, I would feel his fingertips graze my knuckles.

We turned onto I-90 and then took the 405 north toward Bellevue. Our comfortable silence was

broken when I gasped as we turned toward the neighborhood of Bridle Trails. Million dollar
homes surrounded us on each side, and my mouth dropped as Edward pulled into the driveway

of quite possibly the most beautiful home I'd ever seen.

"I know it looks big," Edward murmured as he turned off the ignition, "but it's really homey and
comfortable on the inside."

"You've seen it?"

"Just pictures from their online brochure," Edward explained softly.

"It's so pretty," I whispered, and Edward smiled as he opened his door and made his way to my

side. He took my hand as he helped me out of the car, and I finally took my eyes off the house
long enough to notice our realtor's Escalade parked in the driveway. I looked toward the front

door, and there she stood, waving excitedly.

"Carmen," Edward smiled at her when we made our way to the front porch. "Thanks for
showing this to us on such short notice."

"Oh, it's my pleasure," Carmen smiled. She was bubbly and old enough to be our grandmother. I

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had loved her from the moment we met. "How are you feeling, Bella?"

"I feel great," I grinned at her. "This is gorgeous."

"Isn't it?" Carmen replied happily as she led us through the spacious family room. With the
pleasantries out of the way, suddenly she was all business. "The home has four bedrooms and

four baths. It has a den and remodeled kitchen with cherry wood cabinets, granite counter tops,
and brand new stainless steel appliances."

I was in awe as we followed Carmen to the den, and Edward pulled me against his chest as he

whispered in my ear, "I remember your fondness for fireplaces. This place has three."

I blushed as visions of our weekend flashed in my head. We had made love in front of the
cabin's fireplace.

Three times.

"There's a hot tub," Carmen noted as she pointed to the deck through the garden window. "Of

course, that'll have to wait until after the baby is born, but it's a wonderful feature of the home.
Oh, and there's the tennis court out back."

"Do you play tennis?" I asked Edward with a whisper.


I giggled as Carmen continued her sales pitch. The master bedroom was massive, and while the

other bedrooms weren't as large, they were definitely larger than the bedrooms in my
apartment. The bedroom closest to the master bedroom would be perfect for a nursery, and I

could see Edward mentally measuring to make sure all of that beautiful baby furniture would fit.
She concluded her spiel by telling us about the great school district and friendly neighborhood

atmosphere, but it was unnecessary. I loved it. And by the look on Edward's face, he loved it,

"I'll give you two a moment," Carmen smiled, and she made her way down the stairs.

"What do you think?" Edward murmured, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me


"Do I even want to know the price tag?"

This wasn't about my money worries. I thought it was a legitimate question. The house had a
tennis court, for crying out loud.

Edward sighed as his eyes searched mine. "That doesn't answer my question. Tell me what you

think, and then I'll tell you how much it costs."

"I love it," I whispered. "What's not to love? It's beautiful and it's perfect for us."

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Edward smiled happily. "Good. I love it, too."

"How much?"

"Under a million," Edward whispered, and I rolled my eyes. We'd set a budget, and he'd
convinced me that we'd never find what we wanted for less than that amount. Apparently, the

Seattle real estate market was ridiculous.

"How much under a million?"

"Not much," he confessed with a grimace. "But is this what you want? That's what's most

My eyes ghosted along the hardwood floors and the French doors of the master bedroom. It

was everything I could ever want in a house – minus the tennis court, of course. I turned my
attention back to the man I loved, and I could see the excitement in his eyes. He was willing to

buy this beautiful home for our family.

How could I possibly say no?

"I want it," I whispered.

Edward's answering smile made me weak in the knees.

"Then it's yours," he said softly.


After my nightly blood pressure check (110/70, thank you very much), we were lying in our usual
nighttime position – me on my back and Edward's head close to my tummy as he read to the

baby. Tonight's story was The Velveteen Rabbit. I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through his
copper hair as his velvet voice washed over me.

"What is real?" asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery

fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you
and a stick-out handle?"

"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a

child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you
become real."

"Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit.

"Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are real you don't mind

being hurt."

"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?"

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"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's
why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be

carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your
eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at

all, because once you are real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

I smiled softly as I gazed down at the man I loved…the man who wanted to be my husband. We
had so much to learn about each other, but I knew the important things.

The real things.

Edward loves me, and he is going to be a wonderful father to our daughter. He will be like

Charlie – laid-back but protective…firm but loving. Edward will never make our child feel like a
burden, or a mistake, or a nuisance. His love for our child will be unconditional and real.

Suddenly, a fluttering in my stomach made me gasp, and Edward jerked his head away from my


"What was that?" I whispered anxiously.

His eyes were wide as he leapt from the bed and raced toward the living room. Within
moments, he was back with the baby book. I pressed my fingertips to my stomach and held my

breath as he excitedly began to read.

"The first movements can occur anywhere between the 16th and 20th week," Edward read
aloud. "The sensation may feel like a quickening, or butterflies in the tummy."

I nodded. "That's exactly how it felt." I gasped again as the sensation surprised me, and I traced

the skin with my fingertips. Was she moving? Is that what I was feeling?


His blazing eyes met mine as he dropped the book to the floor. "Yes?"

"Come here," I whispered. "Come feel your daughter move."

His smile was breathtaking as he crawled back onto the bed. I took his hand in mine and pressed
it to my stomach – just as another fluttering rippled across the surface. My breath hitched, and

Edward's eyes were wide with excitement.

"She's really in there," he whispered in amazement. "I mean, I know she's in there, but…"

"I know," I murmured as I laced my fingers with his as we continued touching my tummy. "She's
just more real now."

"Have you ever felt that before?" Edward asked softly.

"Not that I've noticed," I replied. "Maybe she liked your story. You have the sweetest voice. I bet

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she loves to hear it."

His eyes sparkled. "I'll read it every night if it means that she'll do that."

For the next hour, we lay quietly with our fingers pressed against my tummy, but the baby
apparently decided she was done entertaining us for the night because I didn't feel it again. I

couldn't be disappointed, though. I knew this was just the beginning of so many wonderful
moments just like this for the two of us. Important moments. Real moments.

And I couldn't wait to share them all with him.

The Velveteen Rabbit is by Margery Williams.

Chapter 21 Can the Child Within My Heart Rise Above?


"Fucking Slot A goes into Slot B bullshit," I groaned as I tried to join the sideboards.

"Perhaps this is why it says Read These Instructions First, in big bold letters," Emmett smirked as
he pointed toward the booklet.

The damn instruction manual was the size of Bella's baby book. This was just a rectangle! How

hard could it be to put together a crib?

We had moved into the new house a month ago. Carlisle, Jasper, and Em had helped us unload
boxes while Esme, Alice, and Rose had handled the interior designing. Bella and I could care less

about colors and fabrics, so I'd handed Alice my credit card and told her to go nuts.

"She loves to shop," Jasper had cautioned me, "especially with someone else's money."

After looking at my credit card statement, I had to agree with him. But I really didn't mind
because a week later, the house was fully furnished and looking beautiful. Most importantly, it

had all been done without adding one ounce of stress to Bella's life.

Her baby bump was no longer a mere bump. Her tummy was now round and beautiful. While I
loved every inch of skin, Bella was becoming more uncomfortable while performing everyday

tasks. Her back was beginning to ache and her feet were swollen at the end of the day, even
with the reduced hours at work. Dr. Molina promised this was all just a part of pregnancy. Bella

never complained, but I could tell by the expression on her face when she was a feeling even the
slightest discomfort, so I spent my evenings rubbing her sore back while she elevated her feet. I

hated that she was suffering, but I loved taking care of her…and I loved that she was letting me.

"Dude!" Emmett's booming voice brought me back to reality. "That's Slot C. No wonder it won't

I looked down, and sure enough – a bright red C was displayed on the label.

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"Fuck it," I moaned, tossing the pieces back onto the carpet. "Why didn't I just have this thing

assembled at the store?"

"Because this is part of the baby experience," Emmett reminded me as he read the instruction
manual. "Besides, I'll need your help in about seven months. This is good practice for both of


Stunned, I dropped the screwdriver onto the floor.

"What did you just say?"

Emmett smiled. "Rose is pregnant. We just found out last week."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "But you just met her! I didn't realize you two were

Emmett merely cocked an eyebrow at me. "Surely we aren't going to start discussing timelines.

Are you forgetting that you knocked up Bella the first night you met her?"

Oh yeah.

"Actually," I muttered, "It could have been the second night."

Emmett rolled his eyes. "Either way, I don't believe you have any room to talk, dear brother. So
just shut the hell up and be happy for me."

I grinned. "Are you happy?"

"I'm ecstatic." There wasn't a trace of doubt in his voice.

"Then congratulations, man," I smiled. "Are you going to marry her?"

Emmett chuckled. "As soon as you marry Bella."

"Touché," I grinned. "Did I tell you I found the ring?"

"You did?"

"It's at the jeweler being engraved," I nodded.

The ring was simple and beautiful, and the engraving would make it perfect. I couldn't wait to

put it on her finger.

Now that we were actually reading and following the manual, the crib was actually beginning to
take shape. We worked quietly for the next hour, inserting pieces into the correct slots.

"Now that you've recovered from the shock of finding out she's pregnant," Emmett murmured,

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"how do you really feel about all of this?"

I sighed softly as I took a long look at our finished product. The crib had taken some time – not
to mention a lot of hard work – but everything fit. Everything was in its proper place. What was

once in pieces was now whole.

Just like my heart.

Just like my life.

"Words can't describe it," I murmured. "It's like my life is finally complete."

