The Blake Boys 9 Tempting Fate Rhonda Laurel

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Look for these titles from A. J. Locke
Title Page
Copyright Warning
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
About the Author
Also by Rhonda Laurel
Coming Soon
More Romance from Etopia Press

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Look for these titles from Rhonda Laurel

Now Available

The Blake Boys Series

For the Love of the Game (Book One)

MVP (Book Two)

The Blake Legacy (Book Three)

Texas Heat (Book Four)

Love Notes and Football (Book Five)

The Perfect Storm (Book Six)

Slow Burn (Book Seven)

Cowboy’s Heart (Book Eight)

Tempting Fate (Book Nine)

The Hollywood Heat Series

Star Crossed (Book One)

Hollywood Rush (Book Two)

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Ebb Tide


“Masquerade” Halloween Heat IV

In Print

The Rhonda Laurel Collection

“Masquerade” Halloween Heat MF

The Blake Boys Collection

The Blake Boys Collection II

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Tempting Fate

The Blake Boys Book Nine

Rhonda Laurel

Etopia Press

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Copyright Warning
EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared, or given away. The
unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is a crime
punishable by law. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to or downloaded
from file sharing sites, or distributed in any other way via the Internet or any other
means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright
infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI
and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious
or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any
resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely
Published By
Etopia Press
136 S. Illinois Ave. Suite 212
Oak Ridge, TN 37830

Tempting Fate
Copyright © 2015 by Rhonda Laurel
ISBN: 978-1-941692-77-6
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied
in critical articles and reviews.
First Etopia Press electronic publication: May 2015

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~ Dedication ~

To Channing and Cassidy, thanks for making every moment count.

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Channing Blake gazed out of the office window of his elegant office at Blake

Enterprises and took in the magnificent view of downtown Dallas. It was a beautiful,
sunny day. He could feel the energy of the bustling streets below from the fiftieth floor.
It had been six months since he’d moved back to Texas and begun working for his
family’s company, and the transition of moving from Washington, DC back home to the
Twelve Horseshoes Ranch was harder than he’d imagined. He loved country life, but he’d
grown fond of the nation’s capital. He’d made some pretty good friends while in law
school and was sad to see that part of his life come to an end.

But there was no place like home, and the family had a lot to celebrate these days.

Each Blake took their turn spoiling the newest family member Matt, Tate and Isabelle’s
newborn. And his oldest brother J.J. and his wife, Sam, were expecting too. Love was
abundant on the ranch, but it seemed to be eluding him. He’d given up his pursuit of his
old flame, Emma Winterbourne, who was content to drop in and out of his life when she
pleased. He’d had a thing for her since high school, and when he reconnected with her a
couple of years ago, he thought everything was going great. She drove him crazy with her
erratic behavior, and he blamed his inability to completely break things off on their
amazing sexual chemistry. They hadn’t been in touch for months, and he had almost
started to forget about her. Until she called him yesterday saying she was back in town
and wanted to have dinner.

Channing plunked back down in his comfortable black leather chair and grabbed

one of the law books sprawled across his desk. Leave it to his big brother J.J. to call with
a question about some obscure agriculture law in Kentucky while he was supposed to be
on parental leave. So Channing had gone five floors down to the company’s law library
and checked out a few books. He preferred a book in his hand over Internet searching,
and Gertrude, the elderly librarian who was in charge, loved getting visits from him.
There was a knock on his office door, and then it opened.

“You busy?” It was Bo, his good friend and CFO of Blake Enterprises.
Channing waved him into the office. “Come on in. I need the break.”

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“I see J.J.’s keeping you busy.”
“I’ve been neck deep in Kentucky agricultural laws for two days.”
“There’s some farm land he’s interested in, and he doesn’t like surprises when he’s

negotiating.” Bo shut the door and sat down. “Does he know he’s on leave? I thought he
wasn’t working while waiting for the baby to be born.”

Channing laughed. “I think he needs something to do. He’s driving Sam crazy. I

went over there for dinner on Saturday. We went to a bakery to get these cupcakes she
likes, and when we got back we heard screaming coming from inside the house. J.J.
sprang into action and called the paramedics as he’s running into the house. We get to
the family room to find Sam watching a hockey game.” J.J. and Sam’s baby was due any
day now, and his usually calm brother was bouncing off the walls.

“Sam called and begged me to give him something to do.” Bo laughed. “You want to

see a movie tonight? That new action flick is out. We can grab dinner after.”

“How about a rain check? I’m…having dinner with Emma.” Channing pretended to

peruse a book.

“Really.” Bo grinned. “How long has she been back in town?”
“That’s a good question. I’ll find out tonight.”
“This will be round three with Emma?” Bo tapped his fingers on the desk.
“Something like that,” Channing murmured. “How are you doing on the dating


“There are a few women in rotation but nothing serious.”
Channing raised an eyebrow. “You dog. What have you done with Bodine Jamison?”
“I blame our adventures in Vegas. Barring the daring escape from the male strip

club, I had a good time. Hanging out with no strings attached may be just what I need
right now.”

“Good for you. Wanna go to DC? Some friends of mine from law school are having

an engagement party next week. Maybe the bride-to-be has some single, stringless
friends you can hang with.”

“No way. No more parties in strange cities for me.”
Channing heard a ping coming from his cell phone; it was a text message from

Emma. She wanted to know what time he was picking her up. A part of him felt like he
was jumping through hoops like he always did when she called. But this time it would be
different. They could share a meal, and nothing had to come of it.

His fingers flew over the keys, then he threw the phone down on the desk. “I have to

be insane to listen to anything she has to say.”

“Or horny.”
“That too.” Channing pushed off from his desk. Unfortunately Bo was right about


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The sex drought had been going on for over a year. He’d made the decision to start

thinking with the head that didn’t get him into romantic quagmires and spend his time
more productively. He’d taken his precocious nephews to every museum on the eastern
seaboard, had a workout routine that could have rivaled his brother Seth’s, and had even
helped as a pit-crew member on his brother Tyler’s racing team. Hopefully he wouldn’t
do anything stupid tonight. But the temptation to see her again, for better or worse, was
just too great to ignore.

Bo stood. “Well, I wish you all the luck one can muster when dealing with a

Winterbourne woman.”

“Bubba, do me a favor? Don’t tell anyone I’m going out with her. I think we’ve had

enough family discussions about my relationship with Emma.”

* * *

There was a flurry of activity at his parents’ house when Channing arrived home

from work. Bo Sr. was there, as well as Tate and Isabelle with Matt, who was enjoying
some good spoiling from his grandparents. He could have gone straight to the
guesthouse but no way would he miss out on the fun.

The decision to move into his own space occurred one night when he came home

and found his parents playing strip poker. He hightailed it out of the living room so fast
he narrowly missed knocking over his mama’s favorite vase. But he thought he handled it
better than his brother Tyler, who’d have bouts of hysterical blindness at the mere
mention of their parents canoodling.

The little ones that flooded the ranch these days were a joy to be around, and he was

happy to be an uncle many times over. His baby nephew Matt’s eyes lit up when he saw
Channing, AKA Uncle C.J., so he took his nephew and played with him, confident it
would be a matter of minutes before his grandma found an excuse to get her hands on
him. Like clockwork, Teri-Lyn came over and said she wanted to change Matt’s clothes
for dinner. With all the cooing going on, he eased out of the living room, only to run into
J.J. and Sam coming through the front door, and was herded back into the family revelry.

J.J. tried to ask him a few questions about work, but Sam told him to give Channing

a break. He checked his watch. He had an hour to get ready.

The third time he sneaked a peek at his watch to check the time, J.J. and Tate noticed

and began giving him funny looks. The window on his self-preservation was closing.

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Knowing how devious they were, one of them was going to ask him to do something time
consuming so that he’d have to reveal he had plans. One mention of Emma’s name
would ignite, in his opinion, an unnecessary discussion. His personal life was private,
right? Uh, no. He was a Blake, and meddling was the family motto.

He was finally able to escape when everyone went into the dining room for dinner.

He uttered a quick apology to his mama that he was going out with friends tonight. She
gave him a kiss and nudged him gently in the ribs, an indicator that she didn’t believe a
word he said.

He flew over to the guesthouse and changed clothes, trying his best to look casual

yet chic with a pair of designer jeans, shirt, and a suit jacket. He didn’t want to look like
he was trying too hard to impress her. She knew what she was missing or she wouldn’t
have called him. Still, looking good was always the best revenge. A spritz of cologne and
a brush through his hair, and he was out the door.

The minute Emma opened the door of her sister Penny’s house, his heart stopped.

She was just as beautiful as the last time he saw her, but she’d changed a bit. She had a
sleek new haircut with frosted highlights that made her lovely red hair even more
pronounced. He could see every curve of her body, the red dress she wore with the
plunging neckline left little to the imagination, but he knew that was the point.

“Ms. Winterbourne. You look amazing.” Channing smiled.
“Thank you, Mr. Blake. You look as handsome as ever.” She kissed him on the cheek.

“You want to come in for a drink?”

“I’m afraid I’ll have to drive at warp speed to make our dinner reservation. But

thanks for the offer.” He wasn’t stupid. He wanted a nice, cordial public date. He didn’t
care that “Little C.J.” was screaming at him to end that ridiculous celibacy pact. He’d
steeled himself to the possibility that she may look stunning this evening, and no matter
how great the temptation, he could go without having sex for one more night.

Emma’s nervous chatter on the way to the restaurant meant that she was anxious

about the evening too. She talked about her career and time in New York in both the
present and past tense; he had a hard time keeping up with the conversation. Did she
still live there or not? He remembered it was a bad idea to interrupt her when she was in
this manic verbal state and figured she’d tell him at some point.

They arrived in the nick of time for their eight o’clock reservation and were seated

immediately. Once the waitress had taken their orders and had dropped off their drinks,
Channing sat across the table from the beautiful Emma wondering what was on her
mind tonight.

“So why did you come back to town?” he asked.
“What makes you think I have a reason other than seeing you?”
“Because my ego isn’t so big that I’d believe it.” He bit into a buttered dinner roll.

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“I’m here for Penny’s engagement party.”
“That’s right. Seth mentioned Penny was engaged. I’m happy for her.”
She squinted her eyes. “How does Seth know?”
“They keep in touch. So who’s the lucky guy?”
She rolled her eyes. “A fellow doctor.”
“That’s terrific. Did Caine try to beat him up too?” He waggled his eyebrows. Who

could forget Seth and Emma’s brother’s brawl at the Bright Star a few years ago?

“No, Caine’s taking a different tack with Clint. Penny said she wasn’t tolerating his

brutish tactics anymore.”

“He’s a little over the top, but he’s just looking out for her.”
“So you’re not mad about the fight at the Bright Star that night?”
“No. I never would have asked you out again if I thought Caine would have me on

his radar.” He let out a hearty laugh. “Besides, the Blakes and the Winterbournes have
been duking it out for generations. My dad says the tension between the families was
going on way before Seth and Penny dated.”

“I didn’t know that. I’m back for this weekend’s events, but I’m also moving back to

Texas permanently next month.” She played with her fork.

“What about your job in New York?”
She bit her ruby-red lip. “Things didn’t work out. Turns out I’m not cut out for the

Big Apple. So I decided to come home and find work with an advertising firm here.”

Ah, it was all becoming clear. “You were sure that’s where you wanted to be when

you decided to take that job.”

When she first informed him of the job, he’d been delighted. New York wasn’t that

far away from Washington, DC. It would have taken a bit of traveling, but he visited Seth,
Morgan, and the boys all the time in Philadelphia. It was Emma who had stifled the long
distance romance. He suspected she’d found someone else or had gotten swept up into
that sophisticated city living. DC was just as cosmopolitan, but he held on to his country
roots a little tighter. He loved going out and having fun, but he still liked staying at home
and enjoying quiet moments. He was, for the most part, a homebody, and he longed to
find someone who didn’t need constant outside stimulation to keep a relationship going.

“C.J., I’ve been thinking a lot about us.” Emma reached across the table and touched

his hand.

“I didn’t know there was an us. I thought we were two old high school friends who

occasionally slept together.” He was going to hold her accountable for her actions, not
matter how pretty she looked.

“I really meant to call you, but I got so busy with work.” She pouted.
“I’ve had a full schedule too but I made the time,” Channing countered.
“I’m here now. At least I will be next month. We can pick up where we left off.”

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“You think it’s that simple?” His jaw ticked.
“It can be.”
“You can’t just play fast and loose with my feelings.”
“That’s not what I’m trying to do.”
“It feels that way. Did you think about this? Really think about it? What I’m hearing

is that New York didn’t work out, and you’re running home to what’s familiar to you.
Like I’m an old pair of cowboy boots that you missed. While you were out exploring the
world, I was too. Now that I’m home working for my family’s company, my priorities
have changed. I want different things now.”

“Why can’t we work on those things together?”
Against every instinct in his body to yell yes, he had to stick to his guns. His heart

was not a yo-yo for Emma to play with, and now was the time to lay down the ground

His cell phone rang. Channing looked at the display. It was his brother J.J. calling.

Maybe Sam was actually in labor this time.

Thankful for the interruption, he answered the call despite the incredulous look on

Emma’s face. “Hey, big brother, what’s up? Is Sam ready? What? I’ll be right there.”

Channing stood up so abruptly from the table he almost knocked everything onto

the floor. He frantically searched his pocket for his keys.

“C.J., what’s wrong?” Emma steadied the shaking table.
“It’s my dad. He’s been rushed to the hospital. Where are my damn keys?” He

looked under the table.

“You valet parked, remember?” Emma stood and touched his arm. “Come on, I’ll

drive you. You’re in no shape to do it yourself.”

* * *

When the valet attendant pulled up in front of the restaurant, Emma took the wheel

of his blue Maserati Gran Turismo. Channing didn’t argue. As she programmed his GPS
for the hospital and got on the road, he made calls to find out what happened to his
father. Sam & J.J. got a call from their mama saying she was taking him to the emergency
room, but that’s all he knew. Their father was the picture of health for a man of his age—
his mama saw to that—so his mind ran away with the possibilities of what could have

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Emma was doing a great job navigating his car. She was talking, but the words

wouldn’t seep into his head. Finally he made himself focus on the woman kind enough to
drive him to the hospital.

“I’m sorry.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “What did you say?”
“I said this is a nice ride.” Emma smiled.
“It was a graduation present from my parents,” he replied.
“This is a pretty big change from that dusty old pick-up truck. It fits your new lawyer

image. Did you get a new wardrobe of expensive tailored suits too?”

“As a matter of fact I did. But I still have my truck back at the house.” He grinned.

He kept if for sentimental value more than anything. He worked on it more than he drove
it. His father had given him that truck in high school, and he’d had some fond memories
in it.

“Please get rid of it.”
“Woman, we had our first kiss in that truck.”
“That’s right, we did.” Emma scrunched her nose. “It must be nice to be back to the

open country after being in overcrowded Washington, DC.”

“It wasn’t so bad. I enjoyed the culture and history of our nation’s capital and made

a lot of good friends,” he countered.

“I thought I would enjoy New York, but things just moved so fast. Everyone was

always rushing from once place to another and didn’t take time to talk to each other. My
home sickness became a chronic disease.”

“Seth had that same problem when he first moved to Philadelphia. It took him some

time to acclimate to the fast-paced city life.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Emma’s smile disappear at the mention of

his brother. The move to Philadelphia when Seth joined the Titans was the final nail in
the coffin of his and Penny’s relationship. But that was another lifetime. Seth was happily
married with kids, and Penny was engaged to be married.

“I know. He’d write Penny and complain about it. She thought for sure he wouldn’t

stay with the Titans for long and would come back home.” She gripped the steering

“He gave it a shot. Look how much his life changed. He’s married with—”
“So what are your plans?” Emma interrupted. “Going to get a condo in Dallas?”
“No. Why would I do that?”
“You still live in your parents’ house. Don’t you want to have some independence?”

She adjusted the rear view mirror.

“I moved into the guesthouse when I returned home.”
They reached the hospital in record time. Emma dropped him off at the door and

went to park the car. As soon as the doors opened on the third floor, he could see Tate

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talking to a frazzled J.J. It must have been worse than they originally thought. Isabelle
was holding a very wide-awake Matt while trying to comfort Sam, who was sitting in a
chair rubbing her belly. He took a deep breath and joined his family.

“Is there any news?” Channing asked as he approached.
“Mama’s in there now.” Tate gave him a hug.
“Hey, Curly, you still up?” Channing smiled at his new nephew, Matt. He must have

been getting ready for bed because the infant had on his jammies, and his trademark
curly locks that he’d inherited from both his parents were tumbled all over his head.

“I’m going in there.” J.J. headed toward the room.
“Your mom will be out soon. He’s going to be fine.” Sam stopped her husband with

a gentle caress on his arm. She gave Channing the once over. “Where did you sneak off to

“I went out with some friends.” He ran a hand through his hair.
“Or did you have a hot date with Ms. Lukewarm?” Isabelle motioned to Emma, who

was coming down the hall.

“Well, if it isn’t the woman in red,” Sam murmured.
Emma must have sensed she was the topic of conversation because she nervously

adjusted the neckline of her dress so her cleavage wasn’t so pronounced. It didn’t work,
so she wrapped the shawl she was carrying around herself. She said hello to everyone
and took a seat.

“What happened?” Channing asked again, hoping to distract everyone.
“Mama didn’t say.” J.J. sighed.
“Well, she doesn’t want to leave his side, that’s understandable.” Isabelle rubbed

Matt’s back.

A half hour later Teri-Lyn came out of the room.
“How’s Daddy?” J.J. gave her a hug.
“What is everyone doing here? It’s way past Matt’s bedtime.” Teri-Lyn gave her

grandson a kiss on the cheek.

Channing put his arm around her. “What’s wrong with Daddy?”
“He’s fine, just a little embarrassed. He just took a little spill in the kitchen.”
“What? What happened?”
She shook her head. “Your dad and I were having some fun cleaning up after dinner,

and we…thought we’d try something new. Well, his foot slipped, and he fell off the
kitchen table…”

Channing held up his hands. “No. Just, no.” He didn’t want to hear about any

shenanigans involving his parents. He was still reeling over the strip poker incident.

“What exactly were you doing?” Isabelle furrowed her eyebrows.
“It really doesn’t matter.” J.J.’s elevated voice echoed into the hallway.

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Teri-Lyn turned to her oldest son. “Your father and I are two healthy adults who still

have romantic feelings for each other. Just because you get older doesn’t mean you can’t

Tate covered his ears. “I don’t want to hear this.”
The elevator doors opened at the end of the corridor, and the rest of the Blakes came

pouring out. Seth, Morgan, Tyler, Michelle, and the boys came scurrying down the hall as
if the world was on fire. Channing shook his head. It was an official Blake reunion.

“What’s wrong? Is Daddy all right?” Tyler asked as he approached.
“Big brother, Daddy injured himself getting frisky with Mama.” Channing bit back a


Morgan burst out laughing.
Tyler bent over and put his hands on his knees. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
Michelle suppressed a grin and caressed his back. “Tyler, stop it. It’s perfectly

natural for your parents to still show love in that special way.”

“I left a perfectly good steak at the Slap Shot to round up the troops and come down

here.” Seth laughed.

“Leaving a good steak.” Tate shook his head. “Now that is the truly the worst thing

that’s happened tonight.”

“So how exactly did the injury happen?” Morgan waggled her eyebrows.
Teri-Lyn giggled. “He pulled something, and that’s all I’m going to say. Sorry it took

so long to come out to tell you all, but your father and I were trying to think of a better
story. But then his pain medication kicked in, and he wanted to fool around again.”

“You called in a panic. You asked Sam to tell the security people at the ranch not to

report the incident to Regency,” J.J. said.

“She’s good at handling delicate situations. I didn’t want an emergency call on

record because your father—”

“We got it.”
“John Jacob would have a fit if he knew someone was reading about his private parts

in some report.” Teri-Lyn shook her head. “But the good news is I get to see all my

There was a loud yell, and everyone turned to see Sam taking deep breaths.
“Samantha Jane, what’s wrong?” J.J. ran his hand over the floppy bun atop her head.
Sam pointed to the puddle on the floor. “It’s show time. For real.”
Channing yelled for a nurse, who came right over with a wheelchair.
J.J. started rambling, but Sam stopped him by pulling him down for a comforting

kiss. “We’ve been doing these drills for the past month. We’re ready.”

“Sweet! The baby will be born the same day Daddy had his s-e-x injury.” Tyler

spelled out, mindful that his nephews were within earshot.

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“Tyler.” Sam giggled and gritted her teeth. “Don’t make me laugh or I’ll punch you.”
“S-e-x!” Connor and Colby chanted.
“Mommy, what’s frisky?” Jake asked.
“Yikes,” Morgan mumbled. “Boys we’re not going to repeat any of those words and

definitely not in school.”

“Can someone call Sam’s family?” J.J. gave Seth his phone.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of it,” Seth said. “Go bring us back another Blake boy.”
The ladies all gave Seth a frown. Sam and J.J. decided they wanted to be surprised

about the baby’s sex, so the bets had been flowing around the ranch since they
announced their pregnancy.

“Ladies,” Seth pointed to the boys playing on the floor, “you still doubt the


The family cheered Sam and J.J. on as they headed for the maternity ward. Channing

wanted to stay at the hospital, but it suddenly dawned on him that his date with Emma
wasn’t finished.

Channing approached her. “Emma, I’m so sorry about all this.”
“No worries.” She smiled. “This was quite an exciting evening. There’s never a dull

moment with the Blakes.”

“I’ll take you home.”
“You should be here with your family. I can get a ride home.”
“You will do no such thing. Take my car.” Channing offered his hand to help her out

of the chair. “I’ll walk you out.”

