Beginning smartphone development CH1(Monday 01 10 12)

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Introduction to Mobile
Web Development

Mobile is a totally new medium. Best practices from the desktop world simply do not
apply. The unique attributes of the mobile device, ecosystem and user require new best
practices for Mobile Web development.

This book teaches you the syntax, semantics, and ecosystem of the Mobile Web. You
will learn to build adaptive, responsive, and standards-compliant Mobile Web sites
guaranteed to work on any mobile browser. Simple development tips and techniques
will improve web usability on small screens. You will enrich your Mobile Web site for
advanced smartphone browsers (browsers in high-end mobile phone with integrated
Internet features such as email and desktop-capable Web browsing) capable of
rendering full HTML and proprietary extensions. After development, you learn to test
thoroughly on actual mobile devices, optimize Mobile Web pages for network transport,
and maximize survival in the mobile ecosystem by avoiding transcoding.

The Mobile Web is the Wild West. The big guns control the ecosystem, and shootouts
are commonplace. A determined individual can stake a claim, build a homestead, and
establish a community, and independent outposts flourish in remote locations. But the
best way to survive is to show up armed. The most effective weapons for a mobile
developer in the Wild West include:

deep technical understanding of mobile standards and best

critical thinking skills and a healthy sense of skepticism

fanatical devotion to syntactic correctness

an appreciation of the needs of mobile users

A standards-based approach to Mobile Web development ensures compliance and
usability across mobile browsers and platforms. Knowing all the rules—and knowing
when to ignore the rules—is necessary for success on the Mobile Web.


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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Mobile Web Development


Mobile Web vs. Desktop Web

Fundamentally, there is one Web. Its content is standardized markup, styles, scripts,
and multimedia viewable using web browsers. In this book, by convention, we call this
the Web the Desktop Web. It is what we surf in Firefox or Opera or Internet Explorer on
our desktops, laptops, and netbooks.

The Web is a vast collection of servers linked by TCP/IP computer networks. Many of
these servers, known as web servers, implement the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
to share documents and files. Web servers provide access by Uniform Resource
Identifiers (URIs) to text files, markup documents, and binary resources.

In an HTTP request, the client sends a web server the URI of the desired resource and a
collection of request headers, one of which contains a list of MIME types that advertise
the content types supported on the client.

In an HTTP response, the web server sends the client the document itself (markup, text,
or binary) and another set of headers, one of which contains the MIME type describing
the file type of the document transmitted to the client.

The Mobile Web uses the plumbing of the Desktop Web and adds new MIME types,
markup languages, document formats, and best practices to provide web content
optimized for the small screens, resource constraints, and usability challenges of web
browsers on mobile devices.

The Mobile Web introduces new components into the web ecosystem, including:

Markup languages and styles optimized for mobile devices

MIME types that differentiate mobile markup from desktop HTML

Browser clients with a wide variety of capabilities

Network proxies that further adapt your content to cater for those

If the Mobile Web is the Wild West, then the Desktop Web is an island paradise. The
Desktop Web is a safe and well-understood development environment driven by client
technologies steeped in established standards. At the time of this writing, the Desktop
Web is nearly 20 years old. Desktop browser clients are public, free, freely available, and
frequently updated. Only a handful of software vendors and open-source projects
produce the dominant web browsers in use today, reducing the testing burden for
cross-platform web development. In the desktop ecosystem, if a web page reaches the
destination browser, its markup is almost always left unaltered en route by intermediary
servers on the Internet. Network owners and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are not
interested in optimizing and improving the web experience through automated markup
adaptation and content repackaging (see Table 1-1 for a list of the characteristics that
define the Mobile Web and the Desktop Web).

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Mobile Web Development


Desktop Web filtering software can prevent viewing of objectionable web pages, but
web filters work by blocking page access rather than adapting page syntax.