Emmett nodded in understanding. "No regrets?"

I gazed around the room. I was a grown man sitting on the plush carpet of a baby nursery,
surrounded by a crib, a changing table, and pastel-colored walls. Somewhere in this gigantic

house, the woman I loved was taking a much-needed nap after a restless night of tossing,
turning, and frequent baby kicks.

How could I regret a second of anything?

"No regrets," I smiled.


After Bella's nap, she had convinced me to let her hang the curtains. And when I say convinced, I

mean that she promised me sex in exchange for letting her stand on the stool. As I held her
firmly by the waist, I was seriously reconsidering our deal.

"I wish you'd let me do this," I muttered through gritted teeth.

"Edward, it's just a foot stool," she giggled as she smoothed out the fabric. She was only four

inches off the ground, but I was still having a heart attack. "Besides, I'm finished."

Relieved, I pulled her into my arms and helped her down from the stool. I wrapped my arms
around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder as we examined the room around us. Bella

had spent a few hours putting the finishing touches on the nursery, folding and re-folding baby
clothes and putting them in the drawers. We'd even opened the diapers and placed them in the

diaper stacker. Everything was ready.

"Now we just need the baby," Bella whispered softly. I smiled against her hair and softly stroked
her tummy.

"She'll be here in two months," I murmured happily. "We really need to decide on a name. Oh,

and her mom and dad need to have a wedding."

Bella giggled softly. "You aren't enjoying living in sin?"

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I smiled against the soft skin of her neck. "Marry me, Bella."

"Hmm," she sighed happily as I kissed the exposed skin of her shoulder. "I think we should pick a
baby name first."

"Then you'll marry me?" I asked hopefully. However, I immediately regretted making choosing a

baby name part of our deal. The baby name book was bigger than the baby bible, and we'd
made a hefty list of possible choices. Unfortunately, this task could take a while. "Why don't I

order a pizza for dinner and we'll spend the evening narrowing down our list of names?"

Bella turned around in my arms and gazed up at me. "That sounds perfect. But aren't you
forgetting something?"

I glanced around the room. Everything seemed to be in place. "Am I?"

Bella nodded as she began to unbutton my shirt. "I owe you a thank you."

I grinned as her fingers caressed the bare skin of my chest. "It doesn't have to be now, baby. We

have all night."

"But I want you now," Bella whispered with a pout. "I think we should christen the nursery."

Another extra benefit of all of those surging mommy hormones was that Bella was horny pretty
much all the time now. Dr. Molina had cautioned us that this may not last as Bella's pregnancy

progressed, so we were taking full advantage of every moment. We'd begun to experiment with
different positions to make her feel comfortable during sex, and we'd found that spooning

during sex was all kinds of awesome.

Have I mentioned that I'm the luckiest man alive?

My eyes rolled back in my head as Bella slid her palm against my growing erection. "Baby, we
should take this to the bedroom."

"This carpet is really soft," she grinned at me. She even fluttered her eyelashes a little, and my

dick twitched with excitement.

"But the floor might hurt your back," I countered as her hands quickly unsnapped my jeans and

"Then I guess I'll just have to ride you," Bella smirked sexily as she grabbed my hand and pulled

me down onto the carpet.

See? I really am the luckiest man alive.



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I shook my head as Edward marked that name off the list. We were nestled on the couch – me
with the baby book in my hand and Edward with our legal pad full of possible baby names.

"Katherine? Elizabeth?"

"Do you have a thing for Hollywood movie actresses?" I smirked as I flipped through the pages.

He muttered something before crossing both names off the list.

"Madeline," I whispered as I flipped through the M's. "Or Madalyn, Madelyn…the spelling is
apparently optional."

"I like that," Edward nodded as he added it to the list. "We'd call her Maddie?"

"Probably," I grinned. It's not like I'd ever used my full first name. "Which spelling?"

Like complete dorks, we sat there and wrote different variations of Madeline, Madelyn, and

Madalyn Cullen on the yellow legal pad.

"She needs a middle name," Edward mused.

"She does," I agreed, and just then, an idea dawned on me. I bit my lip nervously, not knowing
what his reaction to my suggestion would be.

"Jane?" I whispered softly. The scratching of pen against paper ceased, and I glanced up into the

misty eyes of the man I loved more than anything.

"Really?" His voice was filled with emotion.

"Madalyn Jane Cullen," I whispered with a nod. "What do you think?"

"I think I love it," Edward murmured as he tossed the legal pad onto the floor. He grabbed me by
the hand and pulled me into his lap. He pressed his forehead against mine. "I love it, and I love

you. Thank you."

Edward leaned close and kissed me sweetly. I could never get enough of kissing him, especially
these days – when our kisses usually led to sex in one of the new positions we'd been practicing.

"Our daughter has a name," Edward whispered against my lips. "You know what this means?"


"You have to marry me now."

"I guess so," I sighed, as if this was just devastating news.

"Please marry me," Edward whispered against my ear.

I giggled softly and glanced at him. "Is that your official proposal?"

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Edward's face fell.


"No?" I was confused. The man had been begging me to marry him for weeks now.

"I don't have the ring yet," Edward explained with a sigh. "I mean, I have it. It's just being


"Engraved with what?" I asked excitedly.

Edward smiled as he brushed his nose against mine. "It's a surprise. But I won't propose without
a ring, Bella."

I sighed happily. "You're so sentimental. Who knew?"

"You'll love it," he smiled, but then his face flashed with worry. "At least, I hope you'll love it. I

think you'll love it…"

"I'll love it," I promised him with a tender kiss.


It was late, but as usual, I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep. Edward was snoring
peacefully in our bed as I sat in the bay window of our bedroom. I gazed out into the darkness

and at the flickering of the street lights, letting the sound of his soft snores relax me as I
contemplated the one thing that had been weighing heavily on my mind for the past week or


My mother.

My life was pretty perfect, but for some reason, I had been thinking about Renee a lot lately. I
was closer to Esme than I'd ever been with my own mother, so I couldn't help but wonder how

different my relationship with Renee could have been if only she'd been a little more….motherly.
More understanding. More compassionate. More encouraging. This was the type of mother I

wanted to be for my daughter. I already felt it – this intense, all-encompassing protectiveness
for my baby. Had Renee ever felt that way about me, or had I always been just a living,

breathing reminder of her lost dreams?

I lifted my gown and ran my hand over my stomach, and while the skin was stretched and taut
and I could already see stretch marks, I couldn't help but smile. Our daughter was going to be

surrounded by a mom and dad who loved her, three uncles in Emmett, Jasper, and Jake, and
two aunts in Rose and Alice. She would also have two incredible grandfathers and a

grandmother. Our baby will grow up knowing she is loved and adored.

Isn't that what every little girl wants?

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Isn't that what every big girl wants, too?

I looked back at Edward as he slept soundly, his copper hair a sharp contrast to the white of our
pillow cases. He and I didn't have to be married for me to know that he loved me more than

anything else. His protectiveness – while suffocating at times – was just a product of that love,
so it was hard for me to fault him for that. I think I would have fallen in love with him even if I

hadn't gotten pregnant, but seeing his excitement about the baby only made me love him more.

Our beginning had been less than traditional, but our forever would be bliss.

As my due date grew closer, I found myself wanting to get everything in my life in its proper
order. Getting the new house organized had been easy enough with Hurricane Alice on the job,

but there were other aspects of my life that were in desperate need of tidying. My number one
priority was solidifying my relationship with Edward. My second was mending my relationship

with my mother. One was much easier than the other, but both were important.

It was important to Edward that we be married. I had never felt that same urgency, and I knew
that was because I'd never seen a healthy marriage until I met Carlisle and Esme Cullen.

Knowing that those types of marriages actually existed gave me hope that signing that piece of
paper wouldn't change a thing between us. I have come to realize that I shouldn't let my fears

keep me from making a commitment to the man I love. Besides, our daughter deserved to have
her parents married to each other, especially when they obviously loved each other so much.

Who was I to deny any of us what we wanted and deserved? Ring or no ring - if Edward had
proposed tonight, I would have said yes.

Mending my relationship with my mother would be a far more difficult task. I would have to let

go of the shame that she'd instilled in me, and I wasn't quite sure how to do that, but I felt that
it was important to try. I wanted zero negativity in my life, and while my mother was out of

sight, she was certainly not out of mind.

I glanced at the bedside clock and noticed the time. Renee was always a night owl, so I decided
to take my chances. I stood up from the bay window and tiptoed to my bedside table. I silently

grabbed my phone and leaned down to kiss Edward's cheek before making my way down the
hall and into the nursery. I grabbed one of the baby's blankets and wrapped it around me before

turning on the small lamp and sitting down in the rocking chair. Taking a deep breath, I dialed
my mother's number.

"Hello?" Her voice was a formal whisper.

"Mom? Were you sleeping?"

"Bella?" She sounded surprised to hear my voice. "No, I wasn't asleep. You know me. Phil is

sleeping next to me, but I'm wide awake. Let me take the phone into the living room."

I rocked nervously in the chair as I heard my mother make her way into her living room. The
house was dead silent except for my rocking, and I made a mental note to add some kind of

sound system to the nursery. Madalyn and I would both need soothing music for our future late

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"How are you, Bella?"

"I'm good," I replied. "I'm great, actually."

"That's good to hear," Renee said. "I guess the baby is coming soon?"

"Two months," I said as my free hand drummed against my tummy. "We're having a girl."

"Little girls are great," Renee replied softly. "Have you picked a name?"

"Yes," I said. "But we're keeping it quiet for now."

Renee hummed and then grew silent, and the sound of my rocking chair was once again the only

sound in my ears. Why had I called? What had possessed me to think this was a good idea?