As they walked down the long corridor, Channing was grateful that their dinner

conversation had been interrupted. He wasn’t quite sure about her newfound interest in
starting over, but the turnabout intrigued him. What was it about her that made him
suspend common sense? He’d asked himself that question many a day. Yes, she was
gorgeous and smart, but there were still so many inconsistencies in her behavior. He
wondered sometimes if she thought it was a good idea for them to be together or, like
him, if her libido overrode logic. Maybe—

Channing’s train of thought was halted when Emma shoved him into an empty

private room and locked it. Before he could get a word out she lunged at him, dug her
fingers into his hair to bring him closer, and covered her mouth with his, dipping her
tongue playfully into his mouth.

“Emma, what are you doing?” He breathed when they came up for air.
“I missed you.” She kissed his neck and ran her hand down the front of his pants.
“Somebody’s going to come in and kick us out,” he whispered.
“I sincerely doubt it, since your family built two of the wings of the hospital. Have

you been working out? Your body’s gotten firmer since the last time we were together.”

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She giggled and squeezed his bicep.

“Being a full time attorney doesn’t exempt me from ranch work. I think Bo works me

harder than he did before.” Channing laughed.

“And I get to reap the benefits. Tell Bo I said thanks.”
The righteous, long-winded speech he’d prepared just in case his libido kicked in

and compelled him to do something stupid went right out the window. And pulling her
flush against him so she could feel how his body reacted to hers was just plain idiotic. If
they got caught he’d never hear the end of it. His family was right down the hall, for
heaven’s sake! It was bad enough his father was lying up in a bed because of his sexual
acrobatics at home, and his brother and sister-in-law were having a baby. Getting caught
screwing in a private room would be the icing on the cake on an already auspicious day
for the Blake family.

He was hard as a rock already, but when he unzipped her dress and Emma stood and

let it hit the floor, revealing sexy black lacy lingerie underneath, he knew he was a goner.
There was still a chance to put on the brakes and start thinking with the right head, but it
was hard when she unzipped his pants and grasped his shaft with her silky hands and
led him to the bed.

Channing unclasped her bra and threw it on the floor. Her bare breasts against his

chest felt like hot silk against his skin. They fumbled clumsily as she helped him
undress, stripping him down to his birthday day suit in record time. He laid her down on
the bed and covered her body, parting her legs with his knee. She let out a guttural growl
in appreciation as he helped her out of her panties. He reached for jeans, retrieved a
condom from his wallet, tore the wrapper open, and sheathed himself quickly. He was
going to hate himself tomorrow, but tonight it felt like the right thing to do.

He spied the controls on the bed and decided to take advantage. He reclined the top

of the bed while maneuvering the bottom portion on an upward angle. Emma wiggled as
the motorized bed to inspect his handiwork.

“I like the way you think.” She laughed and kissed him again.
Channing thrust into her and repeated his hungry, manic movements. Emma kept

up the pace. He was normally gentle and appeasing but tonight he was rough and in
control. Emma locked her legs around his waist to keep him place as she trailed kisses
down his chest. Channing pumped into her over and over again until Emma called out
his name when she climaxed. His body followed hers into the sexual abyss, and he
collapsed on top of her.

“That was awesome,” she panted.
“Sorry, did I hurt you?” he mumbled into her hair.
“No. I like this new side of you.”
“You inspired that performance.”

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“I knew you missed me.” She rubbed his stubbled cheek.
He looked at her. “Is that was tonight was all about? Proving a point that I still want


“No. Of course not.”
Channing went into the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face to get his

perspective back. Falling back into old patterns with Emma was a bad idea. She’d done it
to him again. He shook the cobwebs out of his head and went back into the room. He
listened attentively to Emma’s chatter as they finished dressing, noticing the change in
her words. She must have said the words dating and exclusive twice, but they were just
more words he didn’t want to hear right now.

They eased out into the corridor when the coast was clear after two near misses with

hospital staff. Channing escorted her to the car, then bade her goodnight. He kissed her
even though he felt like he wanted to throttle her.

“Let’s get together again when I get back from New York. We have a lot to talk

about.” She gave him a hopeful smile as he opened the car door for her.

“How about I give you a call when things settle down with my schedule? I have a

friend’s engagement party in DC next weekend, and I have to travel for work with Bo.”

“OK.” Emma blinked and got in the car. “What do you want to do about the car?”
“I’ll have someone from Regency retrieve it tomorrow.” Channing reached inside

and squeezed her hand. “Thanks, Emma. For everything. It was really nice of you to stick
around, even though there was no actual crisis.”

“It’s nice to see people your parents’ age still finding new ways to keep the magic

alive. It gives me hope that I’ll be that frisky in my twilight years.” She smiled and pulled

* * *

Channing got Sam’s room number from the nurse’s station and went to check on the

expecting couple. He opened the door to find J.J. stroking Sam’s hair and telling her how
happy he was about their new family. Always in charge and gruff, J.J.’s hard shell melted
away when they were together. He didn’t want to interrupt their moment so he returned
to the third floor, expecting an inquisition in the waiting room but it was all but empty
except for his brother Tyler.

“Where is everybody?”

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“Tate and Isabelle took the kids back to the ranch. Seth is calling Sam’s family.

Mama, Morgan, and Michelle are in the room with old swivel hips.” Tyler huffed.

“How’s Daddy?” Channing asked.
“He’s fine. He’s getting attention from every woman on the floor.”
“Can you believe he’s still a chick magnet at his age?” Channing chuckled.
“I can believe it. So you played doctor with Emma tonight, eh?”
Channing coughed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Before you lie, you have a trail of red lipstick leading down your neck. Look at you,

getting lucky in the hospital the same night your poor father’s admitted for hazardous
foreplay.” Tyler tugged at his collar to get a better look at the evidence.

“It wasn’t my idea. She called and asked me out to dinner.” He tried to rub the

lipstick off his neck with his sleeve.

“Falling for her charms again?”
“To fall would imply that I picked myself up after the last time she steam rolled over


“Look bro, I know we kid you about the epic sex drought you’ve been having, but

don’t think you have to let Emma lead you around by the nose. No matter how much
history the two of you have.”

“Nothing to worry about. I’m the boring, levelheaded brother, remember? I never

do anything crazy.” Except have sex in an empty hospital room.

“That’s what worries me. Even my smart brother isn’t immune to this woman’s

wiles. When Emma’s around, you’re sullen, confused and don’t look like you’re having
all that much fun. It’s hard to watch. I just want you to be happy.”

“Maybe you’re right.” Channing shook his head. “You know you’re sappy these

days. Michelle has softened you up.”

“She’s encouraging to share my feelings.” Tyler shrugged.
“So what’s new with you? Are you taking any time off after that crash?” The whole

family held its breath last month when a car clipped Tyler in his last race and sent him
tailspinning into a wall. They were relieved when Tyler climbed out his totaled race car

“Just a week or two to make Michelle and Mama happy. You’d swear they’d never

seen a car wreck before.”

“Hey, I know how they feel. So what are you going to with your time off?”
Tyler started pacing around like he did before a race, which meant he had something

on his mind.

“What’s up?”
“I was thinking of asking Michele about moving in together,” Tyler blurted out.
“Wow,” Channing stammered.

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“There’s an apartment for sale in Seth’s building. I know she likes the Ashcroft, and

she’d be close to Morgan.” Tyler ran a hand through his hair. “Do you think it’s a bad

“No, I think it’s great.” Channing gave him a firm pat on the back. “That’s a pretty

big step for you.”

“Yeah. I’m hoping she says yes. I don’t want her to think I want to live together

because of the accident.” Tyler rubbed the back of his neck.

“She will.”
Michelle and Morgan walked into the waiting area. “What’s going on?” Michelle

glared at the two of them.

Neither of the women looked convinced. Morgan was staring at his neck, which

meant he didn’t get all that lipstick off. Channing excused himself and hightailed into his
father’s room.

He found his parents kissing. “Ahem. Am I interrupting?”
“Since you were two years old.” John Jacob grumbled.
Teri-Lyn fluffed John Jacob’s pillow. “I’m going to check on J.J. and Sam. I’ll bring

you back a sandwich from the cafeteria.” She kissed his cheek before leaving the room.

“So, Tate tells me had a date with Emma tonight,” John Jacob said.
“I’d rather talk about how you got injured.” Channing raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe when you’re forty.” John Jacob gave him a goofy smile.
“Something tells me I’ll never be old enough to hear this story.”
“Is your brother holding up all right?”
“About the same as Tate when Isabelle went into labor.”
“Can you believe another grandbaby this year? I am a lucky man.”
“If this family gets any bigger we’re going to need a bigger ranch.” Channing sat on

his father’s bed. “I went into Sam’s room. J.J. looked so happy.”

“That’s because he realizes that after today his life will never be the same again.”
“It’s clear what’s important to him is Sam and the baby.” Channing smiled.
“So are you coming any closer to what’s important to you?”
“I have a job that I love, making a contribution to the family company. That’s what’s

important to me.”

“A man can’t work all his life. You have to make time for work and love.”
Channing shrugged. “I think it will be a while before I’ll be joining the rest of the

Blake men in marital bliss.”

“Just because Emma isn’t the one doesn’t mean the right one isn’t out there.” John

Jacob winked at him.

“Why do you think Emma isn’t the one?”

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“You don’t have that look in your eyes when you talk about her. I think you wanted

it because you liked her so long, but the chemistry’s not there.”

They were plenty hot for each other, as evidenced to the hospital sex not a half hour

ago, but his father was right. Something was missing.

“How am I supposed to know if a woman is the one?”
“You ever look a woman in the eyes and lose all track of time? Like a part of yourself

you didn’t know existed, just opened up?”

Channing broke into a grin. He’d had a feeling like that once, the day he met a fellow

law school student, the beautiful Cassidy Shaw. When they were together, the world
faded away, and he’d fixate on those sultry brown eyes and perfect lips. She was smart,
funny, and determined not to let him win a verbal sparring match. Even when she looked
peeved, there was a flicker of heat that flashed in her eyes that told him she felt the

After many attempts to get close to her, she’d finally agreed to go out with him.

They spent a wonderful day together museum hopping, and when they weren’t fussing
with each, they had a great time. That night when he took her home he went in for the
kiss, but she pulled away. A woman like Cassidy did things of her own volition. But he
was convinced she wanted that kiss too. He tried to find her before he left DC, but she
didn’t seem to want to be found. What would he have said had he found her? He had no
idea, but she owed him a kiss and an explanation.

John Jacob nodded in reaction to his smile. “It’s a rare connection, son, that many

take for granted because they don’t understand what it is. You either run for the hills or
surrender to it. If I were you, I’d go get her.”

* * *

Ten fifteen the next morning, John Jacob Blake III came into the world, much to the

delight of his parents. J.J. was so beside himself with glee, he gave the entire staff at
Blake Enterprises the rest of the day off. Sam was a beautiful new mom. She was a tough
lady, but seeing her holding her newborn son in her arms brought out a new side of her
that gave Channing a warm feeling inside.

A nurse wheeled John Jacob into Sam’s room to see his newest grandson. Bo

surprised everyone by dropping by with Bo Sr., which made the family gathering
complete. After debating nicknames for an hour, the consensus was that Jack was the

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best choice. The baby moved his arms a lot, to the joy of J.J. and Seth, who were certain
the baby had football in his future.

After a few minutes of trying to get it out, Tyler announced to the family that he and

Michelle were moving in together and had made an appointment to see the apartment in
the Ashcroft when they returned to Philadelphia. There was a sense of contentment he’d
never seen in his brother’s eyes before. Michelle and Morgan were thrilled and had
already started planning a color scheme for their new place. The boys were happy when
Morgan explained that Uncle Tyler would still be living in the same building, just one
floor down. Channing shook his head, thinking of the new trouble his nephews could
find while roaming around the Ashcroft.

By the time Channing crawled into bed that night, his thoughts weren’t of his tryst

with Emma but of his father’s inspirational talk. His father’s words about Emma not
being the one hit him in the gut, partly because he knew it was true. There was a moment
they had as a couple, and when she opted to break contact with him, that moment

Cassidy crept into his daily thoughts, but when she’d disappeared on him, he took it

as a sign that maybe it wasn’t meant to be. She was friends with Geoff and Hannah;
maybe she would be at the engagement party. If she was, he’d take it as another sign
from the universe that he should pursue her. New life was blooming all around him.
Maybe it was time to plant some seeds of his own.

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Cassidy Shaw stood in the line at the coffee shop hoping the barista would gulp

down an espresso and pick up the pace. The woman being waited on must have placed
an order for all of Congress, because each time Cassidy blinked six more cups appeared
on the counter. Ah, coffee. Just being in the vicinity of the delicious aroma was
punishment enough. She was craving a strong cup of premium java and seriously
thought about shirking the herbal tea order she would be placing.

She glanced at her cell phone display. It was two o’clock. She had five hours to get

ready for the engagement party and needed every minute she could spare. There was still
time to come up with a good lie and bow out, but she wanted to offer her congratulations
to Hannah and Geoff just in case she couldn’t make it to their wedding. Besides, it had
been a while since she’d been able to get out of the house and catch up with friends. She
wanted to feel like she was part of the world again. But she didn’t want to answer
questions about why she’d dropped out of sight.

She really wanted to look her best tonight, and that could only be accomplished if

she could get a good nap in before party time. She’d listened to Hannah drone on about
the guest list for weeks, and one name had made her ears perk up: Channing Blake.
There wasn’t a day that went by when she didn’t think about that six-foot-two hunk of
man with the easy smile and beautiful jade eyes that spoke volumes to her. She’d heard
he’d gone back home to Texas and was working for his family’s company. That wasn’t a
surprise. He was passionate about two things: the law and his family. He talked about his
family with so much love that it was hard not to be envious of the closeness he had with
his brothers.

Hannah said she hadn’t received a response from him, but part of her was hoping

she’d see him again. So much so that she thought she saw him walking through the door
of the coffee shop. Did every gorgeous man with an incredible smile that oozed sex
appeal remind her of Channing Blake? No, because she didn’t know anyone else who fit
the description. She tightened her gaze on the man coming closer. Holy crap. It was him.

She tugged on the baseball cap she was wearing, then swore under her breath

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because she was wearing a pair of ratty old sweats. She moved to her left, hoping the tall
guy in front of her would shield her.

Too late.
“Channing Blake, I didn’t see you come in.” She gave him her best smile as she

squeaked out her fib. “What on earth are you doing here?”

“I’m in town for Hannah and Geoff’s engagement party.” He grinned and came in

for a hug.

Cassidy steeled herself for the embrace. Of all the days to run out for tea in her

sweats. She could feel every muscle in his strong body as he pulled her close. He was
earthy and sexy, just like she remembered him. Being wrapped in his arms felt like safety
and seduction all wrapped up into one complex package. What was it about that fabulous
smile that got her all flustered? Or the way his eyes sparkled when he looked at her? As
he stepped back he planted a kiss on her cheek that narrowly grazed her lips.

“I forgot you and Geoff were roommates first year.” At the rate she was telling lies,

she feared her nose would start growing.

“I had to come back for their engagement party. I think they fell in love two minutes

after they met. I always knew they’d get married.” He chuckled.

“Me too. Those two were made for each other.” She sighed and took a step forward.

The line was finally moving.

“Some people have it easy. They find their soul mate and never let go.”
“If only life were that simple.” Cassidy’s cell phone pinged with a text alert. She

glanced at the screen. It was her friend Mark informing her Channing was in town.

“Are you going to the party?” he asked.
“Yes, I am.”
“Cool. Why don’t we go together? We have a lot of catching up to do. For starters, I

want to know where you disappeared to last year.”

Oh no. That was the last thing she wanted to talk about. “Well, I’m actually going

with Mark Davidson. I don’t know if you remember him.”

“Yes, he lived across the hall from me and Geoff. How is he?”
“Still an environmental caped crusader.”
“I remember. Geoff threw a soda can in the trash one time, and Mark came over to

our apartment and read us the riot act about recycling. We found it odd he knew it was
our trash.” Channing laughed.

“That’s Mark.”
“So how about we catch up at the party tonight?”
“I’ll look forward to it.”
It was finally her turn at the counter, and she gave the barista her herbal tea order as

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well as an order for the coffee concoction she remembered Channing drank in school.
She reached into her purse for her wallet to pay, but Channing had already beaten her to
the punch and gotten his change. His cell phone pinged a few times, but he ignored it,
and she felt like an idiot for checking that text message earlier. She remembered how
polite and charming he was, even when they were at each other’s throats. He’d say
something infuriating one minute, but would rush to open the door for her the next. It
was the simple things he did that she missed. It could have been a southern thing, but he
was always attentive, respectful, and could anticipate her moods like no one else. A few
minutes later, Channing held the door for her as the exited the coffee shop.

“So, you’re really coming to the party?” Channing gave her a skeptical look. “You’re

not going disappear on me again, are you?”

“I said I was, didn’t I?” She laughed.
“Good. We have a lot to talk about.” He kissed her on the cheek again and walked


She watched him as he made his way down the street. That man knew how to wear a

pair of jeans. Cassidy shook her head, coming to her senses. Ogling Channing Blake’s ass
wasn’t going to help her get ready for the party any faster.

* * *

Channing thought he was hallucinating when he saw her in line at the coffee shop.

None of their mutual friends had seen her in a while and didn’t know if she was going to
the engagement party. The moment he saw her he got as hard as a teenager seeing his
first pin-up poster. Dressed in sweats and a baseball cap, she was just as beautiful the
day he met her. There was something about her that sent him into an involuntary trance
every time he was near her. She was as pretty as he remembered.

He was never very fussy about getting ready for an evening out but wanted to look

his best for the party tonight. Seeing Cassidy at the coffee shop was like a fantasy come
true. If he’d known that all he had to do was come back to DC and grab a coffee, he
would have come back months ago. He walked back to his apartment delighted that he
was going to see her again.

Sure she was going with Mark Davidson, he remembered them being good friends in

school. But Mark didn’t seem like her type. They had more of a brother-sister vibe when
they were together, so he was confident Mark wouldn’t be a problem. And if he was, then

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for every problem there was always a solution. He was almost home when he stopped in
front of an art gallery. Cassidy loved the art world. The day they spent gallery hopping
was one of the most fun days he’d had in DC.

A woman standing near the desk waved to him, and he waved back. She came out

and handed him a fancy embossed invitation to an opening next month for an up-and-
coming artist.

There wasn’t much to do when he arrived at his brownstone. He’d called Regency,

and they had someone ready the place for him. There was food in the fridge if he wanted
to cook. He didn’t worry about it going to waste; he knew Tyler would be in the Maryland
area next week for a race and would be staying there with Michelle.

He jumped in the shower, and the soothing pulse of the water felt great on his skin.

He lathered up his body and scrubbed himself clean, fighting back the temptation to
relieve himself of the tension coursing through his body since seeing Cassidy at the
coffee shop.

He styled his hair and dabbed on some aftershave, remembering what his brothers

told him when he got ready for his first date. Cologne was meant to entice, not repel. He
wanted a woman’s opinion on his clothes, so he dialed up his sisters-in-law. It was no
surprise Morgan and Michelle were together when he called Morgan’s cell phone.

“Ladies, what do you think?” He hit the video chat feature on the phone and

propped it up on the dresser in his walk in closet. “Does this tie go with this suit?”

“Very nice. You look like a model.” Morgan gushed.
“You look devilishly handsome.” Michelle smiled.
“Not gorgeous?” He smirked.
She rolled her eyes. “Your brother made me sign something stating I cannot say

another man is gorgeous.”

“Where are my brothers?”
“Tyler’s on the phone having a strategy session with his pit crew, and Seth is playing

a video game with the boys.” Morgan sipped a glass of wine.

“So, why are you so dressed up?” Michelle quipped.
“Some law school friends are having an engagement party.” He played with his cuff


“Will Ms. Cassidy Shaw be at this party?” Morgan got closer to the screen.
He was nervous enough as it was, he didn’t want to talk about it. “Thanks for the

input ladies but I gotta go.”

“But we have questions!” Michelle yelled.
“Love you. Bye!” Channing disconnected the call.
He was pretty sure that wasn’t the end of their third degree, but he’d worry about it

later. Certain there wasn’t another thing he could possibly do to groom himself, he

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grabbed the keys to the Infiniti Q70 Hybrid he kept in DC and the engagement gift and
headed out.

* * *

As Channing knocked on the door and adjusted his tie, his cell phone went off. He

glanced at the display; it was an incoming call from Emma. He sent the call to voice mail
and jammed the phone back in his pocket. He decided to wait until she was back in Texas
next month to have a talk with her.

“Channing! So nice to see you!” Hannah greeted him with a hug.
“I wasn’t sure you were going to make it.” Geoff gave him a hug as well.
“And miss my favorite couple getting hitched? Congratulations.” He handed her the

present. “You look great Hannah.”

“Come on in here and get a drink.” Hannah waved him inside.
Hannah thrust a glass of champagne into Channing’s hand then pushed him

forward to a pretty brunette. He could smell the setup a mile away, especially when
Hannah made introductions and gushed about how smart he was and that he was a real
live cowboy from Texas. A few more presumably eligible women came over, and he felt
like clutching the lapels of his suit jacket to prevent prying eyes from mentally
undressing him. Finally he saw one of his buddies, Stewart, and made the gracious
excuse that he needed to catch up, getting him out of the crowd of women.

It was no surprise that Stewart wanted to know who in the group of women was

single. Stewart always fashioned himself as a ladies’ man, and Channing had been his
wingman plenty of nights at O’Dell’s, the trendy bar they hung out at after a long day.
Soon a few more friends joined in the conversation, all happy to see each other. It was no
surprise that Stewart, Keith, Tim and Esmeralda were working grueling hours at
prestigious law firms, waiting for their chance to shine. They teased him that he was
ordered to work a cushy job at his father’s company. It was common knowledge that
once he finished school, he would be taking his place in Blake Enterprises. He took the
ribbing in stride, knowing that couldn’t be further from the truth. J.J. didn’t pull any
punches because he was family, and he was grateful for that. For the first three months
he’d put in ten hour days, acclimating himself to the inner workings of the company.