Mobile Web development is a new discipline for these reasons:

The Mobile Web ecosystem is totally new. The Mobile Web uses the
plumbing of the Desktop Web, but it has new best practices and
new gotchas derived from the unique attributes of mobile devices.
Desktop metaphors do not apply. Bandwidth consumption is a
concern, even for smartphones. Rich Web 2.0 features such as
JavaScript frameworks and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
(AJAX) must be used judiciously, or you risk draining battery power.
Operators frequently control and block traffic to Mobile Web sites.
Transcoding proxies often attempt to reformat mobile markup en
route to a mobile browser. Finally, defensive programming is
essential to reduce exposure to transcoders and mobile network

The Mobile Web user is totally new. Mobile Web users have unique
usage patterns and navigation methods. Mobile users are keenly
goal-directed and location-aware. Roaming in and out of coverage
areas, mobile users count network access problems among the top
factors affecting the Mobile Web browsing experience. In fact,
cost-sensitive mobile users prefer to cancel the network transaction
rather than risk a chargeable mistake.

The Mobile Web browser is totally new. The mobile browser has
unique benefits, quirks, and workarounds. Partial and flawed
implementations of web standards are commonplace. Improperly
formatted web pages can have drastic effects on mobile devices,
including crashing the browser or resetting the device. Advanced
web features such as JavaScript and AJAX are highly desirable but
drain battery life. With more than a dozen mobile browser vendors
in the marketplace, the burden of ensuring compliance with web
standards falls to OEMs and operators.

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Mobile Web Development


Table 1-1. Characteristics of the Mobile Web and Desktop Web

Mobile Web

Desktop Web

Average Session

2 – 3 minutes

10 – 15 minutes

Minimum Screen Size 90

× 60

800 × 600

Maximum Screen Size 240

× 400 for popular devices


Browser Vendors

12+ and growing

Two with market share over 5%

Browser Bugs

Permanent, except for smartphones
with updatable OSes.

Rare and patchable




Sometimes ignored or challenged by
mobile industry.

Mature and accepted

Markup Languages



JavaScript and AJAX Not on 90% of mobile devices.

Available as ECMAScript-MP and
Document Object Model (DOM) and
supported events vary. Proprietary
APIs are common.

Usually available

Addressable Clients

3 billion mobile subscribers worldwide 1 billion total notebooks,

desktops and servers

Mobile Markup Languages

Today’s mobile devices include standards-based, but not necessarily standards-
compliant, mobile browsers that allow users to view web content in several mobile
markup languages, including:


XHTML Mobile Profile (XHTML-MP)

CHTML (iMode)

Wireless Markup Language (WML)


World Wide Web Consortium,

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Mobile Web Development



HTML is the luxury automobile of mobile markup languages. As the standard markup
language of the web, HTML is well-known among web developers and designers. Many
mobile browsers support the full tag set of HTML, but, those browsers might not enable
a satisfactory user experience for direct viewing of desktop HTML websites. The screen
resolution, storage, and bandwidth limits of a mobile device necessitate optimized
markup and styles—and of course, mobile users expect dedicated services appropriate
to their mobility.

XHTML combines the tag set of HTML with the strict syntax compliance of XML. Mobile
browsers process and render XML-formatted markup more easily than the loose syntax
rules of HTML. XHTML is the best markup choice for HTML-capable mobile browsers.

Smart mobile browsers in Android, iPhone, Nokia Series 60, Windows Mobile, and
BlackBerry devices all support XHTML, HTML, JavaScript, and AJAX. This feature set
and the optional additions of adequate client-side caching and CSS extensions form a
foundation for interactive Mobile Web applications. This book describes how to build
advanced web applications for smartphone browsers.

NOTE: Mobile Web sites targeting only smartphones can use the full feature set of HTML 4 and,

in the near future, HTML 5. However, HTML and XHTML use on a Mobile Web site comes at a

price. Using HTML and XHTML sacrifices compatibility with high-volume featurephones (low-

cost, mass-market mobile phones with fewer features) that use older browsers. (Featurephone

users surf the Mobile Web in strikingly high numbers—despite the smartphone hype.) Using

desktop markup also invites transcoders—network appliances designed to optimize the Desktop

Web for mobile devices by reformatting markup—to misinterpret the markup as intended for

desktop browsers and machine readapt it for mobile browsers. This book teaches you strategies

for both situations: how to maximize HTML compatibility for mobile browsers and how to avoid

double-transcoding of mobile-optimized HTML.