"We bought a new house," I tried again.


"Edward and I."

"I see," Renee said – her tone clipped. "In Seattle?"

"In Bellevue. It's just across Lake Washington."

She was very interested in the details of the house, and I could tell she was impressed as I
described the square footage and tennis court. Of course, she would be impressed. It was grand

and expensive – two of Renee's favorite things.

"A tennis court, Bella? That doesn't sound like your type of house," Renee murmured.

"The tennis court is ridiculous," I agreed with her. "But the house itself is very homey and
beautiful, and that's why we bought it. We really love it here."

"We bought it?" Renee asked. "Don't you mean Edward bought it?"

"No, I mean we bought it," I explained patiently. "He and I bought the house together."

"On your salary?" Renee laughed, and I closed my eyes as her bitter laugh grated on my nerves.

"Oh, Bella…it's perfectly fine to admit that Edward is the breadwinner in this relationship. I am
glad to see that you're embracing his extravagant lifestyle. He won't marry you, and he won't

stay once the baby is born. At least you're letting him lavish you with material possessions. I
knew I'd raised an intelligent girl."

I could have told her the truth. I could have said that Edward was begging me to marry him. I

could have told her that he'd already picked out my ring. I could have told her that he would
never leave me and that I would get the happy ever after she'd never had.

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I could have said all of those things, but I didn't. The truth was that she had raised an intelligent

girl who was finally seeing clearly for the first time in her life. I now realized that my unplanned
arrival had made my mother a bitter person, but that was her fault – not mine. Renee had made

the choice to be bitter. Renee had chosen to give up on her dreams and be a stay-at-home
mother. Renee had chosen to become fixated on money as a means to happiness. Renee had

chosen to leave my father.

I would choose to never be like Renee.

"Your granddaughter will be here in two months," I announced softly into the phone. My voice
was calm and resolved. "She will be loved and worshipped and never be made to feel like she

ruined my life. She will have a father like I have – a father who is kind and generous and loves
her for who she is. She will have a big, wonderful family who wants only the best for her. It is up

to you whether you want to be a part of that family."

Renee said nothing in response, and I took that as a sign to end the call. I had a deep desire to
tidy up the loose ends of my life, and I had attempted to do that tonight. The ball was now in

her court. Whatever she chose to do would not affect my life or the life of my daughter. We
would be happy, with or without Renee in our lives.

Contently, I made my way back into the bedroom and noticed that Edward's arm was draped

across my side of the bed. Carefully, I lifted his arm and wrapped it around me as I climbed in
beneath the blanket. His arm tightened around me as he pulled my back close to his chest.

"Can't you sleep, baby?" He whispered against my ear, and I smiled as I laced my fingers with


"Just tidying up."

He sighed softly as I nestled deeper into his embrace.

"Edward?" I whispered.


"Will you marry me?"

Chapter 22 I Love You Like Never Before


"What did you just say?"

Bella turned around in my arms and snuggled close. Her eyes were warm and soft as she gazed
into mine. "Will you marry me, Edward?"

This girl – this beautiful, incredible, amazing girl – was literally going to be the death of me. I had

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been begging her to marry me for weeks now. I finally had a ring, and I was waiting for the
engraving to be finished, so that I could execute the most romantic proposal ever known to

woman or man. I already had my speech prepared, and I'd been practicing my knee bends, just
to prepare them for the perfect moment when I would fall onto one of them and ask her to

marry me. I had a plan, and now my plan was blown to hell because she just proposed to me!


Bella just proposed to me.

"Please don't tease me," I begged her, my voice anguished. "I don't think my heart could take
the disappointment."

"I'm not teasing," Bella whispered softly. Her finger softly traced the outline of my lips. "I want

everything in its proper order before Maddie arrives, and I think it's time to tie myself to you in
every way possible. We're already connected in every single way that counts. Getting married is

just a wonderful formality. I love you, you love me, and we love our baby. We have a beautiful
home, and we should be a family – officially. It's time, Edward."

Her voice was so sure, so filled with conviction. My mind was racing with various scenarios and

possibilities. Fuck the sentimental engraving. I'd book a flight to Vegas and marry her tonight.
Right now. What time is it? Does it even matter? No, it doesn't matter. She's ready. She wants to

marry me.

Bella wants to marry me.

"I don't even care that you're raining on my parade," I whispered solemnly as I gazed into the
eyes of the only woman that could bring me to my knees with just a touch. Of course she'd

propose to me. Nothing about us had been traditional.

"I want to be your wife before the baby arrives," Bella murmured softly.

"I want to be your husband before the sun sets tomorrow."

Surprise flickered across her face, quickly replaced by a slow grin. "Really?"


"Tomorrow?" She asked hopefully, and I grinned.

"We can certainly pick up the license, tomorrow. But Washington State requires a three-day
waiting period, baby."

Bella frowned. "Three days?"

I nodded.

She sighed heavily. "I don't want to wait three days."

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I chuckled. "Say the word, baby. I'll have us on a plane to Vegas by dawn."

Bella laced her fingers with mine. "Yeah?"

"Hell yes," I smiled as I brought her hand to my lips and pressed kisses along her knuckles. "Of

course, our parents would disown us, but it's a chance I'm willing to take if it means you'll be
Mrs. Edward Cullen by sunset."

"They'd get over it," Bella mused thoughtfully. "I am bringing their grandchild into the world.

They'd forgive us."

It was so fucking tempting, and for a few brief moments, I seriously considered it. I could call the
jeweler and put a rush on the ring. I could book a flight, get a marriage license, and marry her in

a Vegas chapel. My family would forgive us, and they could throw us a kickass reception when
we returned home.

"Maddie likes the idea, too," Bella giggled as she pressed my hand to her tummy. Sure enough,

our daughter was kicking the shit out of her mommy's belly. Our little girl, who was going to
have me completely wrapped around her finger from the moment she took her first breath.

Many years from now, I would have the honor of walking my daughter down the aisle and into
the arms of a man who was nowhere near good enough for her, but I'd do it because she loved

him enough to take his name.

And that's when I thought of Charlie Swan, and I realized as much as I wanted this woman to be
my wife, I couldn't take this moment away from him.

"Here's what I think," I murmured as I kissed her forehead. "Tomorrow, we'll go down to the

courthouse and get the marriage license. We'll take the next three days to rally the troops, plan
a small wedding, get your ring, and get your father into town."

Bella's forehead creased. "But…"

"Bella, nothing about us has been traditional," I whispered softly. "You deserve a wedding, and

your father deserves the chance to walk you down the aisle. As much as I want to marry you, I
won't take that away from him. I wouldn't want someone to take that away from me."

Suddenly, her eyes glistened with tears.

"Wow," she whispered.


"There are times when I don't think I could possibly love you anymore than I already do, and

then you say something like that," she sniffled softly.

I laughed and snuggled her close as I pressed a kiss to her temple.

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"Three days?" She whispered.

"Three days," I promised her.

She sighed contently as we snuggled deeper beneath the blanket. I had almost drifted off to
sleep when I heard her whisper, "You didn't say yes."

I smiled as I buried my nose in her hair.

"Yes, baby. A thousand times yes."


The next morning was a whirlwind of activity. I woke up at eight, called Lauren, and told her to

clear my schedule for the next two weeks. My clients weren't happy, but I really didn't give a
shit. My clients and their needs had always come first. Those days were over. Times were

changing, and they needed to get used to it.

Bella called Alice, who in turn called Rosalie. Rosalie called my mother, and by nine, all three of
the women had descended on our house with a variety of bridal magazines sprawled across the

dining room table. Once again, I'd given my credit card to Alice, and she was typing furiously on
her laptop while on the phone with a caterer, and Rose and Esme were making lists and

checking them twice. Bella and I looked on with a mixture of amazement and fright as the
women in our lives took charge of every aspect of the wedding plans. Around eleven, Emmett

and Jasper arrived behind Carlisle, and each of them were handed a list of things to do in

"Now you two," Alice snapped her fingers at us, and I had to bite my lip in order to keep from

laughing at the fanatical look in her eyes. "Get the rings. Then, get down to the courthouse and
apply for your marriage license."

"Anything else, Mistress?" Bella asked sweetly. This time, I laughed out loud.

"Yes, actually," Alice smiled in return. "Romeo here needs to call Charlie Swan, get his blessing,

and get him here."

"Done," I nodded, excited to have a valid excuse to get the hell out of Dodge. Bella nodded
excitedly as I grabbed her by the hand and led her out the door.

"Wow," Bella grinned as we walked hand-in hand out of the courthouse with marriage license in

hand. "Are you sure I'm worth sixty-four dollars?"

I grinned and pulled her close, wrapping my arms around her and nuzzling her nose with mine. "I
would have paid a million dollars to marry you."

She sighed as I leaned down to kiss her softly. The kiss was just beginning to get interesting

when we heard someone clear his throat behind us. Bella looked over my shoulder and her eyes

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"Mayor," Bella whispered in greeting. She squeezed my hand, and I turned to find myself face to

face with the only fucker who could possibly ruin my perfect day.

"Bella," James replied kindly. "Edward."

"James," I nodded.

"Bella, you're absolutely glowing," James smiled appreciatively as his eyes lingered on my
fiancée's body just a beat longer than I liked.

"Thanks," she whispered, and I felt her squeeze my hand. "If I'm glowing, it's because I'm happy.

Edward and I were just picking up our marriage license."

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my girl?

I took great satisfaction in watching his face contort as he finally looked at me. "Making an
honest woman out of her, Cullen?"

"That's right," I nodded.