John Jacob’s vision to have his sons take over the family business was always an

option, but never an ultimatum. He remembered his father’s words when he started law

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school. He’d told Channing his future was his own, and when he graduated and felt there
was something else he wanted to do, he would understand. But now that grandchildren
were in the picture, John Jacob Blake was determined to leave one hell of a legacy
behind, and Channing wanted to get in the trenches and help.

He kept an eye out for Cassidy. He’d been there a half hour, and he still hadn’t seen

her. One of Hanna’s friends seemed to be moving closer to him every few minutes, so he
broke from the group and moved to the other side of the room. There wasn’t a long line
of women in his past. Unlike his brothers, he wasn’t very good at juggling them. He liked
to get to know a woman and see if they had anything in common before hitting the
sheets. Sometimes he felt out of place, looking to make a genuine connection with
someone while his friends were having casual relationships. He’d tried a few times but it
left him feeling empty inside. Besides, he had his dating laser beam trained on Cassidy
Shaw since the first day he saw her. And it looked like she wasn’t going to show again.

He glanced at his watch. It was almost eight.
He needed some air so he ducked out onto the terrace. Maybe he could get her

number from Hannah before he left. He turned to speak to yet another old friend when
someone tapped him on the shoulder.

It was Cassidy, looking absolutely radiant in a strapless plum dress. His mouth went

dry, so he took a big gulp champagne.

“I told you I would make it.” She smiled at him.
“Cassidy.” He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m glad you weren’t a

caffeine-fueled figment of my imagination today.”

“Here I am, in the flesh. You can pinch me if you want.” She laughed.
Channing reached out and did just that. “I just wanted to be sure.”
Cassidy blinked. “So how’s life in Texas? Enjoying your new position with your

family’s company?”

“I am. But I don’t get to rest on my laurels just because I’m a Blake. I know people

don’t believe it, but I pull my own weight.” He felt like he had to say that. She was the
last person he wanted to think that he was some pampered rich boy who did nothing all

“Anyone who knows you wouldn’t believe that for a minute. You worked harder

than any of us, even when you didn’t have to. I always admired that about you. It shows
great character.”

“Thanks.” So she noticed. “So, where’s Mark?”
“He’s floating around here somewhere berating everyone for not being green. You’d

think he got a kick back every time someone bought a biodiesel car. Word of caution, if
he asks you if you used one of your family’s mega fuel consuming jets to come here, just
tell him you rode a bicycle from Texas.”

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“My car in DC is a hybrid, so I may be in the clear.” He laughed. “So what have you

been up to?”

“Just keeping my nose to the grind stone. When you’re a small fish in a big pond,

you put in the hours and hope one day someone will recognize it.”

“I was surprised to hear you went with a big firm.”
“Really? Why is that?”
“I thought you’d strike out on your own and get paid in some interesting, sitcom-

like ways from your clients.”

She crossed her arms over chest and glared at him. “What are you trying to say? That

I can’t cut it at a prestigious firm?”

“No, that’s not what I meant.” He held up a hand. “I always believed in your ability

to practice law. I just couldn’t see you denying someone representation because they
couldn’t pay you in a traditional way, hence getting paid in chickens or free massages.”

“Oh.” She relaxed. “When you say it like that, it makes more sense.”
She was the same Cassidy. Fiery and still gorgeous as hell. “I think you were looking

for an insult. You miss fighting with me?” Channing raised an eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes at him. “My life has been pleasantly dull without you.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He gave her a wicked grin. “And I thought we’d buried the

hatchet after that nasty incident where you almost blinded me with that lethal snowball.”

“You mean when you conned me into taking care of you?”
“I had to wear an eye patch for a week.” He covered his eye with his hand. “I started

talking like a southern pirate and everything.”

“I read all of your study notes and lengthy book chapters aloud to you. Which was

odd, because when we met, you didn’t seem like an erotic romance type of guy. And
don’t forget all those sandwiches I fed you. I’ve never met a man with such an appetite. I
needed a vacation after I nursed you back to health.” She put her hand on her hip.

“Serves you right for almost damaging the most beautiful jade eyes you’ve ever

seen.” He’d heard her telling one of her friends that little tidbit on the phone one day.
“Your words, not mine. I think you were talking to your friend Wendy.”

She bit her lip. “So you were an awful patient and nosey. I did everything but give

you sponge baths.”

Channing’s mouth went dry. Why didn’t he think of a sponge bath? Tyler had given

him the idea to milk the injury for all it was worth, and it had worked like a charm. There
was no harm in telling her the truth now.

“I have a confession to make. My eye wasn’t hurt that bad. It was fine after about

two days.” He scratched at his beard.

“What!” Her eyes widened.
“Hold on now.” He didn’t like the way she was gripping that champagne flute. “You

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were taking such good care of me, and I…liked it.”

“I was scared you were going to call your mama on me. As you threatened to do

many times like you were five years old.”

“Well, it worked.”
“You are a class-A jerk and a mama’s boy.”
Channing moved closer to her and ran his thumb along her jawline. “My stunt did

get you to spend some time with me.” When she looked up into his eyes, he swallowed
hard. Those doe eyes got him every time. “Want to tell me where you disappeared to last

“Why do you want to know? Did you miss me?” Cassidy looked up into his eyes.
“As a matter of fact I did.” Channing kissed her with such wild abandon that he

thought the earth had moved. Cassidy slid her hands under his suit jacket and gripped
his shoulders. He put his hands on her petite waist and pulled her closer. She smelled
fantastic. He could feel the softness of her body as she pressed against him.

“There you are.”
They pulled apart when they heard a familiar voice from the terrace door. Channing

turned to see Hannah standing in the doorway. Channing couldn’t believe his eyes when
Emma came up behind her wearing a black cocktail dress.

“I knew he was around here somewhere,” Hannah said, then went back to the party.
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Emma, what are you doing here?”
“I thought I’d surprise you. You said you were going to be in DC so I thought I’d

come join you.” Emma came over. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

“Emma, this is my friend Cassidy. Cassidy, this is Emma, an old friend from Texas.”
Channing saw the disappointment flash in Cassidy’s eyes as she plastered on a smile

and shook Emma’s hand.

“Nice to meet you Emma. If you’ll excuse me, I promised Hannah I’d help her in the

kitchen.” Cassidy shot him a dirty look, then scurried off.

“She’s seems nice,” Emma murmured.
“What are you doing here?”
“I thought it would be a nice surprise. Aren’t you happy to see me?” She ran her

hands along the lapel of his jacket.

“I told you I’d be in touch when you got back to Texas.” He pulled her hands off.
She sighed. “I thought this would prove to you that I’m serious about having a

relationship with you.”

“Did you ever stop and think if that’s what I wanted?” He glared at her.
Geoff came out onto the terrace. “I told your friend Emma you were still here. It was

good she could surprise you and make it to the party. I was hoping you didn’t leave
without saying good-bye.”

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“Of course not,” Channing said, forcing the smile into place. “I’m so happy for you

and Hannah. You two deserve all the happiness in the world.”

“Thanks. Listen, I’ve been playing host all evening. I feel like we didn’t really get to

talk. I wanted to get together with you before you left to catch up.”

“How about lunch at the Cannery tomorrow? My treat,” Channing said.
“Even better.” Geoff laughed.
“I’m sorry to cut the evening short, but Emma and I must be going. I’ll see you

tomorrow.” Channing gave his friend a hearty hug. Without so much as a glance at her,
he escorted her back inside and worked his way through the crowd toward the door.

Channing scanned the room for Cassidy, but he couldn’t find her anywhere. He said

his good-byes to Hannah and the gang and confirmed the time for the lunch date with
Geoff. He pulled Hannah to the side, and after dodging a million questions, she finally
gave him Cassidy’s phone number. As he hugged yet another friend, he could see
Cassidy heading out, hurriedly pushing past people. He tried to zip through the crowded
room with Emma on his heels, but it was too late. Cassidy was gone.

* * *

Cassidy finally took a deep breath once she was inside her apartment. After

rambling off a flimsy excuse to her hosts for her early departure, she’d retrieved her coat
and made it to the door before Channing could find her.

What was she thinking, kissing that the jerk? And he had a girlfriend! Each time she

thought about locking lips with that lothario her blood boiled. How could she have been
so foolish? A man like that always had someone, and she felt like an idiot thinking
perhaps he was single because she’d been fantasizing about him so long.

She sent Mark a text apologizing for ditching him and offered dinner next week as a

consolation for her rude behavior. Last time she saw him he was chatting up some
attractive venture capitalist and pulling him away from the flirting would have been too
cruel. At least someone was getting some action tonight. She just wanted a hot shower
and a hypnotist to wipe her memory clean of the evening. She retrieved a cup of
strawberry yogurt out of the fridge and a spoon from the drawer, but she really wanted a
martini. When Hannah had put that champagne glass in her hand tonight she’d been so
tempted to sip. But she resigned herself to holding it in her hand and taking a good

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She sank down on her ivory couch, hoping she didn’t get clumsy. That would really

top off her night, a ruined couch and humiliation from a certain Texas lawyer. Her phone
began to ring, so she retrieved it from her evening bag. It was a Texas area code. It had to
be him; she never got calls from that part of the country. How the hell did he get her

It rang again. This time it was Mark. When she didn’t answer, he sent a text saying

he’d call her when he left the party. Why couldn’t she find a stand-up, environmentally
conscientious guy like Mark? So what if he was gay. Channing didn’t know it, but Mark
had had a really big crush on him when they lived across the hall from each other. She
listened plenty a day to Mark lamenting about his feelings for the Texas hunk.

Cassidy put away the dishes, then went into the bathroom to give her face a good

scrub. She removed her clothes, thinking what a waste it had been to spend all afternoon
getting ready. And she hated that she did all of that primping because she knew she’d be
running into Channing. By the time she crawled into bed she was exhausted. She didn’t
want to think about this night or Channing Blake ever again.

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Channing checked his watch for the third time as he paced in front of Anna Beth’s

desk. He was waiting for J.J. to finish up a conference so they could go home. They’d
been carpooling lately which he enjoyed, chatting with his big brother during the
commute, and normally he wouldn’t mind the delay. But he’d planned his evening very
carefully. He was going to call Cassidy for the twentieth time this week and try to get her
to listen to him. He sent flowers daily to her office and home along with heartfelt notes of

Emma, on the other hand, was an entirely different story. After talking into the wee

hours the night of the party, she couldn’t understand why he felt like she’d invaded his
privacy by barging in on him. He asked her repeatedly how she knew he would be there,
and she finally admitted that she’d checked the alumni Web site and found the
engagement announcement. Hannah was the daughter of a senator after all, and Emma
pieced together that they were the couple he was referring to and that he would be there.

“Your brother should be finished soon. He was blindsided by that call,” Anna Beth

said as she tidied up her desk.

He smiled. “These things happen when you’re the boss.”
“So how does it feel to be an uncle again?”
“Great.” He whipped out his cell phone and showed her a picture of Teri-Lyn

holding both Jack and Matt.

“Those two are so adorable.” She smiled. “Have you been hit the baby bug yet?”
“That would be putting the cart before the horse.”
“I have to admit I’ve been thinking about it lately.” She bit her lip.
“Seeing anybody special?”
“No, I haven’t had a date in ages. I’ve just about given up. There are too many frogs

out there disguising themselves as princes.” She laughed.

“The perfect person for you is out there. You can’t give up.” He sat on the edge of

her desk.

“Maybe my standards are too high. I haven’t found anyone who can live up to my

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“What are you looking for in a man?”
She glanced over her shoulder in the direction of J.J.’s office. “Someone’s who’s

handsome, kind, accomplished, considerate, and loyal.”

“Nothing wrong with wanting a man to have those qualities. When you do find him,

it will be well worth the wait because you didn’t settle.” He smiled.

Anna Beth blinked. “You really think so?”
“I’m sure of it.”
J.J. appeared, ready to leave. “Sorry that took so long.”
“No worries. Anna Beth and I were just lamenting about being single.” Channing


“She’s one of a kind. I don’t think any man will ever be good enough for her.” J.J.

winked at her.

* * *

When they entered the parking deck, J.J. and Channing spotted Bo getting into his


“C.J., we’re still on for Thursday night?” Bo yelled.
“You bet.” Channing gave him a thumbs up.
“You two are dating now?” J.J. shook his head as he got into the car.
“Ha ha.” Channing turned on the engine and made his way out of the parking


He waded through the heavy downtown traffic, and twenty minutes later he was

turning onto the highway.

“So how are things working out in the guesthouse?” J.J. asked.
“I love it. It’s spacious, and it gives Mama and Daddy their privacy.”
“Maybe it’s time you picked a spot on the ranch and start building your own home.”

J.J. said.

“I want to take my time and pick the right location.” He often rode around the ranch,

scoping out ideal places to build his home.

“Well, it’s only a matter of time before Daddy’s going to ask what you’re waiting


“I think moving into the guesthouse gave me a reprieve. He and Mama can get frisky

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as much as they like with me out of the way.” He laughed.

“Don’t remind me.” J.J. shook his head. “Have any plans tonight?”
“I’m going to try to get in touch with Cassidy again.”
“Still no luck?”
“You really like her, don’t you?”
“Are you kidding me? She’s maddening, beautiful, loves a good fight, and always

has to be right.” He grinned.

“Right up your alley.” J.J. chuckled.
“Unfortunately Emma’s surprise appearance at the engagement party has made any

further progress impossible.”

“Did you ever stop and think maybe Emma sensed you were into someone else and

strategically planned to be at that party?”

“What on earth for?”
“She’s campaigning pretty hard to pick up where you two left off.”
“I’ve been thinking maybe she was right to cool it. You know she changes the

subject whenever I mention Seth.”

J.J. scratched at his beard. “So he and Penny’s relationship may still be a sore spot

for her. Everyone barely came out of that alive. They were the ‘it’ couple after all, then it
all imploded, and everyone scattered to their corners.”

“She came to Seth and Morgan’s wedding. I thought she was past it. Hell, Morgan

and Penny are even civil to each other.” He sighed.

“People heal in their own time. How do you feel about her? Emma, I mean.”
“Like she’s trying too hard. She went to New York, and since that new life didn’t pan

out for her, she wants to come home to reliable, old C.J.” He gripped the wheel.

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my relationship with Eden is that friction is

not always a good thing. Yeah, it’s exciting and can be sexy at times. But when two people
want different things, there’s nothing you can do about it except evaluate whether you
want to spend your life at odds with each other. Don’t waste years like I did.”

Channing nodded. “So what are your plans for the evening?”
“I’m going to have a nice quiet dinner with Jack and Samantha Jane. After he has his

bath and settles in for the evening, we’re going to look at a missing person’s case she’s
working on for the justice network she helps in her spare time.”

“I gotta hand it to you. I thought once the baby came, you and Sam were going to go

at it like gladiators over her continuing to work.” Channing laughed.

“She’s passionate about her work. I’d be an idiot to fight her on doing something

she loves. But I won’t waver on her taking a safer position with Regency. I don’t intend to
raise our son alone, and she knows that.”

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“I’m amazed at your maturity. I know your instincts must be screaming for her to be

out of harm’s way.”

“Are you kidding me? I get brownie points with my wife for being so

understanding.” J.J. flashed a cheesy grin.

Channing pulled up to J.J.’s house a half hour later. “Do you mind if I come in and

say hi to Jack and Sam?” He didn’t want to intrude on them.

“Of course not. Jack loves getting visits from his Uncle C.J.”
As soon as Channing entered the house, he took Jack into his arms. The baby cooed

in response to his uncle’s kisses. “Jack, you’re getting so big. Did you gain a pound since
I saw you the other day?”

“He loves to eat, just like his father,” Sam said as she gave J.J. a kiss. “Channing,

won’t you stay for dinner? I made chicken parmesan.”

Channing took a good whiff. “It smells delicious but I have an appointment to eat

some major crow.”

She patted his shoulder. “I heard about that incident with Cassidy and Emma. I

hope you can get things straightened out.”

Channing shot his brother a look.
“What?” J.J. shrugged. “I tell Samantha Jane everything.”
“Stay for dinner. Maybe we can come up with something to get you back in Cassidy’s

good graces.”

* * *

After dinner with J.J. and Sam, Channing felt much better. He told Sam he

contemplated asking her to find out where Cassidy had been during the time she
dropped out of sight. She pointed out that people don’t disappear from pretty good lives
unless they had a good reason to do so.

Sam suggested he give Cassidy some time to process it all. They hadn’t even dated,

and they were already dealing with an issue of trust. Investigating her would surely send
her running for the hills if she ever found out.

Sam asked him why he liked her so much, and he launched into a tirade. Cassidy

was beautiful, intelligent and had a good sense of humor, but she was also generous and
philosophical. She always rooted for the underdog, even if she took flak for it. Her ideals
were unwavering, and he respected that. He’d had enough debates with her to know that

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once she stuck with a position, a stick of dynamite couldn’t move her, but she was
rational and willing to hear the other side of an argument. She loved art and found
beauty in things that most people would overlook. He loved how she saw the world.

He didn’t mean to go on about her the way he did. Maybe it was the three glasses of

wine he’d drunk. When he finally came up for air, he noticed the goofy looks on Sam and
J.J.’s faces. Sensing some mushy speech coming, he decided to go. He’d done enough
sharing for one evening. Channing kissed a sleeping Jack good night, and J.J. walked him
to the door. J.J. was still smiling.

“What is it?” Channing said as he opened his car door.
“You’re not fourteen anymore.”
“I haven’t been fourteen for over a decade.”
“No, I mean I think for a long time you’ve been frozen at a certain age in my mind.

Now you’re all grown up—a lawyer, of all things—working at the company with me and
postulating about love and relationships. You’re not my snot-nosed baby brother
anymore that needs looking out for. I’m proud of you.” He leaned against the doorframe.

Channing splayed his hands on the roof of the car. “Nah, I’ll always need your help.

Just like Tyler will always be the wild card that always comes through in the end. Tate is
the sensitive one who always knows how to make Mama smile, and Seth is the one who
makes everyone feel better. And you’re the glue that keeps us all together. And I
wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Cassidy is a lucky woman.”
“You tell her that if I ever get her to speak to me again.”
“You will. Just use that natural charm you have, and if that doesn’t work, use

something out of Daddy’s playbook.”

Channing got in the car and waved to his brother. He drove down the road to the

guesthouse. Maybe it was time to show Cassidy he was serious. Flowers were good, but
there was something else he could send her that he knew she’d like. And he knew just
where to get it.

* * *

It was day thirteen of Channing’s floral apology, and Cassidy was becoming the envy

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of every woman in the law firm. Each morning a beautiful arrangement greeted her with
a heartfelt card at the receptionist’s desk when she arrived for work. Who would be crazy
enough to threaten to send flowers until she was willing to answer his call? Her
officemate Sally told her that it was the most romantic and crazy thing she’d ever seen.

But today was different. In addition to a bouquet, a courier awaited her with a huge

box. He asked for her signature, handed over an envelope with the embossed letters BW
on it, and told her she should get it insured as soon as possible. Insured? What on earth
did he do?

The box was so heavy she had to get two of the facilities guys to lug it into her office.

She was curious but didn’t want to seem too anxious, so she decided to open it after
lunch. But the ladies in the office weren’t having that. The package had also attracted the
curiosity of two partners in the firm. A crowd stood at her door, waiting for the unveiling.
Cassidy carefully picked at the top lid of the box, became frustrated, and went at it with
the scissors. When she tore the packaging away she found a beautiful abstract painting
from her favorite artist that was featured in the Boyd-Wheaton Art Gallery. The artist, T.J.
Johansson, was known for her broad brushstrokes and use of color. While the group
oohed and ahhed, Cassidy took a peek at the contents of the envelope. It was the bill of
sale. The courier was right. She did need to have it insured, like yesterday.

Grayson Pritchard, one of the senior partners barged into her office. This man was

rarely seen in the building, let alone on the fifteenth floor with the minions. She hoped
she wasn’t getting fired for distracting her co-workers. She was relieved when two men
came in behind him, set the painting on an easel, and positioned it in the corner of the

“I heard there was another T.J. Johansson in the firm. You have very good taste, Ms.

Shaw. I have a painting from this artist hanging in my office.”

“Thanks. She’s one of my favorites too.” She wouldn’t know because she’d never

been anywhere near his office and didn’t think she’d see it for the next ten years.

“Why don’t you stop by my office this afternoon? I would love to show it to you.”
“Thanks, I would like that.”
The onlookers filed out of the office. Finally she could gaze at her present in private.
“That man hasn’t come down here in the two years I’ve worked here,” her officemate

Sally squealed. “Who knew he was such an art enthusiast.”

“Yeah, who knew.” Cassidy looked at the note Channing had attached.

I thought this would look nice in your office.

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“Whoever this guy is, I think he earned a return phone call. I’d be willing to let him

get to second base with me, too.”

* * *

Channing was looking forward to hanging out with Bo this evening. His friend was

working on his culinary skills and was in charge of the meal while he got the libations.
Tonight they were going to have a quiet guy’s night in while trading dating woes. He
thought it was nice that Bo was coming out of his shy shell and stretching his wings.

“Hi, George.” Channing juggled the bags and nodded at the doorman who held the

door open for him. He’d been there so many times they didn’t bother asking him to sign
in anymore. George hit the elevator button for him and wished him a good evening. The
trek to the seventh floor was fairly quick, and Channing stepped out into the spacious art
deco hallway and made a right. It was hard to believe there were only four units on the
entire floor.