XHTML Mobile Profile

Specified and maintained by the Open Mobile Alliance


, XHTML Mobile Profile (XHTML-MP) is the de facto

standard markup for the Mobile Web. As its Mobile Profile suffix indicates, this markup
language is a subset of XHTML deemed useful for mobile computing devices, including

XHTML-MP 1.0 sets the base tags for mobile markup.

XHTML-MP 1.1 adds the <script> tag and support for mobile


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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Mobile Web Development


XHTML-MP 1.2 adds more form tags and text input modes. At the
time of writing, many mobile browsers do not support XHTML-MP

Virtually all new Mobile Web sites use XHTML-MP to reach mobile users.

This markup language introduces to the Mobile Web the familiar concept of separating
markup structure and presentation. XML-formatted markup defines the document
structure and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) control the presentation. Most XHTML-MP
mobile browsers support Wireless CSS, CSS Mobile Profile, and/or CSS 2. Yes, most
means that not all mobile browsers that support XHTML-MP also support CSS.
Welcome to the wild world of Mobile Web development! This book teaches you how to
use a device database to identify mobile browser quirks such as shoddy CSS support,
so you can adapt your markup accordingly. Fortunately, mobile browsers are rapidly
improving in their adherence to web standards and general quality levels.

XHTML-MP is the markup language specified by the second version of the Wireless
Application Protocol (WAP). A technically inaccurate but popular industry synonym for


Wireless Markup Language (WML) is an older, simpler markup language for low-power
mobile devices. It was standardized at the Wireless Application Protocol Forum (now the
Open Mobile Alliance) in 1998. WML is a dialect of Extensible Markup Language (XML)
that uses a deck and card metaphor. A single markup document can contain multiple
user interface (UI) screens, or cards. WML was designed to display text on monochrome
mobile devices with extremely limited memory and processing power. A mobile
developer writes WML in plaintext using an integrated development environment (IDE) or
text editor or generates the code using a server-side web scripting language. In some
mobile networks, WML gateway servers compile the markup into binary format for
compact (and hence faster) transmission to the device. A WML-capable mobile browser
decompiles and renders the binary WML or renders textual WML directly.

WML has two major versions: WML 1.1and WML 1.3. Among other advances, WML 1.3
introduced support for color images. Today, virtually all mobile browsers support WML
1.3 and other markup languages. About 5% of mobile devices in use today in the USA
support only WML in the browser; the other 95% support and prefer XHTML-MP,
XHTML, and/or HTML.

WML is the markup language specified by the first version of the WAP specification. For
this reason, the mobile industry also refers to WML as WAP1. This is technically
incorrect as the WAP specifications cover the entire the protocol stack (including the
markup itself), but the synonym endures nonetheless.

WML is considered the legacy language of the Mobile Web. It’s old-fashioned enough
that the Apple iPhone stands alone in its modernity by specifically dropping support for
WML in its Web-capable mobile browser. Despite its age, the simple structure and
compact binary format of WML make it an attractive markup language to use with

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Mobile Web Development


simple Mobile Web applications or to provide a textual Mobile Web experience for older
mobile phones.

For example, the Trimet public transit system in Portland, OR, offers a simple WML site
for looking up schedules for buses and light rail. Every stop on every transit route is
identified by a unique numeric ID posted prominently at the stop. Trimet site users enter
the stop ID into a WML form to find the next expected arrival times of buses and trains
at the stop. The site also allows transit schedules to be browsed by route number or
location. The Trimet transit site has a constrained but important feature set for mobile
users. Its small document sizes make for fast performance on even 2G mobile networks.
Because the site uses WML, virtually every mobile phone in use today can view transit
schedules. WML is a great choice to maximize a municipal Mobile Web site’s availability
to a diverse population of transit riders. You can find the Trimet WML site for transit
schedules at (Many other Mobile Web sites and apps are

available for Trimet riders, including many that target the iPhone and other smartphones.
See for more information.)

Other Mobile Markup Languages

This book focuses on the widely used markup languages on the Mobile Web: XHTML,
HTML, XHTML-MP, and WML. There are other standardized mobile markup languages
that were not widely adopted. Some of these markups predate reliable Internet access
on mobile devices or were subsumed by later, more popular standards. These markup
languages merit brief mention but no further discussion.