"Well, congratulations," James replied with a stiff smile. "I must say I'm surprised. I never really

saw you as the marrying kind."

"Life is full of surprises."

"Bella," James returned his attention to her. "I would still love to have you as part of my
administration. Perhaps after the baby arrives…"

"No thank you," Bella replied firmly.

"No?" James seemed surprised by her refusal.

"No," she repeated. "Even if I do go back to work after the baby is born, I will not be working for

you. Not now. Not ever."

"If you'll excuse us, my fiancée and I have a wedding to plan," I smiled at him. "Have a good day,

His eyes narrowed, but it would have been political suicide to cause a scene on the front steps

of the courthouse. He looked quickly behind his shoulder and smiled at a passerby before
wishing us a good day and racing up the steps.

"That was fun," Bella giggled as I pulled her by the hand toward the car.

"Indeed," I grinned. "Are you ready to see your ring?"

"I am."

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On the way to the jewelry store, I decided to complete one more task on Alice's list, and Bella
giggled as she dialed Charlie's number on my cell phone. She was giggling a lot today, and the

sound was music to my ears because it was proof that she was happy.


"Hey, Charlie."

"Edward," his voice sounded surprise. "Everything okay with Bella and the baby?"

"Everything's great," I said, and I heard his sigh of relief. "I just thought you should know that I'm
proposing to your daughter today."

Charlie chuckled. "Well, I guess I could say it's about time, but really, what's it been? A week?"

"Seven months," I clarified with a grin as I turned into the jewelry store's parking lot. "So do I

have your blessing?"

The line grew silent, and I turned off the ignition. Suddenly, fear flooded me. What if he said no?

"You love her…" Charlie murmured. It wasn't a question, but I understood that he needed to ask
these things. It was his job.

I reached across the seat and brushed her cheek with my fingers. "I love her more than you can

possibly imagine." Bella sighed softly as she melted against my touch.

"You'll take care of her and my granddaughter? You'll always put them first above anything or
anyone else?"

"Always," I promised him.

"I like you, Edward," Charlie said. "I know this whole thing hasn't been conventional, but I like

you a lot and I think you're good for her. But hear this – if you ever break that promise, they'll
never find your body."

I couldn't help but smile. I hope that I'm this good of a father to my baby girl.

"I understand, sir."

Charlie chuckled. "Now that the threats are out of the way, when's the big day?"

"That's something else we needed to talk to you about," I grinned at Bella. Her eyes were wide

with anticipation. "Can you be here in three days?"

"How dare the great state of Washington make you wait three whole days," Charlie laughed
loudly. "I'll be honest. I'm surprised I'm not getting a call from Vegas."

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"We thought about it," I admitted with a laugh. He grew quiet again, and I'm sure he was

contemplating the fact that he might have missed her wedding day.

"This way is better," he finally murmured.

"I know."

He asked to speak to Bella, and I handed her the phone. I couldn't hear his side of the
conversation, but within moments, she was crying and whispering how much she loved him. She

sighed softly as she ended the call, and I squeezed her hand.

"Everything okay?"

"Everything's perfect," Bella whispered. "He'll be here tomorrow."

"Good," I smiled. "Ready to pick out rings?"

"Definitely," she smiled, and then her face fell when she turned toward the store and finally
noticed the name of the jeweler.


I was really trying to embrace this whole money issue. But Tiffany's?

Edward sighed as he led me through the doors. "I asked Alice for advice, and she suggested that

I start here."

"I'm sure she did," I muttered as I found myself surrounded by towers of those pretty blue
boxes. A sales associate greeted us with a friendly smile, called Edward by name, and led us to a

wide display of men's rings. He finally settled on a simple, plain platinum band.

"But mine is engraved, and I'm sure it's gorgeous," I argued as the sales associate finalized the

"Your ring is spectacular," Edward confirmed. "Wives deserve a gorgeous ring. We guys like

simple rings."

"I like simple rings," I muttered. Now, I was positively fearful to see my ring. There was no doubt
in my mind that it was stunning….and expensive.

I am going to kill Alice.

With Edward's ring in hand, we made our way to another department where I ignored the quiet

conversation between my future husband and another sales associate. She confirmed that the
engraving on my ring was complete, and I tried not to notice the ecstatic joy on Edward's face as

he finalized that sale. Moments later, he was leading me back to the car with a shit-eating grin
on his handsome face.

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"Oh my God, how much?"

Edward chuckled. "No way."

"Why not?"

He sighed as opened my car door for me and motioned for me to get inside. I rolled my eyes but

climbed into the seat and snapped my seatbelt with a huff. He was still smiling as he snapped his
own belt and pulled the car out of the parking lot.

"Baby…" Edward sighed, "…you so rarely let me spoil you. This is your wedding ring."

"It's a Tiffany's wedding ring," I sighed as I stared out the window. "I didn't need a ring from one

of the most expensive stores in the world."

"I've never purchased an engagement ring before," Edward murmured as he drove toward the
house. "I needed advice, so I asked Alice."

"Alice!" I gritted my teeth. "Of all people, you asked ALICE?"

Just then his cell phone rang, effectively ending the conversation. I wasn't really listening as I

was too busy having a meltdown. I did hear him say that he wanted everyone out of the house
within the next half hour, and I could only assume it was because he was fearful that I might

tear Alice's head from her body. I had to admit this was a definite possibility.

"I thought we were past these money issues," Edward murmured after he ended his call.

"I thought we were, too."

"What's changed?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know that I'll ever be totally comfortable with this money
thing, Edward. It's just not something I'm used to. Tiffany's is so expensive, and it just…it just

caught me off guard."

"But you were okay with the house…" Edward reminded me.

"Yes, but that was for us."

"I see," Edward nodded, as he turned down our road and slowly pulled into the garage. I noticed
that the driveway was completely empty. "So it's okay to spend money if it's for us, but it's not

okay if the money is spent just on you?"

"That's right."

Edward sighed heavily as he placed the gear shift into park and turned off the ignition. Without
a word, he opened his door and closed it. I slowly unbuckled my seatbelt and took his hand as

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he helped me out of the car. Silently, he led me into the house. It was quiet – such a sharp
contrast to the buzz of activity from earlier. We slipped off our shoes, and he never let go of my

hand as he led me up the stairs and into the nursery. He led me to the rocking chair next to the
window, and I took a seat before he walked out of the room. Within minutes, he was back again,

holding our latest sonogram pictures in his hand. He kneeled to the ground before me and
pointed to the image.

"Do you see this?"

I nodded.

He then took my hand and pressed it to my tummy.

"Do you feel that?"

Because our child was most definitely a daddy's girl, she kicked on cue.

"You give me everything," Edward whispered solemnly. "You've agreed to be my wife, and

you're carrying my child. You share my bed each and every night. You love me more than I
deserve. No man deserves this much happiness, but I'm grateful to have it."

He pulled the little blue box out of his pocket.

"My only intention was to find a ring that reminded me of you. Like you, it had to be perfect…

flawless…beautiful. It had to captivate me instantly - just like you did that first night in that
piano bar. I will never forget the way you looked that night. You were wearing some faded 80s t-

shirt and jeans, and I'd never seen anything more beautiful in my life."

"You remember that?" I asked softly.

"I remember every second of that night," Edward murmured. "I found my soulmate that night."
He reached up and gently brushed my cheek with his fingers. "I fell in love that night, Songbird."

Tears filled my eyes as he slowly opened the tiny box. He lifted the lid, and I gasped as my eyes

settled on the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

"Don't you understand?" Edward asked softly as he took the ring out of the box and reached for
my hand. I blinked back the tears as he slipped the engagement ring onto my finger. "You're

giving me so much, just by saying yes. This house and this ring? They are just things, Bella. They
are beautiful things, and I want to give them to you because it makes me happy and because

you deserve them, but they are so inconsequential compared to everything you're giving me. I
could never repay you for giving me a reason to live again….to be happy again."

Tears trickled down my face as I gazed at my ring. So many emotions were flowing through me.

Once again, I had taken a gift that was given out of love and focused on the price tag instead of
the sentiment behind it. When would I ever learn?

"You bring me joy that is priceless," Edward whispered. "I love you. Please say you'll be my

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I smiled softly into his adoring eyes. "You know I will."

Edward sighed happily as he gazed down at my hand. "Do you like it?"

"It's gorgeous, Edward. I love it."

"The wedding band is engraved," he said as he pulled the band from the box. "Alice says we save
that for the wedding day."

I giggled.

"Can I at least see the inscription?"

Edward carefully handed me the diamond band, and my eyes filled with new tears as I read the

tiny engraved words.

I love you like never before

I had sung those words to him that night, not realizing that I was staring into the emerald eyes
of the man I would someday marry. That night, I had found my soulmate, too.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you, Songbird."

Later that night, we were snuggled in our bed, wrapped in each other's arms, when he

whispered to me.

"You didn't say yes."

I smiled as I looked into my fiancé's burning eyes.

"Yes, a thousand times yes," I whispered.

Chapter 23 Heavenly Day


"Morning sickness sucks," Rosalie whined as she nibbled on a cracker.

"I remember," I sympathized, just as Alice wound my hair around the curling iron a little too
tightly. "Ow!"

"Hold still!" Alice commanded as she counted to ten before releasing the tendril. Edward had

requested only one thing during this whirlwind wedding experience, and that was for my hair to
be flowing down my back. My Nazi wedding planner was determined to make his dream come

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true. Apparently, this required a special dress, so she had been on the prowl for the perfect
wedding gown. My only requirement was that it fit around my gigantic stomach.