Bo said he rarely saw his neighbors, and the unit across from his was still vacant. He

even tried to talk Channing into buying it, but he declined. He liked getting up in the
morning and seeing his mama’s garden, the trees, and the horses. He dug into his jeans
pocket and let himself in with the key Bo had given him. Whatever Bo was cooking
smelled delicious. He followed the smell into the kitchen.

“Smells good in here.”
“Did you get the cabernet sauvignon?” Bo looked up from seasoning the steaks.
“Yes, in addition to ten other things.” He pulled bottles out of the bags.
“Good. I need it for my glaze.” Bo reached for the bottle.
Channing squinted at him. “How are the new contacts working out?”
“I’m getting used to them. Today Christine in accounting told me I had bedroom

eyes.” He grinned.

“That reminds me, I think I need to file a sexual harassment complaint. Dinah in

acquisitions gets so close in the elevator we could be Siamese twins.” Channing uncorked
a bottle of the cabernet and poured himself and Bo a glass.

“I spent the last Christmas party dodging one of her magic fingers massages. The

woman is relentless when she’s drunk.” Bo took the glass.

“She’s no slouch when she’s sober.” Channing had narrowly missed getting a hand

job from her the other day. “What’s for dinner?”

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“Steak au poivre. Michelle made it on her show last week, so I gave her a call. She

was so excited to give me the recipe until she found out I was cooking it for you.” He

“The ladies have been on an active hunt to find you a woman. Well, any woman who

isn’t Morgan’s cousin Charisma.” Channing popped a cherry tomato in his mouth.

“I know. Their hearts are in the right place. I told her I was practicing until I met the

right woman.” Bo trimmed the asparagus. “So how goes the woman dilemma?”

“Cassidy sent me a thank you text for the painting and Emma won’t stop calling.”

Channing shook his head.

“That’s progress.”
“Yes, it is.” He clinked glasses with Bo.
“What’s Emma’s sudden urgency to be in a relationship with you?”
His jaw ticked. He was still angry about her surprise appearance at the engagement

party. “I have no idea.”

“Didn’t you learn anything in Vegas?”
“Yeah, I learned that dollar bills chafe when someone’s cramming them down your


Bo shook his head. “I meant about seizing the moment and passionate pursuits. You

gave a really good speech about romance that night we were in the hotel bar.”

“I’d had like seven martinis.” Channing ran a hand over his face.
“True, but you made a good point. You said it didn’t hurt to take a page out your

brothers’ playbooks. When you find a good woman, don’t let her go. So what are you
going to do about Cassidy?”

That was a really good question. A zillion bouquets of flowers and a painting had

gotten him nothing more than a thank-you text.

“I’m going to DC to have a face to face with her. She can’t avoid me if I stake out her

apartment building.”

“That’s a good Blake. Let’s eat.”

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Channing had been in DC a day and a half and still hadn’t managed to find her. He

reached out to mutual friends, and it was Hannah who proved to be the most helpful.
Hannah was all too willing to give him a rundown of Cassidy’s schedule and was pretty
sure she’d be home around five.

By seven o’clock he figured she’d had enough time to come home and unwind.

Channing stood outside Cassidy’s door poised to knock. He could hear jazz music
coming from inside. Now that he was here he didn’t know what to say, so he figured he’d
wing it.

He rapped lightly on the door.
“Who is it?” Cassidy answered a minute later.
“It’s Channing Blake.”
“Sorry, the name doesn’t ring a bell.”
She wasn’t being cute. She sounded mad as a rattlesnake. This was going to be

harder than he’d expected.

“You sent me a thank you text the other day?”
“Nope. Bells still aren’t ringing.”
“Really? I know you remember me. I was the tall, dark, and handsome cowboy with

the great smile that you had an embarrassing crush on all through law school? You
would undress me with your eyes and check out my ass when I walked by, but you
thought I didn’t notice. It was rumored that you bought twelve copies of that Legal Briefs
pin up calendar I posed for and pasted my picture on each month. I have a list of other
things you used to do to objectify me—I’m sure your neighbors would love to hear about

The door flew open. “What are you doing here?”
Channing took a deep breath when her loosely tied robe fell open. How the hell was

he supposed to answer her question while she was standing there in a thin cotton tank
top and a pair of men’s boxer shorts? Her nipples looked like they were fighting their
way through the material.

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“You wouldn’t answer my calls.”
“As you stated, I sent you a thank-you text for the painting.”
“So you liked it?”
“Yes. It’s the most exquisite thing anyone’s ever given me.”
“Can you let me in?”
“That depends. Are you going to tell the truth or lie to me about that woman who

showed up at the party?”

“I promise, only the truth.” He peeked his head into the apartment and saw it was

overrun with floral arrangements. “I see you got the flowers.”

“Did you send those?” She gave him a sarcastic look.
“How many men send you flowers?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Several, and they’re all single.”
“I bet they’re not as handsome as me.” He tapped his fingers on the door.
“You’re really full of yourself.”
He flashed a cheesy grin. “Family curse.”
“Does being a lying jerk run in the family too?”
“Emma is not my girlfriend, and I didn’t invite her to DC. She showed up on her

own accord. I wouldn’t do that to you, or any woman for that matter. Can you please let
me in?”

She pulled the door open wide enough for him to enter, but he took the opportunity

to brush up against her anyway. She looked up at him in an attempt to scowl, but it came
across as a sultry, pouty invitation to kiss her. He didn’t. She herded him into the living
room, then padded into the kitchen and got him a beer, but he noticed she’d gotten a
fruit juice for herself.

“A woman doesn’t travel that far across the country to track down a friend,” she


He shook his head. “She was in New York and decided it would be fun to surprise


“Oh, great. You have a stalker.” She rolled her eyes.
“Woman, now you listen to me. I can only apologize so much for someone else’s

actions. Before she showed up we were definitely making progress.”

“That was harmless flirting, and I’d had too much champagne.”
“The hell you did. You wanted me to kiss you.”
“Still as arrogant and presumptive as the day we met.”
He came closer. “Tell me I’m wrong, and I’ll leave.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“I thought you’d never ask.” Channing took her into his arms and laid one on her.

His heart thudded as he gazed upon the thin material of her tank top, which looked as if

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it were clinging to her breasts for dear life. Her nipples were hard, begging him to suck
them. He pulled down the straps and began to suck hard, hungry for the taste of this
woman. He flicked his tongue back and forth over her nipple.

“Wait.” She forced his head up to look at her. “We haven’t even been on a proper


Channing shook the lust out of eyes. “Yes, of course. I mean, I’d love to—”
“Quit while you’re ahead. Are you being honest with me about Emma?” She bit her


“Yes. I’m not that kind of guy.” He pulled bra strap back on her shoulder and

adjusted her robe.

“Good.” She ran her hand through her hair. “You can pick me up tomorrow at noon

for our date.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Channing smiled and stole a quick kiss before she kicked him out.

* * *

Cassidy woke early to get ready for the date. She nibbled on some toast as she

cleaned up the apartment. She was just about to vacuum when she heard the knock on
the door. He’d arrived an hour ahead of time.

“You’re early.” Cassidy squinted at him.
He smiled. “I know. I didn’t want to give you a chance to make up some lame excuse

or move out of state.”

“I knew you would think that, so I got ready as soon as I woke up this morning. Ha!”

Cassidy opened the door to reveal she was fully dressed.

Channing laughed. “What would you like to do today?”
“I haven’t been to the museums in a while.” She bit her lip. “There’s a new exhibit at

the Freer Gallery of Art. Or did you have something more exciting in mind?”

“Sounds like fun. How about we make a day of it and get tickets for the hop off, hop

on shuttle?”

Her eyes lit up. “That’s a great idea.”
After living in DC for many years, doing the tour of the nation’s capital still gave her

goose bumps. Cassidy never hid her enthusiasm for the fantastic architecture and history
that coursed through the streets. Channing circled all the stops he wanted to make on
the map the driver gave them. It was nice to see they liked the same things. The

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Washington Monument, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, those were some of her
favorite spots. She’d often come and sit on the steps in the early evening as the sun was
setting. She wondered what it would be like to take a dip in the huge reflecting pool. She
knew it was kind of corny, but a replica of the Declaration of Independence hung on the
wall in her bathroom. It felt kind of liberating to sit on the toilet and contemplate

Channing slowed his pace to match her stride. The man had a good six inches on

her. He’d ask how she was feeling every ten minutes, but she was thankful that he cared
about how she felt. He held her hand, and it made her feel like a teenager. When she
needed a break, they stopped at a bench near the United States Botanical Garden.

She perused the brochure. “So what do you know about gardens?”
“My mama has a pretty huge one in the back yard. I help her map out sunlight and

moon patterns around the house.” He shrugged.

“Wow. Sounds like you really got into it.”
He gave her a sexy sleepy eyed look. “I can get deeply involved, if the subject is

fascinating enough.”

“I remember the time we came across that Girl Scout troop who was having trouble

selling their cookies. You gave those girls a rousing speech, and they sold out within an
hour.” She laughed. Those girls were so entranced by him, they would have stolen cars if
he’d asked them to.

“They made me an honorary member of the troop.” He grinned.
“It must be nice to have women of all ages fawning all over you. What’s your secret?

Besides the obvious good looking package.”

“There’s no secret. People simply respond well when you’re nice, courteous and

have a genuine interest in what they have to say.”

“Yeah, I try, but I’m afraid I can’t take all that mental exhaust. Some people like to

unload on you and don’t even care if you’re really listening.”

“I agree. But my daddy says that even a person with the worst verbal diarrhea will

say one good, useful thing in their lives. And if you’re lucky, they’ll say it the day you’re

Cassidy let out a giggly snort. “Your daddy sounds like a really funny guy.”
“Funny is the last word anyone would use to describe John Jacob Blake.” Channing

scratched at his beard. “My whole life he’s been super serious, but lately he’s been
mellowing. I think it’s all the grandkids popping up. It’s been a joy to watch.”

“I’ve got my second wind back. Let’s go see us some awesome horticulture.” She

stood and held her hand out to him.

When Channing stood, he kissed the back of her hand. The softness of his lips

against her skin felt like he’d just kissed her from head to toe. She wondered if it was the

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memory of her attraction to him that made her feel the sparks, or if her body was on the
mend. He was a live, walking billboard of sexiness, and she was hooked on whatever he
was selling.

They spent a considerable amount of time in the Botanical Garden, then walked

around until they found a prime spot for a panoramic photo op of the Potomac.
Channing was hungry, so they went to a trendy restaurant at Union Station, the intimate
atmosphere in the booth on the top floor was just what she needed after a busy day of

“I’m going to have their signature fajitas.” Channing stretched his legs out under

the table.

“I’ll have the shrimp Caesar salad.”
The waiter came for their order, Channing ordered the house ale and a white wine

for her, but she declined and asked for bottled water instead.

“Not in the mood for wine tonight?” He passed the waiter the menus.
“I’m taking a medication that I can’t mix with alcohol.”
“Oh. I hope it isn’t anything serious?” He touched her hand.
Cassidy’s eyes widened. It was as if time had stopped. Anything serious? She felt

like she had a double-barrel shotgun aimed at her head. She could answer his question
and turn the entire day into something it needn’t be, or she could play it cool and record
this as the one of the best dates ever.

“No, I cut my finger so the doctor gave me some antibiotics for it.” Her shoulders

sank as the weight of the lie bore down on her. Suddenly the booth wasn’t intimate
anymore. The whopper she just told had wedged itself between them.

“Thank you for giving me another chance after that debacle at the engagement party.

Even if you didn’t want to see me again, I wouldn’t want you thinking I was that kind of
man. I wouldn’t do that to you or Emma.”

“I can see why she wants to hang on to you. I don’t know the full story, but whatever

the reason for the breakup, she seems remorseful about not being in your life anymore.
But I also respect your choice to move on, and I’m sure you know if a woman isn’t good
for you.”

“So when I come back to town in a couple of weeks, can I take you on another date?”
“I’d like that.” The words, coming from her heart, shot out of her mouth before she

could stop them.

* * *

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By Sunday afternoon Channing was in such a euphoric state he didn’t want to leave

DC. It was exciting getting to know Cassidy all over again. Emma called him a few times,
but he hadn’t called her back. He needed to tell her face to face that he didn’t want to try
again. His feelings for her had changed when she left for New York and cut him out of
her life. It was simply something he couldn’t get past. Besides that, she’d mentioned at
least three times that he should look for his own place off the ranch, and that sent
warning bells blaring in his head. Eden had wanted to live off the ranch, and she’d been
mad at J.J. for months when he told her that was not an option. Being a Blake meant
being a part of that land, and even though he’d been taking his time selecting a spot to
build on, that was where he wanted to live.

She was still tight-lipped about why she’d disappeared, but he figured she’d get

around to telling him when she felt comfortable. In the meantime it was an excellent
start to a new relationship.

He picked her up for their brunch date and noticed her mood had shifted since last

night. She was silent and seemed distracted. By the time they went back to her
apartment, his optimism was beginning to fade. Had she changed her mind? The air was
getting pretty thick. The other shoe finally dropped when she asked him to take a seat on
the couch.

She caressed his hand. “First of all, I want you to know I had a really good time this

weekend. I’m glad you came to town.”

“But?” He gulped.
“I want to tell why I dropped out of sight last year.”
“I know I’ve been kidding you about it, but you don’t have to tell me.”
“No, I want to tell you. Correction—I have to tell you—before this goes any further.”

She cleared her throat. “And I will totally understand if you don’t want to see me

“Why would I not want to see you?” Channing moved closer to her.
They sat there silent for a few minutes until she finally spoke.
“I was diagnosed with cervical cancer last year. I dropped out of sight because I

started treatment immediately after I was diagnosed. They caught it in time, and I’m in
remission. But there’s no guarantee it won’t come back.” She exhaled.

“Oh, Cassie.” Channing took her into his arms.
“I’m still healing. My immune system is still pretty low. My doctors are keeping an

eye on things, but there’s still long road ahead for me.”

“I want you to tell me everything about your diagnosis and treatment. What your

doctor is doing to monitor you.”

“Why?” She wiped a tear from her eye.

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“If we’re going to give this relationship a chance, I have to know how to take care of

you.” He caressed her cheek.

She pushed him away. “Goodness, you’re so damn noble. This is why I didn’t want

to tell you. Compassion can turn to pity before you realize it happened. And before you
know it, I’m the good friend with cancer. I don’t want you to look at me differently.”

“You’re still the same beautiful, maddening Cassidy Shaw that cut in front of me in

the registration line so she could get the last seat in Professor Drayton’s lecture.” He
took her face into his hands.

She laughed, and it came out on a half sob. “You’re never going to let that go.”
“No. I’ll never forget the day we met.” He kissed her gently on the lips. “I promise

we’ll have fun, but I need to know what steps to take to ensure that you stay healthy.”

“OK. I’ll be honest with you about my health as long as you don’t baby me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Channing gave her a big bear hug.
She pulled back and pouted. “That felt like a babying hug.”
“No. I was totally trying to feel you up.” He kissed her on the nose. “Thank you for

trusting me.”

* * *

Cassidy’s heart was thudding in her chest when she kissed Channing good-bye and

locked her door. It took all the courage she could muster, but she did it. She’d told him
about the cancer. The admission had relief and fear battling for control of her body. She
wanted him to know, yet she hated that he knew. It wasn’t fair not to tell him. When she
looked in his eyes for a moment she could see…the future. For the first time in a long
while, she wanted to go out on romantic dates with a handsome man that made her pulse
quicken when he entered the room. She wanted to be what she saw when she looked into
his eyes.

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Channing went straight to the bookstore when his plane landed and bought as many

books as he could find. His mind was reeling. The idea of Cassidy shouldering her illness
alone made him angry. For hours he read and absorbed it all, determined to be there for
her as she continued her recovery. When he got home, he went straight to the
guesthouse without stopping at his parents’ to let them know he’d returned. He planted
himself on the couch and didn’t come up for air until he heard a knock on the door.

“Come in,” he said.
“C.J., I saw your light on—I hope I’m not intruding. You missed dinner so I thought

I’d bring you a plate.” Teri-Lyn put the serving tray on the table. “How was the trip to

“I had a great time.” He ran a hand over his face.
Teri-Lyn picked up the book on the top of the stack at the edge of the table. Her eyes

widened. “Surviving Cancer? What’s this?”

“I just found out my friend was treated for it. She went through the diagnosis and

treatment alone.” He put the book down and closed his eyes.

When his mother wrapped her comforting arms around him, he felt safe, like a little

kid again. He needed that hug. He needed her strength and wisdom to help him figure
out a way to help Cassidy. Every instinct in him said to go back to DC, but he’d foolishly
agreed not to baby her. But damn it, he wasn’t coddling, he was concerned about her.

“Is it your friend Cassidy?” she asked.
He nodded.
“I saw her picture on your cell phone. She’s very pretty.”
“And smart. She may be smarter than me.” He grinned.
“My sons do have healthy egos.” She laughed. “She’s the reason you went back to


There was no harm in telling his mother how he felt. “I care for her. No, that’s not

true. It’s more than that.”


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“Emma showed up at that engagement party I attended last month and Cassidy got

the wrong impression.”

“Did she?” Teri-Lyn frowned.
“That night at the hospital was the first time I’d seen Emma in months. She wanted

to start up again, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to do that. She came to DC on her own
volition to surprise me.”

“Well, you can see why Cassidy would be skeptical if you have women hopping

states to hunt you down. There’s mixed signals everywhere.”

“Now Emma’s convinced we should be together, but it’s only because I stopped

chasing her.”

“I don’t know what it is about you boys that allows you to get sucked in by that

Winterbourne charm. If only you’d start thinking with the right head.”

“Mama!” Heat rose to his cheeks, and he knew he was blushing.
“Now, you need to eat something if you’re going to be up all night reading.” Teri-

Lyn removed the cover from the plate. “I made chicken pot pie. I’m going to pop it in the
oven for a few minutes.”

“Thanks, Mama.” He kissed her on top of her head.
“Anything for my baby.” She picked up one of the books. “Do you mind if I borrow

this one?”

“I’ll get some silverware. I’m not leaving until I watch you eat every bite.”

* * *

Channing happily volunteered to take Morgan’s visiting niece Avery on a campus

tour of a prospective college. The whole family hoped that if she didn’t attend school in
Pennsylvania, she would find one that suited her in Texas. The ranch was certainly
livelier with a teenager around. He’d always wanted a little sister, and he found Avery’s
teenage chatter refreshing. After a big breakfast with Teri-Lyn and John Jacob, the pair
hopped in his car and headed for Texas University.

“Uncle Channing, what made you want to become a lawyer?”
“Well, I always had a curiosity about the rules that govern us all. When I was

younger I liked to break a lot of them.”

“Come on, you can tell me. Aunt Morgan showed me the articles you wrote on

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constitutional law. You take quite a passionate stance on the public’s right to have a fair
trial.” She beamed.

“Are you seventeen or thirty seven?” he quipped.
“Aunt Morgan says there’s nothing wrong with being aware of the world around


“Well, she’s right. That’s one of the reasons I love talking to her; she has an

extensive knowledge of many things. I guess that’s what happens when you live in a
world made of books.”

“I hope to be that well-rounded someday.”
“I think you already are. So what other fields are you interested in?”
“I’m also thinking of being an engineer, a publicist, or a doctor.”
“Wow. You have lofty ambitions. I thought about being a doctor for about five

minutes. I have to say it would be nice to have a doctor in the family.”

She winced. “It takes a lot of schooling and dedication.”
“Everything worthwhile requires effort and patience. If you want to talk to a woman

attorney, I have a friend whose brain you can pick.” He smiled.

“Is she your girlfriend?”
That was an excellent question. “We’re very good friends.”
She gave him one of those teenage looks he couldn’t decipher. One thing was for

sure: she was a bright girl with a hell of a future in front of her.

“Do you mind if I channel hop?”
“Go right ahead.” Channing listened for the next fifteen minutes as Avery scanned

for a channel she liked and finally settled on a pop station. A young pop singer was
crooning about a breakup with a boyfriend via text. The music was catchy, but the lyrics
were kind of laughable, as if breaking up with someone via text would be as easy as the
song alluded. But that didn’t stop Avery from rockin’ out. She became animated and
started singing along as if she felt the lyrics from the heart. He couldn’t imagine some
idiot boy breaking her heart, but he could see a line of Blakes forming to do him bodily
harm if he did. When the song finally ended she looked over at him, embarrassed, and
turned down the volume.

“Sorry, I get carried away.” She gave him a shy smile.
“No, by all means, I bought the car for the karaoke feel it had.”
“The stations down here play a lot of country music, eh?”
“My channels are pre-programmed. But country is my favorite type of music, and

they’ll play one of Uncle Tate’s songs every now and again.”

“Uncle Tate is a great singer. He gives an awesome concert. I downloaded all of his

songs. I especially like the one he wrote for cousin Isabelle.”

He grinned. “That was a really nice song.”

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“Uncle Channing, have you ever been in love?” She looked at him.
Channing’s eyes darted from the road to her. “Why do you ask?”
“You’re very handsome, but you don’t have a steady girlfriend. Aunt Morgan says

you have to beat the girls off with a stick.”

He laughed at that one. “Despite how easy it sounds in those songs, the road to love

is a bit more complicated for us older folks.”

“Huh,” she said.
“Have you ever been in love?” Now was a good time to do some snooping for her


“Nah. There was this boy I liked, but Daddy drove by his house a few times in his

undercover car. I think it scared him off.”

Channing drove through the gates of the school and stopped at the security shack

for directions to visitor parking. “Good morning. My name is Channing Blake. We’re here
for a campus tour.”

“You can just park right over there sir.” The guard point to the right. “Someone from

the Dean’s office will be here to get you in a few moments.”