WML might be the legacy language of the Mobile Web, but it is not the first markup
language viewable on a mobile phone. That honor belongs to HDML (Handheld Device
Markup Language), a WML precursor designed by Openwave (formerly Unwired Planet),
a mobile infrastructure provider and browser vendor. HDML was submitted to the W3C
in 1997, but never standardized nor widely adopted. However, HDML was influential in
shaping the syntax and usability of WML.

Mobile phones in the mid 1990s were monochrome, and most were limited to three-line
displays. Some of these primitive devices included support for rendering HDML
documents. HDML browsers were notoriously stringent about syntax correctness.

As a tinkerer, I once prototyped a forms-based web site in HDML for my analog mobile
phone. The web site worked, but I gave up because the browser enforced tiny maximum
file sizes for HDML documents. It didn’t help that the browser was also utterly
undiscoverable to the average user. I frequently crashed the browser with invalid HDML
syntax during development, and at each crash, my HDML phone would print the file
name and line number of the C source code that I offended. Fun times!

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Mobile Web Development



I-mode mobile devices on the Japanese DoCoMo mobile network use an HTML subset
called Compact HTML (CHTML) for rendering web content. The Japanese mobile
browser company Access created CHTML and submitted it to the W3C for
standardization in 1998. CHTML uses the structure of HTML with a severely constrained
tag set to deliver web content to very small information appliances like low-end mobile
phones. CHTML excludes support for these HTML features:

Images in JPEG format (GIF format is supported)


Image maps

Multiple fonts and styles (only one font is supported on I-mode

Background colors and images


Style sheets

CHTML is found only on mobile devices in the Japanese market, while I-mode services
in CHTML are being rapidly reimplemented in XHTML.


XTML Basic is a recommended mobile markup language that was a transitional step in
the downgrade from HTML to XHTML-MP for limited mobile devices. Recommended in
2000 by the W3C, its tag support was expanded by the Open Mobile Alliance to create

Many mobile browsers support the XHTML Basic DTD, but Mobile Web developers
prefer to work in the more widely supported XHTML-MP.

Mobile Scripting Languages

Client-side scripting in mobile browsers used to be the exclusive domain of
smartphones, but this is rapidly changing. By 2010, many mass-market mobile devices
will support ECMAScript-MP, or mobile JavaScript. Mobile JavaScript is a fantastic tool
for creating interactive Mobile Web experiences. As with any client-side mobile
technology, testing JavaScript on actual mobile devices is critical for effective
development because testing on emulators and in Firefox might not uncover syntax
problems and performance issues that can occur on the target mobile device.

Mobile and desktop JavaScript have virtually identical syntax. The mobile version is
stringent about ending lines with semicolons. Mobile JavaScript reduces the supported
character sets and excludes computationally intensive language elements. It differs from
its desktop counterpart in the extent of its DOM and event support in the mobile

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Mobile Web Development


browser. DOM and event support can vary from one browser vendor and version to
another. On-device testing is critical for success with mobile JavaScript.

Client-side scripting can also reduce Mobile Web browsing performance. Mobile users
can disable JavaScript execution. Because of this, even markup designed for mobile
devices that support JavaScript must gracefully adapt to a non-scripted environment.
Flexible Mobile Web design implements markup first and iteratively enhances it with
client-side scripting. This book teaches device awareness and content adaptation
techniques that enable conditional inclusion of scripting to target only mobile browsers
with support for JavaScript.

NOTE: WML provided its own scripting language, WMLScript. WMLScript is linked from WML

documents and supports form validation, dialog boxes, card navigation, and URI navigation.

WMLScript is not discussed in this book; instead, we focus on JavaScript and ECMAScript-MP,

forward-looking scripting languages for client-side scripting in mobile browsers.

Mobile Style Sheets

Style sheets for mobile markup documents conform to one of three CSS dialects. The
best mobile browsers support CSS2, the style standard used with XHTML and HTML on
the Desktop Web. Mobile browsers that support XHTML-MP use Wireless CSS and/or
CSS Mobile Profile, independent but related subsets of CSS2 that enable limited
browsers to support common style properties. Mobile CSS subsets remove
computationally intensive CSS features such as property inheritance and 3D element

Mobile Industry Groups and Standards Bodies

Adherence to Mobile Web industry standards and best practices is important for flexible
and cross-platform development. Several Internet and mobile industry bodies govern
Mobile Web standards and recommended best practices, including:

W3C: This body standardizes mobile markup languages and
publishes best practices documents for Mobile Web development
and testing.