I patted my tummy affectionately as Alice continued her endeavor. Maddie had been kicking up

a storm all morning. Apparently, the excitement was getting to her, too. We'd had multiple
discussions all morning concerning the intensity of which she was kicking her mommy's ribs, but

she wasn't listening to me. The only time our child was calm was when her father was talking to
her. The sound of his voice was soothing, but I couldn't help but feel a little jealous that father

and daughter seemed to have this cosmic connection, whereas she just enjoyed kicking the shit
out of me. I was already planning on having a boy, just to even things up. The promise of

another child had made Edward's eyes light up, and I had immediately regretted vocalizing that
thought because I knew he'd hold me to it. He just loved seeing me fat.

"I want a hot dog," Rosalie announced suddenly, and I couldn't help but giggle. The news of

Rosalie and Emmett's baby had come as quite as a surprise to all of us. It was happy news, of
course, but Rose was naturally bitchy. Adding baby hormones to the mix was sure to keep

Emmett on his toes for the next seven months.

"You just had breakfast," Alice reminded her.

Rosalie turned a murderous glare toward my hair stylist. "So?"

"Give me my cell phone," I said, and Alice fished it out of her pocket and handed it to me. If
anyone could sympathize with wild cravings, it was me. I immediately texted the best man.

Your woman wants a hot dog. ~Bella

Like a good daddy who valued his life, he texted right back.

She sent me out for a hot dog at midnight last night. With onions and cheese! ~Emmett

I crinkled my nose in disgust. "Would you like onions and cheese again, Rosalie?" I immediately

regretted asking, because Rose made a retching noise and quickly rushed toward the bathroom.

"I'd take that as a no," Alice replied.

Alice began to apply the last of my make-up. Moments later, Rosalie returned from the
bathroom and sweetly requested a hot dog with chili. I quickly texted Em and handed the phone

back to Alice.

"Tell me that the barfing and the cravings won't last for nine months," Rose begged as she
sipped her Sprite.

"Mine didn't," I assured her.

"I can do this, right?" She whispered, and Alice cast her a disapproving look.

"This is Bella's day. Quit being a whiny bitch."

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Rosalie's eyes flashed with anger. As Alice had never had the pleasure of being pregnant, there

was no way she could have known that yelling at a hormonal mommy was the last thing you
ever wanted to do.

"Please don't kill her," I grinned at Rosalie. "Just remember she's clueless, and that I need her

help today."

Rosalie's face relaxed. "Fine, but I make no promises once this wedding's over."

"Hmph," Alice snorted. "Finished! What do you think?"

I turned toward the mirror and couldn't help but smile at my reflection. The girl in the mirror
had long, wavy hair and minimal make-up, just as requested.

"Thanks Alice," I whispered softly, and she smiled happily. Just then, a soft rapping came from

the other side of my bedroom door.

"That better not be Edward," Alice warned, and I giggled. He had been sneaking upstairs all

"It's just me," Esme's soft voice echoed from behind the door.

"Come in," Alice sang, and Esme was smiling brightly as she walked through the door. "You're

just in time! I was just about to get her dress!"

"Oh, Bella," Esme whispered as she blinked back tears.

"Don't cry yet," Rosalie coaxed her. "Wait until you see her in this dress."

Alice had really outdone herself in finding the perfect dress. I didn't ask specifics. I didn't ask
about the designer, the type of material, or the cost. I was blissfully clueless, and I wanted to

stay that way. All I knew was that it was white and flowed down my body, and it was the
prettiest dress that had ever touched my skin.

The three of them helped me into my gown, and when I turned toward the full-length mirror, I

heard all three of them sniffling.

"Damn hormones," Rosalie groaned as she reached for a box of Kleenex.

"You're breathtaking," Esme whispered softly.

"I'm a genius," Alice grinned, effectively cutting through the sappiness of the moment and
making us all laugh.

"I have something for you," Esme said as she led me to the bed. I ignored Alice's warnings of

wrinkling the fabric as I sat down on the comforter. "I hope this isn't presumptuous of me, but
Carlisle and I wanted to give you something today."

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"Esme, you didn't have to do that," I whispered.

"I know," she smiled. "But it's our honor, believe me. You've given our family so much…" Her

eyes welled with tears as I blinked back my own. "Anyway…"

She took my hand and placed a jewelry box in my hand.

"On the day Jane and Edward were born, Carlisle bought this for her to wear on her wedding
day. Sappiness runs in the Cullen family, I'm afraid," she grinned wistfully.

I opened the box to find a thin Y-drop necklace with tiny pearls and earrings to match. I gasped

as I carefully trailed my fingers along the tiny pearls.

"They're beautiful," I whispered. "Are you sure?"

Esme nodded to Alice, who immediately ripped the jewelry box from my hand and sat behind
me, carefully clasping the necklace into place. The necklace dipped daintily into my cleavage. I

carefully placed the earrings in each of my ears, and Esme led me back to the mirror.

"Jane and Edward had a very special connection…a very special love," Esme whispered sincerely
as her eyes met mine in the glass. "Jane would be so happy that Edward's wife is wearing this

jewelry today. You've brought my son back to life and you are bringing our beautiful
granddaughter into this world. You're a mother's dream come true."

I smiled through my tears as she embraced me, and I prayed that I would be this kind of mother

to my own babies.

"I'm a very lucky woman," Esme whispered as she looked between Rosalie and I. "I have two
beautiful daughters and two grandchildren on the way."

Rosalie began to bawl just as another knock sounded at the door.

"Hey," Charlie's voice whispered from the doorway. His eyes were rimmed with red, and seeing

my father cry nearly sent me over the edge. Alice immediately handed me a Kleenex while
Rosalie continued crying in the corner of the bedroom. "I wondered if I could have a few

minutes with the bride."

"Of course," Alice smiled. Esme kissed my cheek once more before taking Rosalie by the hand
and leading her downstairs.

"Is she going to be okay?" Charlie asked with concern.

"She's pregnant," I shrugged. Charlie nodded, as if this explained the emotional outburst.

"You look beautiful," my father whispered.


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He nodded as he led me back to the bed. "Nervous?"

"No," I smiled.

"Good," Charlie replied. He swallowed nervously. "I feel like I'm supposed to say something

profound today, but I don't know what I could tell you. It's not like I'm a marriage expert."

I grinned. "It's okay. You don't have to say anything. Just don't let me fall as I walk down the

He nodded. "I won't let you fall, Bells."

My eyes welled with tears. "I know you won't, Dad. You never have."

His face contorted with emotion. "You know I love you and I'm proud of you."

"I know. I love you, too."

Charlie sighed heavily. "Bella, your mom is here."

My eyes widened.

"I was going to give her a piece of my mind, but that fiancé of yours beat me to it. She walked

right in like she owned the place, and I really thought he was going to kick her out. But she
began to cry and said she just wanted to see her only daughter get married, and she promised

to behave." Charlie's eyes softened. "He's a good man, Bella."

"I know he is."

"Are you okay with her being here?"

I wasn't. Not really.

"If she says anything to upset you, I'll toss her right out the door," Charlie promised me. "Just
say the word."

I took a deep breath. The last thing I wanted today was a confrontation with my mother, but she

was here. Whether that was to check-out the square footage of the house or if it was to see her
daughter get married was a mystery, but either way, I'd deal.

"Okay," I whispered.

"It's time!" Alice squealed as she made her way into the room. Rosalie returned and handed me

my bouquet of white roses. She glanced down at the flowers and grinned.

"I can't believe all of this started with a single white rose," Rosalie smirked, and I blushed.
Charlie looked confused but decided to say nothing, and I was thankful. Thanks to my tummy, it

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was apparent that Edward and I were two of the biggest fornicators on the planet, but I didn't
have to share specifics with my father.

Soft instrumental music could be heard throughout the house as Charlie laced my arm through

his as we made our way down the stairs. Rosalie walked ahead of us, and when we made our
way to the bottom, I chanced a glance at the altar. Emmett's eyes burned as he watched Rosalie

walk down the aisle. With her statuesque figure and pregnancy glow, she was stunning in her
black halter bridesmaid dress. Alice had insisted on some color for Rose's bouquet, so her roses

were blood red. Emmett and Rose were staring at each other intently, and I knew it was only a
matter of time before I was returning this favor to her.

"Ready?" Charlie whispered as his hand covered mine. At that point, Edward's eyes met mine.

He looked deliciously handsome in his suit, and I smiled brightly at him. His mouth dropped
open as his eyes raked over me, and I giggled.

"I'm ready."

The walk down the aisle was a short one, and within moments, Charlie was taking my hand and

placing it into Edward's. His eyes were shining as he smiled at me.

Because the bride and groom were eager, the ceremony was a short one. We said the
traditional vows, and Edward's smile was triumphant when the minister told him to kiss the

bride. The kiss was simultaneously chaste and toe-curling, and applause rang out as the minister
introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen.

As the wedding flowed into the reception, Edward held me to his side while, one-by-one, our

guests offered us their best wishes. I had never smiled so much in my entire life, and despite my
unease at being the center of attention, I forced a smile when the last person in line - my

mother - made her way to us. She leaned in to kiss Edward's cheek before offering me a nervous

"You look beautiful," Renee whispered to me.

"Thank you."

"And happy."

"I am," I murmured. Edward pulled me closer to his side and brushed my temple with his lips.

Renee's eyes softened as she noticed the loving gesture.

"I wondered if we could talk."

"I won't let you upset her," Edward murmured quietly.

"So protective," Renee smiled softly. "I promise not to upset her."

Seth interrupted us then, his camera in hand. "Your bulldog wedding planner is insisting on
pictures before the first dance."