“Thanks.” Channing waved and parked his car.
He and Avery were barely out of the car when a tall, muscular young man

approached them wearing a pair of khakis and a polo shirt that said VIP Tour Guide. He
seemed harmless enough until he got closer, and his smile got wider as he gave Avery a
long once over.

“Mr. Blake.” The young man attempted to give Channing a firm handshake—too

firm. “My name is Xander. Dean Drake sent me over to personally escort you to his

“Thanks, Xander.” Channing’s jaw ticked. He shook the boy’s hand like he was

cracking a walnut. The kid flinched but obviously didn’t want to yelp in front of Avery.

“And you must be Avery. It’s so nice of you to consider Texas University as one of

your potential schools. I heard you have a 4.0 average and big interest in English
literature. You’d be a perfect fit with the brainy crowd on campus.” Xander’s eyes
sparkled as he caressed Avery’s hand.

“Thanks. It’s nice to meet you.” Avery blushed.
“Xander.” Channing reached out and pulled their hands apart. “Isn’t the dean

waiting for us?”

Avery shot him a look. Channing ignored it. He knew that horny smile Xander was

sporting. He was young once, after all.

Xander got into the golf cart and patted the seat next to him for Avery, but Channing

gave the young man look that would have sent chills down the devil’s spine and herded
her to the backseat with him. They hadn’t been on campus ten minutes, and someone

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was already giving her leering looks. Having a young lady in the family was new for him,
but he’d make the time to fend off some college gigolo who thought flexing a few
muscles was going to score him some points.

Xander pointed out some of the buildings as they rode and gave them some

information on the history of the school. Avery was all too happy to engage and fired a
ton of questions at him. Like Channing had figured, Xander was a running back on the
football team, and his major was physical education. Avery was impressed, but Channing
felt like he was going to throw up from the kid’s blatant attempts to sound cool. Finally
they parked in front of the dean’s office building and went inside.

“Mr. Blake, what a pleasure to meet with you and your niece Avery today,” Dean

Drake said.

“Thank you for taking the time. I had no idea you’d be giving us special treatment,”

Channing drawled and shot a look at Xander, who was staring at Avery.

“When I heard a Blake was visiting the campus, I had to make sure we rolled out the

red carpet. We almost recruited your brother Seth way back when.”

“You’re Seth Blake’s brother?” Xander blurted out.
“Yes, I am.” You horny idiot. “Avery is our niece and the apple of our eye.”
Dean Drake cleared his throat. “Let’s get started, shall we?”
The four of them walked the campus. Xander walked ahead a bit with Avery.

Channing tried to keep his ear on their conversation while he listened to the dean drone
on about his wonderful school. He’d done some research, and they had an excellent
graduation ratio and a great variety of classes, but what he wanted to know was how
Avery would benefit from all of it.

They stopped to have lunch in the dining hall. Xander was the perfect gentleman

until he suggested he and Avery eat at a separate table.

“I’d like to hear your thoughts on campus life, Xander,” Channing murmured. He

knew the boy had to be on his best behavior for the dean.

Xander gave him a tight smile. “Sure.”
Avery nibbled on her burger and listened attentively to Xander. He remembered

being Xander’s age and trying to ditch the adults to be with a girl. He hoped karma
wouldn’t bite him on the ass for all the things he’d done as a kid when it was his turn to
be the adult.

Dean Drake droned on about the school. Xander and Avery cleared the trays, so he

couldn’t hear what they were saying as they emptied them into the trash cans.

“So, Mr. Blake, Avery will have a plenty of time to chart her course and declare a

major. We have attentive counselors who can help her navigate. I peeked at her
transcripts, and they are excellent. Let’s go back to my office so I can finish the hard
sell.” Dean Drake herded them back to the golf cart.

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They got back to the dean’s office to wrap up the visit. Even though his job was over,

Xander lingered in the hallway.

“If there’s anything you need, just call my secretary,” the dean said. “I can fast track

things if Avery decides she wants to attend the school.”

Channing shook his hand. “Thank you. Avery is a bright young lady with many

choices, but I appreciate the personal touch with the tour.”

Xander drove them back to the car.
“It was nice to meet you, sir.” Xander extended his hand. “You have a very nice car.”
“Nice to meet you too.” Channing noticed he didn’t try that macho handshake again.
“Avery, I really hope you’ll want to attend. Maybe you can check out one of my

games if you come back to Texas soon.” Xander caressed her hand before he handed her
the tour gift bag.

She blushed. “Thanks. I’d like to see you play sometime.”
Channing hustled her off before Xander could think of a reason she’d need his

number. They got on the road, and Avery chatted about the tour while texting her
parents about the school. When she was done, she put her phone in her purse.

“That was a cool campus. It looked like a mini city.” She reached into the bag and

flipped through the brochure.

He made a note to look through it when they got home in case Mr. Football had

jotted down his number on one of the pamphlets.

“You’ll see a lot of nice schools; just concentrate on choosing an institution that fits

all your needs.” He smiled.

“There’s another school I’d like to visit tomorrow. Think you could take me?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
“Really? Thank you!” She grabbed his neck and gave him a tight squeeze.

* * *

They stopped for lunch and talked about her other school prospects. She was also

interested in schools in California and Michigan and was looking forward to visiting
them. Channing found her optimism about the future infectious it got him to thinking
about the next phase of his life. He’d accomplished his scholastic goals and was working
for Blake Enterprises—what was on the horizon?

His brothers made a good case for domestic life as they were busy loving great

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women and starting families, but he thanked his nephews for keeping him from
prematurely pressing some fatherhood button before it’s time.

Right now he wanted to focus on what was good in his life. He loved being with

Cassidy. After those years of liking her from afar, he was delighted to find they had a real
connection. They had similar tastes and liked to laugh. She preferred staying at home,
instead of going out into the DC nightlife. She’d opened up more about the cancer and
the side effects. She didn’t want him to take her low libido as a sign she wasn’t attracted
to him; there were still a lot of things she was working through. There was no rush; he
wasn’t going anywhere. When they eventually made love, he was sure it would only
deepen their bond.

By the time they got home Channing was exhausted. Avery spread out the materials

on the kitchen table for John Jacob and Teri-Lyn and gushed about the school. His
brothers were on a double date tonight with their wives, so his parents were babysitting
Matt and Jack. It was too tempting not to play with them. Channing sat on the couch and
started chatting to the newest members of the family.

“Hey, boys. Get into any trouble today? Do your uncle a favor and try not to catch up

to your cousins for a while. They’re on the fast track to becoming juvenile delinquents.”

The babies seemed to get a kick out of that. They were smiling and trying to move

around in their seats. He slipped Curly’s sock back on his foot; the infant had a knack for
taking them off.

“C.J., can you watch the boys for a minute? I have to go to the cabin and get Matt’s

blanket. Your daddy and Avery are in the yard barbequing dinner.”

“Sure thing, Mama.” Cassidy’s ring tone sounded in his pocket. The moment her

beautiful face came on screen, he smiled. He’d been thinking about her all day. “Hey,

“Hey yourself.”
The boys were making noises like they wanted to be part of the conversation, so

Channing propped the phone against the candy dish on the table to give Cassidy a good
view of them. “I’d like to introduce you to the newest members of my family. This is
Curly, Tate and Isabelle’s son. And this is Jack, J.J. and Sam’s son. Boys, this is my very
special friend, Cassidy.”

“Hi, guys.” She waved. “They are so adorable!”
“They don’t smell so adorable.” Channing scrunched his nose.
“What’s wrong?”
“One of the boys just took a wicked number two. By the goofy look on Jack’s face, I

think he’s the culprit.” Channing laid a blanket on the couch, put his nephew on it, and
grabbed his diaper bag.

“You’re pretty good at that.”

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“I have three more nephews. I’m an old pro at this.” He winked at her. Jack didn’t

put up too much of a fuss during the changing. Channing re-dressed him, gave him a
kiss on the cheek, and put him back in his carrier.

“How was your day?” she asked as she nibbled on some grapes.
“I took my niece Avery to scout out a college and had to keep an eye on a young jock

trying to impress her. But you look terrific.”

“Thank you for saying that with a straight face.” She laughed. “I didn’t know you

had a teenaged niece.”

“Avery is Seth’s wife’s niece. She’ll be starting college in the fall, so we’re on a

rotation of vetting schools.”

“Tell me about the tour.”
“So they give us this muscle bound jock for the tour who’s drooling all over Avery

the entire time. I wanted to choke that snot nosed kid.”

“Hmm… I seem to remember someone who volunteered to be the museum

ambassador for two years. I do believe your job was to get cougars to open their wallets
and make hefty donations.” She gave him a knowing look.

He snorted. “You know how many bottom pinches and crotch grabs I had to deflect

in the name of culture?”

“My point is, you always lead with your best asset when you’re trying to reel in a big

fish.” She batted her eyelashes at him.

“Well, she’ll go to that school the day Mr. Happy Pants gets expelled. It can be

arranged.” He huffed.

“You do know guys like that are a dime a dozen on college campuses?” She raised an


“We’ll watch her in shifts.” He folded his arms over his chest. “She’s going to get an

education, not get hit on by some horny football player.”

“Wow. Someone probably said the same thing about you when you were tootling

around your college campus.”

“I was not that bad.” He thought about his college days and winced. “OK, maybe I

was that bad.”

She giggled. “I’m sure the men in the family will school her on horny boys.”
“Damn right. How was your day?” She looked tired, but man, she was still beautiful.

He wanted to be with her in the worst way.

“I’m a little tired. I had to shop for groceries and do some laundry. Are you coming

up next weekend? There are a lot of great events happening around town.”

“How about you come here? I’d love to show you the ranch.”
“I thought you said no one visits the ranch? You said it was a family haven.” She


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“You’re not everybody. I’d even go as far as to say you’re someone very special to

me. So what do you say?”

She didn’t a get chance to answer. Teri-Lyn came into the living room to retrieve the

boys so he had to put Cassidy on hold. That didn’t stop Teri-Lyn from wanting an

He took Cassidy off hold. “Mama, this is Cassidy.” He hugged his mother. “Cassidy,

this is Teri-Lyn Blake.”

“It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. Blake. The mystery of Channing’s red hair has been

solved.” Cassidy laughed.

The Blake men were all born with a variation of their mama’s fiery red hair, but it

normally darkened around age two. Channing was the only one whose hair was more red
than black.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too. C.J. talks about you all the time. I can see why he’s

always racing to DC to spend time with you.”

Channing coughed. “I hate to cut this short, but I’m retiring to the guesthouse. I just

changed Jack, and Curly kept his socks on.”

“Thanks, baby. Grab something to eat from your daddy on the way out.” She kissed

him on the cheek.

Channing couldn’t escape introducing Cassidy to his father and Avery when he went

out to get a steak and roasted potatoes. He finally made it into the guesthouse kitchen
and perched the phone on its stand. He got a beer out of the fridge then leaned against
the counter.

“So what do you say to a visit?” He didn’t know how to sound casual about bringing

it up again, so he just went for it.

When she didn’t answer immediately, he regretted asking the question. They’d been

dating for two months and had a great time when they were together, but maybe it was
too soon.

“It’s kind of short notice to book a flight.”
“I’ll have my private plane pick you up.”
“Well, well.”
He slapped his hand against his forehead. “Did that sound obnoxious?”
“No, I think the insinuation that your family is loaded was pretty smooth. Will the

paparazzi be there to take my picture as I’m whisked away to the ranch?” She laughed.

“No, people don’t pay too much attention to us down here. Besides, my brothers get

enough press for the entire family.”

“You’re southern royalty. Which makes me wonder why you chose such a low-key


“I didn’t realize being a corporate attorney was now a humble profession. My, how

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things have changed.” He chuckled.

“Well, your day job may be pedestrian, but your personal conquests get coverage in

the media. I saw a story on you last year in one of those tabloid magazines. Did you have
a one night stand with a reality star in Vegas?”

He raised an eyebrow. “I’m surprised, Ms. Shaw. I didn’t think a sophisticated,

educated woman like you read those rags.”

“You were in a tabloid rag, so you can lower the condemning eyebrow. And you

didn’t answer my question.”

“That was all blown out of proportion.” He sipped his beer.
“As these things usually are. Continue.” She folded her hands over her chest.
“I said hi to her at the pool, and next thing I know the media is saying we’re hooking


“Ah, so that’s why there were no photos, just an unnamed source close to the reality

star who claimed to see you two together.” Cassidy giggled.

“My sister-in-law Sam is head of security for the family. She made the problem go

away. When she wants something, not even the devil gets in her way. By the way, that
tabloid rag didn’t even mention my name. They said ‘Seth Blake’s little brother.’ What
total disrespect.”

“Suffice it to say, I knew it was you.”
“How so?”
“I quote, ‘the one with the deep dimples and red hair.’” She giggled. “What I

wouldn’t give to have all those problems. Someone following you around with a camera
while you party all the time must be exhausting.”

“Well, when you come down here I’m going to show you how we’re so normal it’s

frightening. I still do ranch work. No one’s exempt.”

“I’d love to see that. Do you take your shirt off?”
“Woman, you just want to objectify me.” He shook his head.
“Old habits die hard.” She flashed him a cheesy grin.
“So what do you say?”
“Yes. I’ll see if I can get Thursday and Friday off and make a long weekend of it?”
“Four days isn’t long enough to see Texas, but that may cover the ranch. I’ll call you

tomorrow with the flight details.”

* * *

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Channing had his hand on the phone to call Cassidy when Anna Beth called. Emma

was there to see him.

What on earth was she doing here? He sent her multiple texts suggesting they meet

for dinner and talk. When he wouldn’t engage in flirty banter, she shut down on him.
Still, the words needed to be said so he wouldn’t feel like he was hiding something from
Cassidy. When he got to the administrative assistant’s desk, J.J. and Bo were chatting
with her. They excused themselves to go to a meeting and gave Channing a we-want-
details look as soon as she left.

“Emma. What are you doing here?”
“I was in the area for a job interview and thought I’d drop by. You don’t look happy

to see me.” She pouted.

“Well, you didn’t get back to me about meeting for dinner. Let’s go in my office.”
Once inside, Emma walked around, inspecting the décor.
“So how goes the job search?” He took a seat in his chair.
“Pretty good. I’ve had three offers so far.”
“Congratulations. Sounds like things are working out for you. But I’m not surprised.

When you set your mind to something there’s no stopping you.”

Emma came over and sat on the edge of desk. “It works with everything except you.”
“Can we talk? I mean really talk?” He stood up.
“Why are you so serious all the time? You used to be so much fun. Didn’t you enjoy

our time together at the hospital?” She caressed his cheek and went in for a kiss.

Channing pulled away. “Yes, I did. It’s precisely the problem. It’s not enough.”
“But it was OK to sleep with me?”
“No, it wasn’t. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“You Blake men are all the same.” She marched out of his office and slammed the

door so hard, the glass shelves on the wall rattled.

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Channing sipped his drink in the airport bar trying to get a handle on his nerves.

When he got the text from Cassidy that she’d boarded the plane in DC, he was both
overjoyed and terrified. This weekend could be a turning point for their relationship.

“I thought you were a beer man.”
Channing turned around to see Cassidy standing behind him. “Hello, there, Ms.

Shaw. That depends on my mood.”

Cassidy sniffed the glass. “Scotch.”
He knocked back his drink and stood. “How was your flight?”
She took a deep breath. “I would love to say something really classy and clever right

now, but friggin’ awesome are the only words that come to mind. You have a very nice

“It’s a family jet.”
“So you’re just a partial spoiled brat.” She grinned. “I don’t know where my bags

are; someone greeted me at the door and brought me in here.”

“They’re being loaded into my car. We’re going to have a great time.” Channing

reached for her with the intention of a kiss, but at the last minute he decided on a full

“Visiting Texas has always been on my bucket list.”
“And?” He took her bag from her shoulder and led her out of the bar.
“And I must admit I was little intrigued about your description of the Twelve

Horseshoes Ranch. I know not many people get to see it.”

“And?” He stopped at his car.
“Nice car.” She whistled.
“And?” He lifted her chin with his finger.
“I missed seeing those dimples. I think you’re—”
Channing didn’t wait for her to finish. He pulled her close and kissed her.

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If she had to board the plane right now and return home, it still would have been

worth the trip. When he stood up at the airport bar, she took a deep breath, taking in the
earthy man before her. He looked sexy and rugged, like he was ready for anything. He
looked delicious in a blue button-down shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots, and it was
definitely a look she could get used to. She’d had a naughty dream about him riding a
bronco, which had turned a lot more erotic than she’d expected. The black Stetson he
wore did nothing to conceal that reddish hair of his, and those damn dimples. She’d bet
good money she could do a shot of tequila out of those dimples. He’d awakened her
libido after a long slumber, and it felt nice to have sexual feelings for someone again.

She loved the tour of the ranch. It was exactly the vivid picture of ranch life

Channing had painted—if the typical ranch had a bowling alley, min-golf course, general
store, and race track. It was a city all its own, and she could see why he liked living there.
He got a call from his brother J.J. as soon he opened the door to the guesthouse, so she
decided to roam around while he talked business. His home was spacious. The kitchen
had the latest appliances and a mahogany and marble center island. The living room had
rich, tan leather couches, a bookcase that covered an entire wall, and a huge television
above the fireplace.

Channing had been quite an avid reader back in law school. It was no surprise he

had books on various topics in his personal library. There were several books on cancer
on the shelves, including a medical dictionary. She quickly flipped through a book that
lay open on his coffee table to see he’d dog eared some of the pages and highlighted
some of the text. She put it back where she found it. She didn’t want to think about that

Cassidy opened the terrace door to get a closer look at the garden. Roses, lilacs,

tulips, and marigolds lay in a circular pattern. A stone path led from the guesthouse to
the center of the garden, where a sitting area was staged. The path continued its trek to
the terrace door of the main house.

“That’s my mama’s pride and joy, aside from her kid and grandkids.” He came up

behind her and put his arms around her waist.

“What a precise display of color.”
“I thought you’d like that.”
“What’s going on over there?” She pointed to some freshly turned soil.
“She plants new flowers every time there’s a new addition to the family. She finally

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settled on what she wants to plant for Matt and Jack.”

“That’s so sweet.” She clasped her hands together.
“Let’s finish the tour.” He took her hand, led her back inside, and got her bags. He

led her down the hallway to the first bedroom. “This is your room. It has its own

“Thanks.” She coughed. “Where’s your bedroom?”
“Right there.” He pointed further down the hall.
“Listen, I don’t want you to think I have any expectations. I invited you here because

I wanted to show you my home and the great state of Texas. We can move as fast or slow
as you like.” He caressed her face.

“Thank you.” Wasn’t he the sweetest man on the planet?
“I’ll let you get settled. We’re having dinner with my folks at six o’clock.”
“Your folks?” she stammered.
“They can’t wait to meet you.”
She knew when he invited her to the ranch that his whole family lived there. It

would be impossible not to run into some of them. But meeting his parents felt like a
pretty big step. What exactly had he told them about her?

She was falling for him and fighting it. Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to come to

the ranch. She tried talking to her support group friends, but they just pooh-poohed her
apprehensions and encouraged her not to overthink it. She worried about intimacy with
him. What if she wasn’t able to be with him in that way? He was a healthy, gorgeous man
who could have any woman he wanted, and there was one waiting in the wings. If she
couldn’t have a physical relationship with him, would he find Emma appealing again?
What kind of future could she offer him?

“OK. In that case I’m going to take a nap. I want to look my best.”
“Too late. You already look great.”

* * *

Channing knew she was nervous when she changed clothes three times in ten

minutes. After she came out of the bedroom with a pretty green blouse and a pair of
jeans, he grabbed her hand so she couldn’t go back and change.

“What do you think?”

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“You look gorgeous.”
“Wait, I have to put on shoes.”
He looked down at her feet, but all he could see was her pretty pink-painted toes

poking out of her flip-flops. “Those are fine.”

“Men,” she huffed. “I’m not meeting your parents in slacker flip-flops. I’ll just be a

minute. I promise I won’t change the outfit.”

She came back as promised in a couple of minutes, and they headed off through the


“So is there anything I shouldn’t talk about in front of your folks?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do they have any strict religious or political views?”
“Well, Daddy thinks it’s a sin not to barbecue on Sundays.”
She swatted his arm. “That’s not what I was walking about.”
He put his arm around her shoulders. “Relax. My parents are pretty laid-back people.

Just a few months ago Daddy was in the hospital because he and Mama were foolin’
around in the kitchen and something went awry.”

“Good for them. They’re proof that romance is eternal.”
He could smell burgers and chicken cooking on the grill. He followed the path

leading around the house to find Teri-Lyn setting the table.

“You two are just in time. Welcome Cassidy, it’s so nice to finally meet you.” Teri-

Lyn gave them both a hug.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” Cassidy smiled.
“We have a big menu tonight. John Jacob has a ton of meat on the grill, and I made a

few salads. C.J. tells me you love avocado, so I made some guacamole.”

Cassidy’s eyes lit up. “I love guacamole.”
“And he said you had a sweet tooth.”
“I do, but I’ve been trying to cut back.”
“Then I guess you don’t want any of the chocolate raspberry cake I made for


Cassidy laughed. “I guess I could cheat a little on my diet.”
“Diet?” Teri-Lyn took her hand. “You’re a tiny little thing. You need some meat on

those bones.”

Channing watched as Teri-Lyn hustled Cassidy into the house.
“Hey, Daddy. You need any help?”
“Take a look at that salmon and tell me if it looks right to you.”
Channing punctured the parchment paper to find the salmon garnished with a

lemon wedge and dill. It looked done, so he put it on one of the platters next to the grill.
“This is new. I thought you were a catfish kind of guy.”

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“Your mama thought Cassidy might like it.” He pointed to Michelle’s cookbook, The

Novel Foodie Cooks, on the table. “Michelle has some pretty tasty recipes in there.”