Open Mobile Alliance (formerly WAP Forum): This body standardizes
mobile markup and style languages and other mobile technologies
designed to be interoperable across devices, geographies, and
mobile networks.

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Mobile Web Development


dotMobi ( This body controls the .mobi top-level

domain, the content of which must be device-adaptive and
compatible with mobile devices. This body also publishes best
practices for Mobile Web development and nurtures mobile
developers, marketers, and operators with online communities.

Mobile Marketing Association: This body centralizes technology
recommendations and best practices for marketing and advertising
on mobile devices.

Open Mobile Terminal Platform (OMTP) ( This

operator-sponsored mobile industry group standardizing mobile-
device access from Web applications.

Mobile Web development is a young discipline and is experiencing an explosion of
standards and best practices activity. A wise Mobile Web developer is well-versed in
these industry documents and uses critical thinking to decide which best practices
apply when developing Mobile Web content targeting geographies and mobile device

The Mobile Ecosystem

The mobile ecosystem is a rich, chaotic, and thrilling world. As a Mobile Web developer,
you can expect to come into contact with several parts of the ecosystem. OEMs and
mobile software vendors control the mobile-browser software that ships on mobile
devices. The mobile operator sells mobile phones and network service. The operator
controls mobile device access to the Web. Independent mobile developer communities
are often organized around a mobile platform or service component. Developer
communities provide camaraderie and technical interactions with peers working in the
industry on Mobile Web and application projects.


Familiarize yourself with the Mobile Web by browsing the Web on different kinds of mobile phones. Find or
borrow a few devices from different manufacturers with different screen sizes and modalities (especially
touchscreens). At a minimum, use at least one featurephone and one smartphone. Next, use the mobile
devices to do the following:


Navigate to and launch the web browser.


Browse mobile-optimized web pages. If you have trouble finding mobile-optimized

sites, use a mobile search engine such as Google (, Yahoo!

(, or Bing ( Next, look in the Mobile Web

search results category for links to Mobile Web pages.


Browse desktop web pages.


Use a mobile search engine to search for a nearby restaurant, find its phone number,

and then find driving directions from your current location to the restaurant.

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Mobile Web Development


Record your experiences as you browse the Web on mobile devices with varying capabilities, then answer
these questions:

How easy or hard was it to find the web browser on the mobile phone? How many
keypresses did it take to launch the browser?

Were Mobile Web pages viewable on the phone? Were they usable? Why or why not?

Were desktop web pages viewable on the phone? Were they usable? Why or why not?

Were desktop web pages presented in an adapted or transcoded view? How did this
view of the web affect your browsing experience?

Which mobile search engine did you select? Why? Could you easily distinguish
between web- and mobile-optimized web search results?

How easy did you find it to search for a nearby restaurant on the phone? Could you
click the phone number to start a call to the restaurant? Were the driving directions
available and accurate?

Finally, make sure that each mobile device used in this exercise has a data plan that allows browsing the
public Internet.

Code Samples

Code and markup in this book was written in Eclipse PDT using PHP 5 on a Windows-
desktop computer. The code is hosted in a Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP)
environment. The theme for the sample code in this book is a fictional fresh produce
market called Sunset Farmers’ Market.

You can find code samples, errata, and other information from this book at Also, you can browse to on a mobile device to view code samples in a mobile



In the introduction, I evaluated the foundational differences between the Desktop Web
and the Mobile Web. I introduced the uniqueness in mobility that necessitates mobile-
markup languages targeting the small form-factors of mobile devices and goal-directed
mobile users. I also introduced you to the markup and scripting languages of the Mobile
Web, and I casually mentioned a few outlier languages of historical significance only. I
surveyed the mobile ecosystem and introduced you to mobile-industry groups and
standards bodies.

In the next chapter, I’ll show you how to set up a Mobile Web-development environment
and take advantage of several methods for browsing the Mobile Web from a desktop

Document Outline


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