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"We'll talk later?" I suggested to my mother, who nodded and made her way toward a waiter.

He handed her a glass of champagne, and I watched her down it.

"She's nervous," I whispered.

"She should be," Edward insisted. "If she upsets you…"

"She can't upset me – not today," I whispered as I leaned up to kiss him sweetly. "I love you, Mr.

His entire face brightened. "I love you, Mrs. Cullen."

Alice was looking infuriated as she waved wildly, and Edward chuckled as he took my hand and

led me toward the photographer.


"Your home is beautiful," Renee said as we made our way up the stairs. It had taken some
negotiating, but I had finally convinced Edward to dance with his mother while I spoke with


"Thank you."

"Oh," she gasped as we passed the nursery. She tilted her head toward the baby's room. "May

I nodded, and she followed me into the nursery. I sat down in the rocking chair as she walked

around the room, marveling at the decorations and furniture. With its cheerful and calming
colors, it was most definitely my favorite room in the house.

"This is lovely," Renee breathed as her hands drifted along the cherry wood of the crib. "Have

you chosen a name?"

"Her name is Madalyn Jane," I whispered softly.

"That's pretty," Renee replied. "Maddie?"


Renee nodded as she took a seat on the small loveseat that Edward had insisted on placing in
the room.

"This is nice," Renee said as she ran her fingers along the fabric.

"It was Edward's idea," I explained. "His reasoning is that we both can't sit in the rocker and

there would be times that we'd both want to be in the nursery with the baby."

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She smiled. "He's going to be a good father."

"Yes, he is."

Renee sighed as she leaned her head back against the couch. "I owe you an apology, Bella.
Actually, I owe you many apologies."

I gazed down at my dress, playing with the soft pleats.

"I never meant to make you feel inferior," Renee began. "I allowed my bitterness over my own

choices to tarnish my relationship with you. The choices your father and I made were our
decisions, and I never meant to punish you for those decisions, but I know that I did."

I nodded as I wiped a lone tear away from my cheek.

"Getting pregnant so young was the worst thing that ever happened to me, but you, Bella…you

were the best. Can you see the distinction?"

And for a moment, I could. Hadn't I had a minor meltdown when I had learned that I was
pregnant? I still wouldn't call it the worst thing that ever happened to me, because it definitely

wasn't. My pregnancy had led me to this beautiful day. How could I regret it?

"I loved your father," Renee continued. "But I didn't love your father enough to spend the rest
of my life with him, so no, getting married and having a baby with him wasn't in my plan. He and

I were just too different, and despite our best efforts, we couldn't make it work. We are much
happier apart."

"I understand that," I replied softly. "But Edward and I aren't you and Dad."

"I know that," Renee said quietly. "I'm sorry I suggested that you should have an abortion, Bella.

That was out of line."

"Yes it was," I agreed.

"I love you, and I would like to be part of my granddaughter's life…if you'll let me."

I studied her face, trying to make sense of everything I was hearing.

"You have to understand that I won't allow you to be negative around her," I said calmly. "She is
not ruining my life. She is making it complete. She is not taking my dreams away from me. She is

making my dreams come true."

"I understand," Renee whispered gently. Amazingly, I watched her wipe a stray tear from her

"She will have nice things, because I'm sure her father is going to absolutely insist upon it, but

those are just things, and I want her to understand that there are more important things in life
than just material possessions. I will not have you trying to convince her otherwise."

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"I understand," Renee repeated.

"You will love her because she's your granddaughter," I whispered softly. "Not because she's

smart or pretty or successful…but because she's your granddaughter. That's all she has to be."

"I love you because you're my daughter," Renee murmured. "Not because you're smart and
pretty and successful. You are all of those things, but I love you because you're mine. I will love

your daughter just the same."

It was the first compliment my mother had ever given me. She may not have realized it, but I
certainly did. And then she said the one thing that I never thought I'd hear coming from my

mother's mouth.

"I'm sorry, Bella. For everything."


"Wow," Edward whispered when I finished telling him the story. The house was finally empty,
and I was nestled in his lap in that very same loveseat in the nursery.

"Yeah, it was quite the wedding gift," I whispered. He snuggled me close and pressed a kiss to

my hair.

"This ring looks spectacular on your finger," Edward murmured as he lifted my left hand to his
lips. His own platinum band was shining in the dim light of the nursery.

"So does yours," I smiled up at him. "I have a surprise for you, Mr. Cullen."

He smiled crookedly at me as I tugged his wedding band off his finger.

"This is the only time it's allowed to leave your finger," I said as I lifted the ring to his face. The

engraving situation had been fairly stealth. I had stolen the ring and given it to Alice who in turn
had given it to Jasper. He had taken the ring to the jeweler and offered an obscene amount of

money to have it engraved the day before.

Edward squinted his eyes as he looked at the inscription on the platinum band.

"Il mio cuore batte per te," he whispered. His face flickered with the memory of the morning
after we'd made love for the first in my old apartment. He'd said those words to me, and I'd

never forgotten them.

"Only for you," I murmured softly as I slipped the band back on his hand.

Without a word, Edward pulled us to our feet and carried me toward our bedroom. We had
decided to forego a real honeymoon until after the baby was born, choosing instead to spend

our wedding night and the next week wrapped in the quiet solitude of our new house.

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"You looked so beautiful today," Edward whispered as he lowered me to my feet. He stepped
around me and ran his hands along my arms before carefully unzipping the dress. The flowing

fabric fell into a pool at my feet, and I sighed as he brushed my hair to one side, peppering my
bare shoulder with soft kisses. I felt his hands reach around me, one caressing my stomach while

the other fondled my breast, and I moaned softly.

"You're my wife," he whispered in my ear before tugging it gently with his teeth. I lifted my arm
and ran it through his hair as he sucked gently on my neck.

"You're my husband," I murmured, and I felt him smile against my skin. "Till death do us part."

Edward sighed, his mouth teasing the hollow below my ear. "Even death couldn't keep me away

from you, Songbird."

I turned in his arms and pulled him by the hand toward our bed, unbuttoning his vest and shirt,
and sliding both down his broad shoulders as he hastily unbuttoned his slacks and pushed them

down to the ground. As always, our never-ending need for each other consumed us, and he
gently pushed me back against the mattress and crashed his mouth to mine. Hungrily, his

tongue invaded my mouth, and I moaned as his hands drifted along my skin. Alice had warned
me that married sex was so much better, but I couldn't imagine sex with Edward ever being

better than it was before.

I was wrong.

Breathless, his lips left mine and immediately latched onto my neck, and I closed my eyes as I
became overwhelmed with sensation as his hands touched every part of me. His hand cupped

my breast as the other hand wrapped around my neck, pulling my mouth to his once more. He
groaned against my lips as my hand wrapped around his arousal, and I felt him shudder above

me as I slid my fingers along the length of him. With a growl, he pulled me on top of him, and
while I usually felt self-conscious about straddling him in my current condition, the look on his

face assured me that I was exactly where he wanted me to be.

"Will it always be like this?" I whispered breathlessly as I sunk down. I threw my head back as I
felt him enter me, and he moaned loudly as he grasped my hips.

"For as long as we both shall live," Edward murmured, and his hands grasped mine as we began

to move. It never failed to amaze me how much I yearned for this man…how beautiful he made
me feel even when I felt unattractive and undesirable. He always looked at me as if I was the

most gorgeous woman on the planet, especially when I was in this position. His eyes blazed with
love and desire as he watched me move above him.

"My wife…"

"Yes," I moaned softly, and he lifted himself so that we were nose-to-nose. He wrapped his arms

around me and pulled me closer as our movements became frantic. I felt that familiar tightening
in my stomach – the one that signaled that this was going to be quick, and we'd just have to

spend the rest of the night making it up to each other – slowly and leisurely.

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It was so typically us.

"Il mio cuore batte per te," he groaned against my lips in perfect Italian, and I felt my body

"Solo per te," I moaned, and his tongue invaded my mouth as our orgasms washed over us.



They say the first year of marriage is the hardest, but if the first two months were any indication,

I can truthfully say that they are a bunch of morons.

Marriage was un-fucking-believable.

I am a married man. Bella is my wife. I am going to be a father.

I said these things several times a day. I could be having the shittiest day of my life, and those
three little sentences could instantly remind me that life was good, and I had no reason to

complain. I could be dealing with a frustrated client, or an ill-tempered judge, or an inflexible
jury, and none of it mattered because I was a happy man.

After the wedding, Bella decided to start her leave of absence from the paper. With so much

free time, she had become Betty Crocker in the kitchen, and every day, I came home to dinner
and dessert. Sometimes, dessert was peanut butter cookies. Other times, it was my sexy wife in

naughty negligee. Either way, it was heaven.

As Bella's due date approached, she became increasingly uncomfortable with just about
everything, and that definitely included sex. She was having trouble sleeping because of her

stomach, and she was having trouble sitting because of pain in her lower back. She was rarely
content, and I hated that she was so uncomfortable. The doctor promised that these were just

the joys of the last trimester, but as terrible as Bella felt, I had my suspicions that Maddie would
be an only child.

Tonight had been another challenging evening. Her lower back had been killing her all night

long, and even my gentle massages did nothing to relieve her discomfort. She'd finally fallen
asleep on the sofa in the living room just after eleven, and I didn't have the heart to wake her.

Instead, I wrapped a blanket around her and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before heading
into the study to do some work. The living room was on the same level of the house, so I'd be

able to hear if she needed anything.

After an hour, my eyes had finally grown tired of the computer screen. I had just powered off
my laptop and was rubbing my eyes when I heard soft footsteps along the hardwood floor. I

opened my eyes to find Bella staring intently at me.