“She cooks up a storm. I don’t see how Tyler isn’t gaining any weight.”
“Don’t you now?” John Jacob raised an eyebrow.
Channing’s cheeks flushed. “That’s one way of keeping the weight off.”
“Looks like your bad luck with women is just about over. Cassidy is as pretty as you

described and more.”

“What have you done with my father?”
“My grandbabies are healthy and your mama told me today I looked more

handsome than the day we met. That’s all a man like me really needs. Did you tell her
how you feel?”

The man was always reading his mind. He was bursting to tell her he was falling in

love with her, but he didn’t want to scare her off. “Not yet.”

His father laughed. “You might as well tell her; your heart is already on your sleeve.”
“It is?”
“Wear it proudly, son.” John Jacob touched the tip of his Stetson. “Now ask the

ladies to join us.”

* * *

Cassidy enjoyed the evening with Channing’s parents. She could see why he loved

home so much. There was a sense of peacefulness there that she’d never experienced

His mother was sweet and loving and very attentive to her family. John Jacob was

charismatic and had an electric personality. Channing was right—his dad did look like a
throwback to the rough riding, devilishly handsome cowboys of the Old West.

They cuddled on the couch when they returned to the guesthouse and talked before

retiring for the night. He didn’t make any moves, although it was a perfect setting for

As she drifted off to sleep in the comfort of his strong arms, she hoped he wasn’t

rethinking this budding romance. It felt too damn good being with him.

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* * *

When Channing said he was taking her someplace scenic and serene for lunch, she

had no idea he was taking her some place as beautiful as the Japanese Tea Garden in San
Antonio. As soon as they ascended the steps leading up to the Jingu House and took a
seat at the outside café, she fell in love with her surroundings.

“Everything sounds so tasty. What’s good?” she asked as she perused the menu.
“The wraps are good. I think I’ll have the spicy beef and the mixed greens house


“Good combo.” She bit her lip. “I’m going to try the Jingu House Bento Box. Then

we can sample each other’s meals.”

“I’ll place our orders.”
They ate lunch then roamed around the garden, taking in the beautiful paths leading

to water formations and beautiful foliage. Some of the walkways were kind of narrow, so
Channing took her hand and carefully led her around. Cassidy took tons of pictures with
her cell phone, and after an hour of exploring they decided to rest for a bit. Channing
smiled when she sat on the bench as close as she could to him and held his hand.

“This place is lovely. Thank you for bringing me here.”
“You’re very welcome.” He gave her a kiss on the temple.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Was Emma your first love?” It had been on her mind, a lot. Now seemed like a

good time to ask.

“I don’t want to talk about Emma.”
She shrugged. “She came all the way to DC to surprise you. It just sounds like the

two of you aren’t over.”

“But I can assure you that’s not how I feel.” He caressed her hand. “Can I ask you a


“We’re sitting on the bench of truth.” She laughed and patted the bench. “Let it rip.”
“When you were diagnosed, why didn’t you and tell me?”
“I was diagnosed two days after we went out. We’d had such a nice time that day. I

wanted one more date with you before knowing my life would never be the same.”

“Did you think I wouldn’t understand and be supportive?”
“No.” She shook her head. “I needed some time to process it all. I didn’t know how I

would change and if you’d see me in a different light.”

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“You think I’m only attracted to you physically?”
She shrugged again. “You always commented on pretty I was.”
“And smart and kind and giving. I’m not going to pretend I don’t think you’re

gorgeous. But I’m also not so shallow that I don’t see other wonderful things in you.”

“Do you know how early I have to get up to look half decent these days? Before, it

didn’t take much effort, some lip gloss and mascara and I was fine. And I hate feeling so
superficial about it all. I know there’s more to a person than their looks.”

“I’ve always seen the real you. Then. Now.” Channing lifted his hand to tuck a stray

hair behind her ear, but she instinctively blocked it.

“I filled my mushy quota for the day. Let’s see what’s over there.” She stood and

pulled him up too.

* * *

Cassidy’s eyes were fixed on the sun setting over a ridge as they drove down the

main road leading to the ranch. Channing pulled onto the side of the road, a few miles
before the entrance so they could enjoy it.

“I’ve never seen the sun so bright before. It’s almost looks like a hallucination.”

Cassidy peered out the window with a hand shading her eyes.

“My dad said that’s why he bought this land. He said looking at my mama and this

sunset were his two favorite things to do.”

“It is a magnificent view.”
She looked at him, sitting there with his Stetson pushed back on his head. He was

sexy and charming, but there was a sense of comfort and peace that she was drawn to as
well. If they’d only met today she probably wouldn’t believe he’d been to a city in years.
They teased him in DC about his accent, but she could see how the landscape around
them was just as much of a part of him as he was of it. He was the perfect blending of all
those contrasts. Handsome, rugged, sophisticated, and witty, and she loved it.

Cassidy planted a sweet kiss on his lips. “Thank you for a wonderful day.”
He winked at her. “It’s not over yet. We’re going on an adventure.”
She knew the layout well enough to know he was headed to the stables. When they

arrived, Channing helped her out of the truck. Rowdy came running up to her and
wanted to play.

“Rowdy, give Cassie some space,” Channing drawled and rubbed the pooch on the

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“You know they say that dogs can sense cancer in people? I watched a documentary

about how canines can detect certain diseases in humans.” She smiled and scratched
under Rowdy’s chin.

“Rowdy has a thing for pretty women.”
Clyde, the ranch hand, appeared with Channing’s horse and one for Cassidy.
“Cassie, I’d like to meet my horse Patches.” Channing gave the horse a good, firm


“Hi, Patches, you are a beautiful horse.” She waved at the stallion but didn’t attempt

to touch him.

“It’s OK. He’s friendly.” Channing took her hand, placed it on the horse, and moved

along its side.

“I like horses, but they look so intimidating. I’m scared I’ll spook him or


“You’ll be riding his companion, Indigo. She’s a mild horse. We’re teaching the boys

how to ride her.”

“I can’t do it. I’ve ridden a horse twice in my life and humiliated myself both times. I

was the only kid who screamed on pony rides.”

“What is it about horses that makes you so skittish?” He chuckled.
“They’re so big and imposing. Just like their owner.”
“Me, big and imposing? I’m a little ol’ cuddly teddy bear.” Channing pulled her

closer to him.

“You play the mild-mannered baby of the family bit pretty well. But I don’t believe it

for a second.”

“Oh, really now? Then who is the real Channing Blake?”
“Trouble in a nice suit.” She played with the button on his shirt.
Channing looked at her for what seemed like an eternity. “What do I have to do to

get you to ride this horse?”

“Nothing. I’ll scream so loud I’ll wake up your nephews.” She shook her head.
“OK, we’ll ride together.”
Channing asked Clyde to put Indigo back in her stall. He helped her onto Patches

then mounted the horse himself. The feel of his strong body behind hers made her feel
immediately at ease. He showed her how to control the reins with a few movements, and
when she was ready, they began a slow, steady pace down the road.

He pointed out some of the places he’d had adventures as a child and told stories

about growing up on the ranch. She could imagine him frolicking with his brothers,
enjoying the slow pace of country life. Soon she felt so relaxed she closed her eyes,
enjoying the rhythm of the horse’s stride. She wanted to feel closer to him, to be

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intimate. She wanted to explore his body.

“We’re back. See, that wasn’t so bad,” Channing whispered into her ear, and the

stubble on his cheek created a sensual friction against her skin.

“No, it wasn’t.” She turned her head so she could look into his eyes. “Want to go

back to your place and make out?”

“Hell yeah.”

* * *

He didn’t want to seem too enthusiastic, but driving back to the guesthouse at fifty

miles an hour wasn’t exactly his smoothest move. He’d read the chapters on sex and
intimacy in a few of the books he’d bought, and he listened to the stories of the men in
the support group he attended. Cassidy was the driver tonight in their sensual activity;
she needed to know she could be comfortable and vulnerable with him.

When they got in the house he guided her to the living room and sat her down. He

turned on the radio and found a station that was playing soft love ballads. He turned to
go into the kitchen, but she grabbed his arm.

“Hey, this doesn’t have to be perfect.”
“Yes, it does.” He caressed her cheek.
“OK.” She looked around the room. “I’ll get the refreshments. Is there something

else you have to do?”

“I’m headed to the bedroom.”
Channing opened his closet and retrieved a pink bag from the top shelf. When he

came back into the living room, Cassidy had lit some candles and had every pillow in the
room on the floor, making a makeshift fort. She handed him a glass of ice tea.

“A toast to new beginnings.” She clicked her glass with his.
“I have something for you.”
Cassidy’s eyes grew wide as she perused the contents of the bag. It was filled with

moisturizers, jell lubricants and condoms.

“You certainly did your homework.”
“This is your first time since…”
“Yes.” She let out a nervous giggle.
“We can take things slow. Let me know if I’m doing anything you don’t like. And we

can stop at any time you’re feeling vulnerable.”

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“Shut up and kiss me.” She smiled.
He leaned in a pressed his lips gently against hers. Kissing those soft full lips was

the most natural thing in the world to him. He nipped at her lower lip to get her to open
her mouth, and when she did, he thrust his tongue inside.

Channing fumbled with the buttons on her blouse. He pulled her down onto the fort

she made and covered her body with his. He moved his hand up her thigh and caressed
her through the cotton panties she wore. He squeezed some of the jell onto his fingers
and parted her legs. Cassidy gasped as he took his time applying the jell, rubbing a
thumb over her clit.

“How does that feel?”
“Heavenly.” She sighed.
Channing took his time putting on a condom, but he must have been taking too long

because Cassidy decided to help him. His breath hitched when she finished rolling it
down his shaft. He could feel her hesitation as he thrust into her gently. She was tight,
damn near virginal. He wanted to stop, but she grasped onto his ass, a clear sign she
wanted him to continue. He put the weight of his body on his knees so he wouldn’t crush

The sensitivity of the condom coupled with the warming jell felt amazing. He

watched Cassidy’s face, looking for signs that he was going too fast. She grabbed onto his
forearm to steady herself.

“Am I hurting you?”
As their bodies melded together, Channing hoped this feeling would last for the rest

of his life.

* * *

After threats to storm the guesthouse, Channing took her to his brother J.J.’s house

where the family had gathered and were hanging out in the back yard. Channing
couldn’t keep the rest of the family at bay for long, especially since some of them flew in
for a party. John Jacob was attending the father-daughter dance for the first time at his
country club. Someone let it slip that they would make the exception for daughter-in-

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laws, and he wanted to go and show off the women in his life. So Morgan, Sam, Isabelle,
and Michelle were going as his dates, and they informed Cassidy that she was invited

“Isn’t that a family event?” Cassie gulped.
“John Jacob invited you. We told him we’d help get you ready.” Isabelle said.
“That’s nice of him to include me, but—”
“If he said it, he meant it. Tell her Channing.” Morgan chimed in.
“She’s right. Daddy doesn’t make empty gestures.” He smiled.
“Good, it’s settled,” Michelle said.
Cassidy made eyes at Channing for his help, but he continued to sit there like a

lump on the couch sipping his beer.

“Channing and I had plans to see a movie tonight.”
“I wouldn’t worry about him. The guys are having a bonfire,” Morgan replied.
“But I have nothing to wear. I didn’t pack anything formal, and it’s too late to go

shopping.” She bit her lip.

“No worries. Sam’s closet is the next best thing to shopping for haute couture in

Paris.” Isabelle put her arm around her.

She managed to get a quick kiss from Channing before the ladies shuffled upstairs.
“Cassidy, let’s find you something stunning to wear.” Sam herded everyone to the

bedroom and opened the closet.

* * *

Morgan wasn’t exaggerating about Sam’s wardrobe. Half of the clothes in the

enormous walk-in-closet that was the size of a bedroom still had the tags on them. There
were at least five dresses that caught her eye as the clothes spun around on the
motorized rack. The last time she dressed up, she attended an opera benefit. She’d loved
the elegance and pageantry of the evening. A red off-the-shoulder dress passed by on the
rack. It had beautiful, detailed embroidery on the shoulder strap and an empire waist.
She hit the button for the rack to stop.

“I got that one on our trip to Paris.” Sam gave her an approving nod. “I have a nice

pair of shoes to go with it, if you don’t mind the height.”

“No, I can get outrageous with the heels. So bring it on.” Cassidy laughed.
Cassidy went into the bathroom with the ensemble the ladies put together for her.

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She thought she didn’t have time for a shower but Sam insisted she take all the time she
needed to get ready. Through the shut door, she could hear the ladies chatting about
goings on in the family and the dance tonight. She waited for the dreaded twenty
questions to come about her relationship with Channing, but they never came.

An hour later, she came out glammed up and ready to go. The ladies were all so nice

to her, just like everyone else on the ranch, that she didn’t feel awkward about having
just met them.

She managed to give Channing a kiss good-bye. As the limousine pulled up, she

thought about what a crazy weekend it had been. The ladies all whistled when John
Jacob got out dressed to the nines in a gray suit. It was going to be a great evening. The
Blakes had a way of making a person feel at home.

* * *

Channing couldn’t remember the last time they had a bonfire. But with their father

off to the dance with the women, and Mama babysitting all the grandkids, it seemed the
perfect time to shoot the breeze and knock back some of Bo Sr.’s infamous moonshine.
Bo was even able to make it. As they got the fire going, it brought back memories of the
many nights they’d stared up at the stars contemplating life and women.

“So how is it we’re all sitting around the fire together, and Daddy is out with all of

our women?” Tyler asked.

“Because he’s that good.” J.J. laughed.
“I’m still curious about what he was doing that got him…injured.” Seth threw a few

planks of wood on the fire.

“I still have nightmares about it.” Channing shivered.
“So C.J., you don’t look so tense anymore.” Tate bit back a smile.
“I’d go as far as to say he has a glow about him.” Bo snickered.
“So, things are going good with you two?”
“Things are great.” He gave them a shy smile, waiting for the ribbing to start.
“I’m glad things are going well for you two. And if you’re lucky, Emma won’t be

there with her father.” J.J. took a seat.

“You did remember that Penny and Emma go to that dance every year with their

father?” Seth gave him a strange look.

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“No, I did not.” Channing stood.
“Calm down. You and Emma parted amicably. Right?” Tyler quipped.
“I’ve been trying to talk to Emma for over a month. Whenever I try to get some

closure, she bolts.”

J.J. scratched at his beard. “I thought you took care of that when she came to visit

you at Blake Enterprises.”

“Everybody settle down. I heard Cal tell my dad that Russ Winterbourne wouldn’t

be going to the dance this year. They were getting ready for Penny’s wedding.” Bo said.

“Whew.” Channing sank back down on a blanket.
“I didn’t know Penny was getting married. Did you know, Seth?” Tate asked.
“As a matter of fact I did. Penny and I are still on the board of the Main Street Clinic.

We chat sometimes after the meetings. She told me personally. I wished her well. Her
fiancé, Clint Dennison, is a doctor, has an outstanding reputation. He occasionally gives
wellness seminars at the clinic. They met there.” Seth took a swig of his beer.

“Back to how you didn’t tell Emma you two were really over. What happened?” Tyler


“We argued when she came to visit me. She said I was stringing her along and that

all Blake men were the same.”

They all looked at Seth.
Seth held up his hands. “It sounds like Emma’s memory is a little fuzzy. We’ve all

discussed that relationship, ad nauseam.”

“Sounds like you have some unfinished business with her. If I were you I’d do it

sooner than later.” Tate patted him on the back.

* * *

Two hours later Cassidy had to take a seat after dancing with John Jacob again. He

didn’t act like a man who’d been hospitalized for getting frisky with his wife in the
kitchen. He danced with all the women in his life and had a great time showing off every
time someone passed their table. She was so moved that they’d included her that she was
still a little choked up when John Jacob asked for his third dance of the night.

“You are a good dancer, young lady.” John Jacob sat down in the chair beside her.
“Thank you. I took dance classes for years when I was a little girl.” She laughed.
“Are you enjoying your visit so far?”

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“I’m having a great time. Channing said I’d like his view of Texas, and I love it.

Everyone in your family has been so hospitable and kind and…” It hit her how good a
time she was having.

“Cassidy, is something wrong?”
“No. Let’s just say I’ve been unplugged from the world for a while, and it’s

refreshing to be part of something.”

He winked at her. “You are a welcome addition to our family. I haven’t seen my son

this happy in a long time.”

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Channing was waiting for her when the limousine arrived at the house. Cassidy

barely had enough time to wave goodnight to everyone before he whisked her away.

“Did you have a good time?” He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her

through garden toward the guesthouse.

“Yes. Your dad is a really good dancer. It was hard to keep up with him.” She


“He’s all right,” he murmured.
“And very handsome. Good looks run in the family.” She nudged him to get the

pout off his lips.

“Well, that’s true.” He opened the door for her.
“If you don’t mind, I’m feeling a little tired. I’m going to change for bed.”
Cassidy knew she had her work cut out for her getting out of the fancy clothes and

removing the makeup, so she took her time. She stepped out of the heels, thankful she
was able to dance in those things. Next she removed her wig and ran her hand over her
head. The cool air felt good on her scalp. She looked for the tissue box to begin the
daunting task of removing makeup. She heard the door handle move.

“Cassie, I have some fresh towels for you.”
She shrieked when Channing opened the door. She didn’t know what to do so she

jumped into the shower and pulled the curtain closed. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to
grab the wig off the counter.

This was terrible. She had to get to that wig.
“Channing, what are you doing in here?”
“I just wanted to bring you some towels.” He tugged at the curtain. She grabbed it

and held it closed.

“Thanks. Can you please leave?” she squeaked.
“Why?” His deep voice echoed in the bathroom. “Is something wrong?”
“No. I just need more time to get ready for bed.” She sniffed. “You have to get out of


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“Are you crying?” He tugged at the curtain again.
“Yes.” She took a deep breath. “I need you to hand me the wig on the counter.”
“I didn’t know you wore a wig,” he said.
“One of the side effects of the treatment was hair loss. It’s pretty common. I’ve been

wearing a wig for a while now.” Cassidy pulled back the curtain but closed her eyes. She
was too afraid to see the look on his face.

Suddenly she felt his lips against hers. The kiss felt nice and soft, but then she felt

his lips move to her cheeks, her nose, as he cupped her face with his hands and drew her
closer. A moment later he tilted her head forward and kissed it too. He ran his hands
over her head with a light, featherlike touch.

“You are even more beautiful than the day we met.”
“Please don’t—”
“Tell the truth?” He silenced her with a kiss.
It seemed ridiculous to be standing in the bathtub, so he helped her out of it and led

her to his bedroom. She went to his closet and retrieved the pink bag, eager to be ready
for him. Cassidy opened his shirt, exposing his well-defined pecs. She ran her tongue
along his jawline and down his neck, taking in his masculine scent. He moaned when she
nipped at his nipples.

She arched her back and moaned when he bit down on her breast, and all she could

do was hold on for dear life. The ripples of pleasure resonating through her were so raw
she felt…like a woman again. There was only Channing, and the rest of the world faded

He applied some of the lubricant on her then slipped on a condom. When he buried

himself insider her, she gripped his shoulders and hung on for dear life until the waves
of ecstasy escalated. Goodness, he’d found her elusive G-spot. She was convinced she
didn’t have one, but he continued to hit his mark like he was ringing a doorbell.
Channing picked up the pace, stopping to ask if she were OK. She slapped him on the
butt as an incentive move faster, and he did. He pumped in and out of her until she
climaxed, and she could hear him continue to slap into her body. Finally he tightened his
grip on her and roared in her ear.

Channing could feel her breath on his shoulder becoming labored. He ran his hand

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over her smooth head, enjoying the feel of her, the real her. Didn’t she know how
beautiful she was? Hair had nothing to do with it. Without the distraction of a long mane
of hair, her features were magnified. She could give any supermodel a run for her money.
But he knew she didn’t want to hear that. He needed to reassure her that her inner
beauty outshined the exterior.

“Cassie?” he whispered.
She stirred. “Hmm?”
“There aren’t words that can express how happy I am.”
“I think you just did.” She giggled.
“I love you.”
It seemed like an eternity waiting for her response. Did he say it too soon? Should he

have given her some time to process it all? Maybe—

“I love you too. Now get some sleep. I expect you to repeat that tomorrow so I know

I wasn’t dreaming.”

He caressed her back. “How about I tell you every day for the rest of our lives?”
“Even better.”

* * *

Channing was in such a euphoric, deep sleep it took a few minutes to realize Cassidy

was frantically calling his name. His eyes flew open. Cassidy was sweating, and she
didn’t look well. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I’m not feeling so good. Can you get me a glass of water?”
“Sure.” He pulled back the cover and got up to get a better look at her. She was

drenched with sweat. He put his hand on her forehead. “You’re burning up.”

Channing sprinted into the bathroom and got the digital thermometer he kept in the

drawer and a glass of water from the tap. He went back and took her temperature. The
device beeped rapidly. He knew without looking at the display it wasn’t a good sign.

“One hundred and one. I’m taking you to the hospital.”
“No.” She got out of bed. “Just let me take some aspirin, and we’ll see if the fever

breaks. I’ve been through this before.”

He shook his head. “I’m getting your robe out of your room, then we’re leaving.”

Channing pulled on his shirt and headed for her room.

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“Please, wait. Don’t make a big deal out of it.” Cassidy followed him down the hall.


Her speech began to slur, and he could see her knees buckling. Channing ran back

in time to catch her in his arms.

* * *

John Jacob and Teri-Lyn followed the ambulance to the hospital. As soon as they

arrived, a group of doctors, including the head of oncology of the cancer center, was
waiting for them. They bypassed the emergency wing and immediately took her to a
private room where they started an IV and began running a series of tests. Channing
refused to leave her, so they just worked around him while he held her hand.