"Hi baby."

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"Baby," she nodded slowly. "I think…yeah…baby…"

My eyes widened. "Baby?"

"I think…I'm pretty sure…"

"Bella?" I quickly leapt out of my chair.

"I think my water just broke," Bella whispered.

Chapter 24 Love Come


"Deep cleansing breaths, baby…"

How pathetic was it that my beautiful wife, who was lying here about to bring our baby into the
world, was telling me to breathe? We'd been here for eight hours, and my ability to think

rationally was beginning to fade. Bella, of course, was the epitome of calm. Of course, the
epidural had helped with that.

Just then, another contraction registered on the machine. My wife, however, didn't make a

sound. She just closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a few seconds, her caramel eyes
opened, and my face must have been twisted with anguish because she gave me a radiant smile.

Epidurals are God's gifts to mothers. Why didn't they make something for the fathers?

"I think we're ready," Dr. Molina smiled at me. "Remember Edward, you work up there. I'll work

down here."

I nodded lamely as I brushed a lock of hair away from Bella's face. At this point, I was clueless
and was just happy to be given instructions.

"Do you know how much I love you?" I whispered as I pressed a kiss to her forehead. She sighed

softly and nodded as the doctor told her to begin pushing.

And with those words, my life was changed forever.



Madalyn Jane Cullen weighed seven pounds and three ounces. The first thing I noticed about
her was her head full of brown hair. The second thing I noticed was the fanatical smile on

Edward's face.

"Your hair," he whispered softly.

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"Your eyes?" I murmured hopefully. The nurse laid her against my chest for just a moment
before stripping her away.

"She'll be right back," Edward promised me with a kiss.

Apparently, determining eye color at birth is a tricky thing. Dr. Molina cautioned us that just

because her eyes appeared light green today might not mean that they would stay that color.
He lost me when he started talking about melanocytes and pigmentations.

"Her eyes will stay green," I whispered tiredly. The nurse brought her back then – all cleaned up

and wrapped in a blanket. She placed the baby against my chest as Edward enveloped us with
his arms.

"You're amazing," Edward whispered against my cheek. "Look at her, Songbird."

There was a flurry of activity around us, but we were in our own little bubble. Edward pressed

his fingertip to her cheek and whispered how much he loved her, and our five minute old child
tried to open her eyes.

"Such a daddy's girl," I grinned.

"Yes, she is," he whispered reverently. "And to believe there was a brief moment in time when I

denied that she was mine."

"You were just scared," I murmured softly.

"I'm still scared," Edward admitted quietly. "But I'm not afraid to be her father."

"What are you afraid of?"

I watched as his fingertip trailed along her tiny nose. "Of failing her…of failing you…"

"You could never fail us," I whispered. "You love us too much."

A tear trickled down his cheek as he gazed at her. His expression was so reverent…so captivated
by the tiny bundle in my arms…and within moments he was wiping my own tears away from my


"Thank you," he whispered gently as he pressed a kiss to my wet cheek.

"For what?"

"For you…" Edward murmured quietly, "…and for her."


"Thank you," I whispered to Esme. "I really did want to try."

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"You're very welcome," Esme smiled adoringly at her grandchild in my arms. "Sometimes babies
have trouble breastfeeding at first, but she's doing wonderfully."

Modesty was long forgotten when I'd finally asked for Esme's help in learning how to

breastfeed. The general mechanics seemed easy enough, but I'd needed a mother's guidance for
this first time. My own mom was out of the country, but that was really okay with me. Esme was

the mother I needed today.

Charlie and the rest of our family had surrounded us all day, but everyone had finally left when
Maddie went back to the nursery for a nap. The rest of the evening had been spent trying to

master the art of breastfeeding. I had quickly become frustrated when it seemed that Maddie
just wasn't interested, but finally, she was nestled to my chest. Edward had finally collapsed

with exhaustion and was sleeping in the chair in the corner of the room.

"I'm going to go," Esme offered sweetly.

"Stay," I offered, but I probably wasn't very convincing. I was just unable to tear my eyes away
from my baby.

"This a precious moment," Esme whispered softly as she kissed my cheek. "Take this time to

bond with that beautiful girl. We'll be back tomorrow."

She kissed Maddie's hair and wrapped a blanket around Edward before wishing us goodnight.

"You're so loved," I whispered as my eyes remained glued to her face. "I can't believe you're
finally here."

She continued eating while I gazed adoringly at the child in my arms. Falling in love with Edward

had been so consuming – like falling down a bottomless well with no hope of reaching the end.
But that well had led us to this moment, and as I experienced this first moment with my baby –

the first of so many first moments – I was overwhelmed with love and emotion.

No one deserves the riches I have, and it has absolutely nothing to do with money.

"Love has taken me in, lifted my load
And in this empty space a wonder grows

A dream of some kind of peace I can hold up as true
I never knew anything about love before you…"

"I love your voice," Edward whispered dreamily from the corner of the room. I smiled softly as I

rocked our now sleeping daughter in my arms. "I see that little experiment was finally

"Finally," I murmured as he made his way over to our bed. "Well worth the initial frustration."

"Just like us," Edward whispered against my lips. He kissed me softly before pressing a tender

kiss to Maddie's head.

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"Just like us," I smiled.



"You can't leave me," I whisper softly into the green eyes I love so much. Jane smiles weakly,
trying to be strong as I fall apart at her bedside. The doctors say it will be soon, but I refuse to

believe them. I lay my head against her pillow, and it's all I can do not to climb into the bed and
hug her tightly to my chest.

"I want you to go to college," Jane says softly as she runs her fingers through my hair. "I want

you be happy and healthy."

"Not without you," I murmur shakily, because I have no idea how to exist without her. We've
always been Edward and Jane. Jane and Edward.

"You love me so much," Jane smiles serenely. "I love you, too. But you have to let me go,


"I don't know how," I admit, my voice trembling with emotion.

"I'll send you someone new to love," Jane promises me with a serene smile on her face.

"I don't want someone new."

"So stubborn," my sister grins. Her face is pale, but she still looks so angelic. "I'll send you
someone new to love, and she'll have your green eyes."

"Our green eyes," I whisper.

"Our green eyes," she agrees.


I hadn't thought of that conversation since that day so many years ago. But as I gazed down at

the beautiful baby in my arms, the emotions of that day came flooding back. I had felt so lost
when – just an hour later – my sister had died peacefully in her sleep. I had forgotten her

promise to me, but as I rocked Maddie in my arms, it was impossible to deny that my sister had
kept her word.

"What are you two doing?" Bella whispered as she made her way into the nursery. It was after

two, and I was giving the baby her bottle. I gently sniffed her hair, and the smell of baby powder
and lavender consumed me. Do all babies smell that good?

"She was lonely," I mumbled quietly as I continued my gentle rocking. I didn't have to admit that

it was actually Daddy who was lonely. Mommy knew me well enough to know the truth. It was
our first night home, and I'd held Bella while she wept softly after we'd placed the baby in her

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crib for the night. I had promised her that Maddie would be fine in the nursery, but now – I
wasn't so sure.

By some miracle, our baby was sleeping pretty much through the night, minus the nighttime

feedings. The nurses had been astounded at how well she slept and how beautiful she was. As I
gazed lovingly at her mother, it was easy to see why our daughter was the picture of perfection.

"It's all been so easy so far," I marveled as Bella joined me on the loveseat. "She never cries. She

sleeps all the time. She smells so good…"

Bella laughed as I wrapped my free arm around her. She snuggled into my side and gently
caressed the baby's hand. "It won't always be like this, though. She'll grow up. She'll turn into a

teenager. She'll start dating…"

"Over my dead body."

Bella grinned. "What if my father had that philosophy? I never would have met you."

I considered this for a second. "I'm willing to bet that Charlie Swan did have that philosophy. You
just didn't listen."

Bella giggled as she covered a yawn. "Lucky for you."

"Lucky for me," I whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You should sleep, baby."

"And miss this? Not a chance."

An hour later, Bella finally spoke the words I was longing to hear.

"I think she should sleep with us tonight…since she's so lonely in here by herself."

Silently, we crept carefully back to our bedroom, and with our baby snuggled between us, our

little family drifted off to sleep.


A few weeks later, we were enjoying a quiet dinner with my parents when I felt compelled to
visit the piano room. As I trailed my fingers along the keys of the piano, I couldn't help but smile.

It had been so long since I'd played – nearly fourteen years now. It had just been too painful of a
reminder of my sister. Jane had always loved to hear me play, and after her death, it had been

impossible to find joy in anything, especially music.

Time heals.

Love heals.

I tentatively pressed my finger against the ivory keys, and I closed my eyes as memories of my
sister overwhelmed me. Instinct took over, and I let the music ground me. I heard the sounds of

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soft sniffling coming from behind me, but I ignored it…so completely overwhelmed with just the
ability to place my fingers along these keys and feel true happiness. I had spent so many years

trying not to feel anything for anyone, living my life in an endless shadow of sadness and
isolation. But now, I had my wife, and we had our daughter, and our daughter had the greenest

eyes I'd ever seen.

You know that's not true.

I opened my eyes and blinked back the tears as my gaze fell upon a picture frame atop the
piano. Jane and I were eight years old in that picture – taken during a field trip to the zoo. My

fingers swam across the keys as I continued staring at the glass, and when I saw my daughter's
emerald eyes reflected in my sister's, a sense of peace surrounded me.

Jane had kept her promise. She had sent me someone to love.

I finished the song just as Bella sat down on the bench next to me.

"That was so beautiful," she whispered softly. "You brought your mother to tears. She says she's

never seen you so happy."