Two hours later, when Cassidy finally drifted off to sleep, he went out into the hall to

find his parents talking to one of the doctors.

“C.J., this is Clint Dennison, the head of the oncology department,” John Jacob said.
“Thank you, Dr. Dennison, for coming in at this hour. She was diagnosed with stage

two cervical cancer about a year and a half ago. She was treated with both chemotherapy
and radiation therapy. She’s been in remission for three months now. And…” He looked
at his parents. Now was not the time to be shy when the woman he loved was in a
hospital bed fighting for her life. “We were intimate tonight. Her sex drive had been
returning lately.”

“You’re very thorough. I wish all of my patients had someone like you in their lives.

I’ll have a conference Cassidy’s oncologist in the morning. Her immune system may still
be a bit low, but we’ll run some a few more tests to make sure the cancer hasn’t come
back. In the meantime we’re going to keep her here for a few days.”

“Thanks, Doctor.”
Dr. Dennison left to consult with another doctor about Cassidy. Channing turned to

his parents.

“Mama, Daddy, thanks for coming. Why don’t you go home and get some sleep?”
“Channing Blake, I’ll put you over my knee in this hospital. That’s not what we do in

this family. We’re worried about Cassidy too.” Teri-Lyn wagged her finger at him.

“I think we’ve proven many times in the last six months we can hold up good in a

hospital.” John Jacob gave him a reassuring smile.

Channing looked down the hall to see Tyler and Seth coming their way.

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“How’s she doing?” Seth asked.
“She’s asleep. They’re running tests, and she’s on antibiotics. We’ll learn more when

the tests come back. They must have taken a quart of blood from her. Please tell me it’s
only the two of you. The whole family isn’t in the parking lot, are they?”

“No, we agreed to be the ambassadors, but it was hard to keep the ladies away.”

Seth sighed.

Tyler handed him a bag. “Michelle and Morgan packed Cassidy some things from

the guesthouse. We brought you some fresh clothes too. What can we do to help?”

Channing let out a dry laugh. He was so taken aback by the love and support. It was

all he could do not to succumb the fear and fatigue that welled up inside him. He wasn’t
alone; he had his family to support him. Why did Cassidy choose to face this all by

“Who’s her doctor?” Seth asked.
“Penny’s fiancé. Clint Dennison.”
Seth scratched his beard and chuckled. “What a small world.”
“What do you mean?” Teri-Lyn asked.
“He’s Penny’s fiancé,” Seth replied.
“So Cassidy’s in good hands?” John Jacob asked.
“The best.”

* * *

It was day two in the hospital, and Cassidy was showing signs of improvement. They

cited an infection, not a resurgence of the cancer, as the cause of the fever and began
treating it aggressively with antibiotics. Once she was resigned to having to stay in the
hospital in Texas for a few more days, she called DC and informed her boss and a few
friends that she’d be out of town for at least a week.

Channing decided to attend a cancer survivor’s meeting going on in the hospital

while Cassidy went for more tests. He normally attended evening meetings after work,
but he felt like he needed to go. On the way back he stopped at the gift shop and bought
her a teddy bear. Cassidy’s room was already flooded with flowers and gifts from the
Blakes. The boys sent her a tin filled with toy cars, a couple of their favorite books and
get-well-soon drawings.

He entered the room to find the orderly putting her back in the bed. She looked a

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thousand percent better than she had when she was admitted. She even sported a cute,
pink bandanna on her head.

“Aren’t these the most beautiful flowers you’ve ever seen?” She adjusted herself in

the bed.

“Very nice. Those are from my mama’s garden.” He leaned in and gave her a kiss.
“How are you feeling?”
“Much better. They poked and prodded all morning. The nurse started me on the

next cycle of antibiotics a little while ago.” She pointed to the new bags of meds on the IV
pole. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?”

“You’re kidding right? I had to call the paramedics after we made love the other

night.” He gave her a strange look.

“I don’t want your life to change because of me.”
“Too late.” He kissed her hand.
“I must have scared the crap out of you.”
“When I retell this story I’m going to say you were exhausted to the point of collapse

from my arduous love making skills.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“I want a do over. When I get out of here I’m going to rock your world.” She smiled.
“I’m counting on it.”
“Want to watch television? There’s a game show that I like to watch.”
“Whatever the patient wants.”
“What I want is to cuddle with you.” She pulled back her bed sheets.
Channing removed his sneakers and cozied up next to Cassidy. He was happy that

she was OK. The nurse came in and checked on her and said lunch would be coming
around soon. As they watched television and talked, he stole glimpses of her as she
giggled at the corny jokes the host made. He’d been afraid he was going to lose her, and
that was something he didn’t want to experience again.

Cassidy was fighting sleep, but he held her closer, hoping she’d relax into the

warmth of his body and give into the feeling. It felt like the most natural thing in the
world to be with her, something he’d never felt with another woman. The game show was
over and she’d finally fallen asleep, so he reached for the remote to turn down the
volume. A knock on the door jarred him from thoughts.

“C.J.?” Emma poked her head in, but when she saw him, she quickly disappeared.
Channing eased out of the bed so as not to wake Cassidy and went out into the hall.

“Emma, what are you doing here?”

“Penny said you were here at the hospital with a sick friend, and I had to come see

for myself.” Emma pouted. “Is that the woman from DC?”

“Yes. You met Cassidy at the party you crashed.”
“I thought I was surprising you,” she snipped.

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“Whatever. What are you doing here? What’s so important that you have to talk to

me now?”

“Oh, so all of a sudden you don’t have time for me because of your sick girlfriend in


“Every time I make time for you, it turns into a disaster,” he snapped. “And frankly I

gave up waiting for you to decide if it’s worth being in a relationship with me. I won’t
apologize for that.”

“I knew you were going to break my heart. That’s all the Blake men ever do. You go

around discarding women like they’re playthings. Just like Seth did to Penny. It must be
a family trait.”

“My brother did not screw over your sister.” Channing’s voice rose. “The way I

remember it, Penny played double bluff, and she lost him. He loved her, and to say that
he was some kind of heartless jerk only does a disservice to the relationship they had. It
ended and they both moved on.”

“She hurt for a long time. When they broke up a part of me hurt too. I loved Seth

like a brother.” Emma’s lip trembled.

It was becoming clearer to him now. The casualties in that breakup spanned farther

than either of the families would admit. He remembered that Emma had adored Seth. It
took some time for the Blakes and Winterbournes to be civil with each other.

“I saw them as the perfect couple too.” He ran a hand over his face. “I can’t change

the past, and neither can you. But that doesn’t excuse you from the roller coaster ride
you’ve taken me on the last two years. Maybe you ran out of fear because the first part of
the fantasy didn’t come to fruition. But it’s not just that. Do you realize how often you
mention me moving away from the ranch? The dirt on that ranch runs through my veins.
My family is there. I am happy there. It’s where I belong. And I belong there with
someone who isn’t tortured by the history of my family. I loved you for a long time. I’ll
always love you. But it’s not going to work for us.”

“Do you love her?”
“The woman in there. Cassidy.” She motioned to Cassidy’s room.
He looked her in the eye. “Yes, I do.”
Emma tried to push past him. “Looks like history is repeating itself.”
The pair stopped in their tracks when they saw Seth and Penny coming down the


“Hey, baby brother. Emma.” Seth kissed Emma on the cheek.
“What are you going here?” Channing stammered.
“I had a check for the Main Street Clinic and knew I’d be coming to the hospital to

visit Cassidy, so I thought I’d drop it off to my favorite doctor.” Seth was all smiles, but

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the look in his brother’s eyes meant something else was going on.

“I love it when your brother stops by. He always brings the best presents.” Penny

held up the envelope with the check in it.

“And of course I wanted to congratulate Penny on her impending wedding in

person. She’s marrying a hell of a guy.”

“He’s wonderful. You’re a hell of an act to follow.” Penny winked at Seth. “Emma is

my maid of honor, of course.”

The banter between the two was refreshing, but a little confusing too. There was a

time these two couldn’t be in the same room together.

Emma put her hand to her throat. “I didn’t know you two were so chummy.”
Seth spoke up. “Well, it took some time. After that fight with Caine, we agreed that

it was time to let all that animosity go. I think Penny and I spent so much time being
mad at each other, we didn’t acknowledge that we weren’t meant to be. We had different
paths carved out for ourselves and were better people for knowing it before we did
something stupid, like get married.”

“That sounds very mature.” Channing nodded.
“The maturity part didn’t come overnight.” Penny put a hand on Emma’s arm.
Emma turned to Seth. “We used to e-mail each other and text, and then it all just

stopped. I feel like…you broke up with me too.”

“Emma, I owe you an apology. You were the little sister I never had. When Penny

and I broke up, I wasn’t very mindful of that. But I didn’t want to put you in an awkward
position. The support of family is what helps us through things like failed relationships. I
know you would never be disloyal to Penny, and I knew our keeping in touch might hurt
her feelings. So I didn’t want to put you in a position that seemed like you were keeping
a secret from her. Channing wasn’t all that thrilled with me back then either.”

“That’s true.” Channing blinked. Seth was right. When they broke up, Emma

wouldn’t speak to him, and he blamed it on his brother.

“I think the mythos of Penny and me became bigger than all of us. We all just

reacted in different ways during the fallout,” Seth replied.

The four of them stood there for a moment taking it all in. Years of bitter feelings

and confusion had just been aired, and it was refreshing. He and Emma’s relationship
had always been overshadowed by Seth and Penny’s, and it made sense to him.

“Channing, it was so good seeing you again.” Penny hugged him. “If you don’t

mind, I’d like to take my sister to lunch.”

Channing and Seth watched as the Winterbourne sisters walk down the hall and got

on the elevator. As the doors closed, Emma waved good-bye. He waved back.

Channing turned to Seth. “How on earth did you know to come here?”
“Penny called me and said Emma overheard Clint and her talking about Cassidy

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when he got the call to come into the hospital late last night. Emma remembered her
from DC. When she stormed out of the house this morning, Penny knew she was headed
here. We agreed to meet and see if we could help.”

“Is Morgan OK with all of this?” The last thing he wanted to do was create an issue

between Seth and his wife.

“She practically pushed me out the door. She had a similar experience with a

girlfriend of Robert’s. He dated his high school sweetheart for a long time. The family
just knew they were going to get married. When it ended, Morgan was hit pretty hard
with the loss, not having many women in her life and all. She suspected Emma’s
reluctance to give you a real chance had something to do with our past relationship. You
were both so young when we broke up. Things like that can have strange effects on the
bystanders invested in the relationship.”

“Like grown men having fights at the Bright Star?” Channing raised an eyebrow.
“Exactly. Morgan said if the family didn’t want a repeat of that night, I should try to

break the cycle.”

The last thing he needed was Caine and the rest of the Winterbourne men putting a

price on his head.

“You’re right.”
“But I wouldn’t mind another shot at Caine.” Seth waggled his eyebrows. “How’s


“Why don’t Morgan and I come back in a few hours? I’ll bring food.”
“Great.” Channing rubbed the back of his neck. “Seth?”
He patted Channing on the back and smiled. “That’s what big brothers are for.”

* * *

When Channing said good-bye to Seth, Cassidy hobbled back to bed as quickly as

she could. She’d taken a deep breath when she heard Emma’s voice and still hadn’t
exhaled. Channing had just said some pretty tough words to his ex-girlfriend, but she
knew he was hurting. It was a hard thing to learn there was so much of the past that
stifled their chance at a real relationship.

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Channing came back into the room and slid into bed with her. He pulled her into his

arms, and when he held her close, she felt his heart beating fast, like he’d just run a
marathon. Soon he was fast asleep, but she was wide-awake thinking of all the things she
had to do when she returned to DC. She looked at her laptop on the table across the
room. She really needed to return some emails. She sent Mark a text yesterday. He asked
if she wanted him to fly down, but she declined. It was bad enough Channing was
missing work because of her. Mark made her promise to text every day and threatened to
kick Channing’s ass if he didn’t take good care of her.

It was getting to be too much. She’d disrupted his life enough. A relationship with

Emma was now out of the question, but he still had time to find someone who didn’t
have all the baggage she had.

He deserved a perfect life like his brothers, and he wouldn’t be able to have that if

he was constantly worrying about her. He deserved happiness, just like she did.
Unfortunately she didn’t think they could be happy together.

* * *

Channing was elated when Cassidy didn’t put up a fuss when he insisted she come

home with him. As soon as she got back to the guesthouse, she fired up her laptop and
hadn’t stopped typing since. She was recovering well, but he sensed a change in her. She
recoiled at his attentiveness, even the question of what to have for dinner seemed to set
her off. He thought maybe he was smothering her, so he decided to spend some time
with his brother. They had an important real estate decision to make today.

He made his way down to the stables, expecting Tyler to be the first to arrive. He

went to get his horse, Patches, and saw that Tyler’s horse Trixie wasn’t in her stall.

“Bo, have you seen Ty?” he asked as he approached.
“He rode out about fifteen minutes ago. He said he couldn’t wait and that you knew

where to meet him.” Bo laughed. “I can’t remember the last time he was early for

“Thanks.” Punctuality was never Tyler’s forte, but for the first time in his life his

older brother had beaten him to the punch. Channing rode out to their meeting place.
Tyler didn’t even give him a chance to dismount before he started.

“What about right here?”
“You’re up bright and early.”

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Tyler touched the brim of his Stetson. “I was getting anxious. This is a big decision. I

want everything to be perfect.”

“Everything is going to be fine.” Channing surveyed the area around them. He could

see Tate and Seth’s houses in the distance from each direction. “Looks good.”

“So how’s Cassidy?”
“She’s resting, but only under duress. That woman doesn’t want to listen to doctor’s

orders. I just wish she’d let me help her more.”

“If there’s anything I’ve learned from the women in this family, it’s that you have to

let them navigate their own waters. Just loving her is all she needs.”

“You think so?”
“I’m sure of it.” Tyler mounted his horse. “Let’s go.”
The rode a ways across the open field and stopped about three miles from the first

location. Channing liked the way the sun hit in the spot where they stood. The natural
sunlight would be good for a garden. He estimated they had to be at least two or three
miles away from the road, but it would be easy for the construction crew to extend it.

“I like this spot. If we build on the right angles, we can probably wave to each other

from our porches.” Channing quipped.

“And have paint gun fights.” Tyler laughed.
“Remember how mad Mama got when we got paint all over the side of the barn?”
“I remember being grounded for a month.”
“Well, we have one last thing to do before we make it official.”
“What’s that?”
“A party to commemorate the occasion.”

* * *

When Channing left to go riding with his brother Tyler, Cassidy thought it would be

the perfect time to talk to his mom. She went out into the garden to find Teri-Lyn turning
over a new patch of soil. She was working on another project.

“Hi, Cassidy.”
“Hello, Mrs. Blake.”
“How are you feeling?” Teri-Lyn pulled off her gloves.
“Much better.” She tugged on her bandanna. “I’m so sorry to disturb you.”
“Nonsense. I was just about to come over and see if you’d have lunch with me. How

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about I make us some sandwiches and a tall pitcher of lemonade?”

“Sounds good.” She gave her a tight smile.
Cassidy couldn’t stop the plethora of information that fell from her lips while having

lunch with Teri-Lyn. It was a habit that flared up when she was under extreme stress, and
sitting across from Channing’s mother qualified. Having raised five sons, the woman was
a tough cookie, and Cassidy knew it.

She took a sip of her lemonade. “When I first got the diagnosis, I threw the biggest

pity party in history and cried for a week. Then one day a voice in my head said get up
and fight.”

“Fate sometimes deals unexpected things to us. From what C.J. has told me about

you, you’re a fighter.”

“You ever wonder what the point of life is?” She put her glass down.
Teri-Lyn leaned forward and grasped her hand. “The point of life is fulfilling the

plan that each of had when we were born. Your life gives great meaning to the people
who love you, especially my son. It would break his heart if something happened to you.”

“That’s precisely what I’m afraid of.” She bit her lip. How could she be hopeful that

Channing wanted a future with her? How long would she be in remission? “I need your

“With what?”
“The guesthouse is littered with cancer books.” She bit her lip.
“My son is a thorough man. He bought those books so he could know how to take

care of you.”

“Surely he has better things to do with his time.”
“What’s better than caring for someone you love?”
Cassidy swallowed hard. It was love that brought her to this difficult decision.
She pressed on. “Did you know he joined a cancer support group?”
“Yes. I’ve gone with him a few times.”
She gasped. “You too?”
“Sure. I want to support my son in his quest to support you. He shouldn’t have to

process those feelings alone, and it’s been an eye-opening experience for both of us.”

This was all too much. The thing she feared was coming to fruition right before her

eyes. A slow dance into a budding relationship had now become bogged down with
medical books and harsh realities. She was a liability not only to him, but to his entire

She doubted the buck stopped with Teri-Lyn; these were insanely close-knit people.

This explained why his sisters-in-law have been so nice and mindful, not bringing up her
illness. Channing must have told them he was invested in this relationship for the long
haul, and it made her sad. She didn’t even know how long the ‘long haul’ would be.

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“All of this is very nice, but I’m afraid it’s all moving too fast. If I weren’t sick,

Channing and I would have been on our third date and trying to figure out how to make
the long distance thing work. Instead he’s going to cancer support groups with his
mother.” She shook her head.

“I think it’s a little late to worry about that. My baby is doing all of this because he’s

crazy about you. We all care about you,” Teri-Lyn replied.

“I need you to help him see that he would be better off without me.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Your other sons are married and having children. I know you want that for

Channing too. I can’t guarantee him we’ll be able to have that same sort of life together.
He’s a good man, and he’ll make a great father someday. I don’t want him missing out
on that because he has a big heart.”

“I don’t know what kind of person you think I am, but I don’t subscribe to some

cookie cutter fantasies for my kids. Life is just too unpredictable to think everything is
going to be perfect. I am proud that I raised a man who knows love when he sees it.”
Teri-Lyn stood.

“Channing is very special. I’ve never met anyone like him, and I honestly doubt I

ever will. All he can get with me is a cloudy future. I know as a mother, you want to see
him happy with a family of his own. He’ll have nothing but heartache with me.”

Teri-Lyn looked at her for a long time without saying a word. Finally the older

woman stood and put the dishes back on the tray.

“I’m not going to help you break my son’s heart.”
Isabelle and Sam came out of the house with their baby boys. It could have been a

coincidence, but she was sure the universe was trying to tell her that she would never fit
in with that family.

She waved hello but scurried back toward the path that led back to the guesthouse.

She was embarrassed and upset and didn’t want them to see her cry. She would tell
Channing she was leaving this evening. It was time to put an end to the charade.

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Cassidy was waiting for Channing when he returned home.
“Channing, I have to go back to DC. I can’t stay here anymore. Some things have

come up that need my attention.” She whipped around the living room looking for odds
and ends.

“It’s not good for you be traveling right now.”
“I’ll be fine.” She shook her head. “I really wish you would stop babying me.”
“Damn it, woman. I’m not coddling you. I’m concerned. It’s what you do when you

love someone.”

“You don’t love me. I think you have a deep empathy for me, but it’s not love.”
“You can’t tell me how I feel. You said up front, no pity. I’ve never done that. I’ve

treated you just as I would if you hadn’t told me about your health.”

“Listen, we’ve had a great time these last few months, but let’s face it. This has been

a disaster from the beginning.”

“What are you talking about?”
“Besides the whole living in the shadow of your older siblings’ relationship thing,

you have to admit you and Emma are perfect for each other. I can see why she was so
tormented about it all.”

Channing’s jaw ticked. “If you don’t want to see me, that’s fine by me. But don’t try

to pimp me out. And let’s be honest—you’re running away. You don’t have what it takes
to invest your heart and soul into something wonderful, and you’re trying to project all of
this onto me. I made an active decision to love you, and you can’t handle it.”

“That’s not true. I’m thinking of you. You’re going to support groups… It’s all too


He shook his head. “That’s classic. You know of any support groups for women who

are full of it?”

“What did you say to me?” She dropped the book she was holding.
“You know what? Forget I said anything. You’re off your rocker.”
“I can’t give you what you need.”

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“You give me everything I’ve ever needed and wanted. Don’t quit on me now,

Cassie. We can be happy. I know it. We have enough love, passion, and compassion for
each other twice over.”

“You won’t say it, and it’s driving me crazy,” she shouted. “I can’t give you babies.

Don’t tell me it doesn’t matter, because I’ve seen how you are with your nephews. You’re
going to be a great father, and I won’t be the one to rob you of that just because you love
me right now and think we can overcome any obstacle. I can’t guarantee you anything.
You know how much that hurts me?”

“I’m not scared I’ll lose you to cancer someday; I’m scared you won’t try to be happy

with me right now.” He ran a hand over his face. “Cassidy, I have to go.”

“Where are you going to go? This is your house.”
“I’ll be at my parents’ house until you’re finished packing. Call me when you’re

done, and I’ll take you to the airport.”

Channing turned and headed for the door, only to have Cassidy scurry around him

and jump in his path. She looked like she was ready for a fight. There were so many
things standing in the way of him achieving intimacy with this woman. The bandanna on
her head was a little crooked, and he fought back the urge to straighten it for her. He was
done being caring and loving to women and getting nothing in return. It had gotten him
absolutely nowhere.

“Thank you.” She lunged toward him and held on for dear life.
“You’re welcome,” he murmured. “What did I do?”
“You’ve been walking on eggshells around me, and it’s been driving me crazy. I

think you’ve been taking it easy on me.”

He sighed. “I don’t want do anything to upset you.”
Cassidy laughed. “By all means, be a jerk. Start a debate with me you know you can’t

win. Tell me my ideals are a little pie in the sky, even for me.”

“I can do that.” Channing kissed her on the lips. “I’ll be back in a bit.”
“I don’t know if I can offer you a future.”
“Can you give me today?”
“Yes.” She smiled.
He put his finger to his lips. “What about tomorrow?”
“How about a month from next Tuesday?”
“My schedule is clear.” She put her arms around his waist.
“Do me a favor? Whenever you feel like you’re having doubts, talk to me.”
“I’m really happy about this. About us.”

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“Finally she’s coming to her senses.” He shook his head. “Come on, there’s

something I want to show you.”

“I have to go talk to your mom. We talked today, and she may think I’m nuts. I’d like

to start out on the right foot with her.”

“OK. But after you talk to her we’re going for a ride.”

* * *

Channing looked out the window facing the garden to check on Cassidy, who was

doing her best not to look up at the pretty blue butterfly fluttering around. She’d been
studying for the Texas bar exam for two weeks and Teri-Lyn’s beautiful garden was an
awful place to hunker down. If the vibrant colors weren’t grabbing her attention, Teri-
Lyn was bringing her snacks or the boys were playing. The best distraction of all was the
tall, gorgeous cowboy she lived with attempting to give her a hand with her studies.

They’d been living together on the ranch for two months now, and she was

acclimating to country life. She was embracing life with open arms these days and seize
the day was her motto. More importantly, she understood that his connection to his
family’s home was dear to him.

They talked many nights into the wee hours about the future. She wanted to consult

doctors about fertility issues, but he wanted to concentrate of her health and happiness
right now. They spent time watching the nephews, and he could tell when one of them
wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug that she wasn’t thinking it would never
happen for them—she was simply appreciating the love coming from the Blake brood.

The Blake women welcomed Cassidy into the family the only way they knew how:

each chopped their hair off to within an inch of its life in full support of her recovery.
Cassidy gasped when she opened the door one day, and each woman filed into the room
with a new short, cropped haircut.

“So what do you think?” Morgan twirled around.
“What on earth did all of you do?”
“We wanted to find a way to make you feel more comfortable about losing your

hair.” Teri-Lyn smiled.

“But you all had such lovely hair. Isabelle, I would kill for curly hair like yours.”
“It’ll grow back.” Isabelle ran her hand over her head.
Channing came bounding out of the guesthouse with a book in his hand, clearly

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intent on being some help today. He and Cassidy tried in vain to be studious but usually
ended up in bed the rest of the afternoon.

“How are things going?” He took a seat next to her on the bench and put his arm

around her.

“Let’s see. I had a conversation with a humming bird, your mama fed me twice, and

I helped the boys find a Frisbee.” She laughed.

“I don’t think any of that will be on the exam.” He nuzzled her neck.
“Ha ha.” She nudged his side. “Getting any work done?”
“I’m ready for my meeting with J.J. tomorrow. I just have a few things to tidy up. He

and Bo will be pleased.”

“So that means you have some free time?”
“I’m free any time for you.”
“I know, but your work is important. You promised you wouldn’t show me extra

attention for fear of me being sick again.”

“How about”—he kissed her nose—“I show you extra attention because I love you

and know I am damn lucky to have you?”

“I can live with that. What time do we have to be ready for the Christening?”
“One o’clock.” He glanced at his watch.
They were having a barbecue in the field where both Channing and Tyler’s houses

would begin construction soon. Matt’s first birthday was next week and Jack’s birthday
wasn’t far behind. They were even having another carnival to celebrate all the boys’
birthdays, just like the one they had for Jake’s first birthday years ago.

“We’d better get ready.”
“We have two hours.”
“We can fool around, then get ready.”
“I like the way you think, Ms. Shaw.”
Cassidy picked up a tin can that was on the table.
“What’s that?”
“This is a retainer. The boys have hired me as their attorney so they next time their

Uncle Channing takes them to court over a piece of cake or how his car got a dent on it,
they can call me.” She squinted her eyes at him. She opened it to reveal a few toy cars, an
airplane, and some trading cards of their father’s. All the things important to little boys.

“This is a conflict of interest since I’m sleeping with opposing counsel.” He laughed.
“Well, considering the judge is their grandma, the bailiff is their grandpa, and the

character witnesses are their mamas, I’d say it’s fitting.”

“Hey.” He grabbed her by the waist. “I love you.”
“I love you too. And I love the spot you picked for the house. There’s going to be

plenty of natural sunlight for our garden.”

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“We’re going to grow so many good things there.”
“I know we will.” She ran a hand through his hair and pulled him toward the house.
It would another six months before construction was complete. He didn’t know what

was coming down the pike for them, but the future looked pretty damn bright and she
finally thought so too. If they were blessed with a thousand babies he’d be delighted, but
he would also be OK if they had none. There was plenty of love and caring in the Blake
family; he doubted they’d ever feel like there was something missing. Whatever the
divine plan was, it was going to be perfect for them.


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~ About the Author ~

Rhonda Laurel is a contemporary interracial/multicultural romance writer whose two

great loves are writing and landscape photography. She uses both as a vehicle to convey
the complexity of the human spirit and the beauty of the world around her. Ebb Tide, For
the Love of the Game
and Masquerade were released in 2012. Shutter, Memories of You, Star
Crossed, MVP, California Bored and Tourism
and The Blake Legacy in 2013. The print
anthology, The Rhonda Laurel Collection, featuring Ebb Tide, For the Love of the Game and
released June 2013. Texas Heat, Love Notes & Football and The Perfect Storm, books
4, 5 and 6 in The Blake Boys Series released in 2014. Slow Burn, Hollywood Heat, and
Cowboy’s Heart released in 2015.

The author is happily building her backlist.

Discover more about Rhonda Laurel here

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Also by Rhonda Laurel

The Blake Boys Series

For the Love of the Game

The Blake Boys Book One

Rhonda Laurel

This quarterback is making the greatest play of his life…
Quiet bookstore owner Morgan Reed can’t wait to lie on the beach on her much-

needed tropical vacation, but getting tackled by a tall, green-eyed stranger playing touch
football isn’t exactly what she had in mind. Neither is falling for said stranger, or going
along with the eccentric islander who sends them off with a mock wedding. But all’s fair
when it comes to vacation romance, and Morgan has plenty of time to get back to reality
when she gets home.

When he slams into the beautiful Morgan on the beach and sends her to the

infirmary, superstar quarterback Seth Blake insists on helping her recover—if she agrees
to share his bungalow with him. Seth is nothing less than smitten, and the best part is
that the beauty has no idea who he is.

But when he finds out that their little “wedding” was the real thing, Seth finds

himself in a sticky situation. Especially when Morgan finds out the man she fell for isn’t
at all who he made himself out to be…

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Buy For the Love of the Game here


The Blake Boys Book Two

Rhonda Laurel

The game has just begun…
Morgan Reed-Blake discovers that being the wife of MVP quarterback Seth Blake has

its perks…and its challenges. Thrust into Seth’s high-profile world, she must wade
through the celebrity, status, and the ghosts of girlfriends past. So when Seth takes
Morgan home to his ranch in Texas and introduces her to his family and friends, she’s
not surprised when his high school sweetheart comes to call. Morgan suspects she wants
to rekindle the flame, and how can she blame her? Distraught over the changes their
relationship has caused for Seth, Morgan wonders if maybe he’s better off without her.

Pro quarterback Seth Blake is elated that his wife Morgan is giving their “fake”

marriage a real chance. But he doesn’t anticipate running into the woman who broke his
heart years ago. He hasn’t told Morgan about the complicated relationship with his ex,
but as he guides Morgan through the maze of his celebrity lifestyle, can he convince her
the past is in the past? The MVP does not accept defeat, and he’s determined not to lose.
But winning Morgan might be the most difficult game of his life…

Buy MVP here

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The Blake Legacy

The Blake Boys Book Three

Rhonda Laurel

Two lovers. Two dreams. One hell of a hard decision…
NFL quarterback Seth Blake is having an unbelievable hot streak—he’s won his third

Super Bowl title the same day his wife Morgan gave birth to their son. Life couldn’t be
better for the new father and MVP. His contract with the Philadelphia Titans expires in a
year, giving him a chance to make a professional dream come true: to play in his home
state for the Texas Wildcats and return to his much-missed Twelve Horseshoes Ranch—
this time, for good.

Morgan Reed-Blake has never been happier. She’s got the best husband, the cutest

baby, and she’s successfully juggling career and family. Her bookstore is expanding, her
charitable organization is growing, and she’s been offered her dream job on the literacy
council. Everything in her Philadelphia world is coming up roses. Until Seth’s contract
with the Titans expires, and his dream of returning home comes close enough to touch…
and the powers that be in Texas start romancing Seth in earnest. Morgan and Seth both
have dreams. But a choice has to be made…

Buy The Blake Legacy here

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Texas Heat

The Blake Boys Book Four

Rhonda Laurel

Isabelle Reed is having a bad year. The classical violinist is struggling with a divorce,

and a broken arm has left her unable to play. So when she receives a wedding invitation
from her cousin Morgan, her heart just isn’t in it. Going to the wedding will mean seeing
everyone from back home, and seeing everyone back home will mean facing the music
about her divorce. Unable to miss her cousin’s wedding, she bites the bullet and takes off
—and lands right in the arms of Morgan’s brother-in-law, country western music star
Tate McGill. She’d heard about the singer and his bad-boy reputation, but there’s
something about those storm-filled eyes that made her yearn to look deeper. Even
though she should know better than to risk being the subject of a song on his next

Country western singer Tate McGill is living the good life. He’s surrounded by

beautiful women, hit music, and a great family. But he gets more than he bargained for
when he agrees to babysit his nephew Jake for his brother Seth Blake, and finds a
beautiful woman in his way. Isabelle Reed is talented and strong-willed, and she’s a
natural with little Jake. But she’s keeping a secret from Tate, and he’s determined to find
out what it is...

Buy Texas Heat here

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Love Notes and Football

The Blake Boys Book Five

Rhonda Laurel

New baby. New adventures. Love deluxe.
Philadelphia Titans quarterback Seth Blake couldn’t be happier. Toddler Jake is

growing like a weed, and Seth’s wife Morgan is expecting another baby. He’s just signed
a new contract to play football for five more years and has a plan for retirement. Things
couldn’t be better...until an unexpected family crisis turns the world upside down for
them all.

Morgan Blake is ecstatic to become a mom again. The bookstore owner is happily

balancing work life, homelife, and love life while preparing for their new arrival. But the
family is keeping a secret from her. And the secret will threaten the very happiness she’s
worked so hard to find.

Buy Love Notes and Football here

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The Perfect Storm

The Blake Boys Book Six

Rhonda Laurel

Sometimes you have to tear everything down and start over…
Private security specialist Samantha Jane Carson gets the surprise of her life when

she arrives at Blake Enterprises for the annual security audit. Instead of her usual
contact, she’s greeted by the company president himself, the sexy and elusive J.J. Blake.
It’s her job to know everything about the Blake family, and J.J.’s recent divorce is the talk
of the town. Women are lined up to become the next Mrs. Blake, and who wouldn’t want
to be? J.J.’s gorgeous, rich, and has stormy green eyes that hold women captive.

J.J. Blake is making some major changes in his life. Freshly divorced from ex-wife

Eden, he’s building a new house, coming to terms with the injury that ended his NFL
career, and is ready to start fresh—without romance complicating things. His friends and
family encourage him to get back into the dating pool, but he’d rather not be sucked into
those rough waters again. Work is the obvious diversion, and he opts to handle the
security audit himself for some good old-fashioned guy/tech work. But when Sam Carson
walks into his office, J.J.’s brought up short. The “Sam” he was expecting turns out to be
Samantha—beautiful, smart, and a tough-as-nails ex-cop in a polished, professional
package. And she’s just the kind of woman who could drag him under…

Buy The Perfect Storm here

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Slow Burn

The Blake Boys Book Seven

Rhonda Laurel

Tyler Blake is making quite a name for himself in the racing circuit and has

everything he’s ever wanted—fame, the support of his family, and hot women clamoring
for his attention. But he can’t get a certain bookseller out of his head. The passionate
night he spent with Michelle Bradley on the eve of his brother’s wedding still haunts
him. He’s too busy living the dream to want commitment, but when he hears Michelle is
seeing someone, it bothers him more than he’s willing to admit.

Michelle Bradley is making some major changes in her life. Fed up with months of

pursuing the elusive Tyler Blake, she’s ready to throw in the towel. The night she spent
with Tyler might as well never have happened, because he doesn’t seem to know she’s
alive. But when a cooking class inspires Michelle to funnel her passion into the fine art of
cuisine, she finds a new outlet: writing a food blog. Until a glimpse of Tyler on television
kissing a woman after a big win sends her into a tizzy. With the help of the Blake women,
Michelle kidnaps Tyler and takes him to a secluded cabin so they can have it out once
and for all. She hopes the fabulous meal she’s prepared will entice him to stay, at least
long enough for dessert…

Buy Slow Burn here

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Cowboy’s Heart

The Blake Boys Book Eight

Rhonda Laurel

Reconciling the past. Speeding toward the future. Can a cowboy's heart survive the now?
Country singer Tate McGill has never been happier. He's engaged to Isabelle, the

woman of his dreams, and his music career has shot him straight to the top. With his
adopted Blake clan gathered in Las Vegas for the last leg of his world tour, Tate's excited
to publicly announce his engagement. But his excitement is bittersweet. Isabelle has
found a collection of beautiful, unpublished country songs by Tate's late birth mother
and a lifetime's worth of letters between her and his adopted mother, Teri-Lyn, matriarch
of the powerful Blake family. Tate's given all he has to overcome his abusive past and
build a future for himself and Isabelle, but he's not sure if his birth mother's words will
bring him closure, or more pain.

Isabelle Reed has a wonderful secret—and terrible timing. She's engaged to her sexy

country music star, Tate McGill, and after months of physical therapy to heal the arm
broken by her abusive ex-husband, she's finally able to play her violin professionally
again. But best of all, she's pregnant! Unfortunately, her timing couldn't be worse. Tate's
afraid to have children, fearing he'll perpetrate the cycle of abuse he suffered as a child.
And with the shadows of his birth mother's letters, and Isabelle's disapproving father
coming to meet “that cowboy,” Tate has enough on his plate. His entire career is riding
on this last gig of his tour and on the film that’s being made about him and his band. He
can't be distracted by the ghosts of his past that Isabelle knows her news will raise. If she
can just hide her morning sickness until after Vegas…

But Isabelle's father won't be appeased, and when Tate’s past follows him to Vegas,

it only fuels her father's disapproval. With the baby coming, Isabelle wants everyone to
get along. Will she really have to choose between her new life with Tate and her father's

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Buy Cowboy’s Heart here

The Hollywood Heat Series

Star Crossed

Hollywood Heat Book One

Rhonda Laurel

When Hollywood’s sexiest secret explodes, stars are born.
Music mogul Kate Garrison’s husband is a leading Hollywood director. He also

happens to be a cheat. When he’s caught having an affair with an actress, Kate becomes
the talk of the town—and not in a good way. So when she stumbles into Hollywood’s new
golden boy, Chris Cavanaugh—in the men’s room, of all places—the gossip mill starts
working overtime. Especially since Chris is starring in her husband’s next film.

Chris Cavanaugh couldn’t imagine a woman would have such an effect on his life.

But amid the gossip and Hollywood politics, his only option is to ride out the media
storm and play house. He never expects to actually fall for her, but when illusion begins
to look more and more like reality, Chris has his hands full keeping his career intact and
his eye on the target of making the Hollywood A-list. So why does spending time with
Kate suddenly seem more important?

Buy Star Crossed here

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Hollywood Rush

Hollywood Heat Book Two

Rhonda Laurel

High stakes. High Passion. Winner takes all.
Atlantis Records mogul Kate Garrison is elated to have married her soul mate, actor

Chris Cavanaugh, a crazy counterpart to her uptight nature. After a scandalous meeting
that set the paparazzi on fire, and a whirlwind courtship and wedding, she and Chris
return to their Hollywood life of movie sets and power struggles. She’s busy with the new
business ventures she inherited, which include another record label and part ownership
of Pinnacle Studios. As she struggles to adjust to her new elite position in Hollywood,
not everyone is happy with her new-found power. And in Hollywood, power is something
everyone wants a piece of.

Chris Cavanaugh’s luck keeps getting better and better. He married the woman of

his dreams and his talent is finally getting recognized. The movie roles and award
nominations are pouring in. Now if he could only convince himself that he deserves all
the attention. But rumor has it that Kate’s pulling strings behind the scenes to launch her
husband to stardom, now that she owns a majority stake in the movie studio. And
rumors like that could threaten everything they have...

Buy Hollywood Rush here

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Ebb Tide

Rhonda Laurel

Simmering passion at play.
Natalie Griffin is an attorney who is practical, smart and good at her job. Legalese is

the least of her worries, for much of her time is spent keeping her employer, playboy
extraordinaire Evan Darchon, out of trouble. Natalie has managed organize everything
for him--his company, his home, and his women--but if she could teach him to control
some of his wilder impulses, her job would be a heck of a lot easier.

But what about her impulses? Her cool, controlled demeanor is the perfect

complement to Evan’s wild side, but she craves the carefree way he makes her feel. His
attraction is obvious, but can either of them afford to rock the boat of their professional

Buy Ebb Tide here


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Rhonda Laurel

Photographer Antonio De Soto’s life is out of focus. Everyone in his family thinks

it’s time for him to settle down. He doesn’t want to be strong-armed into domesticity,
even if he does feel the bachelor lifestyle is starting to wear thin. So when his friend
invites him to do a pictorial on the community theater, Antonio’s prepared to do his
thing and follow his normal womanizing M. O. Instead, he finds himself sparring with
the resident artist, Lucy Marceloni. Lucy’s dime-store analysis of his love life—and him—
leaves him angry and shaken, but it’s too close to the truth to dismiss. The quirky artist is
not his type, but their passionate fights generate a deeper heat between them he can’t

Lucy wants a man who’s sensitive and intellectual, the exact opposite of Antonio De

Soto. The moment she meets the handsome photographer she pegs him as arrogant and
self-centered, but that doesn’t protect her from the sizzling chemistry between the two of
them. Being drawn to the rogue’s charm and subtle seduction tactics is the last thing she
wants. Working with him on the community theater fairytale production could prove to
be more than she can handle...

Buy Shutter here

“Masquerade” Halloween Heat IV

Rhonda Laurel

An Anthology of Erotic Contemporary Romance

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Four erotic stories of contemporary romance with just the right amount of Halloween

spice to warm up those cool autumn nights.

“Party Games” by Mina Carter

“Punished by the Cowboy” by Sue Lyndon

“Unmasked” by Brooklyn Wilde

“Masquerade” by Rhonda Laurel

Buy “Masquerade” Halloween Heat VI here

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~ Coming Soon ~

Executive Desires

by Rhonda Laurel

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More Romance from Etopia Press

Midnight Diamonds

The Rivers Brothers Book One

Cynthia Hampton

Three Talented Brothers. Three Passionate Loves. The Rivers Family—A New Series full of

romance, passion, and music.

Life is looking good for Justin Rivers. After winning a country music contest, a top

agent from Nashville wants to make a deal, and making it big could help Justin win back
his family’s respect after the tragedy he’s caused.

Life stinks for Silver Madison. She loves her teaching job, but the school has been

threatened by a vicious scandal, and she’s just been jilted by her fiancé.

So when Silver catches the eye of the up-and-coming country star, romance—and the

paparazzi—are the last things she needs. But as much as she tries to avoid the limelight,
she can’t avoid Justin’s touch—or the passion that sizzles between them. Justin’s
determined to protect his family and win Silver’s trust, but when a vengeful talent mogul
and a crooked manager get involved, scandal carries Justin and Silver into the national
spotlight. Silver’s school can’t take any more bad press, and Silver’s career is on the line.
But when a woman appears claiming to be Justin's wife, Silver’s not sure if her heart take

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any more, either…

Buy Midnight Diamonds here

Requiem for the Living

The Reanimation Files Book Two

A. J. Locke

Selene is slowly dying...too bad that’s the least of her problems.
You could say that Selene Vanream has a lot of problems. First there’s the Rot that’s

slowly killing her, despite everything Ilyse and Micah are doing to find a way to save her.

Then there’s Andrew, the ghost of her boss who is anchored to the living world.

Selene would like to ignore him, but anchored ghosts with unsettled business turn into
anchored beasties, so she can’t write him off. The government has sent a team to post up
at Affairs of the Dead and keep an eye on her, which includes making sure she plays up
to Andrew to keep him from turning.

On top of that, someone is using Selene’s new power to create anchored ghosts for

their loved ones to keep around. Not good since the culprit doesn’t have a clue about
that whole anchored beastie angle. Now Selene has a criminal to catch while trying to
stay out of the hands of government goons who have stripping her reanimation power on
their agenda.

When Micah and Ilyse finally find a way to save her, Selene thinks she can cross one

bad thing off her list--until she learns the terrible price that must be paid to keep her

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alive. Full plate doesn’t cover it. Overflowing plate doesn’t cover it. Selene’s plate has
damn near exploded.

Buy Requiem for the Living here

Love Yoga

Serge de Moliere

Morgan Love is one of the few African American yoga instructors in town. After her

studies in India with the legendary Swami Monda, students flock to her classes. But
without her own studio, money remains tight, and her personal life is a wreck after the
last man in her life cheated on her.

When an attractive man enters her yoga studio, Morgan is instantly drawn to him.

When she discovers the attraction is mutual, things quickly escalate, taking a dramatic
and passionate turn. Eli is like no other man she's ever met, and that includes his
incredible sexual prowess.

But when Morgan's past comes back to haunt her, she finds herself forced to turn to

Eli. Are her hopes and dreams safe with this seemingly too-perfect man? Or will Morgan
end up once again as a man’s sex toy?

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Document Outline


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