"She's right," I smiled before leaning closer to kiss her softly. Her hands wove into my hair as the
kiss grew deeper, and we were both breathless when we finally pulled away. This had been

happening a lot lately.

"Dr. Molina says just a few more weeks," Bella promised with a grin.

"I know," I smiled before kissing the tip of her nose. "Where's my girl?"

Bella smiled affectionately at me. "She's napping with Grandpa."

Panic flooded me. "Is he holding her right? You know how she hates to sleep on her right side…"

Bella giggled and kissed my cheek. "Everything's fine, I promise." She nodded toward the piano.
"Play something else for me."

I sighed contently as Bella leaned her head against my shoulder and listened to me play. Songs I

hadn't heard in years just flowed from my fingers, and hours later – after I finally closed the lid
on the piano and kissed my parents goodbye – I felt as if a giant weight had been lifted from me.

And not just from me. I could see it in the way my mother gazed devotedly at the baby in my
arms, and I could see it in the look of pride that was etched across my father's face.

Our family was whole once again.

~Epilogue~ You and Me


The sun is brilliant in the sky as billowy white tents cascade across the back lawn. The unused

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tennis court was uprooted long ago, and in its place, a field of lush grass full of wildflowers
grows. The lilac flowers are a perfect complement to this special day. Quite possibly, they were

inspiration for everything from the cocktail napkins to the bridesmaids' dresses. Since she was a
little girl, purple has always been Maddie's favorite color. Any shade of purple is acceptable.

Plum. Lavender. Mauve.

For her wedding day, Maddie chose lilac.

Maddie is now twenty-four years old and has just graduated from Washington State with a
degree in music education. She began playing piano when she was six years old. While I was the

better piano player of her parents, it was Edward's lap on which she sat as he taught her
"Twinkle Twinkle" for the first time. I couldn't be envious. Watching my husband and our

daughter play piano is a memory I will always hold dear. Paul – the man whole stole her heart –
is a pediatrician, and while he couldn't possibly live up to Edward's impossible standards, both of

us can admit that he is perfect for her.

As I look out her bedroom window at the buzz of activity in the back yard, I'm filled with love as I
see the faces of our family. From this vantage point, I can see Maddie's brother as he struggles

with his bowtie. Masen is three years younger than this sister, but he is most definitely her big
brother. I blame his Uncle Emmett for those particular genes. Mase is a linebacker, and it is a

true testament to my love for my child that I allowed him to put on his first football helmet. It
wasn't without coaxing, and there was plenty of it from both sides of the family. After many

amazing offers, Masen accepted a full scholarship to Boise State, and our family congregates
around the television each Saturday to watch our son play for the Broncos. I still cringe each

time he falls to the ground, but he promises me that it always looks much worse than it feels. I
believe him, if for no other reason than that it helps me sleep at night. Masen likes to play the

electric guitar and is most definitely a mama's boy.

I scan the audience and see Charlie and Carlisle sitting together, their heads close as they watch
Paul speak with the minister. I'm sure they are plotting the boy's demise, if he should hurt a hair

on their granddaughter's hair. Next to Charlie is my stepmother. Sue and I had a very
unconventional first meeting, but she and my father have been deliriously in love ever since,

and they married when Maddie was just over a year old.

Violins play, and I watch as the ushers seat the grandmothers. Esme wipes her eyes as she takes
her seat next to Carlisle, and my mother takes a seat next to Charlie. Thankfully, their

relationship has remained civil through the years. She and Phil divorced long ago, and she
moved back to Seattle after the birth of our son. Our relationship has gone through many

phases over the years, but despite her shortcomings as a mother, she has been a doting
grandmother to both of our children.

I see Emmett and Rosalie and Jasper and Alice sitting directly behind the grandparents. They

have remained our very best friends throughout the years. Emmett finally got his boy when
Henry Carlisle Cullen was born just before Maddie's first birthday. He is an only child, but he and

Maddie grew up together and are the very best of friends. To illustrate that fact, he is her "best
man" today. Jasper and Alice were unable to have children of their own, but live vicariously

through all of us. Our kids are so lucky to have them as their aunt and uncle.

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I can't help but smile when I see Jake and Seth in the crowd. Seth is still a photographer but has
long since moved on from the world of news and now works exclusively as a wedding

photographer with Jake as his happy assistant. They were joined in a civil union one week after
the policy was put into place in the state of Washington, and they have truly lived happily ever


Edward now owns his own law firm in Seattle and still loves his job. As for me, I am the Editor-in-
Chief at the Seattle Times. We speak of early retirement from time to time, but both of us still

love what we do. Our professional lives are busy, but we make time to travel and to spend as
much time with our families as possible. We are still deliriously in love and unable to keep our

hands off each other.

"Mom?" Maddie's voice whispers from behind me. I turn and lose my ability to breathe when I
see my baby girl standing before me in her gown and veil. It isn't the first time I've seen her, but

it still makes me emotional. "Will you help me with Aunt Jane's necklace?"

I blink back the tears as she hands me the same necklace I wore on my wedding day. With
fumbling fingers I fasten the clasp. She turns to me then, and I gaze at her long mahogany hair

and her piercing green eyes. Her heart-shaped face is so serene and happy, and her joy grounds

"I want a marriage just like yours," Maddie whispers softly. "Tell me I will."

I smile softly. She's said this since she was a little girl.

"You will," I whisper, and I pray it's true.



"I feel like I should be saying something profound," I whisper softly as I lead Maddie toward the

aisle. Her arm is in mine, and I feel compelled to grab her by the hand and whisk her far, far
away from the man who wants to take her away from me. I suspect that Charlie Swan probably

felt the same way all those years ago.

Maddie's tear-filled gaze turns my way. "I love him, Daddy."

"I know you do, sweetheart."

Paul is a good man and he loves my daughter unconditionally. While I'm comforted by that
knowledge, neither of those facts make this day any easier.

We make our way down the aisle and I placed her hand into the palm of his. My beautiful little

girl leans up on her tiptoes and softly kisses my cheek.

"I'll always be your girl," she promises me with a whisper, and I choke back a sob.

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"I love you, baby girl."

"I love you, Daddy."

I find Bella and take my place next to her. She takes my hand and I smile gently at her. My
fingers trail along her wedding ring. I notice a tear trailing down her cheek, and I softly wipe it

away with the back of my hand. She is still the love of my life, and the most beautiful girl in my

We watch with pride as our son plays his role as the groom's best man. I admit that I was a bit

puzzled with Maddie's choice of Henry as her "best man," but this was what she wanted, and
Maddie's gotten everything she has ever wanted since the day she was born. Despite my

indulgences, she has grown into a beautiful and loving young woman. We spoiled Masen just as
much, but thankfully, our children are intelligent and compassionate adults, who learned from

an early age that love is the most important thing you can have in your life.

"Maddie and Paul will now light the unity candle," the minister announces, and Bella squeezes
my hand.

"That's our cue," she whispers. We walk hand-in-hand over to the piano where I take my seat.

Maddie has requested that her mother sing in the wedding, and Bella insists that I play. The
choice of song was left up to us, and the decision was ridiculously easy. I begin to play the

opening bars, and Bella's eyes find mine as she begins to sing.

For you, there'll be no more crying,
For you, the sun will be shining,

And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right

To you, I'll give the world
To you, I'll never be cold

'Cause I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.

And the songbirds are singing,
Like they know the score,

And I love you, I love you, I love you,
Like never before.


"She looks so much like you on our wedding day," I whisper against Bella's ear as I hold her to

my chest. We are watching our daughter and her new husband as they are showered with bird
seed before making their getaway.

"She's so happy," Bella sighs, and I tighten my hold around her waist.

"Now we just have to find Mase a girlfriend," I grin against her skin.

"I'm not sure that's necessary," Bella grins back at me, and we turn back toward the dancers at

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the reception. Masen is now slow dancing with one of the bridesmaids. Her head is cradled
against his chest, and his eyes are closed.

"Is that Paul's sister?"

"Yeah," Bella giggles. "Her name is Bree. I think she's a cheerleader at Washington State."

We try to ignore the looks they keep giving each other as they continue dancing, and we really

try to ignore it when we watch our son take her by the hand and lead her toward the house.

"Our son is hooking up with the bridesmaid," Bella grumbles.

"I seem to recall hooking up with a bridesmaid," I remind her softly, but I can't disguise the
humor in my voice.

"I was the maid of honor," Bella mutters.

Memories flood me as I recall Jasper and Alice's wedding reception all those years ago. That

weekend led to this life…to this moment…to this all-encompassing love that we share and see
reflected in our children's eyes.

"I think that turned out okay, don't you?"

Bella turns in my arms and smiles lovingly at me. "It turned out perfectly."

I lean down and kiss her softly.

"Mrs. Cullen, will you dance with me?"

I don't wait for an answer. I just pull her close to me and wrap my arms around her. Our bodies

move with the music as we gaze into each other's eyes, and just like always, the rest of the
world melts away as we exist in our own little bubble. I am overcome with emotion as I stare

into the eyes I love so much.

Almost twenty-five years of marriage have passed and she remains the center of my world. She
is the mother of my children and the love of my life, and we have never spent a night apart since

the day we were pronounced husband and wife. We are now closing one chapter of our lives,
but there are more memories to make and more love to be shared. Tomorrow, we will fly to

England to celebrate our anniversary. Bella will be so surprised when she finds her bags are
packed and ready to go. We've devoted our lives to our family, and now, it's time to devote our

lives to each other once again.

"I love you," Bella murmurs as the song comes to an end.

"I love you, Songbird," I whisper.

The End


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